Al-Khair News I Ramadan Issue 2015 I 1436 AH Al-Khair Foundation 1 Ramadan 2015 News Interview with Imam Qasim Page 7 Al-Khair Ramadan Projects Ramadan Emergency Burma Nepal Gaza Al-Khair Appoints New CEO Page 6 Karachi Heatwave Kills 1000s Over 2,000 people have now been killed in Pakistan’s continued heatwave as the temperatures soars to between 45 and 50 degrees.. The other major problem facing Pakistan has been the huge power cuts leaving more than 20 million people struggling to cool their homes. .DUDFKLWKHFRXQWU\ȇVODUJHVWFLW\KDVVXHUHGZLWKRYHUSHRSOHKDYLQJ heatstroke since Saturday and the number is expected to rise. The heatstroke has coincided with the start of the month of Ramadan which KDVPDGHWKLQJIDUPRUHGLɝFXOWIRUWKHSHRSOH This is the worst heatwave in Karachi for more than 35 years, seeing morgues run out of space for bodies and emergency clinics set up in the streets. $QLQȵX[RIERGLHVKDVIRUFHGPHGLFDORɝFLDOVWRVWRUHWKHPLQEDJVRQWKH ȵRRULQVRPHSODFHV RAMADAN MUBARAK have transgressed against their own souls, despair not of the mercy of Allah. TO ALL OUR READERS With this being a wonderfull month to gain rewards don’t forget to donate whatever you can spare to charity. We are running several projects and appeals including: Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Truly, He is Most Forgiving, Most Merciful.” (Az-Zumar 39: 53) Rohingya Refugees The Rohingya are a Muslim minority ethnic group living in Burma. They are being persecuted by the Buddhist majority and desperately need our help to have a safer and better future. The beautiful month of Ramadan is now in the last 10 days; in the month where we can work on our character and reconnect with our Creator. In this month we dedicate time to asking Allah (SWT) for mercy. The act of fasting as one of the Pillars of Islam is in itself an act of mercy. When we fast we embrace a greater spirituality as we remove distractions and the forbidden. We are also confronted with hunger as we remove food and drinking during the day. We begin to appreciate the things we take for granted as we contemplate the unfortunate conditions of our brothers and sisters around the world. This contributes to mercy, as Muslims begin to feel more merciful towards themselves, towards those who may have more, and to those who are less fortunate. All WKLVFDQEHDFKLHYHGWKURXJKD5DPDGDQWKDWLVȴOOHG ZLWKUHPHPEUDQFHRI*RGUHȵHFWLRQRQDEVWLQHQFH and spending the early nights deep in prayer. Nepal Earthquake Survivors For those of us who feel disheartened thinking that RXUZURQJGRLQJVFDQQRWEHUHFWLȴHGDQGWKDWPHUF\ from Allah (SWT) cannot be attained - Allah (SWT) reminds us in the Quran: “Say: O My servants who Thanks to your generous donations, we have raised over £900,000 to help with disaster relief and delivering longer term rehabilitation projects including shelter, food, clothing and medical aid. For more information on any of Al-Khair Projects visit us at: www.alkhair.org 2 Al-Khair Foundation Ramadan 2015 Al-Khair Foundation ... Saving lives Al-Khair Foundation was created to do one thing: save lives. We do this through delivering aid in disaster zones and poverty stricken lands, providing struggling communities with the tools they need in life to become independent from aid and enabling them to access the basic amenities every person should have access to – clean water, healthcare, shelter and the opportunity to learn through education and training. Since 2010, we have spent £50m delivering our programmes across the world. Because of your support, 5 year-old Jamal no longer drinks muddy, dirty, disease-ridden water full of bacteria, parasites and animal waste. He now has access to clean, safe water. Because of your support, 38 year-old Saima from Pakistan has graduated from a handicraft centre and now provides for her children so that they don’t go to sleep hungry. %HFDXVH RI \RXU VXSSRUW WKH $O 6D\HG IDPLO\ ZKR ȵHG WKH ZDU LQ 6\ULD ZLWK QRWKLQJ EXW WKH clothes on their backs now have a roof over their heads. Because of your support, 11 month old Muhammad from Bangladesh has received lifechanging cardiac surgery and now has the chance to grow into a beautiful little boy. Your support has been priceless. If we continue to work together, we can continue to serve humanity where it’s most needed Where We’ve Worked projects in: Afghanistan Albania Bangladesh Burma Chile Fiji Gaza Haití India Indonesia Japan Jordan Kenya Lebanon Malaysia Nepal Pakistan Philippines Rwanda Sierra Leone Somaliland Sri Lanka Turkey Uganda UK Donate by Bank POST YOUR CHEQUE Donation Hotline HSBC Central Branch, Al Khair A/C No: 41424394 Sort Code: 40-44-15 BIC No / Swift: MIDLGB2159P IBAN: GB62MIDL40441541424394 Payable to: Al-Khair Foundation 0207 084 7199 109-119 Cherry Orchard Road Croydon, Surrey CR0 6BE, UK Donate Online www.alkhair.org Al-Khair Foundation Ramadan 2015 3 Interview with the Chairman Imam Qasim Ahmad, the Founder and Chairman of Al-Khair Foundation hails from a humble and deeply religious background. The son of a respected Qur’anic teacher today he is spearheading the fastest growing Muslim NGO in the UK. He reveals to Al-Khair News his journey from graduating as an Islamic scholar to becoming a renowned humanitarian helping some of the world’s most disadvantaged communities. Q: Tell us about your journey to becoming an Imam of Croydon Mosque. A: I was brought up in Kenya during my adolescent years and attended school there for my formal education. Once I came over to England, I was enrolled into the Dewsbury Institute of Islamic Education. After graduating, I went on to become Imam of the Croydon Mosque & Islamic Centre. Q: +DVWKHUHEHHQDGHȴQLQJPRPHQWLQ\RXUOLIHWKDWPDGH you decide to take the direction you did? A: Whilst leading the congregation in the Croydon mosque I became interested in being involved in the education system. In 2003 I decided to establish Al-Khair Primary & Secondary School which began with a handful of children LQP\OLYLQJURRP7KLVZDVGHȴQLWHO\WKHGHȴQLQJPRPHQW of my career. Q: When did Al-Khair Foundation become an aid and disaster relief charity? A: Initially, the Foundation was purely involved in running the school. This was also at the time of the Haiti earthquake, ZKHUH$O.KDLU)RXQGDWLRQZDVRQHRIWKHȴUVWFKDULWLHVRQ WKHJURXQGDVVLVWLQJWKHHRUWVRIWKHUHOLHIRUJDQLVDWLRQVRI WKH86$JRYHUQPHQW7KHUHZHUHDOVRGHYDVWDWLQJȵRRGVLQ Pakistan in 2010 and 2011. The Foundation and I leveraged our contacts in the school and the community to appeal for help. The response we received was overwhelming – and has been since then. AKF quickly grew into a charity that KHOSHG WKRVH VHYHUHO\ DHFWHG E\ QDWXUDO GLVDVWHUV WKRVH ZKR ZHUH VXHULQJ DQG VXUYLYLQJ LQ FRQȵLFW ]RQHV DQG people trapped in the vicious cycle of abject poverty. Q: What are the main activities of Al Khair Foundation? A: At present, the primary aim of the organisation is to provide emergency aid and rehabilitation for the victims of natural disasters. At the same time, we are also keen to play a role in alleviating global poverty through livelihood and educational programmes in third world countries. Apart from the educational establishments in this country, we also now run two satellite television stations; Iqra TV and Iqra Bangla. Their focus is educating the audience on Islamic values and historical accounts as well as the welfare of humanity in current modern society. They are also creating awareness with the public of humanitarian causes around the world as well as acting as a platform to showcase the work of the Al-Khair Foundation. Q: Tell us about your current role. A: I have been both the CEO and Chairman of Al Khair Foundation for the last ten years. The Trustees of the charity recently decided to appoint a new CEO in order to UXQWKHGD\WRGD\DDLUVRIWKHIRXQGDWLRQDQGEULQJDQHZ strategic vision to the organisation. Being the Chairman and Executive Chairman will allow me focus on the development of the organisation. I will also be concentrating on the development of our television channels to bring our message to an even larger audience. Q: Where have you travelled in your job? A: I feel I have always lead from the front. Whenever and wherever needed I travel to deliver aid personally. I was at WKH IRUHIURQW RI UHOLHI HRUWV IROORZLQJ WKH HDUWKTXDNHV LQ Kashmir, Haiti, Japan and Nepal. My most recent trip was to Malaysia just before Ramadan to assess the situation with the Rohingya refugees in settlements on the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur. I also spearheaded one of the largest international relief HRUWV HYHU LQ WKH )RXQGDWLRQȇV Ȇ/HWȇV 5HEXLOG 3DNLVWDQȇ FDPSDLJQ IROORZLQJ WKH ȵRRGV LQ 7R FUHDWH awareness for the cause, I took a team of Foundation and Ζ45$79VWDRQDFKDOOHQJHWKDWLQYROYHGF\FOLQJIURPWKH top of Scotland (John O’Groats) to the bottom of England (Land’s End) in 30 days. The challenge was extremely gruelling and physically challenge but a fantastic experience. We raised a lot of money so it was worth it! Q: What are the political and social issues you feel passionate about? A: There is a growing problem with the fate of people DHFWHG E\ SROLWLFDO DQG HQYLURQPHQWDO SUREOHPV )RU instance, at the moment, we are providing relief and medical “We are providing relief and medical FDUHIRUWKRVHVXHULQJIURPWKH destruction of the recent devastating earthquakes in Nepal” FDUHIRUWKRVHVXHULQJIURPWKHGHVWUXFWLRQRIWKHUHFHQW devastating earthquakes in Nepal. Another major concern is the situation with the minority Muslim Rohingya in 0\DQPDUZKRDUHȵHHLQJWKHFRXQWU\WRDYRLGSHUVHFXWLRQ by the majority Buddhist population. This is because there KDVEHHQYHU\OLWWOHIRUHLJQLQWHUYHQWLRQRYHUWKHSDVWȴIW\ \HDUVGXULQJZKLFKWLPHWKHVXHULQJRIWKHVHSHRSOHKDV reached a critical and very dangerous point. Q: What are the most critical problems faced by people in \RXUȴHOG" A: There is a growing problem with the reluctance and resistance of governments dealing with the consequences and logistics of handling natural and man-made disasters. 7KHUHLVDOVRTXHVWLRQVRYHUWKHHHFWLYHQHVVRIDLGGHOLYHU\ by NGO’s. The only resolution to this is the involvement of NGO’s working with governments, with governing bodies, DQG ORFDO DXWKRULWLHV WR ȴQG VROXWLRQV WR WKH LVVXHV ZKLFK DHFWXVDVKXPDQLW\DVDZKROH Q: How do you think these problems should be handled? A: In our case we work very closely with organisations already established in the countries that need help. This HQVXUHV WKDW RXU DLG HRUWV DUH GHOLYHUHG Hɝ FLHQWO\ DQG economically. In 2010 we were a founder member of The Muslim Charities Forum UK. We also recently joined the Coalition of Muslim NGOs which has helped us coordinate UHOLHI HRUWV ZKLFK KRSHIXOO\ ZLOO DGGUHVV VRPH RI WKHVH problems. Ȋ0\SHUVRQDOUHTXHVWWRDOOUHDGHUVLVWRUHPHPEHUWKHVXHULQJRIWKH Rohingya community who are the most persecuted in the world. It is our duty to help these people in their time of need” 4 Al-Khair Foundation Ramadan 2015 Al-Khair Foundation 5 Ramadan 2015 AL-KHAIR APPOINT NEW CEO Saif Ahmad: Taking the Lead Muslim charity veteran and Al-Khair Foundation’s new CEO, Saif Ahmad, reveals his motivations for working in the NGO sector and shares the ups and downs in his 30-year career. By Rayhanah Zaky. Q: For those that may not be too familiar ZLWK\RXUOLQHRIZRUNSOHDVHEULHȵ\WHOOXV who Saif Ahmad is? A: I have been in the NGO sector for three decades and was recently appointed the CEO of Al-Khair Foundation. My career began in Britain in 1980 as an accountant after I completed my studies in Business administration and housing. I worked in WKHORFDODXWKRULWLHVRI(QȴHOGDQG+DFNQH\ KHDGLQJ WKH ȴQDQFH GHSDUWPHQW IRU WKH housing directorate and engineering division and I dealt with all sorts of activities. Prior to that I used to work for the Catholic Institute of International Relations and this was back in 1986 and I was the Deputy Head of Finance. This for me was the beginning for me in understanding International Development. Since then I have never lost interest in the NGO sector. I have also assisted, to a certain extent, in the creation of Muslim Aid and Islamic Relief. In early 1992, I travelled on a humanitarian mission to Bangladesh for a humanitarian mission in Rohingya camps in Southern Bangladesh to help those people. I ran Muslim Aid for three years and during this exciting time I saw the growth and expansion of it on the humanitarian side with emergency responses, long term sustainable programmes, women’s empowerment and so forth. Alhamdulillah, Muslim Aid took me LQWKHQΖKDGFRPHIURPDGLHUHQWVHFWRU but Muslim Aid was a great entrance to International Development. Allah allowed me to enrich the organisation and diversify it and it became one of the most prominent humanitarian organisations. Right now, I am just doing what Allah has destined for me and if Allah takes my service to develop AlKhair Foundation, then I will do so. Q: Why did you decide to take on the new role as CEO of Al-Khair Foundation Foundation? A: Al-Khair Foundation is the result of RQH 0XVOLP FOHULFȇV HRUW WR EXLOG D big humanitarian organisation. He is a maverick chairman and founder who had FRQWH[WXDOLVHG KLV ORQJ UHȵHFWLRQ RI ΖVODP as he understood it. We can see that this is SHUKDSVWKHȴUVWH[DPSOHRILWVNLQGZKHUH a cleric transformed in to a humanitarian advocate and activist. You will hardly ever see this. He is a man who doesn’t just say, he does it! This inspired me a great deal and I felt that I could be a small little helping hand for this great man to achieve his dreams by translating Islam’s universal view in to action. Also, I feel now that at 60 years-old that this may be the end of my working career. I want to give back to the Muslim ummah and Allah has placed me with this entity and with a spiritual leader to build this organisation so that the humanitarian message of Islam can really be sought through. Moreover, through that process, the name of Islam, which has been tarnished by some world events, can be restored back to its glory. It’s a big dream, but a small little step may assist in that process. Q: +RZLV$O.KDLU)RXQGDWLRQGLHUHQWWR other organisations you have worked with in the past? A: There are two main ways in which Al-Khair )RXQGDWLRQ LV GLHUHQW 2QH LV UHVSRQGLQJ to emergencies, I think Al-Khair Foundation is ahead of many other charities because it’s never scared to take risks. As soon as any emergencies hit any part of the world, Al-Khair Foundation has taken the initiative WR EH ZLWK WKH SHRSOH ZKR DUH VXHULQJ Our founder and chairman rushes the ground with whatever means we have, he mobilises the resources and stands by them. 7KH VHFRQG GLHUHQFH LV WKH ZD\ ZH DUH promoting home grown talent. People may QRWKDYHPXFKSURIHVVLRQDOTXDOLȴFDWLRQRU experience but they learn a great deal of a job once on the ground. What I am able to do is give those who are already talented - but may not have the skills - the platform and resources and mentoring they need to grow DQGEHFRPHPXFKPRUHHHFWLYH Q: How has it been so far – what do you enjoy the most? A: I enjoy the thrill of change. It absorbs me 24 hours a day, captures my imagination and the space of change is just intoxicating I love challenges! I am known as a successful change-maker and by the grace of Allah the Almighty and with over 20 years of my career in change-management, I have been able to take several organisations through this process. This is by Allah’s mercy. I enjoy giving 100% and I enjoy people who thrive in chaos. There may not be a structure or plan but you build up your team and just run with it. I believe that if you trust people they give you back more, if you do not trust people they remain mediocre. In Al-Khair Foundation there are so many hidden talents and they will soon come up. I also feel that AKF is a sleeping giant, it’s just going to wake up – it’s only a matter of time! I have no doubt that LQWKHQH[WȴYH\HDUVLWZLOOEHRQHRIWKHWRS well respected, well regarded, international mainstream development agencies. Q: What pressing challenges have you faced so far and how have you overcome these challenges? A: The challenges are often lack of appropriate systems and procedures and this is because of the speed that the organisation has grown from over the last three years. Hence, there remains a mismatch resulting in a few challenges. Sometimes it also comes down to there not being an appropriate structure, getting the right employees with the correct calibre and so on. There has also been a lack of system and procedure. However, my recruitment has been to address this mismatch and to professionalise the organisation and to respond to the needs of the time correctly. I truly believe it has now started to shift and it is only a matter of time before everything improves. Q: You have led numerous faith-based organisations in the past – why is it especially important for you to remain working with Muslims? A: There are two issues, working for IDLWKEDVHG RUJDQLVDWLRQV LV WKH ȴUVW DQG working for Muslim organisations is the second. Muslim charities area relatively new phenomenon originating back to the 1980s with Muslim Aid and Islamic Relief. I have always advocated that Muslims should respond to issues and emergencies collectively and have been committed to this since. I feel Al-Khair Foundation is a great example of a Muslim-led organisation rising up and working along with other faiths to demonstrate that Islam is not behind – that ΖVODPKDVJRWPXFKWRRHUKXPDQLW\ I want to follow the Prophet Muhammad 6$: IRRWVWHSV DQG LI ZH WUXO\ UHȵHFW RQ our actions I feel that we have done very little and we are very late. It is the time for us Muslims living in the West as a minority to enlighten other Muslim populations to take the blessing of the Prophet and to also be Allah’s ambassadors on this earth. One simple man with a humble heart revolutionised the world and changed the destiny of mankind. This is what drives me. I feel that Al-Khair Foundation can transform this activism a drive it home. Q: You have also dedicated 30 years to the development and voluntary sector – what keeps you motivated in wanting to constantly give back to our local and international community? A: What keeps me going is the smile of an individuals we have been able to help. When a person is not able to drink because of a certain impediment, I have to try to remove that impediment. I came here when I was 25 years old and I fought my way through for the last 35 years. It was an uphill struggle, I faced discrimination, I faced Islamophobia and I was ignored by mainstream society. But whatever I achieved was through Allah’s mercy. This is what drives me; if I see anyone struggling I want to lend my hand to them VR WKDW WKH\ FDQ ȴQG LW HDVLHU WR FOLPE WKH ODGGHU)RUDQ\ERG\ZKRLVVXHULQJLWLVP\ natural inclination to stand by them. Q: How do you feel you will personally change the future of Al-Khair Foundation? A: I believe that the changes that I want to bring about are for the good of the Foundation, our people and our faith. I want to exemplify its contribution to humanity. I am in a position to work with a great team to change the status quo and I cannot wait for people to see mine and the founder’s vision and dream become practical steps. Q: Last but not least, how do you envision Al-Khair Foundation in the next ten years – ZKDWELJGLHUHQFHVZLOOZHVHH" A: I feel Al-Khair Foundation will be playing a role on the world stage. It will emerge as such an entity to the international community that the United Nations will take us very seriously DQGZHZLOOEHFRQVXOWHGRQLVVXHVDHFWLQJ humanity globally. 6 Al-Khair Foundation Ramadan 2015 Al-Khair Foundation 7 Ramadan 2015 KARACHI HEATWAVE Al-Khair teams are on the ground in Karachi providing water, food packs and medical care and supplies. Jinnah Hospital Karachi Emergency Medicine Providing cooked meal packs, water and juices in 8 medical wards to patients and their families. The demand is increasing on a daily basis. Al-Khair will be providing medicine and medical supplies to Jinnah Hospital, Karachi Mobile Filtration Unit Water Tanker Trucks PRELOHȴOWUDWLRQXQLWLVFXUUHQWO\RSHUDWLRQDO DQG VXSSO\LQJ ZDWHU WR WKH ZRUVW HHFWHG communities . 20,000 Gallons of water being delivered per day and this is increasing as we are able to hire more water tankers. Mobile Medical Units 2 mobile medical units are currently operational in Karachi and we are looking to provide further units as demand is very high and critical for them. :DWHUȴOWUDWLRQ8QLWV Al-Khair Foundation is installing water ȴOWUDWLRQXQLWVDURXQG6LQGKIRUDORQJWHUP water solution. PLEASE DONATE GENEROUSLY 786 PACKAGE Sewing Machine With Material Ramadan Food Pack Hand Pump Medical Camp Hygiene Pack Eid Gift Pack x 2 WATER WELL KARACHI Al-Khair are planning to construct over 100 Water Wells in Karachi Please help the VXHULQJSHRSOHRI.DUDFKL 313 PACKAGE Hand Pump Ramadan Food Pack, Wheelchair, Eid Gift Pack x 2 School Bag x 2 COST COST COST £786 £1,500 £313 8 Al-Khair Foundation Ramadan 2015 WATER PROJECTS Hand Pumps Indus Pump Tanker Truck Tharparkar Water Wells £150 £330 £750 £25,000 Water Distribution #QuenchOurThirst There are more than 748 million people in the world who don’t have access to clean, safe water. That’s more people than the entire population of the US, UK, Pakistan and Bangladesh combined. This means that every day, over 1,400 children in developing countries die because of diarrhoea caused by drinking dirty water full of animal waste, bacteria and parasites. They drink it because they are thirsty and have no choice. This Ramadan, we need your help to provide these people with access to clean ZDWHU2XUPDQ\ZDWHUSURMHFWVWKDWLQFOXGHȴUVWRHULQJWKHPDFFHVVWRZDWHU WKURXJKZHOOVSXPSVDQGERUHKROHVFOHDQLQJWKDWZDWHUWKURXJKȴOWUDWLRQXQLWV and then transporting it to hard-to-reach areas with water tanks. Help us quench the thirst of 748 million people. Help us provide clean, safe water. Help us save lives. Over 750 million people do not have access to clean water Donate by Bank POST YOUR CHEQUE Donation Hotline HSBC Central Branch, Al Khair A/C No: 41424394 Sort Code: 40-44-15 BIC No / Swift: MIDLGB2159P IBAN: GB62MIDL40441541424394 Payable to: Al-Khair Foundation 0207 084 7199 109-119 Cherry Orchard Road Croydon, Surrey CR0 6BE, UK Donate Online www.alkhair.org Al-Khair Foundation 9 Ramadan 2015 & PROGRAMMES Kenya & Somaliland Kenya’s people are, according to the United Nations, one of the most struggling populations in the world. There are 45 million people in Kenya and more than 17.5 million do not have access to clean, safe water. Due to lack of access to water and sanitation, diarrhoea is second to SQHXPRQLDLQGHDWKVLQFKLOGUHQXQGHUȴYH :DWHUZHOOVȴOWUDWLRQXQLWV Water Filtration Plant Mobile Water Filtration Unit £8,000 £15,000 Over 40,000 children die every year from diarrhoea caused by unsafe water and poor sanitation Kenyans are in urgent need of water wells that can give an unlimited number of people and livestock access to water. However, we also need WREXLOGZDWHUȴOWUDWLRQXQLWVLQRUGHUWRPDNHWKHZDWHUFOHDQDQGVDIH In Somaliland, only 30% of Somalis have access to clean water, leaving the majority vulnerable to several life threatening diseases. Deep boreholes 'XH WR WKH ODQGVFDSH RI 6RPDOLODQG $O.KDLU )RXQGDWLRQ KDV LGHQWLȴHG that deep boreholes are the most reliable solution to provide those in Somaliland with water. The boreholes are drilled at least 150 feet deep in order to provide an unlimited supply of water for the local community. Water tankers Somaliland is also in need of more water tankers in order to distribute water to remote areas where there are no wells Pakistan :DWHUȴOWUDWLRQXQLWV 6LQFH$O.KDLUKDVEHHQEXLOGLQJGLHUHQWW\SHVRIZDWHUȴOWUDWLRQ XQLWVDFURVV3DNLVWDQWRȴOWHUWKHXQVDIHZDWHUDQGPDNHLWFOHDQIUHH IURP GLVHDVH DQG VDIH WR GULQN 7KH XQLWV FDQ ȴOWHU ZDWHU IRU XS WR 10,000 people per day. They take just one month to build and if the local FRPPXQLWLHVFDQȇWDRUGWRSD\WKHUXQQLQJFRVWVZHEHDUWKDWWRR 0RELOHZDWHUȴOWUDWLRQXQLWV These are able to travel to even the most remote areas in Pakistan and DUHHVSHFLDOO\XVHIXOLQDUHDVZKHUHLWLVQRWSRVVLEOHWREXLOGDȴOWUDWLRQ unit. They are ideal for camps where there are internally displaced people who do not have access to clean, safe water. Water Wells In Tharparkar in the Sindh province, the only way to get water is by collecting rainwater, which is shared between the people and animals. Last year however, there was a drought that lasted nearly three months. During this time, the previously collected water rapidly ran out and over 500 people died of thirst in the intense heat. The number of livestock deaths were not recorded. Bangladesh & India Over 23 million people in Bangladesh do not have access to an improved water source, with D VWDJJHULQJ FKLOGUHQ XQGHU ȴYH G\LQJ annually from poor water and sanitation. Over 23 million people in Bangladesh do not have access to an improved water source In Bangladesh, accessing water isn’t the issue. Accessing clean, safe water is the problem. Bangladesh is one of the world’s most densely populated countries. 150 million people are crowded onto low-lying land where DQQXDOPRQVRRQȵRRGVFRQWDPLQDWHZDWHUVRXUFHVDQGOHDYHPLOOLRQV with appalling sanitary conditions. Al-Khair Foundation proposes to install new water hand pumps that can ȴOWHUWKHZDWHUSXPSHGIURPWKHJURXQGDQGSURYLGHDFFHVVWRFOHDQ water for 4-5 families per pump. The people of Tharparkar need alternative water resources. They can’t risk their lives waiting for rainwater anymore. We have already installed 400 water wells in the area that can provide water for unlimited people and animals. We need your help to install more water wells to ensure that the next time there is a drought, our brothers and sisters in Tharparkar have water to drink. Help us provide clean & safe water Help us save lives 10 Al-Khair Foundation Ramadan 2015 Ramadan & Eid We distributed £200,000 worth of Ramadan food packs in 2014 In the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims across the globe fast by abstaining from food and water during daylight hours. In summer, this can mean up to 20 hours of not eating or drinking. For 30 days, those who usually have access to an abundance of food and drink, experience what it’s like to go hungry and thirsty during the day. Not everyone has the means to indulge in a lavish meal at sunset though. There are some who break their fast with water and are lucky to have a handful of rice. For the past 5 years, Al-Khair Foundation has been distributing Ramadan food packs to the needy. The packs can feed a family of 4-5 members for an entire PRQWKDQGFRQVLVWVRIEDVLFQHFHVVLWLHVOLNHȵRXUJUDLQVOHQWLOVGDWHVDQGRLO Our food support programme has helped tens of thousands of families around the world. In Pakistan alone, last year we distributed £200,000 of Ramadan food packs. The Ramadan Food Packs are also distributed in Bangladesh, India, Kenya, Somaliland and to Syria refugees in Turkey and Gaza. EID GIFT PACK HYGIENE PACK £25 per Pack £30 per Pack The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: He who gives food for a fasting person to break his fast, he will receive the same reward as him, except that nothing will be reduced from the fasting persons reward." [Ahmad, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah, Ibn Hibbaan, Saheeh]. Donate by Bank POST YOUR CHEQUE Donation Hotline HSBC Central Branch, Al Khair A/C No: 41424394 Sort Code: 40-44-15 BIC No / Swift: MIDLGB2159P IBAN: GB62MIDL40441541424394 Payable to: Al-Khair Foundation 0207 084 7199 109-119 Cherry Orchard Road Croydon, Surrey CR0 6BE, UK Donate Online www.alkhair.org Al-Khair Foundation Ramadan 2015 11 FOOD PACKS Food supplies for a family of 6 for 1 month £50 per Food Packs 11 FOOD PACKS 5 FOOD PACKS 5 COUNTRIES 11 COUNTRIES £250 £550 Palestine I Syria Yemen I Lebanon Burma Bangladesh I Burma India I Lebanon Nepal I Pakistan Palestine I Syria Turkey I Yemen 12 Al-Khair Foundation Ramadan 2015 MOSQUE PROJECT OVER 400 MOSQUES CONSTRUCTED SO FAR Over 14,000 masajid were damaged during the 3DNLVWDQ ȵRRGV RI 0RVTXHV DUH PRUH than just religious facilities, they are the hub and the heart of a Muslim community providing vital services to the surrounding villages. The villages and towns rely heavily on the masajid as they are the central meeting points for community and religious activities throughout the year. They are also educational and training institutes and medical distribution centres. Al-Khair Foundation has committed to rebuilding 10% of the masajid damaged and ORVWGXULQJWKHȵRRGV:LWK\RXUKHOSZHFDQ give the villages back their place of prayer and support. “Whoever builds a mosque for Allah, then Allah will build for him a similar house in Paradise.” Sahih Bukhari 439, Sahih Muslim 533 SMALL MOSQUE JAMIA MOSQUE £5,000 £12,000 MOSQUE CONSTRUCTED WITHIN 6 MONTHS Al-Khair Foundation 13 Ramadan 2015 AL-KHAIR TO CONSTRUCT 1,700 NEW MASAJID HELP US REACH OUR TARGET Mosques act as a Sadqa Jariya. This is attaining reward even after you have passed away, so why not build a masjid for a deceased loved one? Donate by Bank POST YOUR CHEQUE Donation Hotline HSBC Central Branch, Al Khair A/C No: 41424394 Sort Code: 40-44-15 BIC No / Swift: MIDLGB2159P IBAN: GB62MIDL40441541424394 Payable to: Al-Khair Foundation 0207 084 7199 109-119 Cherry Orchard Road Croydon, Surrey CR0 6BE, UK Donate Online www.alkhair.org 14 Al-Khair Foundation Ramadan 2015 EDUCATION AKF works to raise literacy among children and adults in disadvantaged communities worldwide. We build schools and provide vocational training. We also provide education in Britain. Please help us give more children and adults the gift of an education and the promise of a better quality of life. A basic education can ensure better quality of life and a way out of poverty. But LQ SRYHUW\ IDPLOLHV FDQȇW DRUG WR VHQG WKHLU FKLOGUHQ WR VFKRRO 7R EUHDN WKLV cycle, AKF works to raise literacy in four of the world’s poorest countries. We have built primary and secondary schools which provide free education in Pakistan. For IDP children who have been uprooted by disasters. We also run educational programmes in India, Kenya and Somalia. We provide funding for existing schools in developing countries like Majlis Dawatul Haq in India. For disadvantaged adults, AKF provides informal education and vocational training as a means to boost skills and employability. In Pakistan, the WUDLQLQJ ZH SURYLGHG HQDEOHG KXQGUHGV RI \RXQJ ZRPHQ WR ȴQG ZRUN DV seamstresses. While in other areas young men and women are trained at AKF’s prayer mat factories. From the outset, AKF has been working to give back to the UK Muslim FRPPXQLW\E\ZRUNLQJWRUDLVHOLWHUDF\:HHVWDEOLVKHGRXUȴUVWVFKRROLQ Croydon in 2003. Since then, we’ve come to operate three schools in the UK, which continue to achieve the highest Ofsted accreditation. We also provide ȴQDQFLDODVVLVWDQFHWRRWKHU8.EDVHG0XVOLPVFKRROV OVERSEAS EDUCATIONAL PROJECTS PRIMARY SCHOOL SECONDARY SCHOOL SCHOOL IT LAB £20K - £25K £30K - £35K £4,750 SPONSOR A CHILD’S EDUCATION SPONSOR A TEACHER SPONSOR A CLASSROOM £120 A YEAR £150 A MONTH £250 A MONTH £3,000 A YEAR £10 A MONTH Al-Khair Foundation 15 Ramadan 2015 ROHINGYA CRISIS Who are the Rohingya? The Rohingya people are a Muslim ethnic group living in Myanmar (Burma). There are about 1,300,000 Rohingya mainly in the Rakhine State of Myanmar. They are denied citizenship, freedom to travel and access to education by the state. They are also being persecuted, with discrimination and violence by the Buddhist majority. There are now over 140,000 Rohingya displaced from their homes. The World’s Least Wanted So far, only 3,500 have reached Indonesia in overcrowded and dangerous boats - many of which DUHFRQWUROOHGE\KXPDQWUDɝFNHUV2ɝFLDOȴJXUHV show there are over 8,000 refugees stranded at sea but we believe that the numbers are in the tens of thousands. They are being physically and sexually DEXVHG DQG DUH VXHULQJ IURP VWDUYDWLRQ WKLUVW illness and disease. What We’re Doing At Al Khair we have been desperate to do our best to help the Rohingya in their turmoil. Imam Qasim recently travelled to Malaysia where he assessed the needs on the ground in refugee camps and provided much needed food to the Rohingya refugees there. What We Need The immediate need is to rescue those refugees stranded at sea. Once they reach the shore, they need shelter, medical aid, food and clothing. With \RXUVXSSRUWDQGJHQHURVLW\WKHVHVXHULQJSHRSOH can be given hope and a chance of a peaceful and IXOȴOOLQJOLIH MYANMAR (BURMA) REFUGEES PACKAGES Accommodation, Accommodation, Food & Medicine Food & Medicine £170 £2,000 For a Whole year For a Family For a Month For a Family Donate by Bank POST YOUR CHEQUE Donation Hotline HSBC Central Branch, Al Khair A/C No: 41424394 Sort Code: 40-44-15 BIC No / Swift: MIDLGB2159P IBAN: GB62MIDL40441541424394 Payable to: Al-Khair Foundation 0207 084 7199 109-119 Cherry Orchard Road Croydon, Surrey CR0 6BE, UK Donate Online www.alkhair.org 16 Al-Khair Foundation Ramadan 2015 MEDICAL AID & HEALTHCARE AKF’s Medical Aid projects provide medical care, hygiene and sanitation kits in the aftermath of a disaster. Our Health Programmes are part of our longterm development work. These range from disability support to health and maternity care through our mobile medical units. In areas where AKF lacks the expertise or practical means to deliver, we fund existing projects or work with organisations on the ground. Please support our Medical Aid & Health Projects to ensure more disadvantaged patients receive the medical care they need to recover. AKF mobile medical units are designed to diagnose and treat ailments and LOOQHVVHVWKDWDUHFRPPRQWRDUHJLRQRUVSHFLȴFDUHD2XUPRELOHPHGLFDOWHDP is made up of local medical specialists who volunteer their time and expertise. AKF’s medical centres and clinics are purpose built. We build and run them in rural towns and large villages where the population would otherwise have no access to medical facilities or doctors. They also work to analyse, diagnose and WUHDWKHDOWKLVVXHVZKLFKSURYHFRPPRQWRDVSHFLȴFFRPPXQLW\ ΖQSRYHUW\PHGLFDOWUHDWPHQWLVQȇWMXVWXQDRUGDEOHLWȇVRIWHQDOVRXQDWWDLQDEOH AKF’s medical camps provide free healthcare and treatment for the poor, as well as for communities living in rural, hard to reach areas. Exposure makes people more vulnerable. The aftermath of a disaster is when VXUYLYRUVDQGΖ'3VDUHPRVWVXVFHSWLEOHWRVXHULQJSRRUKHDOWKRUFRQWUDFWLQJ diseases. AKF provides hygiene and sanitation packs to ensure survivors aren’t deprived of their basic needs, and prevent the spread of disease. AKF’s medicine dispensaries are like pharmacies. They have pharmacists DQG PHGLFDO VWD RQ KDQG WR SURYLGH EDVLF WUHDWPHQW DQG DGYLFH 7KH\ dispense medication for free, or sometimes at extremely subsidised prices, depending on a patient’s means. WHEELCHAIR TRICYCLE MEDICAL CAMP £50 £75 £365 AMBULANCES £6,000 - £15,000 MOBILE MATERNITY MOBILE MEDICAL UNIT UNIT £25,000 £25,000 Al-Khair Foundation 17 Ramadan 2015 NEPAL This year’s devastating Nepal earthquakes displaced thousands of survivors, with over 8,000 dead and over 16,000 injured. The country is in chaos with the threat of the upcoming monsoon season looming RYHUWKHP2QFHWKHPRQVRRQVWDUWVGHOLYHULQJDLGRQPXGȴOOHGURDGVZLOOEH HYHQPRUHGLɝFXOW2QFHWKHUDLQVVWDUWWKRVHZLWKRXWVKHOWHUZLOOEHVXVFHSWLEOH to illness and disease. Al-Khair has pledged to raise £1m for the victims of the earthquake in order to provide them with medical aid, food and good quality temporary shelter. Imam 4DVLPKLPVHOIWKH&KDLUPDQDQG)RXQGHURI$O.KDLUȵHZWR1HSDOLPPHGLDWHO\ to help with delivering aid. He has also committed to rebuilding all the mosques destroyed by the earthquake. 7KLV HDUWKTXDNH GRHVQȇW KDYH WR UHGHȴQH 1HSDOȇV IXWXUH FRPSOHWHO\ :LWK \RXU continuing support, the country has a chance of rebuilding itself. With your help, we can ensure that the earthquake victims have suitable shelter and are receiving aid, and the Muslim survivors have not lost their place of worship. Earthquake Relief HYGIENE PACKS FOOD PACKS SHELTER KIT MEDICAL KIT £10 £50 £100 £60 With your support, Nepal has a chance of rebuilding itself. Do not forget Nepal “The injured, the homeless and the dying need your help.” Please donate generously and save lives Donate by Bank POST YOUR CHEQUE Donation Hotline HSBC Central Branch, Al Khair A/C No: 41424394 Sort Code: 40-44-15 BIC No / Swift: MIDLGB2159P IBAN: GB62MIDL40441541424394 Payable to: Al-Khair Foundation 0207 084 7199 109-119 Cherry Orchard Road Croydon, Surrey CR0 6BE, UK Donate Online www.alkhair.org 18 Al-Khair Foundation Ramadan 2015 COMMUNITY SUPPORT SHELTER ORPHAN SPONSORSHIP EMERGENCY SHELTER £45 A MONTH £540 A Year TEMPORARY £100 WIDOW SPONSORSHIP £30 A MONTH £360 A YEAR SYRIA REFUGEE CONTAINER CAMP £2,500 Al-Khair Foundation 19 Ramadan 2015 SHELTER In the event of war and natural disasters, people lose their homes or are forced WRȵHH$.)UHVSRQGVWRWKHQHHGVRIUHIXJHHVDQGLQWHUQDOO\GLVSODFHGSHRSOHV (IDPs) by providing shelter in tents and in building camps. AKF also works to rebuild homes and villages destroyed by disasters. These are long-term housing SURMHFWVZKLFKHYHQWXDOO\RHUDSHUPDQHQWVROXWLRQWRKRPHOHVVQHVV During emergencies and disasters, AKF’s initial course of action is to provide temporary shelter to survivors and IDPs. We accommodate them in tent camps and also provide bedding and other essential non-food items. A longer term solution for displace people are container camps. AKF’s work with Syrian refugees in Turkey involved building a camp with shelters made from shipping containers. These rooms were furnished with all necessary items like mattresses and bedding; mini refrigerators; portable wardrobes and electric heaters and ventilators. The camp also has container toilets and baths, water tankers, waste containers, a laundry room, school furniture and a heavyduty generator. AKF’s Shelter Programme doesn’t just distribute tents. We work towards permanent re-housing solutions for survivors and IDPs. Our model village in 3DNLVWDQȇV (KVDQ 3XU WRRN D VKRUW WLPH WR EXLOG IROORZLQJ WKH ȵRRGV ΖW has allowed us to rehome over 390 families in a housing complex, which also boasts schools and medical clinics. PERMANENT HOUSING 1 BEDROOM HOUSE 2 BEDROOM HOUSE 3 BEDROOM HOUSE £1,500 £2,500 £3,500 A man asked the Prophet (saws), “O Allah’s Messenger (saws)! What kind of charity is the best?” He (saws) replied. “To give in charity when you are healthy and greedy hoping to be wealthy and afraid of becoming poor. Don’t delay giving in charity till the time when you are on the death bed when you say, ‘Give so much to so-and-so and so much to so-and so,’ as at that time the property is not yours but it belongs to so-and-so (i.e. your inheritors).” - Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith 4.11 Narrated by Abu Huraira Donate by Bank POST YOUR CHEQUE Donation Hotline HSBC Central Branch, Al Khair A/C No: 41424394 Sort Code: 40-44-15 BIC No / Swift: MIDLGB2159P IBAN: GB62MIDL40441541424394 Payable to: Al-Khair Foundation 0207 084 7199 109-119 Cherry Orchard Road Croydon, Surrey CR0 6BE, UK Donate Online www.alkhair.org 20 Al-Khair Foundation Ramadan 2015 Little Hearts in partnership with Muntada Aid £1,500 per Operation Congenital Heart Disease is one of the most common types of birth defects, DHFWLQJDOPRVWLQHYHU\EDELHVRIWKHVHEDELHVZLOOQRWOLYHWR VHHWKHLUȴUVWELUWKGD\DQGPRVWZRQȇWPDNHLWWRDGXOWKRRG In Bangladesh alone, 30,000 children a year are born with CHD and the vast PDMRULW\RIWKHLUSDUHQWVFDQQRWDRUGWRWUHDWWKHP7KHFRVWVUHODWHGWR the diagnosis and treatment of CHD are huge – beyond reach of those in the third world. Our Little Hearts project, in partnership with Muntada Aid, treated 80 babies from under-privileged families between February and March 2015. Through God’s grace and your support, these babies now have the chance to see adulthood. With your continued help, we can save thousands more. QURBANI (YHU\\HDUDW$.)ZHFDUU\RXW4XUEDQLVDFULȴFHVRQEHKDOIRIJHQHURXV GRQRUVDWRXURZQ$.)IDUPV7KHVDFULȴFLDOPHDWJRHVWRZDUGVIHHGLQJ some of the poorest families the developing world. Raising our own livestock ensure that we can keep Qurbani prices low during Eid ul-Adha. This increases the value of every donation and allows us to distribute to PRUHSHRSOHΖQWKHEHQHȴFLDULHVRIRXU4XUEDQLPHDWGLVWULEXWLRQ exceeded 160,000 people in Pakistan alone. Harambee, Mumias, Koyonzo, Buhuyi, Mamboleo, Kamakowa, Manyatta Arab children’s orphanage: Al-Khair Foundation each year performs Qurbani on behalf of its many generous donors and distributed meat in the areas where the need was greatest. The EHQHȴFLDULHVIRUWKH4XUEDQL\HDUH[FHHGHGDOORYHU3DNLVWDQ A just and equitable distribution of Qurbani meat has enhanced Al-Khair )RXQGDWLRQȇV VWDQGLQJ DQG LQFUHDVHG QHWZRUNLQJ WR GLHUHQW VWDNHKROGHUV alongside helping underprivileged households enjoy the happy moments of the auspicious occasion of Eid-ul-Adha by provided them enough meat for one week. The purpose of this campaign was to reach out to the needy communities within the slums of Nairobi. This programme refers to WKH VDFULȴFH RI OLYHVWRFN animals such as goats and cows in order to bring families in the slum areas together to celebrate. 155 bulls were purchased and slaughtered; the meat was packed and distributed to poor and underprivileged persons, orphans, and the old and disabled people in the Western Kenya & Nyanza regions. It is DQ HRUW WR KHOS WKHVH people by bringing them a little joy in the form of meat during the festive month of Zulhijjah to make content families during the Idd-ul-hajj celebrations. 2015 Qurbani at 2014 Prices Qurbani Rates will be published in August 2015 Al-Khair Foundation 21 Ramadan 2015 Livelihood Programmes Al-Khair Foundation is committed to providing people with the tools needed to become independent from aid in order to secure a better future for themselves and their families. We have numerous livelihood programmes that aim to train impoverished individuals to EHFRPH VHOIVXɝFLHQW 7KH RQHV that need your support most are the Handicraft Centres and the Football Stitching Centres. Handicraft Centres Our 5 handicraft centres in Pakistan provide 400 women per month the training they need to become skilled in in sewing, embroidering, knitting and crochet. The handicrafts are then sold in local markets, generating a salary for the students – the majority of whom did lose their families, homes and businesses GXULQJWKH3DNLVWDQȵRRGV Football Stitching Centre Pakistan’s football manufacturing industry is the biggest in the world. Local factories manufacture 40-60 million footballs a year, amounting to roughly 70% of world production. Al-Khair Foundation is in the process of building its own football stitching centre in Ehsan Pur, 3DNLVWDQ$IWHUWKH3DNLVWDQȵRRGLQ 2012, the Foundation relocated 300 displaced families to the village and provided them with aid and housing to secure a better future. The next stage of this project is to ensure that the villagers have access to employment in order to become VHOIVXɝFLHQW2XUIRRWEDOOVWLWFKLQJ centre will train 50 men and 50 women from Ehsan Pur, enabling them to work at the centre for a stable income. Mussallah Factory AKF has built prayer mat factories in areas with high unemployment and where the local communities face economic deprivation. This has allowed us to create work opportunities for the breadwinners of aid dependant families. Our factories comprise of an all-male workforce who earn a fair wage under good work conditions. Handicraft Centre £250 per share Prayer Mat Factories Sewing Machine £250 per share £100 Each inc materials The charity of those who expend their wealth in the Way of Allah may be likened to a grain of corn, which produces seven ears and each ear yields a hundred grains. Likewise Allah develops manifold the charity of anyone He pleases, for He is All-Embracing, All-Wise. - Surah Baqarah verse 261 Donate by Bank POST YOUR CHEQUE Donation Hotline HSBC Central Branch, Al Khair A/C No: 41424394 Sort Code: 40-44-15 BIC No / Swift: MIDLGB2159P IBAN: GB62MIDL40441541424394 Payable to: Al-Khair Foundation 0207 084 7199 109-119 Cherry Orchard Road Croydon, Surrey CR0 6BE, UK Donate Online www.alkhair.org 22 Al-Khair Foundation Ramadan 2015 GAZA - PALESTINE It has been almost a year since the Gaza massacre last Ramadan, when over 2,200 Palestinians were killed, over 100,000 homes were destroyed and 3,000 children were injured. However, the impact of the massacre is ongoing. 1,000 of the 3,000 injured FKLOGUHQ KDYH GLVDELOLWLHV WKH\ ZLOO VXHU from for the rest of their lives. Families DUH VWLOO VWUXJJOLQJ WR ȴQG IRRG ZDWHU and shelter and the future for Gazan youth is extremely uncertain. Al-Khair has committed to continue supporting Gazans with food, water, health and education. How you can help: Food vouchers: There are thousands of Gazans that will fast this Ramadan and have nothing more than dates and bread to break their fast with. A £50 food voucher can feed a struggling Gazan family for the entire month of Ramadan, giving them the chance to have a substantial iftar and suhoor. Water tankers: Only 5% of water in Gaza is suitable for human consumption and 40% of disease in Gaza is related to polluted drinking water. Since the massacre, international charities have set up water ȴOWUDWLRQ XQLWV WR FOHDQ WKH ZDWHU DQG make it safe to drink. However, we have LGHQWLȴHGWKDWWKHUHLVDKXJHJDSEHWZHHQ ȴOWHULQJWKHZDWHUDQGHQVXULQJLWUHDFKHV the mouths of the needy. An Al-Khair water tanker is the ideal solution. It can provide water for up to 1,500 people a month by WUDQVSRUWLQJ LW IURP WKH ȴOWUDWLRQ XQLWV WR WKH EHQHȴFLDULHV :LWK \RXU KHOS ZH FDQ raise enough needed to ensure that our brothers and sisters in war torn Gaza can quench their thirst. HELP PALESTINIAN LIVES TODAY Help us to help them DONATE NOW WATER TANKERS FOOD VOUCHER MEDICAL SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT £50 Donate by Bank POST YOUR CHEQUE Donation Hotline HSBC Central Branch, Al Khair A/C No: 41424394 Sort Code: 40-44-15 BIC No / Swift: MIDLGB2159P IBAN: GB62MIDL40441541424394 Payable to: Al-Khair Foundation 0207 084 7199 109-119 Cherry Orchard Road Croydon, Surrey CR0 6BE, UK Donate Online www.alkhair.org Al-Khair Foundation 23 Ramadan 2015 THIS RAMADAN SAVE LIVES Donation Hotline: 020 7084 7199 Donate Online: www.alkhair.org Post Cheque to: Al-Khair Foundation 109-119 Cherry Orchard Road Croydon CR0 6BE #QuenchOurThirst #HelpRohingya REGIONAL OFFICES & DONATION POINT +HDG2ɝFH 109-119 Cherry Orchard Road Croydon CR0 6BE Tel: 0207 084 7199 Email: info@alkhair.org www.alkhair.org North London %ROWRQ2ɝFH %ROWRQ2ɝFH 4 Gateway Mews, 305 Derby Street %ODFNEXUQ5RDG Bounds Green, London Bolton Bolton N11 2UT BL36LH BL18DW Tel: 0207 084 7199 Tel: 01204 382917 01204 399431 Email: info@alkhair.org email: bolton@alkhair.org email: bolton@alkhair.org Blackburn Bradford Glasgow Leicester 6KHɝHOG 1 Blackburn Street 918 Manchester Road 441a Victoria Road 15 Evington Valley Road 4 London Road Blackburn Bradford Glasgow Leicester 6KHɝHOG BB1 7NG BD5 8DH G42 8RW LE5 5LL S2 4LN Tel: 01254 672527 Tel: 01274 738 446 Tel: 0141 423 5747 Tel: 01162733787 Tel: 0114 275 6590 email: blackburn@alkhair.org email: bradford@alkhair.org email: glasgow@alkhair.org email: leicester@alkhair.org HPDLOVKHɝHOG#DONKDLURUJ For more information on any of Al-Khair Projects visit us at: www.alkhair.org Ramadan 2015 Al-Khair Foundation 24 MISS Dr OTHER SURNAME POSTCODE (PLEASE STATE) BANK/BUILDING SOCIETY DD / MM / YYYY SIGNATURE DATE DIRECT DEBIT DONATION AMOUNT YES 7TH OR NO 21ST OF THE MONTH Please pay Al-Khair Foundation Direct Debits from the account detailed in this instruction subject to the safeguards assured by the Direct Debit Guarantee. I understand that this instruction may remain with Al-Khair Foundation and, if so details will be passed electronically to my Bank or Building Society INSTRUCTION TO YOUR BANK OR BUILDING SOCIETY SIGNED ___________________ DATE DD / MM / YYYY PLEASE TICK YES OR NO I confirm I have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities or Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. I understand the charity will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that you have given on or after 6 April 2008". “Please treat as Gift Aid donations, all qualifying gifts of money made to Al-Khair Foundation over the past 4 years and all qualifying gifts of money I make in the future (unless I notify you otherwise).” 25% bigger Increase your donation more AMOUNT MONTHLY *EDUCATION *JAMIA MASJID *AQEEQAH *WATER WELL (KARACHI) (£750 ASIA/ £2,500 for AFRICA) *WATER WELL (BOY £150 / GIRL £75 EACH) (£12,000+ COMPLETED ) (£5,000 COMPLETED ) *MASJID (£250 Share) £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ AMOUNT DONATION STATEMENT £ £ £ £ £ £ (£1,500) *WATER PLANT (KARACHI) (£8,000) £ *WATER FILTRATION PLANT (£8,000 COMPLETE) *QURBANI (CHECK WEB-SITE OR CALL US FOR PRICES) *IQRA TV *ADMIN COST £ (IDEALLY £30) OTHER____________________ OTHER £ SADAQAH £ * ZAKAT CANNOT BE USED FOR THESE PROJECTS ZAKAT £ LILLAH £ GENERAL DONATION £ £ DESCRIPTION DONATIONS GRAND TOTAL £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ (APPROX. VALUE) £ £ ISSUE NO. SIGNATURE (s) / BANK: HSBC ACCT NAME: AL-KHAIR ACCT NO: 41424394 SORT CODE: 40-44-15 IBAN NO: GB62MIDL40441541424394 BIC NO / SWIFT: MIDLGB2159P DATE TO PAY IN POUND STERLING DONATION BY BANK TRANSFER TO PAY IN EUROS CONTACT US TO ORGANISE YOUR WILL PLANNING TO SUPPORT AL-KHAIR FOUNDATION DONATION BY WILL WWW.ALKHAIR.ORG WWW.JUSTGIVING.COM/AID ONLINE DONATION BANK: HSBC ACCT NAME: AL-KHAIR ACCT NO: 69422040 SORT CODE: 40-05-15 IBAN NO: GB36MIDL40051569422040 BIC NO / SWIFT: MIDLGB22 MONTHLY Donate as little as £5 a month $QGPDNHDGLHUHQFHLQVRPHRQHVOLIH WATER PUMP EID GIFT PACK SPONSOR A WIDOW (£200 FOR FOOD, WATER, MEDICAL, HYGIENE KITS) (£50 EACH) JEWELLERY SECURITY NO. VALID FROM CARD NO. EXPIRY DATE DONATION BY CHEQUE PLEASE MAKE ALL CHEQUES PAYABLE TO POST THEM TO AL-KHAIR FOUNDATION AL-KHAIR FOUNDATION 109 - 119 CHERRY ORCHARD ROAD CROYDON CRO 6BE UK DONATION BY TELEPHONE DONATION BY SMS CALLING WITHIN THE UK : 020 7084 7199 CALLING FROM OVERSEAS +44 (0) 207 084 7199 / PLEASE COMPLETE THIS IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO DONATE BY CREDIT CARD / DEBIT CARD (WEIGHT IN GRAMS) RAMADAN FOOD PACK (£50 EACH) WINTER WARMER PACK (£150 FOR FOOD, WATER, MEDICAL, HYGIENE KITS) ROHINGYA REFUGEES SYRIA EMERGENCY AID (£200 FOR FOOD, WATER, MEDICAL, HYGIENE KITS) GAZA EMERGENCY AID (£150 FOR FOOD, WATER, MEDICAL, HYGIENE KITS) NEPAL EMERGENCY (£365 SMALL CAMP and £999 BIG CAMP) MEDICAL CAMP (£100 EACH) WITH MATERIAL SEWING MACHINE (£30 PER MONTH / £360 A YEAR EACH) (£45 PER MONTH / £540 A YEAR EACH) SPONSOR AN ORPHAN (£50) EYES CATARACT (£50 FOR ONE MONTHS SUPPLY) FAMILY FOOD PACK (£1000 SHARE) WATER FOR AFRICA (£25 EACH) (£150 - £250 FOR ASIA) (£50 / £75 EACH) WHEELCHAIR HOUSE (1-BED £1,500/ 2-BED £2,500 / 3-BED £3500)/ 4 BED £4,500 DIRECT DEBIT FORM Registered Charity No: 1126808 MRS PLEASE FILL IN THE WHOLE FORM USING A BLACK BALL POINT PEN MR FIRST NAME ADDRESS CITY/TOWN HOME NO. / MOBILE NO. EMAIL NAME (s) OF ACCOUNT HOLDER ( s ) BANK / BUILDING SOCIETY ACCOUNT NAME BRANCH SORT CODE TO THE MANAGER NAME AND FULL POSTAL ADDRESS OF YOUR BANK OR BUILDING SOCIETY ADDRESS POST CODE BANKS AND BUILDING SOCIETIES MAY NOT ACCEPT DIRECT DEBIT INSTRUCTIONS FOR SOME TYPES OF ACCOUNTS THIS GUARANTEE SHOULD BE DETACHED AND RETAINED BY THE PAPER THE DIRECT DEBIT GUARANTEE This Guarantee is offered by all banks and building societies that accept instructions to pay Direct Debits. If there are any changes to the amount, date or frequency of your Direct Debit Al-Khair Foundation will notify you 10 working days in advance of your account being debited or as otherwise agreed. If you request Al-Khair Foundation to collect a payment confirmation of the amount and date will be given to you at the time of the request. If an error is made in the payments of your Direct Debit, by Al-Khair Foundation or your bank or your building society, you are entitled to a full and immediate refund to the amount paid from your bank or building societ: - if you receive a refund you are not entitled to, you must pay it back when Al-Khair Foundation asks you to. You can cancel a Direct Debit at any time by simply contacting your bank or building society. Written confirmation may be required. Please notify us. DONATE (£5) OR (£10) BY SMS, TEXT: AKUK24 £5 OR £10 AND SEND TO 70070 In the next 12 months we hope to have 10,000 new donors paying by direct debit BE ONE OF THEM