Ballpoint pens - Stone Marketing
Ballpoint pens - Stone Marketing
Catalogue 2014 Made in Germany Writing unites Each thought is worth writing down - our principle is apparently much appreciated. We often receive letters with short notes, witty sayings, small sketches and much more from all over the world. Sometimes these are letters within the framework of our product campaigns, sometimes for no particular reason. These are three reasons that make us happy. Firstly, because we can see that our communication has been noticed. Secondly, because it is clear that our pens are used often. And thirdly, because we realize that we are not just seen as a manufacturer of writing instruments but also well-established as a brand in the minds of the people. We stand for quality, durability, practicality and proximity to users. The last point especially has become increasingly apparent. Our Web site is attractive and informative; it creates a sense of community among Schneider users. This is reinforced by our presence on Facebook: Schneider is a frequent companion in everyday life. All this also benefits you. With our products, you increase the attractiveness of your product range and strike the right note in your business. Your customers will appreciate this. We will be happy to assist you with material for the product presentation, such as our modular displays. Just ask us. We are pleased to show you our current products, and we are happy to see how more and more people embrace the Schneider brand not least because of your commitment. Thank you. 5 6 We Care Yes, we really do. We do even more than “just” use bioplastics. Our aim is to continuously improve all direct and indirect environmental performance, including the protection of resources, the efficient use of energy and the reduction of waste and emissions. Therefore we have created a six-point plan, which applies to all of our products: Maximum recycling of product components Electricity from 100 % hydro-energy and renewable energy resources No PVCs, only high-purity PP and PET Development and production in Germany Reduction of emissions and waste Long-lasting, sustainable products Comprehensive and lasting environmental protection is given high priority and has been for some time. Since 1998 Schneider has been the first company in the writing instrument industry certified and revalidated in accordance with the strictest environmental management system worldwide, the EU ecology audit EMAS. An audit takes place every three years by an independent and accredited environmental auditor. More information at: 7 Content 4 6 12 13 14 16 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 28 29 29 30 31 31 32 32 33 33 34 34 34 35 Company Profile Environmental responsibility Ballpoint pens Slider Rave Slider Memo XB Slider Edge Slider Basic Slider Displays Slider Tower New ID Ballpoint pen Contrast Optima Haptify Pulse Pro Pulse Loox K 3 Biosafe K 20 Icy Colours Suprimo New Office Fave Display Plug + Play Klick-Fix-Pen K1 K 15 Tops 505 Gel ink pens Gelion 1 Gelion 39 Ballpoint pen refills Slider 755 Express 735 Counter display Express 775 Office 765 Express 225 Express 75 75 Silver Express 785 Express 56 Office 575 38 38 39 40 41 41 42 43 44 44 45 46 46 47 47 48 49 49 50 50 50 51 51 93 Universal displays Base Senso New Base Ball New Base Kid New Glam Fountain pen New Glam Rollerball New Glam Tower New Breeze Breeze Neon New ID Fountain Pen ID Duo Gift cases Base Base Uni Inx Sportive New Voyage Zippi New Easy Voice Corry Ink cartridges Highlighter cartridge 142 Roller cartridges 852 Spare nibs 68 69 70 70 71 72 73 73 74 74 75 75 75 76 76 77 77 94 Barcodes and Reference No. 98 Colours and Signs 78 78 79 Highlighters Job Refill station Maxx 660 Maxx Eco 115 Cartridge Maxx Eco 666 Xtra Highlighter Permanent markers Maxx 130, Maxx 133 Maxx 230, Maxx 233 Maxx 240 Maxx 250 New Maxx 280 Refill station Maxx 640 Refill station Maxx 669 New Refill bottle Maxx 650 Universal markers permanent Maxx 220 S Maxx 222 F Maxx 224 M Refill station Maxx 645 Universal markers non-permanent Maxx 221 S Maxx 223 F Maxx 225 M 54 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 59 80 81 81 82 82 83 83 84 84 85 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 Xtra Document Xtra Hybrid Xtra 803 Xtra 805 Xtra 823 Xtra 825 Topball 847 Topball 845 Topball 857 Topball 811 Refill Topball 850 Whiteboard and flipchart markers Maxx 290, Maxx 293 New Maxx Eco 110 Whiteboard-Kit Maxx Eco 110 Cartridge Maxx Eco 655 Refill station Maxx 665 New Sponge Maxx 296 New Maxx Cleaner New Special markers Maxx 244 - CD marker Maxx 246 - Erasable marker New Maxx 248 - Laundry marker Maxx 249 - Money Checker Liquid chalk markers Maxx 260 - Chalk marker Maxx 265 - Chalk marker Paint markers Maxx 270 Maxx 271 Maxx 278 Product information marker 10 Ballpoint pens Gel ink pens Ballpoint pen refills 36 52 Fountain pens / Cartridge rollerballs Rollerballs Liquid Ink Rollerballs 62 64 65 65 Xpress Topliner 967 Topwriter 147 Topwriter 157 60 66 Fineliners / Fibrepens Markers Highlighters Permanent markers Universal markers Whiteboard and flipchart markers Paint markers etc. 92 Graffix 92 Pencil 556 92 Polymer refill 92 Mechanical pencils 10 Ballpoint pens Ballpoint pens Schneider ballpoint pens are designed for everyday use. Functional design, high quality and a long shelf life are especially important to us. Some examples: Plug+Play, the universal fit for different refill formats makes refilling easy. A rotation mechanism rotates the refill by 45 degrees with each click, so that the tip is being used evenly on all sides. Wear-resistant stainless steel tips guarantee that the big ink reservoir can be used up completely without any smear marks. Schneider ballpoint pens have thus become a leading brand worldwide. Slider is the new innovative ballpoint pen with Viscoglide®-technology for exceptionally smooth and easy writing. Other smooth writing instruments cannot meet the shelf life and easy handling of the Slider ballpoint pen. The writing dries quickly - even on smooth paper – and is wipe-proof even when highlighting it later on. Ballpoint pens 11 Slider Rave · Ballpoint pen with Viscoglide® technology · For easy, gliding writing · Replaceable large Schneider refill Slider 755 XB with stainless steel tip · Waterproof according to ink standard ISO 12757-2 (except for red) · Can be replaced with any of the other refills from the “Plug+Play” series · The writing dries quickly and is smudge proof when highlighting it later on · Ergonomic shape and rubberised surface · With stable metal clip Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 132501 5 132502 5 132503 5 132504 5 Display 16 × 18 × 32.2 cm 30 × Slider Rave 301732 (15 × black; 12 × blue; 3 × red) 1 Ref. No. 301732 12 Ballpoint pens Slider Memo XB · Ballpoint pen with Viscoglide® technology · For easy, gliding writing · The black ink is waterproof according to ink standard ISO 12757-2 · Ergonomic shape and rubberised surface · Cap with metal clip fits neatly on the end of the barrel · Refill with wear-resistant stainless steel tip · Extra broad tip XB Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. Wallet 3 × Slider Memo XB (black, red, blue) Barcode Pack 150201 10 150202 10 150203 10 150204 10 150206 10 150208 10 150209 10 150293 1/10 Display 16 × 18 × 32.2 cm 30 × Slider Memo XB 300272 (10 × blue; 9 × black; 3 × red; 2 each × green, orange, violet, pink) 1 Ref. No. 150293 Ref. No. 300272 Ballpoint pens 13 Slider Edge · Ballpoint pen with innovative Viscoglide® technology · For easy, gliding writing · The black ink is waterproof according to ink standard ISO 12757-2 · The writing dries quickly and is smudge proof when highlighting it later on · Rubberised three-edged barrel for relaxed writing without hand fatigue · Does not roll on the desk and its slim shape fits perfectly into pen drawers or pupils‘ pen cases · The cap fits neatly on the end of the barrel · Refill with wear-resistant stainless steel tip · Line width: F, M and XB Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. 14 Ballpoint pens Barcode Pack 152001 10 152002 10 152003 10 152101 10 152102 10 152103 10 152104 10 152201 10 152202 10 152203 10 152204 10 152205 10 152206 10 152207 10 152208 10 152209 10 152210 10 152211 10 Slider Edge Wallets Wallet Ref. No. Barcode Pack 4 × Slider Edge XB (black, red, blue, green) 152294 1/10 10 × Slider Edge XB (black, red, blue, light green, orange, violet, pink, yellow, light blue, brown) 152290 1/10 Ref. No. 152290 Slider Edge Penbox Box Ref. No. Barcode Penbox: 8 × Slider Edge XB 152298 (black, red, blue, light green, orange, violet, pink, light blue) Pack 1/10 Ref. No. 152298 Slider Edge Displays Display 16 × 18 × 32.2 cm Ref. No. Barcode Pack 120 × Slider Edge XB 300972 (28 × blue; 24 × black; 10 each × red, violet; 8 each × orange, pink, light blue; 6 × green, yellow, brown, light green) 1 120 × Slider Edge F, M, XB 301002 (20 × F blue, 14 × F black, 6 × F red; 18 × M blue, 12 × M black, 6 × M red, 4 × M green; 20 × XB blue, 14 × XB black, 6 × XB red) 1 Ref. No. 301002 Ballpoint pens 15 Slider Basic · Ballpoint pen with innovative Viscoglide® technology · For easy, gliding writing · The black writing ink is waterproof according to ink standard ISO 12757-2 · The writing dries quickly and is smudge proof when highlighting it later on · Rubberised grip zone · Transparent cap with clip fits neatly on the end of the barrel · Refill with wear-resistant stainless steel tip · Line width: F, M and XB Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. 16 Ballpoint pens Barcode Pack 151001 10 151002 10 151003 10 151101 10 151102 10 151103 10 151104 10 151201 10 151202 10 151203 10 151204 10 151206 10 151208 10 151209 10 151210 10 151211 10 Slider Basic Wallets Wallet Ref. No. 4 × Slider Basic XB (black, red, blue, green) Barcode Pack 151294 1/10 4 × Slider Basic XB 151297 (orange, violet, pink, light blue) 1/10 8 × Slider Basic XB (black, red, blue, orange, violet, pink, light blue, light green) 1/10 151298 Ref. No. 151297 Slider Basic Displays Display 16 × 18 × 32.2 cm Ref. No. 120 × Slider Basic XB (36 × blue; 28 × black; 10 × red; 8 each × orange, violet, pink, light blue, light green; 6 × green) 300042 Barcode Pack 1 Ref. No. 300042 Ballpoint pens 17 Slider Display Display 48 × 18 × 32.2 cm Ref. No. Barcode Assorted 301992 30 × Slider Rave XB (15 × black; 12 × blue; 3 × red); 30 × Slider Memo XB (10 × blue; 9 × black; 3 × red; 2 each × green, orange, violet, pink); 120 × Slider Edge XB (28 × blue; 24 × black; 10 each × red, violet; 8 each × orange, pink, light blue; 6 each × green, yellow, brown, light green) + 20 Refills Slider 755 XB gratis (10 each × black, blue) Pack 1 Ref. No. 301992 Slider Tower New Tower 33 × 37 × 147.5 cm Ref. No. Assorted 302072 30 × Slider Rave XB (15 × black; 12 × blue; 3 × red); 30 × Slider Memo XB (10 × blue; 9 × black; 3 × red; 2 each × green, orange, violet, pink); 120 × Slider Edge XB (28 × blue; 24 × black; 10 each × red, violet; 8 each × orange, pink, light blue; 6 each × green, yellow, brown, light green) + 20 Refills Slider 755 XB gratis (10 each × black, blue) Barcode Pack 1 Ref. No. 302072 18 Ballpoint pens ID Ballpoint pen · Ballpoint pen with award-winning design · Replaceable large Schneider refill Slider 755 M with stainless steel tip · Ink colour: black · Waterproof according to ink standard ISO 12757-2 · Viscoglide® technology for easy, gliding writing · Can be replaced with any of the other refills from the “Plug+Play” series Box Barrel colour / Ref. No. Case Gift case for ID Ballpoint pen (without writing instrument) Barcode Pack 139208 1 139211 1 139254 1 9947 1 Display 16 × 18 × 32.2 cm 12 × ID Ballpoint pens 301752 (10 × black/chrome; 1 each × black/lemon, black/purple) 1 Ref. No. 301752 Contrast · High-quality ballpoint pen in classical yet modern form · Replaceable large Schneider refill Slider 755 M with stainless steel tip · Ink colour: blue · Viscoglide® technology for easy, gliding writing · Can be replaced with any of the other refills from the “Plug+Play” series · Rubberised surface, massive metal parts (bright chrome) Box Barrel colour / Ref. No. Case Gift case for Contrast (without writing instrument) Barcode Pack 138201 1 138210 1 9946 1 Display 16 × 18 × 32.2 cm 18 × Contrast 301712 (9 × black/black; 9 × dark blue/ light blue) 1 Ref. No. 301712 Ballpoint pens 19 Optima · Ballpoint pen with modern transparent look · Replaceable giant Express 735 M refill with wear-resistant stainless steel tip · Barrel colour = ink colour · Waterproof according to ink standard ISO 12757-2 · Can be replaced with any of the other refills from the “Plug+Play” series · Metal clip, tip, push button and decoration ring Box Barrel colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 3401 10 3402 10 3403 10 Haptify · Ballpoint pen with ergonomic, rubberised grip zone · Replaceable Schneider refill Slider 757 M with stainless steel tip · Ink colour: blue · Ref. no. 135301 for black writing colour · Waterproof according to ink standard ISO 12757-2 · Viscoglide® technology for easy, gliding writing · Can be replaced with any of the other refills from the “Plug+Play” series Box Barrel colour / Ref. No. Pack 135301 10 135303 10 135308 10 135311 10 135323 10 Display 16 × 18 × 32.2 cm 30 × Haptify 301782 (10 each × dark blue/light blue, violet/pink, light green/pink) 20 Ballpoint pens Barcode 1 Ref. No. 301782 Pulse Pro · Ballpoint pen with modern colours · Replaceable Schneider refill Slider 757 M with stainless steel tip · Ink colour: blue · Waterproof according to ink standard ISO 12757-2 · Viscoglide® technology for easy, gliding writing · Can be replaced with any of the other refills from the “Plug+Play” series · With rubberised surface for high writing comfort Box Barrel colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 132201 10 132208 10 Display 16 × 18 × 32.2 cm 30 × Pulse Pro 300342 (18 × black; 12 × boysenberry) 1 Ref. No. 300342 Pulse · Ballpoint pen with rubberised surface · Replaceable giant refill M with wear-resistant stainless steel tip · Ink colour recognisable at the end of the pen · Waterproof according to ink standard ISO 12757-2 · Can be replaced with any of the other refills from the “Plug+Play” series · Dynamic, powerful, ergonomic design Box Barrel colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 131801 10 131802 10 131803 10 131804 10 Ballpoint pens 21 Loox · Ballpoint pen for excellent writing comfort · Replaceable Express 775 M refill with wear-resistant stainless steel tip · Barrel colour (metallic) = ink colour · Assorted selection (S) with transparent barrel = blue ink · Waterproof according to ink standard ISO 12757-2 · Can be replaced with any of the other refills from the “Plug+Play” series · Rubberised grip zone · With stable metal clip Box Display Assorted 30 × Loox Barrel colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 135580 20 135501 20 135502 20 135503 20 135504 20 16 × 18 × 32.2 cm 300032 1 Ref. No. 300032 K 3 Biosafe · Ballpoint pen with casing made of bioplastics · Replaceable large G2 refill M with wear-resistant stainless steel tip · Ink colour recognisable at the end of the pen · Waterproof according to ink standard ISO 12757-2 · Can be replaced with any of the other refills from the “Plug+Play” series · With stable metal clip · Natural, renewable and compostable cellulose Box Barrel colour / Ref. No. 22 Ballpoint pens Barcode Pack 3271 10 3272 10 3273 10 3274 10 K 20 Icy Colours · Ballpoint pen in fresh transparent colours · Replaceable refill M with wear-resistant stainless steel tip · Barrel colour = ink colour · Assorted selection (S) = blue ink · Waterproof according to ink standard ISO 12757-2 · Can be replaced with any of the other refills from the “Plug+Play” series · With stable metal clip Box Barrel colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 132000 20 132001 20 132002 20 132003 20 132004 20 Display 16 × 18 × 32.2 cm Assorted 300022 100 × K 20 Icy Colours 1 Ref. No. 300022 Ballpoint pens 23 Suprimo New · Ballpoint pen in fresh transparent colours · Barrel colour = ink colour · Waterproof according to ink standard ISO 12757-2 (except for red) · Can be replaced with any of the other refills from the “Plug+Play” series · Rubberised grip zone Box Barrel colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 135601 20 135602 20 135603 20 135604 20 Display 16 × 18 × 32.2 cm 80 × Suprimo 302052 (30 × each black, blue; 10 each × red, green) 1 Ref. No. 302052 Office · Ballpoint pen with stable metal clip · Barrel colour = ink colour · Assorted selection (S) = blue ink · Waterproof according to ink standard ISO 12757-2 · Replacement refill Office 765 M · Can be replaced with any of the other refills from the “Plug+Play” series Box Barrel colour / Ref. No. 24 Ballpoint pens Barcode Pack 132900 50 132901 50 132902 20 132903 50 132904 20 Fave · Ballpoint pen in fresh transparent colours · Replaceable refill M · Barrel colour = ink colour · Assorted selection (S) in 6 colourful barrel colours = blue ink · Waterproof according to ink standard ISO 12757-2 · Replacement refill Office 765 M · Can be replaced with any of the other refills from the “Plug+Play” series Box Barrel colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 130400 50 130401 50 130402 20 130403 50 130404 20 Plug+Play-System Refilling avoids waste and saves money. Schneider ballpoint pens with "Plug+Play“ system offer a universal fit for different refills. This makes replacement extremely easy. Display Plug + Play Article Quantity Contrast 5 Contrast 5 Slider Rave 6 Slider Rave 3 Slider Rave 6 Pulse Pro 10 Pulse Pro 5 Barrel colour Loox 15 S K 20 Icy Colours 80 S Display 16 × 18 × 32.2 cm Ref. No. Assorted 301462 + 20 Refills Slider 755 XB gratis (10 each × black, blue) Barcode Ink colour Pack 1 Ref. No. 301462 Ballpoint pens 25 Klick-Fix-Pen · Ballpoint pen with expandable cord for fastening at the cash desk, phone, in the car etc. · The click-fix is auto adhesive · Replaceable Express 775 M refill with wear-resistant stainless steel tip · Ink colour: blue · Waterproof according to ink standard ISO 12757-2 · The pen holder can be rotated to any position Blister card Ink Colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 4120 10 K1 · Ballpoint pen with stable metal clip · Replaceable large metal refill M with wear-resistant stainless steel tip · Barrel colour = ink colour · Waterproof according to ink standard ISO 12757-2 · Replacement refill Express 225 or Express 75 Box Barrel colour / Ref. No. 26 Ballpoint pens Barcode Pack 3151 20 3152 20 3153 20 3154 20 K 15 · Slim ballpoint pen with stable metal clip · Replaceable refill M · Barrel colour = ink colour · Assorted selection (S) = blue ink · Waterproof according to ink standard ISO 12757-2 · Replacement refill Office 575 Box Barrel colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 3080 50 3081 50 3082 20 3083 50 3084 20 Ballpoint pens 27 Tops 505 · Ballpoint pen with removable clip cap · Cap / end plug colour = ink colour · Wear-resistant stainless steel tip · Large ink reserve can be used up completely · Hexagonal yellow barrel = fine line width F · Hexagonal transparent barrel = medium line width M Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. 28 Ballpoint pens Barcode Pack 150501 50 150502 50 150503 50 150601 50 150602 50 150603 50 150604 50 150801 10 150802 10 150803 10 150804 10 Gelion 1 · Gel ink pen for fluent and colourful writing · Replaceable Gelion 39 refill · Barrel colour = ink colour · Blue and black inks are waterproof according to ISO 27668-2 · Can be replaced with any of the other refills from the “Plug+Play” series · Rubberised grip zone for a safe grip Box Barrel colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 101001 10 101002 10 101003 10 101004 10 Gelion 39 · Gel refill international G2 format · Fluent writing and intensive colours · Blue and black inks are waterproof and light resistant according to ISO 27668-2 · Line width about 0.4 mm · Can be replaced with any of the other refills from the “Plug+Play” series Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 103901 10/50 103902 10/50 103903 10/50 103904 10/50 Gel ink pens 29 Ballpoint pen refills For 65 years, Schneider has been a synonym for ballpoint pen refills. It is the leading brand in Germany. All high-quality Schneider refills have a wear-resistant stainless steel tip that guarantees a complete use of the ink without any smear marks. Slider 755 · Large metal refill (G2 format) · Viscoglide® technology for easy, gliding writing · Waterproof according to ISO 12757-2 (except for red) · Line width: M and XB · Wear-resistant stainless steel tip · Can be replaced with any of the other refills from the “Plug+Play” series · The writing dries quickly and is smudge proof when highlighting it later on Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 175601 10/50 175602 10/50 175603 10/50 175604 10/50 175501 10/50 175502 10/50 175503 10/50 175504 10/50 Display 16 × 18 × 32.2 cm 30 × Slider 755 XB 399102 (20 × blue; 10 × black) 1 Ref. No. 399102 30 Ballpoint pen refills Express 735 · Large metal refill (G2 format) · Waterproof according to ISO 12757-2 G2 · Line width: F, M and B · Wear-resistant stainless steel tip · Can be replaced with any of the other refills from the “Plug+Play” series · Premium quality for approx. 10,000 m clean writing Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 7351 10/50 7352 10/50 7353 10/50 7361 10/50 7362 10/50 7363 10/50 7364 10/50 7371 10/50 7373 10/50 Counter display · Handy counter display · Break-proof real glass plate · Filled with current refill formats and ink colours Article Ink colour Slider 755 XB 10 × Express 75 M 20 × 5× 10 × Express 56 M 15 × 10 × 15 × Express 775 M 10 × 10 × 20 × Express 735 M 5× 5× 5× Express 735 F 5× 5× Express 785 M 5× 5× Display 180 × Refills 20 × 27.5 × 26.5 × 3.5 Ref. No. 2777 Barcode Pack 1 Ref. No. 2777 Ballpoint pen refills 31 Express 775 · Premium metal refill (Standard format X20) · Waterproof according to ink ISO 12757-2 (except for violet) · Line width: F and M · Wear-resistant stainless steel tip · Can be replaced with any of the other refills from the “Plug+Play” series Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 7751 10/100 7753 10/100 7761 10/100 7762 10/100 7763 10/100 7764 10/100 177607 10/100 177608 10/100 Office 765 · Metal refill (X20 format) · Waterproof according to ISO 12757-2 · Line width: M · Refill for Schneider ballpoint pens Office and Fave Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. 32 Ballpoint pen refills Barcode Pack 176511 10/100 176512 10/100 176513 10/100 176514 10/100 Express 225 · Large metal refill (G1 format) · Waterproof according to ISO 12757-2 · Line width M · Wear-resistant stainless steel tip · Fit compatible to refills Express 75 and Office 575 Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 7011 10/50 7012 10/50 7013 10/50 7014 10/50 Express 75 · Metal refill (A2 format) · Waterproof according to ISO 12757-2 G2 · Line width: F, M and B · Wear-resistant stainless steel tip · Fit compatible to refills Express 225 and Office 575 Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 7501 10/100 7503 10/100 7511 10/100 7512 10/100 7513 10/100 7514 10/100 7521 10/100 7523 10/100 Ballpoint pen refills 33 75 Silver · Refill with silver ink · For writing and marking on dark and coloured media, e.g. maps, albums, leather, etc. · Ink is erasable on smooth media, such as leather · Line width M Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. Barcode 7519 Pack 10/100 Express 785 · Premium metal ballpoint pen refill “CROSS” style · Waterproof according to ISO 12757-2 · Line width M · Wear-resistant stainless steel tip Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 178601 5/50 178603 5/50 Express 56 · Refill for multi-colour ballpoint pen · ISO format D · Waterproof according to ISO 12757-2 · Line width M · With wear-resistant stainless steel tip Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. 34 Ballpoint pen refills Barcode Pack 7201 20 7202 20 7203 20 7204 20 Office 575 · Metal refill (A2 format) · Waterproof according to ISO 12757-2 · Line width: F and M · Refill for Schneider ballpoint pen K 15 Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 7601 10/100 7603 10/100 7611 10/100 7612 10/100 7613 10/100 7614 10/100 Ballpoint pen refills 35 36 Fountain pens and Cartridge rollerballs Fountain pens and cartridge rollerballs For any student who writes a lot, Schneider writing instruments offer pioneering ergonomic qualities for long and effortless writing. Fountain pens promote the development of good writing for beginners and experienced writers develop their personal writing style. Cartridge rollers are a complement to fountain pens and a good choice for prolific writers in school and at the university. Breeze is a new ergonomic cartridge roller for casual writing. Design, ergonomics and writing properties appeal to pupils of all ages, students and young adults. Breeze has a soft feel and writes extremely effortless. Breeze writes using the newly developed roller cartridge 852. This sets new standards in terms of its smooth writing and exceeds all its predecessors. An ink regulator ensures constant ink flow from start to finish. The new ink formula is even faster drying and smudge proof when highlighting. Fountain pens and Cartridge rollerballs 37 Base Senso New · Cartridge roller with warning lamp at the end of the pen · Indicates when there is too much writing pressure applied · Ideal for beginners and people with motoric problems · Ergonomic grip piece · With replaceable roller cartridge 852 · Ink colour: royal blue, erasable · Large finger areas avoid pressure points · Equally suitable for right and left-handers Box Barrel colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 188773 1 188779 1 Display 16 × 18 × 32.2 cm 8 × Base Senso 301851 (5 × green/blue; 3 × pink/rose) 1 Ref. No. 301851 Base Ball New · Cartridge roller with ergonomic grip piece · Ideal for beginners and in addition to the fountain pen · Includes a regular and a spare cartridge 852 · Standard ink cartridge, royal blue, erasable · Equally suitable for right and left-handers Box Barrel colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 188303 5 188332 5 188373 5 188379 5 Display 16 × 18 × 32.2 cm 30 × Base Ball 301862 (20 × green/blue; 10 × pink/ rose) 38 Fountain pens and Cartridge rollerballs 1 Ref. No. 301862 Base Kid New · Young writers fountain pen that grows with the child · Short barrel for small hands, large barrel for larger hands · Ergonomic grip piece · Anti-slip section to the front avoids inky fingers · High-quality and robust stainless steel nib with iridium tip for beginners · Standard erasable royal blue ink cartridges · Large finger areas prevent pressure points · Robust manufacturing with anti-roll protection · L-version for left-handed persons Box Barrel colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 162873 1 162879 1 162973 1 162979 1 Display 16 × 18 × 32.2 cm 12 × Base Kid 301881 (6 × FH A green/blue; 5 × FH A pink/rose; 1 × FH L green/blue) 1 Ref. No. 301881 Fountain pens and Cartridge rollerballs 39 Glam Fountain pen New · Fountain pen with tactile printed patterns · Trendy and brand new designs · Ergonomic, rubberised grip profile · High-quality stainless steel nib with iridium tip · Standard ink cartridge, royal blue, erasable · Stable metal clip · Equally suitable for right and left-handers Box Barrel colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 167711 4 167712 4 167713 4 Display 16 × 18 × 32.2 cm 17 × Glam Fountain pens 301812 (6 × each Diamondheart, Music; 5 × Cowgirl) 40 Fountain pens and Cartridge rollerballs 1 Ref. No. 301812 Glam Rollerball New · Cartridge roller with tactile printed patterns · Trendy and brand new designs · Ergonomic, rubberised grip profile · High-quality stainless steel tip · Standard ink cartridge, royal blue, erasable · Stable metal clip · Equally suitable for right and left-handers Box Barrel colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 187911 4 187912 4 187913 4 Display 16 × 18 × 32.2 cm 17 × Glam Rollerballs 301832 (6 each × High Heel, Rock guitar; 5 × Dragon) 1 Ref. No. 301832 Glam Tower New Article Quantity Barrel colour Glam Fountain pens Diamondheart 8 Glam Fountain pens Music 6 Glam Fountain pens Cowgirl 6 Glam Rollerballs High Heel 5 Glam Rollerballs Rock guitar 5 Glam Rollerballs Dragon 5 Tower Assorted 33 × 37 × 147.5 cm Ref. No. 301981 Barcode Pack 1 Ref. No. 301981 Fountain pens and Cartridge rollerballs 41 Breeze · Cartridge roller for casual writing · Ergonomic shape and rubberised surface · Spare cartridge with new, unused tip is provided in the barrel · Ink cartridge 852, royal blue, erasable · The writing dries quickly and is smudge proof when highlighting it later on · Anti-slip grip profile with decorative patterns · Equally suitable for right and left-handers Box Barrel colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 188906 5 188909 5 188910 5 188911 5 Display 16 × 18 × 32.2 cm 30 × Breeze 301412 (10 each × light blue, pink; 5 each × light green, orange) 1 Ref. No. 301412 42 Fountain pens and Cartridge rollerballs Breeze Neon New · Cartridge roller with cool ink colours · Writes neon pink, neon blue, neon green and black · Spare cartridge with new, unused tip is provided in the barrel · With three neon ink cartridges 852 for free · The writing dries quickly and is smudge proof when highlighting it later on · Ergonomic shape and rubberised surface · Anti-slip grip profile with decorative patterns · Equally suitable for right and left-handers Sight pack Barrel colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 78880 10 78883 10 78884 10 78889 10 Breeze Neon Tower Tower 23.8 × 30.5 × 124 1 × Breeze Tower (Display 399108 + Bottom) Display 23.8 × 30.5 × 32 Ref. No. Barcode 399107 Ref. No. 20 × Breeze Neon 399108 (7 × blue; 5 each × green, pink; 3 × white) Pack 1 Barcode Pack 1 Ref. No. 399107 Fountain pens and Cartridge rollerballs 43 ID Fountain Pen · Fountain pen with award-winning design · Ergonomically shaped grip zone · High-quality stainless steel nib B with iridium tip · Standard ink cartridge, royal blue, erasable · Equally suitable for right and left-handers Box Barrel colour / Ref. No. Case Gift case for ID Fountain pen or ID Duo (without writing instrument) Barcode Pack 169208 1 169211 1 169254 1 169308 1 169311 1 169354 1 9948 1 Display 16 × 18 × 32.2 cm 12 × ID Fountain pens 301762 (9 × FH B black/chrome; 1 × FH L black/chrome; 1 each × FH B black/lemon, black/purple) 1 Ref. No. 301762 ID Duo · Duo cartridge roller - highlighter with award-winning design · Ergonomically shaped grip zone with rubberised soft surface · With erasable royal blue roller cartridge 852 and yellow highlighter cartridge 142 · Both cartridges are replaceable Box Display 12 × ID Duo Barrel colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 188205 1 16 × 18 × 32.2 cm 301772 1 Ref. No. 301772 44 Fountain pens and Cartridge rollerballs Gift cases · Elegantly shaped gift cases · For 1 writing instrument · Two stable transparent plastic halves that can be opened and closed in the middle · Packed in a neutral single box · Thermo-formed insert for Contrast, Haptify, Slider Rave, Slider Memo, Pulse, Breeze, Base Ball and others = Ref. No. 9946 · Thermo-formed insert for ID ballpoint pen and ID mechanical pencil = Ref. No. 9947 · Thermo-formed insert for the ID fountain pen and ID Duo, Base Senso, Base Kid, Base and others = Ref. No. 9948 Case Ref. No. Barcode Pack Gift case for Contrast (without writing instrument) 9946 1 Gift case for ID Ballpoint pen (without writing instrument) 9947 1 Gift case for ID Fountain pen or ID Duo (without writing instrument) 9948 1 Ref. No. 9946 Ref. No. 9947 Ref. No. 9948 Fountain pens and Cartridge rollerballs 45 Base · Fountain pen with ergonomically rubberised grip profile · High-quality stainless steel nib with iridium tip M · Standard erasable royal blue ink cartridges · Robust, chrome-plated metal clip · L-version for left-handed persons Box Barrel colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 160233 1 160239 1 160433 1 160439 1 Display 16 × 18 × 32.2 cm 12 × Base 301642 (7 × FH M blue; 4 × FH M violet; 1 × FH L blue) 1 Ref. No. 301642 Base Uni Box Barrel colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 160201 1 160203 1 160249 1 160401 1 160403 1 Display 16 × 18 × 32.2 cm 12 × Base 302021 (4 each × black, blue, white) 1 Ref. No. 302021 46 Fountain pens and Cartridge rollerballs Inx Sportive New · Fountain pen with high-quality stainless steel nib with iridium tip M · Cartridge roller with stainless steel tip · Standard ink cartridge, royal blue, erasable · Equally suitable for right and left-handers Box Barrel colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 167634 10 187324 10 Display 16 × 18 × 32.2 cm 17 × Inx Sportive Fountain pens 301902 (17 × green) 1 17 × Inx Sportive Rollerballs (17 × green) 301922 1 Ref. No. 301902 Voyage · Fountain pen with reinforced steel nib M · Cartridge roller with stainless steel tip · Standard ink cartridge, royal blue, erasable Box Barrel colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 161109 10 161111 10 187609 10 187611 10 Display 16 × 18 × 32.2 cm 30 × Voyage Fountain pens 301602 (18 × green; 12 × pink) 1 30 × Voyage Rollerballs (18 × green; 12 × pink) 301622 1 Ref. No. 301602 Fountain pens and Cartridge rollerballs 47 Zippi New · Fountain pen and cartridge roller in miniature format · Fountain pen with reinforced steel nib M · Cartridge roller with stainless steel tip · Standard ink cartridge, royal blue, erasable · Equally suitable for right and left-handers Box Barrel colour / Ref. No. Barcode 168923 10 168924 10 168929 10 187533 10 187534 10 187539 10 Display 16 × 18 × 32.2 cm 40 × Zippi Fountain pens 301942 (14 × blue; 13 each × green, pink) 40 × Zippi Rollerballs (14 × blue; 13 each × green, pink) Pack 301962 48 Fountain pens and Cartridge rollerballs 1 1 Ref. No. 301942 Easy · Fountain pen with reinforced steel nib M · Cartridge roller with stainless steel tip · Equally suitable for right and left-handers · Rubberised grip profile Box Barrel colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 162003 10 162009 10 187403 10 187419 10 Display 16 × 18 × 32.2 cm 30 × Easy Fountain pens 301522 (18 × blue; 12 × pink) 1 30 × Easy Rollerballs (18 × blue; 12 × pink) 301542 1 Ref. No. 301522 Voice · Fountain pen with reinforced steel nib M · Cartridge roller with stainless steel tip · Equally suitable for right and left-handers · Rubberised grip profile Box Barrel colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 160053 10 160054 10 187153 10 187154 10 Display 16 × 18 × 32.2 cm 30 × Voice Fountain pens 301562 (18 × silver; 12 × gold) 1 30 × Voice Rollerballs (18 × silver; 12 × gold) 301582 1 Ref. No. 301562 Fountain pens and Cartridge rollerballs 49 Corry · Ink eraser for royal blue ink · Fine or large erasing with conical tip · The blue tip overwrites with a fine and clean line Box Display 60 × Corry Barrel colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 6940 50 13 × 5.5 × 26.5 cm 2708 1 Ref. No. 2708 Ink cartridges · Standard ink cartridges with ball closure · Suitable for Schneider and many other fountain pens and cartridge rollers · Royal blue ink, erasable Box of 6 pcs. Ink Colour / Ref. No. Glass of 30 pcs. Barcode 6601 50 6602 10 6603 50 6604 10 Ink Colour / Ref. No. Barcode 6600 Glass of 100 pcs. Pack Ink Colour / Ref. No. Pack 24 Barcode 6610 Pack 6 Highlighter cartridge 142 · Highlighter cartridge with yellow luminous ink for ID Duo · Line width about 2 mm · Intensive, light resistant colour · Liquid-Ink technology with visible ink level and ink regulator Box of 3 pcs. Ink Colour / Ref. No. Barcode 114205 50 Fountain pens and Cartridge rollerballs Pack 10 Roller cartridges 852 · For Schneider Breeze, Breeze Neon, Base Senso, Base Ball and ID Duo and for the models of other manufacturers · Package with 5 cartridges · Quick-drying, smudge proof · Royal blue ink is erasable · Black and royal blue inks are smudge proof when highlighting it · Liquid-Ink technology with visible ink level and ink regulator · Consistent ink flow from start to finish Box of 5 pcs. Ink Colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 185201 10 185202 10 185203 30 185204 10 185209 10 185211 10 185214 10 Ref. No. 185203 Spare nibs · Nib for Base Kid (until 2005) and Base Box Ref. No. Barcode Pack 6142 6 6144 6 6145 6 6146 6 · Nib for Base Kid (after 2005), 4me und ID Box Ref. No. Barcode Pack 161700 6 161701 6 161702 6 161706 6 Fountain pens and Cartridge rollerballs 51 52 Rollerballs Rollerballs Liquid Ink - something familiar to each one of us since we first began to write. Different ball points and ink formulas are called for the intended usage and the line width, but also for writing comfort. The highlight is the patented hybrid tip, with an elastically mounted plastic ball bed coated and stabilised with a stainless steel tube. The name Xtra stands for rollerballs with innovative liquid ink technology. The liquid ink is stored in the reservoir. This allows for a higher filling quantity, and nothing remains in the fibres. The regulator system compensates for temperature and air pressure fluctuations and avoids ink smearing. At the same time it guarantees an even ink flow from beginning to end. Rollerballs 53 Xtra Document · Rollerball with innovative Liquid-Ink technology · Waterproof according to ISO 14145-2 · Consistent ink flow from start to finish · Conical tip made of wear-resistant stainless steel · Large ink reservoir with level indicator · Cap-off ink does not run dry even if the cap is removed for 2-3 days · Ergonomic, rubberised grip zone · High-quality metal clip Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. Wallet 4 × Xtra Document 0.6 (black, red, blue, green) Pack 180101 10 180102 10 180103 10 180104 10 180001 10 180002 10 180003 10 180004 10 180008 10 180094 1/50 Display 16 × 18 × 32.2 cm 30 × Xtra Document 0.3 300052 (12 each × blue, black; 3 each × red, green) 30 × Xtra Document 0.6 300062 (12 each × blue, black; 3 each × red, green) 54 Rollerballs Barcode 1 1 Ref. No. 300062 Xtra Hybrid · Rollerball with innovative Liquid-Ink technology · Consistent ink flow from start to finish · Hybrid tube tip made of wear-resistant stainless steel is covered with elastic plastic on the inside · Writes especially smoothly · Large ink reservoir with level indicator · Cap-off ink does not run dry even if the cap is removed for 2-3 days · Ergonomic, rubberised grip zone · High-quality metal clip Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 181701 10 181702 10 181703 10 181704 10 181601 10 181602 10 181603 10 181604 10 Display 16 × 18 × 32.2 cm 30 × Xtra Hybrid 0.3 300072 (12 each × blue, black; 3 each × red, green) 30 × Xtra Hybrid 0.5 300082 (12 each × blue, black; 3 each × red, green) 1 1 Ref. No. 300082 Rollerballs 55 Xtra 803 · Rollerball with innovative Liquid-Ink technology · Consistent ink flow from start to finish · Line width about 0.3 mm · Tube tip made of wear-resistant stainless steel · Large ink reservoir with level indicator · Cap-off ink does not run dry even if the cap is removed for 2-3 days · Stable metal clip Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 180301 10 180302 10 180303 10 180304 10 Xtra 805 · Rollerball with innovative Liquid-Ink technology · Consistent ink flow from start to finish · Line width about 0.5 mm · Tube tip made of wear-resistant stainless steel · Large ink reservoir with level indicator · Cap-off ink does not run dry even if the cap is removed for 2-3 days · Stable metal clip Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. 56 Rollerballs Barcode Pack 8051 10 8052 10 8053 10 8054 10 Xtra 823 · Rollerball with innovative Liquid-Ink technology · Consistent ink flow from start to finish · Line width about 0.3 mm · Conical tube tip made of wear-resistant stainless steel · Large ink reservoir with level indicator · Cap-off ink does not run dry even if the cap is removed for 2-3 days · Stable metal clip Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 8231 10 8232 10 8233 10 8234 10 Xtra 825 · Rollerball with innovative Liquid-Ink technology · Consistent ink flow from start to finish · Line width about 0.5 mm · Tube tip made of wear-resistant stainless steel · Large ink reservoir with level indicator · Cap-off ink does not run dry even if the cap is removed for 2-3 days · Stable metal clip Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 182501 10 182502 10 182503 10 182504 10 Rollerballs 57 Topball 847 · Rollerball with a conical tip made of plastic · Line width about 0.5 mm · Elastically supported ball rolls especially smoothly · Cap-off ink does not run dry even if the cap is removed for 2-3 days · Barrel parts made from anti-evaporation PP for long-term shelf-life Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 8471 10 8472 10 8473 10 8474 10 Topball 845 · Rollerball for ultra fine writing · Conical tip made of wear-resistant stainless steel · Line width about 0.3 mm · Cap-off ink does not run dry even if the cap is removed for 2-3 days · Barrel parts made from anti-evaporation PP for long-term shelf-life Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. 58 Rollerballs Barcode Pack 184501 10 184502 10 184503 10 184504 10 Topball 857 · Rollerball with conical metal tip · Ink does not run dry even if the cap is removed for 2-3 days · Barrel parts made from anti-evaporation PP for long-term shelf-life Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 8571 10 8572 10 8573 10 8574 10 Topball 811 · Rollerball with European size Topball 850 refill · Conical tip made of wear-resistant stainless steel · Ink does not run dry even if the cap is removed for 2-3 days Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 8111 10 8112 10 8113 10 8114 10 Refill Topball 850 · European size rollerball refill · Ink does not run dry even if the cap is removed for 2-3 days · Wear-resistant stainless steel tip · Refill for Topball 811 and other European size rollerballs Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 8501 10 8502 10 8503 10 8504 10 Rollerballs 59 60 Fineliners Fineliner / /Fibrepens Fibrepens Fineliners Due to continuous further development, Schneider has enhanced the proven technique. Ink, reservoir and tip are ideally tailored physically to one another to produce an even line. The fine tips are stabilised with a stainless steel tube that helps when working with a ruler and template. The cap-off ink does not run dry, even if the cap of the writing instrument is removed for 2 or 3 days. The Xpress is the new premium fineliner. Its strongly expressive form already promises a great deal. The easy flow of ink and the completely rubberised barrel ensure comfortable writing enjoyment. The waterproof ink according to ISO ink standard 14145-2 is water-based and guarantees permanent notes. Fineliners Fineliner / Fibrepens 61 Xpress · Premium fineliner for expressive and striking writing · Line width about 0.8 mm · Waterproof ink according to ISO 14145-2 · Ergonomic shape and rubberised surface · Metal-encased writing tip · Suitable for use with rulers and templates · Cap-off ink does not run dry even if the cap is removed for 2-3 days · Wonderfully smooth and gliding writing · Cap with high-quality metal clip Box 62 Fineliners Ink Colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 190001 10 190002 10 190003 10 190004 10 190008 10 190009 10 Xpress Wallets Wallet Ref. No. Barcode Pack 3 × Xpress (black, red, blue) 190093 1/10 3 × Xpress (light green, violet, pink) 190095 1/10 Ref. No. 190093 Xpress Display Display 16 × 18 × 32.2 cm Ref. No. 30 × Xpress 300122 (9 each × blue, black; 3 each × red, light green, violet, pink) Barcode Pack 1 Ref. No. 300122 Fineliners 63 Topliner 967 · Fineliner with metal-encased writing tip · For fine and exact writing, line width about 0.4 mm · Suitable for use with rulers and templates · Cap-off ink does not run dry even if the cap is removed for 2-3 days · Barrel parts made from anti-evaporation PP for long-term shelf-life Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 9671 10 9672 10 9673 10 9674 10 196705 10 196706 10 196707 10 196708 10 196709 10 196714 10 196794 1/10 6 × Topliner 967 (red, pink, violet, blue, green, black) 196796 1/10 10 × Topliner 967 (yellow, orange, red, pink, violet, blue, light blue, green, brown, black) 196790 1/10 Wallet 4 × Topliner 967 (black, red, blue, green) 64 Fineliners Ref. No. 196790 Topwriter 147 · Fibrepen with permanent hard-fibre tip · Line width about 0.6 mm · Cap-off ink does not run dry even if the cap is removed for 2-3 days · Barrel parts made from anti-evaporation PP for long-term shelf-life · For comfortable and striking writing Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 1471 10 1472 10 1473 10 1474 10 Topwriter 157 · Fibrepen with broad tip · Line width about 0.8 mm · Cap-off ink does not run dry even if the cap is removed for 2-3 days · Barrel parts made from anti-evaporation PP for long-term shelf-life · For strong and striking writing Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 115701 10 115702 10 115703 10 115704 10 Fibrepens 65 66 Markers Markers Schneider offers solutions for all kinds of applications: highlighters, permanent markers, combination markers for whiteboards and flipcharts, universal permanent and non-permanent markers, paint markers, chalk markers and more. All of them in different colors and line widths. The best quality for the application, safety of the inks used and the protection of resources are prime objectives of development. There are easy refill systems available for almost all markers. Major improvements were achieved with the combined markers for whiteboards and flipcharts. More ink increases the output and creates more visibility. Yet the combined marker works without limitations - writing can be erased from whiteboards without residue and on flipcharts the ink does not seep through the pages underneath. The new highlighter Job combines high performance with beauty. In 2013 its contemporary clear and minimalist design was awarded the prestigious iF and reddot design awards. Markers 67 Job · Smart highlighter for brilliant results · Chisel tip for line widths 1 + 5 mm · Universal ink for standard, copy and fax paper · Intensive colours, light-resistant ink · Refillable with Refill station Maxx 660 · Barrel parts made from anti-evaporation PP for long-term shelf-life · Cap with practical clip · Awarded the iF and reddot design award Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 1502 10 1503 10 1504 10 1505 10 1506 10 1509 10 1500 1/10 6 × Job (yellow, orange, pink, red, green, blue) 115096 1/30 8 × Job (2 × yellow, 1 × orange, 1 × pink, 1 × red, 1 × blue, 2 × green) 115088 1/20 Wallet 4 × Job (yellow, orange, pink, green) 68 Highlighters Ref. No. 115088 Job Displays Display 23 × 13.5 × 80 cm Ref. No. Barcode 120 × Job 301371 (40 × yellow; 20 each × green, orange, pink; 10 each × blue, red) Pack 1 Display 16 × 18 × 32.2 cm 35 × Job 301362 (14 × yellow; 7 × green; 4 each × orange, pink; 3 each × blue, red) 1 Ref. No. 301362 Ref. No. 301371 Refill station Maxx 660 · Refill station for highlighter Job · Content: 30 ml · Put the marker onto the station: it will be refilled automatically · Excessive refilling is not possible Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 166002 6 166003 6 166004 6 166005 6 166006 6 166009 6 Highlighters 69 Maxx Eco 115 · Highlighter with chisel tip · Line widths 1 + 5 mm · Very simple quick-refill system with cartridge Maxx Eco 666 · Universal ink for standard, copy and fax paper · Intensive colours, light-resistant ink · Cap with practical clip Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 111502 10 111503 10 111504 10 111505 10 111506 10 111509 10 Cartridge Maxx Eco 666 · Cartridge for simple and clean refilling of Maxx Eco 115 · Package with 3 cartridges · Every cartridge replaces a new marker · Very simple quick-refill system Box of 3 pcs. Ink Colour / Ref. No. 70 Highlighters Barcode Pack 6662 10 6663 10 6664 10 6665 10 6666 10 6669 10 Xtra Highlighter · Highlighter pocket model with innovative Liquid-Ink-technology · Consistent ink flow from start to finish · Chisel tip for line widths 1 + 4 mm · Universal ink for standard, copy and fax paper · Intensive, light-resistant and water-based ink · Large ink reservoir with level indicator · Ergonomic, rubberised grip zone Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 114004 10 114005 10 114006 10 114009 10 Display 16 × 18 × 32.2 cm 30 × Xtra Highlighter 300092 (15 × yellow; 5 each × green, orange, pink) 1 Ref. No. 300092 Highlighters 71 Maxx 130, Maxx 133 · Permanent marker with bullet tip and chisel tip · For cardboard, paper, plastic, glass, wood, metal, etc. · Quick-drying, light and water resistant · Odourless ink without addition of Toluol and Xylol · Ink does not run dry even if the cap is removed for 2-3 days · Refillable with Refill station Maxx 640 · Cap with practical clip Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. Wallet 4 × Maxx 130 (black, red, blue, green) 4 × Maxx 133 (black, red, blue, green) 72 Permanent markers Barcode Pack 113001 10 113002 10 113003 10 113004 10 113005 10 113006 10 113007 10 113008 10 113301 10 113302 10 113303 10 113304 10 113305 10 113306 10 113307 10 113308 10 113094 1/10 113394 1/10 Maxx 230, Maxx 233 · Permanent marker with aluminium barrel · For cardboard, paper, plastic, glass, wood, metal, etc. · Quick-drying, light and water resistant · Odourless ink without addition of Toluol and Xylol · Ink does not run dry even if the cap is removed for 2-3 days · Refillable with ink bottle Maxx 650 · Cap with practical clip Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 123001 10 123002 10 123003 10 123004 10 123301 10 123302 10 123303 10 123304 10 Maxx 240 · Slim permanent marker · Line widths 1 - 2 mm · For cardboard, paper, plastic, glass, wood, metal, etc. · Quick-drying, light and water resistant · Odourless ink without addition of Toluol and Xylol · Ink does not run dry even if the cap is removed for 2-3 days · Cap with practical clip Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 124001 10 124002 10 124003 10 124004 10 Permanent markers 73 Maxx 250 New · Permanent marker with chisel tip · Line widths 2 + 7 mm · For cardboard, paper, plastic, glass, wood, metal, etc. · More ink for a higher output · Quick-drying, light and water resistant · Odourless ink without addition of Toluol and Xylol · Ink does not run dry even if the cap is removed for 2-3 days · Refillable with ink bottle Maxx 669 · Cap with practical clip Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 125001 10 125002 10 125003 10 125004 10 Maxx 280 · Permanent marker with chisel tip · Line widths 4 + 12 mm · For cardboard, paper, plastic, glass, wood, metal, etc. · Quick-drying, light and water resistant · Odourless ink without addition of Toluol and Xylol · Ink does not run dry even if the cap is removed for 2-3 days · Refillable with Refill station Maxx 650 Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. 74 Permanent markers Barcode Pack 128001 5 128002 5 128003 5 128004 5 Refill station Maxx 640 · Refill station for refilling the permanent markers Maxx 130 and Maxx 133 · Content: 30 ml · Put the marker onto the station: it will be refilled automatically · Excessive refilling is not possible Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 164001 6 164002 6 164003 6 164004 6 Refill station Maxx 669 New · Refill station for permanent marker Maxx 250 · Content: 30 ml · Put the marker onto the station: it will be refilled automatically · Excessive refilling is not possible Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 166901 6 166902 6 166903 6 166904 6 Refill bottle Maxx 650 · Refill ink for permanent markers Maxx 230, Maxx 233, Maxx 250 and Maxx 280 · Content: 50 ml · With drop dosage attachment and filling level indicator Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 165001 6 165002 6 165003 6 165004 6 Permanent markers 75 Maxx 220 S · Universal permanent marker · Fineliner tip S approx. 0.4 mm · For films, plastic, glass, metal, etc. · Quick-drying, light and water resistant · Odourless ink without addition of Toluol and Xylol · Ink does not run dry even if the cap is removed for 2-3 days · Refillable with Refill station Maxx 645 · Cap with practical clip Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. Wallet 4 × Maxx 220 S (black, red, blue, green) Barcode Pack 112401 10 112402 10 112403 10 112404 10 112494 1/40 Maxx 222 F · Universal permanent marker · Bullet tip F approx. 0.7 mm · For films, plastic, glass, metal, etc. · Quick-drying, light and water resistant · Odourless ink without addition of Toluol and Xylol · Ink does not run dry even if the cap is removed for 2-3 days · Refillable with Refill station Maxx 645 · Cap with practical clip Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 112201 10 112202 10 112203 10 112204 10 112294 1/40 6 × Maxx 222 F 112296 (black, red, blue, green, orange, violet) 1/40 Wallet 4 × Maxx 222 F (black, red, blue, green) 76 Universal markers permanent Maxx 224 M · Universal permanent marker · Bullet tip M approx. 1.0 mm · For films, plastic, glass, metal, etc. · Quick-drying, light and water resistant · Odourless ink without addition of Toluol and Xylol · Ink does not run dry even if the cap is removed for 2-3 days · Refillable with Refill station Maxx 645 · Cap with practical clip Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 1201 10 1202 10 1203 10 1204 10 1208 1/40 6 × Maxx 224 M 1200 (black, red, blue, green, orange, violet) 1/40 Wallet 4 × Maxx 224 M (black, red, blue, green) Refill station Maxx 645 · Refill station for refilling black universal permanent markers · Content: 30 ml · Put the marker onto the station: it will be refilled automatically · Excessive refilling is not possible Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. 164501 Barcode Pack 6 Universal markers permanent 77 Maxx 221 S · Universal non-permanent marker · Fineliner tip S approx. 0.4 mm · For films, plastic, glass, metal, etc. · Quick-drying, intensive colours · Can be wiped off using a moist cloth · Odourless ink without addition of Toluol and Xylol · Cap with practical clip Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. Wallet 4 × Maxx 221 S (black, red, blue, green) Barcode Pack 112501 10 112502 10 112503 10 112504 10 112594 1/40 Maxx 223 F · Universal non-permanent marker · Bullet tip F approx. 0.7 mm · For films, plastic, glass, metal, etc. · Quick-drying, intensive colours · Can be wiped off using a moist cloth · Odourless ink without addition of Toluol and Xylol · Cap with practical clip Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. Wallet 4 × Maxx 223 F (black, red, blue, green) Barcode Pack 112301 10 112302 10 112303 10 112304 10 112394 1/40 78 Universal markers non permanent Maxx 225 M · Universal non-permanent marker · Bullet tip M approx. 1.0 mm · For films, plastic, glass, metal, etc. · Quick-drying, intensive colours · Can be wiped off using a moist cloth · Odourless ink without addition of Toluol and Xylol · Cap with practical clip Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. Wallet 4 × Maxx 225 M (black, red, blue, green) Barcode Pack 1211 10 1212 10 1213 10 1214 10 1218 1/40 Universal markers non permanent 79 Maxx 290, Maxx 293 New · Combined marker for whiteboards and flipcharts · Writing can be erased from whiteboards without residue · On flipcharts the ink does not seep through the pages underneath · Quick-drying, intensive colours · More ink increases the output and creates more visibility · Cap-off ink does not run dry even if the cap is removed for 2-3 days · Refillable with Refill station Maxx 665 · New tip for pleasantly smooth writing without scratching Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. Wallet 4 × Maxx 290 (black, red, blue, green) 4 × Maxx 293 (black, red, blue, green) Barcode Pack 129001 10 129002 10 129003 10 129004 10 129301 10 129302 10 129303 10 129304 10 129094 1/30 129394 1/30 Ref. No. 129001 80 Whiteboard and flipchart markers Maxx Eco 110 · Combined marker for whiteboards and flipcharts · Bullet tip for line widths 1 - 3 mm · Very simple quick-refill system with cartridge Maxx Eco 655 · Writing can be erased from whiteboards without residue · On flipcharts the ink does not seep through the pages underneath · Cap-off ink does not run dry even if the cap is removed for 2-3 days · Odourless ink without addition of Toluol and Xylol · Cap with practical clip Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. Wallet 4 × Maxx Eco 110 (black, red, blue, green) Barcode Pack 111001 10 111002 10 111003 10 111004 10 111094 1/30 Whiteboard-Kit Maxx Eco 110 · Board cleaner with a Maxx Eco 110 marker and Maxx Eco 655 cartridge for each colour Box Ref. No. 1 × Whiteboard-Kit 111098 (1 each × Maxx Eco 110 black, red, blue, green; 1 each × cartridge Maxx Eco 655 black, red, blue, green; 1 × Board cleaner) Barcode Pack 1/10 Whiteboard and flipchart markers 81 Cartridge Maxx Eco 655 · Cartridge for whiteboard and flipchart marker Maxx Eco 110 marker · Package with 3 cartridges · Every cartridge replaces a new marker · Very simple quick-refill system Box of 3 pcs. Ink Colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 165501 10 165502 10 165503 10 165504 10 Refill station Maxx 665 New · Refill station for combination markers Maxx 290 and 293 · Content: 30 ml · Put the marker onto the station: it will be refilled automatically · Excessive refilling is not possible Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 166501 6 166502 6 166503 6 166504 6 82 Whiteboard and flipchart markers Sponge Maxx 296 New · Microfiber sponge for dry cleaning of whiteboards · Removes ink (writing) reliably, gently and fast · Ideal in combination with the Maxx Cleaner for whiteboards Box 1 × Sponge Maxx 296 Ref. No. Barcode 129601 Pack 10 Maxx Cleaner New · Special cleaner for whiteboards · Removes whiteboard marker ink residue-free and without smearing · Ideal in combination with the Maxx 296 microfiber sponge Box 1 × Maxx Cleaner Ref. No. 129801 Barcode Pack 1 Whiteboard and flipchart markers 83 Maxx 244 - CD marker · Permanent marker for data-proof labelling of CDs, DVDs and BD surfaces · Gentle tip, line width about 0.7 mm · Quick-drying, light and water resistant · Odourless ink without addition of Toluol and Xylol · Cap-off ink does not run dry even if the cap is removed for 2-3 days Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 124401 10 124402 10 124403 10 Display 16 × 18 × 32.2 cm 30 × Maxx 244 300012 (18 × black; 6 each × blue, red) 1 Ref. No. 300012 Maxx 246 - Erasable marker New · Non-permanent marker for pupils · To write on plastic wallets, wipe clean books and other smooth surfaces like lamination sheets and folders · line width about 0.7 mm · Quick-drying, intensive colours · Can be wiped off using a damp cloth Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. Pack 124601 10 124602 10 124603 10 124604 10 Display 16 × 18 × 32.2 cm 60 × Maxx 246 301801 (25 each × black, blue; 6 × red; 4 × green) 84 Special markers Barcode 1 Ref. No. 301801 Maxx 248 - Laundry marker · Laundry marker · For wash and boil-proof labelling for almost all textiles · Line width about 1.0 mm · Intensive and light resistant ink · Odourless ink without addition of Toluol and Xylol Blister card Ink Colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 72481 10 Maxx 249 - Money Checker · Money checker · Genuine note - ink vanishes completely or leaves a clear mark · A potential forged note - the ink will turn into a brown to grey colour · Suitable for almost all currencies · Exceptions known at present: Canadian, Australian and New Zealand Dollar, Chinese Yuan · Potentially forged notes should be checked with an additional device such as a bank note testing machine Blister card Ink Colour / Ref. No. 124900 Barcode Pack 10 Special markers 85 Maxx 260 - Chalk marker · Chalk marker with block tip 5 + 15 mm · For labelling and decorating windows and other closed surfaces · Can be wiped off almost all smooth surfaces with a moist cloth · Can also be used on rough or absorbent media but cannot be wiped off again · Low odour, paint-like liquid chalk, water-based Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. Pack 126001 5 126002 5 126005 5 126006 5 126009 5 126010 5 126011 5 126049 5 Display 23 × 18.5 × 40 cm 12 × Maxx 260 2792 (3 each × white, yellow; 2 × pink; 1 each × black, orange, light blue, light green); 15 × Maxx 265 (4 × white; 3 × yellow; 2 each × orange, pink, light blue, light green) 86 Liquid chalk markers Barcode 1 Maxx 265 - Chalk marker · Chalk marker with bullet tip 2 - 3 mm · For labelling and decorating windows and other closed surfaces · Can be wiped off almost all smooth surfaces with a moist cloth · Can also be used on rough or absorbent media but cannot be wiped off again · Low odour, paint-like liquid chalk, water-based Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 126505 10 126506 10 126509 10 126510 10 126511 10 126549 10 Display 23 × 18.5 × 40 cm 12 × Maxx 260 2792 (3 each × white, yellow; 2 × pink; 1 each × black, orange, light blue, light green); 15 × Maxx 265 (4 × white; 3 × yellow; 2 each × orange, pink, light blue, light green) 1 Liquid chalk markers 87 Maxx 270 · Paint marker for labelling and decorating · For almost any type of material, such as paper, plastic, glass, metal, leather, rubber, etc. · With bullet tip 1 - 3 mm · Very good adhesion and abrasion resistance on smooth and rough surfaces · High coverage, light-resistant, water and weather-resistant · Heat-resistant up to 300°C · Resistant to many etching and washing procedures · Valve-controlled ink flow · Without toluene and xylene · Marker shrink wrapped individually in plastic film · Replaceable tip Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. 88 Paint markers Barcode Pack 127001 10 127002 10 127003 10 127004 10 127005 10 127006 10 127007 10 127009 10 127049 10 127053 10 127054 10 Maxx 271 · Paint marker for labelling and decorating · For almost any type of material, such as paper, plastic, glass, metal, leather, rubber, etc. · With bullet tip for medium line widths 1 - 2 mm · Very good adhesion and abrasion resistance on smooth and rough surfaces · High coverage, light-resistant, water and weather-resistant · Heat-resistant up to 300°C · Resistant to many etching and washing procedures · Valve-controlled ink flow · Without toluene and xylene · Marker shrink wrapped individually in plastic film Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 127101 10 127102 10 127103 10 127104 10 127105 10 127149 10 127153 10 127154 10 Display 23 × 16 × 40 cm 40 × Maxx 271 2791 (10 each × gold, white; 5 each × silver, black, red, blue); 40 × Maxx 278 (20 × gold; 10 × silver; 10 × white) Display 36 × 16 × 38.5 cm Display for Christmas 2616 40 × Maxx 271 (24 × gold; 10 × 271 silver; 6 × white); 40 × Maxx 278 (24 × gold; 10 × silver; 6 × white) 1 1 Ref. No. 2616 Paint markers 89 Maxx 278 · Paint marker for labelling and decorating · For almost any type of material, such as paper, plastic, glass, metal, leather, rubber, etc. · Fine line width about 0.8 mm · Very good adhesion and abrasion resistance on smooth and rough surfaces · High coverage, light-resistant, water and weather-resistant. · Heat-resistant up to 300°C · Resistant to many etching and washing procedures · Valve-controlled ink flow · Without toluene and xylene · Marker shrink wrapped individually in plastic film Box Ink Colour / Ref. No. Pack 127801 10 127849 10 127853 10 127854 10 Display 23 × 16 × 40 cm 40 × Maxx 271 2791 (10 each × gold, white; 5 each × silver, black, red, blue); 40 × Maxx 278 (20 × gold; 10 × silver; 10 × white) Display 36 × 16 × 38.5 cm Display for Christmas 2616 40 × Maxx 271 (24 × gold; 10 × 271 silver; 6 × white); 40 × Maxx 278 (24 × gold; 10 × silver; 6 × white) 90 Paint markers Barcode 1 1 Ref. No. 2616 Weatherproof Wipefast Laundry, textiles Whiteboard Waterproof Wash resistant Dry erase Water based ink Alcohol based ink Dries quickly Ink doesn't bleed through Permanent Non-permanent Refillable Light resistant Cap off ink Odourless Extremely light resistant (black) Blackboard Low odour Opaque Concrete, stone Wet erase Etch resistance (circuit board layouts) Marker characteristics Bank notes Product information marker Highlighter Job, Xtra Highlighter, Maxx Eco 115 Permanent marker Maxx 130, 133, 230, 233, 240, 250, 280 Universal permanent marker Maxx 220 S, 222 F, 224 M Universal non permanent marker Maxx 221 S, 223 F, 225 M Whiteboard and flipchart marker Maxx 290, 293, Maxx Eco 110 Paintmarker Maxx 270, 271, 278 CD, DVD and BD marker Maxx 244 Laundry marker Maxx 248 Money Checker Maxx 249 Styrofoam Radiographic and micro films Tyres Porcelain, ceramics, glass Paper, light carton Paper, dark carton Metal Leather Plastic Wood Rubber Frozen goods Film Flipchart Window glass Marking with markers CD, DVD, BD (upper surface) Liquid chalk marker Maxx 260, 265 Highlighter Job, Xtra Highlighter, Maxx Eco 115 Permanent marker Maxx 130, 133, 230, 233, 240, 250, 280 Universal permanent marker Maxx 220 S, 222 F, 224 M Universal non permanent marker Maxx 221 S, 223 F, 225 M Whiteboard and flipchart marker Maxx 290, 293, Maxx Eco 110 Paintmarker Maxx 270, 271, 278 CD, DVD and BD marker Maxx 244 Laundry marker Maxx 248 Money Checker Maxx 249 Liquid chalk marker Maxx 260, 265 This overview provides a rough collection of properties and applications of our markers. In individual cases we cannot guarantee the accuracy of promised features, since many of the technical parameters are beyond our control. For special applications that do not meet the standard according to usage (eg office, school, home, hobby), please ask for the most appropriate solution. In principle, for a good grip on (smooth) surfaces, a clean dry surface is necessary. Suitable Suitable to only a limited extent Product information marker 91 Graffix · Mechanical pencil with cylindrical refill tube · Line widths 0.3, 0.5 and 0.7 mm with ISO colour code · Cylindrical refill tube is retractable · Extra large eraser under the push-button · With rubberised grip zone · Metal clip and tip Box Barrel colour / Ref. No. Barcode Pack 156003 10 156103 10 156203 10 Pencil 556 · Mechanical pencil with conical refill tube · Pencil refills, HB, 0.5 mm, deep black · Conical refill tube is retractable · Minimised refill residue thanks to zero slider tube system · Eraser under the push-button · Rubberised barrel Box Barrel colour / Ref. No. Barcode 155601 Pack 10 Polymer refill · Polymer refills for standard and drawing paper · With ISO colour code · Lead hardness HB, smooth writing experience, deep black · Particularly break-resistant and easily erasable · Suitable for all mechanical pencils Box of 12 pcs. Ink Colour / Ref. No. 92 Mechanical pencils Barcode Pack 158114 12 158214 12 Universal displays · Unfilled acrylic display · With 3 compartments and individual backcard Display 13 × 5.5 × 26.5 cm Ref. No. Barcode Pack Highlighters 250601 3 Ballpoint pens 250603 3 Rollerballs 250604 3 Fineliner 250605 3 Permanent markers 250606 3 Fountain pens 250608 3 Cartridge rollerballs 250609 3 Boardmarkers 250610 3 Slider 250620 3 Ballpoint pens Tops 505 250621 1 Ref. No. 250603 Universal displays 93 Ref. No. 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1208 1211 1212 1213 1214 1218 1471 1472 1473 1474 1500 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1509 2616 2708 2777 2791 2792 3080 3081 3082 3083 3084 3151 3152 3153 3154 3271 3272 3273 3274 3401 3402 3403 4120 6142 6144 6145 6146 6600 6601 6602 6603 6604 6610 6662 6663 6664 6665 6666 6669 6940 7011 7012 7013 7014 7201 7202 7203 7204 7351 7352 7353 7361 7362 7363 7364 Barcode 4004675012005 4004675012012 4004675012029 4004675012036 4004675012043 4004675012081 4004675012111 4004675012128 4004675012135 4004675012142 4004675012180 4004675014719 4004675014726 4004675014733 4004675014740 4004675015006 4004675015020 4004675015037 4004675015044 4004675015051 4004675015068 4004675015099 4004675054319 4004675063489 4004675082275 4004675093301 4004675093318 4004675030801 4004675030818 4004675030825 4004675030832 4004675030849 4004675031518 4004675031525 4004675031532 4004675031549 4004675032713 4004675032720 4004675032737 4004675032744 4004675034014 4004675034021 4004675034038 4004675041203 4004675061423 4004675061447 4004675061454 4004675061461 4004675066008 4004675066015 4004675066022 4004675066039 4004675066046 4004675066107 4004675066626 4004675066633 4004675066640 4004675066657 4004675066664 4004675066695 4004675069405 4004675070111 4004675070128 4004675070135 4004675070142 4004675072016 4004675072023 4004675072030 4004675072047 4004675073518 4004675073525 4004675073532 4004675073617 4004675073624 4004675073631 4004675073648 Page 77 77 77 77 77 77 79 79 79 79 79 65 65 65 65 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 89, 90 50 31 89, 90 86, 87 27 27 27 27 27 26 26 26 26 22 22 22 22 20 20 20 26 51 51 51 51 50 50 50 50 50 50 70 70 70 70 70 70 50 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 Ref. No. 7371 7373 7501 7503 7511 7512 7513 7514 7519 7521 7523 7601 7603 7611 7612 7613 7614 7751 7753 7761 7762 7763 7764 8051 8052 8053 8054 8111 8112 8113 8114 8231 8232 8233 8234 8471 8472 8473 8474 8501 8502 8503 8504 8571 8572 8573 8574 9671 9672 9673 9674 9946 9947 9948 72481 78880 78883 78884 78889 101001 101002 101003 101004 103901 103902 103903 103904 111001 111002 111003 111004 111094 111098 111502 111503 111504 Barcode 4004675073716 4004675073730 4004675075017 4004675075031 4004675075116 4004675075123 4004675075130 4004675075147 4004675075192 4004675075215 4004675075239 4004675076014 4004675076038 4004675076113 4004675076120 4004675076137 4004675076144 4004675077516 4004675077530 4004675077615 4004675077622 4004675077639 4004675077646 4004675080516 4004675080523 4004675080530 4004675080547 4004675081117 4004675081124 4004675081131 4004675081148 4004675082312 4004675082329 4004675082336 4004675082343 4004675084712 4004675084729 4004675084736 4004675084743 4004675085016 4004675085023 4004675085030 4004675085047 4004675085719 4004675085726 4004675085733 4004675085740 4004675096715 4004675096722 4004675096739 4004675096746 4004675088499 4004675088505 4004675088550 4004675067760 4004675094384 4004675094414 4004675094445 4004675094476 4004675029294 4004675031945 4004675029324 4004675031969 4004675026958 4004675032799 4004675019257 4004675032836 4004675000972 4004675000989 4004675000996 4004675001009 4004675000828 4004675007575 4004675000859 4004675000866 4004675000873 Page 31 31 33 33 33 33 33 33 34 33 33 35 35 35 35 35 35 32 32 32 32 32 32 56 56 56 56 59 59 59 59 57 57 57 57 58 58 58 58 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 64 64 64 64 19, 45 19, 45 44, 45 85 43 43 43 43 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 81 81 81 81 81 81 70 70 70 Ref. No. 111505 111506 111509 112201 112202 112203 112204 112294 112296 112301 112302 112303 112304 112394 112401 112402 112403 112404 112494 112501 112502 112503 112504 112594 113001 113002 113003 113004 113005 113006 113007 113008 113094 113301 113302 113303 113304 113305 113306 113307 113308 113394 114004 114005 114006 114009 114205 115088 115096 115701 115702 115703 115704 123001 123002 123003 123004 123301 123302 123303 123304 124001 124002 124003 124004 124401 124402 124403 124601 124602 124603 124604 124900 125001 125002 125003 Barcode 4004675000880 4004675000897 4004675000903 4004675002341 4004675002372 4004675002402 4004675002433 4004675001900 4004675001825 4004675002525 4004675002556 4004675002587 4004675002617 4004675001924 4004675001986 4004675002013 4004675002044 4004675002075 4004675001948 4004675002167 4004675002198 4004675002228 4004675002259 4004675001962 4004675006370 4004675006400 4004675006431 4004675006462 4004675038098 4004675038128 4004675038159 4004675038180 4004675021533 4004675006493 4004675006523 4004675006554 4004675006585 4004675038555 4004675038586 4004675038616 4004675038647 4004675039200 4004675000491 4004675000507 4004675000514 4004675000521 4004675067692 4004675091901 4004675021359 4004675033215 4004675033246 4004675033277 4004675033307 4004675000019 4004675000026 4004675000033 4004675000040 4004675000095 4004675000101 4004675000118 4004675000125 4004675000170 4004675000187 4004675000194 4004675000200 4004675013316 4004675013347 4004675013378 4004675091185 4004675091215 4004675091246 4004675091277 4004675002785 4004675000255 4004675000262 4004675000279 Page 70 70 70 76 76 76 76 76 76 78 78 78 78 78 76 76 76 76 76 78 78 78 78 78 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 71 71 71 71 50 68 68 65 65 65 65 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 85 74 74 74 Ref. No. 125004 126001 126002 126005 126006 126009 126010 126011 126049 126505 126506 126509 126510 126511 126549 127001 127002 127003 127004 127005 127006 127007 127009 127049 127053 127054 127101 127102 127103 127104 127105 127149 127153 127154 127801 127849 127853 127854 128001 128002 128003 128004 129001 129002 129003 129004 129094 129301 129302 129303 129304 129394 129601 129801 130400 130401 130402 130403 130404 131801 131802 131803 131804 132000 132001 132002 132003 132004 132201 132208 132501 132502 132503 132504 132900 132901 Barcode 4004675000286 4004675005106 4004675005137 4004675005229 4004675005250 4004675005342 4004675005373 4004675005403 4004675005434 4004675007353 4004675007384 4004675007445 4004675007476 4004675007506 4004675007537 4004675009272 4004675009302 4004675009333 4004675009364 4004675009395 4004675014382 4004675027047 4004675027078 4004675009425 4004675009456 4004675009487 4004675021397 4004675027290 4004675027320 4004675027351 4004675027382 4004675009517 4004675009548 4004675009579 4004675038524 4004675009609 4004675009630 4004675009661 4004675000330 4004675000347 4004675000354 4004675000361 4004675000415 4004675000422 4004675000439 4004675000446 4004675000842 4004675011619 4004675011640 4004675011671 4004675011701 4004675011732 4004675094858 4004675094889 4004675069306 4004675069337 4004675069368 4004675069399 4004675069436 4004675067791 4004675067814 4004675067838 4004675067852 4004675010452 4004675010483 4004675010513 4004675010544 4004675025579 4004675072702 4004675072733 4004675080028 4004675080059 4004675080080 4004675088420 4004675038678 4004675038708 Page 74 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 87 87 87 87 87 87 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 90 90 90 90 74 74 74 74 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 83 83 25 25 25 25 25 21 21 21 21 23 23 23 23 23 21 21 12 12 12 12 24 24 Ref. No. 132902 132903 132904 135301 135303 135308 135311 135323 135501 135502 135503 135504 135580 135601 135602 135603 135604 138201 138210 139208 139211 139254 150201 150202 150203 150204 150206 150208 150209 150293 150501 150502 150503 150601 150602 150603 150604 150801 150802 150803 150804 151001 151002 151003 151101 151102 151103 151104 151201 151202 151203 151204 151206 151208 151209 151210 151211 151294 151297 151298 152001 152002 152003 152101 152102 152103 152104 152201 152202 152203 152204 152205 152206 152207 152208 152209 Barcode 4004675038753 4004675038784 4004675038814 4004675088161 4004675088192 4004675088222 4004675088260 4004675088291 4004675027924 4004675027931 4004675027948 4004675027955 4004675042019 4004675093592 4004675093622 4004675093653 4004675093684 4004675071507 4004675071514 4004675062741 4004675062765 4004675062789 4004675064202 4004675064226 4004675064240 4004675064264 4004675065186 4004675065209 4004675065223 4004675065445 4004675004529 4004675004543 4004675004567 4004675004581 4004675004604 4004675004628 4004675004642 4004675080806 4004675080813 4004675080820 4004675080837 4004675043795 4004675043825 4004675043856 4004675043887 4004675043917 4004675043948 4004675043979 4004675044006 4004675044037 4004675044075 4004675054708 4004675054104 4004675054135 4004675054166 4004675054197 4004675054227 4004675054746 4004675054760 4004675054784 4004675075635 4004675075666 4004675075697 4004675075727 4004675075758 4004675075789 4004675075819 4004675075840 4004675075871 4004675075901 4004675075932 4004675092984 4004675075963 4004675093011 4004675075994 4004675076052 Page 24 24 24 20 20 20 20 20 22 22 22 22 22 24 24 24 24 19 19 19 19 19 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 Ref. No. 152210 152211 152290 152294 152298 155601 156003 156103 156203 158114 158214 160053 160054 160201 160203 160233 160239 160249 160401 160403 160433 160439 161109 161111 161700 161701 161702 161706 162003 162009 162873 162879 162973 162979 164001 164002 164003 164004 164501 165001 165002 165003 165004 165501 165502 165503 165504 166002 166003 166004 166005 166006 166009 166501 166502 166503 166504 166901 166902 166903 166904 167634 167711 167712 167713 168923 168924 168929 169208 169211 169254 169308 169311 169354 175501 175502 Barcode 4004675076083 4004675076151 4004675093288 4004675076182 4004675076656 4004675029812 4004675029553 4004675029584 4004675029614 4004675029997 4004675030016 4004675086167 4004675086181 4004675056474 4004675063144 4004675086204 4004675086228 4004675056511 4004675056498 4004675063168 4004675086242 4004675086266 4004675086419 4004675086433 4004675045607 4004675045638 4004675052698 4004675080158 4004675086280 4004675086396 4004675092199 4004675092212 4004675092236 4004675092250 4004675010896 4004675010919 4004675010933 4004675010957 4004675015266 4004675005915 4004675005946 4004675005977 4004675006004 4004675001313 4004675001320 4004675001337 4004675001344 4004675010773 4004675010797 4004675010810 4004675010834 4004675010858 4004675010872 4004675093363 4004675093387 4004675093400 4004675093424 4004675093448 4004675093462 4004675093486 4004675093509 4004675092274 4004675087003 4004675087034 4004675087065 4004675092298 4004675092311 4004675092335 4004675062864 4004675062888 4004675062901 4004675062925 4004675062949 4004675062963 4004675078421 4004675078469 Page 14 14 15 15 15 92 92 92 92 92 92 49 49 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 47 47 51 51 51 51 49 49 39 39 39 39 75 75 75 75 77 75 75 75 75 82 82 82 82 69 69 69 69 69 69 82 82 82 82 75 75 75 75 47 40 40 40 48 48 48 44 44 44 44 44 44 30 30 Ref. No. 175503 175504 175601 175602 175603 175604 176511 176512 176513 176514 177607 177608 178601 178603 180001 180002 180003 180004 180008 180094 180101 180102 180103 180104 180301 180302 180303 180304 181601 181602 181603 181604 181701 181702 181703 181704 182501 182502 182503 182504 184501 184502 184503 184504 185201 185202 185203 185204 185209 185211 185214 187153 187154 187324 187403 187419 187533 187534 187539 187609 187611 187911 187912 187913 188205 188303 188332 188373 188379 188773 188779 188906 188909 188910 188911 190001 Barcode 4004675078506 4004675078544 4004675056689 4004675056726 4004675056764 4004675056894 4004675038906 4004675038937 4004675038968 4004675038999 4004675043351 4004675043313 4004675010681 4004675010704 4004675013194 4004675013224 4004675013255 4004675013286 4004675059758 4004675057662 4004675055798 4004675055828 4004675055859 4004675055880 4004675052216 4004675052247 4004675052278 4004675052308 4004675056030 4004675056061 4004675056092 4004675056122 4004675055910 4004675055941 4004675055972 4004675056009 4004675052339 4004675052360 4004675052391 4004675052421 4004675035295 4004675035325 4004675035356 4004675035387 4004675081933 4004675081964 4004675081995 4004675082022 4004675094506 4004675094537 4004675094568 4004675086457 4004675086471 4004675092359 4004675086495 4004675086518 4004675092373 4004675092397 4004675092410 4004675086532 4004675086556 4004675087096 4004675087126 4004675087157 4004675067159 4004675008503 4004675039415 4004675092434 4004675092465 4004675092496 4004675092519 4004675082053 4004675082077 4004675082091 4004675082114 4004675059789 Page 30 30 30 30 30 30 32 32 32 32 32 32 34 34 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 56 56 56 56 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 57 57 57 57 58 58 58 58 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 49 49 47 49 49 48 48 48 47 47 41 41 41 44 38 38 38 38 38 38 42 42 42 42 62 Ref. No. 190002 190003 190004 190008 190009 190093 190095 196705 196706 196707 196708 196709 196714 196790 196794 196796 250601 250603 250604 250605 250606 250608 250609 250610 250620 250621 300012 300022 300032 300042 300052 300062 300072 300082 300092 300122 300272 300342 300362 300972 301002 301362 301371 301412 301462 301522 301542 301562 301582 301602 301622 301642 301712 301732 301752 301762 301772 301782 301801 301812 301832 301851 301862 301881 301902 301922 301942 301962 301981 301992 302021 302072 302052 399102 399107 399108 Barcode 4004675059819 4004675059840 4004675059871 4004675091826 4004675091857 4004675062598 4004675091888 4004675039675 4004675039705 4004675039736 4004675039767 4004675081322 4004675039613 4004675040701 4004675040664 4004675040688 4004675021007 4004675021045 4004675021069 4004675021083 4004675021106 4004675034922 4004675043238 4004675069788 4004675048301 4004675056818 4004675069931 4004675069979 4004675070005 4004675070050 4004675070081 4004675070104 4004675070159 4004675070166 4004675070180 4004675070265 4004675070609 4004675070708 4004675070746 4004675076205 4004675076977 4004675082244 4004675081469 4004675081865 4004675082169 4004675085825 4004675085849 4004675085863 4004675085887 4004675085900 4004675085924 4004675085955 4004675087942 4004675087966 4004675088130 4004675088147 4004675088154 4004675088376 4004675091314 4004675092632 4004675092694 4004675092748 4004675092762 4004675092793 4004675092823 4004675092861 4004675092892 4004675092915 4004675093332 4004675093349 4004675093554 4004675094797 4004675093714 4004675093585 4004675094605 4004675094612 Page 62 62 62 62 62 63 63 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 84 23 22 17 54 54 55 55 71 63 13 21 17 15 15 69 69 42 25 49 49 49 49 47 47 46 19 12 19 44 44 20 84 40 41 38 38 39 47 47 48 48 41 18 46 18 24 30 43 43 96 Displaykonzept, Preisliste 2012 mit Shop Staffeln in Shop Attractiveness for your salesroom Because the visual sense plays a role in purchasing decisions, you want to present your products to your customers in a clear and visually appealing way. We are happy to support you with well designed product packaging and a number of elements for your shelves, sales areas and shop windows. For example: • Displays in different sizes • Shop-in-shop system (see illustration) • Counter display • Decoration material Use the promotional effect of our point-of-sale materials, designed by a leading German design company. Some great highlights for your rooms. Colours 1 black 7 brown 14 turquoise 33 vanilla 74 green metallic 88 violet transparent A Beginner 2 red 8 violet 15 mint green 49 white 81 black transparent S superfine L Left-handed person 3 blue 9 pink 17 royal blue 53 gold 82 red transparent B Broad FH Fountain pen 4 green 10 light blue 20 red violet 54 silver 83 blue transparent F Fine PR Cartridge rollerball 5 yellow 11 light green 23 dark blue 72 red metallic 84 green transparent M Medium Measures width × depth × height 6 orange 12 anthracite 28 dark red 73 blue metallic 87 brown transparent XB Extra-large S Assorted Signs and symbols Cap off Can be kept open for 2 to 3 days without drying up. For Documents The writing is permanent according to ISO part 2 “documentary use”. Refillable The pens can be refilled with refills, cartridges or reservoirs. Refillable with Plug+Play Ballpoint pens and refills with this symbol are compatible to each other. Water and light resistant The writing doesn’t dissolve in water and remains visible after UV radiation. Biosafe Bio-plastic barrel made of naturally renewable and biodegradable materials. Mechanical pencil with conus tip Mechanical pencil with needle tip Marker with block tip Marker with chisel tip Marker with bullet tip Fibrepen Fineliner Fountain pen with iridium nib Refill with conus tip Refill with needle tip Ballpoint pen with conus tip Ballpoint pen with needle tip Slider XB tip Rollerball with metal conus tip Rollerball with needle tip Rollerball with plastic conus tip Marker with liner tip Fountain pen without iridium nib Colours and Signs 98 Schneider Schreibgeräte GmbH Tennenbronn · Schwarzenbach 9 78144 Schramberg · Germany (englisch) 26118 4004675095022 Printed by an FSC certified company; using environmentally friendly, chlorine free, bleached and woodfree paper, of which a large proportion is recycled material.
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