

10 Meet the Rashids
18 Attornery Jim Voeller: No More Sleepless Nights
20 Your New Pet
23 Cibolo Trails: Hill Country Living Refined
24 Baker & Anderson Custom Homes
27 Atkinson Custom Homes
30 Oak Hills Pest Control
32 Hill Country Pet Ranch: It’s A Dog’s Life
34 Antioxidents: Are You Protected?
36 CellTeks: Reality Is... You Can Hear Me Now!
38 Okrent’s: A Family Business Celebrating 95 Years
40 Relaxing In the Dental Office?
42 Seeing It Clearly: My Lasik Story
49 Therpeutic Massage:
Feeling Good Is Good For You
52 The Trois Estate at Enchanted Rock:
A Revalation to Reality
55 To Deer, or Not to Deer
58 Puzzles Page
Fair Oaks Ranch Magazine is a periodical published for the enjoyment of the greater
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Dr. Edward Rashid and his wife
Marilyn are genuinely two of the
nicest people I’ve ever met. The
couple relocated to Fair Oaks
Ranch in 1995, attracted by the
beauty of the community and it’s
reputation for excellent schools
in Boerne ISD.
Dr. Rashid is a well-known
ophthalmologist in San Antonio.
He graduated from the Air
Force Academy in 1970 and
then attended medical school
specializing in ophthalmology. “I
found this field to be one of the
most interesting specialties in
medicine.” Rashid says, “It was
one of the most technologically
advanced at the time and I
enjoyed helping people with
their vision.”
Dr. Rashid retired from the Air Force in 1990 and soon after
Marilyn and her husband have been athletic all their lives. In
began a private practice. While he served in the Air Force, he
high school and college Dr. Rashid played collegiate basketball
was stationed at Wilford Hall in San Antonio and made several
and rugby. “I kept breaking bones and was seeing a lot of
good contacts in his field including working with Dr. Bob Rice.
doctors back then - those experiences peaked my interest in
He and Rice opened their practice and since then Dr. Rashid
the field of medicine.” He told me with a grin.
has specialized in advanced cataract and laser vision correction
Dr. Rashid has also been the team doctor for the San Antonio
Spurs for over 20 years. “I love working with the Spurs,” he says.
The Rashids were both active tennis players in college and
had a common interest in water skiing. “He taught me how to
ski” Marilyn tells me, “and he had a killer tennis serve. We just
had fun spending time together.”
“I work with the players, coaches, administrative staff and their
Marilyn not only played tennis for Ohio State, but also played
families; they are all genuinely nice people throughout the entire
varsity volleyball and field hockey. The Rashid’s two sons both
organization.” In addition to treating the Spurs, Dr. Rashid also,
played basketball at Boerne High School in the late 90’s.
on occasion, assists with players from other teams. “I’ve been
Unfortunately Dr. Rashid does not have the opportunity to
fortunate to meet some of the greatest NBA players ever,
play much golf, but Marilyn enjoys playing on Wednesdays at
including Michael Jordan.”
Fair Oaks Ranch with the 165-member ladies golf group. “I love
Dr. Rashid’s wife, Marilyn, thoroughly enjoys the game of golf
and frequently plays at Fair Oaks Ranch Golf Club near their
the game and we love the club here at Fair Oaks Ranch; it has
such a family friendly atmosphere.”
home. “I love golf,” she tells me, “It’s a sport that almost anyone
This September Marilyn hopes to recapture her title as
can play at any age. And it’s a game that, once you’ve learned
ladies golf champ at Fair Oaks Ranch Club. “I’ve got a new
the etiquette, you can play with anyone at any level.”
putter this year [a Scotty Cameron] and I’ve been practicing.”
In 2008 Marilyn was the Lady’s Golf Champion at Fair Oaks
She says, “It’s funny… I never really used that parking spot at
Ranch. “I was putting really great that year.” Says Marilyn, “Golf is
the Club that comes with the title, but my friends got a lot of
a mental game; it’s all about getting the little ball into the hole.”
use out of it.”
Travis White
Dr. Rashid, Dr. Flynn and staff with
Tim Duncan and De Juan Blair of
the San Antonio Spurs.
Photo courtesy of Laura Guzman
No More Sleepless Nights
By Attorney James N. Voeller
Recently, a new client made an appointment and came to my office
to discuss a concern that was keeping him awake at night. Before I had
even closed the door to my office, Bill started to explain why he was
there. He told me that a little over a year ago his brother Steve had a
lawsuit filed against him by a neighbor who claimed that Steve’s septic
system was making the neighbor’s family sick.
“Jim, my brother didn’t even know his septic system had a problem,
and suddenly he was facing a lawsuit. I didn’t think it was a big deal
until he told me recently that he was afraid of losing his life’s savings! I
realized that what has happened to my brother could happen to anyone,
so I want to find out what I can do to protect my assets. My CPA and
my financial advisor both recommended that I meet with you ... so here
I am.”
Bill gave me a few more details of the problems faced by his brother
and then he started to tell me about his own life. After a successful
business career, he and his wife had retired in San Antonio in 2003. His
wife had died of cancer, so now he was alone. At least his three kids were
in the area, and he loved to spend time with his grandchildren.
As Bill told me about the assets he had accumulated, I explained to
him what was protected under Texas law, and what was not. He was
disheartened to learn that most of his investment assets and his ranch
were not protected. “Do you mean to tell me that if my turn comes up
in the “lawsuit lottery”, I could lose all that we accumulated through a
life of hard work and saving? I plan to leave my assets to my kids and
grandkids. If I lost everything, I would be dependent upon them! I need
to know if there is anything I can do to make sure that no one is able to
take away my stuff.”
One of the most enjoyable parts of my practice is being able to provide
solutions to the problems that my clients bring to my office. Every
week, people just like Bill find their way to me, we work out a solution
designed for their circumstances, and they end up with a plan ensuring
that if they do get sued one day, their affairs are structured so that their
wealth is preserved.
Protecting your assets is an increasingly important part of an estate
plan designed to make you an unattractive target for plaintiff’s lawyers.
Insurance is a first line of defense, but not always enough. Engaging an
attorney to design your asset protection plan may be the missing piece in
your estate plan. Many clients tell me that while they do intend to leave
their estate as an inheritance for their children, their primary concern
is that they be allowed to live out their retirement years in the manner
they always planned.
Bill summed it up best when he said to me, “After all I have worked
for in life, I want to make sure that I don’t end up scrambling to find a
job after I thought I was retired.” The last time I talked to Bill he told
me that he’s sleeping better ... and grateful for his asset protection plan.
If you would like to learn more about wealth preservation and
estate planning, call us for a complimentary initial consultation.
Please understand that asset protection planning is only effective when
initiated before any claims are brought against you. Bill acted on time.
His brother was too late.
Law Office of James N. Voeller, Attorney At Law
19311 FM 2252 Garden Ridge, TX 78266
Phone: (210) 651-3851
Your New Pet
by James Peterson, DVM
The joy of raising a new puppy or kitten to be your constant companion
is one of life’s greatest experiences. In a crazy economy, mixed up politics
and stressful family lives, pets can actually bring a cohesive and loving
touch. So if you want to add a little unconditional love and lots of fun at
home, a new pet may just be what the doctor ordered.
There is no doubt that we find the little round heads and big eyes of
young puppies and kittens irresistible. Millions of new pets find their
ways into our hearts and homes each year. Studies show pets are a very
positive addition to families or singles and even empty nesters! Pets
relieve stress, add joy and give us love unconditionally.
So a new pup or kitten may be just what you need. Whether you
picked out your new friend at a breeder or you’ve rescued a pet in need
of a great home, all puppies and kittens have requirements that you must
know before bringing them home.
Prepare for day to day needs, like food and playtime, plus the ongoing needs, like vaccines and preventive care, and for those unexpected
things, like emergency care or behavioral problems.
It’s common sense that puppies and kittens need adequate amounts of
food and clean water to grow to their potential. What’s less well known
is that your choice of food could have a huge impact on the health of
your pet.
It’s easy to become confused by the many brands, flavors, and styles
of pet food – all claiming they are best. When looking for a proper diet,
please ask the advice of your veterinarian. Also look for companies that
make a real effort to help consumers understand our pets’ nutritional
needs – and not just sell a slick image or push celebrity endorsements.
Remember, some of the best medicine isn’t medicine at all – it is nutrition!
Whether new owners are trying to save money or they were told “all his
shots are done”, inadequate preventive care dooms many young animals
to suffer some terrible diseases. Feline distemper, canine parvovirus,
heartworm disease and severe intestinal parasite infestations are just a
few of the serious medical problems seen routinely in veterinary offices.
Your veterinarian will save you money and heartache by providing
advice about vaccines and preventive care. Although Internet sites and
forums might seem like great places for education, many sites provide
poor advice and even wrong information. Your veterinarian will
customize an individualized vaccine protocol and give the needed deworming treatments to keep your pet safe. When it comes to your new
pet and your veterinarian – an ounce of prevention REALLY is worth
a pound of cure.
Likewise, your pet’s mental/social health is as important as his
physical well-being. As Dr. Suzanne Hetts, Certified Applied Animal
Behaviorist says, “help your puppy do the right thing. You won’t get the
chance to redo or undo behaviors learned during this formative time.”
Behavioral problems are a leading cause for relinquishment and even
euthanasia of pets. By spending some time working with your new pet
through obedience and socialization classes, you can help prevent lifelong issues. Having the right toys and providing plenty of play time with
the family is another great way to have a behaviorally healthy pet.
Finding a highly qualified trainer can make a world of difference
during your puppies first formative months. Even kittens
often can use some behavioral tips, and your veterinarian
is a valuable source for recommendations. Some local
boarding facilities also have trainers certified by the
Association of Pet Dog Trainers (the professional
organization for dog trainers).
Many people can’t resist the cuteness of a puppy or
kitten, but bringing a new pet home comes with a great
deal of responsibility and a little bit of cost. But science and centuries of
experiences shows us that animals bring a rare richness to our lives, and
this is especially true in stressful times.
Dr. Peterson is a
Veterinarian and
owner of Leon Springs
Animal Hospital, The
Palms Pet Resort, and
Hill Country Animal
For more information on
your pets health or to find
a good trainer, please go
to leonsprings.com or
Cibolo Trails
H ill C ountr y L iving R edefined
Nestled in the heart of Fair Oaks Ranch is the wonderful subdivision
of Cibolo Trails. As the most recent area to be developed by the Fair
family and marketed by Don Smith Company, this community offers
homeowners the advantageous setting of the Texas Hill Country
without the maintenance of a large lot. Here residents enjoy custom
built homes that are just a short golf cart drive to the Fair Oaks Ranch
Golf and Country Club, where members enjoy two 18- hole golf courses
and all the amenities that make this a social hub.
Cibolo Trails is a unique and quiet neighborhood by design – all
streets are cul-de-sacs with green belts separating each street. Residents
Don and Gail Fiel share, “It’s a fabulous feature to have our homes back
up to green space. We feel like we are on an acreage lot that we don’t have
to maintain or take care of.” In addition, there is no cross traffic from
other subdivisions in the Ranch. The main attraction to Cibolo Trails
is that included in the Home Owner Association Dues is weekly yard
and green belt maintenance. To quote one homeowner, “the yard fairies
visit each week,” leaving behind beautifully manicured lawns. This low
maintenance, stress-free living is available to all residents without the
higher prices of new homes in other parts of the city. Don and Gail Fiel
also share, “We love living in Cibolo Trails and enjoy the mixture of
families here. Even though the lots are smaller in size, the neighborhood
is not just for empty nesters.”
Another wonderful attraction to Cibolo Trails is the location. Travel
time to downtown San Antonio is 30 minutes and major retail stores, The
Shops at La Cantera, movie theaters and much more, are located at Loop
1604 & IH10-West, just 10 miles south. Cibolo Trails is approximately
6 miles south of the city of Boerne which offers the Methodist ER &
Imaging Facilities, major grocery stores, unique shopping & eateries.
Leon Springs, located only a few miles south of Fair Oaks Ranch, offers
a HEB grocery store and the ever popular Rudy’s BBQ.
The average home in Cibolo Trails is between 2,400 to 2,800 square
feet, but homes in the 2,000 to 2,300 square feet are also available. Each
builder in Cibolo Trails offers custom built quality homes to young
families, empty nesters and retirees who want Hill Country living
without the large lot to maintain. The lots are just under a quarter of
an acre.
Cibolo Trails features three core custom home builders: Atkinson
Custom Homes, Baker & Anderson Custom Homes and John Merritt
Homes, Inc. Each of these fine builders have homes completed for sale
or homes under construction that are available for previewing. Don
Smith Company also has developer lots available for purchase.
If you are in the market for a smaller home or know of someone who
wants to be in the Hill Country, but not have to maintain the larger
lots that are usually associated with Hill Country living, stop by Cibolo
Trails and visit one of the core builders or contact Don Smith Company
for more information.
Baker & Anderson Custom Homes
Atkinson Custom Homes
(See ad on page 27)
New model home at
29007 Cibolo Trace starts
construction in September.
(See ad on page 24)
30007 Cibolo Run – New Model at 30103
Cibolo Run beginning mid-September
Fair Oaks Ranch, TX 78015
Don Smith Company
John Merritt Homes, Inc.
(See ad on page 26)
New model home at
30034 Cibolo Trace
under construction.
( See ad on page 22)
1-877-829-7495 or 210-698-2440
Baker & Anderson Custom Homes
It is rare to find a team of home building professionals with the experience
and history of Baker & Anderson Custom Homes. The company was
founded in 1992 as a partnership between long time friends, Jesse Baker and
Ken Anderson, who together hold over 84 years of building experience.
The Baker & Anderson team is led by President, Ken Anderson and
includes three outstanding professionals who all have a deep history with the
company. Executive Associate and Sales Manager, Trisha Lenz, has been with
the company for over 13 years, while Construction Manager, Jason Goss, has
been apart of the team for 8 years. Brenda Merkel, Licensed Interior Designer
(daughter of Jesse Baker) contributes her talents by assisting our homeowner’s
with individual design coordination.
Trisha tells me, “Our team has been in place for a very long time. We all
know each other really well and work great together as a team.” Together
these professionals succeed at delivering top quality custom homes to their
The company has been building in Fair Oaks Ranch for over 17 years and
is proud to be a core builder in the Cibolo Trails development, where they
have maintained a Model Home since its inception 5 years ago. President,
Ken Anderson tells me, “The greatest advantage to living in Cibolo Trails is
having a custom built home with all the amenities of a larger home in such
a terrific location.” The company also builds custom homes in the Heights
of Comal Trace and on lots owned by individuals throughout San Antonio
and the Hill Country.
Homeowners, Don and Gail Fiel were searching for a home when they
discovered the Baker & Anderson model home in Cibolo Trails. Gail said,
“We walked into the home and knew it was right for us. We could just see
ourselves living here and have been thrilled to be here ever since.” Gail also
shares, “The team was outstanding to work with and the service we received
moving in was phenomenal.”
To ensure that Baker & Anderson is the right builder for each client,
individualized home design plans are provided from their Licensed Architect,
along with a proposal for the new home at no cost. This allows each client to
explore the building process and build a trusting relationship with Baker &
Anderson before any investments are required.
With Baker & Anderson every home is uniquely crafted, whether as a Spec
home or a custom to be built-each home is built with “Experience-QualityIntegrity”. Baker & Anderson welcomes you to visit their model home in
Cibolo Trails or visit their website, www.bakerandersonhomes.com.
Atkinson Custom Homes
Building Trust and Quality Custom Homes
For Zachary Atkinson of Atkinson Custom Homes LLC, meeting
and exceeding client expectations is the cornerstone of his business.
Atkinson, a Texas Tech graduate with a degree in Finance and a minor
in Economics, received his start in the construction industry in 1995.
After working for some of San Antonio’s top homebuilders, he founded
Atkinson Custom Homes in 2005. His experience in the building
industry and his business background has helped his company continue
to grow even in a down economy.
Atkinson explains his building philosophy, “I put a great deal of
details and high end amenities into homes, which provides homeowners
with instant equity.” Atkinson Custom Homes strives to deliver homes
with a tremendous value at an exceptional price for its clients.
As a Certified Green Builder, the company builds quality custom
homes throughout the San Antonio area. Custom kitchen cabinetry,
solid rock, rock and stucco exteriors and flagstone patios are all
distinctive features found in Atkinson’s homes. In addition, exposed
wooden beams of Douglas Fir and other unique materials add character
and visual appeal to exterior designs as well as inside.
With an emphasis in Fair Oaks Ranch, Atkinson Custom Homes is
a key builder in Cibolo Trails, one of the newest neighborhoods in the
area. The company’s second model home in Cibolo Trails was recently
sold and construction of a new model home will begin in September of
this year with a March/April completion date.
Atkinson shares, “I enjoy working with people and on challenging
projects that require precision and attention to detail. It’s a very handson process and nothing is overlooked; I oversee everything from start
to finish- lot selection, financing, architectural design, selections, day to
day construction, and the interior finish out and decorating of a home.”
Previous client, Kirby Hurley shares, “When building our retirement
home, it was very, very important for us to find a builder we could trust.
Zac is one of the most honest people I have ever met.” He also shares,
“Zac is a man of his word. He spent his full time here and was great
about follow up. He did a superior job of putting together our plans and
adding his own great ideas.”
Proudly serving Fair Oaks Ranch since 1977!
When we treated our first home in the
community, the ranch was sporting a
new Fair Oaks Parkway extending just
past what is now the clubhouse.
The long working relationship Oak Hills has had with the
residence and the City of Fair Oaks, has been monumental in
providing this locally owned business opportunities for growth
and success.
Wes Evans started Oak Hills Pest Control in 1977 with one old
red truck and without a single customer. Since then, the company
has blossomed into an 18 truck fleet and over 5,000 customers.
We take great pride in our red trucks, uniforms and most of all
our employees. All route managers are state certified and must
undergo back ground checks and drug testing before the training
process can begin. Our secretaries also go through a full training
process before they are put into action. You will always be greeted
with a friendly voice whenever you call, and our response time far
exceeds any competitor. Guaranteed!! Oak Hills has a full time
entomologist on staff that is available to answer questions or come
to your home or business to fix any problem.
We at Oak Hills Pest Control, Inc. know the expectations
that residents of your community have for our company when
we perform services in your neighborhoods. We will always
remain the most prompt, professional, knowledgeable, and
environmentally responsible.
Thank you
Chris Gentry COO, ACE
Oak Hills Pest Control, Inc.
Our family would like to take this opportunity to thank all of
our loyal customers over all these years for the pleasure and
opportunity to serve this community!
It’s a Dog’s Life
by Kirsten Salvito, CPDT-KA & Beth Turner
Hill Country Pet Ranch
Is your dog getting enough out of life? Are
his physical, mental, and social needs being
met? If not, dogs suffer from boredom, anxiety,
and destructive behaviors (constant barking,
destructive chewing, excessive grooming, etc).
Many dog behavior problems are actually normal
dog behaviors that arise out of under stimulated
Daily routines should include time with family
members as well as members of his own species.
The time you spend with your dog training,
playing games, walking or just hanging out will
help fulfill his social needs. Taking your dog for a
walk at least several times a week and making sure
he is included in family activities will prevent a lot
of problems. Visits to dog parks, play dates with
dog friends, or living in a multi-dog household
will meet a dog’s canine social needs.
Along with obedience training and behavior
modification, many trainers recommend owners
give their dogs challenges, training games or puzzles
to find or earn dinner. Dinner can be stuffed into
a Kong and hidden somewhere in the house or
yard. Premier Pet Products and Kong make many
wonderful food dispensing puzzle toys.
Varying the dog’s living environment
is important. Placing novel items in
the yard or house and rotating toys all
help to keep the environment more
stimulating. You can hide toys or treats
around the house or yard as a great
way to address the instinct to search and
scavenge for food. Hide and seek games
are fun. Flyball, frisbee, and lure coursing
are wonderful chase games. Tug of war
games, if played with rules, are great
energy burners. Toys that squeak and
have floppy parts are great for shaking,
tugging and tearing. Building a
digging pit or sandbox containing
buried toys and treats to unearth can
be a great way to channel digging to
an appropriate spot and burn off
energy. Participating in organized
dog sports like agility, herding,
tracking, weight pulling, and
hunting can provide outlets for
A mentally and physically
tired dog is a good dog.
Antioxidants: Are you protected?
by Leigh Ann Grasso,PharmD,RPh
Antioxidants are substances that may
protect your cells against the effects
of free radicals which are believed
to accelerate aging and disease by
damaging our body’s cells.
Free radicals are charged, unstable molecules looking to become
neutral by stealing an electron from another molecule. That molecule
then becomes a free radical itself and searches to become neutral;
thereby setting off a chain reaction. This cascade finally results
in disruption of a living cell. Free radicals may play a part in the
development of cancer, heart disease, stroke, and other diseases of
Antioxidants neutralize free radicals by donating one of their
own electrons; thereby ending the electron-stealing chain reaction.
Antioxidants do not become free radicals themselves because they
are stable with or without the extra electron. They act as scavengers
helping to prevent cell and tissue damage from free radicals.
Antioxidants include vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin A, coenzyme
Q10, carotenoids (beta-carotene, lutein, lycopene), glutathione,
and melatonin. Antioxidants can be found naturally in fruits and
vegetables, nuts, grains, and some meats, poultry and fish. The
National Cancer Institute recommends 4-13 servings of fruits and
vegetables a day.
Beta-carotene is found in many foods that are orange in color,
including sweet potatoes, carrots, cantaloupe, squash, apricots,
pumpkin, and mangos. Some green leafy vegetables including collard
greens, spinach, and kale are also rich in beta-carotene and lutein.
Lycopene is a potent antioxidant found in tomatoes, watermelon,
guava, papaya, apricots, pink grapefruit, blood oranges, and other
foods. Foods rich in vitamin A include liver, sweet potatoes, carrots,
milk, egg yolks and mozzarella cheese. Vitamin C can be found in
high abundance in many fruits and vegetables and is also found in
cereals, beef, poultry and fish. Vitamin E is found in almonds, in
many oils including wheat germ, safflower, corn and soybean oils,
and also found in mangos, nuts, broccoli and other foods.
In addition to eating a balanced diet of fruits and vegetables,
nutritional supplementation can also increase your body’s antioxidant
defense system. Annie’s Apothecary carries a range of multivitamins
that are rich in antioxidants. We can also determine your antioxidant
level with a simple blood draw. It will also show vitamin and amino
acid deficiencies.
Reality is...
You can hear me now!
By Travis White
“Can you hear me now?” “More
bars in more places” “The Now
Network,” no matter who your
carrier is, just about all of us have
become totally dependent on our
mobile phones. How did we ever
survive before cell phones, email
and information on demand? Today
technology rules and when we can’t
get it where we need it, when we
need it- there’s going to be trouble.
That’s where a Boerne based company known as ‘CellTeks’ steps
in. For over two decades, President, Brent Holmes and signal booster
expert Duane Roundtree have worked in the cellular telephone industry.
Combined their experience and knowledge of mobile technology is just
a little overwhelming.
“When I started in this industry cell phones were as large as car
batteries and it cost about a dollar a minute to talk.” Says Holmes;
“The technology has come a long way and just keeps improving. Our
customers need reliable, friendly and, most importantly, fast service- and
that’s exactly what we provide.”
CellTeks was founded in May of 2006 and the company is well known
for cell phone repair services. “A lot people don’t realize that if they
break their cell phone, there is a good chance we can repair it.” Holmes
continues, “We repair cracked IPhone screens, Blackberries dropped in
water; we can solve a multitude of problems and we work on all brands.
Usually we can have phones repaired in 1-3 hours…not 1-3 days.”
Recently the company has expanded their services to include an
exclusive and revolutionary new custom cellular signal boosting system
for residential and commercial solutions. The system uses a special external
antenna to capture the cellular signal outside. Then, a powerful cellular
amplifier provides the needed “boost” in signal strength. Once captured
and boosted, the signal is then rebroadcast throughout the building.
According to Holmes, “We’ve installed the system in everything from
high-rise office buildings in the city to homes in the Hill Country.”
Ryan and Jenny Frisbie are two of CellTeks’ most recent customers.
This spring, the couple built their dream home in the Hill Country just
north of New Braunfels. They had planned out everything- from the
counter tops to the flooring to the paint color, but there was one big
problem on move-in day… no cell phone reception.
Both Ryan and Jenny are working professionals (Jenny is in real estate
and Ryan in sales) and both depend on their cell phones every day. Their
co-workers (not to mention friends and family) count on their cell phones
working for fast communication.
“We just didn’t realize how important our cellular signals were until our
phones didn’t work at the new house.” Ryan said, “We thought we had
planned for everything: satellite television, a landline phone, alarm system,
even speakers and networking inside the house. When we discovered that
our cell phones didn’t work we thought it was a problem we were just going
to have to live with.”
Fortunately a few months after moving in, Ryan and Jenny learned about
the cellular boosting system provided by CellTeks. They quickly scheduled
a demonstration that was conducted at their home. Both were extremely
impressed with the results.
“What’s the worst room in your house for cellular service?” Roundtree
asked during the demonstration. “The master bedroom” answered Ryan;
“We never have any hope of service in that room.” Once the equipment was
in place, with the flick of a switch Roundtree asked the Frisbie’s to try again.
“Immediately I had service on my Sprint phone,” says Ryan, “and my wife had
all bars on her AT&T phone; it was amazing.”
According to Roundtree and Holmes the more energy efficient a home
is built, the better it blocks cellular signal from reaching the interior of the
house. “Denser and more evenly spread insulation, energy-efficient building
materials, even stucco exteriors (containing an internal metal lath) all
contribute to blocking out a cellular signal inside the home.” Says Roundtree.
Within a matter of days the full system was installed at the Frisbie’s new
home and now they enjoy room to room cell phone coverage. “I can go
anywhere in my home and talk on my cell phone, receive text messages or
check my email, its great! Both Jenny and I know we’ll get a lot benefit out of
this system, it’s well worth the investment.”
According to Roundtree, a corner to corner residential system with “no dead
zones” costs $0.60 - $0.80/ square foot including installation. Customized
solutions for smaller budgets are also available. “What some home owners
may not realize is that they’re paying $1,000-2,000 a year for cellular service
that they can’t use at their residence. Our customers tell us that the one
time investment in our booster system is well worth the expense. We have
clients that include on-call doctors, home-based business professionals and
government officials that all depend on the vital communication link their cell
phone provides. Our product is invaluable to them and we’re glad to help keep
them talkin’.” www.CellTeks.com • 210-402-0070 • 830-249-8999
Duane Roundtree (R)
demonstrates to customer
Ryan Frisbie (L) the improved
signal quality of the CellTeks
boosting system.
Brent Holmes (L) and Duane
Roundtree (R) of CellTeks test
signal strength at the Frisbie
residence in New Braunfels.
O’Krent’s Abbey Flooring Center
A Family Business Celebrating 95 years
Ninety-five years ago, Sam O’Krent’s great grandfather, Samuel,
started an area rug business in Cincinnati. Broadloom or wall-to-wall
carpeting had not yet been perfected but the carpeting business was
burgeoning. During the Depression, Samuel and son Ted researched the
industry and targeted three markets as major opportunities for growth –
Peoria, Illinois; Sacramento, California, and San Antonio, Texas.
In 1936, Samuel, Ted and his wife Helen decided to investigate
each city. With two small children in tow, they packed-up their
belongings and made their way south. The family was instantly
captivated by the city’s charm and the family moved to San Antonio.
The first O’Krent Floor Covering store opened at 419 North Saint
Mary’s Street, in the heart of downtown. In 1949, the familiar
O’Krent Floor Covering store with its unique window displays and
domed rotunda, opened at 300 San Pedro. The company remained
and grew on San Pedro until 2001 when they opened their state-ofthe-art 34,000 square foot facility on Loop 1604 at Gold Canyon.
O’Krent’s grew and prospered along with the city of San Antonio.
Now in its fourth generation, the company is recognized as one of the
leading floor covering companies in the country. The floor covering
industry began to change and consolidate in the early 1990’s and the
O’Krent’s began to explore options to make their business stronger
and visited with the nation’s oldest buying group Abbey Carpet.
Abbey Carpet Company has been in business since 1954, and is
one of the largest floor covering buying groups in the country. With
more than 800 locations and stores located throughout the United
States, Puerto Rico and the Bahamas, Abbey was well on its way
to becoming “America’s Choice” in flooring fashions. While taking
advantage of the benefits of a national franchise, each Abbey store is
independently owned and operated. The desire to bring customers the
best selection, value, and quality of products is the common thread
that has brought these independent floor covering stores together and
in 1996 O’Krent Floor Covering joined Abbey Carpet.
The power of Abbey has enabled O’Krent to offer not only the best
value oriented products and pricing, but also its’ 60 Day Satisfaction
O’Krent’s Abbey Flooring Center located
on 1604 & Gold Canyon near Best Buy
Guarantees that if the consumer is not completely satisfied with their
selection, the product will be replaced at no charge. This guarantee
along with O’Krent’s Lifetime Installation Warranty that is offered
on all of its installations, keeps O’Krent’s as the leading floor covering
company in South Texas.
O’Krent’s Abbey Flooring Center is San Antonio’s oldest and largest family-owned
floor covering store and the only flooring company in San Antonio to have its
sales staff and mechanics certified by the Carpet and Rug Institute. Since 1915,
now in its fourth generation, its reputation lies in its quality installations, fair
pricing, and lifetime labor warranties. Products include carpeting, ceramic tile,
natural stone, wood and cork floors, area rugs, and vinyl laminate floor coverings.
O’Krent’s is so proud and confident in their abilities that it offers a full lifetime
installation warranty on every product installed. Visit the O’Krent’s Abbey
Flooring Center website at www.okrentfloors.com.
Relaxing in the Dental Office?
Modern dentistry has a lot
to offer patients in order
assure a virtually painless
treatment experience.
Dr. Carolyn Walker offers apprehensive patients the option to “sleep”
through dental treatment for a deep sense of relaxation. A small dose
of oral medication can be taken in the office that allows patients to be
completely relaxed. This allows patients to experience dentistry in a new
light. Many people have a hard time just bringing themselves into the
office. This allows them to come in, lie in the chair and experience a
calm, stress free environment.
Another option for relaxation is Nitrous Oxide (one of the oldest,
safest alternatives - sometimes called “laughing gas”). Dr. Walker
recently had a 6 year old patient come into the office with oral sensitivity
issues that made him unable to even tolerate brushing or eat certain
foods from a very early age. He had a toothache and was VERY
apprehensive. With Nitrous he was able to tolerate cleaning his teeth
and also have an extraction, and was very cooperative. The treatment
was completed without complication and he left in a GREAT mood.
These are the reasons that Nitrous can be such a great option - no post
treatment issues, and patient can go home and proceed with normal
daily function.
Our friendly and caring staff works with you to overcome your
anxieties as you are surrounded in a relaxing environment. Dr. Walker
and her team strive to provide patients with the most advanced dental
care available. Scenic treatment rooms offer patients a panoramic view
and are equipped with personal headsets and soft music to enjoy during
treatment. If you’d like to relax under a warm blanket, we also have
them available for patient use, to add to your comfort.
Our highly skilled team is experienced in the latest techniques for
preventive care services including thorough examination, cleanings and
sealants, as well as restorative care services such as tooth colored fillings
and cosmetic dentistry. Dr. Walker also offers the latest prosthodontics
services including crowns, bridges, implants and dentures, allowing
our patients to maintain the natural beauty of their smile. Whether it’s
restoring or enhancing your teeth, or having one hour Power Whitening
to give you the brighter, whiter smile, you’ve always dreamed of …
everyone can enjoy a stress-free dental experience!
- Leon Springs Dental - Dr. Carolyn B. Walker
By Travis White • Photography by Jessica Norene
The morning had finally arrived. The written exams were passed, the skills mastered
and at age sixteen I was finally ready to claim my new found freedom. As I entered the
DMV I proudly marched to the counter and announced I was here to get my license.
The clerk reviewed my paperwork said, “Ok, just one more step, look through here for
your vision test and you’ll be on your way.”
As I pressed my forehead against the machine and peered into the device
I discovered, to my horror, that all I could see was a bunch of blurry, fuzzy letters. I
panicked; in that moment I saw my independence fading right before me (literally). I
squinted and strained as hard as I could and somehow, miraculously, I passed this final
hurdle. Freedom had arrived and I had my license! However, that was also the day I
discovered that my vision was far from perfect.
Within a week I had an appointment with my eye doctor and a new
pair of eyeglasses. For the first time ever I was able to see my surroundings
clearly, this was a new experience for me.
I truly enjoyed my new outlook on life, but at age sixteen, I hated
the way I looked in glasses. Over the years I opted for a different kind
of appearance, and reluctantly decided to explore the use of contacts. I
wasn’t sure if I would ever get used to touching my eyes on a daily basis
but vanity is a strong motivator. I mustered up the courage to try
them, and they worked- Life was good or so I thought.
I quickly discovered that my daily contact regimen also involved
allergies, dry eye days and the occasional (and completely
unexpected) lens pop out, as these are all persistent nuisances.
Now, in my early 30’s, I no longer wanted to resign myself
to being permanently tethered to the contacts that I had worn
for the past 15 years. So I decided to do something about my less
than perfect vision. I had heard a lot of positive feedback about the
advancements in technology and Laser Vision Correction from family
and friends. I was ready for a change. But this type of elective procedure
is an important decision; therefore I wanted to be sure I was educated
about the treatment commonly referred to as LASIK. >>
Finding the Right Doctor
I knew that I wanted one specialist to treat me from my very first
appointment to my very last. So, I set out to find an ophthalmologist
in San Antonio that not only provided the latest technology but also
quality care. In late April 2010, I came across the web site for Dr. Edward
Rashid (www.seeitclearly.com). His credentials, medical experience
and work with the San Antonio Spurs not only impressed me but
provided the confidence needed to explore the possibilities with Laser
Vision Correction. I picked up the phone to schedule my complimentary
consultation with Dr. Edward Rashid and spoke directly with his patient
coordinator. She provided me with a wealth of information concerning
what to expect on the day of my appointment, and it gave me comfort
knowing that I was scheduled to be personally evaluated and cared for by
the doctor who would perform my procedure.
Before surgery I was
required to wear glasses
for at least two weeks.
Dr. Rashid and staff.
My appointment was held at his San Antonio office and my visit was
nothing short of educational and informative. I was called back to the
exam room by Amy- she has been part of Dr. Rashid’s team for thirteen
years and was a personal LASIK patient herself, ten years ago. Her
dedication and knowledge was not only impressive but spoke of the type
of practice that Dr. Rashid and his colleagues had established. She was
very kind in explaining each test that I was completing and gave me an
insight into whom Dr. Rashid was. A graduate of the United States Air
Force Academy, Dr. Rashid attended medical school at Northwestern
University in Chicago. He has been part of the evolution of refractive
surgery since its inception. In 1985, Amy stated, “During his refractive
fellowship at Emory University, he was involved in some of the very first
PRK (photorefractive keratectomy) studies on monkeys, which consisted
of using a laser to reshape the cornea. These initial investigations eventually
led to the FDA approval of excimer lasers in both PRK and LASIK (laserassisted in situ keratomileusis) treatments.” Upon retirement from the
Air Force in 1990, Dr. Rashid began his medical practice that now has
grown into a team of ophthalmologists and optometrists with offices in
San Antonio, Boerne, and Kerrville. In addition, Dr. Rashid not only
specializes in laser vision correction, but also spends a significant part
of his practice performing advanced cataract surgery. I was surprised
to learn that more than 20 million Americans will have a developing
cataract even though few fully understand what they are, or how their
vision is affected. For over 50 years ophthalmologists have been replacing
cataracts with synthetic intraocular implants. It is important to note that
with the development of technology over the past few years, a variety of
lens implants can now restore a significant part of our near vision that we
tend to lose after age 40. Because each patient has different visual needs a
very detailed lifestyle evaluation needs to be completed to see what their
options are.
The time came to meet with Dr. Rashid and I was very interested to
know why he decided to become a LASIK specialist. For him the answer
was simple, “The most amazing part of these laser procedures is the rapid
return of the patient’s uncorrected vision; there are very few procedures
performed on the human body that have such a rapid rehabilitation.”
He stated “I have had the opportunity to perform these procedures on
professional athletes, as well as on military fighter pilots with very unique
visual needs. I am just as gratified, though, when a mother tells me how
LASIK changed her life since she can now rush to care for her children in
the middle of the night without worrying about her glasses.” As a result,
the four-time, NBA World Champion San Antonio Spurs have entrusted
their world class athlete’s vision to Dr. Rashid for 20 years. “I truly enjoy
caring for the Spurs” he told me. “I am honored to work with the players,
coaches, administrative staff and their families. They’re all genuinely nice
people throughout the entire organization.”
During my comprehensive evaluation I was impressed with Dr.
Rashid’s careful attention to detail during my visit; I understood clearly
(no pun intended) why thousands of South Texans (for 25 years) have
entrusted their vision care needs to Dr. Rashid. His reputation for
being a highly skilled ophthalmologist is uniquely complimented by his
commitment to giving each patient his undivided attention and I was
confident that I was now on a new path to a clearer world.
The Alamo Laser Vision Center surgery room.
The Pentacam diagnostic
machine captures 25,000
elevation points in the eye
in only a few seconds.
The Decision: PRK vs. LASIK
During my initial appointment I was told that due to the health of my
eye and numerous other factors, I was a not only a candidate for LASIK
but PRK as well. I sat down with Dr. Rashid to discuss which procedure
would ultimately be the best fit for my vision needs and lifestyle.
I learned that the traditional LASIK procedure involved two important
steps during treatment: first the doctor creates an extremely thin ‘corneal
flap’ and for many years this flap was made by utilizing a very sharp bladed
device called a ‘microkeratome’. However, since then a laser has been
developed called the Intralase, which creates the flap in a record 10-20
seconds. This laser Dr Rashid states “allows the surgeon to create a more
accurate and predictable flap- as opposed to the microkeratome- thus
leading to faster recovery and healing.” As the co-founder and Medical
Director of the Alamo Laser Vision Center (where my treatment was
performed), Dr. Rashid and his colleagues understood the importance
of providing their patients with the most advance technology, and as a
result five years ago acquired the IntraLase Laser.
The Alamo Laser Vision Center was one of the first facilities in Texas
to incorporate such advanced technology, in addition to providing their
patients with two of the world’s best excimer lasers: Alcon Allegretto
Wave and VISX Advanced Custom Vue. One of these two advanced
lasers would be used in the second part of my treatment as they would
gently correct my prescription. Dr. Rashid explained to me that “it is not
unusual to select one of the lasers for one eye of a patient and then use the
other laser for the second eye to achieve a more optimum result.”
With advanced LASIK, patients tend to see results quicker as opposed
to PRK. According to Dr. Rashid, most patients see almost 20/20 (near
perfect vision) within a day of the procedure. Because the way the LASIK
procedure is performed it is important to consider the lifestyle and/or
career activities of the patient. If there is a reasonable possibility that
the eye(s) may encounter some type of trauma (such as if the patient
is a professional athlete or in the armed forces), then Dr. Rashid may
recommend a different procedure called PRK.
The most significant difference with PRK is that a corneal flap is not
created; as the Laser Vision Correction is made directly on the surface of
the cornea. Also, during your healing time, it is not uncommon for your
vision to fluctuate as your eyes are adjusting to your new treatment.
I took a personal inventory into my lifestyle and knew that I spend a
lot of recreation time on area lakes; enjoying water skiing and other water
base activities. After much research and further consultation with Dr.
Rashid, we decided that the PRK procedure would be the best for me.
My PRK Story
In order to move forward with my treatment I had to dispense with
contacts and return to wearing eye-glasses. After two weeks, I was
scheduled for an additional test on a new machine called a ‘Pentacam.’
This revolutionary diagnostic machine captures 25,000 elevation points
on the eye in only a matter of a few seconds. The result is an incredibly
detailed 3-D image mapping of the patient’s eye. This allows the doctor
to see any irregularities and provides an accurate report of the eye’s health.
During my final appointment, before my procedure, Dr. Rashid did
further testing and reviewed my Pentacam results - I was cleared for
treatment and eagerly scheduled my big day. I was both nervous and
excited, as I arrived at the Alamo Laser Vision Center, but definitely
ready. It was a comfort to see the familiar faces that I had encountered at
his office a few weeks earlier. I knew that they had a full understanding
of my visual needs.
Twenty minutes before my treatment, Dr. Rashid checked my test
results for accuracy and explained what I could expect. With my bonnet
(hairnet) in place, I walked into the surgical suite, seeing the same
fuzzy and blurriness I had struggled with since the age of sixteen. I was
instructed to lie down and relax, and I happily obliged as I knew that my
next chapter in life was about to begin.
Each eye took about 10 minutes and the laser correction itself was no
more than 30 seconds per eye. Dr. Rashid explained everything during
the procedure and encouraged me throughout the entire treatment.
I knew not to expect an immediate, dramatic vision improvement
with PRK. However, when I sat up I remember being amazed as I was
able to read a clock on the wall far more clearly then when I had entered
the room.
When I went in for my post-op exam I was able to read 20/20 on the
eye chart- without the aid of glasses or contacts-I was thrilled, and Dr.
Rashid was pleased with my recovery.
I was given the “cleared” slip to resume my normal summer activities
and soon made it out to the lake and swimming pool. I did not feel any
discomfort only joy as I hopped onto my water ski that weekend.
Finally after four weeks post-op I was ready for the ‘ultimate’ test:
returning to the DMV where it all started to retake that dreaded vision
test. This time I approached the counter confidently and proudly. I
informed the official that I was here to retake my vision test, so that the
‘corrective lens’ restriction could be removed from my license.
“Ok, sir you can test right here” she told me, “and there’s no need
to cry.” What was that supposed to mean?! I thought to myself; then I
realized I had used way too many lubricating eyedrops in preparation for
the test. Oh well, I was still seeing great!
As I pressed my forehead against the machine I couldn’t help but think
back to the day when I first discovered my vision was less than perfect.
I peered into the machine and could see every letter perfectly clear. I
read them off quickly and easily- “You passed!” the official told me. My
enthusiasm was obvious. “Wow,” I thought… “This is life changing!”
PRK: Post-Op, Continuing to Heal
Everyday my vision improvement continues to amaze me and I am
truly enjoying the results more and more each day.
I am so glad I decided to have the Laser Vision Correction procedure.
Just like my friends and family members who had LASIK before me said-
My PRK procedure gets underway.
Dr. Rashid with Tim Duncan
of the San Antonio Spurs.
Photo courtesy of Laura Guzman
the results are amazing and I really wish I had done it sooner!
Status reports, additional photos, and actual video of my eye surgery
are available on my web site: www.MyPRKstory.com. I would be
more than happy to answer any questions about the procedure and my
experiences through this web site.
All photos by Jessica Norene www.FacesByJessica.com
About Dr. Rashid’s Practice
Dr. Edward Rashid is a board-certified and double fellowshiptrained ophthalmologist. He has been recognized by the
Consumer Research Council of America as one of America’s
top ophthalmologists and has been selected by his peers to be
included in The Best Doctors in America 1998-2010. For over the
past 25 years Dr. Rashid has primarily specialized in refractive
corneal surgery and advanced cataract surgery and is a clinical
professor at the University of Texas Health Science Center. While
providing state-of-the- art technology is vital for optimal results,
Dr. Rashid also acknowledges that comprehensive care is equally
important “I work with some of the most experienced physicians
in the city, and they represent multiple ocular subspecialties. I
also have a very caring, dedicated and experienced staff not
only in the offices here in San Antonio, Kerrville, and Boerne, but
also at the Alamo Laser Vision Center. I am very proud of the
people around me. Their skill and professionalism reflect well on
medicine in general and they enhance my ability to provide my
patients with individualized uncompromised care.”
For More Information, visit www.seeitclearly.com To Schedule
a Complimentary LASIK Consultation, call the San Antonio
Office at (210) 340-5058. For Cataract evaluations and general
eye care please call (210) 340-1212. Boerne (830) 248-1222
Kerrville Office(830) 792-4466.
Therapeutic Massage Clinic and Spa
Where feeling good is good for you.
Whether you are feeling the stresses and pains of everyday life,
suffering from chronic pain and injuries or interested in taking time to
indulge and pamper your mind and body, a local spa is prepared to help.
Therapeutic Massage Clinic and Spa is a charming converted house on
Johns Road and one of the Hill Country’s best kept full service day spas.
Founded by Terry and Eddie Vogt in 1994, the spa has proven its
motto, “Where feeling good is good for you.” The Vogts are extensively
trained in massage and experts in pain management, sports massage and
alternative healing and have helped provide therapeutic results to their
clients who visit the spa,.
The team of massage therapists also includes Sandy Johnson, who
specializes in Medical and Orthopedic massage and helps clients with
chronic pain and injuries. She believes that wellness can only be achieved
when the mind, body, and spirit are in balance. John Coffey also offers
these services and is dedicated to improving the quality of your life.
Together, with licensed cosmetologist Donna Guidry, the
accomplished staff members are all equipped to relax, revive, and heal
their guests. Donna has a talent for treating her clients with perfectly
executed and enjoyable facials, pedicures, manicures and body polishes,
which leave the skin and body beautifully refined.
Essential Oils, Moor Mud products, infrared sauna and ionic foot
baths are all detoxifying treatments available at the spa to cleanse the
body of harmful toxins. Sandy recommends, “The infrared sauna is great
to use just prior to a massage. It is steamless, doesn’t get as hot as a regular
sauna and can burn up to 300 calories in just 30 minutes.” The infrared
sauna is also a free bonus for monthly membership holders.
Terry and Eddie explain that massage is not just an indulgence.
In addition to the calming and soothing results, it has many healthy
benefits. Such as boosting the immune system, raising mood elevating
brain chemicals and even curing common ailments such as allergies and
breathing problem.
Regardless of your individual needs, Therapeutic Massage Clinic and
Spa can help you look and feel your very best and find the relief and
relaxation that you deserve.
By Sheryl Hawkinson
Photography by HeloPhotography.com
Just 17 miles outside Fredericksburg, TX, amongst the rolling
hills of the beautiful Texas Hill Country, an enduring natural
phenomenon called Enchanted Rock appears as you drive north on
Ranch Road 965. Known as a sacred location to Native American’s,
this immense mass of granite has been solidified deep underground
from molten rock.
According to the State of Texas Parks and Wildlife, Enchanted
Rock had been inhabited and considered sacred for about 8,000 years
by Native American tribes. During the 1700’s, Spanish explorers,
missionaries and military expeditions came into the area in search of
land for farming, mission sites and precious metals. After many years
of conflict, the Europeans forced the Comanche, Apache, Tonkawa
and other Native American groups from the area around the mid
1800’s. To this day, there is said to be a legend that speaks of a chosen
people that can hear the pounding drums of the indigenous people
that lived and died at Enchanted Rock.
It’s only moments before you see the entry to Enchanted Rock that
you might pass a gate protected by two large stone lions on your right.
This gate adorned with antlers spelling out “Trois” is a stop worth
For owners, Charles and Rebecca Trois, the revelation of The Trois
Estate came to them in a vision and a dream even before they met.
Charles an acclaimed artist, musician and collector, and Rebecca a
women who felt trapped in the corporate world, both had the same
vision. It was not until later in their lives that they were to cross paths.
The first time Rebecca saw Charles she remembers how, “Our eyes
met and locked on one another. That was it!” Rebecca said with a
smile. “It was meant to be. Things like this don’t just happen.”
In 1994, Rebecca and Charles knew that their dream to build their
home was not intended to be just a vision and a dream, but a reality;
a reality depicting their own “Heaven on Earth”. Rebecca left the
corporate world and began to use her gifts; gifts of healing and a
love of people and cooking. Rebecca, an ordained minister and self
taught culinary chef, can not only create a meal meant for a royal
family but loves the opportunity to bring two people together in holy
Charles, with a desire to learn the lost art of Corbale Ceilings,
left home for a few months and traveled to San Miguel Gallente to
study the architecture. In 1998, after his return, Charles, with only
a handful of workers broke ground and began creating the couples
dream. No formal blueprint plans were drawn; instead Charles and
his lovely bride had it all drawn out in their minds and would work
as they were inspired.
Moved by what he learned during his time in Mexico, Charles,
a man of all trades, began the magnificent brick work that is found
throughout the village. Barrel ceilings are featured in many of the
halls and tunnels that lead from one quaint courtyard to the next
adventure around the corner.
As you step into the small chapel adorned with statuary and a
large church bell you might actually think you have left Texas and
somehow traveled back in time. The chapel entrance leads you to a
large hand poured stairwell aligned with candles. Down the stairs
you feel the warmth of a cozy intimate seating area. Neatly arranged
are heavy dark handmade church pews that can easily seat 50 and
a lovely stone fireplace mantel. Adorned on each side are beautiful
freestanding candelabras that hold the remnants of the sweet smell
of lovely candle wax drippings. As you follow the path you come
to another hall that leads down to a small entrance. This is it! The
remarkable hand dug underground Grotto, featuring handmade
stalactites, dim underwater lighting and fresh treated creek water that
allows you to feel one with nature. Take a dip in the warm pool water
and feel as if you have found one of the earth’s most phenomenal
The Estate’s restaurant features handmade window box tables
decoratively filled with pieces from the past. Peer through the glass
and seize history while gazing upon treasures of fossils, antique
razors, hand-carved Meerscham smoking pipes, aged newspaper
clippings and so much more from a bygone era. The decor is cozy
and comfortable with tables overlooking a view of Enchanted Rock.
The true divided light windows allow light to stream in, yet the
room’s romance lingers with thick draperies pulled to each end of the
expansive windows.
The open kitchen with the same overhead brick work is also
visible to guests while the chef of the evening, under the watchful
eye of Rebecca, manipulates culinary dishes into artwork so tempting to
the eye you hardly want to take a bite. Not only are the culinary dishes
beautiful to look at, they are tantalizing to the palate as well. The house
wine; Urbane Shiraz Vintage 2003 is truly magnificent. Rebecca chose
this vintage specifically for the body, aroma and taste.
The Chef’s Choice menu takes the wonder out of what to eat and allows
you to “throw in the towel” and perhaps try something a little different
from what you may have ordered at a traditional restaurant. Removing the
“same place, same thing” from your world allows for another adventure all
its own at The Trois Estate.
Traveling back outside, colored wine bottle bottoms peeking out from
the walls, while inside, the bottle tops allow the light to stream in and
play off the interior walls. Native plants and earth tone colors of the adobe
shaped buildings compliment the natural colors and rock of the landscape.
“This is surely a place to come and unplug” said my husband, Rande
Hawkinson. “The calming, peaceful environment surrounds you.” Atop
the wraparound terrace your view is only limited by your eyesight. Tile
mosaic art pours over the floor of the terrace and the detailed ironwork
railings laced with climbing wisteria vines add to a sense of well being.
A cool breeze can be felt blowing from what seems to be all directions.
Sipping a glass of house wine while watching the sunset views at The
Trois Estate, allow guests to experience a serene and rejuvenating feeling.
Simply a little piece of “Heaven on Earth.”
The 10 guest suites of the Estate are comfortable with large scale
furnishings and handmade furniture replicating old world charm. The
eclectic rooms, with antiques scatted about, uniquely incorporates the
large antique doors around the village. These antique doors and hardware
can be found hung as an invitation to enter a secret place. To open a door
at The Trois Estate is like opening a gift. The thought of how long ago,
and by whom, this same door was opened comes to mind. Touch the
doors and rub the old beautiful detailed carvings, you can only wish they
could talk and tell the story of where they once hung.
From the entry gate to the intimate courtyard, the winding pathway of
poured concrete depicts stone from centuries ago. The interior of the guest
suits also include concrete stone floors with an extra step of artistic flair.
Charles stained and burned the floors with a special technique to resemble
granite. Lovely colorful rugs drape across the rough textured floor while
dim lighting allows the room to feel restful and cozy. The bathrooms are
clean with handmade counters that take you back to a time of simpler
days, providing you with all you need without the frills. There are no
phones to call for room service extras, so be sure to bring all your morning
essentials. Many of the rooms at The Estate feature spa tubs not found in
the traditional location in the bathroom, instead nestled in the corner of
the room itself, allowing guests to enjoy the décor from all angles. Towels,
soaps and shampoos are provided. Weekday suite rates range from $159
per night to $229 per night and include a delicious gourmet breakfast.
Weekend rates are slightly increased.
Charles’ childlike love for cap guns is apparent when walking through
his personal museum of what is said to be a million dollar collection. Stroll
right next door to the Bird Cage Theater where thousands of spurs are
hanging along the top of the cowboy bar, chandeliers and walls. Back
outside and up the path to the Safari Room, homes hundreds of trophy
mounts. Everything from A to Z and in between can be found in this
large room including full size mounts of lions, tigers and bears!
The Trois’ have an enduring gift to serve. Rebecca often enjoys guests
from local nursing homes that come to visit and enjoy delicious food, good
conversation and of course marvel at the remarkable views of Enchanted
Rock. The arts are important to the Trois family as well. Annually, The
Estate opens their gates to hundreds of guests to a sit down dinner costing
$150.00 per plate in support of the San Antonio Opera. This fundraiser is
scheduled for November and is a special time of year for Rebecca and her
family. An auction is set in motion while guests donate items. 100% of
all proceeds go directly to the opera. For details about this event contact
The Estate directly.
While at The Trois Estate, it is a time to “let go” and allow your mind
and body to rest. Internet, television and cell phone service is not at your
every beck and call, so be prepared to let it all go. The 57 acres of open
enchanting space inspire you to find the dreams you may have thought
were long gone.
A new additional 18 room lodge is currently under construction and is
scheduled to open later this year. The Trois Estate is available seven days a
week for Romantic Getaways, Weddings, Corporate and Special Events.
The Trois Estate is conveniently located at 300 Trois Lane, Fredericksburg,
TX 78624 between Austin and San Antonio, north of Fredericksburg. Venue
and overnight rental rates can be found at www.TheTroisEstate.net. Limited
space is available for Lunch and Dinner at Troisi’s Italian Ristorante so call early
to guarantee desired dates. The Ristorante is Open to the public Wednesday
- Sunday by reservation only. Call (830) 685-3090 or (830) 685-3415.
To Deer, or Not to Deer
Thoughts from a Deer Committee Member
I wasn’t quite aware of the firestorm I was walking into when I
applied for the Deer Committee, the deer are definitely a hot topic here
in Fair Oaks. Thus far we have met with biologists from TP&WD,
PHD professors from A&M who have written books on urban deer
populations, and numerous experts in the field. I walked in thinking I
knew everything, but discovered there is a lot I didn’t know. These are
my thoughts, independent of the DAHAC and City of FOR.
I grew up enjoying the deer in Fair Oaks, and I continue to enjoy them
today. One thing for certain, this place wouldn’t be the same without
our deer. Everybody has different opinions on this subject, but as a
community, I think we can find compromising solutions and get along
with our neighbors AND our wildlife.
A few noteworthy things: corn is an unhealthy diet and can
compromise the health of individual deer as well as the herd. Two species
exist in FOR: Whitetail and Axis. Whitetail are native and abundant
throughout the country; Axis are exotics native to India. Whitetail breed
once a year, Axis breed year round. Overall, the Axis out compete the
Whitetail on all levels, and they are ever-increasing in population. No
mater what side of the fence you stand on, everybody can contribute.
Be courteous of your neighbors if you decide to feed, do your own
research to find out what is a healthy deer diet, think twice before you
high fence your entire yard, and plant native, drought tolerant plants in
By Travis Wagner
your landscaping. Remember where you live, and consider it a blessing
that deer are one of the main issues in our community. Lastly, Love Thy
The city intends to invite residents to complete a Wildlife & Deer
Survey towards the end of August. This is a very important first step that
will check the community’s pulse and experiences with this topic, so be
on the lookout and make sure your household represents by completing
this survey!