mois-graphisme-2008 - Centre du graphisme


mois-graphisme-2008 - Centre du graphisme
pre ss pa ck
Graphic Art
Month in
21st November
2008-31st January
L’affiche du mois
du Graphisme
2008 a été conçue
et réalisée par
Philippe Apeloig.
Press contact: Geneviève Alonso, 06 10 19 05 21
page trois
Les expositions
We love books!—a world tour
page quatre
Ô typo
page neuf
K&D, video artists page onze
Sporting Characters
page douze
Kvĕta Pacovskà, alphabets and books for young people
page treize
Teaching-design: letter to a friend
Artists’ books
Justin Grégoire, bringing words to life
page quatorze
page quinze
page seize
A Word from Local Inhabitants
page dix-sept
Life’s Rubbish
page dix-huit
Other Events
Cinema, film credits
Artistic and graphic workshops
Graphic Art Month in Échirolles, Calendar of Events
Exhibitions and how to find them
Organisers and partners
The full-colour PDF version of this press pack can be downloaded from:
page dix-neuf
page vingt
page vingt et un
page t w o
Con te n ts
Introduction by Diego Zaccaria
page vingt-trois
page vingt-six
page vingt-sept
Voltaire once said that writing is painting with words. Plato suspected that it froze speech
and therefore thought. Burdened with this original suspicion, writing is nonetheless indispensable to our social interactions, which have become more complex as society has evolved
and economic and trading exchanges have developed. It is built not in opposition to but
in parallel with the human memory, pushing the limits, producing information that is
understandable and shared by all, initially useful in preserving oral information, and then
in reproducing the spoken word.
In its function as communication, writing is an act of translation. A test, as Paul
Ricoeur says, that makes the translator’s role as mediator an uncomfortable one. Thought,
then, the message to be translated into signs that resist the written form, that resist a synthesis of the image. The choice is decisive for the visual translator, torn between the resistance
of the thought, a message that is reluctant to become frozen, and the resistance of the reader,
the viewer who reads or understands the image according to his own social and cultural
code. So it is that writing is a mark, a trace, that is vital in understanding the world and its
motion, from the time of the prehistoric hunter who tried to make out the animal’s movements by the tracks left in the soil, right up to modern man who takes in information in
multiple forms.
How can the energy of thought, the expressivity of the spoken word best be
rendered? Contemporary graphic designers have harnessed themselves to the precept rather
than to the question, broadening the path forged by the poets (Mallarmé, Apollinaire,
Marinetti…), drawing on the quest by avant-garde artists throughout the twentieth century. Working in their turn, typographers have tried to restore a “voice” to the frozen word
by redesigning the contours of letters, slimming down and swelling out their bodies, giving
them a bit of boldness to help them find the right “tone”. Along with the “image-makers”,
they start to form a sort of grammar, a vocabulary in perpetual effervescence, given impetus
by the rhythms and necessities of social life.
pag e t hre e
Diego Zaccaria
General Delegate for the Graphic Arts Centre
The exhibition “We love books!—a world tour” sheds new light on contemporary publishing around the world. Unexpected, surprising, always inventive, colourful, these books,
exhibited at moulins de Villancourt, illustrate different forms of written and visual expression
around the world, representing a vast cultural diversity:
“Books of the world”— more than 100 graphic artists from Asia, the Central and South Pacific,
the Middle East, Africa, Europe, North and Latin America offer us books that are both
unexpected and inventive. They invite us to their studios, bookshops, libraries and literary cafés in their town or country. From New Zealand to Norway, Japan to Peru, Egypt to
Canada and the Netherlands to Argentina, they accompany us on a veritable world tour of
“Madame Bovary Around the World” (« Universelle Madame Bovary »)—the famous novel by
Flaubert has been published throughout the world. Each book cover, with its images and
script, invites you to go on journey.
At the Géo-Charles Gallery you will find:
“New York Art Directors” («Directeurs artistiques à New York»)—four of the leading directors in the USA share their experiences as graphic artists or artistic directors at publishing
houses such as Random House, Alfred A. Knopf, Vintage and Anchor Books;
“Graphic Designers in Taiwan” (« Graphistes à Taiwan »)—six young graphic artists from Taiwan
display their books, flyers, and posters which often have a “pop art” feel. They offer us an
image that far removed from the cliché of this island which the Portuguese, it’s discoverers,
named “Formosa”, the “Beautiful One”;
“Books in Cambodia” («Livres au Cambodge»)— illustrated, colourful, vernacular, often naive,
the book covers for novels published in khmer (the Cambodian alphabet) are surprising.
They express the popular art that is to be found on the streets of Phnom Penh;
“Madagascar”—in this multicultural island for a long time ignored, paper is rare and recycled.
And yet they publish newspapers, public health manuals, graphic novels and novels.
These various installations pay homage to contemporary graphic art.
Graphic Artists on Show at moulins de Villancourt: Majid Abbasi, Teheran (Iran), Ad Est dell’
Equatore, Naples (Italy), Ahn-Sang Soo, Seoul (Korea), Ryoji Arai, Tokyo (Japan),Manuela
Bacelar, Porto (Portugal), Koby Barchad & Noa Shwartz, Tel Aviv (Israel), Base Two / Neil
Pardington, Wellington (New Zealand), João Bicker, Coïmbra (Portugal),Michael Bierut
/ Pentagram, New York (USA), 601 Bisang, Seoul (Korea), Jo Cook / Perro Verlag, British
Columbia (Canada), Cyan, Berlin (Germany), Gerolsimo d’Ambrosio, Salerno (Italy),
Marion Deuchars, London (United Kingdom), Doyle Partners, New York (USA), Markus
Dressen / Spector, Leipzig (Germany), Marcelo Drummond, Minas Gerais (Brazil), Eden
Design &Communication, Amsterdam (Netherlands), Jesper Egemar, Oslo (Norway), El
Comercio, Lima (Peru), Mohieddine Ellabbad, Cairo (Egypt), Oscar Estrada de la Rosa/
Epigrafa, Monterey (Mexico), Pedro Falcao, Lisbon (Portugal), Kiko Farkas, São Paulo
(Brazil), Faydherbe / de Vringer, The Hague (Netherlands), Isidro Ferrer, Huesca (Spain),
G – B / Grafisches Buero, Vienna (Austria), Reinhard Gassner, Schlins (Austria), Hannes
Gloor & Stefan Jandl, Zürich (Switzerland), Aud Gloppen, Oslo (Norway), Carin Goldberg,
New York (USA), Danny Goldberg Design, Tel Aviv (Israel), Michael Gordon, Tel Aviv
page f o ur
“ We l o v e b o ok s ! — a wor l d tou r ”
“We love books!—a world tour”, an international panorama of contemporary publishing.
List of Exhibition Participants “New York Art Directors” («directeurs artistiques à New
York») : Carol Devine, Barbara de Wilde, John Gall, Chip Kidd
List of Exhibition Participants “Graphic Designers in Taiwan” («Graphistes à Taïwan»): Agua,
Hsiao-Han Yao, Hsu Hsi Design Studio, Aaron Nieh, Shih Design, Tzi-Chin Huang
The choice of books exhibited comes out of a collaboration between poster artist Michel
Bouvet, graphic artists Claire Balay and Odile Chambaut—who make up the Michel
Bouvet Workshop—, writer and critic Philippe Di Folco, and production and coordination Marie-Edith Agostini-Simonneaux and the selection is, above all, a reflection of joint
and individual choices. This voyage through graphic art is part of the series of exhibitions
presented during the previous Graphic Art Months in Echirolles with this same focus to
international artists. The serieshas already included: “Graphic Artists Around The World”
(2000), “East Coast/West Coast, graphic artists in the United States” (2002), “Swinging
London, graphic art and music today” (2004, “9 women graphic artists” 2006.
organisers: Michel Bouvet workshop and Philippe Di Folco, writer
design: Philippe Veyrunes
production, coordination: Marie-Édith Agostini-Simonneaux
With the participation of Ambassade du royaume des Pays-Bas, Goethe institute de Lyon,
Ambassade de Norvège, Instituto Camoes du Portugal, Centre culturel israélien, Instituto
italiano di cultura de Grenoble, Ambassade de Slovaquie, “150e anniversaire des relations
franco-japonaises”, Centre culturel français du Cambodge, Centre culturel italien de Paris.
exhibition at moulins de Villancourt
116 cours Jean-Jaurès, Échirolles
04 76 98 53 63
every day, 1.30 pm to 6.30 pm
exhibition at the Géo-Charles Gallery
1 rue Géo-Charles, Échirolles
04 76 22 58 63
pag e f ive
“ We l o v e b ook s ! — a wor l d tou r ”
(Israel),Walter Gronli / Agendum See, Oslo (Norway), Jianping He / Hesign, Berlin
(Germany) / Shanghai (China), Anett Hentschel, Nuremberg (Germany), Fons Hickmann,
Berlin (Germany), Stian Hole, Oslo (Norway), Andrew Howard, Porto (Portugal), Angus
Hyland / Pentagram, London (United Kingdom), Imagen HB, Buenos Aires (Argentina),
Melchior Imboden, Buochs (Switzerland), Werner Jeker, Lausanne (Switzerland), Ruth
Klotzel / Estudio Infinito, São Paulo (Brazil), Marise Knegtmans, Amsterdam (Netherlands),
Lava, Amsterdam (Netherlands), Gabriele Lenz, Vienna (Austria), Uwe Loesch, Erkrath
(Germany) ,Donato Mancini, Vancouver (Canada), Saed Meshki, Teheran (Iran), Abbott
Miller / Pentagram, New York (USA), Terese Moe Leiner, Oslo (Norway), Nakajima Design,
Tokyo (Japan), Christof Nardin, Vienna (Austria), Neon, Amsterdam (Netherlands), Nuit
Blanche / Héla Chelli, Tunis (Tunisia), David Pearson, London (United Kingdom), Perndl
+ Co Design, Vienna (Austria), R2 Design, Porto (Portugal), Rex Design, São Paulo (Brazil),
Nami Rhee, Seoul (Korea), Vladislav Rostoka, Bratislava (Slovakia), Paul Sahre, New York
(USA), Guido Scarabottolo, Milan (Italy), Paula Scher / Pentagram, New York (USA),
Leonardo Sonnoli, Trieste (Italy), Speculoos, Brussels (Belgium), Adi Stern Design, Tel
Aviv (Israel),Studio Feed, Montreal (Canada), David Tartakover, Tel Aviv (Israel), Paolo
Tassinari, Trieste (Italy), Christopher Tobias, Davisburg – Michigan (USA), Toronja, Lima
(Peru), Rick Vermeulen, Rotterdam (Netherlands), Martin Villeneuve, Montreal (Canada),
Henning Wagenbreth, Berlin (Germany), Wang Xu, Guangzhou (China).
Guido Scarabottolo, Italie
Werner Jeker, Suisse
pag e si x
“ We l o v e b ook s ! — a wor l d tou r ”
Terese Moe Leiner, Norvège
David Pearson, Royaume-Uni
Jianping He, Chine et Allemagne
Majid Abbassi, Iran
pag e seven
“ We l o v e b ook s ! — a wor l d tou r ”
Park Kum-jun, Corée-du-Sud
Carin Goldberg, États-Unis
Toronja Studio, Pérou
Lava Grapfish Ontwerpers,
pag e eig ht
“ We l o v e b ook s ! — a wor l d tou r ”
Henning Wagenbreth, Allemagne
Philippe Apeloig was born in 1962 in Paris and studied applied arts at Duperré School
and at the École nationale supérieure des Arts décoratifs (Ensad, National College of
Decorative Arts). He discovered typography, which was to become his point of reference
after being trained as a calligrapher by Roger Druet, during two internships at Total Design
(Amsterdam) in 1983 and 1985. He was then recruited by the musée d’Orsay as graphic artist
before jetting off to Los Angeles in 1988, where he spent a year with April Greiman.
Back in Paris, he opened his own studio and worked for a number of cultural
institutions, not without a few forays into publishing as Director of Jardin des Modes. In
1993, he was appointed Artistic Director at the Louvre. In parallel with this busy creative
life, Philippe Apeloig has taught at Ensad in Paris and at the Copper Union School of Art
in New York.
The exhibition presents work completed over some twenty years by Philippe
Apeloig. It enables us to share in his passion for letters, considered “not just as a vehicle for
thought but also as creative matter” (1). Far from flashy fashionable effects, his aim is to
produce work that stands the test of time and enters the collective visual memory.
(1) Philippe Apeloig, Au cœur du mot, éditions Lars Muller, Baden, Suisse, 2000
organiser: Diego Zaccaria
design: Philippe Veyrunes
A partnership : centre du Graphisme, La Rampe d’Echirolles.
exhibition at La Rampe
avenue du 8-Mai-1945, Échirolles
04 76 40 83 00
every day, 1.30 pm to 6.30 pm
p age nine
“Ô typo”
“Ô typo”, the world of Philippe Apeloig through posters, publications and animated alphabets
“Ô typo”
Quatre affiches de Philippe Apeloig
a partnership between centre du Graphisme, the Gobelins-école de l’Image
and lycée Marie-Curie Échirolles
coordination : Hervé Tissot
layout & design: Mad and the pupils of lycée Marie-Curie
exhibition at lycée Marie-Curie
avenue du 8-Mai-1945, Échirolles
04 76 33 70 00
Monday to Friday, 8 am to 12 noon and 1.30pm to 5.30pm
Saturday, 8am to 12 noon
Catch me if you can, 2002
réalisateur du film Steven Spielberg,
réalisateurs du générique
Kuntzel & Deygas
p age el even
“K & D , vi de o a r ti sts”
As the collective “Kuntzel+Deygas”, Olivier Kuntzel and Florence Deygas have created a
number of works since 1988, mixing video, graphics and character creation. Olivier Kuntzel
is a graduate of the Olivier-de-Serres school of applied arts, advertising section. Florence
Deygas trained as designer/director of animated films, at the Gobelins-école de l’Image.
K&D have directed unusual and striking videos for Saint-Germain, Bertrand Burgalat and
Dimitri from Paris, shorts and adverts for Coca Cola Japan, Nokia and Toyota, and the
famous credits sequence for the Spielberg film “Catch me if you can”. They have developed
a collaborative style of writing whilst at the same time continuing to carry out personal
projects particularly in the field of design. This exhibition presents a selection of their
work and you will be able to discover or rediscover their trademark characters Caperino &
Peperone, Winney, Com-Pets—now adopted by the worlds of fashion and luxury.
“Spor ti n g Ch a r a c te r s”
The Beijing Olympics have been the major sporting, political, cultural and media event of the
year. Characters used by the Chinese sporting world enable us to learn about some of the
essential aspects of Chinese civilisation, in particular the connections between their writing
and physical and sporting practices. Just as the Chinese script is defined and described in
terms of the body—flesh, bones, blood, skeleton, muscles, tendons—sports are deemed
in China to prolong life and are considered character-building activities. Thirty posters,
created by Chinese graphic artists, illustrate this point. They were selected following a
National competition organised by the Shenzhen association of graphic artists. Each poster
is accompanied by a description, giving the explanations necessary for understanding the
historic, semiological and social implications of the graphic artist’s intentions. Further panels present the mechanics of Chinese script.
organisers: Thierry Sarfis and Han Jiaying
words by Yolaine Escande
documents: Olivier Cabon.
layout & design: Mad
exhibition at the gymnasium Lionel-Terray
avenue du 8-Mai-1945, Échirolles
du lundi au vendredi, de 16 heures à 22 heures
et sur rendez-vous au 04 76 23 64 65 ou au 04 76 23 64 65 67
Han Jiaying, Chine
Wang Houming, Chine
The exhibition presents a selection of posters and books for young people illustrated by
Kvĕta Pacovskà. Kvĕta Pacovskà was born in Prague in 1928 and graduated from the Prague
Academy of Applied Arts in 1952. She works in the areas of graphic art, painting, conceptual
art and young people’s books.
Over seventy exhibitions have been dedicated to her since 1961, when she started
to develop her three dimensional illustrated books. Her books have been translated into a
dozen different languages, including Chinese. She is a worthy inheritor of the great Czech
school of art and her creations express the fusion that is possible between the plastic arts,
graphic art and typography.
A partnership between the centre du Graphisme and the maison des Écrits.
meeting with the artist will be held the 20th an 21st of January 2009
(subject to her welcome).
exhibition at la maison des Écrits
6 rue du Rhin, Échirolles
04 76 09 75 20
coordination Valérie Zulian
layout & design: Mad
ateliers d’écriture
aux moulins de Villancourt, mardi 9 décembre,
de 18 heures à 22 heures ;
à la maison des Écrits, mardis 13 et 27 janvier,
de 18 heures à 22 heures ;
inscription au 04 76 09 75 20.
Kvĕta Pacovskà, République Tchèque
p age th ir teen
“K ĕv ét a Pa cov sk à , a l ph ab ets an d b o ok s for you n g pe opl e ”
Discovering the world of the artist and her work through her alphabet books
“Tea c hi n g - d es i g n . c o m : L e tte r to a fr i e n d”
A graphical encounter between undergraduates and European High School students via the internet
The “ Letter to a friend” exhibition explores the various modes and
forms of writing including national specialities of the five participating delegations: Spain,
Estonia, France, Lithuania, the Czech Republic. The French version of the letter is presented in the form of a video. This work has been carried out in the context of the European
Coménius project.
project coordination : Geneviève Grousson-Troyes (lycée Marie-Curie)
layout & design: the pupils of lycée Marie-Curie, Échirolles
A partnership between the centre du Graphisme, the Grenoble maison de l’Architecture
and lycée Marie-Curie, Échirolles.
Exhibition at lycée Marie-Curie
From November 21st to December 23th 2008
avenue du 8-Mai-1945, Échirolles
04 76 33 70 00
Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm
Saturday, 8am to 12am
Tramway A, bus 11
Charlotte Sisco, France
exhibition at the maison de l’Architecture
From January 2nd to January 31st 2009
4 place de Berulle, Grenoble
04 76 54 29 97
Monday to Friday, 1pm to 6pm
Clément Giraud, France
Books are a treasure trove. The writer’s imagination, style and words lead us to the unknown
shores to encounter sensitivity, poetry, or more prosaically, social reality. But when the text
is entrusted to a typographical, illustrative, engraving or calligraphic artist, the book in its
finished form becomes a treasure in and of itself, a real artist’s book. The Echirolles libraries
treasures are opened up for the first time to the gaze of local residents and lovers of beautiful work.
A partnership between the centre du Graphisme and the Échirolles libraries.
coordination: Martine Cribier
layout & design: Mad
exhibition at Pablo-Neruda Library
15 place Beaumarchais, Échirolles
04 76 20 64 51
exhibition at la Ponatière Library
6 bis avenue Paul-Vaillant-Couturier, Échirolles
04 76 40 10 48
se reporter aux horaires d’ouverture des équipements
page f if teen
“Ar ti sts’ Book s”
The literary and artistic treasures of Échirolles
An explorer of all forms of graphic expression, Justin Grégoire can wield a pair of scissors
faster than a paint brush. He is a master of the art of cutting out silhouettes, rearranging
words as images and of creating “animots”, and paper cut-outs have become his favourite
technique. After the retrospective exhibition that was dedicated to him in 2006, his “animots” are presented in the town centre and can be used as an educational resource.
selection: Geneviève Alonso
layout & design: Mad
A partnership between the centre du Graphisme and the centre social Anne-Frank.
exhibition at the centre social Anne-Frank
1 rue de Lorraine, Échirolles
04 76 40 20 51
du lundi au jeudi de 8 h 30 à 12 heures et de 13 h 30 à 17 h 30
le vendredi de 8 h 30 à 12 heures et de 13 h 30 à 17 heures
Justin Grégoire
page six t een
“ J u st i n G rég o i re, b r i n g i n g wor ds to l i fe ”
A likeable, playful artist with an eye for the meaning of signs
The exhibition “A Word from Local Inhabitants”, presents the three sections of work carried out by the plastic and graphic artists Marina Siakowski and Anne-Leila Ollivier based
on a collection of quotations from the town’s inhabitants. A book (Insolant’Image) has
been published for the occasion, bringing together the three bodies of work. This project
was carried out in the framework of the urban social cohesion contract and was supported
by a grant from the town council.
Project headed up by Insolant’Image.
A partnership between the Graphic Arts Centre, and the town of Echirolles.
exhibition at Société dauphinoise d’habitat
34 avenue de Grugliasco, Échirolles
04 76 68 39 39
Monday to Friday, 8.30 am to 12 noon and 1.30pm to 5pm
p age sevent ee n
“ A Wo rd from L oc a l In h a bi ta n ts”
Posters and work from the past three years by the inhabitants of Echirolles
The “Life’s Rubbish” exhibition presents work by students at lycée Thomas-Edison, assisted
by the artist Jean-Noel Zanetti and the teachers at the lycée on the theme of pollution and
natural threats. A collective awareness-raising presentation where each participant has got
involved with energy and talent.
Project by Jean-Noël Zanetti, with the teachers from lycée professionnel Thomas-Edison.
A partnership between the lycée professionnel Thomas-Edison,
Échirolles town council and centre du Graphisme.
exhibition at the hôtel de ville
1 place des Cinq-Fontaines, Échirolles
04 76 20 63 00
Monday to Friday, 8 am to 12 noon and 1pm to 5.30pm
p age eight een
“L i fe ’s Ru bbi sh ”
A pictorial study of problems related to pollution
Chosen by Laure Chapalain.
A partnership between the centre du Graphisme, and the Pathé Cinema Échirolles.
Cinema, at the Pathé Cinema Échirolles
showings for all ages
Sunday 23rd November at 10 am.
Thursday 11th December at 10 pm
student showings
Thursday 11th December at 9 am and 2pm
The man with the golden arm, 1955
réalisateur du film Otto Preminger
réalisateur du générique Saul Bass
Seven, 1995
réalisateur du film David Fincher,
réalisateur du générique Kyle Cooper
p age nine tee n
“ C i n e ma : Fi l m Cr e di ts”
Film Credits appeared at the beginning of cinematography when it was invented by George
Meliès. He used black card to write his name and the title, with the aim of differentiating
artistic films and films for entertainment from the early scientific films. The story started
after the opening credits, at the start which fulfilled a formal purpose (Title, participants…)
and finished with a card saying “The End”. Gradually, however, filmmakers broke the rules
in order to bring the draw more into the work.
Saul Bass revolutionised film credits in 1955, to create a real introduction to the
film, getting the spectator in the mood. He invented modern credits in the film “The Man
with the Golden Arm” This would not have been possible without the support of directors
such as Preminger and Hitchcock, who understood the role credits played, similar to an
overture at the Opera. Other designers followed suit, like Binder and Ferro.
By the end of the seventies, the first “motion design” companies appeared. In
1995, Kyle Cooper shook up the world of credits with the closing credits to “Se7en”. Today,
compositing 3D software and offer new possibilities and credits are becoming more and
more spectacular. But good credits remain a sequence linking an intellectual subject with
well chosen graphic, typographic and musical compositions. Sometimes the opening credits prove better than the film that follows. These are jewels of graphic art and of the cinema
(which the French like to call the “Seventh Art”).
“Writings” in the plural is an invitation to observe the diversity and singularity of expression and ways of communicating; questioning the proliferation of graphic art methods
and practices at the heart of the constant evolution of techniques and materials across all
written, oral and pictorial cultures. Writing is a social, political and cultural challenge, an
issue involving relationships, power and often social responsibility. And let’s not forget that
if writing is an image it is also a sound, an odour a sensation. Specialists, each well known
in their own field, will present writing and its connections with the spoken word, books,
typography, blogs, multimedia, the on-line press
Tuesday 9th December 2008 The Book as Object (« Le livre comme objet »)
How can the survival of the book be explained in the context of today’s technology? How has the internet changed the models that books have created in our hearts? These
are the questions raised by historian Michel Melot—historian, former Director of the Centre
Georges-Pompidou library and former President of the Libraries Board.
Tuesday 13th January 2009 Blogs into books (« Le blog livre »)
The author François Bon is a leading proponent of literature on the internet via, founded in 1997 and via the cooperative project His aim is to offer
authors a way of publishing writing which publishers cannot take on, in an industry that
leave little space for literary experimentation. How can we bring together aestheticism, literary research and digital technology?
Tuesday 20th January 2009 Writing and Multimedia (« Écritures et multimédia »)
Having worked for 20 years in the field of business information systems, Dominique
Cotte—lecturer in Information and Communication Sciences—has observed the relationship between graphic forms, semiotic forms and the constraints of the publisher’s and
reader’s perspective. He shares with us what he has learnt about inheritance and innovation
in writing systems and practices and through his assessments of websites created by traditional media outlets.
A partnership between the centre du Graphisme, institut de la Communication et des
Médias université Stendhal Grenoble III. Modérateur Philippe Quinton.
institut de la Communication et des Médias
avenue du 8-Mai-1945, Échirolles
tram A (La Rampe stop)
free entry
information 04 76 23 64 65 and 04 76 23 64 67
p age twent y
“Wr i ti n g s”
A lecture programme at the institut de la Communication et des Médias, Échirolles
special events
A Taste of Art, the “We love books!—a world tour” exhibition: musée Géo-Charles, Échirolles,
For all ages, Sunday 7th December 2008 and 11th January 2009, 3pm. Bookings: 04 76 22
58 63.
“Apérographiques”—A graphical aperitif, guided tour of the “We love books!—a world tour”
exhibition accompanied by music and gastronomic aperitifs: moulins de Villancourt,
Échirolles, Friday 12th December 2008, Friday 16th January and Friday 30th January 30,
6.30pm. Bookings: 04 76 23 64 65, au 04 76 23 64 67 or by e-mail to
“Nocturnes”—Night-time tour, guided visits to the “Oh Typography” and “We love books!—
a world tour” exhibitions, followed by the showing of “Film Credits”: Thursday 11th
December 2008, Thursday 8th January and Thursday 21st January 2009, 7pm, meet at the
Géo-Charles Gallery, 1 rue Géo-Charles, Échirolles, bookings 04 76 23 64 65 or 04 76 23 64 65
67 or by e-mail to
“Inspired by the news” (« Les faits divers »). To tell a good story there needs to be a trigger, a
spark that sets fire to the powder of the narration. Whether it is an anecdote picked up in a
bar, something bizarre heard on the radio, or a brief article read in a newspaper, these varied components make up the basic material for all narrators, whether they be story-tellers,
novelists or scriptwriters. David Lynch: Une histoire vraie; Philippe Lioret: Je vais bien ne
t’en fais pas; Raymond Carver: Les vitamines du bonheur; Kressmann Taylor: Inconnu à cette
Starting with a newspaper snippet, students will design book covers with catchy
titles and one or more images which make you want to open it to find out what happens
next. Getting away from standard typography, they will create specific characters echoing
the image that they have created. They will be helped in this exercise by Rémi Courgeon,
author and illustrator, by Thierry Dedieu, author and illustrator, by Marc Boergers, graphic
designer and typographer and Gonzalo Garcia-Barcha, graphic designer and typographer from
At the centre Précotel, Méaudre, Tuesday 18th to Friday 21st November. A
workshop for visual communications, graphic design and art students. Information on
04 76 23 64 65, 04 76 23 64 67 or by e-mail to
p age twent y -o n e
Ed uc a t i on al an d aw aren e s s - r a i si n g a c ti on s
The Graphic Design Month is broadening its mission to spread the culture of Graphic Arts,
with free artistic and graphics workshops, meetings and lectures to accompany the exhibitions over two months.
The Grenoble libraries training day “The Identity of a book and of a Collection” («Identité d’un
livre, d’une collection»). Publishers, art directors and graphic artists mingle their talents to
attract new readers. Trends, movements, conceptual methods and typographic and visual
specialities will be debated during the day.
9.30am—Welcoming Participants
10am—A publisher’s perspective with Bernadette Caille from éditions Textuel, Paris
2pm—A graphic artist’s perspective, with Philippe Apeloig, studio Apeloig, Paris
4pm—Guided tour of the “Ô typo” exhibition
5pm—Closing talk by Robert Subtil, book lover
At La Rampe, Échirolles, Thursday 11th December 2008, bookings: centre du
Graphisme 04 76 23 64 67, 04 76 23 64 67 or
DAAC Training Courses:“What is Graphic Design?” («Qu’est-ce que le graphisme?») What is graphic
art? A visual means of presenting a message. Visual representation involves methods and
planning, techniques and tools—design, photography, typography, colour, volumes, and
communicating a message involves communication processes a communicating party, a
medium and a receiving party. Graphic design is carried out by people (graphic artists)
who have received training in formal techniques, social sciences and experimentation. The
graphic designer, as any other human being has his own personal relationship with nature
and society: which is the psychological basis for his style and imagination.
At lycée Marie-Curie d’Échirolles, Thursday 4th and Friday 5th December
2008. Target Audience: Teachers from Grenoble Education Authority. Bookings: MarieFrance Deroux (Éducation nationale Daac, ; Geneviève
Grousson-Troyes (lycée Marie-Curie, ; Geneviève Alonso
(centre du Graphisme,
p age twent y -t w o
A c t i ons pé d ag o g i q u es et de se n si bi l i sa ti on
gymnase Lionel-Terray, Échirolles
Inauguration of the “Sporting Characters” exhibition
5.30pm société dauphinoise d’Habitat, Échirolles
Inauguration of the “A Word from Local Inhabitants”
hôtel de ville d’Échirolles
Inauguration of the “Life’s Rubbish” exhibition
Saturday 22nd November
La Rampe, Échirolles
Official opening of the Graphic Art Month with town
councillors in attendance
Inauguration of the “Ô Typo” exhibition
La Rampe, Échirolles
Round table discussion chaired by Emmanuel Souchier,
lecturer and researcher in Information and Communication
Sciences (Paris IV Celsa), with graphic artists presented
in the “We love books! a world tour” exhibition
Géo-Charles Gallery, Échirolles
inauguration of the “We love books! a world tour” exhibition;
“Directeurs artistiques à New York”,
“Graphistes à Taïwan”, “Livres du Cambodge”, “Madagascar”
moulins de Villancourt, Échirolles
Inauguration of the “We love books! a world tour” exhibition;
“Books of the world”, “Universelle Madame Bovary”
Sunday 23rd November 10am
Pathé Cinema Echirolles
Film credits. Meeting with Laure Chapalain and two French
producers of film credits (surprise guests)
page twenty - t hre e
O pe ni ng We e ken d : 21 s t to 2 3 r d N ove mbe r 2 008
Friday 21st November
lycée Marie-Curie, Échirolles
“Film Credits”: a meeting with Laure Chapalain
and two producers of film credits followed by a commentated
exhibition visit. K&D, film credits
Sunday 7th December
Géo-Charles Gallery, Échirolles
A Taste of Art
Tuesday 9th December
noon to 2pm
institut de la Communication et des Médias, Échirolles
Lecture: The Book as Object
Speaker: Michel Melot, historian
18 heures-22 heures
moulins de Villancourt, Échirolles
atelier d’écriture, inscription au 04 76 09 75 20
Thursday 11th December
Pathé Cinema Échirolles
Cinema: Film credits—Student sessions
10am to 5pm
La Rampe, Échirolles
“The Identity of a book and of a Collection”
training course, the library network
7pm to 10pm
Géo-Charles Gallery, moulins de Villancourt, La Rampe,
Nocturne—night-time guided tour of the exhibitions
9.45pm Pathé Cinema Échirolles
Cinema: Film credits and meeting with Laure Chapalain
Booking required on 04 76 23 64 65, 04 76 23 64 67
or 06 10 19 05 21
Friday 12th December
moulins de Villancourt
“Apérographics”, a gourmet guided tour or practical art
workshop. Booking required on 04 76 23 64 65, 04 76 23 64 67
or 06 10 19 05 21
Thursday 8th January 2008
Géo-Charles Gallery, moulins de Villancourt, La Rampe
Guided tour of the exhibitions. Booking required
on 04 76 23 64 65, 04 76 23 64 67 or 06 10 19 05 21
p age twent y -f o ur
C a le ndr i er du m o i s d u G ra ph i s me d’ É c h i r ol l e s
Thursday 4th and Friday 5th December
during the day DAAC training course “What is graphic design?”
lycée Marie-Curie, Échirolles
6pm to 10pm
maison des Écrits
writting workshop—booking required on 04 76 09 75 20
Sunday 11th January
Géo-Charles Gallery, Échirolles
A Taste of Art. Booking required on 04 76 22 58 63
Friday 16th January
moulins de Villancourt, Échirolles
“Apérographics”, a gourmet guided tour or practical art
workshop. Booking required on 04 76 23 64 65, 04 76 23 64 67
or 06 10 19 05 21
Tuesday 20th January
noon to 2pm
institut de la Communication et des Médias, Échirolles
Lecture: “Writing and Multimedia”. Speaker: Dominique
Cotte, lecturer in Information and Communication Sciences.
Tuesday 20th and Wednesday 21st January
maison des Écrits, Échirolles,
Meeting with Kvĕta Pacovskà (Czech Republic)
Thursday 22nd January 7pm
musée Géo-Charles Gallery, moulins de Villancourt, La Rampe,
Échirolles? Night-time guided tour of the exhibitions
Booking required on 04 76 23 64 65, 04 76 23 64 67
or 06 10 19 05 21
Tuesday 27th January
6pm to 10pm
maison des Écrits
writting workshop—booking required on 04 76 09 75 20
Friday 30th January
moulins de Villancourt, Échirolles
Graphics with an Aperitif Apérographics, a gourmet guided
tour or practical art workshop. Booking required
on 04 76 23 64 65, 04 76 23 64 67 or 06 10 19 05 21
page twenty - fi ve
Ca l en dri e r d u m o i s d u G raph i s me d’ É c h i r ol l e s
Tuesday 13th January noon to 2pm
institut de la Communication et des Médias, Échirolles
Lecture—Blogs into Books (« Le livre blog »)
Introduced by François Bon, author
maison de l’Architecture
4 place de Bérulle, Grenoble
04 76 54 29 97
Monday to Friday, 1.30pm to 6pm,
tram A (Maison-du-Tourisme stop)
and B (Notre-Dame stop)
and bus line 1 (Les-Trois-Dauphins stop)
La Rampe
avenue du 8-Mai-1945, Échirolles
04 76 40 83 00
Monday to Friday, 1.30pm to 6.30 pm
Weekend, 2pm to 6pm
tram line A (La-Rampe stop) and bus line 11
bibliothèque Pablo-Neruda
15 place Beaumarchais, Échirolles
04 76 20 64 51
During library opening hours
Tram A (La Butte stop)
moulins de Villancourt
116 cours Jean-Jaurès, Échirolles
04 76 98 53 63 (salle d’exposition)
Monday to Friday, 1.30pm to 6.30 pm
Weekend, 2pm to 6pm
bus line 1 and tram line A, connection bus line 16
Société dauphinoise d’habitat
34 avenue de Grugliasco, Échirolles
04 76 68 39 39
Monday to Friday, 8.30 am to 12 noon
and 1.30pm to 5pm
bus line 11
hôtel de ville
avenue du 8-Mai-1945, Échirolles
04 76 20 63 00
Monday to Friday, 8am to 5.30pm,
Saturday, 8am to 12noon
tram line A (La-Rampe stop) and bus line 13
maison des Écrits
6 rue du Rhin, Échirolles
04 76 09 75 20
During centre opening hours
tram A (Les Granges stop)
lycée Marie-Curie
avenue du 8-Mai-1945, Échirolles
04 76 33 70 00
Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm
Saturday, 8am to 12noon
tram line A and bus line 11
bibliothèque de la Ponatière
6 bis avenue Paul-Vaillant-Couturier, Échirolles
04 76 40 10 18
aux horaires d’ouverture de l’équipement
lignes 1 et 11 (arrêt Square-du-22-Août)
p age twent y -si x
E x h i bi ti on Si te s
musée Géo-Charles
1 rue Géo-Charles, Échirolles
04 76 22 58 63
Monday to Friday, 1.30pm to 6.30 pm
Weekend, 2pm to 6pm
bus lines 1 and 11
gymnase Lionel-Terray
avenue du 8-Mai-1945, Échirolles
du lundi au vendredi de 16 heures à 22 heures
Tram A (arrêt Marie-Curie)
centre social Anne-Frank
1 rue de Lorraine, Échirolles
04 76 40 20 51
aux horaires d’ouverture de l’équipement
tram A (arrêt Grand’Place), bus ligne 12
cinéma Le Pathé Échirolles
rue Albert Londres
tram A (arrêt Marie-Curie)
President: Philippe Quinton
General Delegate: Diego Zaccaria
Administrator: Geneviève Alonso
04 76 23 64 67 et 06 10 19 05 21
Reception, secretariat and orders for works of art:
Angela Besançon, Marie-Laure Rougeron
04 76 23 64 65,
Heads of schools projects:
Louis Soubeyran, Sonia Bazaoui
04 76 23 64 65
Press relations:
Geneviève Alonso, Sonia Bazaoui
06 10 19 05 21
Poster for Graphic Art Month 2008:
Philippe Apeloig
Graphic design for the programme:
Florence Farge, communication services,
Échirolles town council
The centre du Graphismeis financed by
Échirolles town council,
the Isère département council,
the Rhône-Alpes regional council,
Drac Rhône-Alpes,
Supported by
l’imprimerie des Deux-Ponts
Pont-de-Claix town council;
Action culturelle du rectorat
de Grenoble;
institut de la Communication
et des Médias-université StendhalGrenoble 3, Échirolles;
maison de l’Architecture, Grenoble;
société dauphinoise pour l’habitat,
lycée Marie-Curie, Échirolles;
lycée professionnel Thomas-Edison,
direction des Affaires culturelle
de la ville d’Échirolles;
musée Géo-Charles;
La Rampe;
moulins de Villancourt;
maison des Écrits;
service des sports de la ville
comité de coordination de la ville
centres de loisirs;
centre social Anne Frank, Échirolles,
cinéma Le Pathé, Échirolles
Production and Organisation:
centre du Graphisme
p age twent y -se ve n
Org a n i s e r s a n d P a r tn e r s
centre du Graphisme
9 rue du 19-Mars-1962
BP 175, 38432 Échirolles cedex
04 76 23 64 65, télécopie 04 76 23 64 66