August 17
August 17
MINUTES of the L~ e COUNTY BOARD AUGUST 17, BOOK 27 STATE OF ILLINOIS MEETING 2004 PAGE 127 ) ) ) COUNTY OF LEE THE LEE COUNTY BOARD MET AT THE OLD COURTl i!lSE Ili DIXON ON AUGUST 17, 6:00 P.M. 2004 AT IN REGULAR SESSION. MR. PATZER LED A PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO OPEN THE MEETING. THE CLERK CALLED THE ROLL WITH THE FOL10WING MEMBERSPRESENT: CHAIRMANSEEBERG, AURAND, BINDER, CECCHETTI, COFFEY, DUNPHY, EISENBERG, FARSTER, HARRISON, LEFFELMAN, MERCER, NICHOLSON, ORTGIESEN, PATZER, POWER, STEVENS, TAYLOR, TOFTE, TRENT, TRUCKENBROD, TUCKER, TYNE, WILLETT AND WILLIAMS. MEMBERSHUMMEL, JONES, MCCOYAND WITZLEB WERE MISSING AT THIS ROLL CALL. THERE WERE NO ANNOUNCEMENTS AT THIS TIME. A MOTION SECONDED WAS MADE BY MR. EISENBERG, MINUTES OF THE JULY 20,2004 THE CHAIRMAN SEEBERG APPLICATION FOR TURNED THE LEE MEETING MOTION AS PRESENTED. THE MEETING COUNTY BY MR. STEVENS, TO APPROVE CARRIED. OVER TO MR. TRENT FOR THE HEARING LANDFILL, RESOLUTION NO. INC FOR 0 8 - 0 L/ - THE A POLLUTION CONTROL 0 O.:l. RESOLUTION OFTHE LEE COUNTYBOARD CONCERNING THE LEE COUNTYLANDFILL,INC. APPLICATION FOR A POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITY WHEREAS, LEE COUNTY LANDFILL, INC. ("Applicant") has petitioned the County of Lee ("County") for local siting approval of a po1\ution control facility. Specifically, Applicant proposes to expand the Lee COW1ty Landfill vertically and horizontally as detailed in its Application for Local Siting ("Application"). WHEREAS, the Pollution Control Facility Siting Committee J'Committee") conducted a public hearing and received evidence for purposes of eliciting public comment evaluation of the Application; and, has and WHEREAS, the Committee has accepted and considered all written comments delivered or postmarked within 30 days of the last day of the public hearing; and, WHEREAS, the Coi:nmittee has reviewed the Application in light of the criteria established for consideration of siting of pollution control facilities in Section 39.2 of the Illinois Environmental Protection Act, and, to the extent applicable, the provisions of the County of Lee Pollution Control Facility Siting Ordinance (the Ordinance); and, WHEREAS, the Committee met on August 11, 2004 to make its recommendation to the full County Board as to whether (in light of its review and consideration of the Application) the request for local siting approval should be approved or denied; and, WHEREAS, at the end of the Committee's deliberations, the Committee recommended that local siting approval for the facility detailed in the Application be approved, subject to certain conditions contained within the recommendation. TO APPROVE FACILITY: MINUTES BOARD of the LEE COUNTY MEETING AUGUST 17, 2004 BOOK 27 CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS that the hearing PAGE 128 PAGE- held on this Application was conducted in a fundamentally fair manner. Aye Nay ;/,'5: Abstain ~ O' ,~~T~ . (A) CRITERION #1: THE FACILITY IS NECESSARY TO ACCOMMODATE THE WASTE NEEDS OF THE AREA IT IS INTENDED TO SERVE. n. The Applicant has demonstrated Aye )..~ Nay ./ compliance with Criterion #1: Abstain ~ ~~;J~ The Board further finds that the following conditions should be imposed necessary to accomplish the purposes as being reasonable of Section 39.2 of the Illinois Environmental and Protection Act (the "Act'') and that such conditions are not inconsistent with regulations promulgated by the IllinoisPollution Control Board (the "Board") concerning this type of pollution control facility: Condition I-A: The sef:Vicearea for the landfill is limited to 12 counties in Illinois (Lee, Ogle, Carroll, Whiteside, Henry, Bureau, La Salle, DeKalb, Winnebago, Kane, Du Page, and Cook) and Clinton County, Iowa, as well as those counties immediately adjacent to the service area. LCU shall not accept waste from outside the service area (or the counties immediately adjacent thereto) without prior approval from the Lee County Board. Condition loB: LCLI shall manage the intake of waste at the facility to provide disposal capacity for Lee County through October 2022 unless LCLl receives written approval from the Lee County Board for an earlier closure date. (B) CRITERION #2: THE FACILITY IS SO DESIGNED, LOCATED AND PROPOSED TO BE OPERATED THAT mE PUBLIC HEALTH, SAFETY AND WELFARE WILL BE PROTECTED. The Applicant has demonstrated Aye Nay The Board necessary Act (the compliance with Criterion #2: Abstain~ ..:l5" () ~~~ further fmds that the following conditions should be imposed to accomplish "Act") and the purposes that such conditions IllinoisPollution Control Board as being reasonable of Section 39.2 of the Illinois Environmental are not inconsistent with regulations and Protection promulgated by the (the "Board") concerning this type or pollution control facility: Condition 2-A: The applicant shall comply with the spirit of the draft Lee County Stormwater Ordinance for all development at the facility and demonstrate compliance with the following objective~: 1) to assure that new development does not increase the drainage orflood hazards to others, or create unstable conditiolls susceptible to erosion; 2) to protect human life and health from the hazards of increased jlooding on a watershed basis, 3) to preserve the natural hydrologic and hydraulic functions of watercourses and floodplains and to protect water quality and aquatic habitats, and 4) to preserve the natural chelracteristics of stream corridors in order to moderate flood and storm water impacts, improve water quality, reduce soil erosion, protect aqul lic and riparian habitat, provide recreational opportunities, provide (,'sthetic benefits and enhance community and economic developml ilt. A modified Storm Water Management Plan shall be submitte ! to Lee County for review and approval. Condition 2-U: The applicant shall include a plan i' the IEP A permit application for the landfill expansion detailing the pr edures that will be taken to ensure J uH f '. r'Dr1V rTMU TITn 1 nnd No.2 will --- MINUTES of the LE BOARD COUNTY AUGUST 2004 17, BOOK 17 CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS MEETING PAGE 129 PAGE'r " Condition 2-E: Condition 2-F: The facility shall be cI Ised during periods of excessive. winds: The Litter Control Plan shall iI, 'ude this provision and the modified LItter Control Plan shall be submili. I to the County for review and approval. 1 vertical (3H:.IV) The applicant shall, nnmit to u~ing a 3 ~orizontal t~ slope or flatter for H IYintermedIate workmg face adjacent to an unImed cell. The applicant shall submit annual and quarterly groun~water ~uality by reports to the COU/lfYin the format and by the same deadlme requ~re~ the IEPA. LCLl sh" II comply with all applicable groundwater momtorlng, assessment mO/lito!ing, and corrective action provisions contained in 35 Ill. Adm. Code, Palt 811. Condition 2-G: (C) CRITERION #3: THE FACILITY IS LOCATED SO AS TO MINIMIZE INCOMPATIBII 1 Y WITH THE CHARACTER OF THE SURROUNDING AREA AND TC; MINIMIZE THE EFFECT ON THE VALUE OF THE SURROUNDING PROPERTY. The Applicant has demonstrated Aye ..1.0;;; Nay D compliance with Criterion #3: Abstain ~ ~~~ The Board further finds that the following conditions should be imposed as being reason~le and necessary to accomplish the purposes of Section 39.2 of the Illinois Environmental Protection Act (the "Act") and that such conditions are not inconsistent with regulations promulgated by the Illinois Pollution Control Board (the "Board") concerning this type of pollution control facility: Condition 3-A: The applicant shall implement a plan or program for checking the plantings on an ongoing continual basis to replace any dying or distressed trees. In the event of a planting dying or showing signs of distress, it will be the responsibility of the applicant to replant the landscaping plantings that die or show signs of distress. Condition 3-D: Within 90 days of Board approval, if granted. LCLl shall formalize a "Three Strikes and You're Out" policy to require transfer trailers alld lion local collection vehicles to adhere to the designated access routes. The plan shall specifically require transfer trailers and non-local collection vehicles to avoid Sterling Rd. Said plan shall be reviewed and approved by the County prior to construction of any portion of the expansion. (D) CRITERION #4: THE FACILITY IS LOCATED OUTSIDE THE BOUNDARY OF THE IOO-YEAR FLOODPLAN OR THE SITE IS FLOOD-PROOFED. The Applicant has demonstrated Aye Nay .;lS compliance with Criterion #4: Abstain -L 0 ~~~~ (E) CRITERION #5: THE PLAN OF OPERATIONS FOR THE FACILITY IS DESIGNED TO MINIMIZE THE DANGER TO THE SURROUNDING AREA FROM FIRE, SPILLS, OR OTHER OPERATIONAL ACCIDENTS. The Applicant has demonstrated Aye Nay JS" 0 compliance Abstain with Criterion #5: 1- UJ~ (F) CRITERION #6: ~,,-,n ~ )~ 4 THE TRAFFIC PATTERNS TO OR FROM THE ,]... MINUTES of the LEE COUNTY BOARD 2004 AUGUST 17. BOOK 27 CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE MEETING. PAGE 130 - (G) CRITERION #7: IF THE FACILITY WILL BE TREATING, STORING OR DISPOSING OF HAZARDOUS WASTE, AN EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN EXISTS FOR THE FACILITY WHICH INCLUDES NOTIFICATION, CONTAINMENT, AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES TO BE USED IN CASE OF AN ACCIDENTAL RELEASE. After reviewing the record and testimony, the Board finds that Criterion #7 does not apply to the application under consideration. Aye ..1 of Nay - Abstain 1- ~ ~ /.Ie.o ~ " (H) CRITERION #8: IF THE FACILITY IS TO BE LOCATED IN A COUNTY WHERE THE COUNTY BOARD HAS ADOPTED A SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN CONSISTENT WITH THE PLANNING REQUIREMENTS OF THE LOCAL SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL ACT OR THE SOLID WASTE PLANNING AND RECYCLING ACT, THE FACILITY IS CONSISTENT WITH THAT PLAN. The Applicant has demonstrated ;(S' 0 Aye Nay compliance with Criterion #8: Abstain - T+~~ (1) CRITERION "#9: If THE FACILITY WILL BE LOCATED WITHIN A REGULATED RECHARGE AREA, ANY APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIED BY THE BOARD FOR SUCH AREAS HAVE BEEN MET. After reviewing the record and testimony, the Board finds that Criterion #9 does not apply to the application under consideration. Aye Nay ~.; Abstain 0 Af!.-r~ ~ (J) UNNUMBERED CRITERION: THE BOARD HAS CONSIDERED AS EVIDENCE THE PREVIOUS OPERATING EXPERIENCE OF THE APPLICANT AND PAST RECORD OF CONVICTIONS OR ADMISSIONS OF VIOLATIONS OF THE APPLICANT WHEN CONSIDERING CRITERIA (ii) AND (v) OF 415 ILCS 5/39.2(a), This Board agrees with the Committee's conclusion that the Applicant has a very good operating record and compliance history. ' . Aye .7.:; Nay 0 Abstain ~ Cl-"<. ~ (K) GENERAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS: THE BOARD FURTHER RECOMMENDS THAT THE FOLLOWING SPECIAL CONDmONS BE ADOPTED: A. In applyingfor the IEPA permits for any of the sited expansion. LCU shall request that the IEPA include permit conditions identical in substance to the Special COlldi~ionsof Sitillg Approval. B. The Applicant/operator shall bear the expense of providing the County qualified legal alld technical assistallce/consultation to verify that the special conditions are adhered to within the IEPA development permit application. The County may bill LCLl for the time spent by ils staff ~ in reviewing,,"~:r such data based on the actual - - ---~ ~J'~..,.z. rO!'nriOUI 1", of the LEE c( MINUTES JNTY BOARD BOOK 27. FROM PREVIOUS CONTINUED 2004 17, AUGUST MEETING PAGE 131 PAGE- NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESO! its findings on the nine criteria, the Board herel, x ~D by the Lc:e County Approves the Applicati< Denies the Application 1at this Resolution becomes effective immediately AN;!) PASSED ,2004. 1 I for local siting approval. .or local siting approval. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED upon the adoption thereof. ~SENTED, Board that based upon APPROVED ATIEST: /7 this day of TIIE COUNTY OF LEE, ILLINOIS BY; };.1f~ 11~ STATES ATTORNEY GIESEN HAND VOTE MR. WILL BE REQUESTED WILLIAMS STATES MADE ATTORNEY EACH' AS RECORDED MR. JONES THE LEE APPLICATION UPON COUNTY MR. PLANNING PETITION THE PLANNING MR. THANKED SERVICES THAT T UU"U'" IF - COUNTY AT T BY MR. ITS THE RESOLUTION. STEVENS, EACH .FINDINGS AND THIS WERE CREEK HALICZAR TO PROCEED. CRITERION AND THE BOARD VOTED ON ON THE NINE RESOLUTION CRITERIA APPROVED BECOMES" EFFECTIVE THE IMMEDIATELY BOARD. VOTE LAST COUNTY CHAIRMAN'S nnA Mli'MUli'lH! ANY PUBLIC/VISITOR TOWNSHIP, - WILLOW SPOKE CREEK COMMENTS? ASKING TOWNSHIP THE BOARD THAT IS TO OPPOSE BEING SENT TO CONSIDERATION. THE BOARD nn THERE FOR THEIR FOR THEIR THE UPON WILLOW DEEM ADDRESSED BOARD IN A TIME. CARRIED. FROM COMMISSION CRITERION AT THIS AT BOARD. APPROVAL ALL 04-PC-43 THE FOR THE nnAT TIM BASED ASKED PARA, 1 WAS NO NEW EVIDENCE AND EXPLAINED MCCOY ARRIVED MOTIONS RICHARD , RESOLUTION. SITING SEEBERG THERE SECONDED READ BOARD, FOR LOCAL CHAIRMAN THE AND MR. ADOPTION. A MOTION, ON THE SAYING FOR EACH GIESEN kA -;c~/ Chainnan SPOKE . , HE FIRST, MONTH WHERE THEY CURRENTLY HAS. RESOLUTION '1'n '('(1Mii' ON BEHALF TTP HE URGED WHICH 1JT'T'1'I TORA~ WILL li'OR OF FELLOW SHOWED INTERESi COUN1Y EMPLOYEES, IN BOARD MEMBERS BE BROUGHT AOOTTTONAT. liAINTAINING TO VOTE UP LATER. SOURCES HE OF REVENUE. MINUTE'S of the BOARD COUNTY LEE AUGUST 17, MEETING' 2004 BOOK 27 PAGE 132 THE CLERK CALLED THE ROLL WITH THE FOLLOWING RESULTS: SEEBERG, STEVENS, WILLIAMS, TAYLOR, "TOFTE, AURAND, BINDER, ON, JONES, LEFFELMAN, TRENT, CECCHETTI, -THOSE VOTING AYE: TRUCKENBROD, TUCKER, TYNE, WILLETT, COFFEY, DUNPHY, EISENBERG, MCCOY, MERCER, NICHOLSON, ORTGIESEN, FARSTER, HARRIS PATZER AND POWER. MOTION CARRIED. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MR. AURAND, SECONDED BY MS" TYNE, PETITIONS 04-PC-42 - KOCH - REYNOLDS TWP AND 04-PC-43 TWP - TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR THEIR BE SEPT. 7 ,AT 6:30 THE 9-1-1 , ARTICLE P.M; TO SEND PLANNING - HALICZAR - WILLOW CREEK CONSIDERATION. THEIR MEETING WILL MOTION CARRIED. REPORT WAS GIVEN BY MR. TUCKER, WHOTHANKEDDIANE MARKELFOR THB , IN THE DIXON TELEGRAPH ON THE NEW BUILDING. THE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT WAS GIVEN BY MRS. POWER. MR. WITZLEB ARRIVED AT BOARD AT THIS A RESOLUTION ASSESSING DIST. TIME. CHANGING THE NAME OF THE CHINA RD & BRIDGE DIST, TO FRANKLING GROVE DISTRICTS WAS PRESENTED: RESOLUTION DR- 0 NO. It - 0 0 3 WHEREAS, the Lee County Board on January 21, 2003 voted to change the name of China Township to Franklin Grove Township effective April 2, 2003; and, BE IT RESOLVED, that references made to tl, Road & Bridge District and Multi-Township Assessing District shall now be labeled as Franklin Grove Township Road & Bridge District and Franklin Grove Township Multi-Township Assessing Distric~. PASSED BY THE LEE COUNTY BOARD THIS BY' AITEST: /7 DAYOF-L2~~2004. 'County Boon!a"f-- MULTI-TWP of the LEE ~OUNTY MINUTES, BOARD MEETING AUGUST 17, 2004 BOOK 27 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZTNG THE COUN" COMPUTER DYNAMICS PAGE 133 Y BOARD CHAIRMAN TO EXECUTE CONTRACTS WITH WAS READ: -~r LEE C( UNTY BOARD RESOLUTION NO. ()J-tJc{-dOY WHEREAS, the Lee Count y Board entered into a Consulting Agreement with Computer Dynamics for the purpose of conducting a service audit on telecommunications accounts; and, WHEREAS, the audit ha,' reducing telecommunications cos, WHEREAS, suited in submission of a telecom proposal for the County; and, the Board desires to reduce costs without impacting service; and, WHEREAS, implementation of the proposal requires contracting with vendors for the purpose of leasing/purchasing equipment as well as contracting with vendors to provide local and long distance service and related matters; and, WHEREAS, the Board recognizes that cost savings will not be immediately realized as the initial savings would be applied to the equipment needed to implement the proposed savings. " BE IT RESOLVED that the County authorizes the Chainnan to execute the necessary contracts with vendors for leasing and purchasing equipment as well as service agreements for telecommunications services needed to implement the proposed cost reductions, subject to review and approval of the contracts by legal counsel for the County. PASSED BY THE LEE COUNTY BOARD THIS J.L By. WILL THIS CAME OUT HAVE SUBSTANTIAL SCOTT PIEHN, NO NEW SAVINGS. MOTION OF COMMITTEE SAVINGS jl AND FOR FROM COMPUTER THE COUNTY WILL DAY OF+.2004. ~~ WAS THE /~~ Lee County B SECONDED d Chairman BY MR. MRS. POWER MERCER. SAID THIS COUNTY. DYNAMICS, STATED FOR THE FIRST 3 YEARS THERE WILL BE SEE NO INCOME UNTIL THE 4TH YEAR. CARRIED. MRS. POWER THEN BROUGHT ,UP SETTING UP FOR DIRECT DEPOSIT FOR THE EMPLOYEES. ' C'U'" C .nn A un'nnJ..l ('AMii' nTTT nli' f'nMMTTTFF THAT RV nRr.F.M1\RR 1. 2004 EMPLOYEES WILL MINUTES of the LEE BOARD COUNTY ,AUGUST 17, MEETING. 2004 BOOK 27 PAGE 134 MRS. POWER SAID "NANCY, I LOVE YOU DEARLY, BUT YOUR STAFF IS FANTASTIC AND I AM SURE THE STAFF CAN HANDLEEVEN MORE. I AM SURE CATHY CAN HANDLETHIS AND IT WOULDBE TO HER ADVANTAGEAND TO NANCYTO DO THIS". MRS. NELSON SAID HER STAFF WILL HANDLE THIS BUT NOT BY THE DECEMBER1 TlMELINE IN THE MOTION. MRS. POWER SAID "I THINK SHE CANI TO GET RID OF CATHY IF I THINK WE SHOULDTRY, WE ARE NOT GOING .. SHE DOES NOT HAVE IT DONE BY DEC. 1ST. WE NEED TO START. MR. WITZLEB OBJECTED TO GIVING AN OFFICE A MANDATETO DO THIS BY DEC. 1. "IS THIS NOT A MANDATE?" MRS. POWER SAD ,"MAYBE, WE NEED TO GET STARTED. THE INITIAL TIME WILL BE CONSUMING BUT AFTER THAT IT SHOULDBE A BREEZE." MR.' ORTGIESEN CAN NOT MAKE ADDED IF CATHY DOES NOT HAVE. TIME TO START THIS PROGRAM WE IT DEC. 1. MRS. POWER SAID "AS FOR CUTTING EMPLOYEES, GOT STARTED AS I HAD NOT HEARD IT. IT IS I DON'T KNOW WHERE THAT RUMOR JUST A GOAL". CLERK NELSON WAS ASKED WHAT WOULD BE A REASONABLE DATE AND SHE SAID MAYBE JANUARY OR FEBRUARY AT LEAST BUT SHE COULD NOT GIVE A DEFINITE DATE. THE INSURANCE PROBLEM HAS TAKEN A LOT OF TIME. MRS. POWER CONTINUED TO INSIST ON WHE~HER THE OFFICE COULD HANDLE THIS LAUGHED"CATHY IS STILL miRE, TO GET RID OF CATHY?" THAT EV~~ OVER THE COUNTY CLERK'S OPINION PROJECT, THAT CATHY COULD DO THIS. SHE IS A FA1fTASTIC EMPLOYEE - WHY WOULD SHE WE WANT L~~E MINUTES of the COUNTY. MEETING BOARD AUGUST 2004 17, BOOK 27 PAGE 135 MOTION MR. JONES MADE A MOTION TO TABLE THIS, SlCONDED BY MR. FARSTER. CARRIED. THE SOLID WASTE THANKED THE REPORT THE BOARD MEMBERS ROAD & BRIDGE WAS GIVEN BY MR. TJ A~T. AND ALL THOSE COMMITTEE REPORT W( i<KED WHO WAS MINUTES ARE ON ON THE POLUTION HE FILE. CONTROL SITING. GIVEN BY MR. TOFTE WHO READ THE FOLLOWING CLAIMS: REPORT OF THE ROAD AND BRIDGE COMMITTEE OF LEE COUNTY BOARD TO THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE LEE /20UNTY BOARD, DIXON, ILLINOIS: Your Committee o~ Rond .and Br~dl!e would respectfully repurt Ihat they have held a meeling on the dote hereinaner set forth: thai they have examined and.audlted the followln!! claIms. whIch hnve been relerred to them undcr Ihe rules and resolulions oflhis Board and thai they herehy allow snch claims for the Items and In Ihe amount herelnofter set forth. The CI~rk of Ihis Boord is hereby directed to issue orders in paymeot thereof, such orders to be payable out of any mooies in the treasury app~oprialea for County Highway's and Motor Fuel Tax Seclions in Lee County. Illinois. WARRANT NO. (CATEGORYNEND. #) A PAYABLE TO CLAIM I' I' NO. TOTAL Page I on LEE COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT 30-512.036-70 4137 EQUIP. REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 1 HEAVYEQUIPMENTSVCS.,INC. INV#T114133 INV#S095112 5688 2 W. G. lEFFELMAN& SONS,INC. 6288 3 MOORE TIRES, INC. INV#339-814 6403 4 NAPAAUTOPARTS-AMBOY INV#1799 6903 5 PEABUDY'S,INC. INV#054471 7610 6 SCHINZER REPAIR INV#16921 30-516.038- 70 I . $2 74395 $719 79 GAS,HEA T LIGHTS AND WA TER It $759.81 IU vi $814.12 Iv Iv $453.87 1/ $19.50 1/ j/ $38.77 $675.81 $20.64 I INV#30142 1142 7 CITYOFAMBOY 2443 8 COMED INV#35011 6388 9 NORDIC INV#57573 V $637.08 6644 10 NICOR INV#38104 1/ $35.74 MCI INV#4008 30-518.0 3970 5902 $365 83 TELEPHONE 11 I 6392 12 NEXTEl INV#3427 8867 13 VERIZON NORTH INV#480307 30-520.040-7 0 SUPPLIES, ErC 3569 14 FIRSTUSABANK INV#4139 15 NEENAH SPRINGS INV# 10004 8600 16 UNISOURCE INV#286300 9237 17 WOHRLEYHTG. INV#44245 30-590.034-70 18 STERLING BUS. MACHINES HIGHWA Y MAINTENANCE I VI $93.39 i/ $133.87 1/ $138.57 11/ 1// IV $79.98 $51953 I 6514 9518 $8.20 INV#585158 Iv V $24.30 $13405 $64.00 $217.20 $6,548 24 I 1068 19 AIRGAS INV# 105788399 1390 20 ARAMARK UNIFORM SVCS., INC. INV#5055301 V 3940 21 GROMANN SERVICE COMPANY INV#88277 !/ III $40.39 $117.91 $3,330.19 MINUTES of the BOARD LEE COUNTY AUGUST 17, MEETING 2004 BOOK 27 PAGE 136 J WARRANT NO. - CLAIM (CATEGORYNEND. #) A P P PAYABLETO NO. TOTAL Page 10f2 LEE COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT TOTAL AMOUNT OF COUNTY HI Dated at Dixon, Illinois, on I GIW A Y ROAD AND BRIDGE TAX CLAIMS ALLOWED TillS DATE. . . . . . . . $10,897.34 AUllUSt 9 2001( I ROAD AND BRIIXJE COMMITTEE, LEE COUNTY BOARD. .L/L COUNTY ENGINEER, LEE COUNTY, ILLINOIS REIJORTOF THE ROAD AND DlUlJGE COMMITTEE OF LEE COUNTY BOARD TO nlE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE LEE COUNTY BOARD, DIXON, II.LINOIS: YourCommitteeon RoodandBridgewouldrespectfullyreportIhat Ihey have held a meeting on Ihe dole hereinaner sel forth: thallhey have examined the following claims which have been rererred to them under the rules and resolutions of this Board and thai they hereby all!,w such claims for . Ihe items and in Ihe amount hereinafter set rorth. and audited The Clerk of this Board is hereby directed io issue orders in payment thereof, such orders to be payable oul of any monies in Ihe treasury appropriated County Highway's and Motor Fuel Tax Seclions in Lee County. Illinois. WARRANT NO. (CATEOORYIVENIJ. #) CLAIM - PAYABLETO NO. A P P for TOTAL Page I of I COUNTY MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND 33-599.096-68 COUNTY M.F. T. 3498 COUNTY I1F.T. 2 FRANKLIN MAINTENANCE COUNTYM.F.T. 5412 3 LADD COI!.ISTR CO. COUNTY M,F.T. $1.140.72 5912 4 MACKLIN, INCORPORATED COUNTY M.F.T. $828.99 3686 $3.389.72 $18,741.60 5967 5 MARTIN MATERIALS COUNTY M.F.T. $475.37 7332 8 RENNER QUARRIES LTD. COUNTY M.F.T. $2,189.14 8890 7 W.-W. ASPHALT, INC. COUNT I M.F.T. $300.00 TOTAL AMOUNT Dated ~.'65.54' FISCHER OF COUNTY HIGHWAY at Dixon, Illinois, on ROAD AND BRIDGE TAX CLAIMS ALLOWI " ntlS DATE. . . . . . . . AUl!ust 9. 2004 ROAD AND D LEE COUNT, I!JOE COMMITTEE, BOARD. ---. $27,065.54 I MINUTES JARD MEETING of the LEE COUNTY AUGUST] BOOK AND MEMBERS The Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to issue orders in paymenl County Highway's and Motor in Lee County, thereof, 511 I) orders to be payable out of any monies in the treasury appropriated A P P ('AYABLE TO NO. COUNTY SPEC,AL 31.599.090-71 ceting on the date hereinafter set forth; that they have examined solutions of Ihis Board and that they hereby allow such claims for - COUNTY CO.SP.BR. for Illinois. CLAIM WARRANT NO. (CATEGORYIVEND. Fuel Tax Seclions PAGE 137 IOIS: OF THE LEE COUNTY BOARD, DIXON, II ! Your Comminee on Road and Bridge would respectfi.lly report that they have held, an,; and audited the following claims which have been referred to them under the rules the items and in the amount hereinafter set forth. / OF LEE COUNTY BOARD REPORT OF THE ROAD AND BRIUGE COMMITTI TO THE CHAIRMAN ~ 2004 DRmGE PageI of I FUND $145,186.66 CULVERT TOTAL I 2493 1 CONTECH CONSTR. Cl MPANY CULVERTS t/ $13,220.75 2694 2 CURNYN CONSTR. CU FIRST PAY l/ $81,540.50 3 IDOT,SPRINGFIELD BRIDGE V $38,567.90 4657 8346 4 TESTING ENGINEER,;, INC. TESTING II 9174 5 WtLLETTHOFMANN TESTING {/ TOTAL AMOUNT Of COUNTY IIIUlIW A Y ROAD AND BRtDGE TAX CLAIMS ALLOWED TillS DA l'E . , . , . . . . Dated at Dixon, Illinois, on $1,269.61 $10,587.90 $145,188.88 I AURust 9 2004 ROAD AND BRIDGE COMMITTEE, LEE COUNTY BOARD. ~/L COUNTY ENGINEER, LEE COUNTY, ILLINOIS REPORT OF THE ROAD AND BRIDGE COMMITTEE OF LEE COUNTY BOARD TO THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF TilE LEE COUNTY BOARD, DIXON, ILLINOIS: Your Commitlee on Rood and Bridge would respectlully report thot they have held. lIIeeting on the dote hereinafter set furth; thot they have examined and audited the following claims which have beeu referred to them under the rules and resolntiuns of this Board nnd that lhey hereby allow such claims for Ih~ items nnd in the amount hcrcinnllcr scl rurth. The Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to issue orders in payment thereof. soch orders to be payable out of any monies in the treasury appropriated Counly Highway's and Motor Fuel Ta.~ Sections in Lee County, lIIinnis. CLAIM VEND. # I' I' NO. TOWNSII'P 34-599.096-69 2019 A PAYABLE TO AND FORTOWNSHIPAND GROUPNO. TOWNSHIP 1 TOTAL Page1 of I MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND $183,492.58 M,F. T. I VERLE BURHENN REYNOLDS VARIOUS 1/ 3688 2 FRANKLIN MAINTENANCE ALTO VARIOUS / 3838 3 GENERAL CHEM. VARIOUS VARIOUS 5412 4 LADD CONSTR~ CO. VARIOUS VARIOUS tI d . for $16,764.80 $2.736.00 . $16,190.64 $164,940.97 MINUTES of the BOARD COUNTY LEE ATTr.m:T MEETING 17. BOOK 27 A MOTION CLAIMS. MR. WAS MOTION MADE BY MR. TOFTE, SECONDED PAGE BY MR. 138 EISENBERG, TO APPROVE THE CARRIED. MR. STEVENS TOFTE SAID ASKED THERE THE PROPERTIES HAS BEEN RECEIVED WITH NO MINIMUM , IF THERE WOULD WAS BE NEXT COMMITTEE A REPORT FROM THE WEED CONTROL OFFICER AND MONTH. REPORT WAS GIVEN BY MR. HARRISON. ON JEPSCOR. THEIR COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED A LIEN RELEASE IT BE SOLD AT AUCTION BID, NOT SEALED BID. STATES ATTORNEY GIESEN SAID THERE 'ARE LIMITATIONS PROPERTY THAT WILL EFFECT THE BUYER. DIRECTOR ?OOl. 9-1-1, DALLAS, OF THE NEW COURTS BUILDING BUILDING SETTLED. IS BEING AND STIPULATIONS THERE IS A LIMITED CLEAN BILL OF ON THIS HEALTH. EXPLAINED THE PROBLEMS AT ESDA DURING CONSTRUCTION AND HOW IT HAS BEEN HANDLED. THE CLEANING OF THE .. CURRENTLY VIDED OF TO THE THE DOORS COURTS ON THIRD BUILDING. THE STREET ARE SIDEWALK CLOSED AREA AND ALONG ONLY ON ENTRY GALENA WILL IS PRO- BE TAKEN C SOON. THE RC&D/BLACKHAWK HILLS REPORT WAS GIVEN BY MR. MERCER. A HANDOUT HAS BEEN PUT ON FILE. A LETTER OF WHETHER ENTIRE FROM CATHY FERGUSON, THE NEW COURTS GROUNDS HEARINGS WILL BE DESIGNATED WILL BE SMOKE FREE IS INCLUDED THE COUNTY GIS SYSTEM BUILDING PUBLIC HEALTH ADMINISTRATOR, SERVICES/COMPUTER SHOULD COMMITTEE BE IN PLACE FAIRLY SOON. ABOUT THE ISSUE AS SMOKE FREE OR THE IN THE COUNT~ COMMITTEE PACKET. REPORT WAS GIVEN BY MR. JONES. CHRIS HENKEL IS HOPING THE TO HOLD SOON ON OUR NEW ZONING ORDINANCES. THE FINANCE FIRST DISTRIBUTION COMMITTEE REPORT WAS GIVEN BY MR. BINDER. OF R.E. TAXES HAS BEEN DEPOSITED MRS. TRUCKENBROD SAID THE INSURANCE COMMITTEE AND TODAY ARE DOWN TO 3 BROKERS. AN EMERGENCY APPROPRIATiON WAS PRESENTED: DURING JULY THE TO THE APPROPRIATE HAS ELIMINATED FUNDS. 2 BROKERS of the LEE COUNTY MINUTES BOARD MEETING AUGUST 17. 2004 PAGE 139 BOOK 27 EMERGENCY AI'PROI'RIATION () 1I-{)~ No. -DeS' WHER F ,\5, there is a money available in the Lee Counly General Casll Accounl, WHER i ,AS, there is a need for an emergency General Caslccount, TIIEREFORE, appropriated fiom the Lee County #01-564.080-30, BE IT APPROPRIATED, that $118,000,00 ftom the Lee County Contingencies, appropriation be placed in Contingencies, General Cash Account, be and it is hereby to be, deposited and used in #01-564.080-30. PASSED BY THE LEE COUNY BOARD THIS -1.L DAY OF By: rJee a, ,2004. ~/;AoU? ., County Board Cbai an , ATTEST: ~f!1k.H~~ L County Cletk MR. BINDER MADE A MOTION, SECONDED BY MR. NICHOLSON, TO APPROVE THE APPROP- RIATION. THE CLERK CALLED THE ROLL WITH THE FOLLOWING RESULTS: STEVENS, TAYLOR, AURAND, BINDER, LEFFELMAN, NONE. TOFTE, TRENT,TRUCKENBROD, CECCHETTI, MCCOY, MERCER, COFFEY, TUCKER, TYNE, WILLETT, DUNPHY, EISENBERG, NICHOLSON, ORTGIESEN, THOSE VOTING AYE: FARSTER, WILLIAMS, HARRISON, PATZER AND POWER. WAS PRESENTED: RESOLUTION No. ()~-O'/ -Qol. WHEREAS, the monies appropriated to certain department funds are insufficient, and WHEREAS, there is excess in the appropriations in the funds ftnm whicb monies are requested to be transferred, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the foHowing amount of monies be transferred as foHows: ' FROM TO 01-564.080-30 Contingencies 01-505.067-15 Contractual "Rnt th~ tTgn~r..mnD nf cHa,tI A1'nnnntc AMOUNT $ 313.30 services nnt SIIlt...rina th,.. tnt~1 RODrf!Oat~ amonnt Annrnnriat~..ct tn thll'!:vannll~ T.M JONES, THOSE VOTING NAY: MOTION CARRIED. A TRANSFER RESOLUTION WITZLEB, MINUTES BOARD of the LEE COUNTY . AUGUST MEETING 2004 17, BOOK 27 THE FOLLOWING CLAIMS WERE PRESENTED: REPORT 1)J1j.,.l AIMS COMMITI'EE - .. ",. 01 Clreull Clerk 03 County Treasurer.: 04 Sheriff 05 Coroner ,..... 06 Supt. or Educatlu..~. Service Ilcnkn........ 07 State's Attorney ........... 08 Public DeFender ........... 09 Rabies Control , 'oJ" ...; " ....... . ';If 7.7- f'l 11- 13 1~4. r~ .:2;/'33, S-I ' ,2.3K,lf1 //}/- //7 t?f.:l. 80 ? IS; 7qt: .z Jc20 it! - I/! -:- //.J.f/ : 1..1¥' Ch ~t'J/.61 -130- /3~ t.r ~tJ5: 03:1 . 11- /lJO .............. " """"""""""'''''' Associate Judle'Deckman..................... Circuit Judge Fritts.............................. Connty Doard...: ..... Insurance & Donds Probation 'r:,SFI-otf .~ ..1f7. K~ y3&:(,1 J".)~ 756,71 . tJ...l- L£.- ....... , ,... J SS;1'7 .JJ..1- ""'"'''''''''''' Probation .. 18 Lee County Tourism............................ 11 Regional Planning CommllSlon............... 11 Subsldle~ to Oraanlzallons.;................... 13 Zoning 14 AccountingIt Auditing......................... -Wgjk --1-JII3-- Arb; 4- 00 / ~11/63. ,/, .31. (}tJ I Il/-tf-/1L .. 15 Jurors' Certificates.............................. 16 Birth It Death CertlOc:ates..................... 17 Jury Commission 107, 8'7 .. ....... 18 Sick Pay 19 £SDA 30 Contlnflendes 31 38 CIder Judie rayne............................... Computer Senlce .......................... 39 40 Eledlon E:spense................................. Supervisor or Assessments..................... / Lf-'1- 41 Animal Control: 151f- /5r 41 IndemnityFund 43 ........... " . .' . ....... ..\ ................................. .,'. ..' /41"- '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ......................... 45 46 Veteran's Assistance Fund.................... /Sfp 47 Court Document SlonKe...................... I ~o 49 50 Circuit Clerk Automation Fund............. '. Spedal Recording Automation Fund....... 51 Vital Records Automallon Fund............. In~urance 9- -~------- t!i.'J, - Ifl - I(;:L ~ I . ~ . . , ." .' '. 11ft LawLibrary Fund............................... IMRF .......................................... S1 f AMOUNT ,j.k-~I -~5-~307(}.~~ 70- 7(, .............. , Circuit Judie .. . "O(-oC, County Clerk n 13 14 15 16 17 V7-'" ALWWED CLAIM NO. 01 10 CLAIMS °-o-:t.:lOO'i OFFF1CE OR FUND DEPT. PAGE 140 . I I 1.31. ~ . . .':{g(2, 3~ ~ k 73,()0 r 3 11ft"/,, Ol~7./0 ~ a1 02.')/>. ;;~1' 3; & Donds............................. a..................... ((?r;- ~,;;lJtJ, ~ D of the LE~ COUNTY MINUTES 17 AUGUST' BOARD MEETING 2004 . PAGE 141 BOOK 27 .,/ ~ " 91 Social Services for Senior ClIlzens Fund.... 95 Proballon /71-' /,/0 ServiceS Fund...................... A 97 Capital Projects Fuod......................... 98 99 JJC GunUAccountablllty Fund..~......... 100 JJC GranUAJternalive Deteotlon Fund.... 101 Arrestee'. Fund. .............. JJC GranUCouncll Fund...................... 103 , 104 Slate', 107 GISlRecordlng 111 Proballon Attorney Cblldren /)!, I, fJ; /'1{- GIS E:lpeo"ture Fund........................ ./..;", If t.1, ~ /1l- /r:J~ Advocacy........ Fees Fund..................... Innovative }'14- Grant................... /Cf.s: ,-S; 7J7J, ~ " '//'1.36,5.3/.JI , ~ PER DIEM ~(,~(,. 14 TOTAL-IL'3~ , 5l7.3J '/ml " I , , i , I Date~- , . I~ &'?Z 3f Highway CounlyMotor Fuel J 1,II11JS TowosblpMotorFuel~f1 , .6 f, , '19;', 5l? is''4, I£LU- Spedal Bridge FASMS '~t, tv;, /L,~~/'()3 ry_- Total Health A MOTION AS PRESENTED. WAS MADE BY MR. BINDER, MOTION A RESOLUTION SHALL NOT EXCEED SECONDED BY MRS. TAYLOR, TO APPROVE THE CLAIMS CARRI~D. STATING THAT THE RATE OF GROWTH THE CPI (CONSUMERS PRICE FOR FUTURE INDEX) WAS READ: FISCAL APPROPRIATIONS MINUTES BOARD of the LEE COUNTY AUGUST 17, MEETING 2004 BOOK 27 PAGE 142 .J .. RESOLUTIONNO. 0 ~ - (/ f{ - (JtJ 1 WHEREAS,the LeeCountyBoardhas had extensivediscussionsregardip the g . overall cost of operating county services and the limited revenues available; and, " . WHERE~S, operational fundmg '. < it has previously been the general policy of Lee County to limit to revenues generated by General Revenue Funds' and , , ~~EREAS, it is recognizedthatcurrentrevenuelevelscannots~ppo~ . approprIations needed to fund the desired level of County services; and, ~~EREAS, the Board desires to have a written policy to control growth f fut 0 ure approprIations.. NO~ 1!IEREFO~ BE IT RESOLVED that the rate of growth for future fiscal year approprIattons, excludmg salaries, shall not exceed the Consumer Price I d (CPI) rate ~owth for the per~odof May to May of the preceding fiscal year. Sal::y ~:creases wou::: e exempt ftom thIs calculation and would be based upon negotiations. IT R RESOLVED, that beginning in fiscal year 2003-2004 requests B~mg ~UdRTHE £!or ope~a n s th at cannot be funded by General Revenue Funds, shall made throu h the ;ohd W~te Management and Environment Fund or the Capital Project Fund both;f eac are derIved from Host Fees, on an as needed basis to supplement General Revenue Fun ds. PASSED BY THE LEE COUNTY BOARD THIS n DAY OF ~, 20,~4 A A MOTION WAS MADE BY MRS. TRUCKENBROD, SECONDED BY MRS. TAYLOR, TO APPROVE THE RESOLUTION. A LEE COUNTY LANDFILL, EXISTING HOST FEE PROJECTIONS HAS BEEN PLACED ON FILE. MR. TRENT DISAGREED WITH THE LAST PARAGRAPH WITH USING THE SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT AND.ENVIRONMENTAL FUND. TWO MILLION LATED OVER THE YEARS IN CASE OF A SPILL OF THIS FUND HAS BEEN ACCUMU- WHERE WE NEEDED A CLEANUP PROGRAM. REST OF THE FUND IS THE OPERATING FUND FOR'THE THAT WE PAID FOR INSURANCE CAME FROM THIS COMMITTEE. THE THE $300,000.00 FUND. CHAIRMAN SEEBERG STATED THAT UP TO 8 EMPWYEES COULD BE LAID OFF IF THIS RESOLUTION IS PASSED. ~ ~ """,,,,,,,,1' Mnmn.~ THEY ARE LOOKING AT. . . MINUTES LEE t( of the UNTY BOARD 2004 AUGUST 17. BOOK 17 MEETING PAGE 143 ~ THE CLERK CALLED TRUCKENBROD. HARRISON. TYNE. WILLIAMS. JONES. THOSE VOTING FARSTER. THE ROLL WITH THE FO ~LOWING RESULTS: LEFFELMAN. NAY: TAYLOR, ORTGIESEN. MER! TRENT REPORT R. NICHOLSON. EISENBERG. POWER AND STEVENS. TUCKER. WILLETT. MOTION CARRIED ,. WAS MADE FOR DEPOSIT WITZLEB. SEEBERG. OFFICER'S REPORTS. BY MR. AURAND. THE ORDERS . OFFICE OF THE COUNTY . LEE '., " , , " -' COUNTY DIXON, II 2~ .\ TO APPROVE PAID IN VACATION ILLINOIS HOUSE MAILING ADDRESS: P,O, Box 329 61021-0329 PHONE 815-288-3309 FAX 1-815-288-6492 .- AMOUNT OFFICE VILLAGE OF PAW PAW $ 3,696.00 TREAS OF IL JULY POLICE BEST VOTER COUNTY 230.00 COUNTY CERTIFY BOARD IN CLERK OF LEE THAT THE FOREGOING SESSION ON AUGUST 17, COUNTY GENERAL GENERAL COUNTY GENERAL COUNTY GENERAL GENERAL COUNTY HIGHWAY SEE ATTACHED COUNTY GENERAL COBRA AUGUST COUNT! INSIT,RANCE AND REQUESTS COUNTY COUNTY COUNTY ENG. SALARY CLERK NELSON, VOTE ACT REG. TAPES AUG RENT 600.00 133,603.01 GATLIFF SERVICES LEC RENT HELP AMERICA 50.00 LEE CO HWY OF FUNDS AUGUST 4,470.00 TREAS OF IL Sharon Sn'ycr. Chi,l 0'P1l11 Doris Long Don.. K.rlson Sharon MoeUer DEPOSIT Lor. Ketchum Ronene McKnigh, IN ACCT Anna Keys Ca'hy Mye.. PURPOSE 15,597.88 CITY OF DIXON HEREBY AND THE DlXON.ll61021-0329 ',' REQUESTS FOR DEPOSIT I, NANCY AND CLERK AND RECORDER COURT NANCY NElSON CoUnty Clerk and Recorder DO THE MINUTES OF FUNDS. 1 MERRY AURAND. 16 AYE TO 11 NAY. ~AS GIVEN BY CHAIRMAN BY MRS. TAYi,OR. SECONDED " CIRCUIT AYE: . PLACE ON FILE THE COUNTY REQUESTS CEC( ,AETTI, COFFEY. DUNPHY, AND SEEBER COMMITTEE PACKET. A MOTION MCCOY, TOFTE. PATZER THE EXECUTIVE ARE IN THE BINDER. THOSE VOTING EX-OFFICIO FOR DEPOSIT ETC. CLERK OF FUNDS OF THE WERE LEE COUNTY APPROVED BOARD, BY THE 2004. /z~/t~ ! NANCY NELSON, LEE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER ! MOTION CARRIED. UNDER OLD BOARD ROOM. BUSINE~S. MR. PATZER COMPLAINED ABOUT CE~L PHONES RINGING IN THE MINUTES of the LEE COUNTY BOARD 17, AUGUST MEETING' 2004 BOOK 27 PAGE 144 ~ MR. ORTGIESEN EXTENSIONS. OFFICER 'lHFM HE AND MAKE ALSO ASKED ABOUT SPECIAL USE ZONING SAID HE HE WOULD FELT LIKE TO A RECOMMENDATION MR. HENKEL IT WAS SEE TO THE TOO THIS MUCH RESPONSIBILITY REFERRED BACK FOR TO THE THE ZONING AND ZONING. BOARD AND LET BOARD. SAID IT IS IN THE ORDINANCE EXTENSIO¥ IS NEEDED. FOR THE WINDMILLS THAT HE MAKES THOSEmECISIONS IF A A LETTER HAS BEEN SENT GIviNG THEM A 12 MONTH EXTENSION ON THIS PROJECT. THERE WERE ALSO QUESTIONS RENT MONEY FROM THE HEALTH BEING WORKED ON THE STATUS DEPARTMENT OF THE ELDENA NURSING AND THE GO-CART TRACK. HOME, ABOUT THESE ARE ALL ON. DIRECTOR SHELLEY DALLAS EXPRESSED THE CONCERNS OF THE EMPLOYEES ABOUT LAY- OFFS. MR. BINDER COMMITTEE. TOLD HER'FOUR IT WILL DEPEND IS BASED ON .THE COUNTY NOT SAY NO BUDGET MODELS HAVE BEEN PRESENTED TO THE FINANCE ON WHICH MODEL THEY GO WITH. THE ULTIMATE BOARDS DECISION ON WHICH MODEL THEY CHOOSE. DECISION HE COULD LAY-OFFS. MR. WILLETT BROUGHT UP THE PROBLEM LIQUOR LICENSE AND A HEAD TAX OF HEARTBREAKERS. HIGH ENOUGH TO DISCOURAGE MAYBE GIVE THEM A THEM? '. MR. DISTANCE STEVENS FROM ASKED THE ABOUT BUILDING MR. HARRISON SMOKING SMOKING AT THE WOULD NEW COURTS BUILDING AND FOR EDWARD THE FRANKLIN FLOTO TO THE SANITARY DISTIfICT OF FRANKLIN.;GROVE GROVE SANITARY DISTI. l CT LEE COUNTY, ILLINOIS 03-01/-008 RESOLUTION FRANKLIN RESOLVED replace FLOTO GROVE Duane A BE ALLOWED? WAS INTRODUCED: BE IT FAR SAID THEY ARE COMING UP WITH A RESOLUTION. AN APPOINTMENT that ~DWARD HOW by the County Board of Lee county, Illinois, be and he is hereby SANITARY C. Pfoutz, DISTRICT deceased, appointed of for Lee Courty, a term as Trustee of the Illinois, ending the to first MINUTES of the LEE COUNTY BOARD MEETING 2004 AUGUST 17, PAGE 145 BOOK 27 ~ A MOTION APPOINTMENT. WAS MADE MOTION BY MR. STEVENS, SECONDED BY MR. NICHOLSON, TO APPROVE CARRIED. EIGHT RESOLUTIONS TO CHANGE POLLING PLACES WERE PRESENTED: ", RESOLUTION oR-al/- 0114 ~IIEREAS, there is a request to change Marion Precinct Polling Place from Marion Town Hall Rd, Walton, II. 6~376 10Harmon Community Building/Fire Stalion, 104 E. Main St,lla~on, 899 IL 6~;4~~n W HERE~S, the. ~e Co.unty Board desires to change said polling place from Marion Town Hall to H ormon c ommumty BUlldmgIFlre Stalion. . . . NOW,THEREFORE BE IT RESOLV ED,t h all.eI polhng place m Manon Precioct can be . ... changed ta Horman C ommunoty ' BUlldmg/Flre Sialion, 104 E. Main SI, 1I0nuon, IL 61042. 8'11-.21.»1/ Dale ht:t~;~~ ~~ 1/ / L~ County Board Ch' an RESOLUTION 0&- O~-oIO WHEREAS, there is a requesllo change Palmyra 3 Precinct Polling Place from Sauk Valley Commnnity College, t 7] IL Rte 2, Dixon, II. 61021 to Don Mullery World nf Cars 489 II. Rte 2 Dixon ' " IL 61021. WHEREAS, the Lee County Board desires to change said polling place from the present to Doa Mullery World of Cars. location . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the polling place in Palmyra 3 Precinct changed to Don Mullery World oeCars, 4g91L Rte 2, Dixon, IL 61021. can be f-I7~~ Date , . =xJam-v.)(a~ Counlf'Clerk -#-~~ ounty Board Chai an ~--_...- RESOLUTION Ii ,-.<1- 0// . WHEREAS,lhere is a request to change Hamillon Precinct Polling Place from Hamillon Town , Hall, Tampico & Ryan Rd, Hamilton Twp to East Grove Township Building, 913 Easy Rd Ohio IL ' 61349. WHEREAS, the Lee County Board desires to change said polling place from Hamilton to East Grove Township Building. Town Hall THE MINUTES of the LEE COU NTY BOARD MEETING' 17, 2004 AUGUST PAGE 146 BOOK 27 ~ RESOLUTION 011-0'1 WHEREAS, Hall,2202 ShawRd, 61310. WHEREAS, - 01"2/ there is a requesllo change Lee Cenler Polling Place from Lee Center ToWnship Amboy, IL 6131010 Amhoy Community Building, 280 W. Wasson Rd,'Amhoy, Ihe Lee County Board desires 10 change said polling place fro.!'1 IL Lee Center Township . ',Hall 10Amboy Communily Building. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, thai the polling place in Lee Cenler Precincl can be changed 10 Amboy CommunilY Building, 280 W. Wasson Rd, Amhoy, IL 61310. ~l7-o{ Dale ~~ 4114-' / Y1 ~Clerk 01~ II RESOLUTION County Boar Ch rman ;,'-II~-O'') po 11i~g h H l l 140 MayTowns rp a, . W V'trg'"ma S\ Subl tte IL 61367and place from Sublette Fire StatIon, 3~0 " Ii Irance ), 202 S West St, Sublette, IL 61367. c ' (S Todd Rd, Sublette,IL 61367 to Elhce Dmges enler ou n WHEREAS , Ihere polling place and May P ~ecinc t is a, requesllo change Suhlette Precinct ~ polling : WHEREAS, Ihe Lee County Board desires from Sublette Fire Stalion Bnd May Township NOW THEREFORE BE IT 10 ch~nge place and May Polling Place ~uhlette Hall 10 Elhce DlOges Cenler, RESOLVEIJ, lhal Ihc polling place in Sublette preci;~1 :~~::ay ' Precinctcanbe changed10ElliceDingesCenler(SoulhEnlrance).202 S WestSI, Sublette, f-/7--1Jst-" Date t.~._- -1 ~.~ ~!fi~ tf CouolyBoardCh an RESOLUTION 08'01/ .01'1. WHEREAS, Ihere is a requesllo change Bradford Precincl and Reynolds Precinct polling places from Bradford Town Hall, 1699 Midway Rd, Ashlon, IL 61006 and Reynolds Town Hall, 2551 Reynolds Rd 10 Mills Petrie Building, 704 N. Firsl St, Ashlon, IL 61006 WHEREAS, the Lee Counly Board desires 10 change Brodford Precinct and Reynolds Polling Ploces from Bradford Town I loll and Reynolds Town 11111110Mills Petrie Building. Precinct NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOI,VED, Ihallhe pulling places in Bradford Precinct and Reynolds Precinct con be changed 10 Ihe Mills PetrieBuilding, 704 N. Firsl SI, Ashlon, IL 61006 r~/'7-IJ~ MINUTES of the LEE COU ~' .~ TV BOARD MEETING j 2004 A1' JUST 17, PAGE 147 BOOK 27 J RESOLUTION ~8. WHEREAS, there is a request to change Brooklyn Compton Fire Station, 339 W. Cherry, Compton, IL 61318 PI i a<J -t>IS" .oct polling place from Brooklyn Precinct, drooklyn I Precinct having their polling place al 51 Mary's Parish Hall, 2530 Johnson SI, West Braol yn 61378 and Brooklyn 2 Precinct having their polling place al Complon Fire Station, 339 W. Cherry, ~ompton, IL 61318 and to change Viola Precincl from Viola Town Hall, 1159 Town Hall Rd, Con" ,0n,IL 61318 10 SI Mary's Parish Hall, 2530 Johnson St, Wesl Brooklyn, IL 61378. WHEREAS, the L~'\CounlY Board desires In cl. "nge said polling place from Brooklyn PreCinCI to Brooklyn I Precinct and Brooklyn 2 Precinct and \0 c1" .er Brooklyn I Precinct with Viola Precinct. .... NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED,II,al the pnlling place in Brooklyn Precinct can be changed 10 Brooklyn 1 Precinci having their polling I !ace at St Mary's Parish Hall, 2530 Johnson St, West Brooklyn 61378 and Brooklyn 2 Precinct having the; polling place at Compton Fire Station, 339 W. Cherry, Compton, IL 61318. Viola Precinct will ha' their polling place at St Mary's Parish Hall, 2530 'C Johnson St, West Brooklyn 61378. '/-/7-()t! . Date RESOLUTION 08-0'l-1!/l. WHEREAS, from Alto Township there is a request to change Alto Precinct and Willow Creek Precinct polling places Building, 607 Sieward Rd, Steward, IL 60553 and Willow Creek Town Hall, 1203 Paw Paw Rd, Paw Paw,IL 61353 to Ogle-Leo Fire Station, 311 Main St, Sleward,lL 60553 WHEREAS, the Lee County Board desires to change Alto Precinct and Willow Creek Precinct Polling Places from Alto Township Building and Willow Creek Town Hall to Ogle-Lee Fire Station. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the polling places in Alto Precinct and Willow Creek Precinct can be changed 10 Ogle-Lee Fire Station, 311 Main St, Steward, IL 60553, 'i-I7-oy Dale -Y;tt1::t't1~ C niy Clerk A MOTION t1 WAS MADE BY MRS. TAYLOR, I~/~ CountyBoard ainnan SECONDED BY MR. AURAND, TOWNSHIP POLLING TO APPROVE THE CHANGES. MR. DUNPHY SOUTH HE DIXON. HAD NO OBJECTED TO THE MARION HE SAID RESIDENTS LIST OF WHO MR. ORTGIESEN WOULD PREFER PLACE BEING MOVED GOING TO HARMON TO TO VOTE ALTHOUGH OBJECTED. SAID HE HAD A LIST OF VOTERS HE HAD TALKED TO THAT PREFER GOING TO SOUTH DIXON. A MOTION 'Y'(\T.T).lCIH'P WAS 'PflTTTNC MADE BY MR. PT.Ar.F. r.HANr.F.n DUNPHY, TO SECONDED HARMON. BY MR. COFFEY, TO HAVE THE MARION MINUTES of the COUNTY LEE 2004 17, AUGUST - MEETING BOARD BOOK 27 PAGE 148 J A RESOLUTION CUNCERNING EMPLOYEE INSURANCE WAS PRESENTED: -- --- -_. RESOLUTION NO. 08.0'/-0/1 WHEREAS, the Lee County Board is aware that the Insurance Advisory Committee is in the process of making recommendations for Employee Health Insurance coverage including the costs associated with the coverage; and, , WHEREAS, the Lee County Board recommends that the cuneot schedule of employee contributions of 550.00 per month for single coverage and 5125.00 per month for family coverage as well as the existing deductible expense of 5250 and 5750 respectively, shall remain in effect until ~ f, 2004; and, N.", ). WHEREAS the Executive Committee . has recommended that Lee County pay the difference between the existing deductible and the Blue CrossIBlue Shield deductible 1UItiiOctober I, 2004 so long as an employee complies with the policy requirements; and, WHEREAS, it is the Executive Committee's recommendation that this interim proposal apply to all C01Ultyemployees covered by the County health insurance plan and; WHEREFORE, "-,e Board does hereby adopt the recommendation of the Executive Committee to maintain the existing levels of employee contributions for health insurance and to pay the difference between the existing deductible expense and the amounts charged under the Blue Cross Blue Shield policy through September 30, 2004. PASSED BY THE LEE COUNTY TIlISLL.DAYOF By. ~2004 ~ Le(tounty BOARD ~(~iz an Board Ch" ATfEST: ~ CHAIRMAN SEEBERG ASKED THAT THE DATE OF OCTOBER 2004 BE CHANGED TO NOVEMBE 30, 2004. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MR. MERCER, WITH THE DATE CHANGE. SOLUTION MR. AURAND TEAMSTERS COUNTY THE BY MS TY~E, TO ACCEPT THE RE- CARR~R~. OFFICE AND THE TREASURER'S A CONTRACT OFFICE AND IT NEEDS RATIFICATION. FROM T~E BOARD. ATTORNEY THERE THE CONTRACT. FOR MOTION SAID THE COUNTY CLERK'S UNION HAVE APPROVED STATES 2003. SECONDED GIESEN EXPLAINED IS ALSO A $400.00 SIGNING IS IS A ONE-TIME EMPLOYEES. THE BONUS THIS IS FOR BONUS IN A PAYMENT IS STRICTLY A 3% RAI~RETROACTIVE MEMO TO DEC. OF UNDERSTANDING WITH AND WILL NOT BE ADDED TO THE BASE PAY. F'JR THE TEAMSTER MEMBERS IN THE OFFICES. -."I'T.t A. TWO of the LEI. COUNTY MINUTES BOARD 2004 17, AUGUST BOOK 27 MEETING PAGE 149 ~ THE CLERK CALLED 'TRENT, TRUCKENBROD, CECCHETTI, MERCER, TUCKER, COFFEY, DUNPHY, NICHOLSON, THOSE VOTING THE ROLL WITH NONE. A MOTION WAS MADE RESULTS: TYNE, \~ILLETT, WILLIAMS, EISENBE~G, ORTGIESEN, NAY: THE FOLLOWING FARSTER, PATf..ER,POWER, THOSE-VOTING WITZLEB, HARRISON, SEEBERC, AURAND, JONES, AYE: BINDER, LEFFELMAN, STEVENS, TAYLOR MCCOY, AND TOFTE. MOTION' ~ARRIED. BY MR. AURAND, SECONDED BY MR. WILLETT, THE TO APPROVE " $400.00 SIGNING BONUS. CLERK NELSON CALLED TRUCKENBROD, TYNE ,WILLETT EISENBERG, FARSTER, THE ROLL WITH THE FOLLOWING , WILLIAMS, HARRISON, TOFTE AND TRENT. THOSE VOTING STEVENS, MOTION TAYLOR. MERCER MR. DIEM TO ALL A MOTION NAY: TUCKER, TYNE, EISENBERG, PATZER, BINDER, MCCOY, MERCER, CECCHETTI, THOSE VOTING COFFEY, DUNPHY, ORTGIESEN, NICHOLSON, PATZER, ATTENDING SECONDED THIS BY MRS. TAYLOR, MEETING. MOTION SECONDED TO ALLOW MILEAGE A MOTION POWER, SEEBERG, AND PER CARRIED. BY MR. TRENT, TO ALLOW ALL BILLS BY ROLL CALL VOTE. WILLETT, WILLIAMS, THE FOLLOWING WITZLEB, AURAND, RESULTS: BINDER, THOSE VOTING CECCHETTI, AYE: COFFEY, FARSTER, HARRISON, JONES, LEFFELMAN, MCCOY, MERCER, NICHOLSON, POWER, AYE: CARRIED. THE CLERK CALLED THE ROLL WITH TUCKER, AURAND, LEFFELMAN, WAS MADE BY MRS. TAYLOR, AND APPROPRIATIONS . JONES, MADE A MOTION, MEMBERS WITZLEB, RESULTS: SEEBERG, WAS MADE STEVENS, TAYLOR, BY MRS. TAYLOR, TOFTE, TRENT AND TRUCKENBROD. SECONDED MEETING UNTIL SEPTEMBER 21, 2004 AT 6:00 P.M. BY MR. WITZLEB, MOTION DUNPHY, ORTGIESEN, . MOTION CARRIED. TO ADJOURN THIS CARRIED. i ICHAIRMAN CLERK