Arthroscopy Arthroplasty Fractures Arthroscopy
Arthroscopy Arthroplasty Fractures Arthroscopy
Arthroscopy Arthroplasty Fractures 29th Annual San Diego Meeting June 20-23, 2012 Register online at: Course Chairman James C. Esch, M.D. Cadaver Laboratories: Held at the new UCSD Center for the Future of Surgery Arthroscopy Small-Group Instructional Total Shoulder Replacement Open Reconstruction, Anatomy, Arthroplasty, and Special Procedures Additional Laboratory and Workshop Opportunities: Arthroscopy Skills Session with Updated Models Total Shoulder and Fracture Fixation Workshop Ultrasound Workshop Break-out Informational Workshops: Shoulder Arthroscopy Shoulder Arthroplasty Special Topics San Diego Shoulder Institute: Celebrating 29 Years in Orthopaedic Educational Excellence Preliminary Program The purpose of this intense, four-day course is to equip physicians with strategies to provide the highest level of analytical, diagnostic, and treatment practice modalities specific to shoulder arthroscopy, arthroplasty, and fracture management. Bringing together expert faculty, course content focuses on known best practice, latest technological advances, and evidenced based research related to shoulder care. Physicians will benefit directly from the following formats of educational interaction: Lecture Sessions: • Review assessment and diagnosis strategies, specific surgical techniques, treatment algorithms, prevention of complications, and recommendations to maximize physician practice and patient outcomes • Review latest evidenced-based research specific to shoulder care • Observe surgical videos and receive instruction in current practice strategies Panel Discussions: • Learn from the experts during dynamic case study presentations and discussions • Enhance your practice exposure by participation in interactive benchmarking sessions Case-Based Discussions: • Present your most complex case to our panel of experts • Participate in dynamic case-presentation discussions • Ascertain best-practice strategies Surgical Simulation: • Watch recognized experts in the field perform surgical procedures • Glean tips and strategies to improve your surgical technique Skills-Based Training: Laboratories/Workshops: Receive individualized instruction in a mock surgical environment. Customize your learning experience based on identified educational goals. Benefit from our expert faculty who will provide specific feedback to help improve your specific practice. • Improved! Arthroscopy Skills Session: Explore current concepts in advanced shoulder arthroscopy via hands-on training. Each session is customized based on identified learning goals of participants. Most sessions feature options for new, state of the art shoulder models designed with realistic anatomical features. Held Wednesday morning, this laboratory allows participants to select specific equipment to enhance arthroscopy skills. Space is limited. Register early! • Shoulder Arthroplasty and Fracture Fixation Workshop: Held Wednesday evening, this session demonstrates current techniques to treat shoulder arthritis and trauma. Participants are exposed to multiple equipment options to practice arthroplasty and fracture fixation techniques. • Cadaver Arthroscopy Laboratory: Held at UCSD Center for the Future of Surgery on Friday morning and afternoon, these laboratory sessions allow participants to actively perform an arthroscopy procedure on a cadaver specimen. Expert faculty will guide students in essential diagnostic and operative techniques. Sessions are customized based on individualized learning goals and current skill level. Two registrants assigned per station. Enrollment is limited to 50 registrants for the morning session and 24 for the afternoon session. An instructor is available for every 4 registrants. • Cadaver Total Shoulder Small-Group Laboratory: Held at UCSD Center for the Future of Surgery on Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon, this dynamic lab features world recognized experts in total shoulder replacement. A brief lecture covering technique essentials is followed by individualized instruction. An instructor is available for every four registrants. Registration limited to 48 registrants in the Wednesday morning session and 26 registrants for the Friday afternoon session. • Anatomy, Open Reconstruction, Arthroplasty, and Special Procedure Cadaver Lab: Held Saturday afternoon, this session provides instruction in the details of shoulder anatomy, arthroplasty, open reconstruction, and special procedures such as latarjet. Held at the UCSD Center for the Future of Surgery, specimens are provided for hands-on dissection, open reconstructive techniques, and/ or arthroplasty in groups of three-six persons. Session is customized based on learning goals. Expert faculty provides individualized instruction. Enrollment is limited to 50 registrants. • Ultrasound Workshop: Held Friday, this workshop provides a focused, hands-on approach to present useful techniques on how to maximize ultrasound to visualize soft tissue anatomy of the shoulder. The workshop focuses on the 13 Point Shoulder Ultrasound Exam and provides tips for patient positioning, ultrasound settings, guided injections, and suprascapular nerve blocks. Latest equipment and live models are used. Appropriate for all skill levels. Two sessions offered, limited to 24 registrants per session. • Break-out Informational Workshops: • Workshop sessions are designed to expose attendees to the latest technological advances in the industry. Lunch included with lunch-time session attendance. • Arthroscopy Workshop: Held Thursday, attendees will select specific equipment to view latest advances in shoulder arthroscopy. • Arthroplasty Workshop: Held Friday, attendees will select specific equipment to review current technological advances and surgical techniques in shoulder arthroplasty. • Additional special procedural topic workshops COURSE OBJECTIVES Lecture Objectives: Upon completion of this CME activity, participants will be able to: • Identify strategies to improve practice strategies and outcomes of shoulder arthroplasty, arthroscopy, reverse total shoulder prosthesis, and shoulder fractures. • Identify options for the treatment of complex shoulder disorders. • Identify approaches for physical examination, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of the shoulder. • Identify strategies for improved surgical techniques and use of appropriate technology in the treatment of shoulder disorders. Laboratory/ Workshop Objectives: Upon completion of this CME activity, participants will be able to: • Discuss specific steps to perform a complete procedure as covered in the laboratory/ workshop • State specific strategies that will be implemented in the practice setting as a result of laboratory/ workshop participation Course Director: James C. Esch, M.D. Assistant Clinical Professor / Department of Orthopaedics / University of California, San Diego, School of Medicine / Orthopaedic Specialists of North County Oceanside, CA / San Diego Shoulder Institute, President Robert A. Pedowitz, M.D., Ph.D. Jeffrey S. Abrams, M.D. Kevin P. Hansen, M.D. Los Angeles, CA Roseville, CA Princeton, NJ Andrew P. Hartman, M.D. Carlos Prietto, M.D. Gregory M. Alberton, M.D. Oceanside, CA Orange, CA San Diego, CA Armodios M. Hatzidakis, M.D. Miguel Prietto, M.D. Laura A. Alberton, M.D. Denver, CO Orange, CA San Diego, CA James A. Helgager, M.D. Matthew Provencher, M.D., Christopher B. Alexander, M.D. Oceanside, CA CDR, MC, USNR Temecula, CA Laurence Higgins, M.D. San Diego, CA Darin W. Allred, M.D. Boston, MA Kian Raiszadeh, M.D. Denver, CO Heinz R. Hoenecke Jr., M.D. San Diego, CA Richard L. Angelo, M.D. San Diego, CA Anthony A. Romeo, M.D. Kirkland, WA Joseph Iannotti, M.D., Ph.D. Chicago, IL Carl Basamania, M.D. Cleveland, OH Benjamin D. Rubin, M.D. Seattle, WA Daniel Keefe, M.D. Orange, CA Christopher T. Behr, M.D. La Jolla, CA Richard K.N. Ryu, M.D. San Diego, CA Sumant G. “Butch” Krishnan, M.D. Santa Barbara, CA Richard Biama, M.D. Dallas, TX Felix H. Savoie III, M.D. Redlands, CA John Lane, M.D. New Orleans, LA Pascal Boileau, M.D. San Diego, CA James Shankwiler, M.D. Nice, France Evan Lederman, M.D. Los Angeles, CA Frank Bonnarens, M.D. Phoenix, AZ Sarah Shubert, M.D. Louisville, KY Brian Leek, M.D. Falmouth, ME James M. Bried, M.D. San Diego, CA Michael Skyhar, M.D., FACS San Diego, CA Gregory J. Loren, M.D. Encinitas, CA Don A. Buford, Jr., M.D. Encinitas, CA Stephen J. Snyder, M.D. Dallas, TX William F. Luetzow, M.D. Van Nuys, CA Stephen S. Burkhart, M.D. La Jolla, CA John W. Sperling, M.D., MBA San Antonio, TX Neil J. Maki, M.D. Rochester, MN C. Kelly Bynum, M.D. Thibodaux, LA Patrick St. Pierre, M.D. Montrose, CO Stuart C. Marshall, M.D. Rancho Mirage, CA Emory Chapman, M.D. La Jolla, CA Eric McMillan, M.D. Erik Stark, M.D. Salisbury, NC Turlock, CA Oceanside, CA William J. Ciccone II, M.D. Matt Meunier, M.D. William B. Stetson, M.D. Denver, CO San Diego, CA Burbank, CA Brian J. Cole, M.D., MBA John W. Miles III, M.D. Russell J. Striff Jr., M.D. Chicago, IL San Diego, CA Sayre, PA Brad Cohen, M.D. Francis X. Mendoza, M.D. Howard J. Sweeney, M.D. Poway, CA New York, NY Glenview, Il Ryan M. Dopirak, M.D. Bruce S. Miller, M.D. James P. Tasto, M.D. Manitowoc, WI Ann Arbor, MI San Diego, CA Ben DuBois, M.D. Darius Moezzi, M.D. Dean Taylor, M.D. San Diego, CA Flagstaff, AZ Durham, NC William Eves, M.D. Timothy S. Mologne, M.D. Tom D. Thomas, M.D. Chula Vista, CA Appleton, WI Mission Viejo, CA Larry D. Field, M.D. Cary Motz, M.D. James E. Tibone, M.D. Jackson, MS Denver, CO Los Angeles, CA Mark A. Frankle, M.D., FACS Jonathan J. Myer, M.D. John "J.T." Tokish, M.D., Tampa, FL San Diego, CA Lt Col, USAF MC Jan Fronek, M.D. Tom Norris, M.D. Tripler AMC, HI San Diego, CA San Francisco, CA Scott W. Trenhaile, M.D. Gary Gartsman, M.D. Wesley M. Nottage, M.D. Rockford, IL Housten, TX Laguna Hills, CA Greg Vandenberghe, M.D. Mark Getelman, M.D. Patrick Noud, M.D. San Diego, CA Van Nuys, CA East Lansing, MI Jon J.P. Warner, M.D. Richard Greenfield, M.D. William M. Ohara, M.D. Boston, MA San Diego, CA San Diego, CA Stephen C. Weber, M.D. Sean Grey, M.D. Robert C. Pace, M.D. Sacramento, CA Fort Collins, CO Fallbrook, CA Peter Wile, M.D. R. Michael Gross, M.D. Bradford Parsons, M.D. San Diego, CA Omaha, NE New York, NY Ira Manning "Moby" Parsons, IV, M.D. Edmond P. Young, M.D. Dyson Hamner, M.D. Somersworth, NH San Diego, CA San Diego, CA Rebecca Quiring, Director of Operations, San Diego Shoulder Institute, Oceanside, CA Larky Blunck, R.N., CME and Compliance Administrative Coordinator, San Diego Shoulder Institute, Oceanside, CA Amanda Moore, R.N., Lab Manager, San Diego Shoulder Institute, Oceanside, CA PROGRAM 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Course Registration Cadaver Total Shoulder/Reverse Total Shoulder Small Group Laboratory (UCSD) Registration limited to 48 registrants: Pre registration required 7:30 a.m. 8:00 11:30 Bus to UCSD: Departs from hotel lobby entrance Session Director: William Stetson, M.D. TSR Lab Title Lead Faculty Arthrex Evan Lederman, M.D. / Anthony Romeo, M.D. DePuy Carl Basamania, M.D. / Joseph Iannotti, M.D., Ph.D. Exactech Sean Grey, M.D. Tornier Tom Norris, M.D. Zimmer Bradford Parsons, M.D. / Jon J.P. Warner, M.D. Lab ends. Bus transportation available back to the Hyatt Arthroscopy Skills Session using realistic shoulder models (Hyatt) 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon: Pre-registration required 8:00 Model Lab Title Arthrex Biomet Linvatec Mitek Smith & Nephew Stryker Tornier Lead Faculty Stephen Burkhart, M.D., James Tibone, M.D. Frank Bonnarens, M.D. Don A. Buford, M.D. / Ryan Dopirak, M.D. Mark Getelman, M.D. Gregory Alberton, M.D. / Scott W. Trenhaile, M.D. Robert A. Pedowitz, M.D., Ph.D. Gary Gartsman, M.D. 12:00 noon Exhibits Open Lunch on your own Shoulder Arthroplasty 12:55 1:05 1:25 1:40 1:55 2:10 2:40 3:10 Moderator: James A. Helgager, M.D. Welcome: Shoulder Arthroscopy, Arthroplasty, and Fractures 2012 James C. Esch, M.D. Total Shoulder and Reverse Total Shoulder Technique and Nuisances Jon J.P. Warner, M.D. TSR: Can We Avoid Subscapularis Damage? Anthony A. Romeo, M.D. Osteoarthritis: Does Anything Work Other Than TSR? Brian Cole, M.D. Indication Gray Zones: Hemi Resurfacing to Total to Reverse Pascal Boileau, M.D. What To Do With Posterior Glenoid Wear Joseph Iannotti, M.D., PhD. Panel Discussion: Glenoid Wear Case Presenter: Darius Moezzi, M.D. / Panel Moderator: Heinz Hoenecke, M.D. Refreshments/Visit Exhibits Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty 3:40 3:50 4:05 4:20 4:35 4:50 5:05 5:20 5:35 6:15 Moderator: Bradford Parsons., M.D. Observations of Board Candidates Doing Reverse Shoulder Replacement Stephen Weber, M.D. Basic Technical Considerations for Successful Reverse Arthroplasty Sean Grey, M.D. Our Patients: Who Does Well and Who Does Not Do Well With A Reverse Mark Frankle, M.D. Glenoid Bone Loss Solutions: What Works and What Does Not Work Tom Norris, M.D. Revision Shoulder Arthroplasty: Exposure , Component Removal, and Bone Management Sumant G. "Butch" Krishnan, M.D. Shoulder Arthroplasty Infection: Prevention/ Workup/ Treatment Joseph Iannotti, M.D., PhD. The BIO-RSA: Bony Increased Offset Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty Pascal Boileau, M.D. Arthroplasty: What Is Value Decision Making? Jon J.P. Warner, M.D. Panel Discussion/ Case Presentations : Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty Bradford Parsons, M.D. Dinner Buffet - Course Registrants Only Total Shoulder & Fracture Fixation Workshop 7:00 – 9:00 Open session: Pre-Registration is not required Arthrex Arthrosurface Biomet DePuy DJO Surgical Exactech 9:00 p.m. Adjourn ...Romeo/Tibone ...Provencher ...Bonnarens ...Iannotti/Weber ...Frankle/St Pierre ...Grey Smith & NephewPromos Sonoma Orthopedics Stryker Synthes Tornier Zimmer ...Mendoza ...Angelo ...DuBois ...Hartman/Parsons ...Boileau/Krishnan/Norris ...Parsons/Warner 7:00 a.m. Registration – Continental Breakfast – Exhibits Instability Moderator: Gregory Alberton, M.D. 7:55 Today’s Plan James C. Esch, M.D. 8:00 Recent Long Term Instability Results: What Are We Doing Wrong? James C. Esch, M.D. The Changing Landscape of Shoulder Instability Surgery Jon J.P. Warner, M.D. Arthroscopic Instability Repair Techniques Matthew Provencher, M.D. CDR, MC, USNR The Acute Dislocation: Evidenced Based Decisions Dean Taylor, M.D. Bone Loss: Anchors, Remplissage, Latarjet Stephen Burkhart, M.D. Technique: Latarjet Subscapularis Splitting Approach Andrew Hartman, M.D. Refreshments/Visit Exhibits 8:15 8:30 8:45 9:00 9:15 9:30 Bone Loss and SLAP Moderator: Matthew Provencher, M.D. CDR, MC, USNR Recognition and Treatment of Posterior Dislocation Felix Savoie, M.D. 10:30 Decision Making Process for Anterior Instability: The ISIS Score Pascal Boileau, M.D. 10:45 How I Make Decisions: History, Examination, Imaging, etc John "J.T." Tokish, M.D. 11:00 Case Presentations: Shoulder Instability Richard K. N. Ryu, M.D. 11:25 The SLAP Situation: Panel Discussion John "J.T." Tokish, M.D. 11:50 Adjourn 12:00 - 1:30 Shoulder Arthroscopy Workshops (Hyatt) Limited space available: Lunch provided in lunch-time workshop session. Register On Site. Pre-Registration is Not Required. 10:15 In lieu of attending a shoulder arthroplasty workshop session: Lunch on your own Visit Exhibits Rotator Cuff 2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45 3:00 3:20 3:45 Rotator Cuff Tears in Our Aging Population Bruce Miller, M.D. Cuff Healing or Failure in Continuity? Joseph Iannotti, M.D., PhD. Acute Vs. Chronic Cuff Tear Laurence Higgins, M.D. Patient Factors Determine Outcome Jeffrey Abrams, M.D. Panel Discussion: Patient Surgical Selection Brian Cole, M.D. Refreshments/Visit Exhibits Moderator: Jeffrey Abrams, M.D. Moderator: Heinz Hoenecke, M.D. How to Repair the Rotator Cuff Larry D. Field, M.D. 4:00 Tricks Dealing With Soft Tissue Deficiency in Arthroscopic Cuff Repair Stephen Burkhart, M.D. 4:15 Transosseous Cuff Repair: Can We Do It Without Anchors? Sumant G. “Butch” Krishnan, M.D. 4:30 Pearls in Rotator Cuff Repair Felix Savoie, M.D. 4:45 Partial Thickness Rotator Cuff Tears: Strategies and Techniques Richard Angelo, M.D. 5:00 How to Approach the Anterosuperior Tear Scott W. Trenhaile, M.D. 5:15 The Suprascapular Nerve and Cuff Repair Laurence Higgins, M.D. 5:30 Rotator Cuff Repair Decisions: Interactive Lecture Larry Field, M.D. 6:00 Adjourn 6:00 - 7:00 Chairman’s Reception 7:00 a.m. Registration – Continental Breakfast – Exhibits Morning Cadaver Lab Session (UCSD) Cadaver Arthroscopic Surgery Laboratory Registration limited to 50 registrants: Pre-registration required 7:30 a.m. Bus to UCSD: departs from hotel lobby entrance 8:00 Cadaver Arthroscopic Surgery Laboratory Gregory Alberton, M.D. 11:30 Lab ends Afternoon Cadaver Lab Sessions (UCSD) Cadaver Arthroscopic Surgery Laboratory Total Shoulder/Reverse Total Shoulder Small Group Laboratory Registration limited to 24 arthroscopic and 26 total shoulder registrants: Pre-registration required 1:15 Bus to UCSD: departs from hotel lobby entrance 1:45 Cadaver Arthroscopic and Total Shoulder Laboratory William Stetson, M.D. 5:15 Lab Ends Friday Ultrasound Workshops (Hyatt) Registration limited to 24 registrants per session: Pre-registration required 9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. 2:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. LECTURE Shoulder Rehabilitation Moderator: Matthew T. Provencher, M.D., CDR, MC, USNR Providing Optimal Rehabilitative Care: From Pathology to Rehabilitation and Beyond 8:00 Ultrasound Patient Demonstration Don Buford, M.D., Ben DuBois, M.D. 8:30 Patient Examination Techniques Benjamin D. Rubin, M.D. 8:45 Evidence and Rotator Cuff Rehabilitation Laurence Higgins, M.D. 9:00 Evidence and Instability Rehabilitation John "J.T." Tokish, M.D. 9:15 Rehabilitation in the Arthroplasty Patient Bradford Parsons, M.D. 9:30 Panel Discussion: Rehabilitation Matthew Provencher, M.D., CDR, MC, USNR 10:00 Refreshments/Visit Exhibits 10:30 Live Patient Examination Benjamin D. Rubin, M.D. 11:00 Post Operative Patient Examination James C. Esch, M.D., Benjamin D. Rubin, M.D. 11:30 Protocols for Instability, Cuff Repair and Arthroplasty John "J.T." Tokish, M.D. 12:00 Adjourn 12:15–1:45 Shoulder Arthroplasty and Special Topic Workshops (Hyatt) Limited space available: Lunch provided in lunch-time workshop session. Register On Site. Pre-Registration is Not Required. In lieu of attending a shoulder arthroplasty workshop session: Lunch on your own Moderator: James P. Tasto, M.D. 2:00 p.m. Improving your Practice: Case Presentations Jeffrey Abrams, M.D., Sean Grey, M.D., Andrew Hartman, M.D., Armodios Hatzidakis, M.D., Evan Lederman, M.D., Matthew Provencher, M.D., CDR, MC, USNR, Richard K.N. Ryu, M.D., John Sperling, M.D., Dean Taylor, M.D., James Tibone, M.D., John "J.T." Tokish, M.D. Learn from the experts! Bring your most challenging case (or a case illustrating what you have learned from previous courses). Present your specific case to our expert panel. Topics include: Arthroplasty, fracture treatment, instability, rotator cuff repair, biceps, SLAP, frozen shoulder, and more… Pre-registration required. Specific session participation details included during course registration process. Recommended for participation: Submit 6 Power Point image/ video slides to SDSI prior to course. Include brief patient history, treatment, patient outcome, and questions for panel. Ensure no patient identifiable information or company trade names are presented in slides. Submissions will be reviewed prior to presentation and are limited to 15 minutes per case. 5:00 Adjourn 7:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast – Exhibits Fractures, Complications, Advanced Practice Issues 7:45 Practicing With Cultural Awareness James C. Esch, M.D. 8:00 Proximal Humerus Plating Tips Bradford Parsons, M.D. 8:15 Where do Proximal Humerus Rods Fit? Armodios M. Hatzidakis, M.D. 8:30 Arthroplasty Choices in Proximal Humerus Fractures Pascal Boileau, M.D. 8:45 Clavicle Nonunions and Malunions Carl Basamania, M.D. 9:00 Treatment of Fracture Sequela John Sperling, M.D., MBA 9:15 Proximal Humerus Fractues: Cost and Variation Laurence Higgins, M.D. 9:30 Panel Discussion: Fractures Sumant G. "Butch Krishnan, M.D. 10:00 Refreshments/Visit Exhibits Massive Cuff Tear / Infection Moderator: Andrew Hartman, M.D. Moderator: John Sperling, M.D., MBA 10:30 Biceps Pathology and Treatment Options Bradford Parsons, M.D. 10:45 Revision Surgery Following TSR - Mayo Experience John Sperling, M.D., MBA 11:00 Arthroscopic Approach to Massive Cuff Tears Felix Savoie, M.D. 11:15 Tissue Patches for Massive Cuff Tears: What Does and Does Not Work Stephen Snyder, M.D. 11:30 Discernment for Selecting a Reverse TSR for Massive Cuff Tear John Sperling, M.D., MBA 11:45 Panel Discussion/Case Presentations Evan Lederman, M.D. 12:15 Tying It All Together James C. Esch, M.D. 12:30 Adjourn 12:30 - 1:30 Luncheon for Anatomy, Open Reconstruction, and Arthroplasty Laboratory Registrants Only 1:45 Bus to UCSD Medical School from hotel lobby entrance 2:00 Cadaver Laboratory (UCSD) Anatomy – Open Reconstruction – Arthroplasty Pre-Registration Required 4:30 Adjourn Tuition The physician registration fee for lectures is $1250. This includes lectures, breakfast, reception, Wednesday evening workshop, course syllabus and other handout material. The Wednesday morning Model Lab and Cadaver Total Shoulder Lab, the Friday Cadaver Arthroscopic Surgery and Total Shoulder Labs, the Friday Ultrasound Workshop as well as the Saturday Anatomy, Open Reconstruction, Arthroplasty lab require a separate registration fee. Refund A registration refund will be made upon written request prior to June 8, 2012, however, $100 will be retained for administrative costs. No refunds will be made for cacellation after June 8, 2012, however a set of course DVD’s and course syllabus will be mailed to those individuals. No refunds will be made on lab cancellations after June 15, 2012. CME ACCREDITATION This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) and the American Medical Association (AMA) standards. San Diego Shoulder Institute is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians. San Diego Shoulder Institute takes responsibility for the content, quality, and scientific integrity of this CME activity. San Diego Shoulder Institute designates this live educational activity for a maximum of 30.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. CME credits for this course are calculated as follows: Lectures: 22 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ Total Shoulder and Fracture Fixation Workshop: 2 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ Arthroscopy Skills Session: 4 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ Cadaver Arthroscopic Surgery Lab: 3.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ per session Total Shoulder Replacement/Reverse Total Shoulder Replacement Cadaver Lab: 3.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ per session Ultrasound Workshop: 2.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ per session Anatomy, Open Reconstruction, Arthroplasty Lab: 2.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ San Diego Shoulder Institute is an approved International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery, and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine (ISAKOS) Teaching Center. Please notify our registration staff if you are interested in completing an ISAKOS evaluation form or obtaining ISAKOS certification for this course. Acknowledgment San Diego Shoulder Institute acknowledges the University of California, Center for the Future of Surgery for laboratory assistance in this course G9MD San Diego Shoulder Institute is pleased to announce our partnership with G9MD. Visit for an opportunity to review SDSI lectures. Accommodations for Individuals with Disabilities San Diego Shoulder Institute complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Should you need any special assistance, please contact Rebecca Quiring, Director of Operations. Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate your needs. Registration and Check In Tuesday, June 19, 2012 from 3:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Wednesday, June 20, 2012 from 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Thursday, June 21, 2012 from 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Friday, June 22, 2012 from 7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Course Information For additional information contact the Director of Operations, Rebecca Quiring (760) 940-2066 / Fax (760) 940-6110 • email: Register online at Please Complete and Return this Form or Register Online at: Name First Last Title Address City State Zip Country Telephone Fax Email Address Registration for Lectures: Choose One Includes Wednesday Evening Workshops ❑ Physicians ............................................................................................................................................. $1250.00 ❑ Resident/Fellow (Letter from Chief of Service Required) .......................................................................... $650.00 ❑ Allied Health: .......................................................................................................................................... $650.00 Registration for Labs, Workshops and Case Presentations To help make accurate lab assignments please indicate your skill level: ______Beginning _______Intermediate ______Advanced Wednesday Arthroscopy Skills Session (Hyatt) ❑ 8:00a.m. - 12:00noon ................................................................................................................................. $50 List equipment choices 1-3 and indicate knot tying level. I need help with arthroscopic knots: ❑ YES ❑ NO ___ Arthrex ___ Biomet ___ Linvatec ___ Mitek ___ Smith & Nephew ___ Stryker ___ Tornier Cadaver Total Shoulder/Reverse Total Shoulder Small Group Labs (UCSD) ❑ 8:00a.m. - 11:30noon ................................................................................................................................. $200 List equipment choices 1-3. ___ Arthrex ___ DePuy ___ Exactech ___ Tornier ___ Zimmer Friday Cadaver Arthroscopic Surgery Labs (UCSD) ❑ 8:30a.m. - 12:00noon ................................................................................................................................ $550 ❑ 1:45a.m. - 5:15p.m. ................................................................................................................................... $550 Specimen Position: ❑ No Preference ❑ Lateral Position ❑ Beach-Chair Position ❑ I am beginning shoulder arthroscopy ❑ I am doing subacromial decompressions, but have good and bad days. I want to do this procedure in the lab. (You can move on to arthroscopic instability or cuff repairs if there is time.) ❑ I am doing subacromial decompressions with ease. I want to work on arthroscopic instability repairs. (You can move on to arthroscopic rotator cuff repairs if there is time.) ❑ I am doing instability repairs with ease. I want to work on arthroscopic rotator cuff repairs. Cadaver Total Shoulder/Reverse Total Shoulder Small Group Labs (UCSD) ❑ 1:45p.m. - 5:15p.m. .................................................................................................................................... $200 ___ Arthrex ___ DePuy ___ DJO Surgical ___ Stryker ___ Zimmer Ultrasound Workshops (Hyatt) ❑ 9:00a.m. - 11:30a.m. .................................................................................................................................... $25 ❑ 2:00p.m. - 4:30p.m. ..................................................................................................................................... $25 Case Presentations (Main Lecture Hall - Hyatt) ❑ 2:00p.m. - 5:00p.m. ..................................................................................................................................... n/c I would like to submit a case to be considered for the Friday afternoon case presentation discussion. (See course description page for session details.) Saturday Anatomy, Open Reconstruction, Arthroplasty (UCSD) ❑ 2:00p.m. - 4:30p.m. ................................................................................................................................... $100 Please choose the area you would like to begin. You may go to another area after you have completed your first goal. ❑ Anatomical Dissection of the Shoulder ❑ Open Bankart Repair ❑ Mini-Open Rotator Cuff Repair ❑ Total Shoulder For Total Shoulder, list company choices 1-3 ____Arthrex ____Arthrosurface ____Biomet ____DePuy ____DJO Surgical ____Exactech ____Smith & Nephew ____Stryker ____Synthes ____Tornier ____Zimmer DVD: San Diego Shoulder Course 2012 The 2012 Course lectures on DVD are offered at a reduced price with free shipping for course registrants. ❑ DVD: 2012 Course ................................................................................................................................. $250.00 CA residents include 8.25% sales tax ($20.63) and San Diego County residents add 8.75% sales tax ($21.88) to DVD orders. Total Course Fee ............................................................................................................................... $____________ ❑ Check Enclosed ❑ VISA ❑ MASTERCARD # _____________________________________________________ Credit Card Security Code (3-Digit number on back of card) _____________ Signature ________________________________________________ .Expiration Date ________________________ Please make checks payable to San Diego Shoulder Institute Mail to: San Diego Shoulder Institute, 2010 Course Rebecca Quiring, Director of Operations 3905 Waring Road • Oceanside, CA 92056 USA Fax: (760) 940-6110 Don’t miss the opportunity to have all of this valuable information on DVD. ORDER YOUR DVD NOW! To be delivered mid October 2012 DVD CME ACCREDITATION This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) and the American Medical Association (AMA) standards. San Diego Shoulder Institute is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians. San Diego Shoulder Institute takes responsibility for the content, quality, and scientific integrity of this CME activity. San Diego Shoulder Institute designates this enduring material educational activity for a maximum of 22 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits ™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. DVD Date of Release: 10/01/12 DVD Expiration Date: 10/01/14 Learning Objectives After completing this DVD course, participating physicians will be able to: 1. Identify indications and treatment options for 1. total shoulder replacement 2. bone loss 3. reverse total shoulder replacement 4. instability 5. SLAP repair 6. rotator cuff repair 2. Identify strategies to improve outcomes for shoulder arthroscopy, arthroplasty, reverse total shoulder prosthesis, and shoulder fractures. 3. List measures to improve surgical technique in the treatment of shoulder disorders. 4. Identify approaches for the physical examination, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of the shoulder. 5. Identify treatment options for 1. proximal humerus fractures 2. AC separations 3. complex fractures 4. massive cuff tears O R D E R F O R M 2012 Arthroscopy, Arthroplasty, Fractures DVD (PLEASE PRINT) ❑ DVD ............................................................ $600 CA Residents Include 8.25% sales tax ($49.50) San Diego County Residents Include 8.75% sales tax ($52.50) Name ________________________________________ Please add shipping as follows: ❑ Shipping U.S. (except Alaska, Hawaii & Puerto Rico) .................. $25 ❑ Shipping to Alaska Hawaii, & Puerto Rico ..... $100 ❑ Shipping Outside U.S. ................................. $100 City __________________________________________ Address _______________________________________ State _______________________ Zip ______________ Country _______________________________________ Total $ ___________ Phone ( _______ ) __________________________ ❑ Check enclosed payable to: San Diego Shoulder Institute ❑ Visa ❑ MasterCard Fax ( _______ ) __________________________ Exp. Date ____________ Email: ________________________________________ # ____________________________________________ (Email Required for Online CME Completion) Credit Card Security Code (3-Digit number on back of card) _________ Signature _____________________________________ ❑ Please bill me. Mail to: Rebecca Quiring San Diego Shoulder Institute 3905 Waring Road Oceanside, CA 92056 (760) 940-2066 • Fax (760) 940-6110 Hyatt Regency La Jolla at Aventine 3777 La Jolla Village Drive • San Diego, California 92122 (888) 421-1442 or (858) 552-1234 Rooms can be reserved at the Hyatt Regency La Jolla online at, or by calling the Hyatt at one of the phone numbers above. We are pleased to be able to offer the group rate of $220 for a single/double, $295 for the Regency Club and $399 for a Petite Suite. Group rates available until May 23, 2012; subject to availability. A little info about the Hyatt Regency La Jolla at Aventine. The Hyatt Regency La Jolla at Aventine is San Diego’s landmark destination and an AAA 4-Diamond winner. Our 419-room luxury hotel has consistently ranked in the top 10 of Hyatt Hotels and Resorts in guest satisfaction. Designed by renowned architect Michael Graves, the hotel is dramatic in style and visibility with a Mediterranean theme throughout. The hotel is located in the upscale resort community of La Jolla, otherwise known as the “Jewel of the Pacific.” La Jolla offers a shopper’s paradise of unique boutiques, art galleries, and some of the most outstanding dining. Torrey Pines Golf Course, Sea World, The San Diego Zoo and Legoland are also nearby. The Hyatt Regency La Jolla features beautifully renovated guest rooms with vibrant new soft goods and interior decor. Our 11-acre Aventine Property features the Sporting Club, an award winning 32,000 square foot fitness and spa center. We also feature (4) award-winning Internationally themed restaurants ranging from Cafe Japengo (Pacific Rim), Flemings (traditional steakhouse and wine bar), The Melting Pot (French fondue) and Trulucks which features 100% stone crab prepared with a non-traditional twist, tender, juicy steaks grilled to perfection and over 100 wines by the glass. The pool grounds feature a relaxing jacuzzi as well as an outdoor pool with lap-swim lanes and a general-use area. The poolside patio offers cabanas and a Grill open in the summer. In-room amenities include complimentary iron & full-size ironing board, hair dryer, two dual-line phones with dataport access & speakerphone capabilities, 42" flat screen TV, and more. Complimentary coffee and coffee makers, bathrobes and turndown service available upon request. Complimentary Access to Hyatt's 24 hour Stay Fit Facility. Self Service Business Kiosk available 24 hours. Optional Regency Club upgrade offers access to the private concierge-level Regency Club Lounge for complimentary breakfast, afternoon snacks, and evening hors d'oeuvres. Travel American Airlines has been selected as the designated airline of the San Diego Shoulder Course. Please call American Airlines at (800) 433-1790 or visit and refer to Authorization #5362DK to receive discounted airline tickets. To receive a car rental discount contact Avis at (800) 331-1600 or www.avis.comand refer to Avis World Discount Number D086593. Transportation to Hotel Driving - Interstate 5, exit eastbound on La Jolla Village Drive. The hotel is 1/4 of a mile on your right. Airport - Taxicabs are available for a 20 minute ride. (Cloud 9 Shuttle has a special rate.) Golf Golf is available at San Diego courses before and after the meeting. The Hyatt concierge will be happy to assist you with tee times and other arrangements. San Diego Shoulder Institute 3905 Waring Road Oceanside, CA 92056
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