SUBJECTIVE TROPHIES Photos from Pierre Abensur Pierre ABENSUR Photojournalist Villa La Picarde, route de Culoz, 01420 Seyssel. Mobile : +33 (0) 685 75 12 12 Subjective trophies The concept: Hunters wearing what they consider as their most elegant clothes, pose with their naturalized trophies at the place where the hunt did happen. The pictures are done with a technical camera (4x5 inches) coupled with flashes. Hunting is actually presented as a patrimonial heritage and went over primitive consideration to become more creative. The beauty of the act and the physiognomy of the animal have replaced the nutritional aspect. Self reward, the trophy is free of all collective dimensions. Out of competition. Its value hides behind its story and its beauty shines, above all, in the eyes of the hunter. Trophies can be considered as visible signs of power, totemic adoration or a significant materialisation of a paradoxal love. The perceptible mimicry that links a predator to his prey reminds what Nietszche used to say about the unconscious complicity between victims and executioners. Far from a supposed unilateral act, killing could be a tacit agreement between a predator and its prey, united in a natural cycle of perpetuation of the species. The African traditional hunters talk about mystic animal and esoteric rituals precede and close the hunt. As a false resurrection of a dead animal used for ornamentation, the trophy also can be seen as an ovation to nature and divinity or like a human wish to substitute it. This photographic approach is directly related to the hunter’s portrait in fine arts history, specially paintings. The will to raise the model above his simple condition of hunter conducted me to favour an uncluttered aestheticism and abandon material accessories like rifles and hunting dresses. The fundamental element also holds in the perspective of contradictory notions on some technical or narrative plans. Just as killing…with love. Pierre Abensur 2013. Mongolie, Province d’Ulan Batotr. Buree, loup. 2012. Burkina Faso, Diffoloma. André, hippopotame. 2010. France, Baie de Somme. Pierre-Edouard, mouflon. 2014. Argentine, Province de Cordoba. Osvaldo, puma. 2013. Mongolie, Khentii. Zuin Dauga, antilope. 2012. Mali, Yanfolila, Filomena. Chérif, bubale major.. 2010. Suisse, Valais. François, lynx. 2014. Argentine, La Pampa, Qué. Luis, black-buck. 2013. Mongolie, Khentii, Dadal. Mungun Tulkhur, sanglier. 2012. Mali, Sikasso. Djakaria, hippotrague. 2009. Suisse, Valais. Olivier, bouquetin. 2014. Argentine, Province de Cordoba. Rodrigo, cerf élaphe. 2013. Mongolie, Bayan Khovd, Bugan. Rabelett, loup. 2012. Burkina Faso. Koumbia. Sibiri, bubale major. 2008. France, Alpes Maritimes, Venanson. Albert, sanglier. 2014. Argentine, Province de Cordoba. Nestor, sanglier. 2013. Mongolie, Khentii, Dadal. Zunduin Dauga, ours brun. 2012. Mali, Monts Mandingues. Yankee, cobe de buffon. 2009. France, Alpes-Maritimes, Venanson. Christian, chamois. 2014. Argentine, Province de Buenos Aires, Puan. Miguel, scottish black-face. 2013. Mongolie, Bayan Khovd, Jargaland. Takhan, yol (gypaète barbu). 2010. Suisse, Valais. Patrick, tétra. 2008. France, Alpes-Maritimes, Venanson. Pierrot, chamois. 2012. Burkina Faso, Banfora. Sori, buffle. 2013. Mongolie, Bayan Olgii. Tenelkhan, aigle vivant, peaux de loup et de renard. 2009. France, Alpes-Maritimes, Venanson. Georges, chamois. 2008. France, Alpes-Maritimes, Venanson. Michel, chamois. 2013. Mongolie, province d’Ulan Bator. Gelegnam, chevreuil. 2010. Suisse, Valais. Raymond, chamois. 2009. Suisse, Valais. Michèle, chamois.
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