valuation roll - Govan Mbeki Municipality
valuation roll - Govan Mbeki Municipality
VALUATION ROLL General Valuation 2012-2016 - Secunda Registered description 1 of Secunda 2 of Secunda 3 of Secunda 4 of Secunda 5 of Secunda 6 of Secunda 7 of Secunda 8 of Secunda 9 of Secunda 10 of Secunda 11 of Secunda 12 of Secunda 13 of Secunda 14 of Secunda 15 of Secunda 16 of Secunda 17 of Secunda 18 of Secunda 19 of Secunda 20 of Secunda 21 of Secunda 22 of Secunda 23 of Secunda 24 of Secunda 25 of Secunda 26 of Secunda 27 of Secunda 28 of Secunda 29 of Secunda 30 of Secunda 31 of Secunda 32 of Secunda 33 of Secunda 34 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Fredrik Jacobus Byloo Maria Magdalena Catherina Byloo Mamoroke Lucy Raboliba Motlatsi Abram Raboliba Hendrik Johannes Francois Smit Rachel Wilhelmina Petronella Smit Martin Friederich Helberg Zanele Nzimande Nicolaas Snyman Faheem Mahomed Sharlene Naidoo Lourens Daniel Oosthuizen Susanna Lucya Oosthuizen Mouton Trust Khoase Matthews Mphuthi Matseliso Evodia Mphuthi Mahlomola Adwin Mohono Motswamasimo Leah Prudence Mohono Johannes Jergens Roets Nancy Osborne Loxton Roets Fanuel Dodge Sithole Henrich Francois Amsterdam George Latchezarov Pavlov Latchezar Kirilov Pavlov Tinka Georgieva Pavlova Ntsoaki Aletta Madiehe Thabeng Albert Madiehe Niel Hall Christian Johan Goosen Sharron Shirley Goosen Sanjeev Rajcoomar Sunitha Rajcoomar Andries Petrus Christiaan Moss Timothy Albert Bezuidenhout Loggerenberg Cornelis Johannes Van Staden Dian Guillaume Van Staden Elize Wilhelmina Van Derek John Coetzee Eugene Winnefrid Coetzee Bartholomeus Jacques Siebrits Anna Elizabeth Koekemoer Pieter Johan Koekemoer Justice Smanga Ndlovu John Robert Rush Cedric Knox Hockly Grace Zodwa Mdhluli Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 6 of Secunda 782sqm 782.0000-SQM R685,000.00 RES - Residential 7 of Secunda 782sqm 782.0000-SQM R720,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 8 of Secunda 9 of Secunda 10 of Secunda 11 of Secunda 782sqm 752sqm 681sqm 771sqm 782.0000-SQM 752.0000-SQM 681.0000-SQM 771.0000-SQM R710,000.00 R686,000.00 R886,000.00 R858,000.00 RES - Residential 12 of Secunda 740sqm 740.0000-SQM R725,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 13 of Secunda 14 of Secunda 708sqm 700sqm 708.0000-SQM 700.0000-SQM R778,000.00 R702,000.00 RES - Residential 15 of Secunda 692sqm 692.0000-SQM R747,000.00 RES - Residential 16 of Secunda 690sqm 690.0000-SQM R677,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 17 of Secunda 18 of Secunda 19 of Secunda 690sqm 690sqm 672sqm 690.0000-SQM 690.0000-SQM 672.0000-SQM R692,000.00 R727,000.00 R681,000.00 RES - Residential 20 of Secunda 690sqm 690.0000-SQM R687,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 21 of Secunda 22 of Secunda 690sqm 672sqm 690.0000-SQM 672.0000-SQM R672,000.00 R796,000.00 RES - Residential 23 of Secunda 675sqm 675.0000-SQM R670,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 24 of Secunda 25 of Secunda 26 of Secunda 27 of Secunda 690sqm 690sqm 690sqm 686sqm 690.0000-SQM 690.0000-SQM 690.0000-SQM 686.0000-SQM R666,000.00 R697,000.00 R721,000.00 R677,000.00 RES - Residential 28 of Secunda 706sqm 706.0000-SQM R662,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 29 of Secunda 30 of Secunda 753sqm 1115sqm 753.0000-SQM 1115.0000-SQM R856,000.00 R784,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 31 of Secunda 32 of Secunda 33 of Secunda 34 of Secunda 782sqm 782sqm 782sqm 782sqm 782.0000-SQM 782.0000-SQM 782.0000-SQM 782.0000-SQM R680,000.00 R685,000.00 R685,000.00 R730,000.00 MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential 1 of Secunda 2 of Secunda 3 of Secunda 4 of Secunda 5 of Secunda Page 1 6.3150Ha 6480sqm 9849sqm 4.5616Ha 811sqm 6.3150-H 6480.0000-SQM 9849.0000-SQM 4.5616-H 811.0000-SQM R950,000.00 R97,000.00 R246,000.00 R190,000.00 R712,000.00 Registered description 35 of Secunda 36 of Secunda 37 of Secunda 38 of Secunda 39 of Secunda 40 of Secunda 41 of Secunda 42 of Secunda 43 of Secunda 44 of Secunda 45 of Secunda 46 of Secunda 47 of Secunda 48 of Secunda 49 of Secunda 50 of Secunda 51 of Secunda 52 of Secunda 53 of Secunda 54 of Secunda 55 of Secunda 56 of Secunda 57 of Secunda 58 of Secunda 59 of Secunda 60 of Secunda 61 of Secunda 62 of Secunda 63 of Secunda 64 of Secunda 65 of Secunda 66 of Secunda 67 of Secunda 68 of Secunda 69 of Secunda 70 of Secunda 71 of Secunda 72 of Secunda 73 of Secunda 74 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Peter Bezuidenhout Nhlanhla Ernest Mabena Andrzej Kryzysztof Wasilewski Aletta Magrietha Nortje Hermanus Jacobus Nortje Gregory Marshall Nancy Desiree Marshall Anna Cecelia Maria Knell John Derek Knell der Westhuizen Gawie Andries Jacobus Van der Westhuizen Janine Van Mzimkhulu Leslie Nkosi Sbongile Treasure Nkosi Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Vusi Caiphus Yende Michael Auther Brooker Juliusz Czeslaw Zlotkowski Republic of South Africa Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality der Walt Anna Wilhelmina Van Andre Swanepoel Evert Philippus Jacobus Du Plooy Maria Mamotabudi Madime Thailane Madime Charles Collin Rathebe Clansina Mpupa Rathebe Conray Henry Jones Edward George Mulke Johanna Christina Mulke Carel Andries Naude Lizelle Naude Nyanga Ncube Tambudzai Ncube Andries Stephanus Du Plessis Charlene Du Plessis Terrence Mathebula Kershnee Reddy Prishaun Reddy Petrus Mzwakhe Hlophe Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Jacoba Francina Hendriks Lambertus Jacobus Hendriks Celeste Potgieter Jan Christoffel Potgieter Veronica Susan Lourens Rhyn Nanette Van Rhyn Willie Jacobus Van Elizabeth Conceicao Landsberg George Otto Landsberg Ellen Auki Mabizela Henry Mabizela Elmarie Daphne Markgraaff Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Dolly Gertrude Mokoena Mokete Dominic Mokoena Anna Maria Catharina Reynolds Michael Stanley Reynolds Jacqueline Whatley Wayne Whatley der Merwe Jacobus Johannes Van Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 39 of Secunda 782sqm 782.0000-SQM R710,000.00 RES - Residential 40 of Secunda 784sqm 784.0000-SQM R691,000.00 RES - Residential 41 of Secunda 803sqm 803.0000-SQM R771,000.00 RES - Residential 42 of Secunda 782sqm 782.0000-SQM R710,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 43 of Secunda 44 of Secunda 45 of Secunda 46 of Secunda 47 of Secunda 48 of Secunda 49 of Secunda 50 of Secunda 51 of Secunda 52 of Secunda 782sqm 782sqm 782sqm 782sqm 681sqm 4.9239Ha 825sqm 759sqm 759sqm 759sqm 782.0000-SQM 782.0000-SQM 782.0000-SQM 782.0000-SQM 681.0000-SQM 4.9239-H 825.0000-SQM 759.0000-SQM 759.0000-SQM 759.0000-SQM R700,000.00 R730,000.00 R685,000.00 R730,000.00 R701,000.00 R150,000.00 R762,000.00 R700,000.00 R760,000.00 R730,000.00 RES - Residential 53 of Secunda 759sqm 759.0000-SQM R730,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 54 of Secunda 55 of Secunda 830sqm 759sqm 830.0000-SQM 759.0000-SQM R707,000.00 R730,000.00 RES - Residential 56 of Secunda 759sqm 759.0000-SQM R685,000.00 RES - Residential 57 of Secunda 759sqm 759.0000-SQM R720,000.00 RES - Residential 58 of Secunda 759sqm 759.0000-SQM R695,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 59 of Secunda 60 of Secunda 759sqm 746sqm 759.0000-SQM 746.0000-SQM R690,000.00 R694,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 61 of Secunda 62 of Secunda 63 of Secunda 836sqm 759sqm 759sqm 836.0000-SQM 759.0000-SQM 759.0000-SQM R863,000.00 R672,000.00 R760,000.00 RES - Residential 64 of Secunda 759sqm 759.0000-SQM R720,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 65 of Secunda 66 of Secunda 759sqm 759sqm 759.0000-SQM 759.0000-SQM R720,000.00 R740,000.00 RES - Residential 67 of Secunda 759sqm 759.0000-SQM R730,000.00 RES - Residential 68 of Secunda 759sqm 759.0000-SQM R770,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 69 of Secunda 70 of Secunda 71 of Secunda 779sqm 758sqm 758sqm 779.0000-SQM 758.0000-SQM 758.0000-SQM R740,000.00 R690,000.00 R690,000.00 RES - Residential 72 of Secunda 812sqm 812.0000-SQM R697,000.00 RES - Residential 73 of Secunda 759sqm 759.0000-SQM R750,000.00 RES - Residential 74 of Secunda 759sqm 759.0000-SQM R720,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 35 of Secunda 36 of Secunda 37 of Secunda 38 of Secunda Page 2 782sqm 786sqm 782sqm 782sqm 782.0000-SQM 786.0000-SQM 782.0000-SQM 782.0000-SQM R770,000.00 R691,000.00 R830,000.00 R710,000.00 Registered description 75 of Secunda 76 of Secunda 77 of Secunda 78 of Secunda 79 of Secunda 80 of Secunda 81 of Secunda 82 of Secunda 83 of Secunda 84 of Secunda 85 of Secunda 86 of Secunda 87 of Secunda 88 of Secunda 89 of Secunda 90 of Secunda 91 of Secunda 92 of Secunda 93 of Secunda 94 of Secunda 95 of Secunda 96 of Secunda 97 of Secunda 98 of Secunda 99 of Secunda 100 of Secunda 101 of Secunda 102 of Secunda 103 of Secunda 104 of Secunda 105 of Secunda 106 of Secunda 107 of Secunda 108 of Secunda 109 of Secunda 110 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Andrew Richardson Constance Isabel Richardson Alasdair David Gray Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Nokuthula Patience Zikhali Thabani Percival Zikhali Mfundisi Philemon Mdhluli Mqgibelo Sophie Mdhluli Elizabeth Johanna Martha Streicher Francois Streicher der Wath Cornelius Stephanus Van Annastacia Ntombi Nkhoma Edward Kenneth Nkhoma Daniel Jacobus Cloete Sina Magaretha Cloete Antonette Lorna Schenck Shamlall Emanuel Ganpath Sheila Ganpath Nokwanda Lynette Saliwa Harry Pickard Barend Frederick Kruger Jabulane Enock Mlambo Vuuren Eugene Christoffel Van Vuuren Leone Van James Saungweme Jan Johannes Hendrik Hurter George Edward Joubert Henning Willem Jacobus Els Carolina Vermaak Wessel Hendrik Vermaak Gerhardus Johannes Van Den Berg Trudie Elizabeth Van Den Berg Johanna Magaretha Bronkhorst John Care Bronkhorst Desmond Bertram Junius Magrietha Johanna Junius Gerah Venter Hendrik Ostenwalt Venter der Merwe Charolai Ceselia Van der Merwe Pierre Van Leon Bothma Martha Maria Magrietha Bothma Christiaan Hendrik Kleynhans Willa Amanda Kleynhans Frederik Francois Wardeck Hendriena Wardeck Abram Marthinus Pretorius Alletta Margaretha Croukamp Rudolph Jacobus Croukamp Adriana Catharina Thomas Colin William Thomas Zyl Charline Joyce Van Zyl Gideon Jacobus Van Matome Simon Kgonyane Ramokone Elizabeth Kgonyane Deon Smit Riana Cecilia Smit Lindani Ntokozo Mbongo Nompumelelo Edna Fundiswa Mbongo Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 76 of Secunda 77 of Secunda 78 of Secunda 759sqm 759sqm 759sqm 759.0000-SQM 759.0000-SQM 759.0000-SQM R690,000.00 R700,000.00 R685,000.00 RES - Residential 79 of Secunda 739sqm 739.0000-SQM R689,000.00 RES - Residential 80 of Secunda 759sqm 759.0000-SQM R695,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 81 of Secunda 82 of Secunda 759sqm 759sqm 759.0000-SQM 759.0000-SQM R800,000.00 R770,000.00 RES - Residential 83 of Secunda 759sqm 759.0000-SQM R720,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 84 of Secunda 85 of Secunda 754sqm 759sqm 754.0000-SQM 759.0000-SQM R729,000.00 R730,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 86 of Secunda 87 of Secunda 88 of Secunda 89 of Secunda 90 of Secunda 759sqm 759sqm 759sqm 836sqm 782sqm 759.0000-SQM 759.0000-SQM 759.0000-SQM 836.0000-SQM 782.0000-SQM R705,000.00 R710,000.00 R790,000.00 R793,000.00 R710,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 91 of Secunda 92 of Secunda 93 of Secunda 94 of Secunda 95 of Secunda 782sqm 782sqm 713sqm 709sqm 782sqm 782.0000-SQM 782.0000-SQM 713.0000-SQM 709.0000-SQM 782.0000-SQM R695,000.00 R820,000.00 R698,000.00 R758,000.00 R780,000.00 RES - Residential 96 of Secunda 782sqm 782.0000-SQM R685,000.00 MUN - Municipal 97 of Secunda 782sqm 782.0000-SQM R1,000.00 RES - Residential 98 of Secunda 785sqm 785.0000-SQM R939,000.00 RES - Residential 99 of Secunda 782sqm 782.0000-SQM R780,000.00 RES - Residential 100 of Secunda 782sqm 782.0000-SQM R830,000.00 RES - Residential 101 of Secunda 782sqm 782.0000-SQM R770,000.00 RES - Residential 102 of Secunda 782sqm 782.0000-SQM R840,000.00 RES - Residential 103 of Secunda 782sqm 782.0000-SQM R790,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 104 of Secunda 105 of Secunda 782sqm 782sqm 782.0000-SQM 782.0000-SQM R730,000.00 R709,000.00 RES - Residential 106 of Secunda 782sqm 782.0000-SQM R760,000.00 RES - Residential 107 of Secunda 782sqm 782.0000-SQM R710,000.00 RES - Residential 108 of Secunda 782sqm 782.0000-SQM R740,000.00 RES - Residential 109 of Secunda 782sqm 782.0000-SQM R695,000.00 RES - Residential 110 of Secunda 782sqm 782.0000-SQM R720,000.00 RES - Residential 75 of Secunda Page 3 759sqm 759.0000-SQM R680,000.00 Registered description 111 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) 134 of Secunda Rensburg Carl Janse Van Rensburg Ronel Janse Van Anandi Strauss Francois Adriaan Strauss Jacqueline Blanche Erskine Johannes Hendrik Frankenfeld Willem Rupert Ferreira Lebogang Elizabeth Morumudi Mokopi Petrus Morumudi Cans Oufan Mabuya Delisiwe Goodness Majola Dumisani Milton Majola Esther Sara Fourie Flamley Fourie Luaan Meyer Susanna Elizabeth Meyer Bohumil Patl Mutshinyali Inv & Services Cc Johannes Victor Mnguni Bhekeni Abednego Sibanyoni Edenie Khabo Sibanyoni Rosina Hellen Rasedile Simeon Moba Rasedile Leonard Marius Du Plessis Magdalena Du Plessis der Westhuizen Arrio Gieljam Leonardo Van der Westhuizen Vanessa Van Leon Parker Lorraine Urshla Parker Jan Barend Hattingh Kathleen Theresa Hattingh Jacobus Coenraad Powell Wilhelmina Powell Soraya Nadine Thomas Isaac Mfanimpela Khanye Alec Robert Le Grange Waraporn Le Grange Prop Pty Ltd Sasol 135 of Secunda Prop Pty Ltd Sasol 136 of Secunda 137 of Secunda Time Trading Pty Ltd Peak Devanni Ambalavanam Indrin Ambalavanam Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Amelia Dalien Joubert Marius Joubert David Kenneth Jones Jabulane Esau Nhlabathi Krystyna Danuta Mroz Deventer Eugene Craig Van Bantsi Emily Kgosimotho Mammala Dorothy Selebano Mothibedi Wellington Selebano Eileen Catherine Sophia Howel Jerzy Potocki- Szwejkowski Jolanta Maria Potocki- Szwejkowski Hank William Barnard Ibrahim Adebare Moshood Nelisiwe Lydia Moshood 112 of Secunda 113 of Secunda 114 of Secunda 115 of Secunda 116 of Secunda 117 of Secunda 118 of Secunda 119 of Secunda 120 of Secunda 121 of Secunda 122 of Secunda 123 of Secunda 124 of Secunda 125 of Secunda 126 of Secunda 127 of Secunda 128 of Secunda 129 of Secunda 130 of Secunda 131 of Secunda 132 of Secunda 133 of Secunda 137 of Secunda (Portion 32) 138 of Secunda 139 of Secunda 140 of Secunda 141 of Secunda 142 of Secunda 143 of Secunda 144 of Secunda 145 of Secunda 146 of Secunda 147 of Secunda 148 of Secunda Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 112 of Secunda 782sqm 782.0000-SQM R750,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 113 of Secunda 114 of Secunda 115 of Secunda 116 of Secunda 782sqm 782sqm 761sqm 793sqm 782.0000-SQM 782.0000-SQM 761.0000-SQM 793.0000-SQM R800,000.00 R790,000.00 R740,000.00 R701,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 117 of Secunda 118 of Secunda 844sqm 782sqm 844.0000-SQM 782.0000-SQM R723,000.00 R695,000.00 RES - Residential 119 of Secunda 782sqm 782.0000-SQM R850,000.00 RES - Residential 120 of Secunda 708sqm 708.0000-SQM R708,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 121 of Secunda 122 of Secunda 123 of Secunda 124 of Secunda 793sqm 711sqm 782sqm 868sqm 793.0000-SQM 711.0000-SQM 782.0000-SQM 868.0000-SQM R721,000.00 R718,000.00 R820,000.00 R699,000.00 RES - Residential 125 of Secunda 864sqm 864.0000-SQM R709,000.00 RES - Residential 126 of Secunda 782sqm 782.0000-SQM R770,000.00 RES - Residential 127 of Secunda 782sqm 782.0000-SQM R710,000.00 RES - Residential 128 of Secunda 782sqm 782.0000-SQM R860,000.00 RES - Residential 129 of Secunda 782sqm 782.0000-SQM R810,000.00 RES - Residential 130 of Secunda 782sqm 782.0000-SQM R900,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 131 of Secunda 132 of Secunda 133 of Secunda 782sqm 782sqm 850sqm 782.0000-SQM 782.0000-SQM 850.0000-SQM R710,000.00 R720,000.00 R698,000.00 BUS - Business and Commercial BUS - Business and Commercial RES - Residential RES - Residential 134 of Secunda 3.5000Ha 3.5000-H R20,750,000.00 135 of Secunda 1.8544Ha 1.8544-H R15,200,000.00 136 of Secunda 137 of Secunda 738sqm 660sqm 738.0000-SQM 660.0000-SQM R789,000.00 R681,000.00 UDT - Unregistered RES - Residential 137 of Secunda (Portion 32) 138 of Secunda 3.4159Ha 660sqm 660.0000-SQM R44,100,000.00 R696,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 139 of Secunda 140 of Secunda 141 of Secunda 142 of Secunda 143 of Secunda 144 of Secunda 660sqm 660sqm 660sqm 660sqm 942sqm 820sqm 660.0000-SQM 660.0000-SQM 660.0000-SQM 660.0000-SQM 942.0000-SQM 820.0000-SQM R696,000.00 R691,000.00 R686,000.00 R681,000.00 R767,000.00 R712,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 145 of Secunda 146 of Secunda 660sqm 660sqm 660.0000-SQM 660.0000-SQM R681,000.00 R691,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 147 of Secunda 148 of Secunda 660sqm 660sqm 660.0000-SQM 660.0000-SQM R686,000.00 R701,000.00 RES - Residential 111 of Secunda Page 4 782sqm 782.0000-SQM R695,000.00 Registered description 149 of Secunda 150 of Secunda 151 of Secunda 152 of Secunda 153 of Secunda 154 of Secunda 155 of Secunda 156 of Secunda 157 of Secunda 158 of Secunda 159 of Secunda 160 of Secunda 161 of Secunda 162 of Secunda 163 of Secunda 164 of Secunda 165 of Secunda 166 of Secunda 167 of Secunda 168 of Secunda 169 of Secunda 170 of Secunda 171 of Secunda 172 of Secunda 173 of Secunda 174 of Secunda 175 of Secunda 176 of Secunda 177 of Secunda 178 of Secunda 179 of Secunda 180 of Secunda 181 of Secunda 182 of Secunda 183 of Secunda 184 of Secunda 185 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Wyk Marius Van Annamarie Meyer Cornelius Johannes Stephanus Meyer Willem Hendrik Du Pisanie Pinky Josephine Mahlangu Pondo Simon Mahlangu Anita Elisa Mashiane Mangaliso Robert Mashiane Barend Christoffel Lowies Desiree Lowies Frederick Johannes Jakobus Wagenaar Hester Izabella Wagenaar Ninette Barnard Ninette Barnard Ninette Barnard Minette Du Toit Aleksandra Urszula Olearczyk Wieslaw Adam Olearczyk Steve Namane Anna Dirkie Gertruida Rossouw Petrus Johannes Rossouw Busisiwe Ntombizodwa Mirriam Magagula Elmon Magagula Jozua Francios Joubert De Beer Louise Elizabeth De Beer Kibiti Aaron Mkhonza Sibusiso Octavius Mkhonza Tholiwe Anna Mkhonza Erna Gertruida Swanepoel Philippus Swanepoel Willem Jacobus Geldenhuys Rooyen Anna Martha Catriena Van Rooyen Wouter Jacobus Van Frederick Philippus Nicolaas Hennop Adelle Beukes Adelle Beukes Armand Hendri Beukes Henry Dreighton Keyter Cornelius Johannes Kemp Hester Catharina Fourie Stephaanus Cristiaan Fourie Hlobisile Mbusi Monwabisi Themba Mbusi Deon Gilleum Oosthuizen Johanna Jacoba Oosthuizen Daniel Stephanus Rademeyer Eric Zibonele Buyeni Danieelina Theodora Kriek der Linde Marlene Van D I Loreto Family Trust Hendrik Westerman Hester Westerman Wilfred Cecil Lakie John Charles Harrison Dulesanang Albert Chiloane Kholiwe Cynthia Chiloane Jaarsveld Ellenor Petronella Van Jaarsveld Ernst Jacobus Van Seppora Sophia Behr Roelof Johannes Jurgens Botes Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential 151 of Secunda 152 of Secunda 838sqm 748sqm 838.0000-SQM 748.0000-SQM R773,000.00 R689,000.00 RES - Residential 153 of Secunda 748sqm 748.0000-SQM R694,000.00 RES - Residential 154 of Secunda 748sqm 748.0000-SQM R699,000.00 RES - Residential 155 of Secunda 748sqm 748.0000-SQM R694,000.00 RES - Residential 156 of Secunda 748sqm 748.0000-SQM R709,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 157 of Secunda 158 of Secunda 766sqm 905sqm 766.0000-SQM 905.0000-SQM R740,000.00 R705,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 159 of Secunda 160 of Secunda 748sqm 748sqm 748.0000-SQM 748.0000-SQM R879,000.00 R699,000.00 RES - Residential 161 of Secunda 748sqm 748.0000-SQM R719,000.00 RES - Residential 162 of Secunda 748sqm 748.0000-SQM R889,000.00 RES - Residential 163 of Secunda 748sqm 748.0000-SQM R699,000.00 RES - Residential 164 of Secunda 748sqm 748.0000-SQM R729,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 165 of Secunda 166 of Secunda 838sqm 738sqm 838.0000-SQM 738.0000-SQM R823,000.00 R749,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 167 of Secunda 168 of Secunda 690sqm 690sqm 690.0000-SQM 690.0000-SQM R867,000.00 R717,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 169 of Secunda 170 of Secunda 171 of Secunda 690sqm 690sqm 690sqm 690.0000-SQM 690.0000-SQM 690.0000-SQM R687,000.00 R737,000.00 R747,000.00 RES - Residential 172 of Secunda 690sqm 690.0000-SQM R692,000.00 RES - Residential 173 of Secunda 745sqm 745.0000-SQM R759,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 174 of Secunda 175 of Secunda 176 of Secunda 177 of Secunda 178 of Secunda 179 of Secunda 690sqm 690sqm 738sqm 838sqm 782sqm 1006sqm 690.0000-SQM 690.0000-SQM 738.0000-SQM 838.0000-SQM 782.0000-SQM 1006.0000-SQM R717,000.00 R692,000.00 R759,000.00 R708,000.00 R669,000.00 R909,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 180 of Secunda 181 of Secunda 182 of Secunda 1077sqm 782sqm 782sqm 1077.0000-SQM 782.0000-SQM 782.0000-SQM R762,000.00 R740,000.00 R740,000.00 RES - Residential 183 of Secunda 782sqm 782.0000-SQM R669,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 184 of Secunda 185 of Secunda 782sqm 782sqm 782.0000-SQM 782.0000-SQM R869,000.00 R649,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 149 of Secunda 150 of Secunda Page 5 660sqm 738sqm 660.0000-SQM 738.0000-SQM R796,000.00 R789,000.00 Registered description 186 of Secunda 187 of Secunda 188 of Secunda 189 of Secunda 190 of Secunda 191 of Secunda 192 of Secunda 193 of Secunda 194 of Secunda 195 of Secunda 196 of Secunda 197 of Secunda 198 of Secunda 199 of Secunda 200 of Secunda 201 of Secunda 202 of Secunda 203 of Secunda 204 of Secunda 205 of Secunda 206 of Secunda 207 of Secunda 208 of Secunda 209 of Secunda 210 of Secunda 211 of Secunda 212 of Secunda 213 of Secunda 214 of Secunda 215 of Secunda 216 of Secunda 217 of Secunda 218 of Secunda 219 of Secunda 220 of Secunda 221 of Secunda 222 of Secunda 223 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Daniel Ranko Nyathela Nosgwadi Maria Nyathela Anna Louise Potgieter Jan Jacobus Potgieter Eva Cathrina Magdalena Benson Michael Jan Matthys Benson Nokhwezi Victress Magojane Tshidiso Joseph Magojane Magteld Martha De Beer Johannes Christoffel Beeton Anna Elizabeth Pretorius David Johannes Schalk Pretorius Madelein Brooks Pieter Lafras Brooks Republic of South Africa Lili Regina Mthembu Catharina Cornelia De Klerk Magdalena Pieternella Cathirina Moll Willem Johannes Moll Johanna Vorster Susan Erf 199 Trust Susan Erf 199 Trust Geloof Sending Van Suid-Afrika Gemeente Secunda Apostoliese Dulcelina Lopes Laia Mario Coelho Nunes Laia Johannes Stephanus Kriel Sydney William Stewart Colleen Viljoen Johannes Hermanus Bezuidenhout Quintin Olivier Irene Rheeder Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Julian Beverley September Lindsay Turley Robert Andrew Turley Khakhamatso Cherylene Modipa Masehla Thimothy Modipa Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Cornelis Gijsbertus Van Den Bogaard Menzi Nsibande Letlhogonolo Mcdonald Ranape Charlotte Hartzer Duan Hartzer Aswegen David Benjamin Van Aswegen Hester Jacomina Elizabeth Van George Jacobus Kersop Rianda Kersop Anton Kroucamp Elizabeth Helena Kroucamp Marius Cornelius Vosloo Marthina Johanna Vosloo Georg De Wet Nel Republic of South Africa Lyn Dorothea Du Preez Pieter Willem Du Preez Lyn Dorothea Du Preez Pieter Willem Du Preez Niekerk Carel Hendrik Johannes Van Niekerk Juliette Magdalena Van Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 187 of Secunda 900sqm 900.0000-SQM R825,000.00 RES - Residential 188 of Secunda 828sqm 828.0000-SQM R687,000.00 RES - Residential 189 of Secunda 828sqm 828.0000-SQM R792,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 190 of Secunda 191 of Secunda 192 of Secunda 828sqm 828sqm 828sqm 828.0000-SQM 828.0000-SQM 828.0000-SQM R683,000.00 R812,000.00 R712,000.00 RES - Residential 193 of Secunda 769sqm 769.0000-SQM R695,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 194 of Secunda 195 of Secunda 196 of Secunda 197 of Secunda 769sqm 792sqm 792sqm 792sqm 769.0000-SQM 792.0000-SQM 792.0000-SQM 792.0000-SQM R750,000.00 R761,000.00 R681,000.00 R751,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential WOR - Places of Worship RES - Residential 198 of Secunda 199 of Secunda 200 of Secunda 201 of Secunda 1021sqm 950sqm 1209sqm 2919sqm 1021.0000-SQM 950.0000-SQM 1209.0000-SQM 2919.0000-SQM R770,000.00 R820,000.00 R800,000.00 R2,696,000.00 202 of Secunda 720sqm 720.0000-SQM R703,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 203 of Secunda 204 of Secunda 690sqm 690sqm 690.0000-SQM 690.0000-SQM R692,000.00 R717,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 205 of Secunda 206 of Secunda 987sqm 996sqm 987.0000-SQM 996.0000-SQM R769,000.00 R728,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 207 of Secunda 208 of Secunda 209 of Secunda 690sqm 690sqm 690sqm 690.0000-SQM 690.0000-SQM 690.0000-SQM R692,000.00 R731,000.00 R767,000.00 RES - Residential 210 of Secunda 738sqm 738.0000-SQM R694,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 211 of Secunda 212 of Secunda 213 of Secunda 838sqm 782sqm 782sqm 838.0000-SQM 782.0000-SQM 782.0000-SQM R743,000.00 R730,000.00 R730,000.00 RES - Residential 214 of Secunda 782sqm 782.0000-SQM R750,000.00 RES - Residential 215 of Secunda 926sqm 926.0000-SQM R756,000.00 RES - Residential 216 of Secunda 827sqm 827.0000-SQM R902,000.00 RES - Residential 217 of Secunda 819sqm 819.0000-SQM R782,000.00 RES - Residential 218 of Secunda 782sqm 782.0000-SQM R800,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 219 of Secunda 220 of Secunda 221 of Secunda 782sqm 774sqm 755sqm 782.0000-SQM 774.0000-SQM 755.0000-SQM R694,000.00 R770,000.00 R779,000.00 RES - Residential 222 of Secunda 690sqm 690.0000-SQM R727,000.00 RES - Residential 223 of Secunda 690sqm 690.0000-SQM R767,000.00 RES - Residential 186 of Secunda Page 6 838sqm 838.0000-SQM R714,000.00 Registered description 224 of Secunda 225 of Secunda 226 of Secunda 227 of Secunda 228 of Secunda 229 of Secunda 230 of Secunda 231 of Secunda 232 of Secunda 233 of Secunda 234 of Secunda 235 of Secunda 236 of Secunda 237 of Secunda 238 of Secunda 239 of Secunda 240 of Secunda 241 of Secunda 242 of Secunda 243 of Secunda 244 of Secunda 245 of Secunda 246 of Secunda 247 of Secunda 248 of Secunda 249 of Secunda 250 of Secunda 251 of Secunda 252 of Secunda 253 of Secunda 254 of Secunda 255 of Secunda 256 of Secunda 257 of Secunda 258 of Secunda 259 of Secunda 260 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Hendrik Schalk Strombeck Hendrina Francina Strombeck der Walt Petrus Jacobus Van Hein Schmidt Karin Britz Wynand Marthinus Britz Cornelius Francois Smit Cornelius Francois Smit Danie Degenaar Nkosinathi John Mavuso Nomthandazo Evelyn Mavuso Nirvashnee Lalthaparsadh Ramasur Rakesh Ramasur Bekkerstraat 8 & 10 Beleggings Pty Ltd Khavhatondwi Cecilia Lephauphau Obbie Fhatuwani Lephauphau Francois Scherman Operations Ltd Anglo Petrus Johannes Hendrik Scholtz Sandra Scholtz Jacques Ambrose Spinnler Govan Mbeki Municipality Gabriel Marthinus Mouton Rene Mouton Loggerenberg Arnel Adri Van Loggerenberg Christiaan Van David Mattheus Dipico Lilly-Girl Ntombizima Goodness Mazibuko James Smith David Rodney Philander Filicity Diana Philander Wilhelmina Hendrina Stapelberg Sipho Mahlathi Ndlazi Patrick Mbongeni Nkambule Meyeren Hermanus Van Meyeren Hester Johanna Van Mmaphefo Christinah Masango Suhla James Masango Prop Holdings Pty Ltd Electro-Heat Berta Magrieta Moller Shaun Moller der Mescht Hendrik Jacobus Van der Mescht Rene Van Sibongile Sybil Zikalala Jeremiah Matolo Matolo Nonyameko Victoria Matolo Ryno Bothma Jim Riluweute Valashiya Thandiwe Matilda Valashiya Jan Lodewyk Lubbe Karin Maria Lubbe Jetro Dumisani Fakude Elizabeth Makatseng Hlatswayo Michael Hlatswayo Barend Johannes Jacobus Snyman Bernadette Snyman Amanda Elizabeth Kumst Frederick Emil Kumst David Bronkhorst Mamoriana Elizabeth Radebe Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential 225 of Secunda 226 of Secunda 975sqm 690sqm 975.0000-SQM 690.0000-SQM R728,000.00 R797,000.00 RES - Residential 227 of Secunda 738sqm 738.0000-SQM R789,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 228 of Secunda 229 of Secunda 838sqm 782sqm 838.0000-SQM 782.0000-SQM R903,000.00 R740,000.00 RES - Residential 230 of Secunda 868sqm 868.0000-SQM R884,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 231 of Secunda 232 of Secunda 842sqm 782sqm 842.0000-SQM 782.0000-SQM R1,063,000.00 R850,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 233 of Secunda 234 of Secunda 782sqm 782sqm 782.0000-SQM 782.0000-SQM R790,000.00 R720,000.00 RES - Residential MUN - Municipal RES - Residential 235 of Secunda 236 of Secunda 237 of Secunda 814sqm 7536sqm 689sqm 814.0000-SQM 7536.0000-SQM 689.0000-SQM R722,000.00 R200,000.00 R687,000.00 RES - Residential 238 of Secunda 759sqm 759.0000-SQM R680,000.00 RES - Residential 239 of Secunda 759sqm 759.0000-SQM R675,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 240 of Secunda 241 of Secunda 759sqm 759sqm 759.0000-SQM 759.0000-SQM R740,000.00 R705,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 242 of Secunda 243 of Secunda 244 of Secunda 245 of Secunda 759sqm 759sqm 767sqm 731sqm 759.0000-SQM 759.0000-SQM 767.0000-SQM 731.0000-SQM R780,000.00 R870,000.00 R770,000.00 R693,000.00 RES - Residential 246 of Secunda 825sqm 825.0000-SQM R765,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 247 of Secunda 248 of Secunda 792sqm 792sqm 792.0000-SQM 792.0000-SQM R696,000.00 R711,000.00 RES - Residential 249 of Secunda 792sqm 792.0000-SQM R721,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 250 of Secunda 251 of Secunda 792sqm 792sqm 792.0000-SQM 792.0000-SQM R691,000.00 R801,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 252 of Secunda 253 of Secunda 832sqm 690sqm 832.0000-SQM 690.0000-SQM R712,000.00 R677,000.00 RES - Residential 254 of Secunda 756sqm 756.0000-SQM R769,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 255 of Secunda 256 of Secunda 756sqm 756sqm 756.0000-SQM 756.0000-SQM R719,000.00 R679,000.00 RES - Residential 257 of Secunda 988sqm 988.0000-SQM R749,000.00 RES - Residential 258 of Secunda 963sqm 963.0000-SQM R738,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 259 of Secunda 260 of Secunda 704sqm 704sqm 704.0000-SQM 704.0000-SQM R692,000.00 R737,000.00 RES - Residential 224 of Secunda Page 7 807sqm 807.0000-SQM R731,000.00 Registered description 261 of Secunda 262 of Secunda 263 of Secunda 264 of Secunda 265 of Secunda 266 of Secunda 267 of Secunda 268 of Secunda 268 of Secunda (Portion 1) 268 of Secunda (Portion 2) 268 of Secunda (Portion 3) 268 of Secunda (Portion 4) 268 of Secunda (Portion 5) 268 of Secunda (Portion 6) 268 of Secunda (Portion 7) 268 of Secunda (Portion 8) 268 of Secunda (Portion 9) 268 of Secunda (Portion 10) 268 of Secunda (Portion 11) 268 of Secunda (Portion 12) 268 of Secunda (Portion 13) 268 of Secunda (Portion 14) 268 of Secunda (Portion 15) 268 of Secunda (Portion 16) 268 of Secunda (Portion 17) 268 of Secunda (Portion 18) 268 of Secunda (Portion 19) 268 of Secunda (Portion 20) 268 of Secunda (Portion 21) 268 of Secunda (Portion 22) 268 of Secunda (Portion 23) 268 of Secunda (Portion 24) 268 of Secunda (Portion 25) 268 of Secunda (Portion 26) 268 of Secunda (Portion 27) 268 of Secunda (Portion 28) 268 of Secunda (Portion 29) 268 of Secunda (Portion 30) 268 of Secunda (Portion 31) 268 of Secunda (Portion 32) Names of Owner(s) Ella Petronella Pretorius Heinrich Ewald Craill Martha Johanna Craill Gerhardus Laurens Kruger Irene Rynette Kruger Loraine Monica Steyn Ingrid Maureen Hansen Y Eiendomme Pty Ltd C & Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Lovell Robert John Whelan Margaretha Maria Steenkamp Whelan Krzysztof Marek Mochocki Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Pieter Johannes Van Den Berg Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Mbuleleni Ambrose Ngcobo Daniel Emil Bentz Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Charlotte Nel Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Propalux 39 Pty Ltd Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Aquarella Inv 13 Cc Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Logendran Naidoo Vani Naidoo Philemon Mfana Xaba Marius Du Toit Othilia Du Toit Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Deon Marx Gertruida Maria Magdalena Marx Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Sherwin Moodley Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Priabashinee Achari Venodhan Soobramoney Achari Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Jaqueline Jones Melvin Keith Jones David William Arthur Fawkes Francois Marais Mary Ellen Magdalena Breytenbach Victor Raymond Breytenbach Prop Pty Ltd Sasol David Jacobus Cronje June Aletta Cronje Dewald Jacobus Louw Danilina Magretha Johanna Nel Willem Cornelius Nel Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Manfred Jurgen Majewski Samuel Doki Mahlasela Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 263 of Secunda 704sqm 704.0000-SQM R687,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential MUN - Municipal RES - Residential RES - Residential 264 of Secunda 265 of Secunda 266 of Secunda 267 of Secunda 268 of Secunda 268 of Secunda (Portion 1) 704sqm 704sqm 750sqm 7650sqm 730sqm 1160sqm 704.0000-SQM 704.0000-SQM 750.0000-SQM 7650.0000-SQM 0.0000-SQM 1160.0000-SQM R677,000.00 R692,000.00 R929,000.00 R196,000.00 R1,189,000.00 R1,097,000.00 RES - Residential 268 of Secunda (Portion 2) 1160sqm 1160.0000-SQM R947,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 268 of Secunda (Portion 3) 268 of Secunda (Portion 4) 268 of Secunda (Portion 5) 1250sqm 935sqm 1085sqm 1250.0000-SQM 935.0000-SQM 1085.0000-SQM R945,000.00 R918,000.00 R861,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 268 of Secunda (Portion 6) 268 of Secunda (Portion 7) 1015sqm 1015sqm 1015.0000-SQM 1015.0000-SQM R826,000.00 R826,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 268 of Secunda (Portion 8) 268 of Secunda (Portion 9) 1015sqm 1015sqm 1015.0000-SQM 1015.0000-SQM R786,000.00 R806,000.00 RES - Residential 268 of Secunda (Portion 10) 1015sqm 1015.0000-SQM R800,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 268 of Secunda (Portion 11) 268 of Secunda (Portion 12) 268 of Secunda (Portion 13) 268 of Secunda (Portion 14) 1155sqm 1136sqm 1150sqm 945sqm 1155.0000-SQM 1136.0000-SQM 1150.0000-SQM 945.0000-SQM R846,000.00 R850,000.00 R875,000.00 R781,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 268 of Secunda (Portion 15) 268 of Secunda (Portion 16) 1057sqm 1053sqm 1057.0000-SQM 1053.0000-SQM R819,000.00 R858,000.00 RES - Residential 268 of Secunda (Portion 17) 1070sqm 1070.0000-SQM R790,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 268 of Secunda (Portion 18) 268 of Secunda (Portion 19) 268 of Secunda (Portion 20) 1104sqm 1038sqm 1060sqm 1104.0000-SQM 1038.0000-SQM 1060.0000-SQM R832,000.00 R777,000.00 R929,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 268 of Secunda (Portion 21) 268 of Secunda (Portion 22) 990sqm 990sqm 990.0000-SQM 990.0000-SQM R764,000.00 R774,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 268 of Secunda (Portion 23) 268 of Secunda (Portion 24) 268 of Secunda (Portion 25) 990sqm 990sqm 990sqm 990.0000-SQM 990.0000-SQM 990.0000-SQM R794,000.00 R864,000.00 R794,000.00 RES - Residential 268 of Secunda (Portion 26) 977sqm 977.0000-SQM R803,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 268 of Secunda (Portion 27) 268 of Secunda (Portion 28) 1007sqm 1020sqm 1007.0000-SQM 1020.0000-SQM R795,000.00 R826,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 268 of Secunda (Portion 29) 268 of Secunda (Portion 30) 268 of Secunda (Portion 31) 268 of Secunda (Portion 32) 1020sqm 1020sqm 1020sqm 1020sqm 1020.0000-SQM 1020.0000-SQM 1020.0000-SQM 1020.0000-SQM R786,000.00 R786,000.00 R906,000.00 R796,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 261 of Secunda 262 of Secunda Page 8 788sqm 788sqm 788.0000-SQM 788.0000-SQM R750,000.00 R921,000.00 Registered description 268 of Secunda (Portion 33) 268 of Secunda (Portion 34) 268 of Secunda (Portion 35) 268 of Secunda (Portion 36) 268 of Secunda (Portion 37) 268 of Secunda (Portion 38) 269 of Secunda 270 of Secunda 271 of Secunda 272 of Secunda 273 of Secunda 274 of Secunda 275 of Secunda 276 of Secunda 277 of Secunda 278 of Secunda 279 of Secunda 280 of Secunda 281 of Secunda 282 of Secunda 283 of Secunda 284 of Secunda 285 of Secunda 286 of Secunda 287 of Secunda 288 of Secunda 289 of Secunda 290 of Secunda 291 of Secunda 292 of Secunda 293 of Secunda 294 of Secunda 295 of Secunda 296 of Secunda 297 of Secunda 298 of Secunda 299 of Secunda 300 of Secunda 301 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Aquarella Inv 13 Cc Tadeusz Stanislaw Kurek Mirosxaw Kazimierz Wasilewski Rudolf Marthinus Du Plessis Botlebosele Mary Khelerwa Khitsane Jonas Khelerwa Louis Hattingh Dyk Rachel Charlotte Van Zygmunt Kolodziejczak Nokuthula Simangele Jean Sithebe Siphiwe Goodwill Sithebe Andries Petrus Olivier Catherine Olivier Maria Salomina Paulsen Charles Henry Thomas Stoffelina Albertina Thomas Johannes Petrus Albertus Marais Elvio Marcelino De Freitas Bettencourt Antonio Paulino Jardim Willem Johannes Francois Joubert Coetzer Toerien Brown Wilmarie Brown Ellie Estellia Clark- Halkett Errol Keith Clark- Halkett Esmrah Nieuwoudt Esmrah Niewoudt Jan Adriaan Potgieter Yolande Potgieter Kubenthren Loganathan Moodley Sivagamee Moodley Annemarie Pretorius Johannes Albertus Pretorius Nicoline Kruger Paulus Philippus Kruger Cecil Robson Yolanda Robson Johannes Petrus Visser Margaret Martha Visser Frederick Ernest Potgieter Jan Lodewyk Ferreira Ignatius Marthinus Le Roux Johan Jacob Klopper Wilhelmina Fransina Klopper Wilhelmina Teresa Fouche Propalux 39 Pty Ltd Johannes Cornelius Swart Petrus Johannes Rossouw Francina Maria Potgieter Isak Daniel Potgieter Madelain Yulanda Marais Thomas Owen Marais Gert Jacobus Benjamin Kriel Liesl Irene Kriel Elizabeth Wilhelmina Schoeman Johannes Hendrik Schoeman Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 273 of Secunda 840sqm 840.0000-SQM R813,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 274 of Secunda 275 of Secunda 840sqm 840sqm 840.0000-SQM 840.0000-SQM R598,000.00 R803,000.00 RES - Residential 276 of Secunda 825sqm 825.0000-SQM R1,412,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 277 of Secunda 278 of Secunda 825sqm 825sqm 825.0000-SQM 825.0000-SQM R932,000.00 R762,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 279 of Secunda 280 of Secunda 825sqm 847sqm 825.0000-SQM 847.0000-SQM R792,000.00 R944,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 281 of Secunda 282 of Secunda 825sqm 825sqm 825.0000-SQM 825.0000-SQM R1,132,000.00 R1,052,000.00 RES - Residential 283 of Secunda 825sqm 825.0000-SQM R842,000.00 RES - Residential 284 of Secunda 825sqm 825.0000-SQM R832,000.00 RES - Residential 285 of Secunda 825sqm 825.0000-SQM R922,000.00 RES - Residential 286 of Secunda 891sqm 891.0000-SQM R927,000.00 RES - Residential 287 of Secunda 891sqm 891.0000-SQM R807,000.00 RES - Residential 288 of Secunda 891sqm 891.0000-SQM R777,000.00 RES - Residential 289 of Secunda 891sqm 891.0000-SQM R907,000.00 RES - Residential 290 of Secunda 945sqm 945.0000-SQM R1,131,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 291 of Secunda 292 of Secunda 891sqm 891sqm 891.0000-SQM 891.0000-SQM R857,000.00 R917,000.00 RES - Residential 293 of Secunda 835sqm 835.0000-SQM R863,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 294 of Secunda 295 of Secunda 296 of Secunda 297 of Secunda 298 of Secunda 874sqm 1112sqm 1090sqm 972sqm 972sqm 874.0000-SQM 1112.0000-SQM 1090.0000-SQM 972.0000-SQM 972.0000-SQM R1,042,000.00 R1,223,000.00 R1,101,000.00 R1,073,000.00 R901,000.00 RES - Residential 299 of Secunda 972sqm 972.0000-SQM R1,063,000.00 RES - Residential 300 of Secunda 991sqm 991.0000-SQM R1,224,000.00 RES - Residential 301 of Secunda 957sqm 957.0000-SQM R1,222,000.00 VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land MUN - Municipal RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 268 of Secunda (Portion 33) 268 of Secunda (Portion 34) 268 of Secunda (Portion 35) 268 of Secunda (Portion 36) 268 of Secunda (Portion 37) 268 of Secunda (Portion 38) 269 of Secunda 270 of Secunda 271 of Secunda 272 of Secunda Page 9 929sqm 384sqm 45sqm 622sqm 5335sqm 579sqm 848sqm 840sqm 840sqm 840sqm 929.0000-SQM 384.0000-SQM 45.0000-SQM 622.0000-SQM 5335.0000-SQM 579.0000-SQM 848.0000-SQM 840.0000-SQM 840.0000-SQM 840.0000-SQM R280,000.00 R99,000.00 R15,900.00 R157,000.00 R1,000.00 R714,000.00 R864,000.00 R873,000.00 R1,013,000.00 R873,000.00 Registered description 302 of Secunda 303 of Secunda 304 of Secunda 305 of Secunda 306 of Secunda 307 of Secunda 308 of Secunda 309 of Secunda 310 of Secunda 311 of Secunda 312 of Secunda 313 of Secunda 314 of Secunda 315 of Secunda 316 of Secunda 317 of Secunda 318 of Secunda 319 of Secunda 320 of Secunda 321 of Secunda 322 of Secunda 323 of Secunda 324 of Secunda 325 of Secunda 326 of Secunda 327 of Secunda 328 of Secunda 329 of Secunda 330 of Secunda 331 of Secunda 332 of Secunda 333 of Secunda 334 of Secunda 335 of Secunda 336 of Secunda 337 of Secunda 338 of Secunda 339 of Secunda 340 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Pay-Rite Handelaars Cc Pay-Rite Handelaars Cc Pay-Rite Handelaars Cc Tahliet Residence Trust Norman Claude Harris Jan Antoni Onisk Carol Noruwana Sizwe Emil Rawlins Noruwana Dirk Johannes Duvenage Magdalena Cornelia Duvenage Beaula Dorethea Jacobs Jan Albrecht Jacobs Jan Paul Smit De Beer Raynita Venter Ryan Athol Venter Divan Olivier Zanelle Olivier Edward George Combrink Wilhelmina Combrink Jacobus Stephanus Le Roux John-Dougal Zebedee Stott Barend Mattheus Scholtz Emmarentia Maria Burger Marius Burger Machael Farquhar Macrae Coenraad Johannes Vermaak Hesther Dorothea Vermaak Johan Andre Kruger Terrance Clifford Kelly Andre Haasbroek Catharina Francina Magdalena Haasbroek Rachel Mmope Malongoane Mduduzi Ernest Nkosi Anna Sophia Prinsloo Johannes Jacobus Prinsloo Amanda Nel Dirk Johannes Nel Loggerenberg Nicolaas Gideon Christiaan Van Daniel Johannes Nieuwoudt Republic of South Africa Dennis Erasmus Mareleen Erasmus Carla Janet Jonker Frank Daniel Jonker Vuuren Chris Van Rachel Magrietha Odendaal Samuel Wilhelm Odendaal David Moore Aswegen Cindy Van Aswegen Werner Van Karlien Joubert Zacharias Francois Joubert Hester Catherina Nel Pieter Willem Nel Nic Erasmus Zelda Elizabeth Erasmuss Newton Carveth Pepper Nicolette Pepper Deventer Lourens Erasmus Van Deventer Zoe Jane Van Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 309 of Secunda 1208sqm 1208.0000-SQM R950,000.00 RES - Residential 310 of Secunda 986sqm 986.0000-SQM R962,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 311 of Secunda 312 of Secunda 884sqm 940sqm 884.0000-SQM 940.0000-SQM R976,000.00 R1,000,000.00 RES - Residential 313 of Secunda 940sqm 940.0000-SQM R870,000.00 RES - Residential 314 of Secunda 884sqm 884.0000-SQM R856,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 315 of Secunda 316 of Secunda 317 of Secunda 318 of Secunda 1010sqm 804sqm 802sqm 832sqm 1010.0000-SQM 804.0000-SQM 802.0000-SQM 832.0000-SQM R945,000.00 R891,000.00 R1,020,000.00 R773,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 319 of Secunda 320 of Secunda 832sqm 832sqm 832.0000-SQM 832.0000-SQM R923,000.00 R843,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 321 of Secunda 322 of Secunda 323 of Secunda 1225sqm 832sqm 832sqm 1225.0000-SQM 832.0000-SQM 832.0000-SQM R1,001,000.00 R1,003,000.00 R843,000.00 RES - Residential 324 of Secunda 832sqm 832.0000-SQM R873,000.00 RES - Residential 325 of Secunda 832sqm 832.0000-SQM R823,000.00 RES - Residential 326 of Secunda 884sqm 884.0000-SQM R826,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 327 of Secunda 328 of Secunda 329 of Secunda 330 of Secunda 996sqm 936sqm 936sqm 936sqm 996.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM R1,114,000.00 R1,000,000.00 R870,000.00 R920,000.00 RES - Residential 331 of Secunda 900sqm 900.0000-SQM R937,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 332 of Secunda 333 of Secunda 1084sqm 900sqm 1084.0000-SQM 900.0000-SQM R991,000.00 R1,147,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 334 of Secunda 335 of Secunda 936sqm 936sqm 936.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM R1,050,000.00 R1,008,000.00 RES - Residential 336 of Secunda 936sqm 936.0000-SQM R1,048,000.00 RES - Residential 337 of Secunda 992sqm 992.0000-SQM R963,000.00 RES - Residential 338 of Secunda 884sqm 884.0000-SQM R896,000.00 RES - Residential 339 of Secunda 832sqm 832.0000-SQM R983,000.00 RES - Residential 340 of Secunda 832sqm 832.0000-SQM R843,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 302 of Secunda 303 of Secunda 304 of Secunda 305 of Secunda 306 of Secunda 307 of Secunda 308 of Secunda Page 10 936sqm 936sqm 936sqm 936sqm 936sqm 1010sqm 1196sqm 936.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM 1010.0000-SQM 1196.0000-SQM R810,000.00 R810,000.00 R790,000.00 R1,040,000.00 R850,000.00 R785,000.00 R1,109,000.00 Registered description 341 of Secunda 342 of Secunda 343 of Secunda 344 of Secunda 345 of Secunda 346 of Secunda 347 of Secunda 348 of Secunda 349 of Secunda 350 of Secunda 351 of Secunda 352 of Secunda 353 of Secunda 354 of Secunda 355 of Secunda 356 of Secunda 357 of Secunda 358 of Secunda 359 of Secunda 360 of Secunda 361 of Secunda 362 of Secunda 363 of Secunda 364 of Secunda 365 of Secunda 366 of Secunda 367 of Secunda 368 of Secunda 369 of Secunda 370 of Secunda 371 of Secunda 371 of Secunda (Portion 1) 372 of Secunda 373 of Secunda 374 of Secunda 375 of Secunda 376 of Secunda 377 of Secunda 378 of Secunda 379 of Secunda 380 of Secunda 381 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Ronald James Moorcroft Rensburg Elizabeth Hester Janse Van Rensburg Nicolaas Jacobus Janse Van Zyl Martha Maria Magdalena Van Zyl Willem Matthys Van Amanda Lucia Weber Willem Hendrik Weber Ronel Botes Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Louis Jacobus Lotz Susanna Josina Lotz Petrus Johannes Loggenberg George William Thomas Andre Jakobus Daniel Nel Andre Erasmus Isaac Masus Nomvula Samaria Masus Noeline Botha Christoffel Johannes Beukman Lynda Caroline Beukman Jacek Krolik Corne Lotz Mandoline Lotz Dyk Anet Van Johanndre Hinrichsen Marelize Hinrichsen der Linde Cornelia Johanna Van der Linde Marius Willie Van Rene Breytenbach Rooyen Daniel Terblanche Van Calinah Nonhlanhla Ntintili Vinothan Perumall Naidoo Johannes Petrus Vorster Roelfina Stefina Vorster Thomas Johannes Verster Gerhardus Johannes Oosthuizen Kenneth Farquhar Macrae Hester Magdalena Kruger Jacobus Erasmus Johannes Kruger Gert Petrus Jacobs Petronella Catrina Jacobs David Erasmus Gouws Thomas Johannes Schmidt Frans Cronje Michelle Diana Pelser Andre Jacobus Petrus Rossouw Desiree Prinsloo Christoffel Lourens Delport Mariska Delport Johan Jurgens Naude Rene Naude Karel Petrus Joubert Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Anton Jacobus Smit Antwerpen Jacobus Van Govan Mbeki Municipality Johannes Petrus Kruger Louisa Dorothea Kruger Gert Cornelius Ackerman Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 343 of Secunda 1161sqm 1161.0000-SQM R906,000.00 RES - Residential 344 of Secunda 967sqm 967.0000-SQM R862,000.00 RES - Residential UDT - Unregistered RES - Residential 345 of Secunda 346 of Secunda 347 of Secunda 771sqm 832sqm 832sqm 771.0000-SQM 832.0000-SQM R818,000.00 R953,000.00 R1,053,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 348 of Secunda 349 of Secunda 350 of Secunda 351 of Secunda 352 of Secunda 832sqm 832sqm 884sqm 996sqm 936sqm 832.0000-SQM 832.0000-SQM 884.0000-SQM 996.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM R803,000.00 R923,000.00 R956,000.00 R1,174,000.00 R820,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 353 of Secunda 354 of Secunda 936sqm 936sqm 936.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM R1,270,000.00 R860,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 355 of Secunda 356 of Secunda 936sqm 936sqm 936.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM R840,000.00 R960,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 357 of Secunda 358 of Secunda 936sqm 1275sqm 936.0000-SQM 1275.0000-SQM R840,000.00 R1,068,000.00 RES - Residential 359 of Secunda 921sqm 921.0000-SQM R929,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 360 of Secunda 361 of Secunda 362 of Secunda 363 of Secunda 364 of Secunda 936sqm 936sqm 936sqm 994sqm 884sqm 936.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM 994.0000-SQM 884.0000-SQM R1,170,000.00 R1,140,000.00 R1,000,000.00 R854,000.00 R906,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 365 of Secunda 366 of Secunda 367 of Secunda 368 of Secunda 832sqm 832sqm 832sqm 1189sqm 832.0000-SQM 832.0000-SQM 832.0000-SQM 1189.0000-SQM R1,023,000.00 R893,000.00 R813,000.00 R1,288,000.00 RES - Residential 369 of Secunda 892sqm 892.0000-SQM R897,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 370 of Secunda 371 of Secunda 371 of Secunda (Portion 1) 832sqm 487sqm 345sqm 832.0000-SQM 487.0000-SQM 345.0000-SQM R903,000.00 R758,000.00 R668,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 372 of Secunda 373 of Secunda 884sqm 996sqm 884.0000-SQM 996.0000-SQM R856,000.00 R844,000.00 RES - Residential 374 of Secunda 936sqm 936.0000-SQM R910,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 375 of Secunda 376 of Secunda 377 of Secunda 378 of Secunda 379 of Secunda 380 of Secunda 936sqm 936sqm 1040sqm 936sqm 936sqm 936sqm 936.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM 1040.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM R830,000.00 R850,000.00 R847,000.00 R830,000.00 R800,000.00 R1,128,000.00 RES - Residential 381 of Secunda 996sqm 996.0000-SQM R844,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 341 of Secunda 342 of Secunda Page 11 832sqm 981sqm 832.0000-SQM 981.0000-SQM R983,000.00 R833,000.00 Registered description 382 of Secunda 383 of Secunda 384 of Secunda 385 of Secunda 386 of Secunda 387 of Secunda 388 of Secunda 389 of Secunda 390 of Secunda 391 of Secunda 392 of Secunda 393 of Secunda 394 of Secunda 395 of Secunda 396 of Secunda 397 of Secunda 398 of Secunda 399 of Secunda 400 of Secunda 401 of Secunda 402 of Secunda 403 of Secunda 404 of Secunda 405 of Secunda 406 of Secunda 407 of Secunda 408 of Secunda 409 of Secunda 410 of Secunda 411 of Secunda 412 of Secunda 413 of Secunda 414 of Secunda 415 of Secunda 416 of Secunda 417 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Jozua Bekker Riaan Hugo Johannes Cornelius Harrison Rajkumarie Naicker Vinothan Naicker Marina Marx Melgeorge Jacobus Marx Kiaran Joseph Allen Vuuren Albertus Johannes Van Vuuren Maria Louisa Van Maria Magdalena Ferreira Nicolette Kleynhans Petrus Frederik Kleynhans Sagadevan Maistry Pamela Moodley Ivor Michael Jacobs Mavis Valerie Jacobs Matsipa Aaron Msiza Nomasonto Paulina Msiza Hendrik Johannes Cornelissen Tania Marcelinne Cornelissen Zyl Catharina Elizabeth Van Adriaan Hendrikus Rudolph Jacomina Hendrina Rudolph Ann Christie Sylvia Maas Uegene Andre Maas Christiaan Ferreira Nicolina Ferreira Felicity Ann Grobler Johannes Grobler Kasavelu Venketsamy Pillay Ritha Pillay Alida Anna-Marie Meiring James Henry Meiring Elizaberth Maria Bruyns Gabriel Stephanus Bruyns Amanda Mayfair Barnard Christiaan Lourens Barnard Garry Joe Vorster Sidney Peter Vorster Viki Lee Vorster William Robert Lundall Gert Horn Clase Juanita Melanie Clase Annette De La Hunt Jan Abraham Jacobus De La Hunt Armica Koosialee Nardev Ramphal Schalkwyk Anriette Van Schalkwyk Paul Daniel Jacobus Van Patrick Babili Lukele Tosan Eyitsede Elizabeth Wilhelmina Graham Noble Jacobus Graham Wyk Anna Francina Van Wyk Gerrit Marius Van Roelof Petrus Stander Gertrude Gwendolyne Prinsloo Johannes Georg Prinsloo Stanley Nel Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 386 of Secunda 829sqm 829.0000-SQM R962,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 387 of Secunda 388 of Secunda 829sqm 914sqm 829.0000-SQM 914.0000-SQM R812,000.00 R888,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 389 of Secunda 390 of Secunda 792sqm 744sqm 792.0000-SQM 744.0000-SQM R1,090,000.00 R826,000.00 RES - Residential 391 of Secunda 744sqm 744.0000-SQM R966,000.00 RES - Residential 392 of Secunda 744sqm 744.0000-SQM R906,000.00 RES - Residential 393 of Secunda 744sqm 744.0000-SQM R1,016,000.00 RES - Residential 394 of Secunda 744sqm 744.0000-SQM R876,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 395 of Secunda 396 of Secunda 794sqm 898sqm 794.0000-SQM 898.0000-SQM R890,000.00 R967,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 397 of Secunda 398 of Secunda 840sqm 840sqm 840.0000-SQM 840.0000-SQM R803,000.00 R993,000.00 RES - Residential 399 of Secunda 840sqm 840.0000-SQM R933,000.00 RES - Residential 400 of Secunda 840sqm 840.0000-SQM R933,000.00 RES - Residential 401 of Secunda 840sqm 840.0000-SQM R1,093,000.00 RES - Residential 402 of Secunda 830sqm 830.0000-SQM R1,022,000.00 RES - Residential 403 of Secunda 865sqm 865.0000-SQM R905,000.00 RES - Residential 404 of Secunda 865sqm 865.0000-SQM R975,000.00 RES - Residential 405 of Secunda 948sqm 948.0000-SQM R841,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 406 of Secunda 407 of Secunda 977sqm 812sqm 977.0000-SQM 812.0000-SQM R843,000.00 R981,000.00 RES - Residential 408 of Secunda 814sqm 814.0000-SQM R861,000.00 RES - Residential 409 of Secunda 791sqm 791.0000-SQM R780,000.00 RES - Residential 410 of Secunda 810sqm 810.0000-SQM R901,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 411 of Secunda 412 of Secunda 413 of Secunda 783sqm 744sqm 744sqm 783.0000-SQM 744.0000-SQM 744.0000-SQM R789,000.00 R826,000.00 R876,000.00 RES - Residential 414 of Secunda 744sqm 744.0000-SQM R926,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 415 of Secunda 416 of Secunda 744sqm 794sqm 744.0000-SQM 794.0000-SQM R796,000.00 R920,000.00 RES - Residential 417 of Secunda 898sqm 898.0000-SQM R877,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 382 of Secunda 383 of Secunda 384 of Secunda 385 of Secunda Page 12 845sqm 792sqm 786sqm 832sqm 845.0000-SQM 792.0000-SQM 786.0000-SQM 832.0000-SQM R1,003,000.00 R1,000,000.00 R849,000.00 R813,000.00 Registered description 418 of Secunda 419 of Secunda 420 of Secunda 421 of Secunda 422 of Secunda 423 of Secunda 424 of Secunda 425 of Secunda 426 of Secunda 427 of Secunda 428 of Secunda 429 of Secunda 430 of Secunda 431 of Secunda 432 of Secunda 433 of Secunda 434 of Secunda 435 of Secunda 436 of Secunda 437 of Secunda 438 of Secunda 439 of Secunda 440 of Secunda 441 of Secunda 442 of Secunda 443 of Secunda 444 of Secunda 445 of Secunda 446 of Secunda 447 of Secunda 448 of Secunda 449 of Secunda 450 of Secunda 451 of Secunda 452 of Secunda (Portion 2) 452 of Secunda (Portion 3) Names of Owner(s) Ettienne Cronje Yolanda Cronje Yolanda Kitching Riveka Singh Elizabeth Maria Susanna Fritz Johan Thomas Dawid Fritz der Merwe Jacobus Johannes Van der Merwe Martha Johanna Van Melanie Potgieter Pieter Christiaan Frederick Potgieter Salomon Marthinus Cronje Christina Saaiman Johan Cornelius De Vos Jacobus Petrus Smit Heini Siebers Lisa Siebers Nithanandan Reddy Jacomina Hendriena Benson William Richard Benson Waldo Bezuidenhout Eben Daniel Kruger Marchel Kruger David Fabadleni Mahlangu Winnie Sibongile Mahlangu Heilie Elizabeth Thomas Louis George Thomas Charmaine Ras Rooyen Anita Margaretha Van Rooyen Johan Andries Van Tomasz Atlasik Govan Mbeki Municipality Harlem Flats Cc Romburgh Eric Van Hermanus Gerhardus Clingen Peggy Jane Clingen Aletta Johanna Douglas Jan Johannes Douglas Christel Hattingh Rensburg Christo Janse Van Joanne Albertha Smit Loggerenberg Hendrika Susara Maria Van Loggerenberg Marthinus Johannes Stephanus Van Vuuren Gertruida Dorathea Jansen Van Vuuren Johannes Stephanus Jansen Van Daphne Nortje Jacobus Christoffel Nortje Henrietta Johanna Keuris Pieter Keuris Jacobus Abraham Louw Carl Enoch Pretorius Hayley Gail Pretorius Petro Hilda Coetzee Pieter Hendrik Coetzee Beverley Anne Uys John Christopher Uys Andries Gerhardus Visser Christina Adriana Visser Elegant Square Trading 251 Cc Robin Visser Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential 419 of Secunda 420 of Secunda 840sqm 840sqm 840.0000-SQM 840.0000-SQM R823,000.00 R883,000.00 RES - Residential 421 of Secunda 840sqm 840.0000-SQM R943,000.00 RES - Residential 422 of Secunda 840sqm 840.0000-SQM R923,000.00 RES - Residential 423 of Secunda 998sqm 998.0000-SQM R974,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 424 of Secunda 425 of Secunda 426 of Secunda 819sqm 794sqm 744sqm 819.0000-SQM 794.0000-SQM 744.0000-SQM R922,000.00 R830,000.00 R816,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 427 of Secunda 428 of Secunda 744sqm 744sqm 744.0000-SQM 744.0000-SQM R1,016,000.00 R886,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 429 of Secunda 430 of Secunda 987sqm 1003sqm 987.0000-SQM 1003.0000-SQM R984,000.00 R994,000.00 RES - Residential 431 of Secunda 744sqm 744.0000-SQM R856,000.00 RES - Residential 432 of Secunda 744sqm 744.0000-SQM R876,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 433 of Secunda 434 of Secunda 744sqm 744sqm 744.0000-SQM 744.0000-SQM R836,000.00 R946,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 435 of Secunda 436 of Secunda 437 of Secunda 438 of Secunda 439 of Secunda 744sqm 744sqm 794sqm 898sqm 840sqm 744.0000-SQM 744.0000-SQM 794.0000-SQM 898.0000-SQM 840.0000-SQM R816,000.00 R776,000.00 R910,000.00 R1,047,000.00 R1,043,000.00 RES - Residential 440 of Secunda 840sqm 840.0000-SQM R903,000.00 RES - Residential 441 of Secunda 840sqm 840.0000-SQM R973,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 442 of Secunda 443 of Secunda 840sqm 840sqm 840.0000-SQM 840.0000-SQM R963,000.00 R823,000.00 RES - Residential 444 of Secunda 840sqm 840.0000-SQM R783,000.00 RES - Residential 445 of Secunda 840sqm 840.0000-SQM R1,043,000.00 RES - Residential 446 of Secunda 1035sqm 1035.0000-SQM R1,077,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 447 of Secunda 448 of Secunda 884sqm 840sqm 884.0000-SQM 840.0000-SQM R826,000.00 R893,000.00 RES - Residential 449 of Secunda 840sqm 840.0000-SQM R823,000.00 RES - Residential 450 of Secunda 840sqm 840.0000-SQM R983,000.00 RES - Residential 451 of Secunda 898sqm 898.0000-SQM R1,067,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 452 of Secunda (Portion 2) 452 of Secunda (Portion 3) 350sqm 364sqm 350.0000-SQM 364.0000-SQM R758,000.00 R839,000.00 RES - Residential 418 of Secunda Page 13 840sqm 840.0000-SQM R933,000.00 Registered description 452 of Secunda (Portion 4) 452 of Secunda (Portion 5) 452 of Secunda (Portion 6) 452 of Secunda (Portion 7) 452 of Secunda (Portion 8) 452 of Secunda (Portion 9) 452 of Secunda (Portion 10) 452 of Secunda (Portion 11) 452 of Secunda (Portion 12) 452 of Secunda (Portion 13) 452 of Secunda (Portion 14) 452 of Secunda (Portion 15) 452 of Secunda (Portion 16) 452 of Secunda (Portion 17) 452 of Secunda (Portion 18) 452 of Secunda (Portion 19) 452 of Secunda (Portion 20) 452 of Secunda (Portion 21) 452 of Secunda (Portion 22) 452 of Secunda (Portion 23) 452 of Secunda (Portion 24) 452 of Secunda (Portion 25) 452 of Secunda (Portion 26) 452 of Secunda (Portion 27) 452 of Secunda (Portion 28) 452 of Secunda (Portion 29) 452 of Secunda (Portion 30) 452 of Secunda (Portion 31) 452 of Secunda (Portion 33) 452 of Secunda (Portion 34) 452 of Secunda (Portion 35) 452 of Secunda (Portion 36) 452 of Secunda (Portion 37) 452 of Secunda (Portion 38) 452 of Secunda (Portion 39) 452 of Secunda (Portion 40) 452 of Secunda (Portion 41) 452 of Secunda (Portion 42) 452 of Secunda (Portion 43) 452 of Secunda (Portion 44) 452 of Secunda (Portion 46) 453 of Secunda 453 of Secunda (Portion 1) 453 of Secunda (Portion 2) 453 of Secunda (Portion 3) 453 of Secunda (Portion 4) 453 of Secunda (Portion 5) 453 of Secunda (Portion 6) Names of Owner(s) Construction Pty Ltd Brandspruit Construction Pty Ltd Brandspruit Construction Pty Ltd Brandspruit Construction Pty Ltd Brandspruit Construction Pty Ltd Brandspruit Construction Pty Ltd Brandspruit Construction Pty Ltd Brandspruit Construction Pty Ltd Brandspruit Construction Pty Ltd Brandspruit Construction Pty Ltd Brandspruit Construction Pty Ltd Brandspruit Construction Pty Ltd Brandspruit Construction Pty Ltd Brandspruit Construction Pty Ltd Brandspruit Construction Pty Ltd Brandspruit Construction Pty Ltd Brandspruit Construction Pty Ltd Brandspruit Construction Pty Ltd Brandspruit Construction Pty Ltd Brandspruit Construction Pty Ltd Brandspruit Thami Samuel Sikhosana Susana Hendrika Lombard Robin Visser Andre Oscar Du Plooy Maria Magdalena Susara Du Plooy Izak Johannes Matthys Buys Lwazi Nkanyezi Mtshali Johan Pieter De Wet Petra De Wet Robin Visser Rensburg Christoffel Hermanus Jansen Van Rensburg Wilma Jansen Van Schalkwyk Johann Pieter Van Jacobus Gerhardus Engelbrecht Lemanda Isabel Engelbrecht Henning Johannes Opperman Gaopaleloe Allison Mokhitli Gregory Vaughn Rascher Robin Visser Hendrik Arnoldus Oosthuizen Raymond Romeo Loata Rooyen Albertus Abraham Mulder Van Rooyen Emmerentia Van Jacobus Gerhardus Engelbrecht Lemanda Isabel Engelbrecht Vershelle Kanniappan Preshandiren Reddy Elegant Square Trading 251 Cc Motshidi Moses Phalane Ruth Mmati Phalane G N D Developers Cc Elsabe Johanna Erasmus Theresa Bakker Zyl Ella Johanna Van Amanda Pretorius Philippus Johannes Christian Pelser Adriaana Johanna Lock Jacob Johannes Lock Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 452 of Secunda (Portion 28) 452 of Secunda (Portion 29) 452 of Secunda (Portion 30) 385sqm 384sqm 373sqm 385.0000-SQM 384.0000-SQM 373.0000-SQM R770,000.00 R790,000.00 R790,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 452 of Secunda (Portion 31) 452 of Secunda (Portion 33) 337sqm 487sqm 337.0000-SQM 487.0000-SQM R787,000.00 R908,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 452 of Secunda (Portion 34) 452 of Secunda (Portion 35) 402sqm 378sqm 402.0000-SQM 378.0000-SQM R812,000.00 R840,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 452 of Secunda (Portion 36) 452 of Secunda (Portion 37) 380sqm 370sqm 380.0000-SQM 370.0000-SQM R810,000.00 R789,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 452 of Secunda (Portion 38) 452 of Secunda (Portion 39) 452 of Secunda (Portion 40) 452 of Secunda (Portion 41) 385sqm 337sqm 351sqm 350sqm 385.0000-SQM 337.0000-SQM 351.0000-SQM 350.0000-SQM R760,000.00 R807,000.00 R788,000.00 R808,000.00 RES - Residential 452 of Secunda (Portion 42) 405sqm 405.0000-SQM R752,000.00 VAC - Vacant Land 452 of Secunda (Portion 43) 351sqm 351.0000-SQM R90,500.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 452 of Secunda (Portion 44) 452 of Secunda (Portion 46) 4565sqm 974sqm 4565.0000-SQM 974.0000-SQM R980,000.00 R1,623,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 453 of Secunda 453 of Secunda (Portion 1) 453 of Secunda (Portion 2) 453 of Secunda (Portion 3) 453 of Secunda (Portion 4) 453 of Secunda (Portion 5) 453 of Secunda (Portion 6) 1.7492Ha 377sqm 390sqm 390sqm 390sqm 390sqm 384sqm 1.7492-H 377.0000-SQM 390.0000-SQM 390.0000-SQM 390.0000-SQM 390.0000-SQM 384.0000-SQM R680,000.00 R899,000.00 R850,000.00 R740,000.00 R920,000.00 R790,000.00 R839,000.00 VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 452 of Secunda (Portion 4) 452 of Secunda (Portion 5) 452 of Secunda (Portion 6) 452 of Secunda (Portion 7) 452 of Secunda (Portion 8) 452 of Secunda (Portion 9) 452 of Secunda (Portion 10) 452 of Secunda (Portion 11) 452 of Secunda (Portion 12) 452 of Secunda (Portion 13) 452 of Secunda (Portion 14) 452 of Secunda (Portion 15) 452 of Secunda (Portion 16) 452 of Secunda (Portion 17) 452 of Secunda (Portion 18) 452 of Secunda (Portion 19) 452 of Secunda (Portion 20) 452 of Secunda (Portion 21) 452 of Secunda (Portion 22) 452 of Secunda (Portion 23) 452 of Secunda (Portion 24) 452 of Secunda (Portion 25) 452 of Secunda (Portion 26) 452 of Secunda (Portion 27) Page 14 421sqm 442sqm 442sqm 437sqm 372sqm 451sqm 442sqm 437sqm 409sqm 445sqm 417sqm 733sqm 482sqm 388sqm 351sqm 344sqm 344sqm 351sqm 351sqm 344sqm 344sqm 351sqm 361sqm 344sqm 421.0000-SQM 442.0000-SQM 442.0000-SQM 437.0000-SQM 372.0000-SQM 451.0000-SQM 442.0000-SQM 437.0000-SQM 409.0000-SQM 445.0000-SQM 417.0000-SQM 733.0000-SQM 482.0000-SQM 388.0000-SQM 351.0000-SQM 344.0000-SQM 344.0000-SQM 351.0000-SQM 351.0000-SQM 344.0000-SQM 344.0000-SQM 351.0000-SQM 361.0000-SQM 344.0000-SQM R108,000.00 R108,000.00 R113,000.00 R112,000.00 R96,000.00 R115,000.00 R113,000.00 R112,000.00 R105,000.00 R114,000.00 R107,000.00 R184,000.00 R123,000.00 R100,000.00 R90,500.00 R89,000.00 R89,000.00 R90,500.00 R90,500.00 R89,000.00 R807,000.00 R768,000.00 R819,000.00 R727,000.00 Registered description 453 of Secunda (Portion 7) 453 of Secunda (Portion 8) 453 of Secunda (Portion 9) 453 of Secunda (Portion 10) 453 of Secunda (Portion 11) 453 of Secunda (Portion 12) 453 of Secunda (Portion 13) 453 of Secunda (Portion 14) 453 of Secunda (Portion 15) 453 of Secunda (Portion 16) 453 of Secunda (Portion 17) 453 of Secunda (Portion 18) 453 of Secunda (Portion 19) 453 of Secunda (Portion 20) 453 of Secunda (Portion 21) 453 of Secunda (Portion 22) 453 of Secunda (Portion 23) 453 of Secunda (Portion 24) 453 of Secunda (Portion 25) 453 of Secunda (Portion 26) 453 of Secunda (Portion 27) 453 of Secunda (Portion 28) 453 of Secunda (Portion 29) 453 of Secunda (Portion 30) 453 of Secunda (Portion 31) 453 of Secunda (Portion 32) 453 of Secunda (Portion 33) 453 of Secunda (Portion 36) 453 of Secunda (Portion 37) 453 of Secunda (Portion 38) 453 of Secunda (Portion 43) 453 of Secunda (Portion 44) 454 of Secunda 455 of Secunda 455 of Secunda (Portion 1) 455 of Secunda (Portion 2) 455 of Secunda (Portion 3) 455 of Secunda (Portion 4) 455 of Secunda (Portion 5) 455 of Secunda (Portion 6) 455 of Secunda (Portion 7) 455 of Secunda (Portion 8) 455 of Secunda (Portion 9) 455 of Secunda (Portion 10) 455 of Secunda (Portion 11) 455 of Secunda (Portion 12) Names of Owner(s) Andre Johann Hinrichsen Lukas Petrus Steenkamp Tejal Dowlath Keeran Sunker Dyk Annalien Van Dyk John Peter Van G N D Developers Cc Ilze Maretha Joerdens Roelof Malan Vivian Andrew Rocher Jalene Esterhuizen Rozetta Carstens Ernest Quintin Viljoen Kevin John Lawrence der Merwe Martha Maria Van Fourie Millenium Trust Phillipus Johannes Du Bruyn Wyk Rachel Sharlotte Van Carolina Francina De Bruyn Francois Retief De Bruyn Johanna Sophia Catharina Nel Gail Nussey Adriana Maria Oosthuizen Nicolaas Jacobus Oosthuizen Maria Johanna Marais Andries Petrus Stephanus Veldman Marquerita Veldman Kerma Bellegings Trust Andries Petrus Stephanus Veldman Marquerita Veldman Louis Daniel Botha Magrietha Maria Botha Martha Maria Marthina Von Dresselt Meyer Richard Von Dresselt Petrus Johannes Bezuidenhout Vuuren Anna-Lucia Jansen Van Maarten Fopke Fopma Andrew Peter Lee Wyk Martin John Van Fazeela Bee Bee Hassim Antonio Di Loreto Kerk-Evander Gereformeerde F Prop Pty Ltd F P Caresja Developments Cc Martin Louis Hamann W & M Trust Marius Kruger Louis Daniel Botha Meeven Assaram Eugene Edward Bach Susanna Elizabeth De Beer Mattheus Johannes Willemse Rene Willemse Adriaan Hendrikus Rudolph Jacomina Hendriena Rudolph Maria Magrietha Cole Jaq Terblanche Anna Susanna Sophia Niemand Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 453 of Secunda (Portion 10) 396sqm 396.0000-SQM R820,000.00 MUN - Municipal RES - Residential 453 of Secunda (Portion 11) 453 of Secunda (Portion 12) 2609sqm 411sqm 2609.0000-SQM 411.0000-SQM R1,000.00 R872,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 453 of Secunda (Portion 13) 453 of Secunda (Portion 14) 453 of Secunda (Portion 15) 453 of Secunda (Portion 16) 453 of Secunda (Portion 17) 453 of Secunda (Portion 18) 453 of Secunda (Portion 19) 453 of Secunda (Portion 20) 453 of Secunda (Portion 21) 453 of Secunda (Portion 22) 602sqm 319sqm 338sqm 398sqm 390sqm 390sqm 390sqm 390sqm 390sqm 377sqm 602.0000-SQM 319.0000-SQM 338.0000-SQM 398.0000-SQM 390.0000-SQM 390.0000-SQM 390.0000-SQM 390.0000-SQM 390.0000-SQM 377.0000-SQM R778,000.00 R864,000.00 R735,000.00 R821,000.00 R740,000.00 R740,000.00 R810,000.00 R790,000.00 R1,560,000.00 R769,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 453 of Secunda (Portion 23) 453 of Secunda (Portion 24) 453 of Secunda (Portion 25) 436sqm 349sqm 409sqm 436.0000-SQM 349.0000-SQM 409.0000-SQM R844,000.00 R756,000.00 R851,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 453 of Secunda (Portion 26) 453 of Secunda (Portion 27) 401sqm 359sqm 401.0000-SQM 359.0000-SQM R680,000.00 R737,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 453 of Secunda (Portion 28) 453 of Secunda (Portion 29) 336sqm 431sqm 336.0000-SQM 431.0000-SQM R815,000.00 R763,000.00 RES - Residential 453 of Secunda (Portion 30) 424sqm 424.0000-SQM R743,000.00 RES - Residential 453 of Secunda (Portion 31) 336sqm 336.0000-SQM R865,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential WOR - Places of Worship VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 453 of Secunda (Portion 32) 453 of Secunda (Portion 33) 453 of Secunda (Portion 36) 453 of Secunda (Portion 37) 453 of Secunda (Portion 38) 453 of Secunda (Portion 43) 453 of Secunda (Portion 44) 454 of Secunda 302sqm 360sqm 300sqm 385sqm 342sqm 622sqm 559sqm 3843sqm 302.0000-SQM 360.0000-SQM 300.0000-SQM 385.0000-SQM 342.0000-SQM 622.0000-SQM 559.0000-SQM 3843.0000-SQM R752,000.00 R807,000.00 R680,000.00 R680,000.00 R680,000.00 R680,000.00 R680,000.00 R2,492,000.00 455 of Secunda 455 of Secunda (Portion 1) 455 of Secunda (Portion 2) 455 of Secunda (Portion 3) 455 of Secunda (Portion 4) 455 of Secunda (Portion 5) 455 of Secunda (Portion 6) 455 of Secunda (Portion 7) 7687sqm 3928sqm 285sqm 249sqm 213sqm 251sqm 248sqm 284sqm 7687.0000-SQM 3928.0000-SQM 285.0000-SQM 249.0000-SQM 213.0000-SQM 251.0000-SQM 248.0000-SQM 284.0000-SQM R150,000.00 R79,800.00 R721,000.00 R717,000.00 R714,000.00 R698,000.00 R717,000.00 R710,000.00 RES - Residential 455 of Secunda (Portion 8) 312sqm 312.0000-SQM R753,000.00 RES - Residential 455 of Secunda (Portion 9) 401sqm 401.0000-SQM R761,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 455 of Secunda (Portion 10) 455 of Secunda (Portion 11) 455 of Secunda (Portion 12) 223sqm 232sqm 232sqm 223.0000-SQM 232.0000-SQM 232.0000-SQM R705,000.00 R696,000.00 R716,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 453 of Secunda (Portion 7) 453 of Secunda (Portion 8) 453 of Secunda (Portion 9) Page 15 382sqm 391sqm 558sqm 382.0000-SQM 391.0000-SQM 558.0000-SQM R680,000.00 R800,000.00 R3,438,000.00 Registered description 455 of Secunda (Portion 13) Names of Owner(s) 455 of Secunda (Portion 14) 455 of Secunda (Portion 15) 456 of Secunda 457 of Secunda George Francis Jacobs Karla Jacobs Laurika Magdalena Steenkamp Caresja Developments Cc Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Calstar Trust 458 of Secunda Construction Pty Ltd Brandspruit 459 of Secunda 460 of Secunda 461 of Secunda 462 of Secunda 463 of Secunda 464 of Secunda 465 of Secunda 465 of Secunda (Portion 1) 465 of Secunda (Portion 2) 465 of Secunda (Portion 3) 465 of Secunda (Portion 4) Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Andries Johannes Petrus Burger Josef Steurer Patrick Leslie Simmons Lindiwe Cynthia Mtsweni Sylvester Cynthia Mtsweni Carl Philippus Jacob Oosthuizen Rhiannon Oosthuizen Silas Calvin Jacobs Sifiso Silverius Msomi Manogran Govender Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Wouter Buchling Willem Johannes Smith Martha-Louise Basson Michael Edward Shackleford Pty Ltd Dekhomes Frances Caroline Heimann Grant Lewis Heimann Edith Annie Paterson Robert Murdoch Paterson Merinda Lorraine Underhay Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Abdul Hamid Saber Ridwaan Saber Petronella Johanna Oosthuizen Schoor Johannes Jacob Frederick Van Ebrahim Leonard Wynand Frederik Bloem der Mescht Maria Jacoba Katharina Van Carolina Petronella Botes Imraan Aboobaker Salajee Zacharia Mateo Makwakwa Anna Maria Venter Jan Johannes Venter Willem Antonie Combrink Leopold Roland Willem Alexander Middelberg Imraan Aboobaker Salajee Christa Rautenbach Hendrik Jacobus Johannes Rautenbach Shaun Marc Bergoff Jacques Wiltshire Du Toit 465 of Secunda (Portion 5) 465 of Secunda (Portion 6) 465 of Secunda (Portion 7) 465 of Secunda (Portion 8) 465 of Secunda (Portion 9) 465 of Secunda (Portion 10) 465 of Secunda (Portion 11) 465 of Secunda (Portion 12) 465 of Secunda (Portion 13) 465 of Secunda (Portion 14) 465 of Secunda (Portion 15) 465 of Secunda (Portion 16) 465 of Secunda (Portion 17) 465 of Secunda (Portion 18) 465 of Secunda (Portion 19) 465 of Secunda (Portion 22) 465 of Secunda (Portion 23) 465 of Secunda (Portion 24) 465 of Secunda (Portion 25) 465 of Secunda (Portion 26) 465 of Secunda (Portion 27) 465 of Secunda (Portion 28) 465 of Secunda (Portion 29) 465 of Secunda (Portion 30) 465 of Secunda (Portion 31) 465 of Secunda (Portion 32) 465 of Secunda (Portion 33) 465 of Secunda (Portion 34) 465 of Secunda (Portion 35) 465 of Secunda (Portion 36) 465 of Secunda (Portion 37) Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land BUS - Business and Commercial BUS - Business and Commercial MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 455 of Secunda (Portion 14) 455 of Secunda (Portion 15) 456 of Secunda 457 of Secunda 347sqm 425sqm 9671sqm 4613sqm 347.0000-SQM 425.0000-SQM 9671.0000-SQM 4613.0000-SQM R766,000.00 R46,500.00 R3,800,000.00 R4,420,000.00 458 of Secunda 6918sqm 6918.0000-SQM R12,000,000.00 459 of Secunda 460 of Secunda 461 of Secunda 462 of Secunda 463 of Secunda 464 of Secunda 465 of Secunda 465 of Secunda (Portion 1) 465 of Secunda (Portion 2) 465 of Secunda (Portion 3) 465 of Secunda (Portion 4) 6.5368Ha 543sqm 5.1228Ha 1.1407Ha 7.2745Ha 6835sqm 2.4696Ha 1056sqm 1056sqm 1200sqm 1144sqm 6.5368-H 543.0000-SQM 5.1228-H 1.1407-H 7.2745-H 6835.0000-SQM 2.4696-H 1056.0000-SQM 1056.0000-SQM 1200.0000-SQM 1144.0000-SQM R196,000.00 R122,000.00 R1,300,000.00 R285,000.00 R1,110,000.00 R1,700,000.00 R800,000.00 R1,000,000.00 R799,000.00 R879,000.00 R835,000.00 RES - Residential 465 of Secunda (Portion 5) 1032sqm 1032.0000-SQM R787,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential UDT - Unregistered RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 465 of Secunda (Portion 6) 465 of Secunda (Portion 7) 465 of Secunda (Portion 8) 465 of Secunda (Portion 9) 465 of Secunda (Portion 10) 465 of Secunda (Portion 11) 465 of Secunda (Portion 12) 465 of Secunda (Portion 13) 465 of Secunda (Portion 14) 465 of Secunda (Portion 15) 1008sqm 1116sqm 1116sqm 897sqm 986sqm 1014sqm 920sqm 968sqm 1008.0000-SQM 1116.0000-SQM 1116.0000-SQM 924sqm 986.0000-SQM 1014.0000-SQM 920.0000-SQM 968.0000-SQM 0.0000-H 924.0000-SQM R805,000.00 R653,000.00 R843,000.00 R777,000.00 R914,000.00 R956,000.00 R789,000.00 R680,000.00 R1,200,000.00 R1,200,000.00 RES - Residential 465 of Secunda (Portion 16) 988sqm 988.0000-SQM R1,202,000.00 RES - Residential UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered RES - Residential 465 of Secunda (Portion 17) 465 of Secunda (Portion 18) 465 of Secunda (Portion 19) 465 of Secunda (Portion 22) 988sqm 221sqm 328sqm 293sqm 988.0000-SQM 293.0000-SQM R954,000.00 R59,000.00 R8,190.00 R1,505,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 465 of Secunda (Portion 23) 465 of Secunda (Portion 24) 465 of Secunda (Portion 25) 465 of Secunda (Portion 26) 465 of Secunda (Portion 27) 465 of Secunda (Portion 28) 465 of Secunda (Portion 29) 465 of Secunda (Portion 30) 465 of Secunda (Portion 31) 273sqm 276sqm 545sqm 403sqm 352sqm 387sqm 159sqm 308sqm 431sqm 273.0000-SQM 276.0000-SQM 545.0000-SQM 403.0000-SQM 352.0000-SQM 387.0000-SQM 159.0000-SQM 308.0000-SQM 431.0000-SQM R1,350,000.00 R1,205,000.00 R1,575,000.00 R1,220,000.00 R1,265,000.00 R1,275,000.00 R1,420,000.00 R1,410,000.00 R1,595,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 465 of Secunda (Portion 32) 465 of Secunda (Portion 33) 465 of Secunda (Portion 34) 465 of Secunda (Portion 35) 313sqm 236sqm 229sqm 230sqm 313.0000-SQM 236.0000-SQM 229.0000-SQM 230.0000-SQM R1,265,000.00 R1,341,000.00 R1,339,000.00 R1,490,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 465 of Secunda (Portion 36) 465 of Secunda (Portion 37) 242sqm 376sqm 242.0000-SQM 376.0000-SQM R1,343,000.00 R1,260,000.00 RES - Residential 455 of Secunda (Portion 13) Page 16 226sqm 226.0000-SQM R705,000.00 Registered description 465 of Secunda (Portion 38) 465 of Secunda (Portion 39) 465 of Secunda (Portion 40) 465 of Secunda (Portion 41) 465 of Secunda (Portion 42) 465 of Secunda (Portion 43) 465 of Secunda (Portion 44) 465 of Secunda (Portion 45) 465 of Secunda (Portion 46) 465 of Secunda (Portion 47) 465 of Secunda (Portion 48) 465 of Secunda (Portion 49) 465 of Secunda (Portion 50) 465 of Secunda (Portion 51) 465 of Secunda (Portion 52) 465 of Secunda (Portion 53) 465 of Secunda (Portion 54) 465 of Secunda (Portion 55) 465 of Secunda (Portion 56) 465 of Secunda (Portion 57) 465 of Secunda (Portion 58) 466 of Secunda 467 of Secunda 468 of Secunda 469 of Secunda 470 of Secunda 471 of Secunda 472 of Secunda 473 of Secunda 474 of Secunda 475 of Secunda 476 of Secunda 477 of Secunda 478 of Secunda 479 of Secunda 480 of Secunda 481 of Secunda 482 of Secunda 483 of Secunda 484 of Secunda 485 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Aranmi 2 Familie Trust Gert Diedrick Johannes Kriek Marion Agnes Kriek Elizabeth Catharina Johanna Landman Gerhardus Francois Landman Stephanus Pieter Matthee Jacobus Johannes Botha Natascha Lloyd Abraham Hercules Le Roux Anna Maria Le Roux Nell-Marie Roolvink Adriaan Johannes Louwrens Ethresia Louwrens Aranmi 2 Familie Trust Aranmi 2 Familie Trust Diane Maciel Marco David Bender George Alexander De La Rosa Daniel Dawid Kruger Willem Jacobus Christiaan Swart Maria Cristina Capkovic Sugnet Dixon Dan Johan Coester Zyl Carolina Frederika Van Elzette Oosthuizen Roelof Johannes Gysbertus Oosthuizen Antonio Jorge Vilela De Sousa Elizabeth Ann De Sousa Village Home Owners Assoc Secunda Anna Maria Cornelia Liversage Christiaan Samuel Liversage Lodewyk Theodorus Odendaal Hendrik Christoffel De Wet Sussanna Cornelia Du Plessis Wilhelm Gerhardus Du Plessis Pieter Francois Richards Wiid Wynand Venter Garry Joe Vorster Sidney Peter Vorster Viki Lee Vorster Kenneth Ian Pearson Ronel Coetzer Elizabeth Christine Martens Robert James Martens Cedric William Bartlett Elizabeth Margaretha Riekert Bartlett Johan Hendrik Jacob Kemp Barnard Izak Christiaan Steyn Petrus Jacobus Horn Frans Johannes Moolman Helena Susanna Moolman Rene Breytenbach Gabriel Tshepo Lethale Vuyiswa Sylvia Lethale Innes Stroebel Karen Stroebel Elizabeth Johanna Strydom Petrus Jacobus Strydom Zyl Petrus Cornelis Van Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 465 of Secunda (Portion 40) 570sqm 570.0000-SQM R1,635,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 465 of Secunda (Portion 41) 465 of Secunda (Portion 42) 232sqm 232sqm 232.0000-SQM 232.0000-SQM R1,490,000.00 R1,170,000.00 RES - Residential 465 of Secunda (Portion 43) 247sqm 247.0000-SQM R1,544,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 465 of Secunda (Portion 44) 465 of Secunda (Portion 45) 230sqm 223sqm 230.0000-SQM 223.0000-SQM R1,290,000.00 R1,338,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 465 of Secunda (Portion 46) 465 of Secunda (Portion 47) 465 of Secunda (Portion 48) 465 of Secunda (Portion 49) 465 of Secunda (Portion 50) 465 of Secunda (Portion 51) 465 of Secunda (Portion 52) 465 of Secunda (Portion 53) 465 of Secunda (Portion 54) 465 of Secunda (Portion 55) 281sqm 224sqm 267sqm 242sqm 251sqm 223sqm 215sqm 219sqm 227sqm 227sqm 281.0000-SQM 224.0000-SQM 267.0000-SQM 242.0000-SQM 251.0000-SQM 223.0000-SQM 215.0000-SQM 219.0000-SQM 227.0000-SQM 227.0000-SQM R1,305,000.00 R1,288,000.00 R1,450,000.00 R1,493,000.00 R1,496,000.00 R1,020,000.00 R1,018,000.00 R1,019,000.00 R991,000.00 R1,021,000.00 RES - Residential 465 of Secunda (Portion 56) 234sqm 234.0000-SQM R962,000.00 RES - Residential 465 of Secunda (Portion 57) 200sqm 200.0000-SQM R925,000.00 MUN - Municipal RES - Residential 465 of Secunda (Portion 58) 466 of Secunda 3988sqm 1008sqm 3988.0000-SQM 1008.0000-SQM R1,000.00 R875,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 467 of Secunda 468 of Secunda 469 of Secunda 936sqm 936sqm 936sqm 936.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM R1,208,000.00 R870,000.00 R890,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 470 of Secunda 471 of Secunda 472 of Secunda 936sqm 936sqm 936sqm 936.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM R1,010,000.00 R1,158,000.00 R780,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 473 of Secunda 474 of Secunda 475 of Secunda 936sqm 846sqm 1094sqm 936.0000-SQM 846.0000-SQM 1094.0000-SQM R890,000.00 R1,400,000.00 R841,000.00 RES - Residential 476 of Secunda 949sqm 949.0000-SQM R931,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 477 of Secunda 478 of Secunda 479 of Secunda 480 of Secunda 943sqm 900sqm 864sqm 881sqm 943.0000-SQM 900.0000-SQM 864.0000-SQM 881.0000-SQM R901,000.00 R1,007,000.00 R915,000.00 R846,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 481 of Secunda 482 of Secunda 1082sqm 1164sqm 1082.0000-SQM 1164.0000-SQM R1,030,000.00 R1,126,000.00 RES - Residential 483 of Secunda 976sqm 976.0000-SQM R893,000.00 RES - Residential 484 of Secunda 962sqm 962.0000-SQM R952,000.00 RES - Residential 485 of Secunda 962sqm 962.0000-SQM R912,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 465 of Secunda (Portion 38) 465 of Secunda (Portion 39) Page 17 373sqm 415sqm 373.0000-SQM 415.0000-SQM R1,380,000.00 R1,290,000.00 Registered description 486 of Secunda 487 of Secunda 488 of Secunda 489 of Secunda 490 of Secunda 491 of Secunda 492 of Secunda 493 of Secunda 494 of Secunda 495 of Secunda 496 of Secunda 497 of Secunda 498 of Secunda 499 of Secunda 500 of Secunda 501 of Secunda 502 of Secunda 503 of Secunda 504 of Secunda 505 of Secunda 506 of Secunda 507 of Secunda 508 of Secunda 509 of Secunda 510 of Secunda 511 of Secunda 512 of Secunda 513 of Secunda 514 of Secunda 515 of Secunda 516 of Secunda 517 of Secunda 518 of Secunda 519 of Secunda 520 of Secunda 521 of Secunda 522 of Secunda 523 of Secunda 524 of Secunda 525 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Alwyn Christoffel Geel James Stuart Byrne Johanna Lovina Byrne der Merwe Levina Catharina Magdalena Van der Merwe Paul Hendrik Van Louis Jacobus Engelbrecht Domenic Groenewald Leon Groenewald Geoffrey Douglas Coetzee Mada Coetzee Johannes Adrian Strauss Anton Dawid Pienaar Hervormde Kerk Van Afrika-Secunda Nederduitsch Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Republic of South Africa Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Jacobus Casparus Dry Frederik Van Der Walt Yssel Andries Stefanus Du Toit Rensburg Victor Lourens Jansen Van Martha Hendrina Loots Philippus Cornelius Johannes Loots Hendrik Lodewyk Mans Adri Brewis Rudolph Petrus Brewis Todor Nikolov Tanya Petkova Nikolova Louise Nel Petrus Abel Louw Nel Casper Jacobus Bester Carin Hestelle De Jager Republic of South Africa Annie Emerance Mabel Coetzer Daniel Johannes Coetzer Elizabeth Du Plessis Aletta Magdalena Steurer Catharina Johanna Potgieter Natasha Herbst Riaan Herbst Hanalie Prinsloo Marthinus Prinsloo Andri Mahne Johannes Mahne Christina Magdalena Herbst David Johannes Stephanus Herbst Sibyl Kasselman Jan Christoffel Nel Richard Roper Botes Wilma Botes Anneli Pretorius Pieter Corne Pretorius Gideon Van Wyk Jacobs Lizelle Kotze Gonaselan Naicker Jennifer Audrey Naicker Daniel Abraham Louw Kruger Brendan Charl Brown Pamela Lynette Brown Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 488 of Secunda 962sqm 962.0000-SQM R972,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 489 of Secunda 490 of Secunda 962sqm 962sqm 962.0000-SQM 962.0000-SQM R1,052,000.00 R852,000.00 RES - Residential 491 of Secunda 962sqm 962.0000-SQM R962,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential WOR - Places of Worship UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 492 of Secunda 493 of Secunda 494 of Secunda 962sqm 962sqm 4401sqm 962.0000-SQM 962.0000-SQM 4401.0000-SQM R1,002,000.00 R862,000.00 R3,020,000.00 495 of Secunda 496 of Secunda 497 of Secunda 498 of Secunda 499 of Secunda 500 of Secunda 501 of Secunda 502 of Secunda 503 of Secunda 1860sqm 3.4589Ha 3.4340Ha 2.4270Ha 1036sqm 832sqm 832sqm 832sqm 832sqm 3.4340-H 2.4270-H 1036.0000-SQM 832.0000-SQM 832.0000-SQM 832.0000-SQM 832.0000-SQM R460,000.00 R17,750,000.00 R10,100,000.00 R150,000.00 R1,077,000.00 R833,000.00 R1,023,000.00 R863,000.00 R973,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 504 of Secunda 505 of Secunda 832sqm 832sqm 832.0000-SQM 832.0000-SQM R853,000.00 R883,000.00 RES - Residential 506 of Secunda 832sqm 832.0000-SQM R863,000.00 RES - Residential 507 of Secunda 832sqm 832.0000-SQM R823,000.00 RES - Residential 508 of Secunda 832sqm 832.0000-SQM R953,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 509 of Secunda 510 of Secunda 832sqm 948sqm 832.0000-SQM 948.0000-SQM R883,000.00 R1,021,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 511 of Secunda 512 of Secunda 513 of Secunda 514 of Secunda 1068sqm 936sqm 936sqm 936sqm 1068.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM R1,159,000.00 R900,000.00 R920,000.00 R990,000.00 RES - Residential 515 of Secunda 936sqm 936.0000-SQM R1,258,000.00 RES - Residential 516 of Secunda 936sqm 936.0000-SQM R1,140,000.00 RES - Residential 517 of Secunda 936sqm 936.0000-SQM R870,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 518 of Secunda 519 of Secunda 520 of Secunda 936sqm 936sqm 936sqm 936.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM R980,000.00 R1,270,000.00 R1,060,000.00 RES - Residential 521 of Secunda 1098sqm 1098.0000-SQM R1,032,000.00 RES - Residential 522 of Secunda 1395sqm 1395.0000-SQM R1,043,000.00 RES - Residential 523 of Secunda 1037sqm 1037.0000-SQM R947,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 524 of Secunda 525 of Secunda 848sqm 832sqm 848.0000-SQM 832.0000-SQM R824,000.00 R883,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 486 of Secunda 487 of Secunda Page 18 962sqm 962sqm 962.0000-SQM 962.0000-SQM R1,032,000.00 R1,372,000.00 Registered description 526 of Secunda 527 of Secunda 528 of Secunda 529 of Secunda 530 of Secunda 531 of Secunda 532 of Secunda 533 of Secunda 534 of Secunda 535 of Secunda 536 of Secunda 537 of Secunda 538 of Secunda 539 of Secunda 540 of Secunda 541 of Secunda 542 of Secunda 543 of Secunda 544 of Secunda 545 of Secunda 546 of Secunda 547 of Secunda 548 of Secunda 549 of Secunda 550 of Secunda 551 of Secunda 552 of Secunda 553 of Secunda 554 of Secunda 555 of Secunda 556 of Secunda 557 of Secunda 558 of Secunda 559 of Secunda 560 of Secunda 561 of Secunda 562 of Secunda 563 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Elliot Ndabikhona Maseko Mamsie Mercy Mtsweni Bank Of South Africa Ltd Standard Martha Magdalena Pretorius Thomas Edwin Slaughter Kriel Joalane Sina Rakoti Bernize Fourie Hendrik Fourie Hendri Cornelius Farber Hendri Cornelius Farber Andrew Brian Naidoo Virginia Naidoo Gustav Engelbrecht Nicole Engelbrecht Marthinus Jacobus De Wald Steyn Sonja Ingrid Steyn Lorraine Boshoff Simon Lodewyk Boshoff Johannes Marthinus Meyer Mariska Meyer Kenneth Stanton Killian Margaretha Cornelia Killian Castle Servaas Knipe Maria Magaretha Knipe David Frederick Shaw Roelof Erasmus Le Roux Esmrah Nieuwoudt Wyk Jan Louis Van Theodorus Cornelius Joubert Magdalena Sophia Bender Jacomina Hendriena Steinmann Jan Hendrik Steinmann Nicole Cloete Lee Rich Jan Christoffel Prinsloo Nicolette Prinsloo Alwyn Jacobus Carstens Pieter Wouter Retief Alan John Docherty Heilie Magdalena Gerbrecht De Jonge Anita Cornelia Swanepoel Christoffel Daniel Dirks Elsie Fransina Dirks der Merwe Francois Van der Merwe Sonette Van Maria Elizabeth Bresler Catherina Du Plessis Erns Hendrik Du Plessis Phillippus Rudolph Hattingh Linda Cornelia Lombaard Of The Province Of South Africa Anglican Church Maria Aletta Stroebel Clive Mark Garner Lizette Garner Zakhele Grifton Vilakazi Republic of South Africa Kehinde Rashidi Adisa Marius De Swardt Jacobus Christoffel Rudolph Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 527 of Secunda 528 of Secunda 529 of Secunda 530 of Secunda 531 of Secunda 832sqm 832sqm 832sqm 832sqm 832sqm 832.0000-SQM 832.0000-SQM 832.0000-SQM 832.0000-SQM 832.0000-SQM R853,000.00 R833,000.00 R893,000.00 R893,000.00 R1,019,000.00 RES - Residential 532 of Secunda 916sqm 916.0000-SQM R1,269,000.00 RES - Residential 533 of Secunda 1012sqm 1012.0000-SQM R1,015,000.00 RES - Residential 534 of Secunda 936sqm 936.0000-SQM R970,000.00 RES - Residential 535 of Secunda 936sqm 936.0000-SQM R1,130,000.00 RES - Residential 536 of Secunda 936sqm 936.0000-SQM R1,148,000.00 RES - Residential 537 of Secunda 936sqm 936.0000-SQM R980,000.00 RES - Residential 538 of Secunda 936sqm 936.0000-SQM R830,000.00 RES - Residential 539 of Secunda 936sqm 936.0000-SQM R950,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 540 of Secunda 541 of Secunda 1081sqm 1081sqm 1081.0000-SQM 1081.0000-SQM R830,000.00 R1,080,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 542 of Secunda 543 of Secunda 544 of Secunda 545 of Secunda 1303sqm 1077sqm 1047sqm 1062sqm 1303.0000-SQM 1077.0000-SQM 1047.0000-SQM 1062.0000-SQM R1,136,000.00 R1,140,000.00 R1,108,000.00 R1,109,000.00 RES - Residential 546 of Secunda 988sqm 988.0000-SQM R874,000.00 RES - Residential 547 of Secunda 988sqm 988.0000-SQM R1,134,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 548 of Secunda 549 of Secunda 550 of Secunda 551 of Secunda 988sqm 988sqm 988sqm 988sqm 988.0000-SQM 988.0000-SQM 988.0000-SQM 988.0000-SQM R944,000.00 R1,014,000.00 R1,104,000.00 R1,084,000.00 RES - Residential 552 of Secunda 988sqm 988.0000-SQM R984,000.00 RES - Residential 553 of Secunda 989sqm 989.0000-SQM R774,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 554 of Secunda 555 of Secunda 1083sqm 1338sqm 1083.0000-SQM 1338.0000-SQM R1,001,000.00 R1,009,000.00 RES - Residential 556 of Secunda 892sqm 892.0000-SQM R1,317,000.00 WOR - Places of Worship RES - Residential RES - Residential 557 of Secunda 3239sqm 3239.0000-SQM R962,000.00 558 of Secunda 559 of Secunda 892sqm 992sqm 892.0000-SQM 992.0000-SQM R937,000.00 R844,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 560 of Secunda 561 of Secunda 562 of Secunda 563 of Secunda 900sqm 816sqm 816sqm 816sqm 900.0000-SQM 816.0000-SQM 816.0000-SQM 816.0000-SQM R867,000.00 R821,000.00 R961,000.00 R871,000.00 RES - Residential 526 of Secunda Page 19 832sqm 832.0000-SQM R1,013,000.00 Registered description 564 of Secunda 565 of Secunda 566 of Secunda 567 of Secunda 568 of Secunda 569 of Secunda 570 of Secunda 571 of Secunda 572 of Secunda 573 of Secunda 574 of Secunda 575 of Secunda 576 of Secunda 577 of Secunda 578 of Secunda 579 of Secunda 580 of Secunda 581 of Secunda 582 of Secunda 583 of Secunda 584 of Secunda 585 of Secunda 586 of Secunda 587 of Secunda 588 of Secunda 589 of Secunda 590 of Secunda 591 of Secunda 592 of Secunda 593 of Secunda 594 of Secunda 595 of Secunda 596 of Secunda 597 of Secunda 598 of Secunda 599 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Charles Henry Buchholz Christine Buchholz Johannes Urbanes Human Michiel Wilhelm Drotsky Julie Ann Rohrs Walter Richard Rohrs Rensburg Franz Antony Jansen Van Rensburg Nadine Jansen Van Vuuren Martha Elizabeth Van Vuuren Pieter Wynand Van Andries Johannes Steyn Lilly Steyn Theunis Gert Victor Hendrina Johanna Riekert Simon Lodewyk Riekert Anna Elizabeth Steenkamp Pieter Andries Odendaal Ruenda Odendaal Vuuren Petronella Gertruida Van Vuuren Wynand Stephanus Van Elizabeth Maria Human Willem Jacobus Wynand Human Petro Thomson William Rodney Thomson Alida Veronica Smith Samuel Hendrik Smith Herman Wilhelm Piater Jacoba Maria Piater Gideon Johannes Botha William Bucknall Deborah Taylor Vincent Taylor Aletta Johanna Badenhorst Casper Hendrik Badenhorst Ireneusz Andrzej Wanicki Zelka Rabie Heerden Frederick Johannes Van Dirk Johannes Venter Louis Francois Louwrens Louis Francois Louwrens Francina Susanna Booyse Jacobus Cornelius Johannes Booyse Victor Hattingh Petrus Jacobus Petzer Wanda Petzer der Westhuizen Carel Van der Westhuizen Lasea Christina Van Anna Jacoba De Bruyn Pieter Booysen De Bruyn Vuuren Wanda Jansen Van Vuuren Wessel Christiaan Jansen Van Daniel Gerhardt Smith Gerbrecht Elisebeth Maria Christina Marais Philippus Schalkwyk Marais Daniel Petrus Simon Ferreira Margaretha Jacoba Ferreira Gerda Aletta Hattingh Gwendoline Patricia Robinson Ronald Henry Robinson Pieter Jan Vrolijk Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 565 of Secunda 566 of Secunda 567 of Secunda 816sqm 816sqm 900sqm 816.0000-SQM 816.0000-SQM 900.0000-SQM R941,000.00 R901,000.00 R847,000.00 RES - Residential 568 of Secunda 1014sqm 1014.0000-SQM R846,000.00 RES - Residential 569 of Secunda 918sqm 918.0000-SQM R949,000.00 RES - Residential 570 of Secunda 918sqm 918.0000-SQM R879,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 571 of Secunda 572 of Secunda 918sqm 918sqm 918.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM R879,000.00 R909,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 573 of Secunda 574 of Secunda 918sqm 918sqm 918.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM R1,166,000.00 R899,000.00 RES - Residential 575 of Secunda 990sqm 990.0000-SQM R1,153,000.00 RES - Residential 576 of Secunda 940sqm 940.0000-SQM R1,000,000.00 RES - Residential 577 of Secunda 884sqm 884.0000-SQM R866,000.00 RES - Residential 578 of Secunda 952sqm 952.0000-SQM R921,000.00 RES - Residential 579 of Secunda 1161sqm 1161.0000-SQM R886,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 580 of Secunda 581 of Secunda 582 of Secunda 896sqm 896sqm 832sqm 896.0000-SQM 896.0000-SQM 832.0000-SQM R967,000.00 R797,000.00 R893,000.00 RES - Residential 583 of Secunda 832sqm 832.0000-SQM R973,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 584 of Secunda 585 of Secunda 832sqm 832sqm 832.0000-SQM 832.0000-SQM R973,000.00 R903,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 586 of Secunda 587 of Secunda 832sqm 916sqm 832.0000-SQM 916.0000-SQM R783,000.00 R1,009,000.00 RES - Residential 588 of Secunda 1032sqm 1032.0000-SQM R917,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 589 of Secunda 590 of Secunda 936sqm 936sqm 936.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM R810,000.00 R810,000.00 RES - Residential 591 of Secunda 936sqm 936.0000-SQM R930,000.00 RES - Residential 592 of Secunda 936sqm 936.0000-SQM R890,000.00 RES - Residential 593 of Secunda 936sqm 936.0000-SQM R840,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 594 of Secunda 595 of Secunda 1008sqm 1008sqm 1008.0000-SQM 1008.0000-SQM R975,000.00 R925,000.00 RES - Residential 596 of Secunda 1106sqm 1106.0000-SQM R1,022,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 597 of Secunda 598 of Secunda 1272sqm 972sqm 1272.0000-SQM 972.0000-SQM R1,194,000.00 R1,083,000.00 RES - Residential 599 of Secunda 869sqm 869.0000-SQM R855,000.00 RES - Residential 564 of Secunda Page 20 816sqm 816.0000-SQM R911,000.00 Registered description 600 of Secunda 601 of Secunda 602 of Secunda 603 of Secunda 604 of Secunda 605 of Secunda 606 of Secunda 607 of Secunda 608 of Secunda 609 of Secunda 610 of Secunda 611 of Secunda 612 of Secunda 613 of Secunda 614 of Secunda 615 of Secunda 616 of Secunda 617 of Secunda (Portion 1) 617 of Secunda (Portion 2) 617 of Secunda (Portion 3) 617 of Secunda (Portion 4) 617 of Secunda (Portion 5) 617 of Secunda (Portion 6) 617 of Secunda (Portion 7) 617 of Secunda (Portion 8) 617 of Secunda (Portion 9) 617 of Secunda (Portion 10) 617 of Secunda (Portion 11) 617 of Secunda (Portion 12) 617 of Secunda (Portion 13) 617 of Secunda (Portion 14) 617 of Secunda (Portion 15) 617 of Secunda (Portion 16) 617 of Secunda (Portion 17) 617 of Secunda (Portion 18) 617 of Secunda (Portion 19) 617 of Secunda (Portion 20) 617 of Secunda (Portion 21) 617 of Secunda (Portion 22) 617 of Secunda (Portion 23) 617 of Secunda (Portion 24) 617 of Secunda (Portion 25) 617 of Secunda (Portion 26) 617 of Secunda (Portion 27) 617 of Secunda (Portion 28) 617 of Secunda (Portion 29) Names of Owner(s) Aquarella Inv 13 Cc Francois Petrus Pretorius Sonja Pretorius Izak Jacobus Nel Millicent Nason Nel der Merwe Anton Johannes Van der Merwe Helen Alice Van der Merwe Diane Van der Merwe Thomas Benjamin Van Rensburg Louies Van Elliot Hendrik Jacobus Wessels Hermanus Steyn Theresa Ann Steyn Bongani Lovemore Mhlanga Joyce Lettie Mhlanga Jan Adriaan Louw Sanet Louw Sonny Robert O'neill Nicolene Stoop Ockert Philippus Stoop Govan Mbeki Municipality George Edward Joubert Martie Kruger Zyl Hendrina Susanna Van Zyl Willem Jacobus Van Aletta Jacoba De Lange der Merwe Abraham Christoffel Van Richard Bernard Sharp Deborah Dakalo Funyufunyu Thendo Owen Tshibalo Sizwe Nkululeko Radebe Salmona Trading Cc Ashish Prithiraj Creighton Reole Nagiah Kamentha Naidu Pooven Pillay Shahzad Rizwan Boldprops 1007 Cc Boldprops 1007 Cc Boldprops 1007 Cc Boldprops 1007 Cc Boldprops 1007 Cc Boldprops 1007 Cc Boldprops 1007 Cc Boldprops 1007 Cc Boldprops 1007 Cc Salmona Trading Cc Boldprops 1007 Cc Mixalis Kyriakakis Aninda Chakraborty Tricia Angela Chakraborty Salmona Trading Cc Boldprops 1007 Cc Boldprops 1007 Cc Boldprops 1007 Cc Boldprops 1007 Cc Boldprops 1007 Cc Boldprops 1007 Cc Boldprops 1007 Cc Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 602 of Secunda 1287sqm 1287.0000-SQM R955,000.00 RES - Residential 603 of Secunda 1007sqm 1007.0000-SQM R955,000.00 RES - Residential 604 of Secunda 1007sqm 1007.0000-SQM R905,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 605 of Secunda 606 of Secunda 607 of Secunda 1007sqm 1007sqm 1007sqm 1007.0000-SQM 1007.0000-SQM 1007.0000-SQM R855,000.00 R1,105,000.00 R905,000.00 RES - Residential 608 of Secunda 1007sqm 1007.0000-SQM R875,000.00 RES - Residential 609 of Secunda 1007sqm 1007.0000-SQM R865,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 610 of Secunda 611 of Secunda 1007sqm 1083sqm 1007.0000-SQM 1083.0000-SQM R905,000.00 R991,000.00 MUN - Municipal RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 612 of Secunda 613 of Secunda 614 of Secunda 615 of Secunda 5849sqm 983sqm 950sqm 950sqm 5849.0000-SQM 983.0000-SQM 950.0000-SQM 950.0000-SQM R580,000.00 R913,000.00 R1,321,000.00 R931,000.00 RES - Residential 616 of Secunda 965sqm 965.0000-SQM R912,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 617 of Secunda (Portion 1) 617 of Secunda (Portion 2) 208sqm 220sqm 208.0000-SQM 220.0000-SQM R1,018,000.00 R799,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 617 of Secunda (Portion 3) 617 of Secunda (Portion 4) 617 of Secunda (Portion 5) 617 of Secunda (Portion 6) 617 of Secunda (Portion 7) 221sqm 220sqm 208sqm 217sqm 217sqm 221.0000-SQM 220.0000-SQM 208.0000-SQM 217.0000-SQM 217.0000-SQM R799,000.00 R769,000.00 R768,000.00 R768,000.00 R768,000.00 RES - Residential VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential RES - Residential 617 of Secunda (Portion 8) 617 of Secunda (Portion 9) 617 of Secunda (Portion 10) 617 of Secunda (Portion 11) 617 of Secunda (Portion 12) 617 of Secunda (Portion 13) 617 of Secunda (Portion 14) 617 of Secunda (Portion 15) 617 of Secunda (Portion 16) 617 of Secunda (Portion 17) 617 of Secunda (Portion 18) 617 of Secunda (Portion 19) 617 of Secunda (Portion 20) 617 of Secunda (Portion 21) 212sqm 204sqm 216sqm 216sqm 216sqm 216sqm 214sqm 317sqm 213sqm 210sqm 201sqm 314sqm 216sqm 207sqm 212.0000-SQM 204.0000216.0000216.0000216.0000216.0000211.0000323.0000213.0000210.0000201.0000316.0000216.0000208.0000- R778,000.00 R54,500.00 R57,500.00 R57,500.00 R57,500.00 R58,000.00 R57,500.00 R82,500.00 R57,000.00 R56,000.00 R54,000.00 R81,500.00 R788,000.00 R838,000.00 RES - Residential VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land 617 of Secunda (Portion 22) 617 of Secunda (Portion 23) 617 of Secunda (Portion 24) 617 of Secunda (Portion 25) 617 of Secunda (Portion 26) 617 of Secunda (Portion 27) 617 of Secunda (Portion 28) 617 of Secunda (Portion 29) 252sqm 254sqm 254sqm 254sqm 252sqm 251sqm 253sqm 253sqm 251.0000254.0000254.0000254.0000251.0000251.0000254.0000254.0000- R841,000.00 R67,000.00 R67,000.00 R67,000.00 R66,500.00 R66,500.00 R67,000.00 R67,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 600 of Secunda 601 of Secunda Page 21 884sqm 940sqm 884.0000-SQM 940.0000-SQM R906,000.00 R940,000.00 Registered description 617 of Secunda (Portion 30) 617 of Secunda (Portion 31) 617 of Secunda (Portion 32) 617 of Secunda (Portion 33) 617 of Secunda (Portion 34) 617 of Secunda (Portion 35) 617 of Secunda (Portion 36) 617 of Secunda (Portion 37) 617 of Secunda (Portion 38) 617 of Secunda (Portion 39) 617 of Secunda (Portion 40) 617 of Secunda (Portion 41) 617 of Secunda (Portion 42) 617 of Secunda (Portion 43) 617 of Secunda (Portion 44) 617 of Secunda (Portion 45) 617 of Secunda (Portion 46) 617 of Secunda (Portion 47) 617 of Secunda (Portion 48) 617 of Secunda (Portion 49) 617 of Secunda (Portion 50) 617 of Secunda (Portion 51) 617 of Secunda (Portion 52) 617 of Secunda (Portion 53) 617 of Secunda (Portion 54) 617 of Secunda (Portion 55) 617 of Secunda (Portion 56) 617 of Secunda (Portion 57) 617 of Secunda (Portion 58) 617 of Secunda (Portion 59) 617 of Secunda (Portion 60) 617 of Secunda (Portion 61) 617 of Secunda (Portion 62) 617 of Secunda (Portion 63) 617 of Secunda (Portion 64) 617 of Secunda (Portion 65) 617 of Secunda (Portion 66) 617 of Secunda (Portion 67) 617 of Secunda (Portion 68) 618 of Secunda 619 of Secunda 620 of Secunda 621 of Secunda 622 of Secunda 623 of Secunda 624 of Secunda 625 of Secunda 626 of Secunda 627 of Secunda 628 of Secunda 629 of Secunda 630 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Boldprops 1007 Cc Salmona Trading Cc Boldprops 1007 Cc Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Maria Magdalena Locke Pieter Willem Zeelie Mvulane Jabulani James Mngomezulu Gareth Martin Uys Louis Vermaak Deirdre Muller Eugene Muller Mervin Purchase Meryle Gail Purchase Johan Alwyn Maritz Nhlanhla David Nhlapo Vangile Emily Nhlapo Johanna Jacoba Aletta Du Bruyn Gonasagri Gounden Jaynathan Gounden Hendrik Schalk Strombeck Hendrina Francina Strombeck Toshlin Naidoo Category VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential Address 617 of Secunda (Portion 30) 617 of Secunda (Portion 31) 617 of Secunda (Portion 32) 617 of Secunda (Portion 33) 617 of Secunda (Portion 34) 617 of Secunda (Portion 35) 617 of Secunda (Portion 36) 617 of Secunda (Portion 37) 617 of Secunda (Portion 38) 617 of Secunda (Portion 39) 617 of Secunda (Portion 40) 617 of Secunda (Portion 41) 617 of Secunda (Portion 42) 617 of 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RES - Residential 627 of Secunda 628 of Secunda 1328sqm 1190sqm 1328.0000-SQM 1190.0000-SQM R962,000.00 R918,000.00 RES - Residential 629 of Secunda 884sqm 884.0000-SQM R1,006,000.00 RES - Residential 630 of Secunda 1008sqm 1008.0000-SQM R905,000.00 Page 22 Registered description 631 of Secunda 632 of Secunda 633 of Secunda 634 of Secunda 635 of Secunda 636 of Secunda 637 of Secunda 638 of Secunda 639 of Secunda 640 of Secunda 641 of Secunda 642 of Secunda 643 of Secunda 644 of Secunda 645 of Secunda 646 of Secunda 647 of Secunda 648 of Secunda 649 of Secunda 650 of Secunda 651 of Secunda 652 of Secunda 653 of Secunda 654 of Secunda 655 of Secunda 656 of Secunda 657 of Secunda 658 of Secunda 659 of Secunda 660 of Secunda 661 of Secunda 662 of Secunda 663 of Secunda 664 of Secunda 665 of Secunda 666 of Secunda 667 of Secunda 668 of Secunda 669 of Secunda 670 of Secunda 671 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Christian William Pohl Lititia Pohl Enrico Franco Branca Malinda Erasmus Shaun Thomas Erasmus Beleggings Pty Ltd Draaihals Anton Booysen Sonja Booysen Susanna Segrya Jacobs Wessel Johannes Jacobs Gregory Bruce Odell der Walt Jo-Ann Michelle Van der Walt Stephanus Johannes Van Pieter Jacobus Joubert Gertruida Anna Johanna Jonker Johannes Jacobus Jonker Bruce Eelco Van Den Bosch Willem Johannes Dawid Visser Christina Fredrika Jacoba Elizabeth Els Johannes Willem Bronkhorst Imraan Aboobaker Salajee Riaan Kamffer Dyk Andrew Albertus Van Dyk Jacomina Johanna Wilhelmina Van Hubert Edwin Reynolds Alwyn Christoffel Geel Evan Geel Susan Margaret Badenhorst Rodolfo Spasimante Jason James Tee Christina Wilhelmina Johanna Louw Pieter Johannes Louw Republic of South Africa Ettienne Kotze Nomfundo Njamela Owen Lungile Njamela Zyl Ignatius Van Johannes George Van Den Berg Smit Trustees Ivan Louise Smit Ernest Lodewikus Kleynhans Maria Magdalena Kleynhans Matthys Johannes Blom Catharina Jacoba Visser Gerhardus Bruwer Visser Rooyen Anet Maryna Van Rooyen Louis Jacobus Van Adele Schoeman Hendrik Smith Schoeman Pieter Muller De Villiers Cornelia Aletta Booysen Frederik Adriaan Booysen Wyk Jan Jacobus Van Wyk Renera Elsabe Van Francis Petronella Britz Johannes Nico Britz Hendrik Steynberg Marthinus Moll Serfontein Susanna Magdalena Serfontein Renier Breunissen Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential 632 of Secunda 633 of Secunda 884sqm 884sqm 884.0000-SQM 884.0000-SQM R916,000.00 R1,006,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 634 of Secunda 635 of Secunda 979sqm 916sqm 979.0000-SQM 916.0000-SQM R1,273,000.00 R1,284,000.00 RES - Residential 636 of Secunda 816sqm 816.0000-SQM R1,297,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 637 of Secunda 638 of Secunda 816sqm 832sqm 816.0000-SQM 832.0000-SQM R1,101,000.00 R1,053,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 639 of Secunda 640 of Secunda 832sqm 992sqm 832.0000-SQM 992.0000-SQM R953,000.00 R984,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 641 of Secunda 642 of Secunda 643 of Secunda 644 of Secunda 645 of Secunda 646 of Secunda 647 of Secunda 1502sqm 1346sqm 936sqm 936sqm 936sqm 936sqm 918sqm 1502.0000-SQM 1346.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM R921,000.00 R1,039,000.00 R800,000.00 R790,000.00 R930,000.00 R1,220,000.00 R949,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 648 of Secunda 649 of Secunda 918sqm 1032sqm 918.0000-SQM 1032.0000-SQM R969,000.00 R827,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 650 of Secunda 651 of Secunda 652 of Secunda 653 of Secunda 968sqm 901sqm 901sqm 901sqm 968.0000-SQM 901.0000-SQM 901.0000-SQM 901.0000-SQM R902,000.00 R1,005,000.00 R847,000.00 R837,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 654 of Secunda 655 of Secunda 656 of Secunda 901sqm 918sqm 918sqm 901.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM R827,000.00 R899,000.00 R899,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 657 of Secunda 658 of Secunda 659 of Secunda 918sqm 918sqm 918sqm 918.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM R969,000.00 R949,000.00 R829,000.00 RES - Residential 660 of Secunda 918sqm 918.0000-SQM R859,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 661 of Secunda 662 of Secunda 918sqm 928sqm 918.0000-SQM 928.0000-SQM R909,000.00 R799,000.00 RES - Residential 663 of Secunda 946sqm 946.0000-SQM R901,000.00 RES - Residential 664 of Secunda 1036sqm 1036.0000-SQM R1,227,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 665 of Secunda 666 of Secunda 1028sqm 1026sqm 1028.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM R1,066,000.00 R926,000.00 RES - Residential 667 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026.0000-SQM R966,000.00 RES - Residential 668 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026.0000-SQM R1,086,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 669 of Secunda 670 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026sqm 1026.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM R936,000.00 R1,046,000.00 RES - Residential 671 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026.0000-SQM R916,000.00 RES - Residential 631 of Secunda Page 23 851sqm 851.0000-SQM R1,024,000.00 Registered description 672 of Secunda 673 of Secunda 674 of Secunda 675 of Secunda 676 of Secunda 677 of Secunda 678 of Secunda 679 of Secunda 680 of Secunda 681 of Secunda 682 of Secunda 683 of Secunda 684 of Secunda 685 of Secunda 686 of Secunda 687 of Secunda 688 of Secunda 689 of Secunda 690 of Secunda 691 of Secunda 692 of Secunda 693 of Secunda 694 of Secunda 695 of Secunda 696 of Secunda 697 of Secunda 698 of Secunda 699 of Secunda 700 of Secunda 701 of Secunda 702 of Secunda 703 of Secunda 704 of Secunda 705 of Secunda 706 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Wyk Magdalena Magrietha Van Wyk Marthinus Jacobus Van Cornelius Du Preez Hattingh Deventer Marika Magdaleen Van Deventer Stephanus Welthagen Van Aletta Amanda Veldman Michael Hendrik Veldman Ada Liebenberg Wouter Liebenberg Anna Sophia Susara Macdonald Hans Jacob Bernardus Macdonald Maria Elizabeth Du Plessis Pieter Georg Du Plessis Govan Mbeki Municipality Dirk Petrus Cilliers Badenhorst Gertruida Susanna Badenhorst Pieter Erasmus Barnard Susan Marie Barnard Neil Anthony Govender Salona Govender Aletta Magdalena Steurer Aletta Catharina Botha Andre Botha Niekerk Henry Van Niekerk Trudy Van Andries Helgaard Doman Andries Gerhardus Du Plessis Brenda Du Plessis Rosa Henrietta Joubert Theodorus Cornelius Joubert Herman Heukelman Elize Saayman Johannes Theodorus Saayman Christina Maria Marx Hermanus Jordaan Marx der Meer Bronislawa Franziska Van der Meer Pieter Willem Van Cathleen Susan Beukes Johann Brits Beukes Piet-Nel De Vos Rensburg Liesl Van Catharina Elisabeth Engelbrecht Ferdinand Johannes Engelbrecht Elizabeth Johanna Klue Willem Johannes Klue Eulicia Twigge Douglas Tinkhani Mughogho Yasuzga Brenda Mughogho Casparus Jacobus Maree Bester Maria Isabella Bester Anne Coetzer Jenee Wanliss Catharina Henriete Strydom Maria Johanna Burger Barend Jacobus Smit Martha Johanna Louisa Smit Lindiwe Junior Moropa Morake Lazarus Moropa Chrisna Leonard Izak De Vries Leonard Gideon Johannes Oosthuyse Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential 673 of Secunda 674 of Secunda 1026sqm 1007sqm 1026.0000-SQM 1007.0000-SQM R846,000.00 R1,075,000.00 RES - Residential 675 of Secunda 1007sqm 1007.0000-SQM R835,000.00 RES - Residential 676 of Secunda 1007sqm 1007.0000-SQM R915,000.00 RES - Residential 677 of Secunda 1007sqm 1007.0000-SQM R1,085,000.00 RES - Residential 678 of Secunda 1112sqm 1112.0000-SQM R943,000.00 MUN - Municipal RES - Residential 679 of Secunda 680 of Secunda 5457sqm 1150sqm 5457.0000-SQM 1150.0000-SQM R136,000.00 R945,000.00 RES - Residential 681 of Secunda 952sqm 952.0000-SQM R1,089,000.00 RES - Residential 682 of Secunda 952sqm 952.0000-SQM R1,099,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 683 of Secunda 684 of Secunda 952sqm 952sqm 952.0000-SQM 952.0000-SQM R911,000.00 R959,000.00 RES - Residential 685 of Secunda 952sqm 952.0000-SQM R1,259,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 686 of Secunda 687 of Secunda 952sqm 952sqm 952.0000-SQM 952.0000-SQM R881,000.00 R851,000.00 RES - Residential 688 of Secunda 952sqm 952.0000-SQM R791,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 689 of Secunda 690 of Secunda 952sqm 1042sqm 952.0000-SQM 1042.0000-SQM R841,000.00 R1,018,000.00 RES - Residential 691 of Secunda 1166sqm 1166.0000-SQM R1,137,000.00 RES - Residential 692 of Secunda 1064sqm 1064.0000-SQM R1,029,000.00 RES - Residential 693 of Secunda 1064sqm 1064.0000-SQM R849,000.00 RES - Residential 694 of Secunda 1064sqm 1064.0000-SQM R1,099,000.00 RES - Residential 695 of Secunda 1064sqm 1064.0000-SQM R969,000.00 RES - Residential 696 of Secunda 1064sqm 1064.0000-SQM R909,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 697 of Secunda 698 of Secunda 1064sqm 1064sqm 1064.0000-SQM 1064.0000-SQM R839,000.00 R809,000.00 RES - Residential 699 of Secunda 1064sqm 1064.0000-SQM R949,000.00 RES - Residential 700 of Secunda 1064sqm 1064.0000-SQM R929,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 701 of Secunda 702 of Secunda 703 of Secunda 1106sqm 1114sqm 969sqm 1106.0000-SQM 1114.0000-SQM 969.0000-SQM R1,042,000.00 R993,000.00 R892,000.00 RES - Residential 704 of Secunda 969sqm 969.0000-SQM R882,000.00 RES - Residential 705 of Secunda 1278sqm 1278.0000-SQM R1,098,000.00 RES - Residential 706 of Secunda 1415sqm 1415.0000-SQM R1,140,000.00 RES - Residential 672 of Secunda Page 24 1026sqm 1026.0000-SQM R806,000.00 Registered description 707 of Secunda 708 of Secunda 709 of Secunda 710 of Secunda 711 of Secunda 712 of Secunda 713 of Secunda 714 of Secunda 715 of Secunda 716 of Secunda 717 of Secunda 718 of Secunda 719 of Secunda 720 of Secunda 721 of Secunda 722 of Secunda 723 of Secunda 724 of Secunda 725 of Secunda 726 of Secunda 727 of Secunda 728 of Secunda 729 of Secunda 730 of Secunda 731 of Secunda 732 of Secunda 733 of Secunda 734 of Secunda 735 of Secunda 736 of Secunda 737 of Secunda 738 of Secunda 739 of Secunda 740 of Secunda 741 of Secunda 742 of Secunda 743 of Secunda 744 of Secunda 745 of Secunda 746 of Secunda 747 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Petrus Jansen Saayman Dorothea Maria Klue Republic of South Africa Adele Erasmus Andries Jacobus Erasmus Darshini Narainsamy Govindsamy Narainsamy Hendrik Christoffel Stander Marius Malan Jacques Jean Albrech Willem Hendrik Boshoff Anna Maria Petronella Pretorius Pieter Jacobus Renier Albertus Pretorius Leonardus Johannes Labuschagne Machteld Margarette Labuschagne Christina Maria Marx Irma Stadler Wyk James William Van Carla Venter Jan Herculaas Venter C2morrow Trust Rykhardt Pelser Lucia Charlotte Wels Elise Labuschagne Govan Mbeki Municipality Frederik Johannes Wepener Cornelius Steurer Niekerk Daniel Peterus Van Niekerk Juanita Van Jacobus Gabriel Visser Jacobus Gerhardus Van Den Bergh Rensburg Lenise Vanessa Janse Van Rensburg Willem Abraham Janse Van Andrew Martin Arthur Horger Anna Maria Horger Hanna Danuta Atlasik Tomasz Atlasik Michelle Denysschen Rudy Wright Of The Province Of South Africa Anglican Church Anthea Du Toit Pieter Andries Du Toit Ivanhoe Pretorius Janetta Daluna Pretorius der Walt Cornelius Machiel Van der Walt Hester Van Andries Johannes Burger Schalk Windt Govan Mbeki Municipality Rianne Enslin Christo Theunis Keyter Hannelie Becker Marius Becker Lucy Elizabeth Wanjugu Schnobel Michael Schnobel Wyk Marie Van Schalkwyk David Petrus Jacobus Van Jealous Chitima Tercy Chitima Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 711 of Secunda 1188sqm 1188.0000-SQM R1,048,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 712 of Secunda 713 of Secunda 714 of Secunda 715 of Secunda 1080sqm 1080sqm 1200sqm 1418sqm 1080.0000-SQM 1080.0000-SQM 1200.0000-SQM 1418.0000-SQM R950,000.00 R1,040,000.00 R969,000.00 R855,000.00 RES - Residential 716 of Secunda 1042sqm 1042.0000-SQM R938,000.00 RES - Residential 717 of Secunda 952sqm 952.0000-SQM R941,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 718 of Secunda 719 of Secunda 1054sqm 1178sqm 1054.0000-SQM 1178.0000-SQM R968,000.00 R907,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 720 of Secunda 721 of Secunda 722 of Secunda 723 of Secunda 724 of Secunda 725 of Secunda 726 of Secunda 727 of Secunda 1064sqm 1166sqm 1002sqm 952sqm 952sqm 952sqm 952sqm 952sqm 1064.0000-SQM 1166.0000-SQM 1002.0000-SQM 952.0000-SQM 952.0000-SQM 952.0000-SQM 952.0000-SQM 952.0000-SQM R859,000.00 R967,000.00 R1,075,000.00 R1,011,000.00 R771,000.00 R1,209,000.00 R811,000.00 R851,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 728 of Secunda 729 of Secunda 730 of Secunda 952sqm 952sqm 952sqm 952.0000-SQM 952.0000-SQM 952.0000-SQM R891,000.00 R841,000.00 R1,041,000.00 RES - Residential 731 of Secunda 952sqm 952.0000-SQM R901,000.00 RES - Residential 732 of Secunda 952sqm 952.0000-SQM R1,051,000.00 RES - Residential 733 of Secunda 952sqm 952.0000-SQM R971,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 734 of Secunda 735 of Secunda 952sqm 1029sqm 952.0000-SQM 1029.0000-SQM R981,000.00 R916,000.00 RES - Residential 736 of Secunda 1166sqm 1166.0000-SQM R1,058,000.00 RES - Residential 737 of Secunda 1064sqm 1064.0000-SQM R1,009,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 738 of Secunda 739 of Secunda 740 of Secunda 741 of Secunda 742 of Secunda 743 of Secunda 1064sqm 1064sqm 1064sqm 1064sqm 1064sqm 1064sqm 1064.0000-SQM 1064.0000-SQM 1064.0000-SQM 1064.0000-SQM 1064.0000-SQM 1064.0000-SQM R939,000.00 R959,000.00 R809,000.00 R899,000.00 R849,000.00 R839,000.00 RES - Residential 744 of Secunda 1064sqm 1064.0000-SQM R1,039,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 745 of Secunda 746 of Secunda 747 of Secunda 1064sqm 1064sqm 1064sqm 1064.0000-SQM 1064.0000-SQM 1064.0000-SQM R789,000.00 R989,000.00 R1,179,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 707 of Secunda 708 of Secunda 709 of Secunda 710 of Secunda Page 25 1093sqm 972sqm 972sqm 1068sqm 1093.0000-SQM 972.0000-SQM 972.0000-SQM 1068.0000-SQM R1,151,000.00 R953,000.00 R833,000.00 R1,039,000.00 Registered description 748 of Secunda 749 of Secunda 750 of Secunda 751 of Secunda 752 of Secunda 753 of Secunda 754 of Secunda 755 of Secunda 756 of Secunda 757 of Secunda 758 of Secunda 759 of Secunda 760 of Secunda 761 of Secunda 762 of Secunda 763 of Secunda 764 of Secunda 765 of Secunda 766 of Secunda 767 of Secunda 768 of Secunda 769 of Secunda 770 of Secunda 770 of Secunda (Portion 2) 771 of Secunda 772 of Secunda 773 of Secunda 774 of Secunda 775 of Secunda 776 of Secunda 777 of Secunda 778 of Secunda 779 of Secunda 780 of Secunda 781 of Secunda 782 of Secunda 783 of Secunda 784 of Secunda 785 of Secunda 786 of Secunda 787 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Govan Mbeki Municipality Andore Burger Hendrik David Burger Danielle Kulenkampff Willem Hermanus Pietersen Petro Thomson Sean William Thomson William Rodney Thomson Amon Sithole Ignatia Sithole Barend Mattheus Rademeyer George William Matfield Johanna Christina Matfield Pierre Bouwer Coller Pieter Michael Van Pieter Gert Gibson Delta Blue Trading 627 Cc Elsie Maria Du Toit Emil Du Toit Bank Of South Africa Ltd Standard Evert Philippus Kleinhans David Thomas Boardman Stefanus Jesaja Ferreira Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Christina Magdalena Sophia Kriel Jacques Louis Kriel Govan Mbeki Municipality Gert Stephanus Smit Welhelmina Sophia Fredrika Smit der Walt Dirk Jacobus Van Vuuren Elizma Van Clifford Masus Sonnetta Denise Masus Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Andre Pretorius Gerhard Carel Steenkamp Laura Steenkamp Debra-Ann Botha Willem Hendrik Van Den Heever Elsa Tolsma Mischa Tolsma Werner Siegfried Ernst Gereformeerde Kerk Van Transvaal-Secunda Nederduitse Hein Botes Johan Stemmet Dirk Cornelius Petrus Botha Jan Hendrik Kruger Adriana Johanna Visser Johannes Petrus Visser Anton Herbst Elizabeth Fikile Ntsube Moloi Januarie Ntsube Zelda Botha Estelle Viljoen Pieter Johannes Viljoen Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 750 of Secunda 1104sqm 1104.0000-SQM R922,000.00 RES - Residential 751 of Secunda 1008sqm 1008.0000-SQM R845,000.00 RES - Residential 752 of Secunda 1008sqm 1008.0000-SQM R945,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 753 of Secunda 754 of Secunda 1008sqm 1008sqm 1008.0000-SQM 1008.0000-SQM R975,000.00 R1,055,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 755 of Secunda 756 of Secunda 757 of Secunda 758 of Secunda 759 of Secunda 1008sqm 1008sqm 1008sqm 1008sqm 1104sqm 1008.0000-SQM 1008.0000-SQM 1008.0000-SQM 1008.0000-SQM 1104.0000-SQM R825,000.00 R845,000.00 R825,000.00 R1,045,000.00 R1,332,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 760 of Secunda 761 of Secunda 762 of Secunda 763 of Secunda 764 of Secunda 765 of Secunda 1228sqm 1120sqm 1120sqm 1120sqm 1120sqm 1120sqm 1228.0000-SQM 1120.0000-SQM 1120.0000-SQM 1120.0000-SQM 1120.0000-SQM 1120.0000-SQM R911,000.00 R913,000.00 R943,000.00 R953,000.00 R833,000.00 R1,283,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 766 of Secunda 767 of Secunda 1120sqm 1120sqm 1120.0000-SQM 1120.0000-SQM R823,000.00 R963,000.00 RES - Residential 768 of Secunda 1120sqm 1120.0000-SQM R963,000.00 RES - Residential 769 of Secunda 1228sqm 1228.0000-SQM R911,000.00 MUN - Municipal UDT - Unregistered INS - Institution INS - Institution RES - Residential RES - Residential 770 of Secunda 770 of Secunda (Portion 2) 771 of Secunda 772 of Secunda 773 of Secunda 774 of Secunda 3510sqm 460sqm 3.1623Ha 2.2295Ha 1659sqm 1715sqm 3510.0000-SQM 3.1623-H 2.2295-H 1659.0000-SQM 1715.0000-SQM R350,000.00 R117,000.00 R16,650,000.00 R12,650,000.00 R1,112,000.00 R1,016,000.00 RES - Residential 775 of Secunda 1715sqm 1715.0000-SQM R1,056,000.00 RES - Residential 776 of Secunda 1715sqm 1715.0000-SQM R1,326,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 777 of Secunda 778 of Secunda 1715sqm 1769sqm 1715.0000-SQM 1769.0000-SQM R1,276,000.00 R1,160,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 779 of Secunda 780 of Secunda 781 of Secunda 782 of Secunda 783 of Secunda 1145sqm 1064sqm 1082sqm 1064sqm 1064sqm 1145.0000-SQM 1064.0000-SQM 1082.0000-SQM 1064.0000-SQM 1064.0000-SQM R1,086,000.00 R989,000.00 R1,020,000.00 R939,000.00 R1,119,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 784 of Secunda 785 of Secunda 1270sqm 1015sqm 1270.0000-SQM 1015.0000-SQM R994,000.00 R996,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 786 of Secunda 787 of Secunda 1097sqm 1053sqm 1097.0000-SQM 1053.0000-SQM R1,012,000.00 R948,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 748 of Secunda 749 of Secunda Page 26 1064sqm 1150sqm 1064.0000-SQM 1150.0000-SQM R829,000.00 R1,217,000.00 Registered description 788 of Secunda 789 of Secunda 790 of Secunda 791 of Secunda 792 of Secunda 793 of Secunda 794 of Secunda 795 of Secunda 796 of Secunda 797 of Secunda 798 of Secunda 799 of Secunda 800 of Secunda 801 of Secunda 802 of Secunda 803 of Secunda 804 of Secunda 805 of Secunda 806 of Secunda 807 of Secunda 808 of Secunda 809 of Secunda 810 of Secunda 811 of Secunda 812 of Secunda 813 of Secunda 814 of Secunda 815 of Secunda 816 of Secunda 817 of Secunda 818 of Secunda 819 of Secunda 820 of Secunda 821 of Secunda 822 of Secunda 823 of Secunda 824 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Jacoba Maria Kruger Marius Kruger Estelle Voges Gerhardus Voges Iona Monica Moller Petrus Christiaan Moller Johannes Marthinnus Oberholzer Niekerk Thersia Van Niekerk Willem Adriaan Christiaan Van Stephen Green Susan Estelle Green Salome Magdalena Viktor Zacharias Hendrikus Viktor Frederick Robert Dickason Jeannie Moira Dickason Willem Johannes Marthinus Ruthven Sophia Aletta Jacoba Fredrika Grobbelaar Johan Frans Lengenhager Johannes Christoffel Swanepoel Rensburg Amanda Jansen Van Rensburg Hendrik Johannes Jansen Van der Merwe Anette Van Merwe Leonard Henry Van Andries Mathys Ellis Linda Ellis Homes Pty Ltd Lunell Bhavna Rajan Bhalla Rajan Bhalla Nicolaas Everhardus Nel Surina Nel Ronald Bradley Pierre Bouwer Debora Maria Botha Rensburg Joseph Murray Puren Janse Van Charl Stander Tracey Debra Stander Ernst Frederick Johannes Naude Deon Christiaan Ludick Barend Johannes Grib Hendrina Wilhelmina Grib Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Suzaan Ferreira Johannes Christiaan Krugell Robert Henry Fourie Leonie Blaauw Zyl Petrus Cornelis Van Gilbar Inv Cc Ben Frederick Cilliers Magdalena Elizabeth Cilliers Susanna Badenhorst Aswell Moses Chirwa Rose Chirwa Margaret Rose Luddick Werner Antonius Luddick Jacobus Philippus Jordaan Laetitia Jordaan der Merwe Petrus Paulus Van der Merwe Renette Van Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 789 of Secunda 1053sqm 1053.0000-SQM R978,000.00 RES - Residential 790 of Secunda 1053sqm 1053.0000-SQM R1,048,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 791 of Secunda 792 of Secunda 941sqm 981sqm 941.0000-SQM 981.0000-SQM R930,000.00 R973,000.00 RES - Residential 793 of Secunda 976sqm 976.0000-SQM R943,000.00 RES - Residential 794 of Secunda 1513sqm 1513.0000-SQM R1,001,000.00 RES - Residential 795 of Secunda 1124sqm 1124.0000-SQM R964,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 796 of Secunda 797 of Secunda 798 of Secunda 799 of Secunda 800 of Secunda 1195sqm 1167sqm 1026sqm 1026sqm 1026sqm 1195.0000-SQM 1167.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM R959,000.00 R947,000.00 R876,000.00 R976,000.00 R906,000.00 RES - Residential 801 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026.0000-SQM R926,000.00 RES - Residential 802 of Secunda 1292sqm 1292.0000-SQM R976,000.00 BUS - Business and Commercial RES - Residential 803 of Secunda 1246sqm 1246.0000-SQM R1,089,000.00 804 of Secunda 1044sqm 1044.0000-SQM R1,228,000.00 RES - Residential 805 of Secunda 1044sqm 1044.0000-SQM R908,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 806 of Secunda 807 of Secunda 808 of Secunda 809 of Secunda 810 of Secunda 1140sqm 1212sqm 1170sqm 1458sqm 1194sqm 1140.0000-SQM 1212.0000-SQM 1170.0000-SQM 1458.0000-SQM 1194.0000-SQM R1,145,000.00 R1,030,000.00 R937,000.00 R1,178,000.00 R969,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 811 of Secunda 812 of Secunda 813 of Secunda 930sqm 878sqm 990sqm 930.0000-SQM 878.0000-SQM 990.0000-SQM R800,000.00 R896,000.00 R864,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 814 of Secunda 815 of Secunda 918sqm 918sqm 918.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM R899,000.00 R949,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 816 of Secunda 817 of Secunda 918sqm 1008sqm 918.0000-SQM 1008.0000-SQM R1,219,000.00 R1,123,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 818 of Secunda 819 of Secunda 1128sqm 1026sqm 1128.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM R1,084,000.00 R1,016,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 820 of Secunda 821 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026sqm 1026.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM R966,000.00 R876,000.00 RES - Residential 822 of Secunda 1260sqm 1260.0000-SQM R913,000.00 RES - Residential 823 of Secunda 1126sqm 1126.0000-SQM R894,000.00 RES - Residential 824 of Secunda 1161sqm 1161.0000-SQM R996,000.00 RES - Residential 788 of Secunda Page 27 1053sqm 1053.0000-SQM R998,000.00 Registered description 825 of Secunda 826 of Secunda 827 of Secunda 828 of Secunda 829 of Secunda 830 of Secunda 831 of Secunda 832 of Secunda 833 of Secunda 834 of Secunda 835 of Secunda 836 of Secunda 837 of Secunda 838 of Secunda 839 of Secunda 840 of Secunda 841 of Secunda 842 of Secunda 843 of Secunda 844 of Secunda 845 of Secunda 846 of Secunda 847 of Secunda 848 of Secunda 849 of Secunda 850 of Secunda 851 of Secunda 852 of Secunda 853 of Secunda 854 of Secunda 855 of Secunda 856 of Secunda 857 of Secunda 857 of Secunda (Portion 1) 858 of Secunda 859 of Secunda 860 of Secunda 861 of Secunda 862 of Secunda 863 of Secunda 864 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Anna Jacoba Bezuidenhout Barend Mathys Bezuidenhout Franz Otto Buchschwenter Nomgqibelo Elizabeth Gamede Hermendra Odit Morvesha Padayachi Jan Adriaan Venter Barend Stebastian Lotter Jacobus Lodewikus Botha Daniel Jacobus Philippina Louw Francina Christina Louw Aletta Elizabeth Bezuidenhout Frederik Bezuidenhout Susanna Margaretha Ernst Sussanna Margaretha Ernst Gideon Van Zyl Joubert Falcon Forest Trading 39 Pty Ltd Charmain Hester Duvenhage Johan Duvenhage Cynthia Glenica Potgieter Jan Andries Potgieter Henry Jabulani Mfeka Jabulile Florence Mfeka Jeanette Adlem Thomas David Adlem Emilia Le Roux Leon Paul Le Roux Leon Smit Jacobus Carstens Cornelia Aletta Du Toit De Villiers Du Toit Daniel Louis Vermaas Hanger Leon Hermanus Engelbrecht Bernhard Georg Lindner Johannes Welman der Westhuizen Christina Elizabeth Van der Westhuizen Wietsche Van Albert Christo Pretorius Charmaine Pretorius Johannes Jacobus Linde Sonja Linde Brenda Anne Williams Willem Daniel Adendorff Clifton Lucas Garcia Tracy Anne Garcia der Merwe Leonard Allan Van Jorge Luis Hernan Guidi Figueroa Silvia Denise Guidi Figueroa Albert Thomas Taute Carike Taute Magdalena Catharina Visser Tobie Johannes Kotze Visser Jan Dirk Heyns Du Bruyn Cornelius Johannes Verwey Anthony Zakhele Buthelezi Duduzile Patience Buthelezi Pauline Ann Allen Antwanette Snyman Daniel Belsazer Snyman Hendrik Christoffel Du Plessis Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 826 of Secunda 827 of Secunda 828 of Secunda 1283sqm 1008sqm 918sqm 1283.0000-SQM 1008.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM R1,145,000.00 R925,000.00 R889,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 829 of Secunda 830 of Secunda 831 of Secunda 832 of Secunda 918sqm 935sqm 934sqm 918sqm 918.0000-SQM 935.0000-SQM 934.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM R889,000.00 R950,000.00 R840,000.00 R899,000.00 RES - Residential 833 of Secunda 918sqm 918.0000-SQM R1,029,000.00 RES - Residential 834 of Secunda 918sqm 918.0000-SQM R959,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 835 of Secunda 836 of Secunda 837 of Secunda 918sqm 918sqm 918sqm 918.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM R929,000.00 R869,000.00 R869,000.00 RES - Residential 838 of Secunda 918sqm 918.0000-SQM R979,000.00 RES - Residential 839 of Secunda 1008sqm 1008.0000-SQM R1,005,000.00 RES - Residential 840 of Secunda 1128sqm 1128.0000-SQM R954,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 841 of Secunda 842 of Secunda 843 of Secunda 844 of Secunda 845 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026sqm 1026sqm 1026sqm 1026sqm 1026.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM R1,026,000.00 R996,000.00 R946,000.00 R1,006,000.00 R896,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 846 of Secunda 847 of Secunda 848 of Secunda 849 of Secunda 850 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026sqm 1243sqm 1207sqm 1026sqm 1026.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM 1243.0000-SQM 1207.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM R946,000.00 R876,000.00 R982,000.00 R959,000.00 R1,046,000.00 RES - Residential 851 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026.0000-SQM R1,006,000.00 RES - Residential 852 of Secunda 1128sqm 1128.0000-SQM R924,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 853 of Secunda 854 of Secunda 855 of Secunda 1312sqm 1395sqm 1098sqm 1312.0000-SQM 1395.0000-SQM 1098.0000-SQM R1,127,000.00 R913,000.00 R872,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 856 of Secunda 857 of Secunda 1008sqm 540sqm 1008.0000-SQM 540.0000-SQM R835,000.00 R782,000.00 RES - Residential 857 of Secunda (Portion 1) 936sqm 936.0000-SQM R855,000.00 RES - Residential 858 of Secunda 1425sqm 1425.0000-SQM R1,485,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 859 of Secunda 860 of Secunda 861 of Secunda 1008sqm 1008sqm 1008sqm 1008.0000-SQM 1008.0000-SQM 1008.0000-SQM R885,000.00 R945,000.00 R875,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 862 of Secunda 863 of Secunda 1008sqm 1104sqm 1008.0000-SQM 1104.0000-SQM R975,000.00 R1,072,000.00 RES - Residential 864 of Secunda 1228sqm 1228.0000-SQM R841,000.00 RES - Residential 825 of Secunda Page 28 1253sqm 1253.0000-SQM R913,000.00 Registered description 865 of Secunda 866 of Secunda 867 of Secunda 868 of Secunda 869 of Secunda 870 of Secunda 871 of Secunda 872 of Secunda 873 of Secunda 874 of Secunda 875 of Secunda 876 of Secunda 877 of Secunda 878 of Secunda 879 of Secunda 880 of Secunda 881 of Secunda 882 of Secunda 883 of Secunda 884 of Secunda 885 of Secunda 886 of Secunda 887 of Secunda 888 of Secunda 889 of Secunda 890 of Secunda 891 of Secunda 892 of Secunda 893 of Secunda 894 of Secunda 895 of Secunda 896 of Secunda 897 of Secunda 898 of Secunda 899 of Secunda 900 of Secunda 901 of Secunda 902 of Secunda 903 of Secunda 904 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Jaqueline Jones Melvin Keith Jones Jasper Jacobus Coetzee Selma Engelbrecht Petrus Paulus Olivier Manojkumar Ravjee Surekha Ravjee Amelia Van Den Berg Barend Cilliers Van Den Berg Eeden Johannes Hendrik Britz Van Barend Christoffel Groenewald Marthina Magdalena Groenewald Johannes Gideon Andrias Scheepers Wanda Jacomina Scheepers Elizabeth Karlien Swanepoel Andries Gerhardus Venter Marie Catharina Venter Dirk Johannes Hugo Eeden Johannes Hendrik Britz Van Jan Hendrik Stephanus Venter Sonja Heiletje Venter Hermanus Fourie Aletta Maria Vorster Petrus Cornelius Vorster Johannes Petrus Degenaar Tromp Damion Van Tromp Geraldine Van Seven Falls Trading 25 Pty Ltd Edward Ludovicus Koper Johannes Diederiks Steyn Martha Dorothy Steyn Abraham Hercules Le Roux Anna Maria Le Roux Sanet Kalse Quinton Marx Gary Colin Leibbrandt Johan Murray Kleyn Rita Snyman Susanna Steyn Irma Stadler Petrus Johannes Stadler Dorothy Jane Marais Ernst Hendrik Bernardus Marais Desmond Russell Salzmann Linda Salzmann Wils Trust Derrick Steph Dlamini Nkgetheni Lucky Kgatle Victoria Nthabiseng Kgatle Stephanus Jacobus Du Toit Deirdre Sullivan John Hendrey Sullivan Hanre Potgieter John-Dougal Zebedee Stott Ludolph Antonie De Klerk Ludolph Antonie De Klerk Heerden Johannes Petrus Van Bank Ltd Firstrand Heidri Margaretha Saayman Nelis Saayman Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 866 of Secunda 867 of Secunda 868 of Secunda 869 of Secunda 1120sqm 1120sqm 1120sqm 1120sqm 1120.0000-SQM 1120.0000-SQM 1120.0000-SQM 1120.0000-SQM R1,063,000.00 R853,000.00 R823,000.00 R1,013,000.00 RES - Residential 870 of Secunda 1120sqm 1120.0000-SQM R1,033,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 871 of Secunda 872 of Secunda 1120sqm 1120sqm 1120.0000-SQM 1120.0000-SQM R873,000.00 R823,000.00 RES - Residential 873 of Secunda 1120sqm 1120.0000-SQM R943,000.00 RES - Residential 874 of Secunda 1542sqm 1542.0000-SQM R1,014,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 875 of Secunda 876 of Secunda 877 of Secunda 1235sqm 1185sqm 1136sqm 1235.0000-SQM 1185.0000-SQM 1136.0000-SQM R1,061,000.00 R1,068,000.00 R964,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 878 of Secunda 879 of Secunda 1044sqm 1044sqm 1044.0000-SQM 1044.0000-SQM R1,098,000.00 R938,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 880 of Secunda 881 of Secunda 1044sqm 1044sqm 1044.0000-SQM 1044.0000-SQM R1,028,000.00 R1,068,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 882 of Secunda 883 of Secunda 884 of Secunda 1044sqm 1044sqm 1080sqm 1044.0000-SQM 1044.0000-SQM 1080.0000-SQM R928,000.00 R998,000.00 R1,090,000.00 RES - Residential 885 of Secunda 1230sqm 1230.0000-SQM R1,091,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 886 of Secunda 887 of Secunda 888 of Secunda 889 of Secunda 890 of Secunda 891 of Secunda 892 of Secunda 1160sqm 1160sqm 1160sqm 1160sqm 1160sqm 1160sqm 1028sqm 1160.0000-SQM 1160.0000-SQM 1160.0000-SQM 1160.0000-SQM 1160.0000-SQM 1160.0000-SQM 1028.0000-SQM R856,000.00 R1,126,000.00 R1,016,000.00 R896,000.00 R1,146,000.00 R876,000.00 R1,087,000.00 RES - Residential 893 of Secunda 1199sqm 1199.0000-SQM R1,119,000.00 RES - Residential 894 of Secunda 1233sqm 1233.0000-SQM R841,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 895 of Secunda 896 of Secunda 897 of Secunda 1368sqm 1248sqm 1047sqm 1368.0000-SQM 1248.0000-SQM 1047.0000-SQM R1,061,000.00 R1,242,000.00 R968,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 898 of Secunda 899 of Secunda 1550sqm 1519sqm 1550.0000-SQM 1519.0000-SQM R1,064,000.00 R1,012,000.00 RES - Residential 900 of Secunda 1532sqm 1532.0000-SQM R1,013,000.00 RES - Residential 901 of Secunda 1471sqm 1471.0000-SQM R988,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 902 of Secunda 903 of Secunda 904 of Secunda 1706sqm 2205sqm 1941sqm 1706.0000-SQM 2205.0000-SQM 1941.0000-SQM R1,215,000.00 R850,000.00 R1,132,000.00 RES - Residential 865 of Secunda Page 29 1120sqm 1120.0000-SQM R1,083,000.00 Registered description 905 of Secunda 906 of Secunda 907 of Secunda 908 of Secunda 909 of Secunda 910 of Secunda 911 of Secunda 912 of Secunda 913 of Secunda 914 of Secunda 915 of Secunda 916 of Secunda 917 of Secunda 918 of Secunda 919 of Secunda 920 of Secunda 921 of Secunda 922 of Secunda 923 of Secunda 924 of Secunda 925 of Secunda 926 of Secunda 927 of Secunda 928 of Secunda 929 of Secunda 930 of Secunda 931 of Secunda 932 of Secunda 933 of Secunda 934 of Secunda 935 of Secunda 936 of Secunda 937 of Secunda 938 of Secunda 939 of Secunda 940 of Secunda 941 of Secunda 942 of Secunda 943 of Secunda 944 of Secunda 945 of Secunda 946 of Secunda 947 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Tonder Jacobus Christoffel Van Carel Pieter Hoffman Sarah Jacomina Hoffman Philippus Johannes Meyer Gideon Jacobus Poolman Susanna Elizabeth Poolman Prop Pty Ltd Sia Philippus Jacobus Meyer Sanet Scheepers Dijk Marinus Van Petrus Dawid Swart Gereformeerde Kerk Van Transvaal-Secunda Nederduitse Frederick Robert Dickason Hein Marais Juliana Magdalena Marais Estelle Viljoen Pieter Johannes Viljoen Tonder Herculas Philipus Roedolf Van Tonder Johanna Aletha Gertina Van Johannes Hendrik Jacobus Pool Gereformeerde Kerk Secunda Nederduitse Republic of South Africa Johannes Diederik Du Toit Susanna Maria Magdalena Riekert Johanna Magdalena Bruwer Paul Jacobus Bruwer Amanda Badenhorst Petrus Johannes Badenhorst Andries Johannes Botha Marie Botha Dorethea Maria Luddick Werner Marius Luddick Hendrik Jacobus Pienaar Aardt Helena Catharina Van Gert Niewoudt Udeen Jacobs Willem Johannes Lourens Jacobs Jan Herculaas Venter Frank Michael Gottschalk Regina Hildegard Gottschalk Hendrik Johannes Bester Marlie Annette Bester Hermann Wenhold Michiel Adriaan Jonker Nikolaas George Schneider Deventer Corneluis Thomas Bothma Van Deventer Elizabeth Johanna Van Johannes Alwyn Spies Susanna Catharina Spies Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Dieter Spangenberg Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential 907 of Secunda 908 of Secunda 1575sqm 1715sqm 1575.0000-SQM 1715.0000-SQM R1,416,000.00 R1,036,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential WOR - Places of Worship RES - Residential RES - Residential 909 of Secunda 910 of Secunda 911 of Secunda 912 of Secunda 913 of Secunda 914 of Secunda 1715sqm 1715sqm 1715sqm 1715sqm 1556sqm 5575sqm 1715.0000-SQM 1715.0000-SQM 1715.0000-SQM 1715.0000-SQM 1556.0000-SQM 5575.0000-SQM R1,426,000.00 R966,000.00 R1,226,000.00 R976,000.00 R1,065,000.00 R4,180,000.00 915 of Secunda 916 of Secunda 1102sqm 1102sqm 1102.0000-SQM 1102.0000-SQM R902,000.00 R872,000.00 RES - Residential 917 of Secunda 1090sqm 1090.0000-SQM R901,000.00 RES - Residential 918 of Secunda 1090sqm 1090.0000-SQM R861,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential GOV - State Owned RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 919 of Secunda 920 of Secunda 921 of Secunda 922 of Secunda 923 of Secunda 924 of Secunda 1102sqm 1102sqm 8.9257Ha 1122sqm 1026sqm 1026sqm 1102.0000-SQM 1102.0000-SQM 8.9257-H 1122.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM R982,000.00 R962,000.00 R15,200,000.00 R1,013,000.00 R876,000.00 R1,136,000.00 RES - Residential 925 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026.0000-SQM R1,036,000.00 RES - Residential 926 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026.0000-SQM R906,000.00 RES - Residential 927 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026.0000-SQM R1,036,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 928 of Secunda 929 of Secunda 930 of Secunda 931 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026sqm 1122sqm 1175sqm 1026.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM 1122.0000-SQM 1175.0000-SQM R926,000.00 R1,066,000.00 R1,013,000.00 R917,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 932 of Secunda 933 of Secunda 1070sqm 1140sqm 1070.0000-SQM 1140.0000-SQM R930,000.00 R905,000.00 RES - Residential 934 of Secunda 1140sqm 1140.0000-SQM R955,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 935 of Secunda 936 of Secunda 937 of Secunda 938 of Secunda 1140sqm 1140sqm 1140sqm 1140sqm 1140.0000-SQM 1140.0000-SQM 1140.0000-SQM 1140.0000-SQM R1,285,000.00 R995,000.00 R1,005,000.00 R905,000.00 RES - Residential 939 of Secunda 1248sqm 1248.0000-SQM R992,000.00 MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal RES - Residential RES - Residential 940 of Secunda 941 of Secunda 942 of Secunda 943 of Secunda 944 of Secunda 945 of Secunda 946 of Secunda 947 of Secunda 1100sqm 555sqm 438sqm 1150sqm 243sqm 4.2623Ha 860sqm 767sqm 1100.0000-SQM 555.0000-SQM 438.0000-SQM 1150.0000-SQM 243.0000-SQM 4.2623-H 860.0000-SQM 767.0000-SQM R110,000.00 R141,000.00 R112,000.00 R265,000.00 R64,500.00 R4,150,000.00 R724,000.00 R705,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 905 of Secunda 906 of Secunda Page 30 1715sqm 1715sqm 1715.0000-SQM 1715.0000-SQM R1,056,000.00 R1,076,000.00 Registered description 948 of Secunda 949 of Secunda 950 of Secunda 951 of Secunda 952 of Secunda 953 of Secunda 954 of Secunda 955 of Secunda 956 of Secunda 957 of Secunda 958 of Secunda 959 of Secunda 960 of Secunda 961 of Secunda 962 of Secunda 963 of Secunda 964 of Secunda 965 of Secunda 966 of Secunda 967 of Secunda 968 of Secunda 969 of Secunda 970 of Secunda 971 of Secunda 972 of Secunda 973 of Secunda 974 of Secunda 975 of Secunda 976 of Secunda 977 of Secunda 978 of Secunda 979 of Secunda 980 of Secunda 981 of Secunda 982 of Secunda 983 of Secunda 984 of Secunda 985 of Secunda 986 of Secunda 987 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) der Walt Johannes Hermanus Van der Walt Rene Van Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Julian Andrzey Lapacz Hulst Eben Van Adriana Elizabeth Viljoen Henning Johannes Viljoen Johannes Adam Zuidersma Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Dyk Jurgens Johannes Van Dyk Magdalena Dorothea Van Gerhard Hercules Du Plooy Gabriel Jacobus Le Roux Raymond Victor Christina Erasmus Susanna Johanna Droomer Theuis Gerrit Droomer Nicholas Johannes Pretorius Gabriel Tshepo Lethale Vuyiswa Sylvia Lethale Antonio Di Loreto Leonora Cornelia Coetzee Olive Martin Coetzee Jan Sebastiaan Rabie Cornelis Janse Steyn Laura Parker Gabriel De Klerk Dumisani Pati Paulita Bester Petrus Abraham Bester Sarasvathie Rajiah Subbiaha Rajiah Hester Christina Elizabeth Beukes Petrus Johannes Andries Beukes William Frederick August Diener Mark Mitchel Lategan Jonathan Vockerodt Nokukhanya Mahlangu Albertus Carel Johannes Hanekom Sandra Henriette Hanekom der Walt Hannah Maria Elizabeth Van der Walt Jan Van Rensburg Pieter Hendrik Janse Van Dharmesh Chanthkarun Sadhana Chanthkarun Schaik Annatjie Sophia Van Schaik Carl Hermann Van Mildred Elvina Engelbrecht Julien Paul Reginald der Merwe Barbara Christina Van der Merwe Marthinus Johannes Van Pietro Gino Primavesi Jacobus Stefanus Moolman Matilda Elizabeth Moolman Catharina Maria Rautenbach Lewis Adriaan Rautenbach Johanna Maria Griffin Pieter Wilhelm Marius Griffin Martha Maria Gertzen Trevor Terrance Gertzen Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 949 of Secunda 950 of Secunda 951 of Secunda 952 of Secunda 776sqm 776sqm 776sqm 776sqm 776.0000-SQM 776.0000-SQM 776.0000-SQM 776.0000-SQM R730,000.00 R830,000.00 R705,000.00 R750,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 953 of Secunda 954 of Secunda 955 of Secunda 776sqm 810sqm 782sqm 776.0000-SQM 810.0000-SQM 782.0000-SQM R700,000.00 R700,000.00 R819,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 956 of Secunda 957 of Secunda 958 of Secunda 959 of Secunda 960 of Secunda 682sqm 682sqm 682sqm 682sqm 682sqm 682.0000-SQM 682.0000-SQM 682.0000-SQM 682.0000-SQM 682.0000-SQM R767,000.00 R707,000.00 R717,000.00 R787,000.00 R857,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 961 of Secunda 962 of Secunda 682sqm 682sqm 682.0000-SQM 682.0000-SQM R787,000.00 R788,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 963 of Secunda 964 of Secunda 771sqm 860sqm 771.0000-SQM 860.0000-SQM R738,000.00 R754,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 965 of Secunda 966 of Secunda 967 of Secunda 968 of Secunda 969 of Secunda 970 of Secunda 776sqm 776sqm 776sqm 776sqm 776sqm 776sqm 776.0000-SQM 776.0000-SQM 776.0000-SQM 776.0000-SQM 776.0000-SQM 776.0000-SQM R740,000.00 R780,000.00 R790,000.00 R870,000.00 R828,000.00 R850,000.00 RES - Residential 971 of Secunda 833sqm 833.0000-SQM R982,000.00 RES - Residential 972 of Secunda 929sqm 929.0000-SQM R795,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 973 of Secunda 974 of Secunda 951sqm 816sqm 951.0000-SQM 816.0000-SQM R747,000.00 R802,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 975 of Secunda 976 of Secunda 816sqm 816sqm 816.0000-SQM 816.0000-SQM R752,000.00 R742,000.00 RES - Residential 977 of Secunda 816sqm 816.0000-SQM R832,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 978 of Secunda 979 of Secunda 816sqm 816sqm 816.0000-SQM 816.0000-SQM R892,000.00 R832,000.00 RES - Residential 980 of Secunda 816sqm 816.0000-SQM R792,000.00 RES - Residential 981 of Secunda 1036sqm 1036.0000-SQM R811,000.00 RES - Residential 982 of Secunda 924sqm 924.0000-SQM R816,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 983 of Secunda 984 of Secunda 792sqm 792sqm 792.0000-SQM 792.0000-SQM R761,000.00 R741,000.00 RES - Residential 985 of Secunda 792sqm 792.0000-SQM R830,000.00 RES - Residential 986 of Secunda 792sqm 792.0000-SQM R761,000.00 RES - Residential 987 of Secunda 792sqm 792.0000-SQM R790,000.00 RES - Residential 948 of Secunda Page 31 776sqm 776.0000-SQM R750,000.00 Registered description 988 of Secunda 989 of Secunda 990 of Secunda 991 of Secunda 992 of Secunda 993 of Secunda 994 of Secunda 995 of Secunda 996 of Secunda 997 of Secunda 998 of Secunda 999 of Secunda 1000 of Secunda 1001 of Secunda 1002 of Secunda 1003 of Secunda 1004 of Secunda 1005 of Secunda 1006 of Secunda 1007 of Secunda 1008 of Secunda 1009 of Secunda 1010 of Secunda 1011 of Secunda 1012 of Secunda 1013 of Secunda 1014 of Secunda 1015 of Secunda 1016 of Secunda 1017 of Secunda 1018 of Secunda 1019 of Secunda 1020 of Secunda 1021 of Secunda 1022 of Secunda 1023 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Ruan Noel Mason Stancia Audrey Mason Christina Magrita Breetzke Pedro Breetzke Wilhelmina Jacoba Pieterse Jabulani Phillip Mthembu Beverley De Bruyn Pierre De Bruyn Gerika Deventia Visser Johan Visser Johannes Ronald Olivier Susanna Magrieta Olivier Michelle Kruger Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Alanda Muller Piater Gustav Erich Piater Kate Makitlane Mavimbela Sphiwe Petrus Mavimbela Sarasvathie Rajiah Steffney Rajiah Subbiaha Rajiah Sandra-Sue Powell Wayne Malcolm Powell Tienie Sophia Alberts Alfred Dean Papa Mashaba Queen Zanele Mashaba Bernard Liebenberg Martha Louisa Liebenberg Priscilla Omega June Lottering Tommie Lottering Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Pebblestone Prop 57 Cc Castle Ultra Trading 272 Pty Ltd Malefu Patricia Sekaledi Motsuba Elias Thomas Sekaledi der Walt Gerrit Paul Van Andries Jonathan Lategan Andries Jonathan Lategan Eunice Gazi Sipho Gazi Abel Hendrik Daniel Tromp Catharina Johanna Tromp Maserame Mabel Ceba Joseph Fredrick Knipe Glen Mitton Andries Johannes Koekemoer Anna Maryna Koekemoer Brenda Storm Zandberg Johann Andre Zandberg Jaco Jacobus Bam Linda Charity Peter Thomas Siyabonga Peter Jacobus Marthinus Fourie Lorinda Fourie Bernardus Johnstonen Du Plessis Lynette Du Plessis Francinah Mmule Monamudi Godwin Monamudi Abraham Petrus Neethling Elsie Magdalena Jacoba Neethling Johannes Petrus Beselaar Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 989 of Secunda 888sqm 888.0000-SQM R1,128,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 990 of Secunda 991 of Secunda 992 of Secunda 936sqm 864sqm 864sqm 936.0000-SQM 864.0000-SQM 864.0000-SQM R802,000.00 R784,000.00 R826,000.00 RES - Residential 993 of Secunda 864sqm 864.0000-SQM R786,000.00 RES - Residential 994 of Secunda 864sqm 864.0000-SQM R964,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 995 of Secunda 996 of Secunda 997 of Secunda 864sqm 976sqm 846sqm 864.0000-SQM 976.0000-SQM 846.0000-SQM R786,000.00 R786,000.00 R775,000.00 RES - Residential 998 of Secunda 759sqm 759.0000-SQM R770,000.00 RES - Residential 999 of Secunda 759sqm 759.0000-SQM R770,000.00 RES - Residential 1000 of Secunda 759sqm 759.0000-SQM R860,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1001 of Secunda 1002 of Secunda 837sqm 933sqm 837.0000-SQM 933.0000-SQM R883,000.00 R796,000.00 RES - Residential 1003 of Secunda 888sqm 888.0000-SQM R725,000.00 RES - Residential 1004 of Secunda 887sqm 887.0000-SQM R755,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1005 of Secunda 1006 of Secunda 1007 of Secunda 1008 of Secunda 845sqm 845sqm 759sqm 814sqm 845.0000-SQM 845.0000-SQM 759.0000-SQM 814.0000-SQM R753,000.00 R783,000.00 R740,000.00 R732,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1009 of Secunda 1010 of Secunda 744sqm 759sqm 744.0000-SQM 759.0000-SQM R729,000.00 R780,000.00 RES - Residential 1011 of Secunda 759sqm 759.0000-SQM R720,000.00 RES - Residential 1012 of Secunda 759sqm 759.0000-SQM R740,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1013 of Secunda 1014 of Secunda 759sqm 846sqm 759.0000-SQM 846.0000-SQM R820,000.00 R765,000.00 RES - Residential 1015 of Secunda 841sqm 841.0000-SQM R763,000.00 RES - Residential 1016 of Secunda 790sqm 790.0000-SQM R891,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1017 of Secunda 1018 of Secunda 822sqm 855sqm 822.0000-SQM 855.0000-SQM R832,000.00 R733,000.00 RES - Residential 1019 of Secunda 1212sqm 1212.0000-SQM R847,000.00 RES - Residential 1020 of Secunda 990sqm 990.0000-SQM R787,000.00 RES - Residential 1021 of Secunda 884sqm 884.0000-SQM R755,000.00 RES - Residential 1022 of Secunda 815sqm 815.0000-SQM R792,000.00 RES - Residential 1023 of Secunda 874sqm 874.0000-SQM R754,000.00 RES - Residential 988 of Secunda Page 32 792sqm 792.0000-SQM R800,000.00 Registered description 1024 of Secunda 1025 of Secunda 1026 of Secunda 1027 of Secunda 1028 of Secunda 1029 of Secunda 1030 of Secunda 1031 of Secunda 1032 of Secunda 1033 of Secunda 1034 of Secunda 1035 of Secunda 1036 of Secunda 1037 of Secunda 1038 of Secunda 1039 of Secunda 1040 of Secunda 1041 of Secunda 1042 of Secunda 1043 of Secunda 1044 of Secunda 1045 of Secunda 1046 of Secunda 1047 of Secunda 1048 of Secunda 1049 of Secunda 1050 of Secunda 1051 of Secunda 1052 of Secunda 1053 of Secunda 1054 of Secunda 1055 of Secunda 1056 of Secunda 1057 of Secunda 1058 of Secunda 1059 of Secunda 1060 of Secunda 1061 of Secunda 1062 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Goodness Ntomfuthi Zulu Vusi Hezekiel Zulu Alson Mpofu Jacob Msana Mahlangu Nokusa Bellina Mahlangu Cornelia Magrieta Van Den Berg Francois Nicolaas Van Den Berg Wyk Neil Malcolm Van Aletta Johanna Maas Alex Maas Robert Alexander Maas Malesela Martina Senoamadi Nkgadi Piet Senoamadi Matela Paulus Selepe Theodora Diketso Selepe Aletta Magrietha Fransina Stemmet Jacobus Daniel Stemmet Aletta Catharina Elizabeth Fourie Gideon Johannes Fourie Ryan Donovan Finnis Melusi Martin Kubheka Krubeshen Naicker Anna Sophia Bossert Jan Christoffel Bossert Gabriel Jacobus Roselt Samantha Angelique Wright Teboho Moses Leepile Sean Andrew Boyley Mosiuwa Bokfel Hlalele Resetse Jacob Sesane Tshavhuyo Sesane Mabel Patiens Phillis Ralph Norman Phillis Makhosazane Mosley Mokhele Silumko Oscar Mokhele Patrick Henry Du Plessis Wyk Annemarie Van Wyk Johan Oswald Van Antonia Ntombembo Kubheka der Merwe Diedirick Martunhus Arnoldus Van der Merwe Philippus Johannes Jacobus Van Mathys Johannes Visagie Zelda Visagie Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Wyk Elizabeth Gertruida Van Anna Mamokebe Kekana Setjwamadi Lawrence Kekana Brenda Mercia Mettler Wilfred Jaco Mettler Bonginkosi Dumisani Mbambo Clifford Leslie Snyman Susanna Jacoba Ambrose Trevor Ambrose Tsunke Daniel Hlanyane Bertram John Thomas Ellard Juliana Hendrika Ellard Nelson Sipho Soka Wrispa Gobuwane Soka Nadia Roux Paul Anthony Clifford Roux Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential 1025 of Secunda 1026 of Secunda 792sqm 807sqm 792.0000-SQM 807.0000-SQM R741,000.00 R851,000.00 RES - Residential 1027 of Secunda 803sqm 803.0000-SQM R791,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1028 of Secunda 1029 of Secunda 890sqm 846sqm 890.0000-SQM 846.0000-SQM R735,000.00 R763,000.00 RES - Residential 1030 of Secunda 759sqm 759.0000-SQM R740,000.00 RES - Residential 1031 of Secunda 759sqm 759.0000-SQM R750,000.00 RES - Residential 1032 of Secunda 759sqm 759.0000-SQM R767,000.00 RES - Residential 1033 of Secunda 1023sqm 1023.0000-SQM R780,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1034 of Secunda 1035 of Secunda 1036 of Secunda 1037 of Secunda 1362sqm 1071sqm 825sqm 759sqm 1362.0000-SQM 1071.0000-SQM 825.0000-SQM 759.0000-SQM R813,000.00 R752,000.00 R732,000.00 R720,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1038 of Secunda 1039 of Secunda 1040 of Secunda 1041 of Secunda 1042 of Secunda 1043 of Secunda 759sqm 759sqm 846sqm 1029sqm 936sqm 936sqm 759.0000-SQM 759.0000-SQM 846.0000-SQM 1029.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM R760,000.00 R787,000.00 R723,000.00 R850,000.00 R827,000.00 R887,000.00 RES - Residential 1044 of Secunda 936sqm 936.0000-SQM R727,000.00 RES - Residential 1045 of Secunda 1002sqm 1002.0000-SQM R729,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1046 of Secunda 1047 of Secunda 1113sqm 888sqm 1113.0000-SQM 888.0000-SQM R764,000.00 R725,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1048 of Secunda 1049 of Secunda 1050 of Secunda 1051 of Secunda 888sqm 888sqm 859sqm 888sqm 888.0000-SQM 888.0000-SQM 859.0000-SQM 888.0000-SQM R755,000.00 R785,000.00 R744,000.00 R785,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1052 of Secunda 1053 of Secunda 1054 of Secunda 888sqm 888sqm 888sqm 888.0000-SQM 888.0000-SQM 888.0000-SQM R745,000.00 R755,000.00 R795,000.00 RES - Residential 1055 of Secunda 888sqm 888.0000-SQM R765,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1056 of Secunda 1057 of Secunda 1058 of Secunda 999sqm 950sqm 939sqm 999.0000-SQM 950.0000-SQM 939.0000-SQM R739,000.00 R737,000.00 R807,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1059 of Secunda 1060 of Secunda 813sqm 893sqm 813.0000-SQM 893.0000-SQM R812,000.00 R691,000.00 RES - Residential 1061 of Secunda 910sqm 910.0000-SQM R796,000.00 RES - Residential 1062 of Secunda 464sqm 464.0000-SQM R798,000.00 RES - Residential 1024 of Secunda Page 33 876sqm 876.0000-SQM R764,000.00 Registered description 1062 of Secunda (Portion 1) 1063 of Secunda 1064 of Secunda 1065 of Secunda 1066 of Secunda 1067 of Secunda 1068 of Secunda 1069 of Secunda 1070 of Secunda 1071 of Secunda 1072 of Secunda 1073 of Secunda 1074 of Secunda 1075 of Secunda 1076 of Secunda 1077 of Secunda 1078 of Secunda 1079 of Secunda 1080 of Secunda 1081 of Secunda 1082 of Secunda 1083 of Secunda 1084 of Secunda 1085 of Secunda 1086 of Secunda 1087 of Secunda 1088 of Secunda 1089 of Secunda 1090 of Secunda 1091 of Secunda 1092 of Secunda 1093 of Secunda 1094 of Secunda 1095 of Secunda 1096 of Secunda 1097 of Secunda 1098 of Secunda 1099 of Secunda 1100 of Secunda 1101 of Secunda 1102 of Secunda 1103 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) C L S Familie Trust Geoffrey Allen Brown Yvonne Wilhelmina Brown Vincent Taylor Jaroslaw Tyszkiewicz Madelene Bisschoff Philippus Johannes Cornelius Bisschoff Kerk Van Afrika Ou Apostoliese Minda Magdelena Geyer Deon Botha Yvette Botha Bequiet Thobela Mrwetyana Evelina Nomakula Mrwetyana Deseree Gail Niemand Johannes Frederick Marthinus Niemand Louis Mathys De Lange Madelein De Lange der Walt Geertruida Adriana Van der Walt Stefanus Van Allan Blair Ashmead Pieter Schalk Coetzer Johanna Salome Kitching Vuuren Peter Van Funku Thomas Zulu Thandi Adelaide Zulu Kim Alan White Enoch Bhekizenzo Sibiya Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Melvin Kevin Wraight Andrew Abraham Bosman Emmanuel Jebogo Sombane Lettie Dikeledi Sombane Poppie Christina Sombane Joshua Khumalo Zyl Amanda Van Zyl Johannes Lodewikus Van Mervin Price Anna Maria Bezuidenhout Leonard Barend Jacobus Bezuidenhout Willem Johannes Swart Valerie Rozanne Van Den Bergh der Walt Antoinette Van der Walt Francois Jacobus Schalk Van Rudi Pretorius Carel Johannes Lombard Magriet Lombard Dawid Jacobus Combrink Renche Combrink Mothupi Moses Ramasike der Westhuizen Nadia Van Harry Nkosinathi Biyela Isabella Jacoba Bronkhorst Kathy Trust Jacob Mokoena Annastasia Zwiegelaar Pieter Zwiegelaar Lindiwe Matilda Mahlaba Mutshinyali Trust Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1064 of Secunda 1065 of Secunda 1066 of Secunda 840sqm 840sqm 784sqm 840.0000-SQM 840.0000-SQM 784.0000-SQM R804,000.00 R753,000.00 R771,000.00 WOR - Places of Worship RES - Residential RES - Residential 1067 of Secunda 2771sqm 2771.0000-SQM R2,339,000.00 1068 of Secunda 1069 of Secunda 990sqm 864sqm 990.0000-SQM 864.0000-SQM R829,000.00 R774,000.00 RES - Residential 1070 of Secunda 864sqm 864.0000-SQM R744,000.00 RES - Residential 1071 of Secunda 882sqm 882.0000-SQM R878,000.00 RES - Residential 1072 of Secunda 888sqm 888.0000-SQM R845,000.00 RES - Residential 1073 of Secunda 806sqm 806.0000-SQM R791,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1074 of Secunda 1075 of Secunda 1076 of Secunda 1077 of Secunda 1078 of Secunda 890sqm 888sqm 888sqm 888sqm 912sqm 890.0000-SQM 888.0000-SQM 888.0000-SQM 888.0000-SQM 912.0000-SQM R755,000.00 R828,000.00 R765,000.00 R815,000.00 R756,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1079 of Secunda 1080 of Secunda 1081 of Secunda 1082 of Secunda 1083 of Secunda 1084 of Secunda 912sqm 888sqm 1089sqm 1119sqm 998sqm 775sqm 912.0000-SQM 888.0000-SQM 1089.0000-SQM 1119.0000-SQM 998.0000-SQM 775.0000-SQM R836,000.00 R775,000.00 R783,000.00 R764,000.00 R779,000.00 R740,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1085 of Secunda 1086 of Secunda 775sqm 825sqm 775.0000-SQM 825.0000-SQM R720,000.00 R772,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1087 of Secunda 1088 of Secunda 825sqm 721sqm 825.0000-SQM 721.0000-SQM R752,000.00 R868,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1089 of Secunda 1090 of Secunda 1091 of Secunda 767sqm 771sqm 696sqm 767.0000-SQM 771.0000-SQM 696.0000-SQM R940,000.00 R840,000.00 R747,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1092 of Secunda 1093 of Secunda 714sqm 705sqm 714.0000-SQM 705.0000-SQM R758,000.00 R692,000.00 RES - Residential 1094 of Secunda 705sqm 705.0000-SQM R767,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1095 of Secunda 1096 of Secunda 1097 of Secunda 1098 of Secunda 1099 of Secunda 1100 of Secunda 1101 of Secunda 705sqm 679sqm 862sqm 907sqm 944sqm 769sqm 769sqm 705.0000-SQM 679.0000-SQM 862.0000-SQM 907.0000-SQM 944.0000-SQM 769.0000-SQM 769.0000-SQM R747,000.00 R691,000.00 R884,000.00 R725,000.00 R733,000.00 R750,000.00 R798,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1102 of Secunda 1103 of Secunda 769sqm 898sqm 769.0000-SQM 898.0000-SQM R695,000.00 R855,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1062 of Secunda (Portion 1) 1063 of Secunda Page 34 435sqm 809sqm 435.0000-SQM 809.0000-SQM R600,000.00 R772,000.00 Registered description 1104 of Secunda 1105 of Secunda 1106 of Secunda 1107 of Secunda 1108 of Secunda 1109 of Secunda 1110 of Secunda 1111 of Secunda 1112 of Secunda 1113 of Secunda 1114 of Secunda 1115 of Secunda 1116 of Secunda 1117 of Secunda 1118 of Secunda 1119 of Secunda 1120 of Secunda 1121 of Secunda 1122 of Secunda 1123 of Secunda 1124 of Secunda 1125 of Secunda 1126 of Secunda 1127 of Secunda 1128 of Secunda 1129 of Secunda 1130 of Secunda 1131 of Secunda 1132 of Secunda 1133 of Secunda 1134 of Secunda 1135 of Secunda 1136 of Secunda 1137 of Secunda 1138 of Secunda 1139 of Secunda 1140 of Secunda 1141 of Secunda 1142 of Secunda 1143 of Secunda 1144 of Secunda 1145 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Mutshinyali Trust Thamsanqa July Mnembe Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Motsei Daisy Lelake Sello Andries Lelake Mohle Gun Nkosi Nana Anna Nkosi Pieter David Hendrik Stephanus Henning Siphiwe Felicity Nhlapo Gezani Norman Ntshane Gladys Ntshane Elizabeth Christina Venter Johannes Petrus Venter Dimakatso Annah Mohloba Seage Adam Mohloba Brian Henry Holloway Hannie Catherina Magdelena Holloway Belinda Preston Stephan Keith Preston Matsidiso Aletta Mavuso Michael John Williams Sonja Williams Heidi Linda Venter Jan Adriaan Cornelius Venter Jan Van Zyl Trust Rudi Pretorius Makgabo Margaret Kekana Vusi Johannes Kekana Catholic Church-Dundee Roman Etienne Fourie Fredirika Philipina Fourie Nicoleen Johanna Delport Martin Antonio Barrios Amanda Naomi Du Preez Gert Jacobus Du Preez Mpho Jacobeth Gorekwang Republic of South Africa Provincial Government Of The Mpumalanga Province Gert Hendrik Rautenbach Mccarthy Rensburg Cecilia Magdalena Janse Van Rensburg Lourens Petrus Janse Van Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Kathy Trust Kathy Trust Kathy Trust Kathy Trust Kathy Trust Johannes Petrus Bresler Bob Stevens Paul Kenneth Jones Rhona Melanie Jones Mckaystraat Beleggings Cc Craig Lennard Category RES - Residential RES - Residential UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered RES - Residential Address 1104 of Secunda 1105 of Secunda 1106 of Secunda 1107 of Secunda 1108 of Secunda Extent 840sqm 933sqm 2583sqm 6357sqm 936sqm Extent (DO) 840.0000-SQM 933.0000-SQM Market Value Remarks 936.0000-SQM R743,000.00 R846,000.00 R1,270,000.00 R5,100,000.00 R727,000.00 RES - Residential 1109 of Secunda 913sqm 913.0000-SQM R716,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1110 of Secunda 1111 of Secunda 1112 of Secunda 995sqm 936sqm 936sqm 995.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM R729,000.00 R717,000.00 R717,000.00 RES - Residential 1113 of Secunda 936sqm 936.0000-SQM R717,000.00 RES - Residential 1114 of Secunda 1001sqm 1001.0000-SQM R759,000.00 RES - Residential 1115 of Secunda 1161sqm 1161.0000-SQM R836,000.00 RES - Residential 1116 of Secunda 1020sqm 1020.0000-SQM R730,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1117 of Secunda 1118 of Secunda 962sqm 935sqm 962.0000-SQM 935.0000-SQM R718,000.00 R747,000.00 RES - Residential 1119 of Secunda 1010sqm 1010.0000-SQM R880,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1120 of Secunda 1121 of Secunda 1122 of Secunda 962sqm 962sqm 925sqm 962.0000-SQM 962.0000-SQM 925.0000-SQM R728,000.00 R818,000.00 R756,000.00 WOR - Places of Worship RES - Residential 1123 of Secunda 4038sqm 4038.0000-SQM R2,402,000.00 1124 of Secunda 875sqm 875.0000-SQM R744,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1125 of Secunda 1126 of Secunda 1127 of Secunda 875sqm 934sqm 907sqm 875.0000-SQM 934.0000-SQM 907.0000-SQM R714,000.00 R737,000.00 R775,000.00 RES - Residential GOV - State Owned GOV - State Owned 1128 of Secunda 1129 of Secunda 1130 of Secunda 910sqm 2720sqm 3.5342Ha 910.0000-SQM 2720.0000-SQM 3.5342-H R726,000.00 R1,836,000.00 R17,350,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1131 of Secunda 1132 of Secunda 916sqm 848sqm 916.0000-SQM 848.0000-SQM R766,000.00 R743,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1133 of Secunda 1134 of Secunda 1135 of Secunda 1136 of Secunda 1137 of Secunda 1138 of Secunda 1139 of Secunda 1140 of Secunda 1141 of Secunda 1142 of Secunda 1143 of Secunda 857sqm 875sqm 922sqm 970sqm 1207sqm 1183sqm 912sqm 1024sqm 970sqm 970sqm 1015sqm 857.0000-SQM 875.0000-SQM 922.0000-SQM 970.0000-SQM 1207.0000-SQM 1183.0000-SQM 912.0000-SQM 1024.0000-SQM 970.0000-SQM 970.0000-SQM 1015.0000-SQM R713,000.00 R709,000.00 R726,000.00 R728,000.00 R727,000.00 R1,016,000.00 R726,000.00 R720,000.00 R748,000.00 R718,000.00 R780,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1144 of Secunda 1145 of Secunda 972sqm 1032sqm 972.0000-SQM 1032.0000-SQM R738,000.00 R750,000.00 Page 35 Registered description 1146 of Secunda 1147 of Secunda 1148 of Secunda 1149 of Secunda 1150 of Secunda 1151 of Secunda 1152 of Secunda 1153 of Secunda 1154 of Secunda 1155 of Secunda 1156 of Secunda 1157 of Secunda 1158 of Secunda 1159 of Secunda 1160 of Secunda 1161 of Secunda 1162 of Secunda 1163 of Secunda 1164 of Secunda 1165 of Secunda 1166 of Secunda 1167 of Secunda 1168 of Secunda 1169 of Secunda 1170 of Secunda 1171 of Secunda 1172 of Secunda 1173 of Secunda 1174 of Secunda 1175 of Secunda 1176 of Secunda 1177 of Secunda 1178 of Secunda 1179 of Secunda 1180 of Secunda 1181 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Johan Nieman Susara Catharina Salomina Nieman Maria Alida Saayman Zyl Frederik Petrus Van Anna Susanna Pretorius Gabriel Ernst Pretorius Dingaan Isaac Mahlangu Violet Mokgadi Mahlangu Jacomina Petronella Cornelia Coetzer Theunis Lawies Coetzer Jason Joseph Engligh Elsa-Marie Shana Ferreira Rudolph Johannes Ferreira Cinga Joseph Mhlongo Ntomboxolo Tukie Mhlongo Andries Johannes Venter Wiepk Marijke Harkema Johann Arthur Rottcher Marlene Rottcher Mathilda Edith Ethel De Vries Petrus Johannes De Vries Johannes Coetzee Lilian Gail Coetzee der Walt Andreas Francois Van der Walt Juanita Van Alastair Clifford Hill Dithomo James Manchidi Mamohlake Nickel Manchidi Rampedi Peter Molepo Hanlie Vermaak Paul Johannes Vermaak Johan Faber Sandrie Stephanie Faber Gwendoline Ethel Joubert Paul Josua Joubert Gwendoline Ethel Joubert Paul Josua Joubert Manojkumar Sewsunker Sarika Sewsunker Paulina Hendrika Erika Locke Willem Johannes Locke Pieter Jacobus Antoni Kotze Susan Anna Kotze Wilhelm Theodore Boshoff Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Geertruida Willamina Vliek Eunice Ntomboxolo Pantsi Tobile Vincent Pantsi Veronica Cornelia Reiners Johannes Zondi Mnisi Benjamin Du Toit Carstens Isabella Carstens Johannes Jacobus Olivier Zyl Anton Rodan Van Mduduzi Mfeka Ronald Fransiscus Henriet Ronald Fransiscus Henriet James Willim Henry Douglas Johanna Elizabeth Cornelia Douglas Ornus Theo Perelaer Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 1147 of Secunda 1083sqm 1083.0000-SQM R732,000.00 RES - Residential 1148 of Secunda 1313sqm 1313.0000-SQM R822,000.00 RES - Residential 1149 of Secunda 872sqm 872.0000-SQM R924,000.00 RES - Residential 1150 of Secunda 806sqm 806.0000-SQM R901,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1151 of Secunda 1152 of Secunda 887sqm 1032sqm 887.0000-SQM 1032.0000-SQM R805,000.00 R695,000.00 RES - Residential 1153 of Secunda 936sqm 936.0000-SQM R747,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1154 of Secunda 1155 of Secunda 1156 of Secunda 936sqm 955sqm 940sqm 936.0000-SQM 955.0000-SQM 940.0000-SQM R837,000.00 R860,000.00 R717,000.00 RES - Residential 1157 of Secunda 900sqm 900.0000-SQM R835,000.00 RES - Residential 1158 of Secunda 1032sqm 1032.0000-SQM R760,000.00 RES - Residential 1159 of Secunda 1014sqm 1014.0000-SQM R885,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1160 of Secunda 1161 of Secunda 932sqm 1143sqm 932.0000-SQM 1143.0000-SQM R852,000.00 R880,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1162 of Secunda 1163 of Secunda 893sqm 805sqm 893.0000-SQM 805.0000-SQM R850,000.00 R815,000.00 RES - Residential 1164 of Secunda 805sqm 805.0000-SQM R895,000.00 RES - Residential 1165 of Secunda 846sqm 846.0000-SQM R865,000.00 RES - Residential 1166 of Secunda 941sqm 941.0000-SQM R870,000.00 RES - Residential 1167 of Secunda 1067sqm 1067.0000-SQM R895,000.00 RES - Residential 1168 of Secunda 1066sqm 1066.0000-SQM R904,000.00 RES - Residential 1169 of Secunda 840sqm 840.0000-SQM R874,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1170 of Secunda 1171 of Secunda 840sqm 927sqm 840.0000-SQM 927.0000-SQM R995,000.00 R830,000.00 RES - Residential 1172 of Secunda 840sqm 840.0000-SQM R815,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1173 of Secunda 1174 of Secunda 1175 of Secunda 840sqm 840sqm 952sqm 840.0000-SQM 840.0000-SQM 952.0000-SQM R965,000.00 R825,000.00 R864,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1176 of Secunda 1177 of Secunda 1178 of Secunda 1179 of Secunda 952sqm 936sqm 936sqm 936sqm 952.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM R910,000.00 R1,000,000.00 R880,000.00 R820,000.00 RES - Residential 1180 of Secunda 936sqm 936.0000-SQM R910,000.00 RES - Residential 1181 of Secunda 936sqm 936.0000-SQM R800,000.00 RES - Residential 1146 of Secunda Page 36 1082sqm 1082.0000-SQM R742,000.00 Registered description 1182 of Secunda 1183 of Secunda 1184 of Secunda 1185 of Secunda 1186 of Secunda 1187 of Secunda 1188 of Secunda 1189 of Secunda 1190 of Secunda 1191 of Secunda 1192 of Secunda 1193 of Secunda 1194 of Secunda 1195 of Secunda 1196 of Secunda 1197 of Secunda 1198 of Secunda 1199 of Secunda 1200 of Secunda 1201 of Secunda 1202 of Secunda 1203 of Secunda 1204 of Secunda 1205 of Secunda 1206 of Secunda 1207 of Secunda 1208 of Secunda 1209 of Secunda 1210 of Secunda 1211 of Secunda 1212 of Secunda 1213 of Secunda 1214 of Secunda 1215 of Secunda 1216 of Secunda 1217 of Secunda 1218 of Secunda 1219 of Secunda 1220 of Secunda 1221 of Secunda 1222 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Oshana Naidoo Marentia 75 Cc Magdalena Elizabeth Schwab Petrus Stephanus Schwab Andre Ono Otto Christiaan Barend Stephanus Jacobs Maria Adriana Petronella Jacobs Stuart Peter Kent Joachim Paul Louw Atkinson Maria Magaretha Wilhelmina Atkinson Niekerk Jacob Van Niekerk Magdalena Elizabeth Van Staden Hendrik Jacobus Van Staden Rianna Van Aletha Elizabeth Johanna Wilhelmina Daniel Johannes Christiaan Naude South Eastern Transvaal United Church Trust Daniel Petrus Du Plessis Yvonne Eve Du Plessis Johannes Jakobus Petrus Maree Johannes Petrus Bresler Anna Madijara Nhlonipho Donovan Creser Huyssteen Mynardt Van August Heinrich Kuther Madelein Susanna Kuther Gabriel Stephanus Harmse Hester Elizabeth Harmse Andrew William James Linda James Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Leah Magdalena Ratcliffe Hendrik Petrus Francois Griesel Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Amanda Oelofse Rudolf Petrus Oelofse Dikeletsana Lydia Dhlamini Joseph Dhlamini Preeia Bhagwandeen Shalendra Barath Bhagwandeen Carlo Britz Lesinda Britz Morne Johannes Kruger Theunis Johannes Du Preez Maria Maseti Sandlane Mphikeleli Johannes Sandlane Hilda Verwey Stephanus Verwey Johannes Michiel Badenhorst Susanna Hendrika Adriana Badenhorst Adriaan Andries De Clercq Catharina Louisa De Clercq Anthony Grant Stewart Antonia Markus Vorster Maria Natalia Vorster Susan Hendrika Rossouw Hendrik Johannes Slabbert Joubert Carl Thomas Nicolas Kotze Anthonie Vis Hendrina Elizabeth Vis Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential 1185 of Secunda 1186 of Secunda 904sqm 935sqm 904.0000-SQM 935.0000-SQM R820,000.00 R800,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1187 of Secunda 1188 of Secunda 935sqm 1004sqm 935.0000-SQM 1004.0000-SQM R870,000.00 R905,000.00 RES - Residential 1189 of Secunda 1146sqm 1146.0000-SQM R870,000.00 RES - Residential 1190 of Secunda 1007sqm 1007.0000-SQM R965,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1191 of Secunda 1192 of Secunda 1193 of Secunda 1194 of Secunda 744sqm 787sqm 787sqm 713sqm 744.0000-SQM 787.0000-SQM 787.0000-SQM 713.0000-SQM R820,000.00 R709,000.00 R925,000.00 R820,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1195 of Secunda 1196 of Secunda 1197 of Secunda 1198 of Secunda 1199 of Secunda 1200 of Secunda 794sqm 898sqm 805sqm 848sqm 848sqm 1159sqm 794.0000-SQM 898.0000-SQM 805.0000-SQM 848.0000-SQM 848.0000-SQM 1159.0000-SQM R815,000.00 R790,000.00 R865,000.00 R965,000.00 R805,000.00 R910,000.00 RES - Residential 1201 of Secunda 1221sqm 1221.0000-SQM R967,000.00 RES - Residential 1202 of Secunda 820sqm 820.0000-SQM R692,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1203 of Secunda 1204 of Secunda 1205 of Secunda 1206 of Secunda 1207 of Secunda 736sqm 736sqm 736sqm 736sqm 736sqm 736.0000-SQM 736.0000-SQM 736.0000-SQM 736.0000-SQM 736.0000-SQM R800,000.00 R790,000.00 R860,000.00 R810,000.00 R870,000.00 RES - Residential 1208 of Secunda 736sqm 736.0000-SQM R810,000.00 RES - Residential 1209 of Secunda 808sqm 808.0000-SQM R855,000.00 RES - Residential 1210 of Secunda 720sqm 720.0000-SQM R850,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1211 of Secunda 1212 of Secunda 1213 of Secunda 736sqm 820sqm 898sqm 736.0000-SQM 820.0000-SQM 898.0000-SQM R820,000.00 R925,000.00 R735,000.00 RES - Residential 1214 of Secunda 805sqm 805.0000-SQM R825,000.00 RES - Residential 1215 of Secunda 747sqm 747.0000-SQM R810,000.00 RES - Residential 1216 of Secunda 843sqm 843.0000-SQM R1,055,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1217 of Secunda 1218 of Secunda 805sqm 805sqm 805.0000-SQM 805.0000-SQM R945,000.00 R805,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1219 of Secunda 1220 of Secunda 1221 of Secunda 1222 of Secunda 805sqm 805sqm 805sqm 805sqm 805.0000-SQM 805.0000-SQM 805.0000-SQM 805.0000-SQM R835,000.00 R925,000.00 R835,000.00 R815,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1182 of Secunda 1183 of Secunda 1184 of Secunda Page 37 936sqm 1049sqm 1230sqm 936.0000-SQM 1049.0000-SQM 1230.0000-SQM R900,000.00 R935,000.00 R768,000.00 Registered description 1223 of Secunda 1224 of Secunda 1225 of Secunda 1226 of Secunda 1227 of Secunda 1228 of Secunda 1229 of Secunda 1230 of Secunda 1231 of Secunda 1232 of Secunda 1233 of Secunda 1234 of Secunda 1235 of Secunda 1236 of Secunda 1237 of Secunda 1238 of Secunda 1239 of Secunda 1240 of Secunda 1241 of Secunda 1242 of Secunda 1243 of Secunda 1244 of Secunda 1245 of Secunda 1246 of Secunda 1247 of Secunda 1248 of Secunda 1249 of Secunda 1250 of Secunda 1251 of Secunda 1252 of Secunda 1253 of Secunda 1254 of Secunda 1255 of Secunda 1256 of Secunda 1257 of Secunda 1258 of Secunda 1259 of Secunda 1260 of Secunda 1261 of Secunda 1262 of Secunda 1263 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Dyk Frans Johannes Van Dyk Magdalena Elizabeth Van Alfred Frederick Edmunds Niekerk Louisa Soekie Van Niekerk Pieter Daniel Francois Van Marthinus Prinsloo Sonnia Marietha Prinsloo Ian Graham Schalkwyk Sandra Hester Van Schalkwyk Wayne Marshall Van Bongani Lawrence Tshabalala Johanna Alida Smith Leon Smith Amanda Elkelente Olivier Lukas Marthinus Benjamin Olivier Johanna Hendrieka Petronella Britz Peter Haywood Valerie Ann Haywood Heerden Maritha Van Johannes Hendrikus Stander Wilhelmina Johanna Jacoba Stander Cedric Claude Marillier Lynette Fay Marillier Hebura Sindi Norman Hugh Stander Hendrik Johannes Slabbert Joubert Michael Frederick Pretorius Sarina Pretorius Hendrika Abrama De Lange Mattheus Johannes De Lange Richard Henry Van Den Berg Evangelie Kerk Van God In Suidelike Afrika Volle Raad Volle Evangelie Kerk Van God In SuidelikeAfrika Uitvoerende Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Carl Wilhelm Schmidt Noline Croeser Francois Lodewyk Helberg Elizabeth Maria Oosthuizen Frans Jacob Christoffel Oosthuizen Cornelius Johannes Moolman Diana Moolman Bruno Alexander Rebolo Marina Rebolo Christina Isabel Stander Thomas Leonard Holdstock Leaticia Antionette Bezuidenhout Pieter Hendrik Schalk Bezuidenhout Maria Catherina De Jonge Johan Lombard Engelbrecht Paul Johannes Smith Geldah Simich Peter Simich Machael Farquhar Macrae Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential 1224 of Secunda 1225 of Secunda 856sqm 744sqm 856.0000-SQM 744.0000-SQM R895,000.00 R820,000.00 RES - Residential 1226 of Secunda 744sqm 744.0000-SQM R850,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1227 of Secunda 1228 of Secunda 744sqm 744sqm 744.0000-SQM 744.0000-SQM R870,000.00 R890,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1229 of Secunda 1230 of Secunda 744sqm 744sqm 744.0000-SQM 744.0000-SQM R810,000.00 R830,000.00 RES - Residential 1231 of Secunda 948sqm 948.0000-SQM R880,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1232 of Secunda 1233 of Secunda 1013sqm 814sqm 1013.0000-SQM 814.0000-SQM R865,000.00 R845,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1234 of Secunda 1235 of Secunda 849sqm 849sqm 849.0000-SQM 849.0000-SQM R805,000.00 R725,000.00 RES - Residential 1236 of Secunda 849sqm 849.0000-SQM R805,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1237 of Secunda 1238 of Secunda 1239 of Secunda 849sqm 849sqm 978sqm 849.0000-SQM 849.0000-SQM 978.0000-SQM R805,000.00 R775,000.00 R935,000.00 RES - Residential 1240 of Secunda 821sqm 821.0000-SQM R795,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential WOR - Places of Worship VAC - Vacant Land MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential RES - Residential 1241 of Secunda 1242 of Secunda 1243 of Secunda 910sqm 910sqm 2969sqm 910.0000-SQM 910.0000-SQM 2969.0000-SQM R860,000.00 R940,000.00 R2,698,000.00 1244 of Secunda 1245 of Secunda 1246 of Secunda 1247 of Secunda 1248 of Secunda 1249 of Secunda 1250 of Secunda 1251 of Secunda 1252 of Secunda 7535sqm 350sqm 3.6049Ha 549sqm 1.6551Ha 1.1650Ha 1.1468Ha 1044sqm 936sqm 7535.0000-SQM 350.0000-SQM 3.6049-H 549.0000-SQM 1.6551-H 1.1650-H 1.1468-H 1044.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM R150,000.00 R79,000.00 R3,600,000.00 R55,000.00 R3,750,000.00 R150,000.00 R150,000.00 R811,000.00 R847,000.00 RES - Residential 1253 of Secunda 936sqm 936.0000-SQM R787,000.00 RES - Residential 1254 of Secunda 936sqm 936.0000-SQM R747,000.00 RES - Residential 1255 of Secunda 936sqm 936.0000-SQM R787,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1256 of Secunda 1257 of Secunda 1258 of Secunda 936sqm 936sqm 936sqm 936.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM R807,000.00 R867,000.00 R777,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1259 of Secunda 1260 of Secunda 1261 of Secunda 1262 of Secunda 936sqm 1008sqm 1201sqm 1055sqm 936.0000-SQM 1008.0000-SQM 1201.0000-SQM 1055.0000-SQM R797,000.00 R749,000.00 R887,000.00 R871,000.00 RES - Residential 1263 of Secunda 910sqm 910.0000-SQM R736,000.00 RES - Residential 1223 of Secunda Page 38 898sqm 898.0000-SQM R860,000.00 Registered description 1264 of Secunda 1265 of Secunda 1266 of Secunda 1267 of Secunda 1268 of Secunda 1269 of Secunda 1270 of Secunda 1271 of Secunda 1272 of Secunda 1273 of Secunda 1274 of Secunda 1275 of Secunda 1276 of Secunda 1277 of Secunda 1278 of Secunda 1279 of Secunda 1280 of Secunda 1281 of Secunda 1282 of Secunda 1283 of Secunda 1284 of Secunda 1285 of Secunda 1286 of Secunda 1287 of Secunda 1288 of Secunda 1289 of Secunda 1290 of Secunda 1291 of Secunda 1292 of Secunda 1293 of Secunda 1294 of Secunda 1295 of Secunda 1296 of Secunda 1297 of Secunda 1298 of Secunda 1299 of Secunda 1300 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Godfrey Philip Engel Friedrich Riedemann Huysamen Hendrina Maria Huysamen Joseph Zinyana Poppy Suzan Zinyana Lekgotla Samuel Ralieta Nkaki Magdelina Ralieta Johanna Smit Johannes Adam Smit Morne Marius Kriel Petri Kriel Audrey Helen Walthaus Edward Walthaus Govan Mbeki Municipality Hendrik Bernardus Venter Martha Maria Venter Riaan Henning Carel Abram Booysen Wyk Matheus Jacobus Van Wyk Sophia Aletta Van Anna-Mareth Jacobs Hendrik Johannes Botes Talita Botes Denice Ann Esterhuizen Stefanus Jacobus Esterhuizen Cornelia Jonker Pieter Hendrik Jonker Pieter Johannes Labuschagne der Horst Catharina Elizabeth Van der Horst Daniel Nikolaas Van Hendrik Stefanus Bezuidenhout Jacobus Stephanus Le Roux Gareth Paramaseelan Raman Propalux 39 Pty Ltd Johannes Philippus Cornelius Meyer Wanda Louw Herbert Samueel Cawood Albert Gert Snyman Iwan Spies Elizabeth Geertruida Hamman Jakobus Johannnes Hamman Anitha Maqeureta Van Den Berg Jan Dirk Van Den Berg Etienne Eugene Du Preez Elaine Dora Davies Owen Campbell Davies Anne Wilson Norman Wilson Roelof Kuiper Veronica Kuiper James Frederick Owens Katherine Owens Lindiwe Malta Bodibe Gerry Lourens Winnie Lourens Mihloti Patience Shilowa Nyiko Kenny Shilowa Elena Elizabeth Kruger Anna Magritha Badenhorst David Andries Badenhorst Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 1266 of Secunda 1197sqm 1197.0000-SQM R807,000.00 RES - Residential 1267 of Secunda 1053sqm 1053.0000-SQM R771,000.00 RES - Residential 1268 of Secunda 1131sqm 1131.0000-SQM R754,000.00 RES - Residential 1269 of Secunda 1131sqm 1131.0000-SQM R1,024,000.00 RES - Residential 1270 of Secunda 1053sqm 1053.0000-SQM R741,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1271 of Secunda 1272 of Secunda 1170sqm 1265sqm 1170.0000-SQM 1265.0000-SQM R746,000.00 R780,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1273 of Secunda 1274 of Secunda 1275 of Secunda 1080sqm 1080sqm 1080sqm 1080.0000-SQM 1080.0000-SQM 1080.0000-SQM R802,000.00 R802,000.00 R762,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1276 of Secunda 1277 of Secunda 1080sqm 1080sqm 1080.0000-SQM 1080.0000-SQM R732,000.00 R922,000.00 RES - Residential 1278 of Secunda 1080sqm 1080.0000-SQM R892,000.00 RES - Residential 1279 of Secunda 1080sqm 1080.0000-SQM R732,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1280 of Secunda 1281 of Secunda 1080sqm 1080sqm 1080.0000-SQM 1080.0000-SQM R812,000.00 R772,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1282 of Secunda 1283 of Secunda 1284 of Secunda 1285 of Secunda 1286 of Secunda 1287 of Secunda 1288 of Secunda 1080sqm 1403sqm 1342sqm 3671sqm 930sqm 880sqm 864sqm 1080.0000-SQM 1403.0000-SQM 1342.0000-SQM 3671.0000-SQM 930.0000-SQM 880.0000-SQM 864.0000-SQM R852,000.00 R785,000.00 R753,000.00 R3,850,000.00 R736,000.00 R754,000.00 R734,000.00 RES - Residential 1289 of Secunda 864sqm 864.0000-SQM R744,000.00 RES - Residential 1290 of Secunda 864sqm 864.0000-SQM R774,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1291 of Secunda 1292 of Secunda 832sqm 832sqm 832.0000-SQM 832.0000-SQM R732,000.00 R762,000.00 RES - Residential 1293 of Secunda 832sqm 832.0000-SQM R832,000.00 RES - Residential 1294 of Secunda 832sqm 832.0000-SQM R792,000.00 RES - Residential 1295 of Secunda 856sqm 856.0000-SQM R793,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1296 of Secunda 1297 of Secunda 925sqm 932sqm 925.0000-SQM 932.0000-SQM R711,000.00 R816,000.00 RES - Residential 1298 of Secunda 996sqm 996.0000-SQM R890,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1299 of Secunda 1300 of Secunda 1037sqm 907sqm 1037.0000-SQM 907.0000-SQM R721,000.00 R835,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1264 of Secunda 1265 of Secunda Page 39 1275sqm 1174sqm 1275.0000-SQM 1174.0000-SQM R840,000.00 R806,000.00 Registered description 1301 of Secunda 1302 of Secunda 1303 of Secunda 1304 of Secunda 1305 of Secunda 1306 of Secunda 1307 of Secunda 1308 of Secunda 1309 of Secunda 1310 of Secunda 1311 of Secunda 1312 of Secunda 1313 of Secunda 1314 of Secunda 1315 of Secunda 1316 of Secunda 1317 of Secunda 1318 of Secunda 1319 of Secunda 1320 of Secunda 1321 of Secunda 1322 of Secunda 1323 of Secunda 1324 of Secunda 1325 of Secunda 1326 of Secunda 1327 of Secunda 1328 of Secunda 1329 of Secunda 1330 of Secunda 1331 of Secunda 1332 of Secunda 1333 of Secunda 1334 of Secunda 1335 of Secunda 1336 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Alfred John Patrick Clark Elsa Christina Clark Boris Vedrina Jacqueline Caroline White Broodryk Phillippus Jacobus Broodryk Nelisiwe Lydia Vilakazi Janien Stuart Petrus Lafras Stuart Charlene Friend Roland Friend Brandon Turner Natalie Monica Turner Cornelis Van Den Berg Martha Louisa Van Den Berg Graeme Houston Morrison Joanne Maria Morrison Ian Edward Stedall Linda Botha Willem Frederick Botha Catharina Wilhelmina Christina Wride James Neil Wride Anna Johanna Aletha Meintjes Paul Johannes Meintjes John Henry Charles Knox Sparrow Carel Francois Jacobs Magdalena Jacobs George Peter Roux der Westhuizen Johannes Nicolaas Van Damian Ikechukwu Eze Georginah Nonthuthusele Eze Pieter Stephanus Fouche Hannelie Aletta Kruger Kevin Lionel Steyn Petrus Jacobus Visser Kriel Lilian Barrish Pieter Barrish Johanna Susanna Crous Illana Viviette Fortune Mervin Terence Fortune Louw Hendrik Potgieter Petro Gerda Potgieter Aletta Elizabeth Dorothea Regina Horn Christiaan Johannes Horn Lourens Erasmus Meintjes Stefina Anna Catharina Meintjes Johan Coenraad Du Toit Tersia Du Toit Marthinus Johannes De La Guerre Marius Jacobsz Johannes Breugem Basson Petronella Gertruida Basson Carolina Johanna Enslin Jacobus Daniel Reinecke Daniel Jacobus Binneman Maria Jacoba Catherina Binneman Aletta Adriana Geyer Hendrik Frederick Johannes Geyer Hester Sophia Rudolph Johan Barend Petrus Rudolph Willem Du Toit Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential 1302 of Secunda 1303 of Secunda 1034sqm 1007sqm 1034.0000-SQM 1007.0000-SQM R720,000.00 R829,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1304 of Secunda 1305 of Secunda 1007sqm 1007sqm 1007.0000-SQM 1007.0000-SQM R719,000.00 R714,000.00 RES - Residential 1306 of Secunda 1007sqm 1007.0000-SQM R789,000.00 RES - Residential 1307 of Secunda 1085sqm 1085.0000-SQM R853,000.00 RES - Residential 1308 of Secunda 1085sqm 1085.0000-SQM R713,000.00 RES - Residential 1309 of Secunda 1085sqm 1085.0000-SQM R973,000.00 RES - Residential 1310 of Secunda 1240sqm 1240.0000-SQM R769,000.00 RES - Residential 1311 of Secunda 1435sqm 1435.0000-SQM R776,000.00 RES - Residential 1312 of Secunda 1188sqm 1188.0000-SQM R947,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1313 of Secunda 1314 of Secunda 1199sqm 1161sqm 1199.0000-SQM 1161.0000-SQM R905,000.00 R806,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1315 of Secunda 1316 of Secunda 1317 of Secunda 1112sqm 1260sqm 1341sqm 1112.0000-SQM 1260.0000-SQM 1341.0000-SQM R754,000.00 R819,000.00 R773,000.00 RES - Residential 1318 of Secunda 1221sqm 1221.0000-SQM R758,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1319 of Secunda 1320 of Secunda 1321 of Secunda 1220sqm 1088sqm 1154sqm 1220.0000-SQM 1088.0000-SQM 1154.0000-SQM R835,000.00 R793,000.00 R720,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1322 of Secunda 1323 of Secunda 1226sqm 1123sqm 1226.0000-SQM 1123.0000-SQM R758,000.00 R784,000.00 RES - Residential 1324 of Secunda 1140sqm 1140.0000-SQM R745,000.00 RES - Residential 1325 of Secunda 1055sqm 1055.0000-SQM R811,000.00 RES - Residential 1326 of Secunda 923sqm 923.0000-SQM R731,000.00 RES - Residential 1327 of Secunda 1126sqm 1126.0000-SQM R844,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1328 of Secunda 1329 of Secunda 1330 of Secunda 1149sqm 1061sqm 962sqm 1149.0000-SQM 1061.0000-SQM 962.0000-SQM R845,000.00 R825,000.00 R880,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1331 of Secunda 1332 of Secunda 1333 of Secunda 1073sqm 1044sqm 936.0000Ha 1073.0000-SQM 1044.0000-SQM 936.0000-H R940,000.00 R841,000.00 R982,000.00 RES - Residential 1334 of Secunda 936sqm 936.0000-SQM R797,000.00 RES - Residential 1335 of Secunda 936sqm 936.0000-SQM R817,000.00 RES - Residential 1336 of Secunda 936sqm 936.0000-SQM R847,000.00 RES - Residential 1301 of Secunda Page 40 959sqm 959.0000-SQM R737,000.00 Registered description 1337 of Secunda 1338 of Secunda 1339 of Secunda 1340 of Secunda 1341 of Secunda 1342 of Secunda 1343 of Secunda 1344 of Secunda 1345 of Secunda 1346 of Secunda 1347 of Secunda 1348 of Secunda 1349 of Secunda 1350 of Secunda 1351 of Secunda 1352 of Secunda 1353 of Secunda 1354 of Secunda 1355 of Secunda 1356 of Secunda 1357 of Secunda 1358 of Secunda 1359 of Secunda 1360 of Secunda 1360 of Secunda (Portion 1) 1361 of Secunda 1362 of Secunda 1363 of Secunda 1364 of Secunda 1365 of Secunda 1366 of Secunda 1367 of Secunda 1368 of Secunda 1369 of Secunda 1370 of Secunda 1371 of Secunda 1372 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Magrietha Maria Botha Jacques Bornman Lizl Furstenberg Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Maria Isabella Magdalena Venter Pieter Andries Venter Mahali Sophia Sithole Makhetha Edward Sithole Elsie Sophia Vermaak Jan Daniel Vermaak Diederick Stephanus Johannes Smit Yolande Smit Maria Adriana Wolhuter Johannes Jacobus Potgieter Benjamin Kodisang Mamorare Lethakoa Anna Mamorare Cornelia Carolina Swanepoel Stephanus Johannes Marthinus Swanepoel Marthinus Theunis Steyn Le Roux Carel Johannes Minnaar Johanna Magdelena Minnaar Megaphase Trading 637 Cc Henrietta Wilhelmina De Bruyn Craig Lawrence Erasmus Jolandie Erasmus Gert Jacobus Meyer Andri Mckenzie Dylan Scott Mckenzie Anette Labuschagne Marius Labuschagne Jacobus Johannes Pruis Johanna Janetta Hendrieka Louisa Pruis Raymond Le Roux Susanna Elizabeth Le Roux Johannes De Bruin Krog Allan Frank Mundell Maureen Isabel Mundell Estelle Smit William Jacobus Smit Nightwish Trust Sedcom Keith Nesbit Frederick Johannes Marx Johanna Catharina Marx Wian Lambrechts Peter Maud Smith Daniel Jacobus Jordaan Carin Irma Du Plooy Paul Fernando Coenraad Du Plooy Katarzyna Regina Balasz Zbigniew Jan Balasz Andre Viljoen Jacoba Dorethea Viljoen Amanda Petronella De Jager Johannes Jacobus De Jager Daniel Nel Ronel Marita Nel Johannes William Du Plessis Hendrik Gustav Marx Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks UDT - Unregistered RES - Residential 1339 of Secunda 1340 of Secunda 5080sqm 1319sqm 1319.0000-SQM R2,780,000.00 R860,000.00 RES - Residential 1341 of Secunda 1040sqm 1040.0000-SQM R885,000.00 RES - Residential 1342 of Secunda 1040sqm 1040.0000-SQM R845,000.00 RES - Residential 1343 of Secunda 1082sqm 1082.0000-SQM R820,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1344 of Secunda 1345 of Secunda 1346 of Secunda 1082sqm 1040sqm 1040sqm 1082.0000-SQM 1040.0000-SQM 1040.0000-SQM R870,000.00 R845,000.00 R885,000.00 RES - Residential 1347 of Secunda 1040sqm 1040.0000-SQM R795,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1348 of Secunda 1349 of Secunda 1040sqm 1278sqm 1040.0000-SQM 1278.0000-SQM R885,000.00 R910,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1350 of Secunda 1351 of Secunda 1352 of Secunda 1304sqm 1080sqm 1080sqm 1304.0000-SQM 1080.0000-SQM 1080.0000-SQM R920,000.00 R850,000.00 R860,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1353 of Secunda 1354 of Secunda 1080sqm 1080sqm 1080.0000-SQM 1080.0000-SQM R790,000.00 R830,000.00 RES - Residential 1355 of Secunda 1080sqm 1080.0000-SQM R840,000.00 RES - Residential 1356 of Secunda 1200sqm 1200.0000-SQM R845,000.00 RES - Residential 1357 of Secunda 1135sqm 1135.0000-SQM R960,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1358 of Secunda 1359 of Secunda 1053sqm 1053sqm 1053.0000-SQM 1053.0000-SQM R953,000.00 R910,000.00 RES - Residential 1360 of Secunda 768sqm 0.0000-SQM R1,057,000.00 VAC - Vacant Land WOR - Places of Worship RES - Residential RES - Residential 1360 of Secunda (Portion 1) 1361 of Secunda 511sqm 3416sqm 511.0000-SQM 3416.0000-SQM R121,000.00 R1,221,000.00 1362 of Secunda 1363 of Secunda 980sqm 832sqm 980.0000-SQM 832.0000-SQM R855,000.00 R935,000.00 RES - Residential 1364 of Secunda 832sqm 832.0000-SQM R985,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1365 of Secunda 1366 of Secunda 832sqm 917sqm 832.0000-SQM 917.0000-SQM R995,000.00 R930,000.00 RES - Residential 1367 of Secunda 969sqm 969.0000-SQM R920,000.00 RES - Residential 1368 of Secunda 936sqm 936.0000-SQM R930,000.00 RES - Residential 1369 of Secunda 936sqm 936.0000-SQM R1,030,000.00 RES - Residential 1370 of Secunda 936sqm 936.0000-SQM R920,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1371 of Secunda 1372 of Secunda 1104sqm 974sqm 1104.0000-SQM 974.0000-SQM R1,040,000.00 R875,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1337 of Secunda 1338 of Secunda Page 41 936sqm 1044sqm 936.0000-SQM 1044.0000-SQM R837,000.00 R911,000.00 Registered description 1373 of Secunda 1374 of Secunda 1375 of Secunda 1376 of Secunda 1377 of Secunda 1378 of Secunda 1379 of Secunda 1380 of Secunda 1381 of Secunda 1382 of Secunda 1383 of Secunda 1384 of Secunda 1385 of Secunda 1386 of Secunda 1387 of Secunda 1388 of Secunda 1389 of Secunda 1390 of Secunda 1391 of Secunda 1392 of Secunda 1393 of Secunda 1394 of Secunda 1395 of Secunda 1396 of Secunda 1397 of Secunda 1398 of Secunda 1399 of Secunda 1400 of Secunda 1401 of Secunda 1402 of Secunda 1403 of Secunda 1404 of Secunda 1404 of Secunda (Portion 1) 1404 of Secunda (Portion 2) Names of Owner(s) Martha Mazibuko Solly Qhozama Mazibuko Athanassia Karzis Cornelius Tobias Strydom Hanita Makan Yogendra Makan Antoinette Struwig Wynand Struwig Jan Albert Viljoen Mitzi Magdalena Viljoen Mitzi Magdalena Viljoen Barbara Jacomina Labuschagne Dewald Jacobus Labuschagne Daniel Johannes Van Den Heever Gerda Van Den Heever Catharina Gertruida Meyer Rodney Lawrence Yvonne Lawrence Antonie Christoffel De Lange Elizabeth De Lange Petronella Christina Swanich Bergen Hendrik Johannes Jacobus Van Bergen Meryl Anne Van Philani Phillip Mahaye Sonto Portio Mahaye Shareen English Shareen English Barend Johannes Vorster Lydia Vorster Daniel Benjamin Smit Anthonie Johannes Venter Lilleen Dolores Venter Elizabeth Hendrina Reinecke Jacobus Daniel Reinecke Alexander Scott Chrisstoffel Johannes Diedericks Dawid Jacobus Combrink Renche Combrink David Marc Myburgh Karl Johan Olivier Lynnette Petronella Snyman Willem Johannes Snyman Pieter Gabriel Kriel Salmina Johanna Kriel Lizzy Mabuyane Mtungwa Mkhulunyelwa Johnson Mtungwa Avaryll Joy Aaron Nicholson Andrew Aaron Gesiena Bezuidenhout Jennifer Mary Nobin Roderick Justin Nobin Cornelis Jacob Verhoef Cornelis Jacob Verhoef Catharina Johanna Du Preez Jacobus Petrus Du Preez Eiendom Finansiering Kommersieel Pty Ltd Saambou Alida Johanna Visser Lionel Alfred Prinsloo Sophia Adriana Prinsloo Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1374 of Secunda 1375 of Secunda 1376 of Secunda 942sqm 1111sqm 958sqm 942.0000-SQM 1111.0000-SQM 958.0000-SQM R1,010,000.00 R900,000.00 R830,000.00 RES - Residential 1377 of Secunda 920sqm 920.0000-SQM R820,000.00 RES - Residential 1378 of Secunda 920sqm 920.0000-SQM R830,000.00 RES - Residential 1379 of Secunda 920sqm 920.0000-SQM R890,000.00 RES - Residential 1380 of Secunda 1014sqm 1014.0000-SQM R855,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1381 of Secunda 1382 of Secunda 954sqm 1008sqm 954.0000-SQM 1008.0000-SQM R820,000.00 R855,000.00 RES - Residential 1383 of Secunda 1008sqm 1008.0000-SQM R855,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1384 of Secunda 1385 of Secunda 1008sqm 1008sqm 1008.0000-SQM 1008.0000-SQM R809,000.00 R819,000.00 RES - Residential 1386 of Secunda 1165sqm 1165.0000-SQM R846,000.00 RES - Residential 1387 of Secunda 856sqm 856.0000-SQM R736,000.00 RES - Residential 1388 of Secunda 855sqm 855.0000-SQM R763,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1389 of Secunda 1390 of Secunda 1015sqm 884sqm 1015.0000-SQM 884.0000-SQM R810,000.00 R840,000.00 RES - Residential 1391 of Secunda 974sqm 974.0000-SQM R865,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1392 of Secunda 1393 of Secunda 1394 of Secunda 1008sqm 918sqm 918sqm 1008.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM R855,000.00 R930,000.00 R876,000.00 RES - Residential 1395 of Secunda 918sqm 918.0000-SQM R1,005,000.00 RES - Residential 1396 of Secunda 918sqm 918.0000-SQM R786,000.00 RES - Residential 1397 of Secunda 1289sqm 1289.0000-SQM R871,000.00 RES - Residential 1398 of Secunda 1225sqm 1225.0000-SQM R858,000.00 RES - Residential 1399 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026.0000-SQM R150,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1400 of Secunda 1401 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026sqm 1026.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM R860,000.00 R855,000.00 RES - Residential 1402 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026.0000-SQM R855,000.00 RES - Residential 1403 of Secunda 1128sqm 1128.0000-SQM R860,000.00 MUN - Municipal 1404 of Secunda 2402sqm 2402.0000-SQM R1,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1404 of Secunda (Portion 1) 1404 of Secunda (Portion 2) 545sqm 565sqm 545.0000-SQM 565.0000-SQM R992,000.00 R923,000.00 RES - Residential 1373 of Secunda Page 42 884sqm 884.0000-SQM R950,000.00 Registered description 1404 of Secunda (Portion 3) Names of Owner(s) 1404 of Secunda (Portion 19) 1404 of Secunda (Portion 20) 1404 of Secunda (Portion 21) 1404 of Secunda (Portion 22) 1404 of Secunda (Portion 23) 1405 of Secunda Thiru Subermoney Veni Subermoney der Lith Johann Van Adele Tromp Jan Christiaan Tromp Eileen Laura Graham Esme Dorothy Visser Errol Kerst Martjie Maria Poxon Jeanie Amy Muriel Du Plessis Maureen Elizabeth Colmanet Kerma Beleggings Trust Ruan Havenstein Rensburg Annelise Jansen Van Rensburg Marthinus Jacob Jansen Van Renee Anton Roolvink Renee Anton Roolvink Etienne Jacques Marais Andre Izak Blom Elsa Blom Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Imraan Aboobaker Salajee Silver Moon Inv 148 Cc 1406 of Secunda S A Ltd Telkom 1407 of Secunda Motors Pty Ltd Gamma 1408 of Secunda Hennie Kruger Eiendoms Trust 1409 of Secunda 1410 of Secunda 1411 of Secunda Kruger Eiendomstrust Hennie Kruger Eiendomstrust Hennie Barend Johannes Marthinus Viljoen Tracy Viljoen Denien Ferguson Frank Gordon Richard Ferguson Strategic Intent Cc Andries Petrus Stephanus Veldman Andries Petrus Stephanus Veldman Marquerita Veldman Adriana Maria Oosthuizen Nicolaas Jacobus Oosthuizen James Walker Catharina Maria Johanna Helberg Wilhelm Cornelius Albertus Helberg Janene Schepers Velze Gerrit Jan Van Oswald Tonkin Petro Tonkin Lynette Naidu Oliver Naidu Sandry David Sikosana Theunis Christoffel Botha Niekerk Anmarie Van Niekerk Ludwig Lourens Van David Pieter Daniel Hall 1404 of Secunda (Portion 4) 1404 of Secunda (Portion 5) 1404 of Secunda (Portion 6) 1404 of Secunda (Portion 7) 1404 of Secunda (Portion 8) 1404 of Secunda (Portion 9) 1404 of Secunda (Portion 10) 1404 of Secunda (Portion 11) 1404 of Secunda (Portion 12) 1404 of Secunda (Portion 13) 1404 of Secunda (Portion 14) 1404 of Secunda (Portion 15) 1404 of Secunda (Portion 16) 1404 of Secunda (Portion 17) 1404 of Secunda (Portion 18) 1412 of Secunda 1413 of Secunda 1414 of Secunda 1415 of Secunda 1416 of Secunda 1417 of Secunda 1418 of Secunda 1419 of Secunda 1420 of Secunda 1421 of Secunda 1422 of Secunda 1423 of Secunda 1424 of Secunda 1425 of Secunda Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential 1404 of Secunda (Portion 4) 1404 of Secunda (Portion 5) 500sqm 624sqm 500.0000-SQM 624.0000-SQM R979,000.00 R788,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1404 of Secunda (Portion 6) 1404 of Secunda (Portion 7) 1404 of Secunda (Portion 8) 1404 of Secunda (Portion 9) 1404 of Secunda (Portion 10) 1404 of Secunda (Portion 11) 1404 of Secunda (Portion 12) 1404 of Secunda (Portion 13) 1404 of Secunda (Portion 14) 571sqm 641sqm 889sqm 559sqm 737sqm 556sqm 785sqm 691sqm 518sqm 571.0000-SQM 641.0000-SQM 889.0000-SQM 559.0000-SQM 737.0000-SQM 556.0000-SQM 785.0000-SQM 691.0000-SQM 518.0000-SQM R854,000.00 R929,000.00 R777,000.00 R803,000.00 R846,000.00 R853,000.00 R769,000.00 R872,000.00 R1,091,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1404 of Secunda (Portion 15) 1404 of Secunda (Portion 16) 1404 of Secunda (Portion 17) 1404 of Secunda (Portion 18) 595sqm 660sqm 623sqm 590sqm 595.0000-SQM 660.0000-SQM 623.0000-SQM 590.0000-SQM R1,065,000.00 R930,000.00 R887,000.00 R955,000.00 UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered RES - Residential BUS - Business and Commercial BUS - Business and Commercial BUS - Business and Commercial BUS - Business and Commercial RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1404 of Secunda (Portion 19) 1404 of Secunda (Portion 20) 1404 of Secunda (Portion 21) 1404 of Secunda (Portion 22) 1404 of Secunda (Portion 23) 1405 of Secunda 575sqm 757sqm 97sqm 2325sqm 1168sqm 4108sqm 1168.0000-SQM 4108.0000-SQM R1,114,000.00 R1,137,000.00 R9,665.00 R1,000.00 R1,400,000.00 R10,070,000.00 1406 of Secunda 2680sqm 2680.0000-SQM R1,890,000.00 1407 of Secunda 4058sqm 4058.0000-SQM R4,510,000.00 1408 of Secunda 1606sqm 1606.0000-SQM R1,470,000.00 1409 of Secunda 1410 of Secunda 1411 of Secunda 850sqm 990sqm 1521sqm 850.0000-SQM 990.0000-SQM 1521.0000-SQM R1,004,000.00 R904,000.00 R962,000.00 RES - Residential 1412 of Secunda 1365sqm 1365.0000-SQM R931,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1413 of Secunda 1414 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026sqm 1026.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM R896,000.00 R866,000.00 RES - Residential 1415 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026.0000-SQM R1,046,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1416 of Secunda 1417 of Secunda 1026sqm 1077sqm 1026.0000-SQM 1077.0000-SQM R886,000.00 R790,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1418 of Secunda 1419 of Secunda 1420 of Secunda 1077sqm 1026sqm 1123sqm 1077.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM 1123.0000-SQM R1,130,000.00 R906,000.00 R1,123,000.00 RES - Residential 1421 of Secunda 1892sqm 1892.0000-SQM R1,169,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1422 of Secunda 1423 of Secunda 1424 of Secunda 1504sqm 1504sqm 1504sqm 1504.0000-SQM 1504.0000-SQM 1504.0000-SQM R1,311,000.00 R1,101,000.00 R1,311,000.00 RES - Residential 1425 of Secunda 1488sqm 1488.0000-SQM R1,070,000.00 RES - Residential 1404 of Secunda (Portion 3) Page 43 734sqm 734.0000-SQM R965,000.00 Registered description 1426 of Secunda 1427 of Secunda 1428 of Secunda 1429 of Secunda 1430 of Secunda 1431 of Secunda 1432 of Secunda 1433 of Secunda 1434 of Secunda 1435 of Secunda 1436 of Secunda 1437 of Secunda 1438 of Secunda 1439 of Secunda 1440 of Secunda 1441 of Secunda 1442 of Secunda 1443 of Secunda 1444 of Secunda 1445 of Secunda 1446 of Secunda 1447 of Secunda 1448 of Secunda 1449 of Secunda 1450 of Secunda 1450 of Secunda (Portion 1) 1450 of Secunda (Portion 2) 1450 of Secunda (Portion 3) 1450 of Secunda (Portion 4) 1450 of Secunda (Portion 5) 1450 of Secunda (Portion 6) 1450 of Secunda (Portion 7) 1450 of Secunda (Portion 8) 1450 of Secunda (Portion 9) 1450 of Secunda (Portion 10) 1450 of Secunda (Portion 11) 1450 of Secunda (Portion 12) 1450 of Secunda (Portion 13) 1450 of Secunda (Portion 14) 1450 of Secunda (Portion 15) 1450 of Secunda (Portion 16) 1450 of Secunda (Portion 17) 1450 of Secunda (Portion 18) 1450 of Secunda (Portion 19) 1450 of Secunda (Portion 20) 1450 of Secunda (Portion 21) 1450 of Secunda (Portion 22) Names of Owner(s) Category Edwin Vincent Webster RES - Residential Jacoba Carina De Villiers RES - Residential Van Eckstraat 39 Pty Ltd RES - Residential Edward Daryl Barske RES - Residential Louis Vermaak RES - Residential Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality UDT - Unregistered Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality UDT - Unregistered Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality UDT - Unregistered Jose Alberto De Freitas Bettencourt RES - Residential Maria Isalia Bettencourt Wilhelm Gustav Eiselen RES - Residential Serfontein Familie Trust RES - Residential Lars Fransen Steyn RES - Residential Therese Steyn Albert George Sebastiaan Wolfaardt RES - Residential Denise Wolfaardt der Watt Johannes Jacobus Van RES - Residential Kerk-Secunda Gereformeerde RES - Residential Elvio Marcelino De Freitas Bettencourt RES - Residential Cornelius Johannes Rudolf Estherhuizen RES - Residential der Westhizen Frances Nicolien Van RES - Residential Tonder Dean J J Van RES - Residential Tonder Magdalena Maria Jacobus Van Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality UDT - Unregistered Gereformeerde Kerk Secunda Nederduitse RES - Residential Henricus Petrus Konstant De Boom RES - Residential Marais Alex Barnard RES - Residential Petro Barnard Bishop Of The Conference For The Time Being Of WOR - Places of The Methodist Presiding Worship Prop Pty Ltd Sasol MUN - Municipal Marie Mills Trust RES - Residential Delleni Pillay RES - Residential Gareth Paramaseelan Raman Lanette Roos RES - Residential Johannes Jakobus Nel RES - Residential Jacobus Abraham Louw RES - Residential Jacobus Abraham Louw Deon Johannes Dowling RES - Residential Lourita Dowling C S Family Trust RES - Residential Hendrik Skalk De Jager Wolhuter RES - Residential Cindy Heera RES - Residential Rohith Soonder Rampersadh Adriaan Jacobus Weideman RES - Residential Saul Dos Santos RES - Residential Marinus Niemand RES - Residential Athanasios Manitsas RES - Residential Christo Andre Brecher RES - Residential Van Velze Trust RES - Residential Velvet Moon Prop 71 Pty Ltd RES - Residential Wild Break 89 Pty Ltd RES - Residential Francois Benjamin Du Toit RES - Residential Phillippus Rudolph Hattingh RES - Residential Stanley Anthony Dodd RES - Residential Stephanie Dodd Johan Frederick Kirsten RES - Residential Iningi Inv 88 Pty Ltd RES - Residential Address 1426 of Secunda 1427 of Secunda 1428 of Secunda 1429 of Secunda 1430 of Secunda 1431 of Secunda 1432 of Secunda 1433 of Secunda 1434 of Secunda Extent 2085sqm 2017sqm 1791sqm 2106sqm 2127sqm 2037sqm 1830sqm 1915sqm 1878sqm Extent (DO) 2085.0000-SQM 2017.0000-SQM 1791.0000-SQM 2106.0000-SQM 2127.0000-SQM Market Value Remarks 1878.0000-SQM R1,165,000.00 R1,218,000.00 R1,281,000.00 R1,755,000.00 R1,255,000.00 R1,699,000.00 R4,605,000.00 R4,775,000.00 R1,538,000.00 1435 of Secunda 1436 of Secunda 1437 of Secunda 1800sqm 1786sqm 1645sqm 1800.0000-SQM 1786.0000-SQM 1645.0000-SQM R1,212,000.00 R1,531,000.00 R1,001,000.00 1438 of Secunda 1645sqm 1645.0000-SQM R1,081,000.00 1439 of Secunda 1440 of Secunda 1441 of Secunda 1442 of Secunda 1443 of Secunda 1444 of Secunda 1645sqm 1645sqm 1569sqm 1918sqm 1645sqm 1867sqm 1645.0000-SQM 1645.0000-SQM 1569.0000-SQM 1918.0000-SQM 1645.0000-SQM 1867.0000-SQM R1,171,000.00 R1,271,000.00 R1,416,000.00 R1,341,000.00 R1,321,000.00 R1,337,000.00 1445 of Secunda 1446 of Secunda 1447 of Secunda 1448 of Secunda 1785sqm 1504sqm 1504sqm 1394sqm 1504.0000-SQM 1504.0000-SQM 1394.0000-SQM R1,131,000.00 R1,021,000.00 R1,181,000.00 R1,103,000.00 1449 of Secunda 4142sqm 4142.0000-SQM R1,557,000.00 1450 of Secunda 1450 of Secunda (Portion 1) 1450 of Secunda (Portion 2) 3.5986Ha 1232sqm 1249sqm 3.5986-H 1232.0000-SQM 1249.0000-SQM R1,000.00 R1,184,000.00 R1,285,000.00 1450 of Secunda (Portion 3) 1450 of Secunda (Portion 4) 1450 of Secunda (Portion 5) 1020sqm 1020sqm 1020sqm 1020.0000-SQM 1020.0000-SQM 1020.0000-SQM R1,105,000.00 R985,000.00 R1,025,000.00 1450 of Secunda (Portion 6) 1020sqm 1020.0000-SQM R1,175,000.00 1450 of Secunda (Portion 7) 1450 of Secunda (Portion 8) 1450 of Secunda (Portion 9) 1020sqm 1140sqm 1225sqm 1020.0000-SQM 1140.0000-SQM 1225.0000-SQM R1,215,000.00 R1,326,000.00 R1,033,000.00 1450 of Secunda (Portion 10) 1450 of Secunda (Portion 11) 1450 of Secunda (Portion 12) 1450 of Secunda (Portion 13) 1450 of Secunda (Portion 14) 1450 of Secunda (Portion 15) 1450 of Secunda (Portion 16) 1450 of Secunda (Portion 17) 1450 of Secunda (Portion 18) 1450 of Secunda (Portion 19) 1450 of Secunda (Portion 20) 1230sqm 1230sqm 1230sqm 1243sqm 1759sqm 1559sqm 1403sqm 1406sqm 1406sqm 1404sqm 1480sqm 1230.0000-SQM 1230.0000-SQM 1230.0000-SQM 1243.0000-SQM 1759.0000-SQM 1559.0000-SQM 1403.0000-SQM 1406.0000-SQM 1406.0000-SQM 1404.0000-SQM 1480.0000-SQM R1,204,000.00 R1,174,000.00 R1,334,000.00 R1,285,000.00 R1,630,000.00 R1,465,000.00 R1,109,000.00 R1,649,000.00 R1,249,000.00 R1,349,000.00 R1,225,000.00 1450 of Secunda (Portion 21) 1450 of Secunda (Portion 22) 1480sqm 1480sqm 1480.0000-SQM 1480.0000-SQM R1,045,000.00 R1,305,000.00 Page 44 Registered description 1450 of Secunda (Portion 23) 1450 of Secunda (Portion 24) 1450 of Secunda (Portion 25) 1450 of Secunda (Portion 26) 1450 of Secunda (Portion 27) 1451 of Secunda 1452 of Secunda 1453 of Secunda 1454 of Secunda 1455 of Secunda 1456 of Secunda 1457 of Secunda 1458 of Secunda 1459 of Secunda 1460 of Secunda 1461 of Secunda 1462 of Secunda 1463 of Secunda 1464 of Secunda 1465 of Secunda 1466 of Secunda 1467 of Secunda 1468 of Secunda 1469 of Secunda 1470 of Secunda 1471 of Secunda 1472 of Secunda 1473 of Secunda 1474 of Secunda 1475 of Secunda 1476 of Secunda 1477 of Secunda 1478 of Secunda 1479 of Secunda 1480 of Secunda 1481 of Secunda 1482 of Secunda 1483 of Secunda 1484 of Secunda 1485 of Secunda 1486 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Albrunico Familie Trust Kruger Familietrust H C Jan Abraham Nel Augustyn Maria Petronella Augustyn Clinic Trust Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Huyssteen Andri Van Huyssteen Estelle Van David Johannes Smith Zyl Hendrik Christiaan Van Zyl Magrieta Magdalena Van Andre Du Plessis Magda Elizabeth Catharina Du Plessis Johannes Diedrik Kwooitz Jolanda Montgomery D L G Family Trust Ella Petronella Gertruida Magdalena Marshall Henry George Marshall Mohammed Saber Albertus Carel Johannes Hanekom Sandra Henriette Hanekom Imraan Aboobaker Salajee Imraan Aboobaker Salajee Wyk Jacomina Hendrina Van Wyk Lourens Andries Stephanus Van der Bergh Theunis Rudolf Van Barend Johannes Christoffel Greyling Lizette Greyling Hanver Reddy Nazarene Bronwyn Reddy Phillip Mabona Rose Lisaiah Mabona Willem Hermanus Beyneveldt Eduard Hermanus Jakobus Engelbrecht Deventer Lourens Erasmus Van Deventer Zoe Jane Van Cornelius Johannes Swart Marinda Swart F W P Welman Familie Trust Gerhard Hendrik Nicolaas Kleingeld Francois Pieter Coetzee Pieter Cornelis Oosthuizen Ibrahim Adebare Moshood Nelisiwe Lydia Moshood Morne Bothma Matthys Johannes Strydom Dyk Jan-Nel Van Christina Gezina Mocke Deon Frederick Mocke Audrey Andre Dittrich Gert Jacobus De Bruin Paulina Heila Livina De Bruin Paul Nicolaas Venter Lukalina Marthina Venter Ockert Johannes Venter Emile Albert Blaauw Gert Petrus Engelbrecht Jaco Pretorius Zelda Pretorius Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential UDT - Unregistered RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1450 of Secunda (Portion 26) 1450 of Secunda (Portion 27) 1451 of Secunda 1452 of Secunda 1453 of Secunda 1454 of Secunda 1209sqm 4165sqm 1037sqm 993sqm 1431sqm 1292sqm 1209.0000-SQM 1037.0000-SQM 993.0000-SQM 1431.0000-SQM 1292.0000-SQM R1,152,000.00 R1,330,000.00 R1,227,000.00 R1,074,000.00 R1,206,000.00 R1,496,000.00 RES - Residential 1455 of Secunda 1044sqm 1044.0000-SQM R1,068,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1456 of Secunda 1457 of Secunda 1458 of Secunda 1459 of Secunda 1044sqm 1215sqm 1599sqm 1160sqm 1044.0000-SQM 1215.0000-SQM 1599.0000-SQM 1160.0000-SQM R1,028,000.00 R1,190,000.00 R1,368,000.00 R1,116,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1460 of Secunda 1461 of Secunda 1160sqm 1140sqm 1160.0000-SQM 1140.0000-SQM R1,126,000.00 R1,085,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1462 of Secunda 1463 of Secunda 1464 of Secunda 1044sqm 1044sqm 1044sqm 1044.0000-SQM 1044.0000-SQM 1044.0000-SQM R898,000.00 R1,058,000.00 R1,048,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1465 of Secunda 1466 of Secunda 1450sqm 1221sqm 1450.0000-SQM 1221.0000-SQM R1,257,000.00 R1,060,000.00 RES - Residential 1467 of Secunda 1044sqm 1044.0000-SQM R1,048,000.00 RES - Residential 1468 of Secunda 1044sqm 1044.0000-SQM R1,058,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1469 of Secunda 1470 of Secunda 1471 of Secunda 1044sqm 1140sqm 1268sqm 1044.0000-SQM 1140.0000-SQM 1268.0000-SQM R1,038,000.00 R1,065,000.00 R1,244,000.00 RES - Residential 1472 of Secunda 1160sqm 1160.0000-SQM R1,236,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1473 of Secunda 1474 of Secunda 1475 of Secunda 1476 of Secunda 1477 of Secunda 1160sqm 1160sqm 1173sqm 1372sqm 1160sqm 1160.0000-SQM 1160.0000-SQM 1173.0000-SQM 1372.0000-SQM 1160.0000-SQM R1,056,000.00 R1,286,000.00 R1,047,000.00 R1,101,000.00 R916,000.00 RES - Residential 1478 of Secunda 1160sqm 1160.0000-SQM R996,000.00 RES - Residential 1479 of Secunda 1160sqm 1160.0000-SQM R1,146,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1480 of Secunda 1481 of Secunda 1268sqm 1177sqm 1268.0000-SQM 1177.0000-SQM R1,094,000.00 R1,059,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1482 of Secunda 1483 of Secunda 1160sqm 1160sqm 1160.0000-SQM 1160.0000-SQM R1,167,000.00 R1,087,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1484 of Secunda 1485 of Secunda 1486 of Secunda 1160sqm 1160sqm 1172sqm 1160.0000-SQM 1160.0000-SQM 1172.0000-SQM R1,117,000.00 R1,157,000.00 R1,209,000.00 VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential RES - Residential 1450 of Secunda (Portion 23) 1450 of Secunda (Portion 24) 1450 of Secunda (Portion 25) Page 45 1426sqm 1532sqm 1313sqm 1426.0000-SQM 1532.0000-SQM 1313.0000-SQM R425,000.00 R1,310,000.00 R1,391,000.00 Registered description 1487 of Secunda 1488 of Secunda 1489 of Secunda 1490 of Secunda 1491 of Secunda 1492 of Secunda 1493 of Secunda 1494 of Secunda 1495 of Secunda 1496 of Secunda 1497 of Secunda 1498 of Secunda 1499 of Secunda 1502 of Secunda 1503 of Secunda 1504 of Secunda 1505 of Secunda 1506 of Secunda 1507 of Secunda 1508 of Secunda 1509 of Secunda 1510 of Secunda 1511 of Secunda 1512 of Secunda 1513 of Secunda 1514 of Secunda 1515 of Secunda 1516 of Secunda 1517 of Secunda 1518 of Secunda 1519 of Secunda 1520 of Secunda 1521 of Secunda 1522 of Secunda 1523 of Secunda 1524 of Secunda 1525 of Secunda 1526 of Secunda 1527 of Secunda 1528 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) C S Trust Johanna Engelina Green Robert Lionel Green Steven Siebers Vivienne Siebers Andries Petrus De Klerk Magdeline Antonetta De Klerk Gereformeerde Kerk Van Transvaal-Secunda Nederduitse Hentie Van Den Berg Odette Van Den Berg Jacobus Christoffel Rudolph Alwyn Weir Alletha Elizabeth Johanna Willemina Visser Frederik Johannes Gerhardus Visser Rooyen Riaan Van Jorien Pretorius Morne Lukas Pretorius Aletta Cecilia Breytenbach Andreas Gerhardus Breytenbach Botes Familie Trust Gideon Louis Pienaar Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality der Merwe Willemina Christina Van Jeannette Joyce Beyl Andre Wilhelm Venter Phillipus Jacobus Wilhelmus Ferreira Aletta Vrey Aletta Maria De Necker Pieter Iman De Necker Johannes Jacobus Du Toit Andries Johannes Swanepoel Marise Swanepoel Barbara Jane Mitton Zyl Johannes Stephanus Van Zyl Karlien Van Anna-Marie Maritz Gert Stephanus Maritz Johannes Jacobus Fourie Laetitia Fourie der Merwe Karin Van Willem Johannes Knoetze Lynde-Ann Knoetze Martin Johannes Knoetze Dawid Lourens Johannes Jacobs Francois Gideon Willemse Susanna Francina Willemse Robert Kruger Abraham Paulus Swart Marguerite Irene Swart Lieze Barkhuizen Willem Jacob Barkhuizen Anna Maria Stoltz Riegert Gerhardus Stoltz Aletta Elizabeth Breytenbach Mauritz Hendrik Breytenbach Friedrich Koch Hanalie Koch Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 1489 of Secunda 1285sqm 1285.0000-SQM R1,178,000.00 RES - Residential 1490 of Secunda 1408sqm 1408.0000-SQM R1,159,000.00 RES - Residential 1491 of Secunda 1796sqm 1796.0000-SQM R1,385,000.00 RES - Residential 1492 of Secunda 1402sqm 1402.0000-SQM R1,349,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1493 of Secunda 1494 of Secunda 1495 of Secunda 1425sqm 1189sqm 1319sqm 1425.0000-SQM 1189.0000-SQM 1319.0000-SQM R1,220,000.00 R1,110,000.00 R1,161,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1496 of Secunda 1497 of Secunda 1172sqm 1242sqm 1172.0000-SQM 1242.0000-SQM R1,149,000.00 R1,335,000.00 RES - Residential 1498 of Secunda 1073sqm 1073.0000-SQM R1,050,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1499 of Secunda 1502 of Secunda 1503 of Secunda 1504 of Secunda 1505 of Secunda 1506 of Secunda 1507 of Secunda 1508 of Secunda 1509 of Secunda 1510 of Secunda 1511 of Secunda 1144sqm 1738sqm 1715sqm 1715sqm 1862sqm 1862sqm 1862sqm 1104sqm 1026sqm 1026sqm 1026sqm 1144.0000-SQM 1738.0000-SQM 1862.0000-SQM 1862.0000-SQM 1104.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM R1,226,000.00 R1,330,000.00 R1,275,000.00 R805,000.00 R1,150,000.00 R1,440,000.00 R1,690,000.00 R1,163,000.00 R1,116,000.00 R1,116,000.00 R1,076,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1512 of Secunda 1513 of Secunda 1100sqm 1491sqm 1100.0000-SQM 1491.0000-SQM R1,422,000.00 R1,225,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1514 of Secunda 1515 of Secunda 2092sqm 1613sqm 2092.0000-SQM 1613.0000-SQM R1,660,000.00 R1,205,000.00 RES - Residential 1516 of Secunda 1,140.0000Ha 1140.0000-H R1,116,000.00 RES - Residential 1517 of Secunda 1140sqm 1140.0000-SQM R1,276,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1518 of Secunda 1519 of Secunda 1520 of Secunda 1140sqm 1140sqm 1228sqm 1140.0000-SQM 1140.0000-SQM 1228.0000-SQM R1,166,000.00 R1,216,000.00 R1,163,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1521 of Secunda 1522 of Secunda 1244sqm 1166sqm 1244.0000-SQM 1166.0000-SQM R1,335,000.00 R1,218,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1523 of Secunda 1524 of Secunda 1044sqm 1044sqm 1044.0000-SQM 1044.0000-SQM R1,217,000.00 R1,317,000.00 RES - Residential 1525 of Secunda 1258sqm 1258.0000-SQM R1,386,000.00 RES - Residential 1526 of Secunda 1333sqm 1333.0000-SQM R1,293,000.00 RES - Residential 1527 of Secunda 1470sqm 1470.0000-SQM R1,155,000.00 RES - Residential 1528 of Secunda 1213sqm 1213.0000-SQM R1,232,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1487 of Secunda 1488 of Secunda Page 46 1134sqm 1093sqm 1134.0000-SQM 1093.0000-SQM R1,025,000.00 R1,042,000.00 Registered description 1529 of Secunda 1530 of Secunda 1531 of Secunda 1532 of Secunda 1534 of Secunda 1535 of Secunda 1536 of Secunda 1537 of Secunda 1537 of Secunda (Portion 1) 1537 of Secunda (Portion 2) 1538 of Secunda 1538 of Secunda (Portion 1) 1539 of Secunda 1540 of Secunda 1540 of Secunda (Portion 1) 1541 of Secunda 1542 of Secunda 1544 of Secunda 1545 of Secunda 1546 of Secunda 1547 of Secunda 1548 of Secunda 1548 of Secunda (Portion 3) 1548 of Secunda (Portion 4) 1549 of Secunda 1550 of Secunda 1551 of Secunda 1552 of Secunda 1553 of Secunda 1554 of Secunda 1555 of Secunda 1556 of Secunda 1557 of Secunda 1570 of Secunda 1571 of Secunda 1572 of Secunda 1573 of Secunda 1574 of Secunda 1575 of Secunda 1576 of Secunda 1577 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Dieter Hermann Uken Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Motors Pty Ltd Gamma Republic of South Africa Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality De Waal & Van Der Merwe Prop Pty Ltd Cronje Category RES - Residential RES - Residential MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal UDT - Unregistered VAC - Vacant Land GOV - State Owned MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal UDT - Unregistered BUS - Business and Commercial Mediese Sentrum Pty Ltd Secunda BUS - Business and Commercial Fortress Income 2 Pty Ltd BUS - Business and Fortress Income 2 Pty Ltd Commercial Fortress Income 2 Pty Ltd BUS - Business and Fortress Income 2 Pty Ltd Commercial Fortress Income 2 Pty Ltd BUS - Business and Fortress Income 2 Pty Ltd Commercial Fortress Income 2 Pty Ltd BUS - Business and Fortress Income 2 Pty Ltd Commercial Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality UDT - Unregistered Pty Ltd Marhaban BUS - Business and Commercial Govan Mbeki Municipality MUN - Municipal Bank Ltd Firstrand BUS - Business and Commercial Hervormde Kerk Van Afrika-Predikante Pensioen- VAC - Vacant Land & Weduwees Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Van Afrika-Predikante Pensioen- VAC - Vacant Land & Weduwees Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Van Afrika-Predikante Pensioen- VAC - Vacant Land & Weduwees Nederduitsch Imojoe International Cc BUS - Business and Commercial Dipula Prop Inv Trust BUS - Business and Commercial Suid-Afrikaanse Poskantoor Ltd INS - Institution Govan Mbeki Municipality MUN - Municipal Govan Mbeki Municipality BUS - Business and Commercial Cebile Sylvia Mkhize RES - Residential Justice Mlungisi Mkhize Beryl Joyce Engel RES - Residential Grant Anthony Engel Prop Pty Ltd Sasol RES - Residential Prop Pty Ltd Sasol RES - Residential Samuel Wilhelm Odendaal RES - Residential Esme Zorina Radyn RES - Residential Pieter Berend Radyn Wesley John Askew RES - Residential Maggie Madelein Du Plessis Hendrik Hermanus Malan RES - Residential Address 1529 of Secunda 1530 of Secunda 1531 of Secunda 1532 of Secunda 1534 of Secunda 1535 of Secunda 1536 of Secunda 1537 of Secunda 1537 of Secunda (Portion 1) 1537 of Secunda (Portion 2) 1538 of Secunda 1538 of Secunda (Portion 1) 1539 of Secunda 1540 of Secunda 1540 of Secunda (Portion 1) 1541 of Secunda Extent 1171sqm 1172sqm 175sqm 1.3349Ha 1.8114Ha 3303sqm 183sqm 4.0088Ha 630sqm 1450sqm 7079sqm 7098sqm 4826sqm 7440sqm 3200sqm 962sqm Extent (DO) 1171.0000-SQM 1172.0000-SQM 175.0000-SQM 1.3349-H 1.8114-H 3303.0000-SQM 183.0000-SQM 4.0088-H Market Value Remarks 962.0000-SQM R1,078,000.00 R1,109,000.00 R39,400.00 R3,000,000.00 R120,000.00 R810,000.00 R44,800.00 R9,800,000.00 R159,000.00 R87,500.00 R6,805,000.00 R45,400,000.00 R20,741,000.00 R26,750,000.00 R2,040,000.00 R6,742,000.00 1450.0000-SQM 7079.0000-SQM 7098.0000-SQM 4826.0000-SQM 7440.0000-SQM 1542 of Secunda 598sqm 598.0000-SQM R4,520,000.00 1544 of Secunda 1060sqm 1060.0000-SQM R8,262,000.00 1545 of Secunda 759sqm 759.0000-SQM R5,602,000.00 1546 of Secunda 800sqm 800.0000-SQM R4,010,000.00 1547 of Secunda 1495sqm 1495.0000-SQM R9,650,000.00 1548 of Secunda 1548 of Secunda (Portion 3) 1693sqm 1508sqm 1508.0000-SQM R5,440,000.00 R9,500,000.00 1548 of Secunda (Portion 4) 1549 of Secunda 185sqm 875sqm 185.0000-SQM 875.0000-SQM R1,000.00 R3,975,000.00 1550 of Secunda 608sqm 608.0000-SQM R1,000.00 1551 of Secunda 570sqm 570.0000-SQM R1,000.00 1552 of Secunda 792sqm 792.0000-SQM R1,000.00 1553 of Secunda 635sqm 635.0000-SQM R5,827,000.00 1554 of Secunda 400sqm 400.0000-SQM R2,580,000.00 1555 of Secunda 1556 of Secunda 1557 of Secunda 2005sqm 1.0137Ha 305sqm 2005.0000-SQM 1.0137-H 305.0000-SQM R5,450,000.00 R1,000,000.00 R253,000.00 1570 of Secunda 874sqm 874.0000-SQM R824,000.00 1571 of Secunda 759sqm 759.0000-SQM R690,000.00 1572 of Secunda 1573 of Secunda 1574 of Secunda 1575 of Secunda 796sqm 809sqm 821sqm 840sqm 796.0000-SQM 809.0000-SQM 821.0000-SQM 840.0000-SQM R676,000.00 R722,000.00 R692,000.00 R753,000.00 1576 of Secunda 917sqm 917.0000-SQM R736,000.00 1577 of Secunda 1009sqm 1009.0000-SQM R680,000.00 Page 47 Registered description 1578 of Secunda 1579 of Secunda 1580 of Secunda 1581 of Secunda 1582 of Secunda 1583 of Secunda 1584 of Secunda 1585 of Secunda 1586 of Secunda 1587 of Secunda 1588 of Secunda 1589 of Secunda 1590 of Secunda 1591 of Secunda 1592 of Secunda 1593 of Secunda 1594 of Secunda 1595 of Secunda 1596 of Secunda 1597 of Secunda 1598 of Secunda 1599 of Secunda 1600 of Secunda 1601 of Secunda 1602 of Secunda 1603 of Secunda 1604 of Secunda 1605 of Secunda 1606 of Secunda 1607 of Secunda 1609 of Secunda 1610 of Secunda 1611 of Secunda 1612 of Secunda 1613 of Secunda 1614 of Secunda 1615 of Secunda 1616 of Secunda 1617 of Secunda 1618 of Secunda 1619 of Secunda 1620 of Secunda 1621 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Lifehouse Trust Elsie Dorothia De Wet Jacobus Frederick De Wet Dedre Engels Aswegen Pieter Barend Van Andries Louw Horn Vuuren Brain Quentin Jansen Van Vuuren Charlotte Louisa Jansen Van Esta Potgieter Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Thabiso Bengeza Christo Coetzer Johanna Catherina Coetzer der Walt Gerrit Paul Van Cornelius Wilhelmus Els Rudolf Jacobus Bossert Ryneveld Hendrik Van Anton Wynand Knoetze Susanna Catharina Magdalena Knoetze Santosh Assaram Shamain Assaram Andries Jacobus Gustavus Boshoff Nicolene Lusill Boshoff Roy Seddon Bridget Elizabeth De Bruin Gerhardus Stefanus De Bruin Boesman Malinga Cebisa Malinga Pieter Louis Le Roux Test Pty Ltd Steel Margot Ruth Kerr Kruger Eiendomstrust Hennie Sipho Mlangeni Zandile Beatrice Mlangeni Staden Adriana Van Staden Gideon Johannes Van Melvin Cristopher John Asia Andre Du Toit Frederik Cornelis Campher Susarah Wilhelmina Campher Govan Mbeki Municipality Nonthuthuzelo Patricia Mvanana Rachel Annie Maria Hattingh Salomon Johannes Hattingh Caren Van Den Berg Jan Christoffel Van Den Berg Francois Jacobs Irene Ann Botha Gerhardus Britz Deon De Beer Wilma Sharon De Beer Samuel Hatlane Manganyi Naledzani Eunice Nekhubvi Zulu Solly Jiyane Tanya Horne Job Vusi Sibanyoni Koekie Emmah Sibanyoni Edward Waterson Naomi Waterson Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1580 of Secunda 1581 of Secunda 1582 of Secunda 1583 of Secunda 879sqm 767sqm 767sqm 730sqm 879.0000-SQM 767.0000-SQM 767.0000-SQM 730.0000-SQM R714,000.00 R780,000.00 R850,000.00 R748,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1584 of Secunda 1585 of Secunda 1586 of Secunda 1587 of Secunda 730sqm 800sqm 718sqm 718sqm 730.0000-SQM 800.0000-SQM 718.0000-SQM 718.0000-SQM R758,000.00 R706,000.00 R728,000.00 R778,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1588 of Secunda 1589 of Secunda 1590 of Secunda 1591 of Secunda 1592 of Secunda 674sqm 674sqm 765sqm 842sqm 996sqm 674.0000-SQM 674.0000-SQM 765.0000-SQM 842.0000-SQM 996.0000-SQM R701,000.00 R796,000.00 R850,000.00 R803,000.00 R809,000.00 RES - Residential 1593 of Secunda 934sqm 934.0000-SQM R767,000.00 RES - Residential 1594 of Secunda 1123sqm 1123.0000-SQM R774,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1595 of Secunda 1596 of Secunda 854sqm 858sqm 854.0000-SQM 858.0000-SQM R708,000.00 R773,000.00 RES - Residential 1597 of Secunda 858sqm 858.0000-SQM R708,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1598 of Secunda 1599 of Secunda 1600 of Secunda 1601 of Secunda 1602 of Secunda 858sqm 912sqm 1095sqm 928sqm 866sqm 858.0000-SQM 912.0000-SQM 1095.0000-SQM 928.0000-SQM 866.0000-SQM R775,000.00 R840,000.00 R723,000.00 R716,000.00 R734,000.00 RES - Residential 1603 of Secunda 795sqm 795.0000-SQM R891,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1604 of Secunda 1605 of Secunda 1606 of Secunda 735sqm 735sqm 828sqm 735.0000-SQM 735.0000-SQM 828.0000-SQM R719,000.00 R709,000.00 R752,000.00 MUN - Municipal RES - Residential RES - Residential 1607 of Secunda 1609 of Secunda 1610 of Secunda 6085sqm 991sqm 777sqm 6085.0000-SQM 991.0000-SQM 777.0000-SQM R610,000.00 R789,000.00 R780,000.00 RES - Residential 1611 of Secunda 749sqm 749.0000-SQM R859,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1612 of Secunda 1613 of Secunda 1614 of Secunda 1615 of Secunda 748sqm 765sqm 1245sqm 856sqm 748.0000-SQM 765.0000-SQM 1245.0000-SQM 856.0000-SQM R719,000.00 R710,000.00 R749,000.00 R843,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1616 of Secunda 1617 of Secunda 1618 of Secunda 1619 of Secunda 1620 of Secunda 819sqm 856sqm 914sqm 819sqm 819sqm 819.0000-SQM 856.0000-SQM 914.0000-SQM 819.0000-SQM 819.0000-SQM R732,000.00 R723,000.00 R766,000.00 R812,000.00 R842,000.00 RES - Residential 1621 of Secunda 819sqm 819.0000-SQM R732,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1578 of Secunda 1579 of Secunda Page 48 1010sqm 837sqm 1010.0000-SQM 837.0000-SQM R695,000.00 R733,000.00 Registered description 1622 of Secunda 1623 of Secunda 1624 of Secunda 1625 of Secunda 1626 of Secunda 1627 of Secunda 1628 of Secunda 1629 of Secunda 1630 of Secunda 1631 of Secunda 1632 of Secunda 1633 of Secunda 1634 of Secunda 1635 of Secunda 1636 of Secunda 1637 of Secunda 1638 of Secunda 1639 of Secunda 1640 of Secunda 1641 of Secunda 1642 of Secunda 1643 of Secunda 1644 of Secunda 1645 of Secunda 1646 of Secunda 1647 of Secunda 1648 of Secunda 1649 of Secunda 1650 of Secunda 1651 of Secunda 1652 of Secunda 1653 of Secunda 1654 of Secunda 1655 of Secunda 1656 of Secunda 1657 of Secunda 1658 of Secunda 1659 of Secunda 1660 of Secunda 1661 of Secunda 1662 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Alida Hendrika Erasmus Francois Petrus Janse Van Veuren Erasmus Marthinus Lourens Erasmus Judite Do Nascimento Ladeira Manuel Gomes Ladeira Johannes Gerhardus Jooste Monique Bester Nico Johanson Bester Duane Wright Peter Cecil Armstrong Kelly Rooyen Andre Van Philisile Pamela Dlamini Rynard Petrus Steynberg Dicks Premela Sewram Udaychand Sewram Niekerk Annette Adora Van Niekerk Johannes Petrus Van Smita Patak Alan Patrick Bates Erasmus Mathys Friederik Lombard Sanet Lombard Wilhelm Berhardus Taljaard Hendrika Fransina Taljaard Wilhelm Berhardus Taljaard Visvanathan Naicker Moses Masote Guy Walter Shepstone Bernardus Lambertus Rooker Carolina Fredrika Rooker Hendrik Willem Storm Solani Winnie Resenga Rhynette Hugo Nhlanhla Paul Mkhabela Joan Susan Elizabeth Ferreira Engela Dorothy Mara Reeves Pieter Gerhardus Reeves Zacharias Johannes Bosch Catharina Susanna Heiberg James Ignatius Wait Heiberg Machiel Christoffel Erasmus Magdalena Josina Erasmus Gertruida Wilhelmina Combrinck Hester Catrina Johanna Kitching Carol Laura Pauline Coetzee Henry Patrick Coetzee Jan Hendrik Joubert Magaretha Catharina Potgieter James Mitchell Hugo Matseliso Annah Mnembe Mohammes Asuf Osman Sheena Osman Jacobus Johannes Coetzee Yvonne Coetzee Thapelo Lee Mafongozi Matshdiso Adelade Pebane Hellen Nomsa Mathebula Vuyo Stoffel Ngwako Hendrik Stephanus Stapelberg Natasha Stapelberg Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 1623 of Secunda 819sqm 819.0000-SQM R802,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1624 of Secunda 1625 of Secunda 819sqm 819sqm 819.0000-SQM 819.0000-SQM R732,000.00 R732,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1626 of Secunda 1627 of Secunda 1628 of Secunda 1629 of Secunda 1630 of Secunda 1631 of Secunda 966sqm 928sqm 833sqm 791sqm 748sqm 748sqm 966.0000-SQM 928.0000-SQM 833.0000-SQM 791.0000-SQM 748.0000-SQM 748.0000-SQM R770,000.00 R736,000.00 R742,000.00 R681,000.00 R709,000.00 R859,000.00 RES - Residential 1632 of Secunda 748sqm 748.0000-SQM R749,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1633 of Secunda 1634 of Secunda 1635 of Secunda 838sqm 738sqm 660sqm 838.0000-SQM 738.0000-SQM 660.0000-SQM R723,000.00 R749,000.00 R796,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1636 of Secunda 1637 of Secunda 660sqm 660sqm 660.0000-SQM 660.0000-SQM R726,000.00 R706,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1638 of Secunda 1639 of Secunda 1640 of Secunda 1641 of Secunda 660sqm 660sqm 1038sqm 910sqm 660.0000-SQM 660.0000-SQM 1038.0000-SQM 910.0000-SQM R691,000.00 R716,000.00 R791,000.00 R796,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1642 of Secunda 1643 of Secunda 1644 of Secunda 1645 of Secunda 1646 of Secunda 1647 of Secunda 851sqm 851sqm 833sqm 1126sqm 777sqm 736sqm 851.0000-SQM 851.0000-SQM 833.0000-SQM 1126.0000-SQM 777.0000-SQM 736.0000-SQM R793,000.00 R703,000.00 R762,000.00 R864,000.00 R730,000.00 R749,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1648 of Secunda 1649 of Secunda 736sqm 736sqm 736.0000-SQM 736.0000-SQM R789,000.00 R869,000.00 RES - Residential 1650 of Secunda 800sqm 800.0000-SQM R751,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1651 of Secunda 1652 of Secunda 1653 of Secunda 939sqm 786sqm 886sqm 939.0000-SQM 786.0000-SQM 886.0000-SQM R797,000.00 R721,000.00 R775,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1654 of Secunda 1655 of Secunda 1656 of Secunda 1657 of Secunda 1658 of Secunda 840sqm 884sqm 902sqm 1114sqm 868sqm 840.0000-SQM 884.0000-SQM 902.0000-SQM 1114.0000-SQM 868.0000-SQM R723,000.00 R795,000.00 R755,000.00 R719,000.00 R754,000.00 RES - Residential 1659 of Secunda 705sqm 705.0000-SQM R707,000.00 RES - Residential 1660 of Secunda 736sqm 736.0000-SQM R759,000.00 RES - Residential 1661 of Secunda 736sqm 736.0000-SQM R729,000.00 RES - Residential 1662 of Secunda 736sqm 736.0000-SQM R749,000.00 RES - Residential 1622 of Secunda Page 49 819sqm 819.0000-SQM R762,000.00 Registered description 1663 of Secunda 1664 of Secunda 1665 of Secunda 1666 of Secunda 1667 of Secunda 1668 of Secunda 1669 of Secunda 1670 of Secunda 1671 of Secunda 1672 of Secunda 1673 of Secunda 1674 of Secunda 1675 of Secunda 1676 of Secunda 1677 of Secunda 1678 of Secunda 1679 of Secunda 1680 of Secunda 1681 of Secunda 1682 of Secunda 1683 of Secunda 1684 of Secunda 1685 of Secunda 1686 of Secunda 1687 of Secunda 1688 of Secunda 1689 of Secunda 1690 of Secunda 1691 of Secunda 1691 of Secunda (Portion 1) 1692 of Secunda 1692 of Secunda (Portion 1) 1693 of Secunda 1694 of Secunda 1695 of Secunda 1696 of Secunda 1697 of Secunda 1698 of Secunda 1699 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Alewyn Petrus Bronn Almarie Bronn Marina Goussard- Meyer Theodorus Johannes Meyer Jacobus Johannes Louw Burger Theron Carlene Ravendran Govender Sidney Oscar Lourens Zagryda Maria Lourens Johan Hein Schoeman Corinne Mary Holder Helena Josina Magrieta Strauss Louis Arthur Strauss Daniel Johannes Gerhardus Minnaar Hendrika Jacoba Minnaar Andries Cornelius Herbst Elaine Herbst Butikie Richard Ngele Thandiwe Cicilia Ngele Frederick Theodorus Odendaal Heather Meryl Krause Rudolph Krause Rachel Magrietha Odendaal Cobus Burger Wyk Jacobus Christoffel Van Wyk Petronella Marie Van Lloyd Anthony Buchler Marita Teresa Buchler Schaik Annatjie Sophia Van Schaik Carl Hermann Van Francois Du Plessis Margarethe Du Plessis Funiwe Andronica Kwinana Monwabisi Gladman Kwinana Heila Marlene Bothma Rofhiwa Allgravellows Mabodi Mebra Nthabiseng Rasoesoe Jeanette Parisi Christiaan Frederick Bester Pieternella Magdalena Bester John Edward Montgomery Johan Hermanus Muller Martie Johanna Jakoba Muller Owen Trust Busisiwe Lydia Ndlovu Tebelo Patrick Ndlovu Owen & Associates Pty Ltd R J Owen & Associates Pty Ltd R J Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Christine Snyman Petronella Wilhelmina Kotze Christina Johanna Sophia During Johannes Petrus Joubert During Emily Jane Hattingh Casper Hendrik Badenhorst Yolanda Badenhorst Louis Daniel Botha Protestantse Kerk Hoeveldrif Afrikaanse Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 1665 of Secunda 752sqm 752.0000-SQM R739,000.00 RES - Residential 1666 of Secunda 1104sqm 1104.0000-SQM R733,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1667 of Secunda 1668 of Secunda 756sqm 756sqm 756.0000-SQM 756.0000-SQM R849,000.00 R759,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1669 of Secunda 1670 of Secunda 1671 of Secunda 821sqm 821sqm 756sqm 821.0000-SQM 821.0000-SQM 756.0000-SQM R832,000.00 R712,000.00 R729,000.00 RES - Residential 1672 of Secunda 756sqm 756.0000-SQM R684,000.00 RES - Residential 1673 of Secunda 756sqm 756.0000-SQM R694,000.00 RES - Residential 1674 of Secunda 756sqm 756.0000-SQM R699,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1675 of Secunda 1676 of Secunda 881sqm 803sqm 881.0000-SQM 803.0000-SQM R694,000.00 R696,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1677 of Secunda 1678 of Secunda 1679 of Secunda 973sqm 964sqm 780sqm 973.0000-SQM 964.0000-SQM 780.0000-SQM R728,000.00 R718,000.00 R695,000.00 RES - Residential 1680 of Secunda 750sqm 750.0000-SQM R739,000.00 RES - Residential 1681 of Secunda 750sqm 750.0000-SQM R739,000.00 RES - Residential 1682 of Secunda 828sqm 828.0000-SQM R732,000.00 RES - Residential 1683 of Secunda 940sqm 940.0000-SQM R777,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1684 of Secunda 1685 of Secunda 850sqm 850sqm 850.0000-SQM 850.0000-SQM R783,000.00 R723,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1686 of Secunda 1687 of Secunda 884sqm 884sqm 884.0000-SQM 884.0000-SQM R715,000.00 R865,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1688 of Secunda 1689 of Secunda 1037sqm 1049sqm 1037.0000-SQM 1049.0000-SQM R801,000.00 R781,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1690 of Secunda 1691 of Secunda 875sqm 559sqm 875.0000-SQM 559.0000-SQM R774,000.00 R784,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential UDT - Unregistered RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1691 of Secunda (Portion 1) 1692 of Secunda 1692 of Secunda (Portion 1) 1693 of Secunda 1694 of Secunda 1695 of Secunda 350sqm 770sqm 300sqm 1181sqm 972sqm 1023sqm 350.0000-SQM 770.0000-SQM 1181.0000-SQM 972.0000-SQM 1023.0000-SQM R752,000.00 R1,345,000.00 R684,000.00 R946,000.00 R708,000.00 R850,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1696 of Secunda 1697 of Secunda 972sqm 1080sqm 972.0000-SQM 1080.0000-SQM R868,000.00 R842,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1698 of Secunda 1699 of Secunda 1142sqm 1314sqm 1142.0000-SQM 1314.0000-SQM R735,000.00 R812,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1663 of Secunda 1664 of Secunda Page 50 736sqm 736sqm 736.0000-SQM 736.0000-SQM R694,000.00 R719,000.00 Registered description 1700 of Secunda 1701 of Secunda 1702 of Secunda 1703 of Secunda 1704 of Secunda 1705 of Secunda 1706 of Secunda 1707 of Secunda 1708 of Secunda 1709 of Secunda 1710 of Secunda 1711 of Secunda 1712 of Secunda 1713 of Secunda 1714 of Secunda 1715 of Secunda 1716 of Secunda 1717 of Secunda 1718 of Secunda 1719 of Secunda 1720 of Secunda 1721 of Secunda 1722 of Secunda 1723 of Secunda 1724 of Secunda 1725 of Secunda 1726 of Secunda 1727 of Secunda 1728 of Secunda 1729 of Secunda 1730 of Secunda 1731 of Secunda 1732 of Secunda 1733 of Secunda 1734 of Secunda 1735 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Leoni Jacobs Mark Richard Jacobs Rodney Bongani Nkonde Moises Meneses Ourique Iris Human Johannes Petrus Human Ignatius Mandla Mathebula Tshidi Mary Motloung Abraham Christiaan Goosen Anneleen Goosen Barend Jacobus Espach Magritha Maria Espach Vernamarie Davies Cornelius Johannes Rademeyer Adri Ronel Venter Jan Willem Nicolaas Venter der Berg Sarah Henriette Van Petrus Johannes Dreyer Botha Wilhelmina Gertruida Botha Charles Andrew Schnuir Elmaine Schnuir Estelle Koekemoer Willem Johannes Jacobus Abraham Koekemoer Morne Nortje Nicolette Nortje Antonella Lucretia Turner Brian Gerald Turner Geelen Petra Van Michael Todd Johannes Jakobus Barnard Yolandi Barnard Eugene Victor Smit Johanna Magdalena Smit Alpheus Pretorius Sophia Adriana Pretorius Jacobus Herculaas Scheepers Maria Magdalena Scheepers Popie Joanah Shabangu Gary Ashley Austen Gert Hendrik Kriek Drieceus Michael Wolhuter Josef Steurer Mphedziseni Munzhelele Elsa Heleen Brummer Pieter Willem Adriaan Brummer Frank Nthoane Makobe Maseapo Gift Makobe Aneshree Chanderparsad Budharam Raakesh Soorajlal Budharam James John Smith Jeanne Alleta Smith Dennis Joubert Vanessa Ruth Joubert Ann Smit Freiderich Wilhelm Smit Willem Daniel Wentzel Nomthetho Gladys Mpepe Nyameko Caxton Mpepe Paul Ndlaleni Mahungele Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1701 of Secunda 1702 of Secunda 1703 of Secunda 988sqm 988sqm 988sqm 988.0000-SQM 988.0000-SQM 988.0000-SQM R729,000.00 R739,000.00 R769,000.00 RES - Residential 1704 of Secunda 1050sqm 1050.0000-SQM R761,000.00 RES - Residential 1705 of Secunda 1310sqm 1310.0000-SQM R741,000.00 RES - Residential 1706 of Secunda 1462sqm 1462.0000-SQM R947,000.00 RES - Residential 1707 of Secunda 884sqm 884.0000-SQM R845,000.00 RES - Residential 1708 of Secunda 884sqm 884.0000-SQM R710,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1709 of Secunda 1710 of Secunda 974sqm 974sqm 974.0000-SQM 974.0000-SQM R848,000.00 R908,000.00 RES - Residential 1711 of Secunda 884sqm 884.0000-SQM R735,000.00 RES - Residential 1712 of Secunda 1030sqm 1030.0000-SQM R730,000.00 RES - Residential 1713 of Secunda 794sqm 794.0000-SQM R751,000.00 RES - Residential 1714 of Secunda 907sqm 907.0000-SQM R835,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1715 of Secunda 1716 of Secunda 1717 of Secunda 954sqm 778sqm 667sqm 954.0000-SQM 778.0000-SQM 667.0000-SQM R917,000.00 R819,000.00 R746,000.00 RES - Residential 1718 of Secunda 667sqm 667.0000-SQM R716,000.00 RES - Residential 1719 of Secunda 667sqm 667.0000-SQM R766,000.00 RES - Residential 1720 of Secunda 667sqm 667.0000-SQM R736,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1721 of Secunda 1722 of Secunda 1723 of Secunda 1724 of Secunda 1725 of Secunda 1726 of Secunda 1727 of Secunda 667sqm 667sqm 796sqm 908sqm 792sqm 759sqm 759sqm 667.0000-SQM 667.0000-SQM 796.0000-SQM 908.0000-SQM 792.0000-SQM 759.0000-SQM 759.0000-SQM R706,000.00 R756,000.00 R821,000.00 R905,000.00 R761,000.00 R820,000.00 R800,000.00 RES - Residential 1728 of Secunda 759sqm 759.0000-SQM R830,000.00 RES - Residential 1729 of Secunda 759sqm 759.0000-SQM R740,000.00 RES - Residential 1730 of Secunda 759sqm 759.0000-SQM R720,000.00 RES - Residential 1731 of Secunda 759sqm 759.0000-SQM R780,000.00 RES - Residential 1732 of Secunda 903sqm 903.0000-SQM R845,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1733 of Secunda 1734 of Secunda 920sqm 759sqm 920.0000-SQM 759.0000-SQM R746,000.00 R810,000.00 RES - Residential 1735 of Secunda 652sqm 652.0000-SQM R735,000.00 RES - Residential 1700 of Secunda Page 51 1022sqm 1022.0000-SQM R820,000.00 Registered description 1736 of Secunda 1737 of Secunda 1738 of Secunda 1739 of Secunda 1740 of Secunda 1741 of Secunda 1742 of Secunda 1743 of Secunda 1744 of Secunda 1745 of Secunda 1746 of Secunda 1747 of Secunda 1748 of Secunda 1749 of Secunda 1750 of Secunda 1751 of Secunda 1752 of Secunda 1753 of Secunda 1754 of Secunda 1755 of Secunda 1756 of Secunda 1757 of Secunda 1758 of Secunda 1759 of Secunda 1760 of Secunda 1761 of Secunda 1762 of Secunda 1763 of Secunda 1764 of Secunda 1765 of Secunda 1766 of Secunda 1767 of Secunda 1768 of Secunda 1769 of Secunda 1770 of Secunda 1771 of Secunda 1772 of Secunda 1773 of Secunda 1774 of Secunda 1775 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Leonie Alby Levendale Nigel John Levendale Daniel Balzarser Snyman Fananobani Obed Nxumalo Lindiwe Rose Nxumalo Deon Nortje Marita Isabel Nortje Karl Marc Meyer Helena Hendrina Bothma Rachel Cornelia Bothma Niekerk Hugo Jacobus Van Dirk Wouter Fourie Juanita Fourie Petrus Johannes Coetzee Sondo Lillian Masilela Closeprops 222 Cc Jacobus Van Den Berg Ilana Olivier Christo Schwartz Barend Daniel Cornelius Bezuidenhout Deidre Yvette Bezuidenhout Zena Johanna Marx Maretha Mouton Sarel Petrus Mouton Trevor Rodrick Marsh Theunis Johannes De Beer Nervern Cundasamy Voloshanee Cundasamy Johanna Amelia Hazelhurst Jacobus Van Den Berg Christina Johanna Van Den Berg Jacobus Van Den Berg Caroline Mokoena Vincent Mojalefa Mokoena Johann Andries Prinsloo der Westhuizen Letitia Cathrine Grace Van der Westhuizen Pieter Johannes Van Antoinette De Klerk Frans Cronje Jacobus Adriaan Croukamp Jacobus Adriaan Croukamp Yvette Koekemoer Jan Smit Strydom Julia Ouma Peta Mphoto Ezrom Peta John Mullineux Andreas Jacobus Steenkamp Reinette Newman Derwyn Douglas Waite Leonard Connoway Lizelle Connoway Willie Frederick Kruger Willem Johannes Stoltz Gerhardus Stephanus Koekemoer Susanna Hermina Jacoba Koekemoer Anton Kennard Hendrina Maria Stoltz Willem Johannes Stoltz David Nghondzweni Tsakani Jane Nghondzweni Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential 1737 of Secunda 1738 of Secunda 763sqm 984sqm 763.0000-SQM 984.0000-SQM R810,000.00 R728,000.00 RES - Residential 1739 of Secunda 917sqm 917.0000-SQM R746,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1740 of Secunda 1741 of Secunda 791sqm 731sqm 791.0000-SQM 731.0000-SQM R741,000.00 R953,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1742 of Secunda 1743 of Secunda 841sqm 753sqm 841.0000-SQM 753.0000-SQM R733,000.00 R694,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1744 of Secunda 1745 of Secunda 1746 of Secunda 1747 of Secunda 1748 of Secunda 870sqm 771sqm 767sqm 767sqm 735sqm 870.0000-SQM 771.0000-SQM 767.0000-SQM 767.0000-SQM 735.0000-SQM R724,000.00 R710,000.00 R720,000.00 R760,000.00 R769,000.00 RES - Residential 1749 of Secunda 767sqm 767.0000-SQM R720,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1750 of Secunda 1751 of Secunda 1015sqm 886sqm 1015.0000-SQM 886.0000-SQM R740,000.00 R745,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1752 of Secunda 1753 of Secunda 1754 of Secunda 824sqm 967sqm 721sqm 824.0000-SQM 967.0000-SQM 721.0000-SQM R712,000.00 R828,000.00 R703,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1755 of Secunda 1756 of Secunda 1757 of Secunda 691sqm 721sqm 721sqm 691.0000-SQM 721.0000-SQM 721.0000-SQM R727,000.00 R758,000.00 R703,000.00 RES - Residential 1758 of Secunda 766sqm 766.0000-SQM R710,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1759 of Secunda 1760 of Secunda 906sqm 906sqm 906.0000-SQM 906.0000-SQM R805,000.00 R795,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1761 of Secunda 1762 of Secunda 1763 of Secunda 799sqm 799sqm 799sqm 799.0000-SQM 799.0000-SQM 799.0000-SQM R761,000.00 R861,000.00 R841,000.00 RES - Residential 1764 of Secunda 799sqm 799.0000-SQM R711,000.00 RES - Residential 1765 of Secunda 906sqm 906.0000-SQM R755,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1766 of Secunda 1767 of Secunda 1768 of Secunda 906sqm 799sqm 799sqm 906.0000-SQM 799.0000-SQM 799.0000-SQM R735,000.00 R851,000.00 R761,000.00 RES - Residential 1769 of Secunda 799sqm 799.0000-SQM R791,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1770 of Secunda 1771 of Secunda 1772 of Secunda 799sqm 820sqm 736sqm 799.0000-SQM 820.0000-SQM 736.0000-SQM R801,000.00 R842,000.00 R969,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1773 of Secunda 1774 of Secunda 736sqm 736sqm 736.0000-SQM 736.0000-SQM R909,000.00 R709,000.00 RES - Residential 1775 of Secunda 736sqm 736.0000-SQM R719,000.00 RES - Residential 1736 of Secunda Page 52 673sqm 673.0000-SQM R786,000.00 Registered description 1776 of Secunda 1777 of Secunda 1778 of Secunda 1779 of Secunda 1780 of Secunda 1781 of Secunda 1782 of Secunda 1783 of Secunda 1784 of Secunda 1785 of Secunda 1786 of Secunda 1787 of Secunda 1788 of Secunda 1789 of Secunda 1790 of Secunda 1791 of Secunda 1792 of Secunda 1793 of Secunda 1794 of Secunda 1795 of Secunda 1796 of Secunda 1797 of Secunda 1798 of Secunda 1799 of Secunda 1800 of Secunda 1801 of Secunda 1802 of Secunda 1803 of Secunda 1804 of Secunda 1805 of Secunda 1806 of Secunda 1807 of Secunda 1808 of Secunda 1809 of Secunda 1810 of Secunda 1811 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Mswazi Cherbs Ngwekazi Msokoli Jack Mashibini Pulane Maria Mashibini Antoinette Vannase Brooks Brian George Brooks Rensburg Monique Anne-Marie Gilberte Jansen Van Matthys Johannes Combrink Sandra Petronella Combrink Henry Daniel Froneman Susara Albertina Froneman Rooyen Anna Susanna Magarietha Van Rooyen Johan Frederick Van Morne Nortje Nicolette Nortje Billy Erick Malapane Ketty Phindile Malapane Deborah Pratt Mark Patrick Pratt Eeden Armand Egmond Van Eeden Gertruida Magdalena Van Magdalena Barnard Sarel Stephanus Marais Terblanche Barnard Lukas Petrus Jacobus Duraan Juanita Sequeira Andries Hendrik Brits Magezi Thomas Mahwayi M M B Trust Gerhardus Stephanus Scheepers Eeden David Hercules Van Eeden Regina Johanna Petronella Van Christo Fouche Tianna Fouche Diederik Nicolaas Lottering Chareen Leonie Padayachee Yagashen Padayachee Bradley Hadle Smith Mavis Elizabeth Smith Gavin Ricky Brian Ellis Natalie Marie Ellis Charl Fourie Comi Fourie Andries Johannes O'neill Christine Maria O'neill Heerden Johannes George Van Heerden Mathilda Cornelia Van Daryl Eugene Essop Norelle Odette Essop Annelie Le Roux Willem Hendrik Le Roux Charles Pearson Peet Ngadi Rebecca Mkhatswa Sipho Sydney Mkhatswa Jacques Johan Hurter Carol Christine Papworth Johannes Jacobus Du Toit Johannes Jurie Pieterse Richard Edward Bontoft Mulenga Kasonka Katabua Ntumba Kabeya Augu Katabua Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 1778 of Secunda 864sqm 864.0000-SQM R774,000.00 RES - Residential 1779 of Secunda 828sqm 828.0000-SQM R842,000.00 RES - Residential 1780 of Secunda 828sqm 828.0000-SQM R722,000.00 RES - Residential 1781 of Secunda 828sqm 828.0000-SQM R772,000.00 RES - Residential 1782 of Secunda 924sqm 924.0000-SQM R816,000.00 RES - Residential 1783 of Secunda 985sqm 985.0000-SQM R714,000.00 RES - Residential 1784 of Secunda 780sqm 780.0000-SQM R750,000.00 RES - Residential 1785 of Secunda 780sqm 780.0000-SQM R780,000.00 RES - Residential 1786 of Secunda 780sqm 780.0000-SQM R770,000.00 RES - Residential 1787 of Secunda 780sqm 780.0000-SQM R740,000.00 RES - Residential 1788 of Secunda 858sqm 858.0000-SQM R723,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1789 of Secunda 1790 of Secunda 1791 of Secunda 1792 of Secunda 1793 of Secunda 974sqm 884sqm 884sqm 884sqm 910sqm 974.0000-SQM 884.0000-SQM 884.0000-SQM 884.0000-SQM 910.0000-SQM R713,000.00 R845,000.00 R815,000.00 R745,000.00 R756,000.00 RES - Residential 1794 of Secunda 1376sqm 1376.0000-SQM R744,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1795 of Secunda 1796 of Secunda 1064sqm 1026sqm 1064.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM R772,000.00 R750,000.00 RES - Residential 1797 of Secunda 1064sqm 1064.0000-SQM R862,000.00 RES - Residential 1798 of Secunda 1299sqm 1299.0000-SQM R941,000.00 RES - Residential 1799 of Secunda 928sqm 928.0000-SQM R806,000.00 RES - Residential 1800 of Secunda 736sqm 736.0000-SQM R779,000.00 RES - Residential 1801 of Secunda 736sqm 736.0000-SQM R789,000.00 RES - Residential 1802 of Secunda 736sqm 736.0000-SQM R719,000.00 RES - Residential 1803 of Secunda 884sqm 884.0000-SQM R745,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1804 of Secunda 1805 of Secunda 996sqm 828sqm 996.0000-SQM 828.0000-SQM R719,000.00 R812,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1806 of Secunda 1807 of Secunda 1808 of Secunda 1809 of Secunda 1810 of Secunda 1811 of Secunda 828sqm 882sqm 935sqm 1370sqm 1219sqm 1094sqm 828.0000-SQM 882.0000-SQM 935.0000-SQM 1370.0000-SQM 1219.0000-SQM 1094.0000-SQM R892,000.00 R764,000.00 R757,000.00 R944,000.00 R878,000.00 R955,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1776 of Secunda 1777 of Secunda Page 53 840sqm 1085sqm 840.0000-SQM 1085.0000-SQM R783,000.00 R763,000.00 Registered description 1812 of Secunda 1813 of Secunda 1814 of Secunda 1815 of Secunda 1816 of Secunda 1817 of Secunda 1818 of Secunda 1819 of Secunda 1820 of Secunda 1821 of Secunda 1822 of Secunda 1823 of Secunda 1824 of Secunda 1825 of Secunda 1826 of Secunda 1827 of Secunda 1828 of Secunda 1829 of Secunda 1830 of Secunda 1831 of Secunda 1832 of Secunda 1833 of Secunda 1834 of Secunda 1835 of Secunda 1836 of Secunda 1837 of Secunda 1838 of Secunda 1839 of Secunda 1840 of Secunda 1841 of Secunda 1842 of Secunda 1843 of Secunda 1844 of Secunda 1845 of Secunda 1846 of Secunda 1847 of Secunda 1848 of Secunda 1849 of Secunda 1850 of Secunda 1851 of Secunda 1852 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Charel Jacob Du Plessis Carel Willem Jacobus Jacobs Quintin Pieter Petzer Leonardus Johannes Dreyer Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Annalien Chalmein Du Toit Susarah Maria Brits Derrick Leon Gouws Caroline Dorothea Lang Errol Hurst Lang Morningstar Residence Trust Cornelia Johanna Gertina Myburgh Rensburg Salmon Pienaar Janse Van Rensburg Soria Talita Janse Van Mathys Johannes Blom Moreen Ethel Blom Sibusiso Isaac Guliwe Winile Mildred Guliwe Penelope Rosena Stuart Richard Stuart Wiaan Christiaan Booyens Yvette Booyens Johann Engelbrecht der Merwe Emmrentia Cornelia Van Johanna Christina Aletta Senekal Mattheus Johannes Senekal Anna Catharina Servasina Boshoff Pieter Gideon Boshoff Jabulani Petrus Mashika Ntombi Jane Mashika der Merwe Jeremias Jakobus Van Mirida Writes John Moffat Scannell Matthys Stephanus Marx Vuuren Anna Cathrina Sophia Van Philippus Jacobus Marais Marthinus Herman Ackerman Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Mahashane Phillemon Mathe Pii Daphney Mathe Kevin George Shepherd Dumisani Prince Nyembe Nancy Gugu Nyembe Rex Allen Jefferies Francis James Terblanche Sonelle Coetzer Willem Johannes Jacobus Coetzer Casper Johannes Cornelius Bezuidenhout Riaan Roodt Abraham Adriaan Storm Maryke Storm Christiaan Phillippus Nel Henry Roneld Rudolph Leslay May Rudolph Hendrik Johannes Buhr Pieter Andries Du Toit Robert Wilhelm Nachenius Barney Kruger Maureen Louise Kruger Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1821 of Secunda 1822 of Secunda 1823 of Secunda 780sqm 780sqm 780sqm 780.0000-SQM 780.0000-SQM 780.0000-SQM R880,000.00 R800,000.00 R740,000.00 RES - Residential 1824 of Secunda 780sqm 780.0000-SQM R820,000.00 RES - Residential 1825 of Secunda 780sqm 780.0000-SQM R700,000.00 RES - Residential 1826 of Secunda 780sqm 780.0000-SQM R695,000.00 RES - Residential 1827 of Secunda 765sqm 765.0000-SQM R695,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1828 of Secunda 1829 of Secunda 1830 of Secunda 749sqm 753sqm 791sqm 749.0000-SQM 753.0000-SQM 791.0000-SQM R694,000.00 R709,000.00 R721,000.00 RES - Residential 1831 of Secunda 985sqm 985.0000-SQM R819,000.00 RES - Residential 1832 of Secunda 895sqm 895.0000-SQM R765,000.00 RES - Residential 1833 of Secunda 883sqm 883.0000-SQM R734,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1834 of Secunda 1835 of Secunda 1836 of Secunda 1837 of Secunda 1838 of Secunda 1839 of Secunda 1840 of Secunda 867sqm 884sqm 884sqm 884sqm 884sqm 884sqm 884sqm 867.0000-SQM 884.0000-SQM 884.0000-SQM 884.0000-SQM 884.0000-SQM 884.0000-SQM 884.0000-SQM R935,000.00 R815,000.00 R765,000.00 R735,000.00 R735,000.00 R725,000.00 R725,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1841 of Secunda 1842 of Secunda 884sqm 884sqm 884.0000-SQM 884.0000-SQM R745,000.00 R745,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1843 of Secunda 1844 of Secunda 1845 of Secunda 884sqm 974sqm 825sqm 884.0000-SQM 974.0000-SQM 825.0000-SQM R745,000.00 R798,000.00 R1,022,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1846 of Secunda 1847 of Secunda 1848 of Secunda 744sqm 744sqm 744sqm 744.0000-SQM 744.0000-SQM 744.0000-SQM R845,000.00 R799,000.00 R839,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1849 of Secunda 1850 of Secunda 806sqm 934sqm 806.0000-SQM 934.0000-SQM R731,000.00 R927,000.00 RES - Residential 1851 of Secunda 1043sqm 1043.0000-SQM R821,000.00 RES - Residential 1852 of Secunda 838sqm 838.0000-SQM R783,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1812 of Secunda 1813 of Secunda 1814 of Secunda 1815 of Secunda 1816 of Secunda 1817 of Secunda 1818 of Secunda 1819 of Secunda 1820 of Secunda Page 54 828sqm 828sqm 828sqm 828sqm 945sqm 858sqm 780sqm 780sqm 780sqm 828.0000-SQM 828.0000-SQM 828.0000-SQM 828.0000-SQM 945.0000-SQM 858.0000-SQM 780.0000-SQM 780.0000-SQM 780.0000-SQM R1,052,000.00 R802,000.00 R805,000.00 R845,000.00 R777,000.00 R813,000.00 R780,000.00 R770,000.00 R760,000.00 Registered description 1853 of Secunda 1854 of Secunda 1855 of Secunda 1856 of Secunda 1857 of Secunda 1858 of Secunda 1859 of Secunda 1860 of Secunda 1861 of Secunda 1862 of Secunda 1863 of Secunda 1864 of Secunda 1865 of Secunda 1866 of Secunda 1867 of Secunda 1868 of Secunda 1869 of Secunda 1870 of Secunda 1871 of Secunda 1872 of Secunda 1873 of Secunda 1874 of Secunda 1875 of Secunda 1876 of Secunda 1877 of Secunda 1878 of Secunda 1879 of Secunda 1880 of Secunda 1881 of Secunda 1882 of Secunda 1883 of Secunda 1883 of Secunda 1884 of Secunda 1885 of Secunda 1886 of Secunda 1887 of Secunda 1888 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Peter Henry De Beer Mohlokwa Wilfred Mbambisa Yvonne Betty Nkgafeng Mbambisa James Frederick Owens Hendry Robert Whitlock Louise Whitlock Christina Erithdina Hall William Edward Hall Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Joanrie Nel Pieter Daniel Nel Belia Maria Magdalena Jacobs George Christoffel Jacobs Elizabeth Christina Maria Geyer Stephanus Johannes Geyer Lester Finnis Jacques Henning Wilhelmina Gertruida Henning Govan Mbeki Municipality Madeleine Baartman Morne Baartman Crown Hill Prop 366 Cc Annette Annemie Viktor Zacharias Hendrikus Viktor Georgina Phillippina Slabbert Clifford De Lange Martha Elizabeth De Lange Gerda Thom Johannes Gerhardus Thom Hugh Roderick Webber Jacqueline Webber Morne Joubert Dalene Alida Hartman Pieter Johannes Hartman Candice Kalichuran Lincoln Naicker Anna Maria Magdalena Helena Jose Manuel Souza Helena Johan Jordaan Magrieta Sophia Janetta Jordaan Govan Mbeki Municipality Tonya Kay Engelbrecht William Henry Garnett- Bennett Anna Maria Chatrina Steenkamp Thomas Cornelis Steenkamp Fathima Zehra Shaik Zehir Shaik Anine Daneel Richard Hartley Daneel Joseph Erasmus Basson Pearl Ruby Basson Joseph Erasmus Basson Pearl Ruby Basson Enough Zanele Ngomane Albert Johannes Pretorius Christina Isabella Pretorius Annie Elizabeth Russel Francois Petrus Russel Govan Mbeki Municipality der Westhuizen Stephanus Etienne Van Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential 1855 of Secunda 1856 of Secunda 840sqm 933sqm 840.0000-SQM 933.0000-SQM R843,000.00 R786,000.00 RES - Residential 1857 of Secunda 1102sqm 1102.0000-SQM R880,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1858 of Secunda 1859 of Secunda 1044sqm 1044sqm 1044.0000-SQM 1044.0000-SQM R835,000.00 R825,000.00 RES - Residential 1860 of Secunda 1044sqm 1044.0000-SQM R825,000.00 RES - Residential 1861 of Secunda 1140sqm 1140.0000-SQM R990,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1862 of Secunda 1863 of Secunda 1012sqm 928sqm 1012.0000-SQM 928.0000-SQM R805,000.00 R910,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1864 of Secunda 1865 of Secunda 928sqm 928sqm 928.0000-SQM 928.0000-SQM R820,000.00 R780,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1866 of Secunda 1867 of Secunda 1169sqm 1093sqm 1169.0000-SQM 1093.0000-SQM R820,000.00 R870,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1868 of Secunda 1869 of Secunda 1073sqm 1073sqm 1073.0000-SQM 1073.0000-SQM R860,000.00 R850,000.00 RES - Residential 1870 of Secunda 1093sqm 1093.0000-SQM R856,000.00 RES - Residential 1871 of Secunda 1232sqm 1232.0000-SQM R815,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1872 of Secunda 1873 of Secunda 954sqm 936sqm 954.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM R770,000.00 R810,000.00 RES - Residential 1874 of Secunda 936sqm 936.0000-SQM R850,000.00 RES - Residential 1875 of Secunda 936sqm 936.0000-SQM R770,000.00 RES - Residential 1876 of Secunda 936sqm 936.0000-SQM R790,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1877 of Secunda 1878 of Secunda 1879 of Secunda 1880 of Secunda 936sqm 936sqm 936sqm 936sqm 936.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM R820,000.00 R765,000.00 R830,000.00 R780,000.00 RES - Residential 1881 of Secunda 936sqm 936.0000-SQM R780,000.00 RES - Residential 1882 of Secunda 936sqm 936.0000-SQM R790,000.00 RES - Residential 1883 of Secunda 936sqm 936.0000-SQM R702,000.00 BUS - Business and Commercial RES - Residential RES - Residential 1883 of Secunda 936sqm 936.0000-SQM R345,000.00 1884 of Secunda 1885 of Secunda 981sqm 1025sqm 981.0000-SQM 1025.0000-SQM R865,000.00 R935,000.00 RES - Residential 1886 of Secunda 918sqm 918.0000-SQM R830,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1887 of Secunda 1888 of Secunda 918sqm 918sqm 918.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM R756,000.00 R830,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1853 of Secunda 1854 of Secunda Page 55 840sqm 840sqm 840.0000-SQM 840.0000-SQM R723,000.00 R753,000.00 Registered description 1889 of Secunda 1890 of Secunda 1891 of Secunda 1892 of Secunda 1893 of Secunda 1894 of Secunda 1895 of Secunda 1896 of Secunda 1897 of Secunda 1898 of Secunda 1899 of Secunda 1900 of Secunda 1901 of Secunda 1902 of Secunda 1903 of Secunda 1904 of Secunda 1905 of Secunda 1906 of Secunda 1907 of Secunda 1908 of Secunda 1909 of Secunda 1910 of Secunda 1911 of Secunda 1912 of Secunda 1913 of Secunda 1914 of Secunda 1915 of Secunda 1916 of Secunda 1917 of Secunda 1918 of Secunda 1919 of Secunda 1920 of Secunda 1921 of Secunda 1922 of Secunda 1923 of Secunda 1924 of Secunda 1925 of Secunda 1926 of Secunda 1927 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Dewald Erenst Botha der Westhuizen Elizabeth Maria Aletta Van der Westhuizen Johannes Hendrik Van Alicia-Rene Nell John James Christoffer Nell Susara Margaretha Engela Johanna Nell Irene Rheeder Nicolaas Hendrik Rheeder Ronel Botes Willem Andries Nel Anna Magdalena Du Plessis Coenrad Christoffel Du Plessis Cornelia Johanna Jacomina Dekker Frans Johannes Abraham Dekker Zacharias Andreas Hefer Antwerpen Jacobus Van Anton Johannes Engelbrecht William Royden Jonker Lawrence George Hibbert Morningstar Inv Trust Boitumelo Rahlogo Philemon Nkhulang Rahlogo Makoma Maria Ramaotswa Matome Zacharia Ramaotswa Roses-Inn Gastehuis Cc Ammerentia Hester Roos Roses-Inn Gastehuis Cc Andries Cornelus Venter Susanna Venter Catharina Johanna Young Rantle Lawrence Mafata Dumani Lebogang Ngcobo Mpumelelo Ngangezwe Tshabalala Ananda Kitchenbrand Rodney Douglas Kitchenbrand Jabulane Ishmael Mjoli Nanini 98 Cc Kim Margaret Cordiglia Mark Sean Cordiglia Daniel Roelof Schoeman Martha Susanna Elizabeth Schoeman Antonie Christoffel Johannes Kruger Karen Kruger Diana Henrico Hendrik Salydor Henrico Louis Philippus Fourie Maryna Fourie Sandra Elizabeth Payne Terence Keith Payne Frerderick Ernest Potgieter Helena Jacoba Degenaar Johannes Hendrik Holscher der Merwe Renette Van Christelle Erasmus Marius Erasmus Nicolette Carmen Zwane Paulus Ndukuzempi Buyani Zwane Cedric Visvanathan Rungasamy Sandra Rungasamy Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 1891 of Secunda 918sqm 918.0000-SQM R870,000.00 RES - Residential 1892 of Secunda 918sqm 918.0000-SQM R830,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1893 of Secunda 1894 of Secunda 1895 of Secunda 918sqm 918sqm 918sqm 918.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM R810,000.00 R840,000.00 R800,000.00 RES - Residential 1896 of Secunda 1025sqm 1025.0000-SQM R845,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1897 of Secunda 1898 of Secunda 1899 of Secunda 1900 of Secunda 1901 of Secunda 1902 of Secunda 1903 of Secunda 1147sqm 1026sqm 1026sqm 1026sqm 1026sqm 1026sqm 1026sqm 1147.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM R855,000.00 R960,000.00 R740,000.00 R690,000.00 R760,000.00 R840,000.00 R725,000.00 RES - Residential 1904 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026.0000-SQM R760,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1905 of Secunda 1906 of Secunda 1907 of Secunda 1908 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026sqm 1026sqm 1147sqm 1026.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM 1147.0000-SQM R915,000.00 R795,000.00 R985,000.00 R840,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1909 of Secunda 1910 of Secunda 1911 of Secunda 1183sqm 1115sqm 1242sqm 1183.0000-SQM 1115.0000-SQM 1242.0000-SQM R865,000.00 R820,000.00 R815,000.00 RES - Residential 1912 of Secunda 1456sqm 1456.0000-SQM R955,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1913 of Secunda 1914 of Secunda 1915 of Secunda 1182sqm 1402sqm 1424sqm 1182.0000-SQM 1402.0000-SQM 1424.0000-SQM R855,000.00 R1,015,000.00 R925,000.00 RES - Residential 1916 of Secunda 1340sqm 1340.0000-SQM R900,000.00 RES - Residential 1917 of Secunda 1330sqm 1330.0000-SQM R980,000.00 RES - Residential 1918 of Secunda 1429sqm 1429.0000-SQM R935,000.00 RES - Residential 1919 of Secunda 1460sqm 1460.0000-SQM R905,000.00 RES - Residential 1920 of Secunda 1426sqm 1426.0000-SQM R905,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1921 of Secunda 1922 of Secunda 1923 of Secunda 1924 of Secunda 1925 of Secunda 1310sqm 1480sqm 1795sqm 1435sqm 1271sqm 1310.0000-SQM 1480.0000-SQM 1795.0000-SQM 1435.0000-SQM 1271.0000-SQM R910,000.00 R1,000,000.00 R1,055,000.00 R825,000.00 R1,035,000.00 RES - Residential 1926 of Secunda 1294sqm 1294.0000-SQM R950,000.00 RES - Residential 1927 of Secunda 1294sqm 1294.0000-SQM R890,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1889 of Secunda 1890 of Secunda Page 56 918sqm 918sqm 918.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM R770,000.00 R860,000.00 Registered description 1928 of Secunda 1929 of Secunda 1930 of Secunda 1931 of Secunda 1932 of Secunda 1933 of Secunda 1934 of Secunda 1935 of Secunda 1936 of Secunda 1937 of Secunda 1938 of Secunda 1939 of Secunda 1940 of Secunda 1941 of Secunda 1942 of Secunda 1943 of Secunda 1944 of Secunda 1945 of Secunda 1946 of Secunda 1947 of Secunda 1948 of Secunda 1949 of Secunda 1950 of Secunda 1951 of Secunda 1952 of Secunda 1953 of Secunda 1954 of Secunda 1955 of Secunda 1956 of Secunda 1957 of Secunda 1958 of Secunda 1959 of Secunda 1960 of Secunda 1961 of Secunda 1962 of Secunda 1963 of Secunda 1964 of Secunda 1965 of Secunda 1966 of Secunda 1967 of Secunda 1968 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Pauline Lesley Roux Terence Norman Roux Glenn Harrison Abraham Pieter Eckard Sharon Denise Eckard Etienne Deon Swanepoel Catharina Johanna Maria Greeff Leon Greeff Tracy Mia Lotter Willem Jacobus Lotter Christo Smith Petrus Johannes De Lange Elsie Ragel Viljoen Joachem Carel Theodores Viljoen Willem Gerhardus Visser Thomas Ignatius Bosch Fredrieka Jacoba Moon der Westhuizen Willem Petrus Van Govan Mbeki Municipality Marina Godijn Schalk Willem Roos Reynardt Schoonwinkel der Merwe Helena Catharina Van der Merwe Izak Jacobus Van Phillippus Albertus Opperman Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Marlene Naicker Vernon Lioyd Naicker Lourens Pieterse Margaret Pieterse Cornelius Johannes Jacobus Boshoff Cornelia Johanna Petronella Els Aletta Susanna Kroukam Ignatius Petrus Kroukam der Westhuizen Cornelius Johannes Van der Westhuizen Susanna Maria Elizabeth Van Lukas Johannes Stoltz Gideon Johannes Koegelenberg George Wilhelmus Naude Jan Johan Du Preez Rene Du Preez Catharina Maria Booth Graham James Smit Marina Smit John Mark Killian Maritsa Killian Barend Jacobus Phillipus Bouwer Elizabeth Charlotte Rademeyer Johan Richard Rademeyer der Merwe Abraham Christoffel Van der Westhuizen Wybrand Elias Thuynsma Van Amanda Sadie Nicolaas Willem Sadie Lindiwe Matilda Mahlaba Albertus Carel Johannes Hanekom Sandra Henriette Hanekom Catharina Helena Erasmus Petrus Francois Johannes Erasmus Nthabiseng Joyce Mokhele Tshokolo Simeon Mokhele Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential 1929 of Secunda 1930 of Secunda 1271sqm 1332sqm 1271.0000-SQM 1332.0000-SQM R825,000.00 R930,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1931 of Secunda 1932 of Secunda 1353sqm 1394sqm 1353.0000-SQM 1394.0000-SQM R900,000.00 R825,000.00 RES - Residential 1933 of Secunda 1195sqm 1195.0000-SQM R815,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1934 of Secunda 1935 of Secunda 1936 of Secunda 1170sqm 1287sqm 1311sqm 1170.0000-SQM 1287.0000-SQM 1311.0000-SQM R940,000.00 R930,000.00 R830,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1937 of Secunda 1938 of Secunda 1110sqm 1246sqm 1110.0000-SQM 1246.0000-SQM R840,000.00 R835,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1939 of Secunda 1940 of Secunda 1941 of Secunda 1942 of Secunda 1943 of Secunda 1944 of Secunda 1110sqm 990sqm 1135sqm 1135sqm 999sqm 1120sqm 1110.0000-SQM 990.0000-SQM 1135.0000-SQM 1135.0000-SQM 999.0000-SQM 1120.0000-SQM R990,000.00 R805,000.00 R794,000.00 R1,080,000.00 R985,000.00 R930,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1945 of Secunda 1946 of Secunda 1947 of Secunda 1120sqm 1147sqm 1305sqm 1120.0000-SQM 1147.0000-SQM 1305.0000-SQM R980,000.00 R790,000.00 R900,000.00 RES - Residential 1948 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026.0000-SQM R945,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1949 of Secunda 1950 of Secunda 1951 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026sqm 1128sqm 1026.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM 1128.0000-SQM R825,000.00 R845,000.00 R850,000.00 RES - Residential 1952 of Secunda 1008sqm 1008.0000-SQM R885,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1953 of Secunda 1954 of Secunda 1955 of Secunda 1956 of Secunda 918sqm 918sqm 918sqm 918sqm 918.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM R796,000.00 R746,000.00 R896,000.00 R976,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1957 of Secunda 1958 of Secunda 1096sqm 1221sqm 1096.0000-SQM 1221.0000-SQM R743,000.00 R768,000.00 RES - Residential 1959 of Secunda 1053sqm 1053.0000-SQM R761,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1960 of Secunda 1961 of Secunda 1053sqm 1053sqm 1053.0000-SQM 1053.0000-SQM R771,000.00 R741,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 1962 of Secunda 1963 of Secunda 1964 of Secunda 1193sqm 987sqm 1134sqm 1193.0000-SQM 987.0000-SQM 1134.0000-SQM R757,000.00 R805,000.00 R1,024,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1965 of Secunda 1966 of Secunda 1134sqm 1134sqm 1134.0000-SQM 1134.0000-SQM R740,000.00 R764,000.00 RES - Residential 1967 of Secunda 1134sqm 1134.0000-SQM R734,000.00 RES - Residential 1968 of Secunda 1134sqm 1134.0000-SQM R744,000.00 RES - Residential 1928 of Secunda Page 57 1271sqm 1271.0000-SQM R945,000.00 Registered description 1969 of Secunda 1970 of Secunda 1971 of Secunda 1972 of Secunda 1973 of Secunda 1974 of Secunda 1975 of Secunda 1976 of Secunda 1977 of Secunda 1978 of Secunda 1979 of Secunda 1980 of Secunda 1981 of Secunda 1982 of Secunda 1983 of Secunda 1984 of Secunda 1985 of Secunda 1986 of Secunda 1987 of Secunda 1988 of Secunda 1989 of Secunda 1990 of Secunda 1991 of Secunda 1992 of Secunda 1993 of Secunda 1994 of Secunda 1995 of Secunda 1996 of Secunda 1997 of Secunda 1998 of Secunda 1999 of Secunda 2000 of Secunda 2001 of Secunda 2002 of Secunda 2003 of Secunda 2004 of Secunda 2005 of Secunda 2006 of Secunda 2007 of Secunda 2008 of Secunda 2009 of Secunda 2010 of Secunda 2011 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Vuuren Bernadette Gladys Jansen Van Vuuren William James Jansen Van Ankia Emslie Trevern Robbin Emslie Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Graeme Lloyd Ina Dorethea Lloyd Susanna Johanna Petronella Caspernetta Koekemoer Willem Johannes Jacobus Abraham Koekemoer Gertruida Jacoba Gouws Paulus Jacobus Gouws Susan Dorethea Le Roux Zyl Mark Frederik Van Jennifer Anne Ross Republic of South Africa Republic of South Africa Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Louis Petrus Fourie Magaretha Fourie Heidi Mclelland Hugh Clark Mclelland Johanna Sussanna De Jager Johannes Jacobus De Jager Cornelius Lambertus Botha Elizabeth Catharina Botha Vuuren Gert Hendrik Jansen Van Vuuren Yolanda Louise Jansen Van Joseph Johannes Badenhorst Yolanda Steyn Holloway Trust Antonette Lorna Schenck Richard William Hattingh Albertus Johannes Botha Johannes Jacobus Liebenberg Jacobus Johannes Hercules Combrinck Rensburg Petrus Johannes Jansen Van Antonie Willem Heyneke Maria Susanna Elizabeth Heyneke Mining Pty Ltd Sasol De Wet Hendrik Venter Maria Catharina Venter Tonder Dean Junior Van Danel Dekker Marius Dekker Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 1970 of Secunda 1436sqm 1436.0000-SQM R776,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 1971 of Secunda 1972 of Secunda 1258sqm 1192sqm 1258.0000-SQM 1192.0000-SQM R709,000.00 R747,000.00 RES - Residential 1973 of Secunda 1034sqm 1034.0000-SQM R925,000.00 RES - Residential 1974 of Secunda 1045sqm 1045.0000-SQM R935,000.00 RES - Residential 1975 of Secunda 1492sqm 1492.0000-SQM R815,000.00 RES - Residential INS - Institution GOV - State Owned UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered RES - Residential RES - Residential 1976 of Secunda 1977 of Secunda 1978 of Secunda 1979 of Secunda 1980 of Secunda 1981 of Secunda 1982 of Secunda 1983 of Secunda 1984 of Secunda 1985 of Secunda 1986 of Secunda 1987 of Secunda 1988 of Secunda 1989 of Secunda 1990 of Secunda 1991 of Secunda 1992 of Secunda 1993 of Secunda 1994 of Secunda 1457sqm 2116sqm 3.5953Ha 4051sqm 1373sqm 1212sqm 1230sqm 1623sqm 1230sqm 1230sqm 1230sqm 1353sqm 1230sqm 1230sqm 1230sqm 1352sqm 1230sqm 685.2480Ha 1116sqm 1457.0000-SQM 2116.0000-SQM 3.5953-H 800.0000-DUM 1116.0000-SQM R817,000.00 R1,036,000.00 R5,850,000.00 R910,000.00 R310,000.00 R275,000.00 R275,000.00 R365,000.00 R275,000.00 R285,000.00 R285,000.00 R310,000.00 R285,000.00 R285,000.00 R1,541,000.00 R1,550,000.00 R971,000.00 R848,000.00 R734,000.00 RES - Residential 1995 of Secunda 1008sqm 1008.0000-SQM R899,000.00 RES - Residential 1996 of Secunda 956sqm 956.0000-SQM R737,000.00 RES - Residential 1997 of Secunda 1059sqm 1059.0000-SQM R771,000.00 RES - Residential 1998 of Secunda 1185sqm 1185.0000-SQM R806,000.00 RES - Residential 1999 of Secunda 1134sqm 1134.0000-SQM R719,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2000 of Secunda 2001 of Secunda 2002 of Secunda 2003 of Secunda 2004 of Secunda 2005 of Secunda 2006 of Secunda 2007 of Secunda 1134sqm 1134sqm 1197sqm 1076sqm 1076sqm 986sqm 986sqm 986sqm 1134.0000-SQM 1134.0000-SQM 1197.0000-SQM 1076.0000-SQM 1076.0000-SQM 986.0000-SQM 986.0000-SQM 986.0000-SQM R834,000.00 R874,000.00 R897,000.00 R1,125,000.00 R1,020,000.00 R875,000.00 R925,000.00 R895,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2008 of Secunda 2009 of Secunda 1115sqm 1238sqm 1115.0000-SQM 1238.0000-SQM R840,000.00 R1,035,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2010 of Secunda 2011 of Secunda 1076sqm 1076sqm 1076.0000-SQM 1076.0000-SQM R980,000.00 R772,000.00 RES - Residential 1969 of Secunda Page 58 1134sqm 1134.0000-SQM R734,000.00 Registered description 2012 of Secunda 2013 of Secunda 2014 of Secunda 2015 of Secunda 2016 of Secunda 2017 of Secunda 2018 of Secunda 2019 of Secunda 2020 of Secunda 2021 of Secunda 2022 of Secunda 2023 of Secunda 2024 of Secunda 2025 of Secunda 2026 of Secunda 2027 of Secunda 2028 of Secunda 2029 of Secunda 2030 of Secunda 2031 of Secunda 2032 of Secunda 2033 of Secunda 2034 of Secunda 2035 of Secunda 2036 of Secunda 2037 of Secunda 2038 of Secunda 2039 of Secunda 2040 of Secunda 2041 of Secunda 2042 of Secunda 2043 of Secunda 2044 of Secunda 2045 of Secunda 2046 of Secunda 2047 of Secunda 2048 of Secunda 2049 of Secunda 2050 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Johannes Christoffel Mey Lindiwe Margaret Mbuli Derick Tswaledi Ngobeni Gugulakhe Ngobeni Schalk Willem Roos Roschalle Wasilewski Theron Louis Joachim Adriaan Wentzel Leilani Miriskya Wentzel Isobel Marie De Villiers Johan Diederick De Villiers Zondiwa Martha Kgomu Hermann Bosman Hermanus Jacobus Kriel Jannet Jacobus Kriel Ruan Serfontein Riaan Jacobus Swanepoel Justine Magdalen De La Rey Christiaan De Wet Potgieter Leon Strauss Wirdette Strauss Abraham Albertus Jacobus Whittaker Andre Vermeulen Govan Mbeki Municipality Petrus Jacobus Ackermann Frans Barend Fourie Gertruida Magdalena Fourie Josef Sybrand Bester Van Den Berg Rachel Johanna Van Den Berg Christiaan Lodewyk Mey Hermina Christina Maria Catharina Mey Kenneth Justin Mahood Maureen Helena Mahood Leon Christo Bezuidenhout Edna Engelbrecht Jan Hendrik Engelbrecht Frederick Havelock Smith Tilana Smith Staden Thomas Andries Scheepers Van der Walt James John Van der Walt Maria Elizabeth Van Benjamin Johan Hamman Deon Lodewikus Staples Marionett Petronella Staples Catharina Kruger Hendrik Johannes Kruger Rensburg Elizabeth Jacoba Janse Van Rensburg Stephanus Sebastiaan Janse Van Willem Hermanus Boshoff Janetta Susara Louisa Granger Morgan Granger Natalie Patricia Moller Rehbardt Hercules Moller Jeremias Cornelis Olivier Teresa Olivier Niekerk Annalise Van Niekerk Frederik Christiaan Pieter Van Andries Daniel Burger Stephanus Hendrik De Villiers Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks BUS - Business and Commercial RES - Residential RES - Residential 2015 of Secunda 986sqm 986.0000-SQM R777,000.00 2016 of Secunda 2017 of Secunda 986sqm 1037sqm 986.0000-SQM 1037.0000-SQM R785,000.00 R805,000.00 RES - Residential 2018 of Secunda 1059sqm 1059.0000-SQM R865,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2019 of Secunda 2020 of Secunda 2021 of Secunda 1578sqm 1297sqm 1120sqm 1578.0000-SQM 1297.0000-SQM 1120.0000-SQM R995,000.00 R860,000.00 R890,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2022 of Secunda 2023 of Secunda 2024 of Secunda 2025 of Secunda 2026 of Secunda 1079sqm 1110sqm 1020sqm 1184sqm 1087sqm 1079.0000-SQM 1110.0000-SQM 1020.0000-SQM 1184.0000-SQM 1087.0000-SQM R780,000.00 R955,000.00 R865,000.00 R995,000.00 R910,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2027 of Secunda 2028 of Secunda 2029 of Secunda 2030 of Secunda 2031 of Secunda 1020sqm 1020sqm 1020sqm 1110sqm 1242sqm 1020.0000-SQM 1020.0000-SQM 1020.0000-SQM 1110.0000-SQM 1242.0000-SQM R835,000.00 R810,000.00 R665,000.00 R950,000.00 R889,000.00 RES - Residential 2032 of Secunda 1140sqm 1140.0000-SQM R820,000.00 RES - Residential 2033 of Secunda 1140sqm 1140.0000-SQM R885,000.00 RES - Residential 2034 of Secunda 1140sqm 1140.0000-SQM R829,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2035 of Secunda 2036 of Secunda 1119sqm 1227sqm 1119.0000-SQM 1227.0000-SQM R905,000.00 R895,000.00 RES - Residential 2037 of Secunda 1140sqm 1140.0000-SQM R920,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2038 of Secunda 2039 of Secunda 1242sqm 1087sqm 1242.0000-SQM 1087.0000-SQM R865,000.00 R697,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2040 of Secunda 2041 of Secunda 918sqm 918sqm 918.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM R696,000.00 R736,000.00 RES - Residential 2042 of Secunda 1138sqm 1138.0000-SQM R865,000.00 RES - Residential 2043 of Secunda 1043sqm 1043.0000-SQM R741,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2044 of Secunda 2045 of Secunda 1130sqm 1005sqm 1130.0000-SQM 1005.0000-SQM R734,000.00 R714,000.00 RES - Residential 2046 of Secunda 1064sqm 1064.0000-SQM R812,000.00 RES - Residential 2047 of Secunda 1185sqm 1185.0000-SQM R786,000.00 RES - Residential 2048 of Secunda 988sqm 988.0000-SQM R739,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2049 of Secunda 2050 of Secunda 1017sqm 1066sqm 1017.0000-SQM 1066.0000-SQM R790,000.00 R762,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2012 of Secunda 2013 of Secunda 2014 of Secunda Page 59 1041sqm 918sqm 986sqm 1041.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM 986.0000-SQM R935,000.00 R810,000.00 R795,000.00 Registered description 2051 of Secunda 2052 of Secunda 2053 of Secunda 2054 of Secunda 2055 of Secunda 2056 of Secunda 2057 of Secunda 2058 of Secunda 2059 of Secunda 2060 of Secunda 2061 of Secunda 2062 of Secunda 2063 of Secunda 2064 of Secunda 2065 of Secunda 2066 of Secunda 2067 of Secunda 2068 of Secunda 2069 of Secunda 2070 of Secunda 2071 of Secunda 2072 of Secunda 2073 of Secunda 2074 of Secunda 2075 of Secunda 2076 of Secunda 2077 of Secunda 2078 of Secunda 2079 of Secunda 2080 of Secunda 2081 of Secunda 2082 of Secunda 2083 of Secunda 2084 of Secunda 2085 of Secunda 2086 of Secunda 2087 of Secunda 2088 of Secunda 2089 of Secunda 2090 of Secunda 2091 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Johannes Petrus Jacobus Rousseau Jolandi Rousseau Michelle Dawn Joubert Wilhelmus Jacobus Joubert Christiaan Johan Muller Eeden Mariska Van Eeden Schalk Viviers Van Michiel Jacobus Cronje Nicolene Renche Cronje Andre Fredrik Du Toit Lynette Du Toit Francina Hermina Botes Leonardus Dirk Botes Helena Susanna Potgieter Jakobus Frederik Potgieter Rensburg Daphne Alice Janse Van Susanna Johanna Bossert Cornelius Johannes Frederick Meyer Heinrich Josef Hergenrother Luis Manuel Franca Marques Luis Manuel Franca Marques Marian Valerie Weineck Robert Arthur Weineck Ernest John David Green Marthinette Althea Green Martin Eduard Aalders Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Freda Kritzinger Jacob Daniel Kritzinger Wilhelmina Elfreda Du Toit Magrietha Johanna Matthee Petrus Jacobus Matthee Sambikeyvelli Periah Pillay Visvanathan Adimulam Pillay Laetitia Swiegers Pieter Coenraad Frederick Swiegers Kgopolo Andrika Petlele Niekerk Elizabeth Debbie Van Niekerk Johannes Jurgens Van Sandile Shiella Ndlovu Thabane Russel Ndlovu Gert Hendrik Petrus Rousseau Karen Rene Rousseau Glenn David Gee Walter Oupa Jiyana Abraham Johannes De Klerk Susara Magrieta De Klerk Anisa Osman Pieter Coenraad Frederick Swiegers Daniel Lodewikus Schmahl Tersia Schmahl Garth Malcolm Hauser Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Nederduitse Gereformeerde Gemeente Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 2052 of Secunda 958sqm 958.0000-SQM R767,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2053 of Secunda 2054 of Secunda 884sqm 1310sqm 884.0000-SQM 1310.0000-SQM R775,000.00 R801,000.00 RES - Residential 2055 of Secunda 1251sqm 1251.0000-SQM R729,000.00 RES - Residential 2056 of Secunda 1134sqm 1134.0000-SQM R719,000.00 RES - Residential 2057 of Secunda 1134sqm 1134.0000-SQM R754,000.00 RES - Residential 2058 of Secunda 1155sqm 1155.0000-SQM R825,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2059 of Secunda 2060 of Secunda 2061 of Secunda 2062 of Secunda 2063 of Secunda 1429sqm 1325sqm 1026sqm 1026sqm 1026sqm 1429.0000-SQM 1325.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM R756,000.00 R952,000.00 R760,000.00 R810,000.00 R715,000.00 RES - Residential 2064 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026.0000-SQM R750,000.00 RES - Residential 2065 of Secunda 1118sqm 1118.0000-SQM R754,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2066 of Secunda 2067 of Secunda 2068 of Secunda 1006sqm 1026sqm 1128sqm 1006.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM 1128.0000-SQM R849,000.00 R790,000.00 R934,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2069 of Secunda 2070 of Secunda 1008sqm 918sqm 1008.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM R1,089,000.00 R806,000.00 RES - Residential 2071 of Secunda 1126sqm 1126.0000-SQM R764,000.00 RES - Residential 2072 of Secunda 918sqm 918.0000-SQM R726,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2073 of Secunda 2074 of Secunda 918sqm 918sqm 918.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM R796,000.00 R746,000.00 RES - Residential 2075 of Secunda 992sqm 992.0000-SQM R689,000.00 RES - Residential 2076 of Secunda 1012sqm 1012.0000-SQM R705,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2077 of Secunda 2078 of Secunda 2079 of Secunda 954sqm 935sqm 1011sqm 954.0000-SQM 935.0000-SQM 1011.0000-SQM R682,000.00 R692,000.00 R1,035,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2080 of Secunda 2081 of Secunda 2082 of Secunda 1111sqm 1433sqm 1254sqm 1111.0000-SQM 1433.0000-SQM 1254.0000-SQM R694,000.00 R886,000.00 R749,000.00 RES - Residential UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered 2083 of Secunda 2084 of Secunda 2085 of Secunda 2086 of Secunda 2087 of Secunda 2088 of Secunda 2089 of Secunda 2090 of Secunda 2091 of Secunda 1140sqm 1364sqm 1474sqm 1350sqm 1044sqm 1044sqm 1044sqm 1044sqm 1181sqm 1140.0000-SQM R860,000.00 R315,000.00 R340,000.00 R1,350,000.00 R241,000.00 R1,178,000.00 R788,000.00 R908,000.00 R1,008,000.00 RES - Residential 2051 of Secunda Page 60 940sqm 940.0000-SQM R867,000.00 Registered description 2092 of Secunda 2093 of Secunda 2094 of Secunda 2095 of Secunda 2096 of Secunda 2097 of Secunda 2098 of Secunda 2099 of Secunda 2100 of Secunda 2101 of Secunda 2102 of Secunda 2103 of Secunda 2104 of Secunda 2105 of Secunda 2106 of Secunda 2107 of Secunda 2108 of Secunda 2109 of Secunda 2110 of Secunda 2111 of Secunda 2112 of Secunda 2113 of Secunda 2116 of Secunda 2117 of Secunda 2118 of Secunda 2119 of Secunda 2120 of Secunda 2121 of Secunda 2122 of Secunda 2123 of Secunda 2124 of Secunda 2125 of Secunda 2126 of Secunda 2127 of Secunda 2129 of Secunda 2130 of Secunda 2131 of Secunda 2136 of Secunda 2137 of Secunda 2142 of Secunda 2143 of Secunda 2144 of Secunda 2145 of Secunda 2146 of Secunda 2146 of Secunda (Portion 1) 2146 of Secunda (Portion 2) 2146 of Secunda (Portion 3) 2146 of Secunda (Portion 6) 2147 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Judith Susanna Maria Coetzee Merle Florence Holloway Dyk Berenice Josephine Van Dyk Hendrik Johannes Van Unus Hassen Marietta Parkes Neil Robert Parkes Michael John Wells Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Jan Johannes Maritz Martha Jacoba Maritz Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Govan Mbeki Municipality G B M Network Cc Hoeveld Presisie Ingenieurswerke Cc & Mineral Technologies Pty Ltd Coal Nanini 98 Cc Tip Top Industrial Pty Ltd Rema Tip Top Industrial Pty Ltd Rema Dun-Cron Electrical Cc Secunda Prop Developers Cc Carel Oostuizen Kinder Trust Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Eunice Catharine Lategan Piet Johannes Hendrik Lategan Marlene Elsie Stratford Michael John Stratford Secunda Prop Developers Cc P N Jordaan Familie Trust Mapota's Electrical Cc Mining & Industrial Consultants & Services Cc Delport & Delport Trust Engineering Pty Ltd Oscar's Anna-Marie Alberts Lambertus Antonie Alberts Anna-Marie Alberts Lambertus Antonie Alberts Chandre Konstruksie Cc 1 Willsway Cc Rehan Industries Africa Cc Developers Pty Ltd Lynco Category UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential Address 2092 of Secunda 2093 of Secunda 2094 of Secunda 2095 of Secunda 2096 of Secunda 2097 of Secunda 2098 of Secunda 2099 of Secunda 2100 of Secunda 2101 of Secunda 2102 of Secunda 2103 of Secunda 2104 of Secunda 2105 of Secunda 2106 of Secunda Extent 1109sqm 1246sqm 1114sqm 1104sqm 1160sqm 1160sqm 1160sqm 1160sqm 1268sqm 1354sqm 1240sqm 1334sqm 1144sqm 1144sqm 1156sqm Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks 1144.0000-SQM 1144.0000-SQM 1156.0000-SQM R942,000.00 R1,002,000.00 R1,583,000.00 R8,216,000.00 R551,000.00 R3,874,000.00 R776,000.00 R300,000.00 R300,000.00 R310,000.00 R285,000.00 R305,000.00 R815,000.00 R995,000.00 R805,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2107 of Secunda 2108 of Secunda 1381sqm 1255sqm 1381.0000-SQM 1255.0000-SQM R764,000.00 R759,000.00 RES - Residential MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential 2109 of Secunda 2110 of Secunda 2111 of Secunda 2112 of Secunda 2113 of Secunda 1156sqm 3.3297Ha 6.4488Ha 1414sqm 893sqm 1156.0000-SQM 3.3297-H 6.4488-H 1414.0000-SQM 893.0000-SQM R875,000.00 R3,350,000.00 R6,450,000.00 R320,000.00 R1,300,000.00 MUN - Municipal IND - Industrial MUN - Municipal IND - Industrial IND - Industrial IND - Industrial VAC - Vacant Land IND - Industrial IND - Industrial IND - Industrial IND - Industrial BUS - Business and Commercial UDT - Unregistered BUS - Business and Commercial IND - Industrial 2116 of Secunda 2117 of Secunda 2118 of Secunda 2119 of Secunda 2120 of Secunda 2121 of Secunda 2122 of Secunda 2123 of Secunda 2124 of Secunda 2125 of Secunda 2126 of Secunda 2127 of Secunda 7762sqm 2.0224Ha 1.3137Ha 988sqm 1000sqm 1000sqm 1000sqm 1000sqm 988sqm 7810sqm 6300sqm 2450sqm 7762.0000-SQM 2.0224-H 1.3137-H 988.0000-SQM 1000.0000-SQM 1000.0000-SQM 1000.0000-SQM 1000.0000-SQM 988.0000-SQM 7810.0000-SQM 6300.0000-SQM 2450.0000-SQM R1,790,000.00 R3,800,000.00 R1,430,000.00 R1,998,000.00 R2,200,000.00 R3,750,000.00 R305,000.00 R1,000.00 R2,100,000.00 R1,450,000.00 R3,550,000.00 R2,540,000.00 2129 of Secunda 2130 of Secunda 2450sqm 2438sqm 2438.0000-SQM R4,540,000.00 R2,090,000.00 2131 of Secunda 988sqm 988.0000-SQM R180,000.00 IND - Industrial IND - Industrial BUS - Business and Commercial IND - Industrial IND - Industrial IND - Industrial IND - Industrial 2136 of Secunda 2137 of Secunda 2142 of Secunda 988sqm 988sqm 988sqm 988.0000-SQM 988.0000-SQM 988.0000-SQM R1,448,000.00 R2,548,000.00 R1,898,000.00 2143 of Secunda 2144 of Secunda 2145 of Secunda 2146 of Secunda 588sqm 1800sqm 1800sqm 1801sqm 588.0000-SQM 1800.0000-SQM 1800.0000-SQM 1801.0000-SQM R190,000.00 R550,000.00 R3,360,000.00 R1,180,000.00 IND - Industrial 2146 of Secunda (Portion 1) 1187sqm 1187.0000-SQM R3,837,000.00 IND - Industrial IND - Industrial IND - Industrial IND - Industrial 2146 of Secunda (Portion 2) 2146 of Secunda (Portion 3) 2146 of Secunda (Portion 6) 2147 of Secunda 1200sqm 1011sqm 1976sqm 1800sqm 1200.0000-SQM 1011.0000-SQM 1976.0000-SQM 1800.0000-SQM R910,000.00 R1,502,000.00 R1,945,000.00 R3,260,000.00 Page 61 Registered description 2148 of Secunda 2149 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) 2153 of Secunda 2154 of Secunda 2155 of Secunda 2156 of Secunda Pty Ltd Multotec Christiaan Lodewyk Mey Hermina Christina Maria Catharina Mey Design & Projects Services Pty Ltd Plant Cortex Prop 109 Cc Mara Madelaine Cronje Willem Hendrik Cronje Mining & Industrial Consultants & Services Cc Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality 2197 of Secunda Top Shelf Eiendomme 18 Pty Ltd 2150 of Secunda 2151 of Secunda 2152 of Secunda 2198 of Secunda Teks Building Cc 2199 of Secunda 2200 of Secunda Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Inv Pty Ltd Tamawil 2201 of Secunda 2203 of Secunda Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Bower Inv Pty Ltd Birgin 2204 of Secunda Laingstraat Eiendomme Cc 2205 of Secunda G C Van Huyssteen Trust 2206 of Secunda G C Van Huyssteen Trust 2207 of Secunda Laingstraat Eiendomme Cc 2210 of Secunda Beleggings Pty Ltd Carolusstraat 2211 of Secunda Management Services Pty Ltd Drevan 2212 of Secunda Prop Inv Pty Ltd Trendy 2213 of Secunda Ziyad Inv Cc 2214 of Secunda Verseker Onderlinge 2215 of Secunda Blerk Willem Adriaan Pieter Van 2217 of Secunda C Inv Holding Pty Ltd N I 2218 of Secunda Propalux 1099 Cc 2219 of Secunda 2220 of Secunda 2221 of Secunda 2222 of Secunda Govan Mbeki Municipality Gabriel Stephanus Harmse Hester Elizabeth Harmse Time Trading Pty Ltd Peak Mahogony Rose Inv 33 Pty Ltd 2225 of Secunda Erf 2225 Secunda Pty Ltd 2226 of Secunda Teksa Transport Cc 2227 of Secunda Ulrich & Andre Beleggings Cc 2228 of Secunda Secunda Security Services Cc Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks IND - Industrial IND - Industrial IND - Industrial 2150 of Secunda 2151 of Secunda 2152 of Secunda 600sqm 600sqm 600sqm 600.0000-SQM 600.0000-SQM 600.0000-SQM R1,320,000.00 R1,170,000.00 R780,000.00 IND - Industrial MUN - Municipal VAC - Vacant Land POS - Public Open Space BUS - Business and Commercial BUS - Business and Commercial UDT - Unregistered BUS - Business and Commercial UDT - Unregistered BUS - Business and Commercial BUS - Business and Commercial BUS - Business and Commercial BUS - Business and Commercial BUS - Business and Commercial BUS - Business and Commercial BUS - Business and Commercial BUS - Business and Commercial BUS - Business and Commercial BUS - Business and Commercial BUS - Business and Commercial BUS - Business and Commercial BUS - Business and Commercial VAC - Vacant Land BUS - Business and Commercial IND - Industrial BUS - Business and Commercial BUS - Business and Commercial BUS - Business and Commercial BUS - Business and Commercial BUS - Business and Commercial 2153 of Secunda 2154 of Secunda 2155 of Secunda 2156 of Secunda 600sqm 8187sqm 3361sqm 1851sqm 600.0000-SQM 8187.0000-SQM 3361.0000-SQM 1851.0000-SQM R1,000.00 R1,850,000.00 R760,000.00 R185,000.00 2197 of Secunda 1059sqm 1059.0000-SQM R3,812,000.00 2198 of Secunda 1620sqm 1620.0000-SQM R2,825,000.00 2199 of Secunda 2200 of Secunda 1620sqm 1059sqm 1059.0000-SQM R5,475,000.00 R2,562,000.00 2201 of Secunda 2203 of Secunda 913sqm 914sqm 914.0000-SQM R2,383,000.00 R1,533,000.00 2204 of Secunda 914sqm 914.0000-SQM R190,000.00 2205 of Secunda 537sqm 537.0000-SQM R1,907,000.00 2206 of Secunda 525sqm 525.0000-SQM R1,805,000.00 2207 of Secunda 1608sqm 1608.0000-SQM R3,900,000.00 2210 of Secunda 537sqm 537.0000-SQM R2,107,000.00 2211 of Secunda 914sqm 914.0000-SQM R2,533,000.00 2212 of Secunda 914sqm 914.0000-SQM R2,533,000.00 2213 of Secunda 914sqm 914.0000-SQM R1,433,000.00 2214 of Secunda 914sqm 914.0000-SQM R1,533,000.00 2215 of Secunda 425sqm 425.0000-SQM R1,735,000.00 2217 of Secunda 360sqm 360.0000-SQM R762,000.00 2218 of Secunda 225sqm 225.0000-SQM R775,000.00 2219 of Secunda 2220 of Secunda 885sqm 225sqm 885.0000-SQM 225.0000-SQM R217,000.00 R585,000.00 2221 of Secunda 2222 of Secunda 360sqm 450sqm 360.0000-SQM 450.0000-SQM R552,000.00 R1,490,000.00 2225 of Secunda 450sqm 450.0000-SQM R1,490,000.00 2226 of Secunda 450sqm 450.0000-SQM R1,140,000.00 2227 of Secunda 450sqm 450.0000-SQM R1,080,000.00 2228 of Secunda 200sqm 200.0000-SQM R680,000.00 IND - Industrial IND - Industrial 2148 of Secunda 2149 of Secunda Page 62 1800sqm 588sqm 1800.0000-SQM 588.0000-SQM R1,460,000.00 R678,000.00 Registered description 2229 of Secunda 2230 of Secunda 2233 of Secunda 2234 of Secunda 2240 of Secunda 2240 of Secunda (Portion 1) 2241 of Secunda 2243 of Secunda 2243 of Secunda (Portion 1) 2248 of Secunda 2249 of Secunda 2250 of Secunda 2251 of Secunda 2252 of Secunda 2253 of Secunda 2254 of Secunda 2255 of Secunda 2256 of Secunda 2257 of Secunda 2258 of Secunda 2259 of Secunda 2260 of Secunda 2261 of Secunda 2262 of Secunda 2263 of Secunda 2264 of Secunda 2265 of Secunda 2266 of Secunda 2267 of Secunda 2268 of Secunda 2269 of Secunda 2270 of Secunda 2271 of Secunda 2272 of Secunda 2273 of Secunda 2274 of Secunda 2275 of Secunda 2276 of Secunda 2277 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Secunda Security Services Cc Category BUS - Business and Commercial Nanini Inv 7 Cc BUS - Business and Commercial A D V Auto Electrical Diesel & Spares Cc BUS - Business and Commercial A D V Auto Electrical Diesel & Spares Cc BUS - Business and Commercial Inv Pty Ltd Provast BUS - Business and Commercial Beleggings Pty Ltd Rasmax BUS - Business and Commercial Alea Eiendomme S/C 2241 Pty Ltd BUS - Business and Commercial Govan Mbeki Municipality MUN - Municipal Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality UDT - Unregistered Hervormde Kerk Van Afrika-Predikante Pensioen- BUS - Business and & Weduwees Nederduitsch Commercial Joachim Jacobus Van Niekerk Knoetze RES - Residential Laurence Taylor RES - Residential Avon Argur Browning Smith RES - Residential Johannes Wessel Steyn RES - Residential Gerhardus Philluppis Prinsloo RES - Residential Dalene Scheepers RES - Residential Gerhardus Stephanus Christoffel Scheepers Ernest Andre Smith RES - Residential Ramona Joy Smith Esme Magdalena Knoetze RES - Residential Joseph Fredrick Knipe RES - Residential Tjaart Hendrik Abraham Kotze RES - Residential Alida Anna-Marie Meiring RES - Residential James Henry Meiring Stephen Smith RES - Residential Susan Patricia Smith Abel Opperman Mulder RES - Residential Petrus Johannes Carter RES - Residential Esrah Jacoba Chester RES - Residential Denise Janet Du Preez RES - Residential Iyberne Christoffel Du Preez Matsengwane Norah Paile RES - Residential Moditjana Paile Louis Daniel Botha RES - Residential Hester Susanna Sophia Landman RES - Residential Warren Landman Lesego Moetsana Mothibi RES - Residential Thizwilondi Bernard Mushidzhi Margaret Ada Gilliland RES - Residential Hendrina Fransina Maritz RES - Residential Nicolaas Stephanus Maritz Makgabo Margaret Kekana RES - Residential Vusi Johannes Kekana Hendrik Johannes Vermaak RES - Residential Isabella Catharina Groenewald RES - Residential Niekerk Ignatius Michael Van RES - Residential Niekerk Marie-Louise Van Paul Mare Botha RES - Residential Elmari Booyse RES - Residential Josephus Johannes Booyse Jayshreeben Sunil Morar RES - Residential Sunil Morar Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks 2230 of Secunda 675sqm 675.0000-SQM R2,735,000.00 2233 of Secunda 225sqm 225.0000-SQM R775,000.00 2234 of Secunda 435sqm 435.0000-SQM R787,000.00 2240 of Secunda 2153sqm 2153.0000-SQM R5,580,000.00 2240 of Secunda (Portion 1) 1015sqm 1015.0000-SQM R1,600,000.00 2241 of Secunda 4118sqm 4118.0000-SQM R8,870,000.00 2243 of Secunda 2243 of Secunda (Portion 1) 2248 of Secunda 4433sqm 507sqm 1970sqm 4433.0000-SQM 1970.0000-SQM R111,000.00 R50,500.00 R9,995,000.00 2249 of Secunda 2250 of Secunda 2251 of Secunda 2252 of Secunda 2253 of Secunda 2254 of Secunda 1048sqm 1122sqm 1112sqm 1200sqm 1160sqm 1480sqm 1048.0000-SQM 1122.0000-SQM 1112.0000-SQM 1200.0000-SQM 1160.0000-SQM 1480.0000-SQM R1,318,000.00 R1,134,000.00 R1,223,000.00 R1,231,000.00 R1,227,000.00 R1,195,000.00 2255 of Secunda 1440sqm 1440.0000-SQM R1,060,000.00 2256 of Secunda 2257 of Secunda 2258 of Secunda 2259 of Secunda 1160sqm 1160sqm 1159sqm 1131sqm 1160.0000-SQM 1160.0000-SQM 1159.0000-SQM 1131.0000-SQM R1,137,000.00 R1,377,000.00 R1,427,000.00 R1,225,000.00 2260 of Secunda 1095sqm 1095.0000-SQM R1,112,000.00 2261 of Secunda 2262 of Secunda 2263 of Secunda 2264 of Secunda 1200sqm 1200sqm 1200sqm 1200sqm 1200.0000-SQM 1200.0000-SQM 1200.0000-SQM 1200.0000-SQM R1,181,000.00 R1,331,000.00 R1,631,000.00 R1,131,000.00 2265 of Secunda 1328sqm 1328.0000-SQM R1,442,000.00 2266 of Secunda 2267 of Secunda 1436sqm 1320sqm 1436.0000-SQM 1320.0000-SQM R1,130,000.00 R1,232,000.00 2268 of Secunda 1320sqm 1320.0000-SQM R1,082,000.00 2269 of Secunda 2270 of Secunda 1436sqm 1179sqm 1436.0000-SQM 1179.0000-SQM R1,550,000.00 R1,069,000.00 2271 of Secunda 1378sqm 1378.0000-SQM R1,297,000.00 2272 of Secunda 2273 of Secunda 2274 of Secunda 1409sqm 1109sqm 1483sqm 1409.0000-SQM 1109.0000-SQM 1483.0000-SQM R1,349,000.00 R1,123,000.00 R1,605,000.00 2275 of Secunda 2276 of Secunda 1217sqm 1218sqm 1217.0000-SQM 1218.0000-SQM R1,332,000.00 R1,173,000.00 2277 of Secunda 1171sqm 1171.0000-SQM R1,128,000.00 2229 of Secunda Page 63 225sqm 225.0000-SQM R1,045,000.00 Registered description 2278 of Secunda 2279 of Secunda 2280 of Secunda 2281 of Secunda 2282 of Secunda 2283 of Secunda 2284 of Secunda 2285 of Secunda 2286 of Secunda 2287 of Secunda 2288 of Secunda 2289 of Secunda 2290 of Secunda 2291 of Secunda 2292 of Secunda 2293 of Secunda 2294 of Secunda 2295 of Secunda 2296 of Secunda 2297 of Secunda 2298 of Secunda 2299 of Secunda 2300 of Secunda 2301 of Secunda 2302 of Secunda 2303 of Secunda 2304 of Secunda 2305 of Secunda 2306 of Secunda 2307 of Secunda 2308 of Secunda 2309 of Secunda 2310 of Secunda 2311 of Secunda 2312 of Secunda 2313 of Secunda 2314 of Secunda 2315 of Secunda 2316 of Secunda 2317 of Secunda 2318 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Raymond Du Plessis Sholate Grace Du Plessis Gerhardus Lubbe Lynette Lubbe Louis Petrus Olivier Amelia Van Den Berg Dawid Izak Moller Linda Moller Alisha Kisayne Lumley Andrew Lumley Elma Du Preez Jacobus Lodewikus Du Preez Deventer Gert Van Deventer Lizbe Van Charmaine Ras Marthinus Dawid Ras Schalk Gerhardus Pretorius Jacomina Magrietha Aletta Opperman Philippus Albertus Opperman Wouter Wolmarans Nadine Pretorius Cornelius Zylstra Reginald Mbatha Thulile Xolile Constance Mbatha Petrus Hendrik Ferreira Anna Maria Petronella Pretorius Pieter Jacobus Renier Albertus Pretorius Susanna Pretorius Theunis Louis Pretorius Zyl Gideon George Van David John Wordsworth Detlev Hoffmann Robert Noel La Cock Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Jakobus Malan De Wet der Mescht Aletta Magdelena Van der Mescht Marius Tertius Van Jacomina Margaretha Johanna Brits Estelle Pieterse Gert Frans Hendrik Pieterse Willem Pieter Labuschagne Cherile Irene Cronje Anelda Du Toit Francois Johannes Du Toit Elizabeth Beetge Nicolaas Christiaan Beetge Johanna Susanna Ritchie Marius Millerand Schempers Maureen Antoinette Schempers Mckaystraat Beleggings Cc Simon Frederick Meyer Pieter Cornelius Jordaan Bjon Wright Marieta Wright Cornelius Johannes Oosthuizen Lerika Suzanne Oosthuizen Michael Daniel De Lange Pty Ltd Imbeli Daniel Stephanus Jonker Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 2279 of Secunda 1041sqm 1041.0000-SQM R1,137,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2280 of Secunda 2281 of Secunda 2282 of Secunda 952sqm 952sqm 952sqm 952.0000-SQM 952.0000-SQM 952.0000-SQM R1,139,000.00 R1,089,000.00 R1,259,000.00 RES - Residential 2283 of Secunda 952sqm 952.0000-SQM R1,079,000.00 RES - Residential 2284 of Secunda 1020sqm 1020.0000-SQM R1,025,000.00 RES - Residential 2285 of Secunda 976sqm 976.0000-SQM R1,101,000.00 RES - Residential 2286 of Secunda 1041sqm 1041.0000-SQM R1,097,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2287 of Secunda 2288 of Secunda 1074sqm 1064sqm 1074.0000-SQM 1064.0000-SQM R1,370,000.00 R1,039,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2289 of Secunda 2290 of Secunda 2291 of Secunda 2292 of Secunda 1064sqm 1064sqm 1064sqm 1064sqm 1064.0000-SQM 1064.0000-SQM 1064.0000-SQM 1064.0000-SQM R1,179,000.00 R925,000.00 R895,000.00 R930,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2293 of Secunda 2294 of Secunda 1166sqm 1075sqm 1166.0000-SQM 1075.0000-SQM R1,208,000.00 R1,170,000.00 RES - Residential 2295 of Secunda 986sqm 986.0000-SQM R1,262,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2296 of Secunda 2297 of Secunda 2298 of Secunda 2299 of Secunda 2300 of Secunda 2301 of Secunda 2302 of Secunda 986sqm 986sqm 986sqm 986sqm 986sqm 1088sqm 944sqm 986.0000-SQM 986.0000-SQM 986.0000-SQM 986.0000-SQM 986.0000-SQM 1088.0000-SQM 944.0000-SQM R912,000.00 R1,042,000.00 R1,092,000.00 R1,172,000.00 R1,002,000.00 R1,321,000.00 R1,118,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2303 of Secunda 2304 of Secunda 1165sqm 1122sqm 1165.0000-SQM 1122.0000-SQM R1,378,000.00 R1,134,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2305 of Secunda 2306 of Secunda 2307 of Secunda 1102sqm 1102sqm 1102sqm 1102.0000-SQM 1102.0000-SQM 1102.0000-SQM R1,472,000.00 R1,092,000.00 R1,222,000.00 RES - Residential 2308 of Secunda 1102sqm 1102.0000-SQM R1,422,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2309 of Secunda 2310 of Secunda 1102sqm 1102sqm 1102.0000-SQM 1102.0000-SQM R1,182,000.00 R1,132,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2311 of Secunda 2312 of Secunda 2313 of Secunda 2314 of Secunda 1204sqm 1224sqm 972sqm 972sqm 1204.0000-SQM 1224.0000-SQM 972.0000-SQM 972.0000-SQM R1,081,000.00 R1,083,000.00 R1,051,000.00 R1,141,000.00 RES - Residential 2315 of Secunda 972sqm 972.0000-SQM R1,111,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2316 of Secunda 2317 of Secunda 2318 of Secunda 972sqm 972sqm 1068sqm 972.0000-SQM 972.0000-SQM 1068.0000-SQM R1,261,000.00 R1,081,000.00 R1,029,000.00 RES - Residential 2278 of Secunda Page 64 1349sqm 1349.0000-SQM R1,024,000.00 Registered description 2319 of Secunda 2320 of Secunda 2321 of Secunda 2322 of Secunda 2323 of Secunda 2324 of Secunda 2325 of Secunda 2326 of Secunda 2327 of Secunda 2328 of Secunda 2329 of Secunda 2330 of Secunda 2331 of Secunda 2332 of Secunda 2333 of Secunda 2334 of Secunda 2335 of Secunda 2336 of Secunda 2337 of Secunda 2338 of Secunda 2339 of Secunda 2340 of Secunda 2341 of Secunda 2342 of Secunda 2343 of Secunda 2344 of Secunda 2345 of Secunda 2346 of Secunda 2347 of Secunda 2348 of Secunda 2349 of Secunda 2350 of Secunda 2351 of Secunda 2352 of Secunda 2353 of Secunda 2354 of Secunda 2528 of Secunda 2529 of Secunda 2530 of Secunda 2531 of Secunda 2532 of Secunda 2533 of Secunda 2534 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Johan Christiaan Emanuel Petrus Folscher David Gideon Conradie Esmi Eunice Dreyer Christiaan Roets Boshoff Heidi Venter Jacobus Johannes Venter Daniel Pieter De Waal Diepraam Hendrik Johannes Bestbier der Merwe Christiaan Daniel Van der Merwe Johanna Aletta Van Charles Arthur Schuman Kasper Beyers Lategan Mary Joyce Michael Edward Joyce Kim Alice Hardy Marelize Coetzer Marius Coetzer Carl Enoch Pretorius Hayley Gail Pretorius Schalk Willem Petrus Du Plessis Marieta Du Toit Petrus Johannes Sarel Du Toit Marlize Alberts Ashendra Sewkumar Chathury Shobana Chathury Pieter Louis Neethling Keshika Bugwandeen Marika Pieterse Gysbert Marius De Villiers Andries Hendrik Booysen Tanya Booysen Hendrik Gideon Bosman Louis Jakobus Odendaal Tonder Jacobus Francois Van Arnoldus Rossouw Benade Cecilia Wykes Cornelia Elizabeth Helberg Gideon Johannes Adam Hendrik Helberg J Raubenheimer Trust Marie Antoinette Slabbert Pieter Slabbert Dayanand Shamira Rajaram Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Jacoba Susanna Botha Pieter Maritz Van Zyl Botha Francois De Villiers Elzanne Villiers Anthony Terblanche Maria Elizabeth Terblanche Bianca Truter Hubbert Alfred Truter Maria Elizabetha Bothma Johannes Daniel Smit Dirk Bothma Martha Francina Bothma Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential 2321 of Secunda 2322 of Secunda 1080sqm 1080sqm 1080.0000-SQM 1080.0000-SQM R1,020,000.00 R1,270,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2323 of Secunda 2324 of Secunda 2325 of Secunda 1080sqm 1080sqm 1125sqm 1080.0000-SQM 1080.0000-SQM 1125.0000-SQM R1,060,000.00 R1,180,000.00 R1,524,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2326 of Secunda 2327 of Secunda 2328 of Secunda 1560sqm 1585sqm 943sqm 1560.0000-SQM 1585.0000-SQM 943.0000-SQM R1,195,000.00 R1,415,000.00 R1,208,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2329 of Secunda 2330 of Secunda 952sqm 1132sqm 952.0000-SQM 1132.0000-SQM R1,019,000.00 R1,175,000.00 RES - Residential 2331 of Secunda 1219sqm 1219.0000-SQM R1,033,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2332 of Secunda 2333 of Secunda 1044sqm 1044sqm 1044.0000-SQM 1044.0000-SQM R1,017,000.00 R1,267,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2334 of Secunda 2335 of Secunda 1044sqm 1044sqm 1044.0000-SQM 1044.0000-SQM R1,467,000.00 R1,267,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2336 of Secunda 2337 of Secunda 2338 of Secunda 2339 of Secunda 2340 of Secunda 1008sqm 1161sqm 1248sqm 1165sqm 1160sqm 1008.0000-SQM 1161.0000-SQM 1248.0000-SQM 1165.0000-SQM 1160.0000-SQM R1,314,000.00 R1,310,000.00 R1,385,000.00 R1,278,000.00 R1,167,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2341 of Secunda 2342 of Secunda 2343 of Secunda 2344 of Secunda 2345 of Secunda 2346 of Secunda 1160sqm 1160sqm 1160sqm 1160sqm 1372sqm 1078sqm 1160.0000-SQM 1160.0000-SQM 1160.0000-SQM 1160.0000-SQM 1372.0000-SQM 1078.0000-SQM R1,070,000.00 R1,140,000.00 R1,097,000.00 R1,327,000.00 R1,346,000.00 R1,270,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2347 of Secunda 2348 of Secunda 1073sqm 1073sqm 1073.0000-SQM 1073.0000-SQM R1,190,000.00 R1,320,000.00 RES - Residential VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential 2349 of Secunda 2350 of Secunda 2351 of Secunda 2352 of Secunda 2353 of Secunda 2354 of Secunda 2528 of Secunda 1055sqm 1105sqm 605sqm 333sqm 448sqm 300sqm 1556sqm 1055.0000-SQM 1105.0000-SQM 605.0000-SQM 333.0000-SQM 448.0000-SQM 300.0000-SQM 1556.0000-SQM R1,018,000.00 R275,000.00 R153,000.00 R86,500.00 R114,000.00 R78,500.00 R761,000.00 RES - Residential 2529 of Secunda 1120sqm 1120.0000-SQM R804,000.00 RES - Residential 2530 of Secunda 1172sqm 1172.0000-SQM R736,000.00 RES - Residential 2531 of Secunda 1050sqm 1050.0000-SQM R921,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2532 of Secunda 2533 of Secunda 2534 of Secunda 1053sqm 1074sqm 1046sqm 1053.0000-SQM 1074.0000-SQM 1046.0000-SQM R741,000.00 R752,000.00 R761,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2319 of Secunda 2320 of Secunda Page 65 1187sqm 1080sqm 1187.0000-SQM 1080.0000-SQM R1,140,000.00 R1,270,000.00 Registered description 2535 of Secunda 2536 of Secunda 2537 of Secunda 2538 of Secunda 2539 of Secunda 2540 of Secunda 2541 of Secunda 2542 of Secunda 2543 of Secunda 2544 of Secunda 2545 of Secunda 2546 of Secunda 2547 of Secunda 2548 of Secunda 2549 of Secunda 2550 of Secunda 2551 of Secunda 2552 of Secunda 2553 of Secunda 2553 of Secunda (Portion 1) 2554 of Secunda 2555 of Secunda 2556 of Secunda 2557 of Secunda 2558 of Secunda 2559 of Secunda 2560 of Secunda 2561 of Secunda 2562 of Secunda 2563 of Secunda 2564 of Secunda 2565 of Secunda 2566 of Secunda 2567 of Secunda 2568 of Secunda 2569 of Secunda 2570 of Secunda 2571 of Secunda 2572 of Secunda 2573 of Secunda 2574 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Category Aletta Pieternella Du Plooy RES - Residential Christoffel Johannes Du Plooy Carl-Martin Wrbka RES - Residential Petrus Paulus Steyn RES - Residential Govan Mbeki Municipality MUN - Municipal Andre Martinus Venter RES - Residential Lizelle Rachel Venter Douwlina Gertbregtha Steyn Buys RES - Residential Frans Frederik Erasmus Buys Petrus Casparus Le Roux RES - Residential Izanne Gibson RES - Residential Willem Adriaan Goosen Schalk Willem Ruthenberg RES - Residential Union Of Southern Africa-Secunda Baptist Church RES - Residential Baptist Gideon Jacobus Broodryk RES - Residential Maraloe Hondeen Broodryk Maria Margaretha Putter RES - Residential R Trading M L RES - Residential Tania Aloisi RES - Residential Ainslie Van Staden Boswell RES - Residential Barbra Mbanga VAC - Vacant Land Themba Mbanga Barbra Mbanga VAC - Vacant Land Themba Mbanga Huyssteen Mynardt Van VAC - Vacant Land Nyiko Mashele RES - Residential Johannes Petrus Bresler RES - Residential Castle Crest Prop 5 Pty Ltd RES - Residential Govan Mbeki Municipality MUN - Municipal Gillroyer Vusimuzi Shongwe RES - Residential Nombulelo Precious Shongwe Mokete Isaac Ramoseli RES - Residential Johannes Barend Michiel Thiart RES - Residential Maria Magdalena Thiart Andries Daniel Burger RES - Residential Sharlene Govender RES - Residential Ethel Venter RES - Residential Roelof Venter Mduduzi Duncan Mthethwa RES - Residential Andries Christiaan Classen RES - Residential Debbie Digoke Kgolane RES - Residential Phaladi Elvis Malaka Anna Elizabeth Bronkhorst RES - Residential Jacobus Cornelius Bronkhorst Ellen Wilhelmina Le Roux RES - Residential Pieter Carl Le Roux Susanna Petronella Roets RES - Residential Erika Bezuidenhout RES - Residential Petrus Stephanus Bezuidenhout Elkin Ndimande RES - Residential Ntombi Naume Ndimande Gregorios Robolakis RES - Residential Manolia Robolakis Abdulbak Issufo Taju RES - Residential Assma Zenadine Taju Prop Pty Ltd Sasol RES - Residential Heerden Cornelius Johannes Marais Van RES - Residential Heerden Odette Van Der Walt Van Republic of South Africa RES - Residential Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks 2536 of Secunda 2537 of Secunda 2538 of Secunda 2539 of Secunda 1025sqm 1238sqm 4590sqm 1080sqm 1025.0000-SQM 1238.0000-SQM 4590.0000-SQM 1080.0000-SQM R890,000.00 R845,000.00 R550,000.00 R1,010,000.00 2540 of Secunda 960sqm 960.0000-SQM R770,000.00 2541 of Secunda 2542 of Secunda 960sqm 960sqm 960.0000-SQM 960.0000-SQM R820,000.00 R920,000.00 2543 of Secunda 2544 of Secunda 1062sqm 1030sqm 1062.0000-SQM 1030.0000-SQM R895,000.00 R785,000.00 2545 of Secunda 986sqm 986.0000-SQM R945,000.00 2546 of Secunda 2547 of Secunda 2548 of Secunda 2549 of Secunda 2550 of Secunda 972sqm 936sqm 1035sqm 987sqm 1002sqm 972.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM 1035.0000-SQM 987.0000-SQM 1002.0000-SQM R775,000.00 R800,000.00 R845,000.00 R825,000.00 R226,000.00 2551 of Secunda 854sqm 854.0000-SQM R192,000.00 2552 of Secunda 2553 of Secunda 2553 of Secunda (Portion 1) 2554 of Secunda 2555 of Secunda 2556 of Secunda 851sqm 399sqm 471sqm 859sqm 897sqm 751sqm 851.0000-SQM 399.0000-SQM 471.0000-SQM 859.0000-SQM 897.0000-SQM 751.0000-SQM R197,000.00 R672,000.00 R747,000.00 R815,000.00 R107,000.00 R850,000.00 2557 of Secunda 2558 of Secunda 759sqm 759sqm 759.0000-SQM 759.0000-SQM R770,000.00 R810,000.00 2559 of Secunda 2560 of Secunda 2561 of Secunda 759sqm 759sqm 759sqm 759.0000-SQM 759.0000-SQM 759.0000-SQM R840,000.00 R856,000.00 R760,000.00 2562 of Secunda 2563 of Secunda 2564 of Secunda 759sqm 759sqm 759sqm 759.0000-SQM 759.0000-SQM 759.0000-SQM R720,000.00 R780,000.00 R780,000.00 2565 of Secunda 759sqm 759.0000-SQM R790,000.00 2566 of Secunda 759sqm 759.0000-SQM R790,000.00 2567 of Secunda 2568 of Secunda 759sqm 866sqm 759.0000-SQM 866.0000-SQM R800,000.00 R825,000.00 2569 of Secunda 1324sqm 1324.0000-SQM R880,000.00 2570 of Secunda 999sqm 999.0000-SQM R895,000.00 2571 of Secunda 851sqm 851.0000-SQM R760,000.00 2572 of Secunda 2573 of Secunda 851sqm 851sqm 851.0000-SQM 851.0000-SQM R775,000.00 R835,000.00 2574 of Secunda 851sqm 851.0000-SQM R815,000.00 2535 of Secunda Page 66 1053sqm 1053.0000-SQM R721,000.00 Registered description 2575 of Secunda 2576 of Secunda 2577 of Secunda 2578 of Secunda 2579 of Secunda 2580 of Secunda 2581 of Secunda 2582 of Secunda 2583 of Secunda 2584 of Secunda 2585 of Secunda 2586 of Secunda 2587 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Chantal Bester der Sandt Frans Jacob Christoffel Van Mpfariseni Lawrence Ratombo Tintswalo Sharon Ratombo Leon Paul Le Roux Hendrik Jacobus Martinus Alberts Janette Alberts Heerden Mervin Daniel Van Berg Anne-Marie Van der Berg Cornelius Hermanus Van Ettiene Hugo Smit Maria Petrassina Smit Republic of South Africa Phindile Philile Mazibuko Themba Sabelo Mazibuko Masopha Jacob Nhlapo Lekgotla Samuel Ralieta Nkaki Magdelina Ralieta Hendrik Jakobus Pretorius Ntshike Jackson Mathobela Klaprops 278 Pty Ltd 2588 of Secunda Klaprops 278 Pty Ltd 2589 of Secunda 2590 of Secunda 2591 of Secunda 2592 of Secunda 2593 of Secunda Themba Mbanga Shimona Rajiah Michael Lloyd Hillier George Edward Arnold Jan Andries Botha Johanna Annalise Botha Albertus Johannes Green Nicky Green Elsabe O'donovan Rantsho Petrus Mokheseng Sinah Mpho Mokheseng Hans Jurgens Du Preez Tanya Haidee Du Preez Yvonne Thandiwe Phiri Martha Elizabeth Smit Wilhelm Kruger Smit Bheki Innocent Mbatha Nomusa Rose Mbatha Hendrik Petrus Goosen Marinette Goosen Malose Thomas Sentsho Theunissen Nicolise Eugene Theunissen Phillipus Jacobus Maria Salomie Von Finckenstein Ottfried Reinhold Von Finckenstein Themba Dixon Reginald Ndlovu der Merwe Maria Aletta Van Barend Johannes Venter Zelda Venter Anita Moolman Jakobus Petrus Johannes Moolman Kevin John Lawrence Joanne Murray Doreen Keolebogile Mohapanele Omphile Ronald Mohapanele Prop Pty Ltd Sasol 2594 of Secunda 2595 of Secunda 2596 of Secunda 2597 of Secunda 2598 of Secunda 2599 of Secunda 2600 of Secunda 2601 of Secunda 2602 of Secunda 2603 of Secunda 2604 of Secunda 2605 of Secunda 2606 of Secunda 2607 of Secunda 2608 of Secunda 2609 of Secunda 2610 of Secunda 2611 of Secunda Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 2576 of Secunda 925sqm 925.0000-SQM R830,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2577 of Secunda 2578 of Secunda 920sqm 740sqm 920.0000-SQM 740.0000-SQM R870,000.00 R850,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2579 of Secunda 2580 of Secunda 667sqm 667sqm 667.0000-SQM 667.0000-SQM R740,000.00 R746,000.00 RES - Residential 2581 of Secunda 667sqm 667.0000-SQM R765,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2582 of Secunda 2583 of Secunda 742sqm 846sqm 742.0000-SQM 846.0000-SQM R800,000.00 R775,000.00 RES - Residential 2584 of Secunda 759sqm 759.0000-SQM R780,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential BUS - Business and Commercial BUS - Business and Commercial RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2585 of Secunda 2586 of Secunda 2587 of Secunda 759sqm 759sqm 759sqm 759.0000-SQM 759.0000-SQM 759.0000-SQM R810,000.00 R820,000.00 R800,000.00 2588 of Secunda 1033sqm 1033.0000-SQM R785,000.00 2589 of Secunda 2590 of Secunda 2591 of Secunda 2592 of Secunda 2593 of Secunda 742sqm 667sqm 667sqm 667sqm 667sqm 742.0000-SQM 667.0000-SQM 667.0000-SQM 667.0000-SQM 667.0000-SQM R760,000.00 R716,000.00 R766,000.00 R716,000.00 R736,000.00 RES - Residential 2594 of Secunda 667sqm 667.0000-SQM R731,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2595 of Secunda 2596 of Secunda 667sqm 667sqm 667.0000-SQM 667.0000-SQM R806,000.00 R706,000.00 RES - Residential 2597 of Secunda 667sqm 667.0000-SQM R756,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2598 of Secunda 2599 of Secunda 667sqm 667sqm 667.0000-SQM 667.0000-SQM R716,000.00 R706,000.00 RES - Residential 2600 of Secunda 742sqm 742.0000-SQM R749,000.00 RES - Residential 2601 of Secunda 846sqm 846.0000-SQM R855,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2602 of Secunda 2603 of Secunda 759sqm 759sqm 759.0000-SQM 759.0000-SQM R780,000.00 R820,000.00 RES - Residential 2604 of Secunda 759sqm 759.0000-SQM R840,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2605 of Secunda 2606 of Secunda 2607 of Secunda 759sqm 759sqm 759sqm 759.0000-SQM 759.0000-SQM 759.0000-SQM R840,000.00 R820,000.00 R810,000.00 RES - Residential 2608 of Secunda 759sqm 759.0000-SQM R810,000.00 RES - Residential 2609 of Secunda 759sqm 759.0000-SQM R736,000.00 RES - Residential 2610 of Secunda 759sqm 759.0000-SQM R850,000.00 RES - Residential 2611 of Secunda 759sqm 759.0000-SQM R770,000.00 RES - Residential 2575 of Secunda Page 67 851sqm 851.0000-SQM R785,000.00 Registered description 2612 of Secunda 2613 of Secunda 2614 of Secunda 2615 of Secunda 2616 of Secunda 2617 of Secunda 2618 of Secunda 2619 of Secunda 2620 of Secunda 2621 of Secunda 2622 of Secunda 2623 of Secunda 2624 of Secunda 2625 of Secunda 2626 of Secunda 2627 of Secunda 2628 of Secunda 2629 of Secunda 2630 of Secunda 2631 of Secunda 2632 of Secunda 2633 of Secunda 2634 of Secunda 2635 of Secunda 2636 of Secunda 2637 of Secunda 2638 of Secunda 2639 of Secunda 2640 of Secunda 2641 of Secunda 2642 of Secunda 2643 of Secunda 2644 of Secunda 2645 of Secunda 2646 of Secunda 2647 of Secunda 2648 of Secunda 2649 of Secunda 2650 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Bernardus Hermanus Pieters Chantelle Helen Pieters Josephus Oosthuizen Briel Colin Stephen Battiscombe Malinda Battiscombe Aarde Gabriel Stefanus Van Aarde Magdelena Gertruida Van Jacoba Petronella Hendrina Davel Jan Hendrik Davel der Merwe Cornelius Johannes Van der Merwe Elsa Van Marko Delic Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Jabi Ephraim Ngwekazi Sholy Beauty Ngwekazi Morne Kuhn Nicolene Kuhn Mariaan Sanet Boer Peter Boer Ana Maria Teixeira Flora Beatrice Morgan Cade Alison Morgan Keith Winston Harris Maria Gertruida Harris Coller Johannes Marthinus Van Heather Meryl Krause Rudolph Krause Etienne Human Christopher Bernard King Elmarie Erasmus Machiel Christoffel Erasmus Muriel Deponselle Vuuren Johan Hendrik Janse Van Elsie Johanna Elizabeth Botha Theunis Jacobus Petrus Botha Emmerentia Johanna Pieterse Jan Hendrik Boshoff Pebblestone Prop 57 Cc William Stewart Kerr Johannes Theodorus Labuschagne Sonica Labuschagne Alphonso Botha Beryl Lindiwe Malatsi George Maruti Malatsi Desmarie Mullineux Gerrit Hendrik Muller Jenet Ronel Muller Cecilius Christinus De Bruin Theunis Lodewikus Steyn Zelda Steyn Annelie Ackermann Samuel Wilhelm Ackermann Aletta Dorethea Maria Swart Jacobus Swart Johannes Carolus De Lange Test Pty Ltd Steel Dyk Anet Van Eeden Gladys Elizabeth Van Eeden Louis Pieter Van Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential 2613 of Secunda 2614 of Secunda 742sqm 667sqm 742.0000-SQM 667.0000-SQM R870,000.00 R785,000.00 RES - Residential 2615 of Secunda 667sqm 667.0000-SQM R755,000.00 RES - Residential 2616 of Secunda 667sqm 667.0000-SQM R765,000.00 RES - Residential 2617 of Secunda 667sqm 667.0000-SQM R775,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2618 of Secunda 2619 of Secunda 2620 of Secunda 667sqm 667sqm 742sqm 667.0000-SQM 667.0000-SQM 742.0000-SQM R765,000.00 R765,000.00 R770,000.00 RES - Residential 2621 of Secunda 846sqm 846.0000-SQM R845,000.00 RES - Residential 2622 of Secunda 759sqm 759.0000-SQM R800,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2623 of Secunda 2624 of Secunda 759sqm 759sqm 759.0000-SQM 759.0000-SQM R770,000.00 R800,000.00 RES - Residential 2625 of Secunda 759sqm 759.0000-SQM R790,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2626 of Secunda 2627 of Secunda 759sqm 759sqm 759.0000-SQM 759.0000-SQM R800,000.00 R755,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2628 of Secunda 2629 of Secunda 2630 of Secunda 846sqm 794sqm 713sqm 846.0000-SQM 794.0000-SQM 713.0000-SQM R805,000.00 R835,000.00 R780,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2631 of Secunda 2632 of Secunda 2633 of Secunda 713sqm 768sqm 862sqm 713.0000-SQM 768.0000-SQM 862.0000-SQM R780,000.00 R840,000.00 R775,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2634 of Secunda 2635 of Secunda 2636 of Secunda 2637 of Secunda 2638 of Secunda 778sqm 725sqm 756sqm 667sqm 667sqm 778.0000-SQM 725.0000-SQM 756.0000-SQM 667.0000-SQM 667.0000-SQM R845,000.00 R790,000.00 R747,000.00 R785,000.00 R765,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2639 of Secunda 2640 of Secunda 742sqm 846sqm 742.0000-SQM 846.0000-SQM R850,000.00 R835,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2641 of Secunda 2642 of Secunda 759sqm 759sqm 759.0000-SQM 759.0000-SQM R770,000.00 R780,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2643 of Secunda 2644 of Secunda 778sqm 847sqm 778.0000-SQM 847.0000-SQM R785,000.00 R845,000.00 RES - Residential 2645 of Secunda 951sqm 951.0000-SQM R850,000.00 RES - Residential 2646 of Secunda 713sqm 713.0000-SQM R780,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2647 of Secunda 2648 of Secunda 2649 of Secunda 2650 of Secunda 713sqm 794sqm 703sqm 720sqm 713.0000-SQM 794.0000-SQM 703.0000-SQM 720.0000-SQM R755,000.00 R815,000.00 R770,000.00 R920,000.00 RES - Residential 2612 of Secunda Page 68 846sqm 846.0000-SQM R865,000.00 Registered description 2651 of Secunda 2652 of Secunda 2653 of Secunda 2654 of Secunda 2655 of Secunda 2656 of Secunda 2657 of Secunda 2658 of Secunda 2659 of Secunda 2660 of Secunda 2661 of Secunda 2662 of Secunda 2663 of Secunda 2664 of Secunda 2665 of Secunda 2666 of Secunda 2667 of Secunda 2668 of Secunda 2669 of Secunda 2670 of Secunda 2671 of Secunda 2672 of Secunda 2673 of Secunda 2674 of Secunda 2675 of Secunda 2676 of Secunda 2677 of Secunda 2678 of Secunda 2679 of Secunda 2680 of Secunda 2680 of Secunda (Portion 10) 2681 of Secunda 2682 of Secunda 2683 of Secunda 2684 of Secunda 2685 of Secunda 2686 of Secunda 2687 of Secunda 2688 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Annah Keitumetse Mokoka Moeti Phillip Boy Mokoka Hilda Campher Nico De Vos Campher Carel Andries Naude Lizelle Naude Sharon Boardman Tyrone Boardman Dawid Lukas Smith Hettie Smith Daniel Stephanus Venter Ronel Venter Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Elizabeth Catharina Magarita Bezuidenhout Jeremia Jesaja Bezuidenhout Sidwell Dumisane Hadebe Johann Snyman Michelle Snyman Hendrina Sophia Beetge Roedolf Beetge Charles Jack Leonard Carolina Tamaryn Pretorius Nicolaas Francois Pretorius Jairus Antony George Natashia Hazel George Dorathia Regina Labuschagne Gabriel Stephanus Labuschagne Wynand Lodewikus Cronje Johannes Hendrik Hattingh Catharina Jacoba Myburgh Dirk Petrus Myburgh Amelda Magritha Esprey Michael George Esprey Cornelia Adriana Diedericks Lodewikus Hendrik Diedericks Hilton Milovan Enslin Brett Gerard Leon Woodroffe Willem Johannes Jacobs Staden Cornelis Johannes Van Staden Wilhelmina Van Heerden Ruan Deon Van Lucky Aaron Shabangu Deon Venter Sevasmia Venter Hester Johanna Elizabeth Kotze Carel Hendrik Kruger Isabel Hester Kruger Barend Frederik Petrus Viljoen Yolandi Viljoen Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Etienne Henry Schubach Maria Maebela Carol Ann Wolmarans Leon Wolmarans Angelique Brisley Peter Jacobus Brisley Grant Scott Gideon Gerhardus Barnard Elizabeth Potgieter Pieter Willem Engels Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 2652 of Secunda 738sqm 738.0000-SQM R810,000.00 RES - Residential 2653 of Secunda 796sqm 796.0000-SQM R711,000.00 RES - Residential 2654 of Secunda 906sqm 906.0000-SQM R840,000.00 RES - Residential 2655 of Secunda 848sqm 848.0000-SQM R755,000.00 RES - Residential 2656 of Secunda 957sqm 957.0000-SQM R867,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2657 of Secunda 2658 of Secunda 952sqm 936sqm 952.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM R727,000.00 R777,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2659 of Secunda 2660 of Secunda 837sqm 998sqm 837.0000-SQM 998.0000-SQM R945,000.00 R729,000.00 RES - Residential 2661 of Secunda 808sqm 808.0000-SQM R762,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2662 of Secunda 2663 of Secunda 775sqm 935sqm 775.0000-SQM 935.0000-SQM R840,000.00 R737,000.00 RES - Residential 2664 of Secunda 994sqm 994.0000-SQM R719,000.00 RES - Residential 2665 of Secunda 1369sqm 1369.0000-SQM R784,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2666 of Secunda 2667 of Secunda 2668 of Secunda 1055sqm 789sqm 768sqm 1055.0000-SQM 789.0000-SQM 768.0000-SQM R761,000.00 R781,000.00 R760,000.00 RES - Residential 2669 of Secunda 912sqm 912.0000-SQM R736,000.00 RES - Residential 2670 of Secunda 1194sqm 1194.0000-SQM R897,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2671 of Secunda 2672 of Secunda 2673 of Secunda 2674 of Secunda 978sqm 712sqm 901sqm 882sqm 978.0000-SQM 712.0000-SQM 901.0000-SQM 882.0000-SQM R778,000.00 R728,000.00 R815,000.00 R734,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2675 of Secunda 2676 of Secunda 2677 of Secunda 759sqm 792sqm 796sqm 759.0000-SQM 792.0000-SQM 796.0000-SQM R806,000.00 R751,000.00 R731,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2678 of Secunda 2679 of Secunda 779sqm 952sqm 779.0000-SQM 952.0000-SQM R940,000.00 R737,000.00 RES - Residential 2680 of Secunda 827sqm 827.0000-SQM R743,000.00 UDT - Unregistered RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2680 of Secunda (Portion 10) 2681 of Secunda 2682 of Secunda 2683 of Secunda 1015sqm 779sqm 836sqm 914sqm 779.0000-SQM 836.0000-SQM 914.0000-SQM R836,000.00 R750,000.00 R793,000.00 R746,000.00 RES - Residential 2684 of Secunda 962sqm 962.0000-SQM R818,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2685 of Secunda 2686 of Secunda 2687 of Secunda 2688 of Secunda 743sqm 830sqm 1030sqm 922sqm 743.0000-SQM 830.0000-SQM 1030.0000-SQM 922.0000-SQM R729,000.00 R723,000.00 R720,000.00 R716,000.00 RES - Residential 2651 of Secunda Page 69 720sqm 720.0000-SQM R830,000.00 Registered description 2689 of Secunda 2690 of Secunda 2691 of Secunda 2692 of Secunda 2693 of Secunda 2694 of Secunda 2695 of Secunda 2696 of Secunda 2697 of Secunda 2698 of Secunda 2699 of Secunda 2700 of Secunda 2701 of Secunda 2702 of Secunda 2703 of Secunda 2704 of Secunda 2705 of Secunda 2706 of Secunda 2707 of Secunda 2708 of Secunda 2709 of Secunda 2710 of Secunda 2711 of Secunda 2712 of Secunda 2713 of Secunda 2714 of Secunda 2715 of Secunda 2716 of Secunda 2717 of Secunda 2718 of Secunda 2719 of Secunda 2720 of Secunda 2721 of Secunda 2722 of Secunda 2723 of Secunda 2724 of Secunda 2725 of Secunda 2726 of Secunda 2727 of Secunda 2728 of Secunda 2729 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Maria Gertruida Miller Pellerd Izak Miller Boy Samson Mhlanga Leflina Thandi Mhlanga Fanie Hlungwane Brigid Mmule Morafo Process Safety Consultants Pty Ltd International Jan Lourens Snyman Marthie Sophia Snyman Jody Michael Crow Elizabeth Johanna Magdalena Halgryn Marthinus Christoffel Halgryn Andries Jonathan Lategan Harriet Lategan Nicolaas Petrus Higgs Sylvestre Edmond Pytkiewicz Johannes Jacobus Moolman Magan Pashiah Rageline Moolman Vuuren Aletta Elizabeth Janse Van Vuuren Johannes Hendrik Janse Van Werner Jacobs Eben Ferreira Jan Adriaan Kruger Violet Elizabeth Kruger Gerda Wilhelmina Vermaak Ignatius Michael Vermaak Joanne Murray Irma Swanich Thalitha Victoria Maphoti Walter Nkosinathi Maphoti Zulu Petros Nkosi Dina Carolina Coetzee Johan Coetzee Frederik Johannes Van Den Berg Elizabeth-Anne Du Plessis Lucas Andries Du Plessis Marilyn Gail Schulz Fairy Wing Trading 10 Pty Ltd der Sandt Andre Van der Sandt Zelda Van Daniel Jacobus Schroeder Petronella Christina Schroeder Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Nyengedzeni Edwin Netshiozwi Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Masello Dolly Phatlane Abram Christiaan Pietersen Anna Cornelia Hendrieka Pietersen Jaarsveldt Elsie Sophia Van David Tshepiso Ramathunya Ramadimetja Paulinah Sasa Serubele Ben Sasa Lindiwe Margaret Kunene Musa Michael Kunene Mathilda Meyer Phillippus Marthinus Meyer Jacques Lombard Dumsani Samuel Nkosi Nonhlanhla Martha Nkosi Maria Elizabeth Du Plooy Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 2690 of Secunda 765sqm 765.0000-SQM R750,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2691 of Secunda 2692 of Secunda 2693 of Secunda 2694 of Secunda 1445sqm 1012sqm 938sqm 945sqm 1445.0000-SQM 1012.0000-SQM 938.0000-SQM 945.0000-SQM R877,000.00 R790,000.00 R727,000.00 R727,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2695 of Secunda 2696 of Secunda 945sqm 950sqm 945.0000-SQM 950.0000-SQM R777,000.00 R737,000.00 RES - Residential 2697 of Secunda 950sqm 950.0000-SQM R727,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2698 of Secunda 2699 of Secunda 2700 of Secunda 950sqm 950sqm 950sqm 950.0000-SQM 950.0000-SQM 950.0000-SQM R787,000.00 R757,000.00 R737,000.00 RES - Residential 2701 of Secunda 950sqm 950.0000-SQM R727,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2702 of Secunda 2703 of Secunda 2704 of Secunda 950sqm 950sqm 921sqm 950.0000-SQM 950.0000-SQM 921.0000-SQM R817,000.00 R827,000.00 R776,000.00 RES - Residential 2705 of Secunda 921sqm 921.0000-SQM R806,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2706 of Secunda 2707 of Secunda 2708 of Secunda 964sqm 959sqm 1238sqm 964.0000-SQM 959.0000-SQM 1238.0000-SQM R728,000.00 R907,000.00 R739,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2709 of Secunda 2710 of Secunda 940sqm 751sqm 940.0000-SQM 751.0000-SQM R727,000.00 R739,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2711 of Secunda 2712 of Secunda 937sqm 942sqm 937.0000-SQM 942.0000-SQM R747,000.00 R787,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2713 of Secunda 2714 of Secunda 2715 of Secunda 1067sqm 1462sqm 913sqm 1067.0000-SQM 1462.0000-SQM 913.0000-SQM R707,000.00 R757,000.00 R776,000.00 RES - Residential 2716 of Secunda 759sqm 759.0000-SQM R780,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2717 of Secunda 2718 of Secunda 2719 of Secunda 2720 of Secunda 2721 of Secunda 759sqm 759sqm 759sqm 759sqm 910sqm 759.0000-SQM 759.0000-SQM 759.0000-SQM 759.0000-SQM 910.0000-SQM R760,000.00 R730,000.00 R710,000.00 R730,000.00 R806,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2722 of Secunda 2723 of Secunda 2724 of Secunda 896sqm 896sqm 861sqm 896.0000-SQM 896.0000-SQM 861.0000-SQM R815,000.00 R825,000.00 R784,000.00 RES - Residential 2725 of Secunda 809sqm 809.0000-SQM R782,000.00 RES - Residential 2726 of Secunda 792sqm 792.0000-SQM R840,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2727 of Secunda 2728 of Secunda 792sqm 792sqm 792.0000-SQM 792.0000-SQM R721,000.00 R721,000.00 RES - Residential 2729 of Secunda 792sqm 792.0000-SQM R761,000.00 RES - Residential 2689 of Secunda Page 70 799sqm 799.0000-SQM R840,000.00 Registered description 2730 of Secunda 2731 of Secunda 2732 of Secunda 2733 of Secunda 2734 of Secunda 2735 of Secunda 2736 of Secunda 2737 of Secunda 2738 of Secunda 2739 of Secunda 2740 of Secunda 2741 of Secunda 2742 of Secunda 2743 of Secunda 2744 of Secunda 2745 of Secunda 2746 of Secunda 2747 of Secunda 2748 of Secunda 2749 of Secunda 2750 of Secunda 2751 of Secunda 2752 of Secunda 2753 of Secunda 2754 of Secunda 2755 of Secunda 2756 of Secunda 2757 of Secunda 2758 of Secunda 2759 of Secunda 2760 of Secunda 2761 of Secunda 2762 of Secunda 2763 of Secunda 2764 of Secunda 2765 of Secunda 2766 of Secunda 2767 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Maria Magdalena Neethling Nicolaas Jacobus Neethling Moses Lucky Dlamini Deliwe Elsie Dlamini Linda Abednego Dlamini Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Dyk Heidi Elizabeth Van Dyk John Joseph Van Rensburg Anna Aletta Van Rensburg Renier Jansen Van David Paul Olivier Hendrik Nicolaas Johannes Neethling Josina Elizabeth Neethling Dlozi Jacob Madonsela Gerhard Engelbrecht Paul Madimabe Matenche Granny Sponono Skosana Johannes Mnukwa Zondo Themba Moses Gininda Zyl Aletta Maria Van Zyl Dawid Van Yvonne Stapelberg Eric Johannes Pretorius Hester Elizabeth Pretorius Jacobus Marthinus Aslett Svetlana Matveevna Aslett Martinus Prinsloo Dreyer Petronella Johanna Dreyer Evangelie Kerk Van God In Suidelike AfrikaOostelike Hoeveld Volle Elizabeth Helena Olckers Gerhardus Marthinus Jacobus Olckers Gert Johannes Jacobus Helberg Maria Catharina Helberg Emmanuel Mwanza Rosalie Bialukengu Euseku Mwanza Moribishane Sara-Jane Phasha Johannes Jacobus Oelofse Hester Jacoba Louw Theunissen Lucas Johannes Theunissen Tracy Lee Moedi Abram Radebe Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Motsitsi Luka Masina Johannes Nicolaas Lubbe Mispa Winny Lubbe Benjamin Joseph Adriaan Stephanus Engelbrecht Sophia Regina Engelbrecht Flora Nomathemba Lekoba Moffat Tshediso Lekoba der Walt Johannes Pier Van Jozua Stefanus Joubert Sophia Elizabeth Johanna Joubert Sematle Peter Lephoto Marther Duduzile Thwala Hermanus Johannes Le Roux Sheryl Veronica Le Roux David Louis Robertson Dorethea Hermiena Robertson Willem Hendrik Johannes Henderson Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential 2731 of Secunda 2732 of Secunda 792sqm 792sqm 792.0000-SQM 792.0000-SQM R731,000.00 R751,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2733 of Secunda 2734 of Secunda 792sqm 818sqm 792.0000-SQM 818.0000-SQM R731,000.00 R822,000.00 RES - Residential 2735 of Secunda 854sqm 854.0000-SQM R833,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2736 of Secunda 2737 of Secunda 963sqm 992sqm 963.0000-SQM 992.0000-SQM R758,000.00 R769,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2738 of Secunda 2739 of Secunda 2740 of Secunda 875sqm 825sqm 825sqm 875.0000-SQM 825.0000-SQM 825.0000-SQM R711,000.00 R772,000.00 R772,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2741 of Secunda 2742 of Secunda 2743 of Secunda 825sqm 957sqm 1052sqm 825.0000-SQM 957.0000-SQM 1052.0000-SQM R732,000.00 R747,000.00 R733,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2744 of Secunda 2745 of Secunda 988sqm 980sqm 988.0000-SQM 980.0000-SQM R799,000.00 R818,000.00 RES - Residential 2746 of Secunda 980sqm 980.0000-SQM R738,000.00 RES - Residential 2747 of Secunda 1100sqm 1100.0000-SQM R843,000.00 WOR - Places of Worship RES - Residential 2748 of Secunda 5436sqm 5436.0000-SQM R1,010,000.00 2749 of Secunda 998sqm 998.0000-SQM R859,000.00 RES - Residential 2750 of Secunda 900sqm 900.0000-SQM R795,000.00 RES - Residential 2751 of Secunda 929sqm 929.0000-SQM R746,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2752 of Secunda 2753 of Secunda 2754 of Secunda 2755 of Secunda 918sqm 918sqm 918sqm 918sqm 918.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM R756,000.00 R796,000.00 R736,000.00 R726,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2756 of Secunda 2757 of Secunda 2758 of Secunda 2759 of Secunda 1124sqm 1424sqm 713sqm 713sqm 1124.0000-SQM 1424.0000-SQM 713.0000-SQM 713.0000-SQM R754,000.00 R756,000.00 R808,000.00 R718,000.00 RES - Residential 2760 of Secunda 713sqm 713.0000-SQM R748,000.00 RES - Residential 2761 of Secunda 713sqm 713.0000-SQM R728,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2762 of Secunda 2763 of Secunda 713sqm 714sqm 713.0000-SQM 714.0000-SQM R728,000.00 R758,000.00 RES - Residential 2764 of Secunda 715sqm 715.0000-SQM R738,000.00 RES - Residential 2765 of Secunda 953sqm 953.0000-SQM R737,000.00 RES - Residential 2766 of Secunda 847sqm 847.0000-SQM R793,000.00 RES - Residential 2767 of Secunda 745sqm 745.0000-SQM R859,000.00 RES - Residential 2730 of Secunda Page 71 792sqm 792.0000-SQM R721,000.00 Registered description 2768 of Secunda 2769 of Secunda 2770 of Secunda 2771 of Secunda 2772 of Secunda 2773 of Secunda 2774 of Secunda 2775 of Secunda 2776 of Secunda 2777 of Secunda 2778 of Secunda 2779 of Secunda 2780 of Secunda 2781 of Secunda 2782 of Secunda 2783 of Secunda 2784 of Secunda 2785 of Secunda 2786 of Secunda 2787 of Secunda 2788 of Secunda 2789 of Secunda 2790 of Secunda 2791 of Secunda 2792 of Secunda 2793 of Secunda 2794 of Secunda 2795 of Secunda 2796 of Secunda 2797 of Secunda 2798 of Secunda 2799 of Secunda 2800 of Secunda 2801 of Secunda 2802 of Secunda 2803 of Secunda 2804 of Secunda 2805 of Secunda 2806 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Daniel Herman Mulder Marietjie Labuschagne Michel Benjamin Labuschagne Dyk Jaco Van Edwill Barnard Deon Smith Johannes Hendrik Smith Mashilo Abram Mokotong Christoffel Gert Petrus Nagel Rikus Hendrik Fourie Daniel Jacobus Bruwer Johanna Petronella Bruwer Hendrik Stefanus Prinsloo Johanna Prinsloo Kevin Arthur Viviers Marie-Antoinette Viviers Susanna Catharina Calitz Cornelia Christina Botma Lodewyk Jacobus Botma Hilda Elizabeth Slabbert Leon Martin Slabbert Of The Nazarene Church Marco Plessis Shalem Houtwerke Cc Jan Keller Terecia Ellen Ann Keller Daniel Eliza Krynauw Du Toit Wanda Maria Du Toit Aswegen Albertus Gerhardus Van Anna Maria Groenewald Bernardus George Daniel Groenewald Nthabeliseni Eric Munyangane Lumbedzani Esther Nevhutalu Sureshnee Govender Salvanus Nookiaud Dyk Jacobus Hendrik Cromhout Van Tebogo Vincent Ngwasheng Thembeni Charlotte Ngwasheng Henryk Edward Gorczyca Stephanus Serfontein Susara Chatrina Serfontein Malepe Michael Moeng Martha Maki Moeng Catharina Maria Booth Anna Maria Van Den Heever Kukie Julia Matjiu Madimetja Anthony Matjiu Emmarentia Helena Nel Frederick Christiaan Nel Maria Nomkhosi Ripinga Rapupe Colen Mootane Coller Louis Gideon Butterworth Van Coller Shirley Anne Van Sandra Geraldine Pretorius Magrietha Louisa Smit Philippus Jacobus Smit Binki Lendah Soko Mbuyiseni Eliakim Soko Niekerk Johannes Van Robert Arthur Wieneck Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2770 of Secunda 2771 of Secunda 2772 of Secunda 815sqm 838sqm 861sqm 815.0000-SQM 838.0000-SQM 861.0000-SQM R682,000.00 R673,000.00 R694,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2773 of Secunda 2774 of Secunda 2775 of Secunda 2776 of Secunda 1039sqm 988sqm 1043sqm 991sqm 1039.0000-SQM 988.0000-SQM 1043.0000-SQM 991.0000-SQM R751,000.00 R809,000.00 R691,000.00 R689,000.00 RES - Residential 2777 of Secunda 937sqm 937.0000-SQM R697,000.00 RES - Residential 2778 of Secunda 948sqm 948.0000-SQM R880,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2779 of Secunda 2780 of Secunda 946sqm 945sqm 946.0000-SQM 945.0000-SQM R757,000.00 R692,000.00 RES - Residential 2781 of Secunda 1095sqm 1095.0000-SQM R853,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2782 of Secunda 2783 of Secunda 2784 of Secunda 2785 of Secunda 1042sqm 977sqm 977sqm 978sqm 1042.0000-SQM 977.0000-SQM 977.0000-SQM 978.0000-SQM R741,000.00 R768,000.00 R693,000.00 R748,000.00 RES - Residential 2786 of Secunda 978sqm 978.0000-SQM R785,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2787 of Secunda 2788 of Secunda 979sqm 979sqm 979.0000-SQM 979.0000-SQM R828,000.00 R718,000.00 RES - Residential 2789 of Secunda 837sqm 837.0000-SQM R683,000.00 RES - Residential 2790 of Secunda 744sqm 744.0000-SQM R661,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2791 of Secunda 2792 of Secunda 744sqm 758sqm 744.0000-SQM 758.0000-SQM R709,000.00 R680,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2793 of Secunda 2794 of Secunda 758sqm 758sqm 758.0000-SQM 758.0000-SQM R720,000.00 R690,000.00 RES - Residential 2795 of Secunda 758sqm 758.0000-SQM R730,000.00 RES - Residential 2796 of Secunda 744sqm 744.0000-SQM R674,000.00 RES - Residential 2797 of Secunda 744sqm 744.0000-SQM R674,000.00 RES - Residential 2798 of Secunda 744sqm 744.0000-SQM R719,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2799 of Secunda 2800 of Secunda 2801 of Secunda 744sqm 744sqm 752sqm 744.0000-SQM 744.0000-SQM 752.0000-SQM R709,000.00 R709,000.00 R684,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2802 of Secunda 2803 of Secunda 852sqm 1004sqm 852.0000-SQM 1004.0000-SQM R773,000.00 R769,000.00 RES - Residential 2804 of Secunda 1027sqm 1027.0000-SQM R740,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2805 of Secunda 2806 of Secunda 1096sqm 1048sqm 1096.0000-SQM 1048.0000-SQM R733,000.00 R751,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2768 of Secunda 2769 of Secunda Page 72 768sqm 792sqm 768.0000-SQM 792.0000-SQM R720,000.00 R751,000.00 Registered description 2807 of Secunda 2808 of Secunda 2809 of Secunda 2810 of Secunda 2811 of Secunda 2812 of Secunda 2813 of Secunda 2814 of Secunda 2815 of Secunda 2816 of Secunda 2817 of Secunda 2818 of Secunda 2819 of Secunda 2820 of Secunda 2821 of Secunda 2822 of Secunda 2823 of Secunda 2824 of Secunda 2825 of Secunda 2826 of Secunda 2827 of Secunda 2828 of Secunda 2829 of Secunda 2830 of Secunda 2831 of Secunda 2832 of Secunda 2833 of Secunda 2834 of Secunda 2835 of Secunda 2836 of Secunda 2837 of Secunda 2838 of Secunda 2839 of Secunda 2840 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Irene Londiwe Moumakwe Thabang Emmanuel Victor Moumakwe Aiden Mark Whittaker Eric Ivan Whittaker Lefina Gertruida Francina Whittaker Bridget Elizabeth De Bruin Gerhardus Stefanus De Bruin Itumeleng Trevor Pitiri Johanna Sophia Lottering Nico Lottering Martha Susanna Gouws Andrea Allner Andrew Gerald Allner Keolebogile Theodorah Mafolosa Motsumi Daniel Segami Heerden Sarel Jacobus Johannes Van Heerden Susanna Johanna Van Lucille Elizabeth Rautenbach Riaan Rautenbach Corne Henning Oliver Shambo Asiena Emmelina Kubheka Muziwakhe Amon Kubheka Elmer Junius Bredenkamp Charlotte De Lange Johannes Jacobus De Lange Leigh Evans Motubatse Harence Motubatse Ramaesela Rosina Motubatse der Merwe Deon Willie Van der Merwe Yolandi Van Marie Horn Michiel Frederick Horn Louise Cheri Steyn Stanford Phillip Steyn Hester Isabella Glen Jonathan Andrew Glen Johannes Reinard Jacobus Du Plessis Wilhelmina Sophia Du Plessis Cornelis Groesbeek Jessie Maria Groesbeek Magdelena Johanna Fransina Smith Pieter Smith Iris Antoinette Du Plessis Lynette Lungile Sylvia Ngwekazi Maswazi Hopewell Ngwekazi Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Hermanus Cornelus Coetzee Hilda Charlotha Coetzee Lance Ricky Nel Devisha Rohan Kamesh Rohan Malesela Lawrence Thipe Rantshinyetsha Eva Thipe Derek Vernon Simms Ingrid Simms Leslie Edwin Humphries Alphonso Botha Raymond Gallagher Louw Hendrik Potgieter Petro Gerda Potgieter Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 2808 of Secunda 840sqm 840.0000-SQM R805,000.00 RES - Residential 2809 of Secunda 840sqm 840.0000-SQM R825,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2810 of Secunda 2811 of Secunda 840sqm 840sqm 840.0000-SQM 840.0000-SQM R678,000.00 R835,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2812 of Secunda 2813 of Secunda 840sqm 868sqm 840.0000-SQM 868.0000-SQM R925,000.00 R814,000.00 RES - Residential 2814 of Secunda 899sqm 899.0000-SQM R680,000.00 RES - Residential 2815 of Secunda 870sqm 870.0000-SQM R689,000.00 RES - Residential 2816 of Secunda 840sqm 840.0000-SQM R703,000.00 RES - Residential 2817 of Secunda 840sqm 840.0000-SQM R693,000.00 RES - Residential 2818 of Secunda 945sqm 945.0000-SQM R850,000.00 RES - Residential 2819 of Secunda 1060sqm 1060.0000-SQM R712,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2820 of Secunda 2821 of Secunda 1060sqm 1061sqm 1060.0000-SQM 1061.0000-SQM R825,000.00 R686,000.00 RES - Residential 2822 of Secunda 1062sqm 1062.0000-SQM R912,000.00 RES - Residential 2823 of Secunda 1062sqm 1062.0000-SQM R752,000.00 RES - Residential 2824 of Secunda 1063sqm 1063.0000-SQM R744,000.00 RES - Residential 2825 of Secunda 1064sqm 1064.0000-SQM R985,000.00 RES - Residential 2826 of Secunda 1064sqm 1064.0000-SQM R714,000.00 RES - Residential 2827 of Secunda 1065sqm 1065.0000-SQM R842,000.00 RES - Residential 2828 of Secunda 1125sqm 1125.0000-SQM R744,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2829 of Secunda 2830 of Secunda 1316sqm 918sqm 1316.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM R674,000.00 R860,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2831 of Secunda 2832 of Secunda 1008sqm 1158sqm 1008.0000-SQM 1158.0000-SQM R714,000.00 R850,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2833 of Secunda 2834 of Secunda 1053sqm 1257sqm 1053.0000-SQM 1257.0000-SQM R795,000.00 R809,000.00 RES - Residential 2835 of Secunda 977sqm 977.0000-SQM R713,000.00 RES - Residential 2836 of Secunda 768sqm 768.0000-SQM R720,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2837 of Secunda 2838 of Secunda 2839 of Secunda 2840 of Secunda 808sqm 849sqm 889sqm 1019sqm 808.0000-SQM 849.0000-SQM 889.0000-SQM 1019.0000-SQM R687,000.00 R698,000.00 R683,000.00 R785,000.00 RES - Residential 2807 of Secunda Page 73 980sqm 980.0000-SQM R855,000.00 Registered description 2841 of Secunda 2842 of Secunda 2843 of Secunda 2844 of Secunda 2845 of Secunda 2846 of Secunda 2847 of Secunda 2848 of Secunda 2849 of Secunda 2850 of Secunda 2851 of Secunda 2852 of Secunda 2853 of Secunda 2854 of Secunda 2855 of Secunda 2856 of Secunda 2857 of Secunda 2858 of Secunda 2859 of Secunda 2860 of Secunda 2861 of Secunda 2862 of Secunda 2863 of Secunda 2864 of Secunda 2865 of Secunda 2866 of Secunda 2867 of Secunda 2868 of Secunda 2869 of Secunda 2870 of Secunda 2871 of Secunda 2872 of Secunda 2873 of Secunda 2874 of Secunda 2875 of Secunda 2876 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Amanda Jane Reid John Jameson Reid Hermina Anna Catherina Erasmus Sarel Johannes Erasmus Antony Christie Olivier Mavilyn Dianne Olivier Anna Maria Visagie Theunis Johannes Visagie Barry Noel Nel Rosemary Pamela Nel Hester Aletta Oosthuizen Nicolaas Jacobus Oosthuizen Jo-Anne De Vries Wynand De Vries Mandlakazi Juliet Mahlangu Themba Moffat Mahlangu Andre Francois Greyling Sian Natasha Greyling Japie Masilela Smangele Florence Masilela Alida Du Piesanie Sean Christopher Du Piesanie Erik Stromvig Tessa Denise Stromvig Sharmlan Reddy Thirusha Reddy Louise Booysen Quinton Booysen Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Eureka Gertruida Sophia Roos Francois Jacobus Roos Hansraj Rugbeer Gangan John Medland Davies Jakobus Benjamin Steyn Stephanie Annelie Steyn Olgierd Grzegorz Puna Michael Uwe Walter Leskau Petra Johanna Ingeborg Leskau Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Smartryk Daniel Du Toit Reimond Hattingh Variette Suzette Hattingh Sizakele Emma Gwebu Elsabe Susanna Koekemoer Jacobus Frederick Koekemoer Esnart Chinji Malalo Chinji Chantell Cecelia Westenraadt John Okliwie Westenraadt Jan Jacobus Stefanus Erasmus Philemon Mfana Xaba Nomsa Isabel Letta Phiri Hester Sophia Bezuidenhout Lenard Barend Jacobus Bezuidenhout Benneth Mathebula Fanisa Florence Mathebula J Raubenheimer Trust Andre Koekemoer Isabella Johanna Koekemoer Indran Naicker Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 2842 of Secunda 895sqm 895.0000-SQM R810,000.00 RES - Residential 2843 of Secunda 744sqm 744.0000-SQM R810,000.00 RES - Residential 2844 of Secunda 744sqm 744.0000-SQM R800,000.00 RES - Residential 2845 of Secunda 744sqm 744.0000-SQM R770,000.00 RES - Residential 2846 of Secunda 744sqm 744.0000-SQM R729,000.00 RES - Residential 2847 of Secunda 772sqm 772.0000-SQM R810,000.00 RES - Residential 2848 of Secunda 970sqm 970.0000-SQM R780,000.00 RES - Residential 2849 of Secunda 976sqm 976.0000-SQM R718,000.00 RES - Residential 2850 of Secunda 1058sqm 1058.0000-SQM R896,000.00 RES - Residential 2851 of Secunda 929sqm 929.0000-SQM R716,000.00 RES - Residential 2852 of Secunda 840sqm 840.0000-SQM R653,000.00 RES - Residential 2853 of Secunda 840sqm 840.0000-SQM R723,000.00 RES - Residential 2854 of Secunda 840sqm 840.0000-SQM R763,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2855 of Secunda 2856 of Secunda 840sqm 908sqm 840.0000-SQM 908.0000-SQM R703,000.00 R715,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2857 of Secunda 2858 of Secunda 2859 of Secunda 1136sqm 1093sqm 889sqm 1136.0000-SQM 1093.0000-SQM 889.0000-SQM R900,000.00 R786,000.00 R745,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2860 of Secunda 2861 of Secunda 849sqm 808sqm 849.0000-SQM 808.0000-SQM R783,000.00 R707,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2862 of Secunda 2863 of Secunda 2864 of Secunda 768sqm 1035sqm 825sqm 768.0000-SQM 1035.0000-SQM 825.0000-SQM R680,000.00 R731,000.00 R722,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2865 of Secunda 2866 of Secunda 744sqm 744sqm 744.0000-SQM 744.0000-SQM R674,000.00 R699,000.00 RES - Residential 2867 of Secunda 744sqm 744.0000-SQM R679,000.00 RES - Residential 2868 of Secunda 751sqm 751.0000-SQM R729,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2869 of Secunda 2870 of Secunda 2871 of Secunda 2872 of Secunda 763sqm 763sqm 751sqm 744sqm 763.0000-SQM 763.0000-SQM 751.0000-SQM 744.0000-SQM R850,000.00 R680,000.00 R674,000.00 R719,000.00 RES - Residential 2873 of Secunda 744sqm 744.0000-SQM R755,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2874 of Secunda 2875 of Secunda 744sqm 744sqm 744.0000-SQM 744.0000-SQM R684,000.00 R679,000.00 RES - Residential 2876 of Secunda 744sqm 744.0000-SQM R674,000.00 RES - Residential 2841 of Secunda Page 74 979sqm 979.0000-SQM R728,000.00 Registered description 2877 of Secunda 2878 of Secunda 2879 of Secunda 2880 of Secunda 2881 of Secunda 2882 of Secunda 2883 of Secunda 2884 of Secunda 2885 of Secunda 2886 of Secunda 2887 of Secunda 2888 of Secunda 2889 of Secunda 2890 of Secunda 2891 of Secunda 2892 of Secunda 2893 of Secunda 2894 of Secunda 2895 of Secunda 2896 of Secunda 2897 of Secunda 2898 of Secunda 2899 of Secunda 2900 of Secunda 2901 of Secunda 2902 of Secunda 2903 of Secunda 2904 of Secunda 2905 of Secunda 2906 of Secunda 2907 of Secunda 2908 of Secunda 2909 of Secunda 2910 of Secunda 2911 of Secunda 2912 of Secunda 2913 of Secunda 2914 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Johannes Hendrik Kriel Martha Ruth Kriel Amanda Jane Reid John James Reid Marius Richgter Herbst Boipelo Veronicah Boshielo Ramphareng Leslie Boshielo Kasper Matthee Wilma Maricell Matthee Bradley Campbell Bam Lize Bam Clive Skinner Johanna Elizabeth Skinner Maria Magdalena Pieterse Sean Patrick Pieterse Johannes Petrus Coetzee Jana Botha Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Catharina Maria Adriana Faure Francois Faure Jacob Paseka Sebiloane Madibuseng Elizabeth Sebiloane Ruan Serfontein Johannes Jacobus Kruger Alta-Marie Claassen Johan Claassen Dorethea Regina Nortje Johannes Petrus Nortje Theron Petrus Johannes Owen Joshua Pretorius Desmond Victor Donet Tembeka Oliphant Victor Tshamano Johannes Jacobus De Lange Sara Jacoba De Lange Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Elvin Georg Venter Emmanuel Mswanwenkosi Sithole Nomgqibelo Thalitha Sithole Tracy Lee Keen- Horak Iemke Moraal Iemke Moraal Heidemarie Elly Helene Swanepoel Maneng Tseke Tseke Moses Tseke Republic of South Africa Paulien Stephanie Gleeson Thomas James Gleeson Jerry Jeremiah Masilela Martha Maria Masilela Republic of South Africa Mandla George Nhlapo Nokubongwa Gugulethu Zuma Renier Smith Zyl Jan Abram Van Zyl Magdalena Van Zyl Stephanie Letitia Van Johanna Francina Barnard Mogamat Ganief Cader Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 2878 of Secunda 825sqm 825.0000-SQM R712,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2879 of Secunda 2880 of Secunda 785sqm 869sqm 785.0000-SQM 869.0000-SQM R686,000.00 R845,000.00 RES - Residential 2881 of Secunda 930sqm 930.0000-SQM R696,000.00 RES - Residential 2882 of Secunda 840sqm 840.0000-SQM R688,000.00 RES - Residential 2883 of Secunda 840sqm 840.0000-SQM R693,000.00 RES - Residential 2884 of Secunda 840sqm 840.0000-SQM R723,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2885 of Secunda 2886 of Secunda 2887 of Secunda 2888 of Secunda 840sqm 840sqm 868sqm 932sqm 840.0000-SQM 840.0000-SQM 868.0000-SQM 932.0000-SQM R775,000.00 R753,000.00 R679,000.00 R686,000.00 RES - Residential 2889 of Secunda 916sqm 916.0000-SQM R716,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2890 of Secunda 2891 of Secunda 2892 of Secunda 892sqm 863sqm 840sqm 892.0000-SQM 863.0000-SQM 840.0000-SQM R705,000.00 R734,000.00 R713,000.00 RES - Residential 2893 of Secunda 840sqm 840.0000-SQM R723,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2894 of Secunda 2895 of Secunda 2896 of Secunda 2897 of Secunda 933sqm 912sqm 825sqm 848sqm 933.0000-SQM 912.0000-SQM 825.0000-SQM 848.0000-SQM R776,000.00 R711,000.00 R677,000.00 R775,000.00 RES - Residential 2898 of Secunda 844sqm 844.0000-SQM R708,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2899 of Secunda 2900 of Secunda 2901 of Secunda 847sqm 825sqm 825sqm 847.0000-SQM 825.0000-SQM 825.0000-SQM R733,000.00 R835,000.00 R688,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2902 of Secunda 2903 of Secunda 825sqm 825sqm 825.0000-SQM 825.0000-SQM R752,000.00 R845,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2904 of Secunda 2905 of Secunda 825sqm 825sqm 825.0000-SQM 825.0000-SQM R707,000.00 R785,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2906 of Secunda 2907 of Secunda 825sqm 912sqm 825.0000-SQM 912.0000-SQM R775,000.00 R845,000.00 RES - Residential 2908 of Secunda 1024sqm 1024.0000-SQM R740,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2909 of Secunda 2910 of Secunda 925sqm 925sqm 925.0000-SQM 925.0000-SQM R736,000.00 R776,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2911 of Secunda 2912 of Secunda 925sqm 925sqm 925.0000-SQM 925.0000-SQM R776,000.00 R716,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2913 of Secunda 2914 of Secunda 925sqm 925sqm 925.0000-SQM 925.0000-SQM R692,000.00 R726,000.00 RES - Residential 2877 of Secunda Page 75 947sqm 947.0000-SQM R807,000.00 Registered description 2915 of Secunda 2916 of Secunda 2917 of Secunda 2918 of Secunda 2919 of Secunda 2920 of Secunda 2921 of Secunda 2922 of Secunda 2923 of Secunda 2924 of Secunda 2925 of Secunda 2926 of Secunda 2927 of Secunda 2928 of Secunda 2929 of Secunda 2930 of Secunda 2931 of Secunda 2932 of Secunda 2933 of Secunda 2934 of Secunda 2935 of Secunda 2936 of Secunda 2937 of Secunda 2938 of Secunda 2938 of Secunda (Portion 1) 2939 of Secunda 2940 of Secunda 2941 of Secunda 2942 of Secunda 2943 of Secunda 2944 of Secunda 2945 of Secunda 2946 of Secunda 2947 of Secunda 2948 of Secunda 2949 of Secunda 2950 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Malefetsane Paulus Nyama Malitaba Elizabeth Nyama Lucinda Du Plessis Stephanus Hermanus Steyn Du Plessis Veijeren Charmaine Van Veijeren Johan Jacobus Van Kenneth Chetty Michelle Chetty Tonder Tania Mathilde Van Elsie Sophia Jonker Petrus Johannes Jonker Imona Ilanga Eyenga Nyunzi Eyenga Morne Booysen Burgurt Christian Fourie Charmaine Rensie Fourie Neclin Binase Dibakoane Rekoele Muriel Dibakoane Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Tshimangadzo Margaret Ludere Andries Marthinus Botha Joao Luis Dos Santos Maria Conceicao Do Nascimento Dos Santos Wilma Jessica Johnston Elize Sydi Olieslager Zacherias Charles Olieslager Khabo Rose Loli Vusumuzi Moses Loli Mara Madelaine Cronje Willem Hendrik Cronje Anton Albertus Heyns Sophia Maria Heyns Rika De Villiers Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Moungoane Patrick Maganedisa Ronaven Naidoo Sivesh Naidoo Sheralee Ashlyn Kalmeier Sigmond Kalmeier Lorinda Roux Paul Francois Roux Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Johan David Hechter Johanna Magrietha Hechter Petrus Johannes Jonker Shalem Houtwerke Cc George David Taljaard Lizelle Taljaard Maria Mtsweni Okie Mtsweni Thomas Johannes Minnie Martha Louisa Johannes Booyse Andreas Menso Horak Catharina Botha Jan Gysburtes Botha Lesiea Petrus Lentsa Retsedisitswe Jacqueline Lentsa Staden Mathys Van Staden Truusje Van Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 2916 of Secunda 1085sqm 1085.0000-SQM R756,000.00 RES - Residential 2917 of Secunda 1070sqm 1070.0000-SQM R732,000.00 RES - Residential 2918 of Secunda 953sqm 953.0000-SQM R767,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2919 of Secunda 2920 of Secunda 1024sqm 912sqm 1024.0000-SQM 912.0000-SQM R760,000.00 R740,000.00 RES - Residential 2921 of Secunda 832sqm 832.0000-SQM R733,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2922 of Secunda 2923 of Secunda 833sqm 832sqm 833.0000-SQM 832.0000-SQM R752,000.00 R802,000.00 RES - Residential 2924 of Secunda 825sqm 825.0000-SQM R722,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2925 of Secunda 2926 of Secunda 2927 of Secunda 2928 of Secunda 825sqm 825sqm 1129sqm 825sqm 825.0000-SQM 825.0000-SQM 1129.0000-SQM 825.0000-SQM R669,000.00 R722,000.00 R749,000.00 R775,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2929 of Secunda 2930 of Secunda 1242sqm 1026sqm 1242.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM R799,000.00 R780,000.00 RES - Residential 2931 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026.0000-SQM R805,000.00 RES - Residential 2932 of Secunda 1091sqm 1091.0000-SQM R806,000.00 RES - Residential 2933 of Secunda 1034sqm 1034.0000-SQM R855,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2934 of Secunda 2935 of Secunda 2936 of Secunda 2937 of Secunda 1045sqm 1053sqm 1158sqm 1008sqm 1045.0000-SQM 1053.0000-SQM 1158.0000-SQM 1008.0000-SQM R835,000.00 R771,000.00 R712,000.00 R779,000.00 RES - Residential 2938 of Secunda 417sqm 417.0000-SQM R729,000.00 RES - Residential 2938 of Secunda (Portion 1) 683sqm 683.0000-SQM R758,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2939 of Secunda 2940 of Secunda 1283sqm 1256sqm 1283.0000-SQM 1256.0000-SQM R713,000.00 R815,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2941 of Secunda 2942 of Secunda 2943 of Secunda 1249sqm 970sqm 925sqm 1249.0000-SQM 970.0000-SQM 925.0000-SQM R790,000.00 R830,000.00 R785,000.00 RES - Residential 2944 of Secunda 925sqm 925.0000-SQM R716,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2945 of Secunda 2946 of Secunda 2947 of Secunda 2948 of Secunda 925sqm 954sqm 955sqm 1024sqm 925.0000-SQM 954.0000-SQM 955.0000-SQM 1024.0000-SQM R765,000.00 R687,000.00 R757,000.00 R760,000.00 RES - Residential 2949 of Secunda 1209sqm 1209.0000-SQM R776,000.00 RES - Residential 2950 of Secunda 1097sqm 1097.0000-SQM R815,000.00 RES - Residential 2915 of Secunda Page 76 966sqm 966.0000-SQM R695,000.00 Registered description 2951 of Secunda 2952 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) 2954 of Secunda Kathleen Ann Lottering Mandla Job Kubheka Matsiliso Kubheka Anna-Marie Tempel Johan Hendrik Tempel Govan Mbeki Municipality 2955 of Secunda 2956 of Secunda 2957 of Secunda Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality 2958 of Secunda Govan Mbeki Municipality 2959 of Secunda 2960 of Secunda 2963 of Secunda 2964 of Secunda 2965 of Secunda 2966 of Secunda 2967 of Secunda 2968 of Secunda 2969 of Secunda Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Jochemus Johannes Engelbrecht Deventer Pieter Willem Van Frederick Ernest Potgieter Gerhard Visser A E Botha Trust Abraham Viljoen Trust Andries Francois Visser Cornelia Magrieta Catrina Visser Komalan Padayachee Pretheshnie Padayachee Leigh Roche Rowland Dirk Johannes Potgieter Elsie Maria Potgieter der Ryst Reinier Van Elma Du Preez Jacobus Lodewikus Du Preez Jan Daniel Labuschagne Magdalena Dorothea Susanna Labuschagne Belinda Otto Gustav Ono Otto Elma Du Preez Jacobus Lodewikus Du Preez Vladislav Petrov Minov Philip Gert Cloete Johannes Lodewikus Botha Susanna Hendrina Botha Wilhelm Hermann Mare der Walt Andre Van der Walt Christine Van Daalmeer Trust Petrus Johannes Visser Keyguard Trust Martin Venter Du Bruyn Gereformeerde Kerk Van Transvaal-Secunda Nederduitse Jorge Luis Hernan Guidi Figueroa Silvia Denise Guidi Figueroa Aletta Maria Steyn Rudolf Martinus Johannes Steyn Johanna Jacoba Aletta Du Bruyn Phillippus Cornelius Du Bruyn Hervormde Kerk Van Afrika-Secunda Nederduitsch Johan Retief 2953 of Secunda 2970 of Secunda 2971 of Secunda 2972 of Secunda 2973 of Secunda 2974 of Secunda 2975 of Secunda 2976 of Secunda 2977 of Secunda 2978 of Secunda 2979 of Secunda 2979 of Secunda (Portion 1) 2980 of Secunda 2981 of Secunda 2982 of Secunda 2983 of Secunda 2984 of Secunda 2985 of Secunda 2986 of Secunda 2987 of Secunda 2988 of Secunda 2989 of Secunda 2990 of Secunda 2991 of Secunda 2992 of Secunda Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 2953 of Secunda 1166sqm 1166.0000-SQM R830,000.00 POS - Public Open Space VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land POS - Public Open Space POS - Public Open Space VAC - Vacant Land MUN - Municipal RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2954 of Secunda 2670sqm 2670.0000-SQM R270,000.00 2955 of Secunda 2956 of Secunda 2957 of Secunda 6.5753Ha 1.8369Ha 3369sqm 6.5753-H 1.8369-H 3369.0000-SQM R375,000.00 R4,150,000.00 R335,000.00 2958 of Secunda 442sqm 442.0000-SQM R100,200.00 2959 of Secunda 2960 of Secunda 2963 of Secunda 2964 of Secunda 2965 of Secunda 2966 of Secunda 2967 of Secunda 2968 of Secunda 2969 of Secunda 3644sqm 3.9531Ha 1390sqm 1305sqm 1282sqm 1293sqm 1650sqm 1218sqm 1188sqm 3644.0000-SQM 3.9531-H 1390.0000-SQM 1305.0000-SQM 1282.0000-SQM 1293.0000-SQM 1650.0000-SQM 1218.0000-SQM 1188.0000-SQM R830,000.00 R3,950,000.00 R795,000.00 R845,000.00 R1,095,000.00 R944,000.00 R1,330,000.00 R1,085,000.00 R925,000.00 RES - Residential 2970 of Secunda 1188sqm 1188.0000-SQM R925,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2971 of Secunda 2972 of Secunda 1188sqm 1271sqm 1188.0000-SQM 1271.0000-SQM R767,000.00 R802,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2973 of Secunda 2974 of Secunda 1201sqm 1133sqm 1201.0000-SQM 1133.0000-SQM R855,000.00 R945,000.00 RES - Residential 2975 of Secunda 1451sqm 1451.0000-SQM R1,040,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2976 of Secunda 2977 of Secunda 2978 of Secunda 1365sqm 1308sqm 1522sqm 1365.0000-SQM 1308.0000-SQM 1522.0000-SQM R794,000.00 R1,055,000.00 R1,380,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2979 of Secunda 2979 of Secunda (Portion 1) 2980 of Secunda 823sqm 740sqm 1737sqm 823.0000-SQM 740.0000-SQM 1737.0000-SQM R2,290,000.00 R340,000.00 R858,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2981 of Secunda 2982 of Secunda 1578sqm 1669sqm 1578.0000-SQM 1669.0000-SQM R1,002,000.00 R925,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2983 of Secunda 2984 of Secunda 2985 of Secunda 2986 of Secunda 2987 of Secunda 1684sqm 1443sqm 1760sqm 1648sqm 1835sqm 1684.0000-SQM 1443.0000-SQM 1760.0000-SQM 1648.0000-SQM 1835.0000-SQM R1,125,000.00 R1,025,000.00 R1,079,000.00 R1,025,000.00 R900,000.00 RES - Residential 2988 of Secunda 1680sqm 1680.0000-SQM R1,080,000.00 RES - Residential 2989 of Secunda 1680sqm 1680.0000-SQM R1,025,000.00 RES - Residential 2990 of Secunda 1680sqm 1680.0000-SQM R1,196,000.00 RES - Residential 2991 of Secunda 1680sqm 1680.0000-SQM R1,105,000.00 RES - Residential 2992 of Secunda 1680sqm 1680.0000-SQM R980,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 2951 of Secunda 2952 of Secunda Page 77 1455sqm 934sqm 1455.0000-SQM 934.0000-SQM R877,000.00 R767,000.00 Registered description 2993 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) 3002 of Secunda Anita Betina Laubscher Pieter Oostewalt Laubscher Edmund Johannes Hattingh Christina Johanna Bezuidenhout Johannes Pieter Bezuidenhout Amilcar Costa Soares Da Silva Ana Paula Gomes Da Silva Hermanus Barend Louwrens Pieter Mcdermid Davel Edmund Barend Pieterse Estelle Viljoen Pieter Johannes Viljoen Government Of The Province Of Mpumalanga Provincial Government Of The Province Of Mpumalanga Provincial & Son Pty Ltd Darlas 3003 of Secunda & Son Pty Ltd Darlas 3004 of Secunda 3005 of Secunda 3006 of Secunda 3007 of Secunda 3008 of Secunda 3009 of Secunda 3010 of Secunda 3014 of Secunda 3015 of Secunda Johannes Jacobus Taljaard Josey Coetzee Raymond Romeo Loata Branches Family Church Living Govan Mbeki Municipality Matthys Janse Van Rensburg Verster Johan Coenraad Wahl Talana Wahl Theron Petrus Du Toit Ashley Billat Pensilla Billat Liezel Wiggill Nicolas John George Wiggill Kock Familie Trust Branches Family Church Living 3016 of Secunda Protestantse Kerk Hoeveldrif Afrikaanse 3017 of Secunda 3018 of Secunda Hendrik Johannes Marais Lin Shi Bo Tian Louis Jacobus Reyneke Schoeman Maria Elizabeth Helena Schoeman Intergrated Modular Management Cc Oosthuizen Trust Gerbrechta Elizabeth Fourie Willem Barend Fourie Bennie Buitendag Swart David Stephanus Lourens De Bruin Hilletje Elizabeth De Bruin Ronald Louis Scott Eulicia Jefferies Rex Allen Jefferies Anthanassia Karzis Sarie Johanna Nel Zacharia Mateo Makwakwa der Westhuizen Anna Debora Margaretha Van Josef Rene Reyneke Lucia Petronella Reyneke Lindi Lategan 2994 of Secunda 2994 of Secunda (Portion 1) 2995 of Secunda 2996 of Secunda 2997 of Secunda 2998 of Secunda 2999 of Secunda 3000 of Secunda 3001 of Secunda 3011 of Secunda 3012 of Secunda 3013 of Secunda 3019 of Secunda 3020 of Secunda 3020 of Secunda (Portion 1) 3020 of Secunda (Portion 2) 3020 of Secunda (Portion 3) 3020 of Secunda (Portion 4) 3020 of Secunda (Portion 5) 3020 of Secunda (Portion 6) 3020 of Secunda (Portion 7) 3020 of Secunda (Portion 8) 3020 of Secunda (Portion 9) 3020 of Secunda (Portion 10) 3020 of Secunda (Portion 11) 3020 of Secunda (Portion 12) Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential 2994 of Secunda 2994 of Secunda (Portion 1) 1310sqm 564sqm 1310.0000-SQM 564.0000-SQM R1,105,000.00 R1,500,000.00 RES - Residential 2995 of Secunda 1570sqm 1570.0000-SQM R1,300,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 2996 of Secunda 2997 of Secunda 2998 of Secunda 2999 of Secunda 1596sqm 1596sqm 1596sqm 1617sqm 1596.0000-SQM 1596.0000-SQM 1596.0000-SQM 1617.0000-SQM R1,400,000.00 R900,000.00 R1,300,000.00 R1,300,000.00 GOV - State Owned 3000 of Secunda 3.4860Ha 3.4860-H R8,900,000.00 GOV - State Owned 3001 of Secunda 1998sqm 1998.0000-SQM R495,000.00 BUS - Business and Commercial BUS - Business and Commercial RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential MUN - Municipal RES - Residential RES - Residential 3002 of Secunda 4614sqm 4614.0000-SQM R13,320,000.00 3003 of Secunda 4150sqm 4150.0000-SQM R3,630,000.00 3004 of Secunda 3005 of Secunda 3006 of Secunda 3007 of Secunda 3008 of Secunda 3009 of Secunda 3010 of Secunda 1252sqm 1176sqm 1176sqm 1176sqm 3142sqm 1210sqm 1227sqm 1252.0000-SQM 1176.0000-SQM 1176.0000-SQM 1176.0000-SQM 3142.0000-SQM 1210.0000-SQM 1227.0000-SQM R735,000.00 R773,000.00 R763,000.00 R746,000.00 R360,000.00 R985,000.00 R925,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3011 of Secunda 3012 of Secunda 1132sqm 1017sqm 1132.0000-SQM 1017.0000-SQM R920,000.00 R1,115,000.00 RES - Residential 3013 of Secunda 1009sqm 1009.0000-SQM R865,000.00 RES - Residential WOR - Places of Worship WOR - Places of Worship RES - Residential RES - Residential 3014 of Secunda 3015 of Secunda 1322sqm 5290sqm 1322.0000-SQM 5290.0000-SQM R1,036,000.00 R3,265,000.00 3016 of Secunda 3347sqm 3347.0000-SQM R760,000.00 3017 of Secunda 3018 of Secunda 1172sqm 1010sqm 1172.0000-SQM 1010.0000-SQM R900,000.00 R895,000.00 RES - Residential 3019 of Secunda 1128sqm 1128.0000-SQM R875,000.00 VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential RES - Residential 3020 of Secunda 3020 of Secunda (Portion 1) 3020 of Secunda (Portion 2) 536sqm 585sqm 0.0000-H 536.0000-SQM 585.0000-SQM R1,000.00 R1,152,000.00 R1,292,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3020 of Secunda (Portion 3) 3020 of Secunda (Portion 4) 656sqm 563sqm 656.0000-SQM 563.0000-SQM R1,405,000.00 R1,337,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3020 of Secunda (Portion 5) 3020 of Secunda (Portion 6) 572sqm 641sqm 572.0000-SQM 641.0000-SQM R1,339,000.00 R1,175,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3020 of Secunda (Portion 7) 3020 of Secunda (Portion 8) 3020 of Secunda (Portion 9) 3020 of Secunda (Portion 10) 3020 of Secunda (Portion 11) 591sqm 546sqm 657sqm 500sqm 574sqm 591.0000-SQM 546.0000-SQM 657.0000-SQM 500.0000-SQM 574.0000-SQM R1,293,000.00 R1,434,000.00 R1,355,000.00 R1,325,000.00 R1,540,000.00 RES - Residential 3020 of Secunda (Portion 12) 739sqm 739.0000-SQM R1,270,000.00 RES - Residential 2993 of Secunda Page 78 1680sqm 1680.0000-SQM R1,100,000.00 Registered description 3020 of Secunda (Portion 13) 3020 of Secunda (Portion 14) 3020 of Secunda (Portion 15) 3020 of Secunda (Portion 16) 3020 of Secunda (Portion 17) 3020 of Secunda (Portion 18) 3021 of Secunda 3022 of Secunda 3023 of Secunda 3024 of Secunda 3025 of Secunda 3026 of Secunda 3027 of Secunda 3028 of Secunda 3029 of Secunda 3030 of Secunda 3031 of Secunda 3032 of Secunda 3033 of Secunda 3034 of Secunda 3035 of Secunda 3036 of Secunda 3037 of Secunda 3038 of Secunda 3039 of Secunda 3040 of Secunda 3041 of Secunda 3042 of Secunda 3043 of Secunda 3044 of Secunda 3045 of Secunda 3046 of Secunda 3047 of Secunda 3048 of Secunda 3049 of Secunda 3050 of Secunda 3051 of Secunda 3052 of Secunda 3053 of Secunda 3053 of Secunda (Portion 1) 3054 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Anna Magdalena Streicher Gerhardt Streicher Demetrios Konstantinos Karzis Demetrios Konstantinos Karzis Andries Francois Visser Cornelia Magrietha Catrina Visser Alleta Magrieta Nieuwoudt Alwyn Jacobus Nieuwoudt Intergrated Modular Management Cc Linda Erasmus Human Christoffel Petrus Mouton Sarel Petrus Mouton Gert Coenraat Frederik Du Plooy Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Riaan Johannes Pieterse Daniel Johannes Bloem Johanna Magaretha Bloem der Merwe Sarel Petrus Van Theron Ivan Theron Maritzca Elize Lottie Hendrika Weston Johannes Willem Jacobus Harmse Martha Fredricka Petronella Harmse Cornelis Livius Nauta Kerk-Secunda-Oos Gereformeerde Belinda Louise Wessels Jacob Johannes Wessels Elizabeth Brits Johan Jacob Ferreira Paul Loock Suzelle Loock Renette Schamalindie Collins Marius Etienne Neethling Tersia Groenewald Wynand Johannes Christoffel Groenewald Coco Haven 1266 Cc Esbe Marais Willem Rudolf Marais Hester Loreth Elizabeth Schoeman Stephanus Pienaar Schoeman Marian Le Roux Petronella Thorburn Pieter Thorburn Phillippus Cornelius Du Bruyn Anel Koortzen Conrad Johannes Koortzen Dirk Petrus Pieterse Etienne Francois Wiesner Lawrence Sebastian Mardon Maria Elizabeth Mardon Ronald John Lawson Derek Johan Kruger Lizelle Antoinette Botha Pieter Willem Botha Saloshini Deonarain Viren Deonarain Maintenance Repair Gangs Cc Willemina Fredrika Botha Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3020 of Secunda (Portion 14) 3020 of Secunda (Portion 15) 3020 of Secunda (Portion 16) 659sqm 675sqm 544sqm 659.0000-SQM 675.0000-SQM 544.0000-SQM R1,355,000.00 R1,360,000.00 R1,334,000.00 RES - Residential 3020 of Secunda (Portion 17) 515sqm 515.0000-SQM R1,328,000.00 MUN - Municipal RES - Residential RES - Residential 3020 of Secunda (Portion 18) 3021 of Secunda 3022 of Secunda 2317sqm 1434sqm 1575sqm 2317.0000-SQM 1434.0000-SQM 1575.0000-SQM R1,000.00 R936,000.00 R730,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3023 of Secunda 3024 of Secunda 3025 of Secunda 3026 of Secunda 1575sqm 1575sqm 1575sqm 1463sqm 1575.0000-SQM 1575.0000-SQM 1575.0000-SQM 1463.0000-SQM R910,000.00 R912,000.00 R1,185,000.00 R1,525,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3027 of Secunda 3028 of Secunda 1461sqm 1575sqm 1461.0000-SQM 1575.0000-SQM R1,085,000.00 R1,000,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3029 of Secunda 3030 of Secunda 1575sqm 1575sqm 1575.0000-SQM 1575.0000-SQM R1,090,000.00 R1,315,000.00 RES - Residential WOR - Places of Worship RES - Residential 3031 of Secunda 3032 of Secunda 1575sqm 1575sqm 1575.0000-SQM 1575.0000-SQM R942,000.00 R1,145,000.00 3033 of Secunda 1580sqm 1580.0000-SQM R1,102,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3034 of Secunda 3035 of Secunda 3036 of Secunda 1575sqm 1575sqm 1553sqm 1575.0000-SQM 1575.0000-SQM 1553.0000-SQM R1,235,000.00 R890,000.00 R955,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3037 of Secunda 3038 of Secunda 3039 of Secunda 1739sqm 1586sqm 1620sqm 1739.0000-SQM 1586.0000-SQM 1620.0000-SQM R988,000.00 R1,062,000.00 R1,460,000.00 BUS - Business and Commercial RES - Residential 3040 of Secunda 3050sqm 3050.0000-SQM R1,100,000.00 3041 of Secunda 1402sqm 1402.0000-SQM R935,000.00 RES - Residential 3042 of Secunda 1412sqm 1412.0000-SQM R855,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3043 of Secunda 3044 of Secunda 1344sqm 1344sqm 1344.0000-SQM 1344.0000-SQM R863,000.00 R903,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3045 of Secunda 3046 of Secunda 1344sqm 1344sqm 1344.0000-SQM 1344.0000-SQM R1,190,000.00 R1,090,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3047 of Secunda 3048 of Secunda 3049 of Secunda 1344sqm 1344sqm 1458sqm 1344.0000-SQM 1344.0000-SQM 1458.0000-SQM R988,000.00 R1,320,000.00 R1,205,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3050 of Secunda 3051 of Secunda 3052 of Secunda 1598sqm 1472sqm 1472sqm 1598.0000-SQM 1472.0000-SQM 1472.0000-SQM R1,000,000.00 R1,265,000.00 R1,275,000.00 RES - Residential 3053 of Secunda 784sqm 784.0000-SQM R1,180,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3053 of Secunda (Portion 1) 3054 of Secunda 688sqm 1472sqm 688.0000-SQM 1472.0000-SQM R850,000.00 R985,000.00 RES - Residential 3020 of Secunda (Portion 13) Page 79 613sqm 613.0000-SQM R1,247,000.00 Registered description 3055 of Secunda 3056 of Secunda 3057 of Secunda 3058 of Secunda 3059 of Secunda 3060 of Secunda 3061 of Secunda 3062 of Secunda 3063 of Secunda 3064 of Secunda 3065 of Secunda 3066 of Secunda 3067 of Secunda 3068 of Secunda 3069 of Secunda 3070 of Secunda 3071 of Secunda 3072 of Secunda 3073 of Secunda 3074 of Secunda 3075 of Secunda 3076 of Secunda 3077 of Secunda 3078 of Secunda 3079 of Secunda 3080 of Secunda 3081 of Secunda 3082 of Secunda 3083 of Secunda 3084 of Secunda 3085 of Secunda 3086 of Secunda 3087 of Secunda 3088 of Secunda 3089 of Secunda 3090 of Secunda 3091 of Secunda 3092 of Secunda 3093 of Secunda 3094 of Secunda 3095 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Pieter Lesch Langenhoven der Merwe Nicholas Van Gesina Maria Labuschagne Marthinus Hermanus Byleveldt Labuschagne Kenneth Ian Pearson Louise Jeanette Pearson Gert Diederik Johannes Grobbelaar Marleen Mare Grace De Jager Johannes Marthinus Carolus De Jager Magdalena Susanna Slabbert Siegfried Leonard Slabbert Johan Claassen Maria Margaretha Claassen Clement Edgar Swanepoel Elizabeth Gerbreg Swanepoel Willem Jacobus Du Plessis Willem Jacobus Du Plessis Rowan Allan Youell Adele Du Preez Pieter Johannes Du Preez Zyl Hendrik Jacobus Van Johan Coetzer Steynberg Christina Johanna Kruger Corne Retief Louis Du Toit Retief Johannes Jacobus Pienaar Johannes Van Den Heever Rainer Anton Rothballer Jacobus Frederik Viljoen Ekhard Georg Eduard Penzhorn Sydney Adriaan Deneys Zeederberg P J Schutte Residence Trust Elizabeth Maria Du Pre Jean Pierre Du Pre Gert Stephanus Christoffel Cornelius Botha Cornelis Johannes De Beer Elizabeth Magdalena Maria Kruger Hendrik Tjaart Kruger Thiru Subermoney Veni Subermoney Joseph Marthinus Esterhuizen Johan Esias Rensburg Olwage Catharina Gertruida Willemse Catharina Gertruida Willemse Anna Magrieta Magdalena Naude Johannes Lodewyk Stephanus Naude Marian Le Roux Pierre Andre Barnard Rosemarie Swart Clasina Maria Susanna Hefer Frederik Karel Hefer Cornelius Willem Frederik Mulder William Robinson Du Plessis Wilhelmina Christina Groenewald Willem Jacobus Groenewald Engela Catharina Meyer Hendrik Johannes Meyer Gert Benjamin Jordaan Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 3058 of Secunda 1536sqm 1536.0000-SQM R1,000,000.00 RES - Residential 3059 of Secunda 1103sqm 1103.0000-SQM R955,000.00 RES - Residential 3060 of Secunda 1172sqm 1172.0000-SQM R870,000.00 RES - Residential 3061 of Secunda 1140sqm 1140.0000-SQM R850,000.00 RES - Residential 3062 of Secunda 1140sqm 1140.0000-SQM R800,000.00 RES - Residential 3063 of Secunda 1140sqm 1140.0000-SQM R985,000.00 RES - Residential 3064 of Secunda 1140sqm 1140.0000-SQM R830,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3065 of Secunda 3066 of Secunda 1140sqm 1140sqm 1140.0000-SQM 1140.0000-SQM R905,000.00 R935,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3067 of Secunda 3068 of Secunda 3069 of Secunda 3070 of Secunda 1140sqm 1140sqm 1140sqm 1140sqm 1140.0000-SQM 1140.0000-SQM 1140.0000-SQM 1140.0000-SQM R955,000.00 R1,030,000.00 R790,000.00 R845,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3071 of Secunda 3072 of Secunda 3073 of Secunda 3074 of Secunda 3075 of Secunda 3076 of Secunda 3077 of Secunda 3078 of Secunda 1242sqm 1374sqm 1260sqm 1260sqm 1260sqm 1260sqm 1260sqm 1260sqm 1242.0000-SQM 1374.0000-SQM 1260.0000-SQM 1260.0000-SQM 1260.0000-SQM 1260.0000-SQM 1260.0000-SQM 1260.0000-SQM R849,000.00 R1,084,000.00 R981,000.00 R950,000.00 R851,000.00 R921,000.00 R1,070,000.00 R891,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3079 of Secunda 3080 of Secunda 3081 of Secunda 1260sqm 1260sqm 1260sqm 1260.0000-SQM 1260.0000-SQM 1260.0000-SQM R1,041,000.00 R920,000.00 R771,000.00 RES - Residential 3082 of Secunda 1260sqm 1260.0000-SQM R1,290,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3083 of Secunda 3084 of Secunda 3085 of Secunda 1260sqm 1427sqm 1242sqm 1260.0000-SQM 1427.0000-SQM 1242.0000-SQM R881,000.00 R910,000.00 R789,000.00 RES - Residential 3086 of Secunda 1140sqm 1140.0000-SQM R870,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3087 of Secunda 3088 of Secunda 3089 of Secunda 3090 of Secunda 1140sqm 1140sqm 1140sqm 1140sqm 1140.0000-SQM 1140.0000-SQM 1140.0000-SQM 1140.0000-SQM R830,000.00 R820,000.00 R900,000.00 R955,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3091 of Secunda 3092 of Secunda 3093 of Secunda 1140sqm 1242sqm 1374sqm 1140.0000-SQM 1242.0000-SQM 1374.0000-SQM R1,015,000.00 R899,000.00 R940,000.00 RES - Residential 3094 of Secunda 1260sqm 1260.0000-SQM R990,000.00 RES - Residential 3095 of Secunda 1260sqm 1260.0000-SQM R899,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3055 of Secunda 3056 of Secunda 3057 of Secunda Page 80 1472sqm 1472sqm 1422sqm 1472.0000-SQM 1472.0000-SQM 1422.0000-SQM R778,000.00 R758,000.00 R925,000.00 Registered description 3096 of Secunda 3097 of Secunda 3098 of Secunda 3099 of Secunda 3100 of Secunda 3101 of Secunda 3102 of Secunda 3103 of Secunda 3104 of Secunda 3105 of Secunda 3106 of Secunda 3107 of Secunda 3108 of Secunda 3109 of Secunda 3110 of Secunda 3111 of Secunda 3112 of Secunda 3113 of Secunda 3114 of Secunda 3115 of Secunda 3116 of Secunda 3117 of Secunda 3118 of Secunda 3119 of Secunda 3120 of Secunda 3121 of Secunda 3122 of Secunda 3123 of Secunda 3124 of Secunda 3125 of Secunda 3126 of Secunda 3127 of Secunda 3128 of Secunda 3129 of Secunda 3130 of Secunda 3131 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Elma Holt Heinrich Francois Holt Stephen Spencer Jan Hendrik Johannes Labuschagne Susanna Magrieta Labuschagne Cindy-Lyn Baay Martin Baay Bernhard Georg Lindner der Westhuyzen Dea Hendrika Van der Westhuyzen Gerrit Jacobus Van Heerden Heiletjie Van Heerden Johannes Lodewicus Van Elizma Venter Markus Wijnand Venter Izak Frederick Du Preez Martha Maria Elizabeth Luwes Weibrand Herburshuizen Luwes Barend James Tollemache Catharina Maria Tollemache Gert Johannes Pretorius Daniel Malan Petronella Malan der Bank Willem Johannes Van Musiwalo Samuel Mutshinyali Refilwe Mamphenyane Wilhemina Mutshinyali Jacobus Petrus Cronje Matilda Cronje der Westhuizen Johanna Egbertha Van der Westhuizen Pieter Johannes Van Adrian Dass Garibdass Cheryl Garibdass Petro Moolman Sarel Moolman Barend Jacobus Mattheus Henderson Elizabeth Magdalena Henderson Willem Petrus Boshoff Gustav Carl Wilhelm Kriel Nicolene Kriel Russell Ian Smart Maria Magaretha Nel Theunis Johannes Nel Heerden Martin Van Francois Rousseau Susanna Catharina Rousseau Hester Magdalena Basson Willem Diederik Basson Gail Eleanor Forster Abraham Jacobus De Swardt P N Jordaan Familie Trust Ann Rodney Williams John Terence Williams Anna Magdalena De Jager Johannes Jacobus De Jager Tersia Oosthuizen Wilhelm Frederick Oosthuizen Fatima Ebrahim Sibithayn Mohamed Rajab Johanna Magdalene Erika D'alton Schalk Meintjes D'alton Schalkwyk Michelle Van Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential 3097 of Secunda 3098 of Secunda 1260sqm 1260sqm 1260.0000-SQM 1260.0000-SQM R870,000.00 R831,000.00 RES - Residential 3099 of Secunda 1260sqm 1260.0000-SQM R940,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3100 of Secunda 3101 of Secunda 1374sqm 1524sqm 1374.0000-SQM 1524.0000-SQM R1,290,000.00 R950,000.00 RES - Residential 3102 of Secunda 1150sqm 1150.0000-SQM R825,000.00 RES - Residential 3103 of Secunda 1118sqm 1118.0000-SQM R874,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3104 of Secunda 3105 of Secunda 1044sqm 1044sqm 1044.0000-SQM 1044.0000-SQM R1,245,000.00 R911,000.00 RES - Residential 3106 of Secunda 1044sqm 1044.0000-SQM R972,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3107 of Secunda 3108 of Secunda 1044sqm 1140sqm 1044.0000-SQM 1140.0000-SQM R851,000.00 R995,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3109 of Secunda 3110 of Secunda 1280sqm 1160sqm 1280.0000-SQM 1160.0000-SQM R1,083,000.00 R1,015,000.00 RES - Residential 3111 of Secunda 1160sqm 1160.0000-SQM R1,060,000.00 RES - Residential 3112 of Secunda 1160sqm 1160.0000-SQM R945,000.00 RES - Residential 3113 of Secunda 1160sqm 1160.0000-SQM R1,022,000.00 RES - Residential 3114 of Secunda 1162sqm 1162.0000-SQM R856,000.00 RES - Residential 3115 of Secunda 1266sqm 1266.0000-SQM R900,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3116 of Secunda 3117 of Secunda 1735sqm 1344sqm 1735.0000-SQM 1344.0000-SQM R1,235,000.00 R963,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3118 of Secunda 3119 of Secunda 1184sqm 1186sqm 1184.0000-SQM 1186.0000-SQM R926,000.00 R907,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3120 of Secunda 3121 of Secunda 1277sqm 1077sqm 1277.0000-SQM 1077.0000-SQM R992,000.00 R960,000.00 RES - Residential 3122 of Secunda 1202sqm 1202.0000-SQM R877,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3123 of Secunda 3124 of Secunda 3125 of Secunda 3126 of Secunda 1355sqm 1094sqm 1234sqm 1294sqm 1355.0000-SQM 1094.0000-SQM 1234.0000-SQM 1294.0000-SQM R849,000.00 R875,000.00 R1,019,000.00 R894,000.00 RES - Residential 3127 of Secunda 1106sqm 1106.0000-SQM R1,005,000.00 RES - Residential 3128 of Secunda 1273sqm 1273.0000-SQM R980,000.00 RES - Residential 3129 of Secunda 1572sqm 1572.0000-SQM R1,075,000.00 RES - Residential 3130 of Secunda 1280sqm 1280.0000-SQM R833,000.00 RES - Residential 3131 of Secunda 1221sqm 1221.0000-SQM R857,000.00 RES - Residential 3096 of Secunda Page 81 1260sqm 1260.0000-SQM R841,000.00 Registered description 3132 of Secunda 3133 of Secunda 3134 of Secunda 3135 of Secunda 3136 of Secunda 3137 of Secunda 3138 of Secunda 3139 of Secunda 3140 of Secunda 3141 of Secunda 3142 of Secunda 3143 of Secunda 3144 of Secunda 3145 of Secunda 3146 of Secunda 3147 of Secunda 3148 of Secunda 3149 of Secunda 3150 of Secunda 3151 of Secunda 3152 of Secunda 3153 of Secunda 3154 of Secunda 3155 of Secunda 3155 of Secunda (Portion 1) 3156 of Secunda 3157 of Secunda 3158 of Secunda 3158 of Secunda (Portion 1) 3159 of Secunda 3160 of Secunda 3161 of Secunda 3162 of Secunda 3163 of Secunda 3164 of Secunda 3165 of Secunda 3166 of Secunda 3167 of Secunda 3168 of Secunda 3169 of Secunda 3170 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Louis Coetzee Maureen Coetzee Mark Benjamin Mason Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Edith De Wet Jacobus Stefanus De Wet Kurt-Georg Gribnitz Hester Antoenetha Susanna Magdalena Griessel Johannes Lodewiekes Griessel Archna Agrawal Sanjeev Agrawal Daniel Ferdinand Brummer Dirk Richard Slabbert Lineke Slabbert Debora Jacoba Botha Jacobus Johannes Botha Hermanus Barnard Vuuren Peter Van Jacob Jacobus Loots Charl Marcus Norden Ilze Norden Glen John Claassens Zyl Jan Adriaan Van Zyl Madeleine Van Lesley Basil Beelders Phillip Leibbrandt Tina Beatrix Leibbrandt Victor Roderick Ball Corrika Rautenbach Ignatius Leopoldius Rautenbach Johan Burger Karin Burger Daphne Veronica Elizabeth Potgieter Theodorus Daniel Potgieter Hermina Christina Johanna Gouws Leon Pierre Gouws Alan Randal Mccully Ronny Ramlugan Susara Elizabeth Thomas Antoinette Fourie Martin Allen Breytenbach Sanet Breytenbach Rensburg Nicolaas Jacobus Jansen Van Niekerk Johann Le Roux Van Anthony Robert Christopher Nell Amanda Greyling Willem Carl Greyling Ricky Beselaar Andre Georges Henin Anna Johanna Maria Henin Maarten Johannes Slabbert Pretorius Nico Johannes Kotze der Walt Susanna Francina Aletta Van Florence May Van Den Berg Rudolf Johannes Van Den Berg Jacobus Phillippus Snyman Zacharias Johannes Cilliers Jan Hendrik Boshoff Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential BUS - Business and Commercial RES - Residential 3133 of Secunda 3134 of Secunda 1218sqm 2.1632Ha 1218.0000-SQM 2.1632-H R1,018,000.00 R17,900,000.00 3135 of Secunda 1390sqm 1390.0000-SQM R960,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3136 of Secunda 3137 of Secunda 1044sqm 1044sqm 1044.0000-SQM 1044.0000-SQM R871,000.00 R912,000.00 RES - Residential 3138 of Secunda 1044sqm 1044.0000-SQM R851,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3139 of Secunda 3140 of Secunda 1140sqm 1268sqm 1140.0000-SQM 1268.0000-SQM R745,000.00 R920,000.00 RES - Residential 3141 of Secunda 1160sqm 1160.0000-SQM R865,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3142 of Secunda 3143 of Secunda 3144 of Secunda 3145 of Secunda 1400sqm 1401sqm 1458sqm 1344sqm 1400.0000-SQM 1401.0000-SQM 1458.0000-SQM 1344.0000-SQM R915,000.00 R875,000.00 R927,000.00 R1,420,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3146 of Secunda 3147 of Secunda 1344sqm 1344sqm 1344.0000-SQM 1344.0000-SQM R923,000.00 R990,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3148 of Secunda 3149 of Secunda 1344sqm 1514sqm 1344.0000-SQM 1514.0000-SQM R813,000.00 R950,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3150 of Secunda 3151 of Secunda 1479sqm 1344sqm 1479.0000-SQM 1344.0000-SQM R978,000.00 R903,000.00 RES - Residential 3152 of Secunda 1344sqm 1344.0000-SQM R828,000.00 RES - Residential 3153 of Secunda 1230sqm 1230.0000-SQM R868,000.00 RES - Residential 3154 of Secunda 1480sqm 1480.0000-SQM R998,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3155 of Secunda 3155 of Secunda (Portion 1) 3156 of Secunda 3157 of Secunda 3158 of Secunda 810sqm 630sqm 1440sqm 1440sqm 847sqm 810.0000-SQM 630.0000-SQM 1440.0000-SQM 1440.0000-SQM 847.0000-SQM R930,000.00 R1,000,000.00 R985,000.00 R1,080,000.00 R885,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3158 of Secunda (Portion 1) 3159 of Secunda 3160 of Secunda 3161 of Secunda 578sqm 1440sqm 1440sqm 1440sqm 578.0000-SQM 1440.0000-SQM 1440.0000-SQM 1440.0000-SQM R850,000.00 R885,000.00 R797,000.00 R815,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3162 of Secunda 3163 of Secunda 1440sqm 1563sqm 1440.0000-SQM 1563.0000-SQM R1,185,000.00 R975,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3164 of Secunda 3165 of Secunda 3166 of Secunda 3167 of Secunda 1242sqm 1140sqm 1140sqm 1140sqm 1242.0000-SQM 1140.0000-SQM 1140.0000-SQM 1140.0000-SQM R889,000.00 R950,000.00 R875,000.00 R930,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3168 of Secunda 3169 of Secunda 3170 of Secunda 1134sqm 1112sqm 1202sqm 1134.0000-SQM 1112.0000-SQM 1202.0000-SQM R975,000.00 R875,000.00 R865,000.00 RES - Residential 3132 of Secunda Page 82 1218sqm 1218.0000-SQM R857,000.00 Registered description 3171 of Secunda 3172 of Secunda 3173 of Secunda 3174 of Secunda 3175 of Secunda 3176 of Secunda 3176 of Secunda (Portion 1) 3177 of Secunda 3178 of Secunda 3179 of Secunda 3180 of Secunda 3181 of Secunda 3182 of Secunda 3183 of Secunda 3184 of Secunda 3185 of Secunda 3186 of Secunda 3187 of Secunda 3188 of Secunda 3189 of Secunda 3190 of Secunda 3191 of Secunda 3192 of Secunda 3193 of Secunda 3194 of Secunda 3195 of Secunda 3196 of Secunda 3197 of Secunda 3198 of Secunda 3199 of Secunda 3200 of Secunda 3201 of Secunda 3202 of Secunda 3203 of Secunda 3204 of Secunda 3205 of Secunda 3206 of Secunda 3207 of Secunda 3208 of Secunda 3209 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Johannes Philippus Degenaar Gina Anna Cloete Pieter Cloete Johannes Lambertus Venter Marlene Helena Nell Winston Anthony Eden Nell Church-Secunda Baptist Charlene De Jager Felix Britz Reinders Gert Jacobus Myburg Petronella Louw Gerbrechta Elizabeth Fourie Willem Barend Fourie Michael Lodewyk Ferreira Johan Wolvaardt Hendrik Johannes Coetzer Dalena Thompson Donald James Thompson Elena Stevens Terance Stevens der Merwe Josias Willem Van der Merwe Lizette Van Abel Hendrik Tromp Stander Heike Stander Staden Liezel Van Staden Petrus Francois Van Conroy Nicola Kluyts Schalkwyk Adri Van Schalkwyk Christoffel Johannes Van Stefanus Johannes Brits Andre Frederick Barnard Coraldene Barnard Mandla Puxley Maseko Gabriel Ranyawa Mapule Florence Ranyawa Jaco Daniel Smit Elma Carstens John Malcolm Macrobert Veruschkha Octavia Arendt Dijk Pascal Johannes Henricus Maria Van Josef Rene Reyneke Lucia Petronella Reyneke Phillippe Roger Paul Bruneau Johanita Petrussa Bell Riaan Bell Lynette Botha Trust Elizan Kokott Justin Kokott Zyl Jacoba Sophia Albertha Van Both Atrust Lynette Paul Galvin Denise Kruger Jacobus Johannes Kruger Anton Visser John Royson Taylor Anell Vergeer Pieter Vergeer Johan Marais Yolanda Marais Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential 3173 of Secunda 3174 of Secunda 1408sqm 1322sqm 1408.0000-SQM 1322.0000-SQM R925,000.00 R890,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3175 of Secunda 3176 of Secunda 3176 of Secunda (Portion 1) 3177 of Secunda 3178 of Secunda 3179 of Secunda 4921sqm 797sqm 958sqm 1414sqm 1260sqm 1179sqm 4921.0000-SQM 797.0000-SQM 958.0000-SQM 1414.0000-SQM 1260.0000-SQM 1179.0000-SQM R930,000.00 R771,000.00 R980,000.00 R1,090,000.00 R990,000.00 R1,000,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3180 of Secunda 3181 of Secunda 3182 of Secunda 3183 of Secunda 1260sqm 1260sqm 1260sqm 1260sqm 1260.0000-SQM 1260.0000-SQM 1260.0000-SQM 1260.0000-SQM R949,000.00 R865,000.00 R835,000.00 R950,000.00 RES - Residential 3184 of Secunda 1374sqm 1374.0000-SQM R975,000.00 RES - Residential 3185 of Secunda 1058sqm 1058.0000-SQM R1,215,000.00 RES - Residential 3186 of Secunda 1161sqm 1161.0000-SQM R846,000.00 RES - Residential 3187 of Secunda 1035sqm 1035.0000-SQM R935,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3188 of Secunda 3189 of Secunda 1081sqm 1142sqm 1081.0000-SQM 1142.0000-SQM R785,000.00 R850,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3190 of Secunda 3191 of Secunda 1124sqm 1032sqm 1124.0000-SQM 1032.0000-SQM R849,000.00 R981,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3192 of Secunda 3193 of Secunda 1157sqm 1116sqm 1157.0000-SQM 1116.0000-SQM R910,000.00 R1,015,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3194 of Secunda 3195 of Secunda 1260sqm 1081sqm 1260.0000-SQM 1081.0000-SQM R1,030,000.00 R782,000.00 RES - Residential 3196 of Secunda 1411sqm 1411.0000-SQM R1,100,000.00 RES - Residential 3197 of Secunda 1620sqm 1620.0000-SQM R1,060,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3198 of Secunda 3199 of Secunda 1239sqm 1238sqm 1239.0000-SQM 1238.0000-SQM R930,000.00 R979,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3200 of Secunda 3201 of Secunda 1238sqm 1238sqm 1238.0000-SQM 1238.0000-SQM R1,070,000.00 R905,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3202 of Secunda 3203 of Secunda 3204 of Secunda 3205 of Secunda 1313sqm 1313sqm 1238sqm 1253sqm 1313.0000-SQM 1313.0000-SQM 1238.0000-SQM 1253.0000-SQM R965,000.00 R895,000.00 R900,000.00 R1,030,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3206 of Secunda 3207 of Secunda 3208 of Secunda 1571sqm 1359sqm 1563sqm 1571.0000-SQM 1359.0000-SQM 1563.0000-SQM R1,070,000.00 R950,000.00 R975,000.00 RES - Residential 3209 of Secunda 1442sqm 1442.0000-SQM R910,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3171 of Secunda 3172 of Secunda Page 83 1189sqm 1349sqm 1189.0000-SQM 1349.0000-SQM R1,450,000.00 R920,000.00 Registered description 3210 of Secunda 3211 of Secunda 3212 of Secunda 3213 of Secunda 3214 of Secunda 3215 of Secunda 3216 of Secunda 3217 of Secunda 3218 of Secunda 3219 of Secunda 3220 of Secunda 3221 of Secunda 3222 of Secunda 3223 of Secunda 3224 of Secunda 3225 of Secunda 3226 of Secunda 3227 of Secunda 3228 of Secunda 3229 of Secunda 3230 of Secunda 3231 of Secunda 3232 of Secunda 3233 of Secunda 3234 of Secunda 3235 of Secunda 3236 of Secunda 3237 of Secunda 3238 of Secunda 3239 of Secunda 3240 of Secunda 3241 of Secunda 3242 of Secunda 3243 of Secunda 3244 of Secunda 3245 of Secunda 3246 of Secunda 3247 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Category Abraham Pieter Eckard RES - Residential Sharon Denise Eckard Marius Etienne Neethling RES - Residential Gert Marthinus Bouwer RES - Residential Judith Hester Susanna Bouwer der Westhuizen Magrietha Susara Van RES - Residential der Westhuizen Mattheus Ockert Van Beryl Slater RES - Residential Marius Slater Homes Pty Ltd Lunell RES - Residential Andries Hendrik Gustavus Botha RES - Residential 'n Pay Retailers Pty Ltd Pick RES - Residential Frans Richard Coetser RES - Residential Louis De Colligny Hauptfleisch RES - Residential Regina Catharina Hauptfleisch Johanna Susanna Mclaren RES - Residential Nicholas Albertus Mclaren Eileen Jeanette Watt RES - Residential James John Watt Coreen Smit RES - Residential Nicolaas Jacobus Smit Gereformeerde Kerk Van Transvaal-Secunda-Oos WOR - Places of Nederduitse Worship Zyl Antonie Eduard Van RES - Residential Marthinus Christoffel Nel RES - Residential Andre Venter RES - Residential Sophia Catherina Jacoba Venter Maria Margaretha Meyer RES - Residential Paul Johannes Marais RES - Residential Velze Manike Van Frederick Ernest Bezuidenhout RES - Residential Hyca Gallagher RES - Residential Raymond Gallagher Chantal Vorster RES - Residential Amanda Pieters RES - Residential Hermanus Pieters Gregory Charles Antoniy- Mossaobah RES - Residential Johan De Langen RES - Residential Abraham Lodewicus Botha RES - Residential Amanda Irma Botha Gerald Wayne Webster RES - Residential Patricia Faith Mclaren RES - Residential Vernon Mclaren Thomas Jacobus Stokes RES - Residential Magweng Jonas Sebiloane RES - Residential Martha Mamorapedi Sebiloane Avesh Ramsunkar RES - Residential Deepak Ramsunkar Yashni Ramsunkar Tambudzai Mbaura RES - Residential Denny Mwasiswebe der Schyf Johan Van RES - Residential Anna Maria Cornelia Pretorius RES - Residential Divan Pretorius Denise Gertruida Steenkamp RES - Residential Gerrie Steenkamp Stefan Oberholzer RES - Residential Leon Vosloo RES - Residential Bongani Ephanuel Mabaso RES - Residential Cynthia Mabaso Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks 3211 of Secunda 3212 of Secunda 1261sqm 1233sqm 1261.0000-SQM 1233.0000-SQM R909,000.00 R878,000.00 3213 of Secunda 1193sqm 1193.0000-SQM R905,000.00 3214 of Secunda 1266sqm 1266.0000-SQM R1,000,000.00 3215 of Secunda 3216 of Secunda 3217 of Secunda 3218 of Secunda 3219 of Secunda 1638sqm 1473sqm 1350sqm 1350sqm 1350sqm 1638.0000-SQM 1473.0000-SQM 1350.0000-SQM 1350.0000-SQM 1350.0000-SQM R1,054,000.00 R800,000.00 R853,000.00 R829,000.00 R883,000.00 3220 of Secunda 1350sqm 1350.0000-SQM R939,000.00 3221 of Secunda 1350sqm 1350.0000-SQM R803,000.00 3222 of Secunda 1350sqm 1350.0000-SQM R919,000.00 3223 of Secunda 1350sqm 1350.0000-SQM R869,000.00 3224 of Secunda 3225 of Secunda 3226 of Secunda 1280sqm 1406sqm 1260sqm 1280.0000-SQM 1406.0000-SQM 1260.0000-SQM R800,000.00 R895,000.00 R909,000.00 3227 of Secunda 3228 of Secunda 1260sqm 1260sqm 1260.0000-SQM 1260.0000-SQM R839,000.00 R789,000.00 3229 of Secunda 3230 of Secunda 1452sqm 1037sqm 1452.0000-SQM 1037.0000-SQM R817,000.00 R911,000.00 3231 of Secunda 3232 of Secunda 1027sqm 1090sqm 1027.0000-SQM 1090.0000-SQM R1,085,000.00 R870,000.00 3233 of Secunda 3234 of Secunda 3235 of Secunda 1302sqm 1329sqm 1234sqm 1302.0000-SQM 1329.0000-SQM 1234.0000-SQM R1,055,000.00 R927,000.00 R1,015,000.00 3236 of Secunda 3237 of Secunda 1418sqm 1103sqm 1418.0000-SQM 1103.0000-SQM R986,000.00 R903,000.00 3238 of Secunda 3239 of Secunda 1062sqm 1445sqm 1062.0000-SQM 1445.0000-SQM R852,000.00 R847,000.00 3240 of Secunda 1091sqm 1091.0000-SQM R753,000.00 3241 of Secunda 1144sqm 1144.0000-SQM R781,000.00 3242 of Secunda 3243 of Secunda 1138sqm 990sqm 1138.0000-SQM 990.0000-SQM R970,000.00 R879,000.00 3244 of Secunda 1110sqm 1110.0000-SQM R783,000.00 3245 of Secunda 3246 of Secunda 3247 of Secunda 1108sqm 1005sqm 980sqm 1108.0000-SQM 1005.0000-SQM 980.0000-SQM R813,000.00 R785,000.00 R866,000.00 3210 of Secunda Page 84 1145sqm 1145.0000-SQM R990,000.00 Registered description 3248 of Secunda 3249 of Secunda 3250 of Secunda 3251 of Secunda 3252 of Secunda 3253 of Secunda 3254 of Secunda 3255 of Secunda 3256 of Secunda 3257 of Secunda 3258 of Secunda 3259 of Secunda 3260 of Secunda 3261 of Secunda 3262 of Secunda 3263 of Secunda 3264 of Secunda 3265 of Secunda 3266 of Secunda 3267 of Secunda 3268 of Secunda 3269 of Secunda 3270 of Secunda 3271 of Secunda 3272 of Secunda 3273 of Secunda 3274 of Secunda 3275 of Secunda 3276 of Secunda 3277 of Secunda 3278 of Secunda 3279 of Secunda 3280 of Secunda 3281 of Secunda 3282 of Secunda 3283 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Theunis Jacobus Moolman Thoko Josephine Nghondzweni Zondi Samuel Nghondzweni Anna Susanna Jacomina Terblanche Hendrik Pieter Terblanche Theodoris Cornelius De Lange Rooyen Anita Margaretha Van Rooyen Johan Andries Van Coenrad Johannes Nel Jacoline Susan Nel der Linde Maria Margaretha Van der Linde Philip Botha Van Pieter Schalk Grobbelaar Susanna Wilhelmina Johanna Grobbelaar Johannes Gideon Erasmus Martha Magrietha Erasmus Jacobus Bonnema Vermaas Wessel Johannes Vermaas Odette Van Den Berg Stefanus Cornelius Engelbrecht Theresa Engelbrecht Germinah Nomgidi Kekana Maesela Wilson Kekana Johannes Philippus Koekemoer Magda Petro Koekemoer Josandra Blaauw Petrus Arnoldus Blaauw Carel Johannes Roode Pricilla Leona Roode Anna-Mare Hewetson Robert Whitehead Stuart Hewetson Florence May Van Den Berg Rudolf Johannes Van Den Berg Robert Terence Oakes John Robert Coetzer Maria Johanna Christina Coetzer Aletha Johanna Elisabeth Koen Petrus Johannes Koen Closeprops 222 Cc Benjamin Dorfling Adriaan Jacob Adolf Meintjes Lucia Charlotte Wels Majozi Abednego Vilakazi Muriel Esther Jabisile Vilakazi Emmerentia Lea Barnard Johannes Jacobus Barnard Melissa Annandale Stephen Webster Linden Palvie Govan Mbeki Municipality Anne-Marie Venter Nicolaas Hendrik Venter Jakoba Kornelia Petronella Nel Sarel Stephanus Nel Jerome Naude Marthinus Johannes Naude Johannes Christoffel Gerber Joy Foxcroft Susara Maria Magdalena Truter Theo Truter Peter John Horrocks Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 3250 of Secunda 1084sqm 1084.0000-SQM R772,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3251 of Secunda 3252 of Secunda 1083sqm 1042sqm 1083.0000-SQM 1042.0000-SQM R792,000.00 R761,000.00 RES - Residential 3253 of Secunda 1099sqm 1099.0000-SQM R953,000.00 RES - Residential 3254 of Secunda 1008sqm 1008.0000-SQM R769,000.00 RES - Residential 3255 of Secunda 884sqm 884.0000-SQM R775,000.00 RES - Residential 3256 of Secunda 884sqm 884.0000-SQM R735,000.00 RES - Residential 3257 of Secunda 1008sqm 1008.0000-SQM R719,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3258 of Secunda 3259 of Secunda 956sqm 877sqm 956.0000-SQM 877.0000-SQM R830,000.00 R904,000.00 RES - Residential 3260 of Secunda 955sqm 955.0000-SQM R757,000.00 RES - Residential 3261 of Secunda 1049sqm 1049.0000-SQM R751,000.00 RES - Residential 3262 of Secunda 955sqm 955.0000-SQM R757,000.00 RES - Residential 3263 of Secunda 876sqm 876.0000-SQM R877,000.00 RES - Residential 3264 of Secunda 884sqm 884.0000-SQM R805,000.00 RES - Residential 3265 of Secunda 884sqm 884.0000-SQM R818,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3266 of Secunda 3267 of Secunda 884sqm 884sqm 884.0000-SQM 884.0000-SQM R860,000.00 R815,000.00 RES - Residential 3268 of Secunda 884sqm 884.0000-SQM R815,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3269 of Secunda 3270 of Secunda 3271 of Secunda 3272 of Secunda 3273 of Secunda 884sqm 884sqm 884sqm 952sqm 970sqm 884.0000-SQM 884.0000-SQM 884.0000-SQM 952.0000-SQM 970.0000-SQM R765,000.00 R835,000.00 R795,000.00 R757,000.00 R858,000.00 RES - Residential 3274 of Secunda 910sqm 910.0000-SQM R916,000.00 RES - Residential 3275 of Secunda 910sqm 910.0000-SQM R856,000.00 MUN - Municipal RES - Residential 3276 of Secunda 3277 of Secunda 910sqm 891sqm 910.0000-SQM 891.0000-SQM R736,000.00 R789,000.00 RES - Residential 3278 of Secunda 914sqm 914.0000-SQM R835,000.00 RES - Residential 3279 of Secunda 896sqm 896.0000-SQM R795,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3280 of Secunda 3281 of Secunda 3282 of Secunda 913sqm 905sqm 980sqm 913.0000-SQM 905.0000-SQM 980.0000-SQM R876,000.00 R840,000.00 R818,000.00 RES - Residential 3283 of Secunda 980sqm 980.0000-SQM R838,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3248 of Secunda 3249 of Secunda Page 85 1209sqm 1191sqm 1209.0000-SQM 1191.0000-SQM R936,000.00 R795,000.00 Registered description 3284 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) 3313 of Secunda 3314 of Secunda Albert Henry Sean Holder Nadia Holder Dyk Johannes Hendrik Jacobus Van Coller Rosina Aletta Adriana Van Govan Mbeki Municipality Maria Elizabeth Furstenberg Andre Roodt Theunissen Melissa-Jane Michelle Beelders Willem Johannes Beelders Jacobus Petrus Combrink Meyer Louis Johannes Crous Catrina Hendrina Beatrix Coetzee Jasper Johan Christo Coetzee Catrina Hendrina Beatrix Coetzee Jasper Johan Christo Coetzee Pamela Lynette Brown Jan Daniel Krige Govan Mbeki Municipality Barend Johannes Kruger Phillus Johannes Viljoen Anton Nel Jacomina Frederika Nel Govan Mbeki Municipality David De Jager Abraham Johannes Jacobus Taljaard Petrus Jacobus Olivier Pty Ltd Drillcon Beppino Mareno Dallicani Susanna Magdalena Dallicani Carina Claassen Christiaan Fredrick Claassen Elizabeth Cathariena Byleveld Hendrik Christiaan Byleveld Wikus Byleveld Lynette Rautenbach Dilip Gayapersadh Harypursat David Petrus Swanepoel Madie Swanepoel Govan Mbeki Municipality of the Nazarene Church 3315 of Secunda Juan-Garvin Trust 3315 of Secunda (Portion 1) Tonder Dirk Johannes Van Tonder Gertruida Hendrina Van Magarietha Johanna Katariena Greyling Dirk Johannes Lourens Marqarite Elizabeth Lourens Herculaas Albertus Du Preez Bartholomeus Thomas Harmse Leonora Harmse Jaco Grobler Zelda Grobler Fribenlia Trust Smartryk Daniel Du Toit Dawid Herkules Marx Susanna Maria Elizabeth Marx Jacob Andries Cornelius Scholtz 3285 of Secunda 3286 of Secunda 3287 of Secunda 3288 of Secunda 3289 of Secunda 3290 of Secunda 3291 of Secunda 3292 of Secunda 3293 of Secunda 3294 of Secunda 3295 of Secunda 3296 of Secunda 3297 of Secunda 3298 of Secunda 3299 of Secunda 3300 of Secunda 3301 of Secunda 3302 of Secunda 3303 of Secunda 3304 of Secunda 3305 of Secunda 3306 of Secunda 3307 of Secunda 3308 of Secunda 3309 of Secunda 3310 of Secunda 3311 of Secunda 3312 of Secunda 3316 of Secunda 3317 of Secunda 3318 of Secunda 3319 of Secunda 3320 of Secunda 3321 of Secunda 3322 of Secunda 3323 of Secunda 3324 of Secunda Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential MUN - Municipal RES - Residential RES - Residential 3285 of Secunda 3286 of Secunda 3287 of Secunda 3288 of Secunda 3289 of Secunda 910sqm 910sqm 910sqm 910sqm 911sqm 910.0000-SQM 910.0000-SQM 910.0000-SQM 910.0000-SQM 911.0000-SQM R840,000.00 R736,000.00 R736,000.00 R946,000.00 R800,000.00 RES - Residential 3290 of Secunda 925sqm 925.0000-SQM R975,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3291 of Secunda 3292 of Secunda 3293 of Secunda 981sqm 1110sqm 962sqm 981.0000-SQM 1110.0000-SQM 962.0000-SQM R778,000.00 R843,000.00 R778,000.00 RES - Residential 3294 of Secunda 969sqm 969.0000-SQM R820,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential MUN - Municipal RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3295 of Secunda 3296 of Secunda 3297 of Secunda 3298 of Secunda 3299 of Secunda 3300 of Secunda 910sqm 910sqm 927sqm 934sqm 968sqm 968sqm 910.0000-SQM 910.0000-SQM 927.0000-SQM 934.0000-SQM 968.0000-SQM 968.0000-SQM R870,000.00 R955,000.00 R691,000.00 R807,000.00 R798,000.00 R830,000.00 MUN - Municipal RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3301 of Secunda 3302 of Secunda 3303 of Secunda 3304 of Secunda 3305 of Secunda 3306 of Secunda 934sqm 890sqm 1311sqm 1144sqm 1176sqm 1176sqm 934.0000-SQM 890.0000-SQM 1311.0000-SQM 1144.0000-SQM 1176.0000-SQM 1176.0000-SQM R712,000.00 R735,000.00 R1,005,000.00 R815,000.00 R793,000.00 R746,000.00 RES - Residential 3307 of Secunda 1176sqm 1176.0000-SQM R866,000.00 RES - Residential 3308 of Secunda 1176sqm 1176.0000-SQM R796,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3309 of Secunda 3310 of Secunda 3311 of Secunda 3312 of Secunda 1176sqm 1176sqm 1095sqm 1337sqm 1176.0000-SQM 1176.0000-SQM 1095.0000-SQM 1337.0000-SQM R836,000.00 R855,000.00 R803,000.00 R983,000.00 MUN - Municipal WOR - Places of Worship WOR - Places of Worship RES - Residential 3313 of Secunda 3314 of Secunda 987sqm 5080sqm 987.0000-SQM 5080.0000-SQM R969,000.00 R735,000.00 3315 of Secunda 560sqm 560.0000-SQM R960,000.00 3315 of Secunda (Portion 1) 561sqm 561.0000-SQM R1,300,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3316 of Secunda 3317 of Secunda 1094sqm 1071sqm 1094.0000-SQM 1071.0000-SQM R743,000.00 R972,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3318 of Secunda 3319 of Secunda 986sqm 958sqm 986.0000-SQM 958.0000-SQM R1,005,000.00 R747,000.00 RES - Residential 3320 of Secunda 1068sqm 1068.0000-SQM R752,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3321 of Secunda 3322 of Secunda 3323 of Secunda 1134sqm 1128sqm 996sqm 1134.0000-SQM 1128.0000-SQM 996.0000-SQM R719,000.00 R784,000.00 R759,000.00 RES - Residential 3324 of Secunda 1044sqm 1044.0000-SQM R716,000.00 RES - Residential 3284 of Secunda Page 86 910sqm 910.0000-SQM R726,000.00 Registered description 3325 of Secunda 3326 of Secunda 3327 of Secunda 3328 of Secunda 3329 of Secunda 3330 of Secunda 3331 of Secunda 3332 of Secunda 3333 of Secunda 3334 of Secunda 3335 of Secunda 3336 of Secunda 3337 of Secunda 3338 of Secunda 3339 of Secunda 3340 of Secunda 3341 of Secunda 3342 of Secunda 3343 of Secunda 3344 of Secunda 3345 of Secunda 3346 of Secunda 3347 of Secunda 3348 of Secunda 3349 of Secunda 3350 of Secunda 3351 of Secunda 3352 of Secunda 3353 of Secunda 3354 of Secunda 3355 of Secunda 3356 of Secunda 3357 of Secunda 3358 of Secunda 3359 of Secunda 3360 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Langalakhe Richman Makhanya Nomusa Martha Makhanya Zyl Mathilde Van Zyl Okkert Corneulius Van David Rodney Philander Filicity Diana Philander Chikadule Luckyboy Madida Ethel Duduzile Hlophe Gcinizwi Nicholas Hlophe Engela Raath Leon Raath Henry Phillipus Erasmus Susanna Carolina Malan Erasmus Alan Douglas Davies Rensburg Bernard Danniel Van Rensburg Dene Adrienne Van Helena Magdalena Coetzee Pieter Cornelius Coetzee Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Jacobus Bouwer Susanna Catharina Aletta Bouwer Blanchette Patricia Swanepoel Andrew John Curry Hendrika Johanna Curry Marius Viljoen Arthur Desmond Gouws Izak Johannes Marais Leonora Marais Zyl Joseph Johannes Van Zyl Natasha Van der Merwe Anna Magrieta Van der Merwe Hendrik Emanuel Van Jason James Tee Jacobus Petrus Combrink Meyer Magrietha Magdalena Meyer Jacobus Petrus Combrink Meyer Magrietha Magdalena Meyer Adele Young Suzette Jane Bico Johan Hendrik Breytenbach Jabulani Johannes Mthimunye der Westhuizen Gieljam Van Eugene Hermanus Oakes Sunelle Oakes Kilton Sydney Bapela Nana Rachel Bapela Jaco Cronje Petronel Cronje Stephanus Du Toit Stephanus Du Toit Magdalena Breet Wessel Hendrik Breet Niekerk Bernardus Van Niekerk Louisa Ann Van Makhehla Andries Nkosi Janetta Elsie Rall Renier Andreas Rall Marius Brits Jacqueline Cronje Niekerk Abraham Johannes Van Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 3326 of Secunda 1174sqm 1174.0000-SQM R850,000.00 RES - Residential 3327 of Secunda 1425sqm 1425.0000-SQM R835,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3328 of Secunda 3329 of Secunda 1278sqm 1228sqm 1278.0000-SQM 1228.0000-SQM R770,000.00 R788,000.00 RES - Residential 3330 of Secunda 1210sqm 1210.0000-SQM R877,000.00 RES - Residential 3331 of Secunda 1269sqm 1269.0000-SQM R750,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3332 of Secunda 3333 of Secunda 1263sqm 1251sqm 1263.0000-SQM 1251.0000-SQM R810,000.00 R799,000.00 RES - Residential 3334 of Secunda 1229sqm 1229.0000-SQM R888,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3335 of Secunda 3336 of Secunda 1218sqm 1319sqm 1218.0000-SQM 1319.0000-SQM R808,000.00 R980,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3337 of Secunda 3338 of Secunda 1093sqm 1102sqm 1093.0000-SQM 1102.0000-SQM R935,000.00 R793,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3339 of Secunda 3340 of Secunda 3341 of Secunda 1222sqm 1161sqm 1176sqm 1222.0000-SQM 1161.0000-SQM 1176.0000-SQM R925,000.00 R796,000.00 R935,000.00 RES - Residential 3342 of Secunda 1079sqm 1079.0000-SQM R782,000.00 RES - Residential 3343 of Secunda 1120sqm 1120.0000-SQM R864,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3344 of Secunda 3345 of Secunda 1228sqm 1104sqm 1228.0000-SQM 1104.0000-SQM R968,000.00 R923,000.00 RES - Residential 3346 of Secunda 1008sqm 1008.0000-SQM R935,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3347 of Secunda 3348 of Secunda 1080sqm 1306sqm 1080.0000-SQM 1306.0000-SQM R880,000.00 R785,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3349 of Secunda 3350 of Secunda 3351 of Secunda 1552sqm 1252sqm 1218sqm 1552.0000-SQM 1252.0000-SQM 1218.0000-SQM R970,000.00 R789,000.00 R818,000.00 RES - Residential 3352 of Secunda 1108sqm 1108.0000-SQM R963,000.00 RES - Residential 3353 of Secunda 1501sqm 1501.0000-SQM R789,000.00 RES - Residential 3354 of Secunda 1350sqm 1350.0000-SQM R773,000.00 RES - Residential 3355 of Secunda 1386sqm 1386.0000-SQM R894,000.00 RES - Residential 3356 of Secunda 1374sqm 1374.0000-SQM R814,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3357 of Secunda 3358 of Secunda 1052sqm 1304sqm 1052.0000-SQM 1304.0000-SQM R781,000.00 R930,000.00 RES - Residential 3359 of Secunda 1218sqm 1218.0000-SQM R798,000.00 RES - Residential 3360 of Secunda 1218sqm 1218.0000-SQM R935,000.00 RES - Residential 3325 of Secunda Page 87 1044sqm 1044.0000-SQM R811,000.00 Registered description 3361 of Secunda 3362 of Secunda 3363 of Secunda 3364 of Secunda 3365 of Secunda 3366 of Secunda 3367 of Secunda 3368 of Secunda 3369 of Secunda 3370 of Secunda 3371 of Secunda 3372 of Secunda 3373 of Secunda 3374 of Secunda 3375 of Secunda 3376 of Secunda 3377 of Secunda 3378 of Secunda 3379 of Secunda 3380 of Secunda 3381 of Secunda 3382 of Secunda 3383 of Secunda 3384 of Secunda 3385 of Secunda 3386 of Secunda 3387 of Secunda 3388 of Secunda 3389 of Secunda 3390 of Secunda 3391 of Secunda 3392 of Secunda 3393 of Secunda 3394 of Secunda 3395 of Secunda 3396 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Unus Hassen Nyanga Ncube Tambudzai Ncube Huyssteen Johannes Willem Van Huyssteen Monica Van Govan Mbeki Municipality Juanita Du Preez Walter Du Preez Zyl Hendrik Johannes Francois Van Gregory Patrick Von Holdt Byron James Thomas Carmelita Rene Thomas Doreen Olive Fourie Johan David Fourie Izak Jacobus Jeremias Pelser Govan Mbeki Municipality Marelise Kotze Philippus Cornelius Kruger Bernhard Erwin Meister Senta Helga Meister Adam Muller Frances Hermnina Naude Joseph Naude Johannes Joseph Pretorius der Westhuizen Barend Johannes Van Chrispas Maroga Duduzile Julia Podesta Maroga Adele Enslin Paul Keith Enslin Paul Keith Enslin Christo Smith Lelanie Smith Johannes Breet Josina Johanna Jacoba Breet Frederik Johannes Le Roux Gabriel Jacobus Le Roux Charmaine Rebekka Horn John William Horn Johannes Christoffel Nel Veronica Susarah Nel Mark Sean Halse Charles Nicholas Buckle Suzanne Buckle Martha Elizabeth Gleeson Roelof Gleeson Cornelius Coenraad Viljoen Heerden Pieter Schalk Jakobus Van Staden Gerhardus Van Christiaan Gotlieb Hartman Maryna Hartman Anneria Lombard Rensburg Jan Daniel Jansen Van Amanda Jordaan Gert Johann Daniel Jordaan Anna-Marie Holscher Helena Margaretha Kritzinger Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Adriana Maria Catharina Van Den Heever Cecil Edwin Van Den Heever Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 3363 of Secunda 1514sqm 1514.0000-SQM R770,000.00 MUN - Municipal RES - Residential 3364 of Secunda 3365 of Secunda 2261sqm 1165sqm 2261.0000-SQM 1165.0000-SQM R260,000.00 R860,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3366 of Secunda 3367 of Secunda 3368 of Secunda 1044sqm 1044sqm 1055sqm 1044.0000-SQM 1044.0000-SQM 1055.0000-SQM R845,000.00 R845,000.00 R951,000.00 RES - Residential 3369 of Secunda 1188sqm 1188.0000-SQM R767,000.00 RES - Residential MUN - Municipal RES - Residential 3370 of Secunda 3371 of Secunda 3372 of Secunda 1329sqm 1087sqm 1062sqm 1329.0000-SQM 1087.0000-SQM 1062.0000-SQM R940,000.00 R740,000.00 R865,000.00 RES - Residential 3373 of Secunda 1062sqm 1062.0000-SQM R782,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3374 of Secunda 3375 of Secunda 1044sqm 963sqm 1044.0000-SQM 963.0000-SQM R801,000.00 R808,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3376 of Secunda 3377 of Secunda 3378 of Secunda 938sqm 981sqm 1215sqm 938.0000-SQM 981.0000-SQM 1215.0000-SQM R847,000.00 R875,000.00 R967,000.00 RES - Residential 3379 of Secunda 1163sqm 1163.0000-SQM R796,000.00 RES - Residential 3380 of Secunda 1018sqm 1018.0000-SQM R850,000.00 RES - Residential 3381 of Secunda 1256sqm 1256.0000-SQM R899,000.00 RES - Residential 3382 of Secunda 1573sqm 1573.0000-SQM R1,132,000.00 RES - Residential 3383 of Secunda 1164sqm 1164.0000-SQM R920,000.00 RES - Residential 3384 of Secunda 1315sqm 1315.0000-SQM R812,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3385 of Secunda 3386 of Secunda 1160sqm 1160sqm 1160.0000-SQM 1160.0000-SQM R765,000.00 R815,000.00 RES - Residential 3387 of Secunda 1160sqm 1160.0000-SQM R885,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3388 of Secunda 3389 of Secunda 3390 of Secunda 3391 of Secunda 1149sqm 1450sqm 1026sqm 1050sqm 1149.0000-SQM 1450.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM 1050.0000-SQM R890,000.00 R927,000.00 R760,000.00 R750,000.00 RES - Residential 3392 of Secunda 1006sqm 1006.0000-SQM R800,000.00 RES - Residential 3393 of Secunda 1122sqm 1122.0000-SQM R880,000.00 RES - Residential 3394 of Secunda 999sqm 999.0000-SQM R829,000.00 UDT - Unregistered RES - Residential 3395 of Secunda 3396 of Secunda 1055sqm 999sqm 999.0000-SQM R781,000.00 R819,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3361 of Secunda 3362 of Secunda Page 88 1218sqm 1259sqm 1218.0000-SQM 1259.0000-SQM R808,000.00 R809,000.00 Registered description 3397 of Secunda 3398 of Secunda 3399 of Secunda 3400 of Secunda 3401 of Secunda 3402 of Secunda 3403 of Secunda 3404 of Secunda 3405 of Secunda 3406 of Secunda 3407 of Secunda 3408 of Secunda 3409 of Secunda 3410 of Secunda 3411 of Secunda 3412 of Secunda 3413 of Secunda 3414 of Secunda 3415 of Secunda 3416 of Secunda 3417 of Secunda 3418 of Secunda 3419 of Secunda 3420 of Secunda 3421 of Secunda 3422 of Secunda 3423 of Secunda 3424 of Secunda 3425 of Secunda 3426 of Secunda 3427 of Secunda 3428 of Secunda 3429 of Secunda 3430 of Secunda 3431 of Secunda 3432 of Secunda 3433 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Aardt Hendrik Jacobus Lourens Van Aardt Maria Petronella Van Francina Estelle Boshoff Louis Petrus Boshoff Daniel Jacobus Bruwer Wyngaardt Abraham Johannes Van Wyngaardt Anna Sophia Van Jan Daniel Francois Joubert Susara Elizabeth Joubert Theodor Albert Eksteen Jan Daniel Immink Jacqueline Sharon Jacobs Berno Swart Annalene Pillay der Merwe Richard Martin Van Mauritz Le Roux Yvonne Le Roux Petrus Jacobus Combrinck Hermanus Johannes Grobler Albert George Sebastiaan Wolfaardt Denise Wolfaardt Kobus Marx Frans Cornelius Kobus Venter Mercia Venter Errol Pepler Anna Susanna Blignaut Jacob Johannes Blignaut Maria Hendrina De Wet Zacharias Johannes De Wet Petrus Johannes Naude Ferdie Theo Pretorius Mamasabolo Martha Moloi Oupa James Moloi Joaquim Fernando Campos Maia Rosa Maia Elsa Jooste der Walt Pieter Stephanus Van Staden Phillipus Theunis Van Staden Wilda Van Niekerk Christiaan Rudolf Van Niekerk Suzanna Francina Van Gertruida Wilhelmina Young Richard William Young Herklas Jacobus Lubbe Martha Petrusina Maria Catharina Lubbe Willem Hendrik Pretorius Adriaan Barend Greyling Aletta Elizabeth Kershoff Hendrik Johannes Freysen Kershoff Coller Johannes Izak Van Coller Josina Maria Magdalena Van Theron Andre Theron Annelize Anna Fransiena Viljoen Johannes Willem Viljoen Gerrit Myburgh Mothello Lilian Mokhasinyane Stephen Noge Mokhasinyane Andreas Theodorus Spies Catharina Maria Wilhelmina Spies Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 3398 of Secunda 999sqm 999.0000-SQM R789,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3399 of Secunda 3400 of Secunda 1080sqm 1209sqm 1080.0000-SQM 1209.0000-SQM R1,030,000.00 R817,000.00 RES - Residential 3401 of Secunda 1110sqm 1110.0000-SQM R923,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3402 of Secunda 3403 of Secunda 3404 of Secunda 1179sqm 1402sqm 1080sqm 1179.0000-SQM 1402.0000-SQM 1080.0000-SQM R846,000.00 R755,000.00 R852,000.00 RES - Residential 3405 of Secunda 1080sqm 1080.0000-SQM R792,000.00 RES - Residential 3406 of Secunda 1080sqm 1080.0000-SQM R732,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3407 of Secunda 3408 of Secunda 3409 of Secunda 1080sqm 1080sqm 1080sqm 1080.0000-SQM 1080.0000-SQM 1080.0000-SQM R1,060,000.00 R792,000.00 R922,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3410 of Secunda 3411 of Secunda 1110sqm 1110sqm 1110.0000-SQM 1110.0000-SQM R975,000.00 R793,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3412 of Secunda 3413 of Secunda 1246sqm 1140sqm 1246.0000-SQM 1140.0000-SQM R919,000.00 R825,000.00 RES - Residential 3414 of Secunda 1044sqm 1044.0000-SQM R761,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3415 of Secunda 3416 of Secunda 3417 of Secunda 1102sqm 1218sqm 1316sqm 1102.0000-SQM 1218.0000-SQM 1316.0000-SQM R803,000.00 R848,000.00 R802,000.00 RES - Residential 3418 of Secunda 1144sqm 1144.0000-SQM R885,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3419 of Secunda 3420 of Secunda 3421 of Secunda 1259sqm 1016sqm 1057sqm 1259.0000-SQM 1016.0000-SQM 1057.0000-SQM R1,039,000.00 R960,000.00 R831,000.00 RES - Residential 3422 of Secunda 1088sqm 1088.0000-SQM R803,000.00 RES - Residential 3423 of Secunda 1115sqm 1115.0000-SQM R804,000.00 RES - Residential 3424 of Secunda 1050sqm 1050.0000-SQM R921,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3425 of Secunda 3426 of Secunda 3427 of Secunda 1112sqm 1120sqm 1120sqm 1112.0000-SQM 1120.0000-SQM 1120.0000-SQM R814,000.00 R960,000.00 R814,000.00 RES - Residential 3428 of Secunda 1160sqm 1160.0000-SQM R875,000.00 RES - Residential 3429 of Secunda 1160sqm 1160.0000-SQM R805,000.00 RES - Residential 3430 of Secunda 1160sqm 1160.0000-SQM R805,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3431 of Secunda 3432 of Secunda 1160sqm 1187sqm 1160.0000-SQM 1187.0000-SQM R775,000.00 R900,000.00 RES - Residential 3433 of Secunda 1228sqm 1228.0000-SQM R918,000.00 RES - Residential 3397 of Secunda Page 89 999sqm 999.0000-SQM R769,000.00 Registered description 3434 of Secunda 3435 of Secunda 3436 of Secunda 3437 of Secunda 3438 of Secunda 3439 of Secunda 3440 of Secunda 3441 of Secunda 3442 of Secunda 3443 of Secunda 3444 of Secunda 3445 of Secunda 3446 of Secunda 3447 of Secunda 3448 of Secunda 3449 of Secunda 3450 of Secunda 3451 of Secunda 3452 of Secunda 3453 of Secunda 3454 of Secunda 3455 of Secunda 3456 of Secunda 3457 of Secunda 3458 of Secunda 3459 of Secunda 3460 of Secunda 3461 of Secunda 3462 of Secunda 3463 of Secunda 3464 of Secunda 3465 of Secunda 3466 of Secunda 3467 of Secunda 3468 of Secunda 3469 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Maryke Odendaal Hendrik Lambertus Le Roux Sophia Elizabeth Le Roux Anna Jeanetta Maria Snyders Leon Anton Johan Snyders Marsie Govender Preleni Govender Johannes Lodewicus Pretorius Leon Cornelius Fourie Leon Cornelius Fourie Jerzy Potocki- Szwejkowski Jolanta Maria Potocki- Szwejkowski Paul Albertus Greyling Adolf Francois Claassen Wilma Claassen Kerk Van Suid-Afrika Evangelies-Gereformeerde Johannes Petrus Erasmus Esther Susanna Solms Jan Georg Solms Albert George Sebastiaan Wolfaardt Erika Wolfaardt Andries Johannes Coetzer Adnreas Johannes Venter Colette Venter Johanna Louisa Geldenhuys Nicolaas Willem Geldenhuys Lukas Marthinus Snyman Theodora Cornelia Snyman Theunissen Amanda Theunissen Christoffel Jacobus Beatrix Frederika Pretorius Petrus Stephanus Pretorius Rensia Goosen Walter Meiring der Westhuizen Elizabeth Hardia Van der Westhuizen Johannes Wilhelmus Van Charmain Teressa Austin David De Villiers Austin Antoinette Lorna Schenck Aletta Amanda Veldman Michael Hendrik Veldman Adriana Maria Catharina Venter Marthinus Frans Venter Henriette Houy Joseph Charles Houy Huibrecht Elizabeth Pretorius Robert Albertus Pretorius Abraham Ignatius Mentz Daniel Johannes Waldeck Hester Dorathea Oosthuysen Izak Adriaan De Koning Oosthuysen Christiaan Daniel Smith Wanda Helene Smith Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Lizelle Olckers Martinus Gerhardus Olckers Dirk Corneelius Delport Ina Delport Jacobus Frederik De Beer Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 3436 of Secunda 1044sqm 1044.0000-SQM R731,000.00 RES - Residential 3437 of Secunda 1044sqm 1044.0000-SQM R851,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3438 of Secunda 3439 of Secunda 1044sqm 1140sqm 1044.0000-SQM 1140.0000-SQM R841,000.00 R885,000.00 RES - Residential 3440 of Secunda 1268sqm 1268.0000-SQM R860,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3441 of Secunda 3442 of Secunda 1160sqm 1160sqm 1160.0000-SQM 1160.0000-SQM R815,000.00 R875,000.00 WOR - Places of Worship RES - Residential RES - Residential 3443 of Secunda 5012sqm 5012.0000-SQM R2,050,000.00 3444 of Secunda 3445 of Secunda 1167sqm 1110sqm 1167.0000-SQM 1110.0000-SQM R930,000.00 R883,000.00 RES - Residential 3446 of Secunda 1285sqm 1285.0000-SQM R780,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3447 of Secunda 3448 of Secunda 986sqm 986sqm 986.0000-SQM 986.0000-SQM R789,000.00 R799,000.00 RES - Residential 3449 of Secunda 986sqm 986.0000-SQM R809,000.00 RES - Residential 3450 of Secunda 1076sqm 1076.0000-SQM R782,000.00 RES - Residential 3451 of Secunda 1204sqm 1204.0000-SQM R807,000.00 RES - Residential 3452 of Secunda 1102sqm 1102.0000-SQM R813,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3453 of Secunda 3454 of Secunda 3455 of Secunda 1042sqm 1531sqm 1462sqm 1042.0000-SQM 1531.0000-SQM 1462.0000-SQM R972,000.00 R890,000.00 R767,000.00 RES - Residential 3456 of Secunda 1088sqm 1088.0000-SQM R763,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3457 of Secunda 3458 of Secunda 910sqm 864sqm 910.0000-SQM 864.0000-SQM R776,000.00 R814,000.00 RES - Residential 3459 of Secunda 832sqm 832.0000-SQM R902,000.00 RES - Residential 3460 of Secunda 884sqm 884.0000-SQM R695,000.00 RES - Residential 3461 of Secunda 996sqm 996.0000-SQM R789,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3462 of Secunda 3463 of Secunda 3464 of Secunda 936sqm 1044sqm 895sqm 936.0000-SQM 1044.0000-SQM 895.0000-SQM R757,000.00 R791,000.00 R960,000.00 RES - Residential 3465 of Secunda 953sqm 953.0000-SQM R885,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3466 of Secunda 3467 of Secunda 1027sqm 972sqm 1027.0000-SQM 972.0000-SQM R680,000.00 R835,000.00 RES - Residential 3468 of Secunda 972sqm 972.0000-SQM R818,000.00 RES - Residential 3469 of Secunda 965sqm 965.0000-SQM R788,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3434 of Secunda 3435 of Secunda Page 90 1188sqm 1162sqm 1188.0000-SQM 1162.0000-SQM R1,015,000.00 R776,000.00 Registered description 3470 of Secunda 3471 of Secunda 3472 of Secunda 3473 of Secunda 3474 of Secunda 3475 of Secunda 3476 of Secunda 3477 of Secunda 3478 of Secunda 3479 of Secunda 3480 of Secunda 3481 of Secunda 3482 of Secunda 3483 of Secunda 3484 of Secunda 3485 of Secunda 3486 of Secunda 3487 of Secunda 3488 of Secunda 3489 of Secunda 3490 of Secunda 3491 of Secunda 3492 of Secunda 3493 of Secunda 3494 of Secunda 3495 of Secunda 3496 of Secunda 3497 of Secunda 3498 of Secunda 3499 of Secunda 3500 of Secunda 3501 of Secunda 3502 of Secunda 3503 of Secunda 3504 of Secunda 3505 of Secunda 3506 of Secunda 3507 of Secunda 3508 of Secunda 3509 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Dorea Burger Cornelius Johannes Swart Maria Leilani Swart Terence Carl Uys Wendy Uys Simon Francois Visser Etienne Rossouw Karlien Rossouw Andries Petrus Du Preez Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Catharina Petronella Engelbrecht George Frederik Theodoor Corneluis Engelbrecht Govan Mbeki Municipality Johannes Martinus Venter Martha Susanna Venter Ivan Gerald Reed Eugene Victor Smit Govan Mbeki Municipality Francois Johannes Matheus Marais Linda Marie Marais Francois Johannes Matheus Marais Martha Magdalena Church William John Church Cornelius Stefanus Vermaak Dorothy Dawn Vermaak Roger Anderson Philna Trust Francois Johannes Matheus Marais Francois Johannes Matheus Marais der Westhuizen Hermanus Van Hannalie Pienaar Marthinus Christoffel Britz Rhonel Britz Marlene Calitz Wepener Matthys Petrus Wepener Oshana Naidoo Walter Redvers Mclaren Gert Adolf Swanepoel Priscilla Swanepoel Fritz Elmar Burger Sanet Elizabeth Burger Carel Frederick Wilhelm Breetzke Judith Johanna Breetzke Inderlall Singh Rekha Singh Angeline Bezuidenhout Willem Jacobus Bezuidenhout Christiaan Johannes Els Aletta Fransina Potgieter Johan Alwyn Potgieter Andrew Brian Naidoo Virginia Naidoo Phyllis Anita De Vries Margot Ruth Kerr Jan Gabriel Johannes Steyn Petronella Maria Steyn Daniel Jakobus Schreuder De Beer Johanna Jeanette De Beer Cassandra Maureen Rademeyer Gert Hendrik Petrus Rademeyer Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 3472 of Secunda 1083sqm 1083.0000-SQM R870,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3473 of Secunda 3474 of Secunda 1071sqm 1076sqm 1071.0000-SQM 1076.0000-SQM R895,000.00 R880,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3475 of Secunda 3476 of Secunda 3477 of Secunda 1262sqm 1291sqm 1122sqm 1262.0000-SQM 1291.0000-SQM 1122.0000-SQM R800,000.00 R761,000.00 R794,000.00 MUN - Municipal RES - Residential 3478 of Secunda 3479 of Secunda 1036sqm 1140sqm 1036.0000-SQM 1140.0000-SQM R731,000.00 R785,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential MUN - Municipal RES - Residential 3480 of Secunda 3481 of Secunda 3482 of Secunda 3483 of Secunda 1044sqm 1044sqm 1111sqm 1111sqm 1044.0000-SQM 1044.0000-SQM 1111.0000-SQM 1111.0000-SQM R791,000.00 R781,000.00 R754,000.00 R824,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3484 of Secunda 3485 of Secunda 1111sqm 1214sqm 1111.0000-SQM 1214.0000-SQM R804,000.00 R908,000.00 RES - Residential 3486 of Secunda 1160sqm 1160.0000-SQM R785,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3487 of Secunda 3488 of Secunda 3489 of Secunda 3490 of Secunda 3491 of Secunda 3492 of Secunda 3493 of Secunda 1171sqm 1124sqm 1120sqm 1120sqm 1120sqm 1160sqm 1160sqm 1171.0000-SQM 1124.0000-SQM 1120.0000-SQM 1120.0000-SQM 1120.0000-SQM 1160.0000-SQM 1160.0000-SQM R920,000.00 R784,000.00 R844,000.00 R804,000.00 R985,000.00 R765,000.00 R810,000.00 RES - Residential 3494 of Secunda 1268sqm 1268.0000-SQM R1,000,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3495 of Secunda 3496 of Secunda 3497 of Secunda 980sqm 1070sqm 1059sqm 980.0000-SQM 1070.0000-SQM 1059.0000-SQM R905,000.00 R772,000.00 R811,000.00 RES - Residential 3498 of Secunda 1033sqm 1033.0000-SQM R800,000.00 RES - Residential 3499 of Secunda 1041sqm 1041.0000-SQM R821,000.00 RES - Residential 3500 of Secunda 1129sqm 1129.0000-SQM R774,000.00 RES - Residential 3501 of Secunda 1239sqm 1239.0000-SQM R830,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3502 of Secunda 3503 of Secunda 1363sqm 1346sqm 1363.0000-SQM 1346.0000-SQM R804,000.00 R833,000.00 RES - Residential 3504 of Secunda 1266sqm 1266.0000-SQM R770,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3505 of Secunda 3506 of Secunda 3507 of Secunda 1021sqm 960sqm 1069sqm 1021.0000-SQM 960.0000-SQM 1069.0000-SQM R770,000.00 R738,000.00 R955,000.00 RES - Residential 3508 of Secunda 1080sqm 1080.0000-SQM R812,000.00 RES - Residential 3509 of Secunda 1080sqm 1080.0000-SQM R772,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3470 of Secunda 3471 of Secunda Page 91 980sqm 1122sqm 980.0000-SQM 1122.0000-SQM R778,000.00 R834,000.00 Registered description 3510 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) 3523 of Secunda 3524 of Secunda 3525 of Secunda Coller Eureka Martha Van Coller Johannes Christiaan Van Christina Jacoba Olivier Sibongile Esther Ndimande Johannes Michael Koen Teresa Strydom John Kennedy Roux Niekerk Johannes Frederick Van Niekerk Louisia Margaretha Van Eeden Hendrina Fransina Margaretha Van Johannes Stephanus Pretorius Mary-Ann Pretorius Gert Willem De Jager Corne Henning Menandie Shambo Oliver Shambo Douw Gerbrandt Steenkamp Naomi Gertruida Steenkamp Anna Sophia Mulder Petrus Stephanus Mulder John Gabriel Lesch Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality 3526 of Secunda Govan Mbeki Municipality 3527 of Secunda 3528 of Secunda 3529 of Secunda Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality 3530 of Secunda Govan Mbeki Municipality 3531 of Secunda 3532 of Secunda 3533 of Secunda 3534 of Secunda 3535 of Secunda 3537 of Secunda 3538 of Secunda 3543 of Secunda Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Lindsay Poonawassy Hendrik Nicolaas Hawkins Johanna Susanna Hawkins Mark James Fairhurst Selna Elizabeth Fairhurst Charl Joseph Koen Antoinette Geldenhuys Jacobus Geldenhuys Aletta Johanna Gertruida Du Plessis Jan Albert Du Plessis Deep River Inv 2 Cc 3545 of Secunda Lily-Pine Inv 8 Pty Ltd 3546 of Secunda 3547 of Secunda 3548 of Secunda 3549 of Secunda 3550 of Secunda Abraham Marthinus Labuschagne Jan Christoffel Jacobus Reinecke Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Gregory John Scorer Marinda Somers Victor Somers Morne Koekemoer Teresa Hannah Koekemoer 3511 of Secunda 3512 of Secunda 3513 of Secunda 3514 of Secunda 3515 of Secunda 3516 of Secunda 3517 of Secunda 3518 of Secunda 3519 of Secunda 3520 of Secunda 3521 of Secunda 3522 of Secunda 3539 of Secunda 3540 of Secunda 3541 of Secunda 3542 of Secunda 3551 of Secunda Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3511 of Secunda 3512 of Secunda 3513 of Secunda 3514 of Secunda 3515 of Secunda 3516 of Secunda 986sqm 986sqm 1074sqm 1127sqm 1008sqm 1283sqm 986.0000-SQM 986.0000-SQM 1074.0000-SQM 1127.0000-SQM 1008.0000-SQM 1283.0000-SQM R869,000.00 R859,000.00 R792,000.00 R970,000.00 R739,000.00 R850,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3517 of Secunda 3518 of Secunda 1189sqm 1711sqm 1189.0000-SQM 1711.0000-SQM R745,000.00 R977,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3519 of Secunda 3520 of Secunda 1148sqm 1236sqm 1148.0000-SQM 1236.0000-SQM R805,000.00 R811,000.00 RES - Residential 3521 of Secunda 1096sqm 1096.0000-SQM R863,000.00 RES - Residential 3522 of Secunda 1071sqm 1071.0000-SQM R732,000.00 RES - Residential VAC - Vacant Land POS - Public Open Space POS - Public Open Space VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land POS - Public Open Space POS - Public Open Space VAC - Vacant Land MUN - Municipal VAC - Vacant Land MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal RES - Residential RES - Residential 3523 of Secunda 3524 of Secunda 3525 of Secunda 1077sqm 391sqm 403sqm 1077.0000-SQM 391.0000-SQM 403.0000-SQM R802,000.00 R83,000.00 R45,300.00 3526 of Secunda 1551sqm 1551.0000-SQM R38,800.00 3527 of Secunda 3528 of Secunda 3529 of Secunda 675sqm 675sqm 594sqm 675.0000-SQM 675.0000-SQM 594.0000-SQM R270,000.00 R76,000.00 R14,900.00 3530 of Secunda 1024sqm 1024.0000-SQM R25,600.00 3531 of Secunda 3532 of Secunda 3533 of Secunda 3534 of Secunda 3535 of Secunda 3537 of Secunda 3538 of Secunda 3.0020Ha 3.0997Ha 2.4483Ha 4.3122Ha 44.1866Ha 1216sqm 1102sqm 3.0020-H 3.0997-H 2.4483-H 4.3122-H 44.1866-H 1216.0000-SQM 1102.0000-SQM R3,400,000.00 R98,000.00 R143,000.00 R1,100,000.00 R44,200,000.00 R825,000.00 R883,000.00 RES - Residential 3539 of Secunda 1102sqm 1102.0000-SQM R957,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3540 of Secunda 3541 of Secunda 1102sqm 1102sqm 1102.0000-SQM 1102.0000-SQM R803,000.00 R793,000.00 RES - Residential 3542 of Secunda 1254sqm 1254.0000-SQM R799,000.00 BUS - Business and Commercial BUS - Business and Commercial RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3543 of Secunda 743sqm 743.0000-SQM R2,499,000.00 3545 of Secunda 4150sqm 4150.0000-SQM R3,680,000.00 3546 of Secunda 3547 of Secunda 3548 of Secunda 3549 of Secunda 3550 of Secunda 1131sqm 1004sqm 1050sqm 1046sqm 1038sqm 1131.0000-SQM 1004.0000-SQM 1050.0000-SQM 1046.0000-SQM 1038.0000-SQM R794,000.00 R829,000.00 R711,000.00 R781,000.00 R831,000.00 RES - Residential 3551 of Secunda 1038sqm 1038.0000-SQM R891,000.00 RES - Residential 3510 of Secunda Page 92 1059sqm 1059.0000-SQM R831,000.00 Registered description 3552 of Secunda 3553 of Secunda 3554 of Secunda 3555 of Secunda 3556 of Secunda 3557 of Secunda 3558 of Secunda 3559 of Secunda 3560 of Secunda 3561 of Secunda 3562 of Secunda 3563 of Secunda 3564 of Secunda 3565 of Secunda 3566 of Secunda 3567 of Secunda 3568 of Secunda 3569 of Secunda 3570 of Secunda 3571 of Secunda 3572 of Secunda 3573 of Secunda 3574 of Secunda 3575 of Secunda 3576 of Secunda 3577 of Secunda 3578 of Secunda 3579 of Secunda 3580 of Secunda 3581 of Secunda 3582 of Secunda 3583 of Secunda 3584 of Secunda 3585 of Secunda 3586 of Secunda 3587 of Secunda 3588 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Justin Stuart Lowe Leonetta Lowe Charmaine Potgieter Louis Potgieter Elizah Fihliwe Tyhokolo Nkululeko Tyhokolo Cecilia Jacomina Cilliers Nel Jacobus Gerhardus Gustav Combrink Susanna Johanna Combrink Gerhardus Johannes Cornelius De Jager Maryna Adriana De Jager Elsie Maria Jacobs Pieter Frederik Coenraad Jacobs Ian Douglas Stratford Hester Hendrina Ernst Barend Osborne Johanna Maria Osborne Jacob Johannes Potgieter Lize Potgieter Frances Mary Lovell Merrifield Anthonie Christoffel Fourie Dina Carolina Fourie Dirkie Aletta Rossouw Pierre Wium Rossouw Theuns Hamman John Jameson Reid Anna Maria Cornelia Buitendag Petrus Johannes Buitendag Coenraad Deon De Beer Mariska Ferreira Michael Jeremiah Fitzpatrick Catharina Aletta Daneel Richard Hartley Daneel Ellie Elizabeth Bothma Michal Frederik Bothma Mathula Piet Molise Edmund Hern Cairns George Stroh Fourie Johanna Susanna Fourie Pieter Johannes Scholtz Patrick Henry Coetzee Hendrik Belzaser Klopper Salomie Klopper Proshitione Govender Saloshnie Govender Andre Visser Anna Petro Visser Hendrik Marthinus Keyser Dyk Hendrina Elsabe Van Dyk Henry Roland Van Andrew Petrus Bernardus Breytenbach Susanna Breytenbach Jacobus Leonard Adriana Maria Catharina Venter Marthinus Frans Venter Poovan Naidoo Annelize Booyens Sarel Adriaan Booyens David Arthur Ullbricht Elizabeth Ullbricht Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 3553 of Secunda 938sqm 938.0000-SQM R707,000.00 RES - Residential 3554 of Secunda 926sqm 926.0000-SQM R746,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3555 of Secunda 3556 of Secunda 918sqm 918sqm 918.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM R826,000.00 R786,000.00 RES - Residential 3557 of Secunda 918sqm 918.0000-SQM R716,000.00 RES - Residential 3558 of Secunda 1038sqm 1038.0000-SQM R731,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3559 of Secunda 3560 of Secunda 3561 of Secunda 1189sqm 1100sqm 1194sqm 1189.0000-SQM 1100.0000-SQM 1194.0000-SQM R885,000.00 R840,000.00 R815,000.00 RES - Residential 3562 of Secunda 1142sqm 1142.0000-SQM R880,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3563 of Secunda 3564 of Secunda 942sqm 1114sqm 942.0000-SQM 1114.0000-SQM R757,000.00 R734,000.00 RES - Residential 3565 of Secunda 990sqm 990.0000-SQM R819,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3566 of Secunda 3567 of Secunda 3568 of Secunda 993sqm 987sqm 1095sqm 993.0000-SQM 987.0000-SQM 1095.0000-SQM R879,000.00 R759,000.00 R743,000.00 RES - Residential 3569 of Secunda 1175sqm 1175.0000-SQM R756,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3570 of Secunda 3571 of Secunda 1080sqm 1080sqm 1080.0000-SQM 1080.0000-SQM R782,000.00 R792,000.00 RES - Residential 3572 of Secunda 1080sqm 1080.0000-SQM R812,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3573 of Secunda 3574 of Secunda 3575 of Secunda 1102sqm 1111sqm 1223sqm 1102.0000-SQM 1111.0000-SQM 1223.0000-SQM R763,000.00 R784,000.00 R768,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3576 of Secunda 3577 of Secunda 3578 of Secunda 1350sqm 1044sqm 906sqm 1350.0000-SQM 1044.0000-SQM 906.0000-SQM R843,000.00 R801,000.00 R775,000.00 RES - Residential 3579 of Secunda 859sqm 859.0000-SQM R744,000.00 RES - Residential 3580 of Secunda 930sqm 930.0000-SQM R810,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3581 of Secunda 3582 of Secunda 871sqm 851sqm 871.0000-SQM 851.0000-SQM R764,000.00 R793,000.00 RES - Residential 3583 of Secunda 862sqm 862.0000-SQM R815,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3584 of Secunda 3585 of Secunda 990sqm 940sqm 990.0000-SQM 940.0000-SQM R739,000.00 R797,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3586 of Secunda 3587 of Secunda 888sqm 885sqm 888.0000-SQM 885.0000-SQM R725,000.00 R910,000.00 RES - Residential 3588 of Secunda 933sqm 933.0000-SQM R786,000.00 RES - Residential 3552 of Secunda Page 93 935sqm 935.0000-SQM R817,000.00 Registered description 3589 of Secunda 3590 of Secunda 3591 of Secunda 3592 of Secunda 3593 of Secunda 3594 of Secunda 3595 of Secunda 3596 of Secunda 3597 of Secunda 3598 of Secunda 3599 of Secunda 3600 of Secunda 3601 of Secunda 3602 of Secunda 3603 of Secunda 3604 of Secunda 3605 of Secunda 3606 of Secunda 3607 of Secunda 3608 of Secunda 3609 of Secunda 3610 of Secunda 3611 of Secunda 3612 of Secunda 3613 of Secunda 3614 of Secunda 3615 of Secunda 3616 of Secunda 3617 of Secunda 3618 of Secunda 3619 of Secunda 3620 of Secunda 3621 of Secunda 3622 of Secunda 3623 of Secunda 3624 of Secunda 3625 of Secunda 3626 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Elgar Hicks Guy Sanmarie Guy Karen Nel Anna Helena Bester Willem Jacobus Bester Zyl Hennie Hugo Van Zyl Monica Pamela Van De Sa Prop Trust Carel Frederik Visser Engela Wilhelmina Christina Visser Pieter Jan Hendrik Du Preez Nishal Mohanlal Ramloutan Benjamin Johannes Nortje Cornellia Susanna Nortje Irisa Govender Gerald Isaacs Cyril Edwin Bowker Mariana Elizabeth Bowker Gert Adolph Rossouw Johanna Petronella Dorothea Rossouw David Kobedi Mosuwe Nomsa Martha Winnie Mosuwe Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Ethel Pretorius Wessel Jacobus Johannes Pretorius Davakantha Reddy Donovan Peter Murphy Liezl Murphy Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Martin James Venter Monica Marx Willem Johannes Marx Romburgh Eric Van Deon Cohen Florence Gladys Cohen Evan Werner Rademeyer Liesl Rademeyer Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Barend Petrus Geldenhuys Petrus Johannes Pretorius Yvonne Elizabeth Pretorius Anton Pelser Nancy Thoara Pelser Jacoba Johanna Lesch Johannes Carel Lesch Catharina Johanna Dafel Phillipus Marthinus Dafel Jan Adriaan Louw Myra Jeanette Louw Annie Franssiena Knoetze Anton Knoetze Lungile Moeketsi Musa Cynthia Ngobeni Janett Zaayman Janett Zaayman Wyk Barend Henry Van Wyk Magdelena Judith Octavia Van D I Loreto Family Trust Jennifer Anne Ward Ann Patricia Klue Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential 3590 of Secunda 3591 of Secunda 872sqm 1006sqm 872.0000-SQM 1006.0000-SQM R794,000.00 R729,000.00 RES - Residential 3592 of Secunda 931sqm 931.0000-SQM R886,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3593 of Secunda 3594 of Secunda 992sqm 896sqm 992.0000-SQM 896.0000-SQM R829,000.00 R725,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3595 of Secunda 3596 of Secunda 3597 of Secunda 851sqm 875sqm 956sqm 851.0000-SQM 875.0000-SQM 956.0000-SQM R733,000.00 R784,000.00 R957,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3598 of Secunda 3599 of Secunda 3600 of Secunda 1022sqm 880sqm 896sqm 1022.0000-SQM 880.0000-SQM 896.0000-SQM R740,000.00 R724,000.00 R815,000.00 RES - Residential 3601 of Secunda 880sqm 880.0000-SQM R824,000.00 RES - Residential 3602 of Secunda 909sqm 909.0000-SQM R726,000.00 UDT - Unregistered RES - Residential 3603 of Secunda 3604 of Secunda 5351sqm 1050sqm 1050.0000-SQM R2,690,000.00 R825,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3605 of Secunda 3606 of Secunda 945sqm 945sqm 945.0000-SQM 945.0000-SQM R747,000.00 R737,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3607 of Secunda 3608 of Secunda 3609 of Secunda 945sqm 945sqm 1050sqm 945.0000-SQM 945.0000-SQM 1050.0000-SQM R707,000.00 R757,000.00 R871,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3610 of Secunda 3611 of Secunda 1105sqm 945sqm 1105.0000-SQM 945.0000-SQM R733,000.00 R757,000.00 RES - Residential 3612 of Secunda 945sqm 945.0000-SQM R777,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3613 of Secunda 3614 of Secunda 3615 of Secunda 945sqm 945sqm 948sqm 945.0000-SQM 945.0000-SQM 948.0000-SQM R697,000.00 R702,000.00 R727,000.00 RES - Residential 3616 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026.0000-SQM R705,000.00 RES - Residential 3617 of Secunda 998sqm 998.0000-SQM R799,000.00 RES - Residential 3618 of Secunda 1085sqm 1085.0000-SQM R853,000.00 RES - Residential 3619 of Secunda 1050sqm 1050.0000-SQM R841,000.00 RES - Residential 3620 of Secunda 1073sqm 1073.0000-SQM R722,000.00 RES - Residential 3621 of Secunda 1073sqm 1073.0000-SQM R772,000.00 RES - Residential 3622 of Secunda 1032sqm 1032.0000-SQM R930,000.00 RES - Residential 3623 of Secunda 1103sqm 1103.0000-SQM R803,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3624 of Secunda 3625 of Secunda 3626 of Secunda 1126sqm 1077sqm 1044sqm 1126.0000-SQM 1077.0000-SQM 1044.0000-SQM R734,000.00 R782,000.00 R801,000.00 RES - Residential 3589 of Secunda Page 94 894sqm 894.0000-SQM R825,000.00 Registered description 3627 of Secunda 3628 of Secunda 3629 of Secunda 3630 of Secunda 3631 of Secunda 3632 of Secunda 3633 of Secunda 3634 of Secunda 3635 of Secunda 3636 of Secunda 3637 of Secunda 3638 of Secunda 3639 of Secunda 3640 of Secunda 3641 of Secunda 3642 of Secunda 3643 of Secunda 3644 of Secunda 3645 of Secunda 3646 of Secunda 3647 of Secunda 3648 of Secunda 3649 of Secunda 3650 of Secunda 3651 of Secunda 3652 of Secunda 3653 of Secunda 3654 of Secunda 3655 of Secunda 3656 of Secunda 3657 of Secunda 3658 of Secunda 3659 of Secunda 3660 of Secunda 3661 of Secunda 3662 of Secunda 3663 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Maria Magdalena Kemp Michael Daniel Kemp Martha Maria Susanna Scriven Nico Scriven Premila Madanlall Beharilall Lerosh Singh Barbara Ann Rudolph Theunis Wilhelm Rudolph Cornelius Gerhardus Nel Rene Nel Gerhardus Adriaan Gunter Susanna Jacoba Gunter Jacobus Johannes Johnson Sandra Jessica Johnson Robert Arthur Weineck Govan Mbeki Municipality Louis Wilhelm Delport David Andrew Brown Sharen Marie Brown Bessie Nompumelelo Seaka Sekgota Kenneth Seaka Jozef Bert Edmond Broeckx Lindiwe Thelma Ngcobo Sabelo Ngcobo Barry Spencer Roberts Meirion Thomas Davies Willem Spangenberg Adrianus Wilhelmus Cornelis Schuurman Maryka Schuurman Lukas Marthinus Pieterse Badiri Josephine Mosiane Reuben Galoage Mosiane Barend Daniel Van Den Heever Louisa Jacoba Van Den Heever Frederik Antonie Jacobs Lelani Jacobs Adriaan Matthys Slabbert Fredrika Johanna Slabbert Helena Cornelia Fredrika Lee Louis Johannes Lee Londani Mashila Neil Jordaan De Vos Eiendomme Pty Ltd Liesl Rensburg Gert Johannes Van Rensburg Helena Susanna Maria Van Johan Bronkhorst Anna Francina Kleingeld Jan Horak Kleingeld Rooyen Charles Van Rooyen Maria Salomina Van Christo Mouton Maria Elizabetha Mouton Mile Veljkovic Jacek Jerzy Mochocki Marzena Mochocki Anna Maria Susanna Ebersohn Jacobus Lodewickus Ebersohn Russell Ian Smart Molino Family Trust Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 3628 of Secunda 1097sqm 1097.0000-SQM R843,000.00 RES - Residential 3629 of Secunda 1215sqm 1215.0000-SQM R918,000.00 RES - Residential 3630 of Secunda 1063sqm 1063.0000-SQM R752,000.00 RES - Residential 3631 of Secunda 1110sqm 1110.0000-SQM R823,000.00 RES - Residential 3632 of Secunda 965sqm 965.0000-SQM R908,000.00 RES - Residential 3633 of Secunda 1167sqm 1167.0000-SQM R896,000.00 RES - Residential MUN - Municipal RES - Residential RES - Residential 3634 of Secunda 3635 of Secunda 3636 of Secunda 3637 of Secunda 1029sqm 2729sqm 1161sqm 1050sqm 1029.0000-SQM 2729.0000-SQM 1161.0000-SQM 1050.0000-SQM R890,000.00 R315,000.00 R936,000.00 R731,000.00 RES - Residential 3638 of Secunda 1050sqm 1050.0000-SQM R881,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3639 of Secunda 3640 of Secunda 1050sqm 1050sqm 1050.0000-SQM 1050.0000-SQM R861,000.00 R781,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3641 of Secunda 3642 of Secunda 3643 of Secunda 3644 of Secunda 1050sqm 1050sqm 1074sqm 1225sqm 1050.0000-SQM 1050.0000-SQM 1074.0000-SQM 1225.0000-SQM R681,000.00 R721,000.00 R782,000.00 R778,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3645 of Secunda 3646 of Secunda 1170sqm 1170sqm 1170.0000-SQM 1170.0000-SQM R886,000.00 R816,000.00 RES - Residential 3647 of Secunda 1170sqm 1170.0000-SQM R826,000.00 RES - Residential 3648 of Secunda 1170sqm 1170.0000-SQM R786,000.00 RES - Residential 3649 of Secunda 1170sqm 1170.0000-SQM R816,000.00 RES - Residential 3650 of Secunda 1144sqm 1144.0000-SQM R975,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3651 of Secunda 3652 of Secunda 3653 of Secunda 3654 of Secunda 952sqm 1008sqm 918sqm 918sqm 952.0000-SQM 1008.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM R817,000.00 R859,000.00 R736,000.00 R796,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3655 of Secunda 3656 of Secunda 918sqm 918sqm 918.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM R816,000.00 R766,000.00 RES - Residential 3657 of Secunda 918sqm 918.0000-SQM R836,000.00 RES - Residential 3658 of Secunda 918sqm 918.0000-SQM R866,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3659 of Secunda 3660 of Secunda 918sqm 918sqm 918.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM R806,000.00 R756,000.00 RES - Residential 3661 of Secunda 1019sqm 1019.0000-SQM R770,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3662 of Secunda 3663 of Secunda 922sqm 977sqm 922.0000-SQM 977.0000-SQM R711,000.00 R728,000.00 RES - Residential 3627 of Secunda Page 95 1062sqm 1062.0000-SQM R772,000.00 Registered description 3664 of Secunda 3665 of Secunda 3666 of Secunda 3667 of Secunda 3668 of Secunda 3669 of Secunda 3670 of Secunda 3671 of Secunda 3672 of Secunda 3673 of Secunda 3674 of Secunda 3675 of Secunda 3676 of Secunda 3677 of Secunda 3678 of Secunda 3679 of Secunda 3680 of Secunda 3681 of Secunda 3682 of Secunda 3683 of Secunda 3684 of Secunda 3685 of Secunda 3686 of Secunda 3687 of Secunda 3688 of Secunda 3689 of Secunda 3690 of Secunda 3691 of Secunda 3692 of Secunda 3693 of Secunda 3694 of Secunda 3695 of Secunda 3696 of Secunda 3697 of Secunda 3698 of Secunda 3699 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Frederik Theunis Prinsloo Louisa Prinsloo Cornelia Maria Terblanche Marius Terblanche Adriano Corielle Chris Corneluis Snyman Dorathea Regina Snyman Henry Anders Jensen Sandra Lynne Jensen Zyl Gertina Elizabeth Van Zyl Henry Van Gert Johannes Cornelius Olivier Helena Aletta Olivier Elizabeth Gladys Irene Manana Eeden Anna Sophia Van Eeden Johannes Jurgens Van Martin Johannes Vallentgoed Engela Catherina Breet Gerhardus Christiaan Breet Morkel Erasmus Johann Matthee Ntebaleng Susan Mashigo Madelaine Joubert Willem Jacobus Joubert Engela Catherina Breet Gerhardus Christiaan Breet Engela Catherina Breet Gerhardus Christiaan Breet Jabulani Wilson Mntambo Mohammed Iqbal Cassim Mohammed Iqbal Cassim Christo Vermaak Jacoba Petronella Vermaak Johann Andre Zandberg Catherine Mina Perrett Edward William Perrett Jan Dutoi Sindane Susan Lilly Sindane Dawid Schalk Venter Susanna Magrieta Venter Andries Vusumuzi Letwaba Eustacia Gugulethu Letwaba Niekerk Gerhardus Lourens Van Jozua Francois Wessels Mirinda Charlotte Wessels der Merwe Dirk Jacobus Van der Merwe Martha Louisa Van Alet Barnard Gideon Herbert Barnard Adriaan Lategan Bianca Lategan Fiona Cathy Verwey Franzette Smit Frederik Johannes Smit Izaan Prinsloo Johannes George Prinsloo Dyk Magdalena Katerina Van Dyk Wessel Van Engela Susara Du Pre Dirk Frederick Robinson Gertruida Magdalena Robinson Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 3665 of Secunda 991sqm 991.0000-SQM R739,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3666 of Secunda 3667 of Secunda 996sqm 1026sqm 996.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM R769,000.00 R770,000.00 RES - Residential 3668 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026.0000-SQM R740,000.00 RES - Residential 3669 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026.0000-SQM R910,000.00 RES - Residential 3670 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026.0000-SQM R960,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3671 of Secunda 3672 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026sqm 1026.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM R715,000.00 R820,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3673 of Secunda 3674 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026sqm 1026.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM R840,000.00 R820,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3675 of Secunda 3676 of Secunda 3677 of Secunda 3678 of Secunda 1026sqm 1128sqm 996sqm 832sqm 1026.0000-SQM 1128.0000-SQM 996.0000-SQM 832.0000-SQM R810,000.00 R884,000.00 R729,000.00 R722,000.00 RES - Residential 3679 of Secunda 832sqm 832.0000-SQM R712,000.00 RES - Residential 3680 of Secunda 832sqm 832.0000-SQM R1,002,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3681 of Secunda 3682 of Secunda 832sqm 832sqm 832.0000-SQM 832.0000-SQM R912,000.00 R862,000.00 RES - Residential 3683 of Secunda 832sqm 832.0000-SQM R862,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3684 of Secunda 3685 of Secunda 832sqm 832sqm 832.0000-SQM 832.0000-SQM R812,000.00 R812,000.00 RES - Residential 3686 of Secunda 816sqm 816.0000-SQM R762,000.00 RES - Residential 3687 of Secunda 816sqm 816.0000-SQM R742,000.00 RES - Residential 3688 of Secunda 816sqm 816.0000-SQM R702,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3689 of Secunda 3690 of Secunda 808sqm 854sqm 808.0000-SQM 854.0000-SQM R752,000.00 R763,000.00 RES - Residential 3691 of Secunda 879sqm 879.0000-SQM R824,000.00 RES - Residential 3692 of Secunda 960sqm 960.0000-SQM R768,000.00 RES - Residential 3693 of Secunda 882sqm 882.0000-SQM R724,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3694 of Secunda 3695 of Secunda 882sqm 816sqm 882.0000-SQM 816.0000-SQM R804,000.00 R822,000.00 RES - Residential 3696 of Secunda 822sqm 822.0000-SQM R732,000.00 RES - Residential 3697 of Secunda 882sqm 882.0000-SQM R784,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3698 of Secunda 3699 of Secunda 918sqm 936sqm 918.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM R736,000.00 R767,000.00 RES - Residential 3664 of Secunda Page 96 1062sqm 1062.0000-SQM R852,000.00 Registered description 3700 of Secunda 3701 of Secunda 3702 of Secunda 3703 of Secunda 3704 of Secunda 3705 of Secunda 3706 of Secunda 3707 of Secunda 3708 of Secunda 3709 of Secunda 3710 of Secunda 3711 of Secunda 3712 of Secunda 3713 of Secunda 3714 of Secunda 3715 of Secunda 3716 of Secunda 3717 of Secunda 3718 of Secunda 3719 of Secunda 3720 of Secunda 3721 of Secunda 3722 of Secunda 3723 of Secunda 3724 of Secunda 3724 of Secunda (Portion 1) 3724 of Secunda (Portion 2) 3724 of Secunda (Portion 3) 3725 of Secunda 3726 of Secunda 3727 of Secunda 3728 of Secunda 3729 of Secunda 3730 of Secunda 3731 of Secunda 3732 of Secunda 3733 of Secunda 3734 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Gerrit Stephanus Gouws Jacoba Elizabeth Gouws Jaco Venter Marissa Venter Leon Christiaan Smit Robert Boast Robert Boast Elizabeth Maria Lubbe Francois Johannes Lubbe Adriaan Johannes Erasmus Dreyer Maria Catharina Dreyer Jozua Jacobus Dietrichsen Carel Jacobus Phillipus Jacobs Geraldine Jeanette Jacobs Graham James Smit Marina Smit Catharina Louisa Gertruida Groenewald Johannes Frederick Groenewald der Walt Petrus Johannes Van Stanley William Wheeler Heerden Elzahn Cecilia Van Livhuwani Lambeth Mudzusi Ntombikhona Mariah Mudzusi Le Roux Malherbe Magda Dalene Malherbe Amanda De Lange Edwin William De Lange Cecilia Catharina Palmer Clint Reginald Palmer Maruping Stephinah Makateng Thabang Paulus Makateng Ockert Johannes Els Gerhardt Streicher Ishak Kula Rachel Magrietha Odendaal Annette Botha Petrus Johannes Botha Maretha Mouton Sarel Petrus Mouton Republic of South Africa C P Orsmond Cc C P Orsmond Cc C P Orsmond Cc C P Orsmond Cc Jacobus Le Roux Maria Magdalena Wendelstadt Sarel Johannes Wendelstadt Maria Magdelena Wendelstadt Sarel Johannes Wendelstadt Christiaan Frederick Beyers Alberts Gesina Adriana Wilhelmina Alberts Anina Human Sternberg Willem Andries Human Johannes Jochemus Taljaard Marleen Taljaard Rachel Johanna Bierman Collin Du Plessis Huibrie Du Plessis Bestek Rental Services Cc Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 3701 of Secunda 936sqm 936.0000-SQM R787,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3702 of Secunda 3703 of Secunda 936sqm 936sqm 936.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM R767,000.00 R867,000.00 RES - Residential 3704 of Secunda 936sqm 936.0000-SQM R787,000.00 RES - Residential 3705 of Secunda 1074sqm 1074.0000-SQM R842,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3706 of Secunda 3707 of Secunda 940sqm 1261sqm 940.0000-SQM 1261.0000-SQM R757,000.00 R809,000.00 RES - Residential 3708 of Secunda 949sqm 949.0000-SQM R935,000.00 RES - Residential 3709 of Secunda 832sqm 832.0000-SQM R842,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3710 of Secunda 3711 of Secunda 3712 of Secunda 3713 of Secunda 832sqm 832sqm 832sqm 832sqm 832.0000-SQM 832.0000-SQM 832.0000-SQM 832.0000-SQM R692,000.00 R772,000.00 R782,000.00 R852,000.00 RES - Residential 3714 of Secunda 832sqm 832.0000-SQM R762,000.00 RES - Residential 3715 of Secunda 884sqm 884.0000-SQM R765,000.00 RES - Residential 3716 of Secunda 996sqm 996.0000-SQM R739,000.00 RES - Residential 3717 of Secunda 936sqm 936.0000-SQM R827,000.00 RES - Residential 3718 of Secunda 936sqm 936.0000-SQM R737,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3719 of Secunda 3720 of Secunda 3721 of Secunda 936sqm 936sqm 936sqm 936.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM R897,000.00 R787,000.00 R1,007,000.00 RES - Residential 3722 of Secunda 951sqm 951.0000-SQM R787,000.00 GOV - State Owned RES - Residential RES - Residential VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential RES - Residential 3723 of Secunda 3724 of Secunda 3724 of Secunda (Portion 1) 3724 of Secunda (Portion 2) 3724 of Secunda (Portion 3) 3725 of Secunda 3726 of Secunda 3.5020Ha 482sqm 481sqm 490sqm 490sqm 945sqm 945sqm 3.5020-H 482.0000-SQM 481.0000-SQM 490.0000-SQM 490.0000-SQM 945.0000-SQM 945.0000-SQM R197,000.00 R998,000.00 R1,009,000.00 R116,000.00 R199,000.00 R860,000.00 R970,000.00 RES - Residential 3727 of Secunda 945sqm 945.0000-SQM R780,000.00 RES - Residential 3728 of Secunda 945sqm 945.0000-SQM R767,000.00 RES - Residential 3729 of Secunda 945sqm 945.0000-SQM R757,000.00 RES - Residential 3730 of Secunda 982sqm 982.0000-SQM R713,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3731 of Secunda 3732 of Secunda 1085sqm 1050sqm 1085.0000-SQM 1050.0000-SQM R723,000.00 R861,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3733 of Secunda 3734 of Secunda 963sqm 931sqm 963.0000-SQM 931.0000-SQM R708,000.00 R706,000.00 RES - Residential 3700 of Secunda Page 97 936sqm 936.0000-SQM R737,000.00 Registered description 3735 of Secunda 3736 of Secunda 3737 of Secunda 3738 of Secunda 3739 of Secunda 3740 of Secunda 3741 of Secunda 3742 of Secunda 3743 of Secunda 3744 of Secunda 3745 of Secunda 3746 of Secunda 3747 of Secunda 3748 of Secunda 3749 of Secunda 3750 of Secunda 3751 of Secunda 3752 of Secunda 3753 of Secunda 3754 of Secunda 3755 of Secunda 3756 of Secunda 3757 of Secunda 3758 of Secunda 3759 of Secunda 3760 of Secunda 3761 of Secunda 3762 of Secunda 3763 of Secunda 3764 of Secunda 3765 of Secunda 3766 of Secunda 3767 of Secunda 3768 of Secunda 3769 of Secunda 3770 of Secunda 3772 of Secunda 3773 of Secunda 3774 of Secunda 3775 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Christoffel Lodewyk Lowies Hester Jacoba Lowies Coenrad Barend Breedt Anna Magrieta Magdalena Dreyer Marthinus Ignatius Dreyer Allan Fraser Robertson Sune Robertson Christiaan Johannes Lee Charleen Ann Kruger Jody Kruger Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Jozef Erasmus Schwartz Gertruida Petronella Smit Nicolaas Jacobus Smit Hellen Bogomba Nyandiko Joseph Mark Nyandiko Antoinette Ras Barend Johannes Oosthuizen Nicoletta Ann Oosthuizen Wilhelmina Johanna Vosser Yvonne Elizabeth Koekemoer Elias Lourens Kamfer der Merwe Dawid Schalk Van Marthinus Bouwer Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Jan Willem Frederik Reichel Margaretha Petronella Reichel Cathrine Margaret Nola Swartz Jan Johannes Francois Swartz Andries Diederik Kruger Annamarie Naude Ferdinandt Adriaan Naude Hercules Johannes Viljoen Francis Edward Hodgman Riaan Kruger Josef Theodorus Dorfling Susanna Caterina Dorfling Theron Pieter Jakobus Omri Almero Brink Renette Brink Carel Gouws Cornelia Hester Gouws Michael Anthony Wilkes Henry Tanton Jankowitz Venissa Elizabeth Jankowitz Carolina Johanna Bertina Glen Gregory Anthony Victor Glen Leon Truter Leon Truter Biprops 46 Pty Ltd Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Aletta Elizabeth Maritz Frans Stephanus Maritz Amanda Nel Ben Ferdinand Nel Debbie Phillips Graham Alan Phillips Richard Samuel Grobbelaar Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential 3736 of Secunda 3737 of Secunda 1045sqm 1046sqm 1045.0000-SQM 1046.0000-SQM R686,000.00 R716,000.00 RES - Residential 3738 of Secunda 1128sqm 1128.0000-SQM R784,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3739 of Secunda 3740 of Secunda 1002sqm 1008sqm 1002.0000-SQM 1008.0000-SQM R789,000.00 R805,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3741 of Secunda 3742 of Secunda 3743 of Secunda 1052sqm 1281sqm 1378sqm 1052.0000-SQM 1281.0000-SQM 1378.0000-SQM R731,000.00 R720,000.00 R764,000.00 RES - Residential 3744 of Secunda 1015sqm 1015.0000-SQM R750,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3745 of Secunda 3746 of Secunda 1026sqm 1027sqm 1026.0000-SQM 1027.0000-SQM R750,000.00 R770,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3747 of Secunda 3748 of Secunda 3749 of Secunda 3750 of Secunda 3751 of Secunda 3752 of Secunda 3753 of Secunda 1026sqm 1022sqm 1029sqm 1029sqm 1026sqm 1021sqm 1158sqm 1026.0000-SQM 1022.0000-SQM 1029.0000-SQM 1029.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM 1021.0000-SQM 1158.0000-SQM R965,000.00 R850,000.00 R855,000.00 R975,000.00 R720,000.00 R720,000.00 R830,000.00 RES - Residential 3754 of Secunda 1111sqm 1111.0000-SQM R874,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3755 of Secunda 3756 of Secunda 921sqm 977sqm 921.0000-SQM 977.0000-SQM R716,000.00 R738,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3757 of Secunda 3758 of Secunda 3759 of Secunda 3760 of Secunda 951sqm 998sqm 1119sqm 883sqm 951.0000-SQM 998.0000-SQM 1119.0000-SQM 883.0000-SQM R747,000.00 R785,000.00 R890,000.00 R850,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3761 of Secunda 3762 of Secunda 771sqm 873sqm 771.0000-SQM 873.0000-SQM R865,000.00 R850,000.00 RES - Residential 3763 of Secunda 1003sqm 1003.0000-SQM R815,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3764 of Secunda 3765 of Secunda 1240sqm 1145sqm 1240.0000-SQM 1145.0000-SQM R805,000.00 R700,000.00 RES - Residential 3766 of Secunda 1101sqm 1101.0000-SQM R723,000.00 RES - Residential 3767 of Secunda 989sqm 989.0000-SQM R855,000.00 RES - Residential UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered RES - Residential 3768 of Secunda 3769 of Secunda 3770 of Secunda 3772 of Secunda 974sqm 2860sqm 5104sqm 980sqm 974.0000-SQM 980.0000-SQM R828,000.00 R1,150,000.00 R5,200,000.00 R755,000.00 RES - Residential 3773 of Secunda 998sqm 998.0000-SQM R769,000.00 RES - Residential 3774 of Secunda 1346sqm 1346.0000-SQM R818,000.00 RES - Residential 3775 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026.0000-SQM R780,000.00 RES - Residential 3735 of Secunda Page 98 1057sqm 1057.0000-SQM R721,000.00 Registered description 3776 of Secunda 3777 of Secunda 3778 of Secunda 3779 of Secunda 3780 of Secunda 3781 of Secunda 3782 of Secunda 3783 of Secunda 3784 of Secunda 3785 of Secunda 3786 of Secunda 3787 of Secunda 3788 of Secunda 3789 of Secunda 3790 of Secunda 3791 of Secunda 3792 of Secunda 3793 of Secunda 3794 of Secunda 3795 of Secunda 3796 of Secunda 3797 of Secunda 3798 of Secunda 3799 of Secunda 3800 of Secunda 3801 of Secunda 3802 of Secunda 3803 of Secunda 3804 of Secunda 3805 of Secunda 3806 of Secunda 3807 of Secunda 3808 of Secunda 3809 of Secunda 3810 of Secunda 3811 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Johannes Nortje Maria Magdalena Nortje Buena Vista Trading 180 Pty Ltd Dawid Todd Maritz Eslabe Maritz Jacobus Le Roux Charles David Henry Maartens Lorne Arnold Vertue Lorne Campbell Vertue Tersia Adri Vertue Francois Arnoldus Blignaut Cobus Burger Melanie Burger Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Eddie Baldwin Meiring Petra Jacoba Meiring Petro Tonkin der Sandt Jeanette Petronella Van Carol Ann Booyzen Dirk Jacobus Booyzen Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Henry Mcguire Selma Gertruida Mcguire Hermina Maria Elizabeth Gouws Petrus Christiaan Gouws Willem Johannes Gouws Gysbert Burger Marianne Burger Lynnette Braack Matthys Johannes Human Braack Ashley William Sundstrom Schaik Annatjie Sophia Van Schaik Carl Hermann Van King Mandla Masondo Martha Sibongile Masondo Johan Patrick Stringer Maria Wilhelmina Stringer Leon Van Der Westhuizen Familie Trust Denis Daniel Puth Elizabeth Puth Nicolaas Petrus Porter der Sandt Jeanette Petronella Van Gabriel Gerhardus Swarts Jonas Embrose Mhlarhi Moslina Khataza Mhlarhi Alletta Margaretha Croukamp Douw Gerbrandt Croukamp Rudolph Jacobus Croukamp Emmarentia Elizabeth Nel Jacobus Nel Willem Adriaan Goosen Leon Pretorius Elma Du Plessis Gerhardus Stefanus Du Plessis Paulina Christina Bezuidenhout Petrus Jeremias Johannes Bezuidenhout Andre Peter Botha Danelia Jacolina Basson David Johannes Basson Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential 3777 of Secunda 3778 of Secunda 4980sqm 1007sqm 4980.0000-SQM 1007.0000-SQM R1,150,000.00 R729,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3779 of Secunda 3780 of Secunda 3781 of Secunda 918sqm 918sqm 918sqm 918.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM R726,000.00 R736,000.00 R716,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3782 of Secunda 3783 of Secunda 918sqm 962sqm 918.0000-SQM 962.0000-SQM R830,000.00 R765,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3784 of Secunda 3785 of Secunda 977sqm 1063sqm 977.0000-SQM 1063.0000-SQM R728,000.00 R812,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3786 of Secunda 3787 of Secunda 3788 of Secunda 1103sqm 1053sqm 1018sqm 1103.0000-SQM 1053.0000-SQM 1018.0000-SQM R733,000.00 R711,000.00 R720,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3789 of Secunda 3790 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026sqm 1026.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM R715,000.00 R710,000.00 RES - Residential 3791 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026.0000-SQM R845,000.00 RES - Residential 3792 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026.0000-SQM R845,000.00 RES - Residential 3793 of Secunda 1128sqm 1128.0000-SQM R754,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3794 of Secunda 3795 of Secunda 986sqm 918sqm 986.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM R769,000.00 R746,000.00 RES - Residential 3796 of Secunda 918sqm 918.0000-SQM R836,000.00 RES - Residential 3797 of Secunda 918sqm 918.0000-SQM R776,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3798 of Secunda 3799 of Secunda 918sqm 918sqm 918.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM R796,000.00 R756,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3800 of Secunda 3801 of Secunda 3802 of Secunda 3803 of Secunda 918sqm 933sqm 925sqm 918sqm 918.0000-SQM 933.0000-SQM 925.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM R736,000.00 R716,000.00 R776,000.00 R836,000.00 RES - Residential 3804 of Secunda 968sqm 968.0000-SQM R830,000.00 RES - Residential 3805 of Secunda 1067sqm 1067.0000-SQM R762,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3806 of Secunda 3807 of Secunda 3808 of Secunda 1026sqm 1064sqm 1074sqm 1026.0000-SQM 1064.0000-SQM 1074.0000-SQM R780,000.00 R742,000.00 R762,000.00 RES - Residential 3809 of Secunda 1064sqm 1064.0000-SQM R772,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3810 of Secunda 3811 of Secunda 1064sqm 1064sqm 1064.0000-SQM 1064.0000-SQM R792,000.00 R802,000.00 RES - Residential 3776 of Secunda Page 99 1068sqm 1068.0000-SQM R742,000.00 Registered description 3812 of Secunda 3813 of Secunda 3814 of Secunda 3815 of Secunda 3816 of Secunda 3817 of Secunda 3818 of Secunda 3819 of Secunda 3820 of Secunda 3821 of Secunda 3822 of Secunda 3823 of Secunda 3824 of Secunda 3825 of Secunda 3826 of Secunda 3827 of Secunda 3828 of Secunda 3829 of Secunda 3830 of Secunda 3831 of Secunda 3832 of Secunda 3833 of Secunda 3834 of Secunda 3835 of Secunda 3836 of Secunda 3837 of Secunda 3838 of Secunda 3839 of Secunda 3840 of Secunda 3841 of Secunda 3842 of Secunda 3843 of Secunda 3844 of Secunda 3845 of Secunda 3846 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Hendrik Johannes Croucamp Jacqueline Croucamp Niekerk Jacobus Albertus Bernardus Van Derrick Leon Gouws Johanna Susanna Magdalena Gouws Francois Alwyn Venter Viljoen Lynnette Viljoen Carol Louise Thornhill Niekerk Andries Jacobus Van Niekerk Estelle Van Cornelia Petronella Saunders Michiel Christiaan Adendorff Saunders Jacoba Johanna Grobbelaar Matthys Adriaan Grobbelaar Adelaide Johanna Denny Timothy Mark Denny Abraham Carel Viljoen Christel Daviena Viljoen Johannes Cornelis De Langen Rene De Langen Robert Louis Andrew Campbell Sego Johannah Masogo Tlou Solomon Masogo David Jacobus Saaiman Louise Saaiman Albertus Johannes Bam Sanet Bam Johanna Dorothea Irene Venter Bernardus Willem Hendrikus Van De Meeberg Christa Hilda Van De Meeberg Hananja Brink Meyeren Jacobus Johannes Van Susara Johanna Erasmus Willem Johan George Erasmus Operations Ltd Anglo Gerald Donald Golombick Wilhelmina Christina Golombick Rensburg Adri Jansen Van Rensburg Johannes Petrus Jansen Van Sameul Johannes Jacobus De Beer Wilma Pennlope De Beer Josias Servaas Viljoen Magdalena Viljoen Daniel Johannes Hendrik Engelbrecht Marthie Engelbrecht Johannes Abraham Hendrik Hanekom Johannes Abraham Hendrik Hanekom Johannes Petrus Beselaar Maria Elizabeth Potgieter Willem Jacobus Potgieter Amanda Malan Stephanus Willem Malan Sunil Thomas Ambat Christopher O'brien Watson Scott Watson Allan Shaun Webber Hester Webber Gabriel Stephanus Steyn Lynette Regina Steyn Douw Petrus Jacobus Steyn Eunece Steyn Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential 3813 of Secunda 3814 of Secunda 1064sqm 1152sqm 1064.0000-SQM 1152.0000-SQM R752,000.00 R1,031,000.00 RES - Residential 3815 of Secunda 997sqm 997.0000-SQM R719,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3816 of Secunda 3817 of Secunda 960sqm 960sqm 960.0000-SQM 960.0000-SQM R788,000.00 R878,000.00 RES - Residential 3818 of Secunda 960sqm 960.0000-SQM R818,000.00 RES - Residential 3819 of Secunda 960sqm 960.0000-SQM R748,000.00 RES - Residential 3820 of Secunda 960sqm 960.0000-SQM R703,000.00 RES - Residential 3821 of Secunda 960sqm 960.0000-SQM R828,000.00 RES - Residential 3822 of Secunda 960sqm 960.0000-SQM R858,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3823 of Secunda 3824 of Secunda 1065sqm 1108sqm 1065.0000-SQM 1108.0000-SQM R792,000.00 R783,000.00 RES - Residential 3825 of Secunda 1004sqm 1004.0000-SQM R779,000.00 RES - Residential 3826 of Secunda 1037sqm 1037.0000-SQM R791,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3827 of Secunda 3828 of Secunda 1059sqm 1164sqm 1059.0000-SQM 1164.0000-SQM R731,000.00 R786,000.00 RES - Residential 3829 of Secunda 1045sqm 1045.0000-SQM R761,000.00 RES - Residential 3830 of Secunda 932sqm 932.0000-SQM R726,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3831 of Secunda 3832 of Secunda 900sqm 900sqm 900.0000-SQM 900.0000-SQM R715,000.00 R725,000.00 RES - Residential 3833 of Secunda 1080sqm 1080.0000-SQM R772,000.00 RES - Residential 3834 of Secunda 1080sqm 1080.0000-SQM R812,000.00 RES - Residential 3835 of Secunda 1080sqm 1080.0000-SQM R842,000.00 RES - Residential 3836 of Secunda 1080sqm 1080.0000-SQM R752,000.00 RES - Residential 3837 of Secunda 1124sqm 1124.0000-SQM R834,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3838 of Secunda 3839 of Secunda 909sqm 864sqm 909.0000-SQM 864.0000-SQM R806,000.00 R744,000.00 RES - Residential 3840 of Secunda 825sqm 825.0000-SQM R775,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3841 of Secunda 3842 of Secunda 3843 of Secunda 3844 of Secunda 825sqm 825sqm 825sqm 875sqm 825.0000-SQM 825.0000-SQM 825.0000-SQM 875.0000-SQM R825,000.00 R815,000.00 R765,000.00 R890,000.00 RES - Residential 3845 of Secunda 1015sqm 1015.0000-SQM R795,000.00 RES - Residential 3846 of Secunda 1001sqm 1001.0000-SQM R925,000.00 RES - Residential 3812 of Secunda Page 100 1064sqm 1064.0000-SQM R802,000.00 Registered description 3847 of Secunda 3848 of Secunda 3849 of Secunda 3850 of Secunda 3851 of Secunda 3852 of Secunda 3853 of Secunda 3854 of Secunda 3855 of Secunda 3856 of Secunda 3857 of Secunda 3858 of Secunda 3859 of Secunda 3860 of Secunda 3861 of Secunda 3862 of Secunda 3863 of Secunda 3864 of Secunda 3865 of Secunda 3866 of Secunda 3867 of Secunda 3868 of Secunda 3869 of Secunda 3870 of Secunda 3871 of Secunda 3872 of Secunda 3873 of Secunda 3874 of Secunda 3875 of Secunda 3876 of Secunda 3877 of Secunda 3878 of Secunda 3879 of Secunda 3880 of Secunda 3881 of Secunda 3882 of Secunda 3883 of Secunda 3884 of Secunda 3885 of Secunda 3886 of Secunda 3887 of Secunda 3888 of Secunda 3889 of Secunda 3890 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Cassie Le Roux Charl Louis Du Plessis Mary-Lee Du Plessis Bajabulile Catherine Happy Skosana Francois Abraham Rossouw Cornelis Lubbe Andries Hendrik Pieters Thomas Bernardus Kirsten Anna Maria Salgado Almeida Laia Asdrubal Manso Laia Rhigardt Hein Nolte Staden Hendrik Van Staden Karen Van Maria Lorraine Pieterse Wilhelem Johannes Pieterse Cora Rossouw Anton Wynand Knoetze Susanna Catharina Magdalena Knoetze Andre De Beer der Merwe Willem Johannes Van Hendriena Johanna De Villiers Jacob Nicolaas Blignaut De Villiers Daniel Petrus Papenfus Jessica Eunice Papenfus Robert George Wilson Michael John Stalley Wynand Louw Du Plessis Govan Mbeki Municipality Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Andre Engelbrecht Gert Jacobus Myburg Erhard Fourie Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Helena Johanna Joubert Albert William Dry Emmah Phumzile Msibi Solly David Msibi Ashok Bejainath Kallie Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Daniel Cornelis Lourens Albertus Johannes Harmse Gertruida Elizabeth Harmse Adriana Cecilia Prinsloo Alwyn Prinsloo Luiz Gomes Ladeira Susanna Johanna Bossert Nelana Venter Phillip Rudolph Venter Jacobus Johannes Korf Adriaan Francois Grobler Elizabeth Maria Grobler Ranjit Budhai Vindhoomathie Budhai Bernardus Gerhardus Venter Jacomina Hendrina Venter Johanna Alida Smith Leon Smith Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3849 of Secunda 3850 of Secunda 3851 of Secunda 3852 of Secunda 3853 of Secunda 3854 of Secunda 925sqm 925sqm 929sqm 843sqm 909sqm 1118sqm 925.0000-SQM 925.0000-SQM 929.0000-SQM 843.0000-SQM 909.0000-SQM 1118.0000-SQM R776,000.00 R840,000.00 R910,000.00 R815,000.00 R920,000.00 R920,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3855 of Secunda 3856 of Secunda 885sqm 825sqm 885.0000-SQM 825.0000-SQM R830,000.00 R925,000.00 RES - Residential 3857 of Secunda 878sqm 878.0000-SQM R840,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3858 of Secunda 3859 of Secunda 961sqm 1038sqm 961.0000-SQM 1038.0000-SQM R890,000.00 R925,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3860 of Secunda 3861 of Secunda 3862 of Secunda 1045sqm 925sqm 999sqm 1045.0000-SQM 925.0000-SQM 999.0000-SQM R965,000.00 R830,000.00 R945,000.00 RES - Residential 3863 of Secunda 987sqm 987.0000-SQM R815,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential MUN - Municipal RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3864 of Secunda 3865 of Secunda 3866 of Secunda 3867 of Secunda 3868 of Secunda 3869 of Secunda 3870 of Secunda 3871 of Secunda 3872 of Secunda 3873 of Secunda 3874 of Secunda 3875 of Secunda 1485sqm 1260sqm 1411sqm 5240sqm 2583sqm 1317sqm 1374sqm 1260sqm 1381sqm 1481sqm 1375sqm 1237sqm 1485.0000-SQM 1260.0000-SQM 1411.0000-SQM 5240.0000-SQM 2583.0000-SQM 1317.0000-SQM 1374.0000-SQM 1260.0000-SQM 1381.0000-SQM 1481.0000-SQM 1375.0000-SQM 1237.0000-SQM R808,000.00 R839,000.00 R905,000.00 R600,000.00 R150,000.00 R982,000.00 R834,000.00 R789,000.00 R804,000.00 R918,000.00 R1,140,000.00 R799,000.00 RES - Residential UDT - Unregistered RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3876 of Secunda 3877 of Secunda 3878 of Secunda 3879 of Secunda 3880 of Secunda 3881 of Secunda 1312sqm 1567sqm 1354sqm 1311sqm 1264sqm 1335sqm 1312.0000-SQM 1354.0000-SQM 1311.0000-SQM 1264.0000-SQM 1335.0000-SQM R882,000.00 R2,335,000.00 R773,000.00 R801,000.00 R860,000.00 R872,000.00 RES - Residential 3882 of Secunda 1104sqm 1104.0000-SQM R873,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3883 of Secunda 3884 of Secunda 3885 of Secunda 1044sqm 1044sqm 1044sqm 1044.0000-SQM 1044.0000-SQM 1044.0000-SQM R921,000.00 R851,000.00 R891,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3886 of Secunda 3887 of Secunda 1104sqm 1228sqm 1104.0000-SQM 1228.0000-SQM R793,000.00 R935,000.00 RES - Residential 3888 of Secunda 1160sqm 1160.0000-SQM R935,000.00 RES - Residential 3889 of Secunda 1160sqm 1160.0000-SQM R865,000.00 RES - Residential 3890 of Secunda 1160sqm 1160.0000-SQM R915,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3847 of Secunda 3848 of Secunda Page 101 925sqm 925sqm 925.0000-SQM 925.0000-SQM R770,000.00 R980,000.00 Registered description 3891 of Secunda 3892 of Secunda 3893 of Secunda 3894 of Secunda 3895 of Secunda 3896 of Secunda 3897 of Secunda 3898 of Secunda 3899 of Secunda 3900 of Secunda 3901 of Secunda 3902 of Secunda 3903 of Secunda 3904 of Secunda 3905 of Secunda 3906 of Secunda 3907 of Secunda 3908 of Secunda 3909 of Secunda 3910 of Secunda 3911 of Secunda 3912 of Secunda 3913 of Secunda 3914 of Secunda 3915 of Secunda 3916 of Secunda 3917 of Secunda 3918 of Secunda 3919 of Secunda 3920 of Secunda 3921 of Secunda 3922 of Secunda 3923 of Secunda 3924 of Secunda 3925 of Secunda 3926 of Secunda 3927 of Secunda 3928 of Secunda 3929 of Secunda 3930 of Secunda 3931 of Secunda 3932 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Anna Maria Elizabeth Viljoen Wilhelm Geyer Viljoen Phindana Prop 79 Pty Ltd Stephanus Francois Nel Elizabeth Susanna Maria Zeilinga Haaike Zeilinga Operations Ltd Anglo Maria Magdalena Susanna Strombeck Schalk Strombeck Clifford John Naude Gwendoline Ethel Joubert Paul Josua Joubert Republic of South Africa Ronald Ralston Pillay Demitrios Georgandonis Mary-Anne Diane Slabbert Engela Cornelia Strydom Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Sophia Johanna Gertruida Alberts Willem Alberts Frederik Johannes Stephanus Botha Shalem Houtwerke Cc Andries Du Preez Biprops 46 Pty Ltd Biprops 46 Pty Ltd Biprops 46 Pty Ltd Biprops 46 Pty Ltd Biprops 46 Pty Ltd Devanni Ambalavanam Indrin Ambalavanam Biprops 46 Pty Ltd C Inv Pty Ltd G T Desrae Theresa Moelich Gert Pieter Moelich Maureen Snyman Dirk Gert Hermias Wolfaardt der Walt Susara Johanna Maria Fredrika Van Amina Ghulam Mustafa Ghulam Johannes Antonie Andries Stephanus Cordier Yolande Cordier Christine Le Roux Hendrik Frederik Le Roux Gert Jacobus Engelbrecht Jacobus Johannes Petrus Wessels Amanda Jacobs Petrus Stephanus Jacobs Vuuren Marilize Jansen Van Vuuren Martin Jansen Van Johanna Hendrina Venter Nicolaas Albertus Venter Gabriel Johannes Ackerman Hester Cecilia Ackerman Johan Dreyer Jordaan David Izak Opperman Delmura Gail Opperman Paul Johannes Smith Wynand Johannes Pretorius Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential RES - Residential 3892 of Secunda 3893 of Secunda 3894 of Secunda 4091sqm 1044sqm 1044sqm 4091.0000-SQM 1044.0000-SQM 1044.0000-SQM R930,000.00 R871,000.00 R801,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3895 of Secunda 3896 of Secunda 1104sqm 1240sqm 1104.0000-SQM 1240.0000-SQM R833,000.00 R949,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3897 of Secunda 3898 of Secunda 1160sqm 1160sqm 1160.0000-SQM 1160.0000-SQM R805,000.00 R825,000.00 GOV - State Owned RES - Residential RES - Residential 3899 of Secunda 3900 of Secunda 3901 of Secunda 8.5050Ha 1052sqm 980sqm 8.5050-H 1052.0000-SQM 980.0000-SQM R13,400,000.00 R791,000.00 R838,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3902 of Secunda 3903 of Secunda 3904 of Secunda 980sqm 1114sqm 1120sqm 980.0000-SQM 1114.0000-SQM 1120.0000-SQM R788,000.00 R774,000.00 R984,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3905 of Secunda 3906 of Secunda 3907 of Secunda 3908 of Secunda 3909 of Secunda 3910 of Secunda 3911 of Secunda 3912 of Secunda 3913 of Secunda 980sqm 980sqm 980sqm 980sqm 980sqm 1120sqm 1026sqm 999sqm 1117sqm 980.0000-SQM 980.0000-SQM 980.0000-SQM 980.0000-SQM 980.0000-SQM 1120.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM 999.0000-SQM 1117.0000-SQM R848,000.00 R808,000.00 R838,000.00 R788,000.00 R778,000.00 R784,000.00 R760,000.00 R779,000.00 R784,000.00 RES - Residential BUS - Business and Commercial RES - Residential 3914 of Secunda 3915 of Secunda 1368sqm 5365sqm 1368.0000-SQM 5365.0000-SQM R804,000.00 R4,650,000.00 3916 of Secunda 1058sqm 1058.0000-SQM R791,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3917 of Secunda 3918 of Secunda 3919 of Secunda 3920 of Secunda 1040sqm 1154sqm 1203sqm 915sqm 1040.0000-SQM 1154.0000-SQM 1203.0000-SQM 915.0000-SQM R761,000.00 R805,000.00 R797,000.00 R856,000.00 RES - Residential 3921 of Secunda 900sqm 900.0000-SQM R825,000.00 RES - Residential 3922 of Secunda 1158sqm 1158.0000-SQM R1,012,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3923 of Secunda 3924 of Secunda 3925 of Secunda 1235sqm 906sqm 915sqm 1235.0000-SQM 906.0000-SQM 915.0000-SQM R788,000.00 R775,000.00 R876,000.00 RES - Residential 3926 of Secunda 1368sqm 1368.0000-SQM R794,000.00 RES - Residential 3927 of Secunda 1413sqm 1413.0000-SQM R796,000.00 RES - Residential 3928 of Secunda 831sqm 831.0000-SQM R925,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3929 of Secunda 3930 of Secunda 1022sqm 1349sqm 1022.0000-SQM 1349.0000-SQM R810,000.00 R893,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3931 of Secunda 3932 of Secunda 1025sqm 1064sqm 1025.0000-SQM 1064.0000-SQM R770,000.00 R802,000.00 RES - Residential 3891 of Secunda Page 102 1228sqm 1228.0000-SQM R988,000.00 Registered description 3933 of Secunda 3934 of Secunda 3935 of Secunda 3936 of Secunda 3937 of Secunda 3938 of Secunda 3939 of Secunda 3940 of Secunda 3941 of Secunda 3942 of Secunda 3943 of Secunda 3944 of Secunda 3945 of Secunda 3946 of Secunda 3947 of Secunda 3948 of Secunda 3949 of Secunda 3950 of Secunda 3951 of Secunda 3952 of Secunda 3953 of Secunda 3954 of Secunda 3955 of Secunda 3955 of Secunda (Portion 1) 3955 of Secunda (Portion 2) 3955 of Secunda (Portion 3) 3956 of Secunda 3957 of Secunda 3958 of Secunda 3959 of Secunda 3960 of Secunda 3961 of Secunda 3962 of Secunda 3963 of Secunda 3964 of Secunda 3965 of Secunda 3966 of Secunda 3967 of Secunda 3968 of Secunda 3969 of Secunda 3970 of Secunda 3971 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Andre Horn Heerden Gerrit Johannes Van Heerden Maria Do Sacramento Van Cornelia Johanna Woodley Dennis Thomas Joanne Peta Hawkins Richard Dermot Hawkins Ella Cecilia Antonette Steyn Frans Marthinus Steyn Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Petrus Johannes Du Toit Roux Desrae Theresa Moelich Gert Pieter Moelich Andre Graham Victor Johanita Victor Puvern Pillay Cornelius Jacobus Lategan Gert Jansen Ronel Jansen Charlotte Sieberhagen Priscilla Olive De Villiers Armindo Ramos Duarte Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Gert Du Toit Hendrik Willem Jacobus Opperman Casper Jan Hendrik Steenkamp Hester Magrietha Steenkamp Pty Ltd Zebrimode Govan Mbeki Municipality Andre Pieterse Maria Louisa Pieterse Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Abrahama Liebrecht Lowies Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Jacques Johannes Cornelius Nortje Vicky Nortje Anna Johanna Smith Peter William Henry Smith Johannes Lodewikus Gertzen Susanna Magdalena Gertzen Amanda Dekker Wilhelmus Dekker Gwyneth Brenda Badenhorst Johan Human Badenhorst Daniel Jacobus Smit Asha Elizabeth George der Walt Jan Hendrik Van Hendrik Kruger Susarah Aletta Kruger Pieter Wouter Booysen der Schyff Norman Van Daniel Stephanus Dalton Ilonka Dalton Marthina Pieternela Jacoba Geldenhuys Marthinus Stephanus Geldenhuys Schoeman Familie Trust Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential BUS - Business and Commercial RES - Residential 3935 of Secunda 3936 of Secunda 3937 of Secunda 1102sqm 1095sqm 988sqm 1102.0000-SQM 1095.0000-SQM 988.0000-SQM R823,000.00 R813,000.00 R769,000.00 3938 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026.0000-SQM R780,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3939 of Secunda 3940 of Secunda 3941 of Secunda 1026sqm 1064sqm 1164sqm 1026.0000-SQM 1064.0000-SQM 1164.0000-SQM R770,000.00 R942,000.00 R796,000.00 RES - Residential 3942 of Secunda 967sqm 967.0000-SQM R808,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3943 of Secunda 3944 of Secunda 3945 of Secunda 936sqm 1041sqm 948sqm 936.0000-SQM 1041.0000-SQM 948.0000-SQM R767,000.00 R921,000.00 R877,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3946 of Secunda 3947 of Secunda 3948 of Secunda 3949 of Secunda 3950 of Secunda 3951 of Secunda 3952 of Secunda 3953 of Secunda 858sqm 988sqm 1378sqm 1300sqm 1160sqm 1158sqm 1204sqm 1297sqm 858.0000-SQM 988.0000-SQM 1378.0000-SQM 1300.0000-SQM 1160.0000-SQM 1158.0000-SQM 1204.0000-SQM 1297.0000-SQM R783,000.00 R799,000.00 R804,000.00 R811,000.00 R785,000.00 R855,000.00 R757,000.00 R871,000.00 BUS - Business and Commercial RES - Residential RES - Residential 3954 of Secunda 1425sqm 1425.0000-SQM R1,500,000.00 3955 of Secunda 3955 of Secunda (Portion 1) 1061sqm 971sqm 1061.0000-SQM 971.0000-SQM R752,000.00 R858,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3955 of Secunda (Portion 2) 3955 of Secunda (Portion 3) 3956 of Secunda 3957 of Secunda 3958 of Secunda 918sqm 1026sqm 944sqm 950sqm 945sqm 918.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM 944.0000-SQM 950.0000-SQM 945.0000-SQM R736,000.00 R750,000.00 R787,000.00 R777,000.00 R777,000.00 RES - Residential 3959 of Secunda 994sqm 994.0000-SQM R970,000.00 RES - Residential 3960 of Secunda 918sqm 918.0000-SQM R786,000.00 RES - Residential 3961 of Secunda 918sqm 918.0000-SQM R856,000.00 RES - Residential 3962 of Secunda 918sqm 918.0000-SQM R786,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3963 of Secunda 3964 of Secunda 3965 of Secunda 3966 of Secunda 918sqm 918sqm 918sqm 1008sqm 918.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM 1008.0000-SQM R796,000.00 R786,000.00 R786,000.00 R869,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3967 of Secunda 3968 of Secunda 3969 of Secunda 1127sqm 1026sqm 1026sqm 1127.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM R874,000.00 R830,000.00 R840,000.00 RES - Residential 3970 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026.0000-SQM R800,000.00 RES - Residential 3971 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026.0000-SQM R890,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3933 of Secunda 3934 of Secunda Page 103 1045sqm 1268sqm 1045.0000-SQM 1268.0000-SQM R831,000.00 R850,000.00 Registered description 3972 of Secunda 3973 of Secunda 3974 of Secunda 3975 of Secunda 3976 of Secunda 3977 of Secunda 3978 of Secunda 3979 of Secunda 3980 of Secunda 3981 of Secunda 3982 of Secunda 3983 of Secunda 3984 of Secunda 3985 of Secunda 3986 of Secunda 3987 of Secunda 3988 of Secunda 3989 of Secunda 3990 of Secunda 3991 of Secunda 3992 of Secunda 3993 of Secunda 3994 of Secunda 3995 of Secunda 3996 of Secunda 3997 of Secunda 3998 of Secunda 3999 of Secunda 4000 of Secunda 4001 of Secunda 4002 of Secunda 4003 of Secunda 4004 of Secunda 4005 of Secunda 4006 of Secunda 4007 of Secunda 4008 of Secunda 4009 of Secunda 4010 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Rosalind Vivienne Henry Sylvester Edmond Henry Grizelda Coetzee Hendrik Jacobus Coetzee Arnoux De Bruin Johannes Christiaan Krugell Mariana Jacoba Krugell Jason Joseph English Arnoldus Francois Willemse Martha Maria Magrietha Bothma Philippus Cornelius De Bruin Judith Marina Adriana Crous Wessels Jurie Francois Wessels Zyl Johann Van Zyl Maria Catherina Magdelena Van Mamotseki Emily Khutlane Nyakalko Joseph Khutlane Ernest Hendrik Engelbrecht Johanna Engelbrecht Drikus Josephus Booyse Jacob Marthinus Jurgens Taljaard Daulina Smit Steven George Smit Andries Jakobus Taylor Pelser Nico Johannes Kotze Dion Maree Susanna Catharina Maree Nicolien Labuschagne Petrus Jacobus Labuschagne Casper Josewes Barend Le Roux Lenell Loubser Harold Baker Willem Abraham Annandale Wilna Rene Annandale der Walt Gerrit Louis Van Zyl Yolande Van Elizabeth Gertruida Longland Pieter Wouter Booysen Dirk Johannes Van Dyk Swanepoel Hester Johanna Swanepoel Maria Catarina Elizabeth Smith Philippus Rudolph Viljoen Smith Christine Carolyn Shaw Edward Peter Shaw Frans Albertus Brink Brian Ian Wickens Sharen Daphne Wickens Niekerk Albert Job Van Niekerk Petronella Van Annalien Chalmein Du Toit Marcel John Bergman Willem Andries Sternberg Coetzee Johannes Henning Viljoen Jacobus Daniel Schieke Loulette Marie Schieke Nicolaas Johannes De Beer Jacomina Brummer Peter William Brummer Deon Retief Strydom Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 3973 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026.0000-SQM R850,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3974 of Secunda 3975 of Secunda 1031sqm 1023sqm 1031.0000-SQM 1023.0000-SQM R830,000.00 R820,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3976 of Secunda 3977 of Secunda 3978 of Secunda 1030sqm 1036sqm 1008sqm 1030.0000-SQM 1036.0000-SQM 1008.0000-SQM R935,000.00 R821,000.00 R839,000.00 RES - Residential 3979 of Secunda 918sqm 918.0000-SQM R796,000.00 RES - Residential 3980 of Secunda 1054sqm 1054.0000-SQM R771,000.00 RES - Residential 3981 of Secunda 1097sqm 1097.0000-SQM R793,000.00 RES - Residential 3982 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026.0000-SQM R880,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3983 of Secunda 3984 of Secunda 3985 of Secunda 1128sqm 1037sqm 950sqm 1128.0000-SQM 1037.0000-SQM 950.0000-SQM R814,000.00 R831,000.00 R857,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3986 of Secunda 3987 of Secunda 3988 of Secunda 952sqm 952sqm 952sqm 952.0000-SQM 952.0000-SQM 952.0000-SQM R887,000.00 R937,000.00 R787,000.00 RES - Residential 3989 of Secunda 952sqm 952.0000-SQM R817,000.00 RES - Residential 3990 of Secunda 952sqm 952.0000-SQM R887,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 3991 of Secunda 3992 of Secunda 952sqm 1097sqm 952.0000-SQM 1097.0000-SQM R897,000.00 R863,000.00 RES - Residential 3993 of Secunda 1192sqm 1192.0000-SQM R847,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3994 of Secunda 3995 of Secunda 3996 of Secunda 997sqm 980sqm 1038sqm 997.0000-SQM 980.0000-SQM 1038.0000-SQM R899,000.00 R1,048,000.00 R981,000.00 RES - Residential 3997 of Secunda 1038sqm 1038.0000-SQM R721,000.00 RES - Residential 3998 of Secunda 980sqm 980.0000-SQM R788,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 3999 of Secunda 4000 of Secunda 4001 of Secunda 4002 of Secunda 1071sqm 985sqm 1253sqm 1140sqm 1071.0000-SQM 985.0000-SQM 1253.0000-SQM 1140.0000-SQM R812,000.00 R829,000.00 R819,000.00 R860,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4003 of Secunda 4004 of Secunda 4005 of Secunda 4006 of Secunda 4007 of Secunda 1064sqm 1064sqm 1064sqm 1064sqm 1064sqm 1064.0000-SQM 1064.0000-SQM 1064.0000-SQM 1064.0000-SQM 1064.0000-SQM R802,000.00 R812,000.00 R842,000.00 R792,000.00 R822,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4008 of Secunda 4009 of Secunda 1064sqm 1064sqm 1064.0000-SQM 1064.0000-SQM R882,000.00 R802,000.00 RES - Residential 4010 of Secunda 1064sqm 1064.0000-SQM R842,000.00 RES - Residential 3972 of Secunda Page 104 1026sqm 1026.0000-SQM R1,000,000.00 Registered description 4011 of Secunda 4012 of Secunda 4013 of Secunda 4014 of Secunda 4015 of Secunda 4016 of Secunda 4017 of Secunda 4018 of Secunda 4019 of Secunda 4020 of Secunda 4021 of Secunda 4022 of Secunda 4023 of Secunda 4024 of Secunda 4025 of Secunda 4026 of Secunda 4027 of Secunda 4028 of Secunda 4029 of Secunda 4030 of Secunda 4031 of Secunda 4032 of Secunda 4033 of Secunda 4034 of Secunda 4035 of Secunda 4036 of Secunda 4037 of Secunda 4038 of Secunda 4039 of Secunda 4040 of Secunda 4041 of Secunda 4042 of Secunda 4043 of Secunda 4044 of Secunda 4045 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Marius Millerand Schempers Maureen Antoinette Schempers Heerden Emsi Van Deon Retief Strydom Jan Jacobus Peter Karel Ferreira Granville Poonsamy Shamaine Poonsamy Guy Philip Le Roux Irma Elaine Le Roux Johannes Van Wyk Kilian Veronica Margaret Kilian Sean Michael Boyce Cathrina Magrieta Johanna Maria Westenraadt Johannes Conraad Westenraadt Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Luis Filipe Mendes Vargues Sailija Ismael Issufo Vargues Anna Catharina Rousseau Stephanus Louis Jacobus Rousseau Keith Charles Marais Joachim Hendrik Connoway Maria Antionette Connoway James Saungweme der Merwe Jan Hendrik Van der Merwe Sanet Salome Van Edith Johanna Mphekwane Masito Joseph Mphekwane Belzaser Martinus Mulder Isabella Elizabeth Mulder Julette Brenda Fischer Johannes Hendrik Rabie Sonet Rabie Heila Magdalena Raath Jan Louis Raath Cecilia Bosch Joseph Johannes Bosch As David Schalk Van As Lida Rea Van Christopher David Hayward Pauline Dale Hayward Hester Maria Christiena Du Preez Marthinus Hermanus Johannes Du Preez Jacques Lombard Sophia Johanna Gertruida Alberts Willem Alberts der Walt Susanna Francina Aletta Van der Walt Susanna Francina Aletta Van Sandra De Klerk Willem Petrus De Klerk Christina Jacoba Naude Petrus Johannes Naude As Barend Christoffel Van As Beatrice Van Gert Willem De Bruyn Ute Katharina De Bruyn Johannes Christiaan Vorster Moira Vorster Jan Sebastiaan Rabie Susanna Jacoba Ann Rabie Henriette Magdalena Mulke Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4012 of Secunda 4013 of Secunda 4014 of Secunda 4015 of Secunda 998sqm 873sqm 873sqm 873sqm 998.0000-SQM 873.0000-SQM 873.0000-SQM 873.0000-SQM R779,000.00 R814,000.00 R834,000.00 R864,000.00 RES - Residential 4016 of Secunda 873sqm 873.0000-SQM R1,024,000.00 RES - Residential 4017 of Secunda 873sqm 873.0000-SQM R874,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4018 of Secunda 4019 of Secunda 873sqm 873sqm 873.0000-SQM 873.0000-SQM R734,000.00 R764,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4020 of Secunda 4021 of Secunda 873sqm 873sqm 873.0000-SQM 873.0000-SQM R764,000.00 R874,000.00 RES - Residential 4022 of Secunda 923sqm 923.0000-SQM R916,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4023 of Secunda 4024 of Secunda 1049sqm 944sqm 1049.0000-SQM 944.0000-SQM R791,000.00 R807,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4025 of Secunda 4026 of Secunda 943sqm 944sqm 943.0000-SQM 944.0000-SQM R807,000.00 R827,000.00 RES - Residential 4027 of Secunda 944sqm 944.0000-SQM R767,000.00 RES - Residential 4028 of Secunda 944sqm 944.0000-SQM R767,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4029 of Secunda 4030 of Secunda 944sqm 943sqm 944.0000-SQM 943.0000-SQM R945,000.00 R777,000.00 RES - Residential 4031 of Secunda 943sqm 943.0000-SQM R857,000.00 RES - Residential 4032 of Secunda 943sqm 943.0000-SQM R957,000.00 RES - Residential 4033 of Secunda 951sqm 951.0000-SQM R777,000.00 RES - Residential 4034 of Secunda 1044sqm 1044.0000-SQM R791,000.00 RES - Residential 4035 of Secunda 1160sqm 1160.0000-SQM R875,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4036 of Secunda 4037 of Secunda 1108sqm 1076sqm 1108.0000-SQM 1076.0000-SQM R885,000.00 R762,000.00 RES - Residential 4038 of Secunda 910sqm 910.0000-SQM R776,000.00 RES - Residential 4039 of Secunda 832sqm 832.0000-SQM R882,000.00 RES - Residential 4040 of Secunda 832sqm 832.0000-SQM R932,000.00 RES - Residential 4041 of Secunda 832sqm 832.0000-SQM R882,000.00 RES - Residential 4042 of Secunda 832sqm 832.0000-SQM R762,000.00 RES - Residential 4043 of Secunda 832sqm 832.0000-SQM R922,000.00 RES - Residential 4044 of Secunda 916sqm 916.0000-SQM R776,000.00 RES - Residential 4045 of Secunda 1031sqm 1031.0000-SQM R780,000.00 RES - Residential 4011 of Secunda Page 105 1258sqm 1258.0000-SQM R809,000.00 Registered description 4046 of Secunda 4047 of Secunda 4048 of Secunda 4049 of Secunda 4050 of Secunda 4051 of Secunda 4052 of Secunda 4053 of Secunda 4054 of Secunda 4055 of Secunda 4056 of Secunda 4057 of Secunda 4058 of Secunda 4059 of Secunda 4060 of Secunda 4061 of Secunda 4062 of Secunda 4063 of Secunda 4064 of Secunda 4065 of Secunda 4066 of Secunda 4067 of Secunda 4068 of Secunda 4069 of Secunda 4070 of Secunda 4071 of Secunda 4072 of Secunda 4073 of Secunda 4074 of Secunda 4075 of Secunda 4076 of Secunda 4077 of Secunda 4078 of Secunda 4079 of Secunda 4080 of Secunda 4081 of Secunda 4082 of Secunda 4083 of Secunda 4084 of Secunda 4085 of Secunda 4086 of Secunda 4087 of Secunda 4088 of Secunda 4089 of Secunda 4090 of Secunda 4091 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Devanni Ambalavanam Indrin Ambalavanam Della May Ferreira Lesiba Glen Lekalakala Makiba Virginia Faith Lekalakala der Merwe Maria Johanna Van der Merwe Naude Van Irene Fatima Bettencourt Isabel Maria Costa Ruela Joao Rodrigues Fernandes Ruela Johan Frederik Beelders Pamela Joan Kotze Trevor Anthony Vickers Cornelius Andries Johannes Burger Marie Antoinette Burger Biprops 46 Pty Ltd Biprops 46 Pty Ltd Biprops 46 Pty Ltd Biprops 46 Pty Ltd Biprops 46 Pty Ltd Biprops 46 Pty Ltd Aftab Shahzad Willem Abraham Peens Gertruida Wilhelmina Jacoba Kozma Imre Istvan Kozma Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Johanna Martiena Oosthuizen Martin Oosthuizen Oshana Naidoo Rudolf Henderik De Klerk Francina Elizabeth Muller Jacobus Johannes Muller Christiaan Nel Karin Nel Engela Wilhelmina Jenetta Hendrika Abrama Grobler Hendrik Grobler Vuuren Jacobus Frederick Janse Van Ntshiuwa Sylvia Mathibe Margaretha Jacoba Retief Morne Christie Jonker Jose Vincent Pestana Elsie Catharina Venter Sefako Samuel Moemisi Stellah Sibongile Moemisi Vuuren Peter Van Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential 4047 of Secunda 4048 of Secunda 936sqm 936sqm 936.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM R817,000.00 R787,000.00 RES - Residential 4049 of Secunda 936sqm 936.0000-SQM R807,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4050 of Secunda 4051 of Secunda 936sqm 938sqm 936.0000-SQM 938.0000-SQM R827,000.00 R827,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4052 of Secunda 4053 of Secunda 4054 of Secunda 4055 of Secunda 1358sqm 926sqm 869sqm 831sqm 1358.0000-SQM 926.0000-SQM 869.0000-SQM 831.0000-SQM R873,000.00 R806,000.00 R854,000.00 R742,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4056 of Secunda 4057 of Secunda 4058 of Secunda 4059 of Secunda 4060 of Secunda 4061 of Secunda 4062 of Secunda 4063 of Secunda 4064 of Secunda 870sqm 893sqm 968sqm 968sqm 928sqm 964sqm 918sqm 852sqm 907sqm 870.0000-SQM 893.0000-SQM 968.0000-SQM 968.0000-SQM 928.0000-SQM 964.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM 852.0000-SQM 907.0000-SQM R824,000.00 R815,000.00 R778,000.00 R798,000.00 R846,000.00 R768,000.00 R806,000.00 R763,000.00 R775,000.00 MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal RES - Residential 4065 of Secunda 4066 of Secunda 4067 of Secunda 4068 of Secunda 4069 of Secunda 4070 of Secunda 4071 of Secunda 4072 of Secunda 4073 of Secunda 4074 of Secunda 4075 of Secunda 4076 of Secunda 4077 of Secunda 4078 of Secunda 4079 of Secunda 432sqm 2503sqm 1004sqm 720sqm 1504sqm 595sqm 3482sqm 1.6200Ha 6570sqm 980sqm 4.2772Ha 2.4768Ha 3.1758Ha 18.8308Ha 1175sqm 432.0000-SQM 2503.0000-SQM 1004.0000-SQM 720.0000-SQM 1504.0000-SQM 595.0000-SQM 3482.0000-SQM 1.6200-H 6570.0000-SQM 980.0000-SQM 4.2772-H 2.4768-H 3.1758-H 18.8308-H 1175.0000-SQM R10,800.00 R570,000.00 R232,000.00 R168,000.00 R345,000.00 R140,000.00 R790,000.00 R3,650,000.00 R1,500,000.00 R24,500.00 R246,000.00 R145,000.00 R184,000.00 R1,050,000.00 R1,036,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4080 of Secunda 4081 of Secunda 4082 of Secunda 1192sqm 1398sqm 1085sqm 1192.0000-SQM 1398.0000-SQM 1085.0000-SQM R727,000.00 R815,000.00 R863,000.00 RES - Residential 4083 of Secunda 1080sqm 1080.0000-SQM R792,000.00 RES - Residential 4084 of Secunda 1296sqm 1296.0000-SQM R731,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4085 of Secunda 4086 of Secunda 4087 of Secunda 4088 of Secunda 4089 of Secunda 1302sqm 1049sqm 1111sqm 1297sqm 1359sqm 1302.0000-SQM 1049.0000-SQM 1111.0000-SQM 1297.0000-SQM 1359.0000-SQM R751,000.00 R811,000.00 R704,000.00 R1,094,000.00 R813,000.00 RES - Residential 4090 of Secunda 1125sqm 1125.0000-SQM R824,000.00 RES - Residential 4091 of Secunda 1173sqm 1173.0000-SQM R766,000.00 RES - Residential 4046 of Secunda Page 106 936sqm 936.0000-SQM R787,000.00 Registered description 4092 of Secunda 4093 of Secunda 4094 of Secunda 4095 of Secunda 4096 of Secunda 4097 of Secunda 4098 of Secunda 4099 of Secunda 4100 of Secunda 4101 of Secunda 4102 of Secunda 4103 of Secunda 4104 of Secunda 4105 of Secunda 4106 of Secunda 4107 of Secunda 4108 of Secunda 4109 of Secunda 4110 of Secunda 4111 of Secunda 4112 of Secunda 4113 of Secunda 4114 of Secunda 4115 of Secunda 4116 of Secunda 4117 of Secunda 4118 of Secunda 4119 of Secunda 4120 of Secunda 4121 of Secunda 4122 of Secunda 4123 of Secunda 4124 of Secunda 4125 of Secunda 4126 of Secunda 4127 of Secunda 4128 of Secunda 4129 of Secunda 4130 of Secunda 4131 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 4095 of Secunda 1178sqm 1178.0000-SQM R786,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4096 of Secunda 4097 of Secunda 4098 of Secunda 4099 of Secunda 1237sqm 1098sqm 1293sqm 1456sqm 1237.0000-SQM 1098.0000-SQM 1293.0000-SQM 1456.0000-SQM R799,000.00 R743,000.00 R821,000.00 R837,000.00 RES - Residential 4100 of Secunda 1329sqm 1329.0000-SQM R717,000.00 RES - Residential 4101 of Secunda 1371sqm 1371.0000-SQM R754,000.00 RES - Residential 4102 of Secunda 1139sqm 1139.0000-SQM R715,000.00 WOR - Places of Worship Kerk Van Suid-Afrika Evangelies-Gereformeerde RES - Residential Timfanelo Business Enterprise Cc RES - Residential Karel Johannes Januarie RES - Residential Patricia Veronica Januarie Robert Estill De Lange RES - Residential Ingrid Gates RES - Residential Magarietha Johanna Katariena Greyling RES - Residential Alex Hwengwere RES - Residential Thomas William Lumley RES - Residential Emil Pragraj RES - Residential Rensburg Johannes Christiaan Van RES - Residential Eugene Venter RES - Residential Johanna Maria Venter Daniel Casparus Grobler RES - Residential Dewald Swart RES - Residential Patrizia Swart Moipone Magdeline Ntsala RES - Residential Thabo Azariel Ntsala Caren Du Plooy RES - Residential Johann Du Plooy Heerden Charles Joseph Van RES - Residential Heerden Hendrina Johanna Martha Van Johannes Jacobus Chamberlain RES - Residential James Tsatsire RES - Residential Joel Mandla Mngomezulu RES - Residential Richard William Young RES - Residential Dian Binneman RES - Residential Yolande Binneman Eileen Linda Buys RES - Residential Jan Frederik Buys Nonceba Mercy Magagula RES - Residential William Malan Magagula Gonaselan Naicker RES - Residential Jennifer Audrey Naicker Anton Michael Bouwer RES - Residential Johannes Gerhardus Strydom Smit RES - Residential Mariana Louise Smit Johannes Christiaan Landman RES - Residential Remona Landman Theunis Stefanis Labuschagne RES - Residential 4103 of Secunda 4968sqm 4968.0000-SQM R1,748,000.00 4104 of Secunda 4105 of Secunda 4106 of Secunda 1141sqm 1148sqm 1195sqm 1141.0000-SQM 1148.0000-SQM 1195.0000-SQM R845,000.00 R725,000.00 R817,000.00 4107 of Secunda 4108 of Secunda 4109 of Secunda 4110 of Secunda 4111 of Secunda 4112 of Secunda 4113 of Secunda 4114 of Secunda 1106sqm 1127sqm 1128sqm 1107sqm 1107sqm 1107sqm 1194sqm 999sqm 1106.0000-SQM 1127.0000-SQM 1128.0000-SQM 1107.0000-SQM 1107.0000-SQM 1107.0000-SQM 1194.0000-SQM 999.0000-SQM R813,000.00 R834,000.00 R734,000.00 R723,000.00 R743,000.00 R855,000.00 R757,000.00 R729,000.00 4115 of Secunda 4116 of Secunda 999sqm 1021sqm 999.0000-SQM 1021.0000-SQM R729,000.00 R750,000.00 4117 of Secunda 1021sqm 1021.0000-SQM R860,000.00 4118 of Secunda 1000sqm 1000.0000-SQM R729,000.00 4119 of Secunda 951sqm 951.0000-SQM R727,000.00 4120 of Secunda 4121 of Secunda 4122 of Secunda 4123 of Secunda 4124 of Secunda 1007sqm 1128sqm 1033sqm 1216sqm 962sqm 1007.0000-SQM 1128.0000-SQM 1033.0000-SQM 1216.0000-SQM 962.0000-SQM R749,000.00 R734,000.00 R720,000.00 R748,000.00 R798,000.00 4125 of Secunda 999sqm 999.0000-SQM R909,000.00 4126 of Secunda 999sqm 999.0000-SQM R799,000.00 4127 of Secunda 999sqm 999.0000-SQM R729,000.00 4128 of Secunda 4129 of Secunda 1061sqm 900sqm 1061.0000-SQM 900.0000-SQM R722,000.00 R765,000.00 4130 of Secunda 899sqm 899.0000-SQM R775,000.00 4131 of Secunda 941sqm 941.0000-SQM R807,000.00 Robin Philip Borley Johannes Petrus Beselaar Izak Petrus Albertus Smit Susara Cornelia Smit Andre Landman Jeanne Landman Robert Boast Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Petrus Jacobus Venter Hansraj Rugbeer Gangan Gangan Mary-Anne Gangan Salomon Johannes Hattingh Wouter Hattingh Antoinette Pieterse Resha Ramballi Roshen Ramballi Ockert Johannes Els Gerhardt Streicher Kerk Van Afrika Ou Apostoliese RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4092 of Secunda 4093 of Secunda 4094 of Secunda Page 107 1368sqm 1144sqm 1183sqm 1368.0000-SQM 1144.0000-SQM 1183.0000-SQM R824,000.00 R775,000.00 R776,000.00 Registered description 4132 of Secunda 4133 of Secunda 4134 of Secunda 4135 of Secunda 4136 of Secunda 4137 of Secunda 4138 of Secunda 4139 of Secunda 4140 of Secunda 4141 of Secunda 4142 of Secunda 4143 of Secunda 4144 of Secunda 4145 of Secunda 4146 of Secunda 4147 of Secunda 4148 of Secunda 4149 of Secunda 4150 of Secunda 4151 of Secunda 4152 of Secunda 4153 of Secunda 4154 of Secunda 4155 of Secunda 4156 of Secunda 4157 of Secunda 4158 of Secunda 4159 of Secunda 4160 of Secunda 4161 of Secunda 4162 of Secunda 4163 of Secunda 4164 of Secunda 4165 of Secunda 4166 of Secunda 4167 of Secunda 4168 of Secunda 4169 of Secunda 4170 of Secunda 4171 of Secunda 4172 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Johannes Jacobus De La Harpe Maria Charlotte De La Harpe Andrias Johannes Fourie Frances Madge Caisley Francois Daniel Hoffman De Waal Natalie De Waal Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Solomon Sipho Nkosi Francis Thelma De Wet Willem Hendrik Jacobus De Wet Adriaan Hendrikus Lamprecht Anna-Marie Lamprecht David Schalk Nel Joan Dawn Nel Zyl Joseph Van Anita Dorathy Zyl Gertruida Johanna Philipina Smits Leo Smits Gideon Rudolph De Vries Aletta Ligthelm Gysbertus Johannes Ligthelm Jan Johannes Muller Carin Baard Nimelen Pillay Janita Salome De Villiers William Corbett De Villiers Gary Claude Merl Benn Lerouxna Elizabeth Dawn Benn Trevor Stirling Deavall Daniel Johannes Smit Felicity Alexandra Papenfus David Stephanus Nienaber Dorothea Aletta Maria Nienaber Petrus Johannes Lodewicus Smuts Gustav Eduard Behrens Henderik Andries Botha Marian Elizabeth Botha Edwin Martin Sieberhagen Blantinah Teboho Macholo Pty Ltd Kentz Rensburg Schalk Johannes Philippus Jansen Van der Merwe Linda Leonie Van Herculaas Wilhelmus Smit Maria Magdalena Smit Dyk Martie Elizabeth Van Dyk Rudolph Hendrik Van Coenraad Johannes Jacobus Briedenhann Sonja Briedenhann Lydia Jacoba Nieuwoudt Gerhardus Vermaak Johanna Jacomina Fransina Vermaak Phillipus Petrus Jacobus Vermaak Gabriel Stephanus Harmse Elizabeth Margaretha Vollgraaff Willem Petrus Vollgraaff Anna Catharina Groenewald Thomas Jesaja Groenewald Yvonne Patricia De Villiers Mphela Solly Mngomezulu Malepa Abram Moeketsi Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4133 of Secunda 4134 of Secunda 4135 of Secunda 1079sqm 956sqm 1040sqm 1079.0000-SQM 956.0000-SQM 1040.0000-SQM R742,000.00 R810,000.00 R811,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4136 of Secunda 4137 of Secunda 4138 of Secunda 1050sqm 957sqm 1070sqm 1050.0000-SQM 957.0000-SQM 1070.0000-SQM R721,000.00 R937,000.00 R772,000.00 RES - Residential 4139 of Secunda 1020sqm 1020.0000-SQM R730,000.00 RES - Residential 4140 of Secunda 914sqm 914.0000-SQM R806,000.00 RES - Residential 4141 of Secunda 918sqm 918.0000-SQM R706,000.00 RES - Residential 4142 of Secunda 918sqm 918.0000-SQM R676,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4143 of Secunda 4144 of Secunda 993sqm 936sqm 993.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM R789,000.00 R885,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4145 of Secunda 4146 of Secunda 4147 of Secunda 4148 of Secunda 926sqm 910sqm 986sqm 1035sqm 926.0000-SQM 910.0000-SQM 986.0000-SQM 1035.0000-SQM R946,000.00 R746,000.00 R739,000.00 R1,021,000.00 RES - Residential 4149 of Secunda 910sqm 910.0000-SQM R726,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4150 of Secunda 4151 of Secunda 4152 of Secunda 4153 of Secunda 910sqm 910sqm 910sqm 910sqm 910.0000-SQM 910.0000-SQM 910.0000-SQM 910.0000-SQM R856,000.00 R726,000.00 R826,000.00 R786,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4154 of Secunda 4155 of Secunda 4156 of Secunda 910sqm 910sqm 910sqm 910.0000-SQM 910.0000-SQM 910.0000-SQM R756,000.00 R836,000.00 R796,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4157 of Secunda 4158 of Secunda 4159 of Secunda 4160 of Secunda 4161 of Secunda 4162 of Secunda 910sqm 985sqm 1169sqm 1116sqm 1116sqm 1101sqm 910.0000-SQM 985.0000-SQM 1169.0000-SQM 1116.0000-SQM 1116.0000-SQM 1101.0000-SQM R806,000.00 R739,000.00 R806,000.00 R754,000.00 R854,000.00 R763,000.00 RES - Residential 4163 of Secunda 1065sqm 1065.0000-SQM R742,000.00 RES - Residential 4164 of Secunda 1134sqm 1134.0000-SQM R934,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4165 of Secunda 4166 of Secunda 4167 of Secunda 1120sqm 1228sqm 1271sqm 1120.0000-SQM 1228.0000-SQM 1271.0000-SQM R824,000.00 R848,000.00 R870,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4168 of Secunda 4169 of Secunda 1134sqm 1139sqm 1134.0000-SQM 1139.0000-SQM R754,000.00 R785,000.00 RES - Residential 4170 of Secunda 1117sqm 1117.0000-SQM R884,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4171 of Secunda 4172 of Secunda 1146sqm 1133sqm 1146.0000-SQM 1133.0000-SQM R775,000.00 R774,000.00 RES - Residential 4132 of Secunda Page 108 1052sqm 1052.0000-SQM R763,000.00 Registered description 4173 of Secunda 4174 of Secunda 4175 of Secunda 4176 of Secunda 4177 of Secunda 4178 of Secunda 4179 of Secunda 4180 of Secunda 4181 of Secunda 4182 of Secunda 4183 of Secunda 4184 of Secunda 4185 of Secunda 4186 of Secunda 4187 of Secunda 4188 of Secunda 4189 of Secunda 4190 of Secunda 4191 of Secunda 4192 of Secunda 4193 of Secunda 4194 of Secunda 4195 of Secunda 4196 of Secunda 4197 of Secunda 4198 of Secunda 4199 of Secunda 4200 of Secunda 4201 of Secunda 4202 of Secunda 4203 of Secunda 4204 of Secunda 4205 of Secunda 4206 of Secunda 4207 of Secunda 4208 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Zombode Albert Shiba Johannes Viljoen Susanna Sophia Viljoen Zyl Kasper Cornelius Van Zyl Vikki Lee Van Goitsemang Martha Nkosi Themba David Nkosi Magarietha Johanna Katariena Greyling der Merwe Adelaide Elizabeth Van der Merwe Johannes Anthonie Marthinus Van Zyl Carolina Madge Van Zyl Christopher Van Christina Du Plessis Johannes Paulus Du Plessis Delores Kruger Jan Hendrik Kruger Ireen May Kuhl Leon Kuhl Armand Kuhl Jan Hendrik Petrus Kotze Sonja Kotze der Vyver Johanna Wilhelmina Van der Vyver Tobias Legrange George Van Edim Bok Mbuguje Fati Norbert Mbuguje Erthney Mabel Abrahams Kevin Dale Abrahams Johannes Fourie Maliska Gleeson Thomas David Rodgers Gleeson Linda Ann Fullard Raymond Fullard Rooyen Gerrit Thomas Van Andre Jacobus Brandow Gesina Catharina Johanna Brandow der Merwe Francois Jacobus Van Gertruida Marthina Botes Jacobus Andries Wynand Botes Jacobus Johannes Christoffel Oosthuizen Matilda Elizabeth Oosthuizen Gideon Daniel Joubert Francina Johanna Bezuidenhoudt Lukas Hendrik Johannes Bezuidenhoudt Anna Maria Jacobs Gabriel Johannes Jacobs Rudolf P Botha Beleggings Cc Jacobus Johannes Wilken Maria Magdelena Wilken Faizal Mohamed Essop Prasheen Parbashlall Puran Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Riaan Saunders Dorothea Petherbridge Johan Francois Petherbridge Martina Elizabeth Magdelena Jordaan Nilo Jordaan Jacomina Wilhelmina Sauer Johannes Christoffel Fourie Sauer Pieter Annandale Hendrik Lourens Burger Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 4175 of Secunda 1057sqm 1057.0000-SQM R851,000.00 RES - Residential 4176 of Secunda 1120sqm 1120.0000-SQM R709,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4177 of Secunda 4178 of Secunda 1184sqm 1123sqm 1184.0000-SQM 1123.0000-SQM R976,000.00 R794,000.00 RES - Residential 4179 of Secunda 1088sqm 1088.0000-SQM R883,000.00 RES - Residential 4180 of Secunda 1098sqm 1098.0000-SQM R793,000.00 RES - Residential 4181 of Secunda 1167sqm 1167.0000-SQM R786,000.00 RES - Residential 4182 of Secunda 1104sqm 1104.0000-SQM R723,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4183 of Secunda 4184 of Secunda 1041sqm 1070sqm 1041.0000-SQM 1070.0000-SQM R751,000.00 R762,000.00 RES - Residential 4185 of Secunda 953sqm 953.0000-SQM R837,000.00 RES - Residential 4186 of Secunda 1009sqm 1009.0000-SQM R789,000.00 RES - Residential 4187 of Secunda 980sqm 980.0000-SQM R778,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4188 of Secunda 4189 of Secunda 1097sqm 1039sqm 1097.0000-SQM 1039.0000-SQM R843,000.00 R771,000.00 RES - Residential 4190 of Secunda 1090sqm 1090.0000-SQM R763,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4191 of Secunda 4192 of Secunda 989sqm 939sqm 989.0000-SQM 939.0000-SQM R709,000.00 R865,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4193 of Secunda 4194 of Secunda 1036sqm 1076sqm 1036.0000-SQM 1076.0000-SQM R771,000.00 R702,000.00 RES - Residential 4195 of Secunda 900sqm 900.0000-SQM R715,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4196 of Secunda 4197 of Secunda 1007sqm 918sqm 1007.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM R719,000.00 R736,000.00 RES - Residential 4198 of Secunda 918sqm 918.0000-SQM R766,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4199 of Secunda 4200 of Secunda 918sqm 918sqm 918.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM R726,000.00 R746,000.00 RES - Residential 4201 of Secunda 918sqm 918.0000-SQM R726,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4202 of Secunda 4203 of Secunda 4204 of Secunda 1008sqm 1127sqm 1026sqm 1008.0000-SQM 1127.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM R714,000.00 R894,000.00 R720,000.00 RES - Residential 4205 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026.0000-SQM R870,000.00 RES - Residential 4206 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026.0000-SQM R720,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4207 of Secunda 4208 of Secunda 1026sqm 1021sqm 1026.0000-SQM 1021.0000-SQM R780,000.00 R770,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4173 of Secunda 4174 of Secunda Page 109 1256sqm 1087sqm 1256.0000-SQM 1087.0000-SQM R739,000.00 R833,000.00 Registered description 4209 of Secunda 4210 of Secunda 4211 of Secunda 4212 of Secunda 4213 of Secunda 4214 of Secunda 4215 of Secunda 4216 of Secunda 4217 of Secunda 4218 of Secunda 4219 of Secunda 4220 of Secunda 4221 of Secunda 4222 of Secunda 4223 of Secunda 4224 of Secunda 4225 of Secunda 4226 of Secunda 4227 of Secunda 4228 of Secunda 4229 of Secunda 4230 of Secunda 4231 of Secunda 4232 of Secunda 4233 of Secunda 4234 of Secunda 4235 of Secunda 4236 of Secunda 4237 of Secunda 4238 of Secunda 4239 of Secunda 4240 of Secunda 4241 of Secunda 4242 of Secunda 4243 of Secunda 4244 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Engela Susara Pretorius Johannes Jacobus Pretorius Verosh Singh Johannes Marthinus Maritz Maria Magdalena Maritz Johanna Caterina Du Preez Johannes Louis Du Preez Christiaan Frans Gunter Martha Johanna Loueza Gunter Franco Viljoen Jenifer Viljoen Rosina Elizabeth Combrinck Zyl Dirkie Johannes Human Van Zyl Elsie Engela Van John Michael Solomon Shalmain Solomon Andre Enslin Suricke Enslin Mamogwilitshana Kgabo Ntlatleng Clarence Alfred Grobler Vuuren Emanuel Van Vuuren Huibrecht Aletta Johanna Van Jaarsveld Alta Van Jaarsveld John Thomas Van Fred Edgar Zaaiman Marinda Elizabeth Zaaiman Matthys Christoffel Sutherland der Merwe Marc George Marthinus Van der Merwe Ronelle Van Maria Johanna Scheepers Roelof Nicolaas Scheepers Rosa Mathilda Viljoen Vuuren Elwira Jansen Van Vuuren Julius Johannes Jansen Van Lauren Kacy Beets Lee Trevor Beets Michelle Diana Pelser Tjaart Johannes Pelser Rudolf Louis Johannes Opperman Susanna Cathrina Opperman Albertus Johannes Barend Viljoen Aletta Frances Viljoen Leonard Claassens Christo Herbst Yvonne Marion Herbst Jacoba Johanna Kruger Jan Ernst Kruger Collen Edward Williams Joedine Frances Williams Alta-Renee Vos John Henry Vos Etienne Louis Brand Etienne Louis Brand Neville Brindley Collett Chantal Vorster Archibald Luyt Johanna Catharina Luyt Wynand Jacobus Le Roux Marthinus Gerhardus Venter Abiel Kome Zanele Maureen Kome Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential 4210 of Secunda 4211 of Secunda 1007sqm 918sqm 1007.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM R825,000.00 R736,000.00 RES - Residential 4212 of Secunda 918sqm 918.0000-SQM R876,000.00 RES - Residential 4213 of Secunda 918sqm 918.0000-SQM R726,000.00 RES - Residential 4214 of Secunda 918sqm 918.0000-SQM R711,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4215 of Secunda 4216 of Secunda 918sqm 1008sqm 918.0000-SQM 1008.0000-SQM R706,000.00 R699,000.00 RES - Residential 4217 of Secunda 1127sqm 1127.0000-SQM R744,000.00 RES - Residential 4218 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026.0000-SQM R860,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4219 of Secunda 4220 of Secunda 4221 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026sqm 1026sqm 1026.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM R730,000.00 R790,000.00 R830,000.00 RES - Residential 4222 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026.0000-SQM R790,000.00 RES - Residential 4223 of Secunda 1128sqm 1128.0000-SQM R784,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4224 of Secunda 4225 of Secunda 1043sqm 1048sqm 1043.0000-SQM 1048.0000-SQM R851,000.00 R941,000.00 RES - Residential 4226 of Secunda 1023sqm 1023.0000-SQM R870,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4227 of Secunda 4228 of Secunda 1029sqm 1156sqm 1029.0000-SQM 1156.0000-SQM R760,000.00 R755,000.00 RES - Residential 4229 of Secunda 1051sqm 1051.0000-SQM R783,000.00 RES - Residential 4230 of Secunda 1080sqm 1080.0000-SQM R802,000.00 RES - Residential 4231 of Secunda 1245sqm 1245.0000-SQM R709,000.00 RES - Residential 4232 of Secunda 1045sqm 1045.0000-SQM R811,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4233 of Secunda 4234 of Secunda 1089sqm 825sqm 1089.0000-SQM 825.0000-SQM R753,000.00 R905,000.00 RES - Residential 4235 of Secunda 825sqm 825.0000-SQM R762,000.00 RES - Residential 4236 of Secunda 825sqm 825.0000-SQM R752,000.00 RES - Residential 4237 of Secunda 825sqm 825.0000-SQM R702,000.00 RES - Residential 4238 of Secunda 825sqm 825.0000-SQM R722,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4239 of Secunda 4240 of Secunda 4241 of Secunda 825sqm 855sqm 860sqm 825.0000-SQM 855.0000-SQM 860.0000-SQM R792,000.00 R773,000.00 R734,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4242 of Secunda 4243 of Secunda 4244 of Secunda 877sqm 832sqm 912sqm 877.0000-SQM 832.0000-SQM 912.0000-SQM R974,000.00 R742,000.00 R716,000.00 RES - Residential 4209 of Secunda Page 110 1014sqm 1014.0000-SQM R760,000.00 Registered description 4245 of Secunda 4246 of Secunda 4247 of Secunda 4248 of Secunda 4249 of Secunda 4250 of Secunda 4251 of Secunda 4252 of Secunda 4253 of Secunda 4254 of Secunda 4255 of Secunda 4256 of Secunda 4257 of Secunda 4258 of Secunda 4259 of Secunda 4260 of Secunda 4261 of Secunda 4262 of Secunda 4263 of Secunda 4264 of Secunda 4265 of Secunda 4266 of Secunda 4267 of Secunda 4268 of Secunda 4269 of Secunda 4270 of Secunda 4271 of Secunda 4272 of Secunda 4273 of Secunda 4274 of Secunda 4275 of Secunda 4276 of Secunda 4277 of Secunda 4278 of Secunda 4279 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Hendrik Petrus Wessels Uitenweerde Amelia Antoinette Stanger Charles Theo Fred Stanger Barend Jacobus Oosthuizen Hendrika Sophia Henrietha Oosthuizen Andrew Murray Joanne Murray Pierre Mouton Vuuren Dina Susanna Van Vuuren Gerrit Johannes Van Ashton Fredrick Bhavini Ramesh Fredrick Gerald John Lober Johan Christo Coetzee Georg Frederick Horn Francois Philippus Steyn Christiaan Johannes Coetser Pamela Margareth Coetser Theunis Lodewikus Steyn Zelda Steyn Jacobus Johannes Petrus Rossouw Lizette Ann Rossouw Evan Werner Rademeyer Liesl Rademeyer Jorge Farinha Teixeira Lidia Fatima Teixeira der Merwe Jeremias Jakobus Van der Merwe Johanna Maria Catharina Marthina Van der Berg Christiaan Cornelius Van der Berg Yolanda Ursula Van Catharina Susanna Marthina Naude David Francois Naude Marius Meiring Petrus Jochemus Johannes Prinsloo Rouxlene Prinsloo Izak Johannes Matthys Buys Cornelius Jacobus Nel Irene Nel Daniel Frederik Bisschoff Martha Louisa Bisschoff Lefu Stephen Tshabalala Pulane Tshabalala Ellen Koekemoer Catharina Gertruida Elizabeth Nortje Johann Dawid Nortje Candice Eileen Lessing Cloete Willem Lessing Wyk Arrie Willem Van Wyk Wilhelmina Sophia Van Jan Gysbertus Smith Magrietha Maria Smith Jacobus Johannes De Witt Magdalena Susanna De Witt Boil Tech Cc Baile Christinah Mphahlele Kuduudu Frank Mphahlele Alexander Masondo Lindiwe Rose Masondo Elizabeth Magrietha Mcpherson Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 4247 of Secunda 925sqm 925.0000-SQM R906,000.00 RES - Residential 4248 of Secunda 925sqm 925.0000-SQM R726,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4249 of Secunda 4250 of Secunda 925sqm 925sqm 925.0000-SQM 925.0000-SQM R766,000.00 R726,000.00 RES - Residential 4251 of Secunda 925sqm 925.0000-SQM R706,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4252 of Secunda 4253 of Secunda 4254 of Secunda 4255 of Secunda 4256 of Secunda 1024sqm 932sqm 1033sqm 995sqm 1015sqm 1024.0000-SQM 932.0000-SQM 1033.0000-SQM 995.0000-SQM 1015.0000-SQM R750,000.00 R736,000.00 R740,000.00 R839,000.00 R710,000.00 RES - Residential 4257 of Secunda 1015sqm 1015.0000-SQM R960,000.00 RES - Residential 4258 of Secunda 1015sqm 1015.0000-SQM R780,000.00 RES - Residential 4259 of Secunda 1015sqm 1015.0000-SQM R770,000.00 RES - Residential 4260 of Secunda 1034sqm 1034.0000-SQM R800,000.00 RES - Residential 4261 of Secunda 996sqm 996.0000-SQM R749,000.00 RES - Residential 4262 of Secunda 1012sqm 1012.0000-SQM R750,000.00 RES - Residential 4263 of Secunda 1015sqm 1015.0000-SQM R715,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4264 of Secunda 4265 of Secunda 1015sqm 1043sqm 1015.0000-SQM 1043.0000-SQM R780,000.00 R781,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4266 of Secunda 4267 of Secunda 910sqm 911sqm 910.0000-SQM 911.0000-SQM R786,000.00 R766,000.00 RES - Residential 4268 of Secunda 825sqm 825.0000-SQM R1,032,000.00 RES - Residential 4269 of Secunda 825sqm 825.0000-SQM R812,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4270 of Secunda 4271 of Secunda 825sqm 825sqm 825.0000-SQM 825.0000-SQM R792,000.00 R732,000.00 RES - Residential 4272 of Secunda 825sqm 825.0000-SQM R702,000.00 RES - Residential 4273 of Secunda 825sqm 825.0000-SQM R872,000.00 RES - Residential 4274 of Secunda 825sqm 825.0000-SQM R962,000.00 RES - Residential 4275 of Secunda 879sqm 879.0000-SQM R784,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4276 of Secunda 4277 of Secunda 986sqm 925sqm 986.0000-SQM 925.0000-SQM R800,000.00 R716,000.00 RES - Residential 4278 of Secunda 925sqm 925.0000-SQM R806,000.00 RES - Residential 4279 of Secunda 925sqm 925.0000-SQM R766,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4245 of Secunda 4246 of Secunda Page 111 925sqm 925sqm 925.0000-SQM 925.0000-SQM R1,006,000.00 R756,000.00 Registered description 4280 of Secunda 4281 of Secunda 4282 of Secunda 4283 of Secunda 4284 of Secunda 4285 of Secunda 4286 of Secunda 4287 of Secunda 4288 of Secunda 4289 of Secunda 4290 of Secunda 4291 of Secunda 4293 of Secunda 4294 of Secunda 4295 of Secunda 4296 of Secunda 4297 of Secunda 4298 of Secunda 4299 of Secunda 4300 of Secunda 4301 of Secunda 4302 of Secunda 4303 of Secunda 4304 of Secunda 4305 of Secunda 4306 of Secunda 4307 of Secunda 4308 of Secunda 4309 of Secunda 4310 of Secunda 4311 of Secunda 4312 of Secunda 4313 of Secunda 4314 of Secunda 4315 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Willem George Earle Yvonne Earle Christoffel Johannes Schutte Irene Magdelene Schutte Johanna Maria Scherman Mauritz Hazine Robert Scherman Christina Margaretha Booth Stephen Robertson Booth Eduard Penning De Clercq Lindi-Helena De Clercq Thando Yolanda Mubva Vuledzani Emmanuel Mubva Anna Catharina Smit Rodney Walter Smit Christien Annelien Jacobs Daniel Francois Jacobs Marscha Cornelia Du Plessis Marthinus Henry Du Plessis Samuel Mostert Talita Mostert Govan Mbeki Municipality Desrae Theresa Moelich Gert Pieter Moelich Beleggings Pty Ltd Vaalrivier Andore Burger Casper Jan Hendrik Burger Hendrik David Burger Jeana Perelaer Tertius Perelaer Smalgil Administratiewe Dienste Cc Marie Johanna Walters- Gerout Pieter Johannes Jacobus Walters- Gerout Daniel Johannes Jacobus Meades Hester Maria Meades Propalux 39 Pty Ltd Eugene Pieter Kriel Rensburg Johanna Isabella Jansen Van Rensburg Johannes Jacobus Jansen Van Hendrik Petrus Naude Maria Elizabeth Naude Jan Adriaan Potgieter Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Sizwe Patrick Ngcobo Zanele Muriel Ngcobo Helena Dorothea Panther John Edmund Moncel Panther Daniel Jacobus Fourie Martha Susanna Fourie Conan Doyle Conan Doyle Jacobus Johannes De Beer Salaidh Cameron De Beer Barbara Maria Palmer- Pilgrim Buti Phillemon Masilela Johan Jacobs Magdalena Elizabeth Jacobs Frederik Johannes Du Preez Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Roeletta Holtshauzen Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 4281 of Secunda 925sqm 925.0000-SQM R706,000.00 RES - Residential 4282 of Secunda 925sqm 925.0000-SQM R756,000.00 RES - Residential 4283 of Secunda 925sqm 925.0000-SQM R796,000.00 RES - Residential 4284 of Secunda 1024sqm 1024.0000-SQM R750,000.00 RES - Residential 4285 of Secunda 1016sqm 1016.0000-SQM R760,000.00 RES - Residential 4286 of Secunda 875sqm 875.0000-SQM R754,000.00 RES - Residential 4287 of Secunda 883sqm 883.0000-SQM R794,000.00 RES - Residential 4288 of Secunda 878sqm 878.0000-SQM R714,000.00 RES - Residential 4289 of Secunda 933sqm 933.0000-SQM R716,000.00 MUN - Municipal BUS - Business and Commercial BUS - Business and Commercial RES - Residential 4290 of Secunda 4291 of Secunda 2000sqm 747sqm 2000.0000-SQM 747.0000-SQM R450,000.00 R1,799,000.00 4293 of Secunda 4088sqm 4088.0000-SQM R6,620,000.00 4294 of Secunda 980sqm 980.0000-SQM R728,000.00 RES - Residential 4295 of Secunda 958sqm 958.0000-SQM R787,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4296 of Secunda 4297 of Secunda 980sqm 980sqm 980.0000-SQM 980.0000-SQM R778,000.00 R758,000.00 RES - Residential 4298 of Secunda 1068sqm 1068.0000-SQM R792,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4299 of Secunda 4300 of Secunda 4301 of Secunda 1137sqm 1010sqm 1025sqm 1137.0000-SQM 1010.0000-SQM 1025.0000-SQM R765,000.00 R720,000.00 R770,000.00 RES - Residential 4302 of Secunda 1041sqm 1041.0000-SQM R721,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4303 of Secunda 4304 of Secunda 4305 of Secunda 1048sqm 1060sqm 1080sqm 1048.0000-SQM 1060.0000-SQM 1080.0000-SQM R706,000.00 R702,000.00 R762,000.00 RES - Residential 4306 of Secunda 1084sqm 1084.0000-SQM R752,000.00 RES - Residential 4307 of Secunda 1080sqm 1080.0000-SQM R722,000.00 RES - Residential 4308 of Secunda 1098sqm 1098.0000-SQM R813,000.00 RES - Residential 4309 of Secunda 1123sqm 1123.0000-SQM R864,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4310 of Secunda 4311 of Secunda 4312 of Secunda 954sqm 945sqm 945sqm 954.0000-SQM 945.0000-SQM 945.0000-SQM R737,000.00 R747,000.00 R682,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4313 of Secunda 4314 of Secunda 4315 of Secunda 945sqm 1023sqm 1189sqm 945.0000-SQM 1023.0000-SQM 1189.0000-SQM R737,000.00 R705,000.00 R777,000.00 RES - Residential 4280 of Secunda Page 112 925sqm 925.0000-SQM R736,000.00 Registered description 4316 of Secunda 4317 of Secunda 4318 of Secunda 4319 of Secunda 4320 of Secunda 4321 of Secunda 4322 of Secunda 4323 of Secunda 4324 of Secunda 4325 of Secunda 4326 of Secunda 4327 of Secunda 4328 of Secunda 4329 of Secunda 4330 of Secunda 4331 of Secunda 4332 of Secunda 4333 of Secunda 4334 of Secunda 4335 of Secunda 4336 of Secunda 4337 of Secunda 4338 of Secunda 4339 of Secunda 4340 of Secunda 4341 of Secunda 4342 of Secunda 4343 of Secunda 4344 of Secunda 4345 of Secunda 4346 of Secunda 4347 of Secunda 4348 of Secunda 4349 of Secunda 4350 of Secunda 4351 of Secunda 4352 of Secunda 4353 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Seipei Ingrid Mukhari Themba Robert Mukhari Geoffrey Allen Brown Yvonne Wilhelmina Brown Michelle Leigh Radyn Ornus Theo Perelaer Carolina Wilhelmina Steyn Elena Elizabeth Botha Hendrik Johannes Botha Gert Thomas De Beer Jacobus Adriaan Swart Stephanus Josaja Barnard Wyk Diana Amanda Van Wyk Johannes Hendrik Van Dyk Annette Van Cathleen Crowley Justin Maurice Crowley Spencer Augustus Julius Crowley Adre Magda Venter Elphus Moropodi Cecilia Elizabeth Mccallaghan Sidney Clive Mccallaghan Mathew George Bell Sylvia Suzette Bell Jan Harm Grobler Olga Dianne Grobler Rooyen Artur Wilhelm Van Rooyen Francina Maria Van Barend Jacobus Smit Martha Johanna Louisa Smit Kurt-Georg Gribnitz Jaarsveldt Hendrika Van John Andrew Houy Louise Houy Barend Jacobus Moolman Carolina Jakoba Moolman Feziwe Mabinza Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Anna Elizabeth Boonzaaier Christian Petrus Boonzaaier Handelaars Pty Ltd Pay-Rite Zyl Dodds Stewart Van Zyl Ella Susanna Maria Van Andre Frederick Barnard Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Leon Johann Troskie Bekkerstraat 8 & 10 Beleggings Pty Ltd Daniel Josias Petrus Du Toit Susanna Jacoba Du Toit Gertruida Elizabetha Stone James John Stone Jeremia Brynard Burger Magdalena Marlene Burger Charmain Anne Oosthuizen Pieter Willem Adriaan Oosthuizen Deon Annandale Mara Juliana De Villiers Martin Bergh Maria Isabella Magdalena Hechter Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 4317 of Secunda 1004sqm 1004.0000-SQM R699,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4318 of Secunda 4319 of Secunda 4320 of Secunda 990sqm 1035sqm 1182sqm 990.0000-SQM 1035.0000-SQM 1182.0000-SQM R694,000.00 R676,000.00 R701,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4321 of Secunda 4322 of Secunda 4323 of Secunda 4324 of Secunda 1097sqm 1036sqm 1036sqm 1036sqm 1097.0000-SQM 1036.0000-SQM 1036.0000-SQM 1036.0000-SQM R763,000.00 R771,000.00 R771,000.00 R741,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4325 of Secunda 4326 of Secunda 1036sqm 1174sqm 1036.0000-SQM 1174.0000-SQM R731,000.00 R746,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4327 of Secunda 4328 of Secunda 4329 of Secunda 1064sqm 1111sqm 1028sqm 1064.0000-SQM 1111.0000-SQM 1028.0000-SQM R802,000.00 R894,000.00 R730,000.00 RES - Residential 4330 of Secunda 986sqm 986.0000-SQM R769,000.00 RES - Residential 4331 of Secunda 1044sqm 1044.0000-SQM R791,000.00 RES - Residential 4332 of Secunda 1001sqm 1001.0000-SQM R679,000.00 RES - Residential 4333 of Secunda 1013sqm 1013.0000-SQM R700,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4334 of Secunda 4335 of Secunda 4336 of Secunda 1089sqm 1144sqm 906sqm 1089.0000-SQM 1144.0000-SQM 906.0000-SQM R723,000.00 R805,000.00 R795,000.00 RES - Residential 4337 of Secunda 980sqm 980.0000-SQM R748,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4338 of Secunda 4339 of Secunda 4340 of Secunda 935sqm 918sqm 918sqm 935.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM R717,000.00 R706,000.00 R726,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4341 of Secunda 4342 of Secunda 991sqm 1108sqm 991.0000-SQM 1108.0000-SQM R729,000.00 R753,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4343 of Secunda 4344 of Secunda 4345 of Secunda 4346 of Secunda 4347 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026sqm 1005sqm 939sqm 911sqm 1026.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM 1005.0000-SQM 939.0000-SQM 911.0000-SQM R830,000.00 R700,000.00 R809,000.00 R682,000.00 R726,000.00 RES - Residential 4348 of Secunda 990sqm 990.0000-SQM R1,019,000.00 RES - Residential 4349 of Secunda 918sqm 918.0000-SQM R701,000.00 RES - Residential 4350 of Secunda 918sqm 918.0000-SQM R701,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4351 of Secunda 4352 of Secunda 4353 of Secunda 918sqm 918sqm 918sqm 918.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM R691,000.00 R696,000.00 R696,000.00 RES - Residential 4316 of Secunda Page 113 960sqm 960.0000-SQM R738,000.00 Registered description 4354 of Secunda 4355 of Secunda 4356 of Secunda 4357 of Secunda 4358 of Secunda 4359 of Secunda 4360 of Secunda 4361 of Secunda 4362 of Secunda 4363 of Secunda 4364 of Secunda 4365 of Secunda 4366 of Secunda 4367 of Secunda 4368 of Secunda 4369 of Secunda 4370 of Secunda 4371 of Secunda 4372 of Secunda 4373 of Secunda 4374 of Secunda 4375 of Secunda 4376 of Secunda 4377 of Secunda 4378 of Secunda 4379 of Secunda 4380 of Secunda 4381 of Secunda 4382 of Secunda 4383 of Secunda 4384 of Secunda 4385 of Secunda 4386 of Secunda 4387 of Secunda 4388 of Secunda 4389 of Secunda 4390 of Secunda 4391 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Christina Maria Marx Irma Stadler Gerhardus Cornelius Marthinus Botha Natasja Botha Stefanus Philippus Fouche Christiaan Frederik Sauerman Mathopi Lydia Lephoi Ntsokwane Hina Lephoi Edward Albert Viljoen Jacobus Gerhardus Serfontein Alida Hendrika Erasmus Francois Petrus Janse Van Veuren Erasmus Marthinus Lourens Erasmus Rensburg Adriaana Catherina Janse Van Rensburg Dirk Adriaan Janse Van Cornelia Catharina Maria Du Preez Hendrik Johannes Du Preez Coraldene Barnard Gertruida Margaretha Jacobs Josua Emanuel Jacobs Anzuette Greef Jaun Greef Gavin Brian Deas Francois Nicolaas Wessels Frederick Johannes Marius Bruwer David Johannes Botha Wilna Botha Catharina Magrieta Horn Pieter Daniel Horn Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Dalene Rheeder Frederik Petrus Benjamin Rheeder Dirk Cornelius Bezuidenhout Gugu Lorraine Radebe Gerbrecht Elisebeth Maria Christina Visagie Michael Hermanus Martin Adams Virginia Adams Enos Joe Macheyo Geloof Sending Van S A Gemeente Kosmos Apostoliese der Westhuizen Carel Van der Westhuizen Helmien Van Marius Gilbert Daniel Yolandi Daniel Jonathan David Mashappa Sonja Letisia Mashappa Johannes George Pieterse Morne Bezuidenhout Willem Jacobus Lotter Hester Cecilia Myburgh Stephanus Francois Myburgh Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Niekerk Johannes Hendrik Van Isaac Kwali Shongwe Johanna Hlupekile Shongwe Anet Hayward Jessica Hayward Paulus Johannes Hayward Jacobus Johannes Erasmus Nolene Erasmus Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 4355 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026.0000-SQM R720,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4356 of Secunda 4357 of Secunda 4358 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026sqm 1026sqm 1026.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM R705,000.00 R740,000.00 R700,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4359 of Secunda 4360 of Secunda 4361 of Secunda 1109sqm 1182sqm 909sqm 1109.0000-SQM 1182.0000-SQM 909.0000-SQM R708,000.00 R711,000.00 R816,000.00 RES - Residential 4362 of Secunda 887sqm 887.0000-SQM R935,000.00 RES - Residential 4363 of Secunda 858sqm 858.0000-SQM R708,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4364 of Secunda 4365 of Secunda 858sqm 957sqm 858.0000-SQM 957.0000-SQM R723,000.00 R817,000.00 RES - Residential 4366 of Secunda 1073sqm 1073.0000-SQM R699,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4367 of Secunda 4368 of Secunda 4369 of Secunda 4370 of Secunda 999sqm 999sqm 999sqm 999sqm 999.0000-SQM 999.0000-SQM 999.0000-SQM 999.0000-SQM R739,000.00 R689,000.00 R694,000.00 R694,000.00 RES - Residential 4371 of Secunda 1098sqm 1098.0000-SQM R703,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4372 of Secunda 4373 of Secunda 957sqm 858sqm 957.0000-SQM 858.0000-SQM R702,000.00 R773,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4374 of Secunda 4375 of Secunda 4376 of Secunda 4377 of Secunda 858sqm 858sqm 858sqm 858sqm 858.0000-SQM 858.0000-SQM 858.0000-SQM 858.0000-SQM R833,000.00 R803,000.00 R693,000.00 R688,000.00 RES - Residential WOR - Places of Worship RES - Residential 4378 of Secunda 4379 of Secunda 875sqm 5748sqm 875.0000-SQM 5748.0000-SQM R679,000.00 R2,785,000.00 4380 of Secunda 962sqm 962.0000-SQM R713,000.00 RES - Residential 4381 of Secunda 962sqm 962.0000-SQM R788,000.00 RES - Residential 4382 of Secunda 962sqm 962.0000-SQM R718,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4383 of Secunda 4384 of Secunda 4385 of Secunda 4386 of Secunda 962sqm 962sqm 962sqm 1073sqm 962.0000-SQM 962.0000-SQM 962.0000-SQM 1073.0000-SQM R758,000.00 R778,000.00 R693,000.00 R752,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4387 of Secunda 4388 of Secunda 4389 of Secunda 828sqm 924sqm 924sqm 828.0000-SQM 924.0000-SQM 924.0000-SQM R692,000.00 R676,000.00 R696,000.00 RES - Residential 4390 of Secunda 944sqm 944.0000-SQM R797,000.00 RES - Residential 4391 of Secunda 933sqm 933.0000-SQM R736,000.00 RES - Residential 4354 of Secunda Page 114 1026sqm 1026.0000-SQM R760,000.00 Registered description 4392 of Secunda 4393 of Secunda 4394 of Secunda 4395 of Secunda 4396 of Secunda 4397 of Secunda 4398 of Secunda 4399 of Secunda 4400 of Secunda 4401 of Secunda 4402 of Secunda 4403 of Secunda 4404 of Secunda 4405 of Secunda 4406 of Secunda 4407 of Secunda 4408 of Secunda 4409 of Secunda 4410 of Secunda 4411 of Secunda 4412 of Secunda 4413 of Secunda 4414 of Secunda 4415 of Secunda 4416 of Secunda 4417 of Secunda 4418 of Secunda 4419 of Secunda 4420 of Secunda 4421 of Secunda 4422 of Secunda 4423 of Secunda 4424 of Secunda 4425 of Secunda 4425 of Secunda (Portion 1) 4425 of Secunda (Portion 2) 4425 of Secunda (Portion 3) Names of Owner(s) Pieter Frans Jurgens Izak Gerhardus Liebenberg Sonja Liebenberg Izabel Ursula Petherbridge Johan Stephannes Petherbridge Izak Petrus Albertus Steyn Nomfumdo Muriel Mshiywa Sithembiso Almon Mshiywa Ranjith Kumar Singh Dean Christopher Wrigley Leatitia Wrigley Sophie Gertrude Pretorius Sophie Gertrude Pretorius Hlabekeshwa Jack Sebulela Joyce Mapaseka Sebulela Antoinette Stephne Fouche Pieter Fouche Kate Nobelungu Nkosi Nthwathwa Macks Maswanganyi The Reivilo P Trust Pule Victor Matomela Busisiwe Sinky Ngwenya Mengesheim Trust Aletta Johanna Petronella Els Henry Richard Buys Linda Buys Belinda Isabel Dorothea Smit Johannes Daniel Smit Coenrad Christoffel Steyn Barbara Susara Kleynhans Ernest Lodewikus Kleynhans Alexandru Tamas Johanna Alida Tamas Jabulani Joel Jiyane Vusimuzi Samuel Mabaso Vusi France Selowa Johannes Corneluis Cloete Magdalena Jacoba Johanna Cloete Elna Anita Sanderson Mark Sanderson Helena Maria Uys Stephanus Petrus Uys Christiaan Pieter Brand Churchill Mphikeleli Sibeko Mirriam Sibeko Johannes Nkosinathi Cele Pretty Matilda Cele Abram Carel Keyser Elena Petronella Scheepers Frederik Johannes Scheepers Rensburg Aletta Maria Van Rensburg Hendrik Stephanus Van Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Jesaja Jeremia Botha Annelise Roth Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Jan Hendrik Van Der Merwe Lombard Frederick Stephanus Herbst Sandra Antoinette Herbst Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 4394 of Secunda 891sqm 891.0000-SQM R680,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4395 of Secunda 4396 of Secunda 891sqm 952sqm 891.0000-SQM 952.0000-SQM R745,000.00 R717,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4397 of Secunda 4398 of Secunda 965sqm 992sqm 965.0000-SQM 992.0000-SQM R703,000.00 R789,000.00 RES - Residential 4399 of Secunda 984sqm 984.0000-SQM R815,000.00 RES - Residential 4400 of Secunda 916sqm 916.0000-SQM R701,000.00 RES - Residential 4401 of Secunda 924sqm 924.0000-SQM R701,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4402 of Secunda 4403 of Secunda 4404 of Secunda 4405 of Secunda 943sqm 881sqm 938sqm 909sqm 943.0000-SQM 881.0000-SQM 938.0000-SQM 909.0000-SQM R687,000.00 R724,000.00 R717,000.00 R696,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4406 of Secunda 4407 of Secunda 4408 of Secunda 1005sqm 927sqm 1085sqm 1005.0000-SQM 927.0000-SQM 1085.0000-SQM R714,000.00 R846,000.00 R973,000.00 RES - Residential 4409 of Secunda 910sqm 910.0000-SQM R701,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4410 of Secunda 4411 of Secunda 910sqm 910sqm 910.0000-SQM 910.0000-SQM R711,000.00 R736,000.00 RES - Residential 4412 of Secunda 910sqm 910.0000-SQM R830,000.00 RES - Residential 4413 of Secunda 910sqm 910.0000-SQM R806,000.00 RES - Residential 4414 of Secunda 910sqm 910.0000-SQM R746,000.00 RES - Residential 4415 of Secunda 910sqm 910.0000-SQM R766,000.00 RES - Residential 4416 of Secunda 910sqm 910.0000-SQM R716,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4417 of Secunda 4418 of Secunda 910sqm 910sqm 910.0000-SQM 910.0000-SQM R701,000.00 R691,000.00 RES - Residential 4419 of Secunda 1000sqm 1000.0000-SQM R729,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4420 of Secunda 4421 of Secunda 1000sqm 910sqm 1000.0000-SQM 910.0000-SQM R760,000.00 R750,000.00 RES - Residential 4422 of Secunda 910sqm 910.0000-SQM R740,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4423 of Secunda 4424 of Secunda 910sqm 1015sqm 910.0000-SQM 1015.0000-SQM R720,000.00 R830,000.00 RES - Residential UDT - Unregistered RES - Residential RES - Residential 4425 of Secunda 4425 of Secunda (Portion 1) 4425 of Secunda (Portion 2) 4425 of Secunda (Portion 3) 7433sqm 4188sqm 945sqm 896sqm 7433.0000-SQM R890,000.00 R1,000.00 R712,000.00 R735,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4392 of Secunda 4393 of Secunda Page 115 891sqm 891sqm 891.0000-SQM 891.0000-SQM 945.0000-SQM 896.0000-SQM R710,000.00 R705,000.00 Registered description 4425 of Secunda (Portion 4) 4425 of Secunda (Portion 5) 4425 of Secunda (Portion 6) 4425 of Secunda (Portion 7) 4425 of Secunda (Portion 8) 4425 of Secunda (Portion 9) 4425 of Secunda (Portion 10) 4425 of Secunda (Portion 11) 4425 of Secunda (Portion 12) 4425 of Secunda (Portion 13) 4425 of Secunda (Portion 14) 4425 of Secunda (Portion 15) 4425 of Secunda (Portion 16) 4425 of Secunda (Portion 17) 4425 of Secunda (Portion 18) 4425 of Secunda (Portion 19) 4425 of Secunda (Portion 20) 4425 of Secunda (Portion 21) 4425 of Secunda (Portion 22) 4425 of Secunda (Portion 23) 4425 of Secunda (Portion 24) 4425 of Secunda (Portion 25) 4425 of Secunda (Portion 26) 4425 of Secunda (Portion 27) 4425 of Secunda (Portion 28) 4425 of Secunda (Portion 29) 4425 of Secunda (Portion 30) 4425 of Secunda (Portion 31) 4425 of Secunda (Portion 32) 4425 of Secunda (Portion 33) 4426 of Secunda 4427 of Secunda 4428 of Secunda 4429 of Secunda 4430 of Secunda 4431 of Secunda 4432 of Secunda 4433 of Secunda 4434 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Reg Gordon Rapson Theresa Dawn Rapson Deventer Lourens Andries Stephanus Van Wyk Margaretha Van Cornelis Lubbe Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Diane Mary Dugdale Paul Thomas Dugdale Dawid Jacobus Joubert Petro Joubert Johannes Wessel Steyn Floris Jasper Visser Floris Jasper Visser Henning De Jager Idaletta De Jager Rensburg Hendrik Janse Van Rensburg Sonette Hesther Janse Van Eeden Nicolaas Jacobus Johannes Van Marthinus Johannes Lourens Susanna Cornelia Lourens Christoffel Cornelius Venter Deanna Venter Louis Stephanus Andries Koekemoer Rooyen Rochelle Van Christo Pretorius Susara Christina Pretorius Cornelius Johannes Frederik Vermaak Susanna Elizabeth Vermaak Cornelia Paula Elizabeth Phillips Vernon Jonathan Phillips Chantel Jewel Mocke Jan Hendrik Mocke Zyl Petrus Cornelis Van Johan Kroucamp Tersia Kroucamp Jan Hendrik Badenhorst Josephina Johanna Badenhorst Amelia Visser Gert Jacobus Visser Eiendomme Pty Ltd Karizel Isabella Magdalena Wolvaardt Isak Bartlomias Wolvaardt Attie Johannes Bean Katrina Maria Bean & Marlo Heyns Familietrust Jack Cornelia Maria Opperman Jesaja Renier Opperman Derrick Steph Dlamini Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Buti Richard Mbata Nico Lindeque Quintonn Joynt Time Trading Pty Ltd Peak Rooyen Thomas Richard Van Rooyen Wilma Antionette Van Pay-Rite Handelaars Cc Kevin Roy Jones Luhan Burmeister Marinda Roodman Thomas Jacobus Roodman Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential UDT - Unregistered RES - Residential 4425 of Secunda (Portion 5) 4425 of Secunda (Portion 6) 4425 of Secunda (Portion 7) 4425 of Secunda (Portion 8) 4425 of Secunda (Portion 9) 896sqm 896sqm 968sqm 1068sqm 953sqm 896.0000-SQM 896.0000-SQM 968.0000-SQM 953.0000-SQM R895,000.00 R725,000.00 R788,000.00 R830,000.00 R682,000.00 RES - Residential 4425 of Secunda (Portion 10) 953sqm 953.0000-SQM R807,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4425 of Secunda (Portion 11) 4425 of Secunda (Portion 12) 953sqm 969sqm 953.0000-SQM 969.0000-SQM R702,000.00 R738,000.00 RES - Residential 4425 of Secunda (Portion 13) 1051sqm 1051.0000-SQM R731,000.00 RES - Residential 4425 of Secunda (Portion 14) 1140sqm 1140.0000-SQM R710,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4425 of Secunda (Portion 15) 4425 of Secunda (Portion 16) 1182sqm 1306sqm 1182.0000-SQM 1306.0000-SQM R816,000.00 R761,000.00 RES - Residential 4425 of Secunda (Portion 17) 1272sqm 1272.0000-SQM R770,000.00 RES - Residential 4425 of Secunda (Portion 18) 933sqm 933.0000-SQM R1,006,000.00 RES - Residential 4425 of Secunda (Portion 19) 864sqm 864.0000-SQM R724,000.00 RES - Residential 4425 of Secunda (Portion 20) 864sqm 864.0000-SQM R754,000.00 RES - Residential 4425 of Secunda (Portion 21) 864sqm 864.0000-SQM R724,000.00 RES - Residential 4425 of Secunda (Portion 22) 864sqm 864.0000-SQM R754,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4425 of Secunda (Portion 23) 4425 of Secunda (Portion 24) 864sqm 1011sqm 864.0000-SQM 1011.0000-SQM R724,000.00 R710,000.00 RES - Residential 4425 of Secunda (Portion 25) 1075sqm 1075.0000-SQM R712,000.00 RES - Residential 4425 of Secunda (Portion 26) 918sqm 918.0000-SQM R716,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4425 of Secunda (Portion 27) 4425 of Secunda (Portion 28) 918sqm 918sqm 918.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM R825,000.00 R716,000.00 RES - Residential 4425 of Secunda (Portion 29) 918sqm 918.0000-SQM R726,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4425 of Secunda (Portion 30) 4425 of Secunda (Portion 31) 918sqm 1079sqm 918.0000-SQM 1079.0000-SQM R706,000.00 R772,000.00 RES - Residential UDT - Unregistered RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4425 of Secunda (Portion 32) 4425 of Secunda (Portion 33) 4426 of Secunda 4427 of Secunda 4428 of Secunda 4429 of Secunda 4430 of Secunda 1213sqm 243sqm 924sqm 825sqm 825sqm 825sqm 825sqm 1213.0000-SQM 924.0000-SQM 825.0000-SQM 825.0000-SQM 825.0000-SQM 825.0000-SQM R750,000.00 R60,500.00 R696,000.00 R687,000.00 R702,000.00 R677,000.00 R687,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4431 of Secunda 4432 of Secunda 4433 of Secunda 4434 of Secunda 939sqm 939sqm 938sqm 978sqm 939.0000-SQM 939.0000-SQM 938.0000-SQM 978.0000-SQM R677,000.00 R887,000.00 R677,000.00 R996,000.00 RES - Residential 4425 of Secunda (Portion 4) Page 116 896sqm 896.0000-SQM R895,000.00 Registered description 4435 of Secunda 4436 of Secunda 4437 of Secunda 4438 of Secunda 4439 of Secunda 4440 of Secunda 4441 of Secunda 4442 of Secunda 4443 of Secunda 4444 of Secunda 4445 of Secunda 4446 of Secunda 4447 of Secunda 4448 of Secunda 4449 of Secunda 4450 of Secunda 4451 of Secunda 4452 of Secunda 4453 of Secunda 4454 of Secunda 4455 of Secunda 4456 of Secunda 4457 of Secunda 4458 of Secunda 4459 of Secunda 4460 of Secunda 4461 of Secunda 4462 of Secunda 4463 of Secunda 4464 of Secunda 4465 of Secunda 4466 of Secunda 4467 of Secunda 4468 of Secunda 4469 of Secunda 4470 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Hendrik Jacobus Pienaar Susanna Helena Pienaar Niekerk Tersia Hester Sophia Van Niekerk Willem Johannes Karel Van Wyk Amand Van Wyk Madeleine Van Christiaan Deon Vermaak Estelle Greyling Paul Marius Greyling Lindiwe Penelope Nkosi Majaha Abednego Shongwe Shigure Johan Mkhonta Corlet De Bruin Pieter De Bruin Andrew Ryder Mccutcheon John Henry David Rynders Henry John Curry Leolien Curry Carina Erasmus Shane Erasmus Frederik Coenraad Pretorius Helene Pretorius Isaac Tshimangadzo Musida Karen Margaret Poxon Dingase Stella Mthembu Thomas Mkhandawiri Mthembu Fredrieka Johanna Ferreira Stephanus Francois Ferreira Jeremiah Ismail Coenraad Engelberth Bam Francina Johanna Magrietha Bam Catharina Maria Lombard Gideon Lourens Lombard Dereck Peter Barnard Gesina Susanna Barnard Christa Christina Wilhelmina Bezuidenhout Christoffel Petrus Bezuidenhout der Walt Johannes Petrus Van der Walt Sonja Petronella Van Johanna Catharina Knoetze Martin Johannes Knoetze Anita De Kock Kenneth Nicolas De Kock Niekerk Carel Hendrik Johannes Van Niekerk Juliette Magdalena Van der Merwe Cecil Allan Van der Merwe Susara Magrietha Van Pay-Rite Handelaars Cc Josiah Lulu Kumalo Johannes Cornelius Pieterse Gerhard Johan Roos Petronella Martina Roos Henry Louise Rust Sandra Rust Dewald Du Randt Francina Hendrina Du Randt Philemon Mfana Xaba Kenneth Keith Sarman Lisha Sarman Adam Johannes Barnard Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 4436 of Secunda 918sqm 918.0000-SQM R696,000.00 RES - Residential 4437 of Secunda 912sqm 912.0000-SQM R681,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4438 of Secunda 4439 of Secunda 920sqm 993sqm 920.0000-SQM 993.0000-SQM R676,000.00 R709,000.00 RES - Residential 4440 of Secunda 969sqm 969.0000-SQM R703,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4441 of Secunda 4442 of Secunda 969sqm 969sqm 969.0000-SQM 969.0000-SQM R673,000.00 R688,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4443 of Secunda 4444 of Secunda 4445 of Secunda 925sqm 925sqm 925sqm 925.0000-SQM 925.0000-SQM 925.0000-SQM R716,000.00 R726,000.00 R702,000.00 RES - Residential 4446 of Secunda 925sqm 925.0000-SQM R711,000.00 RES - Residential 4447 of Secunda 1036sqm 1036.0000-SQM R701,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4448 of Secunda 4449 of Secunda 4450 of Secunda 944sqm 858sqm 858sqm 944.0000-SQM 858.0000-SQM 858.0000-SQM R687,000.00 R683,000.00 R688,000.00 RES - Residential 4451 of Secunda 858sqm 858.0000-SQM R733,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4452 of Secunda 4453 of Secunda 858sqm 926sqm 858.0000-SQM 926.0000-SQM R726,000.00 R696,000.00 RES - Residential 4454 of Secunda 926sqm 926.0000-SQM R846,000.00 RES - Residential 4455 of Secunda 951sqm 951.0000-SQM R697,000.00 RES - Residential 4456 of Secunda 951sqm 951.0000-SQM R707,000.00 RES - Residential 4457 of Secunda 965sqm 965.0000-SQM R788,000.00 RES - Residential 4458 of Secunda 912sqm 912.0000-SQM R701,000.00 RES - Residential 4459 of Secunda 912sqm 912.0000-SQM R866,000.00 RES - Residential 4460 of Secunda 897sqm 897.0000-SQM R755,000.00 RES - Residential 4461 of Secunda 974sqm 974.0000-SQM R693,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4462 of Secunda 4463 of Secunda 4464 of Secunda 4465 of Secunda 974sqm 964sqm 964sqm 962sqm 974.0000-SQM 964.0000-SQM 964.0000-SQM 962.0000-SQM R748,000.00 R698,000.00 R693,000.00 R738,000.00 RES - Residential 4466 of Secunda 962sqm 962.0000-SQM R693,000.00 RES - Residential 4467 of Secunda 962sqm 962.0000-SQM R725,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4468 of Secunda 4469 of Secunda 962sqm 1061sqm 962.0000-SQM 1061.0000-SQM R703,000.00 R722,000.00 RES - Residential 4470 of Secunda 944sqm 944.0000-SQM R827,000.00 RES - Residential 4435 of Secunda Page 117 951sqm 951.0000-SQM R947,000.00 Registered description 4471 of Secunda 4472 of Secunda 4473 of Secunda 4474 of Secunda 4475 of Secunda 4476 of Secunda 4477 of Secunda 4478 of Secunda 4479 of Secunda 4480 of Secunda 4481 of Secunda 4482 of Secunda 4483 of Secunda 4484 of Secunda 4485 of Secunda 4486 of Secunda 4487 of Secunda 4488 of Secunda 4489 of Secunda 4490 of Secunda 4491 of Secunda 4492 of Secunda 4493 of Secunda 4494 of Secunda 4495 of Secunda 4496 of Secunda 4497 of Secunda 4498 of Secunda 4499 of Secunda 4500 of Secunda 4501 of Secunda 4502 of Secunda 4503 of Secunda 4504 of Secunda 4505 of Secunda 4506 of Secunda 4507 of Secunda 4508 of Secunda 4509 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Francois Swart Jacobus Hermanus Johannes De Buys Anne-Marrie Kruger Jacques Niklaas Prinsloo Christiaan Lourens Labuschagne Rudolph Krause Andre Visser Sarah Maria Visser Evan Werner Rademeyer Liesl Rademeyer Peter Rutter Ramona Ilona Rutter Denis Gordon Hewitt Zachryda Gertruida Hewitt Jennifer Anne Johansson Andrew Wilby Elizabeth Susanna Magrietha Wilby Alieda Mariea Elizabeth Marx Gerhardus Johannes Marx Amanda Hall Percy James Hall Marinda Roodman Thomas Jacobus Roodman David James Dippenaar Marco Louis Heinerich Du Plessis Michael Phillip O'connor Johanna Catharina Vermeulen Micheal Gerhardus Vermeulen Martha Louisa Johannes Booyse Mbowel Huges Ibala Nicole Nyno Ibala Hendrik Jacobus Petrus Swartz Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Alfred Rossouw Anna Catharina De Klerk Johannes Jacobus De Klerk Morningstar Inv Trust Aletta Catharina Britz John Ranald Mclennan Charmaine Constance Everton Gavin David Everton Jeanette Fouche Marthinus Philippus Fouche Many Mansions Cc Alida Anna-Marie Meiring James Henry Meiring Elizabeth Yvonne Diedericks Lodewyk Gabriel Diedericks Kamalasen Govender Bhavna Singh Morne Booysen Senta Helga Meister Jason James Tee Gert Theunis Christoffel Mynhardt Magdalena Adriana Jacoba Mynhardt Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 4478 of Secunda 962sqm 962.0000-SQM R768,000.00 RES - Residential 4479 of Secunda 962sqm 962.0000-SQM R738,000.00 RES - Residential 4480 of Secunda 962sqm 962.0000-SQM R703,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4481 of Secunda 4482 of Secunda 962sqm 962sqm 962.0000-SQM 962.0000-SQM R818,000.00 R708,000.00 RES - Residential 4483 of Secunda 1061sqm 1061.0000-SQM R702,000.00 RES - Residential 4484 of Secunda 957sqm 957.0000-SQM R787,000.00 RES - Residential 4485 of Secunda 858sqm 858.0000-SQM R713,000.00 RES - Residential 4486 of Secunda 858sqm 858.0000-SQM R688,000.00 RES - Residential 4487 of Secunda 858sqm 858.0000-SQM R713,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4488 of Secunda 4489 of Secunda 858sqm 879sqm 858.0000-SQM 879.0000-SQM R723,000.00 R694,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4490 of Secunda 4491 of Secunda 4492 of Secunda 4493 of Secunda 4494 of Secunda 905sqm 904sqm 904sqm 855sqm 911sqm 905.0000-SQM 904.0000-SQM 904.0000-SQM 855.0000-SQM 911.0000-SQM R705,000.00 R690,000.00 R700,000.00 R693,000.00 R876,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4495 of Secunda 4496 of Secunda 4497 of Secunda 4498 of Secunda 823sqm 872sqm 968sqm 968sqm 823.0000-SQM 872.0000-SQM 968.0000-SQM 968.0000-SQM R672,000.00 R814,000.00 R728,000.00 R788,000.00 RES - Residential 4499 of Secunda 968sqm 968.0000-SQM R828,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4500 of Secunda 4501 of Secunda 958sqm 962sqm 958.0000-SQM 962.0000-SQM R767,000.00 R688,000.00 RES - Residential 4502 of Secunda 962sqm 962.0000-SQM R738,000.00 RES - Residential 4503 of Secunda 962sqm 962.0000-SQM R878,000.00 RES - Residential 4504 of Secunda 962sqm 962.0000-SQM R778,000.00 RES - Residential 4505 of Secunda 1073sqm 1073.0000-SQM R732,000.00 MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal 4506 of Secunda 4507 of Secunda 4508 of Secunda 4509 of Secunda 595sqm 1540sqm 1766sqm 1750sqm 595.0000-SQM 1540.0000-SQM 1766.0000-SQM 1750.0000-SQM R14,900.00 R345,000.00 R400,000.00 R395,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4471 of Secunda 4472 of Secunda 4473 of Secunda 4474 of Secunda 4475 of Secunda 4476 of Secunda 4477 of Secunda Page 118 858sqm 858sqm 858sqm 858sqm 858sqm 957sqm 1073sqm 858.0000-SQM 858.0000-SQM 858.0000-SQM 858.0000-SQM 858.0000-SQM 957.0000-SQM 1073.0000-SQM R698,000.00 R688,000.00 R923,000.00 R713,000.00 R703,000.00 R1,027,000.00 R697,000.00 Registered description 4510 of Secunda 4511 of Secunda 4512 of Secunda 4513 of Secunda 4514 of Secunda 4515 of Secunda 4516 of Secunda 4517 of Secunda 4517 of Secunda (Portion 1) 4518 of Secunda 4519 of Secunda 4520 of Secunda 4521 of Secunda 4522 of Secunda 4523 of Secunda 4524 of Secunda 4525 of Secunda 4526 of Secunda 4527 of Secunda 4528 of Secunda 4529 of Secunda 4530 of Secunda 4531 of Secunda 4532 of Secunda 4533 of Secunda 4534 of Secunda 4535 of Secunda 4536 of Secunda 4537 of Secunda 4538 of Secunda 4539 of Secunda 4540 of Secunda 4541 of Secunda 4542 of Secunda 4543 of Secunda 4544 of Secunda 4545 of Secunda 4546 of Secunda 4547 of Secunda 4548 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Marchall Bramwall Stonehouse Dumsani Samuel Nkosi Janet Christien Du Plessis Sarel Jakobus Du Plessis Cornelius Johannes Vermaak Odette Vermaak Wyk Susanna Catharina Van Malose Alpheus Kekana Maria Catherine Kekana Njabulo Rodney Mabuza Nonhlanhla Theresa Mgabi Charl Zacharias Pretorius Jennifer Pretorius Maryna Aswegen Aswegen Daleen Van Aswegen George Martin Wayne Van Johan Bernhard Adriaan Van De Meeberg Louisa Reinet Van De Meeberg Vuuren Christiaan Johannes Janse Van Vuuren Christina Sophia Jansen Van Jason Stephen Mathews Marian Valerie Weineck Robert Arthur Weineck Dyk Clinton Van Dyk Seleste Van Vuuren Anna-Marie Janse Van Vuuren Steven Anthony Janse Van Maruis Arnold Johannes Odendaal Johannes Gedeon Georg Coetzee Julina Coetzee Wynand Robert Robinson Solly Pro Mabuza Thembi Elisa Mabuza Jacques Kotze Shirley Kotze der Heever Johannes Willem Van Thela Moses Sepie Elizabeth Maria Brooks Phillipus Paulus Jacobus Brooks Willem Abraham Henning Ashby Aluwani Neshunzhi Nthambeleni Neshunzhi Jose Antonio Sosa Hermina Christina Johanna Gouws Leon Pierre Gouws Musiwalo Samuel Mutshinyali Refilwe Mamphenyane Wilhemina Mutshinyali Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Dennis Masango Gladys Zanile Masango Category MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal UDT - Unregistered RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential Address 4510 of Secunda 4511 of Secunda 4512 of Secunda 4513 of Secunda 4514 of Secunda 4515 of Secunda 4516 of Secunda 4517 of Secunda 4517 of Secunda (Portion 1) 4518 of Secunda 4519 of Secunda 4520 of Secunda Extent 780sqm 403sqm 507sqm 484sqm 5389sqm 4.4963Ha 3.3253Ha 3.2849Ha 1260sqm 1014sqm 962sqm 983sqm Extent (DO) 780.0000-SQM 403.0000-SQM 507.0000-SQM 484.0000-SQM 5389.0000-SQM 4.4963-H 3.3253-H 3.2849-H Market Value Remarks 1014.0000-SQM 962.0000-SQM 983.0000-SQM R176,000.00 R91,000.00 R114,000.00 R12,100.00 R135,000.00 R670,000.00 R500,000.00 R495,000.00 R290,000.00 R750,000.00 R708,000.00 R718,000.00 RES - Residential 4521 of Secunda 860sqm 860.0000-SQM R834,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4522 of Secunda 4523 of Secunda 837sqm 837sqm 837.0000-SQM 837.0000-SQM R733,000.00 R853,000.00 RES - Residential 4524 of Secunda 837sqm 837.0000-SQM R733,000.00 RES - Residential 4525 of Secunda 837sqm 837.0000-SQM R733,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4526 of Secunda 4527 of Secunda 853sqm 869sqm 853.0000-SQM 869.0000-SQM R753,000.00 R709,000.00 RES - Residential 4528 of Secunda 857sqm 857.0000-SQM R713,000.00 RES - Residential 4529 of Secunda 842sqm 842.0000-SQM R743,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4530 of Secunda 4531 of Secunda 891sqm 891sqm 891.0000-SQM 891.0000-SQM R755,000.00 R675,000.00 RES - Residential 4532 of Secunda 891sqm 891.0000-SQM R735,000.00 RES - Residential 4533 of Secunda 891sqm 891.0000-SQM R700,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4534 of Secunda 4535 of Secunda 1101sqm 1085sqm 1101.0000-SQM 1085.0000-SQM R733,000.00 R708,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4536 of Secunda 4537 of Secunda 879sqm 858sqm 879.0000-SQM 858.0000-SQM R734,000.00 R933,000.00 RES - Residential 4538 of Secunda 973sqm 973.0000-SQM R790,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4539 of Secunda 4540 of Secunda 4541 of Secunda 1055sqm 978sqm 962sqm 1055.0000-SQM 978.0000-SQM 962.0000-SQM R691,000.00 R661,000.00 R683,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4542 of Secunda 4543 of Secunda 962sqm 962sqm 962.0000-SQM 962.0000-SQM R713,000.00 R693,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4544 of Secunda 4545 of Secunda 1111sqm 1026sqm 1111.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM R719,000.00 R720,000.00 RES - Residential 4546 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026.0000-SQM R685,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4547 of Secunda 4548 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026sqm 1026.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM R700,000.00 R730,000.00 Page 119 Registered description 4549 of Secunda 4550 of Secunda 4551 of Secunda 4552 of Secunda 4553 of Secunda 4554 of Secunda 4555 of Secunda 4556 of Secunda 4557 of Secunda 4558 of Secunda 4559 of Secunda 4560 of Secunda 4561 of Secunda 4562 of Secunda 4563 of Secunda 4564 of Secunda 4565 of Secunda 4566 of Secunda 4567 of Secunda 4568 of Secunda 4569 of Secunda 4570 of Secunda 4571 of Secunda 4572 of Secunda 4573 of Secunda 4574 of Secunda 4575 of Secunda 4576 of Secunda 4577 of Secunda 4578 of Secunda 4579 of Secunda 4580 of Secunda 4581 of Secunda 4582 of Secunda 4583 of Secunda 4584 of Secunda 4585 of Secunda 4586 of Secunda 4587 of Secunda 4588 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Jacqulene Grobbelaar Roelof Nicolaas Scheepers Elsebe De Jager Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Claude Rupert Du Toit Musiwalo Samuel Mutshinyali Refilwe Mamphenyane Wilhemina Mutshinyali Quinten Scheepers Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Elizabeth Margaret Slabbert George Karl Slabbert Cornelia Elizabeth Roos Frederick Stephanus Roos Christoffelina Johanna Potgieter Adele Du Plessis Carel Jacobus Daniel Du Plessis Hercules Wynand Deminey Catarina Maria Schoeman Johannes Stephanus Schoeman Christo Brown Margaretha Johanna Brown Victor Leonard Martin Ziona De Klerk Vuuren Roelof Erasmus Van Marco Du Plessis Beverley Jean Robinson der Walt Adolf Heindrich Van Deventer Lourens Erasmus Van Deventer Zoe Jane Van der Schyff Aletta Susara Van der Schyff Isak Hermanus Van Marie Elizabeth Wessels Rajendran Naidoo Sagri Naidoo Anna Mamokebe Kekana Setjwamadi Lawrence Kekana Njabulo Rodney Mabuza Alfred Babhalile Mahlangu Nicolaas Jacobus Bam Rosina Paulina Bam Margaret Elizabeth Vollenhoven Sidney Jacob Vollenhoven Reginald Arthur Bower Bonginkosi Johan Mona Anna Susanna Venter Stephanes Johannes Venter Sornaganthee Govender Veerabathran Govender Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Fredrik Christoffel Havenga Johanna Renska Havenga Rooyen Ana Sophia Johanna Van Rooyen Petrus Hendrik Van Cornelia Susanna Nel Robert Gatacre Stanton Nel Marlene Jenifer Genade Vijay Ramlal Lilmohun Heidi Venter Marcin Jozef Hyra Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4550 of Secunda 4551 of Secunda 4552 of Secunda 4553 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026sqm 1008sqm 918sqm 1026.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM 1008.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM R705,000.00 R715,000.00 R1,035,000.00 R701,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4554 of Secunda 4555 of Secunda 4556 of Secunda 918sqm 918sqm 918sqm 918.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM R701,000.00 R706,000.00 R696,000.00 RES - Residential 4557 of Secunda 918sqm 918.0000-SQM R796,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4558 of Secunda 4559 of Secunda 897sqm 891sqm 897.0000-SQM 891.0000-SQM R674,000.00 R695,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4560 of Secunda 4561 of Secunda 858sqm 858sqm 858.0000-SQM 858.0000-SQM R743,000.00 R743,000.00 RES - Residential 4562 of Secunda 858sqm 858.0000-SQM R723,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4563 of Secunda 4564 of Secunda 4565 of Secunda 4566 of Secunda 4567 of Secunda 4568 of Secunda 4569 of Secunda 890sqm 912sqm 1001sqm 1044sqm 1107sqm 935sqm 962sqm 890.0000-SQM 912.0000-SQM 1001.0000-SQM 1044.0000-SQM 1107.0000-SQM 935.0000-SQM 962.0000-SQM R709,000.00 R796,000.00 R859,000.00 R841,000.00 R718,000.00 R837,000.00 R738,000.00 RES - Residential 4570 of Secunda 962sqm 962.0000-SQM R673,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4571 of Secunda 4572 of Secunda 962sqm 962sqm 962.0000-SQM 962.0000-SQM R768,000.00 R708,000.00 RES - Residential 4573 of Secunda 1101sqm 1101.0000-SQM R723,000.00 RES - Residential 4574 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026.0000-SQM R690,000.00 RES - Residential 4575 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026.0000-SQM R750,000.00 RES - Residential 4576 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026.0000-SQM R715,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4577 of Secunda 4578 of Secunda 4579 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026sqm 1128sqm 1026.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM 1128.0000-SQM R730,000.00 R800,000.00 R689,000.00 RES - Residential 4580 of Secunda 918sqm 918.0000-SQM R681,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4581 of Secunda 4582 of Secunda 918sqm 918sqm 918.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM R701,000.00 R756,000.00 RES - Residential 4583 of Secunda 918sqm 918.0000-SQM R706,000.00 RES - Residential 4584 of Secunda 884sqm 884.0000-SQM R790,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4585 of Secunda 4586 of Secunda 4587 of Secunda 4588 of Secunda 867sqm 930sqm 866sqm 858sqm 867.0000-SQM 930.0000-SQM 866.0000-SQM 858.0000-SQM R734,000.00 R736,000.00 R684,000.00 R733,000.00 RES - Residential 4549 of Secunda Page 120 1026sqm 1026.0000-SQM R780,000.00 Registered description 4589 of Secunda 4590 of Secunda 4591 of Secunda 4592 of Secunda 4593 of Secunda 4594 of Secunda 4595 of Secunda 4596 of Secunda 4597 of Secunda 4598 of Secunda 4599 of Secunda 4600 of Secunda 4601 of Secunda 4602 of Secunda 4603 of Secunda 4604 of Secunda 4605 of Secunda 4606 of Secunda 4607 of Secunda 4608 of Secunda 4609 of Secunda 4610 of Secunda 4611 of Secunda 4612 of Secunda 4613 of Secunda 4614 of Secunda 4615 of Secunda 4616 of Secunda 4617 of Secunda 4618 of Secunda 4619 of Secunda 4620 of Secunda 4621 of Secunda 4622 of Secunda 4623 of Secunda 4624 of Secunda 4625 of Secunda 4626 of Secunda 4627 of Secunda 4628 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Petronella Sophia Engelbrecht Thomas Engernaaties Kloppers Engelbrecht Carla O'neill Marius O'neill Andre Daniel Swanepoel Johanna Cathrina Archer Swanepoel Erica Charlotte Ballack Petrus Gerhardus Ballack Christo Brits Magdalena Catherine Brits Cavin Les Mccarthy Elizabeth Catherine Pienaar Leon Gugu Mgagula Anna Dorathea Oosthuizen Paul Petrus Oosthuizen Rookmoney Devi Naidoo Shrinivasa Naidoo Isabella Joubert Patrick Shonisane Sekgobela Catharina Susara Els Philippus Jacobus Marais Quinton Neil Addison Johan-Andre Booysen Lynette Booysen Raymond Johnstone Matome Mohale Sarel Pieter Wium Oupa Tshepo Mokgoto Sthembile Happiness Mokgoto Maria Jacoba Jacobs Paul Jacobus Jacobs Mphuthumi Magubeni Thokozani Rose Gcobani Magubeni Johannes Hendrik Bester Sonja Antionette Bester Babalwa Vuyokazi Mbuce Thabisile Nontokozo Sibiya Hendrik Schalk Kotze Margaretha Johanna Kotze Landon Paul Baker Tarnia Elena Baker Hendrik Schalk Kotze Margaretha Johanna Kotze Esther Susanna Coetzee Anton Zaayman Henning Jeremia Spinnler Vanessa Elizabeth Spinnler Loveday Nomthetho Memela Zakhele Gregory-Crown Memela Nathanael Philippus Gilfillan L A J Prop Cc Beuty Ridovhona Tshivhase Nkhiphitheni Godfrey Tshivhase Maharaj Computer Technologies Cc Armand Du Preez Laura Du Preez Anna Elizabeth Olivier Henning Jeremia Pringel Olivier Samuel Hendrik Thomas Paneline Pty Ltd Genrec Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 4590 of Secunda 858sqm 858.0000-SQM R803,000.00 RES - Residential 4591 of Secunda 858sqm 858.0000-SQM R803,000.00 RES - Residential 4592 of Secunda 912sqm 912.0000-SQM R776,000.00 RES - Residential 4593 of Secunda 1023sqm 1023.0000-SQM R770,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4594 of Secunda 4595 of Secunda 4596 of Secunda 4597 of Secunda 962sqm 962sqm 962sqm 963sqm 962.0000-SQM 962.0000-SQM 962.0000-SQM 963.0000-SQM R698,000.00 R748,000.00 R693,000.00 R703,000.00 RES - Residential 4598 of Secunda 1033sqm 1033.0000-SQM R920,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4599 of Secunda 4600 of Secunda 4601 of Secunda 4602 of Secunda 4603 of Secunda 4604 of Secunda 1076sqm 990sqm 1026sqm 1026sqm 1026sqm 1026sqm 1076.0000-SQM 990.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM R742,000.00 R829,000.00 R760,000.00 R815,000.00 R960,000.00 R780,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4605 of Secunda 4606 of Secunda 4607 of Secunda 4608 of Secunda 1012sqm 928sqm 928sqm 928sqm 1012.0000-SQM 928.0000-SQM 928.0000-SQM 928.0000-SQM R860,000.00 R906,000.00 R706,000.00 R706,000.00 RES - Residential 4609 of Secunda 921sqm 921.0000-SQM R726,000.00 RES - Residential 4610 of Secunda 1001sqm 1001.0000-SQM R719,000.00 RES - Residential 4611 of Secunda 1123sqm 1123.0000-SQM R914,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4612 of Secunda 4613 of Secunda 4614 of Secunda 1044sqm 1044sqm 1044sqm 1044.0000-SQM 1044.0000-SQM 1044.0000-SQM R721,000.00 R771,000.00 R741,000.00 RES - Residential 4615 of Secunda 1140sqm 1140.0000-SQM R775,000.00 RES - Residential 4616 of Secunda 974sqm 974.0000-SQM R788,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4617 of Secunda 4618 of Secunda 4619 of Secunda 928sqm 928sqm 896sqm 928.0000-SQM 928.0000-SQM 896.0000-SQM R711,000.00 R726,000.00 R755,000.00 RES - Residential 4620 of Secunda 896sqm 896.0000-SQM R805,000.00 RES - Residential VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential 4621 of Secunda 4622 of Secunda 4623 of Secunda 946sqm 4823sqm 928sqm 946.0000-SQM 4823.0000-SQM 928.0000-SQM R780,000.00 R1,900,000.00 R756,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4624 of Secunda 4625 of Secunda 1078sqm 1008sqm 1078.0000-SQM 1008.0000-SQM R920,000.00 R799,000.00 RES - Residential 4626 of Secunda 1008sqm 1008.0000-SQM R769,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4627 of Secunda 4628 of Secunda 1044sqm 1044sqm 1044.0000-SQM 1044.0000-SQM R741,000.00 R706,000.00 RES - Residential 4589 of Secunda Page 121 858sqm 858.0000-SQM R708,000.00 Registered description 4629 of Secunda 4630 of Secunda 4631 of Secunda 4632 of Secunda 4633 of Secunda 4634 of Secunda 4635 of Secunda 4636 of Secunda 4637 of Secunda 4638 of Secunda 4639 of Secunda 4640 of Secunda 4641 of Secunda 4642 of Secunda 4643 of Secunda 4644 of Secunda 4645 of Secunda 4646 of Secunda 4647 of Secunda 4648 of Secunda 4649 of Secunda 4650 of Secunda 4651 of Secunda 4652 of Secunda 4653 of Secunda 4654 of Secunda 4655 of Secunda 4656 of Secunda 4657 of Secunda 4658 of Secunda 4659 of Secunda 4660 of Secunda 4661 of Secunda 4662 of Secunda 4663 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Nicolaas Gerhard Malherbe Mervyn Desmond Pohl Breda Anna Catharina Van Breda Philip Douglas Van Daphny Hibbins Hilton Sidney Hibbins Anna Catharina Malherbe Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Cornelia Coetzer Marthinus Jacobus Coetzer Hendrik Johannes Slabbert Joubert Michael Frederick Pretorius Sarina Pretorius Andre Swart Stacy-Mae Swart Geo Dunn Lydia Francis Dunn Lena Dolly Barry Richard Barry Rejoice Kori Mathye Always Louis Mdaka Catharina Squire John Henry Pym Squire Athur Neil Welgemoed Ruby Johanna Welgemoed Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Gary Stuart Mitchell Athur Neil Welgemoed Ruby Johanna Welgemoed Ann Howe Gordon Howe Jan Hendrik Lodewikus Vorster Sophia Christina Vorster Christiaan Johannes Hattingh Rensburg Mariska Janse Van Rensburg Nico Janse Van der Merwe Gerrit Van der Merwe Jaqueline Van Arthur Neil Welgemoed Ruby Johanna Welgemoed Abel Hendrik Tromp Stander Heike Stander Ruby Johanna Welgemoed Johannes Petrus Jacobus Rousseau Barthlomeus Donald Pretorius Maria Magrieta Elizabeth Pretorius Johanna Adriana Angelique Goosen Marthinus Johannes Goosen Rapadi Goodwill Mabitle Cornelius Engelbrecht Natasha Engelbrecht Lynette Cecelia Mcdonald Huibrecht Cornelia Du Toit Rooyen Lee-Handi Van Rooyen Morne Van Jurie Anthonie Jonker Lineque Joubert Nicolaas Jacobus Joubert Abel Hendrik Tromp Stander Heike Stander Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 4632 of Secunda 1089sqm 1089.0000-SQM R713,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4633 of Secunda 4634 of Secunda 4635 of Secunda 1126sqm 1125sqm 1125sqm 1126.0000-SQM 1125.0000-SQM 1125.0000-SQM R724,000.00 R694,000.00 R724,000.00 RES - Residential 4636 of Secunda 1162sqm 1162.0000-SQM R721,000.00 RES - Residential 4637 of Secunda 1161sqm 1161.0000-SQM R701,000.00 RES - Residential 4638 of Secunda 1161sqm 1161.0000-SQM R696,000.00 RES - Residential 4639 of Secunda 1235sqm 1235.0000-SQM R708,000.00 RES - Residential 4640 of Secunda 918sqm 918.0000-SQM R696,000.00 RES - Residential 4641 of Secunda 850sqm 850.0000-SQM R743,000.00 RES - Residential 4642 of Secunda 906sqm 906.0000-SQM R755,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4643 of Secunda 4644 of Secunda 4645 of Secunda 1014sqm 950sqm 1014sqm 1014.0000-SQM 950.0000-SQM 1014.0000-SQM R715,000.00 R682,000.00 R790,000.00 RES - Residential 4646 of Secunda 849sqm 849.0000-SQM R713,000.00 RES - Residential 4647 of Secunda 799sqm 799.0000-SQM R721,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4648 of Secunda 4649 of Secunda 844sqm 825sqm 844.0000-SQM 825.0000-SQM R763,000.00 R712,000.00 RES - Residential 4650 of Secunda 879sqm 879.0000-SQM R814,000.00 RES - Residential 4651 of Secunda 918sqm 918.0000-SQM R896,000.00 RES - Residential 4652 of Secunda 1068sqm 1068.0000-SQM R822,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4653 of Secunda 4654 of Secunda 893sqm 912sqm 893.0000-SQM 912.0000-SQM R725,000.00 R810,000.00 RES - Residential 4655 of Secunda 900sqm 900.0000-SQM R700,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4656 of Secunda 4657 of Secunda 936sqm 936sqm 936.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM R702,000.00 R757,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4658 of Secunda 4659 of Secunda 4660 of Secunda 936sqm 936sqm 936sqm 936.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM R767,000.00 R737,000.00 R817,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4661 of Secunda 4662 of Secunda 965sqm 997sqm 965.0000-SQM 997.0000-SQM R738,000.00 R729,000.00 RES - Residential 4663 of Secunda 1228sqm 1228.0000-SQM R938,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4629 of Secunda 4630 of Secunda 4631 of Secunda Page 122 1104sqm 1233sqm 1185sqm 1104.0000-SQM 1233.0000-SQM 1185.0000-SQM R677,000.00 R748,000.00 R786,000.00 Registered description 4664 of Secunda 4665 of Secunda 4666 of Secunda 4667 of Secunda 4668 of Secunda 4669 of Secunda 4670 of Secunda 4671 of Secunda 4672 of Secunda 4673 of Secunda 4674 of Secunda 4675 of Secunda 4676 of Secunda 4677 of Secunda 4678 of Secunda 4679 of Secunda 4680 of Secunda 4681 of Secunda 4682 of Secunda 4683 of Secunda 4684 of Secunda 4685 of Secunda 4686 of Secunda 4687 of Secunda 4688 of Secunda 4689 of Secunda 4690 of Secunda 4691 of Secunda 4692 of Secunda 4693 of Secunda 4694 of Secunda 4695 of Secunda 4696 of Secunda 4697 of Secunda 4698 of Secunda 4699 of Secunda 4700 of Secunda 4701 of Secunda 4702 of Secunda 4703 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Delene Elna Swart Pierre Johannes Swart Wikus Vermeulen Linda Koortzen Michiel George Kootzen Johann Diederich Ackermann Herman Potgieter Vivian Prins Steve Gary Steyn Tracy Yvette Steyn Ronald Vernon Taylor Tersia Taylor Matefo Jeanett Mokoena Elizabeth Anna Rolefina Bezuidenhout Wynand Jacobus Bezuidenhout Alexander Mcdonald Elf Jaar Residence Trust Jacob Jacobus Nel Joharina Nel Elizabeth Bernardo John Renier Bernardo Lucia Charlotte Wels Lucia Charlotte Wels Elsa Sophia De Waal Lukas Petrus De Waal Mitesh Motilall Parag Albert Oliver Stevens Maria Johanna Stevens Gheorghe Ianuariu Magheru Frans Petrus Hanekom Nicolene Hanekom Justine Budharam Ranesh Budharam Johanna Christina Breed Charmaine Grieb Joost De Beer Magritha Gertruida Susanna De Beer Buuren Hening Johannes Jacobus Van Conrad Christopher Steyn Mamolemelo Rebecca Moomi Mmakodu Jack Moomi Elizabeth Maria Pretorius der Merwe Cornelius Coenradius Van der Merwe Susan Van Matthew Birrel Paterson Wyk Riaan Van Abraham Jacobus Griesel Ayanda Amanda Mcunu Siyabonga Sibongiseni Praise Mcunu Johanna Dorothea De Beer Niekerk Arthur John Van Niekerk Johanna Catharina Van David Lumley Tersia Lumley Maria Elizabeth Boshoff Heinrich Juan Grobler Sibongile Petunia Mcanyana Yena Benefit Yoliswa Mcanyana Frederika Lubbe Pieter Johannes Hendrik Lubbe Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential 4665 of Secunda 4666 of Secunda 1065sqm 1190sqm 1065.0000-SQM 1190.0000-SQM R732,000.00 R787,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4667 of Secunda 4668 of Secunda 4669 of Secunda 4670 of Secunda 1011sqm 927sqm 924sqm 924sqm 1011.0000-SQM 927.0000-SQM 924.0000-SQM 924.0000-SQM R740,000.00 R691,000.00 R686,000.00 R696,000.00 RES - Residential 4671 of Secunda 924sqm 924.0000-SQM R686,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4672 of Secunda 4673 of Secunda 924sqm 924sqm 924.0000-SQM 924.0000-SQM R801,000.00 R886,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4674 of Secunda 4675 of Secunda 4676 of Secunda 1003sqm 1101sqm 1065sqm 1003.0000-SQM 1101.0000-SQM 1065.0000-SQM R819,000.00 R763,000.00 R862,000.00 RES - Residential 4677 of Secunda 1002sqm 1002.0000-SQM R759,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4678 of Secunda 4679 of Secunda 4680 of Secunda 1036sqm 1036sqm 1036sqm 1036.0000-SQM 1036.0000-SQM 1036.0000-SQM R706,000.00 R701,000.00 R701,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4681 of Secunda 4682 of Secunda 1036sqm 1036sqm 1036.0000-SQM 1036.0000-SQM R771,000.00 R716,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4683 of Secunda 4684 of Secunda 1036sqm 1036sqm 1036.0000-SQM 1036.0000-SQM R711,000.00 R691,000.00 RES - Residential 4685 of Secunda 1199sqm 1199.0000-SQM R722,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4686 of Secunda 4687 of Secunda 4688 of Secunda 1088sqm 1133sqm 966sqm 1088.0000-SQM 1133.0000-SQM 966.0000-SQM R833,000.00 R764,000.00 R713,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4689 of Secunda 4690 of Secunda 4691 of Secunda 858sqm 945sqm 1060sqm 858.0000-SQM 945.0000-SQM 1060.0000-SQM R753,000.00 R747,000.00 R712,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4692 of Secunda 4693 of Secunda 962sqm 952sqm 962.0000-SQM 952.0000-SQM R728,000.00 R807,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4694 of Secunda 4695 of Secunda 4696 of Secunda 4697 of Secunda 999sqm 973sqm 830sqm 873sqm 999.0000-SQM 973.0000-SQM 830.0000-SQM 873.0000-SQM R689,000.00 R785,000.00 R742,000.00 R784,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4698 of Secunda 4699 of Secunda 873sqm 873sqm 873.0000-SQM 873.0000-SQM R744,000.00 R734,000.00 RES - Residential 4700 of Secunda 873sqm 873.0000-SQM R754,000.00 RES - Residential 4701 of Secunda 870sqm 870.0000-SQM R709,000.00 RES - Residential 4702 of Secunda 875sqm 875.0000-SQM R814,000.00 RES - Residential 4703 of Secunda 875sqm 875.0000-SQM R714,000.00 RES - Residential 4664 of Secunda Page 123 1195sqm 1195.0000-SQM R847,000.00 Registered description 4704 of Secunda 4705 of Secunda 4706 of Secunda 4707 of Secunda 4708 of Secunda 4709 of Secunda 4710 of Secunda 4711 of Secunda 4712 of Secunda 4713 of Secunda 4714 of Secunda 4715 of Secunda 4716 of Secunda 4717 of Secunda 4718 of Secunda 4719 of Secunda 4720 of Secunda 4721 of Secunda 4722 of Secunda 4723 of Secunda 4724 of Secunda 4725 of Secunda 4726 of Secunda 4727 of Secunda 4728 of Secunda 4729 of Secunda 4730 of Secunda 4731 of Secunda 4732 of Secunda 4733 of Secunda 4734 of Secunda 4735 of Secunda 4736 of Secunda 4737 of Secunda 4738 of Secunda 4739 of Secunda 4740 of Secunda 4741 of Secunda 4742 of Secunda 4743 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Christian Johan Goosen Sharron Shirley Goosen Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Dawid Joubert Steenkamp Magdalena Magrietha Steenkamp Christina Aleta Pretorius Jacques Pretorius Douglas Tinkhani Mughogho Yasuzga Brenda Mughogho Ugandhren Naicker Hilda Anna Frieda Broeckx Jozef Bert Edmond Broeckx Mpho Leviticus Mosweu Melissa Botha Darren Easton Richard Charles Holder Johan Edward Mostert Frederick Petrus Cronje Gerber Jurgen Marthinus Dunn Nadine Michelle Dunn Adriaan Jacobus Theodorus Prinsloo Dorothy Sharline Prinsloo Adel Coetzer Johannes Coetzer Martha Elizabeth Bezuidenhout Adri Pearman Martin John Pearman Louis Jordaan Niekerk Illse Van Kleinbooi George Mabidikama Francois Philippus Steyn Antoinette Louisa Melcher Manfred Marius Melcher Pieter Langenhoven Mphiliswa Professor Mazibuko Zukiswa Mazibuko Robert Hogg Jaco Izak Blom Eugene Victor Smit Jacques Burger Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Dirk Hendrik Botha Vylia Jenny Botha Eugene Victor Smit Johanna Magdalena Smit Pregasen Pillay Umme-Kulsoom Shaik der Westhuizen Dirk Jacobus Van der Westhuizen Linda Van Anna Catharina Pretorius Mattheus Jacobus Pretorius Sarah Johanna Prinsloo Iain Mitchell Magdalena Pieternella Cathirina Moll Willem Johannes Moll Edith Annie Paterson Robert Murdoch Paterson Neville Cedric Abrams Delvin Ronald Buhler Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential 4705 of Secunda 4706 of Secunda 920sqm 890sqm 920.0000-SQM 890.0000-SQM R696,000.00 R755,000.00 RES - Residential 4707 of Secunda 858sqm 858.0000-SQM R833,000.00 RES - Residential 4708 of Secunda 1088sqm 1088.0000-SQM R773,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4709 of Secunda 4710 of Secunda 1111sqm 962sqm 1111.0000-SQM 962.0000-SQM R714,000.00 R688,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4711 of Secunda 4712 of Secunda 1003sqm 953sqm 1003.0000-SQM 953.0000-SQM R719,000.00 R727,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4713 of Secunda 4714 of Secunda 4715 of Secunda 4716 of Secunda 930sqm 925sqm 943sqm 944sqm 930.0000-SQM 925.0000-SQM 943.0000-SQM 944.0000-SQM R701,000.00 R766,000.00 R707,000.00 R712,000.00 RES - Residential 4717 of Secunda 943sqm 943.0000-SQM R777,000.00 RES - Residential 4718 of Secunda 944sqm 944.0000-SQM R797,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4719 of Secunda 4720 of Secunda 916sqm 982sqm 916.0000-SQM 982.0000-SQM R846,000.00 R718,000.00 RES - Residential 4721 of Secunda 891sqm 891.0000-SQM R795,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4722 of Secunda 4723 of Secunda 4724 of Secunda 825sqm 825sqm 825sqm 825.0000-SQM 825.0000-SQM 825.0000-SQM R752,000.00 R732,000.00 R772,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4725 of Secunda 4726 of Secunda 825sqm 825sqm 825.0000-SQM 825.0000-SQM R677,000.00 R697,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4727 of Secunda 4728 of Secunda 4729 of Secunda 4730 of Secunda 4731 of Secunda 4732 of Secunda 825sqm 796sqm 835sqm 1104sqm 971sqm 925sqm 825.0000-SQM 796.0000-SQM 835.0000-SQM 1104.0000-SQM 971.0000-SQM 925.0000-SQM R707,000.00 R706,000.00 R753,000.00 R783,000.00 R718,000.00 R746,000.00 RES - Residential 4733 of Secunda 925sqm 925.0000-SQM R856,000.00 RES - Residential 4734 of Secunda 925sqm 925.0000-SQM R805,000.00 RES - Residential 4735 of Secunda 925sqm 925.0000-SQM R846,000.00 RES - Residential 4736 of Secunda 925sqm 925.0000-SQM R746,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4737 of Secunda 4738 of Secunda 4739 of Secunda 925sqm 999sqm 937sqm 925.0000-SQM 999.0000-SQM 937.0000-SQM R826,000.00 R729,000.00 R702,000.00 RES - Residential 4740 of Secunda 841sqm 841.0000-SQM R708,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4741 of Secunda 4742 of Secunda 4743 of Secunda 891sqm 891sqm 841sqm 891.0000-SQM 891.0000-SQM 841.0000-SQM R755,000.00 R690,000.00 R698,000.00 RES - Residential 4704 of Secunda Page 124 897sqm 897.0000-SQM R705,000.00 Registered description 4744 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) 4770 of Secunda 4771 of Secunda 4772 of Secunda Samuel Mokoena Hadiyo Loshia Pitso Elizabeth Louise Kurtz Christiaan Johannes Kretzen Dorea Burger Maria Gesina Smit Schalk Barend Willem Jacobus Smit Constant Johannes Coetzee Constant Johannes Coetzee Hanlie Coetzee Holloway Trust Yamoto S A Cc Johannes Daniel Kraftt Susarah Williana Kraftt Niekerk Gerhardus Lourens Van Hendrik Nicolaas Hawkins Jeanette Hawkins Andre Behr Rosa Hermina Behr Joseph Fredrick Knipe Glen Mitton Anna Sophia Petronella Kruger Johannes Christiaan Kruger Anna Maria Jacoba Stoltz Johannes Christiaan Stoltz Hoeveldrif Eiendomme Cc Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Johan Arnoldus Smit Helga Hilary Woodroffe Elizabeth Magdalena Veldman Abel Hendrik Tromp Stander Heike Stander Ruby Johanna Welgemoed Jacobus Petrus Lourens Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Antwerpen Gauchet Johann Van Jan Chaka Phehla Hangqiu Vermeulen Petrus Johannes Vermeulen Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality 4773 of Secunda Govan Mbeki Municipality 4774 of Secunda Govan Mbeki Municipality 4775 of Secunda 4776 of Secunda Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality 4777 of Secunda 4778 of Secunda 4779 of Secunda 4779 of Secunda (Portion 1) 4779 of Secunda (Portion 2) 4779 of Secunda (Portion 3) 4779 of Secunda (Portion 4) 4779 of Secunda (Portion 5) 4779 of Secunda (Portion 6) Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Schalkwyk Johann Christoffel Van Chris Van Schalkwyk Trust Laurence Benjamin Leviton Gerrit Kotze Deon Kruger Zyl Johannes Christiaan Van 4745 of Secunda 4746 of Secunda 4747 of Secunda 4748 of Secunda 4749 of Secunda 4750 of Secunda 4751 of Secunda 4752 of Secunda 4753 of Secunda 4754 of Secunda 4755 of Secunda 4756 of Secunda 4757 of Secunda 4758 of Secunda 4759 of Secunda 4760 of Secunda 4761 of Secunda 4762 of Secunda 4763 of Secunda 4764 of Secunda 4765 of Secunda 4766 of Secunda 4767 of Secunda 4768 of Secunda 4769 of Secunda Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4745 of Secunda 4746 of Secunda 4747 of Secunda 4748 of Secunda 890sqm 966sqm 996sqm 1274sqm 890.0000-SQM 966.0000-SQM 996.0000-SQM 1274.0000-SQM R705,000.00 R698,000.00 R729,000.00 R765,000.00 RES - Residential 4749 of Secunda 962sqm 962.0000-SQM R708,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4750 of Secunda 4751 of Secunda 4752 of Secunda 1208sqm 1208sqm 962sqm 1208.0000-SQM 1208.0000-SQM 962.0000-SQM R727,000.00 R717,000.00 R718,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4753 of Secunda 4754 of Secunda 962sqm 1208sqm 962.0000-SQM 1208.0000-SQM R728,000.00 R737,000.00 RES - Residential 4755 of Secunda 1325sqm 1325.0000-SQM R930,000.00 RES - Residential 4756 of Secunda 962sqm 962.0000-SQM R748,000.00 RES - Residential 4757 of Secunda 1041sqm 1041.0000-SQM R751,000.00 RES - Residential 4758 of Secunda 1047sqm 1047.0000-SQM R761,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4759 of Secunda 4760 of Secunda 4761 of Secunda 4762 of Secunda 4763 of Secunda 4764 of Secunda 1203sqm 980sqm 1087sqm 1103sqm 1092sqm 1076sqm 1203.0000-SQM 980.0000-SQM 1087.0000-SQM 1103.0000-SQM 1092.0000-SQM 1076.0000-SQM R737,000.00 R688,000.00 R800,000.00 R718,000.00 R718,000.00 R812,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4765 of Secunda 4766 of Secunda 4767 of Secunda 4768 of Secunda 4769 of Secunda 1125sqm 1078sqm 1059sqm 1202sqm 1086sqm 1125.0000-SQM 1078.0000-SQM 1059.0000-SQM 1202.0000-SQM 1086.0000-SQM R704,000.00 R722,000.00 R711,000.00 R712,000.00 R773,000.00 MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal POS - Public Open Space POS - Public Open Space POS - Public Open Space MUN - Municipal POS - Public Open Space MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4770 of Secunda 4771 of Secunda 4772 of Secunda 1032sqm 1195sqm 412sqm 1032.0000-SQM 1195.0000-SQM 412.0000-SQM R25,800.00 R29,900.00 R10,300.00 4773 of Secunda 412sqm 412.0000-SQM R10,300.00 4774 of Secunda 1521sqm 1521.0000-SQM R38,000.00 4775 of Secunda 4776 of Secunda 805sqm 3609sqm 805.0000-SQM 3609.0000-SQM R187,000.00 R90,000.00 4777 of Secunda 4778 of Secunda 4779 of Secunda 4779 of Secunda (Portion 1) 4779 of Secunda (Portion 2) 4779 of Secunda (Portion 3) 4779 of Secunda (Portion 4) 4779 of Secunda (Portion 5) 4779 of Secunda (Portion 6) 2.2081Ha 3.6015Ha 181sqm 1350sqm 1360sqm 1208sqm 1314sqm 1322sqm 1336sqm 2.2081-H 3.6015-H 181.0000-SQM 1350.0000-SQM 1360.0000-SQM 1208.0000-SQM 1314.0000-SQM 1322.0000-SQM 1336.0000-SQM R130,000.00 R208,000.00 R1,000.00 R1,394,000.00 R1,015,000.00 R1,112,000.00 R1,291,000.00 R1,292,000.00 R1,223,000.00 RES - Residential 4744 of Secunda Page 125 891sqm 891.0000-SQM R690,000.00 Registered description 4779 of Secunda (Portion 7) 4779 of Secunda (Portion 8) Names of Owner(s) 4779 of Secunda (Portion 21) 4779 of Secunda (Portion 22) 4779 of Secunda (Portion 23) 4779 of Secunda (Portion 24) 4779 of Secunda (Portion 25) 4779 of Secunda (Portion 27) 4780 of Secunda Daniel Louis Vermaas Hanger Aletta Magdalena Steurer Aletta Magdalena Steurer Wyngaardt Brian Frederick Van Marios Thios Augoustinos Schalk Willem Petrus De Waal Niekerk Gerhardus Wilhelmus Van Jacobus Christoffel Rudolph Matheus Gerhardus Blom Susanna Johanna Dorothea Blom Wyk Lourens Andries Stephanus Van Albertus Johannes Venter Mauryse Venter Johan Strydom Jacoleen De Swardt Marius De Swardt Baltrina Johanna Grobler Martiens Godfrey Grobler Anne-Marie Grotius Gustavus Cornelis Grotius Christina Willemina Thirion Martha Catharina Zerwick Govan Mbeki Municipality Willem Gabriel Nel Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Mergence Africa Prop Inv Trust 4781 of Secunda 4782 of Secunda Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Pty Ltd Ultimo 4783 of Secunda Dream World Inv 422 Pty Ltd 4784 of Secunda Stores Pty Ltd Lewis 4789 of Secunda 4790 of Secunda Govan Mbeki Municipality Fortress Income 2 Pty Ltd Fortress Income 2 Pty Ltd Employees Pension Fund Municipal Employees Pension Fund Municipal Employees Pension Fund Municipal Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Secunda Pty Ltd O P 4779 of Secunda (Portion 9) 4779 of Secunda (Portion 10) 4779 of Secunda (Portion 11) 4779 of Secunda (Portion 12) 4779 of Secunda (Portion 13) 4779 of Secunda (Portion 14) 4779 of Secunda (Portion 15) 4779 of Secunda (Portion 16) 4779 of Secunda (Portion 17) 4779 of Secunda (Portion 18) 4779 of Secunda (Portion 19) 4779 of Secunda (Portion 20) 4791 of Secunda 4797 of Secunda 4798 of Secunda 4799 of Secunda 4800 of Secunda 4801 of Secunda 4802 of Secunda 4803 of Secunda 4804 of Secunda 4805 of Secunda 4806 of Secunda 4807 of Secunda 4808 of Secunda 4809 of Secunda Arno Charl Bothma Rozanne Elizabeth Thiart Frederik Geyer Page Maurie Page Elizabeth Magdalena Viljoen Jacobus Johannes Francois Coertzen Jacobus Cornelius Bronkhorst Frederik Willem Slabbert Maureen Slabbert Govan Mbeki Municipality Stewart Muzanenhamo Mandivheyi Reinier Adriaan Taljaard Yvette Verona Taljaard Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4779 of Secunda (Portion 9) 4779 of Secunda (Portion 10) 4779 of Secunda (Portion 11) 4779 of Secunda (Portion 12) 4779 of Secunda (Portion 13) 4779 of Secunda (Portion 14) 1196sqm 1155sqm 1319sqm 1304sqm 1287sqm 1211sqm 1196.0000-SQM 1155.0000-SQM 1319.0000-SQM 1304.0000-SQM 1287.0000-SQM 1211.0000-SQM R1,181,000.00 R1,097,000.00 R1,491,000.00 R1,390,000.00 R1,339,000.00 R1,232,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4779 of Secunda (Portion 15) 4779 of Secunda (Portion 16) 1308sqm 1198sqm 1308.0000-SQM 1198.0000-SQM R1,400,000.00 R1,560,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4779 of Secunda (Portion 17) 4779 of Secunda (Portion 18) 1226sqm 1188sqm 1226.0000-SQM 1188.0000-SQM R1,333,000.00 R1,280,000.00 RES - Residential 4779 of Secunda (Portion 19) 1221sqm 1221.0000-SQM R1,023,000.00 RES - Residential 4779 of Secunda (Portion 20) 1419sqm 1419.0000-SQM R1,500,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential MUN - Municipal RES - Residential BUS - Business and Commercial MUN - Municipal BUS - Business and Commercial BUS - Business and Commercial BUS - Business and Commercial MUN - Municipal BUS - Business and Commercial MUN - Municipal 4779 of Secunda (Portion 21) 4779 of Secunda (Portion 22) 4779 of Secunda (Portion 23) 4779 of Secunda (Portion 24) 4779 of Secunda (Portion 25) 4779 of Secunda (Portion 27) 4780 of Secunda 1331sqm 1166sqm 1177sqm 1223sqm 1279sqm 7006sqm 1407sqm 1331.0000-SQM 1166.0000-SQM 1177.0000-SQM 1223.0000-SQM 1279.0000-SQM 7006.0000-SQM 1407.0000-SQM R1,292,000.00 R1,068,000.00 R1,069,000.00 R1,163,000.00 R1,000.00 R260,000.00 R11,500,000.00 4781 of Secunda 4782 of Secunda 1167sqm 550sqm 1167.0000-SQM 550.0000-SQM R63,500.00 R3,100,000.00 4783 of Secunda 517sqm 517.0000-SQM R3,000,000.00 4784 of Secunda 568sqm 568.0000-SQM R4,100,000.00 4789 of Secunda 4790 of Secunda 2947sqm 911sqm 2947.0000-SQM 911.0000-SQM R152,000.00 R6,500,000.00 4791 of Secunda 764sqm 764.0000-SQM R5,500,000.00 VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land BUS - Business and Commercial RES - Residential 4797 of Secunda 4798 of Secunda 4799 of Secunda 4800 of Secunda 1429sqm 1629sqm 679sqm 660sqm 1429.0000-SQM 1629.0000-SQM 679.0000-SQM 660.0000-SQM R29,000.00 R200.00 R14,000.00 R2,882,000.00 4801 of Secunda 1032sqm 1032.0000-SQM R750,000.00 RES - Residential 4802 of Secunda 952sqm 952.0000-SQM R797,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4803 of Secunda 4804 of Secunda 4805 of Secunda 4806 of Secunda 952sqm 959sqm 1075sqm 921sqm 952.0000-SQM 959.0000-SQM 1075.0000-SQM 921.0000-SQM R727,000.00 R787,000.00 R742,000.00 R711,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4807 of Secunda 4808 of Secunda 4809 of Secunda 918sqm 918sqm 918sqm 918.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM R786,000.00 R701,000.00 R796,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4779 of Secunda (Portion 7) 4779 of Secunda (Portion 8) Page 126 1393sqm 1375sqm 1393.0000-SQM 1375.0000-SQM R1,548,000.00 R1,196,000.00 Registered description 4810 of Secunda 4811 of Secunda 4812 of Secunda 4813 of Secunda 4814 of Secunda 4815 of Secunda 4816 of Secunda 4817 of Secunda 4818 of Secunda 4819 of Secunda 4820 of Secunda 4821 of Secunda 4822 of Secunda 4823 of Secunda 4824 of Secunda 4825 of Secunda 4826 of Secunda 4827 of Secunda 4828 of Secunda 4829 of Secunda 4830 of Secunda 4831 of Secunda 4832 of Secunda 4833 of Secunda 4834 of Secunda 4835 of Secunda 4836 of Secunda 4837 of Secunda 4838 of Secunda 4839 of Secunda 4840 of Secunda 4841 of Secunda 4842 of Secunda 4843 of Secunda 4844 of Secunda 4845 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Dirk Jacobus Swanepoel Johanna Wilhelmina Swanepoel Johanna Georgina Magdalena Delport Willem Tobias Delport Sagaran Candasamy Vasantha Candasamy Moses Mashego Nokuzola Henrietta Mashego Adriaan Hendrikus Lamprecht Ernstine Augusta Watermeyer Johannes Christoffel Watermeyer Adriaan Pieter Loots Anna Francina Loots Elizabeth Carolina Jordaan Johan Willie Jordaan Schalkwyk Fouche Van Sibongiseni Magwaza Thandeka Immaculate Magwaza Frederik Daniel Jacobs Kavitha Jacobs Mokome Mathews Selepe Moloko Adelaide Selepe Moreki Jacob Mosenohi Johanna Elizabeth De Jager Lodewyk Theodorus De Jager Heerden Lynette Van Heerden Pieter Jacobus Van Closeprops 222 Cc Louis Stefanus Lessing Hendrieka Christina Sutherland Annamma Naicker Sagadevan Naicker Ugandhren Naicker Kruger Eiendomstrust Hennie Louis Adriaan Lombard Emilia Le Roux Leon Kuhn Mariska Kuhn Clive Robert Graskie Dawn Graskie Andries Philippus Beetge Martha Johanna Jacomina Beetge Siphiwe Churchill Mthimkhulu Beauty Deliwe Mabanga Velaphi Absalom Mabanga Patricia De Cruz Peter Jacobus De Cruz Leon Brits Louise Elsabe Brits Johannes Jacobus Pienaar Magrietha Maria Magdalena Cronje Petrus Hendrik Cronje Maria Dorathea Oosthuizen Nicolaas Jacobus Oosthuizen Catharina Beatrix Meyer Esaias Jacobus Hendrik Meyer Charl Jakob Prinsloo Christene Susan Kritzinger Riaan Kritzinger Annore Claassen Wolfaardt Edward Claassen Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 4811 of Secunda 991sqm 991.0000-SQM R799,000.00 RES - Residential 4812 of Secunda 928sqm 928.0000-SQM R706,000.00 RES - Residential 4813 of Secunda 979sqm 979.0000-SQM R698,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4814 of Secunda 4815 of Secunda 1173sqm 936sqm 1173.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM R736,000.00 R707,000.00 RES - Residential 4816 of Secunda 1172sqm 1172.0000-SQM R716,000.00 RES - Residential 4817 of Secunda 936sqm 936.0000-SQM R702,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4818 of Secunda 4819 of Secunda 1172sqm 936sqm 1172.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM R716,000.00 R697,000.00 RES - Residential 4820 of Secunda 1172sqm 1172.0000-SQM R746,000.00 RES - Residential 4821 of Secunda 936sqm 936.0000-SQM R737,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4822 of Secunda 4823 of Secunda 1172sqm 922sqm 1172.0000-SQM 922.0000-SQM R726,000.00 R716,000.00 RES - Residential 4824 of Secunda 864sqm 864.0000-SQM R864,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4825 of Secunda 4826 of Secunda 4827 of Secunda 4828 of Secunda 864sqm 918sqm 854sqm 837sqm 864.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM 854.0000-SQM 837.0000-SQM R704,000.00 R806,000.00 R773,000.00 R688,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4829 of Secunda 4830 of Secunda 4831 of Secunda 4832 of Secunda 828sqm 822sqm 981sqm 1090sqm 828.0000-SQM 822.0000-SQM 981.0000-SQM 1090.0000-SQM R732,000.00 R677,000.00 R713,000.00 R763,000.00 RES - Residential 4833 of Secunda 967sqm 967.0000-SQM R718,000.00 RES - Residential 4834 of Secunda 971sqm 971.0000-SQM R758,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4835 of Secunda 4836 of Secunda 1047sqm 859sqm 1047.0000-SQM 859.0000-SQM R761,000.00 R754,000.00 RES - Residential 4837 of Secunda 1026sqm 1026.0000-SQM R800,000.00 RES - Residential 4838 of Secunda 1028sqm 1028.0000-SQM R715,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4839 of Secunda 4840 of Secunda 981sqm 853sqm 981.0000-SQM 853.0000-SQM R768,000.00 R703,000.00 RES - Residential 4841 of Secunda 852sqm 852.0000-SQM R733,000.00 RES - Residential 4842 of Secunda 832sqm 832.0000-SQM R722,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4843 of Secunda 4844 of Secunda 835sqm 891sqm 835.0000-SQM 891.0000-SQM R843,000.00 R700,000.00 RES - Residential 4845 of Secunda 994sqm 994.0000-SQM R684,000.00 RES - Residential 4810 of Secunda Page 127 930sqm 930.0000-SQM R696,000.00 Registered description 4846 of Secunda 4847 of Secunda 4848 of Secunda 4849 of Secunda 4850 of Secunda 4851 of Secunda 4852 of Secunda 4853 of Secunda 4854 of Secunda 4855 of Secunda 4856 of Secunda 4857 of Secunda 4858 of Secunda 4859 of Secunda 4860 of Secunda 4861 of Secunda 4862 of Secunda 4863 of Secunda 4864 of Secunda 4865 of Secunda 4866 of Secunda 4867 of Secunda 4868 of Secunda 4869 of Secunda 4870 of Secunda 4871 of Secunda 4872 of Secunda 4873 of Secunda 4874 of Secunda 4875 of Secunda 4876 of Secunda 4877 of Secunda 4878 of Secunda 4879 of Secunda 4880 of Secunda 4881 of Secunda 4882 of Secunda 4883 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Christiaan Louwrens Dreyer Evan Werner Rademeyer Liesl Rademeyer Ian Graham Quested Abraham Jacobus Du Preez Karthigasan Naidoo Daniel Erasmus Melinda Marlene Erasmus Frans Nicolaas Le Roux Karina Le Roux Eric Ivan Whittaker Elizabeth Maria Meyer Leon Meyer Cynthia Pretorius Lourens Martin Pretorius Rensburg Shalene Jansen Van der Schyff Jacques Andre Van Elana Pretorius Johannes Albertus Pretorius Alfred Ferdinand Moss Engela Gertruida Wilken Paul Phillippus Wilken der Merwe Martha Maria Van Rooyen Louis Jacobus Van Saskia Shane Whatley Vuuren Dalene Esther Jansen Van Niekerk Johannes Van Johann Hendrick Botes Neo Ingrid Mongale Beatrice Magdalena Helberg Lukas Johannes Helberg Johan Henry Swart Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Cornelia Jansen Marius Eugene Jansen Thomas Frederik Louw Catharina Magdalena Venter Sarel Petrus Venter Catharina Magdalena Venter Sarel Petrus Venter Rensburg Bettie Etrecia Janse Van Rensburg Francois Willem Janse Van Jan Frederik Wahl Daniel Pieter Benade Linda Benade Anna Maria Kotzee James John Kotzee der Merwe Francois Jacobus Van der Merwe Francois Jacobus Van der Merwe Renete Van Cyprian Mthokosizi Kheswa Lindiwe Kheswa Maureen Elizabeth Andrews Michael William Andrews Madri Carstens Nathan Desmond Carstens Devina Anandraj Erralal Vijay Erralal Andries Nicolaas Everhardus Louw Annelise Louw Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4848 of Secunda 4849 of Secunda 4850 of Secunda 4851 of Secunda 957sqm 957sqm 957sqm 959sqm 957.0000-SQM 957.0000-SQM 957.0000-SQM 959.0000-SQM R840,000.00 R990,000.00 R830,000.00 R810,000.00 RES - Residential 4852 of Secunda 1020sqm 1020.0000-SQM R925,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4853 of Secunda 4854 of Secunda 980sqm 980sqm 980.0000-SQM 980.0000-SQM R905,000.00 R965,000.00 RES - Residential 4855 of Secunda 980sqm 980.0000-SQM R965,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4856 of Secunda 4857 of Secunda 4858 of Secunda 980sqm 1031sqm 871sqm 980.0000-SQM 1031.0000-SQM 871.0000-SQM R875,000.00 R825,000.00 R870,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4859 of Secunda 4860 of Secunda 1073sqm 924sqm 1073.0000-SQM 924.0000-SQM R940,000.00 R940,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4861 of Secunda 4862 of Secunda 978sqm 1037sqm 978.0000-SQM 1037.0000-SQM R955,000.00 R835,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4863 of Secunda 4864 of Secunda 4865 of Secunda 4866 of Secunda 4867 of Secunda 980sqm 942sqm 942sqm 950sqm 1170sqm 980.0000-SQM 942.0000-SQM 942.0000-SQM 950.0000-SQM 1170.0000-SQM R975,000.00 R830,000.00 R920,000.00 R870,000.00 R890,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4868 of Secunda 4869 of Secunda 4870 of Secunda 1322sqm 994sqm 1069sqm 1322.0000-SQM 994.0000-SQM 1069.0000-SQM R890,000.00 R835,000.00 R865,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4871 of Secunda 4872 of Secunda 1267sqm 1187sqm 1267.0000-SQM 1187.0000-SQM R915,000.00 R885,000.00 RES - Residential 4873 of Secunda 1149sqm 1149.0000-SQM R930,000.00 RES - Residential 4874 of Secunda 1049sqm 1049.0000-SQM R915,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4875 of Secunda 4876 of Secunda 881sqm 1114sqm 881.0000-SQM 1114.0000-SQM R928,000.00 R870,000.00 RES - Residential 4877 of Secunda 998sqm 998.0000-SQM R975,000.00 RES - Residential 4878 of Secunda 972sqm 972.0000-SQM R815,000.00 RES - Residential 4879 of Secunda 967sqm 967.0000-SQM R820,000.00 RES - Residential 4880 of Secunda 883sqm 883.0000-SQM R820,000.00 RES - Residential 4881 of Secunda 873sqm 873.0000-SQM R810,000.00 RES - Residential 4882 of Secunda 917sqm 917.0000-SQM R780,000.00 RES - Residential 4883 of Secunda 929sqm 929.0000-SQM R810,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4846 of Secunda 4847 of Secunda Page 128 1010sqm 1057sqm 1010.0000-SQM 1057.0000-SQM R710,000.00 R905,000.00 Registered description 4884 of Secunda 4885 of Secunda 4886 of Secunda 4887 of Secunda 4888 of Secunda 4889 of Secunda 4890 of Secunda 4891 of Secunda 4892 of Secunda 4893 of Secunda 4894 of Secunda 4895 of Secunda 4896 of Secunda 4897 of Secunda 4898 of Secunda 4899 of Secunda 4900 of Secunda 4901 of Secunda 4902 of Secunda 4903 of Secunda 4904 of Secunda 4905 of Secunda 4906 of Secunda 4907 of Secunda 4908 of Secunda 4909 of Secunda 4910 of Secunda 4911 of Secunda 4912 of Secunda 4913 of Secunda 4914 of Secunda 4915 of Secunda 4916 of Secunda 4917 of Secunda 4918 of Secunda 4919 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Nzama Dayson Baloyi Andries Hendrik Gustavus Bouwer Pierette Bouwer der Walt Urbanus Johannes Van Gereformeerde Kerk Van Transvaal-SecundaGoedehoop Nederduitse Malose Thomas Sentsho Sasavona Joyce Sentsho Wyk Janita Van Wyk Martin Derick Van Niekerk Frederik Van Niekerk Johanna Elizabeth Van Mathys Isak Cronje Wilhelmina Jacoba Cronje Francois Johannes Erasmus Jakobus Christiaan Pietersen Heinrich Bothma der Westhuizen Anna-Marie Van Adriaan Grobbelaar Nadia Elizabeth Grobbelaar Hester Lusia Victor Raymond Henry Victor Johannes Theodorus Loftie-Trustees Eaton Anna Elizabeth Wolmarans Willem Hendrik Wolmarans Marc De Lange Cristina Johanna Swart Lukas Marthinus Swart der Merwe Albertus Johannes Van der Merwe Margo Diana Van Cornelia Maria De Meyer Marthinus Christoffel De Meyer Dirk Bernard Fourie Anna Magdalena Elizabeth Esterhuizen Arend Jacobus Esterhuizen Anna Susanna Scholtz Hercules Frederik Scholtz John Mclaughlan der Merwe Adolf Cornelius Van der Merwe Cornelia Henrieta Johanna Van Muriel Anna De Beer Renier Jacobus De Beer Duanna Barbara Pieters Johannes Nicolaas Pieters Mary-Ann Buwalda Uys Kruger Barbara Joan Meyer Willem Petrus Meyer Frederick Jacobus Coetser Edwin Waterson Lucia Waterson Elsabe Jacoba Oosthuizen Phillipus Petrus Jacobus Oosthuizen Govan Mbeki Municipality Jacobus Johannes Petrus Wessels Govan Mbeki Municipality Kasterop Belinda Van Kasterop Hendrik Georg Van Govan Mbeki Municipality Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential 4886 of Secunda 4887 of Secunda 1120sqm 980sqm 1120.0000-SQM 980.0000-SQM R900,000.00 R925,000.00 RES - Residential 4888 of Secunda 1038sqm 1038.0000-SQM R915,000.00 RES - Residential 4889 of Secunda 977sqm 977.0000-SQM R790,000.00 RES - Residential 4890 of Secunda 924sqm 924.0000-SQM R890,000.00 RES - Residential 4891 of Secunda 955sqm 955.0000-SQM R880,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4892 of Secunda 4893 of Secunda 4894 of Secunda 1175sqm 1116sqm 1002sqm 1175.0000-SQM 1116.0000-SQM 1002.0000-SQM R895,000.00 R880,000.00 R835,000.00 RES - Residential 4895 of Secunda 1008sqm 1008.0000-SQM R699,000.00 RES - Residential 4896 of Secunda 1009sqm 1009.0000-SQM R825,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4897 of Secunda 4898 of Secunda 1158sqm 1149sqm 1158.0000-SQM 1149.0000-SQM R850,000.00 R840,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4899 of Secunda 4900 of Secunda 1058sqm 1025sqm 1058.0000-SQM 1025.0000-SQM R835,000.00 R845,000.00 RES - Residential 4901 of Secunda 1025sqm 1025.0000-SQM R825,000.00 RES - Residential 4902 of Secunda 1206sqm 1206.0000-SQM R865,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4903 of Secunda 4904 of Secunda 1363sqm 949sqm 1363.0000-SQM 949.0000-SQM R990,000.00 R850,000.00 RES - Residential 4905 of Secunda 1570sqm 1570.0000-SQM R1,030,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4906 of Secunda 4907 of Secunda 1225sqm 984sqm 1225.0000-SQM 984.0000-SQM R865,000.00 R915,000.00 RES - Residential 4908 of Secunda 1070sqm 1070.0000-SQM R835,000.00 RES - Residential 4909 of Secunda 1246sqm 1246.0000-SQM R885,000.00 RES - Residential 4910 of Secunda 1153sqm 1153.0000-SQM R731,000.00 RES - Residential 4911 of Secunda 1154sqm 1154.0000-SQM R800,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4912 of Secunda 4913 of Secunda 956sqm 1075sqm 956.0000-SQM 1075.0000-SQM R800,000.00 R820,000.00 RES - Residential 4914 of Secunda 1076sqm 1076.0000-SQM R840,000.00 MUN - Municipal RES - Residential MUN - Municipal RES - Residential 4915 of Secunda 4916 of Secunda 4917 of Secunda 4918 of Secunda 986sqm 986sqm 986sqm 986sqm 986.0000-SQM 986.0000-SQM 986.0000-SQM 986.0000-SQM R805,000.00 R805,000.00 R795,000.00 R835,000.00 MUN - Municipal 4919 of Secunda 1016sqm 1016.0000-SQM R760,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4884 of Secunda 4885 of Secunda Page 129 1492sqm 1155sqm 1492.0000-SQM 1155.0000-SQM R970,000.00 R870,000.00 Registered description 4920 of Secunda 4921 of Secunda 4922 of Secunda 4923 of Secunda 4924 of Secunda 4925 of Secunda 4926 of Secunda 4927 of Secunda 4928 of Secunda 4929 of Secunda 4930 of Secunda 4931 of Secunda 4932 of Secunda 4933 of Secunda 4934 of Secunda 4935 of Secunda 4936 of Secunda 4937 of Secunda 4938 of Secunda 4939 of Secunda 4940 of Secunda 4941 of Secunda 4942 of Secunda 4943 of Secunda 4944 of Secunda 4945 of Secunda 4946 of Secunda 4947 of Secunda 4948 of Secunda 4949 of Secunda 4950 of Secunda 4951 of Secunda 4952 of Secunda 4953 of Secunda 4954 of Secunda 4955 of Secunda 4956 of Secunda 4957 of Secunda 4958 of Secunda 4959 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Zainub Abdul Galik Khota Mohammed Wadvalla Govan Mbeki Municipality Modisana Andries Nanyane Govan Mbeki Municipality der Bank Yvonne Van Anna-Marie Viljoen Jacobus Wilhelm Viljoen Johannes William Annandale Mary-Ann Annandale Jacqueline Mellitta Thomas Timmy Thomas Sello Ezekiel Serake Christoffel Johannes Smit Elva Marie Smit John Anthony Buss Karen Buss Edmund William Holder Maria Magdalena Elizabeth Holder Christiaan Johan Bothma Susarah Elizabeth Bothma Govan Mbeki Municipality Lucia Charlotte Wels Marius Arend Josef Esterhuizen Petronella Wesselina Esterhuizen Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Andore Burger Casper Jan Hendrik Burger Hendrik David Burger Francois Jacob Du Plessis Elliot Hendrik Jacobus Wessels Elliot Hendrik Jacobus Wessels der Merwe Emmerentia Van Leon Samuel Schoenfeldt Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Ivan Eggberry Nimmi Nundkisun Gladys Sybil Wagner Johannes Petrus Wagner George Young Heinrich Claude Storm Republic of South Africa Madeleine Cox Patrick Ivan Cox Prop Pty Ltd Sasol David Ben-List Green Zelda Green Gideon Johann Du Preez Ilze Campbell Jeanette Marie Sneygans Elsie Resina Coetzee Pieter Hendrik Coetzee Christiaan Johannes Hubertus Heydenreich Johanna Adriana Visagie Pieter Zagaria Visagie Campbell Stubbs Doubell Maria Magrietha Doubell Brentt Shaun Friedenthal Ronel Enid Friedenthal Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks MUN - Municipal RES - Residential MUN - Municipal RES - Residential RES - Residential 4921 of Secunda 4922 of Secunda 4923 of Secunda 4924 of Secunda 4925 of Secunda 1070sqm 970sqm 1049sqm 1050sqm 1178sqm 1070.0000-SQM 970.0000-SQM 1049.0000-SQM 1050.0000-SQM 1178.0000-SQM R752,000.00 R738,000.00 R751,000.00 R801,000.00 R825,000.00 RES - Residential 4926 of Secunda 1109sqm 1109.0000-SQM R850,000.00 RES - Residential 4927 of Secunda 990sqm 990.0000-SQM R805,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4928 of Secunda 4929 of Secunda 990sqm 1079sqm 990.0000-SQM 1079.0000-SQM R835,000.00 R890,000.00 RES - Residential 4930 of Secunda 1081sqm 1081.0000-SQM R840,000.00 RES - Residential 4931 of Secunda 986sqm 986.0000-SQM R865,000.00 RES - Residential 4932 of Secunda 986sqm 986.0000-SQM R915,000.00 MUN - Municipal RES - Residential RES - Residential 4933 of Secunda 4934 of Secunda 4935 of Secunda 986sqm 986sqm 1094sqm 986.0000-SQM 986.0000-SQM 1094.0000-SQM R805,000.00 R815,000.00 R950,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4936 of Secunda 4937 of Secunda 998sqm 1131sqm 998.0000-SQM 1131.0000-SQM R795,000.00 R860,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4938 of Secunda 4939 of Secunda 1153sqm 1217sqm 1153.0000-SQM 1217.0000-SQM R820,000.00 R795,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4940 of Secunda 4941 of Secunda 4942 of Secunda 4943 of Secunda 4944 of Secunda 4945 of Secunda 1123sqm 1107sqm 1081sqm 998sqm 1178sqm 1071sqm 1123.0000-SQM 1107.0000-SQM 1081.0000-SQM 998.0000-SQM 1178.0000-SQM 1071.0000-SQM R810,000.00 R840,000.00 R790,000.00 R825,000.00 R815,000.00 R835,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential GOV - State Owned RES - Residential 4946 of Secunda 4947 of Secunda 4948 of Secunda 4949 of Secunda 1098sqm 1052sqm 3.5829Ha 1008sqm 1098.0000-SQM 1052.0000-SQM 3.5829-H 1008.0000-SQM R850,000.00 R905,000.00 R7,450,000.00 R704,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4950 of Secunda 4951 of Secunda 1188sqm 1120sqm 1188.0000-SQM 1120.0000-SQM R712,000.00 R754,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4952 of Secunda 4953 of Secunda 4954 of Secunda 4955 of Secunda 1120sqm 1120sqm 1120sqm 1021sqm 1120.0000-SQM 1120.0000-SQM 1120.0000-SQM 1021.0000-SQM R694,000.00 R734,000.00 R724,000.00 R720,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4956 of Secunda 4957 of Secunda 1080sqm 1195sqm 1080.0000-SQM 1195.0000-SQM R697,000.00 R727,000.00 RES - Residential 4958 of Secunda 1106sqm 1106.0000-SQM R713,000.00 RES - Residential 4959 of Secunda 1053sqm 1053.0000-SQM R696,000.00 RES - Residential 4920 of Secunda Page 130 982sqm 982.0000-SQM R948,000.00 Registered description 4960 of Secunda 4961 of Secunda 4962 of Secunda 4963 of Secunda 4964 of Secunda 4965 of Secunda 4966 of Secunda 4967 of Secunda 4968 of Secunda 4969 of Secunda 4970 of Secunda 4971 of Secunda 4972 of Secunda 4973 of Secunda 4974 of Secunda 4975 of Secunda 4976 of Secunda 4977 of Secunda 4978 of Secunda 4979 of Secunda 4980 of Secunda 4981 of Secunda 4982 of Secunda 4983 of Secunda 4984 of Secunda 4985 of Secunda 4986 of Secunda 4987 of Secunda 4988 of Secunda 4989 of Secunda 4990 of Secunda 4991 of Secunda 4992 of Secunda 4993 of Secunda 4994 of Secunda 4995 of Secunda 4996 of Secunda 4997 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Deon Du Toit Melinda Du Toit Alta Chalmaine Bergh Andre Marthinus Bergh Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Ilse Vrolijk Johannes George Vrolijk Steven Charl Bucknall Johannes Hendrikus Jonker Josephine Babsie Jonker Leslie Arthur Viljoen Susara Catharina Viljoen Donovan Fourie Vanessa Fourie Gertruida Catharina Roux Willem Adriaan Roux Hendrik Emanuel Grobler Anna Catharina Jacobs Marcus Petrus Lyons Willem Jacobus Halgryn Zelma Rosmarie Halgryn Anita Dorathy Labuschagne Jacobus Johannes Labuschagne Clifford Cyril Burnett Tersia Burnett Jaarsveldt Adriaan Johannes Petrus Van Quintin Andrew Ackerman Susara Johanna Jacoba Ackerman Robert Pieter Izak Oliver Anita Du Toit Johanna Jacomina Fransina Buchling Wouter Buchling Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Anton Wynand Roets Lizette Roets Emile Kenneth Lew Salome Pretorius Hendrik Schalk Kotze Alletha Dorothea Jacobsz Hendrik Gerhardus Jacobsz Johannes Jacobus Pieterse Anna Francina Smit Isak Petrus Heydenreich Louisa Heydenreich Johannes Adriaan Hartman Rensburg Shalene Jansen Van Sulet Visser Petrus Jacobus De Jager Frank Robb Elexander Botha Robyn Amy Botha Dyk Sybrand Jewan Van Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Riaan Lyons Richard Cornelius Alexander Lyons Valerie Edith Harty Maria Jacomina Cecilia Smith Adriaan Marthinus Myers Gladys Mary Matilda Myers Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 4961 of Secunda 1057sqm 1057.0000-SQM R706,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4962 of Secunda 4963 of Secunda 1053sqm 1106sqm 1053.0000-SQM 1106.0000-SQM R691,000.00 R698,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4964 of Secunda 4965 of Secunda 1179sqm 1226sqm 1179.0000-SQM 1226.0000-SQM R746,000.00 R723,000.00 RES - Residential 4966 of Secunda 992sqm 992.0000-SQM R699,000.00 RES - Residential 4967 of Secunda 1020sqm 1020.0000-SQM R705,000.00 RES - Residential 4968 of Secunda 952sqm 952.0000-SQM R727,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4969 of Secunda 4970 of Secunda 952sqm 952sqm 952.0000-SQM 952.0000-SQM R747,000.00 R712,000.00 RES - Residential 4971 of Secunda 952sqm 952.0000-SQM R687,000.00 RES - Residential 4972 of Secunda 1016sqm 1016.0000-SQM R700,000.00 RES - Residential 4973 of Secunda 1145sqm 1145.0000-SQM R700,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4974 of Secunda 4975 of Secunda 1044sqm 1044sqm 1044.0000-SQM 1044.0000-SQM R721,000.00 R686,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4976 of Secunda 4977 of Secunda 4978 of Secunda 1054sqm 934sqm 1001sqm 1054.0000-SQM 934.0000-SQM 1001.0000-SQM R781,000.00 R697,000.00 R719,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4979 of Secunda 4980 of Secunda 1039sqm 1021sqm 1039.0000-SQM 1021.0000-SQM R696,000.00 R715,000.00 RES - Residential 4981 of Secunda 977sqm 977.0000-SQM R728,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4982 of Secunda 4983 of Secunda 1003sqm 1021sqm 1003.0000-SQM 1021.0000-SQM R704,000.00 R800,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4984 of Secunda 4985 of Secunda 4986 of Secunda 1039sqm 922sqm 922sqm 1039.0000-SQM 922.0000-SQM 922.0000-SQM R711,000.00 R686,000.00 R681,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4987 of Secunda 4988 of Secunda 862sqm 928sqm 862.0000-SQM 928.0000-SQM R699,000.00 R716,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 4989 of Secunda 4990 of Secunda 928sqm 928sqm 928.0000-SQM 928.0000-SQM R686,000.00 R736,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4991 of Secunda 4992 of Secunda 4993 of Secunda 4994 of Secunda 1008sqm 1008sqm 1035sqm 1020sqm 1008.0000-SQM 1008.0000-SQM 1035.0000-SQM 1020.0000-SQM R704,000.00 R699,000.00 R691,000.00 R700,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 4995 of Secunda 4996 of Secunda 4997 of Secunda 1058sqm 1135sqm 1140sqm 1058.0000-SQM 1135.0000-SQM 1140.0000-SQM R701,000.00 R804,000.00 R710,000.00 RES - Residential 4960 of Secunda Page 131 1168sqm 1168.0000-SQM R711,000.00 Registered description 4998 of Secunda 4999 of Secunda 5000 of Secunda 5001 of Secunda 5002 of Secunda 5003 of Secunda 5004 of Secunda 5005 of Secunda 5006 of Secunda 5007 of Secunda 5008 of Secunda 5009 of Secunda 5010 of Secunda 5011 of Secunda 5012 of Secunda 5013 of Secunda 5014 of Secunda 5015 of Secunda 5016 of Secunda 5017 of Secunda 5018 of Secunda 5019 of Secunda 5020 of Secunda 5021 of Secunda 5022 of Secunda 5023 of Secunda 5024 of Secunda 5025 of Secunda 5026 of Secunda 5027 of Secunda 5028 of Secunda 5029 of Secunda 5030 of Secunda 5030 of Secunda (Portion 1) 5031 of Secunda 5032 of Secunda 5033 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Brian Keith Hamm Colleen Sylvia Hamm Gert Kuhn Lizette Kuhn Daniel Strydom Romar Jeanetta Strydom Marie Johanna Potgieter Marthinus Johannes Potgieter Biljon Barend Jacobus Van Biljon Catharina Louisa Susanna Van Johan Jacob Keyser Lorain Angelene Keyser Heerden Dirk Pieter Van Heerden Joani Paula Marlene Van Alberto Grant Nothnagel Leonie Phoebe Nothnagel Jacob Roux Laufs Michelle Laufs Filippus Petrus Mare Luzette Mare Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Margaret Rose Erwee Sarel Johannes Erwee Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Thew Gray Rudolf Cornelius Jakobus Brand Johannes Swart Nedra Swart Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Elzan Liebenberg der Westhuizen Suzanne Van Aletta Johanna Barnard James Percival Barnard Johan Petrus Rousseau Alan Norman Smith Connie Georgeline Presilla Smith Conrad Jacobs Sonette Jacobs Antoinette Pieterse Lucas Johannes Bartell Pieterse Johanna Magdalena Turpin Philip Alexander Turpin Straaten Eva Anna Van Catharina Maria Knight Johannes Pretorius Megritha Pretorius Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Christina Anna Gertruida Zelie Marthinus Johannes Zelie Jacobus Petrus Du Preez Zyl Eunice Van Zyl Hugo Van Zyl Eunice Van Zyl Hugo Van Ockert Johannes Els Gerhardt Streicher Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Eruka Claassens Gerhardus Dirk Claassens Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 4999 of Secunda 1140sqm 1140.0000-SQM R710,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5000 of Secunda 5001 of Secunda 5002 of Secunda 1140sqm 1140sqm 1163sqm 1140.0000-SQM 1140.0000-SQM 1163.0000-SQM R700,000.00 R150,000.00 R756,000.00 RES - Residential 5003 of Secunda 1122sqm 1122.0000-SQM R764,000.00 RES - Residential 5004 of Secunda 1184sqm 1184.0000-SQM R746,000.00 RES - Residential 5005 of Secunda 775sqm 775.0000-SQM R740,000.00 RES - Residential 5006 of Secunda 844sqm 844.0000-SQM R713,000.00 RES - Residential 5007 of Secunda 785sqm 785.0000-SQM R711,000.00 RES - Residential 5008 of Secunda 1020sqm 1020.0000-SQM R730,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5009 of Secunda 5010 of Secunda 1020sqm 1020sqm 1020.0000-SQM 1020.0000-SQM R705,000.00 R720,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5011 of Secunda 5012 of Secunda 5013 of Secunda 5014 of Secunda 1020sqm 1020sqm 1020sqm 966sqm 1020.0000-SQM 1020.0000-SQM 1020.0000-SQM 966.0000-SQM R705,000.00 R700,000.00 R705,000.00 R683,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5015 of Secunda 5016 of Secunda 5017 of Secunda 979sqm 1301sqm 983sqm 979.0000-SQM 1301.0000-SQM 983.0000-SQM R666,000.00 R741,000.00 R673,000.00 RES - Residential 5018 of Secunda 889sqm 889.0000-SQM R690,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5019 of Secunda 5020 of Secunda 885sqm 881sqm 885.0000-SQM 881.0000-SQM R785,000.00 R699,000.00 RES - Residential 5021 of Secunda 837sqm 837.0000-SQM R723,000.00 RES - Residential 5022 of Secunda 833sqm 833.0000-SQM R687,000.00 RES - Residential 5023 of Secunda 968sqm 968.0000-SQM R683,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5024 of Secunda 5025 of Secunda 5026 of Secunda 896sqm 921sqm 946sqm 896.0000-SQM 921.0000-SQM 946.0000-SQM R725,000.00 R691,000.00 R687,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5027 of Secunda 5028 of Secunda 951sqm 987sqm 951.0000-SQM 987.0000-SQM R712,000.00 R702,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5029 of Secunda 5030 of Secunda 988sqm 785sqm 988.0000-SQM 785.0000-SQM R709,000.00 R706,000.00 VAC - Vacant Land 5030 of Secunda (Portion 1) 502sqm 502.0000-SQM R119,000.00 RES - Residential 5031 of Secunda 1051sqm 1051.0000-SQM R821,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5032 of Secunda 5033 of Secunda 1029sqm 918sqm 1029.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM R740,000.00 R716,000.00 RES - Residential 4998 of Secunda Page 132 1140sqm 1140.0000-SQM R745,000.00 Registered description 5034 of Secunda 5035 of Secunda 5036 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) 5044 of Secunda 5045 of Secunda 5046 of Secunda 5047 of Secunda 5048 of Secunda Domenico Luigi Molino Stephane Riana Marieta Steyn Frikkie Van Renen Coetzee Zelda Coetzee Sophia Magrieta De Villiers Martha Jacoba De Waal Wouter De Wet De Waal Hilton Richard Craucamp Marthina Dorothea Susarah Johanna Swart Marthinus Wilhelmus Theunissen Swart Andries Christo Harber Ronel Harber Anna Magrietha Elizabeth Paynter Frederick Percival Paynter Cornelius Abraham Smit Hendrina Johanna Smit Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Secunda Dierehospitaal Administrasie Trust 5049 of Secunda 5050 of Secunda 5051 of Secunda 5052 of Secunda Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Centre Inv Pty Ltd De Marionette 5053 of Secunda Centre Inv Pty Ltd De Marionette 5054 of Secunda Centre Inv Pty Ltd De Marionette 5055 of Secunda Umgwalo Management Services Cc 5056 of Secunda Govan Mbeki Municipality 5057 of Secunda 5058 of Secunda 5059 of Secunda Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Centre Inv Pty Ltd De Marionette 5060 of Secunda 5061 of Secunda 5062 of Secunda Kenneth Leigh Boswell Izak Bartlomias Wolvaardt Thabile Virginia Maseko Mfanafuthi Goodwill Shabangu Phillippus Van Den Berg Michael Colin Edgcumbe Henrihetta Riana Pieters Johannes Marthinus Jacob Pieters Mukengeshay Kanyeba Yves Kinkie Koy Johan Lombard Engelbrecht Elizabeth Nel Len Nel Jan Gerhardus Welgemoed Vanessa Welgemoed Carolina Maria Berry Carolina Maria Berry Scharlene De Oliveira Diederick Johannes Kruger Arthur John Gloy 5037 of Secunda 5038 of Secunda 5039 of Secunda 5040 of Secunda 5041 of Secunda 5042 of Secunda 5043 of Secunda 5063 of Secunda 5064 of Secunda 5065 of Secunda 5066 of Secunda 5067 of Secunda 5068 of Secunda 5069 of Secunda 5070 of Secunda 5071 of Secunda 5072 of Secunda Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential 5037 of Secunda 5038 of Secunda 918sqm 1190sqm 918.0000-SQM 1190.0000-SQM R696,000.00 R767,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5039 of Secunda 5040 of Secunda 1024sqm 1046sqm 1024.0000-SQM 1046.0000-SQM R740,000.00 R761,000.00 RES - Residential 5041 of Secunda 1060sqm 1060.0000-SQM R692,000.00 RES - Residential 5042 of Secunda 1152sqm 1152.0000-SQM R710,000.00 RES - Residential 5043 of Secunda 1487sqm 1487.0000-SQM R868,000.00 MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal BUS - Business and Commercial INS - Institution VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land BUS - Business and Commercial BUS - Business and Commercial BUS - Business and Commercial BUS - Business and Commercial POS - Public Open Space VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land BUS - Business and Commercial RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5044 of Secunda 5045 of Secunda 5046 of Secunda 5047 of Secunda 5048 of Secunda 1440sqm 8667sqm 3.3703Ha 3.1714Ha 425sqm 1440.0000-SQM 8667.0000-SQM 3.3703-H 3.1714-H 425.0000-SQM R330,000.00 R1,950,000.00 R195,000.00 R184,000.00 R1,100,000.00 5049 of Secunda 5050 of Secunda 5051 of Secunda 5052 of Secunda 41.2825Ha 22.1593Ha 9.7775Ha 5289sqm 41.2825-H 22.1593-H 9.7775-H 5289.0000-SQM R40,000,000.00 R250,000.00 R500,000.00 R22,950,000.00 5053 of Secunda 479sqm 479.0000-SQM R5,796,000.00 5054 of Secunda 714sqm 714.0000-SQM R5,743,000.00 5055 of Secunda 555sqm 555.0000-SQM R5,611,000.00 5056 of Secunda 560sqm 560.0000-SQM R14,000.00 5057 of Secunda 5058 of Secunda 5059 of Secunda 400sqm 400sqm 726sqm 400.0000-SQM 400.0000-SQM 726.0000-SQM R95,500.00 R95,500.00 R5,600,000.00 5060 of Secunda 5061 of Secunda 5062 of Secunda 971sqm 922sqm 886sqm 971.0000-SQM 922.0000-SQM 886.0000-SQM R780,000.00 R800,000.00 R800,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5063 of Secunda 5064 of Secunda 5065 of Secunda 1104sqm 1160sqm 1180sqm 1104.0000-SQM 1160.0000-SQM 1180.0000-SQM R810,000.00 R920,000.00 R845,000.00 RES - Residential 5066 of Secunda 1162sqm 1162.0000-SQM R790,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5067 of Secunda 5068 of Secunda 1071sqm 945sqm 1071.0000-SQM 945.0000-SQM R845,000.00 R870,000.00 RES - Residential 5069 of Secunda 945sqm 945.0000-SQM R860,000.00 RES - Residential 5070 of Secunda 953sqm 953.0000-SQM R800,000.00 RES - Residential 5071 of Secunda 1129sqm 1129.0000-SQM R880,000.00 RES - Residential 5072 of Secunda 1091sqm 1091.0000-SQM R1,060,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5034 of Secunda 5035 of Secunda 5036 of Secunda Page 133 918sqm 918sqm 918sqm 918.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM R676,000.00 R681,000.00 R726,000.00 Registered description 5073 of Secunda 5074 of Secunda 5075 of Secunda 5076 of Secunda 5077 of Secunda 5078 of Secunda 5079 of Secunda 5080 of Secunda 5081 of Secunda 5082 of Secunda 5083 of Secunda 5084 of Secunda 5085 of Secunda 5086 of Secunda 5087 of Secunda 5088 of Secunda 5089 of Secunda 5090 of Secunda 5091 of Secunda 5092 of Secunda 5093 of Secunda 5094 of Secunda 5095 of Secunda 5096 of Secunda 5097 of Secunda 5098 of Secunda 5099 of Secunda 5100 of Secunda 5101 of Secunda 5102 of Secunda 5103 of Secunda 5104 of Secunda 5105 of Secunda 5106 of Secunda 5107 of Secunda 5108 of Secunda 5109 of Secunda 5110 of Secunda 5111 of Secunda 5112 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Johannes Erasmus Albertus Engelbrecht Susara Johanna Engelbrecht Judith Maria Joubert Pieter Joachim Oberholzer Hester Magrieta Appelgryn Jan Hendrik Stefanus Appelgryn James Collin Harris Martin Wesley Obermeyer Shaffique Mahomed Zakeera Mahomed Gert Johannes Jakobus Mccarthy Marius Coetzer Maria Gertruida Erasmus Pieter Marthinus Erasmus Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Zdzislaw Wieczorkiewicz der Merwe Henry Cobus Van Anna Magrieta De Beer Wayne De Beer Marie Magrieta Botha Theo Louis Botha Jacobus Burger De Villiers David Jacobus Kriek Elver Prop Trust Anna Sophia Richter Johann Andre Richter Isaac December Malinga Rooyen Hermanus Gerhardus Van Rooyen Hester Hendrina Van Andre Schnell Badenhorst Riana Badenhorst Likeleli Jeanette Tlali Thabo William Tlali Clive Colin Cape Robert Sansom Grant Jacobus Johannes Lambrechts Sandra Lambrechts Imraan Aboobaker Salajee Abdul Hamid Saber Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Vuuren Antonnette Lizette Van Vuuren Archibald Henderik Van Gopaul Govindasamy Ruby Govindasamy Rensburg Amanda Janse Van Rensburg Jacobus Johannes Janse Van Johan Heyneke Emmerentia Elizabeth Underhay Johannes Adriaan Underhay Frederik Jacobus Kamfer Angelique Chantler Margaret Johnston Norman John Johnston Jessie David Phillip David Barend Jacobus Pieterse Hester Magdalena Pieterse Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Boitumelo Cinna Masilela Mandla Albert Masilela Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 5074 of Secunda 982sqm 982.0000-SQM R855,000.00 RES - Residential 5075 of Secunda 980sqm 980.0000-SQM R925,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5076 of Secunda 5077 of Secunda 5078 of Secunda 980sqm 980sqm 980sqm 980.0000-SQM 980.0000-SQM 980.0000-SQM R815,000.00 R835,000.00 R835,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5079 of Secunda 5080 of Secunda 5081 of Secunda 980sqm 980sqm 980sqm 980.0000-SQM 980.0000-SQM 980.0000-SQM R845,000.00 R795,000.00 R955,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5082 of Secunda 5083 of Secunda 5084 of Secunda 5085 of Secunda 980sqm 980sqm 980sqm 1302sqm 980.0000-SQM 980.0000-SQM 980.0000-SQM 1302.0000-SQM R835,000.00 R800,000.00 R835,000.00 R804,000.00 RES - Residential 5086 of Secunda 1028sqm 1028.0000-SQM R825,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5087 of Secunda 5088 of Secunda 5089 of Secunda 5090 of Secunda 1069sqm 1229sqm 1063sqm 1036sqm 1069.0000-SQM 1229.0000-SQM 1063.0000-SQM 1036.0000-SQM R835,000.00 R738,000.00 R1,004,000.00 R771,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5091 of Secunda 5092 of Secunda 1037sqm 1271sqm 1037.0000-SQM 1271.0000-SQM R781,000.00 R790,000.00 RES - Residential 5093 of Secunda 1266sqm 1266.0000-SQM R830,000.00 RES - Residential 5094 of Secunda 1089sqm 1089.0000-SQM R743,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5095 of Secunda 5096 of Secunda 5097 of Secunda 1015sqm 1078sqm 1110sqm 1015.0000-SQM 1078.0000-SQM 1110.0000-SQM R720,000.00 R732,000.00 R903,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5098 of Secunda 5099 of Secunda 5100 of Secunda 5101 of Secunda 999sqm 999sqm 999sqm 999sqm 999.0000-SQM 999.0000-SQM 999.0000-SQM 999.0000-SQM R739,000.00 R739,000.00 R739,000.00 R809,000.00 RES - Residential 5102 of Secunda 999sqm 999.0000-SQM R768,000.00 RES - Residential 5103 of Secunda 999sqm 999.0000-SQM R729,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5104 of Secunda 5105 of Secunda 999sqm 999sqm 999.0000-SQM 999.0000-SQM R769,000.00 R729,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5106 of Secunda 5107 of Secunda 5108 of Secunda 1167sqm 1103sqm 1445sqm 1167.0000-SQM 1103.0000-SQM 1445.0000-SQM R856,000.00 R733,000.00 R777,000.00 RES - Residential 5109 of Secunda 926sqm 926.0000-SQM R726,000.00 RES - Residential 5110 of Secunda 1245sqm 1245.0000-SQM R879,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5111 of Secunda 5112 of Secunda 1245sqm 925sqm 1245.0000-SQM 925.0000-SQM R759,000.00 R766,000.00 RES - Residential 5073 of Secunda Page 134 1031sqm 1031.0000-SQM R825,000.00 Registered description 5113 of Secunda 5114 of Secunda 5115 of Secunda 5116 of Secunda 5117 of Secunda 5118 of Secunda 5119 of Secunda 5120 of Secunda 5121 of Secunda 5122 of Secunda 5123 of Secunda 5124 of Secunda 5125 of Secunda 5126 of Secunda 5127 of Secunda 5128 of Secunda 5129 of Secunda 5130 of Secunda 5131 of Secunda 5132 of Secunda 5133 of Secunda 5134 of Secunda 5135 of Secunda 5136 of Secunda 5137 of Secunda 5138 of Secunda 5139 of Secunda 5140 of Secunda 5141 of Secunda 5142 of Secunda 5143 of Secunda 5144 of Secunda 5145 of Secunda 5146 of Secunda 5147 of Secunda 5148 of Secunda 5149 of Secunda 5150 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Louis Stephanie Kriel Albertus Buckle Cecelia Hester Buckle Zyl Jacobus Van Zyl Wilna Van Gertruida Magdalena Visagie Christiaan Jacobus Adriaan Du Plessis Ilana Du Plessis Esias Engelbertus Bosch Straaten Jacobus Hendrik Francois Van Straaten Natasha Van Roelof Petrus Johannes Le Roux Tertia Marinda Le Roux James William Colenso Venter Jennefer Venter Kevin Moodley Marlene Moodley Gideon Cornelus Jacobus Eigeman Hilda Elizabeth Eigeman Joseph Willem Botha Jerry Louis Morgan Melanie Antoinette Morgan Maryann Pretorius Schalk Willem Arend Pretorius Lourence Jacobus Matthee Josua Joubert Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Desiree Antoinette Schnetler Johannes Jacobus Schnetler Cornelius Johannes Lodewyk Pheiffer Louis Carolus Trichardt Sonja Trichardt der Walt Abel Hendrik Van der Walt Anelda Van Aswegen Elizabeth Van Aswegen Johannes Diedericks Van Wyk Jacques Van Wyk Sanja Van Geo Dunn Lydia Francis Dunn Maria Magrietha Du Toit John Lawrence John Lawrence Jacques Gideon Burger Dorea Burger Dorea Burger Dorea Burger Dorea Burger Alfred Mark Naidoo Jnertia Jeanie Naidoo Charl Swanepoel Johanna Gerda Swanepoel George Nelson Luciga Gloudina Elizabeth Nelson Coert Nicolaas Smit Henry Ernest Prinsloo Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Marilize Strydom Petrus Johannes Kritzinger Strydom Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 5115 of Secunda 1245sqm 1245.0000-SQM R829,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5116 of Secunda 5117 of Secunda 925sqm 925sqm 925.0000-SQM 925.0000-SQM R766,000.00 R746,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5118 of Secunda 5119 of Secunda 1245sqm 1245sqm 1245.0000-SQM 1245.0000-SQM R749,000.00 R829,000.00 RES - Residential 5120 of Secunda 925sqm 925.0000-SQM R716,000.00 RES - Residential 5121 of Secunda 925sqm 925.0000-SQM R756,000.00 RES - Residential 5122 of Secunda 1245sqm 1245.0000-SQM R759,000.00 RES - Residential 5123 of Secunda 1245sqm 1245.0000-SQM R919,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5124 of Secunda 5125 of Secunda 925sqm 925sqm 925.0000-SQM 925.0000-SQM R736,000.00 R716,000.00 RES - Residential 5126 of Secunda 1245sqm 1245.0000-SQM R809,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5127 of Secunda 5128 of Secunda 5129 of Secunda 5130 of Secunda 1273sqm 1094sqm 1147sqm 1073sqm 1273.0000-SQM 1094.0000-SQM 1147.0000-SQM 1073.0000-SQM R760,000.00 R823,000.00 R775,000.00 R732,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5131 of Secunda 5132 of Secunda 1073sqm 1145sqm 1073.0000-SQM 1145.0000-SQM R742,000.00 R725,000.00 RES - Residential 5133 of Secunda 1022sqm 1022.0000-SQM R895,000.00 RES - Residential 5134 of Secunda 1104sqm 1104.0000-SQM R870,000.00 RES - Residential 5135 of Secunda 921sqm 921.0000-SQM R780,000.00 RES - Residential 5136 of Secunda 924sqm 924.0000-SQM R950,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5137 of Secunda 5138 of Secunda 924sqm 991sqm 924.0000-SQM 991.0000-SQM R880,000.00 R795,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5139 of Secunda 5140 of Secunda 5141 of Secunda 5142 of Secunda 5143 of Secunda 5144 of Secunda 1135sqm 1060sqm 1036sqm 1036sqm 1009sqm 1070sqm 1135.0000-SQM 1060.0000-SQM 1036.0000-SQM 1036.0000-SQM 1009.0000-SQM 1070.0000-SQM R850,000.00 R805,000.00 R835,000.00 R795,000.00 R865,000.00 R1,085,000.00 RES - Residential 5145 of Secunda 1071sqm 1071.0000-SQM R955,000.00 RES - Residential 5146 of Secunda 1113sqm 1113.0000-SQM R830,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5147 of Secunda 5148 of Secunda 5149 of Secunda 5150 of Secunda 999sqm 968sqm 1027sqm 1037sqm 999.0000-SQM 968.0000-SQM 1027.0000-SQM 1037.0000-SQM R815,000.00 R790,000.00 R785,000.00 R815,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5113 of Secunda 5114 of Secunda Page 135 925sqm 1245sqm 925.0000-SQM 1245.0000-SQM R711,000.00 R739,000.00 Registered description 5151 of Secunda 5152 of Secunda 5153 of Secunda 5154 of Secunda 5155 of Secunda 5156 of Secunda 5157 of Secunda 5158 of Secunda 5159 of Secunda 5160 of Secunda 5161 of Secunda 5162 of Secunda 5163 of Secunda 5164 of Secunda 5165 of Secunda 5166 of Secunda 5167 of Secunda 5168 of Secunda 5169 of Secunda 5170 of Secunda 5171 of Secunda 5172 of Secunda 5173 of Secunda 5174 of Secunda 5175 of Secunda 5176 of Secunda 5177 of Secunda 5178 of Secunda 5179 of Secunda 5180 of Secunda 5181 of Secunda 5182 of Secunda 5183 of Secunda 5184 of Secunda 5185 of Secunda 5186 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Staden Charmaine Dawn Van Staden John Andrew Van Cornelia Hendrina Pelser Johannes Jacobus Pelser Nicolaas Andries Botha Maria Johanna Magdalena Rabie Willem Johannes Rabie Abraham Reynold Anton Hattingh Maria Magdalena Hattingh Adrianus Wilhelmus Cornelis Schuurman Maryka Schuurman Rensburg Johannes Nicolaas Janse Van Rensburg Karin Elisabeth Janse Van Zyl Shawn Van Hendrik Petrus Daniel Viljoen Susanna Aletta Viljoen Abel Hendrik Tromp Stander Heike Stander Ebrahiem Manuel Shariefa Manuel Stephanie Johanna Blom Dorea Burger Biljon Johannes Jacobus Van Pieter Willem Prinsloo Johannes Hendrik Visser Johannes Hendrik Visser Maria Magdalena Visser Cornelis Frans Vermeulen De Villiers Gertruida Maria De Villiers Elizabeth Christina Koekemoer Johannes Christian Koekemoer Cyril Joseph Victor David John Ward Huibrecht Cornelia Du Toit Johannes Hermanus Petrus Nel Leon Geel Rene Geel Charles Christopher Milner Delia Winifred Milner Johannes Jacobus Prinsloo Maria Jakoba Prinsloo Willem Adriaan Roux Frederik Johannes Motert Cornelia Johanna Erasmus Johannes Lodewikus Erasmus Johan Isak Jacobus Oosthuizen Anthony Leslie Muller Belinda Muller Cornelia Elisabeth Coetzee Floris Petrus Johannes Coetzee Ernestus Jacobus Pretorius Petro Pretorius Esmeralda Hayden Frederik Jacobus Hayden Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Johanna Maria Pretorius Willem Hendrik Pretorius Wyngardt Anna-Marie Van Hayward Du Pisanie Lourensina Johanna Du Pisanie Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 5152 of Secunda 1083sqm 1083.0000-SQM R1,010,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5153 of Secunda 5154 of Secunda 947sqm 940sqm 947.0000-SQM 940.0000-SQM R880,000.00 R790,000.00 RES - Residential 5155 of Secunda 996sqm 996.0000-SQM R855,000.00 RES - Residential 5156 of Secunda 1037sqm 1037.0000-SQM R855,000.00 RES - Residential 5157 of Secunda 945sqm 945.0000-SQM R840,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5158 of Secunda 5159 of Secunda 945sqm 1090sqm 945.0000-SQM 1090.0000-SQM R860,000.00 R840,000.00 RES - Residential 5160 of Secunda 1148sqm 1148.0000-SQM R970,000.00 RES - Residential 5161 of Secunda 1128sqm 1128.0000-SQM R850,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5162 of Secunda 5163 of Secunda 5164 of Secunda 5165 of Secunda 5166 of Secunda 1175sqm 1159sqm 1023sqm 1046sqm 925sqm 1175.0000-SQM 1159.0000-SQM 1023.0000-SQM 1046.0000-SQM 925.0000-SQM R895,000.00 R820,000.00 R900,000.00 R1,010,000.00 R1,025,000.00 RES - Residential 5167 of Secunda 980sqm 980.0000-SQM R925,000.00 RES - Residential 5168 of Secunda 945sqm 945.0000-SQM R905,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5169 of Secunda 5170 of Secunda 5171 of Secunda 919sqm 856sqm 931sqm 919.0000-SQM 856.0000-SQM 931.0000-SQM R945,000.00 R805,000.00 R850,000.00 RES - Residential 5172 of Secunda 970sqm 970.0000-SQM R890,000.00 RES - Residential 5173 of Secunda 926sqm 926.0000-SQM R890,000.00 RES - Residential 5174 of Secunda 877sqm 877.0000-SQM R820,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5175 of Secunda 5176 of Secunda 5177 of Secunda 1050sqm 992sqm 1132sqm 1050.0000-SQM 992.0000-SQM 1132.0000-SQM R835,000.00 R845,000.00 R980,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5178 of Secunda 5179 of Secunda 1155sqm 1037sqm 1155.0000-SQM 1037.0000-SQM R1,050,000.00 R925,000.00 RES - Residential 5180 of Secunda 928sqm 928.0000-SQM R840,000.00 RES - Residential 5181 of Secunda 928sqm 928.0000-SQM R850,000.00 RES - Residential 5182 of Secunda 928sqm 928.0000-SQM R840,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5183 of Secunda 5184 of Secunda 928sqm 928sqm 928.0000-SQM 928.0000-SQM R820,000.00 R870,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5185 of Secunda 5186 of Secunda 928sqm 928sqm 928.0000-SQM 928.0000-SQM R840,000.00 R820,000.00 RES - Residential 5151 of Secunda Page 136 993sqm 993.0000-SQM R815,000.00 Registered description 5187 of Secunda 5188 of Secunda 5189 of Secunda 5190 of Secunda 5191 of Secunda 5192 of Secunda 5193 of Secunda 5194 of Secunda 5195 of Secunda 5196 of Secunda 5197 of Secunda 5198 of Secunda 5199 of Secunda 5200 of Secunda 5201 of Secunda 5202 of Secunda 5203 of Secunda 5204 of Secunda 5205 of Secunda 5206 of Secunda 5207 of Secunda 5208 of Secunda 5209 of Secunda 5210 of Secunda 5211 of Secunda 5212 of Secunda 5213 of Secunda 5214 of Secunda 5215 of Secunda 5216 of Secunda 5217 of Secunda 5218 of Secunda 5219 of Secunda 5220 of Secunda 5221 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Mfana Oupa Hlungwani Celeste Hester Muller Cheryl Anne Nortje Ernest Jacob Nortje Catharina Elisabeth Roth Derick Ernest Roth Marius Coetzer Morne Rupert Oosthuysen Tania Oosthuysen Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Collet Modiegi Hopa Jan Mhlaba Maswanganyi Hendrik Louis Schoeman Margaretha Schoeman Gerhard Pierre Greyling Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Anna Wilhelmina Catharina Bezuidenhout Ferdinand Peterus Bezuidenhout Closeprops 222 Cc Abel Jacobus Johannes Needham Gladys Ellen Needham Magdalena Elizabeth Webb Roger Wayne Webb Gerendina Maria Cornelia Hoffman Jan Hendrik Myburg Hoffman Petrus Jacobus Nel Thealina Paulina Nel Schalk Willem Hugo Jean Pierre Jordaan Mari Braun Michael Braun Francois Hermanus Retief Anna Cornelia Margaretha Struwig Willem Maartens Struwig Gerrit Hendrik Grobler Sonja Pretorius Willem Nicolaas Frederik Visser Bosch Jan Antonie Van Bosch Rene Charmain Van Catherine Ferreira Phillip Meyer Danielia Horn Paul Nicolaas Harmse Horn Juanita Magdalena Du Toit Quentin Du Toit Anton Rademeyer Margaretha Louisa Rademeyer Jacques Bothma Erika Amanda Olckers Rudolf Frederick Abraham Olckers John Lawrence John Lawrence Johannes Hermanus Wolhuter Sarah Ronel Wolhuter Andreas Erasmus Nienaber Dawid Andreas Nienaber Barend Lourens De Kock Jacoleen De Kock Adriaan Francois Grobler Elizabeth Maria Grobler Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 5190 of Secunda 981sqm 981.0000-SQM R835,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5191 of Secunda 5192 of Secunda 981sqm 981sqm 981.0000-SQM 981.0000-SQM R885,000.00 R995,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5193 of Secunda 5194 of Secunda 981sqm 981sqm 981.0000-SQM 981.0000-SQM R835,000.00 R1,005,000.00 RES - Residential 5195 of Secunda 981sqm 981.0000-SQM R955,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5196 of Secunda 5197 of Secunda 5198 of Secunda 1098sqm 937sqm 950sqm 1098.0000-SQM 937.0000-SQM 950.0000-SQM R810,000.00 R790,000.00 R860,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5199 of Secunda 5200 of Secunda 952sqm 952sqm 952.0000-SQM 952.0000-SQM R820,000.00 R840,000.00 RES - Residential 5201 of Secunda 952sqm 952.0000-SQM R960,000.00 RES - Residential 5202 of Secunda 952sqm 952.0000-SQM R870,000.00 RES - Residential 5203 of Secunda 952sqm 952.0000-SQM R830,000.00 RES - Residential 5204 of Secunda 952sqm 952.0000-SQM R880,000.00 RES - Residential 5205 of Secunda 1044sqm 1044.0000-SQM R865,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5206 of Secunda 5207 of Secunda 1106sqm 1008sqm 1106.0000-SQM 1008.0000-SQM R920,000.00 R865,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5208 of Secunda 5209 of Secunda 1008sqm 1008sqm 1008.0000-SQM 1008.0000-SQM R835,000.00 R835,000.00 RES - Residential 5210 of Secunda 1008sqm 1008.0000-SQM R915,000.00 RES - Residential 5211 of Secunda 1008sqm 1008.0000-SQM R835,000.00 RES - Residential 5212 of Secunda 1008sqm 1008.0000-SQM R855,000.00 RES - Residential 5213 of Secunda 1082sqm 1082.0000-SQM R960,000.00 RES - Residential 5214 of Secunda 990sqm 990.0000-SQM R935,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5215 of Secunda 5216 of Secunda 1027sqm 995sqm 1027.0000-SQM 995.0000-SQM R980,000.00 R845,000.00 RES - Residential 5217 of Secunda 900sqm 900.0000-SQM R890,000.00 RES - Residential 5218 of Secunda 996sqm 996.0000-SQM R905,000.00 RES - Residential 5219 of Secunda 1131sqm 1131.0000-SQM R850,000.00 RES - Residential 5220 of Secunda 1034sqm 1034.0000-SQM R945,000.00 RES - Residential 5221 of Secunda 975sqm 975.0000-SQM R945,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5187 of Secunda 5188 of Secunda 5189 of Secunda Page 137 1038sqm 1097sqm 981sqm 1038.0000-SQM 1097.0000-SQM 981.0000-SQM R855,000.00 R870,000.00 R835,000.00 Registered description 5222 of Secunda 5223 of Secunda 5224 of Secunda 5225 of Secunda 5226 of Secunda 5227 of Secunda 5228 of Secunda 5229 of Secunda 5230 of Secunda 5231 of Secunda 5232 of Secunda 5233 of Secunda 5234 of Secunda 5235 of Secunda 5236 of Secunda 5237 of Secunda 5238 of Secunda 5239 of Secunda 5240 of Secunda 5241 of Secunda 5242 of Secunda 5243 of Secunda 5244 of Secunda 5245 of Secunda 5246 of Secunda 5247 of Secunda 5248 of Secunda 5249 of Secunda 5250 of Secunda 5251 of Secunda 5252 of Secunda 5253 of Secunda 5254 of Secunda 5255 of Secunda 5256 of Secunda 5257 of Secunda 5258 of Secunda 5259 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Tonder Hester Johanna Van Tonder Jacques Ferdinand Van Republic of South Africa Willem Johannes Terblanche Christiaan Christoffel Pretorius Jacomina Elizabeth Pretorius Blerk Lionel Gorden Van Andrikos Alexandrou Rita Alexandrou Johannes Gerhardus Potgieter Rina Potgieter Pieter Christiaan Bezuidenhout Susara Magdalena Bezuidenhout Pieter Johannes Botha Susan Botha Arno Spangenberg Buuren Aletta Petronella Van Adelaine Potgieter Gabriel Johannes Potgieter Salome Hugo Waldo Liebenberg Mervin Price Marthinus Steyn Heini Siebers Lisa Siebers Dewald Johannes Liebenberg Erenska Aletta Liebenberg Jozelle Oberholzer Petrus Johannes Oberholzer Jan Hendrik Pretorius Marie Pretorius Petrus Hermanus Frans Victor Wayne Aspeling Keith Gibson Clarke Perun Cc Clifford John Naude Philippus Albertus Labuschagne der Bank Johannes Joachim Van Charmaine Vorster Marius Vorster Marius Arend Josef Esterhuizen Petronella Wesselina Esterhuizen Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Elzabe Paton Daniel O'neill Rudi Meyer Stander Dirk Cornelius De Kock Zyl Andries Christoffel Van Zyl Nicolette Van Niekerk Annelize Van Niekerk Pieter Daniel Francois Van Jacoba Susanna Hendrina Smith Johan Gerhardus Smith Anzuette Greef Jaun Greef George Edward Breckle Martha Maria La Grange Leon Reynolds Susanna Elizabeth Reynolds Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks GOV - State Owned RES - Residential RES - Residential 5223 of Secunda 5224 of Secunda 5225 of Secunda 2275sqm 1008sqm 928sqm 2275.0000-SQM 1008.0000-SQM 928.0000-SQM R520,000.00 R1,005,000.00 R796,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5226 of Secunda 5227 of Secunda 928sqm 928sqm 928.0000-SQM 928.0000-SQM R840,000.00 R880,000.00 RES - Residential 5228 of Secunda 928sqm 928.0000-SQM R820,000.00 RES - Residential 5229 of Secunda 928sqm 928.0000-SQM R970,000.00 RES - Residential 5230 of Secunda 1029sqm 1029.0000-SQM R855,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5231 of Secunda 5232 of Secunda 5233 of Secunda 1081sqm 1025sqm 1015sqm 1081.0000-SQM 1025.0000-SQM 1015.0000-SQM R910,000.00 R845,000.00 R835,000.00 RES - Residential 5234 of Secunda 1015sqm 1015.0000-SQM R885,000.00 RES - Residential 5235 of Secunda 1015sqm 1015.0000-SQM R855,000.00 RES - Residential 5236 of Secunda 1015sqm 1015.0000-SQM R835,000.00 RES - Residential 5237 of Secunda 1077sqm 1077.0000-SQM R910,000.00 RES - Residential 5238 of Secunda 1125sqm 1125.0000-SQM R719,000.00 RES - Residential 5239 of Secunda 928sqm 928.0000-SQM R746,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5240 of Secunda 5241 of Secunda 5242 of Secunda 5243 of Secunda 5244 of Secunda 5245 of Secunda 5246 of Secunda 5247 of Secunda 928sqm 928sqm 928sqm 928sqm 928sqm 928sqm 1012sqm 1107sqm 928.0000-SQM 928.0000-SQM 928.0000-SQM 928.0000-SQM 928.0000-SQM 928.0000-SQM 1012.0000-SQM 1107.0000-SQM R806,000.00 R736,000.00 R816,000.00 R900,000.00 R746,000.00 R776,000.00 R790,000.00 R773,000.00 RES - Residential 5248 of Secunda 1015sqm 1015.0000-SQM R750,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5249 of Secunda 5250 of Secunda 5251 of Secunda 5252 of Secunda 5253 of Secunda 5254 of Secunda 1015sqm 1015sqm 1015sqm 1015sqm 1015sqm 1015sqm 1015.0000-SQM 1015.0000-SQM 1015.0000-SQM 1015.0000-SQM 1015.0000-SQM 1015.0000-SQM R770,000.00 R720,000.00 R730,000.00 R750,000.00 R760,000.00 R740,000.00 RES - Residential 5255 of Secunda 1063sqm 1063.0000-SQM R832,000.00 RES - Residential 5256 of Secunda 947sqm 947.0000-SQM R727,000.00 RES - Residential 5257 of Secunda 928sqm 928.0000-SQM R796,000.00 RES - Residential 5258 of Secunda 928sqm 928.0000-SQM R865,000.00 RES - Residential 5259 of Secunda 928sqm 928.0000-SQM R846,000.00 RES - Residential 5222 of Secunda Page 138 872sqm 872.0000-SQM R910,000.00 Registered description 5260 of Secunda 5261 of Secunda 5262 of Secunda 5263 of Secunda 5264 of Secunda 5265 of Secunda 5266 of Secunda 5267 of Secunda 5268 of Secunda 5269 of Secunda 5270 of Secunda 5271 of Secunda 5272 of Secunda 5273 of Secunda 5274 of Secunda 5275 of Secunda 5276 of Secunda 5277 of Secunda 5278 of Secunda 5279 of Secunda 5280 of Secunda 5281 of Secunda 5282 of Secunda 5283 of Secunda 5284 of Secunda 5285 of Secunda 5286 of Secunda 5287 of Secunda 5288 of Secunda 5289 of Secunda 5290 of Secunda 5291 of Secunda 5292 of Secunda 5292 of Secunda (Portion 1) 5293 of Secunda 5294 of Secunda 5295 of Secunda 5296 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Catharina Maria Du Plessis Michael Anthony Du Plessis Akinkunmi Abiodun Dayo Auguster Iretioluwa Dayo Hendrik Johan Russell Wentzel Jan Petrus Espag Miriam Elizabeth Espag Frederick William Mathus George Maria Catharina Jacoba George Louis Carolus Trichardt Sonja Trichardt Alfred Louis Painter Gertruida Maria Johanna Painter Martha Wilhelmina La Grange Nicolaas Cornelius La Grange Frederick Coenraad Laas Johannes Jurgens Blignaut Maria Magrieta Coetzer Blignaut Aedrian Ruprecht Bosman Alida Susanna Bosman Niekerk Hester Susanna Maria Van Niekerk Pieter Daniel Francois Van Carole Anne Henn Frederik Johannes Henn Gideon Andries Odendaal Hendrik Johannes Kruger Susanna Magdelena Kruger Berndt Leonard Eggers Donald Bruce Johnston der Watt Philip Blignaut Van der Watt Zitha Van Aly Velner Mare Piere Aubrey Mare Lizette Swart Willem Daniel Swart Mara Madelaine Cronje Willem Hendrik Cronje Christian Johannes Petrus Du Preez Duncan Guy Klinkert Gold Coin Trading 110 Cc Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Pamela Lynette Brown Margaret Johnston Norman John Johnston Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Maria Magdalena Potgieter Robert Watson Sutherland Maria Elizabeth Johanna Smith William Alfred Smith Govan Mbeki Municipality Petrus Christiaan Moller Yogesh Naidoo Vusumuzi Dlamini Nozipho Faith Mashinini Hermina Lambertha Steyn Petrus Lafras Steyn Govan Mbeki Municipality Abdul Hamid Saber Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 5261 of Secunda 928sqm 928.0000-SQM R736,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5262 of Secunda 5263 of Secunda 1020sqm 1084sqm 1020.0000-SQM 1084.0000-SQM R740,000.00 R822,000.00 RES - Residential 5264 of Secunda 1145sqm 1145.0000-SQM R775,000.00 RES - Residential 5265 of Secunda 1087sqm 1087.0000-SQM R763,000.00 RES - Residential 5266 of Secunda 1092sqm 1092.0000-SQM R813,000.00 RES - Residential 5267 of Secunda 1174sqm 1174.0000-SQM R746,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5268 of Secunda 5269 of Secunda 986sqm 986sqm 986.0000-SQM 986.0000-SQM R749,000.00 R779,000.00 RES - Residential 5270 of Secunda 986sqm 986.0000-SQM R739,000.00 RES - Residential 5271 of Secunda 986sqm 986.0000-SQM R849,000.00 RES - Residential 5272 of Secunda 1008sqm 1008.0000-SQM R869,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5273 of Secunda 5274 of Secunda 1173sqm 1023sqm 1173.0000-SQM 1023.0000-SQM R736,000.00 R890,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5275 of Secunda 5276 of Secunda 5277 of Secunda 1023sqm 957sqm 858sqm 1023.0000-SQM 957.0000-SQM 858.0000-SQM R750,000.00 R737,000.00 R823,000.00 RES - Residential 5278 of Secunda 858sqm 858.0000-SQM R873,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5279 of Secunda 5280 of Secunda 858sqm 858sqm 858.0000-SQM 858.0000-SQM R723,000.00 R1,003,000.00 RES - Residential 5281 of Secunda 858sqm 858.0000-SQM R805,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5282 of Secunda 5283 of Secunda 5284 of Secunda 5285 of Secunda 858sqm 858sqm 1029sqm 997sqm 858.0000-SQM 858.0000-SQM 1029.0000-SQM 997.0000-SQM R753,000.00 R723,000.00 R740,000.00 R749,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5286 of Secunda 5287 of Secunda 5288 of Secunda 5289 of Secunda 1031sqm 1032sqm 1150sqm 1036sqm 1031.0000-SQM 1032.0000-SQM 1150.0000-SQM 1036.0000-SQM R740,000.00 R820,000.00 R895,000.00 R741,000.00 MUN - Municipal RES - Residential VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land 5290 of Secunda 5291 of Secunda 5292 of Secunda 5292 of Secunda (Portion 1) 962sqm 962sqm 962sqm 394sqm 962.0000-SQM 962.0000-SQM 962.0000-SQM 394.0000-SQM R222,000.00 R880,000.00 R385,000.00 R161,000.00 RES - Residential 5293 of Secunda 962sqm 962.0000-SQM R868,000.00 MUN - Municipal RES - Residential RES - Residential 5294 of Secunda 5295 of Secunda 5296 of Secunda 962sqm 1073sqm 1026sqm 962.0000-SQM 1073.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM R748,000.00 R742,000.00 R730,000.00 RES - Residential 5260 of Secunda Page 139 928sqm 928.0000-SQM R796,000.00 Registered description 5297 of Secunda 5298 of Secunda 5299 of Secunda 5300 of Secunda 5301 of Secunda 5302 of Secunda 5303 of Secunda 5304 of Secunda 5305 of Secunda 5306 of Secunda 5307 of Secunda 5308 of Secunda 5309 of Secunda 5310 of Secunda 5311 of Secunda 5312 of Secunda 5313 of Secunda 5314 of Secunda 5315 of Secunda 5316 of Secunda 5317 of Secunda 5318 of Secunda 5319 of Secunda 5320 of Secunda 5321 of Secunda 5322 of Secunda 5323 of Secunda 5324 of Secunda 5325 of Secunda 5326 of Secunda 5327 of Secunda 5328 of Secunda 5329 of Secunda 5330 of Secunda 5331 of Secunda 5332 of Secunda 5333 of Secunda 5334 of Secunda 5335 of Secunda 5336 of Secunda 5337 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Robert Frederik Kemp Nel Sonja Nel Albertus Pieter Roux Strydom Hendrik Stephanus Lee Selma Anna Lee Mornay Shelden Butland Maria Magdelena Bidlingmaier Peter Eric Bidlingmaier Mouton Trust Catharina Maria Botha Dawid Hercules Botha Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Hendrik Johannes De Kock Lizinda De Kock Straaten Magareth Van Straaten Walter Barnes Van der Ross Deon Martin Van der Ross Marie Urshula Van Nicolaas Wilhelmus Pieterse Schalkwyk Ockert Johannes Van Pieter Abraham Loots Janetta Meyer Philippus Rudolph Meyer Braam Lew Seal Tight Eiendomme Cc Arnold Lodewyk Opperman Govan Mbeki Municipality Roy Gary Beangstrom Vanishree Beangstrom Govan Mbeki Municipality Linette Estelle Van De Merwe Pieter Marius Van De Merwe Barend Petrus Uys De Beer Ella Maria Dorothia Cilliers Frederic Cilliers Abraham Johannes Jacobus Pretorius Annette Pretorius Govan Mbeki Municipality Gerhardus Johannes De Meyer Jacoba Magdalena De Meyer Daniel Francois Carl Meerholz Yolandi Meerholz Abigail Busi Simelane Majuta Jacob Simelane Wessel Hendrik Pieters Wessel Hendrik Pieters Eric John Bosch Wilhelm Gerhardus Du Plessis Belinda Elizabeth Pienaar Gustaf Zagrys Pienaar Sandra Joy Jonker Lizette Swart Govan Mbeki Municipality Maria Jacoba Carolina Van Den Berg Michiel Jacobus Van Den Berg Govan Mbeki Municipality Imraan Aboobaker Salajee Hendrik Willem Du Preez Valerie Du Preez Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential 5298 of Secunda 5299 of Secunda 1114sqm 1054sqm 1114.0000-SQM 1054.0000-SQM R1,004,000.00 R761,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5300 of Secunda 5301 of Secunda 1036sqm 1036sqm 1036.0000-SQM 1036.0000-SQM R751,000.00 R696,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5302 of Secunda 5303 of Secunda 1036sqm 1036sqm 1036.0000-SQM 1036.0000-SQM R701,000.00 R761,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5304 of Secunda 5305 of Secunda 1135sqm 1011sqm 1135.0000-SQM 1011.0000-SQM R709,000.00 R780,000.00 RES - Residential 5306 of Secunda 924sqm 924.0000-SQM R706,000.00 RES - Residential 5307 of Secunda 924sqm 924.0000-SQM R746,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5308 of Secunda 5309 of Secunda 5310 of Secunda 5311 of Secunda 925sqm 975sqm 1052sqm 1177sqm 925.0000-SQM 975.0000-SQM 1052.0000-SQM 1177.0000-SQM R701,000.00 R808,000.00 R761,000.00 R776,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential MUN - Municipal RES - Residential 5312 of Secunda 5313 of Secunda 5314 of Secunda 5315 of Secunda 5316 of Secunda 928sqm 874sqm 991sqm 858sqm 858sqm 928.0000-SQM 874.0000-SQM 991.0000-SQM 858.0000-SQM 858.0000-SQM R696,000.00 R714,000.00 R779,000.00 R693,000.00 R723,000.00 MUN - Municipal RES - Residential 5317 of Secunda 5318 of Secunda 858sqm 858sqm 858.0000-SQM 858.0000-SQM R698,000.00 R823,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5319 of Secunda 5320 of Secunda 944sqm 957sqm 944.0000-SQM 957.0000-SQM R717,000.00 R737,000.00 RES - Residential 5321 of Secunda 858sqm 858.0000-SQM R793,000.00 MUN - Municipal RES - Residential 5322 of Secunda 5323 of Secunda 858sqm 858sqm 858.0000-SQM 858.0000-SQM R698,000.00 R853,000.00 RES - Residential 5324 of Secunda 867sqm 867.0000-SQM R744,000.00 RES - Residential 5325 of Secunda 858sqm 858.0000-SQM R713,000.00 RES - Residential 5326 of Secunda 868sqm 868.0000-SQM R734,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5327 of Secunda 5328 of Secunda 5329 of Secunda 948sqm 1036sqm 1017sqm 948.0000-SQM 1036.0000-SQM 1017.0000-SQM R727,000.00 R871,000.00 R840,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential MUN - Municipal RES - Residential 5330 of Secunda 5331 of Secunda 5332 of Secunda 5333 of Secunda 1040sqm 966sqm 936sqm 936sqm 1040.0000-SQM 966.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM R751,000.00 R848,000.00 R697,000.00 R727,000.00 MUN - Municipal RES - Residential RES - Residential 5334 of Secunda 5335 of Secunda 5336 of Secunda 936sqm 1044sqm 1060sqm 936.0000-SQM 1044.0000-SQM 1060.0000-SQM R702,000.00 R751,000.00 R1,022,000.00 RES - Residential 5337 of Secunda 936sqm 936.0000-SQM R727,000.00 RES - Residential 5297 of Secunda Page 140 1290sqm 1290.0000-SQM R921,000.00 Registered description 5338 of Secunda 5339 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) 5355 of Secunda 5356 of Secunda 5357 of Secunda 5358 of Secunda 5359 of Secunda 5360 of Secunda Govan Mbeki Municipality Tiddens Frederik Johannes Van Tiddens Janet Elizabeth Van Anna Catharina Hoffman Dennis John Hoffman Phillippus Rudolph Hattingh Phillippus Rudolph Hattingh Alexander Garfield Harper Chantal Harper der Mescht Anne Van der Mescht Christiaan Lodewyck Josephus Van Ridwaan Saber Lizelle De Beer Elza Anita Hildebrand Martinus Johannes Hendrik Theron Celliers der Westhuizen Wybrand Elias Thuynsma Van Inderani Reddy Krishna Reddy Vuuren Petrus Jansen Van Cornelius Jacobus Nel Irene Nel Johannes Cornelius Coetzee Maritza Mulke Frederik Petrus Francois Klopper Johanna Maria Klopper Amanda Beukman Daniel Stephanus Jonker Quinton Neil Addison Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality 5361 of Secunda 5362 of Secunda 5363 of Secunda 5379 of Secunda Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Mbeki Munisipaliteit Govan 5379 of Secunda (Portion 3) Cornelia Magarietha Boshoff Marko Boshoff Deligent Thanduxolo Sithole der Walt Gerrit Paul Van Linda Elaine Smith Willem Rudolph Smith der Berg Andre Van der Berg Elizabeth Maria Van James Pieter Easton Petrus Higgs Besigheidstrust Nicolaas Govan Mbeki Municipality 5340 of Secunda 5341 of Secunda 5342 of Secunda 5343 of Secunda 5344 of Secunda 5345 of Secunda 5346 of Secunda 5347 of Secunda 5348 of Secunda 5349 of Secunda 5350 of Secunda 5351 of Secunda 5352 of Secunda 5353 of Secunda 5354 of Secunda 5379 of Secunda (Portion 4) 5379 of Secunda (Portion 5) 5379 of Secunda (Portion 6) 5379 of Secunda (Portion 7) 5379 of Secunda (Portion 8) 5379 of Secunda (Portion 9) 5379 of Secunda (Portion 11) 5379 of Secunda (Portion 13) 5380 of Secunda 5381 of Secunda 5382 of Secunda Van Die Gemeente Secunda-Oos Van Die Nedederduitse Gereformee Kerkraad Abraham Paul Johannes Nel Annesta Nel Rooyen Aletta Johanna Van Rooyen Daniel Johannes Van Christopher James Bakeberg Martha Catharina Bakeberg Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 5340 of Secunda 986sqm 986.0000-SQM R829,000.00 RES - Residential 5341 of Secunda 1019sqm 1019.0000-SQM R690,000.00 RES - Residential 5342 of Secunda 1004sqm 1004.0000-SQM R719,000.00 RES - Residential 5343 of Secunda 1056sqm 1056.0000-SQM R751,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5344 of Secunda 5345 of Secunda 5346 of Secunda 5347 of Secunda 5348 of Secunda 5349 of Secunda 857sqm 905sqm 896sqm 896sqm 896sqm 1016sqm 857.0000-SQM 905.0000-SQM 896.0000-SQM 896.0000-SQM 896.0000-SQM 1016.0000-SQM R713,000.00 R840,000.00 R710,000.00 R745,000.00 R835,000.00 R740,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5350 of Secunda 5351 of Secunda 1090sqm 1207sqm 1090.0000-SQM 1207.0000-SQM R783,000.00 R956,000.00 RES - Residential 5352 of Secunda 1008sqm 1008.0000-SQM R859,000.00 RES - Residential 5353 of Secunda 1008sqm 1008.0000-SQM R739,000.00 RES - Residential 5354 of Secunda 1008sqm 1008.0000-SQM R739,000.00 RES - Residential MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land POS - Public Open Space MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal VAC - Vacant Land POS - Public Open Space RES - Residential 5355 of Secunda 5356 of Secunda 5357 of Secunda 5358 of Secunda 5359 of Secunda 5360 of Secunda 1085sqm 1051sqm 1.2503Ha 711sqm 700sqm 1677sqm 1085.0000-SQM 1051.0000-SQM 1.2503-H 711.0000-SQM 700.0000-SQM 1677.0000-SQM R743,000.00 R242,000.00 R2,800,000.00 R19,000.00 R18,500.00 R41,900.00 5361 of Secunda 5362 of Secunda 5363 of Secunda 5379 of Secunda 5.2985Ha 2.4459Ha 5.2885Ha 1.6366Ha 5.2985-H 2.4459-H 5.2885-H 1.6366-H R530,000.00 R143,000.00 R430,000.00 R3,100,000.00 5379 of Secunda (Portion 3) 972sqm 972.0000-SQM R780,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5379 of Secunda (Portion 4) 5379 of Secunda (Portion 5) 5379 of Secunda (Portion 6) 972sqm 972sqm 1024sqm 972.0000-SQM 972.0000-SQM 1024.0000-SQM R700,000.00 R700,000.00 R800,000.00 RES - Residential 5379 of Secunda (Portion 7) 1248sqm 1248.0000-SQM R780,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential POS - Public Open Space VAC - Vacant Land 5379 of Secunda (Portion 8) 5379 of Secunda (Portion 9) 5379 of Secunda (Portion 11) 1056sqm 1056sqm 280sqm 1056.0000-SQM 1056.0000-SQM 280.0000-SQM R700,000.00 R800,000.00 R70,000.00 5379 of Secunda (Portion 13) 1.2970Ha 1.2970-H R78,500.00 RES - Residential 5380 of Secunda 1116sqm 1116.0000-SQM R734,000.00 RES - Residential 5381 of Secunda 988sqm 988.0000-SQM R759,000.00 RES - Residential 5382 of Secunda 988sqm 988.0000-SQM R930,000.00 MUN - Municipal RES - Residential 5338 of Secunda 5339 of Secunda Page 141 936sqm 1170sqm 936.0000-SQM 1170.0000-SQM R697,000.00 R836,000.00 Registered description 5383 of Secunda 5384 of Secunda 5385 of Secunda 5386 of Secunda 5387 of Secunda 5388 of Secunda 5389 of Secunda 5390 of Secunda 5391 of Secunda 5392 of Secunda 5393 of Secunda 5394 of Secunda 5395 of Secunda 5396 of Secunda 5397 of Secunda 5398 of Secunda 5399 of Secunda 5400 of Secunda 5401 of Secunda 5402 of Secunda 5403 of Secunda 5404 of Secunda 5405 of Secunda 5406 of Secunda 5407 of Secunda 5408 of Secunda 5409 of Secunda 5410 of Secunda 5411 of Secunda 5412 of Secunda 5413 of Secunda 5414 of Secunda 5415 of Secunda 5416 of Secunda 5417 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Elizabeth Maria Joubert Francois Gerhardus Joubert Renssen Simon Van Schalk Burger Francois Johannes Esterhuizen Blerk Hubrecht Maria Elizabeth Van Elsie Gertruida Petronella Denner Karel Denner Martins Ignatius Grobler Tanusha Deborah George Stephanus Johannes Vosloo Douglas Alisster Doubell Magrieta Hendrina Doubell Lehlohonolo Moses Ramokhothoane Paulinah Puleng Ramokhothoane Kurt Allistair William Ingram Magda Teresa Ingram David Sipho Makua Lovejoy Martha Makua Derik Strydom Stephanie Strydom Jacques Brown Yolande Brown Grace Bellah Mashego Shelton Mojalefa Mashego Thomas Ignatius Steenkamp Georgina De Lange Stephanus Jacobus De Lange Vuuren Esther Babara Anne Jansen Van Vuuren Marthinus Johannes Jansen Van Jan Hendrikus Mocke Madeleine Mocke Jacques Brown Yolande Brown Ralph Gordon der Linden Pieter Dion Van der Linden Retha Istel Van Gwendoline Mary Nunn Rodney Eric Nunn Brandon Turner Hendrika Jacoba Potgieter Leon Potgieter Hyca Gallagher Raymond Gallagher Maria Elisebeth Dorathea Schnuir Pieter Charles Schnuir Sabelo Joseph Maseko Mongami Malcome Ngcutsha Sithembile Florence Mofokeng Brian Bernard Nolan Lesiba Johannes Monama Malehu Florah Monama Beauty Khanyisane Tshabalala Mazwimabi Charles Tshabalala Heera Mewalal Anari Nel Louis Johannes Nel Gert Jacobus Liebenberg Loggerenberg Bonnieta Van Loggerenberg Jan Adriaan Van Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5384 of Secunda 5385 of Secunda 5386 of Secunda 988sqm 988sqm 988sqm 988.0000-SQM 988.0000-SQM 988.0000-SQM R819,000.00 R729,000.00 R739,000.00 RES - Residential 5387 of Secunda 988sqm 988.0000-SQM R759,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5388 of Secunda 5389 of Secunda 5390 of Secunda 5391 of Secunda 1102sqm 920sqm 936sqm 936sqm 1102.0000-SQM 920.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM R843,000.00 R716,000.00 R727,000.00 R757,000.00 RES - Residential 5392 of Secunda 957sqm 957.0000-SQM R767,000.00 RES - Residential 5393 of Secunda 1024sqm 1024.0000-SQM R760,000.00 RES - Residential 5394 of Secunda 950sqm 950.0000-SQM R727,000.00 RES - Residential 5395 of Secunda 1102sqm 1102.0000-SQM R933,000.00 RES - Residential 5396 of Secunda 1148sqm 1148.0000-SQM R775,000.00 RES - Residential 5397 of Secunda 1210sqm 1210.0000-SQM R797,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5398 of Secunda 5399 of Secunda 1298sqm 986sqm 1298.0000-SQM 986.0000-SQM R821,000.00 R769,000.00 RES - Residential 5400 of Secunda 986sqm 986.0000-SQM R769,000.00 RES - Residential 5401 of Secunda 926sqm 926.0000-SQM R716,000.00 RES - Residential 5402 of Secunda 850sqm 850.0000-SQM R733,000.00 RES - Residential 5403 of Secunda 850sqm 850.0000-SQM R753,000.00 RES - Residential 5404 of Secunda 850sqm 850.0000-SQM R783,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5405 of Secunda 5406 of Secunda 825sqm 832sqm 825.0000-SQM 832.0000-SQM R722,000.00 R752,000.00 RES - Residential 5407 of Secunda 832sqm 832.0000-SQM R732,000.00 RES - Residential 5408 of Secunda 832sqm 832.0000-SQM R732,000.00 RES - Residential 5409 of Secunda 832sqm 832.0000-SQM R732,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5410 of Secunda 5411 of Secunda 5412 of Secunda 928sqm 1060sqm 891sqm 928.0000-SQM 1060.0000-SQM 891.0000-SQM R736,000.00 R812,000.00 R710,000.00 RES - Residential 5413 of Secunda 891sqm 891.0000-SQM R865,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5414 of Secunda 5415 of Secunda 978sqm 978sqm 978.0000-SQM 978.0000-SQM R758,000.00 R768,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5416 of Secunda 5417 of Secunda 1097sqm 962sqm 1097.0000-SQM 962.0000-SQM R733,000.00 R728,000.00 RES - Residential 5383 of Secunda Page 142 988sqm 988.0000-SQM R899,000.00 Registered description 5418 of Secunda 5419 of Secunda 5420 of Secunda 5421 of Secunda 5422 of Secunda 5423 of Secunda 5424 of Secunda 5425 of Secunda 5426 of Secunda 5427 of Secunda 5428 of Secunda 5429 of Secunda 5430 of Secunda 5431 of Secunda 5432 of Secunda 5433 of Secunda 5434 of Secunda 5435 of Secunda 5436 of Secunda 5437 of Secunda 5438 of Secunda 5439 of Secunda 5440 of Secunda 5441 of Secunda 5442 of Secunda 5443 of Secunda 5444 of Secunda 5445 of Secunda 5446 of Secunda 5447 of Secunda 5448 of Secunda 5449 of Secunda 5450 of Secunda 5451 of Secunda 5452 of Secunda 5453 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Mogamat Armien Fredericks Nadia Fredericks Christoffel Johannes Schutte Irene Magdelene Schutte Sibongile Margaret Dlamini Nompumelelo Hellen Motaung Pheello Godfrey Motaung Jurie Johannes Goosen Marna Goosen der Merwe Arno Van der Merwe Catharina Johanna Van Riaan Wilken Tina Marie Wilken Dorothea Elizabeth Nagel Rudolph Johannes Nagel Maponye Klaas Thokwane Paulinah Thokwane Geeta Bhagwandin Illse Susan Cooper Norman Edward Cooper Sandra Jonker Jan Johannes Ackerman Nishaan Krishna Suredin Kenosi Olebogeng Molebatsi Olebogilwe Rebabedi Molebatsi Gereformeerde Gemeente Secunda Nederduits Govan Mbeki Municipality Hendrik Johannes Genade Faith Nelly Shirley Maele Tsepo Clifford Henry Maele Liezl Yvette Potgieter Werner Potgieter Agnes Gertruida Du Plessis Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Petrus Frans Jacobus Nieman Susana Wilhelmina Nieman Cornelius Jacobus Nel Irene Nel William Robin Mccrindle Noline Engelbrecht Stephanus Francois Engelbrecht Maria Magdalena Nortje Lejone Elias Taunyane Andrew Johannes Lourens Charel Dawid Nothnagel Benjamin Daniel Britz Estelle Britz Sarie Britz Marlene Olivia Kuhl Reinard Kuhl Charmaine Barnard Cornelius Hermanus Barnard Zyl Frans Jacobus Hendrik Van Mauritz Hendrik Breytenbach Agatha Gertruida Whittle Ernest Harold Whittle Carel Hendrik Marais Lynette Marais Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 5419 of Secunda 953sqm 953.0000-SQM R737,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5420 of Secunda 5421 of Secunda 981sqm 981sqm 981.0000-SQM 981.0000-SQM R728,000.00 R868,000.00 RES - Residential 5422 of Secunda 981sqm 981.0000-SQM R798,000.00 RES - Residential 5423 of Secunda 981sqm 981.0000-SQM R840,000.00 RES - Residential 5424 of Secunda 1062sqm 1062.0000-SQM R732,000.00 RES - Residential 5425 of Secunda 1115sqm 1115.0000-SQM R764,000.00 RES - Residential 5426 of Secunda 874sqm 874.0000-SQM R824,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5427 of Secunda 5428 of Secunda 874sqm 874sqm 874.0000-SQM 874.0000-SQM R734,000.00 R724,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5429 of Secunda 5430 of Secunda 5431 of Secunda 5432 of Secunda 874sqm 868sqm 940sqm 858sqm 874.0000-SQM 868.0000-SQM 940.0000-SQM 858.0000-SQM R744,000.00 R874,000.00 R757,000.00 R713,000.00 WOR - Places of Worship MUN - Municipal RES - Residential RES - Residential 5433 of Secunda 5196sqm 5196.0000-SQM R1,200,000.00 5434 of Secunda 5435 of Secunda 5436 of Secunda 2100sqm 810sqm 810sqm 2100.0000-SQM 810.0000-SQM 810.0000-SQM R475,000.00 R697,000.00 R722,000.00 RES - Residential 5437 of Secunda 873sqm 873.0000-SQM R734,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5438 of Secunda 5439 of Secunda 5440 of Secunda 888sqm 810sqm 810sqm 888.0000-SQM 810.0000-SQM 810.0000-SQM R765,000.00 R752,000.00 R782,000.00 RES - Residential 5441 of Secunda 942sqm 942.0000-SQM R807,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5442 of Secunda 5443 of Secunda 1276sqm 1076sqm 1276.0000-SQM 1076.0000-SQM R740,000.00 R862,000.00 RES - Residential 5444 of Secunda 1107sqm 1107.0000-SQM R763,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5445 of Secunda 5446 of Secunda 5447 of Secunda 1107sqm 1107sqm 1107sqm 1107.0000-SQM 1107.0000-SQM 1107.0000-SQM R803,000.00 R743,000.00 R783,000.00 RES - Residential 5448 of Secunda 1107sqm 1107.0000-SQM R713,000.00 RES - Residential 5449 of Secunda 1319sqm 1319.0000-SQM R812,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5450 of Secunda 5451 of Secunda 5452 of Secunda 1055sqm 1064sqm 1064sqm 1055.0000-SQM 1064.0000-SQM 1064.0000-SQM R841,000.00 R872,000.00 R772,000.00 RES - Residential 5453 of Secunda 1064sqm 1064.0000-SQM R732,000.00 RES - Residential 5418 of Secunda Page 143 946sqm 946.0000-SQM R817,000.00 Registered description 5454 of Secunda 5455 of Secunda 5456 of Secunda 5457 of Secunda 5458 of Secunda 5459 of Secunda 5460 of Secunda 5461 of Secunda 5462 of Secunda 5463 of Secunda 5464 of Secunda 5465 of Secunda 5466 of Secunda 5467 of Secunda 5468 of Secunda 5469 of Secunda 5470 of Secunda 5471 of Secunda 5472 of Secunda 5473 of Secunda 5474 of Secunda 5475 of Secunda 5476 of Secunda 5477 of Secunda 5478 of Secunda 5479 of Secunda 5480 of Secunda 5481 of Secunda 5482 of Secunda 5483 of Secunda 5484 of Secunda 5485 of Secunda 5486 of Secunda 5487 of Secunda 5488 of Secunda 5489 of Secunda 5490 of Secunda 5491 of Secunda 5492 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Johanna Jacoba Cornelia Barnard Nicolaas Albertus Barnard Barend Johannes Potgieter Elizabeth Maria Potgieter Jan Harm Pieter Ignatius Bester Yolandie Bester Goodman Langa Ndaba Ntombifuthi Priscilia Ndaba Govindsamy Frank Naidoo Sarojini Naidoo Anna Catharina Fourie Morne Fourie Johanna Maria Magdalena Crain Michael Crain Dirk Coetzee Jonathan Simms Johanna Fredrika Grove Petrus Stefanus Grove Michael Douglas Lumb Dewald Brits Annalize Rene Oosthuizen Niekerk Leon Van Johan Familie Trust Fungile Augustine Duma Mohau Stephen Sithole Sarah Sebothwane Sithole Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Gideon Jacobus Schwartz Martha Wilhelmina Hough Nicolas Jacobus Hough Koert Koenraad Adrianus Van Koert Magdalena Johanna Van Anetta Helena Kleynhans Jacobus Evert Kleynhans Nicolaas Martin Nieuwoudt Willem Jacobus Pretorius Eeden Susan Van Rensburg Alida Johanna Janse Van Rensburg Lourens Johannes Janse Van Wilma Labuschagne Amanda Jane Reid John Jameson Reid Leonard Cornelius Louw Gerhard Anton Booyzen Marinda Booyzen Subal Maharajh Michael Daniel Kemp Pieter Willem Gerhardus Du Rand Nico-Marius Joubert Christo Cornelius Schoonraad Lorinda Groenewald Piet Rudolf Johannes Groenewald Evelyn Harrinarain Rajesh Harrinarain Andre Snyman Brenda Snyman Nicolaas Barnard Stewart Jack Douglas Susanna Jacomina Gertruida Baard Tertius Willem Baard Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 5455 of Secunda 1064sqm 1064.0000-SQM R712,000.00 RES - Residential 5456 of Secunda 1064sqm 1064.0000-SQM R742,000.00 RES - Residential 5457 of Secunda 1064sqm 1064.0000-SQM R742,000.00 RES - Residential 5458 of Secunda 1064sqm 1064.0000-SQM R702,000.00 RES - Residential 5459 of Secunda 1159sqm 1159.0000-SQM R795,000.00 RES - Residential 5460 of Secunda 1145sqm 1145.0000-SQM R845,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5461 of Secunda 5462 of Secunda 5463 of Secunda 912sqm 816sqm 816sqm 912.0000-SQM 816.0000-SQM 816.0000-SQM R766,000.00 R732,000.00 R892,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5464 of Secunda 5465 of Secunda 816sqm 899sqm 816.0000-SQM 899.0000-SQM R707,000.00 R765,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5466 of Secunda 5467 of Secunda 5468 of Secunda 5469 of Secunda 1014sqm 918sqm 918sqm 918sqm 1014.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM R730,000.00 R701,000.00 R736,000.00 R726,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5470 of Secunda 5471 of Secunda 5472 of Secunda 1026sqm 1265sqm 1121sqm 1026.0000-SQM 1265.0000-SQM 1121.0000-SQM R740,000.00 R810,000.00 R894,000.00 RES - Residential 5473 of Secunda 1064sqm 1064.0000-SQM R852,000.00 RES - Residential 5474 of Secunda 1064sqm 1064.0000-SQM R742,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5475 of Secunda 5476 of Secunda 1064sqm 1064sqm 1064.0000-SQM 1064.0000-SQM R822,000.00 R822,000.00 RES - Residential 5477 of Secunda 1064sqm 1064.0000-SQM R782,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5478 of Secunda 5479 of Secunda 1231sqm 1258sqm 1231.0000-SQM 1258.0000-SQM R858,000.00 R759,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5480 of Secunda 5481 of Secunda 1188sqm 1188sqm 1188.0000-SQM 1188.0000-SQM R747,000.00 R747,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5482 of Secunda 5483 of Secunda 5484 of Secunda 5485 of Secunda 5486 of Secunda 5487 of Secunda 1188sqm 1188sqm 1188sqm 1219sqm 1235sqm 1240sqm 1188.0000-SQM 1188.0000-SQM 1188.0000-SQM 1219.0000-SQM 1235.0000-SQM 1240.0000-SQM R757,000.00 R737,000.00 R747,000.00 R748,000.00 R778,000.00 R789,000.00 RES - Residential 5488 of Secunda 1319sqm 1319.0000-SQM R792,000.00 RES - Residential 5489 of Secunda 928sqm 928.0000-SQM R806,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5490 of Secunda 5491 of Secunda 5492 of Secunda 848sqm 836sqm 836sqm 848.0000-SQM 836.0000-SQM 836.0000-SQM R763,000.00 R753,000.00 R723,000.00 RES - Residential 5454 of Secunda Page 144 1064sqm 1064.0000-SQM R802,000.00 Registered description 5493 of Secunda 5494 of Secunda 5495 of Secunda 5496 of Secunda 5497 of Secunda 5498 of Secunda 5499 of Secunda 5500 of Secunda 5501 of Secunda 5502 of Secunda 5503 of Secunda 5504 of Secunda 5505 of Secunda 5506 of Secunda 5507 of Secunda 5508 of Secunda 5509 of Secunda 5510 of Secunda 5511 of Secunda 5512 of Secunda 5513 of Secunda 5514 of Secunda 5515 of Secunda 5516 of Secunda 5517 of Secunda 5518 of Secunda 5519 of Secunda 5520 of Secunda 5521 of Secunda 5522 of Secunda 5523 of Secunda 5524 of Secunda 5525 of Secunda 5526 of Secunda 5527 of Secunda 5528 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Daniel Boshoff Venter Andre Edward Venter Nolwandle Mildred Mlonyeni Hendrina Maria Webster Tommy Douglas Webster Gert Petrus Lubbe Linda Susanna Lubbe Anjolene Slabbert Nathaniel Slabbert Annamarie Poortman Willem Poortman Elizabeth Margaretha Groenewald Samuel Benjamin Groenewald Christine Greyling Dewald Greyling Cyrene Luanne Stolk George William Harry Petersen Petro Ester Nortje Willem Frederick Nortje Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Elize Kruger Johannes Parkin Telina Elizabeth Parkin Stephen Bruce Aaron Elizabeth Bissett Ernest Godfrey James Bissett Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Kieren Alec Wilkie Liezl Martha Wilkie Ham Esme Van Ham Franciscus Gerhardus Van Anna Elizabeth Meyer Daniel Johannes Andries Meyer Marthinus Wessel Johnsen Jaarsveld June Van Jaarsveld Nicolaas Everhardus Van Siegfried Pierre La Cock Yolande La Cock Eugene Francois Viviers Gilbert Matefane Andries Nkosi Sambo Prichard Nkosi Adriaan Erasmus Kruger Mariette Kruger Thembela Hope Mbiko Vathiswa Valencia Mbiko Animika Singh Narendranath Gunpath Singh Carol Sylvia Naidoo Nagiah Naidoo Adriaan Jakobus Paxton Belia Margaretha Paxton Huyssteen Jo-Anne Van Huyssteen Tertius Van Brian Dudley Lanning Gerald Floris Jacobus Engelbrecht Johanna Josina Susanna Engelbrecht Eeden Yolande Van Ilse Wels Elizabeth Zaaiman Barend Jacobus Smith Martie Smith Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 5497 of Secunda 1008sqm 1008.0000-SQM R799,000.00 RES - Residential 5498 of Secunda 1008sqm 1008.0000-SQM R829,000.00 RES - Residential 5499 of Secunda 1008sqm 1008.0000-SQM R849,000.00 RES - Residential 5500 of Secunda 1008sqm 1008.0000-SQM R739,000.00 RES - Residential 5501 of Secunda 1008sqm 1008.0000-SQM R729,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5502 of Secunda 5503 of Secunda 5504 of Secunda 1104sqm 1227sqm 1120sqm 1104.0000-SQM 1227.0000-SQM 1120.0000-SQM R783,000.00 R838,000.00 R814,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5505 of Secunda 5506 of Secunda 5507 of Secunda 1120sqm 1120sqm 1120sqm 1120.0000-SQM 1120.0000-SQM 1120.0000-SQM R714,000.00 R834,000.00 R704,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5508 of Secunda 5509 of Secunda 1120sqm 1145sqm 1120.0000-SQM 1145.0000-SQM R774,000.00 R745,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5510 of Secunda 5511 of Secunda 1231sqm 1309sqm 1231.0000-SQM 1309.0000-SQM R708,000.00 R781,000.00 RES - Residential 5512 of Secunda 1168sqm 1168.0000-SQM R796,000.00 RES - Residential 5513 of Secunda 899sqm 899.0000-SQM R775,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5514 of Secunda 5515 of Secunda 816sqm 816sqm 816.0000-SQM 816.0000-SQM R822,000.00 R742,000.00 RES - Residential 5516 of Secunda 816sqm 816.0000-SQM R722,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5517 of Secunda 5518 of Secunda 816sqm 816sqm 816.0000-SQM 816.0000-SQM R762,000.00 R732,000.00 RES - Residential 5519 of Secunda 816sqm 816.0000-SQM R702,000.00 RES - Residential 5520 of Secunda 900sqm 900.0000-SQM R775,000.00 RES - Residential 5521 of Secunda 1013sqm 1013.0000-SQM R715,000.00 RES - Residential 5522 of Secunda 918sqm 918.0000-SQM R711,000.00 RES - Residential 5523 of Secunda 918sqm 918.0000-SQM R691,000.00 RES - Residential 5524 of Secunda 918sqm 918.0000-SQM R771,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5525 of Secunda 5526 of Secunda 918sqm 918sqm 918.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM R746,000.00 R776,000.00 RES - Residential 5527 of Secunda 918sqm 918.0000-SQM R701,000.00 RES - Residential 5528 of Secunda 1014sqm 1014.0000-SQM R710,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5493 of Secunda 5494 of Secunda 5495 of Secunda 5496 of Secunda Page 145 848sqm 903sqm 1332sqm 1075sqm 848.0000-SQM 903.0000-SQM 1332.0000-SQM 1075.0000-SQM R735,000.00 R745,000.00 R752,000.00 R732,000.00 Registered description 5529 of Secunda 5530 of Secunda 5531 of Secunda 5532 of Secunda 5533 of Secunda 5534 of Secunda 5535 of Secunda 5536 of Secunda 5537 of Secunda 5538 of Secunda 5539 of Secunda 5540 of Secunda 5541 of Secunda 5542 of Secunda 5543 of Secunda 5544 of Secunda 5545 of Secunda 5546 of Secunda 5547 of Secunda 5548 of Secunda 5549 of Secunda 5550 of Secunda 5551 of Secunda 5552 of Secunda 5553 of Secunda 5554 of Secunda 5555 of Secunda 5556 of Secunda 5557 of Secunda 5558 of Secunda 5559 of Secunda 5560 of Secunda 5561 of Secunda 5562 of Secunda 5563 of Secunda 5564 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Msebenzi Johannes Ngwenya Rachel Thembelihle Ngwenya Annelie Swiegers Lourens Christoffel Swiegers Christina Maria Jacobs Karel Jacobus Phillipus Jacobs Ennie Ntombifuthi Bodumela Kgampa Daniel Matthews Bodumela Niekerk Jacques Renier Van Niekerk Odette Jacqueline Van Brian Simms Deon Pieterse Maria Elizabeth Pieterse Elaine Lombard Tjaart Johannes Lombard Catharina Maria Lottering Jacobus Lottering Juliana Baldwin Stephen Robert Baldwin Abraham Josias De Witt Melodie De Witt Johannes Jurgens Bornman Prop Pty Ltd Sasol John Philip Botha Maria Aletta Botha Carolina Magrietha Verster Jan Dirk Johannes Verster Hadley Dean Titus Richelle Lee Titus John Gabriel Lesch Minnaar Lorraine Minnaar Theron Hendrina Caterina Theron Johannes Gideon Lymone Nqaba Dubazana Maria Magrietha Catharina Breytenbach Dolly Dorothy Tyopo Mzukisi Jeffrey Tyopo Alma Boucher Douglas Cedrick Boucher Marilyn Gail Pelser Isabella Johanna Zimmermann Mervyn Rheinhard Zimmermann Nicolas Lesar Olga Potgieter Paul Potgieter Ryneveld Roelof Van Charlene Govender Manivasan Devarajaloo Govender Christiaan Jacobus Marais Christiaan Prins Anna Johanna Kriel Gideon Petrus Kriel Stephen Bonginkosi Mabena Albertus Jacobus Joubert Dorothy Joubert Barend Stephanus Botha Elna Botha John Stephan Brummer Yolanda Brummer Wesley Hattingh Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 5530 of Secunda 899sqm 899.0000-SQM R800,000.00 RES - Residential 5531 of Secunda 816sqm 816.0000-SQM R732,000.00 RES - Residential 5532 of Secunda 816sqm 816.0000-SQM R702,000.00 RES - Residential 5533 of Secunda 816sqm 816.0000-SQM R732,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5534 of Secunda 5535 of Secunda 816sqm 816sqm 816.0000-SQM 816.0000-SQM R772,000.00 R712,000.00 RES - Residential 5536 of Secunda 816sqm 816.0000-SQM R697,000.00 RES - Residential 5537 of Secunda 900sqm 900.0000-SQM R725,000.00 RES - Residential 5538 of Secunda 1013sqm 1013.0000-SQM R850,000.00 RES - Residential 5539 of Secunda 918sqm 918.0000-SQM R796,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5540 of Secunda 5541 of Secunda 5542 of Secunda 918sqm 918sqm 918sqm 918.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM R711,000.00 R711,000.00 R756,000.00 RES - Residential 5543 of Secunda 918sqm 918.0000-SQM R736,000.00 RES - Residential 5544 of Secunda 918sqm 918.0000-SQM R786,000.00 RES - Residential 5545 of Secunda 800sqm 800.0000-SQM R831,000.00 RES - Residential 5546 of Secunda 800sqm 800.0000-SQM R781,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5547 of Secunda 5548 of Secunda 5549 of Secunda 800sqm 1160sqm 808sqm 800.0000-SQM 1160.0000-SQM 808.0000-SQM R676,000.00 R815,000.00 R792,000.00 RES - Residential 5550 of Secunda 816sqm 816.0000-SQM R682,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5551 of Secunda 5552 of Secunda 900sqm 1013sqm 900.0000-SQM 1013.0000-SQM R715,000.00 R715,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5553 of Secunda 5554 of Secunda 918sqm 990sqm 918.0000-SQM 990.0000-SQM R711,000.00 R789,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5555 of Secunda 5556 of Secunda 900sqm 852sqm 900.0000-SQM 852.0000-SQM R815,000.00 R673,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5557 of Secunda 5558 of Secunda 5559 of Secunda 800sqm 800sqm 800sqm 800.0000-SQM 800.0000-SQM 800.0000-SQM R791,000.00 R711,000.00 R696,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5560 of Secunda 5561 of Secunda 800sqm 800sqm 800.0000-SQM 800.0000-SQM R691,000.00 R771,000.00 RES - Residential 5562 of Secunda 924sqm 924.0000-SQM R746,000.00 RES - Residential 5563 of Secunda 924sqm 924.0000-SQM R816,000.00 RES - Residential 5564 of Secunda 974sqm 974.0000-SQM R703,000.00 RES - Residential 5529 of Secunda Page 146 1014sqm 1014.0000-SQM R830,000.00 Registered description 5565 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) 5597 of Secunda Anrieka Koekemoer Walter James Koekemoer Andre Jakobus Labuschagne Hemant Kumar Nair Vanitha Nair Martin Mbuso Kubheka Rosemary Goinayamang Kubheka Elma Annette Malan Gerhard Malan Mark Owen Delagey Elizabeth Maria De Roubaix Emanuel Herman Francois De Roubaix Jacobus Burger Crizelle Bensch Riaan Bensch Heinrich Minnaar Joubert Sonja Wynona Joubert Patricia Carol Schutte Izak Jacobus Strauss Leonie Elizabeth Strauss Joseph Hermanus Kluyts Louis Eugene Lessing Suletta Frederika Lessing Lelanie Visser Pierre Eugene Visser Evert Philuppus Jakobus Nieuwenhuis Gerhardus Martinus Booysen Magda Booysen Jaco Burger Affordable Inv Cc Willem Adriaan Putter Charles Holmes Papenfus Frederik Johannes Nicolaas Andries Grobler Tanya Grobler Benjamin Johannes Petrus Kilian Benjamin Johannes Petrus Kilian Amanda Cornelia Mostert Frederik Johannes Mostert Adriaan Lambrechts Ilidia Smit Ludwig Von Benecke Carmen Amalia Fourie Rian Chris Fourie Francois Johannes Joubert Maria Magdalena Joubert Charles Victor Potter Leon Breedt Hermanus Johannes Hendrik Buys Phumzile Yvonne Rebecca Sibisi Simphiwe Nicholas Sibisi Secundarim Cc 5598 of Secunda Highveld Ridge Auto Services & Spares Cc 5599 of Secunda Johan De Beer Anneleen Rymer der Merwe Paula Van der Merwe Thomas Johannes Minnie Van Tonder Louisa Ann Van Tonder Raymond Van 5566 of Secunda 5567 of Secunda 5568 of Secunda 5569 of Secunda 5570 of Secunda 5571 of Secunda 5572 of Secunda 5573 of Secunda 5574 of Secunda 5575 of Secunda 5576 of Secunda 5577 of Secunda 5578 of Secunda 5579 of Secunda 5580 of Secunda 5581 of Secunda 5582 of Secunda 5583 of Secunda 5584 of Secunda 5585 of Secunda 5586 of Secunda 5587 of Secunda 5588 of Secunda 5589 of Secunda 5590 of Secunda 5591 of Secunda 5592 of Secunda 5593 of Secunda 5594 of Secunda 5595 of Secunda 5596 of Secunda 5600 of Secunda 5601 of Secunda Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential 5566 of Secunda 5567 of Secunda 899sqm 848sqm 899.0000-SQM 848.0000-SQM R845,000.00 R933,000.00 RES - Residential 5568 of Secunda 848sqm 848.0000-SQM R683,000.00 RES - Residential 5569 of Secunda 848sqm 848.0000-SQM R823,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5570 of Secunda 5571 of Secunda 848sqm 848sqm 848.0000-SQM 848.0000-SQM R753,000.00 R683,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5572 of Secunda 5573 of Secunda 948sqm 1067sqm 948.0000-SQM 1067.0000-SQM R907,000.00 R707,000.00 RES - Residential 5574 of Secunda 954sqm 954.0000-SQM R712,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5575 of Secunda 5576 of Secunda 954sqm 954sqm 954.0000-SQM 954.0000-SQM R747,000.00 R712,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5577 of Secunda 5578 of Secunda 954sqm 1152sqm 954.0000-SQM 1152.0000-SQM R717,000.00 R805,000.00 RES - Residential 5579 of Secunda 1107sqm 1107.0000-SQM R803,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5580 of Secunda 5581 of Secunda 1277sqm 1253sqm 1277.0000-SQM 1253.0000-SQM R730,000.00 R769,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5582 of Secunda 5583 of Secunda 5584 of Secunda 5585 of Secunda 5586 of Secunda 963sqm 954sqm 954sqm 954sqm 954sqm 963.0000-SQM 954.0000-SQM 954.0000-SQM 954.0000-SQM 954.0000-SQM R683,000.00 R777,000.00 R697,000.00 R712,000.00 R767,000.00 RES - Residential 5587 of Secunda 1068sqm 1068.0000-SQM R822,000.00 RES - Residential 5588 of Secunda 1187sqm 1187.0000-SQM R757,000.00 RES - Residential 5589 of Secunda 1060sqm 1060.0000-SQM R812,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5590 of Secunda 5591 of Secunda 1060sqm 1060sqm 1060.0000-SQM 1060.0000-SQM R802,000.00 R752,000.00 RES - Residential 5592 of Secunda 1304sqm 1304.0000-SQM R861,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5593 of Secunda 5594 of Secunda 5595 of Secunda 5596 of Secunda 986sqm 918sqm 945sqm 872sqm 986.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM 945.0000-SQM 872.0000-SQM R709,000.00 R806,000.00 R727,000.00 R784,000.00 BUS - Business and Commercial BUS - Business and Commercial RES - Residential 5597 of Secunda 3595sqm 3595.0000-SQM R2,870,000.00 5598 of Secunda 4121sqm 4121.0000-SQM R1,670,000.00 5599 of Secunda 1038sqm 1038.0000-SQM R771,000.00 RES - Residential 5600 of Secunda 945sqm 945.0000-SQM R737,000.00 RES - Residential 5601 of Secunda 945sqm 945.0000-SQM R757,000.00 RES - Residential 5565 of Secunda Page 147 1008sqm 1008.0000-SQM R714,000.00 Registered description 5602 of Secunda 5603 of Secunda 5604 of Secunda 5605 of Secunda 5606 of Secunda 5607 of Secunda 5608 of Secunda 5609 of Secunda 5610 of Secunda 5611 of Secunda 5612 of Secunda 5613 of Secunda 5615 of Secunda 5617 of Secunda 5618 of Secunda 5619 of Secunda 5620 of Secunda 5621 of Secunda 5622 of Secunda 5623 of Secunda 5624 of Secunda 5625 of Secunda 5626 of Secunda 5627 of Secunda 5628 of Secunda 5629 of Secunda 5630 of Secunda 5631 of Secunda 5632 of Secunda 5633 of Secunda 5634 of Secunda 5635 of Secunda 5636 of Secunda 5637 of Secunda 5638 of Secunda 5639 of Secunda 5640 of Secunda 5641 of Secunda 5642 of Secunda 5643 of Secunda 5644 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Aletta Sophia Nienaber Jacobus Hendrik Nienaber Cornelius Johannes Verwey Senobi Elias Mokoena Solomon Makobe Mosidi Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Johannes Hendrik Loots Johannes Cornelius Jakobus Smit Johannes Reynier Willemse Theo Wilfred Smith Valdo Marx Yolande Marx Neena Susan Mathew Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints In South Africa Church Willem Frederik Krugel Combrink Trust Sunelle Cornelissen Paul Sinclair De Charmoy Patrick Llewellyn Gerardi Moeti Stephen Lephoto Portia Rose Lephoto Tonder Anna Maria Glaudina Van Tonder Johannes Gerhardus Van Chantelle Anderson Wilken Rudie Wilken Anita Elizabeth Pretorius Jan Pretorius Gordon Doctor Twala Thandi Eslinah Twala Kalaivani Chetty Vivendran Chetty Paul Etienne Marais Henry Charles Stoffberg Gideon Georg Pienaar Thabisile Theodorah Ndlovu Thulani Trustworth Ndlovu Otto Bruwer Makkink Irene Muller Leonardo Johannes Muller Wyk Janita Van Wyk Martin Derick Van Magdalena Chatrina Meyer Mile Veljkovic Mile Veljkovic Magdalena Johanna De Vries Pieter Roelof De Vries Jakobus Andries Olivier Wanda Olivier Lubabalo Bulelani Monakali Jabulani Bongani Tshabalala Pawel Lapacz Jan Hendrik Lodewyk Pieters Hendrik Joachim Espach Verity Ann Espach Eeden Elizabeth Van Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5603 of Secunda 5604 of Secunda 5605 of Secunda 5606 of Secunda 5607 of Secunda 5608 of Secunda 5609 of Secunda 5610 of Secunda 5611 of Secunda 5612 of Secunda 945sqm 945sqm 1023sqm 3047sqm 1691sqm 1067sqm 1015sqm 1015sqm 1015sqm 1015sqm 945.0000-SQM 945.0000-SQM 1023.0000-SQM 3047.0000-SQM 1691.0000-SQM 1067.0000-SQM 1015.0000-SQM 1015.0000-SQM 1015.0000-SQM 1015.0000-SQM R837,000.00 R727,000.00 R800,000.00 R690,000.00 R385,000.00 R742,000.00 R850,000.00 R860,000.00 R810,000.00 R790,000.00 RES - Residential MUN - Municipal UDT - Unregistered WOR - Places of Worship RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5613 of Secunda 5615 of Secunda 5617 of Secunda 5618 of Secunda 966sqm 5.2210Ha 2458sqm 4873sqm 966.0000-SQM 5.2210-H 4873.0000-SQM R728,000.00 R300,000.00 R3,640,000.00 R964,000.00 5619 of Secunda 5620 of Secunda 5621 of Secunda 1034sqm 924sqm 837sqm 1034.0000-SQM 924.0000-SQM 837.0000-SQM R1,275,000.00 R880,000.00 R1,013,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5622 of Secunda 5623 of Secunda 837sqm 837sqm 837.0000-SQM 837.0000-SQM R823,000.00 R825,000.00 RES - Residential 5624 of Secunda 918sqm 918.0000-SQM R886,000.00 RES - Residential 5625 of Secunda 850sqm 850.0000-SQM R815,000.00 RES - Residential 5626 of Secunda 1035sqm 1035.0000-SQM R991,000.00 RES - Residential 5627 of Secunda 1027sqm 1027.0000-SQM R740,000.00 RES - Residential 5628 of Secunda 903sqm 903.0000-SQM R735,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5629 of Secunda 5630 of Secunda 5631 of Secunda 5632 of Secunda 864sqm 971sqm 1083sqm 982sqm 864.0000-SQM 971.0000-SQM 1083.0000-SQM 982.0000-SQM R724,000.00 R888,000.00 R772,000.00 R788,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5633 of Secunda 5634 of Secunda 833sqm 843sqm 833.0000-SQM 843.0000-SQM R712,000.00 R753,000.00 RES - Residential 5635 of Secunda 835sqm 835.0000-SQM R723,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5636 of Secunda 5637 of Secunda 1127sqm 1072sqm 1127.0000-SQM 1072.0000-SQM R764,000.00 R872,000.00 RES - Residential 5638 of Secunda 1123sqm 1123.0000-SQM R804,000.00 RES - Residential 5639 of Secunda 1061sqm 1061.0000-SQM R742,000.00 RES - Residential 5640 of Secunda 945sqm 945.0000-SQM R737,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5641 of Secunda 5642 of Secunda 5643 of Secunda 945sqm 1022sqm 1016sqm 945.0000-SQM 1022.0000-SQM 1016.0000-SQM R817,000.00 R760,000.00 R790,000.00 RES - Residential 5644 of Secunda 1298sqm 1298.0000-SQM R1,041,000.00 RES - Residential 5602 of Secunda Page 148 945sqm 945.0000-SQM R845,000.00 Registered description 5645 of Secunda 5646 of Secunda 5647 of Secunda 5648 of Secunda 5649 of Secunda 5650 of Secunda 5651 of Secunda 5652 of Secunda 5653 of Secunda 5654 of Secunda 5655 of Secunda 5656 of Secunda 5657 of Secunda 5658 of Secunda 5659 of Secunda 5660 of Secunda 5661 of Secunda 5662 of Secunda 5663 of Secunda 5664 of Secunda 5665 of Secunda 5666 of Secunda 5667 of Secunda 5668 of Secunda 5669 of Secunda 5670 of Secunda 5671 of Secunda 5672 of Secunda 5673 of Secunda 5674 of Secunda 5675 of Secunda 5676 of Secunda 5677 of Secunda 5678 of Secunda 5679 of Secunda 5680 of Secunda 5681 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Ernst Jacobus Junius Lize Amanda Junius Hendrik Lourens Beytell Susanna Beytell Dumisani William Zwane Mpheteleng Jane Zwane Andre Eben Jonker Martha Johanna Jonker Johannes Langenhoven Saartjie Langenhoven Johannes Petrus Vorster Roelfina Stefina Vorster Hemraj Beni Christiena Smit Willem Sternberg Smit Annie Georgina De Lange Johannes Gerhardus De Lange Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Gerrit Kotze Gabriel Johannes Jacobus Diedericks Abraham Marthinus Labuschagne Manogaree Iyer Sugananthan Iyer Nicolene Roux Werner Roux Amor Joubert Nicolaas Andreas Joubert Janetha Hendrika Groenewald Johannes Machiel Groenewald Johannes Abraham Prinsloo Petro Prinsloo Jacobus Willem Meintjes Rita Meintjes Theunis Jacobus Coetzee Hendrik Barnard Tina-Mari Barnard Hester Loreth Elizabeth Schoeman Stephanus Pienaar Schoeman Peter John Botha Daniel Josephus Buys Rena Buys Frederick Erens Bezuidenhout Maria Elizabeth Bezuidenhout Jacobus Storey Dyk Andries Van Petrus Johannes Viljoen Gerhardus Johannes Bezuidenhout Leon Gerhardus Claassen Elizabeth Louw Rooyen Angelique Van Rooyen Francois Van Adriana Venter Philippus Carel Venter Johannes Josephes Swanepoel Terrace Drive Properties 33 Pty Ltd Baptistekerk-Secunda Filadelfia Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 5646 of Secunda 975sqm 975.0000-SQM R808,000.00 RES - Residential 5647 of Secunda 1197sqm 1197.0000-SQM R757,000.00 RES - Residential 5648 of Secunda 1397sqm 1397.0000-SQM R865,000.00 RES - Residential 5649 of Secunda 1288sqm 1288.0000-SQM R751,000.00 RES - Residential 5650 of Secunda 1134sqm 1134.0000-SQM R734,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5651 of Secunda 5652 of Secunda 1197sqm 1283sqm 1197.0000-SQM 1283.0000-SQM R757,000.00 R750,000.00 RES - Residential 5653 of Secunda 1320sqm 1320.0000-SQM R772,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5654 of Secunda 5655 of Secunda 5656 of Secunda 5657 of Secunda 5658 of Secunda 5659 of Secunda 5660 of Secunda 1356sqm 1392sqm 1428sqm 1356sqm 1239sqm 1450sqm 2004sqm 1356.0000-SQM 1392.0000-SQM 1428.0000-SQM 1356.0000-SQM 1239.0000-SQM 1450.0000-SQM 2004.0000-SQM R763,000.00 R785,000.00 R756,000.00 R850,000.00 R769,000.00 R887,000.00 R900,000.00 RES - Residential 5661 of Secunda 1175sqm 1175.0000-SQM R956,000.00 RES - Residential 5662 of Secunda 1217sqm 1217.0000-SQM R828,000.00 RES - Residential 5663 of Secunda 1178sqm 1178.0000-SQM R766,000.00 RES - Residential 5664 of Secunda 1178sqm 1178.0000-SQM R916,000.00 RES - Residential 5665 of Secunda 1178sqm 1178.0000-SQM R866,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5666 of Secunda 5667 of Secunda 1241sqm 1374sqm 1241.0000-SQM 1374.0000-SQM R869,000.00 R934,000.00 RES - Residential 5668 of Secunda 1302sqm 1302.0000-SQM R951,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5669 of Secunda 5670 of Secunda 1302sqm 1302sqm 1302.0000-SQM 1302.0000-SQM R891,000.00 R881,000.00 RES - Residential 5671 of Secunda 1212sqm 1212.0000-SQM R958,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5672 of Secunda 5673 of Secunda 5674 of Secunda 5675 of Secunda 5676 of Secunda 1118sqm 1563sqm 1284sqm 1420sqm 1464sqm 1118.0000-SQM 1563.0000-SQM 1284.0000-SQM 1420.0000-SQM 1464.0000-SQM R804,000.00 R811,000.00 R870,000.00 R766,000.00 R928,000.00 RES - Residential 5677 of Secunda 1487sqm 1487.0000-SQM R918,000.00 RES - Residential 5678 of Secunda 1471sqm 1471.0000-SQM R848,000.00 RES - Residential VAC - Vacant Land WOR - Places of Worship 5679 of Secunda 5680 of Secunda 5681 of Secunda 1464sqm 3273sqm 4887sqm 1464.0000-SQM 3273.0000-SQM 4887.0000-SQM R788,000.00 R1,300,000.00 R1,694,000.00 RES - Residential 5645 of Secunda Page 149 1007sqm 1007.0000-SQM R769,000.00 Registered description 5682 of Secunda 5683 of Secunda 5684 of Secunda 5685 of Secunda 5686 of Secunda 5687 of Secunda 5688 of Secunda 5689 of Secunda 5690 of Secunda 5691 of Secunda 5692 of Secunda 5693 of Secunda 5694 of Secunda 5695 of Secunda 5696 of Secunda 5697 of Secunda 5698 of Secunda 5699 of Secunda 5700 of Secunda 5701 of Secunda 5702 of Secunda 5703 of Secunda 5704 of Secunda 5705 of Secunda 5706 of Secunda 5707 of Secunda 5708 of Secunda 5709 of Secunda 5710 of Secunda 5711 of Secunda 5712 of Secunda 5713 of Secunda 5714 of Secunda 5715 of Secunda 5716 of Secunda 5717 of Secunda 5718 of Secunda 5719 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Charmain Visagie Gerhardus Jacobus Visagie Hermanus Jacobus Kriel Chantelle De Beer Cornelis Johannes De Beer Jacobus Albertus Pretorius Sonette Geyser Magrietha Maria Swanepoel Marius Swanepoel Ernst Bleeker Pieter Hermanus Coetzer Pieter Stephanus Pretorius Rooyen Nadia Breggie Van Magdalena Josina Erasmus Johanna Dorothea Irene Venter Nico Jacobus Venter Petrus Wilhelmus Schalkwyk Swanepoel Cornelius Johannes Joubert Johanna Elizabeth Joubert Gerthardus Johannes Coetzer Carolina Hettie Viljoen der Merwe Adriana Cecilia Van der Merwe Johann Georg Van Eeden Petrus Jacobus Snyman Van Charles Pieter Cox Lucy Johanna Catherina Cox Sbusiso Erick Mahlalela Hildah Esther Zandile Tshabalala Hendrik Paul Helberg Magdalena Sophia Helberg Josua Petrus Albertus Herselman Chris Bezuidenhout Rinti Bezuidenhout Robert Masuku Martie Johannie Graill Steven Labuschagne Ishmael Christopher Mokgosi Monica Adesia Mokgosi Adele Nadauld Leslie Trevor Nadauld Mdikoni John Shabangu Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Alain Martial Marie Le Marrec Francoise Anne Ghislaine Marie Le Marrec Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Magrietha Swanepoel Noelene Fourie Petrus Johannes Fourie Catherina Willemina Maria Cronje Daniel Wouter Cronje Christian Peter Brandt Felicia Anne Brandt Barend Cornelis Breytenbach Maria Aletta Breytenbach Shareen Down Jason Joseph English Christoffel Johannes Nel Eeden Jacqueline Lynette Van Jan Christoffel Stevens Lititia Stevens Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential 5683 of Secunda 5684 of Secunda 1200sqm 1200sqm 1200.0000-SQM 1200.0000-SQM R757,000.00 R757,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5685 of Secunda 5686 of Secunda 5687 of Secunda 1354sqm 1235sqm 1271sqm 1354.0000-SQM 1235.0000-SQM 1271.0000-SQM R833,000.00 R858,000.00 R915,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5688 of Secunda 5689 of Secunda 5690 of Secunda 1265sqm 1256sqm 1244sqm 1265.0000-SQM 1256.0000-SQM 1244.0000-SQM R940,000.00 R909,000.00 R769,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5691 of Secunda 5692 of Secunda 1274sqm 1303sqm 1274.0000-SQM 1303.0000-SQM R982,000.00 R801,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5693 of Secunda 5694 of Secunda 1698sqm 1286sqm 1698.0000-SQM 1286.0000-SQM R887,000.00 R880,000.00 RES - Residential 5695 of Secunda 1320sqm 1320.0000-SQM R882,000.00 RES - Residential 5696 of Secunda 1320sqm 1320.0000-SQM R872,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5697 of Secunda 5698 of Secunda 1320sqm 1320sqm 1320.0000-SQM 1320.0000-SQM R792,000.00 R882,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5699 of Secunda 5700 of Secunda 5701 of Secunda 1320sqm 1340sqm 1380sqm 1320.0000-SQM 1340.0000-SQM 1380.0000-SQM R712,000.00 R763,000.00 R754,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5702 of Secunda 5703 of Secunda 1320sqm 1320sqm 1320.0000-SQM 1320.0000-SQM R812,000.00 R752,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5704 of Secunda 5705 of Secunda 1320sqm 1380sqm 1320.0000-SQM 1380.0000-SQM R752,000.00 R774,000.00 RES - Residential 5706 of Secunda 1312sqm 1312.0000-SQM R742,000.00 RES - Residential 5707 of Secunda 1188sqm 1188.0000-SQM R827,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5708 of Secunda 5709 of Secunda 5710 of Secunda 1188sqm 1188sqm 1232sqm 1188.0000-SQM 1188.0000-SQM 1232.0000-SQM R737,000.00 R737,000.00 R748,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5711 of Secunda 5712 of Secunda 5713 of Secunda 1304sqm 1270sqm 1254sqm 1304.0000-SQM 1270.0000-SQM 1254.0000-SQM R716,000.00 R780,000.00 R789,000.00 RES - Residential 5714 of Secunda 1351sqm 1351.0000-SQM R783,000.00 RES - Residential 5715 of Secunda 1222sqm 1222.0000-SQM R738,000.00 RES - Residential 5716 of Secunda 1039sqm 1039.0000-SQM R761,000.00 RES - Residential 5717 of Secunda 1538sqm 1538.0000-SQM R1,035,000.00 RES - Residential 5718 of Secunda 1596sqm 1596.0000-SQM R763,000.00 RES - Residential 5719 of Secunda 1260sqm 1260.0000-SQM R929,000.00 RES - Residential 5682 of Secunda Page 150 1409sqm 1409.0000-SQM R925,000.00 Registered description 5720 of Secunda 5721 of Secunda 5722 of Secunda 5723 of Secunda 5724 of Secunda 5725 of Secunda 5726 of Secunda 5727 of Secunda 5728 of Secunda 5729 of Secunda 5730 of Secunda 5731 of Secunda 5732 of Secunda 5733 of Secunda 5734 of Secunda 5735 of Secunda 5736 of Secunda 5737 of Secunda 5738 of Secunda 5739 of Secunda 5740 of Secunda 5741 of Secunda 5742 of Secunda 5743 of Secunda 5744 of Secunda 5745 of Secunda 5746 of Secunda 5747 of Secunda 5748 of Secunda 5749 of Secunda 5750 of Secunda 5751 of Secunda 5752 of Secunda 5753 of Secunda 5754 of Secunda 5755 of Secunda 5756 of Secunda 5757 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Mariana De Wet Clint Mario Cool Fisher Huyssteen Elmarie Van Jaarsveld Karin Elmarie Van Johan Erasmus Suzette Erasmus Disebo Emmah Maise Paulus Mahlomola Maise Joy Kruger Reivilo R Trust Raymond David Walter Anton Wasserman Elizabeth Maria Adriana Wasserman der Westhuizen Gerrit Johannes Jacobus Van Quentin Du Piesanie Tracey Carrol Du Piesanie Quentin Du Piesanie Tracey Carrol Du Piesanie Jaco Joubert Hermanus Petrus Zwiegelaar Johanna Helena Zwiegelaar Asheline Glover Wayne Glover Albert Phillip Zietsman Maria Sophia Zietsman Ockert Johannes Els Ockert Johannes Els Gerhardt Streicher Jeffrey Glenn Hartman der Hoven Kobus Cornelius Van der Hoven Meyer Van Francois Johannes Eybers Gertruida Jacoba Eybers Karin Duraan Mathys Johannes Uys Duraan Jozef Piorkowski Albertus Schoombee Christelle Schoombee Bruggen Jan Van der Linde Barend Leonardus Van der Linde Nicoline Van Barend Daniel Bouwer Lindeque Trust Elgin Botterill Mariska Botterill Belinda Barnard Johan Barnard Johann Coetzee Pieter Johannes Mouton Ronel Mouton Frederick Johannes Botha Zyl Kathleen Charlotte Van Zyl Pieter Van Jacomina Fransina Elizabeth Swanepoel Jan Abraham Christoffel Swanepoel Cindy Schoonwinkel Edrick Schoonwinkel Heerden Aletta Maria Van Heerden George Henry Van Phillipus Keller Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 5725 of Secunda 1365sqm 1365.0000-SQM R804,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5726 of Secunda 5727 of Secunda 5728 of Secunda 5729 of Secunda 1329sqm 1122sqm 1122sqm 1303sqm 1329.0000-SQM 1122.0000-SQM 1122.0000-SQM 1303.0000-SQM R772,000.00 R949,000.00 R834,000.00 R1,051,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5730 of Secunda 5731 of Secunda 1548sqm 1611sqm 1548.0000-SQM 1611.0000-SQM R761,000.00 R763,000.00 RES - Residential 5732 of Secunda 1611sqm 1611.0000-SQM R793,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5733 of Secunda 5734 of Secunda 1611sqm 1665sqm 1611.0000-SQM 1665.0000-SQM R773,000.00 R946,000.00 RES - Residential 5735 of Secunda 1428sqm 1428.0000-SQM R766,000.00 RES - Residential 5736 of Secunda 1474sqm 1474.0000-SQM R733,000.00 RES - Residential 5737 of Secunda 1474sqm 1474.0000-SQM R748,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5738 of Secunda 5739 of Secunda 1474sqm 1723sqm 1474.0000-SQM 1723.0000-SQM R778,000.00 R858,000.00 RES - Residential 5740 of Secunda 1414sqm 1414.0000-SQM R826,000.00 RES - Residential 5741 of Secunda 1295sqm 1295.0000-SQM R831,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5742 of Secunda 5743 of Secunda 1440sqm 1466sqm 1440.0000-SQM 1466.0000-SQM R947,000.00 R1,130,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5744 of Secunda 5745 of Secunda 1466sqm 1466sqm 1466.0000-SQM 1466.0000-SQM R758,000.00 R868,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5746 of Secunda 5747 of Secunda 5748 of Secunda 1466sqm 1502sqm 1555sqm 1466.0000-SQM 1502.0000-SQM 1555.0000-SQM R778,000.00 R1,059,000.00 R991,000.00 RES - Residential 5749 of Secunda 1538sqm 1538.0000-SQM R800,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5750 of Secunda 5751 of Secunda 1384sqm 1288sqm 1384.0000-SQM 1288.0000-SQM R784,000.00 R821,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5752 of Secunda 5753 of Secunda 1289sqm 1288sqm 1289.0000-SQM 1288.0000-SQM R741,000.00 R791,000.00 RES - Residential 5754 of Secunda 1288sqm 1288.0000-SQM R791,000.00 RES - Residential 5755 of Secunda 1450sqm 1450.0000-SQM R797,000.00 RES - Residential 5756 of Secunda 1599sqm 1599.0000-SQM R833,000.00 RES - Residential 5757 of Secunda 1473sqm 1473.0000-SQM R888,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5720 of Secunda 5721 of Secunda 5722 of Secunda 5723 of Secunda 5724 of Secunda Page 151 1131sqm 1419sqm 1076sqm 1056sqm 1148sqm 1131.0000-SQM 1419.0000-SQM 1076.0000-SQM 1056.0000-SQM 1148.0000-SQM R794,000.00 R856,000.00 R752,000.00 R731,000.00 R725,000.00 Registered description 5758 of Secunda 5759 of Secunda 5760 of Secunda 5761 of Secunda 5762 of Secunda 5763 of Secunda 5764 of Secunda 5765 of Secunda 5766 of Secunda 5767 of Secunda 5768 of Secunda 5769 of Secunda 5770 of Secunda 5771 of Secunda 5772 of Secunda 5773 of Secunda 5774 of Secunda 5775 of Secunda 5776 of Secunda 5777 of Secunda 5778 of Secunda 5779 of Secunda 5780 of Secunda 5781 of Secunda 5782 of Secunda 5783 of Secunda 5784 of Secunda 5785 of Secunda 5786 of Secunda 5787 of Secunda 5788 of Secunda 5789 of Secunda 5790 of Secunda 5791 of Secunda 5792 of Secunda 5793 of Secunda 5794 of Secunda 5795 of Secunda 5796 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Zedek Prop 533 Cc Linda Marie Moolman Ockert Johannes Els Gerhardt Streicher Cheryl Bell Nicholas Alexander Bell Evan Geel Philip Stuart Saville Jason William Elliott Vardy Hendrik Josephus Schoeman Naomie Sophia Victor Lorraine Anne Calitz Liezel Becker Johan Christof Willemse Philippina Johanna Cornelia Willemse Louis Hendrik Johannes Grobler Maria Cornelia Grobler Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Chantelle Gregory Stewart Lee Gregory Christeen Elizabeth Campher Matthys Johannes Campher Etienne Arnold Ter Poorten Etienne Arnold Ter Poorten Wyk Gerrit Jacobus Van Sandile Winnington Mthembu Lindie Kriek Philip Kriek Lewies Hosea Bornman Hester Elsie Susanna Smit Wilhelm Hermanus Byleveld Smit Ferdinand Frederick Botes Tertius Botha Eunice Maphefo Mathebula Tholi Thembelihle Msindo Mathebula Schalkwyk Kitty Van Schalkwyk Philippus Carel Van Johan Derwort Christina Cornelia Jansen Jacobus Gideon Jansen Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Deon Viljoen Susara Magdalena Viljoen Leon Hawkins Mary Elizabeth Tavener Josandra Blaauw Petrus Arnoldus Blaauw Dorothy Paula Scheepers Marius Francois Scheepers Alban Patrick Tuohy Pieter Jacobus Du Plooy Ella Susanna Mason Garth Mason Dirk Wolfaardt Martha Katarina Magdalena Wolfaardt Pieter Jacobus Rademan Marx Kerissa Francis Leon Govindsamy Category UDT - Unregistered RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential Address 5758 of Secunda 5759 of Secunda 5760 of Secunda 5761 of Secunda Extent 1473sqm 1473sqm 1473sqm 1473sqm Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks 1473.0000-SQM 1473.0000-SQM 1473.0000-SQM R848,000.00 R1,015,000.00 R1,025,000.00 R758,000.00 RES - Residential 5762 of Secunda 1587sqm 1587.0000-SQM R852,000.00 RES - Residential 5763 of Secunda 1461sqm 1461.0000-SQM R907,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5764 of Secunda 5765 of Secunda 5766 of Secunda 5767 of Secunda 5768 of Secunda 1347sqm 1347sqm 1347sqm 1347sqm 1347sqm 1347.0000-SQM 1347.0000-SQM 1347.0000-SQM 1347.0000-SQM 1347.0000-SQM R813,000.00 R843,000.00 R763,000.00 R763,000.00 R923,000.00 RES - Residential 5769 of Secunda 1268sqm 1268.0000-SQM R815,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5770 of Secunda 5771 of Secunda 1268sqm 1160sqm 1268.0000-SQM 1160.0000-SQM R790,000.00 R755,000.00 RES - Residential 5772 of Secunda 1160sqm 1160.0000-SQM R745,000.00 RES - Residential 5773 of Secunda 1160sqm 1160.0000-SQM R755,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5774 of Secunda 5775 of Secunda 5776 of Secunda 1160sqm 1160sqm 1160sqm 1160.0000-SQM 1160.0000-SQM 1160.0000-SQM R755,000.00 R805,000.00 R745,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5777 of Secunda 5778 of Secunda 1268sqm 1268sqm 1268.0000-SQM 1268.0000-SQM R880,000.00 R760,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5779 of Secunda 5780 of Secunda 5781 of Secunda 1160sqm 1160sqm 1160sqm 1160.0000-SQM 1160.0000-SQM 1160.0000-SQM R775,000.00 R865,000.00 R805,000.00 RES - Residential 5782 of Secunda 1160sqm 1160.0000-SQM R805,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5783 of Secunda 5784 of Secunda 1160sqm 1160sqm 1160.0000-SQM 1160.0000-SQM R815,000.00 R875,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5785 of Secunda 5786 of Secunda 1022sqm 1053sqm 1022.0000-SQM 1053.0000-SQM R740,000.00 R791,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5787 of Secunda 5788 of Secunda 5789 of Secunda 1096sqm 1129sqm 1053sqm 1096.0000-SQM 1129.0000-SQM 1053.0000-SQM R753,000.00 R814,000.00 R911,000.00 RES - Residential 5790 of Secunda 1034sqm 1034.0000-SQM R750,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5791 of Secunda 5792 of Secunda 5793 of Secunda 1113sqm 1007sqm 1035sqm 1113.0000-SQM 1007.0000-SQM 1035.0000-SQM R754,000.00 R739,000.00 R751,000.00 RES - Residential 5794 of Secunda 969sqm 969.0000-SQM R738,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5795 of Secunda 5796 of Secunda 976sqm 1076sqm 976.0000-SQM 1076.0000-SQM R778,000.00 R932,000.00 Page 152 Registered description 5797 of Secunda 5798 of Secunda 5799 of Secunda 5800 of Secunda 5801 of Secunda 5802 of Secunda 5803 of Secunda 5804 of Secunda 5805 of Secunda 5806 of Secunda 5807 of Secunda 5808 of Secunda 5809 of Secunda 5810 of Secunda 5811 of Secunda 5812 of Secunda 5813 of Secunda 5814 of Secunda 5815 of Secunda 5816 of Secunda 5817 of Secunda 5818 of Secunda 5819 of Secunda 5820 of Secunda 5821 of Secunda 5822 of Secunda 5823 of Secunda 5824 of Secunda 5825 of Secunda 5826 of Secunda 5827 of Secunda 5828 of Secunda 5829 of Secunda 5830 of Secunda 5831 of Secunda 5832 of Secunda 5833 of Secunda 5834 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) der Merwe Christiaan Jozua Van der Merwe Meranda Van Dean Boardman Tracy Boardman Karl Maartens Tanya Maartens Heerden Johannes Adriaan Van Dharmaseelan Kistan Trudy Kistan Reginah Baby Ntebaleng Phokoje Teboho Abel Phokoje Theron Anetta Johanna Marthina Theron Pieter Francois Cornelia Susanna Wolmarans Willem Stermberg Wolmarans Michael Frederick Pretorius Sarina Pretorius Albertus Lambertus Botha Dyna Russaj Botha Edward Charles Doyle Rina Doyle Alfred Michael Smith Sharon Lorretta Smith Kreesen Govender Andries Petrus Minnie Braam Lew Anate Halvorsen Dante Sovrani Halvorsen Johannes Mfana Nkosi Nompumelelo Blessed Nkosi Blerk Anna Margaratha Van Blerk Hendrik Abraham Van Marilize Grobler Riaan Grobler Johannes Marthunis Marais Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Gerrit Hilgard Putter Andre Alberts Magaretha Alberts Jacoba Adriana Joubert Karel Stephanus Joubert Berend Martinus Fourie Bernadine Fourie Peggy Jessica Marais David Clark Willem Petrus Human Eugene David Thornhill Johan Wilhelm Albertus Kleinhans Marette Kleinhans Nanette Du Toit Mapiti Charles Masekoameng Daniel Dawid Kruger Andre Smith Johanna Annette Smith Jean Gerard Bantjes Andrew John Duvenhage Sonnette Duvenhage Sarah Johanna Hodgman Adriana Venter Philippus Carel Venter Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 5798 of Secunda 1161sqm 1161.0000-SQM R816,000.00 RES - Residential 5799 of Secunda 983sqm 983.0000-SQM R758,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5800 of Secunda 5801 of Secunda 962sqm 1112sqm 962.0000-SQM 1112.0000-SQM R738,000.00 R824,000.00 RES - Residential 5802 of Secunda 1092sqm 1092.0000-SQM R943,000.00 RES - Residential 5803 of Secunda 1150sqm 1150.0000-SQM R795,000.00 RES - Residential 5804 of Secunda 1060sqm 1060.0000-SQM R742,000.00 RES - Residential 5805 of Secunda 1206sqm 1206.0000-SQM R777,000.00 RES - Residential 5806 of Secunda 1224sqm 1224.0000-SQM R788,000.00 RES - Residential 5807 of Secunda 1138sqm 1138.0000-SQM R775,000.00 RES - Residential 5808 of Secunda 1008sqm 1008.0000-SQM R789,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5809 of Secunda 5810 of Secunda 5811 of Secunda 5812 of Secunda 1008sqm 1008sqm 1008sqm 1136sqm 1008.0000-SQM 1008.0000-SQM 1008.0000-SQM 1136.0000-SQM R749,000.00 R779,000.00 R779,000.00 R745,000.00 RES - Residential 5813 of Secunda 1187sqm 1187.0000-SQM R907,000.00 RES - Residential 5814 of Secunda 1120sqm 1120.0000-SQM R814,000.00 RES - Residential 5815 of Secunda 1120sqm 1120.0000-SQM R925,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5816 of Secunda 5817 of Secunda 5818 of Secunda 5819 of Secunda 1120sqm 1120sqm 1120sqm 1192sqm 1120.0000-SQM 1120.0000-SQM 1120.0000-SQM 1192.0000-SQM R874,000.00 R744,000.00 R904,000.00 R847,000.00 RES - Residential 5820 of Secunda 1240sqm 1240.0000-SQM R849,000.00 RES - Residential 5821 of Secunda 1110sqm 1110.0000-SQM R843,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5822 of Secunda 5823 of Secunda 5824 of Secunda 5825 of Secunda 5826 of Secunda 1220sqm 1428sqm 1344sqm 1344sqm 1344sqm 1220.0000-SQM 1428.0000-SQM 1344.0000-SQM 1344.0000-SQM 1344.0000-SQM R828,000.00 R776,000.00 R763,000.00 R873,000.00 R783,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5827 of Secunda 5828 of Secunda 5829 of Secunda 5830 of Secunda 1344sqm 1344sqm 1584sqm 1590sqm 1344.0000-SQM 1344.0000-SQM 1584.0000-SQM 1590.0000-SQM R970,000.00 R793,000.00 R792,000.00 R833,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5831 of Secunda 5832 of Secunda 1472sqm 1472sqm 1472.0000-SQM 1472.0000-SQM R858,000.00 R838,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5833 of Secunda 5834 of Secunda 1472sqm 1472sqm 1472.0000-SQM 1472.0000-SQM R778,000.00 R868,000.00 RES - Residential 5797 of Secunda Page 153 1043sqm 1043.0000-SQM R761,000.00 Registered description 5835 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) 5875 of Secunda Erasmus Claassen Maria Johanna Dorothea Claassen Geoffrey David Carter Bernard De Waal Esterhuyse der Merwe Susanna Gertruida Van Wyk Zacharias Johannes Van Matthee Family Trust Jacques Wassermann Francina Susanna Veldman Louisa Matlakajane Mahlompho Nyokana Renier Carstens Marianne Elizabeth De Wit Emmerentia Maria Venter Marthinus Johannes Venter Heindrich Albertus Rupert Oosthuizen Wyk Juan Van Wyk Suzette Van Johannes Adam Neethling Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Resorts Southern Highveld Pty Ltd Global Govan Mbeki Municipality Resorts Southern Highveld Pty Ltd Global Fortress Income 2 Pty Ltd Fortress Income 2 Pty Ltd Shades Apart Inv 2 Cc 5876 of Secunda Michael Family Trust 5877 of Secunda 5878 of Secunda 5879 of Secunda 5880 of Secunda 5881 of Secunda 5882 of Secunda 5883 of Secunda Employees Pension Fund Municipal Employees Pension Fund Municipal Thomas Albertus Conradie Bennie Buitendag Swart Arthur Vernon Swinburne Hardy Johannes Philippus Hyman Sharmendren Nayiager Thiloshini Nayiager Susanna Magritha Aletta Jacobs Trevor Henry Jacobs Casper Jan Hendrik Botha John Hugo Truter 5836 of Secunda 5837 of Secunda 5838 of Secunda 5839 of Secunda 5840 of Secunda 5841 of Secunda 5844 of Secunda 5845 of Secunda 5846 of Secunda 5847 of Secunda 5848 of Secunda 5849 of Secunda 5850 of Secunda 5851 of Secunda 5852 of Secunda 5853 of Secunda 5854 of Secunda 5855 of Secunda 5856 of Secunda 5857 of Secunda 5858 of Secunda 5859 of Secunda 5860 of Secunda 5861 of Secunda 5862 of Secunda 5862 of Secunda (Portion 1) 5863 of Secunda 5864 of Secunda 5865 of Secunda 5866 of Secunda 5867 of Secunda 5868 of Secunda 5868 of Secunda (Portion 1) 5869 of Secunda 5874 of Secunda 5884 of Secunda 5885 of Secunda 5886 of Secunda Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential 5836 of Secunda 5837 of Secunda 1564sqm 1180sqm 1564.0000-SQM 1180.0000-SQM R822,000.00 R786,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5838 of Secunda 5839 of Secunda 5840 of Secunda 5841 of Secunda 5844 of Secunda 5845 of Secunda 5846 of Secunda 5847 of Secunda 1080sqm 1080sqm 1134sqm 1248sqm 1333sqm 1399sqm 1275sqm 1258sqm 1080.0000-SQM 1080.0000-SQM 1134.0000-SQM 1248.0000-SQM 1333.0000-SQM 1399.0000-SQM 1275.0000-SQM 1258.0000-SQM R1,240,000.00 R1,112,000.00 R764,000.00 R819,000.00 R762,000.00 R805,000.00 R830,000.00 R919,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5848 of Secunda 5849 of Secunda 1275sqm 1160sqm 1275.0000-SQM 1160.0000-SQM R750,000.00 R900,000.00 RES - Residential VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal UDT - Unregistered MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal VAC - Vacant Land MUN - Municipal VAC - Vacant Land BUS - Business and Commercial BUS - Business and Commercial BUS - Business and Commercial MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5850 of Secunda 5851 of Secunda 5852 of Secunda 5853 of Secunda 5854 of Secunda 5855 of Secunda 5856 of Secunda 5857 of Secunda 5858 of Secunda 5859 of Secunda 5860 of Secunda 5861 of Secunda 5862 of Secunda 5862 of Secunda (Portion 1) 5863 of Secunda 5864 of Secunda 5865 of Secunda 5866 of Secunda 5867 of Secunda 5868 of Secunda 5868 of Secunda (Portion 1) 5869 of Secunda 5874 of Secunda 1339sqm 2.3346Ha 4.0732Ha 596sqm 986sqm 614sqm 551sqm 640sqm 7572sqm 1.8242Ha 5388sqm 1357sqm 1.4397Ha 7298sqm 670sqm 1147sqm 2711sqm 626sqm 11.2848Ha 4.1124Ha 5.9184Ha 11.6138Ha 1.0834Ha 1339.0000-SQM 2.3346-H 4.0732-H 596.0000-SQM 986.0000-SQM 614.0000-SQM 551.0000-SQM 640.0000-SQM 7572.0000-SQM 1.8242-H 5388.0000-SQM 1357.0000-SQM 1.4397-H 670.0000-SQM 1147.0000-SQM 2711.0000-SQM 626.0000-SQM 11.2848-H 4.1124-H 5.9184-H 11.6138-H 1.0834-H R763,000.00 R240,000.00 R403,720.00 R140,000.00 R347,000.00 R15,400.00 R130,000.00 R150,000.00 R1,700,000.00 R4,100,000.00 R1,200,000.00 R33,900.00 R3,250,000.00 R182,000.00 R16,800.00 R33,700.00 R620,000.00 R147,000.00 R640,000.00 R237,000.00 R120,000.00 R660,000.00 R72,300,000.00 5875 of Secunda 825sqm 825.0000-SQM R1,515,000.00 5876 of Secunda 2351sqm 2351.0000-SQM R8,700,000.00 5877 of Secunda 5878 of Secunda 5879 of Secunda 5880 of Secunda 5881 of Secunda 5882 of Secunda 5883 of Secunda 820sqm 2645sqm 2597sqm 2695sqm 930sqm 887sqm 880sqm 820.0000-SQM 2645.0000-SQM 2597.0000-SQM 2695.0000-SQM 930.0000-SQM 887.0000-SQM 880.0000-SQM R3,700,000.00 R19,000,000.00 R1,100,000.00 R1,100,000.00 R756,000.00 R785,000.00 R744,000.00 RES - Residential 5884 of Secunda 903sqm 903.0000-SQM R815,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5885 of Secunda 5886 of Secunda 1029sqm 1152sqm 1029.0000-SQM 1152.0000-SQM R705,000.00 R805,000.00 RES - Residential 5835 of Secunda Page 154 1472sqm 1472.0000-SQM R958,000.00 Registered description 5887 of Secunda 5888 of Secunda 5889 of Secunda 5890 of Secunda 5891 of Secunda 5892 of Secunda 5893 of Secunda 5894 of Secunda 5895 of Secunda 5896 of Secunda 5897 of Secunda 5898 of Secunda 5899 of Secunda 5900 of Secunda 5901 of Secunda 5902 of Secunda 5903 of Secunda 5904 of Secunda 5905 of Secunda 5906 of Secunda 5907 of Secunda 5908 of Secunda 5909 of Secunda 5910 of Secunda 5911 of Secunda 5912 of Secunda 5913 of Secunda 5914 of Secunda 5915 of Secunda 5916 of Secunda 5917 of Secunda 5918 of Secunda 5919 of Secunda 5920 of Secunda 5921 of Secunda 5922 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Joy-Ann Pillaye Kubenderan Koomarasen Pillaye Rensburg Bardina Jansen Van Albert Thomas Olckers Helena Dorothea Olckers Andries Barend Kruger Elizabeth Hermiena Christina Louisa Kruger Christiaan Johannes Claassens Johannes Hendrik Rossouw David Pelicano Maria Elizabeth Pelicano Barend Johannes Pretorius Jacomina Susanna Elizabeth Pretorius der Merwe Christoffel Johannes Van der Merwe Jeanetta Catharina Van Christoffel Johannes Schutte Irene Magdelene Schutte Hester Agnes Williams Leonard Gerard Raymond Williams Catharina Maria Calitz Garth Calitz Betty Zodwa Shabalala Menzi Eldon Shabalala Anna Maria Elizabeth Prinsloo Henry Joseph Prinsloo Diani Page Willem Lewies Page Johan Christoffel Botha Maryna Louise Botha der Hoven Anton Michael Van der Hoven Maria Magdalena Van Lucas Mhlaba Mtshali Nokuthula Jabulile Mtshali Niekerk Christoffel Johannes Van Karel Grobler Heiletje Maria Margaretha Nel Sheldon Trevor Nel Christiaan Jacobus Preston Susanna Maria Magdalena Delport Corneluis Jacobus Prinsloo Elizabeth Abbott Sebastiaan Johannes Abbott Helen Du Plooy Marius Johan Du Plooy Zyl Willem Jakobus Van Zyl Wilma Johanna Van Andries Jacobus Olivier Marthinus Johannes Jacobus De Jager Kim Ratcliffe Michael Bernard Ratcliffe Mark John Klein Tersia Marlene Klein der Heever Shayne Van der Heever Yvette Van Gideon Adendorff Marelize Adendorff Eileen Rona Davids John Gert Davids Collene Holder Shaun Philip Holder Johannes Marthinus Carolus De Jager Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential 5888 of Secunda 5889 of Secunda 1139sqm 1064sqm 1139.0000-SQM 1064.0000-SQM R795,000.00 R802,000.00 RES - Residential 5890 of Secunda 1064sqm 1064.0000-SQM R752,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5891 of Secunda 5892 of Secunda 5893 of Secunda 1173sqm 1064sqm 1064sqm 1173.0000-SQM 1064.0000-SQM 1064.0000-SQM R856,000.00 R792,000.00 R752,000.00 RES - Residential 5894 of Secunda 1064sqm 1064.0000-SQM R1,070,000.00 RES - Residential 5895 of Secunda 1002sqm 1002.0000-SQM R719,000.00 RES - Residential 5896 of Secunda 990sqm 990.0000-SQM R704,000.00 RES - Residential 5897 of Secunda 958sqm 958.0000-SQM R837,000.00 RES - Residential 5898 of Secunda 990sqm 990.0000-SQM R849,000.00 RES - Residential 5899 of Secunda 924sqm 924.0000-SQM R766,000.00 RES - Residential 5900 of Secunda 924sqm 924.0000-SQM R756,000.00 RES - Residential 5901 of Secunda 924sqm 924.0000-SQM R826,000.00 RES - Residential 5902 of Secunda 924sqm 924.0000-SQM R691,000.00 RES - Residential 5903 of Secunda 924sqm 924.0000-SQM R826,000.00 RES - Residential 5904 of Secunda 996sqm 996.0000-SQM R849,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5905 of Secunda 5906 of Secunda 5907 of Secunda 937sqm 1065sqm 1039sqm 937.0000-SQM 1065.0000-SQM 1039.0000-SQM R767,000.00 R802,000.00 R701,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5908 of Secunda 5909 of Secunda 5910 of Secunda 5911 of Secunda 985sqm 1167sqm 981sqm 1213sqm 985.0000-SQM 1167.0000-SQM 981.0000-SQM 1213.0000-SQM R729,000.00 R906,000.00 R878,000.00 R818,000.00 RES - Residential 5912 of Secunda 993sqm 993.0000-SQM R749,000.00 RES - Residential 5913 of Secunda 1240sqm 1240.0000-SQM R869,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5914 of Secunda 5915 of Secunda 5916 of Secunda 1281sqm 1027sqm 1058sqm 1281.0000-SQM 1027.0000-SQM 1058.0000-SQM R750,000.00 R750,000.00 R721,000.00 RES - Residential 5917 of Secunda 1058sqm 1058.0000-SQM R761,000.00 RES - Residential 5918 of Secunda 1098sqm 1098.0000-SQM R723,000.00 RES - Residential 5919 of Secunda 1098sqm 1098.0000-SQM R783,000.00 RES - Residential 5920 of Secunda 1178sqm 1178.0000-SQM R796,000.00 RES - Residential 5921 of Secunda 1110sqm 1110.0000-SQM R773,000.00 RES - Residential 5922 of Secunda 1058sqm 1058.0000-SQM R871,000.00 RES - Residential 5887 of Secunda Page 155 1123sqm 1123.0000-SQM R754,000.00 Registered description 5923 of Secunda 5924 of Secunda 5925 of Secunda 5926 of Secunda 5927 of Secunda 5928 of Secunda 5929 of Secunda 5930 of Secunda 5931 of Secunda 5932 of Secunda 5933 of Secunda 5934 of Secunda 5935 of Secunda 5936 of Secunda 5937 of Secunda 5938 of Secunda 5939 of Secunda 5940 of Secunda 5941 of Secunda 5942 of Secunda 5943 of Secunda 5944 of Secunda 5945 of Secunda 5946 of Secunda 5947 of Secunda 5948 of Secunda 5949 of Secunda 5950 of Secunda 5951 of Secunda 5952 of Secunda 5953 of Secunda 5954 of Secunda 5955 of Secunda 5956 of Secunda 5957 of Secunda 5958 of Secunda 5959 of Secunda 5960 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Ntsika Humphrey Bengu Phumelele Precious Mbele Ruan De Swardt Margret Lilian Glen Michael Leon Glen Johannes Marthinus Carolus De Jager Charlotte Francina Nell Sagaria Johanna Wright Willem Hendrik Wright Gourie Reddy Marimuthu Reddy Johan Christoffel Landman Susanna Maria Johanna Landman Edmund Wilhelm Ellmann Huibrecht Magrieta Ellmann Andrew Mmaphuti Moloto Lindiwe Aletta Moloto Sanmarie Du Plessis Kradenburg Elsie Sophia Johanna Van Kradenburg Pierre Van Schalkwyk Anna Jacoba Margaretha Van Schalkwyk Stefanus Hendrik Van Thembinkosi Purity Zwane Steven Daniel Manda Evelyne Moloi Johan Francois Brand Niekerk Wendy Van der Westhuizen Albert Hendrik Nicolaas Van Johan Fritz Karina Fritz der Merwe Willem Hendrik Van Valerie Vanessa Vivien Carelse Hendrik Chrisstoffel Booyse Susanna Helena Booyse Paul Charles Male Frederick Cornelius Christoffel Struwig Johanna Etrezzia Meintjes Willem Johannes Meintjes Prop Pty Ltd Sasol der Berg Eben Van der Berg Lonell Van Ashogran Mestry Vishmala Mestry Heidi Cabral Zyl Johan Van Agnieszka Teresa Schoonraad Christo Cornelius Schoonraad Jacoba Isabela Engelbrecht Philipus Theunis Engelbrecht Helen Elizabeth Roodt Gert Stephanus Pienaar Helena Gertruida Pienaar Jaarsveld Desire Jacqueline Van Jaarsveld Juan Van Mervyn Douglas Roberts Johan David Hechter Johanna Magrietha Hechter Cornelia Johanna Smith Reginald Smith Andre Greyling Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential 5924 of Secunda 5925 of Secunda 1098sqm 1022sqm 1098.0000-SQM 1022.0000-SQM R793,000.00 R770,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5926 of Secunda 5927 of Secunda 5928 of Secunda 1138sqm 1103sqm 981sqm 1138.0000-SQM 1103.0000-SQM 981.0000-SQM R865,000.00 R903,000.00 R748,000.00 RES - Residential 5929 of Secunda 995sqm 995.0000-SQM R739,000.00 RES - Residential 5930 of Secunda 998sqm 998.0000-SQM R889,000.00 RES - Residential 5931 of Secunda 1088sqm 1088.0000-SQM R733,000.00 RES - Residential 5932 of Secunda 992sqm 992.0000-SQM R729,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5933 of Secunda 5934 of Secunda 1000sqm 967sqm 1000.0000-SQM 967.0000-SQM R739,000.00 R758,000.00 RES - Residential 5935 of Secunda 945sqm 945.0000-SQM R757,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5936 of Secunda 5937 of Secunda 952sqm 1221sqm 952.0000-SQM 1221.0000-SQM R757,000.00 R968,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5938 of Secunda 5939 of Secunda 5940 of Secunda 5941 of Secunda 1032sqm 1018sqm 840sqm 887sqm 1032.0000-SQM 1018.0000-SQM 840.0000-SQM 887.0000-SQM R920,000.00 R790,000.00 R733,000.00 R775,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5942 of Secunda 5943 of Secunda 5944 of Secunda 876sqm 944sqm 944sqm 876.0000-SQM 944.0000-SQM 944.0000-SQM R1,020,000.00 R767,000.00 R807,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5945 of Secunda 5946 of Secunda 5947 of Secunda 1019sqm 850sqm 850sqm 1019.0000-SQM 850.0000-SQM 850.0000-SQM R760,000.00 R803,000.00 R763,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5948 of Secunda 5949 of Secunda 850sqm 906sqm 850.0000-SQM 906.0000-SQM R733,000.00 R785,000.00 RES - Residential 5950 of Secunda 906sqm 906.0000-SQM R735,000.00 RES - Residential 5951 of Secunda 850sqm 850.0000-SQM R763,000.00 RES - Residential 5952 of Secunda 850sqm 850.0000-SQM R763,000.00 RES - Residential 5953 of Secunda 850sqm 850.0000-SQM R983,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5954 of Secunda 5955 of Secunda 867sqm 859sqm 867.0000-SQM 859.0000-SQM R724,000.00 R734,000.00 RES - Residential 5956 of Secunda 859sqm 859.0000-SQM R764,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 5957 of Secunda 5958 of Secunda 861sqm 867sqm 861.0000-SQM 867.0000-SQM R734,000.00 R714,000.00 RES - Residential 5959 of Secunda 1098sqm 1098.0000-SQM R863,000.00 RES - Residential 5960 of Secunda 917sqm 917.0000-SQM R796,000.00 RES - Residential 5923 of Secunda Page 156 1147sqm 1147.0000-SQM R785,000.00 Registered description 5961 of Secunda 5962 of Secunda 5963 of Secunda 5964 of Secunda 5965 of Secunda 5966 of Secunda 5967 of Secunda 5968 of Secunda 5969 of Secunda 5970 of Secunda 5971 of Secunda 5972 of Secunda 5973 of Secunda 5974 of Secunda 5975 of Secunda 5976 of Secunda 5977 of Secunda 5978 of Secunda 5979 of Secunda 5980 of Secunda 5981 of Secunda 5982 of Secunda 5983 of Secunda 5984 of Secunda 5985 of Secunda 5986 of Secunda 5987 of Secunda 5988 of Secunda 5989 of Secunda 5990 of Secunda 5991 of Secunda 5992 of Secunda 5993 of Secunda 5995 of Secunda 5996 of Secunda 5997 of Secunda 5998 of Secunda 5999 of Secunda 6000 of Secunda 6001 of Secunda 6002 of Secunda 6003 of Secunda 6004 of Secunda 6005 of Secunda 6006 of Secunda 6007 of Secunda 6008 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Geoffrey Liam Anderson Butler Sipho Vincent Vilakazi Spiwe Andrina Vilakazi Gert Hendrik Pienaar Martha Magdelena Pienaar Aswegen Dirk Van Aswegen Jade Dean Van Elsa De Villiers Tielman Theunis Christiaan Roux De Villiers Frans Johannes Schoeman Berylene Le Roux Jan Hendrick Antonie Le Roux Gerhard Spangenberg Aletta Sussanna Jonker Daniel Johannes Jonker Dawid Andreas Mathee Jacob Wynand Reyneke Dewald Breytenbach Hester Margaretha Breytenbach Theron Louis Joachim Wynlou Familie Trust Geynore Susan Smith Granville Andre Smith Cornelia Le Roux Philippus Albertus Le Roux Judith Jacoba Du Plessis Rudolph Du Plessis Robert Brown Sandra Brown Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown 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Residential RES - Residential 5968 of Secunda 5969 of Secunda 825sqm 860sqm 825.0000-SQM 860.0000-SQM R742,000.00 R734,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5970 of Secunda 5971 of Secunda 5972 of Secunda 1008sqm 996sqm 1031sqm 1008.0000-SQM 996.0000-SQM 1031.0000-SQM R989,000.00 R739,000.00 R740,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 5973 of Secunda 5974 of Secunda 5975 of Secunda 1023sqm 943sqm 949sqm 1023.0000-SQM 943.0000-SQM 949.0000-SQM R730,000.00 R757,000.00 R835,000.00 RES - Residential 5976 of Secunda 937sqm 937.0000-SQM R797,000.00 RES - Residential 5977 of Secunda 926sqm 926.0000-SQM R822,000.00 RES - Residential 5978 of Secunda 937sqm 937.0000-SQM R737,000.00 UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - 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Residential 5961 of Secunda 5962 of Secunda Page 157 1095sqm 1116sqm 1095.0000-SQM 1116.0000-SQM R708,000.00 R764,000.00 R920,000.00 R930,000.00 R915,000.00 R964,000.00 R916,000.00 R540,000.00 R795,000.00 R794,000.00 R785,000.00 R926,000.00 R855,000.00 R977,000.00 R844,000.00 R854,000.00 R877,000.00 R1,055,000.00 R1,051,000.00 R1,051,000.00 R1,051,000.00 R1,041,000.00 R925,000.00 R260,000.00 R280,000.00 R855,000.00 R1,042,000.00 R440,000.00 R440,000.00 R1,138,000.00 R1,052,000.00 Registered description 6009 of Secunda 6010 of Secunda 6011 of Secunda 6012 of Secunda 6013 of Secunda 6014 of Secunda 6015 of Secunda 6016 of Secunda 6017 of Secunda 6018 of Secunda 6019 of Secunda 6020 of Secunda 6021 of Secunda 6022 of Secunda 6023 of Secunda 6024 of Secunda 6025 of Secunda 6026 of Secunda 6027 of Secunda 6028 of Secunda 6029 of Secunda 6030 of Secunda 6031 of Secunda 6032 of Secunda 6033 of Secunda 6034 of Secunda 6035 of Secunda 6036 of Secunda 6037 of Secunda 6038 of Secunda 6039 of 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R315,000.00 R315,000.00 R1,159,000.00 R1,034,000.00 R906,000.00 R1,045,000.00 R1,059,000.00 R1,129,000.00 R927,000.00 R1,027,000.00 R960,000.00 R930,000.00 R742,000.00 R929,000.00 R100,000.00 R1,300,000.00 R820,000.00 R250,000.00 R162,000.00 R147,000.00 R255,000.00 R231,000.00 R151,000.00 R178,000.00 R2,000,000.00 R2,000,000.00 R7,850,000.00 R739,000.00 R742,000.00 1.6741-H 1.3316-H 3344.0000-SQM 1.6785-H 2.7756-H 627.0000-SQM 1099.0000-SQM 1002.0000-SQM 646.0000-SQM 765.0000-SQM 2904.0000-SQM 2879.0000-SQM RES - Residential 6302 of Secunda 1098sqm 1098.0000-SQM R713,000.00 RES - Residential 6303 of Secunda 1044sqm 1044.0000-SQM R771,000.00 Page 158 Registered description 6304 of Secunda 6305 of Secunda 6306 of Secunda 6307 of Secunda 6308 of Secunda 6309 of Secunda 6310 of Secunda 6311 of Secunda 6312 of Secunda 6313 of Secunda 6314 of Secunda 6315 of Secunda 6316 of Secunda 6317 of Secunda 6318 of Secunda 6319 of Secunda 6320 of Secunda 6321 of Secunda 6322 of Secunda 6323 of Secunda 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Ernest Booysen Etienne Botha Abel Mgolozeleni Ndaba Sarah Thandi Ndaba Coenraad Diederik Coenelius Potgieter Melissa Lourens Elizabeth Fakazile Pitse Sipho Pitse Carlo Alexander Sydney Botha Isabella Magrieta Botha Daphney Thembisile Sindane Gijimani Samuel Simelane Mbale Elizabeth Simelane Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Anel Jacobs Lieb Antonie Noordman Andre Jacobus Petrus Rossouw Norman Douglas Roos Magdalena Magrietha Ross Lucia Charlotte Wels Lionel Visser Anna Elisabeth Meyer Johannes Meyer Hendrik Johannes Senekal Stefnie Senekal Lazya Christina Viljoen Oswald Viljoen Daniel Jacobus Odendaal Felicity Magrietha Odendaal Catherine Vosser Zacharias Petrus Vosser Saulo Simpasa Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 6305 of Secunda 6306 of Secunda 6307 of Secunda 1066sqm 972sqm 972sqm 1066.0000-SQM 972.0000-SQM 972.0000-SQM R752,000.00 R748,000.00 R728,000.00 RES - Residential 6308 of Secunda 972sqm 972.0000-SQM R798,000.00 RES - Residential 6309 of Secunda 972sqm 972.0000-SQM R758,000.00 RES - Residential 6310 of Secunda 972sqm 972.0000-SQM R713,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 6311 of Secunda 6312 of Secunda 6313 of Secunda 6314 of Secunda 6315 of Secunda 1024sqm 1209sqm 960sqm 1345sqm 1134sqm 1024.0000-SQM 1209.0000-SQM 960.0000-SQM 1345.0000-SQM 1134.0000-SQM R760,000.00 R727,000.00 R728,000.00 R783,000.00 R709,000.00 RES - Residential 6316 of Secunda 1085sqm 1085.0000-SQM R890,000.00 RES - Residential 6317 of Secunda 1269sqm 1269.0000-SQM R770,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6318 of Secunda 6319 of Secunda 1166sqm 1509sqm 1166.0000-SQM 1509.0000-SQM R766,000.00 R809,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 6320 of Secunda 6321 of Secunda 6322 of Secunda 1189sqm 1096sqm 1209sqm 1189.0000-SQM 1096.0000-SQM 1209.0000-SQM R707,000.00 R820,000.00 R915,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6323 of Secunda 6324 of Secunda 1257sqm 1064sqm 1257.0000-SQM 1064.0000-SQM R769,000.00 R742,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 6325 of Secunda 6326 of Secunda 6327 of Secunda 1064sqm 1143sqm 995sqm 1064.0000-SQM 1143.0000-SQM 995.0000-SQM R792,000.00 R900,000.00 R879,000.00 RES - Residential 6328 of Secunda 900sqm 900.0000-SQM R684,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6329 of Secunda 6330 of Secunda 900sqm 900sqm 900.0000-SQM 900.0000-SQM R785,000.00 R735,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6331 of Secunda 6332 of Secunda 900sqm 894sqm 900.0000-SQM 894.0000-SQM R695,000.00 R775,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6333 of Secunda 6334 of Secunda 1003sqm 925sqm 1003.0000-SQM 925.0000-SQM R739,000.00 R701,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 6335 of Secunda 6336 of Secunda 6337 of Secunda 962sqm 1051sqm 1061sqm 962.0000-SQM 1051.0000-SQM 1061.0000-SQM R718,000.00 R771,000.00 R822,000.00 RES - Residential 6338 of Secunda 962sqm 962.0000-SQM R798,000.00 RES - Residential 6339 of Secunda 1320sqm 1320.0000-SQM R742,000.00 RES - Residential 6340 of Secunda 1110sqm 1110.0000-SQM R783,000.00 RES - Residential 6341 of Secunda 1182sqm 1182.0000-SQM R826,000.00 RES - Residential 6342 of Secunda 1347sqm 1347.0000-SQM R823,000.00 RES - Residential 6304 of Secunda Page 159 1079sqm 1079.0000-SQM R717,000.00 Registered description 6343 of Secunda 6344 of Secunda 6345 of Secunda 6346 of Secunda 6347 of Secunda 6348 of Secunda 6349 of Secunda 6350 of Secunda 6351 of Secunda 6352 of Secunda 6353 of Secunda 6354 of Secunda 6355 of Secunda 6356 of Secunda 6357 of Secunda 6358 of Secunda 6362 of Secunda 6363 of Secunda 6364 of Secunda 6365 of Secunda 6366 of Secunda 6367 of Secunda 6368 of Secunda 6368 of Secunda (Portion 1) 6369 of Secunda 6370 of Secunda 6371 of Secunda 6372 of Secunda 6373 of Secunda 6374 of Secunda 6375 of Secunda 6376 of Secunda 6377 of Secunda 6378 of Secunda 6379 of Secunda 6379 of Secunda (Portion 1) 6380 of Secunda 6381 of Secunda 6382 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Dennis Victor Nolan Matlakala Magdeline Zungu Vusumuzi Sipho Zungu Andries Martinus Handford Andries Martinus Handford Gabriel Amos Morodi Lindiwe Liefie Morodi Denise Amelia De Beer Jacobus Lourens De Beer Jean-Pierre De Vries Yvette De Vries der Berg Johannes Willem Van Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Johannes Jakobus Potgieter Louis Loots Rensburg Petrus Hendrik Janse Van Hermanus Peens Linda Peens Aletta Johanna Viljoen Stanley Mark Viljoen Neville George Wearing Rita Wearing Deon Kim Uys Alvin Mussa Kaonza Irene Lisemelo Kaonza Phillip Rudolf Woest Rensburg Aileen Priscilla Sheila Janse Van Staden Carolina Petru Van Staden Christiaan Van Bartholomeus Kruger Jacobus Johannes Kruger Lucas Mhlaba Mtshali Petronella Anna Elizabeth Yssel Bakra Trading 109 Cc Bakra Trading 109 Cc Aletha Pietronella Devenier Gert Stephanus Devenier Douglas William Preston Joan Bridget Preston Hanno Havenga Janie Mofokeng Dirk Johannes Steyn Johanna Magdalena Steyn Gerald Wallace Webster Clint Ellish Michelle Phyllis Ellish Annelie Kruger Louis Lodewyk Kruger Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Johan Kroucamp Tersia Kroucamp der Merwe Abraham Christoffel Van der Merwe Aletta Jacoba Van Francois Jacobus Esterhuizen Andre Victor Magdalena Susanna Victor Bernard Rudolph Elsje Maria Rudolph Lynette De Witt Willem Adriaan De Witt Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 6345 of Secunda 1030sqm 1030.0000-SQM R710,000.00 RES - Residential 6346 of Secunda 1028sqm 1028.0000-SQM R740,000.00 RES - Residential 6347 of Secunda 905sqm 905.0000-SQM R835,000.00 RES - Residential 6348 of Secunda 850sqm 850.0000-SQM R805,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 6349 of Secunda 6350 of Secunda 6351 of Secunda 6352 of Secunda 6353 of Secunda 6354 of Secunda 836sqm 836sqm 836sqm 862sqm 1096sqm 990sqm 836.0000-SQM 836.0000-SQM 836.0000-SQM 862.0000-SQM 1096.0000-SQM 990.0000-SQM R733,000.00 R733,000.00 R693,000.00 R699,000.00 R850,000.00 R779,000.00 RES - Residential 6355 of Secunda 990sqm 990.0000-SQM R789,000.00 RES - Residential 6356 of Secunda 990sqm 990.0000-SQM R714,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6357 of Secunda 6358 of Secunda 900sqm 960sqm 900.0000-SQM 960.0000-SQM R735,000.00 R810,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 6362 of Secunda 6363 of Secunda 6364 of Secunda 2434sqm 1003sqm 884sqm 2434.0000-SQM 1003.0000-SQM 884.0000-SQM R1,600,000.00 R759,000.00 R745,000.00 RES - Residential 6365 of Secunda 884sqm 884.0000-SQM R715,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 6366 of Secunda 6367 of Secunda 6368 of Secunda 6368 of Secunda (Portion 1) 6369 of Secunda 871sqm 871sqm 407sqm 477sqm 884sqm 871.0000-SQM 871.0000-SQM 407.0000-SQM 477.0000-SQM 884.0000-SQM R1,014,000.00 R814,000.00 R874,000.00 R1,200,000.00 R725,000.00 RES - Residential 6370 of Secunda 913sqm 913.0000-SQM R886,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 6371 of Secunda 6372 of Secunda 6373 of Secunda 913sqm 932sqm 803sqm 913.0000-SQM 932.0000-SQM 803.0000-SQM R701,000.00 R756,000.00 R731,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6374 of Secunda 6375 of Secunda 820sqm 1129sqm 820.0000-SQM 1129.0000-SQM R842,000.00 R744,000.00 RES - Residential 6376 of Secunda 988sqm 988.0000-SQM R779,000.00 UDT - Unregistered RES - Residential 6377 of Secunda 6378 of Secunda 1077sqm 1116sqm 1116.0000-SQM R990,000.00 R860,000.00 RES - Residential 6379 of Secunda 547sqm 547.0000-SQM R1,011,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6379 of Secunda (Portion 1) 6380 of Secunda 547sqm 1084sqm 547.0000-SQM 1084.0000-SQM R1,300,000.00 R1,040,000.00 RES - Residential 6381 of Secunda 1318sqm 1318.0000-SQM R890,000.00 RES - Residential 6382 of Secunda 1129sqm 1129.0000-SQM R864,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6343 of Secunda 6344 of Secunda Page 160 933sqm 1001sqm 933.0000-SQM 1001.0000-SQM R726,000.00 R819,000.00 Registered description 6383 of Secunda 6384 of Secunda 6385 of Secunda 6386 of Secunda 6387 of Secunda 6388 of Secunda 6389 of Secunda 6390 of Secunda 6390 of Secunda (Portion 1) 6391 of Secunda 6392 of Secunda 6393 of Secunda 6394 of Secunda 6395 of Secunda 6396 of Secunda 6397 of Secunda 6398 of Secunda 6399 of Secunda 6400 of Secunda 6401 of Secunda 6402 of Secunda 6403 of Secunda 6404 of Secunda 6405 of Secunda 6406 of Secunda 6407 of Secunda 6408 of Secunda 6409 of Secunda 6410 of Secunda 6411 of Secunda 6412 of Secunda 6413 of Secunda 6414 of Secunda 6415 of Secunda 6416 of Secunda 6417 of Secunda 6418 of Secunda 6419 of Secunda 6420 of Secunda 6421 of Secunda 6422 of Secunda 6423 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Leonard Wiggett Ramona Janet Wiggett Christa Eksteen Sebastiaan Victor Eksteen Vincent Jacques Beijer Stuart Peter Wickens Adriaan Cornelius Odendaal Margaretha Isabella Odendaal Govan Mbeki Municipality Steven John Marshall der Merwe Engela Magrietha Van der Merwe William John Van Yolande Whelan Charles Lennox Browne Allison Andrew Edmond Seebregts Di-Anne Seebregts Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Grace View Guesthouse Cc Daniel Frederick Beetge Emmerentia Magrietha Beetge Denzil Moodley Corne Smith Nhlanhla Abednego Nyembe Ryan Pillay David Pieter Daniel Hall David Pieter Daniel Hall der Merwe Christoffel Bernardus Van der Merwe Johanna Welhelmina Van Andries Johannes Erasmus Venessa Erasmus Gertruida Susanna Rossouw William Thomas Frederick Rossouw Edmund Arthur Soule Heila Magdalena Hendrina Haasbroek Louis Johannes Haasbroek Carl Christiaan Toua Yolandi Toua Maria Magdalena Du Toit Ryan Andre Du Toit Jacobus Adriaan Brooks Andries Johannes Gerhardus Van Den Bergh Gerhardus Johannes Mynhardt W & R Beleggings Cc Johannes Petrus Laufs Melinda Maria Laufs Georg Frederick Dannhauser Shirley Veronica Dannhauser Brenda Karol Erasmus Deliwe Joyce Senoamadi Phatelang William Senoamadi Govan Mbeki Municipality Willem Johannes Andries Bergh Heerden Leon Van Heerden Maija Michelle Van Anthea Lynn Rossouw Michiel Andre Rossouw Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Frans Hendrik Mare Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 6384 of Secunda 915sqm 915.0000-SQM R786,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 6385 of Secunda 6386 of Secunda 6387 of Secunda 952sqm 952sqm 1019sqm 952.0000-SQM 952.0000-SQM 1019.0000-SQM R797,000.00 R687,000.00 R700,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 6388 of Secunda 6389 of Secunda 6390 of Secunda 1133sqm 1101sqm 554sqm 1133.0000-SQM 1101.0000-SQM 554.0000-SQM R734,000.00 R783,000.00 R971,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 6390 of Secunda (Portion 1) 6391 of Secunda 6392 of Secunda 547sqm 1075sqm 1075sqm 547.0000-SQM 1075.0000-SQM 1075.0000-SQM R800,000.00 R970,000.00 R862,000.00 UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered RES - Residential RES - Residential 6393 of Secunda 6394 of Secunda 6395 of Secunda 6396 of Secunda 1125sqm 1266sqm 1220sqm 1129sqm 1220.0000-SQM 1129.0000-SQM R1,474,000.00 R987,000.00 R738,000.00 R744,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 6397 of Secunda 6398 of Secunda 6399 of Secunda 6400 of Secunda 6401 of Secunda 6402 of Secunda 6403 of Secunda 1120sqm 1120sqm 1106sqm 1106sqm 1244sqm 1236sqm 1033sqm 1120.0000-SQM 1120.0000-SQM 1106.0000-SQM 1106.0000-SQM 1244.0000-SQM 1236.0000-SQM 1033.0000-SQM R754,000.00 R854,000.00 R733,000.00 R840,000.00 R819,000.00 R1,035,000.00 R730,000.00 RES - Residential 6404 of Secunda 925sqm 925.0000-SQM R736,000.00 RES - Residential 6405 of Secunda 911sqm 911.0000-SQM R846,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6406 of Secunda 6407 of Secunda 997sqm 985sqm 997.0000-SQM 985.0000-SQM R769,000.00 R809,000.00 RES - Residential 6408 of Secunda 864sqm 864.0000-SQM R805,000.00 RES - Residential 6409 of Secunda 864sqm 864.0000-SQM R754,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 6410 of Secunda 6411 of Secunda 6412 of Secunda 6413 of Secunda 6414 of Secunda 1271sqm 1199sqm 1324sqm 991sqm 984sqm 1271.0000-SQM 1199.0000-SQM 1324.0000-SQM 991.0000-SQM 984.0000-SQM R760,000.00 R857,000.00 R802,000.00 R889,000.00 R728,000.00 RES - Residential 6415 of Secunda 1115sqm 1115.0000-SQM R864,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6416 of Secunda 6417 of Secunda 920sqm 1007sqm 920.0000-SQM 1007.0000-SQM R816,000.00 R929,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 6418 of Secunda 6419 of Secunda 6420 of Secunda 1024sqm 915sqm 990sqm 1024.0000-SQM 915.0000-SQM 990.0000-SQM R720,000.00 R776,000.00 R840,000.00 RES - Residential 6421 of Secunda 948sqm 948.0000-SQM R807,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6422 of Secunda 6423 of Secunda 924sqm 893sqm 924.0000-SQM 893.0000-SQM R756,000.00 R815,000.00 RES - Residential 6383 of Secunda Page 161 1040sqm 1040.0000-SQM R941,000.00 Registered description 6424 of Secunda 6425 of Secunda 6426 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) 6449 of Secunda 6450 of Secunda Trevor Emmanuel Govender Johannes Badenhorst Jan Walter Daniel Buitendag Johanna Jacoba Buitendag Magteld Margaretha Price Mervin Price Cornelius Johannes Swart Marinda Swart Francois Joubert Arnold Oosthuizen Irene Oosthuizen Heerden Louwrens Abraham Van Gert Botha Frederika Fourie Petrus Johannes Naude Fourie Erna Scott Nicolaas Jacobus Scott Abraham John Black Errol Rigby Wright Maria Catharina Wright Wynand Louw George Baben Lucille Miriam Baben Karen Naidoo Vernon Gonaseelan Naidoo Barend Rudolph Kruger Leonardus Johannes Dreyer Gert Hendrik Viljoen Time Trading Pty Ltd Peak Pty Ltd Kentz Catharina Johanna Maritz Francois Binneman Chantel Murray Gray Affordable Inv Cc Gavin John Mindry Susanna Maria Mindry Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality 6451 of Secunda Govan Mbeki Municipality 6452 of Secunda 6453 of Secunda 6454 of Secunda 6455 of Secunda 6456 of Secunda Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Elizabeth Christina Pretorius Hugo Steyn Pretorius Johannes Lodewicus Van De Venter Padma Govender Shunmugam Kanniappen Govender Gustav Grotius Du Plessis Papendorp Francis John Van Papendorp Martha Magdalena Van Theunis Jacobus Moolman Pieter Gerhard De Wet Andre De Wet Esther Hendrina De Wet Andre Kleynhans Wouter Raath 6427 of Secunda 6428 of Secunda 6429 of Secunda 6430 of Secunda 6431 of Secunda 6432 of Secunda 6433 of Secunda 6434 of Secunda 6435 of Secunda 6436 of Secunda 6437 of Secunda 6438 of Secunda 6439 of Secunda 6440 of Secunda 6441 of Secunda 6442 of Secunda 6443 of Secunda 6444 of Secunda 6445 of Secunda 6446 of Secunda 6447 of Secunda 6448 of Secunda 6457 of Secunda 6458 of Secunda 6459 of Secunda 6460 of Secunda 6461 of Secunda 6462 of Secunda 6463 of Secunda 6464 of Secunda 6465 of Secunda Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 6427 of Secunda 864sqm 864.0000-SQM R854,000.00 RES - Residential 6428 of Secunda 907sqm 907.0000-SQM R785,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6429 of Secunda 6430 of Secunda 923sqm 910sqm 923.0000-SQM 910.0000-SQM R826,000.00 R766,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 6431 of Secunda 6432 of Secunda 6433 of Secunda 944sqm 912sqm 839sqm 944.0000-SQM 912.0000-SQM 839.0000-SQM R797,000.00 R726,000.00 R923,000.00 RES - Residential 6434 of Secunda 927sqm 927.0000-SQM R1,050,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6435 of Secunda 6436 of Secunda 1059sqm 1025sqm 1059.0000-SQM 1025.0000-SQM R821,000.00 R780,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6437 of Secunda 6438 of Secunda 952sqm 981sqm 952.0000-SQM 981.0000-SQM R877,000.00 R778,000.00 RES - Residential 6439 of Secunda 1045sqm 1045.0000-SQM R761,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential MUN - Municipal RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 6440 of Secunda 6441 of Secunda 6442 of Secunda 6443 of Secunda 6444 of Secunda 6445 of Secunda 6446 of Secunda 985sqm 881sqm 1154sqm 1003sqm 1097sqm 1005sqm 1107sqm 985.0000-SQM 881.0000-SQM 1154.0000-SQM 1003.0000-SQM 1097.0000-SQM 1005.0000-SQM 1107.0000-SQM R779,000.00 R784,000.00 R855,000.00 R232,000.00 R913,000.00 R889,000.00 R843,000.00 VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential 6447 of Secunda 6448 of Secunda 1102sqm 1209sqm 1102.0000-SQM 1209.0000-SQM R440,000.00 R907,000.00 MUN - Municipal POS - Public Open Space POS - Public Open Space MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal RES - Residential 6449 of Secunda 6450 of Secunda 266sqm 477sqm 266.0000-SQM 477.0000-SQM R65,500.00 R150,000.00 6451 of Secunda 1307sqm 1307.0000-SQM R275,000.00 6452 of Secunda 6453 of Secunda 6454 of Secunda 6455 of Secunda 6456 of Secunda 431sqm 2593sqm 3141sqm 7862sqm 870sqm 431.0000-SQM 2593.0000-SQM 3141.0000-SQM 7862.0000-SQM 870.0000-SQM R103,000.00 R590,000.00 R315,000.00 R1,800,000.00 R1,352,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6457 of Secunda 6458 of Secunda 931sqm 945sqm 931.0000-SQM 945.0000-SQM R1,197,000.00 R1,259,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6459 of Secunda 6460 of Secunda 945sqm 945sqm 945.0000-SQM 945.0000-SQM R1,179,000.00 R1,049,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 6461 of Secunda 6462 of Secunda 6463 of Secunda 945sqm 945sqm 1015sqm 945.0000-SQM 945.0000-SQM 1015.0000-SQM R1,509,000.00 R1,169,000.00 R1,155,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6464 of Secunda 6465 of Secunda 1018sqm 1084sqm 1018.0000-SQM 1084.0000-SQM R1,115,000.00 R991,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 6424 of Secunda 6425 of Secunda 6426 of Secunda Page 162 918sqm 968sqm 910sqm 918.0000-SQM 968.0000-SQM 910.0000-SQM R976,000.00 R768,000.00 R826,000.00 Registered description 6466 of Secunda 6467 of Secunda 6468 of Secunda 6469 of Secunda 6470 of Secunda 6471 of Secunda 6472 of Secunda 6473 of Secunda 6474 of Secunda 6475 of Secunda 6476 of Secunda 6477 of Secunda 6478 of Secunda 6479 of Secunda 6480 of Secunda 6481 of Secunda 6482 of Secunda 6483 of Secunda 6484 of Secunda 6485 of Secunda 6486 of Secunda 6487 of Secunda 6488 of Secunda 6489 of Secunda 6490 of Secunda 6491 of Secunda 6492 of Secunda 6493 of Secunda 6494 of Secunda 6495 of Secunda 6496 of Secunda 6497 of Secunda 6498 of Secunda 6499 of Secunda 6500 of Secunda 6501 of Secunda 6502 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Johannes Nicolaas Vogel Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Jeustun Laurence Scheepers Eugene Gerard Jooste Cornelis Johannes De Bruyn Sandra De Bruyn Elsabe Schoeman Johan Christiaan Schoeman Jaco Duvenhage Danie Samuel Andre Laubscher Gail Nussey Jan Sweis Vos Rensburg Kristo Janse Van Johanna Hendrina Bowen Kenneth Stehen Frank Bowen Coenraad Christoffel Klopper Wilma Klopper der Merwe Nadia Van der Merwe Rubin Van Engela Carolina Nel Dirk Redvers Mclaren Sonja Mclaren Martha Maria Catharina Joubert Petrus Johannes Joubert Linda Jordaan Marius Leonard Jordaan Margaretha Coetzee Pamela Gail Bezuidenhout Pieter Hendrik Schalk Bezuidenhout Ananiel Dumisani Khumalo Magdalena Elizabeth Strauss Pieter Johannes Strauss Elizabeth Johanna Richards Frank Johnstone Richards Gert Johannes Daniel Jordaan Crab Trust Abraham Carel Bothma Jacoba Cornelia Alletta Sophia Bothma Coenraad Antonie Brand Melissa Brand Eugen Otto Ranft Anand Pillay Sushila Pillay Wyk Aletta Hendrina Van Wyk Jacobus Hermanus Van Cornelia Ackermann Nicolaas Petrus Higgs Maria Magdalena Joubert Renier Jacobus Joubert Petrus Smith Rhode Johanna Maud Smith Manuel Avelino Freites Nobrega Andri Mckenzie Dylan Scott Mckenzie Catharina Jacomina Niekerk Niekerk Wynand Frans Van Merise Adele Frans Tyrall Jacquis Frans Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 6471 of Secunda 888sqm 888.0000-SQM R1,204,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 6472 of Secunda 6473 of Secunda 6474 of Secunda 987sqm 914sqm 955sqm 987.0000-SQM 914.0000-SQM 955.0000-SQM R1,362,000.00 R1,306,000.00 R1,359,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6475 of Secunda 6476 of Secunda 955sqm 894sqm 955.0000-SQM 894.0000-SQM R1,139,000.00 R1,254,000.00 RES - Residential 6477 of Secunda 894sqm 894.0000-SQM R1,064,000.00 RES - Residential 6478 of Secunda 1005sqm 1005.0000-SQM R1,364,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6479 of Secunda 6480 of Secunda 1067sqm 963sqm 1067.0000-SQM 963.0000-SQM R1,089,000.00 R1,260,000.00 RES - Residential 6481 of Secunda 963sqm 963.0000-SQM R1,310,000.00 RES - Residential 6482 of Secunda 952sqm 952.0000-SQM R1,129,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6483 of Secunda 6484 of Secunda 924sqm 924sqm 924.0000-SQM 924.0000-SQM R1,507,000.00 R1,087,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6485 of Secunda 6486 of Secunda 942sqm 1042sqm 942.0000-SQM 1042.0000-SQM R1,658,000.00 R1,167,000.00 RES - Residential 6487 of Secunda 987sqm 987.0000-SQM R992,000.00 RES - Residential BUS - Business and Commercial RES - Residential 6488 of Secunda 6489 of Secunda 933sqm 970sqm 933.0000-SQM 970.0000-SQM R1,138,000.00 R1,250,000.00 6490 of Secunda 1032sqm 1032.0000-SQM R1,076,000.00 RES - Residential 6491 of Secunda 942sqm 942.0000-SQM R1,048,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6492 of Secunda 6493 of Secunda 886sqm 907sqm 886.0000-SQM 907.0000-SQM R1,053,000.00 R1,255,000.00 RES - Residential 6494 of Secunda 935sqm 935.0000-SQM R968,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 6495 of Secunda 6496 of Secunda 6497 of Secunda 956sqm 1104sqm 1142sqm 956.0000-SQM 1104.0000-SQM 1142.0000-SQM R1,260,000.00 R1,213,000.00 R1,196,000.00 RES - Residential 6498 of Secunda 1045sqm 1045.0000-SQM R977,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6499 of Secunda 6500 of Secunda 1114sqm 1301sqm 1114.0000-SQM 1301.0000-SQM R1,003,000.00 R1,390,000.00 RES - Residential 6501 of Secunda 1019sqm 1019.0000-SQM R985,000.00 RES - Residential 6502 of Secunda 1084sqm 1084.0000-SQM R981,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 6466 of Secunda 6467 of Secunda 6468 of Secunda 6469 of Secunda 6470 of Secunda Page 163 1121sqm 917sqm 925sqm 1032sqm 972sqm 1121.0000-SQM 917.0000-SQM 925.0000-SQM 1032.0000-SQM 972.0000-SQM R1,074,000.00 R996,000.00 R1,007,000.00 R1,116,000.00 R1,081,000.00 Registered description 6503 of Secunda 6504 of Secunda 6505 of Secunda 6506 of Secunda 6507 of Secunda 6508 of Secunda 6509 of Secunda 6510 of Secunda 6511 of Secunda 6512 of Secunda 6513 of Secunda 6514 of Secunda 6515 of Secunda 6516 of Secunda 6517 of Secunda 6518 of Secunda 6519 of Secunda 6520 of Secunda 6521 of Secunda 6522 of Secunda 6523 of Secunda 6524 of Secunda 6525 of Secunda 6526 of Secunda 6527 of Secunda 6528 of Secunda 6529 of Secunda 6530 of Secunda 6531 of Secunda 6532 of Secunda 6533 of Secunda 6534 of Secunda 6535 of Secunda 6536 of Secunda 6537 of Secunda 6538 of Secunda 6539 of Secunda 6545 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Petrus Smith Rhode Johanna Maud Smith Iddo John Smith Karunagaree Pillay Aritetsoma Joy Eyitsede Tosan Eyitsede Lodewikus Theodorus Le Roux der Walt Charlene Van Johan Lombard Engelbrecht Johan Lombard Engelbrecht Andries Hendrik Booysen Tanya Booysen Elizabeth Cecillia Robson Johannes Lodewikus Conradie Strydom Jan Johan Du Preez Rene Du Preez Zyl Pieter Johannes Van Isaac Mafutha Gumede Christo Delport Jacqueline Delport Sharon Klopper Cornelia Adriana Steenberg Johannes Joost Steenberg Aletta Fick Peter Matthew Fick Heila Magdalena Pretorius Johann Pretorius Alwin Dhavadhasan Govender Kumarie Govender Johannes Coomans Jakobus Petrus Jonker Kruger Eiendomstrust Hennie Carina Delport Jacobus Delport Pierre Louw der Walt Andre Van Steven Jakobus Muller Sadhaseelan Govender Sarashnee Govender Raymond Romeo Loata Cornelis Zwaan Maria Magdalena Zwaan Jaenne Christine Farber Bosman Bentley Avril Adams Maureen Sonet Adams Ashokkumar Dhulab Sheila Dhulab Avon Argur Browning Smith Avon Argur Browning Smith Andries Marthinus Steyn Natasha Steyn Abraham Justinus Brink La Rochelle Brink Heerden Denise Catherine Van Heerden Noel Francois Van Govan Mbeki Municipality Rensburg Andre Van Rensburg Catherine Charmaine Van Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 6504 of Secunda 6505 of Secunda 6506 of Secunda 1088sqm 1138sqm 973sqm 1088.0000-SQM 1138.0000-SQM 973.0000-SQM R1,271,000.00 R1,326,000.00 R1,141,000.00 BUS - Business and Commercial RES - Residential 6507 of Secunda 1027sqm 1027.0000-SQM R950,000.00 6508 of Secunda 860sqm 860.0000-SQM R991,000.00 RES - Residential 6509 of Secunda 854sqm 854.0000-SQM R941,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 6510 of Secunda 6511 of Secunda 6512 of Secunda 869sqm 970sqm 921sqm 869.0000-SQM 970.0000-SQM 921.0000-SQM R982,000.00 R1,011,000.00 R1,306,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 6513 of Secunda 6514 of Secunda 6515 of Secunda 886sqm 886sqm 1004sqm 886.0000-SQM 886.0000-SQM 1004.0000-SQM R1,183,000.00 R1,043,000.00 R1,114,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6516 of Secunda 6517 of Secunda 1001sqm 1015sqm 1001.0000-SQM 1015.0000-SQM R1,023,000.00 R1,195,000.00 RES - Residential 6518 of Secunda 1015sqm 1015.0000-SQM R1,005,000.00 RES - Residential 6519 of Secunda 1001sqm 1001.0000-SQM R1,263,000.00 RES - Residential 6520 of Secunda 1001sqm 1001.0000-SQM R1,163,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 6521 of Secunda 6522 of Secunda 6523 of Secunda 6524 of Secunda 1015sqm 1160sqm 882sqm 932sqm 1015.0000-SQM 1160.0000-SQM 882.0000-SQM 932.0000-SQM R1,135,000.00 R1,157,000.00 R1,203,000.00 R1,157,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 6525 of Secunda 6526 of Secunda 6527 of Secunda 6528 of Secunda 879sqm 1063sqm 1018sqm 957sqm 879.0000-SQM 1063.0000-SQM 1018.0000-SQM 957.0000-SQM R1,013,000.00 R1,419,000.00 R1,565,000.00 R1,050,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6529 of Secunda 6530 of Secunda 943sqm 943sqm 943.0000-SQM 943.0000-SQM R1,208,000.00 R1,028,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6531 of Secunda 6532 of Secunda 969sqm 1111sqm 969.0000-SQM 1111.0000-SQM R1,091,000.00 R1,043,000.00 RES - Residential 6533 of Secunda 1254sqm 1254.0000-SQM R1,136,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 6534 of Secunda 6535 of Secunda 6536 of Secunda 1015sqm 1015sqm 1015sqm 1015.0000-SQM 1015.0000-SQM 1015.0000-SQM R985,000.00 R905,000.00 R995,000.00 RES - Residential 6537 of Secunda 1015sqm 1015.0000-SQM R1,025,000.00 RES - Residential 6538 of Secunda 1080sqm 1080.0000-SQM R1,210,000.00 POS - Public Open Space RES - Residential 6539 of Secunda 200sqm 200.0000-SQM R20,000.00 6545 of Secunda 1275sqm 1275.0000-SQM R810,000.00 RES - Residential 6503 of Secunda Page 164 1161sqm 1161.0000-SQM R1,428,000.00 Registered description 6546 of Secunda 6547 of Secunda 6548 of Secunda 6549 of Secunda 6550 of Secunda 6551 of Secunda 6552 of Secunda 6553 of Secunda 6554 of Secunda 6555 of Secunda 6556 of Secunda 6557 of Secunda 6558 of Secunda 6559 of Secunda 6560 of Secunda 6561 of Secunda 6562 of Secunda 6563 of Secunda 6564 of Secunda 6565 of Secunda 6566 of Secunda 6567 of Secunda 6568 of Secunda 6569 of Secunda 6570 of Secunda 6571 of Secunda 6572 of Secunda 6573 of Secunda 6574 of Secunda 6575 of Secunda 6576 of Secunda 6577 of Secunda 6578 of Secunda 6579 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Colleen Dawn Hampshire Paul Robert Cleaver Hampshire Jan Antonie Delport Lorraine Delport Anna Maria Magdalena Du Toit Leon Abraham Du Toit Francois Jacobus Joubert Joanet Joubert Cornelis Johannes Marais Johannes Hendrik De Beer Petrus Jacobus Fronemann Teresa Fronemann Lebohang Elizabeth Maredi Sehubetjwane Paul Maredi Gert Petrus Jacobus Kruger Floris Johannes Visser Hendrika Johanna Visser Lahratia Pheni Makwane Pogiso Floyd Makwane Maduraymuthoo Pillay Zuleka Pillay Eurika Theresia Erasmus Theo Eugene Erasmus Andre Jakobus Daniel Nel Karin Nel Stephan Andre Blom Niekerk Albert Job Van Anna Glodina Elizabeth De Villiers Wynand De Villiers G E & C Consultants Cc Anna Maria Durr Friedrich Josephus Heinrich Durr Anna Dorathea Denysschen Hendrik Frederick Denysschen Erika Herbst Jaen Herbst Ignatius Tredoux Andries Willem Lategan Michael Stuart Louw Susara Elizabeth Louw Harold Wait Grant Mirie Grant Eurika Theresa Erasmus Jacques Eugene Erasmus Theo Eugene Erasmus Petro Thomson William Rodney Thomson Stefan Albert Jorden Deventer Elizabeth Van Else Herta Potgieter Petrus Jacobus Stephanus Potgieter Hendrik Jacobus Bruwer Hendrina Fredrika Bruwer Andre Burger Marie-Antoinette Burger Elsa Heleen Brummer Pieter Willem Adriaan Brummer Heila Maria Murray Marthinus Hermanus Murray Anna-Marie Boshoff Joseph Markus Marthinus Boshoff Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 6547 of Secunda 1207sqm 1207.0000-SQM R767,000.00 RES - Residential 6548 of Secunda 980sqm 980.0000-SQM R758,000.00 RES - Residential 6549 of Secunda 1163sqm 1163.0000-SQM R1,050,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 6550 of Secunda 6551 of Secunda 6552 of Secunda 1048sqm 1172sqm 1155sqm 1048.0000-SQM 1172.0000-SQM 1155.0000-SQM R781,000.00 R746,000.00 R775,000.00 RES - Residential 6553 of Secunda 1056sqm 1056.0000-SQM R881,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6554 of Secunda 6555 of Secunda 1109sqm 963sqm 1109.0000-SQM 963.0000-SQM R708,000.00 R738,000.00 RES - Residential 6556 of Secunda 1108sqm 1108.0000-SQM R833,000.00 RES - Residential 6557 of Secunda 1114sqm 1114.0000-SQM R934,000.00 RES - Residential 6558 of Secunda 1480sqm 1480.0000-SQM R908,000.00 RES - Residential 6559 of Secunda 1056sqm 1056.0000-SQM R801,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 6560 of Secunda 6561 of Secunda 6562 of Secunda 1070sqm 1120sqm 988sqm 1070.0000-SQM 1120.0000-SQM 988.0000-SQM R762,000.00 R814,000.00 R839,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6563 of Secunda 6564 of Secunda 942sqm 1091sqm 942.0000-SQM 1091.0000-SQM R727,000.00 R773,000.00 RES - Residential 6565 of Secunda 933sqm 933.0000-SQM R846,000.00 RES - Residential 6566 of Secunda 892sqm 892.0000-SQM R865,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 6567 of Secunda 6568 of Secunda 6569 of Secunda 943sqm 943sqm 1009sqm 943.0000-SQM 943.0000-SQM 1009.0000-SQM R777,000.00 R737,000.00 R759,000.00 RES - Residential 6570 of Secunda 1133sqm 1133.0000-SQM R754,000.00 RES - Residential 6571 of Secunda 1186sqm 1186.0000-SQM R727,000.00 RES - Residential 6572 of Secunda 926sqm 926.0000-SQM R736,000.00 RES - Residential 6573 of Secunda 889sqm 889.0000-SQM R1,030,000.00 RES - Residential 6574 of Secunda 1067sqm 1067.0000-SQM R822,000.00 RES - Residential 6575 of Secunda 951sqm 951.0000-SQM R737,000.00 RES - Residential 6576 of Secunda 875sqm 875.0000-SQM R734,000.00 RES - Residential 6577 of Secunda 866sqm 866.0000-SQM R724,000.00 RES - Residential 6578 of Secunda 866sqm 866.0000-SQM R724,000.00 RES - Residential 6579 of Secunda 942sqm 942.0000-SQM R767,000.00 RES - Residential 6546 of Secunda Page 165 1091sqm 1091.0000-SQM R718,000.00 Registered description 6580 of Secunda 6581 of Secunda 6582 of Secunda 6583 of Secunda 6584 of Secunda 6585 of Secunda 6586 of Secunda 6587 of Secunda 6588 of Secunda 6589 of Secunda 6590 of Secunda 6591 of Secunda 6592 of Secunda 6593 of Secunda 6594 of Secunda 6595 of Secunda 6596 of Secunda 6597 of Secunda 6598 of Secunda 6599 of Secunda 6600 of Secunda 6601 of Secunda 6602 of Secunda 6603 of Secunda 6604 of Secunda 6605 of Secunda 6606 of Secunda 6607 of Secunda 6608 of Secunda 6609 of Secunda 6610 of Secunda 6611 of Secunda 6612 of Secunda 6613 of Secunda 6614 of Secunda 6615 of Secunda 6616 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Daniel Emmanuel Niemand Alida Jacoba Engelbrecht Ettiene Erasmus Engelbrecht Jana Engelbrecht Francois Ueckermann Mariane Orpah Ueckermann Cecilia Johanna Roodt Lambertus Petrus Roodt Jaarsveldt Adriaan Johannes Van Aswegen Fredrik Johannes Jacobus Van Aswegen Joanetta Petronella Van Adriaan Jacobus Weideman Riette Weideman Albertus Wynand Willemse Catrina Johanna Snyman Louis Johannes Snyman William Archie Harvey Rudolf Johanes Martinus Moolman Wilhelmina Johanna Dorethea Moolman Leon Burger Magdalena Elizabeth Burger Zelda Meyer Gertruida Petronella Viktor Johannes Albertus Viktor Aswegen Gustav Carl Van Aswegen Johanna Lucia Van James Claydon Cane Lorraine Cane Ilze-Marie Opperman Tertius Opperman Beatrix Johanna Botha Christoffel Jacobus Botha Petrus Johannes Conradie Jan Johannes Trollip Maria Susanna Trollip Thomas Igenatuis Rust Diana Belinda Swanepoel Johannes Jurgens Antonie Swanepoel Kate Ledile Kgatle Ramabule Abram Kgatle Napoleon Mandlenkosi Khoza Winnie Busisiwe Khoza Strinivasan Kisten Pillay Estelle Van Den Heever Petrus Van Den Heever Marthinus Jacobus Marais Bartholomeus Johannes Henderson Hester Johanna Henderson Pieter Willem Borstlap Wyk Marius Van Liezl Bell Steven Bell Ruan Etienne Lubbe Pretorius Familie Trust Trevor Worth Niekerk Karin Van Niekerk Nicolaas Johannes Van Dirk Stuart Marietta Stuart Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 6583 of Secunda 986sqm 986.0000-SQM R662,000.00 RES - Residential 6584 of Secunda 1007sqm 1007.0000-SQM R739,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6585 of Secunda 6586 of Secunda 1069sqm 1055sqm 1069.0000-SQM 1055.0000-SQM R752,000.00 R781,000.00 RES - Residential 6587 of Secunda 1015sqm 1015.0000-SQM R730,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6588 of Secunda 6589 of Secunda 980sqm 980sqm 980.0000-SQM 980.0000-SQM R778,000.00 R778,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6590 of Secunda 6591 of Secunda 1011sqm 1263sqm 1011.0000-SQM 1263.0000-SQM R750,000.00 R820,000.00 RES - Residential 6592 of Secunda 1081sqm 1081.0000-SQM R742,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6593 of Secunda 6594 of Secunda 1122sqm 1080sqm 1122.0000-SQM 1080.0000-SQM R784,000.00 R742,000.00 RES - Residential 6595 of Secunda 936sqm 936.0000-SQM R727,000.00 RES - Residential 6596 of Secunda 936sqm 936.0000-SQM R712,000.00 RES - Residential 6597 of Secunda 1062sqm 1062.0000-SQM R772,000.00 RES - Residential 6598 of Secunda 1132sqm 1132.0000-SQM R744,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6599 of Secunda 6600 of Secunda 1155sqm 1154sqm 1155.0000-SQM 1154.0000-SQM R735,000.00 R895,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6601 of Secunda 6602 of Secunda 1070sqm 1049sqm 1070.0000-SQM 1049.0000-SQM R812,000.00 R811,000.00 RES - Residential 6603 of Secunda 1059sqm 1059.0000-SQM R951,000.00 RES - Residential 6604 of Secunda 1070sqm 1070.0000-SQM R995,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6605 of Secunda 6606 of Secunda 1038sqm 972sqm 1038.0000-SQM 972.0000-SQM R851,000.00 R798,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6607 of Secunda 6608 of Secunda 972sqm 972sqm 972.0000-SQM 972.0000-SQM R798,000.00 R956,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 6609 of Secunda 6610 of Secunda 6611 of Secunda 1051sqm 864sqm 1030sqm 1051.0000-SQM 864.0000-SQM 1030.0000-SQM R861,000.00 R724,000.00 R850,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 6612 of Secunda 6613 of Secunda 6614 of Secunda 6615 of Secunda 1030sqm 1044sqm 1044sqm 986sqm 1030.0000-SQM 1044.0000-SQM 1044.0000-SQM 986.0000-SQM R780,000.00 R781,000.00 R831,000.00 R739,000.00 RES - Residential 6616 of Secunda 986sqm 986.0000-SQM R769,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 6580 of Secunda 6581 of Secunda 6582 of Secunda Page 166 1104sqm 1136sqm 1005sqm 1104.0000-SQM 1136.0000-SQM 1005.0000-SQM R733,000.00 R815,000.00 R714,000.00 Registered description 6617 of Secunda 6618 of Secunda 6619 of Secunda 6620 of Secunda 6621 of Secunda 6622 of Secunda 6623 of Secunda 6624 of Secunda 6625 of Secunda 6626 of Secunda 6627 of Secunda 6628 of Secunda 6629 of Secunda 6630 of Secunda 6631 of Secunda 6632 of Secunda 6633 of Secunda 6634 of Secunda 6635 of Secunda 6636 of Secunda 6637 of Secunda 6638 of Secunda 6639 of Secunda 6640 of Secunda 6641 of Secunda 6642 of Secunda 6643 of Secunda 6644 of Secunda 6645 of Secunda 6646 of Secunda 6647 of Secunda 6648 of Secunda 6649 of Secunda 6650 of Secunda 6651 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Larry Human Elaine Pienaar Marinus Lodewikus Pienaar Deon Bezuidenhout Jacoleen Bezuidenhout Danie Kruger Estelle Kruger Gerhardus Stephanus Booysen Magdalena Martina Booysen Mareline Brett Neil Frank Russel Brett Jacobus Matthys Christiaan De Lange Llewellyn Neil Botha Marina Botha Andre Botha Martha Catharina Botha Shahana Hassen Machrie Eiendomme & Afslaers Cc Heinrich Steffen Leonora Debora Carolina Steffen Carel Andries Naude Lizelle Naude Carel Andries Naude Lizelle Naude Christo Magnus Jensen Priscilla Jensen Hendrik Johannes Smith Vermaak Maria Johanna Vermaak Staden Jan Barnard Van Staden Moire Van Hendrina Venter Johan Venter Hester Elizabeth Maria Carroll Norman St Ledger Carroll Andries Daniel Johannes Opperman Gertruida Cecilia Susanna Johanna Opperman Gustav Paul Winkler Jacobus Gerhardus Siebrits Sarah-Jane Siebrits Martin Stanley May Jacobus Cornelius Erasmus Marietjie Rebecca Erasmus Niekerk Gerhardus Lourens Van Hendrik Kruger Ellis Patricia Sophia Ellis Juan Oglesby Jacobus Bonnema Vermaas Wessel Johannes Vermaas Christiaan Bornman Thiana Bornman Rensburg Petrus Hendrik Janse Van Rensburg Nico Janse Van Guy Walter Shepstone Lizet Shepstone Hermanus Johannes Britz Marina Meckllina Britz Christiaan Christina De Jager Jan Cornelius Willem De Jager Jacob Cloete Jennifer Louise Cloete Lucia Charlotte Wels Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 6619 of Secunda 941sqm 941.0000-SQM R777,000.00 RES - Residential 6620 of Secunda 982sqm 982.0000-SQM R718,000.00 RES - Residential 6621 of Secunda 906sqm 906.0000-SQM R815,000.00 RES - Residential 6622 of Secunda 925sqm 925.0000-SQM R736,000.00 RES - Residential 6623 of Secunda 911sqm 911.0000-SQM R826,000.00 RES - Residential 6624 of Secunda 1022sqm 1022.0000-SQM R770,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 6625 of Secunda 6626 of Secunda 6627 of Secunda 1077sqm 1089sqm 995sqm 1077.0000-SQM 1089.0000-SQM 995.0000-SQM R850,000.00 R793,000.00 R739,000.00 RES - Residential 6628 of Secunda 938sqm 938.0000-SQM R747,000.00 RES - Residential 6629 of Secunda 1024sqm 1024.0000-SQM R760,000.00 RES - Residential 6630 of Secunda 1072sqm 1072.0000-SQM R732,000.00 RES - Residential 6631 of Secunda 1075sqm 1075.0000-SQM R815,000.00 RES - Residential 6632 of Secunda 1057sqm 1057.0000-SQM R771,000.00 RES - Residential 6633 of Secunda 1076sqm 1076.0000-SQM R822,000.00 RES - Residential 6634 of Secunda 941sqm 941.0000-SQM R747,000.00 RES - Residential 6635 of Secunda 972sqm 972.0000-SQM R728,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6636 of Secunda 6637 of Secunda 972sqm 972sqm 972.0000-SQM 972.0000-SQM R738,000.00 R738,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6638 of Secunda 6639 of Secunda 1134sqm 1156sqm 1134.0000-SQM 1156.0000-SQM R794,000.00 R805,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6640 of Secunda 6641 of Secunda 1104sqm 1035sqm 1104.0000-SQM 1035.0000-SQM R773,000.00 R821,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6642 of Secunda 6643 of Secunda 993sqm 969sqm 993.0000-SQM 969.0000-SQM R879,000.00 R788,000.00 RES - Residential 6644 of Secunda 1102sqm 1102.0000-SQM R823,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 6645 of Secunda 6646 of Secunda 6647 of Secunda 1057sqm 973sqm 1099sqm 1057.0000-SQM 973.0000-SQM 1099.0000-SQM R688,000.00 R808,000.00 R733,000.00 RES - Residential 6648 of Secunda 896sqm 896.0000-SQM R725,000.00 RES - Residential 6649 of Secunda 896sqm 896.0000-SQM R765,000.00 RES - Residential 6650 of Secunda 1070sqm 1070.0000-SQM R832,000.00 RES - Residential 6651 of Secunda 938sqm 938.0000-SQM R787,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6617 of Secunda 6618 of Secunda Page 167 986sqm 1042sqm 986.0000-SQM 1042.0000-SQM R759,000.00 R801,000.00 Registered description 6652 of Secunda 6653 of Secunda 6654 of Secunda 6655 of Secunda 6656 of Secunda 6657 of Secunda 6658 of Secunda 6659 of Secunda 6660 of Secunda 6661 of Secunda 6662 of Secunda 6663 of Secunda 6664 of Secunda 6665 of Secunda 6666 of Secunda 6667 of Secunda 6668 of Secunda 6669 of Secunda 6682 of Secunda 6683 of Secunda 6684 of Secunda 6685 of Secunda 6686 of Secunda 6687 of Secunda 6688 of Secunda 6689 of Secunda 6693 of Secunda 6694 of Secunda 6695 of Secunda 6702 of Secunda 6703 of Secunda 6704 of Secunda 6705 of Secunda 6706 of Secunda 6707 of Secunda 6708 of Secunda 6709 of Secunda 6710 of Secunda 6711 of Secunda 6716 of Secunda 6728 of Secunda 6734 of Secunda 6752 of Secunda 6753 of Secunda 6754 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Anita Puran Venay Puran Mitchel Naidoo Hester Sophia Mostert Lionel Mostert Daniel Marthinus De Lange Jacobus Johannes Naude Shirley Naude Hendrik Nicolaas Bekker Abraham Sybrand Lombaard Alida Johanna Lombaard Coller Nicolaas Van Jacobus Wynand Adriaan Du Plessis Margaretha Johanna Du Plessis Motsatsi Elizabeth Tau Mshazo George Tau der Merwe Aletta Wilemina Katrina Van der Merwe Johannes Nicolaas Van Christo Kapp Debra Marianne Delport Gerhardus Johannes Delport Frederick Andries Els Hester Louisa Els Daniel Roelof Schoeman Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Chemiese Nywerhede Pty Ltd Sasol Chemiese Nywerhede Pty Ltd Sasol Chemiese Nywerhede Pty Ltd Sasol Chemiese Nywerhede Pty Ltd Sasol Chemiese Nywerhede Pty Ltd Sasol Chemiese Nywerhede Pty Ltd Sasol Chemiese Nywerhede Pty Ltd Sasol Chemiese Nywerhede Pty Ltd Sasol Lynn Berice Mortinson Anna Mamokebe Kekana Setjwamadi Lawrence Kekana Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Graham Watson Sphiwe Alpheus Thwala Mphikeleli Gideon Sibande Vangile Martha Sibande Rock Island Trading 6 Pty Ltd Rock Island Trading 6 Pty Ltd Mbalekwa Alfred Mahlangu Rock Island Trading 6 Pty Ltd Rock Island Trading 6 Pty Ltd Rock Island Trading 6 Pty Ltd Rock Island Trading 6 Pty Ltd Johanna Jacoba Aletta Du Bruyn Phillippus Cornelius Du Bruyn Claudio Di Loreto Vusumuzi Jangtjie Charles Maseko Manogaree Iyer Sugananthan Iyer Daniel Stephanus De Jager Philippus Johannes Degenaar Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential 6653 of Secunda 6654 of Secunda 1057sqm 1061sqm 1057.0000-SQM 1061.0000-SQM R741,000.00 R752,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6655 of Secunda 6656 of Secunda 1085sqm 1085sqm 1085.0000-SQM 1085.0000-SQM R833,000.00 R733,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6657 of Secunda 6658 of Secunda 1097sqm 1084sqm 1097.0000-SQM 1084.0000-SQM R743,000.00 R782,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6659 of Secunda 6660 of Secunda 1032sqm 935sqm 1032.0000-SQM 935.0000-SQM R740,000.00 R797,000.00 RES - Residential 6661 of Secunda 857sqm 857.0000-SQM R733,000.00 RES - Residential 6662 of Secunda 972sqm 972.0000-SQM R768,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6663 of Secunda 6664 of Secunda 944sqm 933sqm 944.0000-SQM 933.0000-SQM R747,000.00 R706,000.00 RES - Residential 6665 of Secunda 905sqm 905.0000-SQM R710,000.00 RES - Residential MUN - Municipal POS - Public Open Space VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential RES - Residential 6666 of Secunda 6667 of Secunda 6668 of Secunda 900sqm 576sqm 504sqm 900.0000-SQM 576.0000-SQM 504.0000-SQM R725,000.00 R135,000.00 R12,600.00 6669 of Secunda 6682 of Secunda 6683 of Secunda 6684 of Secunda 6685 of Secunda 6686 of Secunda 6687 of Secunda 6688 of Secunda 6689 of Secunda 6693 of Secunda 6694 of Secunda 476sqm 29.4620Ha 3.1190Ha 2.1742Ha 102.8590Ha 6.8026Ha 79.9409Ha 3.0353Ha 1.9089Ha 1172sqm 1008sqm 476.0000-SQM 29.4620-H 3.1190-H 2.1742-H 102.8590-H 6.8026-H 79.9409-H 3.0353-H 1.9089-H 1172.0000-SQM 1008.0000-SQM R121,000.00 R1,450,000.00 R156,000.00 R109,000.00 R5,150,000.00 R340,000.00 R4,000,000.00 R152,000.00 R95,500.00 R909,000.00 R854,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 6695 of Secunda 6702 of Secunda 6703 of Secunda 6704 of Secunda 1038sqm 962sqm 1015sqm 1015sqm 1038.0000-SQM 962.0000-SQM 1015.0000-SQM 1015.0000-SQM R837,000.00 R720,000.00 R1,125,000.00 R905,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 6705 of Secunda 6706 of Secunda 6707 of Secunda 6708 of Secunda 6709 of Secunda 6710 of Secunda 6711 of Secunda 6716 of Secunda 1051sqm 988sqm 1059sqm 1059sqm 853sqm 768sqm 880sqm 996sqm 1051.0000-SQM 988.0000-SQM 1059.0000-SQM 1059.0000-SQM 853.0000-SQM 768.0000-SQM 880.0000-SQM 996.0000-SQM R1,268,000.00 R1,202,000.00 R1,199,000.00 R1,169,000.00 R1,160,000.00 R963,000.00 R996,000.00 R793,000.00 VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential RES - Residential 6728 of Secunda 6734 of Secunda 6752 of Secunda 1026sqm 1406sqm 928sqm 1026.0000-SQM 1406.0000-SQM 928.0000-SQM R250,000.00 R924,000.00 R937,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6753 of Secunda 6754 of Secunda 991sqm 977sqm 991.0000-SQM 977.0000-SQM R823,000.00 R881,000.00 RES - Residential 6652 of Secunda Page 168 1035sqm 1035.0000-SQM R945,000.00 Registered description 6755 of Secunda 6755 of Secunda (Portion 1) 6756 of Secunda 6757 of Secunda 6758 of Secunda 6759 of Secunda 6760 of Secunda 6761 of Secunda 6762 of Secunda 6763 of Secunda 6769 of Secunda 6781 of Secunda 6782 of Secunda 6782 of Secunda (Portion 1) 6789 of Secunda 6796 of Secunda 6797 of Secunda 6797 of Secunda (Portion 1) 6803 of Secunda 6804 of Secunda 6805 of Secunda 6806 of Secunda 6807 of Secunda 6807 of Secunda (Portion 1) 6851 of Secunda 6852 of Secunda 6853 of Secunda 6854 of Secunda 6859 of Secunda 6860 of Secunda 6882 of Secunda 6883 of Secunda 6896 of Secunda 6897 of Secunda 6897 of Secunda (Portion 1) 6898 of Secunda 6899 of Secunda 6900 of Secunda 6901 of Secunda 6902 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Expectra 319 Pty Ltd Expectra 319 Pty Ltd Mbhekwa Nicolus Twala Mourreen Rainy Twala Elzabe Paton Shatane William Malesa Prudence Moema Comfort Nonhlanhla Twala Sizwe Nzima Twala Doreen Madida Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Eugene Thamsanqa Khuzwayo Sarah Ellen Sibanyoni Solomon Sibanyoni der Merwe Dirk Jacobus Van der Merwe Lynette Van Daniel Jacobus Binneman Willie Uys Dhereshni Moodley Threeashni Moodley Tony Fernandez Dannisha Petersen Chantell Grobler Maxwell Nnate Anya Tshidi Georgina Anya Harold James Cloete Sihume Dorah Cloete Francina Cecilia Nel Leon Nel Ray Raffaello Bargiacchi Mgwezane Family Trust Sonile Anne Mavimbela Bradley Kyle Carter Johanna Hendrina Bowen Tamara Bowen Jacobus Cornelius Durand Orren Groenewaldt der Walt Anton Van Charlene Harrison Brian Robert Jones Thulani Matiki Norman Kgomo Paul John Andrew Kleinsmidt Gene Bronwyn Symonds Garth Dennis Truter Makarapa Samson Malatji Mmankekolo Hellen Malatji Mahomed Yakoob Kader Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Jacobus Andries Kruger Jacobus Andries Kruger Auntony Oriel Mukhwanazi Rirhandzu Yolland Mukhwanazi Mavis Thandi Mahlangu Kelebogile Edwini Ntsane Lindie Monica Mokgoshi Thipe Rahube Mokgoshi Mduduzi Marshall Msibi Celeste Elaine Fourie Stephanus Hendrik Fourie Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential 6757 of Secunda 6758 of Secunda 841sqm 903sqm 841.0000-SQM 903.0000-SQM R859,000.00 R878,000.00 RES - Residential 6759 of Secunda 1063sqm 1063.0000-SQM R809,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 6760 of Secunda 6761 of Secunda 6762 of Secunda 6763 of Secunda 960sqm 959sqm 975sqm 1242sqm 960.0000-SQM 959.0000-SQM 975.0000-SQM 1242.0000-SQM R952,000.00 R852,000.00 R923,000.00 R1,065,000.00 RES - Residential 6769 of Secunda 947sqm 947.0000-SQM R750,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 6781 of Secunda 6782 of Secunda 6782 of Secunda (Portion 1) 911sqm 453sqm 573sqm 911.0000-SQM 453.0000-SQM 573.0000-SQM R996,000.00 R855,000.00 R854,000.00 RES - Residential 6789 of Secunda 1028sqm 1028.0000-SQM R1,266,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6796 of Secunda 6797 of Secunda 858sqm 467sqm 858.0000-SQM 467.0000-SQM R871,000.00 R1,006,000.00 RES - Residential 6797 of Secunda (Portion 1) 454sqm 454.0000-SQM R520,000.00 RES - Residential 6803 of Secunda 938sqm 938.0000-SQM R1,100,000.00 RES - Residential VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 6804 of Secunda 6805 of Secunda 6806 of Secunda 6807 of Secunda 6807 of Secunda (Portion 1) 1015sqm 1255sqm 955sqm 555sqm 414sqm 1015.0000-SQM 1255.0000-SQM 955.0000-SQM 555.0000-SQM 414.0000-SQM R986,000.00 R158,000.00 R869,000.00 R1,023,000.00 R850,000.00 RES - Residential VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential 6851 of Secunda 6852 of Secunda 6853 of Secunda 1156sqm 1079sqm 999sqm 1156.0000-SQM 1079.0000-SQM 999.0000-SQM R886,000.00 R137,000.00 R863,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6854 of Secunda 6859 of Secunda 1135sqm 1062sqm 1135.0000-SQM 1062.0000-SQM R1,325,000.00 R919,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6860 of Secunda 6882 of Secunda 1019sqm 1131sqm 1019.0000-SQM 1131.0000-SQM R985,000.00 R1,055,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 6883 of Secunda 6896 of Secunda 6897 of Secunda 6897 of Secunda (Portion 1) 6898 of Secunda 1103sqm 938sqm 507sqm 612sqm 1072sqm 1103.0000-SQM 938.0000-SQM 507.0000-SQM 612.0000-SQM 1072.0000-SQM R1,002,000.00 R968,000.00 R1,160,000.00 R919,000.00 R1,000,000.00 RES - Residential 6899 of Secunda 1071sqm 1071.0000-SQM R1,070,000.00 RES - Residential 6900 of Secunda 1042sqm 1042.0000-SQM R1,157,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6901 of Secunda 6902 of Secunda 1042sqm 1139sqm 1042.0000-SQM 1139.0000-SQM R827,000.00 R1,166,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 6755 of Secunda 6755 of Secunda (Portion 1) 6756 of Secunda Page 169 467sqm 485sqm 915sqm 467.0000-SQM 485.0000-SQM 915.0000-SQM R1,057,000.00 R808,000.00 R1,166,000.00 Registered description 6903 of Secunda 6926 of Secunda 6926 of Secunda (Portion 1) 6927 of Secunda 6927 of Secunda (Portion 1) 6928 of Secunda 6928 of Secunda (Portion 1) 6929 of Secunda 6929 of Secunda (Portion 1) 6930 of Secunda 6931 of Secunda 6932 of Secunda 6932 of Secunda (Portion 1) 6941 of Secunda 6941 of Secunda (Portion 1) 6942 of Secunda 6942 of Secunda (Portion 1) 6943 of Secunda 6943 of Secunda (Portion 1) 6944 of Secunda 6944 of Secunda (Portion 1) 6945 of Secunda 6945 of Secunda (Portion 1) 6946 of Secunda 6946 of Secunda (Portion 1) 6947 of Secunda 6947 of Secunda (Portion 1) 6948 of Secunda 6949 of Secunda 6949 of Secunda (Portion 1) 6950 of Secunda 6950 of Secunda (Portion 1) 6951 of Secunda 6951 of Secunda (Portion 1) 6952 of Secunda 6952 of Secunda (Portion 1) 6953 of Secunda 6954 of Secunda 6955 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Joyce Thenjiwe Moya Joyce Thenjiwe Moya Amanda Loots Paul Louis Adriaan Loots Samantha Judith Ndinga Sibusiso Simon Ndinga Nkateko Godfrey Hlatshwayo Thobile Yvonne Hlatshwayo Heather Elizabeth Nel Petrus Hermanus Nel Chanel Maree Albertino Dos Santos Lizahn Dos Santos Johannes Lodewiekes Griessel Johannes Lodewiekes Griessel Marzanne Griessel Ronald Barry Viljoen Majaji George Mahlangu Nomvula Selina Mahlangu Sarisha Kalipershad Yatish Soni Aubrey Charles Rudman Peter Goerge Visser Johanna Christina Skinner Kevin Skinner Jacomina Hendrina Cloete Nicolaas Jacobus Cloete Jacobus Andries Kruger Jacobus Andries Kruger Maria Sophia Snyman Phillipus Jacobus Snyman Marjolyn Fourie Hermanus Barend Louwrens Asha Koosialee Vishal Subbaye Rensburg Liezl Jansen Van Arhey Inv Trust Mark Astley Du Preez Vivek Gadodia Teddy Odera Bitta Ravendran Govender Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Andries Johannes Gordon Karen Gordon Amelia Pillay Hugo Joubert Juanita Joubert Dirk Jacobus Du Plooy Dorothy Marlene Helena Du Plooy Kemsley Dalutando Jonas Matlwane Memory Jonas Ronald Edward Brummer Jolene Anne Hamann Martin Louis Hamann Lauren Julia Rota Gilbert Leslie Terblanche Vusi Robert Bongwe Ziwelile Joyce Bongwe Rakesh Parabhoonath Durjan Christine Robinson Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 6926 of Secunda 621sqm 621.0000-SQM R870,000.00 RES - Residential 6926 of Secunda (Portion 1) 668sqm 668.0000-SQM R994,000.00 RES - Residential 6927 of Secunda 591sqm 591.0000-SQM R1,107,000.00 RES - Residential 6927 of Secunda (Portion 1) 527sqm 527.0000-SQM R1,000,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6928 of Secunda 6928 of Secunda (Portion 1) 559sqm 552sqm 559.0000-SQM 552.0000-SQM R1,135,000.00 R874,000.00 RES - Residential 6929 of Secunda 625sqm 625.0000-SQM R1,380,000.00 RES - Residential VAC - Vacant Land 6929 of Secunda (Portion 1) 6930 of Secunda 631sqm 1140sqm 631.0000-SQM 1140.0000-SQM R991,000.00 R144,000.00 RES - Residential 6931 of Secunda 1140sqm 1140.0000-SQM R925,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 6932 of Secunda 6932 of Secunda (Portion 1) 6941 of Secunda 510sqm 630sqm 530sqm 510.0000-SQM 630.0000-SQM 530.0000-SQM R1,220,000.00 R750,000.00 R1,172,000.00 RES - Residential 6941 of Secunda (Portion 1) 670sqm 670.0000-SQM R950,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 6942 of Secunda 6942 of Secunda (Portion 1) 6943 of Secunda 689sqm 511sqm 678sqm 689.0000-SQM 511.0000-SQM 678.0000-SQM R1,186,000.00 R860,000.00 R1,145,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 6943 of Secunda (Portion 1) 6944 of Secunda 6944 of Secunda (Portion 1) 522sqm 660sqm 522sqm 522.0000-SQM 660.0000-SQM 522.0000-SQM R900,000.00 R1,284,000.00 R831,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential UDT - Unregistered RES - Residential 6945 of Secunda 6945 of Secunda (Portion 1) 6946 of Secunda 6946 of Secunda (Portion 1) 6947 of Secunda 6947 of Secunda (Portion 1) 6948 of Secunda 6949 of Secunda 560sqm 532sqm 608sqm 566sqm 562sqm 615sqm 1256sqm 650sqm 560.0000-SQM 532.0000-SQM 608.0000-SQM 566.0000-SQM 562.0000-SQM 615.0000-SQM 650.0000-SQM R955,000.00 R752,000.00 R859,000.00 R835,000.00 R1,225,000.00 R800,000.00 R1,293,000.00 R1,059,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6949 of Secunda (Portion 1) 6950 of Secunda 490sqm 541sqm 490.0000-SQM 541.0000-SQM R700,000.00 R1,122,000.00 RES - Residential 6950 of Secunda (Portion 1) 523sqm 523.0000-SQM R800,000.00 RES - Residential 6951 of Secunda 512sqm 512.0000-SQM R1,240,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6951 of Secunda (Portion 1) 6952 of Secunda 515sqm 556sqm 515.0000-SQM 556.0000-SQM R850,000.00 R1,103,000.00 RES - Residential 6952 of Secunda (Portion 1) 569sqm 569.0000-SQM R850,000.00 RES - Residential 6953 of Secunda 1247sqm 1247.0000-SQM R1,192,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 6954 of Secunda 6955 of Secunda 1259sqm 1202sqm 1259.0000-SQM 1202.0000-SQM R913,000.00 R1,169,000.00 VAC - Vacant Land 6903 of Secunda Page 170 1227sqm 1227.0000-SQM R305,000.00 Registered description 6956 of Secunda 6967 of Secunda 6968 of Secunda 6969 of Secunda 6970 of Secunda 6971 of Secunda 6971 of Secunda (Portion 1) 6972 of Secunda 6973 of Secunda 6974 of Secunda 6974 of Secunda (Portion 1) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 2) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 3) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 4) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 5) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 6) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 7) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 8) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 9) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 10) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 11) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 12) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 13) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 14) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 15) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 16) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 17) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 18) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 19) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 20) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 21) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 22) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 23) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 24) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 25) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 26) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 27) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 28) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 29) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 30) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 31) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 32) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 33) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 34) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 35) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 36) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 37) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 38) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 39) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 40) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 41) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 42) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 43) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 44) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 45) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 46) Names of Owner(s) Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Alenti 125 Pty Ltd Alenti 125 Pty Ltd Alenti 125 Pty Ltd Alenti 125 Pty Ltd Nightwish Trust Gerhardus Stefanus De Bruin S I Moolla Family Trust Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Category UDT - Unregistered VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential RES - Residential VAC - Vacant Land MUN - Municipal INS - Institution UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered Address 6956 of Secunda 6967 of Secunda 6968 of Secunda 6969 of Secunda 6970 of Secunda 6971 of Secunda 6971 of Secunda (Portion 1) 6972 of Secunda 6973 of Secunda 6974 of Secunda 6974 of Secunda (Portion 1) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 2) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 3) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 4) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 5) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 6) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 7) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 8) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 9) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 10) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 11) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 12) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 13) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 14) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 15) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 16) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 17) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 18) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 19) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 20) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 21) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 22) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 23) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 24) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 25) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 26) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 27) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 28) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 29) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 30) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 31) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 32) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 33) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 34) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 35) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 36) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 37) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 38) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 39) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 40) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 41) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 42) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 43) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 44) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 45) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 46) Page 171 Extent 1266sqm 1411sqm 1139sqm 1409sqm 1131sqm 700sqm 600sqm 1181sqm 2109sqm 3.4185Ha 528sqm 430sqm 340sqm 340sqm 324sqm 312sqm 340sqm 340sqm 340sqm 340sqm 376sqm 340sqm 339sqm 511sqm 441sqm 340sqm 340sqm 340sqm 340sqm 340sqm 355sqm 340sqm 377sqm 340sqm 323sqm 340sqm 340sqm 340sqm 340sqm 334sqm 406sqm 340sqm 340sqm 340sqm 385sqm 527sqm 438sqm 323sqm 370sqm 355sqm 340sqm 340sqm 349sqm 348sqm 340sqm 340sqm Extent (DO) 1411.0000-SQM 1139.0000-SQM 1409.0000-SQM 1131.0000-SQM 700.0000-SQM 600.0000-SQM 1181.0000-SQM 2109.0000-SQM 3.4185-H Market Value Remarks R1,077,000.00 R350,000.00 R340,000.00 R350,000.00 R280,000.00 R1,187,000.00 R798,000.00 R295,000.00 R265,000.00 R4,720,000.00 R69,500.00 R57,500.00 R46,500.00 R46,500.00 R44,500.00 R43,100.00 R46,500.00 R46,500.00 R46,500.00 R46,500.00 R51,000.00 R46,500.00 R46,400.00 R67,500.00 R59,000.00 R46,500.00 R46,500.00 R46,500.00 R46,500.00 R46,500.00 R48,300.00 R46,500.00 R51,000.00 R46,500.00 R44,400.00 R46,500.00 R46,500.00 R46,500.00 R46,500.00 R45,800.00 R54,500.00 R46,500.00 R46,500.00 R46,500.00 R52,000.00 R69,500.00 R58,500.00 R44,400.00 R50,000.00 R48,200.00 R46,500.00 R46,500.00 R47,600.00 R47,400.00 R46,500.00 R46,500.00 Registered description 6974 of Secunda (Portion 47) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 48) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 49) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 50) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 51) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 52) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 53) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 54) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 55) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 56) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 57) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 58) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 59) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 60) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 61) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 62) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 63) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 64) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 65) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 66) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 67) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 68) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 69) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 70) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 71) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 72) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 73) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 74) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 75) 7011 of Secunda 7012 of Secunda 7013 of Secunda 7014 of Secunda 7015 of Secunda 7016 of Secunda 7017 of Secunda 7018 of Secunda 7019 of Secunda 7020 of Secunda 7021 of Secunda 7022 of Secunda 7023 of Secunda 7024 of Secunda 7029 of Secunda 7029 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7030 of Secunda 7031 of Secunda 7032 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Anna Gysberta Fakculyn Auret Izak Abraham Hermanus Stefanus Auret Jan Daniel Mathee Christoffel Jacobus Wentzel Henriette Nicolene Wentzel Gerhard Klaasee Alida Elizabeth Harmse Pieter Willem Daniel Harmse Jacobus Johannes Toerien Sharon Toerien Bernard Steve De Waal Pretorius Pamela Joan Pretorius Duane Wilmot Mouton Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Elizabeth Wilhelmina Neniels Joseph Neniels Blossom Marie Johanna Els Christiaan Frederick Els Ibrahim Adebare Moshood Nelisiwe Lydia Moshood Emmily Winnefred Erasmus der Merwe Reghardt Van der Merwe Reghardt Van Jan Gerhardus Maritz Pretorius Marijana Francina Catharina Pretorius Ingrid Eleanora Pelser Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Riaan Marais Nomagugu Gwen Matlhwane Category UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered RES - Residential Address 6974 of Secunda (Portion 47) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 48) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 49) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 50) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 51) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 52) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 53) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 54) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 55) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 56) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 57) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 58) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 59) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 60) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 61) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 62) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 63) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 64) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 65) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 66) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 67) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 68) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 69) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 70) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 71) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 72) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 73) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 74) 6974 of Secunda (Portion 75) 7011 of Secunda Extent 386sqm 312sqm 318sqm 340sqm 340sqm 402sqm 338sqm 340sqm 312sqm 290sqm 337sqm 340sqm 340sqm 335sqm 334sqm 351sqm 340sqm 307sqm 306sqm 340sqm 335sqm 351sqm 367sqm 340sqm 299sqm 497sqm 361sqm 427sqm 7921sqm 1011sqm Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks 1011.0000-SQM R52,000.00 R43,100.00 R43,800.00 R46,500.00 R46,500.00 R54,000.00 R46,300.00 R46,500.00 R43,000.00 R40,300.00 R46,100.00 R46,500.00 R46,500.00 R45,800.00 R45,800.00 R47,800.00 R46,400.00 R42,500.00 R42,400.00 R46,500.00 R45,900.00 R47,800.00 R49,800.00 R46,500.00 R41,500.00 R65,500.00 R49,100.00 R57,000.00 R970,000.00 R875,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 7012 of Secunda 7013 of Secunda 924sqm 924sqm 924.0000-SQM 924.0000-SQM R739,000.00 R729,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 7014 of Secunda 7015 of Secunda 924sqm 924sqm 924.0000-SQM 924.0000-SQM R769,000.00 R889,000.00 RES - Residential 7016 of Secunda 944sqm 944.0000-SQM R751,000.00 RES - Residential 7017 of Secunda 1048sqm 1048.0000-SQM R878,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7018 of Secunda 7019 of Secunda 7020 of Secunda 1003sqm 1006sqm 1007sqm 1003.0000-SQM 1006.0000-SQM 1007.0000-SQM R835,000.00 R735,000.00 R845,000.00 RES - Residential 7021 of Secunda 1008sqm 1008.0000-SQM R785,000.00 RES - Residential 7022 of Secunda 1008sqm 1008.0000-SQM R775,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 7023 of Secunda 7024 of Secunda 1008sqm 1104sqm 1008.0000-SQM 1104.0000-SQM R905,000.00 R802,000.00 RES - Residential 7029 of Secunda 662sqm 662.0000-SQM R1,110,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7029 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7030 of Secunda 7031 of Secunda 7032 of Secunda 534sqm 1050sqm 1050sqm 1092sqm 534.0000-SQM 1050.0000-SQM 1050.0000-SQM 1092.0000-SQM R800,000.00 R878,000.00 R918,000.00 R720,500.00 Page 172 Registered description 7033 of Secunda 7034 of Secunda 7035 of Secunda 7036 of Secunda 7037 of Secunda 7039 of Secunda 7043 of Secunda 7044 of Secunda 7045 of Secunda 7046 of Secunda 7049 of Secunda 7050 of Secunda 7051 of Secunda 7052 of Secunda 7055 of Secunda 7056 of Secunda 7057 of Secunda 7065 of Secunda 7066 of Secunda 7077 of Secunda 7078 of Secunda 7079 of Secunda 7080 of Secunda 7081 of Secunda 7082 of Secunda 7083 of Secunda 7084 of Secunda 7085 of Secunda 7086 of Secunda 7087 of Secunda 7088 of Secunda 7089 of Secunda 7090 of Secunda 7091 of Secunda 7092 of Secunda 7093 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Elizabeth Johanna De Bruin Vincent De Bruin Niekerk Annelise Van Niekerk Raymond Van Mutungu Taty Kimbata Mbesi Joseph Ngundu der Watt Elizabeth Charmaine Van der Watt Stephanus Jacobus Van Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Jan Abraham Christoffel Bruwer Rachel Margaretha Bruwer Vernon Lincoln Vorster Anita Du Plessis Henri Du Plessis Christiaan Rudolph Erasmus Sunel Schoeman Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Leanne Keri Blignaut Leslie Harold Blignaut Cecilia Johanna Venter Johannes Lodewyk Venter Christo Groenewald Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Christo Schwartz Hester Jane Schwartz Magdalena Henryetta Du Toit Petrus Gysbertus Du Toit Catrina Johanna Snyman Louis Johannes Snyman Erf 7605 Secunda Pty Ltd Poskantoor Ltd Suid-Afrikaanse William Turner Wilkinson Johannes Ignatius Pretorius Surina Pretorius Christoffel Freemantle Du Toit Christina Maria Slinger Peter Antony Slinger Gert Cornelis Pienaar Hendrik Martinus Stapelberg Marinda Stapelberg Ettienne Botes Hester Cecilia Botes Allan Roy Belcher Wendy Belcher Nkhensani Catherine Manganye Peter Sherelela Manganye Jacques Rossouw Republic of South Africa Govan Mbeki Municipality Lukie Vermaas Trust Charl Francois Marais Estelle Marais Maria Susanna Geyer Rudolf Johannes Geyer Jacob Mdi Thabethe Margret Thabethe Lionel Werner Olivier Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 7034 of Secunda 1051sqm 1051.0000-SQM R868,000.00 RES - Residential 7035 of Secunda 1176sqm 1176.0000-SQM R867,000.00 RES - Residential 7036 of Secunda 1060sqm 1060.0000-SQM R879,000.00 UDT - Unregistered RES - Residential 7037 of Secunda 7039 of Secunda 1301sqm 1154sqm 1154.0000-SQM R1,210,000.00 R976,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 7043 of Secunda 7044 of Secunda 928sqm 1012sqm 928.0000-SQM 1012.0000-SQM R809,000.00 R795,000.00 RES - Residential 7045 of Secunda 1012sqm 1012.0000-SQM R855,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 7046 of Secunda 7049 of Secunda 928sqm 885sqm 928.0000-SQM 885.0000-SQM R839,000.00 R816,000.00 RES - Residential 7050 of Secunda 1048sqm 1048.0000-SQM R988,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7051 of Secunda 7052 of Secunda 7055 of Secunda 1088sqm 896sqm 1044sqm 1088.0000-SQM 896.0000-SQM 1044.0000-SQM R831,000.00 R867,000.00 R908,000.00 RES - Residential 7056 of Secunda 941sqm 941.0000-SQM R850,000.00 RES - Residential 7057 of Secunda 936sqm 936.0000-SQM R780,000.00 BUS - Business and Commercial VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential RES - Residential 7065 of Secunda 4282sqm 4282.0000-SQM R7,410,000.00 7066 of Secunda 7077 of Secunda 7078 of Secunda 431sqm 1099sqm 1054sqm 431.0000-SQM 1099.0000-SQM 1054.0000-SQM R110,000.00 R852,000.00 R1,008,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 7079 of Secunda 7080 of Secunda 1064sqm 1064sqm 1064.0000-SQM 1064.0000-SQM R869,000.00 R879,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 7081 of Secunda 7082 of Secunda 1128sqm 1050sqm 1128.0000-SQM 1050.0000-SQM R874,000.00 R888,000.00 RES - Residential 7083 of Secunda 980sqm 980.0000-SQM R883,000.00 RES - Residential 7084 of Secunda 980sqm 980.0000-SQM R733,000.00 RES - Residential 7085 of Secunda 970sqm 970.0000-SQM R872,000.00 RES - Residential GOV - State Owned MUN - Municipal PSI - Public Service Infrastructure RES - Residential 7086 of Secunda 7087 of Secunda 7088 of Secunda 7089 of Secunda 1000sqm 3.6176Ha 1.4368Ha 1918sqm 1000.0000-SQM 3.6176-H 1.4368-H 1918.0000-SQM R865,000.00 R3,550,000.00 R2,050,000.00 R444,000.00 7090 of Secunda 1100sqm 1100.0000-SQM R1,122,000.00 RES - Residential 7091 of Secunda 945sqm 945.0000-SQM R751,000.00 RES - Residential 7092 of Secunda 945sqm 945.0000-SQM R771,000.00 RES - Residential 7093 of Secunda 931sqm 931.0000-SQM R635,000.00 RES - Residential 7033 of Secunda Page 173 1202sqm 1202.0000-SQM R889,000.00 Registered description 7094 of Secunda 7095 of Secunda 7096 of Secunda 7097 of Secunda 7098 of Secunda 7099 of Secunda 7100 of Secunda 7101 of Secunda 7102 of Secunda 7103 of Secunda 7104 of Secunda 7105 of Secunda 7106 of Secunda 7107 of Secunda 7108 of Secunda 7128 of Secunda 7129 of Secunda 7129 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7130 of Secunda 7131 of Secunda 7132 of Secunda 7133 of Secunda 7134 of Secunda 7135 of Secunda 7136 of Secunda 7137 of Secunda 7138 of Secunda 7139 of Secunda 7140 of Secunda 7141 of Secunda 7142 of Secunda 7143 of Secunda 7144 of Secunda 7145 of Secunda 7146 of Secunda 7147 of Secunda 7148 of Secunda 7149 of Secunda 7150 of Secunda 7151 of Secunda 7152 of Secunda 7153 of Secunda 7154 of Secunda 7155 of Secunda 7156 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Elizabeth Johanna De Bruin Sharon De Bruin Vincent De Bruin Alma Engelbrecht Riaan Coetzee Alex Thembinkosi Masango Tshepo Gabriel Lethale Vuyiswa Sylvia Lethale Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Moeti Phillip Boy Mokoka Jacob Wynand Reyneke Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Herman Johan Hollenbach Marlin Pillay Marcus Michael Roshinee Michael Michael Terence Carr Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Raymond Kgobane Ratlhagana Arnold Colvin Ferreira Cardoso Abdul Hamid Saber Family Trust Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Vezokuhle Mkhwananzi Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Mwewa Martinho Kalenga Nomvuyo Dorothea Kalenga Marelize Coetzer Marius Coetzer Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Amanda Colleen Patricia Snyman Jacobus Theo Petrus Snyman Little Swift Inv 326 Pty Ltd Little Swift Inv 326 Pty Ltd Little Swift Inv 326 Pty Ltd Little Swift Inv 326 Pty Ltd Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Petrus Buti Mphuthi Janet Neethling Matthee Petrus Jacobus Matthee Theron Helgard Meyer Dewald Daniel Jooste Rebecca Jane Pearson Jooste Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Linette Rautenbach Andries Gideon Barnard Kruger Martha Maria Magdelena Johanna Kruger der Westhuizen Johan Thomas Van der Westhuizen Loraine Christa Van Mothupi Johannes Mametja Refilwe Salome Mametja Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Marthinette Nortje Nicolaas Cornelis Nortje Marius Linde Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7095 of Secunda 7096 of Secunda 7097 of Secunda 7098 of Secunda 1015sqm 1030sqm 963sqm 945sqm 1015.0000-SQM 1030.0000-SQM 963.0000-SQM 945.0000-SQM R1,036,000.00 R767,000.00 R782,000.00 R841,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential MUN - Municipal RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7099 of Secunda 7100 of Secunda 7101 of Secunda 7102 of Secunda 7103 of Secunda 7104 of Secunda 7105 of Secunda 7106 of Secunda 7107 of Secunda 966sqm 1066sqm 1066sqm 7099sqm 1276sqm 1140sqm 1140sqm 1140sqm 1140sqm 966.0000-SQM 1066.0000-SQM 1066.0000-SQM 7099.0000-SQM 1276.0000-SQM 1140.0000-SQM 1140.0000-SQM 1140.0000-SQM 1140.0000-SQM R812,000.00 R739,000.00 R769,000.00 R1,750,000.00 R874,000.00 R815,000.00 R965,000.00 R1,485,000.00 R885,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7108 of Secunda 7128 of Secunda 7129 of Secunda 7129 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7130 of Secunda 7131 of Secunda 7132 of Secunda 7133 of Secunda 7134 of Secunda 1363sqm 935sqm 808sqm 404sqm 938sqm 1015sqm 929sqm 925sqm 938sqm 1363.0000-SQM 935.0000-SQM 808.0000-SQM 404.0000-SQM 938.0000-SQM 1015.0000-SQM 929.0000-SQM 925.0000-SQM 938.0000-SQM R1,121,000.00 R810,000.00 R961,000.00 R722,000.00 R840,000.00 R876,000.00 R869,000.00 R859,000.00 R800,000.00 RES - Residential 7135 of Secunda 949sqm 949.0000-SQM R871,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 7136 of Secunda 7137 of Secunda 1088sqm 1060sqm 1088.0000-SQM 1060.0000-SQM R891,000.00 R1,149,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7138 of Secunda 7139 of Secunda 7140 of Secunda 7141 of Secunda 7142 of Secunda 7143 of Secunda 7144 of Secunda 7145 of Secunda 941sqm 933sqm 933sqm 932sqm 997sqm 1089sqm 980sqm 980sqm 941.0000-SQM 933.0000-SQM 933.0000-SQM 932.0000-SQM 997.0000-SQM 1089.0000-SQM 980.0000-SQM 980.0000-SQM R1,060,000.00 R960,000.00 R1,220,000.00 R1,070,000.00 R754,000.00 R821,000.00 R993,000.00 R813,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 7146 of Secunda 7147 of Secunda 980sqm 980sqm 980.0000-SQM 980.0000-SQM R803,000.00 R853,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7148 of Secunda 7149 of Secunda 7150 of Secunda 957sqm 1022sqm 923sqm 957.0000-SQM 1022.0000-SQM 923.0000-SQM R732,000.00 R906,000.00 R1,089,000.00 RES - Residential 7151 of Secunda 882sqm 882.0000-SQM R876,000.00 RES - Residential 7152 of Secunda 952sqm 952.0000-SQM R801,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7153 of Secunda 7154 of Secunda 7155 of Secunda 1188sqm 898sqm 898sqm 1188.0000-SQM 898.0000-SQM 898.0000-SQM R898,000.00 R737,000.00 R757,000.00 RES - Residential 7156 of Secunda 978sqm 978.0000-SQM R803,000.00 RES - Residential 7094 of Secunda Page 174 988sqm 988.0000-SQM R974,000.00 Registered description 7157 of Secunda 7158 of Secunda 7159 of Secunda 7160 of Secunda 7161 of Secunda 7162 of Secunda 7163 of Secunda 7164 of Secunda 7165 of Secunda 7166 of Secunda 7167 of Secunda 7168 of Secunda 7169 of Secunda 7170 of Secunda 7171 of Secunda 7172 of Secunda 7173 of Secunda 7174 of Secunda 7175 of Secunda 7176 of Secunda 7177 of Secunda 7178 of Secunda 7179 of Secunda 7180 of Secunda 7181 of Secunda 7182 of Secunda 7183 of Secunda 7184 of Secunda 7185 of Secunda 7186 of Secunda 7187 of Secunda 7188 of Secunda 7189 of Secunda 7190 of Secunda 7191 of Secunda 7192 of Secunda 7193 of Secunda 7194 of Secunda 7195 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Antoinette Schutte Dirk Johannes Schutte Xolani Charles Matangari Christien Frances Venter Hendrik Petrus Venter Busisiwe Fortunate Matsunyane Sekgohola Ben Matsunyane Andrias Thulani Mdakane Mokotji Gloria Mdakane Sarasvathy Naidoo Rowlan Harilall Ramsaroop Hendrik Jeremiah Conradie Maria Johanna Catarina Conradie Bangiswani Ketty Phalatse Jacky Simon Phalatse Donna Marie Aldridge Leon Aldridge Nozizwe Linshan Nkwanyana Lucinda Marlene Martin Robert Luke Martin Alison Catherine Bridgens Heinrick Kenneith Bridgens Stephanie Louise Strauss Hendrika Johanna Dreyer Louis Johannes Dreyer Jacobus Bonnema Vermaas Wessel Johannes Vermaas Bonizwa Elizabeth Nkosi Jayseelan Perumal Govender Nirupa Govender Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Zacharias Francois Joubert Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Mala Philip Surendra Amurathlall Philip Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Aaron Mhlanganyelwa Langa Patient Thandi Mthsweni Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Klaas Besana Mahlangu Brian Jordan Merillyn Jade Jordan Badelisile Eunice Shabangu Jabulani Philemon Shabangu Gustav Pierre Naude Samuel Wilhelm Odendaal Joseph Erasmus Basson Pearl Ruby Basson John Dirk Grobler Annelize Smuts Irma Kruger Fransina Johanna Geyser Edwin Wilhelm Heinrich Grieb Busisiwe Ellah Mampane Simon Mona Collen Mampane Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Cornelis Johannes Du Plessis Wilma Johanna Du Plessis Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential 7158 of Secunda 7159 of Secunda 898sqm 872sqm 898.0000-SQM 872.0000-SQM R1,057,000.00 R715,000.00 RES - Residential 7160 of Secunda 1019sqm 1019.0000-SQM R816,000.00 RES - Residential 7161 of Secunda 967sqm 967.0000-SQM R752,000.00 RES - Residential 7162 of Secunda 939sqm 939.0000-SQM R760,000.00 RES - Residential 7163 of Secunda 885sqm 885.0000-SQM R746,000.00 RES - Residential 7164 of Secunda 878sqm 878.0000-SQM R786,000.00 RES - Residential 7165 of Secunda 917sqm 917.0000-SQM R859,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 7166 of Secunda 7167 of Secunda 1132sqm 1120sqm 1132.0000-SQM 1120.0000-SQM R744,000.00 R813,000.00 RES - Residential 7168 of Secunda 852sqm 852.0000-SQM R734,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 7169 of Secunda 7170 of Secunda 888sqm 860sqm 888.0000-SQM 860.0000-SQM R787,000.00 R885,000.00 RES - Residential 7171 of Secunda 1254sqm 1254.0000-SQM R833,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 7172 of Secunda 7173 of Secunda 975sqm 1050sqm 975.0000-SQM 1050.0000-SQM R753,000.00 R898,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7174 of Secunda 7175 of Secunda 7176 of Secunda 7177 of Secunda 1050sqm 1050sqm 1050sqm 1183sqm 1050.0000-SQM 1050.0000-SQM 1050.0000-SQM 1183.0000-SQM R788,000.00 R848,000.00 R738,000.00 R778,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 7178 of Secunda 7179 of Secunda 1157sqm 971sqm 1157.0000-SQM 971.0000-SQM R796,000.00 R773,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7180 of Secunda 7181 of Secunda 7182 of Secunda 7183 of Secunda 1029sqm 980sqm 980sqm 1099sqm 1029.0000-SQM 980.0000-SQM 980.0000-SQM 1099.0000-SQM R737,000.00 R733,000.00 R863,000.00 R882,000.00 RES - Residential 7184 of Secunda 1093sqm 1093.0000-SQM R821,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7185 of Secunda 7186 of Secunda 7187 of Secunda 980sqm 980sqm 984sqm 980.0000-SQM 980.0000-SQM 984.0000-SQM R763,000.00 R773,000.00 R823,000.00 RES - Residential 7188 of Secunda 1157sqm 1157.0000-SQM R606,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7189 of Secunda 7190 of Secunda 7191 of Secunda 7192 of Secunda 974sqm 990sqm 990sqm 990sqm 974.0000-SQM 990.0000-SQM 990.0000-SQM 990.0000-SQM R983,000.00 R734,000.00 R834,000.00 R784,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7193 of Secunda 7194 of Secunda 7195 of Secunda 990sqm 1007sqm 1033sqm 990.0000-SQM 1007.0000-SQM 1033.0000-SQM R794,000.00 R735,000.00 R707,000.00 RES - Residential 7157 of Secunda Page 175 973sqm 973.0000-SQM R943,000.00 Registered description 7196 of Secunda 7197 of Secunda 7198 of Secunda 7199 of Secunda 7200 of Secunda 7201 of Secunda 7202 of Secunda 7203 of Secunda 7204 of Secunda 7205 of Secunda 7206 of Secunda 7207 of Secunda 7208 of Secunda 7209 of Secunda 7210 of Secunda 7211 of Secunda 7212 of Secunda 7213 of Secunda 7214 of Secunda 7215 of Secunda 7216 of Secunda 7217 of Secunda 7218 of Secunda 7219 of Secunda 7220 of Secunda 7221 of Secunda 7222 of Secunda 7223 of Secunda 7224 of Secunda 7225 of Secunda 7226 of Secunda 7227 of Secunda 7228 of Secunda 7229 of Secunda 7230 of Secunda 7231 of Secunda 7232 of Secunda 7233 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Joel David Masilela Anna Maria Pabian Bogdan Adam Pabian Merita Surette Ferreira Charl Duvenage Mellet Delport Johannes Albertus Esterhuizen Aarde Elia Elizabeth Van Aarde Gysbert Johannes Van Mduduzi Amos Langa Dewald Louis Botha Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Eugene Andre Schambriel Joseph Markus Fourie Gideon Theodorus Jakobus Geldenhuys Colin Brown Mariette Brown Gerhardus Willem Petrus Smit Liza Smit Doloris Lucele Padayachy Roshin Padayachy Annaline Lourens Tertius Johannes Lourens Phillip Mabona Rose Lisaiah Mabona Johannes Daniel Pieter De Villiers Melanie Nicolene De Villiers Barbara Christina Coetzer Paul Petrus Johannes Coetzer Ewoud Potgieter Jacoba Elizabeth Potgieter Frederik Johannes Ellis Johannes Jurie Schoeman Belabela Isaac Modise Matshediso Florence Modise Magrietha Maria Magdalena Cronje Petrus Hendrik Cronje Lindy Winlove Banda Sandile Lawrence Siyaya Maria Aletta Swanepoel Jeffrey Maurice Adams Tracey Lee Adams Aletta Maria Slabbert Cornelius Johannes Slabbert Annas Catharinus Jacobus Pelser Bernita Jacqueline Pelser Prop Pty Ltd Sasol George Fredrick Jooste Huilletha Levina Jooste Jacomina Dorothea Marais Paul Hendrik Marais Maria Elizabeth Buckle Phillip Buckle Daniel Sardinha Pereira Luiz Ilda De Jesus Luiz Schalkwyk Frederik Hendrik Van Schalkwyk Ronsha Van Jacobus Nicolaas Meintjes Johanna Catharina Sorensen- Wedel Julian Holger Frederick Sorensen- Wedel Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7198 of Secunda 7199 of Secunda 7200 of Secunda 7201 of Secunda 7202 of Secunda 922sqm 757sqm 832sqm 1180sqm 883sqm 922.0000-SQM 757.0000-SQM 832.0000-SQM 1180.0000-SQM 883.0000-SQM R949,000.00 R747,000.00 R803,000.00 R838,000.00 R796,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7203 of Secunda 7204 of Secunda 7205 of Secunda 7206 of Secunda 7207 of Secunda 7208 of Secunda 7209 of Secunda 823sqm 823sqm 823sqm 878sqm 928sqm 883sqm 883sqm 823.0000-SQM 823.0000-SQM 823.0000-SQM 878.0000-SQM 928.0000-SQM 883.0000-SQM 883.0000-SQM R772,000.00 R732,000.00 R752,000.00 R746,000.00 R859,000.00 R856,000.00 R856,000.00 RES - Residential 7210 of Secunda 883sqm 883.0000-SQM R756,000.00 RES - Residential 7211 of Secunda 961sqm 961.0000-SQM R1,002,000.00 RES - Residential 7212 of Secunda 1209sqm 1209.0000-SQM R860,000.00 RES - Residential 7213 of Secunda 960sqm 960.0000-SQM R982,000.00 RES - Residential 7214 of Secunda 960sqm 960.0000-SQM R762,000.00 RES - Residential 7215 of Secunda 1108sqm 1108.0000-SQM R1,172,000.00 RES - Residential 7216 of Secunda 980sqm 980.0000-SQM R1,192,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7217 of Secunda 7218 of Secunda 7219 of Secunda 980sqm 980sqm 1143sqm 980.0000-SQM 980.0000-SQM 1143.0000-SQM R873,000.00 R1,073,000.00 R1,035,000.00 RES - Residential 7220 of Secunda 924sqm 924.0000-SQM R849,000.00 RES - Residential 7221 of Secunda 897sqm 897.0000-SQM R847,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 7222 of Secunda 7223 of Secunda 931sqm 944sqm 931.0000-SQM 944.0000-SQM R970,000.00 R841,000.00 RES - Residential 7224 of Secunda 1054sqm 1054.0000-SQM R918,000.00 RES - Residential 7225 of Secunda 948sqm 948.0000-SQM R851,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 7226 of Secunda 7227 of Secunda 969sqm 895sqm 969.0000-SQM 895.0000-SQM R832,000.00 R1,567,000.00 RES - Residential 7228 of Secunda 967sqm 967.0000-SQM R952,000.00 RES - Residential 7229 of Secunda 1038sqm 1038.0000-SQM R1,067,000.00 RES - Residential 7230 of Secunda 1073sqm 1073.0000-SQM R780,000.00 RES - Residential 7231 of Secunda 1050sqm 1050.0000-SQM R948,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 7232 of Secunda 7233 of Secunda 980sqm 980sqm 980.0000-SQM 980.0000-SQM R833,000.00 R853,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 7196 of Secunda 7197 of Secunda Page 176 982sqm 935sqm 982.0000-SQM 935.0000-SQM R833,000.00 R830,000.00 Registered description 7234 of Secunda 7235 of Secunda 7236 of Secunda 7237 of Secunda 7238 of Secunda 7239 of Secunda 7240 of Secunda 7241 of Secunda 7242 of Secunda 7243 of Secunda 7244 of Secunda 7245 of Secunda 7246 of Secunda 7247 of Secunda 7248 of Secunda 7249 of Secunda 7250 of Secunda 7251 of Secunda 7252 of Secunda 7253 of Secunda 7254 of Secunda 7255 of Secunda 7256 of Secunda 7257 of Secunda 7258 of Secunda 7259 of Secunda 7260 of Secunda 7261 of Secunda 7261 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7262 of Secunda 7263 of Secunda 7264 of Secunda 7265 of Secunda 7266 of Secunda 7267 of Secunda 7268 of Secunda 7269 of Secunda 7270 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Jan Abraham Rasmus Erasmus Yvonne Carolina Erasmus Letitia Antoinette Subboo Segran Subboo Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Naomi Kruger Andre Ferreira Mulder Johan Derrick Fourie Christiaan Johannes Lourens Mathys De Jager Wolhuter Benjamin Joseph Adriaan Stephanus Engelbrecht Sophia Regina Engelbrecht Antwerpen Anika Van Antwerpen Izak Johannes Van Elizabeth Sophia Maria Katzke Frederik Julius Katzke der Walt Elizabeth Gertruida Van Laurika Bam Stefan Bam Gerhard Pieter Scheepers Marlize Scheepers Gabriel Tshepo Lethale Vuyiswa Sylvia Lethale Dirk Adriaan Swart Marietjie Swart Leon Lourentius Joseph Samila Joseph Frederick Ernest Potgieter Willem Michael Pruis Francois Peter Wagener Julene Leonard Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Angela Charmaine Binneman Pieter Willem Binneman Noline Engelbrecht Stephanus Francois Engelbrecht Vuuren George Petrus Van Vuuren Leonora Van Mining Pty Ltd Sasol John Henry Kruger Maritza Kruger Zakhele Grifton Vilakazi Magdalena Catharina Nagel Riaan Pierre Nagel Charl Graham Aletta Maria Mulder Jacoba Magrietha Maritz Johannes Christiaan Frederik Buckle Renee Matthysen Willem Hendrik Jacobus Matthysen Charlotte Louisa Cornelia Lessing Marius Steven Lessing Eduard Christiaan Kriel Nel Rolandi Rowe Helena Josina Magrieta Strauss Louis Arthur Strauss Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Lejone Elias Taunyane der Walt Christo Van der Walt Gezina Johanna Van Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 7235 of Secunda 1073sqm 1073.0000-SQM R840,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 7236 of Secunda 7237 of Secunda 1011sqm 924sqm 1011.0000-SQM 924.0000-SQM R865,000.00 R879,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 7238 of Secunda 7239 of Secunda 924sqm 924sqm 924.0000-SQM 924.0000-SQM R929,000.00 R829,000.00 RES - Residential 7240 of Secunda 990sqm 990.0000-SQM R864,000.00 RES - Residential 7241 of Secunda 1039sqm 1039.0000-SQM R967,000.00 RES - Residential 7242 of Secunda 1155sqm 1155.0000-SQM R826,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 7243 of Secunda 7244 of Secunda 1140sqm 1064sqm 1140.0000-SQM 1064.0000-SQM R885,000.00 R909,000.00 RES - Residential 7245 of Secunda 1064sqm 1064.0000-SQM R759,000.00 RES - Residential 7246 of Secunda 1064sqm 1064.0000-SQM R979,000.00 RES - Residential 7247 of Secunda 1064sqm 1064.0000-SQM R1,089,000.00 RES - Residential 7248 of Secunda 1083sqm 1083.0000-SQM R981,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7249 of Secunda 7250 of Secunda 7251 of Secunda 7252 of Secunda 7253 of Secunda 7254 of Secunda 1218sqm 1150sqm 1066sqm 1106sqm 944sqm 1042sqm 1218.0000-SQM 1150.0000-SQM 1066.0000-SQM 1106.0000-SQM 944.0000-SQM 1042.0000-SQM R890,000.00 R925,000.00 R869,000.00 R852,000.00 R841,000.00 R1,018,000.00 RES - Residential 7255 of Secunda 1012sqm 1012.0000-SQM R845,000.00 RES - Residential 7256 of Secunda 1060sqm 1060.0000-SQM R939,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 7257 of Secunda 7258 of Secunda 1039sqm 1030sqm 1039.0000-SQM 1030.0000-SQM R867,000.00 R857,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 7259 of Secunda 7260 of Secunda 1067sqm 883sqm 1067.0000-SQM 883.0000-SQM R1,009,000.00 R836,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7261 of Secunda 7261 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7262 of Secunda 7263 of Secunda 7264 of Secunda 520sqm 509sqm 1128sqm 931sqm 835sqm 520.0000-SQM 509.0000-SQM 1128.0000-SQM 931.0000-SQM 835.0000-SQM R940,000.00 R680,000.00 R714,000.00 R850,000.00 R833,000.00 RES - Residential 7265 of Secunda 873sqm 873.0000-SQM R845,000.00 RES - Residential 7266 of Secunda 868sqm 868.0000-SQM R1,202,000.00 RES - Residential 7267 of Secunda 948sqm 948.0000-SQM R931,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7268 of Secunda 7269 of Secunda 7270 of Secunda 901sqm 973sqm 1005sqm 901.0000-SQM 973.0000-SQM 1005.0000-SQM R867,000.00 R853,000.00 R1,125,000.00 RES - Residential 7234 of Secunda Page 177 980sqm 980.0000-SQM R853,000.00 Registered description 7271 of Secunda 7272 of Secunda 7273 of Secunda 7274 of Secunda 7275 of Secunda 7276 of Secunda 7277 of Secunda 7278 of Secunda 7279 of Secunda 7280 of Secunda 7281 of Secunda 7282 of Secunda 7283 of Secunda 7284 of Secunda 7285 of Secunda 7286 of Secunda 7287 of Secunda 7288 of Secunda 7289 of Secunda 7290 of Secunda 7291 of Secunda 7292 of Secunda 7293 of Secunda 7294 of Secunda 7295 of Secunda 7296 of Secunda 7297 of Secunda 7298 of Secunda 7299 of Secunda 7300 of Secunda 7301 of Secunda 7302 of Secunda 7303 of Secunda 7304 of Secunda 7305 of Secunda 7305 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7306 of Secunda 7307 of Secunda 7308 of Secunda 7309 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Obed Sekube Mphofu Rachel Amanda Mphofu Andrew Henry Loggenberg Esme Loggenberg Gertruida Phillipina Pretorius Theunis Jacobus Petrus Pretorius Donald Tsietsi Maleka Mamohau Julia Maleka Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Diederik Jacobus De Swardt Zithile Cecilia Nkosi Ehregaardt Dirk Lowies Zyl Anton Van Zyl Beatrice Magdalena Van Rensburg Abel Jacobus Janse Van Rensburg Johanna Janse Van Leon Greyvenstein Petrus Adriaan Johannes Pienaar Johannes Martinus Bartfai Linda Bartfai Hester Catharina Maria Petronella Kotze der Walt Lizelle Van der Westhuizen Lawrence Van der Westhuizen Lynette Van Jan Abraham Du Plessis Silvo Ancil Thomas Wayne Edward Thomas Gert Lambert Myburgh Georg Frederik Basson Patricia Basson Pieter Johannes Le Grange Clive Anthony Lewarne Marlene Lewarne Daniel Andries Barnard Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Johannes Jacobus Le Roux Johanna Adriana Van Schalkwyk-Le Roux Gideon Francois Smit Wyk Johnetta Sophia Van Catharina Cornelia Nieuwenhuis Johannes Gideon Nieuwenhuis George Vincent Eadie Matthew Michael Heyns Jutty Ntombikayise Simelane Thomas Mafika Simelane Pieter Hermanus Jacobs Jan Hendrik Smit Jacky Reuben Motubatse Pretty Maria Skhosana Barend Rudolf Jooste Karen Jooste Magdalena Maria Whielers Magdalena Maria Whielers Catharina Elizabeth Barkhuizen Jacob Carel Barkhuizen Johanna Magdalena Lombard Familietrust Nancor Pensilla Govender Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 7272 of Secunda 915sqm 915.0000-SQM R898,000.00 RES - Residential 7273 of Secunda 977sqm 977.0000-SQM R893,000.00 RES - Residential 7274 of Secunda 910sqm 910.0000-SQM R888,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7275 of Secunda 7276 of Secunda 7277 of Secunda 7278 of Secunda 7279 of Secunda 7280 of Secunda 878sqm 868sqm 936sqm 1140sqm 1038sqm 984sqm 878.0000-SQM 868.0000-SQM 936.0000-SQM 1140.0000-SQM 1038.0000-SQM 984.0000-SQM R856,000.00 R845,000.00 R870,000.00 R895,000.00 R837,000.00 R963,000.00 RES - Residential 7281 of Secunda 1020sqm 1020.0000-SQM R750,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7282 of Secunda 7283 of Secunda 7284 of Secunda 1119sqm 980sqm 980sqm 1119.0000-SQM 980.0000-SQM 980.0000-SQM R780,000.00 R883,000.00 R943,000.00 RES - Residential 7285 of Secunda 954sqm 954.0000-SQM R841,000.00 RES - Residential 7286 of Secunda 990sqm 990.0000-SQM R854,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 7287 of Secunda 7288 of Secunda 936sqm 962sqm 936.0000-SQM 962.0000-SQM R850,000.00 R952,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 7289 of Secunda 7290 of Secunda 1102sqm 1044sqm 1102.0000-SQM 1044.0000-SQM R772,000.00 R1,178,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 7291 of Secunda 7292 of Secunda 874sqm 866sqm 874.0000-SQM 866.0000-SQM R601,000.00 R775,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7293 of Secunda 7294 of Secunda 7295 of Secunda 1096sqm 951sqm 977sqm 1096.0000-SQM 951.0000-SQM 977.0000-SQM R882,000.00 R851,000.00 R943,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7296 of Secunda 7297 of Secunda 7298 of Secunda 1008sqm 883sqm 931sqm 1008.0000-SQM 883.0000-SQM 931.0000-SQM R945,000.00 R926,000.00 R970,000.00 RES - Residential 7299 of Secunda 1016sqm 1016.0000-SQM R876,000.00 RES - Residential 7300 of Secunda 995sqm 995.0000-SQM R934,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7301 of Secunda 7302 of Secunda 7303 of Secunda 882sqm 988sqm 1143sqm 882.0000-SQM 988.0000-SQM 1143.0000-SQM R836,000.00 R844,000.00 R985,000.00 RES - Residential 7304 of Secunda 1339sqm 1339.0000-SQM R919,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7305 of Secunda 7305 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7306 of Secunda 421sqm 612sqm 1052sqm 421.0000-SQM 612.0000-SQM 1052.0000-SQM R1,003,000.00 R800,000.00 R1,118,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7307 of Secunda 7308 of Secunda 7309 of Secunda 915sqm 1066sqm 1034sqm 915.0000-SQM 1066.0000-SQM 1034.0000-SQM R848,000.00 R1,319,000.00 R877,000.00 RES - Residential 7271 of Secunda Page 178 1037sqm 1037.0000-SQM R1,037,000.00 Registered description 7310 of Secunda 7311 of Secunda 7312 of Secunda 7313 of Secunda 7314 of Secunda 7315 of Secunda 7316 of Secunda 7317 of Secunda 7317 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7318 of Secunda 7319 of Secunda 7320 of Secunda 7321 of Secunda 7322 of Secunda 7323 of Secunda 7324 of Secunda 7325 of Secunda 7326 of Secunda 7327 of Secunda 7328 of Secunda 7329 of Secunda 7330 of Secunda 7331 of Secunda 7332 of Secunda 7333 of Secunda 7334 of Secunda 7335 of Secunda 7336 of Secunda 7337 of Secunda 7338 of Secunda 7339 of Secunda 7340 of Secunda 7341 of Secunda 7342 of Secunda 7343 of Secunda 7344 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Antonie Johannes Jacobus Botes Elizabeth Botes George Frederik Linde Louisa Johanna Maria Linde Achard Mouton Sue-Anne Mouton Anel Koortzen Conrad Johannes Koortzen Joan Lewis Philippus Petrus Lewis Vuuren Jacobus Albertus Van Nicolaas Richard Jacobus Roux Albert Ernest Clack Deventer Jessica Van Margaret Bergh Stephanus Jacobus Bergh Willem Arnoldus Pieterse Hermanus Christoffel Buys Johan Bronkhorst Maria Magdalena Bronkhorst Denise Hyde Peter Edward Hyde Aswegen Jan Hendrik Van Hugo Pienaar Marthinus Jacobus Pretorius Riaan Prinsloo Marius De Wet Elyssa Spreeth Elsunette Smith Johannes Gideon Smith Janie Macdonald Danielle Denner Shon Hendrik Denner Beaunette Ashmore Rossouw Jan Andries Christoffel Rossouw Bubesi Inv 35 Pty Ltd Jan Johannes Stephanus Nel Cornelis Johannes Ferreira Cornelia Susanna Robbertse Joseph Jacobus Robbertse Cornelia Margaretha Nel Jacobus Christiaan Terblans der Merwe Dawid Jacobus Van der Merwe Jomandi Van Hester Wilhelmina Catharina Vorholt Jurgen Bernhard Vorholt Gita Govender Maganthran Ganesan Govender Gwen Elaine Bester Victor Bester Meshack Sonnyboy Mavuso Thembi Precious Mavuso Barend Daniel Oosthuizen Bernitta Eunice Kruger Tjaart Nicolaas Kruger Isak Jacobus Petrus De Klerk Janetha Hendrina De Klerk Johannes Isaak Botha Annabelle Johanna Meyer Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 7311 of Secunda 1092sqm 1092.0000-SQM R1,131,000.00 RES - Residential 7312 of Secunda 926sqm 926.0000-SQM R989,000.00 RES - Residential 7313 of Secunda 862sqm 862.0000-SQM R865,000.00 RES - Residential 7314 of Secunda 861sqm 861.0000-SQM R825,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7315 of Secunda 7316 of Secunda 7317 of Secunda 852sqm 861sqm 443sqm 852.0000-SQM 861.0000-SQM 443.0000-SQM R844,000.00 R845,000.00 R905,000.00 RES - Residential 7317 of Secunda (Portion 1) 364sqm 364.0000-SQM R780,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7318 of Secunda 7319 of Secunda 7320 of Secunda 847sqm 831sqm 953sqm 847.0000-SQM 831.0000-SQM 953.0000-SQM R844,000.00 R872,000.00 R1,221,000.00 RES - Residential 7321 of Secunda 1044sqm 1044.0000-SQM R898,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 7322 of Secunda 7323 of Secunda 1039sqm 1091sqm 1039.0000-SQM 1091.0000-SQM R887,000.00 R881,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7324 of Secunda 7325 of Secunda 7326 of Secunda 1024sqm 977sqm 998sqm 1024.0000-SQM 977.0000-SQM 998.0000-SQM R956,000.00 R863,000.00 R834,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 7327 of Secunda 7328 of Secunda 957sqm 957sqm 957.0000-SQM 957.0000-SQM R842,000.00 R852,000.00 RES - Residential 7329 of Secunda 982sqm 982.0000-SQM R1,223,000.00 BUS - Business and Commercial RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7330 of Secunda 1034sqm 1034.0000-SQM R522,000.00 7331 of Secunda 7332 of Secunda 7333 of Secunda 861sqm 912sqm 938sqm 861.0000-SQM 912.0000-SQM 938.0000-SQM R1,035,000.00 R888,000.00 R960,000.00 RES - Residential 7334 of Secunda 938sqm 938.0000-SQM R840,000.00 RES - Residential 7335 of Secunda 914sqm 914.0000-SQM R1,108,000.00 RES - Residential 7336 of Secunda 1033sqm 1033.0000-SQM R847,000.00 RES - Residential 7337 of Secunda 1018sqm 1018.0000-SQM R926,000.00 RES - Residential 7338 of Secunda 1013sqm 1013.0000-SQM R906,000.00 RES - Residential 7339 of Secunda 967sqm 967.0000-SQM R952,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 7340 of Secunda 7341 of Secunda 945sqm 1004sqm 945.0000-SQM 1004.0000-SQM R891,000.00 R1,264,000.00 RES - Residential 7342 of Secunda 1138sqm 1138.0000-SQM R955,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 7343 of Secunda 7344 of Secunda 996sqm 1031sqm 996.0000-SQM 1031.0000-SQM R854,000.00 R877,000.00 RES - Residential 7310 of Secunda Page 179 1201sqm 1201.0000-SQM R1,119,000.00 Registered description 7345 of Secunda 7346 of Secunda 7347 of Secunda 7348 of Secunda 7349 of Secunda 7350 of Secunda 7350 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7351 of Secunda 7352 of Secunda 7353 of Secunda 7354 of Secunda 7355 of Secunda 7356 of Secunda 7357 of Secunda 7358 of Secunda 7359 of Secunda 7360 of Secunda 7361 of Secunda 7362 of Secunda 7363 of Secunda 7364 of Secunda 7365 of Secunda 7366 of Secunda 7367 of Secunda 7368 of Secunda 7369 of Secunda 7370 of Secunda 7371 of Secunda 7372 of Secunda 7373 of Secunda 7374 of Secunda 7375 of Secunda 7376 of Secunda 7377 of Secunda 7378 of Secunda 7379 of Secunda 7380 of Secunda 7381 of Secunda 7382 of Secunda 7383 of Secunda 7384 of Secunda 7385 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Jonathan Vockerodt Trevor Clive Bridgens Ursula Ruth Bridgens Gereformeerde Kerk Secunda-Oos Nederduitse Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Martha Catrina Johagamina Martin Werner Martin Andries Johannes De Jager Ulindi Kok Josua Francois Rautenbach Shane Patrick Du Plessis Anna Sophia Kleynhans Terrance Uys Kleynhans Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Gert Sibande District Municipality Antonie Christiaan Frederick Slabbert Jacques Alexander Maartens Hendrik Petrus Oosthuizen Karin Oosthuizen Frederick Jacobus Fourie Maria Rozelle Fourie Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Andre Carstens Jolene Carstens Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Petrus Johannes Venter Ellen Wessels Johannes Albertus Wessels Therese Ann Holmes William George Holmes Susanna Maria Momberg Willem Jacobus Momberg Alex Alexander Thompson Johannes Gerhardus Welman Margaretha Aletha Catharina Welman Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Lindy Albertina Sibeko Dirk Johannes Van Den Heever Martina Emmarentia Van Den Heever Carlos Manuel Galvao De Moura Vusi Jiyane Familie Trust Niekerk Johannes Frederick Van Niekerk Rinette Van Barendina Petronella Taljaard Marthinus Jacobus Taljaard Johannes Gabriel Von Molendorff Suzette De Beer Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Gugu Innocentia Mokgatsi Mosweu Mokgatsi Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Anna Elizabeth Strydom Marthinus Lourens Strydom Matome Philemon Mannya Zwanga Mapila Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7347 of Secunda 7348 of Secunda 7349 of Secunda 1002sqm 986sqm 944sqm 1002.0000-SQM 986.0000-SQM 944.0000-SQM R1,005,000.00 R844,000.00 R921,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7350 of Secunda 7350 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7351 of Secunda 7352 of Secunda 7353 of Secunda 559sqm 435sqm 962sqm 924sqm 910sqm 559.0000-SQM 435.0000-SQM 962.0000-SQM 924.0000-SQM 910.0000-SQM R903,000.00 R800,000.00 R952,000.00 R869,000.00 R603,000.00 RES - Residential MUN - Municipal RES - Residential RES - Residential 7354 of Secunda 7355 of Secunda 7356 of Secunda 7357 of Secunda 867sqm 956sqm 871sqm 862sqm 867.0000-SQM 956.0000-SQM 871.0000-SQM 862.0000-SQM R875,000.00 R1,130,000.00 R825,000.00 R855,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 7358 of Secunda 7359 of Secunda 920sqm 863sqm 920.0000-SQM 863.0000-SQM R859,000.00 R835,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7360 of Secunda 7361 of Secunda 7362 of Secunda 7363 of Secunda 849sqm 916sqm 913sqm 1016sqm 849.0000-SQM 916.0000-SQM 913.0000-SQM 1016.0000-SQM R854,000.00 R849,000.00 R868,000.00 R876,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7364 of Secunda 7365 of Secunda 7366 of Secunda 869sqm 809sqm 822sqm 869.0000-SQM 809.0000-SQM 822.0000-SQM R845,000.00 R881,000.00 R842,000.00 RES - Residential 7367 of Secunda 849sqm 849.0000-SQM R864,000.00 RES - Residential 7368 of Secunda 866sqm 866.0000-SQM R845,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 7369 of Secunda 7370 of Secunda 1041sqm 1003sqm 1041.0000-SQM 1003.0000-SQM R898,000.00 R995,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7371 of Secunda 7372 of Secunda 7373 of Secunda 982sqm 1134sqm 1016sqm 982.0000-SQM 1134.0000-SQM 1016.0000-SQM R873,000.00 R1,084,000.00 R1,006,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7374 of Secunda 7375 of Secunda 7376 of Secunda 1053sqm 1275sqm 1371sqm 1053.0000-SQM 1275.0000-SQM 1371.0000-SQM R868,000.00 R1,144,000.00 R961,000.00 RES - Residential 7377 of Secunda 1304sqm 1304.0000-SQM R826,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7378 of Secunda 7379 of Secunda 7380 of Secunda 7381 of Secunda 1287sqm 1381sqm 1010sqm 943sqm 1287.0000-SQM 1381.0000-SQM 1010.0000-SQM 943.0000-SQM R975,000.00 R1,302,000.00 R865,000.00 R606,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 7382 of Secunda 7383 of Secunda 1012sqm 1011sqm 1012.0000-SQM 1011.0000-SQM R1,135,000.00 R875,000.00 RES - Residential 7384 of Secunda 1128sqm 1128.0000-SQM R884,000.00 RES - Residential 7385 of Secunda 1221sqm 1221.0000-SQM R870,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 7345 of Secunda 7346 of Secunda Page 180 1074sqm 925sqm 1074.0000-SQM 925.0000-SQM R1,230,000.00 R929,000.00 Registered description 7386 of Secunda 7387 of Secunda 7388 of Secunda 7389 of Secunda 7390 of Secunda 7391 of Secunda 7392 of Secunda 7393 of Secunda 7394 of Secunda 7395 of Secunda 7396 of Secunda 7397 of Secunda 7398 of Secunda 7399 of Secunda 7400 of Secunda 7401 of Secunda 7402 of Secunda 7403 of Secunda 7404 of Secunda 7404 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7405 of Secunda 7406 of Secunda 7407 of Secunda 7408 of Secunda 7408 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7409 of Secunda 7410 of Secunda 7411 of Secunda 7412 of Secunda 7413 of Secunda 7414 of Secunda 7415 of Secunda 7416 of Secunda 7417 of Secunda 7418 of Secunda 7419 of Secunda 7420 of Secunda 7421 of Secunda 7422 of Secunda 7423 of Secunda 7424 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Category Mongane Lawrence Mokonyane RES - Residential Persah Martina Mokonyane Wasserman Holding Trust RES - Residential Prop Pty Ltd Sasol RES - Residential Catharina Magdalena Elizabetha Magrieta Mouton RES - Residential Daniel Servaas Mouton Eduardo Mario Solla De Andrade Peres RES - Residential Willem Adriaan Daniel Agenbag RES - Residential Wasserman Holding Trust RES - Residential Ockert Johannes Els RES - Residential Gerhardt Streicher Lelani Botha RES - Residential Trevor Andre Botha Barbara Naidoo RES - Residential Koorbanathan Naidoo Cornelius Johannes Andries Viljoen RES - Residential Elanie Viljoen Andre Radyn RES - Residential Michelle Leigh Radyn Jurie Greyling RES - Residential Wyk Rochelle Van Hendrik Hans Jacobus Grobler RES - Residential Ansie Nieuwoudt RES - Residential Jacobus Adriaan Brooks RES - Residential Ilene Dicks RES - Residential Patrick Rossouw Dicks Rensburg Daniel Johannes Mathys Jansen Van RES - Residential Christiaan Brits RES - Residential Anna Susanna Kruger RES - Residential Johannes Jacobus Kruger Ilze Badenhorst RES - Residential Jacobus Hendrik Swanepoel Dyk Jacobus Van RES - Residential Dyk Marie-Louise Van Evehart Charles Strydom RES - Residential Maria Isabella Sophia Strydom Emile Liche Strydom- Bouwer RES - Residential Jacobus Abraham Louw RES - Residential Mining Pty Ltd Sasol RES - Residential Johannes Jacobus Jordaan RES - Residential Muslim Jamaat Secunda INS - Institution Anna Sophia Westerman RES - Residential Michiel Andries Westerman Thabisile Theodorah Ndlovu RES - Residential Thulani Trustworth Ndlovu Abrahama Liebrecht Lowies RES - Residential Kevin Hewitson RES - Residential Boerdery Pty Ltd Goudveld RES - Residential Hugo Niel Hamman RES - Residential Gustav Habig RES - Residential Karlien Habig der Walt Gerrit Paul Van RES - Residential Anna Maria Robbertse RES - Residential Johan Barend Botha Robbertse Mining Pty Ltd Sasol RES - Residential Kuiersaam Gastehuis Cc RES - Residential Kuiersaam Gastehuis Cc RES - Residential Republic of South Africa GOV - State Owned Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks 7387 of Secunda 7388 of Secunda 7389 of Secunda 1027sqm 1020sqm 1000sqm 1027.0000-SQM 1020.0000-SQM 1000.0000-SQM R1,137,000.00 R621,000.00 R805,000.00 7390 of Secunda 7391 of Secunda 7392 of Secunda 7393 of Secunda 990sqm 1002sqm 923sqm 997sqm 990.0000-SQM 1002.0000-SQM 923.0000-SQM 997.0000-SQM R854,000.00 R1,275,000.00 R989,000.00 R894,000.00 7394 of Secunda 1025sqm 1025.0000-SQM R616,000.00 7395 of Secunda 970sqm 970.0000-SQM R1,082,000.00 7396 of Secunda 1057sqm 1057.0000-SQM R1,169,000.00 7397 of Secunda 1051sqm 1051.0000-SQM R918,000.00 7398 of Secunda 1085sqm 1085.0000-SQM R791,000.00 7399 of Secunda 7400 of Secunda 7401 of Secunda 7402 of Secunda 1048sqm 1142sqm 1146sqm 1047sqm 1048.0000-SQM 1142.0000-SQM 1146.0000-SQM 1047.0000-SQM R908,000.00 R905,000.00 R915,000.00 R988,000.00 7403 of Secunda 7404 of Secunda 7404 of Secunda (Portion 1) 1001sqm 588sqm 450sqm 1001.0000-SQM 588.0000-SQM 450.0000-SQM R795,000.00 R905,000.00 R700,000.00 7405 of Secunda 1016sqm 1016.0000-SQM R836,000.00 7406 of Secunda 985sqm 985.0000-SQM R964,000.00 7407 of Secunda 980sqm 980.0000-SQM R833,000.00 7408 of Secunda 7408 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7409 of Secunda 7410 of Secunda 7411 of Secunda 7412 of Secunda 568sqm 412sqm 978sqm 1190sqm 4390sqm 1038sqm 568.0000-SQM 412.0000-SQM 978.0000-SQM 1190.0000-SQM 4390.0000-SQM 1038.0000-SQM R884,000.00 R500,000.00 R843,000.00 R918,000.00 R850,000.00 R1,007,000.00 7413 of Secunda 910sqm 910.0000-SQM R918,000.00 7414 of Secunda 7415 of Secunda 7416 of Secunda 7417 of Secunda 7418 of Secunda 1057sqm 994sqm 1086sqm 986sqm 884sqm 1057.0000-SQM 994.0000-SQM 1086.0000-SQM 986.0000-SQM 884.0000-SQM R959,000.00 R854,000.00 R1,001,000.00 R954,000.00 R846,000.00 7419 of Secunda 7420 of Secunda 1008sqm 948sqm 1008.0000-SQM 948.0000-SQM R875,000.00 R999,000.00 7421 of Secunda 7422 of Secunda 7423 of Secunda 7424 of Secunda 832sqm 832sqm 1024sqm 9.0124Ha 832.0000-SQM 832.0000-SQM 1024.0000-SQM 9.0124-H R959,000.00 R1,019,000.00 R1,266,000.00 R8,800,000.00 7386 of Secunda Page 181 1090sqm 1090.0000-SQM R881,000.00 Registered description 7425 of Secunda 7426 of Secunda 7427 of Secunda 7428 of Secunda 7429 of Secunda 7430 of Secunda 7431 of Secunda 7432 of Secunda 7433 of Secunda 7434 of Secunda 7435 of Secunda 7436 of Secunda 7437 of Secunda 7438 of Secunda 7439 of Secunda 7440 of Secunda 7441 of Secunda 7442 of Secunda 7443 of Secunda 7444 of Secunda 7445 of Secunda 7446 of Secunda 7447 of Secunda 7448 of Secunda 7449 of Secunda 7450 of Secunda 7451 of Secunda 7452 of Secunda 7453 of Secunda 7454 of Secunda 7455 of Secunda 7456 of Secunda 7457 of Secunda 7458 of Secunda 7459 of Secunda 7460 of Secunda 7461 of Secunda 7462 of Secunda 7463 of Secunda 7464 of Secunda 7465 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Carel Wynand Vermeulen Tersia Vermeulen Mongami Malcolme Ngcutsha Brian Douglas Moore Margaretha Elizabeth Landman Josia Andries Joubert Gerhard Klaasee Barend Jacobus Hattingh Joseph Johannes Engelbrecht Grace De Jager Theresa Salinger Walter Salinger Hilda Rheeder Nicolaas Hendrik Rheeder Anna Dorothea Stander Matthiam Jacobus Stander Tladi James Sekwelenkwe Mining Pty Ltd Sasol James William Redman Jenny Redman Katja Caroline Botha Petrus Johannes Jordaan Botha Anita Smit Jan Hendrik Smit Cornelius Daniel De Lange Marlene De Lange Jan Dirk Venter Marco Stolk Greuning Zacharias Johannes Van Deon Wege Viljoen Ester-Marie Smit Johannes Gerhardus Smit Nicolaas Johannes Pretorius Renata Pretorius Hendrik De Waal Veronica De Waal Antoinette Greybe Belinda Mary Gornall Belinda Mary Harker Enrico Antonio Harker Elsabie Jordaan Pieter Willem Michiel Jordaan Gogozana Dinah Ngcongwane Mishack Johannes Ngcongwane Kedish Gilidah Mabusela Matsobane Samuel Mabusela Ian Jacobus Barkley Juanita Elizabeth Barkley Zelinda Veronica Geldenhuys Zyl Philippus Jacobus Van Abram Fortuin Vermeulen Johanna Zelna Vermeulen Marina Nkhalong Ketsise Jacobus Wynand Dreyer Philippus Jacobus Breytenbach Adrian Gornall Adrian Gornall Annaretha Fourie Pieter Johannes Gouws Wyk Erasmus Stefanus Christoffel Van Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7426 of Secunda 7427 of Secunda 7428 of Secunda 7429 of Secunda 7430 of Secunda 7431 of Secunda 7432 of Secunda 7433 of Secunda 7434 of Secunda 972sqm 972sqm 972sqm 972sqm 1047sqm 976sqm 980sqm 948sqm 1062sqm 972.0000-SQM 972.0000-SQM 972.0000-SQM 972.0000-SQM 1047.0000-SQM 976.0000-SQM 980.0000-SQM 948.0000-SQM 1062.0000-SQM R843,000.00 R843,000.00 R823,000.00 R883,000.00 R888,000.00 R793,000.00 R953,000.00 R831,000.00 R929,000.00 RES - Residential 7435 of Secunda 949sqm 949.0000-SQM R921,000.00 RES - Residential 7436 of Secunda 1003sqm 1003.0000-SQM R835,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7437 of Secunda 7438 of Secunda 7439 of Secunda 919sqm 913sqm 919sqm 919.0000-SQM 913.0000-SQM 919.0000-SQM R839,000.00 R838,000.00 R879,000.00 RES - Residential 7440 of Secunda 944sqm 944.0000-SQM R831,000.00 RES - Residential 7441 of Secunda 959sqm 959.0000-SQM R832,000.00 RES - Residential 7442 of Secunda 973sqm 973.0000-SQM R843,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7443 of Secunda 7444 of Secunda 7445 of Secunda 7446 of Secunda 7447 of Secunda 986sqm 977sqm 1053sqm 1352sqm 992sqm 986.0000-SQM 977.0000-SQM 1053.0000-SQM 1352.0000-SQM 992.0000-SQM R894,000.00 R1,003,000.00 R988,000.00 R880,000.00 R804,000.00 RES - Residential 7448 of Secunda 1018sqm 1018.0000-SQM R836,000.00 RES - Residential 7449 of Secunda 1122sqm 1122.0000-SQM R903,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 7450 of Secunda 7451 of Secunda 1096sqm 991sqm 1096.0000-SQM 991.0000-SQM R872,000.00 R1,084,000.00 RES - Residential 7452 of Secunda 992sqm 992.0000-SQM R884,000.00 RES - Residential 7453 of Secunda 1235sqm 1235.0000-SQM R941,000.00 RES - Residential 7454 of Secunda 1034sqm 1034.0000-SQM R857,000.00 RES - Residential 7455 of Secunda 1151sqm 1151.0000-SQM R895,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7456 of Secunda 7457 of Secunda 7458 of Secunda 981sqm 972sqm 972sqm 981.0000-SQM 972.0000-SQM 972.0000-SQM R803,000.00 R833,000.00 R873,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7459 of Secunda 7460 of Secunda 7461 of Secunda 7462 of Secunda 969sqm 972sqm 972sqm 961sqm 969.0000-SQM 972.0000-SQM 972.0000-SQM 961.0000-SQM R892,000.00 R813,000.00 R833,000.00 R832,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7463 of Secunda 7464 of Secunda 7465 of Secunda 1472sqm 1110sqm 1307sqm 1472.0000-SQM 1110.0000-SQM 1307.0000-SQM R909,000.00 R953,000.00 R987,000.00 RES - Residential 7425 of Secunda Page 182 898sqm 898.0000-SQM R847,000.00 Registered description 7466 of Secunda 7467 of Secunda 7468 of Secunda 7469 of Secunda 7470 of Secunda 7471 of Secunda 7472 of Secunda 7473 of Secunda 7474 of Secunda 7475 of Secunda 7476 of Secunda 7477 of Secunda 7478 of Secunda 7479 of Secunda 7480 of Secunda 7481 of Secunda 7482 of Secunda 7483 of Secunda 7484 of Secunda 7485 of Secunda 7486 of Secunda 7487 of Secunda 7488 of Secunda 7489 of Secunda 7490 of Secunda 7491 of Secunda 7492 of Secunda 7493 of Secunda 7494 of Secunda 7495 of Secunda 7496 of Secunda 7497 of Secunda 7498 of Secunda 7499 of Secunda 7500 of Secunda 7501 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Estelle Muller Marinus Charles Muller Anna Christina Botha Samuel Botha Adam George Louis Barnard Elizabeth Johanna Jacoba Barnard Hester Adriana Bouwer Jacobus Christiaan Bouwer Samuel Gerhardus Kemp David Jacobus Saaiman Louise Saaiman Garry Joe Vorster Kathleen Juanita Vorster Frederick Johannes Matthysen Maryna Johanna Matthysen Izak Stephanus Weber Martha Elizabeth Weber Christian Johan Goosen Sharron Shirley Goosen Gideon Jacobus Keulder Loraine Keulder Jan Horak Kleingeld der Westhuizen Jacques Van der Westhuizen Nicaleen Van Annelien Herringer Lionel Herringer Andrew Kenneth Hall Louisa Hall Henryk Leon Kopicki Stuart Peter Kent Theron Andries Petrus Stephanus Roelof Louw Joubert Maria Paulina Bloem Petrus Johannes Bloem Adriaan Petrus Prinsloo Anna Catharina Elizabeth Prinsloo der Linde Hester Susanna Van der Linde Johannes Alwyn Van Elizabeth Maria Aletta Nel Johann Nel John Thomas Hurley Joseph Thomas Keogh der Walt Fransina Wilhelmina Elizabeth Van der Walt Pieter Izak Van Ebunoluwa Folasade Odeyemi Olushola Alfred Odeyemi Johannes Zwiegelaar Liehanie Zwiegelaar Olloff Abraham Servaas Vorster Barnardus Gerhardus Meyer Pieter Jacobus Fourie Wilhelmina Christina Fourie James Mccoy Bekker Louis Fourie Tanja Magdalena Rautenbach Adriaan Jacobus Lincoln Erika Anne-Marie Swart Johannes Jacobus Swart Gideon Van Zyl Joubert Samuel Henry De Jager Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 7467 of Secunda 1141sqm 1141.0000-SQM R875,000.00 RES - Residential 7468 of Secunda 1073sqm 1073.0000-SQM R830,000.00 RES - Residential 7469 of Secunda 1333sqm 1333.0000-SQM R879,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 7470 of Secunda 7471 of Secunda 1024sqm 1092sqm 1024.0000-SQM 1092.0000-SQM R906,000.00 R891,000.00 RES - Residential 7472 of Secunda 1049sqm 1049.0000-SQM R878,000.00 RES - Residential 7473 of Secunda 978sqm 978.0000-SQM R833,000.00 RES - Residential 7474 of Secunda 891sqm 891.0000-SQM R857,000.00 RES - Residential 7475 of Secunda 889sqm 889.0000-SQM R847,000.00 RES - Residential 7476 of Secunda 1015sqm 1015.0000-SQM R1,006,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 7477 of Secunda 7478 of Secunda 1046sqm 918sqm 1046.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM R858,000.00 R849,000.00 RES - Residential 7479 of Secunda 1002sqm 1002.0000-SQM R845,000.00 RES - Residential 7480 of Secunda 954sqm 954.0000-SQM R831,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7481 of Secunda 7482 of Secunda 7483 of Secunda 7484 of Secunda 7485 of Secunda 896sqm 871sqm 902sqm 1025sqm 1048sqm 896.0000-SQM 871.0000-SQM 902.0000-SQM 1025.0000-SQM 1048.0000-SQM R857,000.00 R745,000.00 R848,000.00 R1,176,000.00 R868,000.00 RES - Residential 7486 of Secunda 961sqm 961.0000-SQM R822,000.00 RES - Residential 7487 of Secunda 1103sqm 1103.0000-SQM R982,000.00 RES - Residential 7488 of Secunda 995sqm 995.0000-SQM R854,000.00 RES - Residential 7489 of Secunda 939sqm 939.0000-SQM R840,000.00 RES - Residential 7490 of Secunda 939sqm 939.0000-SQM R950,000.00 RES - Residential 7491 of Secunda 939sqm 939.0000-SQM R830,000.00 RES - Residential 7492 of Secunda 969sqm 969.0000-SQM R982,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7493 of Secunda 7494 of Secunda 7495 of Secunda 1059sqm 1076sqm 865sqm 1059.0000-SQM 1076.0000-SQM 865.0000-SQM R859,000.00 R860,000.00 R835,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 7496 of Secunda 7497 of Secunda 1037sqm 911sqm 1037.0000-SQM 911.0000-SQM R887,000.00 R868,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 7498 of Secunda 7499 of Secunda 834sqm 860sqm 834.0000-SQM 860.0000-SQM R823,000.00 R825,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 7500 of Secunda 7501 of Secunda 804sqm 828sqm 804.0000-SQM 828.0000-SQM R801,000.00 R882,000.00 RES - Residential 7466 of Secunda Page 183 1069sqm 1069.0000-SQM R850,000.00 Registered description 7502 of Secunda 7503 of Secunda 7504 of Secunda 7505 of Secunda 7506 of Secunda 7507 of Secunda 7508 of Secunda 7509 of Secunda 7510 of Secunda 7511 of Secunda 7512 of Secunda 7513 of Secunda 7514 of Secunda 7515 of Secunda 7516 of Secunda 7517 of Secunda 7518 of Secunda 7519 of Secunda 7520 of Secunda 7521 of Secunda 7522 of Secunda 7523 of Secunda 7524 of Secunda 7525 of Secunda 7526 of Secunda 7527 of Secunda 7528 of Secunda 7529 of Secunda 7530 of Secunda 7531 of Secunda 7532 of Secunda 7533 of Secunda 7534 of Secunda 7535 of Secunda 7536 of Secunda 7537 of Secunda 7538 of Secunda 7539 of Secunda 7540 of Secunda 7541 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) der Post Daniel Cornelius Van der Post Magdelena Anna Van Carl Willem Johannes Reynders Yolande Reynders Dawid Stephanus Compion Johan Adam Fourie Dina Carolina Oosthuizen Andries Nicholas Kruger Nicolaas Jacobus Hattingh Willem Michael Pruis Andrzej Miroslaw Lakomski Jerry Barnard Leilani Barnard Mongezi Veti Phila Bernice Pearl Veti der Walt Antonio Francois Van der Walt Milly Van Schalk Andries Jacobus Pienaar Staden Christiaan Frederick Mostert Van Staden Gezina Cornelia Van Deventer Charlene Van Deventer Morne Andre Van Barend Frederick Peyper Elizabeth Magrietha Peyper Dikeledi Mirriam Radebe Kgauta Esau Radebe Wyk Francis Van Bradley John Davies Jakobus Lodewikus Doubell Yolanda Cecelia Doubell Johannes Jacobus Grabie Charles Henry Thomas Hendrik Jacobus Ferreira Yolandi Ferreira Tanja Magdalena Rautenbach Calitz & Eiselen Cc Gerhardus Kotze Carel Johannes Swart Theresa Anita Swart Zyl Hendrik Adriaan Van Errol Groenewald Hermina Petronella Groenewald Lezaan Potgieter Willem Jakobus Potgieter Barend Jacobus Bekker Marinda Antonette Bekker Gloria Qaqamba Buyisiwe Selikane Tefo Zacharia Selikane Barry James Williams Tanya Theresa Williams Avril Kuhl Garth Moseley Theunis Theodorus Fourie Frank Daniel Potgieter Magdalena Maria Whielers Frederik Daniel Whielers Gerhard Joubert Rickus Kriel Celeste Pieterse Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 7503 of Secunda 980sqm 980.0000-SQM R943,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 7504 of Secunda 7505 of Secunda 1019sqm 1056sqm 1019.0000-SQM 1056.0000-SQM R986,000.00 R939,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7506 of Secunda 7507 of Secunda 7508 of Secunda 7509 of Secunda 7510 of Secunda 981sqm 855sqm 806sqm 858sqm 865sqm 981.0000-SQM 855.0000-SQM 806.0000-SQM 858.0000-SQM 865.0000-SQM R903,000.00 R894,000.00 R781,000.00 R834,000.00 R855,000.00 RES - Residential 7511 of Secunda 922sqm 922.0000-SQM R819,000.00 RES - Residential 7512 of Secunda 1012sqm 1012.0000-SQM R835,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 7513 of Secunda 7514 of Secunda 942sqm 970sqm 942.0000-SQM 970.0000-SQM R790,000.00 R952,000.00 RES - Residential 7515 of Secunda 893sqm 893.0000-SQM R857,000.00 RES - Residential 7516 of Secunda 936sqm 936.0000-SQM R910,000.00 RES - Residential 7517 of Secunda 936sqm 936.0000-SQM R840,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7518 of Secunda 7519 of Secunda 7520 of Secunda 884sqm 864sqm 853sqm 884.0000-SQM 864.0000-SQM 853.0000-SQM R806,000.00 R835,000.00 R744,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7521 of Secunda 7522 of Secunda 7523 of Secunda 888sqm 864sqm 879sqm 888.0000-SQM 864.0000-SQM 879.0000-SQM R807,000.00 R835,000.00 R816,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7524 of Secunda 7525 of Secunda 7526 of Secunda 7527 of Secunda 751sqm 1052sqm 945sqm 945sqm 751.0000-SQM 1052.0000-SQM 945.0000-SQM 945.0000-SQM R817,000.00 R838,000.00 R831,000.00 R881,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 7528 of Secunda 7529 of Secunda 1038sqm 1008sqm 1038.0000-SQM 1008.0000-SQM R797,000.00 R835,000.00 RES - Residential 7530 of Secunda 918sqm 918.0000-SQM R909,000.00 RES - Residential 7531 of Secunda 952sqm 952.0000-SQM R1,001,000.00 RES - Residential 7532 of Secunda 1429sqm 1429.0000-SQM R1,015,000.00 RES - Residential 7533 of Secunda 1080sqm 1080.0000-SQM R800,000.00 RES - Residential 7534 of Secunda 1028sqm 1028.0000-SQM R877,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7535 of Secunda 7536 of Secunda 7537 of Secunda 7538 of Secunda 7539 of Secunda 7540 of Secunda 7541 of Secunda 1166sqm 1299sqm 1093sqm 999sqm 999sqm 999sqm 1090sqm 1166.0000-SQM 1299.0000-SQM 1093.0000-SQM 999.0000-SQM 999.0000-SQM 999.0000-SQM 1090.0000-SQM R937,000.00 R866,000.00 R1,101,000.00 R1,005,000.00 R855,000.00 R965,000.00 R821,000.00 RES - Residential 7502 of Secunda Page 184 874sqm 874.0000-SQM R756,000.00 Registered description 7542 of Secunda 7543 of Secunda 7544 of Secunda 7545 of Secunda 7546 of Secunda 7547 of Secunda 7548 of Secunda 7549 of Secunda 7550 of Secunda 7551 of Secunda 7552 of Secunda 7553 of Secunda 7554 of Secunda 7555 of Secunda 7556 of Secunda 7557 of Secunda 7558 of Secunda 7559 of Secunda 7560 of Secunda 7561 of Secunda 7562 of Secunda 7563 of Secunda 7564 of Secunda 7565 of Secunda 7566 of Secunda 7567 of Secunda 7568 of Secunda 7569 of Secunda 7570 of Secunda 7571 of Secunda 7572 of Secunda 7573 of Secunda 7574 of Secunda 7575 of Secunda 7576 of Secunda 7577 of Secunda 7578 of Secunda 7579 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Reginald Motseki Sibongile Ellerine Motseki Isebella Johanna Perelaer Marius Carel Perelaer Resby Shaun Carelse Paul Johan Pieters Theresa Pieters Joretha Klaasee Gugu Innocentia Mokgatsi Mosweu Mokgatsi der Post Daniel Cornelius Van der Post Magdelena Anna Van Andre Wilhelm Maritz In Christus Kerk Van Suid-Afrika Lede Marthinus Johannes Gouws Susanna Johanna Gouws Anna Magrietha Elisabetha Gibson Nicolaas Martinus Gibson Nontokozo Martha Patricia Nkabinde Johann Friedrich Weilbach Gerhardus Rudolph Odendaal Pieter Hendrik Knoetze Anne-Marie Cecelia Botha Joachim Petrus Botha Coenraad Frederick Visser Sara Adriana Margrita Visser Pieter C Coetzee Amelia Dalien Joubert Marius Joubert Mlungiseleli Mxolisi Haya Portia Tandeka Haya Hendrik Johannes Kruger Irene Georginia Kruger Reinier Johannes Knoetze Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Gert Boshoff Cornelius Susanna Petronella Cornelius Corne Geyer Matthys Adriaan Johannes Du Plessis Nicolasina Susanna Aletta Du Plessis Carolynne Ann Patricia Gouws Nicolaas Johannes Gouws der Walt Irmgard Gisela Van Reform Nhlanhla Mathe Lodewyk Jacobus Lowies Johan Buys Rachel Jacoba Buys Cornelia Elizabeth Bester Willem Gabriel Bester Donald Julius De Cruz Magdalena Johanna De Cruz Alida Jacoba Lambrechts Nico Gerhard Lambrechts Henrietta Meiring Willem Jan Johannes Meiring Amelia Pienaar Christo Pienaar Noelene Fourie Petrus Johannes Fourie Gert Jacobus Campher Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 7543 of Secunda 918sqm 918.0000-SQM R829,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 7544 of Secunda 7545 of Secunda 918sqm 918sqm 918.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM R829,000.00 R879,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 7546 of Secunda 7547 of Secunda 918sqm 955sqm 918.0000-SQM 955.0000-SQM R909,000.00 R861,000.00 RES - Residential 7548 of Secunda 931sqm 931.0000-SQM R850,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7549 of Secunda 7550 of Secunda 7551 of Secunda 1032sqm 4012sqm 990sqm 1032.0000-SQM 4012.0000-SQM 990.0000-SQM R827,000.00 R1,540,000.00 R1,114,000.00 RES - Residential 7552 of Secunda 891sqm 891.0000-SQM R817,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7553 of Secunda 7554 of Secunda 7555 of Secunda 7556 of Secunda 7557 of Secunda 891sqm 990sqm 1009sqm 980sqm 980sqm 891.0000-SQM 990.0000-SQM 1009.0000-SQM 980.0000-SQM 980.0000-SQM R917,000.00 R1,044,000.00 R855,000.00 R853,000.00 R973,000.00 RES - Residential 7558 of Secunda 980sqm 980.0000-SQM R1,093,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 7559 of Secunda 7560 of Secunda 980sqm 1120sqm 980.0000-SQM 1120.0000-SQM R853,000.00 R1,093,000.00 RES - Residential 7561 of Secunda 1168sqm 1168.0000-SQM R887,000.00 RES - Residential 7562 of Secunda 994sqm 994.0000-SQM R924,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7563 of Secunda 7564 of Secunda 7565 of Secunda 1044sqm 998sqm 1008sqm 1044.0000-SQM 998.0000-SQM 1008.0000-SQM R878,000.00 R854,000.00 R875,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 7566 of Secunda 7567 of Secunda 1080sqm 1080sqm 1080.0000-SQM 1080.0000-SQM R870,000.00 R1,020,000.00 RES - Residential 7568 of Secunda 1080sqm 1080.0000-SQM R850,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7569 of Secunda 7570 of Secunda 7571 of Secunda 7572 of Secunda 1080sqm 1103sqm 1223sqm 1056sqm 1080.0000-SQM 1103.0000-SQM 1223.0000-SQM 1056.0000-SQM R910,000.00 R852,000.00 R861,000.00 R899,000.00 RES - Residential 7573 of Secunda 1054sqm 1054.0000-SQM R858,000.00 RES - Residential 7574 of Secunda 1121sqm 1121.0000-SQM R913,000.00 RES - Residential 7575 of Secunda 1078sqm 1078.0000-SQM R850,000.00 RES - Residential 7576 of Secunda 1181sqm 1181.0000-SQM R838,000.00 RES - Residential 7577 of Secunda 1169sqm 1169.0000-SQM R847,000.00 RES - Residential 7578 of Secunda 1032sqm 1032.0000-SQM R1,227,000.00 RES - Residential 7579 of Secunda 964sqm 964.0000-SQM R842,000.00 RES - Residential 7542 of Secunda Page 185 997sqm 997.0000-SQM R884,000.00 Registered description 7580 of Secunda 7581 of Secunda 7582 of Secunda 7583 of Secunda 7584 of Secunda 7585 of Secunda 7586 of Secunda 7587 of Secunda 7588 of Secunda 7589 of Secunda 7590 of Secunda 7591 of Secunda 7592 of Secunda 7593 of Secunda 7594 of Secunda 7595 of Secunda 7596 of Secunda 7597 of Secunda 7598 of Secunda 7599 of Secunda 7600 of Secunda 7601 of Secunda 7602 of Secunda 7603 of Secunda 7604 of Secunda 7605 of Secunda 7606 of Secunda 7607 of Secunda 7608 of Secunda 7609 of Secunda 7610 of Secunda 7611 of Secunda 7612 of Secunda 7613 of Secunda 7614 of Secunda 7615 of Secunda 7616 of Secunda 7617 of Secunda 7618 of Secunda 7619 of Secunda 7620 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Anna Elena Roodt Josephus Hildar Roodt Roedolph Jacobus Laubscher Matthys Johannes Jonker Benjamin Spangenberg Ishara Naidoo Puvendra Appalsamy Naidoo Catharina Maria Rautenbach Lewis Adriaan Rautenbach Lynette Engelbrecht Petrus Jacobus Hattingh Jack Silent Mokoena Thoko Florah Mokoena Charmaine Els Pieter Christiaan Els Gert Petrus Johannes Van Den Berg Jacob Johannes Welthagen Andries Mans Lizelle Mans Jose Sardinha Pereira Luiz Maria Otilia Sardinha Luiz Alana Viljoen Johannes Jurgens Viljoen Gert Johannes Hugo Jan Christoffel Kemp Martha Maria Kemp Gerhard Redman The Reivilo P Trust Jacobus Lodewikus Joubert Sandry David Sikosana Marianna Nieuwoudt Pieter Malherbe Burger Asha Djaroun Susanna Catharina Calitz Schaik Annatjie Sophia Van Schaik Carl Hermann Van Antonie Stephanus Meyer Elizabeth Catharina Meyer Casper Jan Hendrik Steenkamp Andries Wilhelm Jacobus Phyffer Anna Elsie Phyffer Alida Maria Kotze Jan Willem Viljoen Nndondeni Edgar Ratshitanga Christoffel Francois Du Plessis Ilse Du Plessis Jaco Viljoen Vorster Family Trust Leon Charles Bezuidenhout Natalie Ruth Bezuidenhout Darryl Kilian Christoffel Johannes Schutte Irene Magdelene Schutte Christoffel Johannes Schutte Irene Magdelene Schutte Christoffel Johannes Schutte Nieuwenhuizen Jeanette Janse Van Nieuwenhuizen Theodorus Hermanus Janse Van Jennifer Elizabeth Botha Joseph Marthinus Botha Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7581 of Secunda 7582 of Secunda 7583 of Secunda 7584 of Secunda 1090sqm 1005sqm 977sqm 960sqm 1090.0000-SQM 1005.0000-SQM 977.0000-SQM 960.0000-SQM R871,000.00 R885,000.00 R923,000.00 R832,000.00 RES - Residential 7585 of Secunda 1073sqm 1073.0000-SQM R970,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7586 of Secunda 7587 of Secunda 7588 of Secunda 1084sqm 1077sqm 1068sqm 1084.0000-SQM 1077.0000-SQM 1068.0000-SQM R841,000.00 R1,030,000.00 R849,000.00 RES - Residential 7589 of Secunda 1046sqm 1046.0000-SQM R838,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7590 of Secunda 7591 of Secunda 7592 of Secunda 926sqm 926sqm 1100sqm 926.0000-SQM 926.0000-SQM 1100.0000-SQM R829,000.00 R1,049,000.00 R912,000.00 RES - Residential 7593 of Secunda 920sqm 920.0000-SQM R899,000.00 RES - Residential 7594 of Secunda 875sqm 875.0000-SQM R846,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 7595 of Secunda 7596 of Secunda 874sqm 875sqm 874.0000-SQM 875.0000-SQM R846,000.00 R846,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7597 of Secunda 7598 of Secunda 7599 of Secunda 7600 of Secunda 7601 of Secunda 7602 of Secunda 7603 of Secunda 7604 of Secunda 7605 of Secunda 986sqm 1022sqm 932sqm 949sqm 963sqm 1064sqm 1101sqm 910sqm 910sqm 986.0000-SQM 1022.0000-SQM 932.0000-SQM 949.0000-SQM 963.0000-SQM 1064.0000-SQM 1101.0000-SQM 910.0000-SQM 910.0000-SQM R894,000.00 R866,000.00 R820,000.00 R841,000.00 R912,000.00 R969,000.00 R922,000.00 R818,000.00 R848,000.00 RES - Residential 7606 of Secunda 948sqm 948.0000-SQM R861,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 7607 of Secunda 7608 of Secunda 910sqm 910sqm 910.0000-SQM 910.0000-SQM R928,000.00 R888,000.00 RES - Residential 7609 of Secunda 910sqm 910.0000-SQM R858,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 7610 of Secunda 7611 of Secunda 1038sqm 978sqm 1038.0000-SQM 978.0000-SQM R867,000.00 R903,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7612 of Secunda 7613 of Secunda 7614 of Secunda 858sqm 858sqm 858sqm 858.0000-SQM 858.0000-SQM 858.0000-SQM R834,000.00 R754,000.00 R824,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 7615 of Secunda 7616 of Secunda 898sqm 846sqm 898.0000-SQM 846.0000-SQM R847,000.00 R954,000.00 RES - Residential 7617 of Secunda 915sqm 915.0000-SQM R818,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 7618 of Secunda 7619 of Secunda 1063sqm 1050sqm 1063.0000-SQM 1050.0000-SQM R1,529,000.00 R958,000.00 RES - Residential 7620 of Secunda 943sqm 943.0000-SQM R911,000.00 RES - Residential 7580 of Secunda Page 186 1025sqm 1025.0000-SQM R836,000.00 Registered description 7621 of Secunda 7622 of Secunda 7623 of Secunda 7624 of Secunda 7625 of Secunda 7626 of Secunda 7627 of Secunda 7628 of Secunda 7629 of Secunda 7630 of Secunda 7631 of Secunda 7632 of Secunda 7633 of Secunda 7634 of Secunda 7635 of Secunda 7636 of Secunda 7637 of Secunda 7638 of Secunda 7639 of Secunda 7640 of Secunda 7641 of Secunda 7642 of Secunda 7643 of Secunda 7644 of Secunda 7645 of Secunda 7646 of Secunda 7647 of Secunda 7648 of Secunda 7649 of Secunda 7650 of Secunda 7651 of Secunda 7652 of Secunda 7653 of Secunda 7654 of Secunda 7655 of Secunda 7656 of Secunda 7657 of Secunda 7658 of Secunda 7659 of Secunda 7660 of Secunda 7661 of Secunda 7662 of Secunda 7662 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7663 of Secunda 7664 of Secunda 7665 of Secunda 7666 of Secunda 7667 of Secunda 7668 of Secunda 7669 of Secunda Names of Owner(s) Catharina Maria Nel Christo Johannes Nel Johannes Gerhardus Kruger Sara Johanna Kruger Elizabeth Francina De Beer Izak Matthys De Beer Jakobus Hendrik Kruger Susara Johanna Kruger Erik Stromvig Tessa Denise Stromvig Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Clara Maria Smit Carmen Beverley Chetty Crispin Joash Chetty Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Amanda Maria Bester Petrus Jacobus Bester Jacques Kemp Jurene Kemp Mohammed Faisel Hoosen Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Rock Island Trading 6 Pty Ltd Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential 7622 of Secunda 983sqm 983.0000-SQM R853,000.00 RES - Residential 7623 of Secunda 945sqm 945.0000-SQM R1,011,000.00 RES - Residential 7624 of Secunda 945sqm 945.0000-SQM R961,000.00 RES - Residential 7625 of Secunda 945sqm 945.0000-SQM R751,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7626 of Secunda 7627 of Secunda 7628 of Secunda 1038sqm 977sqm 891sqm 1038.0000-SQM 977.0000-SQM 891.0000-SQM R827,000.00 R913,000.00 R827,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 7629 of Secunda 7630 of Secunda 891sqm 891sqm 891.0000-SQM 891.0000-SQM R767,000.00 R777,000.00 RES - Residential 7631 of Secunda 865sqm 865.0000-SQM R825,000.00 RES - Residential MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal RES - Residential MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal VAC - Vacant Land MUN - Municipal 7632 of Secunda 7633 of Secunda 7634 of Secunda 7635 of Secunda 7636 of Secunda 7637 of Secunda 7638 of Secunda 7639 of Secunda 7640 of Secunda 7641 of Secunda 7642 of Secunda 7643 of Secunda 7644 of Secunda 7645 of Secunda 7646 of Secunda 7647 of Secunda 7648 of Secunda 7649 of Secunda 7650 of Secunda 7651 of Secunda 7652 of Secunda 7653 of Secunda 7654 of Secunda 7655 of Secunda 7656 of Secunda 7657 of Secunda 7658 of Secunda 7659 of Secunda 7660 of Secunda 7661 of Secunda 7662 of Secunda 7662 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7663 of Secunda 7664 of Secunda 7665 of Secunda 7666 of Secunda 7667 of Secunda 7668 of Secunda 7669 of Secunda 1092sqm 2246sqm 635sqm 1.7980Ha 1706sqm 517sqm 1476sqm 477sqm 1141sqm 620sqm 485sqm 445sqm 330sqm 338sqm 1.1707Ha 567sqm 1609sqm 5358sqm 763sqm 4735sqm 2553sqm 1281sqm 763sqm 140sqm 713sqm 1.6202Ha 830sqm 3683sqm 5696sqm 5557sqm 1.2611Ha 263sqm 6078sqm 4193sqm 1.0214Ha 3.5071Ha 1.0539Ha 2.4807Ha 2.3663Ha 1092.0000-SQM 2246.0000-SQM 635.0000-SQM 1.7980-H 1706.0000-SQM 517.0000-SQM 1476.0000-SQM 477.0000-SQM 1141.0000-SQM 620.0000-SQM 485.0000-SQM 445.0000-SQM 330.0000-SQM 338.0000-SQM 1.1707-H 567.0000-SQM 1609.0000-SQM 5358.0000-SQM 763.0000-SQM 4735.0000-SQM 2553.0000-SQM 1281.0000-SQM 763.0000-SQM 140.0000-SQM 713.0000-SQM 1.6202-H 830.0000-SQM 3683.0000-SQM 5696.0000-SQM 5557.0000-SQM 1.2611-H 263.0000-SQM 6078.0000-SQM 4193.0000-SQM 1.0214-H 3.5071-H 1.0539-H 2.4807-H 2.3663-H R1,091,000.00 R56,000.00 R200,000.00 R1,800,000.00 R415,000.00 R200,000.00 R369,000.00 R160,000.00 R119,000.00 R157,000.00 R124,000.00 R114,000.00 R85,500.00 R87,500.00 R1,150,000.00 R144,000.00 R400,000.00 R1,300,000.00 R192,000.00 R1,150,000.00 R630,000.00 R320,000.00 R192,000.00 R50,000.00 R278,000.00 R1,600,000.00 R208,000.00 R910,000.00 R700,000.00 R900,000.00 R1,250,000.00 R120,000.00 R1,152,000.00 R160,000.00 R255,000.00 R530,000.00 R270,000.00 R2,450,000.00 R2,300,000.00 RES - Residential 7621 of Secunda Page 187 1124sqm 1124.0000-SQM R974,000.00 Registered description 7673 of Secunda 7689 of Secunda 7690 of Secunda 7691 of Secunda 7692 of Secunda 7693 of Secunda 7694 of Secunda 7694 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7695 of Secunda 7695 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7696 of Secunda 7697 of Secunda 7697 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7698 of Secunda 7699 of Secunda 7699 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7700 of Secunda 7700 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7701 of Secunda 7701 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7702 of Secunda 7702 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7703 of Secunda 7704 of Secunda 7705 of Secunda 7706 of Secunda 7710 of Secunda 7711 of Secunda 7712 of Secunda 7713 of Secunda 7714 of Secunda 7722 of Secunda 7722 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7723 of Secunda 7723 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7724 of Secunda 7724 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7725 of Secunda 7725 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7726 of Secunda 7726 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7727 of Secunda 7727 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7728 of Secunda 7729 of Secunda 7729 of Secunda (Portion 1) Names of Owner(s) Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Christina Johanna Van Den Berg Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Marisca Van Den Berg Wessel Van Den Berg Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Johannes Jakobus Potgieter Wyk Ian Johannes Rudolph Van Johannes Jacobus Potgieter Sipokazi Matshikiza Zola Buntu Matshikiza der Merwe Deon Willie Van der Merwe Yolandi Van Hester Magdalena Catharina Harmse Leon Harmse J V S Scaffolding Cc Johaneta Gates Marene Rautenbach Mics Empowerment Group Cc Mics Empowerment Group Cc Mics Empowerment Group Cc Mics Empowerment Group Cc Klaporps 369 Pty Ltd Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Mark David Shepstone Mark David Shepstone Mics Empowerment Group Cc Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Mics Empowerment Group Cc Potwyk Bouers Cc Lian Hattingh Werner Pieterse Samuel Mokoena Hadiyo Loshia Pitso Andries Johannes Le Roux Bonita Le Roux Therese Badenhorst Vivan Reddy Johanna Maria Hamman Wessel Johannes Hamman Pragasen Thamburan Mics Empowerment Group Cc Alfred Monnapula Modise Lerato Sylvia Modise Chanel Odendaal Samuel Wilhelm Odendaal Pierre Andre Barnard Shoban Maken Damelia Pelser der Westhuizen Francois Erasmus Van der Westhuizen Wilma Van Category MUN - Municipal UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered VAC - Vacant Land UDT - Unregistered VAC - Vacant Land Address 7673 of Secunda 7689 of Secunda 7690 of Secunda 7691 of Secunda 7692 of Secunda 7693 of Secunda 7694 of Secunda 7694 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7695 of Secunda Extent 805sqm 1220sqm 1040sqm 1032sqm 1050sqm 1044sqm 805sqm 549sqm 805sqm Extent (DO) 805.0000-SQM Market Value Remarks 805.0000-SQM R202,000.00 R6,144,000.00 R208,000.00 R2,656,000.00 R2,760,000.00 R3,009,000.00 R103,000.00 R72,000.00 R202,000.00 805.0000-SQM UDT - Unregistered VAC - Vacant Land 7695 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7696 of Secunda 458sqm 1108sqm 1108.0000-SQM R61,000.00 R270,000.00 VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land 7697 of Secunda 7697 of Secunda (Portion 1) 558sqm 500sqm 558.0000-SQM 500.0000-SQM R136,000.00 R66,000.00 VAC - Vacant Land 7698 of Secunda 805sqm 805.0000-SQM R197,000.00 RES - Residential 7699 of Secunda 561sqm 561.0000-SQM R885,000.00 VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential RES - Residential VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land UDT - Unregistered VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential VAC - Vacant Land 7699 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7700 of Secunda 7700 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7701 of Secunda 7701 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7702 of Secunda 7702 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7703 of Secunda 7704 of Secunda 7705 of Secunda 7706 of Secunda 7710 of Secunda 7711 of Secunda 7712 of Secunda 7713 of Secunda 7714 of Secunda 7722 of Secunda 7722 of Secunda (Portion 1) 505sqm 547sqm 502sqm 551sqm 502sqm 430sqm 623sqm 1053sqm 1042sqm 1057sqm 1040sqm 1053sqm 1095sqm 1053sqm 1262sqm 1053sqm 550sqm 503sqm 505.0000-SQM 547.0000-SQM 502.0000-SQM 551.0000-SQM 502.0000-SQM 430.0000-SQM 623.0000-SQM 1053.0000-SQM 1053.0000-SQM 550.0000-SQM 503.0000-SQM R66,500.00 R894,000.00 R880,000.00 R140,000.00 R128,000.00 R110,000.00 R157,000.00 R260,000.00 R132,000.00 R1,008,000.00 R977,000.00 R260,000.00 R139,000.00 R134,000.00 R375,000.00 R134,000.00 R842,000.00 R66,500.00 VAC - Vacant Land 7723 of Secunda 1075sqm 1075.0000-SQM R136,000.00 RES - Residential 7723 of Secunda (Portion 1) 537sqm 537.0000-SQM R933,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 7724 of Secunda 7724 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7725 of Secunda 548sqm 505sqm 571sqm 548.0000-SQM 505.0000-SQM 571.0000-SQM R834,000.00 R830,000.00 R826,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential VAC - Vacant Land 7725 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7726 of Secunda 7726 of Secunda (Portion 1) 515sqm 601sqm 548sqm 515.0000-SQM 601.0000-SQM 548.0000-SQM R831,000.00 R1,168,000.00 R72,000.00 RES - Residential 7727 of Secunda 594sqm 594.0000-SQM R838,000.00 RES - Residential VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential RES - Residential 7727 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7728 of Secunda 7729 of Secunda 7729 of Secunda (Portion 1) 520sqm 1062sqm 545sqm 497sqm 520.0000-SQM 1062.0000-SQM 545.0000-SQM 497.0000-SQM R841,000.00 R135,000.00 R873,000.00 R859,000.00 Page 188 1053.0000-SQM 1095.0000-SQM 1053.0000-SQM Registered description 7730 of Secunda 7731 of Secunda 7732 of Secunda 7733 of Secunda 7734 of Secunda 7735 of Secunda 7736 of Secunda 7737 of Secunda 7738 of Secunda 7739 of Secunda 7739 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7740 of Secunda 7741 of Secunda 7741 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7742 of Secunda 7742 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7743 of Secunda 7743 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7744 of Secunda 7744 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7745 of Secunda 7745 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7746 of Secunda 7746 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7747 of Secunda 7747 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7748 of Secunda 7749 of Secunda 7749 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7753 of Secunda 7754 of Secunda 7754 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7755 of Secunda 7755 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7756 of Secunda 7756 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7757 of Secunda 7757 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7758 of Secunda 7758 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7768 of Secunda 7768 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7768 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7769 of Secunda 7769 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7769 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7770 of Secunda 7770 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7770 of Secunda (Portion 2) Names of Owner(s) Antonio Di Loreto Antonio Di Loreto Antonio Di Loreto Antonio Di Loreto Antonio Di Loreto Antonio Di Loreto Antonio Di Loreto Antonio Di Loreto Antonio Di Loreto Teresa Smith Vincent Smith Lucas John Hlongwe Ugochukwu Ogbonnaya Nzotta Dharmendra Maharaj Willem Michael Pruis Willem Michael Pruis Willem Michael Pruis Maeleja Sheba Marhyna Kekana William Kekana Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Andre Oscar Du Plooy Maria Magdalena Susara Du Plooy Cornelius Willem Ries Rhengu Ntshuxeko Hlekane Mics Empowerment Group Cc Esther Modiegi Pilane Siphiwe Ndzoyiya Erik Stromvig Tessa Denise Stromvig Erik Stromvig Tessa Denise Stromvig Harriet Tshamani Mathebula Tingana Jack Mathebula Harold Tsepo Mokoena Ngoakwana Motlanalo Mokoena Nozipho Protasia Mkhize Sifiso Mkhize Bongumusa Nathaniel Tsela Cherize Boshoff Johannes Petrus Stefanus Boshoff Julette Fischer Elsabe De Bruyn Petrus Lafras Dicks Riaan Hugo Jonker Familie Trust Ravendran Govender Ravendran Govender Mics Empowerment Group Cc Erno Pretorius Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential RES - Residential VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential RES - Residential 7739 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7740 of Secunda 7741 of Secunda 7741 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7742 of Secunda 7742 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7743 of Secunda 469sqm 958sqm 539sqm 513sqm 1134sqm 544sqm 1045sqm 469.0000-SQM 958.0000-SQM 539.0000-SQM 513.0000-SQM 1134.0000-SQM 544.0000-SQM 1045.0000-SQM R58,500.00 R122,000.00 R853,000.00 R951,000.00 R144,000.00 R973,000.00 R887,000.00 UDT - Unregistered RES - Residential 7743 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7744 of Secunda 494sqm 552sqm 552.0000-SQM R839,000.00 R834,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential VAC - Vacant Land 7744 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7745 of Secunda 7745 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7746 of Secunda 7746 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7747 of Secunda 500sqm 480sqm 967sqm 480sqm 479sqm 920sqm 500.0000-SQM 480.0000-SQM 967.0000-SQM 480.0000-SQM 479.0000-SQM 920.0000-SQM R849,000.00 R737,000.00 R123,000.00 R63,500.00 R745,000.00 R117,000.00 VAC - Vacant Land 7747 of Secunda (Portion 1) 403sqm 403.0000-SQM R230,000.00 RES - Residential 7748 of Secunda 1004sqm 1004.0000-SQM R1,075,000.00 RES - Residential 7749 of Secunda 538sqm 538.0000-SQM R843,000.00 VAC - Vacant Land 7749 of Secunda (Portion 1) 476sqm 476.0000-SQM R121,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 7753 of Secunda 7754 of Secunda 1053sqm 499sqm 1053.0000-SQM 499.0000-SQM R1,198,000.00 R869,000.00 RES - Residential VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential VAC - Vacant Land MUN - Municipal VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land MUN - Municipal RES - Residential VAC - Vacant Land MUN - Municipal VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential 7754 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7755 of Secunda 7755 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7756 of Secunda 7756 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7757 of Secunda 7757 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7758 of Secunda 7758 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7768 of Secunda 7768 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7768 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7769 of Secunda 7769 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7769 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7770 of Secunda 7770 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7770 of Secunda (Portion 2) 491sqm 489sqm 483sqm 493sqm 488sqm 519sqm 439sqm 633sqm 420sqm 1151sqm 576sqm 575sqm 1050sqm 590sqm 460sqm 1050sqm 590sqm 460sqm 491.0000-SQM 489.0000-SQM 483.0000-SQM 493.0000-SQM 488.0000-SQM 519.0000-SQM 439.0000-SQM 633.0000-SQM 420.0000-SQM 1151.0000-SQM 576.0000-SQM 575.0000-SQM 1050.0000-SQM 590.0000-SQM 460.0000-SQM 1050.0000-SQM 590.0000-SQM 460.0000-SQM R859,000.00 R148,000.00 R838,000.00 R150,000.00 R878,000.00 R157,000.00 R134,000.00 R881,000.00 R128,000.00 R91,000.00 R146,000.00 R146,000.00 R82,000.00 R59,500.00 R117,000.00 R82,000.00 R149,000.00 R51,000.00 VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential 7730 of Secunda 7731 of Secunda 7732 of Secunda 7733 of Secunda 7734 of Secunda 7735 of Secunda 7736 of Secunda 7737 of Secunda 7738 of Secunda 7739 of Secunda Page 189 1053sqm 1053sqm 1053sqm 1053sqm 1053sqm 1053sqm 1053sqm 1053sqm 1053sqm 515sqm 1053.0000-SQM 1053.0000-SQM 1053.0000-SQM 1053.0000-SQM 1053.0000-SQM 1053.0000-SQM 1053.0000-SQM 1053.0000-SQM 1053.0000-SQM 515.0000-SQM R134,000.00 R134,000.00 R134,000.00 R134,000.00 R134,000.00 R134,000.00 R134,000.00 R134,000.00 R134,000.00 R791,000.00 Registered description 7771 of Secunda 7771 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7771 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7772 of Secunda 7773 of Secunda 7774 of Secunda 7774 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7774 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7775 of Secunda 7775 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7775 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7776 of Secunda 7776 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7776 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7777 of Secunda 7777 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7777 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7778 of Secunda 7778 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7778 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7779 of Secunda 7779 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7779 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7780 of Secunda 7781 of Secunda 7782 of Secunda 7783 of Secunda 7783 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7783 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7784 of Secunda 7784 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7784 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7785 of Secunda 7785 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7785 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7786 of Secunda 7786 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7786 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7787 of Secunda 7787 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7787 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7788 of Secunda 7788 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7788 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7789 of Secunda 7789 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7789 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7790 of Secunda 7790 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7790 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7791 of Secunda 7791 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7791 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7792 of Secunda 7792 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7792 of Secunda (Portion 2) Names of Owner(s) Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Category MUN - Municipal VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land MUN - Municipal VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land MUN - Municipal VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land MUN - Municipal VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land MUN - Municipal VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land MUN - Municipal VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land MUN - Municipal VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land MUN - Municipal VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land MUN - Municipal VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land MUN - Municipal VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land MUN - Municipal VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land MUN - Municipal VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant 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7785 of Secunda 7785 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7785 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7786 of Secunda 7786 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7786 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7787 of Secunda 7787 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7787 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7788 of Secunda 7788 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7788 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7789 of Secunda 7789 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7789 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7790 of Secunda 7790 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7790 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7791 of Secunda 7791 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7791 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7792 of Secunda 7792 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7792 of Secunda (Portion 2) Page 190 Extent 1032sqm 594sqm 437sqm 868sqm 993sqm 1014sqm 606sqm 409sqm 975sqm 576sqm 399sqm 975sqm 576sqm 399sqm 975sqm 576sqm 399sqm 975sqm 576sqm 399sqm 975sqm 576sqm 399sqm 1053sqm 1053sqm 768sqm 810sqm 400sqm 410sqm 837sqm 424sqm 413sqm 782sqm 422sqm 359sqm 782sqm 422sqm 359sqm 812sqm 412sqm 401sqm 1026sqm 529sqm 496sqm 952sqm 464sqm 488sqm 890sqm 401sqm 490sqm 890sqm 401sqm 490sqm 890sqm 401sqm 490sqm Extent (DO) 1032.0000-SQM 594.0000-SQM 437.0000-SQM 868.0000-SQM 993.0000-SQM 1014.0000-SQM 606.0000-SQM 409.0000-SQM 975.0000-SQM 576.0000-SQM 399.0000-SQM 975.0000-SQM 576.0000-SQM 399.0000-SQM 975.0000-SQM 576.0000-SQM 399.0000-SQM 975.0000-SQM 576.0000-SQM 399.0000-SQM 975.0000-SQM 576.0000-SQM 399.0000-SQM 1053.0000-SQM 1053.0000-SQM 768.0000-SQM 810.0000-SQM 400.0000-SQM 410.0000-SQM 837.0000-SQM 424.0000-SQM 413.0000-SQM 782.0000-SQM 422.0000-SQM 359.0000-SQM 782.0000-SQM 422.0000-SQM 359.0000-SQM 812.0000-SQM 412.0000-SQM 401.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM 529.0000-SQM 496.0000-SQM 952.0000-SQM 464.0000-SQM 488.0000-SQM 890.0000-SQM 401.0000-SQM 490.0000-SQM 890.0000-SQM 401.0000-SQM 490.0000-SQM 890.0000-SQM 401.0000-SQM 490.0000-SQM Market Value Remarks R81,500.00 R150,000.00 R112,000.00 R217,000.00 R248,000.00 R80,500.00 R153,000.00 R105,000.00 R78,500.00 R146,000.00 R102,000.00 R78,500.00 R146,000.00 R102,000.00 R78,500.00 R146,000.00 R102,000.00 R78,500.00 R146,000.00 R102,000.00 R78,500.00 R146,000.00 R102,000.00 R260,000.00 R260,000.00 R193,000.00 R69,500.00 R103,000.00 R105,000.00 R71,000.00 R109,000.00 R106,000.00 R68,000.00 R108,000.00 R92,500.00 R68,000.00 R108,000.00 R92,500.00 R70,000.00 R106,000.00 R103,000.00 R81,000.00 R134,000.00 R126,000.00 R80,500.00 R118,000.00 R64,500.00 R73,500.00 R54,000.00 R65,000.00 R77,000.00 R54,000.00 R53,000.00 R73,500.00 R54,000.00 R65,000.00 Registered description 7793 of Secunda 7793 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7793 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7794 of Secunda 7794 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7794 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7795 of Secunda 7795 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7795 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7796 of Secunda 7796 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7796 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7797 of Secunda 7797 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7797 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7798 of Secunda 7798 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7798 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7799 of Secunda 7799 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7799 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7800 of Secunda 7800 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7800 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7801 of Secunda 7801 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7801 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7802 of Secunda 7802 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7802 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7803 of Secunda 7803 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7803 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7804 of Secunda 7804 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7804 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7805 of Secunda 7805 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7805 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7806 of Secunda 7806 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7806 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7807 of Secunda 7807 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7807 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7808 of Secunda 7808 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7808 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7809 of Secunda 7809 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7809 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7810 of Secunda 7810 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7810 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7811 of Secunda 7811 of Secunda (Portion 1) Names of Owner(s) Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Category MUN - Municipal VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land MUN - Municipal VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land MUN - Municipal VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land MUN - Municipal VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land MUN - Municipal VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land MUN - Municipal VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land MUN - Municipal VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land MUN - Municipal VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land MUN - Municipal VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land MUN - Municipal VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land MUN - Municipal VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land MUN - Municipal VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land MUN - Municipal VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land MUN - Municipal VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land MUN - Municipal VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land MUN - Municipal VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land MUN - Municipal VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land MUN - Municipal VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land MUN - Municipal VAC - Vacant Land Address 7793 of Secunda 7793 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7793 of 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7807 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7808 of Secunda 7808 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7808 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7809 of Secunda 7809 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7809 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7810 of Secunda 7810 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7810 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7811 of Secunda 7811 of Secunda (Portion 1) Page 191 Extent 977sqm 483sqm 494sqm 1005sqm 522sqm 483sqm 916sqm 510sqm 406sqm 916sqm 510sqm 405sqm 916sqm 510sqm 405sqm 1027sqm 490sqm 542sqm 1055sqm 497sqm 558sqm 954sqm 401sqm 553sqm 954sqm 401sqm 553sqm 954sqm 401sqm 553sqm 954sqm 401sqm 553sqm 954sqm 401sqm 553sqm 1088sqm 537sqm 551sqm 1007sqm 469sqm 537sqm 883sqm 482sqm 401sqm 883sqm 482sqm 401sqm 883sqm 482sqm 401sqm 883sqm 482sqm 401sqm 883sqm 482sqm Extent (DO) 977.0000-SQM 483.0000-SQM 494.0000-SQM 1005.0000-SQM 522.0000-SQM 483.0000-SQM 916.0000-SQM 510.0000-SQM 406.0000-SQM 916.0000-SQM 510.0000-SQM 405.0000-SQM 916.0000-SQM 510.0000-SQM 405.0000-SQM 1027.0000-SQM 490.0000-SQM 542.0000-SQM 1055.0000-SQM 497.0000-SQM 558.0000-SQM 954.0000-SQM 401.0000-SQM 553.0000-SQM 954.0000-SQM 401.0000-SQM 553.0000-SQM 954.0000-SQM 401.0000-SQM 553.0000-SQM 954.0000-SQM 401.0000-SQM 553.0000-SQM 954.0000-SQM 401.0000-SQM 553.0000-SQM 1088.0000-SQM 537.0000-SQM 551.0000-SQM 1007.0000-SQM 469.0000-SQM 537.0000-SQM 883.0000-SQM 482.0000-SQM 401.0000-SQM 883.0000-SQM 482.0000-SQM 401.0000-SQM 883.0000-SQM 482.0000-SQM 401.0000-SQM 883.0000-SQM 482.0000-SQM 401.0000-SQM 883.0000-SQM 482.0000-SQM Market Value Remarks R78,500.00 R64,000.00 R65,500.00 R79,500.00 R68,500.00 R64,000.00 R75,000.00 R67,500.00 R54,500.00 R75,000.00 R67,500.00 R54,500.00 R75,000.00 R67,500.00 R54,500.00 R81,000.00 R65,000.00 R71,000.00 R82,500.00 R65,500.00 R73,000.00 R77,000.00 R54,000.00 R72,500.00 R77,000.00 R54,000.00 R72,500.00 R77,000.00 R54,000.00 R72,500.00 R80,500.00 R54,000.00 R72,500.00 R77,000.00 R54,000.00 R72,500.00 R83,500.00 R70,500.00 R72,500.00 R80,000.00 R62,000.00 R70,500.00 R73,000.00 R64,000.00 R54,000.00 R73,000.00 R64,000.00 R54,000.00 R73,000.00 R64,000.00 R54,000.00 R73,000.00 R64,000.00 R54,000.00 R73,000.00 R64,000.00 Registered description 7811 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7812 of Secunda 7812 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7812 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7813 of Secunda 7813 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7813 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7814 of Secunda 7815 of Secunda 7816 of Secunda 7817 of Secunda 7818 of Secunda 7819 of Secunda 7820 of Secunda 7821 of Secunda 7822 of Secunda 7823 of Secunda 7824 of Secunda 7825 of Secunda 7826 of Secunda 7827 of Secunda 7828 of Secunda 7829 of Secunda 7830 of Secunda 7831 of Secunda 7832 of Secunda 7833 of Secunda 7834 of Secunda 7835 of Secunda 7836 of Secunda 7836 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7836 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7837 of Secunda 7837 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7837 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7838 of Secunda 7838 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7838 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7839 of Secunda 7839 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7839 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7840 of Secunda 7840 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7840 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7841 of Secunda 7841 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7841 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7842 of Secunda 7842 of Secunda (Portion 1) 7842 of Secunda (Portion 2) 7843 of Secunda 7843 of Secunda (Portion 1) Names of Owner(s) Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Govan Mbeki Municipality Issabella Elizabeth Boshoff Cedric Doyle Aletta Adriana Geyer Govan Mbeki Municipality Alexa Jane Pohl Warren Kenneth Pohl Anthonette Le Roux Petrus Arnoldus Wilhelmus Le Roux Zyl Estee-Mari Van Zyl Joseph Van Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality 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Secunda (Portion 1) 421sqm 472sqm 421.0000-SQM 0.0000-SQM 472.0000-SQM RES - Residential 7813 of Secunda (Portion 2) 459sqm 459.0000-SQM R886,000.00 RES - Residential 7814 of Secunda 935sqm 935.0000-SQM R988,000.00 MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal MUN - Municipal VAC - Vacant Land 7815 of Secunda 7816 of Secunda 7817 of Secunda 7818 of Secunda 7819 of Secunda 7820 of Secunda 7821 of Secunda 7822 of Secunda 7823 of Secunda 7824 of Secunda 7825 of Secunda 7826 of Secunda 7827 of Secunda 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Address 8124 of Secunda 8125 of Secunda 8126 of Secunda 8127 of Secunda 8128 of Secunda 8129 of Secunda 8130 of Secunda 8131 of Secunda 8132 of Secunda 8133 of Secunda 8134 of Secunda 8135 of Secunda 8136 of Secunda 8137 of Secunda 8138 of Secunda 8139 of Secunda 8140 of Secunda 8141 of Secunda 8142 of Secunda 8143 of Secunda 8144 of Secunda 8145 of Secunda 8146 of Secunda 8147 of Secunda 8148 of Secunda 8149 of Secunda 8150 of Secunda 8151 of Secunda 8152 of Secunda 8153 of Secunda 8154 of Secunda 8155 of Secunda 8156 of Secunda 8157 of Secunda 8158 of Secunda 8159 of Secunda 8160 of Secunda 8161 of Secunda 8162 of Secunda 8163 of Secunda 8164 of Secunda 8165 of Secunda 8166 of Secunda 8167 of Secunda 8168 of Secunda 8169 of Secunda 8170 of Secunda 8171 of Secunda 8172 of Secunda 8173 of Secunda 8174 of Secunda 8175 of Secunda 8176 of Secunda 8177 of Secunda 8178 of Secunda 8179 of Secunda Page 200 Extent 792sqm 792sqm 792sqm 792sqm 792sqm 792sqm 792sqm 792sqm 792sqm 792sqm 792sqm 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792.0000-SQM 792.0000-SQM 792.0000-SQM 792.0000-SQM 792.0000-SQM Market Value Remarks R72,000.00 R75,000.00 R71,000.00 R84,000.00 R72,000.00 R75,000.00 R69,500.00 R72,500.00 R72,500.00 R73,000.00 R71,000.00 R71,000.00 R71,500.00 R77,000.00 R96,000.00 R78,000.00 R78,000.00 R79,000.00 R68,000.00 R84,500.00 R80,500.00 R79,000.00 R79,000.00 R79,000.00 R79,000.00 R72,000.00 R72,000.00 R75,000.00 R69,000.00 R68,000.00 R71,000.00 R71,000.00 R71,000.00 R71,000.00 R71,000.00 R74,000.00 R74,000.00 R71,000.00 R71,000.00 R71,000.00 R71,000.00 R71,000.00 R73,000.00 R74,000.00 R75,000.00 R77,500.00 R77,500.00 R72,000.00 R72,000.00 R72,000.00 R72,000.00 R72,000.00 R72,000.00 R72,000.00 R70,000.00 R74,000.00 Registered description 8180 of Secunda 8181 of Secunda 8182 of Secunda 8183 of Secunda 8184 of Secunda 8185 of Secunda 8186 of Secunda 8187 of Secunda 8188 of Secunda 8189 of Secunda 8190 of Secunda 8191 of Secunda 8192 of Secunda 8193 of Secunda 8194 of Secunda 8195 of Secunda 8196 of Secunda 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1000.0000-SQM 1000.0000-SQM 1000.0000-SQM 5254.0000-SQM 4920.0000-SQM 6997.0000-SQM 2412.0000-SQM 2500.0000-SQM 4313.0000-SQM Market Value Remarks R72,000.00 R72,000.00 R72,000.00 R77,500.00 R77,500.00 R72,000.00 R72,000.00 R72,000.00 R81,500.00 R74,000.00 R72,000.00 R72,000.00 R72,000.00 R72,000.00 R72,000.00 R72,000.00 R72,000.00 R830,000.00 R2,300,000.00 R1,100,000.00 R2,900,000.00 R620,000.00 R610,000.00 R221,000.00 R221,000.00 R221,000.00 R255,000.00 R315,000.00 R425,000.00 R520,000.00 R410,000.00 R280,000.00 R237,000.00 R240,000.00 R240,000.00 R240,000.00 R1,000.00 R237,000.00 R237,000.00 R237,000.00 R240,000.00 R240,000.00 R240,000.00 R245,000.00 R237,000.00 R237,000.00 R240,000.00 R240,000.00 R240,000.00 R240,000.00 R1,250,000.00 R1,200,000.00 R1,700,000.00 R580,000.00 R600,000.00 R1,050,000.00 Registered description 8238 of Secunda 8239 of Secunda 8240 of Secunda 8241 of Secunda 8242 of Secunda 8243 of Secunda 8244 of Secunda 8245 of Secunda 8246 of Secunda 8247 of Secunda 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of Secunda (Portion 5) 8260 of Secunda (Portion 6) Names of Owner(s) Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Lynette Botha Trust Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Lifehouse Inv 69 Pty Ltd Lifehouse Trust Johan Stemmet Lifehouse Inv 69 Pty Ltd Lifehouse Trust Lifehouse Inv 69 Pty Ltd Lifehouse Inv 69 Pty Ltd Lifehouse Trust Lifehouse Trust Lifehouse Residence Trust Lifehouse Trust Lifehouse Inv 69 Pty Ltd Lifehouse Inv 69 Pty Ltd Lifehouse Inv 69 Pty Ltd Lifehouse Inv 69 Pty Ltd Lifehouse Inv 69 Pty Ltd Lifehouse Inv 69 Pty Ltd Lifehouse Inv 69 Pty Ltd Lifehouse Inv 69 Pty Ltd Lifehouse Inv 69 Pty Ltd Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Samantha Judith Ndinga Sibusiso Simon Ndinga Cedric Godfrey Roberts Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Shaun Devnarian Varsha Devnarian Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Pieter Karel Frederick Grobler Prescilla Grobler Craig Pike Category VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land MUN - Municipal UDT - Unregistered MUN - Municipal VAC - Vacant Land MUN - Municipal RES - Residential UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential Address 8238 of Secunda 8239 of Secunda 8240 of Secunda 8241 of Secunda 8242 of Secunda 8243 of Secunda 8244 of Secunda 8245 of Secunda 8246 of Secunda 8247 of Secunda 8248 of Secunda 8249 of Secunda 8250 of Secunda 8251 of Secunda 8252 of Secunda 8253 of Secunda 8254 of Secunda 8254 of Secunda (Portion 1) 8255 of Secunda 8256 of Secunda 8257 of Secunda 8259 of Secunda 8259 of Secunda (Portion 1) 8259 of Secunda (Portion 2) 8259 of Secunda (Portion 3) 8259 of Secunda (Portion 4) 8259 of Secunda (Portion 10) 8259 of Secunda (Portion 11) 8259 of Secunda (Portion 12) 8259 of Secunda (Portion 13) 8259 of Secunda (Portion 14) 8259 of Secunda (Portion 15) 8259 of Secunda (Portion 16) 8259 of Secunda (Portion 17) 8259 of Secunda (Portion 18) 8259 of Secunda (Portion 19) 8259 of Secunda (Portion 20) 8259 of Secunda (Portion 21) 8259 of Secunda (Portion 22) 8259 of Secunda (Portion 23) 8259 of Secunda (Portion 24) 8259 of Secunda (Portion 25) 8259 of Secunda (Portion 26) 8259 of Secunda (Portion 27) Extent 1625sqm 1625sqm 2.0387Ha 1487sqm 1487sqm 1500sqm 1500sqm 1500sqm 587sqm 600sqm 600sqm 600sqm 587sqm 1500sqm 1500sqm 1500sqm 6584sqm 1.7124Ha 1.1639Ha 2.1190Ha 829sqm 1577sqm 1366sqm 1275sqm 1275sqm 1275sqm Extent (DO) 1625.0000-SQM 1625.0000-SQM 2.0387-H 1487.0000-SQM 1487.0000-SQM 1500.0000-SQM 1500.0000-SQM 1500.0000-SQM 587.0000-SQM 600.0000-SQM 600.0000-SQM 600.0000-SQM 587.0000-SQM 1500.0000-SQM 1500.0000-SQM 1500.0000-SQM 6584.0000-SQM Market Value Remarks 276sqm 276sqm 276sqm 276sqm 285sqm 318sqm 352sqm 386sqm 817sqm 409sqm 343sqm 333sqm 311sqm 287sqm 273sqm 276sqm 335sqm 0.0000-SQM 276.0000-SQM 276.0000-SQM 276.0000-SQM 276.0000-SQM 285.0000-SQM 318.0000-SQM 352.0000-SQM 386.0000-SQM 817.0000-SQM 409.0000-SQM 343.0000-SQM 333.0000-SQM 311.0000-SQM 287.0000-SQM 273.0000-SQM 276.0000-SQM 335.0000-SQM R390,000.00 R390,000.00 R4,900,000.00 R355,000.00 R355,000.00 R360,000.00 R360,000.00 R360,000.00 R141,000.00 R144,000.00 R144,000.00 R144,000.00 R141,000.00 R360,000.00 R360,000.00 R360,000.00 R1,600,000.00 R1,700,000.00 R2,800,000.00 R125,000.00 R208,000.00 R370,000.00 R1,446,000.00 R1,538,000.00 R1,588,000.00 R1,538,000.00 R370,000.00 R690,000.00 R700,000.00 R700,000.00 R690,000.00 R691,000.00 R693,000.00 R736,000.00 R739,000.00 R1,057,000.00 R901,000.00 R686,000.00 R655,000.00 R653,000.00 R651,000.00 R650,000.00 R650,000.00 R715,000.00 1.1639-H 2.1190-H 829.0000-SQM 1577.0000-SQM VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential RES - Residential 8259 of Secunda (Portion 28) 8260 of Secunda 8260 of Secunda (Portion 1) 856sqm 980sqm 1170sqm 856.0000-SQM 980.0000-SQM 1170.0000-SQM R209,000.00 R76,000.00 R1,118,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential VAC - Vacant Land 8260 of Secunda (Portion 2) 8260 of Secunda (Portion 3) 8260 of Secunda (Portion 4) 1216sqm 1216sqm 1216sqm 1216.0000-SQM 1216.0000-SQM 1216.0000-SQM R992,000.00 R1,192,000.00 R300,000.00 RES - Residential 8260 of Secunda (Portion 5) 1216sqm 1216.0000-SQM R1,062,000.00 RES - Residential 8260 of Secunda (Portion 6) 621sqm 621.0000-SQM R900,000.00 Page 202 Registered description 8260 of Secunda (Portion 7) 8260 of Secunda (Portion 8) 8260 of Secunda (Portion 9) 8260 of Secunda (Portion 10) 8260 of Secunda (Portion 11) 8260 of Secunda (Portion 12) 8260 of Secunda (Portion 13) 8260 of Secunda (Portion 14) 8260 of Secunda (Portion 15) 8260 of Secunda (Portion 16) 8260 of Secunda (Portion 18) 8260 of Secunda (Portion 19) 8260 of Secunda (Portion 20) 8260 of Secunda (Portion 21) 8261 of Secunda 8261 of Secunda (Portion 1) 8261 of Secunda (Portion 10) 8261 of Secunda (Portion 11) 8261 of Secunda (Portion 12) 8261 of Secunda (Portion 13) 8261 of Secunda (Portion 14) 8261 of Secunda (Portion 15) 8261 of Secunda (Portion 16) 8261 of Secunda (Portion 17) 8261 of Secunda (Portion 18) 8261 of Secunda (Portion 19) 8261 of Secunda (Portion 20) 8261 of Secunda (Portion 21) 8261 of Secunda (Portion 22) 8261 of Secunda (Portion 23) 8261 of Secunda (Portion 24) 8261 of Secunda (Portion 25) 8261 of Secunda (Portion 26) 8261 of Secunda (Portion 27) 8261 of Secunda (Portion 28) 8261 of Secunda (Portion 29) 8261 of Secunda (Portion 30) 8262 of Secunda 8262 of Secunda (Portion 4) 8262 of Secunda (Portion 5) 8262 of Secunda (Portion 6) Names of Owner(s) Daniel Nhlanhla Mavuso Duduzile Mable Zulu Robin Graham Ash Lumina Flooring Cc Makoma Maureen Mboshane Rudolph Musa Mboshane Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Mampule Kotsokoane Thipapedi Moses Kotsokoane Lumina Flooring Cc Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Joaquim Orlando Couto De Oliveira Idah Thabisile Gwebu Robert Moffat Gwebu Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Paseka Pasca Salewe Thandiwe Jane Salewe Werner Gaarkeuken Rumar Trust Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Amelia Le Roux Daniel Hendrik Le Roux Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Dirk Joseph Oscar Devis Irene Fikile Manhique Jaime Facitela Manhique Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Cornelia Munro Rodney Edward Munro Helmut Karl Leskau Helmut Karl Leskau Janet Badenhorst Lorraine Gwendoline Greyling Pieter Greyling Rykie Hester Steenkamp Dorothy Helen Webb Lucas Johannes Webb Eagle Valley Prop 159 Cc Vjekoslav Milanovic- Trapo Jaco Du Plooy Emma Wendy Koch Cornelia Heystek Neville Bester Neville Bester Karin Schmidt Jacobus Hendrik Greyling Magdalena Albertha Greyling Magrietha Aletta Steyn Cornelia Munro Tanya Nieman Annemarie Kruppa Bernhard Stephan Kruppa Leonie Van Den Heever Danie Jakobus Viljoen Maria Elizabeth Johanna Viljoen Stand 8261-9 Secunda Ext 22 Home Owners Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Bell & Buys Prop Cc Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Andries Petrus De Jager Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential 8260 of Secunda (Portion 8) 8260 of Secunda (Portion 9) 8260 of Secunda (Portion 10) 1283sqm 1357sqm 1295sqm 1283.0000-SQM 1357.0000-SQM 1295.0000-SQM R1,028,000.00 R330,000.00 R816,000.00 RES - Residential 8260 of Secunda (Portion 11) 583sqm 583.0000-SQM R1,117,000.00 VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land 8260 of Secunda (Portion 12) 8260 of Secunda (Portion 13) 8260 of Secunda (Portion 14) 8260 of Secunda (Portion 15) 1305sqm 1305sqm 645sqm 1305sqm 1305.0000-SQM 1305.0000-SQM 645.0000-SQM 1305.0000-SQM R325,000.00 R1,010,000.00 R158,000.00 R325,000.00 RES - Residential 8260 of Secunda (Portion 16) 1389sqm 1389.0000-SQM R1,058,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential UDT - Unregistered RES - Residential 8260 of Secunda (Portion 18) 8260 of Secunda (Portion 19) 8260 of Secunda (Portion 20) 8260 of Secunda (Portion 21) 712sqm 660sqm 608sqm 604sqm 712.0000-SQM 660.0000-SQM 604.0000-SQM R650,000.00 R794,000.00 R769,000.00 R859,000.00 VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential RES - Residential 8261 of Secunda 8261 of Secunda (Portion 1) 8261 of Secunda (Portion 10) 1242sqm 1356sqm 0.00001242.0000-SQM 1356.0000-SQM R350,000.00 R1,045,000.00 R1,345,000.00 RES - Residential 8261 of Secunda (Portion 11) 0.0000-SQM R430,000.00 RES - Residential 8261 of Secunda (Portion 12) 522sqm 522.0000-SQM R841,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 8261 of Secunda (Portion 13) 8261 of Secunda (Portion 14) 428sqm 430sqm 428.0000-SQM 430.0000-SQM R743,000.00 R763,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 8261 of Secunda (Portion 15) 8261 of Secunda (Portion 16) 458sqm 458sqm 458.0000-SQM 458.0000-SQM R736,000.00 R756,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 8261 of Secunda (Portion 17) 8261 of Secunda (Portion 18) 8261 of Secunda (Portion 19) 8261 of Secunda (Portion 20) 8261 of Secunda (Portion 21) 8261 of Secunda (Portion 22) 458sqm 450sqm 394sqm 517sqm 536sqm 417sqm 458.0000-SQM 450.0000-SQM 394.0000-SQM 517.0000-SQM 536.0000-SQM 417.0000-SQM R686,000.00 R685,000.00 R730,000.00 R781,000.00 R781,000.00 R702,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 8261 of Secunda (Portion 23) 8261 of Secunda (Portion 24) 469sqm 464sqm 469.0000-SQM 464.0000-SQM R656,000.00 R706,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 8261 of Secunda (Portion 25) 8261 of Secunda (Portion 26) 464sqm 478sqm 464.0000-SQM 478.0000-SQM R766,000.00 R708,000.00 RES - Residential 8261 of Secunda (Portion 27) 449sqm 449.0000-SQM R705,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 8261 of Secunda (Portion 28) 8261 of Secunda (Portion 29) 429sqm 563sqm 429.0000-SQM 563.0000-SQM R703,000.00 R775,000.00 MUN - Municipal VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 8261 of Secunda (Portion 30) 8262 of Secunda 8262 of Secunda (Portion 4) 8262 of Secunda (Portion 5) 8262 of Secunda (Portion 6) 1419sqm 1419.0000-SQM 0.0000-SQM 553.0000-SQM 1106.0000-SQM 1176.0000-SQM R1,000.00 R90,000.00 R750,000.00 R1,093,000.00 R1,099,000.00 RES - Residential 8260 of Secunda (Portion 7) Page 203 1225sqm 553sqm 1106sqm 1176sqm 1225.0000-SQM R1,023,000.00 Registered description 8262 of Secunda (Portion 7) 8262 of Secunda (Portion 8) 8262 of Secunda (Portion 14) 8262 of Secunda (Portion 15) 8262 of Secunda (Portion 16) 8262 of Secunda (Portion 17) 8262 of Secunda (Portion 18) 8262 of Secunda (Portion 19) 8262 of Secunda (Portion 20) 8262 of Secunda (Portion 21) 8262 of Secunda (Portion 22) 8262 of Secunda (Portion 23) 8262 of Secunda (Portion 24) 8262 of Secunda (Portion 25) 8262 of Secunda (Portion 26) 8262 of Secunda (Portion 27) 8262 of Secunda (Portion 28) 8262 of Secunda (Portion 29) 8262 of Secunda (Portion 30) 8263 of Secunda 8263 of Secunda (Portion 1) 8263 of Secunda (Portion 2) 8263 of Secunda (Portion 3) 8263 of Secunda (Portion 4) 8263 of Secunda (Portion 5) 8263 of Secunda (Portion 6) 8263 of Secunda (Portion 7) 8264 of Secunda 8264 of Secunda (Portion 1) 8264 of Secunda (Portion 2) 8264 of Secunda (Portion 3) 8264 of Secunda (Portion 4) 8264 of Secunda (Portion 5) 8264 of Secunda (Portion 6) 8264 of Secunda (Portion 7) 8264 of Secunda (Portion 8) 8264 of Secunda (Portion 9) 8264 of Secunda (Portion 10) 8264 of Secunda (Portion 11) 8264 of Secunda (Portion 12) 8264 of Secunda (Portion 13) Names of Owner(s) Rensburg Gert Jacobus Jansen Van Rensburg Wendy Elizabeth Dean Jansen Van Prop Pty Ltd Sasol J Konstruksie Pty Ltd P K Lodewikus Johannes Louw Olaf Carl Muller Benjamin Bann Willem Lodewyk Pretorius Gerdina Mariete Fourie Theunis Theodorus Fourie Wayne Bann Albertus Johannes Jakobus Bezuidenhout Rynette Bezuidenhout Sugandree Govender Yulbrenner Letsolwana Mokoena Mmatjie Emmission Ntsoane Nicolien Susanna Brecher Eileen May Bezuidenhout Petrus Daniel Marcus Bezuidenhout Ockert Johannes Els Gerhardt Streicher Rakshita Mohabir Shanil Mohabir Avica Dayanand Shoban Maken Jacobus Louw J Konstruksie Pty Ltd P K Jacobus Andries Kruger Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Maria Sophia Snyman Phillipus Jacobus Snyman Guyot Urban Mokone Makhetsi Anacletta Mokone Audrey Pamela Mthembu Mzikayise Mthembu Abram Mathopa Moto Mable Thembisile Moto Claudio Di Loreto Claudio Di Loreto Maria Christina Louisa Botha Stephanus Otto Botha Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Claudio Di Loreto Hiz Dev Cc Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Benett Ncovu Mpondo Petrus Jacobus Pretorius Pieter Adriaan Boshoff Yolandi Boshoff Treven Naidoo Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Mnziwakhe Michael Sibeko Wyk Christo Van der Walt Andre Van Seloshini Govender Susilen Sundra Govender Thembela Khwezi Glenrose Malatji Tshekane Phillip Malatji Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Frederik Lodewyk Enslin Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential 8262 of Secunda (Portion 8) 8262 of Secunda (Portion 14) 8262 of Secunda (Portion 15) 950sqm 536sqm 950.0000-SQM 0.0000-SQM 536.0000-SQM R919,000.00 R205,000.00 R550,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 8262 of Secunda (Portion 16) 8262 of Secunda (Portion 17) 8262 of Secunda (Portion 18) 435sqm 458sqm 460sqm 435.0000-SQM 458.0000-SQM 460.0000-SQM R450,000.00 R475,000.00 R490,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 8262 of Secunda (Portion 19) 8262 of Secunda (Portion 20) 462sqm 570sqm 462.0000-SQM 570.0000-SQM R480,000.00 R625,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 8262 of Secunda (Portion 21) 8262 of Secunda (Portion 22) 552sqm 443sqm 552.0000-SQM 443.0000-SQM R550,000.00 R550,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 8262 of Secunda (Portion 23) 8262 of Secunda (Portion 24) 443sqm 443sqm 443.0000-SQM 443.0000-SQM R550,000.00 R550,000.00 RES - Residential 8262 of Secunda (Portion 25) 419sqm 419.0000-SQM R550,000.00 RES - Residential 8262 of Secunda (Portion 26) 450sqm 450.0000-SQM R590,000.00 RES - Residential 8262 of Secunda (Portion 27) 473sqm 473.0000-SQM R585,000.00 RES - Residential MUN - Municipal RES - Residential VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential 8262 of Secunda (Portion 28) 8262 of Secunda (Portion 29) 8262 of Secunda (Portion 30) 8263 of Secunda 8263 of Secunda (Portion 1) 651sqm 974sqm 561sqm 935sqm 651.0000-SQM 974.0000-SQM 561.0000-SQM 0.0000-SQM 935.0000-SQM R575,000.00 R1,000.00 R885,000.00 R1,000.00 R1,158,000.00 RES - Residential 8263 of Secunda (Portion 2) 908sqm 908.0000-SQM R848,000.00 RES - Residential 8263 of Secunda (Portion 3) 902sqm 902.0000-SQM R848,000.00 RES - Residential 8263 of Secunda (Portion 4) 889sqm 889.0000-SQM R847,000.00 VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential 8263 of Secunda (Portion 5) 8263 of Secunda (Portion 6) 8263 of Secunda (Portion 7) 860sqm 850sqm 420sqm 860.0000-SQM 850.0000-SQM 420.0000-SQM R215,000.00 R213,000.00 R700,000.00 VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 8264 of Secunda 8264 of Secunda (Portion 1) 8264 of Secunda (Portion 2) 8264 of Secunda (Portion 3) 8264 of Secunda (Portion 4) 8264 of Secunda (Portion 5) 8264 of Secunda (Portion 6) 840sqm 850sqm 583sqm 445sqm 814sqm 919sqm 841sqm 840.0000-SQM 850.0000-SQM 583.0000-SQM 445.0000-SQM 814.0000-SQM 919.0000-SQM 841.0000-SQM R89,000.00 R800,000.00 R777,000.00 R845,000.00 R877,000.00 R886,000.00 R879,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 8264 of Secunda (Portion 7) 8264 of Secunda (Portion 8) 840sqm 840sqm 840.0000-SQM 840.0000-SQM R879,000.00 R879,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 8264 of Secunda (Portion 9) 8264 of Secunda (Portion 10) 8264 of Secunda (Portion 11) 840sqm 840sqm 840sqm 840.0000-SQM 840.0000-SQM 840.0000-SQM R879,000.00 R879,000.00 R879,000.00 RES - Residential 8264 of Secunda (Portion 12) 840sqm 840.0000-SQM R879,000.00 RES - Residential 8264 of Secunda (Portion 13) 840sqm 840.0000-SQM R859,000.00 RES - Residential 8262 of Secunda (Portion 7) Page 204 1133sqm 1133.0000-SQM R1,145,000.00 Registered description 8264 of Secunda (Portion 14) 8264 of Secunda (Portion 15) 8265 of Secunda 8265 of Secunda (Portion 1) 8265 of Secunda (Portion 2) 8265 of Secunda (Portion 3) 8265 of Secunda (Portion 4) 8265 of Secunda (Portion 5) 8266 of Secunda 8266 of Secunda (Portion 1) 8266 of Secunda (Portion 2) 8266 of Secunda (Portion 3) 8266 of Secunda (Portion 4) 8266 of Secunda (Portion 5) 8266 of Secunda (Portion 6) 8266 of Secunda (Portion 7) 8266 of Secunda (Portion 8) 8266 of Secunda (Portion 9) 8266 of Secunda (Portion 10) 8266 of Secunda (Portion 11) 8266 of Secunda (Portion 12) 8266 of Secunda (Portion 13) 8266 of Secunda (Portion 14) 8267 of Secunda 8267 of Secunda (Portion 1) 8267 of Secunda (Portion 2) 8267 of Secunda (Portion 3) 8267 of Secunda (Portion 4) 8267 of Secunda (Portion 5) 8267 of Secunda (Portion 6) 8267 of Secunda (Portion 7) 8267 of Secunda (Portion 11) 8267 of Secunda (Portion 12) 8267 of Secunda (Portion 13) 8267 of Secunda (Portion 14) 8267 of Secunda (Portion 15) 8267 of Secunda (Portion 16) 8267 of Secunda (Portion 17) 8267 of Secunda (Portion 18) Names of Owner(s) Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Hendrikus Hermanus Seevinck Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Johanna Jacoba Aletta Du Bruyn Phillippus Cornelius Du Bruyn Vishendra Poobalan Naidoo Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Dibenyane Samuel Mofoka Voictoroa Dimpho Mofoka Charles Herbert Camm Hester Petronella Camm Jan Daniel Andries Greeff Maria Petronella Greeff Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Mboyinyane John Dibakwane Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Craig Lawrence Erasmus Jolandie Erasmus Carl Richard Dugdale Maria Helena Dugdale Janet Neethling Adrianus Wilhelmus Cornelis Schuurman Maryka Schuurman Raksha Thilajit- Ebrahim Helena Teresa Parteka Jakub Hubert Parteka Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Christiena Johanna Steynberg Jaun-Marie Steynberg Madiagomang Keolebogile Mokolopo Mokgadi Rachel Mabetlela Ronald Sepete Mabetlela Bongani Hezekia Ndlangamandla Ilse Wels Jan Greeff Wels Kock Familie Trust Laetitia Swiegers Pieter Coenraad Frederick Swiegers Prop Pty Ltd Sasol der Merwe Dirk Jacobus Van der Merwe Lynette Van Dayanandan Naidoo Janitha Mahadeo Naidoo Sagrie Pillay Sundres Pillay Chuene Adam Selepe Coenraad Bosman Underhay Barend Johannes Marthinus Viljoen Henriette Macrae Roderick Sean Macrae Ashleigh Robyn Enever Llewelyn Enever Thko Eiendomme Cc Esther Constance Mclachlan Kenneth Mclachlan Gershom Stanley De Kock Thishen Govender Melinda Wilhelmina Swanepoel Suntho Shin Pillay Gideon Adendorff Category VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential Address 8264 of Secunda (Portion 14) 8264 of Secunda (Portion 15) 8265 of Secunda 8265 of Secunda (Portion 1) Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks 903sqm 381.0000-SQM 313.0000-SQM 0.0000-SQM 903.0000-SQM 381sqm 313sqm R93,000.00 R833,000.00 R1,000.00 R1,128,000.00 VAC - Vacant Land 8265 of Secunda (Portion 2) 1150sqm 1150.0000-SQM R285,000.00 RES - Residential 8265 of Secunda (Portion 3) 887sqm 887.0000-SQM R1,103,000.00 RES - Residential 8265 of Secunda (Portion 4) 903sqm 903.0000-SQM R935,000.00 RES - Residential 8265 of Secunda (Portion 5) 832sqm 832.0000-SQM R1,059,000.00 VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential 8266 of Secunda 8266 of Secunda (Portion 1) 887sqm 0.0000-SQM 887.0000-SQM R1,000.00 R843,000.00 RES - Residential 8266 of Secunda (Portion 2) 775sqm 775.0000-SQM R794,000.00 RES - Residential 8266 of Secunda (Portion 3) 775sqm 775.0000-SQM R854,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 8266 of Secunda (Portion 4) 8266 of Secunda (Portion 5) 439sqm 775sqm 439.0000-SQM 775.0000-SQM R944,000.00 R854,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 8266 of Secunda (Portion 6) 8266 of Secunda (Portion 7) 775sqm 850sqm 775.0000-SQM 850.0000-SQM R894,000.00 R910,000.00 RES - Residential 8266 of Secunda (Portion 8) 850sqm 850.0000-SQM R1,000,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 8266 of Secunda (Portion 9) 8266 of Secunda (Portion 10) 850sqm 850sqm 850.0000-SQM 850.0000-SQM R1,040,000.00 R910,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 8266 of Secunda (Portion 11) 8266 of Secunda (Portion 12) 850sqm 974sqm 850.0000-SQM 974.0000-SQM R1,140,000.00 R951,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 8266 of Secunda (Portion 13) 8266 of Secunda (Portion 14) 336sqm 378sqm 336.0000-SQM 378.0000-SQM R700,000.00 R700,000.00 VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential 8267 of Secunda 8267 of Secunda (Portion 1) 826sqm 0.0000-SQM 826.0000-SQM R1,000.00 R778,000.00 RES - Residential 8267 of Secunda (Portion 2) 876sqm 876.0000-SQM R1,043,000.00 RES - Residential 8267 of Secunda (Portion 3) 836sqm 836.0000-SQM R1,059,000.00 VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 8267 of Secunda (Portion 4) 8267 of Secunda (Portion 5) 8267 of Secunda (Portion 6) 8267 of Secunda (Portion 7) 836sqm 433sqm 973sqm 889sqm 836.0000-SQM 433.0000-SQM 973.0000-SQM 889.0000-SQM R250,000.00 R904,000.00 R871,000.00 R724,000.00 RES - Residential 8267 of Secunda (Portion 11) 910sqm 910.0000-SQM R825,000.00 VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential 8267 of Secunda (Portion 12) 8267 of Secunda (Portion 13) 227sqm 0.0000-SQM 227.0000-SQM R185,000.00 R685,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 8267 of Secunda (Portion 14) 8267 of Secunda (Portion 15) 8267 of Secunda (Portion 16) 8267 of Secunda (Portion 17) 8267 of Secunda (Portion 18) 177sqm 177sqm 177sqm 177sqm 220sqm 177.0000-SQM 177.0000-SQM 177.0000-SQM 177.0000-SQM 220.0000-SQM R681,000.00 R681,000.00 R681,000.00 R681,000.00 R685,000.00 Page 205 Registered description 8267 of Secunda (Portion 19) 8267 of Secunda (Portion 20) 8267 of Secunda (Portion 21) 8267 of Secunda (Portion 22) 8267 of Secunda (Portion 23) 8267 of Secunda (Portion 24) 8267 of Secunda (Portion 26) 8267 of Secunda (Portion 27) 8267 of Secunda (Portion 30) 8268 of Secunda 8268 of Secunda (Portion 1) 8268 of Secunda (Portion 2) 8268 of Secunda (Portion 3) 8268 of Secunda (Portion 4) 8268 of Secunda (Portion 5) 8268 of Secunda (Portion 6) 8268 of Secunda (Portion 7) 8268 of Secunda (Portion 8) 8268 of Secunda (Portion 9) 8268 of Secunda (Portion 10) 8268 of Secunda (Portion 11) 8268 of Secunda (Portion 12) 8269 of Secunda 8269 of Secunda (Portion 1) 8269 of Secunda (Portion 2) 8269 of Secunda (Portion 3) 8269 of Secunda (Portion 4) 8269 of Secunda (Portion 5) 8269 of Secunda (Portion 6) 8269 of Secunda (Portion 7) 8269 of Secunda (Portion 8) 8269 of Secunda (Portion 9) 8269 of Secunda (Portion 10) 8269 of Secunda (Portion 11) 8269 of Secunda (Portion 12) 8269 of Secunda (Portion 13) 8269 of Secunda (Portion 14) 8270 of Secunda 8270 of Secunda (Portion 1) 8270 of Secunda (Portion 2) 8270 of Secunda (Portion 3) 8270 of Secunda (Portion 4) Names of Owner(s) David Gideon Conradie David Gideon Conradie Anell Nieuwoudt Christian Johan Goosen Sharron Shirley Goosen Esther Constance Mclachlan Kenneth Mclachlan John William Horn Barend Daniel Oosthuizen Simon Francois Visser Thko Eiendomme Cc Cheryl Arkcoll Nicholas Alexander Bell Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Johannes Lodewicus Borstlap T A W Trust Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Aphane Kgomotso Andries Johannes Britz Magdalena Catharina Petronella Mynhardt Jehan Kalam Sulaiman Kalam Cornelius Petrus Martinus De Jonge Petrus Marius Coertzen Wilhelmina Sophia Coertzen Francois Barend Kleynhans Hendrina Gilda Malindisa Jabulani Titus Malindisa Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Mapitso Euphine Laxa Mzimkhulu Rightwell Laxa Jacqueline Buckle Coenraad Jacobus Stokes Maneo Agnes Rakoti Tebogo Elias Rakoti Dinker Manu Rama Jayshree Rama Amanda Terblanche Jennifer Pillay Melvin Pillay Transvaal Dorpsgebiede Pty Ltd Sasol Christa Steyn Michael Frederik Steyn Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential 8267 of Secunda (Portion 20) 8267 of Secunda (Portion 21) 190sqm 216sqm 190.0000-SQM 216.0000-SQM R682,000.00 R685,000.00 RES - Residential 8267 of Secunda (Portion 22) 161sqm 161.0000-SQM R680,000.00 RES - Residential 8267 of Secunda (Portion 23) 186sqm 186.0000-SQM R682,000.00 VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential 8267 of Secunda (Portion 24) 8267 of Secunda (Portion 26) 506sqm 466sqm 506.0000-SQM 466.0000-SQM R153,000.00 R650,000.00 UDT - Unregistered RES - Residential RES - Residential UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential RES - Residential 8267 of Secunda (Portion 27) 8267 of Secunda (Portion 30) 8268 of Secunda 8268 of Secunda (Portion 1) 8268 of Secunda (Portion 2) 8268 of Secunda (Portion 3) 8268 of Secunda (Portion 4) 8268 of Secunda (Portion 5) 8268 of Secunda (Portion 6) 8268 of Secunda (Portion 7) 8268 of Secunda (Portion 8) 8268 of Secunda (Portion 9) 8268 of Secunda (Portion 10) 8268 of Secunda (Portion 11) 8268 of Secunda (Portion 12) 8269 of Secunda 8269 of Secunda (Portion 1) 8269 of Secunda (Portion 2) 387sqm 496sqm 1.0495Ha 1064sqm 773sqm 785sqm 780sqm 832sqm 820sqm 780sqm 829sqm 1119sqm 948sqm 827sqm 937sqm 977sqm 917sqm 0.0000-SQM 977.0000-SQM 917.0000-SQM R740,000.00 R829,000.00 R16,000,000.00 R729,000.00 R703,000.00 R705,000.00 R704,000.00 R709,000.00 R708,000.00 R704,000.00 R708,000.00 R734,000.00 R719,000.00 R708,000.00 R718,000.00 R1,000.00 R1,311,000.00 R966,000.00 RES - Residential 8269 of Secunda (Portion 3) 926sqm 926.0000-SQM R837,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 8269 of Secunda (Portion 4) 8269 of Secunda (Portion 5) 952sqm 952sqm 952.0000-SQM 952.0000-SQM R1,019,000.00 R959,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 8269 of Secunda (Portion 6) 8269 of Secunda (Portion 7) 511sqm 1068sqm 511.0000-SQM 1068.0000-SQM R1,120,000.00 R1,219,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 8269 of Secunda (Portion 8) 8269 of Secunda (Portion 9) 1008sqm 1008sqm 1008.0000-SQM 1008.0000-SQM R974,000.00 R915,000.00 RES - Residential 8269 of Secunda (Portion 10) 1034sqm 1034.0000-SQM R996,000.00 RES - Residential 8269 of Secunda (Portion 11) 1043sqm 1043.0000-SQM R857,000.00 RES - Residential 8269 of Secunda (Portion 12) 1081sqm 1081.0000-SQM R1,041,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 8269 of Secunda (Portion 13) 8269 of Secunda (Portion 14) 497sqm 491sqm 497.0000-SQM 491.0000-SQM R800,000.00 R720,000.00 VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential 8270 of Secunda 8270 of Secunda (Portion 1) 876sqm 0.0000-SQM 876.0000-SQM R1,000.00 R946,000.00 UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered 8270 of Secunda (Portion 2) 8270 of Secunda (Portion 3) 8270 of Secunda (Portion 4) 851sqm 971sqm 867sqm RES - Residential 8267 of Secunda (Portion 19) Page 206 234sqm 234.0000-SQM 496.0000-SQM 1.0495-H R686,000.00 R1,010,000.00 R1,011,000.00 R1,112,000.00 Registered description 8270 of Secunda (Portion 5) 8271 of Secunda 8271 of Secunda (Portion 1) 8271 of Secunda (Portion 2) 8271 of Secunda (Portion 3) 8271 of Secunda (Portion 4) 8271 of Secunda (Portion 5) 8271 of Secunda (Portion 6) 8272 of Secunda 8272 of Secunda (Portion 1) 8272 of Secunda (Portion 2) 8272 of Secunda (Portion 3) 8272 of Secunda (Portion 4) 8272 of Secunda (Portion 5) 8272 of Secunda (Portion 6) 8273 of Secunda 8273 of Secunda (Portion 1) 8273 of Secunda (Portion 2) 8273 of Secunda (Portion 3) 8273 of Secunda (Portion 4) 8273 of Secunda (Portion 5) 8273 of Secunda (Portion 6) 8273 of Secunda (Portion 7) 8273 of Secunda (Portion 8) 8274 of Secunda 8274 of Secunda (Portion 1) 8274 of Secunda (Portion 2) 8274 of Secunda (Portion 3) 8274 of Secunda (Portion 4) 8274 of Secunda (Portion 5) 8274 of Secunda (Portion 6) 8274 of Secunda (Portion 7) 8275 of Secunda 8275 of Secunda (Portion 1) 8275 of Secunda (Portion 2) 8275 of Secunda (Portion 3) 8275 of Secunda (Portion 4) 8276 of Secunda 8276 of Secunda (Portion 1) 8276 of Secunda (Portion 2) Names of Owner(s) Johan Engelbrecht Rosa-Marie Engelbrecht Transvaal Dorpsgebiede Pty Ltd Sasol Geoffrey Bartholomew Shepard Andries Lukas Van Den Heever Bowstein Cc Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Nightwish Trust Abegail Ntombenhle Thango Henry Simo Thango Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Neil Joubert Johann Coetzer Talita Coetzer Jan Johannes Kruger William Jacobus Bouwer Louise Magdalena Marx Bongani Stephen Ndaba Busisiwe Lettie Ndaba Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Petrus Johannes Turner Wanda Turner Marietha Brewis Gorden Ignaces Walters- Gerout Erica Jane Seager Malcolm Seager Aquarella Inv 13 Cc Catharina Maria Franscina Cesilia Brink Daniel Brink Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Paulina Hendrika Erika Locke Willem Johannes Locke Michelle May Keogh Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Jan Daniel Andries Greeff Janneke Greeff Annemarie De Villiers Jean Pierre De Villiers David Vuisile Lolwane Sibongile Giveness Lolwane Hemant Madanjith Abraham Petrus Marais Claassen Liana Christina Claassen Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Mdikoni John Shabangu Mandla Mamba Aquarella Inv 13 Cc Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Canboy Buti Mashele Thandi Gladys Mashele Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Willem Stephanus Cornelius Tomes Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 8271 of Secunda 8271 of Secunda (Portion 1) 8271 of Secunda (Portion 2) 8271 of Secunda (Portion 3) 980sqm 871sqm 629sqm 793sqm 980.0000-SQM 871.0000-SQM 629.0000-SQM 793.0000-SQM R812,000.00 R942,000.00 R1,051,000.00 R905,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 8271 of Secunda (Portion 4) 8271 of Secunda (Portion 5) 796sqm 351sqm 796.0000-SQM 351.0000-SQM R1,800,000.00 R795,000.00 UDT - Unregistered VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 8271 of Secunda (Portion 6) 8272 of Secunda 8272 of Secunda (Portion 1) 8272 of Secunda (Portion 2) 8272 of Secunda (Portion 3) 368sqm 901sqm 852sqm 811sqm 829sqm 901.0000-SQM 852.0000-SQM 811.0000-SQM 829.0000-SQM R778,000.00 R95,000.00 R820,000.00 R867,000.00 R1,008,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 8272 of Secunda (Portion 4) 8272 of Secunda (Portion 5) 828sqm 914sqm 828.0000-SQM 914.0000-SQM R1,198,000.00 R796,000.00 RES - Residential 8272 of Secunda (Portion 6) 964sqm 964.0000-SQM R1,260,000.00 VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential 8273 of Secunda 8273 of Secunda (Portion 1) 1173sqm 0.0000-SQM 1173.0000-SQM R1,000.00 R989,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 8273 of Secunda (Portion 2) 8273 of Secunda (Portion 3) 8273 of Secunda (Portion 4) 990sqm 824sqm 809sqm 990.0000-SQM 824.0000-SQM 809.0000-SQM R973,000.00 R958,000.00 R957,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 8273 of Secunda (Portion 5) 8273 of Secunda (Portion 6) 809sqm 970sqm 809.0000-SQM 970.0000-SQM R957,000.00 R971,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential 8273 of Secunda (Portion 7) 8273 of Secunda (Portion 8) 8274 of Secunda 8274 of Secunda (Portion 1) 973sqm 1026sqm 1061sqm 973.0000-SQM 1026.0000-SQM 0.0000-SQM 1061.0000-SQM R971,000.00 R976,000.00 R1,000.00 R799,000.00 RES - Residential 8274 of Secunda (Portion 2) 996sqm 996.0000-SQM R793,000.00 RES - Residential 8274 of Secunda (Portion 3) 456sqm 456.0000-SQM R746,000.00 RES - Residential 8274 of Secunda (Portion 4) 913sqm 913.0000-SQM R786,000.00 RES - Residential 8274 of Secunda (Portion 5) 930sqm 930.0000-SQM R787,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 8274 of Secunda (Portion 6) 8274 of Secunda (Portion 7) 1347sqm 480sqm 1347.0000-SQM 480.0000-SQM R824,000.00 R698,000.00 VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 8275 of Secunda 8275 of Secunda (Portion 1) 8275 of Secunda (Portion 2) 8275 of Secunda (Portion 3) 8275 of Secunda (Portion 4) 814sqm 888sqm 888sqm 899sqm 0.0000-SQM 814.0000-SQM 888.0000-SQM 888.0000-SQM 899.0000-SQM R1,000.00 R827,000.00 R834,000.00 R834,000.00 R835,000.00 VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential 8276 of Secunda 8276 of Secunda (Portion 1) 968sqm 0.0000-SQM 968.0000-SQM R1,000.00 R951,000.00 RES - Residential 8276 of Secunda (Portion 2) 941sqm 941.0000-SQM R988,000.00 RES - Residential 8270 of Secunda (Portion 5) Page 207 1118sqm 1118.0000-SQM R1,134,000.00 Registered description 8276 of Secunda (Portion 3) 8276 of Secunda (Portion 4) 8276 of Secunda (Portion 5) 8276 of Secunda (Portion 6) 8276 of Secunda (Portion 7) 8276 of Secunda (Portion 8) 8276 of Secunda (Portion 9) 8276 of Secunda (Portion 12) 8277 of Secunda 8277 of Secunda (Portion 1) 8277 of Secunda (Portion 2) 8277 of Secunda (Portion 3) 8277 of Secunda (Portion 4) 8277 of Secunda (Portion 5) 8277 of Secunda (Portion 6) 8277 of Secunda (Portion 7) 8277 of Secunda (Portion 8) 8277 of Secunda (Portion 9) 8277 of Secunda (Portion 10) 8277 of Secunda (Portion 11) 8277 of Secunda (Portion 12) 8277 of Secunda (Portion 13) 8278 of Secunda 8278 of Secunda (Portion 2) 8278 of Secunda (Portion 3) 8278 of Secunda (Portion 4) 8278 of Secunda (Portion 5) 8278 of Secunda (Portion 6) 8278 of Secunda (Portion 7) 8278 of Secunda (Portion 8) 8278 of Secunda (Portion 9) 8278 of Secunda (Portion 14) 8279 of Secunda 8279 of Secunda (Portion 1) 8279 of Secunda (Portion 2) 8279 of Secunda (Portion 3) 8279 of Secunda (Portion 4) 8279 of Secunda (Portion 5) 8279 of Secunda (Portion 6) 8279 of Secunda (Portion 7) 8279 of Secunda (Portion 8) 8280 of Secunda 8280 of Secunda (Portion 1) 8280 of Secunda (Portion 2) Names of Owner(s) Hendrik Gerhardus Johannes Furstenburg Nadine Furstenburg Kevin Mark Robinson der Merwe Abraham Christoffel Van der Merwe Aletta Jacoba Van Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Cornelia Wijtman Huig Wijtman Themba Doctor Sibanyoni Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Aletta Jacoba Robinson Wynand Lodewukus Robert Robinson Harry John Calder Mona Calder Chantall Opperman Erenst Opperman Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Shaldon Cedric Naicker Jabulile Julie Choma Morgan Mabjana Choma Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Petrus Jacobus Hugo Bakhombisile Nesta Christina Thwala Vusimuzi John Thwala Martins Njamu Jeffrey Sikosana Johannes Jakobus Potgieter De La Rey Fourie Paulus Du Plessis Elmarie Mechelle Du Plessis Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Zakhele Grifton Vilakazi Johannes Hendrik Smith Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Aquarella Inv 32 Pty Ltd Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Sithembiso Gloria Precious Mhlanga Tumelo Thabang Molefe Maritza Mulke Christelle Ackermann Marthinus Jacobus Ackermann Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Sayitsheni Petrus Mabena Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Beauty Mahlangu Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Jabulani Elvis Ngele Joana Lina Ngele Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential VAC - Vacant Land 8276 of Secunda (Portion 4) 8276 of Secunda (Portion 5) 870sqm 852sqm 870.0000-SQM 852.0000-SQM R902,000.00 R208,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 8276 of Secunda (Portion 6) 8276 of Secunda (Portion 7) 8276 of Secunda (Portion 8) 8276 of Secunda (Portion 9) 850sqm 850sqm 867sqm 901sqm 850.0000-SQM 850.0000-SQM 867.0000-SQM 901.0000-SQM R830,000.00 R800,000.00 R832,000.00 R835,000.00 RES - Residential VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land 8276 of Secunda (Portion 12) 8277 of Secunda 8277 of Secunda (Portion 1) 1777sqm 1011sqm 1777.0000-SQM 0.0000-SQM 1011.0000-SQM R400,000.00 R1,000.00 R247,000.00 RES - Residential 8277 of Secunda (Portion 2) 944sqm 944.0000-SQM R898,000.00 RES - Residential 8277 of Secunda (Portion 3) 918sqm 918.0000-SQM R896,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 8277 of Secunda (Portion 4) 8277 of Secunda (Portion 5) 8277 of Secunda (Portion 6) 894sqm 884sqm 494sqm 894.0000-SQM 884.0000-SQM 494.0000-SQM R857,000.00 R726,000.00 R768,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 8277 of Secunda (Portion 7) 8277 of Secunda (Portion 8) 1022sqm 882sqm 1022.0000-SQM 882.0000-SQM R905,000.00 R903,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential RES - Residential 8277 of Secunda (Portion 9) 8277 of Secunda (Portion 10) 8277 of Secunda (Portion 11) 884sqm 918sqm 893sqm 884.0000-SQM 918.0000-SQM 893.0000-SQM R823,000.00 R896,000.00 R894,000.00 RES - Residential 8277 of Secunda (Portion 12) 919sqm 919.0000-SQM R896,000.00 RES - Residential VAC - Vacant Land UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered UDT - Unregistered VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential 8277 of Secunda (Portion 13) 8278 of Secunda 8278 of Secunda (Portion 2) 8278 of Secunda (Portion 3) 8278 of Secunda (Portion 4) 8278 of Secunda (Portion 5) 8278 of Secunda (Portion 6) 8278 of Secunda (Portion 7) 8278 of Secunda (Portion 8) 8278 of Secunda (Portion 9) 8278 of Secunda (Portion 14) 8279 of Secunda 8279 of Secunda (Portion 1) 353sqm 353.0000-SQM 0.0000-SQM 965sqm 3221.0000-SQM 0.0000-SQM 965.0000-SQM R847,000.00 R1,000.00 R879,000.00 R874,000.00 R877,000.00 R839,000.00 R874,000.00 R844,000.00 R985,000.00 R890,000.00 R790,000.00 R1,000.00 R940,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 8279 of Secunda (Portion 2) 8279 of Secunda (Portion 3) 864sqm 864sqm 864.0000-SQM 864.0000-SQM R945,000.00 R911,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 8279 of Secunda (Portion 4) 8279 of Secunda (Portion 5) 864sqm 877sqm 864.0000-SQM 877.0000-SQM R821,000.00 R993,000.00 VAC - Vacant Land VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential MUN - Municipal RES - Residential 8279 of Secunda (Portion 6) 8279 of Secunda (Portion 7) 8279 of Secunda (Portion 8) 8280 of Secunda 8280 of Secunda (Portion 1) 936sqm 1061sqm 1997sqm 1060sqm 936.0000-SQM 1061.0000-SQM 1997.0000-SQM 0.0000-SQM 1060.0000-SQM R98,500.00 R111,000.00 R1,250,000.00 R1,000.00 R839,000.00 RES - Residential 8280 of Secunda (Portion 2) 1046sqm 1046.0000-SQM R738,000.00 RES - Residential 8276 of Secunda (Portion 3) Page 208 891sqm 837sqm 782sqm 816sqm 782sqm 782sqm 850sqm 1136sqm 964sqm 3221sqm 891.0000-SQM R884,000.00 Registered description 8280 of Secunda (Portion 3) 8280 of Secunda (Portion 4) 8280 of Secunda (Portion 5) 8281 of Secunda 8281 of Secunda (Portion 1) 8281 of Secunda (Portion 2) 8281 of Secunda (Portion 3) 8281 of Secunda (Portion 4) 8281 of Secunda (Portion 5) 8281 of Secunda (Portion 6) 8281 of Secunda (Portion 7) 8281 of Secunda (Portion 8) 8281 of Secunda (Portion 9) 8281 of Secunda (Portion 10) 8282 of Secunda 8282 of Secunda (Portion 1) 8282 of Secunda (Portion 2) 8282 of Secunda (Portion 3) 8282 of Secunda (Portion 4) 8282 of Secunda (Portion 5) 8282 of Secunda (Portion 6) 8282 of Secunda (Portion 7) 8282 of Secunda (Portion 8) 8282 of Secunda (Portion 9) 8282 of Secunda (Portion 10) 8282 of Secunda (Portion 11) 8282 of Secunda (Portion 12) 8283 of Secunda 8283 of Secunda (Portion 1) 8283 of Secunda (Portion 2) 8283 of Secunda (Portion 3) 8283 of Secunda (Portion 4) 8283 of Secunda (Portion 5) 8283 of Secunda (Portion 6) 8283 of Secunda (Portion 7) 8283 of Secunda (Portion 8) 8283 of Secunda (Portion 9) 8283 of Secunda (Portion 10) Names of Owner(s) Stephanus Johannes Jacobus Nel Violet Mary Nel Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Staden Aletta Gertruida Van Staden Daniel Jacobus Van Staden Daniel Jacobus Van Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Arnold Marius Mynhardt Johanna Dorothea Mynhardt Bellah Ngwanakgake Makola Phufane Gerald Makola Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Morne Rossouw Sonja Rossouw Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Bessy Laetitia Els Christoffel Johannes Els Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Lawrence Reno Mapule Jacqueline Reno Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Mathai Shadrack Mavundla Karen Smit Petrus Albertus Smit Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Getty Buhlebuni Mthethwa Vela Jeremia Mthethwa Dinesh Mohan Koobashani Mohan Natasha Schoeman Rian Louwrens Schoeman Gerhard Klaasee Msuthu Steven Nkutha Johannes Hendrik Barnard Natale Barnard Stella Thembisile Nxumalo Louwrens Matthys Kriel Eduard Dawid Nothnagel Unknown Care of Govan Mbeki Municipality Gerald Clifford Moonsamy Kumarasen Pillay Gertina Nel Lukas Willem Nel Prop Pty Ltd Sasol der Walt Gerrit Paul Van Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Jacobus Stephanus De Villiers Jacobus Stephanus De Villiers Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Venancia Leandra Nekosie Rajashawar Singh Sungitha Bisunlall Singh Moganambal Moodley Sathasivan Moonsamy Moodley Prop Pty Ltd Sasol Pty Ltd Kentz Hester Sophia Rudolph Johan Barend Petrus Rudolph Category Address Extent Extent (DO) Market Value Remarks RES - Residential RES - Residential 8280 of Secunda (Portion 4) 8280 of Secunda (Portion 5) 977sqm 908sqm 977.0000-SQM 908.0000-SQM R833,000.00 R868,000.00 VAC - Vacant Land RES - Residential 8281 of Secunda 8281 of Secunda (Portion 1) 1233sqm 0.0000-SQM 1233.0000-SQM R1,000.00 R771,000.00 RES - Residential 8281 of Secunda (Portion 2) 765sqm 765.0000-SQM R738,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 8281 of Secunda (Portion 3) 8281 of Secunda (Portion 4) 884sqm 884sqm 884.0000-SQM 884.0000-SQM R746,000.00 R746,000.00 RES - Residential RES - Residential 8281 of Secunda
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