Who else but me?


Who else but me?
Who else but me?
Charitable Foundation 2010 annual report
children study different
professions within the
frames of My Prospects
discs were sent to
schoolchildren to help
them prepare for
Unified State Exam
gyms were equipped
in orphanages within
the Taking Care Together
children study different
within the frames
of My Prospects project
graduates received
starting sets of home
football teams fro
orphanages were
equipped with sport
children received
sport clothes and
computer rooms
are equipped in social
institutions for
50 children were examined
at Strogino psychological
and pedagogical
rehabilitation center
children were enrolled
into Distance Education
rooms for social
adaptation of orphans
were opened in different
regional institutions
kids received
New Year gifts from
220 children received
school necessities
for the beginning of a new
school year
6 orphanages were
equipped with sport
& playgrounds
102 parties were held in
orphanages within Make
a Holiday! Program
volunteers frequently
visit orphanages we are
in charge of
Thank you!
Maria Sologub, Irina Denchenkova, Liliya Malinka, Elena Vorontsova, Maria Petrushkova, Daria Karpilina, Dmitry Krupnik,
Kira Melnik, Elena Tkachenko, Rene Lonovenko, Kseniya Isaeva, Natalia Chaban, Nadezhda Valeeva, Maria Kovaleva,
Ekaterina Gavrilina, Natalya Vekshina, Viktoria Zykova, Emiliya Andriyashkina, Natalya Mantsur, Inna Momot,
Anna Marlioni, Svetlana Klimova, Diana Bekaldieva, Ekaterina Gorodnicheva, Viktoria Kravchenko, Daria Orlova,
Anastasiya Kosova, Tatiana Gorshkova, Natalia Sorokina, Sergey Polyakov, Eduard Dirichev, Natalia Tsvetkova,
Yulia Kim, Elena Sosnina, Rashit Izmailov, Zurab Anchabadze, Anastasiya Pedan, Yulia Chibisova, Maria Lobazova,
Elena Orlova, Irina Zakharova, Yulia Chernina, Tatyana Uryvskaya, Olga Samokhina, Natalya Zimnukhova, Polina Vasilieva,
Olga Khanova, Elena Molchanova, Svetlana Davydova, Valentina Yaschenko, Ekaterina Kuzmina, Elena Kononova,
Yulia Laresina, Yana Shabalina, Ekaterina Golubeva, Marianna Anikina, Yana Donik, tatyana Khayurova, Alexey Bokhan,
Irina Tskhe, Tatyana Fomina, Yulia Reznichenko, Alexey Barsov, Anna Begen, Tatiana Makhnutina, Alexandra Dronova,
Andrey Khairullin, Daria Gurtova, Mikhail Zikirov, Alexey Penkov, Alexey Chetverikov, Antonina Belkina,
Varvara Chernyshova, Ludmila Zavaleyskaya, Roman Filonov, Anna Shirshova, Anastasiya Kolosok, Anna Galchenkova,
Olga Karpenko, Tatiana Kostina, Irina Fetisova, Valery Morozov, Olga Neluybova, Irina Prilutskaya, Anton Murashova,
Anastasiya Safonova, Olga Bulygina, Maria Pankova, Ekaterina Koroleva, Natalia Losevaya, Svetlana Mironyuk,
Daria odnikova, Olga Semenova, Yulia Popova, Stanislav Bosov, Ruslan Ataev, Dmitry Svirsky, Anna Pekarskaya,
Tatyana Shabanova, Valery Sharipov, Dmitry Titov, Evgeny Oreshin, Irina Pomazkova, Andrey Gorlanov,
Maria Bagnovskaya, Mikhail Degtyarev, Anton Pelets, Irina Pronyakina, Alexandr Manoshkin, Luydmila Novitkaya,
Olga Pestereva, Andrey Pokul, Kseniya Vislous, Evgeny Sazonov, Liliya Tavabilova, Olesya Ryabova, Maria Suhanova,
Svetlana Laskovich, Vladimir Golivets, Luybov Buktereva, Yana Proshutinskaya, Alexey Volkov, Olga Evdokimova,
Fedor Fokin, Natalia Zanegina, Kirill Golshtein, Natalya Belova, Mikhail Suvorov, Maria Chuchina, Yana Ivanchuk,
Anna Litvinova, Svetlaa olubeva, Elena Rodionova, Olga Mikeeva, Sabina Mirzoeva, Natalya Tretyak, Vadimir Savtsov,
Igor Martynov, Natalya Komarovskaya, Olga Muravieva, Marianna Dmitrieva, Alexandr Anisimov, Olga Ihmuratova,
Elena Gurina, Ekaterina Glebova, Mikhail Bragin, Elena Priklonskaya, Mariya Maksimova, Oksana Trushkova,
Tatiana Semenova, Veronika Brovkova, Elena Sobolevaya, Nadezhda Kozlova, Alina Lapteva, Anastasiya Kirichenko,
Svetlana Lisagorskaya, Marina Nardina, Lubov Karaseva, Irina Kruychkova, Ekaterina Ilyina, Viktor Naydanov,
Irina Korkhaleva, Natalya Kulikova, Olga Nardina, Maria Rotko, Natalya Roganova, Irina Ostroglazova, Maria Smirnova,
Anna Alexeeva, Margarita Belkina, Viktor Pichugin, Daria Mishina, Anastasiya Maslova, Anastasiya Blokhina,
Yuriy Shevaldin, Olga Fezhichkina, Yulia Ryabchikova, Carolina Morales, Natalia Pichugia, Olga Topchiy,
Anna Mudrevskaya, Alisa Danilova, Sergey Shuleshov, Alexandr Demyanov, Alexandr Presnyakov,
Elena and Evgeny Kolesnik, Tatyana Filimonova, Elena Kalashnikova, Pavel Ustuykhin, Natalya Konyukova,
Alina Lapteva, Polina Krasnykh, Maya Arkaniya, Mikhail Sizov, Olga Martynova, Anton Rozanov, Olga Vergelis.
Charity is not an individual task.
Complex charity and giving
a helping hand to those who
really need it is impossible without
financial and personal support
of people around us. We express
our best thanks to everybody
who supports our activities
financially in implementation
of the Foundation programs
and to those who do their
best for the Foundation.
Foundation President’s Address
About the Foundation
Mission, values
Board of Trustees
Geography of the Programs
Team’s Address
Program areas
Make a holiday!
Healthy kids – a chance for a family
My Prospects
Distance Education
My Teacher
Charity instead of Souvenirs
The World of Childhood with L’Oreal
Taking Care Together
Lunches for Children
ABC of a Family
Who is with us
Social activity
The press about us
Financial data
How to provide assistance
Olga Reiman
The President of the “Who else but me?”
Charitable Foundation
We have become even larger and stronger this year,
and have all reasons to say now that Who Else but Me
foundation is a charitable fund with established
reputation and ample experience of implementing local,
regional, charity programs, and large-scale federal social
projects. During the fourth year of its operation, the
foundation significantly expanded the geography
of its activity. My Prospects and Healthy Kids – a Chance
for a Family programs are implemented in 4 regions
of the country. A new project of the foundation – My
Teacher – deserves special attention. This is an ambitious
and socially important project enabling everyone to voice
their opinion on education and to vote for quality education
by giving their money to a specific teacher or a class,
and to change the quality of education of those kids
for the better. As for the teachers, this is a real chance
to obtain the necessary equipment and material, to change
the way they work and the results this work brings
regardless the budget capabilities of the region. I strongly
believe this project has a bright future lying ahead!
Year 2010 helped solve an important task of establishing
a full-fledged team of professional managers able to make
operation of the charitable foundation as accurate,
structured and systematic as that of a professional
commercial structure. This year has brought such
an increase in the scope and complexity of work that
professional implementation of t he declared programs
is only now possible with the participation of a full-time
team of experienced professionals.. Human resources
of the Foundation are our everything: we grow them, take
care of them and develop them. People are the ones that
do all the work in the foundation. These are people who
care. People who believe that much can be changed, and
know how to do it. They are real masters of their craft.
About the Foundation
The “Who else but Me?” Charitable Foundation was created in 2007 with a view to develop
and implement social projects aimed at rendering support and assistance to the children in
a difficult life situation, including those who are deprived of parental care and have to reside
in orphanages. Nowadays the number of orphans in Russia is considerably higher than in the
after-war periods in the 20th century. Different sources provide different data on the number
of such kids in Russia: from seven hundred and fifty thousand (the data of the State Statistics
Committee of the Russian Federation) to several millions (the data of the human rights
organizations). The children in a difficult life situation are more exposed to bad influence of the
society than children who are supported by adults. The “Who else but Me?” Foundation activity
is directed at creation of favorable conditions of development for orphans. The “Who Else but
Me?” Foundation is primarily aimed at taking part in the formation of new personalities of young
citizens in our country, as well as finding especially gifted and eminent children. Experience has
proved that it is impossible to render qualified help in rendering onetime financial donations,
that’s why we adhere to the principles of rendering all-round help in development, education and
up-bringing. The main thing for us is to form strong and free personalities who are confident in
their choice, socially adapted and oriented towards self-development and achieving high life goals.
Activity of the ‘‘Who Else but Me?’’ Charitable Foundation is aimed at quality targeted support
of children and families with children in difficult life situations, and rendering timely assistance
to the children transferred to public orphanages.
The goal of the programs implemented by the Foundation is improving the position of kids
in the society, creating favorable conditions for their life, education, growth, and development.
• children in a difficult life situation (including those left without parental care, staying
at orphanages and social institutions on a permanent basis, disabled children, orphans,
children from families with many kids, adopted children);
• families in a difficult life situation;
• children with peculiar development (deviant behavior, hyperactive children, disabled children);
• graduates of public orphanages in a difficult life situation (at the beginning of independent
life, when waiting for or giving life to a child);
• staff working with orphans and children left without parental care, children in a difficult
life situation;
• staff of the RF schools of general education.
We create and fulfill maximum opportunities for everyone who is interested in the formation of
responsible and healthy civil society. We strive for the following:
• To provide the kids in difficult life situations with maximum opportunities for successful selfrealization in the society
• To provide individual and corporate charity providers with maximum opportunities for
rendering effective assistance and making its results visible
• To help social networks and state institutions fulfill their tasks connected with the formation
of the responsible and healthy civil society
• To provide our Foundation with maximum opportunities for the fulfillment of our goals
It is very important for us not to just “do good”, but to achieve maximum efficiency in planning,
prioritizing and implementation of our programs and activities. We are in constant search of ways
of the most expedient funds distribution achieving the best results possible.
We realize how tight the connections between us and our charges, charity providers, state bodies and
mass media are, so we strive for maximum openness and transparency and try to make our activities
“understandable” for all the participating parties. To this end, we provide detailed information on
the contents and implementation progress of all our programs, and use a transparent and easy-tounderstand reporting system.
Sustainable results for the long-term perspective
Only those activities and decisions that, separately or together with other activities, help to achieve
sustainable long-term results in the sphere of successful social integration of children participating
in our programs, matter to us. That is why we pay maximum attention to the selection of programs and
instruments of their implementation, results evaluation, ensuring continuing communication with our
graduates and rendering assistance to them during the first five years of their independent life.
We understand very well that the achievement of our goals is only possible if we work with the
kids and their environment comprehensively, not just take care of one element of their successful
socialization (however important this element is). Therefore it is important for us not to work simply
with our charges, but to consider all influencing factors and create comprehensive solutions that
influence the environment the children develop in, as well as to ensure mutual integration of our
A strive for synergy
We believe that by joining efforts of different people and organizations we will be able to achieve
something that seemed impracticable yesterday. Consequently, we are in constant search of
cooperation opportunities with everyone who believes in their ability to change the world and live
up to the “Who Else but Me?” principle.
in Tver region
My Prospects
My Teacher
Distance Education
My Teacher
The World of Childhood with L’Oreal
Make a Holiday!
Healthy Kids – a Chance for a Family
Charity instead of Souvenirs
Ekaterina Sergeevna Andreeva
Alexandr Leonidovich Rappoport
A representative of the Channel One Russia, TV anchorwoman
Children make the future of our country, and our future largely depends on the fact, what kind of people
they’ll become. There is a threateningly high number of abandoned children who have no parental care in
Russia. We are loosing a whole generation. I fear few things and this loss is one of them. And I’m ready to
do everything possible to save this generation. And you? ALL children need love, ALL children need care,
ALL children need a family. Who ELSE but Me and You? It’s a very topical question for me!
Managing partner of the “Rappoport and Partners” law firm
People apply great efforts and spend much money on rendering real help to the children in a difficult
life situation. Orphans especially need care and help. And it’s a pity that not all of the efforts achieve
their goals, all because of wrong legal assistance. Our common intention with the “Who else but Me?”
Foundation is to create a right legal platform for the implementation of good ideas and potentialities of
everybody who wants it. We are not indifferent to the fate of these children. Our mission is to help them
to realize their real desires and talents. And who else but me?
Igor Yurievich Yurgens
Lev Yurievich Novozhenov
Vice-president of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs
Now majority of well-to-do people consider orphanages in Russia to be some kind of “another”, unknown
Russia hidden from view. But everybody must remember that the present-day population of this “second
Russia” will sooner or later enter the “big life”. If our society today is alien to these children, tomorrow
it will become alien to those adults, who will build our common future. The prospects of such a future
are unfortunate. The “Who else but Me?” Charitable Foundation gives each and all a very important
opportunity to prove their relationship to children who will tomorrow live side by side with you.
TV anchorman
“Why is it important for me to support the ’Who else but me?’ charitable foundation?” is a rhetorical
question. Firstly, we have an inner need to help people. Secondly, when you are well-off enough and
people around you live in worse conditions, it’s natural that you want to help and to give something to
others. Thanks to the projects of the Foundation people want to do something really good and to help
people who need it. It’s extremely important not to stand aside.
Natalia Aleksandrovna Timakova
Andrey Evgenyevich Volkov
Press-secretary of the president of the Russian Federation
I am deeply convinced that there should be no orphanages at all. And I am glad that more and more
Russian families adopt children and more and more people decide to establish patronage families. But
until there are orphanages, we can make life in these orphanages more comfortable and happy, since
children who live without a family need holidays more than those who have parents. Let’s join our efforts!
Dean of the Moscow School of Management “SKOLKOVO”
If we manage to make orphanages better than common schools in relation to career opportunities,
then in whole we will have a chance to significantly improve the sphere of education, social care,
public health. We can do it only together. The “Who else but Me?” Foundation provides a good
opportunity to make it real today.
Package implementation
of the Foundation’s
1. Moscow region
2. Tver region
3. Kaluga region
4. Tula region
5. Bryansk region
charity assistance
1. Arkangelsk region
2. Astrakhan region
3. Belgorod reion
4. Bryansk region
5. Vladimir region
6. Volgograd region
7. Vologda region
8. Voronezh region
9. Kirov region
10. Krasnodarsky area
11. Krasnoyarsky area
12. Leningrad region
13. Lipetsk region
14. Nizhny Novgorod region
15. Novosibirsk region
16. Penza region
17. Perm area
18. Republic of Bashkortostan
19. Republic of Karelia
20. Republic of Tatarstan
21. Republic of Chuvashiya
22. Rostov region
23. Ryazan region
24. Samara region
25. Sverdlovsk region
26. Saratov region
27. Tambov region
28. Tula region
29. Khabarovsk area
30. Chelyabinsk region
31. Yaroslavl region
with orphanages of Tula region, and have already rendered significant assistance to 5 institutions.
Our volunteers visit more and more institutions in Moscow, Tver, Tula, and Bryansk regions within the
“Make a Holiday!” and “My Prospects” programs helping children obtain valuable communicative and
other professional skills.
We are happy to declare that geography of the ‘‘Who Else but Me?’’ charitable programs expands
every year. Regional orphanages have troubles obtaining finance, that is why very often kids in a
difficult life situation cannot receive the support they need. Our strategic task is to make our best
and help children all over Russia, not only in its central part.
“Non-recurrent assistance” does not only mean material assistance to orphanages and individual gifts
to children, but also seminars for the staff of boarding institutions, material support to orphanages,
including provision of all necessary equipment: workshops, craft shops, play & learn rooms, social
adaptation rooms, computer classes, installing sports grounds for children, and non-recurrent
assistance to satisfy urgent needs of orphanages. With the assistance of MTT we have developed
the “ABC of a Family” program to render comprehensive material support to 28 families with many
kids from Tver, Tula, Kaluga, Ryazan, and Bryansk regions. Also, in 2010 - the Year of the Teacher - we
launched a unique long-term charitable project My Teacher to render non-recurrent assistance to
teachers from different region of Russia in purchasing necessary professional teaching equipment.
At the same time, it is very important to expand the geography of our activity both in quantity and quality, so
we try to render comprehensive support to institutions we are in charge of on a permanent basis. In 2010,
besides comprehensive implementation of all programs of the foundation on the territory of Tver region,
we successfully launched a unique educational and professional development project within the frames
of “My Prospects“, program for the kids from social institutions (6 orphanages and boarding schools).
We managed to add 5 more institutions to “The World of Childhood with L’Oreal” Program in Kaluga
region, to the 14 institutions that participated in the program in 2008–2009. We developed the
Hyperactive Child program into a major project aimed at comprehensive healthcare support to
children, Healthy Kids – a Chance for a Family. The program is currently implemented in orphanages
of Tver, Kaluga, Moscow, Arkhangelsk, Sverdlovsk and Ryazan regions. In late 2010 we got acquainted
More and more charity recipients ask for help, and with the help of our supporters we try to render
timely assistance to everyone in need.
regions participate
in comprehensive
programs of the
Luydmcila Fomenko
Program Directorр
I consider charity to be a vocation rather than
work. Our aim is to do our best for the children
deprived of parental care and attention
to grow up them in conditions favorable
for their development. Of course we cannot
become parents for such children, but at least
we can give them some warmth.
Ekaterina Rodimtseva
Irina Filippova
Yana Malanina
Natalya Makshakova
‘‘The World of Childhood with L’Oreal’’
Program Supervisor
When doing good things is the very essence of
your work, there can be absolutely no doubts
about whether you are doing the right thing.
Charity is a gift for both the recipient, and the
giver. I’m very happy that I can help the kids and
make their life better.
“My Prospects” Program Supervisor
Working in charity is extremely important for
me, because I really can see the results of these
efforts and I hope that our work will change the
life of these kids for the better and will help
them become successful and, what’s more,
Assistant Director for Development
When you face someone’s misfortune, it is easy
to close your eyes and ears and to walk by,
to mention that people are the ones creating
troubles for themselves, that no matter how
much you help the number of those in need will
not decrease, that one-time gifts will not solve
the problem, and you can criticize the state for a
complete mess in the country and not fulfilling
its obligations… What do we do? We are a team
of experts – social pedagogues, psychologists,
economists, lawyers, journalists – who can render
timely, professional and systematic assistance
to those in need and promote charity among the
wide public.
Chief Accountant
For me, charity is a good way to make my
dream come true. A smile of a child is the best
gratitude. I’ve been working in the Foundation
since the beginning and I understand very well
how important it is for those young people in
a difficult life situation to feel attention of the
adults and of the whole society.
Our task is to help a child now and in the
future. Let’s make this world a better place
to live together.
Anastasiya Rozhok
Natalya Alenikova
Deputy Program Director
A human is born for the kind, but often forgets
it during his or her life. Charity brings us back
to ourselves. I’m working in the Fund, trying to
help and make people realize that they should
write a clean copy – not a draft one – from
very beginning, since they may not have time
to rewrite it. Only by giving part of your heart
to what you are doing, taking altruistic care of
kids, setting and achieving your goal, you can be
successful in helping others for the good of the
future generation.
Kseniya Derenovskaya
‘‘Charity instead of Souvenirs’’
Program Supervisor
Personally, I am very happy from knowing that I
can render assistance to other people and see
them smile. I consider it as changing the world
for the better, even though I’m doing it in small
steps. The more happy, healthy, and successful
people I see around, the better my own life will
“Make a Holiday!” Program Supervisor
Charity is an intrinsic need of every person,
and there are no people who do not care,
while there are a lot of those who want to help
and to participate.
All we need to do is to identify the needs of
those committed people and to guide their
voluntary work. That’s the only way to make
this system work and bring profit. And I’m very
happy to be part of this system since charity is
impossible without personal commitment and
Alexandra Baranova
Maria Chumicheva
My Teacher Program Supervisor
I see charity in our society as the only effective
tool to deal with social issues. My contribution
to charity is in line with my life philosophy and
my strong desire to help in the development of
education in our country. I believe that by acting
together we’ll achieve a lot and I know I’ll never
be ashamed for my work.
Distance Education Program Supervisor
It is very difficult to have a heart in the rush
of modern life. Sometimes you have to stop just
for a moment to see that the world is not perfect
but each of us can change it for the better –
at least a little bit.
So working in a charitable foundation I can
give a child a chance for self-actualization and
personal development.
Maria Sukhova
Anastasiya Komolova
Director for Development
We begin and finish each our day with calls
from people who need assistance or who want
to render it. And we work every day to change
someone’s life for the better. The world is full
of people who care, we are just doing it in a
professional way.
The “Healthy Kids – a Chance for a Family”
Program Supervisor
I see the reason in charity – the reason for myself,
for those we are trying to help, for the society.
Every day I have a unique opportunity to interact
with people who offer their help. An atmosphere
of commitment and care makes me believe that
we can cope with all the problems, and happy
faces of the kids around us are the best proof
to it.
Anna Goryagina
Program Supervisor in Tver region
I see charity not so much as a kind of heartfelt
mercy, but a way for a society of progressively
thinking people to contribute to social
improvement by rendering material assistance to
those in need. Giving your money is the simplest
thing. The most difficult one – and this is what our
foundation is engaged in – to give those lagging
behind an opportunity of self-fulfillment within
long-term development program.
Ekaterina Lapta
Work should bring satisfaction, and when you
know that you do something very good for those
little people, your work becomes your favorite
occupation. People engaged in charity think
about bringing up children (whether they are
their own or not) more often. Our task is not even
to improve life of these kids in an orphanage,
but to do our best to give them full families and
avoid getting into an orphanage. Charity is one
way to do it. On the one hand, we help these
kids not to feel defective; on the other hand, we
help benefactors feel responsible.
Programs of the ‘‘Who Else but Me?’’ Charitable Foundation are tightly interconnected and
aimed at giving each child a real chance for successful self-actualization and an opportunity
not to oppose itself to the society, but to feel care, attention and support from other people.
Naturally, material support is very important for personal development, but it cannot solve
problems of each individual child. So, assisted by our volunteers in the regions we try to
help these kids to develop and implement their abilities, talents, try to teach these kids
communicate with each other and help each other.
A major problem of our kids is absence of any real opportunities for successful socialization,
or lack of desire to achieve anything in the social sphere. Such approach leads to the fact that
when these kids turn 21 (and are not under state guardianship any more), many of them are
not able to find an adequate place in our society. This, in turn, is the reason that 87 % of
orphanage graduates are inclined to anti-social behavior, i.e. different delinquencies, living at
somebody else’s expense and living without any decent means. Over 4 years of close interaction
with pupils and graduates of all kinds of boarding institutions we have come to realize that it
is real to help children without parental care, in a difficult life situation. This is an extremely
difficult task that requires hard work on a daily basis, and the more people are ready to help, the
bigger chances for success.
With a view to achieve the goals set, the “Who else but me?” Charitable Foundation works
in the following priority program areas:
• rendering social assistance to orphans, children left without parental care, children staying in
orphanages and social institutions on a permanent basis, children from families with many kids,
and disabled children (“Healthy Kids – a Chance for a Family”, “The World of Childhood with
L’Oreal”, “My Prospects”, “Charity instead of Souvenirs”);
• creating favorable environment and providing an opportunity to obtain general school education
and to get enrolled into the institutions of higher education (“My Prospects”);
• supporting professional communities of experts working with orphans, professional development
of staff working in the sphere of social support, education, healthcare, holding seminars and
conferences with a view to distribute best practices and innovative experience within the frames
of different programs: “The World of Childhood with L’Oreal”, “Healthy Kids – a Chance for a
Family”, “My Prospects”, and “Distance Education”. Promoting advanced educational standards
and teaching methodologies within the frames of the “My Teacher” program;
• helping establish, preserve and develop values of orphans and children from large families
within the frames of “Make a Holiday!”, “Charity instead of Souvenirs”, and “ABC of a Family”,
etc. programs.
• support in the adoption process;
• developing volunteer movement and social corporate responsibility programs (“The World of
Childhood with L’Oreal”, “Children’s Victories”, “Charity instead of Souvenirs”, and “Make a
• drawing mass media and public attention to the problems of the kids and socially vulnerable
population groups by holding and participating in different socially important events – festivals,
conferences, campaigns and concerts.
a holiday!
Victoria Mukhina
Pupil of Ivanteevsky orphanage
Every party or master class is aimed, among others, at getting the kids acquainted with the world that is
new for them: new creative activities, sports, leisure, and useful skills – with everything that would foster
integrated and successful personal development.
“It is such a pleasure to realize that
there are people who remember
about our holidays and come to
congratulate us. We meet with
these people in a warm, friendly,
fun atmosphere. We play, perform
on stage, eat sweets. We even
had clowns and circus performers
coming over! But what maters most,
we have an opportunity to be with
kind, open-hearted and educated
young people. We want to be like
them very much!”
The “Make a Holiday!” program includes two areas:
1. Entertainment
Volunteers wish the kids happy birthday, give them presents and organize an interesting party with
performance, tea and sweets.
Each kid receives personal attention and emotional support.
Our task is to create the atmosphere of a holiday for every child, to provide unforgettable memories
and bright emotions, to help the kids implement their creative potential in game and art.
2. Education
Educational part of the program helps the kids to acquire new knowledge and expand their outlook,
gain intellectual self-actualization skills, develop aesthetic perception and the ability to establish
relations in a society or a professional team, and to obtain realistic understanding of life and
the desire for self-education. All this is achieved in the course of interactive master classes and
communication with the adults.
Our volunteers are people who make all these holidays and children with happy eyes come true.
The ‘‘Make a Holiday!’’ program is the most simple and convenient for engaging volunteers, and it is
easily understandable by anyone who had a birthday party at least once in their life.
Everyone can participate in the program – it all depends on your desire and opportunities.
You may sign and send a birthday card, buy a gift, write a party scenario, organize a trip to an
orphanage or drive a group of volunteers if you have a vehicle, help decorate the room, prepare
a performance…
holidays were organized
in orphanages within
the “Make a Holiday!”
What’s the
birthday with no
cake and gift?
children received
Birthday gifts
Every month we publish the names of the kids (from orphanages we are in charge of) who have
birthdays this month at www.ktoeslineya.ru. You can choose any child and make its dream come true.
Most popular wishes are as follows: play & learn games, board games, construction kits, puzzles,
creative kit, books, clothes, sports equipment, bath accessories (towels, personal hygiene products,
bath robes, etc.); graduates dream of household appliances, bedding, suitcases. Just like children who
live in full families, orphans dream of electronics - mobile phones, electronic game, robots, cars with
remote control, MP3 players, and photo cameras.
It is very important for kids to stay kids: live in a happy atmosphere of children’s laughter, joy, and
enthusiasm even in places where children are going through a lot of hardships, and especially if they
had gone through a lot in the past. Establishing an atmosphere of comfort and warmth in orphanages
requires attention, genuine commitment, and of course, love which is only possible with personal
One of the ways to take care of a child left without parental care is to be with the child, to know about
its interests and hobbies, make his simplest wishes come true and give it hope that the difficult
situation the child is in can be resolved and that you are ready to provide support. Within the frames
of the “Make a Holiday!” program supervisors and volunteers of the “Who else but me?” foundation
visit orphanages they are in charge of on a monthly basis, organize different topic-oriented parties and
master classes that help the kids develop, congratulate the children with their most private holiday –
birthday – and give them the gifts they want. All such meetings are organized as interactive games and
adapted to the age and needs of the kids.
When making birthday
parties for these kids,
we go from their preferences,
hobbies, and dreams.
A gift should not only
bring joy, but be useful
and stimulate
development of creative
and intellectual abilities.
Become a Father Frost
Around the New Year, we all believe in miracles, wish happiness and try to do good to each other.
We cherish our sweet family memories that come from childhood: our first New Year trees, the
smell of tangerines and chocolate, Father Frost with a wadding beard that for some reason talks in
the voice of our father… This is the second year we’ve been joining our efforts to make this holiday
a miracle for those who lack care and attention.
A month before the New Year, we asked the kids from 18 regional orphanages in Moscow, Tver,
and Tula regions we are in charge of to tell us what they want, and then asked volunteers and our
supporters to buy New Year presents for these kids and make their dreams come true. This campaign
was called «Become a Father Frost». All its participants had to do is to choose a kid and its wish at
Ekaterina Golubeva
On a trip to the Torzhoksky
orphanage (Mitino, Tver)
“I need to say that I felt quite weird,
trying on Father Frost and Snow
Maiden’s costumes for the first
time, especially if you are to perform
in front of such special audience.
However, a couple of minutes was
enough to establish good contact
with the kids. Everyone was eager
to receive the gift they asked for
from the Father Frost. Some of
them remembered what they asked
him for, while some did not, but
everyone definitely was happy with
our visit. The kids asked riddles and
puzzles, told poems, sang songs,
and took active part in our common
performance. The most important
moment of the party was when the
Father Frost started giving New Year
presents to the kids. They were so
happy! They received their
gifts one by one, hurrying to unpack
them and see what it was, and
whether the Father Frost brought
them what they wanted or forgot
because he was so old. Everyone
received the gifts they wanted and
was very happy.”
Anna Goryagina
Supervisor of “Who else but me”
Tver Office
“Everybody enjoyed their gifts.
Many were surprised that the Frost
knew about their wishes and gave
them what they dreamt of. Some of
them were shocked with generosity
of this wizard, and some just cried
and ran away not able to conquer
their emotions… to come back to
us again several minutes later and
to thank us from the bottom of
their hearts. This is the real power
of human kindness and generosity
that comes from the heart! We want
to thank everyone who participated
in the campaign and helped make
these kids’ dreams come true.”
children received
New Year gifts
www.ktoeslineya.ru and to bring a gift for this child at the specified time. A list of 881 wishes was
published at the website and people had 2 weeks to buy gifts. On December 25, we spent 3 hours
collecting these gifts to be able to deliver them to different orphanages.
What did our kids dream about? Some of them wanted a warm throw blanket, some – a huge teddy
bear, a lot of kids wanted skates, and graduates mostly wanted kitchen utensils, electric kettles,
suitcases. These children also wanted sports clothes, personal hygiene products and cosmetics,
creative kits, electronic games, guitars, football balls, and even a chocolate cake! At the specified day,
we gathered over 1,000 gifts: families with kids, companies of young people, colleagues, young and
old couples came and brought beautifully packed and signed gifts, thanked us for launching such a
campaign and providing them with an opportunity to do good. We, in return, thanked everyone for the
attention, generosity, and kindness they contributed to the event.
Preparing for School Together
The campaign supported by Doveriye TV channel and two Ashan hypermarkets was aimed at helping
the kids in a difficult life situation, orphans, fire victims, and children from large families to purchase
all schooling necessities for a new school year.
Over 1,500 purchasers of two Ashan hypermarkets sent gifts and money for the kids we are in
charge of. We thank everyone who responded and provided support! It was very touching to see how
kids from full families together with parents helped their less lucky peers, sending them gifts and
schooling necessities. One boy, Vova, begged his mom to buy not only stationery, but a ball as well.
One girl, Varya, brought a drawing album as a gift. It was such a pleasure to see parents who develop
generosity, kindness and commitment in their children!
Yulia Kim
“This is the first time we’ve
participated in the campaign, and
it has brought tons of positive
impressions! Thank you for perfect
organization, warm and kind
attitude, and for everything you do
for these kids! It was awesome to
see how happy these kids to receive
presents! The most rewarding thing
is to see smiling faces and happy
eyes of these kids, to hear their
laughter and realize that you’ve
managed to help them a little. We
would be happy to continue helping
these kids!’’
Liliya Malinka
“The kids were very active and
happy to meet their beloved
teachers. That is when I understood
how important our presence is for
these kids. I had no idea these
kids were going to an ordinary
secondary school, together with
the children from full families. They
even thought we were someone’s
parents and the kids were very
happy with this. There, I became
very close to Evgeniya Kim: at first,
she avoided us and did not want
to make friends. When we came to
the school, I entered her class and
saw she was very sad, even though
the whole class was having fun
congratulating children who had
their birthdays in summer. There
were sweets on the table, parents
supported their children, and I soon
realized that she was happy that
I was by her side. We did not part
until I left.”
children received schooling
necessities for the
beginning of the school year
In total, we received over 20 full shopping carts with stationery and gifts, and 47,522.89 rubles. With
this money, we were able to buy 77 schoolbags that would become not only useful but also attractive
accessory for the school kids, which is very important. All schooling necessities and gifts were sent to
Pavlin orphanage, Orphanage 12, to the families who had suffered from fires, to Moscow large families,
and to some remote institutions under supervision of the “Who else but me?” foundation.
Delight – no matter how huge it is – is always formed of little things like laughter, smiles, and…
even construction kits. On July 23–26, BMW Group Russia and the “Who Else but Me?” charitable
foundation organized “Children Build for Children” BMW KIDS DAY. For 4 days, kids from orphanages,
young people from Moscow and other cities, and children of Russian celebrities constructed a full-size
BMW X1 model with 165,000 LEGO details.
At the opening ceremony, the President of BMW Group Russia Peter Kronshnabel, has granted a
400,000 rubles check to the ‘‘Who Else but Me?’’ foundation. During the campaign, everyone could
make a material contribution to the foundation by buying one of the T-shirts with the campaign’s
symbols. 60,413.70 rubles were gathered for only 4 days. All funds were spent on buying school bags,
stationery and flowers for the school holidays at orphanages of the Moscow and Tver regions within
the frames of the “First Year Holiday” campaign.
Sweetheart Bazar
“Sweetheart Bazar” is a New Year charity fair usual for Europe where charity is an indispensable part of
the holiday tradition, just like a smell of tangerines and cinnamon at the New Year eve. This is a whole
Sunday of New Year attitude and creativity, a day spent with reason. About 30 charitable organizations
participated in the fair, and all funds raised during the fair were spent at charitable assistance to those
in need. The “Who else but me?” charitable foundation organized trade at the fair and different master
classes for the Bazar’s guests (balloon modeling, new year tree and gifts decoration, etc.). We’ve
managed to raise 22,800 rubles during the event, and spent all the money for purchasing gifts within
the frames of the “Make a Holiday!” campaign.
Healthy Kids —
a Chance for a Family
Sensor room helps
relax and develop
necessary skills
Health of the kids in
a difficult life situation
requires close attention,
and dealing with this issue –
a thorough and responsible
approach. The “Who else but
me?” charitable foundation
is very concerned with
rendering comprehensive
assistance to such kids,
so it implements several
programs differing in contents and target audience.
• advanced diagnostics and comprehensive examination of the kids in the best scientific
and research institutions and centers of psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation
and correction;
• raising the professional level of staff pedagogues and psychologists, speech therapists,
social pedagogues, educators, and physical training staff at orphanages;
• equipping psychologists’ and language therapists’ rooms with modern equipment
for effective correction of psychoneurological and speech deviations;
• equipping pedagogues with modern methodical literature for diagnostic
and corrective measures;
• equipping sensor (relaxation) rooms for restoring emotional and psychological balance,
eliminating negative effect of different stress situations, increasing working capacity of the kids
and improving general psychological environment in orphanages;
• equipping gyms and outside playgrounds for comprehensive therapeutic and recreational
regional institutions
for children received
assistance within the
frames of the program
• equipping social adaptation rooms (kitchens) for acquiring basic housekeeping skills;
• equipping playrooms for the development of manual dexterity, coordination, creative
thinking and general physical form;
The “Healthy Kids – a Chance for a Family” program is aimed at comprehensive
rehabilitation of children in a difficult life situation, including orphans, children left without
parental care and disabled children, their physical and psychological development, and
successful integration into a modern society.
• holding events that promote healthy lifestyle (Olympic Games, Healthy days, trips to sporting
events, etc.) and help develop responsible approach to health and negative attitude towards
alcohol, drug abuse, and tobacco among children.
Health is an important component of human life, and also a factor that has been deteriorating
significantly among children and teens over the recent years. This is a topical issue for
orphanages: lack of maternal care prevents comprehensive physical and psychological
development of the kids and, with time, leads to an increase in the number of children with
chronic diseases, vulnerable and unstable psyche, and antisocial behavior. Taking into
consideration an extremely low level of health of the kids in a difficult life situation, the “Who
else but me” charitable foundation has developed and is implementing “Healthy Kids – a
Chance for a Family” program in different regions of Russia. This program is aimed at physical
and psychological rehabilitation of the kids from orphanages and other social institutions.
• 23 children from Voskresenskaya boarding school, Rybnovsk boarding school, Nepetsinsky
boarding school, and Nadezhda orphanages of Electrostal, Orekhovo-Zuevo, and Chekov were
rendered medical and diagnostic assistance. Leading experts of Pediatrics and Surgery Research
Institution participated in the campaign.
Nepetsinsky boarding school
• 4 social adaptation rooms (modern kitchens with a complete set of kitchen utensils) were
equipped at Nepetsinsy boarding school (the Moscow region), Sosensky boarding school (the
Kaluga region) and Tver specialized school for children and teenagers with deviant behavior.
“Since the beginning of the school
year, all children of our institution
cook different dishes and take care of
kitchen utensils with great pleasure,
commitment and dignity. They take
cooking classes on a regular basis,
and now have an opportunity to cook
dishes for holidays and birthday, and
just to cook with modern appliances.
By implementing this project we
have made another step on a way to
socialization of orphans and children
left without parental care.”
• 8 psychologist rooms and sensor rooms have been equipped at Torzhoksky orphanage,
Torzhoksky boarding school, Nelidovskaya boarding school, Tver special school for children
and teenagers with deviant behavior, Orekhovo-Zuevo orphanage, boarding school 4 (Kaluga),
Rakulo-Cockschengsky orphanage (the Arkhangelsk region), and Serovsky orphanage (the
Sverdlovsk region).
children received
assistanceat Strogino
and correction center
Professional development seminars were held for directors, psychologists and teachers of
orphanages and boarding schools. These seminars were devoted to post-orphanage adaptation
of the kids, related problem solving and rendering psychological and pedagogical support to
ADHD (hyperkinetic and hyperactive) children, and other psychological and language therapy
issues at orphanages.
E. I. Belonogova
Director of special (corrective)
comprehensive boarding school
No. 4 of VIII type (Kaluga)
“The equipment for a psychological
relaxation room supplied by the
“Who else but me?” charitable
foundation provide our kids with
many more wonderful impressions
than their usual surroundings. For
instance, introverts now have an
opportunity to be on their own.
Relaxation armchairs and music
for relaxation ensure correction
of psychological and emotional
condition of children and adults and
help avoid affective developments.
A sensor path, a bubble column, and
different light panels (A Drawing on
Sand, Magic Thread) fosters sensory
and perceptive skills. Sound panel
“A hedgehog in the wood» fosters the
development of cognitive abilities.”
Children from
Tver boarding
school master the
basics of
• A special master class was held for parents whose children were diagnosed with AttentionDeficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) with a view to improve psychological literacy of those
adults and give them knowledge necessary for successful development and social adaptation of
their kids.
for children have
been equipped
with psychologist
Children learn
to cook, lay the
table and entertain
the guests
• A playroom is equipped at Konakhovsky orphanage in the Tver region.
• A joiner’s shop is opened at Tver special school for children and teenagers with deviant
behavior. Pupils of these special schools may complete primary pre-professional preparation
courses to have confidence in their abilities after they leave an educational institution.
• In 2010, fifty kids were examined at Strogino Psychology and Pedagogical Rehabilitation and
Correction Center on the request of the “Who else but me?” charitable foundation. All children received
recommendations for further rehabilitation (including an invitation to a free correction course at
“Strogino” center).
and language
therapists at
orphanages study
advanced diagnostics
and correction
• The “Who else but me?” charitable foundation won an open tender held by the All-Russian
Public Foundation “National Charitable Foundation” and received an opportunity to provide
grants to non-commercial NGOs for implementing social support and service projects targeted
at low-income and socially vulnerable citizens, protecting public health and the environment.
The foundation won a 3,000,000-ruble grant that is to be spent on Healthy Kids – a Chance for a
Family program in 2011.
My prospects
Oksana Anatolyevna
Head of the Social Support
Division of the Department
of Education in the Tver region
Equipping social adaptation rooms
The Foundation equips social adaptation rooms (kitchens, sewing and carpenter’s shops) in the institutions
it is in charge of, purchases equipment and consumables, invites pedagogues from professional training
institutions. Lessons at social adaptation rooms are aimed at developing different skills of the children:
cooking, use of household appliances, laying the table, sewing, etc., that would be of use for them in
their independent lives. Besides, the children have an opportunity to receive pre-professional preparation
and increase their chances for entering vocational training institutions and finding a job later. In 2010,
two social adaptation rooms were open at the supervised orphanages in the Tver region: Emmausskaya
boarding school and Zubtsovsky orphanage.
“The Department of Education in
the Tver region is grateful to the “My
Prospects” program for a wonderful
idea of developing a positive attitude
towards your future profession
through a streamlined process
of additional education in career
guidance groups. Our inspectors
participate in demo lessons and are
happy to see the amazing results the
teens show in mastering their future
profession. The cooks are something
we can really be proud of: some time
ago, these kids did not even realize
that you need to put some water in a
kettle, boil it, put some tea brew in it
to get tea. And now they are so skilled
and successful that they enjoy eating
their own dishes and treating their
guests with them.”
The “My prospects” is a program that helps orphanage graduates make informed decisions
on their future education and profession in accordance with their personal interests skills and
needs of the labor market in different industry experts and qualifications.
children from orphanages
of the Tver region
receive primary
professional education
The program helps the kids in difficult life situations to find their preferable area of professional
development and, later, a full-time job taking into consideration their physical and psychological
peculiarities. The program is aimed at improving an educational level and developing basic
professional skills among pupils of orphanages in the course of master classes, additional
education programs, and short-term courses.
The “My Prospects” program has been implemented since 2010 following the Gifted Children
program (with a significant increase in areas of application, geography and target groups).
Career guidance classes
In October 2010, the “Who else but me” charitable charitable foundation supported by the Department of
education of the Tver region launched a unique career guidance project for the pupils of different boarding
institutions with a view to prepare orphans to making an informed professional choice and provide them
with basic skills in the corresponding area. Pupils of Tver boarding schools had an opportunity to obtain
basic skills and knowledge from different professional areas – wood carving, hairdressing, cooking, goldenthread embroidering, automodelling, batik painting, knitting, etc. – under the guidance of the invited
teachers and trainers of professional lyceums. Classes are held in specially equipped workshops at the
orphanages, while vocational training institutions of the Tver region also provide facilities and equipment
for training and field classes.
The kids master the
basics of sewing,
wood carving,
automodelling and
much more
90 children and 6 institutions of the Tver region participate in career guidance project in
2010/2011: Zubtsovsky, Kalyazinsky, Udomelsky, Nekrasovsky, Torzhoksky orphanages and
Emmausskaya and Torzhokskaya boarding schools.
3. Master classes (general education, career guidance, development)
Volunteers and the charitable foundation staff hold different master classes for children:
• General education
General education classes are held in the following subject areas: History, Geography, English, and
Computer science. For example, a History master class is a captivating class devoted to a specific
historical event, with real medieval knights, Indians, and pirates.
• Career guidance
During career guidance classes representatives of different professional areas talk about their work
and the labor market. This gives the kids some knowledge about different professions and helps
them make an informed choice. In 2010, the foundation held master classes in journalism, brand
management, landscape design, radio presentation, interior design, style, cooking, and canine
research. Sometimes, excursions to the enterprises are organized as part of career guidance master
classes. The foundation organized trips to the following enterprises in the Moscow and Tver region:
Moscow bread and confectionary enterprise Kolomenskoye, Domodedovo airport, Moscow food
industry enterprise Kreker, and Volzhsky Pekar enterprise.
Irina Valerievna Kutakova
Deputy Director for Education,
Emmausskaya boarding school
“Batik painter is a rare profession
that requires both the pupil’s talent
and the teacher’s patience. Tatyana
Yurievna Varlamova is very attentive
and helping to all her pupils; she
encourages and compliments the kids
all the time. Even children who do
not want to contact or communicate
at first become more open and kind
with every class. Painting on silk is a
fairy tale created with a brush of the
painter. The kids have an opportunity
to choose the subject on their own,
carefully drawing the contours with a
special tool, the kids select the color
range, mix colors and put them on
silk. This is a very hard task with huge
responsibility for the result as you
are the only one contributing to the
output. At the same time, I’ve never
seen so much friendly support, mutual
help and encouragement for those
who have some difficulties. This is a
unique project launched by the ‘‘Who
Else but Me?’’ charitable foundation.
Mastering a profession is a real
guiding star in a person’s life.”
Angelina Petrukhina
Tula regional boarding
school (9 grade)
“I just love embroidering, this is my
hobby. I have completed a lot of works
already, but I do not want to stop here.
I want to try tons of new patterns. It’s
been such a wonderful surprise for me
to see new modern equipment in our
workshop! Now I have an opportunity
to try something new. Automated
embroidering is just so much fun.
I love creating new and unusual
works. Thank you very much for this
children participated
in the Zeleny Shum
intellectual festival
master classes
were held in
• Development
Development master classes are held in different subject areas: art, sport, culture. We organize sport
tournaments, brake dance master classes, and classes in beadweaving and batik painting.
It is a rare privilege
to visit a radio
studio or a
Master classes
are held in
differend subject
areas from
weaving to riding
painter requires
both the pupil’s
talent and
the teacher’s
Contests is a
way to
your abilities and
find a friends
4. Contests and festivals
Participating in different contests is a way to stand out from the rest and demonstrate your abilities
and skills, to learn to act on your own and as part of a team, compete with the opponents and,
of course, win valuable prizes. The ‘‘Who Else but Me?’’ charitable foundation organizes creative
and intellectual contests and festivals: ‘‘Vesennya Lazur’’, military song contests, beauty contests
among the girls, ‘‘Best in Trade’’ contests, and ‘‘Zeleny Shum’’ international open youth festival
that has been held for the 11th time in 2010 with the participation of over 600 pre-school kids and
In 2010, the ‘‘Who Else but Me?’’ charitable foundation supported by the Department of Education
of the Tver region organized the first regional cinema forum “Children’s Cinema for Children”
that included cinema demonstrations, discussions, and master classes. Each creative team
received diplomas and presents.
Karina Sh.,
Kaluga boarding school № 5
“I’m a tenth year student, and I really
want to continue education in a
medical college. I know I need good
knowledge of biology, so Teleschool
was an awesome opportunity for me.
Additional learning materials are
what I really need. At first, I had some
troubles in working with the presented
material, and it was rather difficult for
me to send completed assignments.
Now, whenever I have time, I “open
the door” to Teleschool and study
my favorite subject. I’ve learned a
lot of new things and now feel very
confident at my biology lessons.
Teleschool is great!’’
A mother of a large family, Moscow
pupils were enrolled into
a distance education
system in 2010–2011
Distance Education is the ‘‘Who Else but Me?’’ charitable foundation program enabling each child
in a difficult life situation, from any region of Russia, to connect to the distance education portal
and receive quality school education on Internet, to prepare for USE and entering professional
education institutions.
Distance education includes a number of online lessons where modern computer programs and
technologies help children to master different subjects of choice on the basic and advanced levels.
The children may perform practical assignments and communicate with pedagogues and psychologists
in real time via Internet. These adults help them learn in a completely new information and education
environment. The program is aimed at creating optimal environment for preparing the kids for the final
state attestation (in the form of the unified state examination, USE), entering institutions of higher
education and developing of social and business communication skills.
“My name is Elena, I’m a mother of
Pavel and Andrey. We have a large
family with 4 kids. They all study at
a secondary school. For example,
Pavel wants to be a lawyer, but he
needs good knowledge of history and
social sciences for that, and school
program is simply not enough. My
husband works but unfortunately we
still do not have enough money to hire
individual tutors or pay for additional
classes. Distance education is a real
chance to improve educational level
of my children. It’s been a month
since my children started taking
distance education classes. They
like the way they are treated – taking
into consideration their individual
features and abilities. For example,
Pavel studies geometry, and distance
education tutor managed to find a
way to him, so his grades at school
improved significantly. I’m not worried
about Andrey – he is very diligent,
while it is sometimes difficult to make
him get down to studying, but once
he starts, he does it very well. I want
to thank the foundation for making it
possible for us to study at a distance
education school.”
Distance Education program has been successfully implemented since 2007. Over that period, 248
school children from the Tver, Moscow, Voronezh, Saratov, Arkhangelsk regions, Khabarovsk and
Perm participated in the program. All children who have completed a course of distance education
(as a basic or additional course) show successful results at USE and enter the institutions of higher
education of choice. This portal is of great importance to children with limited abilities and children
in difficult life situations who cannot visit classes and communicate with the teachers on a regular
basis. In the regions where children have no opportunity to study via Internet, the ‘‘Who Else but Me?’’
charitable foundation provides them with educational CDs.
Distance classes
Classes are held by the staff of the Teleschool non-commercial partnership. The ‘‘Who Else but Me?’’
charitable foundation selects students from the residents of orphanages motivated for receiving
additional education at a distance school on their own, and kids in difficult life situations who completed
an application at the www.ktoeslineya.ru website. The foundation controls attendance and performance
of the pupils on a weekly basis and holds topic-oriented meetings with the students and their tutors.
Career guidance and computer literacy seminars
The kids study and master MS Office applications, participate in contests, business games and seminars,
and learn how to prepare presentations on their own. During these career guidance classes the children
obtain skills that would be of use during job interviews, they learn about different professions and get an
opportunity of making informed professional decisions.
Graduate support
Personal sympathy and material support are very important for orphanage graduates. Children who
have completed the ‘‘Distance Education program’’ receive startup kits from the ‘‘Who Else but Me?’’
charitable foundation. These kits contain everything they need for staying at the dormitories of higher
education and vocational training institutions: bed sheets, tableware, and different household goods.
Those who has successfully entered institutions of higher education and demonstrate satisfactory
results during semester examinations are entitled to monthly student allowances from the foundation.
Moreover, the fund purchases PCs for these kids, because it is impossible nowadays to study and to
master your profession without a computer. Orphanage graduates that want to find a job right after
graduation have an opportunity to take courses to obtain professional skills of choice. The foundation
pays for these courses.
• By the results of 2009–2010 school year, 39 senior students (9–11 year) of Moscow, Tver,
Arkhangelsk and Saratov regions took the courses. Eleven out of 14 graduates entered the higher
education institutions of choice, three entered vocational training institutions. Gradates of the ‘‘Distance
Education’’ program successfully pass USE to Tver State University, Medical Academy, Tver State
Pedagogical University, Higher School of Economics, and others.
• In 2010 school year, the ‘‘Distance Education’’ program was expanded and we are now able to enroll
students of 9–11 and 5–8 grades.
Evgeny P.
Kaluga boarding school No. 5
“Well, it’s my tenth year already... I’ll
become a graduate very soon. What’s
lying ahead? Will my knowledge
be enough to continue education?
Of course, I am very grateful to the
teachers for ample knowledge they’ve
given me, but there’s just so much
new and unknown in the world. Well, it
was as if my dreams had been heard:
Teleschool has been launched this
year, and I am one of its most active
pupils. I like to be able to talk with the
tutor directly and to receive additional
information in different subject areas.
I’ve always loved math, so questions
like ‘‘What’s this in figures for you?
It’s so boring!’’ have always surprised
me. I say: “You don’t understand!
Solving a difficult equation, explaining
something to others – what can
be better?!” I’ve found new friends
and expanded my social circle. The
thing is that knowledge I receive
at the Teleschool are useful and
communication with other people is a
constant source of pleasure for me!’’
•In 2010–2011 school year 124 children in difficult life situations, orphanage residents, children from
large families, children with health troubles and disabled kids joined the program. Kids from Moscow,
Moscow region, Tver and Kaluga regions, Khabarovsk and Perm territories, and the Republic of
Chuvashiya participate in the program.
• Year 2010 provided us with an opportunity to engage teachers in the distance education system. They use
the portal for a quality material presentation during lessons and organize online lessons if a pupil is sick
which enable the kids to continue education even if they do not feel well because of their specific disease.
‘‘Podderzhka’’, the home study school № 1673 for children with eyesight deficiencies in Moscow became
our first testing site. Eight pedagogues and 33 school children were enrolled in the following subject areas:
Russian, Mathematics, Chemistry, English, Economics and History.
• 3 modern computer classes and a Physics classroom have been equipped at Emmausskaya
boarding school in the Tver region, Kaluga boarding school № 5 for children with limited abilities
and Kaluga Regional rehabilitation center.
• Computer literacy workshops have been held for 39 boarding school residents of the Tver region
and 12 children from the Kaluga region. Each participant of this workshop has been able to complete
its own individual project and to present it before the group.
Margarita Sh.
Chernushka, Perm territory
“I used these CDs every day; this is a
good way to bring all your knowledge
in order – everything is very convenient
and easy to understand. Of course, this
simplifies getting ready for USE. I made
90 on my USE in Math and 100 on USE in
Russian. I entered the higher education
institution of choice because my grades
were high enough. Your disks were of
great help in that! Thank you!”
Olga Reiman
President of the ‘‘Who Else but Me’’
charitable foundation
“After graduation from an orphanage
social adaptation to adult life is quite
an issue. By helping the graduates at
this stage, we are making an invaluable
contribution to his or her future, to the
development of their personality. We
want to thank everyone who supported
our initiative and participated in the
‘‘Education to All’’ marathon.
Over 10,000 postal offices all over the country placed information materials and participated in fund
raising. Any resident of Russia could participate in the project by transferring any amount of money (30
rubles at the minimum). Applications from children, parents and even teachers are collected during the
whole year. The latter say that CDs with a set of tests and assignments and even an opportunity to take
trial USE are a great help in preparing their students for this difficult exam.
• 593 CDs for USE preparation were distributed in 2010.
• The funds raised by FSUE Russian Post were spent on enrolling 105 children into 2010-2011 Distance
Education program.
‘‘Chivas Regal’’ Charity Auction
On September 9, 2010 a Charity gala dinner and auction were held under the auspices of Vogue and
Chivas Regal. Exclusive outfits and accessories from the last collection of Alexander McQueen, unique
pictures and exclusive hand-made Chivas Regal bottles were presented at the auction. The funds raised
(64,800 euro in total) were transferred to My Prospects program of the ‘‘Who Else but Me?’’ charitable
foundation and spent on career guidance master classes for Tver region orphanages. We want to thank
our partners who organized the event and all the participants thereof!
Luybov Alexandrovna
Tutor at Emmausskaya
boarding school
“We’ve been working with the
distance education system for several
years already. It helps our kids to raise
their educational level and improve
performance in specific subject
areas. In 2010 we enrolled 9th grade
students and provided them with an
opportunity to study the subjects of
their choice. These are the subjects
in which they will take USE, so they
are very diligent. For example, Kolya
K. wants to take a history exam: he
works very hard at a distance school
and is happy with the good grades
he receives. We see that he really
needs that and is doing it with great
• Graduates of Tver and Moscow region orphanages received startup kits and some household goods
that would be necessary in their everyday life.
• Methodology guidance books have been purchased for Kashan orphanage and Orphanage
12 (Moscow).
• Training children in the subject areas of a secondary school, computer literacy,
and preparation for USE;
• Training orphanage graduates in accordance with the program of higher education and vocational training
•Profession days at orphanages (talking about how to master a trade and what graduates need to know);
• Career guidance workshops (choosing a career, examining labor market, preparation for a job
interview, compiling a CV, etc.);
• Monitoring individual educational process of a child, rendering assistance.
Mailing Assistance
Since 2009, the ‘‘Who Else but Me?’’ charitable foundation supported by FSUE Russian Post has been
participating in a Mailing Assistance social campaign aimed at helping the Russian school children
to receive quality education and prepare for USE. Any school student from any region of Russia can
submit an application at www.ktoeslineya.ru and receive a free CD to prepare for USE in 7 subjects of a
secondary school by mail.
computer classes were
equipped in orphanages
of Tver and Kaluga regions
‘‘Education to All Marathon’’
Annual charity campaign is launched with the support of Europa Plus radio station and OK! Magazine.
This campaign is aimed at helping orphanage graduates purchase the basic necessities (bed sheets,
covers, tableware, electric appliances, hygiene products, etc.) for their independent life. The campaign is
supported by many people who care about orphans’ problems. In 2010, 409,960.06 rubles was raised for
34 graduates of orphanages in Tver, Kaluga, and Moscow regions.
My teacher
Valery Rostokin
General Director of NVision Group
“A way to a happy future starts today,
education being a solid foundation
of this way. ‘‘My Teacher’’ project
enables teachers and students to
obtain unique additional knowledge.
By inviting teachers to participate
in the project you enable them to
demonstrate their professional skills
and create a favorable environment
for pedagogical efforts all over the
Lev Novozhenov
Journalist, TV presenter
“The main contribution a school
can make is to develop interest
in education and obtaining new
knowledge instead of discouraging the
kids. It is a common knowledge that
trying to shove as much information as
possible into a kid is not a good way
to go - you need to discover its talents,
abilities and likes. If you achieve this,
it would be the best school education
a person can get. A school teacher for
me is one of the main teachers of my
life. Today we have an opportunity to
render real support to teachers in their
home towns. Let’s unite our efforts
and help the most talented of them to
obtain modern advanced equipment
to teach their kids in new ways.”
Ekaterina Andreeva
Anchor of the information program
“If I was a state, I would give all I
could to the teachers: I believe we
should not try to save either on
teachers, or on doctors. I want to live
with kindhearted, well-educated and
well-brought people, and we need to
have good schools to bring up such
people. The School is the one that
should bring up our children, not the
my-teacher.ru project
enables each of us to provide
targeted assistance to a teacher
engaged in education and
development of the kids, who
establishes the right values
for them.
‘‘My Teacher’’ is a charitable online project of the ‘‘Who Else but Me?’’ foundation aimed at rendering
targeted assistance to the teachers from different regions of Russia, to support their educational
initiatives and to provide school students with an opportunity to obtain knowledge at a qualitatively
new level regardless their location.
Nowadays, a teacher needs to obtain, process and implement innovative teaching methodologies based
on new teaching materials and equipment quickly and efficiently. On the other hand, students need
knowledge adapted to modern standards and technologies.
Electronic and computer equipment, modern software and other materials that streamline and simplify
educational process shall become an indispensable part of modern education for both teacher and
students. Nevertheless, budgets of almost all educational institutions in RF lack funds for purchasing
modern equipment.
As a result, implementing new effective teaching methodologies becomes very difficult or even
impossible in some cases. This is a very serious problem in remote regions of our country despite the
fact that students in remote towns and areas of the country are more motivated to study than residents
of large cities. ‘‘My Teacher’’ project enables every teacher to voice his or her needs in materials and
equipment necessary for pedagogical and extra-class work. An application may include a request for any
materials that could support effective education and development activities.
The project is implemented in 4 stages:
1. A teacher from any location in Russia registers at www.my-teacher.ru and places an application.
2. Benefactors review the applications and may fund any project they like.
3. The Foundation packs and sends the necessary materials to the teacher when the whole amount is
raised. After the teacher receives the materials and starts using them in their work a report with pictures
and thank you notes from the staff and students are published on the website.
4. The kids receive the long awaited learning materials.
Charity instead
of souvenirs
Dmitry Barshev
Deputy Director of EMS
Russian Post EMS
“We deem it very important to
participate in raising the availability
of advanced modern technologies
for children and teenagers, to help
develop the new personalities –
socially adapted and oriented towards
further independent development.”
companies supported
the ‘‘Charity instead
of Souvenirs’’ initiative
In 2010, eight companies participated in the program and rendered assistance to 40 social institutions
for orphans taking care of 3075 children at the age below 18. We want to express our tremendous
gratitude to companies that participated in the program in 2010: Russian Post EMS, Russkaya
Promyshlennaya Kompaniya, BMW Russia, MTT, Just For You, Goldman Sachs, ROSNO Asset Management
Alliance, Sky Link, Allen & Overy Legal Services, British Petroleum (BP), SovTransSystem.
• For the New Year, Russkaya Promyshlennaya Kompaniya gave 189 play & learn games, creativity kits
and kits for experiments to the residents of Torzhoksky orphanage (Tver region).
• Thanks to the organizations and volunteers that transfer the money to the foundation, in January 2010
the foundation was able to buy sports clothes and ski footwear for 30 residents of Rakulo-Cockshengsky
orphanage of the Arkhangelsk region.
• In February 2010, ROSNO Asset Management Alliance OJSC and the ‘‘Who Else but Me?’’ charitable
foundation presented Obninsky special boarding school (type VIII) with 275 play & learn board games.
• 275 play & learn games and creative kits for 90 residents of Azarovsky boarding school have been
purchased with the funds provided by ROSNO Asset Management Alliance OJSC.
• Goldman Sachs and the ‘‘Who Else but Me?’’ charitable foundation established a playground for
children at Voskresensky boarding school (Voskresensk, the Moscow region).
• On September 1, the initiative of organizing the First Year Holiday was supported by BMW, Allen & Overy
Legal Services, and SovTransSystem. Stationery, school bags and flowers for the holiday were purchased
for 102 children of 8 boarding institutions of Moscow, the Moscow and Tver regions.
• Goldman Sachs equipped a social adaptation room at Ivanteevsky orphanage.
• On December 22, Russian Post EMS (a branch of Russian Post FSUE) and the ‘‘Who Else but Me?’’
charitable foundation equipped a computer class for 117 children from Tula Regional boarding school.
• Before the New Year, the ‘‘Who Else but Me?’’ charitable foundation and Russkaya Promyshlennaya
Kompaniya presented Voskresensky boarding school with costumes and accessories for the children’s
theater in which many boarding school residents participate.
regional institutions
received assistance
under this program
‘‘Charity instead of Souvenirs’’ is a social initiative of the CAF RUSSIA foundation and a number of
non-commercial organizations enabling different companies to contribute to dealing with social
issues. The program is aimed at building a bridge between socially responsible businessmen and
non-commercial organizations dealing with social problems.
Annually, thousands of companies spend millions of rubles for purchasing souvenir production
(calendars, pens, notebooks). Tons of corporate souvenirs that are mostly useless and funds spent
on doing the good works are incommensurable. On the other hand, many unresolved social issues
prove that there’s a better way to spend the funds. Thinking about corporate presents more and
more organizations prefer doing the good. We invite companies to participate in the corporate social
responsibility program. You may spend the money allocated for souvenirs or any other funds so that they
would make someone happy, improve someone’s living conditions ad fostered successful socialization
of orphans.
We strongly believe that by
joining efforts of many people
and organizations we would
be able to efficiently render
support to the children who
need it, and we are in constant
search of new collaboration
opportunities with those who
believe in changing the world
for the better and lives up to
the principle the “Who Else but
• On December 28, the ‘‘Who Else but Me?’’ charitable foundation and the company ‘‘Just for You’’ gave
New Year presents – board games, play & learn games, creative kits and kits for experiments.
Absence of public support makes comprehensive charitable assistance to those who really need
almost impossible. We encourage you to support one of the charitable programs, to participate in the
development and implementation of a joint project.
годовой отчет 2010
наши программы
The World of
Childhood with L’Oreal
George Shishmanov
General Secretary of L’Oreal CJSC
“We try to bring the beauty into the
life of these kids and to make them
believe that their future depends on
their commitment and efforts. This can
only be achieved through harmonious
development of each child, and we
would do our best to achieve this
ambitious goal!”
Supporting psychologists and language therapists in orphanages, boarding schools
and social shelters
Pedagogues, psychologists and social workers at orphanages bear full responsibility for bringing up,
developing and socialization of orphans from early childhood. In 2010, we equipped 5 psychologist
rooms and 6 language therapy rooms with the elements of a sensor room at orphanages in the Kaluga
region. A series of practical seminars on modern diagnostics, correction pedagogics and language
therapy helped the staff master the advanced technologies and learn how to work with special
L’Oreal members
joined ‘‘Who Else but Me’’
Equipping social adaptation rooms
In 2010, a hairdressing saloon was opened at Obninsky special boarding school. The classes are held on
a regular basis, and the kids are able to obtain primary professional education in hair dressing.
Equipping play & learn rooms
A play & learn room is a way for a kid to receive new wonderful impressions and memories that are
necessary for harmonious development of any child. Pedagogues, psychologists and language therapists
hold development and correction classes their, helping the kids to obtain the necessary skills: finger
motility, coordination of movement, concentration of attention, phantasy, improving physical condition,
psychological relaxation. In 2010, a playroom was equipped in Orphanage № 6 (Moscow).
Development of volunteer initiative among the L’Oreal staff and other public events
Development of volunteer initiative among the L’Oreal staff was one of the important aspects of the
program in 2010 and brought a lot of happy moment to both children from orphanage and L’Oreal
volunteers. L’Oreal members participate in the events organized by the orphanages under supervision,
invite children to different events in Moscow, launch corporate charity campaigns with a view to
render assistance to children, to attract public attention to the problems of orphans and to raise social
responsibility of the Russian companies.
for children
in the program
The World of Childhood with L’Oreal is a long-term social program aimed at rendering comprehensive
support to institutions for children. The program has been implemented in the Kaluga region since
2009 with a view to create favorable environment for harmonious development of orphans and
children in difficult life situations.
There is no way to help children from orphanages without qualified psychologists, providing sufficient
material funds and rendering methodology support to pedagogues and tutors of these institutions. That
is why the following measures were implemented within ‘‘The World of Childhood with L’Oreal’’ program:
comprehensive support of pedagogues, psychologists and language therapists at social care institutions,
providing orphanages with the equipment to develop children and help them obtain necessary skills,
and, of course, material support of such institutions.
‘‘Prepare a Kid for School’’ campaign
The ‘‘Prepare a Kid for School’’ campaign was launched in July 2010, on a Social Responsibility Day at
L’Oreal Russia, and became the first L’Oreal volunteer development initiative. Sixty nine primary boarding
school students of the Kaluga region received bright schoolbags with wonderful stationery. Volunteer
from L’Oreal Russia had an opportunity to congratulate most kids in person: they came to orphanages
together with Who Else but Me representatives and gave the presents to the kids.
‘‘New Year Card’’ campaign
In December, L’Oreal launched a corporate charity campaign ‘‘New Year Card’’, with a view to raise
funds for subscribing the kids to their favorite periodicals. The amount collected – 102,740 rubles
– helped make individual subscriptions for 45 residents of Solnyshko orphanage No. 1 (Kaluga) ad
Maloyaroslavetsky orphanage. Children are now receiving periodicals in accordance with their age and
We are very grateful to L’Oreal supporting the implementation
of the ‘‘The World of Childhood with L’Oreal’’ program in 2010.
Taking care
E.I. Kuznetsova
Director of an orphanage in Yaroslavl
“Your gifts could not have come at
a better time! Bicycles, sportswear
and sporting footwear… The kids
were happy to choose their new
outfits. Your good deeds will be in our
memory forever. Let you be successful
in everything you do!”
This joint annual campaign of the ‘‘Who Else but Me?’’ charitable foundation and Lebedyansky
OJSC has been implemented since 2008. The ‘‘Taking Care Together’’ campaign is organized in the
following way: a certain part of the profits received from Fruktovy Sad sales before the New Year is
transferred to purchasing new year gifts to those who lack parental care and attention. Eighty eight
social institutions for children received non-recurrent charitable assistance within the frames of this
H. Yamaletdinov
Director of Kanashsky orphanage
(Republic of Chuvashia)
“Our children are very different,
but their miserable childhood is
something that unites them. We are
currently taking care of 84 underage
children. Thanks to you these kids
received high-quality modern outfits
and footwear and will take great
pleasure in doing sports. Our football
team has always been successful
in competitions of different levels,
and they want to devote their next
victory to you! You gave these kids
unforgettable impressions and made
them believe in human kindness!”
The republican orphanage
(Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan)
“We are very grateful to you for this
wonderful room – that is what we
really need for developing children
under our supervision. You can find
many play & learn games that foster
emotional and mental development
of the kids in this room. The children
are waiting for the summer to come to
be able to play in a new sandbox. And
we have already swum in the pool.
Charitable assistance to children who
are deprived of the most important in
their childhood – parental care, love
and warmth – is a demonstration of
sheer humanity and sympathy!”
football teams were
equipped with quality
Taking care together is a joint initiative of the ‘‘Who Else but Me?’’ charitable foundation and
Lebedyansky company aimed at sustaining and improving health of the kids left without
parental care, supporting the development of sports and sporting achievements at social
institution, and raising motivation for further education and personal success among the
residents of orphanages.
Sport is the most affordable type of leisure that foster successful development of orphanage residents.
Very often, when the state purchases sportswear and sporting footwear for orphanages, they buy things
of very low quality, while high-quality sportswear and footwear has a great positive impact on group and
individual sport classes, and high-quality sporting equipment encourages physical activity and outstanding
achievements, joint efforts and gives each child a chance for self-actualization and success. That is why
the joint campaign of the ‘‘Who Else but Me?’’ charitable foundation and Lebedyansky company is aimed
at rendering these institutions assistance in purchasing sporting equipment, play and learn facilities and
hildren received gifts within
the frames of ‘‘Taking Care
Together’’ campaign
• 3 play & learn rooms were equipped (Rostov-on-Don, Tula, Kazan);
• 2 sporting facilities with equipment for therapeutic physical culture were equipped in Birsk
(Republic of Bashkortostan) and Lipetsk;
• 2330 children in 29 institutions in the Vladimir, Astrakhan, Lipetsk, Belgorod, Ryazan, Yaroslavl,
Saratov, Novosibirsk, Volgograd and other regions, the Republic of Bashkortostan, Tatarstan and
Chuvashiya received sporting equipment, footwear and sportswear as gifts.
Teresa Rothman
Head of NVision Group
charity projects
“We want to see a human, a
personality in each child. We do not
want to just look at the crowd, we
want to look them into the eyes,
and actually to SEE them. These
kids, unfortunately, lose individual
features, they are usually just a part
of the group. No matter what s/he
does, s/he is always surrounded by
tens of those who are the same. And
if someone looks him into the eyes
and sees personality in him or her,
and personality that is significant and
valuable, with his or her own precious
opinion that is important to others –
life changes once and for all!”
• Supporting Distance Education classes for children from orphanages;
• Equipping computer classes at institutions for children, holding computer literacy seminars and
career guidance classes;
• Material support of orphanage graduates;
• Congratulating orphans in the Tver region with their birthdays;
• Targeted material support of orphanages.
• Within the frames of this program in 2010, cookery rooms were opened in Nelidovsky and
Zubtsovsky orphanages, a modern computer class and a cookery room at Emmausskaya boarding
school. Seventeen children were enrolled in Distance Education program and are now successfully
mastering secondary education programs in Algebra, Biology, Geometry, Russian, Chemistry and
History. NVision volunteers made frequent visits to orphanages under their supervision and held
many master classes in different subject areas: New Year decoration painting, beadweaving,
cooking, historical reconstructions, etc.
• Within the frames of the ‘‘Children’s Victories’’ program the ‘‘Who Else but Me?’’ charitable
foundation supported by the Department of Education of the Tver region has launched a unique career
guidance project for the residents of 6 boarding institutions under their supervision. The children
will have an opportunity to master different professions during the whole school year: hairdressing,
cookery, wood craving, golden-thread embroidery, automodelling, knitting, and batik painting.
• With the financial support of the company, the IX Regional Festival of Children’s Creativity among
residents of orphanages and boarding institutions “The Right for Childhood, Joy and Laughter!” and
“Your teacher is your best friend” was held in May 2010. The festival was held within the frames of the
Year of the Teacher in the Russian Federation and helped find the most talented children.
• We would like to note active participation and support on the part of NVision Group members. Over
50 employees of the company are engaged in the charity program: they organize trips to orphanages,
congratulate children who have birthdays, they respond to social care institutions’ needs and just
communicate and make friends with the kids. Because of these trips the kids feel that they are needed
and important, found many friends that do not forget about them and do not leave them unattended.
NVision employees
visit orphanages under
their supervision
on a regular basis
Acomprehensive social program ‘‘Children’s Victories’’ implemented by NVision Group and the
‘‘Who Else but Me?’’ charitable foundation is aimed at successful socialization and integration
of orphans into an adult society. One of the key areas of support is education. The ‘‘Children’s
Victories’’ program has been launched to help children in difficult life situations to receive
quality secondary education, successfully pass the exams and enter educational institutions,
obtain the profession they want and to become successful members of our society.
The ‘‘Children’s Victories’’ social program has been implemented with the financial and volunteer
support of NVision Group since 2008 at orphanages in the Tver region: Nelidovskaya and
Emmausskaya boarding schools, and Zubtsovsky orphanage. The aim is to raise educational level of
the youth under risk, to improve their living conditions and, as a result, to improve the general level
of social development.
This mass volunteer movement is a unique example of individual effort growing into a voluntary
corporate activity. The organization developed its own volunteer engagement program.
We would like to express our deep gratitude to NVision Group and its responsive employees for
optimism, endless creativity and responsible approach to making the “children’s victories” of
our orphans come true.
ABC of a Family
S.N. Shemereko
“Dear Olga Vladimirovna, we are so
grateful for your kind and responsive
heart and for everything what the
‘‘Who Else but Me?’’ foundation does
for us. I want to thank you for your
assistance to our family – that was
something we needed badly. I could
not believe things like that happen
nowadays. Moreover, I want to thank
all members of the foundation for
patience, attention and sympathy
they demonstrated when working
with me. I want to thank God for
you and for what you do. I wish you
health, wellbeing, prosperity and all
the best! Thank you very much once
We purchased schooling necessities, textbooks and additional literature, musical instrument and different
materials for creative, intellectual and artistic development of the children. Families in difficult life situations
receive support with paying their utility bills, paying for educational and childcare institutions, medical
services and medicines. The program is implemented by the ‘‘Who Else but Me?’’ foundation with the
financial support of MTT company (Mezhregionalny TranzitTelekom OJSC, a long distance communications
The Zelenovy
“From the bottom of our hearts, we
would like to thank the president of
the ‘‘Who Else but Me?’’ charitable
founcation, Olga Vladimirovna
Reiman, for the material support we
received! Let God bless you for your
good deeds!”
• We purchased modern household appliances and furniture for 28 families.
The Marchenkovs
Bryansk region
“We, the Marchenkovs, want to
express our earnest gratitude to
the ‘‘Who Else but Me?’’ charitable
foundation for everithing that they
are doing for large families; and we
are tremendously grateful for the
material assistance rendered. Thank
you so much!”
large families
received material
In accordance with 2002 population census large families constitute 5.4 % of our society, while
families with only one kid reach almost 68 %. Very often, parents decide to only have one or two
kids because they are afraid of material, living and other troubles. The ‘‘ABC of a Family’’ program
is aimed at helping large families to establish comfortable living conditions for the comprehensive
harmonious development of their children.
The ‘‘ABC of a Family’’ program is aimed at fostering comprehensive harmonious development of
children from large families by rendering charity assistance. The families are supported in paying for
educational and medical services, establishing comfortable living conditions and organizing their free
time. Comprehensive support is provided to the families on an individual as-needed basis. For example,
the foundation may purchase modern household appliances to make the living of a large family easier,
comfortable furniture (beds and tables), high quality home textiles, household cleaning products and
other necessities.
The author of the periodic
table of chemical elements Dmitry Mendeleev
was the 17th child in
the family; Konstantin
Tsyolkovsky – the fifth
child in the family, he had
4 older and 3 younger
brothers and sisters. Fedor Dostoevsky and Petr
Chaykovsky each had 6
brothers and sisters.
Low-income families (with 5 or more children under age) from different regions of Russia
participate in the program. Information about the participants is collected and approved at the
social welfare organizations at the place of residence
In 2010, assistance was provided to 28 large families with 5 to 11 children in the Tver, Tula, Kaluga,
Ryazan and Bryansk regions.
• We purchased footwear and outfits, including school outfits, and stationery for 128 children.
• We spent 311,535.05 rubles on paying for utilities and educational services for 6 large families.
• We helped two large families to replace old and shabby window frames with new draft-proof PVC ones.
• We purchased household cleaning kits and prodcts.
• We purchased necessary things for the new-born and hypoallergic baby food.
• We purchased a dombra for girls from a large family in Tula.
• We purchased a hairdressing training kit for a girl from a large family in the Kirov region.
• To help children in obtaining secondary education, we purchased textbooks and PCs for 6 families.
• We paid for dental services for 8 kids from a large family in Tula.
Who’s with us?
годовой отчет 2010
наши программы
Volunteer is someone who does good to others of his or her own free will. ‘‘Who Else but
Me?’’ program volunteers are a solid foundation enabling us to render regular assistance to a
huge number of people, social care institutions and organizations for children.
The community of volunteers includes representatives of different trades, ages and hobbies,
so participation in the common deed is limitless – just like your initiatives and the desire to
contribute to good. In order to become a volunteer, you do not have to earn much or have much
free time. All you need is your desire to give part of you to other people and to share your
warmth with those in need.
Most urgent needs
of our children are
published at the Render
Assistance/What Can I Do
Right Now section
of www.ktoeslineya.ru
in real time on a daily
basis. Everyone can help
us satisfy these needs.
Our volunteers help hold master classes for children, organize topic-oriented parties in orphanages,
regularly visit children they are in charge of, supervise orphanages in support & participation issues
respond to the needs of orphanages that are voiced from different regions of the country and help us
deliver the goods and people if they have private vehicles, they help us in our office work and much
more. You can participate in the events on a constant basis and simply whenever you have time. The
‘‘Make a Holiday’’! program is most popular among the volunteers. It is aimed at rendering all kinds of
assistance with a view to establish a happy and comfortable atmosphere of the holiday. You can write an
unusual interesting scenario of a holiday, organize a trip to an orphanage or take a group of volunteers
to an orphanage, buy and give gifts to the children, help decorate the rooms, prepare a performance,
invite interesting people to an orphanage, teach the kids something interesting and useful during master
classes, buy consumables, etc.
Volunteer support is often needed for the following events:
• festivals and contests to which children from orphanages are invited and where they need to be
accompanied and entertained;
• fairs, concerts, different campaigns and flash mobs launched in the support of children in difficult life
situations to draw the attention of our society to the troubles of orphans;
• fund-raising campaigns for specific social care institutions and children.
The most sought-after items are as follows: personal necessities, hygiene products, clothes for children,
furniture, books, stationery, consumables for industrial arts and creativity, office appliances (new
and used but in good condition), i.e. everything that boarding institutions for children usually can not
afford on their own. Volunteers respond to the requests, packing and sending parcels according to their
capacity. Even small contribution of a single person is very important as together we can satisfy very
many needs.
volunteers visit
children our
at orphanages
In order to become a volunteer, you do not have to
earn much or have much
free time. All you need is
your desire to give part of
you to other people and
to share your warmth with
those in need.
What a volunteer gets in return? By helping those in need a person feels needed and responsible
before the people who have to deal with their troubles on their own. Besides, volunteers are happy
to communicate with responsive people who are grateful for their attention and sympathy – both
kids and adults. Volunteering means sharing your warmth and receiving this warmth in return!
Natalia Sorokina, a volunteer of the Foundation
I’ve been hearing this question over and over again: “Why do you need THAT? Aren’t you fed up with
your own troubles?’’ By THAT they mean my trips to orphanages, to the kids. I smile at them, as I am
not surprised by their inability to understand any more: most of us prefer closing their eyes, turning
away or just thinking that everything is fine with our society. Nobody cares about the kids living
behind the high wall of our indifference.
Members of different organizations can also render gratuitous assistance to orphanages under
corporate volunteer programs. We offer the companies the following areas of activity under
corporate social responsibility campaigns:
Real friendship
sprang up between
volunteers and
The ‘‘Make a holday!’’
program is the most
loving one both
to volunteers and
to children
Children are always
looking forward
to seeing
Care and attention
are what matter
most when you are
with kids
• Participation in the ‘‘Who Else but Me?’’ charitable foundation program
I could’ve said that orphanages and boarding schools are in need of assistance, that charity and
taking care of the kids is the greatest blessing, which you need to be able to give away… Well, this
is true, but these are very general things. And I want to share very personal things with you, to tell
you what these wonderful kids gave me. I’ve just fallen in love with the children from Ivanteevsky
orphanage since my first trip. I remembered all their names, maybe because this was my first trip.
Oh, we’ve done a lot of things together: we were pirates, “saved” gifts for those who had birthdays,
“created planets”, drew posters, made cards for children from orphanages in other cities, created
pictures from cereals and whatever we had around, sewed heart… these kids are so bright, so gifted,
so different, it’s amazing!
Svetlana Laskovich, supervisor of Udomelsky orphanage
“I believe sincerity and openness of these kids will make us all kinder and wiser. Even though many
of us have neither time nor energy to go and participate in their lives physically or financially, it is
very important to think and remember about those kids around us who cherish everything we can do
for them, even though it’s very little…
For example, when we bring gifts and presents, we see children share them with each other and
treating each other sweets. You can’t help being generous and unselfish after seeing that even
though some of us lack self-organization to deal with their drawbacks on their own. And here we see
kids who could be very angry with life and very cruel (at least, that would be understandable) are
open and generous– and this is amazing– for me at least. Once we asked our Udomelsky residents
to write their New Year wishes. We wanted to make it easier for us to buy them gifts... Oh, you should
have seen these notes: ‘I want to have a dog and to have tea and cake together with my mother
and daddy’, ‘I want to have a family’, ‘I want to go to the seaside with my mother and father’ – not a
single material thing… We need to help, because Who Else but Us? No one!’’
• Supporting the Foundation’s activities (transport, legal, print&copy and other professional
• Holding educational, professional training and career guidance master classes in your professional
area for the residents of orphanages.
• Inviting children from orphanages to different events in your professional area
(excursions to enterprises, invitations to concerts, performances, contests, etc.).
Public Activity
A joint project of the ‘‘Who Else but Me?’’
charitable foundation and Intel Corporation –
the ‘‘One Student: One Computer’’ initiative
– was launched. Within the frames of this
project, the ‘‘Who Else but Me’’ charitable
foundation provided netbooks to orphanages
of the Moscow region. All institutions
were enrolled into the ‘‘One Student: One
Computer’’ initiative by Intel.
The ‘‘Who Else but Me?’’ charitable foundation
launched a new all-Russian online project – ‘‘My
Teacher’’– aimed at rendering individual support
to Russian teachers and establishing the new
standards of social participation in education.
The ‘‘Who Else but Me?’’ charitable foundation
participated in the All-Russian forum “Creating
common values: the strategy of corporate
social responsibility” launched by Nestle.
During this forum, representatives of public
authorities, business communities, noncommercial organizations and mass-media
discussed implementation of social programs
in Russia.
The ‘‘Who Else but Me?’’ charitable
foundation participated in a Charity Easter
at the Bolshoy Theater organized by BMW
Group Russia. A traditional Easter party on
the renovated Bolshoy’s stage was organized
for the children from orphanages. Beautiful
music and wonderful performance became
an awesome gift for the kids on Easter Eve.
The ‘‘Moscow Welcomes the Friends’’ festival
was held with the support of the ‘‘Who
Else but Me?’’ charitable foundation. The
nominees living in remote regions of Russia
had an opportunity to join the ‘‘Distance
Education’’ program implemented by the
foundation. Besides, the foundation awarded
three most prominent teachers with a special
award for the Year of the Teacher.
The ‘‘Who Else but Me?’’ charitable
foundation participated in the All-Russian
forum “Creating common values: the strategy
of corporate social responsibility” launched
by Nestle. During this forum, representatives
of public authorities, business communities,
non-commercial organizations and massmedia discussed implementation of social
programs in Russia.
All-Russian charitable marathon “Education
for All Children” was held with the support
of the ‘‘Who Else but Me?’’ charitable
foundation, Europa Plus radio station, OK!
Magazing and MENU Magazine. 409, 960.06
rubles was collected during the marathon
to purchase household kits for orphanage
All-Russian charitable marathon “Education
for All Children” was held with the support
of the ‘‘Who Else but Me?’’ charitable
foundation, Europa Plus radio station, OK!
Magazing and MENU Magazine. 409, 960.06
rubles was collected during the marathon
to purchase household kits for orphanage
The ‘‘Who Else but Me?’’ charitable foundation
participated in the ‘‘Prepare a Kid for School’’
campaign supported by Ashan retail network.
Over 1,500 customers of Ashan hypermarkets
participated in the charitable campaign. They
bought schoolbags, notebooks, pens, color
pencils and other school necessities to donate
all this to the ‘‘Who Else but Me?’’ charitable
foundation. The gifts were distributed among
the residents of Moscow orphanages and
children from large families.
The ‘‘Who Else but Me?’’ charitable
foundation participated in the Prepare a Kid
for School campaign supported by Ashan
retail network. Over 1,500 customers of Ashan
hypermarkets participated in the charitable
campaign. They bought schoolbags,
notebooks, pens, color pencils and other
school necessities to donate all this to the
‘‘Who Else but Me?’’ charitable foundation.
The gifts were distributed among the
residents of Moscow orphanages and children
from large families.
A charitable auction was organized by Vogue
and Chivas Regal in honor of the English
designer Alexander McQueen. 1,808,868
rubles raised during the event was spent on
implementing the ‘‘My Prospects’’ program
and holding career guidance master classes
at orphanages in the Tver region.
The ‘‘Who Else but Me?’’ charitable
foundation won the 2010 open contest of
the National Charitable Foundation and
received a grant worth 3,000,000 rubles to
implement the Healthy Kids – a Chance for
a Family project. The ‘‘Who Else but Me?’’
charitable foundation participated in the
press conference devote to the all-Russian
‘‘2010 Teacher of the Year in Russia’’ contest.
The pres—conference was held at RIA Novosti
press center. The President of Who Else
but Me charitable foundation Olga Reiman
talked about a new charitable project of the
foundation, ‘‘My Teacher’’, aimed at rendering
individual support to the teachers by
providing them with additional materials and
equipment in accordance with their needs.
companies, intergovernmental and national
structures, the ‘‘Who Else but Me?’’
charitable foundation will work to establish
a favorable environment for professional
development of charity in Russia.
Seventy six nominees of the all-Russian ‘‘2010
Teacher of the Year in Russia’’ contest became
the first participants of the ‘‘My Teacher’’ project.
On October 5, at a special ceremony at the
Kremlin, Yuriy Churlyaev was granted a certificate
worth of 250,000 rubles to purchase multimedia
equipment. Yuriy is a teacher of geography
at Voronezh secondary school No. 78 with
advanced coverage of certain subjects.
The ‘‘Who Else but Me?’’ charitable foundation
participated in the presentation of a book
“Philanthropy in Russia: the potential and way
of development”. This is the first comprehensive
research devoted to philanthropy in Russia
published by the Civil Society and Noncommercial Sector Research Center at the Higher
School of Economics. The presentation included
discussion with the authors, representatives
of the academic community, non-commercial
organizations, charitable foundations and
commercial organizations engaged in charity.
The ‘‘Who Else but Me?’’ charitable
foundation participated in the municipal
conference on the issues of orphanages
“Information, social and advertising
campaigns aimed at covering the issues of
orphans and children left without parental
care: preparation and organization” at
orphanage No. 12.
The all-Russian New Year charitable campaign
“Taking Care Together” was launched by the
‘‘Who Else but Me?’’ charitable foundation and
Lebedyansky CJSC. In accordance with the rules
of the campaign, one ruble from sales of each
Fruktovy Sad package marked ‘‘Taking Care
Together’’ shall be transferred to Who Else but
Me charitable foundation. The funds raised help
purchase play & learn games, sporting outfits
and equipment for children from 32 regional
The ‘‘Who Else but Me?’’ charitable foundation
participated in the VIII Annual Conference of
the Donors Forum “Charity in Russia: New
Rules of the Game”. During this conference, the
foundation organized a discussion “What’s New
in Fundraising: a dialogue on ethics”.
The ‘‘Who Else but Me?’’ charitable
foundation became a member of the
non-commercial partnership of grant
providers, Donors Forum. Together with the
largest Russian and western foundations,
The ‘‘Who Else but Me?’’ charitable foundation
also completed its traditional New Year
campaign “Become a father Frost”. The
campaign lasted for a month and engaged
residents of Moscow and the Moscow region:
enterprises and physical persons, families wit
kids, pensioners, schoolchildren and students.
Over 900 individual gifts for children from the
remote orphanages of the Moscow, Tula, Tver
and Bryansk region were collected under the
about Us
о нас
All-Russian Charity Project My Teacher
October 6, 2010
On October 5, a new all-Russian charity project
‘‘My Teacher’’ (www.my-teacher.ru) was launched
with a view to render individual assistance to
Russian teachers and establish the new standards
of social participation in education. Seventy
six nominees of the all-Russian ‘‘2010 Teacher
of the Year in Russia’’ contest became the first
participants of the ‘‘My Teacher project’’. On
October 5, at a special ceremony at the Kremlin,
Yuriy Churlyaev whose application was chosen the
best was granted a certificate worth of 250,000
rubles to purchase multimedia equipment for his
geography class. Yuriy is a teacher of geography at
Voronezh secondary school No. 78 with advanced
coverage of certain subjects. The project
supervisors note one of its important advantages:
it unites teachers and benefactors regardless
their location for an open dialogue and dealing
with issues related to equipping the schools with
necessary materials and modern equipment.
Under this project, any pedagogue from any
Russian school may register their application
at the portal and receive modern equipment,
materials for interactive teaching and using new
methods in their lessons.
The ‘‘Taking Care Together’’ Charity Campaign
December 1, 2010
From December 1, 2010 to January 31, 3011 The
‘‘Who Else but Me’’ charitable foundation and
Lebedyansky CJSC participate in the joint allRussian New Year charity campaign “Taking Care
Together”. In accordance with the rules of the
campaign, one ruble from sales of each Fruktovy
Sad package marked ‘‘Taking Care Together’’
shall be transferred to Who Else but Me charitable
foundation. The funds raised help purchase play
& learn games, sporting outfits and equipment
for children from regional orphanages. Within
this charity campaign, assistance is rendered to
32 orphanages from the Tula, Bryansk, Lipetsk,
Vladimir, Leningrad, Samara, Voronezh, Tambov,
Akhangelsk, Rostov, Astrakhan, Moscow,
Yaroslavl, Belgorod, Ryazan, Saratov, Novosibirsk,
Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Penza, Volgorad, Nizhny
Novgorod regions, the Krasnodar and Krasnoyarsk
territories, the Republics of Chuvashiya, Tatarstan
and Bashkortostan.
to the law that comes into force on January 1 and
provides for an increase in insurance premiums
for all the organizations (including, of course,
NCOs). However, this did not happen though
the charity community supported by the Public
Chamber had launched a mass-scale campaign to
draw the President’s attention to the issue.”
A Teacher from Voronezh Receives Brand New
Equipment under My Teacher Campaign
Yuriy Churlyaev, a Geography teacher at Voronezh
secondary school 78, became the first Russian
pedagogue to receive innovative teaching
equipment under the ‘‘My Teacher’’ federal
project and had his first demo lesson at the
newly equipped classroom on Wednesday, RIA
Novosti reports. A geography kit worth 250,000
rubles was provided by the ‘‘Who Else but Me?’’
charitable foundation. The ‘‘My Teacher’’ project
launched on October 5 is a long-term all-Russian
charitable online project offering each teacher an
opportunity to participate. To do this, you need to
submit an application and request the equipment
you need specifying how it would improve the
teaching project. 233 teachers participated in the
project during the first months. Yuriy Churlyaev, a
nominee of the all-Russian contest “2010 Teacher
of the Year in Russia”, became one of the first
participants of the project and the first one to
receive equipment allocated under project. This
campaign is supported by the ‘‘Who Else but
Me?’’ charitable foundation and the RF Ministry of
Science and Education. On October 5, when the
best teachers of the country were awarded at the
Kremlin, Mr. Churlyaev received a certificate for
purchasing a kit of innovative equipment from the
‘‘My Teacher Project’’ .
Many Expected that Medvedev Would “Save”
NCOs, Olga Reiman Claims
December 2, 2010
The president of the ‘‘Who Else but Me’’ charitable
foundation Olga Reiman commented the RF
President’s Address to the Federal Assembly: “It
is very important that this year Dmitry Medvedev’s
address consistently reflects and develops the
social spheres specified in 2009: the disabled,
orphanages, NCOs, family support issues and
global changes in the system of education.”
The president of the Foundation noted that it is
vital for the non-commercial sector to sustain its
growth and development. “Speaking of improving
the legal system, I suppose many of us expected
that the President would “save” NCOs in relation
Over 900 Orphanage Residents Received New
Year Gifts
The president of the ‘‘Who Else but Me?’’
charitable foundation Olga Reiman commented
the RF President’s Address to the Federal
Assembly: “It is very important that this year
Dmitry Medvedev’s address consistently reflects
and develops the social spheres specified in
2009: the disabled, orphanages, NCOs, family
support issues and global changes in the system
of education.” The president of the Foundation
noted that it is vital for the non-commercial
sector to sustain its growth and development.
“Speaking of improving the legal system, I
suppose many of us expected that the President
would “save” NCOs in relation to the law that
comes into force on January 1 and provides for
an increase in insurance premiums for all the
organizations (including, of course, NCOs).
However, this did not happen though the charity
community supported by the Public Chamber
had launched a mass-scale campaign to draw
the President’s attention to the issue.”
Don’t Know How to Be Polite
Olga Reiman, the President of the ‘‘Who Else
but Me?’’ charitable foundation believes that
low private engagement in charity is caused by
both mistrust in NCOs and lack of easy ways
to render assistance. “Sympathy and desire
to help are impeded by complex procedures:
filling in applications, queuing in the bank…”
To deal with the mistrust issue, the foundation
publishes expenditure reports on its website,
and to provide easy and convenient tools for
rendering charity assistance, the foundation
cooperates with QIWI to raise money for
professional preparation of orphans for
USE with the help of immediate payment
Social Information Agency
The ‘‘Who Else but Me?’’ charitable
foundation Supports Career Guidance
of Orphanage Graduates
The charitable foundation held a career
guidance seminar and master class for
orphanage graduates, children from large
families and young people in difficult life
situations. Experts of the foundation and
representatives of large companies joined
the event to talk about trades that are in the
highest demand on the labor market, they
taught young people to compile CVs and cover
letters, to succeed at a job interview and to
make an informed decision about their future
profession. The meeting was held within the
frames of Gifted Children program aimed at
finding and supporting talented and gifted
children raised at the boarding institutions.
Under the distance education project, the
foundation helps the children to improve
their educational level in all subjects of a
secondary school, to complete laboratory
assignments and experiments with the
help of the newest computer programs and
technologies, and to prepare for passing
Cream of Nation
“We enroll both orphans and children
from large families into a distance education
project,” tells Olga Reiman, the President of
the ‘‘Who Else but Me?’’ foundation. “The
teaching process is in full compliance with
the requirements of the state educational
standards, the best in class pedagogues
and psychologists participate in the program.
Its main disadvantage though is being rather
expensive. As far as we know, the number
of schoolchildren in distance education does
not even reach 1 %.”
All-Russian Charity Marathon Helps
Orphanage Graduates Settle
On the Children’s Day, June 1, the second
All-Russian charity marathon “Education
to all Children” supported by the ‘‘Who
Else but Me?’’ charitable foundation was
It is aimed at helping 2010 orphanage
graduates settle in their new independent
life and free some time to study. From June
1 to 14, everyone can transfer the funds to
purchase 100 startup kits with all necessary
things: a pillow, a blanket, bed sheets,
a throw blanket, an iron, a kettle, a set of
pans and stew pans, towels, tableware,
cleaning and hygiene products, a first aid
kit, some stationery and a legal note listing
their rights and social benefit available.
Each kit costs 9,800 rubles.
In 2010, the number of orphanage graduates
supported by the Foundation reaches
100. These are mostly graduates from
the Tver, Moscow and Kaluga regions
entering universities, colleges and
vocational training schools.
Financial Data
Legal entities
Physical persons
35 535 000.00
4 560 000.00
40 095 000.00
1. My Prospects
and Distance Education
2. Make a Holiday
3. Healthy Kids—a Chance for a Family
4. Charity instead of Souvenirs
5. My teacher
6. Program activity
organisation costs
annual report 2010
How to help
How to help
You may choose a way that you like most of all. In any case
your contribution into activity of the “Who else but Me?”
Charitable Foundation will surely get to the target addressee
and will help kids to acquire happy future.
Through QIWI
immediate payment
At a Pochta Rossii
1. Press the «Other services» button
2. Press the «Who else but Me?»
logo button
3. Insert the sum needed and press
the «Pay» button
With a plastic card
(Visa, Master Card etc) At a
www.ktoeslineya.ru web-site
Through an
electronic payment
With the
Foundation Bank
Buy souvenirs
Yandex. Money 41001295677541
To: “Who else but Me?” Charity Foundation
Where: 7/1 Delegatskaya Street, Moscow 127473,
Russia TIN: 7710476171 Correspondent
account No № 30101810600000000151
Bank name: ZAO Bank Russky Standart
Settlement account Account No
Bags, badges, flat caps and T-shirts.
Money gathered is spent on the “Make a
holiday!” program.
Contact: info@ktoeslineya.ru
№ 40703.810.5.00000001284 in RF rubles
RCBIC: 044583151 Reference (purpose
of payment): charity donation for assistance
Place a banner
or a social
Our offer to
Help an orphanage
on your own
Contact: press@ktoeslineya.ru
You may engage in joint projects with our
Foundation and attract other resources
of your companies to charity. We deeply
appreciate your ideas, advice, business
offers and your life experience.
The workers of the Foundation will
answer all your questions connected
with independent assistance to a social
institution. You’ll find recommendations
and answers to frequently asked questions
at www.ktoeslineya.ru
7/1 Delegatskaya Street,
Moscow, 127473
Tel./fax: +7 (495) 649 1814
e-mail: info@ktoeslineya.ru