1 Mario Totaro, piano Daniela Ferrati, piano Ivan Gambini


1 Mario Totaro, piano Daniela Ferrati, piano Ivan Gambini
Mario Totaro, piano
Daniela Ferrati, piano
Ivan Gambini, percussion instruments
TRIO DIAGHILEV's original musical proposal surprises us, so that an apparently “simple” concert
becomes a real and complete performance... never before have there been such daring effects with
even more stunning touches than those in the orchestral versions…“…The Trio was able to create
striking symphonic sounds and the dynamism of the two piano e the percussion instruments was
impressive... This is what the Münich "Suddeutsche Zeitung" wrote about Trio Diaghilev.
It's true to say that the stunning instrumental technique of each single player, the refined taste, the
respectful open-mindedness close to the artistic creation pleasure and the great emotional tension,
ensure that the Trio Diaghilev's performances make for an astonishing and exciting evening.
The well-constructed arrangements by the Trio with their daringly inquisitive and irrepressible
musicality, make for a sparkling and culturally regenerative evening.
The Trio Diaghilev's repertory includes some of the greatest 20th century musical masterpieces like
some original compositions written especially for them.
The intensive activity of the Trio in Italy and abroad has gained enthusiastic approval both from the
public and from the critics.
They have performed in important festival (Galleria dei Suoni- Musica 2000- Cidim- Roma, I Concerti
dell’Ateneo/UIC-Roma, Futuroma in the opening night for the celebrations of the centenary of the
futurist movement-Roma, XLuna for the celebrations of the fortieth anniversary of the landing on the
moon-Roma, Gioventù Musicale Italiana-Milano, Auditorium Manzoni-Bologna Associazione ScarlattiNapoli, ROF(Rossini Opera Festival)-Pesaro, Ente Concerti-Pesaro, Sagra Musicale MalatestianaRimini,
Internationales Iffeldorfer Meisterkonzert-Ifferdorf, Moore Theatre- Seattle, Benaroya Hall-Seattle,
Rialto Theater-Tacoma). They have also worked with some important dance companies (Italian Ballet
company conducting by Carla Fracci and Beppe Menegatti, Dance Theatre of Torino conducting by
Matteo Levaggi and The Spectrum Dance Theatre of Seattle conducting by Donald Byrd) and taken
part as "invited guests of honor " in the radio recording RAI (“Radiotre Suite”-Roma, Salone del
They have performed with the Orchestra of Teatro Comunale di Bologna conducting by Michele
Mariotti in Bela Bartòk Concert for two pianos, percussion and orchestra.
The Trio Diaghilev recorded Le sacre du printemps, Petrushka by I.Stravinsky, and Der Wunderbare
Mandarin by B.Bartòk for Taukay Edition-Udine distributed by Eroica Label.
A new cd
released with Mario Totaro’s works for piano and percussion for Preludio Edition.
“…The three musicians have shown exemplary preparation (all from memory, perfect synchronie)
individual instrumental skills that reached the percussionist the real virtuosity ... "
(“La Cronaca” Mantova, 16/02/2013)
“…it was something more than a concert, beautiful music excellent interpreters and all the attention of
the audience of the Monday of Music…
(“La Voce” Mantova, 23/02/2013)
“…Two accomplished pianists and a virtuoso percussionist have flown in from Milan to perform a
series of three concerts this weekend (March 11-13) sponsored by Northwest Sinfonietta, the Tacomabased chamber music ensemble. The musicians call themselves Trio Diaghilev in honor of Sergei
Diaghilev, the Russian impressario who championed the music of Ravel and Stravinsky…Their
program, titled "Rites of Spring," is straightforward enough: Ravel's "La Valse," Bernstein's suite from
West Side Story, and Stravinksy's "The Rite of Spring." A century after the scandalous premier of
"Rite," there's not much surprise left in atonal music, but what's unexpected is the energy and drama
that the musicians bring to their performance…”
(Crosscut tout Seattle, March 2011)
“…The third round of “Concerts in the Palace” on Sunday 21 February, at Palazzo Bongiovanni, in
Camerino has thrilled the public….
The audience has greeted the artists of the Trio Diaghilev with warm applause at the end of the
original exhibition devoted to the musical…”
(La prima web, 23/02/2010)
"... ten minutes of lengthy applause greeted the opening of the Camerino Festival, which was
inaugurated by Balletto Teatro di Torino and by Trio Diaghilev, very much applauded interpreters of
(Il Resto del Carlino, 30/07/2008)
"... Petrushka ended the performance, a ballet designed by the choreographer of the Balletto Teatro di
Torino without psychological references, but rather by setting the "eyes" on a disembodied drama (not
by chance the protagonists of the story are three puppets), building a ideogram, in which the
characters move. The Trio Diaghilev offered an exciting proof, with a new version of the score for two
pianos and percussion …”
(cultura.marche.it 04/08/2008)
“... The circuit Campano Dance shows, tonight and tomorrow at the Delle Palme, the new version of a
masterpiece, "Petrushka" by Stravinsky signed by Matthew Levaggi, young, interesting choreographer
of the Balletto Teatro di Torino ... Here, every "figure" is more then a choreographic figure, is like a
theatrical character, "as a devout remembrance," says the same Levaggi. Just "devout", but quite
innovative, is the new essential orchestration, for two pianos and percussion…”
(Vittoria Ottolenghi 17/03/2008)
“…First of all the Stravinsky’s score here is performed by the Trio Diaghilev for piano and percussion:
a kind of liquid energy which is meant to push the dancers in a fluid organic shape of movement…”
(Elisa Guzzo Vaccarino Ballet tanz giugno 2008)
“…Stravinsky’s discordant score was beautifully played, live, by Trio Diaghilev, three skilled Italian
(Dance Magazine 2006)
“…Italy’s Trio Diaghilev, on two grand pianos and percussion instruments, broutht the range of Igor’s
Stravinsky’s music alive: from pulsating to funky, discordant to grandiose. The music turned flirty as
artistic director Donald Byrd’s choreography softened…Trio Diaghilev played Bela Bartók with
(“The Seattle Times”, 09/10/2006)
“…The excellent Trio Diaghilev, two pianos and a huge set of percussion instruments…”
(Seattlepi.com, 09/10/2006)
“…The Trio was able to create a striking symphonic sounds and the dynamism of the two pianos and
the percussian instruments were impressive…Mars’s primordial strength reminded the present political
scenery , the lightness of Mercury was emphasized by the two piano’s pearly sounds and by the
Glockenspiel, Jupiter showed itself bright and foaming , the kettle-drums underlined the gravity of
Saturn’s theme, Uranus was full of virtuosity and Neptun ended the score with spherical and dilute
sounds…Great applause…”
("Süddeutsche Zeitung", München , 57 – 10/03/2003)
“…The Trio Diaghilev confirmed the extraordinary reputation of Pesaro Rossini Conservatory , invited
for the second time to Ifferdorf. This Trio is very appreciated for his own work on 20th century musical
masterpieces. With Holst, Totaro’s ballet and Stravinsky the Trio received great and enthusiastic
applause from a learned and excited public.
The character of each planet was expressed in the best way and a musical fury out of all comparison
inflamed the Stravinsky’s score. The Trio, being named after the great Russian impresario, offered a
wonderful interpretation like the orchestral version. The archaic strength, the pulsating metric but also
the lirism of the Rite of spring were listened as a new primeval event…“
("Penzberg Merkur", 10/03/2003)
“...The very close musicians, offered an example of excellent ability...They expressed that “ideal
sound” possible only by an everyday artistic knowledge...
(“Messaggero Veneto”, 24.10.2002)
“...The Trio Diaghilev’s proposal founded a peculiar reason to be stimulating in his daring newness of
the contents, and, in his wise achievement, revealing a musical sensibility and intelligence out of the
common run...The pianists competed with Ivan Gambini to express individually and all together the
best of a technical authoritativeness and a very high interpretative flexibility... a lesson of refined taste
and exceptional creative intelligence...”
("L'Eco di Bergamo", 14.10.2000)
“... Trio Diaghilev kept the sparkle of a sperimental with daring intelligence ... The virtuosity was the
overwhelming and necessary party that incarnates on one hand, the violent orgiastic and
unrestrainable feelings of those pages, and on the other hand the control and the aloofness...all
though it lacked the normal scenographic element it was executed with professionalism and without
( "L'Adige", 13.10.2000)
“... The Trio Diaghilev’s interpretations returned effectively the aesthetic reasons of the played pages.
The Trio distinguished itself instrumentally confident and with total harmony ...”
( "La Gazzetta del sud", 28.10.2000)
“...To the traditional piano duo a rich section of percussion instruments joined in the memory of
Bartok’s idea. The usual transcription changed dress, it gained charms, aggressiveness, expressive
strength... The Trio Diaghilev played with great harmony .... during the Rite of Spring the group
showed all his power.
Compactness, homogeneity, technical ability, the three musicians arrived to the Stravinsky’s
masterpiece with induring strength with refined taste and fantasy...”
( "IL Mattino", 27.10.2000)
“...The Trio Diaghilev’s interpretation was extremely involving in Moltrasio...The two pianists showed a
great technical ability, an astonishing rhythmical vivacity, a charming touch...The percussionist was
excellent and he gave a shining interpretation and great emotions...
( "IL Corriere", 12.10.1999)
“...The message is winning and enjoyable....it passed and involved....don’t loose the next chance in
( "La Provincia", 12.10.1999)
"... Trio Diaghilev… “when the magic of the notes merges with the spiritual search”. The program of
the performance: "West Side Story" (suite) by L. Bernstein arranged for two pianos and percussion
instruments by Mario Totaro and the “Planets” op.32 by G. Holst arranged by Trio. The result:
irrepressible musicality, virtuosity and acrobatic magic, rhythm, refinement, and wisdom of the
arrangements... and ensemble of very high level."
("Il Resto del Carlino", 27.7.1999)
" The wonderful performance of the Trio Diaghilev went off in the charming setting of the Montani
Antaldi Mansion's courtyard, for the show 'an attendant Rossini'.......a great virtuosity and a refined
performance were able to get people worked up...cheers and request of BIS for these three musicians
more and more known in Italy and abroad. If somebody thought to be in front of a formation, our
suggestion is to go to listen and see them at least once in order of being charmed by the sweetness
interpretative and from the total synchrony which link these three artists (they play from memory
without scores).... and to see the acrobatic magic of the percussionist accompanied by four hands that
'fly on the keys'."
("http://notizie.pesaro.com" , 27.7.1999)
“...A ”pastiche” of involving originality played by a musical trio, the Diaghilev Trio, with great artistic
personality , high instrumental harmony and excellent technical ability ...this could be a summary
opinion of the Trio. They were able to attract the listener’s attention with new and unusual
magnetism....a Trio of great quality...”
("Corriere Adriatico", 10.12.1998)
"... The performance of the Diaghilev Trio has been the most astonishing, exciting and culturally
regenerative evening of the whole programming '95/'96... The Trio Diaghilev set up an extraordinary
interpretation through a large use of martellato sounds with a brilliant and dense pianistic touch...
Overwhelming and irresistible the phantasmagorical role of the percussions..."
("Il Resto del Carlino", 05.05.1996)
"... Mario Totaro and Daniela Ferrati on the pianos built great incisiveness and absolute conviction the
supporting building of each listened composition and the most skilful Ivan Gambini passed through an
incredible series of percussion instruments for pointing out the multiform and peculiar sonorous
dimensions of each listened piece..."
("L'Eco di Bergamo", 14.03.1995)
" This trio Diaghilev doesn't simply want to play music, it makes music scandalizing some people and,
according to the prolonged and vigorous applause they get, enthralling many others...”
("Il Resto del Carlino", 18.08.1994)
" ... charming instrumental bravura and great emotional tension..."
("Penzberg Merkur", 16 - 17.04.1994)
"... the original musical proposal of the Diaghilev Trio offers constant 'coups de théâtre' so that an
apparently "simple" concert becomes a real performance with theatrical trimmings, never before have
there been such daring effects with even more stunning touches than in the orchestral versions.".
("Süddeutsche Zeitung", München, 16 - 17.04.1994)
“...interpretative intelligence...musical techniques almost to the limits of virtuosity ... It is clear that to
produce such musical effects it is necessary to have not only an extremely good musical education,
but also a refined taste, a respectful open-mindedness and to abandon oneself to the pleasure of
inventiveness and creativity."...
("Il Resto del Carlino", 04.08.1993)
" ... At the hall of the "Rossini" theatre we listened to a daring and interesting musical gesture which
name is Trio Diaghilev. The repertory, very extraordinary, started with a winning "Creation du Monde"
by D.Milhaud. This piece caressed the very typical jazz accents and jazz rhythms. The choice of the
percussions arrangement was absolutely enviable. The second piece was "Parade" by E. Satie where
the technical and musical abilities found space. In the second part the trio performed from memory
“The rite of spring” by I. Stravinsky. I think there is nothing else to say... in this last piece there was
ever a doubt that the Trio Diaghilev was just a Trio..."
("Il Resto del Carlino", 1993)
Ivan Gambini
t: +39 335 5468127
Mario Totaro
t: +39 338 2156719
Daniela Ferrati
t: +39 339 2280714