NEWSLETTER - Ironside State School
NEWSLETTER - Ironside State School
Ironside State School NEWSLETTER 2 June 2016 / Edition 8 2 Hawken Drive St Lucia QLD 4067 Telephone: 07 3258 3111 STUDENT ABSENCE LINE: 3258 3160 Facsimile: 07 3258 3100 Web: DATE CLAIMERS: Week 8, Term 2 Dear Parents and Caregivers, AN IRONSIDE GRADUATE 8.6.16 Parent Rep Meeting (2pm) 9.6.16 Music Spectacular Indooroopilly SHS As part of our strategic planning process for the next four year cycle 2017-2020, we will be asking families for feedback at different times during the second semester. This feedback will be taken at the school level, through the School Council, to develop a very real strategic plan that will inform school direction over the next four years. 14.6.16 Athletics Carnival Year 3-6 Prior to the end of this term you can expect to receive a link to a survey that asks the following question: 15.6.16 2017 Prep Parent Information Session (6:30pm) What are the key attributes you would like to see in your child/ren after their time at Ironside State School? 22.6.16 International Breakfast Meeting - EALD Room (2pm) I share this with you now as a feed-forward and preparation strategy. When the survey arrives to your inbox (shortly), your feedback and input to the question will be vital to our process. If you could begin the reflection around this question it would be much appreciated. 24.6.16 Tuckshop (P&C) Sausage Sizzle THIRD DEPUTY PRINCIPAL POSITION 24.6.16 Term 2 Holiday Commences 2.7.16 Federal Election 11.7.16 Term 3 Commences 10.8.16 EKKA HOLIDAY 16.8.16 to 18.8.16 Year 5 & 6 Life Education 3.9.16 P&C Ironside Ball 9.9.16 International Breakfast It’s a pleasure to announce that Ms Larissa Vecchio has been appointed to the position of Deputy Principal at Ironside State School. Larissa brings many years of school leadership experience with her to Ironside. I won’t be outlining her CV to you here; however, you can expect a ‘letter of introduction’ from Larissa to the community with the next newsletter in Week 10. In the interim I’ll be working and meeting with Larissa to ensure her transition, from her current work site at Bulimba State School, is as seamless as possible. Larissa will commence duty on the first day of Term Three. INTERSCHOOL SPORT SEASON Last week saw the conclusion of the Semester One interschool sporting competition and associated internal school sporting opportunities/ activities for Years Five and Six. I have enjoyed hearing the results and progress reports from the school sporting captains at our school assemblies. I have also thoroughly enjoyed my time with the Junior Boys Soccer Team. Continued ... 1 Congratulations to those teams that were premiers/winners within their competition. I know that we had a number of successful teams representing Ironside SS this season. More importantly our teams demonstrated that they ‘played well’. Playing hard and playing to win is fair and expected. Playing in a manner that respects your own team as well as the opposition, no matter how the result is developing or realised, is not negotiable. I am delighted to report that all teams played in a manner that was a credit to their team mates, coaches and most importantly themselves. I’d like to extend my thanks and appreciation to the staff, parents and community members involved with our teams this season. WELCOME BACK – MS JANICE RUDDICK & THANK YOU MR PHILLIP POULTON Ms Ruddick has returned from her Long Service Leave on Tuesday. I know it was a real pleasure to see her back at Ironside. During this leave, Mr Poulton did a very thorough and professional job acting in the role of Deputy Principal. I’d like to extend my thanks and appreciation to Phillip on a job well done. I know that 2P will be delighted to have Mr Poulton back. I acknowledge this change from the parent perspective and appreciate the understanding during this time of Mr Poulton acting in a higher duties position. FANFARE CONGRATULATIONS to our instrumental music students, band and strings, for your wonderful performances at Sherwood SS on Tuesday for Fanfare. It is a delight to see the numbers of students engaged in the programs as well as the calibre of the combined talent of the ensembles. Sincere thanks and appreciation to all the music staff at Ironside who teach, tutor, prepare and lead our musicians in this way. The success and recognition is due reward for the work that you all put in. I’m looking forward to the Ironside Music Showcase evening to be held at Indooroopilly SHS on the 9th June. IRONSIDE SCHOOL NEWSLETTER – SEMESTER II From Term Three this year the School newsletter will become a weekly delivery into the inboxes of families. I have heard your feedback regarding school communications. We will be working to make communication more timely, streamlined and coordinated across the key platforms of Newsletter, Website, Facebook and Q Schools App. We are considering the timing and delivery day of the newsletter. This will be communicated prior to the end of term. All the best for the coming fortnight. Damian Johnson Principal NEWS FROM MS RUDDICK CLASS PARENT REP Our next Parent Rep meeting will be held on Wednesday 8 June commencing at 2pm in the staffroom. OVERSEAS AND AUSTRALIAN FAMILY NETWORK This term, we will start planning Ironside’s International Breakfast and Concert which will be held on Friday 9 September starting at 7.30am and concluding by 10.45am. Our next meeting will be held at 2pm on Wednesday 22 June in the EAL/D classroom. 2016 JAPAN STUDY TOUR In July and August, Ironside will be playing host to staff, students and parents from three Japanese schools. The first group of Ironside students travelled to Japan in 1981. Our students travel to Japan every second year. 2016 is the year that the Japanese schools visit Ironside. I will be organising their billeting arrangements once their arrival and departure dates have been finalised. As from today, I am still waiting for final confirmation from the three schools. If interested in billeting our guests, please refer to the attachment to this newsletter which was also included in the previous newsletter on Thursday 19 May. Please contact me if you have any questions. Continued ... 2 PREP 2017 PREP PARENT INFORMATION SESSION Date: Time: Wednesday 15 June 6pm for refreshments 6.30pm -7.30pm for presentation Venue: Ironside School Hall NB: This is a session for adults only. LOST PROPERTY Thank you to the parents who spend hours of their own time sorting and distributing lost property. Many items are not labelled which makes it very difficult to return to the owner. Please be reminded to label your child’s belongings clearly with their current year level. Also please encourage your child to look after his/her belongings. Thank you! FANFARE RESULTS Congratulations to the instrumental music teachers and students on the following outstanding results:Junior Band Silver Senior Band Gold Junior Strings Gold Intermediate Strings Silver Senior Strings Gold Chamber Strings Gold IRONSIDE MUSIC SPECTACULAR Date: Thursday 9 June Time: 7pm Venue: Indooroopilly State High School (Please see included flyer for further information) I look forward to seeing you at this special Ironside event. I had a wonderful two weeks in Bali while on long service leave. During my time in Bali, I had the opportunity to visit the Denpasar Children Centre which has a Primary School attached to the Centre. Ironside’s Coach, Mrs Shelley Lee joined me at the Centre as she was also in Bali on leave. The staff, students and parents made us feel so welcome, as we shared information about Ironside with their school community. Janice Ruddick Deputy Principal NEWS FROM MR KNIGHTS CLASSROOM VISITS I have enjoyed my time in classrooms this week. I especially enjoyed my time in 3W, listening to the students blurbs regarding their books. ICAS TESTING ICAS Science testing has occurred this week. Thank you to everybody who participated. Maths and English tests are in Term 3 and will be taken during the course of the day. If you would still like to be considered at this late stage, please contact Mr Knights CYBERSAFETY Cybersafety workshops will occur in Term 3 for Years 2 to 6 with INESS. A parent information evening will also be provided. More information to follow. LIFE EDUCATION Life Education will be held 16,17 & 18 August 2016 for Years 5 & 6. The “Talk About It” program will be offered to all students for approximately $7.50. More information to follow closer to the time. Adam Knights Deputy Principal 3 URGENT REQUEST IRONSIDE STATE SCHOOL Japan Study Tour 2016 2 June 2016 Dear Ironside Parents or Carers, In July / August this year, three of our sister schools from Japan will be visiting Ironside. The exciting occasion comes around every two years and has always been a most rewarding experience for all involved. My Committee organizes the itinerary and all meals for our guests when at school or on an excursion. You would be required to provide breakfast and evening meals when not attending an organized school event. No payment is given to host families as when Ironside travels to Japan, homestay arrangements are made for us. We are seeking expressions of interest from Ironside families in billeting our guests. Please note that all students and adults are billeted in pairs to make the homestay more harmonious for both sides. There may be the need to billet a group of 3 students and sometimes adults by themselves. This depends on the number of male and female students / adults. If you are interested, please complete the form below and return it to the school office by Friday 10 June 2016. Thank you for your continued support of our Japan Study Tour Program. Janice Ruddick Deputy Principal (for the 2016 Japan Study Tour Committee) Please complete, detach and return to the school office by Friday 10 June 2016. EXPRESSION OF INTEREST TO BILLET JAPANESE STUDENTS AND ADULTS Family Name : ____________________________________ First Names : ____________________________________ Name of Eldest Child : _____________________________ Year Level : ________________ Please circle your preferences for billeting :HAGA / AKASHI / SAKAI MALE STUDENTS / FEMALE STUDENTS / MALE ADULTS / FEMALE ADULTS HAGA (to be advised) OR AKASHI - Friday 29 July - Tuesday 2 August or Wednesday 3 August (4 or 5 nights homestay tba) Approximately 28 students and 7 adults (to be confirmed) OR SAKAI - Thursday 4 August - Wednesday 10 August (6 nights homestay) 14 students and 7 adults (to be confirmed) 4 P&C NEWS Dear Ironside school community, TUCKSHOP – see separate Tuck Shop Newsletter. UNIFORM SHOP OPENING HOURS TERM 2 Monday 8:15am - 10:00am Wednesday 1:30pm - 3:30pm Friday 8:15am - 10:00am A team lifts and elevates the performance of an individual to heights never before achieved! Show your house spirit on Tuesday 14th June at the Athletics Carnival. At last count COOK will look the best with the most green shirts on field! House shirts 100% cotton available for $10 from the uniform shop. Cook Oxley Sturt Flinders The uptake of the micro fibre tracksuit never ceases! Kids love them and they look great! The next stock arrives in the first half of June. You can pre-order the jacket on-line or in -store and it will be delivered to the classroom in the first half of June. Stock in-store is again very limited due to the popularity. At the end of Winter there will be a winter uniform review. If you have any feedback you would like to share (positive and/or constructive) please email Senior shirts 2017 will be designed by a year 5 student this year. Exciting times ahead. If any year five parent/s could please volunteer to help coordinate this venture please contact me, Sarah in the uniform shop. The uniform shop is always happy to receive returns or exchanges. Please ensure your item is unwashed, unworn (except for trying size) and has tags in place. Second hand uniforms very low. Happy to receive music uniforms too! Please leave your donations at the uniform shop door if we are closed. DATE CLAIMER - FOTA BALL 2016. See separate attached information from FOTA Everyone is welcome to come to the P&C meetings although if you wish to vote, you have to be a member of the P&C. It is free and painless! Just fill in a form, submit to the P&C and come along to the meeting to be voted in. Form available from Ironside website. Ray Osborne President Ironside State School P&C Association SWIM CLUB AWARDS Ironside Swim Club recently held their awards afternoon and a few families were unable to attend the function. Please visit the Ironside office to collect your medals. 5 6 YEAR THREE NEWS Year 3 students have been busy writing sensational and highly imaginative narratives, learning how to write and perform dramatic plays and designing and creating Aboriginal Shelters. We have also been reading a book called Matty Forever and exploring the importance of loyalty and friendship. We are currently ‘Taxonomists in Training’ and learning the amazing way in which we use a dichotomous system to classify living organisms into groups based on observable features. We are also working hard on improving our academic and social goals. YEAR FOUR SWIMATHON PIZZA PARTY 4M enjoyed a Pizza Party last Thursday as their prize for raising the most money during the recent Swimathon. Thank you to the P & C for organising this and to the 4M Mums who helped prepare and serve the feast. 7 SPORT NEWS Sport Boys Soccer (Mr. Henderson & Mr. Johnson) Boys Basketball (Mr. Lake & Mrs. Mallett) Girls Touch (Mrs. Cowan-Dillon) AFL (Mr. Clarke-Okah) Girls Soccer (Mrs. Bulgarelli) Netball (Mrs. Chandra & Mrs. Bermejo) 2016 Friday Sport Scoresheet: Semester 1, Week 9 Division Opposition Score Senior A Senior B Juniors Winning Team Senior B Junior A Junior B Senior A Senior B Sherwood Corinda Indooroopilly A Corinda Sherwood Corinda Sherwood Sherwood Holy Family St. Aidan’s 4-1 4-0 0-2 5-19 8-2 2-22 10-8 8-16 0-4 3-2 Ironside Ironside Indooroopilly A Corinda Ironside Corinda Ironside Sherwood Holy Family Ironside Seniors Indooroopilly 17-16 Ironside Seniors Sherwood 1-2 Sherwood Senior A Senior B Junior A Junior B Indooroopilly Bye St Aidan’s St. Aidan’s 16-1 Bye 20-0 8-2 Ironside Bye Ironside Ironside Senior A 2016 Friday Sport Scoresheet: Semester 1, Week 10 Sport Division Opposition Score Winning Team Draw (Premiers!!) Draw (Premiers!!) Draw Graceville Sherwood Graceville Indooroopilly Toowong St. Aidan’s Ironside (Premiers!!) Ironside Ironside (Premiers!!) Senior A Indooroopilly 1-1 Senior B Graceville 0-0 Juniors Senior B Junior A Junior B Senior A Indooroopilly A2 Graceville Sherwood Graceville Indooroopilly Toowong St. Aidan’s 2 0-0 6-10 7-11 0-8 12-36 0-24 1-2 Senior B Sherwood 1-0 AFL (Mr. Clarke-Okah) Seniors Christ the King Sherwood 16-13 7-2 Girls Soccer (Ms. Bulgarelli) Seniors Indooroopilly 2-1 Ironside Senior A Senior B Junior A Junior B Graceville Indooroopilly St. Aidan’s St. Aidan’s 14-9 9-19 27-0 7-0 Ironside Indooroopilly Ironside Ironside Boys Soccer (Mr. Henderson & Mr. Johnson) Boys Basketball (Mr. Lake & Mrs. Mallett) Girls Touch (Mrs. Cowan-Dillon) Netball (Mrs. Chandra & Mrs. Bermejo) Senior A Congratulations goes out to the following students for making West Taylor Bridge District teams: Peekay C., Xavier K., Maia W. and Chloe M. for making the District Cross Country Team Ethan B. and Xavier K. for making the District Touch Team Olivia M. and Elsa R. for making the District Tennis Team Jeremie Clarke-Okah HPE Specialist 8 GREEN TEAM UPDATE A few weeks ago we were fortunate to have some people from Bunnings come to our school to help us establish a new vegetable garden. They gave us new watering cans and some plants. Including; Rolly Polly carrots, strawberries, mint, oregano, beetroot, parsley, celery, tomatoes, chives, carrots and peas. They helped us with putting up netting to keep the birds away. After we mulched the garden, we started to water them last week. We now water the plants every day, especially on Thursdays. We are starting to make a scarecrow and a wheelbarrow for the EKKA competition. The wheelbarrow has to have plants, the theme is City Gardens. We are enjoying this experience because we now have responsibilities. This was our entry in the 2015 Ekka Competition. By Alana and Rose MUSIC NEWS BAND NEWS A big congratulations to all ensembles that competed in Fanfare yesterday. Both concert bands performed very well with the Junior Band receiving a silver award (with only 5 rehearsals!!) and the Senior Band received a gold award. Next Thursday evening 9 June is our end of term 'Ironside Music Spectacular', which will be held at Indooroopilly State High School (6pm arrival for 7pm performance). Parents have been sent the invitation via email. This will be another wonderful performance opportunity for our students and we are sure they will enjoy playing in such a great venue. Students will wear full performance uniform- all students need a white button-up shirt and black dress pants (no jeans or leggings). A reminder for all students to continue practising throughout the remainder of the term. All students should be filling in their practice journals and showing these to their teacher each week. It is extremely important for all students to have a regular home practice routine. Congratulations again to our musicians and keep up the great work! Lisa James James Kukulies Brass and Percussion Music Teacher 9 10 Each year, National Reconciliation Week celebrates and builds on the respectful relationships shared by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and other Australians. Immediately preceding this week, on 26th May, is National Sorry Day. Sorry Day is an important moment to remember past policies of forced child removal, to reflect on the painful history of the Stolen Generations and also to recognise moments of resilience, healing and the power of saying Sorry. National Reconciliation Week runs from 27th May to 3 June this year, and the 2016 theme is ‘Our History, Our Story, Our Future’. These national events were highlighted in our school community as we celebrated our ‘togetherness’ and respectful relationships by placing a coloured dot to represent each of us on our collaborative Sorry Day artwork (see images below). Special thanks to our Art teacher, Mrs Clare Dyer, for preparing and hanging the artwork. Thank you also to Mrs Bulgarelli, 5J students, Mr Logan and Al our Chaplain for your assistance with this activity. When you are next taking a stroll along the verandah outside the office and staffroom, please take a moment to enjoy the displayed Sorry Day artwork. While you’re there, check out the photos of Year 6 students participating in the recent Taiko drumming incursion as part of their Japanese studies. Then look upwards to take in the magnificent and beautiful paint handprint ‘Harmony Day’ artwork that all students collaborated on last term. It is certainly a beautiful view for us to all enjoy! Tracey Jenkinson—Wellbeing Coordinator Source: For more information about this year’s NRW theme and Sorry Day, visit: 11 This fortnight we urgently require a volunteer for Wednesday, 8 June. Please contact me asap if you are able to come in for a couple of hours and help out. VOLUNTEERS SIGN UP 2016: We are now serving reduced menus at times due to the shortage of volunteers. There are only 5 days that you’ll be needed in the tuckshop between this week and the end of year if you join the roster now. We need volunteers in the tuckshop between 8.30am and 2pm. If you can’t spare a whole day a few hours are ALWAYS welcome. Our busiest times are 8.30am – 10.30am. MENU 2016: By now I hope your children have tried one of the many homemade options we have available in the tuckshop. Ingredients of all of our options can be emailed to you any time. Here are just a few: Homemade Butter Chicken: Chicken breast (halal), onion, garlic, ginger, cinnamon, turmeric, sweet paprika, cumin, stock, tomato paste, evaporated milk, coconut cream, cornflour and rice. Homemade Macaroni and Cheese (Gluten free pasta option available): Pasta (or gluten free pasta), cheese, milk, butter. Beef burger patties (Halal beef option available – Patties have no breadcrumbs – so are gluten free): Beef mince, onion, garlic, worcestershire sauce, egg, salt and pepper. Homemade Spaghetti Bolognaise (Gluten free pasta option available and halal beef option available): Beef mince, tomato, garlic, italian herbs, carrot, olive oil, onion, stock and pasta (or gluten free pasta). Hommus - without tahini (So no sesame seeds for those with allergies): Chickpeas, garlic, olive oil, lemon juice, cumin, water, salt. Please note that we now have separate menus for gluten free and halal. We endeavour to make most of our items available to both of these menus. Please see items as listed on school shops online. (Or refer to menu on next page). SCHOOL SHOPS ONLINE: If you are having any trouble signing up or ordering online please come and see Michelle or myself at the tuckshop. We will help you through it! Registration is simple. Go to Also, if there is an issue with your child’s order, please encourage them to come to the tuckshop to see us. We are always here to find a solution so all children are fed! I understand that some children feel a bit intimidated to “complain”; I hope you can assure them that we are very friendly here at the tuckshop and happy to help. Continued... 12 MULTICULTURAL MONDAY: The next Multicultural Monday will be on Monday, 20 June. We are looking for volunteers to help us out in Term 3 and 4. All you need to do to be part of Multicultural Monday is give me the list of ingredients you need (I can help you expand it out to serve a larger number of kids) and I will have them ready for you in the tuckshop for the Monday to prepare and serve. There is no expense to you! It’s always a very fun morning to be a part of. Bring your friends! SAUSAGE SIZZLE: Celebrate the end of Term 2 with a $2 sausage sizzle on Friday, 24 June. No pre-ordering required – all welcome including Preps. Sausages and popper juices can be purchased from the tuckshop in 1 st break – normal tuckshop will be open for 2nd break. We will need an army of volunteers on the day between 9am and 12pm. Please let us know if you can come and help out by emailing us at Thanks! TUCKSHOP AND HOMEBAKE ROSTER 2016 Our superstar volunteers for week 9 and 10 of Term 2 are: (Please contact us asap if these details are out-o- date / incorrect) Tuckshop: Homebake: TERM 2: Week 9 Mon 6/6 Razik, 1 volunteer required Emma Parr, Heather Mather Tues 7/6 Mahfuzul Islam, 1 volunteer required Wed 8/6 Lina Jolly, 1 volunteer required Treena Wigan Isobel Khursandi, Karen Freeman, Cynthia Griffis Thurs 9/6 Fri 10/6 Kokila Perera, Kathy Michea, 1 volunteer required Annette Hepburn, Kathryn Page 1 volunteer required Beth Garvis TERM 2: Week 10 Mon 13/6 Audrey Joubert, Lisandra Tiru Natali Hillcoat, Tina Macht Tues 14/6 Pat Ng, 1 volunteer required Kelly Sedgman, Neroli Anderson Wed 15/6 Fiona Himstedt, 1 volunteer required Lina Jolly, Lotte Turley Thurs 16/6 Akiko Ueno, Junko Kuwabara, Maki Mogis, Masako Harada, Kathy Michea Amanda Evans Fri 17/6 Qiauyan Huang, Olivia Hua Qin, 1 volunteer required Julie Crowe Theresa Ryan and Michelle Wigg Ph: 3258 3111 and asked to be patched through to the tuckshop Email: Tuckshop Convenors Continued... 13 14 15 16 17
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NEWSLETTER - Ironside State School
4 August 2016 / Edition 13
2 Hawken Drive