Jun - FL2-D
Jun - FL2-D
HARBOR CITY BEACON FL-2D GOLD WING ROAD RIDERS ASSOC. Melbourne, Florida June 2008 Events During May 2008 May 3-4 – Harry led a group to West Palm Beach (Palm Beach Gardens) for the Chapter FL2-Z’s Rally. The Rally started around 4 pm, so the group stayed Saturday night and came back Sunday. May 6 – Our Business meeting was held at Lizzie’s Bistro, 1851 Palm Bay Rd. We had an excellent turnout of 52 people. We had a guest speaker who described the Amsoil product line. In addition we had Assistant District Director, Bill Smith in attendance. May 11 – Hopefully everyone got to celebrate Mother’s Day May 16-17 – Harry led a group to Jacksonville (Orange Park) for the FL1X rally on May 17th. May 17 – Our first Chapter Ride for May was to a Charity Event in St Augustine, “The 9th Annual Riding Into History Concours d'Elegance”. This event featured 300-400 antique, vintage, race and custom bikes from all over America. See the separate article and pictures. May 20 – Our May Kick-tire was held at Long Doggers at 4260 Minton Rd. Unfortunately, I was not able to attend. May 24 - Our second Chapter Ride for May was in conjunction with the Allie-Cat Charity Ride from Cocoa to Sebastian. See the separate article and pictures. May 26 – Hopefully everyone enjoyed Memorial Day, honored our veterans, flew their flag and enjoyed the two races. Meetings - First Tuesday of each Month Currently meeting at : Lizzie’s Bistro 1851 Palm Bay Rd.. , Palm Bay, FL. CONTENTS: Event Summary GWRRA Events Rider Safety Birthdays/Anniversaries Business Meet. Ride Palm Beach Grd. Ride –Allie Cat Charity Ride– Into History Member Sale Items Advertisers Sponsors Ads. pg. 1,2 pg. 3 pg. 4 pg..6 pg. 7 pg. 8 pg. 9 pg 11 pg. 16 pg. 17 Pg. 18. NATIONAL, REGIONAL& DISTRICT STAFF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Mellisa Nordeoff REGION A DIRECTOR Bob & Nan Shrader FLORIDA DISTRICT DIRECTOR Ed & Jeannette Carr 386-673-6176 CHAPTER FL2-D STAFF CHAPTER DIRECTOR Harry & Lynn Anderson 321-952-1448 ASST. CHAPTER DIR. Mike & Charlotte Mercer 321-951-1054 CHAPTER EDUCATOR Mike & Pat Duquette 321-984-1472 ASST. CHAPTER EDU. Mo & Deb Dalton 321-728-2908 TREASURER Joanne Davies 321-254-8079 RIDE COORDINATOR Bill Harris 321-242-0583 PUBLIC RELATIONS Leeanne Milucky 321-722-0882 SUNSHINE LADY Rachel Moyer 321-951-0301 NEWSLETTER EDITOR Richard Mitts 321-952-4487 Planned Events for June 2008 June 3 – Business Meeting -Meet at Lizzie’s Bistro, 1851 Palm Bay Rd. Dinner 6 PM, meeting 7 PM. June 12-14 – Georgia District Rally - Anyone interested in going, contact Bill Harris, 242-0583 or Wharris1@cfl.rr.com June 15 – Father’s Day – Make sure Dad gets a new Gold Wing. June 17 – Kick-tire: Location is El Chico’s Mexican Restaurant at Melbourne Square Mall. Suggestions for other KickTire locations are welcomed. We try not to repeat previously visited sites but may have to soon. Locations alternate between north & south of US-192. June 21 - FL1V Rally – This chapter is having a rally in Jacksonville Beach titled “Cheeseburger in Paradise”. We would like to make this a Chapter Ride; however, I cannot make it. Anyone interested in leading this ride, please contact Bill Harris, 242-0583 or Wharris1@cfl.rr.com. June 28 - Chapter Ride: Orangutans – Our chapter will be having a ride to the “Center for Orangutan and Chimpanzee Conservation” in Wauchula, Fl. We will have lunch in the Wauchula area and then tour the facility around 1 PM. The tour will take about an hour. Admission is $15 each. We will leave from County Line Saloon around 8 am. July 3-5 – Wing Ding - Greeneville, SC Consult the Chapter Calendar for latest info. http://www.gwrra-fl2d.org/calendar/ A man and a friend are playing golf one day at their local golf course. One of the guys is about to chip onto the green when he sees a long funeral procession on the road next to the course. He stops in mid-swing, takes off his golf cap, closes his eys, and bows down in prayer. His friend says, "Wow, that is the most thoughtful and touching thing I have ever seen. You truly are a kind man." The man then replies, "Yeah, well we were married 35 years." ______________________________ A pirate was talking to a "land-lubber" in a bar. The land-lubber noticed that, like any selfrespecting pirate, this guy had a peg leg, a hook in place of one of his hands and a patch over one eye. The land-lubber just had to find out how the pirate got in such bad shape. He asked the pirate, "How did you loose your leg?" The pirate responded, "I lost me leg in a battle off the coast of Jamaica!" His new acquaintance was still curious so he asked, "What about you hand. Did you loose it at the same time?" "No," answered the pirate. "I lost it to the sharks off the Florida Keys." Finally, the landlubber asked, "I notice you also have an eye patch. How did you loose your eye? The pirate answered, "I was sleeping on a beach when a seagull flew over and crapped right in me eye." The landlubber asked, "How could a little seagull crap make you loose your eye?" The pirate snapped, "It was the day after I got me hook!" 2008 FLORIDA GWRRA EVENTS Revised 4/24/08 May 1-3 May 3 May. 17 May 23-24 May 31-Jun 1 June 12-14 June 21 July 3-6 Aug. 16 Sept. 6 Sept 11-13 Oct. 16-18 Oct. 25 Oct. 31-Nov.1 Nov. 2 Nov. 8 Nov. 8 Nov. 15 Dec. 6 Anderson, SC Palm Beach Orange Park Gainesville Ocala Athens, GA Jacksonville Beach Greenville, SC Tampa Tampa Dothan, AL Biloxi, MS Clewiston Panama City Sarasota County Tech. Institute. West Palm Beach St. Petersburg Brooksville Zephyrhills South Carolina District Rally FL2-Z Night at the Oscars FL1-X Biennial Country Fair Poker Run FL1-Y Rally/Poker Run Horizons Seminar Georgia District Rally FL1-V It’s Five O’Clock Somewhere Wing Ding 30 5 Chapter Poker Run FL1-A Picnic/Auction Region “A” Rally Mississippi District Rally FL2-E Chapter Picnic & Benefit Panhandle Getaway Ride For Kids, FL2-A 30th Anniversary. “Buzzard Run” Florida District Rider Ed Fair FL1-L2 Poker Run FL1-S Mingle Jingle 2009 FLORIDA GWRRA EVENTS Jan. 10-11 Jan. 17 Jan. 25 Feb . 08 Mar. 12-14 Nov. 14 CD Conference FL2-L Chapter Rally FL2-D 4 Chapter Breakfast South Florida Ride For Kids Florida District Rally Florida District Rider Ed Fair Kissimmee Lakeland Melbourne Kissimmee St. Petersburg GWRRA MOTTO: Friends For Fun, Safety and Knowledge A man walks into a bar one day and asks, "Does anyone here own that rottweiler outside?" "Yeah, I do!" a biker says, standing up. "What about it?" "Well, I think my chihuahua just killed him..." "What are you talkin' about?!" the biker says, disbelievingly. "How could your little runt kill my rottweiler?" "Well, it seems he got stuck in your dog's throat!" Safety Educator AND NOW A WORD FROM CAPTAIN SAFETY HOT, HOT, HOT, WATER, WATER EVERYWHERE AND NONE TO DRINK? AT LEAST THAT’S WHAT I WAS TOLD HAPPENED ON A RIDE RECENTLY WITH A GROUP FROM OUR CHAPTER. HERE WE GO AGAIN WITH THE HYPERTHERMIA TALK. WE NEED TO DISCUSS THIS EVERY YEAR TO REMIND US HOW TO TAKE CARE OF OUR BODIES IN THE HEAT OF THE SUMMER. FIRST OF ALL WE NEED TO HYDRATE A LOT, DRINK TILL YOU HAVE TO PEE AND DRINK THAT WAY ALL DAY LONG. DID YOU KNOW THAT YOU CAN SWEAT UP TO 3 PINTS AN HOUR OR UP TO 4 GALLONS IN SIX HOURS AND YOU LOOSE SALT IN YOUR SWEAT TOO. WE DON’T RECOMMEND SALT TABLETS JUST SALT IN YOUR FOOD LIKE A BAG OF CHIPS WORKS WELL ON THE ROAD. WHEN YOU FINALLY HAVE TO URINATE, LOOK AT THE COLOR, IF IT’S DARK, DRINK MORE. IF YOU DON’T YOU COULD GET IN TROUBLE SOON. WHEN RIDING IN THE HEAT YOU CAN SWEAT THIS MUCH WITH OUT EVEN KNOWING IT. YOUR SKIN WILL FEEL DRY. IF YOU DON’T FEEL THE NEED TO URINATE EVERY FEW HOURS YOU NEED TO DRINK MORE. SOME OF THE SYMPTOMS OF HEAT EXHAUSTION ARE; MUSCLE CRAMPS, NAUSEA, LIGHTHEADED, DIFFICULTY CONCENTRATING, AND FEELING CHILLED RATHER THAN HOT. LETS ALL PAY MORE ATTENTION TO THIS WHILE TRAVELING IN THIS HEAT AND REMEMBER THE CO-RIDERS CAN POUR A BOTTLE OF WATER ON YOUR SHIRT TO COOL YOU OFF (WORKS FOR ME). WORST CASE SCENARIO A PERSON WHO GETS HEAT STROKE WILL NEED EMERGENCY MEDICAL CARE. THE SKIN WILL BE HOT, DRY, AND RED. THE VICTIM WILL SEEM DRIED OUT AND OFTEN EXHIBIT AN ALTERED LEVEL OF CONSCIOUSNESS. HE MAY GO INTO A COMA OR HAVE A SEIZURE IF NOT CARED FOR PROMPTLY AND CORRECTLY. HIS TEMPERATURE MAY SORE TO 106 F. THAT’S SERIOUS! I DON’T EVER WANT IT TO GET THIS BAD. WE HAVE TO BE CAREFUL! I ALWAYS THOUGHT “THE BUTLER” WAS TOO EXPENSIVE. I SAW MIKE AND CHARLOTTE USE THEIRS ALL THE TIME. THEY FILLED IT WITH COFFEE IN THE MORNING, AND WATER WHEN IT WAS HOT. I GOT MINE AT A RALLY AND I LIKE IT A LOT. I FILL IT UP IN THE MORNING, THEN ADD ICE AND WATER AT THE 7-11’S. IT KEEPS COLD ALL DAY LONG AND REMEMBER, IT DOES NOT HAVE TO BE ICE WATER, JUST WATER. I PERSONALLY EXPERIENCED HYPERTHERMIA ON THE WAY TO THE HONDA HOOT SEVERAL YEARS AGO. I WAS LEADING THE RIDE AND THE OTHER TWO RIDERS STARTED QUESTIONING ME WHY I WASN’T PASSING CARS AND RIDING LIKE I NORMALLY RIDE. THEN I REALIZED WHAT WAS HAPPENING. I PULLED OFF AT THE NEXT ROAD AND WENT INTO THE AIR CONDITIONED STORE, AND DRANK WATER, GATOR ADE, ICE CREAM, GOT WET AND COOLED OFF. I LEARNED MY LESSON. I WAS LUCKY MY FRIENDS NOTICED MY IRREGULAR RIDING. IT SAVED ME. WE HAVE TO WATCH OTHERS WE RIDE WITH. IF THINGS DON’T LOOK RIGHT, ASK. STOP OFTEN FOR A DRINK AND AIR CONDITIONING. PIT STOPS ARE NOT A BAD THING. I DON’T THINK ANYONE WE RIDE WITH WILL SAY A THING IF WE STOP. THEY MAY WANT TO WANT TO STOP ANYWAY AND ARE HAPPY SOMEONE SAID SOMETHING. LETS ALL RIDE SAFE AND COOL. MIKE AND PAT DUQUETTE SR CHAPTER EDUCATORS MO AND DEB DALTON ASSISTANT CHAPTER EDUCATORS New fuel gauge now available. HERE IS A MATH TRICK SO UNBELIEVABLE THAT IT WILL STUMP YOU. 1. GRAB A CALCULATOR---NOT AN ADDING MACHINE. (YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO DO THIS ONE IN YOUR HEAD) 2. KEY IN THE FIRST THREE DIGITS OF YOUR PHONE NUMBER (NOT THE AREA CODE) 3. MULTIPLY BY 80 4. ADD 1 5. MULTIPLY BY 250 6. ADD THE LAST 4 DIGITS OF YOUR PHONE NUMBER 7. ADD THE LAST 4 DIGITS OF YOUR PHONE NUMBER AGAIN. 8. SUBTRACT 250 9. DIVIDE NUMBER BY 2 DO YOU RECOGNIZE THE ANSWER? GERALD K. HOWARD, Ph.D. Birthday’s Anniversaries 6/11 6/11 6/15 6/4 6/8 6/28 6/29 6/30 Richard & Brenda Wilson Bob & Jean Andelsen Richard & Linda Mitts Barb Tosti Joanne Davies Diane Mercier Cecilla Hicks Richard Mitts A blonde decides to try horseback riding, even though she has had no lessons or prior experience. She mounts the horse, unassisted, and the horse immediately springs into motion. It gallops along at a steady and rhythmic pace, but the blonde begins to slip from the saddle. In terror, she grabs for the horse's mane, but cannot seem to get a firm grip. She tries to throw her arms around the horse's neck, but she slides down the side of the horse anyway. The horse gallops along, seemingly impervious to its slipping rider. Finally, giving up her frail grip, the blonde attempts to leap away from the horse and throw herself to safety. Unfortunately, her foot has become entangled in the stirrup, she is now at the mercy of the horse's pounding hooves as her head is struck against the ground over and over. As her head is battered against the ground, she is mere moments away from unconsciousness when to her great fortune, Stan, the Wal-Mart greeter, sees her and unplugs the horse. ____________________________________________________ A foursome of senior golfers hit the course with waning enthusiasm for the sport. "These fairways seem to be getting longer and longer," said one of the foursome. "And these hills are getting steeper as the years go by," another complained. "The sand traps seem to be bigger than I remember them, too," said the third senior. After hearing enough from his buddies, the oldest, and the wisest of the four of them at 87 years old, piped up and said, "Oh my friends, just be thankful we're still on this side of the grass!" LIZZIE’S BISTRO MAY MEETING Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye! ATTENDANCE AT PALM BEACH GARDEN FL2Z It was only $1000 of tickets Honey! Put this on Harry, it will protect your hair. The “race” is on. No limit to what he will do for the CHAPTER! What do you mean, do it over again! The END! Pictures taken by Larry Hicks Allie-Cat Charity Ride A Chapter Ride was held on Saturday, May 24th during the Memorial Day weekend. This ride was in conjunction with the Allie-Cat Benefit Ride from Cocoa to Sebastian. Having a Chapter Ride as a part of a larger ride is not unique. We do it every Christmas with the Abate Toy Run. Chapter members who participated included Rex and Vickie Meyer, Sandi Brooks, Carl Vetzel, and me. Rex and Vickie had 2 other couples drive down from Cockran, Georgia for the event. They were Wayne & Nina Carlton, and Angele & Jeff Simpson. Angele is the Chapter Director for her GWRRA chapter. Most of us met at Kay’s BBQ for breakfast prior to the ride. Allie-Cat is named after Sgt. Rene Rubiella daughter Allie who was killed in a single car wreck at Pineda / US-1 on 4/9/05. The Alexandra Rubiella Foundation teaches NOW (Not on Our Watch) to teenagers at local schools. NOW teaches students about the dangers of being distracted while driving. The organization also gives away a scholarship each year. Sgt Rubiella received a Presidential Award a few weeks ago for his volunteer effort. Chapter members Rex and Vickie Meyers are personal friends of Rene Rubiella and helped with the event. Over $4K was raised this year which doubled last year’s contributions. Activities were expanded this year to include a Friday night Bike Show at Murdock’s Bistro in Cocoa Village. Although he expected 12 bikes for the show, more than 107 bikes participated; The Ride day was beautiful and the execution was outstanding. We had a full police escort the entire route so we never had to put a foot down. Watching the Brevard Sheriff Team block intersections and then race past to get to the next intersection was worth the price of admission. Those guys duck and dive to avoid on-coming traffic. They are very talented and brave. The ride started at the Yamaha dealer on SR-520 in Cocoa. Departing around 930, the group of 131 bikes headed east on SR-520 to South Tropical Trail, south on SR-3, east on Pineda, south on A1A to Wabasso, West to US-1, North on US-1 and Indian River Drive to Captain Hiram’s in Sebastian. We had the entire Captain Hiram’s Sand Bar area to our selves. There was a band and numerous prizes. Captain Hiram’s food is always delicious. After eating, we listened to the band and checked our tickets to see if we were winners. Our Georgia visitors won a bike cover and longest distance award. Our sub-group had 4 trikes and 3 bikes. Riding Into History On May 17th, three chapter members headed for St. Augustine and the charity event, “The 9th Annual Riding Into History Concours d'Elegance”. The three riders were Jim and Leanne Milucky and I. This event featured 300-400 antique, vintage, race and custom bikes from all over America. I had posted the ride with the option that we could leave at 8 AM and travel I-95 or that we could leave at 7 AM and travel back roads. Everyone chose the latter, so at 7 am we header out. We modified our plans slightly and took I-95 up to SR-44 where we cut over and went up through the center of the state on some beautiful back roads. After a brief rest stop and a Slurpee, we arrived at the beautiful World Golf Village. The exhibit contained many beautifully restored antique bikes of all models. Pictures of many of these are included at the end of this article. Jim found a pristine model of his first Honda. One interesting exhibit was a collection of old large wheel bicycles. This was the largest collection I had ever seen and yes they were real. One was being ridden around the parking lot by its owner. The exhibited bikes were located on the large walkway the circles the lagoon. There were numerous places to eat at the Village. We chose to eat at “Caddyshack”. This facility is owned by Bill Murray and his brothers. It features lawnmowers as ceiling fans and other theme items from the movie. It also contains the bike build by Orange County Choppers. This bike has the following features: • Wheels with lawnmower blade spokes • A dynamite plunger on frame • Gopher on handlebars • Pitch fork on rear fender. After an excellent lunch, we had our picture taken with the Caddyshack alligator mascot. This gator is similar to one on the ceiling inside that is eating the gopher from the movie. Next we continued our tour through the vintage bikes and unique bike derived vehicles. After a couple of hours, we had seen it all and header for the parking lot. Our next stop was downtown St Augustine where the aroma of freshly made waffle cones pulled Jim & Leanne into the ice cream store. For the return trip home, Jim led us down A1A to Daytona, then I-95 to Melbourne. We had an excellent time on a beautiful day. Total distance for me was about 350 miles and slightly longer for Jim and Leanne. Bill Harris That’s it folks! This is for real. It is a pit bull that took on a Porcupine. A vet sedated the dog, and then removed a total of 1,347 quills. The Porcupine was nearly naked but otherwise unharmed. Any other dog would have retreated after just one or two quills. A special thanks to our members who submit articles. We love the support and the good information. Send them to Richard Mitts rm32904@yahoo.com Word documents are preferred. Pictures should be in jpg format. May I have your attention please!…………... A Very Special Thanks to Charlie Davies and Joanne Davies. They take this publication, make it web ready, and then put it on our Web Site. Without them, we would not be able to enjoy this on our computers. Many thanks for a fantastic job. MEMBER ITEMS FOR SALE Recently had my 95 Goldwing SE triked. All the removed parts are available except the rear tire and wheel. Both saddle bags, lower light bar, heel/toe shifter floor boards, trailer hitch and various other parts that had to be replaced due to triking. All these parts had only 41k miles on them so they should be in very good condition. Anyone interested can contact me at, 321-536-7907 cvetzelsr@cfl.rr.com Carl Vetzel 4195 Sherwood Blvd Melbourne, Fl 32935 For Sale: New, Black Saddle Bag Mats (set 2) for Honda Goldwing 1800. $20.00 Bike was Triked. Call Harold Brown 772-664-1061 or Trikeman317@aol.com For Sale: 2003 Goldwing 1800 Trike with Lehman Conversion. Only 5,000 miles, Candy Orange, Running Boards, CB, Intercom, Satellite Radio, Passenger Arm Rest, Trunk Rack, Ring of Fire, recently pinstriped and many extras. $24,000. Call Paul Dane at 321-373-4924 or 321-508-6305 THE END. PLEASE PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS, THEY MAKE THIS NEWSLETTER POSSIBLE — Thank you —