Fall 2013 - The Arc of Monmouth


Fall 2013 - The Arc of Monmouth
T he T urning Point
Fall 2013
Published three times annually
1158 Wayside Road
Tinton Falls, NJ 07712
(732) 493-1919
The Arc of Monmouth is a non-profit agency serving persons with intellectual & developmental disabilities and their families since 1949 .
WOC Has Reopened!
Roger Trendowski
On behalf of the individuals and families served by The Arc of Monmouth, I want to offer a heartfelt “thank you” to the direct support employees of The Arc. September 8 to 14 was Direct Support
Professional Recognition Week, a reminder to express appreciation
to the staff members who provide care to persons with disabilities.
At The Arc of Monmouth we have employees who support individuals 24/7 in residential services, and in employment, vocational and
adult training services, health care, recreation and education. From
my personal experience, I have seen employees living up to the core
values of the agency, including commitment to the mission, respect,
kindness and a positive attitude. As a parent, I highly value the work
of these direct support professionals. It is wonderful to have these
employees as partners in caring for our family members. Thanks to
the staff members who have dedicated themselves to this important
Above: WOC’s reopening party!
Below: Annual Meeting attendees Dani & Lauren
Zalepka, Allison Tuttle and Keith L.
I also want to offer congratulations to our Annual Awards winners
for 2013. The awards will be given out at a Dessert Reception on
the evening of October 24. Our outstanding group of award winners include Randi Rae as Volunteer of the Year, Trish Gomez of our
Residential Department as Employee of the Year, Mel Santiago of our
Adult Services Department as Professional of the Year, Ruby Tuesday
in Howell as Employer of the Year, Colleen Ciecura as Bill Sackter
Award winner, Robert Bowne as Making Strides Award winner and
Anne Marie Reilly of the Community Reporter for the Community
Media Excellence Award. Congratulations on these well-deserved
Please support The Arc of Monmouth by participating in our upcoming events. Scrabble by the Sea takes place on October 12 at the
Berkeley Oceanfront Hotel in Asbury Park and the Winter Glow Ball
takes place on December 6 at the Shore Casino in Atlantic Highlands.
Information about both events can be found at www.arcofmonmouth.org. Please join us as an attendee or sponsor!
We are now collecting
new, used and damaged…
• Inkjet/Laser cartridges
• Cell phones
• Digital Cameras
• Mp3 Players
• Laptops
• GPS devices
We then send them to a recy- to participate in this
cling center which turns them program? Contact
into a cash donation for The Arc!development@arcofmonmouth.org
Got an office that wants
and we’ll get you set up!
The Arc of Monmouth is a self-directed service provider.
In This Issue
Winter Glow Ball Preview
Page 4
Supporter Spotlight:
Joan Colondrillo & Carol Lame
Page 5
WOC Reopens!
Page 7
Recreation participants get healthy! Page 9
List of Recent Donors
Page 10
Achieve with us.
Executive Director’s Report
Mary E. Scott
The Turning Point
published three times annually by
The Arc of Monmouth
1158 Wayside Road
Tinton Falls, NJ 07712
(732) 493-1919
Board of Directors
Roger Trendowski, President
Neil Fleischman,
Immediate Past President
Francine Catanese, 1st Vice President
Roy Bolinger, 2nd Vice President
Rhona Levy, Secretary
Bill Mirkin, Treasurer
Rachel Weiss, Assistant Secretary
D. Roderick Webster,
Assistant Treasurer
Tiffanie Eagan Salerno
Phillip Fina
Richard Harter
Rev. F. Hank Hilton, SJ
Julie Lin
Joyce Quarles
David S. Messer, Esq.
Anita Roselle
Randall B. Smith
Janis Swindlehurst
Honorary Board Members
Thomas Mitchell
John P. Murray
Executive Director
Mary E. Scott
Associate Executive Director
Kathleen Mullery
Assistant Executive Director
Achieving Momentum. That was the theme of the 2013 National Convention of The Arc in Bellevue, Washington. I attended this year’s
event along with Director of Development Brett Colby. Unfortunately, none of our board members were able to attend this year. The
information-packed conference was designed to “create and sustain
momentum in our personal and professional lives and as a movement
using innovations in technology among other areas”, as indicated by
Nancy Webster, President of The Arc of the United States. Brett
and I attended sessions that covered a variety of issues, including
embracing cultural diversity, sex education and supporting people
with intellectual and developmental disabilities in their own healthy
relationships, starting profitable businesses in a chapter of The Arc,
current research projects, web-based data management platforms,
family stories, attracting young members to The Arc, using tablet
computers and apps in services and future innovative technology.
We got some good ideas for maintaining the momentum within our
How is The Arc of Monmouth achieving momentum? We are working
hard to keep on top of the many changes in the New Jersey service
system, discussed in previous issues of the Turning Point (e.g., Medicaid eligibility now being a requirement for Division of Developmental
Disabilities services), and to help individuals and families dealing
with these changes. We are working to establish a new cloud-based
data management system (NewOrg) that will allow information sharing when more than one of our departments are working with the
same individual. Through grants and donations we have purchased
several iPads and other tablets for use by served persons in our programs, and have purchased laptops that will be used to allow some
served persons to access on-line college courses. Our Health Services department is using e-prescribing, and moving forward on establishing electronic health records. As part of the recovery of the
Work Opportunity Center from Superstorm Sandy, we have replaced
all of the computers that were destroyed and the telephone system.
We hope to continue to find ways to have our agency and our served
persons remain a part of the technological age in which we are living.
We will keep achieving momentum.
Suzanne Liberi
The Turning Point Editor
Brett Colby,
Director of Development
National Direct Support Professional (DSP) Recognition Week
September 8-14
During this week, we took the time to applaud the dedication, hard work,
and achievements of the DSPs that support people with disabilities to live
meaningful lives in the community.
Is there a DSP in your life who has made a difference? Let us know! Even
better, let THEM know!
United Way of Monmouth County
Certified Agency
While DSP Week has passed, we should all remember to thank these dedicated individuals throughout the year.
Dessert & Awards Reception
Thursday, October 24, 6:30 pm
The Arc Center
RSVP Required
Join us for an evening of desserts and fun, as we honor the following award winners:
Media Excellence Award
Ann Marie Reilly
Employer of the Year
Ruby Tuesday
Bill Sackter Citizenship Award
Colleen Ciecura
Employee of the Year
Trish Gomez
Volunteer of the Year
Randi Rae
Professional of the Year
Mel Santiago
Making Strides Award: Robert Bowne
This event also features the drawing of our annual raffle.
Grand Prize: $1,000 TD Bank Gift Card (use it like cash!)
2nd & 3rd Prizes: Baskets of Gift Certificates worth over $250 each!
Three Ways to RSVP and/or Purchase $1 Raffle Tickets:
Visit the Development Department at The Arc Center
Call (732) 493-1919 ext. 122
Go online: www.arcofmonmouth.org/awards
Liz Shea Named Assistant Commissioner of DDD
On September 6, we received an announcement from the N.J. Department of Human Services. It stated that Elizabeth M. Shea has been appointed to serve as Assistant Commissioner of the Division of Developmental Disabilities. Liz has served as Policy Advisor and Special Assistant to Deputy Commissioner, Dawn Apgar, since 2011, when she went to the Division from The Arc of New Jersey.
While at The Arc, Liz worked in a variety of roles, including Director of Education Advocacy, Director of Governmental Affairs and Assistant Executive Director.
We wish Liz the best of luck as she takes on this new leadership role
within the Division of Developmental Disabilities.
Scrabble by the Sea is back for a third year, and we are
encouraging all Scrabble fans to join us, regardless of age
or skill level! The event is a fun filled, low pressure day
of gaming with divisions for serious and casual players alike.
Come for the love of the game, and to support The Arc in a
fun filled setting. You’ll see some familiar faces from The Arc
playing, as well as Scrabble fans from all over the east coast!
Jeopardy! Champ Jason Keller returns as the event director, and will be available to provide guidance and answer all
Register early at www.arcofmonmouth.org/scrabble.
Please thank our SCRABBLE SPONSORS!
Messer Law Firm
(732) 508-3300
Shore Casino
Atlantic Highlands
Development Updates
The Tuesday Group is busy preparing the 47th annual Winter Glow Ball, and this year’s event is all about celebration
and support. We want to celebrate you, the generous supporters who have given so much of your time and resources
to sustain The Arc’s programs through a very challenging
year (a good portion of last year’s proceeds helped to rebuild the flooded Work Opportunity Center, and this year
will continue to sustain programs like WOC). We also celebrate the achievements of the many individuals served by
The Arc of Monmouth.
We are very happy to
be returning to the
Shore Casino. Like WOC, this landmark venue was flooded during Superstorm Sandy,
necessitating our move to a different venue for last year’s gala. Bernie Sweeney, proprietor and longtime supporter of The Arc, has spent a year rebuilding his hall and it
looks magnificent. We are eager to sample Bernie’s lavish hors d’oeuvres, delicious
filet mignon dinner, and dance the night away to music by Total Soul, a wonderful new
7-piece band.
This is also a time to celebrate the people in the community who have helped individuals with I/DD to thrive. This year’s honorees are Maureen and John Lloyd. Maureen
volunteered for many years as a nurse at The Arc’s Dorothy B. Hersh High School, and
now serves as President of the Monmouth Park Charity Fund, which has funded The
Arc’s Cultural and Recreation programs for many years. John, in addition to supporting
the work of so many charities through his role as president of Meridian Health Affiliates, has served as the Winter Glow Ball’s auctioneer.
We are also pleased to announce the creation of The
Countess’ Award, named in honor of Countess Anatole
Buxhoeveden, who founded the Winter Glow Ball 47
years ago. There is no one more fitting to receive this
first award than The Hilton Family, whose sister Judith
was served by The Arc for many years until her passing
in 2011.
Father Hank Hilton, who has volunteered for
The Arc since he was a boy – beginning as an envelope stuffer at the very first Winter Glow Ball! Hank is
now an active board member and in Sandy’s aftermath,
reached out to friends throughout the country to raise over $100,000 for WOC’s rehabilitation.
Sarah Hilton, a gifted artist and graphic designer who has volunteered her talents for over 20 years, teaching art
classes to individuals with disabilities.
James Hilton, who established the Judith Hilton Transportation Fund in honor of his sister, which ensures that her
friends can attend The Arc’s recreation programs.
Alex Rogers, the Hiltons’ cousin, who not only raised significant sums of money to help WOC recover from flood
damage, but also arranged for WOC’s 30 new computers – and he did all of this from California!
Please join us in 2013 as a sponsor, attendee or auction gift donor by visiting www.arcofmonmouth.org/winterglow or
calling (732) 493-1919 ext. 120. You may also purchase 50/50 raffle tickets ($50 per chance, with 5 chances to win a cash
prize). Please know that, for the last several years, we have made tremendous efforts to reduce event expenses, so that
more of every donated dollar goes to benefit the
individuals with disabilities who need it most.
The Tuesday Group
Holly Annarella Flego, Vice Chair
We are also pleased to announce a new way to thank
sponsors of $1,000 and above. To show our appreciation for your generosity, these sponsors will
receive admission and signage at our Spring 2014
Wine and Spirits Tasting (date TBA). More information about this event will be revealed this winter.
Francine Acquaviva
Serena DiMaso
Fern Esposito
Arleen Fina
Mollie Giamanco
Janice Marra
Joan Mitchell
Denise Puma
Tiffanie Eagan Salerno
Carol Tarpey
Marybeth Walz
Mary Weir
Ladies, thank you for your hard work and support!
Development Updates
The Arc is very pleased to be involved with a new theatrical production – an original
musical comedy-thriller based on The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Not only will The Arc of
Monmouth receive a portion of each ticket sale, but the show stars The Arc’s very own Brett
Colby as Ichabod Crane.
This exciting musical will feature lavish costumes and sets, special effects and a large cast.
Composer Matthew Norcross envisions the show as a cross between Les Miserables and Sweeney Todd. He is also passionate about helping individuals with disabilities:
“Four of our cast members have children or relatives with a developmental disability, so
donating a portion of each ticket sale to The Arc of Monmouth is our way of supporting the
important work of this great organization”.
The show will have its premiere on November 1 and 2, at the TD Bank Center in Williamstown, NJ (about 90 minutes from Monmouth County). Tickets can be purchased online at www.reallegendofsleepyhollow.
com or by calling 1-800-982-2787.
Supporter Spotlight
for their daughter Janice, who was born with Down synIn this new column, we’ll be sharing stories of individuals drome.
who have dedicated their lives to helping individuals with As young Janice grew into a cheerful young woman, both
I/DD achieve.
mother and daughter became
increasingly involved with The
Arc – Janice participating in
recreation and many other programs, and Joan helping to establish and run many fundraising
efforts. Both Joan and Janice
were actively involved in the
Carol Lame (nee Santonello) moved from Jersey City to Winter Glow Ball for many years.
Monmouth County when she was 17, and pursued a graduate degree in nursing. However, her volunteer work for in- In 2007, Janice passed away much too soon. However,
dividuals with developmental disabilities led her to change while Joan no longer required The Arc’s services for her
daughter, she remained a loyal and tireless volunteer.
gears and pursue a career in special education.
As the 47th annual Winter Glow Ball is fast approaching,
we’d like to dedicate this first installment to two dynamic
women: Joan Colondrillo and Carol Lame. Both women
came to The Arc under very different circumstances, each
dedicating over 30 years to the Winter Glow Ball and The
Carol became very active as a volunteer with both The Arc
of Monmouth (starting at the Red Bank Thrift Shop) and the
Special Olympics. Her passion overflowed to her family,
and she enlisted her parents, Carmen and Sally, brother
Brian and husband Rick, who all soon began helping with
the Winter Glow Ball (Carmen sold as many raffle tickets as
he could, while Brian donated linens through his company,
Sanitary Linen Supply). Carol served as co-chair of the gala
for three years in the 1980’s, and continues to support the
event to this day.
about her years
with The Arc,
one of the most
touching aspects
of volunteering
was seeing stuMollie Giamanco, Anita Roselle, Arleen Fina,
dents she knew as
Joan Colondrillo & Carol Lame
a special education teacher in Eatontown. Students like Danny Kardane
and Judith Hilton would show her great affection when they
reconnected at The Arc’s offices or the Winter Glow Ball.
Over the years, Joan and her husband Michael established
two funds in Janice’s honor:
The Janice Colondrillo Recreation Fund (which provides scholarships to cover the cost of recreation activities
and trips for individuals with intellectual disabilities).
The Janice Colondrillo Memorial Fund (which funds
the admission of 10 different individuals with disabilities to
attend each year’s Winter Glow Ball – an event that these
individuals would never otherwise be able to afford).
Joan and Carol worked together as key members of the
“Tuesday Group”, the volunteer committee responsible for
the Winter Glow Ball, The Arc’s biggest and most important
annual fundraiser. Chaired by Anita Roselle, the gala has
raised millions in support of individuals served by The Arc of
Monmouth. Since the 1970’s both ladies have worked tirelessly collecting auction gifts and selling raffle tickets and
dinner reservations to friends and colleagues.
Both women exemplify kindness and a positive attitude;
two of The Arc’s most cherished core values. When either
enters The Arc Center, the offices are filled with smiles and
warmth. We are very grateful to have them in our presence and look forward to working with them for many years
Joan Colondrillo and her husband Michael came to The to come.
Have a suggestion for someone we should recognize?
Arc seeking healthcare, advocacy and counseling supports
Email us at development@arcofmonmouth.org.
The Arc’s Golf Classic Raises a Record Breaking $50,000
by Brett Colby, Director of Development
The Arc of Monmouth got lucky this past June, as Monday the 17th turned out to be one of the few sunny days
for golf. This year’s event was held in a new location, the beautiful Deal Golf & Country Club.
Over 70 players attended a truly exciting year, which featured a delicious
lunch, golf on one of the NJ’s most beautiful courses, auctions, raffles and
a sumptuous dinner that included an all you can eat lobster bar! Contests
included a hole-in-one car giveaway (courtesy of Schwatz Mazda), a $5,000
putting contest and a million dollar hole in one shootout drawing. The million dollar shot was a highlight of the day, as the longtime supporter Joan
Mitchell was the person selected at random to make the shot.
The event honored Dr. Webster Trammell of Brookdale Community College for his many years of service in
the community and as chair of The Arc Golf Classic. We would like to
thank this year’s co-chairs Jack Privetera and Joe Roselle, and the entire
Golf committee for helping to produce a very memorable event.
Sponsor Circle Hyundai with a team of
players from The Arc’s Recreation Program
Due to an overwhelming enthusiasm about Deal, we immediately reserved Monday, June 16, 2014 as the date for our next outing. To join the
planning committee or become a player or sponsor, please contact us at
Joan Mitchell takes a shot to win $1,000,000!
The Golf Classic Committee
Jack Privetera and Joseph Roselle
Dr. Webster Trammell
Immediate Past Chair
Edward M. Rosell
Chairman Emeritus
Donald Bush
Keith Dorney,
Edward Jones
Christopher McDonald,
Delicious Orchards
Kevin Maude
David Messer, Esq.
Joan Mitchell
Michael Rosell, Jr,
Rosell Insurance Agency
Annual Meeting Expands on “The Power of Art”
It was a beautiful night in June, when nearly 100 members of The Arc of Monmouth attended the 2013 Annual
Meeting. This year’s dinner was provided in part by Illiano’s Italian Restaurant of Ocean, and served by a dedicated group of staff and served individual volunteers.
Board President Roger Trendowski welcomed the audience and introduced
the board of directors. Executive Director Mary Scott provided an overview of the previous year’s achievements, aided by a colorful PowerPoint
This year, the 2012 theme of “The Power of Art” was expanded to include
live performance. The audience took delight in the Broadcast Club’s
rendition of “Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend”, as well as a solo performance of “We Are Family”, sung by by Tranessa S.
Thank you to all of the volunteers and attendees who made this a spectacular annual meeting!
Department of Individual and Family Supports
A New Home for Susan by Sandra Troia, Community Support Worker
Susan was raised by her grandmother since she was about seven years old. In 2012, at the
age of 97, Susan's grandmother was placed in a nursing home. As Susan's family needed to
sell her house, her Aunt Lisa searched for over a year to find a new place for her to live.
Susan found herself in desperate need of an apartment, at a time when thousands of
coastal residents were displaced due to Superstorm Sandy. After a year of searching on
their own, The Arc’s Independent Living Program stepped in to help to locate a terrific
apartment, and The Arc community support workers helped Susan to move in and get
After Nine Months of Flood Repair, WOC Reopens!
We are pleased to
announce that we
(finally!) have reopened the Work
Opportunity Center
repairs needed due
to damage from Superstorm Sandy. On
Tuesday, September
10, we welcomed
Maria Buckland and Beverly Campbell presback all of the
ent one of several “Welcome Back” cakes
WOC individuals
and employees to the center. Everyone was thrilled
with the “new” WOC, which features shiny new floors,
repaired and repainted walls, updated computers and
phone system, new furniture and an overall feeling of
momentum. We are not able to use the entire building
yet (a work area will be blocked off for a bit longer),
but hope that the remaining repairs will move along
quickly. In the meantime, we will delay a reopening
ceremony until the entire building is operational.
There have been a great number of persons who have
helped in the aftermath of Sandy and during the displacement of the individuals and staff from the Work
Opportunity Center. We thank all of our supporters
who have contributed to the reconstruction through
donations and gifts. Fr. Hank Hilton rallied his friends
throughout the country, who were especially generous to WOC, raising over $100,000. Last year’s Winter
Glow Ball raised nearly $20,000 in pledges to replace
many damaged items. Thanks to all our donors.
Several foundations also provided financial assistance:
Robin Hood Foundation: $60,000
The Allstate Foundation: $5,000
United Way of Monmouth County: $4,984
Gannet Foundation:
Lakeisha Walker & Artimessia Thigpen
Before the Grand ReOpening Ceremony,
a sign will be created which credits
all of the donors who
helped to rebuild
We greatly appreciate the hospitality of the employees and served persons in the temporary locations in
which WOC individuals and staff have been working.
This includes the Center for Vocational Rehabilitation
(CVR) in Eatontown that housed a group of our individuals since shortly after the storm. Big thanks to
President/CEO Russell Anderson, and all of the staff
and served persons at CVR. Thanks also to The Arc of
Monmouth’s programs that have hosted WOC individuals and staff, including the Meridian, Eatontown and
Western Monmouth Achievement Centers and The Arc
Center. You have been gracious and welcoming.
Thanks too to the served persons of the Work Opportunity Center, their
families and the
staff members,
who have patiently adjusted
to the temporary quarters in
which they have
been operating.
We know you are
happy to be back
“home” at WOC.
Longtime supporter Harry Douty, with
Vocation Director Linda Porter.
Many employees
have been involved in helping to get WOC up and running again. Thanks to all of them. Assistant Executive
Director Suzanne Liberi has done a great job in overseeing the repairs, along with Facilities Director Alex
Varga. Thank you for your leadership. Thanks also to
the WOC management team, including Director Linda
Porter, Marketing and Sales Manager Elaine Richardson,
Assistant Director of Vocational Services Risa Sha, and
Production Manager Mary Pelo. Starting right after the
storm this team helped clear items out of the building,
document all of the damage, worked with contractors
and volunteers, planned the alternative work sites and
the redeployment of transportation, and much more.
We are grateful to everyone who has helped with the
WOC recovery. The generosity and helpfulness of the
community has been heartwarming.
Thank you to Pamela Heckel and Eric K. for taking
these photographs!
Residential Updates
Wayside Oaks
by Patricia Basciano, Project Development Coordinator,
Wayside Oaks
The Arc of Monmouth is getting closer to the opening of
a brand new residential program in Tinton Falls.
Wayside Oaks will provide 16 new apartments to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities,
staffing to help
meet their daily
needs and support them in the
community. The
program has already accepted
14 residents, and
is awaiting confirmation on two more.
Wayside Oaks has begun its staffing and is continuing
to seek individuals who are looking for a rewarding career. Full time, part time and per diem positions are
still available.
Call: (732) 493-1919
Email: hr@arcofmonmouth.org
Online Inquiry: www.arcofmonmouth.org/work-at-the-arc
Rob Bowne
by Dawn Delaney, Director of Residential Services
The Arc of Monmouth Congratulates “ROB HOLLA”
(a/k/a Robert Bowne of the Supervised Apartments Program) on his live performance on August
9, 2013 for “BEATS & NOISES” in Woodland Park.
Rob is also the recipient of this year’s “Making Strides”
award at The Arc of Monmouth, which he will
receive on October 24.
A man with a mission!
Living his dream,
and planning his future
in the music industry!
We Salute You. Holla!
Hearing from Our Stakeholders: 2013 Survey Results
by Kathy Mullery, Associate Executive Director
Survey results are in! This past Spring, we again conducted
surveys of persons served, families, other professionals and
our staff to hear their feedback - to find out how we are doing in meeting their expectations and our mission.
The services that family members said will most be needed
within the next 2 - 3 years were mental health/behavioral
supports, residential supports, transportation, employment
day program
We received 367 responses from people who receive direct
services and supports. More than 78% of the served individuals who responded answered that, “This program ‘always’
helps me reach my personal goals.” Over 84% said that the
staff “always” treats them with respect; this result is very
close to the goal of 85% that had been established in our FY
2013 Agency Performance Measurement Plan. Interns, when
possible, assisted this year in conducting these surveys of individuals.
Anita Roselle,
in otherChairman
agencies were also surveyed. Those
who responded rated our recreation, ambulatory care center
and self-directed services, and all ratings were excellent or
very good. According to this group of respondents, the services that should be expanded or developed in the future are
job opportunities/job coaching/job training, respite, recreation, mental health/behavioral services and transition planning.
There were 35 responses to the family survey this year. Most
identified themselves as Guardians/Advocates, followed by
parents and other interested persons. In rating satisfaction
with The Arc’s services, 93% of respondents said that their
family member benefited from The Arc’s services during the
last year. More than 85% of respondents rated the degree
to which The Arc’s program or service helped the individual reach their personal goals as either “excellent” or “very
good”. The goal that had been established in our FY 2013
Agency Performance Measurement Plan was 80%, so this result more than meets that goal.
Finally, in our staff survey, 116 staff responded. Overwhelmingly staff - even those in non-direct support positions - indicated that the thing they like the most about working at The
Arc of Monmouth is the work we do and the relationships they
have developed with people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Survey results have been shared with department heads, persons served and staff, and results are now helping us to plan
short and long range goals for The Arc.
Thank you to the people we serve, and to all members of The
Arc and/or families of persons served who participated in our
survey. Your input is very important to us.
Recreation Updates by Cindy Wiegers and Allison Tuttle
Slim and Trim Club was introduced
this summer to our advanced fitness
participants with tremendous success. Randi Rae, the leader, designed
this program to advance the level of
exercise and commitment through
various challenges and rewards. Each
week, one or more participants are
chosen to receive an award for their
commitment towards a healthier lifestyle. The award may recognize that
someone has lost weight, given up an
unhealthy habit or added a healthy
Due to the phenomenal response to
the class, rewarding just one or a few
people has proven to be very difficult!
For example, one week, three people
had lost 5lbs each. Another week, 13
out of the 14 people had either lost
weight or stayed the same weight.
Randi is using the Wii fitness system
to track this remarkable progress.
The recreation staff was amazed by
the restraint and commitment that
the members of the class demonstrated while traveling to Vermont for
a week, through their healthier food
choices and finding opportunities to
Colleen C. had these thoughts about
the club:
I love the Slim and Trim Club. It has
restarted my weight loss. I am already more than half way to my goal
weight I set for this class.
It is so great to walk the boardwalk
and stretch at the beach with my
friends. It is a great time in a beautiful place and surprise - it is exercise!
We really forget it is exercise because
we are having so much fun.
Vermont Recap
During the intense summer heat wave,
37 Recreation participants were very
lucky to be in the cooler climate of
Our five condos on the
Smuggler’s Notch Resort offered us
beautiful views, clean air and lots of
activities. The week was filled with
shuffleboard, horseshoes, basketball,
swimming, hiking and climbing, golfing and much more. The spacious
condos with connecting decks offered a great setting for group dining,
where many participants displayed
their cooking talents.
Some highlights include the Horse and
Wagon ride at the Trapp Family Lodge.
Rex and Burt provided a relaxing ride
around the property where the children from the movie The Sound of Music grew up and played. Their home
was later turned into a hotel, and is
situated on top of a mountain, providing stunning views.
We traveled to Old Montreal, Canada for a tour of Notre Dame Basilica
and some French cuisine. We strolled
along the cobblestone streets among
the outdoor cafes looking for treasures to take home with us.
A Caribbean themed sunset cruise
on Lake Champlain provided a great
night of music and dancing. To end
the week, we had a blast at our own
private pool party. The lifeguards
stirred up some lively competition in
diving, racing and cannon balls. This
was great fun and some very impressive swimming skills were on display.
The 9 hour train ride home was pleasant, and provided a great opportunity
for socializing. On the way home we
jumped off the Amtrak train and onto
the NJ Transit train with only a minute
to spare. The speed of the group was
very impressive when truly needed.
We all arrived safely in Little Silver
late Saturday night to the welcoming arms of our families. Thank you
to our volunteers Robin, Tom, Donna,
Paul, and Larry (our head chef) for
providing great support on the trip.
HealthMeet Grant Provides Free Screenings
by Kristen Creed, Director of Health Services
The Arc of Monmouth was invited by The Arc of New Jersey to be a part of the HealthMeet project funded by the
Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention. HealthMeet
brought together chapters of The Arc, health professionals
such as doctors and nurses, and others who study health to
help people with I/DD live healthier and longer lives.
The Arc of Monmouth was one of the hosts for HealthMeet
activities that were occurring across the United States. This
consisted of free health assessments for people with I/DD,
including screening for blood pressure, vision, hearing, balance and weight management. Nurses from our own Ambulatory Care Center traveled to various locations throughout
the agency to perform these health assessments. Over 70
individuals served by The Arc of Monmouth received HealthMeet screening assessments.
One of the goals of HealthMeet was to involve people with
I/DD in their own healthcare. This was done by asking questions and using assessment techniques that involved the
person receiving the assessment. It was reported that there
were many chapters of The Arc throughout the country in
rural areas, which by offering
HealthMeet assessments uncovered health concerns for
individuals that would typically not have been able to
access such a comprehensive
health assessment.
The results of each HealthMeet screening were placed
into a database for analysis.
The goal is to increase the
longevity and improved quality of life for persons with I/
DD, and raise the public, health professional and community consciousness of this great need. All participants either
signed consent forms or had their guardians sign consent
forms to participate in this project. It was a great success.
The following donations were received between May 23 and September 9, 2013. This listing includes generous individuals, foundations and corporations who donated to The Arc’s Annual Appeal as well as Special Events, Restricted Donations to WOC, Recreation, Employment Services
and other programs. The Development Department makes every effort to publish names as requested.
Please report any omissions or misspelling to development@arcofmonmouth.org or (732) 493-1919 ext. 122.
Annual Appeal & Special Fund Donors
$5,000 & Above
Mr. Jack Privetera/
The Anabel Foundation
Campbell Ventola Co.
Delicious Orchards
Horizon Blue Cross
Blue Shield
K of C Council # 5611
K of C Council #1672
K of C Council #3187
K of C Council #3402
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Benedetto
Mr. Donald Bush
Mr. Kevin Maude
The Arc of New Jersey
The Rosell Insurance Agency
VFW Post #2226
Wells Fargo Insurance Services
AIG Benefit Solutions
Brown & Brown of
Lehigh Valley
Circle Auto Group
Jackson Lewis LLC
Laura & Brian Sheehy
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Goldman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sanzen
Mr. William Hermanns
Mrs. Ranka Vucetic
Ms. Evelyn Puig
Rockrete Recycling
SBOA of New Jersey
Selective Insurance Group
US Appraisal Group
All Phase Heating & Cooling
AT & T United Way
Aunt Jayne’s Seasoning
C. Keith Henderson Esq.
Mr. Brett Colby
Complete Security Systems
George Harms Construction
Healthcare Software
K of C Council #5903
Marshall Jackson Partners
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Rabbat
Mr. & Mrs. John Reinhardt
Mr. & Mrs. William Herndon
Mr. Harry Douty
Mr. Jack Patterson
Ms. Shirley Smoyak
Red Bank Volvo
Visiting Physician Services
West Long Branch Speech
& Hearing Center
AIG Matching Grants
BNY Mellon Community Partnership
Chris McCarthy/FoozeOn
Ciena Cares
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Nahum
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Colondrillo
Frank’s Big & Tall
Hope Presbyterian Church
Jim & Michelle Duane
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Cognetta
Mr. & Mrs. Irving Kardane
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Pennabere
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mitchell
Mr. Chris Myer
Mr. Dave McIndoe
Mr. Keith Dorney
Mr. Martin Gaddy
Mr. Tom Draper
Mrs. Sheila Cohen
Ms. Diane Stopiello
Ms. Lenore Donohue
Ms. Linda Wancel
Ms. Lorraine Houlihan
Ms. Mary Hartman
Ms. Mary Pat Kennedy
Ms. Patricia Van Dyke
Ms. Roberta Tuttle
Ms. Serena DiMaso
Oceanside Products
Prudential Foundation
Sandpiper Condominium Association
World Maritime Exchange
Up to $99
Apollo Transport
Christopher Mullery
Dr. & Mrs. Evelio Bofill
Mr. Mrs. Joseph Colao
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Harrington
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Slee
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Schildhorn
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Burden
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Ferber
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lame
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nixon
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Baum
Mr. Allen Lupian
Mr. Corey Goldberg
Mr. David Gold
Mr. Edward Zurav
Mr. Glenn Filzer
Mr. James Ippolito
Mr. John Flynn
Mr. Jonathan Kent
Mr. Jonathan Weber
Mr. Maurice Lampell
Mr. Richard Hartman
Mr. Sam Sikiric
Mr. Tim Weiss
Ms. Kathy Mullery
Ms. Anne Annecharico
Ms. Anne Curley
Ms. Barbara Cortese
Ms. Barbara Rothman
Ms. Barbara Stark
Ms. Belle Rosenbloom
Ms. Beth Van Brunt
Ms. Betsey Wood
Ms. Brenda Ludwig
Ms. Connie Creed
Glenn & Joseph Giarratana
Ms. Cornelia Guest
Ms. Courtney Dee
Ms. Cynthia Weiss
Ms. Dora Valenti
Ms. Eileen Sinneck
Ms. Eleanore Little
Ms. Elena Smith
Ms. Erica Platusich
Ms. Frances Shaw
Ms. Gerianne Abriano
Ms. Ilene Lewis
Ms. Jan Lapierre
Ms. Jean Picciacacco
Ms. Joan Skudera
Ms. Jolene Buckalo
Ms. Joyce Kaiser
Ms. Judith Cole
Ms. Karen Amster
Ms. Kathleen Arlt
Ms. Kathleen Yuro
Ms. Linda Reinman
Ms. Linda Wancel
Ms. Lynda Woods-Cleary
Ms. Lynne Crisitello
Ms. Margaret Phillips
Ms. Marian Callabro
Ms. Marie Tufano
Ms. Marjorie Schoneboom
Ms. Patricia Musto
Ms. Patricia Taylor
Ms. Ruth Zimmerman
Ms. Sally Reeser
Ms. Sharon Learn
Ms. Stacy Weiner
Ms. Theresa Hollywood
Ms. Virginia Maita
Ms. Virginia O’Nelii
Verizon Foundation
Memberships are vital to the success of The Arc. Members receive discounts to Recreation programs and a
subscription to this newsletter. These Memberships received between 5/23-9/9/13
$100 and above
Mr. Eugene Bergen
Mr. Alan Fox
Ms. Mary Gross
Ms. Karen Murphy
Ms. Joan Sheldon
Mr. & Mrs. D. Roderick Webster
Up to $99
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Altavilla
Ms. Elisabeth Altruda
Mr. Ralph Aviles
Ms. Brittany Barber
Ms. Joan Binn
Ms. Lois Bolt
Ms. Lorraine Chiaramonte
Mr. David Cohen
Ms.Esther & Vicki Colman
Ms. Debra Connolly
Ms. Colleen Conroy
Ms. Ashley DeSimone
Mr. Dale Driscoll
Mr. Johny Edwards
Ms. Lynn Evans
Mr. Billy Feiss
Ms. Syndi Felix
Mr. Patsy Garruto
Mr. Harry Haberman
Mr. Sam Ieronimo
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kammerer
Mrs. Mary Kiningham
Mr. Frank LeCompte
Ms. Ann Marie Lemonie
Mr. Walter Lidman
Ms. Irene MacKay
Ms. Margaret Matthews
Ms. Lynda Mazzella
Mr. Michael McConnell
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Miele
Ms. Dolores Moran
Ms. Michelle Murphy
Ms. Kathryn Nagy
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Oberlin
Mr. Steven Pelman
Ms. Evelyn Puig
Ms. Alexandra Rech
Mr. Brad Reiter
Ms. Stacey Rizas
Ms. Belle Rosenbloom
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Samaras
Mr. Norman Schwartz
Ms. Mary Scott
Ms. Cindy Sherman
Mr. Ronald Sigismondi
Ms. Joan Slott
Ms. Kristina Smith
Ms. Carol Snekszer
Mr. Stephen T. Strozak
Mr. James Sutherland
Ms. Carol Tesauro
Mr. Sean Torphy
Mr. Nicholas Vales
Mr. & Mrs. John Vanslavie
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Warchal
Ms. Constance Watkins
Ms. Karen Williams
Ms. Donna Young
Ms. Alice Zagury
Mrs. Lauren Zalepka
Leave a Lasting Legacy
Have you chosen to honor The Arc as part of your estate planning?
Including The Arc of Monmouth in your will or estate gains you entry into our Heritage Society.
This special kind of commitment ensures that The Arc will remain in operation for generations to come.
Legacy Members will be honored with an annual dinner and a place in The Arc’s history.
For more information, or to let us know if you’ve already decided on a planned giving option,
please contact bcolby@arcofmonmouth.org or (732) 493-1919 ext. 120.
Memorials & Special Gifts
In Memory of
Agnes & Thomas Hoffman
Ms. Diane Stoppiello
In Memory of
Xavier Franco
Kathy Mullery
In Memory of
G. Wright
Ms. Elena Smith
In Memory of
Anne Gil
Ms. Margaret Phillips
Jerry Moore
Sheryl Walsh
In Memory of
Debbie Aus
Kardane Family
In Memory of
Janice Colondrillo
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lame
In Honor of
Sandra Epstein
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Schildhorn
In Memory of
John Rafter
Mr. Corey Goldberg
In Memory of
Tess Delorenzo
Harry Douty
In Memory of
Kenneth Gil
Ms. Ilene Lewis
Ms. Erica Platusich
Ms. Margaret Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Ferber
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Harrington
Ms. Patricia Taylor
Mr. Sam Sikiric
Mr. & Mrs. Mike
Ms. Eleanore Little
Ms. Barbara Rothman
Ms. Beth Van brunt
Jim & Michelle Duane
Ms. Jean Picciacacco
In Memory of
Mary Steinberger
Mrs. Mary Pat Kennedy
In Memory of
Mildred Johnson
Ms. Kathleen Yuro
The Kardane Family
Ms. Virginia O’Neill
Happy Birthday wish
from Harry Douty to:
Bud Ackerman
Ken Radeloff
Doug Douty
Bree Douty
Carolyn Montague
In Memory of
Sarah Santonello
Mr. William Hermanns
Happy Birthday to
Anita Roselle
Mrs. Serena DiMaso
In Memory of
Anne Porowski
Sandpiper Condo Assn.
In Memory of
Edward Rosell
Mr. James Ippolito
In Memory of
Richard Sheldon
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Slee
Get Involved!
There are many ways to make a contribution to our 501(c)(3) nonprofit agency.
Please consider one or more of the following methods:
Scrabble (October 12, 2013):
__ Sweatshirt ($25) Size__
Regular Member ($25)
__ Water Glass ($7)
__ Hoodie ($29) Size__
Supporting Member ($35)
__ Grocery Tote ($5)
__ Hoodie w/Zipper ($39)
Patron ($50)
__ Canvas Travel Chair ($20)
Benefactor ($100)
__ Polo Shirt ($22) Size __
President’s Council ($200)
I don’t want a membership but please accept this donation in the amount of $_____
Spectator ($10)
Junior ($20)
Newcomer Untimed ($35)
Newcomer Timed ($35)
Rated/Pro ($55)
Donation to Scrabble $_______
Winter Glow Ball (December 6, 2013):
50/50 Cash Raffle Ticket - 5 chances to win! ($50)
Dinner Reservation ($250)
Half Page Journal Ad ($125) devel lease e
ent@ ail you
Full Page Journal Ad ($250)
fmo d to
Bronze Ad ($500)
Silver Ad ($750)
Gold Ad ($1,000)
Please send me information about:
___ Honoring The Arc in my Will
___ Legend of Sleepy Hollow Musical (Nov 1-2, 2013)
___ Walk/5k (April 2014)
___ Wine Tasting (May 2014)
___ Golf Classic (Monday, June 16, 2014)
Name _____________________________________ Email __________________________________________________
Address __________________________________________________________ Phone ___________________________
___ My check in the amount of $________ is enclosed
___ Please charge my Mastercard
Visa American Express #____________________________________________
Exp. _________
CID ________ Signature: _________________________________________________
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The Arc Needs Your Support!
Your Registration as an Attendee, Volunteer or Sponsor provides
tremendous support for The Arc’s vital programs and services.
For information about these and other programs, contact us:
development@arcofmonmouth.org or (732) 493-1919