KOUYATÉ NEERMAN - Ambassade de France


KOUYATÉ NEERMAN - Ambassade de France
Namibia & France
Together for cultural diversity
Franco Namibian Cultural Centre
Diary of Events
A World Music
Concert from France
8 October 2013
September – October
éditorial / Editorial
’est un honneur pour moi de
signer ce premier éditorial de
Franco. Alors que je viens de
prendre mes fonctions, je souhaite
ainsi montrer mon intérêt pour le
Centre culturel franco-namibien,
espace de rencontres, d’échanges
et de formation. En tant qu’Ambassadeur
de France, mais également en tant que membre
de son Conseil d’administration, j’aurai à cœur
de suivre les activités du Centre et de veiller
à son rayonnement dans le cadre de la coopération exemplaire qu’entretiennent la France et
la Namibie.
La relation entre nos deux pays est particulièrement active, notamment dans le domaine culturel.
J’en tiens pour preuve, tout d’abord, les activités
qui seront proposées en septembre et octobre
: la poursuite de What We See, qui rencontre un
très grand succès, et une exposition consacrée
à Paul Van Schwalwyk, photographe dont les
vues aériennes sont célèbres. La musique sera
également bien représentée avec Ras Sheehama
chanteur namibien de reggae. Nous serons par
ailleurs heureux de proposer au public de Windhoek un concert du duo franco-malien KouyateNeerman, qui allie sonorités africaines et musique
L’engagement de la France pour les questions
touchant à l’environnement et au développement
durable, ensuite, n’est plus à démontrer. C’est
dans cette perspective que nous accueillerons
dans la salle de cinéma du CCFN les films projetés
à l’occasion de la 11ème Conférence des NationsUnies sur la Lutte contre la désertification, qui
se tiendra à Windhoek du 16 au 27 septembre.
L’enseignement du français, enfin, est une autre
priorité du Centre, et nombreux sont ceux qui
fréquentent ses cours, sur place, ou hors les murs
puisque nous formons une quinzaine de fonctionnaires du Ministère des Affaires étrangères.
Cet intérêt des autorités namibiennes pour le
français, langue officielle ou de communication
de plusieurs pays d’Afrique, mérite d’être salué,
et je m’en réjouis particulièrement.
J’espère avoir le plaisir de vous rencontrer à
l’occasion de ces différentes manifestations.
Jacqueline Bassa-Mazzoni
Ambassadeur de France en Namibie
s a member of the FNCC
board it is my great pleasure to welcome at the FNCC
the new French Ambassador to Namibia, Her Excellency Jacqueline
Bassa-Mazzoni. I trust that we will
continue and further strengthen
the good relations between France and Namibia
through our collaboration on cultural exchanges.
The September/October program of the FNCC
offers yet another exciting line-up of cultural
activities and showcases. For one, I would like to
highly recommend viewing the anthropometrical
exhibition What We See, that will still be on show
for almost the full month of September. It provides
a glimpse of a disturbing chapter of Namibia’s
colonial history: the attempt of German artist
Hans Lichtenecker to set up what he called an
“archive of endangered races” in the 1930’s,
and the exhibition’s curator, Anette Hoffmann’s,
critical examination thereof.
Visitors to the FNCC gallery will furthermore
have the great opportunity to see an installation
by Paul van Schalkwyk, one of Namibia’s most
accomplished photographers. His showcase,
A Pristine Land Interrupted, will display some of
his breathtaking aerial landscape photography
as well as physical assemblages of his airplanes
and other records of his flying missions.
I am also delighted to see that the FNCC is
launching a new event series, namely the Dance
Showcase Namibia. The first edition will feature
award winning Stanley Mareka’s dance company
with their show I Had a Dream; a dance show that
speaks of dreams coming true for artists who
dare to follow them.
On the music side, the concert of French-Malian world music duo Kouyaté Neerman promises yet another exciting glimpse of what is
going on outside the borders of our country as does the documentary film festival on
Deserts and Desertification hosted at the FNCC
Cinema on occasion of the UN Conference to
combat desertification.
Retha–Louise Hofmeyr
Director of Arts: Ministry of Youth, National
Service, Sport and Culture
4 Sep 
The Deep
Blue Sea
@ FNCC Cinema
9 Sep
Start of 3rd term
French Classes
for Teenagers
11 Sep 
3 Short Films by
Tim Hübschle
@ FNCC Cinema
What We See
An Anthropometrical
@ FNCC Gallery
until 27 Sep
16 Sep
Start of 3rd term
French Classes
for Adults
14 Sep
Hour in English
@ FNCC Library
17 Sep
Desert Film
A Thirsty World
@ FNCC Cinema
18 Sep
Desert Film
Festival: Dirt!
The Movie
@ FNCC Cinema
19 Sep
Desert Film
Colors of the
Deserts – The
Red Colorado
@ FNCC Cinema
20 Sep 
Slam Poetry
@ FNCC Cinema
24 Sep
Desert Film
The Man Who
Stopped the
@ FNCC Cinema
25 Sep
Desert Film
Colors of the
Deserts – The
White Uyuni
@ FNCC Cinema
26 Sep
Desert Film
Colors of the
Deserts – The
Yellow Sahara
@ FNCC Cinema
27 Sep
Dance Showcase Namibia
Equipped Dance
@ FNCC Terrace
2 Oct
3 Oct
A Pristine Land
Interrupted – An
Exhibition by Paul
van Schalkwyk
@ FNCC Gallery
 22 Oct
Park Talk
@ FNCC Cinema
@ FNCC Cinema
9 Oct 
12 Oct
Cinema: La noire
@ FNCC Cinema
 16 Oct
@ FNCC Cinema
23 Oct
French Classic
Cinema: French
@ FNCC Cinema
28 Sep
Invitation à la
@ FNCC Library
Invitation à
la lecture
(English edition)
@ FNCC Library
17 Oct 
Theatre Sports:
In the Age of Big
@ FNCC Cinema
19 Oct
Hour in English
@ FNCC Library
25 Oct 
Acoustic Friday:
Featuring Ras
@ FNCC Terrace
events CalendAr / OCTOBER
 8 Oct
Kouyaté Neerman - A Concert
@ Warehouse
events CalendAr / SEPTEMBER
2 sep 
30 Oct
Un Balcon sur
la mer
@ FNCC Cinema
New opening hours: The FNCC is closed to the public on Friday afternoons from 1pm
EVENTS / événements
What We See
Reconsidering an Anthropometrical
Collection from Southern Africa:
Images, Voices, and Versioning
Ongoing till
FNCC Gallery
27 September
What We See deals with the disturbing history
of historical audio and visual documents taken
in southern Africa in the early 20th century.
This exhibition opened in August and will still
be on show until 27 September.
The exhibition is a critical examination of the
so called Lichtenecker archive. This archive was
set up by the German artist Hans Lichtenecker
who in 1931 collected voices, facial casts and
anthropometrical photographs of Africans in
former Southwest Africa to set up what he called
an archive of endangered races.
Anette Hofmann, who has a PhD in cultural
and African studies, developed an exhibition
combining the voice recordings Lichtenecker
took of people in Namibia with photographs and
Lichtenecker’s diary. She also travelled to Namibia
to search for potential witnesses and descendants
of the affected people. In video interviews that
are shown in the exhibition they remember the
historical event.
The exhibition is a fragile space of images and
voices, stories and portraits, historical documents
and contemporary artefacts.
Deserts and Desertification
Tuesday 17 – Thursday 19 &
Tuesday 24 – Thursday 26
Windhoek plays host to the 11th Conference
of Parties to the United Nations Convention to
Combat Desertification from the 16th to the 27th
September 2013.
To celebrate this historic occasion, a film festival
on deserts and desertification will take place at
the FNCC during the period of the Conference.
The first week of screenings will focus on efforts
being undertaken around the world to address
the challenges of desertification and drought.
The second week will profile three of the world’s
unique deserts – the Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia, the
Sahara Desert, and the Red Colorado Plateau. Each
screening will be followed by a panel discussion
involving experts on the different film topics.
For the detailed program see pages 9 and 10.
A Film Festival
Aspiring poets have the opportunity to dip their
feet in the water of verbal arts in a poetry slam
workshop for school learners, taking place from
16 to 20 September at the FNCC, followed by
a public performance.
Friday 20 September
Local artists Erna Chimu and Sheena Schwartz
are teaming up in an effort to introduce school
students to the art of slam poetry during a 5-day
workshop at the FNCC in September. Hitting
on social issues such as gender based violence,
abortion and housing, the workshop participants
will be trained in expressing themselves through
poetry, and presenting their efforts to the public
on the last day of the seminar.
A Workshop and Performance
FNCC cinema
free entry
EVENTS // projections
Slam Poetry
Erna Chimu is a renowned Namibian singer and
songwriter who writes most of her lyrics in her
mother tongue Damara/Nama. Sheena Schwartz,
who was awarded Best Female Actress at the 2012
Namibian Film and Theatre Awards, is a young
poet and poetry student at the Polytechnic of
Namibia. Both artists enjoy creative versatility and
embrace grassroots training as a method to deal
with social issues pertaining to Namibian society.
Showcase Namibia 27 September
Featuring Equipped Dance
Academy with I Had a Dream
Tickets: FNCC
FNCC Terrace
Dance Showcase Namibia is a new FNCC event
series that aims to showcase local dancing
talent, introducing different dance schools,
groups and genres. The first edition will feature
Equipped Dance Academy with the show I Had
a Dream.
Founded in 2007 by Stanley Mareka, title holder
of the Channel O Dance Africa competition
since 2008, the Equipped Dance Academy is a
Windhoek based dance school. Specialising in
urban dance styles such as Hip Hop, Freestyle,
Modern Dance and Kwaito, Equipped Dance
Academy offers young people in Windhoek’s
township the opportunity to dance their hearts
out at regular classes and public shows.
I Had a Dream is a show choreographed by Stanley
Mareka specifically for the launch of FNCC’s
Dance Showcase Namibia. It tells the story of a
young man with a burning desire to become a
dancer, who only discovers his full potential after
a dream-encounter with his true self.
EVENTS / événements
Kouyaté Neerman
A World Music Concert
from France
Warehouse Theatre
Tickets: Warehouse Theatre or Computickets
n$60 n$80
advance door
ll the way from France comes a world
music duo that will put you in a hypnotic
trance with a unique sonic landscape
beyond African music, rock, jazz or electro.
Lansiné Kouyaté, balafon maestro from
Mali teams up with David Neerman, electric
vibraphone sorcerer to form the musical universe
of Kouyaté Neerman. The duo visiting from
France is pushed to new heights by a new groovy
rhythm section composed of David Aknin and
Antoine Simoni.
On one side we have David Neerman, a free
spirit in an orbit of his own across Europe's
fledgling creative scene. A lunar poet of the
vibraphone, he's as much at home in the
evanescent universe of Korean chanteuse Youn
Sun Nah as he is in the spontaneous, urban
8 October
slam of Anthony Joseph & the Spasm Band,
contemporary post-jazz, or the thousand-yearold poetry of Mandinka music.
On the other side, Lansiné Kouyaté, a Maestro
of Mali's music and an undisputed master of
the balafon, "the classical piano of Africa". As a
child prodigy (with a Griot mother, and a father
who played the balafon…), he was enrolled by
the National Orchestra of Mali when barely
ten and then hired away by Salif Keita before
he started turning up unexpectedly almost
everywhere. He's partnered the greatest
names in West African music, but he's also a
bold experimenter who's adapted the ancestral
sounds of his instrument to the most diverse
languages to be found in either "serious" or
popular contemporary music.
Paul van Schalkwyk is an aerial photographic
artist and one of the most acclaimed
photographers in Namibia. His exhibition
at FNCC takes the form of an installation
comprising multimedia sourced from Paul’s
flying adventures over the Namibian landscape.
Wednesday Until 1 November
2 October 18h30
FNCC Gallery
The show presents the viewer with a multi-faceted
experience of familiar and unfamiliar Namibian
landscape locations, which prompt a fascination
with the aesthetic of an aerial viewpoint with its
ability to see the unseen. It simultaneously probes
one’s own association with the land and how
our voyager meanderings come to take effect.
It points to wider issues of climate change and is
thus as much to do with our need to reassess our
relationship with the planet as it is to do with our
observation of it.
The exhibition will include high quality aerial
photographic prints, video/audio recordings
of Paul’s flying missions, textual transcripts
detailing research and GPS coordinates and
physical assemblages from Paul’s aeroplanes.
It is a narrative spanning 10 years of Paul’s quest
for a pristine land.
An Exhibition by Paul
van Schalkwyk
EVENTS / événements
A Pristine Land
In the Age of Big Brother
17 October
Tickets: FNCC
FNCC cinema
In the Age of Big Brother, is another hilarious
new improvised show of the Theatre Sports
team, featuring songstress Lize Ehlers as the
guest star.
There is no denying it: We are living in the age of
Big Brother. While to some, mass surveillance of
email and cell phone communication is becoming
a scary reality in the 21st century, others are
voluntarily submitting to monitoring as a form
of self-expression in reality TV shows such as Big
Brother Africa. The Theatre Sports actors have
become addicted to reality TV, while wondering
whether their inane posts on Facebook are being
scrutinized by Obama’s national security team.
Pondering the impact of technology, voyeurism
and surveillance on our everyday lives, the team
does what it does best: inspire a good laugh,
based on improvisation and audience suggestions.
EVENTS / événements
Namibia’s North-East Parks
22 October
FNCC cinema
Namibia’s North-East parks are denoting a new
generation of parks that conserve biodiversity
and benefit communities. This Park Talk provides
an overview of the NamParks Programme from
2006 to 2013.
Integrated Park Management – an approach
rooted in the Community-based Natural Resource
Management (CBNRM) Programme – has
transformed the Bwabwata, Mudumu and Nkasa
Rupara national parks into well-managed land
units that are increasingly attractive to tourists.
Since 2006, the Namibia Parks (NamParks)
Programme, funded by the Namibian Government
and the Federal Republic of Germany through KfW,
has supported staff, built partnerships, provided
equipment and infrastructure and produced robust
plans in the three parks and surrounding areas.
This Park Talk features highlights from
Phase 1 and 2 of the Programme and
shares valuable lessons learned.
The FNCC is proud to welcome a pioneer of the
Namibian music industry and an outstanding
Afro-Reggae singer/songwriter on the Acoustic
Friday stage: none other than Ras Sheehama.
Ras Sheehama’s lyrics show consciousness,
integrity, sharp observation and humanity, while
conveying both socio-political criticism as well as
messages of peace, love and wisdom.
Having grown up in several African countries,
and travelled in other continents, Ras has
developed his own style of music, which has a
strong global appeal. With his 20 years of musical
experience, soothing voice, diverse repertoire,
and charismatic stage performance, he continues
to capture audiences wherever he goes.
Ras Sheehama performed at numerous festivals
in Europe and elsewhere in Africa and shared
the stage with the likes of Manu Dibangu, Salif
Keita, Ismael Lo, Lucky Dube, and Brenda Fassie.
With seven albums to his name, he was twice
awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award for his
music in Namibia and won the Last Band Standing
competition in 2011.
Acoustic Friday
feat Ras Sheehama
25 October
FNCC Terrace
Tickets: FNCC n$30 n$40
September - October
18h30 Or 19h00
tickets N$20
@ the door
The Deep Blue Sea
= Wednesday 4 September, 18h30 | N$20
EVENTS / événements
FNCC cinema
a wide variety of
films screened weekly
Drama/Romance, directed by Terence Davies, USA/UK 2011, 95 min.
Language: English with French subtitles
In a deeply vulnerable performance, Rachel Weisz plays Hester Collyer, the
wife of an upper-class judge (Simon Russell Beale) and a free spirit trapped in
a passionless marriage. Her encounter with Freddie Page (Tom Hiddleston), a
troubled former Royal Air Force pilot, throws her life in turmoil, as their erotic
relationship leaves her emotionally stranded and physically isolated.
3 short films by Tim Hübschle
Screened in partnership with AfricAvenir
= Wednesday 11 September, 18h30 | N$20
Short films, directed by Tim Hübschle, Namibia 2006-2012, 68 min. Language: English
Namibian filmmaker Tim Hübschle will present 3 of his short films represented
in the Namibian Movie Collection: Rider Without a Horse (2006), Looking for
Ilonga (2011), and Dead River (2012).
*Desert & Desertification Film Festival
A Thirsty World: La Soif du Monde
= Tuesday 17 September, 19h00 | Free Entry
Documentary, Directed by Yann Arthus-Bertrand, Thierry Piantanida & Baptiste Rouget-Luchaire
France 2012, 90 min. Language: English
Having access to clean drinking water is challenging today more than ever
before. A Thirsty World reveals the mysterious world of fresh water in some
20 countries in Europe, Africa, Asia and America. Some of these regions are
barely ever reached and filmed, such as Southern Sudan and Northern Congo.
Built up on a host of encounters, the film portrays individuals fatally struggling
to rejoice a drop of clean water and to let others join the privilege, putting
their lives continuously at stake.
*Desert & Desertification Film Festival
Dirt! The Movie
= Wednesday 18 September, 19h00 | Free Entry
Documentary, directed by Bill Benenson, Gene Rosow & Eleonore Dailly.
USA 2009, 86 min. Language: English
For most of the last 10,000 years humans have understood their intimate bond
with dirt, the Earth’s most valuable and underappreciated source of fertility.
But, over time, we lost that connection. The 20th century in particular has
seen the rise of corporate farming practices with negative long-term effects
on the soil, while clear-cutting of rainforests and global warming are making it
harder to grow the food the world needs. Dirt! The Movie offers a vision for a
new sustainable relationship between humans and dirt.
screenings / projections
FNCC cinema
*Desert & Desertification Film Festival
Colors of the Deserts: The Red Colorado Plateau
= Thursday 19 September, 19h00 | Free Entry
Documentary, produced by Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen (ZDF), Germany 2012, 50 min.
Language: English
Part of a series known as Colors of the Deserts, this documentary explores the
Red Colorado Plateau. Enormous outstanding rocks and wondrous landscapes
that developed through millions of years shape this majestic red desert. Named
after the Colorado River, the desert holds the river’s water so deep that the
irrigation of surrounding territories is prevented. Being inhabited by mostly
indigenous Americans, this desert is highly spiritual and has stimulated a bunch
of tales and legends.
*Desert & Desertification Film Festival
The Man Who Stopped the Desert
= Tuesday 24 September, 19h00 | Free EntRY
Documentary / Biography, directed by Mark Dodd, UK 2008, 64 min. Language: English
In Burkina Faso, the rapid desertification of the once fertile plains of the Sahel
caused droughts and ruined harvests, sparking a mass exodus of village inhabitants
and famines that decimated populations. Yet remarkably, one illiterate peasant
farmer and his ingenious farming methods have proved the key to achieving
what experts have failed to do: stop the desert. This inspiring documentary tells
the unique story of Yacouba Sawadogo, whose years of toil have transformed
the lives of thousands.
*Desert & Desertification Film Festival
Colors of the Deserts: The White Uyuni
= Wednesday 25 September, 19h00 | Free Entry
Documentary, produced by Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen (ZDF), Germany 2012, 45 min.
Language: English
This documentary explores the Salar de Uyuni Desert in Bolivia. Neither sands,
nor gravel nor stone, but rather white crystal salt is what Salar de Uyuni consists
of. Due to it being the world’s largest salt flat, Salar de Uyuni in the crest of the
Andes, is viewed as an important economic resource. After the rainy season,
when this film was shot, the natural beauty of this desert and its inhabitants’
cultures are at their finest. With rain water covering the salt, this desert turns
into a gigantic natural mirror stimulating dream-like pictures.
*Desert & Desertification Film Festival
Colors of the Deserts: The Yellow Sahara
= Thursday 26 September, 19h00 | Free Entry
Documentary, produced by Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen (ZDF), Germany 2012, 53 min.
Language: English
Golden wavy sand seas migrating across North Africa shape the ever-changing
Sahara landscape. This film tells the story of a 10-day journey across the Egyptian
deserts, where the narrator, Petra Haffter, acquaints herself with the irresistible
yet cruel beauty of the desert and its various cultures. In her tour on camelback
across the yellow Sahara, Haffter also encounters the breath-taking white desert
of Egypt.
Drama, directed by Guy Deslauriers, France 2009, 90 min. Language: French with English subtitles.
Aliker narrates the story of André Aliker, a Martinican journalist assassinated in
1934. “The true accomplishment of Aliker”, an early review affirms, “is that of
capturing the very essence of the main character’s struggle. The class war and
the gap between the white colonials and the black workers are quickly set aside
to make way for the film’s (and the real-life Aliker’s) real reason-for-being: the
struggle to validate the freedom of the press.”
screenings / projections
= thursday 3 october, 18h30 | N$20
La Noire de… (Black Girl)
Screened in partnership with AfricAvenir
= Wednesday 9 October, 18h30 | N$20
Drama, directed by Director Ousmane Sembene, Senegal 1966, 65 min.
Language: French with English subtitles.
With La noire de..., a first and prize-winning feature, Ousmane Sembene put Africa
on the map of world cinema in 1966. Black Girl is an exploration of a Senegalese
woman who is transplanted to France to work as a maid for a French family. She
is stripped of her cultural identity and dissolved into a person of a lesser class
whose sole function is to clean up after the household. Her disenchantment with
her position leads to hopelessness with tragic consequences.
= Wednesday 16 October, 18h30 | N$20
Documentary, directed by Luc Joulé & Sébastien Jousse, France 2010. 80 min.
Language: French with English subtitles.
A train enters the station of La Ciotat. The Lumière brothers’ historic images
reveal a fact: the train puts society on the move. Through various encounters
and by portraying railroaders’ daily work, the functioning of this public service
enterprise is revealed. Railroaders feel increasingly isolated. The very meaning
of work and its efficiency are under review. Beyond the rail road workers, the
whole of society is affected.
= Wednesday 23 October, 18h30 | N$20
Comedy / Musical / Drama, directed by Jean Renoir, France 1955, 97 min.
Language: French with English subtitles
This comedy drama from Jean Renoir chronicles the revival of Paris’ most notorious
dance as it tells the story of a theater producer who turns a humble washerwoman
into a star at the Moulin Rouge.
Un Balcon sur la mer: (A View of Love)
= Wednesday 30 October, 18h30 | N$20
Drama / Mystery / Romance, directed by Nicole Garcia, France 2010, 105 min.
Language: French with English subtitles.
A happily married real estate agent has a passionate affair with his childhood
love, and makes a shocking discovery that turns his entire life upside down. As
a young boy, Marc was smitten with Cathy. Years later, both have gone their
separate ways, but meet again by chance. After an unforgettable night spent
together, Cathy vanishes as quickly as she had reappeared. When Marc learns
that Cathy perished years prior in a bombing, his impulsive affair takes on an
air of intense mystery.
learn to speak, read
and write in french
for all levels
The 3rd term of 2013 starts on 16 September.
Duration: until 15 November 2013. Beginners are
always welcome – a new class will open for you!
The 3rd term of 2013 starts on 9 September
Duration: until 15 November 2013. Beginners are
always welcome – a new class will open for you!
come and register before the beginning of the
Registration: 2 to 13 September at the FNCC
reception. Please make sure to register before
the beginning of the course.
Classes on Mondays and Wednesdays or
Tuesdays and Thursdays
{ Evenings from 17h30 to 19h00
$ Fee: N$770 per term
Students must buy the text book
(including CD) for all courses:
Levels 1,2,3,4 and 5: Alter Ego I – N$180
Levels 6 and advanced: Alter Ego II – N$180
Conversation workshop
for adults
You can practice your oral language skills.
For intermediate and advanced levels only.
= Wednesdays from 17h30 to 19h00
, The course is taking place at the FNCC.
Have a drink and chat in French!
$ Fee: N$550
, Registration: 26 August to 6 September, please
= Classes on Mondays and Wednesdays or
Tuesdays and Thursdays
{ Afternoons from 15h00 to 17h00
$ Fee: N$600
Students must buy the text book
(including CD) for all courses:
Levels 1, 2 and 3: Adosphère I – N$120
Levels intermediate 1 and 2: Adosphère II – N$120
Level advanced: Adosphère III – N$120
French exams training
For all French exams training (JSC, IGCSE,
HIGCSE) please contact the FNCC.
French for children from 4 to 6 years old.
The 3rd term is starting on 9 September.
Until: 15 November 2013.
= Mondays and Wednesdays
{ Afternoons 15h00 to 16h00
$ Fee: N$600
a wide variety of
french language
Le français de l’entreprise et des affaires
The FNCC offers French for business people who
are in regular contact with their French–speaking
counterparts in France or French–speaking
countries. This tailor–made course can be adapted
to the particular needs of your company: extensive
or intensive sessions, refresher courses, etc.
Please contact the FNCC’s French Department on
Tel. 061 387 345 or email frenchdpt@fncc.org.na
3eme trimestre : du 9 septembre au 30
Cours d’accompagnement aux programmes de
français du CNED du CP au CM2 : N$ 1 200 le
trimestre (4h/semaine)
Cours classe maternelle (3 à 6 ans) : N$ 1 200 le
trimestre (4h/semaine, le matin)
Ateliers pédagogiques du samedi matin : N$
30 (1h30)
Inscriptions à la réception de la médiathèque.
Renseignements : tel. 387 330, frenchdpt@fncc.
en franÇais
The Diplôme d’Etudes en Langue Française (DELF)
and the Diplôme d’Approfondissement en Langue
Française (DALF) are internationally recognized
diplomas for French as Foreign Language.
Exams dates:
12 October: Levels A1, A2 and C1
19 October: Levels B1, B2 and C2
$ Fee:
A1/A2: N$290, B1/B2: N$390, C1/C2: N$490
Preparation courses for DELF/DALF exams:
From 16 September to 11 October. 4 weeks
= Mondays and Wednesdays or Tuesdays
and Thursdays
{ Evenings from 17h30 to 19h00
Level A1/A2, B1/B2 or C1/C2
$ Fee: N$450
Ateliers ludiques et culturels, en français, pour
les enfants les samedis au FNCC. Ateliers du
samedi matin de 9h00 à 10h30 pour les 3-6 ans
et de 10h30 à 12h00 pour les 6-12 ans.
le 07 septembre et le 21 septembre :
Le moyen-âge,
le 05 octobre : Le 16ème siècle,
le 19 octobre : Le 17ème siècle.
multimedia library / Médiathèque
multimedia library
Invitation à
la lecture
Un espace de débats et d’échanges en langue
française autour d’un café-croissant.
A literature discussion forum, usually in
French, but watch out for English editions!
Café and croissants served.
FNCC multiMedia
Library / Médiathèque
Entrée libre
10h00 multimedia
free entry
Saturday 14 September 2013
Storytelling in English for children from 4 to 11
years. Storyteller: Ndaponah
Samedi 28 Sept / Saturday 28 Sept
Comment donner le goût de lire aux enfants ?
La rencontre avec les premiers livres est souvent
décisive. Mais la littérature qui s’adresse à ceux
qui ne savent pas encore lire s’est beaucoup
diversifiée ces dernière années : dans sa forme,
du livre d’images jusqu’au livre illustré, en passant
par l’album où texte et image se marient, mais
aussi dans son contenu avec des histoires qui
font appel à l’imagination ou renvoient à la vie de
l’enfant. Que choisir ? Que préfèrent-les enfants ?
Comment les accompagner lorsqu’ils ne savent pas
lire et lorsqu'ils ont appris à lire ? Venez découvrir
les livres que vous propose la bibliothèque et
partager votre expérience de parents avec celle
d’enseignants du CCFN.
Saturday 19 October 2013
Storytelling in English for children from 4 to 11
years. Storyteller: Helvi
Samedi 12 Oct / Saturday 12 Oct
Autobiographies by Namibian Women
This Invitation à la lecture in English will look at
the emergence of autobiographies by women
as a distinct genre within Namibian literature:
5 authors, well known in their own fields, will
be invited to share their experiences and the
challenges of writing their life stories. These
authors (to be confirmed) are Libertina Amathila,
(Making a Difference), Jane Katjavivi (Undisciplined
Heart), Ellen Namhila (Price of Freedom), Lydia
Shakatange (Walking the Boeing 707) and Beatrice
Sandelowsky (Archaeologically Yours). A unique
opportunity for academics, students and the
general public to learn more about Namibian
history of the past 50 years through amazing
life stories.
multimedia library
Opening hours
Monday to Tuesday
12h00 – 18h00
Wednesday to Thursday
9h00 – 18h00
9h00 – 13h00
9h00 – 12h00
About Us
The FNCC aims to intensify cultural cooperation
between Namibia and France, while promoting
and supporting Namibian cultural identity.
We offer cultural activities – lectures, film
screenings, plays, concerts and exhibitions – and
French language courses. Our public library has
a wide choice of French books, magazines and
We also aim to promote and support Namibian
artists and cultural projects by offering our knowhow, resources and equipment.
rent the fncc
Looking for a private, comfortable, spacious room?
The FNCC has the answers to all your needs!
Rent our conference room:
• 20 person capacity
• Fully equipped with air con system
• Projector, screen and PC connections
• Wireless internet access
• Extra equipment on demand
• Terrace
Also for rent:
• 6 classrooms, mainly used for language
• Our 56 seater cinema, suited for screenings
and lectures
For bookings email reception@fncc.org.na
Tel: +264 61 387 330
Fax: +264 61 224 927
THe fncc
118 Robert Mugabe Avenue
PO Box 11622, Windhoek
connect with us
Find us on facebook
Like our page and we'll keep you up
to date with all our happenings and
pictures of past events.
Read all about it
Subscribe to the FNCC newsletter
by visiting www.fncc.org.na or
dropping us an e-mail at
Reception Opening times
Monday to Thursday: 9h00 – 18h00
Friday: 9h00 – 13h00
French Department
screenings / projections
+264 (0) 61 213 231 (Namibia)
+27 (0) 21 430 5300 (South Africa)
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or info@proteahotels.com.na
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