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Annual Review 2010-2011 A year of celebration St Ann’s Hospice St Ann’s Road North Heald Green Cheadle Cheshire SK8 3SZ Tel: 0161 437 8136 St Ann’s Hospice Peel Lane Little Hulton Worsley Manchester M28 0FE Tel: 0161 702 8181 Neil Cliffe Centre Wythenshawe Hospital Southmoor Road Wythenshawe Manchester M23 9LT Tel: 0161 291 2912 Website: E-mail: Charity number: 258085 Photography Lesley Chalmers Printing Chapel Press Duck race photo Emma Boyle St Ann’s Hospice annual review re ca f o s ar pices t hos s r fi des f the deca o r u e o n , f was o iversar y – t time t a i h , t 1 g ann urin n 197 ned i r 40th nesses. D e u p o o d ice ate g ill Hosp ’ve celebr imitin ple. l ’s e n f i n l e o rst h n St A is year, w e wo of pe e wit h s s t o d f h Whe n o t h e’ve a re to ar, w UK. T f one hous a t e o c e y t n h r e t o g a p ter n in fre est p Grea lengi l nds u h ding f a a i g o s v h u c u o o e r tho this of p eopl the t y. elped uring the p with h d f mone s and d , o e t e v d t ’ e d r i e Y o c d . p we n y e n i r p o ch-ne m donatio histo ed su ear c u n y u i m n i h s r t t n 0 r con e, o s fro Our 4 ic downtu e do. y the eir tim ing come w b h t t d a m e g h o ow fund natin touch econ ther dn’t d f our gely er do l o u h u t h o s me o e c d o n h r i y s e l h w e t p e rs b v ster – ital – two e sim achie untee e l w h o e , c v c i p n l r v p ou r Ma hos rt is ur he when ntinued ou st uppo ut yo n the d s o e u h e s i t o s i r r h T ibly p ice. We co the fi s also ing. W d a s e e i h r a m c r r a er v yea re in bec fund ner 40th e we tar y S ctitio n we s n a i e W r u h l h . t P o s e, t w V ne gly care degre sistan rd for lesto e s s i a Fittin f i i l A h m w t f e t A n can m the end-o the Traine een’s obtai o n r u i f o t Q t e signifi r y c he rsit s to llen repo be ved T Unive l exce inee nurse wing a o n l c recei o i g UK to t l n i a l e o a c h r B d t t r e fo eiv e in nrol with drive e rec ospic e to e – working h W c i . t p s e r r s o nit. me the fi ve ca UK h and ent U gram ame alliati o c m p r e p ings p n b o i l d ) l of i e d n P u v n o A i b e a t (T D best ca ur on e i fi o i e c l s i f h t a s t o i c u q Pra arts vide omm level dited key p o pro t e r ality C h e c s u i u c b Q ntin an a efur Care lf of to co d to r ed as s s e u i g n r beha a g o n n f o a c O d e . m r st we eede port the la that, r sup ent n r u y o m l f o p n y i d o u r an Not thout w eq is yea le wi in ne h b t i t , s s r s e po inv ed fo been d car e n v . a a e h r d ca orte ould supp his w e t v f ’ o e w u. None ople nk yo e a p h t e y th r 011) cerel a n all of i e s I y 2 ars, 40 ye last arch 0 40 g n i t ra ye Celeb ssant e B e Jayn ive xecut e f e i Ch he -M ,50 In t 2010 over 4 d ril its (Ap receive nt vis re than we tpatie for mo ou ared nts. c patie d n a 00 in 7 Jayne Bessant, chief executive, St Ann’s Hospice, with a day care patient. New year, new beginnings St Ann’s Hospice annual report JANUARY 2011 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 “Words aren’t really enough for what Hospice at Home did – and we will never forget their professionalism.” Carer 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Pioneering a new care qualification 30 31 St Ann’s Hospice successfully bid to become a pilot site for a new workbased foundation degree in palliative and end-of-life care. The training, provided at Bolton University and supported by both Help the Hospices and Foundation Degrees Forward, will equip up to eleven of our auxiliary nurses with the new Trainee Assistant Practitioner (TAP) qualification. The resulting skills will help St Ann’s Hospice to further improve the quality of its care. Hospice care, at home Many people are unaware that St Ann’s Hospice is actively increasing its options for palliative and end-of-life care. At the heart of this is our Hospice at Home service, where we provide support and care in the patient’s own home. Our Hospice at Home service works alongside Macmillan nurses and the patient’s own GP. Patients receive the same level of skilled care as if they were in the hospice, while giving them the choice to remain in their home. Currently, the service is available to patients with Salford and Trafford GPs and operates from our Little Hulton site. Hospice trainee Kerry Smith embarks on the TAP accreditation programme. Over the 12-month period (April 2010-March 2011) we provided up to 1,000 Hospice at Home visits. ll-managed “People benefited from a we e to monitor service, with systems in plac d.” the quality of care provide port Care Quality Commission re S 6 M 7 T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 The many faces of St Ann’s Hospice St Ann’s Hospice annual review FEBRUARY 2011 A new face for our charity shops This year saw St Ann’s Hospice usher in not just the New Year, but also a new, modern look for our charity shops. Five of our thirteen shops – those in Cheadle, Edgeley, Bramhall, Ladybarn and Little Hulton – were chosen to lead the way with contemporary new décor. Our shops enable us to take unwanted items and transform them into much-needed revenue. Together our shops and lottery contribute 17% towards the running of the hospice – and our profit has increased 27% this year, thanks to the generous support of people like you. Our multi-talented teams Our work isn’t just about the clinical care we give to our patients. We have a range of non-clinical teams, which work across all areas of the hospice, from drivers and catering assistants to hairdressers and shop managers. Over the course of a year, our staff and volunteers make up to 100,000 cups of tea and our catering teams prepare 45,000 meals for patients and carers. We source all our food locally and we try to cater for the individual needs of every patient, meeting any special cultural or dietary requirements – but also responding to specific, often quirky, requests for a particular type of meal. This year we’ve also trialled a patient choice menu in consultation with our patient carer group. The patient chooses what he or she wants to eat from a menu, and also when they want to eat it – and it’s then cooked to order. This has worked well, and we are looking into rolling it out across the wider organisation over the coming months. Our 13 shops and lottery help to generate 17% of our income and provide close links with the community. St Ann’s Hospice annual review “I was mainly worried about whether I would fit in and make myself understood. As it turned out my fears were groundless and everyone was friendly and helpful.” Day care patient of Our day care teams have provided 2657 days h 2011) care, over a 12-month period (April 2010-Marc – the equivalent of just over 7 years’ care! Refurbished day care opened New look for Heald Green day care MARCH 2011 S 6 M 7 T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 When Gill Hazelby died in 2009 at the age of 41, her husband Paul and their two sons, Ben and Jamie, set about helping the place where she’d received end-of-life care and which had given them, according to Ben, “very special memories of our last Christmas together.” Paul and his sons worked tirelessly to raise money for St Ann’s Hospice, including organising a masquerade ball and the two musically talented boys playing regular gigs. Along the way, they had been featured on Noel Edmonds’ Noel’s Christmas Presents, where the two boys were given the chance to record their own version of Lonely Sky with the person who originally wrote and recorded it – Chris de Burgh. Made available on iTunes, all profits from the sale of the single went towards their fundraising target, where they’ve now topped the £100,000 mark. The new day care rooms were opened by Paul, Ben and Jamie on 3 March 2011. Day care – a range of supportive services We provide day care services at both our Heald Green and Little Hulton hospices, with the capacity to support over a hundred people each week. Day care helps patients with physical, emotional, social, spiritual and psychological problems – enabling them to better manage their symptoms, gain more confidence and improve their quality of life. Day care’s services are extensive – ranging from pain and symptom control, breathlessness support and lymphoedema management through to creative therapy, reflexology, aromatherapy and counselling. you at put ff ta s l end dy fu ly.” r e e h a ond quick at t s alre w d a e y .” . It “ Th se ver relaxe it. I w t visit axing o.” ea so st vis e nex nd rel ard t s a r h ul a forw “I w my fi for t f e o f iting eac y look p wa ery I reall v is “It a day is ith Gill’s Paul Hazelby, along w on to parents, cuts the ribb day care open our refurbished en. facilities at Heald Gre From April 2010-March 2011, there were over 2,500 visits to our day care facilities. Kicking off our celebrations APRIL 2011 S 3 M 4 T 5 W 6 T 7 F S 1 2 8 9 St Ann’s Hospice annual review 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Manchester City kicks off our anniversary celebrations Our 40th anniversary year celebrations began in earnest when local team Manchester City chose to support us during their 2010–2011 season as part of the club’s City in the Community (CITC Giving) initiative. Charities applied via the club’s website – after which the shortlisted charities were voted for by the club’s fans and each charity’s supporters. So, a big thank you not only to Manchester City, but also to all of those who voted for us. Ward visit for the FA Cup Former Manchester City players Mike Summerbee and Paul Lake visited our Heald Green site with something very special – the FA Cup. Patients on our wards and in day care met with the players and were able to be some of the rare few people who get to hold football’s most famous piece of silverware. A new ambulance for St Ann’s Hospice As part of its year-long support for St Ann’s Hospice, Manchester City donated £25,000 to buy us a new, much-needed ambulance – which gives us an additional transport resource, enabling us to both reduce waiting times and provide safer travel for patients. Ex-Manchester City players Mike Summerbee and Paul Lake, with St Ann’s Hospice patient Patricia Harvey. “It’s made my day meeting the two lads – they are such nice young men. Now I hope they can win the cup for City!” Barry Daniels Patient and City fan “It’s great that the club is involved with such a wonderful charity. The work that St Ann’s Hospice does across the region is fantastic.” James Milner Manchester City player Just d ays Cup Fin before their Wembl a ey Manch l against Sto ester C ke, ity p Mario Balotell layers i and P visited atrick our He Vieira a l d Green to help sit our volu nteers e – . “We are delighted to have been able to support St Ann’s Hospice, a hugely important Northwest charity, particularly as it enters its 40th year. The ambulance will be of such great value to people in the local area, and we are proud to have been involved.” Sarah Lynch Managing director of CITC Giving St Ann with a m’s Hospice is pr ambulan uch-needed newesented Manches ce, courtesy o f ter City Football Club. Celebrating the day St Ann’s Hospice opened, 40 years ago St Ann’s Hospice annual review MAY 2011 A year in celebration In addition to the events profiled throughout this annual review, the whole of the last 12 months has been filled with fantastic activities of celebration and fundraising. Of particular note was our poignant thanksgiving service, held at the end of May in Manchester Cathedral. Patients, staff, volunteers and supporters joined us – some of whom shared their experiences with everyone – and the Festival Choir led the singing. It was a fitting year for the Mayor of Stockport, Councillor Les Jones, to nominate St Ann’s Hospice as his charity of the year; an honour we also received from the Mayor of Salford, Councillor Eric Burgoyne. Also in May, we held a high-profile event with many of Manchester’s key business leaders, hosted by architect Ian Simpson and his partner Jo Farrell in their Beetham Tower apartment. We also received an overwhelming response to our big tea party campaign, where the money raised enabled us to run our ambulance for an entire year. Well-known Manchester brewer Hydes contributed to St Ann’s Hospice in the way that only it could – by creating a new, limited edition ale, Forget Me Not – and donating 20p to the hospice for every pint sold, raising so far around £9,000. “I cannot tell you how happy I am for everyone’s help.” Our Patient Care r User Group ho lds a tea party to celebrate the anniversary o f S t Ann’s Hospice . From the left: Alan Bond, honorary treasurer of St Ann’s Hospice, with the Bishop of Manchester, the Right Rev Nigel McCulloch, and local businessman Harry Ross. rchant, e M e n a J ft, trustee t, Councillor Les le e h t m o r Fr f Stockpo chairman o r o y a M the hetwood, C n e le h t a ayoress M e h t Jones, K d n hetwood, a ones. C n e h p e t S , Jackie J t r o p k c o t of S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 On 17 May 1971, 40 years ago, St Ann’s Hos pice received its first patients. Raising a glass to St Ann’s Hospice Day care patient S Eamonn O’Neal, broadcaster, journalist and a newly appointed patron of St Ann’s Hospice, with wife Sheila. S 5 M 6 T 7 W T F S 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Taking to the streets and spreading the word St Ann’s Hospice annual review JUNE 2011 Manchester Midnight Walk Around 2,000 people took part in our fifth annual 10K Midnight Walk around Manchester – raising an amazing £200,000, which brings the total raised from all five walks to more than £1 million. St Ann’s Hospice patron and Key 103 presenter Chelsea Norris led the evening’s pre-walk entertainment, helping to warm up the crowd before their walk. The Manchester Midnight Walk is one of our most popular participative events and our biggest fundraiser – and we’d like to thank all of those who took part or sponsored a walker. “We were so thrilled to have the opportunity to get the family together to celebrate, at the Manchester Midnight Walk, David’s life – and do something worthwhile for the hospice. We loved the chance to light a candle and write a special message in memory of David halfway round the walk.” Anita Thomas Local media raise support for hospice beds We’ve had tremendous support this year from two of the Northwest’s leading local newspapers, Stockport Express and Salford Advertiser. They are each aiming to raise £120,000 – which is what it costs to run a hospice bed for a year, when all the costs of care are factored in. The two newspapers have provided massive support, by running articles and features every week for a year – working tirelessly to reach the ambitious target. At the time of going to print, the newspapers have raised over £140,000 for the hospice. Salford Advertiser reporter Denise Evans, walking the walk at our Manchester Midnight Walk this year. Launching the media campaign: Denise Evans, reporter – Salford Advertiser, Margaret Beck, community fundraiser, and Stephanie Nelson, editor – Salford Advertiser. g fundin r u o of third he NHS – a y l t On from 0 a day, s e m co 16,00 ising £ , t s e the r rom fundra tions. f a comes ies and don activit S M T W T St Ann’s Hospice annual review 3 4 5 6 7 F S 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 A summer to celebrate JULY 2011 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 the wellbeing “It is clear that es d their loved on of patients an e heart of has been at th hments.” these refurbis y Andrew Lansle ry Health Secreta “I’m sure all visitors to our garden will admire her skill and dedication creating a display which conveys the sense of life and hope at our hospice.” Jayne Bessant Chief executive, St Ann’s Hospice Refurbished Little Hulton site opens A visit by the Bishop of Manchester, the Right Reverend Nigel McCulloch, marked the opening of our major refurbishment of the 18-bed inpatient unit at our Little Hulton site, in Salford. The £725,000 refurbishment was the final stage in a 3-year programme to bring the 30-year-old facilities up-to-date. The refurbishments were extensive – including rewiring, new plumbing, new furniture and a new pharmacy. The improvements were funded with the aid of a £600,000 grant from the Department of Health, with the balance coming from supporters – including major donations from the Little Hulton Appeals Committee, the St Ann’s Hospice Festival Choir and the Marlene Whelan Fund, which was set up by Karen Cooper in memory of her mother who was nursed at Little Hulton. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Silver prize at the RHS Flower Show Everyone at St Ann’s Hospice was thrilled when this year we had our first display at the RHS Flower Show at Tatton Park. Thrill became celebration when our entry, in the back-to-back garden category, was awarded the Silver Flora prize. The concept for the garden, called Embrace, intended to capture the physical, emotional and spiritual nature of the care provided by the hospice, was the brainchild of a member of St Ann’s Hospice staff at the Neil Cliffe Centre and was created by award-winning garden designer Sharon Hockenhull. Over the 12-month period (April 2010-March 2011) there were 702 inpatient admissions. Garden designer Sharon Hockenhull with our silver-award-winning entry at Tatton Park. Acting clinical operational manager, Sian Burgess, the Bishop of Manchester, the Right Rev Nigel McCulloch , the Mayor & Mayoress of Salford Councillor Eric Burgoyne & Councillor Val Burgoyne, and chief executive Jayne Bessant. Putting patients at the heart of what we do AUGUST 2011 S 7 M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 St Ann’s Hospice annual review 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Care Quality Commission visit St Ann’s Hospice in Heald Green passed with flying colours after the impromptu visit from the Care Quality Commission this year. The commission’s role is to check whether hospitals, care homes and care services meet government standards – unannounced visits enable the commission to see first-hand the real quality of care provided. The assessors were able to meet with patients, families, carers and staff and discuss their views of the hospice in depth. The resulting report confirmed the quality of every aspect of care at the hospice, concluding that, “People were very positive about their experiences of care and treatment at the hospice. Their individual needs were recognised, they were respected, and were well-informed about their care and treatment.” Pets As Therapy caring r u o y f or all o aring f h s u o s y y ember re alwa e weather a m e r u o s y y lwa r th mth e r d a n w u d s “I will a l ness an day care fee d n i better k l e e e t f Th a y patient side until the a n e h W their y to do b u y o a y t ough s r r h o u t f Yo h it c too mu task and see Earth s ’ g n i h Not urse’ on the s down on this ‘n e m k e a h t l t e call t ke w You jus od sent ange t u b , G t Ann’s , toast and ca S I know t a e make r a e o e h t t e h w ’r o it y aught h For the k after you w t e r a loo fts we a masseur a r c l Others u f wonder irdresser and l newer e t e a f h w u o a e And ven a h make y hat’s for sur e d n is a e , r d The eel goo at St Ann’s, t ion, ever more.” f u o y e t To mak me goes quick ber your devo i m reen Alas! T always reme G d l a e ill tient, H a But I w p e r a , day c y e l d a r B Veronica National charity Pets As Therapy (PAT) began an ongoing partnership with St Ann’s Hospice. Over 150,000 patients benefit every single week from the service provided by PAT, including St Ann’s Hospice patients who are visited weekly by Darcy (a King Charles spaniel) and Snowy (a golden retriever). Their 4,500 dogs and 100 cats bring their unique brand of unconditional love to patients, providing them with an uplifting, therapeutic experience. Pets As Therapy brings a much valued therapeutic experience to our patients. ‘‘We are so glad to be able to work with St Ann’s Hospice and hope that Darcy and Snowy provide its patients with all the happy associations of home comforts – and a cuddle too, of course.” Maureen Hennis Chief executive, Pets As Therapy Leading the way and celebrating success St Ann’s Hospice annual review SEPTEMBER 2011 “Would I send my wife here, or be a patient here myself? Absolutely – I would have no hesitation and utmost confidence.” David Proudlove Carer member of accreditation team St Ann’s Hospice leads the way with Practice Development Unit accreditation In September, St Ann’s Hospice became the first hospice in the country to be recognised as an accredited Practice Development Unit. The accreditation demonstrates the quality of care provided by the hospice and our ethos of continual improvement. The accreditation was undertaken by Leeds University and involved the creation and implementation of a development plan over a three-year period. The final report was glowing, stating that: “The level of application and scope of developments is outstanding. There is some exceptional work happening within these teams, which has the potential to influence the wider palliative care community.” Ladies’ fashion lunch Our 2011 ladies show took place at the Palace Hotel in Manchester; in addition to raising money for St Ann’s Hospice, the show helps to raise awareness for breast cancer – the second biggest cause of death in the UK after lung cancer. Although survivable, breast cancer can leave women with significant body image issues – it’s especially courageous that several women who had been successfully treated for breast cancer took to the catwalk as part of the fashion show. Part of our care is to help recovering women improve their body image and self-confidence – whether that’s loss of hair from chemotherapy or as a result of a mastectomy. One of our catwalk models, mother-of-three Pat Heffernon, said that: “My life has changed completely since going to St Ann’s Hospice. The hospice built my confidence back up.” Park enjoyed Our duck race in Bramall ndreds of massive support, with hu , patients ducks – painted by staff part in a and volunteers – taking g £8,000 100-metre course, raisin ed out to Hundreds of people turn watch the race. St Ann’s Hospice patient Lindsay Bell takes to the catwalk at our charity fashion show. S 4 M 5 T 6 W 7 T F S 1 2 3 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Celebrating our volunteers OCTOBER 2011 S M T W T F S St Ann’s Hospice annual review 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Mr Warren J Smith, the Lord Lieutenant of Greater Manchester and Vice President of St Ann’s Hospice, presents The Queen’s Award to our volunteers, at Manchester Cathedral. St Ann’s Hospice volunteers receive The Queen’s Award The hard work of our many selfless volunteers was recognised when they received the coveted Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service, at a ceremony in Manchester Cathedral. Around 800 volunteers help St Ann’s Hospice with almost every conceivable part of our activities – they perform an exceptional service which would otherwise take at least 35 full-time staff members. The Queen’s Award is recognised very much as the ‘MBE of the voluntary sector’. In addition to the service and award for our whole volunteer team, four long-service volunteers were chosen at random to attend a garden party at Buckingham Palace. St Ann’s Hospice Festival Choir raises over £600,000 over 20 years “They do a superb job. I cannot praise them enough. I am coping with my life with a regained confidence.” St Ann’s Hospice patient “Through their support your life is made worth living.” St Ann’s Hospice patient ‘‘When you volunteer at St Ann’s Hospice, you get back so much more than you give.” Linda Knott St Ann’s Hospice volunteer The St Ann’s Hospice Festival Choir has been performing for 20 years, during which time they have raised a staggering £600,000 for the hospice. At their summer concert at Stockport Town Hall, the seemingly tireless choir presented the hospice with a £32,608 cheque from recent fundraising efforts. Throughout the year, the choir hosted some special performances in celebration of our 40th anniversary. These included a wonderful rendition of Handel’s Messiah with their friends at the Royal Northern College of Music, performing at our celebratory Thanksgiving Service at Manchester Cathedral, and being invited to give thanks to hospices across the UK in a special show on BBC Radio 4’s Sunday Worship. fter – one – a d e n k ell loo econd to r you.” w l e “I fe care is s time fo the ays have spice Ho alw they , St Ann’s nt Patie St Ann’s Hospice annual review their sitive about o p y r e v re e “People w reatment at t d n a re a c f p or t experiences o ommission re C y lit a u Q – Care the hospice.” The Neil Cliffe Centre prepares to celebrate 20 years of care Celebrating with friends old and new NOVEMBER 2011 S 6 M 7 T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 The University Hospital of South Manchester, in Wythenshawe, has been home to one of our three hospice sites for almost 20 years. The site is named after Neil Cliffe – an inspirational figure who has raised more than £1 million after overcoming cancer in 1980. The money was used to create the first site of its kind within an NHS hospital and is now an integral part of St Ann’s Hospice. In 2012, the Neil Cliffe Centre will be 20 years old – and remains a great testament to an exceptional man whose efforts have helped so many other sufferers. 40 years of care, celebrated in style We are delighted that Neil Cliffe, who has worked so tirelessly for us, has this year become a vice president of St Ann’s Hospice. Marking our anniversary of 40 years of care needed a special event – in this case, the appropriately named Ruby Ball. Perhaps nothing could be finer than enjoying an evening of dancing to music by Manchester’s most famous resident orchestra, The Hallé. The evening, hosted at Lancashire County Cricket Club, was a black-tie event in celebration of our anniversary. The evening moved from ballroom dancing to rock, with Hallé Rock closing the evening – allowing everybody to dance the night away. “The staff are absolutely amazing. They are caring, compassionate and above all loving towards every single patient.” Day care patient Our 40th anniversary Ruby Ball in full swing . A celebration of life DECEMBER 2011 S 4 M 5 T 6 W 7 T F S 1 2 3 8 9 10 St Ann’s Hospice annual review 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 “And I will light a candle for you, to shatter the darkness and bless the times we knew.” Paul Alexander Full version available on Tree of Lights – remembering our loved ones We closed 2011 with our annual Tree of Lights service at Manchester Cathedral. The service remains massively popular, with well over 2,500 people attending, to celebrate and remember the lives of loved ones. This event has become so popular that we can’t now accommodate everyone within Manchester Cathedral on one day – so, this year, we also held an outdoor Tree of Lights service at Oak Meadow Park, in Cheadle Hulme. These beautiful and moving services are real highlights of the hospice’s year and a fitting end to our 40-year anniversary. Christmas concert at the Bridgewater Hall Manchester’s stunning Bridgewater Hall hosted our wonderful Christmas concert for 2011. The concert featured the stirring sounds of over 200 voices, including the St Ann’s Hospice Festival Choir and Cheadle Hulme School Choir, supported by the Corus Brass Ensemble, with Jeffrey Makinson on the organ and conducted by John Pomphrey. The evening was presented by BBC North West Tonight presenter, Colin Sykes. Over 2,500 people attended our Tree of Lights service at Manche ster Cathedral, one of our most popular participative events. Income 2010-2011 £11,065,840 17% Trading income (eg shops and lottery) £1,904,550 St Ann’s Hospice annual review 8% Grants and other income £884,196 33% NHS contributions £3,664,821 24% Gifts in wills £2,635,493 Financial review and objectives 18% Fundraising £1,976,780 93.9p* in every £1 raised goes to providing patient services and those services which support its provision. The income of St Ann’s Hospice in 2010-2011 totalled £11,065,840; expenditure on charitable activities and other costs was £9,642,420. This resulted in an operating surplus of £1,423,420 (before taxation). The surplus arose principally from the higher than anticipated legacy income. 13% Trading costs (eg shops & lottery) £1,261,164 6% Fundraising, publicity and other costs £614,881 1% Governance costs £55,906 The downturn in the economy continues to impact on our revenue in terms of fundraising and corporate support. That said, we are grateful to all our supporters for their commitment and financial assistance during these difficult times. We’re working hard to keep costs down while providing the same level of care – but really do need the continued support of the people of Greater Manchester. *Excludes expenditure on trading and fundraising costs 80% Cost of services £7,710,469 EXPENDITURE 2010-2011 £9,642,420 A full copy of the Trustees’ Report and Accounts is available from the company secretary, Liam McCarthy, or can be downloaded from St Ann’s Hospice annual review wish you a “I am delighted to hday – here’s to happy 40th birt rs!” another 40 yea Thompson Anthony Worrall “As someon ew 19 71 , I’d lik ho also was born in e to wish S t all the bes t as it cele Ann’s Hospice b rates 40 y o f caring f ears or greatest n people in their time o eed f Clare Baldin .” g “St Ann’s Hospice offers something that can’t be bought. In the time of greatest need they offer kindness and support, and it’s those things that make a massive difference to families.” Dianne Oxberry “I would li ke very hap to wish St Ann’s py 40th Hospice ann av the staff and volun iversary – and, t ery, o teers: ke fantastic ep up all all w the Arlene Ph ork you do.” illips s e’s true winner “You are all lif rt rd to being pa a w or f ok lo I and ess ’s Hospice succ o f the St Ann t 40 years.” nex story over the Martin Toal “It gives me great pleasure to wish St Ann’s Hospice and its entire staff a very happy 40th birthday. The work that takes place at the hospice is truly unprecedented and with the help of the Greater Manchester community St Ann’s can celebrate a fantastic 40 years. Keep supporting the hospice and the brave patients and families it helps each and every year.” Craig Philips Celebrating 40 years of care “To all at St Ann’s Hospice, congratulations on your 40th birthday. I am full of admiration for the wonderful and awe -inspiring work you do. My mum died of cancer in 197 7, just 6 years after you all began. The strides that research has taken since then have been amazing and I salute the part you have played to help patients over the years. Our survey says... you’re the best.” Les Dennis 40 years ago, an incredible series of fundraising events (including Granada Television opening up the set of Coronation Street to the public for the first time, and Pelé donating his World Cup football shirt) raised the money needed to build what was then one of the UK’s first hospices. Over those 40 years, many things have changed. We now have the Internet, CDs, mobile phones, films and music we can download – and much more. But the role of the hospice has always remained the same: to help those, with free care, when they most need it. Through the support of the people like you, the generous community of Greater Manchester, our range of care has vastly expanded; we now operate from three locations – not only from our first site in Heald Green but also from Little Hulton and the Neil Cliffe Centre at the University Hospital of South Manchester. We remain grateful for all of the support we receive and hope that, in 2051 – another forty years from now – whatever changes there have been in the world, we’re still here to help those who need it. “A massive congratulations to St Ann’s Hospice on the 40th anniversary. The place is so special, a light when things have gone dark , a hand when there has previously been none to hold and a support without which you’d fall. They are so many things to so many people and without it we’d all be lost. Congratulations on the last 40 years and here’s to a fantastic 40 more!” Chelsea Norris Thank you for our first 40 years – here’s to the next 40!