2016 survey complete report - King County Bar Association
2016 survey complete report - King County Bar Association
2016 Judicial Officer Survey for King County Superior Court Published February, 2016 Copyright © King County Bar Association, Seattle, WA 1 I.INTRODUCTION TheKingCountyBarAssociation(KCBA)hasconductedandpublishedsurveysand evaluationsofjudicialofficerssince1948.Everyfouryearsthissurveyisconductedof attorneyspracticinginKingCountySuperiorCourt.ThelastSuperiorCourtSurveywas publishedin2012.Onanalternatefouryearcycle,mostrecentlyin2014,KCBApublishes asimilarsurveyfocusedoncourtsoflimitedjurisdiction. Thesesurveyresultsareasummaryofpracticingattorneys’professionalassessmentsof thejudgesandcommissionerswhohearanddecidetheircases.Thesurveyprovides informationtothepublicpriortojudicialelectionsbypresentingdataoneachjudgesothat voterscanmakeinformeddecisionsbytakingintoaccountthecollectiveassessmentsof thoselawyerswhopracticeinfrontofthesejudicialofficers.Italsoprovidesimportant informationtothepublic,thebar,andthebenchonperformanceofthelocaljudicial branchasawhole. Itisimportanttonotconfusethissurveywitharigorous,scientificstudyutilizing techniquesroutinelyusedinpublicopinionpolls.Instead,itreflectsthesurveyopinionsof thoseattorneyswhochoosetoexpressthem.Duetothelargevolumeofresponses,these opinionsdohavevalue,buttheymustbeconsideredalongwithKCBAjudicialcandidate ratings,debatesandothereffortsthebarmakestoofferascompleteapictureofjudicial performanceasitcan. KingCountySuperiorCourtisageneraljurisdictiontrialcourtwithresponsibilityforcivil mattersinvolvingmorethan$300,unlawfuldetainers,andinjunctions;felonycriminal cases;misdemeanorcriminalcasesnototherwiseprovidedforbylaw;familylaw, includingdissolutions,childsupport,adoptions,parentage,anddomestic‐violence protectionmatters;probateandguardianshipmatters;juvenileoffendermatters;juvenile dependencies,includingabusedandneglectedchildren,childreninneedofservices,at‐risk youth,andtruancies;mentalillnessandinvoluntarycommitmentmatters. In2014,atotalof52,224caseswerefiledwithKingCountySuperiorCourt,whichincluded 2,157trials.All53judgesareelectedtofouryeartermseachpresidentialelectionyear.In addition,12court‐appointedcommissionersserveasjudicialofficers. PastKCBAboardtrusteeCarlForsberg(ForsbergUmlaufPS)chairedtheKCBAJudicial OfficerSurveyCommittee.StaffsupportwasprovidedbyKCBAExecutiveDirectorAndrew Prazuch.AfullrosterofcommitteemembersisincludedasAppendixAtothisreport. 2 KCBAcontractedwithInformationInsights,Inc.,apublicpolicyandmanagement consultingcompany,toadministerthesurveys.InformationInsightshasconductedsimilar surveysfortheAlaskaJudicialCouncilfrom2009to2014,andalsoconductedKCBA's2014 limitedjurisdictioncourtsurvey.Thecontractorwasresponsibleforallaspectsofonline surveyset‐up,distributionanddatacollection. II.SURVEYMETHODOLOGY Animportantcomponentofajudicialevaluationprogramistoobtaininformationfrom individualswhohavehadanopportunitytopersonallyobservethejudicialofficerbeing evaluatedduringtherelevanttimeperiod. Thesurveyedattorneyswereidentifiedbytwomeans.First,areportofallattorneysand theirappearancesattrials,hearings,andotherin‐courtproceedingsintherelevantcourts duringthepreviousfouryearswasgeneratedbytheSuperiorCourtClerk'sOffice.From thisdatabaseofnearlyahalfmillionrecords,auniquelistofattorneyswitharecorded appearancebeforeanyofthejudgestobeevaluatedwasgenerated.Anyattorneywhohad subsequentlybecomeajudgeinoneofthecourtsbeingevaluatedwaseliminatedfromthe distributionlist.Second,over10,000KingCountyattorneysforwhomKCBAhascontact informationwerealertedviaemailaboutthesurvey.Additionally,anoticeaboutthe surveywasincludedintheKCBABarBulletinnewspaper,distributedtoover7,500 attorneysinKingCounty,includingover5,500KCBAmembers.Attorneyswereinstructed toemailKCBAtorequestasurveyinvitationiftheydidnotreceiveanindividualemail request.Theinvitationlistwascheckedforduplicatesbeforesurveysweresent. InitialinvitationstocompletethesurveyweredistributedviaemailonNovember6,2015. EmailaddressesthatwereundeliverableweresharedwithKCBA.Reminderemailswere sentduringthesurveyperiodtonon‐respondents.Primarydatacollectionendedon November23,2015.DuetoatechnicalerroridentifiedbytheKCBAcontractorinmid‐ Decemberduringinitialdataanalysis,attorneyswithappearancesbeforetwojudgesdid notreceivesurveysduringtheprimaryperiod;thoseattorneysreceivedaninvitationon January13,2016tocompletethoseadditionalsurveysforthosetwojudgesonlythrough January22,2016.Datainthisreportreflectsallsurveysfrombothcollectionperiods. Courtcommissionerswerenotpre‐selectedinthesurveyinstrumentssincecourtdatawas notreadilyaccessibletoreportdatainthatformat.Instead,attorneyswhoreceivedjudge surveyswereinstructedtoevaluateonlythosecommissionersbeforewhomtheyhad 3 appearedatleastonceinthepastfouryears.Attorneyswithoutpre‐selectedjudge surveyswereinstructedtorequestaseparatecommissionersurveyinstrument. FollowingtheAmericanBarAssociation'sGuidelinesforJudicialPerformanceEvaluation, theKCBAJudicialOfficerSurveyfocuseduponbehaviorbasedmeasures.Todothis, attorneyswhoappearedbeforeajudgeorcourtcommissionerwereaskedtoevaluate judgesandcourtcommissionersregardingspecificcriteriathatarewidelyacknowledged tobequalitiesthatjudgesandcourtcommissionersareexpectedtopossess.Specifically, attorneyswereaskedtoconsiderfourindividualcriteriaineachoffourbroadercategories: LegalDecisionMaking ⦁ Capablyidentifiedandanalyzedlegalandfactualissues. • Capablyappliedrulesofevidenceandprocedure. • Articulatedrulings&groundsforrulingsinaclearand concisemanner. ⦁ Waspreparedforcourt. IntegrityandImpartiality ⦁ Avoidedimproprietyandtheappearanceof impropriety. ⦁ Treatedallindividualsequallyandwithoutbiasbased onrace,gender,economicstatus,oranyother extralegalpersonalcharacteristic. ⦁ Basedrulingsonthefactsandthelaw. ⦁ Displayedaneutralpresenceonthebench. Demeanor,Temperament, ⦁ Treatedpeoplewithcourtesyandrespect. andCommunication ⦁ Wasattentivetoproceedings. ⦁ Actedwithpatienceandself‐control. ⦁ Usedclearoralcommunicationwhileincourt. 4 AdministrativeSkills ⦁ Maintainedcontrolinthecourtroom. ⦁ Appropriatelymaintainedcasemanagementand enforcedcourtrulesanddeadlines. ⦁ Madedecisionsandrulingsinaprompt,timelymanner. ⦁ Usedthecourt’stimeefficiently. RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 AcopyoftheactualsurveyquestionnaireisattachedasAppendixB. Attorneyswereaskedtoratejudgesandcourtcommissionersontheabovecriteriausing oneofsixpossibleresponses(unacceptable,belowexpectations,acceptable,verygood, excellent,anddon’tknow). Priortobeginningthesurveyprocess,respondentswererequiredtoanswerthefollowing certificationquestionintheaffirmativeinorderfortheirevaluationtobeincluded.“I certifythatIwillanswerthissurveytruthfullyandonlyevaluatejudgesandcourt commissionerswhomIhaveappearedbeforeinthepreviousfouryears.Ifyoucheck"No" yoursurveywillnotbeincludedintheanalysis.” Fourattorneysansweredthecertification question‘no’(threeforthejudgesurveyandoneforthecourtcommissionersurvey)and thustheirresponseswerenotincludedintheanalysisdata. Responsestothefourquestionsineachofthefourcategorieswereaddedtogethertoform acompositeindexforeachofthefourcategories.Thismethodofevaluationandtabulation ofresultsprovidesamoredetailedsetofinformationforusebyvoters,membersofthe bar,courtcommissionersandjudgesunderevaluationthansingle‐questionmeasures. Usingthismethod,resultsarereportedforindividualquestionsaswellasforthe compositeindexdevelopedforeachofthefourcategories. 5 Whentabulatingsurveyresults,noattemptwasmadetomathematicallyderivean“overall score”foranyparticularjudgeorcommissioner.Rather,resultsoftheindividualcriteriaas wellastheaveragescorewithinthefourdifferentcategoriesarepresentedforeachjudge andcommissioner. Whileeachofthefourcategoriesreflectanimportantattributeforajudgeorcourt commissionertopossessanddisplay,theyarenotnecessarilyequalinimportance; undoubtedlyindividualswillhavetheirownopiniononrelativeimportanceofeach attribute.Anoverallaveragingmethodthatassumedeachwasofequalweightthuswould bepresumptuous.Likewise,anyattempttoprovideaweightedaveragebyhavingKCBA itselfassigndifferingimportancetothefourdifferentcategoriesofthesurveywould substitutethejudgmentofKCBAforthatofthereader,oroftheevaluators.Therealsowas concernthatpotentiallysignificantinformationthatmightappearamidthedifferent categoriesofthesurveywouldbeobscuredifthoseresultswerethenaveragedintoa singleoverallscore. Therefore,KCBAbelievesitwouldbeinappropriate,andpotentiallymisleading,tosimply calculateasinglemathematicalaverageoftheresultsinthesefourseparatecategories. Theresultsthusaresummarizedonlyforthefourdifferentcategories,which,afterall,is themannerinwhichthesurveywasadministered. III.CONFIDENTIALITY ConfidentialityofsurveydataisaparamountconcerntotheAssociationandtranslated intospecificproceduresrelatedtodatasecurity.Becausedatasuchasthosecollected throughtheJudicialOfficerSurveyareofasensitivenature,KCBAanditscontractorhave institutedrigorousprocedurestoprotectdata.Organizationalpoliciesandprocedures highlighttherequirementforconfidentialityandensurethatonlystaffinvolvedwiththe projecthaveaccesstothedata.Onceenteredonline,allelectronicdataismaintainedona secureserver.Nodataisevermaintainedontheharddrivesofindividualdesktoporlaptop computers. Toensurethatnoindividualwasabletocompletethesurveymorethanonce,each potentialrespondentwasprovidedwithauniqueURLthatcouldonlybeusedonce,and onlyfromtheemailaddresstowhichitwassent.Thecontractorscreenedrespondent identifyinginformationtoensurethatonlyoneresponsewascollectedfromeach individual. 6 Finally,demographicdataabouttherespondentsoverallandforeachjudicialofficerare collectedatageneralleveltobeusefulforthereader.Forexample,theAssociationasked onlythatrespondentsidentifythattheypracticed"criminallaw"or"governmentpractice," butdidnotcollectdataonwhethersuchapractitionerwasapublicdefenderor prosecutor. IV.SURVEYRELIABILITYANDRESPONSERATES Agoalofeverysurveyistoensurethereliabilityoftheresultsobtained.Whilethereisno minimumamountforthenumberofresponsesrequiredtovalidatesurveyresults,KCBA, withadvicefromitscontractor,decidedthatatleast20responsesforeachjudgeis desirable;thisisalsothenumberKCBAhashistoricallyused.Thefollowingjudgehad fewerthan20responsesandwasnotincludedinthereportanalysis:JudgeVeronica Galván.Alsonotethatthemostrecentlyappointedmemberofthebench,JudgeJanet Helson,wasnotincludedinthissurveysinceshehadservedonlytwomonthsatthetime datarecordsweregeneratedbytheclerk'soffice.Inaddition,KCBAnotesthat6judges haveonlyservedsince2014andthereforemayhavefewerpotentialsurveyrespondents. Over8,400attorneyswereinvitedtoparticipateintheonlinesurveyand1,388completed portionsofthesurveyforjudges.Oftheserespondents,548attorneyscompletedthecourt commissionersurvey.Theresponserate,whichiscalculatedforthesurveyofSuperior Courtjudges,is16%.Theanalysiswasconductedwith1,384completedsurveysfor SuperiorCourtjudgesand547completedsurveysforSuperiorCourtcommissionerssince fourrespondentstotalwereeliminatedduetotheirnegativeresponsetothecertification question. Thenumberofresponsesperjudgeandcommissionerrangedfromahighof399toalow of12.Thejudgesandcommissionersincludedintheanalysishadresponsenumbers rangingfromahighof399toalowof20evaluations.Atotalofsixty‐fourjudgesand commissionershadatleast20respondentsevaluatethemandhalfthejudgesand commissionerswereevaluatedby105respondentsormore.Theaverageandmedian numberofresponsesperjudgeandcommissioner(amongthosewith20ormore respondents)were112.75and104.5respectively.Table1showsthenumberof respondentsforalljudgesandcommissioners,thenumberofattorneyswhoappeared beforeeachjudgeinthepreviousfouryearsaccordingtocourtrecordswereceived,and thepercentageofattorneyswhoappearedbeforethejudgewhoevaluatedeachjudge. 7 Table 1: Number of Evaluations and Attorneys Appearing Attorneys Number of Appearing Before Evaluations Name Length of Service % Appearing Who Evaluated Superior Court Judges Allred, Chad Appointed, 2014 20 329 6% Amini, Susan Appointed, 2013 79 468 17% Andrus, Beth Appointed, 2010 139 1069 13% Benton, Monica Appointed, 2008 153 1057 14% Berns, Elizabeth Elected, 2013 82 618 13% Bowman, Bill Appointed/Elected, 2012 113 837 14% Bradshaw, Timothy Elected, 2009 131 1165 11% Cahan, Regina Appointed/Elected, 2009 48 263 18% Carey, Cheryl Elected, 2001 72 638 11% Cayce, James Appointed, 2000 79 644 12% Chun, John Appointed, 2014 61 425 14% Chung, Samuel Appointed, 2014 28 406 7% Craighead, Susan Appointed, 2007 109 926 12% Darvas, Andrea Elected, 2005 109 860 13% Downing, William Appointed, 1989 182 1205 15% Doyle, Theresa Elected, 2005 127 1096 12% Eadie, Richard Appointed, 1995 177 1303 14% Erlick, John Elected, 2001 119 959 12% Gain, Brian Elected, 1993 104 992 10% Garrett, Julia Appointed, 2013 64 619 10% Halpert, Helen Appointed, 1999 95 751 13% Heller, Bruce Appointed, 2007 135 1200 11% Hill, Hollis Elected, 2009 70 757 9% Inveen, Laura Appointed, 1992 156 1287 12% Kessler, Ronald Appointed, 1999 137 1066 13% Linde, Barbara Appointed, 2012 99 1080 9% Lum, Dean Appointed, 1998 142 1221 12% 8 Attorneys Number of Appearing Evaluations Before % Appearing Who Evaluated Name Length of Service Mack, Barbara Elected, 2009 34 450 8% McCullough, Leroy Appointed, 1989 99 869 11% McDermott, Richard Appointed, 2000 69 575 12% Middaugh, Laura Gene Elected, 2001 135 1066 13% North, Douglass Elected, 2000 94 856 11% O'Donnell, Sean Elected, 2013 155 1061 15% Oishi, Patrick Appointed, 2011 99 981 10% Parisien, Suzanne Elected, 2013 87 704 12% Prochnau, Kimberley Appointed 2007/Retired 2015 96 1011 9% Ramsdell, Jeffrey Elected, 1996 105 1134 9% Ramseyer, Judith Appointed/Elected, 2012 106 940 11% Rietschel, Jean Appointed, 2010 122 965 13% Roberts, Mary Appointed, 2003 81 956 8% Robinson, Palmer Appointed, 1999 178 1644 11% Rogers, Jim Elected, 2005 89 1091 8% Rogoff, Roger Appointed, 2014 79 686 12% Ruhl, John Appointed, 2014 47 436 11% Saint Clair, Wesley Appointed, 2004 23 285 8% Schapira, Carol Elected 1989/Retired 2015 115 1147 10% Schubert, Kenneth Elected, 2013 64 666 10% Shaffer, Catherine Elected, 2000 100 1056 9% Smith, Lori Appointed, 2012 116 960 12% Spearman, Mariane Elected, 2009 124 1224 10% Spector, Julie Appointed, 1999 99 987 10% Thorp, Tanya Appointed, 2014 38 360 11% Superior Court Commissioners Bradburn‐Johnson, Nancy 1998 321 Canada‐Thurston, Bonnie 1993 202 9 Attorneys Number of Appearing Evaluations Before Name Length of Service Hillman, Mark 2007 136 Holman, Hollis 1996 105 Jeske, Jacqueline 2008 142 Johnson‐Taylor, Melinda 2014 102 Judson, Henry 2014 212 Kahan, James 2013 130 Laird, Jennie 2013 29 Ponomarchuk, Leonid 1998 184 Sassaman, Meg 2006 94 Velategui, Carlos 1986 399 % Appearing Who Evaluated Usingthecourtdatathatweobtainedtocreatethedistributionlist,wealsotalliedthe numberofattorneyswhohaveappearedbeforeeachjudge.Themeannumberofattorneys whoappearedinthepastfouryearswas857withalowof89attorneysandahighof1,644 attorneys. V.FAMILIARITYWITHJUDICIALOFFICERSEVALUATED Inajudicialperformanceevaluation,itisimportanttotakestepstoensurethatonly individualswithpersonal,firsthandexperiencewithajudicialofficerparticipateinthe evaluation.Onlyattorneyswhoaffirmedthattheyhadappearedbeforeajudgeor commissionerduringthefouryearspriortotheevaluationwereaskedtoparticipateinthe evaluation.Duetotheimprecisionofdocketrecordssomeattorneyswhodidnotactually appearincourtbeforeanyofthejudgesduringthesurveyperiodreceivedevaluation materials.Intheinvitationtocompletethesurvey,andinthesurveyitself,attorneyswere instructednottoevaluateajudgeorcommissioneriftheydidnotappearbeforehimorher. Additionally,attorneyswereaskedtoindicatetheapproximatenumberoftimestheyhad appearedbeforethejudgeorcommissionerbeingevaluatedduringthepriorfouryears.As canbeseeninTable2,70.8%ofrespondentsreportedappearingbeforethejudgeor commissionermultipletimesduringtheevaluationperiod. 10 Table 2: Number of Appearances Number Percent King County Superior Court Judges Once 1878 36.1% 2‐3 times 1853 35.7% 4‐10 times 878 16.9% More than 10 times 587 11.3% King County Superior Court Commissioners Once 263 12.8% 2‐3 times 629 30.6% 4‐10 times 679 33.0% More than 10 times 486 23.6% VI.RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS Thesurveyaskedattorneystoprovideinformationaboutthemselvesandtheirpractice. Characteristicsoftheattorneysprovidingsurveyresponsesforeachjudgeand commissionerarealsoincludedintheindividualresultsreportedforeach.KCBAdidnot definepracticeareasbeyondageneralname,leavingituptorespondentstomakethe selectionthatbestdescribedtheirpracticearea.Wenotethatpublicdefendersand prosecutorsmayappearineitherthe"criminallaw"or"governmentpractice"categories. Thecharacteristics,inaggregate,oftheattorneysparticipatinginthesurveyarelistedin Tables3‐7. Table 3: Primary Area of Practice Number Percent Criminal Law 187 13.5% General Civil Law 773 55.9% Domestic Relations/Family Law 231 16.7% Government Practice 69 5.0% Other 124 9.0% 11 Table 4: Years in Practice Number Percent 1‐2 years 30 2.2% 3‐5 years 124 8.9% 6‐10 years 196 14.1% 11‐20 years 352 25.4% More than 20 years 686 49.4% Table 5: Size of Law Firm Number Percent Sole Practitioner 361 26.1% 2‐5 Attorneys 350 25.3% 6‐10 Attorneys 150 10.8% 11‐20 Attorneys 135 9.7% More than 20 Attorneys 389 28.1% Table 6: Respondent Racial Background Number Percent Caucasian/White 1211 87.8% African American/Black 29 2.1% Hispanic/Latino(a) 26 1.9% Asian American/Pacific Islander 57 4.1% Native American 7 0.5% Other (biracial or did not respond) 50 3.6% Table 7: Respondent Gender Number Percent Male 828 59.9% Female 554 40.1% 12 VII.SUMMARYOFRESULTSAGGREGATINGALLJUDGESANDCOMMISSIONERS Foreachperformance‐relatedquestioninthesurveythereweresixpossibleresponses: unacceptable,belowexpectations,acceptable,verygood,excellent,anddon’tknow.When ratingjudges,morethantwo‐thirdsofattorneys–77%ormore–ratedtheperformancein eachofthefoursurveycategoriesaseither“excellent”or“verygood”(seeTable8).A similarpercentageoftheresponsestotheindividualsurveyquestionswereeither“very good”and“excellent.” Whenratingcourtcommissioners,morethantwo‐thirdsofattorneys–71%ormore– ratedtheperformanceineachofthefoursurveycategoriesaseither“excellent”or“very good”(seeTable9).Asimilarpercentageoftheresponsestotheindividualsurvey questionswereeither“verygood”or“excellent.” 13 Table8:AggregateResultsforSuperiorCourtJudges Very Good Excellent 16.8% 31.8% 40.2% 7.3% 17.4% 32.5% 39.6% 3.2% 6.7% 18.5% 32.4% 39.3% 5018 2.0% 4.9% 18.0% 32.6% 42.5% 4904 2.3% 3.6% 13.1% 27.7% 53.3% 5033 2.9% 5.6% 15.3% 27.6% 48.6% 4982 4.9% 9.4% 16.9% 29.7% 39.1% 4816 1.9% 3.0% 11.8% 25.0% 58.3% 5077 2.0% 3.6% 13.3% 25.8% 55.3% 5057 1.2% 3.1% 13.8% 29.4% 52.5% 5009 1.7% 3.4% 15.0% 28.6% 51.2% 5036 1.6% 5.7% 16.3% 31.9% 44.6% Maintained control in the courtroom 4956 0.8% 2.1% 16.0% 32.6% 48.5% Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines 4501 2.1% 4.2% 17.7% 33.2% 42.9% Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 4867 1.6% 3.3% 17.6% 33.2% 44.3% 4855 1.2% 3.4% 18.1% 33.0% 44.3% Legal Decision Making Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court Integrity and Impartiality Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety Displayed a neutral presence on the bench Based rulings on the facts and the law Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Demeanor, Temperament, and Communication Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court Administrative Skills Used the court’s time efficiently Below Acceptable Expectations Responses Unacceptable 5066 3.5% 7.7% 4881 3.2% 5011 14 Table9:AggregateResultsforSuperiorCourtCommissioners Responses Unacceptable Legal Decision Making Below Acceptable Expectations Very Good Excellent Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 2020 3.5% 7.1% 18.0% 28.9% 42.6% Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 1983 3.1% 6.9% 19.3% 30.1% 40.5% Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner 2007 3.2% 7.5% 20.3% 29.1% 39.9% Was prepared for court 1954 2.4% 4.9% 20.2% 30.3% 42.2% Integrity and Impartiality Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 1981 4.0% 5.2% 17.6% 26.1% 46.9% Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 2017 5.4% 9.0% 18.4% 26.0% 41.2% Based rulings on the facts and the law 2012 4.4% 9.0% 20.2% 28.9% 37.4% Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 1951 4.4% 6.4% 15.5% 24.1% 49.6% Treated people with courtesy and respect 2031 9.6% 10.3% 19.0% 23.2% 37.8% Was attentive to proceedings 2019 1.6% 3.1% 17.9% 31.3% 46.2% Acted with patience and self‐control 2017 8.6% 10.6% 19.3% 25.3% 36.1% Used clear oral communication while in court 2017 3.0% 6.1% 20.7% 29.8% 40.4% Maintained control in the courtroom 2002 1.8% 2.6% 18.9% 31.7% 44.9% Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines 1739 2.3% 3.2% 20.4% 30.3% 43.8% Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 1955 1.3% 1.7% 17.9% 29.7% 49.5% Used the court’s time efficiently 1954 2.2% 4.5% 19.2% 29.5% 44.7% Demeanor, Temperament, and Communication Administrative Skills 15 Asnotedabove,compositeindexeswerealsocomputedforthefourcategoriesofthe survey.Theaverageratingsreceivedforeachindividualquestionandeachcategoryare presentedinTables10and11.WhiletheresultsaresimilartothosepresentedinTable8 and9,theaveragescoreprovidesanothermethodformembersofthebarandthepublicto considerajudgeorcourtcommissioner’sperformanceonthebench. Table 10: Aggregate Average Ratings for Superior Court Judges Item Average Category Average 4.00 3.97 3.98 3.98 4.09 4.16 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 4.26 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 4.13 Based rulings on the facts and the law 3.89 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.35 4.24 Treated people with courtesy and respect 4.29 Was attentive to proceedings 4.29 Acted with patience and self‐control 4.24 Used clear oral communication while in court 4.12 4.17 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.26 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 4.11 4.15 Used the court’s time efficiently 4.16 Legal Decision Making Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court Integrity and Impartiality Demeanor, Temperament, and Communication Administrative Skills 16 Table 11: Aggregate Average Ratings for Superior Court Commissioners Item Average Category Average 3.99 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 4.00 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 3.98 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner 3.95 Was prepared for court 4.05 3.97 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 4.07 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 3.89 Based rulings on the facts and the law 3.86 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.08 3.89 Treated people with courtesy and respect 3.69 Was attentive to proceedings 4.17 Acted with patience and self‐control 3.70 Used clear oral communication while in court 3.99 4.15 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.15 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 4.10 4.24 Used the court’s time efficiently 4.10 Legal Decision Making Integrity and Impartiality Demeanor, Temperament, and Communication Administrative Skills VIII.SUMMARYOFRESULTSFORINDIVIDUALJUDGES Tables12‐15,whichappearonthefollowingpages,presentsummariesoftheresultsfor the53judgesand12commissionersinKingCountySuperiorCourtwhowereevaluatedby 20respondentsormore.Eachtableprovidesresultsforoneofthefourcategoriessurveyed (LegalDecisionMaking;IntegrityandImpartiality;Demeanor,Temperament,and Communication;andAdministrativeSkills),includingthenumberofvalidevaluations receivedforeachjudgeorcommissionerandthepercentageofresponsestoindividual 17 questionsthatgavethejudgeorcommissioneraratingof“unacceptable,”“below expectations,”“acceptable,”“verygood,”and“excellent.” Noattempthasbeenmadeinthisreporttopresentevaluationresultsin“ranked” numericalorder.Theratingsforindividualjudgesandcommissionersareanindicationof performance.Theyarenotofsuchinfallibleprecisionastopermitonetodifferentiate smalldifferencesinratings.Whileitispossibletocalculateveryprecisevalues,thisdoes notmeanthatsimilarlyprecisedistinctionsexistbetweenoramongjudgesand commissioners.Anaverageratingforaparticularquestionorsurveycategoryof4.2,for example,obviouslyisnumericallyhigherthananaverageof4.1.Thedifferenceof0.1 points,however,doesnotnecessarilyjustifyviewingtheperformanceoftheformertobe significantlybetterthanthelatter. Inadditiontothefollowingtables,AppendixCprovidescompletedetailedsurveyresults foreachofthe53judgesand12commissionerswhowerethesubjectofthejudicial performancesurveyandhadtheminimumnumberofevaluations.Thedetailedreportfor eachindividualjudgeandcommissionerprovidesresultsforindividualquestionsaswellas averagesforeachcategory.Thereportsalsoprovideinformationsummarizingthe characteristicsoftheattorneyswhorespondedtothesurveyforthatindividualjudgeor commissioner. Table 12: Results for Individual Judges and Commissioners – Legal Decision Making IntheareaLegalDecisionMaking,surveyparticipantswereaskedtoratejudgesusingeachofthe followingfourcriteria: ⦁Capablyidentifiedandanalyzedlegalandfactualissues ⦁Capablyappliedrulesofevidenceandprocedure ⦁Articulatedrulingsandgroundsforrulingsinaclearandconcisemanner ⦁Waspreparedforcourt Table 12 Legal Decision Making Superior Court Judges Responses Unacceptable Below Expectations Acceptable Very Good Excellent Average (1‐5 scale) Allred, Chad 80 7.5% 10.0% 17.5% 40.0% 25.0% 3.65 Amini, Susan 270 3.3% 15.9% 27.8% 27.8% 25.2% 3.55 Andrus, Beth 527 0.4% 4.0% 10.2% 33.8% 51.6% 4.32 Benton, Monica 579 8.5% 22.5% 32.3% 24.7% 12.1% 3.10 Berns, Elizabeth 296 3.7% 6.8% 19.6% 27.0% 42.9% 3.99 Bowman, Bill 440 0.9% 0.5% 6.4% 31.6% 60.7% 4.51 Bradshaw, Timothy 495 3.6% 6.9% 21.4% 37.4% 30.7% 3.85 Cahan, Regina 181 1.7% 6.6% 13.8% 40.9% 37.0% 4.05 18 Table 12 Legal Decision Making Responses Unacceptable Below Expectations Acceptable Very Good Excellent Average (1‐5 scale) Carey, Cheryl 265 0.0% 0.4% 20.4% 29.8% 49.4% 4.28 Cayce, James 309 6.5% 7.8% 19.4% 25.2% 41.1% 3.87 Chun, John 230 1.3% 4.3% 25.7% 31.3% 37.4% 3.99 Chung, Samuel 102 8.8% 10.8% 35.3% 22.5% 22.5% 3.39 Craighead, Susan 424 2.6% 7.8% 18.9% 31.6% 39.2% 3.97 Darvas, Andrea 423 1.9% 4.7% 13.9% 29.1% 50.4% 4.21 Downing, William 710 0.0% 1.5% 8.6% 38.0% 51.8% 4.40 Doyle, Theresa 486 4.5% 12.3% 23.5% 31.3% 28.4% 3.67 Eadie, Richard 697 3.7% 7.2% 21.5% 36.3% 31.3% 3.84 Erlick, John 464 0.0% 0.6% 11.0% 28.2% 60.1% 4.48 Gain, Brian 400 0.0% 2.3% 20.3% 39.0% 38.5% 4.14 Garrett, Julia 238 4.2% 6.7% 29.0% 35.3% 24.8% 3.70 Halpert, Helen 370 4.6% 5.1% 17.0% 38.6% 34.6% 3.93 Heller, Bruce 521 1.2% 5.4% 12.9% 30.7% 49.9% 4.23 Hill, Hollis 266 3.8% 7.9% 21.8% 42.9% 23.7% 3.75 Inveen, Laura 596 1.3% 4.9% 10.1% 38.1% 45.6% 4.22 Kessler, Ronald 529 1.7% 3.6% 11.3% 26.8% 56.5% 4.33 Linde, Barbara 378 1.9% 8.7% 18.5% 34.7% 36.2% 3.95 Lum, Dean 552 1.6% 5.3% 21.4% 36.8% 35.0% 3.98 Mack, Barbara 131 5.3% 6.1% 21.4% 42.7% 24.4% 3.75 McCullough, Leroy 391 6.6% 7.9% 25.1% 31.5% 28.9% 3.68 McDermott, Richard 269 2.6% 8.9% 11.9% 32.3% 44.2% 4.07 Middaugh, Laura Gene 518 10.2% 15.8% 24.9% 29.2% 19.9% 3.33 North, Douglass 371 2.2% 6.7% 17.0% 30.7% 43.4% 4.06 O'Donnell, Sean 601 1.2% 3.2% 9.8% 31.4% 54.4% 4.35 Oishi, Patrick 381 3.9% 3.4% 24.1% 31.8% 36.7% 3.94 Parisien, Suzanne 332 9.6% 11.4% 21.1% 34.9% 22.9% 3.50 Prochnau, Kimberley 370 2.2% 4.9% 12.7% 32.4% 47.8% 4.19 Ramsdell, Jeffrey 403 0.0% 3.7% 15.9% 33.7% 46.7% 4.23 Ramseyer, Judith 397 4.3% 3.5% 13.1% 35.8% 43.3% 4.10 Rietschel, Jean 467 1.7% 9.2% 18.2% 29.8% 41.1% 3.99 Roberts, Mary 313 6.7% 8.9% 16.3% 28.8% 39.3% 3.85 Robinson, Palmer 693 0.7% 4.9% 13.6% 31.9% 48.9% 4.23 Rogers, Jim 347 1.4% 7.5% 19.9% 27.4% 43.8% 4.05 Rogoff, Roger 297 0.0% 0.7% 14.8% 29.3% 55.2% 4.39 Ruhl, John 179 1.7% 9.5% 19.6% 37.4% 31.8% 3.88 Saint Clair, Wesley 88 2.3% 10.2% 15.9% 50.0% 21.6% 3.78 Schapira, Carol 456 4.6% 9.9% 18.6% 26.3% 40.6% 3.88 Schubert, Kenneth 255 2.7% 6.7% 19.6% 34.9% 36.1% 3.95 Shaffer, Catherine 390 3.1% 6.2% 16.2% 30.8% 43.8% 4.06 Smith, Lori 449 0.9% 3.3% 11.8% 27.6% 56.3% 4.35 Spearman, Mariane 474 3.0% 8.9% 22.8% 32.3% 33.1% 3.84 Spector, Julie 385 6.2% 6.2% 21.6% 33.2% 32.7% 3.80 Thorp, Tanya 146 5.5% 10.3% 22.6% 21.2% 40.4% 3.80 19 Table 12 Responses Legal Decision Making Superior Court Commissioners Unacceptable Below Expectations Acceptable Very Good Excellent Average (1‐5 scale) Bradburn‐Johnson, Nancy 1236 4.7% 10.8% 25.1% 31.6% 27.9% 3.67 Canada‐Thurston, Bonnie 792 10.2% 16.0% 25.8% 21.7% 26.3% 3.38 Hillman, Mark 530 2.8% 5.1% 18.7% 29.2% 44.2% 4.07 Holman, Hollis 403 2.2% 5.5% 28.5% 30.0% 33.7% 3.88 Jeske, Jacqueline 564 2.8% 4.4% 22.0% 30.9% 39.9% 4.01 Johnson‐Taylor, Melinda 400 0.8% 4.5% 21.3% 45.8% 27.8% 3.95 Judson, Henry 789 0.6% 1.8% 12.9% 32.1% 52.6% 4.34 Kahan, James 509 1.0% 4.5% 16.3% 34.0% 44.2% 4.16 Laird, Jennie 115 0.0% 0.0% 8.7% 24.3% 67.0% 4.58 Ponomarchuk, Leonid 723 0.6% 1.8% 6.8% 24.6% 66.3% 4.54 Sassaman, Meg 361 8.6% 18.0% 24.9% 27.1% 21.3% 3.35 Velategui, Carlos 1542 1.2% 3.8% 18.0% 28.0% 49.1% 4.20 Table 13: Results for Individual Judges and Commissioners – Integrity and Impartiality IntheareaIntegrityandImpartiality,surveyparticipantswereaskedtoratejudgesusingeachof thefollowingfourcriteria: •Avoidedimproprietyandtheappearanceofimpropriety •Displayedaneutralpresenceonthebench •Basedrulingsonthefactsandthelaw •Treatedindividualsequallyandwithoutbiasbasedonrace,gender,economicstatus,or anyotherextralegalpersonalcharacteristic Table 13 Integrity & Impartiality Superior Court Judges Responses Unacceptable Below Expectations Acceptable Very Good Excellent Average (1‐5 scale) Allred, Chad 77 1.3% 3.9% 20.8% 28.6% 45.5% 4.13 Amini, Susan 280 1.1% 6.8% 21.8% 29.3% 41.1% 4.01 Andrus, Beth 505 1.0% 2.4% 12.1% 28.5% 56.0% 4.37 Benton, Monica 567 6.0% 12.2% 27.2% 25.4% 29.3% 3.61 Berns, Elizabeth 299 3.3% 7.4% 11.4% 26.1% 51.8% 4.16 Bowman, Bill 437 0.5% 0.9% 6.4% 26.8% 65.4% 4.56 Bradshaw, Timothy 479 3.1% 5.6% 16.7% 32.8% 41.8% 4.05 Cahan, Regina 174 1.7% 4.0% 12.6% 33.9% 47.7% 4.23 Carey, Cheryl 270 0.0% 2.6% 14.4% 26.7% 56.3% 4.37 Cayce, James 301 7.3% 7.6% 16.6% 24.6% 43.9% 3.91 Chun, John 231 2.2% 2.6% 15.6% 31.2% 48.5% 4.22 Chung, Samuel 103 4.9% 5.8% 32.0% 21.4% 35.9% 3.78 Craighead, Susan 411 4.4% 7.1% 15.6% 27.5% 45.5% 4.03 Darvas, Andrea 420 1.7% 5.7% 11.7% 22.9% 58.1% 4.30 Downing, William 707 0.6% 3.3% 8.8% 29.4% 58.0% 4.41 Doyle, Theresa 458 3.5% 8.5% 14.0% 28.2% 45.9% 4.05 Eadie, Richard 689 2.3% 5.7% 16.4% 30.9% 44.7% 4.10 Erlick, John 465 0.4% 1.7% 9.0% 24.9% 63.9% 4.50 Gain, Brian 404 0.0% 2.0% 15.3% 34.9% 47.8% 4.28 20 Table 13 Integrity & Impartiality Responses Unacceptable Below Expectations Acceptable Very Good Excellent Average (1‐5 scale) Garrett, Julia 244 4.1% 8.2% 24.2% 27.5% 36.1% 3.83 Halpert, Helen 366 3.3% 8.5% 15.8% 27.3% 45.1% 4.03 Heller, Bruce 508 1.2% 5.1% 11.6% 28.0% 54.1% 4.29 Hill, Hollis 256 3.9% 3.9% 15.6% 38.7% 37.9% 4.03 Inveen, Laura 589 2.7% 4.1% 6.5% 30.6% 56.2% 4.34 Kessler, Ronald 526 1.9% 4.9% 13.1% 26.6% 53.4% 4.25 Linde, Barbara 370 2.2% 8.1% 17.3% 27.0% 45.4% 4.06 Lum, Dean 552 1.3% 4.5% 13.2% 27.5% 53.4% 4.28 Mack, Barbara 133 3.8% 11.3% 19.5% 30.1% 35.3% 3.82 McCullough, Leroy 383 3.7% 4.2% 17.0% 27.4% 47.8% 4.12 McDermott, Richard 263 5.3% 4.9% 17.5% 23.6% 48.7% 4.05 Middaugh, Laura Gene 507 8.9% 11.2% 24.9% 28.2% 26.8% 3.53 North, Douglass 360 1.9% 4.7% 14.4% 24.2% 54.7% 4.25 O'Donnell, Sean 599 0.8% 3.0% 9.7% 24.5% 61.9% 4.44 Oishi, Patrick 381 4.7% 4.2% 14.4% 30.2% 46.5% 4.09 Parisien, Suzanne 328 8.8% 7.6% 19.2% 31.1% 33.2% 3.72 Prochnau, Kimberley 373 2.4% 3.8% 9.7% 27.9% 56.3% 4.32 Ramsdell, Jeffrey 398 1.8% 2.3% 11.3% 30.2% 54.5% 4.33 Ramseyer, Judith 390 2.3% 1.3% 12.6% 33.1% 50.8% 4.29 Rietschel, Jean 466 4.1% 7.1% 11.2% 22.3% 55.4% 4.18 Roberts, Mary 307 6.2% 8.1% 14.0% 23.8% 47.9% 3.99 Robinson, Palmer 686 1.5% 3.8% 12.0% 26.4% 56.4% 4.33 Rogers, Jim 339 1.5% 8.3% 17.4% 23.9% 49.0% 4.11 Rogoff, Roger 295 0.0% 2.7% 11.2% 28.5% 57.6% 4.41 Ruhl, John 180 2.2% 7.2% 10.6% 29.4% 50.6% 4.19 Saint Clair, Wesley 90 1.1% 11.1% 18.9% 30.0% 38.9% 3.94 Schapira, Carol 449 4.9% 6.2% 15.6% 18.7% 54.6% 4.12 Schubert, Kenneth 250 5.6% 9.2% 13.6% 30.4% 41.2% 3.93 Shaffer, Catherine 381 5.8% 6.6% 15.2% 24.4% 48.0% 4.03 Smith, Lori 445 0.7% 3.8% 9.0% 22.2% 64.3% 4.46 Spearman, Mariane 464 3.4% 5.2% 14.9% 29.5% 47.0% 4.12 Spector, Julie 386 9.6% 6.7% 15.5% 25.1% 43.0% 3.85 Thorp, Tanya 147 8.2% 7.5% 21.1% 20.4% 42.9% 3.83 Bradburn‐Johnson, Nancy Superior Court Commissioners 1237 5.9% 11.9% 20.4% 25.5% 36.3% 3.75 Canada‐Thurston, Bonnie 788 16.8% 14.3% 23.9% 18.8% 26.3% 3.24 Hillman, Mark 531 5.5% 9.6% 15.6% 26.4% 42.9% 3.92 Holman, Hollis 401 3.0% 6.0% 24.9% 29.7% 36.4% 3.91 Jeske, Jacqueline 560 3.4% 5.9% 18.4% 25.5% 46.8% 4.07 Johnson‐Taylor, Melinda 397 0.3% 3.8% 18.4% 39.0% 38.5% 4.12 Judson, Henry 801 0.4% 1.6% 7.1% 28.1% 62.8% 4.51 Kahan, James 501 2.0% 3.6% 14.4% 33.3% 46.7% 4.19 Laird, Jennie 116 0.0% 0.0% 10.3% 19.0% 70.7% 4.60 Ponomarchuk, Leonid 718 1.9% 2.6% 12.5% 26.9% 56.0% 4.32 Sassaman, Meg 368 11.7% 18.8% 23.9% 23.6% 22.0% 3.26 21 Table 13 Integrity & Impartiality Velategui, Carlos Responses Unacceptable Below Expectations Acceptable Very Good Excellent Average (1‐5 scale) 1543 1.7% 5.9% 20.2% 24.5% 47.6% 4.11 Table 14: Results for Individual Judges and Commissioners for Demeanor, Temperament, and Communication IntheareaDemeanor,Temperament,andCommunication,surveyparticipantswereaskedto ratejudgesusingeachofthefollowingfourcriteria: •Treatedpeoplewithcourtesyandrespect •Wasattentivetoproceedings •Actedwithpatienceandself‐control •Usedclearoralcommunicationwhileincourt Table 14 Demeanor, Temperament, Communication Superior Court Judges Responses Unacceptable Below Expectations Acceptable Very Good Excellent Average (1‐5 scale) Allred, Chad 80 2.5% 1.3% 16.3% 37.5% 42.5% 4.16 Amini, Susan 303 1.0% 3.3% 19.5% 30.4% 45.9% 4.17 Andrus, Beth 531 0.2% 2.1% 7.5% 31.5% 58.8% 4.47 Benton, Monica 584 4.5% 12.2% 30.7% 24.5% 28.3% 3.60 Berns, Elizabeth 311 1.6% 4.5% 14.8% 26.7% 52.4% 4.24 Bowman, Bill 445 0.2% 0.4% 3.4% 25.8% 70.1% 4.65 Bradshaw, Timothy 502 1.4% 2.8% 18.7% 33.3% 43.8% 4.15 Cahan, Regina 187 0.0% 2.1% 12.8% 39.0% 46.0% 4.29 Carey, Cheryl 281 0.0% 0.4% 11.7% 23.8% 64.1% 4.52 Cayce, James 311 4.8% 7.1% 19.9% 24.1% 44.1% 3.96 Chun, John 241 0.0% 0.8% 15.4% 34.9% 49.0% 4.32 Chung, Samuel 111 0.0% 4.5% 16.2% 34.2% 45.0% 4.20 Craighead, Susan 418 1.0% 3.6% 16.7% 32.5% 46.2% 4.19 Darvas, Andrea 424 0.2% 3.3% 9.7% 24.5% 62.3% 4.45 Downing, William 704 0.1% 0.9% 8.1% 28.8% 62.1% 4.52 Doyle, Theresa 483 1.4% 5.6% 16.4% 31.7% 44.9% 4.13 Eadie, Richard 699 2.3% 3.9% 13.9% 31.5% 48.5% 4.20 Erlick, John 468 0.4% 0.9% 6.6% 22.4% 69.7% 4.60 Gain, Brian 404 0.2% 1.5% 17.1% 34.2% 47.0% 4.26 Garrett, Julia 245 2.0% 2.4% 21.2% 38.0% 36.3% 4.04 Halpert, Helen 369 1.1% 6.0% 19.0% 31.7% 42.3% 4.08 Heller, Bruce 523 0.6% 3.1% 9.4% 30.6% 56.4% 4.39 Hill, Hollis 270 1.5% 3.0% 16.7% 35.2% 43.7% 4.17 22 Table 14 Demeanor, Temperament, Communication Responses Unacceptable Below Expectations Acceptable Very Good Excellent Average (1‐5 scale) Inveen, Laura 608 1.2% 2.8% 7.7% 31.4% 56.9% 4.40 Kessler, Ronald 535 3.4% 7.5% 23.4% 22.1% 43.7% 3.96 Linde, Barbara 378 0.3% 2.4% 20.1% 28.6% 48.7% 4.23 Lum, Dean 555 0.7% 2.2% 11.4% 28.3% 57.5% 4.40 Mack, Barbara 136 2.9% 6.6% 19.9% 27.9% 42.6% 4.01 McCullough, Leroy 393 2.0% 4.3% 18.3% 29.0% 46.3% 4.13 McDermott, Richard 268 0.7% 3.7% 14.2% 27.6% 53.7% 4.30 Middaugh, Laura Gene 532 7.1% 11.3% 27.6% 29.1% 24.8% 3.53 North, Douglass 366 0.5% 2.7% 15.6% 28.1% 53.0% 4.30 O'Donnell, Sean 594 0.7% 1.9% 6.4% 26.3% 64.8% 4.53 Oishi, Patrick 386 2.3% 2.3% 17.9% 31.1% 46.4% 4.17 Parisien, Suzanne 337 5.6% 7.7% 22.3% 32.0% 32.3% 3.78 Prochnau, Kimberley 375 0.5% 3.5% 9.6% 29.9% 56.5% 4.38 Ramsdell, Jeffrey 403 0.2% 1.7% 10.4% 34.7% 52.9% 4.38 Ramseyer, Judith 395 0.8% 1.0% 10.1% 31.9% 56.2% 4.42 Rietschel, Jean 466 0.9% 4.5% 14.4% 26.2% 54.1% 4.28 Roberts, Mary 320 5.0% 8.1% 14.4% 23.1% 49.4% 4.04 Robinson, Palmer 698 0.6% 2.9% 11.6% 28.5% 56.4% 4.37 Rogers, Jim 343 1.5% 5.8% 17.8% 24.2% 50.7% 4.17 Rogoff, Roger 304 0.0% 1.3% 7.6% 28.3% 62.8% 4.53 Ruhl, John 187 0.5% 2.1% 13.9% 28.3% 55.1% 4.35 Saint Clair, Wesley 90 1.1% 10.0% 11.1% 40.0% 37.8% 4.04 Schapira, Carol 450 1.6% 6.4% 11.6% 24.2% 56.2% 4.27 Schubert, Kenneth 253 4.0% 4.0% 15.4% 35.2% 41.5% 4.06 Shaffer, Catherine 392 2.0% 7.9% 18.1% 24.5% 47.4% 4.07 Smith, Lori 455 0.0% 0.9% 8.8% 23.1% 67.3% 4.57 Spearman, Mariane 480 2.3% 3.8% 17.1% 29.4% 47.5% 4.16 Spector, Julie 387 5.7% 7.5% 17.1% 27.6% 42.1% 3.93 Thorp, Tanya 151 7.9% 5.3% 24.5% 25.2% 37.1% 3.78 Superior Court Commissioners 1257 8.8% 13.1% 23.3% 23.7% 31.0% 3.55 Canada‐Thurston, Bonnie 793 24.6% 20.6% 19.0% 17.3% 18.5% 2.85 Hillman, Mark 540 6.3% 8.1% 20.9% 27.6% 37.0% 3.81 Holman, Hollis 411 2.7% 3.6% 25.3% 34.8% 33.6% 3.93 Jeske, Jacqueline 561 2.3% 2.7% 14.1% 31.7% 49.2% 4.23 Johnson‐Taylor, Melinda 401 0.0% 0.7% 12.2% 41.1% 45.9% 4.32 Judson, Henry 822 0.1% 0.1% 7.4% 27.3% 65.1% 4.57 Kahan, James 508 1.2% 1.6% 13.2% 34.1% 50.0% 4.30 Laird, Jennie 116 0.0% 0.0% 7.8% 20.7% 71.6% 4.64 Ponomarchuk, Leonid 732 1.6% 3.7% 17.9% 28.1% 48.6% 4.18 Sassaman, Meg 370 10.0% 12.2% 31.1% 25.9% 20.8% 3.36 Velategui, Carlos 1573 2.6% 7.8% 24.2% 27.0% 38.4% 3.91 Bradburn‐Johnson, Nancy 23 Table 15: Results for Individual Judges and Commissioners– Administrative Skills IntheareaAdministrativeSkills,surveyparticipantswereaskedtoratejudgesusingeachofthe followingfourcriteria: Maintainedcontrolinthecourtroom Appropriatelyenforcedcourtrulesanddeadlines Madedecisionsandrulingsinaprompt,timelymanner Usedthecourt’stimeefficiently 24 Table 15 Administrative Skills Responses Unacceptable Below Expectations Acceptable Very Good Excellent Average (1‐5 scale) Allred, Chad 75 2.7% 1.3% 18.7% 38.7% 38.7% 4.09 Amini, Susan 258 4.3% 5.8% 31.0% 28.3% 30.6% 3.74 Andrus, Beth 498 0.2% 1.2% 12.0% 32.3% 54.2% 4.39 Benton, Monica 547 1.3% 9.7% 36.7% 30.2% 22.1% 3.62 Superior Court Judges Berns, Elizabeth 292 0.7% 4.1% 14.4% 32.9% 47.9% 4.23 Bowman, Bill 416 0.0% 1.4% 7.0% 32.9% 58.7% 4.49 Bradshaw, Timothy 480 1.5% 3.5% 22.3% 40.2% 32.5% 3.99 Cahan, Regina 169 0.0% 0.6% 18.9% 37.3% 43.2% 4.23 Carey, Cheryl 261 0.4% 0.8% 12.6% 29.1% 57.1% 4.42 Cayce, James 293 2.7% 3.1% 23.5% 24.2% 46.4% 4.08 Chun, John 212 1.4% 1.4% 21.2% 34.9% 41.0% 4.12 Chung, Samuel 101 0.0% 9.9% 29.7% 32.7% 27.7% 3.76 Craighead, Susan 387 1.8% 3.1% 17.6% 39.8% 37.7% 4.08 Darvas, Andrea 417 0.2% 3.1% 12.5% 30.0% 54.2% 4.35 Downing, William 678 0.1% 0.6% 9.3% 32.0% 58.0% 4.47 Doyle, Theresa 450 0.4% 5.6% 22.4% 33.6% 38.0% 4.03 Eadie, Richard 676 2.2% 4.0% 16.9% 37.3% 39.6% 4.08 Erlick, John 451 0.0% 0.0% 7.3% 27.5% 65.2% 4.58 Gain, Brian 391 0.8% 0.8% 17.1% 39.4% 41.9% 4.21 Garrett, Julia 227 0.9% 2.6% 23.3% 41.4% 31.7% 4.00 Halpert, Helen 348 0.0% 4.0% 21.3% 34.5% 40.2% 4.11 Heller, Bruce 500 1.8% 3.6% 15.2% 35.4% 44.0% 4.16 Hill, Hollis 252 0.4% 3.6% 23.0% 40.5% 32.5% 4.01 Inveen, Laura 588 1.2% 3.2% 10.5% 33.8% 51.2% 4.30 Kessler, Ronald 514 0.6% 1.4% 14.0% 30.9% 53.1% 4.35 Linde, Barbara 365 0.5% 1.6% 20.8% 32.9% 44.1% 4.18 Lum, Dean 536 0.7% 3.0% 15.7% 33.4% 47.2% 4.23 Mack, Barbara 126 4.0% 11.9% 29.4% 27.0% 27.8% 3.63 McCullough, Leroy 380 6.3% 7.9% 23.4% 27.1% 35.3% 3.77 McDermott, Richard 260 0.4% 4.2% 15.8% 28.1% 51.5% 4.26 Middaugh, Laura Gene 492 4.9% 5.5% 29.7% 38.8% 21.1% 3.66 North, Douglass 350 0.3% 1.7% 23.1% 30.9% 44.0% 4.17 O'Donnell, Sean 570 0.9% 2.1% 11.9% 30.4% 54.7% 4.36 Oishi, Patrick 366 4.1% 1.9% 16.4% 40.2% 37.4% 4.05 Parisien, Suzanne 330 4.5% 4.2% 23.6% 40.3% 27.3% 3.81 Prochnau, Kimberley 357 0.8% 2.0% 12.6% 31.7% 52.9% 4.34 Ramsdell, Jeffrey 386 0.3% 1.8% 13.2% 37.8% 46.9% 4.29 Ramseyer, Judith 379 0.3% 1.1% 13.7% 35.9% 49.1% 4.32 Rietschel, Jean 443 0.5% 4.5% 15.3% 31.8% 47.9% 4.22 Roberts, Mary 303 5.9% 6.6% 16.5% 25.1% 45.9% 3.98 Robinson, Palmer 667 1.2% 1.9% 10.2% 32.7% 54.0% 4.36 Rogers, Jim 333 3.9% 5.1% 21.0% 27.6% 42.3% 3.99 Rogoff, Roger 292 0.0% 1.0% 9.6% 35.3% 54.1% 4.42 Ruhl, John 175 2.3% 1.1% 19.4% 36.6% 40.6% 4.12 Saint Clair, Wesley 85 1.2% 5.9% 18.8% 35.3% 38.8% 4.05 25 Schapira, Carol 429 2.6% 7.5% 16.8% 23.1% 50.1% 4.11 Schubert, Kenneth 246 2.0% 2.4% 20.7% 38.6% 36.2% 4.04 Shaffer, Catherine 372 0.3% 3.5% 18.0% 27.7% 50.5% 4.25 Smith, Lori 443 0.0% 1.4% 12.6% 24.8% 61.2% 4.46 Spearman, Mariane 461 0.7% 3.5% 18.2% 35.1% 42.5% 4.15 Spector, Julie 371 1.3% 2.7% 22.4% 31.8% 41.8% 4.10 Thorp, Tanya 133 4.5% 0.8% 23.3% 22.6% 48.9% 4.11 Superior Court Commissioners Bradburn‐Johnson, Nancy 1152 3.8% 6.6% 24.0% 29.1% 36.5% 3.88 Canada‐Thurston, Bonnie 751 5.2% 7.9% 29.8% 22.2% 34.9% 3.74 Hillman, Mark 515 1.7% 0.8% 18.6% 33.4% 45.4% 4.20 Holman, Hollis 383 1.0% 0.8% 25.3% 32.9% 39.9% 4.10 Jeske, Jacqueline 537 3.0% 4.3% 22.2% 29.4% 41.2% 4.02 Johnson‐Taylor, Melinda 389 0.3% 1.3% 17.7% 46.3% 34.4% 4.13 Judson, Henry 774 0.1% 0.6% 10.3% 33.9% 55.0% 4.43 Kahan, James 491 0.4% 1.4% 14.1% 38.7% 45.4% 4.27 Laird, Jennie 115 0.0% 1.7% 7.8% 27.8% 62.6% 4.51 Ponomarchuk, Leonid 706 0.6% 0.1% 10.9% 25.4% 63.0% 4.50 Sassaman, Meg 355 4.5% 6.8% 31.3% 33.0% 24.5% 3.66 Velategui, Carlos 1482 0.6% 1.3% 15.6% 27.0% 55.5% 4.35 IX.COMMENTS The2016JudicialSurveyallowedrespondingattorneysanopportunitytoinclude commentswiththeirresponses.Attorneysprovided1,674suchcomments.Comments provideattorneyswiththeopportunitytoprovidespecificfeedbacktoajudgeor commissioner.Moreimportantly,whetherthefeedbackispositiveornegative,such informationmaybehelpfultoeachjudgeorcommissionerastheyreviewtheirevaluations andpotentialareasforgrowth.TheAssociationsharesthesecommentsonlywiththe individualjudgeandcommissioneranddoesnotreleasecommentspublicly. X.CONCLUSION Whilenottestedforscientificvalidity,theresultsofthe2016JudicialOfficerSurvey nonethelessrepresenttheopinionsofover1,000attorneyswhochosetorespond,a significantexpressionofopinionbythelegalcommunityaboutjudicialofficer performance.TheAssociationdoesrecommendthattheseresultsnotbeconsideredasa solemeasureofperformance,butinsteadstronglyurgesthebar,bench,andpublictoalso takeintoaccountjudicialcandidateevaluationratingsbyKCBAandotherbarassociations forthosejudgesincontestedelectioncampaignsandpublicdebateforumsduringelection yearstoformafullopinionaboutjudicialperformance. 26 AppendixA JudicialOfficerSurveyCommitteeMembers CarlE.Forsberg,Forsberg&UmlaufPS,Chair JosephE.Bringman,PerkinsCoieLLP TaraGillespie,SeattleCityAttorney'sOffice JosephGroshong,SeattleCityAttorney'sOffice DanieleHavens,Milios&Associates KennethP.Henrikson,KingCountyDepartmentofPublicDefense Hon.ParisKallas(Ret.),JudicialDisputeResolution SamuelLeonard,AttorneyatLaw Hon.TerenceP.Lukens(Ret.),JAMS AndrewW.Maron,ShortCressmanBurgess GregoryMiller,CarneyBadleySpellman JulieNicoll,LanePowellPC JenniferPayseno,McKinleyIrvinPLLC MichaelRicketts,GordonThomasHoneywell AndrewTsoming,SeattleCityAttorney'sOffice RobertWayne,AttorneyatLaw NathanielWylie,AttorneyatLaw 27 AppendixB:Survey Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 4 years? Select one. Once 2 to 3 times 4 to 10 times More than 10 times Legal Ability 10. How would you rate this judge's ability to capably identify and analyze legal and factual issues? Select one. Excellent Very good Acceptable Below expectations Unacceptable Don't know 11. How would you rate this judge's ability to capably apply rules of evidence and procedure? Select one. Excellent Very good Acceptable Below expectations Unacceptable Don't know 28 12. How would you rate this judge's ability to articulate rulings and grounds for rulings in a clear and concise manner? Select one. Excellent Very good Acceptable Below expectations Unacceptable Don't know 13. How would you rate this judge's preparation for court? Select one. Excellent Very good Acceptable Below expectations Unacceptable Don't know Integrity and Impartiality 14. How would you rate this judge's avoidance of impropriety and the appearance of impropriety? Select one. Excellent Very good Acceptable Below expectations Unacceptable Don't know 29 15. How well did this judge treat all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any extralegal personal characteristic? Select one. Excellent Very good Acceptable Below expectations Unacceptable Don't know 16. How well did this judge base his or her rulings on the facts and the law? Select one. Excellent Very good Acceptable Below expectations Unacceptable Don't know 17. How well did this judge display a neutral presence on the bench? Select one. Excellent Very good Acceptable Below expectations Unacceptable Don't know 30 Demeanor, Temperament, and Communication 18. How well did this judge treat people with courtesy and respect? Select one. Excellent Very good Acceptable Below expectations Unacceptable Don't know 19. How attentive was this judge to the proceedings? Select one. Excellent Very good Acceptable Below expectations Unacceptable Don't know 31 20. How well did this judge act with patience and self‐control? Select one. Excellent Very good Acceptable Below expectations Unacceptable Don't know 21. How well did this judge use clear and logical communication while in court? Select one. Excellent Very good Acceptable Below expectations Unacceptable Don't know 32 Administrative Skills 22. How well did this judge maintain control over the courtroom? Select one. Excellent Very good Acceptable Below expectations Unacceptable Don't know 23. How appropriately does this judge maintain case management and enforce court rules and deadlines? Select one. Excellent Very good Acceptable Below expectations Unacceptable Don't know 33 24. How prompt and timely is this judge in making decisions and rulings? Select one. Excellent Very good Acceptable Below expectations Unacceptable Don't know 25. How well does this judge use the court's time efficiently? Select one. Excellent Very good Acceptable Below expectations Unacceptable Don't know 34 26. Please provide any additional comments or details related to either the items raised in this questionnaire or the judge's performance in the space below. Note: As this information will be provided to the judge, please refrain from providing any information that might identify you. 35 AppendixC:DetailedSurveyResultsbyJudgeandCommissioner JUDGECHADALLRED 20Respondents 3.99 3.65 Legal Decision Making 3.97 4.13 Integrity and Impartiality Judge Court Average 3.89 4.16 Demeanor, Temperament, and Communication 4.15 4.09 Administrative Skills 0 1 2 3 RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 Judge Average 36 4 5 Judge Allred Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 3.65 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 3.55 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 3.45 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 3.65 3.95 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 4.13 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 4.25 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.16 Based rulings on the facts and the law 3.89 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 4.21 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 4.16 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 4.20 4.20 4.25 4.00 4.09 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.25 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 3.94 4.10 Used the court’s time efficiently 4.05 EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Judge Allred Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 10.0% Judge Allred Frequency Percent Below Expectations 2 10.0% Unacceptable 1 5.0% Acceptable 4 20.0% Below Expectations 4 20.0% 4 20.0% Very Good 7 35.0% Acceptable Excellent 5 25.0% Very Good 7 35.0% Total 20 100.0% Excellent 4 20.0% Total 20 100.0% 37 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Judge Allred Frequency Percent Judge Allred Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 5.3% Unacceptable 2 10.0% Below Expectations 2 10.5% Below Expectations 1 5.0% Acceptable 2 10.5% Acceptable 3 15.0% Very Good 7 36.8% Very Good 10 50.0% Excellent 7 36.8% Excellent 4 20.0% Total 19 100.0% Total 20 100.0% 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 13. Was prepared for court Judge Allred Frequency Percent Judge Allred Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 5.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 1 5.0% Below Expectations 1 5.3% Acceptable 3 15.0% Acceptable 3 15.8% Very Good 8 40.0% Very Good 6 31.6% Excellent 7 35.0% Excellent 9 47.4% Total 20 100.0% Total 19 100.0% 14. Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Judge Allred Frequency Percent Judge Allred Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 5.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 3 15.0% Acceptable 5 25.0% Very Good 6 30.0% Very Good 5 25.0% Excellent 10 50.0% Excellent 10 50.0% Total 20 100.0% Total 20 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Judge Allred Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Judge Allred Frequency Percent Below Expectations 0 0.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Acceptable 4 20.0% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Very Good 8 40.0% Acceptable 6 31.6% Excellent 8 40.0% Very Good 4 21.1% Total 20 100.0% Excellent 9 47.4% Total 19 100.0% 38 20. Acted with patience and self-control 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Judge Allred Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Judge Allred Frequency Percent Below Expectations 0 0.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Acceptable 4 20.0% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Very Good 7 35.0% Acceptable 5 25.0% Excellent 9 45.0% Very Good 8 40.0% Total 20 100.0% Excellent 7 35.0% Total 20 100.0% 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Judge Allred Frequency Percent Judge Allred Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 5.0% Unacceptable 1 5.3% Below Expectations 1 5.0% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 2 10.0% Acceptable 4 21.1% Very Good 9 45.0% Very Good 6 31.6% Excellent 7 35.0% Excellent 8 42.1% Total 20 100.0% Total 19 100.0% 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Judge Allred Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 3 15.0% Very Good 9 45.0% Excellent 8 40.0% Total 20 100.0% 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Judge Allred Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 6.3% Below Expectations 1 6.3% Acceptable 2 12.5% Very Good 6 37.5% Excellent 6 37.5% Total 16 100.0% 39 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Judge Allred Frequency Percent Judge Allred Frequency Percent Once 6 30.0% Sole Practitioner 3 15.0% 2 to 3 times 7 35.0% 2 to 5 Attorneys 7 35.0% 4 to 10 times 4 20.0% 6 to 10 Attorneys 2 10.0% More than 10 times 3 15.0% 11 to 20 Attorneys 2 10.0% Total 20 100.0% More than 20 Attorneys 6 30.0% Total 20 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? What best describes your racial background? Judge Allred Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 0 0.0% Judge Allred Frequency Percent 3 to 5 years 2 10.0% Caucasian / White 19 95.0% 6 to 10 years 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 11 to 20 years 13 65.0% African American / Black More than 20 years 5 25.0% Hispanic / Latino / Latina 0 0.0% Total 20 100.0% Asian / Pacific Islander 1 5.0% Native American 0 0.0% Other 0 0.0% Total 20 100.0% Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Judge Allred Frequency Percent Criminal Law 8 40.0% General Civil 6 30.0% Domestic Relations / Family Law 3 15.0% Judge Allred Frequency Percent Government Practice 0 0.0% Male 14 70.0% Other 3 15.0% Female 6 30.0% Total 20 100.0% Total 20 100.0% What is your gender? 40 JUDGESUSANAMINI 79Respondents RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 41 Judge Amini Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 3.55 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 3.51 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 3.57 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 3.51 3.63 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 4.01 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 4.15 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.34 Based rulings on the facts and the law 3.44 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 4.12 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 4.17 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 4.36 4.27 4.30 3.73 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 3.74 Maintained control in the courtroom 3.96 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 3.76 3.62 3.63 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Judge Amini Frequency Percent Judge Amini Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.4% Unacceptable 3 5.0% Below Expectations 15 21.7% Below Expectations 9 15.0% Acceptable 17 24.6% Acceptable 13 21.7% Very Good 20 29.0% Very Good 21 35.0% Excellent 16 23.2% Excellent 14 23.3% Total 69 100.0% Total 60 100.0% 42 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Judge Amini Frequency Percent Judge Amini Frequency Percent Unacceptable 3 4.7% Unacceptable 5 7.4% Below Expectations 14 21.9% Below Expectations 10 14.7% Acceptable 15 23.4% Acceptable 16 23.5% Very Good 16 25.0% Very Good 19 27.9% Excellent 16 25.0% Excellent 18 26.5% Total 64 100.0% Total 68 100.0% 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 13. Was prepared for court Judge Amini Frequency Percent Judge Amini Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 9 12.3% Below Expectations 3 3.9% Acceptable 29 39.7% Acceptable 19 25.0% Very Good 15 20.5% Very Good 20 26.3% Excellent 20 27.4% Excellent 34 44.7% Total 73 100.0% Total 76 100.0% 14. Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Judge Amini Frequency Percent Judge Amini Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 1 1.3% Below Expectations 1 1.4% Acceptable 11 14.3% Acceptable 17 23.6% Very Good 24 31.2% Very Good 24 33.3% Excellent 41 53.2% Excellent 30 41.7% Total 77 100.0% Total 72 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Judge Amini Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Judge Amini Frequency Percent Below Expectations 0 0.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Acceptable 15 19.5% Below Expectations 1 1.5% Very Good 26 33.8% Acceptable 10 14.7% Excellent 36 46.8% Very Good 22 32.4% Total 77 100.0% Excellent 35 51.5% Total 68 100.0% 43 20. Acted with patience and self-control 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Judge Amini Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Judge Amini Frequency Percent Below Expectations 0 0.0% Unacceptable 3 4.9% Acceptable 15 20.3% Below Expectations 6 9.8% Very Good 22 29.7% Acceptable 21 34.4% Excellent 37 50.0% Very Good 12 19.7% Total 74 100.0% Excellent 19 31.1% Total 61 100.0% 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court Judge Amini Frequency 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Percent Judge Amini Frequency Percent Unacceptable 3 4.0% Unacceptable 5 7.4% Below Expectations 9 12.0% Below Expectations 4 5.9% Acceptable 18 24.0% Acceptable 21 30.9% Very Good 20 26.7% Very Good 19 27.9% Excellent 25 33.3% Excellent 19 27.9% Total 75 100.0% Total 68 100.0% 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Judge Amini Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 3 4.1% Acceptable 23 31.1% Very Good 22 29.7% Excellent 26 35.1% Total 74 100.0% 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Judge Amini Frequency Percent Unacceptable 3 5.5% Below Expectations 2 3.6% Acceptable 15 27.3% Very Good 20 36.4% Excellent 15 27.3% Total 55 100.0% 44 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Judge Amini Frequency Percent Judge Amini Frequency Percent Once 32 40.5% Sole Practitioner 19 24.1% 2 to 3 times 32 40.5% 2 to 5 Attorneys 20 25.3% 4 to 10 times 14 17.7% 6 to 10 Attorneys 10 12.7% More than 10 times 1 1.3% 11 to 20 Attorneys 4 5.1% Total 79 100.0% More than 20 Attorneys 26 32.9% Total 79 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? What best describes your racial background? Judge Amini Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 0 0.0% Judge Amini Frequency Percent 3 to 5 years 8 10.1% Caucasian / White 67 84.8% 6 to 10 years 16 20.3% 2 2.5% 11 to 20 years 27 34.2% African American / Black More than 20 years 28 35.4% Hispanic / Latino / Latina 0 0.0% Total 79 100.0% Asian / Pacific Islander 6 7.6% Native American 0 0.0% Other 4 5.1% Total 79 100.0% Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Judge Amini Frequency Percent Criminal Law 33 41.8% General Civil 22 27.8% Domestic Relations / Family Law 21 26.6% Judge Amini Frequency Percent Government Practice 1 1.3% Male 41 52.6% Other 2 2.5% Female 37 47.4% Total 79 100.0% Total 78 100.0% What is your gender? 45 JUDGEBETHANDRUS 139Respondents RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 46 Judge Andrus Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 4.32 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 4.33 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 4.25 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 4.36 4.35 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 4.37 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 4.50 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.49 Based rulings on the facts and the law 4.13 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 4.36 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 4.47 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 4.44 4.53 4.46 4.43 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 4.39 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.45 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 4.26 4.42 4.42 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues Judge Andrus Frequency Percent Judge Andrus Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 1 0.7% Below Expectations 6 4.7% Below Expectations 6 4.4% Acceptable 16 12.5% Acceptable 11 8.1% Very Good 46 35.9% Very Good 47 34.6% Excellent 60 46.9% Excellent 71 52.2% Total 128 100.0% Total 136 100.0% 47 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Judge Andrus Frequency Percent Judge Andrus Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 1.5% Unacceptable 1 0.8% Below Expectations 10 7.6% Below Expectations 5 3.8% Acceptable 16 12.1% Acceptable 10 7.7% Very Good 45 34.1% Very Good 44 33.8% Excellent 59 44.7% Excellent 70 53.8% Total 132 100.0% Total 130 100.0% 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 13. Was prepared for court Judge Andrus Frequency Percent Judge Andrus Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 1 0.8% Below Expectations 4 3.0% Below Expectations 1 0.8% Acceptable 17 12.8% Acceptable 19 14.7% Very Good 41 30.8% Very Good 38 29.5% Excellent 71 53.4% Excellent 70 54.3% Total 133 100.0% Total 129 100.0% 14. Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Judge Andrus Frequency Percent Judge Andrus Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 0.7% Unacceptable 1 0.8% Below Expectations 1 0.7% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 12 8.8% Acceptable 14 11.2% Very Good 45 33.1% Very Good 31 24.8% Excellent 77 56.6% Excellent 79 63.2% Total 136 100.0% Total 125 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Judge Andrus Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Judge Andrus Frequency Percent Below Expectations 3 2.3% Unacceptable 1 0.8% Acceptable 7 5.3% Below Expectations 1 0.8% Very Good 38 29.0% Acceptable 12 10.1% Excellent 83 63.4% Very Good 30 25.2% Total 131 100.0% Excellent 75 63.0% Total 119 100.0% 48 20. Acted with patience and self-control 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Judge Andrus Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Judge Andrus Frequency Percent Below Expectations 2 1.5% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Acceptable 13 9.9% Below Expectations 1 0.8% Very Good 39 29.8% Acceptable 16 12.3% Excellent 77 58.8% Very Good 41 31.5% Total 131 100.0% Excellent 72 55.4% Total 130 100.0% 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Judge Andrus Frequency Percent Judge Andrus Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 5 3.8% Below Expectations 1 0.8% Acceptable 8 6.0% Acceptable 17 13.2% Very Good 45 33.8% Very Good 38 29.5% Excellent 75 56.4% Excellent 73 56.6% Total 133 100.0% Total 129 100.0% 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Judge Andrus Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 13 10.2% Very Good 44 34.4% Excellent 71 55.5% Total 128 100.0% 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Judge Andrus Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 0.9% Below Expectations 4 3.6% Acceptable 14 12.6% Very Good 38 34.2% Excellent 54 48.6% Total 111 100.0% 49 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Judge Andrus Frequency Percent Judge Andrus Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 29 20.9% Once 54 38.8% 2 to 5 Attorneys 41 29.5% 2 to 3 times 52 37.4% 6 to 10 Attorneys 8 5.8% 4 to 10 times 22 15.8% 11 to 20 Attorneys 12 8.6% More than 10 times 11 7.9% More than 20 Attorneys 49 35.3% Total 139 100.0% Total 139 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? Judge Andrus Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 1 0.7% 3 to 5 years 10 7.2% 6 to 10 years 21 15.1% 11 to 20 years 45 32.4% More than 20 years 62 44.6% Total 139 100.0% What best describes your racial background? Judge Andrus Frequency Percent Caucasian / White 118 84.9% African American / Black 6 4.3% Hispanic / Latino / Latina 3 2.2% Asian / Pacific Islander 8 5.8% Native American 0 0.0% Other 4 2.9% Total 139 100.0% Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Judge Andrus Frequency Percent Criminal Law 37 26.6% General Civil 82 59.0% Domestic Relations / Family Law 8 5.8% Government Practice 5 3.6% Other 7 5.0% Total 139 100.0% What is your gender? 50 Judge Andrus Frequency Percent Male 78 56.5% Female 60 43.5% Total 138 100.0% JUDGEMONICABENTON 153Respondents RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 51 Judge Benton Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 3.10 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 3.03 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 3.05 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 3.03 3.27 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 3.61 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 3.87 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 3.92 Based rulings on the facts and the law 3.06 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 3.57 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 3.60 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 3.70 3.73 3.61 3.35 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 3.62 Maintained control in the courtroom 3.81 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 3.52 3.54 3.59 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Judge Benton Frequency Percent Judge Benton Frequency Percent Unacceptable 16 10.7% Unacceptable 12 8.5% Below Expectations 36 24.0% Below Expectations 32 22.7% Acceptable 42 28.0% Acceptable 49 34.8% Very Good 40 26.7% Very Good 33 23.4% Excellent 16 10.7% Excellent 15 10.6% Total 150 100.0% Total 141 100.0% 52 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Judge Benton Frequency Percent Judge Benton Frequency Percent Unacceptable 21 14.3% Unacceptable 16 11.1% Below Expectations 31 21.1% Below Expectations 32 22.2% Acceptable 34 23.1% Acceptable 44 30.6% Very Good 40 27.2% Very Good 35 24.3% Excellent 21 14.3% Excellent 17 11.8% Total 147 100.0% Total 144 100.0% 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 13. Was prepared for court Judge Benton Frequency Percent Judge Benton Frequency Percent Unacceptable 5 3.5% Unacceptable 7 4.9% Below Expectations 30 20.8% Below Expectations 19 13.4% Acceptable 52 36.1% Acceptable 40 28.2% Very Good 35 24.3% Very Good 38 26.8% Excellent 22 15.3% Excellent 38 26.8% Total 144 100.0% Total 142 100.0% 14. Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Judge Benton Frequency Percent Judge Benton Frequency Percent Unacceptable 8 5.4% Unacceptable 2 1.4% Below Expectations 13 8.8% Below Expectations 9 6.5% Acceptable 45 30.4% Acceptable 44 31.7% Very Good 32 21.6% Very Good 34 24.5% Excellent 50 33.8% Excellent 50 36.0% Total 148 100.0% Total 139 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Judge Benton Frequency Percent Unacceptable 3 2.1% Judge Benton Frequency Percent Below Expectations 15 10.3% Unacceptable 4 2.9% Acceptable 46 31.5% Below Expectations 10 7.2% Very Good 36 24.7% Acceptable 36 25.9% Excellent 46 31.5% Very Good 32 23.0% Total 146 100.0% Excellent 57 41.0% Total 139 100.0% 53 20. Acted with patience and self-control 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Judge Benton Frequency Percent Unacceptable 7 4.8% Judge Benton Frequency Percent Below Expectations 17 11.7% Unacceptable 2 1.4% Acceptable 40 27.6% Below Expectations 15 10.9% Very Good 42 29.0% Acceptable 54 39.1% Excellent 39 26.9% Very Good 40 29.0% Total 145 100.0% Excellent 27 19.6% Total 138 100.0% 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Judge Benton Frequency Percent Unacceptable 8 5.5% Below Expectations 26 17.9% Acceptable 48 33.1% Very Good 33 22.8% Excellent 30 20.7% Total 145 100.0% Judge Benton 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Judge Benton Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 0.7% Below Expectations 9 6.3% Acceptable 48 33.3% Very Good 44 30.6% Excellent 42 29.2% Total 144 100.0% 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Judge Benton Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 1.6% Below Expectations 17 13.5% Acceptable 46 36.5% Very Good 35 27.8% Excellent 26 20.6% Total 126 100.0% 54 Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 1.4% Below Expectations 12 8.6% Acceptable 53 38.1% Very Good 46 33.1% Excellent 26 18.7% Total 139 100.0% RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? Judge Benton Frequency Percent Judge Benton Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 31 20.3% Once 67 43.8% 2 to 5 Attorneys 37 24.2% 2 to 3 times 62 40.5% 6 to 10 Attorneys 8 5.2% 4 to 10 times 17 11.1% 11 to 20 Attorneys 14 9.2% More than 10 times 7 4.6% Total 153 100.0% More than 20 Attorneys 63 41.2% Total 153 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? What best describes your racial background? Judge Benton Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 0 0.0% Judge Benton Frequency Percent 3 to 5 years 10 6.5% Caucasian / White 136 89.5% 6 to 10 years 15 9.8% 5 3.3% 11 to 20 years 41 26.8% African American / Black More than 20 years 87 56.9% Hispanic / Latino / Latina 1 0.7% Total 153 100.0% Asian / Pacific Islander 3 2.0% Native American 1 0.7% Other 6 3.9% Total 152 100.0% Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Judge Benton Frequency Percent Criminal Law 47 30.7% General Civil 72 47.1% Domestic Relations / Family Law 15 9.8% Judge Benton Frequency Percent Government Practice 13 8.5% Male 99 64.7% Other 6 3.9% Female 54 35.3% Total 153 100.0% Total 153 100.0% What is your gender? 55 JUDGEELIZABETHBERNS 82Respondents RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 56 Judge Berns Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 3.99 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 3.90 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 3.87 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 3.97 4.21 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 4.16 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 4.29 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.27 Based rulings on the facts and the law 3.86 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 4.20 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 4.24 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 4.28 4.27 4.31 4.09 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 4.23 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.31 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 4.13 4.27 4.22 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues Judge Berns Frequency Percent Unacceptable 4 5.1% Below Expectations 6 7.7% Acceptable 17 21.8% Very Good 18 23.1% Excellent 33 42.3% Total 78 100.0% 57 Judge Berns Frequency Percent Unacceptable 4 5.6% Below Expectations 6 8.5% Acceptable 13 18.3% Very Good 20 28.2% Excellent 28 39.4% Total 71 100.0% 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Judge Berns Frequency Percent Judge Berns Frequency Percent Unacceptable 5 6.8% Unacceptable 2 2.7% Below Expectations 8 11.0% Below Expectations 6 8.0% Acceptable 10 13.7% Acceptable 13 17.3% Very Good 19 26.0% Very Good 25 33.3% Excellent 31 42.5% Excellent 29 38.7% Total 73 100.0% Total 75 100.0% 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 13. Was prepared for court Judge Berns Frequency Percent Judge Berns Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.4% Unacceptable 3 3.9% Below Expectations 2 2.8% Below Expectations 5 6.6% Acceptable 15 20.8% Acceptable 7 9.2% Very Good 17 23.6% Very Good 20 26.3% Excellent 37 51.4% Excellent 41 53.9% Total 72 100.0% Total 76 100.0% 14. Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Judge Berns Frequency Percent Judge Berns Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 2.5% Unacceptable 2 2.6% Below Expectations 2 2.5% Below Expectations 2 2.6% Acceptable 12 15.2% Acceptable 10 13.0% Very Good 19 24.1% Very Good 21 27.3% Excellent 44 55.7% Excellent 42 54.5% Total 79 100.0% Total 77 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Judge Berns Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.3% Judge Berns Frequency Percent Below Expectations 3 3.8% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Acceptable 11 13.9% Below Expectations 7 9.6% Very Good 23 29.1% Acceptable 7 9.6% Excellent 41 51.9% Very Good 18 24.7% Total 79 100.0% Excellent 41 56.2% Total 73 100.0% 58 20. Acted with patience and self-control 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Judge Berns Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.3% Judge Berns Frequency Percent Below Expectations 2 2.6% Unacceptable 1 1.4% Acceptable 11 14.3% Below Expectations 4 5.7% Very Good 21 27.3% Acceptable 12 17.1% Excellent 42 54.5% Very Good 21 30.0% Total 77 100.0% Excellent 32 45.7% Total 70 100.0% 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Judge Berns Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.3% Judge Berns Frequency Percent Below Expectations 7 9.2% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Acceptable 12 15.8% Below Expectations 3 4.1% Very Good 20 26.3% Acceptable 10 13.5% Excellent 36 47.4% Very Good 25 33.8% Total 76 100.0% Excellent 36 48.6% Total 74 100.0% 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Judge Berns Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.3% Below Expectations 1 Acceptable 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Judge Berns Frequency Percent 1.3% Unacceptable 0 0.0% 9 12.0% Below Expectations 4 5.5% Very Good 27 36.0% Acceptable 11 15.1% Excellent 37 49.3% Very Good 23 31.5% Total 75 100.0% Excellent 35 47.9% Total 73 100.0% 59 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Judge Berns Frequency Percent Judge Berns Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 31 37.8% Once 28 34.1% 2 to 5 Attorneys 20 24.4% 2 to 3 times 25 30.5% 6 to 10 Attorneys 5 6.1% 4 to 10 times 16 19.5% 11 to 20 Attorneys 6 7.3% More than 10 times 13 15.9% Total 82 100.0% More than 20 Attorneys 20 24.4% Total 82 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? What best describes your racial background? Judge Berns Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 1 1.2% Judge Berns Frequency Percent 3 to 5 years 6 7.3% Caucasian / White 68 82.9% 6 to 10 years 13 15.9% 1 1.2% 11 to 20 years 19 23.2% African American / Black More than 20 years 43 52.4% 2 2.4% Total 82 100.0% Hispanic / Latino / Latina Asian / Pacific Islander 6 7.3% Native American 0 0.0% Other 5 6.1% Total 82 100.0% Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Judge Berns Frequency Percent Criminal Law 30 36.6% General Civil 11 13.4% Domestic Relations / Family Law 36 43.9% Frequency Percent Government Practice Judge Berns 3 3.7% Male 39 47.6% Other 2 2.4% Female 43 52.4% Total 82 100.0% Total 82 100.0% What is your gender? 60 JUDGEBILLBOWMAN 113Respondents RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 61 Judge Bowman Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 4.51 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 4.53 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 4.45 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 4.51 4.53 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 4.56 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 4.60 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.65 Based rulings on the facts and the law 4.42 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 4.56 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 4.65 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 4.71 4.66 4.68 4.56 4.49 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.54 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 4.51 4.42 Used the court’s time efficiently 4.48 EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Judge Bowman Frequency Percent Judge Bowman Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 0.9% Unacceptable 2 1.9% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 6 5.4% Acceptable 6 5.6% Very Good 37 33.0% Very Good 39 36.1% Excellent 68 60.7% Excellent 61 56.5% Total 112 100.0% Total 108 100.0% 62 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Judge Bowman Frequency Percent Judge Bowman Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 1.8% Unacceptable 1 0.9% Below Expectations 3 2.7% Below Expectations 1 0.9% Acceptable 5 4.5% Acceptable 8 7.3% Very Good 37 33.3% Very Good 30 27.5% Excellent 64 57.7% Excellent 69 63.3% Total 111 100.0% Total 109 100.0% 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 13. Was prepared for court Judge Bowman Frequency Percent Judge Bowman Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 1 0.9% Below Expectations 1 0.9% Acceptable 8 7.2% Acceptable 9 8.1% Very Good 33 29.7% Very Good 28 25.2% Excellent 69 62.2% Excellent 73 65.8% Total 111 100.0% Total 111 100.0% 14. Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Judge Bowman Frequency Percent Judge Bowman Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 4 3.6% Acceptable 9 8.5% Very Good 25 22.3% Very Good 24 22.6% Excellent 83 74.1% Excellent 73 68.9% Total 112 100.0% Total 106 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Judge Bowman Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Judge Bowman Frequency Percent Below Expectations 1 0.9% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Acceptable 3 2.7% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Very Good 29 26.1% Acceptable 5 4.6% Excellent 78 70.3% Very Good 28 25.7% Total 111 100.0% Excellent 76 69.7% Total 109 100.0% 63 20. Acted with patience and self-control 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Judge Bowman Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Judge Bowman Frequency Percent Below Expectations 0 0.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Acceptable 4 3.6% Below Expectations 2 1.9% Very Good 27 24.5% Acceptable 7 6.6% Excellent 79 71.8% Very Good 41 38.7% Total 110 100.0% Excellent 56 52.8% Total 106 100.0% 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Judge Bowman Frequency Percent Judge Bowman Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 0.9% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 1 0.9% Below Expectations 2 1.9% Acceptable 4 3.6% Acceptable 7 6.6% Very Good 34 30.4% Very Good 35 33.0% Excellent 72 64.3% Excellent 62 58.5% Total 112 100.0% Total 106 100.0% 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Judge Bowman Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 1 0.9% Acceptable 9 8.3% Very Good 29 26.6% Excellent 70 64.2% Total 109 100.0% 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Judge Bowman Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 1 1.1% Acceptable 6 6.3% Very Good 32 33.7% Excellent 56 58.9% Total 95 100.0% 64 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? Judge Bowman Frequency Percent Judge Bowman Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 28 24.8% Once 30 26.5% 2 to 5 Attorneys 21 18.6% 2 to 3 times 30 26.5% 6 to 10 Attorneys 6 5.3% 4 to 10 times 24 21.2% 11 to 20 Attorneys 7 6.2% More than 10 times 29 25.7% Total 113 100.0% More than 20 Attorneys 51 45.1% Total 113 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? What best describes your racial background? Judge Bowman Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 1 0.9% Judge Bowman Frequency Percent 3 to 5 years 8 7.1% Caucasian / White 94 83.9% 6 to 10 years 20 17.7% 3 2.7% 11 to 20 years 34 30.1% African American / Black More than 20 years 50 44.2% Hispanic / Latino / Latina 2 1.8% Total 113 100.0% Asian / Pacific Islander 10 8.9% Native American 1 0.9% Other 2 1.8% Total 112 100.0% Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Judge Bowman Frequency Percent Criminal Law 62 54.9% General Civil 31 27.4% Domestic Relations / Family Law 7 6.2% Judge Bowman Frequency Percent Government Practice 6 5.3% Male 63 55.8% Other 7 6.2% Female 50 44.2% 113 100.0% 113 100.0 % Total Total What is your gender? 65 JUDGETIMOTHYBRADSHAW 131Respondents RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 66 Judge Bradshaw Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 3.85 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 3.76 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 3.79 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 3.86 3.98 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 4.05 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 4.15 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.27 Based rulings on the facts and the law 3.76 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 4.02 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 4.15 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 4.24 4.21 4.20 3.97 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 3.99 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.20 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 3.84 3.85 4.05 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Judge Bradshaw Frequency Percent Judge Bradshaw Frequency Percent Unacceptable 5 4.0% Unacceptable 6 5.0% Below Expectations 11 8.7% Below Expectations 8 6.6% Acceptable 27 21.4% Acceptable 29 24.0% Very Good 49 38.9% Very Good 41 33.9% Excellent 34 27.0% Excellent 37 30.6% Total 126 100.0% Total 121 100.0% 67 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Judge Bradshaw Frequency Percent Judge Bradshaw Frequency Percent Unacceptable 7 5.7% Unacceptable 5 4.0% Below Expectations 13 10.6% Below Expectations 9 7.2% Acceptable 21 17.1% Acceptable 23 18.4% Very Good 44 35.8% Very Good 49 39.2% Excellent 38 30.9% Excellent 39 31.2% Total 123 100.0% Total 125 100.0% 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 13. Was prepared for court Judge Bradshaw Frequency Percent Judge Bradshaw Frequency Percent 4 3.1% Unacceptable 2 1.6% Unacceptable Below Expectations 6 4.9% Below Expectations 6 4.7% Acceptable 27 22.0% Acceptable 25 19.7% Very Good 46 37.4% Very Good 40 31.5% Excellent 42 34.1% Excellent 52 40.9% Total 123 100.0% Total 127 100.0% 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect 14. Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety Judge Bradshaw Frequency Percent Judge Bradshaw Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 3 2.6% Below Expectations 4 3.2% Below Expectations 6 5.2% Acceptable 21 16.8% Acceptable 15 12.9% Very Good 41 32.8% Very Good 39 33.6% Excellent 59 47.2% Excellent 53 45.7% Total 125 100.0% Total 116 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Judge Bradshaw Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 0.9% Below Expectations 2 1.8% Acceptable 19 16.8% Very Good 34 30.1% Excellent 57 50.4% Total 113 100.0% 68 Judge Bradshaw Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 1.6% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 25 20.0% Very Good 41 32.8% Excellent 57 45.6% Total 125 100.0% 20. Acted with patience and self-control 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Judge Bradshaw Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 1.6% Judge Bradshaw Frequency Percent Below Expectations 2 1.6% Unacceptable 3 2.4% Acceptable 25 19.7% Below Expectations 9 7.3% Very Good 38 29.9% Acceptable 27 22.0% Excellent 60 47.2% Very Good 48 39.0% Total 127 100.0% Excellent 36 29.3% Total 123 100.0% 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Judge Bradshaw Frequency Percent Judge Bradshaw Frequency Percent Unacceptable 3 2.4% Unacceptable 1 0.9% Below Expectations 8 6.4% Below Expectations 1 0.9% Acceptable 23 18.4% Acceptable 26 22.2% Very Good 47 37.6% Very Good 52 44.4% Excellent 44 35.2% Excellent 37 31.6% Total 125 100.0% Total 117 100.0% 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Judge Bradshaw Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 2 1.6% Acceptable 24 19.5% Very Good 44 35.8% Excellent 53 43.1% Total 123 100.0% 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Judge Bradshaw Frequency Percent Unacceptable 3 2.6% Below Expectations 5 4.3% Acceptable 30 25.6% Very Good 49 41.9% Excellent 30 25.6% Total 117 100.0% 69 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? Judge Bradshaw Frequency Percent Once 64 48.9% 2 to 3 times 47 35.9% 4 to 10 times 16 12.2% More than 10 times 4 3.1% Total 131 100.0% How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Judge Bradshaw Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 40 30.5% 2 to 5 Attorneys 25 19.1% 6 to 10 Attorneys 15 11.5% 11 to 20 Attorneys 13 9.9% More than 20 Attorneys 38 29.0% Total 131 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? What best describes your racial background? Judge Bradshaw Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 0 0.0% Judge Bradshaw Frequency Percent 3 to 5 years 12 9.2% Caucasian / White 114 87.0% 6 to 10 years 17 13.0% 7 5.3% 11 to 20 years 33 25.2% African American / Black More than 20 years 69 52.7% 0 0.0% Total 131 100.0% Hispanic / Latino / Latina Asian / Pacific Islander 7 5.3% Native American 0 0.0% Other 3 2.3% Total 131 100.0% Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Judge Bradshaw Frequency Percent Criminal Law 28 21.4% General Civil 53 40.5% Domestic Relations / Family Law 36 27.5% Frequency Percent Government Practice Judge Bradshaw 4 3.1% Male 73 56.2% Other 10 7.6% Female 57 43.8% Total 131 100.0% Total 130 100.0% What is your gender? 70 JUDGEREGINACAHAN 48Respondents 3.99 4.05 Legal Decision Making 3.97 4.23 Integrity and Impartiality Demeanor, Temperament, and Communication 3.89 Judge Average 4.29 4.15 4.23 Administrative Skills 0 1 2 3 4 RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 Judge Court Average 71 5 Judge Cahan Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 4.05 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 4.00 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 4.11 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 3.96 4.14 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 4.23 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 4.43 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.43 Based rulings on the facts and the law 3.80 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 4.25 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 4.29 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 4.43 4.26 4.34 4.13 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 4.23 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.23 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 4.16 4.28 4.23 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Judge Cahan Frequency Percent Judge Cahan Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 2.1% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 3 6.4% Below Expectations 2 4.5% Acceptable 8 17.0% Acceptable 7 15.9% Very Good 18 38.3% Very Good 19 43.2% Excellent 17 36.2% Excellent 16 36.4% Total 47 100.0% Total 44 100.0% 72 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Judge Cahan Frequency Percent Judge Cahan Frequency Percent Unacceptable 3 6.5% Unacceptable 1 2.2% Below Expectations 5 10.9% Below Expectations 5 10.9% Acceptable 7 15.2% Acceptable 5 10.9% Very Good 14 30.4% Very Good 19 41.3% Excellent 17 37.0% Excellent 16 34.8% Total 46 100.0% Total 46 100.0% 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 13. Was prepared for court Judge Cahan Frequency Percent Judge Cahan Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 2.3% Unacceptable 3 6.5% Below Expectations 2 4.5% Below Expectations 5 10.9% Acceptable 5 11.4% Acceptable 7 15.2% Very Good 18 40.9% Very Good 14 30.4% Excellent 18 40.9% Excellent 17 37.0% Total 44 100.0% Total 46 100.0% 14. Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Judge Cahan Frequency Percent Judge Cahan Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 5 10.6% Acceptable 5 11.9% Very Good 17 36.2% Very Good 14 33.3% Excellent 25 53.2% Excellent 23 54.8% Total 47 100.0% Total 42 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Judge Cahan Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Judge Cahan Frequency Percent Below Expectations 2 4.3% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Acceptable 5 10.9% Below Expectations 1 2.4% Very Good 18 39.1% Acceptable 4 9.5% Excellent 21 45.7% Very Good 13 31.0% Total 46 100.0% Excellent 24 57.1% Total 42 100.0% 73 20. Acted with patience and self-control 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Judge Cahan Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Judge Cahan Frequency Percent Below Expectations 0 0.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Acceptable 7 14.9% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Very Good 17 36.2% Acceptable 8 17.4% Excellent 23 48.9% Very Good 17 37.0% Total 47 100.0% Excellent 21 45.7% Total 46 100.0% 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Judge Cahan Frequency Percent Judge Cahan Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 2 4.3% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 7 14.9% Acceptable 9 20.9% Very Good 21 44.7% Very Good 15 34.9% Excellent 17 36.2% Excellent 19 44.2% Total 47 100.0% Total 43 100.0% 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Judge Cahan Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 7 16.3% Very Good 19 44.2% Excellent 17 39.5% Total 43 100.0% 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Judge Cahan Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 1 2.7% Acceptable 8 21.6% Very Good 12 32.4% Excellent 16 43.2% Total 37 100.0% 74 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Judge Cahan Frequency Percent Judge Cahan Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 13 27.1% Once 24 50.0% 2 to 5 Attorneys 10 20.8% 2 to 3 times 17 35.4% 6 to 10 Attorneys 7 14.6% 4 to 10 times 5 10.4% 11 to 20 Attorneys 7 14.6% More than 10 times 2 4.2% Total 48 100.0% More than 20 Attorneys 11 22.9% Total 48 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? What best describes your racial background? Judge Cahan Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 0 0.0% Judge Cahan Frequency Percent 3 to 5 years 5 10.4% 42 87.5% 6 to 10 years 7 14.6% Caucasian / White 11 to 20 years 9 18.8% 1 2.1% More than 20 years 27 56.3% African American / Black Total 48 100.0% Hispanic / Latino / Latina 2 4.2% Asian / Pacific Islander 1 2.1% Native American 0 0.0% Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Judge Cahan Frequency Percent Other 2 4.2% Criminal Law 7 14.6% Total 48 100.0% General Civil 10 20.8% Domestic Relations / Family Law 24 50.0% Government Practice 3 Other Total What is your gender? Judge Cahan Frequency Percent 6.3% Male 15 31.3% 4 8.3% Female 33 68.8% 48 100.0% Total 48 100.0% 75 JUDGECHERYLCAREY 72Respondents 3.99 4.28 Legal Decision Making 3.97 Integrity and Impartiality 3.89 Demeanor, Temperament, and Communication 4.52 Judge Court Average Judge Average 4.15 4.42 Administrative Skills 0 1 2 3 RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 4.37 76 4 5 Judge Carey Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 4.28 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 4.19 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 4.23 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 4.34 4.37 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 4.37 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 4.37 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.49 Based rulings on the facts and the law 4.26 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 4.34 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 4.52 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 4.54 4.59 4.49 4.44 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 4.42 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.46 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 4.38 4.43 4.40 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Judge Carey Frequency Percent Judge Carey Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Below Expectations 1 1.5% Acceptable 19 28.4% Acceptable 12 18.5% Very Good 16 23.9% Very Good 23 35.4% Excellent 32 47.8% Excellent 29 44.6% Total 67 100.0% Total 65 100.0% 77 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Judge Carey Frequency Percent Judge Carey Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 1 1.5% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 15 22.7% Acceptable 11 16.2% Very Good 16 24.2% Very Good 23 33.8% Excellent 34 51.5% Excellent 34 50.0% Total 66 100.0% Total 68 100.0% 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 13. Was prepared for court Judge Carey Frequency Percent Judge Carey Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Below Expectations 4 5.7% Acceptable 12 18.5% Acceptable 7 10.0% Very Good 17 26.2% Very Good 20 28.6% Excellent 36 55.4% Excellent 39 55.7% Total 65 100.0% Total 70 100.0% 14. Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Judge Carey Frequency Percent Judge Carey Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 1 1.4% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 7 9.9% Acceptable 11 16.4% Very Good 16 22.5% Very Good 20 29.9% Excellent 47 66.2% Excellent 36 53.7% Total 71 100.0% Total 67 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Judge Carey Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Judge Carey Frequency Percent Below Expectations 0 0.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Acceptable 6 8.5% Below Expectations 2 3.0% Very Good 17 23.9% Acceptable 6 9.0% Excellent 48 67.6% Very Good 16 23.9% Total 71 100.0% Excellent 43 64.2% Total 67 100.0% 78 20. Acted with patience and self-control 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Judge Carey Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Judge Carey Frequency Percent Below Expectations 0 0.0% Unacceptable 1 1.6% Acceptable 10 14.5% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Very Good 15 21.7% Acceptable 8 13.1% Excellent 44 63.8% Very Good 18 29.5% Total 69 100.0% Excellent 34 55.7% Total 61 100.0% 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Judge Carey Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Judge Carey Frequency Percent Below Expectations 0 0.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Acceptable 10 14.3% Below Expectations 1 1.6% Very Good 19 27.1% Acceptable 7 11.1% Excellent 41 58.6% Very Good 19 30.2% Total 70 100.0% Excellent 36 57.1% Total 63 100.0% 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Judge Carey Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 1 Acceptable 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Judge Carey Frequency Percent 1.4% Unacceptable 0 0.0% 8 11.4% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Very Good 19 27.1% Acceptable 10 14.9% Excellent 42 60.0% Very Good 20 29.9% Total 70 100.0% Excellent 37 55.2% Total 67 100.0% 79 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Judge Carey Frequency Percent Judge Carey Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 23 31.9% Once 15 20.8% 2 to 5 Attorneys 11 15.3% 2 to 3 times 13 18.1% 6 to 10 Attorneys 2 2.8% 4 to 10 times 18 25.0% 11 to 20 Attorneys 1 1.4% More than 10 times 26 36.1% Total 72 100.0% More than 20 Attorneys 35 48.6% Total 72 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? What best describes your racial background? Judge Carey Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 1 1.4% Judge Carey Frequency Percent 3 to 5 years 6 8.3% Caucasian / White 56 77.8% 6 to 10 years 15 20.8% 5 6.9% 11 to 20 years 20 27.8% African American / Black More than 20 years 30 41.7% 4 5.6% Total 72 100.0% Hispanic / Latino / Latina Asian / Pacific Islander 4 5.6% Native American 0 0.0% Other 3 4.2% Total 72 100.0% Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Judge Carey Frequency Percent Criminal Law 54 75.0% General Civil 9 12.5% Domestic Relations / Family Law 4 5.6% Frequency Percent Government Practice Judge Carey 1 1.4% Male 40 55.6% Other 4 5.6% Female 32 44.4% Total 72 100.0% Total 72 100.0% What is your gender? 80 JUDGEJAMESCAYCE 79Respondents Legal Decision Making 3.99 3.87 Integrity and Impartiality 3.97 3.91 Demeanor, Temperament, and Communication 3.89 3.96 Judge Average 4.15 4.08 Administrative Skills 0 1 2 3 4 RATINGSCALE Judge Court Average Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 81 5 Judge Cayce Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 3.87 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 3.90 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 3.92 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 3.83 3.82 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 3.91 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 4.00 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.14 Based rulings on the facts and the law 3.69 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 3.79 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 3.96 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 3.99 3.99 3.90 3.95 4.08 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.16 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 3.95 4.07 Used the court’s time efficiently 4.15 EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Judge Cayce Frequency Percent Judge Cayce Frequency Percent Unacceptable 4 5.1% Unacceptable 5 6.6% Below Expectations 8 10.3% Below Expectations 6 7.9% Acceptable 13 16.7% Acceptable 13 17.1% Very Good 20 25.6% Very Good 18 23.7% Excellent 33 42.3% Excellent 34 44.7% Total 78 100.0% Total 76 100.0% 82 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Judge Cayce Frequency Percent Judge Cayce Frequency Percent Unacceptable 9 11.5% Unacceptable 4 5.1% Below Expectations 8 10.3% Below Expectations 7 9.0% Acceptable 11 14.1% Acceptable 18 23.1% Very Good 20 25.6% Very Good 18 23.1% Excellent 30 38.5% Excellent 31 39.7% Total 78 100.0% Total 78 100.0% 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 13. Was prepared for court Judge Cayce Frequency Percent Judge Cayce Frequency Percent Unacceptable 7 9.1% Unacceptable 5 6.4% Below Expectations 3 3.9% Below Expectations 9 11.5% Acceptable 16 20.8% Acceptable 14 17.9% Very Good 22 28.6% Very Good 19 24.4% Excellent 29 37.7% Excellent 31 39.7% Total 77 100.0% Total 78 100.0% 14. Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Judge Cayce Frequency Percent Judge Cayce Frequency Percent Unacceptable 4 5.1% Unacceptable 3 4.0% Below Expectations 6 7.7% Below Expectations 5 6.7% Acceptable 14 17.9% Acceptable 16 21.3% Very Good 17 21.8% Very Good 16 21.3% Excellent 37 47.4% Excellent 35 46.7% Total 78 100.0% Total 75 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Judge Cayce Frequency Percent Unacceptable 3 3.9% Judge Cayce Frequency Percent Below Expectations 4 5.2% Unacceptable 5 7.1% Acceptable 17 22.1% Below Expectations 1 1.4% Very Good 20 26.0% Acceptable 9 12.9% Excellent 33 42.9% Very Good 19 27.1% Total 77 100.0% Excellent 36 51.4% Total 70 100.0% 83 20. Acted with patience and self-control 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Judge Cayce Frequency Percent Unacceptable 5 6.4% Judge Cayce Frequency Percent Below Expectations 4 5.1% Unacceptable 3 4.5% Acceptable 18 23.1% Below Expectations 3 4.5% Very Good 18 23.1% Acceptable 16 24.2% Excellent 33 42.3% Very Good 16 24.2% Total 78 100.0% Excellent 28 42.4% Total 66 100.0% 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Judge Cayce Frequency Percent Unacceptable 3 3.8% Judge Cayce Frequency Percent Below Expectations 8 10.3% Unacceptable 2 2.6% Acceptable 13 16.7% Below Expectations 2 2.6% Very Good 20 25.6% Acceptable 19 25.0% Excellent 34 43.6% Very Good 19 25.0% Total 78 100.0% Excellent 34 44.7% Total 76 100.0% 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Judge Cayce Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 2.6% Below Expectations 2 Acceptable 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Judge Cayce Frequency Percent 2.6% Unacceptable 1 1.4% 16 20.8% Below Expectations 2 2.7% Very Good 19 24.7% Acceptable 18 24.3% Excellent 38 49.4% Very Good 17 23.0% Total 77 100.0% Excellent 36 48.6% Total 74 100.0% 84 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? Judge Cayce Frequency Percent Once 31 39.2% 2 to 3 times 17 21.5% 4 to 10 times 11 13.9% More than 10 times 20 25.3% Total 79 100.0% How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Judge Cayce Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 22 27.8% 2 to 5 Attorneys 14 17.7% 6 to 10 Attorneys 5 6.3% 11 to 20 Attorneys 4 5.1% More than 20 Attorneys 34 43.0% Total 79 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? Judge Cayce Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 0 0.0% 3 to 5 years 5 6.3% 6 to 10 years 11 13.9% 11 to 20 years 29 36.7% More than 20 years 34 43.0% Total 79 100.0% What best describes your racial background? Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Judge Cayce Frequency Percent Criminal Law 38 48.1% General Civil 29 36.7% Domestic Relations / Family Law 3 3.8% Government Practice 4 5.1% Other 5 6.3% Total 79 100.0% Judge Cayce Frequency Percent Caucasian / White 63 79.7% African American / Black 6 7.6% Hispanic / Latino / Latina 3 3.8% Asian / Pacific Islander 4 5.1% Native American 2 2.5% Other 1 1.3% Total 79 100.0% What is your gender? 85 Judge Cayce Frequency Percent Male 45 57.0% Female 34 43.0% Total 79 100.0% JUDGEJOHNCHUN 61Respondents 3.99 3.99 Legal Decision Making 3.97 4.22 Integrity and Impartiality Demeanor, Temperament, and Communication 3.89 Judge Average 4.32 4.15 4.12 Administrative Skills 0 1 2 3 4 RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 Judge Court Average 86 5 Judge Chun Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 3.99 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 3.93 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 3.93 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 3.92 4.19 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 4.22 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 4.33 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.41 Based rulings on the facts and the law 3.93 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 4.20 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 4.32 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 4.39 4.37 4.34 4.18 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 4.12 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.23 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 4.04 4.11 4.11 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Judge Chun Frequency Percent Judge Chun Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.8% Unacceptable 1 1.8% Below Expectations 3 5.3% Below Expectations 2 3.6% Acceptable 15 26.3% Acceptable 16 29.1% Very Good 18 31.6% Very Good 17 30.9% Excellent 20 35.1% Excellent 19 34.5% Total 57 100.0% Total 55 100.0% 87 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Judge Chun Frequency Percent Judge Chun Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.7% Unacceptable 1 1.7% Below Expectations 4 6.9% Below Expectations 3 5.1% Acceptable 14 24.1% Acceptable 15 25.4% Very Good 18 31.0% Very Good 21 35.6% Excellent 21 36.2% Excellent 19 32.2% Total 58 100.0% Total 59 100.0% 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 13. Was prepared for court Judge Chun Frequency Percent Judge Chun Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 2 3.3% Below Expectations 2 3.4% Below Expectations 1 1.6% Acceptable 13 22.0% Acceptable 9 14.8% Very Good 16 27.1% Very Good 20 32.8% Excellent 28 47.5% Excellent 29 47.5% Total 59 100.0% Total 61 100.0% 14. Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Judge Chun Frequency Percent Judge Chun Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 1 1.7% Below Expectations 1 1.6% Below Expectations 1 1.7% Acceptable 8 13.1% Acceptable 7 12.1% Very Good 18 29.5% Very Good 18 31.0% Excellent 34 55.7% Excellent 31 53.4% Total 61 100.0% Total 58 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Judge Chun Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Judge Chun Frequency Percent Below Expectations 0 0.0% Unacceptable 1 1.9% Acceptable 8 13.3% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Very Good 22 36.7% Acceptable 6 11.1% Excellent 30 50.0% Very Good 16 29.6% Total 60 100.0% Excellent 31 57.4% Total 54 100.0% 88 20. Acted with patience and self-control 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Judge Chun Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Judge Chun Frequency Percent Below Expectations 0 0.0% Unacceptable 2 4.3% Acceptable 9 15.3% Below Expectations 1 2.1% Very Good 21 35.6% Acceptable 9 19.1% Excellent 29 49.2% Very Good 16 34.0% Total 59 100.0% Excellent 19 40.4% Total 47 100.0% 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Judge Chun Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Judge Chun Frequency Percent Below Expectations 1 1.6% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Acceptable 12 19.7% Below Expectations 1 1.9% Very Good 23 37.7% Acceptable 12 22.6% Excellent 25 41.0% Very Good 20 37.7% Total 61 100.0% Excellent 20 37.7% Total 53 100.0% 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Judge Chun Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 0 Acceptable 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Judge Chun Frequency Percent 0.0% Unacceptable 1 1.8% 13 22.8% Below Expectations 1 1.8% Very Good 18 31.6% Acceptable 11 20.0% Excellent 26 45.6% Very Good 20 36.4% Total 57 100.0% Excellent 22 40.0% Total 55 100.0% 89 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? Judge Chun Frequency Percent Once 31 50.8% 2 to 3 times 17 27.9% 4 to 10 times 12 19.7% More than 10 times 1 1.6% Total 61 100.0% How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Judge Chun Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 10 16.4% 2 to 5 Attorneys 10 16.4% 6 to 10 Attorneys 5 8.2% 11 to 20 Attorneys 3 4.9% More than 20 Attorneys 33 54.1% Total 61 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? What best describes your racial background? Judge Chun Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 0 0.0% Judge Chun Frequency Percent 3 to 5 years 9 14.8% 51 83.6% 6 to 10 years 10 16.4% Caucasian / White 11 to 20 years 17 27.9% 3 4.9% More than 20 years 25 41.0% African American / Black Total 61 100.0% Hispanic / Latino / Latina 1 1.6% Asian / Pacific Islander 4 6.6% Native American 1 1.6% Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Judge Chun Frequency Percent Other 1 1.6% Criminal Law 25 41.7% Total 61 100.0% General Civil 25 41.7% Domestic Relations / Family Law 5 8.3% Government Practice 2 3.3% Other 3 5.0% Total 60 100.0% What is your gender? 90 Judge Chun Frequency Percent Male 34 55.7% Female 27 44.3% Total 61 100.0% JUDGESAMUELCHUNG 28Respondents Legal Decision Making 3.97 3.78 Integrity and Impartiality Demeanor, Temperament, and Communication 3.89 Judge Court Average Judge Average 4.20 4.15 3.76 Administrative Skills 0 1 2 3 4 RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 3.99 3.39 91 5 Judge Chung Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 3.39 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 3.32 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 3.48 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 3.27 3.50 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 3.78 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 3.88 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.20 Based rulings on the facts and the law 2.96 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 4.07 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 4.20 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 4.39 4.25 4.33 3.82 3.76 Maintained control in the courtroom 3.93 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 3.58 3.82 Used the court’s time efficiently 3.73 EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Judge Chung Frequency Percent Judge Chung Frequency Percent Unacceptable 3 12.0% Unacceptable 2 8.7% Below Expectations 3 12.0% Below Expectations 2 8.7% Acceptable 8 32.0% Acceptable 8 34.8% Very Good 5 20.0% Very Good 5 21.7% Excellent 6 24.0% Excellent 6 26.1% Total 25 100.0% Total 23 100.0% 92 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Judge Chung Frequency Percent Judge Chung Frequency Percent Unacceptable 5 19.2% Unacceptable 2 7.7% Below Expectations 3 11.5% Below Expectations 4 15.4% Acceptable 10 38.5% Acceptable 10 38.5% Very Good 4 15.4% Very Good 5 19.2% Excellent 4 15.4% Excellent 5 19.2% Total 26 100.0% Total 26 100.0% 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 13. Was prepared for court Judge Chung Frequency Percent Judge Chung Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 7.1% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 2 7.1% Below Expectations 2 7.4% Acceptable 10 35.7% Acceptable 7 25.9% Very Good 8 28.6% Very Good 5 18.5% Excellent 6 21.4% Excellent 13 48.1% Total 28 100.0% Total 27 100.0% 14. Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Judge Chung Frequency Percent Judge Chung Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Below Expectations 1 4.0% Acceptable 4 14.3% Acceptable 9 36.0% Very Good 9 32.1% Very Good 7 28.0% Excellent 15 53.6% Excellent 8 32.0% Total 28 100.0% Total 25 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Judge Chung Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Judge Chung Frequency Percent Below Expectations 1 3.6% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Acceptable 4 14.3% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Very Good 10 35.7% Acceptable 7 28.0% Excellent 13 46.4% Very Good 6 24.0% Total 28 100.0% Excellent 12 48.0% Total 25 100.0% 93 20. Acted with patience and self-control 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Judge Chung Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Judge Chung Frequency Percent Below Expectations 0 0.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Acceptable 4 14.8% Below Expectations 2 10.5% Very Good 10 37.0% Acceptable 7 36.8% Excellent 13 48.1% Very Good 7 36.8% Total 27 100.0% Excellent 3 15.8% Total 19 100.0% 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Judge Chung Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Judge Chung Frequency Percent Below Expectations 4 14.3% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Acceptable 6 21.4% Below Expectations 2 7.1% Very Good 9 32.1% Acceptable 9 32.1% Excellent 9 32.1% Very Good 9 32.1% Total 28 100.0% Excellent 8 28.6% Total 28 100.0% 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Judge Chung Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 3 Acceptable 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Judge Chung Frequency Percent 10.7% Unacceptable 0 0.0% 6 21.4% Below Expectations 3 11.5% Very Good 9 32.1% Acceptable 8 30.8% Excellent 10 35.7% Very Good 8 30.8% Total 28 100.0% Excellent 7 26.9% Total 26 100.0% 94 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? Judge Chung Frequency Percent Once 15 53.6% 2 to 3 times 10 35.7% 4 to 10 times 0 0.0% More than 10 times 3 10.7% Total 28 100.0% Judge Chung Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 7 25.0% 2 to 5 Attorneys 12 42.9% 6 to 10 Attorneys 4 14.3% 11 to 20 Attorneys 2 7.1% More than 20 Attorneys 3 10.7% Total 28 100.0% What best describes your racial background? How long have you been a practicing attorney? Judge Chung Frequency Percent Caucasian / White 21 80.8% African American / Black 0 0.0% Hispanic / Latino / Latina 0 0.0% Judge Chung Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 0 0.0% 3 to 5 years 2 7.1% 6 to 10 years 5 17.9% 11 to 20 years 9 32.1% More than 20 years 12 42.9% Asian / Pacific Islander 2 7.7% Total 28 100.0% Native American 0 0.0% Other 3 11.5% Total 26 100.0% Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Judge Chung Frequency Percent Criminal Law 7 25.0% General Civil 12 42.9% Judge Chung Frequency Percent Domestic Relations / Family Law 4 14.3% Male 18 66.7% Government Practice Female 9 33.3% 2 7.1% Total 27 100.0% Other 3 10.7% Total 28 100.0% What is your gender? 95 JUDGESUSANCRAIGHEAD 109Respondents 3.99 3.97 Legal Decision Making 3.97 4.03 Integrity and Impartiality Demeanor, Temperament, and Communication 3.89 Judge Average 4.19 4.15 4.08 Administrative Skills 0 1 2 3 4 RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 Judge Court Average 96 5 Judge Craighead Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 3.97 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 3.96 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 3.99 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 3.92 4.00 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 4.03 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 4.08 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.19 Based rulings on the facts and the law 3.86 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 3.98 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 4.19 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 4.33 4.23 4.15 4.06 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 4.08 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.16 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 4.01 4.10 4.05 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Judge Craighead Frequency Percent Judge Craighead Frequency Percent Unacceptable 3 2.8% Unacceptable 3 2.9% Below Expectations 11 10.2% Below Expectations 9 8.6% Acceptable 17 15.7% Acceptable 18 17.1% Very Good 33 30.6% Very Good 31 29.5% Excellent 44 40.7% Excellent 44 41.9% Total 108 100.0% Total 105 100.0% 97 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Judge Craighead Frequency Percent Judge Craighead Frequency Percent Unacceptable 5 4.9% Unacceptable 3 2.8% Below Expectations 14 13.6% Below Expectations 9 8.5% Acceptable 15 14.6% Acceptable 22 20.8% Very Good 25 24.3% Very Good 31 29.2% Excellent 44 42.7% Excellent 41 38.7% Total 103 100.0% Total 106 100.0% 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 13. Was prepared for court Judge Craighead Frequency Percent Judge Craighead Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 1.9% Unacceptable 6 5.6% Below Expectations 4 3.8% Below Expectations 6 5.6% Acceptable 23 21.9% Acceptable 19 17.6% Very Good 39 37.1% Very Good 30 27.8% Excellent 37 35.2% Excellent 47 43.5% Total 105 100.0% Total 108 100.0% 14. Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Judge Craighead Frequency Percent Judge Craighead Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 0.9% Unacceptable 4 4.0% Below Expectations 2 1.9% Below Expectations 6 5.9% Acceptable 14 13.0% Acceptable 13 12.9% Very Good 34 31.5% Very Good 33 32.7% Excellent 57 52.8% Excellent 45 44.6% Total 108 100.0% Total 101 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Judge Craighead Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.0% Judge Craighead Frequency Percent Below Expectations 5 4.8% Unacceptable 3 3.0% Acceptable 16 15.4% Below Expectations 3 3.0% Very Good 29 27.9% Acceptable 17 17.2% Excellent 53 51.0% Very Good 25 25.3% Total 104 100.0% Excellent 51 51.5% Total 99 100.0% 98 20. Acted with patience and self-control 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Judge Craighead Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Judge Craighead Frequency Percent Below Expectations 5 5.0% Unacceptable 3 3.4% Acceptable 18 17.8% Below Expectations 4 4.6% Very Good 35 34.7% Acceptable 14 16.1% Excellent 43 42.6% Very Good 34 39.1% Total 101 100.0% Excellent 32 36.8% Total 87 100.0% 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Judge Craighead Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 1.9% Judge Craighead Frequency Percent Below Expectations 3 2.9% Unacceptable 1 1.0% Acceptable 22 21.0% Below Expectations 3 3.0% Very Good 38 36.2% Acceptable 18 17.8% Excellent 40 38.1% Very Good 42 41.6% Total 105 100.0% Excellent 37 36.6% Total 101 100.0% 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Judge Craighead Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 1.9% Below Expectations 2 Acceptable 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Judge Craighead Frequency Percent 1.9% Unacceptable 1 1.1% 17 16.2% Below Expectations 3 3.2% Very Good 40 38.1% Acceptable 19 20.2% Excellent 44 41.9% Very Good 38 40.4% Total 105 100.0% Excellent 33 35.1% Total 94 100.0% 99 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? Judge Craighead Frequency Percent Once 40 36.7% 2 to 3 times 50 45.9% 4 to 10 times 17 15.6% More than 10 times 2 1.8% Total 109 100.0% How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Judge Craighead Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 28 25.9% 2 to 5 Attorneys 22 20.4% 6 to 10 Attorneys 12 11.1% 11 to 20 Attorneys 14 13.0% More than 20 Attorneys 32 29.6% Total 108 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? What best describes your racial background? Judge Craighead Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 0 0.0% Judge Craighead Frequency Percent 3 to 5 years 5 4.6% Caucasian / White 99 90.8% 6 to 10 years 13 11.9% 4 3.7% 11 to 20 years 25 22.9% African American / Black More than 20 years 66 60.6% 0 0.0% Total 109 100.0% Hispanic / Latino / Latina Asian / Pacific Islander 4 3.7% Native American 0 0.0% Other 2 1.8% Total 109 100.0% Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Judge Craighead Frequency Percent Criminal Law 27 24.8% General Civil 58 53.2% Domestic Relations / Family Law 11 10.1% Frequency Percent Government Practice Judge Craighead 5 4.6% Male 68 62.4% Other 8 7.3% Female 41 37.6% Total 109 100.0% Total 109 100.0% What is your gender? 100 JUDGEANDREADARVAS 109Respondents 3.99 4.21 Legal Decision Making 3.97 Integrity and Impartiality Demeanor, Temperament, and Communication 3.89 Judge Court Average 4.45 Judge Average 4.15 4.35 Administrative Skills 0 1 2 3 4 RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 4.30 101 5 Judge Darvas Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 4.21 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 4.16 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 4.16 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 4.19 4.34 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 4.30 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 4.34 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.49 Based rulings on the facts and the law 4.08 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 4.29 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 4.45 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 4.59 4.49 4.43 4.30 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 4.35 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.39 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 4.31 4.37 4.32 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Judge Darvas Frequency Percent Judge Darvas Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 1.9% Unacceptable 2 1.9% Below Expectations 6 5.6% Below Expectations 5 4.8% Acceptable 17 15.9% Acceptable 17 16.3% Very Good 30 28.0% Very Good 30 28.8% Excellent 52 48.6% Excellent 50 48.1% Total 107 100.0% Total 104 100.0% 102 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Judge Darvas Frequency Percent Judge Darvas Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 1.9% Unacceptable 3 2.8% Below Expectations 8 7.5% Below Expectations 3 2.8% Acceptable 19 17.9% Acceptable 16 15.0% Very Good 27 25.5% Very Good 34 31.8% Excellent 50 47.2% Excellent 51 47.7% Total 106 100.0% Total 107 100.0% 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 13. Was prepared for court Judge Darvas Frequency Percent Judge Darvas Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.0% Unacceptable 1 0.9% Below Expectations 6 5.7% Below Expectations 7 6.6% Acceptable 9 8.6% Acceptable 13 12.3% Very Good 29 27.6% Very Good 24 22.6% Excellent 60 57.1% Excellent 61 57.5% Total 105 100.0% Total 106 100.0% 14. Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Judge Darvas Frequency Percent Judge Darvas Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 2 1.9% Below Expectations 3 2.9% Below Expectations 6 5.8% Acceptable 6 5.7% Acceptable 10 9.6% Very Good 22 21.0% Very Good 23 22.1% Excellent 74 70.5% Excellent 63 60.6% Total 105 100.0% Total 104 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Judge Darvas Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Judge Darvas Frequency Percent Below Expectations 3 2.8% Unacceptable 2 1.9% Acceptable 9 8.4% Below Expectations 3 2.9% Very Good 28 26.2% Acceptable 7 6.7% Excellent 67 62.6% Very Good 22 21.2% Total 107 100.0% Excellent 70 67.3% Total 104 100.0% 103 20. Acted with patience and self-control 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Judge Darvas Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Judge Darvas Frequency Percent Below Expectations 3 2.8% Unacceptable 1 1.0% Acceptable 14 13.2% Below Expectations 4 4.0% Very Good 23 21.7% Acceptable 10 10.0% Excellent 66 62.3% Very Good 33 33.0% Total 106 100.0% Excellent 52 52.0% Total 100 100.0% 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Judge Darvas Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 0.9% Judge Darvas Frequency Percent Below Expectations 5 4.7% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Acceptable 12 11.3% Below Expectations 3 2.9% Very Good 31 29.2% Acceptable 12 11.4% Excellent 57 53.8% Very Good 33 31.4% Total 106 100.0% Excellent 57 54.3% Total 105 100.0% 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Judge Darvas Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 3 Acceptable 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Judge Darvas Frequency Percent 2.8% Unacceptable 0 0.0% 13 12.3% Below Expectations 3 2.8% Very Good 30 28.3% Acceptable 17 16.0% Excellent 60 56.6% Very Good 29 27.4% Total 106 100.0% Excellent 57 53.8% Total 106 100.0% 104 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? Judge Darvas Frequency Percent Once 38 34.9% 2 to 3 times 41 37.6% 4 to 10 times 18 16.5% More than 10 times 12 11.0% Total 109 100.0% How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Judge Darvas Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 42 38.5% 2 to 5 Attorneys 23 21.1% 6 to 10 Attorneys 11 10.1% 11 to 20 Attorneys 10 9.2% More than 20 Attorneys 23 21.1% Total 109 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? What best describes your racial background? Judge Darvas Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 1 0.9% Judge Darvas Frequency Percent 3 to 5 years 6 5.5% 87 79.8% 6 to 10 years 16 14.7% Caucasian / White 11 to 20 years 34 31.2% 6 5.5% More than 20 years 52 47.7% African American / Black Total 109 100.0% Hispanic / Latino / Latina 3 2.8% Asian / Pacific Islander 7 6.4% Native American 2 1.8% Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Judge Darvas Frequency Percent Other 4 3.7% Criminal Law 23 21.1% Total 109 100.0% General Civil 31 28.4% Domestic Relations / Family Law 43 39.4% Government Practice 5 4.6% Other 7 6.4% Total 109 100.0% What is your gender? 105 Judge Darvas Frequency Percent Male 45 41.7% Female 63 58.3% Total 108 100.0% JUDGEWILLIAMDOWNING 182Respondents Legal Decision Making 3.99 Integrity and Impartiality 3.97 Demeanor, Temperament, and Communication 4.41 3.89 4.15 Administrative Skills 0 1 2 3 4 RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 4.40 106 4.52 Judge Court Average Judge Average 4.47 5 Judge Downing Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 4.40 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 4.36 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 4.40 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 4.43 4.42 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 4.41 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 4.47 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.54 Based rulings on the facts and the law 4.25 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 4.39 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 4.52 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 4.59 4.51 4.52 4.45 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 4.47 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.53 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 4.39 4.45 4.50 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Judge Downing Frequency Percent Judge Downing Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 4 2.2% Below Expectations 2 1.1% Acceptable 13 7.3% Acceptable 19 10.7% Very Good 76 42.7% Very Good 63 35.6% Excellent 85 47.8% Excellent 93 52.5% Total 178 100.0% Total 177 100.0% 107 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Judge Downing Frequency Percent Judge Downing Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 0.6% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 9 5.0% Below Expectations 3 1.7% Acceptable 18 10.0% Acceptable 13 7.3% Very Good 68 37.8% Very Good 66 37.3% Excellent 84 46.7% Excellent 95 53.7% Total 180 100.0% Total 177 100.0% 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 13. Was prepared for court Judge Downing Frequency Percent Judge Downing Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 2 1.1% Below Expectations 2 1.1% Below Expectations 6 3.4% Acceptable 16 9.0% Acceptable 14 7.8% Very Good 65 36.5% Very Good 55 30.7% Excellent 95 53.4% Excellent 102 57.0% Total 178 100.0% Total 179 100.0% 14. Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Judge Downing Frequency Percent Judge Downing Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 0.6% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 1 0.6% Below Expectations 5 2.8% Acceptable 11 6.1% Acceptable 15 8.4% Very Good 44 24.6% Very Good 50 28.1% Excellent 122 68.2% Excellent 108 60.7% Total 179 100.0% Total 178 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Judge Downing Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Judge Downing Frequency Percent Below Expectations 1 0.6% Unacceptable 1 0.6% Acceptable 16 9.0% Below Expectations 3 1.8% Very Good 52 29.2% Acceptable 15 8.8% Excellent 109 61.2% Very Good 35 20.6% Total 178 100.0% Excellent 116 68.2% Total 170 100.0% 108 20. Acted with patience and self-control 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Judge Downing Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Judge Downing Frequency Percent Below Expectations 2 1.2% Unacceptable 1 0.6% Acceptable 15 8.7% Below Expectations 3 1.9% Very Good 46 26.7% Acceptable 16 10.3% Excellent 109 63.4% Very Good 50 32.3% Total 172 100.0% Excellent 85 54.8% Total 155 100.0% 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Judge Downing Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Judge Downing Frequency Percent Below Expectations 2 1.1% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Acceptable 15 8.6% Below Expectations 1 0.6% Very Good 61 34.9% Acceptable 19 10.9% Excellent 97 55.4% Very Good 55 31.4% Total 175 100.0% Excellent 100 57.1% Total 175 100.0% 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Judge Downing Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 0 Acceptable 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Judge Downing Frequency Percent 0.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% 14 8.0% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Very Good 54 30.9% Acceptable 14 8.1% Excellent 107 61.1% Very Good 58 33.5% Total 175 100.0% Excellent 101 58.4% Total 173 100.0% 109 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? Judge Downing Frequency Percent Once 74 40.7% 2 to 3 times 75 41.2% 4 to 10 times 27 14.8% More than 10 times 6 3.3% Total 182 100.0% How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? How long have you been a practicing attorney? Judge Downing Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 0 0.0% 3 to 5 years 11 6.0% 6 to 10 years 22 12.1% 11 to 20 years 50 27.5% More than 20 years 99 54.4% Total 182 100.0% Percent Criminal Law 23 12.7% General Civil 63 34.8% Domestic Relations / Family Law 81 44.8% Government Practice 7 3.9% Other 7 3.9% Total 181 100.0% Percent Sole Practitioner 47 26.0% 2 to 5 Attorneys 47 26.0% 6 to 10 Attorneys 18 9.9% 11 to 20 Attorneys 18 9.9% More than 20 Attorneys 51 28.2% Total 181 100.0% What best describes your racial background? Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Frequency Frequency Judge Downing Judge Downing Judge Downing Frequency Percent Caucasian / White 162 89.5% African American / Black 2 1.1% Hispanic / Latino / Latina 5 2.8% Asian / Pacific Islander 7 3.9% Native American 1 0.6% Other 4 2.2% Total 181 100.0% What is your gender? 110 Judge Downing Frequency Percent Male 88 48.6% Female 93 51.4% Total 181 100.0% JUDGETHERESADOYLE 127Respondents 3.99 3.67 Legal Decision Making 3.97 4.05 Integrity and Impartiality Demeanor, Temperament, and Communication 3.89 4.13 Judge Average 4.15 4.03 Administrative Skills 0 1 2 3 4 RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 Judge Court Average 111 5 Judge Doyle Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 3.67 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 3.67 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 3.70 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 3.62 3.69 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 4.05 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 4.16 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.38 Based rulings on the facts and the law 3.58 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 4.08 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 4.13 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 4.33 4.04 4.26 3.89 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 4.03 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.18 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 3.91 4.02 4.00 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Judge Doyle Frequency Percent Judge Doyle Frequency Percent Unacceptable 6 4.9% Unacceptable 2 1.7% Below Expectations 17 13.8% Below Expectations 15 12.9% Acceptable 27 22.0% Acceptable 32 27.6% Very Good 35 28.5% Very Good 34 29.3% Excellent 38 30.9% Excellent 33 28.4% Total 123 100.0% Total 116 100.0% 112 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Judge Doyle Frequency Percent Judge Doyle Frequency Percent Unacceptable 7 6.0% Unacceptable 8 6.5% Below Expectations 21 18.1% Below Expectations 14 11.4% Acceptable 20 17.2% Acceptable 30 24.4% Very Good 34 29.3% Very Good 36 29.3% Excellent 34 29.3% Excellent 35 28.5% Total 116 100.0% Total 123 100.0% 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 13. Was prepared for court Judge Doyle Frequency Percent Judge Doyle Frequency Percent Unacceptable 6 4.8% Unacceptable 4 3.4% Below Expectations 14 11.3% Below Expectations 8 6.8% Acceptable 25 20.2% Acceptable 18 15.4% Very Good 47 37.9% Very Good 32 27.4% Excellent 32 25.8% Excellent 55 47.0% Total 124 100.0% Total 117 100.0% 14. Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Judge Doyle Frequency Percent Judge Doyle Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 1.7% Unacceptable 4 3.5% Below Expectations 4 3.3% Below Expectations 6 5.3% Acceptable 13 10.7% Acceptable 14 12.4% Very Good 35 28.9% Very Good 33 29.2% Excellent 67 55.4% Excellent 56 49.6% Total 121 100.0% Total 113 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Judge Doyle Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 1.7% Judge Doyle Frequency Percent Below Expectations 6 5.0% Unacceptable 1 0.9% Acceptable 25 20.7% Below Expectations 4 3.6% Very Good 40 33.1% Acceptable 12 10.7% Excellent 48 39.7% Very Good 30 26.8% Total 121 100.0% Excellent 65 58.0% Total 112 100.0% 113 20. Acted with patience and self-control 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Judge Doyle Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 0.8% Judge Doyle Frequency Percent Below Expectations 5 4.2% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Acceptable 16 13.3% Below Expectations 8 6.8% Very Good 38 31.7% Acceptable 25 21.4% Excellent 60 50.0% Very Good 41 35.0% Total 120 100.0% Excellent 43 36.8% Total 117 100.0% 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court Judge Doyle Frequency 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Percent Judge Doyle Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 1.7% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 12 9.9% Below Expectations 6 5.5% Acceptable 25 20.7% Acceptable 28 25.7% Very Good 40 33.1% Very Good 35 32.1% Excellent 42 34.7% Excellent 40 36.7% Total 121 100.0% Total 109 100.0% 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Judge Doyle Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 0.8% Below Expectations 3 2.5% Acceptable 23 19.3% Very Good 39 32.8% Excellent 53 44.5% Total 119 100.0% 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Judge Doyle Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.0% Below Expectations 8 7.6% Acceptable 25 23.8% Very Good 36 34.3% Excellent 35 33.3% Total 105 100.0% 114 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Judge Doyle Frequency Percent Judge Doyle Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 27 21.3% Once 44 34.6% 2 to 5 Attorneys 23 18.1% 2 to 3 times 48 37.8% 6 to 10 Attorneys 15 11.8% 4 to 10 times 21 16.5% 11 to 20 Attorneys 18 14.2% More than 10 times 14 11.0% Total 127 100.0% More than 20 Attorneys 44 34.6% Total 127 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? What best describes your racial background? Judge Doyle Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 0 0.0% Judge Doyle Frequency Percent 3 to 5 years 8 6.3% 111 87.4% 6 to 10 years 16 12.6% Caucasian / White 11 to 20 years 32 25.2% 5 3.9% More than 20 years 71 55.9% African American / Black Total 127 100.0% Hispanic / Latino / Latina 2 1.6% Asian / Pacific Islander 7 5.5% Native American 0 0.0% Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Judge Doyle Frequency Percent Other 2 1.6% Criminal Law 49 38.6% Total 127 100.0% General Civil 53 41.7% Domestic Relations / Family Law 10 7.9% Government Practice 4 3.1% Other 11 8.7% Total 127 100.0% What is your gender? 115 Judge Doyle Frequency Percent Male 76 59.8% Female 51 40.2% Total 127 100.0% JUDGERICHARDEADIE 177Respondents 3.99 3.84 Legal Decision Making 3.97 4.10 Integrity and Impartiality Demeanor, Temperament, and Communication 3.89 Judge Average 4.20 4.15 4.08 Administrative Skills 0 1 2 3 4 RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 Judge Court Average 116 5 Judge Eadie Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 3.84 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 3.82 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 3.87 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 3.82 3.87 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 4.10 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 4.25 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.26 Based rulings on the facts and the law 3.77 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 4.11 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 4.20 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 4.36 4.09 4.32 4.03 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 4.08 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.21 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 4.03 4.06 4.02 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Judge Eadie Frequency Percent Judge Eadie Frequency Percent Unacceptable 7 4.0% Unacceptable 5 2.9% Below Expectations 15 8.6% Below Expectations 14 8.0% Acceptable 36 20.6% Acceptable 36 20.7% Very Good 62 35.4% Very Good 63 36.2% Excellent 55 31.4% Excellent 56 32.2% Total 175 100.0% Total 174 100.0% 117 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Judge Eadie Frequency Percent Judge Eadie Frequency Percent Unacceptable 8 4.7% Unacceptable 6 3.5% Below Expectations 20 11.6% Below Expectations 12 6.9% Acceptable 32 18.6% Acceptable 42 24.3% Very Good 55 32.0% Very Good 61 35.3% Excellent 57 33.1% Excellent 52 30.1% Total 172 100.0% Total 173 100.0% 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 13. Was prepared for court Judge Eadie Frequency Percent Judge Eadie Frequency Percent Unacceptable 8 4.6% Unacceptable 4 2.3% Below Expectations 9 5.1% Below Expectations 8 4.6% Acceptable 36 20.6% Acceptable 30 17.1% Very Good 67 38.3% Very Good 55 31.4% Excellent 55 31.4% Excellent 78 44.6% Total 175 100.0% Total 175 100.0% 14. Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Judge Eadie Frequency Percent Judge Eadie Frequency Percent Unacceptable 4 2.3% Unacceptable 2 1.2% Below Expectations 2 1.1% Below Expectations 4 2.3% Acceptable 20 11.4% Acceptable 29 17.0% Very Good 50 28.6% Very Good 50 29.2% Excellent 99 56.6% Excellent 86 50.3% Total 175 100.0% Total 171 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Judge Eadie Frequency Percent Unacceptable 5 2.9% Judge Eadie Frequency Percent Below Expectations 12 7.0% Unacceptable 2 1.2% Acceptable 26 15.1% Below Expectations 7 4.1% Very Good 48 27.9% Acceptable 22 12.9% Excellent 81 47.1% Very Good 53 31.0% Total 172 100.0% Excellent 87 50.9% Total 171 100.0% 118 20. Acted with patience and self-control 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Judge Eadie Frequency Percent Unacceptable 3 1.7% Judge Eadie Frequency Percent Below Expectations 3 1.7% Unacceptable 3 1.8% Acceptable 18 10.3% Below Expectations 10 5.8% Very Good 62 35.4% Acceptable 28 16.4% Excellent 89 50.9% Very Good 63 36.8% Total 175 100.0% Excellent 67 39.2% Total 171 100.0% 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court Judge Eadie Frequency 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Percent Judge Eadie Frequency Percent Unacceptable 4 2.3% Unacceptable 5 2.9% Below Expectations 10 5.6% Below Expectations 3 1.7% Acceptable 33 18.6% Acceptable 35 20.3% Very Good 60 33.9% Very Good 69 40.1% Excellent 70 39.5% Excellent 60 34.9% Total 177 100.0% Total 172 100.0% 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Judge Eadie Frequency Percent Unacceptable 3 1.7% Below Expectations 5 2.9% Acceptable 25 14.5% Very Good 59 34.1% Excellent 81 46.8% Total 173 100.0% 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Judge Eadie Frequency Percent Unacceptable 4 2.5% Below Expectations 9 5.6% Acceptable 26 16.3% Very Good 61 38.1% Excellent 60 37.5% Total 160 100.0% 119 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? Judge Eadie Frequency Percent Once 70 39.5% 2 to 3 times 66 37.3% 4 to 10 times 27 15.3% More than 10 times 14 7.9% Total 177 100.0% How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Judge Eadie Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 48 27.1% 2 to 5 Attorneys 43 24.3% 6 to 10 Attorneys 20 11.3% 11 to 20 Attorneys 22 12.4% More than 20 Attorneys 44 24.9% Total 177 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? What best describes your racial background? Judge Eadie Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 1 0.6% Judge Eadie Frequency Percent 3 to 5 years 11 6.2% Caucasian / White 161 91.5% 6 to 10 years 19 10.7% 3 1.7% 11 to 20 years 40 22.6% African American / Black More than 20 years 106 59.9% 1 0.6% Total 177 100.0% Hispanic / Latino / Latina Asian / Pacific Islander 6 3.4% Native American 1 0.6% Other 4 2.3% Total 176 100.0% Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Judge Eadie Frequency Percent Criminal Law 18 10.2% General Civil 73 41.2% Domestic Relations / Family Law 72 Government Practice 6 3.4% Other 8 4.5% Total 177 100.0% What is your gender? 40.7% 120 Judge Eadie Frequency Percent Male 95 54.0% Female 81 46.0% Total 176 100.0% JUDGEJOHNERLICK 119Respondents Legal Decision Making 3.99 Integrity and Impartiality 3.97 Demeanor, Temperament, and Communication 3.89 4.15 Administrative Skills 0 1 2 3 4 RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 121 4.48 4.50 4.60 Judge Court Average Judge Average 4.58 5 Judge Erlick Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 4.48 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 4.46 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 4.47 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 4.45 4.53 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 4.50 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 4.58 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.60 Based rulings on the facts and the law 4.34 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 4.47 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 4.60 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 4.64 4.66 4.58 4.53 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 4.58 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.60 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 4.55 4.56 4.60 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Judge Erlick Frequency Percent Judge Erlick Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 3 2.6% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 12 10.3% Acceptable 14 12.4% Very Good 30 25.6% Very Good 32 28.3% Excellent 72 61.5% Excellent 67 59.3% Total 117 100.0% Total 113 100.0% 122 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Judge Erlick Frequency Percent Judge Erlick Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 4 3.4% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 14 12.1% Acceptable 14 12.2% Very Good 36 31.0% Very Good 35 30.4% Excellent 62 53.4% Excellent 66 57.4% Total 116 100.0% Total 115 100.0% 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 13. Was prepared for court Judge Erlick Frequency Percent Judge Erlick Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 1 0.8% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Below Expectations 1 0.8% Acceptable 11 9.2% Acceptable 14 11.9% Very Good 34 28.6% Very Good 27 22.9% Excellent 74 62.2% Excellent 75 63.6% Total 119 100.0% Total 118 100.0% 14. Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Judge Erlick Frequency Percent Judge Erlick Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 0.9% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Below Expectations 2 1.7% Acceptable 9 7.8% Acceptable 6 5.2% Very Good 20 17.2% Very Good 30 26.1% Excellent 86 74.1% Excellent 77 67.0% Total 116 100.0% Total 115 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Judge Erlick Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Judge Erlick Frequency Percent Below Expectations 1 0.9% Unacceptable 1 0.9% Acceptable 6 5.1% Below Expectations 1 0.9% Very Good 25 21.4% Acceptable 8 6.9% Excellent 85 72.6% Very Good 23 19.8% Total 117 100.0% Excellent 83 71.6% Total 116 100.0% 123 20. Acted with patience and self-control 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Judge Erlick Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 0.9% Judge Erlick Frequency Percent Below Expectations 1 0.9% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Acceptable 7 6.0% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Very Good 28 24.1% Acceptable 10 9.0% Excellent 79 68.1% Very Good 29 26.1% Total 116 100.0% Excellent 72 64.9% Total 111 100.0% 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Judge Erlick Frequency Percent Judge Erlick Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 2 1.7% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 9 7.6% Acceptable 6 5.3% Very Good 32 26.9% Very Good 33 29.2% Excellent 76 63.9% Excellent 74 65.5% Total 119 100.0% Total 113 100.0% 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Judge Erlick Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 8 6.9% Very Good 30 25.9% Excellent 78 67.2% Total 116 100.0% 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Judge Erlick Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 9 8.1% Very Good 32 28.8% Excellent 70 63.1% Total 111 100.0% 124 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? Judge Erlick Frequency Percent Once 34 28.6% 2 to 3 times 47 39.5% 4 to 10 times 22 18.5% More than 10 times 16 13.4% Total 119 100.0% How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? How long have you been a practicing attorney? Judge Erlick Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 29 24.4% 2 to 5 Attorneys 25 21.0% 6 to 10 Attorneys 13 10.9% 11 to 20 Attorneys 11 9.2% More than 20 Attorneys 41 34.5% Total 119 100.0% What best describes your racial background? Judge Erlick Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 2 1.7% 3 to 5 years 7 5.9% Judge Erlick Frequency Percent 6 to 10 years 13 10.9% 100 84.0% 11 to 20 years 33 27.7% Caucasian / White More than 20 years 64 53.8% African American / Black 4 3.4% Total 119 100.0% Hispanic / Latino / Latina 0 0.0% Asian / Pacific Islander 10 8.4% Native American 0 0.0% Other 5 4.2% Total 119 100.0% Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Judge Erlick Frequency Percent Criminal Law 31 26.1% General Civil 68 57.1% Domestic Relations / Family Law 9 7.6% Government Practice 3 2.5% Judge Erlick Frequency Percent Other 8 6.7% Male 72 60.5% Total 119 100.0% Female 47 39.5% Total 119 100.0% What is your gender? 125 JUDGEBRIANGAIN 104Respondents 3.99 4.14 Legal Decision Making 3.97 Integrity and Impartiality Demeanor, Temperament, and Communication 3.89 Judge Court Average Judge Average 4.26 4.15 4.21 Administrative Skills 0 1 2 3 4 RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 4.28 126 5 Judge Gain Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 4.14 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 4.17 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 4.24 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 4.07 4.08 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 4.28 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 4.31 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.38 Based rulings on the facts and the law 4.07 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 4.38 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 4.26 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 4.35 4.11 4.37 4.22 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 4.21 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.33 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 4.18 4.18 4.15 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Judge Gain Frequency Percent Judge Gain Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 2 2.0% Below Expectations 1 1.0% Acceptable 19 18.6% Acceptable 13 13.5% Very Good 41 40.2% Very Good 44 45.8% Excellent 40 39.2% Excellent 38 39.6% Total 102 100.0% Total 96 100.0% 127 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Judge Gain Frequency Percent Judge Gain Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 2 2.0% Below Expectations 4 4.0% Acceptable 24 24.0% Acceptable 22 21.8% Very Good 39 39.0% Very Good 38 37.6% Excellent 35 35.0% Excellent 37 36.6% Total 100 100.0% Total 101 100.0% 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 13. Was prepared for court Judge Gain Frequency Percent Judge Gain Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 2 2.0% Below Expectations 2 2.0% Acceptable 27 26.7% Acceptable 9 8.9% Very Good 33 32.7% Very Good 39 38.6% Excellent 39 38.6% Excellent 51 50.5% Total 101 100.0% Total 101 100.0% 14. Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Judge Gain Frequency Percent Judge Gain Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 2 1.9% Below Expectations 1 1.0% Acceptable 14 13.6% Acceptable 18 17.5% Very Good 33 32.0% Very Good 32 31.1% Excellent 54 52.4% Excellent 52 50.5% Total 103 100.0% Total 103 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Judge Gain Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.0% Judge Gain Frequency Percent Below Expectations 3 3.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Acceptable 22 21.8% Below Expectations 3 3.0% Very Good 33 32.7% Acceptable 11 11.0% Excellent 42 41.6% Very Good 31 31.0% Total 101 100.0% Excellent 55 55.0% Total 100 100.0% 128 20. Acted with patience and self-control 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Judge Gain Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Judge Gain Frequency Percent Below Expectations 0 0.0% Unacceptable 2 2.0% Acceptable 14 14.0% Below Expectations 1 1.0% Very Good 35 35.0% Acceptable 17 16.8% Excellent 51 51.0% Very Good 38 37.6% Total 100 100.0% Excellent 43 42.6% Total 101 100.0% 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Judge Gain Frequency Percent Judge Gain Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 1 1.0% Below Expectations 1 1.0% Below Expectations 2 2.0% Acceptable 19 19.0% Acceptable 18 18.0% Very Good 37 37.0% Very Good 39 39.0% Excellent 43 43.0% Excellent 40 40.0% Total 100 100.0% Total 100 100.0% 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Judge Gain Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 13 13.4% Very Good 39 40.2% Excellent 45 46.4% Total 97 100.0% 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Judge Gain Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 19 20.4% Very Good 38 40.9% Excellent 36 38.7% Total 93 100.0% 129 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? Judge Gain Frequency Percent Once 30 28.8% 2 to 3 times 36 34.6% 4 to 10 times 21 20.2% More than 10 times 17 16.3% Total 104 100.0% How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? How long have you been a practicing attorney? Judge Gain Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 41 39.4% 2 to 5 Attorneys 30 28.8% 6 to 10 Attorneys 7 6.7% 11 to 20 Attorneys 4 3.8% More than 20 Attorneys 22 21.2% Total 104 100.0% What best describes your racial background? Judge Gain Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 1 1.0% 3 to 5 years 8 7.7% Judge Gain Frequency Percent 6 to 10 years 19 18.3% 82 78.8% 11 to 20 years 25 24.0% Caucasian / White More than 20 years 51 49.0% African American / Black 6 5.8% Total 104 100.0% Hispanic / Latino / Latina 4 3.8% Asian / Pacific Islander 4 3.8% Native American 2 1.9% Other 6 5.8% Total 104 100.0% Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Judge Gain Frequency Percent Criminal Law 35 33.7% General Civil 18 17.3% Domestic Relations / Family Law 46 44.2% Government Practice 2 1.9% Judge Gain Frequency Percent Other 3 2.9% Male 53 51.5% Total 104 100.0% Female 50 48.5% Total 103 100.0% What is your gender? 130 JUDGEJULIAGARRETT 64Respondents Legal Decision Making 3.99 3.70 Integrity and Impartiality 3.97 3.83 Demeanor, Temperament, and Communication 3.89 4.04 Administrative Skills 4.15 4.00 0 1 2 3 4 RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 131 Judge Court Average Judge Average 5 Judge Garrett Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 3.70 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 3.52 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 3.65 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 3.68 3.95 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 3.83 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 4.00 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.10 Based rulings on the facts and the law 3.48 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 3.74 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 4.04 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 4.08 4.06 4.11 3.90 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 4.00 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.05 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 3.98 4.07 3.91 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Judge Garrett Frequency Percent Judge Garrett Frequency Percent Unacceptable 4 6.7% Unacceptable 3 5.3% Below Expectations 6 10.0% Below Expectations 5 8.8% Acceptable 17 28.3% Acceptable 16 28.1% Very Good 21 35.0% Very Good 18 31.6% Excellent 12 20.0% Excellent 15 26.3% Total 60 100.0% Total 57 100.0% 132 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Judge Garrett Frequency Percent Judge Garrett Frequency Percent Unacceptable 4 6.7% Unacceptable 2 3.2% Below Expectations 6 10.0% Below Expectations 4 6.5% Acceptable 19 31.7% Acceptable 19 30.6% Very Good 19 31.7% Very Good 24 38.7% Excellent 12 20.0% Excellent 13 21.0% Total 60 100.0% Total 62 100.0% 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 13. Was prepared for court Judge Garrett Frequency Percent Judge Garrett Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.7% Unacceptable 3 4.8% Below Expectations 1 1.7% Below Expectations 7 11.3% Acceptable 17 28.8% Acceptable 14 22.6% Very Good 21 35.6% Very Good 17 27.4% Excellent 19 32.2% Excellent 21 33.9% Total 59 100.0% Total 62 100.0% 14. Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Judge Garrett Frequency Percent Judge Garrett Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 3.3% Unacceptable 2 3.3% Below Expectations 3 4.9% Below Expectations 3 5.0% Acceptable 11 18.0% Acceptable 12 20.0% Very Good 17 27.9% Very Good 19 31.7% Excellent 28 45.9% Excellent 24 40.0% Total 61 100.0% Total 60 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Judge Garrett Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.6% Judge Garrett Frequency Percent Below Expectations 0 0.0% Unacceptable 1 1.6% Acceptable 14 22.6% Below Expectations 4 6.5% Very Good 26 41.9% Acceptable 14 22.6% Excellent 21 33.9% Very Good 12 19.4% Total 62 100.0% Excellent 31 50.0% Total 62 100.0% 133 20. Acted with patience and self-control 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Judge Garrett Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.6% Judge Garrett Frequency Percent Below Expectations 1 1.6% Unacceptable 1 1.8% Acceptable 12 19.7% Below Expectations 1 1.8% Very Good 23 37.7% Acceptable 12 21.8% Excellent 24 39.3% Very Good 20 36.4% Total 61 100.0% Excellent 21 38.2% Total 55 100.0% 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Judge Garrett Frequency Percent Judge Garrett Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.6% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 2 3.3% Below Expectations 2 3.4% Acceptable 15 24.6% Acceptable 17 29.3% Very Good 27 44.3% Very Good 23 39.7% Excellent 16 26.2% Excellent 16 27.6% Total 61 100.0% Total 58 100.0% 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Judge Garrett Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.6% Below Expectations 1 1.6% Acceptable 13 21.3% Very Good 25 41.0% Excellent 21 34.4% Total 61 100.0% 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Judge Garrett Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 2 3.8% Acceptable 11 20.8% Very Good 26 49.1% Excellent 14 26.4% Total 53 100.0% 134 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? Judge Garrett Frequency Percent Once 20 31.3% 2 to 3 times 20 31.3% 4 to 10 times 13 20.3% More than 10 times 11 17.2% Total 64 100.0% How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? How long have you been a practicing attorney? Judge Garrett Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 14 21.9% 2 to 5 Attorneys 10 15.6% 6 to 10 Attorneys 5 7.8% 11 to 20 Attorneys 5 7.8% More than 20 Attorneys 30 46.9% Total 64 100.0% What best describes your racial background? Judge Garrett Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 0 0.0% 3 to 5 years 6 9.4% Judge Garrett Frequency Percent 6 to 10 years 12 18.8% 49 76.6% 11 to 20 years 24 37.5% Caucasian / White More than 20 years 22 34.4% African American / Black 3 4.7% Total 64 100.0% Hispanic / Latino / Latina 1 1.6% Asian / Pacific Islander 8 12.5% Native American 1 1.6% Other 2 3.1% Total 64 100.0% Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Judge Garrett Frequency Percent Criminal Law 25 39.7% General Civil 21 33.3% Domestic Relations / Family Law 9 14.3% Government Practice 5 7.9% Other 3 4.8% Total 63 100.0% What is your gender? 135 Judge Garrett Frequency Percent Male 33 51.6% Female 31 48.4% Total 64 100.0% JUDGEHELENHALPERT 95Respondents 3.99 3.93 Legal Decision Making 3.97 4.03 Integrity and Impartiality Demeanor, Temperament, and Communication 3.89 4.08 Administrative Skills 4.15 4.11 0 1 2 3 4 RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 136 Judge Court Average Judge Average 5 Judge Halpert Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 3.93 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 3.97 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 3.77 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 3.87 4.13 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 4.03 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 4.04 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.34 Based rulings on the facts and the law 3.75 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 3.98 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 4.08 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 4.06 4.24 3.99 4.03 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 4.11 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.17 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 3.99 4.13 4.15 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Judge Halpert Frequency Percent Judge Halpert Frequency Percent Unacceptable 4 4.3% Unacceptable 6 6.5% Below Expectations 5 5.4% Below Expectations 8 8.7% Acceptable 14 15.1% Acceptable 15 16.3% Very Good 37 39.8% Very Good 35 38.0% Excellent 33 35.5% Excellent 28 30.4% Total 93 100.0% Total 92 100.0% 137 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Judge Halpert Frequency Percent Judge Halpert Frequency Percent Unacceptable 6 6.6% Unacceptable 5 5.5% Below Expectations 10 11.0% Below Expectations 3 3.3% Acceptable 14 15.4% Acceptable 19 20.9% Very Good 32 35.2% Very Good 36 39.6% Excellent 29 31.9% Excellent 28 30.8% Total 91 100.0% Total 91 100.0% 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 13. Was prepared for court Judge Halpert Frequency Percent Judge Halpert Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 2.1% Unacceptable 2 2.1% Below Expectations 3 3.2% Below Expectations 8 8.5% Acceptable 15 16.0% Acceptable 17 18.1% Very Good 35 37.2% Very Good 30 31.9% Excellent 39 41.5% Excellent 37 39.4% Total 94 100.0% Total 94 100.0% 14. Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Judge Halpert Frequency Percent Judge Halpert Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.1% Unacceptable 2 2.2% Below Expectations 9 9.6% Below Expectations 10 10.8% Acceptable 16 17.0% Acceptable 15 16.1% Very Good 25 26.6% Very Good 21 22.6% Excellent 43 45.7% Excellent 45 48.4% Total 94 100.0% Total 93 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Judge Halpert Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.1% Judge Halpert Frequency Percent Below Expectations 2 2.2% Unacceptable 2 2.3% Acceptable 15 16.5% Below Expectations 3 3.4% Very Good 29 31.9% Acceptable 12 13.6% Excellent 44 48.4% Very Good 17 19.3% Total 91 100.0% Excellent 54 61.4% Total 88 100.0% 138 20. Acted with patience and self-control 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Judge Halpert Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Judge Halpert Frequency Percent Below Expectations 6 6.6% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Acceptable 23 25.3% Below Expectations 3 3.4% Very Good 28 30.8% Acceptable 18 20.7% Excellent 34 37.4% Very Good 31 35.6% Total 91 100.0% Excellent 35 40.2% Total 87 100.0% 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Judge Halpert Frequency Percent Judge Halpert Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 2.2% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 5 5.4% Below Expectations 2 2.3% Acceptable 16 17.2% Acceptable 18 20.5% Very Good 35 37.6% Very Good 33 37.5% Excellent 35 37.6% Excellent 35 39.8% Total 93 100.0% Total 88 100.0% 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Judge Halpert Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 4 4.4% Acceptable 16 17.8% Very Good 31 34.4% Excellent 39 43.3% Total 90 100.0% 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Judge Halpert Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 5 6.0% Acceptable 22 26.5% Very Good 25 30.1% Excellent 31 37.3% Total 83 100.0% 139 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? Judge Halpert Frequency Percent Once 19 20.0% 2 to 3 times 33 34.7% 4 to 10 times 15 15.8% More than 10 times 28 29.5% Total 95 100.0% How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Judge Halpert Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 23 24.2% 2 to 5 Attorneys 14 14.7% 6 to 10 Attorneys 6 6.3% 11 to 20 Attorneys 4 4.2% More than 20 Attorneys 48 50.5% Total 95 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? What best describes your racial background? Judge Halpert Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 0 0.0% Judge Halpert Frequency Percent 3 to 5 years 6 6.3% Caucasian / White 79 84.0% 6 to 10 years 17 17.9% 2 2.1% 11 to 20 years 25 26.3% African American / Black More than 20 years 47 49.5% 2 2.1% Total 95 100.0% Hispanic / Latino / Latina Asian / Pacific Islander 7 7.4% Native American 0 0.0% Other 4 4.3% Total 94 100.0% Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Judge Halpert Frequency Percent Criminal Law 32 33.7% General Civil 28 29.5% Domestic Relations / Family Law 15 15.8% Frequency Percent Government Practice Judge Halpert 7 7.4% Male 46 48.4% Other 13 13.7% Female 49 51.6% Total 95 100.0% Total 95 100.0% What is your gender? 140 JUDGEBRUCEHELLER 135Respondents 3.99 4.23 Legal Decision Making 3.97 Integrity and Impartiality Demeanor, Temperament, and Communication 3.89 Judge Court Average 4.39 Judge Average 4.15 4.16 Administrative Skills 0 1 2 3 4 RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 4.29 141 5 Judge Heller Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 4.23 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 4.24 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 4.21 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 4.22 4.24 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 4.29 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 4.39 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.46 Based rulings on the facts and the law 4.05 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 4.27 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 4.39 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 4.46 4.40 4.42 4.28 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 4.16 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.41 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 4.06 3.98 4.20 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Judge Heller Frequency Percent Judge Heller Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 0.8% Unacceptable 1 0.8% Below Expectations 8 6.1% Below Expectations 6 4.6% Acceptable 18 13.6% Acceptable 20 15.4% Very Good 36 27.3% Very Good 41 31.5% Excellent 69 52.3% Excellent 62 47.7% Total 132 100.0% Total 130 100.0% 142 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Judge Heller Frequency Percent Judge Heller Frequency Percent Unacceptable 4 3.1% Unacceptable 3 2.3% Below Expectations 11 8.4% Below Expectations 6 4.7% Acceptable 20 15.3% Acceptable 14 10.9% Very Good 36 27.5% Very Good 42 32.6% Excellent 60 45.8% Excellent 64 49.6% Total 131 100.0% Total 129 100.0% 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 13. Was prepared for court Judge Heller Frequency Percent Judge Heller Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 0.8% Unacceptable 1 0.8% Below Expectations 8 6.2% Below Expectations 6 4.6% Acceptable 15 11.5% Acceptable 20 15.4% Very Good 41 31.5% Very Good 33 25.4% Excellent 65 50.0% Excellent 70 53.8% Total 130 100.0% Total 130 100.0% 14. Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Judge Heller Frequency Percent Judge Heller Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 1 0.8% Below Expectations 5 3.8% Below Expectations 4 3.1% Acceptable 11 8.3% Acceptable 12 9.4% Very Good 34 25.8% Very Good 37 29.1% Excellent 82 62.1% Excellent 73 57.5% Total 132 100.0% Total 127 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Judge Heller Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 1.5% Judge Heller Frequency Percent Below Expectations 2 1.5% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Acceptable 12 9.0% Below Expectations 5 4.2% Very Good 42 31.6% Acceptable 7 5.8% Excellent 75 56.4% Very Good 36 30.0% Total 133 100.0% Excellent 72 60.0% Total 120 100.0% 143 20. Acted with patience and self-control 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Judge Heller Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Judge Heller Frequency Percent Below Expectations 3 2.3% Unacceptable 3 2.5% Acceptable 14 10.8% Below Expectations 6 5.0% Very Good 38 29.2% Acceptable 21 17.5% Excellent 75 57.7% Very Good 41 34.2% Total 130 100.0% Excellent 49 40.8% Total 120 100.0% 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Judge Heller Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 0.8% Judge Heller Frequency Percent Below Expectations 6 4.7% Unacceptable 4 3.1% Acceptable 12 9.4% Below Expectations 8 6.2% Very Good 46 35.9% Acceptable 26 20.0% Excellent 63 49.2% Very Good 40 30.8% Total 128 100.0% Excellent 52 40.0% Total 130 100.0% 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Judge Heller Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 0 Acceptable 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Judge Heller Frequency Percent 0.0% Unacceptable 2 1.6% 12 9.8% Below Expectations 4 3.1% Very Good 48 39.3% Acceptable 17 13.3% Excellent 62 50.8% Very Good 48 37.5% Total 122 100.0% Excellent 57 44.5% Total 128 100.0% 144 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? Judge Heller Frequency Percent Once 44 32.6% 2 to 3 times 56 41.5% 4 to 10 times 21 15.6% More than 10 times 14 10.4% Total 135 100.0% How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? How long have you been a practicing attorney? Judge Heller Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 1 0.7% 3 to 5 years 8 5.9% 6 to 10 years 17 12.6% 11 to 20 years 36 26.7% More than 20 years 73 54.1% Total 135 100.0% Percent Criminal Law 29 21.6% General Civil 85 63.4% Domestic Relations / Family Law 6 4.5% Government Practice 6 4.5% Other 8 Total 134 Percent Sole Practitioner 20 14.8% 2 to 5 Attorneys 26 19.3% 6 to 10 Attorneys 13 9.6% 11 to 20 Attorneys 18 13.3% More than 20 Attorneys 58 43.0% Total 135 100.0% What best describes your racial background? Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Frequency Frequency Judge Heller Judge Heller Judge Heller Frequency Percent Caucasian / White 126 93.3% African American / Black 1 0.7% Hispanic / Latino / Latina 2 1.5% Asian / Pacific Islander 5 3.7% Native American 0 0.0% Other 1 0.7% Total 135 100.0% What is your gender? Judge Heller Frequency Percent Male 90 67.2% 6.0% Female 44 32.8% 100.0% Total 134 100.0% 145 JUDGEHOLLISHILL 70Respondents 3.99 3.75 Legal Decision Making 3.97 4.03 Integrity and Impartiality Demeanor, Temperament, and Communication 3.89 4.17 Judge Average 4.15 4.01 Administrative Skills 0 1 2 3 4 RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 Judge Court Average 146 5 Judge Hill Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 3.75 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 3.73 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 3.73 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 3.71 3.81 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 4.03 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 4.08 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.32 Based rulings on the facts and the law 3.72 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 4.00 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 4.17 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 4.33 4.14 4.24 3.96 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 4.01 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.00 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 3.90 4.09 4.05 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Judge Hill Frequency Percent Judge Hill Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 3.0% Unacceptable 3 4.8% Below Expectations 9 13.4% Below Expectations 7 11.1% Acceptable 10 14.9% Acceptable 10 15.9% Very Good 30 44.8% Very Good 27 42.9% Excellent 16 23.9% Excellent 16 25.4% Total 67 100.0% Total 63 100.0% 147 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Judge Hill Frequency Percent Judge Hill Frequency Percent Unacceptable 4 6.2% Unacceptable 2 3.0% Below Expectations 8 12.3% Below Expectations 4 6.1% Acceptable 8 12.3% Acceptable 18 27.3% Very Good 27 41.5% Very Good 29 43.9% Excellent 18 27.7% Excellent 13 19.7% Total 65 100.0% Total 66 100.0% 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 13. Was prepared for court Judge Hill Frequency Percent Judge Hill Frequency Percent Unacceptable 3 4.3% Unacceptable 3 4.4% Below Expectations 1 1.4% Below Expectations 1 1.5% Acceptable 20 28.6% Acceptable 14 20.6% Very Good 28 40.0% Very Good 25 36.8% Excellent 18 25.7% Excellent 25 36.8% Total 70 100.0% Total 68 100.0% 14. Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Judge Hill Frequency Percent Judge Hill Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.5% Unacceptable 2 3.3% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Below Expectations 1 1.6% Acceptable 10 14.9% Acceptable 11 18.0% Very Good 21 31.3% Very Good 23 37.7% Excellent 35 52.2% Excellent 24 39.3% Total 67 100.0% Total 61 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Judge Hill Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 2.9% Judge Hill Frequency Percent Below Expectations 0 0.0% Unacceptable 1 1.6% Acceptable 11 15.9% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Very Good 29 42.0% Acceptable 7 11.3% Excellent 27 39.1% Very Good 24 38.7% Total 69 100.0% Excellent 30 48.4% Total 62 100.0% 148 20. Acted with patience and self-control 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Judge Hill Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Judge Hill Frequency Percent Below Expectations 2 3.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Acceptable 12 18.2% Below Expectations 3 4.7% Very Good 20 30.3% Acceptable 11 17.2% Excellent 32 48.5% Very Good 27 42.2% Total 66 100.0% Excellent 23 35.9% Total 64 100.0% 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Judge Hill Frequency Percent Judge Hill Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.5% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 6 8.8% Below Expectations 1 1.6% Acceptable 12 17.6% Acceptable 17 27.0% Very Good 25 36.8% Very Good 23 36.5% Excellent 24 35.3% Excellent 22 34.9% Total 68 100.0% Total 63 100.0% 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Judge Hill Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.5% Below Expectations 1 1.5% Acceptable 16 24.2% Very Good 27 40.9% Excellent 21 31.8% Total 66 100.0% 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Judge Hill Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 4 6.8% Acceptable 14 23.7% Very Good 25 42.4% Excellent 16 27.1% Total 59 100.0% 149 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? Judge Hill Frequency Percent Once 17 24.3% 2 to 3 times 24 34.3% 4 to 10 times 12 17.1% More than 10 times 17 24.3% Total 70 100.0% How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Judge Hill Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 17 24.3% 2 to 5 Attorneys 11 15.7% 6 to 10 Attorneys 4 5.7% 11 to 20 Attorneys 9 12.9% More than 20 Attorneys 29 41.4% Total 70 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? What best describes your racial background? Judge Hill Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 0 0.0% Judge Hill Frequency Percent 3 to 5 years 2 2.9% Caucasian / White 60 85.7% 6 to 10 years 16 22.9% 1 1.4% 11 to 20 years 23 32.9% African American / Black More than 20 years 29 41.4% 2 2.9% Total 70 100.0% Hispanic / Latino / Latina Asian / Pacific Islander 5 7.1% Native American 0 0.0% Other 2 2.9% Total 70 100.0% Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Judge Hill Frequency Percent Criminal Law 19 27.1% General Civil 27 38.6% Domestic Relations / Family Law 7 10.0% Government Practice 7 10.0% Other 10 14.3% Total 70 100.0% What is your gender? Judge Hill Frequency Percent Male 34 48.6% Female 36 51.4% Total 70 100.0% 150 JUDGELAURAINVEEN 156Respondents 3.99 4.22 Legal Decision Making 3.97 Integrity and Impartiality Demeanor, Temperament, and Communication 3.89 Judge Court Average 4.40 Judge Average 4.15 4.30 Administrative Skills 0 1 2 3 4 RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 4.34 151 5 Judge Inveen Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 4.22 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 4.22 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 4.22 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 4.19 4.24 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 4.34 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 4.43 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.43 Based rulings on the facts and the law 4.16 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 4.32 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 4.40 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 4.42 4.41 4.44 4.33 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 4.30 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.43 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 4.26 4.20 4.33 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Judge Inveen Frequency Percent Judge Inveen Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 0.7% Unacceptable 3 2.1% Below Expectations 7 4.6% Below Expectations 5 3.4% Acceptable 18 11.8% Acceptable 17 11.7% Very Good 58 38.2% Very Good 52 35.9% Excellent 68 44.7% Excellent 68 46.9% Total 152 100.0% Total 145 100.0% 152 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Judge Inveen Frequency Percent Judge Inveen Frequency Percent Unacceptable 4 2.7% Unacceptable 2 1.3% Below Expectations 10 6.7% Below Expectations 10 6.7% Acceptable 13 8.7% Acceptable 14 9.3% Very Good 54 36.0% Very Good 55 36.7% Excellent 69 46.0% Excellent 69 46.0% Total 150 100.0% Total 150 100.0% 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 13. Was prepared for court Judge Inveen Frequency Percent Judge Inveen Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 1.3% Unacceptable 4 2.6% Below Expectations 7 4.7% Below Expectations 5 3.3% Acceptable 11 7.4% Acceptable 14 9.3% Very Good 62 41.6% Very Good 43 28.5% Excellent 67 45.0% Excellent 85 56.3% Total 149 100.0% Total 151 100.0% 14. Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Judge Inveen Frequency Percent Judge Inveen Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 1.3% Unacceptable 3 2.1% Below Expectations 3 2.0% Below Expectations 6 4.1% Acceptable 13 8.6% Acceptable 3 2.1% Very Good 45 29.6% Very Good 46 31.7% Excellent 89 58.6% Excellent 87 60.0% Total 152 100.0% Total 145 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Judge Inveen Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 1.3% Judge Inveen Frequency Percent Below Expectations 4 2.6% Unacceptable 5 3.5% Acceptable 10 6.5% Below Expectations 3 2.1% Very Good 50 32.7% Acceptable 8 5.6% Excellent 87 56.9% Very Good 37 25.9% Total 153 100.0% Excellent 90 62.9% Total 143 100.0% 153 20. Acted with patience and self-control 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Judge Inveen Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 0.7% Judge Inveen Frequency Percent Below Expectations 5 3.3% Unacceptable 1 0.7% Acceptable 9 6.0% Below Expectations 10 6.8% Very Good 47 31.1% Acceptable 15 10.1% Excellent 89 58.9% Very Good 55 37.2% Total 151 100.0% Excellent 67 45.3% Total 148 100.0% 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Judge Inveen Frequency Percent Judge Inveen Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 1.3% Unacceptable 2 1.3% Below Expectations 5 3.3% Below Expectations 3 2.0% Acceptable 15 9.9% Acceptable 15 10.0% Very Good 49 32.2% Very Good 53 35.3% Excellent 81 53.3% Excellent 77 51.3% Total 152 100.0% Total 150 100.0% 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Judge Inveen Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 1.3% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 15 10.0% Very Good 47 31.3% Excellent 86 57.3% Total 150 100.0% 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Judge Inveen Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 1.4% Below Expectations 6 4.3% Acceptable 17 12.1% Very Good 44 31.4% Excellent 71 50.7% Total 140 100.0% 154 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? Judge Inveen Frequency Percent Once 58 37.2% 2 to 3 times 74 47.4% 4 to 10 times 19 12.2% More than 10 times 5 3.2% Total 156 100.0% How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 44 28.2% 2 to 5 Attorneys 41 26.3% 6 to 10 Attorneys 21 13.5% 11 to 20 Attorneys 16 10.3% More than 20 Attorneys 34 21.8% Total 156 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? What best describes your racial background? Judge Inveen Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 2 1.3% Judge Inveen Frequency Percent 3 to 5 years 11 7.1% Caucasian / White 144 92.3% 6 to 10 years 15 9.6% 2 1.3% 11 to 20 years 35 22.4% African American / Black More than 20 years 93 59.6% 1 0.6% Total 156 100.0% Hispanic / Latino / Latina Asian / Pacific Islander 6 3.8% Native American 0 0.0% Other 3 1.9% Total 156 100.0% Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Judge Inveen Frequency Percent Criminal Law 19 12.2% General Civil 73 46.8% Domestic Relations / Family Law 53 34.0% Frequency Percent Government Practice Judge Inveen 4 2.6% Male 93 60.0% Other 7 4.5% Female 62 40.0% Total 156 100.0% Total 155 100.0% What is your gender? Judge Inveen 155 JUDGERONALDKESSLER 137Respondents 3.99 Legal Decision Making 3.97 4.25 Integrity and Impartiality Demeanor, Temperament, and Communication Judge Court Average 3.89 3.96 Judge Average 4.15 4.35 Administrative Skills 0 1 2 3 4 RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 4.33 156 5 Judge Kessler Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 4.33 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 4.33 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 4.33 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 4.31 4.35 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 4.25 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 4.31 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.39 Based rulings on the facts and the law 4.18 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 4.12 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 3.96 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 3.57 4.39 3.54 4.32 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 4.35 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.39 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 4.27 4.44 4.29 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Judge Kessler Frequency Percent Judge Kessler Frequency Percent Unacceptable 4 3.0% Unacceptable 2 1.5% Below Expectations 4 3.0% Below Expectations 6 4.5% Acceptable 12 9.0% Acceptable 12 9.1% Very Good 37 27.8% Very Good 39 29.5% Excellent 76 57.1% Excellent 73 55.3% Total 133 100.0% Total 132 100.0% 157 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Judge Kessler Frequency Percent Judge Kessler Frequency Percent Unacceptable 3 2.3% Unacceptable 3 2.3% Below Expectations 9 6.9% Below Expectations 4 3.1% Acceptable 15 11.5% Acceptable 17 13.0% Very Good 38 29.2% Very Good 32 24.4% Excellent 65 50.0% Excellent 75 57.3% Total 130 100.0% Total 131 100.0% 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 13. Was prepared for court Judge Kessler Frequency Percent Judge Kessler Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 4 3.0% Below Expectations 5 3.8% Below Expectations 8 6.0% Acceptable 19 14.3% Acceptable 22 16.4% Very Good 34 25.6% Very Good 34 25.4% Excellent 75 56.4% Excellent 66 49.3% Total 133 100.0% Total 134 100.0% 14. Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Judge Kessler Frequency Percent Judge Kessler Frequency Percent Unacceptable 9 6.8% Unacceptable 2 1.5% Below Expectations 15 11.3% Below Expectations 5 3.7% Acceptable 42 31.6% Acceptable 16 11.9% Very Good 25 18.8% Very Good 38 28.4% Excellent 42 31.6% Excellent 73 54.5% Total 133 100.0% Total 134 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Judge Kessler Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Judge Kessler Frequency Percent Below Expectations 3 2.2% Unacceptable 1 0.8% Acceptable 20 14.9% Below Expectations 4 3.1% Very Good 33 24.6% Acceptable 16 12.5% Excellent 78 58.2% Very Good 30 23.4% Total 134 100.0% Excellent 77 60.2% Total 128 100.0% 158 20. Acted with patience and self-control 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Judge Kessler Frequency Percent Unacceptable 8 5.9% Judge Kessler Frequency Percent Below Expectations 17 12.5% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Acceptable 44 32.4% Below Expectations 1 0.8% Very Good 27 19.9% Acceptable 13 10.2% Excellent 40 29.4% Very Good 42 33.1% Total 136 100.0% Excellent 71 55.9% Total 127 100.0% 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Judge Kessler Frequency Percent Judge Kessler Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 0.8% Unacceptable 1 0.8% Below Expectations 5 3.8% Below Expectations 2 1.5% Acceptable 19 14.4% Acceptable 23 17.4% Very Good 33 25.0% Very Good 38 28.8% Excellent 74 56.1% Excellent 68 51.5% Total 132 100.0% Total 132 100.0% 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Judge Kessler Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 1 0.8% Acceptable 17 12.9% Very Good 44 33.3% Excellent 70 53.0% Total 132 100.0% 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Judge Kessler Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 1.6% Below Expectations 3 2.4% Acceptable 19 15.4% Very Good 35 28.5% Excellent 64 52.0% Total 123 100.0% 159 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? Judge Kessler Frequency Percent Once 42 30.7% 2 to 3 times 30 21.9% 4 to 10 times 15 10.9% More than 10 times 50 36.5% Total 137 100.0% How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Judge Kessler Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 47 34.3% 2 to 5 Attorneys 34 24.8% 6 to 10 Attorneys 10 7.3% 11 to 20 Attorneys 7 5.1% More than 20 Attorneys 39 28.5% Total 137 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? What best describes your racial background? Judge Kessler Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 0 0.0% Judge Kessler Frequency Percent 3 to 5 years 15 10.9% Caucasian / White 116 85.3% 6 to 10 years 23 16.8% 4 2.9% 11 to 20 years 29 21.2% African American / Black More than 20 years 70 51.1% 2 1.5% Total 137 100.0% Hispanic / Latino / Latina Asian / Pacific Islander 11 8.1% Native American 0 0.0% Other 3 2.2% Total 136 100.0% Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Judge Kessler Frequency Percent Criminal Law 67 48.9% General Civil 8 5.8% Domestic Relations / Family Law 57 41.6% Frequency Percent Government Practice Judge Kessler 3 2.2% Male 65 48.1% Other 2 1.5% Female 70 51.9% Total 137 100.0% Total 135 100.0% What is your gender? 160 JUDGEBARBARALINDE 99Respondents 3.99 3.95 Legal Decision Making 3.97 4.06 Integrity and Impartiality Demeanor, Temperament, and Communication 3.89 Judge Average 4.23 4.15 4.18 Administrative Skills 0 1 2 3 4 RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 Judge Court Average 161 5 Judge Linde Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 3.95 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 3.85 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 3.86 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 3.90 4.18 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 4.06 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 4.14 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.24 Based rulings on the facts and the law 3.79 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 4.06 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 4.23 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 4.27 4.35 4.26 4.04 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 4.18 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.27 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 4.10 4.21 4.14 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Judge Linde Frequency Percent Judge Linde Frequency Percent Unacceptable 4 4.1% Unacceptable 3 3.2% Below Expectations 11 11.2% Below Expectations 9 9.7% Acceptable 16 16.3% Acceptable 18 19.4% Very Good 32 32.7% Very Good 31 33.3% Excellent 35 35.7% Excellent 32 34.4% Total 98 100.0% Total 93 100.0% 162 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Judge Linde Frequency Percent Judge Linde Frequency Percent Unacceptable 3 3.1% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 14 14.4% Below Expectations 11 11.8% Acceptable 17 17.5% Acceptable 19 20.4% Very Good 29 29.9% Very Good 31 33.3% Excellent 34 35.1% Excellent 32 34.4% Total 97 100.0% Total 93 100.0% 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 13. Was prepared for court Judge Linde Frequency Percent Judge Linde Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 2 2.1% Below Expectations 2 2.1% Below Expectations 7 7.4% Acceptable 17 18.1% Acceptable 17 18.1% Very Good 37 39.4% Very Good 25 26.6% Excellent 38 40.4% Excellent 43 45.7% Total 94 100.0% Total 94 100.0% 14. Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Judge Linde Frequency Percent Judge Linde Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.0% Unacceptable 2 2.2% Below Expectations 1 1.0% Below Expectations 6 6.6% Acceptable 19 19.8% Acceptable 15 16.5% Very Good 25 26.0% Very Good 22 24.2% Excellent 50 52.1% Excellent 46 50.5% Total 96 100.0% Total 91 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Judge Linde Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Judge Linde Frequency Percent Below Expectations 0 0.0% Unacceptable 1 1.1% Acceptable 17 18.3% Below Expectations 3 3.4% Very Good 26 28.0% Acceptable 15 17.0% Excellent 50 53.8% Very Good 24 27.3% Total 93 100.0% Excellent 45 51.1% Total 88 100.0% 163 20. Acted with patience and self-control 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Judge Linde Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Judge Linde Frequency Percent Below Expectations 3 3.2% Unacceptable 1 1.1% Acceptable 17 18.1% Below Expectations 2 2.1% Very Good 27 28.7% Acceptable 15 16.0% Excellent 47 50.0% Very Good 34 36.2% Total 94 100.0% Excellent 42 44.7% Total 94 100.0% 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Judge Linde Frequency Percent Judge Linde Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 5 5.3% Below Expectations 3 3.3% Acceptable 23 24.2% Acceptable 18 19.8% Very Good 30 31.6% Very Good 33 36.3% Excellent 37 38.9% Excellent 37 40.7% Total 95 100.0% Total 91 100.0% 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Judge Linde Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 20 21.5% Very Good 28 30.1% Excellent 45 48.4% Total 93 100.0% 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Judge Linde Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.1% Below Expectations 1 1.1% Acceptable 23 26.4% Very Good 25 28.7% Excellent 37 42.5% Total 87 100.0% 164 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? Judge Linde Frequency Percent Once 42 42.4% 2 to 3 times 40 40.4% 4 to 10 times 12 12.1% More than 10 times 5 5.1% Total 99 100.0% How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Judge Linde Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 23 23.2% 2 to 5 Attorneys 25 25.3% 6 to 10 Attorneys 14 14.1% 11 to 20 Attorneys 14 14.1% More than 20 Attorneys 23 23.2% Total 99 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? What best describes your racial background? Judge Linde Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 2 2.0% Judge Linde Frequency Percent 3 to 5 years 7 7.1% Caucasian / White 89 90.8% 6 to 10 years 12 12.1% 1 1.0% 11 to 20 years 27 27.3% African American / Black More than 20 years 51 51.5% 2 2.0% Total 99 100.0% Hispanic / Latino / Latina Asian / Pacific Islander 3 3.1% Native American 1 1.0% Other 2 2.0% Total 98 100.0% Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Judge Linde Frequency Percent Criminal Law 18 18.4% General Civil 52 53.1% Domestic Relations / Family Law 21 21.4% Frequency Percent Government Practice Judge Linde 3 3.1% Male 62 62.6% Other 4 4.1% Female 37 37.4% Total 98 100.0% Total 99 100.0% What is your gender? 165 JUDGEDEANLUM 142Respondents 3.99 3.98 Legal Decision Making 3.97 4.28 Integrity and Impartiality 3.89 Demeanor, Temperament, and Communication 4.40 Judge Court Average Judge Average 4.15 4.23 Administrative Skills 0 1 2 3 RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 166 4 5 Judge Lum Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 3.98 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 3.94 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 3.96 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 3.96 4.07 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 4.28 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 4.41 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.47 Based rulings on the facts and the law 3.92 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 4.30 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 4.40 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 4.51 4.37 4.49 4.22 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 4.23 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.31 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 4.16 4.23 4.23 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Judge Lum Frequency Percent Judge Lum Frequency Percent Unacceptable 4 2.8% Unacceptable 1 0.7% Below Expectations 8 5.7% Below Expectations 9 6.7% Acceptable 30 21.3% Acceptable 30 22.2% Very Good 49 34.8% Very Good 50 37.0% Excellent 50 35.5% Excellent 45 33.3% Total 141 100.0% Total 135 100.0% 167 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Judge Lum Frequency Percent Judge Lum Frequency Percent Unacceptable 4 2.9% Unacceptable 2 1.4% Below Expectations 10 7.1% Below Expectations 6 4.3% Acceptable 30 21.4% Acceptable 34 24.3% Very Good 45 32.1% Very Good 51 36.4% Excellent 51 36.4% Excellent 47 33.6% Total 140 100.0% Total 140 100.0% 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 13. Was prepared for court Judge Lum Frequency Percent Judge Lum Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 1.5% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 6 4.4% Below Expectations 10 7.2% Acceptable 24 17.6% Acceptable 16 11.6% Very Good 53 39.0% Very Good 35 25.4% Excellent 51 37.5% Excellent 77 55.8% Total 136 100.0% Total 138 100.0% 14. Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Judge Lum Frequency Percent Judge Lum Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 0.7% Unacceptable 1 0.7% Below Expectations 2 1.4% Below Expectations 3 2.2% Acceptable 13 9.4% Acceptable 15 10.9% Very Good 32 23.2% Very Good 38 27.7% Excellent 90 65.2% Excellent 80 58.4% Total 138 100.0% Total 137 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Judge Lum Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 0.7% Judge Lum Frequency Percent Below Expectations 4 2.9% Unacceptable 2 1.5% Acceptable 16 11.4% Below Expectations 2 1.5% Very Good 40 28.6% Acceptable 12 8.8% Excellent 79 56.4% Very Good 34 24.8% Total 140 100.0% Excellent 87 63.5% Total 137 100.0% 168 20. Acted with patience and self-control 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Judge Lum Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 0.7% Judge Lum Frequency Percent Below Expectations 1 0.7% Unacceptable 1 0.7% Acceptable 13 9.4% Below Expectations 4 2.9% Very Good 38 27.3% Acceptable 22 16.1% Excellent 86 61.9% Very Good 46 33.6% Total 139 100.0% Excellent 64 46.7% Total 137 100.0% 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Judge Lum Frequency Percent Judge Lum Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 0.7% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 5 3.6% Below Expectations 4 2.9% Acceptable 21 15.2% Acceptable 24 17.4% Very Good 47 34.1% Very Good 46 33.3% Excellent 64 46.4% Excellent 64 46.4% Total 138 100.0% Total 138 100.0% 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Judge Lum Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 0.7% Below Expectations 4 2.9% Acceptable 17 12.5% Very Good 44 32.4% Excellent 70 51.5% Total 136 100.0% 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Judge Lum Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 1.6% Below Expectations 4 3.2% Acceptable 21 16.8% Very Good 43 34.4% Excellent 55 44.0% Total 125 100.0% 169 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Judge Lum Frequency Percent Judge Lum Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 21 14.8% Once 51 35.9% 2 to 5 Attorneys 39 27.5% 2 to 3 times 55 38.7% 6 to 10 Attorneys 15 10.6% 4 to 10 times 25 17.6% 11 to 20 Attorneys 18 12.7% More than 10 times 11 7.7% Total 142 100.0% More than 20 Attorneys 49 34.5% Total 142 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? What best describes your racial background? Judge Lum Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 0 0.0% Judge Lum Frequency Percent 3 to 5 years 7 4.9% Caucasian / White 126 88.7% 6 to 10 years 20 14.1% 2 1.4% 11 to 20 years 39 27.5% African American / Black More than 20 years 76 53.5% 2 1.4% Total 142 100.0% Hispanic / Latino / Latina Asian / Pacific Islander 6 4.2% Native American 1 0.7% Other 5 3.5% Total 142 100.0% Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Judge Lum Frequency Percent Criminal Law 31 22.0% General Civil 78 55.3% Domestic Relations / Family Law 14 9.9% Government Practice 6 4.3% Other 12 8.5% Total 141 100.0% What is your gender? 170 Judge Lum Frequency Percent Male 92 65.2% Female 49 34.8% Total 141 100.0% JUDGEBARBARAMACK 34Respondents Legal Decision Making 3.99 3.75 Integrity and Impartiality 3.97 3.82 Demeanor, Temperament, and Communication 3.89 4.01 Administrative Skills 3.63 0 1 2 3 4 RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 Judge Court Average 171 Judge Average 4.15 5 Judge Mack Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 3.75 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 3.64 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 3.63 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 3.70 4.03 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 3.82 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 3.82 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.12 Based rulings on the facts and the law 3.67 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 3.68 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 4.01 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 4.06 4.09 4.00 3.88 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 3.63 Maintained control in the courtroom 3.85 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 3.62 3.72 3.31 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Judge Mack Frequency Percent Judge Mack Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 6.1% Unacceptable 2 6.3% Below Expectations 1 3.0% Below Expectations 2 6.3% Acceptable 10 30.3% Acceptable 8 25.0% Very Good 14 42.4% Very Good 14 43.8% Excellent 6 18.2% Excellent 6 18.8% Total 33 100.0% Total 32 100.0% 172 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Judge Mack Frequency Percent Judge Mack Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 3.0% Unacceptable 2 6.1% Below Expectations 5 15.2% Below Expectations 2 6.1% Acceptable 6 18.2% Acceptable 7 21.2% Very Good 13 39.4% Very Good 15 45.5% Excellent 8 24.2% Excellent 7 21.2% Total 33 100.0% Total 33 100.0% 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 13. Was prepared for court Judge Mack Frequency Percent Judge Mack Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 3.0% Unacceptable 2 5.9% Below Expectations 3 9.1% Below Expectations 3 8.8% Acceptable 3 9.1% Acceptable 8 23.5% Very Good 13 39.4% Very Good 12 35.3% Excellent 13 39.4% Excellent 9 26.5% Total 33 100.0% Total 34 100.0% 14. Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Judge Mack Frequency Percent Judge Mack Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 2.9% Unacceptable 1 3.0% Below Expectations 3 8.8% Below Expectations 5 15.2% Acceptable 5 14.7% Acceptable 6 18.2% Very Good 9 26.5% Very Good 8 24.2% Excellent 16 47.1% Excellent 13 39.4% Total 34 100.0% Total 33 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Judge Mack Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 2.9% Judge Mack Frequency Percent Below Expectations 3 8.8% Unacceptable 1 3.0% Acceptable 5 14.7% Below Expectations 2 6.1% Very Good 8 23.5% Acceptable 6 18.2% Excellent 17 50.0% Very Good 7 21.2% Total 34 100.0% Excellent 17 51.5% Total 33 100.0% 173 20. Acted with patience and self-control 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Judge Mack Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 2.9% Judge Mack Frequency Percent Below Expectations 1 2.9% Unacceptable 2 6.3% Acceptable 10 29.4% Below Expectations 3 9.4% Very Good 7 20.6% Acceptable 8 25.0% Excellent 15 44.1% Very Good 8 25.0% Total 34 100.0% Excellent 11 34.4% Total 32 100.0% 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Judge Mack Frequency Percent Judge Mack Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 2.9% Unacceptable 1 3.1% Below Expectations 2 5.9% Below Expectations 6 18.8% Acceptable 7 20.6% Acceptable 12 37.5% Very Good 14 41.2% Very Good 8 25.0% Excellent 10 29.4% Excellent 5 15.6% Total 34 100.0% Total 32 100.0% 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Judge Mack Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 3.0% Below Expectations 2 6.1% Acceptable 9 27.3% Very Good 10 30.3% Excellent 11 33.3% Total 33 100.0% 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Judge Mack Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 3.4% Below Expectations 4 13.8% Acceptable 8 27.6% Very Good 8 27.6% Excellent 8 27.6% Total 29 100.0% 174 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? Judge Mack Frequency Percent Once 8 23.5% 2 to 3 times 9 26.5% 4 to 10 times 3 8.8% More than 10 times 14 41.2% Total 34 100.0% How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Judge Mack Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 10 29.4% 2 to 5 Attorneys 4 11.8% 6 to 10 Attorneys 2 5.9% 11 to 20 Attorneys 2 5.9% More than 20 Attorneys 16 47.1% Total 34 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? What best describes your racial background? Judge Mack Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 1 2.9% Judge Mack Frequency Percent 3 to 5 years 1 2.9% Caucasian / White 26 76.5% 6 to 10 years 6 17.6% 11 to 20 years 2 5.9% 11 32.4% African American / Black More than 20 years 15 44.1% Hispanic / Latino / Latina 0 0.0% Total 34 100.0% Asian / Pacific Islander 3 8.8% Native American 1 2.9% Other 2 5.9% Total 34 100.0% Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Judge Mack Frequency Percent Criminal Law 22 64.7% General Civil 6 17.6% Domestic Relations / Family Law 5 14.7% Government Practice 1 2.9% Other 0 0.0% Total 34 100.0% What is your gender? Judge Mack Frequency Percent Male 17 50.0% Female 17 50.0% Total 34 100.0% 175 JUDGELEROYMCCULLOUGH 99Respondents 3.99 3.68 Legal Decision Making 3.97 4.12 Integrity and Impartiality Demeanor, Temperament, and Communication 3.89 4.13 Judge Average 4.15 3.77 Administrative Skills 0 1 2 3 4 RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 Judge Court Average 176 5 Judge McCullough Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 3.68 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 3.67 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 3.70 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 3.71 3.64 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 4.12 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 4.29 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.36 Based rulings on the facts and the law 3.67 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 4.14 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 4.13 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 4.32 3.94 4.27 4.00 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 3.77 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.12 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 3.63 3.61 3.71 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Judge McCullough Frequency Percent Judge McCullough Frequency Percent Unacceptable 7 7.1% Unacceptable 6 6.3% Below Expectations 8 8.2% Below Expectations 8 8.3% Acceptable 23 23.5% Acceptable 22 22.9% Very Good 32 32.7% Very Good 33 34.4% Excellent 28 28.6% Excellent 27 28.1% Total 98 100.0% Total 96 100.0% 177 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Judge McCullough Frequency Percent Judge McCullough Frequency Percent Unacceptable 7 7.2% Unacceptable 6 6.1% Below Expectations 8 8.2% Below Expectations 7 7.1% Acceptable 20 20.6% Acceptable 26 26.3% Very Good 37 38.1% Very Good 31 31.3% Excellent 25 25.8% Excellent 29 29.3% Total 97 100.0% Total 99 100.0% 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 13. Was prepared for court Judge McCullough Frequency Percent Judge McCullough Frequency Percent Unacceptable 7 7.1% Unacceptable 2 2.1% Below Expectations 8 8.2% Below Expectations 3 3.1% Acceptable 27 27.6% Acceptable 20 20.6% Very Good 27 27.6% Very Good 26 26.8% Excellent 29 29.6% Excellent 46 47.4% Total 98 100.0% Total 97 100.0% 14. Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Judge McCullough Frequency Percent Judge McCullough Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.0% Unacceptable 3 3.3% Below Expectations 3 3.0% Below Expectations 2 2.2% Acceptable 14 14.1% Acceptable 13 14.1% Very Good 26 26.3% Very Good 21 22.8% Excellent 55 55.6% Excellent 53 57.6% Total 99 100.0% Total 92 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Judge McCullough Frequency Percent Unacceptable 3 3.0% Judge McCullough Frequency Percent Below Expectations 9 9.1% Unacceptable 2 2.1% Acceptable 20 20.2% Below Expectations 3 3.1% Very Good 26 26.3% Acceptable 12 12.4% Excellent 41 41.4% Very Good 21 21.6% Total 99 100.0% Excellent 59 60.8% Total 97 100.0% 178 20. Acted with patience and self-control 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Judge McCullough Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 2.0% Judge McCullough Frequency Percent Below Expectations 1 1.0% Unacceptable 8 8.2% Acceptable 16 16.3% Below Expectations 9 9.3% Very Good 29 29.6% Acceptable 27 27.8% Excellent 50 51.0% Very Good 22 22.7% Total 98 100.0% Excellent 31 32.0% Total 97 100.0% 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Judge McCullough Frequency Percent Judge McCullough Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 2.1% Unacceptable 5 5.4% Below Expectations 4 4.1% Below Expectations 11 11.8% Acceptable 22 22.7% Acceptable 20 21.5% Very Good 33 34.0% Very Good 27 29.0% Excellent 36 37.1% Excellent 30 32.3% Total 97 100.0% Total 93 100.0% 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Judge McCullough Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.0% Below Expectations 4 4.0% Acceptable 20 20.2% Very Good 31 31.3% Excellent 43 43.4% Total 99 100.0% 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Judge McCullough Frequency Percent Unacceptable 10 11.0% Below Expectations 6 6.6% Acceptable 22 24.2% Very Good 23 25.3% Excellent 30 33.0% Total 91 100.0% 179 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Judge McCullough Frequency Percent Judge McCullough Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 24 24.2% Once 0 0.0% 2 to 5 Attorneys 21 21.2% 2 to 3 times 5 5.1% 6 to 10 Attorneys 11 11.1% 4 to 10 times 21 21.2% 11 to 20 Attorneys 10 10.1% More than 10 times 30 30.3% Total 43 43.4% More than 20 Attorneys 33 33.3% Total 99 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? Judge McCullough Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 30 30.3% 3 to 5 years 52 6 to 10 years What best describes your racial background? Frequency Percent 52.5% Judge McCullough 8 8.1% Caucasian / White 82 82.8% 11 to 20 years 3 3.0% 3 3.0% More than 20 years 6 6.1% African American / Black Total 99 100.0% Hispanic / Latino / Latina 3 3.0% Asian / Pacific Islander 6 6.1% Native American 1 1.0% Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Judge McCullough Frequency Percent Other 4 4.0% Criminal Law 30 30.3% Total 99 100.0% General Civil 52 52.5% Domestic Relations / Family Law 8 8.1% Government Practice 3 3.0% Other 6 6.1% Total 99 100.0% What is your gender? 180 Judge McCullough Frequency Percent Male 66 67.3% Female 32 32.7% Total 98 100.0% JUDGERICHARDMCDERMOTT 69Respondents Legal Decision Making 3.99 4.07 Integrity and Impartiality 3.97 4.05 Judge Court Average 3.89 Demeanor, Temperament, and Communication 4.30 4.15 4.26 Administrative Skills 0 1 2 3 RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 181 4 5 Judge Average Judge McDermott Item Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 4.07 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 4.00 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 4.09 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 4.04 4.13 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 4.05 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 4.02 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.09 Based rulings on the facts and the law 4.06 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 4.04 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 4.30 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 4.35 4.28 4.36 4.21 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 4.26 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.27 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 4.27 4.27 4.23 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Judge McDermott Frequency Percent Judge McDermott Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 3.0% Unacceptable 3 4.5% Below Expectations 7 10.4% Below Expectations 6 9.1% Acceptable 9 13.4% Acceptable 5 7.6% Very Good 20 29.9% Very Good 20 30.3% Excellent 29 43.3% Excellent 32 48.5% Total 67 100.0% Total 66 100.0% 182 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner Judge McDermott Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 2.9% Below Expectations 5 7.4% Acceptable 10 14.7% Very Good 22 32.4% Excellent 29 42.6% Total 68 100.0% 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Judge McDermott Frequency Percent Unacceptable 3 4.5% Below Expectations 3 4.5% Acceptable 12 18.2% Very Good 17 25.8% Excellent 31 47.0% Total 66 100.0% 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 13. Was prepared for court Judge McDermott Frequency Percent Judge McDermott Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 3 4.4% Below Expectations 6 8.8% Below Expectations 4 5.9% Acceptable 8 11.8% Acceptable 13 19.1% Very Good 25 36.8% Very Good 15 22.1% Excellent 29 42.6% Excellent 33 48.5% Total 68 100.0% Total 68 100.0% 14. Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety Judge McDermott Frequency Percent Unacceptable 4 6.3% Below Expectations 4 6.3% Acceptable 10 15.6% Very Good 15 23.4% Excellent 31 48.4% Total 64 100.0% 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Judge McDermott Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.5% Below Expectations 2 3.0% Acceptable 9 13.6% Very Good 15 22.7% Excellent 39 59.1% Total 66 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Judge McDermott Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.5% Judge McDermott Frequency Percent Below Expectations 1 1.5% Unacceptable 4 6.2% Acceptable 12 17.9% Below Expectations 2 3.1% Very Good 17 25.4% 53.7% 100.0% Acceptable 11 16.9% Excellent 36 Very Good 15 23.1% Total 67 Excellent 33 50.8% Total 65 100.0% 183 20. Acted with patience and self-control 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Judge McDermott Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Judge McDermott Frequency Percent Below Expectations 1 1.5% Unacceptable 1 1.5% Acceptable 10 14.9% Below Expectations 2 3.0% Very Good 20 29.9% Acceptable 9 13.6% Excellent 36 53.7% Very Good 20 30.3% Total 67 100.0% Excellent 34 51.5% Total 66 100.0% 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Judge McDermott Frequency Percent Judge McDermott Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 6 8.8% Below Expectations 5 7.6% Acceptable 7 10.3% Acceptable 9 13.6% Very Good 22 32.4% Very Good 18 27.3% Excellent 33 48.5% Excellent 34 51.5% Total 68 100.0% Total 66 100.0% 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Judge McDermott Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 3 4.5% Acceptable 11 16.7% Very Good 17 25.8% Excellent 35 53.0% Total 66 100.0% 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Judge McDermott Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 1 1.6% Acceptable 12 19.4% Very Good 18 29.0% Excellent 31 50.0% Total 62 100.0% 184 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? Judge McDermott Frequency Percent Judge McDermott Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 16 23.2% Once 20 29.0% 2 to 5 Attorneys 15 21.7% 2 to 3 times 20 29.0% 6 to 10 Attorneys 9 13.0% 4 to 10 times 17 24.6% 11 to 20 Attorneys 10 14.5% More than 10 times 12 17.4% 19 27.5% Total 69 100.0% More than 20 Attorneys Total 69 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? Judge McDermott Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 1 1.4% 3 to 5 years 4 5.8% 6 to 10 years 7 10.1% 11 to 20 years 19 27.5% More than 20 years 38 55.1% Total 69 100.0% What best describes your racial background? Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Judge McDermott Frequency Percent Caucasian / White 59 85.5% African American / Black 1 1.4% Hispanic / Latino / Latina 3 4.3% Asian / Pacific Islander 4 5.8% Native American 0 0.0% Judge McDermott Frequency Percent Other 2 2.9% Criminal Law 21 30.4% Total 69 100.0% General Civil 35 50.7% Domestic Relations / Family Law 7 10.1% Government Practice 2 2.9% Other 4 5.8% Total 69 100.0% What is your gender? Judge McDermott Frequency Percent Male 43 63.2% Female 25 36.8% Total 68 100.0% 185 JUDGELAURAGENEMIDDAUGH 135Respondents Legal Decision Making 3.33 3.99 3.97 3.53 Integrity and Impartiality Judge Court Average 3.89 3.53 Demeanor, Temperament, and Communication 4.15 3.66 Administrative Skills 0 1 2 3 RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 Judge Average 186 4 5 Judge Middaugh Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 3.33 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 3.33 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 3.34 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 3.23 3.41 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 3.53 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 3.68 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 3.90 Based rulings on the facts and the law 3.20 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 3.36 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 3.53 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 3.60 3.72 3.51 3.30 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 3.66 Maintained control in the courtroom 3.67 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 3.60 3.71 3.65 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Judge Middaugh Frequency Percent Judge Middaugh Frequency Percent Unacceptable 16 12.0% Unacceptable 12 9.5% Below Expectations 19 14.3% Below Expectations 18 14.3% Acceptable 32 24.1% Acceptable 36 28.6% Very Good 37 27.8% Very Good 35 27.8% Excellent 29 21.8% Excellent 25 19.8% Total 133 100.0% Total 126 100.0% 187 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Judge Middaugh Frequency Percent Judge Middaugh Frequency Percent Unacceptable 18 14.1% Unacceptable 14 10.7% Below Expectations 23 18.0% Below Expectations 26 19.8% Acceptable 27 21.1% Acceptable 30 22.9% Very Good 35 27.3% Very Good 38 29.0% Excellent 25 19.5% Excellent 23 17.6% Total 128 100.0% Total 131 100.0% 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 13. Was prepared for court Judge Middaugh Frequency Percent Judge Middaugh Frequency Percent Unacceptable 11 8.6% Unacceptable 12 9.1% Below Expectations 19 14.8% Below Expectations 21 15.9% Acceptable 31 24.2% Acceptable 36 27.3% Very Good 41 32.0% Very Good 34 25.8% Excellent 26 20.3% Excellent 29 22.0% Total 128 100.0% Total 132 100.0% 14. Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Judge Middaugh Frequency Percent Judge Middaugh Frequency Percent Unacceptable 10 7.5% Unacceptable 9 7.4% Below Expectations 15 11.2% Below Expectations 8 6.6% Acceptable 31 23.1% Acceptable 30 24.6% Very Good 41 30.6% Very Good 41 33.6% Excellent 37 27.6% Excellent 34 27.9% Total 134 100.0% Total 122 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Judge Middaugh Frequency Percent Unacceptable 6 4.5% Judge Middaugh Frequency Percent Below Expectations 15 11.3% Unacceptable 6 4.8% Acceptable 29 21.8% Below Expectations 5 4.0% Very Good 43 32.3% Acceptable 33 26.4% Excellent 40 30.1% Very Good 33 26.4% Total 133 100.0% Excellent 48 38.4% Total 125 100.0% 188 20. Acted with patience and self-control 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Judge Middaugh Frequency Percent Unacceptable 11 8.3% Judge Middaugh Frequency Percent Below Expectations 9 6.8% Unacceptable 6 4.8% Acceptable 46 34.8% Below Expectations 5 4.0% Very Good 34 25.8% Acceptable 35 28.2% Excellent 32 24.2% Very Good 51 41.1% Total 132 100.0% Excellent 27 21.8% Total 124 100.0% 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court Judge Middaugh Frequency 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Percent Judge Middaugh Frequency Percent Unacceptable 11 8.3% Unacceptable 4 3.2% Below Expectations 21 15.8% Below Expectations 9 7.1% Acceptable 41 30.8% Acceptable 40 31.7% Very Good 37 27.8% Very Good 47 37.3% Excellent 23 17.3% Excellent 26 20.6% Total 133 100.0% Total 126 100.0% 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Judge Middaugh Frequency Percent Unacceptable 6 4.7% Below Expectations 5 3.9% Acceptable 42 32.6% Very Good 49 38.0% Excellent 27 20.9% Total 129 100.0% 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Judge Middaugh Frequency Percent Unacceptable 8 7.1% Below Expectations 8 7.1% Acceptable 29 25.7% Very Good 44 38.9% Excellent 24 21.2% Total 113 100.0% 189 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? Judge Middaugh Frequency Percent Judge Middaugh Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 39 29.1% Once 47 34.8% 2 to 5 Attorneys 25 18.7% 2 to 3 times 58 43.0% 6 to 10 Attorneys 8 6.0% 4 to 10 times 25 18.5% 11 to 20 Attorneys 19 14.2% More than 10 times 5 3.7% 43 32.1% Total 135 100.0% More than 20 Attorneys Total 134 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? Judge Middaugh Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 1 0.7% 3 to 5 years 5 3.7% 6 to 10 years 19 14.1% 11 to 20 years 33 24.4% More than 20 years 77 57.0% Total 135 100.0% What best describes your racial background? Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Judge Middaugh Frequency Percent Caucasian / White 119 88.8% African American / Black 2 1.5% Hispanic / Latino / Latina 4 3.0% Asian / Pacific Islander 8 6.0% Native American 0 0.0% Judge Middaugh Frequency Percent Criminal Law 29 21.5% General Civil 62 45.9% Domestic Relations / Family Law 28 20.7% Government Practice 9 6.7% Other 7 5.2% Judge Middaugh Frequency Percent Total 135 100.0% Male 82 60.7% Female 53 39.3% Total 135 100.0% Other 1 0.7% Total 134 100.0% What is your gender? 190 JUDGEDOUGLASSNORTH 94Respondents 3.99 4.06 Legal Decision Making 3.97 4.25 Integrity and Impartiality Judge Court Average 3.89 Demeanor, Temperament, and Communication 4.30 4.15 4.17 Administrative Skills 0 1 2 3 RATINGSCALE Judge Average Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 191 4 5 Judge North Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 4.06 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 4.06 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 4.04 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 4.05 4.10 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 4.25 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 4.42 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.51 Based rulings on the facts and the law 3.89 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 4.19 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 4.30 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 4.40 4.24 4.41 4.16 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 4.17 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.19 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 4.15 4.15 4.18 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Judge North Frequency Percent Judge North Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 2.2% Unacceptable 2 2.2% Below Expectations 8 8.6% Below Expectations 7 7.7% Acceptable 15 16.1% Acceptable 14 15.4% Very Good 25 26.9% Very Good 30 33.0% Excellent 43 46.2% Excellent 38 41.8% Total 93 100.0% Total 91 100.0% 192 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Judge North Frequency Percent Judge North Frequency Percent Unacceptable 4 4.4% Unacceptable 4 4.3% Below Expectations 9 9.9% Below Expectations 4 4.3% Acceptable 18 19.8% Acceptable 16 17.0% Very Good 22 24.2% Very Good 29 30.9% Excellent 38 41.8% Excellent 41 43.6% Total 91 100.0% Total 94 100.0% 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 13. Was prepared for court Judge North Frequency Percent Judge North Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 2 2.2% Below Expectations 6 6.5% Below Expectations 6 6.5% Acceptable 18 19.4% Acceptable 12 12.9% Very Good 30 32.3% Very Good 25 26.9% Excellent 39 41.9% Excellent 48 51.6% Total 93 100.0% Total 93 100.0% 14. Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Judge North Frequency Percent Judge North Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.1% Unacceptable 1 1.1% Below Expectations 1 1.1% Below Expectations 1 1.1% Acceptable 11 12.0% Acceptable 12 13.3% Very Good 26 28.3% Very Good 21 23.3% Excellent 53 57.6% Excellent 55 61.1% Total 92 100.0% Total 90 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Judge North Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.1% Judge North Frequency Percent Below Expectations 3 3.3% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Acceptable 18 19.6% Below Expectations 1 1.2% Very Good 21 22.8% Acceptable 10 11.6% Excellent 49 53.3% Very Good 19 22.1% Total 92 100.0% Excellent 56 65.1% Total 86 100.0% 193 20. Acted with patience and self-control 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Judge North Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Judge North Frequency Percent Below Expectations 2 2.2% Unacceptable 1 1.1% Acceptable 10 11.1% Below Expectations 1 1.1% Very Good 27 30.0% Acceptable 20 22.5% Excellent 51 56.7% Very Good 29 32.6% Total 90 100.0% Excellent 38 42.7% Total 89 100.0% 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Judge North Frequency Percent Judge North Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 4 4.3% Below Expectations 1 1.1% Acceptable 18 19.6% Acceptable 24 26.7% Very Good 29 31.5% Very Good 23 25.6% Excellent 41 44.6% Excellent 42 46.7% Total 92 100.0% Total 90 100.0% 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Judge North Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 2 2.2% Acceptable 19 21.1% Very Good 29 32.2% Excellent 40 44.4% Total 90 100.0% 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Judge North Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 2 2.5% Acceptable 18 22.2% Very Good 27 33.3% Excellent 34 42.0% Total 81 100.0% 194 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? Judge North Frequency Percent Judge North Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 14 14.9% Once 35 37.2% 2 to 5 Attorneys 22 23.4% 2 to 3 times 41 43.6% 6 to 10 Attorneys 13 13.8% 4 to 10 times 14 14.9% 11 to 20 Attorneys 13 13.8% More than 10 times 4 4.3% 32 34.0% Total 94 100.0% More than 20 Attorneys Total 94 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? Judge North Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 1 1.1% 3 to 5 years 1 1.1% 6 to 10 years 16 17.0% 11 to 20 years 23 24.5% More than 20 years 53 56.4% Total 94 100.0% What best describes your racial background? Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Judge North Frequency Percent Caucasian / White 87 92.6% African American / Black 1 1.1% Hispanic / Latino / Latina 1 1.1% Asian / Pacific Islander 2 2.1% Judge North Frequency Percent Native American 1 1.1% Criminal Law 19 20.4% Other 2 2.1% General Civil 64 68.8% Total 94 100.0% Domestic Relations / Family Law 5 5.4% Government Practice 2 2.2% Other 3 3.2% Total 93 100.0% What is your gender? 195 Judge North Frequency Percent Male 70 74.5% Female 24 25.5% Total 94 100.0% JUDGESEANO’DONNELL 155Respondents 3.99 Legal Decision Making 4.35 3.97 Integrity and Impartiality 4.44 Judge Court Average Demeanor, Temperament, and Communication Judge Average 3.89 4.53 4.15 4.36 Administrative Skills 0 1 2 3 4 RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 196 5 Judge O’Donnell Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 4.35 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 4.33 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 4.37 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 4.29 4.39 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 4.44 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 4.57 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.52 Based rulings on the facts and the law 4.20 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 4.46 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 4.53 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control 4.55 4.63 4.53 4.40 4.36 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.45 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 4.28 4.33 4.38 Used clear oral communication while in court ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Judge O’Donnell Frequency Percent Judge O’Donnell Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 1.3% Unacceptable 2 1.4% Below Expectations 5 3.3% Below Expectations 7 4.8% Acceptable 17 11.1% Acceptable 9 6.2% Very Good 45 29.4% Very Good 45 30.8% Excellent 84 54.9% Excellent 83 56.8% Total 153 100.0% Total 146 100.0% 197 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Judge O’Donnell Frequency Percent Judge O’Donnell Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 1.3% Unacceptable 1 0.7% Below Expectations 8 5.3% Below Expectations 5 3.3% Acceptable 23 15.1% Acceptable 20 13.3% Very Good 44 28.9% Very Good 47 31.3% Excellent 75 49.3% Excellent 77 51.3% Total 152 100.0% Total 150 100.0% 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 13. Was prepared for court Judge O’Donnell Frequency Percent Judge O’Donnell Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 1.3% Unacceptable 1 0.7% Below Expectations 2 1.3% Below Expectations 6 4.0% Acceptable 13 8.6% Acceptable 12 8.0% Very Good 52 34.2% Very Good 35 23.3% Excellent 83 54.6% Excellent 96 64.0% Total 152 100.0% Total 150 100.0% 14. Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Judge O’Donnell Frequency Percent Judge O’Donnell Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 0.7% Unacceptable 1 0.7% Below Expectations 4 2.7% Below Expectations 1 0.7% Acceptable 8 5.4% Acceptable 11 7.3% Very Good 34 23.1% Very Good 35 23.3% Excellent 100 68.0% Excellent 102 68.0% Total 147 100.0% Total 150 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Judge O’Donnell Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 0.7% Judge O’Donnell Frequency Percent Below Expectations 3 2.0% Unacceptable 1 0.7% Acceptable 5 3.3% Below Expectations 3 2.0% Very Good 33 21.9% Acceptable 12 8.2% Excellent 109 72.2% Very Good 33 22.4% Total 151 100.0% Excellent 98 66.7% Total 147 100.0% 198 20. Acted with patience and self-control 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Judge O’Donnell Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 0.7% Judge O’Donnell Frequency Percent Below Expectations 0 0.0% Unacceptable 1 0.7% Acceptable 12 8.2% Below Expectations 3 2.1% Very Good 41 28.1% Acceptable 21 14.7% Excellent 92 63.0% Very Good 41 28.7% Total 146 100.0% Excellent 77 53.8% Total 143 100.0% 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Judge O’Donnell Frequency Percent Judge O’Donnell Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 0.7% Unacceptable 1 0.7% Below Expectations 4 2.7% Below Expectations 2 1.4% Acceptable 13 8.7% Acceptable 16 11.3% Very Good 48 32.0% Very Good 46 32.4% Excellent 84 56.0% Excellent 77 54.2% Total 150 100.0% Total 142 100.0% 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Judge O’Donnell Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 0.7% Below Expectations 1 0.7% Acceptable 16 11.0% Very Good 42 28.8% Excellent 86 58.9% Total 146 100.0% 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Judge O’Donnell Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 1.4% Below Expectations 6 4.3% Acceptable 15 10.8% Very Good 44 31.7% Excellent 72 51.8% Total 139 100.0% 199 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? Judge O’Donnell Frequency Percent Judge O’Donnell Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 47 30.3% Once 54 34.8% 2 to 5 Attorneys 35 22.6% 2 to 3 times 62 40.0% 6 to 10 Attorneys 18 11.6% 15 9.7% 4 to 10 times 32 20.6% 11 to 20 Attorneys More than 10 times 7 4.5% 40 25.8% Total 155 100.0% More than 20 Attorneys Total 155 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? Judge O’Donnell Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 3 1.9% 3 to 5 years 11 7.1% 6 to 10 years 24 15.5% 11 to 20 years 38 24.5% More than 20 years 79 51.0% Total 155 100.0% What best describes your racial background? Judge O’Donnell Frequency Percent Caucasian / White 134 87.0% African American / Black 3 1.9% Hispanic / Latino / Latina 3 1.9% Asian / Pacific Islander 9 5.8% Native American 1 0.6% Other 4 2.6% Total 154 100.0% Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Judge O’Donnell Frequency Percent Criminal Law 18 11.6% General Civil 35 22.6% Domestic Relations / Family Law 89 57.4% Government Practice 6 3.9% Other 7 4.5% Total 155 100.0% What is your gender? 200 Judge O’Donnell Frequency Percent Male 67 43.8% Female 86 56.2% Total 153 100.0% JUDGEPATRICKOISHI 99Respondents 3.99 3.94 Legal Decision Making 3.97 4.09 Integrity and Impartiality Demeanor, Temperament, and Communication 3.89 4.17 Judge Average 4.15 4.05 Administrative Skills 0 1 2 3 4 RATINGSCALE Judge Court Average Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 201 5 Judge Oishi Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 3.94 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 3.90 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 3.92 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 3.90 4.04 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 4.09 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 4.21 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.28 Based rulings on the facts and the law 3.92 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 3.98 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 4.17 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 4.18 4.29 4.10 4.10 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 4.05 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.12 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 4.00 4.05 4.02 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Judge Oishi Frequency Percent Judge Oishi Frequency Percent Unacceptable 4 4.1% Unacceptable 4 4.4% Below Expectations 5 5.2% Below Expectations 3 3.3% Acceptable 22 22.7% Acceptable 22 24.2% Very Good 32 33.0% Very Good 29 31.9% Excellent 34 35.1% Excellent 33 36.3% Total 97 100.0% Total 91 100.0% 202 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Judge Oishi Frequency Percent Judge Oishi Frequency Percent Unacceptable 6 6.3% Unacceptable 4 4.2% Below Expectations 4 4.2% Below Expectations 3 3.1% Acceptable 21 22.1% Acceptable 26 27.1% Very Good 25 26.3% Very Good 29 30.2% Excellent 39 41.1% Excellent 34 35.4% Total 95 100.0% Total 96 100.0% 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 13. Was prepared for court Judge Oishi Frequency Percent Judge Oishi Frequency Percent Unacceptable 3 3.1% Unacceptable 6 6.3% Below Expectations 2 2.1% Below Expectations 7 7.3% Acceptable 22 22.7% Acceptable 11 11.5% Very Good 31 32.0% Very Good 31 32.3% Excellent 39 40.2% Excellent 41 42.7% Total 97 100.0% Total 96 100.0% 14. Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Judge Oishi Frequency Percent Judge Oishi Frequency Percent Unacceptable 3 3.2% Unacceptable 3 3.1% Below Expectations 3 3.2% Below Expectations 3 3.1% Acceptable 15 15.8% Acceptable 11 11.5% Very Good 27 28.4% Very Good 33 34.4% Excellent 47 49.5% Excellent 46 47.9% Total 95 100.0% Total 96 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Judge Oishi Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 2.1% Judge Oishi Frequency Percent Below Expectations 2 2.1% Unacceptable 3 3.2% Acceptable 12 12.4% Below Expectations 2 2.1% Very Good 31 32.0% Acceptable 12 12.8% Excellent 50 51.5% Very Good 26 27.7% Total 97 100.0% Excellent 51 54.3% Total 94 100.0% 203 20. Acted with patience and self-control 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Judge Oishi Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 2.1% Judge Oishi Frequency Percent Below Expectations 2 2.1% Unacceptable 5 5.3% Acceptable 21 21.6% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Very Good 31 32.0% Acceptable 17 17.9% Excellent 41 42.3% Very Good 36 37.9% Total 97 100.0% Excellent 37 38.9% Total 95 100.0% 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Judge Oishi Frequency Percent Judge Oishi Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 2.1% Unacceptable 4 4.4% Below Expectations 2 2.1% Below Expectations 3 3.3% Acceptable 21 21.6% Acceptable 15 16.5% Very Good 31 32.0% Very Good 34 37.4% Excellent 41 42.3% Excellent 35 38.5% Total 97 100.0% Total 91 100.0% 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Judge Oishi Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 2.1% Below Expectations 1 1.1% Acceptable 16 16.8% Very Good 41 43.2% Excellent 35 36.8% Total 95 100.0% 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Judge Oishi Frequency Percent Unacceptable 4 4.7% Below Expectations 3 3.5% Acceptable 12 14.1% Very Good 36 42.4% Excellent 30 35.3% Total 85 100.0% 204 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? Frequency Percent Judge Oishi Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 28 28.3% Once 40 40.4% 2 to 5 Attorneys 18 18.2% 2 to 3 times 14 14.1% 6 to 10 Attorneys 4 4.0% 9 9.1% 4 to 10 times 17 17.2% 11 to 20 Attorneys More than 10 times 28 28.3% 40 40.4% Total 99 100.0% More than 20 Attorneys Total 99 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? Judge Oishi Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 0 0.0% 3 to 5 years 5 5.1% 6 to 10 years 19 19.2% 11 to 20 years 28 28.3% More than 20 years 47 47.5% Total 99 100.0% What best describes your racial background? Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Judge Oishi Frequency Percent Criminal Law 49 49.5% General Civil 36 36.4% Domestic Relations / Family Law 3 3.0% Government Practice 5 5.1% Other 6 6.1% Total 99 100.0% Judge Oishi Frequency Percent Caucasian / White 87 87.9% African American / Black 3 3.0% Hispanic / Latino / Latina 1 1.0% Asian / Pacific Islander 6 6.1% Native American 1 1.0% Other 1 1.0% Total 99 100.0% What is your gender? Judge Oishi 205 Judge Oishi Frequency Percent Male 55 55.6% Female 44 44.4% Total 99 100.0% JUDGESUZANNEPARISIEN 87Respondents Legal Decision Making 3.50 3.97 3.72 Integrity and Impartiality Demeanor, Temperament, and Communication Judge Court Average 3.89 3.78 Judge Average 4.15 3.81 Administrative Skills 0 1 2 3 4 RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 3.99 206 5 Judge Parisien Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 3.50 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 3.45 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 3.45 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 3.47 3.63 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 3.72 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 3.86 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 3.94 Based rulings on the facts and the law 3.39 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 3.72 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 3.78 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 3.79 3.80 3.85 3.67 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 3.81 Maintained control in the courtroom 3.83 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 3.75 3.83 3.85 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Judge Parisien Frequency Percent Judge Parisien Frequency Percent Unacceptable 11 13.1% Unacceptable 10 12.2% Below Expectations 9 10.7% Below Expectations 11 13.4% Acceptable 15 17.9% Acceptable 14 17.1% Very Good 29 34.5% Very Good 26 31.7% Excellent 20 23.8% Excellent 21 25.6% Total 84 100.0% Total 82 100.0% 207 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Judge Parisien Frequency Percent Judge Parisien Frequency Percent Unacceptable 12 14.5% Unacceptable 6 7.1% Below Expectations 9 10.8% Below Expectations 12 14.1% Acceptable 18 21.7% Acceptable 20 23.5% Very Good 23 27.7% Very Good 30 35.3% Excellent 21 25.3% Excellent 17 20.0% Total 83 100.0% Total 85 100.0% 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 13. Was prepared for court Judge Parisien Frequency Percent Judge Parisien Frequency Percent Unacceptable 5 6.2% Unacceptable 6 7.4% Below Expectations 6 7.4% Below Expectations 7 8.6% Acceptable 21 25.9% Acceptable 17 21.0% Very Good 31 38.3% Very Good 25 30.9% Excellent 18 22.2% Excellent 26 32.1% Total 81 100.0% Total 81 100.0% 14. Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Judge Parisien Frequency Percent Judge Parisien Frequency Percent Unacceptable 7 8.1% Unacceptable 5 5.9% Below Expectations 6 7.0% Below Expectations 6 7.1% Acceptable 18 20.9% Acceptable 15 17.6% Very Good 22 25.6% Very Good 29 34.1% Excellent 33 38.4% Excellent 30 35.3% Total 86 100.0% Total 85 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Judge Parisien Frequency Percent Unacceptable 4 4.7% Judge Parisien Frequency Percent Below Expectations 6 7.1% Unacceptable 6 7.6% Acceptable 19 22.4% Below Expectations 3 3.8% Very Good 30 35.3% Acceptable 13 16.5% Excellent 26 30.6% Very Good 25 31.6% Total 85 100.0% Excellent 32 40.5% Total 79 100.0% 208 20. Acted with patience and self-control 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Judge Parisien Frequency Percent Unacceptable 4 4.9% Judge Parisien Frequency Percent Below Expectations 5 6.1% Unacceptable 4 4.7% Acceptable 18 22.0% Below Expectations 1 1.2% Very Good 27 32.9% Acceptable 23 26.7% Excellent 28 34.1% Very Good 36 41.9% Total 82 100.0% Excellent 22 25.6% Total 86 100.0% 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court Judge Parisien Frequency 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Percent Judge Parisien Frequency Percent Unacceptable 4 4.8% Unacceptable 3 3.6% Below Expectations 9 10.7% Below Expectations 4 4.8% Acceptable 20 23.8% Acceptable 21 25.0% Very Good 29 34.5% Very Good 31 36.9% Excellent 22 26.2% Excellent 25 29.8% Total 84 100.0% Total 84 100.0% 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Judge Parisien Frequency Percent Unacceptable 3 3.6% Below Expectations 3 3.6% Acceptable 21 25.0% Very Good 35 41.7% Excellent 22 26.2% Total 84 100.0% 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Judge Parisien Frequency Percent Unacceptable 5 6.6% Below Expectations 6 7.9% Acceptable 13 17.1% Very Good 31 40.8% Excellent 21 27.6% Total 76 100.0% 209 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? Judge Parisien Frequency Percent Judge Parisien Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 29 33.3% Once 34 39.1% 2 to 5 Attorneys 22 25.3% 2 to 3 times 40 46.0% 6 to 10 Attorneys 14 16.1% 4 to 10 times 10 11.5% 11 to 20 Attorneys 11 12.6% More than 10 times 3 3.4% 11 12.6% Total 87 100.0% More than 20 Attorneys Total 87 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? Judge Parisien Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 3 3.4% 3 to 5 years 9 10.3% 6 to 10 years 10 11.5% 11 to 20 years 22 25.3% More than 20 years 43 49.4% Total 87 100.0% What best describes your racial background? Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Judge Parisien Frequency Percent Caucasian / White 70 81.4% African American / Black 2 2.3% Hispanic / Latino / Latina 3 3.5% Asian / Pacific Islander 7 8.1% Judge Parisien Frequency Percent Native American 0 0.0% Criminal Law 4 4.6% Other 4 4.7% General Civil 16 18.4% Total 86 100.0% Domestic Relations / Family Law 60 Government Practice 3 3.4% Other 4 4.6% Total 87 100.0% 69.0% What is your gender? Judge Parisien Frequency Percent Male 31 36.0% Female 55 64.0% Total 86 100.0% 210 JUDGEKIMBERLEYPROCHNAU 96Respondents 3.99 4.19 Legal Decision Making 3.97 Integrity and Impartiality Demeanor, Temperament, and Communication 3.89 Judge Court Average Judge Average 4.38 4.15 4.34 Administrative Skills 0 1 2 3 4 RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 4.32 211 5 Judge Prochnau Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 4.19 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 4.14 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 4.12 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 4.19 4.31 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 4.32 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 4.46 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.48 Based rulings on the facts and the law 4.06 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 4.27 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 4.38 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 4.45 4.44 4.35 4.29 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 4.34 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.42 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 4.33 4.33 4.27 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Judge Prochnau Frequency Percent Judge Prochnau Frequency Percent Unacceptable 3 3.2% Unacceptable 2 2.2% Below Expectations 6 6.4% Below Expectations 6 6.7% Acceptable 10 10.6% Acceptable 12 13.3% Very Good 31 33.0% Very Good 29 32.2% Excellent 44 46.8% Excellent 41 45.6% Total 94 100.0% Total 90 100.0% 212 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Judge Prochnau Frequency Percent Judge Prochnau Frequency Percent Unacceptable 6 6.5% Unacceptable 2 2.2% Below Expectations 4 4.3% Below Expectations 4 4.4% Acceptable 9 9.7% Acceptable 11 12.1% Very Good 33 35.5% Very Good 32 35.2% Excellent 41 44.1% Excellent 42 46.2% Total 93 100.0% Total 91 100.0% 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 13. Was prepared for court Judge Prochnau Frequency Percent Judge Prochnau Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.1% Unacceptable 2 2.2% Below Expectations 2 2.1% Below Expectations 4 4.3% Acceptable 14 14.7% Acceptable 10 10.8% Very Good 28 29.5% Very Good 28 30.1% Excellent 50 52.6% Excellent 49 52.7% Total 95 100.0% Total 93 100.0% 14. Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Judge Prochnau Frequency Percent Judge Prochnau Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 1 1.1% Below Expectations 4 4.3% Below Expectations 2 2.1% Acceptable 8 8.5% Acceptable 9 9.6% Very Good 24 25.5% Very Good 23 24.5% Excellent 58 61.7% Excellent 59 62.8% Total 94 100.0% Total 94 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Judge Prochnau Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.1% Judge Prochnau Frequency Percent Below Expectations 1 1.1% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Acceptable 7 7.4% Below Expectations 4 4.3% Very Good 32 33.7% Acceptable 8 8.6% Excellent 54 56.8% Very Good 20 21.5% Total 95 100.0% Excellent 61 65.6% Total 93 100.0% 213 20. Acted with patience and self-control 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Judge Prochnau Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Judge Prochnau Frequency Percent Below Expectations 4 4.3% Unacceptable 1 1.1% Acceptable 12 12.8% Below Expectations 1 1.1% Very Good 25 26.6% Acceptable 9 10.0% Excellent 53 56.4% Very Good 35 38.9% Total 94 100.0% Excellent 44 48.9% Total 90 100.0% 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Judge Prochnau Frequency Percent Judge Prochnau Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.1% Unacceptable 1 1.1% Below Expectations 4 4.3% Below Expectations 2 2.2% Acceptable 9 9.8% Acceptable 14 15.7% Very Good 31 33.7% Very Good 27 30.3% Excellent 47 51.1% Excellent 45 50.6% Total 92 100.0% Total 89 100.0% 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Judge Prochnau Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 2 2.1% Acceptable 10 10.5% Very Good 29 30.5% Excellent 54 56.8% Total 95 100.0% 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Judge Prochnau Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.2% Below Expectations 2 2.4% Acceptable 12 14.5% Very Good 22 26.5% Excellent 46 55.4% Total 83 100.0% 214 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Judge Prochnau Frequency Percent Judge Prochnau Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 20 20.8% Once 44 45.8% 2 to 5 Attorneys 19 19.8% 2 to 3 times 37 38.5% 6 to 10 Attorneys 18 18.8% 4 to 10 times 14 14.6% 11 to 20 Attorneys 11 11.5% More than 10 times 1 1.0% Total 96 100.0% More than 20 Attorneys 28 29.2% Total 96 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? What best describes your racial background? Judge Prochnau Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 1 1.0% Judge Prochnau Frequency Percent 3 to 5 years 6 6.3% Caucasian / White 87 90.6% 6 to 10 years 12 12.5% 2 2.1% 11 to 20 years 24 25.0% African American / Black More than 20 years 53 55.2% 0 0.0% Total 96 100.0% Hispanic / Latino / Latina Asian / Pacific Islander 4 4.2% Native American 1 1.0% Other 2 2.1% Total 96 100.0% Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Judge Prochnau Frequenc y Percent Criminal Law 12 12.8% General Civil 51 54.3% Domestic Relations / Family Law 20 21.3% Government Practice 5 5.3% Other 6 6.4% Total 94 100.0% What is your gender? 215 Judge Prochnau Frequency Percent Male 48 50.5% Female 47 49.5% Total 95 100.0% JUDGEJEFFREYRAMSDELL 105Respondents 3.99 4.23 Legal Decision Making 3.97 Integrity and Impartiality Demeanor, Temperament, and Communication 3.89 Judge Court Average Judge Average 4.38 4.15 4.29 Administrative Skills 0 1 2 3 4 RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 4.33 216 5 Judge Ramsdell Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 4.23 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 4.25 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 4.26 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 4.17 4.25 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 4.33 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 4.42 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.50 Based rulings on the facts and the law 4.07 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 4.34 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 4.38 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 4.41 4.42 4.40 4.30 4.29 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.34 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 4.27 4.29 Used the court’s time efficiently 4.26 EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Judge Ramsdell Frequency Percent Judge Ramsdell Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 6 5.9% Below Expectations 2 2.0% Acceptable 15 14.7% Acceptable 17 17.2% Very Good 29 28.4% Very Good 33 33.3% Excellent 52 51.0% Excellent 47 47.5% Total 102 100.0% Total 99 100.0% 217 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Judge Ramsdell Frequency Percent Judge Ramsdell Frequency Percent Unacceptable 3 3.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 7 7.1% Below Expectations 6 6.0% Acceptable 16 16.2% Acceptable 13 13.0% Very Good 27 27.3% Very Good 39 39.0% Excellent 46 46.5% Excellent 42 42.0% Total 99 100.0% Total 100 100.0% 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 13. Was prepared for court Judge Ramsdell Frequency Percent Judge Ramsdell Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 2 2.0% Below Expectations 1 1.0% Below Expectations 1 1.0% Acceptable 19 18.6% Acceptable 13 12.7% Very Good 35 34.3% Very Good 30 29.4% Excellent 47 46.1% Excellent 56 54.9% Total 102 100.0% Total 102 100.0% 14. Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Judge Ramsdell Frequency Percent Judge Ramsdell Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.0% Unacceptable 2 2.0% Below Expectations 1 1.0% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 11 10.8% Acceptable 9 9.1% Very Good 31 30.4% Very Good 31 31.3% Excellent 58 56.9% Excellent 57 57.6% Total 102 100.0% Total 99 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Judge Ramsdell Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Judge Ramsdell Frequency Percent Below Expectations 1 1.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Acceptable 10 9.9% Below Expectations 1 1.0% Very Good 36 35.6% Acceptable 7 7.1% Excellent 54 53.5% Very Good 32 32.7% Total 101 100.0% Excellent 58 59.2% Total 98 100.0% 218 20. Acted with patience and self-control 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Judge Ramsdell Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Judge Ramsdell Frequency Percent Below Expectations 2 2.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Acceptable 9 9.1% Below Expectations 1 1.0% Very Good 35 35.4% Acceptable 15 15.2% Excellent 53 53.5% Very Good 37 37.4% Total 99 100.0% Excellent 46 46.5% Total 99 100.0% 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Judge Ramsdell Frequency Percent Judge Ramsdell Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 3 3.0% Below Expectations 2 2.0% Acceptable 12 11.9% Acceptable 15 15.0% Very Good 38 37.6% Very Good 38 38.0% Excellent 48 47.5% Excellent 45 45.0% Total 101 100.0% Total 100 100.0% 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Judge Ramsdell Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 4 4.2% Acceptable 9 9.4% Very Good 33 34.4% Excellent 50 52.1% Total 96 100.0% 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Judge Ramsdell Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.1% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 12 13.2% Very Good 38 41.8% Excellent 40 44.0% Total 91 100.0% 219 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? Judge Ramsdell Frequency Percent Judge Ramsdell Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 24 22.9% Once 46 43.8% 2 to 5 Attorneys 22 21.0% 2 to 3 times 37 35.2% 6 to 10 Attorneys 11 10.5% 14 13.3% 4 to 10 times 16 15.2% 11 to 20 Attorneys More than 10 times 6 5.7% 34 32.4% Total 105 100.0% More than 20 Attorneys Total 105 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? Judge Ramsdell Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 0 0.0% 3 to 5 years 6 5.7% 6 to 10 years 12 11.4% 11 to 20 years 26 24.8% More than 20 years 61 58.1% Total 105 100.0% What best describes your racial background? Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Judge Ramsdell Frequency Percent Caucasian / White 93 88.6% African American / Black 1 1.0% Hispanic / Latino / Latina 1 1.0% Asian / Pacific Islander 7 6.7% Native American 0 0.0% Other 3 2.9% Total 105 100.0% Judge Ramsdell Frequency Percent Criminal Law 18 17.1% General Civil 43 41.0% Domestic Relations / Family Law 35 33.3% Government Practice 3 2.9% Other 6 5.7% Judge Ramsdell Frequency Percent Total 105 100.0% Male 55 52.9% Female 49 47.1% Total 104 100.0% What is your gender? 220 JUDGEJUDITHRAMSEYER 106Respondents 3.99 4.10 Legal Decision Making 3.97 Integrity and Impartiality Demeanor, Temperament, and Communication 3.89 Judge Court Average 4.42 Judge Average 4.15 4.32 Administrative Skills 0 1 2 3 4 RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 4.29 221 5 Judge Ramseyer Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 4.10 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 3.97 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 4.03 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 4.19 4.22 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 4.29 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 4.40 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.45 Based rulings on the facts and the law 3.95 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 4.34 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 4.42 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 4.50 4.41 4.45 4.30 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 4.32 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.33 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 4.24 4.33 4.39 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Judge Ramseyer Frequency Percent Judge Ramseyer Frequency Percent Unacceptable 6 6.0% Unacceptable 4 4.1% Below Expectations 5 5.0% Below Expectations 4 4.1% Acceptable 14 14.0% Acceptable 16 16.5% Very Good 36 36.0% Very Good 34 35.1% Excellent 39 39.0% Excellent 39 40.2% Total 100 100.0% Total 97 100.0% 222 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Judge Ramseyer Frequency Percent Judge Ramseyer Frequency Percent Unacceptable 6 6.2% Unacceptable 4 4.1% Below Expectations 4 4.1% Below Expectations 2 2.0% Acceptable 18 18.6% Acceptable 10 10.2% Very Good 30 30.9% Very Good 37 37.8% Excellent 39 40.2% Excellent 45 45.9% Total 97 100.0% Total 98 100.0% 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 13. Was prepared for court Judge Ramseyer Frequency Percent Judge Ramseyer Frequency Percent Unacceptable 3 2.9% Unacceptable 1 1.0% Below Expectations 3 2.9% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 12 11.8% Acceptable 13 13.5% Very Good 35 34.3% Very Good 33 34.4% Excellent 49 48.0% Excellent 49 51.0% Total 102 100.0% Total 96 100.0% 14. Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Judge Ramseyer Frequency Percent Judge Ramseyer Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 1 1.0% Below Expectations 1 1.0% Below Expectations 1 1.0% Acceptable 7 7.1% Acceptable 9 9.2% Very Good 32 32.7% Very Good 34 34.7% Excellent 58 59.2% Excellent 53 54.1% Total 98 100.0% Total 98 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Judge Ramseyer Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.0% Judge Ramseyer Frequency Percent Below Expectations 0 0.0% Unacceptable 1 1.0% Acceptable 10 10.1% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Very Good 34 34.3% Acceptable 9 9.1% Excellent 54 54.5% Very Good 32 32.3% Total 99 100.0% Excellent 57 57.6% Total 99 100.0% 223 20. Acted with patience and self-control 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Judge Ramseyer Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.0% Judge Ramseyer Frequency Percent Below Expectations 0 0.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Acceptable 10 10.1% Below Expectations 1 1.1% Very Good 30 30.3% Acceptable 12 12.6% Excellent 58 58.6% Very Good 37 38.9% Total 99 100.0% Excellent 45 47.4% Total 95 100.0% 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Judge Ramseyer Frequency Percent Judge Ramseyer Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 3 3.0% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 13 13.1% Acceptable 12 12.4% Very Good 30 30.3% Very Good 35 36.1% Excellent 52 52.5% Excellent 50 51.5% Total 99 100.0% Total 97 100.0% 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Judge Ramseyer Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 2 2.1% Acceptable 12 12.4% Very Good 35 36.1% Excellent 48 49.5% Total 97 100.0% 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Judge Ramseyer Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.1% Below Expectations 1 1.1% Acceptable 16 17.8% Very Good 29 32.2% Excellent 43 47.8% Total 90 100.0% 224 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? Judge Ramseyer Frequency Percent Once 44 41.5% 2 to 3 times 47 44.3% 4 to 10 times 10 9.4% More than 10 times 5 Total 106 Judge Ramseyer Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 33 31.1% 2 to 5 Attorneys 33 31.1% 6 to 10 Attorneys 13 12.3% 11 to 20 Attorneys 12 11.3% 4.7% More than 20 Attorneys 15 14.2% 100.0% Total 106 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? What best describes your racial background? Judge Ramseyer Frequency Percent Judge Ramseyer Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 0 0.0% 3 to 5 years 8 7.5% Caucasian / White 93 88.6% 6 to 10 years 13 12.3% 2 1.9% 11 to 20 years 21 19.8% African American / Black More than 20 years 64 60.4% Hispanic / Latino / Latina 0 0.0% Total 106 100.0% Asian / Pacific Islander 5 4.8% Native American 1 1.0% Other 4 3.8% Total 105 100.0% Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Judge Ramseyer Frequency Percent Criminal Law 8 7.5% General Civil 26 24.5% Domestic Relations / Family Law 66 62.3% Judge Ramseyer Frequency Percent Government Practice 4 3.8% Male 38 36.2% Other 2 1.9% Female 67 63.8% Total 106 100.0% Total 105 100.0% What is your gender? 225 JUDGEJEANRIETSCHEL 122Respondents 3.99 3.99 Legal Decision Making 3.97 4.18 Integrity and Impartiality Demeanor, Temperament, and Communication 3.89 Judge Average 4.28 4.15 4.22 Administrative Skills 0 1 2 3 4 RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 Judge Court Average 226 5 Judge Rietschel Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 3.99 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 3.93 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 3.96 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 3.98 4.10 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 4.18 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 4.27 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.39 Based rulings on the facts and the law 3.85 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 4.21 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 4.28 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 4.35 4.34 4.34 4.09 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 4.22 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.30 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 4.17 4.17 4.24 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Judge Rietschel Frequency Percent Judge Rietschel Frequency Percent Unacceptable 4 3.3% Unacceptable 2 1.8% Below Expectations 11 9.2% Below Expectations 12 10.5% Acceptable 22 18.3% Acceptable 19 16.7% Very Good 35 29.2% Very Good 37 32.5% Excellent 48 40.0% Excellent 44 38.6% Total 120 100.0% Total 114 100.0% 227 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Judge Rietschel Frequency Percent Judge Rietschel Frequency Percent Unacceptable 10 8.3% Unacceptable 2 1.7% Below Expectations 11 9.2% Below Expectations 10 8.6% Acceptable 17 14.2% Acceptable 24 20.7% Very Good 31 25.8% Very Good 32 27.6% Excellent 51 42.5% Excellent 48 41.4% Total 120 100.0% Total 116 100.0% 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 13. Was prepared for court Judge Rietschel Frequency Percent Judge Rietschel Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 3 2.5% Below Expectations 10 8.5% Below Expectations 10 8.5% Acceptable 20 17.1% Acceptable 14 11.9% Very Good 35 29.9% Very Good 23 19.5% Excellent 52 44.4% Excellent 68 57.6% Total 117 100.0% Total 118 100.0% 14. Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Judge Rietschel Frequency Percent Judge Rietschel Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 1.7% Unacceptable 4 3.5% Below Expectations 6 5.1% Below Expectations 6 5.3% Acceptable 13 11.0% Acceptable 12 10.5% Very Good 25 21.2% Very Good 25 21.9% Excellent 72 61.0% Excellent 67 58.8% Total 118 100.0% Total 114 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Judge Rietschel Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Judge Rietschel Frequency Percent Below Expectations 4 3.4% Unacceptable 2 1.8% Acceptable 14 12.1% Below Expectations 6 5.3% Very Good 36 31.0% Acceptable 9 7.9% Excellent 62 53.4% Very Good 25 21.9% Total 116 100.0% Excellent 72 63.2% Total 114 100.0% 228 20. Acted with patience and self-control 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Judge Rietschel Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 0.9% Judge Rietschel Frequency Percent Below Expectations 3 2.6% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Acceptable 17 14.7% Below Expectations 6 5.2% Very Good 30 25.9% Acceptable 21 18.3% Excellent 65 56.0% Very Good 35 30.4% Total 116 100.0% Excellent 53 46.1% Total 115 100.0% 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Judge Rietschel Frequency Percent Judge Rietschel Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 0.9% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 8 6.9% Below Expectations 4 3.6% Acceptable 23 19.8% Acceptable 19 17.3% Very Good 31 26.7% Very Good 34 30.9% Excellent 53 45.7% Excellent 53 48.2% Total 116 100.0% Total 110 100.0% 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Judge Rietschel Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 4 3.5% Acceptable 17 15.0% Very Good 33 29.2% Excellent 59 52.2% Total 113 100.0% 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Judge Rietschel Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 1.9% Below Expectations 6 5.7% Acceptable 11 10.5% Very Good 39 37.1% Excellent 47 44.8% Total 105 100.0% 229 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? Judge Rietschel Frequency Percent Once 49 40.2% 2 to 3 times 44 36.1% 4 to 10 times 25 20.5% More than 10 times 4 Total 122 Judge Rietschel Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 25 20.5% 2 to 5 Attorneys 35 28.7% 6 to 10 Attorneys 17 13.9% 11 to 20 Attorneys 11 9.0% 3.3% More than 20 Attorneys 34 27.9% 100.0% Total 122 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? What best describes your racial background? Judge Rietschel Frequency Percent Judge Rietschel Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 0 0.0% Caucasian / White 107 88.4% 3 to 5 years 5 4.1% 6 to 10 years 18 14.8% African American / Black 1 0.8% 11 to 20 years 30 24.6% 0 0.0% More than 20 years 69 56.6% Hispanic / Latino / Latina Total 122 100.0% Asian / Pacific Islander 6 5.0% Native American 2 1.7% Other 5 4.1% Total 121 100.0% Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Judge Rietschel Frequency Percent Criminal Law 14 11.5% General Civil 54 44.3% Domestic Relations / Family Law 41 33.6% Government Practice 7 5.7% Other 6 4.9% Total 122 100.0% What is your gender? 230 Judge Rietschel Frequency Percent Male 68 56.2% Female 53 43.8% Total 121 100.0% JUDGEMARYROBERTS 81Respondents 3.99 3.85 Legal Decision Making 3.97 3.99 Integrity and Impartiality Demeanor, Temperament, and Communication 3.89 4.04 Administrative Skills 4.15 3.98 0 1 2 3 4 RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 231 Judge Court Average Judge Average 5 Judge Roberts Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 3.85 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 3.86 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 3.82 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 3.80 3.92 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 3.99 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 4.14 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.16 Based rulings on the facts and the law 3.69 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 3.99 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 4.04 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control U d l l i ti hil i t ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 4.08 4.09 4.00 3 99 3.98 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.13 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 3.96 3.76 4.08 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Judge Roberts Frequency Percent Judge Roberts Frequency Percent Unacceptable 4 5.1% Unacceptable 6 7.9% Below Expectations 9 11.4% Below Expectations 7 9.2% Acceptable 12 15.2% Acceptable 12 15.8% Very Good 23 29.1% Very Good 21 27.6% Excellent 31 39.2% Excellent 30 39.5% Total 79 100.0% Total 76 100.0% 232 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Judge Roberts Frequency Percent Judge Roberts Frequency Percent Unacceptable 7 9.0% Unacceptable 6 7.5% Below Expectations 9 11.5% Below Expectations 6 7.5% Acceptable 14 17.9% Acceptable 15 18.8% Very Good 19 24.4% Very Good 24 30.0% Excellent 29 37.2% Excellent 29 36.3% Total 78 100.0% Total 80 100.0% 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 13. Was prepared for court Judge Roberts Frequency Percent Judge Roberts Frequency Percent Unacceptable 5 6.4% Unacceptable 4 4.9% Below Expectations 6 7.7% Below Expectations 6 7.4% Acceptable 12 15.4% Acceptable 16 19.8% Very Good 22 28.2% Very Good 16 19.8% Excellent 33 42.3% Excellent 39 48.1% Total 78 100.0% Total 81 100.0% 14. Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Judge Roberts Frequency Percent Judge Roberts Frequency Percent Unacceptable 4 5.0% Unacceptable 4 5.4% Below Expectations 7 8.8% Below Expectations 5 6.8% Acceptable 11 13.8% Acceptable 6 8.1% Very Good 15 18.8% Very Good 21 28.4% Excellent 43 53.8% Excellent 38 51.4% Total 80 100.0% Total 74 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Judge Roberts Frequency Percent Unacceptable 4 4.9% Judge Roberts Frequency Percent Below Expectations 6 7.4% Unacceptable 4 5.4% Acceptable 10 12.3% Below Expectations 5 6.8% Very Good 20 24.7% Acceptable 7 9.5% Excellent 41 50.6% Very Good 17 23.0% Total 81 100.0% Excellent 41 55.4% Total 74 100.0% 233 20. Acted with patience and self-control 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Judge Roberts Frequency Percent Unacceptable 4 5.0% Judge Roberts Frequency Percent Below Expectations 7 8.8% Unacceptable 8 10.8% Acceptable 12 15.0% Below Expectations 5 6.8% Very Good 19 23.8% Acceptable 14 18.9% Excellent 38 47.5% Very Good 17 23.0% Total 80 100.0% Excellent 30 40.5% Total 74 100.0% 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Judge Roberts Frequency Percent Judge Roberts Frequency Percent Unacceptable 4 5.1% Unacceptable 2 2.6% Below Expectations 6 7.6% Below Expectations 7 9.2% Acceptable 13 16.5% Acceptable 12 15.8% Very Good 20 25.3% Very Good 17 22.4% Excellent 36 45.6% Excellent 38 50.0% Total 79 100.0% Total 76 100.0% 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Judge Roberts Frequency Percent Unacceptable 3 3.8% Below Expectations 3 3.8% Acceptable 13 16.5% Very Good 22 27.8% Excellent 38 48.1% Total 79 100.0% 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Judge Roberts Frequency Percent Unacceptable 5 6.8% Below Expectations 5 6.8% Acceptable 11 14.9% Very Good 20 27.0% Excellent 33 44.6% Total 74 100.0% 234 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? Judge Roberts Frequency Percent Judge Roberts Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 25 30.9% Once 30 37.0% 2 to 5 Attorneys 18 22.2% 2 to 3 times 19 23.5% 6 to 10 Attorneys 3 3.7% 10 12.3% 4 to 10 times 13 16.0% 11 to 20 Attorneys More than 10 times 19 23.5% 25 30.9% Total 81 100.0% More than 20 Attorneys Total 81 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? Judge Roberts Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 1 1.2% 3 to 5 years 4 4.9% 6 to 10 years 10 12.3% 11 to 20 years 24 29.6% More than 20 years 42 51.9% Total 81 100.0% What best describes your racial background? Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Judge Roberts Frequency Percent Criminal Law 33 40.7% General Civil 33 40.7% Domestic Relations / Family Law 12 14.8% Government Practice 2 2.5% Other 1 Total 81 Judge Roberts Frequency Percent Caucasian / White 67 82.7% African American / Black 1 1.2% Hispanic / Latino / Latina 1 1.2% Asian / Pacific Islander 7 8.6% Native American 0 0.0% Other 5 6.2% Total 81 100.0% What is your gender? Judge Roberts Frequency Percent Male 55 67.9% 1.2% Female 26 32.1% 100.0% Total 81 100.0% 235 JUDGEPALMERROBINSON 178Respondents 3.99 4.23 Legal Decision Making 3.97 Integrity and Impartiality Demeanor, Temperament, and Communication 3.89 Judge Court Average Judge Average 4.37 4.15 4.36 Administrative Skills 0 1 2 3 4 RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 4.33 236 5 Judge Robinson Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 4.23 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 4.23 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 4.24 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 4.21 4.26 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 4.33 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 4.44 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.41 Based rulings on the facts and the law 4.12 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 4.33 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 4.37 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 4.42 4.37 4.38 4.32 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 4.36 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.44 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 4.35 4.33 4.33 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Judge Robinson Frequency Percent Judge Robinson Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 0.6% Unacceptable 1 0.6% Below Expectations 10 5.7% Below Expectations 10 5.9% Acceptable 25 14.3% Acceptable 20 11.8% Very Good 51 29.1% Very Good 56 32.9% Excellent 88 50.3% Excellent 83 48.8% Total 175 100.0% Total 170 100.0% 237 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Judge Robinson Frequency Percent Judge Robinson Frequency Percent Unacceptable 5 2.9% Unacceptable 2 1.2% Below Expectations 11 6.3% Below Expectations 7 4.0% Acceptable 24 13.7% Acceptable 25 14.5% Very Good 53 30.3% Very Good 58 33.5% Excellent 82 46.9% Excellent 81 46.8% Total 175 100.0% Total 173 100.0% 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 13. Was prepared for court Judge Robinson Frequency Percent Judge Robinson Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 0.6% Unacceptable 2 1.2% Below Expectations 7 4.0% Below Expectations 4 2.3% Acceptable 24 13.7% Acceptable 24 14.0% Very Good 56 32.0% Very Good 46 26.9% Excellent 87 49.7% Excellent 95 55.6% Total 175 100.0% Total 171 100.0% 14. Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Judge Robinson Frequency Percent Judge Robinson Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 1.1% Unacceptable 1 0.6% Below Expectations 5 2.8% Below Expectations 5 2.9% Acceptable 17 9.6% Acceptable 17 10.0% Very Good 45 25.4% Very Good 42 24.7% Excellent 108 61.0% Excellent 105 61.8% Total 177 100.0% Total 170 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Judge Robinson Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 0.6% Judge Robinson Frequency Percent Below Expectations 3 1.7% Unacceptable 2 1.2% Acceptable 23 13.1% Below Expectations 6 3.5% Very Good 51 29.1% Acceptable 17 10.0% Excellent 97 55.4% Very Good 40 23.5% Total 175 100.0% Excellent 105 61.8% Total 170 100.0% 238 20. Acted with patience and self-control 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Judge Robinson Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 0.6% Judge Robinson Frequency Percent Below Expectations 5 2.9% Unacceptable 3 1.8% Acceptable 21 12.1% Below Expectations 5 3.0% Very Good 46 26.6% Acceptable 16 9.5% Excellent 100 57.8% Very Good 54 32.1% Total 173 100.0% Excellent 90 53.6% Total 168 100.0% 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Judge Robinson Frequency Percent Judge Robinson Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 2 1.2% Below Expectations 7 4.0% Below Expectations 3 1.8% Acceptable 20 11.6% Acceptable 20 11.8% Very Good 57 32.9% Very Good 57 33.5% Excellent 89 51.4% Excellent 88 51.8% Total 173 100.0% Total 170 100.0% 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Judge Robinson Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 0.6% Below Expectations 2 1.1% Acceptable 15 8.6% Very Good 58 33.3% Excellent 98 56.3% Total 174 100.0% 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Judge Robinson Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 1.3% Below Expectations 3 1.9% Acceptable 17 11.0% Very Good 49 31.6% Excellent 84 54.2% Total 155 100.0% 239 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? Judge Robinson Frequency Percent Judge Robinson Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 69 39.0% Once 65 36.5% 2 to 5 Attorneys 40 22.6% 2 to 3 times 65 36.5% 6 to 10 Attorneys 17 9.6% 15 8.5% 4 to 10 times 38 21.3% 11 to 20 Attorneys More than 10 times 10 5.6% 36 20.3% Total 178 100.0% More than 20 Attorneys Total 177 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? Judge Robinson Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 1 0.6% 3 to 5 years 13 7.3% 6 to 10 years 18 10.1% 11 to 20 years 39 21.9% More than 20 years 107 60.1% Total 178 100.0% What best describes your racial background? Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Judge Robinson Frequency Percent Criminal Law 28 15.7% General Civil 42 23.6% Domestic Relations / Family Law 91 51.1% Government Practice 7 3.9% Other 10 5.6% Total 178 100.0% Judge Robinson Frequency Percent Caucasian / White 155 87.1% African American / Black 5 2.8% Hispanic / Latino / Latina 4 2.2% Asian / Pacific Islander 10 5.6% Native American 0 0.0% Other 4 2.2% Total 178 100.0% What is your gender? 240 Judge Robinson Frequency Percent Male 84 47.7% Female 92 52.3% Total 176 100.0% JUDGEJIMROGERS 89Respondents 3.99 4.05 Legal Decision Making 3.97 4.11 Integrity and Impartiality Demeanor, Temperament, and Communication 3.89 4.17 Judge Average 4.15 3.99 Administrative Skills 0 1 2 3 4 RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 Judge Court Average 241 5 Judge Rogers Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 4.05 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 3.99 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 4.01 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 4.02 4.16 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 4.11 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 4.27 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.25 Based rulings on the facts and the law 3.85 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 4.07 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 4.17 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 4.16 4.31 4.13 4.08 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 3.99 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.16 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 3.86 4.02 3.92 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Judge Rogers Frequency Percent Judge Rogers Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 2.3% Unacceptable 1 1.2% Below Expectations 9 10.2% Below Expectations 8 9.3% Acceptable 15 17.0% Acceptable 15 17.4% Very Good 24 27.3% Very Good 27 31.4% Excellent 38 43.2% Excellent 35 40.7% Total 88 100.0% Total 86 100.0% 242 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Judge Rogers Frequency Percent Judge Rogers Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 2.3% Unacceptable 2 2.3% Below Expectations 12 14.0% Below Expectations 6 6.8% Acceptable 16 18.6% Acceptable 19 21.6% Very Good 23 26.7% Very Good 22 25.0% Excellent 33 38.4% Excellent 39 44.3% Total 86 100.0% Total 88 100.0% 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 13. Was prepared for court Judge Rogers Frequency Percent Judge Rogers Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 2 2.3% Below Expectations 3 3.5% Below Expectations 8 9.2% Acceptable 20 23.5% Acceptable 15 17.2% Very Good 22 25.9% Very Good 19 21.8% Excellent 40 47.1% Excellent 43 49.4% Total 85 100.0% Total 87 100.0% 14. Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Judge Rogers Frequency Percent Judge Rogers Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 2.3% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 5 5.8% Below Expectations 5 6.1% Acceptable 16 18.6% Acceptable 12 14.6% Very Good 17 19.8% Very Good 21 25.6% Excellent 46 53.5% Excellent 44 53.7% Total 86 100.0% Total 82 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Judge Rogers Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.2% Judge Rogers Frequency Percent Below Expectations 2 2.4% Unacceptable 1 1.2% Acceptable 12 14.1% Below Expectations 3 3.6% Very Good 25 29.4% Acceptable 16 19.0% Excellent 45 52.9% Very Good 18 21.4% Total 85 100.0% Excellent 46 54.8% Total 84 100.0% 243 20. Acted with patience and self-control 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Judge Rogers Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.2% Judge Rogers Frequency Percent Below Expectations 7 8.1% Unacceptable 3 3.6% Acceptable 15 17.4% Below Expectations 4 4.8% Very Good 20 23.3% Acceptable 17 20.5% Excellent 43 50.0% Very Good 23 27.7% Total 86 100.0% Excellent 36 43.4% Total 83 100.0% 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Judge Rogers Frequency Percent Judge Rogers Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.2% Unacceptable 3 3.6% Below Expectations 6 7.0% Below Expectations 6 7.2% Acceptable 18 20.9% Acceptable 18 21.7% Very Good 21 24.4% Very Good 24 28.9% Excellent 40 46.5% Excellent 32 38.6% Total 86 100.0% Total 83 100.0% 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Judge Rogers Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.1% Below Expectations 4 4.6% Acceptable 16 18.4% Very Good 25 28.7% Excellent 41 47.1% Total 87 100.0% 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Judge Rogers Frequency Percent Unacceptable 6 7.5% Below Expectations 3 3.8% Acceptable 19 23.8% Very Good 20 25.0% Excellent 32 40.0% Total 80 100.0% 244 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? Judge Rogers Frequency Percent Judge Rogers Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 27 30.3% Once 22 24.7% 2 to 5 Attorneys 15 16.9% 2 to 3 times 14 15.7% 6 to 10 Attorneys 6 6.7% 11 to 20 Attorneys 7 7.9% More than 20 Attorneys 34 38.2% Total 89 100.0% 4 to 10 times 16 18.0% More than 10 times 37 41.6% Total 89 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? What best describes your racial background? Judge Rogers Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 0 0.0% Judge Rogers Frequency Percent 3 to 5 years 5 5.6% 6 to 10 years 16 18.0% Caucasian / White 79 88.8% 11 to 20 years 24 27.0% 1 1.1% More than 20 years 44 49.4% African American / Black Total 89 100.0% Hispanic / Latino / Latina 2 2.2% Asian / Pacific Islander 4 4.5% Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Native American 1 1.1% Judge Rogers Frequency Percent Other 2 2.2% Criminal Law 46 51.7% Total 89 100.0% General Civil 26 29.2% Domestic Relations / Family Law 6 6.7% Government Practice 2 2.2% Other 9 10.1% Total 89 100.0% What is your gender? 245 Judge Rogers Frequency Percent Male 59 66.3% Female 30 33.7% Total 89 100.0% JUDGEROGERROGOFF 79Respondents Legal Decision Making 3.99 Integrity and Impartiality 3.97 Demeanor, Temperament, and Communication 3.89 4.41 4.53 Judge Court Average Judge Average 4.15 4.42 Administrative Skills 0 1 2 3 4 RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 4.39 246 5 Judge Rogoff Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 4.39 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 4.34 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 4.35 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 4.38 4.49 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 4.41 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 4.49 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.57 Based rulings on the facts and the law 4.23 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 4.36 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 4.53 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 4.53 4.63 4.45 4.51 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 4.42 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.44 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 4.36 4.43 4.46 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Judge Rogoff Frequency Percent Judge Rogoff Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 2 2.6% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 10 13.2% Acceptable 13 18.3% Very Good 24 31.6% Very Good 20 28.2% Excellent 40 52.6% Excellent 38 53.5% Total 76 100.0% Total 71 100.0% 247 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Judge Rogoff Frequency Percent Judge Rogoff Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 3 4.1% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 13 17.8% Acceptable 13 17.1% Very Good 21 28.8% Very Good 21 27.6% Excellent 36 49.3% Excellent 42 55.3% Total 73 100.0% Total 76 100.0% 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 13. Was prepared for court Judge Rogoff Frequency Percent Judge Rogoff Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Below Expectations 4 5.3% Acceptable 8 10.8% Acceptable 6 7.9% Very Good 22 29.7% Very Good 25 32.9% Excellent 44 59.5% Excellent 41 53.9% Total 74 100.0% Total 76 100.0% 14. Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Judge Rogoff Frequency Percent Judge Rogoff Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 1 1.3% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 7 9.0% Acceptable 8 10.8% Very Good 20 25.6% Very Good 22 29.7% Excellent 50 64.1% Excellent 44 59.5% Total 78 100.0% Total 74 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Judge Rogoff Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Judge Rogoff Frequency Percent Below Expectations 1 1.3% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Acceptable 2 2.7% Below Expectations 1 1.4% Very Good 21 28.0% Acceptable 6 8.3% Excellent 51 68.0% Very Good 16 22.2% Total 75 100.0% Excellent 49 68.1% Total 72 100.0% 248 20. Acted with patience and self-control 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Judge Rogoff Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Judge Rogoff Frequency Percent Below Expectations 2 2.6% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Acceptable 7 9.2% Below Expectations 1 1.3% Very Good 22 28.9% Acceptable 7 9.2% Excellent 45 59.2% Very Good 26 34.2% Total 76 100.0% Excellent 42 55.3% Total 76 100.0% 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Judge Rogoff Frequency Percent Judge Rogoff Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 7 9.3% Acceptable 6 8.1% Very Good 23 30.7% Very Good 28 37.8% Excellent 45 60.0% Excellent 40 54.1% Total 75 100.0% Total 74 100.0% 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Judge Rogoff Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 1 1.4% Acceptable 7 9.6% Very Good 24 32.9% Excellent 41 56.2% Total 73 100.0% 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Judge Rogoff Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 1 1.4% Acceptable 8 11.6% Very Good 25 36.2% Excellent 35 50.7% Total 69 100.0% 249 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Judge Rogoff Frequency Percent Judge Rogoff Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 17 21.5% Once 36 45.6% 2 to 5 Attorneys 11 13.9% 2 to 3 times 25 31.6% 6 to 10 Attorneys 6 7.6% 4 to 10 times 11 13.9% 11 to 20 Attorneys 11 13.9% More than 10 times 7 8.9% Total 79 100.0% More than 20 Attorneys 34 43.0% Total 79 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? What best describes your racial background? Judge Rogoff Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 0 0.0% Judge Rogoff Frequency Percent 3 to 5 years 3 3.8% Caucasian / White 69 87.3% 6 to 10 years 14 17.7% 3 3.8% 11 to 20 years 25 31.6% African American / Black More than 20 years 37 46.8% 2 2.5% Total 79 100.0% Hispanic / Latino / Latina Asian / Pacific Islander 4 5.1% Native American 0 0.0% Other 1 1.3% Total 79 100.0% Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Judge Rogoff Frequency Percent Criminal Law 23 29.5% General Civil 39 50.0% Domestic Relations / Family Law 6 7.7% Frequency Percent Government Practice Judge Rogoff 5 6.4% Male 50 64.1% Other 5 6.4% Female 28 35.9% Total 78 100.0% Total 78 100.0% What is your gender? 250 JUDGEJOHNRUHL 47Respondents 3.99 3.88 Legal Decision Making 3.97 4.19 Integrity and Impartiality Demeanor, Temperament, and Communication 3.89 Judge Average 4.35 4.15 4.12 Administrative Skills 0 1 2 3 4 RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 Judge Court Average 251 5 Judge Ruhl Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 3.88 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 3.84 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 3.84 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 3.84 4.00 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 4.19 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 4.38 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.36 Based rulings on the facts and the law 3.80 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 4.21 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 4.35 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 4.48 4.49 4.30 4.15 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 4.12 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.33 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 4.10 3.98 4.07 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Judge Ruhl Frequency Percent Judge Ruhl Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 2.2% Unacceptable 2 4.5% Below Expectations 7 15.6% Below Expectations 5 11.4% Acceptable 6 13.3% Acceptable 6 13.6% Very Good 15 33.3% Very Good 16 36.4% Excellent 16 35.6% Excellent 15 34.1% Total 45 100.0% Total 44 100.0% 252 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Judge Ruhl Frequency Percent Judge Ruhl Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 4.5% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 6 13.6% Below Expectations 4 9.1% Acceptable 5 11.4% Acceptable 12 27.3% Very Good 17 38.6% Very Good 15 34.1% Excellent 14 31.8% Excellent 13 29.5% Total 44 100.0% Total 44 100.0% 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 13. Was prepared for court Judge Ruhl Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 Judge Ruhl Frequency Percent 0.0% Unacceptable 1 2.1% 4 8.5% Below Expectations 1 2.2% Below Expectations Acceptable 11 23.9% Acceptable 5 10.6% Very Good 21 45.7% Very Good 11 23.4% Excellent 13 28.3% Excellent 26 55.3% Total 46 100.0% Total 47 100.0% 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect 14. Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety Judge Ruhl Frequency Percent Judge Ruhl Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 1 2.2% Below Expectations 1 2.2% Acceptable 5 10.9% Acceptable 6 13.3% Very Good 11 23.9% Very Good 13 28.9% Excellent 29 63.0% Excellent 25 55.6% Total 46 100.0% Total 45 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Judge Ruhl Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 2.3% Below Expectations 2 4.5% Acceptable 3 6.8% Very Good 12 27.3% Excellent 26 59.1% Total 44 100.0% 253 Judge Ruhl Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 5 10.6% Very Good 14 29.8% Excellent 28 59.6% Total 47 100.0% 20. Acted with patience and self-control 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Judge Ruhl Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 2.1% Judge Ruhl Frequency Percent Below Expectations 1 2.1% Unacceptable 1 2.3% Acceptable 7 14.9% Below Expectations 1 2.3% Very Good 12 25.5% Acceptable 9 20.9% Excellent 26 55.3% Very Good 19 44.2% Total 47 100.0% Excellent 13 30.2% Total 43 100.0% 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Judge Ruhl Frequency Percent Judge Ruhl Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 2 4.3% Below Expectations 2 4.3% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 9 19.1% Acceptable 8 17.4% Very Good 16 34.0% Very Good 19 41.3% Excellent 20 42.6% Excellent 17 37.0% Total 47 100.0% Total 46 100.0% 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Judge Ruhl Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 1 2.2% Acceptable 7 15.2% Very Good 14 30.4% Excellent 24 52.2% Total 46 100.0% 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Judge Ruhl Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 2.5% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 10 25.0% Very Good 12 30.0% Excellent 17 42.5% Total 40 100.0% 254 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Judge Ruhl Frequency Percent Judge Ruhl Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 9 19.1% Once 26 55.3% 2 to 5 Attorneys 11 23.4% 2 to 3 times 13 27.7% 6 to 10 Attorneys 6 12.8% 4 to 10 times 7 14.9% 11 to 20 Attorneys 6 12.8% More than 10 times 1 2.1% Total 47 100.0% More than 20 Attorneys 15 31.9% Total 47 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? What best describes your racial background? Judge Ruhl Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 1 2.1% Judge Ruhl Frequency Percent 3 to 5 years 1 2.1% Caucasian / White 44 93.6% 6 to 10 years 4 8.5% 1 2.1% 11 to 20 years 14 29.8% African American / Black More than 20 years 27 57.4% 0 0.0% Total 47 100.0% Hispanic / Latino / Latina Asian / Pacific Islander 1 2.1% Native American 0 0.0% Other 1 2.1% Total 47 100.0% Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Judge Ruhl Frequency Percent Criminal Law 4 8.5% General Civil 25 53.2% Domestic Relations / Family Law 12 25.5% Government Practice 3 6.4% Other 3 6.4% Total 47 100.0% What is your gender? Judge Ruhl Frequency Percent Male 28 60.9% Female 18 39.1% Total 46 100.0% 255 JUDGEWESLEYSAINTCLAIR 23Respondents Legal Decision Making 3.99 3.78 Integrity and Impartiality 3.97 3.94 Demeanor, Temperament, and Communication 3.89 4.04 Administrative Skills 4.15 4.05 0 1 2 3 4 RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 256 Judge Court Average Judge Average 5 Judge Saint Clair Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 3.78 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 3.64 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 3.76 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 3.82 3.91 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 3.94 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 3.91 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.09 Based rulings on the facts and the law 3.82 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 3.96 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 4.04 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 3.83 4.36 3.91 4.04 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 4.05 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.32 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 4.05 4.30 3.55 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Judge Saint Clair Frequency Percent Judge Saint Clair Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 1 4.8% Below Expectations 4 18.2% Below Expectations 3 14.3% Acceptable 3 13.6% Acceptable 2 9.5% Very Good 12 54.5% Very Good 9 42.9% Excellent 3 13.6% Excellent 6 28.6% Total 22 100.0% Total 21 100.0% 257 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Judge Saint Clair Frequency Percent Judge Saint Clair Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 4.5% Unacceptable 1 4.5% Below Expectations 3 13.6% Below Expectations 1 4.5% Acceptable 3 13.6% Acceptable 4 18.2% Very Good 7 31.8% Very Good 11 50.0% Excellent 8 36.4% Excellent 5 22.7% Total 22 100.0% Total 22 100.0% 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 13. Was prepared for court Judge Saint Clair Frequency Percent Judge Saint Clair Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 1 4.3% Below Expectations 2 8.7% Acceptable 5 21.7% Acceptable 5 21.7% Very Good 12 52.2% Very Good 8 34.8% Excellent 5 21.7% Excellent 8 34.8% Total 23 100.0% Total 23 100.0% 14. Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Judge Saint Clair Frequency Percent Judge Saint Clair Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 4.3% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 3 13.0% Below Expectations 3 13.0% Acceptable 3 13.0% Acceptable 4 17.4% Very Good 8 34.8% Very Good 8 34.8% Excellent 8 34.8% Excellent 8 34.8% Total 23 100.0% Total 23 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Judge Saint Clair Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Judge Saint Clair Frequency Percent Below Expectations 1 4.5% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Acceptable 2 9.1% Below Expectations 2 9.1% Very Good 7 31.8% Acceptable 5 22.7% Excellent 12 54.5% Very Good 4 18.2% Total 22 100.0% Excellent 11 50.0% Total 22 100.0% 258 20. Acted with patience and self-control 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Judge Saint Clair Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Judge Saint Clair Frequency Percent Below Expectations 2 9.1% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Acceptable 4 18.2% Below Expectations 1 5.0% Very Good 10 45.5% Acceptable 1 5.0% Excellent 6 27.3% Very Good 9 45.0% Total 22 100.0% Excellent 9 45.0% Total 20 100.0% 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court Judge Saint Clair Frequency 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Percent Judge Saint Clair Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 1 4.5% Below Expectations 3 13.0% Below Expectations 2 9.1% Acceptable 1 4.3% Acceptable 8 36.4% Very Good 11 47.8% Very Good 6 27.3% Excellent 8 34.8% Excellent 5 22.7% Total 23 100.0% Total 22 100.0% 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Judge Saint Clair Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 1 4.5% Acceptable 3 13.6% Very Good 6 27.3% Excellent 12 54.5% Total 22 100.0% 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Judge Saint Clair Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 1 4.8% Acceptable 4 19.0% Very Good 9 42.9% Excellent 7 33.3% Total 21 100.0% 259 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Judge Saint Clair Frequency Percent Judge Saint Clair Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 5 21.7% Once 0 0.0% 2 to 5 Attorneys 4 17.4% 2 to 3 times 5 21.7% 6 to 10 Attorneys 0 0.0% 4 to 10 times 5 21.7% 11 to 20 Attorneys 1 4.3% More than 10 times 13 56.5% Total 23 100.0% More than 20 Attorneys 13 56.5% Total 23 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? What best describes your racial background? Judge Saint Clair Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 1 4.3% Judge Saint Clair Frequency Percent 3 to 5 years 1 4.3% Caucasian / White 17 73.9% 6 to 10 years 5 21.7% 1 4.3% 11 to 20 years 8 34.8% African American / Black More than 20 years 8 34.8% 1 4.3% Total 23 100.0% Hispanic / Latino / Latina Asian / Pacific Islander 2 8.7% Native American 0 0.0% Other 2 8.7% Total 23 100.0% Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Judge Saint Clair Frequency Percent Criminal Law 19 82.6% General Civil 2 8.7% Domestic Relations / Family Law 1 4.3% Frequency Percent Government Practice Judge Saint Clair 1 4.3% Male 12 52.2% Other 0 0.0% Female 11 47.8% Total 23 100.0% Total 23 100.0% What is your gender? 260 JUDGECAROLSCHAPIRA 115Respondents 3.99 3.88 Legal Decision Making 3.97 4.12 Integrity and Impartiality Demeanor, Temperament, and Communication 3.89 Judge Average 4.27 4.15 4.11 Administrative Skills 0 1 2 3 4 RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 Judge Court Average 261 5 Judge Schapira Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 3.88 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 3.94 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 3.83 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 3.81 3.96 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 4.12 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 4.16 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.50 Based rulings on the facts and the law 3.74 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 4.08 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 4.27 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 4.43 4.27 4.33 4.04 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 4.11 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.17 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 4.04 4.15 4.06 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Judge Schapira Frequency Percent Judge Schapira Frequency Percent Unacceptable 3 2.6% Unacceptable 5 4.4% Below Expectations 13 11.3% Below Expectations 14 12.4% Acceptable 21 18.3% Acceptable 20 17.7% Very Good 29 25.2% Very Good 30 26.5% Excellent 49 42.6% Excellent 44 38.9% Total 115 100.0% Total 113 100.0% 262 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Judge Schapira Frequency Percent Judge Schapira Frequency Percent Unacceptable 7 6.3% Unacceptable 8 7.0% Below Expectations 15 13.4% Below Expectations 10 8.7% Acceptable 26 23.2% Acceptable 23 20.0% Very Good 16 14.3% Very Good 29 25.2% Excellent 48 42.9% Excellent 45 39.1% Total 112 100.0% Total 115 100.0% 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 13. Was prepared for court Judge Schapira Frequency Percent Judge Schapira Frequency Percent Unacceptable 5 4.4% Unacceptable 5 4.4% Below Expectations 8 7.1% Below Expectations 5 4.4% Acceptable 21 18.6% Acceptable 21 18.6% Very Good 32 28.3% Very Good 27 23.9% Excellent 47 41.6% Excellent 55 48.7% Total 113 100.0% Total 113 100.0% 14. Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Judge Schapira Frequency Percent Judge Schapira Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 1.8% Unacceptable 7 6.2% Below Expectations 4 3.5% Below Expectations 4 3.5% Acceptable 12 10.6% Acceptable 16 14.2% Very Good 20 17.7% Very Good 23 20.4% Excellent 75 66.4% Excellent 63 55.8% Total 113 100.0% Total 113 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Judge Schapira Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 0.9% Judge Schapira Frequency Percent Below Expectations 8 7.1% Unacceptable 3 2.7% Acceptable 12 10.6% Below Expectations 4 3.6% Very Good 30 26.5% Acceptable 7 6.3% Excellent 62 54.9% Very Good 18 16.2% Total 113 100.0% Excellent 79 71.2% Total 111 100.0% 263 20. Acted with patience and self-control 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Judge Schapira Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 1.8% Judge Schapira Frequency Percent Below Expectations 7 6.3% Unacceptable 4 3.7% Acceptable 11 9.8% Below Expectations 4 3.7% Very Good 24 21.4% Acceptable 21 19.4% Excellent 68 60.7% Very Good 22 20.4% Total 112 100.0% Excellent 57 52.8% Total 108 100.0% 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court Judge Schapira Frequency 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Judge Schapira Percent Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 1.8% Unacceptable 3 2.8% Below Expectations 10 8.9% Below Expectations 10 9.2% Acceptable 17 15.2% Acceptable 17 15.6% Very Good 35 31.3% Very Good 26 23.9% Excellent 48 42.9% Excellent 53 48.6% Total 112 100.0% Total 109 100.0% 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Judge Schapira Frequency Percent Unacceptable 3 2.7% Below Expectations 5 4.5% Acceptable 18 16.1% Very Good 30 26.8% Excellent 56 50.0% Total 112 100.0% 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Judge Schapira Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.0% Below Expectations 13 13.0% Acceptable 16 16.0% Very Good 21 21.0% Excellent 49 49.0% Total 100 100.0% 264 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Judge Schapira Frequency Percent Judge Schapira Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 22 19.1% Once 41 35.7% 2 to 5 Attorneys 31 27.0% 2 to 3 times 40 34.8% 6 to 10 Attorneys 8 7.0% 4 to 10 times 23 20.0% 11 to 20 Attorneys 6 5.2% More than 10 times 11 9.6% Total 115 100.0% More than 20 Attorneys 48 41.7% Total 115 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? What best describes your racial background? Judge Schapira Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 0 0.0% Judge Schapira Frequency Percent 3 to 5 years 7 6.1% Caucasian / White 102 88.7% 6 to 10 years 20 17.4% 3 2.6% 11 to 20 years 38 33.0% African American / Black More than 20 years 50 43.5% 2 1.7% Total 115 100.0% Hispanic / Latino / Latina Asian / Pacific Islander 4 3.5% Native American 1 0.9% Other 3 2.6% Total 115 100.0% Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Judge Schapira Frequency Percent Criminal Law 28 24.3% General Civil 68 59.1% Domestic Relations / Family Law 7 6.1% Government Practice 6 5.2% Other 6 5.2% Total 115 100.0% What is your gender? 265 Judge Schapira Frequency Percent Male 75 65.2% Female 40 34.8% Total 115 100.0% JUDGEKENNETHSCHUBERT 64Respondents Legal Decision Making 3.99 3.95 Integrity and Impartiality 3.97 3.93 Demeanor, Temperament, and Communication 3.89 4.06 Administrative Skills 4.15 4.04 0 1 2 3 4 RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 266 Judge Court Average Judge Average 5 Judge Schubert Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 3.95 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 3.86 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 3.83 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 3.95 4.16 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 3.93 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 3.97 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.19 Based rulings on the facts and the law 3.73 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 3.83 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 4.06 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 4.06 4.24 3.98 3.97 4.04 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.03 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 3.98 4.16 Used the court’s time efficiently 4.00 EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Judge Schubert Frequency Percent Judge Schubert Frequency Percent Unacceptable 3 4.7% Unacceptable 2 3.2% Below Expectations 5 7.8% Below Expectations 6 9.5% Acceptable 11 17.2% Acceptable 14 22.2% Very Good 24 37.5% Very Good 20 31.7% Excellent 21 32.8% Excellent 21 33.3% Total 64 100.0% Total 63 100.0% 267 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Judge Schubert Frequency Percent Judge Schubert Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 3.1% Unacceptable 2 3.1% Below Expectations 11 17.2% Below Expectations 3 4.7% Acceptable 11 17.2% Acceptable 14 21.9% Very Good 18 28.1% Very Good 22 34.4% Excellent 22 34.4% Excellent 23 35.9% Total 64 100.0% Total 64 100.0% 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 13. Was prepared for court Judge Schubert Frequency Percent Judge Schubert Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 4 6.3% Below Expectations 3 4.7% Below Expectations 5 7.8% Acceptable 11 17.2% Acceptable 12 18.8% Very Good 23 35.9% Very Good 20 31.3% Excellent 27 42.2% Excellent 23 35.9% Total 64 100.0% Total 64 100.0% 14. Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Judge Schubert Frequency Percent Judge Schubert Frequency Percent Unacceptable 3 4.7% Unacceptable 5 7.9% Below Expectations 3 4.7% Below Expectations 3 4.8% Acceptable 11 17.2% Acceptable 8 12.7% Very Good 17 26.6% Very Good 20 31.7% Excellent 30 46.9% Excellent 27 42.9% Total 64 100.0% Total 63 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Judge Schubert Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.6% Judge Schubert Frequency Percent Below Expectations 1 1.6% Unacceptable 3 5.1% Acceptable 8 12.7% Below Expectations 4 6.8% Very Good 25 39.7% Acceptable 3 5.1% Excellent 28 44.4% Very Good 18 30.5% Total 63 100.0% Excellent 31 52.5% Total 59 100.0% 268 20. Acted with patience and self-control 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Judge Schubert Frequency Percent Unacceptable 4 6.3% Judge Schubert Frequency Percent Below Expectations 2 3.1% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Acceptable 11 17.2% Below Expectations 1 1.6% Very Good 21 32.8% Acceptable 11 18.0% Excellent 26 40.6% Very Good 26 42.6% Total 64 100.0% Excellent 23 37.7% Total 61 100.0% 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Judge Schubert Frequency Percent Judge Schubert Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 3.2% Unacceptable 1 1.6% Below Expectations 4 6.5% Below Expectations 3 4.9% Acceptable 9 14.5% Acceptable 12 19.7% Very Good 26 41.9% Very Good 24 39.3% Excellent 21 33.9% Excellent 21 34.4% Total 62 100.0% Total 61 100.0% 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Judge Schubert Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 3.2% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 16 25.4% Very Good 21 33.3% Excellent 24 38.1% Total 63 100.0% 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Judge Schubert Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 3.3% Below Expectations 2 3.3% Acceptable 12 19.7% Very Good 24 39.3% Excellent 21 34.4% Total 61 100.0% 269 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Judge Schubert Frequency Percent Judge Schubert Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 8 12.5% Once 24 37.5% 2 to 5 Attorneys 12 18.8% 2 to 3 times 16 25.0% 6 to 10 Attorneys 5 7.8% 4 to 10 times 14 21.9% 11 to 20 Attorneys 7 10.9% More than 10 times 10 15.6% Total 64 100.0% More than 20 Attorneys 32 50.0% Total 64 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? What best describes your racial background? Judge Schubert Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 1 1.6% Judge Schubert Frequency Percent 3 to 5 years 5 7.8% Caucasian / White 55 85.9% 6 to 10 years 13 20.3% 3 4.7% 11 to 20 years 16 25.0% African American / Black More than 20 years 29 45.3% 2 3.1% Total 64 100.0% Hispanic / Latino / Latina Asian / Pacific Islander 4 6.3% Native American 0 0.0% Other 0 0.0% Total 64 100.0% Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Judge Schubert Frequency Percent Criminal Law 15 23.4% General Civil 33 51.6% Domestic Relations / Family Law 8 12.5% Frequency Percent Government Practice Judge Schubert 5 7.8% Male 31 49.2% Other 3 4.7% Female 32 50.8% Total 64 100.0% Total 63 100.0% What is your gender? 270 JUDGECATHERINESCHAFFER 100Respondents Legal Decision Making 3.99 4.06 Integrity and Impartiality 3.97 4.03 Demeanor, Temperament, and Communication 3.89 4.07 Judge Average 4.15 4.25 Administrative Skills 0 1 2 3 4 RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 Judge Court Average 271 5 Judge Schaffer Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 4.06 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 4.01 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 3.97 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 4.03 4.23 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 4.03 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 4.10 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.24 Based rulings on the facts and the law 3.87 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 3.91 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 4.07 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 3.97 4.34 3.95 4.03 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 4.25 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.30 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 4.14 4.28 4.27 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Judge Shaffer Frequency Percent Judge Shaffer Frequency Percent Unacceptable 5 5.1% Unacceptable 3 3.1% Below Expectations 6 6.1% Below Expectations 8 8.2% Acceptable 12 12.2% Acceptable 17 17.5% Very Good 35 35.7% Very Good 30 30.9% Excellent 40 40.8% Excellent 39 40.2% Total 98 100.0% Total 97 100.0% 272 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Judge Shaffer Frequency Percent Judge Shaffer Frequency Percent Unacceptable 6 6.2% Unacceptable 3 3.1% Below Expectations 9 9.3% Below Expectations 6 6.2% Acceptable 17 17.5% Acceptable 18 18.6% Very Good 25 25.8% Very Good 28 28.9% Excellent 40 41.2% Excellent 42 43.3% Total 97 100.0% Total 97 100.0% 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 13. Was prepared for court Judge Shaffer Frequency Percent Judge Shaffer Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.0% Unacceptable 7 7.1% Below Expectations 4 4.1% Below Expectations 8 8.1% Acceptable 16 16.3% Acceptable 16 16.2% Very Good 27 27.6% Very Good 24 24.2% Excellent 50 51.0% Excellent 44 44.4% Total 98 100.0% Total 99 100.0% 14. Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Judge Shaffer Frequency Percent Judge Shaffer Frequency Percent Unacceptable 4 4.0% Unacceptable 5 5.2% Below Expectations 9 9.1% Below Expectations 5 5.2% Acceptable 18 18.2% Acceptable 13 13.5% Very Good 23 23.2% Very Good 25 26.0% Excellent 45 45.5% Excellent 48 50.0% Total 99 100.0% Total 96 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Judge Shaffer Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Judge Shaffer Frequency Percent Below Expectations 3 3.0% Unacceptable 4 4.5% Acceptable 17 17.2% Below Expectations 3 3.4% Very Good 22 22.2% Acceptable 12 13.5% Excellent 57 57.6% Very Good 19 21.3% Total 99 100.0% Excellent 51 57.3% Total 89 100.0% 273 20. Acted with patience and self-control 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Judge Shaffer Frequency Percent Unacceptable 3 3.1% Judge Shaffer Frequency Percent Below Expectations 10 10.4% Unacceptable 1 1.0% Acceptable 17 17.7% Below Expectations 2 2.1% Very Good 25 26.0% Acceptable 19 19.6% Excellent 41 42.7% Very Good 22 22.7% Total 96 100.0% Excellent 53 54.6% Total 97 100.0% 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Judge Shaffer Frequency Percent Judge Shaffer Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 9 9.2% Below Expectations 3 3.2% Acceptable 19 19.4% Acceptable 17 18.3% Very Good 26 26.5% Very Good 25 26.9% Excellent 43 43.9% Excellent 48 51.6% Total 98 100.0% Total 93 100.0% 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Judge Shaffer Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 3 3.2% Acceptable 17 18.1% Very Good 23 24.5% Excellent 51 54.3% Total 94 100.0% 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Judge Shaffer Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 5 5.7% Acceptable 14 15.9% Very Good 33 37.5% Excellent 36 40.9% Total 88 100.0% 274 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Judge Shaffer Frequency Percent Judge Shaffer Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 16 16.0% Once 31 31.0% 2 to 5 Attorneys 25 25.0% 2 to 3 times 41 41.0% 6 to 10 Attorneys 4 4.0% 4 to 10 times 16 16.0% More than 10 times 12 12.0% 11 to 20 Attorneys 15 15.0% Total 100 100.0% More than 20 Attorneys 40 40.0% Total 100 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? What best describes your racial background? Judge Shaffer Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 2 2.0% 3 to 5 years 2 2.0% Judge Shaffer Frequency Percent 6 to 10 years 16 16.0% 89 89.9% 11 to 20 years 25 25.0% Caucasian / White More than 20 years 55 55.0% African American / Black 1 1.0% Total 100 100.0% Hispanic / Latino / Latina 0 0.0% Asian / Pacific Islander 6 6.1% Native American 0 0.0% Other 3 3.0% Total 99 100.0% Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Judge Shaffer Frequency Percent Criminal Law 24 24.0% General Civil 60 60.0% Domestic Relations / Family Law 6 6.0% Government Practice 4 4.0% Other 6 6.0% Total 100 100.0% What is your gender? Judge Shaffer Frequency Percent Male 65 65.7% Female 34 34.3% Total 99 100.0% 275 JUDGELORISMITH 116Respondents Legal Decision Making 3.99 Integrity and Impartiality 3.97 Demeanor, Temperament, and Communication 4.35 3.89 4.15 Administrative Skills 0 1 2 3 4 RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 276 4.46 4.57 Judge Court Average Judge Average 4.46 5 Judge Smith Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 4.35 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 4.32 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 4.30 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 4.34 4.45 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 4.46 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 4.54 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.57 Based rulings on the facts and the law 4.20 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 4.52 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 4.57 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 4.64 4.58 4.60 4.44 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 4.46 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.54 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 4.46 4.44 4.40 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Judge Smith Frequency Percent Judge Smith Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 0.9% Unacceptable 1 0.9% Below Expectations 5 4.4% Below Expectations 5 4.6% Acceptable 15 13.2% Acceptable 13 11.9% Very Good 29 25.4% Very Good 31 28.4% Excellent 64 56.1% Excellent 59 54.1% Total 114 100.0% Total 109 100.0% 277 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Judge Smith Frequency Percent Judge Smith Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 0.9% Unacceptable 1 0.9% Below Expectations 7 6.3% Below Expectations 4 3.5% Acceptable 17 15.2% Acceptable 12 10.6% Very Good 31 27.7% Very Good 35 31.0% Excellent 56 50.0% Excellent 61 54.0% Total 112 100.0% Total 113 100.0% 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 13. Was prepared for court Judge Smith Frequency Percent Judge Smith Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 0.9% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 1 0.9% Below Expectations 4 3.6% Acceptable 13 11.5% Acceptable 9 8.0% Very Good 29 25.7% Very Good 24 21.4% Excellent 69 61.1% Excellent 75 67.0% Total 113 100.0% Total 112 100.0% 14. Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Judge Smith Frequency Percent Judge Smith Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 1 0.9% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Below Expectations 3 2.7% Acceptable 10 8.7% Acceptable 7 6.3% Very Good 21 18.3% Very Good 24 21.6% Excellent 84 73.0% Excellent 76 68.5% Total 115 100.0% Total 111 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Judge Smith Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Judge Smith Frequency Percent Below Expectations 0 0.0% Unacceptable 1 0.9% Acceptable 9 8.0% Below Expectations 3 2.7% Very Good 29 25.7% Acceptable 7 6.4% Excellent 75 66.4% Very Good 20 18.2% Total 113 100.0% Excellent 79 71.8% Total 110 100.0% 278 20. Acted with patience and self-control 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Judge Smith Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Judge Smith Frequency Percent Below Expectations 1 0.9% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Acceptable 9 7.9% Below Expectations 1 0.9% Very Good 25 21.9% Acceptable 13 11.6% Excellent 79 69.3% Very Good 34 30.4% Total 114 100.0% Excellent 64 57.1% Total 112 100.0% 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Judge Smith Frequency Percent Judge Smith Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 3 2.7% Below Expectations 5 4.4% Acceptable 12 10.6% Acceptable 12 10.6% Very Good 30 26.5% Very Good 29 25.7% Excellent 68 60.2% Excellent 67 59.3% Total 113 100.0% Total 113 100.0% 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Judge Smith Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 13 11.5% Very Good 26 23.0% Excellent 74 65.5% Total 113 100.0% 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Judge Smith Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 18 17.1% Very Good 21 20.0% Excellent 66 62.9% Total 105 100.0% 279 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Judge Smith Frequency Percent Judge Smith Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 40 34.5% Once 27 23.3% 2 to 5 Attorneys 27 23.3% 2 to 3 times 44 37.9% 6 to 10 Attorneys 18 15.5% 4 to 10 times 31 26.7% 11 to 20 Attorneys 12 10.3% More than 10 times 14 12.1% Total 116 100.0% More than 20 Attorneys 19 16.4% Total 116 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? What best describes your racial background? Judge Smith Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 1 0.9% Judge Smith Frequency Percent 3 to 5 years 10 8.6% Caucasian / White 97 83.6% 6 to 10 years 18 15.5% 3 2.6% 11 to 20 years 25 21.6% African American / Black More than 20 years 62 53.4% 2 1.7% Total 116 100.0% Hispanic / Latino / Latina Asian / Pacific Islander 5 4.3% Native American 1 0.9% Other 8 6.9% Total 116 100.0% Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Judge Smith Frequency Percent Criminal Law 14 12.1% General Civil 23 19.8% Domestic Relations / Family Law 75 64.7% Government Practice 1 0.9% Other 3 2.6% Total 116 100.0% What is your gender? 280 Judge Smith Frequency Percent Male 45 39.1% Female 70 60.9% Total 115 100.0% JUDGEMARIANESPEARMAN 124Respondents 3.99 3.84 Legal Decision Making 3.97 4.12 Integrity and Impartiality Demeanor, Temperament, and Communication 3.89 4.16 Administrative Skills 4.15 4.15 0 1 2 3 4 RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 281 Judge Court Average Judge Average 5 Judge Spearman Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 3.84 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 3.82 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 3.80 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 3.80 3.92 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 4.12 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 4.23 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.42 Based rulings on the facts and the law 3.76 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 4.07 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 4.16 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 4.22 4.19 4.18 4.04 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 4.15 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.19 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 4.02 4.16 4.23 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Judge Spearman Frequency Percent Judge Spearman Frequency Percent Unacceptable 4 3.4% Unacceptable 6 5.1% Below Expectations 13 10.9% Below Expectations 11 9.4% Acceptable 23 19.3% Acceptable 21 17.9% Very Good 39 32.8% Very Good 41 35.0% Excellent 40 33.6% Excellent 38 32.5% Total 119 100.0% Total 117 100.0% 282 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Judge Spearman Frequency Percent Judge Spearman Frequency Percent Unacceptable 8 6.7% Unacceptable 2 1.7% Below Expectations 13 10.9% Below Expectations 12 10.0% Acceptable 21 17.6% Acceptable 33 27.5% Very Good 35 29.4% Very Good 34 28.3% Excellent 42 35.3% Excellent 39 32.5% Total 119 100.0% Total 120 100.0% 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 13. Was prepared for court Judge Spearman Frequency Percent Judge Spearman Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 1.7% Unacceptable 5 4.2% Below Expectations 6 5.1% Below Expectations 5 4.2% Acceptable 31 26.3% Acceptable 20 16.9% Very Good 39 33.1% Very Good 35 29.7% Excellent 40 33.9% Excellent 53 44.9% Total 118 100.0% Total 118 100.0% 14. Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Judge Spearman Frequency Percent Judge Spearman Frequency Percent Unacceptable 3 2.5% Unacceptable 3 2.6% Below Expectations 5 4.1% Below Expectations 4 3.4% Acceptable 17 14.0% Acceptable 13 11.2% Very Good 33 27.3% Very Good 39 33.6% Excellent 63 52.1% Excellent 57 49.1% Total 121 100.0% Total 116 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Judge Spearman Frequency Percent Unacceptable 3 2.5% Judge Spearman Frequency Percent Below Expectations 2 1.6% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Acceptable 22 18.0% Below Expectations 2 1.8% Very Good 37 30.3% Acceptable 15 13.5% Excellent 58 47.5% Very Good 28 25.2% Total 122 100.0% Excellent 66 59.5% Total 111 100.0% 283 20. Acted with patience and self-control 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Judge Spearman Frequency Percent Unacceptable 3 2.5% Judge Spearman Frequency Percent Below Expectations 4 3.3% Unacceptable 1 0.8% Acceptable 17 14.2% Below Expectations 3 2.5% Very Good 40 33.3% Acceptable 21 17.8% Excellent 56 46.7% Very Good 44 37.3% Total 120 100.0% Excellent 49 41.5% Total 118 100.0% 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Judge Spearman Frequency Percent Judge Spearman Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 1.7% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 7 6.0% Below Expectations 5 4.3% Acceptable 26 22.2% Acceptable 18 15.7% Very Good 31 26.5% Very Good 37 32.2% Excellent 51 43.6% Excellent 55 47.8% Total 117 100.0% Total 115 100.0% 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Judge Spearman Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 3 2.5% Acceptable 22 18.5% Very Good 43 36.1% Excellent 51 42.9% Total 119 100.0% 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Judge Spearman Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 1.8% Below Expectations 5 4.6% Acceptable 23 21.1% Very Good 38 34.9% Excellent 41 37.6% Total 109 100.0% 284 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Judge Spearman Frequency Percent Judge Spearman Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 34 27.4% Once 51 41.1% 2 to 5 Attorneys 23 18.5% 2 to 3 times 46 37.1% 6 to 10 Attorneys 15 12.1% 4 to 10 times 24 19.4% 11 to 20 Attorneys 14 11.3% More than 10 times 3 2.4% Total 124 100.0% More than 20 Attorneys 38 30.6% Total 124 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? What best describes your racial background? Judge Spearman Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 2 1.6% Judge Spearman Frequency Percent 3 to 5 years 6 4.8% Caucasian / White 112 90.3% 6 to 10 years 16 12.9% 3 2.4% 11 to 20 years 32 25.8% African American / Black More than 20 years 68 54.8% 1 0.8% Total 124 100.0% Hispanic / Latino / Latina Asian / Pacific Islander 5 4.0% Native American 0 0.0% Other 3 2.4% Total 124 100.0% Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Judge Spearman Frequency Percent Criminal Law 16 12.9% General Civil 86 69.4% Domestic Relations / Family Law 9 7.3% Frequency Percent Government Practice Judge Spearman 4 3.2% Male 88 71.5% Other 9 7.3% Female 35 28.5% Total 124 100.0% Total 123 100.0% What is your gender? 285 JUDGEJULIESPECTOR 99Respondents Legal Decision Making 3.99 3.80 Integrity and Impartiality 3.97 3.85 Demeanor, Temperament, and Communication 3.89 3.93 Judge Average 4.15 4.10 Administrative Skills 0 1 2 3 4 RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 Judge Court Average 286 5 Judge Spector Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 3.80 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 3.74 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 3.73 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 3.80 3.94 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 3.85 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 3.96 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.11 Based rulings on the facts and the law 3.65 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 3.70 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 3.93 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 3.88 4.09 3.86 3.89 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 4.10 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.17 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 4.07 4.04 4.12 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Judge Spector Frequency Percent Judge Spector Frequency Percent Unacceptable 10 10.2% Unacceptable 6 6.3% Below Expectations 3 3.1% Below Expectations 8 8.4% Acceptable 23 23.5% Acceptable 20 21.1% Very Good 28 28.6% Very Good 33 34.7% Excellent 34 34.7% Excellent 28 29.5% Total 98 100.0% Total 95 100.0% 287 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Judge Spector Frequency Percent Judge Spector Frequency Percent Unacceptable 9 9.2% Unacceptable 4 4.1% Below Expectations 10 10.2% Below Expectations 10 10.2% Acceptable 20 20.4% Acceptable 18 18.4% Very Good 26 26.5% Very Good 36 36.7% Excellent 33 33.7% Excellent 30 30.6% Total 98 100.0% Total 98 100.0% 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 13. Was prepared for court Judge Spector Frequency Percent Judge Spector Frequency Percent Unacceptable 4 4.3% Unacceptable 11 11.3% Below Expectations 3 3.2% Below Expectations 8 8.2% Acceptable 22 23.4% Acceptable 16 16.5% Very Good 31 33.0% Very Good 26 26.8% Excellent 34 36.2% Excellent 36 37.1% Total 94 100.0% Total 97 100.0% 14. Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Judge Spector Frequency Percent Judge Spector Frequency Percent Unacceptable 7 7.1% Unacceptable 9 9.4% Below Expectations 9 9.2% Below Expectations 5 5.2% Acceptable 15 15.3% Acceptable 12 12.5% Very Good 25 25.5% Very Good 25 26.0% Excellent 42 42.9% Excellent 45 46.9% Total 98 100.0% Total 96 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Judge Spector Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 2.1% Judge Spector Frequency Percent Below Expectations 4 4.1% Unacceptable 8 8.4% Acceptable 20 20.6% Below Expectations 3 3.2% Very Good 28 28.9% Acceptable 12 12.6% Excellent 43 44.3% Very Good 20 21.1% Total 97 100.0% Excellent 52 54.7% Total 95 100.0% 288 20. Acted with patience and self-control 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Judge Spector Frequency Percent Unacceptable 9 9.6% Judge Spector Frequency Percent Below Expectations 8 8.5% Unacceptable 2 2.2% Acceptable 10 10.6% Below Expectations 2 2.2% Very Good 27 28.7% Acceptable 23 25.6% Excellent 40 42.6% Very Good 26 28.9% Total 94 100.0% Excellent 37 41.1% Total 90 100.0% 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Judge Spector Frequency Percent Judge Spector Frequency Percent Unacceptable 4 4.1% Unacceptable 1 1.1% Below Expectations 8 8.2% Below Expectations 2 2.1% Acceptable 21 21.4% Acceptable 22 23.4% Very Good 27 27.6% Very Good 29 30.9% Excellent 38 38.8% Excellent 40 42.6% Total 98 100.0% Total 94 100.0% 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Judge Spector Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.1% Below Expectations 2 2.1% Acceptable 17 17.9% Very Good 35 36.8% Excellent 40 42.1% Total 95 100.0% 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Judge Spector Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.1% Below Expectations 4 4.3% Acceptable 21 22.8% Very Good 28 30.4% Excellent 38 41.3% Total 92 100.0% 289 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Judge Spector Frequency Percent Judge Spector Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 20 20.4% Once 31 31.3% 2 to 5 Attorneys 13 13.3% 2 to 3 times 42 42.4% 6 to 10 Attorneys 10 10.2% 4 to 10 times 21 21.2% 11 to 20 Attorneys 10 10.2% More than 10 times 5 5.1% Total 99 100.0% More than 20 Attorneys 45 45.9% Total 98 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? What best describes your racial background? Judge Spector Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 0 0.0% Judge Spector Frequency Percent 3 to 5 years 4 4.0% Caucasian / White 88 88.9% 6 to 10 years 16 16.2% 2 2.0% 11 to 20 years 24 24.2% African American / Black More than 20 years 55 55.6% 2 2.0% Total 99 100.0% Hispanic / Latino / Latina Asian / Pacific Islander 5 5.1% Native American 1 1.0% Other 1 1.0% Total 99 100.0% Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Judge Spector Frequency Percent Criminal Law 23 23.2% General Civil 57 57.6% Domestic Relations / Family Law 5 5.1% Frequency Percent Government Practice Judge Spector 7 7.1% Male 65 66.3% Other 7 7.1% Female 33 33.7% Total 99 100.0% Total 98 100.0% What is your gender? 290 JUDGETANYATHORP 38Respondents Legal Decision Making 3.99 3.80 Integrity and Impartiality 3.97 3.83 Demeanor, Temperament, and Communication 3.89 3.78 Judge Average 4.15 4.11 Administrative Skills 0 1 2 3 4 RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 Judge Court Average 291 5 Judge Thorp Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 3.80 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 3.81 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 3.68 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 3.68 4.05 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 3.83 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 3.86 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.03 Based rulings on the facts and the law 3.73 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 3.68 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 3.78 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 3.47 4.18 3.68 3.79 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 4.11 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.09 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 4.17 4.21 3.97 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Judge Thorp Frequency Percent Judge Thorp Frequency Percent Unacceptable 3 8.1% Unacceptable 2 5.9% Below Expectations 3 8.1% Below Expectations 6 17.6% Acceptable 7 18.9% Acceptable 6 17.6% Very Good 9 24.3% Very Good 7 20.6% Excellent 15 40.5% Excellent 13 38.2% Total 37 100.0% Total 34 100.0% 292 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Judge Thorp Frequency Percent Judge Thorp Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 5.4% Unacceptable 2 5.4% Below Expectations 5 13.5% Below Expectations 3 8.1% Acceptable 10 27.0% Acceptable 13 35.1% Very Good 4 10.8% Very Good 6 16.2% Excellent 16 43.2% Excellent 13 35.1% Total 37 100.0% Total 37 100.0% 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 13. Was prepared for court Judge Thorp Frequency Percent Judge Thorp Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 2.6% Unacceptable 4 10.5% Below Expectations 3 7.9% Below Expectations 3 7.9% Acceptable 7 18.4% Acceptable 8 21.1% Very Good 9 23.7% Very Good 9 23.7% Excellent 18 47.4% Excellent 14 36.8% Total 38 100.0% Total 38 100.0% 14. Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Judge Thorp Frequency Percent Judge Thorp Frequency Percent Unacceptable 5 13.2% Unacceptable 4 10.8% Below Expectations 2 5.3% Below Expectations 2 5.4% Acceptable 12 31.6% Acceptable 7 18.9% Very Good 8 21.1% Very Good 6 16.2% Excellent 11 28.9% Excellent 18 48.6% Total 38 100.0% Total 37 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Judge Thorp Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 2.6% Judge Thorp Frequency Percent Below Expectations 1 2.6% Unacceptable 2 5.7% Acceptable 7 18.4% Below Expectations 1 2.9% Very Good 10 26.3% Acceptable 6 17.1% Excellent 19 50.0% Very Good 11 31.4% Total 38 100.0% Excellent 15 42.9% Total 35 100.0% 293 20. Acted with patience and self-control 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Judge Thorp Frequency Percent Unacceptable 4 10.8% Judge Thorp Frequency Percent Below Expectations 1 2.7% Unacceptable 1 3.0% Acceptable 11 29.7% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Very Good 8 21.6% Acceptable 9 27.3% Excellent 13 35.1% Very Good 4 12.1% Total 37 100.0% Excellent 19 57.6% Total 33 100.0% 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court Judge Thorp Frequency 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Percent Judge Thorp Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 5.3% Unacceptable 1 2.8% Below Expectations 4 10.5% Below Expectations 1 2.8% Acceptable 7 18.4% Acceptable 11 30.6% Very Good 12 31.6% Very Good 8 22.2% Excellent 13 34.2% Excellent 15 41.7% Total 38 100.0% Total 36 100.0% 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Judge Thorp Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 5.7% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 7 20.0% Very Good 10 28.6% Excellent 16 45.7% Total 35 100.0% 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Judge Thorp Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 6.9% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 4 13.8% Very Good 8 27.6% Excellent 15 51.7% Total 29 100.0% 294 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Judge Thorp Frequency Percent Judge Thorp Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 6 15.8% Once 15 39.5% 2 to 5 Attorneys 7 18.4% 2 to 3 times 14 36.8% 6 to 10 Attorneys 2 5.3% 4 to 10 times 6 15.8% 11 to 20 Attorneys 5 13.2% More than 10 times 3 7.9% Total 38 100.0% More than 20 Attorneys 18 47.4% Total 38 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? What best describes your racial background? Judge Thorp Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 1 2.6% Judge Thorp Frequency Percent 3 to 5 years 5 13.2% Caucasian / White 32 84.2% 6 to 10 years 9 23.7% 2 5.3% 11 to 20 years 11 28.9% African American / Black More than 20 years 12 31.6% 0 0.0% Total 38 100.0% Hispanic / Latino / Latina Asian / Pacific Islander 3 7.9% Native American 0 0.0% Other 1 2.6% Total 38 100.0% Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Judge Thorp Frequency Percent Criminal Law 17 44.7% General Civil 15 39.5% Domestic Relations / Family Law 2 5.3% Frequency Percent Government Practice Judge Thorp 2 5.3% Male 21 55.3% Other 2 5.3% Female 17 44.7% Total 38 100.0% Total 38 100.0% What is your gender? 295 COMMISSIONERNANCYBRADBURN‐JOHNSON 321Respondents RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 296 Commissioner Bradburn‐Johnson Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 3.67 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 3.65 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 3.62 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 3.65 3.76 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 3.75 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 3.91 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 3.81 Based rulings on the facts and the law 3.57 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 3.69 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 3.55 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 3.28 3.98 3.26 3.68 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 3.88 Maintained control in the courtroom 3.90 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 3.83 4.02 3.77 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Commissioner Bradburn-Johnson Frequency Percent Commissioner Bradburn-Johnson Frequency Percent Unacceptable 14 4.4% Unacceptable 16 5.2% Below Expectations 37 11.7% Below Expectations 38 12.4% Acceptable 81 25.7% Acceptable 75 24.4% Very Good 95 30.2% Very Good 95 30.9% Excellent 88 27.9% Excellent 83 27.0% Total 315 100.0% Total 307 100.0% 297 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner Commissioner Bradburn-Johnson Frequency Percent Unacceptable 15 Below Expectations 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Frequency Percent 4.8% Commissioner Bradburn-Johnson 38 12.1% Unacceptable 17 5.6% Acceptable 72 23.0% Below Expectations 39 12.9% Very Good 103 32.9% Acceptable 48 15.9% 78 25.8% Excellent 85 27.2% Very Good Total 313 100.0% Excellent 120 39.7% Total 302 100.0% 13. Was prepared for court 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Commissioner Bradburn-Johnson Frequency Percent Unacceptable 13 Below Expectations Frequency Percent 4.3% Commissioner Bradburn-Johnson 20 6.6% Unacceptable 17 5.4% Acceptable 82 27.2% Below Expectations 47 15.0% Very Good 97 32.2% Acceptable 78 24.8% Excellent 89 29.6% Very Good 83 26.4% Total 301 100.0% Excellent 89 28.3% Total 314 100.0% 14. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner Commissioner Bradburn-Johnson Frequency Percent Unacceptable 15 Below Expectations 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench Frequency Percent 4.9% Commissioner Bradburn-Johnson 24 7.9% Unacceptable 24 7.6% Acceptable 63 20.7% Below Expectations 37 11.7% Very Good 75 24.6% Acceptable 63 19.9% Excellent 128 42.0% Very Good 80 25.3% Total 305 100.0% Excellent 112 35.4% Total 316 100.0% 298 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Commissioner Bradburn-Johnson Frequency Percent Unacceptable 46 14.6% Below Expectations 55 17.4% Acceptable 71 Very Good 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court Commissioner Bradburn-Johnson Frequency Percent Unacceptable 16 5.1% 22.5% Below Expectations 36 11.4% 53 16.8% Acceptable 80 25.3% Excellent 91 28.8% Very Good 86 27.2% Total 316 100.0% Excellent 98 31.0% Total 316 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Commissioner Bradburn-Johnson Frequency Percent Unacceptable 8 Below Expectations Frequency Percent 2.6% Commissioner Bradburn-Johnson 13 4.2% Unacceptable 10 3.3% Acceptable 75 24.0% Below Expectations 15 4.9% Very Good 96 30.8% Acceptable 79 25.7% Excellent 120 38.5% Very Good 96 31.3% Total 312 100.0% Excellent 107 34.9% Total 307 100.0% 20. Acted with patience and self-control Commissioner Bradburn-Johnson Frequency Percent Unacceptable 41 13.1% Below Expectations 61 19.5% Acceptable 67 21.4% Very Good 63 20.1% Excellent 81 25.9% Total 313 100.0% 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines 299 Commissioner Bradburn-Johnson Frequency Percent Unacceptable 13 5.2% Below Expectations 15 6.0% Acceptable 60 24.0% Very Good 76 30.4% Excellent 86 34.4% Total 250 100.0% 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Commissioner Bradburn-Johnson Frequency Percent Unacceptable 8 2.7% Below Expectations 15 5.1% Acceptable 69 23.2% Very Good 77 25.9% Excellent 128 43.1% Total 297 100.0% 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Commissioner Bradburn-Johnson Frequency Percent Unacceptable 13 4.4% Below Expectations 31 10.4% Acceptable 68 22.8% Very Good 86 28.9% Excellent 100 33.6% Total 298 100.0% 300 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? Commissioner Bradburn-Johnson Frequency Percent Once 30 9.3% 2 to 3 times 87 27.1% 4 to 10 times 113 35.2% More than 10 times 91 28.3% Total 321 100.0% How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? How long have you been a practicing attorney? Commissioner Bradburn-Johnson Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 5 1.6% 3 to 5 years 34 6 to 10 years Commissioner Bradburn-Johnson Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 124 38.9% 2 to 5 Attorneys 101 31.7% 6 to 10 Attorneys 40 12.5% 11 to 20 Attorneys 28 8.8% More than 20 Attorneys 26 8.2% Total 319 100.0% What best describes your racial background? Frequency Percent 10.7% Commissioner BradburnJohnson 45 14.1% Caucasian / White 280 88.1% 11 to 20 years 69 21.6% 5 1.6% More than 20 years 166 52.0% African American / Black Total 319 100.0% Hispanic / Latino / Latina 6 1.9% Asian / Pacific Islander 17 5.3% Native American 4 1.3% Other 6 1.9% Total 318 100.0% Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Commissioner Bradburn-Johnson Frequency Percent Criminal Law 6 1.9% General Civil 165 51.9% Domestic Relations / Family Law 136 42.8% Frequency Percent Government Practice Commissioner Bradburn-Johnson 1 0.3% Male 161 50.6% Other 10 3.1% Female 157 49.4% Total 318 100.0% Total 318 100.0% What is your gender? 301 COMMISSIONERBONNIECANADA‐THURSTON 202Respondents RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 302 Commissioner Canada‐Thurston Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 3.38 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 3.37 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 3.44 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 3.22 3.48 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 3.24 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 3.33 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 3.42 Based rulings on the facts and the law 3.22 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 2.97 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 2.85 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 2.36 3.59 2.30 3.13 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 3.74 Maintained control in the courtroom 3.64 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 3.66 3.95 3.70 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Commissioner Canada-Thurston Frequency Percent Commissioner Canada-Thurston Frequency Percent Unacceptable 25 12.4% Unacceptable 18 9.2% Below Expectations 29 14.4% Below Expectations 28 14.3% Acceptable 48 23.9% Acceptable 51 26.0% Very Good 44 21.9% Very Good 47 24.0% Excellent 55 27.4% Excellent 52 26.5% Total 201 100.0% Total 196 100.0% 303 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner Commissioner Canada-Thurston Frequency Percent Unacceptable 24 Below Expectations 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Frequency Percent 12.0% Commissioner Canada-Thurston 39 19.5% Unacceptable 31 15.9% Acceptable 51 25.5% Below Expectations 21 10.8% Very Good 41 20.5% Acceptable 42 21.5% 37 19.0% Excellent 45 22.5% Very Good Total 200 100.0% Excellent 64 32.8% Total 195 100.0% 13. Was prepared for court 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Commissioner Canada-Thurston Frequency Percent Unacceptable 14 Below Expectations Frequency Percent 7.2% Commissioner Canada-Thurston 31 15.9% Unacceptable 24 12.1% Acceptable 54 27.7% Below Expectations 34 17.1% Very Good 40 20.5% Acceptable 56 28.1% Excellent 56 28.7% Very Good 44 22.1% Total 195 100.0% Excellent 41 20.6% Total 199 100.0% 14. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner Commissioner Canada-Thurston Frequency Percent Unacceptable 34 Below Expectations 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench Frequency Percent 17.4% Commissioner Canada-Thurston 18 9.2% Unacceptable 43 21.6% Acceptable 50 25.6% Below Expectations 40 20.1% Very Good 35 17.9% Acceptable 40 20.1% Excellent 58 29.7% Very Good 32 16.1% Total 195 100.0% Excellent 44 22.1% Total 199 100.0% 304 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Commissioner Canada-Thurston Frequency Percent Unacceptable 82 41.2% Below Expectations 41 20.6% Acceptable 26 Very Good 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court Commissioner Canada-Thurston Frequency Percent Unacceptable 25 12.6% 13.1% Below Expectations 44 22.2% 23 11.6% Acceptable 47 23.7% Excellent 27 13.6% Very Good 44 22.2% Total 199 100.0% Excellent 38 19.2% Total 198 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Commissioner Canada-Thurston Frequency Percent Unacceptable 10 Below Expectations Frequency Percent 5.0% Commissioner Canada-Thurston 29 14.6% Unacceptable 13 6.5% Acceptable 54 27.1% Below Expectations 21 10.6% Very Good 45 22.6% Acceptable 58 29.1% Excellent 61 30.7% Very Good 40 20.1% Total 199 100.0% Excellent 67 33.7% Total 199 100.0% 20. Acted with patience and self-control Commissioner Canada-Thurston Frequency Percent Unacceptable 78 39.6% Below Expectations 49 24.9% Acceptable 24 12.2% Very Good 25 12.7% Excellent 21 10.7% Total 197 100.0% 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines 305 Commissioner Canada-Thurston Frequency Percent Unacceptable 11 6.4% Below Expectations 9 5.2% Acceptable 62 36.0% Very Good 36 20.9% Excellent 54 31.4% Total 172 100.0% 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Commissioner Canada-Thurston Frequency Percent Unacceptable 3 1.6% Below Expectations 9 4.8% Acceptable 55 29.1% Very Good 49 25.9% Excellent 73 38.6% Total 189 100.0% 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Commissioner Canada-Thurston Frequency Percent Unacceptable 12 6.3% Below Expectations 20 10.5% Acceptable 49 25.7% Very Good 42 22.0% Excellent 68 35.6% Total 191 100.0% 306 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? Commissioner Canada-Thurston Frequency Percent Once 22 10.9% 2 to 3 times 52 25.7% 4 to 10 times 77 38.1% More than 10 times 51 25.2% Total 202 100.0% How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? How long have you been a practicing attorney? Commissioner Canada-Thurston Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 88 44.4% 2 to 5 Attorneys 63 31.8% 6 to 10 Attorneys 22 11.1% 11 to 20 Attorneys 13 6.6% More than 20 Attorneys 12 6.1% Total 198 100.0% What best describes your racial background? Commissioner Canada-Thurston Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 3 1.5% Commissioner Canada-Thurston Frequency Percent 3 to 5 years 20 10.1% Caucasian / White 169 85.4% 6 to 10 years 31 15.6% 3 1.5% 11 to 20 years 42 21.1% African American / Black More than 20 years 103 51.8% 6 3.0% Total 199 100.0% Hispanic / Latino / Latina Asian / Pacific Islander 9 4.5% Native American 3 1.5% Other 8 4.0% Total 198 100.0% Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Commissioner Canada-Thurston Frequency Percent Criminal Law 9 4.5% General Civil 37 18.6% Domestic Relations / Family Law 145 72.9% Government Practice 3 1.5% Other 5 2.5% Total 199 100.0% What is your gender? 307 Commissioner Canada-Thurston Frequency Percent Male 82 41.4% Female 116 58.6% Total 198 100.0% COMMISSIONERMARKHILLMAN 136Respondents RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 308 Commissioner Hillman Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 4.07 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 4.04 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 3.98 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 3.99 4.25 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 3.92 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 3.98 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 3.94 Based rulings on the facts and the law 3.93 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 3.82 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 3.81 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 3.47 4.18 3.58 3.99 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 4.20 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.19 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 4.17 4.26 4.18 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Commissioner Hillman Frequency Percent Commissioner Hillman Frequency Percent Unacceptable 4 3.0% Unacceptable 4 3.0% Below Expectations 9 6.7% Below Expectations 9 6.8% Acceptable 26 19.4% Acceptable 27 20.3% Very Good 33 24.6% Very Good 38 28.6% Excellent 62 46.3% Excellent 55 41.4% Total 134 100.0% Total 133 100.0% 309 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner Commissioner Hillman Frequency Percent Unacceptable 5 Below Expectations 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Frequency Percent 3.8% Commissioner Hillman 6 4.5% Unacceptable 9 6.9% Acceptable 28 21.1% Below Expectations 10 7.6% Very Good 40 30.1% Acceptable 20 15.3% 33 25.2% Excellent 54 40.6% Very Good Total 133 100.0% Excellent 59 45.0% Total 131 100.0% 13. Was prepared for court 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Commissioner Hillman Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 Below Expectations Frequency Percent 1.5% Commissioner Hillman 3 2.3% Unacceptable 7 5.2% Acceptable 18 13.8% Below Expectations 11 8.2% Very Good 44 33.8% Acceptable 23 17.2% Excellent 63 48.5% Very Good 37 27.6% Total 130 100.0% Excellent 56 41.8% Total 134 100.0% 14. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner Commissioner Hillman Frequency Percent Unacceptable 5 Below Expectations 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench Frequency Percent 3.8% Commissioner Hillman 13 9.9% Unacceptable 8 5.9% Acceptable 20 15.3% Below Expectations 17 12.6% Very Good 34 26.0% Acceptable 20 14.8% Excellent 59 45.0% Very Good 36 26.7% Total 131 100.0% Excellent 54 40.0% Total 135 100.0% 310 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Commissioner Hillman Frequency Percent Unacceptable 15 11.3% Below Expectations 17 12.8% Acceptable 32 Very Good 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court Commissioner Hillman Frequency Percent Unacceptable 4 3.0% 24.1% Below Expectations 7 5.2% 28 21.1% Acceptable 31 23.0% Excellent 41 30.8% Very Good 37 27.4% Total 133 100.0% Excellent 56 41.5% Total 135 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Commissioner Hillman Frequency Percent Unacceptable 3 Below Expectations Frequency Percent 2.2% Commissioner Hillman 2 1.5% Unacceptable 2 1.5% Acceptable 23 16.9% Below Expectations 2 1.5% Very Good 47 34.6% Acceptable 25 18.5% Excellent 61 44.9% Very Good 46 34.1% Total 136 100.0% Excellent 60 44.4% Total 135 100.0% 20. Acted with patience and self-control Commissioner Hillman Frequency Percent Unacceptable 12 8.8% Below Expectations 18 13.2% Acceptable 27 19.9% Very Good 37 27.2% Excellent 42 30.9% Total 136 100.0% 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines 311 Commissioner Hillman Frequency Percent Unacceptable 3 2.5% Below Expectations 2 1.7% Acceptable 22 18.6% Very Good 36 30.5% Excellent 55 46.6% Total 118 100.0% 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Commissioner Hillman Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 1.5% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 22 16.9% Very Good 44 33.8% Excellent 62 47.7% Total 130 100.0% 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Commissioner Hillman Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 1.5% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 27 20.5% Very Good 46 34.8% Excellent 57 43.2% Total 132 100.0% 312 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? Commissioner Hillman Frequency Percent Commissioner Hillman Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 59 43.4% Once 24 17.6% 2 to 5 Attorneys 41 30.1% 2 to 3 times 42 30.9% 6 to 10 Attorneys 17 12.5% 4 to 10 times 38 27.9% 11 to 20 Attorneys 6 4.4% More than 10 times 32 23.5% 13 9.6% Total 136 100.0% More than 20 Attorneys Total 136 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? Commissioner Hillman Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 4 2.9% 3 to 5 years 13 9.6% 6 to 10 years 26 19.1% 11 to 20 years 30 22.1% More than 20 years 63 46.3% Total 136 100.0% What best describes your racial background? Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Commissioner Hillman Frequency Percent Criminal Law 8 5.9% General Civil 16 11.8% Domestic Relations / Family Law 101 74.3% Government Practice 4 2.9% Other 7 5.1% Total 136 100.0% Commissioner Hillman Frequency Percent Caucasian / White 114 83.8% African American / Black 3 2.2% Hispanic / Latino / Latina 4 2.9% Asian / Pacific Islander 8 5.9% Native American 2 1.5% Other 5 3.7% Total 136 100.0% What is your gender? 313 Commissio ner Hillman Frequency Percent Male 42 31.1% Female 93 68.9% Total 135 100.0% COMMISSIONERHOLLISHOLMAN 105Respondents RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 314 Commissioner Holman Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 3.88 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 3.84 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 3.86 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 3.86 3.95 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 3.91 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 3.97 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.04 Based rulings on the facts and the law 3.74 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 3.88 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 3.93 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 3.83 4.09 3.79 4.01 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 4.10 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.12 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 4.06 4.14 4.07 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Commissioner Holman Frequency Percent Commissioner Holman Frequency Percent Unacceptable 3 2.9% Unacceptable 2 2.0% Below Expectations 9 8.7% Below Expectations 7 7.1% Acceptable 25 24.3% Acceptable 25 25.3% Very Good 30 29.1% Very Good 34 34.3% Excellent 36 35.0% Excellent 31 31.3% Total 103 100.0% Total 99 100.0% 315 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner Commissioner Holman Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 Below Expectations 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Frequency Percent 1.9% Commissioner Holman 3 2.9% Unacceptable 2 2.1% Acceptable 37 35.6% Below Expectations 5 5.3% Very Good 28 26.9% Acceptable 20 21.3% 27 28.7% Excellent 34 32.7% Very Good Total 104 100.0% Excellent 40 42.6% Total 94 100.0% 13. Was prepared for court 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Commissioner Holman Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 Below Expectations Frequency Percent 2.1% Commissioner Holman 3 3.1% Unacceptable 4 3.8% Acceptable 28 28.9% Below Expectations 8 7.6% Very Good 29 29.9% Acceptable 30 28.6% Excellent 35 36.1% Very Good 32 30.5% Total 97 100.0% Excellent 31 29.5% Total 105 100.0% 14. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner Commissioner Holman Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 Below Expectations 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench Frequency Percent 2.0% Commissioner Holman 4 4.0% Unacceptable 4 3.9% Acceptable 28 28.0% Below Expectations 7 6.9% Very Good 27 27.0% Acceptable 22 21.6% Excellent 39 39.0% Very Good 33 32.4% Total 100 100.0% Excellent 36 35.3% Total 102 100.0% 316 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Commissioner Holman Frequency Percent Unacceptable 5 4.9% Below Expectations 6 5.8% Acceptable 23 Very Good 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court Commissioner Holman Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.0% 22.3% Below Expectations 2 1.9% 37 35.9% Acceptable 27 26.2% Excellent 32 31.1% Very Good 38 36.9% Total 103 100.0% Excellent 35 34.0% Total 103 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Commissioner Holman Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 Below Expectations Frequency Percent 1.0% Commissioner Holman 1 1.0% Unacceptable 1 1.0% Acceptable 27 26.2% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Very Good 33 32.0% Acceptable 25 25.5% Excellent 41 39.8% Very Good 32 32.7% Total 103 100.0% Excellent 40 40.8% Total 98 100.0% 20. Acted with patience and self-control Commissioner Holman Frequency Percent Unacceptable 4 3.9% Below Expectations 6 5.9% Acceptable 27 26.5% Very Good 35 34.3% Excellent 30 29.4% Total 102 100.0% 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines 317 Commissioner Holman Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.1% Below Expectations 1 1.1% Acceptable 23 25.8% Very Good 31 34.8% Excellent 33 37.1% Total 89 100.0% 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Commissioner Holman Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.0% Below Expectations 2 2.0% Acceptable 22 21.8% Very Good 33 32.7% Excellent 43 42.6% Total 101 100.0% 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Commissioner Holman Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.1% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 27 28.4% Very Good 30 31.6% Excellent 37 38.9% Total 95 100.0% 318 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? Commissioner Holman Frequency Percent Once 28 26.7% 2 to 3 times 39 37.1% 4 to 10 times 25 23.8% More than 10 times 13 12.4% Total 105 100.0% How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Commissioner Holman Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 43 41.0% 2 to 5 Attorneys 31 29.5% 6 to 10 Attorneys 7 6.7% 11 to 20 Attorneys 8 7.6% More than 20 Attorneys 16 15.2% Total 105 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? Commissioner Holman Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 0 0.0% 3 to 5 years 12 11.4% 6 to 10 years 19 18.1% 11 to 20 years 26 24.8% More than 20 years 48 45.7% Total 105 100.0% What best describes your racial background? Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Frequency Percent Caucasian / White 93 88.6% African American / Black 4 3.8% Hispanic / Latino / Latina 4 3.8% Asian / Pacific Islander 2 1.9% Native American 0 0.0% Other 2 1.9% Total 105 100.0% Commissioner Holman Frequency Percent Criminal Law 8 7.6% General Civil 52 49.5% Domestic Relations / Family Law 34 32.4% Commissioner Holman Frequency Percent Government Practice 5 4.8% Male 51 49.0% Other 6 5.7% Female 53 51.0% Total 105 100.0% Total 104 100.0% What is your gender? Commissioner Holman 319 COMMISSIONERJACQUELINEJESKE 142Respondents RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 320 Commissioner Jeske Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 4.01 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 3.94 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 3.93 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 3.94 4.22 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 4.07 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 4.17 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.20 Based rulings on the facts and the law 3.86 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 4.04 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 4.23 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 4.27 4.36 4.23 4.05 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 4.02 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.11 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 4.07 4.11 3.78 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Commissioner Jeske Frequency Percent Commissioner Jeske Frequency Percent Unacceptable 5 3.6% Unacceptable 5 3.5% Below Expectations 7 5.0% Below Expectations 9 6.3% Acceptable 33 23.6% Acceptable 29 20.4% Very Good 42 30.0% Very Good 47 33.1% Excellent 53 37.9% Excellent 52 36.6% Total 140 100.0% Total 142 100.0% 321 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner Commissioner Jeske Frequency Percent Unacceptable 4 Below Expectations 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Frequency Percent 2.8% Commissioner Jeske 8 5.7% Unacceptable 4 2.9% Acceptable 36 25.5% Below Expectations 10 7.3% Very Good 38 27.0% Acceptable 16 11.7% 32 23.4% Excellent 55 39.0% Very Good Total 141 100.0% Excellent 75 54.7% Total 137 100.0% 13. Was prepared for court 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Commissioner Jeske Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 Below Expectations Frequency Percent 1.4% Commissioner Jeske 1 0.7% Unacceptable 7 5.0% Acceptable 26 18.4% Below Expectations 9 6.4% Very Good 47 33.3% Acceptable 34 24.1% Excellent 65 46.1% Very Good 38 27.0% Total 141 100.0% Excellent 53 37.6% Total 141 100.0% 14. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner Commissioner Jeske Frequency Percent Unacceptable 3 Below Expectations 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench Frequency Percent 2.1% Commissioner Jeske 6 4.3% Unacceptable 5 3.5% Acceptable 25 17.7% Below Expectations 8 5.7% Very Good 37 26.2% Acceptable 28 19.9% Excellent 70 49.6% Very Good 36 25.5% Total 141 100.0% Excellent 64 45.4% Total 141 100.0% 322 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Commissioner Jeske Frequency Percent Unacceptable 4 2.8% Below Expectations 4 2.8% Acceptable 16 Very Good 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court Commissioner Jeske Frequency Percent Unacceptable 3 2.1% 11.3% Below Expectations 7 5.0% 43 30.3% Acceptable 26 18.6% Excellent 75 52.8% Very Good 48 34.3% Total 142 100.0% Excellent 56 40.0% Total 140 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Commissioner Jeske Frequency Percent Unacceptable 3 Below Expectations Frequency Percent 2.2% Commissioner Jeske 0 0.0% Unacceptable 2 1.4% Acceptable 16 11.5% Below Expectations 4 2.8% Very Good 45 32.4% Acceptable 31 22.0% Excellent 75 54.0% Very Good 44 31.2% Total 139 100.0% Excellent 60 42.6% Total 141 100.0% 20. Acted with patience and self-control Commissioner Jeske Frequency Percent Unacceptable 3 2.1% Below Expectations 4 2.9% Acceptable 21 15.0% Very Good 42 30.0% Excellent 70 50.0% Total 140 100.0% 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines 323 Commissioner Jeske Frequency Percent Unacceptable 4 3.3% Below Expectations 4 3.3% Acceptable 24 19.5% Very Good 39 31.7% Excellent 52 42.3% Total 123 100.0% 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Commissioner Jeske Frequency Percent Unacceptable 5 3.7% Below Expectations 3 2.2% Acceptable 27 19.9% Very Good 38 27.9% Excellent 63 46.3% Total 136 100.0% 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Commissioner Jeske Frequency Percent Unacceptable 5 3.6% Below Expectations 12 8.8% Acceptable 37 27.0% Very Good 37 27.0% Excellent 46 33.6% Total 137 100.0% 324 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? Commissioner Jeske Frequency Percent Commissioner Jeske Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 60 42.3% Once 21 14.8% 2 to 5 Attorneys 40 28.2% 2 to 3 times 48 33.8% 6 to 10 Attorneys 15 10.6% 4 to 10 times 46 32.4% 11 to 20 Attorneys 9 6.3% More than 10 times 27 19.0% 18 12.7% Total 142 100.0% More than 20 Attorneys Total 142 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? Commissioner Jeske Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 4 2.8% 3 to 5 years 11 7.7% 6 to 10 years 28 19.7% 11 to 20 years 33 23.2% More than 20 years 66 46.5% Total 142 100.0% What best describes your racial background? Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Commissioner Jeske Frequency Percent Caucasian / White 118 83.7% African American / Black 6 4.3% Hispanic / Latino / Latina 3 2.1% Asian / Pacific Islander 8 5.7% Native American 1 0.7% Other 5 3.5% Total 141 100.0% Commissioner Jeske Frequency Percent Criminal Law 12 8.5% General Civil 21 14.8% Domestic Relations / Family Law Commissioner Jeske Frequency Percent 104 73.2% Male 46 32.6% Government Practice Female 95 67.4% 3 2.1% Total 141 100.0% Other 2 1.4% Total 142 100.0% What is your gender? 325 COMMISSIONERMELINDAJOHNSON‐TAYLOR 102Respondents RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 326 Commissioner Johnson‐Taylor Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 3.95 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 3.94 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 3.83 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 3.92 4.12 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 4.12 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 4.25 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.25 Based rulings on the facts and the law 3.87 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 4.11 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 4.32 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 4.40 4.33 4.43 4.13 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 4.13 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.15 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 4.04 4.28 4.06 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Commissioner Johnson-Taylor Frequency Percent Commissioner Johnson-Taylor Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 1 1.0% Below Expectations 6 6.1% Below Expectations 6 6.0% Acceptable 21 21.2% Acceptable 24 24.0% Very Good 45 45.5% Very Good 47 47.0% Excellent 27 27.3% Excellent 22 22.0% Total 99 100.0% Total 100 100.0% 327 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner Commissioner Johnson-Taylor Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 Below Expectations 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Frequency Percent 1.0% Commissioner Johnson-Taylor 5 5.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Acceptable 23 22.8% Below Expectations 5 5.2% Very Good 44 43.6% Acceptable 11 11.3% 36 37.1% Excellent 28 27.7% Very Good Total 101 100.0% Excellent 45 46.4% Total 97 100.0% 13. Was prepared for court 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Commissioner Johnson-Taylor Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 Below Expectations Frequency Percent 1.0% Commissioner Johnson-Taylor 1 1.0% Unacceptable 1 1.0% Acceptable 17 17.0% Below Expectations 6 6.0% Very Good 47 47.0% Acceptable 24 24.0% Excellent 34 34.0% Very Good 43 43.0% Total 100 100.0% Excellent 26 26.0% Total 100 100.0% 14. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner Commissioner Johnson-Taylor Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 Below Expectations 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench Frequency Percent 0.0% Commissioner Johnson-Taylor 2 2.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Acceptable 15 15.0% Below Expectations 2 2.0% Very Good 39 39.0% Acceptable 23 23.0% Excellent 44 44.0% Very Good 37 37.0% Total 100 100.0% Excellent 38 38.0% Total 100 100.0% 328 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Commissioner Johnson-Taylor Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 1 1.0% Acceptable 11 Very Good 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court Commissioner Johnson-Taylor Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% 10.9% Below Expectations 2 2.0% 36 35.6% Acceptable 18 18.0% Excellent 53 52.5% Very Good 45 45.0% Total 101 100.0% Excellent 35 35.0% Total 100 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Commissioner Johnson-Taylor Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 Below Expectations Frequency Percent 0.0% Commissioner Johnson-Taylor 0 0.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Acceptable 11 11.0% Below Expectations 1 1.0% Very Good 45 45.0% Acceptable 18 18.0% Excellent 44 44.0% Very Good 46 46.0% Total 100 100.0% Excellent 35 35.0% Total 100 100.0% 20. Acted with patience and self-control Commissioner Johnson-Taylor Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 9 9.0% Very Good 39 39.0% Excellent 52 52.0% Total 100 100.0% 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines 329 Commissioner Johnson-Taylor Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 1.1% Below Expectations 1 1.1% Acceptable 18 19.4% Very Good 46 49.5% Excellent 27 29.0% Total 93 100.0% 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Commissioner Johnson-Taylor Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 13 13.5% Very Good 43 44.8% Excellent 40 41.7% Total 96 100.0% 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Commissioner Johnson-Taylor Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 3 3.0% Acceptable 20 20.0% Very Good 45 45.0% Excellent 32 32.0% Total 100 100.0% 330 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? Commissioner Johnson-Taylor Frequency Percent Once 20 19.6% 2 to 3 times 42 41.2% 4 to 10 times 32 31.4% More than 10 times 8 7.8% Total 102 100.0% How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Commissioner Johnson-Taylor Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 37 36.3% 2 to 5 Attorneys 32 31.4% 6 to 10 Attorneys 16 15.7% 11 to 20 Attorneys 8 7.8% More than 20 Attorneys 9 8.8% Total 102 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? Commissioner Johnson-Taylor Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 4 3.9% 3 to 5 years 12 11.8% 6 to 10 years 17 16.7% 11 to 20 years 24 23.5% More than 20 years 45 44.1% Total 102 100.0% What best describes your racial background? Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Commissioner Johnson-Taylor Frequency Percent Criminal Law 3 2.9% General Civil 7 6.9% Domestic Relations / Family Law 88 86.3% Government Practice 3 2.9% Other 1 1.0% Total 102 100.0% Commissioner Johnson-Taylor Frequency Percent Caucasian / White 90 89.1% African American / Black 0 0.0% Hispanic / Latino / Latina 2 2.0% Asian / Pacific Islander 5 5.0% Native American 2 2.0% Other 2 2.0% Total 101 100.0% What is your gender? 331 Commissioner Johnson-Taylor Frequency Percent Male 27 26.7% Female 74 73.3% Total 101 100.0% COMMISSIONERHENRYJUDSON 212Respondents RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 332 Commissioner Judson Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 4.34 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 4.34 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 4.31 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 4.33 4.39 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 4.51 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 4.58 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.65 Based rulings on the facts and the law 4.29 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 4.55 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 4.57 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 4.65 4.57 4.63 4.44 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 4.43 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.41 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 4.40 4.49 4.42 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Commissioner Judson Frequency Percent Commissioner Judson Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 1.0% Unacceptable 1 0.5% Below Expectations 3 1.5% Below Expectations 6 3.1% Acceptable 27 13.1% Acceptable 23 11.8% Very Good 65 31.6% Very Good 67 34.4% Excellent 109 52.9% Excellent 98 50.3% Total 206 100.0% Total 195 100.0% 333 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner Commissioner Judson Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 Below Expectations 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Frequency Percent 0.5% Commissioner Judson 4 2.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Acceptable 29 14.7% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Very Good 58 29.4% Acceptable 12 6.1% 45 23.0% Excellent 105 53.3% Very Good Total 197 100.0% Excellent 139 70.9% Total 196 100.0% 13. Was prepared for court 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Commissioner Judson Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 Below Expectations Frequency Percent 0.5% Commissioner Judson 1 0.5% Unacceptable 2 1.0% Acceptable 23 12.0% Below Expectations 8 3.9% Very Good 63 33.0% Acceptable 22 10.8% Excellent 103 53.9% Very Good 69 34.0% Total 191 100.0% Excellent 102 50.2% Total 203 100.0% 14. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner Commissioner Judson Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 Below Expectations 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench Frequency Percent 0.5% Commissioner Judson 1 0.5% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Acceptable 11 5.4% Below Expectations 4 2.0% Very Good 56 27.7% Acceptable 12 6.0% Excellent 133 65.8% Very Good 55 27.5% Total 202 100.0% Excellent 129 64.5% Total 200 100.0% 334 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Commissioner Judson Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 1 0.5% Acceptable 12 Very Good 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court Commissioner Judson Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 0.5% 5.8% Below Expectations 0 0.0% 46 22.2% Acceptable 25 12.3% Excellent 148 71.5% Very Good 60 29.6% Total 207 100.0% Excellent 117 57.6% Total 203 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Commissioner Judson Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 Below Expectations Frequency Percent 0.0% Commissioner Judson 0 0.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Acceptable 13 6.3% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Very Good 63 30.7% Acceptable 23 11.4% Excellent 129 62.9% Very Good 73 36.1% Total 205 100.0% Excellent 106 52.5% Total 202 100.0% 20. Acted with patience and self-control Commissioner Judson Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 11 5.3% Very Good 55 26.6% Excellent 141 68.1% Total 207 100.0% 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines 335 Commissioner Judson Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 3 1.7% Acceptable 16 9.3% Very Good 63 36.6% Excellent 90 52.3% Total 172 100.0% 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Commissioner Judson Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 0.5% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 18 9.0% Very Good 62 30.8% Excellent 120 59.7% Total 201 100.0% 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Commissioner Judson Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 2 1.0% Acceptable 23 11.6% Very Good 64 32.2% Excellent 110 55.3% Total 199 100.0% 336 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? Commissioner Judson Frequency Percent Once 30 14.2% 2 to 3 times 69 32.5% 4 to 10 times 85 40.1% More than 10 times 28 13.2% Total 212 100.0% How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Commissioner Judson Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 84 40.0% 2 to 5 Attorneys 60 28.6% 6 to 10 Attorneys 26 12.4% 11 to 20 Attorneys 17 8.1% More than 20 Attorneys 23 11.0% Total 210 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? Commissioner Judson Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 5 2.4% 3 to 5 years 21 10.0% 6 to 10 years 29 13.8% 11 to 20 years 44 21.0% More than 20 years 111 52.9% Total 210 100.0% What best describes your racial background? Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Commissioner Judson Frequency Percent Caucasian / White 193 92.3% African American / Black 3 1.4% Hispanic / Latino / Latina 2 1.0% Asian / Pacific Islander 8 3.8% Native American 2 1.0% Other 1 0.5% Total 209 100.0% Commissioner Judson Frequency Percent Criminal Law 4 1.9% General Civil 112 53.3% Domestic Relations / Family Law 85 40.5% Commissioner Judson Frequency Percent Government Practice 1 0.5% Male 108 51.4% Other 8 3.8% Female 102 48.6% Total 210 100.0% Total 210 100.0% What is your gender? 337 COMMISSIONERJAMESKAHAN 130Respondents RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 338 Commissioner Kahan Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 4.16 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 4.13 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 4.11 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 4.13 4.27 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 4.19 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 4.29 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.33 Based rulings on the facts and the law 3.94 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 4.22 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 4.30 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 4.35 4.35 4.30 4.20 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 4.27 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.27 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 4.21 4.34 4.27 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Commissioner Kahan Frequency Percent Commissioner Kahan Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 1.6% Unacceptable 1 0.8% Below Expectations 8 6.3% Below Expectations 5 3.9% Acceptable 17 13.4% Acceptable 24 18.8% Very Good 44 34.6% Very Good 47 36.7% Excellent 56 44.1% Excellent 51 39.8% Total 127 100.0% Total 128 100.0% 339 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner Commissioner Kahan Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 Below Expectations 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Frequency Percent 0.0% Commissioner Kahan 7 5.5% Unacceptable 2 1.6% Acceptable 26 20.3% Below Expectations 2 1.6% Very Good 39 30.5% Acceptable 13 10.6% 43 35.0% Excellent 56 43.8% Very Good Total 128 100.0% Excellent 63 51.2% Total 123 100.0% 13. Was prepared for court 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Commissioner Kahan Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 Below Expectations Frequency Percent 1.6% Commissioner Kahan 3 2.4% Unacceptable 4 3.1% Acceptable 16 12.7% Below Expectations 9 7.1% Very Good 43 34.1% Acceptable 24 18.9% Excellent 62 49.2% Very Good 44 34.6% Total 126 100.0% Excellent 46 36.2% Total 127 100.0% 14. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner Commissioner Kahan Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 Below Expectations 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench Frequency Percent 1.6% Commissioner Kahan 3 2.4% Unacceptable 2 1.6% Acceptable 15 12.0% Below Expectations 4 3.2% Very Good 42 33.6% Acceptable 20 15.9% Excellent 63 50.4% Very Good 38 30.2% Total 125 100.0% Excellent 62 49.2% Total 126 100.0% 340 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Commissioner Kahan Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 1.6% Below Expectations 2 1.6% Acceptable 16 Very Good 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court Commissioner Kahan Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% 12.5% Below Expectations 3 2.4% 37 28.9% Acceptable 23 18.3% Excellent 71 55.5% Very Good 46 36.5% Total 128 100.0% Excellent 54 42.9% Total 126 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Commissioner Kahan Frequency Percent Commissioner Kahan Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 1.6% Unacceptable 1 0.8% Below Expectations 1 0.8% Below Expectations 2 1.6% Acceptable 13 10.2% Acceptable 14 10.9% Very Good 45 35.4% Very Good 56 43.8% Excellent 66 52.0% Excellent 55 43.0% Total 127 100.0% Total 128 100.0% 20. Acted with patience and self-control Commissioner Kahan Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 1.6% Below Expectations 2 1.6% Acceptable 15 11.8% Very Good 45 35.4% Excellent 63 49.6% Total 127 100.0% 341 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Commissioner Kahan Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 1 0.9% Acceptable 22 19.5% Very Good 42 37.2% Excellent 48 42.5% Total 113 100.0% 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Commissioner Kahan Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 1 0.8% Acceptable 15 12.2% Very Good 48 39.0% Excellent 59 48.0% Total 123 100.0% 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Commissioner Kahan Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 0.8% Below Expectations 3 2.4% Acceptable 18 14.2% Very Good 44 34.6% Excellent 61 48.0% Total 127 100.0% 342 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? Commissioner Kahan Frequency Percent Once 21 16.2% 2 to 3 times 49 37.7% 4 to 10 times 46 35.4% More than 10 times 14 10.8% Total 130 100.0% How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Commissioner Kahan Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 56 43.1% 2 to 5 Attorneys 36 27.7% 6 to 10 Attorneys 18 13.8% 11 to 20 Attorneys 11 8.5% More than 20 Attorneys 9 6.9% Total 130 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? Commissioner Kahan Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 2 1.5% 3 to 5 years 13 10.0% 6 to 10 years 24 18.5% 11 to 20 years 29 22.3% More than 20 years 62 47.7% Total 130 100.0% What best describes your racial background? Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Commissioner Kahan Frequency Percent Caucasian / White 107 82.9% African American / Black 3 2.3% Hispanic / Latino / Latina 4 3.1% Asian / Pacific Islander 8 6.2% Native American 2 1.6% Other 5 3.9% Total 129 100.0% Commissioner Kahan Frequency Percent Criminal Law 7 5.4% General Civil 11 8.5% Domestic Relations / Family Law 107 82.3% Commissioner Kahan Frequency Percent Government Practice 3 2.3% Male 43 33.3% Other 2 1.5% Female 86 66.7% Total 130 100.0% Total 129 100.0% What is your gender? 343 COMMISSIONERJENNIELAIRD 29Respondents RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 344 Commissioner Laird Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 4.58 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 4.62 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 4.61 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 4.55 4.55 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 4.60 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 4.66 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.66 Based rulings on the facts and the law 4.55 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 4.55 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 4.64 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 4.66 4.69 4.62 4.59 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 4.51 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.52 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 4.54 4.59 4.41 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Commissioner Laird Frequency Percent Commissioner Laird Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 1 3.4% Acceptable 3 10.7% Very Good 9 31.0% Very Good 5 17.9% Excellent 19 65.5% Excellent 20 71.4% Total 29 100.0% Total 28 100.0% 345 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner Commissioner Laird Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 3 10.3% Very Good 7 24.1% Excellent 19 65.5% Total 29 100.0% Commissioner Laird Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 2 6.9% Very Good 6 20.7% Excellent 21 72.4% Total 29 100.0% 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law 13. Was prepared for court Commissioner Laird Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Commissioner Laird Frequency Percent Acceptable 4 13.8% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Very Good 5 17.2% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Excellent 20 69.0% Acceptable 3 10.3% Total 29 100.0% Very Good 7 24.1% Excellent 19 65.5% Total 29 100.0% 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 14. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner Commissioner Laird Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Commissioner Laird Frequency Percent Acceptable 4 13.8% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Very Good 5 17.2% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Excellent 20 69.0% Acceptable 2 6.9% Total 29 100.0% Very Good 6 20.7% Excellent 21 72.4% Total 29 100.0% 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect 346 Commissioner Laird Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 3 10.3% Very Good 4 13.8% Excellent 22 75.9% Total 29 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines Commissioner Laird Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Commissioner Laird Frequency Percent Below Expectations 0 0.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% Acceptable 2 6.9% Below Expectations 1 3.6% Very Good 5 17.2% Acceptable 1 3.6% Excellent 22 75.9% Very Good 8 28.6% Total 29 100.0% Excellent 18 64.3% Total 28 100.0% 20. Acted with patience and self-control Commissioner Laird Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 2 6.9% Very Good 7 24.1% Excellent 20 69.0% Total 29 100.0% 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Commissioner Laird Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 3 10.3% Very Good 6 20.7% Excellent 20 69.0% Total 29 100.0% 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court Commissioner Laird Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 0 Acceptable 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Commissioner Laird Frequency Percent 0.0% Unacceptable 0 0.0% 2 6.9% Below Expectations 1 3.4% Very Good 8 27.6% Acceptable 3 10.3% Excellent 19 65.5% Very Good 8 27.6% Total 29 100.0% Excellent 17 58.6% Total 29 100.0% 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Commissioner Laird Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 2 6.9% Very Good 10 34.5% Excellent 17 58.6% Total 29 100.0% 347 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? Commissioner Laird Frequency Percent Once 4 13.8% 2 to 3 times 10 34.5% 4 to 10 times 1 3.4% More than 10 times 14 48.3% Total 29 100.0% How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Commissioner Laird Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 9 31.0% 2 to 5 Attorneys 8 27.6% 6 to 10 Attorneys 3 10.3% 11 to 20 Attorneys 2 6.9% More than 20 Attorneys 7 24.1% Total 29 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? Commissioner Laird Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 0 0.0% 3 to 5 years 0 0.0% 6 to 10 years 6 20.7% 11 to 20 years 8 27.6% More than 20 years 15 51.7% Total 29 100.0% What best describes your racial background? Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Commissioner Laird Frequency Percent Caucasian / White 23 79.3% African American / Black 0 0.0% Hispanic / Latino / Latina 0 0.0% Asian / Pacific Islander 2 6.9% Native American 0 0.0% Other 4 13.8% Total 29 100.0% Commissioner Laird Frequency Percent Criminal Law 2 6.9% General Civil 3 10.3% Domestic Relations / Family Law 13 44.8% Commissioner Laird Frequency Percent Government Practice 3 10.3% Male 7 25.0% Other 8 27.6% Female 21 75.0% Total 29 100.0% Total 28 100.0% What is your gender? 348 COMMISSIONERLEONIDPONOMARCHUK 184Respondents RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 349 Commissioner Ponomarchuk Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 4.54 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 4.58 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 4.58 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 4.51 4.50 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 4.32 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 4.40 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.36 Based rulings on the facts and the law 4.36 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 4.18 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 4.18 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 3.94 4.49 3.87 4.44 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 4.50 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.51 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 4.46 4.54 4.48 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Commissioner Ponomarchuk Frequency Percent Commissioner Ponomarchuk Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 0.5% Unacceptable 1 0.6% Below Expectations 4 2.2% Below Expectations 1 0.6% Acceptable 10 5.5% Acceptable 14 7.8% Very Good 41 22.5% Very Good 41 22.8% Excellent 126 69.2% Excellent 123 68.3% Total 182 100.0% Total 180 100.0% 350 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner Commissioner Ponomarchuk Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 Below Expectations 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Frequency Percent 0.5% Commissioner Ponomarchuk 5 2.7% Unacceptable 2 1.1% Acceptable 11 6.0% Below Expectations 4 2.2% Very Good 48 26.2% Acceptable 25 14.0% 44 24.7% Excellent 118 64.5% Very Good Total 183 100.0% Excellent 103 57.9% Total 178 100.0% 13. Was prepared for court 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Commissioner Ponomarchuk Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 Below Expectations Frequency Percent 0.6% Commissioner Ponomarchuk 3 1.7% Unacceptable 3 1.7% Acceptable 14 7.9% Below Expectations 5 2.8% Very Good 48 27.0% Acceptable 18 10.0% Excellent 112 62.9% Very Good 52 28.9% Total 178 100.0% Excellent 102 56.7% Total 180 100.0% 14. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner Commissioner Ponomarchuk Frequency Percent Unacceptable 3 Below Expectations 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench Frequency Percent 1.7% Commissioner Ponomarchuk 2 1.1% Unacceptable 6 3.3% Acceptable 23 13.0% Below Expectations 8 4.4% Very Good 43 24.3% Acceptable 24 13.1% Excellent 106 59.9% Very Good 54 29.5% Total 177 100.0% Excellent 91 49.7% Total 183 100.0% 351 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Commissioner Ponomarchuk Frequency Percent Unacceptable 6 3.3% Below Expectations 11 6.0% Acceptable 44 Very Good 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court Commissioner Ponomarchuk Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 0.5% 23.9% Below Expectations 1 0.5% 50 27.2% Acceptable 21 11.5% Excellent 73 39.7% Very Good 53 29.1% Total 184 100.0% Excellent 106 58.2% Total 182 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Commissioner Ponomarchuk Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 Below Expectations Frequency Percent 0.0% Commissioner Ponomarchuk 2 1.1% Unacceptable 1 0.6% Acceptable 18 9.8% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Very Good 52 28.3% Acceptable 19 10.5% Excellent 112 60.9% Very Good 46 25.4% Total 184 100.0% Excellent 115 63.5% Total 181 100.0% 20. Acted with patience and self-control Commissioner Ponomarchuk Frequency Percent Unacceptable 5 2.7% Below Expectations 13 7.1% Acceptable 48 26.4% Very Good 51 28.0% Excellent 65 35.7% Total 182 100.0% 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines 352 Commissioner Ponomarchuk Frequency Percent Unacceptable 1 0.6% Below Expectations 1 0.6% Acceptable 20 12.1% Very Good 42 25.5% Excellent 101 61.2% Total 165 100.0% 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Commissioner Ponomarchuk Frequency Percent Unacceptable 0 0.0% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 19 10.6% Very Good 44 24.4% Excellent 117 65.0% Total 180 100.0% 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Commissioner Ponomarchuk Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 1.1% Below Expectations 0 0.0% Acceptable 19 10.6% Very Good 47 26.1% Excellent 112 62.2% Total 180 100.0% 353 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? Commissioner Ponomarchuk Frequency Percent Once 15 8.1% 2 to 3 times 48 25.9% 4 to 10 times 70 37.8% More than 10 times 52 28.1% Total 185 100.0% How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Commissioner Ponomarchuk Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 81 44.0% 2 to 5 Attorneys 54 29.3% 6 to 10 Attorneys 20 10.9% 11 to 20 Attorneys 13 7.1% More than 20 Attorneys 16 8.7% Total 184 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? Commissioner Ponomarchuk Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 6 3.3% 3 to 5 years 15 8.2% 6 to 10 years 32 17.4% 11 to 20 years 39 21.2% More than 20 years 92 50.0% Total 184 100.0% What best describes your racial background? Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Commissioner Ponomarchuk Frequency Percent Caucasian / White 153 83.6% African American / Black 2 1.1% Hispanic / Latino / Latina 3 1.6% Asian / Pacific Islander 13 7.1% Native American 3 1.6% Other 9 4.9% Total 183 100.0% Commissioner Ponomarchuk Frequency Percent Criminal Law 7 3.8% General Civil 29 15.8% Domestic Relations / Family Law 138 75.0% Commissioner Ponomarchuk Frequency Percent Government Practice 6 3.3% Male 69 37.7% Other 4 2.2% Female 114 62.3% Total 184 100.0% Total 183 100.0% What is your gender? 354 COMMISSIONERMEGSASSAMAN 94Respondents RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 355 Commissioner Sassaman Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 3.35 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 3.32 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 3.26 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 3.31 3.50 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 3.26 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 3.45 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 3.25 Based rulings on the facts and the law 3.15 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 3.17 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 3.36 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 3.10 3.75 3.10 3.48 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 3.66 Maintained control in the courtroom 3.66 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 3.56 3.83 3.59 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Commissioner Sassaman Frequency Percent Commissioner Sassaman Frequency Percent Unacceptable 10 11.0% Unacceptable 9 10.1% Below Expectations 17 18.7% Below Expectations 17 19.1% Acceptable 18 19.8% Acceptable 24 27.0% Very Good 26 28.6% Very Good 20 22.5% Excellent 20 22.0% Excellent 19 21.3% Total 91 100.0% Total 89 100.0% 356 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner Commissioner Sassaman Frequency Percent Unacceptable 7 Below Expectations 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Frequency Percent 7.7% Commissioner Sassaman 20 22.0% Unacceptable 13 14.3% Acceptable 21 23.1% Below Expectations 16 17.6% Very Good 24 26.4% Acceptable 20 22.0% 19 20.9% Excellent 19 20.9% Very Good Total 91 100.0% Excellent 23 25.3% Total 91 100.0% 13. Was prepared for court 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Commissioner Sassaman Frequency Percent Unacceptable 5 Below Expectations Frequency Percent 5.6% Commissioner Sassaman 11 12.2% Unacceptable 10 10.9% Acceptable 27 30.0% Below Expectations 22 23.9% Very Good 28 31.1% Acceptable 19 20.7% Excellent 19 21.1% Very Good 26 28.3% Total 90 100.0% Excellent 15 16.3% Total 92 100.0% 14. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner Commissioner Sassaman Frequency Percent Unacceptable 9 Below Expectations 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench Frequency Percent 9.8% Commissioner Sassaman 12 13.0% Unacceptable 11 11.8% Acceptable 25 27.2% Below Expectations 19 20.4% Very Good 21 22.8% Acceptable 24 25.8% Excellent 25 27.2% Very Good 21 22.6% Total 92 100.0% Excellent 18 19.4% Total 93 100.0% 357 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Commissioner Sassaman Frequency Percent Unacceptable 13 13.8% Below Expectations 20 21.3% Acceptable 25 Very Good 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court Commissioner Sassaman Frequency Percent Unacceptable 5 5.4% 26.6% Below Expectations 9 9.8% 17 18.1% Acceptable 33 35.9% Excellent 19 20.2% Very Good 27 29.3% Total 94 100.0% Excellent 18 19.6% Total 92 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Commissioner Sassaman Frequency Percent Unacceptable 3 Below Expectations Frequency Percent 3.3% Commissioner Sassaman 4 4.3% Unacceptable 4 4.4% Acceptable 29 31.5% Below Expectations 6 6.6% Very Good 33 35.9% Acceptable 28 30.8% Excellent 23 25.0% Very Good 32 35.2% Total 92 100.0% Excellent 21 23.1% Total 91 100.0% 20. Acted with patience and self-control Commissioner Sassaman Frequency Percent Unacceptable 16 17.4% Below Expectations 12 13.0% Acceptable 28 30.4% Very Good 19 20.7% Excellent 17 18.5% Total 92 100.0% 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines 358 Commissioner Sassaman Frequency Percent Unacceptable 4 4.8% Below Expectations 9 10.7% Acceptable 27 32.1% Very Good 24 28.6% Excellent 20 23.8% Total 84 100.0% 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Commissioner Sassaman Frequency Percent Unacceptable 3 3.4% Below Expectations 1 1.1% Acceptable 29 32.6% Very Good 31 34.8% Excellent 25 28.1% Total 89 100.0% 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Commissioner Sassaman Frequency Percent Unacceptable 5 5.5% Below Expectations 8 8.8% Acceptable 27 29.7% Very Good 30 33.0% Excellent 21 23.1% Total 91 100.0% 359 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? Commissioner Sassaman Frequency Percent Once 14 14.9% 2 to 3 times 38 40.4% 4 to 10 times 18 19.1% More than 10 times 24 25.5% Total 94 100.0% How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Commissioner Sassaman Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 41 44.1% 2 to 5 Attorneys 24 25.8% 6 to 10 Attorneys 9 9.7% 11 to 20 Attorneys 4 4.3% More than 20 Attorneys 15 16.1% Total 93 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? Commissioner Sassaman Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 0 0.0% 3 to 5 years 4 4.3% 6 to 10 years 19 20.4% 11 to 20 years 24 25.8% More than 20 years 46 49.5% Total 93 100.0% What best describes your racial background? Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Commissioner Sassaman Frequency Percent Caucasian / White 75 80.6% African American / Black 2 2.2% Hispanic / Latino / Latina 1 1.1% Asian / Pacific Islander 10 10.8% Native American 2 2.2% Other 3 3.2% Total 93 100.0% Commissioner Sassaman Frequency Percent Criminal Law 9 9.7% General Civil 11 11.8% Domestic Relations / Family Law 60 64.5% Commissioner Sassaman Frequency Percent Government Practice 5 5.4% Male 29 31.5% Other 8 8.6% Female 63 68.5% Total 93 100.0% Total 92 100.0% What is your gender? 360 COMMISSIONERCARLOSVELATEGUI 399Respondents RATINGSCALE Excellent 5 Verygood 4 Acceptable 3 Belowexpectations 2 Unacceptable 1 361 Commissioner Velategui Item Average Category Average LEGAL DECISION MAKING 4.20 Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 4.28 Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure 4.26 Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in a clear concise manner Was prepared for court 4.17 4.09 INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY 4.11 Avoided impropriety and the appearance of impropriety 4.15 Treated all individuals equally and without bias based on race, gender, economic status, or any other extralegal personal characteristic 4.27 Based rulings on the facts and the law 4.05 Displayed a neutral presence on the bench 3.95 DEMEANOR, TEMPERAMENT, AND COMMUNICATION 3.91 Treated people with courtesy and respect Was attentive to proceedings Acted with patience and self‐control Used clear oral communication while in court 3.59 4.18 3.69 4.16 ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS 4.35 Maintained control in the courtroom 4.38 Appropriately maintained case management and enforced court rules and deadlines Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner 4.29 4.38 4.36 Used the court’s time efficiently EVALUATIONTABLES 10. Capably identified and analyzed legal and factual issues 11. Capably applied rules of evidence and procedure Commissioner Velategui Frequency Percent Commissioner Velategui Frequency Percent Unacceptable 5 1.3% Unacceptable 4 1.0% Below Expectations 14 3.6% Below Expectations 11 2.8% Acceptable 56 14.2% Acceptable 64 16.6% Very Good 109 27.7% Very Good 109 28.2% Excellent 209 53.2% Excellent 198 51.3% Total 393 100.0% Total 386 100.0% 362 12. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner Commissioner Velategui Frequency Percent Unacceptable 5 Below Expectations 15. Treated all people equally without bias based on race, gender, or any other extralegal personal characteristic Frequency Percent 1.3% Commissioner Velategui 15 3.9% Unacceptable 5 1.3% Acceptable 70 18.1% Below Expectations 13 3.4% Very Good 115 29.7% Acceptable 74 19.6% 70 18.5% Excellent 182 47.0% Very Good Total 387 100.0% Excellent 216 57.1% Total 378 100.0% 13. Was prepared for court 16. Based rulings on the facts and the law Commissioner Velategui Frequency Percent Unacceptable 4 Below Expectations Frequency Percent 1.1% Commissioner Velategui 18 4.8% Unacceptable 10 2.6% Acceptable 87 23.1% Below Expectations 23 5.9% Very Good 99 26.3% Acceptable 75 19.3% Excellent 168 44.7% Very Good 108 27.8% Total 376 100.0% Excellent 172 44.3% Total 388 100.0% 14. Articulated rulings & grounds for rulings in clear & concise manner Commissioner Velategui Frequency Percent Unacceptable 6 Below Expectations 17. Displayed a neutral presence on the bench Frequency Percent 1.6% Commissioner Velategui 19 4.9% Unacceptable 6 1.5% Acceptable 72 18.8% Below Expectations 36 9.2% Very Good 103 26.8% Acceptable 91 23.2% Excellent 184 47.9% Very Good 97 24.7% Total 384 100.0% Excellent 163 41.5% Total 393 100.0% 363 18. Treated people with courtesy and respect Commissioner Velategui Frequency Percent Unacceptable 22 5.6% Below Expectations 52 13.2% Acceptable 107 Very Good 21. Used clear and logical oral communication while in court Commissioner Velategui Frequency Percent Unacceptable 4 1.0% 27.1% Below Expectations 12 3.1% 98 24.8% Acceptable 84 21.4% Excellent 116 29.4% Very Good 110 28.0% Total 395 100.0% Excellent 183 46.6% Total 393 100.0% 19. Was attentive to proceedings 22. Maintained control over the courtroom Commissioner Velategui Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 Below Expectations Frequency Percent 0.5% Commissioner Velategui 10 2.5% Unacceptable 2 0.5% Acceptable 80 20.4% Below Expectations 2 0.5% Very Good 123 31.3% Acceptable 57 14.6% Excellent 178 45.3% Very Good 114 29.2% Total 393 100.0% Excellent 216 55.2% Total 391 100.0% 20. Acted with patience and self-control Commissioner Velategui Frequency Percent Unacceptable 13 3.3% Below Expectations 49 12.5% Acceptable 110 28.1% Very Good 93 23.7% Excellent 127 32.4% Total 392 100.0% 23. Appropriately enforced court rules and deadlines 364 Commissioner Velategui Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 0.6% Below Expectations 8 2.4% Acceptable 60 18.1% Very Good 84 25.3% Excellent 178 53.6% Total 332 100.0% 24. Made decisions and rulings in a prompt, timely manner Commissioner Velategui Frequency Percent Unacceptable 3 0.8% Below Expectations 2 0.5% Acceptable 57 14.8% Very Good 105 27.3% Excellent 217 56.5% Total 384 100.0% 25. Used the court’s time efficiently Commissioner Velategui Frequency Percent Unacceptable 2 0.5% Below Expectations 7 1.9% Acceptable 57 15.2% Very Good 97 25.9% Excellent 212 56.5% Total 375 100.0% 365 RESPONDENTCHARACTERISTICS Roughly how many times have you appeared before the judge over the past 2 years? Commissioner Velategui Frequency Percent Once 34 8.5% 2 to 3 times 105 26.3% 4 to 10 times 128 32.1% More than 10 times 132 33.1% Total 399 100.0% How many attorneys are employed by your law firm? Commissioner Velategui Frequency Percent Sole Practitioner 149 37.6% 2 to 5 Attorneys 119 30.1% 6 to 10 Attorneys 48 12.1% 11 to 20 Attorneys 33 8.3% More than 20 Attorneys 47 11.9% Total 396 100.0% How long have you been a practicing attorney? Commissioner Velategui Frequency Percent 1 to 2 years 5 1.3% 3 to 5 years 29 7.3% 6 to 10 years 51 12.9% 11 to 20 years 90 22.7% More than 20 years 221 55.8% Total 396 100.0% What best describes your racial background? Which of the following areas of law best describe your practice? Commissioner Velategui Frequency Percent Caucasian / White 355 90.1% African American / Black 2 0.5% Hispanic / Latino / Latina 6 1.5% Asian / Pacific Islander 18 4.6% Native American 2 0.5% Other 11 2.8% Total 394 100.0% Commissioner Velategui Frequency Percent Criminal Law 9 2.3% General Civil 231 58.6% Domestic Relations / Family Law 132 33.5% Commissioner Velategui Frequency Percent Government Practice 2 0.5% Male 233 59.1% Other 20 5.1% Female 161 40.9% Total 394 100.0% Total 394 100.0% What is your gender? 366
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