Visualisation of Large Datasets with Houdini


Visualisation of Large Datasets with Houdini
Visualisation of Large Datasets with Houdini
Ben Simons
Data Arena Lead Developer
University of Technology, Sydney
New UTS Broadway Building
UTS Data Arena
~ April 2014
Today's Outline - Big Data
1. Some strategies used in Film Visual FX
2. Visualisation Techniques in Houdini
3. VFX Data Formats & Disk Systems
Happy Feet 2
2 Petabytes (2,000,000 GB)
3D Stereo HD images
Render: 18,000 cpu cores
Parallel access to data
HDF5 data on Bluearc & Isolon
NAS Disk Systems
Linux software: Maya, Houdini,
Naiad, Nuke, 3Delight
Entirely made at Carriageworks
in Sydney at Dr D Studios
Resident Evil 3 Extinction
The Desert Undead: 18-layer images (Rman AOV's)
Each single image frame was split into 96 tiles
Rendered on 96 machines, then each frame tile-joined
Houdini across 2 screens
Houdini Object Nodes
Houdini Procedural Network
Houdini Parameters
Houdini Chops
Channel is a column of data
Plain textfiles ok – separate
columns with tabs
Interactive Channel graph
(zoom in)
Visual programming
Filtering, Sampling, shading,
instancing, and rendering
Hands-on tomorrow will be
Chops & Vops
Spitzer Glimpse Dataset
Spitzer Space Telescope
South: ~300 files, 78 different Channels, 145K rows
gzipped .tbl data loaded into Houdini
Houdini Chops used to filter & calc 'colours'
Show difference of infra-red magnitude bands
Point colours and scales calculated by VOPs SIMD
Houdini Movie Rendered (Mantra PBR)
36M points, filtered <12M
Shading & VOP's
A shader is a mini-program which makes data
It can be better to generate data than load it.
Shaders allow additional level of management
Geom shaders on HF2 generated 1 billion snow
particles per image frame (impossible to load).
Houdini VOP's are SIMD
VOP Network
Saves Memory & I/O by re-using geometry
Copies generated at render time
Each Instance can be varied based on point
Referencing one “instance object” provides a
massive data reduction
Adaptive Meshes, LOD, Caching &
Data reduction techniques
Level of Detail (distance from camera)
Adaptive Meshes
Cache common files locally
Filter texture (images) - Mipmapping
Other tricks Baked Lighting & Shadows
Pre-calculate lighting
& shadows
“bake” new textures
& reapply onto geom
Sydney Harbour
Multi-Beam Sonar
Survey, 30cm data.
Interactive 3D Flythrough
Know ur Limits: Memory & I/O
I/O will Bottleneck - Partition the problem & then scale it up
Split job across many independent machines (eg. render)
Segment data access for each machine (eg. HDF5)
Alternate memory hardware
Vector (array) processor - SIMD
as Cray, now intel SSE/MMX and Nvidia GPU
IBM Cell Processor has Vector Processor
Content-Addressable Memory
“associative arrays” are used by Network Routers
Types of System Memory
Virtual Memory
Swapping is good, thrashing is bad
SMP Symmetric Multiprocessing: Multiple CPU's with
common/shared memory. Multi-threaded apps.
eg. Intel Xeon, Core 2 Duo are SMP.
– Cache coherency, snooping bus (on distributed SM)
MPI (Message Passing) PVM Clusters, Beowulf, etc
(Memory not shared)
Data Formats
HDF5 “Heirachical Data Format”
Browsable container of data (HDFView)
Has “groups & datasets” like “dirs & files”
Data stored in B-Trees
Can also store Binary Data
HDF5 for Python
Operate on HDF5 data via python dictionaries
& NumPy arrays -
Disk Systems
Network Attached Storage (NAS)
Bluearc (now Hitachi) implemented via FPGA
Isilon (now EMC) clustered filesystem, 100GB/s
Lustre Filesystem
Multiple SSD nodes & maintains global file coherency
Experimental Parallel distributed filesystem – can
have multiple copies of a file, one master.
Venti (Bell Labs Plan-9 & Inferno)
WORM Archive. Shares Blocks by secure SHA-1 Hash.
Data Formats 2
Open VDB
Hierachical structure for volumetric data (“clouds”)
Good for sparse volumetric time-varying data
Fast access (constant-time) to voxels
Large set of operators (Level Set tools, filters,
transforms & morphological operators)
Data Formats 3
Disney Ptex eliminates uv texture assignment
no (u,v)'s required! no seams visible
works on sub-d/poly faces
Stores face adjacency data & filters
Efficiently stores 106 mipmapped texture files
Multi-channels, compressed separately
Used in Disney's “Bolt”
“D3” Data-Driven Documents
D3 – An amazing Data visualisation web framework (javascript)
Offers Parallel Coordinates
Demo ? Nutrient Contents - An interactive visualization of
the USDA Nutrient Database.
Parallel Co-ordinates
protein, calcium, sodium, fibre, vitamin c, potassium, carbohydrate, sugar, fat, water, calories, saturated, ...