t++JAjjslll: f r.\-.Yt i--;-ot -r1 UN YERS]TE ISLAMIQUE DE TECHNOLOCIE ]SLAMIC UNIVERSIry OF TECHNOLOGY DHAKA, BANGLADESH ORGANISATION OF ISLAMIC COOPERATION No.ACD/O1.03/31 lslamic (lnivcrsiq ol' 'lcchrrologl. (lIJ1). 1)haka, Organizatiorr o1. lslamic Cooperarion (OIC)- prcsents its complimcnts to rhc Ministry-ol lligher ljducation. (iovehmcnl of thc Rcpublic of Turkey and has thc lronour to inritJ nonlnatiol of Muslim male and l'crnale studcDts lbr adnrission to the lbllotving prcgrammcs to be olllrcd during thc Academic year 2016-2017 commcncing liom 09".tanu'ar1.. Zttt 7. L Bachclor ofscience in i)- Mechanical Engineering..ii) nlectrical and Llcctronic I,ingincering. iii) Computer Sciencc and llnginccring. iv) Civil Iinginccring rurrJ r ) Solivrurc l.ngincering ll, Bachclor of Busincss Administratiotr in Technolo-gy Managemcnt. lll. Higher Diploma in i) McchaDical Engineering. ii) llectrical and Elecnonic Engineenng and iii) Computer IV. Sciencc and Engincering. programmes Postgraduatc in Enginecring (a) Doctor of phitosophy in i) Mechanical Fngirreering, and (b) iii) ii) lllectrical and lllectronic bngineering - Ctomputer Scicnoc and Enginccring. Master ofScicncc in i). Mcchanical lingincering. ii). lrlcctrical and Elcctronic llnginccnng, and Applicariom. iuy C"rnpr',i"r-i";"ni" lngiucering and v) Civil Enginccring. ""<'1 Technical trducation programmes iii) Computer Scicrcc V. (a) (b) (c) (d) Mastcr ofSciencc in.l.echnical Education I,ostgraduatc Diplonla ir l.echnical Education Bachelor ol Scicncc irr Technical Educarion .l Diploma in cchnical Educarron Depending on the availabilitl, of rosources and pal,nrent of nandatorv contributions bl tbe Membcr Srates, and rill thc Aurhority ":;,.. a\.ard stipcud ro eligihlc srudcnts as per rulc. "f;... i;; U",r_.,,r:rriil "r_" BOASD BAZ & (iAZIT'UR.1704, BANCLADESH T6r:9291250,92S1252 PABX 9231254.59 F*:3S0.2.9291260 a,mai:wgiutdhaka6du @bsite.*w idorc.dhaka 6du , Pase - 2 Thc University would requcst the cstccmed Ministry to kindll. lbr.u,ard nominations of thcir candidates along u,ith their applications in thc prescribed foms duly tillcd i| and with attcstcd copics of all Academic Certilicaies. Mark_ Shccts & festimonials as lr.ell as McdicalIitness Ccrtificatc ilrcludine Chest X_rav untl Repons ol Routin( fxrmillirlion ol Blood. Urine. Stocrl and iuntagious d Cornnrunicablc discascs such as Tuberculosis. AIDS. IIIV. tleparitis ts, iencrcal dneases ctc., so as to reach this Univcrsity b),20 Scptember,2016. Applicants having contagious and communicable <liseases arc not eligible for admission. 11 is to bc notcd thal candidatcs nra;- also appl1. directl), through lt.l.l.web portals(rvww.iutoic-dh{kn.cdu/admission). hou,er:cr,'pr.cferencc r.r,ill-be eircn ro the nominated candidatcs. Form will be ar.ailable on the u.ebsite Onc (01) set ol'documenls. $fiich incllldc the Announcement for Admrssron Acadcmic Ycar 20 l6-2017 containing dctails 01 enlr) rcquiremc;lr. iuior",ng. acadcmic calcrdar. etc.. Application |nnns and thc duidelinc lbr seleciion of candidates lbr nonrination to \.arious rcgular prograrrucs ua" *"to."a.'ffr"r" documcnts may bc duplicated by photocopying, ifneccssary. 1or lr would be highly appreciated if the Nominating Aulhoritics announcc this offer in thcir locat dailics ancl other mcdia as a nervs ilcm in ordcr to facilitatc thc intcnding nreritoriors students to appry ft)r thcsc prograuuncs in timc ibr e.rrv romlnatlot. A sanrprc advcrlisement on the mallL]r is cnclosed hcrc\r.ith rbr klnd pcmsal and ncccssary action. Nominations should be scnt as earl)- as possiblc to allo\ thc llnilersitr to inform thc successlill candidates so thal the) prepare lbr their Visa. Aif-tickct clc. ilr time. lt ma1, be mcntioncd that the mcdirrm of instruction and Examination of this University is Engtish. As such all studcnts are rcquircd to irave good rorowledgc ofEngtish. The candidates for admission Thc ljnircrsi$ avails itscll.of rhls opponulit), to rcnc\,\. to the estccmcd ,Mxristry the assumnces ol its highcst considcration. Lncl. : As slalcd abovc. Dhaka. 3l May 2016. Ministry of Higher l-ducation. (iorcurmcll ofthc ltepLrblic of l.urkcr Ankara. I ulkel ffi 4--11-:)4t9i'tt-.t- 'lo 6J t6. qtgi'tn IUt Application No. : Recent Passport-size Studert No, : Photogaph (3 copies) Programm€: Country: ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY (IUT) h+*iltlli it\-,Yl r .lt\ UNII'ERSITE ISLAMIQUE DE TECHNOLOGIE ORGANISATION OF TSLAMIC COOPERATION (OIC), GAZIPU& BANGLADESH APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION TO BSc Engg, BBA, BScTE, HDE and DTE (Bachelor ofScienc€ in EnglDeering, Bachelor of Busincss Adminislration, Brchelor ofscieDce in Technical Education, Higher Diplome in f,nginee ng strd Diploma in Technicrl Educatiotr programmes) AGADEMIC YEAR 20{6-2017 All applications must oocompany attesled copies ofAcademic Ccnilicates/Diplomas. Ma.k-sheeb/Transcripb, Testimonials etc and Medical Repotu. lfselected, originals are to bc produced and deposited to thc Univcnity al lhe rime ofregisrrarion. PART.A (This pa.1 is l. 10 be lilled in by rhe appricdr. typeor usc block retters throughout. Applicanb are advised lo read caretully thc "Announcemcnr for Admission" before fiUing the form) Name ofthe Applicanl 2. (b) Mother's Name (c) Guardian'sNa'nc 3. Nationality 6. Date 7. Mailing Address Scx: Malc / Femrlc ofBinh -lel: ll. s. 4. Rcligion: Fax: Pcmanent Address Passpon Numbcr :_ Date oflssue : I)ate of Expiry >*! ';>t .9X E i€ k 9r g- > >=(,^P .;s:aEa !'E H: €bEE.e = i: 8€ F b# E C E EE >dtr|n6 '. . .. .. E :p E.E!i 5i3Fs t< d z g 5 :E€E : E : E E,J tig o sE$ v,3 E E F d ::e >d a .e E a9^ E €i*! 'a rHE! :i 9: iJ z "gisc E s- -Er b€.eg {d,:l E P gEsEE 5;+18 .xi B.E; PE E i: ti' E:ac E bE a*! 'g E 6g &s9. 3 lb ""- -8 EESE € SggE 10. Programmes ofStudy Thc candidate wi ll writc thc numbor I in the box of b is first choice, the numbc. 2 in thc box of his s€cond choice and so on for prosrdlDs G) d (b) and should lill up rhe boxcs of .h€ relsred prosEmme only. put a tick (V ) in one appropriate circle lbr proslanmes (c) or (d). (a) +y€.r Bschelor Progrsmmcs (Candidates eligible for this prosrmme and apptyins fo' admisstun, arc asked to lill up thc six boxcs iD order of prcfsence, E] rbr first pr;rerence, I prefer€nce and so on. Also sce note below). ror s."".a (b) 3-yerr Eisber Dlplom{ (HDE) (can.lidates clisiblc for rhis programme and applyins for admi\\ion de 6kcd ro fi up Lhc lhrcc bores ordtr of -in *"..n. prctersce. I I I for firsr preterence. r. ,., prclercnLL md so on. Also see nore hclo*,. (c) Bachelor otsclence in Tcchnlc{t Ftducition Diplomr in Tcchnical Educsdon (t) t E) (l,r't a rick (! ) in appropriate circlc) (Tick only one circle) (i) E E Ll (BSCTE) O [iil;$i:* mli,."**'"*t (d) E E E E E E candidates scrected rbr rhe 4-vear Bachclor Mcchanicallingrnccing tjlcctrioal and Electronic ljnsinccrina (:ivil Ensinecring C"-pur". Science and tjnainecrins sotwarc EDsineering trua in re"t.otogy Manaaement Mechanicat tinginccring Elecrricat rnd ftccnonrc,nccrints (omputer \crflce anJ Fnginecrina Mechanical rjnginecr;ne (for ME group) Q compura scicncc and Ensineerins (ror csE sroup) O Electrical and Electronic Enginc$in8 (Ior EE Sroup) I e O V".r,oni.ur e,,gi*"r,"g Compurcr Science and Engineering ,,".","., _a fl of sciencc in Engine€ring and BBA in Technology Manascmcnt Prosrammes shall halc 10 deposit us$ 6,s00 for r€sident rnd us$ 5,000 for non-residcnr srudents by tra;sfer to 'I;C ACCOUNT N(). 099224-OiO, AB BANK LIMITED, MOTIJITEEL Bk/tNcH, D,AIet, BANGLADESE- SWFT CODE: ABBLaDDTI Oo4, Telev 632362 ABBMJ BJI'Ioyourihg .IS]-4MI( IJNI4ERSJTY O)}. TEcflNoLoGY" bclote admission. Paynent schedule tbr sett-tinancc srudcna for 2nd, 3rd and 4rh year is aiven rn the admission announccment. Pleasc notc that uone ol rhe selected candidates will bc alk)wcd t(, ."gi*t.. irn" flils ro make the palment. candidarcs scrrcrcd for HDE, BSCTE md DTE are orc sponsored and need not makc any payrnen.. ( andidatcs who succcssfurlv comprercir 3 vco' Hisher Diploma in Hngineering prog.mme IUT, ifconvencd to Bachelor of science in lrngineeflrg (Founh y"rrl r,"ng.o,"nt., 'iomr., their fburth and ttuu" m poy usg zooo final ycar befo.c rcgistration. "ttutt (ii) All bank / collccrion charscs aro b be bome by the applicant_ (iii) For turther derails. ptease contact E-mait : rdmission@juGdhrk&edu rr"'ob Expc'icnce rncludina Teachina for applicuts ofBscTE u.d DTE programhes Namc ofOrganisarion 12 (prase arbch snpponing crc""ificalc)_ rr.- Tr. Medlcrl R€port lplcasc atlach thc followina Repons from fte Authorised Medical BoaKv Mcdical l,racririoncrl {a) Rcports on cy€-siahr, hcanng drd Screral fitnoss for prolonged meDtal and physicat cxcnion (b) Pathological Report on blood and urinc (c) Chesr X-Ray and Report (d) Report on contaaious and co'nnunicable diseases e.g. tub'cubsis, vencrcal disc6cs, AtDS. HIv posirive, hcpatitis ll clc. snd also cddisc problern. 13. DECLARATTON I certify that thc statcm€nt mad€ by mc herein is compl€t€ and tru€ .o th€ best of my knowledgc and beli€f. I undcrsirtrd thrt rny wlllful ml$tatem€nt tenders m€ lirblc ao dismlssrl from th€ Universiay. I furth€r d€clar€ thni I shrll sbide by rll the rulcs |nd r€gulations ofthe Univcrrit] ss mry b€ amended from time to tim€ including thosc of dl$ctplire. I also declare that on provisiond sel€ction for 4-ycar BSc Bngln€ering or BBA in Technology Manngemcna, I will .rrrng€ ao dcposit USS 6,500 s3 resideot / US$ 5,000 as non-r€sidena studcnt b€fo.e ldmlssior, or Ns r self-financc studont I will rlso 6 angc to deposii the consecutivc paymonb as given in the sdmission rnnornccment bcfore th€ saarting ofeach rcadcmic yer.. Stgnature ofthe Applican. with date Slgnaturc of th€ Culrdian with dat€ PART-B (To be filled in by the Nominating Authoriry) t4. Mr. is hc.cby nominatecl. SiSnaturc of the Nominating Authotity I)csignation Durc: Ernail: Tel: Note for Applicants (i).|.hese|ect|onofthestudentswillbemadcbythcAdmissioncommittccofthcUniv€rsitytakinginto considerrtion oftheir acndcmic p€rformnncc and prst conduc'' (ii)A||fu|ltimer€siden.s.udentsoflUTwi||b€provld€d.ccommod,tionlrdfood-HowevGral|stude.tswillbc provid€d normrl medicrre' pock€t allowsnce' g'm€s and sports fscilities, subjcct to availabilitv oflund' (iii) (iv) lv) Fcmale studcnts crn tPplv for all Prog'ammcs' 'Ihc applicrtions should b€ scnt through the nominatlng authority as per advertisement mad€ by the respettive Governm€Dt. the la3t dstc for rccciving thc rpplica'ions ai IUT is 20 September' 2016' It is to ttc not€d thrt candidrtcs mlt also !ppl) dir€crly th'ough IUT web pon'ls rwww.iutolc-dhaka.€du/tdmission), bowever, preferGnce rvlll be given to the nominated candldrtes' ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY O1' TECHNOLOCY (IU'I) B()ARD BAZAR" GAZIPUR.IT04' I]ANGt,ADESH E-mNil: admissionCa) Webl :;t)trrrit t'r1|J +), ,lo Scffunb b tir qsgrnat I'Ltf Applicrtion No. ; Recent Passport-size Photograph (3 copies) Student No. Coultry ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY OUT) tr+Jtj$ll L,aril*,1t t-r..ql : : UNIVERSITE ISLAMIQI]E DE TECHNOLOGIE oRGANTSATTON OF rSr-AMrC COOPERATTON (OtC) GAZIPUR. BANGLADESE APPLICATI O N F OR ADM ISSI ON TO PhD, MSc, ME, tScTE and PGDTE (Doctor of Philosophy, Master ofScience in Engineering, Master of Science in Computer Science and Applications, Master of Engitreering, Master of Science in T€chnical Education and Postgrsduate Diploma in Technical Education) All applicatioDs AGADEMIC YEAR 2OI6.20'7 must accompany attested copies of Academic c€rtificates / Diplomas, Mark-shccts/Tran$riDis. Testimonials etc alld Medical Repons. Ifselecte4 oriSinals are to bc produced and deposited lo the Universiry a! the time of reAistration. PART-A (This part is to be fill€d in by thc applicant. t}?e or u.e block l€ttcn throughout. Appticants are advised to read cstetully Ge "Armoubcement for Admission" before filling rltc form) t. Namc of thc Applicad (a) Fa0er's name (b) Morhers Namc (c) cuardiar's Name 4. Nationality Date Religion: _ 5. Sex: Male / Fenale ofBirth Mailing Address 7, Far: E. Permeent Address Dat€ Did you receive any degee/diploma from ruT b€fore lfyes, narne ofthc degrec, snldent no. and year. ofllsue ? : ves Dat€ ! ofExbin: Notr .9X =#=i '5> r o F E. E ,E E :< z e 4". E -5^.E 35E EIE,E= '5 3Hs 9Eg s,8 E E .!? 6 E .s = s >d: 6 ;: 5b3 € 6g g R 3g t 3CF 3 EC z E-E + a -RE I r= =6r.1 .9t f - s E> E.E EA ,SEfi E !PUE 5 rb€" C"E diE!: $€E >fi E6 EE€( 6 E E= ll. Progrrnme3 of Study Th€ candidatc will pur a tick mark (tr ) in one appropriate box ofhis programme ofstudies. (Tick any onc box) (a) Doctor of Philosophy E E E (S€e note below) (b) Mrster ofsctcnce E E I] E (See notc below) (c) Mrstcr of Etrgheertns (See note below) Science ir Techuic.t f,duc..ion (MScTE) (i) csndidates selected d Comput€r Science and EnainecriDs McchanicalEnsineering Electlical and Electronic EnAineering Computer sciencc anil Applicatio6 Computer Sciencc md EngineeriDg civil Ensineenng o MEhanical E] Elcctricd and Elcctronic Ensinccring tr tr tr (e) Post-Grrdurae Diptomr in Techntcd f,ducrrioo (r'!cDTE) Elcct ical and Elccrronic Eryifterina E tr tr (d) Mrster of McchdicalEnsin€ering tr tr tr Enainsiry Computer Sciencc ed Eryircering Civil Engineering Mcchmical Enaineerins Elcctrical and Elccbotric Ensine€ring Computer Scienc€ md Enaineering Mcchanical Elcctrical and Elcctlonic Enginenng Computer Sciencc and Enginecnns tuu timc residcnt student for rhe post-Grad@rc programoes in Engine€ring shall have to depositiniriaovuss3'soo(cosrforfirs*wosemestetsonrvlbvtransrctio;rc,<ccouwirvo.o6czzi-ili,-,aB 'it BANK LrMrrED, MorrrHEEL BRANCE, DrrAxA, cNeleoesn inzrr cooz, ,qaadoii'iii, TeI*: 632362 AaBMJ BJ" fatoarine "rsLAMrc uNtvnnstrrop rncrnotocr" bcfore reaistration. Nonresident students witl have to demsit us$ 55 per credit. please note that;;nc orthe setected candidatcs will bc allowed ro resisr". if hc fairs to make rhe pavment. cmarastes sctcctea ioi *a pcorr -. orc sponsored and need not to make any paymenL (it All bank / collecrion charses are ro be bome by rhe applicant. t2- Strtemcnt of Purposc/Study pLn (wi.hin a0Gr00O words) : (Use separate sheets) 13. Job Eipe.ienc€ Includina Tcaching (pleasc anach supporrhs Certificare). NDe of Olsarisadon To held 14- M€dlc{l Report (frrcase arach the following Reports from tho Aurhorised Medicat Bodd M€dicar (a) Repo.ts on eve-sight, h€arins and sencrar fitncss for proronsed mcntar and physicar ex'lion (b) Pathological Report on blood and urine (c) Chcsl-X-Roy and Repod (d) Rcpon on contaaious and communicablc discases e.a. tuberculosis, vetrercal discases, AIDS, I|IV positjve, B etc. and also cardiac problcm. hcparftis 15. DECLARATION I c€rdry that rhe statem€nt mrd€ by me herein is compl€t€ and lrue to thc best of my knowlcdg€ and belief. I underitend thst my willful mls-siatem.nt tcndera me Uable to disnbsrl the Univeruity. I further declar€ thrt I shrll lbid€ by N[ the rules rnd r€gulrtions ofthe Unlversity rs msy b€ rm€nded from time to hme i luding ahose of drsciplinc. I rlso dc.lrre thet otr prcvisionrl selectlotr for postgradurte progrrmme in Ergineertng 3s full aime r$ldent student, I nlll rrrange to d€po3lt US$ 3,500 to ILn Accornt befor€ regfutrstion or rs r non-r€lld€nt studetrt I wlll arrrnge to dep$it tuition fee US$ 55 per crGdtt. Signrture ofrhe ApplicoDl wi.h drtc Signature ofthe Currdirn rilth dat€ PART-B (To be filled in by the Nominating Authority) 15. Mr. is icreby nominaled. Signature of the NominatingAuthorily DcsiSnation sf,Al, Darc: E-mail: Tcl: Note for ApplicNnts {i) The set€ctton of the rludert3 wlll b€ drde by the Post-grrdu.le committee of the rdpettive dcprrtmcnt of th€ Univerttty takirg tnto co$tderdion ofthelr scrd€mic perforerdce rtrd past conduct' (iDAuregularrn|tresit|enlstud€nbwillbeprov|dedfood,accommodat|on,tuition'norms|m€dicale,pocket dlowrnc€, grmes rnd sporG frciliti€s' subj€ct to rvrtlrbilitv of fund' (ii'Apostgradurlestud€ltinsnylieldoff,ngin€eringmayopttobccomenon-resid€nt.Inthrtcrseth€s.udent ts iequirert to pay tuttton fc€ onty rt the rrre of us $ 55 p€r credit. Thts type of student is not entidcd to rccciv€ other frciliti€s ts metrrioned in (ii) rbov€. (iv) (v) '' Fem.le students crtr .pply for (vi) lt b to be noted thrt c.ndidrtes mry rlio ryPlv direcily .ll Postgndu.te€s. Th€ applicrtlons shoultt be sent through tbe nomlnatlng ruthority as per adv€rhem€nt msde by the .."p*tit" Co'"rnmcnt. The lr3t d.te for r€c€iviDg th€ .pplicrtlons et IUT ts 20 Septemb€r, 2016' tbrough ruT wcb portrts (rrww.iutoic-dhake.€du /admission), however' preferetrc€ wlll be glven to lhe nomin'ted crndlddes' ISLAMIC UNI!'ERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY (IUT) BOARD BAZAR, CAZIPUR-I?M, BANCLADESH E-mtil: Web: t' :i4t.4+,, /a Itrtrll \L1P'/ i i lY-)l i-r-.LrJ. I \r+JljsrU 'Fllrk ollli Bt UNWERSITE ISLAMIQUE DE TECHNOLOGIE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY ORGANISATION OF ISLAMIC COOPERATION (OIC) GAZIPUR, BANGLADESH GUIDELINES FOR SELECTION OF CANDIDATES FOR NOMINATION TO VARIOUS REGTJLAR COURSES OF IUT (Academic year : 2016-2O17) Islamic.University of Technology (IUT), Dhaka, Organisation of Islamic Coopcration (OlC), invites nominations of candidates from the Member States for admiision to various regular couBes as per Announcement. It may be mentioncd that the medium of instruction and examination of this University is English. Thc candidates for admission should have proficiency in English language (pre.ferably TOEFL/IELTS/eIc.) and submit the proficiency certificate aiong with- tf,e application. The- Member States may follow thc following guidelines for selection of their students lbr nomination fulfilling the entry rdqu-irements for respective courses as detailed in the Announcement. GUIDELINES (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Bachelor Bachelor Bachelor Bachelor Bachelor Bachelor of Sclence itr Mechanical Engineering ofScience in El€ctrical and El€ctronic Engineering of Science in Computer Science and Engineering ofScience in Civll Engineering of Science in Sofaware Engineering ofBusiness Administration in Technology Matragement Preliminary selection of the candidates for 4_year Bachclor of Science in Enginecring and Bachelor of Business Administration in Technology Management Cou.i"" *itt be-made b"y the nominating authority of the Member states in ord-er of m#t on ttre tasis of marks obtained in Mathematics. Physics and Chemistry in the Higher Z Uppe, Slco"aary School Certifrcaie i A-Level rxamtDatlons (Sciencc or ils equivalent and English in ^background) Secondary school certificate / o-I-evil Examinarions. rl!.anaiaates nced to have good grades in Marhematics. physics. chemistry and Engtish. Selcciion ti:r nomination will rnen oc maoe In order ot merjt on the basis of results of rhe tests / examinations in the following subjects to be conducted by the nominating authority : Mathematics ---- 100 Marks Physics -------- lO0 Marks Chemistry -------- l0O Marks Enslish 50 Marks Total 350 Msrks CoDtd. in Psge-2 Page 2 ofthe tests will be equivalcnt to that of the abovc mentioncd Higher / Uppcr Secondary School Ccrtificate or A-Levcl (Science background) Examinations in Mathematics, Physics and Standard Chemistry and Secondary School Certificate / O-Level ExaminatioN in English. G) Higher Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (h) Higher Diploma in Electrical atrd Electronic Engineering (D Higher Diploma in Computer Science and Engineering 3-year Higher Diploma Programme is integratcd with four-ycar -Bachelor ofSciencc Progratune. Proccdurcs Ibr selection of the candidates for Higher Diploma in Engincering to be followed by the nominating authority should be the same as thosc for Bachelor of Sciencc in Engineering Programme. Doctor ofPhilosophy (Mechanical Engineering / Electrical rnd Electronic Engineering / Computer Science and Etrgineering) Master of Science in Engineering or Master of Engineering in (Mechanic.l Engineering / Electrical & Electronic Engineering / Computer Science and Engineerlng Civil C) (k) 0) / Engineering) Master ofSclence ir Computer Scicnce and Applications candidates for thc Programme ofDoctor of Philosophy will be selected by the appropriate committee of the Department concemcd. A candidate having MSc Engg / MEngg' in his field should enclose copy ofthe abstract ofthcsis of MSc Engg./ MEngg. togcthcr with thc Application form and other documents / ccrtilicates. will be sclected in order of merit on thebasisofmalksobtainedinssctngg'fromlUToranequiva|cntinstitution'Candidatesfor Candidates for Master's programmes in Enginecring MSc in Computcr Science and Applications must havc BSc Engg degree or 4-ycar BSc degrcc or its equivalent with sufficicnt backgound of Mathematics and Computer' (n) (n) (o) Master of Science in Technical Education (MSCTE) : 2-year Programme or Post-Grsdurte Diploma in Technical Education (PGDTE): 1-year Programme Master of Sciencc in Techrical Education (MSCTE) : l-yerr Programme will bc selected in order of mcrit on tirc basis oi marks obtained in Bachelor Dcgree in Engineering / Tcchnology / Technical Education. Candidates who have obtaincd Post-graduatc Diploma merit in techniial Education or its equivalent with good grades will be selected in order of Candidates for MScTE(2-year Programmc) or PGDTE (l-year Programme) for MScTE (l -year Proglamme) (p) Brchelor of Science in Technical Educatlon (BSCTE)' in order of candidates for Bacholor of scicnce in Technical Education (BscTE) will be sclectcd (DTE) / Highcr Diploma merit on the basis of marks obtained in Diploma in Technical Education in en!lo"".i,tg (HDE) from IUT. Depe;ding on thc background, a candidate from the l)TE thc enginccring and strearn- will r-cquirc an additional year to make up deficicncics in tachnologY courses. T-INAL SELECTION the Membcr The linal sclection for admission from amongst the nominated candidates of all and past of merit thc basis on States will be made by thc appropriate committie ofthe Univcrsity no onc is allowcd to conduct as *ell as opiion gi,ten by the candidates- It may be mentioned that Dursue morc than lwo progr:urmes continuously Sample Advertisement ADMISSION IN ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY OUT) GAZIPUR" BANGLADESH (a Subsidiary Organ of the OIC) Applications are invited frorn meritorious Muslim male and female students for nomination of admission into the following regular academic programmes in Engineering, Business Administration and Technical Education of the Islamic University of Technology (IUT), Dhaka, Bangladesh, a subsidiary organ of Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). It is to be noted that candidates may also apply directly through IUT web portals (, however, preference will be given to the nominated caadidates. The last date for receiving the Applications at IUT is 20 September, 2016. l. Bachelor of Science (4-Year Programme) in (i) Mechanical Engincering, (ii) Il. Electrical and Electronic Engineering, (iii) Computer Science and Engineering, (iv) Civil Engineering and (v) Software Engineering. Bachelor of Business Administration (4-Year Programrne) in Technology Management III. Higher Diploma (3-year Programme) in (i) (ii) IV. (a) (b) (c) Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering and (iii) Computer Science and Engineering Postgraduate Programmes in Engineering and Technology Doctor of Philosophy in (i) Mechanical Engineering, (ii) Electrical and Electronic Engineering and (iii) Computer Science and Engineering. Master of Science in (i) Mechanical Engineering, (ii) Electrical and Electronic Engineering, (iii) Computer Science and Applications, (iv) Computer Science and Engineering and (v) Civil Engineering. Master of Engineering Electronic Engineering, Engineering. V. in (i) Mechanical Engineering, (ii) Electrical and Science and Engineering and (iv) Civil (iii) Computer Technical Education Progranmes in (a) Master of Science in Technical Education (l to 2 -year programme depending on the background of the candidate), (b) Postgraduate Diploma in Technical Education fl-year programme), (c) Bachelor of Science in Technical Education ( I to 2-vear programme depending on the background of the candidate) and (d) Diploma in Technical Education ( 1-Year Programme). Selected students of Higher Diploma and Technical Education programrnes will be provided food, health care, games and sports, monthly pocket allowance and shared accommodation in the dormitory while the selected students of other programmes will be provided with all those facilities ard benefits subject to payment of some fees by the students themselves or their sponsors, as mentioned "Application Form" for admission in the ,,Amouncement,' and Applications may be sent to the Nominating Authority for shortJisting and onward transmission to IUT for final selection. (Please insert the Name and address of the Nominating Authority ofrespective Member State in thc advenisement).