Spring 2016 Catalogue
Spring 2016 Catalogue
LITURGICAL PRESS SPRING 2 016 PA R I S H R ES O U R C ES Dear Friends, Like many jobs, mine comes with some engaging and deeply rewarding parts, one or two tasks that are near drudgery, and a lot that falls somewhere in between. You might find it surprising to know that one of the regular tasks that I always look forward to diving into is helping to prepare our twice-yearly catalogs, like this one you’re holding now. I think that’s because putting together a catalog for a new publishing season means collecting and summarizing in one place a lot of good, important, and exciting work done by a whole bunch of people – authors, acquisition committee members, publishers, editors, typesetters, designers, printers, marketers, warehouse staff, customer service staff, and more. Every one of us does our part as best we can, and most of us couldn’t do the great work contributed by others if we had to. What we end up with is a remarkable collection of new books and other resources to offer in service to the church. Wow! So here it is: our Spring 2016 Parish Resources catalog. We present it to you with delight and satisfaction. We hope you’ll find something here that nourishes your faith and the faith of others in your parish, family, or community. Barry Hudock Publisher, Parish Market TABLE OF CONTENTS New Titles 1-9, 12-23 Deacons Year of Mercy Pilgrimage10-11 Recently Released 24-35 Parish Book Club 36-37 New Collegeville Bible Commentary38-39 Little Rock Scripture Study 40-41 Lent/Easter Resources 42-43 Loose-leaf Lectionary 44-45 Music46-50 Prayer and Spirituality 51 Liturgy52-53 Preaching54-55 Scripture56-57 Ministry and Church 58-59 Ritual Resources 60-64 Missals and Annuals 65-66 Spanish Missals and Annuals 67-68 Spanish Resources 69-71 Give Us This Day 72 Order Form Inside Back Cover LITURGICAL PRESS 2950 Saint John’s Road | PO Box 7500 Collegeville, MN 56321-7500 Online: litpress.org Call:1-800-858-5450 320-363-2213 Monday---Friday: 8:00 am to 6:30 pm CT Fax: 1-800-445-5899 320-363-3299 Email: sales@litpress.org Rights: World, English, except where indicated. All annual books, such as Living Liturgy™, and Not by Bread Alone, are sold on a “no returns” basis. No further discounts apply. Liturgical Press was founded by the Benedictines of Saint John’s Abbey—saintjohnsabbey.org—in 1926. All eBooks purchased at litpress.org are 0-11 ages 1 See p e! n mor to lear •DRM-free, which means they are free of restrictions to loaning or donating them •available in the format of your choice, including ePub, Mobi, or PDF •compatible with all your devices— laptop, tablet, and phone •fully searchable •free of any programming that tracks what you’re reading All eBooks are net pricing and can be purchased online only. New Titles Reading, Praying, Living Pope Francis’s Laudato Sì A Faith Formation Guide David Cloutier Once again, Pope Francis has set the pundits, news outlets, and politicians buzzing, this time with a historic encyclical letter on care for the environment called Laudato Sì: On Care for our Common Home. As an alternative to all the noise and bloviating, the faithful and the curious alike will welcome this reliable, serene, and inspiring companion to the document. David Cloutier’s Reading, Praying, Living Pope Francis’s Laudato Sì is an ideal guide for parish adult faith formation, RCIA, college and high school campus ministry, and individual study. Preachers and teachers, too, will welcome Cloutier’s consistently clear and engaging writing, free of academic jargon and Catholic code words. With Cloutier as a guide, readers will understand better and respond more effectively to the profound spirituality, the solid doctrinal principles, and the stirring call to action that Pope Francis offers in Laudato Sì. Reading, Praying, Living Pope Francis’s Laudato Sì is an ideal commentary on the document. It does not include the full text of the encyclical. 1- 8 0 0 - 858 - 5450 978-0-8146-4754-7 Saddlestitch, 88 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4 $12.95 (1-5 copies) $8.95 (6-19 copies) net $6.95 (20 or more copies) net 978-0-8146-4753-0 eBook, $9.99 David Cloutier is associate professor of theology at Mount St. Mary’s University in Emmitsburg, Maryland. He is the author of Walking God’s Earth: The Environment and Catholic Faith (Liturgical Press, 2014), and serves as a director at the Common Market, the consumer food cooperative of Frederick, Maryland. LITURGICAL PRESS PCATSP16 1 2 NEW Bulletin Insert Inspired by Pope Francis’s call to care for our common home Caring for Our Common Home Help your parishioners learn how they can help protect their world and live their faith. Lent 4.2 is a new seven-week bulletin insert program for Catholic parishes inspired by Pope Francis’s call to care for our common home. These Lenten inserts are rooted in a spirituality of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Each week focuses on the significant issues facing our human family, what the church is saying about them, and how we can take practical steps to make a difference in the world. 978-0-8146-4656-4 Four-color, 8.5 x 11, printed on both sides Helpful pricing for parish budgets! 1-9 sets (50-450 copies) $50 net per set 10-29 sets (500-1,450 copies) $42 net per set 30-99 sets (1,500-4,950 copies) $34 net per set 100+ sets (5,000+ copies) $26 net per set The seven themed weekly inserts (for Ash Wednesday and the six Sundays of Lent) come in packs of 50 each, so that one set = seven packs of 50 inserts. No returns accepted for these products. Printed on recycled paper! Example: A parish that provides 1,000 bulletins per week would want 20 sets (50 x 20 = 1,000). At $42 per set, total cost would be $840 (plus shipping) for seven full weeks of inserts— a complete parish faith formation program for Lent that arrives in one easy shipment! Get your parish started today! PCATSP16 LITURGICAL PRESS litpress.org 3 Program If the Earth was divided among all of us, each person would receive 4.2 acres. In reality it takes 17.2 acres per person to maintain the average American lifestyle. Lent 4.2: Caring for Our Common Home offers a new way of observing Lent that helps Christian communities follow the call of Pope Francis, walk in the footsteps of Jesus, and live in harmony with God, creation, and the entire human family. LENT42.org | 1-800-858-5450 1- 8 0 0 - 858 - 5450 LITURGICAL PRESS PCATSP16 4 New Titles The Allure of Goodness and Love Pope Francis in the United States Complete Texts 978-0-8146-4667-0 Paperback, 128 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4, $14.95 e 978-0-8146-4694-6 eBook, $12.99 The many addresses and homilies offered by the pope were more than anyone could digest in a few short days. This handy volume gathers all of these texts in a single, inexpensive resource, making them accessible for reflection, study, or prayer by individuals or groups. Included here are his • homily for canonization of St. Junípero Serra • address to the Joint Session of Congress • greeting to a group of homeless people in New York City • address to the United Nations General Assembly • prayer at Ground Zero • extemporaneous address at the Festival of Families • words to victims of sexual abuse • address to inmates at a Philadelphia prison • and much more. This book will serve as a powerful reminder to any reader of “the allure of goodness and love” that America experienced through the presence of Pope Francis. Available January 2016 PCATSP16 LITURGICAL PRESS litpress.org New Titles Death Penalty and Discipleship A Faith Formation Guide David Matzko McCarthy David Matzko McCarthy’s Death Penalty and Discipleship is a faith formation resource to help communities and individuals reflect more deeply on capital punishment. God loves the world and gives himself to the world, and we are called to share God’s justice and mercy with others. In this insightful and challenging resource, McCarthy encourages us to follow the call of Pope Francis to live out the love and mercy of God for all the world. “David McCarthy’s Death Penalty and Discipleship is an accessible, practical resource that is perfectly designed for use in study groups, parishes and classrooms. Yet while engaging and accessible with its video clips reference and reflection questions, it is written by one of the American Church’s most important theologians. This rich book will reward users, and is a perfect example of placing theological expertise at the service of the people of God.” William C. Mattison III The Catholic University of America 978-0-8146-4809-4 Paperback, 72 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4, $9.95 e 978-0-8146-4834-6 eBook, $7.99 Available January 2016 David Matzko McCarthy, PhD, is the Father Forker Professor of Catholic Social Teaching in the theology department at Mount St. Mary’s University. He is the coeditor of Where Justice and Mercy Meet: Catholic Opposition to the Death Penalty (Liturgical Press, 2013), and the founding editor of the Journal of Moral Theology. See also Where Justice and Mercy Meet on page 58: 1- 8 0 0 - 858 - 5450 “Human dignity—that of the convicted as well as our own— is best served by not resorting to this extreme and unnecessary punishment. As Death Penalty and Discipleship: A Faith Formation Guide makes clear: Modern society has the means to protect itself without the death penalty.” Archbishop Thomas Wenski Archdiocese of Miami LITURGICAL PRESS PCATSP16 5 6 New Titles C O L L E G E V I L L E M I N I S T RY S E R I E S The Collegeville Ministry Series provides practical, effective help for those serving the parish through various ministries. The most popular existing volumes have been updated and expanded, and brand new volumes have been added. The Collegeville Ministry series offers inexpensive, yet PCATSP16 comprehensive, training on the various liturgical roles. Each booklet is 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4 in size and prepared by a specialist in the field and provides down-toearth suggestions for making ministry more meaning ful for the ministers and those they serve. LITURGICAL PRESS litpress.org New Titles The Ministry of the Assembly The Ministry of Cantors Many who come to Sunday Mass or other liturgical celebrations are not one of the formal ministers (presider, greeters, acolytes, lectors, etc.). This book is about helping everyone at liturgy understand that being there and serving one another so that liturgy is fruitful for all is a ministry. This is what we may call the ministry of the assembly. 978-0-8146-4856-8 Paperback, 80 pp., $7.95 e 978-0-8146-4881-0 eBook, $4.99 Kathleen Harmon, SNDdeN Available January 2016 Available January 2016 Joyce Ann Zimmerman, CPPS The Ministry of Communion Third Edition Michael Kwatera, OSB The Ministry of Communion offers practical advice and vital theology for eucharistic ministers. Updated with the latest liturgical laws and norms, and with an expanded section on leading Communion services, this book is an excellent guide for both those who serve God’s people and those who help them prepare for the ministry. 978-0-8146-4873-5 Paperback, 56 pp., $5.95 e 978-0-8146-4898-8 eBook, $3.99 Revised Edition The revised edition of The Ministry of Cantors addresses more fully the distinction between the roles of psalmist and cantor, suggests further concrete ways a paschal mystery spirituality must undergird both roles, and offers practical insights for helping one discern the call to be a cantor. 978-0-8146-4869-8 Paperback, 96 pp., $7.95 e 978-0-8146-4894-0 eBook, $4.99 The Ministry of Liturgical Environment Revised Edition Joyce Ann Zimmerman, CPPS This fully revised edition of Joyce Ann Zimmerman’s The Ministry of Liturgical Environment includes new content, a new structure, and updates based on ecclesial documents published since the publication of the previous edition. 978-0-8146-4871-1 Paperback, 104 pp., $7.95 e 978-0-8146-4896-4 eBook, $4.99 Available January 2016 Available January 2016 The Ministry of Music The Ministry of Peace and Justice Kathleen Harmon, SNDdeN Intended for pastoral leaders and parishioners with a heart for those who are poor and vulnerable, this book includes creative suggestions for starting or expanding social efforts and contains six ready-touse educational, interactive sessions for peace and justice committees. 978-0-8146-4813-1 Paperback, 108 pp., $7.95 e 978-0-8146-4838-4 eBook, $4.99 Revised Edition Like its predecessor, this revised edition of The Ministry of Music explores liturgical singing in terms of how it enables the gathered assembly to enter more fully into ritual enactment of the paschal mystery. 978-0-8146-4870-4 Paperback, 104 pp., $7.95 e 978-0-8146-4895-7 eBook, $4.99 Michael Jordan Laskey Available January 2016 Available February 2016 The Ministry of Servers Youth Ministry Michael Kwatera, OSB Jeffrey Kaster The Ministry of Servers is a simple and concise, yet comprehensive, guide for altar servers and their instructors. Well organized with helpful line drawings, this book will be easily understood by children who fulfill this essential ministry to God and God’s people. 978-0-8146-4872-8 Paperback, 48 pp., $5.95 e 978-0-8146-4897-1 eBook, $3.99 Available February 2016 Third Edition Available January 2016 The Ministry of Religious Education Carrie Sallwasser Carrie Sallwasser offers an overview of the ministry of religious education for novice and veteran catechists alike that will aid in their ongoing formation as catechists in the ministry of forming disciples. 978-0-8146-4952-7 Paperback, 88 pp., $7.95 e 978-0-8146-4977-0 eBook, $4.99 Revised Edition In this new book in the series, Jeffrey Kaster explores leadership for youth ministry, Christian discipleship, conversion, the theological foundations for youth ministry, the importance of community and belonging, and vocational discernment. 978-0-8146-4874-2 Paperback, 104 pp., $7.95 e 978-0-8146-4899-5 eBook, $4.99 Grief Ministry Revised Edition Terence P. Curley This book, a fully revised edition of Fr. Curley’s earlier book The Ministry of Consolers, is a necessary tool for parishes, hospices, educational institutions, and all those attending to the bereaved. 978-0-8146-4657-1 Paperback, 104 pp., $7.95 e 978-0-8146-4681-6 eBook, $4.99 Available February 2016 Available January 2016 1- 8 0 0 - 858 - 5450 LITURGICAL PRESS 7 PCATSP16 New Titles 8 New series! The Deacon’s Ministry The Deacon’s Ministry series explores the three fundamental diaconal ministries identified in the teaching of Vatican II: those of the liturgy, of the Word, and of charity to the people of God (Lumen Gentium 29). This series, written by three highly regarded permanent deacons, offers a rich combination of theology, spirituality, and practical and effective guidance. Deacons and those in diaconal formation, their families, the bishops and priests they work with, and the people they serve will welcome it. The Deacon’s Ministry of the Word Jay Cormier The Deacon’s Ministry of the Word will offer both scriptural and theological resources, as well as strategies and approaches, for ef fectively communicating the word of God. The book will focus primarily on the homily—but the ideas and skills can be readily applied by deacons in any presentation in which the word of God is central, including RCIA meetings and retreat conferences. 978-0-8146-4822-3 Paperback, 160 pp., 6 x 9, $16.95 e 978-0-8146-4847-6 eBook, $13.99 Available November 2016 le! ilab va ow A N The Deacon’s Ministry of Charity and Justice William T. Ditewig In The Deacon’s Ministry of Charity and Justice, Deacon William Ditewig—one of today’s foremost experts on the permanent diaconate— develops specific and concrete principles for exercising the ministries of word and sacrament faithfully, authentically, and effectively. “Insightful, accessible and engaging, this new work should be required reading for anyone with a serious interest in the diaconate—from men in formation to deacons, pastors and bishops. Significantly, Deacon Ditewig’s chapters on mercy and Pope Francis couldn’t be more timely or valuable—reminding us of what we are called to be. Superb.” Deacon Greg Kandra Blogger and Journalist 978-0-8146-4824-7 Paperback, 112 pp., 6 x 9, $16.95 e 978-0-8146-4849-0 eBook, $13.99 PCATSP16 LITURGICAL PRESS litpress.org New Titles The Deacon’s Ministry of the Liturgy Frederick Bauerschmidt The Deacon’s Ministry of the Liturgy offers a concise and accessible introduction to the liturgical aspects of the ministry of the diaconate. The book covers not only the practical side of liturgical ministry—what the deacon does in various liturgical celebrations—but also roots of that ministry in Scripture and tradition, as well as reflecting on the role of the liturgy in the spiritual life of the deacon. 978-0-8146-4823-0 Paperback, 160 pp., 6 x 9, $16.95 e 978-0-8146-4848-3 eBook, $13.99 Available May 2016 Frederick Bauerschmidt is professor of theology at Loyola University Maryland and a permanent deacon of the Archdiocese of Baltimore, assigned to Corpus Christi parish. See pages 10-11 for more information! 1- 8 0 0 - 858 - 5450 LITURGICAL PRESS PCATSP16 9 to ives n w tio iv t a t h e i r in An s and n co a e 10 d Permanent Deacons Year of Mercy ITALY PILGRIMAGE Including the Vatican’s Jubilee for Deacons! May 19–30, 2016 calendar! r u o y k Mar espond soon and r is limited. Space Sponsored by Liturgical Press 11 TRULY AN EXPERIENCE LIKE NO OTHER! JUBILEE FOR DEACONS Accompanied by two noted authors on the diaconate, you get signed copies of two volumes of the brand new Deacon’s Ministry series, a one-year subscription to Give Us This Day, and a special pilgrimage prayer and Mass guide. Thursday, May 19 Day 1—DEPART USA—Overnight flight to Rome aboard a wide-bodied jet, with in-flight movies, dinner and breakfast aloft. Friday, May 20 Day 2—ROME/ORVIETO/MONTECATINI—Arrive in Rome, board motorcoach to Tuscany. Stop at Orvieto for visit and Mass at the breathtaking Cathedral, a jewel of Italian architecture that houses the chalice cloth involved in the 13th century eucharistic miracle. Lunch on our own, then travel to delightful nearby spa town of Montecatini Terme. Dinner and overnight at hotel. (D) Saturday, May 21 Day 3—FLORENCE—Drive to Florence. Visit the Academia Gallery, which includes Michelangelo’s famous David. Visit the Duomo, in the heart of the city, including its campanile by Giotto and Baptistery with incomparable bronze doors by Ghiberti. Visit the Piazza della Signoria and the Loggia dei Lanzi with the statues of Perseus by Cellini and Giambologna’s The Rape of the Sabines and Hercules. Lunch on our own. Visit the Basilica of Santa Croce, with tombs of Galileo, Rossini, Michelangelo, and Macchiaveli. Mass. Free time for shopping or personal adventure. Drive to the Piazzale Michelangelo for a panoramic view of this spectacular city. Return to hotel for dinner and overnight. (B,D) Sunday, May 22 Day 4—MONTECATINI/SIENA/ASSISI—Journey through the Italian countryside to the magnificent Gothic city of Siena. Mass at the Dominican Church commemorating St. Catherine. Visit the famous Piazza del Campo, the dramatic setting for the annual Palio bareback horserace. Visit the monumental Cathedral dedicated to the Virgin Mary. Free time for lunch and browsing. Travel through Umbria to Assisi, the home of Saint Francis. Visit to the Basilica of St. Mary of the Angels and the Portiuncula, Francis’s Church of the Little Portion. Dinner and overnight at hotel. (B, D) Monday, May 23 Day 5—ASSISI—Mass at Basilica of St. Francesco, which includes the tomb of St. Francis (a deacon). Walking tour of the village, including visit to the Church of St. Clare to view the crucifix that spoke to St. Francis, and the famous Temple of Minerva in the Piazza del Comune. Taxi to the Hermitage of the Carceri, where Francis and his Friars retreated from the world to pray and fast. Dinner and overnight at hotel. (B, D) Tuesday, May 24 Day 6—ASSISI/ROME—Travel to Rome. Visit the Basilica of St. Mary Major, including Mass, and the Church of St. Peter in Chains with Michelangelo’s famous Moses statue. Visit the Roman Forum, passing the Arch of Constantine, the Coliseum, and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Dinner and overnight at hotel. (B, D) Wednesday, May 25 Day 7—ROME—Visit to the Holy Stairs, the Basilica of St. John Lateran, and the Basilica of St. Lawrence, one of the seven ancient pilgrimage churches of Rome, with tomb of St. Lawrence the deacon, where we celebrate Mass. Lunch on our own. Visit St. Paul’s outside the Walls, one of the largest churches in the Christian world, with famous gallery of papal portraits. Visit the Catacombs of St. Domitilla. Return to hotel for dinner and overnight. (B, D) Thursday, May 26—Feast of St. Philip Neri Day 8—ROME—Visit Vatican City and the Vatican Museum. The Sistine Chapel, with Michelangelo’s recently restored frescoes. St. Peter’s Basilica! Lunch on our own. Visit the Church of Santa Maria in Vallicella in Rome (Chiesa Nuova), with awesome tomb of St. Philip Neri. Mass here. Leisure afternoon. Return to hotel for dinner and overnight. (B, D) Friday, May 27—Jubilee for Deacons DAY 9—ROME—Walking tour. Visit the Pantheon, Piazza Navona with its beautiful sculpted fountains, the church of St. Agnes in Agony, the Spanish Steps, and St. Mary Vittorio Church, with Mass. See Bernini’s famous sculpture The Agony of St. Therese. Remainder of the day free to explore the Eternal City. 5:00 pm: Jubilee for Deacons begins with Opening Catechesis on “The Icon of Mercy for the Promotion of the New Evangelization.” Three additional presentations on the Deacon as the Icon of Mercy in the Family, in the Parish, and in the Workplace. Dinner on your own. Meet for transfer back to our hotel for overnight. (B) Saturday, May 28—Jubilee for Deacons DAY 10—Morning Mass at St. Peters (if possible). Jubilee of Deacons events. Opportunities for Eucharistic adoration and reconciliation in the Jubilee Churches on your own. At 6:00 pm, pilgrims will walk through the Holy Doors at St. Peter’s Basilica to hear official catechesis on “The Deacon: Called to the Service of Charity in the Life of the Community.” Dinner on your own. Meet for transfer back to our hotel for overnight. (B) Sunday, May 29—Jubilee for Deacons DAY 11—ROME — Solemn Mass for the Jubilee for Deacons at St. Peter’s Square with Pope Francis (pending the Holy Father’s final schedule). Deacons seated up front. Lunch on your own and afternoon at your leisure. Special Farewell Dinner in a Roman restaurant. Overnight Rome. (B, D) Monday, May 30 DAY 12—ROME/USA — Return flight home. MEET YOUR H OSTS: $4599 per person from JFK For Information and Reservations Contact Melani Roewe 820 W. Danforth, Ste A30, Edmond, OK 73003 888-980-9837 | mroewe@unitours.com Deacon Bauerschmidt is professor of theology at Loyola University Maryland and author of several books on theology and spirituality. Deacon Ditewig is professor of theology at Santa Clara University and author of several books on diaconal ministry. Fr. Matthew Luft, OSB is currently the Pastor of the Church of Saint Boniface in Cold Spring, MN Pilgrimage tour registration link: Unitours.com/client/DeaconsJubileePilgrimage.html 12 New Titles Dorothy Day Love in Action Patrick Jordan To have known Dorothy Day was to have experienced not only her charm and humanity, but the purposefulness of her life. Patrick Jordan—who knew her personally—conveys some of the hallmarks of Day’s fascinating life and the spirit her adventure inspires. 978-0-8146-3703-6 Paperback, 144 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4, $12.95 e 978-0-8146-3728-9 eBook, $9.99 B3703 Paperback/eBook Bundle, $14.49 Rights: World, except Canada Fr ancis Bishop of Rome: Second Edition Michael Collins Fr. Michael Collins introduced readers to the pope who has grabbed the attention and the spiritual imaginations of Catholics and others around the world. This new edition includes more details about Jorge Bergoglio’s early life and a far more expansive understanding of the pontificate of this remarkable spiritual leader. 978-0-8146-3705-0 Paperback, 152 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4, $12.95 e 978-0-8146-3730-2 eBook, $9.99 B3705 Paperback/eBook Bundle, $14.49 Martin Sheen Pilgrim on the Way Rose Pacatte, FSP Luis Antonio Tagle Leading by Listening Cindy Wooden In Luis Antonio Tagle: Leading by Listening, Wooden shares much insight into this man of deep faith, a pastor driven both to bring Christ to the people and to listen to the people in whom Christ lives and through whom he speaks. 978-0-8146-3717-3 Paperback, 104 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4, $12.95 e 978-0-8146-3742-5 eBook, $9.99 B3717 Paperback/eBook Bundle, $14.49 Rights: World, except Canada, France, Italy, and the Philippines Oscar Romero Love Must Win Out Kevin Clarke This in-depth look at Archbishop Romero offers a prism through which to view a Catholic understanding of liberation and how to be a church of the poor, for the poor, as Pope Francis prays us to be. 978-0-8146-3757-9 Paperback, 164 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4, $12.95 e 978-0-8146-3782-1 eBook, $9.99 B3757 Paperback/eBook Bundle, $14.49 Rights: World, except Canada Flannery O’Connor Fiction Fired by Faith Sister Rose Pacatte’s unique biography of Martin Sheen, actor, human rights activist, and man in the pew, moves beyond tabloid news to include information and inspiring stories gleaned from interviews with Martin Sheen, his sister and brothers, as well as long time friends. Flannery O’Connor: Fiction Fired by Faith recounts the poignant story of America’s preeminent Catholic writer and offers the reader a guide to her novels and stories so deeply informed by her Catholic faith. 978-0-8146-3712-8 Paperback, 152 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4, $12.95 e 978-0-8146-3737-1 eBook, $9.99 B3712 Paperback/eBook Bundle, $14.49 978-0-8146-3701-2 Paperback, 152 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4, $12.95 e 978-0-8146-3726-5 eBook, $9.99 B3701 Paperback/eBook Bundle, $14.49 Rights: World, except Canada Thomas Merton Angela Alaimo O’Donnell Rights: World, except Canada John XXIII Faithful Visionary Michael W. Higgins The Medicine of Mercy Massimo Faggioli Michael W. Higgins recounts the life of Thomas Merton, an insatiable wanderer, insightful thinker, courageous social commentator, and compelling spiritual guide. Vatican II historian Massimo Faggioli offers a more complete and nuanced understanding of Angelo Roncalli than is available anywhere else in English today. The result is both unforgettable and inspiring. 978-0-8146-3706-7 Paperback, 136 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4, $12.95 e 978-0-8146-3731-9 eBook, $9.99 B3706 Paperback/eBook Bundle, $14.49 978-0-8146-4951-0 Paperback, 160 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4, $12.95 e 978-0-8146-4976-3 eBook, $9.99 B4951 Paperback/eBook Bundle, $14.49 Find reading group materials, photos and videos, author interviews, related products, and more! PCATSP16 LITURGICAL PRESS litpress.org New Titles 13 PEOPLE of GOD Compelling and honest biographies of heroes of faith New! Elizabeth Johnson Jean Vanier Questing for God Heidi Schlumpf Elizabeth Johnson’s own relationship with God as Holy Mystery has helped her to navigate her life’s challenges, including finding herself thrust into the spotlight as a headline-making symbol of religious women facing challenges from the church leadership. With this first biography of one of the preeminent Catholic theologians of our time, those who have been enriched by Johnson’s work will now find themselves inspired by her remarkable life story. Logician of the Heart Michael W. Higgins Jean Vanier is a man of complexity and formal philosophical training, a scion of a family of national pedigree, and one of the seminal religious and inspirational figures of our time. In this volume, Michael Higgins focuses on Vanier’s many interconnections—personal and conceptual—with the mighty and the humble, the pious and the secular, as well as the young and the seasoned. 978-0-8146-4817-9 Paperback, 144 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4, $14.95 e 978-0-8146-4842-1 eBook, $11.99 B4817 Paperback/eBook Bundle, $16.49 978-0-8146-3710-4 Paperback, 120 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4, $14.95 e 978-0-8146-3735-7 eBook, $11.99 B3710 Paperback/eBook Bundle, $16.49 Available May 2016 Available March 2016 Rights: World, except Canada Upcoming Volumes Joseph Bernardin, Georges and Pauline Vanier, Helen Prejean, Corita Kent, Paul VI, and more to come! Bulk Pricing Bulk Pricing $12.95 (1-5 copies) $14.95 (1-5 copies) $10.95 (6-19 copies) $11.95 (6-19 copies) $8.95 net (20 or more copies) $9.95 net (20 or more copies) Rights: World, except Canada Sign up for a Standing Order and SAVE 25%! To place a Standing Order for the People of God series, simply call us toll-free at 1-800-858-5450. Volumes will be billed at a savings of 25% off the cover price and shipped to you as they are published. Shipping charges are additional. PeopleOfGodBooks.org 1- 8 0 0 - 858 - 5450 LITURGICAL PRESS PCATSP16 14 New Titles Hold Nothing Back Writings by Dorothy Day Patrick Jordan, Editor; Foreword by Kate Hennessy Dorothy Day (1897–1980) was a well-known American journalist, activist, and Catholic convert whose cause for sainthood has been endorsed by the US bishops. She wrote numerous articles over a period of several decades for the prominent lay Catholic magazine Commonweal. Hold Nothing Back is gleaned from those writings. It includes reflections on her life as a single mother, her time in jail for civil disobedience, her struggles to keep the Catholic Worker movement she cofounded afloat, and her travels on crowded buses to report from the front lines about labor disputes, racial inequality, and poverty. At the heart of whatever Day wrote lies a profound and prophetic faith. Hold Nothing Back—a new, abridged edition of the previously published Dorothy Day: Writings from Commonweal— gives a glimpse of her remarkable humanity and endurance, and of the vibrant spirituality that underlay them. 978-0-8146-4655-7 Paperback, 128 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4, $14.95 e 978-0-8146-4680-9 eBook, $11.99 Available February 2016 Patrick Jordan is a former managing editor of The Catholic Worker. He and his wife Kathleen were associated with Dorothy Day from 1968 until her death in 1980. From 1984 to 2012, Jordan was an editor at Commonweal magazine. He is the author of Dorothy Day: Love in Action (Liturgical Press, 2015), editor of Dorothy Day: Writings from Commonweal (Liturgical Press, 2002) and, with Paul Baumann, coeditor of Commonweal Confronts the Century (Touchstone, 1999). He serves on the advisory board of the Dorothy Day Guild. “In these times when social concerns are so important, I cannot fail to mention Dorothy Day. Her social activism, her passion for justice and for the cause of the oppressed, were inspired by the Gospel, her faith, and the example of the saints.” Pope Francis to U.S. Congress PCATSP16 LITURGICAL PRESS litpress.org New Titles Easter Fire Fire Starters for the Easter Weekday Homily Richard J. Sklba and Joseph Juknialis Widely embraced by homilists and those interested in reflecting more deeply on the daily Lectionary readings, Bishop Richard Sklba’s Fire Starters: Igniting the Holy in the Weekday Homily has served as a practical resource for preparing engaging weekday homilies for Ordinary Time. After much anticipation, Bishop Sklba and coauthor Fr. Joseph Juknialis now offer Easter Fire, a welcome companion to support anyone called to preach at Easter weekday Masses. Easter Fire provides the biblical citations and summary phrases for the reading and the gospel plus the refrain from the psalm each day. After each citation, the authors offer a series of meaningful insights based on Scripture scholarship, their own prayerful reflection on the texts, and years of preaching and pastoral experience. These brief “bullet point” entries provide nuggets of knowledge and inspiration that will stimulate personal prayer and spark homily possibilities for the preacher every day. Easter Fire will ignite sparks that can be enflamed by God’s Spirit, to not only enrich the spiritual journey but to add light and warmth for the preparation of weekday homilies during the Easter season. 978-0-8146-4866-7 Paperback, 208 pp., 7 x 10, $24.95 e 978-0-8146-4891-9 eBook, $19.99 Available March 2016 Bishop Richard J. Sklba served as auxiliary bishop of Milwaukee for over thirty years. He is a well-known biblical scholar, completing the licentiate in Sacred Scripture from the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome. He is a member and former president of the Catholic Biblical Association of America. He has served on many committees of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, chairing its subcommittee on the Review of Scripture Translations from 1991 to 2001. In 1988, he received the Catholic Theological Society of America’s John Courtney Murray Award for achievement in theology. He is the author of Fire Starters: Igniting the Holy in the Weekday Homily (Liturgical Press, 2013). Rev. Joseph Juknialis is a priest of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. Presently he is director of the Saint Francis Seminary College Program as well as director of the Preaching Institute at Saint Francis Seminary. Ordained in 1969, he has spent the greater portion of this time in parish ministry and continues to minister at Saints Peter and Paul Parish in Milwaukee. Over the years he has written and published a number of collections of stories for use in the classroom and in prayer settings. In addition he writes a monthly reflection on the Sunday Scriptures for the Catholic Herald, the Catholic newspaper for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. 1- 8 0 0 - 858 - 5450 LITURGICAL PRESS PCATSP16 15 16 New Titles Learning the Language of the Soul A Spiritual Lexicon Andrew D. Mayes How can we describe to others what is happening to us on our spiritual journey? How can we depict the spiritual road that we are taking—experiences of prayer, transitions that we travel through, impediments that we face—and externalize into words the interior experiences? In this spiritual lexicon, Andrew Mayes explores creative and inspirational metaphors to equip anyone wanting to communicate effectively about their faith or life of prayer. Learning the Language of the Soul is a handbook that will prove indispensable to spiritual directors, evangelists, and all sharing in the witness of the church today. It will loosen our tongues as we discover images from both the classic Christian tradition and contemporary culture that help us express and develop a spiritual literacy by which we share with others the joys and struggles of the inner life. 978-0-8146-4752-3 Paperback, 144 pp., 6 x 9, $19.95 e 978-0-8146-4751-6 eBook, $15.99 Available April 2016 Dr. Andrew Mayes is an international teacher of spirituality. He is currently spirituality adviser to the Anglican Diocese of Chichester in the UK, where he has also served as director of clergy training. He was the course director at St. George’s College Jerusalem, and regularly leads courses in the Holy Land. He is the author of six previous books, including the widely acclaimed Beyond the Edge: Spiritual Transitions for Adventurous Souls. PCATSP16 LITURGICAL PRESS litpress.org New Titles Desperately Seeking Spirituality A Field Guide to Practice Meredith Gould In Desperately Seeking Spirituality, sacred spelunker and sociologist Meredith Gould combines practical wisdom with lived experience to explain why and when traditional practices don’t work for today’s seeker and then how to choose ones that will. In short, easy-to-read chapters and with characteristic wit, Gould provides counsel for reframing perception to discover the sacred in everyday life. This guide is for self-identified seekers who have tried some, many, or even all the classic spiritual practices and then given up on them when they stop working. In Desperately Seeking Spirituality, Gould invites readers to embrace a broader definition of practice that shifts focus from doing to being. 978-0-8146-4850-6 Paperback, 144 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4, $16.95 e 978-0-8146-4875-9 eBook, $13.99 Available May 2016 Meredith Gould, PhD, is a digital strategist with well over a decade of hands-on experience with communications at all levels of church across denominations. She’s the author of nine books about faith and everyday life. Dr. Gould is the founder and lead moderator of the weekly ecumenical Twitter-based chat about church social media (#chsocm), founder and comoderator of the monthly Health & Spirituality chat (#hlthsp), Platinum Fellow of the Mayo Clinic Center for Social Media’s Social Media Health Network, and nationally known for her passionate advocacy of using online tools for ministry and to encourage practical spirituality. Learn more at www.meredithgould.com. 1- 8 0 0 - 858 - 5450 LITURGICAL PRESS PCATSP16 17 18 New Titles The Gift of Administration New Testament Foundations for the Vocation of Administrative Service Donald Senior 978-0-8146-4716-5 Paperback, 200 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4, $16.95 e 978-0-8146-4741-7 eBook, $13.99 B4716 Paperback & eBook Bundle, $21.49 In his First Letter to the Corinthians Paul cites “administrators” as one of God’s gifts to the Christian community (1 Cor 12:28). But many who serve in administrative service today have difficulty seeing how their everyday work is an expression of discipleship. This book, written by an experienced administrator and noted biblical scholar, shows how the various functions of institutional administration are deeply rooted in the Scriptures and are a genuine expression of our call to discipleship. Leadership, mission statements and planning, finances and fund raising, personnel issues, communications, and public relations—all of these seemingly “secular” activities serve to build up the Body of Christ and deserve to be recognized as authentic Christian ministry. To see administrative service as a biblically rooted gift can help those involved in this way of life to find deeper and more satisfying spiritual meaning in what they do. Available January 2016 Donald Senior, CP, is professor of New Testament at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. He served for twenty-three years as president of CTU and is now its chancellor. He is a frequent lecturer and speaker throughout the United States and abroad and serves on a variety of boards and commissions, including the Pontifical Biblical Commission. He has published extensively on biblical topics, with numerous books and articles for both scholarly and popular audiences. “In this book, Fr. Senior provides a firm biblical foundation for the charism of ‘steering’ the barque of Christ—flowing from the call of Jesus who laid out the vision of the servant leader. The Church on mission needs servants good at planning, coordination, and communication. Fr. Senior contributes to a ministry easily taken for granted.” Most Reverend Joseph E. Kurtz, DD Archbishop of Louisville President, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops PCATSP16 LITURGICAL PRESS litpress.org New Titles Building Bridges, Not Walls— Construyamos puentes, no muros Nourishing Diverse Cultures in Faith— Alimentar a las diversas culturas en la fe John Francis Burke In Building Bridges, Not Walls — Construyamos puentes, no muros, John Francis Burke highlights the dramatic impact the growing Latino presence is having in parishes across the country, considers the theology of inculturation and intercultural ministry, and provides practical pastoral ministry suggestions on doing intercultural ministry. Includes full text in both English and Spanish. En Construyamos puentes, no muros – Building Bridges, Not Walls, John Francis Burke muestra el impacto tan grande que los latinos están teniendo en las parroquias del país; explica la teología de la inculturación y del ministerio intercultural; y ofrece sugerencias prácticas para quienes trabajan en este último. Incluye el texto completo en inglés y en Español. See also Catholic Cultures on page 33: 978-0-8146-4808-7 Paperback, 240 pp., 6 x 9, $24.95 e 978-0-8146-4833-9 eBook, $19.99 Available February 2016 John Francis Burke, PhD, is an author and scholar in political science and religious studies. He has taught at Texas State University, Delta State University, the University of Houston-Downtown, the University of St. Thomas, Texas, Cabrini College, and St. Mary’s Seminary, Houston, Texas. He has extensive experience dealing with social justice and intercultural issues at the parish level, especially from his many years in Texas. In particular, he has a facility for cultivating multicultural/multilingual church choirs. John Francis Burke es un escritor y estudioso especializado en Ciencias Sociales y Estudios Religiosos. Ha enseñado en Texas State University, Delta State University, University of Houston-Downtown, University of St. Thomas (Texas) y en el Cabrini College y St. Mary’s Seminary de Houston (Texas). Posee amplia experiencia en temas relacionados con la justicia social y las relaciones interculturales dentro de la parroquia; gran parte de esta experiencia la adquirió durante los años que vivió en Texas. Posee también un talento natural para dirigir coros de iglesia de carácter multicultural o multilingüístico. 1- 8 0 0 - 858 - 5450 LITURGICAL PRESS PCATSP16 19 20 New Titles Whose Mass Is It? Why People Care So Much about the Catholic Liturgy Paul Turner When changes happen to the Catholic Mass, opinions are strong and diverse. Everyone feels in some way that the Mass is theirs. It is. Or is it? Whose Mass is it? And what should people do to claim it? Whether or not adult Catholics attend Mass regularly, they strongly bond with it. Within a single generation, English-speaking Catholics experienced the Second Vatican Council’s authorization for the first overhaul of the liturgy in four hundred years, and then, in 2011, they prepared for and implemented a revised vernacular translation. Each of these two events awakened strong feelings as people gradually became aware that someone else’s decision was going to affect the cornerstone of their spiritual life. In Whose Mass Is It? Paul Turner examines the impact of the Mass, the connections it makes, and its purpose in the lives of believers. 978-0-8146-4867-4 Paperback, 136 pp., 6 x 9, $14.95 e 978-0-8146-4892-6 eBook, $11.99 B4867 Paperback & eBook Bundle, $18.49 Paul Turner is pastor of St. Anthony Parish in Kansas City, Missouri. A priest of the Diocese of Kansas City–St. Joseph, he holds a doctorate in sacred theology from Sant’ Anselmo in Rome. He is a former president of the North American Academy of Liturgy and a member of Societas Liturgica and the Catholic Academy of Liturgy. He serves as a facilitator for the International Commission on English in the Liturgy. His publications include Glory in the Cross and Let Us Pray, both published by Liturgical Press, and he is a contributor to Give Us This Day. “Paul Turner offers us a concise and accessible guide to the post–Vatican II eucharistic liturgy, replete with a great deal of historical information. This book should provide an excellent guide for parish liturgy committees and anyone interested in gaining a fuller understanding of what we do when we come together for Eucharist.” John F. Baldovin, SJ Boston College School of Theology and Ministry “Paul Turner acknowledges the challenges brought on by change, conflicts won and lost, familial tensions heightened—and sometimes resolved—and gifts many and varied shared, neglected, or rejected. With great scholarly erudition and even greater pastoral wisdom, Turner charts a path of mutual recognition that invites each of us to recognize that the liturgy ultimately belongs to Christ, the center who holds both the liturgy and all of us together.” Bernadette Gasslein Editor, Worship PCATSP16 LITURGICAL PRESS litpress.org New Titles To All the World Preaching and the New Evangelization Michael Connors, CSC, editor Pope Francis’s vision of the ministry of preaching offers a renewed emphasis on what it means to preach the Word of God in such a way that it transforms lives and communities, and inspires hope. In To All the World, Michael Connors, CSC, draws together contributions from a variety of expert voices to reflect on the importance of liturgical preaching today. To All the World combines contemporary scholarship with pastoral practicality in one volume by well-known practitioners in the ministry of preaching including Timothy Radcliffe, OP, Honora Werner, OP, Paul Turner, Jeremy Driscoll, OSB, Karla J. Bellinger, and Cardinal Donald Wuerl. It will serve as a perfect companion to the United States Bishops’ document, Preaching the Mystery of Faith: The Sunday Homily, and will be of interest to all those who share the pope’s vision and call to be evangelists of the Word to all the world. To All the World includes essays by: Karla J. Bellinger Jeremy Driscoll, OSB Cardinal Donald Wuerl Virgilio Elizondo David H. Garcia Curtis Martin Susan McGurgan Hosffman Ospino Timothy Radcliffe, OP Donald Senior, CP Jude Siciliano, OP Melvin R. Tardy Paul Turner Honora Werner, OP 978-0-8146-4708-0 Paperback, 184 pp., 6 x 9, $24.95 e 978-0-8146-4733-2 eBook, $19.99 Available May 2016 Michael E. Connors, CSC, is director of the John S. Marten Program in Homiletics and Liturgics in the Department of Theology at the University of Notre Dame. He is the editor of We Preach Christ Crucified (Liturgical Press, 2014). Individual chapters available as eSingles e4653 Preaching and the Rites of Initiation, Paul Turner e $2.99! e e4679 Preaching, Teaching and the New Evangelization, Cardinal Donald Wuerl e e4677 Preaching Conversation in Friendship, Timothy Radcliffe, OP e e4678 Evangelizing US Latinos in the Twenty-First Century, Hosffman Ospino 1- 8 0 0 - 858 - 5450 LITURGICAL PRESS PCATSP16 21 22 New Titles Quantum Shift Theological and Pastoral Implications of Contemporary Developments in Science tions llustra es I Includ Heidi Ann Russell Foreword by George V. Coyne, SJ 978-0-8146-8303-3 Paperback, 240 pp., 6 x 9, $24.95 e 978-0-8146-8328-6 eBook, $19.99 B8303 Paperback & eBook Bundle, $31.49 Heidi Ann Russell, PhD, is an assistant professor at the Institute of Pastoral Studies of Loyola University Chicago. She received her PhD in religious studies from Marquette University and her MDiv/MA from Washington Theological Union. She is the author of the book The Heart of Rahner as well as articles in Theological Studies, Horizons, Science and Theology, Buddhist Christian Studies, and Philosophy and Theology. “Heidi Russell provides an insightful look into the implications of contemporary scientific research for theology and ministry. The pastoral application of scientific and theological insights that she offers are also a particularly valuable contribution for both theologians and pastoral ministers and stands out among other recent works on the relationship between theology and science.” Theodore James Whapham University of Dallas PCATSP16 While the field of science has made incredible advances in the past century, and more and more scientists have gone to great leng ths to make these developments accessible to the public, we still rarely hear ministers and communities of faith discussing the implications of these developments for the life of faith. Quantum Shift explores recent developments in science from relativity to quantum mechanics to cosmology and then suggests ways in which people of faith might engage these scientific developments to foster their understanding of God and what it means to be part of the world we believe God created. Heidi Ann Russell demonstrates how these scientific developments offer us new and exciting images that spark our theological imaginations and reinvigorate our spiritual lives. “Engaging, informative, and often profound glimpse into the way in which the worldview produced by quantum physics can alter and invigorate our conceptions of God and creation. Eminently readable and replete with examples to concretize sometimes abstract concepts, Russell’s work is sure to whet the reader’s appetite for more science and to slake the reader’s thirst for the more expansive and dynamic insights into God and the God-world relationship afforded by this scientific worldview. Ephphata— and enjoy!” Gloria L. Schaab Barry University LITURGICAL PRESS litpress.org New Titles Panorama of the Bible Old Testament Stephen J. Binz While every character, story, and book of Scripture is significant in itself, stepping back for a broad, panoramic view of the entire Bible helps us to take in and understand God’s single, unified plan for human history. In this first of a two-part panorama of the Bible, noted Scripture scholar Stephen Binz shows us how all of the Bible’s many parts fit together in a grand and awesome narrative. With a clear vision of this sweeping unity, we can then understand far better our own place within the storyline and our own personal role within the mission of God. 978-0-8146-4855-1 Paperback, 136 pp., 6 x 9, $12.95 e 978-0-8146-4880-3 eBook, $9.99 Available June 2016 Stephen J. Binz is a biblical scholar, award-winning author, and popular speaker. He studied Scripture at the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome and Jerusalem, and has developed dozens of books and programs in biblical theology and spirituality, including The God of Freedom and Life: A Commentary on the Book of Exodus (Liturgical Press). He offers keynotes and workshops at church conferences and leads pilgrimages to the lands of the Bible. Information about his work may be found at Bridge-B.com. New Study! Also of interest from Little Rock Sripture Study Panorama of the Old Testament See page 40. 1- 8 0 0 - 858 - 5450 LITURGICAL PRESS PCATSP16 23 24 Recently Released Living Mission Interculturally Faith, Culture, and the Renewal of Praxis Anthony J. Gittins Foreword by Gerald A. Arbuckle Living Mission Interculturally integrates sociology/anthropology with practical theology, reminds us that goodwill alone is not enough to effect change, and points to a way of intercultural living underpinned by faith, virtue, and a range of new and appropriate skills. “Gittins’s mission-driven exploration of intercultural living is immensely practical, challenging, and solidly based on scholarship, lived commitment, wide dialogue, and prayerful reflection. Gittins has given us a great gift and incentive to live our unity in diversity from a stance of radical faith and heightened cultural awareness. I am eager to share this gift with my whole international community and all of our partners in mission.” Mary Ann Buckley, SHCJ Society of the Holy Child Jesus 978-0-8146-8318-7 Paperback, 264 pp., 6 x 9, $24.95 e 978-0-8146-8343-9 eBook, $19.99 B8318 Paperback & eBook Bundle, $31.49 PCATSP16 An Unfinished Council Vatican II, Pope Francis, and the Renewal of Catholicism Richard R. Gaillardetz The Second Vatican Council has become an indispensable reference point for understanding Roman Catholicism today. Yet in spite of its impact, Vatican II was in many ways an unfinished council. The council bishops were able to establish key pillars in the construction of a new vision for the church of our time, but, for various reasons, they were not able to draw those pillars together into a coherent unified structure. This volume describes both the council’s building project itself and the challenges facing the church today if we are to complete the project begun fifty years ago. “This is a mature and magnanimous vision that, like Francis, reminds us that we all have a role to play in the ongoing reform and renewal of the church. Everyone—from the beginning undergraduate to the seasoned pastor—can learn something from Gaillardetz.” Edward P. Hahnenberg 978-0-8146-8309-5 Paperback, 190 pp., 6 x 9, $19.95 e 978-0-8146-8334-7 eBook, $15.99 B8309 Paperback & eBook Bundle, $24.49 LITURGICAL PRESS litpress.org Recently Released High quality videos from Salt + Light Catholic Media! Excellent RCIA resource! The Church Alive The Francis Effect Join Cheridan Sanders and Sebastian Gomes as they explore the church’s mission to embrace the joys and hopes, grief and anguish of today’s world. By highlighting the broad and inclusive nature of Catholicism in its rich tradition and sharing stories of new evangelization in action, The Church Alive series inspires a new way of thinking about what it means to be Catholic today. The Francis Effect takes a critical and in-depth look at how an ancient institution is rapidly changing under the leadership and vision of Pope Francis. Exclusive interviews with prominent Catholics and non-Catholics reveal that Francis is having a profound effect on the world as well. The seven-disk boxed set includes thirteen 25-minute episodes on topics such as the role of the laity, social justice, economics, the consecrated life, Catholic education, and more. Also includes a 70-page study guide. 978-0-8146-4691-5 DVD 13 episodes, 328 min., $74.95 net Rights: U.S. Interviews include Scott Pelley; Diane Sawyer; Cardinal Sean O’Malley, OFM Cap; Anderson Cooper; Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB; Alison Smith; Fr. James Martin, SJ; Cardinal Thomas Collins; Charles Chaput, OFM Cap; and more. As seen on ABC Affiliate stations in 2015. DVD bonus materials includes 24-page study guide, special features, and extended interviews. 978-0-8146-4666-3 DVD 72 min., $24.95 net Rights: U.S. Winner of the 2014 Gabriel Award for Best Religious Series! 1- 8 0 0 - 858 - 5450 LITURGICAL PRESS “Yes, the Church is Alive…and the Church is young” Pope Benedict XVI PCATSP16 25 26 Recently Released cluded s are in Image Benedictine Daily Prayer A Short Breviary Second Edition Compiled and Edited by Maxwell E. Johnson and the Monks of Saint John’s Abbey Benedictine Daily Prayer provides an everyday edition of the Divine Office for people who desire to pray with the church in a simple manner. Based on fifteen hundred years of liturgical prayer within the Benedictine monastic tradition, Benedictine Daily Prayer offers a rich diet of classic office hymnody, psalmody, and Scripture. This fully revised edition includes: • A more user-friendly layout • A new organization for the Office of Vigils, structured on a two-week cycle • Daily Offices also arranged on a twoweek cycle • Patristic readings for each Sunday • Concluding prayers for the daily and seasonal offices • Slightly taller format Benedictine Daily Prayer is designed for all who pray in the monastic tradition including Benedictine oblates and Benedictine monastics. Small enough to fit in a briefcase for travel, it is arranged by date. Scripture readings are from the NRSV translation. 978-0-8146-3702-9 Leather-like cover with ribbons, 2,088 pp., 4 1⁄2 x 7 1⁄8, $49.95 PCATSP16 An Ignatian Journey of the Cross Exercises in Discernment Bert Daelemans Foreword by Jane Ferdon, OP, and George R. Murphy, SJ This book is a collection of fifteen spiritual exercises for people who seek to experience God in everyday life with the help of Ignatian discernment. At times, life looks like a way of the cross. Pain is there, uninvited. Art and beauty have long been able to deepen our spirituality. By contemplating a work of art, we are invited to follow step by step the downward path of the disfigured Christ, who configures us in his glorious transfiguration. This Ignatian journey follows the steadfast rhythm of a bronze way of the cross, in which artist Werner Klenk has captured with astonishing and disarming power the essence of a Christian lifestyle made of encounters. “More than mere devotional practice, this contemporary, existential, and artistic Way of the Cross is at once a guide to meditation and a path to encounter Christ in whom we are and find what we are searching for: a fullness of joy and life beyond our own darkness and our daily struggles.” Georges Ruyssen, SJ Pontificio Istituto Orientale Rome 978-0-8146-4718-9 Paperback with French Folds, 128 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4, $15.95 e 978-0-8146-4743-1 eBook, $9.99 B4718 Paperback and eBook Bundle, $19.49 LITURGICAL PRESS litpress.org Recently Released Stations of the Cross Community Prayer Edition Timothy Radcliffe, OP Art by Martin Erspamer, OSB EXCELLEN LENTEN T RESOURC ES! Stations of the Cross: Community Prayer Edition offers parishes and other communities a unique and contemporary way to pray the Stations. It includes brand-new prayers composed by Fr. Timothy Radcliffe, along with excerpts from his full-length meditations and the remarkable images that accompanied them in the original edition of Stations of the Cross. This profound and beautiful resource will guide the faithful to enter more deeply into communion with the crucified Jesus. It is ideal for parishes, parish-based organizations, prayer groups, youth groups, school and campus ministry programs, families, and individual faithful to experience. 978-0-8146-4706-6 Paperback, 32 pp., 5 x 7 $3.95 (1-19 copies) $2.49 (20-99 copies) $1.49 net (100-499 copies) $0.99 net (500 or more copies) e 978-0-8146-4731-8 eBook, $2.99 Timothy Radcliffe, OP, is a member of the community at Blackfriars, Oxford, and was master of the Order of Preachers from 1992 to 2001. He is the only member of the English Province of the Dominicans to have held the office since the Order’s foundation in 1216. He is the author of Stations of the Cross and a contributor to Give Us This Day, published by Liturgical Press. Martin Erspamer, OSB, is a monk of Saint Meinrad Archabbey in southern Indiana. He is a well-known liturgical artist and liturgical consultant. Erspamer works in a wide range of media, including pottery, stained glass, and wood, and is nationally known for his illustration of sacred themes. “A Benedictine artist, Martin Erspamer, and a Dominican theologian, Timothy Radcliffe, team up to produce this beautiful rendering of the Stations of the Cross. Erspamer portrays each station in vivid color and engaging form, while Radcliffe’s meditations link the biblical context of each station with everyday Christian experience.” The Bible Today Stations of the Cross Hardcover (Original edition with full-length reflections) 978-0-8146-4953-4, 72 pp., 6 x 8, $14.95 eBook (Original edition with full-length reflections) e 978-0-8146-4978-7, $11.99 CD-ROM (Images only) 978-0-8146-7972-2, $29.95 (CD-ROM format for projection and personal meditation.) Book and CD-ROM Set 978-0-8146-4826-1, $34.95 net Rights: World except British Commonwealth other than Canada See pages 42-43 for more Lenten Resources. 1- 8 0 0 - 858 - 5450 LITURGICAL PRESS PCATSP16 27 28 Recently Released Celebrate Year of the Pope Francis has declared a holy year, a Jubilee of Mercy which will run December 2015 to November 2016. To help us open ourselves to the gifts God will offer throughout this year, the Holy Father personally composed this special prayer. MERCY December 2015 to November 2016 Ideal daily prayer for the holy year Pope Francis’s Prayer for the Jubilee of Mercy This prayer card—available in both English and Spanish—is the ideal holy year resource for parishes, parish organizations, prayer groups, faith formation programs, schools, families, and more. It features Pope Francis’s beautiful prayer on one side and a striking color image of the Holy Father on the other. It is printed on high-quality paper with a beauty that makes it worthy of use in church and a durability that will make it last throughout the year. PCATSP16 Pope Francis’s Prayer for the Jubilee of Mercy 978-0-8146-4744-8 English-language Card, 5 x 7 Oración del Papa Francisco para el Jubileo de la Misericordia 978-0-8146-4720-2 Spanish-language Card, 5 x 7 Helpful pricing for parish budgets! 1-10 copies, $.75 each 11-99 copies, $.65 net each 100-499 copies, $.45 net each 500+ copies, $.30 net each LITURGICAL PRESS litpress.org Recently Released THIS ECONOMY KILLS Pope Francis on Capitalism and Social Justice Andrea Tornielli and Giacomo Galeazzi Essential reading for understanding Pope Francis’s convictions about the world we live in and how Christians are called to shape it. When Pope Francis wrote in his apostolic letter The Joy of the Gospel that the economy of the West is one that “kills,” he was immediately labeled by some as a Marxist. Criticisms came fast and furious, not only from financial columnists and conservative cable personalities, but also from some Catholic commentators, especially in the United States. In This Economy Kills, two of the most respected journalists covering the Vatican today explore the pope’s teaching and witness on the topic: the ways it relates to other topics like war, the environment, and family life; its connections to the teaching of his predecessors; and the criticism it has generated, especially from the direction of the United States. This fascinating book includes the full text of an extended interview the authors conducted with Francis on the topic of capitalism and social justice, appearing here in English for the first time. 1- 8 0 0 - 858 - 5450 LITURGICAL PRESS “Andrea Tornielli and Giacomo Galeazzi are among the most informed journalists covering the Vatican today, and this book finds them at their best. It’s a must-read primer on Pope Francis’ social thought.” John L. Allen Jr. Associate Editor, the Boston Globe and Crux 978-0-8146-4725-7 Paperback, 184 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4, $19.95 e 978-0-8146-4704-2 eBook, $15.99 Rights: World, except Canada Andrea Tornielli is among the foremost journalists in the world on matters related to the Vatican. He writes for the Italian daily newspaper La Stampa and is editor of the website Vatican Insider. He is the author of several books, including Francis: Pope of a New World. Giacomo Galeazzi covers the Vatican for the Italian daily newspaper La Stampa and the website Vatican Insider. PCATSP16 29 30 Recently Released Excellent marriage prep and marriage refresher resource Project Holiness Schools of Solidarity Marriage as a Workshop for Everyday Saints Bridget Burke Ravizza and Julie Donovan Massey Project Holiness: Marriage as a Workshop for Everyday Saints examine the virtues, values, and practices that ground flourishing marriages and lead married partners to holiness. Families and Catholic Social Teaching Mary M. Doyle Roche In Schools of Solidarity, Mary Doyle Roche explains how families can resist the dehumanizing elements of our culture and transform the many arenas of daily life so that they honor the dignity of all people, especially the poor and vulnerable. “This deceptively simple project reads so expertly and easily that we finish it convinced that theologians and the people in the pews have so much to learn from one another.” James F. Keenan, SJ Boston College “Now I have a book I can give to friends and family who are inspired by Pope Francis and interested in applying Catholic Social Teaching to their daily lives. In down-to-earth language, with elegance, mercy, and grace, Roche offers timely wisdom for families all of shapes and sizes.” Julie Hanlon Rubio Author, Family Ethics: Practices for Christians “In Project Holiness, the experience of marriage is narrated by couples who are in the trenches, striving to respond to the universal call to holiness. Their candid and often poignant sharing of friendship and sexuality, ser vice and hospitality, suffering and fidelity will enrich the marriage of those who read this well-researched and wise book.” Robert F. Morneau Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Green Bay 978-0-8146-3704-3 Paperback, 184 pp., 6 x 9, $19.95 e 978-0-8146-3729-6 eBook, $15.99 “This is the rare book that gets precisely right the true meaning of the phrase ‘family values.’ Grounding her recommendations in the tradition of Catholic social thought and bringing its core values into dialogue with contemporar y challenges, Roche invites families to ‘turn outward to others’ and to ‘flex their solidarity muscles.’ Readers will find this book accessible, creative, probing, practical, and above all joyful.” Thomas Massaro, SJ Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University 978-0-8146-4807-0 Paperback, 96 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4, $12.95 e 978-0-8146-4832-2 eBook, $9.99 PCATSP16 LITURGICAL PRESS litpress.org Recently Released 31 2016 Living Liturgy tm Not by Bread Alone Daily Reflections for Lent 2016 Mary DeTurris Poust “Smart, funny, insightful, and blessedly down-to-earth.” Dr. Jay Cormier Prayerfully journey through Lent with Mary DeTurris Poust’s fresh and meaningful reflections on the daily Mass readings. In just minutes per day, the insightful meditations of Not by Bread Alone can deepen your experience of this solemn season of prayer and penance and prepare you to participate more fully in the joy of the great Easter mystery. 978-0-8146-4954-1 Pocket-sized, Paperback, 104 pp., 4 x 5 1⁄4, $2.00 50 or more copies, $1.00 net* each 978-0-8146-4979-4 Large-Print Edition Paperback, 104 pp., 6 x 7 7⁄8, $5.95 50 or more copies, $3.95 net* each e 978-0-8146-4980-0 eBook, $0.99 *Asterisk indicates discount price available only on “no-returns” basis. No further discounts apply. FAMILY OF RESOURCES Living Liturgytm Sunday Missal 2016 Living Liturgy™ Sunday Missal combines essential liturgical content with the finest presentation on the market today. This affordable one-issue Sunday Mass guide is compatible with any hymnal program and affordably priced for parishes. 978-0-8146-4971-8 Paperback, 432 pp., 5 1⁄4 x 8 1⁄4, $9.95 50 or more copies $2.25* net 25-49 copies $2.95* net 5-24 copies $3.95* net 1-4 copies $9.95 *Price per subscription per year (one volume shipped annually). Shipping & handling additional. No returns accepted. Living Liturgytm: Spirituality, Celebration, and Catechesis for Sundays and Solemnities Year C (2016) An annual resource for parish ministers, liturgists, pastors, and planning committees, Living Liturgy™ offers the week’s Sunday readings plus prayerful reflections for parish ministers of all types. 978-0-8146-4974-9 Paperback, 336 pp., 8 1⁄2 x 10 7⁄8 $16.95 (1-4 copies); $13.95* (5-19 copies) $9.95* net (20 or more copies) e 978-0-8146-4999-2 eBook, $13.99 Living Liturgytm for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Year C (2016) This little book, which offers encouragement for Communion ministers and includes personal reflections for each Sunday, is an indispensable aid for those who take Holy Communion to the sick and homebound. 978-0-8146-4973-2 Paperback, 136 pp., 5 1⁄4 x 8 1⁄2 $9.95 (1-5 copies); $6.95* net (6 or more copies) e 978-0-8146-4998-5 eBook, $7.99 Living Liturgytm for Cantors Year C (2016) Help cantors prepare themselves to lead the responsorial psalm with reflections connecting the psalm to the readings of the day, suggestions for spiritual preparation, and a guide for using this book. 978-0-8146-4972-5 Paperback, 224 pp., 5 1⁄4 x 8 1⁄2 $9.95 (1-5 copies); $7.95* net (6 or more copies) e 978-0-8146-4997-8 eBook, $7.99 1- 8 0 0 - 858 - 5450 LITURGICAL PRESS PCATSP16 32 Recently Released The Social Media Gospel Sharing the Good News in New Ways Second Edition Meredith Gould In this second edition of her best-selling book The Social Media Gospel, Meredith Gould provides an easy-to-understand, step-by-step guide to digital ministry for those wishing to embrace new technologies to build community and deepen faith. “This book’s themes are pretty straightforward: church is more than a building, online life mirrors offline life, strategic thinking guides wise decisions. The gift of The Social Media Gospel lies in Meredith’s frank and accessible advice for putting those principles to work in a ministry landscape we can all find overwhelming. I can’t wait to share this expanded edition with new cohorts of seminarians and practicing ministers.” Kyle Matthew Oliver, digital missioner in the Center for the Ministry of Teaching at Virginia Theological Seminary “Meredith Gould’s book makes the overwhelming not only accessible but enjoyable as she readily brings herself and her valuable practical experiences to this text. I am #grateful for the second edition, which acknowledges the changing shape of our digital culture, even in two short years since the first book. Hope there is a third, fourth and more down the line.” Daniella Zsupan-Jerome Loyola University New Orleans 978-0-8146-4707-3 Paperback, 200 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4, $19.95 e 978-0-8146-4732-5 eBook, $16.99 PCATSP16 Washing Feet Imitating the Example of Jesus in the Liturgy Today Thomas O’Loughlin Thomas O’Loughlin explores the significance of mutual footwashing in early Christian communities and in the rituals of churches today. “Thomas O’Loughlin probes the rite of footwashing, and invites us into the vulnerability that this ritual embodies, not just one night of the year, but as the permanent foundation for relationships in the Christian community. What began as a domestic ritual is not tamed here, but given the opportunity to challenge us to get down on our knees before one another, and to learn what the reign of God acts like from the floor—and feet—up. Everyone who aspires to leadership in the Christian community or currently exercises it needs to read this book.” Bernadette Gasslein Editor, Worship “Get this book—read it—study it—pray with it— laugh with it! Our humanity is so visible when we encounter something that is both ritually powerful and awkward. Author Thomas O’Loughlin has done an immense ser vice to Christian communities by writing a readily accessible book on one of those ‘dangerous memories’ in the Christian tradition—washing each other’s feet as we follow the command and example of Jesus.” Abbot John Klassen, OSB St. John’s Abbey, Collegeville, Minnesota 978-0-8146-4861-2 Paperback, 144 pp., 5 x 7, $14.95 e 978-0-8146-4886-5 eBook, $11.99 LITURGICAL PRESS litpress.org Recently Released To Be One in Christ Intercultural Formation and Ministry Fernando A. Ortiz and Gerard J. McGlone, SJ The priests and pastoral ministers of our day increasingly reflect the multicultural, multiethnic, and multilingual nature of the church in the United States. For a variety of reasons, they come from diverse ethnic backgrounds and countries of origin. Seminaries and religious communities are welcoming international candidates with the vision that diversity strengthens the character and mission of the church. Yet this ecclesial diversity also comes with unique challenges. To Be One in Christ is a groundbreaking resource that delves into the questions raised by these complexities and provides an indepth analysis from theological, sociological, psychological, cultural, and Protestant perspectives. “Dr. Ortiz and Father McGlone, SJ, have gathered together a remarkable set of authors addressing various aspects of formation and ministry in a multicultural setting. They have added their own valuable observations and insights. To Be One in Christ is a very practical and timely contribution that should be of great assistance to seminary formation and to those who live and minister in a complex Church and world.” William S. Skylstad Bishop Emeritus of Spokane 978-0-8146-4805-6 Paperback, 264 pp., 6 x 9, $24.95 e 978-0-8146-4830-8 eBook, $19.99 1- 8 0 0 - 858 - 5450 LITURGICAL PRESS Catholic Cultures How Parishes Can Respond to the Changing Face of Catholicism Patricia Wittberg, SC From its earliest days, Christianity has been lived and proclaimed in the language and symbols of each receiving culture. Today, these cultures include the new ethnic groups moving into our parishes. They also include new generations of Catholic young adults, whose childhood experiences of their faith are very different from those of their elders. In Catholic Cultures, Sister Patricia Wittberg, SC, offers a view of Catholicism through the eyes of Catholics from these different cultures, so that we may all be challenged to grow in our reception of the Good News. “This is the best book I’ve seen on multiculturalism and parishes. Wittberg uses real data and demonstrates understanding and insight. She identifies challenges and offers hope by proposing thoughtful and realistic strategies to help parishes. This is a must read for pastors, lay-ministers, seminarians and students who want to appreciate today’s multicultural Catholic Church.” Rev. Anthony J. Pogorelc, PSS Academic Dean St. Patrick’s Seminary Menlo Park, California 978-0-8146-4858-2 Paperback, 128 pp., 6 x 9, $16.95 e 978-0-8146-4883-4 eBook, $12.99 Available February 2016 PCATSP16 33 34 Recently Released Between the Ambo and the Altar Biblical Preaching and The Roman Missal, Year C Guerric DeBona, OSB Between the Ambo and the Altar explores the relationship between the Sunday readings and the new Roman Missal, offering a scriptural, liturgical, and preaching commentary for Sundays, solemnities, and feasts for Year C. Each Sunday is divided into three sections: exploring the Scripture, connecting the Lectionary with the liturgy, and a homiletic strategy. 978-0-8146-3559-9 Paperback, 328 pp., 6 x 9, $29.95 e 978-0-8146-3584-1 eBook, $23.99 Between the Ambo and the Altar Biblical Preaching and The Roman Missal, Year B Guerric DeBona, OSB 978-0-8146-3524-7 Paperback, 350 pp., 6 x 9, $29.95 e 978-0-8146-3549-0 eBook, $23.99 Between the Ambo and the Altar Biblical Preaching and The Roman Missal, Year A Guerric DeBona, OSB 978-0-8146-3459-2 Paperback, 316 pp., 6 x 9, $29.95 e 978-0-8146-3484-4 eBook, $23.99 Three-Volume Paperback Set 978-0-8146-3563-6 $69.95 net Three-Volume eBook Set 978-0-8146-4700-4 $55.99 net PCATSP16 Journey of Faith, Journey of the Universe The Lectionary and the New Cosmology Ivan Nicoletto, OSB Cam One of the most surprising discoveries of our time is that the universe is an unfolding and highly creative story: a cosmogenesis. In Journey of Faith, Journey of the Universe, Br. Ivan Nicoletto reveals how very insightful the Scripture and its commentary tradition are to these deep and cosmic perspectives, thus surprising even seasoned Bible-hearers with fresh understanding. “A superb volume! Nicoletto offers keen new explorations of the Scriptures of the lectionary, illuminating them through lenses at once cosmological, scientific and poetic, and inviting readers into new avenues of spiritual growth and wisdom. An invaluable treasure trove for preachers and all who ponder the Scriptures!” Mary E. McGann, RSCJ Berkeley, California “In Journey of Faith, Journey of the Universe, Ivan Nicoletto, OSB Cam, speaks with poetic prose and evocative imagery, offering an inspiring and dynamic integration of divine communication available to us through the words of sacred scripture and through the primary revelation of the vast cosmos itself. A timely book!” Father James Conlon University/Sophia Center in Culture & Spirituality 978-0-8146-4825-4 Paperback, 160 pp., 6 x 9, $19.95 e 978-0-8146-4774-5 eBook, $15.99 LITURGICAL PRESS litpress.org Recently Released A Window into the Spirituality of Paul Patrick J. Hartin In A Window into the Spirituality of Paul, Patrick J. Hartin focuses on the spiritual vision that emerges in Paul’s own personal response to Christ, found within his letters in the New Testament. “In his newest book, Patrick Hartin guides us through an often challenging but ultimately rewarding look at the spirituality of Paul. Through a deeper understanding of this early believer’s life and experience, we see it as a model for four later-day Christians and for us as well. With such guides as these, and as ‘partners with Paul in grace,’ our spiritual lives can only be enriched.” Judy Gritzmacher Rock Hill, South Carolina 978-0-8146-3763-0 Paperback, 160 pp., 6 x 9, $14.95 e 978-0-8146-3788-3 eBook, $11.99 New Study! Also of interest from Little Rock Scripture Study Spirituality of Paul See page 40. 1- 8 0 0 - 858 - 5450 LITURGICAL PRESS The Hospitality of God A Reading of Luke’s Gospel Revised Edition Brendan Byrne, SJ Luke portrays the life and ministry of Jesus as a divine “visitation” to the world, seeking hospitality. The One who comes as visitor and guest becomes host and offers a hospitality in which the entire world can become truly human, be at home, and know salvation in the depths of their hearts. In this new edition of The Hospitality of God, Brendan Byrne, SJ, provides to-the-point commentary on those parts of Luke’s gospel that bring home to people a sense of the extravagance of God’s love for them. 978-0-8146-4950-3 Paperback, 232 pp., 6 x 9, $24.95 e 978-0-8146-4975-6 eBook, $19.99 Rights: World, except Australia and New Zealand Brendan Byrne Four-Volume Set! Includes The Hospitality of God: Revised Edition Paperback, 6 x 9 978-0-8146-4719-6 $118.80 $89.95 net SAVE 20%! Rights: World except Australia and New Zealand PCATSP16 35 36 Parish Book Clubs An excellent adult faith formation tool! Parish book clubs can be a rich part of any parish’s adult faith formation program. With a great book and a helpful leader, reading groups nurture faith and community at the same time. As participants dig deeper into the Gospel message, they get to know their neighbors and help one another grow in faith, too! People of God series See pages 12–13 PCATSP16 LITURGICAL PRESS litpress.org Think about the exciting and enriching conversations that will develop in your parish center or parishioners’ living room! Or think bigger: what a transformation could happen through a parish-wide reading program around a single great book! Death Penalty and Discipleship See page 5 Catholic Cultures See page 33 Learning the Language of the Soul See page 16 Desperately Seeking Spirituality See page 17 3737 Try one of these brand-new resources with your parish book club. Free handbook! NEW! Starting a Parish Book Club Best Practices and Advice Download it today at litpress.org/bookclub 1- 8 0 0 - 858 - 5450 LITURGICAL PRESS PCATSP16 38 New Collegeville Bible Commentary NEW COLLEGEVILLE BIBLE COMMENTARY Each volume is Paperback, 6 x 9 With text from the New American Bible, Revised Edition! OLD TESTAM 1. Introduction to the Bible Gregory W. Dawes, 978-0-8146-2835-5 $6.95 2. Genesis Joan E. 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New Collegeville Bible Commentary Two-Volume—Old and New Testament Daniel Durken, OSB, Series Editor Concise and accessible, this two-volume paperback set includes individual volumes of the complete Old Testament and New Testament in the popular New Collegeville Bible Commentary series. Two-Volume—Old and New Testament Set 978-0-8146-4740-0 Paperback, 2,608 pp., 6 x 9, $64.95 net Available December 2015 Old Testament 1-800-858-5450 1- 8 0 0 - 858 - 5450 LITURGICAL PRESS litpress.org 978-0-8146-3580-3 Paperback, 1,696 pp., 6 x 9, $44.95 978-0-8146-3587-2 eBook, $35.99 Available December 2015 New Testament 978-0-8146-3260-4 PCATSP16 Paperback, 912 pp., 6 x 9, $29.95 40 40 Little Rock Scripture Study Little Rock Scripture Study Little Rock Scripture Study The premier Catholic Bible Study–three million strong! The premier Catholic Bible Study Explore a seasoned approach and user-friendly materials for effective Scripture study. Put the most widely used Catholic Bible study to work within your faith community. See LittleRockScripture.org for all the information you need and to view a complete listing of offerings in English and Spanish. Appropriate for all parish adult faith formation efforts, Bible study groups, and diocesan education programs. Recently Released! Spirituality of Paul 8 sessions Explore key biblical passages from the early church’s most influential evangelist and discover the rich spiritual tradition of Paul that continues to influence believers today. This study draws us into the power of Jesus’ cross and resurrection not only in our lives but in the lives of key historical figures who embodied Paul’s spirituality. Lecturers: Clifford M. Yeary, John Hall, David LeSieur, Karen Wenzel, Catherine Upchurch, Becky Wiederkehr Huss, and Matthew A. 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PCATSP16 978-0-8146-3685-5 Study Set 978-0-8146-3684-8 Answer Guide 978-0-8146-8768-0 Five audio lectures on CD 978-0-8146-8769-7 Five video lectures on DVD Available June 2016 $15.00 net $3.00 net $35.00 net $70.00 net LITTLE ROCK SCRIPTURELITURGICAL STUDY LittleRockScripture.org PRESS litpress.org Little Rock Scripture Study 41 41 Best Seller s! LITTLE ROCK Catholic Study Bible General Editor: Catherine Upchurch Old Testament Editor: Irene Nowell, OSB; New Testament Editor: Ronald D. Witherup, PSS The perfect companion for Bible study groups or for personal study. Includes a balance of research and prayer, study and reflection. Deluxe Edition 978-0-8146-3649-7 Leather-like, 2,668 pp., 7 x 9 1⁄2, $64.95* * Short discount title Hardcover 978-0-8146-3648-0 1-4 copies $49.95 5-9 copies $39.96 net 10 or more copies $34.97 net (A Savings of 30%) Paperback 978-0-8146-2679-5 1-4 copies $39.95 5-9 copies $31.96 net 10 or more copies $27.97 net (A Savings of 30%) • 2,668 Pages • Trim Size: 6 3⁄8 x 8 7⁄8 Deluxe Edition– back by popular demand! PREVIEW PAGES AT LittleRockScripture.org Uses the New American Bible, Revised Edition! Deluxe Edition Catherine Upchurch, General Editor; Irene Nowell, OSB, Old Testament Editor; Ronald D. Witherup, PSS, New Testament Editor Enhance your Bible study with this elegant, limited edition of the Little Rock Catholic Study Bible with a beautiful embossed, brown, leather-like cover. Gold, gilt-edged pages, ribbon markers, plus a presentation page and three family tree pages also make it a perfect family Bible or gift. SOLID SCHOLARSHIP & HELPFUL SPIRITUAL INSIGHT with the tap of your finger! eBook 978-0-8146-3679-4 eBook, $29.99 B2679 Paperback & eBook Bundle, $49.49 B3648 Hardcover & eBook Bundle, $59.49 B3649 Deluxe & eBook Bundle, $74.49 Bundles apply to US customers only. • Adjust text size and enlarge illustrations for easy viewing. • Quickly identify biblical information with key symbols. • Search for information in the comprehensive index. • Explore full-color maps and helpful timelines. 1- 8 0 0 - 858 - 5434 5450 Load eBook on personal devices with a single purchase. Purchase online only. Visit LittleRockScripture.org/eBible to order. LITURGICAL LITTLE ROCK PRESS SCRIPTURE STUDY PCATSP16 42 Recently Released Lent/Easter Resources Easter Fire Fire Starters for the Easter Weekday Homily Richard J. Sklba and Joseph Juknialis 978-0-8146-4866-7 Paperback, 208 pp., 7 x 10, $24.95 e 978-0-8146-4891-9 eBook, $19.99 Available February 2016 The Passions of Holy Week Billingual Illuminated Edition For Multiple Voices Illuminated by Charles Rohrbacher 978-0-8146-3514-8 Hardcover, 104 pp., 10 1⁄2 x 14, $89.95 Rights: US The Easter Proclamation (Exsultet) Charles Rohrbacher 978-0-8146-3364-9 Hardcover, 24 pp., 10 1⁄2 x 14, $79.95 The Icons of the Easter Proclamation Charles Rohrbacher 978-0-8146-7975-3 CD-ROM, $29.95 Glory in the Cross Holy Week in the Third Edition of The Roman Missal Paul Turner 978-0-8146-6242-7 Paperback, 192 pp., 6 x 9, $24.95 e 978-0-8146-6258-8 eBook, $19.99 The Mystery of Easter Raniero Cantalamessa, OFM Cap; Alan Neame, Translator 978-0-8146-2129-5 Paperback, 128 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4, $19.95 The Passion and Resurrection Narratives of Jesus A Commentary Stephen J. Binz 978-0-8146-1771-7 Paperback, 120 pp., 5 1⁄2 x 8 1⁄2, $7.95 A Crucified Christ in Holy Week Essays on the Four Gospel Passion Narratives Raymond E. Brown, SS 978-0-8146-1444-0 Paperback, 80 pp., 5 1⁄2 x 8 1⁄2, $9.95 Easter Meditations on the Resurrection Raniero Cantalamessa, OFM Cap; Demetrio S. Yocum, Translator 978-0-8146-2706-8 Paperback, 56 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4, $7.95 Rights: World, English The Triduum and Easter Sunday Breaking Open the Scriptures John J. Pilch 978-0-8146-2727-3 Paperback, 56 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4, $4.95 Not by Bread Alone Daily Reflections for Lent 2016 Jay Cormier 978-0-8146-4954-1 Pocket-sized, Paperback, 104 pp., 4 x 5 1⁄4, $2.00 978-0-8146-4979-4 Large-Print Edition, Paperback, 104 pp., 6 x 7 7⁄8, $5.95 e 978-0-8146-4980-0 eBook, $0.99 City of Prayer See also Lent 4.2, pages 2–3. PCATSP16 Forty Days with Desert Christians Rachel M. Srubas 978-0-8146-3095-2 Paperback, 176 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4, $14.95 LITURGICAL PRESS litpress.org Lent Recently /Easter Resources Released 43 Stations of the Cross Lent with Saint Augustine Timothy Radcliffe, OP Art by Martin Erspamer, OSB 978-0-8146-4706-6 Paperback, 32 pp., 5 x 7, $7.95 $3.95 (1-19 copies) $2.49 (20-99 copies) $1.49 net (100-499 copies) $0.99 net (500 or more copies) e 978-0-8146-4731-8 eBook, $2.99 The Way of the Cross in Times of Illness Community Prayer Edition Stations of the Cross Hardcover 978-0-8146-4953-4, 72 pp., 6 x 8, $14.95 eBook e 978-0-8146-4978-7, $11.99 CD-ROM 978-0-8146-7972-2, $29.95 (CD-ROM format for projection and personal meditation.) Book and CD-ROM Set 978-0-8146-4826-1, $34.95 net Rights: World except British Commonwealth other than Canada Lent with Bishop Morneau Bishop Robert F. Morneau; Foreword by Wendy Wright 978-0-8146-1870-7 Paperback, 112 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4, $12.95 A Journey with Jesus Stations of the Cross for School Children James Allen, OMI 978-0-8146-2306-0 Paperback, 32 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4, $3.95 The Stations of the Cross for Children A Dramatized Presentation Rita Coleman 978-0-8146-2062-5 Paperback, 24 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4, $6.95 Waldemar Turek 978-0-8146-3760-9 Paperback, 128 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4, $16.95 e 978-0-8146-3785-2 eBook, $13.99 Elizabeth Thecla Mauro 978-0-8146-2969-7 Paperback, 40 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4, $3.95 The Way of the Cross The Women of Jerusalem Follow Jesus Marie Rouanet; Linda M. Maloney, Translator 978-0-8146-2710-5 Paperback, 96 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4, $2.49 net The Way of the Cross 978-0-8146-0664-3 Paperback, 32 pp., 3 3⁄4 x 6, $1.30 Journey of Decision A Way of the Cross Sarah A. O’Malley, OSB, and Robert D. Eimer, OMI 978-0-8146-2016-8 Paperback, 32 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4, $6.95 Forty Days Plus Three Daily Reflections for Lent and Holy Week John J. McIlhon 978-0-8146-1769-4 Paperback, 135 pp., 5 1⁄2 x 8 1⁄2, $12.95 The Characters of the Crucifixion Joseph Fichtner, OSC 978-0-8146-2360-2 Paperback, 64 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4, $4.95 Lord, By Your Cross and Resurrection Paul Ford 978-0-8146-2762-4 Paperback, 32 pp., 6 x 9, $3.00 Sale $.75 net Rights: U.S. and Canada 1- 8 0 0 - 858 - 5450 LITURGICAL PRESS PCATSP16 44 44 Recently Released Loose-leaf Lectionary A VERSATILE, ESSENTIAL, and PORTABLE LOOSE-LEAF LECTIONARY resource relied on by thousands of priests, deacons, lay ministers, and faithful who love praying the readings of the day Daily Readings/ Homily Hints • The readings for Mass every day, accompanied by meaningful reflections on the Scriptures from experienced homilists • Organized the way you organize your life—by date—and in a large, easy-toread typeface so that proclamation is smooth and easy • Thoughtfully crafted Prayers of the Faithful enhance the prayer experience NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS ALSO INCLUDE: Select readings for Votive/Ritual Masses The USCCB’s Introduction to the Lectionary, a document created to guide you through the arrangement, general principles, and options available when using the Lectionary Exclusive savings of up to 25% off select preaching titles as an automatic member of the Preaching Book Club at litpress.org/PBC PCATSP16 SUBSCRIPTION OPTIONS (SENT QUARTERLY): Domestic Annual Subscription: $79.95 per year, 6 1⁄2 x 9 1⁄4 Foreign Annual Subscription: $124.95 per year, 6 1⁄2 x 9 1⁄4 Large Print Edition— Domestic Annual Subscription: $99.95 per year, 7 1⁄2 x 11 14-point type This product uses the Celebration Binder, sold separately. Large Print Edition— Foreign Annual Subscription: Call 1-844-363-3297 for pricing. Current GST will be added to Canadian subscriptions. A subscription cancellation takes effect with the next unshipped insert of quarterly readings. LITURGICAL PRESS litpress.org Recently Released Loose-leaf Lectionary 45 45 FROM STUDY TO AMBO a quarterly subscription Lectionary that fits both life and liturgy CEREMONIAL BINDERS For use with Standard Edition The five-ring Ceremonial Binders have padded covers and are gold-stamped on the front for an elegant appearance. Both binder designs feature the boosterless rings designed with attached ribbons. They include two page lifters. Blank sheets, punched to fit the binder, are available for notes or other uses. $49.95* net (Includes two page lifters) LARGE PRINT CELEBRATION BINDER: Elegant binder features three boosterless rings and is designed with three attached ribbons. Multi-use fits 8 1⁄2 x 11 sheets of paper. Smooth leather-like finish. 978-0-8146-1702-1 $49.95 net* * Postage is additional—$7.00 minimum CELEBRATION BINDER WITH 2 PAGE LIFTERS Page lifters are not sold separately. 978-0-8146-3256-7 $54.95 net* * Postage is additional—$7.00 minimum 978-0-8146-1516-4 978-0-8146-1514-0 978-0-8146-1512-6 978-0-8146-1510-2 1- 8 4 0 4-36 0 - 858 3-3297 - 5450 LITURGICAL PRESS PCATSP16 46 46 Recently Released Music V Download FREE Accompaniment and Assembly Graphics at litpress.org/ PsalliteYear OfMercy PCATSP16 THE HOLY YEAR OF MERCY , beginning on December 8, 2015, is intended to assist the church in being a “witness of mercy.” We at Liturgical Press are delighted to offer you a free gift of music to help engage the church at prayer during the holy year. Psallite, which means “sing Psalms,” is a unique collection of music from the Collegeville Composers Group, made up of Carol Browning, Catherine Christmas, Cyprian Consiglio, Paul Ford, Paul Inwood, and now Anna Betancourt. Together, they aim to restore psalm singing as the primary prayer language of the church. The Psallite collection contains numerous pieces that would be appropriate during liturgical celebrations for the Year of Mercy. Visit litpress.org/ psalliteyearofmercy to download three of those pieces, God’s Tender Mercy; Lord, Cleanse My Heart; and Merciful and Tender, Faithful is the Lord (in English and Spanish), for use in your parishes throughout the Year of Mercy, our gift to you as you engage in a witness of mercy. You can also learn more about Psallite music that would enhance your parish music program during the Year of Mercy and continue to serve you throughout the years. LITURGICAL PRESS litpress.org Recently Released Music Enjoy these selections from the Psallite music collection with coordinating accompaniment books and CDs for all three cycles of the liturgical year. Psallite Accompaniment/ Vocal Edition Plastic coil binding, 320 pp., 1-4 copies, $24.95 each Year A 978-0-8146-3064-8 Year B 978-0-8146-3059-4 Year C 978-0-8146-3065-5 978-0-8146-3060-0 Three-volume set (Years A, B, C) 1-4 sets, $59.95 per set Psallite Cantor/Choir Edition 978-0-8146-3088-4 Kivar, 504 pp., 1-4 copies $29.95 Psallite Antiphon Graphics 978-0-8146-7961-6 CD-ROM, $39.95 Where Two or Three Are Gathered: Year A 978-0-8146-3077-8 Accompaniment book Paperback, 64 pp., $11.95 978-0-8146-7965-4 CD, 60 min., $16.95 Walk in My Ways: Year B 978-0-8146-3058-7 Accompaniment book Paperback, 64 pp., $11.95 978-0-8146-7960-9 CD, 60 min., $16.95 We Will Follow You, Lord: Year C 978-0-8146-3075-4 Accompaniment book Paperback, 64 pp., $11.95 978-0-8146-7964-7 CD, 60 min., $16.95 The Psallite Mass: At the Table of the Lord 978-0-8146-3436-3 eMusic, 55 pp., 8 ½ x 11, $6.50 978-0-8146-3406-6 Accompaniment Edition Paperback, 64 pp., $11.95 978-0-8146-7970-8 CD, $16.95 You Will Be My Witnesses 978-0-8146-3343-4 Accompaniment Edition Paperback, 64 pp., $11.95 978-0-8146-3344-1 Cantor/Choir Edition Paperback, 40 pp., $2.95 978-0-8146-7969-2 CD, $16.95 Find us on sallite ook.com/P faceb Celebrate, Remember / Celebrar, Recordar Bilingual Music for Weddings and Funerals / Musica Bilingüe para Bodas y Funerales 978-0-8146-4811-7 Accompaniment Edition/acompañamiento edición Paperback/en rústica, 64 pp./págs., $11.95 978-0-8146-7977-7 CD, 60 min., $16.95 Please call for special bulk pricing 1-800-858-5450 1- 8 0 0 - 858 - 5450 LITURGICAL PRESS PCATSP16 47 47 48 48 Recently Released Music English Proper Chants John Ainslie, Composer Among the prayers of the Mass that vary from day to day (the propers), the Roman Missal includes an Entrance Antiphon and Communion Antiphon. English Proper Chants is a collection of beautiful, simple chant settings for these antiphons, with English texts, for all of the Sundays and Solemnities of the liturgical year. The project’s composer John Ainslie, an internationally respected liturgist and musician, believes that chant is a musical idiom that continues to have an important (but not exclusive) role in the Catholic liturgy. English Proper Chants reflects his conviction that the use of chant in English requires sensitive handling in order to respect and reflect the particular rhythms of the language. Both melody (5-line modern notation) and accompaniment editions are available. The accompaniment edition is printed in a convenient, coil-bound format that allows it to lie flat on music stands, while the melody edition is perfect bound (paperback). Indices of antiphons and of psalms are included in each. Pagination is identical in both editions for easy combined use. Purchase includes permission to reprint antiphon texts and music from melody edition on one-time copies (e.g., newsletters) for congregational use. All purchasers of either edition receive access to download digital images for the antiphons of any composition in the book. PCATSP16 SPECIAL BULK PRICING AVAILABLE! John Ainslie is an English liturgist and musician with over thirty years’ experience as a parish music leader. He has been chairman of the Society of Saint Gregory, the British-based association for promoting high standards of liturgical celebration. He has also been general secretary of Universa Laus, the European study group for liturgical music founded by Fr. Joseph Gelineau. Melody Edition 978-0-8146-4810-0 Paperback, 240 pp., 6 x 8 1⁄4 $24.95 (1-5 copies) $21.95 net (6-19 copies) $18.95 net (20-99 copies) $16.95 net (100 or more copies) 978-0-8146-4804-9 eBook, $19.99 Accompaniment Edition 978-0-8146-4835-3 Coil-bound paperback, 240 pp., 8 1⁄2 x 10 7⁄8 $29.95 (1-5 copies) $25.95 net (6-19 copies) $22.95 net (20 or more copies) 978-0-8146-4829-2 eBook, $23.99 Rights: North America “English Proper Chants is a collection of high quality that usefully provides communities interested in chant with English settings. There seems to be more and more interest in retrieving chant, and if we are going to do that, we ought to do it with good texts and music. This fits the bill admirably.” Judith M. Kubicki, CSSF Fordham University Past president, North American Academy of Liturgy LITURGICAL PRESS litpress.org Recently Released Music Mass of Exultation NEW! eMusic! Available for download Matthew S. Still, Composer Mass of Exultation is a festive new Mass setting of the revised texts of the Roman Missal, written for assembly, SATB voices, organ, brass quintet, and timpani. Stylistically reflecting the spirit of Richard Proulx’s A Community Mass and A Festival Eucharist, this setting is perfect with full orchestration in a cathedral setting, as well as for use with organ and cantor alone. Mass of Exultation also offers versatility with presider intonations for the acclamations, an alternate Great Amen and Agnus Dei. Matthew Still is a pianist, organist, and composer currently working as director of Music Ministries for Saints Peter and Paul Church in Hoboken, New Jersey. He has been a minister of music for 20 years. His compositions include the Mass in Honor of Saint Dominic, written for assembly, organ, choir, string quintet, and timpani, also available at Liturgical Press. “Matthew Still’s Mass of Exultation is a well-written, triumphant and traditional style Mass setting arranged for organ, choir, brass, and timpani. We have chosen this setting as our Easter setting as it musically fits every aspect of Easter, exemplifying through its majesty and glory the Resurrection of Christ.” Randy Bolden, Director of Music Church of St. Dominic, Mobile, Alabama 978-0-8146-4664-FS Full Score Edition, 49 pp., 8 ½ x 11, $18.00 978-0-8146-4664-9 Accompaniment/Vocal Edition, 38 pp., 8 ½ x 11, $3.25 978-0-8146-4664-I Instrumental Edition, 24 pp., 8 ½ x 11, $20.00 Rights: US 1- 8 0 0 - 858 - 5450 LITURGICAL PRESS 49 49 PCATSP16 5050 Music The HEART of Our MUSIC Reflections on Music and Liturgy by Members of the Liturgical Composers Forum JOHN FOLEY, SJ, Editor In The Heart of Our Music, master practitioners of the art of liturgical music come together to offer enriching insights, a stirring vision, and practical new ideas that will change the way you think about liturgy and liturgical ministry. These reflections are written with the needs of parish liturgists and liturgical musicians in mind. Contributors include: Alan J. Hommerding, Bob Hurd, Tony Barr, Rory Cooney, Paul Inwood, Jan Michael Joncas, Columba Kelly, OSB, Steven C. Warner, Cyprian Consiglio, OSB Cam, Lynn Trapp, Jaime Cortez, John Foley, SJ, Tom Kendzia, Ricky Manalo, CSP, and Roc O’Connor, SJ. PCATSP16 The Heart of Our Music Underpinning Our Thinking This volume includes reflections on the role of composition, the role of music, the kind of language we use, the missionary dimension of our texts and music, whether esthetic beauty is the only quality needed, and how we think about and name God in the songs we sing. 978-0-8146-4851-3 Paperback, 96 pp., $12.95 978-0-8146-4876-6 eBook, $9.99 The Heart of Our Music Practical Considerations This volume includes reflections on who sings, the kind of music they sing, the acoustic qualities of our worship spaces, the act of singing itself, the sort of idioms we use, the challenges of multicultural music, how we might better evaluate what we do, and music in the US church today. 978-0-8146-4852-0 Paperback, 96 pp., $12.95 978-0-8146-4877-3 eBook, $9.99 The Heart of Our Music Digging Deeper This volume includes reflections on how the music we sing and play comes across to the people, processes for bringing different cultures together, the way we think about liturgy, and the way we think about ourselves in liturgy. 978-0-8146-4853-7 Paperback, 96 pp., $12.95 978-0-8146-4878-0 eBook, $9.99 Get all three together and save! 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I’m pretty sure I can guarantee that you’ll have the most spiritually fulfilling bus ride or lunch of your life.” Mark Massa, SJ Professor of Church History Boston College 978-0-8146-4917-6 Paperback, 220 pp., 6 x 9, $19.95 e 978-0-8146-3598-8 eBook, $4.99 More Than You Could Ever Imagine Spirit, Soul, Body Toward an Integral Christian Spirituality Cyprian Consiglio, OSB Cam “This book is for anyone interested in Bede Griffiths, comparative religions, the future of creation, or, most impor tantly, integrating their own spirit and body.” The American Monastic Newsletter 978-0-8146-3557-5 Paperback, 208 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4, $19.95 e 978-0-8146-3582-7 eBook, $15.99 A Life of Daring Simplicity Daily Meditations on the Priesthood “When parish priests are tr ying to find time for meditation, reflection and discernment, this resource is an excellent opportunity to be engaged with scr ipture, theologians and prayer.” Very Reverend James A. Wehner Rector of Notre Dame Seminary, New Orleans 978-0-8146-3824-8 Paperback, 384 pp., 5 ⁄8 x 8 ⁄4, $29.95 e 978-0-8146-3849-1 eBook, $23.99 3 1- 8 0 0 - 858 - 5450 Bernie Owens, SJ “Bernie Owens’ book when read slowly and reflectively is a profound and refreshing experience into the Love and Peace of God. I will recommend this book to all my clients and to the people t h a t a t t e n d m y m a ny workshops. This book has been written by a man deeply immersed in God and it is an overflow of his profound experience of God. Make sure you read this book.” Fred Cavaiani, psychologist, marriage and family therapist, spiritual director 978-0-8146-4921-3 Paperback, 176 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4, $19.95 e 978-0-8146-4946-6 eBook, $15.99 Benedictine Living Reflections for Prayer and Meditation Kate Ritger Edited by Michael A. Becker On Our Becoming Divine 1 LITURGICAL PRESS “This little book covers the 14 Christian qualities that give meaning and purpose to the author’s life, including humility, community living, hospitality, awareness of God, and peace. She opens each chapter with a Scripture reading, followed by an inspiring meditation, and questions to open the heart, mind and soul.” Spirituality & Practice 978-0-8146-4907-7 Paperback, 96 pp., 5 x 7, $9.95 e 978-0-8146-3787-6 eBook, $2.99 PCATSP16 51 52 Liturgy Becoming the Psalms Mystagogy of the Eucharist Kathleen Harmon, SNDdeN Gilbert Ostdiek, OFM A Spirituality of Singing and Praying the Psalms “Kathleen Harmon has given us a look at the psalms that is simultaneously inspiring and informative. She shows us from several perspectives how the psalms shape who we are, both individually and communally, and we are led to realize how we need both lament and praise. Her book makes us want to steep ourselves in the spirituality of these prayer-poems and truly ‘become the psalms.’ The last chapter alone makes the book worth having.” Irene Nowell, OSB, Adjunct Professor of Theology, St. John’s University School of Theology 978-0-8146-4859-9 Paperback, 104 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4, $12.95 e 978-0-8146-4884-1 eBook, $9.99 The Liturgical Environment What the Documents Say: Third Edition Mark G. Boyer “Whether a parish team is planning to build a new church, renovate an existing space, or simply preparing to adorn a worship space for the seasons, they need to seek a firm foundation in liturgical law and theology. Happily, Mark Boyer’s latest edition of The Liturgical Environment: What the Documents Say provides such a foundation.” Rita Thiron Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions 978-0-8146-4857-5 Paperback, 296 pp., 6 x 9, $29.95 e 978-0-8146-4882-7 eBook, $23.99 A Resource for Faith Formation “Preachers, priests, liturgists, all catechists—anyone who wants to help people connect more deeply to the Sunday liturgy—will find the inspiration and confidence they need to be artful guides through whom Christ can open eyes and ignite hearts.” Diana Macalintal, Director of Worship, Diocese of San Jose, and co-founder of TeamRCIA.com 978-0-8146-3719-7 Paperback, 144 pp., 6 x 9, $14.95 e 978-0-8146-3744-9 eBook, $11.99 First Communion Liturgies Preparing First-Class First Celebrations Donna M. Eschenauer “This is a very positive and promising work—the enthusiasm of the author for the subject is contagious! The many practical suggestions— along with the clear grasp of the background material, and a pleasant writing style, have all contributed to make this a very encouraging and inspiring ‘read’ for me.” Rev. Joseph C. Henchey, CSS Professor of Dogmatic Theology St. Joseph’s Seminary, New York 978-0-8146-4967-1 Paperback, 112 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4, $12.95 e 978-0-8146-4992-3 eBook, $9.99 Confirmation How a Sacrament of God’s Grace Became All about Us Liturgy and the New Evangelization Practicing the Art of Self-Giving Love Timothy P. O’Malley “Defining the ‘new’ evangelization as renewal of the world through renewal of ourselves, Tim O’Malley traces throughout the book how the church’s identity and mission cannot be separated, how we are necessarily Christ centered, and how doing good liturgy leads us to the kind of self-giving love that continues the church’s mission of salvation.” Joyce Ann Zimmerman, CPPS Director, Institute for Liturgical Ministry Dayton, Ohio Timothy R. Gabrielli “Gabrielli takes readers through the many practices and theologies of Confirmation in the United States since the beginning of the twentieth century. Not only will those who direct Confirmation programs find this a valuable resource but so will pastors and those who work in diocesan offices.” Pastoral Liturgy 978-0-8146-3522-3 Paperback, 132 pp., 6 x 9, $19.95 e 978-0-8146-3547-6 eBook, $15.99 978-0-8146-3764-7 Paperback, 166 pp., 6 x 9, $16.95 e 978-0-8146-3789-0 eBook, $13.99 B3764 Paperback & eBook Bundle, $21.49 PCATSP16 LITURGICAL PRESS litpress.org Liturgy The Liturgical Year ADRIEN NOCENT Introduced, Emended, and Annotated by Paul Turner Encounter again or for the first time this extraordinary work of applied, postconciliar liturgical scholarship! VOLUME 1: Advent, Christmas, Epiphany 978-0-8146-3569-8 Paperback, 302 pp., 6 x 9, $29.95 e 978-0-8146-3594-0 eBook, $23.99 VOLUME 2: Lent, the Sacred Paschal Triduum, Easter Time 978-0-8146-3570-4 Paperback, 520 pp., 6 x 9, $29.95 e 978-0-8146-3595-7 eBook, $23.99 VOLUME 3: Sundays Two to Thirty-Four in Ordinary Time 978-0-8146-3571-1 Paperback, 416 pp., 6 x 9, $29.95 e 978-0-8146-3596-4 eBook, $23.99 Save $15 when you purchase them together! Set price: $74.95 net 978-0-8146-3573-5 1- 8 0 0 - 858 - 5450 LITURGICAL PRESS What’s the Smoke For? And Other Burning Questions about the Liturgy Johan van Parys What are Vespers? Where have the consecration bells gone? Why do some liturgical ministers vest and others don’t? Blinking sneakers on altar servers, Christmas trees in January . . . what is that all about? These are some of the candid questions that Catholics and others often wonder about the liturgy. In What’s the Smoke For? expert liturgist Johan van Parys offers helpful and engaging answers. “Clearly written, concise responses to real questions make this a delightful book, enjoyable either one topic at a time or as an extended trip through the Catholic world.” Robert J. McCarty, DMin National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry What’s the Smoke For? Parish Bulletin Inserts This CD-ROM includes all 91 questions and answers from the popular book, provided in .pdf, .tif, and .doc files for your convenience. Each file’s title identifies the topic of the content. With purchase of the CD-ROM, all files may be reproduced without charge for bulletins, newsletters, programs, and announcements prepared by noncommercial organizations such as parishes and schools. They may also be reproduced for personal use. The designs may not be reproduced for commercial use. Paperback 978-0-8146-3565-0, 168 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4, $16.95 eBook e 978-0-8146-3590-2, $13.99 Parish Bulletin Inserts CD-ROM 978-0-8146-4803-2, $19.95 Book and Parish Bulletin Inserts Set 978-0-8146-4801-8, $29.95 PCATSP16 53 54 Preaching Year C Good News Parables for Preachers Year C, The Gospel of Luke The Advent of Salvation in the Gospel of Luke Barbara E. Reid, OP “. . . this will be a helpful resource for the preacher.” Interpretation 978-0-8146-2552-1 Paperback, 368 pp., 5 /8 x 8 /4, $24.95 3 1 The Relentless Widow The Spiritual Wisdom of the Gospels for Christian Preachers and Teachers Year C Darrin Snyder Belousek explores the meaning of salvation in the Gospel of Luke. Through biblical reflections on the stories and songs of Luke’s telling of the coming of Jesus the Messiah, this book explains the manifold message of “good news.” 978-0-8146-3758-6 Paperback, 154 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4, $16.95 e 978-0-8146-3783-8 eBook, $13.99 John Shea “People in the pews will welcome this weekly challenge of the spiritual wisdom of the Gospel texts.” Prairie Messenger 978-0-8146-2915-4 Paperback, 344 pp., 6 x 9, $29.95 Between the Ambo and the Altar Biblical Preaching and The Roman Missal, Year C Guerric DeBona, OSB “The title Between the Ambo and the Altar could have been extended to include Summoned to Mission. Fr. DeBona provides the reader not only with insights into understanding God’s word, but also offers ‘tactics’ on how to translate the word into everyday life. What a great service this volume is to preachers and students of Scripture.” Bishop Robert Morneau Auxiliary Bishop of Green Bay, Wisconsin 978-0-8146-3559-9 Paperback, 328 pp., 6 x 9, $29.95 e 978-0-8146-3584-1 eBook, $23.99 Hearing the Word of God Reflections on the Sunday Readings, Year C John R. Donahue, SJ “The reflections provide important literary and historical analyses of these Sundays readings.” The Bible Today 978-0-8146-2784-6 Paperback, 152 pp., 6 x 9, $15.95 Preaching the New Lectionary Darrin W. Snyder Belousek Year C Dianne Bergant, CSA, with Richard N. Fragomeni “Bergant’s skill in interpreting the gospel for contemporary proclamation is also a great aid for preachers.” Church Welcoming the Word in Year C With Burning Hearts Verna Holyhead, SGS “This wise and mellow book will become a valued companion as we journey through the Church’s year, opening up the riches of the liturgy, and calling us to a more fruitful listening and a fuller practice.” Fr. Michael Casey, OCSO Tarrawarra Abbey, Yarra Glen, Victoria, Australia 978-0-8146-1834-9 Paperback, 224 pp., 6 x 9, $19.95 Rights: World, English, except Australia and New Zealand Abiding Word Sunday Reflections for Year C Barbara E. Reid, OP “Barbara E. Reid’s love of literature and passion for justice combine with a deep knowledge of scripture to inspire weekly insight for listeners called to abide in the living Word of God as found in the Roman Catholic Lectionary for Mass.” Gregory Heille, OP Aquinas Institute of Theology, St. Louis 978-0-8146-3313-7 Paperback, 136 pp., 6 x 9, $18.95 978-0-8146-3473-8 eBook, $14.99 Seasons in the Word Liturgical Homilies Year C John Sandell “Fr. Sandell’s collection is available to those who need the assistance of an experienced pastor to frame their Sunday reflections.” Catholic Books Review 978-0-8146-2585-9 Paperback, 120 pp., 6 x 9, $10.95 978-0-8146-2474-6 Paperback, 456 pp., 6 x 9, $29.95 PCATSP16 LITURGICAL PRESS litpress.org Preaching Connecting Pulpit and Pew The Preaching of Pope Francis Karla J. Bellinger Gregory Heille, OP “This study will assist all in the Church as we answer the call of Pope Francis to make good preaching a true encounter with Jesus Christ and a vital part of the new evangelization.” Most Reverend Joseph Kurtz Archbishop of Louisville “As informed and informative as it is inspired and inspiring, The Preaching of Pope Francis is critically important and essential reading by seminary students, Catholic priests, deacons, and lay members of the church.” The Midwest Book Review Breaking Open the Conversation about Catholic Preaching 978-0-8146-3769-2 Paperback, 190 pp., 6 x 9, $19.95 e 978-0-8146-3794-4 eBook, $15.99 The Sermon on the Mount The Perfect Measure of the Christian Life Frank J. Matera “The Sermon on the Mount is the fruit of a life’s work of pastoral ministr y and the highest level of biblic al scholarship. It is simple and accessible, but scholars will recognize its author as a guide who has command of the exegetical issues and yet distills that expertise for a general audience. Readers of all backgrounds will profit immeasurably from this book.” William Mattison The Catholic University of America 978-0-8146-3523-0 Paperback, 136 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4, $12.95 e 978-0-8146-3548-3 eBook, $9.99 The Fathers on the Sunday Gospels Stephen Mark Holmes “. . . preachers and catechists, will gain a wealth of spiritual insight and ideas with which to teach and inspire the church of our own day. I could not recommend this book more highly to all those who cherish the value of tradition in the ongoing life of the church.” Charles A. Bobertz Saint John’s University and School of Theology and Seminary, Collegeville, MN 978-0-8146-3510-0 Paperback, 312 pp., 6 x 9, $24.95 e 978-0-8146-3540-7 eBook, $19.99 Rights: US and Canada “The joy of the Gospel and its power to transform hearts and history shine forth in Greg Heille’s astute analysis of the preaching of Pope Francis. Heille’s own fidelity to preaching the Word in season and out of season is clear as he highlights the call of Papa Francesco to all baptized Christians to embrace the vocation of missionary disciples.” Mary Catherine Hilkert, OP Professor of Theology, University of Notre Dame 978-0-8146-4902-2 Paperback, 96 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4, $12.95 e 978-0-8146-4927-5 eBook, $9.99 We Preach Christ Crucified Michael Connors, CSC, editor Robert Barron, Archbishop Robert Carlson, Mary Catherine Hilkert, and other renowned authors take a fresh look at the task, the resources at hand, the contemporary context, and the preacher. The result is a refreshing and stunningly hopeful reconsideration of an ancient ministry. 978-0-8146-3823-1 Paperback, 256 pp., 6 x 9, $24.95 e 978-0-8146-3848-4 eBook, $19.99 Individual chapters available as eSingles $2.99! The New Evangelization and the New Media Robert Barron e 978-0-8146-4914-5 eSingle, $2.99 We Preach a Living Word Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller e 978-0-8146-4836-0 eSingle, $2.99 Preaching from and for the Liturgy A Practical Guide Fire Starters Igniting the Holy in the Weekday Homily Jan Michael Joncas e 978-0-8146-4889-6 eSingle, $2.99 Preaching the Cross of Christ Barbara Reid, OP Richard J. Sklba e 978-0-8146-4915-2 eSingle, $2.99 “This practical aid for p r e ac h e r s r a diate s w i t h exegesis and spirituality, world literature and comparative religions. Preachers need not purchase many commentaries and look up passages. It’s all here, day by day.” Paul Turner, Worship New Directions in the Funeral and Wedding Homily Guerric DeBona, OSB 978-0-8146-3415-8 Paperback, 618 pp., 7 x 10, $39.95 e 978-0-8146-3416-5 eBook, $29.99 1- 8 0 0 - 858 - 5450 Missionary Discipleship and the Ministry of the Word LITURGICAL PRESS e 978-0-8146-4916-9 eSingle, $2.99 “In We Preach Christ Crucified contemporary preachers respond combining theological sophistication with pastoral practicality. These books can serve as a review for preachers years away from a homiletics class as well as a basis for a discussion of contemporary issues in preaching.” Honora Werner, OP Aquinas Institute of Theology PCATSP16 55 56 Scripture Scripture in the Parish A Guide for Catholic Ministry Mary Elizabeth Sperry “Readers of this book will be able to expand their understanding of the Bible and are provided the language to easily answer questions that may come up in a variety of parish settings. It encourages the reader not to stop with this book and explains how to select a Bible commentary, the reason to have more than one translation of the Bible on hand, and other resources for improving biblical literacy.” Pastoral Liturgy 978-0-8146-3520-9 Paperback, 104 pp., 5 x 7, $9.95 e 978-0-8146-3545-2 eBook, $7.99 Life Abounding A Reading of John’s Gospel Brendan Byrne, SJ “Life Abounding will prove a resource to teachers, preachers and any who want to use it to probe the l i f e o f J e s u s a s i t ’s represented in the gospels. The author’s purpose isn’t just to offer a reading of the Four th Gospel: it ’s to explore its puzzles and offer insights into its possible interpretations. The result is a recommended pick for any scholarly Christian collection.” The Midwest Book Review Saint Paul and the New Evangelization Ronald D. Witherup, PSS “Anyone who cares about the church’s life and future will benefit from this spirited invitation to evangelization.” Interpretation “This book has inestimable value as a resource for parish communities concerned with the Church of the present and of the future.” Barbara Flynn The Catholic Leader 978-0-8146-3566-7 Paperback, 160 pp., 6 x 9, $14.95 e 978-0-8146-3591-9 eBook, $11.99 Stewardship Living a Biblical Call Bernard F. Evans “This book explores the biblical and theological meaning of stewardship in conversation with the Bible, early Christian writers, and modern Catholic social teaching. It first addresses the general foundations of biblical stewardship. Then it explores more specific ways to think about and practice the general biblical call to stewardship.” New Testament Abstracts 978-0-8146-3425-7 Paperback, 144 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4, $14.95 e 978-0-8146-3426-4 eBook, $11.99 978-0-8146-3574-2 Paperback, 384 pp., 6 x 9, $39.95 e 978-0-8146-3599-5 eBook, $31.99 Rights: World, except Australia and New Zealand Brendan Byrne Four-Volume Set! Includes The Hospitality of God: Revised Edition Paperback, 6 x 9 978-0-8146-4719-6 $118.80 $89.95 net SAVE 20%! Rights: World except Australia and New Zealand Psalms for All Seasons Revised Edition John F. Craghan John Craghan says that by praying the Psalms, you will discover radical newness in your life as you align your heart with God’s will. Psalms for All Seasons explores fifty-five of the most beautiful psalms in the Bible. The author’s deft analysis places these ancient prayers squarely in contemporary times. By examining the structure, vocabulary, and themes of the psalms, he engages each example as a stunning prayer for the twentyfirst century. 978-0-8146-3826-2 Paperback, 200 pp., 6 x 9, $14.95 e 978-0-8146-3973-3 eBook, $12.99 PCATSP16 LITURGICAL PRESS litpress.org Scripture The Prodigal Father Angelo Scarano “Although you may think you already understand the Parable of the Prodigal Son, Angelo Scarano’s volume, The Prodigal Father, will provide you with new insight to an old parable. This engaging volume is a skillful blend of exegetical, patristic, and spiritual insights that makes it the right resource for discussion groups, spiritual reading, and retreat meditation.” Frank J. Matera, Professor Emeritus The Catholic University of America 978-0-8146-4924-4 Paperback, 86 pp., 5 x 7, $9.95 e 978-0-8146-4949-7 eBook, $7.99 After Emmaus Biblical Models for the New Evangelization Marcel Dumais, OMI “ D u m a i s exa m in e s t h e meaning and purpose of the ‘new evangelization.’ He presents four biblical models of evangelization and concludes that knowing how Jesus and the apostles went about their task of evangelizing is a reference and model for the mission of disciples called to bear witness in the modern world.” New Testament Abstracts 978-0-8146-3761-6 Paperback, 144 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4, $19.95 e 978-0-8146-3786-9 eBook, $15.99 The Word of God at Vatican II Exploring Dei Verbum Ronald D. Witherup, PSS “This volume summarizes the history and principal teaching of Vatican II’s Dogmatic Constitution on D ivine Revelation (D e i Verbum). Witherup offers a histor y of Dei Verbum, provides commentary on the text, and considers the ongoing interpretation and controversies surrounding Dei Verbum as well as some ‘fruits’ of this landmark document.” New Testament Abstracts 978-0-8146-3556-8 Paperback, 96 pp., 6 x 9, $10.95 e 978-0-8146-3581-0 eBook, $8.99 B3556 Paperback & eBook Bundle, $13.49 1- 8 0 0 - 858 - 5450 LITURGICAL PRESS Resurrection The Origin and Goal of the Christian Life Frank J. Matera “With his usual clarity and brilliance, Matera presents a comprehensive mosaic of the multiple images, metaphors, and expressions used by each of the New Testament authors to speak of Christ’s resurrection. Like a diamond whose many facets refract the light differently with each turn, so Matera illumines the theological meaning of this mystery for Jesus’ followers.” Barbara E. Reid, OP Vice President and Academic Dean Catholic Theological Union 978-0-8146-4862-9 Paperback, 160 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4, $16.95 e 978-0-8146-4887-2 eBook, $13.99 Welcome to the Feast The Story of the Eucharist in Scripture Clifford Yeary “This book is indeed a feast. Cliff Yeary’s prose flows so effortlessly that it is only upon reflection that the reader realizes the amazing amount of resources seamlessly woven together. This is a ‘must have’ for anyone teaching Eucharist and a refreshing update for all of us who celebrate Eucharist regularly.” Irene Nowell is a Benedictine of Mount St. Scholastica in Atchison, Kansas 978-0-8146-4969-5 Paperback, 96 pp., 6 x 9, $9.95 e 978-0-8146-4994-7 eBook, $7.99 Feeding on the Bread of Life Preaching and Praying John 6 Anthony Oelrich “Here is a small book that will get a big welcome from preachers and those seeking to understand chapter 6 of John’s Gospel. Either as solid spiritual reading or as a lifesaver for the homilist, Fr. Oelrich’s clearly written work is valuable.” Donald Senior, CP The Bible Today 978-0-8146-3716-6 Paperback, 96 pp., 5 x 7, $12.95 e 978-0-8146-3741-8 eBook, $9.99 PCATSP16 57 58 Ministry and Church Walking God’s Earth The Environment and Catholic Faith David Cloutier “Walking God’s Ear th considers how the Catholic tradition relates to environmental concerns and how ‘finding our place’ in God’s order also involves dealing with questions of fuel, food, dwelling places and more elements of daily living. The environment of the heart and soul are linked to other elements of God’s creation and the holy ways involved in truly living a life of faith.” The Midwest Book Review 978-0-8146-3709-8 Paperback, 168 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4 , $16.95 e 978-0-8146-3734-0 eBook, $13.99 NAVIGATING PASTORAL TRANSITIONS Ensure a successful change of pastors in your community with this step-by-step plan guaranteed to help you make the shift with ease and grace. In the Name of the Church Vocation and Authorization of Lay Ecclesial Ministry William J. Cahoy, editor “If you are curious about the phenomenon of lay ecclesial ministry and its impact on the life of the Church—especially here in the United States—this book represents the most up-to-date wisdom of theologians, bishops, national ministry leaders, and lay ecclesial ministers themselves.” Pastoral Music 978-0-8146-3423-3 Paperback, 240 pp., 6 x 9, $19.95 e 978-0-8146-3452-3 eBook, $17.99 Where Justice and Mercy Meet Catholic Opposition to the Death Penalty Vicki Schieber, Trudy D. Conway, and David Matzko McCarthy, editors; Foreword by Helen Prejean, CSJ “Where Justice and Mercy Meet is an indispensable resource for professors, teachers, catechists, and prison and social justice ministers. Widely accessible, it maintains intellectual rigor as it witnesses to the ‘hopeful perseverance’ of Dorothy Day in the subversive joy of the Gospel. Take up this book in hopeful perseverance to end a practice that diminishes the humanity in and between all of us.” American Catholic Studies 978-0-8146-3508-7 Paperback, 248 pp., 6 x 9, $18.95 e 978-0-8146-3533-9 eBook, $14.99 PCATSP16 A Priest’s Guide Graziano Marcheschi, editor 978-0-8146-3805-7 Paperback, 60 pp., 6 x 9, $9.95 e 978-0-8146-3830-9 eBook, $7.99 A Parish Leader’s Guide Marti R. Jewell 978-0-8146-3806-4 Paperback, 56 pp., 6 x 9, $9.95 e 978-0-8146-3831-6 eBook, $7.99 A Staff Guide Barbara Kerkhoff 978-0-8146-3807-1 Paperback, 64 pp., 6 x 9, $9.95 e 978-0-8146-3832-3 eBook, $7.99 A Pastor’s Toolbox Management Skills for Parish Leadership Paul A. Holmes, Editor “This splendid work—edited by a savvy priest known for his sensitive work with brother priests—is as timely and as helpful as can be.” Timothy Michael Cardinal Dolan Archbishop of New York 978-0-8146-3808-8 Paperback, 190 pp., 6 x 9, $19.95 e 978-0-8146-3833-0 eBook, $15.99 LITURGICAL PRESS litpress.org Ministry and Church One Hope Re-Membering the Body of Christ Julie K. Aageson, John Borelli, Rev. John Klassen, OSB, Rev. Derek Nelson, Martha Stortz, Jessica Wrobleski In October 2014, Pope Francis told a group of evangelical Protestant leaders visiting him at the Vatican, “We each have in our churches excellent theologians. That’s another way to walk together also. But we shouldn’t wait for them to reach agreement!” One Hope: Re-Membering the Body of Christ is a resource to help local Christian communities walk together, recognizing and nourishing unity at a grass-roots level as we approach the five hundredth anniversary of the Reformation. 978-0-8146-4812-4 Paperback, 104 pp., 5 1⁄2 x 8 1⁄2 $12.00 (1-5 copies); $10.00 net (6-20 copies); $8.00 net (21 or more copies) e 978-0-8146-4837-7 eBook, $11.99 Telling the Story of Jesus Word—Communion—Mission Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle; Foreword by Cardinal Donald W. Wuerl “Cardinal Tagle . . . offers a refreshing focus on the New Evangelization with three presentations on the Word of God, the Eucharist, and the mission of the Church. He, with his wellrecognized ability as a true master catechist, reflects on the core of the kerygma and how we share it.” Cardinal Donald Wuerl Archbishop of Washington 978-0-8146-4814-8 Paperback, 76 pp., 5 x 7, $9.95 e 978-0-8146-4839-1 eBook, $7.99 24/7 Christian The Secular Vocation of the Laity Christine M. Fletcher “Benedictine spirituality suggests that the quest to be 24 / 7 Chr istians c an be n o u r i s h e d by h u m i l i t y, stewardship, and a life lived in balance. These three spiritual virtues help in the fulfillment of a mission of discipleship. Fletcher does a good job revealing how dependent we are on the wisdom of our spiritual ancestors.” Spirituality & Practice 978-0-8146-4968-8 Paperback, 128 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4, $14.95 e 978-0-8146-4993-0 eBook, $11.99 1- 8 0 0 - 858 - 5450 LITURGICAL PRESS Imagining Abundance Fundraising, Philanthropy, and a Spiritual Call to Service Kerry Alys Robinson “Kerry Alys Robinson is one of the great women in the Catholic church today. Her new book is an indispensable tool for all fundraisers and philanthropists, as well as all charitable organizations, who seek to help those in need. She brings a wealth of experience, a probing mind and a deep respect for the life of the spirit to her amazing work, and now to her beautiful book. Highly recommended.” James Martin, SJ, author of Jesus: A Pilgrimage 978-0-8146-3766-1 Paperback, 120 pp., 6 x 9, $16.95 e 978-0-8146-3791-3 eBook, $13.99 Joined by the Church, Sealed by a Blessing Couples and Communities Called to Conversion Together Diana Macalintal and Nick Wagner “Joined by the Church, Sealed by a Blessing is a must have resource for parishes who desire to revitalize sacramental ministry with couples who are preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage. The book outlines a formation process that engages the couple in a deeper life of faith and calls the entire community of faith to accompany them on the journey. If you are hoping to inspire young couples and your parish community to a deeper, living faith, you will find great inspiration in this book!” Karen Kane Archdiocese of Cincinnati 978-0-8146-3765-4 Paperback, 216 pp., 6 x 9, $19.95 e 978-0-8146-3790-6 eBook, $15.99 When the Saints Came Marching In Exploring the Frontiers of Grace in America Kathy Coffey “ K a t hy C o f f ey m a ke s America shine through its saints and its saints radiate new light in an American context. She is one of the best Catholic writers I know, and has written a book about saints that is like no other. It will expand your ideas about holiness and make your heart glow.” Michael Leach, author of Why Stay Catholic? 978-0-8146-3718-0 Paperback, 160 pp., 5 x 7, $14.95 e 978-0-8146-3743-2 eBook, $11.99 PCATSP16 59 60 Ritual Resources The Roman Missal Study Edition The Book of the Gospels The Book of the Gospels The Saint John’s Bible Edition Chants of The Roman Missal Study Edition The Roman Missal Chants of The Roman Missal Study Edition International Commission on English in the Liturgy The Chants of The Roman Missal: Study Edition is for celebrants, cantors, scholars, musicians, and everyone interested in the English chant of the newly translated Roman Missal. 978-0-8146-3381-6 Hardcover, 350 pp., 8 1⁄2 x 11, $49.95 People’s Chants for the Order of Mass Order of Mass Hymnal Insert The Roman Missal Study Edition A Commentary on the Order of Mass of The Roman Missal The Roman Missal: Study Edition provides The Roman Missal, Third Edition in a standard book format, a more portable version perfect for liturgists, scholars, and all who wish to use it for planning and study. 978-0-8146-3464-6 • A rich, durable deep-red cloth cover Paperback, 1,504 pp., 6 x 9, $39.95 Rights: North America foil-stamped in gold and copper • Interior adorned with fifteen beautiful illustrations from Martin Erspamer, OSB • Prayer texts set in easy-to-proclaim • Gold- and silver-stamped type on quality natural ivory paper front, back, and spine • Five sturdy grosgrain ribbon • Superior printing bookmarks and a full complement • Highly readable type of tabs to enhance ease-of-use • Rich paper • Gilt-edged pages • Two-color printing Ritual Edition • Gilt-edged pages 978-0-8146-3375-5 • Fits most ceremonial covers Hardcover, 1,504 pp., 8 1⁄2 x 11, $169.95 978-0-8146-2572-9 Hardcover, 576 pp., 9 3⁄4 x 13 3⁄4, $199.00 The Roman Missal The Book of the Gospels People’s Chants for the Order of Mass Presented on a six-page card, and printed in two colors on a durable paper stock. 978-0-8146-3418-9 Card, 6 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4 1-10 copies $1.00 11-99 copies $0.85 net 100-299 copies $0.80 net 300-499 copies $0.75 net 500+ copies $0.70 net PCATSP16 Rights: US Order of Mass Hymnal Insert Booklet format with larger type, can be added easily to your hymnal using attached glue strip. 978-0-8146-3378-6 Booklet, 16 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4 1-10 copies $2.00 11-99 copies $1.70 net 100-299 copies $1.60 net 300-499 copies $1.50 net 500+ copies $1.40 net The Book of the Gospels The Saint John’s Bible Edition • 30 major illuminations from the pages of The Saint John’s Bible in full color • Monumental 12 x 18 inch format • Seven-color, foil-stamped cover, available in genuine or bonded leather • Easily readable 17-point Golden Cockerel typeface • Gilt-edged pages • Exquisitely printed silk finish text paper • Full color throughout • Large grosgrain ribbon • 526 pp., 12 x 18 Genuine Leather Edition 978-0-8146-9064-2, $495.00 $349.00* Bonded Leather Edition 978-0-8146-9097-0, $395.00 $299.00* NEW REDUCED PRICING! A Commentary on the Order of Mass of The Roman Missal Foreword by His Eminence, Cardinal Roger Mahony; Edward Foley, General Editor Gathers the insights of liturgical scholars to aid understanding this most recent edition of the Order of Mass and its new English translation. 978-0-8146-6247-2 Hardcover, 680 pp., 6 x 9, $59.95 e 978-0-8146-6256-4 eBook, $49.99 LITURGICAL PRESS litpress.org Ritual Resources 61 Eucharistic Prayers for Masses with Children The three Eucharistic Prayers for Masses with Children are newly adapted for interim use with The Roman Missal, Third Edition. Help children participate more fully in the Mass with the revised translations of the Preface Dialogue, Sanctus, words of institution, Memorial Acclamations, and Concluding Doxology as well as an Introduction explaining their use. 978-0-8146-3498-1 Paperback, 24 pp., 8 x 10 1⁄2, $4.95 net Rights: US Collection of Masses of the Blessed Virgin Mary Two-volume Set The Collection of Masses of the Blessed Virgin Mary includes the Missal, revised to conform to The Roman Missal, Third Edition, and its companion Lectionary. Printed in easy-to-read, two-color type, these well-crafted ritual books feature a blue hardcover stamped with the distinct and beautiful art of Martin Erspamer, OSB; silver-gilded pages; and ribbons. They provide the formularies required for celebration of the forty-six Masses in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which are distributed across the seasons of the liturgical year (three in Advent, six for the Christmas season, five in Lent, four for the Easter season, and twenty-eight for Ordinary Time). Two-volume set 978-0-8146-3487-5 Hardcover, $69.95 net Volume I: Missal 978-0-8146-3486-8 Hardcover, 304 pp., 8 1⁄2 x 10 7⁄8, $44.95 Bilingual/Bilingüe Rite for the Blessing of a Child in the Womb Rito de Benedición de una Criatura en el Vientre Materno This blessing was written to support parents awaiting the birth of a child, to encourage parishes to pray for and recognize the precious gift of the child in the womb, and to promote respect for human life in society. Printed in English and Spanish in a combined booklet, the blessing may be offered within the Mass or outside of Mass. 978-0-8146-3499-8 Paperback/En rústica, 52 pp./págs, 6 x 9, $6.95 net Rights: US/EEUU Volume II: Lectionary 978-0-8146-2052-6 Hardcover, 240 pp., 8 1⁄2 x 10 7⁄8, $36.95 Rights: US Preaching the Scriptures of the Masses of the Blessed Virgin Mary David O. Brown, OSM This enlightening resource will inspire preachers and all who wish to know more about honoring the Blessed Mother. “Here is a beautiful work that reflects on each of the 135 biblical passages in the Lectionary that relate to Mary. Servite teacher, pastor, and chaplain David Brown performs a labor of love in putting together this helpful resource.” The Bible Today Ceremonial Binder Enhanced with elegant gold stamping, this rich red, three-ring, multipurpose ceremonial binder has a one-inch spine and fits pages up to 8 1⁄2 x 11. Presiders, lectors, cantors, accompanists, and others will find it perfect to hold announcements, general intercessions, homily notes, service music, and more. 978-0-8146-3963-4 $19.95 net 978-0-8146-3553-7 Paperback, 148 pp., 6 x 9, $16.95 e 978-0-8146-3578-0 eBook, $13.99 1- 8 0 0 - 858 - 5450 LITURGICAL PRESS PCATSP16 62 Ritual Resources Lectionary for Mass Order of Christian Funerals Classic Edition Rights: US Hardcover, 1,260-2,048 pp. 8 1⁄2 x 11 Ritual Edition Volume I: Sundays, Solemnities, Feasts of the Lord and the Saints 978-0-8146-2531-6 $59.95 Volume II: Proper of Seasons for Weekdays, Year I; Proper of Saints; Common of Saints 978-0-8146-2883-6 $79.95 Volume III: Proper of Seasons for Weekdays, Year II; Proper of Saints; Common of Saints 978-0-8146-2879-9 $79.95 Volume IV: Common of Saints, Ritual Masses, Masses for Various Needs and Occasions, Votive Masses, and Masses for the Dead 978-0-8146-2880-5 $79.95 Three-volume Weekday Classic Edition set 978-0-8146-1500-3 Hardcover, 488 pp., 7 1⁄4 x 10 1⁄2, $79.95 Appendix Cremation 978-0-8146-2514-9 Paperback, 12 pp., 7 1⁄4 x 10 1⁄2, Was $1.95, Sale: $0.49* net Rights: US Vigil Service and Evening Prayer Leader’s Edition 978-0-8146-1503-4 Paperback, 132 pp., 7 1⁄4 x 10 1⁄2, Was $6.95, Sale: $1.74* net Music Accompaniment for the Funeral Mass 978-0-8146-1506-5 Paperback, 192 pp., 7 1⁄4 x 10 1⁄2, Was $12.95, Sale: $3.24* net *Asterisk indicates discount price available only on “no-returns basis.” No further discounts apply. 978-0-8146-2564-4 Volumes II-IV, $229.95* net Chapel Edition Contains all of the features of the Classic Edition, but in a smaller size. Rights: US Hardcover, 1,260-2,048 pp. 7x9 Volume I: Sundays, Solemnities, Feasts of the Lord and the Saints 978-0-8146-2532-3 $49.95 Bilingual/Bilingüe Ritual de exequias Cristianas Vigilia por un difunto Vísperas Edición bilingüe del pueblo Derechos: EEUU Order of Christian Funerals Vigil Service, Bilingual People’s Edition 978-0-8146-2928-4 Paperback/En rústica, 72 pp./págs., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4, Was $4.95, Sale: $1.24 net Volume II: Proper of Seasons for Weekdays, Year I; Proper of Saints; Common of Saints Rights: US Volume III: Proper of Seasons for Weekdays, Year II; Proper of Saints; Common of Saints Misa Exequial, Edición bilingüe del pueblo 978-0-8146-2884-3 $69.95 978-0-8146-2881-2 $69.95 Volume IV: Common of Saints, Ritual Masses, Masses for Various Needs and Occasions, Votive Masses, and Masses for the Dead 978-0-8146-2882-9 $69.95 Three-volume Weekday Chapel Edition Set Ritual de exequias Cristianas Derechos: EEUU Order of Christian Funerals Funeral Mass, Bilingual People’s Edition 978-0-8146-2927-7 Paperback/En rústica, 88 pp./págs., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4, Was $3.50, Sale: $0.89 net Rights: US 978-0-8146-2565-1 Volumes II-IV, $199.95* net Lectionary for Mass Ceremonial Edition h Spanis n Editio al Bilingu Edition Sundays Cycle A 978-0-8146-6175-8 Hardcover, 640 pp., 10 x 14, $98.00 Sundays Cycle B 978-0-8146-6176-5 Hardcover, 640 pp., 10 x 14, $98.00 Sundays Cycle C 978-0-8146-6177-2 Hardcover, 642 pp., 10 x 14, $98.00 Rights: US Lectionary for Mass Volume I (Sundays) Study Edition 978-0-8146-2588-0 Paperback, 1,392 pp., 7 x 9, $29.95 Rights: US Ritual de exequias Cristianas Edición de Ritual 978-0-8146-2822-5 Tapa dura/Hardcover, 400 págs., 7 1⁄4 x 10 1⁄2, $59.95 Derechos: EEUU Ritual de exequias Cristianas Vigilia, Liturgia Funeral, y Rito de Sepelio Order of Christian Funerals Vigil, Funeral Liturgy, and Rite of Committal 978-0-8146-2823-2 Tapa dura/Hardcover, 504 págs./pp., 7 1⁄4 x 10 1⁄2, $83.95 Derechos: EEUU/Rights: US PCATSP16 LITURGICAL PRESS litpress.org Ritual Resources 63 Order for the Solemn Exposition of the Holy Eucharist Book of Blessings Ritual Edition 978-0-8146-1875-2 Hardcover, 832 pp., 7 1⁄2 x 10 3⁄4, $79.95 Presider’s Edition 978-0-8146-2039-7 Hardcover, 240 pp., 7 1⁄4 x 10 1⁄2, $49.95 Rights: US and Ireland Abridged Edition People’s Edition 978-0-8146-2089-2 Lexide, 640 pp., 4 1⁄4 x 6 3⁄4, $29.95 978-0-8146-2200-1 Paperback, 144 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4, $6.95; 50 or more copies, $5.95* *Discount price Rights: US available only on “no-returns basis.” Organ Accompaniment Rite of Baptism for Children 978-0-8146-2199-8 Spiral binding, 112 pp., 7 x 10, Was $24.95, Sale $6.24 net Ritual Edition This edition has been updated with the readings from The Lectionary for Mass. Rights: US 978-0-8146-2739-6 Hardcover, 184 pp., 7 1⁄4 x 10 3⁄4, $29.95 Rite of Penance 978-0-8146-3348-9 Hardcover, 300 pp., 6 1⁄2 x 9 1⁄4, $24.95 (Short-discount title) Rights: US The Rite of Baptism for One Child and for Several Children Rights: US Rite of Penance 978-0-8146-6113-0 Leaflet, 6 pp., 3 5⁄8 x 7 1⁄4, $0.50 People’s Edition The Rite of Baptism is presented in participation format for the use of the assembly. Updated Lectionary texts. Form of Examination of Conscience Rights: US Rights: US 978-0-8146-2923-9 Paperback, 56 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4, $1.95 Ritual para el bautismo de los niños Disponibles solamente en español. Available only in Spanish Esta segunda edición del Rito del bautismo para niños contiene los textos necesarios para celebrar el sacramento invarias situaciones. Disponibles solamente en español. Rite of Baptism of Children This second edition of the Rite of Baptism of Children contains the necessary texts for celebrating the sacrament in various situations plus additional resources for the liturgy. English copy is for reference only. 978-0-8146-3327-4 Tapa dura/Hardcover, 176 págs./pp., 7 1⁄4 x 10 1⁄2, $24.95 net Rights: North America (Norteamérica) Ritual del matrimonio Este hermoso ritual incluye el texto en español para el Rito del Matrimonio dentro de la misa, fuera de la misa y entre un católico y un catecúmeno o alguien que no es cristiano. Disponibles solamente en español. Rite of Matrimony This beautifully bound ritual book includes the Spanish language text for the Rite of Matrimony within Mass, outside of Mass, and between a Catholic and catechumen or non-Christian. English copy is for reference only. 978-0-8146-3328-1 Tapa dura/Hardcover, 144 págs./pp., 7 1⁄4 x 10 1⁄2, $24.95 net Rights: North America (Norteamérica) Ceremonial of Bishops A ritual for bishops that covers everything from the Mass through liturgical celebrations in connection with the government of a diocese. 978-0-8146-1818-9 Hardcover, 340 pp., 6 1⁄4 x 9 1⁄4, $39.95 Rights: World except India Rights: US 978-0-8146-6114-7 Leaflet, 6 pp., 3 5⁄8 x 7 1⁄4, $0.40 Special Ministers of the Eucharist William J. Belford 978-0-8146-6039-3 Paperback, 64 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4, $4.95 Rights: US Manual for the Penitent 978-0-8146-6014-0 Paperback, 48 pp., 4 x 6 1⁄2, $4.95 Rights: US Newly revised according to The Roman Missal, Third Edition Communion of the Sick All ministers of Communion will want to have and use these official texts for bringing the Eucharist to the sick. Also useful for the confined person to read in preparation for receiving the Eucharist. 978-0-8146-3455-4 Paperback, 48 pp., 4 x 7, $3.95 Rights: US Anointing of the Sick Participant’s Leaflet This leaflet provides the people’s responses for the Anointing of the Sick, allowing those gathered around a loved one receiving the sacrament to participate fully in the prayer. 978-0-8146-3446-2 Leaflet, 8 pp., 4 x 7, 1-24 copies, $1.00 each; 25 or more copies, $0.80 each net Rights: US Administration of Communion to the Sick by an Extraordinary Minister A portable liturgical card for extraordinary ministers printed in two colors on a heavy paper stock. 978-0-8146-3437-0 Card, 8 pp., 4 x 7, $0.95 Rights: US Holy Communion Outside Mass A leaflet with responses for the people for Holy Communion outside Mass printed in two colors on durable paper. 978-0-8146-3454-7 Leaflet, 6 pp., 4 x 7, $0.30 Rights: US 1- 8 0 0 - 858 - 5450 LITURGICAL PRESS PCATSP16 64 Ritual Resources Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults The first section of the ritual, marking the steps of the spiritual journey into the full communion of the Catholic Church, offers the procedures and periods that make up the full Rite. The second section provides the necessary ritual for celebrating the Rite in other forms. Rights: US Ritual Edition 978-0-8146-1592-8 Hardcover, 400 pp., 7 1⁄4 x 10 1⁄2, $39.95 Study Edition 978-0-8146-1593-5 Paperback, 378 pp., 7 1⁄4 x 10 1⁄2, $34.95 Sung Gospels For Major Solemnities In Multiple Voices Anthony Ruff, OSB Proclaim the gospel in song for Christmas, Easter, Epiphany, Pentecost, solemnities, and other special feast days with these settings written for two- or three-part voices, adapted for the English language from settings found in medieval manuscripts. These settings are ideal to make the gospel the high point of the Liturgy of the Word. 978-0-8146-3462-2 Hardcover, 96 pp., 8 1⁄2 x 10 7⁄8, $22.95 Intercessions for Mass Mary Grace Melcher, OCD The Collegeville Prayer of the Faithful Enrich your community’s liturgy with these beautiful and inspiring intercessions. Cycles A, B, and C for Sundays and the two-year cycle for weekdays are all included. General Intercessions for Years A, B, C With CD-ROM of Intercessions Michael Kwatera, OSB 978-0-8146-3481-3 Paperback, 448 pp., 7 x 10, $39.95 A convenient compilation of the previously published volumes, with additional feasts added—includes a CD-ROM of intercessions that can be easily adapted for parish use. Responsorial Psalms for Weekday Mass 978-0-8146-3282-6 Paperback, 504 pp., 6 x 9, with CD, $24.95 Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter Anthony Ruff, OSB Book of the Elect This book makes it possible for the responsorial psalm to be sung at every daily Mass during the seasons of the liturgical year. Charles Rohrbacher, Illustrator This book fulfills the requirements for enrollment. The interior features two-color art along with lined pages for signatures on the right. 978-0-8146-3261-1 Coil-bound, 152 pp., 8 1⁄2 x 10 7⁄8, $34.95 978-0-8146-1435-8 Hardcover, 128 pp., 10 x 14, $49.95 The Order of Mass in Nine Languages Welcome all and encourage their active participation in the Eucharist with this book presenting the Order of Mass in nine languages: English, Spanish (Mexican), Portuguese (Brazilian), Latin, Vietnamese, Italian, Polish, Tagalog, and French. Marriage in Christ 978-0-8146-1704-5 Paperback, 72 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4, $3.95 Rights: US Lord, Hear Our Prayer The Prayer of the Faithful for Sundays, Holy Days, and Ritual Masses Jay Cormier 978-0-8146-2166-0 Paperback, 384 pp., 7 x 10, $69.95 Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest/ Celebraciones dominicales en ausencia de presbítero Bilingual Edition 978-0-8146-1855-4 Hardcover, 432 pp., 7 1⁄4 x 10 1⁄2, $29.95 net Rights: US Intercessions for the Christian People, Cycles A, B, C Gail Ramshaw, Editor 978-0-8146-6091-1 Lexide, 216 pp., 6 x 9, $29.95 PCATSP16 978-0-8146-3456-1 1 – 9 copies 10 – 19 copies 20 or more copies Paperback, 80 pp., 7 x 10, $9.95 $9.95 each $8.96 each net $7.96 each net A Ritual for Laypersons Rites for Holy Communion and the Pastoral Care of the Sick and Dying This book conveniently gathers in one place those rites at which a layperson may preside in the absence of a priest or deacon. 978-0-8146-3539-1 Lexide, 176 pp., 4 1⁄2 x 6 3⁄4, $24.95 Rights: US Rito de la iniciación cristiana de adultos: Edición de estudio 978-0-8146-3090-7 En rústica, 384 págs., 8 1⁄2 x 11, $19.95 net LITURGICAL PRESS litpress.org Missals and Annuals 65 Celebrating the Eucharist Guide and nourish your community’s liturgical prayer Celebrating the Eucharist Classic Edition • A ll texts for each day appear together in easy-to-follow consecutive order • Order of Mass includes the ICEL chants • Calendar dated, includes readings and prayers for Sundays and solemnities • Weekdays and feasts include prayers, reading references, and full responsorial psalm text • Ten musical Mass settings by leading composers • Contains two music settings of the responsorial psalm for each Sunday and solemnity • Includes a wide repertoire of traditional and classic music • Proven readability with two-color, large type size and generous use of space • Quarterly publication fits a variety of diverse communities worldwide • Inspires prayer and reflection Classic Edition contains text, plus approximately 100 pages of music. Price per subscription per year (published quarterly): (shipping & handling additional except where indicated by *) 500 or more copies 50-499 copies 6-49 copies 1-5 copies $4.99 $5.99 $6.99 $26.99* Printed in two-color throughout with artwork introducing each Sunday’s Mass Two responsorial psalm options for each Sunday printed with the readings Text is printed in sense lines, with pauses at the end of lines for natural reading Bold lettering clearly marks the people’s parts Actual size of text 1- 8 4 0 4-36 0 - 858 3-3297 - 5450 LITURGICAL PRESS A subscription cancellation takes effect with the next unshipped quarterly pew missal. Pew missals are generally sent 3 months prior to start date. PCATSP16 66 Missals and Annuals Liturgical Text Edition contains text only. Celebrating the Eucharist Liturgical Text Edition • This edition has the same features as the Classic Edition (above) but does not include the music section • Partner it with Sacred Song or any other music resource • Ideal for personal prayer and study as well as for use during the liturgy • Quarterly publication fits a variety of diverse communities worldwide Price per subscription per year (published quarterly): (shipping & handling additional except where indicated by *) 500 or more copies 50-499 copies 6-49 copies 1-5 copies $3.67 $4.90 $5.87 $23.99* Protective Vinyl Covers 978-0-8146-3062-4 3/4" wide burgundy vinyl protective cover, holds Celebrating the Eucharist Classic Edition or Sacred Song. 1-9 covers, $2.25 10-99 covers, $2.00 net 100+ covers, $1.80 net 978-0-8146-3063-1 1 1/4" wide burgundy vinyl protective cover, holds Sacred Song and Celebrating the Eucharist Text Edition or Sacred Song and Misal del Pueblo. 1-9 covers, $2.25 10-99 covers, $2.00 net 100+ covers, $1.80 net PCATSP16 Holy Week Special Edition of Celebrating the Eucharist Pray from Palm Sunday to Easter with Holy Week, a special edition of Celebrating the Eucharist. Supplement your resources to serve the needs of the holiest week of the year without expanding your Celebrating the Eucharist subscription. Holy Week can be purchased independently or as a subscription supplement. It brings your praying community the revised Order of Mass, all three cycles of Lectionary readings, the people’s chants, the Stations of the Cross, a selection of seasonal hymns, and more. 978-0-8146-3447-9 Paperback, 280 pp., 5 1⁄4 x 8 1⁄4 500 or more copies $2.75 net 250-499 copies $3.35 net 6-249 copies $3.95 net 1-5 copies $6.95 (shipping and handling additional) Celebrating the Eucharist subscribers save an additional 20%. Coming Fall 2016! New Edition of Sacred Song LITURGICAL PRESS litpress.org Spanish Missals and Annuals 67 Bilingüe! Bilingual! MISAL del Pueblo MISSAL of the People En colaboración con Obra Nacional de la Buena Prensa, A.C. In association with Obra Nacional de la Buena Prensa, A.C. Includes The Psallite Mass: At the Table of the Lord, a multilingual Mass setting. Con este misal que incluye inglés y español de lado a lado, todos tienen la oportunidad de participar en la Misa. Permita que Misal del Pueblo/Missal of the People aumente la devoción en su congregación. With this bilingual missal featuring English and Spanish in a side-by-side format, multilingual communities can improve participation in the Mass. Let Misal del Pueblo/Missal of the People enhance worship throughout your congregation. Precio por copia por año (sin devolución): Price per copy, per year (non-returnable): 300 o más copias 100-299 copias 50-99 copias 6-49 copias 1-5 copias 300 or more copies 100-299 copies 50-99 copies 6-49 copies 1-5 copies (El costo de manejo y envío es adicional con la excepción de lo que se encuentra marcado con un *) $6.98 $7.48 $7.72 $8.24 $22.95* (Shipping & handling additional except where indicated by *) $6.98 $7.48 $7.72 $8.24 $22.95* Bilingual sung setting of the Responsorial Psalm Edición de acompañamiento musical de Misal del Pueblo 978-0-8146-3070-9 Hojas sueltas con 5 perforaciones 322 págs., 8 1/2 x 11, $39.95 Misal del Pueblo Music Accompaniment Edition 978-0-8146-3070-9 5-hole punched loose-leaf pages 322 pp., 8 1/2 x 11, $39.95 GRATIS para clientes nuevos con pedidos de 50 o más Misal del Pueblo/Missal of the People FREE to new customers with your initial order of 50 or more Misal del Pueblo/Missal of the People Suscripción pendiente de suplementos para Edición de accompaniment Misal del Pueblo (cualquier suplemento nuevo que no fue publicado el año pasado): $6.50 por año Standing subscription for the Misal del Pueblo Music Accompaniment Edition supplements (anything new that wasn’t published last year): $6.50 per year 1- 8 4 0 4-36 0 - 858 3-3297 - 5450 LITURGICAL PRESS PCATSP16 68 Spanish Missals and Annuals Misal 2016 Para todos los domingos y fiestas del año • • • Calendario 2016 Con doce hermosas imágenes de Nuestra Señora en algunas de las advocaciones que se veneran. Includes twelve beautiful images of Our Lady in some of the venerations that we celebrate. La Misa es el centro de la vida cristiana; participe activamente en ella con el Misal 2016 que contiene las Misas de los domingos y fiestas de todo el año. • Con las oraciones y lecturas de la Misa Reflexiones para poner en práctica el Evangelio Intenciones generales y misionales del Santo Padre para el 2016 El rosario, con los misterios luminosos, y el viacrucis 978-0-8146-4383-9 En rústica/Paperback, 8 1 ⁄ 2 x 11, $2.95 Derechos: EEUU/Rights: US Agenda del ama de casa 2016/ Agenda for the Homemaker 2016 Este título disponible solamente en Español. Con ideas y consejos para enfrentar los momentos difíciles que viven las familias. Temas para reflexionar acerca de la relación con Dios, con los hijos y con el esposo. 978-0-8146-4381-5 En rústica/Paperback, 400 págs/pp., 5 1⁄4 x 7, $5.95 sin devolución Este título disponible solamente en Español Missal 2016 For all Sundays and Feast Days of the Year The Mass is the center of the Christian life. Participate actively in the Mass with the Missal 2016, which contains the Sunday and feast day Masses for the whole year. • Includes the prayers and readings of the Mass • Reflections for putting the gospel into practice • General and missionary intentions of the Holy Father for 2016 • The rosary, with the mysteries of light and the Way of the Cross No returns. Available in Spanish only, order information above. Misal 2016 para niños Con las lecturas de la Misa de cada domingo para que los niños se acerquen más a Jesús y para que se incluyan en las celebraciones dominicales. • B reves explicaciones de las palabras difíciles de entender • Imágenes que ilustran, de acuerdo al Evangelio, cada domingo • R espuestas y explicaciones de las distintas partes de la Misa 978-0-8146-4382-2 En rústica/Paperback, 272 págs/pp., 6 x 10 3 ⁄4 , $6.95 sin devolución Este título disponible solamente en Español 2016 Children’s Missal Includes the readings of the Mass for each Sunday so that children grow closer to Jesus, and become part of the Sunday celebration. • Brief explanations of hard-to-understand words • Includes pictures that illustrate the gospel for each Sunday • Responses and explanations of the different parts of the Mass Contains ideas and advice for difficult moments that families may experience. Includes subjects to reflect on in our relationships with God, our children, and spouse. 978-0-8146-4384-6 En rústica/Paperback, 160 págs./pp., 5 1 ⁄4 x 7, $4.99 Derechos: EEUU/Rights: US Señalamientos Biblicos 2016 Para cada día del año y santoral, Ciclo C A dos colores, para facilitar la búsqueda de los domingos y fiestas. Con las citas bíblicas de la liturgia de cada día, el santoral y la respuesta de los salmos de la Misa. For Each Day of the Year and Calendar of the Saints, Year C Printed in two colors to facilitate locating Sundays and feast days. Includes biblical citations for each day’s liturgy, the saints calendar, and responses to the psalms for Mass. 978-0-8146-4385-3 En rústica/Paperback, 32 págs./pp., 3 3⁄4 x 7 3⁄4, $1.50 Derechos: EEUU/Rights: US Actualidad Litúrgica Con orientaciones litúrgicas, sugerencias para las celebraciones y homilías. Puntos para la meditación diaria y temas de predicación. Suscripción/Subscription: $79.00 por año/per year, 6 números/issues With liturgical orientation, suggestions for celebrations and homilies. Points for daily meditation and themes for preaching. No returns. Available in Spanish only, order information above. Misal mensual/Monthly Missal • L as oraciones y lecturas de las Misas de cada día y atinadas reflexiones de los evangelios dominicales. • Las páginas centrales incluyen una sección vocacional. Suscripción/Subscription: $42.00 por año/per year, 12 números/issues • The prayers and readings of the Mass for each day and timely reflections on the Sunday gospels. • The middle pages include a vocation section. Misal mensual letra grande/ Misal Mensual Large Print Edition Suscripción/Subscription: $42.00 por año/ per year, 12 números/issues Propios de la Misa/ Propers of the Mass Los textos de las misas diarias. Información sobre el tipo de celebración, solemnidades, memorias, y ferias. Suscripción/Subscription: $97.00 por año/per year, 12 números/issues Includes texts of the daily Masses and information regarding the type of celebration, solemnities, memorials, and feasts. Propios de la Misa carpeta roja/ Propers of the Mass Binder 978-0-8146-4117-0 $12.95 cada uno/each These titles are written in Spanish only. English descriptions are provided for reference. PCATSP16 LITURGICAL PRESS litpress.org Spanish Resources 69 De Buena Prensa Bendicional (Book of Blessings) Ritual de Bendiciones (Rites for Blessings) 978-0-8146-2812-6 Tapa dura, 686 págs., 5 1/4 x 7 3/4, $51.95* Cuidado Pastoral de los Enfermos (Pastoral Care of the Sick) 978-0-8146-2815-7 Tapa dura, 302 págs., 5 1/4 x 7 3/4, $21.95* Leccionario I 978-0-8146-2807-2 Tapa dura, 1120 págs., 6 3/4 x 9 3/16, $64.95 Leccionario II 978-0-8146-2808-9 Tapa dura, 1142 págs., 6 3/4 x 9 3/16, $64.95 Liturgia de las Horas (Liturgy of the Hours) Edición Popular 978-0-8146-4196-5 En rústica, 584 págs., 4 1/4 x 6, $18.95 (letra grande) 978-0-8146-4252-8 En rústica, 574 págs., 5 x 8, $23.95 Leccionario III 978-0-8146-2809-6 Tapa dura, 1005 págs., 6 3/4 x 9 3/16, $64.95 Ritual de la Penitencia (Rite of Penance) 978-0-8146-4089-0 Tapa dura, 352 págs., 5 1/4 x 9 1/2, $42.95* Liturgia de las Horas para Fieles (Liturgy of the Hours for the Faithful) 978-0-8146-2821-8 Tapa dura, 1,270 págs., 4 1/4 x 6 3/4, $36.95* Para entender hoy los Sacramentos Ritual para la Confirmación (Rite of Confirmation) 978-0-8146-2814-0 Tapa dura, 144 págs., 6 1/4 x 9, $17.95* Lawrence E. Mick 978-0-8146-2908-6 En rústica, 158 págs., 5 1⁄4 x 7 7⁄8, $4.95 Para llevar la comunión a los enfermos Pbro. José del Carmen Cervantes Contreras Ceremonial de los Obispos 978-0-8146-4226-9 En rústica, 80 págs., 6 1⁄2 x 8 1⁄2, $3.95 978-0-8146-4240-5 Tapa dura, 669 págs., 5 1⁄4 x 8 1⁄4, $71.00* Derechos: EEUU Roguemos al Señor 978-0-8146-2907-9 Tapa dura, 448 págs., 6 1/2 x 9 1/8, $51.95* Biblia temática Luis Godtsseels, SJ 978-0-8146-4007-4 En rústica, 768 págs., 6 1/2 x 8 1/2, $29.95 Derechos: EEUU Mi Primera Comunión Ritual breve para el presbítero itinerante Benedicto XVI 978-0-8146-4306-8 Tapa dura, 576 págs., 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, $32.00* Catecismo del niño Roberto Guerra, SJ 978-0-8146-4073-9 En rústica, 32 págs., 5 1⁄4 x 7 7⁄4, $1.00 Ritual de la sagrada comunión y del culto eucarístico fuera de la misa 978-0-8146-4329-7 Tapa dura, 260 págs., 6 1⁄2 x 9 1⁄4, $22.95* El Rosario En Imágenes 978-0-8146-4090-6 En rústica, 112 págs., 5 1⁄4 x 7 7⁄2, $2.95 Ritual de la Ordenación del Obispo, de los Presbíteros y de los Diáconos 978-0-8146-4234-4 Tapa dura, 383 págs., 8 1/4 x 11, $84.95* Ritual de la Ordenación del Obispo, de los Presbíteros y de los Diáconos (Para estudio) 978-0-8146-4233-7 Tapa dura, 383 págs., 6 5/8 x 9 1/8, $34.95* * Short discount title. Distributed by Liturgical Press. Derechos: EEUU 1- 8 0 0 - 858 - 5450 LITURGICAL PRESS PCATSP16 70 Spanish Resources La Biblia de Nuestro Pueblo con Lectio Divina Lea reflexione ore actúe Biblia del Peregrino América Latina Luis Alonso Schökel Esta es la Palabra de Dios para hablar a los corazones a través del método de la Lectio Divina: leer, reflexionar, orar y actuar. Gracias al trabajo constante que se viene realizando tanto en el mundo católico como en las demás confesiones cristianas, la Palabra escrita de Dios está continuamente siendo actualizada, tanto en traducciones cada vez más fidedignas al hebreo y griego originales como en la elaboración de comentarios que conecten el texto con las necesidades y aspiraciones concretas del hombre y de la mujer de hoy, sean creyentes o no creyentes. Con el mismo deseo de seguir en ese camino de mejora continua de la traducción y de acercarnos a la situación concreta de los destinatarios, presentamos al lector latinoamericano esta nueva edición de la Biblia del Peregrino, ahora titulada: La Biblia de Nuestro Pueblo—Biblia del Peregrino América Latina. 978-0-8146-4374-7 Hardcover/Tapa dura, 2,402 pp./págs., 6 1⁄4 x 8 3⁄4, $28.95* 978-0-8146-4375-4 Deluxe Edition/Edición de lujo, 2,402 pp./págs., 6 1⁄4 x 8 3⁄4, $36.95* La Biblia de Nuestro Pueblo Biblia del Peregrino América Latina Luis Alonso Schökel Gracias al trabajo constante que se viene realizando tanto en el mundo católico como en las demás confesiones cristianas, la Palabra escrita de Dios está continuamente siendo actualizada, tanto en traducciones cada vez más fidedignas al hebreo y griego originales como en la elaboración de comentarios que conecten el texto con las necesidades y aspiraciones concretas del hombre y de la mujer de hoy, sean creyentes o no creyentes. Con el mismo deseo de seguir en ese camino de mejora continua de la traducción y de acercarnos a la situación concreta de los destinatarios, presentamos al lector latinoamericano esta nueva edición de la Biblia del Peregrino, ahora titulada: La Biblia de Nuestro Pueblo—Biblia del Peregrino América Latina. 978-0-8146-4214-6 Pasta dura, 2,400 págs., 6 1⁄4 x 8 3⁄4, $24.95* Liturgia de las Horas (Liturgy of the Hours) En Cuatro Tomos: (In Four Volumes:) Tomo 1: Tiempo de Adviento y Navidad (Volume 1: Advent and Christmas) 978-0-8146-2817-1 Tapa dura, 1,424 págs., 4 1/4 x 6 3/4, $59.95* Tomo 2: Tiempo de Cuaresma, Triduo pascual y Pascua (Volume 2: Lent, Easter Triduum and Easter) 978-0-8146-2818-8 Tapa dura, 2,216 págs., 4 1/4 x 6 3/4, $59.95* Tomo 3: Tiempo Ordinario: Semanas I–XVII (Volume 3: Ordinary Time: Weeks I–XVII) 978-0-8146-2819-5 Tapa dura, 1,988 págs., 4 1/4 x 6 3/4, $59.95* Tomo 4: Tiempo Ordinario: Semanas XVIII–XXXIV (Volume 4: Ordinary Time: Weeks XVIII–XXXIV) 978-0-8146-2820-1 Tapa dura, 1,960 págs., 4 1/4 x 6 3/4, $59.95* *Short discount title. Derechos: EEUU PCATSP16 LITURGICAL PRESS litpress.org Spanish Resources Biblias españolas Biblia de Jerusalén Nueva edición, Totalmente revisada Esta nueva edición se beneficia de los estudios e investigaciones de la Escuela Bíblica y Arqueológica de Jerusalén y de los exegetas que forman el nuevo equipo de traductores de la Biblia de Jerusalén en español, permaneciendo fiel a los principios de las ediciones precedentes al tiempo que supone una completa puesta al día de la investigación bíblica de los últimos años. Derechos: EEUU Biblia de Jerusalén En Letra Grande 978-0-8146-3506-3 Tapa dura, 2,786 págs., 6 7⁄16 x 8 3⁄16, $49.95* Biblia de Jerusalén 978-0-8146-3370-0 Tapa dura, 1,928 págs., 6 x 8 1⁄4, $39.95* Biblia de Jerusalén Edición de Bolsillo 978-0-8146-3509-4 Tapa dura, 1,750 págs., 4 1⁄16 x 5 7⁄8, $24.95* Biblia de Jerusalén Latinoamericana en Letra Grande La versión castellana de la Biblia de Jerusalén tiene un sólido prestigio por la calidad de su traducción y por la profundidad de sus introducciones, notas y comentarios. Ahora ha querido dar un paso más y es el de preparar una versión latinoamericana, con un lenguaje más adaptado a nuestra manera de hablar el castellano, sin perder el toque de elegancia, y sin caer en los particularismos de una determinada región del subcontinente. 978-0-8146-4277-1 Tapa dura, 1,860 págs., 6 1⁄4 x 8 1⁄2, $29.95* Derechos: EEUU Biblia de Jerusalén Latinoamericana Edición de Bolsillo Nueva edición revisada y aumentada Por primera vez una edición de la Biblia de Jerusalén introduce en su texto el lenguaje propio de América Latina. Dos grupos de expertos, uno de la Universidad Pontificia de México y otro de especialistas colombianos y argentinos, han revisado toda la edición introduciendo las adaptaciones necesarias para hacer el mensaje bíblico más comprensible a los lectores latinoamericanos. 978-0-8146-3369-4 Tapa de plástico y la caja, 1,750 págs., 4 x 6, $24.95* Derechos: EEUU *Short discount title. 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