2013 Virginia Turfgrass Field Days Research Update
2013 Virginia Turfgrass Field Days Research Update
2013 Virginia Turfgrass Field Days Research Update August 27—28, 2013 Glade Road and Turfgrass Research Centers, Blacksburg, VA Virginia Turfgrass Council NOTE. Please note that this research report is published to promote rapid dissemination of information from researchers to our industry professionals. Many of the results presented are from studies that are in progress. Final conclusions can only be appropriately drawn after studies have been completed, the data statistically analyzed, the interpretations scrutinized by peer review procedures, and the results published in accepted research publications. Therefore, the data in this report are not for publication without the expressed consent of the senior researcher. 2 2013 Field Day Sponsors Platinum Sponsor Coffee/Doughnuts Lunch 3 Table of Contents Page (s) 3 Field Day Sponsors 4-5 Table of Contents Turfgrass Team Contact Information 6 Research Cooperators and Sponsors 7 Field Day Tour Schedule GLADE 8 Field Day Map of Sitle Locations --Glade Road Research Faciltiy 9 10-11 Field Day Tour Schedule TRC Field Day Map of Sitle Locations --Turfgrass Research Center West 12 Field Day Map of Sitle Locations --Turfgrass Research Center East 13 Weather Data at the Virginia Tech Turfgrass Research Center 14 Agronomic Research Updates Evaluating the potential benefits of adding compost and/or microclover to new and established turfgrass stands Plant health product for putting greens demonstration trial 15 16-17 An Integrated Nutritional and Chemical Approach to Poa annua Control in Creeping Bentgrass Putting Greens 18-19 Effect of Golf Course Turfgrass Management on Water Quality of Non-tidal Streams in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed 20-21 Testing of Specialty Fertilizer and Surfactant Products for Creeping Bentgrass Putting Green Summer Performance 22-23 Pathology and Entomology Research Updates Impact of turf fans on golf putting greens. 24-25 Fungicide programs for golf greens. 26-27 Combined applications of entomopathogenic fungi and insecticides for white grub control 4 28 Weed Science Research Updates Overseeded Bermudagrass Transition with Negate® Herbicide 29 Methiozolin Research Update and Ball Roll Demonstration 30-31 Goosegrass Control and Bermudagrass Tolerance with Low-Rate Pylex™ Programs 32-33 Metamifop for Goosegrass and Crabgrass Control 34 Preemergence Crabgrass Control with Quali-Pro Products 35 Postemergence and Residual Crabgrass Control with Cavalcade PQ 36 Performance of Quinclorac Formulations for Smooth Crabgrass Control in Cool-Season Turf 37 Can Pylex™ selectively control bermudagrass in bentgrass? 38 Compost incorporation and microclover overseeding in established ‘Yukon’ bermudagrass 39 Compost incorporation and microclover overseeding at seeding of ‘Yukon’ bermudagrass 40-41 Winter annual postemergence weed control in dormant bermudagrass 42-43 Winter annual control in dormant bermudagrass with Scythe 44-47 Variety Evaluations NTEP Management 48 2013 NTEP Bermudagrass 49 2008 NTEP Creeping Bentgrass 50-51 2010 NTEP Perennial Ryegrass 52-55 2012 NTEP Tall Fescue 56-57 2011 NTEP KY Bluegrass 58-61 2008 NTEP Fine Leaf Fescue 62-63 Variety Recommendations 64-65 5 Virginia Tech Turfgrass Research Field Day The Turfgrass Team of Virginia Tech and the Virginia Turfgrass Council welcomes you to the Virginia Turfgrass Research Field Days! We sincerely appreciate your support of our efforts and encourage you to make this YOUR Field Day by participating in discussions with our faculty, staff, and students. The collaborative and cooperative efforts of our Turfgrass Team in research, teaching, and outreach are major reasons for the success of our programs and we are here to assist you! Please feel free to contact any of us if we can be of assistance to you. Name Shawn Askew Whitnee Askew Jeff Derr Dept. PPWS CSES PPWS Expertise Weed Science Agronomy Weed Science Phone 540-231-5807 540-231-5312 757-363-3912 E-mail saskew@vt.edu waskew@vt.edu jderr@vt.edu Sam Doak Erik Ervin Mike Goatley Lloyd Hipkins Pat Hipkins David McCall Rod Youngman CSES CSES CSES PPWS Pest. Prog. PPWS ENT Turf Education Physiology Agronomy Weed Science Pesticide Safety Pathology Entomology 540-231-7283 540-231-5208 540-231-2951 540-231-9842 540-231-6543 540-231-9598 540-231-9118 Xungzhong Zhang CSES Physiology 540-231-3684 sdoak@vt.edu ervin@vt.edu goatley@vt.edu lhipkins@vt.edu phipkins@vt.edu dsmccall@vt.edu youngman@vt.edu xuzhang@vt.edu Virginia’s Turfgrass Field Day provides you an opportunity to see the ongoing research that forms the basis of our Cooperative Extension educational programming throughout the Commonwealth. A large part of the research you view today is supported by funding from the Virginia Turfgrass Foundation, so you are seeing research funded by and in support of its own industry. NOTE that this research report is published to promote rapid dissemination from researchers to our industry professionals. Many of the results presented are from studies that are in progress. Final conclusions can only be appropriately drawn after studies have been completed, the data statistically analyzed, and the interpretations scrutinized by peer review procedures. Therefore, the data in the publication are not for publication with the expressed consent of the senior researcher. Thanks to our research program sponsors and supporters over the past year. It is in large part their funding that keeps our programs viable and productive. These companies and individuals that made such a difference in our efforts are featured on the next page. And finally, thanks to the specific sponsors of our Field Days. Many different companies contribute to the costs of staging this annual event. These individuals and firms are featured on the second page of this report! 6 Research Cooperators and Sponsors Agrium Advanced Technologies Ajinomoto Alexandria Sanitation Authority AMVAC Chemical Amway Andersons Aquatrols Ballyhack Golf Club, Roanoke (Billy Bobbit) BASF Corp Bay Creek Resort, Cape Charles (Mike Smith) Bayer Environmental Science Blacksburg Country Club (Bill Keene) Cardinal Chemical Chantilly Turf (Ray and Mark Weekley) Chevy Chase Club (Dean Graves) Civitas/Suncor Energy Country Club of Virginia (Christian Sain and Troy Fink) Dow Chemical Exacto Floratine FMC Professional Products Foundry Golf Club (Scott Mauldin) GCSAA, Environmental Institute for Golf Glenmore Country Club (Kevin Fortune) Goodyear Golf & Country Club (Mark Vaughn) Grigg’s Brothers Hanging Rock Golf Course, Salem (Brian Duweiss) Hanover Country Club, Ashland (Brendan McNulty) Harrell’s Helena Chemical Holganix John Deere Landscapes Keyplex Koch Bros. Landscape Supply Lavery Sod Farm (Brad Niekamp) Lebanon Turf LidoChem Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments Moghu Research Center Moghu USA National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (Univ. of MD) NuFarm/Cleary Chemical Oakwood Sod Farm Ocean Organics PBI Gordon Company Kinloch Golf Club (Pete Wendt) Precision Primland Resort (Brian Kearns and Greg Caldwell) Quali-Pro Repar Corporation Riverside Turf Farm Roanoke Country Club (Dan Wheeler) Seed Research of Oregon Simplot Sipcam Advan Smith Turf and Irrigation Southern States Cooperative Spectrum Technologies Sports Turf Managers Association Spotswood Country Club (Kip Fitzgerald) Stoller SubAir Systems, LLC Summit Agro Syngenta Professional Products The Toro Company The VT River Course (Mark Cote) The Waterfront CC, Moneta (Read Harris) Trinity Turf Turf Vu TurfScout, LLC TurfScreen University of Virginia Athletics (Jesse Pritchard, CSFM) USDA/NTEP program Valent USA Virginia Agriculture Council Virginia Golf Course Superintendents Virginia Sports Turf Managers Association Virginia Tech Athletics Virginia Tech GC (Jason Ratcliff) Virginia Tech Recreational Sports (Chad Kropf) Virginia Turfgrass Council Virginia Turfgrass Foundation Westlake Golf Course (H. T Page) Willow Oaks Country Club, Richmond (Eric Frazier and Jordan Booth) Winton Country Club Mike (Zirkle and Robert Habel) Woodward Turf 7 8:00 Overseeded Bermudagrass Transition with Negate Herbicide Cox A4 8:20 Bentgrass Response to Pylex Rates and Timings Venner A3 8:40 New dollar spot and brown patch control options on cool-season fairways McCall A3 9:00 Impact of turf fans on golf putting greens McCall A2 9:20 Methiozolin research update and ball roll demonstration Venner and Rana A2 9:40 Bentgrass rooting under controlled stress as affected by biostimulants from 3 companies Xunzhong A2 10:00 Water quality monitoring of streams on VA golf courses Wilson A2 8:00 New dollar spot and brown patch control options on cool-season turf McCall A3 8:20 What the rain has brought in 2013 McCall A4 8:40 Overseeded Bermudagrass Transition with Negate Herbicide Cox A4 9:00 Combining Triclopyr with Tenacity and Pylex S. Askew A3 9:20 New Outreach programs Goatley A1 9:50 Gadgets and Gizmos for Safe and Effective Spray Ap- P. Hipkins A1 8 9 12:10 Metamifop and Pylex for goosegrass and crabgrass control Cox G2 12:30 Bentgrass putting green NTEP and Fe sulfate for Poa control Ervin G6 12:50 2013 Fungicide programming evaluations McCall G6 1:10 Bermudagrass Tolerance to Low-Rate Pylex Programs Cox G10 1:30 Can Pylex Selectively Control Bermudagrass in Bentgrass? Venner G10 1:50 Performance of Quinclorac Formulations for Crabgrass Control Rana G10 2:10 Selective Bermudagrass Control in Kentucky Bluegrass S. Askew G9 2:30 Postemergence and Residual Crabgrass Control with Cavalcade PQ Smith G8 2:50 Wetting agents and plant health products for putting greens Ervin G7 12:10 Landscape weed mangement update Derr G5 12:30 Metamifop and Pylex for goosegrass and crabgrass control Cox G2 12:50 Combined application of entomopathogenic fungi and insecticides for white grub control Gyawaly G4 1:10 Selective Bermudagrass Control in Kentucky Bluegrass S. Askew G9 1:30 Performance of Quinclorac Formulations for Crabgrass Control Rana G10 1:50 Preemergence Crabgrass Control with QualiPro Products Smith G10 2:10 Postemergence and Residual Crabgrass Control with Calvacade PQ Smith G8 2:30 Tall Fescue and KY Bluegrass NTEPs 2:50 Micro-Clover, Perennial Rygrass NTEP and Bermdagrass NTEP 10 Goatley and W. Askew Goatley and W. Askew G3 G1 12:10 Selective Bermudagrass Control in Kentucky Bluegrass S. Askew G9 12:30 Performance of Quinclorac Formulations for Crabgrass Control Rana G10 12:50 Bermudagrass Tolerance to Low-Rate Pylex Programs Cox G10 1:10 Preemergence Crabgrass Control with QualiPro Products Smith G10 1:30 Postemergence and Residual Crabgrass Control with Calvacade PQ Smith G8 1:50 Combined application of entomopathogenic fungi and insecticides for white grub control Gyawaly G4 2:10 Metamifop and Pylex for goosegrass and crabgrass control Cox G2 2:30 Tall Fescue and KY Bluegrass NTEPs Goatley and W. Askew G3 2:50 Micro-Clover, Perennial Rygrass NTEP and Bermdagrass NTEP Goatley and W. Askew G1 11 12 13 VT Turfgrass Research Center Weather Data 14 Evaluating the potential benefits of adding compost and/or microclover to new and established turfgrass stands Objectives: The objectives of this project are: 1) to evaluate and promote the adoption of compost incorporation prior to turf establishment as a best management practice within new residential developments; 2) to reduce lawn N fertilizer use by promoting the use of lawn seed mixtures that contain microclover; and 3) to show that stormwater volume will be reduced and stormwater quality improved by implementing the first and second objectives within a residential development. Virginia Tech (along with Penn State) is conducting satellite demonstrations as part of a University of Maryland –funded grant from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation examining the potential benefits of compost and/or microclover addition as part of turfgrass management programs. The research is being conducted at Winton Country Club in Amherst, VA, a part of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. We anticipate that this project will demonstrate that the incorporation of compost prior to turf establishment is a simple, cost effective way to reduce runoff from residential lots. It will also show that compost incorporation does not involve increased maintenance requirements or remedial homeowner actions to be an effective long term means of reducing runoff from residential developments located on flat or gently sloping terrain. The value of compost incorporation and the use of microclover turf seed mixtures, in sustaining functionally desirable turf with little to no fertilizer use will also be demonstrated over the course of this project. Preliminary results: -turf-type tall fescue establishment, density and quality is enhanced by the pre-plant incorporation of 2 inches of compost into a prepared seedbed. -the 2” compost-amended plots had much less weed pressure -a 1/4” compost topdressing application to established vegetation resulted in a color response comparable to plots receiving 1 lb synthetic N/1000 sq ft -as anticipated, compost incorporation and/or topdressing tends to increase soil water infiltration and percolation rates -microclover stands in establishment and/or supplementation trials did not persist following a fall 2012 seeding; microclover persistence following reseeding in the spring 2013 has been much improved to date It is anticipated that this project will lead to increases in the use of compost and microclover- containing seed mixtures by the building community, landscape practitioners, and homeowners. The results of this project will also provide documentation that can be used to support reductions in N fertilization recommendations for lawn turf when the two project BMPs are used at the time of turf establishment. Location: Winton Country Club, Amherst, VA with additional site for clover establishment at the Turfgrass Research Center Researchers: Mike Goatley, Jr. and Whitnee Askew Sponsors: National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, University of Maryland, Penn State University, Mike Zirkle and Robert Habel (Winton Country Club, Amherst, VA) 15 Plant health product for putting greens demonstration trial Objective: Demonstrate visual effects of sequential applications of various plant health product chemistries on a putting green. Rationale: A number of products are marketed for their primary (fungicidal, PGR, fertilizer) effects, but also for secondary beneficial effects for improved putting green summer stress tolerance. We put out this demo in late July to see if weekly treatment could show some of these “plant health” or secondary effects by Aug 28. Procedures: The trial is on a mature Penn A4 putting green mowed 5 times a week at 0.125”. All plots receive 0.15 lb N/M from 28-8-18 (bent special fertilizer) and 2 oz/M Magnus (surfactant) weekly. Treatmenst are applied weekly at 40 psi in 40 gal/A water. Treatments, with comments on purported “health effects”: Turfscreen® at 1.5 oz/M. Turfscreen® contains the same ingredients as common sunscreen, titanium dioxide and zinc oxide; it also contains a blue-green pigment. These compounds are very effective absorbers of UV light; they work on us to not allow high free radical production in our skin that can destroy cells and cause sunburn. Adding in the pigment, as above, should result in similar positive results on full sun leaves. 2. Signature® at 2 oz/M Generic phosphite at 0.5 oz/M Signature® is a combination of fosetyl-Al (a phosphite fungicide) and a blue-green pigment (Stressgard®). Phosphite (PO3) fungicides and fertilizers have been documented to protect against moderate pythium blight pressure via systemic acquired resistance (SAR). Foliar uptake of the phosphite, PO3 rather than normal phosphate (PO4), sends a stress signal through the plant resulting in the systemic production of higher levels of antimicrobial compounds called phytoalexins. These compounds do not directly kill the fungus, they merely deter or slow infection. If pythium pressure gets high enough, the “naturally-induced” tolerance provided by the phosphite is overcome and a stronger pythium fungicide is required. There is an energy cost to the plant to produce the antimicrobial compounds caused by repeated phosphite application. This is where the pigment comes in. Virginia Tech and Rutgers research has shown that pigment application (every 7 to 14 days) blocks UV light (a huge contributor to free radical production), resulting in a greater maintenance of chlorophyll and carotenoid pigment levels. More pigments for light absorption translates into slight increases in net photosynthesis (energy gain) and turf that maintains greater color and density under heat stress. Daconil Action® at 1 oz/M. Daconil Action is a new product out from Syngenta combining chlorothalonil with acibenzolar. Acibenzolar has been shown to be a successful salicylic acid mimic working to induce SAR and antimicrobial compounds within the plant. Kansas State research reported that acibenzolar applied alone on a 14-day interval resulted in 26 to 38% less dollar spot than the control. Virginia Tech research has shown that pre-treatment with salicylic acid prior to heat stress improved tolerance by temporarily boosting antioxidant levels. New research comparing acibenzolar to salicylic acid for improved heat tolerance is warranted, along with research regarding any role it might play in prevention or alleviation of the bacterial decline complex. 16 Insignia® at 0.5 oz/M. Insignia (pyraclostrobin) is a broad-spectrum strobilurin fungicide that research at multiple universities has shown to have plant health benefits. Repeated applications have been shown to slow down respiration (less energy loss) and result in boosted antioxidant content under heat and drought stress. Interesting also is the finding that the active ingredient naturally degrades to the amino acid tryptophan which is the precursor to the plant rooting hormone, auxin. Thus, University of Tennessee research reported increased Penn A1 root mass following three (14-d interval) applications under mild drought stress when compared to the untreated control and azoxystrobin. Iron-sulfate at 0.25 lbs/M. Our ongoing research with sequential high rates of iron-sulfate for Poa annua control (see field day report and talk) has shown good effects on Poa, dollar spot, and moss. However, our highest rate looks bad (too dark!) and is beginning to thin the canopy most likely via Fe-toxicity. The rate applied here is much lower and better looking, perhaps without the toxicity. Primo Maxx® (trinexapac-ethyl) at 0.125 oz/M. Primo is a plant growth inhibitor that saves on mowing by restricting leaf production of gibberelic acid (GA), the hormone responsible for leaf elongation. Less elongation concentrates chlorophyll and provides a darker canopy. Our research has also shown it enhances leaf content of another hormone, cytokinins that result in improved summer stress tolerance. Location: Turfgrass Research Center, Blacksburg, VA. Researchers: E.H. Ervin, J. Dickerson, David McCall 17 An Integrated Nutritional and Chemical Approach to Poa annua Control in Creeping Bentgrass Putting Greens Objectives: To determine the effects of repeated high rates of Fe-sulfate on transitioning a Poa infested creeping bentgrass putting green to a monoculture. To determine if seaweed extract or paclobutrazol, in combination with Fe-sulfate, improve Poa control. Rationale: Creeping bentgrass provides an ideal putting surface for golf courses located in temperate climates. These greens are invaded by Poa annua (Poa), which can be difficult to control. Poa disrupts putting green uniformity, is more susceptible to summer stresses, requires more maintenance, and lowers aesthetics. A widely accepted nutritional approach in the U. K., and an increasing practice in cooler climates of the U. S. for suppressing Poa, is the application of Fe-sulfate and ammonium sulfate fertilizers. These fertilizers are used to lower the soil pH to below 5.5, favoring creeping bentgrass growth and reducing Poa’s competitiveness. To further reduce the Poa population previous research suggests that fertilizers containing P and K are not to be applied. In addition, a chemical approach to Poa suppression is applying a plant growth regulator, paclobutrazol. In the U. K. and U. S. seaweed extract (SWE) is commonly applied to enhance bentgrass stress tolerance. However, it is unknown if SWE favors the growth of one grass over another. In addition to possible control of Poa, Fe-sulfate has been observed to reduce dollar spot incidence and silvery thread moss populations in putting greens. Procedures: The green was originally planted with ‘Penneagle’ creeping bentgrass more than 30 years ago; it has benn interseeded with ‘L-93’ over time and has been colonized by more than 30% Poa with some plots reaching as high as 65% coverage. Fertilizer and chemical treatments are applied by a CO₂ (40 psi) walk behind sprayer at 40 GPA every two weeks from March through October. Ammonium sulfate is applied at 0.10 lb N/1000 ft² every 2 weeks uniformly across all plots. No P or K containing fertilizers have been applied for over 3 years. Ferrous sulfate is applied at the following rates across plots 9x6 ft with 4 replications of each treatment and arranged in a randomized split block design. 1. 0.0 lb/1000 ft² = 0x 2. 0.25 lb/1000 ft² = 0.5x 3. 0.5 lb/1000 ft² = 1.0x 4. 1.0 lb/1000 ft² = 2.0x Treatments of seaweed extract and Trimmit (paclobutrazol; PAC; 22% ai) are sprayed on 3x6 ft split plots at the following rates. Untreated Seaweed extract at 4 oz/1000 ft² Trimmit (PAC) at 0.5 oz/1000 ft² (Spring and Fall) 0.25 oz/1000 ft² (Summer) Poa plants are counted using a grid containing 512 squares of equal size and are counted when sufficient Poa seedheads are observed. Quality ratings are taken one week after each fertilizer and chemical application from March to November. Color and quality ratings are based on a 1-9 scale where 1 equals a brown color or dead turf and 9 equals dark green, dense, uniform turf. Results, Table 1: Best summer quality is occurring at the 0.5x and 1.0x Fe-sulfate rates, especially in combination with paclobutrazol. Sequential treatment with Fe-sulfate at the 2.0x rate has begun to thin the plots (Poa first, 18 then bentgrass) most likely due to direct Fe-toxicity. This thinning effect has taken 3 years to really become apparent. Sequential, aggressive applications of paclobutrazol (alone) have effectively reduced Poa annua. Add in the 0.5s or 1.0x Fe-sulfate treatments and Poa control has been even better. Repeated Fe-sulfate applications have been quite effective at reducing dollar spot pressure, most likely due to direct Fe-toxicity to the Sclerotinia mycelium. Poa control in this trial has not been associated with a drastic drop in soil pH most likely due to our alkaline irrigation water (pH=7.6). However, close monitoring at your site is highly recommended as rootzone pH and irrigation water conditions are likely to be different at your site. July Quality May Poa % Dollar spot count Table 1. #/plot 2012 2013 Treatment 2012 2013 2012 2013 Control, 0x FeS 6.0 5.4 43 47 48 5 0x FeS + SWE 6.5 5.8 36 39 42 10 0x FeS + PAC 6.4 5.9 14 3 9 4 0.5x FeS 6.5 7.4 26 33 12 7 0.5x FeS + SWE 6.6 7.6 31 33 16 3 0.5x FeS + PAC 7.6 7.4 8 1 2 2 1.0x FeS 7.3 6.9 28 27 5 5 1.0x FeS + SWE 6.6 7.4 29 30 2 3 1.0x FeS + PAC 6.6 7.3 10 3 1 0 2.0x FeS 6.8 6.4 24 32 1 1 2.0x FeS + SWE 6.1 6.9 18 25 5 1 2.0x FeS + PAC 6.9 6.4 7 8 1 0 0.9 0.8 15 20 12 5 LSD (0.05) Location: Turfgrass Research Center, Virginia Tech Researchers: E.H. Ervin, Mattia Accorsi, Adam Boyd, and Nate Reams Sponsors: Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station and Virginia Agricultural Council 19 Effect of Golf Course Turfgrass Management on Water Quality of Non-tidal Streams in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Objective: Water quality data from selected golf courses in the James River Watershed will be collected to assess if existing golf course turf management has a possible correlation with water quality changes in local streams. These data will be useful for identifying the degree to which golf course turf management may be associated with possible pollution or improvement of water in local streams. Rationale: Golf courses are generally viewed to be a significant potential contributor to nonpoint source water pollution. Numerous Virginia golf courses are located in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, which has a history of nutrient pollution and eutrophication problems. To date, no watershed-scale studies have been completed in Virginia investigating the role of golf course turf management in nutrient deposition or attenuation in local streams. No studies have extended this information to the Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) of an associated watershed to find nutrient contribution or reduction amounts. The goal of this project is to quantify effects of golf course turf management on stream water quality by comparing areas upstream and downstream of managed turf areas. These data will help to clarify if possible future water quality regulation by the State or EPA is warranted for golf course management. Procedures: Water quality data and turfgrass management practice data from at least six golf courses with perennial streams in the James River Watershed will be collected to assess effects of golf course turf management on local streams. Grab samples representing each season are taken at all sites six times per year and analyzed for phosphate-P, total N, nitrate-N, and ammonium-N concentrations at the Virginia Water Resources Research Center using Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. Samples are only taken at baseflow conditions. Selected streams will be assessed for in situ temperature, dissolved oxygen, specific conductance, and pH values using a Hydrolab meter. Samples will be taken with respect to upstream locations where streams enter the golf course (ins) and downstream locations where streams exit the golf course (outs) and compared to ascertain whether water quality changes are occurring between upstream and downstream sampling locations as influenced by adjacent turfgrass management practices. Sampling began in Spring 2011 and will continue through at least Spring 2015. Results: See the Table of Results. Data for nine quarterly sampling seasons have been analyzed thus far for six golf courses in the James River Watershed. To date, we have not seen any significant trends of impairment with respect to dissolved oxygen, specific conductance, temperature, or pH on eight monitored stream sites. Stream levels of NO3-N (nitrate-N) were below the EPA established level of 10 mg/L for drinking water for all sites. No established guidelines for freshwater streams in VA are available, although < 1 mg/L is considered “good”, while 1-10 mg/L is considered “fair” water quality (Janke et al, 2006) Four of eleven sites (on three separate golf courses) had means of nitrate-N higher in the water leaving the course than the water entering the course as well as concentrations > 1 mg/L. However, these differences to do not appear to be significant. NH4N (ammonium-N) is also a source of N allowing for algal growth and eutrophication. Ammonium-N increased at five of the sites (on four courses), but these increases do not appear to be significant. As for PO4+-P (phosphate-P), minor increases were observed at two downstream locations with other sites showing downstream decreases or no detectable phosphate-P. Phosphate-P levels in waters leaving the course were below the EPA recommendation of 0.05 mg/L. Location: James River Watershed, VA Researchers: C.M. Wilson, S.H. Schoenholtz, and E.H. Ervin Sponsors: GCSAA, VGCSA, VAC 20 TABLE 1. Mean nutrient levels in streams on participating James River Watershed golf courses. All values are averages from nine seasonal samples with the exception of Course 3, which are averages of seventeen monthly and seasonal samples. “Ins” represent areas upstream of turf management and “outs” represent downstream areas. Nitrate mg L-1 Mean Course 1 IN Course 1 OUT Course 2 IN A Course 2 OUT A Course 2 IN B Course 2 OUT B Course 3 IN Aa Course 3 OUT A Washpad OUT Course 3 IN Ba Course 3 OUT B Course 4 IN Ab Course 4 OUT A Course 4 IN B Course 4 OUT B Course 4 IN Ca Course 4 OUT C Course 5 IN Course 5 OUT Course 6 IN A Course 6 OUT A Course 6 IN B Course 6 OUT B 0.109 0.079 0.688 0.433 0.404 0.209 0.944 High*: 1.103 1.225 3.997 1.713 High: 2.473 2.800 2.780 High: 4.955 3.407 0.970 3.521 1.428 High: 1.476 2.762 0.208 0.124 0.218 0.156 1.702 0.196 Standard Deviation 0.087 0.104 0.389 0.419 0.310 0.159 0.225 0.978 2.762 1.074 1.051 2.013 1.467 0.547 1.514 0.068 1.177 0.290 0.124 0.190 0.120 0.972 0.109 Ammonium mg L-1 Standard Mean Deviation 0.105 0.108 0.070 0.094 0.026 0.017 0.060 0.026 0.075 0.085 0.046 0.054 0.090 0.063 High: 0.134 0.042 0.100 0.188 0.432 0.051 0.030 High: 0.073 0.132 0.285 0.062 0.069 High: 0.143 0.043 0.051 0.160 0.079 0.220 0.550 0.025 0.012 High: 0.033 0.024 0.037 0.058 0.046 0.045 0.047 0.033 0.027 0.031 0.050 0.060 0.048 0.055 0.065 *High values represent the highest mean value of the corresponding “in” a Values are the averaged means of two “in” sites b Values are the averaged means of three “in sites 21 Phosphate mg L-1 Standard Mean Deviation 0.029 0.015 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.009 0.024 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.013 0.009 High: 0.020 0.009 0.012 0.026 0.037 0.045 0.062 High: 0.089 0.032 0.054 0.001 0.002 High: 0.003 0.010 0.018 0.012 0.008 0.005 0.011 0.004 0.000 High: 0.004 0.003 0.008 0.019 0.006 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Testing of Specialty Fertilizer and Surfactant Products for Creeping Bentgrass Putting Green Summer Performance Objectives: Determine if Amway and Cytozyme fertilizer and surfactant products outperform industry standards. Rationale: We are testing APSA-80 in this trial against Magnus. APSA-80 is an older (1954) class of surfactant chemistry called polyoxyethylenes (POE), while Magnus is in the newer (1995) surfactant class called reverse block co-polymers (EOPO). POEs are generally good soil wetters, with excellent residual, but have a greater risk of burn if not watered in completely after application. EOPOs are excellent soil wetters, with slightly less residual, but much less risk of burn. The Amway and Cytozyme groups also have specialty foliar fertilizers that they recommend to be used in conjunction with APSA-80 for a summer putting green program. Thus, we tested some combinations of their recommended program. Procedures: Products will be mixed in water and applied with a CO2 pressurized sprayer at 1 gal water/1000 ft2 at 40 psi. Treatments will be lightly watered in. Products will be applied during calm weather to avoid product drift to other plots. Fungicides (chlorothalonil, primarily) will be applied to prevent disease. The trial is on a mature USGA-sand based ‘L-93’ green. Irrigation will be kept to a minimum to match industry standard and allow minor wilting events to pull out the strengths of the tested products against drought and localized dry spot development. Treatments (M = 1000 ft2), applied monthly (4 applications, May to Aug): Fertilizer control at industry standard rate, 28-8-18, at 0.2 lb N/M with surfactant Magnus at 4 fl oz/M Fertilizer at industry standard rate, 28-8-18, at 0.2 lb N/M with NutriPlant AG (6-4-3) at 0.74 fl oz/M (32 fl oz/acre) with APSA-80 at 0.37 fl oz/M (16 fl oz/acre) Fertilizer at 75% of industry standard rate, 28-8-18, at 0.15 lb N/M with NutriPlant AG (6-4-3) at 0.74 fl oz/M (32 fl oz/acre) with APSA-80 at 0.37 fl oz/M (16 fl oz/acre) Fertilizer at industry standard rate, 28-8-18, at 0.2 lb N/M with AG (6-4-3) at 0.74 fl oz/M (32 fl oz/acre) and Soil+Max at 0.74 fl oz/M (32 oz/acre) with surfactant Magnus at 4 fl oz/M. NutriPlant SL will be applied one time in early spring in 1:1000 solution (32 fl oz/acre). Fertilizer at 75% of industry standard rate, 28-8-18, at 0.15 lb N/M with AG (6-4-3) at 0.74 fl oz/M (32 fl oz/acre) and Soil+Max at 0.74 fl oz/M (32 oz/A) with surfactant Magnus at 4 fl oz/M. NutriPlant SL will be applied one time in early spring in 1:1000 solution (32 fl oz/acre). Fertilizer 28-8-18, at 0.2 lb N/M with APSA-80 at 5 fl oz/M. Results, see Table to the right: Record rainfall in June and July made it very difficult to dry-down the putting green enough to allow surfactant treatment differences to occur. Thus, surface soil moisture remained high (>25%) all summer, with no treatment differences occurring. Some minor differences in visual turfgrass quality occurred as the summer progressed, with these differences 22 primarily attributable to less nitrogen applied in the 75% standard fertilizer treatments. Treatment 1: std fert + Magnus June 20 7.1 Turf Quality July 19 6.6 2: std fert + AG + APSA 7.3 6.5 6.5 31 29 32 3: 75% std fert + AG + APSA 6.8 6.4 6.0 26 27 28 4: std fert + AG + SoilMax + Magnus 7.5 6.4 7.0 32 30 31 5: 75% std fert + AG + SoilMax + Magnus 7.0 6.6 6.4 30 26 27 6: std fert + APSA 7.3 6.4 7.6 31 30 31 Aug 14 7.5 June 20 32 Soil Moisture % July 16 29 Aug 15 30 Creeping bentgrass putting green quality and soil moisture (0 to 2 inches) responses to Amway and Cytozyme surfactants and foliar fertilizers Location: Turfgrass Research Center, Virginia Tech Researchers: E.H. Ervin and Jonathan Dickerson Sponsors: Amway and Cytozyme Laboratories 23 Impact of turf fans on golf putting greens. Objective: Quantify the role of turf fans on the overall health of creeping bentgrass putting greens. Rationale: Stress to creeping bentgrass during summer months is one of the biggest limiting factors of its success in Virginia. Still, it is considered the most desirable species for putting greens worldwide, because of its uniform appearance and ball roll, density, and color. When soil temperatures rise above 86°F, bentgrass has a net energy loss with rate of respiration exceeding photosynthesis, resulting in a loss of functionality of roots. Golf course superintendents utilize various tactics to combat this, including the installation of turf fans. Turf fans are used to provide much needed air flow in areas with poor circulation. But what is the real benefit… Do they cool the surface or more importantly, the root zone? Does it aid in maintaining acceptable soil moisture? How do turf fans impact stress-promoted diseases, such as Pythium root rot? How much of the green is actually being impacted? There many questions in need of answers. These were some of the questions that led me to my current research. Procedures: During the summer of 2013, we spatially evaluated the impacts of turf fans in Richmond. Measurements of soil and canopy temperatures, soil moisture, rooting depth, and maximum wind speeds were collected throughout. Data were collected from six Penn A1/A4 creeping bentgrass putting greens with permanent oscillating 5hp Electric Turf Breeze 50” (TB-50-Premium) (SubAir Systems, LLC, Graniteville, SC) fans on in-play putting greens. Similar data were collected from three greens without fans to serve as comparisons. These measurements were compared with mapped geo-referenced reflectance data as an objective measurement of turf quality, that is often more sensitive at detecting stress than the naked eye. Results: See Figures on the next page. Because of real-world situations, two of three greens with no permanent fans had temporary fans running throughout portions of the season. Additionally, the greens with no permanent fans installed were best available matches for the study, but were considered lower risk for stress because of location and microenvironment. Moisture remained relatively high throughout the season, and was not impacted by turf fans (Figure 1). Root zone temperature (Figure 2), canopy temperature (Figure 3), and rooting depth (Figure 4) were all influenced by turf fans, with areas closest to fans being impacted the most. Reflectance data to quantify plant health have yet to be analyzed. On sampling date of data shown (Figure 5), average wind speed on greens without fans were consistently around 2mph. Wind speeds on greens with fan averaged 13mph closest to fans to 4mph at 70ft away. Location: Willow Oaks Country Club, Richmond, Virginia Researchers: David McCall, Camden Shelton, and Andrew Landreth Sponsors: Virginia Turfgrass Foundation, Virginia Ag Council, SubAir Systems, LLC., The Toro Company Figure 1. Impact of turf fans on soil moisture (1.5 in.) on August 12, 2013. 24 Figure 2. Impact of turf fans on root zone temperature (1.5 in.) on August 12, 2013. Figure 3. Impact of turf fans on canopy temperature on August 12, 2013. Figure 4. Impact of turf fans on rooting depth on August 12, 2013. Figure 5. Average wind speeds at turf canopy on August 12, 2013. 25 Fungicide programs for golf greens. Objective: Evaluate various fungicide spray programs for their effectiveness at managing summer diseases and other stress related disorders. Rationale: Since the majority of golf greens are attacked by multiple diseases at a given time, it is essential for superintendents to use spray programs that will protect the turfgrass from numerous summer stresses and diseases. With many options available on the market, it is essential to select the proper fungicide at the proper time. The purpose of this trial was to compare the impact of each spray program on overall turf health and uniform playing conditions throughout the summer stress period. Procedures: Spray programs were evaluated for overall performance and disease management. The site consisted of an established annual bluegrass and ‘Penncross’ creeping bentgrass golf research green at the Turfgrass Research Center, Blacksburg. Individual plots were 6 ft x 10 ft (PT1) or 4 ft x 6 ft (PT2) and were arranged in a randomized complete block design with four replications. All treatments were initiated on June 7 and were reapplied every 14 days throughout the growing season. All programs were applied at a spray volume of 2 gal per 1000 ft2 using TeeJet TTI11004VS spray nozzles. All plots received 0.125 lbs of nitrogen per 1000 ft2 every two weeks alternate of fungicides. Turf quality, disease severity, and any observable differences were assessed weekly. Additionally, objective turf quality was assessed using multispectral radiometry and geospatially mapped using TurfScout data processing service. Results: The storyline of 2013 has been the excessive rainfall in most of Virginia. Departure from normal is currently +16 inches for the year. To date, dollar spot and anthracnose pressure have been very mild at the test site. Even plots that have not received fungicide have been clean of these diseases for the majority of the summer. Dollar spot is most severe when soils are maintained below field capacity, which was rare in this study. Brown patch was active at certain times throughout the season, with most programs providing complete control. The environment plays a vital role in disease development and plant response. While all diseases may appear covered with a fungicide program before summer stresses and diseases are present, it will most certainly require consistent modification throughout the season. Location: Turfgrass Research Center, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg. Researchers: David McCall, Andrew Landreth, and Cam Shelton Sponsors: BASF, Bayer ES, QualiPro, Suncor, and Syngenta 26 27 Combined applications of entomopathogenic fungi and insecticides for white grub control Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of combined application of two species of entomopathogenic fungi and two insecticides for masked chafer grub control Rationale: Entomopathogynic fungi species registered for white grub control are safe means of control, however, their efficacy against white grub is very low when applied alone. Applications of entomopathogenic fungi combined with some insecticides have been found to result in synergistic interactions. Such interactions might make it possible to control pest insects effectively than with a single control agent. This study aims to determine the efficacy and interactions of combined applications of two insecticides, imidacloprid (Merit) and chlorantraniliprole (Acelepryn), and two species of entomopathogenic fungi, Metarhizium anisopliae and Beauveria bassiana, against masked chafer grubs, Cyclocephala spp. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), which is one of the important pests of turfgrass in Virginia. Procedures: Two rates of the insecticides (one quarter and one half of the recommended rate), the full recommended rates of both fungi species, and each combination of insecticide plus fungi will be applied in April, June, August and September. Their efficacy will be compared. Results: This study has just been started. I do not have any result so far. Locations: Turfgrass research center, Virginia Tech and Tazewell County Country Club, Tazewell Researcher: S. Gyawaly, R. R. Youngman and C. Laub 28 Overseeded Bermudagrass Transition with Negate® Herbicide Objective: To determine if Quali-Pro’s Negate® herbicide is effective for controlling perennial ryegrass in an overseeded bermudagrass situation and how it compares to industry standards. Rationale: Spring transitioning of overseeded bermudagrass with herbicides is a common practice among turf managers. Currently, there are several sulfonylurea herbicides that are effective at controlling perennial ryegrass, Poa annua and many common broadleaf weeds without injuring established bermudagrass: Monument® (trifloxysulfuron), Revolver® (foramsulfuron), Katana® (flazasulfuron), Manor® (metsulfuron), and Tranxit® (rimsulfuron). Quali-Pro’s Negate® herbicide combines the broadleaf weed control of metsulfuron with the perennial ryegrass control of rimsulfuron to offer a more cost-effective alternative to the bermudagrass transitioning market. Procedures: This trial was initiated on May 29, 2013 on a ‘Patriot’ bermudagrass fairway overseeded with perennial ryegrass and infested with 3-4% dandelion and 10-15% white clover per 6’ x 6’ plot. Treatments consisted of one application of QP Negate® (1.5 oz/A), QP rimsulfuron (1.0 oz/A), Monument® (0.35 oz/A), Revolver® (17 oz/A), and Katana® (1.5 oz/A). All treatments included a nonionic surfactant (0.25% v/v) and an untreated check was included for comparison. Results: All treatments controlled perennial ryegrass >92%, 4 WAT, although Monument® was significantly less with 92% and controlled perennial ryegrass at a slower speed than all other treatments. Katana® and QP rimsulfuron controlled perennial ryegrass faster, as shown in 7-14 DAT data, than all other treatments but not significantly better at 4 WAT. All treatments controlled white clover >93%, 4 WAT, but QP rimsulfuron was slightly less than Negate™, Monument®, and Katana® (100%). All treatments controlled dandelion >95%, 4 WAT. These data suggest that Quali-Pro’s Negate™ herbicide is an effective option for controlling perennial ryegrass and broadleaf weeds in overseeded bermudagrass, and it performs equivalent to or better than the industry leading herbicides marketed for this use. Location: Glade Road Research Facility, Virginia Tech Researchers: Michael C. Cox and Shawn D. Askew Sponsors: Quali-Pro 29 Methiozolin Research Update and Ball Roll Demonstration Objective: To determine which fertility program most effectively aids putting green recovery following either rapid annual bluegrass removal or an intensive aeration event. Rationale: Methiozolin (PoaCure) is a new herbicide utilized for the safe and selective removal of annual bluegrass in creeping bentgrass on putting greens and fairways. This series of experiments focuses on the most effective means of sward recovery following either rapid removal of annual bluegrass or an intensive aeration event where 30% of the canopy is removed. After annual bluegrass is removed, preliminary studies suggest that ball roll uniformity may increase on pure creeping bentgrass compared to annual bluegrass infested turf. Research is now underway to develop methods to measure the influence of several environmental factors, including annual bluegrass, on ball roll uniformity. Procedures: Two trials were initiated on March 22, 2012. Trial 1 was conducted at the Virginia Tech Golf Course and replicated on two separate, push-up style, practice greens maintained at 0.156 in. Trial 1 was a randomized complete block design with 3 replications. The entire trial was treated with methiozolin at 3.6 fl oz/1000 ft2 fb 0.6 fl oz/1000 ft2 twice at 2 week intervals in order to facilitate rapid removal of annual bluegrass. Trial 2 was conducted at the Turfgrass Research Center (TRC) on a USGA specification L-93 green that is maintained at 0.125 in. This trial was aerated to remove 30% of the turfgrass canopy on May 5, 2013. Trial 2 was a split plot design with 4 cultural treatments as main plots and two rates of methiozolin as subplots. Sub-plots contained either no methiozolin or methiozolin applied at 0.6 fl oz/1000 ft2 6 times at 2 week intervals. All cultural treatments were the same between trials. The cultural treatments were as follows: no cultural treatment, increased fertility using Bulldog 20-20-20, a commercially available N-P-K product, increased fertility plus trinexapac-ethyl (Primo) at 0.125 fl oz/1000 ft2 and increased fertility via Floratine biostimulant products. All fertility treatments were applied every two weeks beginning on April 14, 2013 and plots subject to increased fertility received an extra 0.125 lb N on top of the normal fertility regime. The biostimulant program provided an equal amount of macronutrients to the other increased fertility programs. Light box images, normalized differential vegetative index (NDVI) and visual ratings were taken weekly for the duration of the study. Digital images were analyzed for % green pixels using Sigmascan Pro. Statistical analysis was performed using SAS. Results: Trial 1: There were no interactions between trials, therefore data were pooled. At trial initiation, turfgrass was dormant and creeping bentgrass cover ranged from 15 to 19%. Turfgrass cover increased approximately 5% across all treatments each week for the next three weeks. Fertility was applied beginning on April 14, when turfgrass cover was between 50 to 60%. One week after initiation of cultural treatments, biostimulant treated plots were significantly greener than increased fertility alone and the untreated plot, but not increased fertility plus Primo. By 6 weeks after initial treatment (WAIT), all increased fertility treatments were significantly greener than the untreated, but not different from one another. At the conclusion of the trial, cover in treated plots ranged from 95 to 96%, and 90% in the untreated. This trend continued until the conclusion of the trial 12 WAIT. Area under the progress curve (AUPC) indicated that, over time, plots with increased fertility had significantly better cover than the untreated, supporting the percent green cover data. These data suggest that increasing fertility following rapid annual bluegrass removal will aid turfgrass recovery. Initially, biostimulant products seem to assist recovery better than commercial fertility alone or with Primo. Trial 2: At trial initiation, turfgrass was dormant, and percent green cover ranged from 11 to 20% across the trial area. One week after initiation of fertility, percent green tissue on treated plots ranged from 72 to 78%, whereas the untreated plot was 54%. The green was aerated to remove roughly 30% of the turfgrass canopy 30 and topdressed heavily with sand. At 2 weeks after aeration (WAA), biostimulant plots recovered more than all other treatments. Increased fertility alone increased green cover more than the untreated but not increased fertility plus Primo. At 3 WAA, all increased fertility treatments increased green cover relative to the untreated. At the conclusion of the study, approximately 8 WAA, there were no significant differences between treatments. These data suggest that methiozolin applications do not influence turfgrass recovery following an intensive aeration event. Initially, biostimulant products provide an increase in green cover versus increased fertility alone or with Primo. The results from both of these studies suggest that increasing fertility of a putting green to recover from rapid annual bluegrass loss or aeration is not influenced by methiozolin, and that either biostimulants or commercial fertilizers can be used to effectively speed recovery. Biostimulant programs may be advantageous compared to fertilizer in the first two to three weeks of recovery. The ball roll demonstration will show some techniques we are currently employing to assess the uniformity of multiple golf ball trajectories when rolled across the putting surface under controlled conditions. We will discuss the different factors that could influence ball roll uniformity and compare uniformity to stimp, which is a measure of ball speed but does not address the lateral and longitudinal deviation the green may impart on the balls intended path. Location: Virginia Tech Golf Course and Turfgrass Research Center, Virginia Tech Researchers: K. A. Venner, S. S. Rana, and S. D. Askew Sponsors: Suk-Jin Koo, Ph.D., CEO of Moghu Research Center, Dajeon, Korea 31 Goosegrass Control and Bermudagrass Tolerance with Low-Rate Pylex™ Programs Objective: To determine effective application rates and tank mixes with Pylex™ for goosegrass control in cool-season turf and bermudagrass. Rationale: Pylex™ (topramezone) is a promising new herbicide from BASF for crabgrass, goosegrass, bermudagrass, and some broadleaf weed control in cool-season turf. It is similar to Tenacity® (mesotrione) in that it controls many weeds and is safe to many cool-season turfgrasses. Pylex™ can effectively control crabgrass, goosegrass, and white clover with a single application and is more effective than Tenacity® for bermudagrass control. In non-replicated studies, Pylex™ has controlled mature goosegrass at lower rates, while bermudagrass only appears to be slightly suppressed at these rates. With the lack of effective goosegrass control programs in bermudagrass, research should determine if lower application rates of Pylex™ will control goosegrass without sustaining unacceptable injury to bermudagrass turf. Procedures: These trials were initiated on July 24, 2013 in three locations: 1) a zoysiagrass area infested with a high population of crabgrass and goosegrass and maintained at lawn height, 2) a fallow area with high goosegrass and smooth crabgrass pressure, and 3) a strip-killed creeping bentgrass fairway planted with goosegrass seed in May 2013. Treatments consisted of Pylex™ at 0.005 lb ae/A (0.25 fl oz/A) and (0.011 lb ae/A) (0.5 fl oz/A) each applied alone or mixed with Turflon® Ester Ultra at 0.125 lb ae/A (4 fl oz/A). All treatments were applied twice at a 3-week interval. All treatments included a methylated seed oil surfactant (0.5% v/v), and an untreated check was included for comparison. A bermudagrass tolerance demo was initiated on August 14 and 20, 2013 in ‘Patriot‘ bermudagrass. Rates for the demonstration were based on previous studies. Treatments consisted of two applications of Pylex™ at 0.001 lb ae/A (0.05 fl oz/A), 0.002 lb ae/A (0.1 fl oz/A), 0.003 lb ae/A (0.15 fl oz/A), 0.004 lb ae/A (0.2 fl oz/A), 0.005 lb ae/A (0.25 fl oz/A), and (0.011 lb ae/A) (0.5 fl oz/A) applied alone and with Turflon® Ester Ultra at 0.06 lb ae/A (2 fl oz/A) and 0.125 lb ae/A (4 fl oz/A). The nearby bermudagrass variety trial has received two applications of 0.25 fl oz/A and 0.5 fl oz/A of Pylex™ and Turflon® Ester Ultra at 4 fl oz/A to date and can be observed for a future comparison with these Pylex™ programs. All treatments included a methylated seed oil surfactant (0.5% v/v). An untreated check was also included for comparison. Results: Goosegrass Study. All treatments controlled goosegrass greater than 90% by 3 weeks after initial treatment (WAIT) at the fallow and bentgrass strip-kill locations and greater than 98% by 6 WAIT at the zoysiagrass location. In the fallow location, Pylex™ at 0.5 fl oz/A with and without Turflon® and Pylex™ alone at 0.25 fl oz/A has controlled goosegrass significantly better than Pylex™ at 0.25 fl oz/A + Turflon®. In the strip-killed bentgrass location, Pylex™ at 0.5 fl oz/A with and without Turflon® has controlled goosegrass significantly better than Pylex™ at 0.25 fl oz/A with and without Turflon®. Pylex™ + Turflon® treatments reduced whitening symptoms significantly more than treatments without Turflon® approximately 7-10 DAT; however, these differences diminished as plants began to recover. These studies are still in progress, and the second application for the fallow and strip-killed bentgrass sites was applied on August 14, 2013. At the current time, these data suggest that two applications of Pylex™ at either 0.25 or 0.5 fl oz/A is an effective poste32 mergent treatment for mature goosegrass, and when combined with Turflon® Ester Ultra will cause minimal white tissue injury. Bermudagrass Variety Trial. In the variety trial, ‘Numex Sahara’ and ‘Midlawn’ were not injured above an acceptable threshold (>30%) from any treatment 2 weeks after initial application. ‘PST-R6FLT’ and ‘PSG91215’ were not injured above 30% from any treatments except Pylex™ alone at 0.5 fl oz/A. Generally, all other varieties were not tolerant to any treatment except Pylex™ (0.25 fl oz/A) plus Turflon® (4 fl oz/A) and/or Pylex™ alone at 0.25 fl oz/A. All bermudagrass varieties were injured above the acceptable threshold two weeks after the second application. By three weeks after the second application, ‘SWI-1113’, ‘Sunsport’, ‘RAD-CD1’, and ‘PSG9Y2OK’ were not injured above 30% from any treatment. The following varieties were also tolerant to at least three of the treatments (generally all treatments except Pylex™ at 0.5 fl oz/A + Turflon®): ‘Princess 77’, ‘Numex Sahara’, ‘SWI-1070’, ‘SWI-1081’, ‘SWI-1083’, ‘SWI-1122’, ‘Midlawn’, ‘SWI-1057’, ‘Patriot’, ‘OKS2004-2’, ‘PSG91215’, ‘PSG94524’, ‘IS-CD10’, ‘J-720’, and ‘PSGPROK’. The following varieties were the least tolerant (generally only tolerant of Pylex™ alone at 0.25 and 0.5 fl oz/A): ‘Riviera’, ‘SWI-1117’, ‘Tifway’, ‘Premier’, ‘BAR7CD5’, ‘PST-R6FLT’, ‘OKC1119’, ‘OKC1134’, ‘IS-01201’, ‘Yukon’, ‘Veracruz’, and ‘PSG9BAN’. These data suggest that although there are several varieties of bermudagrass which recover from Pylex™ treatments of 0.25 fl oz/A and higher with and without Turflon®, three weeks of recovery is likely still too long to wait for acceptable turf quality. Research is currently being conducted on lower rates and possibly more applications of Pylex™ for postemergent goosegrass control. If found to effectively control goosegrass, Pylex™ rates below 0.25 fl oz/A should be less injurious to bermudagrass; however, at this time nothing can be recommended as Pylex™ is not labeled for use in bermudagrass. Location: Turfgrass Research Center, Virginia Tech Researchers: Michael C. Cox and Shawn D. Askew Sponsors: BASF 33 Metamifop for Goosegrass and Crabgrass Control Objective: To determine optimal timings and rates of metamifop for goosegrass and/or smooth crabgrass control and zoysiagrass response. Rationale: Metamifop is a new herbicide under development in U.S. markets by Summit Agro. Metamifop controls annual grasses without harming desired crop or cool season turfgrass species. Already marketed in nine other Asian and six Middle Eastern countries, metamifop shows potential for future expansion to Japan and North America. Previous research with metamifop has demonstrated effective control of crabgrass in most cool-season turfgrasses with rates from 200 g ai/ha (27.4 fl oz/A) to 400 g ai/ha (55 fl oz/A) and only one to two applications. Effective goosegrass control, however, has not been documented in the U. S. with metamifop. Since metamifop is marketed for goosegrass control in rice in Japan, more research is needed to further validate this use in the U.S. Procedures: This trial was initiated on July 28, 2013 in zoysiagrass maintained at lawn height and infested with 25-50% goosegrass and 30-75% smooth crabgrass per 6’ x 6’ plot. Treatments consisted of two and three applications of metamifop at 200 g ai/ha (27.4 fl oz/A), 300 g ai/ha (41 fl oz/A), and 400 g ai/ha (55 fl oz/A), and one application of Acclaim® Extra (fenoxaprop) at 140 g ai/ha (28 fl oz/A) plus a nonionic surfactant at 0.25% v/v. An untreated check was included for comparison. This trial is still ongoing, and the second application was applied on August 17, 2013. Results: At this time, metamifop at 41 and 55 fl oz/A and Acclaim® Extra at 28 fl oz/A has controlled smooth crabgrass 85-87% and significantly better than metamifop at 27.4 fl oz/A, 3 weeks after initial treatment (WAIT). Neither metamifop nor Acclaim® Extra has controlled goosegrass, as control has not exceeded 13% so far in this study. Acclaim® Extra injured zoysiagrass 20% and significantly more than all other treatments, 3 WAIT. Metamifop has not injured zoysiagrass more than 7% since trial initiation. Metamifop at 27, 41, and 55 fl oz/A will be applied for the third time on September 8, 2013 to approximately half of the plots to assess any differences between two and three applications of metamifop. At this time, these data suggest that one application of metamifop at 41 and 55 fl oz/A is effective at controlling smooth crabgrass and equivalent to Acclaim® Extra at 28 fl oz/A; however, metamifop appears to be much safer to zoysiagrass than Acclaim® Extra. None of the treatments appear to control goosegrass. Location: Turfgrass Research Center, Virginia Tech Researchers: Michael C. Cox and Shawn D. Askew Sponsors: Summit Agro 34 Preemergence Crabgrass Control with Quali-Pro Products Objective: To compare preemergence liquid formulations of Quali-Pro (QP) products for efficacy against smooth crabgrass and selectivity in cool- and warm-season turfgrass. Rationale: Crabgrass is considered one of the most troublesome weeds in turfgrass. There are several preemergence herbicide options available in both granular and liquid formulations. Liquid formulation QualiPro products were compared against current industry standards. Procedures: Trials were initiated in fairway height perennial ryegrass and bermudagrass on April 4th. Treatments in bermudagrass were as follows: QP dithiopyr at 16 and 32 fl oz/ac, QP oxadiazon at 121 fl oz/ac, and QP prodiamine at 32 fl oz/ac compared to industry standard dithiopyr at 16 and 32 fl oz/ ac, oxadiazon at 121 fl oz/ ac, and prodiamine at 32 fl oz/ ac. Dithiopyr applications at 16 fl oz/ac had a sequential application of the same rate 7 weeks after initial treatment (WAIT). In perennial ryegrass, all treatments were the same except for the exclusion of oxadiazon. A non-treated check was included for comparison. Any injury to the turfgrass was rated 1 week after treatment (WAT). Crabgrass control was or will be rated 3, 4, and 5 months after the initial treatment (MAIT). Late season ratings are still on-going. Results: Oxadiazon injured bermudagrass approximately 40% 1 WAIT, but turf recovered quickly. Dithiopyr injured perennial ryegrass 7% and other treatments did not injure perennial ryegrass. In bermudagrass, crabgrass control was excellent. At 3 MAIT, all treatments controlled crabgrass 96% or better. At 4 MAIT, applications of dithiopyr at 16 fl oz/ac, QP oxadiazon, QP prodiamine, and industry standard dithiopyr at 32 fl oz/ac controlled crabgrass 93% or better. Industry standard prodiamine controlled crabgrass 88%, and QP dithiopyr at 32 fl oz/ ac controlled crabgrass 82%. The best control 4 MAIT in bermudagrass was dithiopyr at 16 fl oz/ ac; both treatments controlled crabgrass 98-100%. In perennial ryegrass, crabgrass control 3 MAIT was 100% for all treatments. At 4 MAIT, QP prodiamine controlled crabgrass 82%; all other treatments maintained 100% control. Location: Glade Road Research Facility and Turfgrass Research Center, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA Researchers: A.N. Smith and S.D. Askew Sponsors: Quali-Pro 35 Postemergence and Residual Crabgrass Control with Cavalcade PQ Objective: Evaluate the performance of Cavalcade and Cavalcade PQ at varying rates against industry standards for smooth crabgrass and broadleaf weed control. Rationale: Quinclorac is a postemergence control option for crabgrass in cool-season turfgrass. Preemergence products containing quinclorac (such as Cavalcade PQ) allow some flexibility in application by combining preemergence residual control with early postemergence crabgrass control from quinclorac. Products containing prodiamine and quinclorac were compared for efficacy. Procedures: Trails were initiated in fairway height perennial ryegrass and on June 12th and July 9th. On June 12th, smooth crabgrass was 3-4 leaf stage. On July 9th, smooth crabgrass was 1-2 tiller stage. Treatments were as follows: Cavalcade at 0.37 oz/ 1000 ft2, Cavalcade PQ at 0.85 oz/ 1000 ft2, industry standard quinclorac at 0.365 oz/ 1000 ft2, industry standard prodiamine at 1.5 fl oz/ 1000 ft2, Cavalcade PQ at 0.7 oz/ 1000 ft2, and Cavalcade PQ at 0.7 oz/ 1000 ft2 with methylated seed oil (MSO) at 0.55 fl oz/ 1000 ft2. A non-treated check was included for comparison. Crabgrass and broadleaf control was rated 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, and 20 weeks after treatment (WAT). Late season ratings are still on-going. Results: In 3-4 leaf stage crabgrass, initial control was excellent for all products containing quinclorac. At 2 WAT, products containing quinclorac controlled crabgrass 91% or better. The best control was 100% from Cavalcade PQ + MSO and industry standard quinclorac. Industry standard prodiamine controlled crabgrass 25%. At 4 WAT, products containing quinclorac controlled crabgrass 99% or better. Industry standard prodiamine controlled crabgrass 94%. At 8 WAT, industry standard quinclorac and prodiamine alone controlled crabgrass 78%. Cavalcade did not provide sufficient control. Cavalcade PQ at both evaluated rates and with MSO controlled crabgrass 94-98%. The same treatments controlled white clover 100% and common dandelion 88-98%. In 1-2 tiller crabgrass, prodiamine alone treatments provided minimal control of crabgrass; only treatments containing quinclorac controlled crabgrass. At 1 WAT, industry standard quinclorac and Cavalcade PQ controlled crabgrass 81-86%. At 2 WAT, crabgrass control ranged from 81-93%. Cavalcade PQ at 0.85 oz/ 1000 ft2 controlled crabgrass 93%. At 4 WAT, crabgrass control ranged from 73-89%. Industry standard quinclorac controlled crabgrass 86%. Cavalcade PQ at 0.7 oz/ 1000 ft2 controlled crabgrass 73%. Cavalcade PQ at 0.7 oz/ 1000 ft2 + MSO and Cavalcade PQ at 0.85 oz/ 1000 ft2 controlled crabgrass 88 and 89%, respectively. The results suggest that the inclusion of MSO to Cavalcade PQ at a low rate can provide sufficient control of smooth crabgrass and can significantly increase crabgrass control when applied on more mature crabgrass. Location: Glade Road Research Facility and Turfgrass Research Center, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA Researchers: A.N. Smith and S.D. Askew Sponsors: Sipcam Advan 36 Performance of Quinclorac Formulations for Smooth Crabgrass Control in Cool-Season Turf Objective: To compare the efficacy of different quinclorac formulations, against fenoxaprop, for smooth crabgrass control in perennial ryegrass. Rationale: Smooth crabgrass is among the most common and invasive weeds in turfgrasses. Currently, many herbicides are registered for preemergence (PRE) control of crabgrass. However, only four herbicides can be used for postemergence (POST) crabgrass control. With the loss of MSMA as a POST, control options are even more limited. Quinclorac is the active ingredient in Quali-Pro Quinclorac 1.5 L, Quali-Pro Quinclorac 75 DF, and Drive XLR8. Whereas, fenoxaprop is the active ingredient in Acclaim Extra. The liquid formulations (Quali-Pro Quinclorac 1.5 L, Drive XLR8, and Acclaim Extra) have improved mixing and handling over the wettable powder formulation (Quali-Pro Quinclorac 75 DF). Moreover, liquid formulations may stay in solution in cold water even with minimal agitation. Procedures: A study was arranged in a randomized complete block design with 3 replications and initiated on July 25, 2013, in Blacksburg,VA. Perennial ryegrass turf was mown at 0.6 inches. Treatments included Quali -Pro Quinclorac 75 DF at 16 oz wt/A, Quali-Pro Quinclorac 1.5 L and Drive XLR8 at 64 fl oz/A, and Acclaim Extra at 21.1 fl oz/A. All treatments included methylated seed oil adjuvant at 0.25% by volume. Treatments were applied to mature smooth crabgrass (³4 tillers). Ratings included turfgrass injury and smooth crabgrass control. Results: Herbicide treatments did not injure perennial ryegrass. At 2 WAT, QP Quinclorac 75 DF and Acclaim Extra controlled smooth crabgrass 77 and 68%, respectively, and less than QP Quinclorac 1.5 L and Drive XLR8, which both controlled smooth crabgrass 94 to 95%. At 3 WAT, QP Quinclorac 75 DF controlled smooth crabgrass 53% and less than all other treatments (>90%). These data suggest liquid quinclorac formulations can perform better than dry formulations and equivalent to Acclaim Extra. Previous studies suggest dry flowable quinclorac formulations require methylated seed oil (MSO) adjuvant at 0.5 to 1.0% by volume and may not perform well under conditions of limited foliar absorption. In this study, MSO was included at 0.25% by volume to simulate conditions of limited absorption. To improve performance of dry flowable quinclorac, practitioners should increase the MSO rate to 0.5 to 1.0% by volume. Location: Virginia Tech’s Turfgrass Research Center, Blacksburg, VA Researchers: S. S. Rana and S. D. Askew 37 Can Pylex™ selectively control bermudagrass in bentgrass? Objective: To determine whether or not Pylex™ (topramezone) can selectively control bermudagrass in creeping bentgrass with rates ranging from 0.25 oz to 1.0 oz per acre. Rationale: Previous research has shown that applications of Pylex™ control many weeds safely and effectively in cool-season turfgrass species, with the exception of creeping bentgrass. Unlike mesotrione, which is used to control creeping bentgrass, topramezone, the active ingredient in Pylex, has been found to have some safety to creeping bentgrass when applied at low rates. Pylex™ has also been found to selectively control bermudagrass in cool-season turfgrass species. In this study, a range of rates was evaluated in fairway height creeping bentgrass to determine which rates selectively and safely control bermudagrass in creeping bentgrass. Procedures: A completely randomized factorial study was conducted on a mixed creeping bentgrass maintained at 0.75 inches at TRC and a L-93 fairway maintained at 0.6 inch at the Glade Road Research Facility. A 12-inch strip of ‘Midiron’ bermudagrass was sodded into the center of each plot at TRC to assess both safety on creeping bentgrass and control of bermudagrass. Pylex™ was applied at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1.0 oz/A three times at 3 week intervals on 3 ft by 6 ft subplots and initiated at three timings (spring, summer and late summer), which served as main plots. Initial applications were made on June 1, July 1 and August 17. Applications were made with a CO2 powered backpack sprayer calibrated to deliver 30 gallons per acre. Methylated seed oil was included with each treatment at 0.5% v/v. An untreated check was included in each trial for comparison. Results: At 24 DAT, bermudagrass was controlled between 61 to 69% in 0.5 and 0.1 oz/A, respectively. The lowest application rate did not control bermudagrass. By August 15, spring applications of Pylex™at all rates did not control bermudagrass. Summer applications concluded on August 12, and were controlling bermudagrass between 13 and 33%. All treatments injured bentgrass 10 days after initial treatment (DAT). Pylex applied at 0.75 and 1 oz/A injured creeping bentgrass 82 and 77%, respectively whereas applications made at 0.5 oz/A injured creeping bentgrass 57%. Applications made at 0.25 oz/A injured creeping bentgrass 20% and below the minimally acceptable level. At 14 (DAT), injury symptoms were no longer visible. The spring application regime of Pylex at 0.75 and 1.0 oz/A reduced turf cover. These results suggest that not only do rates higher than 0.25 oz/A reduce turfgrass cover over time, they cause unacceptable levels of injury to turfgrass during treatment. Although rates of 0.25 oz Pylex per acre appear to be safe enough to use in creeping bentgrass, they do not appear to control bermudagrass. Location: Glade Road Research Facility, Virginia Tech Researchers: K. A. Venner, S. D. Askew and K. Miller Sponsors: BASF Crop Protection 38 Compost incorporation and microclover overseeding in established ‘Yukon’ bermudagrass Objective: Evaluation of methods to introduce microclover into an existing ‘Yukon’ bermudagrass lawn both with and without the compost topdressing. Rationale: Incorporating compost and microclover into an established stand of bermudagrass should improve the quality, color, quality, and green-up of the bermudagrass. Procedures: Plots measuring 15 feet by 15 feet were arranged in a randomized complete block on an eight year-old stand of ‘Yukon’ bermudagrass. Verticutting of the plots occurred on September 5, 2012. Compost was added to plots and raked in on September 7, 2012. The plots were aerated that same afternoon. Plots receiving microclover were seeded on September 10, 2012. A March 2013 preemergence application of Pendulum 2G (1.5 lbs pendimethalin per acre) and a late April application of Dimension 2EW (0.25 lbs dithiopyr per acre) was made for crabgrass control. Plots were mowed twice per week at 2 inches. Half of each plot received 0.5 lb N per 1000 feet2 on June 13, 2013 using a 30-0-10 fertilizer containing 30% sulfur-coated urea. Plots were evaluated visually in April, May, and June. Results: Microclover cover increased in both treatments where microclover was seeded, with compost addition increasing the amount of microclover compared to no compost. The compost also increased the color ratings of the turfgrass. However, the microclover stand did decrease the quality of the turfgrass due to the sporadic nature of the microclover, causing non-uniformity Location: Virginia Tech’s Hampton Roads Ag. Research and Extension Center, Virginia Beach Researchers: Jeffrey Derr, Adam Nichols, and Mike Goatley Sponsors: Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Mean percent microclover cover during the second quarter 2013. Trt No. 1 Treatment Compost No Microclover 2 Compost Microclover 3 No Compost No Microclover 4 No Compost Microclover LSD (P=.05) Percent Microclover Cover % April May June 0 c 0 c 1 c 44 a 50 a 53 a 0 c 0 c 0 c 23 b 26 b 30 b 14 10 11 Mean bermudagrass quality and color during the second quarter 2013. Trt No. Treatment 1 Compost No Microclover 2 Compost Microclover 3 No Compost No Microclover 4 No Compost Microclover LSD (P=.05) 39 Turfgrass Quality Turfgrass Color (1-9, 9 = Best Quality) (1-9, 9 = Darkest Green) May June May June 4.5 a 4.9 b 6.1 a 7.0 b 4.5 a 5.1 ab 6.4 a 8.1 a 4.8 a 5.5 a 5.1 a 6.3 c 4.0 b 5.0 b 5.6 a 6.9 b 0.4 0.4 1.0 0.5 Compost incorporation and microclover overseeding at seeding of ‘Yukon’ bermudagrass Objective: Evaluation of methods to introduce microclover at seeding time of ‘Yukon’ bermudagrass lawn both with and without compost topdressing. Rationale: Incorporating compost and microclover with bermudagrass seeding should improve the quality, color, quality, and green-up of the bermudagrass. Compost incorporation should improve water infiltration rates. Procedures: Plots measuring 15 feet by 20 feet were arranged in a randomized complete block on a tilled area that had received several applications of Roundup ProMax prior to the tilling to remove any previous vegetation. Plots receiving compost had two inches of the material spread evenly over the surface and then tilled in with the native soil on June 29, 2012. Plots were seeded on July 2, 2012 with either 2 lbs ‘Yukon’ bermudagrass seed per 1000 feet2 or 1.9 lbs per 1000 feet2 ‘Yukon’ bermudagrass seed plus 0.1 lbs microclover seed per 1000 feet2. The plots were then overhead irrigated. Half of each plots received 0.5 lb N per 1000 feet2 on August 22, 2012 using a 30-0-10 fertilizer containing 30% sulfur-coated urea. A March 2013 preemergence application of Pendulum 2G (1.5 lbs pendimethalin per acre) and a late April application of Dimension 2EW (0.25 lbs dithiopyr per acre) was made for crabgrass control. Plots were mowed twice per week at 2 inches. Half of each plot received 0.5 lb N per 1000 feet2 on June 13, 2013 using a 30-010 fertilizer containing 30% sulfur-coated urea. Plots were evaluated visually in April, May, and June. Initial infiltration data was collected in July. Results: The preemergence herbicides controlled crabgrass, which had hindered the 2012 grow-in of ‘Yukon’ bermudagrass. Bermudagrass cover therefore increased from April 2013 to June 2013 in all four treatments, with the highest cover in the compost plots. However, the reduction in summer annual weeds also allowed an increase in the natural population of white clover to increase and become more prevalent. As hypothesized in the research goals and objectives, incorporating compost prior to seeding has increased turfgrass quality, color, and density. Preliminary infiltration results showed the benefits of incorporating compost prior to establishment. Location: Virginia Tech’s Hampton Roads Ag. Research and Extension Center, Virginia Beach Researchers: Jeffrey Derr, Adam Nichols, and Mike Goatley Sponsors: Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation 40 Mean percent turfgrass cover and clover cover during the second quarter 2013. Trt No. Treatment 1 Compost 2 Compost + Microclover 3 No Compost + 4 No Compost + Microclover LSD (P=.05) Percent Turfgrass Cover (%) April May June 36 a 58 a 79 a 40 a 60 a 78 a Percent Clover Cover (%) April May June 5 a 9 b 10 b 17 a 15 b 16 b 6 b 1 b 17 b 6 b 28 b 16 b 16 a 14 a 58 a 75 a 55 a 71 a 22 20 21 21 23 22 Mean bermudagrass quality, color, and density for Trial 3 during the second quarter 2013. Trt No. Treatment 1 Compost 2 Compost + Microclover 3 No Compost 4 No Compost + Microclover LSD (P=.05) Turfgrass Quality (1-9, 9 = Best Quality) May June 5.0 a 5.9 a 4.5 a 5.9 a 2.4 b 2.0 b 2.6 b 2.3 b 1.6 1.6 Turfgrass Color (1-9, 9 = Darkest Green) May June 6.5 a 8.0 a 6.4 ab 8.0 a 4.9 c 5.4 bc 1.1 Preliminary infiltration rates for 2013. Trt No. Treatment 1 Compost 2 Compost + Microclover 3 No Compost 4 No Compost + Microclover Infiltration cm hr-1 July 20.10 20.38 3.98 6.46 41 Turfgrass Density (1-9, 9 = Most Dense) May June 5.3 a 5.9 a 5.3 a 6.1 a 6.8 a 7.0 a 2.6 b 1.8 b 3.0 b 2.3 b 1.1 1.8 1.6 Winter annual postemergence weed control in dormant bermudagrass Objective: Evaluate the postemergence control of annual bluegrass and henbit, and the preemergence control of crabgrass of various herbicides Rationale: To determine the effectiveness of SureGuard applied along or with glyphosate for winter weed control in dormant bermudagrass. Procedures: Treatment applications were made on February 12, 2013. Air temperature was 59°F, 26% relative humidity, 7 MPH west winds, and no cloud cover. All treatments were irrigated the next day. Results: Katana, Monument, and SureGuard plus Roundup ProMax provided excellent control of annual bluegrass, while the other herbicide treatments gave unacceptable control. SureGuard plus Roundup ProMax provided faster annual bluegrass control compared to other treatments. All herbicide treatments controlled henbit. No bermudagrass injury was observed. Location: Virginia Tech’s Hampton Roads Ag. Research and Extension Center, Virginia Beach Researchers: Jeffrey Derr and Adam Nichols Sponsors: Virginia Turfgrass Foundation, Virginia Turfgrass Council Reps: 4 Trt No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Plots: 6' x 10' Treatment Name Untreated SureGuard X-77 (NIS) SureGuard X-77 Xonerate X-77 Katana X-77 Monument X-77 Revolver SureGuard Roundup ProMax X-77 Rate 1 0.25 0.25 0.38 0.25 0.22 0.25 0.047 0.25 0.025 0.25 0.026 0.25 0.56 0.25 lb ai/a % v/v lb ai/a % v/v lb ai/a % v/v lb ai/a % v/v lb ai/a % v/v lb ai/a lb ai/a lb ae/a % v/v Rate 2 8 oz/A 12 oz/A 5 oz/A 3 oz/A 0.5 oz/A 17.5 fl oz/A 8 oz/A 1 pt/A 42 Mean annual bluegrass control following treatment (DAT = Days after treatment) Trt No. 1 2 8 DAT 0d 23 bc Annual bluegrass Control (%) 15 DAT 27 DAT 38 DAT 49 DAT 0d 4d 0d 0d 35 b 48 b 21 c 24 c 3 25 b 37 b 43 b 4 14 c 23 c 5 14 c 21 c 6 1d 7 8 LSD (P=.05) 64 DAT 0d 13 d 30 c 30 c 43 c 13 cd 3d 0d 3d 23 c 50 b 80 b 94 a 4d 11 cd 50 b 80 b 90 a 0d 38 a 5d 63 a 16 cd 95 a 48 b 99 a 69 b 100 a 58 b 100 a 11 11 8 12 13 Henbit Control (%) 27 DAT 38 DAT 0c 0c 100 a 100 a 49 DAT 0c 100 a 64 DAT 0b 100 a 14 Mean Henbit control following treatment Trt No. 1 2 8 DAT 0c 38 a 15 DAT 0d 83 ab 3 40 a 80 ab 100 a 100 a 100 a 100 a 4 19 b 56 bc 88 a 96 b 86 b 100 a 5 13 bc 41 c 97 a 100 a 100 a 100 a 6 0c 8d 81 a 100 a 100 a 7 8 0c 25 ab 9d 91 a 58 b 100 a 96 b 100 a 100 a 100 a 99 a 100 a 27 22 2 13 1 LSD (P=.05) 16 99 ab 43 Winter annual control in dormant bermudagrass with Scythe Objective: Evaluate varying rates of Scythe and experimental compounds versus common herbicides for their postemergence winter annual control in dormant bermudagrass, and the effects they have on spring green-up. Rationale: Scythe should provide rapid weed control with no injury to bermudagrass when applied to dormant turf. Procedures: Treatments were applied on March 15, 2013. Weather conditions were 44°F, 40% relative humidity, 3.5 MPH west-southwest winds, and clear skies. Henbit, common chickweed, annual bluegrass 2 to 5 inches tall Spray volume - Scythe treatments 100 gal/A, other treatments 25 gal/A Results: Scythe caused a rapid burn on all 3 weed species by 3 DAT, with good control of all weed species at 7 DAT for the 3 higher rates. Control decreased as regrowth was noted by 13 DAT, though, especially for annual bluegrass and common chickweed. Control may have been higher if weeds were treated when smaller, and if air temperature was higher at application. Roundup ProMax and Finale gave the overall highest level of weed control in this trial, although control was much slower to develop compared to Scythe, especially for Roundup ProMax. No treatment adversely affected bermudagrass greenup. Any decreases in bermudagrass quality were due to weed infestations. Location: Virginia Tech’s Hampton Roads Ag. Research and Extension Center, Virginia Beach Researchers: Jeffrey Derr and Adam Nichols Sponsors: Gowan, Virginia Turfgrass Foundation, Virginia Turfgrass Council 44 45 46 47 NTEP Turfgrass Cultivar Management Programs Objective: Evaluate turfgrass cultivars for quality, performance, and overall adaptability as turfgrasses for functional, recreational, and aesthetic uses in Virginia. Procedure: The following table lists the parameters under which each test is maintained. All quality ratings are on a scale of 1 to 9 with 9 as “best” (a rating of 5 indicates acceptable turf). To determine statistical differences among entries, subtract one entry’s mean from another entry’s mean in the same column and if the difference is greater than the corresponding Least Significant Difference (LSD) value at the bottom of the column, then the treatments are significantly different at a 95% confidence level. Cultivar Trial Entries N fertility program 2008 Fine Fescue 19 (green) 23 (fairway) 25 Mowing Height 0.140” 0.5” 2-3” 2008 Bentgrass 2010 Perennial Ryegrass 88 1-2” 0.5-1 lbs/1000 sq ft/growing mo 2011 KY Bluegrass 82 2” 2-4 lbs/1000 sq ft annually 2012 Tall Fescue 116 3” 2-4 lbs/1000 sq ft annually 2013 Bermudagrass 37 1.5” 1 lb/1000 sq ft/growing month 4 lbs N/M/yr Treated by Golf Course 1-3 lbs/1000 sq ft annually Results: Please visit the NTEP web site at: http://www.ntep.org/ for results from these sites as well as those from various areas across the country. Researchers: Michael Goatley, Erik Ervin, and Whitnee Askew 48 NTEP Turfgrass Cultivar Management Programs 2013 NTEP Bermudagrass Trial 2013 NTEP Bermudagrass Trial Cooperators: Dr. J. Michael Goatley and Whitnee Askew Location: Virginia Tech Turf Research Center Entry Variety 1 Tifway 2 Latitude 36 3 Patriot 4 Celebration 5 NuMex-Sahara 6 Princess 77 7 MBG 002 8 OKS 2009-3 9 OKS-2011-1 10 OKS 2011-4 11 JSC 2-21-1-v 12 JSC 2-21-18-v 13 JSC 2007-8-s 14 JSC 2007-13-s 15 JSC 2009-2-s 16 JSC 2009-6-s 17 Riviera 18 Yukon 19 North Shore SLT Rep 1 Plot # 113 135 129 105 126 118 112 131 137 136 133 125 119 122 115 123 117 134 120 Rep 2 Plot # Rep 3 Plot # 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 Entry Variety 315 301 325 306 320 305 329 335 304 322 337 314 308 336 333 303 330 309 328 20 12-TSB-1 21 MSB 281 22 11-T-251 23 11-T-510 24 DT-1 25 FAES 1325 26 FAES 1326 27 FAES 1327 28 PST-R6P0 29 PST-R6T9S 30 PST-R6CT 31 Bar C291 32 OKC 1131 33 OKC 1163 34 OKC 1302 35 Astro 36 Wayland 37 Goodyear 49 Rep 1 Plot # Rep 2 Plot # 104 109 124 106 127 102 121 103 107 130 128 101 108 114 132 116 111 110 Rep 3 Plot # 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 326 319 316 312 324 327 321 332 323 307 331 302 311 313 318 317 310 334 Creeping bentgrass putting green NTEP trial Objective: Evaluate standard cultivars against new lines of bentgrasses for adaptation to SW Virginia over a 5 year period. Rationale: As golf course budgets continue to tighten, cultivar selection can play a key long-term role in reducing maintenance costs in terms of fungicide, irrigation, and thatch control needs. This NTEP trial will provide critical selection information. Procedures: The putting green trial was seeded onto a fresh 90% sand/10% peat rootzone meeting USGA specifications on September 29, 2008. The putting green trial is mowed 5x/week at 0.125”; solid-tined and sand-topdressed in April and October; fertilized with approximately 4 lbs N/M/yr. Dollar spot is allowed to develop over the summer, rated, and then curatively controlled; other than this 6-wk period, diseases are controlled preventively. Entry No. * 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7 * 8 * 9 10 * 11 12 * 13 * 14 15 * 16 * 17 * 18 * 19 Name Penncross Penn A-1 SR 7200 Declaration Proclamation L-93 T-1 Alpha Penn A-2 Barracuda Luminary AFM Authority Focus SRP-1BLTR3 Pure Distinction V8 Pin-up Villa Species Sponsor creeping creeping velvet creeping creeping creeping creeping creeping creeping creeping creeping creeping creeping creeping creeping creeping creeping creeping velvet Standard entry Standard entry Standard entry Standard entry Lebanon Seaboard Corp. Standard entry Jacklin Seed by Simplot Jacklin Seed by Simplot John Deere Landscapes Mountain View Seeds The Scotts Company John Deere Landscapes John Deere Landscapes Seed Research of Oregon Seed Research of Oregon Penncross Bentgrass Assoc. Jacklin Seed by Simplot ProSeeds Marketing Standard entry * COMMERCIALLY AVAILABLE IN THE USA IN 2013. Comments on Results: The most consistent performers in the putting green trial in Blacksburg and Pinehurst (top 5 (and ties) in August averaged across both sites) have been Pin-up, Barracuda, V8, Alpha, Luminary, Focus, Authority, and Proclamation. Notice that all these are new cultivars except Penn A1. Reasons for entries not doing well include being not as tolerant to dollar spot and inability to maintain summer density and uniformity under close mowing. When averaged over the whole year some other cultivars rank high also, but were not listed above due to lower overall summer performance. Locations: Turfgrass Research Center, Blacksburg, VA. Researchers: E.H. Ervin and J. Dickerson Sponsors: National Turfgrass Evaluation Program 50 51 NTEP Turfgrass Cultivar Management Programs 2010 NTEP Perennial Ryegrass Trial 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 1 60 2 61 3 62 4 63 5 64 6 39 65 7 40 66 8 41 67 9 42 68 10 43 69 11 44 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 70 12 45 71 86 13 46 72 87 14 47 73 88 15 27 48 74 16 28 49 75 17 29 50 76 18 30 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 51 77 19 31 52 78 20 32 53 79 21 33 54 80 22 34 55 81 23 35 56 82 24 36 57 83 25 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 37 58 84 26 38 59 85 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 57 83 58 84 59 85 60 86 61 87 62 46 88 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 1 63 47 2 64 48 3 65 49 4 66 50 5 67 51 6 68 52 7 69 53 8 70 21 54 9 71 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 22 34 55 10 72 23 35 56 11 73 24 36 12 74 25 37 13 75 26 38 39 14 27 76 40 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 77 41 16 29 78 42 17 30 79 43 18 31 80 44 19 32 81 45 20 33 82 Southgate 2010 NTEP Perennial Ryegrass Trial Location: Turf Research Center – Blacksburg, VA Cooperator: Dr. J. Mike Goatley and Whitnee Askew Rep 1 Rep 2 Rep 3 Entry Variety Plot # Plot # Plot # Entry Variety 1 Rinovo 2 CL 11701 3 Pizzazz 2 GLR 4 Pangea GLR 5 APR 2036 6 Linn 7 Uno 8 DLF LGD-3026 9 DLF LGD-3022 10 Sideways 11 Wicked 12 Playoff 2 13 Evolution 14 LTP-RAE 15 Allante 16 Insight 101 103 105 107 109 111 114 117 120 123 126 129 133 137 141 145 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 314 317 320 323 326 329 332 335 339 344 349 353 357 362 366 370 17 Sienna 18 Brightstar SLT 19 CL 307 20 APR 2320 21 Haven 22 PPG-PR 121 23 PPG-PR 128 24 PPG-PR 133 25 PPG-PR 134 26 LTP-PR 135 27 PPG-PR 136 28 PPG-PR 137 29 PPG-PR 138 30 PPG-PR 140 31 PPG-PR 142 32 PPG-PR 143 52 Rep 1 Plot # 149 153 157 161 165 169 173 177 181 185 142 146 150 154 158 162 Rep 2 Plot # 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 Rep 3 Plot # 374 378 382 386 337 341 346 351 355 359 363 367 371 375 379 383 15 28 NTEP Turfgrass Cultivar Management Programs 2010 NTEP Perennial Ryegrass Trial Location: Turf Research Center – Blacksburg, VA Cooperator: Dr. J. Mike Goatley and Whitnee Askew Rep 1 Rep 2 Rep 3 Entry Variety Plot # Plot # Plot # Entry Variety 33 PPG-PR 164 34 PPG-PR 165 35 BAR Lp 10969 36 BAR Lp 10972 37 BAR Lp 10970 38 2NJK 39 BAR Lp 7608 40 Pinnacle 41 APR 2445 42 Fiesta 4 43 GO-G37 44 CS-20 45 ISG-36 46 ISG-31 47 A-35 48 CS-PR66 49 CST 50 JR-178 51 JR-192 52 SR 4650 53 Karma 54 Mach I 55 RAD-PR62 56 RAD-PR55R 57 IS-PR 409 58 IS-PR 463 59 IS-PR 469 60 IS-PR 479 61 IS-PR 487 62 IS-PR 488 63 IS-PR 489 64 IS-PR 491 65 IS-PR 492 66 DLF LGT 4182 67 ISG-30 68 PST-204D 69 PST-2NKM 70 PST-2DR9 166 170 174 178 182 186 112 115 118 121 124 127 130 134 138 143 147 151 155 159 163 167 171 175 179 183 187 102 104 106 108 110 113 116 119 122 125 128 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 387 342 347 352 356 360 361 365 369 373 377 381 385 312 316 319 322 325 328 331 334 338 343 348 301 303 305 307 309 311 315 318 321 324 327 330 333 336 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 53 Rep 1 Plot # PST-2MG7 PST-2TQL Dominator PST-2MAGS PST-2K9 PST-2BNS PST-2ACR Rio Vista Octane Bonneville PSRX-4CAGL GO-DHS GO-PR60 Sox Fan PRX-4GM1 SRX-4MSH Pick 4DFHM Palmer V 131 135 139 144 148 152 156 160 164 168 172 176 180 184 188 132 136 140 Rep 2 Plot # 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 Rep 3 Plot # 340 345 350 354 358 364 368 372 376 380 384 388 302 304 306 308 310 313 54 55 NTEP Turfgrass Cultivar Management Programs 2012 NTEP Tall Fescue Trial 2012 NTEP Tall Fescue Trial Location: Turf Research Center – Blacksburg, VA Cooperator: Dr. J. Mike Goatley and Whitnee Askew Rep 1 Rep 2 Rep 3 Entry Variety Plot # Plot # Plot # Entry Variety 1 Terrano 2 KY-31 3 Regenerate 4 Fesnova 5 ZW 44 6 W45 7 U43 8 LSD 9 Aquaduct 10 Catalyst 11 Marauder 12 Warhawk 13 Annihilator 14 Comp. Res. SST 15 204 Res. Blk4 1037 1020 1013 1044 1068 1008 1092 1032 1025 1080 1056 1043 1029 1001 1101 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 3100 3096 3068 3112 3063 3025 3082 3040 3075 3054 3110 3015 3085 3116 3102 16 JS 819 17 JS 818 18 JS 809 19 JS 916 20 JS 825 21 MET 1 22 F711 23 IS-TF 291 24 IS- TF 276 M2 25 IS- TF 305 SEL 26 IS- TF 269 SEL 27 IS- TF 282 M2 28 IS- TF 284 M2 29 QR-21 30 TY 10 56 Rep 1 Plot # 1098 1079 1105 1015 1084 1112 1104 1109 1049 1054 1007 1042 1018 1021 1006 Rep 2 Plot # 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 Rep 3 Plot # 3029 3113 3071 3001 3057 3043 3088 3099 3061 3109 3012 3093 3049 3097 3066 2012 NTEP Tall Fescue Trial Location: Turf Research Center – Blacksburg, VA Cooperator: Dr. J. Mike Goatley and Whitnee Askew Rep 1 Rep 2 Rep 3 Entry Variety Plot # Plot # Plot # Entry Variety Rep 1 Plot # Rep 2 Plot # Rep 3 Plot # 31 Exp TF-09 32 SRX-TPC 33 PSG-WE1 34 Pick-W43 35 Grade 3 36 PSG-PO1 37 U45 38 B23 39 ATF 1612 40 ATF 1704 41 Burl TF-2 42 Burl TF-136 43 LTP-FSD 44 LTP-TWUU 45 LTP-F5DPDR 46 IS-TF 289 47 MET 6 SEL 48 IS-TF 330 49 TF-287 50 IS-TF 307 SEL 51 IS-TF 308 SEL 52 IS-TF 311 53 IS-TF 285 54 IS-TF 310 SEL 55 IS-TF 272 56 IS-TF 1736 57 IS-TF 1754 58 Hemi 59 Firebird 2 1030 1063 1066 1035 1094 1034 1058 1010 1038 1070 1106 1046 1022 1082 1026 1050 1031 1004 1073 1045 1036 1003 1053 1059 1074 1012 1024 1067 1099 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 3027 3073 3107 3024 3036 3013 3078 3050 3111 3008 3032 3004 3022 3018 3064 3047 3090 3038 3070 3045 3023 3017 3014 3033 3108 3002 3081 3055 3086 74 PSG-GSD 75 PSG-8BP2 76 PSG-TT4 77 Faith 78 K12-13 79 K12-05 80 PPG-TF-156 81 PPG-TF-157 82 PPG-TF-169 83 PPG-TF-170 84 PPG-TF-137 85 PPG-TF-135 86 PPG-TF-115 87 PPG-TF-105 88 PPG-TF-172 89 PPG-TF-151 90 PPG-TF-152 91 PPG-TF-148 92 PPG-TF-150 93 Bizem 94 CCR2 95 MET-3 96 W41 97 PPG-TF-145 98 PPG-TF-138 99 PPG-TF-139 100 PPG-TF-142 101 RAD-TF-89 102 RAD-TF-92 1116 1011 1052 1085 1048 1107 1023 1014 1047 1095 1093 1040 1071 1091 1017 1083 1061 1110 1076 1009 1041 1027 1055 1016 1113 1028 1065 1100 1108 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 3091 3009 3114 3026 3103 3003 3065 3105 3037 3028 3042 3084 3062 3067 3079 3016 3087 3021 3098 3010 3044 3058 3089 3056 3031 3019 3046 3080 3041 60 Bullseye 61 PST-5EV2 62 PST-5GRB 63 PST-5SALT 64 PST-5STD 65 PST-5DZP 66 PST-5RO5 67 PST-5BPO 68 PST-5BRK 69 DB1 70 RZ2 71 TD1 72 DZ1 73 T31 1051 1057 1033 1090 1114 1075 1102 1087 1069 1039 1078 1089 1072 1096 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 3039 3034 3101 3006 3048 3059 3077 3052 3074 3020 3083 3005 3051 3095 103 GO-DFR 104 K12-MCD 105 PST-5EX2 106 PST-5MVD 107 RAD-TF-83 108 RAD-TF-88 109 BAR Fa 120878 110 BAR Fa 121089 111 BAR Fa 121091 112 BAR Fa 121095 113 PST-R5NW 114 Burl TF-69 115 Falcon IV 116 Falcon V 1077 1002 1111 1086 1062 1115 1005 1019 1088 1060 1097 1081 1064 1103 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 2115 2116 3094 3011 3030 3115 3007 3104 3092 3035 3076 3072 3060 3053 3069 3106 57 Southgate Drive 58 319 77 336 1 353 50 370 6 335 45 352 27 369 51 236 36 235 35 318 19 219 19 218 18 302 23 202 2 201 1 301 48 170 21 169 78 270 70 153 64 152 23 269 69 136 38 135 37 253 53 119 4 118 10 252 52 102 3 101 58 Picnic pavilion 371 31 354 58 337 33 320 35 303 78 271 71 254 54 237 37 220 20 203 3 171 29 154 20 137 9 120 32 103 57 372 59 355 63 338 74 321 5 304 9 272 72 255 55 238 38 221 21 204 4 172 68 155 49 138 72 121 50 104 77 373 7 356 46 339 54 322 53 305 40 273 73 256 56 239 39 222 22 205 5 173 22 156 65 139 31 122 51 105 48 374 32 357 10 340 42 323 81 306 67 274 74 257 57 240 40 223 23 206 6 174 63 157 19 140 5 123 1 106 33 375 15 358 11 341 71 324 39 307 20 275 75 258 58 241 41 224 24 207 7 175 30 158 36 141 75 124 40 107 39 376 29 359 60 342 36 325 17 308 70 276 76 259 59 242 42 225 25 208 8 176 24 159 66 142 43 125 59 108 56 377 26 360 80 343 18 326 62 309 37 277 77 260 60 243 43 226 26 209 9 177 61 160 18 143 15 126 45 109 54 378 61 361 14 344 21 327 43 310 47 278 78 261 61 244 44 227 27 210 10 178 28 161 11 144 71 127 44 110 6 379 30 362 69 345 73 328 75 311 72 279 79 262 62 245 45 228 28 211 11 179 25 162 81 145 67 128 12 111 47 380 4 363 79 346 64 329 22 312 56 280 80 263 63 246 46 229 29 212 12 180 62 163 8 146 42 129 74 112 13 381 28 364 12 347 2 330 13 313 25 281 81 264 64 248 47 230 30 213 13 181 27 164 80 147 70 130 73 113 82 382 65 365 3 348 16 331 55 314 8 282 82 265 65 248 48 231 31 214 14 182 60 165 35 148 17 131 52 114 55 366 41 349 52 332 82 315 76 266 66 249 49 232 32 215 15 166 7 149 34 132 41 115 2 367 57 350 44 333 24 316 68 267 67 250 50 233 33 216 16 167 79 150 69 133 16 116 26 368 66 351 38 334 34 317 49 268 68 251 51 234 34 217 17 168 76 151 46 134 53 117 14 NTEP Turfgrass Cultivar Management Programs 2011 NTEP KY Bluegrass NTEP Turfgrass Cultivar Management Programs 2011 NTEP KY Bluegrass Cooperators: Dr. J. Michael Goatley and Whitnee Askew Location: Virginia Tech Turf Research Center Entry Variety Rep 1 Rep 2 Plot # Plot # Rep 3 Plot # Entry Variety 59 Rep 1 Plot # Rep 2 Plot # Rep 3 Plot # 60 61 Turfgrass Cultivar Management Programs 2008 Fine Fescue Trial 62 63 64 65 2013 Field Day Sponsors Platinum Sponsor Coffee/Doughnuts Lunch 66