May/June 2015


May/June 2015
Community Newsletter
May/June 2015
City of Wood Dale
Working Together to Make Life Better
Inside this Issue
Memorial Day Parade
May 25th
Details on page 3
Su mmer
is coming!
Save the Date!
Prairie Fest
“New Location”
July 30th-August 2nd
Details on page 4 and 5
Find Out Who Wood Dale’s
Fire Fighter Of The Year Is
Details on page 15
Wood Dale Park District’s
2015 Waffle Run
June 13th
Details on page 23
Salt Creek Golf Club
BBQ begins June 26th
Details on page 24
Fenton’s Special Olympics
Team Goes to State
Details and results on page 22
Make a Mother’s Day
Centerpiece at the
Wood Dale Library, May 8th
Details on page 27
May/June 2015
City of Wood Dale
Working Together to Make Life Better
News from the Mayor
The City Council and I want to take some time to recognize our great city and
honor the hard work provided by volunteers.
Everyday, volunteers help shape the policies that keep our City moving forward
in the right direction.
Once again, the City of Wood Dale thanks its volunteers for their hard work
and dedication.
A special thank you to the following volunteers:
Community Emergency Response Team
Board of Police and Fire Commission
• Sal Lombardi • Daniel Skarzynski • Almer Tegtmeyer •
Building Code Board of Appeals
• Ron Herff • Toni Neri • Joseph Plepel • Bill Rock • Jeff Stanek •
Clean Air Counts Committee
• Barb McCauley• Stefan Stevic • Mark Winger •
Community Development Commission
• Ralph Madonna • William Milano • Richard Peterson •
• Joe Petrella • Rick St. Marie • Roy Sye • Dave Woods •
Police Pension Board
• Jordan Anderson • Frank Biniewicz • George Ellefsen •
• Mike Rivas •
Storm Water Management Committee
• Gail Bedard • Marge Kalva • Dolores Kopp • Steve Krysch •
• Dorrie Madonna •Patricia Pinella • Veronica Shawke • Jim Wheeler •
Streetscape & Economic Enhancement Committee
• Ray Chaussey • Sue Crady • Mike Melone • Randy Messina •
• Steve Mikos • Julie Verdico •
Citizens on Patrol
• Fred Brake •Steve Sauer • Ralph Wiggins •
Administrative Volunteers
• Angela Keegan • Renee Wesley •
Police Department Volunteers
• Loretta Bocuzzi • Stanley Chrzastowski • Frank Drogos •
• Sharon Eckart • Diane Hamernik • Ellen Hart • Barbara Johanson •
• Terry Johanson • Janice Kay • Pat Muha • Sam Sciortino •
• Amy Snigniewski • Renee Wesley •
Seniors & Law Enforcement Together (SALT)
• Horst Atomat • Ed Beauregard • Loretta Boccuzzi • Victor Boccuzzi •
• Fred Brake • Stanley Chrzastowski • Tom and Nancy Foiles •
• Dorothy Gribben• Jim Gribben • Diane Hamernik •
• Terry Johanson • Ruth Kaleta • Marge Kalva • Joseph Leardi •
• Theresia Lessmeister • Georgia Lovett • Lizetta Moore •
• Pat Muha • Mary Lou Muruado • Dan Shawke • Ronnie Shawke •
• Ralph Wiggins • Rose Zawadzki •
City of Wood Dale • 630-766-4900 •
Wood Dale Sister Cities
Organization strives to
strengthen partnerships
between U.S. and
international communities.
The City of Wood Dale has partnered with
the City of Cefalu’ (Palermo-Italy), a most
picturesque city on the northern coast
of the island of Sicily, to establish a long
term cultural, educational and business
partnership between the two municipalities.
Interested in helping us connect with other
Sister Cities around the world? If so please
contact us!
Our Purpose: To facilitate the exchange of
information and promotion between the
two diverse cities. We are motivated by a
responsibility to engage with the rest of the
world in a meaningful, mutually beneficial
dialogue. The goal being to promote
learning and enrichment between the sister
cities through the establishment of long
term and mutually beneficial business,
government, educational, and
cultural relationships.
We are always in need of enthusiastic
volunteers and committee members! Please
call (630) 962-0398 or check out our
website at http://www.wooddalesistercities.
org for more information.
President-Gandolfo “Randy” Messina
Vice President-Michael Tau
May/June 2015
City of Wood Dale
Working Together to Make Life Better
May 25, 2015
11:00 am Parade
Ceremony Immediately Following at Veteran’s Memorial
Attention Residents! The following roads will be closed:
- Wood Dale Road from Wood Dale Junior High
- Irving Park Park Road West from Wood Dale Road to Addison Road.
Roads will close at approximately 10:45 am and reopen at approximately
1:00 pm. Please make travel plans accordingly.
City of Wood Dale • 630-766-4900 •
5:00 pm – 9:00 pm: Cruise Night
6:30 pm – 8:15 pm: Matt Keen/Rebel Soul Revival
(Southern Rock, Folk-Rock, Acoustic, Rock, Reggae, R&B)
8:45 pm – 10:30 pm: Focal Point (Rock)
6:30 pm – 8:30 pm: Downpour (AC/DC Tribute Band)
9:00 pm – 11:00 pm: Modern Day Romeos
(Motown, Classic Rock, 80’s, 90’s and 2000’s)
2:00 pm – 3:30 pm: Sonic 7 (Classic Rock from 70’s & 80’s)
2:00 pm – 7:00 pm: BINGO
4:00 pm – 5:30 pm: Eliminator (ZZ Top Tribute Band)
5:45 pm – 7:15 pm: Suburban Cowboys (Country)
8:00 pm – 9:15 pm: BAND TO BE ANNOUNCED
9:15 pm – 9:35 pm: FIREWORKS
9:35 pm – 11:00 pm: Infinity (Journey Tribute Band)
2:00 pm – 7:00 pm: BINGO
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm: Southern Jack (Southern Rock)
5:15 pm – 7:15 pm: And Beyond (Classic Rock)
8:00 pm – 10:00 pm: Heartache Tonight
(An Eagles Concert Experience)
Thursday, July 30th
6:00 pm – 11:00 pm
Friday, July 31st
6:00 pm – 11:00 pm
Saturday, August 1st
1:00 pm – 11:00 pm
Sunday, August 2nd
1:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Due to construction, Prairie Fest will be held near the Wood Dale Junior High
located at 655 W. Wood Dale Road, Wood Dale, IL
This year's Prairie Fest carnival will be provided by Fantasy Amusement Company. Fantasy Amusement Company
is the number one carnival in the Chicago area and features over forty rides and various games and concessions.
Thursday, July 30th Resident Appreciation Night
Wood Dale Residents may enjoy unlimited carnival rides on Thursday evening for $10.00
(proof of residency is required). Non-Residents may ride unlimited rides for a price of $20.00 on Thursday.
Thursday passes are not available in advance and need to be purchased on Thursday evening.
Mega Pass Information
• Before July 29th: Carnival Mega Passes are sold for $40.00/per person
• After July 30th: Mega Passes can be purchased for $50.00/per person
dditional information on Mega Passes coming soon! Visit for more details.
Mega passes will be available for purchase online and at City Hall.
• No dogs allowed. Service animals are permitted.
• No bicycles are permitted in the Fest. All bicycles must be properly secured at the
bike racks at the opening of the Fest.
• No advertisements are allowed on public property unless otherwise permitted.
• No public intoxication; please drink responsibly.
• No outside food or drinks will be allowed in the Fest.
• No coolers or containers will be allowed in the Fest unless for medicinal purposes.
• Inappropriate behavior may result in removal from the Fest and/or Police arrest.
• Information on parking, vendors and the full entertainment schedule is available at
For more information,
please visit or
call City Hall at
(630) 766-4900.
May/June 2015
City of Wood Dale • 630-766-4900 •
City of Wood Dale
Working Together to Make Life Better
City of Wood Dale
Working Together to Make Life Better
May/June 2015
City of Wood Dale • 630-766-4900 •
May/June 2015
City of Wood Dale
Working Together to Make Life Better
Community News
Wood Dale
Church Food
The Wood Dale Community
Church (206 N. Wood Dale
Rd) has been the host to a food
pantry for Wood Dale residents
for over 20 years. The food
which we offer to those who
are living with food insecurity
in Wood Dale comes year
round from local businesses,
schools, residents, and various
community food drives.
When financial resources are
offered instead of food, food is
purchased with those funds.
If you are a person in need of
food assistance, the food pantry
hours are Tuesdays from 9 to
11 am. When you come to the
pantry, please bring your ID
which shows your local address
and be prepared to answer some
questions about those who live in
your household. Enter through
the doors found at the back
parking lot and you will find the
pantry downstairs.
If you would like to offer
assistance, please bring nonperishable food items which are
not expired Tuesday or Thursday
morning during office hours,
also leaving your items inside
the doors located in the back
parking lot. Please do not leave
your items outside as they are
often rendered unusable by the
weather. If you cannot make it
during office hours, please call
the church at 630-766-1805 to
arrange for a delivery time.
The pantry is a way to give back
to the community and assist
those in need.
Major Capital
Plan Projects for
FY 2016
Wood Dale Road/
Irving Park Road
This will
include the relocation of
Commercial Dr, the addition
of turn lanes off of Wood Dale
Road Southbound, and the
reconfiguration of the safety
lights at the railroad crossing
Wood Dale Road/Addison Road
Pedestrian Project
This project includes the
addition of Rapid Reflecting
Beacons at prominent pedestrian
crossing including school zones
and crossings to Park District
and City Buildings
Ward 2 Streets Project
This is Phase II of the project,
which will include drainage
improvements and water main
replacement on Edgebrook and
Oakwood, north of Potter St.
Rain Gardens
City will be installing rain
gardens on the East Side of
Wood Dale Road at Elizabeth
Court, and on Potter St near
Pine Lane.
City of Wood Dale • 630-766-4900 •
North Wastewater
Treatment Plant
City will be completing a
$30 Million rehabilitation of the
North Wastewater Treatment
Plant. This should be completed
by Fall of 2016. Included in this
project is a makeover for the
Veteran's Park and front of
the Treatment Facility along
Irving Park Road.
I-390 Tollway
The Tollway will continue their
projects within town. Major
undertakings for this year
will be the completion of
bridges over Mittel and
Lively Blvd, as well as
beginning the work on the
Wood Dale Road section where
the tollway will go under the
current roadway.
Paint a Wine
Glass or Candy
Jar and Help the
Wood Dale VFW
Help the Wood Dale
VFW when you sign
up for this fun
fundraiser to be held
on Monday, May 4th
from 7-8:30 pm!
Step-by-step personal
instructions will be
given. Only $12 per
person and all supplies will be
provided! Your choice of a wine
glass or candy jar to paint!
Pre-register by May 1st! This
is a great Mother's Day gift! You
must be 21+ to join. Stop by the
VFW in Georgetown Square to
May/June 2015
City of Wood Dale
Working Together to Make Life Better
Public Works
Join the City Of
Wood Dale
City Hall
404 N. Wood
Dale Road Wood
Dale, IL 60191
The 3rd Wednesday of every
month at
7:30 p.m.
The City’s
monthly Stormwater Meeting
For more details
call 630-7873709.
DuPage River Sweep
The DuPage River Sweep program is coming to Wood Dale, to help keep Salt
Creek clear of debris that may lead to flooding issues. Find out how you can
make a positive change by helping to clean-up and restore our local waterways. For more information visit:
Make Your Own Non/Low Toxic Household Cleaners
By making your own cleaning products, you can: promote a healthy environment, reduce chemicals going to landfills or incinerators, save money, eliminate cluttered cabinets, and easily prepare the right amount of cleaner for any
job. Visit
to learn how to create your own non/low toxic household cleaners.
Working Together to Reduce Street Flooding
Do you want to know an easy way to help out in your community? The City of
Wood Dale needs help making sure that we keep our inlets in the roadway free
of debris. Leaves and grass cutting are the primary culprits that cover up the
inlets and reduces the amount of storm water that can go down the drain. If
you see leaves or grass covering up an inlet, please rake off the top of the
grate and place the debris in a yard waste recycling bag. Don’t push it down
the openings, this could cause a clog in the pipe and lead to more damage. Together we can work to reduce street flooding within the City.
City of Wood Dale • 630-766-4900 •
May/June 2015
City of Wood Dale
Working Together to Make Life Better
Community Development
The Community Development Department would like to take the time to
remind the residents of two City ordinances that affect all citizens during
the spring/summer weather:
All single-family
or two-family
residences within
the City are
required to
subscribe to and pay for garbage pickup. On the
assigned day for pickup, the subscriber must place
all refuse to be collected at the curb no earlier than
6:00 P.M. the day before scheduled collection.
Containers must be removed no later than 8:00
P.M. the day of collection. At all other times, the
garbage or refuse of any kind or garbage containers
of any kind shall be stored in the rear of the
premises. Garbage or refuse containers that are
improperly stored are considered to be a nuisance
and are subject to code enforcement action.
The City’s contractor for scavenger service shall
remove all refuse, except as otherwise provided by
its contract. At their cost and expense, subscribers
shall make arrangements with a City-licensed
scavenger to secure the removal any items which are
not covered by the City’s contract, i.e. furniture,
construction debris or electronics.
Brush, tree trunks and wood must be bundled,
and bundles may not exceed two inches (2″) in
diameter and four feet (4') in length.
All residents in buildings that contain more
than two dwelling units must make their own
contractual arrangements with a scavenger
licensed by the City to secure the removal of all
refuse generated on the premises. Apartment
buildings must provide their occupants with a
central location for refuse to be held for pickup and
disposal by a scavenger.
City of Wood Dale • 630-766-4900 •
Grass and Weeds
Weeds and grass may not be allowed to grow
in excess of 12 inches. Any plants exceeding 12
inches in height are considered to be a nuisance.
Aquatic weeds may not cover an area of more
than 10 square feet, or to grow to such a size as
to interfere with the proper operation of any
stormwater management facility. Any aquatic
weed growth exceeding such coverage or
interfering with the proper operation
of any storm water management
facility is considered to be
a nuisance.
We ask that all residents be
respectful of each other to
prevent these nuisances,
which will allow our
inspectors to
focus on life
safety issues.
May/June 2015
City of Wood Dale
Working Together to Make Life Better
Police Department
back row L 2 R- : Dave Hasterock, Phillip Lyons, Joseph Artner, Steven Krych, Sgt Wilson, Paul Jungle, Matthew Ellmann,
Dawn Rozek, Meagan Wilson
Front row L 2 R- : Sharon Eckart, Patricia Stanton, Ronald Damasco, Mary Ellen Collins, Tom Foiles, Nancy Foiles
Not Pictured: Jessica Davis and Sandra Finerty
On March 19th, Chief Vesta recognized 14 individuals for their successful completion of the eight week
Citizen’s Police Academy. Under the direction of Sgt. Dan Wilson, CSO Knight and Police Department
personnel, these individuals were taught about various aspects of police work performed by the Wood
Dale Police Department. These topics included: Patrol Procedures, Crime Scenes and Evidence Handling,
Telecommunications, Traffic & DUI Enforcement, K9 Unit, Juvenile Law, Domestic Violence and Drug
Crimes, Firearm scenarios and a Taser demonstration.
Congratulations to the Citizen’s Police Academy XIV graduating class!
Mark your calendars for
Tuesday ~ August 4th
Look for more information in the next
City newsletter and at
On Friday, May 29th the Wood Dale and Itasca Police
Departments will again participate in a fundraiser to
raise money for Special Olympics Illinois.
Volunteers of the Police Department will be sitting on
the roof of the Dunkin’ Donuts to draw attention to this
worthy cause. With your help, money will be raised in support
of Special Olympic athletes competing at Illinois State University
and Wesleyan University in June.
Please come out and make a donation while buying your morning
coffee/breakfast or an ice cream treat : )
Help us send a great bunch of kids downstate for this year’s
Special Olympics.
Wood Dale Police Department 630-766-2060
Chief of Police Greg Vesta, Deputy Chief of Operations Michael Rivas,
Deputy Chief of Investigations Ronald Murray, Commmunications Supervisor Craig Celia
City of Wood Dale • 630-766-4900 •
May/June 2015
City of Wood Dale • 630-766-4900 •
City of Wood Dale
Working Together to Make Life Better
City of Wood Dale
Working Together to Make Life Better
May/June 2015
City of Wood Dale • 630-766-4900 •
May/June 2015
City of Wood Dale
Working Together to Make Life Better
Wood Dale Community Calendar
MAY 2015
Spring Musical
7:30 pm
Word 2013
10:30 – Noon
Spring Choral
Mon. Concert
7:00 pm
Fenton HS
PTO Meeting
Wed. 6:30 pm
Spring Band Concert
7:00 pm
Fenton HS
Council Meeting
Thurs. 7:30 pm
City Hall
National Honor
Society induction
7:30 pm
Fenton HS
Moms & Muffins
8:15 am
Mother’s Day
7 pm
Mother's Day
O’Hare Noise Group
Suspense Author
Thurs. Visit: Mary Kubica
7 pm
Committee Meeting
7:30 pm
City Hall
Seniors Awards
7:30 pm
Fenton HS
Handmade with
Vicki & Yvonne
7 pm
DuPage River
Introduction to iPad
10:30 – Noon
Second Grade
Parent Orientation
7 pm
Happy Caps
Wed. Meeting
7:00 pm
Community Room,
City Hall
Council Meeting
Thurs. 7:30 pm
City Hall
Spring Band
7 pm
Smoky the War Dog
7 – 7:45 pm
Memorial Day
All City Offices Closed
Schools Closed
Parade starts at
11 am
Brush Pick Up
Garbage will be
Genealogy Basics
7 pm
Moving Up Ice
Cream Social
6 pm & 7 pm
Final Exams
Fenotn HS
6th & 7th Grade
Thurs. Awards Night
7 pm
Final Exams
Fenton HS
Can You Afford
to Retire?
7 – 8:30 pm
JUNE 2015
Mystery Lovers’
Pizza Night
7:30 pm
White Cottage Pizza
D-Day: The Men of
Wed. Omaha Beach
7 pm
Council Meeting
Thurs. 7:30 pm
City Hall
Council Meeting
Thurs. 7:30 pm
City Hall
Mystery in the
6 – 8:45 pm
Pinterest Basics
10:30 – Noon
Movies in the Park
Franzen Grove
Committee Meeting
Thurs. 7:30 pm
City Hall
Hidden Star Wars
7 pm
Waffle 5K
9 am
Camp starts
Word Special Topics
10:30 – Noon
The Beach
Opening Day
Preschool/Birth to 3
yrs Screening
12 pm - 5 pm
Easy Peasy Loom
3 – 5 pm
Happy Caps
7:00 pm
Community Room,
City Hall
Final Exams
Fenotn HS
City of Wood Dale • 630-766-4900 •
Math Beat
2 – 2:30 pm
Ralph from Ralph’s
World Concert
7 – 7:45 pm
Afternoon Movie
2:30 – 4:30 pm
Shake, Rattle & Roll
1:15 – 2 pm
Father's Day
Easy Peasy Loom
3 – 5 pm
Science Mentors
Wed. 1:30 – 3 pm
Math Beat
Thurs. 2 – 2:30 pm
Barefoot Hawaiians
7 – 7:45 pm
Afternoon Movie
2:30 – 4:30 pm
Friday Night BBQ
4:30 - 9 pm
Salt Creek
Considering Joint
2 – 3:30 pm
May/June 2015
Wood Dale Fire District
Protection Through Prevention
Wood Dale Fire District
Firefighter of the Year
Lieutenant Thomas Bills has been awarded Wood Dale Fire
District Firefighter of the Year 2014. Thomas Bills has been
with Wood Dale Fire District since March 2005. Tom was
voted unanimously by his peers for his exemplary dedication,
loyalty and display of excellence throughout his career as
Firefighter/Paramedic and more recently as Lieutenant for
the Wood Dale Fire Protection District. Tom received his
award at a ceremony held by the Wood Dale VFW Post 2149
on February 25, 2015.
The smell of spring is in the air…That means it is time to barbeque, or at least
see if the lawnmower starts. It’s time to get out of the house and look over those
items that you have been ignoring all winter. Gas-fired grills should be checked
regularly for leaks at the fittings. Spray a soap and water solution on the couplings
and look for bubbles. Tighten all fittings as needed. Take a few minutes to clean
out the leftovers from last season’s grilling. Flare-ups caused by old greasy grates
can be dangerous and a clean grill cooks more efficiently. If you use a charcoal grill,
remember to use only charcoal lighter fluid and briquettes. NEVER use gasoline
and NEVER burn ordinary combustibles. It’s not wise to barbeque in the garage
or close to the house. Always maintain a safe distance from buildings and vehicles.
Make sure your grill is away from the kids’ play area and out of the traffic pattern of
your deck or patio. Never leave a hot grill unattended.
Gasoline for the lawnmower and other machines should always be
stored in approved containers. Never re-fuel gas powered
equipment while it is still hot, running, or by the barbeque.
Gasoline and Propane gas are highly volatile fuels. Use these
fuels with extreme caution. You should limit the amount
of flammable liquids and gases you store. Keep them safely away
from heat, flames, and the curiosity of little children.
Check with your
fire department
or municipality
for any
restrictions before
starting an open
air, recreational,
or outdoor
cooking fire.
Your Source for Safety Information
Wood Dale Fire District, 589 N. Wood Dale Road, Wood Dale, IL 60191 630-766-1147
Non-Emergency Business, 630-766-7156 Fax,
Trustees: Ron Herff, Richard Lindahl, Sandy Meade Commissioners: Roy Sye, Norbert Litz, Duane
Southwick The Wood Dale Fire District holds monthly Trustee meetings on the third Tuesday of each month at
589 N. Wood Dale Rd.
Your Source for Safety Information
Wood Dale Fire District • 630-766-1147 •
Wood Dale School District 7
May/June 2015
Wood Dale School District 7
Wood Dale
School District 7
543 N. Wood Dale Rd.
Wood Dale, Illinois
Follow Us on Twitter
Board of Education
Brad Karich, President
Joe Petrella, Vice-President
Amy Speiden, Secretary
Merilyn Daniels, Member
Carl Lange, Member
David Woods, Member
Araceli Botello, Member
Wood Dale School District 7
Mission Statement
We will collaborate with
all families to implement high
quality instruction and provide
engaging learning experiences,
empowering each student to reach
their full potential, in a safe and
supportive environment.
Dr. John Corbett,
Dr. Merri Beth Kudrna,
Curriculum Director
Ms. Wendy Flaherty,
Director of Finance
Early Childhood Education Center
Principal: Ms. Connie Tadel
ECEC Welcomes …Northeast DuPage Special
Education Recreation Association (NEDSRA)
Whenever NEDSRA
Youth Recreation
Colleen Cline,
contacts ECEC,
we know that fun
is in store for our
students. Just this
March, she and
other NEDSRA
staff members
happily marched
into ECEC carrying
bags of supplies and
provided a day of fun for all 12 classes in our building. At other times Wood
Dale Park District hosts NEDSRA lunchtime programs for our 3 and 4 year
olds to attend. NEDSRA offers a tremendous service to Wood Dale and
the surrounding communities, by providing recreational programming for
people with special needs beginning in preschool going through adulthood.
NEDSRA offers camps for children during the school year, evenings, weekends, and in the summer. Special events such as Daddy - Daughter dances
are another example of the types of activities sponsored by NEDSRA. NEDSRA’s programs are designed for children with special needs but, because
NEDSRA believes in the philosophy of INCLUSION, they are able to bring
their programs to schools like ours. The teachers and therapists from ECEC
love working with and learning from the specialists from NEDSRA. This
partnership offers our children and teachers many benefits.
Wood Dale School District 7 • 630-595-9510 •
Wood Dale School District 7
May/June 2015
Wood Dale School District 7
Grades K-2nd
Principal: Ms. Christina Cail
“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can
steer yourself in any direction you choose. You’re on your own, and
you know what you know. And you are the guy who’ll decide where
to go.” This is one of my favorite quotes from the Dr. Seuss book,
Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” The book is about the places your child will
go and Dr. Seuss provides vivid illustrations and descriptions at both
the literal and figurative levels. If there is one thing we know about
Dr. Seuss, it is that there’s always a lot that meets the eye and always a
great deal of meaning beneath it, too.
Instilling a lifelong love of reading in our students is central to our
mission at Oakbrook School. This March we hosted our Dr. Seuss Fair
which provides an opportunity for our students to come to school in the
evening and engage in literacy activities with their families. Children
created sentences, sounded out words, while participating in a literacy
scavenger hunt. Children read a variety of Dr. Seuss books that featured
rhythmic language, imaginative tales, and unique characters. Then to end
the night, students sat on balloons to receive either a “cause” or “effect”.
Students were encouraged to find another student who either had the
matching “cause” or “effect”. It was a joyous night sponsored by our
Title I teacher Ms. Schayer. We look forward in next year’s Dr. Seuss Fair!
Grades 3rd-5th
Principal: Mr. Al Buttimer
An important trend in education is
an emphasis on STEM classes and
activities. The term STEM refers to
Science, Technology, Engineering,
and Math. At Westview School,
and throughout District 7, we
provide students with engaging
experiences related to the STEM
subjects throughout the day. With
so much information available at
the fingertips of students through
the internet, we are less focused on
what we teach (content) and more
strategic with teaching students how
to be curious and solve problems.
The Next Generation Science
Standards, as well as the New
Illinois Learning Standards
incorporating the Common Core,
involve more real-world situations
so students can learn important
skills to utilize in the workplace
and higher education.
Thanks to a grant received from
Exxon Mobil Corporation through
nomination by Bucky’s Express
at 1000 N. Wood Dale Road, as
well as the generous support of the
Westview PTO, students will soon
have opportunities to utilize a 3D
printer, invention kits from MaKey
MaKey, as well as a device called
“Sphero,” a toy that introduces
users to programmable robotics!
Westview School 4th Grade students
recently explored vision concepts by
examining how light changes as it
moves through filters.
To schedule a visit, or learn
more about how we are teaching
children to think critically,
experiment, and creatively solve
problems, contact the school office
at 630-766-8040.
Wood Dale School District 7 • 630-595-9510 •
Wood Dale School District 7
May/June 2015
Wood Dale School District 7
Junior High School
Grades 6th-8th
Principal: Shelly Skarzynski
Eighth grade graduation marks a
milestone in a student’s life. It is at
this time when they are transitioning
from adolescence to young adulthood.
Throughout their junior high school
learning experience, they have come to
develop new skills, different interests
and common beliefs. It is with this
information and knowledge, that they
are encouraged to share their final
story...a story through Graffiti.
A history of how graffiti began and
evolved into the “Urban graffiti” of today is the foundation for the project. A common misconception is that
graffiti is gang related. 80-85% is not. The difference is gang related graffiti is used to “mark territory” but
not much time or effort is put into its creation. Students learn about how and why graffiti started and the
different types of vocabulary that graffiti artists used. Graffiti artists have developed a language and lifestyle
that is truly as interesting as the work they create.
Students use prior knowledge of the elements and principles of design from previous art classes when
planning and creating their “Tags.” They are provided with various resources to assist in the creation of
their graffiti styled name tag. They also choose pictures of interest that best define them as a person, or they
create and use their own original designs.
Students have been creating graduation “Tags” with Mr. Bruce for the past 8 years. It has become a Wood
Dale Jr. High tradition that they anticipate with great excitement creating and displaying their tags as the
back drop for our promotional exercises. We celebrate our students’ artistic talents and storytelling through
graffiti and hang them prominently for all to see.
May 6 – JH PTO Meeting 6:30pm
May 25 – Memorial Day - No School
April 14 – 7th Grade Springfield Trip
– EC Eating Around the World Celebration
@ JH 6:30-8pm
May 7 – EC Magnificent Mom's Day
– WV Open House & Ice Cream Social
May 27 – EC Moving Up Ice Cream Social
6pm & 7pm
April 15 – School Board Meeting 7:30pm
May 8 – OB Moms & Muffins 8:15am
April 23 – OB Open House and Ice Cream
Social 6:30pm
– EC Dads are Delightful Day 9a.m.-12pm
– JH 5th Grade Family Orientation 7pm
May 12 – WV PTO Meeting 6:30pm
June 2– JH 8th Grade Promotional
Exercises 7pm
May 13 – OB Coffee with Cail 9:15am
May 18– WV Second Grade Parent
Orientation 7pm
June 16 – EC Preschool/Birth to 3yrs
Screening 12pm-5pm
May 20 – School Board Meeting 7:30pm
June 17 – School Board Meeting 7:30pm
April 30 – JH Spring Musical 7:30pm
May 21 – Spring Band Concert JH 7pm
May 1 – JH Spring Musical 7:30pm
May 22 – JHalf Day - School Improvement
June 23 – EC Preschool Screening 12pm5pm
April 8 – District 7 Student/Parent
Workshop 6:30pm @ JH
April 29 – School Performance of the JH
Wood Dale School District 7 • 630-595-9510 •
May 28 – JH 6th & 7th Grade Awards Night
Wood Dale School District 7
May/June 2015
Wood Dale School District 7
New Parking Lot & Lighting Upgrade for
Wood Dale Junior High
In early June you will begin to see a great deal of construction
activity taking place at Wood Dale Junior High, as we begin the
long overdue project of replacing and expanding the parking
lot. The existing parking lot will be excavated and completely
replaced. There will be 54 additional parking spaces added, as
the lot will be expanded to the north and east. All the sidewalks
will be replaced and an additional walkway will be added to
the east parking lot, connecting it to the Center for the Arts.
Additional lighting will be added to the parking lot and new
lighting will be added to the front of the building.
Summer Time is Learning Time
As we enter the summer months, we realize many of our students will be traveling, enrolled in camps,
summer school, or other recreational activities. However, families still have many opportunities to ensure
their children keep learning all summer long! Below is a list of some fun learning activities that are designed
for families that will be on road or on the go all summer long!
• Encourage your children to play, create, and explore all summer long!
• Read for pleasure! Visit the library and keep books that are fun to read around the house and in the car.
Aim for 20 minutes a day. Keep it low key and fun. Remember it is pleasure reading!
• Have your child keep a summer writing journal, (i.e. describe a perfect summer day).
• Have your child experience Science, indoors/outdoors create a new investigation.
• Note how Math can connect to your family’s everyday life in areas such as cooking,
measuring and problem solving.
• Practice math fact fluency by playing board games and interactive fact games online.
Spring Band Concert
Thursday, May 21, 2015
at 7 p.m.
JH Center for the Arts
Wood Dale School District 7 • 630-595-9510 •
May/June 2015
Fenton Community High School
District 100
1000 W. Green Street
Bensenville, IL 60106
Mission Statement
The mission of Fenton High School is
to educate and inspire each student
to reach his/her fullest potential as
a productive, lifelong learner and
a responsible, respectful person by
providing comprehensive, challenging,
quality learning experiences in a
supportive environment.
Board of Education
Mary Ribando, President
David Vogel, Vice President
Laura Wassinger, Secretary
Dorothy Lange
Susan Ralph
David Sbertoli
David Shimanek
Board of Education
The District 100 Board of Education
will hold its regular business meeting
on Monday, May 18 and Monday,
June 22 at 7:00 p.m. in the board
room at Fenton Community High
School. Parents and community
members are invited to attend.
Dr. Kathie Pierce, Superintendent
Dr. Todd Leden, Principal
Ms. Jane Lawnicki, Director Of
Business Operations
Calendar Reminders
• • • May 4
Spring Choral Concert
7:00 p.m.
• • • May 6
Spring Band Concert
7:00 p.m.
Fenton Community High School
To educate and inspire
New Principal
On March 16, during its regular Board
meeting, the Fenton Community High School
District 100 Board of Education approved
the employment of James Ongtengco as their
new principal, effective July 1.
“I am looking forward to making Fenton
High School my new home and to serve its
wonderful communities,” said Ongtengco.
I’m passionate about leading our school
through these exciting times in education. It
is an incredible honor to be a Bison.”
Ongtengco currently serves as the assistant principal at Mundelein School
District 120 where he has worked since 2008. He began his career as a
science teacher and also served as assistant principal at Belvidere School
District 100. He received his bachelor’s degree from the University of
Illinois – Champaign, a master’s degree from Northern Illinois University,
a Type 75 from Aurora University and is currently pursuing his doctorate
with completion expected in May 2016.
“The selection of a principal is arguably one of the most important personnel
decisions,” stated superintendent, Dr. Kathie Pierce.” I am confident James
will have a long term positive impact on Fenton High School.”
Ongtengco has received numerous awards including the Mundelein Diversity
Award, Mundelein Star Award, an Award of Excellence in the Distinguished
Service Award program sponsored by the Illinois chapter of the National
School Public Relations Association and was a Golden Apple nominee in 1997.
“On behalf of the Board of Education, I wish to thank Dr. Kathie Pierce and
the entire interview committee for their time and diligence on the selection
of Mr. James Ongtengco,” commented school board president, Mary
Ribando. “We believe James will be a tremendous asset to our student
body, the district and community.”
• • • May 7
National Honor Society induction
7:30 p.m.
• • • May 14
Seniors Awards Night
7:30 p.m.
Fenton Community High School • 630-766-2500 •
ay 17
12:00 p.m.
ay 27, 28, 29
Final Exams
(revised schedule due to weather
related school closings)
May/June 2015
Fenton Community High School
To educate and inspire
Fenton Community High School
Contest Drama, Sectional Champions
On Saturday, March 21, the cast and crew from The Pearl won the IHSA
Contest Drama Sectional competition. The following students received
All-Sectional honors: Kurtis Ames, Mayra Cabral, Brian Cruz, Wilvert
Ibares, Courtney Keller, Catherine Mojsiewicz and Brandon Smith.
The group went on to compete at the IHSA Drama/Group
Interpretation State finals on March 27 – 28 at the University of
Illinois, Springfield. The team, under the direction of Mr. Mike
Mitchell, finished eighth overall. In addition, the Fenton Tech Crew
received a sportsmanship award and cast members, Mayra Cabral and
Brian Cruz were named to the All-State cast.
Mayra Cabral
Brian Cruz
Spring Concerts at Fenton
Everyone is invited to attend the Spring Choral Concert on
Monday, May 4 and the Spring Band Concert on May 6. Both concerts begin
at 7:00 p.m. in the Lewis-Huffman Auditorium at Fenton.
There is no admission charge and light refreshments will be served.
Fenton Community High School • 630-766-2500 •
May/June 2015
Fenton Community High School
To educate and inspire
Fenton Community High School
Special Olympics Basketball Team Wins State Championship
On Saturday, March 14, the Fenton High School Special
Olympics basketball team clinched the High School Division
5 state title after defeating Leyden 37 – 27. The team
qualified for the state playoffs in January after finishing first
in their division with victories over Riverside Brookfield and
Addison Trail high schools.
The state competition, sponsored by Special Olympics
Illinois, was held at Illinois State and Illinois Wesleyan
universities. Fenton competed over the course of two days
within a bracket that included Bradley Bourbonnais, Palatine
and Leyden high schools.
The team, under the direction of Fenton coaches: Allison
Weegar, Andrea Wysopal and Victor Ruiz, consists of
approximately ten players and over fifteen student peer
Fenton student peer coaches offer additional support to the
team. This unique program pairs basketball players with a
peer mentor providing support on and off the court. Fenton
peer mentors belong to Interact, a Rotary International
student leadership program.
“This year has been a truly remarkable year for Special
Olympics,” said Coach Weegar. “I am so proud of my athletes
and the effort they have put forth this season. In addition
to a successful season, we have had a truly extraordinary
following. The assistant coaches, Interact volunteers, staff
members, students, parents and community members
have been there with us every step of the way; continually
assisting, supporting, and cheering for the athletes.”
The team received tremendous support from the community
during their road to the state finals. A basketball game,
organized by the Village of Bensenville and Fenton raised
over $1,500. In addition, the team was surprised with a
coach bus for their ride to the state tournament by Chicago
Classic Coach.
Special Olympics Illinois recognized the Fenton fans with
a sportsmanship award and featured them in an article on
their website. Visit to read the article.
The team received a final surprised when they returned to
school the Monday following the competition. The Fenton
drumline led the team in a morning march through the halls
to celebrate their accomplishment.
Special Olympics is a global organization that began in
Illinois in 1968 under the direction of Eunice Kennedy
Shriver. Currently there are 4.4 million athletes competing in
170 countries.
Visit the Fenton Facebook page to view pictures and
the Fenton YouTube Channel for a slideshow. Both are
accessible from the Fenton website at
The team and peer coaches pose for a picture during their
state send-off.
The Fenton High School Special Olympics Basketball Team
and coaches shortly after winning the High School Division 5
State title.
The Special Olympics Basketball Team and the Fenton High
School drumline and band members. The drumline led the
team through the halls in a morning march celebration.
Fenton Community High School • 630-766-2500 •
May/June 2015
Wood Dale Park District
Aspire to create positive memories & endless opportunities
Wood Dale Park District
Sponsored by
Saturday, June 13th 9 am
The Waffle 5K Shuffle is back! Open to all ages and
fitness levels, the race is followed by complimentary
waffles for those who cross the finish line! Race will
be held rain or shine. All fees are non-refundable.
Starts promptly at 9:00 am rain or shine.
PRE-REGISTRATION by June 8th at 9:30 pm
Adult: $30
Student (K-12th): $10
Family/Friends Fee*:
*Groups of 3 or more must register together
to get this rate.
All Ages: $35
Everyone in the race will receive waffles at Franzen
Grove Park after crossing the finish line. Overall
male and female winners will receive a $50 gift card.
Individual age prize medals will also be awarded.
Register online at www.signmeup/103518 or
register at the Wood Dale Park District.
Saturday, June 13th
8:30 am
Sponsored by
The Wood Dale Park District
2015 Fun Run is here! This race/
walk is designed for K-8th grade
students, all levels of fitness
and running abilities. The race course will be a 1
mile run. Waffles and post race activities will be at
Franzen Grove.
Starts promptly at 8:30 am rain or shine.
Participants will receive a waffle and a participation
medal after crossing the finish line. Register for the
FUN RUN at the Wood Dale Park District.
Proceeds from the Waffle 5K and Fun Run will be
deposited into a financial assistance/scholarship
program to help low income families in Wood Dale
participate in Park District programs. For more
information, call the Wood Dale Park District at
(630) 595-9333.
Wood Dale Park District • 630-595-9333 •
May/June 2015
Wood Dale Park District
Aspire to create positive memories & endless opportunities
Wood Dale Park District
Registration is in Progress for all
Wood Dale Park District Summer Camps
Camps start on Monday, June 15th
Sign up for 1 week or all 8 weeks of summer fun!
Opening Day Kick-Off
Saturday, May 30
Free Coupon for Pop/Chips
Entering 1st – 5th Grades, Full Day Camp
Participants will engage in a wide variety of activities
ranging from creative crafts to exhilarating games.
Enjoy swimming on Mondays and Fridays, a field trip
on Wednesdays and an afternoon snack daily. Our goal
is to provide a safe environment and positive experience
for your child this summer. Space for each age group is
limited, so please register early! Sunsational Summer
Camp is based out of the Recreation Complex.
Children who are registered in this summer camp are
eligible to sign up for camp swim lessons. Registration
for this is separate from camp at an additional fee.
Campers will be bused from camp to lessons and back.
Swim lesson times are 9:30 am – 10:20 am.
Teen Adventure Camp
Entering 6th – 8th grades, Full Day Camp
Participants will enjoy a variety of activities including
team building, sports, art projects, community service,
swimming, field trips and more. Mondays and Fridays
will be pool days and field trips will be scheduled for
Tuesdays and Thursdays. A snack will be provided daily.
Teen Adventure Camp is based out of the Cabin Nature
Summer Funshine Camp
3 Years Old – Entering Kindergarten, Half Day Camp (9:00 am
- 1:00 pm)
Arts n’ crafts, games, storytime, nature and more are in
store for your preschooler this summer! Participants
will receive a daily snack. Please bring a sack lunch with
a drink each day. All participants must be toilet-trained
to participate in this camp.
Space is limited, please register early!
To register, please stop by the Wood Dale Park District
Recreation Complex at 111 E. Foster Ave.
Wood Dale Park District
Swim Lessons
The Wood Dale Park District offers swim lessons
and private swim lessons. For more information
visit our web site at
Salt Creek Golf offers FootGolf for adults and
juniors. FootGolf is a combination of the popular
sports of soccer and golf.
Please call 630-773-0184 x3 for available tee times.
Outings, corporate events and soccer teams are
welcome. Food and beverage packages are available
upon request, call 630-773-0184 x16.
Friday Night BBQs
June 26th through August 21st
4:30 – 9 pm
Join us on our patio (weather permitting.)
Let our chef grill all of your BBQ favorites.
Reservations STRONGLY suggested
(630) 773-0184x 10.
Salt Creek Golf Club
A Facility of the Wood Dale Park District
701 W. Thorndale, Wood Dale, IL 60191
Wood Dale Park District • 630-595-9333 •
Wood Dale Park District
Aspire to create positive memories & endless opportunities
May/June 2015
Wood Dale Park District
Movies in the Park
Movies are held at Franzen Grove starting at dusk.
Wednesday, June 10th
Wednesday, July 8th
Wednesday, July 22nd
Wednesday, August 12th
Sponsored by the City of Wood Dale
Wood Dale Park District • 630-595-9333 •
26 May/June 2015
Wood Dale Public Library District
Building Better Horizons
Wood Dale Public Library District
Wood Dale Public
Library District
Building Brighter Horizons
520 N. Wood Dale Road
Wood Dale, IL 60191
Fax: 630-766-5715
Board of Trustees:
Barbara Dunn
Jeanna Matuszewski
Vice President
Lynnette Zaremba
Mark Winger
Kristy Norris
Maddalena Sparacio
Maggie Stillabower
Library Director
Yvonne Bergendorf
Read to the Rhythm!
Summer Reading Program
June 1 through August 31
The beat goes on all summer long when you join the
Read to the Rhythm! Summer Reading Program.
Kids, begin counting your minutes and register
for the great classes outlined in the library
newsletter section for kids.
Grownups track the titles of library materials or the programs you
attend to participate in the Adult Summer Reading Program. Read,
watch or listen to a book, magazine, DVD or attend a program. The
entire family earns fabulous prizes as you learn together this summer
with the Library.
Extra! Extra! Read All About It!
Read Magazines with FlipsterTM
Wood Dale library card holders can access a
selection of their favorite digital magazines
using Flipster™ digital magazine service.
Current and past issues of high quality digital
versions of popular magazines can be viewed from your computer or
downloaded to your favorite mobile device. To learn more about accessing
the Library’s digital magazines go to
The Library’s Flipster subscription includes:
Car & Driver
Food Network Magazine
HGTV Magazine
Monday – Thursday 10 am – 9 pm
Friday & Saturday
10 am – 5 pm
1 pm – 5 pm
Ranger Rick
Real Simple
Rolling Stone
Sports Illustrated Kids
*From Labor Day to Memorial Day
Us Weekly
Yum Food & Fun for Kids
Library Hours:
Wood Dale Public Library District • 630-766-6762 •
May/June 2015
Wood Dale Public Library District
Building Better Horizons
Adult Workshops & Events
Dr. Samuel Mitrani &
12 Years a Slave
Can You Afford
to Retire?
Considering Joint
Tuesday, May 5 at 7 pm
Thursday, May 28
7 – 8:30 pm
Friday, June 26
2 – 3:30 pm
Discover the
nuances of
Social Security and the need for
financial plans. The presenter
guides participants through several
self-evaluation exercises.
An Alexian Brothers
nurse discusses joint
replacement options,
including conservative vs.
surgical treatment. Learn
about the hospital stay and
follow-up care.
Dr. Samuel Mitrani, a history
professor at COD vividly
portrays the era of U.S. history
captured in the award winning
book and movie 12 Years a
Hidden Star Wars
Friday, June 12 at 7 pm
D-Day: The Men of
Omaha Beach
Wednesday, June 3 at 7 pm
Historian Robert Mueller
describes Omaha Beach on
D-Day and provides insight into
the Normandy Invasion on
June 6, 1944.
Genealogy Basics
Tuesday, May 26 at 7pm
Don’t know where
to start your family
history research?
Genealogist Steve
Szabados explains
basic research methods using
Internet and traditional
: Refreshments will be served.
An insider’s peak
at “Star Wars”, one
of the best movies
series in the galaxy.
Learn inside jokes,
secret references to
other Star Wars
films, and favorite moments
included by the filmmakers for
die hard Star Wars fans. The
presenter will be giving away
5 DVDs.
Handmade with Vicki
& Yvonne
Friday, May 15 at 7 pm
& outdoor
parties fill all of our calendars.
Create a handmade treasure
to set the mood for your
upcoming summer get-togethers.
Registration begins April 24.
Cost is $10 per person.
Mother’s Day Centerpiece
Friday, May 8 at 7 pm
Peggy Garvin from Garvin Gardens brings fresh flowers,
decorations, and her expertise to help you make a
Mother’s Day Centerpiece. Please bring garden pruners.
Registration begins April 24. Cost is $12 per person.
Container Gardening
Friday, May 29 at 7 pm
Peggy returns to celebrate the upcoming planting
season with a beautiful container garden for
your summer porch or patio.Please bring a pair
of garden pruners. Registration begins April 24.
Cost is $15.00 per person.
: All Library Programs are no charge unless otherwise noted.
Wood Dale Public Library District • 630-766-6762 •
May/June 2015
Wood Dale Public Library District
Building Better Horizons
Books, Books, and More Books
Mary Kubica
Thursday, May 14 at 7 pm
Meet Mary Kubica, author
of the bestseller The Good
Girl, a cleverly constructed
psychological suspense thriller.
Kubica’s book offers an original
storyline and a shocking twist you will
not see coming. Copies of the book are
available at the Library.
Book Club Express
Join the Wood Dale Public Library at the Target
Starbucks, 401 W Irving Park Rd Wood Dale IL 60191 for
the discussions. Copies of the books will be available at
the Wood Dale Public Library.
The Good Girl by Mary Kubica
Wednesday, May 20
7:30 – 8:30 pm
An addictively suspenseful and
tautly written thriller, The Good
Girl reveals how even in the perfect
family, nothing is as it seems. Come
to see the author speak at the Wood
Dale Public Library, then come
discuss the book!
Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore
by Robin Sloan
Wednesday, June 17
7:30 – 8:30 pm
Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore
is an old-school mystery set firmly
in tech-loving, modern day San
Francisco. This is a fast, fun story
having lots of things to say about the
past, present, and future of reading.
Klub Książki - Polish Book Discussion
Tuesday, June 16 at 7 pm
At the Art Gallery Kafe,
127 Front Street, Wood Dale
Arabska Żona by Tanya Valko. Books
will be read and discussed in the Polish
language. Copies of books are available
at the Wood Dale Public Library.
Georgia’s Adult Book Club
Still Alice by Lisa Genova
Tuesday, May 19 at 7 pm
Harvard professor Alice Howland gets
lost on her way home and discovers
she has early onset Alzheimer’s. Told
from Alice’s perspective, her memory
gradually fades as she struggles to
maintain her identity against the
progression of this terrible disease.
The 100-Year-Old Man Who
Climbed Out the Window and
Disappeared by Jonas Jonasson
Tuesday, June 16 at 7 pm
Waiting quietly in his room for his
100th birthday to start, Allan Karlsson
climbs out of his bedroom window
and makes his getaway. So begins a
remarkable journey filled with
Russian tyrants, police, and a
suitcase full of cash.
History Pages Book Discussion
The Ministry of Guidance Invites
You to Not Stay by Hooman Majd
Wednesday, May 27 at 7 pm
Iranian born journalist Hooman Majd
takes his wife and infant son to live
in Iran for a year. This is an insightful
story of a modern American family
living in one of the least littleunderstood countries in the world.
Mystery Lovers’ Pizza Night
Tuesday, June 2 at 7:30 pm
Have a slice of pizza and discuss
J.A. Jance’s Until Proven Guilty, an
action-packed story about murder,
obsession, and a love that can kill.
A gift card to the White Cottage
Pizzeria will be drawn from the
book discussion participants.
Wood Dale Public Library District • 630-766-6762 •
May/June 2015
Wood Dale Public Library District
Building Better Horizons
Adult Computer Classes
Reservations are necessary for
Computer Classes. Basic computer skills
are recommended.
Word 2013
Saturday, May 2
10:30 – Noon
Learn the basic features of Microsoft Word, a
word processing program you can use to create
documents. Topics include entering and editing
text, saving files, and formatting.
Technology Training**
Tuesdays in May
May 5, 12, 19, 26
2 pm, 2:30 pm, 3 pm, 3:30 pm
Fridays in May
May 1, 8, 15, 22
10 am, 10:30 am, 11 am, 11:30 am
Saturday in May
May 30
10 am, 10:30 am, 11 am, 11:30 am
Introduction to the iPad
Tuesdays in June
June 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
2 pm, 2:30 pm, 3 pm, 3:30 pm
Saturday, May 16
10:30 – Noon
Have an iPad but don’t know how to use it? Learn
the essentials of your iPad features, such as apps,
settings, plus how to use the Library’s new digital
magazine Flipster with your iPad.
Saturday in June
June 27
10 am, 10:30 am, 11 am, 11:30 am
**Other times available upon request.
Pinterest Basics
Saturday, June 6
10:30 – Noon
Have you heard of Pinterest, but don’t know what
the fuss is about? Do you have a Pinterest account,
but not sure how to use it? Learn all about this fun
and addictive website at the Library! Following the
demonstration, you will have a chance to create a
Pinterest account using the Library’s computers.
Word Special Topics
Saturday, June 13
10:30 – Noon
Explore more advanced features of Microsoft Word.
Topics include mail merge, tables, text boxes,
headers and footers, and graphics.
Fridays in June
June 5, 12, 19, 26
10 am, 10:30 am, 11 am, 11:30 am
Attendance at a Wood Dale Public Library program
or event constitutes consent to be photographed
for possible use on our website, or in other
promotional material. If you do not wish your
image to be published, please notify a member
of the library staff before the program begins.
Lifelong Learning Online
Want to be on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest but
don’t know where to start? Gale Courses helps
you maneuver these social media sites and others.
Enroll in Social Media in Business, Blogging
and Podcasting for Beginners, Jump-Start Your
Career with Linkedin or pick one of the other
300 instructor-led six-week courses offered 24/7
online with your Wood Dale Library card. New
classes begin on May 13 and June 17.
Registration is strongly encouraged for all
Library programs unless otherwise noted.
Register online at,
by visiting the Library, or by calling
Scan me! 630-766-6762.
Wood Dale Public Library District • 630-766-6762 •
May/June 2015
Wood Dale Public Library District
Building Better Horizons
Youth Services Programs
Thur., May. 21
7 – 7:45 pm
Thur., June. 18
7 – 7:45 pm
Thur., June 25
7 – 7:45 pm
Celebrate Memorial Day by
listening to a story about Smoky,
one of America’s WWII war
dogs. Smoky served as a mascot
in the South Pacific and earned
many battle stars and medals. A
modern-day therapy dog will be
at this presentation.
Kick off the summer with Ralph
Covert of Ralph’s World! Parents
and children will get their heart
a-beatin’ and toes a-tappin’ as
the whole family rocks out with
Ralph and his amazing, magical
world of music.
The Barefoot Hawaiians have
been bringing the Hawaiian
Islands to the Midwest for more
than 40 years. Join us as we are
transported on a magical trip
through dance to the Hawaiian,
Tahitian and Polynesian islands!
Get your read and rhythm on
by participating in our Read to
the Rhythm! Summer Reading
Program. Program activities
start June 1st and keep moving
and grooving through the end of
August. We’ve got lots of exciting
reading and STEM activities to
keep kids learning all summer long.
Friday, June 5
6 – 8:45 pm
Join your classmates in a late night,
after closing, library mystery. While
you walk alone through the darkened
Library you will begin to wonder,
“Is someone following me”? Suddenly
someone screams! Heart pounding,
you head to safety to begin the
investigation to solve who did it!
Wood Dale Public Library District • 630-766-6762 •
May/June 2015
Wood Dale Public Library District
Building Better Horizons
Program & Description
Active Play -- Play group games and
STEAM Crafts -- Crafts inspired by
science, math, or engineering
Activity Sampler -- Each session we
explore an activity
Spanish Storytime -- Storytime fun in
Rhythm of Math -- Have fun with math
Games With a Beat -- We’ll play various
board games and card games
Easy Peasy Loom Knitting -- Learn to
make scarves, hats and more using loom
knitting techniques
4-7 yrs/35
4-7 yrs/24
8-9 yrs/24
3-7 yrs/25
5-8 yrs/24
6-8 yrs/24
June 22, July 6, 13, 20, 27
& Aug. 3
June 15, 22, July 6, 13, 20, 27
& Aug. 3
June 15, 22, July 6, 13, 20, 27
& Aug. 3
June 15, 22, July 6, 13, 20, 27
& Aug. 3
June 16, 23, July 7, 14, 21, 28
& Aug. 4
June 16, 23, July 7, 14, 21, 28
& Aug. 4
11 am – Noon
1:30 – 2 pm
3 – 3:45 pm
6 – 6:30 pm
11:30 am – Noon
1 – 2 pm
8-18 yrs/24
June 16, 23, July 7, 14, 21, 28
& Aug. 4
3 – 5 pm
3-7 yrs/25
May 12, June 9, July 14
& Aug. 11
6 – 6:30 pm
8-10 yrs/24
June 16, 23, July 7, 14, 21
& 28
7 – 7:30 pm
Toddler Time -- Parents and children
participate in storytime activities geared
to foster reading readiness
24-36 mths/20
June 17, 24, July 8, 15, 22, 29
& Aug. 5
10:30 – 10:50 am
Stories & Movement -- An active
storytime combining books, stories and
movement activities
3-7 yrs/35
June 17, 24, July 8, 15, 22, 29
& Aug. 5
11:15 am– Noon
11-18 yrs/24
June 17, 24, July 8, 15, 22, 29
& Aug. 5
1:30 – 3 pm
Polish Storytime -- Storytime fun in
Family Storytime -- Children explore
stories through books, song and creative
Science Mentors -- Learn a science
project and then help a younger child
with that same project
Mad Science Club -- Learn about science
with fun projects
Teen Beats -- Make crafts that any teen
would enjoy
Baby Time -- Parents and children
participate in storytime activities to
encourage the love of books
Math Beat -- Have fun with math games
for older children
STEAM Art -- Explore hands on math,
science or engineering crafts
Family Entertainment Nights – Smoky
the War Dog 5/21, Ralph from Ralph’s World
Concert 6/18, Barefoot Hawaiians 6/25
Toddler Play -- Enjoy traditional games
as they learn the social skills needed to
play with others
6-9 yrs/24
11-18 yrs/20
12-24 mths/17
9-12 yrs/ 24
7-10 yrs/24
June 17, 24, July 8, 15, 22, 29
& Aug. 5
June 17, 24, July 8, 15, 22, 29
& Aug. 5
June 18, 25, July 9, 16, 23, 30
& Aug. 6
June 18, 25, July 9, 16, 23, 30
& Aug. 6
June 18, 25, July 9, 16, 23, 30
& Aug. 6
2 – 2:45 pm
3:30 – 4:30 pm
10:30 – 10:50 am
2 – 2:30 pm
3:30 – 4:15 pm
June 18, 25, July 2, 16, 23,
& 30
7 – 7:45 or 8:00 pm
2-4 yrs/20
June 19, 26, July 10, 17, 24,
31 & Aug. 7
10:30 – 10:50 am
June 19, 26, July 10, 17, 24,
11 – 11:45 am
31 & Aug. 7
June 19, 26, July 10, 17, 24,
8-12 yrs/24
1:15 – 2 pm
31 & Aug. 7
June 19, 26, July 10, 17, 24,
7-12 yrs /24
2:30 – 4:30 pm
31 & Aug. 7
Wood Dale Public Library District • 630-766-6762 •
Story Play -- Join us as we use our
imagination to bring stories to life
Shake, Rattle & Roll -- We’ll play various
board games and card games
Afternoon Movie -- Enjoy a movie on a
hot afternoon in the cool Library
4-7 yrs/24
404 N. Wood Dale Road
Wood Dale, IL 60191
Working Together To Make Life Better
City Hall Hours
Monday – Friday
8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Mayor: Nunzio Pulice
Helpful Local Phone Numbers
Fire Non-Emergency
Police Non- Emergency
Police 9-1-1-Emergency
City of Wood Dale
City Clerk:
Shirley J. Siebert
Addison Township
Attorney General - Chicago
Better Business Bureau
Sandra L. Porch
Building Department
Chamber of Commerce
Aldermen:(Effective May 7, 2015):
Ward 1: Peter A. Jakab
COM ED Outages
Curb-to-Curb Transit Service
Frank Lazzara
"Randy" Messina
DuPage County
DuPage Forest Preserve Information
Fenton High School District #100
Fire Prevention Bureau
Food Pantry Wood Dale
Garbage Customer Service
Health Department
IDOT Irving Park Maintenance
Library (Wood Dale Public)
Metra Service
Post Office
Public Works
Report Plane Noise (
School District #4
School District #7
School District #88
Social Security Office- Bloomingdale
U.S. Post Office General
Utility Billing
Willowbrook Wild Life Center
Wood Dale Park District
Wood Dale Road Maintenance
Ward 2:
2: Roy
Art Woods
Ward 3: Antonino “Tony” Catalano
Antonino “Tony” Catalano
Ward 3: 630-350-9646
Ralph "Sonny" Sorrentino
Christine Winger
Ward 4: Mike Susmarski
Ward 4: 630-956-1600
Mike Susmarski
Eugene Wesley
Eugene Wesley
newsletter is published by the City of Wood Dale
every two months. Its purpose is to provide a single
This newsletter
is published
by the living
City ofinWood
of information
for residents
this area.
every two months. Its purpose is to provide a single
source of information for
the City of Wood Dale
website. Download a
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