Visio-Lantic Entertainment Overview 10
Visio-Lantic Entertainment Overview 10
Overview Entertainment System D e ck Sun Deck XT XT XT XT XT XT XT XT Optional, not in the entertainment scope TVRO VSAT 46" Plasma S u n Modular Entertainment Centre (MEC) Amplifier VX200 iPod remote control Wheelhouse Software Suite 2.0 Guest 5- gym Open lounge area LC60i WiFi access point LC60i LC60i LC60i LC60i LC60i B r idge D e ck LC60i Modular Entertainment Centre + Amplifier Modular Entertainment Centre + Amplifier I-pod dock DVD Player RF Keyboard Owners Stateroom LC60i PSW111 XT Amplifier VX400 Projector iPod remote control WiFi access point Saloon + Dining ro o m a r d r e o b LC60i DVD Player Modular Entertainment Centre + Amplifier DVD Player LC60i W LC60i a t h LC60i XT Optional: Cabin control Aft. Exterior LC60i LC60i LC60i LC60i LC60i LC60i PSW111 LC60i Optional: Cabin control LC60i B LC60i XT LC60i PSW111 Galley Optional: Cabin control XT 2x roll-down screen SM320MX-2 (22" LCD) RF Keyboard Monitor Lift Control M ain D e ck LC60i LC60i SM320MX-2 (22" LCD) Externa l A/V In RC60 i RC60 i RC60 RC60 i Modular i Entertainment Centre + Amplifier Volum e Contro l DVD Player RF Keyboard Volum e Contro l I-pod dock Guest Cabin 4x L ow e r D e ck LC60i Seating area, front bridge LC60i LC60i Monitor Lift Control RF Keyboard Crew Cabins (4x) Volum e Contro l LC60i LC60i LC60i XT XT Amplifier VX400 Laundry LC60i LC60i LC60i LC60i Modular Entertainment Centre + Amplifier Externa l A/V In RF Keyboard I-pod dock DVD Player RF Keyboard DVD Player In IT/ICT scope DAC Controller TVRO 3 Optional, not in the entertainment scope Optional, not in the entertainment scope & Optional Rackmounted Monitor/Keyboard AV capture cards 6x for SD tuners 6x for CCTV R A C K 1 DVD Player RF Keyboard Multiswitch 4 in – 16 out Sattelite Tuners Camera 1 DAC Controller VSAT Camera 2 VSAT Modem 4xHDMI IN Camera 3 Hardisk Recorder A V UPS AV1 Central Stream Server (CSS) Source Selector Camera 5 HD Streamer Camera 6 UPS 2100W/3000VA Entertainment Switch 24 ports Camera 4 Media Storage Server Patchpanel 24 ports Cisco 1841 ISR HD Multicast OUT SD Multicast OUT LC60i LC60i 37" LCD Modular Entertainment Centre + Amplifier Optional: Cabin control iPod remote control Captains Cabin 37" LCD 37" LCD Modular Entertainment Centre + Amplifier XT Crew Mess LC60i LC60i DVD Player XT I-pod dock
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