Society for American Archaeology
Society for American Archaeology
Society for American Archaeology The Technology and Organization of Agricultural Production in the Tiwanaku State Author(s): Alan L. Kolata Reviewed work(s): Source: Latin American Antiquity, Vol. 2, No. 2 (Jun., 1991), pp. 99-125 Published by: Society for American Archaeology Stable URL: . Accessed: 13/02/2012 07:56 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact Society for American Archaeology is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Latin American Antiquity. THE TECHNOLOGY AND ORGANIZATION OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCI ION IN THE TIWANAKU STATE Alan L. Kolata Utilizingdatafrom six seasons of field research,this articlefocuses on the questionof the technologyand social organizationof intensiveagriculturalproductionin the Andean state of Tiwanaku.Recent literaturein Andean archaeologyand ethnohistoryasserts the dominanceof local kin groups in the organizationof agiculturalproductionratherthan supracommunitystate authority.The analysispresentedheretakes issue withthisperspective as appliedto the core territoryof the Tiwanakustate duringthe periodfrom ca. A.D. 400 to 1000 (Tiwanaku IV-V). I concludethat in thisperiod:(I) the technologyof Tiwanakuintensiveagriculturalproductionturnedon the creationof an artificialregionalhydrologicalregimeof canals, aqueducts,and groundwaterregulationarticulatedwith massiveraised-fieldsystems, and (2) the organizationof agriculturalproductionin this core territory entailedstructured,hierarchicalinteractionbetweenurbanand ruralsettlementscharacterizedby a substantial degree of political centralizationand the mobilizationof labor by social principlesthat reachedbeyondsimple kinshiprelations. Utilizandoinformacionarqueologicade seis temporadasde campo, este artEculocentrasu atencionen aquellos aspectostecnologicosy de organizacionsocial asociadosa la produccionagrlcolaintensivadel estado andino de Tiwanaku.Unaposicion actual en la literaturaarqueologicay etnohistoricaandina sostieneque la organizacion asociadaa la produccionagrfcolaestuvobasadaen gruposdeparentescolocal,en lugarde queel manejoplanificado de la autoridadestatal actuabasobre la comunidad.El analisis que aqul se presentapolemiza esta perspectiva en su aplicacional desarrollodel estado Tiwanakuen su area nuclearaproximadamentedesde 400 a 1000 D.C. (TiwanakuIV-V). ConcluEmosque en este perfodo. (I) la tecnologla de la produccionagrEcolaintensiva de Tiwanakugenero la creacionde un regimenhidrologicoarti.ficialy regionalde canales, acueductosy regulacion de aguas subterraneasarticuladocon los sistemas de campos elevados,y (2) la organizacionde la produccion agrfcolaen este territorionuclearmantuvouna interaccionestructuraday jerarquizadaentre los asentamientos urbanosy rurales.Ademas se caracterizopor tener un grado de centralizacionpolfticay por la mobilizacionde mano de obraque utilizoprincipiossociales quefueron mas alla de simples relaciones de parentesco.Un aspecto complementariopero significativopara la investigacionque presentamos aquf es la rehabilitacionde algunos camposde cultivoprehispanicos(camelloneso campos elevados)de la Pampa Koani y del valle de Tiwanaku,y los resultadosde su implementaciondespuesde los tresprimerosanos consecutivos.Se subrayanlas propiedades termicas de los campos elevadospara la proteccioncontra las heladas, y la alta productividadpor superficie sembrada,que es varias veces superioral promedio regional y nacional. Estos resultadosevidencianque este regimende intensificacionagrfcolafue la estrategiaprincipalde produccionintensivadel estado de Tiwanaku. The organizational principles that govern intensive agricultural production have been a central concern of several influential theoretical formulations regarding the origin and maintenance of state societies (Boserup 1965; Coward 1979; Downing and Gibson 1974; Hunt 1988; Mitchell 1973, 1977; Sanders and Price 1968; Steward 1955; Wittfogel 1938, 1957; among others). The Wittfogel (1957) hypothesis, which postulated that large-scale irrigation requires centralized management of the hydraulic infrastructure and explained the origins of agrarian state societies in arid lands in terms of increased political integration resulting from the need for centralized control of irrigation, has generated a particularly passionate body of literature (see Mitchell [1973] for an excellent summary of that literature). The current consensus on the Wittfogel hypothesis rejects both the assumption that large-scale hydraulic works presuppose the presence of centralized authority and the causal inference that links Alan L. Kolata, Departmentof Anthropology,Universityof Chicago,Chicago,IL 60637 Latin AmericanAntiquity, 2(2), 1991, pp. 99-125. CopyrightC) 1991 by the Society for AmericanArchaeology 99 100 LATIN AMERICAN ANTIQUITY [Vol. 2, No. 2, 1991 the emergenceof statesocietieswith the organizationalrequirementsof suchhydraulicinfrastructures (Hunt 1988; Mitchell 1973, 1977). Justifiably,contemporaryscholars of early state societies view the degree of centralizationin intensive agriculturalsystems as highly variable, and demonstrate, in many cases, that the organizationof such systems lies outside the purview of state bureaucracies (Netherly 1984), or even excludespolitical structuresfrom the decision-makingapparatusaltogether (Lansing 1987). Rather than looking to the central authorities for the principles that structured intensive agriculturalproduction in these states (the "top-down perspective"),these scholars emphasize the importanceof recognizingthe organizationalinitiatives of local farmers(the "bottomup perspective").In general,the latter perspective seems to accept that intensive systems of agriculturalproductionrequire some form of (weakly)hierarchicalorganization,but that there was a tendency to use the minimum amount of organizationnecessaryto maintain the hydraulicinfrastructure,while retaining a mechanism for seeking higher levels of organizationwhen necessary (regionaldispute resolution, disaster response,and the like). Certainrecent literaturein Andean archaeologyand ethnohistoryclosely follows this new orthodoxy, assertingthe dominance of local kin groups ratherthan hierarchical,supracommunitystate authority in the organizationof agriculturalproduction (Erickson 1988; Graffam 1990; Netherly 1984; see also Schaedel [1988] who extends this analysis to Andean cosmology and worldview). Although this perspective provides a necessary corrective to a rigid, Wittfogel-likeformulation, uncriticalapplicationcan lead to an equally dogmatic position that overlooks, or even denies, the reality of centralizedstate action on local communities in Andean societies. Neither a categorical top-downor bottom-upframeof referencealone can accountfor the multipleformsof social linkages that produced intensive systems of agriculturalproduction and provided for the reproductionof society as a whole. Bureaucraticand nonbureaucratic,centralizedand uncentralizedforms of organization of intensive agriculturalproductioncan, and probablyalways did, coexist in time and space in most agrarianstates. Therefore,at any given point in the history of a state society, it is likely that both frames of referencecan provide essential insights into the dynamic interactionof local communities and centralizedauthorities. In this paper,I arguethat the essentialgeopoliticalcore of the Andeanstate of Tiwanakuconsisted of a politically and economically integratedagriculturalheartlandreclaimedfrom the flat, marshy lands that ring Lake Titicaca (Figure 1). The fields in this core area were shaped into a system capableof sustainedyields that provided the bulk of the state's considerablesubsistenceneeds and accommodated the natural expansion of its demographicbase (Kolata 1983, 1986; Kolata and Graffam 1989; Kolata and Ortloff 1989; Ortlof and Kolata 1989). The technology of intensive agriculturalproductionin the Tiwanakustate turnedon creationof an artificialregional hydrological regime of canals, aqueducts,and groundwaterregulationarticulatedwith raised-fieldsystems. The organizationof agriculturalproductionin this core territoryentailed structured,hierarchicalinteraction between urban and rural settlements characterizedby a substantialdegree of political centralizationand the mobilization of labor by social principlesthat reached beyond simple kinship relations. This argumentdoes not imply that the Tiwanaku state wielded despotic power in the Wittfogelliansense, or even that it created a formalized, central bureaucracy.Rather, it assumes that Tiwanaku urban elites had a compelling interest in establishing a dedicated landscape of intensive agriculturalproductionin the core territoryaroundthe southernshores of Lake Titicaca, and that the organizationalprinciples they instituted to manage this landscape were of regional, ratherthan local scope. TIWANAKU RAISED FIELDS:TECHNOLOGICALDIMENSIONSAND IMPLICATIONS Systemsof raised-fieldagriculture,if not quite ubiquitousin the ancientAmericas,arenevertheless broadlydistributedthroughoutCentraland SouthAmerica,and, to a lesserdegree,in North America as well. This type of paleohydraulicsystem occurs in differentclimatic regions rangingfrom the humid tropics of the South Americanlowlandsto the middle-latitude,temperatezones of the upper Midwest in the United States. This wide geographicvariation in raised-fieldtechnologyis matched by high diversity in morphologyand function. In certainecologicalcontexts, such as in perennially . . .... .. ... Marsh or Swamp mm AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION INTHETIWANAKU STATE Kolata] 101 TIWANAKU AND ADJACENT VALLEYS - tS ---- Road X 3 Land subiect l.G.M. SERIES to inundation 200 Meter HS3 1 SE- 19-3 Contour N Intervals Figure 1. Tiwanakuand adjacentvalleys illustratingthe location and generaltopographicand hydrological featuresof the subbasinsof the Rio Tiwanakuand the Rio Catari, and portionsof the Machaca-Desaguadero regiondiscussedin the text. This maplocatesthe principalTiwanakuurbansettlementsof Tiwanaku,Lukurmata, Pajchiri,and KhonkoWankane.Major Tiwanakusites also exist underthe modernsettlementsof Guaquiand Jesus de Machaca illustratedon this map. inundated landscapes,the primaryfunction of raised fields is to promote drainageand lower local watertables to reducethe potentiallydisastrousconditions of root rot. In other settings,raisedfields mitigate the hazardof killing frosts, therebyenhancinglocal yields (Gallagheret al. 1985; Riley and Freimuth 1979). Still other systems of raised fields appear to promote the conservation of water and the recyclingof essentialnutrients.The raised-fieldcomplexesof the circum-LakeTiticacaregion in Peru and Bolivia, which are of principalconcern here, representthe largest,virtuallycontinuous expanse of this cultivation system in the world. This specialized, intensive form of agricultural productionwas the cornerstoneof Tiwanaku'sagrarianeconomy. Morphology and Stranctarre The raised fields of the Titicaca Basin are essentially large, elevated planting platformsranging from 5 to 20 m in width and up to 200 m in length.Within a given segmentof a raised-fieldsystem, approximately30-60 percent of the area of a segment is given over to the planting surfaceitself (Figure2). The remaining portion is occupied by intervening canals that derive their water from local fluvial networks, natural springs, or percolatingground water (Kolata and Ortloff 1989). At times, the flow of water from naturalsources that fed Tiwanakuraised-fieldsystems was enhanced and regulatedby massive hydraulic projects designed by the agroengineersof Tiwanaku:dikes, LATIN AMERICAN ANTIQUITY 102 [Vol. 2, No. 2, 1991 LAKAYA1:RAISED-FIELD SYSTEM N * mound a g field surface canal 0 30 meters Figure 2. Plan of representativeraised-fieldsystem in the Lakaya sector of the Pampa Koani illustrating proportionof canal:fieldsurfacearea. Note centrallocationof house mounddatedto TiwanakuV phase ca. A.D. A.D. 800-1000. This moundmost likely representsrepeatedseasonal occupationby kamani, or field guardians. aqueducts,primarycanals and canalized springs,quebradas, and rivers (Ortloffand Kolata 1989). Comprehensivedescriptionsof Titicaca Basin raised-fieldmorphologyand structurecan be found in Erickson(1988) and Lennon (1982, 1983). An essential property of the Lake Titicaca raised-field systems stabilized and enhanced their productivityand sustainability.Recent experimentalwork in restoredTiwanakuraised fields (described in greaterdetail below) indicates that the canals adjacentto the elevated planting surfaces were rapidly colonized by a diverse range of aquatic macrophytes,such as Azolla,Myriophyllum, and Elodea.These aquatic macrophytestrap suspended,water-borneparticulatesand thereby sequester nutrientsin the agriculturalenvironment (Binfordet al. 1990). Plants were probablyharvested directly from the surfaceof the water and incorporatedinto the plantingbed immediately before sowing, or their decayed productswere dredgedfrom the muddy sedimentsof the canals and redistributedover the surface of the field. The high nutritive content of the decomposed aquatic plants would have greatly ameliorated the nitrogen deficit that characterizesmost altiplano soils (Unzueta 1975; Winterhalderet al. 1974:99). Excavations in the agriculturalsector at the site of Lukurmata(Figure 1) indicated that Tiwanakufarmersdid in fact periodicallyclean the sediments from canals between raised fields (Kolata and Graffam 1989; Kolata and Ortloff 1989:Figure7). These nitrogen-richsediments were then used to resurfaceand revitalize the plantingplatformsof the raised-fieldsystem. - Kolata] | w w AGRICULTURALPRODUCTIONIN THE TIWANAKUSTATE 103 Jrave Figure 3. Specific vectors of heat storage and transfer in Tiwanaku raised fields in the Lake Titicaca Basin as described in the text. Illustration based on research discussed in Kolata and Ortloff (1989). Apart from their capacity to sustain aquatic plants that could be exploited as forms of natural fertilizer,the canals between fields played a second, vital role in maintainingthe productivityof raised fields in the specificenvironmentalcontext of the Andean high plateau.Perhapsthe greatest risk that altiplano farmers face on a daily basis during the growing season is the potential for devastation wrought by killing frosts. A number of scholars examining ancient raised-fieldtechnologies have advanced the generalhypothesis that raised fields in high-altitude(Brookfield1961; Denevan 1970; Erickson 1985, 1988; Smith et al. 1968; Wadell 1972) and middle-latitude(Riley and Freimuth 1979; Riley et al. 1980) environments served to mitigate frost damage. Erickson (1985) describesthe generalthermaland microclimaticeffectsof raised fields in the Huattadistrict of the Department of Puno, Peru. In experiments undertakenin restored Tiwanakuraised fields during 1987 and 1988, my colleagues and I examined the specific heat-storagepathwaysand potentials within these systems (Figure 3). The results of this work demonstate that the design of raised-fieldsystems absorbsheat from solar radiationefficiently,promotes heat conservation,and functions effectively to protect both seedlings and maturingplants from frost damage duringsubfreezingaltiplano nights (Kolata and Ortloff 1989). As implied above, the canals surroundingthe raised fields are the key to this frost-mitigationeffect. Experiments in Raised-Field Rehabilitation During the 1987-1988 agriculturalseason, we obtained graphicempiricalconfirmationof these heat-conservationeffects.In that year, approximately2.5 ha of ancient Tiwanakuraisedfieldswere reconstructednearthe native Aymaravillage of Lakayain the PampaKoani, situatedon the southern shores of Lake Titicaca some 10 km to the north of the site of Tiwanakuitself (Figure4). These well-preservedTiwanakuraisedfieldswerereconstructedby Aymarafromlocalcommunitiesaround LakayabetweenAugustand September1987 and wereplantedin a varietyof indigenous(principally potato) and introducedcrops. Organicfertilizerin the form of greenmanureand animal waste (but no commercial fertilizer)was applied to the rehabilitatedfields, and cultivation and weeding proceeded in a normal manner. On the nights of February28-29,1988, the Bolivian altiplanoin the PampaKoani regionsuffered a killing frost with temperaturesin the Lakayasector droppingto -5°C in some areas. Substantial zones of potato and quinoa cultivation on plains and hillslopes along the southern rim of Lake Titicacawere severelydamagedby this heavy frost.Manytraditionaldry-farmedpotato fieldswithin a few hundredmeters of the experimentalraised-fieldplots experiencedcrop losses as high as 7090 percent. One control plot cultivated in the traditional manner without benefit of raised-field technologylost every maturingpotato plant. In contrast,losses in the experimentalraised fields of Lakayawere limited to superficialfrost damage of foliage on potato plants. Barley, broad beans, quinoa, caniwa, onions, and lettuce on the raised fields also exhibited only superficialdamageand LATIN AMERICANANTIQUITY [Vol. 2, No. 2, 1991 104 Figure 4. Aerial photographof southernportionsof the Pampa Koani raised-fieldsystem study area with regionalartificialhydrologicalfeaturesemphasized:(1) artificallycanalizedsectionof the Rio Catari;(2) intake of the river-by-passsystem, or river "shunt";(3) causeways-the causewayon the west side of this photograph ltrans-pampacausewaylmay have served as a dike, as well as an elevated roadbed;(4) Lakaya rehabilitated raised fields (from InstitutoGeograficoMilitar, sheet 20517, 10 August1955). low loss rates from the frost. We attributethis substantialdiffierentialin plant survivabilityto the heat-storagepropertiesof the saturatedraised fields and their surroundingcanals. In effect, these experimentsdemonstratethat Prehispanicsystemsof raised-fieldcultivationin the altiplanopossess much higherthermal efficiencythan traditionalforms of dry farmingpracticedby the indigenous peoples of the area since the early SpanishColonial period. Not surprisingly,given the high risk of crop loss throughfrost damage, the higher thermal efficiencyof the raised fields, when combined with the forms of natural fertilizationavailable to the raised-fieldcultivator, translatesinto substantiallyhigheryield performancein comparisonwith dry farming. In addition to demonstratingthe superiorthermalpropertiesof raised fields, our experimentsin rehabilitatingTiwanaku raised fields indicated substantialyield diffierentialsbetween traditional, Kolata] AGRICULTURALPRODUCTIONIN THE TIWANAKUSTATE 105 Table 1. Potato Yield of RehabilitatedRaised Fields: Pampa Koani. Parcel Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total Average Dimensions (m) Length/Width 3.57/2.90 4.00/3.00 3.00/3.54 2.80/3.17 2.70/7.70 3.20/3.20 2.90/2.90 2.80/3.50 2.80/2.90 3.00/5.00 3.00/5.00 3.65/3.20 Number Surface area of Number of (in m2) FulTows Plants 10.35 12.00 10.62 8.88 20.79 10.24 8.41 9.80 8.12 15.00 15.00 18.25 132.41 11.03 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 9 9 5 39 49 39 33 84 31 36 43 33 70 75 45 577 48 Weight per Parcel (in kg) 40.80 45.80 39.00 38.30 82.25 43.20 44.70 38.18 29.15 70.50 63.50 57.50 592.88 40.40 Total Weight per Hectare % Exhibiting (in kg (EstimatFrost ed)) Lesionsa 39,420 38,166 36,723 43,130 39,562 42,187 53,151 38,959 35,899 47,000 42,333 49,229 505,752 42,146b 10 20 10 0 10 25 10 20 0 10 10 0 10.41 Percent of plants exhibiting frost lesions refers to the specific event of February 28-29, 1988, refelTed to in the text. b To obtain average yield in kilograms per hectare in the raised-field system as a whole, rather than the platform surfaces alone, this figure must be halved to reflect the approximate proportion of noncultivated canal surfaces. E^ective yield per hectare becomes ca. 21 metric tons/hectare. a dry farmingand raised-fieldcultivation. Table 1 illustratesthe yields of potato, the principaltuber planted in 12 individual control parcelsin the reconstructedraised fields, along with supplemental data on the surfacedimensions of the control parcels, number of planted furrowsand individual plants per parcel,the achieved weight and number of tubers per potato plant, and the incidence of frost damage. The yields fromthe experimentalraisedfieldscomparefavorablywith those obtainedfrom control plots of two traditionalvariantsof altiplanoagriculturecultivatedfor purposesof directcomparison. The two traditionalforllls of agriculturalplots were: (1) shallow-furrow,seasonal rain-dependent plots, cultivatedwithout the benefit of irrigation,or the use of chemical fertilizersor pesticides,but with small quantities of organic fertilizer, principallydried cattle manure, incorporatedinto the fields prior to seeding, and (2) shallow-furrow,dry-cultivatedplots with added chemical fertilizers and pesticidesappliedboth to the soil and to foliagethroughoutthe growingseason. The firstcontrol plot was established on a previously cultivated, gentle hillslope in the community of Lakayaapproximately 120 m south of the reconstructedraised fields on the pampa (Figure4). The specific plot chosen for cultivation had been in fallow for about five years (the landownerwas unable to provide a precise date for the last previous planting of the field, but he did mention that the last crop planted was barley). The second control plot was established in the community of Achuta Grandein the valley of Tiwanaku,4 km west of the village of Tiwanaku.This plot was cultivated on long-fallowed, flat land near the Rio Tiwanaku, which had been used for the past 15 years exclusively for pasturage.This second control plot lies approximately200 m southwest of 4 ha of rehabilitatedraised fields in the Achuta Grandepampa. The first form of traditional cultivation has been the dominant mode of peasant agricultural productionin the Bolivian altiplano for nearly five centurieseven though it is patently inefficient. As indicated by the yield and supplementalproductiondata in Table 2, this form of nonfertilized dry farmingachieved an averageof 2.5 metric tons (t)/ha of potato (the index plant of our experimental work) on five cultivated parcels.During the 1987-1988 growingseason, 100 percentof the maturingplants on these parcelsexhibited lesions from frost, with the bulk of the damageoccurring duringthe hard freeze in February, 1988. Depending on the individual parcels of cultivated land, LATIN AMERICAN ANTIQUITY [Vol. 2, No. 2, 1991 106 Table 2. Potato Yield of TraditionalAgricultureLackingCommercialFertilizers. Parcel Number 1 2 3 4 5 Dimensions (m) Length/Width 5.00/3.60 5.00/3.50 5.00/3.65 5.00/3.70 5.00/3.56 Surface area Number of Number of (in m2) Furrows Plants 18.00 17.50 18.25 18.50 17.80 90.05 18.01 Total Average 5 5 5 5 5 60 63 61 61 62 307 61.4 Weight per Parcel (in kg) Total Weight per Hectare (in kg (Estimated)) % Exhibiting Frost Lesionsa 4.00 4.50 4.60 5.00 3.80 21.9 4.38 2,222 2,571 2,520 2,703 2,135 12,151 2,430 100 100 100 100 100 100 Percent of plants exhibiting frost lesions refers to the specific event of February 28-29, 1988, referred to in the text. a approximately10-30 percentof these plants were superficiallydamagedby frost, but the remaining 70-90 percentwere destroyedand yielded no edible tubers. Predictably,the additionof commericalfertilizers(N, P, K:nitrogen,phosphorous,and potassium) on traditionalfields (control plot 2) increasedproduction substantiallyto an average of 14.5 t/ha on eight cultivated parcels (Table 3). Despite the expected enhanced performanceof traditional agriculturalfields treatedwith commercial fertilizers,it is clear from a comparisonof the data in Table 1 that the experimentalraisedfields significantlyoutperformedboth the nonfertilizedand the fertilizer-treatedfieldsconstructedin the traditionalfashion.On 12cultivatedparcelsof experimental raised fields, potato yields reached an average of 21 t/ha, or nearly twice the yield of traditional fields treated with chemical fertilizersand over seven times the yield of unimproved traditional cultivation. Furthermore,the percentageof the crop planted in raised fields that was affiectedby frost lesions averagedonly about 10.5 percent, a radicallydiffierent,and much smaller proportion of frost damage than experiencedin the two types of traditionalcultivation. Similar experimentsin raised-fieldrehabilitationwere conducted in the altiplano of Peru on the northernside of Lake Titicaca by a team of archaeologistsand agronomistsduring the early and mid-1980s (Erickson 1988). Their results are instructive and are generally consonant with ours (Table4). The Peruvianteam apparentlydid not plant controlplots of traditionallycultivatedfields for direct comparison, but ratherrelied on regionalaveragesfor the Departmentof Puno derived Table 3. Parcel Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total Average Potato Yield of Improved Agriculture With Commercial Fertilizers. Dimesions (m) Length/Width 5.00/3.68 5.00/3.40 5.00/3.60 5.00/3.80 5.00/3.20 5.00/3.30 5.00/3.30 5.00/3.50 Number Surface area of Number of (in m2) Furrows Plants 18.40 17.00 18.00 19.00 16.00 16.50 16.50 17.50 138.40 17.30 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 45 40 40 40 41 46 51 44. 347 43.3 Weight per Parcel (in kg) Total Weight per Hectare (in kg, (Estimated)) % Exhibiting Frost Lesionsa 26.0 26.5 23.0 26.0 14.0 22.5 30.5 32.1 200.6 25.1 14,130 15,588 12,777 13,685 8,750 13,636 19,062 18,342 115,970 14,496 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 a Percent of plants exhibiting frost lesions refers to the specific event of February 28-29, 1988, referred to in the text. Kolata] AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION INTHETIWANAKU STATE 107 Table 4. Potato Yield on RehabilitatedRaised Fields in Huatta, Peru. Yields in kg/ha Field Name Surface Area (m2) Machachi 110 Candile 73 Chojnocoto I 702 Chojnocoto II 2 025 Chojnocoto III 1?449 Viscachani Pampa 1,405/ 1,625 Pancha Pampa 815 Average Yield per Hectare per Year Combined Average Yield per Hectare 19811982 19831984 198F 1985 13,652 8,573 5,186 11,036 12,309 10,990 10,441 6,760 10,119 12,536 8,440 10,658 kg/ha 13,094 Note: Adapted from Erickson (1988:Table 8). from statisticscompiled by the PeruvianMinistryof Agriculture.These averagesof regionalpotato productionon traditionallycultivatedplots rangefrom 1.5 to 6 t/ha, which compareswell with our own result of 2.4 t/ha. The higheraverageproductionfiguresfor the Puno area (> 3 t/ha) probably reflectfields treatedwith naturalor chemical fertilizersand should be comparedwith our result of 7.25 t/ha for improved traditionalagriculture(Table 3). On raised fields that were not treatedwith fertilizersover a three-yearproduction cycle, the Puno group generatedan average of 10.65 t/ha with a rangefrom 8.3 to 13.0 t/ha. As can be seen in Table 4, production figuresvaried considerablyover time and space. Some areas did particularlywell in a given year, and even within individual blocks of reclaimed raised fields there was considerablevariability in yield depending on placement of seed in the center or along the edge of a cultivated plot (Erickson 1988), an experiencereplicatedin our own work on the Bolivian side of the lake. The average yields of potato on raised fields achieved by the Puno groupare lower than those obtained on the Bolivian side in the Pampa Koani region, althoughthe patternof dramaticallyenhanced productionon raised fields in comparisonto traditionalfields is identical. The higher yields obtained on the Bolivian side may relate to slight climatic diffierences between the northernand southern sides of Lake Titicaca. The area around Puno is at a higher altitude and consequently is somewhat more prone to frost damage than the area of the Pampa Koani. Moreover, the planting and cultivating protocols practiced by the Puno group appear to have diffieredfrom our own. The Aymaravillagersrehabilitatingfieldsin the PampaKoani routinely incorporatedorganicfertilizer(greenmanure,or animal waste) into the fields duringfield construction, tilling, and sowing activities. Despite the diffierencesin averageraised-fieldpotato productionbetweenthe Puno and the Pampa Koani experiments, the general trend of significantlyenhanced yields on reclaimed raised fields appears established beyond a reasonabledoubt. At a minimum, cultivation on reclaimed raised fieldsresultsin productionfrom two to threetimes greaterthanthat obtainedby traditionalmethods. Moreover,as Erickson(1988:245) points out, raised fields are remarkablyefficientin terms of the ratio of seed to producingplant:"in comparisonto traditionalfields, only half the seed is necessary for plantinga hectareof raisedfieldssince half the areais uncultivatedcanal. [T]hesehigh production rates are even more impresssive when consideringthat a hectare of raised fields has only half the numberof plantsof a traditionalpotato field."If the experimentsof both researchgroupsare correct, raised fields representa prime example of continuous, efficient, and potentially sustainablecultivation: a system of intensive hydraulicagriculturethat requiredno extended periods of fallow. But, these experimentalresults, however provocative, cannot be taken uncriticallyand at face value. They must be placed in a specific experimentaland ecological context that explains at least partof the diffierencein performancebetweenraisedfieldsand traditionaldry farming.In accounting 108 LATIN AMERICAN ANTIQUITY [Vol. 2, No. 2, 1991 for the diffierential in yields betweenthese forms of cultivation,two cautionarynotes must be factored into the equation. First, the Bolivian results are based on only three cycles of agriculturalproduction (one cycle reportedhere in Tables 1-3 plus two additional cycles that have not yet been completely analyzed but which demonstratesimilaryield results).Althoughthe Peruvianresultsare based on additional productioncycles, much longer periods of productioncomparison will be requiredto statistically confirm a sustained, superiorperformanceof raised fields againsttraditionalforms of agriculture. Second, the experimentalraised fields are constructed on land that has not been in intensive cultivation for over 800 years, and we might anticipate higher than average production in this exceptionallylong-fallowedarea. Moreover, land in this area of the altiplano has been given over to pasturagefor sheep and cattle duringthe past century,resultingin increasednutrientinputs. Even with these two caveats, the diffierencesin yield are so dramaticthat a significant,although unquantified,proportion of the yield diffierentialbetween raised fields and traditional forms of agriculturemust be attributedto the superiorfrost-mitigationattributesof the raised fields. If the heat- and nutrient-conservationeffiectsin raised fields describedhere are furtherverified, then our perception of the subsistence base of Tiwanaku civilization will be radically altered. If these assumptions and empirical observationsare correctand replicable,we must consider the possibility that the physicaland thermalpropertiesof Tiwanakuraised-fieldagriculturein the circum-Titicaca Basin permitteda regimeof double croppingof potato, ulluco, canEwa, quinoa, and otherindigenous staples of the altiplano. During the 1988-1989 and 1989-1990 agriculturalseasons, two crops of potato (as well as a potato-barley) rotation were successfully achieved in the rehabilitatedfields of Lakaya (Pampa Koani) and Achuta Grande in the TiwanakuValley. The averagepotato yield for each harvest in the Lakayaraisedfieldswas approximately20 t/ha. Knappand Ryder(1983:211) arguefor a similar double-croppingregime on Prehispanicraised fields in the altiplano (2,855 m asl) around Quito, Ecuador.They concludethat the frost-controlpropertiesof raised-fieldcanalsmade "potatodoublecroppingor potato-maize double-cropping"feasiblein the Quito altiplano(Knappand Ryder 1983: 215). Other double-croppingregimes in the context of the Andean highlands are known ethnographically(Mitchell [1977:4647], for instance, describes such an agriculturalregime for an area between 2,859 and 3,400 m asl around Quinua, in the Department of Ayacucho, Peru, that was dependent upon irrigationwater to extract a dry-seasoncrop), but these are generallyrestrictedin area and constrained severely by frost hazard. The experimentalresults from Lakaya constitute prima facie evidence for the feasibilityof double croppingin the Pampa Koani region using raisedfield technology.However, the key issue of the sustainabilityof continuous double croppingin this area remains unresolved. Additional experimentalproductioncycles, perhapsextending over two or more decades, will be required before this issue can be settled with a reasonable degree of confidence. Moreover, these results do not, in themselves, demonstrate that Tiwanaku farmers actually did double crop (like many propositions in archaeology, this is currently not directly demonstrable).But the preliminaryresults from Lakaya demonstrate that a double crop can be achieved using raised-fieldtechnology,and that the success of a double-croppingregimein this area is directly dependentupon a consistent, adequatewater supply to the raised-fieldcanals. Continuous cultivation on fixed, permanentfields, short or no fallow periods, and two episodes of sowing and harvestingwithin the same agriculturalyear are inconceivable in the contemporary agrarianlandscape of the high plateau. Yet these may have been standardfeatures of Tiwanaku agriculturalpractice. If the farmers of Tiwanaku engaged in double cropping, the estimates of production on raised fields described here may be too conservative and may themselves require substantialupward revision for greateraccuracy.The experimentaland empirical evidence as it currentlystands suggeststhat such a regime of agriculturalintensificationwas a principal strategy of Tiwanakuagriculturalproduction. This conclusion, in turn, brings us inevitably to a reconsideration of the possibilities and limits of surplusproductionin the heartlandof the Tiwanakustate. Reconstructingthese limits offerscritical insights into the questions of demographicpotential and the structureof local food supply in Tiwanaku'simmediate hinterland. Kolata] AGRICULTURALPRODUCTIONIN THE TIWANAKUSTATE 109 CarryingCapacity,Population,and Food Supply Perhapsthe most perilous enterpriseundertakenby archaeologistsis that of estimatingthe population size of prehistoriccities and states and the functionallyrelatedconcept of regionalcarrying capacity. By carryingcapacity I mean the number and density of people that can be supportedat a minimal subsistencelevel by the resourcescontained within a given area and with a given production technology.Even under the best of circumstances,populationprojectionsand calculations of prehistoriccarryingcapacity are fraughtwith uncertainty.Carryingcapacity, in particular,is a slippery, highly context-specificconcept, bound as much to the social world of cultural beliefs, values, and practice as to the physical world of natural resources.An accuratedetermination of carryingcapacitywould requiredetailed knowledgeof what a given cultureacceptsas an exploitable naturalresource,or as a desirablefoodstuS. Few human societies were ever completely isolated in a cultural sense, or encapsulatedwithin rigid physical boundaries, and so determining carrying capacityin its fullest sense also entails mappingout the net flow of goods and services into and out of the region of interest. Given the elasticity and uncertaintyof the concept, the estimates of carryingcapacitygenerated here are intended solely as a projectionof boundaryconditions for populationsize. In other words, they are not realisticestimates of precise carryingcapacityor populationsize for Tiwanakuand its near hinterland.However, the experimentsin raised-fieldproductionprovide us with an empirical tool for calculatingthe rangeof demographicpossibilities in the Tiwanakusustainingarea. The three centralvalleys that were the setting for Tiwanaku'sheartlandof cities contain approximately 190 km2of fossil raisedfields, or some 19,000 ha (Figure 1: Pampa Koani [Catarisubbasin] 7,000 ha, Tiwanaku 6,000 ha, Machaca [Desaguadero]6,000 ha).l This estimate of raised-field distributionin the sustaininghinterlandof Tiwanakureflectsthose fields that have been identified from aerial photographs,surfaceinvestigation,and an unsystematiccoring programundertakenin the Pampa Koani region between 1979 and 1981. In these three valleys, huge areas of wetlands intricatelycrisscrossedby small streams fed by perennial springsand rivers show no evidence of raised fields on the surface.Yet geological coring in such wetlands in the Pampa Koani revealed rich organicsediments that may representagriculturalsoils deposited under clay, gravel, and sand up to 2 m thick. The active river systems of these wetlandscarryenormous quantitiesof sediments eroded from surroundinguplands. During the intense altiplano rainy season, these rivers often breach the naturallevees that contain them, redepositingtheir sediment loads across the adjacent flood plain. As a result of this inexorable geological process, many raised fields lay undetected, buried deeply beneath the modern surface of the pampa. Other fields have been effiacedthrough erosion, triggeredby wind and rain and by rivers that meanderacross the flood plain, cutting and reshapingthe unconsolidatedsediments of alluvium. Culturalprocesses have also contributedto the physical disappearanceof ancient field systems. Centuries of cattle herding across the broad plains that once were the setting for intensive cultivation and the introductionof metal plows and mechanizedfarminghave obliteratedthe tracesof abandonedraisedfields. Despite the evident loss of some ancient raised fields, the 19,000 ha that are documented in the Tiwanakusustainingarea most likely representa substantialproportionof the fields that existed in Tiwanakutimes, and we can use this figureas a baseline for projectionsof demographicpotential. Approximationsof carryingcapacityand demographicpotentialof the Tiwanakuhinterlandbased on its agriculturalproductivityare dependent on certain simplifyingassumptions concerningcrop type, minimal daily caloric intake per capita, and percent of fields planted: 1. All of the followingcalculationsare based on a single index crop-potato. Clearlya wide variety of high-altitude-adaptedplants were grown on Tiwanakuraised fields, but the tubers, particularly numerousvarieties of small, frost-resistant"bitter"potatoes, were probablythe principalfood crop for the people of Tiwanaku.Becauseall other cultivatedand wild food resourcesare excluded from consideration,the calculationsshouldreflecta measureof conservatismwith respectto total potential caloricyield of the region under consideration. 2. For the purpose of comparability,Denevan's (1982) empiricallydetermined figuresof 1,460 for minimal daily caloric intake per person, and an average energy yield of 1,000 calories per 110 LATIN AMERICAN ANTIQUITY [Vol. 2, No. 2, 1991 Table 5. Carrying-Capacity Estimatesfor TiwanakuSustaining Area Assuming 100 PercentUtilization of Raised Fields. Maximum Potential PopulationUnder AssumptionsStated in Text Region:Raised Fields in Hectares 20 Persons/ ha/Annum 39 Persons/ (Peruvian ha/Annum Group (Bolivian Group Estimate) Estimate) Single Crop Estimate TiwanakuValley: 6,000 ha 120,000 Pampa Koani: 7,000 ha 140,000 Machaca/Desaguadero: 6,000 ha 120,000 Total Population 380,000 Double Crop Estimate TiwanakuValley:6,000 ha 240,000 Pampa Koani: 7,000 ha 280,000 Machaca/Desaguadero:6,000 ha 240,000 Total Population 760,000 234,000 273,000 234,000 741,000 468,000 546,000 468,000 1,482,000 kilogramof potato developed for previous carrying-capacityestimates in the ecological context of the Andean highlandswill be used. In accordancewith these figures,a person on the high plateau requiresa yearly minimum intake of approximately533,000 calories, which can be extractedfrom 533 kg of potato. 3. Finally, since the objective is to establish boundary conditions, or general parameters of productionand population in the Tiwanaku sustainingarea, I make an initial assumption of successful utilization of 100 percent of the raised fields in the area to generate population-density estimates. Given potential effects of annual localized crop loss from hail, frost, pests, and spoilage, lake-level fluctuationsthat would have inundatedand taken out of productionlocal areas of raised fields, temporal variability in the use of fields under raised-field cultivation during the several hundred years of Tiwanaku occupation, and other such variables, this expectation is not entirely realistic.The variablesthat reducedgrossproductionare not easily quantified.Therefore,to account for crop attrition, I will arbitrarilyadjust for the cumulative effect of these loss variablesby recalculatingthe population-densityestimatesa second time, assuming75 percentutilizationof the fields. Given this set of assumptions, what sort of carryingcapacity and population densities can be generatedfor the Tiwanakuregion using the two experimentallydeterminedraised-fieldproduction figuresof 10.65 t/ha (the Peruviangroup) and 21 t/ha (the Bolivian group)?If the averageannual yield of potato per hectare is divided by the annual requirementof 533 kg of potato per capita, then 1 ha of raised fields planted in potato will support approximately20 persons for one year accordingto the Peruvianexperiment,and 39 personsperyearaccordingto the Bolivian experiment. Applyingthese figuresto the 19,000 ha of preservedraised fields in the Tiwanakusustainingarea, the carryingcapacityfor the region rangesbetween 380,000 and 741,000, assuminga single annual crop and 100 percent utilization of the fields. If a regime of double cropping and 100 percent utilization is assumed, the population figures range between 760,000 and 1,482,000 (Table 5). Recalculatingthese population figures by changing the assumed field utilization to 75 percent, population rangesof 285,000-555,750 result for a single annual crop, and 570,00O1,111,500 for a double crop (Table 6). The two most probablerangesfrom these four sets of maximum supportablepopulationare the options that assume 75 percent utilization of the fields. The rationale for choosing these rangesis straightforward.The farmers of Tiwanaku never simultaneously utilized or achieved productive harvestsfrom 100 percentof the 19,000 ha of preservedraisedfields,thereforesome level of attrition Kolata] AGRICULTURALPRODUCTIONIN THE TIWANAKUSTATE 1 1 1 Table 6. Carrying-Capacity Estimatesfor TiwanakuSustaining Area Assuming 75 PercentUtilization of Raised Fields. Maximum Potential PopulationUnder AssumptionsStated in Text Region:Raised Fields in Hectares 20 Persons/ ha/Annum 39 Persons/ (Peruvian ha/Annum Group (Bolivian Group Estimate) Estimate) Single Crop Estimate TiwanakuValley:6,000 ha 90,000 Pampa Koani: 7,000 ha 105,000 Machaca/Desaguadero: 6,000 ha 90,000 Total Population 285,000 Double Crop Estimate TiwanakuValley: 6,000 ha 180,000 Pampa Koani: 7,000 ha 210,000 Machaca/Desaguadero:6,000 ha 180,000 Total Population 570,000 175,500 204,750 175,500 555,750 351,000 409,500 351,000 1,111,500 must be factored into these calculations. The 25 percent attrition value, although arbitrary,is a historicallyplausiblecumulative estimate of crop loss from frost, spoilage, fields left in fallow, and the like. On the other hand, the experimentalwork in the Pampa Koani and that of Knapp and Ryder (1983) in the Quito altiplano suggestthat double croppingin the high plateau was feasible with raised-fieldtechnology. Whenever possible Tiwanakufarmerswould have exploited the opportunity to produce substantial surpluses through double cropping. Almost universally, small farmerschoose planting strategiesthat reduce risk over those that hold out the possibility of high returnbut with a substantiallyincreasedchanceof total loss. Smallfarmers,like most small investors in the stock market,are risk adverse (Garnsey 1988:47-49). Successfuldouble croppingrepresents the rare and attractive case in which the potential for high return is matched by a property of substantialrisk reduction. If farmersexperiencetotal loss from frost or hail in one plantingcycle, they can still recoup losses by plantingand harvestingin the second cycle. If both cycles of planting yield bumper crops, the farmer,of course, can expect substantial,storableagriculturalsurplus.In other words, there was a powerful incentive for Tiwanakufarmersto employ a regime of double cropping.Moreover,as arguedbelow, the Tiwanakustateitself was engagedin organizingsubstantial estates of agriculturalproduction,particularlyin the PampaKoani district.In orderto financepublic projects,the elite interestgroupsthat constitutedthe commandhierarchyof Tiwanakuurbansociety also would have had an interest in extractingmaximum, sustainableyields from their agricultural estates through double cropping. Given these considerations,the most likely maximum range of supportablepopulation for the Tiwanaku hinterland is the double-croppingoption of 570,0001,111,500. The indigenoustechnologyof raised-fieldagricultureclearlyhad the capacityto supportlargeand concentratedhuman populations.The figuresin Table 6 indicate that in Tiwanakutimes the Pampa Koani region alone had the potential of supportingfrom 210,000 to 410,000 people on a sustained basis (againassuming the benchmarkof double croppingand 75 percent field utilization). Even if we calculatecarryingcapacityusinga singleannualcrop,the rangeof supportablepopulationremains impressive:105,000-205,000. Today, in the absenceof raised-fieldtechnology,the carryingcapacity of the Pampa Koani is enormouslyreduced,and the entire region supportsonly about 7,000 people at a level slightly beyond bare subsistence. Similar radical differencesbetween past and present carryingcapacityand absolute populationlevels can be demonstratedfor the TiwanakuValley and the Machaca/Desaguaderoarea as well. 1 12 LATIN AMERICAN ANTIQUITY [Vol. 2, No. 2, 1991 Comparing the high population potentials generated by these calculations with actual population estimates for the Tiwanaku sustaining area during Tiwanaku IV and V times (ca. A.D. 400- 1000), what conclusions may be drawn with respect to carrying capacity and the structure of food supply to urbanized populations? First, it is clear that, based on the component of agricultural production alone, the carrying capacity of the Tiwanaku metropolitan zone exceeded peak estimated population throughout the period from A.D.400 to 1000. That is, Tiwanaku core populations never approached an absolute level that was sufficient to put stress on the agricultural capacity to absorb and sustain demographic growth. Elsewhere, I have estimated overall peak population for the immediate Tiwanaku core area (the three-valley system of Pampa Koani-Tiwanaku-Machaca) during this period as approximately 365,000, distributed into a concentrated, urbanized component of some 115,000 and a dispersed rural component approaching 250,000 (Kolata 1989). Taking into account other sources of food supply available to these populations, such as the enormous quantities of highquality meat stored on the hoof in llama herds or the rich aquatic resources of the lake-edge environment, it is even more apparent that Tiwanaku population levels never approached the calculated ceiling of population potential. Any plausible estimate of the carrying capacity in the three-valley system comes to the same conclusion. In Tiwanaku times, there was always a substantial margin of productivity that was never extracted from Tiwanaku's sustaining hinterland. In short, stress brought on by absolute population pressure against a fixed resource base never played a significant role in precipitating social change among the people of Tiwanaku. THE SOCIAL ORGANIZATION OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION We may conclude, then, with reasonable certainty that raised-field technology in combination with extensive herding and fishing activities formed the pivot of Tiwanaku's endogenous economy (Browman 1978, 1981; Lynch 1983; Nunez and Dillehay 1979). This powerful troika of productive systems ensured the autonomy and self-sufficiency of food supply in the Tiwanaku core area and provided the touchstones for supporting sustained demographic and economic growth. But several important issues remain: How was the system of raised-field agriculture organized and managed? What was the unit of agricultural production in the Tiwanaku hinterland, and did this fundamental unit of production change over time and space? What were the economic and social relationships between the rural inhabitants of Tiwanakuns hinterland and those residing in urban centers?, and, To what extent was an elite bureaucracy of the Tiwanaku state actively engaged in managing and intensifying these systems of production? First, we must recognize that these issues have an implied structure of space/time variability. Simply put, it is unlikely that a single configuration describes and explains the social organization of agricultural production as this was worked out once and for all by the people of Tiwanaku. The ways that arable land, labor, agricultural produce, and people were interrelated at the local level, and how these, in turn, formed a nexus with physically and socially distant political authorities constitute a series of shifting and evanescent patterns. We cannot expect or falsely create uniformity. There never was a once and for all. Rather we can conjecture with some confidence that there existed multiple structures of local organization revolving around the social, economic, and ritual acts of farming that were formed and reformed in the variegated textures of local history. By their nature as products of the interaction of people now long disappeared, the precise character and meaning of these organizational forms are forever lost to us. Yet, we know that certain social institutions, such as the minka and the mit'a forms of labor exchange, were constituent elements of the cultural systems conjoining land (both state and local), work, and agricultural production that have demonstrable antiquity and centrality in the autochthonous Andean world (Erickson 1988; Hastings and Moseley 1975; Moseley 1975). It is from these perduring social principles that we begin reconstructing the basic contours of the organization of agricultural production at various periods in the long history of the people of Tiwanaku. The Ayllu/Local-LevelOrganizationHypothesis After a decade of intensive archaeological research on raised fields in the Lake Titicaca Basin, we now know that these specialized agricultural systems have considerable time depth. The earliest Kolata] AGRICULTURALPRODUCTIONIN THE TIWANAKUSTATE 1 13 documented raised fields were uncovered in excavations on the northern, Peruvian side of Lake Titicaca in the district of Huatta (Erickson 1987, 1988). Here, raised fields associated with small Formative-periodhabitationsites have been dated between 850 and 600 B. C., principallythrough thermoluminescentdating of ceramics incorporatedin field-constructionfill (Erickson 1987). Erickson (1988:438) speculatesthat this marshy,wetlandsenvironmentmay have been colonized and exploited by farmersas early as 3000 B.C. This inference,althoughentirelyplausible,has yet to be confirmedarchaeologically.Excavationsin raised fields on the Bolivian side of the lake in various sites throughoutthe Pampa Koani and other areas in the Tiwanaku hinterland have recovered Chiripaceramics associated with the period from 800 to 200 B.C. (Graffam 1990; Kolata 1986). However, these ceramicswere not recoveredin directassociationswith the raisedfields themselves, and thereforecannot be used definitively to date the agriculturalworks. Nevertheless, given the patternof early reclamationof land for agriculturalpurposeson the northernside of the lake, it is reasonableto assume that the lacustrine-orientedChiripaand pre-Chiripapeoples of the southern side were engagedin similar effortsto enhance their productivebase throughintensive raised-field agriculture.How did these pioneering agriculturistsof the high plateau organize the process of constructingand maintainingraised-fieldagriculture? We can conjecturethat the initial experimentationwith raised-fieldagricultureinvolved relatively small groupsof relatedfamilies who developed and elaboratedthis technologyof cultivation along the marshy shores of Lake Titicaca. The maximal unit of social organizationof these early farmers was probablythe ayllu, basedterritoriallyin small villagesand hamlets(in the rangeof approximately 10 to a few hundredpeople). The effectiveunit of productionwithin these ayllus was the individual household, minimally a marriedcouple and dependent children, as it remains today in the rural reachesof the high plateau.In other words, the agriculturistswho pioneeredthe raised-fieldsystem in the Titicaca Basin during the first millennium B.C. organizedthemselves as small, kin-based corporategroups.The clustersof related families were not differentiatedsociologicallybeyond the level of the structuralhierarchiesembeddedwithin the ayllu itself. These werequintessentialprestate social formations that functioned by community consensus without political positions defined by ascribedstatusesor the interventionof civil bureaucracies.The social landscapeof these groupsdid not incorporatedistinctions drawnacross class lines, nor was there a complex structureof political command. However, this is not to say that the culturaluniverseof these kin-basedcorporategroups was primitive or parochial.Judgingfrom contemporaryethnographicaccounts from the altiplano, such ruralayllus enjoyedsubstantialcommunicationand social exchangeover considerabledistance, and conceived of their interactionin terms of elaborate,cyclicallyexpressedritualactions grounded in a shared ideology (Abercrombie1986; Bastien 1978). Erickson(1988) has arguedthat such small corporategroups, organizedalong the lines of traditional Andean principles of kinship, were capable of constructingthe immense configurationof raisedfieldsin the TiticacaBasin.In essence,he speculatesthat this agriculturalsystemwas originated by, and remained the province of, a wetlands-adaptedcluster of ethnic groups that he associates with the ethnohistoricallydocumented Uru- and Pukina-speakingpeoples. Erickson (1988:348) concludesthat Andeanraised-fieldagriculturewas never underthe directcontrolof centralizedstate governments:"[I]n the Lake Titicaca Basin, the raised fields were associated with relatively small cooperativegroups,while the dominant political organizationin the basin was at the level of a state. It is unlikelythat this highlyproductivesystem which functionedefficientlyunderlocal management would have been tamperedwith by the state." If we pose the question whether the enormous raised-fieldsystems of the Titicaca Basin could have been constructedby relativelysmall corporategroupsin a piecemealfashion over long periods of time, the clear answer,drawnfrom the broadestcross-culturalperspectiveon analogoussystems of hydraulicagriculture,is yes. The massive irrigatedterrace systems of Sri Lanka described by Leach(1959) area classicethnographicexampleof this kind of gradualphysicalaccretionof hydraulic works organized and constructedaccording to decentralizedprinciples of local decision making. Similarly,Lansing(1987) provides a fascinatingdescriptionof the organizationof irrigationon rice terracesin Bali througha system of "watertemples."In this system, a complex hierarchyof temples controlsthe schedule of water distributionby managingthe performanceof rituals perceived to be essentialto the growth cycle of the rice plant. The temple hierarchyitself begins (or perhapsmore 1 14 LATIN AMERICAN ANTIQUITY [Vol. 2, No. 2, 1991 aptly from the perspectiveof the productivecycle, ends) with small family shrineserectedby each farmer at the distal points of the irrigationcanals where water first flows into individual plots. Farther upstream, collectivities representingclusters of families organized into small irrigation communities (subaks)establishcommunal temples at the heads of field systems. Continuingup the hierarchy, Ulun Swi regional temples shared by a cluster of subaks were erected to manage water distributionand maintenanceof the hydraulicsystem at the heads of terraces.Virtuallyevery water sourcehad a correspondingtemple, and all temples were subordinatedto and overseenby a supreme watertemple. Temple priestswere responsiblefor performingthree tasks fundamentalto successful operation of any regional irrigationsystem (Coward 1979): managingthe allocation of water, organizingthe physical maintenanceof canals and terraces,and resolvingconflictsamong competing farmers.The priests of the water temple also were chargedwith authorizingnew additions to the interlinkedcanal and terracenetwork. The strikingfeaturesof the Balinesewater-templesystemareits hierarchicaldesignand its virtually complete disengagementfrom a strictly political form of organization.Each farmeris responsible for the maintenanceof his portion of the irrigationcanals up to his family's shrine. The subak is responsiblefor the maintenanceof communal irrigationlines up to the Ulun Swi regionaltemple, and so on upstreamin increasinglymore inclusive social units to the supremewatertemple. In this sense, there is no tightly centralizedauthority chargedwith constructionand maintenanceof this system. The inevitable conflicts over water rights were frequentlyresolved at lower levels of the temple hierarchythan at the symbolic apex representedby the supremewatertemple and its coterie of priests. Furthermore,the procedurefor allocatingirrigationwater among the subaks is the end product of intensely conservative, traditionaldecisions made locally. Accordingly,there is rarely any need to consult the temples for guidancebecause most aspects of water schedulingand sharing are routinizedand anticipatedas predictableevents in the agriculturalcycle. In short, the Balinese water-temple system representsone instance in which relatively complex networks of hydraulic structureswere constructedand maintained by locally autonomous social groups that reinforced communitycooperationthroughthe workingout of sharedbeliefs expressedpubliclyin the repetitive performanceof agriculturalrituals. In the Balinese case, religious ideology performsconsiderable social work, obviating the need for centralizedor formal political forms of organization. The dialecticalinterplayof local autonomy and centralauthorityin the managementof complex irrigation systems recurs in a particularlytrenchant ethnohistoricalexample from the Chicama Valley of Peru during the sixteenth century. Accordingto Netherly's (1977, 1984) reconstruction of social structurein Prehispanicsocieties on the north coast of Peru, all complex polities there were characterizedby what may be called a dual corporateorganizationin which bounded, named, social groupsat lowerlevels of organizationwereintegratedinto higherlevels by meansof a seriesof rankedmoieties, headed by personageswe may term headmen, lords, or paramountlords according to their hierarchical position.... At every level in this organizationalstructure,each unit can ideally be subdivided into two unequal,subordinategroups[Netherly 1984:230]. Each layer in this social system, characterizedby principlesof duality and hierarchy,was governed not by a single soverign but by two political rulers, one of whom maintaineda higher status than the other. This status distinction is reflected in the Spanish terms for these two kinds of local, indigenous lords: caciqueor kurakaprincipal(paramountruler)and segundapersona (lieutenant). Each of these pairs of local lords could call upon the subjectsof their own group to performlabor relatedto agriculturalproduction,such as canal constructionand periodiccleaning.Moreover,each of these lords could also mobilize labor for tribute payments to paramountrulersof higher status in this nested hierarchy.Netherly (1984:233) concludes that this organizationalstructurewas "infinitely subdivisible and could accomodate an extremelylargepopulationwithout reorganization," accordingly,"[T]herewas no need for a largebody of supervisingbureaucratsto managesuch labor." As in the case of the Balinese water temples, this system maintainedlocal autonomy and partitioned responsibilityfor labor among its constituentgroups.Eachclusterof farmersmaintainedthe irrigationcanals that fed their own land holdings. They also contributedlabor for the upkeep of essentialcommon elementsofthe system, suchas principalwaterintakesand the maximumelevation Kolata] AGRICULTURALPRODUCTIONIN THE TIWANAKUSTATE 1 15 canalsthat providedwaterto the networkof smallerfeederlines radiatingout among the agricultural fields. Conflicts over labor obligations and water rights were resolved by the kurakasat the next highest political level in the hierarchyof governance.In Netherly's view, the only managerial role assumed by central state authoritieswas in respondingto catastrophes(such as periodic torrential rainfallgeneratedby E1Nino events) that threatenedto destroy the irrigationsystem as a whole. It is abundantlyclear, then, that relatively small, autonomous social groupsare capable of managing sophisticatedsystems of hydraulicagriculturewithout the interventionof state authority.We can conclude that local control of agriculturalproductionembedded in an organizational structure similar(if perhapssomewhatsimpler)to that proposedby Netherlyfor north-coastalPeru represents the most plausiblescenariofor the context of the pioneeringraised-fieldagriculturistsof the Titicaca Basin duringthe period from about 800 B.C. to A.D. 300. However, in the period after A.D. 300, when the matureTiwanakustate had coalescedand beguna strategyof territorialexpansion (Kolata 1983; Ponce Sangines 1972, 1980), our researchin the Tiwanaku Valley and its adjoining areas indicatesthat, in at least some sustainingzones, the paramountlords of the state promoted different and more centralizedprinciplesof organizingagriculturalproductionthan those portrayedby Netherly. Regional Hydraulicsand SettlementPatterns:Implicationsfor the Organizationof TiwanakuIntensiveAgriculture I have arguedelsewhere(Kolata 1986) that settlementpatternsin the Pampa Koani indicate that agriculturalproductionin the period from ca. A.D. 400 to 1000 (TiwanakuIV and V) in this region was directed explicitly toward the generationof crop surpluses,and not with an eye toward local consumption. The patternsthat emerge from the distinctive nature, distribution,and elaboration of sites and theirassociatedmaterialculturesuggestthe followinggeneralinterpretationof settlement function and hierarchyon the Pampa Koani. Small house mounds physically associated or structurallymergedwith raised-fieldsegments were the residencesof ruralfamilies engagedin primary agriculturalproduction. A more ephemeral or rather seasonal function for many of the smaller house mounds, such as the base of the huts used by kamani (an Aymaraterm for youths who guard growing crops) is probable. The larger platform mounds, on the other hand, housed a corps of administratorsand their household retainerschargedwith organizingthe seasonal cycle of agricultural activities and accountingfor the produce that flowed from the state fields of Pampa Koani during harvest time (Kolata 1986:754-756). A monumental dual platform-moundcomplex representedthe ritual and administrativeapex of settlement hierarchyon the Pampa Koani, distinguishedin statusfromboth the small habitationmoundsand the other,less architecturally elaborated platformmounds.In demographicterms,therearesimply insufficientnumbersof human settlements on the Pampa Koani proper to account for the virtually continuous expanse of raised fields and associatedhydraulicstructuresin the region. The distributionand function of these settlementson the Pampa Koani implies that the labor to constructand maintain the extensive field systems must have been drawn from a wider, nonlocal region in a pattern attuned to the agriculturalcycle of the seasons. This labor was most likely extractedby the centralized authorities of the Tiwanaku state in the form of corvee through a mechanismsimilar to the Inca mit'a labor-tax system. New evidence concerningthe nature and regionalfunction of massive public constructionprojectsthat were designedto promote large-scale reclamationand productivity of arable land on the Koani plain and in the valley of Tiwanaku reinforcesthese conclusions and points to a managerialhand beyond that of locally autonomous villageor ayllu groupings. For instance, Figure 4 illustratestwo kinds of public construction projects on the Koani plain thatserved functionsrelatedto the operationof raised fields, not as bounded, independent bundles offield plots, but as interdependentregional system of production. The first of these public constructionsis a networkof elevated causewaysand dikes. The principalroute of the largest elevated roadbed,the trans-pampacauseway, together with its major branch connected the marshy, lowlyingzone of raisedfieldsin the westernend of the PampaKoani with roadsrunningalong mountain 1 16 LATIN AMERICAN ANTIQUITY [Vol. 2, No. 2, 1991 terracesforming the northernand southernboundariesof the pampa, respectively.These contour roadsrunningalongthe base of the mountainslopes lead directlyto the importantregionalTiwanaku urbansettlementsof Lukurmataand Pajchiri,as well as to the smallertowns of Yayes and Lakaya (Figures1 and 4). The trans-pampacausewayitself was possibly paved with cut stone in its southern extremityas it approachedLakaya.Severalsmallerelevated roadbedsradiateout laterallyfrom the trans-pampacausewayto articulatefield segments with the largerplatform mounds in the central ritual and administrative settlement cluster. The formal causeways on the Pampa Koani were designedto facilitatetravel and presumablythe transportof agriculturalgoods from the production zone to consuming and processing centers of population. Transport of bulk produce along the causewayand road networkwas most likely facilitatedby organizedpacktrainsof llamas. The north-south-trendingtrans-pampacausewaymay have served anotherfunctionbesides that of transport.The elevated bed of this causewayruns astridethe maximum-elevationcontourin the western end of the Pampa Koani. To the west of the causeway,the land slopes upwardgradually from the shores of Lake Titicaca to this maximum elevation (3,824 m asl); east of the causeway, the land slopes gently downwardsuch that 11 km inland from the shore absolute elevation is only 3,820 m asl. During the catastrophicflood that affectedthe Andean altiplano between September 1985 and April 1986, this ancient causewayacted as an effectivedike, impoundingthe risingwaters of Lake Titicaca for a time. However, once the lake had risen over 2.75 m, the entire stretchof the pampa to the east of the causewaywas rapidlyinundatedwith brackishwatersto a depth of nearly 1 m, destroyinghouses, pastures,and potato fields. When the flood waters finally receded by late 1988, salt deposits that still depress local crop yields were left behind in thick, patchy crusts. Tiwanakuengineersmay well have been awareof this naturalelevation featureand sited the transpampa causeway along it to enhance the capacity of this linear feature to impound water. The causeway/dike,in short, may have been a disaster-controldevice that preventeddestructionof the raised fields in the easternreaches of the Koani plain duringyears when rainfalldid not reach the catastrophicproportionsof the unusual 1985-1986 event. The second Tiwanakuconstructionprojecton the Koani plain illustratedin Figure4 represents a definite regional hydraulic-controldevice. At some point in the history of land reclamationon the Pampa Koani, a long segment of the Rio Catari,the principalriver bisecting the pampa, was artificiallycanalized.The canalizationof the river was achieved by divertingthe naturalcourse of the flow at a point approximately12 km inland from the lake shore (Figure5, note meander scar of the ancient river bed) into a new bed furnishedwith massive earthenlevees. This diversion and canalizationof the naturalriverachieved two importantgoals for the efficientoperationof a regional agriculturalsystem:(1) It opened up huge stretchesof land to raised-fieldreclamationin the southern portions of Pampa Koani, and (2) it permitted some measure of human control over potentially disastrousfluvial inundationsof the reclaimedlandscape. A previously unrecognizedfacet of the Rio Cataricanalizationwas discovered during the 1990 fieldseason.The hydraulicengineersof Tiwanakuwereapparentlyunsatisfiedwith a simple diversion and canalizationof the Rio Catari. Excessive rainy-seasonflow can result rapidly in bed erosion, river excursions, and potentially disastrous inundation of adjacent land. In order to augment its capacity to handle periodic flooding, Tiwanaku hydraulic engineers constructeda canal by-pass system parallelingthe banks of the canalized sections of the Rio Catarito shunt excess flow away from critical reclaimed lands toward Lake Titicaca. The southern bank of the canal by-pass (the side facing the bulk of the raised fields in the Pampa Koani region) was reinforcedby a levee, averagingca. 3 m high and 5 m wide (Figure5). This river shunt effiectivelyextractedsubstantial quantitiesof seasonal flow and redirectedthat flow away from areas critical to agriculture. The artificialcanalizationof the Rio Catariand subsequentconstructionof a river-shuntsystem is not unique in the annals of Tiwanakuhydraulicengineering.In fact, river and streamcanalization is a distinctand ratheraudaciousstrategyof watercontrolcommon to the ruraland urbanlandscapes of Tiwanaku society. A virtually identical shunt system was identified as a crucial feature of the recentlyrecognizedcanal that bisects the middle and lower TiwanakuValley (Figure6). In this case, the artificialcanal serves as a shunt for excess flow in the Rio Tiwanakuin addition to irrigating downstreamraised-fieldcomplexes(Figure7). As in the Rio Catarisystem, this canalhas substantial, reinforcedearthenlevees to stabilize extractedriver flow. Kolata] AGRICULTURALPRODUCTIONIN THE TIWANAKUSTATE 117 i Figure 5. Artificial earthen levees designed to stabilize extracted river flow on the Rio Catari canal by-pass (see Figure 4, Feature 2). These reinforced earthen banks are also characteristic of the Wafia Jawira River shunt in the valley of Tiwanaku. The TiwanakuValley canal (which we have designatedby the local Aymaraterm WanaJawira) illustratesa sophisticated principle of Tiwanaku regional hydraulicengineering:designed multifunctionality.The canal,togetherwith its shuntsystem, was capableof implementingeithera waterdistributionor a water-extractionstrategy.That is, in the dry season, or in times of drought,the canal was capableof carryingriver water from its intake on the Rio Tiwanakuto secondarycanals downstream,for distributionto adjacentraised-fieldcomplexes (Figures6 and 7). Duringthe rainy season, or in an inundationevent, the intakesof the secondarydistributioncanalscould have been blocked with some form of formal or informal sluice gates and excess river flow extractedand redirectedaway from the downstreamagriculturallandscape.In the case of the Wana Jawira,the principal canal rejoins the Rio Tiwanaku at a point some 4 km downstream from its intake. Interestingly,there appearsto be evidence from aerialphotographsof a "secondloop" to the Wana Jawirasystem that takes off from the Rio Tiwanakuimmediately west of the point at which the first section of the canal rejoins the river; this segment of the canal eventually terminatesat the shoreline of Lake Titicaca. However, this presumedsecond loop is inadequatelyinvestigated,and we cannot yet confirm that it is an artificialfeature, rather than, for instance, an ancient river meander. Designed multifunctionalityof hydraulicstructuresintegratedinto a regional regime of water controlwas clearlya key empiricalprinciplein the organizationof Tiwanakuagriculturalproduction and not an aberrantor unique occurrence.If the latterwere the case, one could argue,as Netherly (1984) does for the Chimu Moche-Chicamaintervalleycanal, that the state only rarelyinvested in capital- and labor-intensiveprojects to enhance agriculturalproduction,preferringa laissez-faire approachto managingits agrarianaffairs.However, repeatedand consistent occurrenceof major Tiwanakuhydraulicstructuresin both ruraland urbanzones vitiates applicationof the laissez-faire hypothesisto the Tiwanakusystem. Recent investigationsat Lukurmataand Pajchiriresulted in discovery and detailed analysis of aqueducts:the first open-channel, surface-watertransportstructuresto be definitively associated 1 18 LATIN AMERICANANTIQUITY [Vol. 2, No. 2, 1991 Figure 6. Aerial photograph of the site of Tiwanaku and the adjacent Wafia Jawira canal system immediately tothe west. Dashed lines denote the boundaries of the archaeological site: (1) Rio Tiwanaku- (2) segment of the Wafia Jawira canal system. The intake of the Wafia Jawira canal, destroyed by river incision and migration was originally on the Rio Tiwanaku. The Wafia Jawira canal rejoins the Rio Tiwanaku approximately 4 km downstream(west). As indicated in Figure 7, this canal functioned as a water-delivery network to raised agricultural fieldsand as a river by-pass, or shunt. Box illustrates area mapped in figure 7; (3) modern village of Tiwanaku. withTiwanakuurbansites (OrtloffandKolata 1989). Six aqueductsweredocumentedfor these two sites,and at Lukurmataone of these was radiocarbondated to 1085 + 90 B.P. (corrected),A.D. 950 + 100 (calibrated)(ETH-3178), or the TiwanakuV phase (Ortloffand Kolata 1989). There are several more uninvestigatedaqueductschannelingwater into and away from raisedfieldsystems dated to the Tiwanaku IV and V phases throughoutthe Pampa Koani zone. The Lukurmataand Pajchiri aqueducts share certain structuralfeatures of great interest. The entire drainagesystems of which these aqueductswere key components entailed constructionor modificationof two components:(1) an upperchannelthat was formedby an artificiallymodified, natural quebrada, or dry streambed, and (2) a lowerchannelthatconsistsof a constructed,elevatedaqueduct thatprovides passage for water over an open field for eventual dischargeinto Lake Titicaca. The externalretainingwalls of the aqueductsare cobble lined throughouttheir entire length, providing anoutermoststable skin infilledwith earth,gravel, and stone (see Ortloffand Kolata 1989:Figures 4-8). The uppermost modified quebradachannels of these aqueducts reach into high montane catchmentbasins where they were chargedby precipitationrunoffand by permanentsprings and subterranean seeps. One of the aqueductsat Pajchiri,which crosses a sector of raised fields constructedon a series of massive terracesdroppingdown to a bay in Lake Titicaca, was furnished withcut-stonedrop structuresand secondaryfeedercanals.Suchdrop structures(consisting of small Kolata] AGRICULTURALPRODUCTIONIN THE TIWANAKUSTATE 119 Figure7. Map of the investigatedportionsof the TiwanakuValley canal (WaBiaJawira system) illustrating intake near the currentbed of the Rio Tiwanakuand articulationswith secondaryirrigationcanals and raised fields. All secondarycanals are indicatedby solid lines. lateral canals of cut stone that diverted water from the aqueduct to lower-lyingraised fields) may have been incorporatedinto some aqueductsto mitigate the effects of periodic droughtsthat afflict the Andean altiplano. Fresh water from the montane basins frequentlyflows continuously (if at a reduced rate) even during the most pernicious drought, and these precious sources of perennial water were improved by the people of Tiwanakuthroughelaborationof efficientdistributionnetworks. In the volatile environment of the Andean high plateau, agriculturaldisaster lurks in many disguises,and one ofthese, as potentiallycatastrophicas drought,is torrentialrainfalland inundation (the 1985-1986 event being the most recent instance). Inundationcan have an exceptionallylongterm impact by generatinghigh groundwaterconditions and supersaturationof soils that are potentially deleteriousto crop growth.Apparently,most of the investigatedaqueductsdo not possess drop structuresand were not articulatedwith secondaryfeeder canals. These hydraulicstructures supported continuously functioning drainage canals designed to remove excess water from areas of field reclamation,and therebyreducethe incidence of dangerouslyhigh groundwaterconditions. By divertingexcess waterfrom the raised fields, such structuresmay have helped stabilizethe water table at a point below that of the critical zone of crop root development. In other words, like the Rio Catari and Tiwanaku Valley canalization and shunt systems, the aqueducts of Pajchiri and Lukurmatacan be interpretedas technologicallysophisticatedexamples of designedmultifunctionality responsiveto the severe inundation-droughtcycles that characterizethe altiplano.These river canalizations,quebrada modifications,aqueducts,dikes, and causewaysfunctionallyintegratedthe agriculturallandscape of the Pampa Koani zone into a regionalsystem of production. CONCLUSIONS Agriculturalproductionon the Pampa Koani, to some degree,may have served the needs of local consumption. But the archaeologicallyevident instances of capital investment in expandingreclamation of potentially arable land and in altering and controlling the hydrologicalregime of the 120 LATIN AMERICAN ANTIQUITY [Vol. 2, No. 2, 1991 raised-fieldsystems directly implies the action of a regionalpolitical authority.The conjoined data from the spatialand temporaldistributionof settlementsand field systems,from broad patterns(as these can currentlybe demographic reconstituted),estimates of labor input and caloric the technologicalprofileof the yields, and interconnected aqueduct-reservoir-canal-causeway-fieldsystems in the northernTiwanakusustainingarea, implicate some forms of extractiveand channelizingfunctions performedbeyond the purview of local initial, pioneeringconstructionof raised-field community leaders or political elites. Although the plots was most likely the productof an autonomous, uncentralizedsocial order, the subsequentreshaping of the Koani plain into a regional system agriculturalproductionunder the hegemony of of 1000 entailed the periodic mobilization and Tiwanakuelites in the period from ca. A.D. 400 to coordinationof a substantialnonresidentlabor The logistic requirementsof repeatedly force. organizingthe deploymentof a concentrated, nonlocal labor forcedemandeda political orderwith powerfulregionalauthorityto alienateland and and at least a rudimentarybureaucratic co-opt labor, system to trackthe extractionof labor service from subject communitiesand the subsequentflow of produce from state-operatedfields. This interpretationof the organizational frameworkof productionin the Koani zone implies that Tiwanakuestablishedproprietaryagricultural estates in which ownershipand usufructrights vesteddirectly in state institutions, or were perhapsmore precisely in the hands of the elite, dominant classes.These corporateestates or production zones were bound directlyto the capital of througha network of secondaryand tertiary Tiwanaku urban, or urbanizedformations with functions.Dispersed, ruralhamlets and administrative individual households occur in the Tiwanakuarea thezone of optimal lacustrineagricultural outside soils. scalesubsistencedry farmingand "tethered" These settlementswere probablyengagedin smallherdingof camelids, and undoubtedly,along with the commonerpopulationsofthe largersecondaryand tertiarycenters,provideda substantial ofthe corvee, or perhapsmore properly, proportion mit'a The population in this sustainingarea was labor for the state fields. not distributeduniformlyor broadlyacross the landscape.Rather,a patternof nodal population clustering has been documentedin largeurbancenters suchas Lukurmataand Pajchiri,and in intermediate-scalesettlements such as Chiripa,Chojasivi, Lakaya, and Yayes, arrayedalong the combined geologicaland human-alteredterracesthat define thenorthernand southernbordersofthe Koani plain(Figure4). The regionally integrated fieldsystems in this same zone were constructedand maintainedduringthe Tiwanakuagricultural III through Tiwanaku V phases (ca. A.D. 300-1000). During Tiwanaku phases IV and V these field systems achievedtheir maximum spatial reach. The most technologicallyadvanced manipulation of the reclaimed landscapeof raised fields in this area, represented by the constructionof interconnected spring, reservoir,and aqueductwater-deliverysystems was associatedwith these same two periods of Tiwanakuinternaldevelopment (Kolata and OrtloS 1989; OrtloS and Kolata 1989). If local lords,as politicalleadersof ranked, hierarchically nestedcorporategroups,wereresponsible for creatingthe agriculturallandscapeof Tiwanaku'snorthernsustainingarea without the functions control of a centralizedstate bureaucracy,the settlement patternof the region would look quite diffierent thanit actuallydoes. Forinstance,we would anticipatethatrelativelysubstantialsettlements would be establishedat, or associatedwith, key "break points" in the delivery system that provided fresh water to the raised-fieldnetworks. Such strategicbreak points would include the intakes of principal canals, the origin points of abundant mountain springsthat issue from the terraces surrounding of the Lakayageologicalformation,or the zones of high groundwatercharacteristicof that geographicallydispersed,but agriculturallycritical formation.In short,the politico-administrative settlement and landscapein the Koani zone would reflecta Netherly (1984) for the late Prehispanicnorth coast ofconfigurationcloser to that hypothesizedby Peru, in which autonomous sociopolitical groups (parcialidades)were arrayedalong lands wateredby individual canals, or segmentsof canals. Given the marked absence of substantial habitation centers with the system of the Koani zone, and the complete lack raised-field-canal-causeway of clustering in strategicareas of structuralarticulationevidence for local control over, or population within the hydraulicsystem as a whole, there remains little alternativebut to consider the organizationof Tiwanaku'snorthernsustainingarea as reflectingstate action at a distance. Itis prematureat present to extend this analysis to the Ongoing researchwill eventually determine if a similar Tiwanaku Valley and Machaca zones. pattern of centralizedextractionapparent Kolata] AGRICULTURALPRODUCTIONIN THE TIWANAKUSTATE 121 in the Koani zone holds for the central and southern sustainingarea of Tiwanaku, or if, in these zones, therewas a diffierentsystem of organizingagriculturalproduction.Nevertheless,initial results from intensive survey in the Tiwanaku Valley suggest that, as in the Koani region, agricultural production in this valley during the Tiwanaku IV-V phases was also organized and managed hierarchically(Albarracin-Jordan1990; Albarracin-Jordanand Mathews 1990; Mathews 1990). It may well be that some form of organizationsimilar to the recursive,hierarchicallyrankedsets of moieties that Netherly (1984:230) envisions as the fundamentalarmaturefor the management of large-scaleirrigationsystemson Peru'snorthcoast playeda role in the developmentof Tiwanaku's agriculturalsustainingarea. But, the principlesgoverningmobilization and control of human labor must have been ratherdiffierentfrom the relative local autonomy at the level of the parcialidades implied in Netherly'streatmentof the north-coastmaterial.In straightforwardterms, the data from the Koani region implicate a patternof purposive state development of a distinct, integrated,rural agricultural-production zone. The organizationof productionin this zone was achievedby centralized state action that entailed the presenceof strategicallylocated installationsnot under the control of local corporategroups. In great part, the labor to construct and maintain these installations was similarlynonlocal,mobilizedfroma regionmuchbroaderthanthat encompassedby the fieldsystems themselves. By about A.D. 500 (the TiwanakuIV phase), the Pampa Koani hinterlandcan best be understood as a constructed landscape of state production. The labor invested in shaping that landscapemay have been drawnfrom taxation of both local and nonlocal corporategroupsheaded by ranked political leaders who acted as intermediariesand surrogatesfor the Tiwanakupolitical elite. But, given what is known of the settlement distributionin the Koani region,the autonomy of these local kurakasmust have been constrainedby the needs and the prerogativesof the more highly rankednonlocalelites who residedin the networkof urbancentersin the greaterTiwanakusustaining area. I would arguethat the paramountelites of Tiwanakuoperatedwith fluid,context-specificstrategies of economic development. On the one hand, the group or perhaps class interests of these elites demanded the creation of strategic, directly controlled production zones that ensured long-term stability in access to surpluscrops and commodities. Investment in landscapecapital (terraceand irrigationsystems,aqueducts,and dikes) that servedthe purposeof expandingor stabilizingregional agriculturalproduction goes hand in glove with this strategy of direct elite (state) intervention. Economicsurplusgeneratedfrom these intensificationprojects,of course,was the pediment of their political power. It furnishedthem with the means to sustain personal and group prestigethrough dynamic public expressionsof generosityand abundanceduringthe cyclical calendarof agricultural festivals and ritual events. The opulent lifestyle permitted to them by this surplus product was a kind of essential social theater that tangibly ratified their personal and positional status within Tiwanakusociety. At the same time that social and ideological necessity demanded that Tiwanakuelites carve out corporateestates to ensure a direct supply of agriculturalproduction,political reality dictated that their relationshipswith most local communities and ethnic groupsunder their, at times, uncertain dominion follow the path of least resistance.That is, in most instancescoercionof local populations and mass alienationof land and labor was not a viable political option for the Tiwanakuelites. The political and logisticalcosts entailed in dominatinga huge, diverse physicalterritorywere too great to sustain, and local resistanceto the complete encroachmentof an authoritarianregime was too much of a present threat to the social order to justify a posture of unalloyed hostility. Instead, Tiwanakuelites, much like their Inca counterpartssome 700 years later, strucka balance between force and persuasion.They established,quite likely with ruthlessefficiency,key proprietaryestates of productionthat assuredthem of a stable fund of productthat could be invested in sustainingthe social roles demanded of them. At the same time, outside of these core areas of directly controlled productionthey moved by indirectionand subtle attentionto the local political context. In the latter circumstance,tributaryrelationshipsbetweenthe cosmopolitanelites of Tiwanakuand their distant rural counterpartswere most likely framed in terms of patron/client exchanges. Such clientage relationships,in which the state confirmedthe traditionalauthorityof local kurakasin dealingwith their own communities, were strategicelements of Inca statecraft,reflectingthe remarkableshrewdness and political pragmatismof native Andean elites. 122 LATIN AMERICAN ANTIQUITY [Vol. 2, No. 2, 1991 Acknowledgments. The preliminaryresults of the researchdiscussed here are based on an ongoing project supportedby the National Science Foundation(BNS 86-07541, BNS 88-05490), the National Endowmentfor the Humanities(RO-21368-86, RO-2 1806-88), the University of Chicago,Division of Social Sciences,Tesoro PetroleumCorporation,and the OccidentalOil and Gas Corporation.In addition,the experimentalraised-field rehabilitationproject, some results of which are summarizedin this article, is supportedby grants from the Inter-AmericanFoundation(BO-252, BO-273, BO-374), USAID-Bolivia small grantsprogram,and the Fondo Social de Emergencia(recently renamed the Fondo de Inversion Social), a Bolivian national governmental agency. In Bolivia, the researchis authorizedthrough long-term agreementswith the Instituto Nacional de Arqueologia(INAR), the Instituto Boliviano de Cultura,and the Ministerio de Educaciony Cultura.I am particularlyindebted to Oswaldo Rivera Sundt, currentdirectorof INAR, who acts as codirectorof the field researchand coordinatorof the field-rehabilitationprogram.Jorge WashingtonGuzman, projectagronomist, collectedthe data on crop yields presentedin Tables 1-3. Leo Ticcla, INAR staffmemberand projectgeologist, mapped the WanaJawiracanal system illustratedin Figure7 and pointed out the possibility of a second loop to the system. Cesar Callisaya coordinated labor and logistics. He performs a critical role as the project's interpreterof Aymaralanguageand politics;the projectcould not operatewithout him. MichaelBinford,Mark Brenner,andCharlesOrtloff,consultantsto the project,graciouslysharedvaluabledata,graphics,and interpretive insightsthat are incorporatedin this manuscript.MariaLozadaCernaand MartinGiesso providedkey editorial comments and polished the Spanish-languageabstract.The communitiesof Lakaya,AchutaGrande,Chukara, Quiripujo,Korila,and Tiwanakugenerouslygrantedus access to their lands for the purposesof the raised-field experiments.We are gratefulfor their forbearance,friendship,and enthusiasmfor the project.Finally, I wish to acknowledgethe substantive,constructivecritiquesof this manuscriptprofferedby threeanonymousreviewers and by the editor, PrudenceRice. Many of their suggestionshave been incorporatedin the final product. REFERENCES CITED Abercrombie,T. 1986 ThePoliticsof Sacrifice:An AymaraCosmologyin Action.UnpublishedPh.D. dissertation,Department of Anthropology,University of Chicago,Chicago. 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(1968:355) publisheda figureof 30 square kilometers(3,014 ha) for the Catarisubbasin,and a total for the entireBolivian side of 39 km2(3,938 ha). They calculatean additional65 km2(6,501 ha) for the Desaguaderoregionon the Peruvianborderwith Bolivia. This latterfigurecorrespondswell with the 60 km2that I projectfor the Machaca/Desaguaderoregion(which,in my definition,includesan area straddling,and on both sides of, the Peru-Boliviaborder).Graffam's(1990) dissertation revisedthe figurefor the Catarisubbasin(PampaKoani)upwardto 44 km2from the Smith et al. estimate, but did not addressthe extent of raised fields outside of the Catariregion.Both of these estimatesare based on calculationsdrawn from aerial photographs.Previously, I suggestedthat the maximum extent of raised fields in the Catarisubbasinwas 70 km2(Kolata 1986), and here estimatethat the total for the three-valleyTiwanaku hinterlandapproaches190 km2.The estimateof 70 km2for the Catarisubbasinis based on the analysisof aerial photographs,pedestriansurvey,and geologicalcoring.Graffam's(1990:311) distributionmap does not include raised fields northwest of the Rio Catari, southeast of the village of Aygachi, or east and northeast of the community of Catavi. Because of differentialpreservation,many of these relict fields do not appear on the availableaerial photographs,but they are evident in groundsurvey, sometimes simply as subtle differencesin surfacevegetation.The estimate of 60 km2for the TiwanakuValley is based on analysis of aerialphotographs and on the resultsof systematicpedestriansurvey in the lower and middle sections of the valley, a portion of which is reportedin Albarracin-Jordan and Mathews(1990). Becausesystematicsurvey of the uppervalley has 125 AGRICULTURALPRODUCTION IN THE TIWANAKUSTATE Kolata] not been undertakento date, this estimate is, in part, conjectural.The projectionof 60 km2for the MachacaDesaguaderoregion iS based on analysis of aerial photographsand unsystematicsurvey, and, as noted above correspondswith the Smith et al. (1968) estimate for the same area. ReceivedDecember6, 1990; acceptedApril3, 1991 The Mesoamerican Ballgame VernonL. Scarboroughand DavidR. Wilcox,eds. Bringstogetherresearchfromfield archaeology,mythology,andMayahieroglyphicstudies to illuminatethis importantyet puzzling aspect of Native Americanculture. The contributorsoffer new informationon the distributionof ballcourts,new interpretationsof muralart, and newly perceivedrelationsof the game with materialin the Popol Vuh. "This is without any doubt the single most importantvolume ever written on the hip-ballgame of the ancientMesoamericans. . . which supersedesall previous work on the subject"(Michael D. Coe, PeabodyMuseum).404 pp., $45.00. Chimalpahin and the Kingdoms of Chalco SusanSchroeder Chimalpahin'shistory of pre-ConquestMexico is one of very few primarysources of informationabout indigenouslife in centralMexicoin pre-Hispanicand earlycolonialtimes. 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