VOL 9 ISSUE 16 ● NEW YORK ● APR 24 - APR 30, 2015 NRI TV FILM CLUB website Inaugurated Ambassador Dnyaneshwar Mulay (Right) congratulates Tirlok Malik, founder of NRI TV Film Club (left) on coming up with the bright idea of a mini Netflix for NRI movies. ● Tel: 646-247-9458 contd on Page 16 ●PRICE 40CENTS RANA Showcases Indian Culture at Rajasthan Mahotsav LONG ISLAND, NY (TIP): Over 3000 people from various Indian Communities gathered , Sunday April 19, at the SUNY College in Old Westbury to celebrate Rajasthan Mahotsav Festivals of Festivals. The colorful and musical scene resembled the fabled Festivals of Rajasthan complete with a grand parade featuring elephants, contd on Page 34 NEW YORK CITY (TIP): Ambassador Dnyaneshwar M. Mulay, Consul General of India, New York inaugurated the launch of www.NRITVFILMCLUB.com website in the presence of many prominent people from the Indian community, media and entertainment, in the ornate ballroom of the Indian Consulate, April 17. Congratulating Tirlok Malik, founder of NRI TV FILM CLUB, on the novel idea Ambassador Mulay said: "It is a wonderful idea. Very much needed. And it will make the bridge between Hollywood and Bollywood by creating NRIwood." NRI TV Film Club website is for the audience to watch movies made by NRIs, about NRIs, with NRIs. "It is just like a mini Netflix for NRI movies," a guest said. NRI TV FILM ● www.theindianpanorama.com Rajasthan Shiromani awardee Dr. Ajey Jain with Dr. Samin Sharma, Consul General of India in New York Dnyaneshwar Mulay, Rajasthan Home Minister Gulab Chand Kothari, RANA President Naveen Shah and others LORETTA LYNCH IS CONFIRMED AS U.S. ATTORNEY GENERAL First black woman in America's top law enforcement post WASHINGTON (TIP): Federal prosecutor Loretta Lynch won confirmation to serve as attorney general Thursday, After an anxious and painful April 23 from a Senate that wait for five months, Loretta Lynch won forced her to wait more than confirmation as Attorney five months for the title and General by 56-43 Senate contd on Page 32 votes, April 23. Indian American Techie Palani Kumanan Shares Pulitzer NEW YORK (TIP): Indian American software engineer Palani Kumanan of the Wall Street Journal won (shared) this year's Pulitzer Prize for graphics team of investigative journalism, in growing recognition of the contd on Page 32 Kumanan has shared this year's Pulitzer Prize for graphics team of investigative journalism, in growing recognition of the importance of using IT tools in reporting SARIKA GERA Associate Real Estate Broker 104-02, 120th Street, S. Richmond Hill, NY 11419
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