Annual Report 2014


Annual Report 2014
Annual Report 2014
The Worst Disease
You’ve Never Heard Of
Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB) is a rare, genetic connective tissue disorder
with many genetic and symptomatic variations. All forms of EB share
the common symptom of extremely fragile skin that blisters and tears
from friction or trauma. Those that have the more severe forms of EB
have many secondary complications and illnesses that require seeing
a range of medical specialists. Every internal organ and all bodily
systems can be harmed by this disease.
EB attacks the individual with EB and their family on every level –
physically, emotionally, and financially. Chances are, those with the
most severe forms of EB won’t see their 30th birthday.
EB affects 1 out
of every 20,000
live births in the
United States
debra of America | Annual Report 2014
Table of Contents
Letter from the Executive Director................................2
Our Programs & Services..............................................4
debra Events.................................................................7
Local Events..................................................................9
Financial Analysis.........................................................11
How You Can Help.........................................................13
Our Supporters..............................................................14
Board & Staff.................................................................43
debra of America | Annual Report 2014
Letter from the
Executive Director
Dear Friends,
This past year we saw commitment, determination, and hard work pay dividends for the
EB Community. We helped more families living with EB through our free Programs and
Services than ever before. debra of America hosted the single largest gathering ever,
and that’s globally, of those with EB at our 2014 Patient Care Conference. I spoke with a
greater number of commercial entities that are interested in developing treatments than
ever before. We realized real progress in the science for a cure and have witnessed more
clinical trials being launched. To say it is an exciting time would be an understatement.
Strategically, debra of America continues
to find new ways to raise awareness and
the necessary monies to help the EB
Community. Our efforts have not been
in vain. We spent more than $1,000,000
on our free Programs and Services in
2014, which have continued to be more
successful year over year. They are being
more widely utilized and are therefore
making a greater impact. We see more
families requesting services through our
Wound Care Distribution Program,
Brett Kopelan introducing Dr. Jakub Tolar,
who spoke about his bone marrow transplant
trial and gene therapy research, at the 2014
Patient Care Conference in Nashville, TN.
contacting our EB Nurse Educator
Program, and registering with our New Family Advocate Program – to name just a few
examples. While it’s obvious that the need is greater, it is also obvious that debra of
America has been able to fulfill the increased need and expand our Program offerings.
I think one of the best examples of our success is the decrease in time in which people
first access our Programs after diagnosis.
The 2014 Patient Care Conference in Nashville, Tennessee, was an unmitigated success.
We saw a 100% gain in attendance. 600 people came to learn from clinicians and
researchers about EB and where research is headed. While parents participated in
debra of America | Annual Report 2014
lectures by esteemed EB speakers, their children were being entertained during
specialized organized events. It was heartwarming to see EB families spend time
together – a rarity in everyday life, where one EB patient may never meet another.
I want to thank our corporate sponsors for their generous support. I also greatly appreciate
the hard work and dedication from all of the people who have thrown Local Events for our
cause and of course my sincere gratitude to all of the individuals who have donated money
or volunteered their time this year.
Without all of you, debra of America would not be able to make an impact in the lives of
thousands. After all, and I think it is important to remember, you are a benefactor of hope
to our EB Community. And I thank you for that.
2014 was a good year. 2015, our 35th year, is going to be even better.
Brett Kopelan
Executive Director
debra of America
debra of America | Annual Report 2014
Our Programs & Services
Our mission is to support the EB
418 research
Community by$funding
$349 2 and by
for a cure or treatment
providing free$3Programs
Services to those with the disease.
In 2014, we spent $1,159.760.00
on our free Programs and Services.
Wound Care
Distribution Program
Through our Wound Care Distribution Program, we
provide wound care supplies such as bandages,
needles, and ointments to those with EB who
may not be able to afford them. These specialized
products can cost in excess of $10,000 per month
and in many cases are not covered fully or at all
by private insurance, Medicaid, or Medicare. This
Program aims to bridge these gaps in coverage.
Last year, with the help of your donations, we sent
more than $400,000 of supplies to families in need
across the United States.
Over the last 3 years, there has been a steady
increase in the total value of supplies provided
through our Wound Care Distribution Program.
debra of America | Annual Report 2014
86.4 cents of every
dollar is dedicated
towards research for
a cure and our free
Programs & Services
Interested in giving to the Wound Care
Distribution Program? You can donate supplies,
and we will cover the shipping! Just email
$418,727, and we will create
shipping labels for you.
Here are a few easy, over the counter items that
people with EB are always in need of:
• Aquaphor
• Rubber Gloves
• Gauze Rolls
• Polysporin
New Family
Advocate Program
When debra of America learns of a newborn with
EB, we send a care package with the needed
products for the care of the child. Families also
receive practical, hands-on information regarding
wound care, medical supplies, medical insurance,
and additional issues related to the care of infants
with EB. Over the past three years, there has
been a significant decrease in the time between
an EB patient’s diagnosis and the assistance they
receive from debra of America. Through early
support and outreach to new families with EB, it
is our goal to help families provide their children
with the best care at the earliest point possible.
EB Nurse
Educator Program
Geri Kelly RN, our EB Nurse Educator, serves as
a point of contact to assist all of those with EB, their
parents, and caregivers. She also provides healthcare
professionals with helpful and necessary information
to assist them in managing the care of EB patients.
Individuals contact the EB Nurse Educator Program
to learn about wound care, products, services, and
the state of current research – or to just get a little
emotional support. This Program also provides
referrals to medical professionals who specialize
in the various areas of EB care.
“I can’t imagine living with EB these past 7
years without Geri. She has been so helpful
when I have a question about wound care
or the best ways to guard against infection.
Being able to call someone who knows so
much about EB has really made living with
this disease just a little easier. I can’t count
the number of times she has helped over
the years, and I am grateful that debra of
America has this Program.”
– Allen, Father of a 7-year-old girl with RDEB
10K 20K 30K 40K 50K 60K 70K 80K
We have seen a steady climb in the number and
value of New Family Advocate packages sent over
the last three years.
For more information about debra of America’s
Programs and Services, visit
or email
debra of America | Annual Report 2014
Letter from Gabrielle
debra of America’s Program Manager
Hi all!
For those of you whom I have yet to meet – my name
is Gabrielle, and I am debra of America’s Program
Manager. I’m the voice on the other end of the line
when you need to order wound care supplies, apply
for the Smile Fund, request a New Family Advocate
Program box, or just chat about EB!
My 23 years of living with EB Simplex has been largely
trial and error – cutting clothes to make them more
comfortable or coming home from a run only to tend
to widespread blisters. Before I worked at debra of
Casey Fitzpatrick, Director of Events
and Communications, and Gabrielle Sedor,
Program Manager, at debra of America’s
2014 Patient Care Conference.
America, I did not know that there were bandages that I could wear other than Telfa and
Spandage. At the 2014 Patient Care Conference, I put the first adhesive on my skin that
did not cause any blistering – that feeling was indescribable! I think that everyone with
EB deserves to feel like that. It may be hard to imagine, but when you have EB, an event
as small as putting on a Band-Aid is something that you have been left out on, something
that you may not even know you’ve longed for. It is empowering to have the tools and
the knowledge to take care of yourself and your loved ones with EB. This is why I value
our Programs and Services so greatly. Helping to improve the daily lives of people with
EB through our Programs and Services is the most rewarding experience that I have
had thus far in my life.
It is my goal to ensure that no person with EB will ever go without the supplies or services
that they need to properly care for themselves. We can always do more and it’s my goal
to make our Programs and Services meet all of the needs of people with EB and have the
greatest impact possible. It is because of your donations that debra of America is able
to offer Programs and Services such as the Wound Care Distribution Program and New
Family Advocate Program, both of which distribute wound care supplies free of charge to
our families around the United States. Every single piece of wound care in our Distribution
Center comes from supporters like you. Through your product donations, we have been
able to keep the Center stocked with supplies that are desperately needed by families
across the United States every single day. Your donations touch the lives of those with EB,
and the impact that they have on families is truly immeasurable.
Thank you for your past, present, and future support.
For more information about our free Programs and Services, and how to get
involved, contact
debra of America | Annual Report 2014
debra Events
Thank you to our generous event sponsors, attendees, committee members, volunteers,
and donors for continuing to help debra of America fund research and provide free,
supportive Programs and Services for those with Epidermolysis Bullosa. To learn more
about these events, please visit:
debra of America
Annual Benefit
On October 22, 2014, over 400 guests attended the
16th Annual debra of America Benefit presented by
Mölnlycke Health Care at B.B. King Blues Club in
New York City. It was a memorable night! Co-Chairs
Faith Daniels (debra of America Board Member)
and Alan Kalter (voice of Late Show with David
Letterman) honored the retirement of James Wetrich
from Mölnlycke Health Care, and presented Robbie
Twible with The Spirit Award and the Friedel Family
with The EB Awareness Award. Dr. Richard Azizkahn
and Dr. Anne Lucky, co-directors of the EB Center,
accepted the Partners in Progress Award on behalf
of Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center.
The night featured casino games, a silent and live
auction, and a musical performance by Jeffrey
Gaines. We’d like to thank everyone who made
our Annual Benefit a successful celebration!
NYC Full & Half Marathons
Every year, debra of America is proud to be a
Charity Level Partner in the TCS New York City
Marathon and United Airlines NYC Half Marathon.
Each race team consists of 10 dedicated runners
who train and fundraise to support EB. Since
2012, our TEAM DEBRA runners have raised over
$100,000 for our free Programs and Services and
for research to find a cure.
“I was very honored to run the 2015 NYC
Half Marathon on behalf of #TEAMDEBRA.
Racing through the streets of New York City
is an exhilarating feeling and knowing that
I was raising awareness and money for EB
research made it even more special!”
Robbie Twible (2014 Spirit Award Winner) and
Thomas Misisco (debra of America Board Member)
enjoying the 2014 debra of America Benefit at B.B.
King Blues Club in NYC.
– Natalie Busby
debra of America | Annual Report 2014
Over 600 people attended debra of America’s
2014 Patient Care Conference in Nashville,
Tennessee. It was the largest gathering of
people with EB in history.
debra of America Patient
Care Conference (PCC)
Every two years, debra of America invites those
with EB, as well as their families, advocates, and
care providers to our Patient Care Conference
(PCC). Attendees listen to and meet with medical
professionals who have developed expertise in
particular areas of EB care, with academic
researchers, and with organizations conducting
research into treatments and a cure. Bandage
manufacturers and wound care distributers attend
as exhibitors to demonstrate their products and
services to the community. Most importantly, the
conference allows those with EB to meet new
families and reconnect with others from around the
country that share similar circumstances. The 2014
debra of America Patient Care Conference (PCC)
was held from July 30 to August 2 in Nashville,
Tennessee and was the highest attended conference
to date with over 600 guests, making it the largest
gathering of people with EB in history.
Annual Mats Wilander
Foundation Tennis Pro-Am
On August 27, 2014, guests filled the grass courts
of the legendary 100-year-old West Side Tennis
Club in Forest Hills, NYC for the 2nd Annual Mats
Wilander Foundation & debra of America Tennis
Pro-Am. The event, held during the US Open, is
a full-day of clinics, drills, and matches against
former world-ranked pros including former world
#1 champion, Mats Wilander. The charitable arm of
Wilander on Wheels is dedicated to raising funds
for EB research because of Mats’ 18-year-old son,
Erik, who has EB Simplex. This event is open to
tennis fans of all ages and experience levels.
Mats Wilander (Former World #1 Champion) and
Cameron Lickle (Wilander on Wheels) with former
pro players at the 2014 Mats Wilander Foundation
Tennis Pro-Am.
debra of America | Annual Report 2014
Local Events
We would like to thank all of our national volunteers for their dedication to the cause and
the hard work and commitment it takes to throw Local Events. More than 40 take place
every year and it’s these type of events that allow us to come one step closer to achieving
our mission.
Jogging for Jonah
The 2014 Jogging for Jonah was a huge success!
Jogging for Jonah is a successful community
event that brings supporters back year after year
in support of a little boy, Jonah, who lives with EB.
Over the past 4 years, Jogging for Jonah supporters
have raised over $50,000 to help debra of America
serve the EB Community. Jogging for Jonah was
one of the first events to make use of our new
Personal Fundraising platform, and the difference
showed. They doubled the amount of money
raised and added participants thanks to this new
fundraising tool! In 2014, this event raised over
$20,000 (compared to just under $10,000 in 2013)
and saw a 15% increase in participation, growing
from 230 to 270 runners.
The use of the new Personal Fundraising platform
led to a 100% increase in revenue, and the amount
of credit card gifts more than doubled.
2013 2014
2013 2014
The use of the new Personal Fundraising platform
increased the number of Jogging for Jonah donors
by over 300%!
debra of America | Annual Report 2014
Butterfly 5K
The First Annual Butterfly 5k took place this past
September at Salt Fork State Park in Cadiz, Ohio
and raised over $7,000 in honor of Hannah Blake,
who lives with EB. They didn’t just work hard in
September though! This event team held events
throughout the year in support of their 5k and
debra of America, including a Celebrity Server
Night where local celebrities donated their time
as waiters to fundraise for EB. Good job team!
The 1st Annual CovyCon is proof that an event
doesn’t have to be a 5k to be successful. The
friends and family of Michael “Covy” Covert
came together to throw a tournament of his
favorite game, Magic: The Gathering, in his
memory. Their event raised over $1,000 for EB
research and also served as a loving reminder
of an extraordinary person.
Thank you to all of our Local Event Organizers,
who worked so hard this year to raise awareness
and over $350,000 for EB. We couldn’t continue
to fight EB without you!
We’re happy to help! Check out for ideas, or contact
us at or 212-868-1573.
debra of America | Annual Report 2014
Financial Analysis
Special Events
Contributions & Grants
In-Kind Contributions
Investment Income
Net Assets Released
2,892.00 3,917.00-2,683.00
Total Liabilities 2012
Unrestricted Net Assets
Temporarily Restricted Net Assets104,053.00 500,129.00 694,324.00
Total Net Assets
Patient & Family Services
908,129.00 52% 1,159,760.00 65%
97,236.00 6%
117,803.00 7%
TOTAL PROGRAMS EXPENSES 983,781.00 81%1,198,120.00 68%1,548,510.00 86%
1,094,690.00 90%1,362,069.00 77%1,745,752.00 97%
debra of America | Annual Report 2014
Net Assets
Total Revenue
Net Assets on Programs
Net Assets
Total Revenue
Net Assets
Total Revenue
Net Assets
Total Revenue
$1,792,095 0
Total Revenue
ExpensesTotal Revenue
Net Assets
$1,660,448 Expenses
Net Assets
and Services has risen
every year.
Total Revenue
Net Assets
Total Revenue
Net Assets
Total Revenue
Total Revenue
Net Assets
Net Assets
debra of America | Annual Report 2014
Total Revenue
Total Revenue
Net Assets
How You Can Help
Get Engaged. Get Involved. Raise EB Awareness!
• Local Events:
Help raise EB Awareness by hosting, attending, or volunteering at a
Local Event.
• NYC Benefits:
Attend or volunteer at one of debra of America’s NYC events, including
our Tennis Pro-Am and Annual Benefit.
• Young Leadership Committee (YLC):
The YLC is comprised of young professionals who host and participate
in debra of America events across the country and whose mission is to
fundraise and make an impact on behalf of those with EB.
• EB Impact Committee:
EB Impact Committee members advocate for the EB Community. They are
members of EB families and can truly speak to the daily struggles of having EB.
For more information about volunteering or joining a committee, please
A gift from you directly impacts EB families.
Here are a few ways that you can help…
Sponsor an activity at the 2016 Patient Care Conference
in Dallas, Texas.
Provide a New Family Advocate box, which contains helpful
$1,200 EB information, products, and guidelines on wound care to a
new EB family.
$500 Help find a cure by supporting research.
Make a gift to the Smile Fund and help grant a wish for a
with EB.
$173Help 1 EB family beat a denial of insurance coverage with our
Legal Aid Program.
Send free wound care supplies to 4 EB families.
Send 1 specialized, microsuede diaper to 5 babies with EB.
To make a gift, go to
For more information about supporting debra of America, please email
debra of America | Annual Report 2014
Our Supporters
$50,000 +
$5,000 - $24,999
Mr. Stan and
Mrs. Jackie A. Lautar
Mr. John Lee
Alexion Pharmaceuticals
Lockwood Family Foundation
McKesson Patient Care
Solutions Inc.
Mr. William Aliski
Ms. Christine Long
Mr. Michael Maldonado and
Ms. Jamie Calandruccio
Mölnlycke Health Care
The Benevity Community
Impact Fund
Capital One
Mr. Michael and
Mrs. Kim Mansfield
CCS Medical
Dr. Ryan and Mrs. Lisa Miller
$25,000 - $49,999
Mr. John F. Crowley
Network For Good
Mr. J. Alec and
Mrs. Cindi Alexander
Mr. Stephen Dowicz
Mr. Duncan and
Mrs. Alison Niederauer
Fibrocell Science
Edgepark Medical Supplies
Hollister Wound Care
Evidera, Inc.
Randal Tripp Roth
Benefit Fund
Mr. Richard and
Mrs. Deborah Gallagher
Shire Pharmaceuticals
Theorem Clinical
Mr. Mats and
Mrs. Sonya Wilander
Ei SolutionWorks
Goldstein Family Foundation
Mr. Evan and
Mrs. Madeline Grayer
Orsini Healthcare
Parent Teacher Organization
of Goddard
Peco Foundation
Redmond Properties Inc.
RGH Enterprises
Mr. Morton Rosen
Rosen, Livingston & Cholst LLP
Mr. Alan and
Mrs. Connie Herbert
Dr. Daniel Siegel and
Ms. Susan Bryde
Hunt Street Fund
Mr. Andrew and
Mrs. Kim Tucker
Mr. Donald J. Kelleher
Ms. Leslie Ziff
“My sister was born in 1938 with a severe form of EB and died of melanoma
in 1978. I had been looking for an organization that supports EB research and,
as a tennis fan, had read of Mats Wilander’s involvement with debra of America.
Mats connected me with Brett Kopelan, debra of America’s Executive
Director, and I became a donor several years ago. I watched what Brett was
doing for debra of America, was happy with the organization’s progress, and as
a result I gradually increased my financial support. Last year, Brett asked me to join
the Board of Directors. It’s been a pleasure to be a part of an organization that does
so much for the EB Community. I hope that someday we will find a cure.“ – John Lee
debra of America | Annual Report 2014
$1,000 $4,999
Mr. Antonio Argiz
Ms. Ciara Aulds
Mr. Brian Balch
Employees of
Bank of America
Mr. Kumsal
Bayazit Besson
Ms. Kathleen DiGiovanna
Mrs. Cathleen Donnelly
Mr. Mitchell Dorfman
Mr. Ron and
Mrs. Beth Dozoretz
Mr. Philip and
Mrs. Amy L. Duff
Mr. Brett and
Mrs. Jacqueline
Mr. Bradley Prunty
Mr. Luis and
Mrs. Rose Kramarz
Ms. Cynthia Raschke
Mr. Steven and
Mrs. Marisa Lastres
Ms. Abby Roberts
Leibowitz & Greenway
Family Foundation
Mrs. Jean Roccon-Rohm
Mr. Jim and
Mrs. Polly Fanning
Mr. Keith Lind
Mr. Michael and
Mrs. Frances Russell
Mrs. Wendy Farr
Mr. Michael and
Mrs. Laurie Berryhill
Ferris Manufacturing
Mr. Joseph Listengart
Ms. Felicia Bersh
Dr. Stephen W. and
Dr. Marianne Garber
Ms. Musa Mayer
Ms. Kathryn Brill
Ms. Jill Brotherton
Mr. Kevin and
Mrs. Michele L. Brown
Mr. Anthony M. Rispoli
Mr. Scott Eichel
The Fay J. Lindner
Bistro Five
Mr. John and
Mrs. Donna Raab
Employees of
Goldman Sachs
Mr. Richard A. and
Mrs. Isabel Goldstein
Mr. Thomas Marano
Mr. and Mrs. George D.
Employees of MBIA
Mr. Mark McGorry
Mr. Jeffrey Rosenberg
Aero Gear
Mr. Frederick and
Mrs. Laurie Schoenhut
The Ethan & Wendy
Schwartz Family
Mr. Christopher and
Mrs. Erin Scott
Ms. Martha L. Hall
Employees of Merck
Ms. Claudia Shelton
Ms. Dana Harchuck
Mr. David Messer
Employees of Microsoft
Carr Specialty Baits, Inc.
Harmony Lodge
#19 100F
Detroit District
Mr. Christian Carrillo
Mr. Frank Hickman
Milligan Free Will
Baptist Church
Siemens Caring
Hands Foundation
Ms. Ana Carvalho
Mr. Dwight and
Mrs. Mindy Hilson
Mr. Thomas M. and
Mrs. Karen Misisco
Dr. Donald and
Dr. Louise A. Smith
Mr. Scott M. and
Mrs. Anne M.
Mrs. Beverlee Mitchell
Ms. Erin P. Smith
Mr. Doug and
Mrs. Jane Moe
Mr. Evan Smith
Mr. Donald Hofmann
Ms. Melissa Mosling
Mr. Edward J. Hopkins
Mr. Thomas Mueller
Mr. Mark Horgan
Mr. Travis Howe
Mr. Richard W. and
Mrs. Tiffany M. Myers
Mr. Alain J. Cohen
Mr. Peter and
Mrs. Jan Jacobsen
Mr. Ronald and
Mrs. Michelle Nardi
Ms. Jaclyn Cohen
Ms. Heather James
Mr. Aaron J. Taylor
Mr. Richard Cohen
Mrs. Arthur Cook
JHS Capital
Advisors, LLC
Mr. Tim and
Mrs. Martha O’Day
Panel Specialists, Inc.
Mr. Peter R. and
Mrs. Wendy Corbin
Employees of
Johnson & Johnson
Mrs. Jean Parkinson
Mr. Ed and
Mrs. Judy Tessaro
Mr. Don and
Mrs. Rhonda Cornell
Mr. Paul T. and
Mrs. Sonia Jones
Mr. Jeffrey and
Mrs. Pamela Peeler
Mr. Robert Coull and
Ms. Pamela Mayer
Mrs. Megan Keating
Mr. Johnny and
Mrs. Patricia Pellin
Dr. Ralph and
Mrs. Barbara L.
Cincinnati Children’s
Hospital Medical
Mr. Dwight and
Mrs. Joan Claustre
Mr. Kevin Croken and
Ms. Sarah Aste
CustomInk Campaigns
Dell YourCause LLC
Ms. Cora DiFiore
Dr. Richard and
Mrs. Gail Keirn
Mr. William Kelly
Technologies, Ltd.
Mr. Kamran and
Mrs. Saba B. Khan
Dr. Ellen M. Poss
$500 $999.99
Mr. Calvin L. and
Mrs. Jill Schlenker
Mr. Collin Sewell
Charles Schwab
Mr. Richard and
Mrs. Renee Zona
A&T Healthcare, Inc.
Ms. Michele
Mr. Dean and
Mrs. Chehrazade
Wyrick Robbins Yates &
Ponton LLP
Mr. Allen and
Mrs. Sarah Scheuch
Mr. Richard Gorman and
Ms. Bianca Borges
Mr. John and
Mrs. Candice Byrd
Mr. Matt and
Mrs. Patrice Williams
Mr. Mitchell and
Mrs. Moira Staggs
State Farm Insurance
Aaron’s, Inc.
Employees of Ally
Amazon Services
Online Sales
International, Inc.
Mr. Doug Arnold
The Art Studio NY
Atomatic Mechanical
Services, Inc.
Ms. Reba
The Jeffrey &
Deb Bailey Family
Employees of Bank
of New York Mellon
Ms. Kristina Berisha
Ms. Bleema Bershad
Ms. Abby Bilanin
Mr. Eric Bisman
Sterne Kessler
Goldstein & Fox, LLC
Ms. Jennifer Bogner
& Family
Mr. Alan Syzdek
Dr. James and
Mrs. Karen Bouchard
Employees of TCF
Mr. Brennan Branca
Mr. Robert Brauns
Mrs. Thelma Bremer
Thomas Middle School
Activity Account
Ms. Judy Brown
Mr. Mike Truong
Dr. Anna Bruckner
Walter & Jean
Charitable Trust
Mr. David and
Mrs. Terri Cady
Ms. Kathleen Brown
The Jonathan Press &
Linda Lewis Family
Ms. Maureen Walker
Mr. Greg and
Mrs. Ayanna Campbell
Mrs. Ashley Welsh
The Carlyle Group
Mr. Edward Provost
Mr. James Wetrich
Ms. Lisa Carr
Employees of Prudential
Mr. Don Wheelan
debra of America | Annual Report 2014
Ms. Cindy Catterson
Mr. Mark Glenn
Mr. Jonathan Centurino
Ms. Libby Goldring
Mr. Peter Clarke and
Ms. Meghan Jay
Employees of Google
The Clearing House
Clondalkin Flexible
Packaging - Orlando
Compass Strategic
Consulting, Inc.
Mrs. Arthur Cook
Dr. Valerie Cooke
Mr. Parvindar Gujral
Mrs. Nicole Lorenz
LP Engineering LLC
Mr. Richard Maddux
Team Parks, Inc.
Mrs. Christine Hartz
Mr. Norman and
Mrs. Liliane Peck
Ms. Janet Pedrazzi
& Family
Mr. Tore and
Mrs. Becky Tellefsen
Mr. Richard Perez
Employees of
Thomson Reuters
Mr. Chris and
Mrs. Kathleen Mara
Ms. Kathleen Marshall
Ms. Julie Pung
Ms. Carol Mayer
Mr. Thomas A. Quigley
and Mrs. Donna
M. Hart
Mr. Brian McElmurry
Mr. Dean S. and
Mrs. Faith Daniels
Mr. Ryan Hopkins
Dr. Juhayna and
Mr. Ashley Davis
Mr. Lam Hui
Employees of
McKesson Patient
Care Solutions Inc.
Mrs. Helen Dubach
DWS Installations
Mr. Chris and
Mrs. Anne Marie
Mr. Curtis and
Mrs. Patricia Malarkey
Mr. Bruce and
Mrs. Rebecca Hollinger
Ms. Susan Drexler
Ms. Cynthia Swacina
Ms. Susan Maksomski
Highview Benefit
Resources, LLC
Mr. Andrew Dowicz
Mr. Mike and
Mrs. Kate Parker
Ms. Carole Hart
Ms. Virginia Cullen
Donaldson & Weston PA
Stone Werks
Mr. Joe Payer
Mr. Duncan Hennes
Direct Medical, Inc.
Dr. Amy S. Paller
Ms. Nancy Maksomski
Mr. Brian and
Mrs. Nicole Hardman
Mrs. Susanna D. Correia
Mrs. Maria D’Angelis
Mr. Peter and
Mrs. Wendy Stetson
The David &
Kate Paster Family
Ms. Diane F. Cornell
D.R.S., Inc.
owR Opinion, LLC
Ms. Claudia Ospina
Mr. Jesse Maffei
Ms. Pirko Hamer
Mr. Doug and
Mrs. Athena Haugh
Curo Charitable Fund
Ms. Patricia Howell
IMAX Corporation
Ms. Julie Jacobs
Jewish Federation of
Greater Atlanta
Mr. Edgar Mckee
Dr. Paula Rawls
RE/MAX of Stuart
Mrs. Christa Mehlmann
Savings Bank
Dr. Robert F. Meirowitz
Ms. Jody Rotenizer
Mr. Joseph Meluskey
Mrs. Ana Carolina Rupp
Mr. Milko Milkov
Dr. Robert and
Mrs. Laura Ryan
Mrs. Rebecca John
& Family
Dr. Laurence and
Mrs. Leslie Miller
Ms. Alyson Johnson
& Family
Miller’s Ale House, Inc.
Mr. Eric and
Mrs. Colleen Tanjeloff
Ms. Sarah Tollison
Treasure Coast
Commercial Real
Estate, Inc.
Mr. Dominick Trimarchi
Mr. Robert and
Mrs. Kathy Twible
Mr. Pankaj Uppal
Valley National Bank
Ms. Regina Ventre
Mr. Bill Wagner
The Omar &
Kathleen Saeed Family
Ms. Regan Wall
Ms. J. Scanlan
Mr. Rudy Weber
Mr. Matt Schuler
Mr. Todd Weinberg
Waters Edge Recovery
Ms. Gloria Johnson
Mr. William S. Mooney
and Ms. Akiko Yamada
Mr. John K. and
Mrs. Jill Kagey
Mr. Jeff and
Mrs. Laura Moore
Mr. Craig and
Mrs. Mary Ellen Scott
Mr. Peter Whitmore
Mrs. Heidi Kao
Dr. Kimberly Morel
Ms. Carol Searing
Willis North America
Ms. Raniya Kassem
Morgan Stanley
Employees of Shell Oil
Mr. Brown Windle
Mr. Michael and
Mrs. Brooke Kauf
Mr. Russell and
Mrs. Linda Morris
Mr. Fred and
Mrs. Irene Shen
Mr. Brian Wittmer
The Louis & Elana
Klein Family
Mr. Michael Mortell
Ms. Laurie Mucherino
Mr. Stanley J. and
Mrs. Dianne
Women’s Council
of Realtors
Mr. Stephen Feller
Mr. Dennis and
Mrs. Donna Koch
Mr. Jerome and
Mrs. Jodeen Myers
Mr. Alexander and
Mrs. Jamie Silver
Mr. Jensen Wong
Mr. David Fine and
Ms. Kelly Tsai
Mrs. Evren Kopelman
Mr. Joe Nellis
Simmons Estate Homes
Mr. J.P. Xenakis
Mr. Steven and
Mrs. Karyn Kornfeld
Mr. Karl P. Novak
Mr. Marc and
Ms. Michele Simons
Dr. Larry Ybarrondo
Mr. Glenn and
Mrs. Cheryl Edwards
Mr. Jesse Elhai
Dr. Mistie Eltrich
Ms. Jennifer Ertl
Employees of
Ms. Joyce Fagan
Mr. Owen and
Mrs. Helen Farley
Mr. Richard and
Mrs. Denise Frame
Mr. George and
Mrs. Joelle Francois
Ms. Zoe Friedman
Mrs. Carol Fuller Venezia
Mrs. Jennifer Gawronski
Georgia Governmental
Give With Liberty
Ms. Pam Graf
Mr. Christopher and
Mrs. Susan E.
Mrs. Pat Ladage
Mr. Alex and
Mrs. Christine Lauren
Mr. Harry Lengsfield
Mrs. Briana Link
Mr. William Link
Novant Health
Pediatrics and
Adolescent Medicine
Mrs. Luanna
Mr. Kevin O’Connell
Little Sprout Foundation
Mr. George Olsen and
Ms. Karen Barth
Mr. Peter and
Mrs. Sue Livingston
Ms. Susan Olsen
debra of America | Annual Report 2014
Mr. Stephen Sitzlar
Mr. Mark and
Mrs. Ginger Slemons
Ms. Sheila Wilbanks
Mr. Michael Wolfson
Dr. David Woodley
Mr. Frederick Yorke
The Peter Yost &
Gillian Lipton Family
Mr. Jeff and
Mrs. Rita L. Slifer
YourCause LLC Trustee
for Blue Cross/Blue
Shield of NC
Ms. Whitney Solomon
Mr. Andrew Zeidman
Mrs. Rachelle Spielvogel
Ms. Susan Zolla
“debra of America came into our lives like an angel from heaven!
After my daughter Cattaleya (“Catt”) was born, doctors at RUMC
NICU connected us with Columbia Presbyterian Dermatology who
then contacted Geri Kelly, debra of America’s EB Nurse Educator. Geri
and debra of America educated us on EB, provided us with tips on
how to take care of Catt, and most importantly answered our millions
of questions.
What does debra of America mean to me? Wow. This might turn into a romance novel. Most
importantly, debra of America means hope. Hope that through their efforts of raising awareness
and raising funds for research, we can obtain the goal of finding a cure for EB.
debra of America has become very dear to me. As all new EB parents know, not being able to
obtain the necessary supplies to take care of our babies is the last thing we need to go through
when facing this horrible disease.
Often, my insurance company declares that Catt’s wound care supplies are ‘over the counter’
and are therefore not covered. Hmm. Over the counter? I can just imagine walking into CVS and
asking for Mepilex Transfer, MediHoney, and Tubifast – to name a few.
Well, this is where debra of America stepped in. One day, in the midst of my insanity over fighting
with my insurance company and researching the prices of such ‘over the counter’ supplies, I
called the debra of America office. Casey answered the phone. I was crying and asked him if
there was a way for me to buy the supplies from debra of America at a more reasonable price.
He paused, then said, ‘You have nothing to worry about. I’m going to email you a form. Fill it out
and email it back to me. I will check what we have in stock and will send you a box.’
I couldn’t believe what I had heard! Prior to my call, I had made a list of all non-essential ‘luxuries’
our family needed to get rid of in order to afford Catt’s necessary wound care. I didn’t care. I
could do without cable.
I had no idea debra of America could send supplies. And BOOM! The next day there was a box
on my porch. I wept. It gave me a few more weeks to battle the insurance company. It gave me
confidence and hope. Needless to say, debra of America, to me, means love.
I just want to say that even though this has been the longest 7 months of my life, I have been
blessed with the strongest little girl ever. Cattaleya is such a happy baby. Even when her skin is
raw and she is in pain, you can blow her a kiss and she will smile. She has shown us so much
strength and courage. It’s very admirable. I am truly honored that God thought I was strong
enough to be her mom, and I will not let him down.
We will find a cure!” – Linda Velazquez
debra of America | Annual Report 2014
$250 $499.99
Employees of
Abbott Laboratories
Mr. Steven Alembik
Mr. Lee Alexander
Allergy Partners
of the Piedmont
Mr. James Allingham
Altman Foundation
Mr. Jeffrey Alvino
Anonymous (3)
Armin Innovative
Products, Inc.
Mr. Don Asarnow and
Ms. Bryn Shain
Mr. Larry Asher
Mrs. Jaimie Baird
Dr. Tiffany Baird
Employees of
Bank of the West
Mr. Thomas and
Mrs. Patricia Brow
Dr. Faye Dilgen
Mr. Chris Heaney
Mrs. Paula Lineback
Mr. Ryan Hilliker
Ms. Mary Litzenberger
Mr. Jim and
Mrs. Courtney C. Hollis
Mr. John Longo
Ms. Elizabeth Eggert
Ms. Nancy Holwell
Ms. Joanne Lyman
Dr. Michael and
Mrs. Barbara S.
Mr. Shih Han Huang
Ms. Erin Lynn
Mr. Peter Humphrey
Ms. Stephanie Lynn
Mrs. Carol A. Hynes
Mr. Joseph A. and
Dr. Janine C. Malone
Mr. Thomas Durkin
Mr. Marek Brudniak
Mr. Dan Earle
Mr. Shawn Brunner
EFC of Boeing
Mr. Dave and
Mrs. Kim Bujnowski
Ms. Kate Burke & Family
Mr. Mark and
Mrs. Wendy Bush
Electrolmage, Inc.
Mr. Patrick Butler
Mr. Patrick Farmer
Ms. Eileen Campbell
Mr. Joseph Falso
Employees of ING
Mr. Pete Maniscalco
Mr. Stuart and
Mrs. Randi Feiner
ITT Corporation
Dr. Carmen McCaffrey
Ms. Susanna Iuliano
Mrs. Donna McCauley
Mr. Don Cangelosi
Mr. Jeff Fields and
Ms. Robin Allstadt
Mr. Sam Jacob
Mrs. Christy McCoy
Mr. Chris Capolongo
Mr. Greg Finestine
Mrs. Diane Jaquet
Ms. Heather McCrea
Mr. William Chapman
First Pacific
Advisors, LLC
Mr. Samuel Johnson
Mr. Ron and
Mrs. Celia McLaughlin
Ms. Rosamond
Employees of Chevron
Mr. Daniel Choo
Mr. John Barrie
Mr. Peter and
Mrs. Anya Cole
Ms. Rebecca Claffey
Mr. Brad Coleman
Mrs. Jennifer Fisher
Employees of
JP Morgan Chase
Mr. James Forbes
Mr. Alan and
Mrs. Peggy Kalter
Mr. Brian Fornear
Mr. Don Kane
Mr. Greg Foster
Fountain of Life
Lutheran Preschool
Fox & Roach Charities
Ms. Rachna Karrol
Mrs. Patty Katz
Mr. Mike Kenny
Mr. James and
Dr. Dede Bartlett
Mr. Chris and
Mrs. Judy Collins
Mr. Milan Bartos
Employees of Gannett
Mr. Robert Barwick
Common Cents
New York, Inc.
Mrs. Jennifer Garland
Mrs. Cheryl Barwicki
Mr. Henry Conchado
Mr. David Kornblau and
Ms. Susannah Gardiner
Dr. Maria C. Garzon
Mr. Ronald Barzen
Mr. Chris Connors
Mr. Mike Krenicky
Mr. Mark Gleason
Mrs. Janice Bea
Ms. Teresa Cook
Mr. Ray Glenn
Mr. Josh Bederman
Ms. Sherry Cooper
Ms. Lesley Roger Glover
Mr. Mark Benerofe
Mr. Jeffrey and
Mrs. Renee A.
Dr. Marshall J. Golden
Mr. Kenneth Goldenberg
Mr. Jack and
Mrs. Madeline Lane
Mr. Anthony LaSalle
Ms. Karen Bjornsti
Mr. Thomas and
Mrs. Shirley Coughlin
Ms. Toni Goodale
Mr. James Grayer
Mr. Jefferson Law
Mr. Jonathan Coull
Mrs. Carla Greengrass
Boeing Co. Space
Dr. Douglas Coy
Mr. Lars Gronning
Drs. Leal, Spangler
& Edens, DDS
Ms. Deborah Czarny
Ms. Christa D’Alimonte
Mr. Larry and
Mrs. Shirley Gurnett
Mr. Mark Dang
Ms. Lori Hadley
Mr. Brandon and
Mrs. Katy Lehigh
Mr. David Dembo
Ms. Kathleen Hall
Ms. Crystal Leigh
Specialists, PLLC
Mr. Mahmoud Hamdeh
Leighton Systems
Mr. Ross Hammer
Employees of Lenovo
Mr. Dave Derrenbacker
Ms. Katherine Harbison
Ms. Donna Levin
Mr. David Dew
Mr. Chad Harris
Ms. Laquisha Levy
Mr. Anthony Bitz
Mr. Douglas Borkowski
Mr. Jon and
Mrs. Mary K. Bottorff
Mr. Sean Brady
Mr. William Brennan
Brewster School
District No. 111
Ms. Amy Lutman
Mr. James D. and
Mrs. Jeanine L. Isham
Mr. Allen Chouinard
Mr. Puneet Bhatnagar
Mr. Paul Lewis
Lewisville Masters
Dr. Barry Dworkin
& Family
Mr. James Buccola
Mr. Dan and
Mrs. Barbara Hartz
Ms. Marnie Hausauer
Mrs. Laurie Dratch
Ms. Anderson Brown
The Graham Barr &
Kristen Lasky Family
Dr. Bernard and
Mrs. Jan Barrish
Brooklyn Bridge Park
debra of America | Annual Report 2014
Galderma Laboratories
Mr. Richard Kent
Ms. Pamela E. Kerstein
Mr. Kai Kuo
L.E.K. Consulting LLC
Ms. Gigi Lam
Ms. Brenda Leeber
Mr. William Maus
Ms. Monica Meisling
Mr. Howard Meitiner
Ms. Linda Melnick
Merit Insurance
Ms. Carolyn Merrill
& Family
Mr. Simon D. and
Mrs. Mary G. Metz
Mr. Lee Meyer and
Mrs. Dominique
Mr. Erik Miller
Mr. Martin J. Montuoro
Mr. Patrick J. Moore
Mrs. Hannah Morris
Mrs. Cara Morrison
Mr. Daniel and
Mrs. Jennifer M.
Ms. Rosalind Motley
Mt. Hebron School
Ms. Moyra Mulholland
Mr. Eric Munger
Mr. Craig S. and
Mrs. Rebecca
L. Murphy
Mrs. Sharon Murphy
Mr. William J. Murray
Mr. Rishi Nangalia
Employees of AT&T
Ms. Melanie Thomas
Mr. Michael Thornton
20th Ave Realty, Inc.
Ms. Sandra Austin
Thrillist Media Group
3rd Platoon, Apache
Company 2-87IN,
3BCT, 10th MTN DIV
Dr. Lixion Avila
Mr. Fernando and
Mrs. Donna Nasmyth
Mr. John and
Mrs. Shireen Sabat
Mr. Ronald Testa
Mr. Lawrence Ng
Mr. Jeffrey Saltzer
Ms. Ana Romero Nunez
Mr. Steve Scala
Ms. Frances Olivier
Mr. Christopher O’Neill
Mrs. Stephanie Schafer
& Family
Ms. Sarah Osborn
Mrs. Janet Schipma
Mr. Nazmi Oztanir
Schuler, Halvorson,
Weiss, Zoeller &
Overbeck, P.A.
The Mike &
Jill Pallad Family
Mr. Steven Paredes
Mr. Manish Patel
Dr. Cynthia Schwartz
Mr. Robert Schwartz
Mrs. Seema Patel
Dr. Jeffrey Sedor and
Dr. Donna Rosen
Mr. Janek Pawlik
See Kids Dream
Mr. William Pennell
Mr. Jason Sessions
Peterbilt of Knoxville
Mrs. Kathy Thomas
Mr. Arthur and
Mrs. Kate Trotman
Mr. Kirk Turner
Ms. Celeste
Ms. Terese Ventre
Ms. Sandra Waguespack
Mr. Tom and
Mrs. Lucinda Wahl
Mr. J. and
Mrs. Shirley Abbott
Employees of
AbbVie Inc.
Mr. William Ausman
Ms. Eileen Ayling
Mrs. Courtney S. and
Mr. Jordan Bacon
Mr. Brian Bacus
Mrs. Barbara Badalato
Able Inc.
Mrs. Melissa Badon
Mr. William Abrams
Mr. Steven J. and
Mrs. Anna M. Bair
Ms. Dina Abujawdeh
Mrs. Elyssa Ackerman
Mr. Douglas Baker
Mr. Edward Baldwin
Mr. Christian Wall
Ms. Lisa Adams
Mr. Robert Wallace
Ms. Trinette L. Adsit
Mr. Don and
Mrs. Susan Balloon
Mr. Scott Peterzell
Mr. Greg and
Mrs. Stacie Shamie
Ms. Gloria T. Petitto
Mr. Gary Shelly
Mr. Jack Walsh
Mr. Sachin Ahluwalia
Ms. Jennifer Bancroft
Ms. Libera Pilla
Ms. Suzanne K. Shields
Ms. Sandy Walsh
Ms. Suzanne Bancroft
Mr. Anthony Pinto
Mr. Casey Shingary
Ms. Christine Watkins
The Bryce &
Christina Aho Family
Mr. Christopher Posey
Mr. Gregg Shulklapper
Mr. Brad Wechsler
Mr. George and
Mrs. Veronica Powell
Mr. Seth and
Mrs. Amy Shulman
Ms. Terry Weigel
R&J Collision, Inc.
Mr. Adam Siegel
Ms. Susannah Weiss
Mrs. MaryKay Rath
Ms. Julia Sierks
Mr. Jack and
Mrs. Annette N. Rau
Ray’s Body Shop and
Wrecker Service
Reverend Wade Reck
Dr. Nora Reid-LeZotte
Ms. Lindsay Reklis
The Victor Barbee &
Julie Kent Family
Mr. Richard C. and
Dr. Gina Alexander
Ms. Carolyn
Ms. Karen Wertheimer
Mrs. Lee Ann
Mrs. Julie Bastek
Mr. Baron Silverstein
Mr. Mathew West
Mr. W. Allen
Simpson Medical
Ms. Victoria Wickman
Mr. Stephen Sinacore
Ms. Wanda L. Wilkinson
Ms. Peilin Almeraz
& Family
Ms. Hope Singsen
Ms. Bryley Williams
Ms. Cathy Situ
Ms. Stacey Winter
Mr. Dave Skibinski
Mr. Brian Witteman
Mr. Michael Weiss
Ms. Ruth Richebacher
Mr. Harry Riebe
Ms. Cynthia Smith
Mr. Alexander and
Mrs. Joanne N. Wood
Mr. William and
Mrs. Margaret Righter
Sonoco Foundation
Mrs. Heather Wood
St. Joseph School
Mrs. Samira Woodings
Mr. W. Drew Stabler
Mrs. Erica Woolway
Mr. Paul Stark
Mr. Joe Steffa
Mr. John and
Mrs. Maria Xenakis
Mr. Brian Ross and
Ms. Susan Reinstein
Mr. Jay B. Stewart
Mr. Michael Xenakis
Mr. David Stillman
Mr. James Yokers
Mr. Michael and
Mrs. Melanie
Ms. Christie Sudol
Mrs. Janice S. York
Ms. Eloise
Mr. Anthony Yoseloff
Mrs. Ashley Rose
Mr. Sol and
Mrs. Rita Rosenkranz
Mr. Jacek Wojtowicz
Mrs. Ying Yu
Royal Care, Inc.
Ms. Desiree Swendsen
Ms. Haley Rubin
Mr. Erik Zimmerman
Mrs. Dawn Tavolieri
Mrs. Ryan Leigh Runyon
Ms. Heather Zuckerman
Mr. Todd L. and
Mrs. Mandy L. Taylor
Ms. Mechele Ryska
Mr. Christopher Baradel
Mrs. Lawson Albright
Mrs. Heather
Slowik Kwon
Mr. Robert Roach
Albano Tile Setters Inc.
Mr. Bennett Almond
Mr. Samir Batta
Mr. Bernie and
Mrs. Sarah H. Baum
Ms. Pamela Baxter
Mrs. Maider Alonso
Mr. Lawrence and
Mrs. Shari Bayer
Mrs. Sharon Amick
Dr. Susan M. Bayliss
Mr. Kevin Anderson
BBVA Compass
Mr. Doug and
Mrs. Vicki Anmuth
BC Partners Foundation
Anonymous (9)
APG Asset
Management US Inc.
Ms. Debra Appelbaum
Mr. Jeffrey Arbeit
Mr. Joel R. Armijo
Mr. Zachary Aronson
Ms. Stacey Aronstein
Ms. Mary Beam
Mr. Jim and
Mrs. Lorraine Beaver
Ms. Jennifer Becker
Mr. Robert Beckwith
Mr. Sam and
Mrs. Eden Bederman
Ms. Holly Arosen
Mr. James and
Mrs. Ruth Beeler
Ms. Bunny Ash
Ms. Marcie Beigel
Mr. Jeff Ashe
Ms. Beth Beighlie
Ms. Lauren Ashwell
Mr. George Belanger
Mr. Rick and
Mrs. Heather At Lee
Mr. Brent C. Bell
Mr. David Bell
debra of America | Annual Report 2014
“I have Dominant Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa and when I was
born, not much was known about the condition. My parents were
first-time parents and knew little about parenting, let alone EB. They
were referred to a doctor who had previously seen only one case of
Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB). My Mom asked the doctor, ‘How is that
child doing?’ and the doctor, who obviously needed better bedside
manner, replied, ‘Oh it died.’ So, of course my Mom was devastated
and expected the same outcome for me.
It was kind of difficult growing up, but my parents were troopers. They let me be a child knowing
that I could get hurt – they wanted me to know that I could do and be anything. They didn’t
want me to feel sorry for myself. And here I am, fifty-something years later.
My Mom and I heard about debra of America thirty years ago and we decided to support the
organization with the hope that someday a cure for EB would be found. We were so excited
that debra of America was really doing something about this condition that no one knew about!
While I haven’t used debra of America’s Programs and Services myself, I greatly respect their
EB Nurse Educator Program. Having someone you can call that will answer your EB questions
– when so many doctors and nurses know little about this condition – is empowering, provides
hope, and makes families feel less alone.
When I was born, there were no support services! Parents of EB children and EB patients were
on their own, and you didn’t have anyone to discuss issues with or ask questions to. So having
support out there like debra of America’s EB Nurse Educator Program – it’s the best thing in
the world!
In October 2014, during EB Awareness Week, I hosted a wine tasting to help raise awareness.
It turned out better than I had expected. So many people attended to support the cause and
to support me because they know what I’ve been going through all these years. I always tell
people, ‘There are children with EB that are so much worse. There are children whose fingers
are webbed together, and they can’t walk. There are some that don’t live past their teenage
years. I’m lucky!’ When you’re compassionate about EB, it makes people want to listen and
get to know how they can get involved.
Yes, sometimes people stare, but I’d rather people ask about my EB. I want to tell them about
it! I want to explain that now there’s research being done, there are organizations like debra of
America and one day there will be a cure!” – Laurie Mucherino
debra of America | Annual Report 2014
The James & Kristi
Bell Family
Ms. Danielle Bozarth
Mr. Sam Burkett
Mrs. Maureen Cestari
Mrs. Anu Bradford
& Family
Dr. Patrick and
Mrs. Fae Burkhart
Mr. John Chabala
Ms. Sarah Coleman
& Family
Mrs. Jan Chadwick
Mr. Robert Colgan
Mr. Jack and
Mrs. Nancy Bradley
Ms. Erin Burns
Ms. Chiuyi Chan
Ms. Elaine Collett
Mr. Don Burrell
Mrs. Gail Chancellor
Ms. Alissa Collins
Mrs. Margarita
Mrs. Beverly Bradstock
Business Journal
Mrs. Janet Cahalan
The Ronnie & Jennifer
Chandler Family
Ms. Cathy J. Collins
Mrs. Angie Brandenburg
Ms. Roberta Benkovic
Mr. Ted and
Mrs. Sara S. Brandston
Mr. Paul J. and
Mrs. Constance
M. Calabro
Ms. Michele Chardt
Mr. Payton Collins
Mr. J. Charlton
Dr. Joseph Chazan
Mr. Axel and
Mrs. Elizabeth Colon
Mrs. Chehrazade
Mr. Joseph and
Mrs. Jessica Colonel
Mr. Tony Cheng
Ms. Barbara Colwell
Mr. Jay and
Mrs. Teri Cheresnick
Ms. Angela Conrad
Mr. Jonathan Bell
Mr. Samuel Bell
Ms. Lorinda Beller
Mr. Charles Bennison
Ms. Wendy L. Benton
Ms. Joanne Berg
Mr. Kenny and
Mrs. Lori Bergman
Mr. Bill and
Mrs. Jennifer Braswell
Mr. Colin Brauns
Mr. Peter and
Mrs. Cristen Calamari
Mr. Charles Collins
Mr. Mark and
Dr. Kelly Berisha
Mr. Mark Brechbill
Mr. Jim and
Mrs. Joan Calandruccio
Mr. Robert J. Brenner
Dr. Lauren Calandruccio
Mr. Jack J. and
Mrs. Dolores D. Berlin
Mr. Ethan Brewer
Mr. Ralph Calderon, Jr.
Ms. Joan Calhoun
Mr. John and
Mrs. Luba Chernekoff
Ms. Nancy Cook
Brighton Hill Pediatrics
Mr. David Berten
Mr. Jeffrey Brinkmann
Ms. Donna Callejon
Ms. Beth Chevat
Ms. Leslie Bethke
Bristol Myers Squibb
Mr. Joseph Chieffo
Mr. Jay and
Mrs. Elizabeth Cooper
Mr. Ron Bezoza
Ms. Karen Britt
Dr. Evan and
Mrs. Kelsey Callin
Ms. Janice Childress
Ms. Caroline Corbin
Ms. Rosalie Campbell
Mr. Warren and
Mrs. Joan Christie
Ms. Eileen Corbin
Mr. Scott and
Mrs. Leslie Campbell
Mr. Eldred Chronister
Mr. Bill and
Mrs. Sandra Cornman
Mr. Kevin Bickford
Mrs. Nicole Billow
Mr. Thomas and
Mrs. Karen Binkowski
Ms. Jan Bird
Ms. Valerie Bischak
Mr. Slater Brauns
Mrs. Lila Brock
Dr. Fred and
Mrs. Glenda Broder
Mr. Ronald Brodeur
Mrs. Jo Ann Bromwell
Dr. C. Brooke
Mr. Michael Campbell
Mrs. Denise
Mr. Tom Campenni
Ms. Catherine Conway
Mrs. Alida Coo-Kendall
Dr. Melanie Cornelius
Mr. Jim and
Mrs. Diane Chudomel
Mr. Kenneth Corum
Mr. Anthony Chukumba
Mr. Shane Costello
Ms. Eliza Chung
Ms. Karen Rose Cover
Cincinnati Marathon Inc.
Mrs. Brenda F. Covert
Mr. Andrew Cowen
Mr. Lynwood and
Mrs. Kori Bishop
Mr. Conrad and
Mrs. Jessica Brooks
Mr. Terry Blackstone
Ms. Barbara Brown
Mr. Norman and
Mrs. Phyllis Blum
Ms. Fiona Candlish
Ms. Cynthia Cirlin
Mr. Edward Brown
Ms. Linda Cane
Mr. Tom Cirrinicione
Mr. Jason Brown
Ms. Camille Cannon
Ms. Morgan Brown
Dr. Daniel Caplan
Mrs. Cathie Clarkson
& Family
Dr. John and
Mrs. Christina
Mrs. Nannie Brown
Ms. RoseMarie Capuano
Mrs. Catherine Clemens
Ms. Marissa Crean
Mr. Robert and
Mrs. Maria L. Brown
Mr. Thomas Carey
Mr. Chris Clifford
Mr. Sean Coar
Mr. Steve and
Mrs. Susan Creel
Ms. LeAnn Coates
Mrs. Karen Crim
Coco, Early &
Associates, Inc.
Ms. Susie Croul
Ms. Jean Carroll
Coffin School Social
Ms. Paula Crumpler
Mr. Owen and
Mrs. Mary Carroll
Dr. Harris Cohen
Ms. Meril Cullinan
Mrs. Julie Cohen
Mr. Mark Cohen
Mr. James L. and
Mrs. Sharon Cummons
Ms. Suzanne Cohen
Ms. Jenice Cunningham
Ms. Maxine Cole
Mr. Thomas Curtin
Mr. Douglas and
Mrs. Mary A. Coleman
CustomInk, LLC
Mr. Greg and
Mrs. Marina Coleman
Mrs. Marilyn K. Dameron
Mr. Edward Boehm
Mr. Edward N. and
Mrs. Helen R. Boehm
Ms. Helen R. Boehm
Mrs. Mary Rose Bolton
Mr. Travis Bonifacic
Dr. Harold and
Mrs. Maureen
Ms. Tracey Brown
Mr. Jack and
Mrs. Germaine Canar
Mr. Charles Carlson
Ms. Tricia Brown
Mr. Sam and
Mrs. Josie Carlyle
Mr. Donald and
Mrs. Donna Browne
Mrs. Kristin Carney
Ms. Margaret A. Bryla
Mrs. Jessica Borstein
Bubble Pop Software
Mrs. Lisa Bouloubasis
Mrs. Rose Ann Buccino
Ms. Nancy Bowe
Mrs. Bryn Buck
Carroll High School
Ms. Lucy Bowers
Mr. Scott Buckley
Mrs. Cindy Carson
Ms. Kelley Boyd
Mrs. Gayle Buhler
Mrs. Mary Ellen Carter
Ms. Amber Boyles
Ms. Marilie Bunce
Ms. Lisa Cason
Mr. Robert Boynton
Mr. William and
Mrs. Barbara Burger
Mr. Robert Castellano
Mr. Brian and
Mrs. Molly Burke
Mrs. Kathryn Cerminara
Mr. Eric and
Mrs. Heather Boyriven
Mrs. Pam Carroll
Mr. Lawrence Ceisler
Dr. Kelsey Crowe
Mr. Nick Csakany
Mr. Robert Cuthbertson
Mr. Zeno and
Mrs. Juliana Dancanet
debra of America | Annual Report 2014
Mr. David Dare
Ms. Maria Dore
Ms. B.J. Fabric
Ms. Christine Frissora
Mr. George Gilmartin
Ms. Susan Dashiell
Mr. Brent Fabric
Mr. Charles and
Mrs. Allyn Fritts
Mr. Ronald Gimondo
Ms. Gail DaVall
Mr. Freddie and
Mrs. Jeanne D. Dorn
Ms. Brooke A. Davies
Ms. Pamela G. Dorsett
Mr. Logan Froelich
Mr. Douglas Davis
Mr. Tehmasp and
Mrs. Zarine Dotivala
Mr. Kieran F. and
Mrs. Kayla Fahy
Abe & Sylvia Ginsburg
Mr. Jonathan Davis
Ms. Patricia Fall Salamy
Mrs. Linda Douglas
Mr. Peter and
Mrs. Katherine Farley
Ms. Tracy Day & Family
Ms. Marcia Doyle
Mrs. Rosemary Farmer
Mr. Robert Dean III
Mr. Yvan Doyon
Mr. Rick Deckelbaum
The Butterfly Dreams
The Jeff &
Leann Day Family
Mr. Fred and
Mrs. Jeanine Frohne
Ms. Robin Frost
Ms. Carrol Gingold
Mr. Robert and
Mrs. Rachel Glazer
Mr. Dan and
Mrs. Kara Fuccello
Ms. Jody Gleason
Mr. Ahmed and
Mrs. Erin Farruk
Dr. Adrian Fuente
Mrs. Cheryl Glory
Mr. Eric Fullenbaum
Mr. Chris Faw
Ms. Kristin Fullerton
Mr. Andrew and
Mrs. Susan Goldberg
Mr. John and
Mrs. Julianne Dreps
Mr. John P. and
Mrs. Eileen M. Feather
Mr. Thomas and
Mrs. Sandra D. Fulmer
Dr. James Goldfarb
Ms. Helen Dressner
Ms. Shannon Feight
Ms. Beth Fulton
Mrs. Holly Delgado
Mr. Patrick Drier
Ms. Jennifer Feldman
Mrs. Rosaria Furino
Dr. Lenny and
Mrs. Linda Goldsmith
Mr. Ronald M. and
Mrs. Sandy K. Delikat
Drs. Irving, DeSalvo
and Russell
Ms. Jill Feldman
Ms. Danielle Gaccione
Mr. Jeffrey Goldstein
Mrs. Liz Fendt
Ms. Leslie Gaither
Mrs. Christina Delmonico
Mr. Joseph Duerr
Mr. Russell Ferraro
Mr. John Gallagher
Mr. David and
Mrs. Deedy Goldstick
Mrs. Sandra DeMarzo
Mrs. Janet Dufreche
Ms. Paige Fielden
Ms. Michaela Gallagher
Mrs. Rosemarie Gonzales
Mr. Claude Denton
Ms. Cyndi Dufur
Mrs. Melissa Figueroa
Dr. Michelle Gallagher
Mr. John Gonzalez
Ms. Allyson DeOliveira
Ms. Genie Dutton
Ms. Gwen Finch
Mr. Thomas Gallagher
Mr. Ricardo V. Gonzalez
Mrs. Deborah DePeter
Dr. Diane Dwyer
Ms. Norvilla Findlay
Ms. Laura Gallo
Dr. Lori Good
Ms. Kim Detcher
Mr. Kevin T. and
Mrs. Jessica L. Dwyer
Mr. Mark Finks
Mr. Kiran Gangadharan
Mr. Rob Goodman
Mr. Gregg Fisher
Mrs. Christine Garbien
Ms. Megan Gosselin
Fisher & Phillips LLP
Mr. Shawn Garbien
Mr. Kevin Fittinghoff
Mr. Andrew Garner
Mr. Steve and
Mrs. Suzanne Gosselin
Mr. Casey Fitzpatrick
Mr. Jason Flannery
Mr. Benjamin and
Mrs. Brianna Garrison
Ms. Suzanne Flannery
Ms. Helen Garrity
Ms. Krystle Graham
Mr. Robert N. and
Mrs. Ellen Fleishmann
Mrs. Iyesatu Gary
The Randal &
Michelle Graham
Mr. Robert and
Mrs. Maryanne Dejewski
Mr. Michael and
Mrs. Anne Del Vecchio
Ms. Suzanne Deuser
Mr. Steven Diamond
Mrs. Amy Dibenedetto
Mr. James and
Mrs. Kathy Dickson
Mr. William Dye
Mr. Lawrence Eberst
Ms. Debra Eby
Mrs. Janice Edwards
Ms. Kim Dickson
Ms. Mary Edwards
Ms. Jody DiFranco
Mr. Raymond Egan
Mrs. Teresa Dillinger
Mr. Sean Egan
Mr. Daniel Disalvo
Ms. Phyllis Ehrlich
Ms. Michele Disco
Mr. Sean Glickenhaus
Mr. Marc Goldman
Ms. Joan Grady
Mr. Glen Graham
Ms. Rachel Ehrlich
Mr. Frank and
Mrs. Ashley Flora
Employees of the
Bill & Melinda Gates
Mrs. Ellen Diverniero
Mr. Christoph Eidens
Mrs. Bailey Flores
Mrs. Bonnie Gatlin
Ms. Jenn DiVincenzo
Mr. Jeffrey Eisenberg
Mr. John and
Mrs. Carolee Gavigan
Mr. Robert Dixon
Ms. Laurel Eisner
Florida Commercial
Enterprises, LLC
Ms. Mayela Gaytan
Mr. William S. and
Mrs. Kathryn Dobes
Mr. Robert Floyd
Ms. Valerie Granet
Mr. Amar Elaasar
Mr. Jeff Geiger
Mr. Matthew Dodds
Mr. James Elliott
Foe 1136 Ladies
Auxiliary Social Fund
Ms. Laura Granger
Elements, LLC
Mr. Yfat Reiss Gendell
Ms. Suzanne Dolan
Mrs. Nerice Gerena
Ms. Lynne Dominick
Mr. Jeffrey and
Mrs. Nan Ellis
Ms. Donna Follmer
Mr. Dennis and
Mrs. Elizabeth Granquist
Ms. Jennifer M. Forrest
Mr. Steve Gergans
Mr. Ronald E. and
Mrs. Janet Grantz
Mr. Bill Donohue
The Emerick Family
Mrs. Holly Franco
Ms. Andrea Gerstenblatt
Gratis F. O. E.
Mr. Vincent Donahue
The Johnny & Tracy
Enscore Family
Ms. Sarah Frank
Ms. Nadia Ghaleb
Ms. Veronica Graziose
Mr. Frederick Freibott
Mr. Dave Giancola
Ms. Geraldine Green
Ms. Stephanie Eolin
Mr. Andrew Fried
Mr. Michael and
Mrs. Linda Ernst
Mr. Jared and
Mrs. Danielle Friedel
Mr. Bob and
Mrs. Margie Gibbons
Mrs. Jessica
Ms. Cynthia Gibson
Ms. Stephany Evans
Mr. Raymond Friedlander
Mr. Christopher
Mr. Dennis J. and
Mrs. Valerie C. Donovan
Mr. Michael Donovan
Mr. Jerry and
Mrs. Felecia Dorchuck
Ms. Diane Doucette
Ms. Carol E. Fahy
debra of America | Annual Report 2014
Mrs. Betty J. Gildehaus
The Scott & Jenny
Graham Family
Mrs. Andrea Graj
Mrs. Mary Gramling
Mrs. Debra G.
Mr. Jon and
Mrs. Andrea Hauser
Dr. James and
Mrs. Deanna
M. Gregory
Ms. Alice Griffiths
Mr. John A. and
Mrs. Carly H. Griffo
Mr. Blaine and
Mrs. Barb Juchau
Khronos, LLC
Mrs. Carmen Hebert
Mr. Joseph and
Mrs. Merideth
Mr. Jehangir Jungalwala
Mr. Jeff Hsu
Mr. Owen King
Mr. Josh Hedaya
Justice Thore & Co PA
Dr. John and
Mrs. Elizabeth Huber
Mr. Vincent King
Ms. Erin Heide
Ms. Jean Justus
Mr. Thomas and
Mrs. Myrna Kinsella
Ms. Lila Heilbrunn
Mr. Berndt Heimhilcher
Mr. Gary Grosel
Mrs. Laura Helms Reece
Mrs. Delia
Guastella Monti
Ms. Julie Helwig
Ms. Patricia Q. Gudgeon
Mrs. Krista Henderson
Mr. Patrick Guidera
Mr. David A. and
Mrs. Kathy D. Henning
Mr. Donald Huckeby
Ms. Dorothy Huddleston
Mrs. Bunny Hudson
Mr. Richard and
Mrs. Kathleen
M. Kacmarsky
Mr. Terry Kile
Ms. Bridgette Kirtley
Mr. Gary and
Mrs. Kaija Kiser
Mrs. Jessica Huebner
Kahn Education
Mr. Derek Hughes
Ms. Cath Kanre
Ms. Kathleen Hughes
Ms. Ellen Kaplan
Mr. Mark and
Mrs. Mona Klapper
Mrs. Merle Hugon
Mr. Jay Kaplan
Ms. Alexandra Klein
Mr. Alastair and
Mrs. Pauline Hunt
Mr. Richard Karalokian
Mr. Jay Klein
Mr. Steven Klein
Mrs. Carrol Hutchison
Mr. Wayne and
Mrs. Jane Karnes
Mr. James Hermens
Mr. Rinat Imaev
Mr. Herbert Karren
Ms. Rosemary
Ms. Alice Ingram
Ms. Terri Kasnic
Ms. Michelle Ingram
Mr. Matt Kassel
Ms. Ann Heron
Dr. Lesley Inker
Mr. David L. Hackett
Col. Walter Hibbard
Ms. Sandi Isaacs
Ms. Kirsten Kastberg
& Family
Ms. Angela Hairston
Mrs. Jeanine Hightower
Mrs. Katie Iverson
Mr. Andrew J. and
Mrs. Laura Hall
Ms. Joann C. Hilbert
Mr. Kirk Jacobson
Mrs. Nancy Raffa
Mr. Frederick Hill
Ms. Susan Jaffe
Mrs. Jill Hill
Ms. Amy Jakobson
Mr. Joe Hladick
Mr. Jan and
Mrs. Elizabeth
P. Jansen
Mr. Thomas and
Mrs. Kit Gunn
Mr. Tim Gupton
Mr. David and
Mrs. Andrea Gutierrez
Ms. Mona Haber
Mr. Herbert and
Mrs. Melanie Hachten
Ms. Wendy Halperin
Mr. William Hampton
Mr. Michael Hankey
Mr. Richard Hankin
Mr. Doug Harding
Ms. Joann Henderson
Mrs. Margaret Hensley
Heritage Federal
Credit Union
Ms. Nancy Hlywiak
Mr. Hal Hobbs
Mrs. Kathy Hobgood
Ms. Ursula Hodgins
Ms. Judith M. Hoffman
Ms. Maryanne Janus
Mr. H. S. and
Mrs. Heather L. Jared
Ms. Tal Kastner
Mrs. Isabell Katschmer
Ms. Wendy Katsekas
Ms. Donna Katz
Mrs. Karen Katzman
Mr. Brian Kauffman
Ms. Sandra Kaufman
Mr. David and
Mrs. Lori Kaufthal
Mr. Christopher Keating
Ms. Elyse Kizziah
Mr. Ethan Kline
Mr. Dale and
Mrs. Carol S. Klohr
Mr. Terry and
Mrs. Nancy Klopfenstein
Knights of Columbus
Council #5427
Knights of Columbus
Santa Maria
Council #2898
Mr. Jack Kolbrener
Mr. Jeffrey C. Kollar
Mr. Wojciech Kopczuk
Mr. Denni Kopelan
Mr. Rik and
Mrs. Amy Kopelan
Ms. Rebecca Korb
Mrs. Emily S. Keenan
Mrs. Kathleen Hoffmann
Dr. Bryan S. and
Mrs. Jennifer M. Jay
Mr. Robert L. Harrington
Ms. Kristen E. Hogan
Ms. Lorraine A. Jay
Mr. Ross Kennedy
Mr. Thomas Harrington
Mr. William Hogenauer
Dr. Michael C. Jay
Mr. Charles Harris
Ms. Wanda Holcomb
Ms. Lynn Jerath
Mr. Roy Kenneth and
Ms. Janet I. Campbell
Ms. Diana F. Harris
Mr. Hugh and
Mrs. Phebe Holcombe
Mr. Daniel and
Mrs. Patricia S. Johns
Ms. Deirdre Kenny
Mr. Scott Holec
The Johnson Company
Ms. Gloria J. Kerley
Mr. Nick Holzwarth
Mr. Craig Johnson
Mr. Jeff Kerman
Ms. Gail Honey
Ms. Ingrid Johnson
Mr. Dave Kerpen
Mr. Richard E. and
Mrs. Patricia C. Hong
Ms. Traci Johnson
Ms. Koren Kerr
Mrs. Virginia Johnson
Mr. Daniel and
Mrs. Lauren Krueger
Mr. James and
Mrs. Sandra K. Hooks
Ms. Judith Kescenovitz
Mr. Bill Johnston
Mrs. Gail Kudo
Ms. Carla Kessler
Mrs. Patti Johnston
Mr. Robert la Salle
Mr. Ted and
Mrs. Kelley Keyes
Mr. Jeff Labossiere
Mr. Kent A. and
Mrs. Wanda Hardman
Mrs. Gerri Harris
Ms. Joan Harris
Mr. Mark and
Mrs. Angela Harris
Mr. S. David and
Mrs. Roberta K.
Mr. Stephen Harrison
Harvard Community Gifts
Ms. Darla Hoover
Mrs. Karen Hasemann
Dr. Gerard T. and
Mrs. Mary Hopkins
Mr. Peter and
Mrs. Marla Haskell
Ms. Fran Hauser
Ms. Anne
Mrs. Ginette Johnstone
Mr. Earl L. and
Mrs. Marjorie I. Jones
Ms. Robin Jones
Ms. Geraldine Kelly
Mr. Richard Kenyon
Ms. Carolyn Kornblau
Mrs. Allison Koslow
Ms. Judith Kostelansky
Mr. Keith and
Mrs. Katherine Krahnke
Ms. Susan Krawczyk
Mr. Michael Krenik
Ms. Nancy B. Kribbs
Mr. Rajagopal Krishna
Ms. Catherine Khan
Labur Professional
Staffing LLC
Mr. Imran and
Mrs. Elaine Khan
Mr. A. E. and
Mrs. Yvonne F. LaClair
debra of America | Annual Report 2014
Mr. Glenn LaForce
Ms. Jenny Lin & Family
Ms. Virginia Maestas
Ms. Virginia McGorry
Mr. Blake Miller
Mr. Joseph A. and
Mrs. Kathleen
G. Lagana
Mrs. Sandra Linde
Mr. Shahram Mahini
Ms. Ashley McGowen
Ms. Charlee M. Miller
Mr. Bruce Lindow
Ms. Kristi Maine
The Brett &
Meghan Lindquist
Mr. Sambou Makalou
The Ryan &
Shantel McGowan
Ms. Christina Miller
& Family
Ms. Jackie McGuckin
Mr. Henry A. and
Mrs. Jan S. Miller
Mrs. Lynn K. LaGram
Ms. Julie Lam
Mr. Robert C. and
Mrs. Janice L. Landes
Ms. Connie S. Lane
Mr. Jerry Lane
Ms. Lisa Lipschutz
Mr. Jonathan and
Dr. Galina Lipton
Ms. Robyn Malovany
Mr. Ronald Mamrosh
Mr. Charles and
Mrs. Joanne P.
Ms. Margaret McInnis
Ms. Karen Langley
Mr. Ilya Lisansky
Ms. Charlene Larson
Mr. Robert Lister
Mrs. Kim Mangham
Mr. Richard LaSalle
Mr. Eric Lastres
Mr. Rob and
Mrs. Julie Littlefield
Mr. Chris and
Mrs. Debra Mangone
Mr. Jon Lawrence
Ms. Gloria Liu
Mr. Michael Manrique
Mr. Richard Lawson
Local Smoke BBQ
Ms. Cecilia Manzolillo
Mr. Bill and
Mrs. Mary M. Layton
Ms. Kim LoCascio
Mr. Michael Marlett
Mr. Joel and
Mrs. Ruth Loeffelholz
Ms. JoAnn Marschke
Ms. Eugenia Lean
William J.
Leberman, Esq.
Mr. Andrew J. and
Mrs. Bonnie L. Lebold
Mrs. Ginine Ledbetter
& Family
Mrs. Carolyn
Mr. Eric Loffswold
Mr. Brian Logan
Mr. Ed and
Mrs. Elsie Long
Ms. Lisa Long
Ms. Audrey McGuire
The John & Susan
Mamula Family
Manger &
Company, CPAs
Ms. Cristina Leal
Ms. Darlene McIntire
Mrs. Andrea McIntosh
Mr. Gabriel Miller
Mr. Joe and
Mrs. Lee Miller
Mr. Joel and
Dr. Elizabeth A. Miller
Ms. Laura Miller
& Family
Mr. Michael and
Mrs. Denise McIntyre
Ms. Mardene Miller
Mr. Erik Mckee
Mr. John Milliken
Mr. Hugh McLaughlin
Mrs. Denise Mincak
Ms. Jenny McNulty
Mrs. Linda Minkow
Mr. Todd Miller
Mrs. Karin McRae
Mr. Sivananda Minnam
Ms. Joanne Mealia
Ms. Suzanne Minnick
Mr. David Marshak
Ms. Lisa Meier
Capt. Andrew Marshall
Mr. Michael Meirowitz
Mr. Severio and
Mrs. Claire Mirarchi
Ms. Mary L. Martin
Ms. Karen Mele
& Family
Mr. Alexander Mishkin
Dr. Gary Mellen
Ms. Linda Mitchell
Mr. Joel and
Mrs. Toby Mendler
Ms. Christine Mohrmann
Mr. Chris E. and
Mrs. Mary
Elizabeth Mengle
Mr. James Moran
Mr. Christopher Morley
Mr. George and
Mrs. Sandy Marsh
Mr. Richard H. and
Mrs. Carol Martin
Mr. Alfredo Martinez
Ms. Jennifer Mitchell
Mr. Paul Lee & Family
Ms. Jean Longnecker
Mr. Raivon Lee
Mr. Pablo Lopez
Ms. Elizabeth Leeber
Lord, Abbett & Co. LLC
Mr. Steve and
Mrs. Victoria Mask
Dr. Kevin Lehnes
Mrs. Joan Lorenz
Ms. Gloria Matisek
Ms. Sue Leibowitz
Mr. Matthew Love
Mr. Patrick Maynor
Cmdr. John C. and
Mrs. Cinda Merrill
Mr. Stephen Leighton
Mr. John and
Mrs. Alicia Lovejoy
Mr. Adam Mazur
Ms. Meghan Merriman
Mr. Moe Mc Elhinney
Mr. Alfredo Mesa
The Trevor Morrison &
Beth Katzoff Family
Mr. Spencer and
Mrs. Arnel Leitman
Ms. Vicki Loveland
Ms. Wendy Masi
Ms. Ellen Moran
Ms. Barbara Moreau
Mr. Derek Morrison
Mr. Charles Lowry
Mr. William and
Mrs. Pam McAdams
Mr. Avi Mesch
Ms. Sonali Mukerjee
Mr. Joseph and
Mrs. Judith Lemmo
Mr. Barry Mesch
Ms. Amy Mulderry
Ms. Pamela Loy
Ms. Ann Lenane
Ms. Sandy McAlister
Ms. Rachel Mesch
Mr. Keith Muniz
Dr. Gerard Lozeau
Mr. Kevin Leonard
& Family
Mr. William McArthur
Ms. Elise McCaffery
Mr. Nir and
Mrs. Stephanie Messafi
Mr. Michael Muniz
Mr. Larry and
Mrs. Mary Lutz
Ms. Ann Levine
Ms. Naomi Lynch
Mr. Ross Levinsky
Mr. Richard and
Mrs. Helen Lynn
Mr. Steve and
Mrs. Bett Levowsky
Mr. Joseph McCartan
Mrs. Gina McCarthy
Ms. Jennifer McCarthy
Mr. Robert and
Mrs. Rosalie Machalow
Mr. Mike and
Mrs. Nancy McDonnell
Mr. Brian and
Mrs. Patricia Lewis
Ms. Kathleen Macke
Ms. Anne McGorry
Mr. Jack Lewis
Mr. Kenneth D. and
Mrs. Debora Madden
Ms. Jaime Levy
Mr. Carter Ley
Mr. Martin Li
Ms. Patti Lieberman
Ms. Constance Lipnicki
Ms. Ashley Maloney
Ms. Libby MacNeil
Madison Gas and
debra of America | Annual Report 2014
Mr. Dana and
Mrs. Nancy McFarland
Mr. John and
Mrs. Patricia McGhee
Mr. Matthew McGorry
Mr. Daniel D. and
Mrs. Lynne Metz
Mr. Donald and
Mrs. Linda Murphy
Ms. Donna Murphy
Mr. Gary Meyer
Ms. Erin Murphy
Ms. Julie Meyer
Ms. Gillian Murphy
Mr. Lee Meyer
Mr. Edward Murray
Mrs. Jean Michaelson
Mr. Joe and
Mrs. Janet P. Murray
Mr. Eric and
Mrs. Masami Middleton
Mr. Alberto Mignucci
Mrs. Laura Murray
Mr. John J. Mihans
Mr. Steve and Mrs. Amy
Ms. Linda Milgazo-Funke
Mr. Will Muse
Mr. Raphael Musher
Mr. Tamas Nagy
Ms. Lisa Page
Ms. Kristi Poplin
Mrs. Donna Navarro
Ms. Michele Page
Ms. Linda Nawrocki
Mrs. Gus Pallad
Mrs. Joyce Neaves
Mr. Anthony Paolone
Mr. Robert and
Mrs. Rosemary
R. Popp
Mr. Ken and
Mrs. Cookie Neil
Ms. Mary Papazian
Mr. John and
Mrs. Roberta Richards
Ms. Jane Ruman
& Family
Mr. Peter and
Mrs. Gretchen Richards
Mr. John Rusconi
& Family
Mr. Sean and
Mrs. Arlene Porter
Mr. Blair Richardson
Ms. Natalie Russell
Mr. Puneet Pardasani
Mr. William Riffel
Mrs. Betsy Ryan
Dr. C. Porter, Jr.
Ms. Vera Neuman
Mr. Edward and
Dr. Sandra Park
Mr. Robert Poss
Dr. Alan and
Mrs. Rebecca Ripps
Mr. Chris and
Mrs. Whitney Ryan
Mr. Joseph Newfield
Mr. Matthew Parsons
Mrs. Nicole Postlewaite
Ms. Andrea M. Risi, LPC
Mr. Michael Ryan
Mrs. Julie Ney
Mr. Jeff Robbins
Mrs. Kari Robbins
Mrs. Brandi Nickerson
Ms. Sydney Passin
Mr. Dwight and
Mrs. Luann Prater
Mr. Peter and
Mrs. Meghan Ryan
Ms. Kyla Nicholls
Mr. Christopher and
Mrs. Silvana Pascucci
Mr. Christopher Potter
Mrs. Nancy Paster
Mr. Dean Pressgrove
Mr. Scott and
Mrs. Christine Nicolet
Dr. Michael Roberts
Mr. Darren and
Mrs. Lauren Price
Ms. Beverly Robinson
Dr. Alexandra Nilsen
Pat & Ralph’s
Ms. Rhonna Nelson
Ms. Cara Norris
Ms. Megan L. Pastor
Mr. Lon E. Roberts
Ms. Paulette Priske
Dr. Patricia Roddey
Mrs. Marianne Sagarese
Mrs. Donna Profeta
Mr. Robert and
Mrs. Lillian A. Roddy
Ms. Alessandra Saggin
& Family
Ms. Margaret
Ms. Joan Rogers
Mr. Jose Sagua
Mr. Tim Rogers
Mr. Ashish Sahni
Mr. Joel Quall and
Ms. Sally Jacobs
Mr. Ryan and
Mrs. Kristina L. Roman
Ms. Katherine
Mr. Diego and
Mrs. Judith Saldarriaga
Mrs. Suzanne Norris
& Family
Ms. Karen Patrick
Mr. Wolfram Nothaft
Mr. Casey Paulson
Mr. Karl Novak
Ms. Susan Paulson
Mr. Robert Novak
Mrs. Alexandra
Pavillet Besbes
Dr. Sophie Queuniet
Ms. Betty Nowlin
Mrs. Lisa Romanoff
Mrs. Diane Rabalais
Mr. Manuel Nunes
Mrs. Adelfa Pazos
Ms. Diane Romer
Mr. Timothy
Mr. Chris Peace
Mr. Bryan and
Mrs. Leslie L. Rader
Mr. Clark D. and
Mrs. Robin L.
Mrs. Shannon Offen
Ms. Amairis
Mr. Sandi Pei
Mrs. Patricia Sabat
Print Mart Inc.
Mr. Jalpesh Patel
Ms. Marsha Patterson
Ms. Amber Sabat
The Michael & Shannon
Robinson Family
Mr. John and
Mrs. Kathleen Norris
Mr. Miteshkumar Patel
Ms. Moira Rynn
& Family
Ms. Adrienne Provost
Mrs. Renee
Mrs. Jacqueline Sackler
Ms. Eliisa Salmi-Saslaw
Ms. Colleen Sample
Ms. Rosemary Sampogna
Mr. Doug Rose
Ms. Alejandra Sanchez
Ms. Marcy Raindorf
Ms. Gayle Rose
Mr. Julio Sanchez
Mrs. Joan Peraza
Burton & Family
Ms. Linda Ramirez
Ms. Julien Rose
Ms. Carolyn Sanders
Mrs. Ria S. Ramjattan
Mr. Matt Perry
Ms. Christina Oliver
Dr. Bruce and
Mrs. Elise Rosen
Ms. Julia C. Sansevere
Ms. Michele Rapp
Ms. Arlene Pessar
Mr. Stan Olson
Mrs. Cheryl Pettit
The Eduardo & Rosie
Rascon Family
Dr. Harry and
Mrs. Beverly Rosen
Mr. Robert and
Mrs. Barbara Omrod
Mr. Mitchell Peyton
Ms. Debra A. Ray
Mr. Mark Rosen
Employees of Pfizer
Mr. Daniel Redler
Mr. Adam Rosheim
Mr. Korey L. and
Mrs. Julie A. Sargisson
Mr. Dean Philippo
Mr. John Redmond
Mr. Neil Rossy
Mr. Mike Savage
Mr. Damon Phillips
Mr. Richard and
Mrs. Dorothy Reimann
Mr. Tony Rothermel
Ms. Monique Rothman
Mr. Arthur and
Mrs. Regina Savarese
Ms. Jamie Reinhagen
Mr. Raymond Rovegno
Mr. Frank Savka
Mrs. Rita Reinhagen
Mrs. Sylvia Rovegno
Mrs. Shannon Sawyer
Mrs. Michele Reinig
Ms. Candice Roy
Mr. Daniel Scharf
Ms. Stacey Remnitz
Mr. Jose Rubenstein
Ms. Kathryn Schaub
Mrs. Tracey Remus
Mr. Nina Rubinstein
Ms. Anacarla Schelino
Mrs. Cheryl Renner
Ms. Susan Rubinstein
Mr. Ryan Schermerhorn
Mrs. Marie Ribbens
Mr. Richard Rubison
Dr. Martin Rudloff
The David Schiminovich
& June Williamson
Mr. Tony Ruland
Ms. Marybeth Schmitz
Mr. Michael H. and
Mrs. Joanne H. Oka
Mr. Roger and
Mrs. Barbara J. Olin
Ms. Sarah O’Neil
Mr. Gary Onody
Ms. Maria Orozco
Dr. Joanne Oscar
Ms. Antonica Oscarsson
Mrs. Bobbi Overby-Curtis
Mr. Jim and
Mrs. Eleanore Pabarue
Mrs. Elizabeth Pinard
Mr. Jonathan Pisarski
Ms. Debbie Pitchford
Mr. Clayton Pittman
Ms. Ann Pizzi
Mr. Michael Paciotti
Ms. Lolita Platt-Higgins
Mr. Mathew Packer
Play For Your Cause
Mr. Jeff Packman
Mr. Timothy Plohg
Ms. Migdalia Padilla
Mr. Alois Pol
Mr. Tom and
Mrs. Mary Lou Rich
Mr. Dallas Paetzold
Mr. Dan Pombo
& Family
Mr. Larry Richard
Mr. Scott and
Mrs. Susan Santelli
Mrs. Mary K. Santy
debra of America | Annual Report 2014
Ms. Susan Schreck
Mr. Eric Sinibaldi
Mr. Adam Steinberg
Mrs. Tracy Tavani
Mr. Jack C. and
Mrs. Cynthia J. Schuler
Mr. Marc Sinibaldi
Mr. Michael Sterchak
Mr. Barry Taylor
Mr. Gary A. and
Mrs. Marcia A. Uhl
Mr. William Sinibaldi
Mr. Matthew Ulrich
Dr. Venla Sipila
Mr. Stewart and
Mrs. Marilee Stern
Mr. Gary E. Taylor
Dr. Sue Schulman-Kincaid
Ms. Lori Taylor
Mrs. Karen Unalp
Ms. Barbara Schwartz
Mrs. Rose Sklar
Ms. Cristina Tazza
Mr. Leopold Schwarz
Mr. Dan Slagen
Mr. Tom and
Mrs. Judy Stevens
Universal Security
Mr. Robert Schwartz
Mr. Richard Slamowitz
Ms. Jessica
Mrs. Catharine Smith
Ms. Aleta Scott
Mr. David Scott
Ms. Lauren Scott
Mrs. Denise Smith
Mr. Doug Smith
Mr. Paul Scott
Mr. Franklin and
Mrs. Anita Smith
The Scott Family
Ms. Melanie Smith
Mr. William and
Mrs. Theresa Seaton
Ms. Shannon Smith
Mrs. Janet Stock
The Allen &
Karen Stocker Family
The Brent &
Melissa Stockwell
Mr. Buck and
Mrs. Elizabeth Stoll
Mr. James Stoltzfus
Ms. Eve Stone
Mrs. Roselle Tazza
Ms. Bente Tellefsen
Mr. Bruce Tepfer
Mr. William Terrill
Mrs. Laura Theodoros
Mr. Suhas Uppalapati
Dr. Anna Upton
Ms. Lisbeth Uribe
Mr. Thomas Vail
Mr. Allan Thomas
Mr. Jack and
Mrs. Patricia Valentine
Dr. Douglas Thomas
Mr. Dennis Valerio
Mr. Steve Thomas
Ms. Kara Van Norsen
Thomas Dermatology
Mrs. Tom Vande Guchte
Mr. Jeff Thompson
Ms. Lois Varat
Ms. Alana Varel
Ms. Michele Sedor
Mr. William T. and
Mrs. Janet L. Smith
Dr. Ann Senghas
Mrs. Lisa Smyth
Mr. David L. Storm
Mr. Kenneth and
Mrs. Joanne E.
Mr. Peter and
Mrs. Kellie Senghas
Ms. Ellen Snow
Mr. Andrew Stotland
Mr. Nathan Thompson
Mrs. Martina Veltmaat
Mr. Andrew and
Mrs. Molly Snyder
Mr. James Stout
Ms. Zdenka Tichy
Employees of Verizon
Mr. Mac Stout
Mr. Chad Tillman
Mrs. Mary Ann Villalva
Mr. Thomas and
Mrs. Molly Sfiligoj
Mr. Gerard and
Mrs. Suzanne
Ms. Leah Strauss
Employees of
Time Warner
Ms. María Villamizar
Mrs. Sonal Shah
Mrs. Lauren Sodowick
Ms. Venus Stuhan
Ms. Megan Shamas
Ms. Mary Soisson
Mr. Jason Sturm
Mr. George Sharp
Ms. Doris Sugarman
Mr. Michael Shatilla
Mr. Phil and
Mrs. Cindy Sollecito
Mr. William and
Mrs. Elizabeth Shea
Mr. Dan and
Mrs. Julia Sexton
Ms. Helen Stone
Mrs. Janice Stuckey
Mr. Hin Tip and
Ms. Linda Fung
Mr. Matthew Vasko
Vincent Abrahams
Living Trust
Mr. Stephen Vitiello
Ms. Amy Tobin
Ms. Lindsey Vyoral
Ms. Marni Sugden
Mr. Adam and
Mrs. Jessica Todd
Ms. Vicki Wackeen
Mr. Lee and
Mrs. Michelle Sosin
Mr. Frederik Suki
Mr. Nobuo Togami
Mr. Michael Sukin
Ms. Kristin Waggoner
Mr. Michael
The Nathan &
Lindsey Sowers Family
Ms. Karyn Maria Sulit
Mr. Maurizio and
Mrs. Roberta Tomasi
Mrs. Julie Waldorf
Sheffield Financial
Ms. Leigh Spear
Ms. Edye Summerfield
Ms. Kara Torres
Mr. Gregory A. Shemitz
Ms. Lisa Spear
Ms. Jessica Sutton
Mr. Robert Travis
Mr. Daniel Troiano and
Ms. Kristal Shipe
Mr. James L. Spencer
Mrs. Melissa Swain
Tree Star Group, Inc.
Mr. Richard Swarn
Mr. Steven Shipman
Mrs. Theresa Sylvain
Ms. Kathleen Tribiano
Mrs. Dawn Shoneman
Mr. G. J. and
Mrs. Valerie H.
Mr. Ted Sweat
Mr. William and
Mrs. Gail F. Treffinger
Mr. Ryan Szainwald
Ms. Kathleen Trimble
Ms. Michelle Short
Mr. Douglas Squires
Mrs. Cecelia Szomi
Mrs. Curry Triplett
Ms. Donna Shu
St. Paul’s School
for Girls
Mr. Jay Takefman
Mr. Herb and
Mrs. Barbara Troutz
Mr. Zayd Shober
Mrs. Tammy Shubert
Mr. Andy Sidford
Mrs. Sheila Siegel
Mrs. Maria Cristina Silva
Ms. Stephanie Silver
Mrs. Connie A. Smith
Mrs. Anne C. Stewart
Mr. Joshua Spiewak
Ms. Stacie Standerfer
Mr. Howard Stange
Mr. Steven and
Mrs. Farrell Starker
Mrs. Susan Simon
Mr. Tyler and
Mrs. Kathy Starr
Ms. Helen Simonson
Ms. Penny Stastny
Mr. Antone G. Singsen
Ms. Deborah Stazak
debra of America | Annual Report 2014
Mrs. Be Tam
Ms. Karin Tanenbaum
Mr. David Tang
Mr. Andrew and
Mrs. Shawn Tavani
Mr. Filiberto and
Mrs. Elaine Tavani
Mr. Michael A. and
Mrs. Stephanie Tavani
Ms. Erin Wade
Mr. Charles Walker
Ms. Janet Walker
Ms. Kristin Walker
Mr. Jef Wallace
Ms. Stephanie Wallack
Mr. Nathan and
Mrs. Chantelle Wallin
Mr. James Walsh
Ms. Mitra Walter
Mr. David Walters
Mr. James Tsang
Mrs. Dawn Walters
Mr. Charles Tsarnas
Mrs. Nerissa Walther
Ms. Pam Tully
Mr. David Wang
Mr. Guy Turnquist
Ms. Mary Wareham
Ms. Heather Tyrrell
Mr. Eric Wasser
Mr. William and
Mrs. Barbara Tyrrell
Mrs. Allison Watson
Ms. Alyssa Waxenberg
Ms. Amy Webb
Ms. Christina Wu
Mrs. Katherine Adick
Ms. Kathleen Wyatt
Mrs. Paulette Affuso
Mrs. Jennifer Andrus
& Family
Mr. Arzo Baher
Mrs. Dana Webber
Mr. Greg Baird
Ms. Emily Bailey
Ms. Rhoda B. Webber
Mr. Brad Wyndowe
Mr. Peter Ahern
Mr. Andrew Ang
Mr. Claudio Wegelin
Mr. Adam Yarnold
Mr. Muneer Ahmad
Ms. Rebecca Angler
Ms. Courtney Baker
Mr. Jim and
Mrs. Ann Anholzer
Ms. Denys Baker
Ms. Jennifer Weideritsch
Mr. Daniel Yeakel
Dr. Jasmine Ahmadi
Mr. Walter Weil
Ms. Juanita Yim
Ms. Sharon Ainsberg
Dr. Brent and
Mrs. Melody Weinhardl
Mr. Julien Yoo & Family
Ms. Linda Ainsworth
Mrs. Nancy Yorke
Mrs. Alicia Akery
Mrs. Janice Weinstein
Mr. Bill and
Mrs. Linda Young
Ms. Suzanne Alahverdian
Mr. Jeff and
Mrs. Shari Weissner
Mrs. Christie Yount
Mrs. Linda Alamo
Ms. Heather Yow
Mr. Hans Wellisch
Mr. Philip Weiss
Mr. Chris Wells
Ms. Christine Wells
Mr. Skip Wells
Employees of
Wells Fargo
Ms. Joan Wendt
Mr. Nicholas Werber
Mr. John and
Mrs. Lucy Werner
Wesco Fine Furniture
Mr. Bruce Wexler
Ms. Mary White
Ms. Nancy Widmann
Mr. Edward Wigdalski
Mrs. Sarah Wildman
Mr. Thomas Wilkinson
Mrs. Brandi Will
Ms. Annabella Williams
Mr. Gerry A. and
Mrs. Deborah Williams
Mrs. Laura Williams
Dr. Stan and
Mrs. Catharine
Mr. Todd Willis
Mr. Ellis Wilson III
Ms. Suzanne Windle
Mr. Kevin Wise
Ms. Thana Wise
Mr. William and
Mrs. Cathleen Wohland
Ms. Tamsen Wolff
Ms. Kimberly Woody
Ms. Tara Wozniak
Mr. Tom and
Mrs. Jane Wright
Anonymous (43)
Mrs. Ann Anthony
Ms. Ariana Anthony
Mrs. Jarmilla Baker
Mr. Joseph and
Mrs. Arlene Baker
Mrs. Kerry Antos
Mr. Matt and
Mrs. Ann Baker
Mr. Rich Apple
Dr. Susan Baker
Mr. Joshua Albertson
Mr. Vinny Baker
Mrs. Abby Zahn
Ms. Marilyn J.
Mr. Nicholas Albertson
Mrs. Stephanie Zamora
Mr. Sahar Arekat
Ms. Amy Alexander
Ms. Elizabeth Baldwin
Ms. Nancy Zane
Mrs. Tess Arevalo-Fischer
Ms. Ansley Alexander
Mr. James Baldwin
Mr. Bruce and
Mrs. Debra B. Zoppy
Mrs. Debbie Argento
Mr. Mark Alexander
Ms. Katelyn Ball
Ms. Mary M. Alexander
Ms. Philomena
Ms. Karen Ballard
Mr. Ronald and
Mrs. Gale Alexander
Mr. Denny and
Mrs. Linda Arnold
Mr. James and
Mrs. Dianne Alford
Mrs. Karen Arnold
Mrs. Gloria Allen
Mrs. Erin Arra
Ms. Mary L. Allen
Mr. Joseph Arruda, Jr.
Employees of Allstate
Mr. Joel Asher
The Alpern Foundation
Mr. Dan and
Mrs. Frances Barber
Mr. Vincent Ashton
Ms. Abra Alscher
Mr. William Barbrey
Mr. Jordan Askill
Ms. Kate Barcomb
Employees of AbbView
Mr. Aaron and
Mrs. Jeannine Altmann
Ms. Jackie Aslaender
Ms. Rebecca Bard
Abby Bank
Ms. Nina Alvarez
Mrs. Jean Ater
Mrs. Daphne Bardeau
Ms. Evi Abeler
Mr. William Alvarez
Mrs. Jennifer
Ms. Lisa Barelli
Ms. Lucia Abeler Ballard
Ms. Patricia Alvear
Mr. Derek Aurori
Mr. Sander and
Mrs. Jan Abell
Mr. Justin Aman
Ms. April Austin
Employees of
American Express
Mrs. Rebekah Avigliano
Mr. Aingeru Zorita
Mr. James and
Mrs. Stephine
A. Zucha
Mrs. Jennifer
Mr. John A. and
Mrs. Doris Zurzola
$1 - $99.99
Mr. Leroy and
Mrs. Mary Abeyta
Ms. Eileen Abique-Riego
Dr. Robert Abrams
& Family
Ms. Katiria Alamo
Mr. Daniel Ames
& Family
Ms. Cynthia Amos
Ms. Katie Arnold
Mr. Michael Balbick
Mr. James and
Mrs. Anna M. Ballengee
Ms. Lori Bamer
Ms. Courtney Bancroft
Ms. Nancy Bannister
Mr. William Barbee
Ms. Ansley Barfield
Ms. Yvonne Barile
Mr. Joshua Baris
Ms. Amanda Barker
Mr. Bernard and
Mrs. Judy Axling
Mrs. Danielle Barker
Ms. Sofia Axtmayer
Ms. Nelva Barker
Ms. Azetta Ayanruoh
Ms. Rebecca Barko
Ms. Alexa Babakhanian
Mr. Michael Barkoff
Mrs. Susan Abramson
Mr. Mike and
Mrs. Cindy L. Amos
Ms. Kelly Absher
Mr. C. Anderson
Ms. Caroline Babick
Mrs. Elizabeth Barley
Mr. John and
Mrs. Susan Acerno
Mrs. Courtney Anderson
Mrs. Elaine
Babington Boggan
Mr. David and
Mrs. Mary Helen
Ms. Jessica Acevedo
Mrs. Laura Anderson
Mrs. Katie Anderson
Mr. Sterling Baca
Mr. Trent Barnes
Mr. Dennis W. Adams
Ms. Linda Anderson
Mr. Guy Adams
Mr. John Bacon and
Ms. Raquel Ward
Mr. Max and
Mrs. Jessica Anderson
Ms. Anne Bader
Ms. Shelley Barnett
Ms. Yvette Badua
Ms. Michelle Barnhill
Ms. Ashley Baer
Ms. Karen Baron
Ms. Seva Baer
Mr. Jonquin Barroso
Mr. Jose A. and
Mrs. Anabelle Adams
Ms. Rachel Adams
Ms. Nicole Anderson
Mr. Wendy R. Anderson
Mr. Kyle Barnett
debra of America | Annual Report 2014
Ms. Macon Barrow
Mr. Oz Benamram
Ms. Tiffany Bledsoe
Mrs. Tracey
Mrs. Marsha Benda
Mr. Matthew Blesi
Mr. Scott Bender
Mr. Scott Block
Ms. Julie Bartlett
Mr. Daniel Benedetto
Ms. Susan Bluestone
Mrs. Doreen
Ms. Mary Barto
Mrs. Kelly Blumberg
Ms. Michelle Bennett
Mrs. Liliana Bobadilla
Ms. Rachel Bryant
Ms. Angela Brantley
Ms. Meagan Bufano
Mrs. Susan Brassill
Ms. Elizabeth Brauns
Mr. Paul and
Mrs. Mary Buffington
Ms. Liza Brauns
Mr. Rich Bula
Ms. Diane T. Brawner
Ms. Heidi Braz
Mr. Aaron and
Mrs. Reba Bullard
Ms. Gabrielle Brechner
Mr. Niels Bulle
Ms. Savannah Bryant
Ms. Kristina Berdan
Mrs. Lori Boccadoro
Mrs. Susan Beresford
Ms. Jennifer Berger
Mr. Murray and
Mrs. Phyllis Bodner
Ms. June Berger
Mrs. Penelope Boettiger
Ms. Maddison Brenan
Mr. Eric Buller
Ms. Michele Bergmaier
Mr. Nebojsa Bogdanovic
Mr. Damien Brenier
Mrs. Chris Bates
Ms. Alysa Bergman
Ms. Terry Brennan
Ms. Alice Batta
Ms. Jessica Berman
Mr. Russell L. and
Mrs. Harriet Bohn
Mr. Craig and
Mrs. Crystal Bullins
Ms. Lynne Bermont
Ms. Ann Bombach
Mrs. Cynthia Batta
Ms. Jenny F. Brewer
Ms. Giuseppina Bonanni
Mrs. Camille Battaglia
Mrs. Laura Bernhard
Mr. Matthew Bright
Ms. Liz Bernich
Ms. Cynthia Bonavito
Ms. Mary Alison Batycki
Ms. Dana Brill
Ms. Cheryl Batzer
Ms. Helen Bernstein
The Bob & Kristie
Bonnett Family
Mr. Steven Bringuez
Ms. Martha Ann
Ms. Sara Bernstein
Ms. Phyllis Berry
Mr. Richard E.
Boschen, Jr.
Mr. Martin and
Mrs. Donna S. Baucom
Ms. Kate Berten
Ms. Micheline Bosques
Ms. Michelle Berti
Mrs. Amber Basich
Mrs. Patti Bassell
Ms. Shawn Bassler
Mrs. Tami Bateman
& Family
Ms. Tracy Breslin
Mr. Geoffrey D. and
Mrs. Kristina M. Bronder
Mrs. Cynthia Bumber
Ms. Tracey Bumpus
Ms. Beverly Burgess
Mrs. Robin Burgess
Ms. Marianna Burgund
Ms. Elizabeth Buriss
Mrs. Angela Burke
Ms. Wendy Brooks
Mr. Brian Burke
Mr. W.J. and
Mrs. Marilyn B. Brooks
Mr. Regan Burke
Ms. Emily Bost-Baxter
Ms. Andrea Baum
Mr. Robert and
Mrs. Conni Best
Boston Culinary
Group, Inc.
Ms. Melynda Broomfield
Mr. Mark and
Mrs. Cheryl A. Bausher
Ms. Laurel Beversdorf
Boston Scholar Athletes
Ms. Megan Baxley
Mr. Thomas A. and
Mrs. Judy A. Beyers
Mr. Francois and
Mrs. Linda M. Boucher
Mr. Brady Beach
Mr. Joseph Biagiotti
Mr. Gus D. and
Mrs. Evangeline A.
Mr. Lou W. Bauer
Mrs. Melissa Beach
Mr. Mike Beach
Ms. Rebekah Beal
Mr. Evan Beam
Mrs. Jennifer Biancardo
Mr. Nicholas Biancardo
Ms. Emily Bicht
Ms. Pam Biddlestone
Ms. Kathy Beasley
Mrs. Fran Bierd
Ms. Allison Beatty
Mrs. Kay L. Bigelow
Ms. Kimberly
Mrs. Hayden Bilzor
Ms. Angela Beck
Ms. Connie Beck
Mr. Donald B. and
Mrs. Cailyn Beck
Ms. Emily Bing
Ms. Julia Bird
Ms. Barbara Birkel
Mrs. Susan Black
Ms. Amanda Brophy
Ms. Diana Brown
Mr. Terrence and
Mrs. Fran P. Burke
Mr. Thomas M. and
Mrs. Stacey A. Burke
Mrs. Elizabeth Brown
Mr. C. Jason and
Mrs. Tara L. Burrell
Ms. Ginny Brown
Mr. Brady Butler
Ms. Jacqueline Brown
Ms. Caylee Butler
Dr. Jesse Brown
Mr. Colton Butler
Ms. Kathleen Brown
Ms. Emily Butler
Ms. Katie Brown
Ms. Fred Butler
Ms. Jennifer Bowers
Mr. Lawrence S. and
Mrs. Lieta D. Brown
Mr. Jake Butler
Mrs. Corinne Bowie
Mr. Louis Brown
Ms. Mary Boxeth
Mrs. Michelle Brown
Mrs. Brigette Boyle
Ms. Patsy Brown
Ms. Julie Bozzell
Ms. Puanani Brown
Ms. Lisa Bracewell
Mr. Ron and
Mrs. J.C. Brown
Ms. Katey Bourgeois
Mrs. M. H. Bovard
Mr. Brudnell Bowen
Ms. Carol Bradice
Ms. Jennifer Butler
Ms. Maddie Butler
Mr. Patrick Butler
Ms. Melissa Buttaro
Mr. Alexander Butwin
Ms. Susan Byrnes
Ms. Deborah
Mrs. Andrea Browne
Mrs. Sara Byworth
Ms. Phoenetia Browne
Ms. Sandy Brownell
Ms. Zoe Blake
Mr. Joe and
Mrs. Lauren Brady
Ms. Ara Krista
Rose Cabanas
Mrs. Christine Blanchette
Ms. Laura Brady
Ms. Adrienne
Mrs. Beulah J. Bland
Mr. John Brancaccio
Ms. Jennifer Bruce
Ms. Erin Blaskovic
Mrs. Debbie Brandon
Ms. Cheryl Brugmann
Mr. Brian Begalle
Ms. Samantha Blatz
Ms. Mary Brunson
Mrs. Kathleen Cain
& Family
Mrs. Anna Marie Belfiore
Ms. Gayle Bleckert
Mr. Gary and
Mrs. Barbara Brandt
Ms. Jane Bryant
Ms. Noelle Caivano
Ms. Lillian Becker
Ms. Susan Becker
Mr. Trevor Beckingham
Mrs. Wendy Bederman
Ms. Sue Beebe
The Pete Beeman &
Page Fortna Family
Ms. Elizabeth Bennett
Mr. Brandon and
Mrs. Andrea Branscome
Ms. Meg Blackburn
Ms. Kristen Blackford
Ms. Emma Blackwood
debra of America | Annual Report 2014
Mr. Frank Cabezas
Ms. Jenny Cabrera
Mr. William and
Mrs. Lori C. Cahill
Mr. Paul and
Mrs. Linda Calafiore
Ms. Sara Carrier
Mrs. Perla Chiaffitella
Mrs. Joan Cohen
Ms. Gale Cortelyou
Mr. Brent Carroll
Mr. Leo Chiang
Ms. Nicola Coleman
Mrs. Shannon Corum
Mr. Anthony J. and
Mrs. Lorraine S.
Mrs. Jess Cartner-Morley
Ms. Joan Chicchetti
Mr. Shaun Coley
Ms. Cristina Coscia
Ms. Donna Cartwright
Mr. Rajesh Chilambi
Ms. Danielle Colley
Ms. Anne Costello
Ms. Melissa Calcote
Ms. Jaclyn Carus
Ms. Lara Colley
Ms. Brianne Costello
Ms. Rebecca Calder
Mr. Michael and
Mrs. Jamie Carus
Mr. Edward F. and
Mrs. Anna F. Chism
Mr. Brian Collins
Ms. Meaghan Costello
Dr. Carla Chitwood
Ms. Brianne Collins
Mr. T.J. Cotner
Ms. Tina Chiu
Mrs. Judith Collins
Ms. Lorene Coughlin
Mr. Timm Chiusano
Mr. Nicholas Collins
Ms. Mark Coughlin
Mr. Jeffrey Choi
Ms. Rebecca Collins
& Family
Ms. Shelley Coughlin
Mr. Trevor County
Mr. Clay Courville
Dr. Kelly Calhoun
Ms. Lindsay Calhoun
Mrs. Elizabeth
Mrs. Andrea Callagy
Ms. Marlene S. Case
Mr. Michael Callanan
& Family
Ms. Kirtley Cameron
Mr. Antonio and
Mrs. Daniella Camilleri
Ms. Jennifer Casey
Mr. Rich Casey
Mr. Bruce A. and
Mrs. Judith A. Cholst
Ms. Amy Cason
Ms. Jessica Chorzewski
Mr. Tim and
Mrs. Jennifer Collins
Mrs. Susan Cassell
Mr. Johnny and
Mrs. Rufina A. Colon
Mr. Robert Counts
Mrs. Tran Courtney
Ms. Randi Cammeyer
Ms. Elaine Cassidy
Chris Waddell
Tae Kwon Do
Mr. Paul Campano
Ms. Deborah Cate
Ms. Kate Christensen
Mr. Raymond Colon
Ms. Patrice Cover
Ms. Ellen Campbell
Mrs. Sandra M. Cates
Mr. Sam Colon
Ms. Phyllis Cowell
Ms. Evelyn Campbell
Mrs. Alison Cavazos
Mr. Robert C.
Mr. Dwayne Comer
Ms. Laurie Campbell
Ms. Sonya Cavazos
Mrs. Donna Christian
Ms. Susan Campbell
Ms. Eleonora Cavazzini
Community Church
of Seattle Yam
Mr. David and
Mrs. Crystal Cowles
Ms. Danielle Campos
Ms. Ardis Cavin
Mr. Sam Cangelosi
Mr. Andrew Celsus
Ms. Heather Canter
Mrs. Dawn Centanni
Ms. Shannon Cantin
Mr. Mark Cesar
Ms. Patti Cantrell
Ms. Virginia Cesbron
Mrs. Joyce Caparelli
Ms. Isabelle Chagnon
Ms. Jeannine Capizzi
Ms. Yuk Kam Chan
Mrs. Kathleen Capp
Ms. Tami Chaney
Mrs. Elsie Capps
Ms. Michelle Chant
Mr. Santos and
Mrs. Marilys Caraballo
Mr. Pete Carino
Mr. John Christiana
Mr. Vito Christiano
Mr. John Chun
Community Health
Mr. Sekou Cox
Mrs. Cindy Coyne
The Evan & Rebecca
Crabtree Family
Ms. Marsha Chwekun
Ms. Diane Concannon
Mr. Carl Cicchetti
Ms. Sarah
Ms. Kathryn Crabtree
Ms. Joanne Cieslewicz
Connelly Press &
Copy, Inc.
Ms. Glenda Craven
Mr. Tony Cimarolli
Mr. Noah Connolly
Mrs. Deborah Cinque
Ms. Raelyn Connor
Ms. Pascuala Cintron
Mrs. Anne Conover
Mr. Nathan and
Mrs. Shannon Craver
Ms. Catherine Chapman
Mrs. Denise Ciofani
& Family
Mr. Gregory Conroy
Ms. Susan Craver
Ms. Hollie J. Chapman
Mr. Benjamin D. Cislo
Ms. Katharine Conroy
Mrs. Jessica Citron
Ms. Anita Carlin
Mrs. Carla W.
Mr. Thomas D. and
Mrs. Kathleen
Ms. Crystal Carlin
Ms. Marion Charette
Mr. David and
Mrs. Shelley L. Carlisle
Mr. Ted Chasanoff
Mrs. Nancy Cieri
Mr. David Clarke
Ms. Sandra Clarke
Mrs. Maddy Constantino
Mrs. Ellie Cook
Ms. Katie Cracchiolo
Mr. Ed and
Mrs. Jenn Craver
Mrs. Kelly Cook
Mr. Serge Cremers
& Family
Ms. Mary Cook
Mrs. Olga Crespo
Ms. Gay-Ann Cooney
Mr. Russell Crew
Ms. Sharon Cooper
Ms. Triona Crilly
Ms. Kelly Carlisle
Mr. Michael Chazan
Mr. Mark E. and
Mrs. Christina B.
Ms. Kristen Carlisle
Mr. Timothy and
Mrs. Debbie Cheatham
Mr. Jeffery G. and
Mrs. Dana D. Cline
Ms. Fredi Cooperman
Mr. Frank Crocitto
Mr. James Coopey
Ms. Misty Cheesman
Ms. Kayce Clodfelter
Ms. Marie Coppola
Mr. Thomas W. and
Mrs. Lorraine Crocitto
Mr. Andrew Chen
Mrs. Jayne Close
Mrs. Blanca Cordova
Ms. Trixie Cordova
Mr. Zack Carlton
Mr. Walt M. and
Mrs. Julia S. Chenault
Ms. Taylor Close
Ms. Hydee Clouston
Ms. Debra Carney
Mr. Michael Cheng
Ms. Kay Corkett
Ms. Kim Clower
Ms. Elyssa Carr
Ms. Molisa Cheng
Ms. Stephanie Correa
Mrs. Deborah Coble
Mr. Jesse Carr
Ms. Courtney Chennells
Mrs. Becky L. Coffman
Ms. Leslie Moscou
Ms. Carol H. Carrasquer
Ms. Monica Chesla
Ms. Elena Cohen
Mrs. Jamie Corsair
Ms. Julie Carlson
Mr. Robert D. and
Mrs. Kimberly Carlson
Ms. Shannon Carlton
Mr. Useff Chase
Mr. Brian and
Mrs. Roselle Crombie
Ms. Connie Crosby
Mr. Dylan Crossgrove
Mrs. Christy Crouch
Mr. Charles Crowley
Mr. Brian Crum
debra of America | Annual Report 2014
Mr. Peyton Crump
& Family
Ms. Lauren DeMarzo
Mrs. Margaret A. Dolinar
Mr. Michael Davidovits
& Family
Mr. Brian E. DeMasters
Employees of
Duke Energy
Mrs. Kathy Demeo
Mr. Paul K. and
Mrs. Mary K. Doll
Mrs. Diane Davidson
Ms. Yael Denbo
Ms. Kanisha Dolsingh
Mr. Sam Duker
Mr. Fred and
Mrs. Irene M. Davidson
Dr. Katie Derasse
Ms. Noelia Dominguez
& Family
Mrs. Tanile Dulkoski
Ms. Mira Culic
Ms. Suzanne Culp
Mrs. Tara Davidson
Ms. Caroline Donnal
Mr. Jon Duncan
Mr. Ridge and
Mrs. Lucy Culver
Mr. Brian and
Mrs. Regin Davis
Ms. Marthalee Donohoe
Mrs. Mari Duncan
Mrs. Leslie Donovan
Mr. Carter Cummings
Mr. Daniel Davis
Mrs. Lindsay Dunham
Mr. Gus Dorado
Ms. Kim Cummings
Ms. Dawn Davis
Ms. Lauren Detwiller
Mr. Diego Dunn
Ms. Estelle Dorn
Ms. Lauren Cummings
Mr. Jeffrey and
Mrs. Joy L. Davis
Ms. Jessica Dunn
Dr. Lori Douglas Deutsch
Ms. Meaghan Dunn
Ms. Adriana deVries
Mr. Raymond and
Mrs. Carol Doroch
Mr. Ryan Dey
Mr. William Dorsett
Mr. Thomas F. and
Mrs. Santa Dunn
Ms. Amanda Dezak
Mr. Greg Dorval
Mr. Harry Dunnigan
Ms. Kari Diamond
Mr. David S. and
Mrs. Debra K. Doss
Ms. Linda Dunton
Mr. Tommy and
Mrs. Janet Crump
Mrs. Michelle Culic
Ms. Lisa Cunningham
CUNY Campaign for
Charitable Giving
Mr. Prince Davis
Ms. Alisha Curnow
Ms. Sarah Dawson
Ms. Jen Curtis
Ms. Jackie Day
Ms. Shannon Curtis
Ms. Niki Dawson
Mr. Richard Desberg
Ms. Marie Desdunes
Mr. Dennis and
Mrs. Sheryl Desrochers
Mr. Jake Duker
Mrs. Charlene Dumas
Miss Penelope Day
Mr. Abraham and
Mrs. Jona Diana
Ms. Kelly Doss
Ms. Carly Cushnie
Ms. Jean De Forest
Ms. Kim Ann Dibona
Mr. Charles Doughtie
Ms. Nancy A. Custer
Mrs. Wildali De Jesus
Ms. Lianne Dickinson
Douglas Industries, Inc.
Mr. Philip and
Mrs. Nancy Cutalo
Mrs. Shirley A.
De La Barre
Ms. Liz Dickman
Ms. Lisa Douglass
Mr. Henry F. and
Mrs. Virginia Ebbeling
Mrs. Emily De La Cruz
Mr. Jamie Dickson
Ms. Carol Dover
Ms. Jo-Ann Cutshall
Mrs. Carla Eccleston
Mr. Frank D’Ovidio
Mr. Tim Cuttle
Mr. Andres de Lasa
Ms. Kathleen
Ms. Kristine Echeverria
Mr. John and
Mrs. Monica C. Cyr
Mr. Alejandro de Sarriera
Ms. Amy Ecklund
Mrs. Donna Didomizio
Mr. Robert E. and
Mrs. Becky Dowell
Mr. Dana de Windt
Mrs. Roberta Dowgiert
Ms. Jennifer Cysensky
Mr. John Diebold
Ms. LeeAnn DeCair
Ms. Megan Downing
Mr. Armand D’Accordo
Ms. Laura Dietz
Mr. Nick and
Mrs. MaryAnn
Ms. Carol A. Decicco
Mr. Scott Dietz
Ms. Erin Doyle
Mrs. Angela Edgington
Ms. Florence D’Agostino
Ms. Catherine DeCoster
Mrs. Patricia DiGiovanna
Ms. Megan Doyle
Ms. Lisa Edheimer
Mrs. Kara Dagostino
Ms. Ellynne Dec-Prat
Ms. Sarah Daily
Mrs. Sarah Dillhoff
Mr. Michael D’Egidio
Testing Service
Mr. Michael and
Mrs. Debra Dale
Ms. Lori Dillon
Mrs. Susan
Mr. Richard D’Egidio
Ms. Donna Dimella
Mrs. Mary Draheim
Ms. Megan Edwards
Mr. Troy Draizen
Ms. Marci Efthymiou
Mr. Bob Drake
Mr. Edmund and
Mrs. Mary Egan
Ms. Vanessa D’Egidio
Mrs. Aissa Diouck
Mrs. Patricia Degree
Ms. Blanca DiPatri
Mr. George Daly
Mr. John and
Mrs. Antoinette
P. DeGuardi
Mr. Nicholas and
Mrs. Connie Dipiazza
Mr. Martin Daly
Ms. Tiffany Deitrich
Ms. Helen Dalton
Mr. Ben and
Mrs. Julia Dalton-Brush
Ms. Michele Dameron
Ms. Kathleen Dames
Ms. Christine Daniscsak
Mr. Jaime David
Mr. Joey Del Rio
Mrs. Caroline Delacruz
Mr. Jeff Della Rovere
Ms. Rosinda DiPomazio
Mr. Will DiPronio
Ms. Crocetta Distefano
Ms. Rita H. Dixon
Ms. Tisha Dixon-Williams
Mr. James Daniscsak
Ms. Anna Dellicker
Mr. Adam Dansby
Mr. Bob D’Aprile
Mr. Tom J. and
Mrs. Mary T. DeLucia
Ms. Jennifer Dare
Ms. Carla DelVecchio
Mr. Steve Dobson
Mrs. Leah Dare
Mrs. Jessica Dohy
Mrs. Sherri Dare
Mr. Dominick and
Mrs. Rose DeMaio
Dart Electrical
Service Corp.
Mr. Kevin and
Mrs. Dana Demaria
Mr. Peter Dolgoff
debra of America | Annual Report 2014
Mrs. Diane Djamoos
Ms. Deborah Dobson
Ms. Nicole Doiron
Ms. Lynne Drake
Mr. Toby Dranovsky
Mr. Robert J. and
Mrs. Nancy Dresmann
Mrs. Jennifer Dyer
Ms. Laurie Dziadowicz
Ms. Ruth Eastman
Mr. Nick and
Mrs. Libby Ehlers
Mr. Robert Ehrhardt
Mrs. Karen Dresser
Mr. Andrew Ehrlickman
Ms. Jessica Drevins
Mr. George and
Mrs. Kathy Eichler
Ms. Elizabeth Drevits
Ms. Jan Driver
Mrs. Shana Druckerman
Mrs. Laura Einstein
Mr. Joshua Eisen
Ms. Gabby Dubick
Mr. Elliott and
Mrs. Rhonda Eiss
Mr. Matthew Duchane
Mrs. Aimee Elam
Ms. Jeannie Dudley
Ms. Claudia Elera
Mr. Chris Duggan
Mr. Stewart Ellington
Mrs. Dolores Duggan
Mr. Frederick Elliot
Ms. Selma Ellis
Ms. Angela Fallone
Ms. Mary Fitzpatrick
Mr. Joseph Fratamico
Ms. Sara Ganus
Elmcrest Children’s
Center, Inc.
Ms. Amy Farmer
Mrs. Madoka Fiuczynski
Ms. Sabrina Frean
Mrs. Linda Ganz
Ms. Sharon Farris
Mrs. Stephanie Flaa
The Freedman Family
Mr. Timothy Garbien
Mrs. Cheryl Farrow
Ms. Peggy Flanik
Mr. Adam Freeman
Ms. Carol Fassler
Ms. Cindy Freeman
Ms. Ninabeth Fay Butler
Mr. David J. and
Mrs. Nancy C. Flatley
Mr. Charles and
Mrs. Jane Gardiner
Mrs. Judy Feder
Mr. Matias Fleisher
Ms. Suzette Freeman
Ms. Lara Feder
Ms. Rachel Fleisher
Ms. Christina Freibott
Ms. Tammy Feige
Mr. David Fletcher
Mrs. Christine W.
Ms. Martha Freitas
Ms. Marie-France
Mrs. Janet Garrison
Mr. Michael Feiger
Mr. Jon and
Mrs. Sara French
Ms. Courtney Garrity
Mr. Tal Fligelman
Ms. Kim French
Mrs. Kelly Flowe
Mrs. Rita Garson
& Family
Mrs. Lisa French
Mr. Joseph Flynn
Ms. Judy Garver
Ms. Tracy Frennea
Ms. MaryBeth Flynn
Mr. David Bret Garwood
Ms. Cheryl Fricchione
Mrs. Brooke Flynt
Mr. Gary Gasper
Mr. Mike Felts
Mr. Matthew Friedman
Ms. Callie Fold
Ms. Allison Gati
Ms. Alexandra Fendrich
Ms. Sharon Friedman
Mrs. Kathleen Followell
Dr. Giunia Gatta
Ms. Jana Fenstamaker
Ms. Cynthia Fonseca
Ms. Barbara Gattuso
Ms. Janet Fenstamaker
Mr. Justin and
Mrs. Stephanie Frisbee
Dr. John Ferguson
Mr. Carlos Fontes
Mrs. Claudia Fritz-Larott
Mr. Dingle Foote
Ms. Theresa Frohne
Ms. Joan Ethridge
Mr. John and
Mrs. Iva Ferguson
Ms. Rita Forcino
Mrs. JoDee Etheridge
Mr. Adam Fernandez
Dr. Gary Ford
Mr. Sean and
Mrs. Michele Fugate
Ms. Candace Etter
Mrs. Kelly Ford
Ms. Judy Eustice
Mr. Eric and
Mrs. Ann Fernkas
Mrs. Kimberley Evans
Dr. Adolfo Ferrando
Mr. Mark and
Mrs. Lori Evans
Mr. Sam Elting
Ms. Amanda Elwood
Ms. Catherine Elwood
Mrs. Stephanie Emerson
Mrs. Sophie Emery
Ms. Brenda Endelos
Mr. James English
Mr. Michael and
Mrs. Bonnie L. Enright
Mrs. Leah H. Erikson
Ms. Carol L. Erspamer
Mrs. Gladys Escobar
Ms. Lillian Escobar
Ms. Lucille Esposito
Ms. Janie Essick
Mr. Jesus Estaba
Ms. Marisol Estevez
Ms. Franco-Julian Esther
Ms. Dianne Feight
Ms. Andrea Feldman
Dr. Gina Feliciano
Mr. Jason and
Mrs. Jenn Feltis
Ms. Marybeth Freeman
Mr. Frank Fulke
Mr. Gordon and
Mrs. Nina Gardiner
Ms. Linda Gattuso
Mr. Michael Gattuso
Mrs. Kendra Gau
Mr. John F. Gaudet
Mrs. Michelle M.
Ms. Lindsay Ford
Ms. Marianne Fuller
Ms. Lisa Fulton
Mrs. Kathy
Mrs. Magda Ferrari
Mr. Patrick and
Mrs. Maria Forde
Mrs. Fontaina Funk
Ms. Robyn Geiss
Mrs. Kim Ferreira
Ms. Sarah Forthal
Ms. Judy Fussell
Ms. Carol Gelber
Mrs. Jamie Evar
Ms. Angela Ferretiz
Ms. Tina Fortugno
Ms. Courtney Fyan
Ms. Juliana Gelens
Mr. Andy Everett
Mr. Dan and
Mrs. Helen Ferringer
Mrs. Jennifer Fortuna
Mr. Brian Gaffney
Ms. Jennifer Geller
Ms. Danielle Forword
Mr. N. Gaffney
Mrs. Christy Fiftal
Mrs. Donna Foster
Ms. Kathleen Gaglio
Miss Lucy Everett
Ms. Kaitlin Fine
Mr. Jeff Foster
Mr. Jean Raymond Gagne
Mr. Jack G. Gentul
and Ms. Rebecca C.
Mrs. Tricia Everett
Mr. Michael Fine
Ms. Lorri Fountain
Mr. Phil Gales
Mr. Bradley and
Mrs. Brooke Everhart
Ms. Rachel Fink
Ms. Linda Galietti
Mrs. Kathryn Everhart
Ms. Emily Firman
Mr. Michael C. and
Mrs. Mary Ann
A. Fowler
Mr. Beau Everett
& Family
Mr. Bill and
Mrs. Anne Ewing
Prof. Erin M. Finn
Mr. Omeed Firouzi
Ms. Ellen Fox
Mr. Sandro Galindo
Ms. Anne Gallagher
Ms. Margie Fox
Mr. Joshua and
Mrs. Patti Gallagher
Mr. Richard Fox
Mrs. Kelly Gallat
Expedia, Inc.
Mr. Phil and
Mrs. Stephanie Fischer
Mr. Geoffrey and
Mrs. Audrey Eyler
Ms. Stacy Fischer
Mr. Howard Foyt
Ms. Gabriella Gallo-Cisak
Mr. Christopher Fisher
Ms. Dely Francisco
Ms. Jean Galloway
Ms. Joanne Faccenda
Mr. Mark and
Mrs. Kathy Fisher
Mr. Dennis and
Mrs. Patricia Franco
Mrs. Karen Galloway
Ms. Madison Fairbanks
Mrs. Valery Fisher
Ms. Danielle Frank
Mr. Kevin Fitzgerald
Ms. Jane Franklin
Ms. Tara Fitzgerald
Mrs. Farrah Franquiz
Ms. Laura Fitzpatrick
Ms. Molly Franz
Mr. Kyle Faas
Ms. Mary Faircloth
Ms. Lori Faldowski
Ms. Erin Falk
Ms. Briana Gallup
Ms. Robin Game
Ms. Sue Gann
Mr. Ben Ganter
Ms. Aleli Geraldino
Mr. Michael Gerardi
Ms. Lisa Gergely
Ms. Kimberly Gerlach
Mr. Soren Germer
& Family
Ms. Edna Gerrard
Ms. Chera Gerstein
Ms. Mary Gertz
Mr. Eric Gettleman
Mr. Benjamin Geyerhahn
Mr. Donald and
Mrs. Grace Gheen
Mrs. Kim Giangrasso
debra of America | Annual Report 2014
Ms. Michele Gibble
& Family
Mr. Anthony Grasselli
& Family
Ms. Hannah Grubb
Mrs. Roxanne Hardy
Mrs. Roslyn Grunebaum
Ms. Julie Harmon
Dr. Kenneth R. and
Mrs. Jennifer
Ms. Liana Graves
Ms. Francesca Guarrera
Mrs. Lynn Harmon
Gravis Marketing
Ms. Juliana Guarrera
Mr. Anderson Harp
Mr. F.D. Gray
Ms. Cheryl Golemo
Mr. Matthew Guastavino
Ms. Shirley A. Harpenau
Mr. Jonny Gomes
Mr. David T. and
Mrs. Monica L. Grebb
Mrs. Ashley Guenther
Mrs. Caroline Harrell
Ms. Rebekah Gibson
Ms. Nicole Gomes
Mr. Ajene Green
Ms. Cheryl Guinther
Ms. Krystle Harrington
Mr. David M. and
Mrs. Laura H.
Mrs. Augusta Gonzalez
Mrs. Cindy Green
Mr. Dale Guthman
Dr. Adam Harris
Mr. Brand Gonzalez
Ms. Ellen Greenberg
Ms. Debbie Guy
Ms. Alberta Harris
Ms. Gina Gill
Miss Isabel Gonzalez
Ms. Zandra Greene
Ms. Aminta
Mr. Jason Harris
Mr. Richard A. and
Mrs. Jacqueline A. Gill
The Nelson Gonzalez &
Elba LaSalle Family
Ms. Lisa Greene
Ms. Sara Gysbers
Ms. Hope Greenfield
Mr. David R. and
Mrs. Jennifer M. Gilles
Mr. Noel Gonzalez
Mr. Tony Ha
Mr. Josh and
Mrs. Shelly Harris
Ms. Wendy Greenspan
Mr. Charles Haack
Ms. Judy Harris
Ms. Susan Greenstadt
Mr. Brian Haag
Mrs. Kathryn Harris
Mr. John R. and
Mrs. Anne R. Haddock
Mr. Joseph Hartman
Mr. William and
Mrs. Donna M. Gibbons
Ms. Becky Gibbs
Mr. Rick and
Mrs. Beth Gibbs
Ms. Linda Goldrick
Ms. Jennifer Good
Mr. Jonathan Harris
Ms. Cynthia Gillespie
Good St.
Mrs. Holly Gilroy
Ms. Bonnie Greenwald
Ms. Victoria Goode
Mr. Girmnesh Gingeta
Mrs. Emmy Greenwell
Ms. Ruby Goodman
Mr. Tom Giordano
Mr. Todd Greenwood
Mrs. Carrie L. Goodrich
Ms. Monica Giunco
Ms. M. Greer
Ms. Elana Goodridge
Ms. Rosetta Giurdanella
Mr. Jason and
Mrs. Lindsey Gregg
Ms. Jedonne Given
Ms. Rita Gorlick
Ms. Barbara Gregory
Mr. Jan and
Mrs. Naomi S. Glade
Mrs. Elizabeth Gorman
Mr. Edward Hahn
Mrs. Maria Gorritz
Mr. Brooks M. and
Mrs. Whitney Gregory
Ms. Barbara Gorski
Ms. Missie Gregory
Ms. Kate Hall
Ms. Kristian Hauser
Ms. Kristie Goss
Mr. Sean and
Mrs. Sandra Gregory
Mr. Michael Hall
Mr. Douglas Hausknecht
Ms. Erin Grieco
Mr. Steve A. and
Mrs. Amy Haman
Mr. James and
Mrs. Tressa L. Gladysz
Mr. Alex Glancz
Ms. Jordana Glantz
Mrs. Elisha Glazer
& Family
Mr. Jerome and
Mrs. Gail Glazer
Mr. Steven Goldfinger
Mr. Christopher Gosselin
Mr. Paul R. and
Mrs. Lesta L. Gotsch
Dr. Renee Gottliebson
Mrs. Kimberly Goulart
Mr. John Grieger
Mr. Jarrett and
Mrs. Leslie Haedrich
Ms. Lindsay Hagen
Mr. Chris and
Mrs. Mandy Haggerson
Ms. Brooke Hailey
Mr. Rashid Hallaway
Mr. Dale and
Mrs. Rita Griesinger
Dr. Barbara Hamill
Mr. Steven and
Mrs. Deborah Hamill
Mr. Matthew Hamill
Ms. Jen Haskell
Mrs. Nancy Hasse
Ms. Ashley Hastings
Mrs. Betty Haswell
Mr. Peter Hatch
The Douglas &
Mindy Hathaway
Ms. Eloise Hautcoeur
Mr. Scott Haven
Mr. Frank A. and
Mrs. Edwina Hawkins
Ms. Vickie Hawkins
Mr. Todd Glenn
Ms. Jessica Gourley
Mr. Anthony and
Mrs. Christina Griffin
Ms. Denise Glennon
Ms. Jean Gouthro
Mrs. Pauline Griffin
Ms. Claire Glidden
Ms. Lisa Govoni
Mrs. Shannon Hamilton
Ms. Alysia Grimes
Ms. Charlotte Glikman
Mr. Gabriel Goyer
Mr. Ken and
Mrs. Kendra Globicki
Mrs. Alice Graf
Mr. James and
Mrs. Jennifer Groce
Ms. Jennifer
Ms. Lisa Hamrick
Ms. Linda Haynes
Ms. Christine Graf
Mrs. Cynthia Grodanz
Ms. Lenora Hanks
Mrs. Alison Headley
Ms. Julia Glover
Ms. Rachel Grainger
Ms. Sheila Grodotzke
Mr. Quentin Hanrahan
Mr. Preston Healy
Mrs. Martha Glover
Mr. John and
Mrs. Judith Granara
Mr. Irvin Grodsky
Mr. William Gnade
Ms. Mindy Hans
Ms. Therese Grodsky
Mrs. Linda Godfrey
Mrs. Jamie Granet
Ms. Jennifer Hansell
Mr. Michael Goeller
Ms. Nicole Graniero
Mr. Kevin and
Mrs. Annette Grogan
Mr. William E. and
Mrs. Marianne P.
Ms. Judith Hansen
Ms. Kay Heath
Mrs. Julie Goggins
Mrs. Helen Granquist
Mr. Marvin Gromley
Ms. Insia Haque
Mrs. Cara Goldberg
Ms. Donna Grant
Ms. Donna Groon
The Larry &
Tracy Heck Family
Ms. Helen Goldberg
Mr. Edward Grant
Dr. David Goldenberg
Ms. Enid Grant
Mr. Howard and
Mrs. Malka Gross
Mr. David and
Mrs. Anna Goldenheim
Mr. Wayne and
Mrs. Bobbi M. Grant
debra of America | Annual Report 2014
Ms. Darcee Groves
& Family
Mr. Trey Harb
Mrs. Susan Harbace
Mrs. Lisa Harbert
Mrs. April Hardwick
Ms. Joy Hardy
Ms. Bunny Hawley
Ms. Loukia Hay
Ms. Samantha Hayden
Ms. Victoria Hayes
Mr. Leon and
Mrs. Myrtle Heck
Ms. Angela Heflin
Mr. Mike and
Mrs. Christine Heflin
Ms. Lyla Held
Ms. Pamela Hines
Mrs. Jessica Howell
Mrs. Jenise Jacques
Ms. Jen Helgeson
Mr. Gordon Hinesley
Ms. Lisa Hower
Mr. Ravindra Jaigopaul
Mr. Carey and
Mrs. Lisa Jones
Ms. Katherina Hell
Ms. Kendall Hinesley
Ms. Sharon Howlin
Mr. Alexander James
Ms. Cathy Jones
Ms. Denise Henderson
Mr. Jack Hirsch
Ms. Sheila Hoyle
Mr. Dan Jones
Mrs. Kimberly
Ms. Rose M. Hirt
Mr. D.M. Hoyt
The Kendall &
Tracey James Family
Ms. Becky Hlavachek
Ms. Sarah Hreha
Mr. Gregory Janoski
Ms. Samantha Jones
Ms. Pik Chi Ada Ho
Ms. Helen Hu
Mr. Charles Jarrett
Ms. Sue Jones
Ms. Sharon Hu
Mrs. Carol A. Jason
Ms. Deborah L. Jordan
Mr. James Henson
Mr. David L. and
Ms. Rebecca A.
Ms. Linda Huang
Ms. Sunitha Jasti
& Family
Mr. Gary W. and
Mrs. Charlene Jordan
Ms. Marianne Henterly
Mr. James Hoffman
Mr. William Henterly
Ms. Nancy Huder
Mr. Ira and
Mrs. Elaine Jawetz
Mr. Steve and
Mrs. Betty M. Jorgenson
Ms. Amy Hepburn
Dr. Miriam and
Mr. Moti Hoffman
Mrs. Amy Hudson
Dr. Bernard S. Jay
Mrs. Lisa A. Jourdan
Mr. Jonah Herbert
Mr. Walter Hoffman
Ms. Jeanette Hudson
Mrs. Jess Jaymalin
Dr. Vincent Jourdain
Mrs. Mary Herbst
Mr. Francis P. and
Mrs. Cynthia N. Hogan
Mrs. Sabrina Hudson
Mrs. Tiffany Jeffers
Ms. Emma Joyce
Mrs. Stefani Hughes
Ms. Mariel Jefferson
Mr. John Joyce
Mrs. Richele Hohl
Ms. Joanna Jeffreys
Ms. Elizabeth Judd
Rev. Ryan Holbrook
Mr. John C. and
Mrs. Janet W. Hukill
Mrs. Elaine Hulsman
Ms. Linda
Ms. Cait Juliano
Ms. Ann Holden
Mrs. Lisa Holden
Ms. Betty Hunt
Ms. Arlene Jellinek
Dr. Mary Helen Hunt
Ms. Jess Herring
Mr. Edward J. and
Mrs. Nancy V. Holes
Mr. Ralph H. and
Mrs. Linda K. Jung
Ms. Carole Hunter
Mr. Edward J. and
Mrs. Adele M. Jelonek
Ms. Blanche W. Herron
Mr. Steven Hollander
Ms. Linda Hurl
Ms. Heather Jeng
Ms. Debra Herschmann
Ms. Sandra Justus
Hollander Electric, LLC
Mrs. Lisa Hurley
Mr. Charles Jennes
Mr. Lee and
Mrs. Ellen S. Hersh
Ms. Laurie Kaiden
Ms. Gretchen Holly
Ms. Sarah Hurley
Mr. Tom Jennings
Mr. Bob Kaine
Mr. Stewart R. and
Mrs. Susan J. Hershey
Mr. Charles Holmes
Ms. Laurie Hurt
Ms. Addie Jensen
Ms. Sheilah Kalagoglu
Mr. John Holmes
Ms. Suzy Husner
Ms. Carol Jenson
Mrs. Amy Hester
Ms. Kate Holmes
Ms. Deborah Huttick
Ms. Michelle Jensen
Kalamazoo Gift
Mr. John and
Mrs. Lynn Hewitt
Mr. Oliver Holmes
Mrs. Cheryl Hutton
Dr. Martie Jewell
Ms. Megan Kalberer
Dr. Fee Holz-Kemmler
Ms. Kelley Huxtable
Ms. Meredith Kalberer
Ms. Erin Heyns
Mr. Jason and
Mrs. Colleen Holzman
Mr. Dustin and
Mrs. Natalie Hyder
Mr. Hardeep Johar
& Family
Ms. Elaine Johnston
Mrs. Doris Kalstrom
Mr. Danny and
Mrs. Brandi Hooper
Ms. Kristie Idol
Ms. Alicia Johnson
Ms. Amy Johnson
Mr. Eric and
Mrs. Tamar Kanefsky
Mr. Nathan R. and
Mrs. Krysten V. Hoover
Ms. Karina Ikezoe
Mrs. Zena Iles
Ms. Denise Johnson
Dr. Susan Kang
Ms. Laura Indriolo
Mr. Fritz Johnson
Ms. Paula Ingrao
Mr. Graham Johnson
Ms. Kalpana
Kanthan & Family
Mr. Adam Inzirillo
Mr. Jarrod Johnson and
Ms. Kellye Stone
Ms. Brittany Kaplan
Mr. J.P. Johnson
Ms. Kristen Kaplan
Mr. Justin M. and
Mrs. Victoria L. Johnson
Ms. Mary Anne Kaplan
Ms. Susan Kaplan
Ms. Karen K. Johnson
Mr. Joe Karaganis
Ms. Katherine Johnson
Ms. Tara Karen
Ms. Patsy Johnson
Ms. Amanda Karkut
Ms. Rhonda Johnson
Ms. Britton Karon
Ms. Talia Johnson
Mrs. Jessica Karr
Mr. Bryan and
Mrs. Susie Jones
Mr. Robert Kase
Mr. Herbert and
Mrs. Susan Hendrix
Mr. David Henkin
Ms. Emily Herman
Ms. Mary Herman
Mr. Jason Hernandez
Ms. Jasmin Herrera
Mr. Bob Herrick
Ms. Elizabeth Hibbard
Mr. Lawrence Hibbard
Ms. Amanda Hichkad
Mrs. Alison Hicks
Ms. Patricia Higgins
Mrs. Christine Hopkins
Mrs. Amanda Highfill
Mr. Edward Hopkins
Mr. Doug and
Mrs. Honor Hightshue
Ms. Kathleen Hopkins
Ms. Cheryl Hill
Ms. Kathleen Hill
Mr. Patrick and
Mrs. Cynthia P. Hillen
Mr. Jim Hiller
Mrs. Susan Hopkins
Mr. Louis Horvath
Ms. Lauren Hou
Mr. Phillip B. Houck and
Ms. Claudia Gallego
Mrs. Elaine Hubbard
Ms. Mary L. Isberner
Ms. Jennifer Isenhour
Ms. Dawn Itzie
Mrs. Dana Ix
Ms. Betty Jackson
Mr. Brian Houston
Mr. Kyle Jackson
Ms. Kristin Howard
Mr. Jeffrey Jacob
Mrs. Scott Howard
Ms. Beryl Jacobs
Mrs. Katherine Hilton
Ms. Melanie Howe
Mr. Jasper Jacobs
Ms. Andrea Hine
Ms. Betty Howell
Ms. Sally Jacobs
Mr. Simon Hill-Norton
Hilna Motor
Service Corp.
Ms. Joyce Jones
June Air Refrigeration
Ms. Patsy Justice
Mr. Timothy Kalberer
Mrs. Jessica Kaplan
debra of America | Annual Report 2014
Mrs. Angela Kates
Mr. Omar Khshi
Mr. Edward Krick
Ms. Laura Kathryn
Mr. Lars Kikoski
Ms. Arielle Krieger
Mr. Andreas Katsouris
Mrs. H. Kilfara
Mr. Wes Krites
Mr. David Katz
Ms. Amanda Kimball
Mr. Kenneth Krstolic
Mrs. Ellen Katz
Mrs. Judy Krueger
Ms. Laura Kaufman
Mr. Matt and
Mrs. Angie Kimel
Mrs. Vicki Kaufmann
Ms. Elizabeth King
Mr. Ajay Kayal
Mrs. Erin King
Ms. Betsy Kryger
Ms. Elizabeth Kaye
Mrs. Nicole King
Ms. Donna Krystik
Ms. Carolyn Keaveney
Ms. Shannon King
Mrs. Amy Kubel
Mr. Bill and
Mrs. Ann Keeney
Ms. Andrea Kingston
Mrs. Claudia Leicht
Ms. Theresa Lang
Ms. Amy Leifer
Ms. Jessica
Mr. James and
Mrs. Raquel Leishman
Mrs. Kelly Lannin
Mrs. Lauren Leising
Ms. Pam Lanser
Mr. William and
Mrs. Harriet Lembeck
Mr. Joel and
Mrs. Doris H. Lantz
Ms. Kathy Leichter
Mr. Robert Lemmond
Mrs. Rocio Lara
Ms. Adele Lempka
Ms. Nicole Kubon
Dr. Richard J. and
Mrs. Anna M. Largay
Mr. John Lenahan
Ms. Amy Kissel
Mr. Andrzej Kulik
Ms. Lindsay Large
Dr. Jessica Kees
Mr. Fred Klausing
Mrs. Andie Kully
Mr. Dante LaRocca
Mrs. Marianne Kelleher
Ms. Cheryl Klauss
Ms. Kendall Kuntz
Mr. Earl Larson
Mrs. Billy D. Keller
Ms. Elizabeth Kleements
Ms. Anny Lasso
Mr. Brad Kelley
Mr. Barry Klein
Mr. Todd and
Mrs. Heather Kushman
Mr. Michael Kelliher
Mrs. Dorothy Klein
Ms. Denise Kutzer
Mrs. Kathleen Kellogg
Mr. Jaime Klein
Ms. Oi-Ling Kwan
Mrs. Eileen Kelly
Mrs. Marjorie Klein
Mr. Thomas Kwan
Mr. Jason Kelly
Mr. Matthew Klein
Ms. Anna Kwawer
Mrs. Mildred S. Kelly
Ms. Lillian Klemm
Ms. Veronika Kwong
Mr. Trevor Kelly
Ms. Marcia Kligerman
Ms. Efthemia Kyricos
Ms. Jaimie Kelton
Ms. Bethany Klingler
Mrs. Lena La Moy
Ms. Amalie Kempton
Ms. Claire Kneizys
Ms. Rebecca Kendrick
Mrs. Amy Knies
Mr. Roland K. and
Mrs. Roberta Lackey
Ms. Pamela Kennedy
Mr. Joe Knight
Mr. Ryan Kennedy
Mrs. Carol Knott
Ms. Janice Kennefick
Ms. Ashley Koben
Mrs. Nikki Kepley
Ms. Julia Kogan
Mr. Jacob T. and
Mrs. Melissa R. Kerns
Ms. Kelly Kolopus
Ms. Arielle Kerr
Mr. Max Kerr
Ms. Lisa Kerson
Mr. Mark Kessler
Mr. Noah Kessler
Mr. Paul Kessler
Ms. Betty Ketner
Mrs. Lisabeth Kettledon
Keurig Green
Mountain, Inc.
Mrs. Karen Keve
Kevin McAuliffe
Sales, Inc.
Mr. Robert S. and
Mrs. Susan P. Krug
Mr. Jerry T. and
Mrs. Karen S. Lang
Ms. Kathleen Ladd
Ms. Ellen Laden-Zivitz
Mr. Kevin LaFontaine
Ms. Arielle Lafuente
Mr. Stephen and
Mrs. Anne Lake
Ms. Nicole Lastres
Ms. Kelly Lengsfield
Mrs. Jody Lenko
Ms. Christy Leonard
Ms. Lauren Leonard
Ms. Angela Leone
Mr. Kenwood Lattimore
Ms. Allison
Ms. Laurel Lattimore
Mrs. Suzanne Leslie
Ms. Jenny Lau
Mr. David Leung
Mr. Pang Lau
Ms. Denise Leung
Mrs. Melissa Lauras
Ms. Janet Levenson
Ms. Heather Lautman
Ms. Tamara Levenson
Dr. Irving Lava
Mr. Jason Levin
Mr. Scott LaVance
Ms. Jodi Levin
Mr. Paul J. and
Mrs. Karen R. Lavelli
Ms. Toby Levin
Mr. Daniel Lavender
Ms. Susan Levine
Ms. Gemma Lavender
Mr. Glen and
Mrs. Amanda Levit
Mr. David S. Lavine
Ms. Sarah Levithan
Ms. Melissa Law
Ms. Carolyn Levitt
Mrs. Jackie Levowsky
Ms. Elizabeth Kondrot
Mrs. Mary Lalomia
Mr. Jordan Lawson
Ms. Tamara Konig
Mr. Jason D. Lalor
Ms. Laura Lawson
Mr. Jason Lew
Mr. David LaMarche
Mr. Daniel Layfield
Ms. Cheryl Lewis
Mr. James G. and
Mrs. Kathryn M. Lamb
Mr. Don Lewis
Mr. Todd Kopstein
The Leaderman-Bray
Ms. Margaret Korcynski
Mr. Ron Lamontagne
Ms. Allison Lebed
Ms. Judy Korner
Ms. Erica Lancaster
Mr. Michael Leder
Ms. Patricia Kosinski
Land Design
Associates Inc.
Ms. Elizabeth Lee
Mrs. Heidi Lee
Mr. Troy and
Mrs. April Lewis
Mr. Christopher Lane
Ms. Wendy Lee
Ms. Alison Li
Mr. Jeremy and
Mrs. Meghan Lane
Mr. James and
Mrs. Rebekah Leedy
Ms. Renate Liebe
Ms. Kimberly Lane
Ms. Suzanne Lefebvre
Mr. Craig and
Mrs. Janet Liebentritt
Mr. Patrick Lane
Ms. Nancy Leff and
Ms. Leslie Robbins
Mr. Barry Lieberman
Dr. Whitney Lane
Ms. Amanda Lang
Ms. Barbara Leflore
Miss Rafaella L. Kopelan
Mr. Taylor Kopelan
Ms. Bernadette Kovacs
Mr. Zoran Kozomara
Kraft Foods Group, Inc.
Ms. Jodi Krakower
Mrs. Tina Kraus
Ms. Bita Khaki
Ms. Ritamarie Krcal
Ms. Mary Khalil
Mrs. Kristen Krenzer
Ms. Zareen Khan
Mrs. Ellen Krevsky
debra of America | Annual Report 2014
Ms. Debbie Lehman
Ms. Jennifer Lewis
Mrs. Nicola Lewis
Ms. Susan Lewis
Mr. Daniel Lieberman
Ms. Carol Liebman
Ms. Jennifer Lien
Mr. Jonathan and
Mrs. Molly Light
Ms. Alice R. Love
Ms. Angela Maher
Ms. Angela Martin
Ms. Melissa Love
Ms. Jennifer Mahnke
Mrs. Carolyn Martin
Ms. Sherry Lin
Mrs. Nell Love
Ms. Louise Mahrt
Ms. Chelsea Martin
Ms. Madeline Linde
Mrs. Shirley Lovette
Mr. Martin Maidenberg
Ms. Gladys Martin
Ms. Carrie
Ms. Angela Lowe
Ms. Kimberly Maisonet
Ms. Yoshiko Maruiwa
Mr. John J. and
Mrs. Sandra A.
Ms. Jennifer Lowe
Mr. John Major
Ms. Eileen Marx
Ms. Rebecca McCurdy
Mr. Alfred Lipsyte
Mr. Kevin and
Mrs. Ashley Lowe
Mr. Edward Makowski
Mrs. Kristen Mascis
Dr. Myra Lynn McCurry
Dr. Gale Lipsyte
Mr. Mikhail Maksin
Mr. James Mastrocovo
Ms. Gayle McDaniel
Mrs. Katherine Lowry
Ms. Sylvia Lipsyte
Mrs. Danielle Malchano
Mr. Antonio Matarazzo
Ms. Erin McDonald
Mrs. Vanessa Lirette
Mr. William C. and
Mrs. Randie J. Lucano
Mr. Luis Maldonado
Mrs. Inna Matejko
Ms. Tricia McDonald
Ms. Lauren Lisle
Mrs. Elizabeth Lucey
Dr. Susanne Maliski
Mr. Jerry and
Mrs. Myra Mathis
Ms. Deborah McEntee
Mr. Bradley Lisman
Mrs. Gearldlynn Lucia
Mrs. Carol Mathison
Mr. Marc Litt
Ms. Lindsay E. Ludlow
Ms. Brooke McGee
Mrs. Yohaida Matos
Mr. Adrian Little
Mr. Robert Ludwig
Ms. Kari McGee
Ms. Kristy Mattern
Ms. Tanisha Little
Ms. Marylouise Lugosch
Ms. Mavis McGee
Ms. Megan Matteson
Little Sweet Pea Closet
Ms. Karen Luihn
Mrs. Anita McGowan
Mrs. Camilla Matthews
Mr. Robert Livecchi
Ms. Lindsay McGowan
Ms. Leah Matthews
Mr. Nate Livingston
Mr. Robert J. and
Mrs. Laurie A. Luipold
Mr. Terrence P. McGovern
Mr. Kevin Matz
Mrs. Linda Livonius
Ms. Natalie Lukas
Mr. Erik Mansur
Mrs. Isabel R. McGraw
Mr. Dennis Mauk
Ms. Lizette Lizette
Mrs. Tara Lulkin
Ms. Joan Manzini
Mrs. Kathleen McGreevy
Mr. Gregory Maupin
Ms. Colleen Lochner
Ms. Mary Lundberg
Ms. Sandra Marans
Ms. Elly McGuffog
Ms. Michelle Lundbohm
Ms. Barbara Mautner
Mrs. Laura Loftin
Mrs. Deanne
Ms. Edna McGuinness
Mr. Ken and
Mrs. Tegan Loftus
Mr. Oren and
Mrs. Estee Lunger
Ms. Angela Maxsween
Dr. Elizabeth Marek
Dr. Harriet McGurk
Ms. Caryn R. May
Mr. Lorand Lokcsanszky
Mrs. Jessica Lupovici
Ms. Debra Mayberry
Mr. William and
Mrs. Laurie A. McIlroy
Ms. Blaire Lomasky
Ms. Lauren Luxenberg
Ms. Margie Mayewski
Mr. Bryan McIntyre
Ms. Elena Lombardi
Ms. Jackie Ly & Family
Mrs. Candice Maynard
Mrs. Christine McIntyre
Ms. Laura Londis
Ms. Katherine Ma
Mrs. Cathy Mayo
Ms. Yolande McKay
Mr. Michael Long
Ms. Rebecca Mabe
Ms. Alison Mazer
Mrs. Dorothy McKee
Mrs. Missy Long
Ms. Frances Macaluso
Ms. Rosalie Mazzalupo
Dr. Michael McKee
Mr. Tyler Longo
Ms. Andrea
Macaluso Gaspar
Ms. Tania McAlister
Ms. Sally C. McKenzie
Mr. Bernie McCabe
Mrs. Diane McLaughlin
Mr. Keith and
Mrs. Robin McCammon
Mr. Justin McLead
Mr. Robert Z. and
Mrs. Jessica C.
Mr. Edward McManus
Mr. Bill and
Mrs. Patsy McCandless
Ms. Mary Ann McMinn
Ms. Julie Linton
Mr. Robert W. and
Mrs. Karalea G.
Ms. Deborah Machalow
Ms. Teresa Macias
Ms. Laurie Malkin
Ms. Liz Malone
Mrs. Pamela Maman
Mrs. Lorraine Mannarino
Mrs. Karalyn Manns
Mr. Eric J. and
Mrs. Claudia F. Manos
Ms. Irene Marella
Mrs. Maureen Margolin
Mrs. Bobbie Margolis
Mr. Mitchell Marinello
Ms. Mindy Marino
Mr. Steve Markiewicz
Ms. Anne Markowitz
Mr. Scott and
Mrs. Elizabeth Marlow
Ms. Vonda Marlow
Mrs. Anne Marquardt
Mr. Thomas and
Mrs. Mary Anne
Mr. Dennis McGarry
Ms. Beth McMahan
Mrs. Jennifer Looman
Mr. Joseph MacLean
Mr. Ronald and
Mrs. Judy Looney
Ms. Femke MacNair
Mr. Thomas and
Mrs. Patricia Marquardt
Mr. Jim MacPherson
Mr. Angel Lopez
Mr. Joseph Marques
Mr. John MacPherson
Mr. Arturo Lopez
Mrs. Jamie Marscin
Mr. Richard MacPherson
Mr. Edward McNulty
Mr. Thomas MacPherson
Mr. David and
Mrs. Christine Marsh
Ms. Leslie McCarthy
Miss Jacinta Lopez
Ms. Megan McCaughey
Ms. Grace McNulty
Mr. Octavio Lopez
Mrs. Ann Macy
Mr. James Marsh
Ms. Kelly McCauley
Ms. Amanda McPhail
Ms. Pamela Loree
Mr. Jerald and
Mrs. Elaine Maddow
Ms. Kyle Marsh
Ms. Hannah McPhee
Ms. Nikki Marshall
Mrs. Laura Lee
Mr. Peter Marshall
Ms. Rasheedah McClain
Ms. Ruth Marshall
Mr. James McConnell
Mr. John Marsland
Mrs. Joan T. McCormick
Ms. Rosalie Lorenzo
Mr. James T. and
Mrs. Elizabeth C.
Mr. Spencer and
Mrs. Tara Maden
Mrs. Heather Lourie
Mr. William Mah
Ms. Sandy Maggard
Ms. Lindsey McMeen
Mr. Joseph McNamee
Ms. Meghan McPhee
Mr. James McShane
Ms. Toni Ann ]Meadows
Ms. Melissa Medeiros
debra of America | Annual Report 2014
Mrs. Joan Medsker
Mr. Trey Miller
Mrs. Beth F. Morris
Mr. Michael Medwed
Ms. Catrin Morris
Ms. Doris Meinelt
Ms. Debra Milleson
Mrs. Stefanie Meisel
Mrs. Jayme Millet
Ms. Estelle Meister
Mr. Keith and
Mrs. Melanie Millman
Ms. Danielle Morris
Mr. Terry Milner
Ms. Anne Morrison
Ms. Sarah Milstein
Mrs. Carol Morrison
Mrs. Amy Meli
Mr. Stephen Mellin
Mr. David P. Mellish
Ms. Ellen Meltzer
Mrs. Beatriz Mendez
Mr. Scott Menell
Mr. John Mensore
Ms. Amanda Mercier
Mr. Michael Mercier
The Meredith
Corporation Foundation
Ms. Courtney Merriman
Ms. Leslie Merriman
Ms. Catherine Mestayer
Ms. Rima Morris
Dr. David Minderhout
Ms. Carole Morrison
Ms. Marcia Mires
Mrs. Cathleen Morrison
Mrs. Beth Misita
Ms. Donna Morrison
Ms. Pamela Misterka
Mr. Angelo Morrongiello
Mrs. Heather Mitchell
Ms. Jeannette Moscioni
Ms. Nancy J. Mitchell
Mr. Tim Mosier
Mr. Rick Moak
Mr. Dan Moskowitz
Mr. Bradley Moehler
Mr. Michael and
Mrs. Alicia Mosteller
Mrs. Leslie
Ms. Jacqueline Mota
Mr. Carlos Molina
Ms. Toni K. Mott
Mr. James Noel
Mr. Jeremy and
Mrs. Katie Naff
Mr. Michael Norberto
Mr. Matthew Nagel
Mr. Daniel Nagy
Mr. Timothy Naill
Mr. Sameer Nanabhai
Ms. Mia Naples
Mr. Stephen and
Mrs. Rita Novick
Ms. Melissa Nappi
Ms. Cadienne
Pearl Naquin
Mr. Robert Nowicki
Ms. Lisa Naquin
Ms. Kristen Nunziato
Mr. Lawrence Nathanson
Mr. James and
Mrs. Ann C. Obeldobel
Mr. Luke and
Mrs. Florence Natuzzi
Ms. Eileen O’Brien
Ms. Katie O’Brien
Mr. Trevor O’Brien
Ms. Catherine Muir
Ms. Patricia Monkman
Mr. John Mulhern
Dr. Alfred Nedoluha
Mr. Anthony and
Mrs. Agatha
Mrs. Joyce Mulkey
Mr. Josh Nelson
Mrs. Marie Mull
Mr. Scott Nelson
Mr. Reed and
Mrs. Thelma Moon
Ms. Jane Mullane
Mr. Brent L. and
Mrs. Diana L. Nemec
Ms. Donnette Moore
Mrs. Barbara Muller
Dr. Veronica Michel
Ms. Erika Moore
Mr. Richard S. Mulligan
Mrs. Claudia Mighty
Ms. Lesley Moore
Mrs. Lynn Muniak
Mr. Chris Milam
Mr. Ronald Moore
Mr. Greg Munoz
Mr. Shayne Milcic
Mr. Juan Morales
Ms. Jodi Murland
Mr. Charles and
Mrs. Elaine Miller
Ms. Valery
Mr. Chris Murray
Mrs. Cindy Miller
Mr. Andrew Moran
Mr. Patrick Michael
Ms. Margaret M.
Ms. Sara L. Mullen
Ms. Cyndi Murphy
Mr. Darren O’Brien
Ms. Aparna
Ms. Tracy Moneymaker
Mrs. Diane Michael
Ms. Angela Nunn
Ms. Helen Navarre
Mr. Alvin and
Mrs. Rosella Neddo
Mr. Saul Meyerowitz
North Star
Veterinary Services
Ms. Amy Nostrom
Ms. April Mueller
Mr. Joel Meyer
Mrs. Margo Noreen
Ms. Helen L. Naples
Ms. Melanie Monaco
Ms. Hilary Meyer
Mr. Thomas Norbut
Northview Christ
Church Crusaders
Mrs. Marie Motte
Ms. Melissa Metz
Mrs. Gloria Nolley
Ms. Anna Naples
Ms. Denise Monaco
Mr. Janet Metcalfe
Mr. Keegan O’Brien
Mr. Tom O’Brien
Mr. William Obst
Ms. Jaime Ochojski Poa
Mr. Steve Ochs
Ms. Amy O’Connell
Mr. Stephen Nesle
Ms. Margaret O’Connor
Ms. Stephanie Nessralla
Mr. Steven O’Connor
Mr. Howard and
Mrs. Colleen A.
Mrs. Tracy O’Connor
Mr. Robert and
Mrs. Marianne
Ms. Crystal Oddo
Ms. Sue Odierna
Mrs. Holly O’Donnell
Ms. Amanda Offit
Mrs. Tammy Nguyen
Ms. Lisa Ogen
Ms. Thi Nguyen
Ms. Maureen O’Keefe
Ms. Cristi Miller
Mr. Otto Moran
Ms. Jennifer Miller
Mr. Theo Moran
Mr. William A. and
Mrs. Catherine
J. Murray
Mrs. Elaine Nicholson
Mr. Jason Olko & Family
Ms. Jessica Miller
Mrs. Amelia Morel
Mrs. Yvonne Murphy
Ms. Susan Nicola
Mr. Chris Olliver
Mr. Justin and
Mrs. Heather Miller
Mr. Don Morel
Dr. Buz and
Mrs. Linda Murrill
Mrs. Belinda Nieh
Mr. Paul Olsen
Mrs. Alice Nielsen
Mr. Paul and
Mrs. Pat Olsen
Mrs. Phyllis Morel
Ms. Karen Miller
Mr. Robert Morel
Mrs. Kelly Miller
Mrs. Lila Moreland
Ms. Lisabeth Miller
Mr. Bo Muzikowski
Ms. Regina Myer
Mr. Andrew Myers
Ms. Lynn Miller
Mrs. Corinne
Mrs. Marci Miller
Mrs. Bronwyn Morgan
Ms. Jerelene J. Myers
Ms. Nadine Morgan
Ms. Lisa Myers
Ms. Rachel Morgan
Mrs. Melissa Myers
Mr. Michael E. and
Mrs. Gina M. Miller
Mr. Chris and
Mrs. Tiffini Morris
Mr. Ricky T. and
Mrs. Lea Ann Myers
debra of America | Annual Report 2014
Mr. Cory Myers
Ms. Cindy Nielsen
Mr. Drew Niess
Ms. Gracie Nifong
Mrs. Claudia Nilsen
Mr. Marc Nilsson
Ms. Radka N. Ninova
Mr. Christopher Nixon
Mr. Philip Olsen
Ms. Roxana Olteanu
Mr. Albert Ondo
Mr. Edo Ophir
Oracle Corporation
Ms. Kerry O’Reilly
Ms. Nancy Oren
Ms. Susan Parker
Mrs. Patricia Penney
Ms. Loretta Orndorff
Mrs. Tiffany Parker
Mr. Eliot Pepe
Platinum Auto Glass
& Locks
Mr. Roger and
Mrs. Elizabeth Platt
Ms. Lauren Probinsky
Mr. Donnie G. and
Mrs. Barbara Proctor
Ms. Kimberly Orofino
Mrs. Diane Parks
Mrs. Julie Perednia
Ms. Elizabeth Orozco
Mrs. Josephine Parra
Mr. Angel Perez
Ms. Marcia Osborne
Mr. Joseph and
Mrs. Taylor Parsons
Ms. Kimberly Perez
Mr. Albert and
Mrs. Elaine Plevier
Ms. Kerrin Perniciaro
Ms. Remi Pascal
Employees of PNC Bank
Mr. Brandon Perrin
Mrs. Sari Perrino
Mr. Daniel and
Mrs. Mae C. Podhany
Ms. Amanda Ostapow
Mrs. Sara Paster
Mr. Clifton and
Mrs. Carol Perry
Ms. Ann Margaret
Mrs. Irene Ostapow
Mrs. Judy Pastilong
Ms. Jorda Perry
Mr. Stephen Polansky
Ms. Gina Osterkorn
Ms. Laurel Pastor
Mrs. Ruth Peter
Ms. Jacqueline Polden
Mrs. Betsy Ostroff
Ms. Eloise Paterson
Mrs. Courtney E. Peters
Mrs. Leanna Pollard
Ms. Nora O’Sullivan
Mrs. Sue Patlock
Mr. Philip and
Mrs. Sara Pulgrano
Ms. Creaghan Peters
Mr. Franck Pollelix
Mr. Justin Pulgrano
Mr. James
O’Sullivan Darcy
Mr. Ian Patrick
Ms. Colette Pollitt
Ms. Sanchia Patrick
Mr. Matthew and
Mrs. Kristen Petersen
Pura Vida Bracelets
Ms. Alison Pollock
Ms. Patricia O’Toole
Ms. Sheila Patten
Mrs. Rebecca Peterson
Ms. Darla Purcel
Mr. Gerry Polucci
Mr. Tom Ott
Mrs. Anne Patterson
Mr. Alan Petit
Mrs. Patricia Puskar
Mr. James Overly
Ms. Barb Patterson
Mr. Roger A. and
Mrs. Carol M. Putney
Mr. Kent Owen
Mr. Gary Patterson
Mr. Joseph and
Mrs. Donna Petrella
Mrs. Norma
Mr. Daniel Pool
Mr. Shawn A. and
Mrs. Lisa R.
Ms. Sheila O’Shea
Ms. Joy Osmanski
Mrs. Jennifer
Osorio Cvelic
Mrs. Melissa Paskiet
Mrs. Adriana Proffitt
Dr. Kimberly Pruett
Mrs. Jayme Prussen
Ms. Catherine
Ms. Debbie Puccio
Mr. Jonathan and
Ms. Elizabeth Puckett
Mrs. Tammie Puga
Mrs. Dorothy Petrizzo
Ms. Della K. Pool
Mr. Ed and
Mrs. Jaclyn Petrizzo
Mr. Jason and
Mrs. Laura Poore
Ms. Miranda Patton
Ms. Rachel Pfaff
Mrs. Jennifer Poplawski
Mr. Corey Queen
Ms. Shirley Pachas
Mr. William M. and
Mrs. Mary J. Patzin
The Tuan &
Mei-Ling Pham Family
Mr. Guyton Porter
Mr. Steven and
Mrs. Michele Padersky
Mr. James and
Mrs. Grace Quigley
Mrs. Bernadette
Mr. David D. and
Mrs. Hope E. Pheifer
Mr. Justin Padgett
Ms. Carolyn A. Paul
Ms. Annie Phillips
Mrs. Margaret Pafk
Ms. Laury Paul
Mr. Bradley Phillips
Mr. A.C. Page
Ms. Kimberly Pianucci
Ms. Christine Paik
Mr. David and
Mrs. Kathy Paulin
Ms. Betty Palaj
Paypal Giving Fund
Ms. Christa Palazzo
PBC Advisors, LLC
Ms. Elisheva Paley
Mrs. Mercedes Peake
Ms. Ilana Palgi
Ms. Shawna Pearce
Mr. Xavier Palma
Mrs. Barbara Pearlman
Ms. Kathy Palmer
Mrs. Audrey
Mrs. Laci Owens
Mrs. Mary Ellen Owens
Ms. Stacey Oxendine
Ms. Katie Pabarue
Mr. Frank Palmeri
Ms. Teresa Palomero
& Family
Ms. Nicole Palumbo
Ms. Louise A. Panzarino
Mr. John and
Mrs. Rosemarie
Mr. George C. and
Mrs. Marjorie A.
Mr. Elwyn Pedigo
Mr. Darren Pedroza
& Family
Dr. J.J. Peek
Ms. Jana Peeters
Dr. Sharon Peled
Mr. Robert Picard
Ms. Judith Pickel
Ms. Patti Pickett
Ms. Simona Pickett
Ms. Lee Pierce
Mr. Ben Pill
Dr. Jennifer Pinero
Ms. Julie Pinkosh
Ms. Shanique Pinnock
Mr. John E. and
Mrs. Suzanne Porubek
Ms. Lisa Quartararo
Ms. Kathy Potkanowicz
Ms. Merry K.
Ms. Alexandra Pottash
Mrs. Connie Quintal
Mr. Zach Pousman
Mr. Joel and
Mrs. Donna M. Race
Mrs. Christine Powers
Mr. William Pozna
Ms. Anshu Prabha
Ms. Andrea Prat
Mrs. Cathryn Preble
Ms. Melissa Preddie
Mrs. Erin Prem
Mrs. Anne Prentice
Mrs. Lauren Prentiss
Ms. Melissa Press
Mrs. Jerri Rader
Ms. Courtney Raff
Mr. Malka Rahmanan
Ms. Melissa Ramon
Ms. Connie Ramos
Mrs. Eileen Ramponi
Ms. Teresa Ramsden
Mr. Seth and
Mrs. Kelly Ramsey
Ms. Jennie M. Pressley
Mr. Anthony M. and
Mrs. Debra Randazzo
Mrs. Christine Preston
Ms. Janet Range
Ms. Alaina Pirraglia
Ms. Jennifer Prevost
Ms. Margaret Pisani
Mr. John Pripusich
Mr. K.C. and
Mrs. Lisa Rankin
Pit Stop
Mr. Chris and
Mrs. Jennifer Pritchard
Mr. Llewellyn Piper
Mrs. Ana Maria
Ms. Aileen Park
Mr. Joseph and
Mrs. Denise Pelkey
Mr. Devan L. Parker
Mr. Itait Pelor
PJM Interconnection
Ms. Donna Parker
Ms. Jeanette Pena
Mrs. Trish Plantier
Ms. Kristen Priven
Mr. Steven Privitera
Ms. Ana Raposo
Ms. Haley Rappaport
Mr. David and
Mrs. Tracy Raque
debra of America | Annual Report 2014
Ms. Frederique
Rattis & Family
Mr. James and
Mrs. Janice Rice
Mrs. Kim Robinson
Mr. Donna Roth
Ms. Natasha Robinson
Mrs. Jackie Roth
Mr. Evan Rawley
& Family
Mrs. Katherine Rice
Ms. Risa Robinson
Mrs. Stacey Rothberg
Ms. Beth Ray
Mr. Roy and
Mrs. Rebecca L. Roby
Ms. Marci Rothenberg
The Rich Family
Ms. Melissa Ray
Mrs. Shari Rich
Dr. Hillary Raynes
Ms. Nicole Rothman
Ms. Amy Richards
Mr. James F. and
Mrs. Barbara A. Roche
Mr. Daniel and
Mrs. Mary K. Reagan
Mrs. Kenneth Richards
The Rock Pile, Inc.
Ms. Scott Richards
Mr. Kevin Rodewald
Ms. Anne Richardson
Ms. Luisa Rodriguez
Mrs. Mariecha
Mrs. Tiffany Roederer
Ms. Susan J. Royer
Mr. Henry Sandoval
Ms. Carol Richman
Ms. Pamela Rogers
Mrs. Carol Rubinstein
Mr. Stan Sandoval
Ms. Marion Richter
Mrs. Lynne Rollins
Mr. Jake Rubinstein
Mrs. Christina Sanks
Ms. Stephanie Rickman
Ms. Rose Anna Rollinson
Ms. Jennifer Rubinstein
Ms. Anna Maria Reda
Ms. Cathy Riddick
Ms. Pamela Rollman
Ms. Lida Rubenstein
Ms. Rosy
Mr. Deepak Reddy
Mrs. Penny M. Ridenour
Mr. William Romani
Mrs. Natalie Rubinstein
Ms. Grace Redmon
Mr. Allen Rider
Mrs. Jamie Roo
Mrs. Karrie Ruch
Mr. Roger Redmond
Ms. Leslie Rider
Mr. Michael Rude
Mrs. Joyce Reed
Mr. Steven V. and
Mrs. Cecilia A. Riederer
Mr. Matthew and
Mrs. Leahanna Rook
Mr. Daniel Rookwood
Ms. Sandra Riederich
Ms. Annemarie Rooney
Mr. Herman and
Mrs. Joan Riemer
Ms. Michelle Rosales
Ms. Nicole Reagin
Mr. Jonathan
Mr. John Recknor
Ms. Rebecca A.
Ms. Margaret L. Reed
Mrs. Meredith Reed
Employees of
Reed Elsevier
Mrs. Deborah Reemtsen
Ms. Jolene M. Reese
Mr. Ed Reeve
Mrs. Tiffany Rosa-Smaha
Ms. Dorothy Rifkin
Mr. Alex Rose
Mr. Tim and
Mrs. Jennifer Riley
Mr. Brian Rose
Mr. Jesse Rose
Mr. Mark Rothman
Ms. Gilda Rotman
Mr. Adam Rotstein
Mrs. Marci Rudolph
Ms. Joan Rudominer
Ms. Katie Ruesterholz
Mr. David Russell
Mrs. John Russell
The SalzbergKopelman Family
Mrs. Denise Sampogne
Mr. Jason Samuels
Mr. Gonzalo Sanchez
Ms. Jacqueline Sanchez
Ms. Stephany Sandbo
Mr. Craig Sanders
Mr. Steven Santos
Mr. Michael Saposnick
Ms. Ilona Sarkozy
Ms. Samoa Saroyan
Dr. Minna Saslaw
Mr. Michael Sassano
Ms. Ginger Saunders
Mr. Joseph Saunders
Ms. Magan Russell
Mr. Christopher A. and
Mrs. Andrea Sauro
Mr. Michael Russo
Ms. Meg Sawabini
Mr. Thomas Russo
Ms. Elaine Sawka
Mr. Victor and
Mrs. Florence Rutcofsky
Ms. Jordan Sawyer
Ms. Karlee Reffuge
Mr. J. Phil and
Mrs. Betty Rine
Ms. Debra Regan
Ms. Nancy Rine
Mr. David Regel
Ms. Kim Rinker
Mr. Lawrence and
Mrs. Lauren Rose
Mr. John Rutledge
Mr. Dan Regini
Mrs. Lainey Rinkes
Ms. Rachel Rose
Mr. Nick Rutledge
Mrs. Diane Regulinski
Ms. Toni A. Riozzi
Ms. Beverly Rosen
Ms. Kelsey Ryan
Mr. John Scardina and
Ms. Lucille Rivin
Mr. George and
Mrs. Linda S. Reich
Mr. John Ritter
Ms. Dana Rosen
Mrs. Melanie Ryan
Mr. Sal Scarfone
Ms. Whitney Reichel
Ms. Emily Rosen
Ms. Brenda Rynn
Mr. Stephen Scarlato
Ms. Selina Rivera
Mr. Boz Reilly
Mr. Matt Rosen
Mr. Emmanuelle Saada
Ms. Tamara Rivera
Ms. Lisa Saathoff
Mr. B.R. and
Mrs. J.L. Esker Schaer
Ms. Katie Reimer
Mr. Ronald Rosen
Ms. Coleen Rizzo
Ms. Ronnie Rosen
Mr. Michael Sabatelle
Mrs. Tracey Schaub
Ms. Lori Reinhardt
Ms. Esther Rosenberg
Ms. Zeinab Sabry
Ms. Julia Scheid
Ms. Tia Reinhardt
Mr. Donald and
Mrs. Diane Robberstad
Mr. Boris Reizis
Ms. Ruth A. Robbins
Mr. Josh Rosenblum
Ms. Roberta Sachs
Mr. Peter and
Mrs. Cheryl Reklis
Mr. Aaron and
Mrs. Brandy Roberts
Ms. Karen Rosenfield
Ms. Rochelle G. Sackett
Mr. George and
Mrs. Kimberly
R. Scheler
Ms. Deborah
Ms. Shabnam Saeed
Ms. Evelyn Rosette
Ms. Katy Saintil
Mr. Andrew Ross
Mr. Mark Salamon
Ms. Camille Ross
Mr. Paul Salazar
Mr. David and
Mrs. Ronda B.
Mrs. Ashley Ross Kraus
Ms. Lara Salemi
Ms. Janet Schiff
Mr. Luke Rossi
Ms. Brenda Salgado
Ms. Christina Rosso
Mr. Michael Salley
Mr. Leon and
Mrs. Carol S. Schiff
Mr. Eric Relkin
Ms. Pamela Rentschler
Mrs. Carol Ricena
Dr. Lee and
Mrs. Sophie Saltzman
Ms. Nydia Rivera
Mrs. Debbie Roberts
Mr. Julian Roberts
Mr. Roy Reynolds
Ms. Brooke Robertson
Mr. James P. and
Mrs. Joan Rhoads
Ms. Ellie Robertson
Mrs. Monica Ribbe
Mr. Casey Robinson
Ms. Karen Riccio
Ms. Danielle Robinson
Ms. Courtney Robey
debra of America | Annual Report 2014
Ms. Katrina Rose
& Family
Mrs. Lisa Safford
Ms. Jourdan Sayers
Mrs. Sharon Scalf
Dr. Sabine Schellerer
Mr. David Schenk
Ms. Solange Schipani
Mr. John Senka
Mrs. Marion Shu
Ms. Amanda Smith
Mr. Randy Solomon
Mr. Eric and
Mrs. Lisa Schlenker
Ms. Anne Serrano
Mrs. Vassiliki Siabanis
Mrs. Amber Smith
Governor Sandi Solow
Mr. Alfred Serritella
Ms. Arianne Siegel
Ms. Angie Smith
Ms. Tatiana Somers
Ms. Kathryn Schmidt
Ms. Margaret Servedio
Ms. Jenn Sikora
Mrs. Barbara Smith
Ms. Cathy Schnable
Dr. Maria Servedio
Ms. Ann R. Silk
Mrs. Barbara Smith
Mr. Greg and
Mrs. Casey Sommers
Mrs. Jackie Schneider
Mr. Sam Sethna
Miss Roxanne Silva
Ms. Becca Smith
Mr. Ben Schneier
Mr. Travis Seurer
Ms. Sarah Silva
Ms. Karen Schnelle
Ms. Sara Sevek
Miss Vera Silva
Mr. Ben and
Mrs. Lorna Smith
Ms. Lauren Schott
Mr. Peter Seward
Mrs. Jeanette Silver
Ms. Jamie Schrager
Ms. Claire Sexton
Mr. Jeff and
Mrs. Carol Schrager
Mr. Jeff Sfiligoj
Mr. Doug and
Mrs. Laurie Silverman
Ms. Nicole Sfiligoj
Mr. Anthony J. and
Mrs. Tara L. Simeone
Mr. Caleb Smith
Mr. Chris Smith
Mr. Craig Smith and
Ms. Laurie L. Leonard
Mr. Rick and
Mrs. Phyllis Sommers
Ms. Jayne Sosland
Mr. Adrian and
Mrs. Lisa Soto
Ms. Miriam Souccar
Mr. John P. Sousa
Mr. Don and
Mrs. Emily Smith
Ms. Denise Southwood
Mr. Gary Smith
Ms. Anna Marie Spallina
Mr. Darrell and
Mrs. Sandra Simpson
Mr. George Smith
Mrs. Karen Spangler
Mr. Jacob Smith
Ms. Susan Spanich
Mrs. Elizabeth Simpson
Ms. Jamie Smith
Ms. Kelly Simpson
Mr. Jonathan Smith
Mr. Bob and
Mrs. Kathy Sparrow
Ms. Lisa Simpson
Mr. Jordan Smith
Mr. Andy Spears
Ms. Mary Ann Simpson
Ms. Karen A. Smith
Mr. Kyle Spears
Ms. Maxine Simpson
Ms. Kayleigh Smith
Ms. Leith Speer Barton
Mrs. Kimberly Smith
Ms. Linda Speir
Mrs. Danielle Sheffer
Mr. William R. and
Mrs. Frances M.
Ms. Kristen Smith
Ms. Allison Spencer
Mr. Evan Shenkman
Mr. William Sims
Ms. Lisa Smith
Ms. Ann Spencer
Mrs. Helaine Sherman
Ms. Karen Singer
Ms. Nichole Smith
Mr. Charles Sheron
Ms. Rena L. Singer
Mr. Norman Smith
Mr. Richard and
Mrs. Nancy Spencer
Ms. Sharon Sherrard
Mr. Parminder Singh
Ms. Terasa Shervino
Ms. Emily Sinopoli
Mr. Rob and
Mrs. Kelli Smith
Ms. Amy Seabolt
Ms. Elana Sinsabaugh
Mr. Russ and
Mrs. Cathy Smith
Mr. George Speros
Mr. Patrick and
Mrs. Ashley Seaton
Mr. Leslie and
Mrs. Fran Shifrin
Ms. Dana Sirota
Ms. Sandra Smith
Ms. Kathy Spiddle
Mr. Russell W. Sites
Mrs. Kerri Spinazola
Ms. Megan Seay
Ms. Rosalyn Shih
Ms. Shannon Smith
Mrs. Audrey Sitzlar
Mr. Matthew Shinsky
Mr. Thomas Smith
Ms. Amanda Spittell
Ms. Gabrielle Sedor
Mr. Gene and
Mrs. Terri K. Shipley
Mr. Tim Smith
Mr. Steve Spodek
Mr. Paul and
Mrs. Ida Sedor
Mr. Martin
Mrs. Valerie Smith
Mr. Hartley Springman
Mr. John and
Mrs. Renate Seel
Mrs. Patricia Shippee
Mrs. Vera Smith
Ms. Megan St Clair
Mr. Peter Shire
Dr. Jay Sklar
Ms. Donna Snyder
Mrs. Jodi Stacey
Ms. Raquel Segaraa
Ms. Stephanie Shirilan
Ms. Lauren Skudalski
Ms. Jenny Snyder
Ms. Raychel Staley
Ms. Kimberly Sellers
Mr. Paul Shirk
Ms. Laurie Slackman
Ms. Jessica Snyder
Mr. Ron Snyder
Mr. Barry A. and
Mrs. Jane E. Stamm
Ms. Jennifer Sober
Dr. Evan Stampler
Ms. Sonia Socolov
Ms. Donna Standish
Mr. David Sokol
Mr. Steve and
Mrs. Kelli Staples
Ms. Szilvia Schranz
Mr. Mark Schroeder
Mr. Vincent and
Mrs. Elizabeth
M. Sganga
Mr. Justin Schultz
Mr. Anthony Sgherza
Mrs. Elizabeth Schreiber
Ms. Rachele Schulze
Mrs. Lisa Shaddock
The Timothy &
Angie Schurter Family
Mrs. Ellen R. Shalett
Ms. Lowina Sham
Ms. Lauren G. Schwartz
Ms. Josephine Shanafelt
Mrs. Stacy Schwartz
Mr. Andy Sharp
Mr. Brandon Schwarz
Mrs. Jocelyn Schwarz
Mrs. Tina Schweid
Mr. George Schwinn
Ms. Anna Scipioni
Mr. Steven Scipioni
Mr. Edward and
Mrs. Theresa Scott
Ms. Jennifer Sharpe
Dr. Tim Sheahan
The Simon/Rosen
Ms. Laurel Skarbinski
Ms. Lisa M. Skelley
Mr. John Selman
Mr. Tony Shockley
Mr. Gifford Slater
Mrs. Dana Selmer
Mr. Ron Slick
Mrs. Jenny Selvers
Mr. Brett and
Mrs. Jennifer Sholder
Dr. Justin Sempsrott
Ms. Keretha C. Shore
Ms. Catherine Senghas
Mrs. Linda Short
Dr. Richard E. Senghas
Ms. Robyn Shoulson
Mr. William H. and
Mrs. Bonita Smart
Mr. Greg and
Mrs. Rochelle Senholzi
Shreveport Medical
Society Alliance
Ms. Bonnie Smid
Ms. Aubrey Solomon
Mrs. Alli Smith
Mr. Patrick Solomon
Ms. Terri Slone
Ms. Jennifer Small
Mrs. Jeannie Sokolich
Mr. Brad Solecitto
Mr. Ryan Spahr
Ms. Katherine Spengler
Ms. Beth Sperber
Ms. Virginia Spewak
Ms. Gretchen Stares
Mr. Richard Stark
Mr. Bradley Starr
debra of America | Annual Report 2014
Ms. Dinny Starr
Ms. Sarah Stocker
Ms. Ellie Swanson
Mr. Steven Teich
Mr. Jason Starr
Mr. Robert Stockley
Ms. Cheyane Swarbrick
Ms. Jody Teicher
Mrs. Nicole Tiller
& Family
Ms. Sandy Starr
Mr. Charles and
Mrs. Sarah Stocks
Mr. Chris Sweeny
Ms. Beth Teitelman
Ms. Elizabeth Timmons
The Will & Kathy
Sweeny Family
Ms. Barbara Teleha
Ms. Kathleen Timothy
Mr. Douglas V. and
Mrs. Janice M.
Mrs. Gwen Tiner
Ms. Julie Starr-Duker
Mrs. Shannon Staten
Mr. Mike and
Mrs. Becky Staton
Mr. Michael Stechler
Mr. Gary Steele
Mr. Matthew Stolzar
Mr. Mike and
Mrs. Annette Stout
Ms. Nancy Stout
Ms. Mary Sweet
Ms. Terra Sweet
Mr. Wesley Sweet
Ms. Holly Swersky
Mrs. Emily Strand
Mr. Kevin and
Mrs. Jamie Swider
Ms. Carlene Steenekamp
Mr. Mickey and
Mrs. Shana Strasser
Mr. Sean Swidler
Mr. Kurt Stegman
Ms. Rose Straub
Ms. Kimberly Stein
Mr. Lloyd and
Mrs. Thelma L. Swihart
Mrs. Anne Streule
Mrs. Allyson Steinberg
Mrs. JoElla Steele
Mr. Payton and
Mrs. Ashley Templeton
Ms. Elizabeth Tencza
Ms. Fatima Tiwana
Mr. Ronald H. and
Mrs. Doris Tobben
Mr. Alan and
Ms. Janis Todd
Mr. Shane and
Mrs. Stephanie Termer
Ms. Amy Todd
Ms. Kristin Terry
Mr. Paolo Tolusso
Mr. J. Ted Tomak
Ms. Alison Swindle
Mrs. Linda Strickland
Mr. Henry and
Mrs. Catherine
C. Terwedow
Mr. Lawrence Steinberg
Mrs. Karen Symond
Mrs. Kelli Tesh
Mrs. Ingrid Tonelli
Mr. Adam Striffler
Mrs. Lisa Steiner
Mr. Kevin Szczech
Ms. Heather Theado
Mrs. Diane Tornese
Mr. Christopher Strom
Mr. Charlie Steinhice
Ms. Katherine
Mr. Gregory G. and
Mrs. Julie A. Thiess
Mr. Jimmie Torregrosa
Mrs. Rachel Stuart
Mr. Johannes and
Mrs. Elizabeth
M. Sten
Ms. Kristin Tice
Mr. Michael Tabrizi
Ms. Jarmee Thieu
Mrs. Vilma Torres
Mr. Antonio Tafoya
Mr. Bryan and
Mrs. Kimberly Sturkey
Ms. Tausha Thiret
Ms. Lisa Towery
Ms. Yolanda Tafoya
Mr. Kyle Thistle
Mr. Raymond Town
Mr. Sina Taherkhani
Ms. Emily Thomas
Ms. Suzanne M. Townes
Ms. Janelle Talaasen
Mr. Gary Thomas
Ms. Delinda Tamagni
Ms. Heather Thomas
Mr. Kyle and
Mrs. Becca Townsend
Mr. Zhuo Tan
Mr. Herb Thomas
Mrs. Tracy Townsend
Mr. Carl Tarabelli
Ms. Tamara Steele
Mr. Scott and
Mrs. Jennifer
Mrs. Abigail Sturley
Ms. Jennifer K. Stephens
Mr. Stephen Sturley
Mr. Norice B. Stephens
and Ms. Tanya M.
Ms. Kristine Suapengco
Ms. Gina Suarez
Ms. Mindy Tofias
Mrs. Ellen Tomassi
Mr. Ruben Torres
Ms. Kathy V. Thomas
Ms. Elizabeth Tracy
Ms. Debi Tarowsky
Ms. Kelsey Thomas
Mr. Khanh Tran
Mrs. Rachel Subido
Mrs. Amy Tarr & Family
Mrs. Sara Thomas
Mr. Quang Tran
Ms. Aviva Sufian
Mr. Jack W. Tarver
Ms. Susan Thomas
Travelers Foundation
Ms. Amanda Sugino
Ms. Kermisha Tate
Mr. Dave Thomassen
Ms. Deborah Travis
Ms. Kerri Sulcov
Ms. Alyssa Tattersall
Mr. Steven Sullivan
Mr. Edward and
Mrs. Diane Thompson
Mrs. Jamie Tretola
Ms. Ashley Tattersall
Ms. Eleanor Sulston
Ms. Laureen Tattersall
Mrs. Jennifer Thompson
Trinity Lutheran Church
Mrs. Claudia
Ms. Carol Ann Tavis
Ms. Kim Thompson
Mr. Jed Taxel
Ms. Kristine Thompson
Ms. Kay Triplette
& Family
Mrs. Shannon
Sura Hajewski
Mr. Mark Taxel
Ms. Lynda Thompson
Ms. Kelly Trivett
Mr. Matt Thompson
Mrs. Genesa Trogdon
Mr. Russell Stewart
Mr. Scott and
Mrs. Elizabeth Susman
Mrs. Amy Taylor
Mrs. Ariel Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen
Ms. Catherine Troup
Mrs. Ruth Stewart
Ms. Susan Sussman
The Andrew &
Charlotte Stillman
Mr. Carl and
Mrs. Ramona
M. Sutton
Dr. Jennifer Stillman
Mr. Rockne Stephens
Mr. Charles B. and
Mrs. Linda C.
Ms. Michelle Sterling
Mrs. Lana Sternberg
Mr. Cooper Stetson
Dr. Rebecca
Stetson Werner
Ms. Alana Stevens
Ms. Lynn Stevenson
Ms. Sara Steward
Mr. Michael and
Mrs. Tanya Stokes
Miss Anushka
Mrs. Cathy Taylor
Ms. Caroline Trimble
Mr. Michael L. and
Mrs. Debra C. Troxell
Ms. Dana Taylor
Mr. Richard and
Mrs. Deborah
E. Thurman
Ms. Grace Taylor
Mrs. Bridget Tidwell
Mrs. Kathy Sutyak
Ms. Gabrielle Tazza
Ms. Judy George Tieh
The Joshua Stillman &
Inna Postolov Family
Mr. Robert and
Mrs. Betty J. Suydam
Mr. Joseph Tazza
Mrs. Patricia Tierney
Ms. Trish Stillman
Ms. Brenda Svetlik
Ms. Ashley Teague
Mr. Harvey Tilch
Mr. Wayne and
Mrs. Barbara Tsutsumi
Mr. Frances Stocker
Mr. Floyd and
Mrs. Kathy Swann
Mr. Bruce and
Mrs. Rici Tegarden
Ms. Margie Tilch
Mrs. Pamela Tubbs
Mrs. Jaimi Tiller
Ms. Frances Tubens
debra of America | Annual Report 2014
Ms. Cheryl Taylor
Ms. Lauren Troxler
Ms. Karen Troy
Ms. Hanna Trundley
Ms. Agnes Tsang
Mrs. Joanne Tuckman
Dr. William Walsh
Mrs. Londa Wertman
Ms. Krystal Wesley
Mr. Brent and
Mrs. Lorie Winkler
Ms. Mary Ann Viscusi
Ms. Karen
Ms. Carol West
Mrs. Grace Winn
Mrs. Maria Turcoliveri
Mr. Roy Viskupic
Ms. Lindsey Walter
Mrs. Felisa West
Mr. Kenneth Winters
Ms. Andrea Turner
Dr. Judith Vitelli
Mr. James M. Walters
Mr. Marc Turof
Vito & Sons Ltd.
Mr. Gregory and
Mrs. Jane Wirth
Mr. Andrew and
Mrs. Virginia J.
Ms. Amy Vogel
Mr. Jeff and
Mrs. Ann Walters
Mr. James A. and
Mrs. Susan S. West
Mrs. Erika Vogel
Ms. Brandi Walton
Mr. Jeffrey and
Mrs. Michelle West
Ms. Carolyn Volpe
Ms. Audrey Wang
Ms. Clare Westwood
Mr. Rick and
Mrs. Roberta
T. Withrow
Mrs. Kae Volpintesta
Ms. Wei-Li Wang
Mrs. Alison Wetzel
Mr. Varnell and
Mrs. Anne Voss
Mrs. Angela Ward
Ms. Mary Wevodau
Ms. Anna Ward
Ms. Susan Whelan
Mrs. Rebecca
Mr. Matthew Waddell
Mrs. Cynthia Ward
Ms. Jill Whitaker
Ms. Agata Woldan
Mr. Scott Waddell
Mrs. Nancy Ward
Alex White
Ms. Janine Wolfe
Ms. Sandra Wadkins
Mr. Allen B. and
Mrs. Penny B. Warren
Ms. Elaine White
Ms. Lauren White
Mr. Jon and
Mrs. Amanda Wolfe
Mr. Don and
Mrs. Christine Wagner
Ms. Betty Warren
Ms. Morgan White
Ms. Laura Wolff
Mrs. Tobey Warren
Ms. Michelle Whiteaker
Ms. Lynn Wolff
Mr. Jim Wagner
Mr. Michael Washington
Ms. Jill Whitmore
Ms. Jodi Wolkind
Ms. Joan Waters
Mrs. Yuliana Valdes
Mr. Robert and
Mrs. Linda Wahlen
Mr. Paul J. Whitney
Ms. Linda Woo
Mrs. Shannon Valentine
Ms. Heidi Waibel
Mr. Heath and
Mrs. Katherine Watkin
Mr. Thomas Whittington
Ms. Leya Wood
Ms. Katrin van Dam
Mr. Gilbert K. Wald and
Ms. Shealagh
M. Gannon
Mr. Gregory Wickham
Mrs. Amy Woods
Mr. Jeff and
Mrs. Jonia Widener
Mrs. Lisa Woods
Ms. Lauren Wiener
Ms. Linda Wright
Ms. Cher Wigley Fisher
Mrs. Murielle Wright
Mr. John Wildt
Ms. Jane B. Wyatt
Mr. Richard Wiley
Mrs. McCartney Wilkins
Mr. and Mrs. Steve
Mr. Ormsby Wilkins
Ms. Neila Wyman
Mr. Joseph and
Mrs. Eileen Wilkinson
Ms. Celia Wyndham
Mr. James A. Webster
Ms. Jessica Wechsler
Ms. Allison Williams
Mr. R.J. Wynn
Mr. Pat Weddle
Mr. Gerry Williams
Mrs. Bernadette Xenakis
Mr. Jeff Wegrzyn
Mrs. Karen Williams
Mr. Brennan Yanacio
Mr. James Weimer
Ms. Laura Williams
Ms. Dalit Yarden
Mrs. Susan Weinberg
Ms. Sara Williams
Ms. Laura Yeo
Mr. Gregg Weinlein
Mr. Sam Williams
Mr. Albert Young
Ms. Brenda Wallick
Ms. Sarah Weintraub
Mr. Joe Williford
Ms. Christine Young
Ms. Barbara Wallitt
Ms. Marcia Weiser
Mr. Jon Williford
Mr. John Young
Ms. Laura Walrath
Mr. Kenneth Weissman
Mrs. Stacey Willis
Ms. Selina Yeung
Ms. Caitlin Walsh
Ms. Sophia Weissmann
Ms. Charlotte Wilson
Mr. Nick Youngstrom
Ms. Kathy Walsh
Ms. Shirley Wells
Mrs. LuAnn Wilson
Ms. Sara Younts
Ms. Megan Wilson
Mrs. Carol Vida
Mr. Michael E. and
Mrs. Marcia E. Walsh
Mr. Mark Welton
Ms. Alexa Yow
Mrs. Brandy Wentworth
Ms. Salli Windham
Ms. Jeannine Vigerust
Mr. Johnnie Yu
Mr. Mike Walsh
Ms. Carol Winer
Mrs. Sasha Vilajeti
Ms. Stacy Walsh
Mr. Michael A. and
Mrs. Angela L. Werth
Mr. Michael and
Mrs. Carol Yurmanovich
Ms. Etta E. Tugman
Mrs. Andrea
Ms. Jessica Turco
Ms. Sarah Tutty
Mr. Grant Tyman
Mr. Michel Udell
Ms. Lorraine M.
Orthopedics, LLP
Ms. Cami Upfold
Ms. Karen Uphoff
Urban Inspirationco
Ms. Sandra Vadas
Mrs. Cynthia Van Ess
Ms. Kathryn van
Mr. Richard Waggoner
Ms. Lynn Walder
Ms. Kitsy Vane
Ms. Cheryl Waldorf
Mr. Austin Varga
Mr. Hugh Walker
Ms. Christine Varley
Mr. Jason Walker
Mrs. Luigua Varuzza
Mrs. Nichole Walker
Ms. Alicia Vasilow
Ms. Savannah Walker
Miss Anna Vasylenko
Mr. Adam Wall
Ms. Vickie M. Vaughn
Ms. Amanda Wall
Ms. Mayra Vega
Ms. Amy Wall
Mrs. Irene Velente
Ms. Jackie Wall
Ms. Gail Velez
Ms. Kelly Wall
Mrs. Joanne Venette
Mrs. Colleen Wallace
Mr. Louis Venezia
Mr. Francis X.
Ms. Diane Ventre
Mr. Matthew Vermeulen
Ms. Anne Veron
Ms. Kim Vich
Ms. Josh Vickers
Ms. Dasia Watson
Mr. Dennis Watson
Ms. Kaila Watson
Mrs. Penny Watson
Dr. Richard Watson
Mrs. Vickie Watson
Ms. Rebecca Weaver
Ms. May Webb
Ms. Erin Webster
Ms. Linda Winfree
Ms. Patty Woehler
Ms. June Wohlhorn
Jamie Wright
Mrs. Mandy Wynn
debra of America | Annual Report 2014
Ms. Michelle Zabka
Beyond the Sea
Ms. Laura Zadoff
Mr. James Zagunis
Blue Ribbon
Ms. Tracey Zaidi
The Bronx Zoo
Ms. Emily Zalacca
Ms. Amy Zaremba
Mrs. Jacqueline
Peter Thomas Roth
Clinical Skin Care
The Islanders
Mrs. Leslie Rader
Jai Mala Rose
The Rangers
Brooklyn Botanical
Mr. Woody and
Mrs. Kathy Jay
Red Farm
Brooklyn Bowl
Jet Blue
Ms. Ann Reynolds
Ms. Kathleen Brown
Joe Leone’s Italian
The Rock Club
Josée Bienvenu
Ms. Ilsa Romero
Ms. Erin Zboray
The Capitol Theater
Ms. Mary Zecchino
Carnegie Hall
Ms. Lillian Zeidenstein
Cheesecake Factory
The Zelwin Family
Chelsea Piers
Ms. Yevgenia
The Karpel Group
Chelsea Piers NYC
Ms. Jennifer Konigsberg
Mr. Shuyan Zhu
Ms. Judy Ciccio
Mr. Robbie Zibilski
The Late Show
with David Letterman
Mr. Mark R. and
Mrs. Virginia Ziegenfuss
Mr. Peter Zimmerman
Mr. Peter and
Mrs. Wendy Corbin
Relax Bedding
The Rodon Group
Dr. Robert and
Mrs. Laura Ryan
Sandpiper Optics
Scripps Network
Serendipity Magazine
L’Escale Restaurant
Shire Pharmaceuticals
LIFE, The Place To Be
Linda Joy Creations
Stampin’ Up
CT Tennis Open
Ms. Ellen Liu
Ms. Jane Stanton
Mr. Richard and
Mrs. Deborah Zito
Ms. Karen Cunningham
Loews Corporation
Ms. Michelle Starkey
Ms. Michele Zontine
Loews Hotels
Steve Madden
Mr. Ron Zori
The Daily Show
with Jon Stewart
Luxottica Retail
Mrs. Dana Zucha
David Zwirner Gallery
Ms. Jasminka Zuljevic
Ms. Beth Davis
Luxury Hotels
Studio 14 Indoor
Cycling + Yoga
Doral Arrowwood
MAC Cosmetics
Tory Burch LLC
Mr. Josh Zuniga
Ms. Corinne Zupko
Mr. Ken Dorros
Ms. Kathy Marshall
Mrs. Mary Zurlo
Eileen Corbin
Interior Designs
McKesson Patient Care
Solutions Inc.
Zack Troop’s EB Fund GiveForward
Estela Restaurant
Meridian Health
Exhale MindBodySpa
The Modern Restaurant
UV Skinz
The Ride NYC
Mohegan Sun
Ms. Ines Vazquez
Mölnlycke Health Care
The Four Seasons
Ms. Julieann Morabito
Warren Tricomi Salon
Moxie & Pixie Boutique
West Side Tennis Club
GAIAM Living
MTV Networks
Yoga with Fern LLC
Gastronomia Culinaria
Ms. Janet Murray
Gateway Art & Framing
Museum of Modern Art
Ms. Frederick Yorke
Ms. Ellenann Gatza
National Football
Weil, Gotshal &
Manges LLP
Mr. Michael and
Mrs. Sharon Glick
New World Stages
Youthful 8 Milania
Hair Collection
Gotham Comedy Club
Mr. Vic Nichols
Ms. Rachael Grimm
Ms. Jennifer Harbuck
Mr. Bill Noey
Hollister Wound Care
Ms. Colleen Holzman
One If By Land, Two If
By Sea Restaurant
Ms. Valerie Overton
Ms. Yalli Zussman
Gifts In-Kind
Ms. Sonda Adkins
Alex and Ani
American Museum
of Natural History
Amy’s Bread
Angel’s Envy
Arbonne Anti-Aging
Asics America
B.B. King Blues Club
Barryville Management
Beachbum Tanning &
Airbrush Salon
Wellness LLC
The Glass House
debra of America | Annual Report 2014
New York Knicks
Patrick’s Fine Art
Two Boots Pizza
Mr. Scott Zant
Board & Staff
Board of Directors
Scientific Advisory Board
Richard Gallagher, Chair
Jouni Uitto, Chair
Dennis Roop, Chair
Angela Christiano, Co-Chair
Mei Chen
Amy Paller, Clinical Vice Chair
Angela Christiano
Dennis Roop, Basic Science
Vice Chair
Jeffrey Davidson
John McGrath, International
Vice Chair
Jakub Tolar
Eugene Bauer, Corporate
Partnership Vice Chair
David Woodley
Andrew Tavani, Vice Chair
J. Alec Alexander, Treasurer
Daniel Siegel, M.D., Secretary
Leslie Rader, Chair Emeritus
Kathleen Brown
Angela Christiano, Ph.D.
William Cornman
Peter Marinkovich
Jouni Uitto
Faith Daniels
Thomas Gillespie
Frank Kacmarsky
Amy Paller, Chair
John McGrath, Chair
John Lee
Alan Arbuckle
Alain Hovnanian
Anna Bruckner
Marcel Jonkman
Kenneth Goldschneider
Anna Martinez
John Jefferies
Jemma Mellerio
Moise Levy
Julio Salas
Anne Lucky
Katsuto Tamai
Robert Meirowitz, M.D.
Thomas Misisco
Robert Rayl
Robert Ryan, Ph.D.
Jeanne Rohm
Karen Moody
Jouni Uitto, M.D., Ph.D.
Kim Morel
James Wetrich
Neil Prose
Sonya Wilander
Elena Pope
Mark Popenhagen
Jo-David Fine
Gerald Lazarus
Alan Moshell
Lawrence Schachner
Tor Schwayder
Daniel Siegel
Timothy Wright
debra of America | Annual Report 2014
Young Leadership Committee
Cary Bell
Brett Kopelan
Executive Director
Emily & Charlie Belmonte
Carolyn Buntic
Peter Clarke
Andrew Conrad
Yanne Doucet
Suz Grossman
Lori Guilbeau
Samantha Hayden
Afshan Hussain
Brooke Josefs
Kelly McCauley
Ella McGorry
Jess Miller
Karen Modzelewski
Ruth Richebacher
Desiree Swendsen
Gabrielle Tazza
Nicholas Ruiz
Jonathan VanWettering
Linda Velazquez
Fran Williams
debra of America | Annual Report 2014
Karen Bjornsti
Manager, Events
Casey Fitzpatrick
Director, Events & Communications
Rita Garson
Director, Finance
Debra Henri
Associate, Finance
Meghan Jay
Director, Development
Jason Kelly
Manager, Database
Geri Kelly, R.N., BSN
EB Nurse Educator
Aigerim Saparova
Assistant, Development
Gabrielle Sedor
Manager, Programs
debra of America
Programs and Services
Hosted Events
Local Events
Ways to Give
debra of America | Annual Report 2014
debra of America
75 Broad Street, Suite 300, New York, NY 10004 (855) CURE-4-EB

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