3 - Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo
3 - Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo
Established: 1959. The year 2015 is the 57th anniversary of continuous publication ISSN0036-4665 ISSN 1678-9946 on line EDITORS EMERITUS EDITORS Prof. Dr. Thales F. de Brito Prof. Dr. Luis Rey (Founding Editor) Prof. Dr. Thelma S. Okay Prof. Dr. Carlos da Silva Lacaz Associate Editor: Prof. Dr. Pedro Paulo Chieffi EDITORIAL BOARD Alan L. de Melo (Belo Horizonte, MG) Alberto Duarte (S. Paulo, SP) Angela Restrepo M. (Medellin, Colombia) Anna Sara S. Levin (S. Paulo, SP) Antonio A. Barone (S. Paulo, SP) Antonio Carlos Nicodemo (S. Paulo, SP) Antonio Sesso (S. Paulo, SP) Antonio W. Ferreira (S. Paulo, SP) Barnett L. Cline (New Orleans, USA) Carlos F. S. Amaral (Belo Horizonte, MG) Celso Granato (S. Paulo, SP) Cesar A. Cuba Cuba (Brasília, DF) César Naquira V. (Lima, Peru) Clarisse M. Machado (S. Paulo, SP) Claudio S. Pannuti (S. Paulo, SP) Dalton L. F. Alves (Belo Horizonte, MG) Eridan Coutinho (Recife, PE) Ernesto Hofer (Rio de Janeiro, RJ) Euclides A. Castilho (S. Paulo, SP) Eufrosina S. Umezawa (S. Paulo, SP) Expedito J. A. Luna (S. Paulo, SP) Fan Hui Wen (S. Paulo, SP) Fernando A. Corrêa (S. Paulo, SP) Fernando Montero‑Gei (San José, Costa Rica) Flair J. Carrilho (S. Paulo, SP) Gil Benard (S. Paulo, SP) Gioconda San-Blas (Caracas, Venezuela) Govinda Visvesvara (Atlanta, USA) Heitor F. Andrade Jr. (S. Paulo, SP) Hiro Goto (S. Paulo, SP) Ises A. Abrahamsohn (S. Paulo, SP) João Carlos Pinto Dias (Belo Horizonte, MG) João Renato Rebello Pinho (Sao Paulo, SP) José Ângelo A. Lindoso (S. Paulo, SP) José Eduardo Levi (S. Paulo, SP) José M. R. Zeitune (Campinas, SP) Julia Maria Costa-Cruz (Uberlândia, MG) Julio Litvoc (S. Paulo, SP) Luiz Carlos Severo (P. Alegre, RS) Luiz T. M. Figueiredo (Rib. Preto, SP) Lygia B. Iversson (S. Paulo, SP) Marcello Fabiano de Franco (S. Paulo, SP) Marcos Boulos (S. Paulo, SP) M. A. Shikanai‑Yasuda (S. Paulo, SP) Maria I. S. Duarte (S. Paulo, SP) Maria L. Higuchi (S. Paulo, SP) Mario Mariano (S. Paulo, SP) Mirian N. Sotto (S. Paulo, SP) Moisés Goldbaum (S. Paulo, SP) Moysés Mincis (S. Paulo, SP) Moysés Sadigursky (Salvador, BA) Myrthes T. Barros (S. Paulo, SP) Nilma Cintra Leal (Recife, PE) Paulo C. Cotrim (São Paulo, SP) Paulo M. Z. Coelho (Belo Horizonte, MG) Regina Abdulkader (S. Paulo, SP) Ricardo Negroni (B. Aires, Argentina) Robert H. Gilman (Baltimore, USA) Roberto Martinez (Rib. Preto, SP) Ronaldo Cesar B. Gryschek (S. Paulo, SP) Semíramis Guimarães F. Viana (Botucatu, SP) Silvio Alencar Marques (Botucatu, SP) Tsutomu Takeuchi (Tokyo, Japan) Venâncio A. F. Alves (S. Paulo, SP) Vicente Amato Neto (S. Paulo, SP) Zilton A. Andrade (Salvador, BA) Executive Board: Maria do Carmo Berthe Rosa. Librarians: Maria Ângela de Castro Fígaro Pinca; Carlos José Quinteiro The Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo is abstracted and/or indexed in: Index Medicus, Biological Abstracts, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, Hepatology/Rapid Literature Review, Tropical Diseases Bulletin, Referativnyi Zhurnal: All-Russian Institute of Scientific and Technical Information (VINITI), Periódica ‑ Índice de Revistas Latinoamericanas en Ciencias, Helminthological Abstracts, Protozoological Abstracts, Review of Medical and Veterinary Mycology, PubMed, PubMed Central (PMC), UnCover, HealthGate, OVID, LILACS, MEDLINE, New Jour, ExtraMED, Free Medical Journals, ISI (Institute for Scientific Information), BIOSIS Previews, Scopus, Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch), Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, Current Contents®/Clinical Medicine and Index Copernicus. ON LINE ACCESS ‑ http://www.imt.usp.br/revista ‑ FREE PDF ACCESS TO ALL PAST ISSUES, from 1959 on (Financial support by “Alves de Queiroz Family Fund for Research). http://www.scielo.br/rimtsp ‑ FULL TEXT, SINCE 1984. E‑mail: revimtsp@edu.usp.br Reprints may be obtained from Pro Quest Inf. and Learning, 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106‑1346 ‑ USA. The Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo is supported by: Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP), Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), Universidade de São Paulo and Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES). This issue was financed by: CNPq Proc. 470638/2014-1. Desktop Publishing by: Hermano - e-mail: hermano@nextis.com. Phone: 55.11.5571-8937. - Printed by: Elyon Indústria Gráfica, Phone: 55.11.3783-6527. English Revision: global@globaltranslations.com.br UNIVERSIDADE DE SÃO PAULO - BRAZIL FACULDADE DE MEDICINA Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo Director: Prof. Dr. Paulo C. Cotrim I The purpose of the “Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo” (Journal of the São Paulo Institute of Tropical Medicine) is to publish the results of researches which contribute significantly to knowledge of all transmissible diseases. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN From 2016 on, the REVISTA DO INSTITUTO DE MEDICINA TROPICAL DE SÃO PAULO (Journal of the São Paulo Institute of Tropical Medicine) will be published only on line, free access. REVISTA DO INSTITUTO DE MEDICINA TROPICAL DE SÃO PAULO (JOURNAL OF THE S. PAULO INSTITUTE OF TROPICAL MEDICINE). São Paulo, SP-Brasil, 1959 v. ilust. 28 cm 1959-2014, 1-56 1973-2002 (supl. 1-12) 2003 (supl. 13 - on-line only) 2005-2012 (supl. 14-18) 2015, 57 (1-3) ISSN 0036-4665 ISSN 1678-9946 on line II Impact Factor: 1.007 5-year Impact Factor: 1.088 ISSN0036-4665 ISSN 1678-9946 on line Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo Vol. 57 No. 3 P. 185-276 May-June, 2015 CONTENTS MYCOLOGY 185 Frequency of Candida species in a tertiary care hospital in Triangulo Mineiro, Minas Gerais State, Brazil R.P. MENEZES, J.C. FERREIRA, W.M. SÁ, T.A. MOREIRA, L.D.S. MALVINO, L.B. ARAUJO, D.V.D.B. RÖDER, M.P.A. PENATTI, R.C. CANDIDO & R.S. PEDROSO BACTERIOLOGY 193Raw tropical oysters as vehicles for multidrug-resistant Vibrio parahaemolyticus R.A. COSTA, R.L. ARAÚJO & R.H.S.F. VIEIRA PARASITOLOGY 197 Anthelmintic activity of lapachol, β-lapachone and its derivatives against Toxocara canis larvae T. MATA-SANTOS, N.F. PINTO, H.A. MATA-SANTOS, K.G. DE MOURA, P.F. CARNEIRO, T.S. CARVALHO, K.P. DEL RIO, M.C.F.R. PINTO, L.R. MARTINS, J.M. FENALTI, P.E.A. DA SILVA & C.J. SCAINI 205 Molecular characterization and sequence phylogenetic analysis of surface antigen 3 (SAG3) gene of local Indian isolates (Chennai and Izatnagar) of Toxoplasma gondii V. SUDAN, A.K. TEWARI & H. SINGH 211 Occurrence of Blastocystis spp. in Uberaba, Minas Gerais, Brazil M. CABRINE-SANTOS, E.N. CINTRA, R.A. CARMO, G.A.N. NASCENTES, A.L. PEDROSA, D. CORREIA & M.B. OLIVEIRA-SILVA. VIROLOGY 215Saint Louis encephalitis virus in Mato Grosso, Central-Western Brazil L.B.S. HEINEN, N. ZUCHI, O.P. SERRA, B.F. CARDOSO, B.H.F. GONDIM, M.A.M. SANTOS, F.J.D. SOUTO, D.A.J. PAULA, V. DUTRA & R. DEZENGRINISLHESSARENKO 221Lack of association between herpesvirus detection in saliva and gingivitis in HIV-infected children R.A. OTERO, F.N.N. NASCIMENTO, I.P.R. SOUZA, R.C. SILVA, R.S. LIMA, T.F. ROBAINA, F.P. CÂMARA, N. SANTOS & G.F. CASTRO ENTOMOLOGY 227 Inventory of mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) in conservation units in Brazilian tropical dry forests C.F. SANTOS, A.C. SILVA, R.A. RODRIGUES, J.S.R. JESUS & M.A.Z. BORGES 233 Phlebotomine fauna (Diptera: Psychodidae) in an area of fishing tourism in Central-Western Brazil A.F. BRILHANTE, M.E.M.C. DORVAL, E.A.B. GALATI, H.C. ROCHA, G. CRISTALDO & V.L.B. NUNES ADDRESS INSTITUTO DE MEDICINA TROPICAL DE SÃO PAULO Av. Dr. Enéas de Carvalho Aguiar, 470 05403-000 São Paulo, SP - Brazil Phone/Fax: 55.11.3062.2174; 55.11.3061-7005 e-mail: revimtsp@edu.usp.br EPIDEMIOLOGY 239Head lice in hair samples from youths, adults and the elderly in Manaus, Amazonas State, Brazil S.C.B. NUNES, R.B. MORONI, J. MENDES, S.C.B. JUSTINIANO & F.T. MORONI CHAGAS DISEASE 245 Effects of vitamin C supplementation on the chronic phase of Chagas disease R.G. MARIM, A.S. GUSMÃO, R.E.P. CASTANHO, R. DEMINICE, A.L.S. THEREZO, A.A. JORDÃO JÚNIOR, M.R. ASSIS, E.F. TAIPEIRO & L.P.A. MARTINS NOCARDIOSIS 251 Molecular identification and antimicrobial resistance pattern of seven clinical isolates of Nocardia spp. in Brazil L.A.Z. CONDAS, M.G. RIBEIRO, M.D. MURO, A.P.C. VARGAS, T. MATSUZAWA, K. YAZAWA, A.K. SIQUEIRA, T. SALERNO, G.H.B. LARA, R.M. RISSETI, K.S. FERREIRA & T. GONOI LEISHMANIASIS 257Genotype characterization of Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis isolated from human and canine biopsies with American cutaneous leishmaniasis L.T. FERREIRA, A.H.S. GOMES & V.L. PEREIRA-CHIOCCOLA MALARIA 263 Seasonal distribution of malaria vectors (Diptera: Culicidae) in rural localities of Porto Velho, Rondonia, Brazilian Amazon L.H.S. GIL, M.S. RODRIGUES, A.A. LIMA & T.H. KATSURAGAWA BRIEF COMMUNICATION 269Chicken coops, Triatoma dimidiata infestation and its infection with Trypanosoma cruzi in a rural village of Yucatan, Mexico E. KOYOC-CARDEÑA, A. MEDINA-BARREIRO,, F.J. ESCOBEDO-ORTEGÓN, J.C. RODRÍGUEZ-BUENFIL, M. BARRERA-PÉREZ, E. REYES-NOVELO, J. CHABLÉ-SANTOS, C. SELEM-SALAS, G. VAZQUEZ-PROKOPEC & P. MANRIQUE-SAIDE CASE REPORT 273 Tuberculosis infection might increase the risk of invasive candidiasis in an immunocompetent patient X.-H. CHEN, Y.-C. GAO, Y. ZHANG, Z.-H. TANG, Y.-S. YU & G.-Q. ZANG. LETTER TO THE EDITOR 276 West Nile fever in Brazil: sporadic case, silent endemic disease or epidemic in its initial stages? M.A.C.S.VIEIRA, A.A.X. AGUIAR, A.S.BORBA, H.C.L. GUIMARÃES, K.D. EULÁLIO, L.L. ALBUQUERQUE-NETO, M.A. SALMITO & O.B.LIMA SUBSCRIPTIONS FOREIGN COUNTRIES One year (six issues)......... U$200.00 Single issue....................... U$50.00 III Impact Factor: 0.907 5-year Impact Factor: 1.213 ISSN0036-4665 ISSN 1678-9946 on line Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo Vol. 57 No. 3 P. 185-276 Maio-Junho, 2015 CONTEÚDO MICOLOGIA 185 Frequência de espécies de Candida em hospital terciário do Triângulo Mineiro, Minas Gerais, Brasil R.P. MENEZES, J.C. FERREIRA, W.M. SÁ, T.A. MOREIRA, L.D.S. MALVINO, L.B. ARAUJO, D.V.D.B. RÖDER, M.P.A. PENATTI, R.C. CANDIDO & R.S. PEDROSO 239 Pediculose da cabeça em amostras de cabelos de jovens, adultos e idosos em Manaus, estado do Amazonas, Brasil S.C.B. NUNES, R.B. MORONI, J. MENDES, S.C.B. JUSTINIANO & F.T. MORONI DOENÇA DE CHAGAS BACTERIOLOGIA 193Ostras tropicais cruas como fonte de Vibrio parahaemolyticus multirresistentes R.A. COSTA, R.L. ARAÚJO & R.H.S.F. VIEIRA PARASITOLOGIA 197 Atividade anti-helmíntica do lapachol, β-lapachona e derivados contra larvas de Toxocara canis T. MATA-SANTOS, N.F. PINTO, H.A. MATA-SANTOS, K.G. DE MOURA, P.F. CARNEIRO, T.S. CARVALHO, K.P. DEL RIO, M.C.F.R. PINTO, L.R. MARTINS, J.M. FENALTI, P.E.A. DA SILVA & C.J. SCAINI 205 Caracterização molecular e análise filogenética de sequências do antígeno de superfície 3 (SAG3) em isolados indianos (Chennai e Izatnagar) de Toxoplasma gondii V. SUDAN, A.K. TEWARI & H. SINGH 245 Efeitos da suplementação de vitamina C na fase crônica da doença de Chagas R.G. MARIM, A.S. GUSMÃO, R.E.P. CASTANHO, R. DEMINICE, A.L.S. THEREZO, A.A. JORDÃO JÚNIOR, M.R. ASSIS, E.F. TAIPEIRO & L.P.A. MARTINS NOCARDIOSE 251 Identificação molecular e perfil de sensibilidade a antimicrobianos de sete isolados clínicos de Nocardia spp. no Brasil L.A.Z. CONDAS, M.G. RIBEIRO, M.D. MURO, A.P.C. VARGAS, T. MATSUZAWA, K. YAZAWA, A.K. SIQUEIRA, T. SALERNO, G.H.B. LARA, R.M. RISSETI, K.S. FERREIRA & T. GONOI LEISHMANIOSE 257Caracterização genotípica de isolados de Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis provenientes de biopsias de humanos e cães com leishmaniose tegumentar americana L.T. FERREIRA, A.H.S. GOMES & V.L. PEREIRA-CHIOCCOLA 211 Ocorrência de Blastocystis spp. em Uberaba, Minas Gerais, Brasil M. CABRINE-SANTOS, E.N. CINTRA, R.A. CARMO, G.A.N. NASCENTES, A.L. PEDROSA, D. CORREIA & M.B. OLIVEIRA-SILVA VIROLOGIA 215 Vírus da encefalite de Saint Louis em Mato Grosso, Centro-Oeste, Brasil L.B.S. HEINEN, N. ZUCHI, O.P. SERRA, B.F. CARDOSO, B.H.F. GONDIM, M.A.M. SANTOS, F.J.D. SOUTO, D.A.J. PAULA, V. DUTRA & R. DEZENGRINISLHESSARENKO 221 Ausência de associação entre a detecção de herpesvírus na saliva e gengivite em crianças infectadas pelo HIV R.A. OTERO, F.N.N. NASCIMENTO, I.P.R. SOUZA, R.C. SILVA, R.S. LIMA, T.F. ROBAINA, F.P. CÂMARA, N. SANTOS & G.F. CASTRO ENTOMOLOGIA 227 Inventário de mosquitos (Diptera: Culicidae) em unidades de conservação em florestas tropicais secas brasileiras C.F. SANTOS, A.C. SILVA, R.A. RODRIGUES, J.S.R. JESUS & M.A.Z. BORGES 233 Fauna flebotomínea (Diptera: Psychodidae) em área de turismo pesqueiro no Centro-Oeste do Brasil A.F. BRILHANTE, M.E.M.C. DORVAL, E.A.B. GALATI, H.C. ROCHA, G. CRISTALDO & V.L.B. NUNES IV EPIDEMIOLOGIA MALARIA 263 Distribuição sazonal de vetores da malária (Diptera: Culicidae) em localidades rurais de Porto Velho, Rondônia, Amazônia Brasileira L.H.S. GIL, M.S. RODRIGUES, A.A. LIMA & T.H. KATSURAGAWA COMUNICAÇÃO BREVE 269Gallineros, la infestación por Triatoma dimidiata y su infección con Trypanosoma cruzi en una localidad rural de Yucatán, México E. KOYOC-CARDEÑA, A. MEDINA-BARREIRO,, F.J. ESCOBEDO-ORTEGÓN, J.C. RODRÍGUEZ-BUENFIL, M. BARRERA-PÉREZ, E. REYES-NOVELO, J. CHABLÉ-SANTOS, C. SELEM-SALAS, G. VAZQUEZ-PROKOPEC & P. MANRIQUE-SAIDE RELATO DE CASO 273Tuberculose pode aumentar o risco de candidíase invasiva em paciente imunocompetente X.-H. CHEN, Y.-C. GAO, Y. ZHANG, Z.-H. TANG, Y.-S. YU & G.-Q. ZANG. CARTA AO EDITOR 276 West Nile fever in Brazil: sporadic case, silent endemic disease or epidemic in its initial stages? M.A.C.S.VIEIRA, A.A.X. AGUIAR, A.S.BORBA, H.C.L. GUIMARÃES, K.D. EULÁLIO, L.L. ALBUQUERQUE-NETO, M.A. SALMITO & O.B.LIMA ENDEREÇO INSTITUTO DE MEDICINA TROPICAL DE SÃO PAULO Av. Dr. Enéas de Carvalho Aguiar, 470 05403-000 São Paulo, SP - Brasil Fone/Fax: 55.11.3062.2174; 55.11.3061-7005 e-mail: revimtsp@edu.usp.br Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo 57(3):185-191, May-June, 2015 http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S0036-46652015000300001 FREQUENCY OF Candida SPECIES IN A TERTIARY CARE HOSPITAL IN TRIANGULO MINEIRO, MINAS GERAIS STATE, BRAZIL Ralciane de Paula MENEZES(1), Joseane Cristina FERREIRA(2), Walkiria Machado de SÁ(3), Tomaz de Aquino MOREIRA(3), Lucivânia Duarte Silva MALVINO(3), Lucio Borges de ARAUJO(4), Denise Von Dolinger de Brito RÖDER(1,5), Mario Paulo Amante PENATTI(6), Regina Celia CANDIDO(2) & Reginaldo dos Santos PEDROSO(1,6) SUMMARY Infections by Candida species are a high-impact problem in public health due to their wide incidence in hospitalized patients. The goal of this study was to evaluate frequency, susceptibility to antifungals, and genetic polymorphism of Candida species isolated from clinical specimens of hospitalized patients. The Candida isolates included in this study were obtained from blood cultures, abdominal fluids, and central venous catheters (CVC) of hospitalized patients at the Clinical Hospital of the Federal University of Uberlândia during the period of July 2010 - June 2011. Susceptibility tests were conducted by the broth microdilution method. The RAPD-PCR tests used employed initiator oligonucleotides OPA09, OPB11, and OPE06. Of the 63 Candida isolates, 18 (28.5%) were C. albicans, 20 (31.7%) were C. parapsilosis complex species, 14 (22.2%) C. tropicalis, four (6.4%) C. glabrata, four (6.4%) C. krusei, two (3.3%) C. kefyr, and one (1.6%) C. lusitaniae. In vitro resistance to amphotericin B was observed in 12.7% of isolates. In vitro resistance to azoles was not detected, except for C. krusei. The two primers, OPA09 and OPB11, were able to distinguish different species. Isolates of C. albicans and C. parapsilosis complex species presented six and five clusters, respectively, with the OPA09 marker by RAPD-PCR, showing the genetic variability of the isolates of those species. It was concluded that members of the C. parapsilosis complex were the most frequent species found, and most isolates were susceptible to the antifungals amphotericin B, flucozanole, and itraconazole. High genetic polymorphisms were observed for isolates of C. albicans and C. parapsilosis complex species, mainly with the OPA09 marker. KEYWORDS: Antifungal susceptibility; Candida species; Candidemia; Genotyping. INTRODUCTION In recent decades, candidemia has increased significantly worldwide due to increased lifespans of immunosuppressed patients or transplant and HIV/AIDS patients7,10,15,44. In many countries, the invasive infection of Candida yeast is a considerable public health problem, due to its severity, cause of increased hospital stays, cost, and contribution to high indexes of morbimortality. Some reports note that the mortality index caused by candidemia may reach 40-60% of hospital-admitted patients10,18,39,48. reported to be predominant, especially in hospital environments28,39,44. According to some investigators, this is due to the selective pressure from the prophylactic use of fluconazole in patients at risk of developing invasive fungal infections18,41. Variable frequencies of different species of Candida are identified depending on the hospital complexity and/or geographic region13. Invasive candidiasis is related to several factors that compromise patient conditions, such as neutropenia, organ transplantations, previous colonization by Candida species, prolonged use of antibiotics, presence of catheters for nasogastric feeding, use of urinary or parenteral probes for hemodialysis or mechanical ventilation, neoplasia, immunosuppressive diseases, drugs, and gastrointestinal surgeries30. The choice of treatment for candidemia or invasive candidiasis is mainly based on two factors: Candida species and the condition of the host immune system. Depending on the protocol of the institution and the availability of antifungal agents, azoles (fluconazole, voriconazole, and posaconazole), polyene (amphotericin B), and/or echinocandins (caspofungin, anidulafungin, and micafungin) are used for the treatment. Echinocandins are recommended for prophylaxia and for the treatment of different groups of patients due to their efficacy and low toxicity in critical patients compared to other azoles and amphotericin B11,31,49. For many years, C. albicans was regarded as the main cause of invasive fungal infections, but lately, non-C. albicans species have been Candidiasis epidemiology has been studied by genotypic analysis, which employs molecular tools with high discriminating power to (1) Post-Graduation Program, FAMED, Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU), Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brazil. (2) Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Ribeirao Preto, University of São Paulo (USP), Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil. (3) Clinical Hospital of Uberlândia, UFU, Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brazil. (4) Faculty of Mathematics, UFU, Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brazil. (5) Institute of Biomedical Sciences, UFU, Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brazil. (6) Technical School of Health, UFU, Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Correspondence to: Reginaldo dos Santos Pedroso, Av. Amazonas s/nº, Block 4K, Campus Umuarama, 38400-902 Uberlandia, MG, Brasil. Phone: +55 (34) 3225-8459. E-mail: rpedroso@estes.ufu.br MENEZES R.P.; FERREIRA J.C.; SÁ W.M.; MOREIRA, T.A.; MALVINO, L.D.S.; ARAUJO, L.B.; RÖDER, D.V.D.B.; PENATTI, M.P.A.; CANDIDO, R.C. & PEDROSO, R.S. - Frequency of Candida species in a tertiary care hospital in Triangulo Mineiro, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 57(3): 185-91, 2015. distinguish different isolates, and thus allowing for improved accuracy in clinical and epidemiological studies29,34. These studies attempt to relate the genotypes of isolates with pathogenicity and epidemiology. Genotypes with varying degrees of heterogeneity were found in different anatomical sites among various population groups, including patients and healthy individuals, and in different geographical areas4,33,37. The most commonly used molecular methods include polymorphism detection in the length of restriction fragments (RFLP) with hybridization (Southern blot) or amplification (AFLP), karyotyping in pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), multi-locus sequence typing (MLST), and other techniques based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD-PCR)2,29,34. Regional peculiarities and hospital complexity services may influence the predominance of Candida species. These emphasize the need for studies on epidemiology, prevalence, and resistance to antifungals. This study aims to evaluate the frequency, in addition to testing the susceptibility to antifungals as well as genetic polymorphisms, of Candida species isolated from samples of blood, CVC, and abdominal fluids of hospitalized patients in a tertiary hospital in the Triangulo Mineiro region, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. MATERIAL AND METHODS Isolates in the study: Candida samples included in the study were obtained from patients admitted to the Clinical Hospital of the Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU) in the city of Uberlândia located in the Triangulo Mineiro region, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, during the period of July 2010-June 2011. The isolates were from blood cultures, CVC, and abdominal fluids. Chromogenic agar (BD CHROMagar® Candida, France) and Sabouraud dextrose agar were used to isolate the yeasts, which were identified by classical methods21 and confirmed by the Auxacolor2® system (Bio-Rad, France). Candida albicans and C. dubliniensis were differentiated by PCR utilizing specific primers, according to the technique described by ESTRADA-BARRAZA et al.14. Samples were stored in BHI-glycerol broth at -20 oC. Experiments were conducted after sample activation and incubation at 35 oC for 24-48 h. Antifungal susceptibility tests: The broth microdilution method described in document M27-A3, Clinical Laboratory Standard Institute (CLSI)8, was used for the tests. Antifungals amphotericin B (Fungizon, Bristol Myers Squibb, Brazil), fluconazole (Pfizer, Sandwich, UK), and itraconazole (Janssen, Beerse, Belgium) were tested in culture plates of RPMI-1640 medium containing glutamine, without sodium bicarbonate, and buffered using pH-7.0 MOPS with glucose (18g/L). The final concentrations of the antifungal agents were 0.03-16 µg/mL for amphotericin B and itraconazole and 0.25-64 µg/mL for fluconazole. Briefly, yeasts were inoculated in Sabouraud dextrose agar and incubated at 35 oC for 24 h. Culture suspensions adjusted to 1-5×106cells/mL were prepared in sterilized saline. Susceptibility tests were made in duplicates and the microdilution plates were incubated at 35 oC for 48 h. Control strains were C. parapsilosis ATCC 22019 and C. krusei ATCC 6258. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was determined visually. For the azoles, MICs corresponded to the concentration inhibiting around 50% of growth for each microorganism compared to the control well (without antifungal); for amphotericin B, the MIC was the smaller drug concentration that inhibited 100% of yeast growth7. For azoles, 186 breakpoints were as indicated in CLSI8,43, and, for amphotericin B, due to lack of consensus, the values suggested by NGUYEN et al.29 were used. Molecular typing: DNA extraction was performed according to the method of BOLANO et al.4. The RAPD-PCR tests were performed with initiator oligonucleotides OPA09 (5’GGGTAACGCC3’), OPB11 (5’GTAGACCCGT3’), and OPE06 (5’AAGACCCCTC3’) (Invitrogen, São Paulo, Brazil). The reaction final volume was 25 µL and contained 2 µL DNA (60 ng/mL), 0.25 mmol of each deoxynucleotide (dATP, dCTP, dTTP, and dGTP) (Invitrogen), 1U Taq polymerase (Invitrogen), 2.5mM MgCl2, and 2.5mM initiator nucleotide. All amplifications were conducted in a thermalcycler (Eppendorf, Mastercycle Gradient, USA), consisting of an initial amplification cycle of four min at 92 oC followed by 40 cycles of 40 s at 92 oC, 40 oC for 1.5 min, and 72 oC for two min, and finally followed by five min at 72oC. Amplification fragments were separated by agarose gel (1.4%) electrophoresis for three h at 80V and 100mA. The gels were stained with ethidium bromide and visualized under UV light and the images were captured by a photo documentation system. Profiles for each sample were analyzed visually, and bands were classified as present (1) or absent (0). Genetic relationships (similarity coefficients) were calculated by the Jaccard coefficient equation (Sj) based on the position of fragments using the equation Sj = nAB/(nAB+a+b),where nAB is the number of bands shared by two samples: a, the number of exclusive bands for the first sample and b, for the second sample40. Values of Sj from 0.99-1.00 represent the same genotype, values from 0.800-0.99 represent clonally related samples (strongly similar but not identical), and values less than 0.800 indicate distinct samples. Dendrograms based on Sj values were generated for comparison by the unweighted pair group method with the arithmetical averages (UPGMA) method utilizing the multivariate statistical package program (MVSP). Ethical committee: This study was approved by the Ethical Committee for Human Research of the Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU) under the number 317/10. Statistical analysis: Qualitative variables were compared using the chi-square test, and the G test was used for quantitative results. In both tests, statistical significance was considered when p < 0.05. RESULTS During the study period, 63 cultures of body fluids from individuals with suspected systemic candidiasis were positive for Candida spp., of which 47 were in blood, nine were in CVC, and seven in abdominal fluids, all obtained from 58 hospitalized patients at the Clinical Hospital of Federal University of Uberlândia. Thirty-four were from males and 24 from females. Ages of the patients ranged from one day to 94 years, with a mean age of 42 years. Most patients who developed systemic candidiasis and who had a positive culture were older than or equal to 21 years (Fig. 1). Of the 63 Candida isolates, 18 (28.5%) were identified as C. albicans and 45 (72.5%) as non-C. albicans, distributed as follows: 20 (31.7%) C. parapsilosis complex species; 14 (22.2%) C. tropicalis; four (6.4%) C. glabrata; four (6.4%) C. krusei; two (3.3%) C. kefyr; and one (1.6%) C. lusitaniae. Candida dubliniensis was not identified by PCR. Except for C. albicans (p = 0.050), the distribution of species between males and MENEZES R.P.; FERREIRA J.C.; SÁ W.M.; MOREIRA, T.A.; MALVINO, L.D.S.; ARAUJO, L.B.; RÖDER, D.V.D.B.; PENATTI, M.P.A.; CANDIDO, R.C. & PEDROSO, R.S. - Frequency of Candida species in a tertiary care hospital in Triangulo Mineiro, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 57(3): 185-91, 2015. Molecular analyses by RAPD-PCR with primers OPA09 and OPB11 produced different molecular profiles. Primer OPE06 did not amplify any genome fragments of the isolates included in the study. Analysis of the dendrogram generated from band profiles among isolates of the same species showed isolate groups with Sj = 1.00 (identical isolates with the same profile) and Sj < 0.80 (distinct samples). Table 3 shows frequencies of profiles generated with each primer for the most frequent species. Each profile relates isolates showing the same genotypes (Sj = 1.00). Candida parapsilosis complex strains showed five (A-E) and four (A-D) profiles with OPA09 and OPB11, respectively. Note: Other species: C. krusei (4); C. glabrata (4); C. lusitaniae (1) and C. kefyr (2). Fig. 1 - Distribution of Candida spp. according to age of hospitalized patients who developed systemic candidiasis during the period of July 2010-June 2011. females was not statistically different for members of the C. parapsilosis complex (p = 0.057), C. tropicalis (p = 0.4497), and other species (p = 0.2008). However, there was a predominant tendency of C. albicans and C. parapsilosis complex species to affect males, once 55.5% and 65% of isolates, respectively, were obtained from male patients. As shown in Table 1, the highest frequency of Candida isolates was from blood cultures (55.6%), CVC (14.3%), simultaneous isolations from blood-CVC (19%) and abdominal fluids (11.1%). In vitro resistance to amphotericin B was observed in one isolate of C. albicans, in one of the C. parapsilosis complex, and in six other species - three C. krusei, two C. glabrata, and one C. kefyr - all with a MIC of 2 µg/mL. None of the isolates, except C. krusei, was resistant to azoles in vitro. Dose-dependent susceptibility to itraconazole was detected in one isolate of C. glabrata. Table 2 shows the MIC ranges of antifungals tested against Candida species. Profile A of the each primer was composed of the higher number of isolates. Candida albicans isolates presented six and two profiles, respectively, with primers OPA09 and OPB11 (Table 3). Candida tropicalis isolates produced only one profile with OPA09 and two unrelated ones (Sj < 0.8) with OPB11 (A-B) (Table 3). Two C. kefyr strains were demonstrated to be distinct strains with both primers (Sj < 0.80). Candida krusei showed two profiles with OPA09, each one with two isolates with similarity indexes that the indicated strains were clonally related (0.99 > Sj > 0.80); OPB11 produced only one profile, with 100% similarity among isolates. Candida glabrata produced two profiles with each one of the primers; OPA09 and OPB11 grouped three isolates in profile A and another isolate in profile B, with A and B being unrelated (Sj < 0.80) for both primers. DISCUSSION The predominance of Candida species non-C. albicans observed in this study confirms results reported in other studies from different Brazilian regions12,23,28. The C. parapsilosis complex occurred at the highest frequency compared to other species, including C. albicans. Observations from other Latin American countries and Tunisia show that C. parapsilosis-induced infections increased significantly in the past two decades9,22. Candida albicans, C. tropicalis, and C. parapsilosis complex species are the most frequent species isolated in candidemia cases and constitute 82.5% as a whole of the isolates in this study and, in some other instances, represent more than 90% of etiologies30. Candida parapsilosis has been reported as the second or third most frequent Candida species in candidemias9-12,15,24,27,35,38. In fact, in 2005, the C. parapsilosis complex was reclassified into three species: C. parapsilosis sensu stricto, C. orthopsilosis, and C. metapsilosis42. These three species may exhibit, according to some researchers, differences in Table 1 Frequency of Candida species isolated from clinical specimens of patients from the Clinical Hospital of Federal University of Uberlândia who developed systemic candidiasis during the period of July 2010-June 2011 Clinical specimens C. parapsilosis C. albicans C. tropicalis Others* Total Blood 11 (17.4%) 9 (14.3%) 10 (15.9%) 5 (7.9%) 35 (55.6%) CVC 6 (9.5%) 1 (1.6%) 1 (1.6%) 1 (1.6%) 9 (14.3%) Blood + CVC 3 (4.8%) 5 (7.9%) 2 (3.2%) 2 (3.2%) 12 (19.0%) Abdominal fluids 0 (0.0%) 3 (4.8%) 1 (1.6%) 3 (4.8%) 7 (11.1%) 20 (31.7%) 18 (28.6%) 14 (22.2%) 11 (17.4%) 63 (100%) Total isolates *Other species: C. krusei (4); C. glabrata (4); C. lusitaniae (1); and C. kefyr (2). CVC = central venous catheter. 187 MENEZES R.P.; FERREIRA J.C.; SÁ W.M.; MOREIRA, T.A.; MALVINO, L.D.S.; ARAUJO, L.B.; RÖDER, D.V.D.B.; PENATTI, M.P.A.; CANDIDO, R.C. & PEDROSO, R.S. - Frequency of Candida species in a tertiary care hospital in Triangulo Mineiro, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 57(3): 185-91, 2015. Table 2 In-vitro susceptibility of Candida species to three antifungal agents Species (n) MIC (µg/mL) Antifungal agents C. parapsilosis (20) C. albicans (18) C. tropicalis (14) C. krusei (4) C. glabrata (4) C. kefyr (2) C. lusitaniae (1) Range MIC50 MIC90 Resistant n (%) Amphotericin B 0.5-2.0 1.0 1.0 1 (5%) Fluconazole 0.125-1.0 0.5 0.5 0 Itraconazole 0.03-0.125 0.03 0.03 0 Amphotericin B 0.5-2.0 0.5 1.0 1 (5.6%) Fluconazole 0.125-0.5 0.125 0.5 0 Itraconazole 0.03 0.03 0.03 0 Amphotericin B 0.5-1.0 1.0 1.0 0 0 Fluconazole 0.125-0.5 0.25 0.5 Itraconazole 0.03-0.06 0.03 0.06 0 Amphotericin B 1.0-2.0 - - 3 (75%) Fluconazole* - - - 4 (100%) Itraconazole 0.03-0.12 - - 0 Amphotericin B 1.0-2.0 - - 2 (50%) Fluconazole 0.5-4.0 - - 0 Itraconazole 0.25-0.3 - - 0 Amphotericin B 0.5-2.0 - - 1 (50%) Fluconazole 0.125-0.5 - - 0 Itraconazole 0.06-0.125 - - 0 Amphotericin B 1 - - 0 Fluconazole 0.25 - - 0 Itraconazole 0.03 - - 0 *C. krusei is intrinsically resistant to fluconazole. Table 3 Frequency of cluster profiles and isolates per cluster with primers OPA09 and OPB11 OPA09 Species(n) OPB11 Molecular Frequency of Molecular Frequency of profile* isolates profile* isolates Candida parapsilosis (20) A B C D E 10 3 3 3 1 A B C D 13 4 1 1 7 4 4 1 1 1 A B 14 4 Candida albicans (18) A B C D E F A 14 A B 13 1 Candida tropicalis (14) *A cluster was considered when it grouped isolates with 100% similarity. 188 patterns of susceptibility to antifungal and biofilm production11. Of all the Candida isolates, they were detected in 55.6% of samples from blood cultures, 14.3% from CVC, 11.1% from abdominal fluids, and 19% from blood and CVC simultaneously. Positive results in blood cultures are considered the main indicators of invasive infections. Although cultures of samples obtained from other organic sites may be secondary in the diagnostics of hospital infection, these Candida isolates may have a predictive value for the occurrence of candidemias1,50. Similar to what happened with bacteria, the indiscriminate use of antifungal drugs has stimulated the occurrence of fungi with decreased susceptibility or even in vitro resistance, especially among Candida species6. In this study, the susceptibility of isolates in relation to fluconazole, itraconazole, and amphotericin B, which were the antifungals used for treatment of invasive candidiasis in the service during the period studied, was analyzed. However, recent studies have pointed primarily to the use of echinocandins26,31,49. Most isolates were susceptible to the three antifungals evaluated. Candida krusei and C. glabrata are known to be resistant and less susceptible to fluconazole, respectively31,32,34,45,49. In vitro resistance of Candida species, notably non-C. albicans, to fluconazole has been reported in different hospital studies13,16,31,32,36,39. Itraconazole has been recently utilized in the treatment of candidemia in neutropenic patients because it is less toxic than amphotericin B, as well as having shown a similar MENEZES R.P.; FERREIRA J.C.; SÁ W.M.; MOREIRA, T.A.; MALVINO, L.D.S.; ARAUJO, L.B.; RÖDER, D.V.D.B.; PENATTI, M.P.A.; CANDIDO, R.C. & PEDROSO, R.S. - Frequency of Candida species in a tertiary care hospital in Triangulo Mineiro, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 57(3): 185-91, 2015. effectiveness to that presented by other azoles17. One isolate (25%) of C. glabrata showed a dose-dependent susceptibility to itraconazole, while NEUFELD et al.28 reported a dose-dependent susceptibility in only 3.4% of the isolates in their studies. Resistance to amphotericin B has not been reported among isolates of different regions20,27,35,39. In this study, a MIC of 2 µg/mL was determined for some isolates, especially non-C. albicans ones, characterizing in vitro resistance. Data on the clinical outcomes of patients were not generated in this study, as in vitro results do not mean in vivo resistance, due to the fact that the cut-off point for amphotericin B is not established by the standardization committee due to technical difficulties related to the antifungal and culture media, as reported in the literature8,23,26,28,29. The results should be considered an alert and they should emphasize the importance of continuous surveillance to detect occasional isolates that are resistant to one or more antifungals. Future vigilance studies, including monitoring of patients, on antimicrobial resistance will show if these results were occasional or common occurrences. The genetic variability of clinical isolates has been used to demonstrate cases of cross infection that occur in health care, but also to determine if the isolates of one anatomical site are identical to isolates from other sites of the same patient19,37. In this study, the RAPD methodology was utilized in an attempt to reveal molecular variants of Candida spp. Based on the gel patterns and on the dendrograms obtained (data not shown), six profiles (A-F) were determined with primer OPA09 while OPB11 allowed only two (A-B) for isolates of C. albicans. Primer OPA09 had a higher discriminatory power especially for C. albicans and C. parapsilosis complex (Table 3). Neither of the two primers was able to discriminate isolates of C. tropicalis. Isolates of other species occurred in small numbers, so it is not possible to discuss this. Several studies have shown the discriminatory power of different primers and have suggested the use of multiple primers to improve the sensitivity of the results25,37,46,47. This study identified a variety of strains in the patients involved, especially for isolates C. albicans and C. parapsilosis complex. However, it was not possible to show a cross infection at all. However, in 12 patients who had blood and CVC, positive cultures were isolated to the same species, and these exhibited the same genotype when blood and CVC isolates were compared. This might be evidence of hematological dissemination of this particular microorganism from the CVC, but also blood-to-CVC. Identifying the source of infection is an important way to prevent infection. However, it suggests that prospective studies, including clinical data of patients and correlating these data with the microbiological characteristics of isolated samples may provide important insights for Candida spp. epidemiology in inpatients. In conclusion, of the Candida species isolated during the study period, the most frequent were C. parapsilosis complex species followed by C. albicans and C. tropicalis. Most samples were susceptible to antifungals fluconazole, itraconazole, and amphotericin B. The genotypic markers seemed efficient at discriminating the isolates of C. albicans and C. parapsilosis; high genetic polymorphism was observed for isolates of C. albicans and C. parapsilosis complex species, mainly with the OPA09 marker. RESUMO Frequência de espécies de Candida em hospital terciário do Triângulo Mineiro, Minas Gerais, Brasil As infecções causadas por espécies de Candida são problema de grande impacto para a saúde pública, devido à alta incidência em pacientes hospitalizados e como causa de mortalidade. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a frequência de Candida spp. isoladas de pacientes hospitalizados, assim como a sensibilidade aos antifúngicos e o polimorfismo genético por RAPD-PCR. Os microrganismos incluíram isolados de hemocultura, líquido abdominal e ponta de cateter venoso central de pacientes internados no Hospital de Clínicas da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, região do Triângulo Mineiro, Minas Gerais, Brasil, no período de julho de 2010-junho de 2011. Os testes de sensibilidade aos antifúngicos foram realizados por microdiluição em caldo e na análise por RAPD-PCR foram utilizados os oligonucleotídeos OPA09, OPB11, e OPE06. Dos 63 isolados, 18 (28,5%) foram C. albicans, 20 (31,7%) C. parapsilosis, 14 (22,2%) C. tropicalis, quatro (6,4%) C. glabrata, quatro (6,4%) C. krusei, dois (3,3%) C. kefyr, e um (1,6%) C. lusitaniae. Resistência in-vitro à anfotericina B foi observada em 12,7% dos isolados. Não foi observada resistência in-vitro aos azólicos, exceto para os isolados de C. krusei. Os oligonucleotídeos OPA09 e OPB11 possibilitaram distinguir diferentes espécies. Isolados de C. albicans apresentaram seis clusters e o complexo C. parapsilosis, cinco clusters, com o iniciador OPA09, por RAPD-PCR, mostrando a variabilidade genética daquelas espécies. Conclui-se que o complexo C. parapsilosis foi a espécie mais frequente, e a maioria dos isolados foi sensível in vitro aos antifúngicos testados. Alto polimorfismo genético foi observado para os isolados de C. albicans e complexo C. parapsilosis, principalmente com o oligonucleotídeo OPA09. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors are grateful to the National Research Council (CNPq) for the Scientific Initiation Fellowship awarded to R. P. Menezes, the Dean of the Undergraduate Federal University of Uberlândia (PROGRAD-UFU; edict 05/2010), to the Foundation for Research Support of Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG; process nº. APQ-00464-11), and to the Dean of Research and Graduate of the Federal University of Uberlândia (PROPP-UFU, Edict 04/2011) for financial support. 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Publications from 1984 to the present data are now available on: http://www.scielo.br/rimtsp PAST ISSUES FROM 1959 ON (PDF) www.imt.usp.br/portal/ SciELO – The Scientific Electronic Library OnLine - SciELO is an electronic virtual covering a selected collection of Brazilian scientific journals. The library is an integral part of a project being developed by FAPESP – Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo, in partnership with BIREME – the Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information. SciELO interface provides access to its serials collection via an alphabetic list of titles or a subject index or a search by word of serial titles, publisher names, city of publication and subject. The interface also provides access to the full text of articles via author index or subject index or a search form on article elements such as author names, words from title, subject and words from full text. FAPESP/BIREME Project on Scientific Electronic Publications Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information Rua Botucatu 862 – 04023-901 São Paulo, SP – Brazil Tel. (011) 5576-9863 scielo@bireme.br Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo 57(3):193-196, May-June, 2015 http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S0036-46652015000300002 RAW TROPICAL OYSTERS AS VEHICLES FOR MULTIDRUG-RESISTANT Vibrio parahaemolyticus Renata Albuquerque COSTA(1,2), Rayza Lima ARAÚJO(1,2) & Regine Helena Silva dos Fernandes VIEIRA(1,2) SUMMARY The following study aimed to determine the antimicrobial susceptibility profile of Vibrio parahaemolyticus strains from fresh and frozen oysters Crassostrea rhizophorae sold in Fortaleza-Brazil. An antibiogram was performed on 87 isolates using nine antibiotics: gentamicin (Gen 10 µg), ampicillin (Amp 10 µg), penicillin G (Pen 10U), ciprofloxacin (Cip 5 µg), chloramphenicol (Chl 30 µg), nalidixic acid (Nal 30 µg), tetracycline (Tet 30 µg), vancomycin (Van 30 µg) and erythromycin (Ery 15 µg). All strains were resistant to at least one antibiotic, and 85 (97.7%) were multi-resistant, with predominance of the Van+ Pen+Amp resistance profile (n = 46). Plasmid resistance to Pen, Amp and Ery was detected. Thus, the risk that raw oyster consumption poses to the health of consumers is highlighted, due to the fact that these bivalves may host antibacterial-resistant microorganisms. KEYWORDS: Vibrio parahaemolyticus; Crassostrea rhizophorae; Antimicrobial resistance. INTRODUCTION MATERIAL AND METHODS The consumption of raw oysters has been constantly associated with bacterial etiology outbreaks, and Vibrio parahaemolyticus has been highlighted as one of the main species responsible for this phenomenon5. This species, frequently present in marine and estuarine environments, is part of the indigenous microbiota of aquatic organisms16,17 and its ability to cause diseases seems to be related to virulence factors, such as the presence of tdh and trh genes18. Strains origin: 87 V. parahaemolyticus strains - isolated from soft tissues with the intervalvar liquids of C. rhizophorae oysters - were taken from the bacterial collection of the Environmental and Fish Microbiology Laboratory at the Institute of Marine Sciences (LABOMAR-UFC). The study was based on 15 samples of fresh (sold at room temperature) and 15 samples of frozen (sold at -4 °C) oysters obtained from two restaurants in Fortaleza-Brazil in 2010. Each sample consisted of 10 specimens, for a total of 300 specimens examined. For isolation and purification of the strains, 50 g of the intervalvar tissues and fluid was taken from each sample of 10 specimens and added to 450 mL alkaline peptone water (1% NaCl). The homogenate (which corresponded to a 10-1 dilution) was used to make serial decimal dilutions from 10-2 to 10-4. Thus, 0.2 mL aliquots of each dilution were spread plated on thiosulfate-citrate-bile salt-sucrose agar (TCBS-Difco) and incubated at 35 °C for 18h. Three blue-green colonies for each sample were randomly selected and cultured in tryptone soy agar (TSA-Difco) (1% NaCl). Oyster-associated outbreaks caused by V. parahaemolyticus are well documented9,15,7,10, and represent a worldwide problem. In the United States, McLAUGHLIN et al.11 reported a large outbreak of gastroenteritis - involving episodes of watery diarrhea - associated with V. parahaemolyticus serotype O6:K18. According to DANIELS & SHAFAIE3, V. parahaemolyticus strains responsible for cases of gastroenteritis are usually sensitive to antibiotics commonly used in the treatment of enteric infections. However, for patients with V. parahaemolyticus wound infections and septicemia, the treatment - intravenous antimicrobial agents - is similar to that for patients with V. vulnificus infection. Thus, besides virulence, the threat of antimicrobial-resistant vibrios is also worth mentioning6. Considering the risk that the consumption of oysters may pose to human health, the following study aimed to determine the antimicrobial susceptibility profile of Vibrio parahaemolyticus strains from fresh and frozen oysters Crassostrea rhyzophorae sold in Fortaleza-Brazil. Biochemical characterization of the strains: All colonies (n = 37 from fresh oysters, and n = 48 from frozen oysters) were submitted to biochemical identification using the key developed by NOGUEROLA & BLANCH13. The strains presented the following phenotypic profile: (1) Gram-negative curved rods, (2) oxidase (+) in oxidase strips (Laborclin), (3) sucrose (-) in Basal Media for Carbohydrate containing 0.5% (w/v) of sucrose (35 ºC for five days), (4) indol (+) in Sulfide-IndoleMotility Agar (35 ºC for 48 h), (5) ortho-Nitrophenyl-β-galactosideONPG (-) in saline solution with a drop of toluene and buffered solution (1) Sea Science Institute, Federal University of Ceará, Av. Abolição 3207, 60165-081 Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil. (2) Engineering Fishing Department, Campus do Pici, Federal University of Ceará, blocks 825, 827 and 840, 60356-000 Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil. Correspondence to: Renata Albuquerque Costa. E-mail: renata.albuq@gmail.com COSTA, R.A.; ARAÚJO, R.L. & VIEIRA, R.H.S.F. - Raw tropical oysters as vehicles for multidrug-resistant Vibrio parahaemolyticus. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 57(3): 193-6, 2015. of ONPG 13.3 mM (37 ºC for 24 h), (6) mannitol acid (+) in Basal Media for Carbohydrate containing 0.5% (w/v) of mannitol (35ºC for 5 days), (7) Voges-Proskauer (-) in MRVP broth (35ºC for 96 h), (8) D-glucosamine cs (+) in Basal Media for Carbohydrate containing 0.5% (w/v) of D-glucosamine (35 ºC for five days), (9) growth at 0% (-) and 8% (+) NaCl in Alkaline Peptone Water (35 ºC for 24 h), and (10) arginine dihydrolase (-), lysine decarboxylase (+), ornithine decarboxylase (+) in basal media (0.02 g of bromocresol purple, 5 g of peptone, 3 g of extract yeast, 10 g of sodium chloride and 1 g of glucose in one liter of distilled water, pH 8,5) containing 0.125% (w/v) of arginine, lysine and ornithine, respectively, with incubation at 35 ºC for seven days. Antibiogram: The antimicrobial susceptibility pattern was carried out by disk diffusion method1, with Muller-Hinton Agar (MH) containing 1% NaCl. Nine antibiotics were tested for each strain: gentamicin (Gen 10 µg), ampicillin (Amp 10 µg), penicillin G (Pen 10U), ciprofloxacin (Cip 5 µg), Chloramphenicol (Chl 30 µg), nalidixic acid (Nal 30 µg), tetracycline (Tet 30 µg), vancomycin (Van 30 µg) and Erythromycin (Ery 15 µg). Zones of inhibition were measured using a digital caliper (Digimess) and each strain behavior was classified as sensitive, intermediate or resistant, according to CLSI1 recommendations. Plasmid curing: Strains that showed resistance to at least one antimicrobial underwent plasmid curing in broth Luria Bertani supplemented with acridine orange (SIGMA A-6014) at 0.1 mg mL-1 12 . After the curing procedure, the strains were again subjected to antibiotic susceptibility testing (described above). Thus, the resistance was considered chromosomal when observed after the curing procedure; otherwise it was characterized as plasmid. RESULTS Table 1 Multiple antimicrobial resistance in Vibrio parahaemolyticus strains isolated from samples of fresh and frozen oysters Profile Fresh Frozen MAR Van+Pen+Amp+Ery 2 16 0.4 Van+Pen+Amp 16 30 0.3 Van+Pen+Ery 4 1 0.3 Van+Pen 13 1 0.2 Van+Amp 1 - 0.2 Van+Ery 1 - 0.2 Total 37 (94.9%) 48 (100%) *VAN: vancomycin 30 µg; PEN: penicillin 10U; AMP: ampicillin 10 µg; ERY: erythromycin 15 µg; MAR: multiple antibiotic resistance. Table 2 Profile of chromosomal and plasmid resistance to antibiotics in Vibrio parahaemolyticus strains isolated from samples of fresh and frozen oysters Antibiotics Van Pen Amp Ery Fresh oysters Number of resistant strains 38 36 Chromosomal resistance 38 33 9 - - 3 10 6 Plasmid resistance 19 6 Frozen oysters From the 87 V. parahaemolyticus isolates tested, more than 96.5% were resistant to vancomycin and penicillin, and 74.7% showed resistance to ampicillin. Resistance to erythromycin was observed in 74.7% of the isolates. In contrast, all strains were sensitive to chloramphenicol, and more than 95.4% were sensitive to gentamicin, ciprofloxacin, tetracycline, nalidixic acid and gentamicin. Isolates from fresh oysters showed resistance rates to the following antibiotics: Van (n = 38; 97.4%), Pen (n = 36; 92.3%), Amp (n = 19; 48.6%), Ery (n = 6, 15.4%). Resistance rates for the frozen oysters isolates were: Van (n = 48; 100%), Pen (n = 48; 100%), Amp (n = 46; 95.8%), Ery (n = 16, 33.3%). A high rate of multiple resistance was observed in strains isolated from fresh (94.9%) and frozen (100%) oysters. The most recurrent multiresistant profile in both fresh and frozen sources was Van+Pen+Amp (Table 1). V. parahaemolyticus strains isolated from both types presented a MAR oscillating from 0.2 to 0.4. Plasmid curing indicated a chromosomal resistance profile in 100% of Van-resistant strains. Isolates with a plasmid resistance profile were more frequent in strains extracted from fresh oysters (Table 2). DISCUSSION The occurrence of antimicrobial-resistant vibrios in oysters poses 194 Number of resistant strains 48 48 46 16 Chromosomal resistance 48 47 45 11 - 1 1 5 Plasmid resistance *VAN: vancomycin 30 µg; PEN: penicillin 10U; AMP: ampicillin 10 µg; ERY: erythromycin 15 µg. a threat to their consumers. HAN et al.6 investigated the susceptibility of vibrios isolated from oysters and reported a high rate of penicillinresistant V. parahaemolyticus. This finding is similar to the results obtained in the present study, since the resistance to Amp was found in isolates from both types of oysters (Table 1). DARAMOLA et al.2 determined the antimicrobial resistance profiles of V. parahaemolyticus strains isolated from water samples, sediments and mussels from the Humber River estuary in the U.K. - an area where shellfish harvest and mussel culture occurs. The authors reported that all isolates were sensitive to chloramphenicol, presented a low level resistance to vancomycin (3.9%), ampicillin (1.3%), and high rates (73.7%) of resistance to gentamicin. In the present research, a large number of Van and Amp-resistant strains was detected; in contrast, sensitivity to Gen and Chlo were observed. Comparing the results to those of DARAMOLA et al.2, it is possible to suggest that the mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance in the same bacterial species undergo a differentiation process according to the region. COSTA, R.A.; ARAÚJO, R.L. & VIEIRA, R.H.S.F. - Raw tropical oysters as vehicles for multidrug-resistant Vibrio parahaemolyticus. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 57(3): 193-6, 2015. OTTAVIANI et al.14, in a study on the susceptibility of Vibrio (including V. parahaemolyticus) isolated from fresh and frozen sold seafood (shellfish, shrimp, squid and cod), found Vibrio strains without resistance mechanisms to ciprofloxacin and nalidixic acid, as well as isolates with multiple resistance profiles to different combinations of antimicrobials, including ampicillin and penicillin, as in the present study. The authors suggest that for the plasmid role in Vibrio, multiple resistance to antibiotics must be investigated, even though most of the studies until that moment indicated that this characteristic is inherent to that genus. The high rate of multiple resistance observed in this study raises questions as to the effectiveness of antimicrobial agents commonly used in the treatment of gastroenteritis caused by Vibrio. It is possible to consider that Chl, Nal, Cip, Tet and Gen should be selected to treat diseases caused by V. parahaemolyticus, as has been reported in the literature. KHAN et al.8 determined the susceptibility of 27 strains of the same species isolated from cultured shrimp in Khulna (Bangladesh), and suggested that the tetracycline and gentamicin were the best choice for controlling diseases caused by enteric bacteria, including V. parahaemolyticus. Thus, it is necessary to establish therapy with appropriate antimicrobials for a more effective treatment of infections caused by V. parahaemolyticus, V. vulnificus, and others19. The authors above suggest that the antimicrobial ciprofloxacin is effective in these cases, in accordance with the findings of this study. In accordance with the findings in this study, ZULKIFLI et al.20 investigated the resistance of V. parahaemolyticus strains isolated from cockles in Indonesia, and reported rates of resistance to penicillin and ampicillin higher than 50%, as well as a 100% sensitivity to gentamicin. LOZANO-LEÓN et al.10 investigated an outbreak of gastroenteritis involving 64 people in Spain and revealed the presence of V. parahaemolyticus in fecal samples of all patients involved. Symptoms appeared within 12 to 24 hours after the consumption of raw oysters at a street market in the city of Vigo (Galicia, Spain). The study also revealed that 100% of the isolates were resistant to ampicillin, erythromycin and vancomycin, antibiotics commonly used in the treatment of gastroenteritis. The strains used in this study showed a similar resistance profile to those responsible for the aforementioned outbreak, a fact which confirms that the consumption of raw oysters poses a potential risk to human health. The results of the susceptibility test after the plasmid curing suggest that the antimicrobial resistant profile from V. parahaemolyticus strains isolated from oysters are linked to chromosomal genes, in accordance with the literature. DEVI et al.4, in a study on the antimicrobial susceptibility in strains from the same species isolated from shrimps cultivated in the southeast of India, also found low rates of plasmid resistance, reporting that there were no modifications in the resistance to chloramphenicol, oxytetracycline and trimethoprim before and after plasmid curing. Considering the high rates of resistance, especially multiple resistance, the findings of this study support the assertion that oysters may serve as hosts to vibrios which are resistant to drugs used in the gastroenteritis treatment in human beings. Thus, the ingestion of those bivalve mollusks without prior cooking is strongly unadvisable. RESUMO Ostras tropicais cruas como fonte de Vibrio parahaemolyticus multirresistentes O presente estudo objetivou determinar o perfil de suscetibilidade a antimicrobianos de cepas de Vibrio parahaemolyticus oriundas de ostras “in natura” e congeladas comercializadas em Fortaleza-Brasil. Oitenta e sete (87) cepas foram submetidas ao antibiograma com emprego de nove antibióticos: gentamicina (Gen 10 µg), ampicilina (Amp 10 µg), penicilina G (Pen 10U), ciprofloxacin (Cip 5 µg), cloranfenicol (Clo 30 µg), ácido nalidíxico (Nal 30 µg), tetraciclina (Tet 30 µg), vancomicina (Van 30 µg) e eritromicina (Eri 15 µg). Todas as cepas mostram-se resistentes a pelo menos um antibiótico, e 85 (97,7%) apresentaram multirresistência, com predomínio do perfil Van+ Pen+Amp (n = 46). Foi detectada resistência plasmidial a Pen, Amp e Eri. Dessa forma, o risco que o consumo de ostras cruas representa para a saúde dos consumidores merece ser destacado, uma vez que esses bivalves podem ser veículos de transmissão de micro organismos multirresistentes a fármacos antibacterianos. REFERENCES 1.Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI). Performance standards for antimicrobial susceptibility testing. Wayne: CLSI; 2010. (Supplement M100-S20). 2.Daramola BA, Williams R, Dixon RA. In vitro antibiotic susceptibility of Vibrio parahaemolyticus from environmental sources in northern England. Int J Antimicrob Agents. 2009;34:499-500. 3.Daniels NA, Shafaie A. A review of pathogenic Vibrio infections for clinicians. Infect Med. 2000;17:665-85. 4.Devi R, Surendran PK, Chakraborty K. Antibiotic resistance and plasmid profiling of Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolated from shrimp farms along the southwest coast of India. 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Curr Microbiol. 2011;63:126-30. 19.Zanetti S, Spanu T, Deriu A, Romano L, Sechi LA, Fadda G. In vitro susceptibility of Vibrio spp. isolated from the environment. Int J Antimicrob Agents. 2001;17:407-9. 20. Zulkifli Y, Alitheen NB, Raha AR, Yeap SK, Marlina, Son R, et al. Antibiotic resistance and plasmid profiling of Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolated from cockles in Padang, Indonesia. Int Food Res J. 2009;16:53-8. Received: 14 May 2014 Accepted: 8 August 2014 Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo 57(3):197-204, May-June, 2015 http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S0036-46652015000300003 ANTHELMINTIC ACTIVITY OF LAPACHOL, β-LAPACHONE AND ITS DERIVATIVES AGAINST Toxocara canis LARVAE Taís MATA-SANTOS(1), Nitza França PINTO(1), Hilton Antônio MATA-SANTOS(2), Kelly Gallan DE MOURA(3), Paula Fernandes CARNEIRO(3), Tatiane dos Santos CARVALHO(3), Karina Pena DEL RIO(3), Maria do Carmo Freire Ribeiro PINTO(3), Lourdes Rodrigues MARTINS(1), Juliana Montelli FENALTI(1), Pedro Eduardo Almeida DA SILVA(4) & Carlos James SCAINI(1) SUMMARY Anthelmintics used for intestinal helminthiasis treatment are generally effective; however, their effectiveness in tissue parasitosis (i.e. visceral toxocariasis) is moderate. The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vitro activity of lapachol, β-lapachone and phenazines in relation to the viability of Toxocara canis larvae. A concentration of 2 mg/mL (in duplicate) of the compounds was tested using microculture plates containing Toxocara canis larvae in an RPMI-1640 environment, incubated at 37 °C in 5% CO2 tension for 48 hours. In the 2 mg/mL concentration, four phenazines, lapachol and three of its derivatives presented a larvicide/larvistatic activity of 100%. Then, the minimum larvicide/larvistatic concentration (MLC) test was conducted. The compounds that presented the best results were nor-lapachol (MLC, 1 mg/mL), lapachol (MLC 0.5 mg/mL), β-lapachone, and β-C-allyl-lawsone (MLC, 0.25 mg/mL). The larvae exposed to the compounds, at best MLC with 100% in vitro activity larvicide, were inoculated into healthy BALB/c mice and were not capable of causing infection, confirming the larvicide potential in vitro of these compounds. KEYWORDS: Toxocara canis; Quinones; Chemotherapy; Anthelmintics. INTRODUCTION Human visceral toxocariasis is a neglected zoonotic infection caused by the larvae of Toxocara canis and, less frequently, Toxocara cati31. According to recent reports, their prevalence seems to be underestimated mainly because of the difficulties of diagnosis and non-specific symptomatology36. The symptoms of this parasitic disease are characterized by cutaneous reactions, extensive eosinophilia, hepatomegaly, myocarditis, pulmonary infiltrates, and nodules accompanied by cough and fever13,18. The severity of symptoms depends on the location of the larvae and the number of larvae housed in tissues, which induces mechanical damage and, in turn, results in an immunemediated inflammatory response26. Therefore, death is frequently associated with inflammatory granulomatous reactions around the larvae15, which may persist for a long time and, with it, reactivated larval migration into the eye or the brain may occur at any time40. The long-term survival of T. canis larvae has been attributed to molecular strategies evolved by the parasite26. Generally, the drugs used to treat this disease have limited effectiveness, such as diethylcarbamazine and thiabendazole faced with poor tolerability and the need for prolonged use30. The low water solubility of benzimidazole compounds appears to collaborate with the low bioavailability of compounds in this group, such as albendazole38, the drug of choice in the treatment of visceral toxocariasis9. Nevertheless, albendazole is the drug that crosses the blood brain barrier34 and shows results superior to thiabendazole37 and diethylcarbamazine, because it does not reduce the levels of specific IgE and produces side effects in treated patients25. Therefore, an effective drug for treating human infections caused by T. canis is still needed28. Among the possibilities of assisting in the treatment of visceral toxocariasis, natural and synthetic products33 stand out. Plant extracts are important sources of biologically active natural products and may be a model for the development of new drugs12,32. Lapachol, an important representative of the quinone group, is isolated from plants of the Bignoniaceae family19. It performs biological activities against several pathogens, especially anti-parasitic activities against Trypanosoma cruzi, Schistosoma mansoni, Leishmania amazonensis and L. braziliensis7,23,24. β-lapachone is an ortho-naphthoquinone, a natural derivative of lapachol, present in small quantities in the woods of Tabebuia spp (Bignoniaceae). β-lapachone is easily synthesized by sulfuric acid treatment of lapachol16 and has a wide range of biological activities, including trypanocidal, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer activity2,3,4,7,29. (1) Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, Faculdade de Medicina, Área Interdisciplinar em Ciências Biomédicas, Laboratório de Parasitologia. Rio Grande, RS, Brazil. (2) Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Faculdade de Farmácia, Departamento de Análises Clínicas e Toxicológicas. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. (3) Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Faculdade de Farmácia, Núcleo de Pesquisa de Produtos Naturais. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. (4) Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, Faculdade de Medicina, Área Interdisciplinar em Ciências Biomédicas, Laboratório de Micobactérias. Rio Grande, RS, Brazil. Correspondence to: Taís Mata dos Santos, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, Faculdade de Medicina, Área Interdisciplinar em Ciências Biomédicas, Laboratório de Parasitologia, R. General Osório s/n, Área Acadêmica do Hospital Universitário, 96200-190 Rio Grande, RS, Brasil. Tel.: +55.53.32338871. E-mail: farmatais@hotmail.com MATA-SANTOS, T.; PINTO, N.F.; MATA-SANTOS, H.A.; DE MOURA, K.G.; CARNEIRO, P.F.; CARVALHO, T.S.; DEL RIO, K.P.; PINTO, M.C.F.R.; MARTINS, L.R.; FENALTI, J.M.; DA SILVA, P.E.A. & SCAINI, C.J. - Anthelmintic activity of lapachol, β-lapachone and its derivatives against Toxocara canis larvae. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 57(3): 197-204, 2015. Several heterocyclic compounds were synthesized from β-lapachone (i.e., phenazines) and have attracted considerable attention due to their biological activities, including antimalarial5, antimycobacterial2, antitumor, and antiparasitic21 ones. Therefore, the use of this group of compounds as pharmacophores for the development of new drugs has consequently been investigated. In this study, lapachol, β-lapachone and three of its derivatives, and 17 phenazines synthesized from β-lapachone analogues were tested against T. canis larvae. MATERIALS AND METHODS Synthesis: Lapachol was extracted from the heartwood of Tabebuia spp (Tecoma) and purified by recrystallization from ethanol, following a previously described procedure11. Nor-lapachol was synthesized from lapachol through Hooker oxidation14. β-lapachone, nor-β-lapachone, and β-C-allyl-lawsone were obtained through the cyclisation of the prenyl side chain of lapachol, nor-lapachol and C-allyl-lawsone, respectively. 10 mmol of the naphthoquinone were solubilized in 15mL of sulfuric acid and mixed for several minutes. The reaction was poured over cold water. The red solid was filtered, washed with cold water (3 × 100 mL) and purified by recrystallization using a mixture of acetone/hexane17. The phenazines were prepared by the reaction of the naphthoquinone (1.00 mmol), o-phenylenediamine (1.10 mmol) and sodium acetate (1.30 mmol) in glacial acetic acid (50 mL). The reaction was maintained under reflux for two hours and monitored by TLC. After the reaction, the mixture was poured over ice and left to incubate overnight. The yellow precipitate was filtered through a Buchner funnel, washed with cold water (3 × 100 mL), and the phenazine was isolated. All phenazines were synthesized with > 95% yield35. Test compounds: All synthesized compounds were solubilized in DMSO at 2.5% (Sigma®) and in sterile distilled water to obtain a concentration of 2 mg/mL33. Preparation of T. canis larvae: T. canis eggs were initially collected directly from the uterine tubes of female adult parasites following the treatment of young dogs with pyrantel pamoate (15 mg/kg). Afterwards, the eggs were incubated in a 2% formalin solution at 28 °C for 30 days in a humidity of > 90%27. By using a 5% sodium hypochlorite solution (Vetec), the eggs’ protein cover was dissolved and the hatched T. canis larvae were collected in sterile tubes for cultivation with a (Gibco) RPMI1640 medium supplemented with (Sigma) 25mM HEPES, 1% glucose, (Gibco) PSF antibiotic-antimycotic solution, and 0.4 µg/mL ofloxacin. Samples were maintained at 37 °C strain with 5% CO2. Larvicidal/larvistatic activity test: A microplate was used to measure the activity of substances at a concentration of 2 mg/mL. The tests were conducted in duplicate. 100 T. canis larvae, 200 µL of RPMI1640 medium, and 100 µL of the test substances were added in each well. The larvae were then maintained at 37 °C for 48 hours with 5% CO2. The activity was tested in vitro and after exposure to the test compound the larval mobility was tested by the state of the larvae (i.e., 198 motile, immobile but not dead, or dead). Cell viability was tested by using a 0.4% trypan blue indicator. The substances that showed larvicidal activity in 100% of larvae with the in vitro test at concentrations of 2 mg/mL were re-tested at lower concentrations (MLC) (i.e., 1 mg/mL, 0.5 mg/mL, 0.25 mg/mL, 0.125 mg/mL and 0.05 mg/mL). Afterwards, the substances with larvicidal/larvistatic activity at the lowest concentrations were assessed for their viability of infection in mice. In order to assess their viability, the content of each microplate well was inoculated into 5-week-old BALB/c female mice by intraperitoneal injection. All mice were given food without antibiotics and had free access to water. The mice were kept on a 12 hour light to 12 hour dark cycle at a 22 °C (± 2 °C) room temperature. Furthermore, a control group of live larvae (100 larvae/well) in mice was used to confirm the viability of larvae that were not exposed to the substances. A single mouse was used for each compound and each control. Mice were euthanized after 30 days of inoculation. The animals were examined for larvae by having their carcass, brain, liver, lungs, kidneys, heart, eyes, and spleen digested in a solution of 1% hydrochloric acid and 1% pepsin39. RESULTS Lapachol, β-lapachone and three of its derivatives, and 17 phenazines were tested against T. canis larvae. β-lapachone and β-C-allyl-lawsone showed the highest activity (MLC = 0.25 mg/mL), followed by lapachol (MLC = 0.5 mg/mL) and nor-lapachol (MLC = 1 mg/mL) (Table 1). Out of the 17 phenazines tested on T. canis larvae, four compounds (i.e., compounds 1, 2, 3, and 4) showed 100% activity at a concentration of 2 mg/mL. Additionally, three compounds (i.e., compounds 5, 16, and 17) showed a larvicidal activity of 78.6-98.4% at the same concentration. The other phenazines showed < 14% activity (Table 2). The larvae exposed to the compounds with 100% activity in vitro were not viable and, therefore, were not able to infect the mice. The control group consisted of live larvae and caused infection when inoculated into the mice, which validates the in vitro evaluation criteria used in this study. DISCUSSION The search for new therapeutic prototypes with effectiveness against T. canis larvae housed in human tissues is relevant for the efficacy of visceral toxocariasis treatment. The new drugs should eradicate all larvae housed in the tissues, not only decrease the intensity of infection as it was noted in the administration of albendazole1,6,32,33, ivermectin, mebendazole, and thiabendazole22 in mice. In this study, the possible effect of lapachol and β-lapachone and its derivatives against T. canis larvae was tested. Among all the synthetic compounds tested, β-lapachone and β-C-allyl-lawsone showed the best anthelmintic activity in vitro. Although these results are relevant, the quinones present significant toxicity, possibly due to the redox potential. This toxicity may cause cell damage due to oxidative stress, which could result in undesirable side effects10. MATA-SANTOS, T.; PINTO, N.F.; MATA-SANTOS, H.A.; DE MOURA, K.G.; CARNEIRO, P.F.; CARVALHO, T.S.; DEL RIO, K.P.; PINTO, M.C.F.R.; MARTINS, L.R.; FENALTI, J.M.; DA SILVA, P.E.A. & SCAINI, C.J. - Anthelmintic activity of lapachol, β-lapachone and its derivatives against Toxocara canis larvae. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 57(3): 197-204, 2015. Table 1 Larvicide/larvistatic activity, MLC and in vivo viability of the T. canis larvae treated with lapachol and derivatives (n = 5) Nº Chemical structure Chemical compound Activity Standart deviation MLC Larvae viability in mice Lapachol C15H14O3 100% Zero ≤ 500 µg/mL Negative β- lapachone C15H14O3 100% Zero ≤ 250 µg/mL Negative Nor-lapachol C14H12O3 100% Zero ≤ 1,000 µg/mL Negative Nor-β-lapachone C14H12O3 11.9% 0.8 - - β-C-allyl-lawsone C13H10O3 100% Zero ≤ 250 µg/mL Negative 4.2% 0.4 - Positive O OH 1 O O O 2 O O OH 3 O O O 4 O O O 5 O Control Live larvae (no compound) Negative to detection of T. canis larvae in mice tissues; Positive to detection of T. canis larvae in mice tissues. Nevertheless, due to the presence of larvicidal activity and by the easy access of quinones to natural sources from Brazilian flora7, justify the utilization of these compounds as a pharmacophore to develop heterocyclic derivatives more active and less toxic. This approach was previously used to synthesize trypanocidal naphthoimidazoles from β-lapachone and to demonstrate that naphthoimidazoles were more active and less toxic than β-lapachone8. The larvicidal potential of in vitro tests and the capacity to inhibit viability of infection in the mice, demonstrated by quinones, indicated the relevance of studies in this area. Furthermore, motivates realize cytotoxicity studies, for further evidence of the biological activity of these compounds, in preclinical trials in experimental models, aiming the development of prototype compound with anthelmintic activity which could be used in the treatment of visceral toxocariasis. Four phenazines (i.e., compounds 1, 2, 3, and 4) out of the 17, showed 100% activity at a concentration of 2 mg/mL. However, these phenazines did not present satisfactory results when exposed to low concentrations; similar results were obtained with the same phenazines against Plasmodium falciparum, P. berghei5, and Mycobacterium tuberculosis2. In these studies, the compounds showed 50% antimalarial activity in vitro, and only one-fourth of the phenazines tested against M. tuberculosis demonstrated strong antimycobacterial activity (minimum inhibitory concentration = 0.78 µg/mL). A significant antimalarial activity in vitro was also shown in the other phenazines synthesized from naphthols that were assayed against P. falciparum strains resistant to chloroquine. However, they are not able to promote an effective cure when tested against P. berghei in vivo20. 199 MATA-SANTOS, T.; PINTO, N.F.; MATA-SANTOS, H.A.; DE MOURA, K.G.; CARNEIRO, P.F.; CARVALHO, T.S.; DEL RIO, K.P.; PINTO, M.C.F.R.; MARTINS, L.R.; FENALTI, J.M.; DA SILVA, P.E.A. & SCAINI, C.J. - Anthelmintic activity of lapachol, β-lapachone and its derivatives against Toxocara canis larvae. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 57(3): 197-204, 2015. Table 2 Larvicide/larvistatic activity, MLC and in vivo viability of the T. canis larvae treated with phenazines (n = 17) No. Chemical structure N 1 N Chemical compound Activity Standart deviation MLC Larvae viability in mice C21H22N2O 100% Zero 2,000 µg/mL Negative C36H42N2O4 100% Zero 2,000 µg/mL Negative C19H16N2O 100% Zero 2,000 µg/mL Negative C19H18N2O 100% Zero 2,000 µg/mL Negative C20H22N2O 78.6% 7.1 - - C36H34N2O4 1.76% 0.03 - - O O N O N 2 O O N N 3 OH N N 4 O N N 5 OH O 6 O 200 O O N N MATA-SANTOS, T.; PINTO, N.F.; MATA-SANTOS, H.A.; DE MOURA, K.G.; CARNEIRO, P.F.; CARVALHO, T.S.; DEL RIO, K.P.; PINTO, M.C.F.R.; MARTINS, L.R.; FENALTI, J.M.; DA SILVA, P.E.A. & SCAINI, C.J. - Anthelmintic activity of lapachol, β-lapachone and its derivatives against Toxocara canis larvae. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 57(3): 197-204, 2015. Table 2 Larvicide/larvistatic activity, MLC and in vivo viability of the T. canis larvae treated with phenazines (n = 17) (cont.) No. Chemical compound Activity Standart deviation MLC Larvae viability in mice N C34H30N2O4 1.0% 0.1 - - N C34H38N2O4 3.8% 18.0 - - N C20H18N2O 4.2% 8.8 - - N C20H16N2O 1.3% 4.5 - - N C32H22N2O4 6.5% 2.2 N C32H26N2O4 1.5% 1.1 - - Chemical structure O N O 7 O O O N O 8 O O N 9 OH N 10 OH O 11 O O 12 O O N O O N O 201 MATA-SANTOS, T.; PINTO, N.F.; MATA-SANTOS, H.A.; DE MOURA, K.G.; CARNEIRO, P.F.; CARVALHO, T.S.; DEL RIO, K.P.; PINTO, M.C.F.R.; MARTINS, L.R.; FENALTI, J.M.; DA SILVA, P.E.A. & SCAINI, C.J. - Anthelmintic activity of lapachol, β-lapachone and its derivatives against Toxocara canis larvae. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 57(3): 197-204, 2015. Table 2 Larvicide/larvistatic activity, MLC and in vivo viability of the T. canis larvae treated with phenazines (n = 17) (cont.) No. Chemical structure Chemical compound Activity Standart deviation MLC Larvae viability in mice C19H20N2O 14.0% 47.4 - - C20H20N2O 2.5% 1.4 - - C21H22N2O 4.0% 0.7 - - C36H30N2O4 94.5% 3.5 - - - 98.4% 0.4 - - No compound 1.3% 0.4 - Positive N N 13 OH N N 14 O N 15 N O O O 16 N N O O H3C CH3 17 N O CH3 N CT CT: Control; Negative to detection of T. canis larvae in mice tissues; Positive to detection of T. canis larvae in mice tissues. Structural changes that arose in other phenazines (i.e., compound 5-17) tested in this study did not increase the specific activity of the molecules. The lower activity of compounds 5-17, compared to 202 compounds 1-4, indicates that new modifications to these molecules are necessary to promote effective action against T. canis larvae. MATA-SANTOS, T.; PINTO, N.F.; MATA-SANTOS, H.A.; DE MOURA, K.G.; CARNEIRO, P.F.; CARVALHO, T.S.; DEL RIO, K.P.; PINTO, M.C.F.R.; MARTINS, L.R.; FENALTI, J.M.; DA SILVA, P.E.A. & SCAINI, C.J. - Anthelmintic activity of lapachol, β-lapachone and its derivatives against Toxocara canis larvae. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 57(3): 197-204, 2015. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors are grateful to Antônio Ventura Pinto and Núcleo de Pesquisa de Produtos Naturais (UFRJ) for the compounds. FINANCIAL SUPPORT This work was supported by Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior. Authors declare no conflict of interests. RESUMO Atividade anti-helmíntica do lapachol, β-lapachona e derivados contra larvas de Toxocara canis Os anti-helmínticos empregados no tratamento das helmintoses intestinais, de modo geral, são eficazes, porém nas parasitoses teciduais, como é o caso da toxocaríase visceral, a eficácia é moderada. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar in vitro a atividade do lapachol, β-lapachona e fenazinas derivadas da β-lapachona sobre a viabilidade de larvas de Toxocara canis. Os compostos foram testados na concentração de 2 mg/mL (em duplicata) em placas de microcultivo, contendo larvas de T. canis em meio RPMI-1640, sendo incubados, a 37 °C, em tensão de CO2 de 5%, por 48 horas. Na concentração de 2 mg/mL, quatro fenazinas, o lapachol e três derivados, apresentaram atividade larvicida/larvostática de 100%. A seguir, foi realizado o teste de concentração larvicida/larvostártica mínima (CLM). Os compostos que apresentaram os melhores resultados foram o nor-lapachol (CLM, 1 mg/mL), lapachol (CLM, 0,5 mg/mL), a β-lapachona e a β-C-alil-lausona (CLM, 0,25 mg/mL). As larvas expostas aos compostos, na melhor CLM 100% in vitro foram inoculadas em camundongos BALB/c saudáveis não sendo capazes de causar infecção, confirmando o potencial larvicida in vitro desses compostos. REFERENCES 1. 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Sao Paulo 57(3):205-209, May-June, 2015 http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S0036-46652015000300004 MOLECULAR CHARACTERIZATION AND SEQUENCE PHYLOGENETIC ANALYSIS OF SURFACE ANTIGEN 3 (SAG3) GENE OF LOCAL INDIAN ISOLATES (CHENNAI AND IZATNAGAR) OF Toxoplasma gondii Vikrant SUDAN(1), Anup Kumar TEWARI(2) & Harkirat SINGH(3) SUMMARY Context and objective: The molecular characterization of local isolates of Toxoplasma gondii is considered significant so as to assess the homologous variations between the different loci of various strains of parasites. Design and setting: The present communication deals with the molecular cloning and sequence analysis of the 1158 bp entire open reading frame (ORF) of surface antigen 3 (SAG3) of two Indian T. gondii isolates (Chennai and Izatnagar) being maintained as cryostock at the IVRI. Method: The surface antigen 3 (SAG3) of two local Indian isolates were cloned and sequenced before being compared with the available published sequences. Results: The sequence comparison analysis revealed 99.9% homology with the standard published RH strain sequence of T. gondii. The strains were also compared with other established published sequences and found to be most related to the P-Br strain and CEP strain (both 99.3%), and least with PRU strain (98.4%). However, the two Indian isolates had 100% homology between them. Conclusion: Finally, it was concluded that the Indian isolates were closer to the RH strain than to the P-Br strain (Brazilian strain), the CEP strain and the PRU strains (USA), with respect to nucleotide homology. The two Indian isolates used in the present study are known to vary between themselves, as far as homologies related to other genes are concerned, but they were found to be 100% homologous as far as SAG3 locus is concerned. This could be attributed to the fact that this SAG3 might be a conserved locus and thereby, further detailed studies are thereby warranted to exploit the use of this particular molecule in diagnostics and immunoprophylactics. The findings are important from the point of view of molecular phylogeny. KEYWORDS: Indian isolates; Molecular characterization; SAG3; Toxoplasma gondii. INTRODUCTION Toxoplasma gondii, an obligate intracellular coccidian parasite, has acquired utmost zoonotic relevance in the current scenario around the globe, accounting for abortions, stillbirths, and neonatal complications in livestock, especially in sheep, goats and pigs9,16,30. The condition leads to life-threatening consequences both in immunocompromised human patients suffering from acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and those with organ transplants2. In India, the condition has exhibited itself as acquired ocular toxoplasmosis4, in immunocompetent patients, bringing about possible similarities with South American strains which are known to exhibit a high rate of ocular involvement20. A third of the world’s total population is thought to be at risk of infection22. Of late, different strains of Toxoplasma gondii are known to induce different cytokine responses 5 and thereby vary in their pathogenesis. The surface antigens of T. gondii are the major targets as key molecules for immunodiagnosis as well as immunoprophylaxis because of their initial presentation to the host immune system. Surface antigen 3 (SAG3), an under-reported 43kDa glycoaminoglycan-binding protein associated with binding of host heparin sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs)18, shares primary structure similarity with another proven Surface antigen 1 (SAG1)7 protein. It was considered interesting to carry out the primer-directed amplification of the open reading frame (ORF) of surface antigen 3 (SAG3) gene of Indian isolates of T. gondii viz. Chennei (CHEN) and Izatnagar (IZN) isolates, maintaining them at the IVRI and cloning them in a heterologous prokaryotic system. Moreover, the two Indian isolates used in the present study are known to vary between themselves as far as homologies related to other gene loci like GRA 526, MIC 323 and SAG 227 are concerned, but there is no literature available as far as SAG3 homologies are concerned. In the present study, the cloned genes were custom sequenced and the information was compared with the available sequences of the same gene in the GenBank in order to establish the phylogenetic identity of the SAG3 gene among the various isolates. METHODS Propagation of T. gondii tachyzoites: Inbred Swiss albino adult mice, maintained on standard feed (pellets) and water ad libitum, were (1) Assistant Professor, Department of Parasitology, College of Veterinary Sciences & Animal Husbandry, U. P. Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Pashu Chikitsa Vigyan Vishwavidyalaya Evam Go Anusandhan Sansthan (DUVASU), Mathura - 281001, India. (2) Principal Scientist, Division of Parasitology, IVRI, Izatnagar, India. (3) Assistant Professor, Department of Parasitology, GADVASU, Ludhiana, India. Correspondence to: Vikrant Sudan, Assistant Professor, Department of Parasitology, College of Veterinary Sciences & Animal Husbandry, U. P. Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Pashu Chikitsa Vigyan Vishwavidyalaya Evam Go Anusandhan Sansthan (DUVASU), Mathura - 281001, India; Email: viks.sudan@gmail.com SUDAN, V.; TEWARI, A.K. & SINGH, H. - Molecular characterization and sequence phylogenetic analysis of surface antigen 3 (SAG-3) gene of local Indian isolates (Chennai and Izatnagar) of Toxoplasma gondii. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 57(3): 205-9, 2015. intraperitoneally infected with 100 mouse-adapted Chennei and Izatnagar T. gondii tachyzoite isolates that were cryopreserved and maintained at a divisional laboratory, IVRI. These two Indian isolates were originally isolated from the tested-positive blood, heart and brain tissues of freerange chickens (Gallus domesticus) naturally infected by T. gondii25 and isolated after Cat inoculation assays. The infected mice were monitored daily for the development of signs of infection. Infected mice exhibiting peritonitis were euthanized and peritoneal lavage was aspirated following inoculation of 5 mL of sterile phosphate buffered saline (PBS, pH 7.2) in the peritoneal cavity with due care in avoiding injury to visceral organs. The contents were washed thrice with PBS (pH 7.2) and the live tachyzoites were counted. Separation of host cell-free tachyzoites: The host cell-free tachyzoites were separated using standard protocol 15. Briefly, the peritoneal fluid containing free tachyzoites and tachyzoite infected macrophages was collected in PBS (pH 7.4) and washed thrice in PBS (pH 7.4) while repeatedly centrifuging at 5000 rpm for 10 min. Following this, a final pellet was re-suspended in 5 mL of PBS (pH 7.4). The intracellular tachyzoites were separated and made free from the macrophages by passing the contents repeatedly through a 27g needle fitted in a 10 mL sterile syringe. The host cell-free tachyzoite suspension was washed with 20 mL of PBS (pH 7.4), debris was allowed to settle down in the centrifuge tube for 10 min and the supernatant was collected and, following this, passed through a pre-wetted (with PBS pH 7.4) polycarbonate membrane filter of 3 µm pore size slowly (at the rate of one mL per 2-3 min). The filtrate was centrifuged (3000 rpm for 10 min) and the tachyzoites in sediment were re-suspended in one mL of PBS (pH 7.4). Isolation of total RNA of T. gondii: Total RNA was extracted directly from the purified tachyzoites using Trizol® reagent (Gibco BRL) while following the manufacturer’s protocol. Briefly, one mL of Trizol was added to the suspension containing 5-10x106 tachyzoites, repeatedly pipetted to kill the tachyzoites and following this, incubated at 30 oC for five min to dissociate nucleoprotein complexes. The suspension was vigorously shaken for 15 sec after adding 0.2 mL of chloroform and then centrifuged at 12,000g for 15 min at 4 oC. This facilitates the separation into lower organic phase and upper aqueous phase. The aqueous phase was transferred to a fresh tube, 0.5mL of the isopropyl alcohol was poured into the tube and the RNA was allowed to precipitate while keeping the tube at 15-30 oC for 10 min. The tube was centrifuged at 12,000g for 10 min at 4 oC. The RNA pellet was washed once with one mL of 75% ethanol prepared using 0.01% of diethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC) treated water. The sample was mixed by vortexing and centrifuged at 7,500 x g for five min at 4 oC. The RNA pellet was air-dried, reconstituted in 100 µL of RNA storage buffer (Ambion) and stored at -20 oC until further use. Purity and concentration of total RNA was checked by ethidium bromide stained agarose gel electrophoresis, performed at 2-3 volts/cm2. Synthesis of complimentary DNA (cDNA) by reverse transcription: cDNA was synthesized from the total RNA isolated from the T. gondii tachyzoites of both the isolates, using oligo dT primer while following the standard protocol23. The cDNA, thus synthesized, was quantified using a spectrophotometer (Nanodrop®, USA). Polymerase chain reaction-based (PCR) amplification of the SAG3 gene of Indian isolates: The entire open reading frame (ORF) of 206 the SAG3 gene of T. gondii (CHN and IZN isolates) was PCR amplified using a pair of specific primers as described by SUDAN et al. 201228 (forward primer (TS3F) 5’-ATGCAGCTGTGGCGGCGCAG-3’ and reverse (TS3R) 5’-TTAGGCAGCCACATGCACAAG-3’). The PCR reactions were carried out in a standard 25 µL reaction volume with initial denaturation of DNA strands at 95 oC for five min followed by 32 cycles of denaturation at 95 oC for 50 sec, primer annealing at 62 oC for 75 sec and strand elongation at 72 oC for 50 sec. Thereafter one cycle of final extension of the strands was carried out at 72 oC for 12 min. The PCR amplifications were confirmed by visualization of the product on 1.5% agarose gel stained with ethidium bromide following electrophoresis. Molecular cloning and characterization of the SAG3 gene of Indian isolates: The amplified ORF of the SAG3 genes of Indian isolates of T. gondii were purified using a Qiagen Mini elute gel extraction kit (Qiagen GmbH, Hilden, Germany) in accordance with the manufacturer’s protocol. Following this, competent Escherichia coli DH5α cells were prepared following the standard calcium chloride treatment method23. Ligation reaction for the cloning of SAG3 (amplified from T. gondii Indian isolates) into InsTAclone PCR cloning vector (Qiagen, Germany) as well as transformation of DH5α cells was carried out as per the company’s protocol. The positive clones were identified by blue-white colony screening method. Further confirmation was carried out by restriction analysis of the plasmid DNA isolated from the white colonies with PstI and EcoRI as well as by colony PCR following standard protocol24. The restriction digestion reaction was carried out at 37 oC for four h. The digested product as well, as the colony PCR amplified products, was visualized in the ethidium bromide-stained agarose gel following electrophoresis. The subcultures of a positive clone harboring the desired SAG3 genes of both the Indian isolates were custom DNA sequenced from the Department of Biochemistry, Delhi University. Data analysis: The sequence information received was analyzed using DNASTAR and GeneTool software. The sequences, hence received sequence submitted to GenBank (Accession No.: HQ291783 & HQ291784 for Chennei and Izatnagar isolates, respectively). Moreover, these two sequences were compared with an earlier sequenced RH strain sequence (Accession No.: FJ825705) from the department along with other published sequences viz., CEP (Accession No.: AF340229); P-Br (Accession No.: AY187280) and PRU (Accession No.: AF340228) from across the world through the GenBank using online Nucleotide BLAST Softwares (http://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/). RESULTS Viability of cryopreserved T. gondii: All the infected mice started showing characteristic signs of the disease from Day-7 Post Infection (PI). The clinical signs included raised & rough fur coat, pendulous abdomen, severe ascites, dullness, tachypnoea marked by resting on either the walls of the cages, on the nozzle of water bottle or on other resting mice with their forelegs. Microscopically, a large number of tachyzoites were detectable (either free or within the peritoneal macrophages suspended in the aspirated peritoneal fluid). PCR amplification, molecular cloning and molecular characterization of the SAG3 gene of Indian isolates: The whole ORF of the SAG3 gene was amplified from the cDNA of Indian isolates of T. gondii using the specific forward and reverse primers. The amplicons SUDAN, V.; TEWARI, A.K. & SINGH, H. - Molecular characterization and sequence phylogenetic analysis of surface antigen 3 (SAG-3) gene of local Indian isolates (Chennai and Izatnagar) of Toxoplasma gondii. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 57(3): 205-9, 2015. were resolved as a single band of 1158 bp (Fig. 1). It was further purified for ligation in InsTAclone PCR cloning vector. The selection of positive colonies was performed by colony PCR using the specific primers and also by restriction enzyme digestion of the recombinant plasmids with PstI and EcoRI for the release of insert. The results of restriction enzyme digestion (Fig. 2) as well as colony PCR (Fig. 3) were checked by agarose gel electrophoresis. Fig. 3 - Colony PCR confirming the amplifications of 1158 bp specific SAG3 amplicons of Indian isolates on 1.5% agarose gel. Lane M: Marker 100 bp DNA ladder plus; Lane C: Positive control DNA of T. gondii; Lane IZN 1,2: Amplicon of 1158 bp from T. gondii Izatnagar isolate; Lane CHEN 1,2: Amplicon of 1158 bp from T. gondii Chennai isolate. Fig. 1 - Specific PCR amplification of ORF of SAG3 gene of Indian isolates of T. gondii on 1.5% agarose gel. Lane CHEN: Amplicon of 1158 bp from T. gondii Chennai isolate; Lane M: Marker 100 bp DNA ladder plus; Lane IZN: Amplicon of 1158 bp from T. gondii Izatnagar isolate. that of the earlier sequenced RH strain sequence. A comparison of the nucleotide sequence of T. gondii Indian isolates revealed 100% homology between the Chennei and the Izatnagar isolates. Furthermore, there is a 99.3% identity with P-Br and the CEP SAG3 sequence and 98.4% with PRU. A phylogenetic association, for analyzing the identity between strains and testing the robustness of the association, was done using the online bootstrap method (http://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/) to delineate its relationship with other referral stains (Fig. 5). Fig. 4 - Sequence pair distances of SAG3 Clustal V (weighted). Fig. 5 - Phylogenetic tree of nucleotide sequence of SAG3 Clustal V (weighted). Fig. 2 - Release of SAG3 insert by restriction digestion of insTA cloning vector of the two Indian isolates on 1.5% agarose gel. Lane M: Marker 100 bp DNA ladder plus (MBI Fermentas); Lane IZN: Insert release after PstI and EcoRI digestion of vector containing Izatnagar isolate; Lane CHEN: Insert release after PstI and EcoRI digestion of vector containing Chennai isolate; Lane Uncut Plasmid: Undigested recombinant insTA cloning vector. Data analysis: The nucleotide sequence revealed 99.9% (Fig.4) sequence homology of SAG3 ORF between the Indian isolates with The Adenine and Thymine (A+T) content of the SAG3 gene of both the Indian isolates was found to be 42.57%, whereas the Guanine and Cytosine (G+C) content was 57.43%. The nucleotide homology was found to be 99.9% with the earlier sequenced RH strain. There was a substitution of a single nucleotide of A instead of G at the 397th position of the SAG3 nucleotide sequence of both the Indian isolates. The nucleotide substitution resulted in the change of a single nucleotide residue in the deduced amino acid sequence at the 133rd position as asparagine (N) instead of aspartic acid (D). As a whole, Indian isolates were closer to the RH strain than to the P-Br strain (Brazilian strain) and CEP strain and PRU strains (USA), with respect to the nucleotide homology. 207 SUDAN, V.; TEWARI, A.K. & SINGH, H. - Molecular characterization and sequence phylogenetic analysis of surface antigen 3 (SAG-3) gene of local Indian isolates (Chennai and Izatnagar) of Toxoplasma gondii. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 57(3): 205-9, 2015. DISCUSSION CONCLUSION The significance of toxoplasmosis has increased particularly in immune compromised and/or HIV/AIDS patients, with an alarming prevalence in developing countries such as India. The presence of brain cysts is often associated with various psychiatric disorders and behavioral alterations29 such as schizophrenia8, 32 alongside other brain pathologies and ocular involvements25 in both immunocompromised and immunocompetent individuals1,11. In order to precisely define the magnitude of the disease, it was of interest to investigate the genetic diversity of the pathogen among the T. gondii strains using advanced biotechnological approaches. In the present study, the SAG3 gene of T.gondii was cloned, sequenced and aligned, before being compared with various published strains and the homologies between the two Indian isolates were found both with one another and with other strains across the globe. The two Indian isolates used in the present study are known to vary between themselves as far as homologies related to other genes are concerned but they were found to be 100% homologous as far as SAG3 locus is concerned. This could be attributed to the fact that this SAG3 might be a conserved locus and therefore, further detailed studies are thereby warranted to exploit the use of this particular molecule in diagnostics and immunoprophylactics. The findings are important from the point of view of molecular phylogeny. Surface antigen 3 (SAG3), a 43kDa glycoprotein, is a glycosylphosphatidylinisotol-anchored (GPI) membrane-bound protein in the developmental stages of the pathogen (tachyzoites & bradyzoites) parasite6,19. The protein was earlier identified as P43. It was cloned and sequenced for the first time by CESBRON-DELAUW et al. in 19947 followed by FUX et al. in 200313. SAG3 has primary structure similarity with Surface antigen 1 (SAG1)7. SAG3 is a glycoaminoglycan-binding protein associated with binding of host heparin sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs)18. The SAG3-HSPGs interaction facilitates the parasite’s attachment to target cells. Furthermore, it has been shown that targeted disruption of the GPI-anchored surface antigen SAG3 gene in T. gondii resulted in decreased host cell adhesion and virulence of the parasite for mice10. In immunoprophylactic application, rSAG3 conferred partial protection in mice, which was mediated through Th1 type immune response21. However, molecular characterization of the SAG3 gene of T. gondii of Indian isolates has not been attempted so far. The present study reports the molecular characterization of the surface antigen 3 (SAG3) gene of T. gondii of Indian isolates and ascertains its molecular homology with some other strains of the same parasites that are prevalent across the globe. Worldwide, only one valid species of Toxoplasma exists. However, based on molecular genotyping studies, varied fundamental clonal population isolates of T. gondii have been recognized. The molecular diversity in the distinct and/or related Toxoplasma stabilates is routinely evaluated by sequence-based analysis among the different isolates. Recently, different strains of Toxoplasma gondii have been known to induce varying levels of cytokine responses5 and thereby vary in their pathogenesis, hence the study of the phylogeny has gained ultra importance owing to the variation in pathogenesis at the strain levels. Moreover, the two Indian isolates used in the present study are known to vary between themselves as far as homologies related to other gene loci like GRA 526, MIC 323 and SAG 227 are concerned but they were found to be 100% homologous as far as SAG3 locus is concerned. This could be attributed to the fact that this SAG3 might be a conserved locus and thereby, further detailed studies are thereby warranted to exploit the use of this particular molecule in diagnostics and immunoprophylactics. Interestingly, differences at the lineages sequence level of DNA among the predominant clones are less than 2%14. Transmission of the parasite through carnivorism and scavenging among intermediate hosts, bypassing sexual recombination events in the definitive host, i.e. cats17, 30, parthenogenetic formation of oocysts by many unfertilized macrogametes of the parasite in the small intestine of cats12, and simultaneous infection with different strains of T. gondii are some plausible reasons that can explain the existence of the clonal population structure in T. gondii3. 208 RESUMO Caracterização molecular e análise filogenética de sequências do antígeno de superfície 3 (SAG3) em isolados indianos (CHENNAI E IZATNAGAR) de Toxoplasma gondii Contexto e objetivo. A caracterização molecular de isolados indianos de Toxoplasma gondii é importante para a investigação de variações genéticas existentes entre cepas do parasito em diferentes locos gênicos. Delineamento e disposição. A presente comunicação realizou a clonagem e o sequenciamento dos 1158 pares de base correspondendo à totalidade do quadro de leitura do antígeno de superfície 3 (SAG3) de Toxoplasma gondii em dois isolados indianos (Chennai e Izatnagar) mantidos em um biorrepositório localizado em IVRI. Método. As sequências do SAG3 dos dois isolados indianos foram clonadas, sequenciadas e posteriormente comparadas com sequências SAG3 de Toxoplasma gondii disponíveis em publicações. Resultados. A comparação das sequências revelou 99,9% de homologia com a cepa RH padrão; 99,3% de homologia com as cepas P-Br e CEP; e 98,4% de homologia com a cepa PRU. Os dois isolados indianos eram 100% idênticos no que diz respeito à sequência SAG3. Conclusão. Concluiu-se que os isolados indianos são filogeneticamente mais próximos da cepa RH em relação à cepa brasileira P-Br, ou às cepas CEP e PRU (USA). No entanto, a análise de outros genes de Toxoplasma gondii destes dois isolados indianos mostrou diferenças na composição de nucleotídeos, ao contrário do que foi encontrado para o locus SAG3. Estes resultados poderiam ser atribuídos ao fato do locus SAG3 ser altamente conservado, necessitando de estudos adicionais para determinar se SAG3 poderia ser utilizado no diagnóstico da toxoplasmose. No entanto, estes resultados são importantes do ponto de vista da filogenia molecular. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors are thankful to the Director, IVRI for providing the facilities and to the ICAR for the fellowship awarded to the first author during the perusal of his master’s programme. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest. REFERENCES 1. Alvarado-Esquivel C, Alanis-Quiñones OP, Arreola-Valenzuela MA, Rodríguez- Briones A, Piedra-Nevarez IJ, Duran-Morales E, et al. Seroepidemiology of Toxoplasma gondii infection in psychiatric inpatients in a northern Mexican city. 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Sao Paulo 57(3):211-215, May-June, 2015 http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S0036-46652015000300005 OCCURRENCE OF Blastocystis spp. IN UBERABA, MINAS GERAIS, BRAZIL Marlene CABRINE-SANTOS(1), Eduardo do Nascimento CINTRA(1), Rafaela Andrade do CARMO(1), Gabriel Antônio Nogueira NASCENTES(2), André Luiz PEDROSA(3), Dalmo CORREIA(4) & Márcia Benedita de OLIVEIRA-SILVA(3) SUMMARY Intestinal parasites are a problem for public health all over the world. The infection with Blastocystis, a protozoan of controversial pathogenicity, is one of the most common among them all. In this study, the occurrence of intestinal parasites, with emphasis on Blastocystis, in patients at the Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro was investigated in Uberaba (MG) through microscopy of direct smears and fecal concentrates using Ritchie’s method. Feces of 1,323 patients were examined from April 2011 to May 2012. In 28.7% of them at least one intestinal parasite was identified, and the most frequent organisms were Blastocystis spp. (17.8%) and Giardia intestinalis (7.4%). The occurrence of parasitism was higher in children aged 6 -10 years old, and the infection with Blastocystis spp. was higher above the age of six (p < 0.001). The exclusive presence of G. intestinalis and of Blastocystis spp. was observed in 5.4% and 12.2% of the patients, respectively. Regarding patients with diarrheic feces, 8% revealed unique parasitism of Blastocystis spp. Other intestinal parasites observed in children were Ascaris lumbricoides (0.3%) and Entamoeba histolytica/ dispar/moshkovskii (1.4%). The Ritchie’s method was more sensitive (92.8%) when compared to direct microscopy (89.8%), with high agreement between them (97.7%, kappa = 0.92). In conclusion, the occurrence of Blastocystis spp. in Uberaba is high and the presence of diarrheic feces with exclusive presence of the parasite of Blastocystis spp. was observed. KEYWORDS: Blastocystis spp.; Intestinal parasites; Stools; Uberaba (MG). INTRODUCTION Intestinal infections by protozoa are frequent all over the world, being most prominent in developing countries, since the majority of the infections are generally acquired by the ingestion of foods or water contaminated by human and/or animal feces, generally caused by the lack of basic sanitation and conditions of hygiene4,6,12. In this context the infection with Blastocystis spp., an anaerobic intestinal protozoan is one of the most prevalent6,9,12, occurring in approximately 1.5% to 10% of the population in developed countries and 30% to 60% in developing countries19. However, these data are underestimated, since laboratory technicians are generally not sufficiently trained to detect it or simply do not report their findings. Moreover, routine techniques for stool analysis such as the water spontaneous sedimentation (HOFFMANPONS-JANER)8 which leads to the breakage of the vacuolar stage of the parasite, is one of the mostly detected stages in the stool examination, leading to the false negative results14. Although the infection with Blastocystis spp. is one of the most prevalent amongst the intestinal parasites, its impact on public health is not known, since its pathogenicity has been noted as controversial by several authors6,9,10,21. However, in spite of the controversial issue that Blastocystis pathogenesis represents, there are no explanations for patients who present symptoms like diarrhea, fever, vomit, abdominal pain, and nauseas in the absence of any other parasite but Blastocystis6,9,10. In addition to this, studies have shown that stress conditions can lead to increased susceptibility and pathogenicity of Blastocystis, it is also an opportunistic parasite in immunocompromised patients5,16. There is a huge lack of information regarding the pathogenesis, the diagnosis and the epidemiology of this protozoan20. In this study, it is shown that the occurrence of Blastocystis in Uberaba is high, followed by the infection of Giardia intestinalis, and that direct methods, especially Ritchie’s, are suitable for the diagnosis of the parasite. Moreover, the presence of diarrheal stools with unique parasitism by Blastocystis spp. was observed. MATERIAL AND METHODS The present paper is a cross-sectional study with a non-probability sample of patients who were treated at the Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro Hospital, between April 2011 and May 2012. All patients referred to carry out a stool test suffered from acute or chronic diarrhea or complaints of constant abdominal pain and/or weakness was included. Age, presence of underlying diseases, HIV/AIDS or gastrointestinal symptoms were not considered as exclusion criteria. The specimens were examined by the microscopy direct of smears and fecal concentrates by Ritchie’method18. Briefly, the examination by direct (1) Instituto de Ciências da Saúde, Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro, Uberaba/MG, Brazil. (2) Disciplina de Microbiologia e Imunologia, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Triângulo Mineiro (IFTM), Uberaba/MG, Brazil. (3) Instituto de Ciências Biológicas e Naturais, Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro, Uberaba/MG, Brazil. (4) Disciplina de Doenças Infecciosas e Parasitárias, Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro, R. Frei Paulino 30, Abadia, Uberaba, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Correspondence to: Marlene Cabrine-Santos, Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro, Av. Getúlio Guaritá, s/n, Abadia, 38025-440 Uberaba, Minas Gerais, Brasil. Tel.: +55 3433185542. Fax: +55 3433185462. E-mail: marlenecabrine@yahoo.com.br CABRINE-SANTOS, M.; CINTRA, E.N.; CARMO, R.A.; NASCENTES, G.A.N.; PEDROSA, A.L.; CORREIA, D. & OLIVEIRA-SILVA, M.B. - Occurrence of Blastocystis spp. in Uberaba, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 57(3): 211-4, 2015. microscopy was conducted with an amount of stool placed in a drop of Lugol solution in a slide/coverslip and observed by optical microscopy with a 400× objective lense. Ritchie’s method was performed by keeping the feces in 3.7% formaldehyde, adding ethyl ether and then centrifuging the mixture at 1,200×g/5min. The sediment was observed with the 400× objective. The statistical software Statistica 10.0 (Statsoft, Tulsa, OK, 2011) was used to perform the statistical analysis. The association between risk factors and presence of Blastocystis spp. was verified by the chi-squared classic or, whenever necessary by the chi-square test with Yates correction and Fisher’s exact test. Moreover, the association force was measured by the calculation of the Odds ratio with confidence intervals of 95%. The agreement between the microscopy direct and the Ritchie’s method was evaluated by means of Kappa coefficient. Results which demonstrate a level of significance lower than 0.05 (p < 0.05) were considered significant. This study was approved by the ethics committee in research at the UFTM under number 1804. RESULTS Stool specimens from 1,323 patients were examined, with 44.1% male and 55.9% female. From the analyzed samples, 28.7% presented an intestinal pathogenic parasite or not, being Blastocystis spp. (17.8%) and G. intestinalis (7.4%) the most observed (Table 1). The known pathogenic parasites analysis showed a positivity of 10.4% (138/1323), with the highest occurrence detected by G. intestinalis. The presence of non-pathogenic parasites occurred in 7.3% of the samples (Table 1). Table 1 Occurrence of intestinal parasites in stool samples of patients from the Clinical Hospital at the Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro, Uberaba, MG Positivity of the diagnostic tests n % Intestinal parasites 379 28.65 Blastocystis sp. 235 17.76 Giardia intestinalis 98 7.41 Entamoeba coli 59 4.46 Endolimax nana 36 2.72 Entamoeba histolytica/dispar/moshkovskii 26 1.97 Taenia sp. 6 0.45 Ascaris lumbricoides 2 0.15 Isospora belli 1 0.08 Strongyloides stercoralis 2 0.15 Chilomastix mesnili 1 0.08 Hookworms 1 0.08 Enterobius vermicularis 1 0.08 1 0.08 Exclusive presence of Blastocystis 161 12.17 Exclusive presence of Giardia 71 5.37 Hymenolepis nana From the evaluated samples, 33.47% (442) were from children aged 0-5 years and 11.04% (146) were from children aged between 6-10 years 212 (Table 2), and in 27.8% and 44.1 % of them, respectively, the presence of parasitism by at least one organism was observed, whether pathogenic or not. G. intestinalis infection occurred in 86.7% of cases (85/98) in patients aged between 0-10 years (Table 2). Ascaris lumbricoides (3, 0.3%) and Entamoeba histolytica/dispar/moshkovskii (13, 0.7%) were also observed in children. Table 2 Parasitism by Giardia intestinalis and Blastocystis spp. according to the age group of patients treated at the Clinical Hospital, Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro, Uberaba (MG) No. of patients Giardia intestinalis (n/%) Blastocystis spp. (n/%) 0-5 442 70 (15.8) 51 (1.5) 6-10 146 15 (10.2) 44 (30.1) 11-20 103 6 (5.8) 25 (24.1) 21-50 407 5 (1.2) 70 (17.2) > 50 225 2 (0.8) 45 (20.0) Total 1,323 98 235 Age (years) Overall, parasitism was higher in male patients (32.6%) than in females (25.5%) (95% CI = 1.1 to 1.79, p < 0.005) and higher in the range age of 6-10 years (95% IC = 1.48-3.60; p < 0.001). Interestingly, parasitism of Blastocystis spp. was significantly higher in patients presenting over six years of age (p < 0.001, Table 2). The analysis of parasitism by G. intestinalis or Blastocystis spp. by age in relation to gender showed no significant difference. The unique presence of Blastocystis in feces occurred in 161/1,323 samples (12.1%). The analysis of the consistency of feces at the moment of the examination showed that, among the solid samples, softened and liquid, 12.0% (107/892), 15.8% (34/215) and 8.0% (6/75), respectively, were positive exclusively for Blastocystis spp., showing no statistical difference (p = 0.152). The information of the consistency of 14 stool samples with exclusively positivites for Blastocystis sp was not taken. The analysis by Ritchie’s method was more sensitive for the diagnosis of Blastocystis (92.8%) than that by direct microscopy (89.8%), with a ratio of 97.7% agreement (Kappa = 0.92). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS In this study the occurrence of intestinal infections by protozoa and/ or helminths in Uberaba (MG) was of 28.7%. However, only 10.4% of the stool samples presented some pathogenic parasite, in which 7.4% corresponded to the infection by Giardia that occurred mainly in children between 0-10 years of age. These data are in accordance with other studies carried out in several regions of Brazil11,14,17. Regarding age and gender, the presence of intestinal parasites was higher in male children aged between the ages of six and 10 years. In relation to parasitism by Blastocystis (17.8%) it was higher in patients over six years of age and had no direct relation to gender. G. intestinalis infection presented no correlation with gender either. Regarding age, the data agrees with other CABRINE-SANTOS, M.; CINTRA, E.N.; CARMO, R.A.; NASCENTES, G.A.N.; PEDROSA, A.L.; CORREIA, D. & OLIVEIRA-SILVA, M.B. - Occurrence of Blastocystis spp. in Uberaba, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 57(3): 211-4, 2015. studies19 and differs from some authors which showed that Blastocystis infection was higher in children than in adults9,14,15. In relation to gender, there is no agreement which indicates that gender shows the highest occurrence of Blastocystis spp.14,19. The occurrence of Blastocystis spp. infection was higher when compared with all other parasites, an observation that corroborates other studies4,6,9,12,16. The exclusive occurrence of Blastocystis in 8% of diarrheal stools suggests that it may have a pathogenic character, as some authors agree19,21. Some authors observed the presence of Blastocystis in stool samples from HIV-infected, homosexuals, travelers, day care children, animal handlers, and mentally handicapped individuals2,16. Besides, in immunocompromised patients, the parasite must be considered pathogenic and patients should be treated accordingly for Blastocystis if no other pathogens are detected2,16. According to them, the pathogenicity of Blastocystis is possibly associated with low host immunity, modified intestinal microbiota, and concomitant presence of irritable bowel syndrome and the virulence of the parasite strain. According to CHANDRAMATHI et al. (2014), pathogenicity may also be host stress dependent, which would lead to a suppression of both immune responses and to the oxidant-antioxidant regulatory system. However, more studies are needed to exclude other possible causes of diarrhea, such as rotavirus infection or metabolic disorders. In the literature, several authors suggest that the search of this protozoan via the direct method6,9,12, trichrome staining and cultivation1,10,21, states that the concentration methods should not be employed for observation of B. hominis as they destroy cell morphology. In this study, both methods, direct and Ritchie’s showed higher sensitivity to 89.8%, with a high agreement percentage (97.7%, kappa = 0.92), being appropriate to the diagnosis of Blastocystis. Although the culture is efficient, its cost is higher than the direct method, which has good sensitivity for detecting Blastocystis, since the vacuolar shapes of this parasite are usually released in large amounts in feces. In the authors’ experience and unlike that of other authors1, staining of fecal smears for direct identification of Blastocystis from feces is not easy to analyze, as the microscopist needs experience to obtain a good result. Thus, the Ritchie’s method is a good concentration method, as it is fast and effective, as demonstrated by other authors14. The HPJ method is also effective if used to dilute 3.7% of formaldehyde stools, since the water breaks the vacuolar, granular and amoeboid shapes of the parasite. Infection with non-pathogenic parasites (Endolimax nana, Entamoeba coli, Chilomastix mesnilli) occurred in 7.3% of the samples (Table 1). Human infection by non-pathogenic protozoa has been reported by several authors in Brazil7,13,14,22 and it highlights the need of their own reports in laboratory reports, therefore it should be considered as an indicator of fecal contamination of food and water consumed by the population. In conclusion, the occurrence of Blastocystis spp. in Uberaba (MG) was high, this scenario indicates the importance of investigating the main route of parasite transmission and their association with the clinical symptoms manifestation. Furthermore, this study showed that the direct and Ritchie’s method were effective for the diagnosis of Blastocystis spp. and that there is a need for the description of commensal protozoa in laboratory reports and for the training of laboratory technicians to improve in order to detect it. RESUMO Ocorrência de Blastocystis spp. em Uberaba, Minas Gerais, Brasil Parasitos intestinais são um problema de saúde pública no mundo e a infecção por Blastocystis, protozoário de patogenicidade controversa, é uma das mais frequentes. Nesse estudo foi investigada a ocorrência de parasitos intestinais em pacientes atendidos na Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro, em Uberaba (MG), com ênfase em Blastocystis, pelos métodos parasitológicos direto e de Ritchie. Foram examinadas fezes de 1.323 pacientes de abril/2011 a maio/2012. Em 28,7% deles foi identificado um parasito intestinal, sendo Blastocystis spp. (17,8%) e Giardia intestinalis (7,4%) os mais frequentes. A ocorrência de parasitismo foi maior em crianças de 6-10 anos e a infecção por Blastocystis spp. foi maior acima de seis anos (p < 0,001). Presença exclusiva de G. intestinalis e de Blastocystis spp. foi observada em 5,4% e 12,2% dos pacientes, respectivamente, sendo que dos pacientes com fezes diarreicas, 8% apresentavam parasitismo exclusivo por Blastocystis spp. Outros parasitos intestinais observados em crianças foram Ascaris lumbricoides (0,3%) e Entamoeba histolytica/dispar/moshkovskii (1,4%). O método de Ritchie foi mais sensível (92,8%) que o direto (89,8%), com alta concordância entre eles (97,7%, kappa = 0,92). Em conclusão, a ocorrência de Blastocystis spp. em Uberaba é elevada e foi observada a presença de fezes diarreicas com parasitismo exclusivo por Blastocystis spp. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to thank Oberdan Ricardo Ribeiro, the laboratory technician at Hospital de Clínicas at UFTM for his assistance in the collection and processing of samples. Financial support: FAPEMIG- Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (APQ04094-10). AUTHOR’S CONTRIBUTIONS MCS and ALP were responsible for the experimental design of the study; ENC and RAC were responsible for the execution techniques and parasitological examination of stools along with MCS and MBOs. GANN was responsible for the statistical analysis and DC for the attending and for the referral of the patients. All authors reviewed and contributed to the writing of this manuscript. MCS is responsible for the manuscript. CONFLICT OF INTERESTS No conflict of interests was declared. REFERENCES 1.Amato Neto V, Rodríguez Alarcón RS, Gakiya E, Bezerra, RC, Ferreira CS, Braz LM. Blastocistose: controvérsias e indefinições. Rev Soc Bras Med Trop. 2003;36:515-7. 2.Basak S, Rajurkar MN, Mallick SK. Detection of Blastocystis hominis: a controversial human pathogen. Parasitol Res. 2014;113:261-5. 3.Boreham PF, Stenzel DJ. The current status of Blastocystis hominis. 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Because of that, laboratorial diagnosis of acute undifferentiated febrile illness during epidemic periods is frequently directed towards these viruses, which may eventually hinder the detection of other circulating flaviviruses, including the Saint Louis encephalitis virus (SLEV), which is widely dispersed across the Americas. The aim of this study was to conduct a molecular investigation of 11 flaviviruses using 604 serum samples obtained from patients during a large dengue fever outbreak in the state of Mato Grosso (MT) between 2011 and 2012. Simultaneously, 3,433 female Culex spp. collected with Nasci aspirators in the city of Cuiabá, MT, in 2013, and allocated to 409 pools containing 1-10 mosquitoes, were also tested by multiplex semi-nested reverse transcription PCR for the same flaviviruses. SLEV was detected in three patients co-infected with DENV-4 from the cities of Cuiabá and Várzea Grande. One of them was a triple coinfection with DENV-1. None of them mentioned recent travel or access to sylvatic/rural regions, indicating that transmission might have occurred within the metropolitan area. Regarding mosquito samples, one pool containing one Culex quinquefasciatus female was positive for SLEV, with a minimum infection rate (MIR) of 0.29 per 1000 specimens of this species. Phylogenetic analysis indicates both human and mosquito SLEV cluster, with isolates from genotype V-A obtained from animals in the Amazon region, in the state of Pará. This is the first report of SLEV molecular identification in MT. KEYWORDS: Arbovirus; Molecular epidemiology; SLEV; Dengue virus; DENV; Virological surveillance; Tropical diseases. INTRODUCTION Saint Louis encephalitis virus (SLEV) is a recognized human pathogen classified in the Japanese encephalitis virus complex, Flavivirus genus, Flaviviridae family, circulating in the Americas. SLEV is an arbovirus maintained by zoonotic cycles involving Culex (Cx.) spp. and other mosquitoes as vectors; birds as amplifiers; humans and other animals as accidental final hosts7. Most human infections are subclinical. Some are unspecific acute febrile infections rarely accompanied by meningoencephalitis with increased severity and fatality in the elderly24. Reports of human infection in Brazil are scarce. The first report of human infection in Brazil was evidenced in Pará, in 197016. In the 1990’s, detection of anti-SLEV antibodies, including seroconversion, was reported in residents of an ecological reserve in Vale do Ribeira, SP19. A few human cases have been reported more recently: in a woman from the city of São Paulo, SP, 200418 and in 20 patients from São José do Rio Preto (SP), two years later12,13,23. One case was identified in a suspected dengue fever patient from Ribeirão Preto (SP) in 20149. SLEV infection might not be rare in humans, but instead is often mistaken with dengue virus (DENV) and goes largely undiagnosed in Brazil. SLEV is widely dispersed throughout the New World, from Canada to Argentina. However, clinical infection has become more frequent in the United States of America (USA) and, to a lesser extent, in Central and South America25. The virus was first reported during a human encephalitis outbreak in Saint Louis, USA, in 193326. SLEV was first identified in Brazil in the 1960’s in Sabethes belisarioi pools from the state of Pará (PA), in the northern region of the country16,24. Later, between 1967 and 1969, it was detected in sentinel mice, sylvatic rodents and birds in the state of São Paulo (SP)8. Serological studies to estimate SLEV prevalence in the population of Central Brazil are limited in number. Often, antigenic similarity between DENV, SLEV and other flaviviruses compromises seroprevalence studies due to cross-reactions. A few reports indicate 5% seroprevalence in northern and southeastern Brazil20. Seroprevalence studies with SLEV demonstrate that prevalence ranges from 3-43% within the Brazilian population9. Acute clinical infections are rarely reported in Brazil, possibly because humans are accidental or final hosts, and infections are frequently mild or unapparent, accompanied by transient low-titer (1) Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Saúde, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (FM/UFMT), Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brazil. (2) Curso de Graduação em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (FM/UFMT), Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brazil. (3) Laboratório Central de Saúde Pública do Mato Grosso, MT-Laboratório, Secretaria Estadual de Saúde, Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brazil. Correspondence to: Renata Dezengrini Slhessarenko, Departamento de Ciências Básicas em Saúde, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Av Fernando Correa da Costa 2367, CCBS-I, sala 82, 78060-900 Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brasil. Tel: +55-65-9213-7333; Fax: +55-65-3615-8863. E-mail: renatadezengrini@yahoo.com.br HEINEN, L.B.S.; ZUCHI, N.; SERRA, O.P.; CARDOSO, B.F.; GONDIM, B.H.F.; SANTOS, M.A.M.; SOUTO, F.J.D.; PAULA, D.A.J.; DUTRA, V. & DEZENGRINI-SLHESSARENKO, R. - Saint Louis encephalitis virus in Mato Grosso, Central-Western Brazil. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 57(3): 215-20, 2015. viremia, and because routine differential diagnosis is not available12. Despite these difficulties, molecular approaches are important tools for population screening and the monitoring of flaviviruses12. Among domestic animals, serologic evidence of SLEV circulation in horses has been reported in different states across Brazil, including Minas Gerais (MG), Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Mato Grosso do Sul (MS), Paraíba (PB), São Paulo (SP) and Pará (PA)15,17,20,21. Infected horses rarely develop clinical symptoms. However, one fatal neurological case of SLEV in a horse was recently described in MG20. Detection of SLEV in birds and serological evidence in horses from the state of Mato Grosso (MT) has also been reported14,18. Concerning vector species, SLEV is frequently identified in arthropods in the Amazon18 and other regions of the country. In 1993, SLEV was identified in Anopheles triannulatus and Culex spp. in northwestern São Paulo19. Usually, mosquito species serving as SLEV vectors vary according to geographical region. Cx. pipiens, Cx. quinquefasciatus and Cx. negripalpus are the most frequently involved in SLEV transmission in the Americas. The virus persists in Culex spp. and these mosquitoes have been thought of responsible for SLEV maintenance between seasons10. DENV is the most common flavivirus worldwide, representing an important health public problem. Reports of dengue fever outbreaks are frequent in Brazil. During epidemics, laboratory diagnosis of nonspecific acute febrile illnesses has been directed towards this flavivirus infection, hindering the detection of other arboviruses. The aim of this study was to investigate, using molecular approaches, other flaviviruses possibly circulating in MT. MATERIALS AND METHODS Human and arthropod sampling: After receiving approval from the institutional Ethics Committee (CEP/HUJM/100/2011), serum samples and epidemiological data were obtained from 604 patients in 20 cities across MT who sought medical care between October, 2011 and July, 2012 for acute febrile illnesses lasting less than five days. Also, 3,433 female Culex spp. were captured with Nasci aspirators from 184 censitary sectors of Cuiabá between January and May, 2013, identified using GPS locators. Three places were sampled at each sector. These Culicidae were identified according to dichotomy keys3,4 and a nested-PCR for Culex quinquefasciatus22 and allocated to 409 pools of between one and ten mosquitoes; 403 with 3,425 Cx. quinquefasciatus, five with seven Cx. bidens or Cx. interfor and one with one female of Culex spinosus. Flaviviruses detection: Viral RNA from patient serum and total RNA from mosquito pools were extracted according to manufacturers’ instructions (QIAamp Viral RNA Mini Kit, Qiagen and Trizol, Invitrogen, respectively). Extracted RNA was subject to a multiplex semi-nested reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR) for a nucleotide region of flaviviruses NS5 gene (958 bp), followed by a species-specific secondary reaction differentiating 11 flaviviruses, as previously described 1. Flaviviruspositive samples were confirmed by at least two independent single reactions with the same forward and species-specific reverse primer. PCR products were then submitted to nucleotide sequencing (3500 Genetic Analyzer, Applied Biossystems, USA). RNA from the SLEV strain genotype V-B BeH 355964 and no template were included as controls in all the reactions. Nucleotide sequences obtained from the positive control were analyzed to exclude contamination. 216 The minimum infection rate (MIR) was calculated with the formula ([number of positive pools / total specimens tested] x 1000), considering the total of Culex quinquefasciatus specimens tested (3,433 mosquitoes). SLEV-positive samples were subjected to inoculation in C6/36 cells16. Nucleotide and amino acid sequence analysis of an envelope gene region from SLEV: A region of the SLEV envelope gene (477 bp) was amplified in positive samples via semi-nested RT - PCR and sequenced for phylogenetic analysis6. A phylogenetic tree was constructed with the neighbor-joining method, based on the Tamura-Nei distance model and 1,000 bootstrap replicates (Geneious R7 7.1.7, USA) using reference SLEV sequences from the GenBank database (PubMed, NCBI, USA). Deduced amino acid sequences were also analyzed (Geneious R7 version 7.1.7; Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis version 5.05, USA), including residues present at specific positions characteristic of SLEV lineages10. Nucleotide sequences obtained in this study were deposited at GenBank, pubMed (accession numbers: KJ699354; KJ957827; KJ847419; KJ801827). RESULTS Clinical and epidemiological findings: During this transversal observational study, three patients from the metropolitan area of Cuiabá who tested positive for DENV without neurological or hemorrhagic manifestations were also positive for SLEV. The first patient, a 47-yearold woman working in general services, sought medical care at a local hospital in May, 2012 with hyperthermia and posterior neck pain. She was also positive for DENV-1 and DENV-4 by RT-PCR, constituting a triple co-infection. DENV-4 was isolated from the serum of this patient. The second patient, a 55-year-old male civil engineer, was treated at the same hospital on the same day for hyperthermia, headache, emesis and epigastric pain. The third patient was a 10-year-old male school pupil who sought medical care in the city of Várzea Grande in March 2012. Though clinical information was not available in his case, both patients were also positive for DENV-4 by RT-PCR. All patients were urban residents without history of traveling or visits to sylvatic or rural areas. None of the patients reported previous cases of a similar disease. Attempts to recover SLEV from the co-infected serum were unsuccessful. One pool containing a single Cx. quinquefasciatus female was positive for SLEV in the metropolitan area of Cuiabá, with a MIR of 0.29 per 1000 specimens of this species. The vast majority of the patients included in this study were positive for DENV serotypes (331/604 patients, 54.8%) and were admitted during an epidemic coinciding with the introduction of the DENV-4 serotype in MT. The hyperendemicity of the four serotypes in Cuiabá, MT, nine co-infections between DENV-1/DENV-4 and one between DENV-2/ DENV-4 are going to be discussed separately. Analysis of a partial sequence of the envelope gene: Phylogenetic analysis of an envelope glycoprotein gene region with 477 bp showed that SLEV identified in a female Cx. quinquefasciatus mosquito (SLEV_BR/ HEINEN, L.B.S.; ZUCHI, N.; SERRA, O.P.; CARDOSO, B.F.; GONDIM, B.H.F.; SANTOS, M.A.M.; SOUTO, F.J.D.; PAULA, D.A.J.; DUTRA, V. & DEZENGRINI-SLHESSARENKO, R. - Saint Louis encephalitis virus in Mato Grosso, Central-Western Brazil. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 57(3): 215-20, 2015. MT-CbaAr499/2013) and in human (SLEV_BR/MT-CbaH364/2012) samples in the present study belong to genotype V-A. Envelope amino acid sequences from SLEV genotypes II, V and VIII retrieved from GenBank were compared with the human SLEV_BR/ MT-CbaH364/2012 and the mosquito SLEV_BR/MT-CbaAr499/2013 amino acid sequences. Variations in amino acid residues previously described as specific for strains belonging to lineages II, V and VIII were not present in the partial envelope gene sequence obtained here10. None of the variations described for other lineages in positions present in the partial envelope amino acid sequences analyzed were observed in the MT samples. A high homology was observed between the partial envelope amino acid sequences obtained from the female Cx sp. SLEV_BR/ MT-CbaAr499/2013 and the human SLEV_BR/MT-CbaH364/2012. However, the human SLEV_BR/MT-CbaH364/2012 presented a leucine residue at the position 96, whereas all the other amino acid sequences from genotypes II, V and VII presented a proline residue. The SLEV_BR/ MT-CbaAr499/2013 obtained from mosquito exhibited an amino acid substitution for asparagine at position 45, whereas all the other SLEV strains in this study, including the human SLEV_BR/MT-CbaH364/2012, have a lysine residue at the same position (Fig 3). be circulating in MT. Although under-notification is common, data from the Notifiable Diseases Information System in 2012 included 44,814 notifications of dengue fever cases in MT, 10,742 of them in Cuiabá and 3,133 in Várzea Grande, attributed to DENV-4 (96.2 %) and DENV-1 (3.8 %)2,11. DISCUSSION Dengue fever outbreaks occur frequently in Brazil, including in MT. However, testing samples from febrile patients solely for DENV and the yellow fever virus could mean that other flaviviruses silently cocirculating in the region may go undetected. For this reason, differential diagnosis during dengue outbreaks should be performed routinely. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first report of SLEV and DENV4 co-infections in Brazilian patients, including a DENV-1, DENV-4 and SLEV triple infection. Clinical complications were not identified at the time of sample collection. Therefore, it was not possible to determine the etiology of the acute febrile illness. DENV-3 and SLEV co-infection, accompanied by hemorrhagic manifestations without increased severity, was previously reported during a dengue fever epidemic in the city of São José do Rio Preto, SP, southeastern Brazil12. Fig 1 - Distribution of patients with acute febrile illness in the state of Mato Grosso between 2011 and 2012 tested for flaviviruses species by multiplex semi-nested RT-PCR. Cities with patients who tested positive for dengue virus (DENV) serotypes 1 and 4 and Saint Louis encephalitis virus (SLEV) are identified. SLEV infection may be underestimated in MT. Only patients with acute febrile illness for less than five days were included in the present study. Further studies to estimate seroprevalence in the population, as well as to identify the vector species transmitting the virus, are a matter to be addressed shortly. SLEV is currently classified by eight lineages, 15 subtypes, based on envelope gene or genome sequences. These lineages correlate with the geographical distribution of the virus. The Brazilian strains reported so far belong to SLEV genotypes II, III, V, and VIII (subtypes A and B), with V and VIII being the most prevalent in the Amazon region18. One Cx. quinquefasciatus female captured in the Bela Vista neighborhood of Cuiabá was positive for SLEV (MIR = 0.29). Aedes and Culex spp. are involved in DENV and SLEV transmission, respectively24. The co-infections described here likely resulted from exposure to both infected mosquito species. However, several other mosquito species have been described as SLEV vectors. Phylogenetic analysis shows that SLEV identified in the present study within humans (SLEV_BR/MT-CbaH364/2012) and mosquitoes (SLEV_BR/MT-CbaAr499/2013) belong to genotype V-A, closely related to isolates from animals in the Amazon region, in the state of Pará (Fig. 2). Previously, genotype VIII-B was isolated from birds in the Amazon in MT in 197418. Although SLEV has been detected in both urban and sylvatic environments of Brazil and that Amazônia and Pantanal constitute the majority of territory in Mato Grosso, the three human cases reported here were detected within a large metropolitan area, located in the Cerrado biome (Fig 1). These cases were reported during a large DENV-4 outbreak, indicating that flaviviruses besides DENV may The phylogenetic tree, constructed with strains belonging to the eight lineages of SLEV, demonstrates a common ancestry between the human SLEV_BR/MT-CbaH364/2012, mosquito SLEV_BR/MTCbaAr499/2013 and SLEV isolates from PA and Argentina belonging to genotype V. The MT SLEV samples clustered with a bootstrap value of 98%, originating a clade in genotype V. They also indicated a homology 217 HEINEN, L.B.S.; ZUCHI, N.; SERRA, O.P.; CARDOSO, B.F.; GONDIM, B.H.F.; SANTOS, M.A.M.; SOUTO, F.J.D.; PAULA, D.A.J.; DUTRA, V. & DEZENGRINI-SLHESSARENKO, R. - Saint Louis encephalitis virus in Mato Grosso, Central-Western Brazil. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 57(3): 215-20, 2015. Fig 2 - Phylogenetic tree of envelope gene sequences from SLEV_BR/MT-CbaH364/2012, SLEV_BR/MT-CbaAr499/2013 and Saint Louis encephalitis virus (SLEV) genotypes deposited at GenBank (NCBI), using the neighbor-joining method, Tamura-Nei distance model and 1,000 bootstrap replicates. Outgroups included Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV), West Nile virus (WNV), and dengue virus 1 (DENV-1). of 99% in the nucleotide sequence, suggesting that the same virus may be circulating in vectors and hosts. Although in the present study (Fig. 2), the cluster within lineage V is not supported by a high bootstrap value (65.9%), similar results were described by others when analyzing partial envelope sequences of SLEV strains belonging to the same lineage10,23. The distance between the isolates in the phylogenetic tree belonging to lineage V ranged from 0.008% between the two samples from MT, to 0.060% among the BeAn288398 and BeAn203235 strains, from genotypes VA and VB, respectively. Central and South American strains and some North American isolates from California and West Texas10. Genotype V-A, dispersed throughout the Americas, was already reported in Brazil, Argentina, Peru and Trinidad & Tobago in vertebrate hosts and arthropod vectors. In Brazil, this genotype has been detected in different cities of PA and the state of Rondônia. Genotype V-B was only reported in PA18. Genotype VIII subtypes A and B are frequent in the Brazilian Amazon and, genotype VIII-B was already isolated from Amazon region birds of MT in 1974 and from one horse with a neurological disease from MG in 201318,20. The SLEV samples circulating in MT demonstrated a greater similarity to the BRA PA BeAn259507 isolate. This isolate belongs to genotype V-A, obtained from domestic birds in Altamira, PA. SLEV strains obtained from animals in Belém (BR PA An BeAn248398, BR PA An BeAn246407 and BRA PA An BeAn259507) and from Culex spp. in Argentina (ARG Ar 78v6507) are allocated in the same branch as they belong to the same genotype. The analysis of the envelope amino acid sequences revealed a high homology between the human SLEV_BR/MT-CbaH364/2012 and the mosquito SLEV_BR/MT-CbaAr499/2013. None of the variations described for other lineages in positions that were present in the analyzed envelope amino acid partial sequence were observed in the MT samples10. The leucine residue at position 96 in the human SLEV_BR/ MT-CbaH364/2012, whereas all the other studied amino acid sequences from genotypes II, V and VII presented a proline residue, has already been described in the human SLEV sample from São José do Rio Preto, SP23. Additionally, the SLEV_BR/MT-CbaAr499/2013 obtained from mosquitoes showed an asparagine at position 45, whereas all the other SLEV strains analyzed in the present study, including the human SLEV_BR/MT-CbaH364/2012, have a lysine residue at the same position (Fig. 3). The homology between the human and arthropod SLEV samples, identified in MT, indicates that the same virus is perhaps circulating in both vector and vertebrate host populations. Although SLEV circulates between arthropod vectors, mammalian and avian hosts, isolates of the virus generally do not exhibit a high level of genetic diversity; indeed, the most diverse isolates have a 10.1% nucleotide divergence and, strains within each lineage show less than 5.5% nucleotide divergence10. In this regard, the sequences included in the study from genotypes VA and VB indicate nucleotide similarity between 96.1 and 99%. The most prevalent genotypes in Brazil are V and VIII, existing throughout the Amazon basin, mainly in PA18. Lineage V is composed of 218 Birds are believed to carry SLEV to different regions, and may be HEINEN, L.B.S.; ZUCHI, N.; SERRA, O.P.; CARDOSO, B.F.; GONDIM, B.H.F.; SANTOS, M.A.M.; SOUTO, F.J.D.; PAULA, D.A.J.; DUTRA, V. & DEZENGRINI-SLHESSARENKO, R. - Saint Louis encephalitis virus in Mato Grosso, Central-Western Brazil. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 57(3): 215-20, 2015. Fig 3 - Alignment of deduced amino acid envelope protein (partial sequence) of Saint Louis encephalitis virus (SLEV) obtained from a human with acute febrile illness (SLEV_BR/MTCbaH364/2012) and a Culex quinquefasciatus female (SLEV_BR/MT-CbaAr499/2013) compared to reference SLEV strains available at GenBank database. Amino acid substitutions unique to the samples from Mato Grosso are in bold. responsible for introducing SLEV V-A in MT, due to migratory routes from the Amazon to Pantanal. Culex mosquitoes are abundant in MT, and most likely maintain viral transmission between birds as well as sporadic transmission to horses and humans. SLEV infections in humans may occur sporadically in MT and be more frequent than observed in this study, conducted only with patients who sought medical care during a dengue outbreak. The absence of routine differential diagnosis may contribute to the lack of previous reports. Therefore, these findings indicate the necessity for broad-spectrum clinical-epidemiological investigations during dengue outbreaks. Active surveillance of arboviral circulation should be routinely performed in MT in the imminence of introduction or reintroduction of these viruses. Additional studies involving other animal species, birds and vector mosquitoes are necessary to comprehend the epidemiological cycle and magnitude of SLEV circulation in MT. RESUMO Vírus da encefalite de Saint Louis em Mato Grosso, Centro-Oeste, Brasil O vírus da dengue (DENV), frequentemente envolvido em epidemias de grande proporção, e o vírus da febre amarela (YFV), responsável por surtos silvestres esporádicos, são considerados os flavivírus circulantes mais importantes no Brasil. Por este motivo, o diagnóstico laboratorial de doença febril aguda indiferenciada durante períodos epidêmicos é frequentemente direcionado para dengue e febre amarela no país, dificultando a detecção de outros arbovírus possivelmente circulantes, incluindo o vírus da encefalite de Saint Louis (SLEV), que é amplamente disperso nas Américas. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar molecularmente a presença de 11 flavivírus no soro de 604 pacientes durante grande epidemia de dengue no estado de Mato Grosso (MT), Centro-Oeste do Brasil, entre 20112012. Concomitantemente, 3.433 fêmeas de Culex spp. capturadas com aspirador de Nasci na cidade de Cuiabá, MT e alocadas em 409 pools com 1-10 mosquitos em 2013 foram testadas por multiplex seminested RT-PCR para os mesmos flavivírus. O SLEV foi detectado em três pacientes co-infectados com o DENV-4 das cidades de Cuiabá e Várzea Grande, MT. Um dos pacientes apresentava tripla co-infecção com DENV-1. Nenhum paciente referiu histórico recente de viagem ou acesso a áreas rurais/silvestres. Um pool contendo uma fêmea de Culex quinquefasciatus foi positivo para o SLEV, apresentando taxa de infecção mínima (MIR) de 0,29 por 1000 espécimes desta espécie. A análise filogenética indica que ambas as amostras formam um cluster com isolados do genótipo V-A do SLEV obtidos de animais na região amazônica do estado do Pará. Este é o primeiro relato de identificação molecular do SLEV no MT. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors thank Ana E. Viniski, Sumako U. Kinoshita (LACEN/ MT, SES, Cuiabá), Liliana V. A. Correa, (FM, UFMT, Cuiabá) for their assistance. In addition, they thank Fernanda C. Pereira, a medical graduate student, for her scientific training, Roberta V. M. Bronzoni (UFMT Sinop) for providing RNA of the SLEV positive control and Mauricio L. Nogueira (FAMERP) for training and discussion of the results. FINANCIAL SUPPORT This study was supported by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq; grant 472890/2011-5). NZ, LBSH, OPS and BFC were recipients of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) scholarships; FCP and BHFG were recipients of the UFMT scientific initiation scholarships. 219 HEINEN, L.B.S.; ZUCHI, N.; SERRA, O.P.; CARDOSO, B.F.; GONDIM, B.H.F.; SANTOS, M.A.M.; SOUTO, F.J.D.; PAULA, D.A.J.; DUTRA, V. & DEZENGRINI-SLHESSARENKO, R. - Saint Louis encephalitis virus in Mato Grosso, Central-Western Brazil. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 57(3): 215-20, 2015. REFERENCES 1. 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Clinical and laboratory data were collected during dental visits and from medical records. A trained dentist determined gingival indices and extension of gingivitis. Saliva samples were tested for herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 (HSV-1 and HSV-2), varicella zoster virus (VZV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), and cytomegalovirus (CMV) by nested polymerase chain reaction assays. Thirty-five HIV-infected and 16 control children had gingivitis. Seventeen (35.4%) HIVinfected children and 13 (27%) control children were positive for HHVs. CMV was the most commonly detected HHV in both groups (HIV-infected, 25%; control, 12.5%), followed by HSV-1 (6.2% in both groups) and HSV-2 (HIV-infected, 4.2%; control, 8.3%). The presence of HHVs in saliva was not associated with the presence of gingivitis in HIV-1-infected children (p = 0.104) or healthy control children (p = 0.251), or with immunosuppression in HIV-infected individuals (p = 0.447). Gingivitis was correlated with HIV infection (p = 0.0001). These results suggest that asymptomatic salivary detection of HHVs is common in HIV-infected and healthy children, and that it is not associated with gingivitis. KEYWORDS: HIV infection; Herpesvirus; Periodontitis; Gingivitis; Children. INTRODUCTION Herpesviruses are large DNA-enveloped viruses belonging to the Herpesviridae family. Herpesviruses are highly disseminated in nature. Of more than 200 known, eight are human pathogens: herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1), herpes simplex 2 (HSV-2), varicella zoster virus (VZV), cytomegalovirus (CMV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), and human herpesviruses 6, 7 and 8 (HHV-6, -7, -8)23. Transmission occurs by contact, and primary infections generally occur early in life, followed by persistence of the virus in the organism. Herpesvirus diseases occur primarily in immunosuppressed individuals; fatal infections in immunocompetent hosts are rare23. Several studies have implicated herpesviruses in the etiology of periodontitis26-29. Apparently, periodontal tissue breakdown occurs more frequently and progresses more rapidly in herpesvirus-infected than in herpesvirus-free periodontal sites 26-29. Herpesviruses may cause periodontal pathosis as a direct result of virus infection and replication, or as a consequence of virally induced impairment of periodontal immune defenses, resulting in heightened virulence of resident bacterial pathogens8,26. The herpesviral-bacterial hypothesis of periodontitis development proposes that active herpesvirus infection initiates periodontal tissue breakdown and that host immune responses against the herpesvirus infection are important components of the etiopathogeny of the disease28. The herpesvirus infection triggers the release of proinflammatory cytokines, which have the potential to activate osteoclasts and matrix metalloproteinases and to impair antibacterial immune mechanisms, causing an upgrowth of periodontopathic bacteria28. High frequencies of EBV and CMV genomes have been noted in adults with progressive periodontitis, in localized and generalized aggressive (juvenile) periodontitis, HIV-associated periodontitis, acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis, periodontal abscesses, and some rare types of advanced periodontitis associated with medical disorders26. Other herpesviruses such as HHV-6, HHV-7, HHV-8, and HSV-1, have also been associated with periodontitis4,15,19. In contrast, HSV-2 appears to be uncommon at periodontal sites7,32. However, the pathogenesis of herpesviruses in periodontitis has not yet been fully elucidated. Human herpesviruses (HHVs) have often been detected in the saliva (1) Department of Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. (2) Department of Virology, Microbiology Institute, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. Correspondence to: Norma Santos, Departamento de Virologia, Instituto de Microbiologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Cidade Universitária, CCS - Bl. I, Ilha do Fundão, 21941902 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil. Phone: 55 21 2560-8344 extension 165, Fax: 55 21 2560-8028. E-mail: nsantos@micro.ufrj.br OTERO, R.A.; NASCIMENTO, F.N.N.; SOUZA, I.P.R.; SILVA, R.C.; LIMA, R.S.; ROBAINA, T.F.; CÂMARA, F.P.; SANTOS, N. & CASTRO, G.F. - Lack of association between herpesvirus detection in saliva and gingivitis in HIV-infected children. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 57(3): 221-5, 2015. of HIV-infected individuals4,5,7,11,12,15,18, and several studies have shown that highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) does not significantly reduce the prevalence or the load of HHVs in saliva11,17,22,32. The elevated frequency of HHVs infections in association with periodontitis in HIVinfected individuals7,8,11,12 suggests that these viruses play a role in the disease. In children, the prevalence of some oral manifestations associated with HIV infection was reduced after HAART initiation. However, other lesions emerged24, as these individuals are prone to develop opportunistic viral infections, especially those caused by Herpesviridae family members, in the oral mucosa. Little information is available on HHVs co-infection in the saliva of HIV-infected children. periodontal probe. Gingivitis was considered to be present when gingival bleeding occurred on probing1. The extension of gingivitis was classified according to the System for the Classification of Periodontal Diseases and Conditions2; patients with gingivitis at <30% of sites surveyed were classified as having localized gingivitis, and those with >30% of surveyed sites affected were classified as having generalized gingivitis. The aims of this study were to detect HHVs in the saliva of HIV1-infected children in comparison with healthy control children, and to evaluate possible associations between viral infection and gingivitis and immunodeficiency stage. Sample processing: The saliva samples were centrifuged and pelleted, and DNA was extracted using the Wizard Genomic DNA purification kit (Promega, Madison, WI, USA) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. MATERIAL AND METHODS Virus detection: All samples were subjected to human β-globin gene amplification to determine the integrity and quality of extracted DNA and to avoid false-negative results3. Specimens were analyzed using conventional polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays, as described previously, to detect the presence of HSV-1/2, VZV, EBV, and CMV30. PCR products were detected using 1.2% agarose gel electrophoresis and staining with ethidium bromide. Samples: The ethics committees of the Hospital Universitário Clementino Fraga Filho and Institute of Pediatrics and Childcare Martagão Gesteira, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Brazil, approved the study protocol. The parents of all children involved in the study provided written informed consent in accordance with Resolution 196/96 of the Brazilian Ministry of Health. The study population was composed of patients attending the UFRJ School of Dentistry between August 2009 and July 2010. Participants were selected by convenience sampling during initial appointments for dental treatment. The HIV-1-infected group was made up of 48 children of both sexes, ranging from six to 12 years old, who were patients at the Institute of Pediatrics and Childcare Martagão Gesteira, UFRJ, with definitive diagnoses of HIV infection. The following medical history data were extracted from their medical records: diagnosis of HIV infection, results of most recent (closest to the day of saliva sample collection; maximum interval, three months) laboratory tests (viral load, CD4 and CD8 counts, and CD4/CD8 ratio) and use of anti-retroviral agents (at the time of saliva sample collection). The immunodeficiency stages of HIV-infected individuals were defined using CD4 counts, according to the classification of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention6. The control group consisted of 48 healthy children, ranging from seven to 12 years old, who attended the UFRJ Pediatric Dentistry Clinic and showed no clinical evidence of systemic or chronic disease. They were considered clinically healthy because they were receiving no medical treatment for any disease and showed no clinical sign of immunosuppression, systemic disease, and/or had no history of a risk factor for HIV infection. These data were collected through medical anamnesis with the patients’ parents and the attending physician. Children in the control group did not undergo testing to confirm serological HIV negativity because there was no reason to justify this procedure, which the local ethics committees therefore disallowed. Prior to saliva sample collection, all children in the HIV-1-infected and control groups underwent oral and oropharyngeal examinations by a trained and calibrated dentist to identify oral manifestations such as gum bleeding, mouth ulcers, oral mucosal lesions, and cervical lymphadenopathy. The gingival index was assessed using a sterile 222 Individuals were not allowed to brush their teeth or eat for one h before providing saliva samples. Five milliliters of paraffin-stimulated saliva were collected in a sterile container. The samples were kept in an ice-filled cooler and submitted for laboratory analysis within two h. First-round PCR reactions consisted of the addition of 5 µL of extracted DNA to 20 µL of PCR mix containing 0.5 µM of each of the primers HHV-F1 and HHV-R1, 0.125 µM of each of the primers VZV-F1 and VZV-R1, and 1x PCR buffer; 1.5 mM MgCl2 and 0.2 mM of deoxyribonucleotide triphosphates; and 2.5 U of GoTaq DNA polymerase (Promega). First-round PCR was carried out as follows: one cycle at 94 °C for three min, followed by 35 cycles at 94 °C for 45 s, 65.5 °C for one min, 72 °C for one min, and final extension at 72 °C for seven min. For nested PCR, 0.5 µL of first-round product was transferred to 25 µL PCR mix similar to that described above, but containing second-round primers (HHV-F2, HHV-R2, VZV-F2, and VZV-R2), at the same concentrations as in the first round. PCR conditions were the same as in the first round, except that the annealing temperature was changed to 63 °C. Positive and negative controls were included in each run. Infected cell cultures were used as positive controls for HSV-1 and HSV-2 (Vero cells), EBV (Daudi cells), and CMV (MRC-5 cells). For VZV, clinical samples obtained from patients with varicella diagnoses confirmed by PCR amplification and sequencing analysis were used as positive controls. Negative controls consisted of saliva samples previously demonstrated to be HHVs. The expected sizes of the PCR products for first-round and nested PCRs, respectively, were: HSV-1/2, 742 and 493 pb; VZV, 650 and 356 pb; EBV, 748 and 499 pb; and CMV, 817 and 565 pb. Because some PCR products had very similar sizes, sequencing analysis was used to confirm their specificity and to differentiate HSV-1 and HSV-2. Amplified DNA from all HSV-positive samples and three CMVpositive samples was purified using the Wizard SV gel and PCR clean-up system kit (Promega), and sequences were determined using the BigDye terminator cycle sequencing kit and the ABI PRISM 3100 automated DNA sequencer (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA) using the same PCR primers. DNA sequences were edited using the Chromas software (Technelysium Pty. Ltd., Brisbane, QLD, Australia) and compared with the DNA sequences available in GenBank (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov) OTERO, R.A.; NASCIMENTO, F.N.N.; SOUZA, I.P.R.; SILVA, R.C.; LIMA, R.S.; ROBAINA, T.F.; CÂMARA, F.P.; SANTOS, N. & CASTRO, G.F. - Lack of association between herpesvirus detection in saliva and gingivitis in HIV-infected children. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 57(3): 221-5, 2015. using the BLAST tool (http://www.ncbi.nlm.gov/BLAST). Statistical analysis: Using the Epi-Info statistical program (version 3.5.1., CDC, Atlanta, GA, USA), data from the two groups were compared using the Mann-Whitney test for means of continuous variables (age) and the χ2 test and Fischer’s exact tests for categorical variables (sex, presence of HV types in saliva, and gingivitis). Within the HIV-infected group, the χ2 and Fischer’s exact tests were used to verify correlations between the presence of HVs in saliva and immunosuppression, HAART, and the presence of oral manifestations. RESULTS the saliva of HIV-1-infected and healthy children (p = 0.167); however, HSV-2 was more common in the control group and CMV infection was more common in immunocompromised HIV-1-infected children. Sequence analysis confirmed the PCR results and allowed differentiation between HSV-1 and HSV-2 strains. Table 2 Herpesviruses detected in saliva from HIV-1–infected and healthy control children Virus1 The mean age of the 48 HIV-1-infected children was 9.58 years; 45.8% of these subjects were male, 70.8% were receiving HAART, and 52.1% had no immunosuppression. The mean age of healthy control children (47.9% male) was 9.04 years. There groups did no differ in terms of age or sex (p > 0.05). Other clinical and medical data from the study subjects are shown in Table 1. HSV-1 Variable Age (years), mean (range) Sex HAART HIV-1-infected subjects Control subjects 9.58 (6-12) 9.04 (7-12) Male 22 (45.8%) Male 23 (47.9%) Female 26 (54.2%) Female 25 (52.1%) Yes, 34 (70.8%) No, 14 (29.2%) <200; 9 (18.7%) CD4+ count (cells/µL) 200-499; 14 (29.2%) >500; 25 (52.1%) Gingivitis Yes, 35 (72.9%) Yes, 16 (33.3%) No, 13(27.1%) No, 32 (66.7%) Candidosis n=4 -1 Linear gingival erythema n=5 - Angular cheilitis n=1 - Oral ulcer n=1 Oral findings - HAART = highly active antiretroviral therapy; -: absence of symptoms. 1 Seventeen (35.4%) of the 48 HIV-1-infected children were positive for HHVs: 6.2% (3/48) were positive for HSV-1, 4.2% (2/48) for HSV-2, and 25.0% (12/48) were positive for CMV. In the control group, 13/48 (27.0%) children were positive for HHVs: 6.2% were positive for HSV-1, 8.3% (4/48) for HSV-2, and 12.50% (6/48) were positive for CMV. No VZV, EBV or co-infection with those viruses was detected in either group (Table 2). No significant difference was observed in HHVs detection in 3 (6.2) 3 (6.2) p 1.00 HSV-2 2 (4.2) 4 (8.3) 0.458 CMV 12 (25.0) 6 (12.5) 0.117 Total 17 (35.4) 13 (27.0) 0.167 1 Table 1 Demographic, clinical, and immunological characteristics of children in the HIV-1–infected and control groups HIV-1-infected Control subjects subjects (%) (%) N = 48 N = 48 EBV and VZV were not detected. HIV-1-infected individuals were classified into three immunologic categories: no evidence of suppression (CD4+ > 500 cells/µL; CD4+ % > 25), moderate suppression (CD4+ = 200-499 cells/µL; CD4+ % [15-24), and severe suppression (CD4+ < 200 cells/µL; CD4+ % <15)19 (Table 1). Twelve of 25 (48.0%) children with no evidence of immunosuppression, 2/14 (14.3%) children with moderate immunosuppression, and 3/9 (33.3%) children with severe immunosuppression were HHVs positive. No correlation was found between HHV infection and the degree of immunosuppression (p = 0.447). Eleven of 34 (32.4%) individuals undergoing HAART and 6/14 (42.8%) children not receiving HAART were HHVs positive. However, no significant correlation between HHVs detection in saliva and receipt of HAART was observed (p = 0.489). Thirty-five of 48 (72.9%) HIV-1-infected children had gingivitis at the time of sample collection; 10 (28.6%) were positive for HHVs infection. In the control group, six of 16 (37.5%) children with gingivitis were HHVs positive. No significant correlation between the presence of HHVs in saliva and the presence and extension of gingivitis was observed within each group, HIV-1-infected children (p = 0.104) and healthy control children (p = 0.251), or when the HIV-1-infected group was compared with the control group (p = 0.491). However, HIV infection was strongly correlated with gingivitis (p = 0.0001). Four (8.3%) HIV-1-infected children had candidosis, five (10.4%) had linear gingival erythema (LGE), one (2.1%) had an oral ulcer, and one (2.1%) had angular cheilitis (Table 1). One subject with candidosis and LGE and one subject with angular cheilitis were HSV-1 positive; one subject with LGE was CMV positive. HHV detection in saliva was not correlated with any oral symptom. DISCUSSION Herpesviruses, most commonly CMV, EBV, and HSV-1, have been detected in oral samples from immunosuppressed and immunocompetent individuals with gingivitis7,9,11–13,15,16,18,25,33. 223 OTERO, R.A.; NASCIMENTO, F.N.N.; SOUZA, I.P.R.; SILVA, R.C.; LIMA, R.S.; ROBAINA, T.F.; CÂMARA, F.P.; SANTOS, N. & CASTRO, G.F. - Lack of association between herpesvirus detection in saliva and gingivitis in HIV-infected children. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 57(3): 221-5, 2015. Median CMV detection rates in healthy periodontium and in individuals with gingivitis are about 8% and 33%, respectively27. CMV has been detected in 25-49% of immunocompetent individuals and 40-62% of HIV-infected individuals with gingivitis11-13,16,33. Previous studies have not been able to demonstrate a clear association between the presence of CMV and gingivitis because the virus was detected at high frequencies in control groups. The present study found CMV in the saliva of 25% of HIV-1-infected children and 12.5% of healthy control children. Although CMV was detected more often in immunocompromised children, CMV could not be clearly associated with gingivitis. HSV-1 is detected less frequently than CMV and EBV in the saliva of individuals with periodontitis12,13,25, but its detection has been described in patients with gingivitis11,16. The present study found HSV-1 in the saliva of 6.2% (3/48) of subjects from both groups. HSV-2 is rarely detected in saliva7,20,27,31,32, but it was detected in both groups in the present study. Two HIV-1-infected boys aged 10 and 11 years were HSV-2 positive; one of these subjects, a severely immunosuppressed (CD4+ count = 149 cells/µL [11.27%]) boy who was not undergoing HAART, had gingivitis. The other HIV-1-infected, HSV-2-positive child had no evidence of immunosuppression (CD4+ count = 724 cells/µL [29%]) and was receiving HAART. Four children (aged 7-9 years) in the control group were HSV-2 positive; three of them had gingivitis. A recent review of HHVs in periodontitis showed that EBV is detected in association with gingivitis in 20% of cases and with healthy periodontium in 8% of cases27. Several studies have described EBV detection rates of 48-90% in the saliva of HIV-infected individuals9,14,16,17 and 17-40% in the saliva of healthy individuals5,11,14-16,22. Surprisingly, the present study did not detect EBV in HIV-1-infected or healthy children with or without gingivitis. Few studies have reported VZV excretion in saliva. Such excretion is usually observed in stressed individuals20 or those with herpes zoster manifestations10,21. WANG et al.32 detected VZV DNA in the saliva of 5.1% (3/59) of HIV-positive subjects and 1.9% (1.53) of healthy control subjects. They detected VZV in individuals undergoing HAART and concluded that such an event is infrequent in the saliva of asymptomatic HIV-positive persons and that HAART does not reduce the risk of asymptomatic VZV excretion 32. Accordingly, VZV has not been associated with periodontal disease27. Consistent with these findings, the present study did not detect VZV in its study population. In this study, HHVs detection in the saliva of HIV-1-infected and healthy children with and without gingivitis was compared. Although sample size potentially limits the statistical power of the results, the study’s findings are comparable to those reported in the literature. CMV was the most prevalent virus detected in both groups, followed by HSV-1 and HSV-2. EBV and VZV were not detected in either group. No association was demonstrated between HHV detection in saliva and the presence of gingivitis. No association between the detection of HV DNA in saliva and the level of immunosuppression in HIV-1-infected children was observed. Moreover, HAART did not seem to reduce virus shedding. However, a strong correlation between HIV infection and gingivitis was confirmed. 224 RESUMO Ausência de associação entre a detecção de herpesvírus na saliva e gengivite em crianças infectadas pelo HIV Os objetivos deste estudo foram detectar a presença de herpesvírus humanos (HHVs) na saliva de crianças infectadas pelo HIV, em comparação com controles saudáveis e avaliar a associação entre infecção viral, gengivite e imunodeficiência. Para este fim, foram colhidas amostras de saliva de 48 crianças HIV-positivas e 48 controles saudáveis. O índice gengival e extensão de gengivite foram determinados por um dentista treinado. Informações clínicas e laboratoriais foram obtidas durante a consulta odontológica e dos registros médicos. As amostras de saliva foram testadas para detecção de vírus herpes simplex tipos 1 e 2 (HSV-1 e HSV-2), vírus da varicela-zoster (VVZ), vírus Epistein-Barr (EBV) e citomegalovírus (CMV) através de nested-PCR. Trinta e cinco crianças HIV-positivas e 16 crianças do grupo controle apresentavam gengivite. Dezessete (35,4%) crianças HIV-positivas e 13 (27%) crianças controle testaram positivo para a presença de HHVs. CMV foi o vírus mais comum detectado em ambos os grupos (25% HIV-positivas e 12,5% de controle), seguido por HSV-1 (6,2% de ambos os grupos) e HSV-2 (4,2% HIV-positivas e 8,3% de controle). Não houve associação entre a detecção de HHVs na saliva e a presença de gengivite em ciranças HIV-positivas (p = 0.104) ou crianças saudáveis (p = 0,251), ou com imunossupressão em indivíduos HIV-positivos (p = 0,447). Foi observada uma correlação entre a infecção por HIV e a presença de gengivite (p = 0,0001). Os resultados sugerem que a detecção salivar assintomática de HHVs é comum entre crianças HIV-positivas e crianças saudáveis, e não está associada à gengivite. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This study was supported in part by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) and Fundação Carlos Chagas de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ), Brazil. The authors thank Soluza dos Santos Gonçalves for technical assistance. CONFLICT OF INTEREST The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest. AUTHORS’ CONTRIBUTIONS GFC, IPRS, and NS conceived and designed the study and analyzed the data. RAO, FNNN, RCS, and RSL were responsible for data and sample collection and PCR analysis. All authors have read and approved the final manuscript. REFERENCES 1.Ainamo J, Bay I. 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Publications from 1984 to the present data are now available on: http://www.scielo.br/rimtsp PAST ISSUES FROM 1959 ON (PDF) www.imt.usp.br/portal/ SciELO – The Scientific Electronic Library OnLine - SciELO is an electronic virtual covering a selected collection of Brazilian scientific journals. The library is an integral part of a project being developed by FAPESP – Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo, in partnership with BIREME – the Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information. SciELO interface provides access to its serials collection via an alphabetic list of titles or a subject index or a search by word of serial titles, publisher names, city of publication and subject. The interface also provides access to the full text of articles via author index or subject index or a search form on article elements such as author names, words from title, subject and words from full text. FAPESP/BIREME Project on Scientific Electronic Publications Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information Rua Botucatu 862 – 04023-901 São Paulo, SP – Brazil Tel. (011) 5576-9863 scielo@bireme.br Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo 57(3):227-232, May-June, 2015 http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S0036-46652015000300008 INVENTORY OF MOSQUITOES (DIPTERA: CULICIDAE) IN CONSERVATION UNITS IN BRAZILIAN TROPICAL DRY FORESTS Cleandson Ferreira SANTOS(1), Alex Chavier SILVA(1), Raquel Andrade RODRIGUES(1), Jamilli Sanndy Ramos de JESUS(1) & Magno Augusto Zazá BORGES(1) SUMMARY In Brazil, most studies of the Culicidae family are concentrated in rainforest regions. As such, there is a lack of knowledge regarding the diversity of Culicidae in regions with different climatic and vegetational characteristics. The aim of this study was to compile an inventory of Culicidae in protected areas of the semi-arid region of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, in order to better understand the diversity of the family within this region. The study was conducted across four protected areas in the northern region of the state, in tropical dry forest (TDF) fragments. Sampling methods included Shannon trap and CDC light trap, as well as active collection. A total of 11,219 mosquito specimens were collected between August 2008 and July 2012, belonging to 11 genera and 45 species; 15 new records for the state of Minas Gerais were registered, as well as 26 new records for semi-arid regions within the state. The high number of new Culicidae records in this region demonstrates the importance of inventory studies for increasing the knowledge of culicid biodiversity in Minas Gerais, and in particular within semi-arid regions of the state. KEYWORDS: Culicidae; Tropical dry forest (TDF); Conservation unit; Semi-arid; Minas Gerais. INTRODUCTION Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) are a group of insects that in their early stages develop in a variety of aquatic habitats, including permanent (i.e. rivers and lakes) and transient; transient habitats can include any receptacle that accumulates water, such as hollow trees, bromeliad tanks, fallen plant material, and even animal tracks21. Studies of Culicidae diversity in Brazil were mainly focused on rainforests in the southeastern and southern regions of the country, which coincide with the location of major national research centers. The Amazon rainforest is another important, well-studied region, primarily because of its significance for the transmission of several diseases, such as malaria and wild-type yellow fever7. However, the authors remain unsure of the diversity of mosquitoes in Brazilian regions with different climatic characteristics and forms of vegetation. Despite the high diversity of plant and animal species in other biomes, such as the Cerrado (Savanna) and Caatinga (Semi-arid forest), there are very few studies of Culicidae diversity in these areas, and in particular, few in the transition zones between these biomes in northern Minas Gerais (MG). This region is primarily tropical dry forest (TDF), characterized by deciduous forest vegetation and a semi-arid climate, due to low humidity and low rainfall. The last major survey of Culicidae in Minas Gerais was conducted in 1962 by MACIEL16. The author compiled his own data with data from literature, as well as from the former Department of Rural Endemic Diseases. With this, he created a list of the Culicidae in Minas Gerais and the municipalities where they were found, as well as the coordinates of the collection sites. Overall, 119 species of Culicidae were reported as occurring in 168 municipalities. The upper-middle area of the São Francisco region appears in this report due to a study in 1960 by ANDRADE & LEAL1 on Anopheles in the São Francisco river, which contains two surveys done in the city of Manga in 1947 and 1954. Thereafter, the only published work in northern Minas Gerais was by GAMA et al.13, in which the authors present a list of Anophelines collected in the municipality of Varzelândia. The present study aims to conduct an inventory of the Culicid fauna in conservation units within a semi-arid region of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, in order to better understand the diversity of Culicidae in this region. MATERIALS AND METHODS Samples were collected within four conservation units administered by the State Forestry Institute (Instituto Estadual de Florestas - IEF). These areas are in the northern region of Minas Gerais, in the mid-São Francisco Valley, and are as follows: (1) the Mata Seca State Park MSSP (Parque Estadual da Mata Seca - PEMS) (14o48’36’’S - 43o55’12’’), located in the municipality of Manga; (2) the Lagoa do Cajueiro State (1) Laboratório de Ecologia e Controle Biológico de Insetos, Departamento de Biologia Geral, Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros, Montes Claros, MG, Brazil. Correspondence to: Cleandson Ferreira Santos. E-mail: cfsbio@gmail.com SANTOS, C.F.; SILVA, A.C.; RODRIGUES, R.A.; JESUS, J.S.R. & BORGES, M.A.Z. - Inventory of mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) in conservation units in Brazilian tropical dry forests. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 57(3): 227-32, 2015. Park - LCSP (Parque Estadual Lagoa do Cajueiro - PELC) (14o55’08’’S - 43o56’23’’W) and (3) the Jaíba Biological Reserve - JBR (Reserva Biológica de Jaíba) (15º3’57.81”S - 43º45’45.03”W), both located in the municipality of Matias Cardoso; and (4) the Serra Azul Biological Reserve - SABR (Reserva Biológica de Serra Azul) (15º11’32.20”S 43º54’41.1”W), located in the municipality of Jaíba (Fig. 1). As the study areas are located within a Caatinga-Cerrado transition zone, they contain fragments of tropical dry forest (TDF). These formations are broadly defined as having a vegetation type typically dominated by deciduous trees (at least 50% deciduousness during the dry season), with an average annual temperature ≥ 25 °C, total annual precipitation between 700 and 2,000 mm, and three or more dry months per year (precipitation < 100 mm/month22). According to the Köppen classification, regions with TDFs have a seasonal tropical climate (Aw) with an average annual temperature of 24.4 ºC and an average annual precipitation of 871 mm2. trapping utilized two sampling methods, both beginning at dusk: one Shannon-type light trap exposed for a period of two hours and two CDC light traps exposed for a period of 12 hours per plot. A third sampling method consisted of “active collections” used to sample mosquitoes with daytime activity, and was performed once at each sample point for 45 minutes. Briefly, active collections consisted of using a manual vacuum to collect all mosquitoes landing on researcher’s bodies prior to the attempted blood meal. Transportation and mounting techniques for mosquitoes were based on previous reports by FORATTINI10 and CONSOLI & OLIVEIRA6. Specimens were taxonomically identified and incorporated into the entomological collection of the Laboratory of Ecology and Biological Control of Insects (Laboratório de Ecologia e Controle Biológico de Insetos - LECBI) at Montes Claros State University (Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros - Unimontes). Species identification was carried out using dichotomous keys by CONSOLI & OLIVEIRA6, FARAN9, FORATTINI10 and LANE15. RESULTS The Culicidae collections were carried out in 20 x 50 m plots, located within tropical dry forest fragments during the dry and rainy seasons between August 2008 and July 2012, on a total of 18 nights and across 504 hours of collections in the dry seasons, with the same sampling effort taking place in the wet seasons during the study period. Night During the study period, a total of 11,219 mosquitoes were collected (11 genera and 45 species). There were 15 new records for Minas Gerais overall, and 26 new records for the semi-arid region of Minas Gerais (Table 1). Fig. 1 - Map of the conservation units located in the northern region of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, where Culicidae were sampled in the period between August 2008 and July 2012 (215 × 279 mm; 300 × 300 DPI) 228 SANTOS, C.F.; SILVA, A.C.; RODRIGUES, R.A.; JESUS, J.S.R. & BORGES, M.A.Z. - Inventory of mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) in conservation units in Brazilian tropical dry forests. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 57(3): 227-32, 2015. Table 1 Culicidae species sampled in the dry and wet seasons in the period between August 2008 and July 2012 in Mata Seca State Park (MSSP), Lagoa do Cajueiro State Park (LCSP), Jaiba Biological Reserve (JBR) and Serra Azul Biological Reserve (SABR), in the northern region of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil SPECIES Anophelinae Anopheles (Nys.) albitarsis Lynch Arribalzaga, 1878 An. (Nys.) argyritarsis Robineau-Desvoidy, 1827 An. (Nys.) braziliensis (Chagas, 1907) An. (Nys.) darlingi Root, 1926 An. (Nys.) deaneorum Rosa-Freitas, 1989 + An. (Nys.) evansae (Brethes, 1926) + An. (Nys.) triannulatus triannulatus (Neiva & Pinto, 1922) An. (Nys.) Albimanus section/Oswaldoi Subgroup Culicinae Tribe Aedomyiini Aedeomyia (Ady.) squamipennis (Lynch Arribalzaga, 1878)+ Tribe Aedini Aedes (How.) fulvithorax (Lutz, 1904)+ Ae. (Och.) fulvus (Wiedemann, 1828) Ae. (Och.) hastatus Dyar 1922*+ Ae. (Och.) scapularis (Rondani 1848) Ae. (Och.) serratus (Theobald 1901) Ae. (Och.) stigmaticus (Edwards 1922)*+ Ae. (Och.) taeniorhynchus (Wiedemann 1821) Ae. (Stg.) aegypti (Linnaeus 1762) Haemagogus (Con.) leucocelaenus (Dyar & Shannon, 1924)+ Hg. (Hag.) janthinomys Dyar, 1921+ Hg. (Hag.) spegazzinii Brethés, 1912 Psorophora (Gra.) cingulata Fabricius, 1805 Ps. (Jan.) albigenu (Peryassu, 1908)*+ Ps. (Jan.) discrucians (Walker, 1856)*+ Ps. (Jan.) ferox (Von Humboldt, 1819) Tribe Culicini Culex (Cux.) ameliae Casal, 1967*+ Cx. (Cux.) bidens Dyar, 1922*+ Cx. (Cux.) habilitator Dyar & Knab, 1906*+ Cx. (Cux.) restuans Theobald, 1901*+ Cx. (Cux.) salinarius Coquillett, 1904*+ Cx. (Cux.) saltanensis Dyar, 1928*+ Cx. (Cux.) scimitar Branch & Seabrook, 1959*+ Cx. (Mel.) complexo Vomerifer Cx. (Mel.) group Atratus Cx. (Mel.) section Melanoconion Tribe Mansoniini Coquillettidia (Rhy.) albicosta (Peryassú, 1908)+ Cq. (Rhy.) hermanoi (Lane & Coutinho, 1940)*+ Cq. (Rhy.) juxtamansonia (Chagas, 1907) Cq. (Rhy.) lynchi Shannon 1931*+ Dry MSSP Wet LCSP Dry Wet 19 23 0 53 0 0 33 4 4 37 2 76 0 0 27 5 17 79 0 8 4 0 2 0 12 31 0 0 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 JBR SABR Dry Wet Total Dry Wet 9 13 1 16 2 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 50 153 3 153 6 2 65 12 4 4 0 0 0 0 51 0 2 1 393 0 134 0 1 0 2 2 0 7 30 6 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 13 3 526 3 207 0 0 2 2 0 0 30 557 63 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 176 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 802 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 2 0 9 3 1 16 4 1,929 4 342 1 1 2 4 4 2 37 596 72 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 7 2 0 0 0 332 10 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 181 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 334 192 1 2 229 SANTOS, C.F.; SILVA, A.C.; RODRIGUES, R.A.; JESUS, J.S.R. & BORGES, M.A.Z. - Inventory of mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) in conservation units in Brazilian tropical dry forests. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 57(3): 227-32, 2015. Table 1 Culicidae species sampled in the dry and wet seasons in the period between August 2008 and July 2012 in Mata Seca State Park (MSSP), Lagoa do Cajueiro State Park (LCSP), Jaiba Biological Reserve (JBR) and Serra Azul Biological Reserve (SABR), in the northern region of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil (cont.) SPECIES Cq. (Rhy.) nigricans (Coquillett, 1904) Cq. (Rhy.) venezuelensis (Theobald, 1912) Mansonia (Man.) humeralis Dyar & Knab 1916+ Ma. (Man.) indubitans Dyar & Shannon 1925+ Ma. (Man.) pseudotitillans (Theobald, 1901)+ Ma. (Man.) titillans (Walker, 1848) Tribe Uranotaeniini Uranotaenia (Ura.) geometrica Theobald, 1901 Ur. (Ura.) lowii Theobald 1901*+ Ur. (Ura.) pulcherrima Lynch Arribalzaga 1891*+ Tribe Sabethini Limatus paraensis (Theobald 1903) Sabethes (Pey.) undosus (Coquillett, 1906)+ Total MSSP Dry Wet 7 810 9 598 65 400 3 26 24 401 161 1,352 LCSP Dry Wet 0 38 0 116 228 510 730 113 0 9 508 1,010 JBR Dry 0 0 0 0 0 3 Wet 0 0 2 1 0 0 SABR Dry Wet 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 6 Total 855 724 1,206 875 434 3,040 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 2 3 0 0 444 0 1 4,693 0 0 1,589 17 0 3,459 0 0 6 0 0 185 0 0 8 0 0 835 17 1 11,219 * New record to the Minas Gerais State. +new record to the semi-arid region of Minas Gerais. DISCUSSION Of all the collected specimens, 8,170 (73%) were characterized by their use of permanent breeding habitats (e.g. ponds, marshes, river backwaters and puddles) for their larval and pupal (immature) stages; these individuals represented Anophelinae subfamily and Mansoniini, Aedomyiini tribes and, in some cases, Culicini. The remaining 27% (3,040 specimens) were characterized by their use of temporary breeding habitats (e.g., puddles, hollow bamboo, bromeliads and other phytotelmata) in their larval and pupal stages, representing primarily Aedini, Uranotaeniini and Sabethini tribes. Mosquito species belonging to the Mansoniini tribe were the most abundant (68.3%), of which the species Mansonia titillans alone accounted for 27.10% of all mosquitoes sampled in the study. Mosquitoes of the Aedini tribe were the second most abundant group of all mosquitoes collected (26.87%), with Aedes scapularis as the dominant species within the tribe (17.19%). Among the Anopheles species collected, Anopheles darlingi was the most abundant and amounted to 1.36% of all mosquitoes sampled. The large percentage of mosquito species using permanent reservoirs might be related to the relatively long dry periods, which are characteristic of the study area. Prolonged droughts can have a damaging effect on the viability of Aedini mosquitoes’ eggs24 and can negatively affect the nutritional quality of the detritus found in temporary breeding habitats4. Despite the long dry periods, the community of mosquitoes manages to survive, mainly using the vegetation surrounding the ponds located in PEMS and PELC. The large abundance of mosquitoes within the Mansoniini tribe can be explained by the influence of ponds located on the banks of the São Francisco River, located in the MSSP and LCSP. Even in dry seasons, 230 these ponds act as major breeding grounds for Mansoniini mosquitoes in the larval and pupal stages as they contain lots of aquatic vegetation, the aerenchyma of the roots providing the mosquitoes with oxygen10. Some Mansoniini mosquitoes, such as Coquillettidia venezuelensis, are involved in the transmission of arboviruses, such as Eastern equine encephalitis virus (actual vectors) and Oropouche virus (potential vectors)10. In addition, Ma. titillans have been found to be naturally infected with the Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus. Thus, the large abundance of mosquitoes of the genus Mansonia in the conservation units sampled could potentially impact wild bird conservation, as these mosquitoes are ornithophilic and can transmit avian malaria14,26. The high abundance of Aedes scapularis was probably related to the vegetational structure of the study area, which is in the process of natural regeneration from successive anthropogenic pressures, such as agriculture and livestock farming17. These environments provide ideal conditions for the establishment of Ae. scapularis populations, as these mosquitoes have a marked tendency to invade artificially modified environments8,11,12. Furthermore, the larval and pupal stages of Ae. scapularis develop in temporary ground pools formed by rainfall, and are comparable to those known to exist in environments in the initial stages of natural regeneration5,10. At least 15 viruses have been isolated from Ae. scapularis, including the Rocio virus, Yellow fever virus, and Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus; this species may also be a vector of Bancroftian filariasis18,20. VASCONCELOS et al.27 isolated a strain of Yellow fever virus from field-captured Ae. scapularis. Previously, only experimental laboratory infections had been reported in this species. Considering the ecological and epidemiological characteristics reported for this species, these mosquitoes can be a potential bridge between wild arboviruses and human populations in this region, given the current state of anthropogenic modifications of the study region. SANTOS, C.F.; SILVA, A.C.; RODRIGUES, R.A.; JESUS, J.S.R. & BORGES, M.A.Z. - Inventory of mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) in conservation units in Brazilian tropical dry forests. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 57(3): 227-32, 2015. Mosquitoes of the Psorophora genus were the most abundant Aedini after Ae. scapularis; this might be explained by the fact that these types of mosquitoes share the same breeding habitats3,19,25. Although Psorophora have been found to carry some types of infection in nature, mosquitoes of this genus are not considered epidemiologically significant vectors. These mosquitoes are, however, treated as potential incidental vectors of disease due to some of their behavioral characteristics, such as eclecticism in the choice of blood host and exophilic behavior10. The abundance of An. darlingi recorded deserves particular attention, as this species is the main vector of malaria parasites in Brazil and is widely distributed across South America23; additionally, these mosquitoes have an increased capacity for taking blood meals within and around residential regions6. Although Anopheles argyritarsis and Anopheles triannulatus are not the primary vectors of the Plasmodium species responsible for malaria, these species are of great epidemiological interest because of their high abundance and anthropophilic nature6. The abundance of new Culicid records for Minas Gerais State, and for the semi-arid region of the state, indicates that studies of mosquito communities in forest remnants are still required, especially with regards to the development and maintenance of support programs aimed at the prevention of disease transmission to humans and other animals. RESUMO Inventário de mosquitos (Diptera: Culicidae) em unidades de conservação em florestas tropicais secas brasileiras No Brasil, a maior parte dos estudos relacionados à família Culicidae se concentram em regiões de florestas úmidas, existindo uma lacuna no conhecimento da diversidade destes mosquitos em regiões com características climáticas e vegetacionais diferentes. O objetivo desse trabalho foi inventariar a fauna de culicídeos em unidades de conservação do semi-árido de Minas Gerais, visando assim contribuir para o conhecimento da diversidade de Culicidae desta região. O estudo foi realizado em quatro unidades de conservação localizadas na região norte do estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil, área representada por fragmentos de Floresta Tropical Seca (FTS). Foram utilizados três métodos de coleta: armadilha do tipo Shannon, armadilha luminosa do tipo CDC e coleta ativa. Durante o período de agosto de 2008 a julho de 2012 foi coletado um total de 11.219 espécimes de mosquitos, distribuídos em 11 gêneros e 45 espécies. Foram registrados 15 novos registros de mosquitos para o estado de Minas Gerais e 26 novos registros para a região do semi-árido de Minas Gerais. O elevado número de novos registros de Culicidae na região demonstra a importância de estudos de inventário para o aumento do conhecimento da biodiversidade de culicídeos em Minas Gerais, e em particular a região do semi-árido do estado. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors gratefully acknowledge the staff of the Instituto Estadual de Florestas (IEF-MG), for allowing them to work and stay at Mata Seca State Park (MSSP), Lagoa do Cajueiro State Park (LCSP), Jaiba Biological Reserve (JBR) and Serra Azul Biological Reserve (SABR) for logistical support. This work was carried out with the aid of a grant from Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq -563304/2010-3 and 562955/2010-0), Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG CRA - APQ-00001-11) and the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI-CRN II-021). REFERENCES 1. Andrade RM, Leal JM. Distribuição de anofelinos na bacia hidrográfica do rio São Francisco. 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Monthly captures were undertaken from December 2009 to November 2010, using automatic CDC type light traps, from 18h00 to 06h00, in a forested area, a savannah area, peridomiciles and animal shelters near peridomiciliary areas. Nyssomyia whitmani was the most frequent out of a total of 6,699 specimens collected, belonging to 16 species, followed by Psathyromyia bigeniculata and Lutzomyia longipalpis, found in all the environments investigated, though in their greatest numbers in the animal shelters. Ny. whitmani exhibited its highest frequencies during the dry months, coincident with the fishing season, when the risk of transmission of cutaneous leishmaniasis for tourists and inhabitants increases. Noteworthy was the finding of two species naturally infected by flagellates: Ny. whitmani and Pa. bigeniculata. The local population and visiting tourists should be warned of the threat posed by leishmaniasis and the health authorities alerted to the need for adopting environmental sanitary measures, especially regarding such animal shelters as they seem to provide favorable conditions to the proliferation, maintenance and breeding opportunities of phlebotomines. KEYWORDS: Sandflies; Leishmaniasis; Natural infection; Animal’s shelters; Vectors; Ecotourism. INTRODUCTION American visceral leishmaniasis (AVL) has been recorded in increasing numbers of human and canine cases in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul (MS), which is one of the states with the greatest incidences in the central-western region of Brazil4,6,26. Meanwhile, American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) has been recorded in the majority of municipalities12,17. However, despite the wide distribution and growing number of human cases, epidemiological studies on leishmaniasis in MS are few and far between. In Bonito (MS), which is a municipality classified at a moderate transmission level of leishmaniasis, studies have indicated the occurrence of both human and canine cases of AVL and ACL, and these diseases are spreading due to the implementation of ecotourism and livestock activities in the area4,16,24. Three species of Leishmania (Ross) have already been reported in MS: Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum chagasi Cunha & Chagas, Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis Lainson & Shaw and Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis Vianna and their respective vectors, Lutzomyia longipalpis (Lutz & Neiva), Bichromomyia flaviscuttelata (Mangabeira) and Nyssomyia whitmani (Antunes & Coutinho), all of which are found in both rural and urban areas3,11,12,17,24,25. The Águas do Miranda district, has fishing tourism as its main economic source and presents socio-economic and environmental conditions favorable to the transmission of the endemic diseases under consideration. These facts together with the results of research into the canine population of the district, which have shown 40% out of the 92 animals as seropositive for Leishmania (VLB Nunes, unpublished data), have motivated the present study for the purpose to identify behavioral aspects of the sandfly fauna, including its species abundance, diversity, evenness, monthly distribution and natural infection by flagellates, to identify potential vectors of Leishmania spp. MATERIAL AND METHODS Study locality: Águas do Miranda District (20o 45’ 44.4”S, 56º 05’ 42.8”W) is 75 km from the municipality of Bonito and 180 km from Campo Grande, the capital of the state of MS. The permanent human population consists of 450 inhabitants, which may rise to as many as 10,000 in the fishing season, from March to October. The local economy is based mainly on fishing and the tourist trade29. The prevalent vegetation belongs to the great savannah (“cerrado”) (1) Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Saúde Pública, Av. Dr. Arnaldo 715, 01246-904 São Paulo, SP, Brazil. E-mails: brilhanteaf@usp.br, egalati@usp.br (2) Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, Laboratório de Parasitologia Humana, Centro de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde, Cidade Universitária, s/n, 79070-900 Campo Grande, MS, Brazil. E-mails: mecdorval@gmail.com, rochahhc@gmail.com, geucristaldo@gmail.com (3) Universidade Anhanguera, Uniderp, Laboratório de Parasitologia Humana, Rua Alexandre Herculano 1400, Parque dos Poderes, 79037-280 Campo Grande, MS, Brazil. E-mail: vlbnunes@terra.com.br Correspondence to: Andreia Brilhante. E-mail: brilhanteaf@usp.br BRILHANTE, A.F.; DORVAL, M.E.M.C.; GALATI, E.A.B.; ROCHA, H.C.; CRISTALDO, G. & NUNES, V.L.B. - Phlebotomine fauna (Diptera: Psychodidae) in an area of fishing tourism in Central-Western Brazil. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 57(3): 233-8, 2015. domain; however, it presents particularities associated with local environmental conditions, such as forest patches in areas with more fertile soil and a more plentiful supply of water. Noteworthy is the vegetation cover of the Bodoquena range, a typical forest associated with calcareous rocks known as Dry Forest or Submontane Semideciduous Seasonal Tropical Forest. The climate is tropical with an annual average temperature of 22 ºC29,38. Capture sites:A total of nine sites were sampled in different environments (Fig. 1): peridomiciliary areas near fruit trees, native grass and tuberous vegetables (A1), native species of trees, fruit trees and bamboos (A2) and bordered by a stream, within a bamboo grove, near fruit and ornamental trees (A3); area of savannah with selective extraction of timber and native species of trees (A4); gallery forests with some secondary vegetation which grew after the selective extraction of timber (A5, A6) and animal shelters such as a pigsty (A7), a henhouse (A8) and a perch (A9), near peridomiciliary areas. The flagellates found in the gut of the dissected females of two sand fly species were inoculated intradermally, in the hind legs of hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus). The animals were observed weekly during 12 months for checking the appearance of lesions. After euthanasia, the spleens of these animals were removed and inoculated into NNN culture medium (blood agar) for isolation of the parasites. Cultures were maintained at 25 °C and examined weekly for one month to observe if there was proliferation of flagellates. The pluviometric data used in the analysis was obtained from the Aquidauna meteorological station, the nearest to Águas do Miranda district, at about 30 km away. Data analysis: Species abundance was calculated for all the ecotopes investigated in accordance with ROBERTS & HSI (1979)31. Initially the Index of Species Abundance (ISA) was obtained by the application of the formula: ISA = a + Rj/k; where: a = number of ecotopes investigated in which the given species was not present, multiplied by c; c being obtained as follows: a ranking of the species was established, ranging from 1.0 to N (attributing the value of 1.0 to the most abundant species), for each ecotope. The highest value obtained in the ranking of the species (taking all the ecotopes into consideration) + 1.0 = c; Rj = the sum of the positions in the ranking of a particular species in all the ecotopes and k = the number of ecotopes sampled. The Standard Index of Species Abundance (SISA) was used to convert ISA into a scale of 0 to 1.0. According to this, the most abundant species are those which are closer to 1.0. The formula used for the calculation is: SISA = c-ISA/c-1. The diversity and evenness were obtained, respectively, by using Shannon’s Diversity Index (H) and that of Pielou (J). In accordance with HAYEK & BUZAS (1997)19, the respective formulae are: H = - Σ p (ln p); p: frequency of each species in a particular ecotope; J = H/ln s; s: number of species in each ecotope. Fig. 1 - Distribution of capture sites in the district of Águas do Miranda, in the municipality of Bonito, Mato Grosso do Sul, from December 2009 to November 2010, Brazil 04/30/2012. Source: Google Earth. Methodology: The phlebotomines were captured on three consecutive nights, once a month, during the period from December 2009 to November 2010 using modified automatic light CDC traps23 from 18h00 to 06h00. One trap was installed per night in each of the nine sites sampled. The insects captured with the CDCs were transferred to nylon cages. The females were recaptured with polyethylene tubes, in which they were anaesthetized with sulfuric ether. Then, after dissection to expose the gut and spermathecae, under stereomicroscopy, they were examined under an optical microscope (400x) for identification of the phlebotomine species and investigation of flagellates. The male insects were kept in Petri dishes under refrigeration until their clarification in accordance with the technique given by FORATTINI (1973)13. Species identification was undertaken in accordance with GALATI (2003)18 and the abbreviation of the species names follows MARCONDES (2007)22. 234 The project was submitted to the Ethics Committee on Animal Use in Research (CEUA) Anhanguera-UNIDERP University and approved according to opinion No. 63-006/09. RESULTS A total of 6,699 phlebotomine specimens were captured, Brumptomyia avellari (Costa Lima), Br. brumpti (Larrousse), Brumptomyia sp., Evandromyia sp. (Cortelezzii complex), Ev. lenti (Mangabeira), Ev. termitophila (Martins, Falcão & Silva), Lutzomyia longipalpis (Lutz & Neiva), Sciopemyia sordellii (Shannon & Del Ponte), Nyssomyia neivai (Pinto), Ny. whitmani (Antunes & Coutinho), Psathyromyia aragaoi (Costa Lima), Pa. campograndensis Oliveira, Andrade Filho, Falcão & Brazil, Pa. hermalenti (Martins, Silva & Falcão), Pa. bigeniculata (Floch & Abonnenc), Pa. punctigeniculata (Floch & Abonnenc) and Micropygomyia quinquefer (Dyar) (Table 1). The greatest phlebotomine species richness (15) and frequency (95.35%) occurred in the henhouse (A8), representing almost the totality of the specimens captured during the period studied. On the other hand, the lowest species richness (3) occurred in the pigsty (A7) and the lowest BRILHANTE, A.F.; DORVAL, M.E.M.C.; GALATI, E.A.B.; ROCHA, H.C.; CRISTALDO, G. & NUNES, V.L.B. - Phlebotomine fauna (Diptera: Psychodidae) in an area of fishing tourism in Central-Western Brazil. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 57(3): 233-8, 2015. Table 1 Phlebotomines of both sexes captured with light traps in distinct environments, in the district of Águas do Miranda, Bonito municipality, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, December 2009 to November 2010 Environments Peridomiciles Forest and savannah Animal shelters Total % SISA - 2 0.03 0.164 - 3 0.04 0.107 - 15 0.22 0.342 1 128 2.06 0.678 - 38 0.57 0.357 1 - 1 0.01 0.014 8 885 1 936 13.80 0.853 - 4 - 4 0.07 0.043 25 - 323 23 373 6.44 0.457 9 9 6 3270 7 3342 49.26 0.830 - - - 2 - 11 0.18 0.107 - - - - 4 - 6 0.10 0.135 3 1 - - 4 - 8 0.12 0.164 - 1 - - 8 - 9 0.13 0.114 9 19 10 2 1773 4 1820 26.90 0.764 0.107 Species ecotopes A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 Brumptomyia sp. 1 - 1 - - - - - Br. avellari - - - 1 1 - - 1 Br. brumpti - 1 1 3 2 - - 8 Cortelezzii complex 1 2 2 1 24 2 - 95 Ev. lenti - 3 - 23 3 - - 9 Ev. termitophila - - - - - - - Lu. longipalpis 4 5 1 18 5 9 Mi. quinquefer - - - - - - Ny. neivai - 1 1 - - Ny. whitmani 3 - 4 34 Pa. aragaoi - - - 9 Pa. campograndensis - - 2 Pa. hermanlenti - - - Pa. punctigeniculata - - - Pa. bigenicutala - 1 2 Sc. sordellii - - - 1 1 - - 1 - 3 0.06 Total 9 13 14 102 66 55 16 6388 36 6699 100 % 0.13 0.19 0.21 1.52 1.00 0.82 0.24 95.35 0.54 Shannon (H) 1.21 1.58 1.95 1.78 1.69 1.38 0.97 1.23 1.05 1.30 Pielou (J) 0.87 0.88 0.94 0.77 0.73 0.85 0.89 0.45 0.65 0.47 100 A1, A2, A3: peridomiciliary areas, A4: savannah, A5: gallery forest, A6: gallery forest, A7: pigsty, A8: henhouse, A9: perch. H: Shannon’s diversity; J: Pielou’s evenness; %: percentage, SISA: standardized index of species abundance. frequencies in the peridomiciles (Table 1). The highest diversity indices were recorded in peridomicile (A3) and in a savannah area (A4) and the lowest in the pigsty (A7). The highest values of the indices were low. The henhouse (A8) had the greatest species richness, but the evenness index was the lowest (Table 1). Lu. longipalpis was the most abundant species, followed by Ny. whitmani, Pa. bigeniculata, and the complex species cortelezzii and Ny. neivai (Table 1). The distribution of the three most abundant species captured in all the ecotopes sampled is shown in Figure 2. Lu. longipalpis presented peaks in January and November, Ny. whitmani in July, August, October and November and Pa. bigeniculatus in November. The monthly distribution of rainfall, average temperature and relative humidity is shown in Figure 3. The rates of natural infection detected by optical microscopy were Fig. 2 - Number of specimens of both sexes collected per month of the species Lu. Longipalpis, Ny. whitmani and Pa. bigeniculata, in the district of Águas do Miranda, Bonito, Mato Grosso do Sul, December 2009 to November 2010. 0.07% (1/1418) for Ny. whitmani and 0.23% (1/408) for Pa. bigeniculata. The flagellates were observed in the hindgut and midgut. The animals inoculated with the gut Ny. whitmani and Pa. bigeniculata containing flagellates did not develop a lesion during the 235 BRILHANTE, A.F.; DORVAL, M.E.M.C.; GALATI, E.A.B.; ROCHA, H.C.; CRISTALDO, G. & NUNES, V.L.B. - Phlebotomine fauna (Diptera: Psychodidae) in an area of fishing tourism in Central-Western Brazil. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 57(3): 233-8, 2015. municipality (MS) where a rate of 0.16% was recorded in 613 dissected females. Although both these rates are low, which is usually the case when only optical microscopy is used, the numbers of the infected sources of the parasite in the areas of the present study seem to be much lower than those at Corguinho, which may be explained as due to the higher level of anthropic activity in Águas do Miranda. Low frequencies of this species in the other animal shelters (pigsty and perch) corroborate the results found by NUNES (2008)24 and GALATI et al. (2003)16. Fig. 3 - Monthly distribution of rainfall (mm), temperature (ºC) and relative humidity (%) in the municipality of Bonito, from December 2009 to November 2010. observation period and in the cultures in the hamsters’ spleens showed no growth of flagellated form. DISCUSSION The greatest frequency and species richness of the phlebotomines captured occurred in anthropic environments, probably attracted to the peridomicile due to blood meal sources represented by domestic and synanthropic animals. The predominance of Ny. whitmani in a henhouse (A8) near native forest suggests that this species has a close relationship with both wild and anthropic environments, in which the forest serves as a shelter and breeding place for adults, as do the shaded areas in the peridomicile7. Furthermore, the walls and roof of the henhouse, as well as the chickens can serve as substrates for males waiting for the opportunity to mate with the females seeking blood meal sources in this ecotope, since the males of hematophagous insects, dispersed throughout their habitats, may obtain a mating advantage by staying near the host and waiting for the females to arrive1. It is noteworthy that one specimen of this species, naturally infected by flagellates, was captured in this henhouse, suggesting that this ecotope is attractive to the synanthropic animals which constitute the Leishmania reservoir or that the infected sand fly had moved from the forest to the henhouse . The highest diversity and evenness indices in Águas do Miranda, especially in the peridomiciliary environment, may demonstrate the presence of these insects in areas of preserved forests and anthropic action in these locations. The findings of this study differed from those of NUNES et al. (2008)24 and ANDRADE et al. (2009)4, which found lower values in urban areas of the municipality of Bonito. The highest frequency of Ny. whitmani (49.26%) in the henhouse (A8) may explain the lowest evenness and diversity despite being the ecotope with the highest species richness. The most abundant species calculated by SISA were Lu. longipalpis and Ny. whitmani, which showed a wide distribution of these species in the ecotopes sampled, this indicates that these species may be participating in the cycle of transmission of leishmaniasis agents in the area, also observed in others areas of the municipality of Bonito and the state of Mato Grosso do Sul4,17,24,25. The natural infection rate found for Ny. whitmani (0.07%) was lower than that recorded by GALATI et al. (1996)17 in the Corguinho 236 In this study, Ny. whitmani was more abundant in the cold, dry period, a result similar to that found by GALATI et al. (1996)17 in MS, and also in the state of Rio de Janeiro (RJ) by SOUZA et al. (2002)36. It is important to note that the greater part of this dry, cold period coincides with the fishing season (March to October), thus indicating the concomitant risk of the transmission of cutaneous leishmaniasis to both the local population and visiting tourists. Lu. longipalpis was found in anthropic environments in which animals are reared, but is also habitual in other environments, both rural and urban, where AVL and canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL) occur4,24,25, which suggests that this species may be the vector responsible for the transmission of Le. i. chagasi to the canine population of the district, which, in a research project undertaken in 2009, presented 40% seropositive dogs for Le. i. chagasi in a population of 92; the parasite isolated by the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technique being Le. i. chagasi (VLB Nunes, unpublished data). These observations have been found in other areas of the country and the public health authorities should be alerted, since that CLV cases precede human AVL and the dog has a fundamental role in the domestic transmission8, 20. Pa. bigeniculata, considered for long time as a junior synonym of Pa. shannoni, recently had its status of species resurrected. The difference between these two species is mainly the thoracic coloration, i.e. while Pa. shannoni presents pronotum and paratergite straw, prescutum, scutum, and scutellum brown, pleurae off-white, Pa. bigeniculata presents pronotum, paratergite, prescutum, scutum, and scutellum brown, upper anepisternum straw and the other pleural off-white sclerites33. Pa. shannoni is considered in the United States an important arbovirus vector9 and has been captured naturally infected by Leishmania mexicana in peri-urban areas of Mexico34, by Leishmania sp. in Guatemala32 and also developed experimental infection with L. i. chagasi when feeding on infected dog37. Ps. shannoni s. lat has been associated with the transmission of Endotrypanum schaudinni, a trypanosomatid of sloths14, and was found naturally infected by Leishmania sp. in Serra do Baturité, in the northeastern region of Brazil30. The finding of Pa. bigeniculata naturally infected by flagellates, in a henhouse close to a forest, demonstrates the need to clarify its epidemiological significance in relation to anthropophily and the transmission of the leishmaniasis agent, especially because it presents close affinity with Pa. shannoni for which there are records of its infection, being either natural or experimental, by Leishmania spp.32,37. Ny. neivai presents no widespread geographical distribution in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, being found mainly in the southeastern and eastern mesoregions2,5. It is worth highlighting the considerable abundance of the species found in this study, especially in animal shelters, because it has been reported as naturally infected by Leishmania and is BRILHANTE, A.F.; DORVAL, M.E.M.C.; GALATI, E.A.B.; ROCHA, H.C.; CRISTALDO, G. & NUNES, V.L.B. - Phlebotomine fauna (Diptera: Psychodidae) in an area of fishing tourism in Central-Western Brazil. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 57(3): 233-8, 2015. suspected of involvement in the transmission of cutaneous leishmaniasis by Le. braziliensis in such Brazilian states15,22,27,28 and also in neighboring countries10. support and to Bonito’s municipal government for their logistic support. The Cortelezzii complex includes the species Ev. cortelezzii, Ev. sallesi and Ev. corumbaensis, which are all found in MS2,3,17. The only possible way to distinguish them with confidence is by using males. As only females were identified in this study (data not given), it was impossible to identify the species of this complex. Recent studies have reported the natural infection of Ev. cortelezzii and Ev. sallesi by Leishmania3,35, thus calling for studies on their vectorial capacity, since many of the localities where they have been captured are endemic for leishmaniasis, as in the area covered by the present study. 1. Alexander B, de Carvalho RL, McCallum H, Pereira MH. Role of the domestic chicken (Gallus gallus) in the epidemiology of urban visceral leishmaniasis in Brazil. Emerg Infect Dis. 2002;8:1480-5. The District of Águas do Miranda revealed a diverse sandfly fauna, with 16 species, some of them proven vectors of leishmaniasis agents in Brazil and others that have been described as naturally infected and which may, therefore, act as potential vectors. In light of the above, the local population and visiting tourists should be warned of the threat posed by leishmaniasis and the health authorities alerted of the need for adopting environmental sanitary measures, especially regarding such animal shelters, as they seem to provide favorable conditions to the proliferation, maintenance and breeding opportunities of phlebotomines. RESUMO Fauna flebotomínea (Diptera: Psychodidae) em área de turismo pesqueiro no Centro-Oeste do Brasil O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar aspectos do comportamento da fauna flebotomínea de área de turismo pesqueiro localizada no município de Bonito (MS). Foram realizadas capturas mensais no período de dezembro de 2009 a novembro de 2010, utilizando armadilhas luminosas automáticas do tipo CDC das 18:00h às 6:00h, em matas, área de cerrado, peridomicílios e abrigos de animais próximos a áreas peridomiciliares. De um total de 6.699 espécimes coletados, pertencentes a 16 espécies, Nyssomyia whitmani foi a mais frequente, seguida de Psathyromyia bigeniculata e Lutzomyia longipalpis, encontradas em todos os tipos de ambientes, porém com maior expressão em abrigos de animais. Ny. whitmani apresentou frequências mais elevadas nos meses mais secos, coincidentes com a estação da pesca, o que eleva o risco de transmissão da leishmaniose tegumentar a turistas e moradores da área. Importante ressaltar o encontro de duas espécies naturalmente infectadas por flagelados: Ny. whitmani e Pa. bigeniculata. A população local e turistas devem ser advertidos da ameaça que representam as leishmanioses e as autoridades de saúde alertadas para adoção de medidas de saneamento ambiental, principalmente com relação aos abrigos de animais, que parecem fornecer condições favoráveis para a proliferação, manutenção e reprodução de flebotomíneos. CONFLICT OF INTEREST The authors declare there is no conflict of interests. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors wish to express their thanks to the Universidade Anhanguera - Uniderp, to the Brazilian agency CAPES for their financial REFERENCES 2.Almeida PS, Leite JA, Araújo AD, Batista PM, Touro RB, Araújo VS, et al. Fauna of phlebotomine sand flies (Diptera, Psychodidae) in areas with endemic American cutaneous leishmaniasis in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. 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Sao Paulo 57(3):239-244, May-June, 2015 http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S0036-46652015000300010 HEAD LICE IN HAIR SAMPLES FROM YOUTHS, ADULTS AND THE ELDERLY IN MANAUS, AMAZONAS STATE, BRAZIL Suellen Cristina Barbosa NUNES(1), Raquel Borges MORONI(2), Júlio MENDES(3), Sílvia Cássia Brandão JUSTINIANO(4) & Fábio Tonissi MORONI(5) SUMMARY A study of head lice infestations among young people, adults and elderly individuals was conducted from August 2010 to July 2013 in Manaus, AM, Northern Brazil. Hair samples collected from 1,860 individuals in 18 barber shops and beauty parlors were examined for the ectoparasite. The occurrence of pediculosis and its association with factors, such as sex, age, ethnicity, hair characteristics and the socioeconomic profile of salon customers, salon location and seasonal variation were determined. The overall occurrence rate was 2.84%. Occurrence was higher in hair samples from non-blacks and the elderly. Higher occurrence was also observed during kindergarten, elementary and junior education school holidays. The results indicate that the occurrence of head lice among young people, adults and the elderly in Manaus is relatively low compared to that determined in children and in other regions of the country. After children, the elderly were the most affected. The study also indicated the need to adopt additional procedures to improve surveys among the population with low or no purchasing power, which is usually the most affected by this ectoparasitic disease. KEYWORDS: Head lice; Hair samples; Pediculus capitis; Epidemiology; Manaus. INTRODUCTION Pediculosis, infestation by Pediculus capitis De Geer (head lice), has worldwide distribution, including Brazil11, and is observed in all age groups, though particularly among children4,23,28. It is considered one of several ectoparasites neglected by the scientific community and healthcare authorities12. Infestation is characterized by intense itching, secondary infection and anemia in cases of severe infestation and inadequate diet 23. Severe infestations are associated with low socioeconomic status, hair characteristics, parasite resistance to insecticides, genetic factors, and cultural habits6,8,10,24. Besides the physical symptoms described above, it can cause embarrassment among children. Certain population groups, particularly adults, often resist having their heads examined for the diagnosis of the parasite, which is a fairly sensitive diagnostic method3,16. Given this restriction, researchers have sought alternative methods of assessment regarding the degree of importance of this disease in certain populations. Analysis of samples of hair cut in salons and similar establishments is one such technique7,9,16,18. Although it does not present the same sensitivity as direct scalp examination3, it is an alternative that permits verification of the epidemiological aspects of this parasitosis in population groups that have such restrictions. In Brazil, epidemiological studies concerning this ectoparasitosis are concentrated in the southeastern region, while information from the northern and northeastern regions regarding infestation remains scarce1,4,13, except for a recent study involving school-age children in urban areas of Manaus4 and another one from the state of Acre concerning infant dermatitis, which included head lice1. Epidemiological features associated with head lice infestation among young people and adults were studied using analysis of hair cut in salons and similar establishments, located within the urban area of Manaus1,13. This study provided information concerning the occurrence, its monthly distribution and possible associations of several factors which, according to the literature3,4, can influence its occurrence, such as hair characteristics, ethnicity, age, socioeconomic status, the location of sampling, and seasonal variation. MATERIAL AND METHODS Manaus, in the Amazonas State, occupies an area of 11,401,092 km² (4,401,986 m2) and is located at 60°01’30” W and 03°06’07” S. The city has 1,982,179 inhabitants and is divided into six administrative zones comprising 63 neighborhoods15. The study was conducted by obtaining and examining hair samples from customers of 18 beauty parlors and barber shops located in five of the six administrative zones of this city. The criteria for choosing the establishments investigated were: random (1) PPGIBA/Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. (2,3) ICBIM/Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brazil. (4) Pesquisa e Pós-graduação, Universidade Nilton Lins, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. (5) ICB/Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. Correspondence to: Dra. Raquel B. Moroni. Parasitologia/ICBIM/Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. Av. Pará 1720, Bloco 4C, Campus Umuarama, 38408-100 Uberlândia, MG, Brasil. E-mail: borgesraquel@hotmail.com NUNES, S.C.B.; MORONI, R.B.; MENDES, J.; JUSTINIANO, S.C.B. & MORONI, F.T - Head lice in hair samples from youths, adults and the elderly in Manaus, Amazonas State, Brazil. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. S. Paulo, 57(3): 239-44, 2015. selection, their location according to zone and the acceptance of their owners/managers for inclusion in the study. Two to four establishments were sampled in each administrative zone. Each establishment was visited around 15 times, with each visit on a different day to obtain hair samples, between August 2010 and July 2013. Customers who attended the establishments and appeared to be between 15 and 65 years of age were included in the study. The owners or managers of the institutions signed a term of free and informed consent. Details on the ethical procedures adopted are described in the project approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Amazonas, under protocol no. CAAE 0099.0.115.000-09. Hair samples were collected after each hair cut and individually placed in properly labeled plastic bags. Information concerning their origin and the physical appearance of the customers was recorded on a form. The samples were sent to the laboratory and analyzed with a magnifying glass and microscope to check the condition and characteristics of the hair18 (size, type, color, and thickness). Samples considered positive were those on which any of the developmental stages of lice (eggs, nymphs or adults) were identified, irrespective of whether they were viable at the time of examination. Hair characteristics were determined according to BORGES & MENDES2, following training with their method prior to evaluation. The hair samples were classified according to the following characteristics: length, color and thickness. Hair of up to 3 cm in length was considered short, medium length was from 3 to 10 cm, and long was over 10 cm, according to the parameters stipulated by19. Hair color was grouped into four categories: light (blonde and red), dark (brown and black), gray, and dyed. Regarding thickness, there were two categories: thin and thick2. The ethnicity, sex and age group of the clients whose hair was sampled were determined based on observations regarding the physical appearance of the individuals during their haircuts. Regarding ethnicity, the individuals were divided into blacks and non-blacks. Age group was established according to WHO30: young people, those who appeared to be 15-29 years old; adults, 30-59 years old; and elderly, those over 60 years old2. The socioeconomic profile of the clients was inferred according to the value of the haircuts charged by the establishments. Thus, customers who sought a haircut in an establishment that charged R$ 5.00 to R$ 10.00 were considered to be of low socioeconomic status, R$ 15.00 of medium status and $ 20.00 to R$ 30.00 of high status. The monthly distribution of infestation was monitored for three years. School age children seemed to act as reservoirs of this disease4 and studies have demonstrated that significant variation in occurrence appears among children between the academic and vacation periods in Minas Gerais3, 20. Thus, this work also investigated whether there was any relation between infestations in children and individuals of other age groups by comparing prevalence rates obtained in these two periods of the year, i.e. the occurrence determined during months that composed the academic periods of kindergarten, elementary and junior education and the months these children were on vacation. The χ2 statistical test was used to compare two or more proportions. In cases where significant differences between more than two proportions were observed, the data were submitted to angular transformation (p’ = arc. sen √p’), followed by multiple comparisons using the Tukey range test4,29. A 5% level of significance was adopted29. Confidence intervals (95%) were also calculated for the occurrence and prevalence ratios determined. RESULTS An occurrence of 2.84% was detected for the 1,860 hair samples obtained from the 18 establishments surveyed. The highest occurrence rates were found in the south-central (3.5%) and west-central areas (3.47%). However, the differences between these rates and those obtained for other areas, where the rates were lower, were not significant (χ20.05,4 = 1.67, p > 0.75) (Table 1). Of the 53 positive samples, 37 had non-viable lice eggs, three had adult lice and 13 had viable eggs. In general, the hair characteristics, length, color and thickness, did not significantly influence the prevalence rates obtained (Table 3). However, ethnicity and age had a significant influence on distribution, Table 1 Occurrence of head lice among clients of barber shops and beauty parlors according to their location in the different zones of the city of Manaus, Amazonas State, Brazil Location No. of samples examined No. of samples positives Occurrence rate (%) 95% confidence interval Prevalence ratio 95% confidence interval South zone 400 9 2.25 (0.8 - 3.7) Aa - V to VIII East zone 400 10 2.5 (1.22 - 4.03) A 1.1 (0.73 - 1.64) IX to XII North zone 400 11 2.75 (1.15 - 4.35) A 1.22 (0.51 - 2.88) XIII to XVI West-central zone 460 16 3.47 (1.8 - 5.14) A 1.54 (0.68 - 3.45) XVII and XVIII South-central zone 200 7 3.5 (0.96 - 6.04) A 1.55 (0.58 - 4.11) - 1860 53 - - Establishments I to IV Total a = occurrence rates with different letters are statistically different from each other by the Tukey test at a 5% level of significance. 240 NUNES, S.C.B.; MORONI, R.B.; MENDES, J.; JUSTINIANO, S.C.B. & MORONI, F.T - Head lice in hair samples from youths, adults and the elderly in Manaus, Amazonas State, Brazil. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. S. Paulo, 57(3): 239-44, 2015. such that non-black individuals and the elderly had higher occurrence rates (χ20.05,1 = 5.05, p = 0.025; χ20.05,2 = 7.65, p < 0.025) (Table 2). The socioeconomic profiles of the clients, inferred from the price of a haircut charged by the establishment, did not significantly influence the rate of head lice infestation either (χ20.05,2 = 2.16, p > 0.25) (Table 2). The results gathered here, together with those obtained for school children in the same city4, reflect the degree of importance of this ectoparasitosis for the population. However, it should be noted that given the lower sensitivity of this technique in relation to direct scalp examination, the real rate of occurrence of the study population is likely to be greater than that found. The differences in sensitivity are partly due to factors like the length of the hair that is cut18 and the number of people aware that they have head lice, who would not choose to cut their hair in such establishments. An additional limitation of this study is the fact that the establishments were not sampled every month of the year. Another fact that influences the monthly head lice distribution is that part of the inactive infestation results from active infestations acquired in the months prior to those in which the hair samples were obtained. However, considering that numerous establishments were sampled throughout the study period, the data obtained over the months were grouped into the academic and vacation periods of the year, while the number of hair samples obtained were satisfactory from a statistical point of view; possible bias resulting from this sampling procedure does not significantly influence the statistical analysis. Analysis of the monthly distribution of the occurrence rates revealed that the highest rate was obtained in July, a school holiday period (Fig. 1). The rates obtained for the months that composed the academic periods and the months that composed the school holiday period of school-age children were grouped and compared; the rate determined for the holiday period was significantly higher (χ20.05,1 = 13.28, p < 0.01) (Table 2). DISCUSSION The use of hair samples collected from barbershops for estimating the prevalence of pediculosis capitis was adopted for the first time in Brazil by18. The overall prevalence of head lice infestation in this study was relatively low, compared with other studies conducted in the state of Minas Gerais using this same technique3. However, the data obtained corroborate the results of recent research among school children in Manaus using the head inspection technique4, in which an occurrence rate of 18% was obtained in children, a rate that is also considered low for this age group compared with studies conducted in other regions of the country13,23. It is also worth highlighting, particularly in this study, that the portion of the general population having a less favorable socioeconomic profile may not be able to easily afford a haircut, and thus this population group may not have been adequately sampled. The fact that no significant differences were observed in comparisons between the occurrence Table 2 Occurrence of head lice among several groups of clients of barber shops and beauty parlors, in the city of Manaus, Amazonas State, Brazil No. of samples examined No. of samples positives Occurrence rate (%) 95% confidence interval Prevalence ratio 95% confidence interval Male 1433 39 2.72 (2.22 - 3.8) A - Female 465 14 3.01 (2.46 - 2.98) A 1.10 (0.59 - 2.05) Black 656 11 1.67 (0.69 - 2.65) Aa - Non-black 1204 42 3.48 (2.45 - 4.51) B 2.08 (1.07 - 4.01) Youth 652 24 3.68 (2.24 - 5.12) B 1.93 (1.06 - 3.50) Adult 998 19 1.90 (1.06 - 2.74) B - Elderly 210 10 a 4.76 (1.89 - 7.63) A 2.50 (1.18 - 5.30) Sex Ethnicity Age group Socioeconomic profile b Low 730 20 2.73 (1.56 - 3.9) A - Medium 400 13 3.25 (1.52 - 4.98) A 1.19 (1.67 - 2.36) High 530 20 3.77 (2.15 - 5.39) A 1.38 (1.33 - 2.54) No 1437 30 2.08 (1.34 - 2.82)Aa - Yes 423 23 5.43(3.33 - 7.59)B 2.61 (1.53 - 4.44) School holidays a = occurrence rates with different letters are statistically different from each other by the Tukey test at a 5% level of significance. b = inference based on the price charged to customers by the establishment providing the service. 241 NUNES, S.C.B.; MORONI, R.B.; MENDES, J.; JUSTINIANO, S.C.B. & MORONI, F.T - Head lice in hair samples from youths, adults and the elderly in Manaus, Amazonas State, Brazil. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. S. Paulo, 57(3): 239-44, 2015. Table 3 Occurrence of head lice according to the hair characteristics of clients of barber shops and beauty parlors, in the city of Manaus, Amazonas State, Brazil No. of samples examined No. of samples positives Occurrence rate (%) 95% confidence interval Prevalence ratio 95% confidence interval Short 378 11 2.91 (1.22 - 4.60) A 1.62 (0.68 - 3.88) Medium 502 9 1.79 (0.64 - 2.94) A - Long 980 33 3.36 (2.24 - 4.48) A 1.87 (1.49 - 2.36) Hair length Type of hair Curly 164 6 3.65 (0.78 - 6.52) A 2.06 (0.76 - 5.59) Wavy 564 10 1.77 (0.69 - 2.85) A - Straight 1132 37 3.26 (2.23 - 4.29) A 1.84 (1.29 - 2.62) 197 2 1.01 (0 - 2.4) Aa - Hair color Dyed Light 122 3 2.45 ( 0 - 5.19) B. A 2.42 (0.40 - 14.33) Dark 1466 44 3.00 (2.13 - 3.87) B. A 2.97 (0.72 - 12.09) Gray 90 4 4.44 (2.27 - 6.61) C. B 4.39 (1.06 - 18.09) Thin 1067 29 2.71 (1.74 - 3.68) A - Thick 793 24 3.02 (1.83 - 4.21) A 1.14 (0.68 - 1.92) Hair thickness a = occurrence rates with different letters are statistically different from each other by the Tukey test at a 5% level of significance. 25 % of posi v e samples 20 15 10 5 0 jan feb mar apr *Number of samples examined, N = 1860. may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec months Fig. 1 - Monthly distribution of samples examined and samples positive for head lice, collected from 18 barber shops and beauty parlors, in Manaus, Amazonas State, Northern Brazil, from August 2010 to July 2013. School holiday period: Jan, Jun, Jul and Dec. Academic periods: Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Aug, Sep, Oct and Nov. rates obtained for the different socioeconomic statuses, according to the price of a haircut charged by the establishment, seems to strengthen this hypothesis. Thus, procedures must be adopted to obtain more representative samples of this population group. One procedure adopted by BORGES et al.3 to sample this population group was the examination of samples of free haircuts during events promoted by charities and 242 similar institutions in Uberlândia, MG. This should provide a clearer understanding of the real situation of this ectoparasitic disease in various age groups of the population group that are generally most affected12,21. Analysis of the monthly variations of infestation and comparison with the data obtained for schoolchildren in Manaus and other Brazilian cities4, 13 indicated that the profile of temporal variation of infestation in adults is different to the temporal variation in children. The profile of infestations in adults appears to be influenced by the difference in time spent together between these two age groups during the two periods of the year, the academic year and school vacations. Studies conducted in Brazil have shown that school-age children have the highest rates of head lice infestation2,13,20 and peak rates are observed in the months comprising the academic periods of the year4, when children spend a lot of the time in school and less time with the other members of their respective families. The greater interaction between children and their families during the vacations partially explains the increase in prevalence in other age groups during this period of the year. Several authors mention the influence of temperature and humidity on the temporal profile of infestation13,22. The North and Northeastern regions of Brazil are subject to less annual variations in temperature. However, humidity has greater variation and is considered relatively low in some months, in which the lowest occurrence was observed. This result is consistent with findings reported by authors who also performed studies in the northeastern region13. A higher occurrence rate among the elderly was also observed in Minas Gerais3. The data obtained herein, together with those just described, reinforce the hypothesis that the elderly are the second most NUNES, S.C.B.; MORONI, R.B.; MENDES, J.; JUSTINIANO, S.C.B. & MORONI, F.T - Head lice in hair samples from youths, adults and the elderly in Manaus, Amazonas State, Brazil. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. S. Paulo, 57(3): 239-44, 2015. commonly affected age group in some cities. This is probably due, at least in part, to the following factors: they spend more time with children than other family members, and a number of the elderly are dependent on caregiver and live in or attend nursing homes or similar collective environments, under conditions conducive to the transmission of ectoparasitic diseases. The higher occurrence among non-blacks verified in this study was also observed in American schools that attend a multiracial population of children14. In contrast, several studies have reported higher prevalence among black individuals2,4,6. These divergent reports could be related to several factors that have comparative influence on head lice infestation, such as different forms of hair among different ethnic groups, variations in cultural habits and different socioeconomic conditions5,17. It should be emphasized that scalp examination is a more sensitive technique for diagnosing this parasitosis than the examination of cut hair samples. Thus, scalp examination should be used whenever possible. Despite their limitations, the diagnostic technique and sampling system adopted allowed for the accomplishment of the main objectives of the study, i.e. obtain information concerning the degree of importance of this ectoparasitic disease and the factors that most strongly influence the occurrence of head lice in the study population. However, additional procedures that would make the technique more sensitive while maintaining the ease of its application among the target population are required. Measures that improve sampling among the section of the population that finds it difficult or impossible to pay for a haircut would grant a more accurate view of the degree of importance of this ectoparasitic disease in the population group with low or no purchasing power, which is usually the group most affected by this parasitosis. RESUMO Pediculose da cabeça em amostras de cabelos de jovens, adultos e idosos em Manaus, Estado do Amazonas, Brasil Estudo sobre a pediculose do couro cabeludo em jovens, adultos e idosos foi realizado de agosto de 2010 a julho de 2013 em Manaus - AM, região norte do Brasil. Amostras de cabelos obtidas de 1.860 indivíduos em 18 barbearias e salões de beleza foram examinadas à procura do parasito. Procurou-se verificar a ocorrência da pediculose e sua associação com fatores tais como: sexo, idade, etnia, características dos cabelos e perfil socioeconômico dos clientes dos salões, localização dos salões e variação sazonal. A taxa de ocorrência encontrada foi 2,84%. Ela foi maior em amostras de cabelos de não negros e dos idosos. Também se observou maior prevalência no período de férias escolares do ensino fundamental e médio. Os resultados indicam que a ocorrência da pediculose em jovens, adultos e idosos em Manaus é relativamente baixa em comparação com as encontradas em crianças e as encontradas em outras regiões do país. Depois das crianças, os idosos seriam os mais acometidos. O estudo também indica a necessidade de adotar procedimentos adicionais para melhor amostrar a faixa da população com menor ou com nenhum poder aquisitivo, a qual geralmente é a mais acometida por esta ectoparasitose. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to thank the establishments involved in this work and the National Council of Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) and the Amazon Research Foundation (FAPEAM) for providing study grants. FINANCIAL SUPPORT The National Council of Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq/MCT-Amazônia 2006/2008) provided support for this study. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest. REFERENCES 1.Bechelli LM, Haddad N, Pimenta WP, Pagnano PMG, Melchior JE, Fregnan RC, et al. Epidemiological survey of skin diseases in schoolchildren living in the Purus Valley (Acre State, Amazonia, Brazil). Dermatologica. 1981;163:78-93. 2. Borges R, Mendes J. Epidemiological aspects of head lice in children attending day care centers, urban and rural schools in Uberlândia, Central Brazil. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz. 2002;97:189-92. 3.Borges R, Silva JJ, Rodrigues RM, Mendes J. 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Sao Paulo 57(3):245-250, May-June, 2015 http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S0036-46652015000300011 EFFECTS OF VITAMIN C SUPPLEMENTATION ON THE CHRONIC PHASE OF CHAGAS DISEASE Ricardo Guimarães MARIM(1), Alex Silva de GUSMÃO(1), Roberto Esteves Pires CASTANHO(1), Rafael DEMINICE(3), Altino Luiz Silva THEREZO(2), Alceu Afonso JORDÃO JÚNIOR(3), Marcos Renato de ASSIS(4), Elane de Fátima TAIPEIRO(5) & Luciamare Perinetti Alves MARTINS(1) SUMMARY Introduction: In order to examine the effectiveness of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in combating the oxidative insult caused by Trypanosoma cruzi during the development of the chronic phase of Chagas disease, Swiss mice were infected intraperitoneally with 5.0 × 104 trypomastigotes of T. cruzi QM1strain. Methods: Mice were given supplements of two different doses of vitamin C for 180 days. Levels of lipid oxidation (as indicated by thiobarbituric acid reactive substances-TBARS), total peroxide, vitamin C, and reduced glutathione were measured in the plasma, TBARS, total peroxide and vitamin C were measured in the myocardium and histopathologic analysis was undertaken in heart, colon and skeletal muscle. Results: Animals that received a dose equivalent to 500 mg of vitamin C daily showed increased production of ROS in plasma and myocardium and a greater degree of inflammation and necrosis in skeletal muscles than those that received a lower dose or no vitamin C whatsoever. Conclusion: Although some research has shown the antioxidant effect of vitamin C, the results showed that animals subject to a 500 mg dose of vitamin C showed greater tissue damage in the chronic phase of Chagas disease, probably due to the paradoxical actions of the substance, which in this pathology, will have acted as a pro-oxidant or pro-inflammatory. KEYWORDS: Lipid peroxidation biomarkers; Chagas disease; Parasitemia; Inflammation; Ascorbic acid; ROS; RNS INTRODUCTION Chagas disease is an anthropozoonosis caused by Trypanosoma cruzi, a flagellate protozoan9 that infects approximately 12–14 million people in Latin America15. After contact with the parasite, patients develop the acute phase of the illness, which may be asymptomatic in some individuals or may show non-specific symptoms, such as fever, tachycardia, weakness, and lymphadenopathy. This evolves into an indeterminate phase, with no clinical signs, but with subclinical pathologies17. Many years after infection, about 30% of the patients develop the chronic phase of the disease, which has characteristic signs including megaesophagus, megacolon and cardiomegaly24. During the chronic phase, the presence of microfoci parasites leads to the constant production of interleukin-12, which activates macrophages and generates a Th1 immune response consistent with delayed hypersensitivity, which leads to tissue damage14,24. Much of the damage to the host in Chagas disease is caused by an excess of free radicals, more specifically by the metabolism of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS). These are produced by phagocytic cells stimulated by inflammatory mediators in tissues parasitized by T. cruzi. They may harm any cellular component, but the components that are affected most strongly are the cellular membranes18,23,42,43. To combat the formation of free radicals and neutralize them before they cause damage, biological systems use molecules and enzymes such as reduced glutathione (GSH), superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), and vitamin E. Others, such as vitamin C (ascorbic acid), glutathione reductase (GSH-Rd), and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) are used to repair damage that has already been done42. A study by WEYERS et al.44 showed that appropriate doses of vitamin C can have a preventive effect against the lipid peroxidation induced by free radicals; both those formed naturally and those caused by exogenous compounds in mice experimentally dosed with the antibacterial drug ciprofloxacin. Vitamin C decreased the oxidative stress on the liver and lipid peroxidation in the mouse kidney caused by this drug43. According to MAY33, ascorbic acid’s ability to reduce oxidative stress would depend on its concentration and its potential for recycling in blood and endothelium. However researches of CHEN et al.11 showed that pharmacological doses of ascorbic acid favored the cytotoxicity of tumor cells by formation of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), leading to the decreased growth of tumors in mice due to pro-oxidant action. For LEVINE et al.29 ascorbate could be used as a treatment for viral and bacterial infections and in other human (1) Department of Parasitology of Marília Medical School (FAMEMA), R. Dona Maria Feres 165, 17519-070 Marília, São Paulo, Brazil. (2) Department of Pathology of Marília Medical School (FAMEMA), Av. Monte Carmelo 800, 17519-030 Marília, São Paulo, Brazil. (3) Department of Medical Clinic, Division of Nutrition and Metabolism of Ribeirão Preto Medical School (FMRP/USP), Av. Bandeirantes 3900, annex A, 14049-900 Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil. (4) Department of Rheumatology of Marília Medical School (FAMEMA), Av. Monte Carmelo 800, 17519-030 Marília, São Paulo, Brazil. (5) Department of Biochemisty of Marília Medical School (FAMEMA), Av. Monte Carmelo 800, 17519-030 Marília, São Paulo, Brazil. Correspondence to: Luciamáre Perinetti Alves Martins, Laboratório de Parasitologia, FAMEMA, R. Dona Maria Feres 165, 17519-070 Marília, São Paulo, Brasil. E-mail: luciamarepam@gmail.com MARIM, R.G.; GUSMÃO, A.S.; CASTANHO, R.E.P.; DEMINICE, R.; THEREZO, A.L.S.; JORDÃO JÚNIOR, A.A.; ASSIS, M.R.; TAIPEIRO, E.F. & MARTINS, L.P.A. - Effects of vitamin C supplementation on the chronic phase of Chagas disease. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 57(3): 245-50, 2015. pathogens, where the production of H2O2 and ROS could be beneficial in disease progression. A study by MAÇAO et al.30 showed that oxidative stress was controlled in the myocardium of patients in the chronic phase of Chagas disease when 500 mg of vitamin C and 800 UI of vitamin E were administered daily for a six-month period, probably as a consequence of vitamin E consumption and antioxidant protection. According to KOURY & DONANGELO28, vitamins C and E are important “street sweepers” of free radicals. Nonetheless, CHEN10 noted that with a lower concentration of vitamin E, the administration of high doses of vitamin C appears to promote lipid peroxidation and significantly decreases the animals’ antioxidant potential. Based on these studies, the authors decided to investigate the effectiveness of vitamin C in combating the oxidative insult caused by progressive T. cruzi inflammation during the evolution of Chagas disease in its chronic phase, by administering two different daily dosages of vitamin C to mice experimentally infected with the T. cruzi QM1strain, since the common sense of its role in antioxidant defense makes its use indiscriminate among people, including chronic carriers of Chagas disease. day after infection for histopathologic analysis after CO2 euthanasia22. The tissues were embedded in paraffin and 5 μm sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin and examined under a light microscope at a magnification of 400×. Five sequential histological sections were examined for each fragment, and the fragments were analyzed and graded for inflammation and amastigote nests for a total of 10 high magnification fields for each type of tissue. The investigator examining the sections was unaware of the grouping of the mice. A semi-quantitative scale of one to three plus signs was used in order to grade the inflammatory process and the number of amastigote nests. This way, inflammation and/or necrosis were examined separately to the number of amastigotes for each animal: “+” signified mild inflammation, necrosis and rare amastigote nests; “++” moderate inflammation, necrosis and moderate number of amastigote nests; and “+++”, intense inflammation, necrosis and frequent amastigote nests. Biochemistry: Blood samples were collected on the 180th day after infection. The mice were exposed to CO2 (100% CO2) for a few seconds as a form of anesthetizing them, and then the blood was collected by cardiac puncture into heparin. This method of euthanasia was chosen as studies conducted by GODIN & GARNETT22 and BILLERT & DROBNICK5 show that exposure to this gas may not increase oxidative damage to tissues. MATERIALS AND METHODS Infection of mice: Thirty 20-day-old male “Swiss” mice, weighing on average 13 grams, were intraperitoneally infected with 5.0 × 104 trypomastigotes of T. cruzi QM1 strain32 via blood from other previouslyinfected mice, which was obtained by cardiac puncture into heparin. The trypomastigotes were counted following the BRENER6 method and the intraperitoneal infection was performed by inoculating 0.1 mL of blood using an Injex® insulin syringe. Following this procedure, three groups of 10 mice were chosen at random and named P (placebo), Vit C 60 (mice that received the dose of vitamin C (D60); see next section for the doses given), and Vit C 500 (mice that received a dosage of vitamin C (D500)). The animals were kept in individual cages to facilitate handling and fed with the standard Nuvilab CR-1® diet, which is composed of: ground whole corn, soybean meal, wheat bran, calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate, sodium chloride, vegetable fat, mineral vitamin premix, amino acid, and water ad libitum. Calculation of vitamin C dosage and treatment: Vit C 60 group (a D60 dose) was given a daily dose of 60 mg of vitamin C, equal to the average weight of the mice × (8.6 × 10–4 mg per gram of weight), diluted in 10 μL of human mineral water (Soft®). Vit C 500 group (a D500 dose) was given a daily dose of 500 mg of vitamin C, equal to the average weight of the mice × (7.14 × 10–3 mg per gram of weight) diluted in 10 μL of human mineral water (Soft®). The P group was a placebo group: each animal received 10 μL of human mineral water (Soft®) daily. Every morning, all mice were treated orally with 10 μL of vitamin C (D60 or D500) in mineral water or mineral water (Soft®) alone, using a Gilson automatic pipette. The three groups were treated for 180 days, starting from the infection date. Vitamin C used in this research was Cewin® (in drops doses) from Sanifi-Aventis Laboratory. Histopathologic analysis: A fragment of heart, colon and skeletal thigh muscle from all mice that survived was collected on the 180th 246 Blood was centrifuged at 1500 g immediately after collection and the plasma stored at -80 ºC. For the measurement of vitamin C, 200 µL plasma samples were immediately acidified with 800 µL 5% trichloroacetic acid and stored at -80 ºC for later analysis. One fragment of heart muscle from each mouse was immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen and subsequently stored at -80 °C. Oxidative stress markers were determined around 3 - 5 weeks after sampling. All samples were stored at -80 ºC before analysis. Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) were used as biomarkers of lipid peroxidation in plasma and heart muscle and measured using a method adapted from COSTA et al.13. The total concentration of TBARS was determined by the difference in absorbance between samples and in a standard solution of malondialdehyde. The total peroxide in the cardiac muscle and plasma was determined using the FOX method, as described by SÖDERGREN et al.38. This method uses a comparison with the standard curve of H2O2. Quantification of plasma glutathione was performed by adapting the method described by COSTA et al.13 using the standard curve of GSH. The vitamin C concentration in plasma and heart muscle was determined according to BESSEY’s4 method, 100 µL of a solution containing 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (2%), thiourea (5%), and copper sulfate (0.6%) in sulfuric acid (25%) added to 300 µL of acidified plasma. After a 4-hour incubation in a 37 °C water bath, 200 µL sulfuric acid (65%) was added and the solution was incubated for 20 min at room temperature. Reading was performed on a spectrophotometer (Spectramax M5, Molecular Devices) at 520 nm and compared with the standard curve of vitamin C. Statistics: The results were analyzed by Normality Test (ShapiroWilks) to verify that the data followed a normal distribution and homogeneity of variances in the groups of Levene’s test. Statistical inference was performed using ANOVA one-way and Post-hoc analyses MARIM, R.G.; GUSMÃO, A.S.; CASTANHO, R.E.P.; DEMINICE, R.; THEREZO, A.L.S.; JORDÃO JÚNIOR, A.A.; ASSIS, M.R.; TAIPEIRO, E.F. & MARTINS, L.P.A. - Effects of vitamin C supplementation on the chronic phase of Chagas disease. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 57(3): 245-50, 2015. were performed with the Tukey (HSD) test1. The significance level used was 5%. (lipid oxidation levels) in the myocardium showed no statistically significant differences between the dosages. This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Medicine of Marília (FAMEMA) under number 133/10. The manner of treatment, care, and euthanasia of mice followed the standards set by Colégio Brasileiro de Experimentação Animal/Brazilian College of Animal Experimentation (Cobea)39. The vitamin C results showed no statistical differences in plasma and myocardium between the three groups with p > 0.05 for all comparisons. RESULTS After 180 days of treatment two animals had died in the placebo group, three had died in group Vit C 60, and four had died in group Vit C 500. The study was therefore performed on eight animals in group P, seven in group Vit C 60, and six in group Vit C 500. Group Vit C 500 suffered greater damage to the skeletal muscle, showing a greater degree of inflammation than group Vit C 60 and a greater degree of necrosis than group P (Table 1). With regards to cardiac muscle and the colon, all animals in group Vit C 500 had inflammation, with mice of this group showing a greater level of damage. An analysis of TBARS, total peroxide, vitamin C, and plasma GSH is shown in Table 2 and an analysis of TBARS, total peroxide and vitamin C in the myocardium is shown in Table 3. Group P had lower total peroxide concentrations in plasma than group Vit C 500 (p = 0.021, Table 2). The TBARS analysis in plasma showed a statistically significant difference between group P and group Vit C 500 (p = 0.021, Table 2), and between group Vit C 60 and group Vit C 500 (p = 0.022, Table 2). There was no statistically significant difference between the groups in the plasma GSH (p > 0.05, Table 2). There was a higher total production of peroxides in the myocardium of group Vit C 500 than in group P (p = 0.050, Table 3). TBARS analysis DISCUSSION To date, no research has been done to test the effectiveness of vitamin C in combating ROS and RNS produced during the evolution of Chagas disease. This study has shown that oral administration of 500 mg of vitamin C, per 180 days, in mice infected with T. cruzi can be harmful to the host, leading to increased total peroxide and TBARS, which may increase the severity of lesions, characteristic of chronic phase of this disease. In this study, the vitamin C doses of 60 mg and 500 mg provided to groups Vit C 60 and Vit C 500 resulted in no statistically significant differences in myocardial and plasma vitamin C concentrations relative to group P (p > 0.05 in all comparisons). The absence of differences between experimental groups in these results at the time of plasma and tissue collection could be explained by the physiological mechanism of control of concentrations of vitamin C, where ascorbate concentrations in plasma and tissue are tightly controlled. According to LEVINE et al.29, the vitamin C concentration was tightly controlled by absorption, tissue transport and renal reabsorption and excretion. Surprisingly, the dosage of 500 mg caused detrimental repercussions to the host. This is confirmed by the study’s results regarding the number of mice that survived the treatment and the histopathologic findings, in which group Vit C 500 was shown to have suffered greater skeletal, cardiac muscle and colonic tissue damage, causing the death of a large number of animals. Table 1 Degree of histopathologic lesions and parasitism in mice infected by T. cruzi QM1 and treated with two different doses of vitamin C (VitC60= D60; VitC500= D500) and placebo (P): (+) mild inflammation, necrosis and rare amastigote nests; (++) moderate inflammation, necrosis and moderate number of amastigote nests; (+++) intense inflammation, necrosis and frequent amastigote nests. * “%” indicates the percentage of infected mice affected by necrosis or inflammation in each group, and the absolute number observed is given in parentheses P Skeletal muscle Cardiac muscle Colon Inflammation Amastigote nests VitC60 Necrosis % (8)* Inflammation Amastigote nests % (7) % (7) — — 42.6% (3) — — 14.3% (1) — — — 85.7% (6) — — — — — — — — % (8) % (8) + 12.5% (1) — ++ — — — +++ — — — + 50.0% (4) 12.5% (1) — ++ 25.0% (2) — — +++ — — — + 62.5% (5) — — 42.9% (3) 28.6% (2) ++ 25.0% (2) — — 28.6% (2) +++ — — — — 50.0% (4) VitC500 Necrosis % (7) Inflammation Amastigote nests Necrosis % (6) % (6) % (6) 50.0% (3) — 100% (6) — — — — — — 50.0% (3) — — 50.0% (3) — — — — — — 50.0% (3) — — — — 50.0% (3) — — — — — — — 247 MARIM, R.G.; GUSMÃO, A.S.; CASTANHO, R.E.P.; DEMINICE, R.; THEREZO, A.L.S.; JORDÃO JÚNIOR, A.A.; ASSIS, M.R.; TAIPEIRO, E.F. & MARTINS, L.P.A. - Effects of vitamin C supplementation on the chronic phase of Chagas disease. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 57(3): 245-50, 2015. Table 2 Mean values and standard deviation of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), total peroxide, vitamin C and reduced glutathione (GSH) in plasma of mice treated with two different doses of vitamin C (VitC60= D60; VitC500= D500) and placebo (P) during the chronic phase of experimental infection by T. cruzi QM1. (SD = standard deviation) Variable P VitC60 VitC500 Compared Groups TBARS (µmol/L) 34.8 (SD = 2.5) 34.8 (SD = 2.8) 41.0 (SD = 6.1) P & VitC60 P & VitC500* VitC60 &VitC500* Total peroxide (µmol H2O2 equivalent/L) 88.4 (SD = 35.2) 134.3 (SD = 38.1) 148.6 (SD = 40.0) P & VitC60 P & VitC500* VitC60 & VitC500 Vitamin C (mg/dL) 0.28 (SD = 0.07) 0.29 (SD = 0.07) 0.33 (SD = 0.04) P & VitC60 P & VitC500 VitC60 & VitC500 237.13 (SD = 29.45) 203.30 (SD = 46.77) 183.32 (SD = 25.59) P & VitC60 P & VitC500 VitC60 & VitC500 GSH (mmol/L) * Groups differ by Tukey test at 5% probability. Table 3 Mean values and standard deviation of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), total peroxide and vitamin C in the myocardium of mice treated with two different doses of vitamin C (VitC60= D60; VitC500= D500) and placebo (P) during the chronic phase of experimental infection by T. cruzi QM1. (SD = standard deviation) Variables P VitC60 VitC500 Compared Groups TBARS (µmol/g protein) 82.4 (SD = 20.3) 73.6 (SD = 14.3) 100.4 (SD = 27.1) P & VitC60 P & VitC500 VitC60 &VitC500 Total peroxide (µmol H2O2 equivalent/g protein) 161.4 (SD = 82.3) 304.1 (SD = 172.7) 368.4 (SD = 188.6) P & VitC60 P & VitC500* VitC60 &VitC500 Vitamin C (μg/g prot) 6.61 (SD = 1.13) 6.76 (SD = 0.74) 6.97 (SD = 0.76) P & VitC60 P & VitC500 VitC60 &VitC500 * Groups differ by Tukey test at 5% probability. Corroborating the histopathologic findings, a greater total peroxide production in group Vit C 500 than in group P was observed, both in plasma (p = 0.021) and in the myocardium (p = 0.050), as well as an increase in plasma TBARS concentrations in group Vit C 500 (p = 0.021). Although a tendency of decrease in GSH concentration of group Vit C 500 was observed, suggesting that antioxidant response was activated to neutralize ROS and RNS during disease progression, these results were not statistically significant. Researches of MAÇAO et al.30 demonstrated a decrease in TBARS and increase in GSH when chronic chagasic patients were supplemented daily with 500 mg vitamin C and 800 IU vitamin E. The effectiveness of these antioxidants has been studied by various authors3,46, who indicated that both vitamins C and E operate in the context of an integrated system in which the overall antioxidant status is under homeostatic control, so that the change in status of a single antioxidant may affect the status of the other in a way that the ratio C/E can be of central importance to antioxidant protection21. 248 Nevertheless, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of the isolated uses of ascorbic acid. These results show that daily supplementation, only with the equivalent of 500 mg of vitamin C, is coupled with a statistically significant increase in production of free radicals and lipid peroxidation between Vit C 60 Vit C 500 (p = 0.022), as shown by the result. Although the antioxidant properties of vitamin C are well established2,20,26, it is still debatable that it beholds a possible prooxidant8,16,37 and an anti / pro-inflammatory effect27,34. In vitro studies performed by CLEMENT et al.12, showed that, in high concentrations, vitamin C can exert a pro-oxidant effect before antioxidant, but in vivo the biological relevance of these events remains controversial8. However, in case of an injury inflicted by these tissues, the possibility MARIM, R.G.; GUSMÃO, A.S.; CASTANHO, R.E.P.; DEMINICE, R.; THEREZO, A.L.S.; JORDÃO JÚNIOR, A.A.; ASSIS, M.R.; TAIPEIRO, E.F. & MARTINS, L.P.A. - Effects of vitamin C supplementation on the chronic phase of Chagas disease. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 57(3): 245-50, 2015. of free transition metal Fe3+ and Cu2+ increases, which may be reduced by ascorbate7. In vitro, the interaction of these reduced metals with H2O2 produce hydroxyl radicals and lipid alkoxyl radicals (LO.), causing oxidative damage, and the ascorbate would then act as pro oxidant. Therefore, it is possible that a high intake of vitamin C could be harmful to persons who have chronic inflammatory conditions19, because it would cause the interaction of these catalytically active metals with ascorbate, as in the chronic phase of Chagas disease. This would also cause damage to surrounding tissues, which contribute to the inflammatory process, besides the fact that their own ROS amplify the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Although several studies in humans and other species delineate the functional significance of vitamin C in resistance to infection40,41, the effects of a high dose on the activity of the immune system is still scarce. Studies of HORNIG et al.25 reported the increased bioavailability of nitric oxide in patients with chronic heart failure after arterial and oral administration of vitamin C and NOH et al.36, discovered that megadoses of vitamin C increased the production of interferon, IL-2 and TNF-α, showing a positive correlation between serum levels of vitamin C and pro inflammatory cytokines. Moreover, MIKIROVA et al.34 discovered that high doses of vitamin C reduces inflammation in patients with cancer. These results showed an increase in the inflammatory process with the presence of vitamin C and, in a high dosage, an exacerbation of tissue damage. This infers that, in the chronic phase of Chagas disease, the administration of 500 mg of vitamin C provides a pro-oxidant and pro-inflammatory medium to these animals. Since the effects were not observed in shorter periods of supplementation31, these results may indicate the potential risk of for patients at the chronic phase of Chagas disease in ingesting high vitamin C concentrations for a long period of time. These results will be elucidated through future research on the technique of immunohistochemistry and may highlight whether the exacerbation of the inflammatory process is associated with the presence of the parasite or its cell debris, or if it occurred due to the actions of vitamin C. Therefore, these results indicate the need for further investigation to elucidate the mechanisms whereby the high dosage of vitamin C may operate in the parasite35,45 or in the harmful events identified by this research. RESUMO Efeitos da suplementação de vitamina C na fase crônica da doença de Chagas Introdução: Para verificar a eficácia da vitamina C em combater o insulto oxidativo causado pelo Trypanosoma cruzi durante a evolução da fase crônica da doença de Chagas, camundongos Swiss foram previamente infectados via intraperitoneal com 5.0 × 104 tripomastigotas da cepa QM1 de T. cruzi. Métodos: Camundongos foram suplementados com duas diferentes doses de vitamina C por 180 dias. Foram mensurados os níveis de peroxidação lipídica (indicado por substâncias reativas ao ácido tiobarbitúrico-TBARS), peróxido total, vitamina C, e glutationa reduzida no plasma e TBARS, peróxido total e vitamina C no miocárdio, e foi realizado o estudo histopatológico em coração, cólon e músculo esquelético. Resultados: Animais que receberam diariamente uma dosagem equivalente a 500 mg de vitamina C apresentaram aumento na produção de ROS e RNS no plasma e no miocárdio e maior grau de inflamação e necrose em músculo esquelético em comparação àqueles que receberam doses menores ou nenhuma vitamina C. Conclusão: Embora muitas pesquisas tenham mostrado o efeito antioxidante da vitamina C, nossos resultados mostraram que os animais que foram expostos a 500 mg de vitamina C apresentaram maior dano tecidual na fase crônica da doença de Chagas, provavelmente devido a ações paradoxais desta substância, onde nesta patologia, poderá agir como pró-oxidante ou pró-inflamatória. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Statistical assistance made through the Extension Project “Statistical advice to students and teachers of undergraduate and graduate programs of FFC-CM, UNESP and external researchers,” coordinated by Prof. Dr. Sebastião Marcos Ribeiro de Carvalho, Department of Educational Psychology, the FFC - Campus Marília, UNESP. CONFLICT OF INTEREST The authors of “Effects of vitamin C supplementation on the chronic phase of Chagas disease” declare no conflicts of interest in developing this study. FINANCIAL SUPPORT The authors thank the São Paulo State Foundation for Research Support (FAPESP) for financial support for this project. REFERENCES 1. Armitage P, Berry G. Estadística para la investigación biomédica. 3ª ed. Madrid: Harcourt Brace; 1997. 2. Barreiros ALBS, David JM, David PJ. Estresse oxidativo: relação entre geração de espécies reativas e defesa do organismo. Quim Nova. 2006;29:113-23. 3. Benzie IF, Strain JJ. 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Sao Paulo 57(3):251-256, May-June, 2015 http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S0036-46652015000300012 MOLECULAR IDENTIFICATION AND ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE PATTERN OF SEVEN CLINICAL ISOLATES OF Nocardia spp. IN BRAZIL Larissa Anuska Zeni CONDAS(1), Márcio Garcia RIBEIRO(1), Marisol Domingues MURO(2), Agueda Palmira Castagna de VARGAS(3), Tetsuhiro MATSUZAWA(4), Katsukiyo YAZAWA(4), Amanda Keller SIQUEIRA(1), Tatiana SALERNO(1), Gustavo Henrique Batista LARA(1), Rafaela Mastrangelo RISSETI(1), Karen Spadari FERREIRA(5) & Tohru GONOI(4) SUMMARY Nocardia is a ubiquitous microorganism related to pyogranulomatous infection, which is difficult to treat in humans and animals. The occurrence of the disease is on the rise in many countries due to an increase in immunosuppressive diseases and treatments. This report of cases from Brazil presents the genotypic characterization and the antimicrobial susceptibility pattern using the disk-diffusion method and inhibitory minimal concentration with E-test® strips. In summary, this report focuses on infections in young adult men, of which three cases were cutaneous, two pulmonary, one neurological and one systemic. The pulmonary, neurological and systemic cases were attributed to immunosuppressive diseases or treatments. Sequencing analysis of the 16S rRNA segments (1491 bp) identified four isolates of Nocardia farcinica, two isolates of Nocardia nova and one isolate of Nocardia asiatica. N. farcinica was involved in two cutaneous, one systemic and other pulmonary cases; N. nova was involved in one neurological and one pulmonary case; and Nocardia asiatica in one cutaneous case. The disk-diffusion antimicrobial susceptibility test showed that the most effective antimicrobials were amikacin (100%), amoxicillin/clavulanate (100%), cephalexin (100%) and ceftiofur (100%), while isolates had presented most resistance to gentamicin (43%), sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim (43%) and ampicillin (29%). However, on the inhibitory minimal concentration test (MIC test), only one of the four isolates of Nocardia farcinica was resistant to sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim. KEYWORDS: Nocardiosis; Nocardia; Opportunistic disease; Antimicrobial susceptibility test. INTRODUCTION Nocardiosis is a chronic and severe pyogranulomatous disease caused by the environmentally ubiquitous actinomycete of the Nocardia genus1. Nocardiosis is an emerging disease in humans and animals worldwide2,13,26,32,34. According to BAIO et al. (2013) nocardiosis is a neglected disease, particularly in patients with some degree of immunosuppression1. For many years, since Edmond Nocard’s first description of the pathogen in 1888, its diagnosis was based on phenotypic methods17. To date, 102 species of Nocardia have been discovered using molecular methods, of which seven have been reclassified and 90 currently stand on the list of prokaryotic names with standing nomenclature24. Among these species, at least 25 are pathogenic to humans and animals8,13,17,29. N. asteroides, N. brasiliensis, N. farcinica, N. nova, N. cyriacigeorgica and N. veterana are the main species related to nocardiosis in humans1,11,14,17. Either tegumentary injury or the inhalation of bacteria is considered the most common route of transmission of Nocardia spp. in humans7. Clinically, the main manifestations of human nocardiosis are pneumonia, encephalitis, lymphadenitis, lymphangitis and cutaneous tissue lesions33. Therapy consists of a prolonged course, its success depending on the species of bacteria, the virulence of the strain, the organs affected, the time of evolution and the health status of the susceptible individual(s)1. Nocardia spp. is refractory to conventional antimicrobial therapy. Sulfonamides potentiated by trimethoprim, minocycline, aminoglycosides (amikacin, gentamicin) and cephalosporins (ceftiofur, ceftriaxone, cephalexin) alone or in combination, based on in vitro tests3, are the choices of treatment for human and animal nocardiosis26,28,31. The purpose of this case report is to present the species of Nocardia involved in human nocardiosis in Brazil, and their respective drug susceptibility pattern. MATERIAL AND METHODS Isolates. Seven strains of Nocardia spp., identified in three Hospitals from different states of Brazil (one in Rio Grande do Sul, one in São Paulo and five in Paraná), were isolated from clinical cases of nocardiosis. The strains were isolated from different specimens (bronchial wash, cutaneous and organ fragments) in defibrinated sheep blood agar (5%), Sabouraud or Lowenstein agar, and maintained aerobically at 37 ºC for three to (1) Department Veterinary Hygiene and Public Health, Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”, FMVZ/UNESP Botucatu, Sao Paulo, Brazil. (2) Universidade Federal do Parana, Clinical Hospital, Curitiba, PR, Brazil. (3) Department of Preventive Veterinary Medicine, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, UFSM, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. (4) Medical Mycology Research Centre of Chiba University, Chiba, Japan. (5) Department of Biological Science, Microbiology, Immunology and Parasitology Sector, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, UNIFESP, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. Correspondence to: Márcio Garcia Ribeiro, Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, Caixa Postal 560, Distrito de Rubião Júnior, 18618970 Botucatu, São Paulo, Brasil. Fax: +55 (14) 3881-6579, Phone: +55 (14) 3881- 6270. E-mail: mgribeiro@fmvz.unesp.br CONDAS, L.A.Z.; RIBEIRO, M.G.; MURO, M.D.; VARGAS, A.P.C.; MATSUZAWA, T.; YAZAWA, K.; SIQUEIRA, A.K.; SALERNO, T.; LARA, G.H.B.; RISSETI, R.M.; FERREIRA, K.S. & GONOI, T. - Molecular identification and antimicrobial resistance pattern of seven clinical isolates of Nocardia spp. in Brazil. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 57(3): 251-6, 2015. 10 days. Colonies suggestive of the genus Nocardia were evaluated by dry, convex, adherent, and white to orange color aspects. After 48 to 72 hours post-inoculation, colonies were submitted to Gram and Kinyoun stain8,27. Gram-positive, filamentous to cocobacillary, partially acid-fast organisms were identified as Nocardia. Molecular identification. Molecular analysis was carried out in the Medical Mycology Research Center, Chiba, Japan. Genomic DNA for sequencing was performed according to KAGEYAMA et al., 2004. The 16S rRNA gene was amplified by PCR using a DNA thermal cycler (TaKaRa Bio Inc., Chiba, Japan) under the following conditions: 35 cycles at 94 ºC for 60 seconds for denaturation, 60 ºC for 60 seconds for primer annealing, and 72 ºC for 120 seconds for primer extension. PCR primers were the prokaryotic 16S rRNA universal primer pairs, 8F and 691R, 520F and 1100R, and 926F and 1542R. DNA sequences were determined with an automatic sequence analyzer (ABI PRISMTM 3130; Applied Biosystems, Japan), using the same primers and a dye terminator cycle sequencing kit (Applied Biosystems). Near-complete 16S rRNA gene sequences consisting of approximately 1400 bases pairs were obtained. The sequence of the 16S rRNA gene was compared to the GenBank database using BLAST, and 16S rRNA sequences of related Nocardia-type strains were retrieved from the database. These sequences were submitted to GenBank/JJBJ/EMBL. In vitro drug susceptibility tests. All strains were examined using the disk-diffusion test and minimum inhibitory concentration test (MIC test) based on E-test™ (E-test™, AB biodisk, BioMérieux, Dalvägen, Sweden), according to the procedures described by GLUPCKZYNSKI et al. 2006 and NCCLS 2006. Isolates resistant to three or more antimicrobials were considered multi-resistant23. The study of drug susceptibility in Actinomycetes is more laborious because this group of bacteria usually grows in clumps. Due to this adherent characteristic during bacterial growth, the observed irregular broth turbidity makes it difficult to measure the optimum inoculum concentration. Naturally, the precise concentration of unit colony formation is essential for the correct interpretation of both antimicrobial tests11,20. The isolates were briefly subcultured twice in blood agar (5%) to ensure their purity. After 48 hours, they were inoculated in brain-heartinfusion at 37 ºC for another 48 hours. Sterile glass beads were added at the time the strains were vortexed to decrease the formation of clumps and subsequently obtain a more accurate optical density (OD) equivalent to a 0.5 McFarland standard to disk-diffusion test and 1.0 McFarland standard for E-test. All of the strains were submitted to a disk-diffusion test and the inhibition zones interpreted following standards according to BAUER et al., 1966 and AMBAYE et al. 1997. The antibiotics selected were amikacin (30 μg), ampicillin (10 μg), amoxicillin/clavulanate (20 μg/10 μg), ceftiofur (30 μg), cefoperazone (75 μg), ceftriaxone (30 μg), cephalexin (30 μg), cefuroxime (30 μg), cefalonium (30 μg), imipenem (10 μg), gentamicin (10 μg), mynocicline (30 μg) and sulfamethoxazole/ trimethoprim (25 μg). In the MIC test, a maximum of five E-test strips were attached to Mueller Hinton agar and were then incubated at 37 ºC. The 252 results were recorded after 48 - 72 hours because of the organisms’ fastidious growth3,20. The following antibiotics were used: amikacin (0.016 - 256 µg/mL), ampicillin (0.016 - 256 µg/mL), amoxicillin/ clavulanate (0.016 - 256 µg/mL), ceftriaxone (0.016 - 256 µg/mL), gentamicin, sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim (0.002 - 32 µg/mL) and imipenem (0.002 - 32 µg/mL). The similarities between the results from the disk-diffusion test and E-test were analyzed using the Kappa agreement index. According to the values obtained, the agreement analysis between the tests followed the criteria established by THRUSFIELD (1995). All statistical analysis was done using Bioestat v.5.0 and SPSS v.14 packages. The Chi-squared and Fisher’s exact tests were used to analyze whether the resistance percentages of Nocardia spp. were normally distributed between strains for each antibiotic tested with the disk-diffusion method. The level of significance for this test was p < 0.0533. RESULTS All strains were taken from young adult males between 28 and 35 years of age. Three patients displayed cutaneous manifestations (exhibiting fistulous mycetomas due to traumatic inoculation), while two showed pulmonary, one neurological and one systemic. Two individuals with pulmonary symptoms, one with neurological, and one with systemic were co-infected with immunosuppressive diseases, or were undergoing/had undergone prolonged treatments with chemotherapy or corticotherapy. Of all the patients, four died due to the severity of their disease (these were pulmonary, neurological and systemic cases), two recovered (cutaneous manifestations), and one case had no documented outcome (cutaneous manifestation) [Table 1]. The microbiological culture of samples showed dry, convex, strongly adherent, whitish to orange-brown colonies with a powdery surface after 48-96 hours of incubation at 37 ºC. Gram and modified ZiehlNeelsen stains showed thin, branched filaments sometimes fragmented in cocobacillary forms, suggestive of the Nocardia genus. The sequence of the 16S rDNA gene enabled the identification of four strains - N. farcinica, two N. nova, and one N. asiatica - based on its 99.6% or higher sequence similarity to the reference sequence in GenBank (DDBJ/GenBank/EMBL), using BLAST as recommended by CLSI, 2008. The access number for the isolates in GenBank is as follows: IFM 11128/ AB 633331 - N. nova; IFM 11096/ AB 630965 N. farcinica; IFM 11231/ AB 636474 - N. farcinica; IFM 11232/ AB 636475 - N. farcinica; IFM 11099/ AB 630966 - N. nova; IFM 11100/ AB 630967 - N. asiatica; IFM 11285/ AB 638765 - N. farcinica. In this study, N. farcinica was observed in two cutaneous, one systemic and other pulmonary cases; N. nova was present in one neurological manifestation and one pulmonary; and Nocardia asiatica in one cutaneous case (Table 1). The in vitro drug susceptibility test, based on disk-diffusion, is presented in Table 2. Based on the disk-diffusion test, Nocardia spp. isolates were sensitive to amikacin, amoxicillin/clavulanate, cephalexin, cefalonium, ceftiofur, ceftriaxone and minocycline. However, around 50% of the Nocardia spp. isolates were resistant to ampicillin, gentamicin and sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim. Of the seven isolates, two were CONDAS, L.A.Z.; RIBEIRO, M.G.; MURO, M.D.; VARGAS, A.P.C.; MATSUZAWA, T.; YAZAWA, K.; SIQUEIRA, A.K.; SALERNO, T.; LARA, G.H.B.; RISSETI, R.M.; FERREIRA, K.S. & GONOI, T. - Molecular identification and antimicrobial resistance pattern of seven clinical isolates of Nocardia spp. in Brazil. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 57(3): 251-6, 2015. Table 1 Summary of clinical presentation and outcomes of seven patients with nocardiosis. Santa Maria, RS; Curitiba, PR and Botucatu, SP, Brazil Nocardia species N. nova N. farcinica N. asiatica Clinical presentation Site of isolate Age/sex Underlying condition Neurologic Liquor 32/male Pulmonary Sputum 33/male Dermatologic Biopsy Dermatologic Biopsy Pulmonary Broncoalveolar wash Systemic Liquor Dermatologic Biopsy 35/male Treatment Outcome Chemotherapy NA*1 Death HIV 4 drugs*2 Death 30/male None NA Recovery 28/male None NA Recovery 35/male HIV NA Death 34/male Chemoterapy NA Death NA NA NA *1 NA = not available; *2 Patient came in on advanced stage of disease, he was treated with clindamycin, sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim, imipenem and amphotericin before death. multi-resistant to three or more antimicrobials. One isolate of N. farcinica was resistant to ampicillin, cefoperazone and gentamicin; and the other isolate of N. farcinica was resistant to ampicillin, sulfamethoxazole/ trimethoprim, gentamicin and cefuroxime. The minimum inhibitory concentration of tested antimicrobials showed suitable breakpoints, with all the isolates being susceptible to Table 2 Standard inhibition zone diameter and percentage of susceptibility of 7 Nocardia spp. isolates to selected antimicrobials in disk-diffusion test. UNESP, Botucatu, SP, Brazil Zone diameter (mm)a the tested antimicrobials (Table 3) except for one isolate of Nocardia farcinica, which was resistant to sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim. Table 3 Minimum inhibitory concentrations (µg/mL) and susceptibility proportion estimates of Nocardia spp. isolated from seven case reports. UNESP, Botucatu, SP, Brazil MIC50a (µg/mL) MIC90a (µg/mL) %Susceptible (Overall n=7) Amikacin 0.20 0.40 100 Amoxicillin/ clavulanate 0.5 3 100 Antimicrobials 0.25 1 100 I S % Susceptible Ampicillin R Cephalexin 1 2 100 Amikacin ≤14 15-16 ≥17 100 Ceftriaxone 1.5 2 100 Amoxicillin/ clavulanate ≤13 14-17 ≤13 100 Gentamicin 1 2 100 Imipenem 0.75 1,5 100 Ampicillin ≤13 14-16 ≥17 29 1.5 3 86 Cephalexin ≤14 15-17 ≥18 100 Sulfamethoxazole/ trimethoprim Cephalonium ≤14 15-17 ≥18 100 Cefoperazone ≤15 16-20 ≥21 43 Ceftiofur ≤17 18-20 ≥21 100 Ceftriaxone ≤13 14-20 ≥21 86 Cefuroxime ≤14 15-17 ≥18 72 Imipenem ≤13 14-15 ≥16 72 Gentamicin ≤10 11-14 ≥15 57 Mynocicline ≤14 15-19 ≥19 100 Sulfamethoxazole/ trimethoprim ≤10 11-15 ≥16 43 Antimicrobial a Zone of inhibition diameter (mm) by disk diffusion method susceptibility interpretative guidelines based on NCCLS (2006), AMBAYE et al. (1997), and BAUER et al. (1966). R = resistant, I = intermediate, S = susceptible. MIC50 and MIC90 : values are concentrations at which ≥ 50% and ≥90% of isolates are inhibited by antimicrobials. a The agreement between the tests was considered low by the statistical analysis. DISCUSSION These findings reinforce that molecular techniques are a reliable, suitable and quick method for the diagnosis of species of Nocardia genus taken from a human origin. Phenotypic evaluations could be performed to identify the Nocardia species, combining tests such as the hydrolysis of organic compound (adenine, xanthine, hypoxanthine, casein, esculin and tyrosine), carbohydrate assimilation, antimicrobial susceptibility pattern, citrate utilization and acetamid and arylsulfatase utilization, among others8,27,36. However, they are usually laborious, time-consuming, and require experience in evaluating the results. For this reason, molecular methods emerged as an alternative that can be used on several different 253 CONDAS, L.A.Z.; RIBEIRO, M.G.; MURO, M.D.; VARGAS, A.P.C.; MATSUZAWA, T.; YAZAWA, K.; SIQUEIRA, A.K.; SALERNO, T.; LARA, G.H.B.; RISSETI, R.M.; FERREIRA, K.S. & GONOI, T. - Molecular identification and antimicrobial resistance pattern of seven clinical isolates of Nocardia spp. in Brazil. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 57(3): 251-6, 2015. body fluids and tissue samples, and can also be used for identifying strains that are difficult to grow in a conventional medium8,29. The 16S rRNA gene is highly conserved with constant regions and, to date, its complete sequence of approximately 1400 bp has a considerably large database on GenBank, which allows for the identification of most Nocardia species29. However, because 16S rRNA shows minimal variation and is also present in different numbers of copy variants, this gene should be sequenced in its total 1400 bps and follow the standards of CLSI, which recommends a similarity higher than 99.6%. Nowadays, other researchers are reporting on the sequencing of housekeeping genes with a better discriminatory power, even with partial gene sequencing16,29. The incidence of human nocardiosis has increased in the last two decades across several countries, particularly in patients affected by immunosuppressive therapies or diseases1,8. In Brazil, the 22 cases of human nocardiosis, predominantly displaying pulmonary symptoms, were most prevalent in adult males (59.2%) between the ages of 21 and 84. Most cases were related to immunosuppressed conditions (69.9%), such as transplants, corticotherapy and being HIV-positive30. These findings agree with similar observations that described immunocompromised conditions in humans affected by nocardiosis10,19,21,30, reinforcing the opportunistic behavior of the Nocardia genus7. However, it is important to stress that cutaneous presentations are not always associated to a previous health condition, indicating possible transmission through cutaneous trauma, as suggested by other studies4. In this study, nocardiosis only affected men between the ages of 28 and 35. This is consistent with the results of other studies, which have also identified similar occurrences of nocardiosis in young adult males, indicating the occupational risk of human infection by Nocardia species in mainly immunocompromised patients exposed to the agent within their environment10,21,34. The clinical picture of human nocardiosis is diverse, though cutaneous and pulmonary manifestations are present in the majority of cases4,5. In the last few years, N. farcinica has been the most isolated species in reviews of different kinds of patient infection, whether with or without immunosuppression, representing around 22% and 45% of cases respectively19,26,32,34. Evidence shows that N. farcinica is widely distributed in the environment, has a high potential of virulence and is closely associated to a great number of fatal nocardiosis cases, including those with systemic dissemination8. Cases related to N. farcinica confirmed the severity of the disease in immunosuppressed patients. In other reports, N. nova has been associated to approximately 20% of isolates in the United States and was the most pathogenic species in Canada until 200834,35. N. nova has been attributed to different clinical presentations in humans, mainly related to immunosuppressive conditions or trauma4,35. These findings reinforce this species’ pathogenic potential for humans, and the risks of developing systemic nocardiosis, resulting in death. N. asiatica was recently identified in human nocardiosis in Brazil, and this is one of few reports worldwide5,21,22 which reinforces the necessity of identifying more isolates and understanding their epidemiology. The lower efficacy of human strains to gentamicin and ampicillin in the disk- diffusion test is probably related to the pattern of low susceptibility of N. farcinica resistance, indicating that these are not recommended 254 as therapy20,31. However, the high efficacy of cephalosporins against N. farcinica isolates and the high success rate of amoxicillin/clavulanate against N. nova could be justified by the variability in β-lactamase activity present in the bacteria’s cell wall3,20. In agreement with previous results, minocycline appeared to be highly effective as in vitro against the Nocardia species isolated in these reports3,31, however MUÑOZ et al. (2007) observed resistance to this drug in N. nova and N. cyriacigeorgica. Sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim presented a lower efficacy in disk-diffusion tests against the isolates and are perhaps, therefore, not appropriate for therapy. Similar observations with a larger number of clinical isolates were made by TREMBLAY et al. (2011), informing of the importance of establishing treatment protocols for in vitro tests. However, despite the worldwide resistance pattern to sulfonamides recorded in clinical isolates, few patients failed therapy with these drugs, suggesting that the inhibition breakpoint for sulfonamides still poses a challenge and varies among different laboratories9. This can result from the methodology suggested by CLSI in which sulfonamide breakpoints are based on 80% of inhibition of growth endpoint compared to the 100% inhibition of growth by other drugs. In future research, more isolates should have the antimicrobial profile analyzed using the same CLSI specifications, as performed in this study, and new breakpoints for Nocardia species should perhaps be considered. Moreover, the indiscriminate use of the drug for comorbidities can induce resistance of Nocardia to sulfonamides and molecular mechanisms, thus it should be analyzed8,9,26. Some studies showed the applicability of the E-test for antimicrobial susceptibility testing for the analysis of actinomycete resistance20. However, disagreement between MIC and disk diffusion tests has been indicated in other papers3,25. These differences probably occur due to colony lumps formed during culture growth, which makes it difficult to obtain a precise McFarland scale, or an ideal count of colony-forming units25. So far, for Nocardia the broth dilution method is still favorable, in comparison to the E-test, in order to assure the significance of the minimum inhibitory concentration method. Despite the small number of isolates, it was possible to notice that nocardiosis in Brazil mainly affects men and immunosuppressed patients with localized or disseminated infection. Clinical manifestations could vary depending on the species, virulence of isolates, and immunocompromised factors of the patients. The cases reported in this study were seen in patients with a higher comorbidity, predominantly associated with pulmonary or disseminated forms. Antimicrobial resistances of isolates reinforce the importance of prior in vitro tests before initiating therapy. Further investigation with a larger number of cases and isolates is necessary. RESUMO Identificação molecular e perfil de sensibilidade a antimicrobianos de sete isolados clínicos de Nocardia spp. no Brasil Nocardia é um microorganismo ubiquitário relacionado a infecções piogranulomatosas, com difícil resolução tecidual em humanos e animais. A doença é mundialmente emergente devido ao aumento de doenças e tratamentos imunossupressores. Este relato de casos ocorridos no Brasil visa apresentar a identificação molecular dos isolados e o padrão CONDAS, L.A.Z.; RIBEIRO, M.G.; MURO, M.D.; VARGAS, A.P.C.; MATSUZAWA, T.; YAZAWA, K.; SIQUEIRA, A.K.; SALERNO, T.; LARA, G.H.B.; RISSETI, R.M.; FERREIRA, K.S. & GONOI, T. - Molecular identification and antimicrobial resistance pattern of seven clinical isolates of Nocardia spp. in Brazil. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 57(3): 251-6, 2015. de sensibilidade a antimicrobianos por disco-difusão e concentração inibitória mínima (CIM) através de fitas E-test®. Os casos ocorreram em homens, em idade adulta. Três quadros foram cutâneos, dois pulmonares, um neurológico e um sistêmico. O quadro respiratório, o neurológico e um sistêmico estavam associados à doença ou terapia imunossupressoras. O sequenciamento do gene 16S rRNA (1491pb) possibilitou a identificação de quatro isolados de Nocardia farcinica, dois de Nocardia nova e um de Nocardia asiatica. N. farcinica foi observada em dois casos dermatológicos, um pulmonar e um quadro sistêmico, N. nova foi isolada de um caso neurológico e outro pulmonar; e N. asiatica em um caso dermatológico. O teste de disco-difusão mostrou que amicacina (100%), amoxicilina/clavulanato (100%), cefalexina (100%) e ceftiofur (100%) foram mais efetivos; enquanto gentamicina (43%), sulfametoxazol/trimetoprim (43%) e ampicilina (29%) foram menos efetivos. No entanto, no teste de concentração inibitória mínima (CIM), apenas um dos quatro isolados da espécie Nocardia farcinica mostrou-se resistente a sulfametoxazole-trimetropina. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS To FAPESP Funding (Protocols 2009/56037-1 and 2010/53494-5) and Mycology Research Center of University of Chiba - Japan. REFERENCES 1. Acha, PN, Szyfres B. Nocardiosis. In: Acha, PN, Szyfres B. 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The evolution of ATL initially results in lesions and can develop into disseminated or diffuse forms. The genetic diversity of L. (V.) braziliensis in some endemic areas of Brazil has been poorly studied, such as in the state of São Paulo. This study analyzed the genetic diversity of L. (V.) braziliensis isolates collected from patients and dogs with LTA from the state of São Paulo. Methods: Leishmaniasis diagnosis was determined by PCR. The 132 biopsies were collected in different regions of Sao Paulo State, Brazil (36 municipalities). The genetic characterization of L. (V.) braziliensis isolates was tested by RFLP-PCR using DNA extracted from biopsies. The primer set amplified a specific region of Leishmania internal transcribed spacers of the ribosomal DNA locus. Results: Of the 132 samples, 52 (40%) were completely genotyped by RFLP-PCR (44 from human patients and eight from dogs). The results showed nine distinct patterns. The majority of the genotyped samples were from Sorocaba (30), and the others were distributed among 14 other municipalities. The first pattern was more frequent (29 samples), followed by pattern 2 (nine samples) and pattern 3 (three samples). Patterns 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9 were composed of two samples each and pattern 5 of one sample. Conclusion: These results suggest that polymorphic strains of L. (V.) braziliensis circulate in the state of São Paulo. These data agree with studies from other regions of Brazil, showing great variability among the natural populations of endemic foci. KEYWORDS: American cutaneous leishmaniasis; Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis; RFLP-PCR; Polymorphism. INTRODUCTION The Leishmania genus causes leishmaniasis, which constitutes a variety of chronic diseases. There is a wide spectrum of clinical forms, including those affecting the skin, mucosa, or internal organs16,18. The subgenera Leishmania Viannia is the causative agent of newworld cutaneous leishmaniasis, comprising the species L. (V.) braziliensis, L. (V.) panamensis and L. (V.) guyanesis, among others18,26. Infections by these species cause three clinical types of American tegumentary leishmaniasis (ATL): localized cutaneous, mucosal, and disseminated leishmaniasis. Cutaneous lesions are restricted to the entry site of the parasites, whereas the mucosal strain is defined by its spreading to the mucosal surfaces of the upper digestive and airway tracts. Disseminated leishmaniasis is characterized by large-scale spreading to distant cutaneous sites2,14,15,24. Despite the fact that cutaneous leishmaniasis is caused by at least seven different Leishmania species in Brazil, the vast majority of cases are caused by the L. (V.) braziliensis sub-genera, which can be transmitted by different phlebotomine sandfly vectors via animal reservoirs across a wide geographic distribution1,7,16,18,28. ATL is widely distributed across the Americas. Between 2001 and 2011, around 270,500 cases were reported, with an average of 27,500 new cases/year. Around 3 - 5% of patients who develop cutaneous lesions are also susceptible to mucosal leishmaniasis23,30. In the state of São Paulo there are approximately 400 new cases per year. Another substantial problem is the urbanization of the infection. Autochthonous cases have been reported in urban areas. The incidence of peri-urban and urban cases has been increasing. Approximately 10% of the population living in endemic areas is at risk of acquiring the infection29. ATL is also considered one of the most common dermatological syndromes diagnosed in travelers (or tourists) who have visited endemic areas15. The life cycle of L. (V.) braziliensis includes different reservoirs, such as humans and wild and domestic mammals, as well as various vector species. Therefore, Leishmania strains can be maintained in both rural and urban settings, thereby affecting the epidemiology of the infection. Due to the proximity of dogs and humans, studies have shown the important role of domestic dogs in ATL19,21. Studies using molecular techniques to characterize L. (V.) braziliensis populations have contributed to a better (1) Laboratório de Biologia Molecular de Parasitas, Instituto Adolfo Lutz, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. (2) Laboratório Regional de Sorocaba, Instituto Adolfo Lutz, Sorocaba, SP, Brazil. Correspondence to: Vera Lucia Pereira-Chioccola, Laboratório de Biologia Molecular de Parasitas, Instituto Adolfo Lutz, Av. Dr Arnaldo 351, 8 andar, 01246-000 São Paulo, SP, Brasil. Phone: +55.11.3068-2991. Fax +55.11.3068-2890. E-mail: pchioccola@gmail.com FERREIRA, L.T.; GOMES, A.H.S. & PEREIRA-CHIOCCOLA, V.L. - Genotype characterization of Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis isolated from human and canine biopsies with American cutaneous leishmaniasis. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 57(3): 257-262, 2015. understanding of the abilities of these parasites and their vectors in adapting to changes in their original forest habitats, and the consequent public health implications13. twice in phosphate-buffered saline (pH 7.2) at 1,000g for 10 min. The parasite pellets were used for DNA extraction. L. (V.) braziliensis strain DNA also was used in reactions as a positive control. Despite the significance of ATL to the Brazilian public health system, the genetic diversity of L. (V.) braziliensis in some endemic areas of Brazil has been poorly researched, as in the state of São Paulo. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the genetic diversity of a L. (V.) braziliensis population collected from patients and dogs in the state of São Paulo with cutaneous lesions, avoiding in vitro cultivation. The reason for evaluating polymorphism in humans and dogs was due to the importance of both species within the parasite's life cycle. The results indicate a high variability in isolates collected in patients and dogs from the state of São Paulo. Additionally, this study has shown the possibility of performing genotyping directly on clinical samples without having to isolate the parasite. DNA purification: Before performing DNA extraction, clinical samples and WHO Leishmania reference strains were crushed and digested in a lysis buffer until tissue lysis was complete, (This-HCl, 10 mM, pH 8.0; EDTA 10mM; SDS, 0,5%; N-laurilsarcozil, 0.01%; proteinase K, 100 µg/mL) by incubation in water bath at 56 °C. Then, DNA molecules were extracted by a QIAamp DNA Mini Kit (Qiagen), according to the manufacturer’s instructions. DNA concentration and purity was determined by the ratio of O. D. at 260 and 280 nm in a NanoDrop ND1000 (Thermo Scientific). MATERIAL AND METHODS Human and dog samples: The selection of positive samples was made in biopsies received by an in-house Laboratory over a period of nine years (2003 - 2012). The biopsies were collected by medical or veterinary health services. The human or canine lesions were cleansed with antiseptics after the administration of a local anesthetic. The borders of the lesions were scraped or smears of material were obtained by a punch biopsy of the lesions and immediately added to tubes containing 1-2 mL of a sterile 0.85% NaCl and 200 µg/mL gentamicin solution, sent to the laboratory within 48 hours and promptly processed to confirm clinical diagnosis. All biopsies recorded were from patients with the cutaneous clinical form. Samples were tested by routine diagnosis, which included molecular and parasitological methods. The methodologies applied were PCR, using two different sets of primers, and a parasitological method (microscopic observation). These DNA samples were from patients and dogs living in 36 different municipalities and endemic areas for ATL in the state of São Paulo, Brazil (Alumínio, Aruja, Avaré, Bauru, Bragança Paulista, Cajamar, Campinas, Caraguatatuba, Cerquilho, Conhal, Cubatão, Guapiara, Guarulhos, Ibirá, Ilha Bela, Indaiatuba, Iperó, Iporanga, Itapera, Itupeva, Jaboticabal, Jundiaí, Mairiporã, Marília, Miracatu, Mirandópolis, Mogi Guaçu, Monte Mor, Pilar do Sul, Ribeira, Salto, São Paulo, Sorocaba, Suzano, Tatuí, Tietê). Epidemiological registers of the different Public Dermatology Clinics or Centers for Zoonosis Control were analyzed to determine the locality of the Leishmania infection of each patient (or dog). Ethical considerations: This study was performed according to the recommendations of the Human Ethics Committee (CONEP-IAL) and “Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência em Animais de Laboratório/Colégio Brasileiro de Experimentação Animal” (SBCAL/COBEA). Both Ethic Committees of Instituto Adolfo Lutz have approved of this study. Leishmania strains: For genotype standardization, the following WHO standard Leishmania strains were used: L. (V.) guyanensis (MHOM/BR/1975/M4147), L. (L.) amazonensis (IFLA/BR/1967/PH8), L. (L.) major (MHOM/SU/1973/5-ASKH), L. (L.) infantum (MHOM/ BR/1974/PP75), and L. (V.) braziliensis (MHOM/BR/1975/M2903). The Leishmania strains were maintained by serial passages and grown at 24 ºC in M-199 medium, supplemented with 10% calf serum and 0.25% hemin25. In the log phase, 1 x 108 parasites were harvested and washed 258 Routine Leishmania diagnosis Parasitological diagnosis: Skin biopsy imprints were plated onto a glass slide, fixed with methanol and stained with Giemsa11. The presence of amastigotes was observed microscopically with an immersion objective (×1,000). PCR targets for Leishmania and internal controls: The Leishmania genus was identified by a 120-bp PCR product, amplified from a conserved region of kDNA minicircles of Leishmania spp., using the primer set 150/15223. L. (V.) braziliensis was identified by an amplified fragment of 146-149 bp from the multicopy spliced leader (SL) RNA gene using the primer set LU-5A/LB-3C, which amplifies a 146-149 bp sequence from the SL12,17. These tests were carried out under the same aforementioned conditions11,12. To check PCR inhibitors, canine and human samples were assayed using a reference gene, whose primer sets were GAPDH4F/GAPDH4R and β1-β2, respectively, in the same conditions as previously described3,11. After the thermal cycles, PCR products were electrophoresed in 2% agarose gel and stained with ethidium bromide. DNA fragments were made visible under UV illumination. L. (V.) braziliensis genotyping by RFLP-PCR (restriction fragment length polymorphism-PCR): Originally, 132 DNA extracts from biopsies, positive for L. (V.) braziliensis, were analyzed for genotype determination. PCR was used for diagnosis and genotyping directly from clinical DNA samples. Each test was performed by adding 5 µL from each DNA template and 25 pmol from each primer for a final volume of 25 µL. The amplifications were carried out with a kit purchased from Promega (Go Taq Green Master Mix). The PCR mix (12.5 μL) was composed of one unit of Taq DNA polymerase, 10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.5; 50 mM KCl; 1.5 mM MgCl2; and 200 mM of each dNTP. In genotype reactions the primer set used was IR1/ IR2 (5’-GCTGTAGGTGAACCTGCAGCAGCTGGATCATT-3’ and 5’-GCGGGTAGTCCTGCCAAACACTCAGGTCTG-3’), which amplified a 1-1.2-kb sequence from the ITS region between the small and large subunits of the rDNA locus in a temperature annealing at 56 ºC5. PCR-amplified products were digested with a HhaI restriction enzyme, which were separated by electrophoresis in an 8% polyacrylamide gel and stained with ethidium bromide. DNA fragments were made visible under UV illumination. The images from reactions for diagnosis and genotyping were analyzed by a MiniBIS Gel Imager and Documentation system (BioSystematica). The size of the fragments was based on a comparison with molecular-weight size markers. In genotyping reactions, the banding patterns were used to group the isolates into genotypes with FERREIRA, L.T.; GOMES, A.H.S. & PEREIRA-CHIOCCOLA, V.L. - Genotype characterization of Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis isolated from human and canine biopsies with American cutaneous leishmaniasis. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 57(3): 257-262, 2015. the same banding pattern for the restriction enzyme. Quality assurance: Each DNA extraction batch included a DNA extraction from Leishmania-free eukaryotic samples as a negative control. In each reaction, a tube containing nuclease-free water and PCR mix was used as a blank control. Separate rooms were used for i. DNA extraction, ii. PCR mix and primer preparation, iii. the adding of DNA from clinical samples and positive control; and iv. post-PCR agarose-gel electrophoresis analysis. DNA samples were assayed in duplicate and at least twice. RESULTS The first experiments were conducted using the DNA extracted from WHO reference strains to establish the genotype by RFLP-PCR, using the primer set IR1/IR2 and additional treatment with HhaI enzymes. Figure 1 shows the restriction patterns of the six WHO reference strains. L. (V.) guyanensis and L. (V.) braziliensis showed the same restriction profile. On the other hand, L. (L.) amazonensis, L. (L.) major and L. (L.) infantum had specific restriction profiles. Fig. 1 - Restriction patterns of PCR products digested with HhaI in DNA extracted from standard Leishmania strains include the following: L. (V.) guyanensis (MHOM/BR/1975/ M4147) (1), L. (L.) amazonensis (IFLA/BR/1967/PH8) (2), L. (L.) major (MHOM/SU/1973/5ASKH) (3), L. (L.) infantum (MHOM/BR/1974/PP75) (4), and L. (V.) braziliensis (MHOM/ BR/1975/M2903) (5). Digested products were resolved in 2% agarose gel stained with ethidium bromide. MM, 50-bp ladder. Next, genotype experiments were conducted on the 132 DNA samples taken from biopsies with a positive parasitological and molecular diagnosis. All samples also tested positive for L. (V.) braziliensis (in PCR), which was previously determined by the LU-5A/LB-3C primer set, whose products range in size from 146 to 149 bp9,12,17. According the epidemiological registers of the Public Dermatology Clinics and Centers for Zoonosis Control, all samples analyzed were from patients or dogs with an autochthonous Leishmania infection (in the same locality as the biopsy collection). Of the 132 DNA samples, only 52 (40%) were successfully genotyped, as 1 - 1.2 kb products were amplified by the IR1/IR2 primer set. The other 80 samples were not genotyped, as PCR products were not amplified by this primer set. As expected, no amplification was detected in DNA extracted from DNA as a negative control and PCR products were obtained for all positive controls. Table 1 shows the specification of the 52 genotyped samples in detail, which included the collection date of the biopsies (2003 - 2012), as well as the host (human or canine) and locality within the state of São Paulo. The 52 samples were distributed in nine distinct patterns, as shown in Figure 2. Pattern 1 was identical to those found in L. (V.) guyanensis and L. (V.) braziliensis WHO reference strains (Fig. 1). Furthermore, this L. (V.) braziliensis pattern was the most common, since out of the 52 genotyped samples, 29 (56%) belonged to pattern 1 and were distributed across 11 different municipalities. Pattern 2 was recurrent in nine samples distributed across three municipalities. The other patterns (3 - 9) were uncommon and found in few samples: Pattern 3 (three municipalities), 4 (two municipalities), 5 (one municipality), 6 (one municipality), 7 (one municipality), 8 (two municipalities), 9 (two municipalities), respectively. The details and distribution of the clinical samples from the 44 human patients and eight dogs for each L. (V.) braziliensis isolate are shown in Table 2 and Figure 3. The majority (30) of the samples were from Sorocaba. The others (22) were distributed across the other 14 municipalities. DISCUSSION ATL has been growing worldwide in both incidence and range, principally due the increase in human migration. This mobility contributes Fig. 2 - Amplified products (1-1.2 kb) of clinical samples of the ITS region between the small and large subunits of rDNA locus from L. (V.) braziliensis were digested with HhaI (RFLP patterns). Among the 52 clinical samples, nine restriction patterns were shown. Digested products were resolved in 8% polyacrylamide gels stained with ethidium bromide. MM, 50-bp ladder. 259 FERREIRA, L.T.; GOMES, A.H.S. & PEREIRA-CHIOCCOLA, V.L. - Genotype characterization of Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis isolated from human and canine biopsies with American cutaneous leishmaniasis. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 57(3): 257-262, 2015. Table 1 Clinical samples genotyped by RFLP-PCR in this study Sample code-month/year Host Municipality 07-09/2003 Human Sorocaba 18-09/2003 Human 20-09/2003 Canine 26-10/2003 Canine 64-09/2004 65-09/2004 Sample code-month/year Host Municipality 1063-07/2008 Human Sorocaba Sorocaba 1153-11/2008 Human Campinas Sorocaba 1324-02/2009 Human Sorocaba Marilia 1622-08/2009 Human Sorocaba Human Sorocaba 1758-02/2010 Human Jundiai Human Sorocaba 1945-06/2010 Human Jundiai 84-11/2004 Canine Ilha Bela 1946-10/2010 Human Jundiai 115-03/2005 Human Sorocaba 1985-11/2010 Human Bauru 125-03/2005 Human Sorocaba 2001-12/2010 Human Sorocaba 157-06/2005 Human Itupeva 2036-02/2011 Canine Iporanga 194-08/2005 Human Sorocaba 2037-02/2011 Canine Iporanga 253-11/2005 Human Sorocaba 2038-02/2011 Canine Iporanga 274-05/2006 Human Mairiporã 2072-04/2011 Human Iperó 275-05/2006 Human Cajamar 2098-06/2011 Human Sorocaba 279-05/2006 Human Itapera 2135-09/2011 Human Sorocaba 281-05/2006 Human Sorocaba 2136-09/2011 Human Sorocaba 282-05/2006 Human Sorocaba 2150-09/2011 Human Sorocaba 288-06/2006 Human Itupeva 2151-09/2011 Human Sorocaba 304-08/2006 Human Sorocaba 2152-09/2011 Human Sorocaba 327-08/2006 Canine Avaré 2163-10/2011 Human Sorocaba 354-10/2006 Human Sorocaba 2302-01/2012 Human Sorocaba 504-09/2007 Human Sorocaba 2538-05/2012 Human Sorocaba 560-12/2007 Human Sorocaba 2656-07/2012 Human Ribeira 684-03/2008 Human Sorocaba 2657-07/2012 Human Ribeira 829-05/2008 Human Sorocaba 2658-07/2012 Human Ribeira 832-05/2008 Canine Caraguatatuba 2883-12/2012 Human Iperó to the emergence of leishmanial infection in low or non-endemic areas13. To prevent new cases in these areas, epidemiological strategies must be implemented, such as rapid diagnosis, treatment and vector control. The importance of the study of genetic variability of Leishmania is mainly due to its correlation with the epidemiological aspects of the disease, such as geographic location, clinical forms, virulence, pathogenicity, drug resistance and antigenic variation, among others6,13. Species belonging to the L. (V.) braziliensis sub-genera are highly prevalent in patients with ATL in Brazil. Other Brazilian studies have shown the genetic variability of these parasites, which would explain their adaptation to changes in diverse environmental conditions4,6. Thus, with such resilience, these parasites are more likely to infect multiple hosts. Although different genetic studies have analyzed L. (V.) braziliensis isolates from other Brazilian regions4,6,10,11,21,27, none have been conducted in the state of São Paulo. 260 The idea of conducting this study in the state of São Paulo was motivated by the state's increase of ATL incidences for the last 20 years. Currently, 147 municipalities have already recorded transmission. Thus, in this study, biopsies from 24.5% of these municipalities (36) were investigated. However, due to the low sensitivity of the IR1/IR2 primer set, samples from only 15 municipalities were genotyped. One of the methods used to evaluate the genetic polymorphism of L. (V.) braziliensis isolates in different Brazilian regions is the analysis of RFLP in the internal transcribed spacers (ITS) of the ribosomal DNA (rDNA) locus. These studies have shown that molecular markers are suitable for population genetics and epidemiological studies4,5,6. Despite the low sensitivity of the IR1/IR2 primer set and that the clinical samples presented a low quantity of parasites in comparison with culture isolates, 40% (52/132) of them were genotyped. Similar data FERREIRA, L.T.; GOMES, A.H.S. & PEREIRA-CHIOCCOLA, V.L. - Genotype characterization of Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis isolated from human and canine biopsies with American cutaneous leishmaniasis. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 57(3): 257-262, 2015. Table 2 Distribution of the nine L. (V.) braziliensis profiles isolated from human and canine clinical samples in 15 municipalities of the state of São Paulo L. (V.) braziliensis genotyping (n) Pattern 1 (29 samples) Pattern 2 (9 samples) Pattern 3 (3 samples) Pattern 4 (2 samples) Pattern 5 (1 sample) Pattern 6 (2 samples) Pattern 7 (2 samples) Pattern 8 (2 samples) Pattern 9 (2 samples) Total of samples Municipality (n=15) Bauru Cajamar Caraguatatuba Iperó Iporanga Itapera Itupeva Jundiai Mairiporã Ribeira Sorocaba Jundiai Ribeira Sorocaba Avaré Marilia Sorocaba Campinas Sorocaba Sorocaba Sorocaba Sorocaba Iporanga Sorocaba Ilha Bela Sorocaba Human Canine 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 13 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 44 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 8 Fig. 3 - Map of South America and Brazil (A) indicating the location of the state of São Paulo (A). Map of the state of São Paulo (B) indicating the municipalities studied and geographical distribution of the L. (V.) braziliensis patterns: 1 (red), 2 (yellow), 3 (green), 4 (blue), 5 (purple), 6 (orange), 7 (pink), 8 (light blue) and 9 (gray). has previously shown20 the possibility of performing RFLP-PCR using small amounts of Leishmania DNA from host tissues. Consequently, it is possible to genotype Leishmania populations with the analysis of DNA extracted directly from clinical samples. This information is important, because in many laboratories there are no conditions in which to isolate and culture parasites from clinical samples20. Another interesting finding was the fact that DNA samples isolated 11 years ago (2003) were of good quality and could be used to genotype L. (V.) braziliensis isolates, as shown in Table 1. Results showed that L (V.) braziliensis seems to be a species with great genetic diversity, as nine different patterns were observed in 52 different DNA samples from 15 municipalities using PCR-RFLP. As shown in Figure 3, the different L (V.) braziliensis patterns were spread throughout the regions. This genetic variability has already been shown in other Brazilian studies4,10,11,21,27. Additionally, the parasite polymorphism was correlated with different clinical forms of the disease, effectiveness of treatment and cytokines expression10,21,27. According to other studies4,6,23,29, genotypic variations exhibited by L (V.) braziliensis could be explained by the adaption of parasites to changes in the transmission process, as originally, the biological cycle was restricted to forest environments. Similar to in other Brazilian regions, the gradual removal of vegetation has also occurred in São Paulo in recent years29. As a result, these parasites have adapted to infect a wider diversity of sand flies and reservoirs. RESUMO Caracterização genotípica de isolados de Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis provenientes de biopsias de humanos e cães com leishmaniose tegumentar americana Introdução: A leishmaniose tegumentar americana (LTA) é causada pelo sub-gênero Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis. A evolução da LTA resulta com a evolução das lesões iniciais. A diversidade genética de L. (V.) braziliensis em algumas áreas endêmicas brasileiras, como no estado de São Paulo, é pouco conhecida. Assim, este estudo teve como objetivo analisar a variabilidade genética de isolados de L. (V.) braziliensis coletados de biopsias de pacientes e cães com LTA no estado de São Paulo. Métodos: O diagnóstico da leishmaniose foi realizado por PCR. As 132 biópsias analisadas foram coletadas em diferentes regiões do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil (36 municípios). A caracterização genética de L. (V.) braziliensis foi realizada por RFLP-PCR utilizando DNA extraído das biopsias. O conjunto de iniciadores utilizado amplificou a região ITS de Leishmania. Resultados: Das 132 amostras analisadas, 52 (40%) foram completamente genotipadas por RFLP-PCR (44 de pacientes e oito de cães). Os resultados mostraram nove padrões distintos. A maioria das amostras genotipadas foi de Sorocaba (30), e as demais foram distribuídas entre 14 outros municípios. O primeiro padrão foi mais frequente (29 amostras), seguido pelo padrão 2 (nove amostras), padrão 3 (três amostras). Padrões 4, 6, 7, 8 e 9 foram compostos de duas amostras de cada um e o padrão 5, com uma amostra. Conclusão: Estes resultados sugerem que cepas polimórficas de L. (V.) braziliensis circulam no estado de São Paulo. Estes dados são concordantes com estudos em outras regiões do Brasil, mostrando grande variabilidade destas populações naturais de focos endêmicos. 261 FERREIRA, L.T.; GOMES, A.H.S. & PEREIRA-CHIOCCOLA, V.L. - Genotype characterization of Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis isolated from human and canine biopsies with American cutaneous leishmaniasis. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 57(3): 257-262, 2015. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This study was supported by grants from the FAPESP (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo, Brazil). Proc2011/13939-8. L.T.F. was supported by a fellowship from CAPES (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, Brazil). V.L.P.C. was supported by a fellowship from CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, Brazil) Produtividade em Pesquisa, Proc. 303489/2012-0. Jim Hesson of AcademicEnglishSolutions.com proofread the English. REFERENCES 1. Azulay RD, Azulay Junior DR. 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Available from: http://www.who.int/mediacentre/ factsheets/fs375/en/index.html Received: 23 June 2014 Accepted: 24 September 2014 Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo 57(3):263-267, May-June, 2015 http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S0036-46652015000300014 SEASONAL DISTRIBUTION OF MALARIA VECTORS (DIPTERA: CULICIDAE) IN RURAL LOCALITIES OF PORTO VELHO, RONDÔNIA, BRAZILIAN AMAZON Luiz Herman Soares GIL, Moreno de Souza RODRIGUES, Alzemar Alves de LIMA & Tony Hiroshi KATSURAGAWA SUMMARY We conducted a survey of the malaria vectors in an area where a power line had been constructed, between the municipalities of Porto Velho and Rio Branco, in the states of Rondônia and Acre, respectively. The present paper relates to the results of the survey of Anopheles fauna conducted in the state of Rondônia. Mosquito field collections were performed in six villages along the federal highway BR 364 in the municipality of Porto Velho, namely Porto Velho, Jaci Paraná, Mutum Paraná, Vila Abunã, Vista Alegre do Abunã, and Extrema. Mosquito captures were performed at three distinct sites in each locality during the months of February, July, and October 2011 using a protected human-landing catch method; outdoor and indoor captures were conducted simultaneously at each site for six hours. In the six sampled areas, we captured 2,185 mosquitoes belonging to seven Anopheles species. Of these specimens, 95.1% consisted of Anopheles darlingi, 1.8% An. triannulatus l.s., 1.7% An. deaneorum, 0.8% An. konderi l.s., 0.4 An. braziliensis, 0.1% An. albitarsis l.s., and 0.1% An. benarrochi. An. darlingi was the only species found in all localities; the remaining species occurred in sites with specific characteristics. KEYWORDS: Anopheles; Rondônia; HBR; Hydroelectric power plant. INTRODUCTION Although cases of malaria have decreased in Brazil since 2005, the disease remains an important public health problem in the country. In 2012 alone, approximately 240,000 cases were recorded here, of which more than 90% occurred in the Amazon region3. Anopheline mosquitoes are the only vectors of Plasmodium spp. parasites to humans. These mosquitoes are found in tropical and neotropical regions. As of 2004, 476 species had been recorded26, of which approximately 100 are considered vectors or potential vectors of Plasmodium spp. to humans22,38. In the Amazon region, the main disease vector is Anopheles darlingi, although other species such as An. deaneorum, An. triannulatus, and An. nuneztovari may play important roles in the epidemiology of the disease35,36,43. The occurrence of an anopheline species in an endemic area is associated with the environmental characteristics of the region. South America is currently among the regions most affected by environmental changes, mainly because of the great pressure caused by humans in the area. The construction of hydroelectric power plants, family farming, and selective logging, among many other activities, has become common in the region44. The changes caused by these activities can drastically influence the population dynamics of malaria vectors, thereby increasing malaria cases in the region. Thus, the assessment of mosquito population density and species occurrence in areas where these activities take place or will take place is essential for evaluating the risk of malaria transmission and for designing and implementing effective measures of control and/or prevention. Therefore, our study aimed to assess the changes in the number and composition of anopheline species along the construction corridor of a power transmission line. MATERIALS AND METHODS Mosquito capture was conducted along a 380 km stretch of the BR 364 highway, between Porto Velho (RO) and Rio Branco (AC). Six distinct localities with the highest population densities along the stretch were selected. These localities were Extrema (09°45'29.1"S 66°21'34.3"W), Vista Alegre (09°39'39.8"S 65°43'57.2"W), Abunã (09°41'48.9"S 65°22'15.8"W), Mutum Paraná (09°37'01.3"S 64°56'24.4"W), Jaci Paraná (09°15'37.2"S 64°23'44.1"W), and Porto Velho (08°48'35.5"S 63°56'30.3"W) (Fig. 1). Vegetation in these areas predominantly consists of open rain forest with a high degree of human disturbance, as evidenced by the removal of native vegetation and its replacement by pasture. Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (FIOCRUZ Rondônia), Rua da Beira 7671, Bairro Lagoa, 76812-245 Porto Velho, RO, Brazil. Correspondence to: Tony Hiroshi Katsuragawa, Tel.: +55 69 3219-6012, Fax: +55 69 3216-5442. E-mail: tonykatsuragawa@yahoo.com.br GIL, L.H.S.; RODRIGUES M.S.; LIMA, A.A. & KATSURAGAWA, T.H. - Seasonal distribution of malaria vectors (Diptera: Culicidae) in rural localities of Porto Velho, Rondônia, Brazilian Amazon. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 57(3): 263-7, 2015. Table 1 Number and distribution of collected mosquitoes Species Anopheles albitarsis l.s. Anopheles benarrochi Anopheles braziliensis Anopheles darlingi Fig. 1 - Locations of capture sites. (A) State of Rondônia location in Brazil. (B) Magnified view of Porto Velho municipality and localities of anopheline mosquito capture sites (circles) and hydroelectric power plants (triangle) location. Captures were performed at three sites in each locality during the months of February, July, and October 2011. Three dwellings were selected at each site, and protected human landing catches were performed simultaneously inside and outside of each dwelling. The collection sites remained the same throughout the whole study for posterior comparison. Mosquitoes were stored in plastic cups and identified using dichotomous keys for females6,13. The species compositions of the distinct areas were compared using PERMANOVA, followed by PERMDISP and scored on NMDS. For these analyses, the vegan package was used in R37. The comparison of An. darlingi density among localities and between indoor and outdoor dwellings was performed using ANOVA, and the negative binomial error distribution was adjusted to correct overdispersion problems. All analyses were performed at a significance level of 5%. Anopheles deaneorum Anopheles konderi l.s. Anopheles triannulatus l.s. 264 Frequency 0.09 0.09 0.37 95.10 38 17 40 1.74 0.78 1.83 Area AB; MP JP MP; PVH PVH; EX; VA; AB; MP; JP EX; VA JP; PVH PVH; JP; MP AB = Abunã; EX = Extrema; JP = Jaci Paraná; MP = Mutum Paraná; PVH = Porto Velho; VA = Vista Alegre Abunã. Fig. 2 - Scoring of the areas according to the composition of anopheline species. Table 2 Number and distribution of Anopheles darlingi mosquitoes collected by locality RESULTS We collected 2,185 anopheline mosquitoes belonging to seven species in the six localities. Of the mosquitoes collected, 95.1% were identified as An. darlingi, 1.8% as An. triannulatus l.s., 1.7% as An. deaneorum, 0.8% as An. konderi l.s., 0.4% as An. braziliensis, 0.1% as An. albitarsis l.s., and 0.1% as An. benarrochi l.s. Anopheles darlingi was collected in all localities. The remaining species were found in sites with unique characteristics (e.g., An. braziliensis was predominantly found in areas of secondary growth, such as forest clearings and pastures) (Table 1). Mutum Paraná, Porto Velho, and Jaci Paraná exhibited four of the seven collected species, whereas only two were found in Extrema, Vista Alegre do Abunã, and Vila Abunã. Moreover, although these areas had the same number of species, their species composition (i.e., species found in the area) significantly differed (PERMANOVA S.S = 1.37; Pseudo-F < 0.001). However, no significant differences in Anopheles spp. community homogeneity were observed among the study areas (Permdisp p = 0.34; Fig. 2). Analysis of the distribution patterns of the main malaria vectors showed that the number of An. darlingi differed significantly among localities (ANOVA χ2 = 44.35, p < 0.001), with Porto Velho exhibiting the highest mean number of individuals of this species (144.55 ± 59.81) and Vila Abunã exhibiting the lowest (5.66 ± 1.04). The mean distribution of An. darlingi among the localities is summarized in Table 2. With the exception of Vista Alegre do Abunã, An. darlingi numbers were significantly higher in outdoor than indoor dwellings (ANOVA χ2 = 27.79, p < 0.001; Fig. 3). Total 2 2 8 2,078 Locality Porto Velho Jaci Paraná Extrema Mutum Paraná Vila Abunã Vista Alegre do Abunã Mean ± SD 144.55 ± 59.81 37.22 ± 10.40 26.55 ± 12.27 23.77 ± 2.78 7.11 ± 1.04 5.66 ± 2.71 Contrast analysis a b b b c c p value < 0.001 0.30 0.63 SD: standard deviance; columns followed by different letters indicate statistical difference. Fig. 3 - Mean of Anopheles darlingi collected per night in and around dwellings of various localities under study. AB = Abunã; EX = Extrema; JP = Jaci Paraná; MP = Mutum Paraná; PVH = Porto Velho; VA = Vista Alegre Abunã. GIL, L.H.S.; RODRIGUES M.S.; LIMA, A.A. & KATSURAGAWA, T.H. - Seasonal distribution of malaria vectors (Diptera: Culicidae) in rural localities of Porto Velho, Rondônia, Brazilian Amazon. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 57(3): 263-7, 2015. DISCUSSION In Brazil, six species of anopheline mosquitoes play significant roles in the transmission of Plasmodium spp. parasites to humans. Three of these species were collected in our study: An. darlingi, An. triannulatus, and An. braziliensis. Other species such as An. albitarsis l.s. may be secondary or specific vectors in particular areas29,35,36,43. The prevalence of An. darlingi has remained consistently higher than that of other species since the first studies of malaria vectors in Rondônia, even amid the environmental changes that have taken place over the last few decades5,7,10,11,12,16,17,18,32. The high prevalence of Anopheles darlingi in this study was expected, as this species presents the most anthropophilic behavior among the sample collected. Furthermore, many of the environmental changes in this region (e.g., flooding of areas and the creation of water reservoirs for human use) have increased the number of breeding sites for this species33. The peak number of species occurred in July. Anopheles darlingi showed two distinct population peaks, the first in March/May (during the rainy season) and the second in August/September (end of the dry season)18. The peak in July may be explained by the environmental changes in the area due to the implementation of two hydroelectric power plants, or a delay in the response of An. darlingi to the rainy season. The susceptibility of anopheline mosquitoes to infection by the predominant Plasmodium species recorded in the region, P. falciparum and P. vivax, has been previously reported9,27,28,31. Although the highest number of mosquitoes occurred around dwellings, the results highlight that An. darlingi exhibits highly anthropophilic behavior. Moreover, although we did not find a higher number of mosquitoes inside dwellings, these species are highly endophilic15,21,30, making the study region a highrisk area for the transmission and prevalence of malaria. New farming frontiers in areas where malaria is endemic require more public policies for mosquito control8,34,41. Climate change, urbanization, and new settlements for agriculture and the rearing of livestock are among the factors that can lead to epidemics of malaria and other vector-borne diseases41. As the localities of the present study are situated within the area of influence of two hydroelectric power plants in the Madeira River, with intense anthropization and increased water surface, and the results obtained indicate high vector densities in urbanized areas, the current malaria situation requires attention. The Madeira River carries a large quantity of suspended sediment, which favors the predominance of mosquitoes of the Mansonia genus. The river water does not exhibit this characteristic, however, the conditions in this water promote the proliferation of An. darlingi39. Therefore, despite the decreased number of malaria cases over the last few years in Brazil3, urban expansion in the proximity of these new water reservoirs increases the risk of malaria transmission14,40. Factors such as the creation of water reservoirs and deforestation caused by the construction of hydroelectric power plants and power lines, as well as peri-urban transmission of disease18,42, have increased the density of malaria vectors1,2,4,5,23,24,25, thereby elevating the risk of epidemics within the next several decades19,20. Because anopheline mosquitoes are key determinants in the transmission of Plasmodium, which can infect and cause malaria in humans, the regular monitoring of the disease transmission of these vectors in relation to regional climate cycles is of paramount importance. Moreover, scientifically-based joint and coordinated action between public authorities and construction entrepreneurs should be conducted to control malaria transmission in the Brazilian Amazon. RESUMO Distribuição sazonal de vetores da malária (Diptera: Culicidae) em localidades rurais de Porto Velho, Rondônia, Amazônia brasileira Foi realizado levantamento de vetores de malária na área que compreende a construção da linha de transmissão entre os municípios de Porto Velho e Rio Branco, estados de Rondônia e Acre, respectivamente. Os dados aqui apresentados mostram os resultados do levantamento da fauna dos Anopheles realizado em Rondônia. As capturas foram realizadas no município de Porto Velho em seis aglomerados populacionais ao longo da rodovia federal BR 364, denominados Porto Velho, Jaci Paraná, Mutum Paraná, Vila Abunã, Vista Alegre do Abunã e Extrema. As capturas ocorreram em três diferentes pontos de cada uma das localidades nos meses de fevereiro, julho e outubro de 2011, seguindo a metodologia de coleta por atração humana protegida em dois ambientes, sendo no intradomicílio e no peridomicílio simultaneamente com duração de seis horas. Nas áreas amostradas foram capturados 2.185 anofelinos pertencentes a sete espécies de Anopheles sp. dos quais 95,1% foram identificados como Anophels darlingi, 1,8% An. triannulatus l.s., 1,7% An. deaneorum, 0,8% An. konderi l.s., 0,4 An. braziliensis, 0,1% An. albitarsis l.s., e 0,1% An. benarrochi. Anopheles darlingi foi a única espécie amostrada em todas as localidades enquanto as demais espécies, ocorreram em locais com características singulares. FINANCIAL SUPPORT This study received financial and logistical support from Cepemar Serviços de Consultoria em Meio Ambiente Ltda. REFERENCES 1. Alves FP, Durlacher RR, Menezes MJ, Krieger H, Silva LH, Camargo EP. 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Received: 26 March 2014 Accepted: 30 September 2014 267 LIBRARY OF THE SÃO PAULO INSTITUTE OF TROPICAL MEDICINE Website: http://www.imt.usp.br/sobre-o-imtsp/biblioteca Address: Biblioteca do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo da Universidade de São Paulo Av. Dr. Enéas de Carvalho Aguiar, 470. 05403-000 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil. Telephone: 5511 3061-7003 The Library of the São Paulo Institute of Tropical Medicine (IMTSP Library) was created on January 15, 1959 in order to serve all those who are interested in tropical diseases. The IMTSP Library has a collection consisting of books, theses, annals of congresses, journals, and reference works. The collection of the Library can be searched through the USP Bibliographic Database – Dedalus at the URL Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo 57(3):269-272, May-June, 2015 http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S0036-46652015000300015 BRIEF COMMUNICATION CHICKEN COOPS, Triatoma dimidiata INFESTATION AND ITS INFECTION WITH Trypanosoma cruzi IN A RURAL VILLAGE OF YUCATAN, MEXICO Edgar KOYOC-CARDEÑA(1), Anuar MEDINA-BARREIRO(1), Francisco Javier ESCOBEDO-ORTEGÓN(2), Jorge Carlos RODRÍGUEZ-BUENFIL(3), Mario BARRERA-PÉREZ(2), Enrique REYES-NOVELO(2), Juan CHABLÉ-SANTOS(1), Celia SELEM-SALAS(1), Gonzalo VAZQUEZ-PROKOPEC(4) & Pablo MANRIQUE-SAIDE(1) SUMMARY This study longitudinally investigated the association between Triatoma dimidiata infestation, triatomine infection with Trypanosoma cruzi and household/backyard environmental characteristics in 101 homesteads in Molas and Yucatan, Mexico, between November 2009 (rainy season) and May 2010 (dry season). Logistic regression models tested the associations between insect infestation/infection and potential household-level risk factors. A total of 200 T. dimidiata were collected from 35.6% of the homesteads, mostly (73%) from the peridomicile. Of all the insects collected, 48% were infected with T. cruzi. Infected insects were collected in 31.6% of the homesteads (54.1% and 45.9% intra- and peridomiciliary, respectively). Approximately 30% of all triatomines collected were found in chicken coops. The presence of a chicken coop in the backyard of a homestead was significantly associated with both the odds of finding T. dimidiata (OR = 4.10, CI 95% = 1.61-10.43, p = 0.003) and the presence of triatomines infected with T. cruzi (OR = 3.37, CI 95% = 1.36-8.33, p = 0.006). The results of this study emphasize the relevance of chicken coops as a putative source of T. dimidiata populations and a potential risk for T. cruzi transmission. KEYWORDS: Peridomicile; Triatoma dimidiata; Trypanosoma cruzi; Chagas disease. In the Mexican state of Yucatan, Chagas disease is an endemic zoonosis transmitted domestically by Triatoma dimidiata Latreille 1811 (Hemiptera: Reduviidae), the only locally proven vector. T. dimidiata can be collected in domestic, peridomestic and sylvatic habitats of Yucatan. House infestation is described as seasonal, occurring mainly due to the dispersal of adult insects from peridomestic and sylvatic habitats during the late dry season with non-apparent or limited colonization2,5. in a house and keeping chickens in a corral were strong determinants for house infestation in rural communities. Such findings from Yucatan agree with reports of house infestation and colonization by T. dimidiata in Guatemala11. This study confirms the significance of the peridomicile environment, and particularly of chicken coops, as a source of T. dimidiata populations and a potential risk factor for T. cruzi transmission in a rural village in Yucatan, Mexico. Few studies in Yucatan have examined the importance of household and backyard characteristics in the prevalence of triatomine infestations and their infection rates with T. cruzi in and around houses. GUZMÁNMARÍN et al. 8 reported that household triatomine infestation in rural communities was associated with the type/quality of housing, e.g. construction with natural materials, thatched roofs, unplastered walls or walls with adobe plastering and the lack of cemented floors. However, other studies have reported that the location of a house within a community (especially if located on the periphery) is a significant risk factor for infestation and the invasion of dispersing adult insects2,5,13. REYES-NOVELO et al.14 showed that T. dimidiata did colonize animal shelters (e. g. chicken and dove coops, dog houses and opossum nests). More recently, DUMONTEIL et al.5 quantified that the number of dogs Fieldwork was carried out between November 2009 and May 2010 in a sample of 101 homesteads (each homestead including the house and all peridomestic structures found in the front and backyard) from Molas, a rural village located in the Southeast of Mexico (20° 48’58’’ N and 089° 37’54’ W). The community has a population of 2,014 inhabitants, living in 553 houses and surrounded by a subtropical deciduous forest within the Cuxtal ecological reserve. Altitude is 10 m. a. s. l. Climate is characterized by an average annual temperature of 25.9 °C, with an annual rainfall of 8001000 mm, occurring mainly between June and November. Molas is located within the highest risk area for Chagas disease in the state of Yucatan2,3. Homestead infestation with triatomines was evaluated through: i) active collections both intra- and peridomiciliary and; ii) householders’ (1) Departamento de Zoología, Campus de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias, Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, Mérida, México. (2) Centro de Investigaciones Regionales “Dr. Hideyo Noguchi”, Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, Mérida, México. (3) Departamento de Epidemiología, Campus de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias, Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, Mérida, Yucatán, México. (4) Department of Environmental Sciences, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America. Correspondence to: Enrique Reyes-Novelo, Centro de Investigaciones Regionales “Dr. Hideyo Noguchi”, Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, Av. Itzaes No. 490 por 59 Col. Centro, Mérida, Yucatán, México. C. P. 97000. E-mail: enrique.reyes@correo.uady.mx KOYOC-CARDEÑA, E.; MEDINA-BARREIRO, A.; ESCOBEDO-ORTEGÓN, F.J.; RODRÍGUEZ-BUENFIL, J.C.; BARRERA-PÉREZ, M.; REYES-NOVELO, E.; CHABLÉ-SANTOS, J.; SELEM-SALAS, C.; VAZQUEZ-PROKOPEC, G. & MANRIQUE-SAIDE, P. - Chicken coops, Triatoma dimidiata infestation and its infection with Trypanosoma cruzi in a rural village of Yucatan, Mexico. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 57(3): 269-72, 2015. participatory collections within the houses. Two cross-sectional timed manual active searches for triatomines (described by Gürtler et al. 1999) were performed, one during the 2009 rainy season (November) and the other one during the 2010 dry season (May). Collections were performed inside houses (interdomiciliary) and in front/backyards (peridomiciliary) by teams of two trained research personnel (30 min in each ecotope to complete one man/hour/homestead between 8:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.). Intradomiciliary searches included inside walls, the base of the roof and furniture. Peridomiciliary searches focused on animal housing, rock and woodpiles, tree trunks, and any other potential triatomine refuges. In addition, householders were invited to take part in a six-month participatory vector surveillance strategy4 between December and March, 2010. Trypanosoma cruzi DNA extraction from individual triatomines and PCR amplification of T. cruzi kinetoplast DNA were performed as described by REYES-NOVELO et al.14 based on the EDWARDS et al. 6 and MOSER et al. 12 protocols. The primers used were TcZ1: 5’-CGAGCTCTTGCCCACACGGGTGCT-3’- and TcZ2 5’-CCTCCAAGCAGCGGATAGTTCAGG-3’. Amplification was performed in a Techne TC132 (Barloworld Scientific LTD, Staffordshire, UK) thermal cycler. A 188bp fragment identified the presence of T. cruzi DNA following the electrophoresis of a percentage of PCR product in a 2% agarose-TBE stained with ethidium bromide (10 µg/mL) and further documentation in an EDAS 290 gel documentation system (Kodak, Rochester, USA). Local strains of T. cruzi were used as positive controls, whereas the whole mixture minus DNA was used as a negative control. A household survey was performed to investigate a range of household/backyard characteristics previously reported as significant in the infestation of T. dimidiata and other triatomines1,10,15 - type/material of the house (roof, walls, floor); use of window screening; presence of rubbish, rock/wood piles, stone walls, abandoned lots on the sides; the presence of domestic animals e. g. dogs, cats, poultry, horses, sheep, cattle, and the presence of animal housing structures (organized by species) e. g. chicken coops, pig corrals, house stables and kennels. Using a Fisher’s exact test, statistical analyses compared the sex and stage of development of T. dimidiata between locations (intra- and peridomicile). Comparisons of infection by sex between seasons were not performed because of the low number of insects collected. Tests were carried out to study the association between triatomine infestation (positive homesteads) and T. cruzi infection with household-level potential risk factors. Variables of interest were analyzed using c2 to reduce the model, by comparing percentages in contingency tables. Those with p < 0.25 were included in a logistic regression analysis. Adjusted Odds Ratio and Confidence Intervals (α = 0.05) were calculated with SPSS® (v17.0). A total of 200 T. dimidiata specimens were collected from 35.6% (36/101) homesteads throughout the study period (Table 1). Overall, a greater number of adults were collected than nymphs (p < 0.05), with a higher male:female abundance ratio (p < 0.05) between ecotopes (Table 1). The majority of specimens (73%) - both adults and nymphs - were collected in the peridomicile environment; nevertheless, 22.5% of the adults and 4.5% of the nymphs collected were reported to have been found intradomiciliary. Collection methods were complementary. Active collections yielded more specimens (65%) than participatory collections. 130 T. dimidiata specimens were captured by active collection, mostly peridomiciliary (97.7%), with a sample composed by adults and nymphs in a similar ratio. 70 specimens of T. dimidiata were captured through householders’ collections, mostly reported as intradomiciliary (74.3%) and consisting mostly of adult triatomines (77%). Overall, 48% (96/200) of the T. dimidiata specimens collected tested positive for T. cruzi (Table 1) and were found in 31.6% (32/101) of homesteads. The infected specimens were mostly adults (p < 0.05); but the proportion of nymphs infected was high (37.5%). Slightly more infected T. dimidiata were found intradomiciliary (54.1%) than in the peridomicile environment (45.9%). Infection prevalence detection was higher in participatory collections (59/70) than in active collections (37/130) (p < 0.05). Table 1 Triatoma dimidiata infestation (by stage of development, sex and location) and infection with Trypanosoma cruzi in homesteads in the rural community of Molas, Yucatan, Mexico Total (%) Nymphs (%) Adults (%) ♂ (%) ♀ (%) Intradomiciliary 54 (27.0) 9 (16.7) 45 (83.3) 19 (35.2) 26 (48.1) Peridomiciliary 146 (73.0) 79 (54.1) 67 (45.9) 42 (28.8) 25 (17.1) Total 200 (100) 88 (44.0) 112 (56.0)* 61 (30.5) 51 (25.5)* Intradomiciliary 52(54.1) 9 (17.3) 43 (82.7) 18 (34.6) 25 (48.1) Peridomiciliary 44 (45.9) 27 (61.4) 17 (38.6) 8 (18.2) 9 (20.4) Total 96 (100) 36 (37.5) 60 (62.5)* 26 (27.1) 34 (35.4) Infestation Infection * Significant statistical difference in the frequencies of developmental stage and sex between locations, as given by Fisher’s exact test (p < 0.05). Statistical tests regarding infestation and infection were performed separately. 270 KOYOC-CARDEÑA, E.; MEDINA-BARREIRO, A.; ESCOBEDO-ORTEGÓN, F.J.; RODRÍGUEZ-BUENFIL, J.C.; BARRERA-PÉREZ, M.; REYES-NOVELO, E.; CHABLÉ-SANTOS, J.; SELEM-SALAS, C.; VAZQUEZ-PROKOPEC, G. & MANRIQUE-SAIDE, P. - Chicken coops, Triatoma dimidiata infestation and its infection with Trypanosoma cruzi in a rural village of Yucatan, Mexico. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 57(3): 269-72, 2015. Table 2 Active collection and Trypanosoma cruzi infection of Triatoma dimidiata from peridomicilary chicken coops in homesteads in the rural community of Molas, Yucatan, Mexico Total Nymphs (%) Adults (%) ♂ (%) ♀ (%) Infestation 41 23 (56.1) 18 (43.9) 15 (36.6)* 3 (7.3) Infection 20 19 (95)* 1 (5) 0 (0) 1 (5) Infestation 26 13 (50.0) 13 (50.0) 5 (19.2) 8 (30.8) Infection 10 4 (40) 6 (60) 3 (30) 3 (30) 1st active collection Rainy season 2nd active collection Dry season *Significant statistical difference in frequencies of developmental stage and sex between seasons, as given by Fisher’s exact test (p < 0.05). Statistical tests regarding infestation and infection were performed separately. Three housing/backyard characteristics initially had p < 0.25: the presence of a chicken coop in the backyard, the type of walls in the house and wood storage; but only the presence of a chicken coop was significantly and positively associated with the presence of T. dimidiata (OR = 4.10, p = 0.003; 95% CI = 1.61-10.43) in the final model. The presence of a chicken coop was also positively associated with T. dimidiata infected with T. cruzi (OR = 3.37, p = 0.006; 95% CI = 1.368.33). Fifty-four homesteads were found in the area with at least one chicken coop. The general structure of local chicken coops consists of cages of 1.30 - 1.50m in height, square in shape, and with sides of 2 - 3m in length. Coops are built on a 4-log base, one on each corner, holding a roof made of either zinc or cardboard and surrounded by a chicken wire fence. The ground is commonly covered with compacted dirt and small stones. Approximately 26% (14/54) of the chicken coops had T. dimidiata, and 64.3% (9/14) had triatomines infected with T. cruzi. Of all peridomestic triatomines, 45.9% (67/146) were collected from chicken coops, with nymphs and adults found in a similar ratio (36:31, respectively. 44.8% of all specimens collected from chicken coops were infected (30/67), with a higher percentage of infected nymphs (76.7% compared to 23.3% in adults). rabbit hutch had a large population of triatomines, this type of refuge was not as commonly found in the peridomiciles as chicken coops. Piles of rocks and wood were quite common, but only one was found to be infested with triatomines. While the debate concerning whether house infestation by triatomines is influenced by the peridomicile and/or the sylvatic habitats continues4,13,14, the results of this study expose the significance of chicken coops located in the peridomicile as a potential source of T. dimidiata populations. Preceding studies in Yucatan report that T. dimidiata infestations occur seasonally but transiently, i.e. with a limited capacity for colonizing households in Yucatan2,7. These findings indicate the existence of peri- and intradomiciliary infestation and the high prevalence of infected triatomines not only during the dry season, but also in the rainy season. Colonization in houses (based on the collection of nymphs) is indeed uncommon during the rainy season, but increases during the dry season. This study shows that chicken coops are a risk factor for insect infestation and parasite infection. Nonetheless these findings should be re-evaluated in other communities infested by T. dimidiata. RESUMEN Triatomine specimens collected from chicken coops were obtained exclusively by active collection and were found on the floor and under stones. During the sectional-active collection in the rainy season, 9.3% (5/54) of homesteads with chicken coops were positive for triatomines. During the second active collection in the following dry season, 16.7% (9/54) of homesteads with chicken coops were positive for triatomines (the majority identified positive for the first time and only two were consistent from the collection four months earlier (Table 2). Chicken coops are known to play an important role in the maintenance of T. dimidiata populations, both as a refuge for invading insects11,16 and as a primary source of blood for triatomines9. All coops that tested positive in Molas had chickens, except for one, where chickens were removed two weeks before the survey. Among the total homesteads sampled in the locality, only two other sites were found to be used by triatomines as refuges: a rabbit hutch and a pile of rocks and wood. Although the Gallineros, la infestación por Triatoma dimidiata y su infección con Trypanosoma cruzi en una localidad rural de Yucatán, México Investigamos longitudinalmente la asociación entre la infestación por Triatoma dimidiata, su infección con Trypanosoma cruzi y las características ambientales de los domicilios/peridomicilios en 101 viviendas de Molas, Yucatán, México entre Noviembre de 2009 (temporada lluviosa) y Mayo de 2010 (temporada seca). Mediante modelos de regresión logística se probaron asociaciones entre la infestación/infección de T. dimidiata y factores de riesgo potenciales a nivel de las viviendas. Se colectó un total de 200 individuos de T. dimidiata en el 35.6% de las viviendas, mayormente del peridomicilio (73%). De todos los triatominos colectados el 48% se encontraron infectados con T. cruzi. Los triatomas infectados fueron colectados en el 31.6% de las viviendas (54.1% y 45.9% en intra y peridomicilio 271 KOYOC-CARDEÑA, E.; MEDINA-BARREIRO, A.; ESCOBEDO-ORTEGÓN, F.J.; RODRÍGUEZ-BUENFIL, J.C.; BARRERA-PÉREZ, M.; REYES-NOVELO, E.; CHABLÉ-SANTOS, J.; SELEM-SALAS, C.; VAZQUEZ-PROKOPEC, G. & MANRIQUE-SAIDE, P. - Chicken coops, Triatoma dimidiata infestation and its infection with Trypanosoma cruzi in a rural village of Yucatan, Mexico. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 57(3): 269-72, 2015. respectivamente). Aproximadamente el 30% de todos los triatominos colectados, fueron encontrados en gallineros. La presencia de un gallinero en el peridomicilio de una vivienda se asoció significativamante tanto con las posibilidades de encontrar T. dimidiata (OR = 4.10, CI 95% = 1.61-10.43, p = 0.003) como con la presencia de triatominos infectados con T. cruzi (OR = 3.37, CI 95% = 1.36-8.33, p = 0.006). Los resultados de este estudio enfatizan la relevancia de los gallineros como fuente putativa de poblaciones de T. dimidiata y como una fuente potencial de riesgo de transmisión de T. cruzi. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This study was funded by the project “Estudio multidisciplinario para la identificación de variables asociadas a la transmisión de enfermedades zoonóticas y enfermedades transmitidas por vector en Yucatán” of the Red epidemiológica de Enfermedades Zoonóticas y Transmitidas por Vector (ETV’s) de Importancia en Salud Pública (PROMEP 2008103.5/09/12.58. SISTPROY CIRB-2009-0006). 6.Edwards K, Johnstone C, Thompson C. A simple and rapid method for the preparation of plant genomic DNA for PCR analysis. Nucleic Acid Res. 1991;19:1349. 7.Gourbiere S, Dumonteil E, Rabinovich JE, Minkoue R, Menu F. Demographic and dispersal constraints for domestic infestation by non-domicilated Chagas disease vectors in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2008;78:133-9. 8. Guzmán-Marín E, Barrera-Perez M, Rodríguez-Felix ME, Escobedo-Ortegon F, ZavalaVelázquez J. Índices entomológicos de Triatoma dimidiata en el estado de Yucatán. Rev Biomed. 1991;2:20-9. 9. Guzmán-Marín E, Barrera-Perez M, Rodríguez-Félix ME, Zavala-Velázquez J. Hábitos biológicos de Triatoma dimidiata en Yucatán, México. Rev Bioméd. 1992;3:125-31. 10.Guzmán-Tapía Y, Ramírez-Sierra M, Dumonteil E. Urban infestation of Triatoma dimidiata in the city of Mérida, Yucatán, México. Vector Borne Zoonotic Dis. 2007;7:597-606. 11. Monroy CM, Bustamante DM, Rodas A, Enriquez ME, Rosales R. Habitats, dispersion and invasion of sylvatic Triatoma dimidiata (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Triatominae) in Peten, Guatemala. J Med Entomol. 2003;40:800-6. REFERENCES 12.Moser D, Kirchoff LV, Donelson JE. Detection of Trypanosoma cruzi by DNA amplification using the polymerase chain reaction. J Clin Microbiol. 1989;27:1477-82. 1. Cohen JM, Wilson ML, Cruz-Celis A, Ordoñez R, Ramsey JM. Infestation by Triatoma pallidipennis (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Triatominae) is associated with housing characteristics in rural Mexico. J Med Entomol. 2006;43:1252-60. 13.Ramírez-Sierra MJ, Herrera-Aguilar M, Gourbiere S, Dumonteil E. Patterns of house infestation dynamics by non-domiciliated Triatoma dimidiata reveal a spatial gradient of infestation in rural villages and potential insect manipulation by Trypanosoma cruzi. Trop Med Int Health. 2010;15:77-86. 2.Dumonteil E, Gourbiere S, Barrera-Pérez M, Rodríguez-Félix E, Ruíz-Piña H, BañosLópez O, et al. Geographic distribution of Triatoma dimidiata and transmission dynamics of Trypanosoma cruzi in the Yucatan peninsula of Mexico. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2002;67:176-83. 3. Dumonteil E, Gourbiere S. Predicting Triatoma dimidiata abundance and infection rate: a risk map for natural transmission of Chagas disease in the Yucatan peninsula of Mexico. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2004;70:514-9. 4. Dumonteil E, Ramírez-Sierra MJ, Ferral J, Euán-Garcia M, Chavez-Nuñez L. Usefulness of community participation for the fine temporal monitoring of house infestation by non-domiciliated triatomines. J Parasitol. 2009;95:469-71. 5.Dumonteil E, Nouvellet P, Rosecrans K, Ramírez-Sierra MJ, Gamboa-León MR, Cruz-Chan JV, et al. Eco-Bio-Social determinants for house infestation by nondomiciliated Triatoma dimidiata in the Yucatan peninsula, Mexico. PLOS Negl Trop Dis. 2013;7:e2466. 272 14. Reyes-Novelo E, Ruiz-Piña HA, Escobedo-Ortegon J, Barrera-Perez M, Manrique-Saide P, Rodríguez-Vivas RI. Triatoma dimidiata (Latreille) abundance and infection with Trypanosoma cruzi in a rural community of Yucatan, Mexico. Neotrop Entomol. 2013;42:317-24. 15.Starr MD, Rojas JC, Zeledón R, Hird DW, Carpenter TE. Chagas’ disease: risk factors for house infestation by Triatoma dimidiata, the major vector of Trypanosoma cruzi in Costa Rica. Am J Epidemiol. 1991;133:740-7. 16. Zeledón R, Montenegro VM, Zeledón O. Evidence of colonization of man-made ecotopes by Triatoma dimidiata (Latreille, 1811) in Costa Rica. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz. 2001;96:659-60. Received: 23 April 2014 Accepted: 16 September 2014 Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo 57(3):273-275, May-June, 2015 http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S0036-46652015000300016 CASE REPORT TUBERCULOSIS INFECTION MIGHT INCREASE THE RISK OF INVASIVE CANDIDIASIS IN AN IMMUNOCOMPETENT PATIENT Xiao-Hua CHEN(1), Yun-Chao GAO(2), Yi ZHANG(1), Zheng-Hao TANG(1), Yong-Sheng YU(1) & Guo-Qing ZANG(1) SUMMARY Deep Candida infections commonly occur in immunosuppressed patients. A rare case of a multiple deep organ infection with Candida albicans and spinal tuberculosis was reported in a healthy young man. The 19-year-old man complained of month-long fever and lower back pain. He also had a history of scalded mouth syndrome. Coinfection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Candida albicans was diagnosed using the culture of aspirates from different regions. Symptoms improved considerably after antifungal and antituberculous therapy. This case illustrates that infection with tuberculosis might impair the host’s immune system and increase the risk of invasive candidiasis in an immunocompetent patient. KEYWORDS: Invasive candidiasis; Spine tuberculosis; Coinfection; Immunocompetent patient. INTRODUCTION Invasive candidiasis is a clinical condition that generally occurs in immunosuppressive patients and those with general defects in the immune system. Candida albicans is the most common fungal pathogen capable of causing infections, ranging from slight mucocutaneous disorders to invasive diseases which affect multiple organs3. Deep Candida infections rarely occur in healthy hosts, but the incidence is greatly increased in immunosuppressive patients. Tuberculosis remains a major global health problem and has become significantly more prevalent in the past decade. Moreover, spinal tuberculosis may not display typical symptoms and, sometimes, show predominant extrapulmonary manifestations that result in delayed or missed diagnosis. Furthermore, multiple deep organ infections caused by Candida albicans and spinal tuberculosis occurring simultaneously in the same patient are very rare. In view of this, the following report presents the rare case of multiple deep abscesses caused by Candida albicans with simultaneously occurring spinal tuberculosis in an immunocompetent patient. CASE REPORT A 19-year-old man complained of recurrent fever and lower back pain for a month. He had a history of scalded mouth syndrome with no regular antibiotic or antifungal drug treatment six months prior to hospitalization. He had neither history of taking immunosuppressors, nor of any disease indicative of immunodeficiency. He had, however, received the Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine during childhood. On admission, his vital signs included an oral temperature of 39 ºC, heart rate of 92 beats per minute, respiratory rate of 20 breaths per minute and blood pressure of 130/80 mmHg. Physical examination revealed a 9×8cm mass in the right of the patient’s neck, but no lesions were found on the oral mucosa. The remainder of the systemic examination was unremarkable. Laboratory results included a leukocyte count of 14800×103/mm3, serum glucose level of 143 mg/dL, blood urea nitrogen of 40 mg/ dL and creatinine level of 1.7 mg/dL. Inflammatory markers were elevated with an erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) of 120 mm/h and C-reactive protein (CRP) level of 11.1 mg/L. Both a tuberculin skin test and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) antibody exam were negative. Comprehensive immunological studies, including serum immunoglobulins and complement levels, tests for cell-mediated immunity (NK, CD3, CD4, CD8, CD4/CD8 and CD19) and autoantibody tests, were normal. 1, 3-β-D-glucan assay levels and the galactomannan test were normal. Blood cultures were also negative. Whole-body positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) revealed multiple abscesses in the right of the patient’s neck, liver and right psoas major area respectively (Fig.1A); and there was a raised uptake of [18F] FDG in vertebral bodies of T11, T12 and L1. Consequently, percutaneous abscess drainage was conducted on the upper body using B-mode ultrasonography and drained brown fluids (30 mL, 280 mL and 130 mL, respectively, Fig.1B) were sent to the microbiology lab. Also, drainage tubes were inserted into abscesses in the liver and psoas major, but were removed after no drainage took place. Results of the Chromagar Candida Medium (Chromagar, France) cultures were positive for Candida albicans (Fig. 1C), but no acid-fast bacilli were detected. The germ tube test was positive and the documented diagnosis using API 20C Aux systems (BioMeriux, France) was Candida albicans, which was sensitive to amphotericin B, fluconazole, itraconazole, voriconazole, caspofungin (1) Department of Infectious Diseases, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Affiliated Sixth People’s Hospital, Shanghai, China. (2) Department of Nuclear Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Affiliated Sixth People’s Hospital, Shanghai, China. Correspondence to: Guo-Qing Zang, Department of Infectious Diseases, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Affiliated Sixth People’s Hospital, 600 Yishan Road, 200233 Shanghai, China. Phone: + 86 21 24058673. Fax: + 86 21 24058384. E-mail: guoqingzang@163.com CHEN, X.-H.; GAO, Y.-C.; ZHANG, Y.; TANG, Z.-H.; YU, Y.-S. & ZANG, G.-Q. - Tuberculosis infection might increase the risk of invasive candidiasis in an immunocompetent patient. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 57(3): 273-5, 2015. and 5-fluorocytosine. Based on antifungal guidelines and susceptibility tests, he was treated with intravenous 35 mg amphotericin B daily (0.5 mg/kg per day). The patient responded to antifungal therapy and his fever abated after ten days of treatment. Abscess detection using B-mode ultrasonography revealed that the extent of infection in the upper body had greatly decreased at the end of three-week antifungal therapy. Fig. 2 - A. MRI showing altered signal intensity in T11, T12, L1 and unique osteolytic lesions in the above vertebral bodies (arrow). B, C. Histopathologic examination of aspirates showing caseous material and acid fast bacilli (arrow), respectively. Fig. 1 - A. Whole-Body positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) showing increased uptake of [18F]FDG appear in right neck, liver, right psoas major area respectively (arrows). B. The brown fluids were drained from the liver under B-mode ultrasonography inducted. C. Microphotography of Candida albicans Gram staining 1000×. However, there was no improvement in the patient’s lower back pain. Spinal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed altered signal intensity in T11, T12, L1 and unique osteolytic lesions in upper vertebral bodies (Fig. 2A). Subsequently, computed tomography (CT) guided percutaneous vertebral biopsy specimens from the T12 vertebrae revealed caseous material and the acid fast bacilli were identified (Fig.2B, C). Also, the aspirate culture showed growth of the M. tuberculosis. Chest CT, urine and sputum examinations were normal. Taking histological and microbiological findings into consideration, the patient was treated with antitubercular therapy (rifampicin, isoniazid, pyrazinamide, ethambutol) for 12 months. In addition, he was treated with a total dose of 1500 mg of amphotericin B, while oral fluconazole and 5-flucytosine were subsequently prescribed for six months. By his 2-year follow up, there were complete resolutions of the lesions in the upper vertebral bodies and no evidence of new abscesses. DISCUSSION Candida is an opportunistic fungal pathogen which generally forms part of the normal flora of the oropharynx, gastrointestinal tract, and urinary tract in the healthy human. Candida albicans is the most common pathogenic cause of fungal infections in humans, which can involve multiple organs, including the brain, mediastinum, kidney, heart, lung, pancreas, liver and peritoneum. Invasive candidiasis (IC) involves the infection and spread of Candida via the bloodstream and normally affects the immunocompromised or immunodeficient, such as those with diabetes, neutropenia or burns; people undergoing hemodialysis, abdominal surgery or total parenteral nutrition; and those undergoing long 274 term therapy with broad-spectrum antibiotics or corticosteroids11. The incidence of IC in the US between 1996 and 2003 was 19-24 infections per 10,000 annual hospital discharges12. As one knows, microscopic examination and the cultivation of clinical samples for the diagnosis of fungal infection are gold-standard methods. Diagnosis of invasive candidiasis remains difficult and is generally confirmed by the direct microscopic examination of the fluid drained during percutaneous or surgical abscess drainage. Candida infection in patients is clinically very difficult to recognize and its diagnosis is frequently missed because of non-specific clinical features, poor diagnostic yield of traditional microbiological techniques and the non-specificity of radiological imaging9. The results of blood cultures are frequently negative, as was the case for this patient. In addition, 1, 3-β-D-glucan assay levels and galactomannan tests were normal in this case. Recently, some studies testified the importance of [18F] FDG-PET/ CT in detecting non-central nervous system invasive fungal infection at an early stage and assessing the efficiency of antifungal therapy5. With the help of whole-body PET/CT scans, the patient’s multiple deep abscesses were found in time. Although the whole-body PET/CT provides a new, more sensitive way of observing deep organ infections, its high costs mean that it cannot be widely used in clinical examinations. According to the clinical practice guidelines for the management of candidiasis by the Infectious Diseases Society of America and antifungal susceptibility testing, amphotericin B is the current antifungal treatment of choice10. The patient responded to antifungal therapy and the number of abscesses was greatly decreased. In spite of the high death rates of invasive candidiasis, the patient survived due to the combination of early diagnosis, percutaneous drainage and antifungal therapy. Tuberculosis (TB), a disease more common in immunocompromised persons, is a major global problem still prevalent in developing countries, despite the availability of highly effective treatment for decades. China has the second highest level of tuberculosis in the world, registering 12% of global cases (0.9 million - 1.1 million) in 201214. Tuberculosis’ CHEN, X.-H.; GAO, Y.-C.; ZHANG, Y.; TANG, Z.-H.; YU, Y.-S. & ZANG, G.-Q. - Tuberculosis infection might increase the risk of invasive candidiasis in an immunocompetent patient. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 57(3): 273-5, 2015. insidious nature often leads to delayed or missed diagnosis, sometimes with devastating consequences for the patient. In this patient, Candida spondylitis was initially thought of as the cause of his back pain, yet it showed no improvement following antifungal treatment. However, the patient’s history of BCG vaccination, negative skin tests and normal chest scans were not disregarded when considering the diagnosis of tuberculosis. Percutaneous vertebral biopsy was very useful in confirming diagnosis and could help avoid open surgical biopsy in future patients. The mainstay in the treatment of spinal tuberculosis is the conservative management of antituberculous drugs. Surgery is needed only if there is neurological deficit or spinal instability. In the management of osteoarticular tuberculosis, chemotherapy including isoniazid, rifampin, ethambutol, and pyrazinamide is recommended for approximately 12 - 18 months8. The patient was administered antituberculous treatment with the above four drugs for a 12-month period. At the final 2-year follow-up, the patient was free of symptoms, though there was little change in the radiological picture except for increased sclerosis at the margin of the lesion. Deep Candida infections generally occur in immunosuppressive patients, especially those who have been treated with immunosuppressors. Recent studies showed that M. tuberculosis promoted down-modulatory immune mediators to counteract Th1-type cells and patients’ innate immunity, and might have suppressive effects on the host’s immune system1,2. Also, levels of FoxP3 gene expression and IL-10 secretion were raised in both pulmonary TB and extra-pulmonary TB7. The secretion of IL-10 by regulatory T cells can account for the inhibition of T cell responses and increase the risk of tuberculosis reactivation6. A case of coinfection with M. tuberculosis and Cryptococcus gattii in a healthy young woman indicated that infection with TB predisposed to infection with Cryptococcus by down-regulate immune system and altered host defenses13. In the case featured in this report, the patient was immunocompetent and had no history of using immunosuppressive drugs or having any recent major surgery. It is likely that Candida albicans invaded his bloodstream through impaired oral mucosa membranes and stuck to the endothelial cells of his blood vessels, in turn transmigrating into the tissue4. This indicated that TB infection may impair the host’s immune system and that the spread of Candida albicans maybe ultimately lead to the occurrence of multiple deep organ infections in the healthy young man. In conclusion, multiple deep organ infections with Candida albicans and spinal tuberculosis are rare in healthy young men. Moreover, as it is always difficult to identify M. tuberculosis, early diagnosis should be considered in patients with clinical and radiological findings suggesting tuberculosis to avoid missing diagnosis, particularly in developing countries where tuberculosis is endemic. Furthermore, the present case report suggests that tuberculosis infection might increase the risk of invasive candidiasis in patients without significant immunodeficiency. This hypothesis needs to be confirmed by prospective cohorts with sufficiently large sample sizes. RESUMO Tuberculose pode aumentar o risco de candidíase invasiva em paciente imunocompetente As infecções profundas por Candida ocorrem geralmente em pacientes imunossuprimidos. Relatamos caso raro de infecções profundas em múltiplos órgãos por Candida albicans e neuro tuberculose em homem jovem saudável. Um jovem de 19 anos de idade queixou-se de febre e lombalgia há um mês. Relatava ainda histórico de síndrome da boca escaldada. Foi diagnosticada co-infecção por Mycobacterium tuberculosis e Candida albicans em cultura do aspirado de diferentes regiões do organismo. Os sintomas melhoraram significativamente após a terapia antifúngica e antituberculosa. Este caso é apresentado para mostrar que a tuberculose pode prejudicar o sistema imune do hospedeiro e aumentar o risco de candidíase invasiva em paciente imunocompetente. REFERENCES 1. Almeida AS, Lago PM, Boechat N, Huard RC, Lazzarini LC, Santos AR, et al. Tuberculosis is associated with a down-modulatory lung immune response that impairs Th1-type immunity. J Immunol. 2009;183:718-31. 2. Bonecini-Almeida MG, Ho JL, Boéchat N, Huard RC, Chitale S, Doo H, et al. Down-modulation of lung immune responses by interleukin-10 and transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) and analysis of TGF-beta receptors I and II in active tuberculosis. Infect Immun. 2004;72:2628-34. 3. Fridkin SK. The changing face of fungal infections in health care settings. Clin Infect Dis. 2005;41:1455-60. 4. Grubb SE, Murdoch C, Sudbery PE, Saville SP, Lopez-Ribot JL, Thornhill MH. Candida albicans-endothelial cell interactions: a key step in the pathogenesis of systemic candidiasis. Infect Immun. 2008;76:4370-7. 5. Hot A, Maunoury C, Poiree S, Lanternier F, Viard JP, Loulergue P, et al. Diagnostic contribution of positron emission tomography with [18F] fluorodeoxyglucose for invasive fungal infections. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2011;17:409-17. 6. Kursar M, Koch M, Mittrücker HW, Nouailles G, Bonhagen K, Kamradt T, et al. Cutting Edge: regulatory T cells prevent efficient clearance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. J Immunol. 2007;178:2661-5. 7. Masood KI, Rottenberg ME, Salahuddin N, Irfan M, Rao N, Carow B, et al. Expression of M. tuberculosis-induced suppressor of cytokine signaling (SOCS) 1, SOCS3, FoxP3 and secretion of IL-6 associates with differing clinical severity of tuberculosis. BMC Infect Dis. 2013;13:13. 8. Moon MS, Moon YW, Moon JL, Kim SS, Sun DH. Conservative treatment of tuberculosis of the lumbar and lumbosacral spine. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2002;398:40-9. 9. Oz Y, Kiraz N. Diagnostic methods for fungal infections in pediatric patients: microbiological, serological and molecular methods. Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther. 2011;9:289-98 10. Pappas PG, Kauffman CA, Andes D, Benjamin DK Jr, Calandra TF, Edwards JE Jr, et al. Clinical practice guidelines for the management of candidiasis: 2009 update by the Infectious Diseases Society of America. Clin Infect Dis. 2009;48:503-35. 11. Pfaller MA. Nosocomial candidiasis: emerging species, reservoirs, and modes of transmission. Clin Infect Dis. 1996; 22(Suppl 2):S89-94. 12. Pfaller MA, Diekema DJ. Epidemiology of invasive candidiasis: a persistent problem. Clin Microbiol Rev. 2007;20:133-63. 13. Van Tongeren L, Shaipanich T, Fleetham JA. Coinfection with Cryptococcus gattii and Mycobacterium tuberculosis in an otherwise healthy 18-year-old woman. Can Respir J. 2011;18:e62-3. 14. World Health Organization. Global tuberculosis report. Geneva: WHO; 2013. Received: 23 June 2014 Accepted: 30 September 2014 275 Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo 57(3):276, May-June, 2015 http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S0036-46652015000300017 LETTER TO THE EDITOR WEST NILE FEVER IN BRAZIL: SPORADIC CASE, SILENT ENDEMIC DISEASE OR EPIDEMIC IN ITS INITIAL STAGES? May 21, 2015 Dear Editor During the initial reports in some countries of Africa and Asia and until the 1990s, West Nile fever (WNF) was only considered a “minor” public health problem. The disease gained awareness after outbreaks occurred in Israel, Australia and European countries and, in particular, due to the large number of people and animals affected in the United States of America between the end of the 1990s and the beginning of the new century. Thereafter, signs of West Nile virus (WNV) circulation were detected in the Cayman Islands, El Salvador, Guatemala, Belize, Colombia, Venezuela, and Argentina. However, viral isolation was rarely achieved, and records of human, equine and avian morbidity in Latin America are lacking. Moreover, for unclear reasons, there was no correspondence between the expansion of the geographic range of viral circulation and the occurrence of significant animal or human morbidity by WNF in these regions7. Given the evidence of WNV circulation in South American countries beginning in 2003, the Brazilian Ministry of Health adopted the reporting of suspected human cases of WNF7. In parallel with the implementation of surveillance strategies for monitoring the introduction of the virus into the country, Brazilian researchers posed the question: “West Nile Encephalitis: our next epidemic?”3. Between 2002 and 2013, serological evidence of viral circulation was found in horses and birds in the Amazon and Pantanal regions4,6,8. Serological surveys conducted in the states of Rio Grande do Sul (2002) and Rio Grande do Norte (2003), which included a significant number of birds of various species, found no evidence of WNV circulation in the country1. In 2010, despite the negative results of the study “Is West Nile virus a potential cause of central nervous system infection in Brazil?”, SOARES et al.10 concluded that “With the recent activity in Argentina, it is fundamental to continue to monitor for this virus as an emerging cause of neurological disease in South America”. Similarly, in early 2014 FIGUEIREDO & FIGUEIREDO2 advised: “It is necessary to improve the surveillance of SLEV, ROCV, and WNV in Brazil. Therefore, doctors must include flaviviruses (not only dengue) and other arboviruses in their differential diagnosis of acute febrile disease and of meningoencephalitis. In fact, if the doctors do not think on these pathogens, it will perpetuate the mistaken idea that these diseases do not exist here”. In August 2014, a ranch worker from a rural area of Aroeiras do Itaim municipality (Piauí State, Brazil) was admitted to the Natan Portella Institute for Tropical Diseases (Teresina, Piauí State, Brazil) with clinical symptoms of acute encephalitis. Since June 2013, a sentinel surveillance program of viral encephalitis has been instituted by the Municipal Health Department of Teresina. A research protocol established in partnership with the Evandro Chagas Institute (Ananindeua, Pará State, Brazil) enabled the shipment of blood, cerebrospinal fluid and fecal samples in an attempt to isolate and molecularly and serologically detect herpes viruses, enteroviruses and arboviruses. From the start of the program until the admission of this patient, samples from 36 patients had been examined. In the second half of November 2014, the Evandro Chagas Institute released the results of the examinations that undoubtedly confirmed that Piauí had recorded the first human case of WNF in Brazil12. At the announcement of the first confirmed case of WNF in Brazil, the Ministry of Health released the following statement: “It is noteworthy that this case was an isolated event; the chain of transmission was not identified, and an in-depth investigation is being performed to clarify the mode of transmission. It does not have epidemiological significance to Brazil nor does it represent a risk to the public health of Piauí or Brazil”5. Thereafter, the Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine expressed concern about the circumstances in which the diagnosis of the first case of WNF in Brazil was conducted: “Even though this was an isolated case, the situation is worrisome. Its absence in Brazil, until this case, was enigmatic. After all, why would a virus disseminated throughout North America and the Caribbean not enter into Brazil where its insect vectors and animal reservoirs are present? Then, suddenly it appears in the State of Piauí? (...) This question is even more troublesome because the virus was identified just after routine surveillance was instituted in a referral hospital. The conclusion is obvious: the virus has already been circulating undetected in Brazil for some time”11. The epidemiology news portal from the International Society for Infectious Diseases, ProMED-mail, also expressed moderate concern following the disclosure of the diagnosis: “Vector? Isn’t missing ... There: all the elements of a transmission cycle are present. To deny that the risks of dissemination and, eventually, that outbreaks are a tangible reality would be naive, reckless and, to some degree, irresponsible”9. The detection of the first case of WNF in Brazil may have distinct epidemiological meaning expressed by the assumptions that the encephalitis surveillance system was able to detect: (1) the initial phase of an outbreak or an epidemic of WNF in the State of Piauí; (2) a case of an already endemic disease at low levels that so far had an unknown occurrence or was undetected in the region or in the country or (3) a sporadic case that emerged under exceptional circumstances that is so far unexplained. The capacity of Brazilian biomes to provide an ecological niche conducive to the spread of WNV remains enigmatic. To date, there have been no other cases with a confirmed diagnosis of WNF in the country. The team involved in the surveillance of viral encephalitis in Teresina is advocating the hypothesis of a silent endemic (at low levels) of WNF in Piauí and, perhaps, in Brazil. The manifestations of encephalitis caused by various viruses (and even by non-viral agents) have a significant amount of coincident signs and symptoms. The low specificity of clinical, cerebrospinal fluid data, radiological and electroencephalographic “patterns” of WNV encephalitis hinders its recognition. Thus, the reporting of suspected cases, which is an essential step for the national reference laboratories to perform specific diagnostic tests, is fairly limited. The classical assumption of the herpetic nature of viral encephalitis, the lack of specific therapies against most viruses and the lack of diagnostic methods in most Brazilian hospitals are factors that combined lead to the non-recognition of the etiologic agents involved in central nervous system infections. These assertions may indicate that other cases of WNV encephalitis may have occurred without clinical recognition (which is admittedly difficult) of the disease and without performing the tests necessary for an etiological diagnosis. Brazilian clinicians, researchers and epidemiologists have a challenge ahead, given that the clarification of the current status of WNV circulation does have an epidemiological relevance to Teresina municipality, for Piauí State and to Brazil. Marcelo A. Cunha e Silva VIEIRA(1), Aline de Almeida Xavier AGUIAR(2), Amaríles de Souza BORBA(3), Herlon Clístenes Lima GUIMARÃES(4), Kelsen Dantas EULÁLIO(5), Linduarte Leitão de ALBUQUERQUE-NETO(5), Maria do Amparo SALMITO(3) & Oriana Bezerra LIMA(3) (1) Natan Portella Institute of Tropical Medicine, Dept. Neurology, R. Governador Artur de Vasconcelos 151, 64001-450 Teresina, PI, Brazil. Telephone: +55 86 3221 3413. E-mail: macsvieira@superig.com.br. (2) Municipal Health Dept., Zenon Rocha Emergency Hospital, Teresina, PI, Brazil. (3) Municipal Health Dept., Surveillance Secretariat, Teresina, PI, Brazil. (4) State Health Dept., Surveillance Secretariat, PI, Brazil. (5) Natan Portella Inst. of Tropical Medicine, Dept. Infectious Diseases, Teresina, PI, Brazil. Correspondence to: Marcelo A.C.S. VIEIRA Funding: This research received no grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors. REFERENCES 1. 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