February 3, 2016 Agenda Book, Lakeland, FL


February 3, 2016 Agenda Book, Lakeland, FL
Board of Directors
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
1:30 p.m., Lake Parker
The Lakeland Center
701 West Lime Street
Lakeland, FL
FCCMA Board of Directors
Program Year 2015-2016
Michael Pleus, City Manager, DeLand, ICMA-CM
Robert (Bobby) Green, City Manager, Auburndale
Jim Hanson, Town Manager, Orange Park, ICMA-CM
Past President
Jill Silverboard, Assistant City Manager, Clearwater, ICMA-CM
District I Director
Lee Garner, City Manager, Chattahoochee
District II Director
Sally Sherman, Deputy County Administrator, Flagler County, ICMA-CM
District III Director
Norton Bonaparte, Jr., City Manager, Sanford, ICMA-CM
District IV Director
George Brown, Deputy City Manager, Boca Raton
District V Director
Daniel A. Rosemond, City Manager, Hallandale Beach, ICMA-CM
District VI Director
Roger Reinke, Assistant City Manager, Naples, ICMA-CM
District VII Director
Micah Maxwell, Town Manager, Belleair, ICMA-CM
District VIII Director
Ryan Leavengood, City Manager, Lake Alfred
At-Large Directors
Michael Cernech, City Manager, Tamarac, ICMA-CM
Jonathan Evans, City Manager, Haines City, ICMA-CM
Ken Fields, City Manager, Lake Wales
Florida City and County Management Association
Board of Directors
February 3, 2016, 1:30 p.m.
Lake Parker, The Lakeland Center
701 West Lime Street, Lakeland
Call to order and President’s remarks, President Pleus
 Correspondence received – TAB 1
 2016 Elections Update
 Update from Executive Committee Meetings
 If You Care, You Do Award
 President’s Award
Consent Agenda
 Minutes from November 6, 2015 – TAB 2
 Financial Report – TAB 3
 Approval site selection for 2017 Winter Institute – TAB 4
 MIT Dues Waiver – TAB 5
Executive Director’s Report, Lynn Tipton – TAB 6
 Ethics Waiver Request
 FLGC update
 Reception for Lee Feldman at the ICMA Conference
 Investment report
ICMA Report, Randy Reid/Ken Parker
Center for Florida Local Government Excellence, Dr. Lee – TAB 7
 Request for second quarterly payment for FY16
Alliance for Innovation Report, Sallie Ann Burnett
 Advance innovation in local government
Corporate Liaison Report, Dani Dahlberg
 Corporate Conference Sessions Florida Business Watch
 Exhibitor/Sponsor Update
Senior Advisor Report, Kurt Bressner – TAB 8
 Senior Advisor Evaluations
 4th Quarter Senior Advisor Report
Committee Reports
 Awards, Lee Garner/George Brown
Communications, Sally Sherman/Jonathan Evans – TAB 9
Conference Planning, Bobby Green
County Outreach and Membership, Lee Niblock
Diversity and Inclusion, Jill Silverboard/Sally Sherman
Fiscal and Administrative Policy, Ryan Leavengood/Mike Cernech
Legislative, Mike Cernech/Roger Reinke
Membership, Micah Maxwell/Daniel Rosemond – TAB 10
 New Member Report
MIT, Ken Fields/George Brown
Professional Development, Jonathan Evans/Norton Bonaparte
Professional Management Matters, Russ Blackburn/Jim Hanson – TAB 11
Winter Institute, Jim Hanson
Officer and Director Reports
 District I, Lee Garner
 District II, Sally Sherman – TAB 12
 District III, Norton Bonaparte
 District IV, George Brown – TAB 13
 District V, Daniel Rosemond
 District VI, Roger Reinke
 District VII, Micah Maxwell
 District VIII, Ryan Leavengood
 At-large, Mike Cernech
 At-large, Jonathan Evans
 At-large, Ken Fields
 Past-President Silverboard
 Secretary/Treasurer Hanson
 President-Elect Green
Other Business
FCCMA Board of Directors
November 6, 2015
DeLand City Hall
President Pleus called the meeting to order at 9:08 a.m. with the following members present:
President Michael Pleus, City Manager, DeLand
Secretary/Treasurer Jim Hanson, Town Manager, Orange Park
Past President Jill Silverboard, Assistant City Manager, Clearwater
District I Director Lee Garner, City Manager, Chattahoochee
District II Director Sally Sherman, Deputy County Administrator, Flagler County
District III Director Norton Bonaparte, City Manager, Sanford
District IV Director George Brown, Deputy City Manager, Boca Raton
District V Director Daniel Rosemond, Deputy City Manager/CRA Director, Hallandale Beach
District VI Director Roger Reinke, Assistant City Manager, Naples
District VII Director Micah Maxwell, Town Manager, Belleair
At-Large Director Michael Cernech, City Manager, Tamarac
At-Large Director Ken Fields, City Manager, Lake Wales
Member Absent:
President-Elect Bobby Green, City Manager, Auburndale
District VIII Director Ryan Leavengood, City Manager, Lake Alfred
At-Large Director Jonathan Evans, City Manager, Haines City
Others Present:
Sallie Ann Burnet, East Regional Director, Alliance for Innovation
Craig Hunter, Senior Advisor
Bob Lee, CFLGE Executive Director
Ken Parker, ICMA Liaison
Beth Rawlins, Corporate Liaison
Randy Reid, ICMA SE Regional Director
Lynn Tipton, Executive Director
Casey Cook, Assistant Executive Director
Carol Russell, Administrative Assistant
After President Pleus welcomed everyone to the meeting, he told the Board the survey report in
the agenda book was the survey on open data conducted by the USF School of Public Affairs.
The executive summary of the survey will be in the December issue of the newsletter.
He reminded the Board that District elections needed to be run in even-numbered districts.
The even-numbered districts need to choose a canvassing committee to run their district
elections. He pointed out that there are no county members represented on the Nominating
Committee. He asked the Board to encourage county members to apply for the open seats.
Ms. Tipton reported that the ICMA Leadership Advisory Board is recruiting a representative
from the Southeast to serve on the Board. Mr. Bonaparte is interested in serving. Ms. Tipton
will write a letter to ICMA nominating Mr. Bonaparte for the position.
A motion was made by Ms. Sherman and seconded by Mr. Hanson to
nominate Mr. Bonaparte for the ICMA Leadership Advisory Board. The
motion passed without opposition.
A motion was made by Mr. Garner and seconded by Mr. Brown to approve
the consent agenda as presented. The motion passed without opposition.
The items approved were: the minutes of August 12, 2015, the approval of
2016 Nominating Committee, the approval of the contract with RB
Oppenheim for website hosting, the approval of the contract with the
Florida League of Cities and the waiver of dues for MITs for FY2016.
Mr. Hanson reported on the FY 2015 year-end financial statements. There was an addition to
the fund balance.
Executive Director’s Report: Ms. Rawlins gave an update on plan support. Ms. Tipton
asked for an approval to make a donation to the Fund for the Professional Management of
A motion was made by Mr. Garner and seconded by Mr. Bonaparte to
approve a donation of $1,500 to the ICMA Fund for Professional
Management. The motion passed without opposition.
Ms. Tipton reported the ICMA-RC has given Cal-ICMA three years of funding to give states a
reduced rate of $1,000 for the Webinar and Coaching Program.
A motion was made by Ms. Sherman and seconded by Mr. Hanson to
approve $1,000 to be sent to Cal-ICMA for one year’s participation in
the Webinar and Coaching program. There were discussion that the
Board encourage Mr. Reid to get Dr. Lee involved in the webinars. Mr.
Reid asked that the Board speak to Mr. Feldman about it. The motion
passed without opposition.
Ms. Tipton also reported that staff is working with Michael Winn, the Digital Opps consultant,
website host and web architect to upgrade the website. This upgrade will allow the website to
be used on all mobile devises.
A motion was made by Mr. Fields and seconded by Mr. Garner to
approve the proposal from Digital Opps and an amendment to the
FY2016 budget of $3,800 to the technology item. The motion passed
without opposition.
Ms. Tipton reported that both FLC and FAC have already done their legislative priorities as the
Legislative Session is starting earlier this year.
The investment report is included in the agenda book. The market has been volatile recently.
Ms. Tipton included in her report some life member requests for waivers of the ethics request.
She asked the Board to approve the requests with the revision that if the members returned to
work within a year that they must take the online ethics course.
A motion was made by Mr. Hanson and seconded by Ms. Silverboard
and Mr. Garner to approve the waivers of the four-hour ethics
training requirement with the revision that if the members returned
and notify said members of this waiver. The motion passed without
Mr. Cook reported that he is working with Michael Beedie on GIS mapping. This could be used
by the Membership Committee when the Membership Committee does a membership drive to
see where the membership is located. Fort Walton Beach agreed to continue to work with
FCCMA to provide the GIS mapping. Mr. Maxwell will work with the Membership Committee
to determine how it wants to utilize the information and bring it back to the February meeting.
Alliance for Innovation: Ms. Burnett reported that the Next Big Things are free to nonmembers of the Alliance. There is a premium report that is only available to the Alliance
members. She reported that the Alliance was doing workshops at state association meetings
and that if FCCMA was interested in a workshop to let her know. Ms. Burnett will not be able to
attend the FCCMA Conference and Tony Shope will attend in her place.
The Alliance Conference is in St. Paul in June.
Beth Rawlins, Inc.: Ms. Rawlins reported that there were 36 advertisers in the directory and
brought in $20,500 in income. She has sent out solicitations to corporate members for the
corporate sessions at the conference. The applications are due January 22nd. She will inform
the Board of the corporate sessions that were chosen at the February Board meeting. She asked
the Board that if anyone had any suggestions for the corporate sessions to please contact her.
Center for Florida Local Government Excellence Report: Mr. Lee reported that all of
the onsite trainings have been going well. The District III training was on the homeless and
Florida Gulf Coast University hosted District VI which focused on leadership by eight city and
county managers. The webinars are also going well. CFLGE has two new sponsors: iCompass
and Strategic Government Resources. The certificate program is now completely online and
going well.
A motion was made by Mr. Garner and seconded by Mr. Fields to
approve Dr. Lee’s report to and to approve the first quarterly
payment. The motion passed without opposition.
Dr. Lee also reported that he has been called as an expert witness in a case where the Collier
County Clerk of Courts is suing the county administrator and purchasing manager. This case is
whether county administrators does not have authority to approve any purchases. As an expert
witness he wants to say under oath that he attended the FCCMA Board meeting and that the
Board unanimously said that it is reasonable and customary that the administrator of a county
or city would have some level of spending or purchasing authority by ordinance or resolution.
Florida Business Watch: Ms. Rawlins thanked the Board for approving the affiliate
agreement in August so that FBW can put out its marketing brochure and promotional
brochure for the coming year. FBW secured the technology speaker at the Winter Institute. She
also reported that Ms. Silverboard will replace Joyce Shanahan’s place on the FBW Board.
ICMA Report: Mr. Reid reported that the Southeast Regional Summit will be held March 31
– April 1. He reported that ICMA is working with FCCMA on a membership drive. ICMA is
currently working with Florida, North Carolina and Virginia. The first round of the
membership drive will be to solicit ICMA members who are not FCCMA members to join
FCCMA. The second round will be to solicit FCCMA members who are not ICMA members to
join ICMA. The last round will be to solicit members who are not members of either
Association to join both Associations. The letters will be signed by Mr. Reid and President
Pleus. He asked the Board to give authorization to the Membership Committee to decide on an
incentive to join the Association. He asked that either the Board, senior advisors or
Membership Committee to do a follow up after the letters are sent.
A motion was made by Mr. Garner and seconded by Mr. Maxwell to
approve the incentive that is recommended by the Membership
Committee. A suggestion for the incentive was made to look at a
discount to conference and/or pro-rating dues and to be prepared to
follow up after the letters are sent. Mr. Maxwell said he would talk to
the Fiscal and Administrative Policy Committee about the financial
impact to the Association. The motion passed without opposition.
Mr. Parker said he would work with the Directors to make the follow up calls.
Mr. Parker reported that in January 2016 solicitation for a new ICMA Executive Director. The
Board hopes to make a decision in the summer and announce the new Executive Director at
the Conference in Kansas City. Mr. O’Neill will transition out by the end of the year.
Mr. Parker stated that the student chapters are still an ICMA priority. He asked that FCCMA
communicate to its members who work with said chapters to incorporate the various PA
programs into said chapters. It has also been noticed that there is emphasis in the PA program
to seek jobs in non-profit association instead of government jobs. Mike Abels is retiring at the
end of the year so UCF needs someone to encourage students to look at local government as it
does not have a strong program for local government. Stetson has unveiled its PA program. Dr.
Lee got approval for FGCU to start a chapter but there is a provision that students need to be
full-time students to participate in the chapter. Many of his students are part-time students
who are already working. He is asking that the provision be waived.
A motion was made by Ms. Silverboard and seconded by Mr.
Bonaparte to make a formal request to ICMA through Randy Reid to
waive the requirement that students must be full-time to participate
in the ICMA student chapters. The motion passed without opposition.
His last comment was that ICMA is looking at people who start their careers at the department
head level. ICMA is working on encouraging them to become ICMA members and adopt the
Code of Ethics. Many of these department heads will move into the manager position and are
not ICMA members. They maintain their memberships in their former professional
associations and do not join ICMA so ICMA is working to encourage them to join at the
department level.
Senior Advisors: Mr. Hunter explained the proposal by the senior advisors for Jobs in
Transition for Managers in Transition (JIT for MITs). This program was designed to help MITs
find a job easier and provide a centralized place for MITs to find a job. This proposal would be
to work with businesses to hire MITs on an interim basis. He explained that there are a lot
more temporary opportunities in the private sector than in the public sector. The business
would sign an agreement with FCCMA that the MITs cannot solicit business or do business
development for purposes of future business. The senior advisors are asking that either the
Board or the Executive Committee approve the agreement proposed by the senior advisors.
This will be an annual agreement with the business. The agreement will be sent to the
Executive Committee and will approve the agreement at its December meeting.
Also included in the agenda book is a brochure which gives areas of expertise of each senior
A motion was made by Ms. Sherman and seconded by Mr. Reinke to
approve the Areas of Local Government Expertise brochure. The
motion passed without opposition.
Committee Reports
Awards and Scholarship Committee: Mr. Garner reported that the awards and
scholarship applications are due next year. A subcommittee was set up to update the university
contact list. Please contact Mr. Garner if you have a contact at one of the universities.
Communications Committee: Ms. Sherman reported that the Committee was reviewing
website advertising, monitoring the website and writing articles for the monthly newsletter.
The Committee is interested in knowing how many people are reading the newsletter now that
it has gone to a monthly newsletter.
The Committee is also looking at 25 manager evaluations to create a template for manager
evaluations. The Committee was also tasked with looking for a replacement for Ken Small
when he retires to continue the Ken’s C-M’s. David Johnson, Haines City Assistant to the City
Manager, is interested in working with Ken and continuing it. Mr. Cook reported to the Board
that Ken’s C-M’s belong to the League and the League will fill that position. The Committee
looked at the current job policy posted on the website to now restrict job postings to those
positions that require Bachelor’s degree or higher. The Board agreed that there needs to be
some guidelines for the jobs posted.
Conference Planning: Planning for conference is on track. Donna Brazile will be the
speaker at the Saturday closing breakfast.
A motion was made by Mr. Garner and seconded by Mr. Bonaparte to
limit the vendor giveaways at conference to no more than $25. The
motion passed without opposition.
Winter Institute Committee: Mr. Hanson reported that there have been eight conference
calls to discuss the Winter Institute. He gave a special thank you to Ken Parker and Casey Cook
in their help for securing speakers. Katy Simon Holland will be the facilitator. There will be
three sessions with three provocateurs at each session, five breakout sessions and there the
breakout groups report back. Darin Atteberry, Fort Collins, CO City Manager, Lee Feldman and
Katy Simon Holland will do a session on the Next Big Things. The intent of the Winter Institute
is for the managers to leave with something they can use in their organizations.
County Outreach and Membership Committee: President Pleus spoke with Lee Niblock
and he will start work on the Committee.
Diversity and Inclusion Committee: Ms. Silverboard sent in a written report. She also
reported that the Committee had designed a bookmark with tips for managers on diversity and
the diversity statement. These were given out at the Symposium yesterday. She reported that
the Symposium was a good session and she thanked the Professional Development
Committee’s support in putting on the Symposium.
Fiscal and Administrative Policy Committee: No Report.
Legislative Committee: The agenda book contains both the FAC and FLC legislative
agendas. The Committee will be following the issues and looking at the issues that affect local
governments. The Committee will provide information on how legislation will impact their
cities/counties. The Committee will explore how to get the information to the membership
without overloading them.
Membership Committee: Mr. Maxwell reported that the Committee is looking at a different
approach to membership recruitment. It will look at diversity as it relates to FCCMA. The
Committee is waiting on the GIS report to identify current membership. The Committee has a
goal to increase the membership with one county member and one new ICMA Student Chapter
in each district. The Committee will update its plan later in the year.
A motion was made by Mr. Garner and seconded by Mr. Hanson to
approve the recruitment plan and membership goals. The motion
passed without opposition.
A motion was made by Mr. Garner and Mr. Maxwell to approve the
new members. The motion passed without opposition.
Members in Transition Committee: Mr. Fields reported on the proposal that was
submitted by Strategic Government Resources at the May Board meeting. He followed up with
letters to the other recruiting firms who are active in Florida to see if there was interest in
submitting proposals to provide support to the MITs. The only firm that responded was The
Mercer Group. Ralph Andersen is now active in Florida and Mr. Fields will follow up with
them. The Committee is seeking authorization to recognize Strategic Government Resources
and The Mercer Group not in a formal agreement but in the newsletter and on the website.
A motion was made by Mr. Garner and seconded by Mr. Fields to
accept the proposals submitted by Strategic Government Resources
and The Mercer Group. The motion passed without opposition.
Professional Development Committee: Mr. Bonaparte reported that there is a list of
webinars on the calendar.
Professional Management Matters Committee: Mr. Hanson reported that the
Committee is meeting monthly by conference calls. The Central-West ambassadors have been
successful. The Committee is working on rolling out the program in the Central-East. At the
last Board meeting it was discussed to show deliverables and track methods. Included in the
agenda book are some slides that the Committee put together to show the deliverables and
tracking methods. The Committee is looking to design a survey to assess the perception of
professional management.
District Reports
District I: Mr. Garner reported he is working with the Jackson County administrator to put
on a training in Jackson County on January 22nd to focus on CCNA.
District II: Ms. Sherman reported that she was unable to procure the speaker she wanted for
her District training and is working with Pam Brangaccio to come up with a proposal for the
District III: Mr. Bonaparte reported that his District training was held on October 30 on
homelessness solutions by local governments. He thanked everyone who was involved in
setting up the training.
District IV: Mr. Brown reported that his District training will be held March 4 from 9:00 am
to 1:00 pm in Palm Beach Gardens. He thanked Ron Ferris and Charlotte Presensky for hosting
and their help in the training.
District V: The Board congratulated Mr. Rosemond on his promotion to city manager. Mr.
Rosemond reported that he plans to attend a Miami-Dade Managers Association meeting. He
will coordinate with Dr. Lee to develop his training.
District VI: Mr. Reinke reported that his District training was held on October 23. The
training was well attended and had good speakers. He also reported that he would reach out to
the new village manager in Estero.
District VII: Mr. Maxwell submitted a written report. Matt Spoor, Safety Harbor City
Manager will be his District representative on the Nominating Committee. He will reach out to
Russ Blackburn. The District Training will be held on November 13 in Largo.
District VIII: No report.
At-Large Director Evans: No report.
At-Large Director Cernech: He reported on issues in his area: homelessness, vacation
rentals, sea level rise and beach erosion.
At-Large Director Fields: Mr. Fields reported that the cities in Polk County are forming a
regional water cooperative with the county. The group is drafting an agreement to be approved
and signed by April. Eighteen city and county managers are part of the cooperative. This is a
model agreement for water usage.
President-Elect Green: No report.
Secretary/Treasurer Hanson: No report.
Past President Silverboard: She reported that she is on the ICMA Conference Planning
Committee. She has asked staff to put out the request that ICMA is looking for possible topics.
She asked the Board to let her know if they have any ideas for sessions. She will be attending
the planning meeting in Kansas City on November 20-22.
President Pleus: He thanked the Board for allowing DeLand to host the Board meeting.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 12:17 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
I hereby certify that these Minutes
were approved at an official meeting held
Lynn Tipton
Executive Director
Signature-Presiding Officer
FCCMA Board of Directors
Jim Hanson, Secretary/Treasurer
Subject: Financial Update
February 2016
Requested Action:
Accept and File the Report.
Strategic Plan Link:
Goal I.
Financial Impact:
Every quarter the Florida League of Cities Comptroller Scott Hamilton prepares financial
statements for FCCMA. The first quarter’s report is attached.
Purpose of Agenda Request
The purpose of this agenda item is to keep the Board of Directors informed of the status of
the Association’s finances.
In reviewing the report, there were no apparent “red flags.” Some notes are included
 Revenues for the year are on target or exceeding expectations at this point. As of
December 30, $135,737 was received for dues towards a budgeted amount of
$140,000 or 97% have been collected. Dues are still coming in and new members
are still joining, so it is a fair assumption that budget will be met.
 On-site trainings have brought in $5,261 to date from the $12,250 budgeted. There
are still five trainings left, so it is anticipated that these will meet budget.
 Directory ads brought in over $21,000—more than enough to pay for the directory
costs of just over $8,000. This expense line is over budget, but that is due to
greater-than-anticipated ad sales and the resulting commission to Beth Rawlins.
There is still a profit realized from the directory.
 On the expense side, staff will continue to monitor expenses for printing and
postage to stay within budget.
 There is $248,728 invested in Vanguard funds.
Florida City and County Management Association
P.O. Box 1757  Tallahassee, FL 32302
850/222-9684  FAX 850/222-3806  www.fccma.org
FCCMA Board of Directors
Melanie G. Howe, CAE, CMP
Meetings Manager
January 12, 2016
Winter Institute Hotel Options for 2017
Two hotels were contacted regarding their availability to host the 2017 FCCMA Winter Institute
-- the Embassy Suites Orlando Lake Buena Vista South and the Renaissance World Golf Village
Resort in St. Augustine.
Embassy Suites Orlando Lake Buena Vista South
The Embassy does not have our preferred dates of February 1-3, 2017 available. However, they
have submitted an alternative proposal as follows:
Date: January 25-27, 2017
Room Rate: $165/night + complimentary self-parking
Concessions: They have not addressed concessions yet due to not having the preferred dates.
Renaissance World Golf Village Resort
Date: Feb. 1-3, 2017
Room rate: $125/night + complimentary self-parking
Comp 2-bedroom suite for president
1/35 comp rooms
Comp Wi-Fi in guestrooms and meeting space
Comp meeting space rental
10% discount on food and beverage costs
Meeting space & Costs:
The assigned space is excellent for this event and F&B costs in St. Augustine are quite
Staff Recommendation: Proceed with a contract with the Renaissance World Golf Village
Resort in St. Augustine for the 2017 Winter Institute.
Staff is requesting a decision on the 2017 WI proposals at the February 3 board meeting. Please
feel free to contact me at mhowe@flcities.com or (850) 701-3642 if you have any questions
about this report.
FCCMA Agenda Memorandum
FCCMA Board of Directors
Ken Fields, MIT Committee Chair
George Brown, MIT Committee Co-Chair
Waiver of Dues for an MIT
February 2016
Requested Action:
To approve waiving dues for Ken Sauer as presented.
Strategic Plan Link:
Financial Impact:
Ken Sauer left Haines City in 2013 and requested MIT status. He was on the MIT list for two
years (FY2014 and FY2015). During FY2015 he had decided to no longer pursue manager
positions and asked to be removed from the MIT list. He has decided to return to local
government and has asked for his last year of eligibility.
Purpose of Agenda Request
The purpose of this request is to give approval to waive the FY2015-2016 dues for Ken Sauer.
The financial impact for dues waivers is a minimum of $200. Dues for full members are
calculated based on salary-with no salary, this figure was determined by assuming the
minimum dues amount for a full member of $200. The actual impact is much larger as he was
paid well over $200 in dues per year when working.
FCCMA Agenda Memorandum
FCCMA Board of Directors
Lynn Tipton, Executive Director
My Report for 2/3/16 Board Meeting
January 19, 2016
Requested Action:
Discussion and/or Approval by Board Members
Strategic Plan Link:
Financial Impact:
See each item
Ethics Requirement Waiver Request
I had a request from Wayne Logan, Life member residing in New Port Richey. He is requesting a waiver
from the four hour requirement because he no longer works in the field in any capacity.
Requested Action: Please approve a waiver for Mr. Logan, who will be notified that should he wish to
resume work in the profession he must complete the annual training.
Florida Local Government Coalition Update:
The Steering Committee held its first meeting on Friday, January 29th, which conflicted with the first
elected officials’ training class for the year and I was unable to attend it. Casey and I will talk with Jenna,
the coordinator, and give a verbal update at the meeting.
Reception at ICMA Kansas City for Lee Feldman:
We have secured a great location within the convention center for our reception and dinner in Kansas
City, thanks to scouting efforts by past president Jill Silverboard. We are now working on menus for the
dinner. We’ll have a better idea on the per-person costs after the menu is selected.
Mike Sittig, FLC executive director, met with Casey Cook and offered up to $5,000 for a reception
honoring Lee Feldman’s ICMA presidency to be held just prior to our dinner for Florida members and a
few invited ICMA dignitaries. The board of directors approved a thank-you letter to Mr. Sittig on
January 15th (in correspondence) for the League’s generous support of the reception.
FCCMA Investment Report:
This is the latest quarterly report, finishing out calendar 2015.
January 22, 2016
To: FCCMA President Michael Pleus and Members of the FCCMA Board
From: CFLGE Executive Director Robert E. Lee, DPA, ICMA-CM
Subject: Quarterly Report for February 3, 2016 Meeting
Following is a summary of CFLGE activities:
FGCU Certificate in Local Government Management
The second year of the Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU) Graduate Certificate in Florida
Local Government Management will be completed this semester. The program is a 15 credit
(five 3-credit courses) graduate certificate. The courses are all offered in a virtual (on-line
format) and involve two required courses (Public Personnel Management and Public Budgeting)
and offers the student the option of selecting the three remaining courses from a menu of eight
other courses (e.g. Public Finance, Strategic Planning, State and Local Politics and
Administration, Management of Nonprofit Organizations, Proposal Writing and Grant
Administration, Intergovernmental Administration, Administrative Leadership, and Public
Management in a Political Environment). The program offers the following:
All course are offered in a virtual format – Students from around the State (and
Country) may enroll in this program knowing that state of the art technology
(CANVAS) is employed to enhance on-line tools designed to provide an interactive learning experience.
The FGCU graduate certificate offers specified course offerings in Public
Budgeting, Public Finance, Strategic Planning, etc.
The FGCU Faculty who teach certificate courses have local government
experience and continue to provide consulting and special project services.
The University is fully behind the establishment of the program and is providing
all resources (e.g. faculty pay and benefits and all support services) needed to
successful implement the certificate program without any CFLGE financial
Numerous full time MPA students are participating in the program including the recipient of the
2014 FCCMA B Harold Farmer Scholarship. In addition, several students and practitioners are
enrolled solely to earn the Certificate, including the recipient of the 2015 Raymond C. Sittig
Note: Nineteen (19) FGCU MPA students, most earning the Certificate, attended the 10/23/15
FCCMA Regional training program on local government leadership!
CFLGE hosts FCCMA’s monthly webinars and works with the FCCMA Professional
Development Committee (PDC) and FCCMA staff to select dates, times and topics and secure
presenters for each webinar. The new PDC successfully completed the full schedule for FY
Note: FCCMA has never done a webinar, or a regional training program, on local government
planning. President Michael Pleus suggested we develop some future training to address this
void. Therefore, arrangements are being made for the April and May webinars to focus on local
government planning. The “Planning 101 – Part 1” topic replaces the collective bargaining topic
that was originally planned for the April time slot. Fortuitously, FCCMA has already done two
webinars on collective bargaining in recent years so much of the planned May webinar would
have been a repeat. The “Planning – Part 2” topic replaces the ICMA ethics topic that was
planned for May. Again, FCCMA has already offered numerous ethics training opportunities in
recent years and ICMA’s Martha Perego has conducted regional trainings on the ICMA code of
ethics in Florida for the past two years.
The following webinars have been planned and/or completed for FY 2015-16:
September 3, 2015: “Preparing the Next Generation of Local Government Managers”
October 1, 2015: “Managing the Media: How to Respond to a Local Crisis and Stay in Control”
November 12, 2015: “The Evolving Cyber Threat to Local Governments”
December 3, 2015: “Understanding Your Financial Reports from Pre-Audit to CAFR”
January 7, 2016: “Fire Assessment Fees: Understanding the Implementation Process”
March 3, 2016: “A Conversation on Millenniums in the Workplace”
April 7, 2016: “Planning 101 – Part 1”
May 5, 2016: “Planning – Part 2”
Note: The average attendance for the first five Webinars (September and January) has
consistently averaged between 70 – 80 participants.
FCCMA On-Site Training
CFLGE works with FCCMA District Board Directors, and FCCMA staff, to develop on-site
(half day) training sessions around the state. Each year, FCCMA District Directors are actively
involved in scheduling at least one session in their district. The following onsite trainings have
been planned and/or completed for FY 2015-16:
District 1: January 22, 2016 (10 am EST- 2:00 pm EST) at the city of Mariana Topic: “CCNA:
Process and Legal Requirements”. Completed
District 2: Date and location: TBD in Flagler County. Topic: Applying Ethical Responsibilities
in Human Resource Management”
District 3: October 30, 2015 at the city of Sanford (9 am – 1 pm). Topic: “Solutions to End
Homelessness”. Completed
District 4: March 4, 2016 (9 am – 1 pm) at Palm Beach Gardens. Topic: “Building the Next
Generation of Local Government Professionals and Staff”.
District 5: March 18, 2016 (9 am – 1 pm) at Village of Biscayne Park “CCNA: Process and
Legal Requirements”.
District 6: October 23, 2015 (9 am – 1 pm) at FGCU in Ft. Myers. Topic: “A Conversation on
21st Century Leadership”. Completed
District 7: November 13, 2015 (9 am – 1 pm) at Largo Cultural Center. Topic: “Florida’s Ethics
Laws: Building a Culture of Compliance” Completed
District 8: February 25, 2016 (12 pm – 3 pm) in Auburndale. Topic: Fire Assessment Fees: Legal
and Political Considerations”
All regional on-site training sessions will include lunch and a registration fee.
Other CFLGE Activities
CFLGE continues to work with the Florida League of Cities (FLC) to provide training as part of
the FLC Advanced Institute of Elected Officials program, the FLC “Cities 101” session at the
FLC Annual conference, and to provide ethics training around the state to satisfy local
government elected officials’ state mandated annual 4-hour training requirements. CFLGE also
continues to work with the Florida Association of City Clerks to host a quarterly webinar and to
provide training at their fall academy and summer conference.
Appreciation continues to be extended to all sustaining partners involved in CFLGE. The
institutional partners include the John Scott Dailey Florida Institute of Government, the Florida
City and County Management Association, the Florida League of Cities, and the Florida
Association of City Clerks. This year’s corporate partners include Government Services Group,
Strategic Government Resources and iCompass Technologies. Note: Strategic Government
Resources and iCompass Technologies are two new partners.
Special appreciation is extended to FLC Executive Director, Mike Sittig for his continued
support and involvement in the CFLGE initiative and to FCCMA staff Lynn Tipton, Carol
Russell, and Casey Cook for all their work to help plan, market and handle registration details for
FCCMA events.
Appreciation is also extended to FSU IOG Director Jeff Hendry and his IOG staff members, for
providing the resources of the Institute of Government to assist with all other CFLGE
Finally, appreciation is extended to the entire FCCMA board for their continued support of the
CFLGE program, particularly those involved with the professional development committee and
those who serve as District Directors who continue to be actively involved in developing and
implementing FCCMA’s regional on-site training programs as well as to all those city and
county representatives that have donated facilities to host training throughout the year.
January 22, 2016
To: FCCMA President Michael Pleus and Board of Directors
From: CFLGE Executive Director Dr. Robert E. Lee, ICMA-CM
Subject: Request for FCCMA Quarterly Payment of $7,500
Requested Action: Please review the CFLGE Quarterly Report and the CFLGE 2015 – 2016
Year to Date Financial Report and favorably consider this FCCMA Quarterly Request for
Payment in the amount of $7,500 to CFLGE.
Strategic Plan Link: All 13 FCCMA Value Statements (Guiding Principles)
:Goal II, Objective A, 5 & 8; Objective B, 1 & 2; Objective C, 6; Objective D, 1,2, & 5d
:Goal III, Objective A, 1 - 10
:Goal IV, Objective A, 1; Objective B, 4
:Goal V: Objective A, 1,2,5, & 7
I intend to be present at the February 3, 2016 FCCMA Board meeting to discuss the quarterly
report and answer questions from the Board. Thank you for your consideration of this request.
Center for Florida Local Government Excellence (CFLGE)
CFLGE FY 2015-2016
Year to Date Revenues and Expenditures (10/1/15 – 9/30/16)
January 22, 2016 Report
Year to Date
Corporate Partners
Total Revenues
Year to Date
Local Government Advisors, Inc. (1)
Institute of Government (2)
Total Expenditures
Budgeted Unassigned Fund Balance: $97,973
(1) Represents the total compensation and all expenses for CFLGE
Executive Director services (Bob Lee) as outlined in the CFLGE Budget
Program Goals. Note: Compensation expenses include all travel and
accommodation expenses associated with the FCCMA District onsite
trainings, the FCCMA symposiums, the FCCMA Annual Conference, the
FLC Advanced Institutes, the FLC Annual Conference, the FLC Summits,
and all expenses associated with other Conferences (i.e. ICMA and
ASPA). Compensation also includes supplies, phone, internet services,
and any and all other expenses associated with Executive Director
services and responsibilities.
(4) Represents IOG administrative cost including webinar software fees,
telephone fees associated with webinars and conference calls, website
support, financial services to manage the CFLGE foundation account,
and staff support for other CFLGE services.
FCCMA Board of Directors
Kurt Bressner, Senior Advisor Coordinator
January 13, 2016
Senior Advisor Evaluations and Re-appointment Recommendation
In February 2015, the FCCMA appointed Robert LaSala, Craig Hunter and Oel
Wingo as Senior Advisors. According the FCCMA policy, Senior Advisors
receive an initial one-year appointment followed by a three-year re-appointment
as appropriate.
I am recommending that Robert, Craig and Oel be re-appointed for a three-year
As part of the conversion of the ICMA Range Rider to Senior Advisor process,
ICMA has requested evaluations of Senior Advisors based on the following
1. For newly appointed Senior Advisors – at the end of their first-year
2. For current Senior Advisors – at least every two years.
Attached please find copies of the completed evaluations for Robert, Craig and
I am also attaching a summary of current service records of all Senior Advisors
updated through September 2015. I will update the service record report after the
Board meeting next month.
Thank you.
Senior Advisor Performance Review
To Be Completed and sent to Kurt Bressner by January 11, 2016
Senior Advisor Name: _Robert S. LaSala____________ Date of Review: _01.07.16
Area(s) Served: Florida
Duties and Responsibilities: Provide a rating for each applicable expectation: (1) Met; (2) Did
Not Meet; (3) N/A
(a) Contacts or meetings with members in crisis/ Members in Transition
(b) Attendance at Member Area Group Meetings
(c) Contacts with new managers in my Range
(d) Contacts with other members
(e) Attendance at state wide sponsor meetings
__ 2____
(f) Attendance at national and regional ICMA events
___ 1__
(g) Participation in Senior Advisor Conference calls
(h) Timely reports
(i) Participation / attendance at other events for members in my range
(j) Maintaining awareness of resources for members
(k) Maintaining general knowledge of current issues facing local
Governments and members
(l) Other: _______________________________________________________
What I am doing that I believe makes me an effective Senior Advisor and that I plan to continue?
I have participated in expanding our profile through development of a skills inventory. I have
participated in a resume review for a manager search. I participate in an FCCMA committee
(Professional Management Matters). I assisted at the Sr. Advisor table at the ICMA conference. I am
a national liaison for performance management and analytics as part of the ICMA Insights program.
What do I plan to change to be more effective?
More outreach to existing managers in my district. I did not attend the FCCMA conference as I was
traveling out of the region.
What can be done by (state sponsor) and ICMA to help me and to make the Senior Advisor program
more effective?
______________, Senior Advisor
Senior Advisor Coordinator Review
I agree. Check X.
Comments by FL Senior Advisor Coordinator: I appreciate the assistance Bob has provided to the
Senior Advisor Program during the past year. He has participated on several CAO searches and has
offered his expertise to members. In addition, Bob took lead on developing a unique project that
identifies for members and MIT specific skills that the Senior Advisors have. This can take the form
of short-term projects or information to members, guidance to MIT or being a resource to answer a
question or find examples or case studies for members. The list of skills has been completed,
presented to the FCCMA Board and is being implemented in 2016. The next step will be to get the
new brochure in the hands of decision makers so they know the Senior Advisors can be called
upon for assistance or guidance. This is a great project!
I suggest the following for improved performance. Check -- None
State Sponsor Representative: Kurt Bressner, January 11, 2016
Senior Advisor Performance Review
Completed by C. Hunter and Sent To Kurt Bressner
Senior Advisor Name: Craig Hunter
Date of Review: January, 2016
Area(s) Served: Florida
Duties and Responsibilities: Provide a rating for each applicable expectation: (1) Met; (2) Did
Not Meet; (3) N/A
(a) Contacts or meetings with members in crisis/ Members in Transition
(b) Attendance at Member Area Group Meetings
(c) Contacts with new managers in my Range
(d) Contacts with other members
(e) Attendance at state wide sponsor meetings
(f) Attendance at national and regional ICMA events
(g) Participation in Senior Advisor Conference calls
(h) Timely reports
(j) Maintaining awareness of resources for members
(k) Maintaining general knowledge of current issues facing local
Governments and members
(l) Other: _______________________________________________________
What I am doing that I believe makes me an effective Senior Advisor and that I plan to continue?
Interacting with Members any chance I get and making efforts to let them know I am available for
What do I plan to change to be more effective? I plan to do more reading to become more aware of
resources for Members.
What can be done by (state sponsor) and ICMA to help me and to make the Senior Advisor
program more effective? I think the guidance and coaching of the Senior Advisor Coordinators has
been excellent.
Craig Hunter
Senior Advisor
I agree. Check X -- Comments by Kurt Bressner, Senior Advisor Coordinator: Craig has done an
execeptional job as Senior Advisor. He has done a great deal of outreach to MIT and in-service
members as well as assist on several CAO searches. His willingness to develop the JIT for MIT
Program in 2015 was really appreciated.
I suggest the following for improved performance. Check -- none.
State Sponsor Representative: January 4, 2016
Senior Advisor Performance Review
To Be Completed and sent to Kurt Bressner by January 11, 2016
Senior Advisor Name: Oel Wingo Date of Review: ______1/5/2016__________
Area(s) Served: Florida
Duties and Responsibilities: Provide a rating for each applicable expectation: (1) Met; (2) Did
Not Meet; (3) N/A
(a) Contacts or meetings with members in crisis/ Members in Transition
(b) Attendance at Member Area Group Meetings
(c) Contacts with new managers in my Range
(d) Contacts with other members
(e) Attendance at state wide sponsor meetings
(f) Attendance at national and regional ICMA events
(g) Participation in Senior Advisor Conference calls
(h) Timely reports
(i) Participation / attendance at other events for members in my range
(j) Maintaining awareness of resources for members
(k) Maintaining general knowledge of current issues facing local
Governments and members
(l) Other: _______________________________________________________
What I am doing that I believe makes me an effective Senior Advisor and that I plan to continue?
I have been working closely with existing female managers and providing as needed support. I have
also been working with Students I met at the FCCMA conference providing career support.
In general my reports are timely, but I could do better.
What do I plan to change to be more effective?
I plan to get to some area meetings.
What can be done by (state sponsor) and ICMA to help me and to make the Senior Advisor program
more effective?
Nothing…that are providing great support.
!!!!!! Senior Advisor
Senior Advisor Coordinator Review
I agree. Check X
Comments by FL Senior Advisor Coordinator: Oel has done a great job this first year of her
appointment as Senior Advisor. There have been instances where I have asked her to contact a
member or MIT on a confidential matter to offer another perspective on an issue or problem. This
has been very helpful to me and to the member/MIT. Also, during the past year Oel has participated
as part of a CAO search being conducted by the Senior Advisor Program. She also has been lead on
the Archer, FL search. During the last year she has worked also with Sr. Advisor Mark Durbin on
strategic planning meetings with smaller cities. This was to gain some experience in this area so that
we can expand this service.
I suggest the following for improved performance. None
State Sponsor Representative: Kurt Bressner, January 11, 2016
Bill.Neron.T. initial.appointment.2015.eligible.for.threeTyear.appointment.in.2016
Appt(as(Range( First(3yr(
Last(Year(of( Rider/Sen.( Appt.(after(1( Second(3yr(
Last(Name First(Name
2012.to.2015 2015.to.2018
2011.to.2014 2014.to.2017
2006.to.2009 2009.to.2012 2012to.2014.** Emeritus.11/21/14
2010.to.2013 2013.to.2016
Lombardi Pete
2007.to.2010 2010.to.2013 2013.to.2016
Oel Wingo
7998 West Highway 318
/ /
Dear Kurt Bressner,
It is with regret, but a promise to return, that I request a leave of absence from
my ICMA Senior Advisor position. I will continue to assist, if allowed, and as needed. I
plan to maintain my individual mentoring contacts.
I have been offered an interim position by Michael Pleus, City Manager, Deland,
Fl. While I am very committed to the Senior Advisor program and the assistance it
provides, this is an opportunity that I am very excited to embrace at this juncture in my
Thank you in advance for considering my request for Leave of Absence
beginning in February 2016..
Warm regards,
Oel Wingo
Quarterly Senior Advisor Report: October-­‐December 2015 Senior Advisor and State Coordinator: Kurt Bressner State: Florida Senior Advisor Summary for FCCMA 2015 (as of December 31, 2015) Currently there are 7 Senior Advisors serving the state. Owing to the size and shape of Florida, there is a gap in coverage in the NE, NW and SE sections of the state. We have adequate coverage in the Central, Palm Beach/Treasure Coast/Space Coast and SW portion of the state. The Senior Advisors have made excellent use of email and phone contact to maintain a statewide presence. As of October 2015, there are a total of sixteen (16) registered Florida Members in Transition (MIT) affiliated with FCCMA, ICMA or both. This is down from twenty-­‐
two (22) MIT last year, an improvement. Here is a summary of MIT placements in 2015 as of December 31, 2015: Kelvin Baker -­‐ CM Lauderdale Lakes Mike Bonfield -­‐ CM Creedmoor, NC Michael Czymbor -­‐ CM Hardeeville, SC Jim Drumm -­‐ CM Brunswick, GA Bob Kellogg -­‐ TM Hillsboro Beach – still on ICMA MIT Doug Drymon -­‐ Staff at Gainesville, FL John Schneiger -­‐ Executive Director -­‐ Grand Junction, CO Downtown Development William Whitson -­‐ CM Hapesville, GA Jason Yarborough-­‐ CM Lake Helen Terry Stewart -­‐ CA Arcadia Anne Toney-­‐Deal -­‐ CM Seminole Lyndon Bonner -­‐ CM Henry County, GA – Still on ICMA MIT Bob Vitas -­‐ TM South Palm Beach Jonathan Allen – Broward County Unfortunately, many of the MIT above have taken positions outside Florida. Several MIT have taken private sector positions: Kathleen Daily -­‐ Special District Services Laura Hannah -­‐ private business – Still on ICMA MIT Ken Sauer -­‐ private business To assist MIT, the Senior Advisor Program works actively with the MIT providing daily job briefings by email, resume review and individualized assistance. This has been a very helpful resource to provide early notice of job opportunities. The Senior Advisor Program makes well-­‐being calls to all Florida MIT at least on a bi-­‐monthly basis. FCCMA/ICMA Quarterly Senior Advisor Report – 4th Quarter 2015 – Kurt Bressner -­‐ Florida 1 Assistance has been provided to members facing employment issues or termination via phone consultation with resources and follow-­‐up to make sure the member knows FCCMA and ICMA cares. Several Florida based redacted separation agreements are available as a resource for members. New members of FCCMA receive a "welcome message" from the Range Rider Program describing the program and offering assistance. This was initiated in 2014. In 2014, the Senior Advisor Program assisted fourteen (14) cities, towns or counties with CAO search assistance ranging from technical assistance, consultation with elected officials to full placement work. A template of CAO placement options for elected officials has been prepared by the Senior Advisor Program and is in use as a resource. The resource has been helpful to jurisdictions to make an informed choice on CAO search options. In 2015 the Senior Advisor Program is assisting or has assisted Lake Park (completed), Arcadia (completed) and Palatka (completed), DeBary (completed), Archer (underway), Hillsboro Beach (completed), South Palm Beach (completed), Palm Beach Shores (underway) in their CAO or Interim CAO search efforts. The population cap policy change approved by the FCCMA Board (25,000 for cities and 75,000 for counties) has helped reduce this aspect of the Senior Advisor Program allowing more resources to be provided to member services. Regardless of size, the Senior Advisor Program prepared a CAO Placement Guide to help elected officials and staff better understand the CAO search process and provide Florida-­‐Specific resources. This is a companion report to the ICMA guide released in 2012. We keep this Florida guide updated at least twice a year. In addition, the Senior Advisor Program has provided technical assistance to jurisdictions with goal setting, RFP development and review and other training. An inventory of Florida Senior Advisor Skills has been prepared and was approved by the FCCMA Board in November. The purpose of the skills inventory is to provide timely information the type of services available to members and jurisdictions. Senior Advisor Bob LaSala was lead on this project. The brochure is completed and will be shared with members and other parties in 2016. Also in November 2015, FCCMA Board approved a new initiative called Jobs in Transition for Members in Transition (JIT for MIT). The purpose of the program is to provide a structures means of providing FCCMA registered MIT with interim employment from public sector agencies, special districts, non-­‐profits or private sector. This program will be launched in the first quarter of 2016. Senior Advisor Craig Hunter is lead on this project. An updated MIT Resource Guide has been published and is available at FCCMA’s website. This is a supplement to the FCCMA MIT Guide prepared in 2015 and contains links to current job search articles, interview techniques, resume and cover letter guidance and other resources. The guide can be downloaded here: FCCMA/ICMA Quarterly Senior Advisor Report – 4th Quarter 2015 – Kurt Bressner -­‐ Florida 2 http://fccma.org/wp-­‐content/uploads/2012/05/Supplemental-­‐Resource-­‐Guide-­‐2015-­‐for-­‐MIT-­‐
and-­‐FCCMA-­‐Members-­‐by-­‐Kurt-­‐Bressner.pdf In the area of C/M retention work, the Senior Advisor Program is monitoring and assisting with the Lakeland pending proposal to change from C/M Form to Strong-­‐
Mayor Form. In addition, the Senior Advisor Program is assisting Hillsboro Beach on their transition from Commission Form to Town Manager Form. A referendum is scheduled for spring 2016 and has a very good chance of passage. Finally, the Senior Advisor program is assisting the Mayor and citizens explore a change in Holmes Beach from Strong Mayor to City Manager. The timeline of any referendum has not been determined. October 2015 Date: Daily – Mon-­‐Sat Contact/Type: Email Description: Distribution of daily job leads to three email lists: FL ICMA/FCCMA Registered MIT (16), FL MIT no longer on registered list (15) and Out of State ICMA MIT (5). Includes sending periodic position profiles provided by six search firms I am registered with. This is a fast convenient way to get the word out on jobs. . Note: This activity also includes periodically forwarding job announcement from search firms. I’m on the mailing list for Mercer, SGR, Slavin and CB. Follow up Required: Varies with daily contact. At times there are follow-­‐up requests on specific job announcements. Time: 10 minutes Daily times 27 days or 4.5 Hours Expenses: $20/month for data package for cell phone to receive and send email when traveling. Date: Daily Contact/Type: Email Description: Review news feeds via Google, Florida League of Cities, ICMA and other sources. Cut and paste articles of interest to specific individuals for information and/or follow-­‐up as needed. Also send out to MIT the 16% and 10 in 10 from SGR when posted. Follow up Required: Varies as noted above Time: 10 minutes daily or 5 hours Expenses: (none – if none, this category will be deleted to save space) Date: Monthly Contact/Type: in-­‐person Description: Review and update MIT contact info database based on ICMA and FCCMA lists. Prepare .pdf listing to share with Senior Advisors to facilitate their MIT calls. Time: 30 min October 1, 2015 Contact/Type: Phone/email Description: Prepared report to SPB Town Council detailing interview process and sent with candidate evaluation form. Congratulations email to Mike Bonfield who will be CM of Creedmore, NC. Congratulations email to Kelvin Baker who will be CM of Lauderdale Lakes. Follow-­‐up required: None Time: 3 hours Oct 5, 2015 Contact/Type: Phone/email Description: Finalized interview questions for SPB. FCCMA/ICMA Quarterly Senior Advisor Report – 4th Quarter 2015 – Kurt Bressner -­‐ Florida 3 Follow-­‐up required: Email to SPB on 10/7/15 Time: 1 hour Contact/Type: Phone Description: Moderated ICMA MIT Call Follow-­‐up required: Direct and individual with several MIT on the call. Time: 1 hour Contact/Type: Phone Description: Conversation with Mayor of Holmes Beach about process to change their form to Council/Manager. Follow-­‐up required: Check back in February 2016. Previously sent ICMA resources. Time: 45 min Contact/Type: email Description: Congratulations to Mike Bonfield on his appointment as TM of Creedmore, NC. Follow-­‐up required: NONE Time: 15 min Contact/Type: Phone/email Description: Discussed and prepared a recommended letter to be sent by South Palm Beach to all TM applicants not selected for an interview. Follow-­‐up required: none Time: 30 min Contact/Type: email Description: Sent ICMA the Forbes article on Skype interviews as follow-­‐up to ICMA MIT Conference call. Follow-­‐up required: none Time: 15 min Contact/Type: Phone/email Description: Coordinated technical assistance to Hillsboro Beach TM with Kenneth City TM. Kenneth City (it is a town) successfully transitioned from Commission form to CM form by referendum in 2014. Hillsboro Beach will have their referendum in March 2016. Follow-­‐up required: none Time: 1 hour Oct 8, 2015 Contact/Type: in-­‐person Description: Travel to Town of South Palm Beach to facilitate TM Interviews Follow-­‐up required: Assist Town with post-­‐interview issues, as needed. Time: Travel time 3 hours -­‐ Interviews and wrap-­‐up session 7 hours Expenses: 97.75 Contact/Type: email Description: Reach out to new MIT with information about ICMA and FCCMA MIT benefits Follow-­‐up required: Get MIT enrolled in program Time: 15 min Oct 9, 2015 Contact/Type: Phone, email Description: Follow-­‐up calls to SPB candidates interviewed the day before. Finished up SA Quarterly Activity Report. FCCMA/ICMA Quarterly Senior Advisor Report – 4th Quarter 2015 – Kurt Bressner -­‐ Florida 4 Reviewed draft of Senior Advisor Skills Brochure, made comments by email. Telephone conference with in-­‐service FCCMA member: employment issue. Telephone conference with MIT who did not get St. Cloud CM position. Follow-­‐up required: none Time: 4 hours Oct 10, 2015 Contact/Type: email Description: Sent Senior Advisors and FCCMA staff an update on MIT placements in 2015 to date. Also prepared dual FCCMA/ICMA MIT roster for use by Senior Advisors making well-­‐being calls. Congratulation call to Alan Rosen who was appointed ACM at Port Orange Follow-­‐up required: none Time: 1 hour Oct 12, 2015 Contact/Type: Phone/email Description: Finished and submitted Senior Advisor Quarterly Report. Discussed post-­‐search issue in South Palm Beach with Mayor. Sent an email to the South Palm Beach Town Commission about the search process to assist them dealing with some community "second guessers" about the search and choice. Here is the email: From: kbressner@gmail.com Date: October 12, 2015 at 2:34:24 PM EDT To: Bonnie Fischer <bfischer@southpalmbeach.com>, Joseph M Flagello <jflagello@southpalmbeach.com>, Robert Gottlieb <rgottlieb@southpalmbeach.com>, Stella Gaddy Jordan <sjordansouthpalmbeach@gmail.com>, Woodrow Gorbach <wgorbach@southpalmbeach.com>, Bradley W Biggs <bradleyw.biggs@gmail.com>, Yudy Alvarez <yalvarez@southpalmbeach.com>, Chief Webb chiefwebb@southpalmbeach.com Subject: Follow-­‐up to Town Manager Search Good afternoon, I've been advised that several residents have expressed concern with your choice of Town Manager. As I understand it, the main issue is a concern that there will be a repeat of the situation the Town had with the former Town Manager. No one can predict the future, but I think it's unlikely. This type of separation is hard on the outgoing manager as it is on the community. The manager will be looking to make sure they do what they can to avoid a repeat involuntary or forced resignation in his or her next assignment. At the beginning of the search I advised the Town Council that the city/town manager profession is a rough one that sometimes results in the manager leaving a community earlier than anticipated. It's the nature of the job and the environment of local politics. Each of the finalists had a complete background report prepared for the Town's review prior to the interviews. There was nothing in any of the backgrounds that gave me pause. Several of the candidates left or lost their jobs. All of the candidates had very positive press about their work accomplishments. Oh yes, I was forced out of a Village Manager position in Illinois that I really loved. It happened on August 31, 1998, after 9 great years. You remember these events. I dusted myself off, caucused with family and friends and decided to stay in the profession. I went on to successfully manage two more communities before I retired. I was the longest serving City Manager in Boynton Beach history. The South Palm Beach Town Council went about the Town Manager search the right way. It was an open and fair placement process. You each did your homework to make sure the finalists you selected were evaluated based on their past performance, their written skills and in person. I'm happy to talk with any member of the Town Council or staff about the environment of the profession. Finally, if the residents want to talk with me, I'm happy to oblige them. Respectfully, Kurt FCCMA/ICMA Quarterly Senior Advisor Report – 4th Quarter 2015 – Kurt Bressner -­‐ Florida 5 Follow-­‐up required: Monitor situation Time: 2 hours Oct 13, 2015 Contact/Type: Phone Description: FL Senior Advisor Conference Call -­‐ Discussed new JIT for MIT Program (Craig Hunter lead), Senior Advisor Skills Brochure (Bob LaSala lead). Both items were going to FCCMA Board for review in November. (They were approved). Also discussed expense reimbursement procedures and fact that FCCMA still required receipts for all travel. Discussed on-­‐going searches and MIT status. Follow-­‐up required: None Time: 1 hour Oct 15, 2015 Contact/Type: Phone/email Description: Congratulations to Jonathan Allen on appointment to a new position at Broward County. Reviewed Resume/ Cover Letter of two ICMA MIT (from conference call prior week). Reviewed FCCMA Board Agenda items from Senior Advisors with FCCMA staff. Coordinated Senior Advisor participation in job search panel for 2016 FCCMA Conference (Mark Durbin will participate). Followed up with Oel Wingo on her well-­‐being calls to MIT (good results). Did additional review of JIT for MIT Program. Follow-­‐up required: none Time: 2.5 hours Oct 19, 2015 Contact/Type: Phone Description: Discussed possible Town Manager search services with Cindy Lindskoog, outgoing TM who is leaving January 2016. Discussed possible selection timeline (spring 2016 the soonest) and other issues with search. She filled me in on issues facing the town and wanted to brief Mayor on our discussion. Follow-­‐up required: Wait to hear further from Town. Time: 1 hour Oct 21, 2015 Contact/Type: Phone, email Description: Reach out to Wadie Attalah, who had been dismissed as CM of Greenacres. Discussed situation and gave him the name of the FCCMA attorney who could help with exit agreement, as needed. Also sent him sample separation agreements with good non-­‐disparagement language. Sent Palm Beach Shores the CAO Search Options Report to outline the search process. Requested that TM share with their Town Commission. Received call from Melbourne Beach Town Clerk to discuss their on-­‐ going Town Manager search. The first one failed. Said I would meet with their Town Commission to discuss the search process but made no commitments about the Senior Advisor Program taking on an "in-­‐process" search. Also received several calls from MIT who saw the new search at Melbourne Beach. Reviewed final version of Senior Advisor Skills Brochure for FCCMA Board Meeting in November. Follow-­‐up required: Follow-­‐up with Wadie on how he was doing. Time: 3 hours FCCMA/ICMA Quarterly Senior Advisor Report – 4th Quarter 2015 – Kurt Bressner -­‐ Florida 6 Oct 26, 2015 Contact/Type: in-­‐person Description: Travel to Palm Beach Shores to discuss Town Manager search process with Town Commission. The incumbent TM is leaving in January after 17 years with the Town (11 as TM). Town Commission formally requested Senior Advisor search assistance. The town qualifies per FCCMA Policy. Follow-­‐up required: Individual phone interviews with Town Commission and senior staff to prepare position profile. Time: Travel 3 hours; meeting 2 hours Expenses: 83.95 mileage, $19.92 meal. Oct 27, 2015 Contact/Type: Phone/email Description: Follow up with Palm Beach Shores (PBS) staff on interviews with Town Commission and staff. Sent updated Senior Advisor Brochure to Senior Advisors and posted at ICMA Follow-­‐up required: none Time: 1 hour Oct 29, 2015 Contact/Type: email/phone Description: Received confirmation that Bob Vitas was appointed TM at South Palm Beach. Talked with Bob and Mayor. Also sent a note of thanks to the Senior Advisor Review Team (Bob LaSala, Craig Hunter and Bill Neron). This was a good search and the town had excellent finalists. As I advised the SPB Town Commission -­‐ "The Senior Advisor Program makes the search easy and the choice tough." Prepared and sent to Palm Beach Shores Town Commission and staff the three questions that would form the basis of the one on one discussion for their TM position profile: Good morning members of the Town Commission, I appreciated the opportunity to meet with the Town Commission on Monday evening. In order for the placement process to get started, I will need some information from each member of the Town Commission individually based on a phone conversation with you next week. Palm Beach Shores – Review of Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities of Town Manager. Recap of pending issues. – Town Commission Perspective Procedure: Please review the three questions below. The purpose of the request is to for me to obtain information from each of you to develop a position description for the new Town Manager. I would like to discuss these three questions with you on a phone call. I will take notes on our conversation and prepare a summary report to the entire Town Commission without attribution to a specific response. The report may be used by the Town to better identify desirable skills, appropriate personal attributes and issues facing the Town. Here are the three questions: 1. What specific skills and experience in a Town Manager do you feel, as a member of the Town Commission, are important to you and important to the Town in general? 2. What personality traits and attributes do you feel are important for a successful Town Manager to have to effectively serve the Town of Palm Beach Shores? 3. In your view, what are the 5 pressing issues facing the Town that you feel the Town Manager must address within the first 6 months of service as Town Manager? Please provide me with several times that work best for you next week to discuss these questions with you. Follow-­‐up required: schedule and complete PBS Commission/Staff phone interviews. Time: 2 hours Total October Hours: 50.25 FCCMA/ICMA Quarterly Senior Advisor Report – 4th Quarter 2015 – Kurt Bressner -­‐ Florida 7 November 2015 Date: Daily – Mon-­‐Sat Contact/Type: Email Description: Distribution of daily job leads to three email lists: FL ICMA/FCCMA Registered MIT (16), FL MIT no longer on registered list (15) and Out of State ICMA MIT (5). Includes sending periodic position profiles provided by six search firms I am registered with. This is a fast convenient way to get the word out on jobs. . Note: This activity also includes periodically forwarding job announcement from search firms. I’m on the mailing list for Mercer, SGR, Slavin and CB. Follow up Required: Varies with daily contact. At times there are follow-­‐up requests on specific job announcements. Time: 10 minutes Daily times 24 days or 4 Hours Expenses: $20/month for data package for cell phone to receive and send email when traveling. Date: Daily Contact/Type: Email Description: Review news feeds via Google, Florida League of Cities, ICMA and other sources. Cut and paste articles of interest to specific individuals for information and/or follow-­‐up as needed. Also send out to MIT the 16% and 10 in 10 from SGR when posted. Follow up Required: Varies as noted above Time: 10 minutes daily or 5 hours Date: Monthly Contact/Type: in-­‐person Description: Review and update MIT contact info data base based on ICMA and FCCMA lists. Prepare .pdf listing to share with Senior Advisors to facilitate their MIT calls. Time: 30 min Nov 1, 2015 Contact/Type: in-­‐person Description: Palm Beach Shores -­‐ Reviewed and prepared recommended changes to Town Manager job description. Prepared a comparative analysis from other FL town manager duties. It appears Palm Beach Shores has very limited language in their code. The town really is a Mayor/ Council form with the TM performing as an administrator. All this work necessary to clear up before their TM search moves forward. Prepared KSA's, Issues and Attributes questions to facilitate one on one phone calls to Town Commission and key staff. This information will be used to prepare the job announcement. Calls will be all week. Follow-­‐up required: Make calls to Town Commission and staff. Time: 5 hours Nov 2, 2015 Contact/Type: Phone Description: One-­‐on-­‐one discussions with Palm Beach Shores Town Commission (5) and senior staff (6) to prepare Town Manager Profile. Calls conducted over the entire week. Follow-­‐up required: Assemble and recap discussion recap and prepare profile report. Time: 10 hours for calls and follow-­‐up notes for report. FCCMA/ICMA Quarterly Senior Advisor Report – 4th Quarter 2015 – Kurt Bressner -­‐ Florida 8 Nov 3, 2015 Contact/Type: email/phone Description: Received thank you letter from Mayor of South Palm Beach for their TM search. Forwarded it to FCCMA and to the other Senior Advisors who assisted with search. (Attached) Reviewed and discussed possible exit/severance agreement sent by in-­‐service FCCMA member. I noted an inconsistency with Florida statutes on severance and discussed this with the MIT. Discussed Town of Orchid Town Manager search with outgoing TM. Sent her the CAO Search Options Report to share with the Town Commission. Relayed the town ad to FCCMA for posting at website. Reached out to Russ Blackburn who was leaving Gainesville as CM B Telephone discussion about Melbourne Beach TM search with MIT. Follow-­‐up required: none Time 3 Hours Nov 4, 2015 Contact/Type: Phone/email Description: At request of Dot Inman-­‐Johnson, reviewed her new book and prepared an Afterword for published edition. The book is a useful comparison of various indexes and data sources for cities. Follow-­‐up required: none Time: 6 hours Nov 12, 2015 Contact/Type: email/phone Description: Reviewed Senior Advisor monthly report and relayed to ICMA/FCCMA. Per request of Lynn Tipton, telephone conversation with reporter about the Fort Pierce City Manager search. Gave background about process and declined to discuss specifics as to Fort Pierce. Completed draft Town Manager advertisement to Palm Beach Shores. Discussed PBS TM opening with MIT. Follow-­‐up required: none Time: 4 hours Nov 16, 2015 Contact/Type: Phone/email Description: Assisted Oel Wingo and City of Archer set their agenda and process for the Senior Advisor candidate review conference call to make sure the call complied with open meetings regulations. Reviewed new ICMA Expense Template and compared with FCCMA policy regarding travel receipts. FCCMA policy is more restrictive and requires documentation for all expenses. Follow-­‐up required: Will revise ICMA TEMPLATE to include FCCMA restrictions and circulate to Senior Advisors, FCCMA and post at ICMA FL document area early in 2016. Time 1.5 hours Nov 17, 2015 Contact/Type: Phone Description: Telephone conversation with new Fort Pierce City Manager Nick Mimms. Never could find any contact information for former CM Bradshaw. Not a member of FCCMA. ICMA only had his Fort Pierce info. Fort Pierce could not provide info. Time: 30 min FCCMA/ICMA Quarterly Senior Advisor Report – 4th Quarter 2015 – Kurt Bressner -­‐ Florida 9 Nov 18, 2015, 8:10 AM Contact/Type: Phone/email Description: Completed, sent and discussed final draft of Palm Beach Shores TM Profile and recruitment packet to Town for their Town Commission meeting. Advised City Attorney of Archer that one of their CM candidates had accepted another position. Contacted candidate and asked her to withdraw per ICMA ethics. She did. Reach out to Ted Lakey, former CM Jackson County and provide info on ICMA/FCCMA MIT programs. Got him on my daily job list email. Follow-­‐up required: Will attend PBS meeting on December 3rd to discuss TM search. Time: 5 hours Nov 20, 2015 Contact/Type: Phone Description: Participated in Archer, FL City Manager candidate review call with other Senior Advisors and city. Good consensus on semi-­‐finalists. Follow-­‐up required: none Time: 45 min NOTE: Out of Town November 21-­‐26, 2015 Nov 27, 2015 Contact/Type: Phone/email Description: Sent Melbourne Beach a second copy of the CAO search options report in preparation for attending their Town Commission meeting on December 2nd. Had telephone discussion with Melbourne Beach about their prior failed TM search and the status of their current effort. Follow-­‐up required: Attend meeting in Melbourne Beach on December 2nd. Time: 2 hours Total November Hours: 47.75 December 2015 Date: Daily – Mon-­‐Sat Contact/Type: Email Description: Distribution of daily job leads to three email lists: FL ICMA/FCCMA Registered MIT (16), FL MIT no longer on registered list (15) and Out of State ICMA MIT (5). Includes sending periodic position profiles provided by six search firms I am registered with. This is a fast convenient way to get the word out on jobs. Note: This activity also includes periodically forwarding job announcement from search firms. I’m on the mailing list for Mercer, SGR, Slavin and CB. Follow up Required: Varies with daily contact. At times there are follow-­‐up requests on specific job announcements. Time: 10 minutes Daily times 27 days or 4.5 Hours Expenses: $20/month for data package for cell phone to receive and send email when traveling. FCCMA/ICMA Quarterly Senior Advisor Report – 4th Quarter 2015 – Kurt Bressner -­‐ Florida 10 Date: Daily Contact/Type: Email Description: Review news feeds via Google, Florida League of Cities, ICMA and other sources. Cut and paste articles of interest to specific individuals for information and/or follow-­‐up as needed. Also send out to MIT the 16% and 10 in 10 from SGR when posted. Follow up Required: Varies as noted above Time: 10 minutes daily or 5 hours Date: Monthly Contact/Type: in-­‐person Description: Review and update MIT contact info data base based on ICMA and FCCMA lists. Prepare .pdf listing to share with Senior Advisors to facilitate their MIT calls. Time: 30 min Dec 2, 2015 Contact/Type: In-­‐person Description: Travel to Melbourne Beach to attend Town Commission meeting to discuss their Town Manager search. This was at request of Town. Previously, I sent the CAO Search Options Report for the Town Commission. The town was on their second search after the first one failed. Advised them that they should stop their present search and start over due to some issues associated with their process. The Town Commission declined and I wished them well. Subsequently, they hired an individual who was a former elected official in another FL town and who was manager of a small FL town for two months. Follow-­‐up required: Will reach out to new TM in early 2016. Time: 3 hours travel and 1 hour meeting time. Expenses: $52.90 Dec 3, 2015 Contact/Type: in-­‐person Description: Travel to Palm Beach Shores to discuss final job advertisement, position profile and search timeline. Town Commission approved documents with minor modifications and authorized application deadline of January 26, 2016. Sent Town a tentative search timeline as update to agenda items. A good meeting with favorable response from elected officials to Senior Advisor work product. Follow-­‐up required: Finish up final version of search documents with staff, work with staff on posting the advertisement at ICMA, FCCMA, FLC and other sources, prepare final Town Manager job description for subsequent review and approval by Town Commission on December 21, 2015. Note: Palm Beach Shores is not an ICMA recognized jurisdiction (CM or GM). The charter language on the duties of the Town Manager has them determined by the Town Commission. There was no document found that provides any detail on the duties either as an ordinance or policy statement from the Town Commission. The Mayor is CEO, not the Town Manager. I did a great deal of applied research on the issue and recommended that the Town Commission adopt an ordinance spelling out the TM duties so the new TM would have some stability. The other option was for the Town Commission to formally adopt a job description for the TM. Not the best, but something. They opted to do the job description now and look into a charter revision in 2016. Time: 3 hours travel; 2 hours meeting Cost: $83.95 FCCMA/ICMA Quarterly Senior Advisor Report – 4th Quarter 2015 – Kurt Bressner -­‐ Florida 11 Dec 4, 2015 Contact/Type: Phone/email Description: As follow-­‐up to Palm Beach Shores Commission meeting, prepared final version of TM search documents that incorporated Town Commission comments, revisions. Sent congratulation note to Boynton Beach CM Lori Laverriere on her positive performance evaluation. Not an easy task in that city! Worked with MIT on how to overcome negative press as part of their prep for a video interview. Follow-­‐up required: Work with PBS staff to facilitate advertisement placement. Time: 3 hours Dec 10, 2015 Contact/Type: Phone/email Description: Assisted new Palm Beach County TM obtain information on bond counsel and financial advisors. Reach out to MIT whose spouse was very ill. Sent Prayer for Protection. Discussed the Palm Beach Shores TM position with three MIT Worked on and completed the final version of TM Job Description for Palm Beach Shores. See note on the December 3rd Town Commission meeting. Assisted PBS staff with TM ad placement at ICMA. Follow-­‐up required: Monitor placement of advertisements. Time: 5 hours Dec 18, 2015 Contact/Type: Phone/email Description: Prepared recommended TM application receipt, duplication, personal identity redaction and circulation procedure for Palm Beach Shores. They had no applicant tracking system in place. Also provided draft acknowledgement letter/email. Follow-­‐up required: Several calls necessary to get things in final form for application cycle. Applications are due 1/26/16. Time: 3 hours Dec 21, 2015 Contact/Type: Phone Description: Participated in Palm Beach Shores Town Commission Meeting by Phone. Town Manager job description was approved as presented. Follow-­‐up required: will gear up search after New Years Time: 1 hour Dec 29, 2015 Contact/Type: email Description: Worked with ICMA staff to update their MIT list as two MIT had accepted CAO positions outside Florida. Also was able to obtain a personal email of a new ICMA MIT for follow-­‐up in early 2016. Follow-­‐up required: none FCCMA/ICMA Quarterly Senior Advisor Report – 4th Quarter 2015 – Kurt Bressner -­‐ Florida 12 Time: 30 min Dec 30, 2015 Contact/Type: in-­‐ person Description: Worked on quarterly Senior Advisor activity report, Follow-­‐up required: finish report Time: 4 hours Dec 31, 2015 Contact/Type: email/in-­‐person Description: Resume and cover letter review for MIT Follow-­‐up required: none Time: 1 hour Total December Hours: 36.5 _________________________________________________________ Totals for the Quarter: # Contacts: 60 plus; Hours: 134.5 Miles: 554; Expenses: $398.47 Planned activities for next quarter: 1. Update and upload core files to ICMA’s Senior Advisor File Site – this includes FCCMA specific changes to ICMA Reimbursement Form – FCCMA requires receipts for all travel. 2. Prepare placement templates for Senior Advisor File Site (Interview forms, etc.) 3. Complete Senior Advisor Reviews for those whose terms expire in February 2016 4. Update MIT/Member Resource Guide Respectfully submitted, Kurt Bressner, ICMA-­‐CM Senior Advisor, Florida Florida Senior Advisor Program Coordinator January 2, 2016 Attached: South Palm Beach Letter Regarding Successful Town Manager Search FCCMA/ICMA Quarterly Senior Advisor Report – 4th Quarter 2015 – Kurt Bressner -­‐ Florida 13 August/September/October 2015 Senior Advisor Report for Mark Durbin
From August 26th through October 12th I was out of town on vacation. I was able to do some work on
the phone during this time frame.
August 27th – Conference Call on the Strong Mayor efforts in Lakeland. Time: 30 minutes.
September 3rd – Phone call from Kissimmee City Manager Mike Steigerwald bringing me up to date on
the City Manager search in St. Cloud.
September 18th – Conference Call on the Strong Mayor efforts in Lakeland. Time: 1 hour and 5 minutes.
September 18th – Phone call to W.D. Higginbotham, Jr., the consultant from the Mercer Group for the St.
Cloud manager search. I was concerned about information I had received regarding one of the
applicants for the St. Cloud search and I wanted to find out how W.D. had handled it. Time: 6 minutes.
October 13th – Participated on a Senior Advisor Conference Call. Time: 30 minutes.
October 13th – Sent a congratulatory e-mail to Rick Johnson, City Manager of Mulberry, for an excellent
newspaper article singing his praises.
October 14th – Met with Domingo Sanchez who plans to bid for the management contract for the
Association of Poinciana Villages. If he gets the bid, he would like me to come on board and manage the
community. We discussed Poinciana at length and how to best manage it, but in the end I told him I
would not be interested since I already am working part time at my church. I gave him Oel Wingo’s
contact information so he could call her and see if she is interested. Time: 60 minutes.
October 19th – Phone call to Terry Stewart, City Administrator of Arcadia, FL regarding facilitating a
Council Goal-Setting Workshop. We set the date for the workshop for November 19th. Time: 12
October 19th – Phone call to Redmond Jones, City Manager of Groveland, to discuss the political
situation at Groveland. Redmond survived an attempt to fire him, and I thought he handled the
situation very professionally. Time: 17 minutes.
October 20th – Phone call to Brian Kelly, Assistant to the City Manager of Joplin, MO. I have been
mentoring Brian since I met him while talking to a public administration class at Southeast Missouri
State University. Brian has been with Joplin for almost two years, and we discussed his future career
path in the profession. Time: 23 minutes.
October 24th – Phone call to Oel Wingo to discuss the upcoming Arcadia City Council Retreat. Oel is
going to co-facilitate with me, so we discussed logistics and set up a time to meet prior to the retreat to
go over everything. Time: 24 minutes.
October 29th – Attended the Polk County Managers meeting in Winter Haven. There were 22 people in
attendance and there was no major topic of discussion, so everyone gave an update on what is
happening in their city. Time: 3 hours. Mileage: 74 miles. Meal: $14.40.
Total Expenses: Mileage: 74 miles X $0.575 = $42.55 Meals: $14.40
November and December 2015 Senior Advisor Report for Mark Durbin
11/2 -- Drove to Arcadia to meet with City Administrator Terry Stewart to plan the upcoming City
Commission retreat. I explained to Terry what I would be doing and what I needed him and his staff to
do. We looked at the room set up and made sure it was conducive to a comfortable setting for the
Commission. Mileage: 202 miles. Time: 6 hours, including travel time.
11/3 – Stopped in Frostproof on my way home from Arcadia and met with City Manager Tenny Croley to
discuss conducting a retreat with her Council. We discussed the details of the type of retreat that would
be good for her Council and decided to set up something for January. I will attend one of her December
Council meetings to introduce myself to the Council and answer any questions they have about the
retreat. No expenses since this was combined with the Arcadia trip. Time: 2 hours.
11/5 – Attended Lake County Manager’s Meeting. The major discussion was on the joint County/City
mutual aid and first responder agreement for fire services. While not all the cities participate, those
that do were pleased with how the agreement is working. Mileage: 110 miles. Time: 3 hours, including
driving time. Meals: $6.50.
11/13 – Drove to the FLC Orlando offices and met Senior Advisor Oel Wingo to discuss the upcoming
Arcadia retreat. Oel will be helping me on this retreat in preparation for possibly providing this service
to the smaller cities in the northern part of Florida. I showed her what I do in these retreats, and we
split up the facilitating tasks. No expenses for this.
11/19 – Drove to Arcadia to facilitate the Arcadia City Commission planning retreat. The retreat went
very well and Oel did a great job with her part. The Commission set some good goals for City
Administrator Terry Stewart to accomplish over the next year. I feel several of the Commissioner now
understand better what their role is in the City government. Mileage: 200 miles. Time: 10.5 hours,
including travel.
11/19 – Phone call from Shawn Sherrouse, CRA Director for Auburndale, regarding an applicant for one
of their finance positions. I had worked with this applicant when I was helping St. Cloud, and I told
Shawn that I did not recommend they hire the individual. Time: 12 minutes.
11/23 – Drove to St. Cloud to have lunch with the new City Manager, Joe Helfenberger. Joe has his
hands full as the Council and the staff both have some issues that need to be addressed. I gave Joe my
insight in what I have observed after attending so many St. Cloud Council meetings over the past year
and conducting a Governance retreat with the Council and meeting with the department heads to help
them better understand how government works. Joe has a good handle on what he needs to do to turn
around a dysfunctional organization. Mileage: 20 miles. Time: 2 hours.
12/3 – Attended the Lake County Manager’s Meeting in Leesburg. There were approximately 13 in
attendance. The group had a general discussion on issues in Lake County, and discussed the recent
successful sales tax extension campaign. Mileage: 110 miles. Time: 3 hours (including travel time).
Meal: $6.50
12/21 – Drove to Frostproof to meet with the City Council regarding facilitating a goal-setting retreat. I
explained to the Council the topics that I generally discuss and the format of the proposed retreat. The
Council asked several questions and then approved the request from Tenny Croley. Oel Wingo will cofacilitate the retreat. Mileage: 116 miles. Time: 4 hours, including travel time.
12/22 – Phone conversation with Cheryl Harrison-Lee, City Manager in Gardner, KS, regarding her being
a finalist for the CM position in Lawrence, KS. Cheryl is one of three candidates who went through a
second interview with the Council in Lawrence, and now her Council has made her a phenomenal offer
to remain as Gardner’s manager. We discussed the best ways for her to proceed with negotiations
without harming her chances in Lawrence. Cheryl used to be the City Administrator in Eatonville and I
had worked with her there. Time: 47 minutes.
12/22 – Phone conversation with Senior Advisor Oel Wingo to let her know we were approved to
facilitate a retreat for Frostproof. We discussed who would handle what with the retreat and some
logistics. Time: 11 minutes.
12/29 – Phone conversation with Tenny Croley, CM for Frostproof, to discuss the upcoming Council
retreat. I shared with Tenny the supplies I would need her to provide for the retreat, and we agreed
that I would drive down next week to look over potential rooms for holding the retreat. Time: 7
Total Expenses: Mileage: 758 miles @ $0.575 per mile = $435.85 Meals: $13.00
Please note: I made some other phone calls during November, but I lost my original report and could
not find information on those calls to include in the report.
Quarterly Senior Advisor Report for Craig Hunter Period: 10/1/15-­‐12/31/15 Date: 10/1/15 Contact/Type: Phone Description: Talked with local CM about internal org. problems and agreed to make date for lunch Time: 30 minutes Expenses: Date: 10/8/15 Contact/Type: Phone Description: Talked with CM about being on his department head selection committees in the future. Time: 30 minutes Expenses: Date: 10/13/15 Contact/Type: Conference Call Description: Fl Sr. Advisor call which covered ICMA Conference, SA Skills list, Expense Reports, JIT for MIT, Coaching/Counseling Time: 1 Hr Expenses: Date: 10/19/15 Contact/Type: Computer work. Description: Reviewed and prepared JIT Agends item and draft for FCCMA Board meeting. Time: 2 Hrs. Expenses: Date: 11/3/15 Contact/Type: Review Description: Prepare and organize for FCCMA Board meeting. Time: 1 Hr. Expenses: Date: 11/5-­‐6/15 Contact/Type: FCCMA Board Meeting Description: Drove to Deland, dinner with Board and presentation of Sr Advisor agenda item the next morning which consisted of JIT for MIT, SA reports and SA Skills innovation. Time: 8 Hrs. Expenses: Already submitted and reimbursed for travel. Date: 11/16/15 Contact/Type: Review Description: Doing shortlist review for Archer CM selection. Time: 2 Hrs Expenses: Date: 11/18/15 Contact/Type: Review Description: Evaluating resumes for Archer CM candidates and ranking, Time: 2 Hrs Expenses: Date: 11/20/15 Contact/Type: Review and Conf Call with City, Wingo, Bressner, Neron Description: Reviewed and Rank ordered Archer CM finalists Time: 2 Hr. Expenses: Date: 11/29/15 Contact/Type: Computer Time Description: Draft Business Partner Agreement JIT for MIT Time: 1 Hr Expenses: Date: 11/30/15 Contact/Type: Email Description: Email FCCMA staff, Bressner Business Partner Agreement Time: 1 Hr Expenses Date: 12/2/15 Contact/Type: Conf Call Description: Review Business Partner Agreement and logistics of JIT for MIT with Bressner, Cook and Russell. Time: 30 minutes Expenses Date: 12/11/15 Contact/Type: Meeting Description: Suncoast PM luncheon, Largo City Hall Time: 2 Hrs Expenses Date: 12/21/15 Contact/Type: Phone and email Description: Sent Beth Rawlins Partnership update, talked to CM about gift giving and drafted self evaluation for SA evaluation. Time: 2 Hrs From:
Dick Kelton rmkelton@cfl.rr.com
Fw: Sr. Advisor Expense 10-15.xls
January 17, 2016 at 10:52 AM
Kurt Bressner kbressner@gmail.com
From: Dick Kelton
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2015 10:35 AM
To: Carol Russell
Cc: Kurt Bressner
Subject: Sr. Advisor Expense 10-15.xls
Sr. Advisor Expense 10-
Quarterly Report Senior Advisor Program Robert S. LaSala October through December 2015 Please note: During this reporting period, I was out of town 50 days. I continue to serve on the FCCMA Professional Management Matters Committee. We have now developed presentations to community and civic groups on the value of council-­‐manager form of government and professionally trained executives. We will begin recognizing council-­‐manager communities for their longevity. We will also begin reaching out to media outlets to share the professional management story outlined in ICMA’s “Life Well Run” program. I have been doing outreach to cities and managers on ICMA’s Insights program. We are exploring the creation of consortiums of local governments and universities in various regions. I attended one (1) area managers’ meeting and I have met with three (3) active managers in their communities. I have contacted three (3) members in transition (MIT) and one manager who is in a tenuous situation with his city council. I assisted in the screening of resumes for one (1) community in which the Senior Advisor team in FL provided assistance to the council in their recruitment for an administrator. Robert S. LaSala January 17, 2016 From:
Re: Quarterly Activity Reports and Expenses
January 18, 2016 at 10:32 AM
Kurt Bressner kbressner@gmail.com, bneron@comcast.net
During these time frames I participated in short-listing candidates for two City Manager
searches and attended the monthly
meetings of the Lake County City/County Manager's Association.
From: "Kurt Bressner" <kbressner@gmail.com>
To: "William (Bill) Neron" <bneron@comcast.net>
Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2016 10:48:28 AM
Subject: Quarterly Activity Reports and Expenses
Per my voice mail. As soon as possible please.
Kurt Bressner
561-436-2328 (Mobile)
772-492-3471 (Home)
Skype: kurtbressner
2015 Senior Advisor Report for Dick Williams
1st Q. Health problems limited participation in the Arcadia search assistance request. I did have
several telephone conversations with the Clerk, Penney Delaney regarding the recommendation
to begin the search again. Received updates and progress information on search activity. Unable
to be more active because of continuing health problems. Time estimated 4 hours, no
expenditures, no travel.
3rd Q. Conference calls, reviewed JIT for MIT proposal draft other timely issues for FCCMA,
reading email and telephone call to MITs and members. Time estimated 7 hours, no travel, no
4thQ. Conference call October 13th, FCCMA, ICMA conference calls, reading emails
responding on calls and emails time estimated 6 hours, no travel, no expense.
I know this is very sketchy and incomplete, but is all that I could find from my files.
Quarterly Senior Advisor Activity Report
Name: Oel Wingo
October 1, 2015 thru December 2015
Contact Date
Description of Activity Time Spent Contacts
Larry E. Arnold, Xavier Z. Bishop, Susan
Boyer, Frederick C. Nutt, Matt Brock, Jim
McCroskey, Mark A. Kutney, Jonathan
Allen, Kassandra Blissett, Louie Chapman,
Stephen Cottrell, Rick Helms, Markae Rupp,
Wellness Check Email
10/14/15 Bob Vitas
Follow-Up And
10/14/15 Xavier Bishop
Follow-Up / Email
10/18/15 Jonathan Allen
10/19/15 Bogdan Vitas
10/18/15 Larry E. Arnold,
10/19/15 Larry E Arnold
Represented FCCMA
Sas…Thanks for the
10/24/2015 11/1/2015 ICMA Conference
11/20/2015 City of Archer CM Search: Finalized
11/22/2015 Procedure and instructions with City and
12/11/2015 Selection COmmittee, Set up Conference
12/23/2015 Call,
Emails, Phone Calls
FCCMA Central East Ambassadors PMM
Emails, Meeting
11/13/15 Meeting
Russ Blackburn, Blissett, Cottrell, Helms,
Wellness Check Email
11/17/15 Kutney
6 hours
4 hours
11/19/2015 Strategic Planning City of Arcadia
November/Decem Continued Interaction and Assistance to
Arcadia on Personnel Issues. Linda Lowe
Preplanning Meetings,
Meeting with Council
12/1/15 Suzanne Sherman
Weekly Updates to FCCMA and ICMA Group
12/14/15 Russ Blackburn
12/24/15 Ted Lakey
Career Counseling/Call
Updates Linked In (12)
February 2015
FCCMA Board of Directors
Sally Sherman, Chair, Deputy County Admin., Flagler County
Jonathan Evans, Co-Chair, City Manager, Haines City
Communication Committee Report
February 3, 2016
Requested Actions:
1. Acceptance of Report
Committee Members
Chair, Sally Sherman, Deputy Co. Admin., Flagler
Co-Chair, Jonathan Evans, City Mgr, Haines City
Sharon Anselmo, Assistant City Manager, Maitland
Maylee De Jesus, Town Clerk, Town of South Palm Beach
Andy Johnson, Special Projects, Leon County
Beth Knight, Deputy County Manager, Osceola County
Karla Llanos, Planner, Fort Myers
Brian Moree, Dir. of Public Works, North Palm Beach
Adam Reichbach, Exec Assistant City Manager, Margate
Kelly Shoemaker, Deputy Co. Admin , Charlotte County
Valmarie Turner, Director, Community Services Department, Seminole County
Committee Meeting Held - July, September and October
1. 2015/16 Tasks
a. Examine Advertising On-Line - If FCCMA decides to pursue this, policy to be
developed. (Lead - Jonathan Evans) – Research underway.
b. FCCMA Website (Lead - Kelly Shoemaker) – On-going
1) Monitor website; advise on necessary changes (monthly)
c. FCCMA Newsletter (All)
1) Write articles/member profiles to submit for newsletter – (monthly newsletters)
 Featured member - Each Member has to commit to providing for a featured
 Highlight city/county, news about manager, training, interesting stories for the
newsletter. Each Member has selected a month to commit to providing an
 September – Sally, October – Sharon, November – Andy, December – Jonathan,
January – Beth, February – Karla, March – Valmarie, April – Kelly and May –
February 2015
d. Sample Manager/Administrator Evaluations - (Team- Andy Johnson, Valmarie Turner
and Sally Sherman) – Research conducted. Preparing for presentation to Committee for approval
1) Develop sample manager/administrator evaluations – collect the evaluation for
samples - Efforts underway reviewing various evaluations.
2. Strategic Plan 2015-2016
a. Goal II: Develop and sustain a robust well-served membership (partner with other committees)
Objective D: Improve communications and Identify resource information on innovative
government practices.
1. Identify resource material and create white papers on areas of interest to local government
managers to include:
a. Financial management principles for varying economic realities
b. Innovative practices to help avoid lowering the quality of services provided by
local government
c. Review city/urban planning implications such as sprawl and land use review
for the generation of appropriate economic growth
2. Develop online learning programs
3. Develop online research capabilities
4. Develop opportunities to employ innovative technology to enhance communication with
members, such as:
a. Development of list serve/blogs
b. Online research
c. Online Membership Directory
d. Webinars
e. Integration with social networking sites
f. Mobile device compatibility
g. User-friendly search function
h. Content management system staff can maintain
5. Develop and promote Speaker’s Bureau for presentations to the Florida League of Cities,
Florida Association of Counties, National League of Cities and other related agencies.
b. Goal IV. Promote Ethics Within Government (Professional Management Matters - joint effort)
Objective B. Increase public awareness of local government ethics
1. Development a public education campaign and an outgoing public relations effort highlighting
expectations and examples of ethics in government.
2. Educate members in the value of incorporating collaborative civic participation and input into
the public decision making process.
February 2015
c. Goal VI. Demonstrate the value of Professional Local Government Management (work with
Objective A: Increase awareness of FCCMA and the local government management profession.
3 - Develop “best practices” in local government public relations for members.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Communications Committee
January 15, 2016
On the call: Sally Sherman, Jonathan Evans, Karla Llanos, Brian Moree, Kelly
Shoemaker, Valmarie Turner, Casey Cook and Carol Russell
Jonathan reported that he and his Assistant to the City Manager have been working on a
shell of a social media plan. He will send it to the Committee for approval no later than
Tuesday. They are putting together a plan to use Twitter and Facebook. He would like to
the get the Committee‘s approval so that he can present it to the Board at the February
Kelly reported that she checked the website and she did not find any problems with any
of the links. She checks it each month when she receives the newsletter.
Carol and Casey reported that they are working with the Web Host to do an update on
the website. They asked the Committee to look at the website and give their feedback on
what they think needs to stay on the website and what may need to go. Casey reported
that they had used google analytics to determine what pages on the website were visited.
The top three pages are the member login, the jobs page, and training events and
calendar. The Life Well Run video which is prominently featured on the home page has
had only about 350 clicks in the year that it has been on it. The Committee needs to send
their remarks to Carol by January 28th.
Carol reminded the Committee members who are writing articles for the next several
months of their deadlines and she asked them to submit member profiles to be used in
the issues in which they are writing an article. She will send them the member profile
questions. Casey asked the Committee’s approval for adding FLC and FAC training
opportunities and a legislative section to have links to both FLC and FAC’s legislative
Sally, Valmarie and Andy are putting together a template for a sample
manager/administrator evaluation to be discussed at the next meeting. They looked at
several evaluations and pulled together three different formats. The Committee would
like the Board’s approval on the template that will be placed on the FCCMA website.
February 2015
Carol asked the Committee if the Committee wanted to add a time frame for posting
jobs. Carol removes the jobs if there is a closing date; otherwise, if there is an open until
filled the jobs have remained on the website. The Committee would like added to the
policy on the website that all jobs will be posted for only 30 days.
Many of the items on the strategic plan have been assigned to more than one committee.
Before talking about the items on the strategic plan that have been assigned to this
Committee. Sally would like to talk to the other Committee chairs to find out what they
have worked on. The Committee will reevaluate what goals and objectives to work on
after the February Board meeting.
The Committee all agreed to print the article that was submitted by Kurt Spitzer.
The next meeting will be February 26th at 10:00 a.m.
FCCMA Agenda Memorandum
FCCMA Board of Directors
Micah Maxwell, Chair, FCCMA Membership Committee
Daniel Rosemond, Co-Chair
February New Member Report
February 2016
Requested Action:
To accept and file the report.
Strategic Plan Link: Goal II: Membership
As of January 21, 2016, FCCMA maintains 631 total members. During the period of October 29,
2015 to January 21, 2016, 20 members have joined, while seven memberships have been
cancelled. This has resulted in a net increase of 13 new FCCMA members. Additionally,
FCCMA staff sent out 16 letters to local government managers (and related positions)
throughout the state of Florida.
Note: The net 10 new members represent a 2% increase in membership over this period of time.
A summary of the membership activity for this period can be found below as well as the names
of all members that have either joined and/or cancelled their membership with FCCMA:
New FCCMA Members – October 2015 to January 2016:
Full Members:
Affiliate Members:
Corporate Members:
Student Members:
13 new members
4 new members
1 new member
2 new members
Canceled Memberships – October 2015 to January 2016:
Full Members
Affiliate Members:
Subscriber Members:
2 members
4 members
1 member
Pending - New FCCMA Members – October 2015 to January 2016:
Full Members:
Affiliate Members:
Student Members:
Subscriber Members:
8 new members
8 new member
1 new member
1 new member
GOV/HR USA, contact: Heidi Voorhees, President
District II
Michael Johansson, City Manager, City of Port Orange
Jonathan C. McKinney, CGFO, Director of Finance, City of Edgewater
Jane K. Shang, City Manager, City of Deltona
District III
David Isnardi, Deputy City Manager, City of Palm Bay
Donna L. Renberg, Assistant County Manager, Osceola County
District V
Albert A. Childress, Assistant City Manager, City of Doral
Nicole Evans, Senior Management Fellow, City of Fort Lauderdale
Phillip R. Holste, Assistant Town Administrator, Town of Davie
David E. Keller, CPFIM, Assistant City Manager, City of Weston
Pamela Landi, Assistant City Manager, City of Wilton Manors
Macciano K. Lewis, Deputy Town Administrator, Town of Davie
Edward Rojas, City Manager, City of Doral
District VI
Matthew Johnson, Interim Assistant City Manager, City of Fort Myers
Aubrey Phillips, Operation Manager, US/IFAS Ext. and Sust., Sarasota County
Matthew R. Osterhoudt, Senior Manager, Sarasota County
District VII
Chelsey Gordon, Management Analyst, Town of Belleair
District VIII
Scott Blankenship, City Manager, City of Umatilla
David S. Johnson, Assistant to the City Manager, City of Haines City
Brandon Washington, Management Intern, City of Haines City
J. Scott Miller, Subscriber Member
District I
Bill Tankersley, former Professor, University of West Florida
District IV
Gregory Fabiano, Student Member
Ken Schenck, former Town Manager, Town of Ocean Ridge
District V
Mark Mason, Affiliate Member
District VI
Brian Whitehall, former City Administrator, City of Okeechobee
District VII
Allison Broihier, Affiliate Member
Please note: The list of members that have not paid their annual FCCMA membership dues for
FY 2016 is attached. Should these members not pay their membership dues by February 1, 2016
their FCCMA memberships will be cancelled. Thus, the total number of membership
cancellations may increase significantly. The Membership Committee recommends that each
FCCMA District Director and At-Large Director assist in directly contacting unpaid members by
phone or in person (not by email) within their district and/or proximity.
PENDING MEMBERS (18 pending members):
District I
Ricardo Fernandez, City Manager, City of Tallahassee
Jason Lawrence, Masters of Public Administration, Florida State University
Heather Peeples, Management Analyst, Leon County
District II
Daniel E. Davis, City Manager, City of Bunnell
Stanley Kornegay, City Manager, City of Keystone Heights
Max Royle, City Manager, City of St. Augustine Beach
District III
Joseph Helfenberger, City Manager, City of St. Cloud
Jennifer Howland, Comptroller, City of Satellite Beach
Gregg Lynk, City Manager, City of Palm Bay
David Mitchell, Assistant Professor, University of Central Florida
District V
John Michael Perez, Project Manager, City of Oakland Park
Kathryn Sims, City Clerk City of Wilton Manors
District VI
Saeed Kazemi, Interim City Manager, City of Fort Myers
Eve Sweeting, Subscriber Member
District VII
Craig Chown, Managing Member, Chown Consulting Services
Matthew DiFiore, Management Analyst I, City of Largo
Dominic R. Ross, Administrative Support Manager, City of Clearwater
District VIII
Mark Reggentin, Deputy City Manager, City of Mount Dora
Unpaid Dues
January 21, 2016
City Manager
City of Creedmoor,
(919) 528-3332
Managing Director
Davenport Lawrence (910) 322-0553
Paul A. (Andy)
Town Manager
Town of Kitty Hawk,
District I
(850) 492-0499
(860) 862-5750
(727) 631-4883
William A. "Buck"
(850) 878-4623
(850) 932-2257
Charlene V.
Donald L.
William Hunter
Executive Director
Santa Rosa Island
Dep. Clerk/Assistant
City of Lynn Haven
City Mgr.
Management Analyst Leon County
(727) 510-9799
(252) 261-3552
(850) 265-2121
(850) 606-5317
Okaloosa County BCC (850) 689-5790
District II
Kerry S.
District III
Thomas H.
Theodore E.
Florida Department
of Health in
(386) 362-2708
(239) 248-5532
(407) 452-9978
Director of Public
Seminole County
(407) 665-5000
Unpaid Dues
January 21, 2016
City of Winter Garden (407) 656-4111
District IV
Couzzo, Jr.
Leif J.
Zoie P.
Michael R.
City Manager
Special Events
Village Manager
City of Boca Raton
Town of Lake Clarke
Village of Tequesta
(772) 579-6179
(561) 967-3916
Hannah, ICMA-CM
Laura J.
Assistant County
Palm Beach County
Town Administrator
Town of Palm Beach
Kenneth C.
(561) 393-7703
(561) 964-1515
(561) 768-0465
(561) 355-2428
(561) 844-3457
(863) 216-9532
Assistant to the City
Assistant City
City of Palm Beach
(561) 799-4110
City of Boca Raton
(561) 393-7703
Michael J.
District V
Grants Administrator City of Tamarac
(954) 597-3562
Director of
New Millennium
Governmental Affairs Companies
(305) 667-4772
Deputy City Manager
(305) 756-7171, x80
(954) 593-5654
City of North Bay
Unpaid Dues
January 21, 2016
Ron E.
(305) 233-2043
(941) 486-2626
District VI
Director of
William P.
(239) 334-4551
(920) 227-3020
City of Venice
Business Professional
Sarasota County
(239) 822-4504
District VII
(734) 678-1937
(813) 597-5801
Goswick, Jr.
Terry E.
Logan, Jr.
John T.
Keogh Corporate
(727) 866-6944
Assistant City
City of Ocala
(352) 351-6600
(765) 610-6195
FCCMA Agenda Memorandum
FCCMA Board of Directors
Jim Hanson, Co-Chair PMM Committee
Committee Report for Board Meeting
January 21, 2016
Requested Action:
Review and Discussion
Strategic Plan Link:
Core Principles 1, 4; Goals II, III, V and VI
Financial Impact:
The Committee continues its monthly conference calls with staff and HCP to review the activities of
Central West and Central East Ambassador teams, the work of HCP, and staff’s continuing work on the
priorities for this committee. The most recent call was January 20th.
Activities were slower during December, understandably; however, both the East and West teams are
now securing engagements in their territories. One new project will be arranging to speak at regular
meetings of city councils and county commissions to commemorate five- and 10-year anniversaries of
their recognition by ICMA which will also provide opportunities to promote professional management. A
list of anniversaries has been compiled by HCP and speakers are being lined up not only in the two
regions with ambassadors, but also in some other areas across the state. Staff also re-posted the “Life,
Well Run” videos to the FCCMA site (they had been moved and were too hard to find). The number of
members engaged through Linked-in continues to grow.
Russ Blackburn and staff met with Dr. Bob Lee on January 15th to discuss a possible survey of elected
municipal and county officials. This was brought up originally as a possible benchmark for the committee
and the board against which performance might be measured. Dr. Lee examined related research on
this and related subjects and expressed concerns as to the ability to quantify the effect of promoting
professional management. Dr. Lee’s summary of his research efforts and opinion follows this report.
The issue measuring performance was discussed again with the PMM Committee at the call on January
20th and we will continue to seek ways to measure the long term impact of our efforts beyond the other
factors already being tracked including monthly counts of speaking engagements, audience numbers,
Linked-in and Facebook activity and video postings on city and county web sites.
The goals for this quarter are to secure presentations and engagements in both districts, and to identify
potential Ambassadors in the NE region.
From Dr. Lee:
Per your request, following are my brief observations regarding FCCMA' efforts to develop a survey to
quantify the benefits of spending money to educate citizens on the value of professional local
government management:
I examined the last five decades of research on this topic. My conclusion is that most surveys used in this
research area focused on citizen perceptions of services, not on their perceptions of their manager or
their form of government. Citizen referendums on form of government challenges are probably the best
gauge in determining local citizens’ perception on their government's form of government.
The research was not limited to the United States. One article summarized research done on several
local governments in Ethiopia. Again, the focus was on perception of service delivery which, in this
study, was used as indicators for the writers to determine citizen perceptions of their officials; thus the
citizens were not directly opining on their officials or on their form of government.
Other surveys in the research use managers and/or their elected officials as the survey respondents to
ascertain their perceptions of what their citizens perceive in terms of their performance. It’s easier,
perhaps, to survey these officials than it would be to survey their citizens. However, it's not clear how
meaningful those results would be or what value the exercise would have in determining citizens'
In research conducted in Orange County, Florida in 1995, a survey was sent to a randomly selected
group of registered voters to determine their perception of the performance of their government.
However, the authors of this article conceded that "citizens do not have a good understanding of local
government and consequently have difficulty assessing performance objectively". Most citizens simply
don't have the information base that allows them to accurately evaluate performance in their
government; thus, any data gathered was subjective.
The private sector learns about customer satisfaction through pricing mechanisms; the public sector is
more limited and tend to rely on proxy measures (i.e. surveys). However, there are plenty of examples
of local governments who receive high scores in their customer surveys, yet, at the very next election
have two incumbents lose their re-election bid. Elections are often cited as a more quantifiable means
of determining citizen perceptions of their officials.
Bottom line, there doesn't appear to be anything in the literature as to how best to assess the value of
promoting the ideas of professional management in local government in any quantifiable manner.
Intuitively, yes, I think most local government managers would agree there is great value in promoting
the profession. However, quantifying the value of doing so may be impossible. There are too many
variables that must to be considered if one is to survey citizens about this topic. Even if it could be done,
determining how much money is reasonable to spend to promote the profession verses the actual value
received from the money spent is, in my opinion, impossible to quantify.
I am happy to address any questions on these thoughts with the committee or the board as appropriate
Lynn. Please advise if you need anything from me in the meantime.
Robert E. Lee, DPA, ICMA-CM
FCCMA – District II Report
February 2016
FCCMA Board of Directors
Sally Sherman, Deputy County Administrator, Flagler County
District II Director Report
February 3, 2016
District II Training
1. Held several conference calls with Bob Lee regarding training topic and date. The
goal is to focus the training on a session that will be fun and have the participants
active while exploring the topic of Diversity and Inclusion (Ethics). Will be following
up on session date.
Activities Other
District II Representative Assignments:
Nomination Committee - Joyce Shanahan
Canvassing Committee - Pam Brangaccio, John Drago and Jeaneen Witt
Committee Assistance
a. Serve as the Chair for the Communications Committee
b. Serve as the Co-Chair for the Diversity and Inclusion Committee
No Activity
FCCMA Agenda Memorandum
FCCMA Board of Directors
George Brown, District IV Director
District IV February Report
February 2016
District IV Elections:
Pursuant to the election process for District IV, each of the four counties in the
district (Palm Beach, Martin, St. Lucie, and Indian River) was invited to submit a
nominee for election by the district. The nominating committee was chaired by
Ray Liggins (Palm Beach) and included Roger Baltz (Martin), Jim O’Connor
(Indian River), and Howard Tipton (St. Lucie). The nominees submitted to the
FCCMA District IV eligible voters were Jeff Bremer (St. Lucie), Taryn Kryzda
(Martin), and Jason Nunemaker (Indian River). With 45% of eligible voters
voting, Jason Nunemaker was elected with 47% of the vote. Congratulations to
Jason on his election and thanks to Ray, Roger, Jim, and Howard for their service
on the nominating committee.
District IV Training:
The District IV regional training will be held on March 4, 2016, in Palm Beach
Gardens at the EEOC Training Facility. The Registration Form is online. The
topic is “Building the Next Generation of Local Government Professionals and
Staff. There are three focus areas: Fort Lauderdale City Manager Lee Feldman
will discuss mentoring and developing key staff members; Florida Atlantic
University Askew School of Public Administration Professor Dr. Leslie Leip will
discuss interfacing the classroom and the workplace; and Boca Raton Assistant
Human Resources Director Sharon Kelley will discuss the nuts and bolts of
successful internship and apprenticeship programs. Cost of the session is
$49.00, lunch included. Thanks to Charlotte Presensky from Palm Beach
Gardens, Dr. Bob Lee, the presenters, and Carol Russell for helping facilitate this
training session.
Awards and Scholarships; Diversity and Inclusion; MIT
Respectfully submitted.
George S. Brown
District IV Director PY 2015-2016