Heaven`s Tranquility
Heaven`s Tranquility
MAIN FEATURE PANDAWAS VILLAS TEXT BENEDICTUS RIO IMAGES BAGUS TRI LAKSONO Heaven’s Tranquility The villa compound takes its design concept from the classical tale of Mahabharata. Here guests are transported onto a soothing journey towards divine tranquility. K isah para ksatria Pandawa yang berjalan di Pegunungan Himalaya usai mengalahkan Kurawa dalam perang Kurusetra, bukan cerita yang asing bagi sebagian masyarakat dunia. Di Indonesia khususnya Bali dan Jawa, keteguhan lima kakak beradik untuk tidak berburu dan hanya memakan makanan pemberian dewa yang ditemui dalam perjalanannya dari Hastinapura, menginspirasi banyak orang. Dan di sebuah kompleks vila di area perbukitan yang cukup sunyi di Ubud, Bali, kisah penuh filosofi itu diterjemahkan ke dalam aspek yang berbeda. Layaknya ksatria Pandawa yang melihat pemandangan alam yang indah di 70 / I N T E R I O R AWA R D S The tale of Pandawa brothers’ pilgrimage across the Himalayan mountain range after they defeated the Kaurava brothers in the battle of Kurukshetra is undoubtedly a familiar one for most people around the world. In Indonesia, especially in the lands of Bali and Java, the steadfastness that the five brothers of Pandawa showed during their journey from Hastinapura— not once did they hunt for food, only eating food that the gods gave them along the way—has been an inspiration for many people. In a secluded hill of Ubud, Bali, a villa compound tries to bring this inspirational tale to life, albeit in a different aspect. Inspired by the scenic view of the Himalayan mountain range witnessed by the THIS PAGE LEFT: LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT AMET, CONSECTETUR ADIPISICING ELIT, SED DO EIUSMOD TEMPOR INCIDIDUNT UT LABORE ET DOLORE MAGNA ALIQUA. RIGHT: LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT AMET, CONSECTETUR ADIPISICING ELIT, SED DO EIUSMOD TEMPOR INCIDIDUNT UT LABORE ET DOLORE MAGNA ALIQUA. I N T E R I O R AWA R D S / 71 Himalaya, Pandawas Villas membawa tamu-tamunya ke dalam perjalanan bermakna. Dari awal memasuki kompleks villa para tamu dipertemukan dengan suara air terjun, sungai yang mengalir, hijau dedaunan serta harum tanaman yang alami. Semua ruangan yang ada di kompleks vila ini pun di desain spacious seolah tanpa batas. THIS PAGE LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT AMET, CONSECTETUR ADIPISICING ELIT, SED DO EIUSMOD TEMPOR INCIDIDUNT UT LABORE ET DOLORE MAGNA ALIQUA. OPPOSITE PAGE LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT AMET, CONSECTETUR ADIPISICING ELIT, SED DO EIUSMOD TEMPOR INCIDIDUNT UT LABORE ET DOLORE MAGNA ALIQUA. “Suasana tenang seperti di pegunungan di India itulah yang kami hadirkan di sini,” Pandawas Villas Management menjelaskan. Ketenangan itu antara lain diperoleh dengan beryoga atau melakukan ritual Pranyama di sisi batu monolitik besar di tengah sebuah kolam taman. Tamu pun dapat berkumpul bersama sahabat dan kerabatnya sambil menikmati pemandangan sawah dari sebuah bale di sebuah bukit kecil yang disebut Buddy’s Bar. Namun tak hanya keelokan alam yang bisa dinikmati di Pandawas Villas. Di sebuah bale di depan bangunan utama, tamu dengan mudah menemukan keindahan dari cuplikan kisah Mahabharata. Penduduk desa sekitar vila, menghiasi langit-langit bangunan peralihan dari ruang luar ke ruang dalam kompleks vila dengan lukisan tangan yang bercerita tentang perang Kurusetra antara Pandawa dan Kurawa. Dari bale yang berkisah tamu berjalan menuju bangunan utama yang disebut Arjuna Lounge. Struktur sebuah wantilan berukuran besar yang tidak dibatasi sekat dinding apapun ini, menghadirkan suasana yang lebih rileks dan akrab. Pada satu sisi lounge, ditempatkan sebuah 72 / I N T E R I O R AWA R D S Pandawa brothers, Pandawas Villas aims to take its patrons on a profound journey during their time there. At the entrance of the villa complex, natural elements await guests; the sounds of gentle waterfall and flowing river, the lushness of the vegetation and the beautiful smell of blooming flowers. Each room throughout the compound features a spacious design that eschews boundaries, creating an expansive feeling. “We want to recreate the tranquil atmosphere of the Indian mountain range here,” explains the Pandawas Villas Management. One way to exploit the tranquility of the site is to do some yoga or Pranyama rituals beside the large monolithic stones which are situated in the middle of a garden pond. Guests can sit together with their friends and relatives while enjoying the stunning green paddy field from a bale perched on a small hill called Buddy’s Bar. Yet Pandawas Villas offers much more than just the beauty of nature. Inside a bale in front of the main structure is a traditional painting that illustrates a short excerpt from the Mahabharata. The local people of the complex have lent their talent in decorating the ceiling of the transitional area from the outside to the inside part of the villa compound. The beautiful hand drawn depiction of the tale tells the story of the Kurukshetra War between Pandawas and Kauravas. From the tale-bearing bale guests are led towards the main structure of the compound which is called the Arjuna Lounge. The wantilan-style common I N T E R I O R AWA R D S / 73 kolam ikan koi yang menambah kenyamanan suasana sementara di sisi lain kembali tanaman dan hijau dedaunan memanjakan mata. THIS PAGE LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT AMET, CONSECTETUR ADIPISICING ELIT, SED DO EIUSMOD TEMPOR INCIDIDUNT UT LABORE ET DOLORE MAGNA ALIQUA. OPPOSITE PAGE LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT AMET, CONSECTETUR ADIPISICING ELIT, SED DO EIUSMOD TEMPOR INCIDIDUNT UT LABORE ET DOLORE MAGNA ALIQUA. Nama Arjuna sendiri diberikan karena bangunan yang berfungsi sebagai tempat berkumpul itu terletak ditengah kompleks vila. Seperti diketahui, dalam ketokohan Pandawa, Arjuna merupakan anak tengah yang selalu membawa semua saudaranya untuk berkumpul. Pada lounge terdapat living room dengan susunan sofa di sudut-sudutnya serta sebuah bar dengan meja hitam dari plat metal yang membentuk figur para Pandawa: Yudhistira, Bima, Arjuna, Nakula, Sadewa. Ruangan lain yang juga berfungsi sebagai tempat berkumpul adalah Krishna room yang juga terletak di dalam Arjuna Lounge. Dalam kisah Mahabharata, Krishna bukan saja berperan sebagai pendamping dan penasehat, namun juga menjadi kusir kereta perang bagi Arjuna. Didesain cukup luas, entertaiment room dan perpustakaan ini dapat pula digunakan sebagai area bermain anak-anak. Untuk kenyamanan, ruangan dilengkapi sound system 5.1 surround dan perangkat home theatre. Namun dari semua ruang yang telah disebutkan, daya tarik keseluruhan konsep Pandawas Villas sesungguhnya terletak pada 4 buah villa one bedroom yang mengapit Arjuna area is large and designed without any partitions, creating a relaxed and welcoming ambience. On one side of the lounge is a koi fish pond and on another rows of greeneries in the well-manicured garden cast a soothing scene for the eyes. The name Arjuna is used for this common area because of its location that is right in the middle of the compound. In the classic tale of the five Pandawa brothers, Arjuna was the middle child that commonly brought his brothers together. The lounge is equipped with a living room that has four seating areas in its corners. There is also a bar that features a black marble top, the face of which is clad in copper sheet with a back lit relief of the Pandawa brothers: Yudhistra, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula and Sahadewa. SPECIAL PROGRAM STAY 3 PAY 2 NIGHTS Another room that also functions as a gathering place is the Krishna Room which is located inside Arjuna Lounge. In the story of Mahabharata, Krishna did not only serve as Arjuna’s companion and advisor but also his charioteer. Featuring a spacious design, this entertainment and library area can also be used as a playroom for children. For entertainment purposes, the room is fitted with a 5.1 surround sound system and home theatre amenities. USD 575++ /LUXURY VILLA ROOM /NIGHT The main attraction of the overall concept of Pandawas Villas, however, lies within the 4 onebedroom villas that flank Arjuna Lounge, two on TERMS & CONDITIONS: 1. Please show or email this voucher when making reservations. 2. This special offer valid only until 30th September 2011. 3. Bookings need to be confirmed at least 30 days in advance and are subject to availability. 4. Once booked, dates cannot be cancelled or exchanged for another date. 5. Room rate includes breakfast of choice for 2, welcome drink, unlimited wifi and butler services. For reservations, please contact: / I N T E R I O R AWA R D S 74 Pandawas Villas Jl. Raya Kendran No. 1 Banjar Kepitu, Desa Kendran Kecamatan Tegallalang Gianyar 80561 Bali, Indonesia T: +62 361 971877 E: info@pandawas-villas.com 75 AWA R D S / INTERIOR PROJECT DATA Project Name: Pandawas Villas Location: Ubud, Bali Site Area: 7000sqm Gross Floor Area: 2000sqm Client/Owner: Pandawas Management Landscape Consultant: John Pettigrew Main Contractor: Ari Kadek Started: September 2008 Completed: January 2010 lounge, masing-masing dua vila di tiap sisinya. Tiap vila dinamakan sesuai nama kakak dan adik Arjuna dan didesain dengan keunikan tersendiri. “Tipe bangunannya sama demikian juga dengan penataannya, tapi masing-masing memiliki ciri khas dari warna dan wewangian yang ada di kamar,” Pandawas Villas Management menegaskan. THIS PAGE LEFT: LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT AMET, CONSECTETUR ADIPISICING ELIT, SED DO EIUSMOD TEMPOR INCIDIDUNT UT LABORE ET DOLORE MAGNA ALIQUA. RIGHT: LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT AMET, CONSECTETUR ADIPISICING ELIT, SED DO EIUSMOD TEMPOR INCIDIDUNT UT LABORE ET DOLORE MAGNA ALIQUA. OPPOSITE PAGE LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT AMET, CONSECTETUR ADIPISICING ELIT, SED DO EIUSMOD TEMPOR INCIDIDUNT UT LABORE ET DOLORE MAGNA ALIQUA. Vila pertama adalah Yudhistira. Keagungan kakak tertua para Pandawa sekaligus Raja di Hastinapura, digambarkan dengan penggunaan warna ungu di dinding kamar, harum wewangian lavender yang khas serta lukisan-lukisan dengan tone warna emas dan perak. Di dalam kamar kita juga menemukan tirai ruangan dan kain-kain bantal yang dihiasi pola-pola gambar yang terinspirasi dari mahkota Yudhistira. Selanjutnya Vila Bima didesain dalam tone warna abuabu dan putih dengan aroma sandalwood sementara dinding ruanganya hadir dalam pola kotak-kotak. Dikisahkan ketika perang, Pandawa bertubuh besar dan sangat kuat itu mengenakan sarung kotak-kotak Bali. Energi tokoh berotot kawat bertulang besi ini memang menjadi konsep utama vila sehingga kita juga melihat gada, senjata milik Bima, menjadi dekorasi di sudut ruang ganti pakaian. Dua vila lainnya adalah Nakula dan Sahadewa. Dalam epos, dua kakak beradik ini dikenal sebagai saudara each side. Each of the villas is named after the brothers of Arjuna and is designed to honor the unique traits of each brother. “All of the villas are similar in type and layout but each has distinctive characteristics, colors and fragrances that are associated with the brother that it is named after,” says Pandawas Villas Management. The first villa is Yudishtra. The eldest of the five brothers and ruler of Hastinapura, his glory is portrayed through the use of purple shade on the walls and the distinct whiff of lavender throughout the rooms. Paintings in gold and silver tones adorn the walls, along with curtains and pillow covers ornamented with patterns inspired by the crown of Yudishtra. Villa Bhima is crafted in the tone of grey and white and enveloped with the smell of sandalwood. Walls are covered in white and grey checked pattern reminiscent of the second Pandawa brother’s Balinese-style sarong that he wore during the war. The strength and energy of the ferocious giant is turned into the main concept of the villa as evident in the inclusion of the mace, Bhima’s weapon of choice, as a decorative element in one corner of the wardrobe. The other two villas are Nakula and Sahadewa. In the epic tale, the youngest of the Pandawa brothers were described as twins but the two villas are not designed alike. The tale portrayed Nakula as the most handsome person in the world that was well versed in dances. With kembar, namun vila sama sekali tidak dibuat sama. Dalam cerita Nakula dideskripsikan sebagai pria tertampan di dunia yang suka menari. Sebab itu didesain vila dengan suasana kamar berwarna orange dan tidak menggunakan poster bed. Aroma citrus Bali dan jendela-jendela yang terbuka ke arah sungai Tandau, dirasa pas menggambarkan citra sang tokoh. Berbeda dengan Nakula, Sahadewa dikenal sebagai penyuka musik dan saat-saat matahari terbit maupun terbenam. Kesukaan itu menjadi konsep dasar dari Vila Sahadewa yang dirancang dalam balutan warna kuning cerah dengan dekorasi kamar yang berhubungan dengan musik. Itulah sebabnya kamar beraroma lemongrass yang berpadu green tea, tak hanya dihiasi gambar wayang Sahadewa, tapi juga lukisan-lukisan dan lampu berbentuk alat musik. Pandawas Villas juga menghadirkan kolam renang berkonsep infinity pool yang menghadap ke arah hutan di belakang area vila. Kolam renang berukuran besar ini memiliki pengatur temperatur sehingga sangat nyaman apalagi di sisi kolam ditempatkan sebuah bale untuk spa dan massage. Filosofi dan konsep kuat mengenai Pandawa yang diterapkan pada keseluruhan desain, memang membuat kompleks vila seluas 7000 m² ini berbeda. Tempat yang sempurna untuk menjauh dari kesibukan kota. 76 / I N T E R I O R AWA R D S that description in mind, the villa is designed in vibrant orange color and without the four-poster bed seen in the previous two villas. The fresh aroma of Balinese citrus and open windows towards the Tandau River further adds to the flamboyant character of Nakula. Slightly different from Nakula, his twin Sahadewa was known as a skilled musician and enjoyed good times during sunrises and sunsets. His interests inspire the basic concept of Sahadewa Villa which is washed in bright yellow paint and features music-inspired decorations throughout the rooms. The lemongrass and green tea scented rooms are decked in Sahadewa’s shadow puppet images as well as paintings and lamps in the shape of various musical instruments. Pandawa Villas also comes complete with an infinity pool that faces the lush forest at the back of the villa. The sumptuous swimming pool is equipped with a temperature regulator which makes swimming there an enjoyable treat at any time of the day. In addition, there is also a bale on the side for spa and massage treatments. The deep philosophy and concept about Pandawa brothers which is implemented in all of the design of the 7,000 m2 villa compound has created a uniquely different holiday destination. It is truly a perfect sanctuary to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life in the city. I N T E R I O R AWA R D S / 77 MAIN FEATURE BOX - PANDAWAS VILLAS Kenapa memilih Pandawa sebagai tema? Awalnya kami ingin mencari suatu tema yang saling terkait antara mitologi India dan Bali. Satu hal yang paling umum adalah epos Mahabharata, yang berkisah mengenai perang lima Pandawa melawan para Kurawa dan perjalanan terakhir mereka menuju Sang Dewa. Why did you choose the tale of Pandawa as the theme? At first we wanted to look for a singular theme that connects both the Indian and Balinese mythologies. One common thing we have is the epic tale of Mahabharata, in particular the story of the battle of the five Pandawa brothers against the Kauravas and their final journey to God. Bagaimana implementasinya? Kami mengambil perjalanan para Pandawa ke pegunungan Himalaya seusai perang. Perang telah membawa kesedihan dan penderitaan di kerajaan mereka. Setelah masa pemerintahan yang sangat sukses, para Pandawa meninggalkan harta dan hak duniawi mereka dan pergi menuju Himalaya, ke Gerbang Surga. Itulah mengapa kami membuat suasana di sini seperti di sana. What was the implementation like? We took the part about the Pandawa brothers great journey across the Himalayan mountain range after the end of the battle. War brings about misery and sadness. After a successful reign, the Pandawas left all of their worldly possessions and rights and went to the Himalayas - to the gates of Heaven. That’s why we wanted to recreate the ambience here. Apa saja? Tentu kami tidak membuat gunung, tapi taman-taman dengan air terjun kecil sehingga kita bisa melihat batuan, tanaman, sungai, alam yang indah seperti di pegunungan Himalaya. Selain itu kami menerjemahkan sikap para Pandawa dalam perjalanan yang hanya memakan makanan sehat dan yang telah dipersiapkan, tidak berburu. Untuk menjaga harmoni dengan alam, kami menggunakan banyak material daur ulang. Kayu besi bekas bantalan rel kereta api misalnya, digunakan sebagai tangga jalan setapak sedangkan meja makan lama dialih fungsi menjadi kursi panjang. Bagaimana dengan desain vila-vila di sini? Kami melakukan riset yang cukup panjang untuk mengurai karakter tiap Pandawa. Warna apa yang cocok dengan mereka, aroma apa yang sesuai, hingga akhirnya menggunakan semua itu dalam menata dekorasinya. Penataan tiap ruangan vila memang hampir mirip namun karakter tiap Pandawa muncul di masing-masing ruangan, seperti yang bisa dilihat. Can you give some examples? We didn’t create mountains but instead gardens with small waterfalls so that we can emulate the rock formations, vegetation, rivers, and breathtaking views of the Himalayan mountain range. In addition we interpreted the vows of the Pandawa brothers not to go hunting for food and instead only eat the food which is freshly prepared and healthy. In order to keep harmony in nature we have used recycled materials - railway tiles, for instance, are used as the steps along the paths while old dining tables were reconstructed as long chairs. What about the design of the villas? We have done quite a long and thorough research to understand the characteristics of each Pandawa brother. We figured out what their colors and fragrances are, and have included them in the decoration of each room. The layout of the rooms in each villa is similar but the traits and characters of each of the villa’s namesake are clearly evident, as you can see. Desain dekorasi terlihat banyak menggunakan tembaga... Raja-raja India di masa lampau hanya menggunakan tembaga di kamar mandinya. Karenanya perabotan seperti wastafel, rain shower, dan bathtub dibuat dari tembaga yang berwarna kemerahan. Kami pun memakai tembaga pada lampu-lampu tempel yang kami pasang di dalam vila. A lot of the decorative elements in the villas use copper as their material… Ancient kings in India used to only use copper in their bathrooms. That’s why bathroom appliances like the washbasin, rain shower and the bathtub are made of reddish copper. We also use copper light fixtures and sconces throughout the villas. Untuk semua detail itu, berapa lama proses risetnya? Kami menghabiskan waktu sekitar 13 bulan untuk riset termasuk desain perabotannya, kemudian 13 bulan berikutnya untuk pembangunan vila. Cukup cepat. How long did it take you to finish the research to create all the details? We spent around 13 months to do all the research and that included the furniture design. Then it took another 13 months to construct the villas. It was pretty quick, really. PANDAWAS VILLAS MANAGEMENT Passion For Details When they prepared for the desired villa design, the team from Pandawas Villas Management conducted a thorough research together. They discussed large issues like the layout as well as smaller ones such as decoration elements. Rio Sutanto of Indonesia Design talks to the team from Pandawas Villas Management. 78 / I N T E R I O R AWA R D S I N T E R I O R AWA R D S / 79