

Well, here they are, the most unflukenbelievable
products you could ever want. Even your most
this product offering. Behold! The new and vastly
improved Fluker’s Product Catalog. All your friends
will be jealous.
Table of Contents
2-5Diet & Nutrition
6-7Vitamins & Healthcare
Reptile and Feeder Insect foods
We’ve formulated new foods and vitamins to insure you
continue to have the happiest pets on earth. We also offer
the most innovative nutrition and care products on the market
to support great health for them as well. Lastly, don’t forget, we
Critical Care, Vitamins, Eye Rinse, and Calcium
are one of the largest feeder insect suppliers in the world. But rather
than focusing on being the biggest, we strive to be the best. Your
input is always appreciated to continue to provide the best products
on earth.
So, here it is: 22 pages representing the latest, greatest, and best
products out there.
8-11Lighting & Heat
12-17Habitat Products
Plants, Vines, Bedding, Bowls, Caves, and Wood
Always remember that if you’re a Papyrophobic and these pages
cause anxiety to turn, then you can find all of these great products
and services online at www.flukerfarms.com
Bulbs, Lanterns, Fixtures, Mats, and Rocks
Gauges, Cleaners, Covers, and Water Systems
Cover and Inside Cover Photography by Igor Siwanowicz
Nutritional Diets
Fluker’s offers an extensive line of foods for the reptile industry, combining complete diets with all the
essential proteins and vitamins that reptiles need for optimum growth and nutrition.
Fluker’s Crested Gecko Diet
Crested Gecko Formula
Crested Gecko Food is easy to eat spherical
granules. A fruity flavored food with the light
crunchy texture crested geckos will actually
eat! Packed with vitamins, minerals and
advanced micronutrients that help support a
healthy immune system, help improve overall
health and help reduce viral and bacterial
3 oz. jar ................. #70040
Fluker’s Buffet Blend
Fluker’s Buffet Blend
for Juvenile Bearded Dragons
Fluker’s Juvenile Bearded Dragon Buffet Blend is a
combination of vitamin fortified pellets, freeze dried
crickets, and freeze dried mealworms. This unique
blend ensures your pet will receive the proper balance
of essential protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals.
for Adult Bearded Dragons
Fluker’s Buffet Blend is a combination of vitamin
fortified pellets, freeze dried crickets, and freeze dried
mealworms. This unique blend ensures your pet will
receive the proper balance of essential protein, fat,
vitamins, and minerals.
2.2 oz. jar …............ #76050
4.4 oz. jar ............... #76051
1.5 oz. jar .............. #76040
2.9 oz. jar ............... #76041
Fluker’s Buffet Blend
Fluker’s Aquatic Turtle Formula
for Hatchling Turtles
Fluker's Aquatic Turtle Formula for hatchling
turtles has been scientifically formulated to
ensure the proper nutrition to aquatic turtles
3" (7.5cm) and under. The small floating pellet
allows easier feeding for small aquatic turtles
that like to feed at the surface of the water.
Fluker’s Aquatic Turtle Formula provides a complete
diet for freshwater turtles. It is offered to you in a
variety of sizes, ensuring that your pet enjoys a happy,
healthy, long life.
3.5 oz. jar ............... #70125
6.5 oz. jar ............... #70126
4 oz. jar .................. #70000
8 oz. jar .................. #70001
3.5 lb. jar ................ #70002
40 lb. bag ............... #71104
Fluker’s Aquatic Turtle Formula
for Hatching Turtles
Fluker’s All Natural Hatchling
Aquatic Turtle Diet has been
scientifically formulated to
ensure the proper nutrition to
all aquatic turtles 3" (7.5 cm)
and under. The small floating
pellets allow easier feeding
for small aquatic turtles that
like to feed at the surface of
the water.
Fluker’s Bearded Dragon Diet
Fluker’s Tortoise Diet Large Pellet
Adult Formula
A combination of digestible animal and plant
sources which will provide your pet with the
proper balance of essential nutrients.
Land Turtle Formula
Fluker’s Land Turtle Formula is a
perfectly balanced diet for tortoises and
box turtles.
1.8 oz. jar .............. #76020
3.4 oz. jar ............... #76021
3.5 oz. jar ............. #70020
7 oz. jar .................. #70021
3.25 lb. jar .............. #70022
30 lb. bag ................ #71110
Fluker’s Bearded Dragon Diet
Fluker’s Tortoise Diet
Small Pellet
3.5 oz. jar .............. #70030
6.5 oz. jar .............. #70031
Fluker’s Buffet Blend
for Aquatic Turtles
Fluker’s Buffet Blend is a combination
of vitamin fortified pellets, freeze
dried river shrimp, and freeze dried
mealworms. This unique blend ensures
your pet will receive the proper balance
of essential protein, fat, vitamins, and
4 oz. jar .................. #70120
8 oz. jar ................... #70121
4 lb. jar .................. #70122
Juvenile Formula
A combination of digestible animal and plant
sources which will provide your juvenile dragon
with the proper balance of essential nutrients.
3 oz. jar .................. #76030
5.5 oz. jar ............... #76031
Land Turtle Formula
Fluker’s Land Turtle Formula is a
perfectly balanced diet for all tortoises
and box turtles.
3.5 oz. jar ............... #70013
7 oz. jar .................. #70014
3.25 lb. jar .............. #70015
40 lb. bag ................ #71103
Freeze Dried & Prepared Foods
Fluker’s 100% freeze-dried products are great for those enthusiasts who aren’t quite so enthusiastic when it comes
to scouring the floor for loose critters. These products are great sources of vitamins, minerals, and other important
nutrients for your pet, but best of all, they’re mess free.
Fluker’s Freeze-Dried Crickets
Reptile Version
Gut-loaded with Fluker’s Hi-Calcium
Cricket Diet, then freeze-dried to
maintain the maximum nutritional value
your pet needs.
Feeder Insect Supplies
For feeder insects to have any nutritional value to your pet reptile or amphibian, they must be
fed a complete and balanced diet and have access to water. Fluker’s provides a complete line of
dietary and watering products for your feeder insects. Choosing one of these products below helps
your pet live a long, happy, and healthy life..
Fluker’s Freeze-Dried Daphnia
Daphnia, a small crustacean, have long
been identified as an important prey for
fish and aquatic amphibians. They are a
high protein source of nutrition.
Fluker’s High Calcium
Cricket Feed
Calcium Fortified
Fluker’s High Calcium Cricket
Feed is a premium formula
designed for “gut-loading"
crickets to increase their vitamin/
mineral content prior to offering
them as prey to your pet. This
allows insect-eating pets to
benefit not only from the
nutritional value of the insect
itself, but from the insect’s
nutrient-gut content as well.
1.2 oz. jar ............... #72006
1.6 oz. jar .............. #72000
Fluker’s Freeze-Dried Mealworms
Mealworms offer the natural nutrition
many different aquatic amphibians and
reptiles require. Because live mealworms
are difficult to maintain, most pet store
owners don’t have them.
Fluker’s Freeze-Dried River Shrimp
Shrimp are a natural prey for many
different fish, aquatic amphibians and
reptiles because they provide a high
source of protein and essential amino
1.9 oz. jar ............... #72001
1.2 oz. jar ............... #72007
Fluker’s Freeze-Dried Grasshoppers
Fluker’s Freeze-Dried Crickets
Reptile Version
Freeze Dried Grasshoppers are a
great alternative to help diversify
your pet’s diet. The diversification of
your pet’s .diet increases the overall
nutritional quality of the diet and
reduces the likelihood of developing
life threatening nutritional diseases.
Aquatic Fish Version
Gut-loaded with Fluker’s Hi-Calcium
Cricket Diet, then freeze-dried to
maintain the maximum nutritional value
and taste your pet needs.
Fluker’s Cricket Quencher
Original formula
Provides crickets and other
feeder insects with a safe, clean
water source in a convenient
gel form that eliminates the
problems of traditional watering
methods — such as drowning
and bacterial contamination.
8 oz. jar .................. #71204
16 oz. jar ................ #71200
7.5 lb. jar ................ #71202
13 oz. ..................... #70007
6 lb. ...................... #70008
50 lb. bag. .............. #71106
1.6 oz. jar .............. #72008
1 oz. jar ................ #72018
Fluker’s Gourmet-Style
Fluker’s Freeze-Dried Bloodworms
Bloodworms, the larvae of non-biting
midges, are a popular food for fish,
aquatic amphibians, and terrapins.
These larvae are protein-rich and provide
essential amino acids.
A moist, nutritional meal, Fluker’s Gourmet-Style foods
were created to fufill both your pet’s nutritional needs
and delicate palate. Your pet receives all the convenience
of a nice, moist meal without the inconvenience of
managing live food.
0.7 oz. jar ............... #72005
Fluker's Orange Cube
Medley Treat for Aquatic Turtles
Freeze dried blend of river shrimp,
mealworms, and crickets. Provides
essential proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals.
1.5 oz. jar ............... #72020
Mealworm Bedding
Fluker’s GourmetStyle Crickets
Fluker’s GourmetStyle Mealworms
1.2 oz. jar ......... #78000
1.2 oz. jar ......... #78001
Medley Treat for Bearded Dragons
A perfect blend of freeze-dried
mealworms, grasshoppers, and crickets
ensures that your dragon will accept this
treat, all without the hassle of dealing
with live prey items.
1.8 oz. jar ............... #72021
Everything you need to
transport and properly care for
your mealworms before feeding
them to your pet. The bedding
is the same formula we use at
our Port Allen facility.
4 lb. jar .........................#36002
Fluker’s Cricket Quencher
Calcium Fortified
Provides crickets and other feeder
insects with a safe, clean water
source — as well as offering a
good source of calcium for “gutloading" insects prior to feeding
them to your reptile.
8 oz. jar .................. #71205
16 oz. jar ................. #71201
7.5 lb. jar ................ #71203
Fluker’s GourmetStyle River Shrimp
Fluker’s GourmetStyle Grasshoppers
1.2 oz. jar ......... #78002
1.2 oz. jar ......... #78003
Complete Cricket Diet
Our Orange Cube is formulated to be easily
digested by all feeder insects. Use of Orange
Cube will drastically reduce your number of
drowned, dehydrated and nutrient deficient
crickets. Made from nutritious items such as kelp,
spiruluna, and brewer’s yeast. Also packed with
Vitamins E, B-12, A, D3, and calcium carbonate.
6 oz. jar ....................... #71300
12 oz. jar ..................... #71301
6 lb. bucket ................ #71302
You don’t have to be a doctor to recognize when your pet needs help. Sometimes captive reptiles will
develop conditions, which are easily treatable by their owners.
Fluker’s Repta+Boost
Fluker’s is
dedicated to
helping reptile
owners care for
their pets with
easy treatments
at home.
Fluker’s specially formulated vitamins are the result of years of laboratory research ensuring that your pet can live a happy, healthy, long life.
Fluker’s Calcium
with Vitamin D3
A premium calcium supplement for captive reptiles and
amphibians. Fluker’s Calcium Supplement provides the
calcium your pet needs for strong, healthy bones and
vital bodily functions. Fluker’s Calcium with Vitamin D3 is
preferable for reptiles and amphibians
that are kept indoors to aid in
the absorption of Calcium.
Repta-Boost is a high energy supplement specially
formulated to provide “that extra energy boost” for recently
acquired animals, young fast growing animals, reproductively
active animals, or animals on limited diets. Repta-Boost
can also be used long-term as a critical care formula for
malnourished and dehydrated animals.
2 oz. jar ................. #73004
4 oz. jar .................. #73005
8 oz. jar .................. #73006
50 grams ................ #73030
Liquid Vitamin
Fluker’s Calcium
without Vitamin D3
A premium calcium supplement for captive reptiles and
amphibians. Fluker’s Calcium Supplement provides the
calcium your pet needs for strong, healthy bones and vital
bodily functions. Fluker’s Calcium without Vitamin D3 is
preferable for reptiles and amphibians that are kept outdoors
under very intense UVB lighting.
Fluker’s Reptile Vitamin
With Beta Carotene
Fluker’s Reptlie Vitamin is a multi-vitamin
containing beta carotene and essential
vitamins, amino acids (from pure crystalline
form), trace elements and minerals that your
pet needs. Contains potent color enhancers to
bring out your pet’s natural beauty.
Because vitamins are an essential
part to the function of so many
systems in the body, any deficiencies
can lead to decreased function and
illness. To minimize the likelihood
of vitamin deficiencies, Fluker’s
produced Liquid Vitamin for your
pet reptile.
1.7 oz. bottle ......... #73040
2 oz. jar ............ #73015
4 oz. jar ............. #73016
8 oz. jar .............. #73017
1.5 oz. jar ......... #73002
4 oz. jar ............ #73003
Fluker’s Calcium:Phosphorus 2:1
Dietary Supplement
This dietary supplement for lizards and
turtles provides the required calcium-tophosphorus ratio your pet needs for strong,
healthy bones and vital bodily functions.
Recommended for reptiles who eat small
amounts of high-phosphorus foods
(crickets, mealworms and wax worms).
2 oz. jar ............ #73007
4 oz. jar ............ #73008
8 oz. jar ............ #73009
Liquid Calcium
Fluker’s Reptile Rinse
Reptile Eye Rinse
A nonirritating solution with antimicrobial
properties used to combat bacterial eye
infections. This product can help prevent
further infections in your pet and help you
nurse your pet back to health.
Calcium is a critical essential
nutrient for reptiles. Liquid Calcium
provides the calcium your pet needs
for strong, healthy bones and vital
bodily functions.
1.7 oz. bottle ......... #73040
2 oz. bottle ............ #73040
Fluker’s has extensively researched and developed these products to simulate natural heat and light cycles.
Reptile and amphibian behaviors are directly tied to their light cycle. Under natural conditions,
sunlight provides ultraviolet radiation, visible light and heat. So brighten your pets day with one of
Fluker’s brilliant bulbs.
Fluker’s Lighting Center
An enlighting place for your bulbs to be.
Fluker’s spared no expense to having this
durable rack custom fabricated. Made of surplus
material from Gustav Eieffle’s famous tower,
your retail environment will soon become a
tourist attraction.*
Lighting Center Rack ........ #90002
Fluker’s Sun-Glow Coil Lanterns
for Basking Animals
Under natural conditions, the sun produces ultraviolet B
radiation (UVB). UVB radiation is needed to produce vitamin
D. In captivity, reptiles that have poor lighting conditions can
develop life threatening diseases. Sun Glow fluorescent bulbs
provide essential ultraviolet B radiation for captive reptiles and
amphibians. These bulbs actually generate more UVB (> 250
vwatts/cm2) than competitor’s 5.0 fluorescent tubes (> 250
mwatts/cm2)! Sun Glow bulbs should be used in combinationwith
Fluker’s incandescent bulbs which can be used to regulate the
environmental temperature.
5.0 ubv 20 watt ................ #23000
10.0 ubv 20 watt ............... #23001
Fluker’s Splash Proof Halogen Bulb
Designed for water based and high humidity setups, Fluker’s
heavy duty Splash Proof Halogen Bulb will not shatter like
regular heat lamps when accidentally splashed with water.
This bulb also makes your animal’s colors appear richer. This
Professional Series bulb has an average life span of 2,500 hours
and is great for all water based terrarium animals.
50 watt ......... #22100 | 75 watt ......... #22101 | 90 watt ......... #22102
Repta-Sun Full-Spectrum Lighting
Just Like A Day At The Beach For Your Reptile
Full-spectrum lighting closely simulates natural sunlight to
provide a natural environment for reptiles so they feel better
and see better, while making food colors and skin tones appear
as they do in natural sunlight.
*Not really true.
2.0 UVB 15 watt 18" ........ #21643
2.0 UVB 20 watt 24" ...... #22088
2.0 UVB 30 watt 36" ....... #23461
2.0 UVB 40 watt 48" ....... #24939
5.0 UVB 15 watt 18" ........ #21000
5.0 UVB 20 watt 24" ....... #21001
5.0 UVB 30 watt 36" ....... #21002
5.0 UVB 40 watt 48" ....... #21003
Fluker’s Incandescent Lighting
for Basking Animals
Fluker’s incandescent light bulbs provide the radiant heat (infrared light) that reptiles need. Reptiles are ectothermic
and depend on their environmental temperature to regulate their core body temperature. If a reptile is not provided
an appropriate environmental temperature range (ETR), it may be predisposed to chronic infections. Because ETRs
vary from species to species, ask your pet professional or review available literature for guidance in determining the
appropriate ETR for your pet.
Day Time Blue
25 watt ...... #22400
40 watt ...... #22401
60 watt ...... #22402
100 watt ..... #22403
150 watt ..... #22404
Night Time Red
50 watt ...... #22805
75 watt ...... #22806
100 watt ..... #22807
150 watt ..... #22808
250 watt .... #22809
Neodyminum Daylight
25 watt ...... #22500
60 watt ..... #22501
75 watt ...... #22502
100 watt .... #22503
150 watt .... #22504
Basking Spotlight
40 watt ..... #22600
60 watt ..... #22601
75 watt ...... #22602
100 watt .... #22603
150 watt .... #22604
Black Nightlight
25 watt ...... #22700
60 watt ....... #22701
75 watt ...... #22702
100 watt ..... #22703
150 watt ..... #22704
Red Heat
40 watt ..... #22800
60 watt ...... #22801
75 watt ...... #22802
100 watt ..... #22803
150 watt ..... #22804
Fluker’s has extensively researched and developed these products to simulate natural heat and light cycles.
Since reptiles and amphibians are ectotherms (cold-blooded), they can not self regulate their body temperature
like birds and mammals. Instead, they depend on the environmental temperature to regulate their core
temperature. Fluker’s has a range of heat sources to meet the needs of your pet reptile or amphibian.
Fluker’s Mini Sun Dome
Deep Dome Flush Mount
Lamp Fixture
Fluker’s Mini Sun Dome is
specifically designed with an extra
long reflector dome that extends
beyond the bulb. The highly
polished aluminum inside is used
to increase UVB and UVA output.
100 watt max................ #27004
Fluker’s Sun Spot
Fluker’s Professional Series Sun Spot emits
both the UVA and UVB wavelengths and is an
excellent heat source for your pets and comes
equipped with special UV transmitting hard
glass. The UVB wavelength prevents or reverses
metabolic bone disease in reptiles. The Sun Spot
increases appetite, color, and breeding activity
with a 5,000 hour average life.
100 watt................. #27501
160 watt................. #27500
Fluker’s Clamp-Lamp with Switch
for Basking Animals
This UL/CUL approved lamp is perfect for reptiles
who like to bask. Ceramic sockets are rated for
incandescent bulbs and ceramic heat emitters. All
sizes feature safety clamps and easily attach to the
rim of all terrariums..
Fluker’s Sun Dome
Deep Dome Flush Mount Lamp Fixture
Fluker’s Sun Dome is specifically designed to accommodate larger
or longer bulbs, such as Fluker’s Sun-Glow and Sun Spot bulbs.
The dome extends beyond the face of the lamp so longer bulbs
are contained within the fixture. The polished aluminum surface
inside the dome increases UVB and UVA output compared to
domes with interior white surfaces.
160 watt max ............... #27003
5.5" ....................#27002 rated up to 75 watts
8.5" ...................#27000 rated up to 150 watts
10" .....................#27001 rated up to 250 watts
Fluker’s Heat Mat
Use Inside or Outside of Terrariums
Fluker’s Heat Mat operates
at a constant 100˚ F. Durable
construction provides uniform,
evenly distributed heat.
4" x 5" 4 watt ............ #29050
6" x 11" 7 watt ............. #29051
11" x 11" 12 watt ......... #29052
17" x 11" 20 watt ......... #29053
29" x 11" 35 watt ........ #29054
Fluker’s Ceramic Heat Emitter
Fluker’s Clamp-Lamp with Dimmer
For Basking Animals
Now you can set the mood for your pet with
Fluker’s UL/CUL approved new clamp lamp with
dimmer. Ceramic sockets are rated for incandescent
bulbs. All sizes feature safety clamps and easily
attach to the rim of all terrariums.
5.5" .......................... #27005 rated up to 75 watts
8.5" .......................... #27006 rated up to 150 watts
Fluker’s Halogen Spot Lamp
Fluker’s Professional Series Halogen Spot
Lamp provides 15% more heat, light and UVA
output than standard basking spot lamps
that makes animal’s colors appear richer. This
products average life span is 3,000 hours.
50 watt .................. #22300
75 watt .................. #22301
100 watt ................. #22302
150 watt ................. #22303
Fluker’s Hot Rock
Looks and Feels Like a Rock
Fluker’s Hot Rock provides proper heat for
reptiles without the danger of electrical
shock or thermal burn. This nonporous
material is easy to clean and maintain.
Small .................... #28000
Medium ................. #28001
Large .................... #28002
Heat emitters radiate intense infrared
heat, but emit no light. The perfect 24hour heat source for your tropical or desert
reptile. Ceramic heat emitters can be used
to establish an appropriate environmental
temperature range for reptiles. Designed for
use with Fluker’s Clamp-Lamps with Switch.
60 watt ................. #26005
100 watt ................ #26006
150 watt ................. #26007
Choose any of these great Fluker’s products and your pet will enjoy the creature comforts of a home away from home.
Providing your pet reptile or amphibian with a natural-looking environment minimizes their
stress level and also beautifies the enclosure for you to enjoy.
Fluker’s Repta-Liner
The ideal substrate for beginning reptile enthusiasts, Fluker’s Repta-Liner provides pet owners
with a safe, easy-to-clean substrate alternative. Great for lizards, tortoises and snakes. Choose
from five sizes for the perfect fit in your enclosure. Available in green, blue or brown.
10" x 20" .............. #36025
12" x 24" ............... #36026
12" x 30" ............... #36027
12" x 36" .............. #36028
12" x 48" .............. #36029
10" x 20" .............. #36035
12" x 24" ............... #36036
12" x 30" ............... #36037
12" x 36" .............. #36038
12" x 48" .............. #36039
10" x 20" ............. #36030
12" x 24" ............... #36031
12" x 30" ............... #36032
12" x 36" ............... #36033
12" x 48" ............. #36034
Fluker’s Cactus ’n Granite
Habi-scape Desert Plants In Granite
These lifelike, beautifully assorted
cactus plants are each set in an
attractive granite base.
Fluker’s Tropical Plants
Fluker’s Cypress Bedding
Lifelike tropical plants can be
used to create a jungle look in any
terrarium without the hassle of
plant maintenance.
Premium Tropical Cypress
Fluker’s Premium Cypress Mulch is
designed for tropical terrariums. Our
twice milled cypress resists mold
and decay and is breeder tested
and recommended. Ideal for frogs,
snakes, lizards and other reptiles.
3 Assorted Tropical Plants
(8"– 12" tall) ............. #51013
A. Large (approx. 6"– 10" tall) ..... #51010
B. Small (approx. 3"– 5" tall) ..... #51009
Fluker’s Repta-Vines
In Four Different Styles
Lifelike, natural-looking hanging vines are the
perfect addition to any terrarium. All vines come
with suction cups to affix to the tank and are
made of nontoxic polyethylene material for easy
cleaning and disinfecting. All styles are 6 feet long.
A. English Ivy .............
B. Pothos ...................
C. Red Coleus .............
D. Purple Coleus .........
Fluker’s Aspen Bedding
5 qt. bag.................. #36010
10 qt. bag.................#36011
Natural and Colored Substrate
Provides a safe, natural substrate that allows snakes,
lizards, and small animals to form burrows and nests as
they would in the wild.
4 qt. bag ..............#36060
8 qt. bag .............. #36061
4 qt. bag ............. #33000
8 qt. bag ..............#33001
4 qt. bag ............. #33004
8 qt. bag ............. #33005
4 qt. bag ..............#33002
8 qt. bag ..............#33003
4 qt. bag ..............#33006
8 qt. bag .............. #33007
Fluker’s Green Moss Bedding
All Natural Substrate
Real moss terrarium bedding
provides your pet with comfort
and shelter in a natural environment. Perfect
for any terrarium. Suit­able for reptiles and terrestrial
amphibians. Ideal for frogs, salamanders and green snakes.
4 qt. bag ............... #36000
8 qt. bag ................ #36001
Fluker’s Reptile Coconut
Fiber Bedding
Fluker’s Fern Plant
What’s a tropical garden without a fern?
Get that jungle look without the hassle of
plant maintenance. Plant has wood base.
15" tall ................... #51008
All Natural 100% Coconut Bedding
This bedding, made from 100% natural
coconut fiber, is an excellent natural
bedding for all reptiles and amphibians. Great for
egg incubation. Expands 6 to 7 times its size.
Single Pack ................................... #37000
Three Pack .................................... #37001
Fluker's Loose Coconut Bedding
Fluker's Spanish Moss
Fluker's Repta-Bark Bedding
Made from 100% coconut fiber
Loose Coconut Fiber Bedding is an
ideal bedding for maintaining a
tropical habitat’s proper humidity
and it absorbs moisture with little
decay. Perfect for frogs, toads,
tortoises, box turtles and other
terrestrial turtles, forest dwelling
lizards and snakes and all types of
All Natural Substrate
Fluker’s Spanish Moss bedding
is perfect for any terrarium, and
provides necessary comfort
and shelter for your pet. Great
for reptiles and terrestrial
amphibians — particularly frogs
and green snakes.
All Natural Bedding
This orchid bark is an excellent
natural bedding for all highhumidity-loving reptiles. Bigger
pieces mean less chance for
ingestion and less dust.
5 qt. bag ....................... #37002
10 qt. bag ..................... #37003
4 qt. bag .......... #36021
8 qt. bag .......... #36020
4 qt. bag ...................... #36004
8 qt. bag ...................... #36005
24 qt. bag ..................... #36007
Fluker’s provides you with a full array of natural habitat products to make your pet feel right at home.
Reptiles love to find a nice, cozy hollow log or cave in which they can feel safe and secure. Fluker’s provides
you with a full array of natural habitats to make your pet feel right at home.
Fluker’s Habi-Caves
Security for Small Reptiles
Habi-Caves provide a safe, stress-reducing
environment for small reptiles. Made of hard
fiberglass for a natural appearance. Easy to clean
and disinfect.
9" x 12" x 2" .............. #50004
Fluker’s Castle Crib
Three In One
The coolest crib around...Fluker’s introduces yet
another innovative product combining a basking
platform, crawl space, and bowl. This is sure to be
welcomed by any pet reptile, arachnid, or amphibian.
Fluker’s Groovy Jacuzzi
Fluker’s Groovy Jacuzzi is a bowl partially buried below
the substrate that saves room and creates a natural
pool. The extra wide lip helps keep substrate out of the
bowl and the steps allow easy in and out access. The
Groovy Jacuzzi can also be used as a feeding bowl.
Small .................... #50006
Large .................... #50007
Fluker’s Rock Caverns
Secluded Havens for Reptiles
Rock covers provide necessary shelter for reptiles.
Suitable for small reptiles that like to hide.
6" ...................... #50000 | 9" ...................... #50002
Tropical Blue
Jungle Green
Forest Brown
Desert Tan
Small .......................... #30010
Medium ...................... #30011
Large .......................... #30012
Extra Large ................. #30013
Small ......................... #30020
Medium ...................... #30021
Large ......................... #30022
Extra Large ................ #30023
Small ......................... #30030
Medium ...................... #30031
Large ......................... #30032
Extra Large ................ #30033
Small ......................... #30040
Medium ...................... #30041
Large ......................... #30042
Extra Large ................ #30043
Fluker’s Corner Logs
Fluker’s Corner Bowls
Fluker’s Repta-Bowls
Nonporous Food or Water Bowls
These rock-like bowls provide a natural look to all
terrariums and are ideal for water and food. Easy to
clean and disinfect.
3" X-Small ........... #30004
4" Small ............... #30005
6" Medium ........... #30006
9" Large ............... #30007
12" X-Large ........... #30008
Nonporous Food or Water Bowls
Fluker’s Corner Bowls fit flush against the corners
of terrariums, making them perfect for holding
food or water. Easy to clean and disinfect.
4" Small ................ #30000
6" Medium ............. #30001
9" Large ................ #30002
12" X-Large ............ #30003
Fluker’s Half Logs
for Reptiles and Small Animals
These all natural log hideouts are great for reptiles and other
small animals who like to hide. The natural wood provides
your pet with both shade and security in a natural habitat.
Small ................... #59000
Medium ................. #59001
Large .................... #59002
X-Large .................. #59003
for Reptiles and Small Animals
For those hard-to-reach places, these
corner log hideouts are a perfect fit for
the tiny corners of terrariums.
Small .................... #59009
Large ..................... #59010
Fluker’s provides you with a full array of natural habitat products to make your pet feel right at home.
Wood Pieces
These authentic and beautiful wood products will enhance any habitat. Give your pets the quality they
deserve. Fluker’s Wood Pieces are a hit among reptile lovers.
Fluker’s Riverwood
Authentic natural Oregon river wood.
Perfect for any terrarium. Suitable for
snakes, geckos, chameleons or any other
basking reptiles.
12" - 18" Size ................ #52000
Fluker’s Driftwood
Heat Treated Grapevine
Give your pet the natural habitat it
needs. Fluker’s Driftwood is not only
beautiful, but will make any climbing
reptile or amphibian feel right at home.
Larger in diameter and more tropical
looking than any other driftwood on
the market, these distinctive wood
pieces make great terrarium additions
for bearded dragons, snakes, iguanas,
and most terrestrial amphibians.
Fluker’s Deluxe Driftwood
for Basking And Climbing
Assembled from California driftwood and designed to fit perfectly in most common
tank sizes, Fluker’s Deluxe Driftwood provides shade and shelter, while upper
branches encourage basking and climbing.
Small (for 10 gal. tanks) ................ #52016
Medium (for 20 gal. tanks) ............ #52017
Large (for 30 gal. tanks) ................ #52018
12 "– 18" Small ............... #52013
24"+ Medium ............... #52014
Fluker’s Iguana Branches
Heat Treated Sandblasted Grapevine
These branches of natural California
grapevine are sandblasted to produce
a beautiful color and texture.
Recommended for all climbing reptiles.
Ideal for iguanas and bearded dragons.
Small ........................... #52003
Medium ....................... #52004
Large ........................... #52005
X-Large ......................... #52019
Fluker’s Bend-A-Branch
With a natural look and feel, these branches are the perfect addition to any terrarium.
They bend to fit your pet’s enclosure while offering more support than a conventional vine.
Great for chameleons, tree frogs, geckos, snakes, and much more. Three sizes available; all
are 6 feet long. New improved color does not bleed.
1/8" dia. Small .............................. #51018
3/8" dia. Medium .......................... #51019
5/8" dia. Large ............................. #51020
Fluker’s Thermometer
Fluker’s Dechlorinator
With Aloe
Instant Water Conditioner
Fluker’s Dechlorinator Water
Conditioner is especially
formulated for reptiles and
amphibians and instantly
makes tap water safe for all
reptiles, amphibians, hermit
crabs, arachnids, and more. It
neutralizes toxic chlorine and
chloramines and detoxifies many
heavy metals such as copper,
lead and zinc. With the added
Aloe Vera and Vitamin E, this
product promotes natural healing
and aids in shedding without
affecting pH
8 oz. bottle ........... #42000
Fluker’s Repta-Leash
Once you’ve used a ReptaLeash, you’ll wonder how
you ever lived without one.
The Repta-Leash is the
ultimate in security, safety,
and comfort for lizards of all
ages and sizes. Each has a 6'
adjustable lead.
XXS ....................... #31000
XS .......................... #31001
Small ..................... #31002
Medium ................. #31003
Large ..................... #31004
XL .......................... #31005
Fluker’s Eco Clean
All Natural Waste Remover
Fluker’s Eco Clean Waste Remover is
specially formulated for aquatic reptiles
and amphibians. All natural bacteria
and enzymes help eliminate solid waste
in aquatic reptile habitats. Quickly and
efficiently removes waste and uneaten
food that can cause foul smelling and
unhealthy environments.
8 oz. bottle .................. #43000
Many reptiles drink by licking moisture off of
leaves or other objects and, therefore, require
either frequent misting, a drip system, or
both. Fluker offers two sizes of drip systems
to accommodate your reptile’s needs. These
are excellent amenities for all
tropical reptiles.
12 oz. Mini Dripper ............. #35003
1 gal. Large Dripper ............ #35004
Thermometer (Round) .............. #34130
Fluker’s Hygrometer
This relative humidity hygrometer allows you
to establish and maintain a consistent level of
humidity within your pet’s enclosure, creating
a safe and comfortable environment.
Hygrometer (Round) ............... #34132
Fluker’s Super Scrub
with Organic Cleaner
Fluker’s Super Scrub
with Organic Cleaner
makes cleaning your
pet’s environment safe
and easy. The Free
Brush will enable you
to scrub the tank and
accessories while the
organic cleaner naturally
dissolves the dirt and
grim. This product
contains natural
enzymes to help keep
cages, branches, hot
rocks, plastic vines and
bowls clean and fresh
as well as deodorizes
Fluker’s Flat
16 oz. bottle ........... #44003
Digital Thermo-Hygrometer
Fluker’s Repta-Sprayer
Reptile Drip Systems
This precision calibrated thermometer
enables you to effectively monitor an
Environmental Temperature Range (ETR)
within your pet’s enclosure to promote good
health and longevity.
These professionally
styled spray bottles
can be used to water
and mist reptiles
and amphibians.
Constructed of durable,
leakproof plastic,
these dispensers are
fantastic for both
water and water
soluble medications.
10 oz. sprayer ............ #35000
An easy, accurate way to find out the
temperature of your terrarium or aquarium,
this handy device attaches to the exterior
wall of your tank (not to your pet), offers
readings in both Fahrenheit and Celsius, and
comes with Fluker’s guarantee of complete
satisfaction. It has a high range of 110°F.
Flat Repta-Thermometer ......... #34131
Fluker’s Terrarium Gauges
Combo Pack – Both Thermometer
and Hygrometer
Now you can get two for one in our combo
pack. Perfect for first-timers.
Terrarium Gauges
Combo Pack ............................ #34133
Two Instruments for the Price of One
Digitally measures humidity and temperature
for you to establish and maintain a consistent
level of humidity and temperature within
your pet’s enclosure, creating a safe and
comfortable environment.
Fluker’s Screen Cover
Fluker’ metal screen cover creates a secure and stable
environment for any pet. Made of a durable metal, this
unique cover withstands high temperatures from heating
devices. The metal mesh screen also increases the tank
air circulation, minimizing unwanted growth of mold,
bacteria and other organisms in your tank.
5.5 gal. Screen Cover (8" x 16") ....................... #38000
10 gal. Screen Cover (10" x 20") ...................... #38001
15H/20 gal. Screen Cover (12" x 24") .............. #38002
20L/29 gal. Screen Cover (12" x 30") ............... #38003
30 gal. Screen Cover (12" x 36") ...................... #38004
55 gal. Screen Cover (12" x 48") ...................... #38005
40 gal. Screen Cover (18" x 36") ...................... #38008
75 gal. Screen Cover (18" x 48") ...................... #38009
Screen Cover Center (see page 1 photo)........... #80002
Fluker’s Screen Cover Clips
We offer 2 sizes in our screen
clips. Small Clip fits 29 gallons
or less. Large Clip fits 30
gallons or more. Sold in a set
of 2.
Small Clips ............... #38006
Large Clips ............... #38007
Digital Thermometer/Hygrometer ......... #34134
Fluker’s Bamboo Bars
Fluker’s Repta-Waterer
The ideal watering hole for iguanas, turtles,
lizards, hermit crabs and practically anything
else you can think of. These attractive
water dispensers feature durable, thick-wall
construction and a wide anti-tip base. They’re
also easy to clean and fill.
Looks and feels just like real
bamboo. Attach these spring
loaded bars with suction cups
in your pet’s terrarium for
endless fun. Combo pack/
small and large.
Bamboo Bars ............... #51021
5 oz. ..................... #35001
16 oz. ................... #35002
Setup Suggestion Examples
FLuker’s offers an extensive line of products for your reptile and amphibian habitats — just about anything
your pet might need. The Fluker name is unsurpassed when it comes to quality and safety.
1. M
ini Sun Dome ........................ Page 11
with Red Heat bulb .................. Page 8
2. S
un Dome ............................... Page 11
with Basking Bulb ................... Page 8
3. Screen Cover ........................... Page 19
4. Screen Clips ............................ Page 19
5. Fluker’s Terrarium Gauges ....... Page 19
6. Single Small Driftwood ............ Page 17
7. Cactus `N Granite ..................... Page 13
8. Rock Caverns .......................... Page 15
9. Desert Tan Jacuzzi Bowl ........... Page 14
1. Screen Clips ............................. Page 19
2. Screen Cover ........................... Page 19
3. Mini Sun Dome ........................ Page 11
with Black Nightlight bulb ....... Page 8
4. Sun Dome ............................... Page 11
with Basking Bulb ................... Page 8
5. Spanish Moss .......................... Page 13
6. Bend-A-Branch ........................ Page 17
7. Bamboo Bars ........................... Page 19
8. Spanish Moss .......................... Page 13
9. Fern Plant ............................... Page 13
10. Vines ..................................... Page 13
11. Jungle Green Jacuzzi Bowl ....... Page 14
12. Half Log ................................. Page 15
13. Green Moss ............................ Page 13
14. Bark Bedding ......................... Page 13