December 2014 - Croatian Scholarship Fund


December 2014 - Croatian Scholarship Fund
to attend the concert.
CSF will Celeb
For further information please check CSF’s web site at
Croatian Scholarship Fund
Hrvatska školska zaklada
Domovinska proslava jubileja
D o mov i n s ka p ro s l a va j u b i l e j a
GALA CONCERT IN __________________________________
DEC 2014
Donate online at • Thank you for your contribution to CSF!
gala evening of entertainment was held in Zagreb
on September 26, 2014, to celebrate CSF’s 25th Anniversary.
CSF’s alumni organization, in conjunction with the City of
Zagreb and Croatian Radio and Television (HRT), hosted the
evening at the Kazalište Komedija where many CSF sponsors
and Board members from California were in the audience.
With over 350 people and Croatia’s most talented performers
on hand, the evening was electrifying with song and music
that exuded the warmth of the Croatian people.
Those in attendance were treated to the music of Tamburica
Orchestra under the direction of Siniša Leopold. The singers
included the klapa group Sveti Juraj, who are members of the
Croatian Navy. The audience loved them, and they performed
many incredible songs. Croatian divas Renata Sabljak and
Sandra Bagarić performed amazing pieces from well-known
Croatian operas. The audience loved young performer Jacques
Houdek who was accompanied by Joe Meixner, a worldfamous Croatian pianist. The audience was enraptured by all
the performances, and these marvelous musicians responded
by indulging the audience with several encores. Even though the
klapa singers had traveled from Split that day, they gave their
all, denying any fatigue when they enthusiastically agreed to yet
another encore.
After the performance CSF’s students and alumni took to the
stage for photographs and well wishes. A reception followed
across the street, which gave students and sponsors the opportunity to meet up. Kul In, a Croatian culinary school founded by
CSF Advisory Board members and sponsors Marina and Darko
Sertić, catered the event with sumptuous flair.
Numerous luminaries attended and contributed to the success
of the evening, including CSF’s Božo Skoko, a CSF alumnus who
is a professor at the University of Zagreb, a writer, businessman and founder of CSF Croatia Group, an organization for CSF
alumni. Skoko, along with other students, organized the concert
event. The City of Zagreb provided the historic venue Kazalište
Komedija located in the center of old town and across from the
Zagreb Cathedral. Sponsors for the event included Millenium
Promocija, Dental Centar b2 and Školska Knjiga. The event was
Continued on page 6
CSF NEWSLETTER •December 2014
President’s Letter
his year marks 25 years of the Croatian Scholarship Fund, a momentous
occasion for all of us associated with CSF. We have taken this opportunity to celebrate with our students and to express our appreciation to many of our donors,
sponsors and benefactors. Without their generous financial support, CSF would
not have been able to help so many deserving students over the past 25 years.
P.O. Box 290
San Ramon, CA 94583
Marijana Pavić
Nina Jurjević
Vice President
Joseph Cindrich, Ph.D.
Vice President Emeritus
Barbara Jagiello
Branko Barbir
Founder, Co-Treasurer
Chip Kumparak
Maria Olujić, Ph.D.
Member at Large
Rosemary Dixon
Member at Large
Vesna Brekalo
Student Liaison
Slavica Skračić
Graphics &Admin Assistant
Gary Allen
Anamaria Brozović, Ph.D.
William Cumbelich
Vera Duplančić
Željko Pavić
Alan Saračević
Matt Darko Sertić
Marina Sertić
Tony Ujdur, Founder
It was a heartfelt moment when many of the Board members, including myself,
met with current and former students at our 25th Anniversary celebration in
Zagreb. The students expressed their appreciation and shared with us how
much our support has meant to them. Our graduates are working as physicians,
attorneys, scientists, educators and many other professions. They are grateful to CSF and their sponsors for
helping them get to where they are today. Our current students also expressed gratitude and appreciation
for being selected into the program. They were hoping to meet their sponsors in person to thank them for
their generous support.
I would also like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation and a sincere thank you to all the CSF
Board members who give selflessly of their time and talents. Many of them have volunteered countless
hours year after year and without their commitment, the organization would not be where it is today. These
individuals truly believe in CSF‘s mission and want to help promote education for our Croatian youth.
Collectively we have helped over 300 Croatian students over the past 25 years achieve a college education,
and we should be proud of this accomplishment. Our goal is to continue with this effort and we ask for your
generosity and continued support.
May you and your family have a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Thank you for supporting CSF .
Marijana Pavić,
CSF President
The Croatian
Scholarship Fund
is a non-profit
organization that
university scholarships
to students in
Croatia and
Bosnia & Herzegovina.
CSF NEWSLETTER • December 2014
Gala concert Zagreb 2014
The fabulous entertainers
atKazalište Komedija
Our students, past and present, and invited guests
CSF NEWSLETTER •December 2014
CSF Scholarship Recipients
Josip Ivan
Čondić Begov
Kamelija Horvatović
University: Split
Major: Medicine
Place of Birth: Sinj, Croatia
Sponsor: Mr. & Mrs. John Vidovich
University: Zagreb
Major: Medicine
Place of Birth: Vinkovci, Croatia
Sponsor: Mr. & Mrs. Željko and
Marijana Pavić
Marko Cibarić
Ivan Kalić
University: Zagreb
Major: Electrical Engineering
Place of Birth: Zagreb, Croatia
Sponsor: Mr. Stanko Barle
University: Zagreb
Major: Mathematics
Place of Birth: Vinkovci, Croatia
Sponsor: Mr. Tony Ujdur
Zvonimir Delac
Ana Marija Koritnik
University: Zagreb
Major: Veterinary Medicine
Place of Birth: Split, Croatia
Sponsor: Mr. & Mrs. Bubalo
University: Zagreb
Major: Rehabilitation
Place of Birth: Postojna, Croatia
Sponsor: TBD
Ivan Despot
Matea Laden
University: Zagreb
Major: Electrical Engineering
Place of Birth: Split, Croatia
Sponsor: Margaretić Family
University: Split
Major: Law
Place of Birth: Prozor-Rama, BiH
Sponsor: Mr. Tony Ujdur
Marcela Grčić
Darija Ljuboš
Julija Ljuboš
University: Zagreb
Major: Mathematics
Place of Birth: Zagreb, Croatia
Sponsor: Alan Unger Foundation
University: Zagreb
Major: Geodesy
Place of Birth: Zenica, BiH
Sponsor: Mr. Jure Šola
University: Zagreb
Major: Medicine
Place of Birth: Zenica, BiH
Sponsor: Mr. Jure Šola
CSF NEWSLETTER • December 2014
Lucija Patrun
University: Zagreb
Major: Philosophy
Place of Birth: Koprivnica, Croatia
Sponsor: Cumbelich Family
University: Zagreb
Major: Dentistry
Place of Birth: Zagreb, Croatia
Sponsor: Mrs. Rosemary Dixon
Monika Majstorović
Jelena Pažin
University: Zagreb
Major: Mathematics
Place of Birth: Zagreb, Croatia
Sponsor: Mr. Tony Ujdur
University: Mostar
Major: Medicine
Place of Birth: Mostar, BiH
Sponsor: Mr. Zlatko Vasilj
Karlo Mak
Tvrtko Pleić
University: Zagreb
Major: Histroy & Geography
Place of Birth: Zabok, Croatia
Sponsor: Mr. & Mrs. Dobler
University: Zagreb
Major: Integrated Study
History & Geography
Place of Birth: Zagreb, Croatia
Sponsor: Mr. Stanko Barle
Lucija Mandić
Maja Sabol
University: Zagreb
Major: Economy
Place of Birth: Mostar, BiH
Sponsor: Marko Vasijl Memorial
Ana Lulić
University: Zagreb
Major: Economy
Place of Birth: Čakovec, Croatia
Sponsor: SF Symphony - Vidovich
Dino Papista
Davor Tunjić
Petra Valjak
University: Osjek
Major: Medicine
Place of Birth: Osijek, Croatia
Sponsor: Mr. & Mrs. Željko
University: Sarajevo
Major: Political Science
Place of Birth: Tuzla, BiH
Sponsor: TBD
University: Zagreb
Major: Geology
Place of Birth: Zagreb, Croatia
Sponsor: Mr. Mark Palajac
CSF NEWSLETTER •December 2014
Those CSF Board members and sponsors in attendance were
thrilled at the opportunity to see so many of CSF’s students.
Due to distance and expense, there are few opportunities
to meet with even a single student at one time. It was most
exciting to meet and hear from CSF’s bright and hardworking students and alumni. They were clearly the jewel in the
crown of an evening that no one there will soon forget. Let
us hope that CSF will not wait another 25 years for a reunion
with the students. .
Pl e a s h el p g o
graced by the presence of co-founder Tony Ujdur, a 25-year
supporter of CSF and numerous students, and co-founder
Branko Barbir.
n a h at
ip tio w e c
Gala Concert in Zagreb continued from front page…
or er b
es e stu co m i n g a s p o n r d o
di d e nt
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hank you to our current sponsors
who provide full scholarships to one or more students for
the duration of their studies. Their generosity and
support is greatly appreciated.
Mr. & Mrs. Stanko and Nicole Barle • Mr. Marko Bodor •
Mr. & Mrs. Pete and Pam Bogdanović • Robert Bronzan
Foundation • Mr. and Mrs. Bubalo • Mr. & Mrs. Mate and
Slava Buljan • Miss Natalia Burina • Croatian American
Cultural Center in Sacramento • Croatian American
Foundation-NY • Croatian Radio, New York • Cumbelich
Family • Mrs. Rosemary Dixon • Mr. & Mrs. Dobler •
Mr. Mike Grgich • Ms. Tatjana Grgich • Grgich Hills Winery
• Ms. Barbara Jagiello • Mr. Chip Kumparak • George
Kumparak Memorial • Mrs. Joann Kumparak • Michael
McAdams Memorial • Mr. Tomo Miškić • Mr. Steve Musich •
Ms. Joan Nelson • Mr. James Old • Olujić Family • Mr. Mark
Palajac • Mr. & Mrs. Željko and Marijana Pavić •
Mr. & Mrs. Darko and Marina Sertić • SF Symphony - Vidovich
• Skračić Family • Mr. & Mrs. Jure and Michelle Šola • Sunce
Winery - Frane Franičević • Mr. Tony Ujdur • Alan Unger
Foundation • Mr. Željko Urban • Marko Vasilj Memorial •
Mr. Zlatko Vasilj • Mr. & Mrs. John Vidovich • Mr. & Mrs. Walt
and Linda Wismar • Mr. and Mrs. Ante Zovich
CSF NEWSLETTER • December 2014
New Book written by a
Student Correspondence
Croatian Scholarship Fund Graduate
Croatian Scholarship Fund is proud to announce
a long awaited book entitled “Hrvatski Velikani”
(“Croatian Greats”), written by Professor Božo Skoko
Ph.D., a former Croatian Scholarship Fund graduate
and one of the first CSF scholarship recipients more
than 20 years ago. In his extensive work, Professor
Skoko analyzes the perception of great people
throughout Croatian history. He presents 25 of the
most popular Croatians, 100 of the most famous
and deserving Croatians and 300 of what he calls
“Croatian Greats.” Short biographies are included
with numerous interesting facts.
Skoko’s book provides information on Croatian
Greats that every Croat should be familiar with.
Even people who may not agree with the specific
names that were included must acknowledge the
book’s exceptional analytical approach, which places
it among the rare editions of national significance.
All Croatian families should have a copy on their
Croatian Scholarship Fund is extremely proud of
Professor Skoko and his
great accomplishment. His
contribution to Croatian
history is recognized and
appreciated by many
Dr. Božo Skoko
Ova stipendija za mene, kao i za
moju obitelj, znači mnogo. Meni
osobno vaša stipendija pomaže da
si platim stanarinu u studentskom
domu, da si platim tramvajsku kartu,
autobusnu kartu za povratak kući i
Valentina Plantak
nazad u ZG, da ju koristim u svrhu
prehrane..Mojim roditeljima vaša stipendija uvelike olakšava
također s financijske strane. Nažalost, rade u takvim tvrtkama
da su im mjesečne plaće na minimalcu a još kod kuće imam
mlađu sestru koja se također školuje. Tako da upravo zbog
vaše stipendije nisam, u financijskom smislu, “veliki teret” za
svoje roditelje.
Osim te financijske strane, vaša stipendija mi uvelike
pomaže i u moralno-psihičkom smislu. Zbog nje se osjećam
samostalnija i odgovornija. Svjesna sam da sada imam svoje
novce i da sama odgovaram za njih te na koji način ću ih
utrošiti. Također me vaša stipendija potiče na kontinuirani
rad i učenje da što bolje i uspješnije položim ispite te tako
zadovoljavajuće prođem semestar.
Neizmjerno sam vam zahvalna na njoj. Nikada u životu
vam neću zaboraviti to što činite za mene, kao i za ostale
stipendiste vaše stipendije. Smatram da zbog vašeg truda
i vaše pomoći mnogi, pa tako i ja, uspjevaju studirati i
školovati se da postanu fakultetske osobe koje će davati veliki
doprinos HR te će moći jednog dana odgajati svoju djecu bez
primisli i briga u glavi kao što su npr.: “Kako ćemo dalje?”,
“Kako ćemo izgurati do kraja mjeseca?”, “Hoćemo li ih moći
financirati da se školuju?”,..
Nadam se da ću uspjeti i nadalje svaki semestar imati
prosjek >3.5 tetako zadovoljavati uvjet za primanje vaše
stipendije. Nemogu zamisliti koliko bi mi bilo teško, a mojim
roditeljima pogotovo, da nemamo barem vašu financijsku
potporu. I kao što na onoj vrečici sa sjemenkama, koju sam
dobila na 25.godišnjici postojanja CSF-a, piše: “Flowers of
Tomorrow Are Seeds of Today”, upravo to mogu usporediti
i sa primanjem ove stipendije. Sve ono što ćemo postati
jednog dana,rezultat je toga što vi danas činite za nas.
~ LP, Valentina Plantak
CSF NEWSLETTER •December 2014
Dear Mrs. Brekalo,
For long time we didn´t have any contact and I sincerely hope you´re doing fine. The
sound of your name and writing this e-mail brings very nice memories back.
Couple of days ago my mother informed me that I received on my family address in
Široki Brijeg an invitation for celebration of CFS 25th anniversary in Zagreb. I wanted to
thank you and CSF in general for the invitation, but unfortunately I was not able to come.
I actually don´t live in Croatia any more. Since I finished my masters in Zagreb 2013 I
was looking for a job in Croatia and in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but after some time I got
an offer from a German company located in Regensburg (Bavaria) and I accepted it. It´s
been less than a year since I´m here and as it happened I was in Zagreb just a week before
your Gala and it was too much to travel back again the next weekend.
I hope there´ll be other opportunities for us to meet. I have plans in the future to join your
organization as a sponsor, hopefully I will be able to do that. At this moment my younger
brother and sister are in college in Zagreb and I am a sort of sponsor myself. I help my
parents as much as I can to provide them opportunities that you helped provide me. :)
Due to our generous sponsors, we are
pleased to announce that currently
Croatian Scholarship Fund is providing
scholarships to 68 students. Additionally,
eight students are receiving scholarship/
internship assistance from Miljenko
Grgich Endowment Fund established
solely for students
studying Viticulture
and Enology at the
Univirsity of Zagreb.
Thank you, sponsors,
for your overwhelming
I want you to transfer my greetings to my sponsor Mr. Ujdur and his family. I wish all of
you in CFS the best and sincere thanks for your help. If it wasn´t for you, probobly today I
wouldn´t be in such a place.
Best regards/ Lijep pozdrav, Matea Marušić
Zagreb Gala gallery continued…
CSF is a non-political, non-profit organization and all contributions are tax-deductible to
the extent allowed by law. For your convenience, CSF now accepts online donations at Please take a moment to fill out this response card.
BENEFACTOR - 1 Full Scholarship: $2,000
ADOPT-A-STUDENT/SPONSOR - 3 Year Scholarship: $6,000
CSF ENDOWMENT FUND - Permanent Fund: Any Amount
Installment Options:
q Monthly
q Bi-annually
q Annually
Check enclosed # __________
Credit Card :
Croatian Scholarship Fund
PO Box 290, San Ramon, CA 94583
For more information please call:
925-556-6263 or
In Memory of: _____________________________________________________________
q MasterCard
Card#:____________________________________________Exp. Date:________________
Donate online at • Thank you for your contribution to CSF!
CSF NEWSLETTER • December 2014
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