Apr 2011 v4.pmd
Apr 2011 v4.pmd
1317 San Pablo Ave. (at Gilman) Berkeley, CA 94702 Showline: 510-525-5054 Office: 510-525-5099 Fax: 510-525-3630 Berkeley’s home for world music & dance since 1973 a nonprofit organization WED $6 adults $4 kids 10 11 LUCKY DIAZ & THE FAMILY JAM BAND 4/8 $10 8 pm 12 EUROPEAN CAFÉ MUSIC CAJUN/ZYDECO from Portland! WITH ALLEN KING 1:30 - 5:30 pm $8 BENEFIT REDW O O D DDA AY WO SCHOOL ROCK B A N D S $10 7:30 pm 8:30 pm CONSCIOUS 18 HIP-HOP Peace Love & Light presents No Performance RAW-G DISCIPLES MARKOS THE MAGNOLIA SISTERS JBIII M ANA M ADD Y & MADD ADDY Y A MIL THE FFA MILY 9 pm $5 8 8 pm Cajun/Zydeco dance lesson with Diana Castillo CUBAN WITH $15 $12 advance 15 $13 $10 students 9:30 pm BRAZILIAN NIGHT “SKANK YOUR TAXES OFF “ 16 SA MBA D Á MONKEY A Q UA R E LA LA MUÑECA Y LOS MUERTOS ÉDESSA 9 8:30 pm Cuban Salsa dance lesson with Sulkary Valverde STU ALLEN SKA $15 $12 advance 9 pm PELLEJO SECO FRONT STREET 9:30 pm 2 DA N C E E NSEMBLE 25th Anniversary Party! FOOD BY S ABOR DA B AHIA T H E I M PA L E R S Contemporary café 7:30 pm Balkan dance music that moves body 8 pm dance lesson with AGENT DEADLIES THE lesson with Jerry Duke Maria Souza and soul P U N K FU N K MO B $13 $10 8:30 pm $10 8:30 pm $10 8:30 pm $10 9 pm $10 students CAJUN/ HONKY-TONK 25 ASHKENAZ BOARD MEETING 19 BALKAN 20 BEATLES JAM BAND 21 THE THE $22 $17 advance 8:30 pm see back for details CAJUN/ZYDECO $10 26 BALKAN BRASS/ TURKISH 27 8 pm Cajun/Zydeco dance lesson with Cheryl McBride $10 RADIO ISTANBUL 8 pm Balkan dance lesson 8:30 pm $10 9 pm $10 CARIBBEAN/ HAITIAN/REGGAE 28 Mixing rhythms and styles from the African diaspora 9 pm $10 8 pm East Coast Swing dance lesson with Chris Lee & Ashley Oke DAY LA TE FOOLS LATE $15 $12 students $15/$12 advance 8:30 pm $10 stu/unemp 9 pm SQUARE DANCE 29 BERKELEY OLD TIME MUSIC SPRING SITUATION AF RICOMB O & HER RED HOT SKILLET LICKERS C U R LY THE AXEL EEPH THOMPSON STRING TICKLERS 23 LAVAY SMITH FUNKY NIXONS David Gans $7 INSPECTOR GADJE GATOR BEAT 8:30 pm 8 pm EAST COAST SWING 22 THE S TUMPS! BENEFIT FOR BAY AREA COALITION FOR H EADWATERS AND EARTH FIRST! with the Rowan Brothers and 7 pm dance lesson ROCK STOMP REGGAE/ CARIBBEAN 30 THE CARI BB E AN AL L STARS DANCE CALLING BY JORDAN RUYLE EVIE LADIN 8 pm $15 Alash Ensemble 9:30 pm $13 $10 students TUVAN THROAT SINGING WEDNESDAY, MAY 4 Benefit for California Wolf Center featuring Brass Menazeri FRIDAY, MAY 20 Mark Karan & Jemimah Puddleduck PSYCHEDELIC ROCK SATURDAY, MAY 21 Petar Ralchev Quartet BULGARIAN WEDNESDAY, MAY 25 UPCOMING ADVANCE PRICES are valid until the day of the show. OF 8 pm Cajun/Zydeco dance lesson with Diana Castillo S EA S U N Z 7:30 pm Open to the Public DOORS open ½ hour before showtimes or dance lessons. THE PICKPOCKET ENSEMBLE 14 CAJUN – FROM LOUISIANA FOOLS SEAN HODGE T & HIGH HEA HEAT BALKAN RUBBER CAJUN F O L K D A N C E SOULDIERS COTTONPICKERS dead prez $5 stu/staff 9 pm 24 THE UPCOMING 17 BALKAN/GREEK 4/16 $10 ISRAELI FOLKDANCING SILVERBACK $10 $15 $10 advance 9 pm $7 advance 13 OF THE 1 8 pm Cajun/Zydeco dance lesson with Cheryl McBride 6:30 pm bellydance lesson FOLKDANCE GRATEFUL DEAD NIGHT SAT 7TH ST. SHOWCASE 8:30 pm BELLYDANCE 7:30 pm 7 REGGAE 8 pm Cajun/Zydeco dance lesson with Cheryl McBride NEW IBERIANS café bellie 6 COMMUNITY BENEFIT NIGHT SHAY ASTAR featuring JUNIOR TOOTS FRESHMEN THE M C GRATH PROJECT MALIKA MADREMANA BINGHI GHOST JACKIE ROCKS BAND IRAE DIVINE SERENA I SHEBA DEBORAH CROOKS DJS BEATNOK & THE None BREAST CANCER RESEARCH BENEFIT Aquarela From L.A. – USA Today’s “Best New Kids’ Artist” 3 - 4:30 pm $6/$4 kids FRI THE 4/15 KIDS’ SHOW 5 ZYDECO FLAMES None Music for kids with joyful Caribbean rhythms 3 - 4:30 pm ZYDECO Monkey ASHEBA 4 printed on recycled paper THU Stu Allen Magnolia Sisters 3 4th Edition Pickpocket Ensemble 4/13 TUE 4/2 MON KIDS’ SHOW www.Ashkenaz.com ~ April 2011 ~ ALWAYS ALL AGES! SUN Changes happen! Updates, and more information, at Music & Dance Community Center DANCE/MOVEMENT/MUSIC CLASSES Beginning Afro-Brazilian Dance & Samba for Women Arlie Mischeaux (510)495-7053; arliemischeaux@yahoo.com Wed 7:30 - 8:30 pm Afro-Cuban Dance Judith Justiz with live drumming (510)549-1836; qualitydag@earthlink.net Sat 10:30 am sharp - 12 noon Advanced Balkan Dance Gary Anderson (415)488-9197; (415) 456-0786 evenings Sun 2:00 - 4:00 pm (3rd Sundays only) Beginning Ballet for Children (ages 5-10) Kathryn Roszak (510)233-5550; kdance@sonic.net www.dlkdance.com Mon 4:15 - 5:15 pm Wed 3:30 - 4:30; 4:30 - 5:30 pm Bhangra Dance/Workout (North India) Vicki Virk (510)928-0595; www.dholrhythms.com Sat 9:00 - 10:00 am Drop-in welcome Bharatanatym Classical Dance Kalanjali Dances of India with Katherine and K.P. Kunhiraman (510)526-2183 Tue 3:30 - 4:30; 4:30 - 5:30; 5:30 - 6:30 pm Brazilian Samba Anat (510)414-6064; anatomi@earthlink.net www.sambabeauty.com Thu 5:30 - 6:30 pm Cape Breton Scottish-Style Step Dancing Gail Erwin (209)745-9063; bobschul@softcom.net www.softcom.net/users/bobschul Sun 1:00 - 2:15 pm - New dancers Sun 2:30 - 4:00 pm - Experienced dancers 2nd Sundays only; Ages 14 & up Intimate Embrace Tango for Beginners Sonja Riket (415)661-1852 intimate_embrace_tango@earthlink.net www.IntimateEmbraceTango.com Tue 6:30 - 7:30 pm - Beginner Tue 7:30 - 8:30 pm - Advanced Beginner Community DRUMMM Circle Jeni Swerdlow (510)316-2850; jeni@drummm.com www.drummm.com Sat 4:00 - 5:30 pm (3rd Saturdays only) Mindfulness Bellydance Melanie Hogan (510)206-2605 melanie@mindfulbellydance.com www.mindfulbellydance.com Wed 6:00 - 7:30 pm Creative Movement for Children (ages 3-6) Kathryn Roszak (510)233-5550; kdance@sonic.net www.dlkdance.com Mon 3:30 - 4:15 pm DanceVersity presents Cultural Explorations through Dance DanceVersity Faculty (415)794-7463; info@danceversity.com www.danceversity.com 3/28 - 5/9 - Persian & Central Asian Mon 4:00 - 5:15 pm - Ages 7-11 Mon 5:30 - 6:45 pm - Ages 12-17 3/28 - 5/9 - Middle Eastern & Central Asian Wed 4:00 - 5:30 pm Flamenco (Choreography/Tech. Workshops) Yaelisa (510)531-9986; www.caminosflamencos.com Sat 12:00 - 1:00 pm - Beginner Sat 1:00 - 2:15 pm - Beg./Int. Technique Sat 2:30 - 3:30 pm - Int./Adv. Choreography Flamenco Fusion Rachael Terada (510)847-5000; rcanapa@hotmail.com www.ArtOfFlamenco.com Sat 11:30 am - 12:30 pm Please Note: Most classes are not drop-ins. Contact teachers directly for more information. For classes in Back Studio, enter through left-hand door. Ashkenaz was founded in 1973 by David Nadel, a social activist and folk dancer who performed with the Westwind International Folk Ensemble. Ashkenaz is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization. Ashkenaz is all ages, all times. Kids and minors are always welcome. Those 12 or under are admitted free (unless otherwise noted). Doors open ½ hour before showtimes or dance lessons. Ample parking is available after 9 pm in the lot across the street. Ashkenaz is wheelchair accessible. Pilates Karen Emery (510)236-5113 Wed 5:30 - 6:30 pm - levels 2-3 Thu 10:30 - 11:30 am - level 1 Sat 9:00 - 10:00 am - levels 2-3 Salsa (free) Karen & Michael (925)705-4902; info@karenandmichael.info www.salsarueda.info Thu 7:00 - 8:00 pm - Beginner Salsa & Salsa Rueda Thu 8:00 - 9:00 pm - Salsa Rueda Team Intermediate/Advanced Sponsored by Building Bridges Soul Sanctuary Dance: Family-Friendly Freestyle soulsanctuarydance@gmail.com www.soulsanctuarydance.com Sun 11:00 am - 1:00 pm Drop-in welcome (a community dance gathering, not a formal class) Zumba (free) Karen Lile & DJ Michael Arntz (925)705-4902; info@karenandmichael.info www.karenandmichael.info/zumba.htm Thu 5:30 - 6:30 pm Sponsored by Building Bridges Ashkenaz Café serves organic vegetarian food, beer, wine, and beverages during shows. contact Sean Hodge, Interim Operations Manager, at sean@ashkenaz.com or ext. 3#. Advance tickets are available during shows or (for a fee) through TicketWeb.com, phone number 866-468-3399. Advance prices are valid until the day of the show. The public is welcome at Ashkenaz board meetings, usually held on the third Monday of the month. Meetings take place in the Back Studio from 7:30 to 10 pm. From approximately 7:45 to 8:00, members of the public are welcome to make open comment. Check Ashkenaz.com for updates to show and class schedules. Current show listings are also available by calling 510-525-5054. For show booking or publicity matters, contact Kristen Sbrogna, Booking Manager, at booking@ashkenaz.com or 510-525-5099, ext. 2#. For studio or private party rentals, Join Us at the Ashkenaz FriendRaiser on Sunday, May 15! On May 15, come out and support Ashkenaz at our first FriendRaiser! (event attendance requires an RSVP) This evening of catered dinner by Back To Earth (Gather Restaurant) and a showcase of Ashkenaz’s world-class entertainment brings together allies from Ashkenaz’s extended circle of friends and family. Caribbean, Folk, Klezmer, and Flamenco flavors will fill the house on this wonderfully celebratory evening. Want to become a supporter and attend the event? Call or email Kristen: 510-525-5099 ext. 2# or booking@ashkenaz.com How else can I contribute to Ashkenaz? We are also currently seeking in-kind donations of wine, desserts, appetizers, and flowers for the May 15 FriendRaiser. Call or email Kristen: 510-525-5099 ext. 2# or booking@ashkenaz.com. Also, if you would like to volunteer to help during our spring cleaning leading up to the event, contact Sean at sean@ashkenaz.com. Receive Ashkenaz’s calendar by weekly e-mail or monthly postal mail. E-mail your delivery preference to susan@ashkenaz.com. G E T H E R E ! By Car: Take I-80 to Gilman St. exit. East on Gilman (approx. 8 blocks) to San Pablo Ave. Turn right and park in the Walgreens/REI parking lot for evening events. By Bus: AC Transit Lines 52, 72, 72M, 72R run north & south on San Pablo. Line 25 runs east & west on Gilman (daytime only). From Downtown Berkeley & UC: Line 52 circles the campus and goes to San Pablo & Gilman. If after midnight, AllNighter Line 800 stops at San Pablo & Gilman en route between Richmond and San Francisco. More info at www.actransit.org. By BART: From North Berkeley Station, transfer to AC Transit Line 52. Or walk (approx. 20 minutes) north on Sacramento or Acton to Cedar (2 blocks). Left on Cedar to Gilman (9 blocks). Right on Gilman to San Pablo (4 blocks). Note: Trains stop running from North Berkeley at 12:20 at night.