Q Center Annual Report
Q Center Annual Report
COMMUNITY. COLLABORATION. SERVICE. Q CENTER 2016 ANNUAL REPORT LETTER FROM OUR EXECUTIVE CO-DIRECTORS What an incredible journey this year has been! Over the past 12 months so many people have rallied to help sustain and transform Q Center. We’re grateful for all the time and support from nonprofit community partners, business leaders, foundations, and individual donors; front-desk and administrative volunteers; our forward-thinking board of directors and community engagement committee; and all the former and current staff who have stuck with us through the rebound. Thank you all! We believe that everyone deserves a sanctuary: A safe place where we can find our community, our quirky niche, our family, and where we can thrive and grow in our authenticity. Q Center is that sanctuary for many, and through this transformative year it is becoming home for many others. As we continue into 2016, we invite you to be part of shaping the future of Q Center. In this report you’ll find many ways to participate in the Q Center community and be part of our leadership and direction. Subscribe to our monthly newsletter, follow us on Facebook, participate in events and programs, and let us know about your experiences. If you like the work we’re doing, then please consider volunteering or donating to support our efforts. In the year ahead, we will continue building an LGBTQIA+ community center that honors the diverse experiences and collective power of all of our sexual and gender minority communities. We hope you will join us on this journey. In Community, Strength, and Love, Justin & Stacey Justin Pabalate Executive Co-Director, Development and Community Relations Stacey Rice Executive Co-Director, Operations and Programs 1 HOW WE GOT HERE In early 2015, Q Center’s interim board of directors sought community feedback. Times had changed since Q Center was established, and the center was in crisis. We needed to know what had gone wrong, and what changes our community would support. Hundreds of community members showed up for our town halls and focus groups, and nearly 300 people participated in an online community survey. 3 THEMES EMERGED LEADERSHIP PARTICIPATION PROGRAMMING Survey participants called for stronger, more engaged, and more accountable leadership. Over 40% of respondents wanted greater financial transparency. As much as who was at Q Center, respondents noticed who wasn’t. Community members said we needed to better welcome our entire community, especially groups that were proportionally underrepresented or had experienced discrimination at Q Center. Participants said that Q Center’s core programs were important, in some cases life-saving. For 46% of respondents, space for socializing and entertainment was just as vital as direct services and peer support. In 2015, community members called for empowered leadership by trans women and people of color at Q Center. Today our executive leadership team consists of one trans woman and one queer cisgender man of color. More than half our board are QTPOC (queer and trans people of color), and 62% are trans or gender nonbinary. In the past year we’ve applied what we learned to developing a new way forward for Q Center: An LGBTQIA+ community center dedicated to uplifting our entire community through collaboration and service. 2 GROWING SUSTAINABLY Q Center started 2015 more than a million dollars in debt. With just over $30,000 cash-on-hand, we had to make some hard decisions. We partnered with New Avenues for Youth to transition SMYRC (Portland’s Sexual and Gender Minority Resource Center) to a nonprofit where it would thrive; reduced staff by 80%; and worked with a longtime supporter to sell and leaseback the building on North Mississippi Avenue. Thanks to these measures, and all the help and support that we’ve received, Q Center today is debt free. The doors are open, our programs are growing, and we’ve recently hired two new staff members! Here’s a snapshot of what’s happening at Q Center in 2016. Last summer we sold the building at 4115 North Mississippi Avenue for $1.2 million, with a generous leaseback agreement from a longtime Q Center supporter. After paying all buildingrelated debts, we gained $96,000. 3 WHAT HAPPENS AT Q CENTER? As a convener and community hub, Q Center connects LGBTQIA+ community members and organizations through direct services, peer-based support, and community building events and activities. We believe in meeting people where they are, engaging collaboratively, and sharing resources with other nonprofits and public institutions, locally and statewide. 4 COMMUNITY PROGRAMS In 2015, Q Center received roughly 7,000 calls, and more than 1,000 emails, 1,100 first-time visitors, and 15,000 visits from LGBTQIA+ and allied community members seeking support through our senior community, affinity groups, information and referral service, and volunteerrun events and drop-in space. This year we are investing in our core programs through volunteer leadership development and new staff hires. Q CENTER EVENTS: A GATHERING PLACE FOR PORTLAND’S LGBTQIA+ COMMUNITIES Q Center events create opportunities for LGBTQIA+ people of all ages to socialize, have fun, learn together, and build community. We are committed to ensuring that Q Center’s events appeal to the full diversity of our communities. ENCOURAGING RESPECT FOR AGING (*eRa*): LGBTQIA+ SENIOR COMMUNITY BUILDING With more than 200 members, Encouraging Respect for Aging is Q Center’s community for LGBTQIA+ seniors. Weekly activities include meal sharing, workshops, and social events for community members who are 55 and older. 5 COMMUNITY PROGRAMS, CONTINUED AFFINITY GROUPS: PEER-BASED SOCIALS, SUPPORT, AND RECOVERY Twenty-five peer-led support and activity groups meet at Q Center, offering community-based support for coming out, recovery, social connection and activities, resource sharing, and more. Q Center’s affinity groups were visited over 12,000 times in 2015. INFORMATION & REFERRAL SERVICE: LGBTQIA+ COMPETENT PROVIDER REFERRALS Front-desk volunteers and staff receive thousands of calls every year from community members seeking culturally competent and safe referrals. We’re currently updating and expanding our provider database, which includes emergency referrals for housing, medical care, and mental health support both regionally and statewide. 6 WHO MAKES Q CENTER RUN? Q Center is currently run by a staff of five, 24 frontdesk volunteers, 27 affinity group facilitators, and our board of directors and community engagement committee. Altogether, community members give an estimated 300 hours per month to supporting events, programs, and drop-in space at Q Center. DONORS, BUSINESS PARTNERS, FOUNDATIONS EVENTS MANAGER BOARD OF DIRECTORS CO-EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS LGBTQ SR. COMMUNITY MANAGER VOLUNTEERS COMMUNITY COMMITTEES PROGRAM MANAGER COMMUNITY MEMBERS & PARTNER ORGANIZATIONS 7 WHO USES Q CENTER? Q Center is the largest LGBTQIA+ community center in the Pacific Northwest, proudly serving the LGBTQIA+ communities of Portland Metro and Southwest Washington. Our drop-in and event space on North Mississippi Avenue is a frequent first stop for new arrivals in Portland, and for longtime residents who are newly out or questioning their sexual or gender identity. HOW Q CENTER’S COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION EVOLVED IN 2015 AGE RANGE ANNUAL VISITS 15,000 OVERALL VISITS IN 2015 1 ST AGE RANGE OF Q CENTER VISITORS 1 49 QTR 2015 AVERAGE AGE OF Q CENTER VISITORS 12,000 VISITS WERE TO AFFINITY GROUPS More than 30% of 2015 visitors identified as transgender or nonbinary. 564 MEN 742 TRANS/NB 1433 WOMEN 1001 MEN 899 TRANS/NB 953 WOMEN 565 MEN 694 TRANS/NB 854 WOMEN 589 MEN 663 TRANS/NB 4 TH GENDER 953 WOMEN 99 1 AGE RANGE OF Q CENTER VISITORS 2 27 QTR 2015 AVERAGE AGE OF Q CENTER VISITORS ST QTR 2015 89 RACE While the majority of visitors were white, visits by people of color doubled on average in 2015. 2 ND 4TH QTR 2015 3 4TH QTR 2014 QTR 2015 RD QTR 2015 4 TH QTR 2015 3 22 25 0 59 95 9 10 1727 ARAB ASIAN BLACK JEWISH LATINO MULTIRACIAL NATIVE AMERICAN PACIFIC ISLANDER WHITE 3 27 207 6 72 158 20 7 1749 ARAB ASIAN BLACK JEWISH LATINO MULTIRACIAL NATIVE AMERICAN PACIFIC ISLANDER WHITE 8 WHAT DOES IT COST TO RUN Q CENTER? We cut costs significantly at the beginning of 2015, at first by reducing staff and shifting many day-to-day tasks of running Q Center to our board of directors and volunteers. By working with community partners, we’ve also been able to trim $24,000 from our general operating expenses. This year Q Center is rebuilding with community health and sustainability in mind. OVERVIEW OF Q CENTER’S 2016 BUDGET AND REVENUE PLAN PEOPLE OPERATING EXPENSES RENT $23,000/mo $5,000/mo $3,250/mo Monthly operating expenses include things like building and liability insurance, utilities, phone and internet, software and accounting services, and office and building supplies. This amount has decreased by 18% since the beginning of 2015! Q Center currently holds a two-year lease on the North Mississippi Avenue building, with a mutual option to renew in August 2017. Salaries: $18,000 Payroll Taxes: $2,000 Employee Benefits: $3,000 In 2016 Q Center is thrilled to lease office space to PFLAG Portland Black Chapter, Pride Northwest, The Community of Welcoming Congregations, GayPDX, and Sacred Vessel: Portland’s trans and queer healthcare, research, and advocacy center! 9 WHERE WILL THE MONEY COME FROM? Community Giving Earned Revenue $390,000 $65,000 Foundation Grants $106,000 COMMUNITY GIVING EARNED REVENUE Like most nonprofits, Q Center depends on investments from community members who believe in our mission: Individuals, philanthropic organizations, independently owned businesses, and corporations. We sublease office space and rent the main auditorium, gallery, and conference rooms for events, work parties, and more. • Monthly Donors & Workplace Giving: $40,000 • Q Center Events: $45,000 • Individual Donations: $120,000 • Corporate & Business Community Giving: $185,000 Since the beginning of 2015 we’ve made vital changes to Q Center’s operations, accounting, and budgeting systems. We’ve moved many tasks to a cloud platform and introduced layers of oversight and review to increase transparency and accountability between staff and board. We’ve also released our annual 990 report for 2014: http://tinyurl.com/QCtr2014-990 FOUNDATION GRANTS In 2016 we will apply for foundation grants to support capacity building for Q Center’s Information & Referral, Affinity Group, and Volunteer Leadership Development programs. In 2015 Q Center’s *eRa* LGBTQIA+ senior program and affinity groups raised about $2,000 monthly just by passing the hat in group meetings! This community investment is essential to Q Center’s sustainability. 10 WHAT’S NEW FOR Q CENTER IN 2016? NEW STAFF HIRES We’re committed to expanding and developing our core programs in 2016–and we have the people power to do it! In March 2016 we hired two new part-time positions to manage and develop Q Center’s events and programs. We’re working to make both positions fulltime before the end of the year. PARTNERSHIPS AND PROJECTS LGBTQIA+ people are impacted by social factors beyond sexual or gender minority status. In 2016 we’re collaborating with other nonprofits like PFLAG Portland Black Chapter, Social Justice Fund Northwest, PFLAG Oregon, Pride Foundation, PFLAG Portland, and Portland Jobs with Justice, Center for Intercultural Organizing, The Bus Project, and more to help promote racial and economic justice in our communities. ACCESSIBILITY IMPROVEMENTS It is essential that Q Center’s drop-in space, events, and groups be accessible to everyone. At the start of 2016 we’ve installed a new mobility-device ramp to our auditorium’s main stage and we’re offering American Sign Language interpretation at events and meetings. There’s more to come! CHANGING OUR LOOK Starting in summer 2016, we’re making some big changes to the Q Center building on North Mississippi Avenue! Look for a new exterior mural celebrating local LGBTQIA+ community heroes, new paint and artwork in our auditorium, and more. 11 BE PART OF THE NEW Q! 3 WAYS YOU CAN GET INVOLVED VOLUNTEER PARTICIPATE DONATE Be part of something great and make a difference in your community! Q Center’s drop-in space, information and referral service, and peer-led groups are all run by volunteers. We also accept board member applications on a rolling basis. Contact Raina Daniels for more information about volunteering: raina@pdxqcenter.org. Q Center offers daily dropin space, conference rooms, computer access, an LGBTQIA+ community library, and 300 hours of community-based programming every month! Check the Q Center online events calendar, sign up for our newsletter, or follow us on Facebook. We’ll let you know what’s happening at Q Center! Whether you pass the hat in your peer-led group, organize a community benefit, set up a monthly donation, or dedicate a percentage of your business proceeds, every dollar invested is vital to Q Center’s sustainability! Contact Justin Pabalate to learn more about how you can help support Q Center: justin@pdxqcenter.org. JOIN Q TEAM! Together, we work to create an LGBTQIA+ community center that is joyful, collaborative, and proactively meets the needs of our beautifully diverse communities. As a Q Team member, you are part of a community of people passionately committed to the daily work and sustainability of Q Center. Come join the team–we welcome a monthly donation of any amount that is meaningful and accessible to you. TINYURL.COM/QTEAMPDX 12 GRATITUDE *Please pardon any unintended omissions. THANK YOU TO OUR SUPPORTERS Cathlyn Abbruzzese Lauren Achee Renata Ackermann Cynthia Adams Dwight Adkins Ikaika Alapa‘i Erik Alber Stanislav Alekseenko Kellie Alexander Zachary Alexander Melanie Altaras Becca Amaha Ted Anderson Marc Andrews Another Read Through Elish Appling Brian Arellano Theodore Ashford Stefanie Avery Laurielle Aviles Sara Badiali Christian Baeff Kathryn Ball Kathleen Bambeck Leo Bancroft Barefoot Wines Ricardo Barrera Samiya Bashir Rosalyn Basin Basic Rights Oregon Kinley Bassham Chris Baunach Barbara Bava Terrence Bean Erin Beery Brittany Beetschen Brenda Benda John Bennett Cammy Bentz Bijan Berahimi Nick Bernier Terrie Bernier Dani Bernstein Rachel Bernstein Alisha Berry Genevieve Bimslager Shadoe Black Caron Blau Rothstein Carol Blenning Wendy Blenning Boise Neighborhood Association Cooper Lee Bombardier Nathan Bower Cindy Bowman Judith Bracanovich Jean Bradford Jack Gordon JR Brannon Breana Brave Heart Helina Brave Heart Alisa Brewster David Briggs Candi Brings Plenty Catherine Brinkman B Brock Adrian Brown Brayen Brown Jann Brown Linda Brown Marcia Brown Nicole Brown Stacey Brown Damon Browning Carol Brownlow CJ Brownlow Arthur Bruer Brenda Bryan Irving Buchsbaum Mark Buchsbaum Justin Buckles Wayne Bund Kathryn Burlingham Liza Burney Tiffany Bush Andrea Bustamante Paige Butler Jennifer Byrne Patricia Cach Carla Caesar Café Nell Betty Canham Adem Cardona Anna Carlson Shannon Carney Angela Carter Katie Carter Debbie Caselton Kimberly Casey Paula Casner Karen Castner Cynthia Castro Michele Castro Robin Castro Ada Grey Catanzarite Yenni Cazares LaFreda Ceaser Kara Chaffee Brian Chase Elliott Cherry Thomas J Cherry Sossity Chiricuzio CHKCHK Ruben Chong Steven Christopher Danielle Ciccone Jonathan Cintron Clara Parnell Massage Nancy Clark Jessica Clarke Laurie Classen Shawna Clausen Kendall Clawson Jim Clay Christine S Clothier Jennifer Coleman Ricky Coleman Bethany Coleman-Fire Leora Coleman-Fire Traci Colgrove Karol Collymore Ann Combe Comcast Kerry Conroy III Jennifer Conway Sam Corbin Naaman Cordova-Muenzberg Rachel Correll Colin Cortes Ryan Coussens Meg Cowie Nicola Cowie Connor Cox Colin Crader Creative Paper Erin Creighton Duke Crittenden Trenell Croskey James Crowe Kaysey Crump Mike Cruz Cupcake Jones Jennifer Curry Brenda Culhane Judith Dale Sophia Daniel Raina Daniels Phyllicia Daria McGowan Amythest Davis Devon Rose Davis Galynne Davis Gustave Davis Susan Davis Melanie Davis Naomi Davis Shawn Davis Steve Dawson James de Bacqua Lesley de Bacqua Yeruwelle de Rouen Breylan Deal-Eriksen Chris DeLap Ciara Dela’Rosa Jay De la’Rosa Brandi Delfosse Kyle Delfosse Darion Demartez Jones Jersey Deutsch Jeffrey Devine Sharon Dewitt Jeffrey Dicintio William Dickey Adam Dickson Ryan Dixon Joseph Doherty Patricia Dolan Ernesto Dominquez Jennifer Driggers Jen Dugger Samuel Dunlop Jan Dworkin Tom Dwyer Rebekah Dykhorst Brooke Eckleberry Ed Cauduro Fund of The Oregon Community Foundation Antoinette Edwards Jessica Edwards Keith Edwards Khalil Edwards Melissa Egan Laura Einstein Barbara Elwess Karla Englehardt Martha Ertman Juan Escobedo Danielle Esquivel Marshall Estner Carmella Ann Ettinger Corey Eubanks Kate Fagerholm Barbara Failing Susan Ferguson Celia Ferrer-Dunne Natalie Figueroa Paul Finlay First Unitarian Church of Portland Nikki Fisher Allie Flanary Larry Foltz Karen Ford Kathy Formella Suzanne Foster Karah Frank Miriam Frank Michelle Franz Jeana Frazzini Ayako Fujisaki Mary Fukui Masa Fukui Paul Fukui Sandi Gadow Ariana Galindo James Galloway Eric Garcia Andrew Gardner Emily Garner David Garret David Garrett KM Gartner Sharon Gavin Willora George Andrew Gerdner Patricia Getty Adrian Gibbs Zan Gibbs Jann Gilbert Katherine Gillard Mikki Gillette Casey Gipson Aaron & Jessica Grimmer Anne Goldberg Barbara Goldberg Emerald Goldman Judith Goldstein Robert Goman Michelle Gomez Chantel Gooch Donna Goodwin Cree Gordon Frank Gorretta Andrew Gradner Victor Graf Andrew Graham Brooke Gray Zyon Gray Green Witch Apothecary Marjorie Greenhut Pheonix Greenman Melissa Grewenow Curtis Grezenski Walter Griego Charles Grigsby-Lane CJ Grub Johnathon Guerra Oscar Guerra-Vera Peggy Hackenbruck Leila Haile Charles Hall CM Hall John Halseth Delores Hankins Federica Hansen Angel Hanson Leland Hanson Nancy Haque Ben Harrison R.R. Harrison Meysha Harville Richard Hay Anne Marie Heisland Hannah Heller Ted Hendershot Tami Hess Sue Ann Higgens Barry Hinkson Ben Hobbs Cynthia Hoff Michael Hoffman Kevin Holden Michael Holland Patrick Holmes Dawn Holt Earl Hooper Stephanie & Earl Hooper Kim Horenstein Nathan Hough Shaley Howard Kaitlyn Howell Carrie Hsia Scott Huhn Dr. Donald Hulnick Remy Huston Jill Hutchinson Michele Hunt The Imperial Sovereign Rose Court Independent Publishing Resource Center Leah Isaak Javin Isada Sergio Islas Bruce Ito James James Lorne James Alissa Jenkins Alex Jensen Alyssa Jewel Brian Johnson Cameron Johnson Daniel L Johnson Dustin Johnson Olivia Johnson Susan Johnson Willie Johnson Seth Johnstone Trista Jolly Jonathan Adler Gerry Jones Jessica Jones Ron Joregensen MaryAnn Joyce Kaiser Community Giving Fund Leah Kalproth Gabriela Kandziora Jodi Kansagor Katie Kaput Kitty KariAll Erica Karmeisool Jeanne Kawamoto Joe Kear Kirsten Keith Robert Kennedy Matthew Kern John Kim Evan King Nora King Ray King Elizabeth Kingson-Gray Leah Klaproth Molly Klein Robin Knauerhase Nicholas Kobel Susan Kocen Dana Koelker Marc Kochanski Matt Koren La Bonita John Labdon Julia Lager-Mesulam CarriAnn Lahr Finn Lambourn Karen Lamcia Lori Lane-Beecham Lane Powell John Larsen Jessica Larson Nori LaRue Gordon Latta Peter Laughingwolf Joe LeBlanc Jonathan Lee Joseph Lee Mathew Lee Craig Leets Nicholas Lette Lezley Levario Gee Lewis Scott Lewis Daniel Lewkow Rio Leyva 13 We would like to express our gratitude for our dear friend, volunteer, and supporter Kay Williamson, who passed away in 2015. Our condolences to all who loved her. Sally Li Steven Lien Hanna Linder-Mosier TE Lindley Kelsey Lloyd Dennis Lo LeAnn Locher Adrianna Locke Jim Logan Dennis Logiudice Milo Long Dominic Lopez Samantha Lord Shannon Lord Tina Louis Devron Love Jerry Loveless Catherine Lowe Romen Lu Virginia Luka Clark Ly Joshua Lytle Kirk Maag Sarah Macdonald Peggy Mackenzie Joan Macneill Jack MacNichol Ashley Magham Walker Malone Susannah Malool Michele Mannix Deborah Maria Anne Marie Bertha Markowicz Marie Marks Tim Marl Kaki Marshall Mike Marshall Claudia Martin Courtney Martin Paul Martin Virginia Martin Adrian Martinez Juan Martinez Marisol Martinez Mark Martinez Sigfredo Martinez Vanessa Matson Darin Matthews Clinton Maurice Patricia May Richard May Camille Mayeux Robin McAlpine Thomas McCullough Justin McDaniels Janis McDonald Inger McDowell Phyllicia McGowan Moriah McGrath Kimberly McNelis Elaina Medina Lee Melchoir Shalonda Menefee Dawn Menken Andrew Merriam Doug Metz Avishai Micaiah Jody Miles Mary Jo Miles Ronald Milligan Charles Milne Jeremy Mims Mississippi Pizza L. Mitchell Aldo Mollinedo Tim Montgomery River Montijo Montucky Cold Snacks Charles Moore Morel Ink Gregg Moreland Melanie Moseley Melissa Moss Galadriel Mozee Timothy Mulcahey Mika Mulkey Cory L. Murphy Helmkamp Jason Myers Jim Nash Jennifer Nau Dane Nelson Victoria Nelthropp Geraldine Nenami Susan Nestor Emily Newberry Kay Newell Brittany Newton Bernadette Newville Bunny Newville Perry Ng Teresa Nguyen Heather Nichelle-Peres George T. Nicola Adam Nikolaidis The Nines Portland Northwest Health Foundation Peter Norton Craig C Nowland Diana Nunez Natalia Kay O’Brien Joseph Olympia A.M. O’Malley Patrick O’Neal ONE Marriott Oregon Community Foundation Athen O’Shea John Ossowski Justin Pabalate Tori Padellford Rebeccah Paget Alexis Paige Jessica Painter Kelsey Painter Panacea Loren Parish Ben Parisot Peter Parisot Stacy Parlen Jonathan Patterson Ryder Patton Casey Payseno Jody Pearson Rasha Pecoraro Tamara Pedrojetti Shane Penunuri Nicole Pepper Patricia Perreault Cinda Petersen Richard Pickernell Danny Pierce Tacey Pihir Zoe Piliafas Carol Pinecar Zara Pines Brandy Pirtle-Guiney Jacob Planaton Adriana Platt Ron Polluconi Debra Porta Becky Porter Keegan Porter Portland Area Business Association Nikole Potulsky Behzad Pouyanfar GRATITUDE THANK YOU TO OUR SUPPORTERS Jean Powrie Joan Powrie Premiere Property Group Hannah Prentice Steven Prenzlauer Pride Financial Partners Pride Foundation Pride NW Pride Professional Alliance Deborah Przepasniak Andrew Quist Rainbow Tax & Accounting Omar Ramos-Perez Ron Rasmussen Manisone Ratts Red Bike Realty, LLC Red Dress Party Morgan Reeder Trystan Reese Edward Reeves Jacob Reich Maxime Rene Gloria Rhyne Stacey Rice Anne Richa Bruce E. Richards Melanie Rickert Cece Ridder Chris Ridder Dianne Riley Adela Rios John Risley Steve Roberge David Robertson Elisha Robinson Lish Robinson Michelle Robinson Cherri Roden Elizabeth Rodriguez Liz Rodriguez Jennifer Rogers Candi Rosario Jayla Rose Kathleen Rose Rose City Softball Association Lily Roselyn Danni/y Rosen Sam Rosenthal Bruce Ross M. Rothbard Caroline Rouwalk Ashley Royal Serena Royce Royce’s Prop Shop Holly Rudolph Aaron Ruell Christina Sailler Isaac Samsa Josue Sanchez Nathan Sandall Eric Sandstorm Cheryl Santiago Pamela Santos Rhea Sapiro Dana Satterlee Carol Schafer Leslie Schneider Scotty Scott Theresa Scott Celeste Seibel Peter Shanky Rhea Shapiro Sonya Shapiro tash shatz Charles Shavanaux She Bop Tamara Sheets Brook Shelley Toni Shemarya Susan Shepherd Irene Shimshak Morgan Shimshak Nancy Shumar Kimberly Sieffert Katie Silva Shaun Simpkins Simpson McBean Stephen Sims Clyde Sinclair Jeffrey Sirginson The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence Justin Skillstad Aaron Smith Dori Smith Karen Smith Sara Smith Carl Snook Kim Sogge Robbie Solinger Phyllis Solow Jocelyn Somers Sunshine Sommers Ryan Sotomayor Paul Southwick Alexander Spady Jake Sparks Bob Speltz Dave Sperry Scot Spicer Signe Sponsler Tom Sponsler The Standard Eileen Stapp Susan Starkey Kim Stegeman Steven Steinbock Dave Stensen Linda Stent Janet Stephany Dan Stephens Sandra Stewart Annamarie Stockwell Stoel Rives Jackie Stone Harold Strong William Suarez Gomez Kevin Sullivan Sharma Sullivan Cindy Surendorf John Swaner Ruth Szilagyi Steven Talbot Jimmy Tandy Donna Tarabella Anne Taylor Jessica Taylor Bekah Telew Megan Telleria Tyler TerMeer Gary Thill Ben Thompson Brian Thompson Jessica Thompson Howard Thorn Jennifer Thornburg Deborah Threadgill Grant Thurston Charniece Tisdale Ashley Tjaden Angie Tomlinson Phil Toronto Pamela Trezevant Kenty Troung Shannan Troyer Gregory Twiss Glen Ulmer Dana Valikai Rebecca Velasquez Peter Vennewitz Brian Ventura Kai Ventura Anne Viola-Krause Catherine Vitale Loana Vivall Carole Vogle Warner Kelly Von Bargen Richard Von Reyn Dan Wade Caitlin Waite Bobby Waldner James Waldner Jennifer Waldron Joy Wallace David Waller Dana Walls Peggy Walsh Zeb Walter Theodore Ward Jennifer Wasson Ann Waterman Lindsey Waterman Sean Waters Lisa Watson Nancy Watson Kari Wax Austin Webb Gaby Weddle Ann Weiner Susan Weiner Cherie Weintraub Stef-Anie Wells Aaron Wessing Tom West Jackie Wheatley Michael Wheeler Heidi White Nancy Whitson Landry Whitted Cameron Whitten Valerie Whittlesey Megan Wieser Helen Wilcox Stephanie Wilkins Robin Will Willamette Week Give! Guide Glenn Williams Kay Williamson David Willis Dede Willis Skye Wills Nathan Wilson Byron Windhorst William Wishart Brian Witt Katy Wolf Sarah Wolfarth Philip Wolfe Lavell Wood Lisa Woods Candi Wrapper Brittney Wright D Wu Jody Wynnyk Jackie Yerby Kelly Yokoyama Katy Yoshihara Jovan Young Neola Young James Youngblood Ben Zaton Eric Zimmerman Peter Zingelmann Peter Zuckerman Patch 14 Q CENTER PROVIDES A SAFE SPACE TO SUPPORT AND CELEBRATE LGBTQIA+ DIVERSITY, VISIBILITY, AND COMMUNITY BUILDING. Q CENTER 4115 N. Mississippi Ave. Portland, OR 97217 www.pdxqcenter.org • info@pdxqcenter.org • 503.234.7837 Open 7 days a week! Mon-Fri 11am-9pm | Sat 10am-6pm | Sun 10am-9pm