Formal Specification And Verification
Formal Specification And Verification
Formal Specification And Verification Winter 2010/2011 Prof. P. H. Schmitt I NSTITUT F ÜR T HEORETISCHE I NFORMATIK KIT – Universität des Landes Baden-Württemberg und nationales Forschungszentrum in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Refinement Theory Formal Specification And Verification 2/24 Event-B machines An Event-B machine M is given by the following components 1. Context C declaring carrier sets, constants and predefined sets as e.g., Z. Furthermore a conjunction A of axioms is asserted in C. 2. A finite vector of variables v = (v1 , . . . , vk ) 3. A conjunction of invariants I(v ) 4. A finite set of events E, containing a designated initialising event e0 . For simplicity we will assume that there is only one initialising event in E. 5. Every event e ∈ E consists of a formula ge (v ), called the guard of e and an action part. For the initialising event we have ge0 (v ) = >. The effect of the action part is described by a formula Be (v , v 0 ), called the before-after-predicate. For the initialising event Be0 must not depend on the variables v . Formal Specification And Verification 3/24 States Let M be an Event-B machine. 1. The set of states S of M is the set of all valuations of the variables v. 2. A sequence of states s0 , . . . sn , . . . is called a trace for M if there is a matching sequence e0 , e1 , . . . en , . . . of events with e0 the initialising event, such that 2.1 For every i, 0 < i A ` gei (si−1 ) state si−1 satisfies the guard of event ei . 2.2 For every i, 0 < i A ` Bei (si−1 , si ) the pair of states si−1 , si satisfies the before-after-predicate of event ei . 2.3 A ` Be0 (s0 ) 3. A state s ∈ S is called reachable if there is a finite trace s0 , . . . sn ending in s i.e., sn = s. 4. A state s is called a deadlock if for all e ∈ E \ {e0 , skip} we get A 6` ge (s). Is Bei (si−1 , si ) a formula? Formal Specification And Verification 4/24 CONTEXT ListSumCtx (Review) SETS Natbag Bag (=List) of natural numbers CONSTANTS sum summation over bags cons constructor nil constructor AXIOMS def 1 : nil ∈ Natbag def 2 : cons ∈ Natbag × N → Natbag def 3 : sum ∈ Natbag → N sum1 : ∀l, n·(l ∈ Natbag ∧ n ∈ N ⇒ sum(cons(l 7→ n)) = n + sum(l)) Definition of summation wrt. constructors axm3 : sum(nil) = 0 Definition of summation wrt. constructors END Formal Specification And Verification 5/24 MACHINE Abstract-ListSum (Review) SEES ListSumCtx VARIABLES S list the sum of all added values internal storage for all current values INVARIANTS inv 2 : list ∈ Natbag inv 1 : S ∈ N inv 3 : S = sum(list) S is always the sum of all current values EVENTS Initialisation Event ADD = b Formal Specification And Verification 6/24 MACHINE Abstract-ListSum (Review) EVENTS Initialisation begin act2 : list := nil act1 : S := 0 end Event ADD = b any value where grd1 : value ∈ N then act1 : list := cons(list 7→ value) act3 : S := sum(cons(list 7→ value)) end END Formal Specification And Verification 7/24 Example Some States of the ListSum Machine s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 list S list S list S list S list S = = = = = = = = = = nil 0 cons(nil,5) 5 cons(cons(nil,5),2) 7 cons(nil,3) 3 cons(cons(cons(nil,5),2)5) 12 Some Traces s0 , s1 , s2 , s4 and s0 , s3 Invariant: S = sum(list) state s2 satisfies the invariant, S = sum(list), if Formal Specification And Verification 7 = sum(cons(cons(nil,5),2)) 8/24 Invariants Definition We say that an Event-B machine M satisfies its invariants if for every reachable state s A ` I(s) Lemma If we can verify for a given Event-B machine M the proof obligations INIT A ` Be0 (v ) ⇒ I(v ) INV For all e ∈ E \ {e0 , skip} A ` I(v ) ∧ Be (v , v 0 ) ⇒ I(v 0 ) then M is satisfies its invariants. Formal Specification And Verification 9/24 Example MACHINE WeakInvariant VARIABLES x, y, u INVARIANTS typing : x, y , u ∈ N inv : u ≥ 0 EVENTS Initialisation begin init : x, y, u := 1, 0, 0 end Event ADD = b END Formal Specification And Verification 10/24 Example (cont.) MACHINE WeakInvariant EVENTS Event ADD = b any z where grd1 : z ∈ Z then addxy : x, y := x + z, y + z diff : u := x − y end END Formal Specification And Verification 11/24 Analysing the Example I We can easily convince ourselves that the invariant of the machine weakInvariant is true. I But the proof that event ADD preserve the invariant u ≥ 0 fails I This arises from the fact that presevation of invariants has to be proved for all event starting in all states that satisfy the invariant, not only the reachable states. I Remedy: strengthen the invariant by adding x ≥ y . Formal Specification And Verification 12/24 Feasible Events Definition An event e ∈ E is called feasible if A ` I(v ) ∧ ge (v ) ⇒ ∃v 0 Be (v , v 0 ) is provable. Comment: For an infeasible event e there can still be at least one state s such that I(s) ∧ ge (s) and ∃v 0 Be (s, v 0 ) are provable. Thus an infeasable event may well contribute to reachability. The proof obligation that all events be feasable is thus not necessary to establish that an Event-B machine satisfies its invariants, but an infeasable event is surely an indication that something is wrong. E.g., it could be that a stronger guard should be used. Formal Specification And Verification 13/24 Simple Refinement Definition Let N and M be Event-B machines with common context C. N is called a simple refinement of M if for any finite trace s1c , . . . , snc of N with associated sequence e1c , . . . , enc of events there is a trace s1a , . . . , sna of M with associated sequence e1a , . . . , ena of events such that 1. The glue invariant J(sia , sic ) is provable for all 0 ≤ i ≤ n. 2. The eic is declared to be a refinement of the event eia for all 0 ≤ i ≤ n. In (2) we allow eia = skip. The general case that machine M sees context D a and N sees context D c can be reduced to the considered case by C = D a ∪ D c . Formal Specification And Verification 14/24 Criterion For Simple Refinement Lemma Let M be an Event-B machine that satisfies its invariants. Let N be another Event-B machine with common context C. N is a simple refinement of M if I every event ec ∈ EN is a refinement of an event ea ∈ EM and the following proof obligations are satisfied: REFINE A ` I(x) ∧ J(x, y) ∧ Bec (y, y 0 ) ⇒ ∃x 0 (Bea (x, x 0 ) ∧ J(x 0 , y 0 )) is true for all events ec ∈ EN that refine an event ea ∈ EM \ {e0 , skip}. REFINE-Skip A ` I(x) ∧ J(x, y) ∧ Bec (y, y 0 ) ⇒ J(x, y 0 ) is true for all new events ec ∈ EN i.e. those refining skip. REFINE-Init A ` Beoc (y ) ⇒ ∃x(Be0a (x) ∧ J(x, y )) Here I is the invariant for M and J is the glue invariant. Formal Specification And Verification 15/24 Strengthening of the Guard Lemma Let M and N be Event-B machines, ea ∈ EM and ec ∈ EN such that 1 ea is feasible 2 A ` I(x) ∧ J(x, y) ∧ gec (y ) ⇒ gea (x) strengthening the guard 3 A ` J(x, y ) ∧ Bea (x, x 0 ) ∧ Bec (y , y 0 ) ⇒ J(y , y 0 ) compatibility of before-after-predicates then the REFINE proof obligation for ea and ec is satisfied. Formal Specification And Verification 16/24 Informal Proof By the definition of the REFINE proof obligation we have to show A ` I(x) ∧ J(x, y) ∧ Bec (y , y 0 ) ⇒ ∃x 0 (Bea (x, x 0 ) ∧ J(x 0 , y 0 )) By strengthening of the guard we get A ` I(x) ∧ J(x, y ) ∧ Bec (y, y 0 ) ⇒ gea (x) Here we use A ` Be (v , v 0 ) ⇒ ge (v ). Using feasability of ea we get A ` I(x) ∧ J(x, y ) ∧ Bec (y, y 0 ) ⇒ ∃x 0 Bea (x, x 0 ) Compatibility of the before-after-predicate leads to A ` I(x) ∧ J(x, y) ∧ Bec (y , y 0 ) ⇒ ∃x 0 (Bea (x, x 0 ) ∧ J(x 0 , y 0 )) as desired. Formal Specification And Verification 17/24 Example (strengthening of the guard) MACHINE Abstract-AbsolutListSum SEES ListSumCtx VARIABLES S the sum of all added absolute values list internal storage for all current values INVARIANTS inv1 S ∈ Z inv2 list ∈ Zbag inv3 S = sum(list) S = the sum of all current absolute values. EVENTS initialization list := nil k S := 0 ADD Any value where value ∈ Z list := cons(list 7→ abs(value)) k S := sum(cons(list 7→ abs(value))) END Formal Specification And Verification 18/24 Example (strengthening of the guard) MACHINE C-AbsolutListSum refines Abstract-AbsolutListSum SEES ListSumCtx VARIABLES S the sum of all added absolute values 2 list internal storage for all current values INVARIANTS inv1 S ∈ Z inv2 list ∈ Zbag inv3 S = sum(list) S = the sum of all current absolute values. EVENTS .. . END Formal Specification And Verification 19/24 Example (continued) EVENTS initialization list := nil k S := 0 ADD1 refines ADD Any value where value ∈ Z & value ≥ 0 list := cons(list 7→ value) k S := sum(cons(list 7→ value)) ADD2 refines ADD Any value where value ∈ Z & value < 0 list := cons(list 7→ −value) k S := sum(cons(list 7→ −value)) END Formal Specification And Verification 20/24 Refinement Proof Obligation ADD1 refines ADD General Case A A ` ` I(x) ∧ J(x, y) ∧ Bec (y, y 0 ) ⇒ ∃x 0 (Bea (x, x 0 ) ∧ J(x 0 , y 0 )) I(x) ∧ ∃v (v ∈ Z ∧ v ≥ 0 ∧ list 0 = cons(list 7→ v ) ∧ S 0 = sum(cons(list 7→ v )))) ⇒ ∃v (v ∈ Z ∧ list 0 = cons(list 7→ abs(v )) ∧ S 0 = sum(cons(list 7→ abs(v )))) Strengthening of the Guard A A A ` ` ` I(x) ∧ J(x, y) ∧ gec (y ) ⇒ gea (x) I(x) ∧ v ∈ Z ∧ v ≥ 0∧ ⇒ v ∈ Z J(x, y ) ∧ Bea (x, x 0 ) ∧ Bec (y , y 0 ) ⇒ J(y , y 0 ) I(x) ∧ v ∈ Z ∧ v ≥ 0 ∧ list1 = cons(list 7→ v ) ∧ S1 = sum(cons(list 7→ v )) ∧ list2 = cons(list 7→ abs(v )) ∧ S2 = sum(cons(list 7→ abs(v ))) ⇒ list1 = list2 ∧ S1 = S2 Formal Specification And Verification 21/24 Preservation of Termination Definition A simple refinement from M to N is called termination preserving if there is no infinite trace (si )i≥0 for the concrete machine N with matching sequence (ei )i≥0 of events from EN such that for some n all ej with j ≥ n are new. Formal Specification And Verification 22/24 Preservation of Termination Lemma Let N be a simple refinement of M. If the following proof obligation is satisfied VARIANT A ` I(x) ∧ J(x, y) ∧ Be (y , y 0 ) ⇒ V (y ) > V (y 0 ) for alll new events e ∈ EN . Where V is a function on a well-founded domain (D, >). then the refinement is termination preserving. Formal Specification And Verification 23/24 Proof If the refinement were not termination preserving there would according to the above definition be an infinite trace (si )i≥0 for N with matching sequence (ei )i≥0 such that all ej for j ≥ n are new. Since we assumed the VARIANT proof obligation to be satisfied this would lead to V (sn ) > V (sn+1 ) > . . . > V (sj ) > . . .. This contradicts the well-foundedness of the ordering (D, >). Formal Specification And Verification 24/24