canada visual standards guide


canada visual standards guide
©2006 by Lowe’s®. All rights reserved. Lowe’s and
the gable design are registered trademarks of LF,
LLC and used under license by Lowe’s Companies
Canada, ULC.
Canadian Content Management Guidelines
July 2006
Advertising Requirements
Content Management Guidelines
Vendor Responsibilities
Colour Image Specifications
Copy Specifications
Logo Specifications
Colour Proofing Specifications
Standards for Colour Proofs
Appendix A
Canada Content Management Guidelines
July 2006
Lowe's has established guidelines for Content Management to ensure consistency and accuracy of media assets. Content is defined
as photography, product copy specifications and logos for advertising purposes.
Our vendors are responsible for providing Lowe's with photography and advertising information according to the specifications
outlined in this guide. A list of qualified photography studios is printed in the back of this guide. Lowe's strongly recommends
the use of these studios when working on Lowe's projects, as they are familiar with our standards and naming conventions.
William D. Robinson
Lowe’s Companies Canada, ULC
Canada Content Management Guidelines
July 2006
Before beginning the production of photography, vendors
should call the Content Management Hotline at 704 757-2002
to discuss their product lines.
All photography containing humanity and/or location must be
accompanied by a signed model and/or location release.
Signature of model and/or the vendor supplying the image is
Lowe’s only accepts the highest quality photography and
reserves the right to refuse images provided by outside
Avoid stock photography, except in cases of extreme need,
especially in large format usage like overhead doors. Buy-outs
are acceptable. We do not want the same image being used by
a competitor.
The examples below illustrate our expectations of product
photography. While we do not in any way want to restrict
creativity in the photography process, these shots depict our
minimum requirements.
This is a silhouetted photograph
photography guidelines. It is
typically used in preparations that
show an array of similar items
side by side. Our photography
communicate the angle and
lighting conditions so that the
items, once shot, can be re-used.
Dramatic Angle:
This is where the photography
studio’s creativity comes into
play. Dramatic product shots are
silhouetted images that are shot
from interesting perspectives in a
way that accentuates the
product’s key attributes. For
example, a power tool should be
shot in a way that conveys the
message of “power,” while a
shot of flooring should convey
If a vendor uses a Lowe’s preferred studio, the studio must bill
that vendor directly. All images must be exclusive to Lowe’s
with unlimited usage rights.
In recognition of the fact that about one-third of the Canadian
population today is re p resentative of some nonwhite/non-Caucasian ethnic group, every effort should be
made to ensure that photographs that contain humanity
represent diverse humanity. Please strive to ensure that onefourth to one-third of the people represent ethnic minorities,
including: Asian(Chinese, Vietnamese, Filipino, Asian Indian,
etc.); African; Arab; or ethnically ambiguous individuals. Please
note that in order to achieve this objective, photographers may
need to use ethnic models in about one-third to one-half of
their photographs. By doing so, after photographs are
eliminated for various technical reasons, photographers still
should be able to ensure that their final photos provide a good
representation of the Canadian population.
Please ensure that the application of this diversity standard is
not applied in a way that potentially might be misinterpreted by
consumers as stereotypical. Please strive to include this
diverse humanity in various situations (Example: as
consumers, commercial business customers, store
associates, corporate employees, etc.). Please seek out
opportunities to use diverse talent in product group areas like
Appliances, Millwork, Flooring, Fashion Plumbing, Seasonal
Living, Paint, Home Organization, Walls and Windows, Kitchen
Cabinets, Fashion Electric and Hardware.
A preferred studio list is located in Appendix A at the back of
this document. The list contains contact names and numbers.
These studios have knowledge of specific Lowe's product
groups, which will save time and money.
Canada Content Management Guidelines
Lowe’s Companies will not be held liable in any way due to
failure on the part of any outside agencies.
Lowe's prefers digital photography, though conventional
photography is acceptable for front cover images.
Front cover photography (digital or conventional) should be 5"
x 7" RGB images at 450 dpi, saved as uncompre s s e d
Photoshop TIFF files. This also applies to all live nursery and
plant photography.
Other photography should be 4" x 5" RGB images at 450 dpi.
Images with a background should be saved as uncompressed
Photoshop TIFF files. Images with a clipping path must be
saved as Photoshop EPS files.
Any lifestyle or room scene photography must include
products and props that are composed of Lowe’s
Lowe’s operates stores across the country in markets that
include suburban, urban and rural areas. As a result,
photographers should attempt to ensure that an appropriately
diverse re p resentation of situations and environments is
captured. In other words, please carefully consider the product
group being shot and determine if it might make sense to
include some lifestyle or room scene photographs that would
be relevant for a market like Gowanus/Brooklyn, NY (Example:
smaller environments with high ceilings as one might find in a
brownstone), as well as for a market like Charlotte, NC. If the
product is a regionally restricted product for distribution, then
please ensure that the environment is regionally appropriate.
July 2006
Canada Content Management Guidelines
July 2006
File Naming Conventions:
Identify images with the Lowe’s five- to nine-digit item number. Put a
capital “L” at the beginning of the item number and a lowercase “p” at
the end.
Example: L12345p
Commas are used to link numbers that have the same amount of
characters. For example, if the item numbers 12345, 12346, 12347,
12548 were all in the same shot, the name of the photo would be
L12345,6,7,548p. Example: with the following item numbers: 12345,
12346, 12347, 12548 all in the same shot the name of the photo would
be: L12345,6,7,548p.
All common numbers reading from the left to the right have been
dropped. The commas tell the database to link the photo to all four 5digit item numbers.
A semi-colon is used when there is a mixture of five- and six-digit item
numbers. For example, if the item numbers 12345, 12346, 12347,
254878, 254988 were all in the same shot, the name of the photo would
be L12345,6,7;254878,988p.
The commas tell the database to link the photo to the five digits and the
semi-colon tells the database to start over at that point in the name and
link to the six digit numbers.
Identify images with a clipping path by adding the word “SILO” to the
end of the item number.
Example: L12345pSILO
Images of products that do not have corresponding Lowe’s item
numbers use the product name and/or style instead of an item number.
Example: Pandora Special Order Carpet should be named
Images of products that only have a vendor model number use the
vendor name and product model number in place of the Lowe’s item
number. Example: model 123 should be LVENDORNAMEMDL_123p.
Canada Content Management Guidelines
July 2006
Image Details:
All images submitted to Lowe’s must be accompanied by an Image Details sheet. A sample of this sheet is included in
Appendix A, but vendors may obtain an interactive electronic version through their content specialist. All applicable fields
must be completed.
Please provide any applicable brand logos as Adobe Illustrator 8.0 EPS files. Also, please provide any applicable logo usage
guidelines and a list of Lowe’s SKUs with which each logo can be used.
Product Specifications:
All copy should be provided to Lowe’s using a specifically formatted copy template for each product.
The proper template can be obtained by calling the assigned content specialist, calling the Content Management Hotline at
704 757-2002 or looking on See Appendix A for examples of templates.
Acceptable Disks and File Transfer Methods
CD-ROM; DVD-ROM (Preferred)
Images or copy not following guidelines will not be accepted.
Vendors must submit advertising information in accordance
with Lowe’s standards.
Vendors must contact their respective content specialists
through the Content Management Hotline, 704-757-2002,
when a new product line has been approved by Lowe’s or a
product changes in some way that will affect photography or
copy. (i.e., colour change, new feature, warranty information
change, etc.)
It is the vendor’s responsibility to ensure that Content
Management has the correct contact information and to
notify Lowe's of personnel changes.
Vendors must respond to all requests from Lowe’s for
samples of product, copy specifications and/or
photography. Our ability to advertise products correctly and
in a timely manner is dependent on vendor cooperation.
When Lowe’s selects a vendor’s item for inclusion in an
advertisement, we must have the vendor’s response to the
request within 48 hours. Vendors are responsible for meeting
all due dates set by Lowe’s. Failure to do so will result in having
the product deleted from the ad.
Vendors are responsible for the advertising content archived in
the Lowe's database. To ensure correct information is
a rchived, vendors should routinely view and update this
information. Vendors should contact Lowe’s through the
Hotline to coordinate dates and times to visit to ensure the
database is purged of any obsolete information. This should be
done within 72 hours of a line or product change.
Any images sent to Lowe’s that contain models must be
accompanied by a Lowe’s model release for unlimited rights. A
copy of this release is in Appendix A, but vendors may obtain
an interactive electronic version through their content
Canada Content Management Guidelines
July 2006
Upon request, vendors should send no-charge product samples to the specified photo studio by the due date indicated by the
content specialist. Products sent to Lowe’s photography studios must be tagged with the following information:
Lowe’s item number
Vendor name/contact information
Vendor model number/vendor product name
All merchandise shipped to Lowe’s photo studios will become the property of Lowe’s upon receipt and at no cost to Lowe’s. To
have a sample returned, provide a FedEx or UPS return label.
Format for Non-clipped Images:
➤ 8-bit/channel RGB
➤ Adobe 1998 RGB gamut
➤ Macintosh TIFF format (uncompre s s e d )
➤ 5" x 7" at 450 dpi (Room Scenes, Nursery & In-use)
Format for Clipped Images:
➤ 8-bit/channel RGB
➤ Adobe 1998 RGB gamut
➤ Binary Macintosh Photoshop EPS format
➤ 4" x 5" at 450 dpi (Tabletop & Gray Sweep)
➤ Clipping path should be applied and active
General Image Characteristics:
➤ No alpha channels or layers
➤ No guides or ru l e r s
➤ No bubbles, fingerprints or Newton rings from scans
➤ No transfer functions or PostScript colour management
➤ No signatures or waterm a r k s
General Image Colour and Quality:
➤ Minimum image sharpening
➤ No unintentional colour casts
➤ No evidence of compression artifacts
➤ No evidence of interpolation (“rezing up”)
➤ No evidence of scanning from printed pages
➤ No evidence of dust or scratches
➤ Realistic and life-like flesh-tones
➤ Realistic and life-like grass colour
➤ Realistic reflections
➤ Moiré patterns should be minimized
➤ Colour should be matched to product PMS colors (list
to be provided)
➤ Colour should be as rich, vibrant and eye-catching as
possible for the shot
➤ Colour should be balanced across the image and not
“blown-out” in highlights
➤ Shadows should be rich and contain detail
➤ Shadows should be realistic and neutral
➤ Retouching should be as seamless and undetectable
as possible
➤ Retouching should be convincing at a minimum of
200% magnification
Canada Content Management Guidelines
July 2006
Clipping Path Information:
➤ Clipping path name should be “Path 1”
➤ If image re q u i res alternate clipping paths, name them “Path 2,” “Path 3,” etc.
➤ Additional paths may be saved, if needed, as selection shortcuts for colour corre c t i o n
➤ Selection paths should be named with “Work” followed by a unique description so they will list
after the clipping paths in the window
➤ T h e re should be no unsaved “work paths”
➤ Clipping paths should be drawn and not “quick-mask” or “magic wand” masks
➤ Cut 1 to 2 pixels into the image to prevent anti-aliasing
➤ Paths cut around shadows fading into pure white should not cut into the image
➤ Flatness should be set to “1” device pixel
➤ 256 control points or fewer on each path (PostScript Level 2 limitations)
➤ C rop images close to the clipped item so file size will be optimized
➤ Clipping paths should be complete and closed around the image
➤ When inner openings show background, use compound paths
Built or “Manufactured” Shadows:
➤ Colour should be neutral gray so they can be used on a white backgro u n d
➤ Shadows should reside on the black plate if in a CMYK image
➤ Composition should look realistic and not compete with or
overpower the pro d u c t
➤ Shadows should appear to come from a single, soft light sourc e
➤ Shadows should be soft and pro g ressively lightened as they move
away from the pro d u c t
➤ Shadow edges should be pro g ressively blurred as they move
away from the pro d u c t
➤ Shadow should “anchor” the product to the gro u n d
– no floating or hovering pro d u c t s
➤ Shadows should not appear in front of the product unless
the product is intentionally back-lit
➤ Perspective should appear to be the same as the shot
➤ Shadows should take directional cues from the natural
shadows and highlights on the pro d u c t
Canada Content Management Guidelines
➤ Vendors should request copy templates on a regular
basis because templates are regularly revised
➤ Copy templates should be filled out completely
➤ Spelling and grammar should be accurate
➤ All fills and strokes should be set to knock-out
– no overprinting
➤ Output resolution should be set to 1200 dpi
➤ Split long paths should not be checked
➤ Logos and vector graphics should not contain
placed images – Rasterize the logo if needed
➤ Any vector graphics or logos that are rasterized
should use the following settings:
➤ Width and height should fit within an 8.5" x
11" page (or be about 6" wide)
➤ Resolution should be 1200 dpi
➤ Anti-aliased and constrained pro p o rtions
Format for Logos and Vector Graphics:
➤ Adobe Illustrator 8.0 EPS
➤ 8-bit Macintosh pre v i e w
➤ Include document thumbnails
➤ CMYK PostScript Level 2
Pixel-based Logos:
➤ Should be auto-traced if possible
➤ If auto-tracing is not practical, clean up logo as
much as possible
➤ Auto-traced logos should follow logo specs
➤ B/W logos should be saved as Bitmaps or
Grayscale at the highest resolution possible
➤ If clipping paths are re q u i red, follow clipping
path specs
➤ Colour logos that do not contain photographs
should be saved as CMYK
➤ Colour logos that contain photographs should
follow RGB image specs
General Logo and Vector Graphic Characteristics:
➤ Flattened artwork only – no layers or templates
➤ No items should be hidden
➤ All items should be unlocked
➤ There should be no stray points without colour or strokes
➤ U n - s t roked or filled perimeter boxes around
logos do not need to be deleted
➤ All type should be converted to outlines – no
fonts should be needed to open the file
➤ Unused paintbrushes and colour swatches
be deleted
July 2006
should be checked
➤ CMYK colour if vector artwork only
➤ RGB colour if rasterization is due to placed
General Logo and Vector Graphic Colour and Quality:
➤ Logos should fit on a letter-size page (or be
about 6" wide)
➤ Logos and graphics should consist of one item
per file (not all variations on one page)
➤ Logos and graphics should be built to be used
at 100% whenever possible
➤ All items should be built with Pantone colors,
CMYK or B/W wherever possible
➤ Items should be limited to 256 control points
per path (PostScript Level 2 limitations)
➤ Auto-traced logos should be re p a i red to have
compound paths
➤ Bézier curves and angles should be smooth and clean
➤ Baselines should be straight and aligned
➤ All paths that contain fills should be closed
➤ No additional trapping elements should be present
Canada Content Management Guidelines
July 2006
Information that should be attached to every colour
proof shipment:
All information that applies and is available to the vendor
➤ Lowe's Event ID
➤ Round of pro o f s
(1st, Rev. 1, Rev. 2, Final, etc.)
➤ Supplier contact info for questions
(a business card is acceptable)
➤ Name, phone extension and Lowe's mail code
of recipient at Lowe's
( A d v e rtising Production = 3WPM)
➤ D e s i red turn - a round time of pro o f s
(in days – not just “ASAP”)
➤ Supplier of files that produced proofs and contact info (if diff e rent from proofing vendor)
➤ P roofing output device
(Kodak Approval, Creo, Fuji, etc.)
➤ P roofing output dpi (600, 1200, 2400, etc.)
➤ Max density of images – including black ink limit
➤ C u rve applied to pro o f s
(linear or name/type of profile for re f e re n c e )
➤ Printing type (sheet-fed, web heatset/coldset, etc.)
➤ Printing paper type
(35# SNC 65 Brite, 50# Coated #5, etc.)
➤ P roofing screen type (halftone, stochastic, etc.)
➤ Printing lpi and dot shape/size
➤ P roofing output lpi and dot shape/size
(if diff e rent from printing lpi )
➤ P roofing output substrate
( c o m m e rcial gloss, publication matte, etc.)
➤ Trap settings shown in pro o f
(none, or overlap – in points)
➤ C o m p ression type used on images
(EPS, JPEG, uncompressed TIFF, etc.)
➤ A c robat Distiller compression settings used to
make PDFs (if applicable)
Information that must be on every colour proof:
All information that applies and is available to the vendor
Lowe's Event ID
Date/time of printing
Output device (Kodak Approval, Creo, Fuji, etc.)
Scale of page pro o f s
(100% will be assumed unless marked)
➤ Name and scale of each image on randoms
None of this information should be pro p r i e t a ry to the
vendor supplying proofs to Lowe's. This inform a t i o n
gives context to the proofs so Lowe's can make more
i n f o rmed, faster and more consistent colour decisions.
Without it, the colour reviewer is guessing.
Colour Proof DOs:
➤ DO ship all colour proofs in protective packaging
➤ DO ship page proofs in page ord e r
➤ DO supply re t u rn shipping information if
c o rrections are re q u i re d
➤ DO label shipments with “set” info (set 1 of 4, etc.)
➤ DO ship marked-up proofs back with new pro o f s
during correction cycles
➤ DO hinge overlays at top edge of proofs if
overlays are re q u i re d
➤ DO try to keep like products together on
multiple-up randoms, if possible
➤ DO run page proofs at 100% – Tile if necessary
Colour Proof DON’Ts:
➤ DO NOT apply paper clips or staples to colour proofs
➤ DO NOT trim off crop marks on page proofs, unless
➤ DO NOT reference prior jobs (Example: “same
settings as Event 125”)
➤ DO NOT individually package proofs (adds weight and
slows reviewing time)
Canada Content Management Guidelines
Suppliers should be aware of these standards every time colour is viewed:
➤ Colour proofs should accurately re p resent the final printed piece as closely as possible
➤ Colour depth should be optimized for the specific print vehicle and paper type
➤ Colour proofs should simulate:
➤ printed ink colour
➤ substrate characteristics, including colour, gloss and dot gain
➤ printed screening (if possible)
➤ Colour should be as accurate to product colors as possible
➤ Colour should be realistic and life-like (especially skin tones, plants and grass)
➤ Retouching should be realistic and as undetectable as possible
➤ Clipping paths should be clean and accurate
➤ Colour should be rich, vibrant and eye-catching (according to design intentions)
➤ Colour should be balanced across the image and not “blown-out” in highlights
Colour corrections will be marked if:
Excluding obvious supplier errors or omissions
➤ Leaving image as-is will adversely alter perception of product or ad's intent
➤ Cost of adjustments to images does not outweigh potential benefit to the ad
➤ Quality of image or proof does not meet the above standard s
July 2006
Canada Content Management Guidelines
Photography Studio Contact Information
Lowe’s Model Release
Copy Template Samples
July 2006
Canada Content Management Guidelines
Lowe’s Advertising Contacts
Content Management Hotline:
(704) 757-2002
TORONTO (on E.S.T. and E.D.T.)
Digital Freedom Photography
David Batten
(647) 297-6941
(905) 642-0030
(905) 642-9584
1780 Concession Rd. 3
Goodwood, ON
L0C 1A0
The above studio is our current studio of choice in Canada.
We are in the process of identifying additional studios within
Canada. Please look for updates to the Canadian Content
Management Guidelines on in Q3 06.
July 2006
Lowe’s Customer Support Centre
Mail Code 3EAP
1000 Lowe’s Boulevard
Mooresville, NC 28117
Canada Content Management Guidelines
July 2006
Vendor Name: ________________________________
Model Release
In consideration of my engagement as a model, and for other good and valuable consideration herein acknowledged as received,
I, ________________________, hereby grant ____________________ (hereinafter referred to as “Photographer”), its client, Loweʼs
Companies, Inc. and its subsidiaries including, without limitation, Loweʼs Companies Canada, ULC (hereinafter referred to as
“Loweʼs”), Photographerʼs and/or Loweʼs legal representatives, assigns, those for whom Photographer is acting, and those acting with its
authority and/or permission, the irrevocable and unrestricted world-wide right and permission to take, copyright in its own name, Loweʼs
name or otherwise, and use, re-use, publish photographic portraits or pictures of me or in which I may be included, in whole or in part,
without restriction as to changes or alterations, in conjunction with my own or a fictitious name, or reproductions thereof in color or
otherwise, made through any medium at its studio or elsewhere, and all media now or hereafter known for illustration, promotion, art,
editorial, advertising, trade, store signage, internet, electronic commerce or any other purpose whatsoever. I also consent to the use of
any published matter in conjunction therewith.
I hereby waive any right that I may have to inspect or approve the first product or products and the advertising copy, or other matter that
may be in used in connection therewith, or the use to which it may be applied.
I hereby release, discharge and agree to save harmless Photographer, Loweʼs, their legal representatives, officers, employees, assigns, all
persons acting under their permission and/or authority and those for whom they are acting, from any liability by virtue of any blurring,
distortion, alteration, optical illusion, or use in whole, part or composite form, whether intentional or otherwise, that may occur or be
produced in the taking of said picture or in any subsequent processing thereof, as well as any publication thereof, including without
limitation any claims for libel, passing off, misappropriation of personality or breach of trademark, copyright or invasion of privacy.
I hereby represent and warrant that I am not currently an employee of or model for The Home Depot, Inc. (including Home Depot of
Canada Inc. and Home Depot Expo); Payless Cashway, Inc.; Sears (including Sears Hardware, Sears Appliance and Hardware, Sears
Home and Orchard Supply and Hardware Company); Home Base, Inc.; Scotty's, Inc., Menard, Inc., Villagers Hardware, 84 Lumber,
Wickes, Hughes Lumber, McCoys, Great Indoors, Sutherlands, The Brick, Pro Hardware, Pro Home Centre, Home Hardware, Canadian
Tire Corporation Limited or RONA Inc. (including RONA Home Centre, RONA Home and Garden, RONA Lansing, RONA Cashway
and The Building Box) (individually referred to hereinafter as a "Competitor"). I hereby agree that should I become engaged or retained
by a Competitor I will immediately notify Lowe's and Photographer. I hereby further agree that while engaged as a model for Lowe's I
will not perform or agree to perform any modeling services for or on behalf of a Competitor.
I hereby represent and warrant that I am over ( ) or under ( ) eighteen years of age, and competent to contract in my own name, or with
the consent of my parent/guardian if I am under the age of eighteen, in so far as the above is concerned. In addition, I warrant that I am
not represented by any agent, agency or any other person or entity. Accordingly, if any agent, agency, person or entity makes any claim
against Photographer or Loweʼs for improper use of the images covered by this release agreement, including claims for compensation of
any kind, I shall save harmless, and reimburse Photographer and Loweʼs for any and all damages the agent and/or agency would be
awarded via court judgment, arbitration, mediation or settlement. I have read the above release agreement, prior to its execution, and am
fully familiar with the contents thereof. This release agreement shall be binding upon me, my heirs and legal representatives.
Parent / Guardian Signature
(If under age of eighteen)
Witness Address
Loweʼs Job Number
Canada Content Management Guidelines
July 2006
Examples of Good and Bad Features/Benefits Copy
Sample Ad
12" Heavy Duty Compound Miter Saw
•Includes 60 tooth Supertension Series 20 carbide blade •Length-O-Matic •Dust N' Catch dust
bag system •15-amp electronic-conductive motor
POOR Marketing Copy
•Too much jargon (i.e. "Length-O-Matic").
•Doesn't explain benefits of features.
•Product name excludes major feature (i.e.
12" Heavy Duty Titanium-Housed
Compound Miter Saw
GOOD Marketing Copy
•Includes 60-tooth carbide blade •Extension
kit for longer boards •Dust bag system for
easy clean-up •15-amp motor powers
through the toughest materials #03278
•Quickly explains benefit of features.
•Product name includes differentiating
feature (i.e. "Titanium-Housed").
•Brief copy points fit small ad space.
Energizer 4-Pack
AA Batteries
POOR Marketing Copy
•Not rechargeable
•Worlds only AA lithium
battery #173385
•Doesn't explain benefit to consumer.
•Includes a typo.
•Says a negative about the product.
Complete copy
templates with
• Be succinct.
• Clearly explain the
feature/benefit to the
• Don't repeat copy
Energizer 4-Pack
AA Batteries
GOOD Marketing Copy
•Longer-lasting AA lithium
batteries •Ideal for hightech devices #173385
•Quickly explains benefit to consumer.
•NO typos.
•Brief copy points fit small ad space.
510 Series Insulated Steel Garage Door
•Available in white, brown, almond, sandstone,
teratone, hunter green and deep crimson colors
•Available through Special Order
510 Series Insulated Steel Garage Door
•Available in 7 colors with optional windows and
decorative inserts •15-year limited warranty
•Available through Special Order
POOR Marketing Copy
•Doesn't quickly explain benefits.
•Only mentions ONE of many benefits.
•Confusing terminology ("teratone")
consumers won't understand.
GOOD Marketing Copy
•Succinctly explains multiple benefits.
•No confusing terminology.
• If you don't have the
appropriate copy
template for your
product, call your
Content Specialist
and ask for the correct
template. (Do not
attempt to change a
template or submit copy
via other documentation.)
Canada Content Management Guidelines
July 2006
Canada Content Management Guidelines
July 2006
Canada Content Management Guidelines
July 2006
Image File Name :
Image Details
Date Shot:
Content Specialist
Image Format:
Image type:
Loweʼs Products in Shot:
Loweʼs Item #/Model/Name
Loweʼs Item#/Model/Description
Product Requisition
Product Vendor
Studio Props:
Collection (if known)
Talent Release on file (Content):
Details entered:
CMS: ____________________________________________ Date: _____/_____/_____
Product Vendor
Canada Content Management Guidelines
Loweʼs Products in Shot:
Loweʼs item #/Model Name
Product Requisition
Purchase Location
Non-Lowe's Studio Props:
Description & Vendor/Brand
July 2006