Garden Ridge Directory
Garden Ridge Directory 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 In Garden Ridge at19099 FM 2252 210.651.5030 8 Emergency Numbers POLICE ____ City of Garden Ridge FIRE ____ Bracken Fire Department MEDICAL _________ Schertz EMS 9-1-1 Publishers: Community Circular Magazines a division of CITY OF GARDEN RIDGE TELEPHONE NUMBERS CITY HALL ______________________________ PHONE: 651-6632 Address: _______________________________ 9400 Municipal Pkwy, 78266 Email: ___________________________________ Fax: ___________________________________________________ 651-9638 Website: _________________________________ The following officials are located at City Hall and can be reached at the above number. Mayor ______________________________________________ Andrew Dalton City Administrator ________________________________________ Nancy Cain City Treasurer ___________________________________________ Nancy Cain City Secretary ______________________________________ Shelley Goodwin Court Clerk _______________________________________ Viviana Gonzalez Chmn., Planning/Zoning Commission _______________________ Nadine Knaus Chmn., Water Commission __________________________________ Jim Bower Chmn., Quarry Commission ____________________________ Bob Gunnerson Building Inspector _______________________________________ Wilbert Lenz Electrical Inspector _____________________________________ John Skinner ELECTED/APPOINTED OFFICIALS Visit the City of Garden Ridge website, to identify the names of the following elected/appointed officials. Contact with these officials should be made through the Garden Ridge City Hall offices at 651-6632. Mayor City Administrator Treasurer Municipal Court Prosecutor Municipal Court Judge Alderman, Place 1 Alderman, Place 2 Alderman, Place 3 Alderman, Place 4 Alderman, Place 5 Graphic Design Arturo Alvarado Jessica Combs Faith Pena Sales Rachel Cloud Administrative Krystal Jambers Albert Salazar Vincent Smith To advertise your product or services in Garden Ridge Directory please contact Rachel Cloud at 210-348-3709 Garden Ridge Directory is published by Community Circular, a subsidiary product of White-Frisbie Media. It is provided for the enjoyment and education of its readership. The information presented in this directory is believed to be true at the time of publishing. Community Circular does not guarantee or warranty any of the services or products produced by the companies represented herein. If you have any feedback on this publication, please contact us at 210-348-3709 or visit our web site at CITY OF GARDEN RIDGE POLICE DEPARTMENT ____________________________________ PHONE: 651-6441 Address: ____________________ 9400 Municipal Pkwy, 78266 Chief of Police ___________________________ Donna O’Conner Comal County Sheriff Dispatchers ________________________________________________________ Phone: 830-609-3921 (metro) (non emergency, weekdays after 6 p.m., weekends and holidays) BRACKEN VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT, Central Station _____________________________ PHONE: 651-5762 Address: ________________________ 23600 FM 3009, 78266 Fire Chief _________________________________ Donald Zipp Comal County Sheriff Dispatchers _______________________________________________________ Phone: 830-609-3921 (metro) (non emergency, weekdays after 6 p.m., weekends and holidays) CITY OF GARDEN RIDGE WATER/PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/ADMINISTRATION _________ PHONE: 651-6831 Address: ___________________ 9400 Municipal Pkwy, 78266 Director of Water/Public Works ______________ Royce Goddard Utility Clerk ______________________________ Jan Harborth Administrative Assistant _____________________ Robert Marin Court Clerk ___________________________ Viviana Gonzalez 9 COMAL COUNTY GOVERNMENT OFFICES Comal County Judge/County Commissioner Comal County Tax Assessor/Collector 199 Main Plaza 1-830-620-5501 205 N. Seguin Street 1-830-620-5521 New Braunfels, TX 78130 Comal County Clerk 150 N. Seguin St, Suite 101 1-830-620-5513 New Braunfels, TX 78130 New Braunfels, TX 78130 Motor Vehicle Division __________________ 1-830-620-5526 Voter Registration _____________________ 1-830-620-5520 Comal Appraisal District 178 E. Mill St, Suite 101 830-606-1407 (metro) New Braunfels, TX 78131 UTILITIES AND SERVICES Water ____________________________________ 651-6831 Electricity ______________________ Trouble/Repair 353-4357 ___________________________ New Construction 353-3333 ________ Billing, Deposits, Inquiries, Move Ins/Outs 353-2222 Gas ________________________________ 1-830-625-2341 Cable TV _________________________________ 244-0500 Telephone ________________ Trouble/Repair 1-800-246-8464 _________________________ New Service 1-800-464-7928 ____________________ Billing/Disconnects 1-800-585-7928 Trash ____________________________________ 566-5454 US Post Office ______________________ Schertz 566-7184 City Library ________________________________ 651-6570 Game Warden ________________________ 1-830-660-6473 City of Garden Ridge Garden Department CPS Energy of San Antonio Center Point Energy (New Braunfels) Time Warner Cable AT&T Bexar Waste 1081 Elbel Rd. (Shertz) 9410 Municipal Parkway Comal County AREA NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINE Garden Ridge Magazine __________________ 210-348-3709 New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung _______ (metro) 830-606-0846 University City Herald _______________________ 453-3300 San Antonio Express-News ____________________ 250-3000 (Garden Ridge City official newspaper) (Prime Time Publishing) SCHOOLS CISD Administrative Office _______________ 1-830-221-2000 Garden Ridge Elementary School ______ (metro) 830-609-6287 Canyon Middle School ______________ (metro) 830-609-6285 Canyon High School ________________ (metro) 830-609-6286 1421 N. Bus. IH 35, New Braunfels, TX 9401 Municipal Parkway, Garden Ridge, TX 2014 FM 1101, New Braunfels, TX 1510 IH 35 E, New Braunfels, TX CHURCHES Bracken United Methodist Church ______ (metro) 830-606-6717 Covenant Baptist Church ______________________ 651-3116 Garden Ridge Church of Christ __________________ 651-3480 Highpoint Church ___________________ Northeast Bible Church ________________________ 651-5462 Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church _________ 651-6913 Schertz United Methodist Church _______________ 651-3202 Triumphant Lutheran Church ___________________ 651-9090 10 20377 FM 2252, Garden Ridge, TX 19204 FM 2252, Garden Ridge, TX 19881 FM 2252, Garden Ridge, TX 9357 Schoenthal Road, Garden Ridge, TX 19185 FM 2252, Garden Ridge, TX 16075 N. Evans Road (IH 35), Selma, TX 3460 Roy Richard Drive (FM 3009), Schertz TX 21315 Bat Cave Road, Garden Ridge, TX CLUBS, SOCIAL GROUPS AND SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS Garden Ridge operates more as a community than a suburban development. As such, the community offers wonderful opportunities to make new friends and develop lasting relationships through participation in the various clubs, social groups, and service organizations available in the area. Visit the City of Garden Ridge website,, to see the list of organizations and their contact information. CITY ORDINANCES of Special Interest to the citizens of Garden Ridge Ordinance Ordinance Ordinance Ordinance Ordinance Ordinance Ordinance Ordinance Ordinance 8 Terms of Office of the Mayor and City Council Members 13 Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance 18 Animal Control Ordinance 19 Building Requirements and Inspections 23 Regulating Solicitation and Peddling in the City 32 Prohibition of the Sale and Discharge of Fireworks within the City Limits 34 Prohibiting Blasting within City Limits 55 Regulating Signs within the City Limits 61 Drought Management Plan for the City of Garden Ridge Ordinance 83 Regulating Discharge of Firearms Ordinance 97 Display of house building numbers Ordinance 107 Regulating Interference with Public Use of Right of Ways Easements Ordinance 123 Outdoor Burning Rules Ordinance 139 Noise Ordinance Ordinance 156 Specifying duties of Regulating Premises Ordinance 159 Landscape Irrigation System Requirements Ordinance 162 Nuisance Abatement Ordinance 168 Use of Golf Carts in the City Limits ADVERTISING SIGNS In order to maintain property values and live in an environment unencumbered by a proliferation of signs, the city of Garden Ridge has stringent requirements. Placement of any advertising (profit and non-profit, garage sales, parties, etc.) on the streets of the city are covered in Ordinance 55. Please refer to this ordinance prior to any sign placements. BACKFLOW TESTING REQUIRED The City of Garden Ridge Water Department enforces the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality’s requirement that backflow devices are installed and tested if a private well or sprinkler system exists on a property with city water. The frequency of the required testing is dependent upon the individual set-up of each property. Contact 651-6831 for requirements. ANIMAL CONTROL The City of Garden Ridge is pet friendly. Every effort is made to return lost pets as soon as possible. If your pet is lost, check with the city first by calling 651-6831. In this regard, pet registration is required yearly in January, with proof of rabies vaccination. A tag is issued with each registration and it is encouraged that it be affixed to the collar of any animal that has any possibility of roaming freely. Ordinance 18 does specify that no pet be allowed to roam freely without voice control. “Garden Ridge has a warm heart for cold noses.” Feeding of deer is discouraged; however, if so inclined, please utilize products of some nutritional value. Feed corn does not fit this criteria. WATER CONSERVATION RULES AND POLICIES The residents of Garden Ridge have their own mandated water conservation plan approved by the Garden Ridge City Council and the Edwards Aquifer Authority. The rules in this plan apply to all Garden Ridge residents as well as those non-residents who receive water from the City. The plan has been formally adopted by City Council as Garden Ridge Ordinance 61 and is available for review at City Hall. YEAR ROUND • • • • Watering by sprinklers is not allowed between the hours of 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. This restriction does not apply to grey water system. Water demand reduction measures began when the level of the J-17 index well falls to 660 feet. In general, reduction measures become more stringent as the index well level drops. Provisions of the plan mirror those provisions adopted by the City of San Antonio. Accordingly, current stage and usage information is published in the San Antonio Express-News Metro Section. Current Stage restrictions are also aired by San Antonio area radio and television stations. The City has also adopted a series of surcharges for water usage in excess of 45,000 gallons. Surcharges shall apply during those times when the City has declared Stages 3 through 5 of the plan. Information regarding conservation practices and water saving tops is also available at City Hall. Residents are encouraged to consider xeriscaping practices when installing landscaping. 11 OAK WILT PREVENTION We need a community-wide effort to help protect out property values from the potential loss of our valued oak trees. The threat is REAL. Oak wilt is a fungal disease that threatens our red and live oaks. The disease is spread from infected red oaks to other oaks by sap beetles. The City of Garden Ridge has adopted Ordinance 71 concerning oak wilt and trimming of oak trees within the city. The following is a guideline to help prevent oak wilt: • • • • Cut and dispose of diseased red oaks immediately Avoid wounding oak trees, including pruning, from February 1 through July 1, and paint all wounds and fresh stumps regardless of the season Handle oak firewood cautiously, burn all firewood before spring, and never store unseasoned oak wood from infected trees near healthy oaks Cover unseasoned firewood (from infection centers and unknown origins) with clear plastic, and bury the edges with plastic More information on oak wilt in Texas can be obtained by visiting and City of Garden Ridge Ordinance 71 can be viewed on the city website at CITY OF GARDEN RIDGE LIBRARY Your City of Garden Ridge Library is open to area residents. We hope that your use of the library will be a pleasant and enjoyable experience. We are here to help you utilize our fine library in any way we can. The Library is located in the City Hall complex at 9410 Municipal Parkway. To call the Library: 651-6570 To volunteer, call Linda Crosland: 651-6570 REGULAR OPERATING HOURS Monday - Wednesday: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thursday: 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Friday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday: CLOSED LIBRARY CARDS It is easy to obtain a library card for all residents of zip codes 78266 and 78132. We will simply need a bit of information. If you live outside these zip codes, there is a fee of $25 per year. Email: TYPES OF MATERIALS Large Print Books Regular-sized Print Fiction Electronic Books History, True Crime and books on Health, Gardening, Cooking, Art, and Literature. Audio books on CD Movies Non-fiction books including Biographies FOR CHILDREN we have the Bluebonnet and Lone Star selections for each current year. We also have Newbery and Caldecott Award Books, Children’s Classics, as well as popular series such as Rick Riordan’s, Harry Potter and Magic Tree House. ONLINE ACCESS You can browse our catalog online, renew books and reserve items. The catalog can be found at: FREE COMPUTER COURSES Since we are an accredited library, we now have access to free computer class provided by the state of Texas. It would be our pleasure to sign people up for future classes. Of course, computers here in the library are available for your use as well. USER FEES There is a fee of $0.25 a day for late items, but there is a seven-day grace period in which no fine is assessed. A book drop is available for after-hours return of materials. The user is responsible for any lost or damaged materials checked out on his or her card. SPECIAL PROGRAMS On the Second Thursday of each month the library presents various classes called “A Healthier You”. Your suggestions of topics are welcome. Sale room is open daily for wonderful bargains. Donations are gratefully accepted. INFORMATION FROM THE GARDEN RIDGE QUARRY COMMISSION The Lehigh-Hanson Quarry in Garden Ridge comprises approximately 3,000 acres of which the majority of the operational portion is within the city limits. It produces 25,000 tons of crushed stone daily and will continue to operate for the foreseeable future. At this time, the quarry blasts rock for their crushing operations normally two to three times per week. Mining operation is moving in a northwesterly direction, which is generally towards Georg Ranch and Old Schoenthal Road. It is estimated that it will take 20 years to mine their holdings. 12 At this time there are no federal, state or county laws governing mining operations however there are federal guidelines that they comply with and environmental standards they must meet. In 2012 the city of Garden Ridge revised Ordinance 34 which prohibits blasting within the city limits without a limited exemption permit for such operations. The City quarry Commission has been instrumental in developing revisions to Ordinance 34, which were approved by the City Council, and such has reduced the impacts of quarry operations on our community. Through independent monitoring the Commission monitors all blasts and functions as a point of contact with the management of Lehigh-Hanson. The Quarry Commission’s goal is to enhance community and quarry relations and to work on issues in the best interest of the citizens of Garden Ridge. Information on these actions is available through the city’s website The City Quarry Commission continues to educate citizens on quarry issues and operations through Grapevine articles, the city’s website and the Commission’s monthly meetings. Citizens may obtain and/or provide information or express concerns by attending Commission meetings, which are routinely held on the second Monday of each month, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers located in City Hall or by sending an email to the Commission at THE GARDEN RIDGE POLICE DEPARTMENT The Garden Ridge Police Department is a full-service, 24-hour-a-day operation, accessible to the public by several different means. Normal business hours for the office are Monday-Friday (excluding holidays), 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Our offices are located in the City Complex at 9400 Municipal Parkway. The Garden Ridge Police Department is dispatched by the Comal County Sheriff’s office dispatcher. Emergency response is available anytime by dialing 911. Non-emergency response is available weekdays by dialing the office non-emergency number, 651-6441. After 5 p.m., weekends and holidays, call the Comal County Sheriff’s Office non-emergency number, 830-609-3921 (metro). The Police Department is equipped with an automated phone attendant. There will be time when the automated phone attendant will record your non-emergency calls. You will be able to leave detailed messages; staff will return your call as soon as possible. Some of the services that your police department proves are as follows: • • Vacation house checks Citizen Police Academy classes • • Home Security Surveys Cellular on Patrol Services If you would like more information about the Police Department, please contact Chief Donna O’Conner or Sgt. Dan Bellinger or visit Our philosophy is simple. There is no such thing s a “Nuisance call”. Donna O’ Conner, Chief of Police SUPPORT THE GARDEN RIDGE POLICE DEPARTMENT FOR NON-EMERGENCY Mon-Fri (Excluding Holidays) __________ 8 a.m.-5 p.m. __________ 651-6441 After 5 p.m., Holidays, and Weekends _______________ 830-609-3921 (metro) Emergency Dial 9-1-1 Please remember, when our office is closed, the automated phone attendant will record your non-emergency calls. If you need to talk with a police officer, call the Comal County Sheriff’s dispatcher non-emergency number at 830-609-3921 (metro). The dispatcher can put you in touch with an officer at any time. Help us keep our city safe. Report anything that looks suspicious. SUPPORT THE BRACKEN VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT FOR NON-EMERGENCY Mon-Fri (Excluding Holidays) __________ 8 a.m.- 6 p.m. __________ 651-5762 After 6 p.m., Holidays, and Weekends ________________ 830-609-3921 (metro) Emergency Dial 9-1-1 Bracken Volunteer Fire Department volunteer training sessions are held the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of every month at 7 p.m. Call 651-5762 for information. 13 GARDEN RIDGE “A way of life...not just a place to live.” The City of Garden Ridge is a bedroom community of 1,400 homes with a population of approximately 3,500. The city derived its name from a series of ridges overlooking fields of wild flowers on the up-slope of the famous Texas Hill Country. This is comprised of ranch and farmland previously owned and cultivated by immigrant and first generation Germans. The city had its beginning as a custom home subdivision in the 1960’s. During this time frame, the fast developing area was beginning to invite attention from the neighboring towns that had growth ideas and thoughts of annexation. The citizens quickly decided that incorporation as “THEIR” town would solve this dilemma. Thus, the city was incorporated by it Ordinance One, dated July 6, 1972, and is now served by a non-paid Mayor and City Council, city administration, 24-hour Police Department, and Public Works Commission, and Impact Fee Commission. A City Library was activated in 1998 serving the local area and is supported by contributions, volunteers and a part-time employee. The service of volunteers is the heart of the city. Garden Ridge is one of the fastest growing communities in South Texas, with a current growth rate of approximately 8% per year. These growths enabled the city tax rate to be the lowest in the area. In June 2003, a much needed 12,000 square foot Community Center was erected to provide a gathering place for citizens as growth continues. In March 2003, the City, for the first time in its history, reduced its dependence on a single water source (Edwards Aquifer) by drilling into deep strata of the Trinity Aquifer. This successful endeavor, next to the actual incorporation, is the most significant action in the City’s history and for its future. Progressive ideas and progressive management throughout the city indeed highlight the motto: “A way of life…not just a place to live”. Notes, Emails, & Additional Numbers 14 Alphabetical Residential Listings (Listed left to right, then down) Abalos, Rudolpho 20514 Cedar Cavern Acevedo, Mary 18464 3rd Street Ackerman, Joe Ray and Linda 9340 Blazing Star Trail 651-6194 Adams, Karen 9010 Cinnabar Court Adkins, Robert and Orval 21469 Water Wood Drive 651-6769 Adkins, Jr, Robert M. and Raye 21469 Water Wood Drive 651-6769 Aguilar, John 19802 Wild Hollow 314-3721 Ahrens, Andy and Lauren 9438 Bluebell Drive 831-4064 Albert, Suzanne 21724 Tommy Trail 651-9569 Albracht, John 8651 Bindseil Lane 651-6888 Allar, Gordon and Mary Ann 9444 Garden Ridge Drive 651-5722 Allen, Uisuk 9816 Bode Court Alsop, Bruce and Sharon 19439 Arrowwood Place Amrhein, Robert and Teresa 21775 Tommy Trail 651-5422 Andabaker, Rudy and Denise 20627 Wahl Lane 659-8542 Anderson, Kyle and Kelly 9090 Garden Ridge Drive 651-4704 Anderson, Mark and Theresa 21303 Liguria Drive 401-1193 Andreolli, Gregory and Sherry 8966 Garden Ridge Drive 651-4631 Andrews, Larry and Rosemary 22133 Senna Hills Drive 857-2905 Anz, Gerald and C 27267 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 980-7397 Anzek, Charles and Elizabeth 9411 Gardenia Bend Drive 651-4194 Apolinar, Roger and Gisela 21936 Park View Drive 651-6048 Aramendia, John and Anne 22210 Via Posada Drive 651-4183 Archer, Allyn and Susan 9423 Cinchona Trail 651-9514 Archer, Kenneth and Denise 23975 Cavern Oak 651-5433 Armstong, Sandra 9108 Easy Street 438-7340 Armstrong, Terry and Carol 9408 Azalea Gate 651-5073 Arneckle, Chuck and Kaye 8145 Garden Oaks Drive 651-5510 Arnst, Theodore K. and Helen 21011 Plum Ranch Road 651-6555 Arreguin, Margaret 20525 Natural Bridge Caverns Road Ashley, Bob and Becky 20803 Glen Cove 651-6844 Atkinson, Al and Carol 8024 Garden Oaks Drive 651-5854 Austin, Gary and Laura 8237 Park Lane Drive 651-9689 Austin, Tyrone and Edna 21326 Hampton Park 281-5305 Autry, Allen 9616 Azalea Circle 651-9318 Awbrey, Frances 19939 Schneider Lane 651-6256 Azzarello, Crystal 8251 Garden Ridge North Drive Baczewski, Gary and Celie 21430 Forest Waters Circle 651-4048 Badrak, Francis 9185 North Point Drive 438-8701 Bailey, Mary 9418 Bluebell Drive 651-9214 Baker, Anna 21225 Stams Circle 599-7324 Baker, Marvin and Jacqueline Riley 21436 Fairview Circle 662-6563 Baker, Rickie and Cynthia 21029 Hickory Bend 651-6294 Baldwin, Rosco and Brenda 21918 Pesa Cove Balusik, Joseph 22010 Cristobal Drive Bane, Butch and Marsha 7970 Garden North Drive 651-9659 Baquero, Roger and Jeannie 19003 Seminole Pass Barnes, Debbie 20814 Woodland Cove 651-9274 Barrow, Kevin and Mary 24607 Ripple Way Barsalou, Mark 18838 Nacogdoches Road Barter, Bud and Patty 9508 Azalea Gate 651-9352 Bates, Matthew and Kerstin 9011 Cinnabar Court 568-7298 Batton, Wayne 9146 Easy Street Baumann, Brian and Christy 22140 Paseo Corto Drive 651-6414 Bearden, Will and Sherry 9325 Sumac Lane 651-7410 Becerra, Gilbert 21660 Forest Waters Circle 651-4884 Beck, Brian and Susan 9670 Trophy Oaks Drive 967-5333 Beckley, Dennis 7964 Jethro Lane 651-5527 Belcher, Earl 9148 Schoenthal Road 530-4718 Bell, David and Marcy 8815 Tuscan Hills Drive 651-3269 Bell, Harvey B. and Nancy E. 20502 Deer Garden Cove 451-7088 Bell, Stephen and Susan 22211 Via Posada Drive 314-6966 Benbrook, Lana 8346 Park Lane Drive 237-3456 Bennett, Bill and Gerri 8435 Park Lane Drive 651-9325 Benson, Rick and Roberta 20141 Hoya Lane Berg, George and Ann 20806 Glen Cove 651-5412 Bergren, John and Christine 8430 Twisted Oaks 651-4713 Berry, Gene and Nancy 21629 Forest Waters Circle 651-5717 Betz, Kind and Juli 21017 Hickory Bend 651-3406 Biediger, Dorothy 24450 Biediger Lane 651-6036 Bielke, Daniel and Scarlett 21918 Cristobal Drive 272-0592 Biersner, David 19446 Arrowwood Place Bindseil, Dan and Carolyn 8115 Bindseil Lane 651-6197 Bindseil, Mark 21319 Water Wood Drive Bird, David and Judy 9042 Blazing Star Trail 651-5678 Bishop, John and Catherine 27846 Natural Bridge Caverns Road Bishop, Tony and Linda 22184 Quiet Moon Drive 888-5224 Abendschein, August (Gus) and Jane 9320 Bluebell Drive 651-6683 Acker, William and Deanne 21903 Pesa Cove Adams, Eboney 20901 Nacogdoches Road 626-3918 Addis, Kimberly 8823 Timmerman Cove Adkins, Robert L. and Cheryl Gay 20103 Regency Run 651-5695 Aguilar, John 9428 Gloxinia Drive 651-4772 Aguilera, James C., CPA and Teri 9519 Gloxinia Drive 656-4210 Albarez, Joseph 9125 North Point Drive Albin, Kenneth and Kristi 20180 Nacogdoches Road Alcantara, Orlando and Praxedes 7649 Sky Loop Allarkamp, Richard & Richard, Jr. 23690 Natural Bridge Caverns Rd 651-5621 Almendarez, Roy and Helen 9609 Meadow Rue 651-9290 Altman, Bill and Sarah 9360 Sumac Lane 651-5507 Anantrachai Kae, Wlium 9029 Ozark Terrace Anderson, David 8930 Cowsert Lane Anderson, Mark and Theresa 21303 Liguria Drive Anderson, Terry 20920 Klein Circle Andrews, John and Rose 9403 Gloxinia Drive 651-9728 Andrews, Philip and Mary 9310 Sumac Lane 647-6028 Anz, William and Patricia 27493 Natural Bridge Caverns Road Apgar, Rodney and Deborah 21934 Cristobal Drive 651-3156 Appelt, Michael and Mary 9130 Pierce Massie 980-3850 Aramendia, Richard and Dy Ann 8340 Bindseil Lane 651-9033 Archer, James 23845 Cavern Oak 651-9829 Arko, Thomas and Denise 21330 Osage Trail 314-1242 Armstrong, Merrie 8447 Bindseil Lane 599-8960 Arnecke, Charles 8185 Garden Oaks Drive 651-5510 Arnold, Kari 9115 Blazing Star Trail 908-9678 Arredondo, Augustin and Sylvia 8814 Timmerman Cove Arvidson, Todd and Virginia 9318 Goldenrod Lane Atalig, Joe and Sandra 8610 Turner Ridge 251-3634 Atkinson, Alton 7986 Garden Oaks Drive Austin, Les and Karma 8273 Park Lane Drive 651-5390 Autry, Allen 9616 Azalea Circle 651-9318 Awbrey, Frances 19939 Nacogdoches Road 651-6256 Ayala, Horacio 8341 Bindseil Lane 651-4356 Bacon, Ross and Valinda 21260 Forest Waters Circle 651-6602 Badagliacco, John 9419 Gardenia Bend Drive Bagwell, Scott and Lisa 21909 Las Cimas Drive 651-1137 Bailey, Thomas and Beverly 20802 Glen Cove 845-1820 Baker, James P. Sr.and Barbara A. 21885 Park View Drive 651-5091 Baker, Nancy 26835 Cynthia Drive Balch, Robert 20592 Timber Rose 651-3476 Ballard, Dave and Ginna 8902 Bent Brook Drive 651-1173 Bandy, Russell and Lynn 8904 Tuscan Hills Drive 651-9447 Banfield, Ramona 27560 Natural Bridge Caverns Road Barger, Robert 21450 Water Wood Drive 651-6399 Barranco, Ben and Kathy 9647 Kurre Way 651-6789 Barrow, Sr., Sterling E. 20731 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 651-6826 Barsalou, Rhonda 8823 Timmerman Cove Barucky, Jerry and Lily 20806 Woodland Cove 651-4909 Battaglia, Robert and Duncan 8825 Garden Ridge Drive 651-5642 Bauer, Richard 7918 Indian Mound 967-6175 Baumbach, Ralph and Lam 9375 Garden Ridge Drive 646-0943 Bebout, DeWitt and Marisa 9473 Garden Ridge Drive 651-3524 Bechtold, Barry and Dixie 8739 Garden Ridge Drive 651-5299 Beck, Malcolm 7945 Jethro Lane Beggs, Michael and Susan 20111 Hoya Lane 651-9522 Bell, Bertrice 9039 Ozark Terrace Bell, Gene and Diana Spencer 9026 Cinnabar Court Bell, John and Betty 9404 Magic Falls 651-5786 Benavidez, Arnoldo and Yolanda 9215 Gloxinia Drive Benfer, Josh 27315 Natural Bridge Caverns Road Benson, Linda 21031 Cedar Branch 651-0755 Benton, Lonnie 7802 Double Rock 362-1235 Bergquist, Todd 8909 Sonata Court Berry, Fred 24511 Ripple Way 651-9160 Betancourt, George and Debbie 7914 Jethro Lane 651-4123 Bevington, Andrew 7669 Sky Loop Biel, Robert and Barbara 8624 Verano Drive 497-7605 Bierschwale, Eddie and Denise 21219 Forest Waters Circle 655-4090 Biles, Robert and Bernadette 25310 Scout Point 651-8261 Bindseil, Mark 8059 Bindseil Lane 651-6301 Birch, Donald 9334 Blazing Star Trail 651-6124 Birkle, James and Theresa 20429 Wahl Lane 651-3915 Bishop, Karen 9420 Garden Ridge Drive 651-6328 Bissen, Robert 26960 Cynthia Drive To make an update or correction, please go online to: 15 Alphabetical Residential Listings (Listed left to right, then down) Black, Nancy 9227 Gloxinia Drive 651-4243 Blades, Larry and Nancy 8925 Bent Brook Drive 651-0332 Blanco, Edward and Marilynn 21460 Park Lane Court 651-5480 Blevins, Spike and Karen 23525 Bat Cave Road 651-9372 Bloess, James and Christy 7818 Star Circle 651-6699 Bobbitt, Calvin and Willa 8906 Comanche Path 790-5736 Bockholt, Craig 9005 Easy Street Bohan, David 18565 Goll Street Bohan, Steven and Anne 18571 Goll Street 455-9990 Bollerud, William 18453 1st Street Bond, Michael and Patty 21050 Gunther Grove Bonner, Kamed 21935 Bat Cave Road 651-5406 Booker, Barry 22016 Paseo Corto Drive Boone, Ronald and Diana 22017 Deer Canyon Drive 872-9879 Boriack, James and Celia 21226 Osage Trail Bosch, Allen and Nancy 10023 Trophy Oaks Drive 651-6625 Bott, Benjamin and Laura 20507 Cedar Cavern 653-2715 Bournival, Daniel 21422 Liguria Drive Bowden, Roger and Barbra 9732 Trophy Oaks Drive 651-3691 Boyd, Brenda 20697 Bat Cave Road 651-5437 Boyers, William and Karen 20042 Buckhead Lane 496-1464 Boyte, Robert and Karen 27560 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 714-5597 Bradley, Rolla 9352 Osage Circle 651-9750 Bradshaw, Edward and Mackie 9350 Sumac Lane 651-9406 Brangan, Keith 21645 Valley Park Drive Branum, Brian and Gail 8119 Wild Wind Park 651-6850 Bray, Thomas 17245 Nacogdoches Road Breeden, Carl 9012 Easy Street Breedlove, Norma 24240 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 651-6309 Brestle, Charles and Joseline 20825 Sorrell Lane 651-9792 Britan, Joseph and Denise 21011 Cedar Branch 599-0516 Broaddus, Patrick and Jean 27010 Natural Bridge Caverns Rd 438-7848 Brooks, Matthew and Lisa 20519 Deer Garden Cove 437-1858 Brossman, Daniel and Linda 9498 Cinchona Trail 650-4564 Brown, Albert 9123 Pierce Massie 714-5031 Brown, Gregory and Cheryl 8034 Garden Oaks Drive 858-6309 Brown, Jeffrey and Tracy 10026 Calley Circle 368-2564 Brown, Leroy and Millie 9183 Sundew Circle 651-6548 Brown, Paul Z. and Connie 8005 Garden North Drive 651-9517 Brown, Robert and Vickie 20810 Glen Cove 651-9209 Brown, Rodney & Michelle 10015 Audrey Ridge 651-7380 Brown, Walter and Gail 24179 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 651-5842 Brozek, Richard and Naomi 21410 Water Wood Drive Brunce, Dean 24065 Cavern Oak 656-6200 Brunette, Jim and Chris 21249 Forest Waters Circle 651-5923 Bruno, Mario 22003 Paseo Corto Drive 945-9747 Bryan, Don and Charlene 9317 Teakwood Lane 651-8242 Buchanan, Bradley and Susan 8807 Cherokee Path Buchner, Helmut and Edda 20506 Bat Cave Road 651-6314 Builta, Sam 18975 Marbach Lane Burch and Kelly, David 9011 Easy Street Burkhardt, E.W. 19081 Nacogdoches Loop 651-6938 Burroughs, Dennis and Patti 9413 Blazing Star Trail 651-9048 Butler, Jeffrey and Shelly 21440 Forest Waters Circle 651-1027 Butler, Wendell 8519 Wild Trace Cable, Dan and Misty 9903 Michelle Hill 651-4706 Cain, Clarence and Connie 9967 Trophy Oaks Drive 651-6757 Cain, Ronnie and Nancy 22011 Deer Canyon Drive 651-1217 Calloway, Steve and Rose 8323 Park Lane Drive 651-5759 Camosy, Dennis 9415 Gardenia Bend Drive 651-5370 Campbell, Gary and Norreen 22204 Quiet Moon Drive 599-8088 Campbell, Robert and Debbie 19811 Brandywine Cove 595-1732 Candler, Derrick 19834 Brandywine Cove Capparelli, Guy 19501 Natural Bridge Caverns Road Carlton, Billy 20203 Van Nest Circle Carpenter, Ralph and Alecia 9219 Garden Ridge Drive 651-9711 Carroll, Michael and Mary Jane 7913 Garden North Drive Caruso, Matteo and Gudrun 21917 Bat Cave Road 651-5795 Castano, Amy 9809 Bode Circle 651-3491 Castellanos, Luis and Magda 9608 Kurre Way 654-7856 Castillo, Jariel and Columba 21311 Liguria Drive Castillo, Stephanie 21311 Liguria Drive Cato, Paul L. and Effie E. 8322 Wild Wind Park 646-8322 Caton, Carl and Kelli 21559 Forest Waters Circle 651-9457 Caudill, Johnny 7944 Jethro Lane Cawood, Robert and Terry 8026 Garden North Drive 651-6817 Ceremuga, Thomas and Julia 20009 Regency Run 651-3805 16 Blackwell, Tracy 9745 Trophy Oaks Drive Blanchard, Jerry and Janet 20802 Woodland Cove Blevins, Robert and Karen 2352 Bat Cave Road 651-9372 Blevins, W 18675 Marbach Lane Blue, Jan and Charlie Farrell 21420 Forest Waters Circle 651-0675 Bobo, John 19907 Lloyds Park 255-8381 Bodenheim, Bodie and Martha 20819 Glen Cove 651-9145 Bohan, James and Phyllis 10051 Trophy Oaks Drive 658-9844 Bohne, Derwin 9409 Gloxinia Drive 651-6475 Bolton, Ed and Julie 9159 Garden Ridge Drive 651-1099 Bond, Robert 8970 Cowsert Lane 980-7449 Bonner, Maggie 21935 Bat Cave Road 651-5406 Booker, James and Tina 21449 Water Wood Drive 888-3324 Boone, William and Veronica 24098 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 651-9503 Borne, Philip 7644 Sky Loop 651-0354 Botard, Robert and Cynthia 9357 Teakwood Lane 651-9513 Bouloubasis, John and Paula 22019 Cristobal Drive Bousum, Roger and Marcy 21131 Klein Circle 651-1904 Bower, Jim and Kay 8947 Garden Ridge Drive 650-8881 Boyd, Bruce and Judi 19810 Lloyds Park 651-7424 Boynton, John and Cathy 9425 Sumac Lane 472-1416 Brabham, Gino and Yvonne 21007 Plum Ranch Road 651-6842 Bradshaw, David and Cami 21641 Forest Waters Circle 651-9073 Brandes, Chris and Gina 8834 Garden Ridge Drive 651-0687 Brannon, George and Jean 9233 Gloxinia Drive Bratianu, Nena 9607 Aster Circle 651-6566 Bredemus, Jed and Amy 8810 Timmerman Cove 688-4729 Breeden, Troy 19827 Brandywine Cove Bremer, Byron and Susan 9144 North Point Drive 980-4313 Brewer, Jessie 9340 Sumac Lane 651-5721 Broach, Pierce and Sandra 9134 Pierce Massie 980-7392 Brooks, Bud and Nina 21023 Plum Ranch Road 651-0193 Broomes, Gary 8014 Sky Vis Brotze, Wayne and Camille 9263 Cinchona Trail 651-6534 Brown, Gerry and Dorothy 22414 Oro Viejo Court 566-4959 Brown, Harry 9183 Sundew Circle 651-6548 Brown, Joseph 21758 Tommy Trail Brown, Linda 21758 Tommy Trail 651-8357 Brown, Richard E. and Ann 22027 Las Cimas Drive 651-1939 Brown, Robert and Vickie 9926 Trophy Oaks Drive 651-9209 Brown, Tara 9127 Pierce Massie 714-5031 Browning, Jared and Denise 19819 Zephyr Cove 651-9975 Bruins, Mark 24616 Ripple Way 651-5085 Brunell, Don and Laurie 21549 Forest Waters Circle 334-0962 Brunnemann, Randy and Susan 9515 Teakwood Drive 651-4411 Bruns, Bob and Karol 9212 Bluebell Drive 651-6508 Bryant, Robert 19526 Creekview Oaks 651-0611 Buchhorn, Orville and Anne 19423 Arrowwood Place 314-2415 Buehler, Robert and Georgia 21419 Forest Waters Circle 651-9739 Bundy, Deborah 22022 Las Cimas Drive 566-0707 Burke, Carol 9011 Tuscan Hills Drive 637-6790 Burkhardt, Henry & Lynda 18861 Nacogdoches Road 651-9427 Bustamante, Jesus R. and Maricela 8988 Schoenthal Road 651-5165 Butler, Jimmie and Nancy 21751 Fairview Drive 651-6516 Byrd, Duane and Yolanda 8822 Timmerman Cove 616-4698 Cahue, A.J. 9207 Bluebell Drive 265-5535 Cain, Kevin and Wendy 24822 Creek Loop 651-3979 Calhoun, George and Suzanne 9378 Schoenthal Road 651-9314 Cameron, Jeff 20506 Deer Garden Cove 421-1677 Campbell, David and Peggy 9435 Gardenia Bend Drive 651-6065 Campbell, Kyle and Monica 20041 Buckhead Lane 267-1872 Canady, Allen and Linda 24810 Ripple Way Cannon, Karen and Brian 9285 Cinchona Trail 651-4577 Cardy, Robert 24806 Ripple Way Carne, James and Dee Dee 21008 Cedar Branch 651-6262 Carpenter, Ralph and Alicia 9219 Garden Ridge Drive 723-6249 Carter, Curtis and Sherry 21911 Paseo Corto Drive 538-8206 Cason, Russell 9040 Ozark Terrace 980-1982 Castano, Amy 9809 Bode Court Castilleja, Carlos and Jeanette 8616 Verano Drive 945-3532 Castillo, Jaziel 21311 Liguria Drive Caswell, Gerald 10014 Audrey Ridge 846-3959 Caton, Carl 23995 Bat Cave Road Caton, Mary 21759 Forest Waters Circle 651-5956 Cavanaugh, Sammie 21921 Las Cimas Drive 599-4577 Cazares, Carlos and Carolyn 21643 Fairview Circle 651-9731 Chaisson, Edward and Yshiko 8445 Twisted Oaks 651-5594 To make an update or correction, please go online to: Alphabetical Residential Listings (Listed left to right, then down) Chalk, Rick and Judy 20085 Hoya Lane 651-6864 Chamberlain, Deanna 7718 Canham Ranch Chancellor, James and Patricia 21922 Deer Canyon Drive 651-4047 Chapman, Colton 8377 Twisted Oaks 651-4133 Chase, Mark 9102 Portofino Place 651-0806 Chauret, Mark and Patrice 20458 Wahl Lane 651-4934 Chavers, Susan 8111 Park Lane Drive Childers, Darrell and Susan 21917 Senna Hills Drive 651-7459 Ching, Edmund and Johanna 21439 Forest Waters Circle 651-9703 Chisenhall, Jack 18865 Goll Street Choe, Ki 19808 Regency Run Churchwell, G 19915 Lloyds Park 651-9225 Clark, George and Nancy 21060 Klein Circle 651-3166 Clark, Herbert and Jomarie 23994 Bat Cave Road 651-6021 Classen, Lawrence and Patricia 19565 Classen Ranch Cleary, Lawrence 9585 Miller Lane Clemons, Larry and Peggy 9414 Teakwood Lane 651-9261 Clumpner, Guy 9422 Gloxinia Drive 651-6056 Cobb, Stan and Paul 22117 Senna Hills Drive 651-7584 Coburn, Jerry and Sonja 20931 Klein Circle 651-0539 Cochrun, Tuesday L. 21820 Tommy Trail 842-6071 Cohen, Carolyn 10041 Trophy Oaks Drive 651-9695 Cole, Walter and Pocahontas 20202 Van Nest Circle 314-1459 Coleman, Kevin R. 8227 Park Lane Drive Collier, Larry and Susan 9130 Easy Street Collins, J 8835 Garden Ridge Drive 651-6057 Conley, Stephen and Carolyn 21927 Castano Cove 233-8676 Cook, Virgil 8804 Tuscan Hills Drive 651-9837 Cooper, Ray and Kat 9125 Schoenthal Road 651-7434 Cornehlsen, Thomas and Sharon 20214 Regency Run Corona, Sirilo 18460 4th Street Corte, Charles and Penny 8008 Garden Oaks Drive 651-3585 Cosme, Diana 9428 Gloxinia Drive 651-4772 Cottingham, Randy and Caroline 19113 Nacogdoches Loop 651-9671 Courter, Price and Gina 22314 Larmona Cove 451-0052 Covington, David and Mary Kay 9607 Primrose 651-5411 Cowsar, J.D. and Susan 21130 Forest Waters Circle 651-9390 Cox, George and Mariann 8250 Garden Oaks Drive 651-5880 Cox, Marcus A. and Annette M. 9657 Kurre Way 651-3325 Craig, Duane 9175 North Point Drive Craven, Thomas and Sylvia 9311 Gloxinia Drive 651-4637 Crawford, Robert and Annita 9507 Gloxinia Drive 724-3043 Creel, Doyle and Kathy 7975 Garden Oaks Drive 651-5500 Crisp, Bobby and Donnie 19806 Lloyds Park 651-4224 Crisp, Harold 20820 Timber Rose 651-6859 Crockett, Ron and Nancy 21830 Park View Drive 651-4575 Cullison, Tom and Judy 21835 Tommy Trail 651-3028 Culpepper, Ohm and Jan 22110 Cristobal Drive 510-2178 Czelusta, Lawrence and Marquerite 9355 Schoenthal Road 651-5421 Dalton, Andrew and Jennifer 19711 Secret Cove 465-7546 Daniels, Joe and Patt 8064 Garden North Drive 651-0227 Dantzler, Tillman and Veronica 9071 Blazing Star Trail 272-0231 Dartez, David 23505 Bat Cave Road Dauer, Dustin 19449 Nacogdoches Road 522-0546 Davenport, Clayton and Sherry 9211 Cipriani Way 233-1269 Davis, Charles and Barbara 8811 Cherokee Path 515-4582 Davis, Ronald L. and Grace J. 9640 Trophy Oaks Drive 651-1180 Dawson, Bill and Eiko 9613 Meadow Rue 651-4202 Dean, B.L. and M.S. 9612 Azalea Circle 651-5074 Dean, Robert J. and Lynne 21630 Forest Waters Circle 651-5850 Deason, Charles and Carolyn 22903 Natural Bridge Caverns Rd 651-6288 Decock, Michael and Linda 9103 Cinnabar Court 653-7543 Delaney, Mark and Rose 22017 Paseo Corto Drive 455-6895 DeLong, Richard and Judy 8130 Garden Oaks Drive 651-9598 Dennis, Jerry 21845 Bat Cave Road 651-5280 Denton, Will and Karen 22115 Cristobal Drive 251-4393 Derryberry, Ed and Teresa 9202 Cipriani Way 259-8269 Devine, Kevin and Janice 21609 Forest Waters Circle 634-1235 Di Carlo, Cheryl 21445 Fairview Circle 651-4478 Diaz, Marino 20647 Wahl Lane 481-8502 Dierks, Elroy and Myrtle 23345 Bat Cave Road 651-6188 Dirlam, David and Julie 21013 Hickory Bend 651-9382 Dodd, Jose and Vivian 22406 Oro Viejo Court 279-5541 Dokes, Edward and Ida 8135 Ridge North Drive 651-5265 Donovan, James and Joyce 9614 Meadow Rue 651-6017 Dosee, Robert 22104 Deer Canyon Drive 651-1217 Dovalina, Jorge and Nancy 19410 Arrowood Place 684-8081 Chamartin, Bill and Wanda 21935 Pesa Cove 650-5323 Chamberlin, Billy and Zelda 8810 Comanche Path 656-3190 Chandler, Steven 21942 Paseo Corto Drive 945-8918 Chapman, Jesse and Nita 21909 Senna Hills Drive 651-5264 Chauret, Keith and Sheila 9808 Bode Circle 967-7519 Chauret, Michael and Susan 9531 Sumac Circle 651-5603 Cheney, Perry and Cynthia 21206 Stams Circle 651-1867 Childers, Leon 26959 Cynthia Drive 980-3367 Chisenhall, Gordon F. and Sylvia V. 9503 Sumac Circle 410-8305 Choe, Ki 8207 Wild Wind Park Church, Joan 9320 Berean Way 391-4703 Clark, David and Sedara 9106 Sundew Circle 651-9911 Clark, Herbert 23994 Bat Cave Road 651-6021 Classen, Harold and Carol 19791 Classen Ranch 651-6112 Classy, Ronald 9580 Miller Lane Cleckler, Thad and Valerie 9327 Gardenia Bend Drive 651-0199 Cloud, Karen 9331 Gardenia Bend Drive 651-9133 Cobb, Paul 22117 Senna Hills Drive Cobb, Thomas and Vicki 23349 Bat Cave Road 651-6212 Cochnauer, Dexter and Katie 9392 Garden Ridge Drive 325-1610 Cogley, William L. and Pamela C. 9546 Teakwood Drive 946-3655 Colatarci, Anthony 8838 Cherokee Path Coleman, J. Preston and Sue Ann 21220 Forest Waters Circle 651-9344 Collett, Richard and Sunny 19906 Lloyds Park 275-6826 Collins, Austin 8022 Canham Ranch Compton, Alan 8941 Schoenthal Road 659-1819 Cook, John and Patricia 9605 Meadow Rue 651-4082 Cooke, Chris and Trisha 9412 Blazing Star Trail 651-0904 Cormier, Christoph 22310 Garden Oaks Drive Cornelius, Ted 9115 Pierce Massie Correa, Jayne 21840 Park View Drive Corwin, William & Deora 21319 Forest Waters Circle 651-6047 Coston, Michael 9416 Gardenia Bend Drive 651-5970 Couch, Odel and Mary 9504 Azalea Gate 651-6650 Courter, Walter 24903 Ripple Way 659-6491 Cowart, Alan 7910 Indian Mound 233-8373 Cowsert, Robert 8915 Bat Cave Loop Cox, Jerry and Joyce 9468 Garden Ridge Drive 651-9310 Cozean, Ronald and Karen 21420 Water Wood Drive 651-1012 Craigmile, Neil and Jean 9063 Garden Ridge Drive 651-6459 Crawford, Ken 8917 Garden Ridge Drive 651-1056 Crayton, Jerome 8950 Ozark Terrace 980-7970 Creel, Scott and Jill 21943 Paseo Corto Drive 314-7420 Crisp, Dee and Rebecca 23825 Bat Cave Road 651-0989 Crites, Shane and Laurie 21530 Forest Waters Circle 656-2057 Cronin, Martha 9335 Sumac Lane 651-5803 Culp, Brian 8346 Park Lane Drive 237-3456 Curtis, John and Judy 21350 Osage Trail 651-6818 Dahl, Clifford and Stephanie 8827 Timmerman Cove 314-2537 Damuth, Gary 8010 Canham Ranch 651-0498 Dansby, Frank and Carolyn 22204 Via Posada Drive 651-4050 Darilek, Ron and Cathy 9742 Trophy Oaks Drive 656-5720 Dauer, David and Debbie 20003 Regency Run 651-3928 Daugherty, Tim and Sharon 22004 Deer Canyon Drive 651-1706 Davies, Nigel and Wanda 21664 Valley Park Drive 635-0812 Davis, Colin and Taylor 19781 Bat Cave Road 651-3936 Dawkins, Ronnie and Larisa 21307 Hampton Park De Los Santos, Mike 9809 Bode Circle 651-3491 Dean, Michael 26775 Cynthia Drive Dearment, Richard and Deanna 19426 Arrowwood Place 566-4883 Deason, W.Nolen and Bette A. 23145 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 651-6148 Degolier, John and Traci 8922 Comanche Path 651-5010 Delgado, Agustin and Linda 24531 Ripple Way Denis, Clarence and Linda 9304 Berean Way 651-4233 Dennis, Terry 9348 Goldenrod Lane DeRamus, Eugene T. and Kathie J. 9305 Sumac Lane 651-5426 DeSorbo, Zeke and Helga 9111 Garden Ridge Drive Devine, Michael and Cathy 22620 Elm Drive 651-8366 Diaz, Armando and Karen 21010 Gunther Grove 535-2551 Diaz, Pete 22175 Quiet Moon Drive 651-6447 Dimmitt, Dean and Brittany 9062 Schoenthal Road Dobbs, Lou 21430 Water Wood Drive 651-9347 Doerr, Bob and Leigh 10009 Calley Circle 651-3581 Dolle, Clarence and Alice 8440 Park Lane Drive 651-6060 Dorman, Stanley 7616 Sky Loop Dotson, Brandt 7614 Ramble Ridge 438-5512 Dowlearn, Robert R. and Jackie 9112 Garden Ridge Drive 651-3802 To make an update or correction, please go online to: 17 Alphabetical Residential Listings (Listed left to right, then down) Downing, JamesN. And B.K. Morgan 7903 Garden North Drive 651-0088 Doyle, Joseph 9147 Schoenthal Road 651-1308 Drawdy, Gorden 9419 Garden Ridge Drive DuBois, Gregg and Marjan 21015 Plum Ranch Road 651-9737 DuBose, Jimmie and Betty 21519 Forest Waters Circle 651-3429 Duemler, Richard and Sharon 9233 Schoenthal Road 651-0654 Dumas, Douglas & Catherine 21440 Water Wood Drive 426-4685 Duncan, Michael 25755 Natural Bridge Caverns Road Dunlap, Tom and Cindy 9308 Goldenrod Lane 651-6229 Dunn, Benjamin and Wilma 21418 Liguria Drive 679-5636 Durbon, Victor and Sharon 20387 Grass Creek Road 651-5943 Dziuk, Jr., Jerome and Shirley 23545 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 6519137 Earle, Stephen and Karen 9005 Sumac Cove 452-0436 Easley, Tom and Becky 8180 Bindseil Lane 651-5657 Eastman, Dave and Michelle 9658 Kurre Way 651-4334 Ebrom, Lucian 23345 Bat Cave Road 349-1690 Edge, Jarrett 20510 Deer Garden Cove 651-4668 Edsall, Philip and Sandra 19915 Lloyds Park 654-9202 Edwards, William and Queen 22302 Larmona Cove Eiserer, Curtis and Mary Ann 9343 Blazing Star Trail 655-2224 Elia, Charles V.L. 9427 Gloxinia Drive 651-6777 Elkins, Patricia 8718 Garden Ridge Drive 651-9715 Elliot, William 9404 Azalea Gate 651-3846 Ellis, James and Betty 26855 Cynthia Drive 980-4061 Elsden, Stephen 19407 Arrowwood Place Elseth, Leon and Joyce 9309 Berean Way 656-8028 Emerich, Sherri 9011 Tuscan Hills Drive 637-6790 Emmons, Ethan and Victoria 8902 Sonata Court 651-4633 Erickson, Robert and Megan 20203 Verano Drive 850-2212 Escalante, Lourdes 22345 Bat Cave Road Estrada, Joseph and Heather 8608 Verano Drive 379-1213 Evans, Art and Johnida 9405 Azalea Gate 651-9509 Everett, James and Anne 20302 Bat Cave Road 651-6887 Falcone, Peter and Melissa 20350 Bat Cave Road 659-9276 Farmer, Jerry and Janice 21935 Castano Cove 541-5790 Farrar, Julia 27560 Natural Bridge Caverns Road Farrimond, Wayne and Allyson 21103 Tree Top Cove 651-6525 Fatheree, Tom and Leslie 9341 Teakwood Lane 651-6034 Fay, Robert and Connie 8815 Timmerman Cove Fergason, John and Karen 23165 Bat Cave Road 651-9730 Ferrell, Billy and Rosie 21728 Forest Waters Circle 651-6672 Fieseler, Hal and Nancy 9139 Blazing Star Trail 651-5748 Finny, Kelli 20515 Cedar Cavern 651-1377 Fisher, Ted and Nancy 20007 Cedar Branch Fitzgerald, Marion 20003 Buckhead Lane 651-5519 Fleck-Kestler, Ursula S. 20506 Bat Cave Road 651-6295 Flexner, Jay and Ginger 9920 Michelle Hill 651-0442 Flores, Jesse R. and Moriah 9409 Teakwood Lane 437-1067 Flores, Lionel and Melba 9110 Portofino Place 651-5369 Foltz, Stanley and Wanda 9425 Goldenrod Lane 651-4226 Fontenot, Jon and Juliann 9722 Trophy Oaks Drive 651-5382 Forbrich, Carl 20147 Hoya Lane 651-6055 Ford, Edwin and Regina 21360 Gunther Grove 946-8123 Forney, Leeanna 8902 Easy Street Foss, David and Lisa 9319 Berean Way 462-1460 Fox, Conan and Denice 22133 Paseo Corto Drive 832-8406 Franklin, Jeffrey 7911 Indian Mound Frasco, Anthony and Kathlleen 8802 Wild Wind Park 651-5276 Fraunhofer, Hal and Joyce 9368 Schoenthal Road 651-6315 Freres, Steven and Gloria 22009 Las Cimas Drive 651-0619 Friedel, Kim and Bobby 9316 Berean Way 651-5464 Friese, Siegfried 24809 Ripple Way 655-2875 Friesenhahn, Clifford and Marlene 21359 Cedar Gap 651-3089 Friesenhahn, Darren 9103 Pierce Massie 980-8980 Friesenhahn, Eric and Janet 23090 Natural Bridge Caverns Rd 651-5749 Friesenhahn, Janet 7925 Bindseil Lane 651-5749 Friesenhahn, Mark and Stephani 21229 Forest Waters Circle 651-6290 Fritz, Pam and Dick 8927 Garden Ridge Drive 651-5625 Froboese, Elgin 7940 FM 1863 Fuchs, Eddie and Sharon 9336 Gloxinia Drive 651-6880 Fuller, Melissa 20007 Hickory Bend 595-8081 Furbish, Bruce and Connie 8814 Garden Ridge Drive 651-6981 Galdos, Mario and Rosa 7910 Garden North Drive 507-7971 Galles, James and Keysa 21460 Water Wood Drive 236-7366 Galvan, Luis 19458 Arrowwood Place Ganzalez, Mariz 21110 Klein Circle 693-7901 18 Doyle, Bill and Frances 9235 Cinchona Trail 651-6710 Draper, Rander 8914 Bent Brook Drive 651-6687 Drichta, David and Shannon 9380 Cinchona Trail 255-1273 Dubois, Julie and Mark 19530 Creekview Oaks 222-2504 Dudley, Parus and Susan 9290 Cinchona Trail 651-6705 Dugie, Nancy 8925 Bat Cave Loop Dunaway, Joy 18975 Marbach Lane Dunfield, Jan 18771 Nacogdoches Road 222-9906 Dunlap, Travis 9308 Goldenrod Lane 651-6229 Durbin, Mike and Katie 8000 Garden Oaks Drive 651-5252 Dziuk, Marian 9575 Goldenrod Circle 844-7075 Eardley, Eric and Shawna 20807 Glen Cove 281-8316 Earley, Judd and Sheila 9364 Cinchona Trail 651-9291 Eastman, Carmen 19831 Nacogdoches Road 651-6958 Eaton, Robert and Betsy 8228 Park Lane Drive 651-5032 Edden, Phillip 19503 Windswept Cove 651-6964 Edge, Phillip and Farah 21410 Liguria Drive 355-1592 Edwards, Jesse and Coral Gene 21587 Fairview Circle 651-6341 Ehrsam, Albert and Lillian 21110 Forest Waters Circle 651-0693 Elder, David and Diana 9615 Aster Circle 651-4855 Elich, Danny and Michelle 19450 Arrowwood Place Elliot, Donna 9401 Municipal Pkwy Ellis, Donald and Reni 22629 Spanish Oak Drive 651-6740 Elmer, William and Lori 9047 Ozark Terrace Elsesser, James and Anna 9306 Gloxinia Drive 651-9511 Embrey, Bruce and Marjorie 19197 Nacogdoches Loop 590-2205 Emerling, Diane 21031 Cedar Branch 651-0755 English, Jack and Lisa 8920 Bent Brook Drive 651-0758 Erwin, James 9440 Miller Lane 651-1457 Espinoza, Milton 9035 Sumac Cove 914-2498 Eubank, Bill and Suzan 9610 Aster Circle 651-9521 Evans, Roy and O.R. 20512 Wahl Lane 967-9026 Faison, Douglas and Pamela 9016 Tuscan Hills Drive 263-9156 Faleski, Edward and Valerie 20552 Timber Rose Drive 651-6905 Farra, Yasser 8910 Tuscan Hills Drive 651-8265 Farrell, Colin and Kim 9407 Gardenia Bend Drive 852-2532 Faseler, Douglas and Laura 9516 Teakwood Drive 651- 5687 Faulkner, Jim and Jan 8110 Garden Oaks Drive 651-0297 Feibelman, Jay and Nancy 21014 Plum Ranch Road 651-6094 Fern, Albert 19519 Creekview Oaks Fields, Milton and Bertie 21919 Pesa Cove 654-7124 Finley, Dean and Karen 8511 Twisted Oaks Fisher, Larry and Linda 21455 Fairview Circle 651-9322 Fitts, Gary and Carmen 20223 Hoya Lane 651- 5732 Fleckenstein, Louis and Janet 9412 Gardenia Bend Drive 651-0026 Fleming, Robert and Cynthia 9280 Garden Ridge Drive 651-6030 Flink, Charles and Mary Lou 8475 Park Lane Drive 651-6631 Flores, Lionel and Melba 9439 Teakwood Lane 651-5369 Florio, Joe and Pat 8075 Garden Oaks Drive 651-9227 Fontana, Rudy and Linda 9502 Gloxinia Drive 265-5707 Foote, Bill and Terri 21915 Las Cimas Drive 651-9236 Ford, Brent and Lisa 20345 Regency Run 495-5703 Fordiani, Daniel and June 8824 Garden Ridge Drive 651-9111 Foss, Charles and Sandra 9428 Bluebell Drive 651-9053 Fowler, Kenneth and Darlene 23050 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 651-4181 Franco, Claudia 8543 Bindseil Lane 465-7620 Franklin, Ron and Linda 21028 Cedar Branch 392-0098 Fraser, Jim and Suzy 9328 Garden Ridge Drive 651-5459 Fredrickson, Paul and Kathy 21035 Gunther Grove 651-0144 Friday, William and Jerry 7828 Garden North Drive 651-6345 Friedman, M.S. and Amy 9908 Katherine Glen 651-5329 Friesenhahn, Cary and Colleen 8025 Garden North Drive 651-9221 Friesenhahn, Dale and Julie 8320 Bindseil Lane 651-5471 Friesenhahn, Dennis 23840 Cavern Oak Friesenhahn, Glenn 21795 Tommy Trail Friesenhahn, Kevan and Denise 21339 Cedar Gap 651-5125 Friesenhahn, Wilbur and Bernice 8045 Bindseil Lane 651-9007 Fritze, Victor O 19409 Nacogdoches Road 651-6099 Frye, Mark and Lois 9611 Azalea Circle 651-5775 Fuller, Billy and Mary Jo 9415 Gloxinia Drive 651-4287 Fulton, William and Carolyn 9425 Blazing Star Trail 651-5332 Fuselier, Rudy and Sue 21016 Cedar Branch 651-0661 Gallaway, Jefferson Alan and Cami 9251 Blazing Star Trail Gallets, Stephen and Beverly 8907 Comanche Path 314-2762 Gangel, Silvia 19870 Bat Cave Road 651-5163 Garcia, Daniel and Florence 21015 Gunther Grove 385-1413 To make an update or correction, please go online to: Alphabetical Residential Listings (Listed left to right, then down) Garcia, Gabriel and Thelma 9902 Michelle Hill Garcia, Louis and Mary 18570 Nacogdoches Road 651-5758 Garcia, Mark and Ronni R. 21905 Deer Canyon Drive 651-9338 Gardner, William 9419 Bluebell Drive 651-6096 Garza, Elier 7925 Bindseil Lane Gaubatz, Gary and Caryl 19818 Lloyds Park 651-0208 Gedraitis, Peter and Cindy 8807 Timmerman Cove 993-4376 Geishauser, Clair and Shilah 8130 Park Lane Dr. 464-5311 Georg, Stanley and Susan 22550 Elm Drive 651-6008 Gerhart, John and Brenda 9511 Sumac Circle 651-9415 Gervasi, William Rebecca 21004 Hickory Bend 277-8099 Giesberg, Walter and Irma 8136 Ridge North Drive 651-5268 Gilchrist, William 9050 Bat Cave Loop Gill, Michael and Ann 21749 Forest Waters Circle 651-9602 Gilliland, Thomas 23735 Cavern Oak Gisel, Karen 19449 Nacogdoches Road Glazener, Jr, Ronald and Lois 7827 Garden North Drive 651-5694 Gliddon, Michael 22018 Cristobal Drive Gobin, Stacey and Reagan 8622 Turner Ridge 932-8412 Goeke, John and Shirley 21927 Paseo Corto Drive 651-3075 Goll, D.R. 18491 Goll Street 651-6097 Goll, Mark 19785 Marbach Lane 651-6558 Gomes, Zeferino and Leanne Embry 19463 Arrowood Place 637-7880 Gonzalez, Viviana and Blanca 9536 Teakwood Drive 467-5046 Goodloe, Thomas 8002 Canham Ranch 651-1169 Goos, Dale and Julie 27036 Cynthia Drive 438-3452 Gormley, John and Ann 19718 Secret Cove 656-5465 Goudge, James 7964 Jethro Lane 651-5526 Gragg, Royce and Beverly 7621 Sky Loop 651-9899 Graham, Dale and Joyce 9514 Gloxinia Drive Grammer, Charlie and Sharolyn 9120 Garden Ridge Drive 651-6259 Grazulis, Robert 24719 Ripple Way 620-0888 Green, John 22116 Las Cimas Drive 497-8578 Green, Luke and Patricia 21927 Cristobal Drive 222-8164 Greenwood, Lester 9102 Cinnabar Court 368-9186 Gregory, Douglas 18385 Bracken Drive Grieco, Douglas and Trina 9228 North Point Drive 714-7900 Grigsby, John and Vickie 21226 Stams Circle 387-6874 Grote, Floyd and Ruth 8006 Bindseil Lane 651-5143 Guajardo, Oscar and Patricia 20527 Cedar Cavern Gudino, Xavier and Greta 20503 Grass Creek Road 651-0150 Guerra, Marlenn 19501 Natural Bridge Caverns Road Guerrero, Sylvia and Vincent 9215 Bluebell Drive 858-3868 Guillory, 9403 Gardenia Bend Drive Gullet, Alan and Aurea 9909 Marie Meadow 651-5238 Gunter, Dana 7628 Sky Loop Gurr, Ronald and Mary Lou 20202 Regency Run 651-4616 Guthrie, Bruce and Carla 22010 Las Cimas Drive 651-6286 Haberer, John and Christi 21120 Forest Waters Circle 651-5161 Haddad, Albert and Tanya 8908 Sonata Court 651-9241 Hagerty, Elodia 21114 Tree Top Cove 257-5676 Haislip, Howard and Georgette 22011 Cristobal Drive 566-3777 Halamuda, Hal and Regina 8216 Garden Ridge North Drive 651-5458 Hale, John and Vanessa 8718 Garden Ridge Dr Hall, David and Robyn 21113 Paradise Pass 651-0123 Hall, Roswell and Donna 9003 Tuscan Hills Drive Hambrick, Paul and Judy 21794 Tommy Trail 651-6616 Hamilton, Maynard 9418 Blazing Star Trail 651-6611 Hamm, Jo and Jay 21400 Fairview Circle 651-9135 Hampton, Richard 8903 Tuscan Hills Drive 822-2650 Hanks, Rory 9329 Schoenthal Road Hannah, Calvin and Wanda 8246 Garden North Drive 651-9167 Hannasch, Rick and Sheri 22217 Via Posada Drive 387-4479 Hansmann, Betty 9585 Goldenrod Circle 651-1211 Hanson, Joe and Beth 7930 Garden North Drive 651-4690 Hanzelka, Rudy and Beverly 8748 Garden Ridge Drive 651-9555 Hardin, Brodie and Brenda 27056 Cynthia Drive 980-9180 Hardway, Rosie 8809 Tuscan Hills Drive 541-5661 Hargrove, Anthony and Connie 9043 Blazing Star Trail 653-3940 Harmon, Glenna 9106 Sundew Circle 651-9911 Harriman, Hendrika and Mike 9107 Sundew Circle 564-8742 Harris, Mark 9514 Goldenrod Cir Harris, Richard 8200 Park Lane Drive Harris, William R. and Brenda J. 8914 Sonata Court 362-1242 Harris, Steven and Tonya 9014 Cinnabar Court 680-2686 Hartley, Patricia 9451 Cinchona Trail 651-6172 Hartmann, Gilbert and Dorothy 9311 Blazing Star Trail 651-6383 Garcia, Hector and Amalia 9525 Gloxinia Drive 651-4253 Garcia, Lyle and Angie 21111 Klein Circle 655-0786 Garcia, Roland 23222 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 651-0997 Garton, Tony and Chris 21825 Park View Drive 651-3688 Gates, Gary and Margaret 8025 Jethro Lane Gauntt, Pat and Larna 20534 Wahl Lane 651-1771 Geiger, Jerry and Jan 9668 Kurre Way 651-5110 Georg, Melford and Laverne 21850 Tommy Trail 651-9755 Geralds, Tom and Carol 19830 Bat Cave Road 455-7850 Gerlich, Leon and Cheryl 8245 Garden North Drive 651-5912 Gielen, Alan and Linda 9015 Cinnabar Court 523-8285 Gilbreth, Lee 9404 Gloxinia Drive 651-5297 Giles, Dwayne 24619 Ripple Way Gillenwater, Thomas and Lisa 24612 Ripple Way 595-8147 Gillman, Brittany and Jason 9637 Kurre Way 530-8791 Gitcho, George and Susan 23235 Bat Cave Road 651-6871 Gleitz, Helen 19693 Bat Cave Road 651-6209 Glynn, Mark 7803 Double Rock Godwin, Paul 9650 Trophy Oaks Drive Goh, Jee 9909 Katherine Glen Goll, Mark 7750 Bindseil Lane 651-6558 Gombas, Joe and Elaine 19919 Lloyds Park 651-9286 Gomez, Rosemary 8945 Easy Street Goodart, Phil and Nancy 9357 Goldenrod Lane 651-9061 Goodwin, Harold and Mary 9520 Gloxinia Drive 651-9184 Gordon, Sheree and David 21340 Gunther Grove 651-3355 Gottsacker, Hal and Pat 21239 Forest Waters Circle 749-8855 Gould, Thomas and Susan 26850 Cynthia Drive Graham, Christopher and Erin 20522 Cedar Cavern Graham, Francis 9619 Aster Circle 564-9494 Graves, Billy and Peggy 9410 Gloxinia Drive 651-9412 Green, Frank T. and Wanda 20020 Hickory Bend 651-9259 Green, Ken and Jo 21015 Cedar Branch 651-4140 Green, Michael and Suzanne 21443 Park Lane Court 651-6183 Greer, Jimmy 9330 Gloxinia Drive 653-7376 Gresenz, Joseph and Kim 20811 Glen Cove 651-4395 Griffith, Ralph and Diana 9409 Azalea Gate 651-4293 Groos, John and Dorothy 20744 Wahl Lane 651-5615 Grote, Kyle 8043 Bindseil Lane Gubernator, Kyle and Anne 21310 Osage Trail 651-4124 Guerra, Daniel and Robin 26776 Cynthia Drive Guerra, Nicolas and Kathryn 20105 Hoya Lane 439-8149 Guillen, Atanacio and Beverly 9206 Blazing Star Trail 651-9560 Guinn, Jeremy and Stephanie 21640 Valley Park Drive 254-9957 Gunnarson, Robert 20408 Wahl Lane Gunther, Grant 8957 Schoenthat Road 651-5434 Gustin, Lee and Kathy 21927 Las Cimas Drive 236-9779 Ha, Sang and janet 21908 Senna Hills Drive 496-7477 Hackebeil, Sandy 21039 Cedar Branch 651-5171 Hageman, Richard and Laurie 9430 Blazing Star Trail 658-8731 Hahn, James and Debra 21926 Park View Drive 822-0683 Haisten, Leon 9118 Pierce Massie 980-3192 Halay, Michael and Renee 8044 Garden Ridge North Drive 651-5890 Hall, Bill and Diana 8050 Bindseil Lane 651-9421 Hall, James 9155 North Point Drive 980-8223 Hallford, Jimmy and Brenda 20024 Hickory Bend 651-9600 Hamilton, Bill and Lanell Hester 23865 Bat Cave Road 651-7355 Hamilton, Robert and Sharon 10014 Calley Circle Hampel, Leonard and Monica 19447 Arrowwood Place Hancock, John 21402 Liguria Drive Hanks, Rory and Dana 9121 Sundew Circle 651-9753 Hannah, Jereta 8246 Garden North Drive 651-9210 Hansen, Joel 7710 Canham Ranch 384-9668 Hansmann, James and Kristen 9926 Michelle Hill 530-4790 Hanz, Gary and Denise 8150 Park Lane Drive 651-5132 Haral, John and Elizabeth 20211 Hoya Lane 651-0493 Hardison, Robert and Erin 8815 Cherokee Path 455-9234 Hargis, Les and Deanna 22028 Deer Canyon Drive 267-9907 Harm, Catherine 9745 Trophy Oaks Drive Harms, John and Catherine 9338 Goldenrod Lane 651-9349 Harrington, Patrick and Irene 21910 Las Cimas Drive 651-3907 Harris, Reba E. and Johnnie 9042 Schoenthal Road 237-3077 Harris, Robert E. and Clarence H. 9365 Osage Trail 651-5734 Harris, David and Brenda 21661 Forest Waters Circle 651-4502 Harshbarger, Keven and Tracy 8514 Tuscan Hills Drive 352-5009 Hartman, Karen 7721 FM 1863 980-2808 Hartzell, Donald and Janice 9617 Meadow Rue 651-9212 To make an update or correction, please go online to: 19 Alphabetical Residential Listings (Listed left to right, then down) Harvey, Larry and Shirin Blackwell 9303 Berean Way 651-5707 Hatch, Dawn 8377 Twisted Oaks 651-4133 Hatley, Steve and Clarissa Lara 22117 Paseo Corto Drive 651-0520 Hay, Jerry 9114 Pierce Massie 980-3966 Hays, Allan and Elizabeth 8810 Cherokee Path Heath, John 8039 Bindseil Lane 651-7543 Heier, David and Linda 9185 Garden Ridge Drive 651-4255 Heitkamp, James 20327 Nacogdoches Road 625-4068 Heller, Michael 20050 Buckhead Lane 494-8247 Heller, Ron and Dea 9158 Garden Ridge Drive 651-6700 Hencshel, David and Mary Lou 9445 Sumac Lane 651-6854 Henderson, Janice 21220 Gunther Grove 651-0847 Henderson, Ruby 8940 Easy Street Hendrix, Martin and Phoebe 19862 Nacogdoches Road 651-5958 Henry, Jeffrey and Sharon 20637 Wahl Lane 651-0827 Hernandez, Herbert and Mary 8910 Comanche Path 650-9663 Hershey, Keith and Ruth 9206 Bluebell Drive 651-4041 Hewitt, Donald and Beverly 18414 5th Street Hicks, Shannon 21658 Valley Park Drive Hierholzer, Randy and Tonya 7925 Bindseil Lane 651-5984 Higgs, Richard and Wendy 8845 Bat Cave Loop Hill, Hannelore I. 21023 Cedar Branch 651-9660 Hinojosa, Jose and Kady 21942 Castano Cove 352-5751 Hinton, Larry and Victoria 9318 Gloxinia Drive Hnatow, David and Cynthia 21550 Forest Waters Circle 651-9442 Hoang, Dung 20821 Wahl Lane Hobbs, Don and Lucy 9612 Primrose 651-6282 Hoffpauir, James and Cleta 21724 Tommy Trail 651-9566 Holaday, James 7719 Canham Ranch 651-9589 Holden, Robert 9180 Garden Ridge Drive 651-6487 Holder, Rusty and Michelle 8758 Garden Ridge Drive 651-6509 Holguin, Eduardo and Tirza 9041 Garden Ridge Drive 651-6004 Holland, Bret 18820 Nacogdoches Road Holland, Rick and Millie 19923 Lloyds Park 651-5832 Hollis, Nancy 9526 Sumac Circle 651-6221 Holly, Johnell and Barbara 9916 Trophy Oaks Drive 651-7358 Hopkins, Andy and Kathi 22110 Deer Canyon Drive 659-7505 Hopkins, Tommy and Dorothy 9007 Tuscan Hills Drive 651-4787 Hoskins, Paul 8506 Tuscan Hills Drive 651-3446 Houser, Chris and Becky 19827 Brandywine Cove 416-4170 Howes, Robert 7710 Ramble Ridge Hrncirik, Leonard and Magdeline 8258 Garden North Drive 651-4785 Hubberd, Lantz 21107 Tree Top Cove 651-0075 Hubnik, Eugene A. and Rosie A. 21020 Cedar Branch 651-5244 Hudson, Christopher 21459 Water Wood Drive 651-9321 Hudson, Joe 24515 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 651-9426 Hudson, Rick and Janet 20232 Bat Cave Road 269-8200 Hudson, Scott and Kim 8445 Park Lane Drive 315-9765 Hudson, Tom and Beverly 21003 Cedar Branch 651-9025 Hughes, Robert L. 22904 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 651-9064 Hunt, Larry and Karen 9265 Schoenthal Road 859-0540 Huntsinger, Mary Lou 9536 Teakwood Drive 651-4173 Huston, Malcolm 21411 Liguria Drive 598-1808 Ibanez, David and Edna 20950 Klein Circle 695-8402 Inderlied, Matthew and Carrie 22124 Paseo Corto Drive 314-1204 Ingram, James and Gale 22102 Cristobal Drive 882-6035 Inselmann, Don and Cheslee 21855 Bat Cave Road 651-5231 Irvin, Jack and Carol 9607 Kurre Way 497-7104 Jackson, David and Janet 21137 Paradise Pass 651-9944 Jackson, J. and Lavern 21824 Senna Hills Drive Jackson, William and Amanda 24707 Ripple Way 967-5546 Jakob, Eric and Virginia 9526 Teakwood Drive 590-7236 Jarrett, Earl and Terri 9321 Gardenia Bend Drive 651-1704 Jellison, Rick and Debbie 9107 Cinnabar Court Jenkins, Otis 20626 Schneider Lane Jenkins, Thomas and Ava 7625 Sky Loop 651-5951 Jennings, Johnie 8287 Bindseil Lane Jimenez, Edward and Margie 20217 Hoya Lane 651-5436 Jimenez, Paul 8107 Sky Vis Johnson, Celester and Dontriah 8518 Wild Trace 651-4340 Johnson, Hershey and Syble R. 20208 Regency Run 651-4113 Johnson, Mary 21271 Gunther Grove 646-8461 Johnson, Michael and Yvonne 21340 Cedar Gap 651-3108 Johnson, Mike and Carol 19811 Zephyr Cove 858-5186 Johnson, Yale 24722 Creek Loop 653-9592 Jolivette, Gerard 22009 Paseo Corto Drive 651-0099 Jones, Dennis and Peggy 19902 Regency Run 651-0344 20 Hastman, Terry and Tanis 7819 Star Circle 651-0161 Hatfield, Michael and Donna 8911 Bat Cave Loop 651-0715 Hawkinson, Rande and Sheryl 21663 Forest Waters Circle 651-0362 Hayden, Joseph and Bobbie 9824 Trophy Oaks Drive 655-6950 Heaner, Ward 17197 Nacogdoches Road 651-6693 Hedgepeth, Todd and Peggy Rayfield 22205 Via Posada Drive 573-4302 Heinz, Donald and Merle 21027 Cedar Branch 651-6723 Helfrich, Paul 9658 FM 1863 438-8293 Heller, Richard 20050 Buckhead Lane 494-8247 Heminger, Dennis and LuAnn 9712 Trophy Oaks Drive 651-0510 Henderson, Benjamin and Veronica 8811 Timmerman Cove 781-4898 Henderson, Robert V. and Margaret 21765 Forest Waters Circle 651-6154 Hendren, Jason 9024 Ozark Terrace Henning, Timothy and Linda 20027 Buckhead Lane 651-5532 Henry, S. and T. 10028 Trophy Oaks Drive 455-7513 Hernandez, Victor and Nancy 8926 Comanche Path 599-8137 Hester, William and Diana 8336 Park Lane Drive 651-3427 Heyer, Vincent and Barbara 8015 Garden Oaks Drive 651-5756 Hierholzer, Dorothy 23255 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 651-6430 Higginbotham, Bradley and Dagmar 19850 Zephyr Cove 314-3176 Higgs, Wendelynn 8905 Bat Cave Loop Hines-Jolicoeur, Debi 20350 Regency Run Hinson, Melvin and Louise 9603 Aster Circle 651-5086 Hlubek, Michael and Deborah Randell 20008 Hickory Bend 651-1033 Hoang, Cuong and Hien 21911 Cristobal Drive 651-1756 Hobbs, David 23970 Cavern Oak Hoffman, Rocky 18004 Nacogdoches Road 651-9641 Hohle, D.N. 24183 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 651-9355 Holcomb, Helen 9122 Easy Street Holder, Jason 9397 Cinchona Trail Holderle, Michael and Theresa 9310 Teakwood Lane 651-9951 Holguin, Thomas and Debbie 19135 Marbach Lane 281-8005 Holland, Raul and Rosa 8238 Park Lane Drive 834-0891 Hollimon, John 7603 Sky Loop 651-9463 Holloway, Richard and Leta 9307 Teakwood Lane 651-7431 Holmes, Tracy and Liza 9423 Gardenia Bend Drive 659-4967 Hopkins, Jerry and Patricia 10008 Calley Circle 651-3359 Horton, Robert and Craig 8048 Garden Oaks Drive 651-5491 Hosseini, H.D. and Simma 9474 Garden Ridge Drive 651-9256 Houzvicka, Frank and Kate 22104 Las Cimas Drive 403-0358 Hrbek, Barbara and James 21835 Bat Cave Road 658-6060 Hubbard, Gene B. and Elke R. 21689 Fairview Circle 651-6836 Huber, Bill and Nancy 9306 Garden Ridge Drive 393-4330 Huddleston, Sr., Michael and Camille 7983 Garden North Drive Hudson, James 22016 Las Cimas Drive Hudson, Peter and Letti 21725 Bat Cave Road 566-4401 Hudson, Robert 7703 Canham Ranch 945-7779 Hudson, Thad 26495 Natural Bridge Caverns Road Huemoller, Rick and Debra 20585 Bat Cave Road Humke, Darrel and Donna 8803 Cherokee Path 659-1790 Hunter, James and Krista 21919 Cristobal Drive Huntsinger, Wayne and Mary Lou 8926 Garden Ridge Drive Hutchinson, Fred and Elaine 9232 Cinchona Trail 651-9152 Imondi, Anthony and Kathy 22002 Paseo Corto Drive 945-7805 Inglis, Robert and Yolanda 20720 Timber Rose 651-9340 Inselmann, Andrew and Amy 8988 Schoenthal 651-5231 Irvin, Eric 8532 Verano Drive 651-6026 Irvin, Jack and Carol 8532 Verano Drive 497-7104 Jackson, Gordon 19431 Arrowwood Place Jackson, John and Vickie 8806 Timmerman Cove 656-2935 Jahns, Ronda 9234 Blazing Star Trail 274-7112 Jang, Patrick and Jeannie 9215 Cipriani Way 722-8060 Jeffers, James and Edith 21440 Park Lane Court 651-6698 Jenkins, Darrell and Angela 20478 Wahl Lane 265-1280 Jenkins, Ron and Doreen 21719 Forest Waters Circle 651-5003 Jennings, John P. and Jolie 20004 Cedar Branch 651-9047 Jensen, Kristen 8043 Bindseil Lane Jimenez, Mita 21456 Fairview Circle Jimenez, Jr., Enrique and Olvia D. Cruz 22410 Oro Viejo Court 314-6548 Johnson, Curtis and Karin 19011 Seminole Pass Johnson, Jay and Karen 9114 Ozark Terrace Johnson, Mershell 21916 Senna Hills Drive Johnson, Mickey 28225 Weatherford Dr Johnson, Noble 9153 Sundew Circle 651-9360 Johnson, Jr., Thomas and Felice 21335 Gunther Grove 845-1663 Jones, Danny and Linda 9115 Tuscan Hills Drive 651-9955 Jones, Marty and Holly 22195 Quiet Moon Drive 886-8351 To make an update or correction, please go online to: Alphabetical Residential Listings (Listed left to right, then down) Jones, Richard and Marianne 20129 Hoya Lane Jones, Steven and Martha 20220 Regency Run 651-4464 Jones, Tom and Margaret 9328 Goldenrod Lane 651-5545 Jordan, Davorin and Esther 9310 Bluebell Drive 651-9763 Jordan, Lawrence and Deborah 8120 Garden Oaks Drive 845-1815 Joyner, Joseph 9022 Cinnabar Court Jugvilon, Judith 9276 Cinchona Trail Junod, Gerald and Wendy 9227 North Point Drive 438-6939 Kashuba, Michael and Isabel 21927 Park View Drive 651-9094 Kaul, Faye 21024 Cedar Branch 651-0305 Keef, Jeffrey and Gale 21036 Cedar Branch 659-3449 Kelley, Victor M. and Mary Lou 21111 Gunther Grove 651-0921 Kenfield, Julie 9422 Gloxinia Drive 651-6056 Kent, William and Sibyl 10020 Calley Circle 651-9770 Kerlee, D.W. 8190 Bindseil Lane 651-5655 Kerr, Robin R. 8915 Tuscan Hills Drive 336-9667 Kessler, Robert and Jo Ana 19960 Nacogdoches Road 651-5023 Kiernan, Stephen 9032 Ozark Terrace Kim, Kun 19434 Arrowwood Place Kingdon, Aileen 9320 Sumac Lane 651-9229 Kinslow, Michael and Sheri 9091 Garden Ridge Drive 200-2051 Kissinger, Amye 19810 Wild Hollow 474-0047 Klar, Anthony and Brenda 20328 Nacogdoches Road 620-0815 Kleckley, Wes and Tiffany 21315 Gunther Grove Klekar, Larry and Linda 9337 Goldenrod Lane 651-5142 Klimczyk, John and Donna 20518 Deer Garden Cove Kluckman, Bob and Mary 8110 Park Lane Drive 651-0403 Kneupper, Kenneth and Barbara 8891 Schoenthal Road 651-1197 Knight, Frank and Bernice 9350 Bluebell Drive 651-6146 Koen, Damon T. and Julie 21035 Cedar Branch 651-4500 Koenning, Betty 20825 Bat Cave Road 651-6686 Kolivosky, Karen 9419 Bluebell Drive 651-6096 Kondo, Ceasar 21943 Pesa Cove Koran, Barbara 8358 Bindseil Lane 637-1505 Kraemer, Bob and Katrinia 8814 Cherokee Path 651-3501 Krivka, Robert and Cherlyn 20631 Natural Bridge Caverns Rd 651-9656 Kuhn, James 8625 FM 1863 438-3640 Kuyper, Brian 21419 Liguria Drive 233-6299 Kylitis, Gus and Helen 9322 Blazing Star Trail 651-6273 Lain, John and Sylvia 21943 Castano Cove 494-6060 Lamar, Walter and Clarisa 21927 Pesa Cove 670-7909 Lambert, Stan and Jennifer 21131 Gunther Grove 651-7378 Lamoureux, Scott and Elizabeth 8732 Verano Drive 233-1544 Langlais, Phil and Susie 9524 Goldenrod Circle 651-3632 Langthorp, Herb and Lona 9010 Sumac Cove 651-6087 Lantzy, Bryan and Missy 20515 Wahl Lane 651-3531 LaRocca, Michael 21850 Park View Drive 365-7842 Laurel, Leonel and Melissa 9207 Blazing Star Trail 233-1037 Lavelle, Jr., Charles and Lynn 8956 Garden Ridge Drive 651-4839 Lay, David and Nancy 21630 Fairview Circle 651-9161 Le Jeune, Sonja 23255 Bat Cave Road LeBlanc, Alvin and Georgia 20011 Hickory Bend 651-0432 Lee, Carlton and Naudia 20515 Deer Garden Cove 599-0490 Lee, Robert & Bessie 9406 Goldenrod Lane 651-9222 Leeman, William and Nadine 9436 Sumac Lane 957-2604 Lehmkuhl, Scott and Song 21725 Bat Cave Road 526-9768 Lekwuwa, Jonathan and Casy 9106 Tuscan Hills Drive 626-8085 LeMay, Michael J. and Margaret A. 20421 Grass Creek Road 651-4027 Lemmons, Mark and Brittany 9611 Aster Circle 316-3562 Lenz, John 18471 2nd Street Lester, Randall 19884 Nacogdoches Road Lewis, Tom and Christine 21150 Forest Waters Circle 651-9561 Liberatore, Dan and Dee 19818 Wild Hollow Lieke, Hilbert and Elizabeth 21025 Hickory Bend 651-6201 Lindberg, Raymond and Kathy 8821 Tuscan Hills Drive 651-0746 Linn, Ronn 9521 Sumac Circle 651-5228 Lisenbee, Noble 8311 Wild Wind Park 566-0220 Little, Gerald 18335 Bracken Drive 651-0098 Lizama, Jose 20222 Van Nest Circle Locke, Justin and Cynthia Locke 8916 Tuscan Hills Drive Loehman, Lloyd and Joyce 8710 Garden Ridge Drive 651-5353 Looney, William and Marilyn 8503 Wild Trace 455-4035 Lopez, Laura 9355 Sumac Lane 637-9041 Loser, Greg and Valita 8387 Twisted Oaks 651-5347 Louder, Linda 9910 Marie Meadow 637-1194 Lowe, Rick and Kathy 19910 Wild Crest 251-2727 Lozano, Oscar 24711 Ripple Way Jones, Stephen and Laurie 8415 Wild Wind Park 845-1930 Jones, T. 9342 Osage Circle 651-4118 Jones, William and Linda 21032 Cedar Branch 651-9408 Jordan, Jack and Linda 21349 Forest Waters Circle 651-6671 Joyce, Lorraine 9504 Goldenrod Circle 651-6400 Juarez, Jr., Gabriel O. and Gloria 8222 Garden North Drive 651-9582 Jules, Harrison and Diane 7834 Ramble Ridge 438-6782 Karamatic, Richard 9434 Teakwood Lane 264-1936 Kasner, Timothy and Ginger 21619 Forest Waters Circle 651-6395 Keck, David and Glenda 22115 Las Cimas Drive 651-5166 Keller, Nedra 22104 Las Cimas Drive 403-0359 Kelly, James 8765 Timmerman Cove 362-1320 Kennemer, Neal 7925 Bindseil Lane Kepczyk, Thomas and Barbara 20214 Van Nest Circle Kern, Robert 21055 Bat Cave Road 651-6950 Kersey, James and Mary 21450 Fairview Circle 651-9611 Kestler, Sr., Donald T.J. 20506 Bat Cave Road 651-6295 Kilgore, Brian 21929 Bat Cave Road 651-3868 Kimbrell, Marvin and Susan 21339 Water Wood Drive 651-4394 Kinnison, William 9658 FM 1863 888-1825 Kirchofer, Louis and Dallari 22174 Via Posada Drive Kissler, William and Rheta 20211 Van Nest Circle 651-3747 Klar, Raymond 20328 Nacogdoches Road 620-0815 Klein, Thomas and Irene 20721 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 651-6390 Klimas, Tom and Pat 9610 Meadow Rue 651-5189 Klinge, Paul and Lora 9305 Bluebell Drive Knaus, Nadine and Robert Balch 20592 Timber Rose Drive 651-1032 Kneupper, Robert and Merlyn 8728 Garden Ridge Drive 651-9491 Knowlton, Virgil and Ida 18225 Nacogdoches Road Koenig, John and Wendy 9124 Ozark Terrace 438-2534 Kohl, Jim and Kate 20740 Timber Rose 651-5895 Kolodzie, Brenda 8240 Garden North Drive 651-5101 Kopp, Richmond 8802 Timmerman Cove Kotzur, Susan 18771 Nacogdoches Road Krisak, Cliff and Susy 8989 Schoenthal Road 646-7849 Kruse, Jeff and Diane 9315 Gardenia Bend Drive 599-9315 Kuntz, Ron and Suzanne 22116 Senna Hills Drive 651-7506 Kyle, Ronald and Lou Anne 9501 Gloxinia Drive 651-6936 Labelle, Crystal 19837 Nacogdoches Road Lake, Jerome and Claudette 21918 Paseo Corto Drive 881-9154 Lamberson, Eric 22118 Cristobal Drive Lambert, Terry and Cheryl 9036 Easy Street 438-1849 Lane, Ted and Kelly 9114 Tuscan Hills Drive 651-3087 Langston, Wade and Darlene 9506 Sumac Circle 651-6067 Lanham, Clarence 22021 Las Cimas Drive Lara, Amelia 18544 3rd Street 651-6346 Larsen, Rod and Diane 8818 Timmerman Cove 651-0121 Lauver, Stephen and Jacqueline 8203 Park Lane Drive 651-5520 Lawrence, Don and Evelyn 21923 Deer Canyon Drive 651-3352 Lazo, Daniel and Norma 9340 Teakwood Lane 651-0404 Lear, John 22175 Via Posada Drive 233-9453 Ledford, Kerry and Mary 21921 Las Cimas Drive 656-1873 Lee, Jim 21903 Las Cimas Drive 860-7060 Leech, Jim and Sheila 9902 Katharine Glen 290-9723 Lefforge, David and Debbie 21919 Castano Cove 598-1104 LeJeune, Hal and Sonja 23255 Bat Cave Road Lemay, Bernard 27522 Sunset Loop Lemmers, Dean and Barbara 21125 Paradise Pass 651-6690 Lenz, Jay and Carole 21710 Forest Waters Circle 651-5896 Lenz, Wilbert and Elaine 22875 Bat Cave Road 651-5593 Lewis, James and Sue 19615 Marbach Lane 651-4019 Lezy, Normand and Prudence 9416 Gloxinia Drive 651-0900 Lieberum, Sandra 21855 Park View Drive 273-8469 Lilley, G.C. and Iva 9608 Primrose 651-5384 Lindsey, Grover 7906 Canham Ranch 714-4169 Lipke, Walton 9035 Easy Street 980-3933 Liska, Laura 27043 Cynthia Drive Liu, Wei-Liu 21784 Tommy Trail Lock, Sam 9627 Kurre Way Loehman, Lloyd 18910 Marbach Lane Longloy, Dr. M. 9207 Cipriani Way 233-1012 Lopez, Juan 9621 Meadow Rue 651-7400 Lopez, Luis and Sally 21510 Forest Waters Circle 590-6228 Lott, Jo 21754 Tommy Trail 651-6759 Lowe, James 9495 Miller Lane 651-0203 Lozano, Adam and Marissa 9861 Trophy Oaks Drive Lozano, Robert and Irene 20626 Wahl Lane 654-9915 To make an update or correction, please go online to: 21 Alphabetical Residential Listings (Listed left to right, then down) Lugar, Melissa 18954 Nacogdoches Road Lustila, John and Bernice 9408 Bluebell Drive 651-6312 Lyle, David 8211 Wild Wind Park 497-5861 MacDougald, Brian and Susy 9614 Aster Circle 651-4600 Macy, Susan 21350 Forest Waters Circle 651-6251 Madrid, Richard 8107 Wild Wind Park Mailhiot, Thomas and Alice 21714 Tommy Trail 520-6401 Malee, James and Donna 21065 Gunther Grove 257-9845 Maloney, Donald and Denise 20019 Hickory Bend 651-0593 Manga, Robert and Bonnie 20510 Cedar Cavern 314-3977 Marbach, Clyde and Jan 8330 Bindseil Lane 651-0428 Marbach, Rodney and Christina 9622 Meadow Rue Marfil, Rafael 19522 Creekview Oaks Maricelli, Dennis and Amy 9350 Teakwood Lane 599-2618 Markgraf, Jr., Robert and Suzanne 20205 Hoya Lane 651-9378 Marroquin, Steve and Diana 7996 Garden Oaks Drive 491-0777 Martin, Amy and Patrick 22035 Cristobal Drive Martin, Gary and Patricia 8208 Park Lane Drive Martin, John and Lisa 19803 Zephyr Cove 314-4278 Martin, Steve and Jan Knight 20418 Wahl Lane 651-0325 Martinez, Bob and Lynda 21924 Senna Hills Drive 651-7593 Martinez, Jennifer 18440 3rd Street 651-9070 Martinez, Michael and Martha 8210 Garden North Drive 651-1619 Martinez, Robert and Michelle 20219 Van Nest Circle 651-6596 Martinez-Saez, Mauricio 22010 Deer Canyon Drive 651-0765 Mason, Cristina 21016 Hickory Bend 651-9564 Mason, Robert L. and Gearlean 21320 Forest Waters Circle 651-9096 Masters, Charles and Carol 22132 Senna Hills Drive 447-7586 Matthews, Kevin 9006 Cinnabar Court Maule, Edward and Cynthia 19814 Lloyds Park 651-1188 Mayor, Richard and Angela 21934 Paseo Corto Drive 276-0292 McAuley, Zach and Summer 22198 Via Posada Drive 651-4571 Mccallum, Earl 9007 Cinnabar Court 465-7108 Mccarthy, Cynthia 9039 Easy Street 438-5475 McCaw, John and Carmen 21649 Forest Waters Circle 651-9751 McClellan, Oran and Stephanie Stemen 10003 Audrey Ridge McCollum, Brian and Felicia 8516 Verano Drive 541-4830 McCormick, Patrick and Kimberly 21403 Liguria Drive McCoy, James 9412 Magic Falls 651-0788 Mcculloch, Waylon 8245 Garden North Drive McDonald, Huey and Jo 22025 Paseo Corto Drive 651-0544 Mcdonald, Tommy 23755 Bat Cave Road Mcginnis, Stanley and Irene 24726 Creek Loop Mcgriggler, Bettina 24719 Creek Loop 651-9121 McHugh, Carol 20631 Bat Cave Road 421-3133 Mckenzie, Kenneth 21840 Tommy Trail Mcmindes, David and barbara 7903 Indian Mound 658-7210 Mcnamara, Stephen 7607 Sky Loop 945-9396 Mead, Jay and Henrietta 21360 Cedar Gap 651-5028 Meade, Curtis 9419 Teakwood Lane Meinert, Wayne and Ruth 8749 Garden Ridge Drive 651-9797 Mejia, Ramon and Julie 9622 Azalea Circle Melchior, Helario 21322 Hampton Park 650-0309 Menchaca, Abel and Deborah 7648 Sky Loop 384-9717 Menking, Kurt and Kitty Swoboda 8255 Bindseil Lane 651-6111 Metzger, Edna 8165 Garden Oaks Drive 651-5705 Meyer, Carrie 20232 Bat Cave Road 651-4281 Meyers, Jim and Gerri 20530 Timber Rose 651-4268 Meyers, The Children 20530 Timber Rose 651-9787 Michell, Jan and Anita 10018 Trophy Oaks Drive 651-4812 Miles, Ronald 25903 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 980-2826 Miller, Evelyn 20011 Cedar Branch 651-9718 Miller, Harold 19525 Nacogdoches Road 651-6100 Miller, Jasen and Tisha 9002 Cinnabar Court Miller, John and Patricia 9604 Azalea Circle 651-6453 Miller, Michael and Ginger 8004 Garden Oaks Drive 651-6444 Miller, Ronnie and Megan 20745 Wahl Lane 330-2343 Millikin, Jay 9525 Teakwood Drive 651-9672 Millnik, Fredrick and Mary 20785 Wahl Lane 651-9123 Mills, Jerry and Marie Joseph 20302 Regency Run Mills, Kevin and Cheryl 20123 Hoya Lane Miner-Williams, Denise 9063 Schoenthal Road 651-9835 Minus, Joseph and Allison 22187 Via Posada Drive 651-4955 Mirarchi, Joseph 7673 Sky Loop Mitchell, James and Denise 9925 Trophy Oaks Drive 651-6554 Mitzel, John and Diane 20468 Wahl Lane 651-0085 Moczygemba, Joe and Jennifer 8381 Twisted Oaks 651-0134 22 Luna, David and Elsa 9111 Cinnabar Court 455-4312 Lutz, Keith and Rushia 7965 Garden North Drive 651-6519 Lynch, Larry and Karen 20227 Van Nest Circle 888-7481 Macy, Douglas and Jovita 21903 Cristobal Drive 641-9251 Madison, James and Peggy 7817 Garden North Drive 651-5485 Magadance, Steven and Carol 8257 Garden North Drive 651-0430 Maldonado, Ibrahim and Leesa 21675 Valley Park Drive 651-6198 Mallett, Gary and Cherie 21401 Fairview Circle 651-4611 Manford, Lin & Marilyn 8101 Garden North Drive 651-4595 Mansell, Calvin and Toni 9387 Cinchona Trail 651-6271 Marbach, Gerald 9110 Pierce Massie Marchino, Joseph and Becky 21903 Paseo Corto Drive 651-5357 Margly, Violet 9375 Cinchona Trail 651-6469 Marin, Jr., Ben G. 21820 Tommy Trail 842-6071 Marrero, MD, Gualberto and Lourdes 9405 Magic Falls 651-4416 Marsilio, Joe and Prescilla 9435 Goldenrod Lane 651-5869 Martin, Bennie and Kelley 21439 Water Wood Drive 317-6900 Martin, James and Cheryl 8825 Bindseil Lane 651-6429 Martin, Matt and Karen 22017 Senna Hills Drive 566-8671 Martine, Nick and Dorothy 8957 Garden Ridge Drive 257-6019 Martinez, Danny 21939 Park View Drive Martinez, Levy and Veronica 9680 Trophy Oaks Drive 651-1234 Martinez, Ray and Karen 8927 Tuscan Hills Drive 651-4274 Martinez, Sergio M. and Elizabeth 22215 Quiet Moon Drive 651-5941 Maschek, Randy and Terry 22024 Senna Hills Drive 595-3794 Mason, Jay and Katie 9325 Blazing Star Trail 745-3100 Massey, Tommy 19834 Nacogdoches Road Matt, Barbara 21764 Tommy Trail Mattos, Douglas and Teri 21205 Stams Circle 227-7576 Maurmann, Steve and Sue 21934 Castano Cove 444-9502 Mazziotta, Frank and Shirley 9416 Azalea Gate 651-5632 McCall, Candace 21510 Fairview Circle 651-4234 McCandless, Bill and Suzanne 9329 Gloxinia Drive 651-6875 McCarty, Joey and Nita 8507 Wild Trace 651-0277 McClain, Linda Sherry 21922 Las Cimas Drive 651-9813 Mcclellan, Timothy and Anne 7910 Canham Ranch 651-9744 Mccollum, Robert and Lynn 7714 Canham Ranch 267-2709 Mccown, Robert 19980 Nacogdoches Road McCulloch, Dale and Sandra 7977 Garden North Drive 651-6062 McDaniel, Don and Carol 22193 Via Posada Drive McDonald, Robert and Susanne 22630 Spanish Oak Drive 651-6711 Mcfee, Mark 9218 Cipriani Way 545-9513 McGrath, Robert and Carol 8465 Park Lane Drive 533-2304 Mchardy, Robert 19840 Nacogdoches Road 651-9898 Mckay, Joanne 8316 Wild Wind Park 651-7377 McKenzie, Rose 19936 Nacogdoches Road 654-8899 McMindes, Russell and Catherine 9416 Goldenrod Lane 393-0304 McPherson, Sandy and Kellie 19019 Seminole Pass 233-8121 Mead, Milton and Carmen 9138 Blazing Star Trail 651-3835 Meek, Larry and Becky 20459 Wahl Lane 651-9549 Meissner, Marc 9111 Pierce Massie Mekonen, David 19615 Marbach Lane Melvin, John 8919 Comanche Path Mendez, Ramon an Sharon 9219 Cipriani Way 454-2886 Mericle, Russell and Terry 21520 Forest Waters Circle 651-9605 Metzger, Larry and Lil 8165 Garden Oaks Drive 313-8693 Meyers, James 21890 Forest Waters Circle Meyers, Mark and Chris 8180 Garden Oaks Drive 651-1358 Meza, Salvador and Catalina 9914 Michelle Hill 704-1453 Mihalik, Richard 8606 Wild Wind Park 945-0683 Miller, Brad and Tammy 8474 Bindseil Lane 651-7573 Miller, Gary and Paulette 21111 Tree Top Cove 651-9725 Miller, James and Gail 9910 Marie Meadow Miller, John and Dorothy 9603 Primrose 651-5691 Miller, Mark 23465 Bat Cave Road 651-9356 Miller, Mike and Misty 9835 Trophy Oaks Drive Miller, Scott and Candy 9312 Berean Way 556-1525 Millitana, Michael and Stella 22009 Senna Hills Drive Millnik, John 20785 Wahl Lane 651-9123 Mills, John and Geneva 8430 Park Lane Drive 651-6139 Mills, Melania 20302 Regency Run Minge, James 8718 Garden Ridge Drive 651-9715 Miranda, James and Eileen 9320 Teakwood Lane 272-9964 Mireles, Ricardo and Brenda 9218 North Point Drive 980-9433 Mitchell, Rod and Kim 21911 Deer Canyon Drive 651-0908 Moberley, Scott and Mary 8918 Comanche Path 651-0655 Moede, Eric and Peggy 9616 Aster Circle To make an update or correction, please go online to: Alphabetical Residential Listings (Listed left to right, then down) Moeller, Jim and Emily 9331 Cinchona Trail 651-6563 Moezzi, Massoup and Mary 8815 Garden Ridge Drive 590-7554 Monsour, Lawrence and Candyce 20210 Bat Cave Road 651-4543 Montella, John A. and June M. 9018 Cinnabar Court 651-6969 Montez, Ruby 8467 Bindseil Lane 654-1489 Montoya, RT 19918 Wild Crest 595-3218 Moore, Henrietta 9345 Sumac Lane 651-5750 Moore, Renee 9408 Gardenia Bend Drive 651-6680 Moos, Steve and Brenda 19159 Nacogdoches Loop 651-6179 Morales, Gerardo and Janet 20523 Deer Garden Cove 494-0782 Moralez, Steve 22403 Oro Viejo Court 651-1310 Moreland, James and Allison 9622 Primrose 595-0090 Morgan, James and Linda 9409 Magic Falls 248-9744 Morgan, Richard 9619 Azalea Circle 651-5851 Morganfield, Aubrey and Linda 19503 Windswept Cove 651-6964 Morlang, William and Sarah 9317 Gloxinia Drive 651-5848 Morris, Jack and Angela 19842 Brandywine Cove 493-7607 Morris, Roy 8260 Bindseil Lane 651-5005 Morrison, Mark and Stacy 9119 Pierce Massie 438-8642 Mosley, John C. and Janette 9370 Teakwood Lane 651-9547 Moulter, Bob and Orie 9526 Gloxinia Drive 651-0490 Moyer, Rex 9510 FM 1863 438-3640 Mueller, Bobby and Hillary 21005 Hickory Bend 259-8893 Mulkey, David 7634 Ramble Ridge 438-2723 Mummau, Jay 9585 Goldenrod Circle 651-1211 Munoz, Jeffrey 22108 Paseo Corto Drive Murguia, Joseph and Haley 9106 Cinnabar Court 326-9740 Murphy, Rodney and Rose 9630 Trophy Oaks Drive 549-2967 Nagel, Ronald and Brenda 21450 Park Lane Court 651-5188 Neal, Jesse J. and Jacqueline 9472 Cinchona Trail 651-7330 Neghme, Carlos 20764 Wahl Lane Nelson, De Wayne 9120 Sundew Circle 651-5349 Newbold, Jim and Starlett 9297 Cinchona Trail 655-1174 Nguyen, Van and Bich-Hiep 9617 Kurre Way Nichols, Jr., Leslie and Gloria J. 20109 Regency Run Nickles, Donald 21810 Tommy Trail Nino, Ashley 18220 Nacogdoches Road 520-0718 Nolta, Frank and Pat 9419 Blazing Star Trail 651-6225 Norwood, Bobby and Marva 22003 Las Cimas Drive 654-3016 Nowland, Helen 18817 Nacogdoches Road Nunez, Guadalupe and Tameka 9080 Garden Ridge Drive 889-2938 O'Connell, Colleen 21107 Tree Top Cove 651-0075 O'Dell, David and Rosalyn 20058 Buckhead Lane 651-6979 O'Dell, Wayne and Evelyn 9446 Sumac Lane 885-8876 Ofsdahl, Scott and Jennifer 21055 Bat Cave Road 651-5940 Ogle, Dan and Pat 9232 Gloxinia Drive 651-6435 Olesen, Dody 21409 Forest Waters Circle 651-9273 Oloteo, Dennis and Sharon 21680 Valley Park Drive 651-5164 Olsen, Wesley 9135 North Point Drive Ontiveros, Frank and Ana 9330 Teakwood Lane 651-7455 Orr, Scott and Jennifer Camp 20656 Timber Rose Osborn, Jim and Kay 20473 Grass Creek Road 651-5962 Oswalt, Ron and Lillian 19914 Lloyds Park 651-4257 Overfield, Robert and Lori 9618 Kurre Way 651-0455 Owen, David and Kathryn 8420 Twisted Oaks 651-6200 Owensby, Guy and Pat 9302 Bluebell Drive 651-4073 Padden, David and Diana 10002 Calley Circle 651-4441 Pallister, Norman 8606 Turner Ridge Palmer, Hans 24806 Creek Loop 499-5170 Panther, Doug and JoAnna 9424 Teakwood Lane Pardaen, Walter J. 9411 Bluebell Drive 651-6410 Parker, Roger and Misty 22895 Bat Cave Road 651-0188 Patrick, Vijayalakshmy 21902 Paseo Corto Drive Paul, Johnny 9123 Easy Street Pavlicek, Bradley and Aimee 24080 Biediger Lane 651-3776 Payne, Daryl and Merlinda 8348 Bindseil Lane 651-8299 Peacock, David 19810 Wild Hollow 474-0047 Pee, Jessie 9169 Schoenthal Road 637-1594 Pelletier, Michael and katherine 8524 Verano Drive 455-9224 Penick, Bob and Pat 21340 Forest Waters Circle 651-5939 Perales, Anne and Kimberly 21760 Forest Waters Circle 651-0171 Perez, Arthur and Veronica 22306 Larmona Cove Perkins, William and Phyllis 7665 Sky Loop 637-1684 Perry, Ronald and Clare 22109 Paseo Corto Drive 651-3224 Peterson, Michael and Michelle 9622 Azalea Circle 651-6538 Pfau, Ray and Donna 8253 Park Lane Drive 651-5737 Phillips, John and Margie 22004 Deer Canyon Drive 530-1048 Moeller, William 8937 Easy Street 980-2937 Molter, Fred and Margaret 8065 Garden North Drive 651-5774 Montanio, Sr., Calvin L. 8365 Bindseil Lane 651-9515 Montelongo, Arturo 19692 Bat Cave Road 272-0103 Montoya, Andrew 9330 Sumac Lane Moore, Floyd and Ruth 20805 Woodland Cove 651-5438 Moore, John 8251 Garden North Drive Moos, Arnold and Angeline 19106 Nacogdoches Loop Morales, Carmen 20267 Grass Creek Road Morales, Rafael and Carmen 20267 Grass Creek Road 651-9320 Morawiec, Jack and Morawiec 20724 Wahl Lane Morgan, Alan and Julia 21540 Forest Waters Circle 651-9289 Morgan, Leann 20325 Classenoaks Morgan, Wilbert and Jeanne 19822 Lloyds Park 657-5226 Morger, Robert 20839 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 651-6431 Morris, Jack 7915 Black Buck 967-3405 Morris, Kay 19781 Bat Cave Road 651-3936 Morrison, Caesar 9206 Cipriani Way 616-4021 Morrissey, L.P. and S.L. 9030 Sumac Cove 651-0968 Motes, JR, Larry 9062 Garden Ridge Drive Moya, Leo and Elizabeth 21165 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 957-2727 Mudge, Wayne and Melissa 21246 Stams Circle 651-7401 Mueller, Glenn and Lisa 21825 Fairview Drive 651-5475 Mullikin, Mica 19315 Nacogdoches Road Mundy, James Teresa Mundy 21910 Pesa Cove Murdoch, Ronald 19435 Arrowwood Place 468-3099 Murillo, Nicholas and Amalia 21903 Castano Cove 277-0244 Myers, Todd and Kim 23505 Bat Cave Road 637-5200 Nave, Gary and Kimberly 21107 Paradise Pass 658-0337 Neal, Thomas and Jean 9226 Schoenthal Road 338-9442 Nehls, Andrew and Diane 21902 Cristobal Drive Nelson, Tom 9433 Bluebell Drive 651-6722 Newborn, Roy 8015 Jethro Lane Nicholas, David 8718 Wild Wind Park 507-2852 Nicholson, Mark and Shelba 20320 Regency Run 651-7337 Niland, Andy and Laura 9308 Berean Way 651-4359 Nixon, Kim 20286 Nacogdoches Road 609-9772 Norman, Cecilia 28060 Natural Bridge Caverns Road Nowak, Mark 21041 Klein Circle Nufer, Michael and Susan 8903 Tuscan Hills Drive 336-8337 Ochoa, David and Laura 21329 Water Wood Drive 651-5278 Odden, Troy and Wendy 9380 Cinchona Trail 872-3642 O'Dell, Sheanette 9446 Sumac Lane 885-8876 Ofsdahl, Donald C. and Ardyce 21055 Bat Cave Road 651-5940 Ogden, Johnny and Kimberly 19195 Nacogdoches Loop 655-7322 Ogo, Frank and Hwa 8307 Wild Wind Park Oliphant, Jim and Jeanie 22024 Paseo Corto Drive 233-6027 Olsen, Raymond and Sherry 9945 Michelle Hill Olvera, Frank 7903 Canham Ranch 946-0665 Ornes, Daniel and Candice 8543 Bindseil Lane 488-6405 Ortigoza, Saul 8911 Comanche Path Osborn, Wayne and Aileen 8819 Cherokee Path 651-3821 Outland, Roger and Cheryl 22025 Senna Hills Drive 257-6406 Overman, Tony and Dawn 18955 Nacogdoches Road 651-6409 Owens, Son and Jennifer 7620 Sky Loop Ozment, Ron and Sarah 9909 Michelle Hill 651-1366 Palanuk, Jerry and Pat 9309 Gardenia Bend Drive 651-9226 Palmer, Gary and Denise 21221 Gunther Grove 651-4343 Palmer, Royce and Ming 19807 Lloyds Park Papell, Brett and Lynn 20539 Wahl Lane Park, Jack and Marian 9762 Trophy Oaks Drive 598-0842 Parsons, Tom and Patricia 20951 Klein Circle 651-3241 Patterson, Greg and Debie 8523 Wild Wind Trace Pavlas, Leo 8123 Wild Wind Park 236-7019 Pawelek, Randall and Suzanne 21720 Forest Waters Circle 651-9461 Peace, Keith and Jan 7940 Garden North Drive 651-9173 Pearson, Richard 21734 Tommy Trail 375-3419 Pellerin, Craig 21319 Hampton Park 847-4999 Pena, Barbara 20034 Buckhead Lane 654-8630 Penman, Craig and Marivic 21809 Senna Hills Drive 233-9388 Peralta, Margarita 21008 Hickory Bend 646-9245 Perfect, Cathyrn 8003 Sky Vis 438-3285 Perry, Michael and Ginger 9903 Katherine Glen 566-1062 Peterson, Donald and Tiffany 9123 Tuscan Hills Drive 651-9634 Petro, John and Janice 22023 Deer Canyon Drive 651-8257 Pfingston, Marsha 9107 Pierce Massie 980-7578 Phillips, Patricia 9223 Blazing Star Trail 651-6745 To make an update or correction, please go online to: 23 Alphabetical Residential Listings (Listed left to right, then down) Phillips, Robert and Tootsie 8675 Bindseil Lane 651-6474 Pierce, Leslie and Margaret 26007 Natural Bridge Caverns Rd 980-4890 Pinkham, Eric and Tammy 9110 Cinnabar Court 451-0301 Platzer, David and Luz 21450 Forest Waters Circle 651-0466 Plemmons, Jeff 8447 Bindseil Lane 599-8960 Polinder, Doug and Jan 8441 Bindseil Lane 651-4321 Ponce, Ceasar and Imelda 21010 Plum Ranch Road 651-5254 Pope, Kenneth 8816 Tuscan Hills Drive 370-3350 Porter, Phyllis and James 9325 Bluebell Drive 248-9748 Poss, Jentry and Suanne 8973 Schoenthal Road Potter, Tom and Eva 9310 Blazing Star Trail 651-6697 Powell, Thomas and Debra 8915 Sonata Court 255-1288 Powers, Frank and Toni 21916 Park View Drive 651-6648 Price, Leslie 8957 Schoenthal Road 455-0777 Priscilla, Zarr 19835 Brandywine Cove 781-4371 Proulx, Lisa D. 9427 Gardenia Bend Drive 651-1138 Pulido, Tessa 18425 Bracken Drive Purdy, Donald and Jacqueline 8106 Wild Wind Park 530-1262 Quenstedt, Bruce and Yvonne 22619 Spanish Oak Drive 651-6595 Rakowitz, Frances 7636 Sky Loop 651-4620 Rambuyan, Celestino 8011 Canham Ranch Ramirez, Henry and Sally 21230 Forest Waters Circle 651-9056 Ramirez, Simon and Patricia 8827 Cherokee Path 999-5965 Randall, Fred and Judy 9497 Cinchona Trail 651-7399 Rathburn, Eddie and Rebecca 24527 Ripple Way 651-9001 Rather, Robert 24503 Ripple Way Reali, Craig T. 22188 Quiet Moon Drive 490-5456 Reding, Paul Curtis and Julie 22181 Via Posada Drive Reece, Charles and Carolyn 8903 Comanche Path 957-4598 Reeh, Codie 23635 Bat Cave Road Reeh, Sharon 23635 Bat Cave Road 651-6523 Reese, Melvin 9938 Michelle Hill 595-7676 Reichenau, Matthew and Melissa 21349 Water Wood Drive 651-4950 Reininger, Allen and Stephanie 9615 Primrose 654-0700 Rendon, Ray and Roja 19422 Arrawood Place 646-8041 Renick, Gary 24811 Ripple Way 657-9420 Repp, Deanna 9265 Garden Ridge Drive 651-9807 Reves, Dusan 8038 Garden Oaks Drive Reyes, Fernando 20015 Hickory Bend 467-5254 Rheinlaender, Larry and Lynn 8950 Garden Ridge Drive 651-5154 Rice, Edward 19827 Zephyr Cove Richardson, John and Jerry 10009 Audrey Ridge 651-3161 Richardson, Leon and Ouima 21926 Pesa Cove 265-1119 Richey, John 21240 Forest Waters Circle Richter, Keith 8719 Garden Ridge Drive 651-3671 Riedel, Lucille 23764 Bat Cave Road 651-6739 Riffel, Ronald and Hazel 9335 Gloxinia Drive 651-5772 Rincon, Miguel and Andreana 9415 Sumac Lane 658-8436 Rister, Debbie 8932 Easy Street Rivera, Johnny and Betty 21027 Cedar Branch 277-7878 Roach, William 21445 Fairview Circle 651-4478 Roberts, Jim and Jan 20810 Woodland Cove 651-0561 Robinson, Nolon and Michelle 8915 Comanche Path Robinson, Rayford and Judy 20220 Schneider Lane 651-5427 Robles, Daniel and Ernestine 8716 Verano Drive Rodriguez, Abelardo 9585 Goldenrod Cir Rodriguez, George and Olimpia 21429 Forest Waters Circle 651-4216 Rodriguez, Jose Angel and Erika Elena 9328 Blazing Star Trail Rogers, Jack and Susan 24514 Ripple Way 651-7550 Rohler, Paul 22116 Las Cimas Drive 263-9106 Rosales, Joe and Sindi 21022 Plum Ranch Road 999-5298 Ross, Annie 7802 Star Circle Roundtree, Alvin 9103 Tuscan hills Drive 651-9609 Rowley, Bob 7911 Black Buck 651-0825 Rubio, Aaron 27690 Natural Bridge Caverns Road Ruple, Vaughan and Janet 9628 Kurre Way 651-4898 Ryan, Greg and Sheryl 20931 Klein Circle 651-9688 Ryan, William 9610 Trophy Oaks Drive 651-0102 Saathoff, Tate and Lauren 7934 Sky Vis 438-6627 Salazar, Abelardo M. and Paula 21479 Fairview Circle 651-3631 Salyers, Greg and Inga 20666 Timber Rose 651-9740 Sanders, Curtis 19427 Arrowwood Place 542-2821 Sanders, Russell and Mickey 9358 Blazing Star Trail 651-5782 Sandmire, Dean and janice 21410 Forest Waters Circle 651-9333 Santellanes, Mauro and Teresa 8822 Cherokee Path Sapia, Johnny 22180 Quiet Moon Drive Sasseville, Andrew and Revecca 8914 Comanche Path 236-7231 24 Pickering, Beverly 20428 Wahl Lane 595-7082 Pierce, Richard 9031 Cinnabar Court 651-0446 Pitzen, Raymond and Pamela 19534 Creekview Oaks 651-7577 Playford, James 9210 Cipriani Way 310-3201 Poe, Don and Betty 21934 Pesa Cove 651-3664 Pollok, William and Marra Ann 9279 Garden Ridge Drive 651-6492 Pool, Homer 19095 Nacogdoches Road 651-9702 Pope, Wallace and Virginia 9412 Azalea Gate 651-9280 Porter, Wade 7810 Star Circle 651-3842 Post, Dan and Barbara 22016 Deer Canyon Drive 651-0822 Potts, Michael and Linda 8142 Ridge North Drive 651-6369 Powell, Wade and Christina 8502 Tuscan Hills Drive 375-6236 Prescott, Gary and Carole 21250 Forest Waters Circle 651-0960 Prichard, William and Sunny 20344 Regency Run 375-4170 Proksell, Ralph 19438 Arrowwood Place Puckett, Jay and Joyce 20008 Cedar Branch 651-4424 Pulver, Shane and Monica 25306 Scout Point 651-6403 Pyland, George and Ann 21009 Hickory Bend 651-6411 Radla, Dean and Kay 21429 Water Wood Drive 651-5814 Raley, Carla 19430 Arrowwood Place 957-0855 Ramey, Brad and Sandy 20511 Deer Garden Cove 651-1638 Ramirez, Oscar and Silvia 21040 Klein Circle 651-0814 Ramsey, Stephen F. and Sherry 21012 Hickory Bend 651-9036 Ranft, Andrew and Andree 9025 Sumac Cove 651-1173 Rathburn, Gregory and Nancy 20218 Nacogdoches Road 609-0672 Ravella, James 8770 Bindseil Lane 651-5022 Reddick, Thad and Anna 9165 North Point Drive Redwine, Joe and Vicki 9619 Primrose 651-5995 Reedy, John and Tracy 9174 North Point Drive 438-6803 Reeh, Linda 26345 Natural Bridge Caverns Road Reese, Charles and Elizabeth 19280 Marbach Lane Regan, Reggie and Kathy 9376 Garden Ridge Drive 646-7792 Rein, Dand and Brenda 8263 Park Lane Drive 867-2704 Reiter, Erik 20705 Bat Cave Road Reneau, Kenny 22022 Deer Canyon Drive 481-8100 Renken, Thomas and Paula 8922 Tuscan Hills Drive 396-7106 Rethman, Donald and Mary 9340 Cinchona Trail 651-7342 Rex, Suzanne 9131 Pierce Massie Reynolds, Don and Brenda 20525 Wahl Lane 651-9894 Rheinlander, Jason and Brooke 9362 Osage Circle 651-4795 Richard, Ronald and Erica 8831 Cherokee Path Richardson, Johnnie and Barbara 22108 Senna Hills Drive 437-2667 Richerson, Bradley 9214 Gloxinia Drive 651-4655 Richter, B. 9241 Garden Ridge Drive 651-6668 Riedel, James and Jennifer 8045 Jethro Lane Rietz, Loretta 9324 Gloxinia Drive 651-6622 Riley, Vann and Kathy 22028 Las Cimas Drive 651-3228 Rios, Martin 9603 Azalea Circle Rivas, Brandon 8543 Bindseil Lane 465-7620 Rivers, Willie 8812 Wild Wind Park 566-6309 Roberts, Bobby and Kimberley 9266 Garden Ridge Drive 651-4035 Robinson, Erica 8915 Comanche Path Robinson, Randy and Margaret-Patrick 9192 Garden Ridge Drive 651-9084 Robledo, David and Silvia 9214 Cipriani Way Robles, Samuel 8215 Wild Wind Park 541-4720 Rodriguez, Frank and Maria D. 9840 Trophy Oaks Drive 651-3176 Rodriguez, Jesse and Louise 21115 Tree Top Cove 651-3061 Rodriguez, Victor J. and Rosalinda 21926 Paseo Corto Drive 744-6653 Rogers, Taylor and Ashley 19421 Bat Cave Road 651-5633 Romey, Kelley 8215 Park Lane Drive Rose, Janice and Brandon 20469 Nacogdoches Road 651-6089 Ross, Steve and Debbie 21744 Tommy Trail 651-5279 Rowe, Robert 23185 Bat Cave Road Roy, Ronald and Ilene 21004 Cedar Branch 651-4195 Ruiz, Eugene 8112 Bindseil Lane 651-0193 Russell, Randy and Lori 9126 Schoenthal Road 651-7476 Ryan, Ron and Kim 21040 Cedar Branch 651-9720 Rzeszotarski, Edmund 22192 Quiet Moon Drive 651-7585 Saenz, Kristin 24715 Ripple Way Salof, George and Donna 21020 Klein Circle 651-0212 Sanchez, Edwin 24710 Ripple Way 651-4273 Sanders, Larry 8810 Tuscan Hills Drive 651-9417 Sanders, Stark and Carolyn 21560 Forest Waters Circle 651-9542 Sansone, Lawrence 19462 Arrowwood Place Santos, Claudia 22034 Cristobal Drive 614-2218 Sarmiento, Manuel 9034 Cinnabar Court 661-0891 Sassman, Roger and Trinora-Pinto 22008 Senna Hills Drive 557-1384 To make an update or correction, please go online to: Alphabetical Residential Listings (Listed left to right, then down) Sauceda, Vincent 7907 Black Buck 530-4559 Sawyer, Bryon and Barbara 9346 Blazing Star Trail 651-4491 Scheel, Clarence and Jean 21019 Cedar Branch 651-0573 Scheh, Curtis and Penni 21750 Forest Waters Circle 651-5919 Schilling, Jackie 9045 Sumac Cove 651-5641 Schlather, Sandra 21160 Forest Waters Circle 651-9411 Schmick, Dale and Kathleen 20419 Wahl Lane 651-8291 Schmitz, Scott 21758 Tommy Trail 545-4575 Schoenenberger, Paul and Mimi 20505 Wahl Lane 744-2951 Scholze, Karl and Barbara 9349 Garden Ridge Drive 651-6232 Schorp, Greg and Christie 9817 Bode Circle 659-0896 Schroeder, Frank and Antonela 21918 Castano Cove 932-8801 Schuebel, Max and Katherine 9618 Meadow Rue 437-1064 Schwehm, Karl and Teresa 20509 Grass Creek Road 957-3598 Scott, Donald W. and Evelyn 22016 Senna Hills Drive 651-7540 Scott, Palma 9221 Gloxinia Drive Scribner, Jim and Becki 8818 Cherokee Path Segura, Gabriel and Laura 9534 Goldenrod Circle 566-5564 Sensat, James and Jenny 7976 Garden Oaks Drive 651-9477 Seymour, Walter (Ted) and Marjorie 9349 Blazing Star Trail 651-6947 Shamer, Ty and Angela 20632 Timber Rose 595-3711 Shaner, Lee and Suella 9608 Azalea Circle 651-9230 Sharp, Mike and Sharon 21817 Senna Hills Drive 998-2502 Shaw, Troy and Stacey 8819 Timmerman Cove 651-5430 Sheffield, Troy and Gerry 9331 Blazing Star Trail 651-6586 Shepard, Denise 22010 Deer Canyon Drive 651-0765 Sherman, William and Debbie 9615 Azalea Circle 651-5787 Shilliday, Bob 19819 Wild Hollow 651-7487 Shows, Brian and Kelly 8507 Wild Wind Park 566-9452 Sicina, Kenneth and Valerie 19802 Lloyds Park 651-0568 Sides, John and Nancy 21935 Paseo Corto Drive 562-3584 Silkman, Courtnea 7985 Jethro Lane Simas, Frank and Joycelyn 21916 Las Cimas Drive 591-8828 Simmons, Anna L. 9220 Garden Ridge Drive 651-5706 Simmons, John and Kathy 21875 Park View Drive 858-5345 Simon, Jeremiah and Mary 9019 Tuscan hills Drive 650-4227 Simpson, Callie 18375 Bracken Drive Sinclair, Thomas and Marcie 9121 Sundew Circle 658-0717 Sinkfield, Ralph and Carolin 8252 Garden North Drive 651-6252 Sippel, David 9416 Sumac Lane 658-5930 Sitter, Bill and Maureen 23511 Bat Cave Road 365-9824 Skinner, Todd and Leisa 8045 Garden North Drive 651-5847 Slater, E.K. 9427 Gardenia Bend Drive 651-1138 Small, Douglas and Cassandra 22205 Quiet Moon Drive 656-2352 Smiley, Bob and Mary 8128 Garden North Drive 651-5232 Smith, Alex and Jane 20114 Regency Run 651-3969 Smith, Curt and Lauren 22211 Via Posada Drive 651-0552 Smith, John and Mae 19442 Arrowwood Place 651-1766 Smith, Sally and Byron 20815 Glen Cove 259-8902 Smith, Anita 8937 Garden Ridge Drive 651-6066 Soechting, Raymond 26515 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 438-2789 Soliz, Laura 9119 Garden Ridge Drive 314-5187 Solomon, Jim and Debi 20026 Buckhead Lane 326-9350 Sonnen, Rebecca 23665 Bat Cave Road Sorrell, Randy and Valerie 21131 Paradise Pass 651-3112 Speakmon, David 7633 Sky Loop 651-4368 Spencer, Robert and Shelley 8125 Garden Oaks Drive 651-9266 Spillman, Ricky and Donna 21414 Liguria Drive Stahl, Robert and Alesia 7902 Ramble Ridge 438-3436 Stair, Marilyn 19811 Wild Hollow 541-5053 Stanley, Michael and Wanda 8147 Ridge North Drive 651-5555 Stantill, Bruce and Margo 8602 Turner Ridge Starkey, Peggy 21140 Forest Waters Circle 651-9238 Steele, Donald and Mary 7838 Garden North Drive 651-9015 Steers, Jack and Barbara 7933 Garden North Drive 564-8741 Stensrud, Bryon and Helen 19907 Wild Crest 659-0689 Stevens, J.D and Cindy 9618 Meadow Rue 381-8899 Stevenson, Mark and Kimberly 9752 Trophy Oaks Drive 651-4377 Stewart, Daniel 20506 Cedar Cavern Stiehler, Ginger 8044 Jethro Lane Stirm, Dennis 8618 Turner Ridge 647-2162 Stokes, Ken and Pat 20015 Regency Run 651-0902 Stone, Billie and Patricia 19007 Seminole Pass 549-0425 Stone, Ron and Bobbie 9337 Teakwood Lane 651-6599 Stratemann, Malcolm and Jean 8035 Garden Oaks Drive 651-9679 Stremich, Richard 8006 Garden North Drive Strickland, Dana 21339 Forest Waters Circle 651-5915 Sauder, Walter J. and Delia 8254 Park Lane Drive 651-4192 Schanzer, Robert and Carol 22183 Quiet Moon Drive 651-6455 Scheerer, Vincent and Karina 19443 Arrowwood Place 277-7041 Schewman, John 7814 Star Circle 651-4151 Schindler, Carol 7945 Garden Oaks Drive 651-4717 Schmedes, Wilfred and Diane 22125 Senna Hills Drive 888-6006 Schmick, Dale and Kathleen 40419 Wahl Lane 651-8291 Schmitz, Scott 21425 Fairview Circle 650-0472 Scholz, Richard and Diane 20117 Hoya Lane 651-4564 Scholze, Larry and Cheryl 20003 Hickory Bend 651-9052 Schreader, Craig and Shelly 22125 Paseo Corto Drive 497-5825 Schubert, Robert 24811 Creek Loop 651-3760 Schwall, Richard and Sherry 21845 Tommy Trail 651-9357 Scott, Charles and Boonnom 9860 Trophy Oaks Drive Scott, Lawrence and Diana 21916 Deer Canyon Drive Scott, Robert and Cheryl 10038 Trophy Oaks Drive 651-3533 Segovia, Al and Cyndie 8435 Twisted Oaks 651-6630 Sells, Ervin 23805 Bat Cave Road 651-5841 Serna, Stefany 20783 Nacogdoches Road Shah, Bharat and Barry 21018 Plum Ranch Road 651-4130 Shands, Mike and Shiela 8827 Tuscan Hills Drive 257-0868 Shaner, Ronnie and Linda 9351 Cinchona Trail 637-0093 Sharp, Rose 9416 Gloxinia Drive Shearer, Robert and Kathy 19877 Bat Cave Road 651-5699 Shelton, Ricky 21195 Bat Cave Road Sherman, David and Tracey 21927 Las Cimas Drive Shick, Lee and Ellen 21816 Senna Hills Drive 651-5338 Short, Jack 19470 Marbach Lane Shry, Eric and Rachel 9435 Sumac Lane 651-5530 Sicola, Craig 8925 Schoenthal Road Sigman, Josh and Kristi 19835 Zephyr Cove 658-7414 Silvester, Louis and Jose 8055 Garden Oaks Drive 651-9578 Simmonds, Royce and Debra 21241 Gunther Grove 667-4860 Simmons, Jimmie and Diana 22015 Las Cimas Drive 651-4198 Simmons, Robert and Lou 20911 Klein Circle 651-3085 Simone, Thomas and Susannah 8803 Tuscan Hills Drive Simpson, Halley 8910 Cowsert Lane 980-7309 Singleton, Keith and Ethel 9408 Magic Falls 651-0977 Sinski, Ken and Tracy 9392 Cinchona Trail 651-6231 Sisters of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament, 9315 Bluebell Drive Skinner, John and Clara 8954 Schoenthal Road 651-6618 Skrobarcek, Dwain and Sharon 9606 Meadow Rue 651-5767 Slomchinski, Sandra 19470 Marbach Lane 651-7545 Smedley, Larry and Jessie 19531 Creekview Oaks 332-9199 Smiley, Scott and Kelli 8770 Bindseil Lane 882-7682 Smith, Birch and Velma 9295 Garden Ridge Drive 651-5619 Smith, Desmond 21302 Hampton Park 651-0296 Smith, Kenneth 23330 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 651-9956 Smith, Timothy 9131 Easy Street Snyder, Glen and Robin 9445 Garden Ridge Drive 659-0897 Soeth, Bill and Susan 20809 Woodland Cove 455-4472 Solomon, Edward and Dee 9337 Blazing Star Trail 651-6042 Sommer, Taylor and Leslie 22103 Las Cimas Drive 651-4924 Sore, Darren and Christy 21419 Water Wood Drive 651-3560 Southerland, Mark 10008 Audrey Ridge Speiser, Doug 9308 Gardenia Bend Drive 651-9910 Spier, Mark and Coleen 21917 Deer Canyon Drive Springer, William and Jeane 7914 Canham Ranch 651-3175 Stahl, Timothy 21676 Valley Park Drive 651-5474 Standley, Gary and Terry 7950 Garden North Drive 654-0049 Stansell, Alan and Sheila 9424 Cinchona Trail 422-5721 Stapper, Irene 21410 Fairview Circle 651-6063 Stedman, Thomas M. and Leslie Evelyn 21113 Paradise Pass 651-9869 Steele, Larry and Patricia 9616 Primrose 651-3004 Stegman, Gary and Gloria 2109 Plum Ranch Road 651-5528 Stevens, Gregg and Mary Ellen E. 9604 Primrose 651-4570 Stevens, Mark and Glenda 23365 Bat Cave Road 651-6891 Stewart, Bruce and Lynda 20448 Wahl Lane 865-0801 Stewart, Scott and Chasity 23355 Bat Cave Road 650-4136 Stipp, Rusty and Martha 21007 Cedar Branch 651-6490 Stocks, Samuel and Karen 21910 Deer Canyon Drive 651-9694 Stokes, Sr., Thomas J. and Betty L. 8141 Ridge North Drive 651-9525 Stone, Donald and Ok 9027 Cinnabar Court Stover, John 20002 Buckhead Lane 651-6613 Stratton, Mariann 9364 Blazing Star Trail 651-5651 Stricker, Robert and Nancy 7906 Indian Mound 545-1832 Strickland, Leonard and Debbra 9426 Sumac Lane 651-0978 To make an update or correction, please go online to: 25 Alphabetical Residential Listings (Listed left to right, then down) Strickland, Scott and Chanda 9915 Michelle Hill 651-8227 Stripling, Wyatt and Sharon 21729 Forest Waters Circle 651-9375 Struthoff, Lynn 9660 FM 1863 438-5887 Struzyk, Ken 21021 Hickory Bend 651-9240 Sturman, Timothy and Denise 9404 Gardenia Bend Drive 650-3783 Suggs, Lynn and Linda 9411 Goldenrod Lane 651-6428 Sultenfuss, Gerard and Mary Jane 20325 Grass Creek Road 651-6575 Sutton, W. 19025 Nacogdoches Loop 651-4440 Swain, Larry and Charlotte 9611 Primrose 651-9565 Sweeney, Robert and Maria 19902 Lloyds Park 827-3151 Swick, Jon and Shari 22199 Via Posada Drive 651-4309 Swinney, Tim and Lorraine 8614 Turner Ridge 314-1063 Syamken, Bennie and Clarine 22420 Bat Cave Road 651-6421 Szymanski, Peter and Susan 20730 Timber Rose Drive 383-8344 Talley, Barbara 9412 Blazing Star Trail 651-0904 Taubert, Terry and Beth 8131 Park Lane Drive 651-5301 Taylor, Carlton 10041 Trophy Oaks Drive 651-9695 Taylor, Dean and Paula 20814 Glen Cove 651-6279 Taylor, John and Margo 8121 Garden North Drive 651-9790 Taylor, Raynard and Joycelyn 20522 Deer Garden Cove 481-0003 Teague, David and Zelma 9413 Magic Falls 651-7476 Templeman, Kevin and Elizabeth 21439 Park Lane Court 946-6378 Terry, John and Nadine 9218 Bluebell Drive Teweles, R.B. and J.B. 8908 Bent Brook Drive 651-0025 Thomas, David and Ilona 21865 Park View Drive 651-6539 Thomas, Jeffrey 10003 Calley Circle Thomas, Nestor and Ila 25302 Scout Point 659-6264 Thomas, Stephen and Teresa 8834 Cherokee Path 277-0720 Thompson, George and Charlene 22026 Cristobal Drive Tibbetts, Karl and Christl 21330 Forest Waters Circle 651-5373 Tillery, Gregory and Kendra 24706 Creek Loop 265-1072 Tolbert, Gordon 22109 Senna Hills Drive 354-7102 Tonick, Mary 18630 Goll Street Tornabene, Salvatore and Karen 20518 Cedar Cavern 590-3368 Toth, Steve and Yuette 22318 Larmona Cove 576-4089 Tracy, Pat and Kathy 22124 Senna Hills Drive 886-8110 Treutler, Christian H. and Brenda Romero 20229 Hoya Lane 651-6541 Trevino, John and Sandy 20810 Timber Rose 650-8135 Trial, Shelby and Kathy 21657 Forest Waters Circle 651-6726 Trivino, Nancy 27618 Natural Bridge Caverns Road True, Patrick and Laura 21928 Las Cimas Drive Tschoepe, Trey and Sandy 8823 Cherokee Path 255-8514 Tucker, Jonathan and Hyeran 9305 Gloxinia Drive 651-4251 Turcotte, Patrick 20544 Wahl Lane Turnage, George and Yolanda 8425 Twisted Oaks 651-5719 Tuttle, John and Kristie 9350 Garden Ridge Drive Uecker, Jerome 24835 Natural Bridge Caverns Road Underwood, Allen 9944 Michelle Hill 259-8738 Utterback, Chip and Sandy 8515 Wild Wind Park 281-4284 Vaille, Kevin and Nancy 8830 Cherokee Path 651-6151 Valdez, Jesus and Linda D. 9035 Cinnabar Court 651-0356 Valdez, Max 8275 Bindseil Lane Van Diest, Marty and Lowie 9327 Garden Ridge Drive 825-4070 Van Steenburg, William and Elsa 21835 Park View Drive VanSteenburg, Michael and Millie 21360 Water Wood Drive 651-0577 Velich, Edward and Fran 8218 Park Lane Drive 651-9213 Venegas, Daryl 9160 North Point Drive 714-4478 Verner, Thomas and Lynda 20821 Woodland Cove 651-5135 Vesseliza, Bob and Velma 21911 Castano Cove 314-8749 Vestal, Tommie 24925 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 651-9488 Vick, Cornelius and Ida 7806 Double Rock 651-9194 Viestenz, Kelley 23755 Bat Cave Road 872-0927 Villarreal, Jose and Linda 9921 Michelle Hill 834-0089 Vincent, Noel 8915 Bat Cave Loop 651-9080 Vital, Syd and Twyla 8729 Garden Ridge Drive 215-2352 Vogel, Gary and Dawn 9040 Sumac Cove 455-8266 Volz, Darrell and Diana 21006 Plum Ranch Road 651-0242 Vordenbaum, Wilbur 19280 Marbach Lane Waggoner, Mary S. 9426 Goldenrod Lane 651-6750 Wagner, Thomas and Kathy 20817 Woodland Cove Waitschies, Fern 9048 Ozark Terrace 438-2765 Waldrep, Randy 26830 Cynthia Drive 980-3298 Walker, Alan and Tricia 9606 Aster Circle 651-5839 Walker, James and Valerie 21919 Paseo Corto Drive 945-0480 Walker, Michael and Karen 9195 North Point Drive 438-7705 Wallace, David and Lynn 9429 Teakwood Lane 651-0579 Wallace, Michael and Rose Marie 8802 Cherokee Path 233-1192 26 Stringer, Hank and Bonnie 21012 Cedar Branch 650-9052 Stroud, Clyde 7915 Canham Ranch Struthoff, Scott 9660 FM 1863 980-5609 Sturch, James 8511 Wild Wind Park 257-9973 Suchenski, Thomas and Debbie 21246 Osage Trail 667-4859 Suhre, Steven and Diana 7996 Garden Oaks Drive 545-9030 Surrock, Lester and Carol 19510 Creekview Oaks Svendsen, L.W. and Juanita 9015 Sumac Cove 651-9100 Sweaney, Kristin 9513 Gloxinia Drive 467-5430 Sweet, Don and Katie 8410 Wild Wind Park 651-1611 Swim, Wanda 9345 Sumac Lane 651-5750 Swint, Bill and Sandra 8440 Twisted Oaks 651-9337 Syring, Lewis and Dana 22122 Cristobal Drive Tajkhanji, Moiz and Munira 20646 Wahl Lane Tarin, Ernest and Betty 9016 Ozark Terrace 980-9588 Taveres, Richard and Diane 9118 Tuscan Hills Drive 213-7438 Taylor, Darryl and Laurie 8410 Twisted Oaks 655-6135 Taylor, James and Alberta 8925 Easy Street Taylor, Kelly and Kathleen 20507 Deer Garden Cove 651-3083 Taylor, Tamara 19449 Nacogdoches Road Teeler, Melissa 9025 Bat Cave Road Terracina, Roy 19906 Wild Crest Terry, William E. and Phyllis A. 20010 Buckhead Lane 829-0661 Thoemke, Robert 9330 Bluebell Drive 651-6963 Thomas, Heath and Paris 9355 Osage Circle Thomas, Michael and Tammy 10015 Calley Circle 651-4789 Thomas, Shane 21652 Valley Park Drive 651-3959 Thomas, Timothy 21926 Cristobal Drive Thronson, Mark and Kari 22179 Quiet Moon Drive 651-0636 Tietz, Hilda 20817 Woodland Cove Tindall, Jd 8240 Garden Oaks Drive 651-9506 Tollinger, Michael and Boots 9255 Schoenthal Road 651-0883 Tope, Michael and Brenda 8150 Ridge North Drive 651-5150 Torres, Nicolas and Juanita 8515 Wild Trace 651-3212 Towers, Claude and Dorothy 9508 Gloxinia Drive 651-5465 Trapp, Linda 8803 Timmerman Cove Treutler, Karl and Nora 21465 Fairview Circle 651-5378 Trevino, Norma and Ruben Canto 21635 Valley Park Drive 654-6655 Trinidad, Luis and Caroline 7803 Ramble Ridge Trower, William and Cora 22008 Paseo Corto Drive 651-5785 Truxaw, Bill and Barbara 9323 Gloxinia Drive 651-6779 Tucker, David and Mistee 8515 Tuscan Hills Drive Tunstall, Anthony 8835 Cherokee Path Turko, Teresa 7902 Black Buck Turner, Clyde and Davida 8111 Wild Wind Park 635-0976 Tyson, Wayne and RinDee 22219 Quiet Moon Drive 651-4534 Ulrich, Mike and Joy 9200 Gloxinia Drive 651-0210 Underwood, Sid and Francyne 7920 Garden North Drive 651-5666 Vaclavik, Randy and Janet 8333 Park Lane Drive 651-9704 Valdez, Ernest and Rose-Mary 21911 Pesa Cove 655-1776 Valdez, Mary Lou 21660 Forest Waters Circle 651-4884 Valerio, Monica 9305 Garden Ridge Drive 651-4016 Van Horn, Colette 21320 Cedar Gap 651-5175 Van Straten, Steve and Debbie 22168 Via Posada Drive 592-6109 Vardeman, Marvin and Fortuna 19834 Brandywine Cove Vella, Phil and Amy 9932 Michelle Hill 474-0201 Vera, Jose 7656 Sky Loop 651-5823 Verstuyft, David and Laura 9135 Ozark Terrace Vestal, Mark and Sheila 9316 Blazing Star Trail 733-2818 Vestal, Walter 24235 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 651-4456 Viesca, Jesus and Adriana 9475 Miller Lane Villani, Beatrice 8075 Garden Oaks Drive 651-5056 Villars, Walter and Alma 19955 Bat Cave Road 860-6544 Vise, C.D. and Diana 20016 Hickory Bend 651-9732 Voeller, Jim and Amy 21021 Klein Circle 651-4275 Vogeler, Kristin 9320 Sumac Lane 651-9229 Von Seggern, Lyle and Linda 9327 Teakwood Lane 651-5567 Wadsworth, Ruth Marie 7925 Bindseil Lane 651-9590 Wagner, Jan 9040 Garden Ridge Drive Waisner, Renee 21450 Water Wood Drive 651-6399 Walch, William 20813 Woodland Cove Walenta, Richard 8503 Wild Wind Park 764-7234 Walker, Barbara 9011 Tuscan Hills Drive Walker, Matthew 9134 North Point Drive Wallace, David 18004 Nacogdoches Road 651-3513 Wallace, Don and Kathy 8335 Bindseil Lane 651-6527 Walleck, Tommy 7924 Jethro Lane To make an update or correction, please go online to: Alphabetical Residential Listings (Listed left to right, then down) Waller, Craig 20135 Hoya Lane Walluk, Tony and Shirley 21670 Valley Park Drive 651-0484 Ward, Barry 27490 Natural Bridge Caverns Road Warden, Jerry and KiKi 21375 Gunther Grove 651-0414 Warm, Gary and Delores 9315 Sumac Lane 651-5463 Warren, Johnny and Winona 8946 Garden Ridge Drive 465-7566 Watkins, Clara 8738 Garden Ridge Drive 651-9175 Watts, Brandon and Sara 19523 Creekview Oaks 681-1201 Webb, Carroll 7714 Ramble Ridge Weddle, Russell 7645 Sky Loop 637-6920 Weeks, William and Tracie 7806 Canham Ranch 651-9589 Weilbacher, Bruce L. and Kim A. 20656 Wahl Lane 651-7393 Weiswurm, Klaus and Charla 7965 Garden Oaks Drive 651-9466 Wells, Raymond and Joyce 23945 Cavern Oak 653-1879 Welty, Patricia 9535 Teakwood Lane 651-6397 Wersell, David and Patsy 24523 Ripple Way 658-1329 Westenberger, Terry and Ellen 19896 Nacogdoches Road 654-4562 Westphall, Bradley and Iris 21423 Liguria Drive Wetz, Jim and Susan 19597 Nacogdoches Road 651-6006 Wetz, William 20286 Nacogdoches Road 609-6246 White, Christopher and Alison 22002 Cristobal Drive White, George and Patti 21370 Osage Trail 651-5523 White, Mark R. and Dartrice 20326 Regency Run 845-1856 White, Stephen and Patricia 9345 Osage Circle 462-1147 Whitfield, Barbara 9416 Goldenrod Lane 656-9540 Whittington, Alonzo 22411 Oro Viejo Court 945-2787 Wicht, Richard and Miyoko 20012 Hickory Bend 651-9794 Wiebe, Lois 18435 Bracken Drive 651-6072 Wilbur, Eric and Mary 19810 Brandywine Cove 507-7035 Wilke, Steve and Debbie 9607 Azalea Circle 651-9454 Wilkinson, Annetta 9495 Garden Ridge Drive 651-6816 Williams, Bobby and Gloria 9110 Tuscan Hills Drive Williams, David and Beverly 22140 Senna Hills Drive 233-8185 Williams, Paul and Petra 9660 Trophy Oaks Drive 651-1775 Williams, R. Lee and Rosemary 9340 Cinchona Trail 651-5946 Williams, Travis and Patricia 25307 Scout Point 651-4585 Williams, Jr., Louis C. and Linda A. 22180 Via Posada Drive 655-1314 Willis, Shawn 22119 Cristobal Drive Wilson, Gary and Joyce 26940 Cynthia Drive Wilson, Rodney and DeDe 8364 Bindseil Lane 651-5599 Wimbush, Mario and Ana 9030 Cinnabar Court 651-0532 Windecker, Ronald and Deborah 21183 Bat Cave Road 651-6476 Winley, Lonnie 21415 Liguria Drive 636-4025 Winters, Bill and Marilyn 8450 Park Lane Drive 651-5108 Witt, Dale and Deborah 9912 FM 1863 Wofford, Erin 18474 4th Street 314-2145 Wolfe, Gary and Martha 20686 Timber Rose Womack, Nancy 8519 Tuscan Hills Drive 507-2011 Wood, David and Patricia 9431 Gardenia Bend Drive 651-6752 Wood, Mark and Pauline Wood 8820 Wild Wind Park 696-1102 Woodlief, Ellamae 9352 Blazing Star Trail 651-5585 Worley, Robert 9358 Goldenrod Lane 601-4477 Wright, Icynell 19023 Seminole Pass 659-3028 Wright, Wesley and Susan 9114 Blazing Star Trail 865-6466 Wuest, Barbara 24649 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 651-6762 Wuest, Travis and Jennifer 9115 Ozark Terrace 980-5277 Yohey, Inge 21610 Forest Waters Circle 651-4101 Young, James and Trellis 21329 Forest Waters Circle 651-5040 Yount, Lupe 18453 1st Street 651-3242 Yuras, Donna 19942 Nacogdoches Road Yuras, Robert and Donna 9545 Goldenrod Circle 275-0836 Zamora, Jr., Vicente 9915 Trophy Oaks Drive Zeman, James and Holly 24703 Ripple Way 651-7560 Zercher, Donna 23330 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 651-9493 Zercher, Jerry 23470 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 651-3711 Zinna, Litterio 19419 Arrowwood Place 651-4880 Zivkovic, Herbert and Mary Jane 21110 Tree Top Cove 651-9479 Zoldey, Steve and Patricia 20711 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 946-0628 Zugay, Anthony and Georgia 21655 Valley Park Drive 651-5078 Zurovec, David and Joan 22132 Paseo Corto Drive 654-0168 Wallis, Arnold and Linda 9345 Bluebell Drive 651-6438 Walton, Frank and Katherine 20697 Bat Cave Road 651-6749 Ward, Lynwood and Elaine 9355 Blazing Star Trail 651-6536 Ware, Trey 10021 Calley Circle Warner, Sandy and Pete 9296 Garden Ridge Drive 683-2766 Wasserman, Mark and Judy 22116 Paseo Corto Drive 463-9743 Watson, Greg and Nancy 8470 Park Lane Drive 651-9642 Way, Edward 9242 Garden Ridge Drive 651-9588 Webber, Patrick 7702 Ramble Ridge 438-2066 Weeks, Charles and Carla 19802 Regency Run 684-7879 Wehman, L.G. and Jerry Anne 21401 Bat Cave Road 651-5947 Weilbacher, Norman and Betty 8460 Park Lane Drive 651-6040 Welch, Julian and Jannalyn 8329 Bindseil Lane 651-6901 Wells, Richard 9515 FM 1863 980-5884 Wendt, Arthur and June 20003 Cedar Branch 651-9722 Wesp, Pete and Andrea 22620 Spanish Oak Drive 651-0879 Westover, George and Karen 9315 Berean Way 651-9940 Wetz, Deanna and Monroe 9322 Cinchona Trail 656-3006 Wetz, Raeana 18495 Goll Street 651-0724 Wheat, Richard and Kathy 8151 Park Lane Drive 651-3270 White, Colby and Sharon 10031 Trophy Oaks Drive 654-3250 White, Mark 20018 Buckhead Lane White, Richard and Bobbie 9814 Trophy Oaks Drive 651-1040 Whiteman, John 21210 Forest Waters Circle 651-4768 Whitmire, Mildred 9436 Goldenrod Lane 651-4372 Whorton, Gary and Carol 9648 Kurre Way 651-0355 Wideman, Dean and Brenda 21825 Senna Hills Drive Wiggins, Mark and Frances 21712 Fairview Drive Wilcox, Kurtis and Shelly 8015 Canham Ranch 651-0304 Wilkerson, Shari 20338 Regency Run Willhoite, Steve and Autumn 9222 Blazing Star Trail 651-6186 Williams, Charles (J.R.) and Terri L. 9314 Gardenia Bend Drive 651-5542 Williams, Joseph and Rhonda Williams 21764 Tommy Trail 651-1881 Williams, Paul and Sandra 21668 Valley Park Drive 651-9151 Williams, Robert and Loita 22407 Oro Viejo Court 650-4953 Williams, Jr., Floyd 9063 Schoenthal Road 651-9835 Willis, Randall and Dorothy 20332 Regency Run 651-9482 Wills, James 8467 Bindseil Lane 654-1489 Wilson, Jack and Janice 7811 Double Rock 651-4599 Wilson, Thomas and Lynn 19507 Windswept Cove 659-1006 Winchell, Channing 20401 Nacogdoches Road Winkler, Joseph and Stephanie 9850 Trophy Oaks Drive 912-7255 Winn, Darlyne 9220 Gloxinia Drive 651-3978 Wissmann, William 8497 Bindseil Lane 651-9141 Wittler, Charles and Mary 8353 Bindseil Lane 651-9546 Wold, Jarrod and Tresa 9545 Teakwood Lane 599-6389 Wolfe, Gary and Teresa 22211 Quiet Moon Drive 263-9404 Woo, Won and Nancy 21925 Senna Hills Drive 651-0155 Wood, Douglas and Sonya 21005 Hickory Bend 651-5041 Wood, Rawson and Susan 21640 Forest Waters Circle 651-9767 Woodson, Robert and Charlotte 8933 Tuscan Hills Drive 467-5605 Wright, Donald and Patricia 9023 Cinnabar Court 481-1696 Wright, Wendy 21521 Fairview Circle 651-0701 Wrobel, Barbara 22004 Las Cimas Drive 771-6291 Wuest, Dennis and Kathleen 20400 Nacogdoches Road 606-0366 Wyckoff, William and Joanne 9361 Blazing Star Trail 651-1062 Yorfino, Heather 20470 Bat Cave Road Young, William and Glenda 9319 Blazing Star Trail Yow, Melvin and Dorothy 9315 Cinchona Trail 651-6306 Yuras, Joe and Liz 21732 Fairview Drive 651-5371 Zamora, Roberto and Maria 21309 Forest Waters Circle 651-0217 Zaruba, Douglas W. and Laura 21119 Paradise Pass 651-4260 Zercher, Alroy 23330 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 651-9493 Zercher, Janet Ann 23330 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 651-9493 Ziegler, Lidwina 21161 Gunther Grove Zipp, Donald and Mellissa 26875 Cynthia Drive Zmijski, Jason and Renee 21315 Hampton Park Zschiesche, Dana 8245 Garden Oaks Drive Zunker, John and Renee 7915 Indian Mound To make an update or correction, please go online to: 27 Notes, Emails, & Additional Numbers 28 Residential Listings by Street (Listed left to right, then down) 1st Street 18453: Yount, Lupe 651-3242 2nd Street 18471: Lenz, John 3rd Street 18544: Lara, Amelia 651-6346 4th Street 18460: Corona, Sirilo 5th Street 18414: Hewitt, Donald and Beverly Arrowood Place 19410: Dovalina, Jorge and Nancy 684-8081 Arrowwood Place 19439: Alsop, Bruce and Sharon Arrowwood Place 19423: Buchhorn, Orville and Anne 314-2415 Arrowwood Place 19450: Elich, Danny and Michelle Arrowwood Place 19458: Galvan, Luis Arrowwood Place 19431: Jackson, Gordon Arrowwood Place 19435: Murdoch, Ronald 468-3099 Arrowwood Place 19430: Raley, Carla 957-0855 Arrowwood Place 19462: Sansone, Lawrence Arrowwood Place 19442: Smith, John and Mae 651-1766 Aster Circle 9607: Bratianu, Nena 651-6566 Aster Circle 9610: Eubank, Bill and Suzan 651-9521 Aster Circle 9603: Hinson, Melvin and Louise 651-5086 Aster Circle 9614: MacDougald, Brian and Susy 651-4600 Aster Circle 9606: Walker, Alan and Tricia 651-5839 Audrey Ridge 10014: Caswell, Gerald 846-3959 Audrey Ridge 10009: Richardson, John and Jerry 651-3161 Azalea Circle 9616: Autry, Allen 651-9318 Azalea Circle 9612: Dean, B.L. and M.S. 651-5074 Azalea Circle 9622: Mejia, Ramon and Julie Azalea Circle 9619: Morgan, Richard 651-5851 Azalea Circle 9603: Rios, Martin Azalea Circle 9615: Sherman, William and Debbie 651-5787 Azalea Gate 9408: Armstrong, Terry and Carol 651-5073 Azalea Gate 9504: Couch, Odel and Mary 651-6650 Azalea Gate 9405: Evans, Art and Johnida 651-9509 Azalea Gate 9416: Mazziotta, Frank and Shirley 651-5632 Bat Cave Loop 8915: Cowsert, Robert Bat Cave Loop 8925: Dugie, Nancy Bat Cave Loop 8911: Hatfield, Michael and Donna 651-0715 Bat Cave Loop 8905: Higgs, Wendelynn Bat Cave Road 20506: Buchner, Helmut and Edda 651-6314 Bat Cave Road 23755: Mcdonald, Tommy Bat Cave Road 21055: Ofsdahl, Donald C. and Ardyce 651-5940 Bat Cave Road 23755: Viestenz, Kelley 872-0927 Bat Cave Road 2352: Blevins, Robert and Karen 651-9372 Bat Cave Road 21935: Bonner, Kamed 651-5406 Bat Cave Road 20697: Boyd, Brenda 651-5437 Bat Cave Road 23994: Clark, Herbert 651-6021 Bat Cave Road 23349: Cobb, Thomas and Vicki 651-6212 Bat Cave Road 23505: Dartez, David Bat Cave Road 21845: Dennis, Jerry 651-5280 Bat Cave Road 23345: Ebrom, Lucian 349-1690 Bat Cave Road 20302: Everett, James and Anne 651-6887 Bat Cave Road 23165: Fergason, John and Karen 651-9730 Bat Cave Road 19830: Geralds, Tom and Carol 455-7850 Bat Cave Road 19693: Gleitz, Helen 651-6209 Bat Cave Road 21835: Hrbek, Barbara and James 658-6060 Bat Cave Road 20232: Hudson, Rick and Janet 269-8200 Bat Cave Road 21855: Inselmann, Don and Cheslee 651-5231 Bat Cave Road 20825: Koenning, Betty 651-6686 Bat Cave Road 21725: Lehmkuhl, Scott and Song 526-9768 Bat Cave Road 22875: Lenz, Wilbert and Elaine 651-5593 Bat Cave Road 20232: Meyer, Carrie 651-4281 Bat Cave Road 20210: Monsour, Lawrence and Candyce 651-4543 Bat Cave Road 19781: Morris, Kay 651-3936 Bat Cave Road 22895: Parker, Roger and Misty 651-0188 Bat Cave Road 23635: Reeh, Sharon 651-6523 Bat Cave Road 23764: Riedel, Lucille 651-6739 Bat Cave Road 23185: Rowe, Robert Bat Cave Road 19877: Shearer, Robert and Kathy 651-5699 Bat Cave Road 23511: Sitter, Bill and Maureen 365-9824 Bat Cave Road 23365: Stevens, Mark and Glenda 651-6891 Bat Cave Road 22420: Syamken, Bennie and Clarine 651-6421 Bat Cave Road 19955: Villars, Walter and Alma 860-6544 Bat Cave Road 21183: Windecker, Ronald and Deborah 651-6476 Bat Cave Road 23995: Caton, Carl Bent Brook Drive 8925: Blades, Larry and Nancy 651-0332 Bent Brook Drive 8920: English, Jack and Lisa 651-0758 Berean Way 9320: Church, Joan 391-4703 Berean Way 9309: Elseth, Leon and Joyce 656-8028 Berean Way 9316: Friedel, Kim and Bobby 651-5464 1st Street 18453: Bollerud, William 3rd Street 18464: Acevedo, Mary 3rd Street 18440: Martinez, Jennifer 651-9070 4th Street 18474: Wofford, Erin 314-2145 Arrawood Place 19422: Rendon, Ray and Roja 646-8041 Arrowood Place 19463: Gomes, Zeferino and Leanne Embry 637-7880 Arrowwood Place 19446: Biersner, David Arrowwood Place 19426: Dearment, Richard and Deanna 566-4883 Arrowwood Place 19407: Elsden, Stephen Arrowwood Place 19447: Hampel, Leonard and Monica Arrowwood Place 19434: Kim, Kun Arrowwood Place 19438: Proksell, Ralph Arrowwood Place 19427: Sanders, Curtis 542-2821 Arrowwood Place 19443: Scheerer, Vincent and Karina 277-7041 Arrowwood Place 19419: Zinna, Litterio 651-4880 Aster Circle 9615: Elder, David and Diana 651-4855 Aster Circle 9619: Graham, Francis 564-9494 Aster Circle 9611: Lemmons, Mark and Brittany 316-3562 Aster Circle 9616: Moede, Eric and Peggy Audrey Ridge 10015: Brown, Rodney & Michelle 651-7380 Audrey Ridge 10003: McClellan, Oran and Stephanie Stemen Audrey Ridge 10008: Southerland, Mark Azalea Circle 9616: Autry, Allen 651-9318 Azalea Circle 9611: Frye, Mark and Lois 651-5775 Azalea Circle 9604: Miller, John and Patricia 651-6453 Azalea Circle 9622: Peterson, Michael and Michelle 651-6538 Azalea Circle 9608: Shaner, Lee and Suella 651-9230 Azalea Circle 9607: Wilke, Steve and Debbie 651-9454 Azalea Gate 9508: Barter, Bud and Patty 651-9352 Azalea Gate 9404: Elliot, William 651-3846 Azalea Gate 9409: Griffith, Ralph and Diana 651-4293 Azalea Gate 9412: Pope, Wallace and Virginia 651-9280 Bat Cave Loop 8915: Vincent, Noel 651-9080 Bat Cave Loop 9050: Gilchrist, William Bat Cave Loop 8845: Higgs, Richard and Wendy Bat Cave Road 20506: Kestler, Sr., Donald T.J. 651-6295 Bat Cave Road 21055: Kern, Robert 651-6950 Bat Cave Road 20506: Fleck-Kestler, Ursula S. 651-6295 Bat Cave Road 21055: Ofsdahl, Scott and Jennifer 651-5940 Bat Cave Road 21401: Wehman, L.G. and Jerry Anne 651-5947 Bat Cave Road 23525: Blevins, Spike and Karen 651-9372 Bat Cave Road 21935: Bonner, Maggie 651-5406 Bat Cave Road 21917: Caruso, Matteo and Gudrun 651-5795 Bat Cave Road 23994: Clark, Herbert and Jomarie 651-6021 Bat Cave Road 23825: Crisp, Dee and Rebecca 651-0989 Bat Cave Road 19781: Davis, Colin and Taylor 651-3936 Bat Cave Road 23345: Dierks, Elroy and Myrtle 651-6188 Bat Cave Road 22345: Escalante, Lourdes Bat Cave Road 20350: Falcone, Peter and Melissa 659-9276 Bat Cave Road 19870: Gangel, Silvia 651-5163 Bat Cave Road 23235: Gitcho, George and Susan 651-6871 Bat Cave Road 23865: Hamilton, Bill and Lanell Hester 651-7355 Bat Cave Road 21725: Hudson, Peter and Letti 566-4401 Bat Cave Road 20585: Huemoller, Rick and Debra Bat Cave Road 21929: Kilgore, Brian 651-3868 Bat Cave Road 23255: Le Jeune, Sonja Bat Cave Road 23255: LeJeune, Hal and Sonja Bat Cave Road 20631: McHugh, Carol 421-3133 Bat Cave Road 23465: Miller, Mark 651-9356 Bat Cave Road 19692: Montelongo, Arturo 272-0103 Bat Cave Road 23505: Myers, Todd and Kim 637-5200 Bat Cave Road 23635: Reeh, Codie Bat Cave Road 20705: Reiter, Erik Bat Cave Road 19421: Rogers, Taylor and Ashley 651-5633 Bat Cave Road 23805: Sells, Ervin 651-5841 Bat Cave Road 21195: Shelton, Ricky Bat Cave Road 23665: Sonnen, Rebecca Bat Cave Road 23355: Stewart, Scott and Chasity 650-4136 Bat Cave Road 9025: Teeler, Melissa Bat Cave Road 20697: Walton, Frank and Katherine 651-6749 Bat Cave Road 20470: Yorfino, Heather Bent Brook Drive 8902: Ballard, Dave and Ginna 651-1173 Bent Brook Drive 8914: Draper, Rander 651-6687 Bent Brook Drive 8908: Teweles, R.B. and J.B. 651-0025 Berean Way 9304: Denis, Clarence and Linda 651-4233 Berean Way 9319: Foss, David and Lisa 462-1460 Berean Way 9303: Harvey, Larry and Shirin Blackwell 651-5707 To make an update or correction, please go online to: 29 Residential Listings by Street (Listed left to right, then down) Berean Way 9312: Miller, Scott and Candy 556-1525 Berean Way 9315: Westover, George and Karen 651-9940 Biediger Lane 24080: Pavlicek, Bradley and Aimee 651-3776 Bindseil Lane 8190: Kerlee, D.W. 651-5655 Bindseil Lane 7925: Friesenhahn, Janet 651-5749 Bindseil Lane 7925: Garza, Elier Bindseil Lane 8340: Aramendia, Richard and Dy Ann 651-9033 Bindseil Lane 8341: Ayala, Horacio 651-4356 Bindseil Lane 8059: Bindseil, Mark 651-6301 Bindseil Lane 8543: Franco, Claudia 465-7620 Bindseil Lane 8045: Friesenhahn, Wilbur and Bernice 651-9007 Bindseil Lane 8006: Grote, Floyd and Ruth 651-5143 Bindseil Lane 8050: Hall, Bill and Diana 651-9421 Bindseil Lane 8287: Jennings, Johnie Bindseil Lane 8358: Koran, Barbara 637-1505 Bindseil Lane 8825: Martin, James and Cheryl 651-6429 Bindseil Lane 8474: Miller, Brad and Tammy 651-7573 Bindseil Lane 8467: Montez, Ruby 654-1489 Bindseil Lane 8543: Ornes, Daniel and Candice 488-6405 Bindseil Lane 8675: Phillips, Robert and Tootsie 651-6474 Bindseil Lane 8441: Polinder, Doug and Jan 651-4321 Bindseil Lane 8543: Rivas, Brandon 465-7620 Bindseil Lane 8770: Smiley, Scott and Kelli 882-7682 Bindseil Lane 8335: Wallace, Don and Kathy 651-6527 Bindseil Lane 8467: Wills, James 654-1489 Bindseil Lane 8497: Wissmann, William 651-9141 Black Buck 7915: Morris, Jack 967-3405 Black Buck 7907: Sauceda, Vincent 530-4559 Blazing Star Trail 9340: Ackerman, Joe Ray and Linda 651-6194 Blazing Star Trail 9334: Birch, Donald 651-6124 Blazing Star Trail 9413: Burroughs, Dennis and Patti 651-9048 Blazing Star Trail 9071: Dantzler, Tillman and Veronica 272-0231 Blazing Star Trail 9139: Fieseler, Hal and Nancy 651-5748 Blazing Star Trail 9251: Gallaway, Jefferson Alan and Cami Blazing Star Trail 9430: Hageman, Richard and Laurie 658-8731 Blazing Star Trail 9043: Hargrove, Anthony and Connie 653-3940 Blazing Star Trail 9234: Jahns, Ronda 274-7112 Blazing Star Trail 9207: Laurel, Leonel and Melissa 233-1037 Blazing Star Trail 9138: Mead, Milton and Carmen 651-3835 Blazing Star Trail 9223: Phillips, Patricia 651-6745 Blazing Star Trail 9328: Rodriguez, Jose Angel and Erika Elena Blazing Star Trail 9346: Sawyer, Bryon and Barbara 651-4491 Blazing Star Trail 9331: Sheffield, Troy and Gerry 651-6586 Blazing Star Trail 9364: Stratton, Mariann 651-5651 Blazing Star Trail 9316: Vestal, Mark and Sheila 733-2818 Blazing Star Trail 9222: Willhoite, Steve and Autumn 651-6186 Blazing Star Trail 9114: Wright, Wesley and Susan 865-6466 Blazing Star Trail 9319: Young, William and Glenda Bluebell Drive 9438: Ahrens, Andy and Lauren 831-4064 Bluebell Drive 9212: Bruns, Bob and Karol 651-6508 Bluebell Drive 9428: Foss, Charles and Sandra 651-9053 Bluebell Drive 9215: Guerrero, Sylvia and Vincent 858-3868 Bluebell Drive 9310: Jordan, Davorin and Esther 651-9763 Bluebell Drive 9350: Knight, Frank and Bernice 651-6146 Bluebell Drive 9408: Lustila, John and Bernice 651-6312 Bluebell Drive 9302: Owensby, Guy and Pat 651-4073 Bluebell Drive 9325: Porter, Phyllis and James 248-9748 Bluebell Drive 9218: Terry, John and Nadine Bluebell Drive 9345: Wallis, Arnold and Linda 651-6438 Bode Circle 9808: Chauret, Keith and Sheila 967-7519 Bode Circle 9817: Schorp, Greg and Christie 659-0896 Bode Court 9809: Castano, Amy Bracken Drive 18335: Little, Gerald 651-0098 Bracken Drive 18375: Simpson, Callie Brandywine Cove 19827: Breeden, Troy Brandywine Cove 19834: Candler, Derrick Brandywine Cove 19842: Morris, Jack and Angela 493-7607 Brandywine Cove 19834: Vardeman, Marvin and Fortuna Buckhead Lane 20042: Boyers, William and Karen 496-1464 Buckhead Lane 20003: Fitzgerald, Marion 651-5519 Buckhead Lane 20050: Heller, Richard 494-8247 Buckhead Lane 20058: O'Dell, David and Rosalyn 651-6979 Buckhead Lane 20026: Solomon, Jim and Debi 326-9350 Buckhead Lane 20010: Terry, William E. and Phyllis A. 829-0661 Calley Circle 10026: Brown, Jeffrey and Tracy 368-2564 Calley Circle 10014: Hamilton, Robert and Sharon Calley Circle 10020: Kent, William and Sibyl 651-9770 30 Berean Way 9308: Niland, Andy and Laura 651-4359 Biediger Lane 24450: Biediger, Dorothy 651-6036 Bindseil Lane 7925: Hierholzer, Randy and Tonya 651-5984 Bindseil Lane 7925: Wadsworth, Ruth Marie 651-9590 Bindseil Lane 7925: Kennemer, Neal Bindseil Lane 8651: Albracht, John 651-6888 Bindseil Lane 8447: Armstrong, Merrie 599-8960 Bindseil Lane 8115: Bindseil, Dan and Carolyn 651-6197 Bindseil Lane 8180: Easley, Tom and Becky 651-5657 Bindseil Lane 8320: Friesenhahn, Dale and Julie 651-5471 Bindseil Lane 7750: Goll, Mark 651-6558 Bindseil Lane 8043: Grote, Kyle Bindseil Lane 8039: Heath, John 651-7543 Bindseil Lane 8043: Jensen, Kristen Bindseil Lane 8330: Marbach, Clyde and Jan 651-0428 Bindseil Lane 8255: Menking, Kurt and Kitty Swoboda 651-6111 Bindseil Lane 8365: Montanio, Sr., Calvin L. 651-9515 Bindseil Lane 8260: Morris, Roy 651-5005 Bindseil Lane 8348: Payne, Daryl and Merlinda 651-8299 Bindseil Lane 8447: Plemmons, Jeff 599-8960 Bindseil Lane 8770: Ravella, James 651-5022 Bindseil Lane 8112: Ruiz, Eugene 651-0193 Bindseil Lane 8275: Valdez, Max Bindseil Lane 8329: Welch, Julian and Jannalyn 651-6901 Bindseil Lane 8364: Wilson, Rodney and DeDe 651-5599 Bindseil Lane 8353: Wittler, Charles and Mary 651-9546 Black Buck 7911: Rowley, Bob 651-0825 Black Buck 7902: Turko, Teresa Blazing Star Trail 9115: Arnold, Kari 908-9678 Blazing Star Trail 9042: Bird, David and Judy 651-5678 Blazing Star Trail 9412: Cooke, Chris and Trisha 651-0904 Blazing Star Trail 9343: Eiserer, Curtis and Mary Ann 655-2224 Blazing Star Trail 9425: Fulton, William and Carolyn 651-5332 Blazing Star Trail 9206: Guillen, Atanacio and Beverly 651-9560 Blazing Star Trail 9418: Hamilton, Maynard 651-6611 Blazing Star Trail 9311: Hartmann, Gilbert and Dorothy 651-6383 Blazing Star Trail 9322: Kylitis, Gus and Helen 651-6273 Blazing Star Trail 9325: Mason, Jay and Katie 745-3100 Blazing Star Trail 9419: Nolta, Frank and Pat 651-6225 Blazing Star Trail 9310: Potter, Tom and Eva 651-6697 Blazing Star Trail 9358: Sanders, Russell and Mickey 651-5782 Blazing Star Trail 9349: Seymour, Walter (Ted) and Marjorie 651-6947 Blazing Star Trail 9337: Solomon, Edward and Dee 651-6042 Blazing Star Trail 9412: Talley, Barbara 651-0904 Blazing Star Trail 9355: Ward, Lynwood and Elaine 651-6536 Blazing Star Trail 9352: Woodlief, Ellamae 651-5585 Blazing Star Trail 9361: Wyckoff, William and Joanne 651-1062 Bluebell Drive 9320: Abendschein, August (Gus) and Jane 651-6683 Bluebell Drive 9418: Bailey, Mary 651-9214 Bluebell Drive 9207: Cahue, A.J. 265-5535 Bluebell Drive 9419: Gardner, William 651-6096 Bluebell Drive 9206: Hershey, Keith and Ruth 651-4041 Bluebell Drive 9305: Klinge, Paul and Lora Bluebell Drive 9419: Kolivosky, Karen 651-6096 Bluebell Drive 9433: Nelson, Tom 651-6722 Bluebell Drive 9411: Pardaen, Walter J. 651-6410 Bluebell Drive 9315: Sisters of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament, Bluebell Drive 9330: Thoemke, Robert 651-6963 Bode Circle 9809: Castano, Amy 651-3491 Bode Circle 9809: De Los Santos, Mike 651-3491 Bode Court 9816: Allen, Uisuk Bracken Drive 18385: Gregory, Douglas Bracken Drive 18425: Pulido, Tessa Bracken Drive 18435: Wiebe, Lois 651-6072 Brandywine Cove 19811: Campbell, Robert and Debbie 595-1732 Brandywine Cove 19827: Houser, Chris and Becky 416-4170 Brandywine Cove 19835: Priscilla, Zarr 781-4371 Brandywine Cove 19810: Wilbur, Eric and Mary 507-7035 Buckhead Lane 20041: Campbell, Kyle and Monica 267-1872 Buckhead Lane 20050: Heller, Michael 494-8247 Buckhead Lane 20027: Henning, Timothy and Linda 651-5532 Buckhead Lane 20034: Pena, Barbara 654-8630 Buckhead Lane 20002: Stover, John 651-6613 Buckhead Lane 20018: White, Mark Calley Circle 10009: Doerr, Bob and Leigh 651-3581 Calley Circle 10008: Hopkins, Jerry and Patricia 651-3359 Calley Circle 10002: Padden, David and Diana 651-4441 To make an update or correction, please go online to: Residential Listings by Street (Listed left to right, then down) Calley Circle 10003: Thomas, Jeffrey Calley Circle 10021: Ware, Trey Canham Ranch 8022: Collins, Austin Canham Ranch 8002: Goodloe, Thomas 651-1169 Canham Ranch 7719: Holaday, James 651-9589 Canham Ranch 7906: Lindsey, Grover 714-4169 Canham Ranch 7714: Mccollum, Robert and Lynn 267-2709 Canham Ranch 8011: Rambuyan, Celestino Canham Ranch 7915: Stroud, Clyde Canham Ranch 8015: Wilcox, Kurtis and Shelly 651-0304 Castano Cove 21935: Farmer, Jerry and Janice 541-5790 Castano Cove 21943: Lain, John and Sylvia 494-6060 Castano Cove 21934: Maurmann, Steve and Sue 444-9502 Castano Cove 21918: Schroeder, Frank and Antonela 932-8801 Cavern Oak 23845: Archer, James 651-9829 Cavern Oak 24065: Brunce, Dean 656-6200 Cavern Oak 23735: Gilliland, Thomas Cavern Oak 23945: Wells, Raymond and Joyce 653-1879 Cedar Branch 21011: Britan, Joseph and Denise 599-0516 Cedar Branch 21031: Emerling, Diane 651-0755 Cedar Branch 21028: Franklin, Ron and Linda 392-0098 Cedar Branch 21015: Green, Ken and Jo 651-4140 Cedar Branch 21027: Heinz, Donald and Merle 651-6723 Cedar Branch 21020: Hubnik, Eugene A. and Rosie A. 651-5244 Cedar Branch 20004: Jennings, John P. and Jolie 651-9047 Cedar Branch 21024: Kaul, Faye 651-0305 Cedar Branch 21035: Koen, Damon T. and Julie 651-4500 Cedar Branch 20008: Puckett, Jay and Joyce 651-4424 Cedar Branch 21004: Roy, Ronald and Ilene 651-4195 Cedar Branch 21019: Scheel, Clarence and Jean 651-0573 Cedar Branch 21012: Stringer, Hank and Bonnie 650-9052 Cedar Cavern 20514: Abalos, Rudolpho Cedar Cavern 20515: Finny, Kelli 651-1377 Cedar Cavern 20527: Guajardo, Oscar and Patricia Cedar Cavern 20506: Stewart, Daniel Cedar Gap 21359: Friesenhahn, Clifford and Marlene 651-3089 Cedar Gap 21340: Johnson, Michael and Yvonne 651-3108 Cedar Gap 21320: Van Horn, Colette 651-5175 Cherokee Path 8838: Colatarci, Anthony Cherokee Path 8815: Hardison, Robert and Erin 455-9234 Cherokee Path 8803: Humke, Darrel and Donna 659-1790 Cherokee Path 8819: Osborn, Wayne and Aileen 651-3821 Cherokee Path 8831: Richard, Ronald and Erica Cherokee Path 8818: Scribner, Jim and Becki Cherokee Path 8823: Tschoepe, Trey and Sandy 255-8514 Cherokee Path 8830: Vaille, Kevin and Nancy 651-6151 Cinchona Trail 9423: Archer, Allyn and Susan 651-9514 Cinchona Trail 9263: Brotze, Wayne and Camille 651-6534 Cinchona Trail 9235: Doyle, Bill and Frances 651-6710 Cinchona Trail 9290: Dudley, Parus and Susan 651-6705 Cinchona Trail 9451: Hartley, Patricia 651-6172 Cinchona Trail 9232: Hutchinson, Fred and Elaine 651-9152 Cinchona Trail 9387: Mansell, Calvin and Toni 651-6271 Cinchona Trail 9331: Moeller, Jim and Emily 651-6563 Cinchona Trail 9380: Odden, Troy and Wendy 872-3642 Cinchona Trail 9340: Rethman, Donald and Mary 651-7342 Cinchona Trail 9392: Sinski, Ken and Tracy 651-6231 Cinchona Trail 9322: Wetz, Deanna and Monroe 656-3006 Cinchona Trail 9315: Yow, Melvin and Dorothy 651-6306 Cinnabar Court 9010: Adams, Karen Cinnabar Court 9026: Bell, Gene and Diana Spencer Cinnabar Court 9015: Gielen, Alan and Linda 523-8285 Cinnabar Court 9014: Harris, Steven and Tonya 680-2686 Cinnabar Court 9022: Joyner, Joseph Cinnabar Court 9006: Matthews, Kevin Cinnabar Court 9002: Miller, Jasen and Tisha Cinnabar Court 9106: Murguia, Joseph and Haley 326-9740 Cinnabar Court 9110: Pinkham, Eric and Tammy 451-0301 Cinnabar Court 9027: Stone, Donald and Ok Cinnabar Court 9030: Wimbush, Mario and Ana 651-0532 Cipriani Way 9211: Davenport, Clayton and Sherry 233-1269 Cipriani Way 9215: Jang, Patrick and Jeannie 722-8060 Cipriani Way 9218: Mcfee, Mark 545-9513 Cipriani Way 9206: Morrison, Caesar 616-4021 Cipriani Way 9214: Robledo, David and Silvia Classen Ranch 19565: Classen, Lawrence and Patricia Comanche Path 8906: Bobbitt, Calvin and Willa 790-5736 Calley Circle 10015: Thomas, Michael and Tammy 651-4789 Canham Ranch 7718: Chamberlain, Deanna Canham Ranch 8010: Damuth, Gary 651-0498 Canham Ranch 7710: Hansen, Joel 384-9668 Canham Ranch 7703: Hudson, Robert 945-7779 Canham Ranch 7910: Mcclellan, Timothy and Anne 651-9744 Canham Ranch 7903: Olvera, Frank 946-0665 Canham Ranch 7914: Springer, William and Jeane 651-3175 Canham Ranch 7806: Weeks, William and Tracie 651-9589 Castano Cove 21927: Conley, Stephen and Carolyn 233-8676 Castano Cove 21942: Hinojosa, Jose and Kady 352-5751 Castano Cove 21919: Lefforge, David and Debbie 598-1104 Castano Cove 21903: Murillo, Nicholas and Amalia 277-0244 Castano Cove 21911: Vesseliza, Bob and Velma 314-8749 Cavern Oak 23975: Archer, Kenneth and Denise 651-5433 Cavern Oak 23840: Friesenhahn, Dennis Cavern Oak 23970: Hobbs, David Cedar Branch 21031: Benson, Linda 651-0755 Cedar Branch 21008: Carne, James and Dee Dee 651-6262 Cedar Branch 20007: Fisher, Ted and Nancy Cedar Branch 21016: Fuselier, Rudy and Sue 651-0661 Cedar Branch 21039: Hackebeil, Sandy 651-5171 Cedar Branch 21023: Hill, Hannelore I. 651-9660 Cedar Branch 21003: Hudson, Tom and Beverly 651-9025 Cedar Branch 21032: Jones, William and Linda 651-9408 Cedar Branch 21036: Keef, Jeffrey and Gale 659-3449 Cedar Branch 20011: Miller, Evelyn 651-9718 Cedar Branch 21027: Rivera, Johnny and Betty 277-7878 Cedar Branch 21040: Ryan, Ron and Kim 651-9720 Cedar Branch 21007: Stipp, Rusty and Martha 651-6490 Cedar Branch 20003: Wendt, Arthur and June 651-9722 Cedar Cavern 20507: Bott, Benjamin and Laura 653-2715 Cedar Cavern 20522: Graham, Christopher and Erin Cedar Cavern 20510: Manga, Robert and Bonnie 314-3977 Cedar Cavern 20518: Tornabene, Salvatore and Karen 590-3368 Cedar Gap 21339: Friesenhahn, Kevan and Denise 651-5125 Cedar Gap 21360: Mead, Jay and Henrietta 651-5028 Cherokee Path 8807: Buchanan, Bradley and Susan Cherokee Path 8811: Davis, Charles and Barbara 515-4582 Cherokee Path 8810: Hays, Allan and Elizabeth Cherokee Path 8814: Kraemer, Bob and Katrinia 651-3501 Cherokee Path 8827: Ramirez, Simon and Patricia 999-5965 Cherokee Path 8822: Santellanes, Mauro and Teresa Cherokee Path 8834: Thomas, Stephen and Teresa 277-0720 Cherokee Path 8835: Tunstall, Anthony Cherokee Path 8802: Wallace, Michael and Rose Marie 233-1192 Cinchona Trail 9498: Brossman, Daniel and Linda 650-4564 Cinchona Trail 9285: Cannon, Karen and Brian 651-4577 Cinchona Trail 9380: Drichta, David and Shannon 255-1273 Cinchona Trail 9364: Earley, Judd and Sheila 651-9291 Cinchona Trail 9397: Holder, Jason Cinchona Trail 9276: Jugvilon, Judith Cinchona Trail 9375: Margly, Violet 651-6469 Cinchona Trail 9297: Newbold, Jim and Starlett 655-1174 Cinchona Trail 9497: Randall, Fred and Judy 651-7399 Cinchona Trail 9351: Shaner, Ronnie and Linda 637-0093 Cinchona Trail 9424: Stansell, Alan and Sheila 422-5721 Cinchona Trail 9340: Williams, R. Lee and Rosemary 651-5946 Cinchona Trail 9472: Neal, Jesse J. and Jacqueline 651-7330 Cinnabar Court 9011: Bates, Matthew and Kerstin 568-7298 Cinnabar Court 9103: Decock, Michael and Linda 653-7543 Cinnabar Court 9102: Greenwood, Lester 368-9186 Cinnabar Court 9107: Jellison, Rick and Debbie Cinnabar Court 9111: Luna, David and Elsa 455-4312 Cinnabar Court 9007: Mccallum, Earl 465-7108 Cinnabar Court 9018: Montella, John A. and June M. 651-6969 Cinnabar Court 9031: Pierce, Richard 651-0446 Cinnabar Court 9034: Sarmiento, Manuel 661-0891 Cinnabar Court 9035: Valdez, Jesus and Linda D. 651-0356 Cinnabar Court 9023: Wright, Donald and Patricia 481-1696 Cipriani Way 9202: Derryberry, Ed and Teresa 259-8269 Cipriani Way 9207: Longloy, Dr. M. 233-1012 Cipriani Way 9219: Mendez, Ramon an Sharon 454-2886 Cipriani Way 9210: Playford, James 310-3201 Classen Ranch 19791: Classen, Harold and Carol 651-6112 Classenoaks 20325: Morgan, Leann Comanche Path 8810: Chamberlin, Billy and Zelda 656-3190 To make an update or correction, please go online to: 31 Residential Listings by Street (Listed left to right, then down) Comanche Path 8922: Degolier, John and Traci 651-5010 Comanche Path 8910: Hernandez, Herbert and Mary 650-9663 Comanche Path 8919: Melvin, John Comanche Path 8911: Ortigoza, Saul Comanche Path 8915: Robinson, Erica Comanche Path 8914: Sasseville, Andrew and Revecca 236-7231 Cowsert Lane 8970: Bond, Robert 980-7449 Creek Loop 24822: Cain, Kevin and Wendy 651-3979 Creek Loop 24726: Mcginnis, Stanley and Irene Creek Loop 24806: Palmer, Hans 499-5170 Creek Loop 24706: Tillery, Gregory and Kendra 265-1072 Creekview Oaks 19530: Dubois, Julie and Mark 222-2504 Creekview Oaks 19522: Marfil, Rafael Creekview Oaks 19531: Smedley, Larry and Jessie 332-9199 Creekview Oaks 19523: Watts, Brandon and Sara 681-1201 Cristobal Drive 22010: Balusik, Joseph Cristobal Drive 22019: Bouloubasis, John and Paula Cristobal Drive 22115: Denton, Will and Karen 251-4393 Cristobal Drive 21927: Green, Luke and Patricia 222-8164 Cristobal Drive 21911: Hoang, Cuong and Hien 651-1756 Cristobal Drive 22102: Ingram, James and Gale 882-6035 Cristobal Drive 21903: Macy, Douglas and Jovita 641-9251 Cristobal Drive 21902: Nehls, Andrew and Diane Cristobal Drive 22122: Syring, Lewis and Dana Cristobal Drive 22026: Thompson, George and Charlene Cristobal Drive 22119: Willis, Shawn Cynthia Drive 26960: Bissen, Robert Cynthia Drive 26775: Dean, Michael Cynthia Drive 27036: Goos, Dale and Julie 438-3452 Cynthia Drive 26776: Guerra, Daniel and Robin Cynthia Drive 27043: Liska, Laura Cynthia Drive 26940: Wilson, Gary and Joyce Deer Canyon Drive 22017: Boone, Ronald and Diana 872-9879 Deer Canyon Drive 21922: Chancellor, James and Patricia 651-4047 Deer Canyon Drive 22104: Dosee, Robert 651-1217 Deer Canyon Drive 22028: Hargis, Les and Deanna 267-9907 Deer Canyon Drive 21923: Lawrence, Don and Evelyn 651-3352 Deer Canyon Drive 21911: Mitchell, Rod and Kim 651-0908 Deer Canyon Drive 22004: Phillips, John and Margie 530-1048 Deer Canyon Drive 22022: Reneau, Kenny 481-8100 Deer Canyon Drive 22010: Shepard, Denise 651-0765 Deer Canyon Drive 21910: Stocks, Samuel and Karen 651-9694 Deer Garden Cove 20519: Brooks, Matthew and Lisa 437-1858 Deer Garden Cove 20510: Edge, Jarrett 651-4668 Deer Garden Cove 20515: Lee, Carlton and Naudia 599-0490 Deer Garden Cove 20511: Ramey, Brad and Sandy 651-1638 Deer Garden Cove 20522: Taylor, Raynard and Joycelyn 481-0003 Double Rock 7803: Glynn, Mark Double Rock 7811: Wilson, Jack and Janice 651-4599 Easy Street 9146: Batton, Wayne Easy Street 9012: Breeden, Carl Easy Street 9130: Collier, Larry and Susan Easy Street 8945: Gomez, Rosemary Easy Street 9122: Holcomb, Helen Easy Street 9035: Lipke, Walton 980-3933 Easy Street 8937: Moeller, William 980-2937 Easy Street 8932: Rister, Debbie Easy Street 8925: Taylor, James and Alberta Elm Drive 22550: Georg, Stanley and Susan 651-6008 Fairview Circle 21643: Cazares, Carlos and Carolyn 651-9731 Fairview Circle 21587: Edwards, Jesse and Coral Gene 651-6341 Fairview Circle 21400: Hamm, Jo and Jay 651-9135 Fairview Circle 21456: Jimenez, Mita Fairview Circle 21630: Lay, David and Nancy 651-9161 Fairview Circle 21510: McCall, Candace 651-4234 Fairview Circle 21479: Salazar, Abelardo M. and Paula 651-3631 Fairview Circle 21410: Stapper, Irene 651-6063 Fairview Circle 21521: Wright, Wendy 651-0701 Fairview Drive 21825: Mueller, Glenn and Lisa 651-5475 Fairview Drive 21732: Yuras, Joe and Liz 651-5371 FM 1863 9660: Struthoff, Scott 980-5609 FM 1863 9658: Helfrich, Paul 438-8293 FM 1863 7721: Hartman, Karen 980-2808 FM 1863 9510: Moyer, Rex 438-3640 FM 1863 9912: Witt, Dale and Deborah Forest Waters Circle 21430: Baczewski, Gary and Celie 651-4048 Forest Waters Circle 21629: Berry, Gene and Nancy 651-5717 32 Comanche Path 8907: Gallets, Stephen and Beverly 314-2762 Comanche Path 8926: Hernandez, Victor and Nancy 599-8137 Comanche Path 8918: Moberley, Scott and Mary 651-0655 Comanche Path 8903: Reece, Charles and Carolyn 957-4598 Comanche Path 8915: Robinson, Nolon and Michelle Cowsert Lane 8930: Anderson, David Cowsert Lane 8910: Simpson, Halley 980-7309 Creek Loop 24722: Johnson, Yale 653-9592 Creek Loop 24719: Mcgriggler, Bettina 651-9121 Creek Loop 24811: Schubert, Robert 651-3760 Creekview Oaks 19526: Bryant, Robert 651-0611 Creekview Oaks 19519: Fern, Albert Creekview Oaks 19534: Pitzen, Raymond and Pamela 651-7577 Creekview Oaks 19510: Surrock, Lester and Carol Cristobal Drive 21934: Apgar, Rodney and Deborah 651-3156 Cristobal Drive 21918: Bielke, Daniel and Scarlett 272-0592 Cristobal Drive 22110: Culpepper, Ohm and Jan 510-2178 Cristobal Drive 22018: Gliddon, Michael Cristobal Drive 22011: Haislip, Howard and Georgette 566-3777 Cristobal Drive 21919: Hunter, James and Krista Cristobal Drive 22118: Lamberson, Eric Cristobal Drive 22035: Martin, Amy and Patrick Cristobal Drive 22034: Santos, Claudia 614-2218 Cristobal Drive 21926: Thomas, Timothy Cristobal Drive 22002: White, Christopher and Alison Cynthia Drive 26835: Baker, Nancy Cynthia Drive 26959: Childers, Leon 980-3367 Cynthia Drive 26855: Ellis, James and Betty 980-4061 Cynthia Drive 26850: Gould, Thomas and Susan Cynthia Drive 27056: Hardin, Brodie and Brenda 980-9180 Cynthia Drive 26830: Waldrep, Randy 980-3298 Cynthia Drive 26875: Zipp, Donald and Mellissa Deer Canyon Drive 22011: Cain, Ronnie and Nancy 651-1217 Deer Canyon Drive 22004: Daugherty, Tim and Sharon 651-1706 Deer Canyon Drive 21905: Garcia, Mark and Ronni R. 651-9338 Deer Canyon Drive 22110: Hopkins, Andy and Kathi 659-7505 Deer Canyon Drive 22010: Martinez-Saez, Mauricio 651-0765 Deer Canyon Drive 22023: Petro, John and Janice 651-8257 Deer Canyon Drive 22016: Post, Dan and Barbara 651-0822 Deer Canyon Drive 21916: Scott, Lawrence and Diana Deer Canyon Drive 21917: Spier, Mark and Coleen Deer Garden Cove 20502: Bell, Harvey B. and Nancy E. 451-7088 Deer Garden Cove 20506: Cameron, Jeff 421-1677 Deer Garden Cove 20518: Klimczyk, John and Donna Deer Garden Cove 20523: Morales, Gerardo and Janet 494-0782 Deer Garden Cove 20507: Taylor, Kelly and Kathleen 651-3083 Double Rock 7802: Benton, Lonnie 362-1235 Double Rock 7806: Vick, Cornelius and Ida 651-9194 Easy Street 9108: Armstong, Sandra 438-7340 Easy Street 9005: Bockholt, Craig Easy Street 9011: Burch and Kelly, David Easy Street 8902: Forney, Leeanna Easy Street 8940: Henderson, Ruby Easy Street 9036: Lambert, Terry and Cheryl 438-1849 Easy Street 9039: Mccarthy, Cynthia 438-5475 Easy Street 9123: Paul, Johnny Easy Street 9131: Smith, Timothy Elm Drive 22620: Devine, Michael and Cathy 651-8366 Fairview Circle 21436: Baker, Marvin and Jacqueline Riley 662-6563 Fairview Circle 21445: Di Carlo, Cheryl 651-4478 Fairview Circle 21455: Fisher, Larry and Linda 651-9322 Fairview Circle 21689: Hubbard, Gene B. and Elke R. 651-6836 Fairview Circle 21450: Kersey, James and Mary 651-9611 Fairview Circle 21401: Mallett, Gary and Cherie 651-4611 Fairview Circle 21445: Roach, William 651-4478 Fairview Circle 21425: Schmitz, Scott 650-0472 Fairview Circle 21465: Treutler, Karl and Nora 651-5378 Fairview Drive 21751: Butler, Jimmie and Nancy 651-6516 Fairview Drive 21712: Wiggins, Mark and Frances FM 1863 9660: Struthoff, Lynn 438-5887 FM 1863 9658: Kinnison, William 888-1825 FM 1863 7940: Froboese, Elgin FM 1863 8625: Kuhn, James 438-3640 FM 1863 9515: Wells, Richard 980-5884 Forest Waters Circle 21260: Bacon, Ross and Valinda 651-6602 Forest Waters Circle 21660: Becerra, Gilbert 651-4884 Forest Waters Circle 21219: Bierschwale, Eddie and Denise 655-4090 To make an update or correction, please go online to: Residential Listings by Street (Listed left to right, then down) Forest Waters Circle 21420: Blue, Jan and Charlie Farrell 651-0675 Forest Waters Circle 21549: Brunell, Don and Laurie 334-0962 Forest Waters Circle 21419: Buehler, Robert and Georgia 651-9739 Forest Waters Circle 21559: Caton, Carl and Kelli 651-9457 Forest Waters Circle 21439: Ching, Edmund and Johanna 651-9703 Forest Waters Circle 21319: Corwin, William & Deora 651-6047 Forest Waters Circle 21530: Crites, Shane and Laurie 656-2057 Forest Waters Circle 21609: Devine, Kevin and Janice 634-1235 Forest Waters Circle 21110: Ehrsam, Albert and Lillian 651-0693 Forest Waters Circle 21229: Friesenhahn, Mark and Stephani 651-6290 Forest Waters Circle 21239: Gottsacker, Hal and Pat 749-8855 Forest Waters Circle 21661: Harris, David and Brenda 651-4502 Forest Waters Circle 21765: Henderson, Robert V. and Margaret 651-6154 Forest Waters Circle 21719: Jenkins, Ron and Doreen 651-5003 Forest Waters Circle 21619: Kasner, Timothy and Ginger 651-6395 Forest Waters Circle 21150: Lewis, Tom and Christine 651-9561 Forest Waters Circle 21350: Macy, Susan 651-6251 Forest Waters Circle 21649: McCaw, John and Carmen 651-9751 Forest Waters Circle 21890: Meyers, James Forest Waters Circle 21409: Olesen, Dody 651-9273 Forest Waters Circle 21340: Penick, Bob and Pat 651-5939 Forest Waters Circle 21450: Platzer, David and Luz 651-0466 Forest Waters Circle 21230: Ramirez, Henry and Sally 651-9056 Forest Waters Circle 21429: Rodriguez, George and Olimpia 651-4216 Forest Waters Circle 21410: Sandmire, Dean and janice 651-9333 Forest Waters Circle 21160: Schlather, Sandra 651-9411 Forest Waters Circle 21339: Strickland, Dana 651-5915 Forest Waters Circle 21330: Tibbetts, Karl and Christl 651-5373 Forest Waters Circle 21660: Valdez, Mary Lou 651-4884 Forest Waters Circle 21640: Wood, Rawson and Susan 651-9767 Forest Waters Circle 21329: Young, James and Trellis 651-5040 Garden North Drive 7970: Bane, Butch and Marsha 651-9659 Garden North Drive 7913: Carroll, Michael and Mary Jane Garden North Drive 8064: Daniels, Joe and Patt 651-0227 Garden North Drive 7828: Friday, William and Jerry 651-6345 Garden North Drive 7910: Galdos, Mario and Rosa 507-7971 Garden North Drive 7827: Glazener, Jr, Ronald and Lois 651-5694 Garden North Drive 8246: Hannah, Jereta 651-9210 Garden North Drive 8258: Hrncirik, Leonard and Magdeline 651-4785 Garden North Drive 8222: Juarez, Jr., Gabriel O. and Gloria 651-9582 Garden North Drive 7965: Lutz, Keith and Rushia 651-6519 Garden North Drive 8257: Magadance, Steven and Carol 651-0430 Garden North Drive 8210: Martinez, Michael and Martha 651-1619 Garden North Drive 8245: Mcculloch, Waylon Garden North Drive 8251: Moore, John Garden North Drive 8252: Sinkfield, Ralph and Carolin 651-6252 Garden North Drive 8128: Smiley, Bob and Mary 651-5232 Garden North Drive 7838: Steele, Donald and Mary 651-9015 Garden North Drive 8006: Stremich, Richard Garden North Drive 7920: Underwood, Sid and Francyne 651-5666 Garden Oaks Drive 8145: Arneckle, Chuck and Kaye 651-5510 Garden Oaks Drive 7986: Atkinson, Alton Garden Oaks Drive 22310: Cormier, Christoph Garden Oaks Drive 8250: Cox, George and Mariann 651-5880 Garden Oaks Drive 8130: DeLong, Richard and Judy 651-9598 Garden Oaks Drive 8110: Faulkner, Jim and Jan 651-0297 Garden Oaks Drive 8015: Heyer, Vincent and Barbara 651-5756 Garden Oaks Drive 8120: Jordan, Lawrence and Deborah 845-1815 Garden Oaks Drive 8165: Metzger, Edna 651-5705 Garden Oaks Drive 8180: Meyers, Mark and Chris 651-1358 Garden Oaks Drive 8038: Reves, Dusan Garden Oaks Drive 7976: Sensat, James and Jenny 651-9477 Garden Oaks Drive 8125: Spencer, Robert and Shelley 651-9266 Garden Oaks Drive 7996: Suhre, Steven and Diana 545-9030 Garden Oaks Drive 8075: Villani, Beatrice 651-5056 Garden Oaks Drive 8245: Zschiesche, Dana Garden Ridge Drive 9444: Allar, Gordon and Mary Ann 651-5722 Garden Ridge Drive 8966: Andreolli, Gregory and Sherry 651-4631 Garden Ridge Drive 9375: Baumbach, Ralph and Lam 646-0943 Garden Ridge Drive 8739: Bechtold, Barry and Dixie 651-5299 Garden Ridge Drive 9159: Bolton, Ed and Julie 651-1099 Garden Ridge Drive 8834: Brandes, Chris and Gina 651-0687 Garden Ridge Drive 9219: Carpenter, Ralph and Alicia 723-6249 Garden Ridge Drive 8835: Collins, J 651-6057 Garden Ridge Drive 9063: Craigmile, Neil and Jean 651-6459 Garden Ridge Drive 9111: DeSorbo, Zeke and Helga Garden Ridge Drive 9419: Drawdy, Gorden Forest Waters Circle 21641: Bradshaw, David and Cami 651-9073 Forest Waters Circle 21249: Brunette, Jim and Chris 651-5923 Forest Waters Circle 21440: Butler, Jeffrey and Shelly 651-1027 Forest Waters Circle 21759: Caton, Mary 651-5956 Forest Waters Circle 21220: Coleman, J. Preston and Sue Ann 651-9344 Forest Waters Circle 21130: Cowsar, J.D. and Susan 651-9390 Forest Waters Circle 21630: Dean, Robert J. and Lynne 651-5850 Forest Waters Circle 21519: DuBose, Jimmie and Betty 651-3429 Forest Waters Circle 21728: Ferrell, Billy and Rosie 651-6672 Forest Waters Circle 21749: Gill, Michael and Ann 651-9602 Forest Waters Circle 21120: Haberer, John and Christi 651-5161 Forest Waters Circle 21663: Hawkinson, Rande and Sheryl 651-0362 Forest Waters Circle 21550: Hnatow, David and Cynthia 651-9442 Forest Waters Circle 21349: Jordan, Jack and Linda 651-6671 Forest Waters Circle 21710: Lenz, Jay and Carole 651-5896 Forest Waters Circle 21510: Lopez, Luis and Sally 590-6228 Forest Waters Circle 21320: Mason, Robert L. and Gearlean 651-9096 Forest Waters Circle 21520: Mericle, Russell and Terry 651-9605 Forest Waters Circle 21540: Morgan, Alan and Julia 651-9289 Forest Waters Circle 21720: Pawelek, Randall and Suzanne 651-9461 Forest Waters Circle 21760: Perales, Anne and Kimberly 651-0171 Forest Waters Circle 21250: Prescott, Gary and Carole 651-0960 Forest Waters Circle 21240: Richey, John Forest Waters Circle 21560: Sanders, Stark and Carolyn 651-9542 Forest Waters Circle 21750: Scheh, Curtis and Penni 651-5919 Forest Waters Circle 21140: Starkey, Peggy 651-9238 Forest Waters Circle 21729: Stripling, Wyatt and Sharon 651-9375 Forest Waters Circle 21657: Trial, Shelby and Kathy 651-6726 Forest Waters Circle 21210: Whiteman, John 651-4768 Forest Waters Circle 21610: Yohey, Inge 651-4101 Forest Waters Circle 21309: Zamora, Roberto and Maria 651-0217 Garden North Drive 8005: Brown, Paul Z. and Connie 651-9517 Garden North Drive 8026: Cawood, Robert and Terry 651-6817 Garden North Drive 7903: Downing, JamesN. And B.K. Morgan 651-0088 Garden North Drive 8025: Friesenhahn, Cary and Colleen 651-9221 Garden North Drive 8245: Gerlich, Leon and Cheryl 651-5912 Garden North Drive 8246: Hannah, Calvin and Wanda 651-9167 Garden North Drive 7930: Hanson, Joe and Beth 651-4690 Garden North Drive 7983: Huddleston, Sr., Michael and Camille Garden North Drive 8240: Kolodzie, Brenda 651-5101 Garden North Drive 7817: Madison, James and Peggy 651-5485 Garden North Drive 8101: Manford, Lin & Marilyn 651-4595 Garden North Drive 7977: McCulloch, Dale and Sandra 651-6062 Garden North Drive 8065: Molter, Fred and Margaret 651-5774 Garden North Drive 7940: Peace, Keith and Jan 651-9173 Garden North Drive 8045: Skinner, Todd and Leisa 651-5847 Garden North Drive 7950: Standley, Gary and Terry 654-0049 Garden North Drive 7933: Steers, Jack and Barbara 564-8741 Garden North Drive 8121: Taylor, John and Margo 651-9790 Garden Oaks Drive 8185: Arnecke, Charles 651-5510 Garden Oaks Drive 8024: Atkinson, Al and Carol 651-5854 Garden Oaks Drive 8034: Brown, Gregory and Cheryl 858-6309 Garden Oaks Drive 8008: Corte, Charles and Penny 651-3585 Garden Oaks Drive 7975: Creel, Doyle and Kathy 651-5500 Garden Oaks Drive 8000: Durbin, Mike and Katie 651-5252 Garden Oaks Drive 8075: Florio, Joe and Pat 651-9227 Garden Oaks Drive 8048: Horton, Robert and Craig 651-5491 Garden Oaks Drive 7996: Marroquin, Steve and Diana 491-0777 Garden Oaks Drive 8165: Metzger, Larry and Lil 313-8693 Garden Oaks Drive 8004: Miller, Michael and Ginger 651-6444 Garden Oaks Drive 7945: Schindler, Carol 651-4717 Garden Oaks Drive 8055: Silvester, Louis and Jose 651-9578 Garden Oaks Drive 8035: Stratemann, Malcolm and Jean 651-9679 Garden Oaks Drive 8240: Tindall, Jd 651-9506 Garden Oaks Drive 7965: Weiswurm, Klaus and Charla 651-9466 Garden Ridge Dr 8718: Hale, John and Vanessa Garden Ridge Drive 9090: Anderson, Kyle and Kelly 651-4704 Garden Ridge Drive 8825: Battaglia, Robert and Duncan 651-5642 Garden Ridge Drive 9473: Bebout, DeWitt and Marisa 651-3524 Garden Ridge Drive 9420: Bishop, Karen 651-6328 Garden Ridge Drive 8947: Bower, Jim and Kay 650-8881 Garden Ridge Drive 9219: Carpenter, Ralph and Alecia 651-9711 Garden Ridge Drive 9392: Cochnauer, Dexter and Katie 325-1610 Garden Ridge Drive 9468: Cox, Jerry and Joyce 651-9310 Garden Ridge Drive 8917: Crawford, Ken 651-1056 Garden Ridge Drive 9112: Dowlearn, Robert R. and Jackie 651-3802 Garden Ridge Drive 8718: Elkins, Patricia 651-9715 To make an update or correction, please go online to: 33 Residential Listings by Street (Listed left to right, then down) Garden Ridge Drive 9280: Fleming, Robert and Cynthia 651-6030 Garden Ridge Drive 9328: Fraser, Jim and Suzy 651-5459 Garden Ridge Drive 8814: Furbish, Bruce and Connie 651-6981 Garden Ridge Drive 8748: Hanzelka, Rudy and Beverly 651-9555 Garden Ridge Drive 9158: Heller, Ron and Dea 651-6700 Garden Ridge Drive 8758: Holder, Rusty and Michelle 651-6509 Garden Ridge Drive 9474: Hosseini, H.D. and Simma 651-9256 Garden Ridge Drive 8926: Huntsinger, Wayne and Mary Lou Garden Ridge Drive 8728: Kneupper, Robert and Merlyn 651-9491 Garden Ridge Drive 8710: Loehman, Lloyd and Joyce 651-5353 Garden Ridge Drive 8749: Meinert, Wayne and Ruth 651-9797 Garden Ridge Drive 8815: Moezzi, Massoup and Mary 590-7554 Garden Ridge Drive 9080: Nunez, Guadalupe and Tameka 889-2938 Garden Ridge Drive 9376: Regan, Reggie and Kathy 646-7792 Garden Ridge Drive 8950: Rheinlaender, Larry and Lynn 651-5154 Garden Ridge Drive 8719: Richter, Keith 651-3671 Garden Ridge Drive 9192: Robinson, Randy & Margaret-Patrick 651-9084 Garden Ridge Drive 9220: Simmons, Anna L. 651-5706 Garden Ridge Drive 8937: Smith, Anita 651-6066 Garden Ridge Drive 9119: Soliz, Laura 314-5187 Garden Ridge Drive 9305: Valerio, Monica 651-4016 Garden Ridge Drive 8729: Vital, Syd and Twyla 215-2352 Garden Ridge Drive 9296: Warner, Sandy and Pete 683-2766 Garden Ridge Drive 8738: Watkins, Clara 651-9175 Garden Ridge Drive 9495: Wilkinson, Annetta 651-6816 Garden Ridge North Drive 8216: Halamuda, Hal and Regina 651-5458 Gardenia Bend Drive 9411: Anzek, Charles and Elizabeth 651-4194 Gardenia Bend Drive 9415: Camosy, Dennis 651-5370 Gardenia Bend Drive 9327: Cleckler, Thad and Valerie 651-0199 Gardenia Bend Drive 9416: Coston, Michael 651-5970 Gardenia Bend Drive 9412: Fleckenstein, Louis and Janet 651-0026 Gardenia Bend Drive 9423: Holmes, Tracy and Liza 659-4967 Gardenia Bend Drive 9315: Kruse, Jeff and Diane 599-9315 Gardenia Bend Drive 9309: Palanuk, Jerry and Pat 651-9226 Gardenia Bend Drive 9427: Slater, E.K. 651-1138 Gardenia Bend Drive 9404: Sturman, Timothy and Denise 650-3783 Gardenia Bend Drive 9431: Wood, David and Patricia 651-6752 Glen Cove 20802: Bailey, Thomas and Beverly 845-1820 Glen Cove 20819: Bodenheim, Bodie and Martha 651-9145 Glen Cove 20807: Eardley, Eric and Shawna 281-8316 Glen Cove 20815: Smith, Sally and Byron 259-8902 Gloxinia Drive 9428: Aguilar, John 651-4772 Gloxinia Drive 9403: Andrews, John and Rose 651-9728 Gloxinia Drive 9227: Black, Nancy 651-4243 Gloxinia Drive 9233: Brannon, George and Jean Gloxinia Drive 9428: Cosme, Diana 651-4772 Gloxinia Drive 9507: Crawford, Robert and Annita 724-3043 Gloxinia Drive 9306: Elsesser, James and Anna 651-9511 Gloxinia Drive 9336: Fuchs, Eddie and Sharon 651-6880 Gloxinia Drive 9525: Garcia, Hector and Amalia 651-4253 Gloxinia Drive 9520: Goodwin, Harold and Mary 651-9184 Gloxinia Drive 9410: Graves, Billy and Peggy 651-9412 Gloxinia Drive 9318: Hinton, Larry and Victoria Gloxinia Drive 9501: Kyle, Ronald and Lou Anne 651-6936 Gloxinia Drive 9329: McCandless, Bill and Suzanne 651-6875 Gloxinia Drive 9526: Moulter, Bob and Orie 651-0490 Gloxinia Drive 9214: Richerson, Bradley 651-4655 Gloxinia Drive 9335: Riffel, Ronald and Hazel 651-5772 Gloxinia Drive 9416: Sharp, Rose Gloxinia Drive 9508: Towers, Claude and Dorothy 651-5465 Gloxinia Drive 9305: Tucker, Jonathan and Hyeran 651-4251 Gloxinia Drive 9220: Winn, Darlyne 651-3978 Goldenrod Cir 9585: Rodriguez, Abelardo Goldenrod Circle 9585: Hansmann, Betty 651-1211 Goldenrod Circle 9524: Langlais, Phil and Susie 651-3632 Goldenrod Circle 9534: Segura, Gabriel and Laura 566-5564 Goldenrod Lane 9318: Arvidson, Todd and Virginia Goldenrod Lane 9308: Dunlap, Tom and Cindy 651-6229 Goldenrod Lane 9425: Foltz, Stanley and Wanda 651-4226 Goldenrod Lane 9338: Harms, John and Catherine 651-9349 Goldenrod Lane 9337: Klekar, Larry and Linda 651-5142 Goldenrod Lane 9435: Marsilio, Joe and Prescilla 651-5869 Goldenrod Lane 9411: Suggs, Lynn and Linda 651-6428 Goldenrod Lane 9416: Whitfield, Barbara 656-9540 Goldenrod Lane 9358: Worley, Robert 601-4477 Goll Street 18571: Bohan, Steven and Anne 455-9990 Goll Street 18491: Goll, D.R. 651-6097 34 Garden Ridge Drive 8824: Fordiani, Daniel and June 651-9111 Garden Ridge Drive 8927: Fritz, Pam and Dick 651-5625 Garden Ridge Drive 9120: Grammer, Charlie and Sharolyn 651-6259 Garden Ridge Drive 9185: Heier, David and Linda 651-4255 Garden Ridge Drive 9180: Holden, Robert 651-6487 Garden Ridge Drive 9041: Holguin, Eduardo and Tirza 651-6004 Garden Ridge Drive 9306: Huber, Bill and Nancy 393-4330 Garden Ridge Drive 9091: Kinslow, Michael and Sheri 200-2051 Garden Ridge Drive 8956: Lavelle, Jr., Charles and Lynn 651-4839 Garden Ridge Drive 8957: Martine, Nick and Dorothy 257-6019 Garden Ridge Drive 8718: Minge, James 651-9715 Garden Ridge Drive 9062: Motes, JR, Larry Garden Ridge Drive 9279: Pollok, William and Marra Ann 651-6492 Garden Ridge Drive 9265: Repp, Deanna 651-9807 Garden Ridge Drive 9241: Richter, B. 651-6668 Garden Ridge Drive 9266: Roberts, Bobby and Kimberley 651-4035 Garden Ridge Drive 9349: Scholze, Karl and Barbara 651-6232 Garden Ridge Drive 9295: Smith, Birch and Velma 651-5619 Garden Ridge Drive 9445: Snyder, Glen and Robin 659-0897 Garden Ridge Drive 9350: Tuttle, John and Kristie Garden Ridge Drive 9327: Van Diest, Marty and Lowie 825-4070 Garden Ridge Drive 9040: Wagner, Jan Garden Ridge Drive 8946: Warren, Johnny and Winona 465-7566 Garden Ridge Drive 9242: Way, Edward 651-9588 Garden Ridge North Drive 8251: Azzarello, Crystal Garden Ridge North Drive 8044: Halay, Michael and Renee 651-5890 Gardenia Bend Drive 9419: Badagliacco, John Gardenia Bend Drive 9435: Campbell, David and Peggy 651-6065 Gardenia Bend Drive 9331: Cloud, Karen 651-9133 Gardenia Bend Drive 9407: Farrell, Colin and Kim 852-2532 Gardenia Bend Drive 9403: Guillory, Gardenia Bend Drive 9321: Jarrett, Earl and Terri 651-1704 Gardenia Bend Drive 9408: Moore, Renee 651-6680 Gardenia Bend Drive 9427: Proulx, Lisa D. 651-1138 Gardenia Bend Drive 9308: Speiser, Doug 651-9910 Gardenia Bend Drive 9314: Williams, Charles (J.R.) and Terri L. 651-5542 Glen Cove 20803: Ashley, Bob and Becky 651-6844 Glen Cove 20806: Berg, George and Ann 651-5412 Glen Cove 20810: Brown, Robert and Vickie 651-9209 Glen Cove 20811: Gresenz, Joseph and Kim 651-4395 Glen Cove 20814: Taylor, Dean and Paula 651-6279 Gloxinia Drive 9519: Aguilera, James C., CPA and Teri 656-4210 Gloxinia Drive 9215: Benavidez, Arnoldo and Yolanda Gloxinia Drive 9409: Bohne, Derwin 651-6475 Gloxinia Drive 9422: Clumpner, Guy 651-6056 Gloxinia Drive 9311: Craven, Thomas and Sylvia 651-4637 Gloxinia Drive 9427: Elia, Charles V.L. 651-6777 Gloxinia Drive 9502: Fontana, Rudy and Linda 265-5707 Gloxinia Drive 9415: Fuller, Billy and Mary Jo 651-4287 Gloxinia Drive 9404: Gilbreth, Lee 651-5297 Gloxinia Drive 9514: Graham, Dale and Joyce Gloxinia Drive 9330: Greer, Jimmy 653-7376 Gloxinia Drive 9422: Kenfield, Julie 651-6056 Gloxinia Drive 9416: Lezy, Normand and Prudence 651-0900 Gloxinia Drive 9317: Morlang, William and Sarah 651-5848 Gloxinia Drive 9232: Ogle, Dan and Pat 651-6435 Gloxinia Drive 9324: Rietz, Loretta 651-6622 Gloxinia Drive 9221: Scott, Palma Gloxinia Drive 9513: Sweaney, Kristin 467-5430 Gloxinia Drive 9323: Truxaw, Bill and Barbara 651-6779 Gloxinia Drive 9200: Ulrich, Mike and Joy 651-0210 Goldenrod Cir 9514: Harris, Mark Goldenrod Circle 9575: Dziuk, Marian 844-7075 Goldenrod Circle 9504: Joyce, Lorraine 651-6400 Goldenrod Circle 9585: Mummau, Jay 651-1211 Goldenrod Circle 9545: Yuras, Robert and Donna 275-0836 Goldenrod Lane 9348: Dennis, Terry Goldenrod Lane 9308: Dunlap, Travis 651-6229 Goldenrod Lane 9357: Goodart, Phil and Nancy 651-9061 Goldenrod Lane 9328: Jones, Tom and Margaret 651-5545 Goldenrod Lane 9406: Lee, Robert & Bessie 651-9222 Goldenrod Lane 9416: McMindes, Russell and Catherine 393-0304 Goldenrod Lane 9426: Waggoner, Mary S. 651-6750 Goldenrod Lane 9436: Whitmire, Mildred 651-4372 Goll Street 18565: Bohan, David Goll Street 18865: Chisenhall, Jack Goll Street 18630: Tonick, Mary To make an update or correction, please go online to: Residential Listings by Street (Listed left to right, then down) Goll Street 18495: Wetz, Raeana 651-0724 Grass Creek Road 20503: Gudino, Xavier and Greta 651-0150 Grass Creek Road 20267: Morales, Carmen Grass Creek Road 20473: Osborn, Jim and Kay 651-5962 Grass Creek Road 20325: Sultenfuss, Gerard and Mary Jane 651-6575 Gunther Grove 21010: Diaz, Armando and Karen 535-2551 Gunther Grove 21035: Fredrickson, Paul and Kathy 651-0144 Gunther Grove 21340: Gordon, Sheree and David 651-3355 Gunther Grove 21271: Johnson, Mary 646-8461 Gunther Grove 21111: Kelley, Victor M. and Mary Lou 651-0921 Gunther Grove 21131: Lambert, Stan and Jennifer 651-7378 Gunther Grove 21221: Palmer, Gary and Denise 651-4343 Gunther Grove 21375: Warden, Jerry and KiKi 651-0414 Hampton Park 21326: Austin, Tyrone and Edna 281-5305 Hampton Park 21322: Melchior, Helario 650-0309 Hampton Park 21302: Smith, Desmond 651-0296 Hickory Bend 21029: Baker, Rickie and Cynthia 651-6294 Hickory Bend 21013: Dirlam, David and Julie 651-9382 Hickory Bend 21004: Gervasi, William Rebecca 277-8099 Hickory Bend 20024: Hallford, Jimmy and Brenda 651-9600 Hickory Bend 20011: LeBlanc, Alvin and Georgia 651-0432 Hickory Bend 20019: Maloney, Donald and Denise 651-0593 Hickory Bend 21005: Mueller, Bobby and Hillary 259-8893 Hickory Bend 21009: Pyland, George and Ann 651-6411 Hickory Bend 20015: Reyes, Fernando 467-5254 Hickory Bend 21021: Struzyk, Ken 651-9240 Hickory Bend 20012: Wicht, Richard and Miyoko 651-9794 Hoya Lane 20111: Beggs, Michael and Susan 651-9522 Hoya Lane 20085: Chalk, Rick and Judy 651-6864 Hoya Lane 20147: Forbrich, Carl 651-6055 Hoya Lane 20211: Haral, John and Elizabeth 651-0493 Hoya Lane 20129: Jones, Richard and Marianne Hoya Lane 20123: Mills, Kevin and Cheryl Hoya Lane 20229: Treutler, Christian H. and Brenda Romero 651-6541 Indian Mound 7918: Bauer, Richard 967-6175 Indian Mound 7911: Franklin, Jeffrey Indian Mound 7906: Stricker, Robert and Nancy 545-1832 Jethro Lane 7964: Beckley, Dennis 651-5527 Jethro Lane 7924: Walleck, Tommy Jethro Lane 7964: Goudge, James 651-5526 Jethro Lane 7914: Betancourt, George and Debbie 651-4123 Jethro Lane 8025: Gates, Gary and Margaret Jethro Lane 8044: Stiehler, Ginger Katherine Glen 9908: Friedman, M.S. and Amy 651-5329 Katherine Glen 9903: Perry, Michael and Ginger 566-1062 Klein Circle 21131: Bousum, Roger and Marcy 651-1904 Klein Circle 20931: Coburn, Jerry and Sonja 651-0539 Klein Circle 21111: Garcia, Lyle and Angie 655-0786 Klein Circle 21041: Nowak, Mark Klein Circle 21040: Ramirez, Oscar and Silvia 651-0814 Klein Circle 21020: Salof, George and Donna 651-0212 Klein Circle 21021: Voeller, Jim and Amy 651-4275 Kurre Way 9608: Castellanos, Luis and Magda 654-7856 Kurre Way 9658: Eastman, Dave and Michelle 651-4334 Kurre Way 9637: Gillman, Brittany and Jason 530-8791 Kurre Way 9627: Lock, Sam Kurre Way 9618: Overfield, Robert and Lori 651-0455 Kurre Way 9648: Whorton, Gary and Carol 651-0355 Larmona Cove 22302: Edwards, William and Queen Larmona Cove 22318: Toth, Steve and Yuette 576-4089 Las Cimas Drive 22027: Brown, Richard E. and Ann 651-1939 Las Cimas Drive 21921: Cavanaugh, Sammie 599-4577 Las Cimas Drive 22009: Freres, Steven and Gloria 651-0619 Las Cimas Drive 21927: Gustin, Lee and Kathy 236-9779 Las Cimas Drive 21910: Harrington, Patrick and Irene 651-3907 Las Cimas Drive 22016: Hudson, James Las Cimas Drive 22104: Keller, Nedra 403-0359 Las Cimas Drive 21921: Ledford, Kerry and Mary 656-1873 Las Cimas Drive 21922: McClain, Linda Sherry 651-9813 Las Cimas Drive 22028: Riley, Vann and Kathy 651-3228 Las Cimas Drive 21927: Sherman, David and Tracey Las Cimas Drive 22015: Simmons, Jimmie and Diana 651-4198 Las Cimas Drive 21928: True, Patrick and Laura Liguria Drive 21303: Anderson, Mark and Theresa Liguria Drive 21422: Bournival, Daniel Liguria Drive 21311: Castillo, Jaziel Liguria Drive 21418: Dunn, Benjamin and Wilma 679-5636 Grass Creek Road 20387: Durbon, Victor and Sharon 651-5943 Grass Creek Road 20421: LeMay, Michael J. and Margaret A. 651-4027 Grass Creek Road 20267: Morales, Rafael and Carmen 651-9320 Grass Creek Road 20509: Schwehm, Karl and Teresa 957-3598 Gunther Grove 21050: Bond, Michael and Patty Gunther Grove 21360: Ford, Edwin and Regina 946-8123 Gunther Grove 21015: Garcia, Daniel and Florence 385-1413 Gunther Grove 21220: Henderson, Janice 651-0847 Gunther Grove 21335: Johnson, Jr., Thomas and Felice 845-1663 Gunther Grove 21315: Kleckley, Wes and Tiffany Gunther Grove 21065: Malee, James and Donna 257-9845 Gunther Grove 21241: Simmonds, Royce and Debra 667-4860 Gunther Grove 21161: Ziegler, Lidwina Hampton Park 21307: Dawkins, Ronnie and Larisa Hampton Park 21319: Pellerin, Craig 847-4999 Hampton Park 21315: Zmijski, Jason and Renee Hickory Bend 21017: Betz, Kind and Juli 651-3406 Hickory Bend 20007: Fuller, Melissa 595-8081 Hickory Bend 20020: Green, Frank T. and Wanda 651-9259 Hickory Bend 20008: Hlubek, Michael and Deborah Randell 651-1033 Hickory Bend 21025: Lieke, Hilbert and Elizabeth 651-6201 Hickory Bend 21016: Mason, Cristina 651-9564 Hickory Bend 21008: Peralta, Margarita 646-9245 Hickory Bend 21012: Ramsey, Stephen F. and Sherry 651-9036 Hickory Bend 20003: Scholze, Larry and Cheryl 651-9052 Hickory Bend 20016: Vise, C.D. and Diana 651-9732 Hickory Bend 21005: Wood, Douglas and Sonya 651-5041 Hoya Lane 20141: Benson, Rick and Roberta Hoya Lane 20223: Fitts, Gary and Carmen 651- 5732 Hoya Lane 20105: Guerra, Nicolas and Kathryn 439-8149 Hoya Lane 20217: Jimenez, Edward and Margie 651-5436 Hoya Lane 20205: Markgraf, Jr., Robert and Suzanne 651-9378 Hoya Lane 20117: Scholz, Richard and Diane 651-4564 Hoya Lane 20135: Waller, Craig Indian Mound 7910: Cowart, Alan 233-8373 Indian Mound 7903: Mcmindes, David and barbara 658-7210 Indian Mound 7915: Zunker, John and Renee Jethro Lane 8015: Newborn, Roy Jethro Lane 7985: Silkman, Courtnea Jethro Lane 7945: Beck, Malcolm Jethro Lane 7944: Caudill, Johnny Jethro Lane 8045: Riedel, James and Jennifer Katharine Glen 9902: Leech, Jim and Sheila 290-9723 Katherine Glen 9909: Goh, Jee Klein Circle 20920: Anderson, Terry Klein Circle 21060: Clark, George and Nancy 651-3166 Klein Circle 21110: Ganzalez, Mariz 693-7901 Klein Circle 20950: Ibanez, David and Edna 695-8402 Klein Circle 20951: Parsons, Tom and Patricia 651-3241 Klein Circle 20931: Ryan, Greg and Sheryl 651-9688 Klein Circle 20911: Simmons, Robert and Lou 651-3085 Kurre Way 9647: Barranco, Ben and Kathy 651-6789 Kurre Way 9657: Cox, Marcus A. and Annette M. 651-3325 Kurre Way 9668: Geiger, Jerry and Jan 651-5110 Kurre Way 9607: Irvin, Jack and Carol 497-7104 Kurre Way 9617: Nguyen, Van and Bich-Hiep Kurre Way 9628: Ruple, Vaughan and Janet 651-4898 Larmona Cove 22314: Courter, Price and Gina 451-0052 Larmona Cove 22306: Perez, Arthur and Veronica Las Cimas Drive 21909: Bagwell, Scott and Lisa 651-1137 Las Cimas Drive 22022: Bundy, Deborah 566-0707 Las Cimas Drive 21915: Foote, Bill and Terri 651-9236 Las Cimas Drive 22116: Green, John 497-8578 Las Cimas Drive 22010: Guthrie, Bruce and Carla 651-6286 Las Cimas Drive 22104: Houzvicka, Frank and Kate 403-0358 Las Cimas Drive 22115: Keck, David and Glenda 651-5166 Las Cimas Drive 22021: Lanham, Clarence Las Cimas Drive 21903: Lee, Jim 860-7060 Las Cimas Drive 22003: Norwood, Bobby and Marva 654-3016 Las Cimas Drive 22116: Rohler, Paul 263-9106 Las Cimas Drive 21916: Simas, Frank and Joycelyn 591-8828 Las Cimas Drive 22103: Sommer, Taylor and Leslie 651-4924 Las Cimas Drive 22004: Wrobel, Barbara 771-6291 Liguria Drive 21303: Anderson, Mark and Theresa 401-1193 Liguria Drive 21311: Castillo, Jariel and Columba Liguria Drive 21311: Castillo, Stephanie Liguria Drive 21410: Edge, Phillip and Farah 355-1592 To make an update or correction, please go online to: 35 Residential Listings by Street (Listed left to right, then down) Liguria Drive 21402: Hancock, John Liguria Drive 21419: Kuyper, Brian 233-6299 Liguria Drive 21414: Spillman, Ricky and Donna Liguria Drive 21415: Winley, Lonnie 636-4025 Lloyds Park 19810: Boyd, Bruce and Judi 651-7424 Lloyds Park 19906: Collett, Richard and Sunny 275-6826 Lloyds Park 19915: Edsall, Philip and Sandra 654-9202 Lloyds Park 19919: Gombas, Joe and Elaine 651-9286 Lloyds Park 19814: Maule, Edward and Cynthia 651-1188 Lloyds Park 19914: Oswalt, Ron and Lillian 651-4257 Lloyds Park 19802: Sicina, Kenneth and Valerie 651-0568 Magic Falls 9404: Bell, John and Betty 651-5786 Magic Falls 9412: McCoy, James 651-0788 Magic Falls 9408: Singleton, Keith and Ethel 651-0977 Marbach Lane 18975: Builta, Sam Marbach Lane 19280: Vordenbaum, Wilbur Marbach Lane 19470: Slomchinski, Sandra 651-7545 Marbach Lane 19785: Goll, Mark 651-6558 Marbach Lane 19615: Lewis, James and Sue 651-4019 Marbach Lane 19615: Mekonen, David Marie Meadow 9909: Gullet, Alan and Aurea 651-5238 Marie Meadow 9910: Miller, James and Gail Meadow Rue 9605: Cook, John and Patricia 651-4082 Meadow Rue 9614: Donovan, James and Joyce 651-6017 Meadow Rue 9610: Klimas, Tom and Pat 651-5189 Meadow Rue 9622: Marbach, Rodney and Christina Meadow Rue 9606: Skrobarcek, Dwain and Sharon 651-5767 Michelle Hill 9903: Cable, Dan and Misty 651-4706 Michelle Hill 9902: Garcia, Gabriel and Thelma Michelle Hill 9914: Meza, Salvador and Catalina 704-1453 Michelle Hill 9909: Ozment, Ron and Sarah 651-1366 Michelle Hill 9915: Strickland, Scott and Chanda 651-8227 Michelle Hill 9932: Vella, Phil and Amy 474-0201 Miller Lane 9580: Classy, Ronald Miller Lane 9440: Erwin, James 651-1457 Miller Lane 9475: Viesca, Jesus and Adriana Nacogdoches Loop 19081: Burkhardt, E.W. 651-6938 Nacogdoches Loop 19197: Embrey, Bruce and Marjorie 590-2205 Nacogdoches Loop 19159: Moos, Steve and Brenda 651-6179 Nacogdoches Loop 19025: Sutton, W. 651-4440 Nacogdoches Road 18771: Kotzur, Susan Nacogdoches Road 19834: Massey, Tommy Nacogdoches Road 19449: Dauer, Dustin 522-0546 Nacogdoches Road 20901: Adams, Eboney 626-3918 Nacogdoches Road 19939: Awbrey, Frances 651-6256 Nacogdoches Road 17245: Bray, Thomas Nacogdoches Road 19831: Eastman, Carmen 651-6958 Nacogdoches Road 18570: Garcia, Louis and Mary 651-5758 Nacogdoches Road 20327: Heitkamp, James 625-4068 Nacogdoches Road 18004: Hoffman, Rocky 651-9641 Nacogdoches Road 19960: Kessler, Robert and Jo Ana 651-5023 Nacogdoches Road 20328: Klar, Raymond 620-0815 Nacogdoches Road 19837: Labelle, Crystal Nacogdoches Road 18954: Lugar, Melissa Nacogdoches Road 19840: Mchardy, Robert 651-9898 Nacogdoches Road 19525: Miller, Harold 651-6100 Nacogdoches Road 20286: Nixon, Kim 609-9772 Nacogdoches Road 18955: Overman, Tony and Dawn 651-6409 Nacogdoches Road 20218: Rathburn, Gregory and Nancy 609-0672 Nacogdoches Road 20783: Serna, Stefany Nacogdoches Road 18004: Wallace, David 651-3513 Nacogdoches Road 19597: Wetz, Jim and Susan 651-6006 Nacogdoches Road 20401: Winchell, Channing Natural Bridge Caverns Road 27267: Anz, Gerald and C 980-7397 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 19501: Guerra, Marlenn Natural Bridge Caverns Road 19501: Capparelli, Guy Natural Bridge Caverns Road 23330: Zercher, Alroy 651-9493 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 23330: Zercher, Donna 651-9493 Natural Bridge Cvrns Rd 23690: Allarkamp, Richard & Richard, Jr. 651-5621 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 20525: Arreguin, Margaret Natural Bridge Caverns Road 27315: Benfer, Josh Natural Bridge Caverns Rd 24098: Boone, William and Veronica 651-9503 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 27010: Broaddus, Patrick and Jean 438-7848 Natural Bridge Caverns Rd 22903: Deason, Charles and Carolyn 651-6288 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 25755: Duncan, Michael Natural Bridge Caverns Rd 23050: Fowler, Kenneth and Darlene 651-4181 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 23222: Garcia, Roland 651-0997 36 Liguria Drive 21411: Huston, Malcolm 598-1808 Liguria Drive 21403: McCormick, Patrick and Kimberly Liguria Drive 21423: Westphall, Bradley and Iris Lloyds Park 19907: Bobo, John 255-8381 Lloyds Park 19915: Churchwell, G 651-9225 Lloyds Park 19806: Crisp, Bobby and Donnie 651-4224 Lloyds Park 19818: Gaubatz, Gary and Caryl 651-0208 Lloyds Park 19923: Holland, Rick and Millie 651-5832 Lloyds Park 19822: Morgan, Wilbert and Jeanne 657-5226 Lloyds Park 19807: Palmer, Royce and Ming Lloyds Park 19902: Sweeney, Robert and Maria 827-3151 Magic Falls 9405: Marrero, MD, Gualberto and Lourdes 651-4416 Magic Falls 9409: Morgan, James and Linda 248-9744 Magic Falls 9413: Teague, David and Zelma 651-7476 Marbach Lane 18975: Dunaway, Joy Marbach Lane 19280: Reese, Charles and Elizabeth Marbach Lane 18675: Blevins, W Marbach Lane 19135: Holguin, Thomas and Debbie 281-8005 Marbach Lane 18910: Loehman, Lloyd Marbach Lane 19470: Short, Jack Marie Meadow 9910: Louder, Linda 637-1194 Meadow Rue 9609: Almendarez, Roy and Helen 651-9290 Meadow Rue 9613: Dawson, Bill and Eiko 651-4202 Meadow Rue 9617: Hartzell, Donald and Janice 651-9212 Meadow Rue 9621: Lopez, Juan 651-7400 Meadow Rue 9618: Schuebel, Max and Katherine 437-1064 Meadow Rue 9618: Stevens, J.D and Cindy 381-8899 Michelle Hill 9920: Flexner, Jay and Ginger 651-0442 Michelle Hill 9926: Hansmann, James and Kristen 530-4790 Michelle Hill 9945: Olsen, Raymond and Sherry Michelle Hill 9938: Reese, Melvin 595-7676 Michelle Hill 9944: Underwood, Allen 259-8738 Michelle Hill 9921: Villarreal, Jose and Linda 834-0089 Miller Lane 9585: Cleary, Lawrence Miller Lane 9495: Lowe, James 651-0203 Municipal Pkwy 9401: Elliot, Donna Nacogdoches Loop 19113: Cottingham, Randy and Caroline 651-9671 Nacogdoches Loop 19106: Moos, Arnold and Angeline Nacogdoches Loop 19195: Ogden, Johnny and Kimberly 655-7322 Nacogdoches Road 20400: Wuest, Dennis and Kathleen 606-0366 Nacogdoches Road 18771: Dunfield, Jan 222-9906 Nacogdoches Road 19315: Mullikin, Mica Nacogdoches Road 19449: Gisel, Karen Nacogdoches Road 20180: Albin, Kenneth and Kristi Nacogdoches Road 18838: Barsalou, Mark Nacogdoches Road 18861: Burkhardt, Henry & Lynda 651-9427 Nacogdoches Road 19409: Fritze, Victor O 651-6099 Nacogdoches Road 17197: Heaner, Ward 651-6693 Nacogdoches Road 19862: Hendrix, Martin and Phoebe 651-5958 Nacogdoches Road 18820: Holland, Bret Nacogdoches Road 20328: Klar, Anthony and Brenda 620-0815 Nacogdoches Road 18225: Knowlton, Virgil and Ida Nacogdoches Road 19884: Lester, Randall Nacogdoches Road 19980: Mccown, Robert Nacogdoches Road 19936: McKenzie, Rose 654-8899 Nacogdoches Road 18220: Nino, Ashley 520-0718 Nacogdoches Road 18817: Nowland, Helen Nacogdoches Road 19095: Pool, Homer 651-9702 Nacogdoches Road 20469: Rose, Janice and Brandon 651-6089 Nacogdoches Road 19449: Taylor, Tamara Nacogdoches Road 19896: Westenberger, Terry and Ellen 654-4562 Nacogdoches Road 20286: Wetz, William 609-6246 Nacogdoches Road 19942: Yuras, Donna Natural Bridge Caverns Road 27560: Boyte, Robert and Karen 714-5597 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 27560: Banfield, Ramona Natural Bridge Caverns Road 27560: Farrar, Julia Natural Bridge Caverns Road 23330: Smith, Kenneth 651-9956 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 23330: Zercher, Janet Ann 651-9493 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 27493: Anz, William and Patricia Natural Bridge Caverns Road 20731: Barrow, Sr., Sterling E. 651-6826 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 27846: Bishop, John and Catherine Natural Bridge Caverns Road 24240: Breedlove, Norma 651-6309 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 24179: Brown, Walter and Gail 651-5842 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 23145: Deason, W.Nolen and Bette A. 651-6148 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 23545: Dziuk, Jr., Jerome and Shirley 651-9137 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 23090: Friesenhahn, Eric and Janet 651-5749 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 23255: Hierholzer, Dorothy 651-6430 To make an update or correction, please go online to: Residential Listings by Street (Listed left to right, then down) Natural Bridge Caverns Road 24183: Hohle, D.N. 651-9355 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 26495: Hudson, Thad Natural Bridge Caverns Road 20721: Klein, Thomas and Irene 651-6390 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 25903: Miles, Ronald 980-2826 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 21165: Moya, Leo and Elizabeth 957-2727 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 26007: Pierce, Leslie and Margaret 980-4890 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 27690: Rubio, Aaron Natural Bridge Caverns Road 27618: Trivino, Nancy Natural Bridge Caverns Road 24925: Vestal, Tommie 651-9488 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 27490: Ward, Barry Natural Bridge Caverns Road 23470: Zercher, Jerry 651-3711 North Point Drive 9125: Albarez, Joseph North Point Drive 9144: Bremer, Byron and Susan 980-4313 North Point Drive 9228: Grieco, Douglas and Trina 714-7900 North Point Drive 9227: Junod, Gerald and Wendy 438-6939 North Point Drive 9135: Olsen, Wesley North Point Drive 9174: Reedy, John and Tracy 438-6803 North Point Drive 9134: Walker, Matthew Oro Viejo Court 22414: Brown, Gerry and Dorothy 566-4959 Oro Viejo Court 22410: Jimenez, Jr., Enrique and Olvia D. Cruz 314-6548 Oro Viejo Court 22411: Whittington, Alonzo 945-2787 Osage Circle 9352: Bradley, Rolla 651-9750 Osage Circle 9362: Rheinlander, Jason and Brooke 651-4795 Osage Circle 9345: White, Stephen and Patricia 462-1147 Osage Trail 21226: Boriack, James and Celia Osage Trail 21310: Gubernator, Kyle and Anne 651-4124 Osage Trail 21246: Suchenski, Thomas and Debbie 667-4859 Ozark Terrace 9029: Anantrachai Kae, Wlium Ozark Terrace 9040: Cason, Russell 980-1982 Ozark Terrace 9047: Elmer, William and Lori Ozark Terrace 9114: Johnson, Jay and Karen Ozark Terrace 9124: Koenig, John and Wendy 438-2534 Ozark Terrace 9135: Verstuyft, David and Laura Ozark Terrace 9115: Wuest, Travis and Jennifer 980-5277 Paradise Pass 21137: Jackson, David and Janet 651-9944 Paradise Pass 21107: Nave, Gary and Kimberly 658-0337 Paradise Pass 21113: Stedman, Thomas M. and Leslie Evelyn 651-9869 Park Lane Court 21460: Blanco, Edward and Marilynn 651-5480 Park Lane Court 21440: Jeffers, James and Edith 651-6698 Park Lane Court 21439: Templeman, Kevin and Elizabeth 946-6378 Park Lane Drive 8237: Austin, Gary and Laura 651-9689 Park Lane Drive 8346: Benbrook, Lana 237-3456 Park Lane Drive 8323: Calloway, Steve and Rose 651-5759 Park Lane Drive 8227: Coleman, Kevin R. Park Lane Drive 8440: Dolle, Clarence and Alice 651-6060 Park Lane Drive 8475: Flink, Charles and Mary Lou 651-6631 Park Lane Drive 8200: Harris, Richard Park Lane Drive 8238: Holland, Raul and Rosa 834-0891 Park Lane Drive 8110: Kluckman, Bob and Mary 651-0403 Park Lane Drive 8208: Martin, Gary and Patricia Park Lane Drive 8430: Mills, John and Geneva 651-6139 Park Lane Drive 8263: Rein, Dand and Brenda 867-2704 Park Lane Drive 8254: Sauder, Walter J. and Delia 651-4192 Park Lane Drive 8333: Vaclavik, Randy and Janet 651-9704 Park Lane Drive 8470: Watson, Greg and Nancy 651-9642 Park Lane Drive 8151: Wheat, Richard and Kathy 651-3270 Park View Drive 21936: Apolinar, Roger and Gisela 651-6048 Park View Drive 21840: Correa, Jayne Park View Drive 21825: Garton, Tony and Chris 651-3688 Park View Drive 21927: Kashuba, Michael and Isabel 651-9094 Park View Drive 21855: Lieberum, Sandra 273-8469 Park View Drive 21916: Powers, Frank and Toni 651-6648 Park View Drive 21865: Thomas, David and Ilona 651-6539 Paseo Corto Drive 22140: Baumann, Brian and Christy 651-6414 Paseo Corto Drive 22003: Bruno, Mario 945-9747 Paseo Corto Drive 21942: Chandler, Steven 945-8918 Paseo Corto Drive 22017: Delaney, Mark and Rose 455-6895 Paseo Corto Drive 21927: Goeke, John and Shirley 651-3075 Paseo Corto Drive 22002: Imondi, Anthony and Kathy 945-7805 Paseo Corto Drive 22009: Jolivette, Gerard 651-0099 Paseo Corto Drive 21903: Marchino, Joseph and Becky 651-5357 Paseo Corto Drive 22025: McDonald, Huey and Jo 651-0544 Paseo Corto Drive 22024: Oliphant, Jim and Jeanie 233-6027 Paseo Corto Drive 22109: Perry, Ronald and Clare 651-3224 Paseo Corto Drive 22125: Schreader, Craig and Shelly 497-5825 Paseo Corto Drive 22008: Trower, William and Cora 651-5785 Paseo Corto Drive 22116: Wasserman, Mark and Judy 463-9743 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 24515: Hudson, Joe 651-9426 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 22904: Hughes, Robert L. 651-9064 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 20631: Krivka, Robert and Cherlyn 651-9656 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 20839: Morger, Robert 651-6431 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 28060: Norman, Cecilia Natural Bridge Caverns Road 26345: Reeh, Linda Natural Bridge Caverns Road 26515: Soechting, Raymond 438-2789 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 24835: Uecker, Jerome Natural Bridge Caverns Road 24235: Vestal, Walter 651-4456 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 24649: Wuest, Barbara 651-6762 Natural Bridge Caverns Road 20711: Zoldey, Steve and Patricia 946-0628 North Point Drive 9185: Badrak, Francis 438-8701 North Point Drive 9175: Craig, Duane North Point Drive 9155: Hall, James 980-8223 North Point Drive 9218: Mireles, Ricardo and Brenda 980-9433 North Point Drive 9165: Reddick, Thad and Anna North Point Drive 9160: Venegas, Daryl 714-4478 North Point Drive 9195: Walker, Michael and Karen 438-7705 Oro Viejo Court 22406: Dodd, Jose and Vivian 279-5541 Oro Viejo Court 22403: Moralez, Steve 651-1310 Oro Viejo Court 22407: Williams, Robert and Loita 650-4953 Osage Circle 9342: Jones, T. 651-4118 Osage Circle 9355: Thomas, Heath and Paris Osage Trail 21330: Arko, Thomas and Denise 314-1242 Osage Trail 21350: Curtis, John and Judy 651-6818 Osage Trail 9365: Harris, Robert E. and Clarence H. 651-5734 Osage Trail 21370: White, George and Patti 651-5523 Ozark Terrace 9039: Bell, Bertrice Ozark Terrace 8950: Crayton, Jerome 980-7970 Ozark Terrace 9024: Hendren, Jason Ozark Terrace 9032: Kiernan, Stephen Ozark Terrace 9016: Tarin, Ernest and Betty 980-9588 Ozark Terrace 9048: Waitschies, Fern 438-2765 Paradise Pass 21113: Hall, David and Robyn 651-0123 Paradise Pass 21125: Lemmers, Dean and Barbara 651-6690 Paradise Pass 21131: Sorrell, Randy and Valerie 651-3112 Paradise Pass 21119: Zaruba, Douglas W. and Laura 651-4260 Park Lane Court 21443: Green, Michael and Suzanne 651-6183 Park Lane Court 21450: Nagel, Ronald and Brenda 651-5188 Park Lane Dr. 8130: Geishauser, Clair and Shilah 464-5311 Park Lane Drive 8273: Austin, Les and Karma 651-5390 Park Lane Drive 8435: Bennett, Bill and Gerri 651-9325 Park Lane Drive 8111: Chavers, Susan Park Lane Drive 8346: Culp, Brian 237-3456 Park Lane Drive 8228: Eaton, Robert and Betsy 651-5032 Park Lane Drive 8150: Hanz, Gary and Denise 651-5132 Park Lane Drive 8336: Hester, William and Diana 651-3427 Park Lane Drive 8445: Hudson, Scott and Kim 315-9765 Park Lane Drive 8203: Lauver, Stephen and Jacqueline 651-5520 Park Lane Drive 8465: McGrath, Robert and Carol 533-2304 Park Lane Drive 8253: Pfau, Ray and Donna 651-5737 Park Lane Drive 8215: Romey, Kelley Park Lane Drive 8131: Taubert, Terry and Beth 651-5301 Park Lane Drive 8218: Velich, Edward and Fran 651-9213 Park Lane Drive 8460: Weilbacher, Norman and Betty 651-6040 Park Lane Drive 8450: Winters, Bill and Marilyn 651-5108 Park View Drive 21885: Baker, James P. Sr.and Barbara A. 651-5091 Park View Drive 21830: Crockett, Ron and Nancy 651-4575 Park View Drive 21926: Hahn, James and Debra 822-0683 Park View Drive 21850: LaRocca, Michael 365-7842 Park View Drive 21939: Martinez, Danny Park View Drive 21875: Simmons, John and Kathy 858-5345 Park View Drive 21835: Van Steenburg, William and Elsa Paseo Corto Drive 22016: Booker, Barry Paseo Corto Drive 21911: Carter, Curtis and Sherry 538-8206 Paseo Corto Drive 21943: Creel, Scott and Jill 314-7420 Paseo Corto Drive 22133: Fox, Conan and Denice 832-8406 Paseo Corto Drive 22117: Hatley, Steve and Clarissa Lara 651-0520 Paseo Corto Drive 22124: Inderlied, Matthew and Carrie 314-1204 Paseo Corto Drive 21918: Lake, Jerome and Claudette 881-9154 Paseo Corto Drive 21934: Mayor, Richard and Angela 276-0292 Paseo Corto Drive 22108: Munoz, Jeffrey Paseo Corto Drive 21902: Patrick, Vijayalakshmy Paseo Corto Drive 21926: Rodriguez, Victor J. and Rosalinda 744-6653 Paseo Corto Drive 21935: Sides, John and Nancy 562-3584 Paseo Corto Drive 21919: Walker, James and Valerie 945-0480 Paseo Corto Drive 22132: Zurovec, David and Joan 654-0168 To make an update or correction, please go online to: 37 Residential Listings by Street (Listed left to right, then down) Pesa Cove 21903: Acker, William and Deanne Pesa Cove 21935: Chamartin, Bill and Wanda 650-5323 Pesa Cove 21943: Kondo, Ceasar Pesa Cove 21910: Mundy, James Teresa Mundy Pesa Cove 21926: Richardson, Leon and Ouima 265-1119 Pierce Massie 9130: Appelt, Michael and Mary 980-3850 Pierce Massie 9123: Brown, Albert 714-5031 Pierce Massie 9115: Cornelius, Ted Pierce Massie 9118: Haisten, Leon 980-3192 Pierce Massie 9110: Marbach, Gerald Pierce Massie 9119: Morrison, Mark and Stacy 438-8642 Pierce Massie 9131: Rex, Suzanne Plum Ranch Road 21007: Brabham, Gino and Yvonne 651-6842 Plum Ranch Road 21015: DuBois, Gregg and Marjan 651-9737 Plum Ranch Road 21010: Ponce, Ceasar and Imelda 651-5254 Plum Ranch Road 21018: Shah, Bharat and Barry 651-4130 Plum Ranch Road 21006: Volz, Darrell and Diana 651-0242 Portofino Place 9110: Flores, Lionel and Melba 651-5369 Primrose 9612: Hobbs, Don and Lucy 651-6282 Primrose 9603: Miller, John and Dorothy 651-5691 Primrose 9619: Redwine, Joe and Vicki 651-5995 Primrose 9616: Steele, Larry and Patricia 651-3004 Primrose 9611: Swain, Larry and Charlotte 651-9565 Quiet Moon Drive 22204: Campbell, Gary and Norreen 599-8088 Quiet Moon Drive 22195: Jones, Marty and Holly 886-8351 Quiet Moon Drive 22188: Reali, Craig T. 490-5456 Quiet Moon Drive 22180: Sapia, Johnny Quiet Moon Drive 22205: Small, Douglas and Cassandra 656-2352 Quiet Moon Drive 22219: Tyson, Wayne and RinDee 651-4534 Ramble Ridge 7614: Dotson, Brandt 438-5512 Ramble Ridge 7834: Jules, Harrison and Diane 438-6782 Ramble Ridge 7902: Stahl, Robert and Alesia 438-3436 Ramble Ridge 7714: Webb, Carroll Regency Run 20103: Adkins, Robert L. and Cheryl Gay 651-5695 Regency Run 19808: Choe, Ki Regency Run 20003: Dauer, David and Debbie 651-3928 Regency Run 20202: Gurr, Ronald and Mary Lou 651-4616 Regency Run 20208: Johnson, Hershey and Syble R. 651-4113 Regency Run 20220: Jones, Steven and Martha 651-4464 Regency Run 20302: Mills, Melania Regency Run 20320: Nicholson, Mark and Shelba 651-7337 Regency Run 20114: Smith, Alex and Jane 651-3969 Regency Run 19802: Weeks, Charles and Carla 684-7879 Regency Run 20338: Wilkerson, Shari Ridge North Drive 8135: Dokes, Edward and Ida 651-5265 Ridge North Drive 8142: Potts, Michael and Linda 651-6369 Ridge North Drive 8141: Stokes, Sr., Thomas J. and Betty L. 651-9525 Ripple Way 24607: Barrow, Kevin and Mary Ripple Way 24616: Bruins, Mark 651-5085 Ripple Way 24806: Cardy, Robert Ripple Way 24531: Delgado, Agustin and Linda Ripple Way 24619: Giles, Dwayne Ripple Way 24719: Grazulis, Robert 620-0888 Ripple Way 24711: Lozano, Oscar Ripple Way 24503: Rather, Robert Ripple Way 24514: Rogers, Jack and Susan 651-7550 Ripple Way 24710: Sanchez, Edwin 651-4273 Ripple Way 24703: Zeman, James and Holly 651-7560 Schneider Lane 20626: Jenkins, Otis Schoenthal 8988: Inselmann, Andrew and Amy 651-5231 Schoenthal Road 9148: Belcher, Earl 530-4718 Schoenthal Road 9378: Calhoun, George and Suzanne 651-9314 Schoenthal Road 9125: Cooper, Ray and Kat 651-7434 Schoenthal Road 9062: Dimmitt, Dean and Brittany Schoenthal Road 9233: Duemler, Richard and Sharon 651-0654 Schoenthal Road 9042: Harris, Reba E. and Johnnie 237-3077 Schoenthal Road 8891: Kneupper, Kenneth and Barbara 651-1197 Schoenthal Road 9063: Miner-Williams, Denise 651-9835 Schoenthal Road 9169: Pee, Jessie 637-1594 Schoenthal Road 8957: Price, Leslie 455-0777 Schoenthal Road 8925: Sicola, Craig Schoenthal Road 9255: Tollinger, Michael and Boots 651-0883 Schoenthat Road 8957: Gunther, Grant 651-5434 Scout Point 25306: Pulver, Shane and Monica 651-6403 Scout Point 25307: Williams, Travis and Patricia 651-4585 Secret Cove 19718: Gormley, John and Ann 656-5465 Seminole Pass 19011: Johnson, Curtis and Karin 38 Pesa Cove 21918: Baldwin, Rosco and Brenda Pesa Cove 21919: Fields, Milton and Bertie 654-7124 Pesa Cove 21927: Lamar, Walter and Clarisa 670-7909 Pesa Cove 21934: Poe, Don and Betty 651-3664 Pesa Cove 21911: Valdez, Ernest and Rose-Mary 655-1776 Pierce Massie 9134: Broach, Pierce and Sandra 980-7392 Pierce Massie 9127: Brown, Tara 714-5031 Pierce Massie 9103: Friesenhahn, Darren 980-8980 Pierce Massie 9114: Hay, Jerry 980-3966 Pierce Massie 9111: Meissner, Marc Pierce Massie 9107: Pfingston, Marsha 980-7578 Plum Ranch Road 21011: Arnst, Theodore K. and Helen 651-6555 Plum Ranch Road 21023: Brooks, Bud and Nina 651-0193 Plum Ranch Road 21014: Feibelman, Jay and Nancy 651-6094 Plum Ranch Road 21022: Rosales, Joe and Sindi 999-5298 Plum Ranch Road 2109: Stegman, Gary and Gloria 651-5528 Portofino Place 9102: Chase, Mark 651-0806 Primrose 9607: Covington, David and Mary Kay 651-5411 Primrose 9608: Lilley, G.C. and Iva 651-5384 Primrose 9622: Moreland, James and Allison 595-0090 Primrose 9615: Reininger, Allen and Stephanie 654-0700 Primrose 9604: Stevens, Gregg and Mary Ellen E. 651-4570 Quiet Moon Drive 22184: Bishop, Tony and Linda 888-5224 Quiet Moon Drive 22175: Diaz, Pete 651-6447 Quiet Moon Drive 22215: Martinez, Sergio M. and Elizabeth 651-5941 Quiet Moon Drive 22192: Rzeszotarski, Edmund 651-7585 Quiet Moon Drive 22183: Schanzer, Robert and Carol 651-6455 Quiet Moon Drive 22179: Thronson, Mark and Kari 651-0636 Quiet Moon Drive 22211: Wolfe, Gary and Teresa 263-9404 Ramble Ridge 7710: Howes, Robert Ramble Ridge 7634: Mulkey, David 438-2723 Ramble Ridge 7803: Trinidad, Luis and Caroline Ramble Ridge 7702: Webber, Patrick 438-2066 Regency Run 20009: Ceremuga, Thomas and Julia 651-3805 Regency Run 20214: Cornehlsen, Thomas and Sharon Regency Run 20345: Ford, Brent and Lisa 495-5703 Regency Run 20350: Hines-Jolicoeur, Debi Regency Run 19902: Jones, Dennis and Peggy 651-0344 Regency Run 20302: Mills, Jerry and Marie Joseph Regency Run 20109: Nichols, Jr., Leslie and Gloria J. Regency Run 20344: Prichard, William and Sunny 375-4170 Regency Run 20015: Stokes, Ken and Pat 651-0902 Regency Run 20326: White, Mark R. and Dartrice 845-1856 Regency Run 20332: Willis, Randall and Dorothy 651-9482 Ridge North Drive 8136: Giesberg, Walter and Irma 651-5268 Ridge North Drive 8147: Stanley, Michael and Wanda 651-5555 Ridge North Drive 8150: Tope, Michael and Brenda 651-5150 Ripple Way 24511: Berry, Fred 651-9160 Ripple Way 24810: Canady, Allen and Linda Ripple Way 24903: Courter, Walter 659-6491 Ripple Way 24809: Friese, Siegfried 655-2875 Ripple Way 24612: Gillenwater, Thomas and Lisa 595-8147 Ripple Way 24707: Jackson, William and Amanda 967-5546 Ripple Way 24527: Rathburn, Eddie and Rebecca 651-9001 Ripple Way 24811: Renick, Gary 657-9420 Ripple Way 24715: Saenz, Kristin Ripple Way 24523: Wersell, David and Patsy 658-1329 Schneider Lane 19939: Awbrey, Frances 651-6256 Schneider Lane 20220: Robinson, Rayford and Judy 651-5427 Schoenthal Road 9329: Hanks, Rory Schoenthal Road 8988: Bustamante, Jesus R. and Maricela 651-5165 Schoenthal Road 8941: Compton, Alan 659-1819 Schoenthal Road 9355: Czelusta, Lawrence and Marquerite 651-5421 Schoenthal Road 9147: Doyle, Joseph 651-1308 Schoenthal Road 9368: Fraunhofer, Hal and Joyce 651-6315 Schoenthal Road 9265: Hunt, Larry and Karen 859-0540 Schoenthal Road 8989: Krisak, Cliff and Susy 646-7849 Schoenthal Road 9226: Neal, Thomas and Jean 338-9442 Schoenthal Road 8973: Poss, Jentry and Suanne Schoenthal Road 9126: Russell, Randy and Lori 651-7476 Schoenthal Road 8954: Skinner, John and Clara 651-6618 Schoenthal Road 9063: Williams, Jr., Floyd 651-9835 Scout Point 25310: Biles, Robert and Bernadette 651-8261 Scout Point 25302: Thomas, Nestor and Ila 659-6264 Secret Cove 19711: Dalton, Andrew and Jennifer 465-7546 Seminole Pass 19003: Baquero, Roger and Jeannie Seminole Pass 19019: McPherson, Sandy and Kellie 233-8121 To make an update or correction, please go online to: Residential Listings by Street (Listed left to right, then down) Seminole Pass 19007: Stone, Billie and Patricia 549-0425 Senna Hills Drive 22133: Andrews, Larry and Rosemary 857-2905 Senna Hills Drive 21917: Childers, Darrell and Susan 651-7459 Senna Hills Drive 22117: Cobb, Stan and Paul 651-7584 Senna Hills Drive 21824: Jackson, J. and Lavern Senna Hills Drive 22116: Kuntz, Ron and Suzanne 651-7506 Senna Hills Drive 21924: Martinez, Bob and Lynda 651-7593 Senna Hills Drive 22132: Masters, Charles and Carol 447-7586 Senna Hills Drive 22025: Outland, Roger and Cheryl 257-6406 Senna Hills Drive 22108: Richardson, Johnnie and Barbara 437-2667 Senna Hills Drive 22125: Schmedes, Wilfred and Diane 888-6006 Senna Hills Drive 21817: Sharp, Mike and Sharon 998-2502 Senna Hills Drive 22109: Tolbert, Gordon 354-7102 Senna Hills Drive 21825: Wideman, Dean and Brenda Senna Hills Drive 21925: Woo, Won and Nancy 651-0155 Sky Loop 7669: Bevington, Andrew Sky Loop 7616: Dorman, Stanley Sky Loop 7628: Gunter, Dana Sky Loop 7625: Jenkins, Thomas and Ava 651-5951 Sky Loop 7648: Menchaca, Abel and Deborah 384-9717 Sky Loop 7620: Owens, Son and Jennifer Sky Loop 7636: Rakowitz, Frances 651-4620 Sky Loop 7656: Vera, Jose 651-5823 Sky Vis 8014: Broomes, Gary Sky Vis 8003: Perfect, Cathyrn 438-3285 Sonata Court 8909: Bergquist, Todd Sonata Court 8908: Haddad, Albert and Tanya 651-9241 Sonata Court 8915: Powell, Thomas and Debra 255-1288 Spanish Oak Drive 22629: Ellis, Donald and Reni 651-6740 Spanish Oak Drive 22619: Quenstedt, Bruce and Yvonne 651-6595 Stams Circle 21225: Baker, Anna 599-7324 Stams Circle 21226: Grigsby, John and Vickie 387-6874 Stams Circle 21246: Mudge, Wayne and Melissa 651-7401 Star Circle 7819: Hastman, Terry and Tanis 651-0161 Star Circle 7802: Ross, Annie Sumac Circle 9531: Chauret, Michael and Susan 651-5603 Sumac Circle 9511: Gerhart, John and Brenda 651-9415 Sumac Circle 9506: Langston, Wade and Darlene 651-6067 Sumac Cove 9005: Earle, Stephen and Karen 452-0436 Sumac Cove 9010: Langthorp, Herb and Lona 651-6087 Sumac Cove 9025: Ranft, Andrew and Andree 651-1173 Sumac Cove 9015: Svendsen, L.W. and Juanita 651-9100 Sumac Lane 9360: Altman, Bill and Sarah 651-5507 Sumac Lane 9325: Bearden, Will and Sherry 651-7410 Sumac Lane 9350: Bradshaw, Edward and Mackie 651-9406 Sumac Lane 9335: Cronin, Martha 651-5803 Sumac Lane 9445: Hencshel, David and Mary Lou 651-6854 Sumac Lane 9436: Leeman, William and Nadine 957-2604 Sumac Lane 9330: Montoya, Andrew Sumac Lane 9446: O'Dell, Sheanette 885-8876 Sumac Lane 9415: Rincon, Miguel and Andreana 658-8436 Sumac Lane 9416: Sippel, David 658-5930 Sumac Lane 9345: Swim, Wanda 651-5750 Sumac Lane 9315: Warm, Gary and Delores 651-5463 Sundew Circle 9183: Brown, Leroy and Millie 651-6548 Sundew Circle 9121: Hanks, Rory and Dana 651-9753 Sundew Circle 9107: Harriman, Hendrika and Mike 564-8742 Sundew Circle 9120: Nelson, De Wayne 651-5349 Sunset Loop 27522: Lemay, Bernard Teakwood Drive 9546: Cogley, William L. and Pamela C. 946-3655 Teakwood Drive 9536: Gonzalez, Viviana and Blanca 467-5046 Teakwood Drive 9526: Jakob, Eric and Virginia 590-7236 Teakwood Lane 9357: Botard, Robert and Cynthia 651-9513 Teakwood Lane 9414: Clemons, Larry and Peggy 651-9261 Teakwood Lane 9409: Flores, Jesse R. and Moriah 437-1067 Teakwood Lane 9310: Holderle, Michael and Theresa 651-9951 Teakwood Lane 9434: Karamatic, Richard 264-1936 Teakwood Lane 9350: Maricelli, Dennis and Amy 599-2618 Teakwood Lane 9320: Miranda, James and Eileen 272-9964 Teakwood Lane 9330: Ontiveros, Frank and Ana 651-7455 Teakwood Lane 9337: Stone, Ron and Bobbie 651-6599 Teakwood Lane 9429: Wallace, David and Lynn 651-0579 Teakwood Lane 9545: Wold, Jarrod and Tresa 599-6389 Timber Rose 20820: Crisp, Harold 651-6859 Timber Rose 20740: Kohl, Jim and Kate 651-5895 Timber Rose 20530: Meyers, The Children 651-9787 Timber Rose 20666: Salyers, Greg and Inga 651-9740 Seminole Pass 19023: Wright, Icynell 659-3028 Senna Hills Drive 21909: Chapman, Jesse and Nita 651-5264 Senna Hills Drive 22117: Cobb, Paul Senna Hills Drive 21908: Ha, Sang and janet 496-7477 Senna Hills Drive 21916: Johnson, Mershell Senna Hills Drive 22017: Martin, Matt and Karen 566-8671 Senna Hills Drive 22024: Maschek, Randy and Terry 595-3794 Senna Hills Drive 22009: Millitana, Michael and Stella Senna Hills Drive 21809: Penman, Craig and Marivic 233-9388 Senna Hills Drive 22008: Sassman, Roger and Trinora-Pinto 557-1384 Senna Hills Drive 22016: Scott, Donald W. and Evelyn 651-7540 Senna Hills Drive 21816: Shick, Lee and Ellen 651-5338 Senna Hills Drive 22124: Tracy, Pat and Kathy 886-8110 Senna Hills Drive 22140: Williams, David and Beverly 233-8185 Sky Loop 7649: Alcantara, Orlando and Praxedes Sky Loop 7644: Borne, Philip 651-0354 Sky Loop 7621: Gragg, Royce and Beverly 651-9899 Sky Loop 7603: Hollimon, John 651-9463 Sky Loop 7607: Mcnamara, Stephen 945-9396 Sky Loop 7673: Mirarchi, Joseph Sky Loop 7665: Perkins, William and Phyllis 637-1684 Sky Loop 7633: Speakmon, David 651-4368 Sky Loop 7645: Weddle, Russell 637-6920 Sky Vis 8107: Jimenez, Paul Sky Vis 7934: Saathoff, Tate and Lauren 438-6627 Sonata Court 8902: Emmons, Ethan and Victoria 651-4633 Sonata Court 8914: Harris, William R. and Brenda J. 362-1242 Sorrell Lane 20825: Brestle, Charles and Joseline 651-9792 Spanish Oak Drive 22630: McDonald, Robert and Susanne 651-6711 Spanish Oak Drive 22620: Wesp, Pete and Andrea 651-0879 Stams Circle 21206: Cheney, Perry and Cynthia 651-1867 Stams Circle 21205: Mattos, Douglas and Teri 227-7576 Star Circle 7818: Bloess, James and Christy 651-6699 Star Circle 7810: Porter, Wade 651-3842 Star Circle 7814: Schewman, John 651-4151 Sumac Circle 9503: Chisenhall, Gordon F. and Sylvia V. 410-8305 Sumac Circle 9526: Hollis, Nancy 651-6221 Sumac Circle 9521: Linn, Ronn 651-5228 Sumac Cove 9035: Espinoza, Milton 914-2498 Sumac Cove 9030: Morrissey, L.P. and S.L. 651-0968 Sumac Cove 9045: Schilling, Jackie 651-5641 Sumac Cove 9040: Vogel, Gary and Dawn 455-8266 Sumac Lane 9310: Andrews, Philip and Mary 647-6028 Sumac Lane 9425: Boynton, John and Cathy 472-1416 Sumac Lane 9340: Brewer, Jessie 651-5721 Sumac Lane 9305: DeRamus, Eugene T. and Kathie J. 651-5426 Sumac Lane 9320: Kingdon, Aileen 651-9229 Sumac Lane 9355: Lopez, Laura 637-9041 Sumac Lane 9345: Moore, Henrietta 651-5750 Sumac Lane 9446: O'Dell, Wayne and Evelyn 885-8876 Sumac Lane 9435: Shry, Eric and Rachel 651-5530 Sumac Lane 9426: Strickland, Leonard and Debbra 651-0978 Sumac Lane 9320: Vogeler, Kristin 651-9229 Sundew Circle 9183: Brown, Harry 651-6548 Sundew Circle 9106: Clark, David and Sedara 651-9911 Sundew Circle 9106: Harmon, Glenna 651-9911 Sundew Circle 9153: Johnson, Noble 651-9360 Sundew Circle 9121: Sinclair, Thomas and Marcie 658-0717 Teakwood Drive 9515: Brunnemann, Randy and Susan 651-4411 Teakwood Drive 9516: Faseler, Douglas and Laura 651- 5687 Teakwood Drive 9536: Huntsinger, Mary Lou 651-4173 Teakwood Drive 9525: Millikin, Jay 651-9672 Teakwood Lane 9317: Bryan, Don and Charlene 651-8242 Teakwood Lane 9341: Fatheree, Tom and Leslie 651-6034 Teakwood Lane 9439: Flores, Lionel and Melba 651-5369 Teakwood Lane 9307: Holloway, Richard and Leta 651-7431 Teakwood Lane 9340: Lazo, Daniel and Norma 651-0404 Teakwood Lane 9419: Meade, Curtis Teakwood Lane 9370: Mosley, John C. and Janette 651-9547 Teakwood Lane 9424: Panther, Doug and JoAnna Teakwood Lane 9327: Von Seggern, Lyle and Linda 651-5567 Teakwood Lane 9535: Welty, Patricia 651-6397 Timber Rose 20592: Balch, Robert 651-3476 Timber Rose 20720: Inglis, Robert and Yolanda 651-9340 Timber Rose 20530: Meyers, Jim and Gerri 651-4268 Timber Rose 20656: Orr, Scott and Jennifer Camp Timber Rose 20632: Shamer, Ty and Angela 595-3711 To make an update or correction, please go online to: 39 Residential Listings by Street (Listed left to right, then down) Timber Rose 20810: Trevino, John and Sandy 650-8135 Timber Rose Drive 20552: Faleski, Edward and Valerie 651-6905 Timber Rose Drive 20730: Szymanski, Peter and Susan 383-8344 Timmerman Cove 8814: Arredondo, Augustin and Sylvia Timmerman Cove 8810: Bredemus, Jed and Amy 688-4729 Timmerman Cove 8827: Dahl, Clifford and Stephanie 314-2537 Timmerman Cove 8807: Gedraitis, Peter and Cindy 993-4376 Timmerman Cove 8806: Jackson, John and Vickie 656-2935 Timmerman Cove 8802: Kopp, Richmond Timmerman Cove 8819: Shaw, Troy and Stacey 651-5430 Tommy Trail 21724: Albert, Suzanne 651-9569 Tommy Trail 21758: Brown, Joseph Tommy Trail 21820: Cochrun, Tuesday L. 842-6071 Tommy Trail 21795: Friesenhahn, Glenn Tommy Trail 21794: Hambrick, Paul and Judy 651-6616 Tommy Trail 21784: Liu, Wei-Liu Tommy Trail 21714: Mailhiot, Thomas and Alice 520-6401 Tommy Trail 21764: Matt, Barbara Tommy Trail 21810: Nickles, Donald Tommy Trail 21744: Ross, Steve and Debbie 651-5279 Tommy Trail 21845: Schwall, Richard and Sherry 651-9357 Tree Top Cove 21103: Farrimond, Wayne and Allyson 651-6525 Tree Top Cove 21107: Hubberd, Lantz 651-0075 Tree Top Cove 21107: O'Connell, Colleen 651-0075 Tree Top Cove 21110: Zivkovic, Herbert and Mary Jane 651-9479 Trophy Oaks Drive 9745: Blackwell, Tracy Trophy Oaks Drive 10023: Bosch, Allen and Nancy 651-6625 Trophy Oaks Drive 9926: Brown, Robert and Vickie 651-9209 Trophy Oaks Drive 10041: Cohen, Carolyn 651-9695 Trophy Oaks Drive 9640: Davis, Ronald L. and Grace J. 651-1180 Trophy Oaks Drive 9650: Godwin, Paul Trophy Oaks Drive 9824: Hayden, Joseph and Bobbie 655-6950 Trophy Oaks Drive 10028: Henry, S. and T. 455-7513 Trophy Oaks Drive 9861: Lozano, Adam and Marissa Trophy Oaks Drive 10018: Michell, Jan and Anita 651-4812 Trophy Oaks Drive 9925: Mitchell, James and Denise 651-6554 Trophy Oaks Drive 9762: Park, Jack and Marian 598-0842 Trophy Oaks Drive 9610: Ryan, William 651-0102 Trophy Oaks Drive 10038: Scott, Robert and Cheryl 651-3533 Trophy Oaks Drive 10041: Taylor, Carlton 651-9695 Trophy Oaks Drive 9814: White, Richard and Bobbie 651-1040 Trophy Oaks Drive 9850: Winkler, Joseph and Stephanie 912-7255 Turner Ridge 8610: Atalig, Joe and Sandra 251-3634 Turner Ridge 8606: Pallister, Norman Turner Ridge 8618: Stirm, Dennis 647-2162 Tuscan Hills Drive 8904: Bandy, Russell and Lynn 651-9447 Tuscan Hills Drive 9011: Burke, Carol 637-6790 Tuscan Hills Drive 9011: Emerich, Sherri 637-6790 Tuscan Hills Drive 8910: Farra, Yasser 651-8265 Tuscan Hills Drive 8903: Hampton, Richard 822-2650 Tuscan Hills Drive 8514: Harshbarger, Keven and Tracy 352-5009 Tuscan Hills Drive 8506: Hoskins, Paul 651-3446 Tuscan Hills Drive 8915: Kerr, Robin R. 336-9667 Tuscan Hills Drive 9106: Lekwuwa, Jonathan and Casy 626-8085 Tuscan Hills Drive 8916: Locke, Justin and Cynthia Locke Tuscan Hills Drive 8903: Nufer, Michael and Susan 336-8337 Tuscan Hills Drive 8816: Pope, Kenneth 370-3350 Tuscan Hills Drive 8922: Renken, Thomas and Paula 396-7106 Tuscan Hills Drive 8810: Sanders, Larry 651-9417 Tuscan hills Drive 9019: Simon, Jeremiah and Mary 650-4227 Tuscan Hills Drive 9118: Taveres, Richard and Diane 213-7438 Tuscan Hills Drive 9011: Walker, Barbara Tuscan Hills Drive 8519: Womack, Nancy 507-2011 Twisted Oaks 8430: Bergren, John and Christine 651-4713 Twisted Oaks 8377: Chapman, Colton 651-4133 Twisted Oaks 8377: Hatch, Dawn 651-4133 Twisted Oaks 8381: Moczygemba, Joe and Jennifer 651-0134 Twisted Oaks 8435: Segovia, Al and Cyndie 651-6630 Twisted Oaks 8410: Taylor, Darryl and Laurie 655-6135 Valley Park Drive 21645: Brangan, Keith Valley Park Drive 21640: Guinn, Jeremy and Stephanie 254-9957 Valley Park Drive 21675: Maldonado, Ibrahim and Leesa 651-6198 Valley Park Drive 21676: Stahl, Timothy 651-5474 Valley Park Drive 21635: Trevino, Norma and Ruben Canto 654-6655 Valley Park Drive 21668: Williams, Paul and Sandra 651-9151 Van Nest Circle 20203: Carlton, Billy Van Nest Circle 20214: Kepczyk, Thomas and Barbara 40 Timber Rose 20686: Wolfe, Gary and Martha Timber Rose Drive 20592: Knaus, Nadine and Robert Balch 651-1032 Timmerman Cove 8823: Addis, Kimberly Timmerman Cove 8823: Barsalou, Rhonda Timmerman Cove 8822: Byrd, Duane and Yolanda 616-4698 Timmerman Cove 8815: Fay, Robert and Connie Timmerman Cove 8811: Henderson, Benjamin and Veronica 781-4898 Timmerman Cove 8765: Kelly, James 362-1320 Timmerman Cove 8818: Larsen, Rod and Diane 651-0121 Timmerman Cove 8803: Trapp, Linda Tommy Trail 21775: Amrhein, Robert and Teresa 651-5422 Tommy Trail 21758: Brown, Linda 651-8357 Tommy Trail 21835: Cullison, Tom and Judy 651-3028 Tommy Trail 21850: Georg, Melford and Laverne 651-9755 Tommy Trail 21724: Hoffpauir, James and Cleta 651-9566 Tommy Trail 21754: Lott, Jo 651-6759 Tommy Trail 21820: Marin, Jr., Ben G. 842-6071 Tommy Trail 21840: Mckenzie, Kenneth Tommy Trail 21734: Pearson, Richard 375-3419 Tommy Trail 21758: Schmitz, Scott 545-4575 Tommy Trail 21764: Williams, Joseph and Rhonda Williams 651-1881 Tree Top Cove 21114: Hagerty, Elodia 257-5676 Tree Top Cove 21111: Miller, Gary and Paulette 651-9725 Tree Top Cove 21115: Rodriguez, Jesse and Louise 651-3061 Trophy Oaks Drive 9670: Beck, Brian and Susan 967-5333 Trophy Oaks Drive 10051: Bohan, James and Phyllis 658-9844 Trophy Oaks Drive 9732: Bowden, Roger and Barbra 651-3691 Trophy Oaks Drive 9967: Cain, Clarence and Connie 651-6757 Trophy Oaks Drive 9742: Darilek, Ron and Cathy 656-5720 Trophy Oaks Drive 9722: Fontenot, Jon and Juliann 651-5382 Trophy Oaks Drive 9745: Harm, Catherine Trophy Oaks Drive 9712: Heminger, Dennis and LuAnn 651-0510 Trophy Oaks Drive 9916: Holly, Johnell and Barbara 651-7358 Trophy Oaks Drive 9680: Martinez, Levy and Veronica 651-1234 Trophy Oaks Drive 9835: Miller, Mike and Misty Trophy Oaks Drive 9630: Murphy, Rodney and Rose 549-2967 Trophy Oaks Drive 9840: Rodriguez, Frank and Maria D. 651-3176 Trophy Oaks Drive 9860: Scott, Charles and Boonnom Trophy Oaks Drive 9752: Stevenson, Mark and Kimberly 651-4377 Trophy Oaks Drive 10031: White, Colby and Sharon 654-3250 Trophy Oaks Drive 9660: Williams, Paul and Petra 651-1775 Trophy Oaks Drive 9915: Zamora, Jr., Vicente Turner Ridge 8622: Gobin, Stacey and Reagan 932-8412 Turner Ridge 8602: Stantill, Bruce and Margo Turner Ridge 8614: Swinney, Tim and Lorraine 314-1063 Tuscan Hills Drive 8815: Bell, David and Marcy 651-3269 Tuscan Hills Drive 8804: Cook, Virgil 651-9837 Tuscan Hills Drive 9016: Faison, Douglas and Pamela 263-9156 Tuscan Hills Drive 9003: Hall, Roswell and Donna Tuscan Hills Drive 8809: Hardway, Rosie 541-5661 Tuscan Hills Drive 9007: Hopkins, Tommy and Dorothy 651-4787 Tuscan Hills Drive 9115: Jones, Danny and Linda 651-9955 Tuscan Hills Drive 9114: Lane, Ted and Kelly 651-3087 Tuscan Hills Drive 8821: Lindberg, Raymond and Kathy 651-0746 Tuscan Hills Drive 8927: Martinez, Ray and Karen 651-4274 Tuscan Hills Drive 9123: Peterson, Donald and Tiffany 651-9634 Tuscan Hills Drive 8502: Powell, Wade and Christina 375-6236 Tuscan hills Drive 9103: Roundtree, Alvin 651-9609 Tuscan Hills Drive 8827: Shands, Mike and Shiela 257-0868 Tuscan Hills Drive 8803: Simone, Thomas and Susannah Tuscan Hills Drive 8515: Tucker, David and Mistee Tuscan Hills Drive 9110: Williams, Bobby and Gloria Tuscan Hills Drive 8933: Woodson, Robert and Charlotte 467-5605 Twisted Oaks 8445: Chaisson, Edward and Yshiko 651-5594 Twisted Oaks 8511: Finley, Dean and Karen Twisted Oaks 8387: Loser, Greg and Valita 651-5347 Twisted Oaks 8420: Owen, David and Kathryn 651-6200 Twisted Oaks 8440: Swint, Bill and Sandra 651-9337 Twisted Oaks 8425: Turnage, George and Yolanda 651-5719 Valley Park Drive 21664: Davies, Nigel and Wanda 635-0812 Valley Park Drive 21658: Hicks, Shannon Valley Park Drive 21680: Oloteo, Dennis and Sharon 651-5164 Valley Park Drive 21652: Thomas, Shane 651-3959 Valley Park Drive 21670: Walluk, Tony and Shirley 651-0484 Valley Park Drive 21655: Zugay, Anthony and Georgia 651-5078 Van Nest Circle 20202: Cole, Walter and Pocahontas 314-1459 Van Nest Circle 20211: Kissler, William and Rheta 651-3747 To make an update or correction, please go online to: Residential Listings by Street (Listed left to right, then down) Van Nest Circle 20222: Lizama, Jose Van Nest Circle 20219: Martinez, Robert and Michelle 651-6596 Verano Drive 8616: Castilleja, Carlos and Jeanette 945-3532 Verano Drive 8608: Estrada, Joseph and Heather 379-1213 Verano Drive 8532: Irvin, Jack and Carol 497-7104 Verano Drive 8516: McCollum, Brian and Felicia 541-4830 Verano Drive 8716: Robles, Daniel and Ernestine Via Posada Drive 22211: Bell, Stephen and Susan 314-6966 Via Posada Drive 22217: Hannasch, Rick and Sheri 387-4479 Via Posada Drive 22174: Kirchofer, Louis and Dallari Via Posada Drive 22198: McAuley, Zach and Summer 651-4571 Via Posada Drive 22187: Minus, Joseph and Allison 651-4955 Via Posada Drive 22211: Smith, Curt and Lauren 651-0552 Via Posada Drive 22168: Van Straten, Steve and Debbie 592-6109 Wahl Lane 20627: Andabaker, Rudy and Denise 659-8542 Wahl Lane 20458: Chauret, Mark and Patrice 651-4934 Wahl Lane 20512: Evans, Roy and O.R. 967-9026 Wahl Lane 20744: Groos, John and Dorothy 651-5615 Wahl Lane 20637: Henry, Jeffrey and Sharon 651-0827 Wahl Lane 20478: Jenkins, Darrell and Angela 265-1280 Wahl Lane 20626: Lozano, Robert and Irene 654-9915 Wahl Lane 20459: Meek, Larry and Becky 651-9549 Wahl Lane 20785: Millnik, Fredrick and Mary 651-9123 Wahl Lane 20468: Mitzel, John and Diane 651-0085 Wahl Lane 20764: Neghme, Carlos Wahl Lane 20428: Pickering, Beverly 595-7082 Wahl Lane 20419: Schmick, Dale and Kathleen 651-8291 Wahl Lane 20505: Schoenenberger, Paul and Mimi 744-2951 Wahl Lane 20646: Tajkhanji, Moiz and Munira Wahl Lane 20656: Weilbacher, Bruce L. and Kim A. 651-7393 Water Wood Drive 21469: Adkins, Jr, Robert M. and Raye 651-6769 Water Wood Drive 21319: Bindseil, Mark Water Wood Drive 21410: Brozek, Richard and Naomi Water Wood Drive 21430: Dobbs, Lou 651-9347 Water Wood Drive 21460: Galles, James and Keysa 236-7366 Water Wood Drive 21339: Kimbrell, Marvin and Susan 651-4394 Water Wood Drive 21329: Ochoa, David and Laura 651-5278 Water Wood Drive 21349: Reichenau, Matthew and Melissa 651-4950 Water Wood Drive 21360: VanSteenburg, Michael and Millie 651-0577 Weatherford Dr 28225: Johnson, Mickey Wild Crest 19918: Montoya, RT 595-3218 Wild Crest 19906: Terracina, Roy Wild Hollow 19810: Kissinger, Amye 474-0047 Wild Hollow 19810: Peacock, David 474-0047 Wild Hollow 19811: Stair, Marilyn 541-5053 Wild Trace 8518: Johnson, Celester and Dontriah 651-4340 Wild Trace 8507: McCarty, Joey and Nita 651-0277 Wild Wind Park 8119: Branum, Brian and Gail 651-6850 Wild Wind Park 8207: Choe, Ki Wild Wind Park 8415: Jones, Stephen and Laurie 845-1930 Wild Wind Park 8211: Lyle, David 497-5861 Wild Wind Park 8316: Mckay, Joanne 651-7377 Wild Wind Park 8718: Nicholas, David 507-2852 Wild Wind Park 8123: Pavlas, Leo 236-7019 Wild Wind Park 8812: Rivers, Willie 566-6309 Wild Wind Park 8507: Shows, Brian and Kelly 566-9452 Wild Wind Park 8410: Sweet, Don and Katie 651-1611 Wild Wind Park 8515: Utterback, Chip and Sandy 281-4284 Wild Wind Park 8820: Wood, Mark and Pauline Wood 696-1102 Windswept Cove 19503: Edden, Phillip 651-6964 Windswept Cove 19507: Wilson, Thomas and Lynn 659-1006 Woodland Cove 20806: Barucky, Jerry and Lily 651-4909 Woodland Cove 20805: Moore, Floyd and Ruth 651-5438 Woodland Cove 20809: Soeth, Bill and Susan 455-4472 Woodland Cove 20821: Verner, Thomas and Lynda 651-5135 Woodland Cove 20813: Walch, William Zephyr Cove 19850: Higginbotham, Bradley and Dagmar 314-3176 Zephyr Cove 19803: Martin, John and Lisa 314-4278 Zephyr Cove 19835: Sigman, Josh and Kristi 658-7414 Van Nest Circle 20227: Lynch, Larry and Karen 888-7481 Verano Drive 8624: Biel, Robert and Barbara 497-7605 Verano Drive 20203: Erickson, Robert and Megan 850-2212 Verano Drive 8532: Irvin, Eric 651-6026 Verano Drive 8732: Lamoureux, Scott and Elizabeth 233-1544 Verano Drive 8524: Pelletier, Michael and katherine 455-9224 Via Posada Drive 22210: Aramendia, John and Anne 651-4183 Via Posada Drive 22204: Dansby, Frank and Carolyn 651-4050 Via Posada Drive 22205: Hedgepeth, Todd and Peggy Rayfield 573-4302 Via Posada Drive 22175: Lear, John 233-9453 Via Posada Drive 22193: McDaniel, Don and Carol Via Posada Drive 22181: Reding, Paul Curtis and Julie Via Posada Drive 22199: Swick, Jon and Shari 651-4309 Via Posada Drive 22180: Williams, Jr., Louis C. and Linda A. 655-1314 Wahl Lane 20429: Birkle, James and Theresa 651-3915 Wahl Lane 20647: Diaz, Marino 481-8502 Wahl Lane 20534: Gauntt, Pat and Larna 651-1771 Wahl Lane 20408: Gunnarson, Robert Wahl Lane 20821: Hoang, Dung Wahl Lane 20515: Lantzy, Bryan and Missy 651-3531 Wahl Lane 20418: Martin, Steve and Jan Knight 651-0325 Wahl Lane 20745: Miller, Ronnie and Megan 330-2343 Wahl Lane 20785: Millnik, John 651-9123 Wahl Lane 20724: Morawiec, Jack and Morawiec Wahl Lane 20539: Papell, Brett and Lynn Wahl Lane 20525: Reynolds, Don and Brenda 651-9894 Wahl Lane 40419: Schmick, Dale and Kathleen 651-8291 Wahl Lane 20448: Stewart, Bruce and Lynda 865-0801 Wahl Lane 20544: Turcotte, Patrick Water Wood Drive 21469: Adkins, Robert and Orval 651-6769 Water Wood Drive 21450: Barger, Robert 651-6399 Water Wood Drive 21449: Booker, James and Tina 888-3324 Water Wood Drive 21420: Cozean, Ronald and Karen 651-1012 Water Wood Drive 21440: Dumas, Douglas & Catherine 426-4685 Water Wood Drive 21459: Hudson, Christopher 651-9321 Water Wood Drive 21439: Martin, Bennie and Kelley 317-6900 Water Wood Drive 21429: Radla, Dean and Kay 651-5814 Water Wood Drive 21419: Sore, Darren and Christy 651-3560 Water Wood Drive 21450: Waisner, Renee 651-6399 Wild Crest 19910: Lowe, Rick and Kathy 251-2727 Wild Crest 19907: Stensrud, Bryon and Helen 659-0689 Wild Hollow 19802: Aguilar, John 314-3721 Wild Hollow 19818: Liberatore, Dan and Dee Wild Hollow 19819: Shilliday, Bob 651-7487 Wild Trace 8519: Butler, Wendell Wild Trace 8503: Looney, William and Marilyn 455-4035 Wild Trace 8515: Torres, Nicolas and Juanita 651-3212 Wild Wind Park 8322: Cato, Paul L. and Effie E. 646-8322 Wild Wind Park 8802: Frasco, Anthony and Kathlleen 651-5276 Wild Wind Park 8311: Lisenbee, Noble 566-0220 Wild Wind Park 8107: Madrid, Richard Wild Wind Park 8606: Mihalik, Richard 945-0683 Wild Wind Park 8307: Ogo, Frank and Hwa Wild Wind Park 8106: Purdy, Donald and Jacqueline 530-1262 Wild Wind Park 8215: Robles, Samuel 541-4720 Wild Wind Park 8511: Sturch, James 257-9973 Wild Wind Park 8111: Turner, Clyde and Davida 635-0976 Wild Wind Park 8503: Walenta, Richard 764-7234 Wild Wind Trace 8523: Patterson, Greg and Debie Windswept Cove 19503: Morganfield, Aubrey and Linda 651-6964 Woodland Cove 20814: Barnes, Debbie 651-9274 Woodland Cove 20802: Blanchard, Jerry and Janet Woodland Cove 20810: Roberts, Jim and Jan 651-0561 Woodland Cove 20817: Tietz, Hilda Woodland Cove 20817: Wagner, Thomas and Kathy Zephyr Cove 19819: Browning, Jared and Denise 651-9975 Zephyr Cove 19811: Johnson, Mike and Carol 858-5186 Zephyr Cove 19827: Rice, Edward To make an update or correction, please go online to: 41 Notes, Emails, & Additional Numbers 42 43 44 45 For nearly 80 years, the Hanson Aggregates - Servtex Quarry has produced crushed stone from its 3,400 acre site, most of which is located within the City of Garden Ridge. Servtex is one of the top producing aggregates quarries in the state of Texas, and is among the top 25 highest-producing crushed stone quarries in the country. Not only do quarry products play a significant role in the economy of the region, but as the largest business in Garden Ridge, the Servtex Quarry is the single largest taxpayer to the city. As the quarry continues to mine its property and the Garden Ridge area continues to grow, being a good neighbor remains a primary focus for the company. The quarry has taken measures to minimize the noise and vibration from its operations, including establishing 180 acres as a blast-free buffer zone between quarry operations and residential areas that were constructed in proximity to quarry land. Servtex Quarry management welcomes opportunities to meet with community groups and homeowners associations to discuss quarry operations. Tours of the plant are also available by appointment. For more information contact the quarry at (210) 658-7461. 46 Representatives from Servtex Quarry participate in the monthly City of Garden Ridge Quarry Commission meetings. The Quarry Commission conducts independent monitoring of all blasts and serves as a point of contact with the management of Servtex Quarry. The commission educates citizens on quarry issues and operations through Grapevine articles, the city’s website and the commission’s monthly meetings. Citizens may obtain and/or provide information or express concerns by attending Commission meetings, which are routinely held on the second Monday of each month at 7 p.m. in the City Council Chambers located in City Hall or by sending an email to the Commission at: What are you waiting for? Hear Life Again! TM estes audiology HEARING CENTERS Estes Audiology Hearing Centers are full-service audiology clinics that provide quality care to each and every one of our patients. All hearing aids provided at Estes Audiology Hearing Centers are the latest advances in the industry. Recommendations for which type of digital hearing device is best for YOU is based on your hearing loss and your communication needs. Don’t wait any longer, call for an appointment today! 1528 Common Street Suite 5 New Braunfels, TX (830) 500-2095 136 Old San Antonio Rd Suite 205 Boerne, TX (830) 500-2085 47 48 AWARD Angies list 6 • • • • Animal Trapping Termites Bees Lawn & Tree Spraying $20 OFF • • • • Weeds Spiders Mosquitoes Ants • • • • YEARS STRONG Fleas & Ticks Scorpions Rodents Roaches Organic Services 210.695.8946 Initial Home Pest Control Service With This Ad! 49 Now with two locations to serve you Flagstone Building Stone Pavers Wallstone Soils Mulches Sands Decorative Gravels Planters Benches Fountains Stepping Stones Serving San Antonio and South Texas since 1957 9388 Corporate Dr. Selma, TX 78154 (near FM 1518 & IH35) (210) 967-1300 50 brought to you by 53 54
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