historical research report
historical research report
HISTORICAL RESEARCH REPORT Research Report TM/79/09 1979 Autopsy study of coalminers’ lungs. Final report on CEC Contract 6244-00/8/103 Davis JMG, Chapman J, Collings P, Douglas AN, Fernie J, Lamb D, Ottery J, Ruckley A HISTORICAL RESEARCH REPORT Research Report TM/79/09 1979 Autopsy study of coalminers’ lungs. Final report on CEC Contract 6244-00/8/103 Davis JMG, Chapman J, Collings P, Douglas AN, Fernie J, Lamb D, Ottery J, Ruckley A This document is a facsimile of an original copy of the report, which has been scanned as an image, with searchable text. Because the quality of this scanned image is determined by the clarity of the original text pages, there may be variations in the overall appearance of pages within the report. The scanning of this and the other historical reports in the Research Reports series was funded by a grant from the Wellcome Trust. The IOM’s research reports are freely available for download as PDF files from our web site: http://www.iom-world.org/research/libraryentry.php Copyright © 2006 Institute of Occupational Medicine. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from the IOM INSTITUTE OF OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE Research Avenue North, Riccarton, Edinburgh, EH14 4AP Tel: +44 (0)870 850 5131 Fax: +44 (0)870 850 5132 e-mail publications@iomhq.org.uk ii Research Report TM/79/09 Report No. TM/79/9 (EUR. P2?) CEC Contract 62Ulf-00/8/103 UDC 616.2^-003.6 FINAL REPORT CN CEC CONTRACT 62^-00/8/103 AUTOPSY STUDIES OF COALMINERS1 LUNGS J.M.G. Davis J. Chapman Paula Collings A.N. Douglas June Fernie D. Lamb J. Ottery Anne Ruckley April 197« 2 1 MAY i9 (ii) Report No. TM/79/9 (EUR. P2?) CEC Contract 62M4-00/8/103 I N S T I T U T E O F O C C U P A T I O N A L M E D I C I N E AUTOPSY STUDIES OF COALMINERS' LUNGS J.M.G. Davis, J. Chapman, Paula Collings, A.N. Douglas, June Fernie, D. Lamb, J. Ottery and Anne Ruckley FINAL REPORT ON CEC RESEARCH CONTRACT 62^-00/8/103 (SECOND PROGRAMME ON CHRONIC RESPIRATORY DISEASES) Duration of project: August 197^ to July 1977 Research work carried out with financial aid from the Commission of the European Communities and the British National Coal Board. Institute of Occupational Medicine, Roxburgh Place, EDINBURGH EH8 9SU (Tel. 031-667-5131) April 1979 (lit) Report No. TM/79/9 EUR. P27 CEC Contract 62^-00/8/103 UDC 616.24-003.6 INSTITUTE OF OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE AUTOPSY STUDIES OF COALMINERS' LUNGS by J.M.G. Davis, J. Chapman, Paula Collings, A.N. Douglas, June Fernie. D. Lamb. J. Ottery and Anne Ruckley CONTENTS Page No. SUMMARY (iv) 1. INTRODUCTION 2. MATERIALS A N D METHODS 3. DESCRIPTION OF CASES 16 k. A COMPARISON OF PNEUMOCONIOSIS FOUND AT AUTOPSY WITH LUNG DUST CONTENT AND LIFETIME DUST EXPOSURE 25 A COMPARISON BET'.ilEEN LUNG PATHOLOGY FOUND AT AUTOPSY AND CHEST RADIOGRAPHS OBTAINED DURING LIFE 59 5. 6. 7. 1 . . FACTORS AFFECTING EMPHYSEMA IN THE LUNGS OF 1+50 COALMINERS . . . . . 9 89 DISCUSSION 113 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 123 REFERENCES 125 APPENDIX A 131 APPENDIX B APPENDIX C (iv) Report No. TM/79/9 INSTITUTE OF OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE FINAL REPORT ON CEC CONTRACT 62*^-00/8/103 AUTOPSY STUDIES OF COALMINERS' LUNGS by J.M.G. Davis, J. Chapman, Paula Ceilings, A.N. Douglas, June Fernie, D. Lamb, J. Ottery and Anne Ruckley SUMMARY This report is based coalminers who had. worked the British National Coal Study. These collieries in the United Kingdom. on the examination of lungs from 500 in 25 collieries that were involved in Board's Pneumoconiosis Field Research were chosen from all the mining areas The study group of 500 cases is not typical of all miners involved in Pneumoconiosis Field Research being biased in favour of selection of older men with established pneumoconiosis. For each set of lungs detailed estimations were made on the number and types of dust lesion or areas of emphysema and the dust content of one lung was extracted for mineralogical analyses. For the purpose of this report the cases were classified into three pathological types based on macroscopic examination: those with only soft dust macules (M), those with in addition one or r.ore r>alrv?b].e small fibrotic nodules (F) and cases with nodules larger than 1 cm (PMF). Pathological findings were compared with the lung dust content at death as well as lifetime estimates of dust exposure. I'll s'Jftiti'ji"' olitrSt i''i-.uiOf.j;i'a.pl:b Ic'keii teh'jrll.y \jtiiQi~v dectlh, v.'hei'S these were available, were compared to the types of pathology found at autopsy as well asfto the lung dust content. The main conclusions from each group of studies are presented in three chapters and may be summarised as follows:A comparison of pathological types of pneumoconiosis found at autopsy with lung dust content and lifetime dust ex-nosure For the whole group of cases the mean weights of all types of mineral dust present in the lungs increased between the pathological types M, F and PMF although there was considerable variation within each category. When the collieries were divided into six groups defined by the rank of coal mined it was found that in cases from all rank groups the mean lung weights of each mineral increased between the three pathological types but the level of increase varied considerably. For cases with either macules or fibrotic nodules the total dust did not differ significantly between the rank groups. For cases with PMF, however, those from the highest rank group contained significantly more dust than those cases from other rank groups. (v) The mean coal content of lungs with PMF decreased progressively with decreasing coal rank. Cases with fibrotic nodules showed some differences between collieries mining the highest and lowest ranks of coal but the coal content of lungs with only soft macules did not differ between rank groups. The highest lung weights of non-coal mineral within any one pathology class were found in cases from collieries mining coal of relatively low rank. There were no significant differences in the percentage coal or mineral composition of lung dust with differing levels of pathology in the high rank collieries. In low rank groups, however, the percentage coal decreased between the lesion types M, F and PMF and the percentage of non-coal minerals was increased. moo u ui LUC ucioco O U U I A J . G H unj-j" o. their lifetime dust exposures had actually been measured during the Pneumoconiosis Field Research Study. In 119 cases, measured dust exposures were available for at least 20 per cent of their working lives. When these cases were considered as one group, the pathological types of lesion present at autopsy showed little relationship to estimates of lifetime dust exposure. Some exposure differences were seen when cases were divided into four coal rank groups with PMF cases from high rank collieries appearing to have been exposed to more dust than those from low rank, but the differences were not significant. These and subsequent observations are dependent on the accuracy of estimated past dust exposure. Some linear regression analyses have suggested that the retention of the various dust components per unit of exposure did not differ significantly between rank groups for cases with fibrotic nodi.il PR. For PMF cases, however, it was found th£'t the lowest retention of non-coal minerals had occurred in collieries mining the highest rank of coal. The highest retention of noncoal minerals was found in men from the medium to low rank collieries. When the percentage composition of lung dust was compared to that of the mine dust to which the man was estimated to have been exposed it was found that there was a higher proportion of the ash components quartz, kaolin and mica in cases with either fibrotic nodules or PMF from low rank collieries but not from high. A comparison between lung pathology found at autopsy and chest radiographs obtained during life for 261 cases A comparison of radiographic profusion of small rounded opacities and pathology grading showed that 83% of cases with soft dust macules were categorised as 0/0. Thirty-two per cent of cases with fibrotic nodules were also categorised as 0/0, although one quarter of these cases did show small irregular opacities. Work in progress will test the hypothesis that F cases classified as 0/0 contain lower numbers .of measurable nodules than other cases in that group. Counts of total dust foci tended to increase with increasing radiographic profusion of small rounded opacities. The overall correlation betv/een radiographic category and counts of foci was (vi) 0.'43. The comparability between radiographic classification and pathological findings in PMF cases was extremely good for the large category G opacities but less exact for category B lesions. For the smaller category A opacities there was considerable variation among the four readers used and 21 out of 37 cases with lesions between 1 and 5 cm observed pathologically were not recorded on X-ray by any reader. With increasing X-ray category of simple pneumoconiosis, there was a significant increase in lung dust content and its components. However, cases with category 2 or 3 simple pneumoconiosis had higher dust levels than cases with category A or B Fl-'F defined pathologically. The lung dust from cases classified as category 0 contained a higher nroportion of coal and a lover proportion of ~~u 4-1 -,„.! _.. i _„.—„ T.I_ „ ~.: 4.^ T J.: rr~~.~~~~r. ,.-,„„ found between categories 1, 2, 3 and PMF. No significant systematic variation v/as found between the radi.ographic category for the profusion of small rounded opacities and the degree of emphysema. However, for cases showing small irregular opacities there v/as a significant increase in emphysema v/hen compared with cases categorised as 0/0 for this type of opacity. Cases with a p type of small rounded opacity were more frequently associated with emphysema, had a higher mean count of dust foci and higher levels of lung dust than cases with q or r type lesions. The rror.ortion of coa] in lung dust decreased and that of ash increased between cases with the p and those with q and r types of small rounded opacity. These findings are based on an average classification of opacity type which is not wholly satisfactory. Further work will examine the data in a more detailed and accurate manner. Factors affecting the occurrence of emphysema in the lur.rs of ^30 cooTnjners Cut of the total of 500 cases, '~'jD h^d both emphysema estimations and smoking history available. Ermohysema was estimated by the method of Brian Heard. In this group of coalminers the prevalence of emphysema v/as seen to be age-related for smokers but not non-smokers, although only ^5 cases fell into the latter category. The percentage of cases showing any emphysema increased between the pathological types of pneumoconiosis M, F and PMF. The overall figures, were ''7Y- for M cases, 6'$ for'' F cases and 82$ for PMF cases. Smokers, ex-smokers and non-smokers all showed this effect but to a variable degree. This is part of n conmlex relationship between age, smoking habit and lung dust content which is explored in the text. It should be emphasised that this association refers only to the presence of emphysema and not to the extent of this condition. Tn 1?1 smokers aged between 66 and 75 there was no linear association between the extent of emphysema and the lung dust content or its composition. In hk smokers from this group for whom satisfactory dust exposure data were nvailahle there was no simple relationship between the mass and the composition of inhaled dust and the extent of emphysema. Work will now be directed towards quantisation of the extent of the different types of emphysema and their association with dust deposition and pneumoconiotic disease. 1. INTRODUCTION Coalworkers' pneumocor.iosir. has been studied for many yeers but the relative importance of a number of factors reputed to be involved in its development is still uncertain. "Black lung" was recognised as a disease of coalminers in Britain over 300 years ago (EVELYN, 1661) but knowledge of the important parameters of disease production progresses slowly. Black deposits of inhaled carbonaceous material were reported in human lungs by PEARSON in 1813. A similar observation was made by LAENNEC in 1819 when he distinguished black tumours. GREGORY in 18J1 reported large fibrotic deposits with cavitation in the lungs of men who had inhaled considerable amounts of coal dust, and CRAIG in 183^ reported that the air sacs close to areas of deposited pigment were often dilated affording what is probably the first report of focal emphysema. In the same year, GRAHAM reported on the chemical analysis of the carbonaceous material from coalminers' lungs and claimed that most of it was lamp black. MARSHALL (18J3-183'0 suggested that coalworkers' pneumoconiosis initially evolved from small deposits of inhaled dust but later large masses of black consolidation occurred which might soften with resulting cavitation. GIBSON (1833-183M introduced the idea that the large pigmented masses night be due to the superimposition of tuberculosis upon the initial dust lesion and f-'AKEJ.LOR in 18^5 supiyji-Led Lido iues of "V.Tsr.k v-V.t.V-;.-:; 3" G;; greeting thrvt this diccnse was more common in men who had worked with stone as well as coal. As an alternative to the tuberculosis theory of development for severe pneumoconiosis some workers suggested that dust alone was sufficient to produce the observed changes. TRAUBE in i860 considered that inhaled dust particles penetrated into the interstitial space because of their sharp edges but because coal dust was observed to produce little tissue reaction he suggested that the mechanical effect alone could not explain the full development of pneunocor.iosis. Later, however, GRKENLAW (1869) attributed the pulmonary reaction in pnoumoconiosis to the mechanical irritation of dust in both coal ond stone workers. In 1?67 ZENKER, using rounded particles of iron oxide, rtemorRtmted that it was not necessary for dust particles to be sham in order to penetrate into the tissue spaces but it was not until 1923 that GARDNER was able to prove that sharp- 2. edged narticles of silicon carbide produced no tissue reaction and that noro than a mechanical effect was required to nroduce pneumoconicsis. GROCQ in 1862 suggested that coalworkers' pneur.oconiosis resulted from a simple accumulation of dust in the lungs without tissue inflammation. From this period, detailed knowledge of the pathology of coalworkers1 pneumoconiosis was slow to develop and as late as 19'*2 BELT and FERRIS described the early dust lesions as diffuse. suggestions had already been made by HUSTXN (1931); GARDEN (1935) and WALSCH (1938). miners was focal. STE'.vART ( 193'0 ; Earlier, however, CUMMINGS and This view was subsequently repeated by GOUGH and WILLIAMS (19^0. The final elucidation of the initial coal dust lesion resulted from the work of HEPPLESTCN (19^7; 195'0. Similar 1951; 1953 and HEPPLE3TON demonstrated that the early dust lesions developed from the accumulation of dust-laden phagocytes around the divisions of the respiratory bronchioles. With the passage of time reticulin fibres were laid down among the cellular aggregates, binding the cells together and jr. more advanced Issions collngen fibres were often rresep.t. tho ageing of the connective tissue shrinkage occurred. ''ith At this stage there could be two to five dust "macules", 1 - k mm in diameter, in each secondary lobule. The individual dust deposits, however, remained .*>"•• <??_! so th''t ir fror-b 1'.ir~ nro^i^'vr.s tho "m^cMlt-'s" to'ich. folt. so ft to tho In nore advanced cases tho continued deposition of dust in association with connective tissue fibres could lead to solid masses, 2 - 10 mm in diameter, which were hard to the touch rind give the lung a "lumpy" feel. Nodules trenching a size of more than 10 mm in diameter were classed as progressive massive fibrosis. HEPPLESTON showed that emphysema found in cases of coalworkers1 pneumoconiosis v;as so strongly localised to the vicinity of the focal dust lesions that a cause and effect relationship appeared likely. He pointed out that early dust lesions do not show focal emphysema while advanced cases often do, so that dust accumulation appeared to be the primary change. He suggested that emphysema follows as a secondary effect probably due in part to the loss of elasticity of the dust lesions plus their eventual fibrosis and contraction. In I0**? KING and NAGELSCFKTDT published a report of the exarr.i nation of lungs from ?'+ coalminers in South Wales. The degree of pulmonary pathology was compared to the lung dust content and the dust ' - ' • " • 3. ' analytical procedures included estimations of coal, quartz, kaolin and mica. They reported that while the lung dust of some men contained over 95% coal, in others v;ho were classified as rock workers, the coal level was as low as 25$ with a corresponding increase in other minerals. It was found that for a group of 2? anthracite workers the percentage composition of the lung dust was very similar to that of dust from the coalface and the authors therefore concluded that there was no mineralogical change in the lung. In this study the pneumoconiosis cases were classified into three main pathological groups: reticulation, mixed nodulation and confluent fibrosis. Three rock workers were classified separately as cases of pure silicosis. It was found that the concentrations of coal and quartz increased only very slightly from one group to the next with the exception of those with silicotic nodules. Later, in 1956 KING, MAGUIRE and NAGELSCHMIDT reported similar studies on a further series of 71 coalminers' lungs from men who had worked in pits covering all the ranges in coal rank found in South Wales. In addition, 15 cases of silicosis from Cornish tin mines were included. Pathological and mineralogical analyses were undertaken as before but on this occasion, for 3n of the cases, the chest radiograph was compared to the level of pathology found at autopsy. The results for the group of coalminers were similar to the earlier study. Whilo the total Ir.ng dust increased with increasing -pathology, the quartz percentage did not change. The authors therefore concluded that quartz was not a significant factor in the development of progressive massive fibi-osis and they favoured the idea that a secondary factor, usually tuberculosis, was required in addition to dust in order to produce this condition. It was pointed out, however, that the lungs of coalminers usually contained more quartz than tin miners with pronounced silicosis and it was suggested that coal dust diluted the quartz and therefore reduced its effect. These studies were later enlarged to include the examination of lungs from miners in the Cumberland coalfield (FAULDG, KING and NAGELSCHMIDT, 1959) and the Lancashire coalfield (SPINK and NAGELSCHMIDT, 1963). In both areas it was found that the lung dust from all grades of pnfMir.occnicr.is had a higher percentage quartz than had been found in South Wales. In these areas there was some evidence of a progressive rise in the percentage quartz with increasing levels of pathology although in Cumberland no cases were reported that the authors recognised as classical coalworkers1 progressive massive fibrosis. In both areas, however, some men often classified as rock workers had a very high percentage of quartz in their lung dust and lesions similar to silicosis. In some cases these silicotic nodules had fused to produce what was termed "silicotic mssive fibrosis". In 1963 NAGEI.SCHMIDT _e_t al_. specifically examined lungs from cases of progressive massive fibrosis for evidence of the importance of quartz in the development of these lesions. They reported that while the total dust content of PMF lesions was on average twice as high as the rest of the lung tissue, the percentage quartz in the dust of 32 cases of PMF was slightly higher than that of 58 cases of simple pneumoconiosis but the difference was not significant. It was concluded that quartz had not been an important factor in the development of progressive massive fibrosis in the cases examined. A similar increase in the total content of quartz in PMF lesions was observed by VYSKOCIL et_ al_. in 1970. Studies relating the levels of pneumoconiosis in coalminers to the varying dust parameters hove nov.f appeared from several countries. In the USA, NAEYE _et_ jvU (1971) and NAEYE (1972.) reported the results of studies in which pneumoconiotic lesions from the lungs of miners working with different ranks of coal were compared with the levels of contained "silica crystals". These were estimated by a counting procedure using polarised light, and the authors admitted that their They reported that the highest levels of "silica crystals" were present in the lungs of men who had mined high rank coal and that these men had the highest levels of pneunoconiosis. In 197** SWEET et al. published the results of a study in which they had examined the lungs of a group of bituminous coal miners from the USA. Pathology was compared to detailed mineralogical analyses of the levels of coal, non-coal minerals and quartz, but unfortunately only sections of the lung were analysed and the mineral levels had to be expressed as grammes per 100 grammes of dried lung tissue. It was found that both the levels of coal dust and free silica increased with increasing levels of pathology. From Australia, GI.JCK _et_ _al_. (1972) reported that pathological data were available from the lungs of over 700 coalminers. They reported a 15-point classification scale for pneumoconiotic lesions including four grades to cover nodules of silicotic type. . .5. Unfortunately, no dust analyses had been undertaken and much of the pat.hol orrionl data dealt wi tb emr.hvsema and chronic bronchitis. Ir. 1971 LEJTE3ITZ e_t_ nl_. reported detailed dust measurements from a series of German coal mines and compared these with the number cases of pneumoconi osis certified from each. of They found that pneumoconiosis correlated well with the rank of coal mined, with the highest rank producing the most cases. The mine with the highest quart?, content in its dust produced the fewest cases of pneunoconiosis. However, in 1976, KONN et al. stated their view that coalworkers' tmeumoconiosis was to be considered mainly as a type of silicosis, with the level of disease and the type of histology being determined by the quartz content of the inhaled dur.t. GTBSON's original suggestion in 1B?3 that the larger lesions of coalworkers' pneumoconiosis resulted from a tuberculous infection superimposed on the original coal dust lesions has been re-examined more recently. In 19'*8 FLETCHER obtained positive cultures of tuberculous bacilli from the lungs of 25 out of a group of 75 PMF r•'?.".<?". Tri 1°57 PIVF.Pfi et al . obtained pontitive cultures froin th^ lurrr- or ° out of P° cases of H"F not diagnosed as tuberculosis during life. In addition, however, the series of cases under study included J1 cases of PMF with definite tuberculosis diagnosed clinically and histologically. Tre exoCt ir.v.ort: nee cf VuV-o:^1.]"! our; nr ctV;c-:r : nfrc:' i -.-r\r- in the devel orme-it of T'-'F is, however, still uncertain anri in 1°7- Hi'IDER summarised the situation as follows: "Whether advanced forms of silico.sis ar.d Tj&.rticulnrly PMF is always accompanied bv the ccmbi.n&d effects of silica and tubcrculor-is or vhether they can be ca.used by silica alone has been the subject of much debate and a conclusive answer to this question cannot yet be given". As far back as 19(42, D'ARCY FAST and his co-workers demonstrated that the early states of coalworkers1 pneumoconiosis produced a pattern of fine reticulation on a radioe-ra-Dh and since that time the presence of this reticulation has been recognised as indicating a level of pneumoconiosis for which compensation may be awarded. However, doubt r^rainpd for some time as to exactly which aspects of the disease resulted in the reticulation. 00110", JA'-'KS ard WF."TV.'GRTH in 19^9 summarised the situation at that date and suggested that both the "granules" and "pinhead opacities" reported by other workers were due to the presence of coal dust nodules. They concluded that the degree 6. of focal emphysema associated with the dust nodules could not be accurately assessed by radiology but that a sharply defined net-like appearance in radiographs corresponded with severe focal emphysema. In 19^5 SUTHERLAND suggested that the radio opacity of coal dust nodules alone would be insufficient to cause a pattern of reticulation on radiographs without the contrasting effect of accompanying focal emphysema. However, GOUGH, JAKES and WENTV/ORTH were able to show that nodules could be demonstrated by X-ray in the complete absence of emphysema and concluded that the fibrous tissue of the nodules contributed more to their radio opacity than the mineral content. CAPLAN in 19&2 showed that for a group of coalminers from South Wales the size and number of dust nodules correlated we]l with radiological category. He found that no cases of Category 0 and only 11$ of Category 1 had fibrotic nodules. were btyo and 77$ respectively. The figures for Categories 2 and 3 It was reported that no case had large numbers of fibrotic nodules but no dust analyses were undertaken so that the effects of mineralogical content on radiographic categories could not be examined. This problem was further considered in a series of studies by RIVERS et_ al_. (1960); ROSSITER et_ al. (1967); CASSWELL et al. (1971) and POSSITER (1972). Initially, RIVERS e_t al. concluded that in miners from South Wales the mineral content of inhaled dust contributed weight for weight about nine times more to X-ray opacity than coal. In lator papers, however, the authors renorted on a larger series of lungs from a wider rcngc of coalfields and concluded that the differential was only 3 • 1. It was admitted, however, that much of this anomaly was due to the exclusion of Categories 0 and 3 from the earlier analyses. In these later studies, good correlation between dust and radiographic category was found in most* cases but two small subgroups gave anomalous results. The first group consisted of lurr-r, from Scottish miners who had a higher radiographic classification than their dust content appeared to warrant but the authors concluded that this was due to the inhalation of soot from naked flame lamps. The second sub-group consisted of cases with "nodular" sized opacities which were again given a higher radiographic category than would have been expected from their dust content. In Germany, both EINBRODT (1965) and WORTH _et_ al. (1968) showed that the racliographic category of coalworkers1 pneumoconiosis (silicosis) 7. tended to increase with increasing total dust. WORTH and hie colleagues concluded, however, that the pneumoconiotic shadows were not caused directly by the inhaled dust but by the fibrous tissue reaction. NAEYE _e_t_ _aJL. (1972) reported on the lungs of 77 bituminous coal miners and found that the correlation between radiographic categories and the volume of pulmonary dust nodules was good. They also indicated that the lung content of silicon dioxide correlated well with the radiographic category but, unfortunately, this material was estimated by a light microscope counting process and not chemical analysis. In 1970, RYDER et al. published the results of a large study in which the lungs of 2^7 coalminers had been examined and radiographic category was compared not only to the levels of pneumoeoniosis present but also to the levels of emphysema. It was found that higher levels of emphysema were present in those pneumoconiosis cases showing the finer punctiform type of radiological change than in cases showing the larger micro-nodular and nodular opacities. This? study used the 195$ standard international classification of radiographs of pneumoconiosis issued by the International Labour Office. More information was produced in 1'97'* when LYONS ejt al. reported the results of a new study of 95 cases in which the revised ILO radiographic classification of 1968 was used. This classification makes allowance for irregular opacities nK well as rrmncipri nodular onfis nn<i the autho7"S reported that the nulnonnry emphysema of coalworkcrs correlated better with the irregular radiographic markings than with rounded opacities. Tn 1953 the British National Coal Board commenced a l~rge epide;niolo~icnl study involving all the men working in a series of 25 collieries. The dust levels and chemical compositions of dust were carefully recorded for a number of occupational groups in each colliery and the period of time that each man had worked in any occupational group v.'as also noted. The men were examined at five-year intervals and chest radiographs were taken. Simple lung function studies were also undertaken and complete medical histories recorded. The aims of Pneumoconiosis Field Research have been documented in a number of publications which includes FAY and RAE (1959); 1 and JACOBS^ ROGAN e_t al. (1967) et al. (1971). In 1971 it was decided to obtain the lungs of as many men as possible, who hnd taken part in these surveys, for pathological examination and mineralogical analysis of lung dust. The main aims of 8. this study were a comparison of the type and profusion of pneumoconiotic lesions with the lung dust content at autopsy and lifetime dust exnosure. In addition it was proposed to compare the pneumoconiosis category of chest radiographs obtained during life with the size and structure of lung dust lesions and lung dust content. Estimations of emphysema present in each case were proposed with the extent of emphysema estimated by a variety of methods including that published by HEARD (1969) and the point counting method of DUNNILL (1962). Apart from the overall levels of emphysema, the different types of emphysema would be estimated separately in addition to estimations of the number and size ranges of individual areas of circumscribed or centriacinar emphysema. It was also proposed to estimate the extent of bronchial gland enlargement and to correlate this with clinical evidence of chronic bronchitis obtained during life. The lung dust analyses were planned to cover estimations of the mass of total lung dust, coal, ash, quartz, kaolin and mica found in each set of lungs as well as the percentage of each of these components present. In addition it was hoped to analyse the dust content of individual lesions separately to see if this differed from the lung dust burden as a whole. It was also proposed to undertake particle size distributions of the lung dust from all cases. The present report includes the results of conrnarrsons of total lung dust content and its components, with the types of pneuinoconiotic lesion present in the lung tissue as well as n comparison of crest radiographs with, lung pathology and dust content. Results from the overall estimation of enrphysema by the Brian Heard method are included but the more detailed estimations and classification of emphysema as well as the results from studies of bronchial plands and the histolofrical classification of the individual pneumoconiotic lesions is not yet complete and will form the basis of a subsequent report. This report will -?.]so include the results of the size distribution studies on lung dust and the results of analysing the dust content of individual dust lesions • 9. 2. 2.1 1-JATERIAL3 !:-..T:!ODG Case collection The majority of lungs examined in this study were supplied by the Pneumoconiosis I'edicnl Panels. Since most lunpjs examined hy the Panels came from men with some level of pneumoconiosis it had to be accented that the series v;ould not be representative of the whole population of the PFR study. In order that the Pneumoconiosis Medical Panels could identify men who had taken part in the PFR study, each Regional Panel office was supplied wit!) a complete list of index cards giving the necessary personal details of all appropriate men from the PFR colliery in their area. All cases seen by the Panels were checked against this list. In an attempt to increase the number of lungs obtained from men with little or no pneumoconiosis, hospital pathology departments in some areas were approached and some agreed to supply lunrrn from men who had worked in PI'"? collieries. Artain , index cards or lists of names were supplied to aid case recognition. The material for the present study consisted of 500 sets of lunr;s from a series collected consecutively between June 1972 and October 1977. A number of cases vere rejected for reasons indicated in Table 2.1. Reason for exclusion Number Patholorist's report did not correspond with lungs.. 3 Lur.rs putrefied. 1 Previous lobectomy. 1 Subject absent from all PFR surveys. 1 Active TB inadecmatelv fixed on receipt. 2 TABLiC 2.1 Cases onitted from consecutive series. 10. Of the 500 cases 23 were obtained directly from hospitals, the remaining 'i?7 coming from Pneumoconiosis Medical Panels. In the majority of cases the heart was also made available and these were stored for later examination. 2.2 Pathological examination Adequate assessment of the lesions of pneumoconiosis and emphysema is dependent on the quality of material available for examination. For satisfactory results the lungs should be properly inflated and fixed in an inflated state. The lungs from the present series v;ere initially prepared at many different laboratories throughout Britain and were not uniformly satisfactory when finally examined in Edinburgh. Thus, although all lungs v/ere processed in the same way on arrival at the Institute of Occupational Medicine, the amount of information that it was possible to gather from each case did vary. For examination in the present study, lungs were first washed for 2k hrs to remove formalin and then sliced in the sagittal plane at 1 cm intervals. In most cases the lungs had also been cut in some way at autopsy. Slices were numbered for identification from the periphery to the hilum. A representative slice was chosen from both right and left lungs (TIIURU3ECK, 19u?) and all further measurements were made on this slice. The outline and main lobar anatomy were traced onto paper and lesions of progressive massive fibrosis and any sizeable hard nodules were indicated on this drawing. The slice was then divided visually into six zones (Iii,ARD, 1969) each of v/hich was subdivided into fifths and all measurements were made with reference to these. The dimensions of any FMF lesions v/ere recorded and discrete dust foci counted. For the purposes of this study any dust deposition surrounded by non-dusted lung tissue was regarded as a focus. For a comparison between the numbers of dust lesions found in the different cases no distinction was made between sizes or types of dust foci although future work will analyse such differences. For most of the analyses reported in the present study, however, the cases were divided into three broad pathological types, M, F and PMF. consisted of cases where discrete dust rtenooits were -present M 11. without any macroscopic evidence of fibrosis. F cases were those in which theT-o wore ono or more nodules with a solid, palpable centre of nt least 1 mm and PHF cases contained at least one lesion of 1 cm or more in addition to smaller lesions. Except where specifically stated, the PMF group, referred to in the Results chapter of the present study, was derived from these pathological examinations, since it was found that X-ray recording of large opacities did not always correspond »• J. ml O J - v - | • i. ^ ^.'v, > . w '- \J : ^ t .t J. <-* t«i* < A (.An CAvX^O^'-^T. * *_*-l V*li<~ exactly _ JJ14J. ^J»_/i_»^O of comparison FKF caaes were divided into three groups which theoretically corresponded to radiographic categories A, B and C. These will be indicated in the script as Ap, Bp, Cp. For studies of emphysema, only airspaces of 1 mm or more in diameter were considered as enphysematous. Emphysema was assessed and recorded in two stages by the methods advocated by HEARD (1969). The first estimation simply noted the presence or absence of emphysema, while the second was a visual estimate of the proportion of a zone which was made up of ernnhysenatous airspaces and was expressed in fifths of a zone or thirtieths of a whole lump: slice. For the remainder of this report, these latter estimations are referred to as the Brian Heard count number 2 or BH2 for short. In addition to these estimations of lotal emphysema, different anatomical types of emphysema were estimated separately. Maximum airspace size was recorded for each type of emphysema and the presence of bullae and honeycombing was also noted at this starre. Apart from the simple estimations of emphysema by the Heard technique, levels of each type of emphysema have also been estimated for all suitable cases by a r.oint counting r.etliod (DUNNILL, 1962). However, for the present report only the BH2 estimations of overall emphysema have been used. Analyses using the more detailed estimations will be included in a subsequent report. In the present study the BIis count in all zones was recorded for both lungs in '*02 cases and for a single lung in a further 7'1 cases. A complete count of dust foci was available for both 12. lungs in 152 cases and for a single lung in 1W cs.ces. Data were examined statistically to determine whether counts recorded for one lung were applicable to both. No significant difference was found between left and right lungs in respect of the BH2 or counts of dust foci. (To validate the assumptions necessary for the testing of differences between mean values, the square root transformation was uned.) Thus, for the 3H2 estimation an average count was used when estimates for both lungs were available. When only, one lung was used for a count of dust foci the total count was estimated as twice that number. For histological examination of the lungs, tissue blocks were taken from each lung sone, from main, upper find lower lobe bronchi and from a hilar lymph node. These specimens were embedded in paraffin wax before sectioning and staining for light microscope examination. Following pathological examination the lung slice was photographed and when the material was suitable a Gough section was made. For the first 256 cases one slice of a lung was retained for future study. For the remaining cases a whole lung was kept. The side from which material was retained was determined by a randomisation procedure. This resulted in the retention of material from 2'f? left lun;~3 and 253 rirht lungs. Cn occasion randomisation was abandoned in favour of keeping suitable material for further work. All remaining tissue was made available for dust analysis. 2.3 Chest radiographs Full-sized chest radiographs taken within four years of death were available for 261 cases. These were obtained either from Pneuroconiosis Medical Panels or from hospitals, or were taken during the periodic surveys which are part of the Fneumoconiosis Field Research programme. The films were randomised and read in two separate groups by a panel of four doctors from the National Coal Board's X-ray service. A fifth reader was present on the' first occasion but because he was absent for the second reading session, no account has been taken of his readings in the present report. r The production of nn nvor.^fo ren<iin; fr>r fi'sch c.iso is HoscrihiH in A'-.por.djx C 13. ?..k Smoking histories The .smoking histories of the men in this study v/ore mainly recorded os part of the Pneumoconiosis Field .Research study investigations. V/here the information was lacking from this source it was obtained from the Pneumoconiosis Medical Panel records. Only a simple division of the cases into three groups (smokers, ex-smokers and non-smokers) was used for this report. The use of this dual source of information appeared justified since where data were available from both sets of records on any It One Wctta JUUIIU UJau JJCJ.U «o.b JL u between the two. 2.5 Dust analysis Following pathological examination, either the right or the left lung was used for dust estimation. Approximately 97 per cent of this lung was available in most, cases. In the early stages of this work material from both lungs was used for dust analysis. Ten cases were found unsuitable for dust analysis as indicated in Table 2.2. <eason Number Figures for two lungs in same case not comparable. Original specimen of only one lung. Ir.corrplete lungs without details of amount missing. TABLE 2.2 Cases rejected for dust analysis. For analysis of the remaining, '*9^ cases lunjr tissue v/ns finely sliced and allowed to drain pri.or to weirhin.p; and mincing. The minced lungs were dried in vacuo at 105 C and ground in an end runner mill to give particles about 200 jjm in diameter. dried ground lunsrs were weighed and stored until required. The The procedure employed for the recovery of dust from representative samples of the dried lung was a modification of the method reported by i\IVL'i\o et al. (19^3) ifl which tissue is removed by hydrolysis. with 11.''; f; h.vdrocMoric aci'! i>t ^0°C. The dusts recovered from the tissue digestion procedure were ashed to constant weight for three days in a muffle furnace at 380 C and their coal content calc'ilnted from the weight lose. The quartz, kaolin nnd mica content of the residual ashes v;ere determined by infrared spec trophctomc try using the potassium bromide disc method (DOiXiSON and ^ilYTHKVK, 1973). Since, for most cases, a single lung was used for dust analysis, corrections have been applied in calculating the dust content of both lungs so that the different ventilation of the right and left lungs could be taken into account (SVANBERG, for calculating total weights of dust in both lungs should be 2.17 where the left lung was available and 1.85 where the right lung was analysed. For the series of lungs used in the present study the average weights of dust found in the left and right lungs were used to calculate similar factors. The figures obtained were 2.16 and 1.P>6 respectively. Since, however, these factors were based on figures from one lung only in each case it was considered desirable to check the calculations with, a small series of lunrs where both right and left lunrs v:ere used for dust analysis. Ten additional sets of lungs, collected after the first five hundred, were therefore analysed separately and the dust weights in left and right lungs compared. The correction factors derived from this series were 2.2'* and 1.°1 for left and right lungs respectively. There was some statistical significance attached to the difference between these two sets of factors. however, given the degree of experimental accuracy, these figures were regarded as sufficiently close to the averages for the whole scries ard t.o Cvanberg 1 s calculation:; to justify the UKO of this type of correction factor. It was decided that the average factors obtained from the present series (2.16 and 1.R6) were the best to use for the purposes of the present report. 2.6 Methods used to derive estimations of exposure to mine dust The working nopulation of each colliery included in the PFR was divided into occupational groups related to the place of work and particular occupation and dust exposure estimated for each 15. group. Shift average dust concentrations were determined for each occupational group. Individual dust exposures were calculated from the numbers of shifts worked in different groups, the shift time and the appropriate dust concentration (DODGSGN _et al., 1971? '..'ALTON et al., 1977). Many men in the PFR were employed in the same colliery prior to the start of the study in 1953, but others transferred to PFR pits only after the commencement of the investigation. In both types of case it was necessary to make an assessment of previous duct exposure and this was attempted, making the assumption that dust concentrations in PFP. pits just prior to the study were similar to those recorded during the first ten years of the project. It was also assumed that the dust levels in PFR pits would approximate to those found in other collieries in the same geographical area. Colliery occupations were classified into six working categories and each man's period in any of these v/as recorded. These categories v;cre as follows:Development in stone (hard heading) Development in coal Coalface (coal-getting shift) Coalface (non-coal-getting shift) Elsewhere underground r- — e.— •^ Mi I rai. r: Approximate dust concentrations for each category were calculated using the figures from occupational groups for which dust measurements had been made and past dust exposures for individual men were estimated by adding up their working periods in each of the six categories. Dust exposures were first estimated on a yearly bnsir. and then expressed as grnm hours per metre cubed (g.h.m."3) by multiplying by the factor 17'*0 which was assumed to be the average number of hours worked each year. -If.. 3. DESCRIPTION OF CASl-;3 Thin Autopsy Study, by virtue of its timing and main source of material, was not expected to cover a random sample of the PFR population. However, it is of interest to compare the distribution of important characteristics of the cases studied, with those that might have been expected had the cases been a strictly random sample of the miners included in the PFR surveys. Tables 3.2 to 3.6 describe the cases in this way, in relation to age, smoking habits, and radiological state as determined by at least tv/o doctors after the radiological surveys were completed. For the purposes of this study it wan convenient to adont a grouping of collieries. It would have been possible to do this using a number of different parameters including the percentage carbon or percentage volatile content of the coal mined. It was decided that a suitable compromise would be to use the National Coal Board's rank coding system (Table 3.1). This coding system is based on a number of calculations involving the burning characteristics of the coal. resultant grading of collieries is therefore somewhat The arbitary. However, this grading system differed in only a few instances from that which would have been obtained using percentage carbon. A satisfactory »'j.Cji,ribu i_j-on o^ COCGC was achxGVGu by c«n.vi.G?Lrig tn£ CGJ__LJ.crj.cn j.n^c O?L/C rank groups (Figure 3.-1). This method of presentation highlights the degree to which the cases were atypical of all miners involved in the When expressed as a« percentage of the original PFR survey populahion (Table 3.2) there was considerable variation between groups, a larger percentage being obtained from the higher rank code groups. Regional grouping has also been examined but does have the disadvantage that M:%' of cases are concentrated, in the South V/ales area. Firure 3.2 shows the age distribution of 500 study cases wMch ranged between 36 years and 85 years with 7S% of all cases falling between 61 and 80 years. Clearly it is reasonable to exnect that the Autopsy Study cases would be drawn from the older age groups of the original cohort. Tables 3.3 a and b confirm this supposition and show the age distribution by rank grouping of cases at the time of the 2nd and 3rd PFR surveys together with those that would have been expected if the sample had been random. Tables 3.'4 a and b show figures for a similar exercise undertaken in respect of sr.oking habit. There appear to be fewer non-smokers and more 17. smokers than would have been expected but these differences are of an order which could have arisen by chance though the possibility remains that they may be associated with effects of smoking on life expectancy which are beyond the scope of this investigation. Table 3-5 however shows that the distribution of smoking habits with respect to age among the cases was similar to that among miners at PFR collieries generally. To this extent therefore,the results reported below are not biased because of the case-selection procedures adopted. • For examination of PFR radiological state cases were divided into t.i. — . _ _. /•' -'-£j -- J »>, J.111^^. _.•....->. ^J i .... ..._•._•.. . . .1 1.1 iW .. • UJiAV-t-^l.*^WJ./fc-*» , J. (!£-, progressive massive fibrosia (Tables 3.6 a and b). At both surveys for rank group the observed distribution of readings is very close to the expected distribution while for other colliery groups there are large discrepancies. There are fewer Category 0 cases than would be expected and more pneumoconiosis cases at all levels of severity. Thus, for factors other than smoking category, the study group is clearly biased in favour of the older and more severely diseased man. In some interpretations this characteristic must be borne in mind. 18. NCB Coal Rank Code o/ C/H /tage Carbon C/0 Ratio Ratio C'/ Colliery Rank Group W 1 101 94.0 135 20 4.0 6.0 E 1 102 92.7 66 24 1.8 9.6 H 2 201 92.4 58 23 1.3 11.5 F 2 202 91.9 51 22 1.3 1.5.0 I 2 204 91.4 46 20 0.8 21.0 V 3 301 90,6 35 19 1.0 23.0 T 3 301 89.7 ?9 18 1.4 28.0 B 3 301 88.8 22 17 1.9 - A 4 401 87.0 19 16 1.8 36.0 M 4 501 87.2 17 16 3.3 38.0 Y 4 502 86.3 17 16 2.3 38.0 N 4 502 85.6 15 15 3.6 38.0 X 4 502 85.2 12 15 4.0 38.0 R 5 602 84.6 13 15 3.9 K 5 602 84.7 13 16 6.3 38.0 i i Moisture Capacity Volatile Content - 0 5 602 85.4 13 16 5.9 37.0 L 5 602. 84.9 12 16 4.3 38.0 G 5 701 85.5 13 16 5.1 36.0 U 5 702 8.9 D 5 70? _ i i I 84.6 11 16 84.0 11 15 8.9 84.1 11 16 7.3 39.0 i Z 5 70? P 6 802 84.1 10 16 9.0 38.0 c s 6 802 81.8 8 15 9.5 41.0 6 802 81.9 8 15 10.2 40.0' Q 6 902 81.1 7 16 15.2 39.0 j 6 902 82.5 8 16 12.7 4o.o 3.1 D e t a i l ? ; of the coal m i n e d at the collieries of the rroeonioTis F i e l d R o r i e a r c h S t u ^ y . This l T i.eri e~ i n t o to diviri-:; H>e inform^' irn Rank Group Collieries No. of Autopsy Study Cases % of PFR Phase 1 population k^ ?.1 H, F, I 120 . 2.7 3 V, T, B 1.15 1.5 k A, hi, N, X, Y 90 0.8 5 K, 0, L, G, 1!, D, Z 7'» 0.6 6 P, C, S, Q, J 56 0.5 1 W. E 2 ABl.J:; 3»2 Autopsy stndy cases expressed as a percor.t.?.f:e of the original PFR population divided by rank group. 20. Pnnk Group ' ^r-^__ /: »'j 65+ TABLE 3.3 45 (a) Hank Group ~~~~— -—_ MFC i»S-''9 50- ^k 55-59 . 60-6'+ 65+ TOTAL TABLE 3.3 k 5 6 VTB AKfiXY KOLGUDZ PCoOJ (b) 0(24.4) 1(22.7) 2( 8.7) K 6.7) 5( 7.6) 2( 5.0) 8( 8.5) 3( 5.6) 23( 8.0) 19( 5.3) 23( 7.0) 17( ^.7) 11( 5.D 11( 2.8) 2( 4.9) 2( 3.2) 74 56 Age distribution at 2nd Survey of autopsy study cases divided by rank. 2 HFI o( 9.2) 0( 3.9) 5( 6.3) ?( 5-0) 8( 5.2.) 9( 5.0) '9( 'u6) 7( 5.7) ^5 i 90 115 1 120 1 V.'S "-—~__^_^ -3'' 35-39 ko-kk 3 0(13.8) 7(^2.5) 4(44.2) 1(38.5) 5( 6.1) 6(12.8) 8(12.9) 4( 9.8) 8( 5.1) 10(11.6) 10(12.3) 6( 8.5) 9( 5.D 15(12.9) 25(12.2) 18( 9.2) 9( 5.D 28(11.9) 26(11.9) 20( 8.5) ?( 4.4) 24(11.3) 26( 0.4) 24( 7.3) 5( 2.7) 24( 8.6) 14( 6.3) 14( 4.7) 2( 2.6) 6( 8.3) 2( 5.8) 3( 3.5) i -3'' 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 TOTAL 2 HFI 1 3 VTB 2(3?.i) *»( 9.3) k AMNXY r; 6 KOLGHDZ PCSOJ 0(16.5) 3(33.1) K 9.'0 5(12.8) 0( 7.5) k( 9.7) ov.'n.7; _— \ 10(12.V; 5( 8.7) 16(12.5) 31(12.8) 26(12.2) 16( 9.D 24(12.1) 22(11.3) 26(10.1) 32(17.9) 20(13.0) 20( 8.8) 2k( 7.3) 21( 9.2) 0( 5.9) K 5.3) K 8.2) K 6.7) 5( 7.1) 2( 5.0) 6( 8.2) 2( 5.6) 18( 7.6) 17( 5.3) 21( 6.8) 19( 5.0) 17(10.3) 1H( 6. ^) 90 7k 7(12.'t) * t . . 120 115 0(?0.7) 6(20.1) 56 Age distribution at 3"<i Survey of autopsy study cases divided by rank. Figures in brackets nre the numbers that would have been expected, if the samnle had been random. '1. }j'::-.v G-r.-uv. ~~~^—--~___^^ 1 WE Smokinp; h^hit 2 HFI N or, -S" ok or 6( 5.1) 12(16.3) Ex-smoker 2( 23(23.6) Unknown 14 TOTAL 45 TABLii; i*1* s I* Ai::!XY 6 KOLGUDZ FCSQJ 6( 9.D 6( 6.5) 4( 4.2) 4( 4.1) 2( 2.4) 5( 6.7) 76(70.0) 82(75.0) 60(55.3) 5K47.*) 35(34.1) 2.2) Snoker 3 VTB f 7d3. *0 4( 4.6) 6(10. '0 27 22 20 13 13 120 115 90 74 56 i>rocI1..: .13 habits oi' autopsy study casc-3 at tirce of (a) Sv.rvev. 1 WE -—^ R a n k Group — — ^________^ Smoking habit 2 HFI 3( 3.9) 9(10.7) fc( 6.7) 5( 5.5) 1P(1P.3) i 43(4o.7) 20 63 Non-smoker' Ex-smoker Srroker Unknown h?o TOTAL T ' - R J S 3.^ i 3 VTB AV1JXY 6 KOI.GUDZ FC.SOJ 6( 7.3) 2( 5.D 4( 5.9) 4( 3.6) 10( 7.1) 5( 5.3) 4( 3.9) 55(52.7) 39(37.4) I V>(30.2) 2^(26.3) i i • ! °o 115 56 5(10.2) S;/:ckh^ habirs of autopr-y s:.^;dy --K:/U; at tiir.s of 3rd ourvo;:. in brackets pre the numbers that v:oulri have b^en expected, if the h.nd been r s r d n m . —— (b) Arre Groun ^ 3'+ Srrio'-tin'T bar) it "~-i Non-srokers o( 0.6) Ex-snokers 0( 0.2) Smokers 3( 2.2) TOTAL T.'lv. 5 3'1? ^ 35_/«U u 5-5^ 55-64 65+ Total o( 2.6) 10(10.8) 19( 21.2) 0( 0.2) 29 2.1) 10( 9.4) 21( 26.5) 0( 0.7) 32 19(15. '0 60(60.6) 132(127.7) 2( 1.1) 216 K ?0 Po 172 2 277 Comv.ari.son of rb.-.:.::•'-•«';. ar.d e::nactnd values for Einokinp; liabit w i t h i n a,qe prouj:-s. Expected va].ues p:iven in brackets. 1 Rank Group ~'Reading ,. D - 1 ! 2 HFI ^ i 3 • 4 VTB i AF.NXY i 5 : KOLGUDZ 6 ; PCSOJ ••i j i i ! • c Mtegory 0 CWP 2 1 ( 2 4 . 1 ) 1 49(72.5) '•2(7°. 6) 20(61.5) ; ?3(5L5) ! 27(43.5) i i Simple CWP PKF 23(14.5) 5( 2.0) 22( 6.0) ; 12( 3.D 14 TOTAL 45 (a) i - V;E otc--ory 0 C'vP 10(19.1) s in-ole CV/P Unknown o( 1.6) ,20 TOTAL T.\ f3l,iO 3.6 45 (b) j 14( 2.3) 1B( 1.4) ; 11( 0.6) : 5( 0.2) i s 22 18 120 1 115 90 HFT 3 VTB 22(4^.4) 35(59.9) 2 ; • 6( 4 . 3 ) ; 3?(1?.1) PMF 34( 9.D | 23( 5.0) 26 1 ' i i 17 10 74 : f-/? i i ; i Da flir tivr! r.'bliograr.hio c a t a ^ o r y cf autc:xsy s t i r i y cases H:-r.:: 'J •.-.-,:}; .3 ; . . 39(10.3) 5( 5.0) Unknown T.1' OLE 3.6 i 3( 1.5) L ; : ; AKNXY 5 KCIGrDZ . 6 P^SQJ V:(61.2) 20(36.7) ' |0 (33.D 25( 8.4) 21( 8.5) 14( 2.9) 1S( 1.7) 6( 0.3) 2( 0.2) 11( 2.7) 14( 1.4) ! 63 44 40 34 21 120 J115 I J 90 74 [ ' ' .T D s f i n i r i v e rariioprar.hic cat~r?rory of autopsy sfcu-'ly cases at 3rd Survey. Figures in brockets are the numbers that would have been expected,if the sample had been random. I 12; PMF II M r\j W E H 1 FIGURE 3.1. F - I V T B A M N X Y K O L G U D Z P C S Q J COLLIERY COAL RANK GROUP DISTRIBUTION OF AUTOPSY STUDY CASES BY COLLIERY AND PATHOLOGICAL TYPE 2k. M F RMF NUMBER OF CASES 36- 41- 46- 51- 56- 61- 66- 71- 76- 8140 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 AGE IN FIGURE 3.2. DISTRIBUTION OF AUTOPSY STUDY CASES Eff AGE AT DEATH SUBDIVIDED THREE PATHOLOGY GROUPS. INTO wr-Aor YEARS 25. 1*. A COMPARISON OF PMEUMGGONIOSTS FOUND AT AUTOPSY WITH LUNG DUST CCNTaiT ANU LIFETIME DUST EXPOSURE The main aim of this section of the study was a comparison of the different types of pneumoconiosis lesion present at autopsy with the mass and composition of the lung dust and the lifetime dust exposures of the men in question. The main conclusions of this work are summarised below and presented in full in the main body of the chapter. (a) For the whole group of cases the weights of all types of variation from case to case. The mean weights, however, increased as the type of pathological change became more severe. As an illustration the mean weights of total dust for cases in the three pathological types were as follows: M = 7.2 gms, F = 12.5 gms, PMF = 20.0 gms. (b) When the collieries were divided into six groups depending on the rank of the coal mined it was found that in cases from all rank groups the mean lung weights of each mineral increased between the three pathology types but the level of increase varied considerably. For cases with either macules or fibrotic nodules the total dust content did not differ significantly between the rank groups. For cases with PMF, however, those from the highest rank group (1) coili.-ciiiir;i.i -^i^TU3..Lj.cCIM»..1.y rrio~^ \iiiot. onsn ccioco Arcm G^J*CI* remit groups. (c) The mean coal content of lungs with soft dust macules only did not vary between the different rank groups. Cases with fibrotic nodules from rank groups 1-3 had a higher mean coal content than those from groups k - 6. For cases with PMF, however, the"coal content decreased progressively between rank groups 1 and 6. (d) The mean weights of the non-coal components of lung dust increased between the three pathological types for all rank groups. Within any one pathological type, the highest levels were found in rank groups *t and 5« (e) There were no significant, differences in the percentage coal and mineral composition of lunp dust with differing types of 26. pathology in the high rank collieries. In low rank groups, however, the percentage of coal decreased between the pathological types M, F and PHF, and the percentage of non-coal minerals was increased. (f) Good exposure data were available for 119 men out of the total of 500 and this subgroup was used to examine the relationship between dust exposure and types of pneumoconiotic lesion present in the lungs. For the whole group no obvious relationship was demonstrated. No between cases with fibrotic nodules and those with progressive massive fibrosis within any single rank group. For these analyses coal ranks 1 and 2 and ranks 5 and 6 were combined. (g) The retention of dust components per unit exposure did not differ between rank groups for cases with fibrotic nodules. For PMF cases, however, it was found that the lowest retention of non-coal minerals had occurred in collieries mining the highest rank of coal (A). The highest retention of non-coal minerals and especially quartz was found in men from the medium to low rank collieries (C). (h) When the percentage composition of lung dust was compared to that of the original mine dust it was found that there was a higher proportion of the ash components quartz, and kaolin and mica in cases of pathological type F or PMF from low rank collieries but not from high. 4.1 Weights of dust in the lung and levels of pathology The dust content of the lungs of 490'' conlworkers was considered in relation to the levels of pneumoconiosis found at autopsy. For this purpose cases were divided into three types: those with only soft dust foci or macules, those with hard fibrotic nodules as well as macules, and those with the larger lesions of progressive massive fibrosis. The overall mean weights of minerals and their ranges present in the lungs of the men from each of the three pathological types is shown in Figure 4.1. This figure shows that while there is a considerable .27. spread of lung dust content in each group, the mean weights of total dust and of each component measured in the lungs increased from V: to F to FMF. It would have been desirable to compare the pathological levels and dust figures separately for each of the 2^ collieries but in several of these too few cases were available. However, the mean lung dust weights for men grouped by colliery in each of the three pathological types are given in Table A.1 of Appendix A. For analysis of the relationship between lung dust content CXJIVjL UI1C |Jd t, 1LU J-Uf-, J.U a_L UJ JJ<3 O U -L UUC: UU1VU ^11J.UO J. O , uliC U \J JL. J_ X C JL J. CO were split into six groups by coal rank (Table 3.1) or four groups representing the main geographical areas of coal-mining in Great Britain (see Table A.*0. Analyses were carried out in which the different mineral components of the lung dust were considered relative to the level of pathology for each of the six rank groups. These resxilts, expressed as histograms, are given in Figures ^.2 - 't.6. The figures from which the histograms were derived together v/ith the significance or non-significance for some important pairwise comparisons of these data are shown in Tables A.2 and A.3 of Appendix A, Similar analyses based on geographical areas are shown in Appendix A, Table A.^. Figures *t.2 - ^.6 show that for all rank groups, the lung weights of each mineral increased bsiv.'eeii Liiy tiiree pulholoKi'Jcil iypas bul i~!!« levtsl of increase varied considerably. For cases with macules and fibrotic nodules the total dust content did not differ significantly between the rank groups (Figure ^.2). For cases with PMF, however, those from the highest rank group contained significantly more dust than those cases from all other coal rank groups. Figure *t.3 shows that the coal content of cases with macules alone did not vary substantially between the different coal rank groups. Cases with fibrotic nodules in rank groups '+, 5 and 6 had less coal than cases from groups 1,2 and 3, while PMF cases showed a progressive reduction in the coal content of their lung dust from rank groups 1 to 6. The significantly greater total dust load foxmd in PMF cases in coal rank group 1 seemed almost entirely due to this high coal content. The weight of the non-coal component of the dust, together with its main constituents, quartz, 28. kaolin and mica, was higher within any one pathological type from collieries in coal rank groups 4 and 5 than in cases from collieries in higher coal rank groups (Figures 4.4 - 4.6). They also tended to be higher than in those cases from coal rank group 6. While collieries from South Wales and Kent mine mainly high rank coal those from the Midlands and North Wales produce coal of a lew rank. Comparisons of pathological types of pneumoconiosis with lung dust levels within these areas gave results which corresponded quite closely with the extremes of observations made for division by rank. In other geographical areas the distribution of collieries is such that useful comparison with rank groups cannot be made. In addition to the weight of any mineral present in the 490 cases examined, the amount of each mineral expressed as a percentage of the total dust content was calculated for each case and the results are given in Figures 4.7 - 4.10. For coal rank group 1 there appeared to be no difference in dust composition from cases with differing levels of pathology but in the other five rank areas there was a tendency for the proportion of coal in the lung dust to decrease with increasing severity of lung damage. 4-6 This trend was particularly marked in rank groups (Figure 4.7). A corresponding increase in the proportion of non-coal mineral with increasing pathology and low coal rank is shown in Figure 4.8. Changes in the percentage content of quartz and kaolin and mica closely followed the levels for non-coal mineral taken as a whole (Figures 4.9 and 4.10). As before, the figures on which Figures 4.7 - 4.10 were based, together with the calculated significance levels for pairwise comparisons of these data, are shown in Tables A.5 and A.6 of Appendix A. A similar exercise based on geographical areas is shown in Table A.7 of Appendix A and again the differences indicated between high and low rank groups are evident between the South Wales and Kent and North Wales and Midlands groups. 4.2 Dust exposure during life and levels of pathology and lung dust, content found at autopsy The National Coal Board's Pneumoconiosis Field Research includes estimates of lifetime dust exposure for all men at the collieries involved and it is of interest in an examination of 29. lung tissue to compare these figures with lung pathology and lung dust content measured in the laboratory. Many of the 4-90 men involved had died after long periods of retirement and measured dust exposure figures were available for very short periods of their working life. It was decided therefore to limit consideration of dust exposure, lung dust content and pathology to men for whom measured dust exposure figures covered at least 2($ of their working life and who had spent at least 5C$> of their working life in the same PFR colliery. r-r,nci rloyat i nn.^: Y-pHnrprl t.hp 4QO r?iKPS to 11Q nnrt these cases are given in Figures 4.11 and 4.12. the data These from When these cases were considered as one group, the type of pneumoconiosis lesion present at autopsy showed little relationship to mean dust exposure. This was true both for total dust exposure as well as exposure to the constituent minerals of the dust. The relatively small number of cases available for consideration made it unsatisfactory to use the original six rank groupings in an attempt to see if these findings applied to all coal-mining areas. For these reasons the analyses illustrated in Figure 4.12 use only four rank groupings, groups 1 and 2 and groups 5 and 6 having been combined. (To avoid confusion these four rank groups are referred to as A, B, C and D.) Similarly with only ten cases falling within the pathological type M it v.'ss net considered useful to subi'iwi'^'? th? B crrnun. Thfii-p.fnTfi only cases of the F and FnF pathological types were considered. No significant differences in the mineral exposures were observed between these two pathological classes within any single coal rank group. In addition to these comparisons of dust exposure and pathology levels, the exposure figures for the group of 119 men were also compared to their lung dust content. Initially, the weights of dust in the lungs of this subgroup were compared to the dust levels found in the lungs of the whole group of 490 men. These figures are shown in Table 4.1. There were some noticeable differences between the two groups. With the exception of coal rank group C, the mean weights of dust and its constituent minerals in the cases with fibrotic nodules were higher for the subgroup of 119 men than in the total group under 30. study. Furthermore, the PMF cases in this subgroup in coal rank group D tended to have lower weights of minerals than were found in the lungs of the whole population of ^90. The sample of 119 men with relatively good exposure data v/as, therefore, not entirely representative of the whole series of cases under study. Mo obvious reason for this difference can be seen. The average age of men in the two groups was very close (6?.^ yrs and 65.2 yrs for the whole sample and the subgroup, respectively. r or trie auu^i'uuu u i i'>c" .yi' v;iwai A c c . l i v e y f'joc exposure figures were available, exposure data were compared to lung dust content. considered. Each of the rrain dust components was also These comparisons were made using linear regression techniques applied to the data grouped by pathological type assigned at autopsy, and coal rank area of origin (Table *f.2). For the purposes of this report, the linear regression model assumed was such that extrapolation of a case with zero recorded dust exposure would imply zero dust in the lung. The considerations taken into account in selecting this formulation are discussed in Appendix B. For the '/.'hole group it was found that the relationship between exposure and lung dust appeared to vary with the level of pneumoconiosis, with PMF cases retaining more total dust, coal, non-cop'.!. | quart", kar.iin and mica than nen with less s=«v«re 'J.ioC-^Sire This is illustrated for total dust and quartz in Figures *+.13 and "O^. When the collieries were split into four rank groups, however, a series of different trends was seen. Cases with fibrotic nodules appeared to retain a higher proportion of total dust and coal in rank group A than in lower rank groups. For PMF cases there were no significant differences in the retention of dust and coal between the four rank groups. There was a tendency, however, for PMF esses in group D to have retained less dust and coal than cases in higher coal rank groups. illustrated in Figures ^.15 and ^.16. These findings are The retention of non-coal minerals per unit exposure did not vary significantly between coal rank groups for men with fibrotic 31. nodules in their lungs, although men from group D tended to have retained more of this material than men from other groups (Table ^.2). For.PMF cases, however, men from rank group D had retained less non-coal mineral than cases from groups B and C. Quartz followed a similar trend to non-coal mineral in men with fibrotic nodules in their lungs but the increase in quartz retention with decreasing coal rank was more marked. Ken with PMF in rank group A appeared to have the lowest retention of quartz although the figures were not significantly different from groups B nnd D. Groui) C. however, showed higher retention of quartz than any other rank group. in Figures *t.17 and *+.l8. These results are illustrated The pattern of retention of kaolin and mica between coal rank groups was similar to that of quartz although the retention of these minerals in rank group D appeared to have been particularly low in the PMF cases (Table U.2). Lung dust composition corn-pared with the composition of mine dust The composition of dust extracted from the lung tissue was compared to the percentage composition of the dust to which each of the 119 men was exposed and the results expressed as a ratio. When the results from all the 119 cases were considered together (Figure ^.19) it was found that while there had been little change in the proportion of coal in the lung dust as compared to mine H\I.?+- for any of t.hfi pathol ogical types there was evidence of a small increase in the overall percentage of r.cr.-coal minerals in cases with PMF. When quartz or kaolin and mica were considered separately, however, it was found that both were present in substantially larger proportions in lung dust than in the original mine dusts and that the ratios increased ..between the three pathological types (M to F to PMF). For PMF cases the proportion of these minerals in lung dust was 1.8 times higher than that reported for mine dust. For comparisons of the ratios of lung dust composition to that of mine dur>t in the different rank groups the same four rank groupings and two pathological types were used, on the reduced group of 119 men as before. The results of these analyses are shown in Figure *4.20 and they indicate that for cases with fibrotic nodules from the highest rank pits, there has been a small 32. increase in percentage coal content coupled with a reduction in percentage ash content. There is no increase in percentage coal in cases of FHF from the same pits and only a small reduction in percentage ash. Between the other three rank groups, all cases, whether in the F or PMF group, show a progressive reduction in the proportion of coal and an increase in that of ash. When quartz and kaolin and mica were considered separately, cases with fibrotic nodules showed a small reduction in the percentages of these minerals in lung dust as compared to mine dust in the group of highest rank collieries. In all other instances, however, their proportions in lung dust were well n^ove those reported from thn collieries. For esses with fibrotic nodules, the highest ratios were found in rank group C although the differences between the figures for groups C and D are not significant. For cases with PMF however, there was a progressive increase in the ratio between lung dust and mine dust through the rank groups A to D. In PMF cases in the lowest rank group the proportion of quartz, in the lung dust was 2.7 timer, higher than in the mine dust and the kaolin and mica level was 2.k times higher. In this connection, however, it must be pointed out that while quartz and kaolin and mica, the only ash components specifically estimated, comprised over 8($ of the total ash in lung dust, they only made up about 65/0 of the ash content of mine dust. Thin difference showed some variation between rank groups and is an indication that some ash component at present unrecognised is being lost from the lung dust. This is probably occurring during life although it is not possible to be certain that some is not being lost during dust extraction from the lungs. The implications of this are dealt with in the Discussion. The relationship between total lung dust levels and dust composition in rmeumoconiosis cases The lung dust studies already reported in this chapter indicated that while many PMF cases from collieries mining the highest rank of coal had high lung dust levels with a low ash content in the dust, cases from low rank pits had lower levels of dust which contained a much higher proportion of ash and its components quartz and kaolin and mica. Thi.'s evidence may suggest 33. that there is a critical combination of mass and composition for any individual at which severe pneumoconiosis is likely to develop with the required mass reduced as the non-coal mineral percentage rises in lung tissue. In order to explore this possibility more thoroughly, cases in the present study with either PMF or fibrotic nodules were divided into three groups with different ranges of total lung dust and their mean percentage compositions of non-coal minerals were calculated. These results are shown in Table ^.3- For PMF cases there was a significant gradation between the three groups, with cases with less than 15 grammes of total lung dust having approximately twice as high an average percentage of all the ash components as those with more than 30 grammes of total dust. The greatest differences were seen with quartz, the low dust group having approximately two and a half times more of this material in proportional terms than the high dust group. Cases with fibrotic nodules when divided into similar groups by dust weights showed no differences in non-coal composition below 30 grammes of the total lung dust. Above this figure, however, the mean ash content of the lung dust was markedly less. The dust mass differences seen between cases with high or low ash content are probably due in part to differences in dust exposure as indicated in Figure *t.12a where PMF cases from collieries mining high rank coal appear to have been exposed to more dust than those from collieries mining low rank coal. Coal rank will haye had an effect on the composition of the dust .deposited in the lung since high rank dusts have a low proportion of non-coal minerals and low rank dusts have a much higher proportion. This compositional difference is, however, further exaggerated by a selective accumulation of quartz and kaolin and mica in men from low rank collieries. Whatever the reasons for these differences, PMF had developed in lungs with a very wide range of dust mass and composition and the idea of a critical mass and composition relationship seems the most likely explanation of this fact. Coal Rank Group A (1 + 2) B (3) c (4) D (5 + 6) Pathological Type Number of Cases Whole SubSarrnle group Weights of dust in both :.ungs (gms) Coal Dust Subp;roun Whole Sample Subpirour) 18.3 18.5 2.5 5.0 9.9 12.9 12.6 12.8 71 14 13.2 21.8 10.7 PMF 57 15 25.4 23.8 20.4 F 42 18 PMF 44 13 14.0 18.0 17.9 19.1 F 39 12 PMF 42 15 12.4 19.7 11.7 22.5 F 48 V? 11 11.0 14.2 11 15.8 11.6 Quartz Whole i SubSample group V/hole 'ianvnle F FMF Non-coal Kaolin and Kica whole OUDSarnie EjrOUT) Whole Sajnple Subp;roun 3.5 5.3 0.350 0.776 0.^69 0.821 3.87 2.68 3.75 4.1 5.^ 5.0 6.3 0.688 0.927 0.877 1.200 2.93 3.66 3.43 4.45 6.0 1.187 1.694 1.150 1.672 4,22 6.12 3.93 6.30 1.250 1.411 3.49 6.00 4.77 4.63 6.1 5.7 10.3 12.4 6.2 9.4 5.6 6.6 7.1 5.** 7.1 0.939 ^.7 9.2 6.9 I 1.654 10.1 1.80 ; TABLE 4.1 Weights of dust and its main constituents present in the lungs of the sample of 490 men and in the subgroup of 109 coalminers for whom acceptable exposure records were available. Pathological Tvn«» M (i = 1)* Coe.l Rank Group se (an) Slope se ( a j j ) Slope 0.03^ 0.015 0.060 0.010 0.066 A 2 0.026 0.030 0.026 0.037 0.025 0.014 3 1 0.0.37 0.022 0.019 0.065 0.026 0.069 O.C?1 0.045 0.089 if 0.048 O.C16 0.038 0.055 0.022 0.054 O.CC4 0.058 0.069 O.OC8 B (.1 = 2) 55 14 18 0.053 C (j = 3) 12 D (j = 10 overall (j = D* B (j = 2) C (j = 3) B (j = 2) C (j = . 3 ) D (j = 4) * Slope 0.011 A (j = D* (i = 3)* se ( a j j ) QUAKTZ NON-COAL MINERAL 0.043 A (j = D* PMF Slope COAL 10 overall (i = 2)* Cases TOTAL DUST overall D (j = 4) F No. of Model fitted: se ( a j j ) KAOLIN + NIC A Slope se (a} , ) 0.04? 0.013 0.020 0.017 0.141 0.019 o .085 0 023 0.052 0.025 0.041 0.021 0.115 0.034 0.127 0.033 0.060 0.012 0.056 0.020 0.040 0.014 0.005 0.052 0.004 0.007 0.067 0.006 O.D98 0.008 0.044 0.011 0.075 0.047 0.054 0.014 0.052 0.008 0.054 0.009 0.072 0.078 0.01^ 0.039 O.OC7 0.010 0.019 0.012 0.035 0.014 0.045 0.008 0.077 0.014 0.070 0.014 11 0.052 0.0.10 0.041 0.016 0.063 0.008 0.091 0.013 0.068 0.009 54 15 13 15 11 0.060 O.CC4 0.004 0.068 0.005 0.006 0.061 0.010 0.015 0.011 0.012 0.080 0.015 0.062 0.007 0.009 0.077 0.076 0.037 0.073 0.110 0.008 o,.oo6 0.092 0.061 0.008 0.059 0.06? 0.058 0.058 0.063 0.058 0.007 0.014 0.120 0.013 0.045 0.013 0.037 0.021 0.053 0.010 0.127 0.085 0.017 0.057 0.013 O.C10 O.D30 0.014 0.019 Weight of dust component in both lungs = D E a., (dust exposure component) i=U=1 where a,j = estimated constant if observation belongs to Pathology Grade i and Coal Rank Group j = 0 otherwise TABL5 ^.2- The estimated slopes and standard errors for the relationships: dust component = constant :c component exposure. Pathological Type' ' Non-coal Minera;. Residual Variation* 0-15 £ms Lung dust veight 15-30 gms 30+ gms F % Ash 3'!3.0 36.7 d^2) ( ' ) 37.0 (44) 20.1 (14) PMF % Ash 367.8 48.8 38.5 25.1 (27) F % Quartz 14.6 6.2 6.4 3.2 PMF % Quartz 18.3 9.2 6.7 4.0 F % Kaolin + Mica 152.9 24.5 25.1 14.1 PMF % Kaolin + Mica 163.1 32.4 25.8 18.0 TABLE 4.3 (7V (89) A comparison of lung iust mass and the percentage composition of ash, quartz, kaolin and mica in pneumoconLosis cases with either fibrotic nodules or PMF. * (t) Calculated from a one-way analysis of variance on % non-coal, mineral within each of the two pathology grades. Number of cases.. 37. 80 P.HIF. 70. P.IV IF 60 WEIGHTS OF TOTAL 50 DUST, COAL AND NON - COAL MINERAL F A1 F IV1 40 IN BOTH LUNGS (gm) 30 P.M.F. 20 4 F 1 M 4 4 i 10 4 T 1 ( <( I o 4 •• — TOTAL DUST COAL NON - COAL MINERAL p.M.r. 20, WEIGHTS OF QUARTZ AND KAOLIN&MICA 10. M IN BOTH LUNGS (gm) P.M.F. M ll QUARTZ KAOLIN & MICA FIG.4.1 MEAN WEIGHTS AND RANGES OF MINERALS PRESENT IN LUNGS IN EACH PATHOLOGICAL TYPE 11 40 MACULES NODULES WEIGHT OF DUST 30 P. M.F. IN 46 BOTH LUNGS 42 (gm) 20 44 21 8 28 42 SO „ 39 19 29 19 10 18 27 11 I 3 4 COAL RANK GROUP . FIG. 4.2 WEIGHTS OF DUST IN BOTH LUNGS IN RELATION TO PATHOLOGICAL TYPE AND COAL RANK GROUP 40 11 MACULES x&i 30 n •Xnv WEIGHT OF COAL NODULES IN P.M.F. BOTH LUNGS (gm) 20 46 44 r,o 21 42 rH 10 42 •#8 28 39 11 22 1 29 27 frt 3 2: 19 4 5 6 COAL RANK GROUP FIG.4. 3 WEIGHTS OF CO/.L IN BOTH LUNGS IN RELATION TO PATHOLOGICAL TYPE /! ND COAL RANK GROUP 19 MACULES NODULES 28 P.M.F. 42 10 WEIGHT OF NON- 19 COAL MINERAL IN 39 BOTH I! 44 45 LUNGS (gm ) 1 29 14 5 19 42 50 >: 21 11 18 27 22 B COAL FIG.4.4 WEIGHTS OF NON - COAL MINtRAL IN BOTH RANK GROUP LUNGS IN RELATION TO PATHOLOGICAL TYPE AND COAL RANK GROUP MACULES NODULES 28 P.M.F. 42 WEIGHT OF QUARTZ IN 19 39 BOTH LUNGS (gm) 44 11 46 42 14 + 50 18 21 11 19 27 22 1 2 3 4 5 6 COAL RANK GROUP FIG.4.5 THE MEAN WEIGHTS OF G'JARTZ IN BOTH LUNGS IN RELATION TO PATHOLOGICAL TCPE AND COAL RANK GROUP ^y^ MACULES NODULES xWx 10 . WEIGHT P.M.F. OF KAOLIN & MICA IN BOTH LUNGS (gm) n) 28 T 42 T *:¥:* ••ijifcx 5 . 11 39 i 46 m 19 I 42 ::W§ -3- 21 22 27 3 ixfti; 14 rt- 5t 11 29 44 i 19 I I 4 ^ 1 18 -:SS: it COAL RANK GROUP FIG 4.6. WEIGHTS OF KAOLIN £ MICA IN BOTH LUNGS IN RELATION TO PATHOLOGICAL TYPE /ND COAL RANK GROUP MACULES NODULES RM.F. 100 . 11 PERCENTAGE 75 COAL 11 22 ft 50 ,J6 27 8 42 44 18 14 IN LUNG DUST 39 50 . 19 29 28 A 25. I 19 ^ i COAL RANK GROUP FIG4.7. PERCENTAGE COAL IN LUNG DUST IN RELATION TO PATHOLOGICAL TYPE AND. COAL RAflK GROUP * MACULES NODULES 70 . 28 19 Mil 60. 42 39 50 PERCENTAGE 14 •9 NOW-COAL MINERAL 18 40 IN LUNG DUST 42 44 r1 30. 46 11 11 ?2 20. 10. 21 i i ! 1 ^^ COAL RANK GROUP FIG 4.8. PERCENTAGE NON-COAL MINERAL IN LUNG DUST IN RELATION TO PATHOLOGICAL TYPE AND COAL RANK GROUP RM F -- MACULES NODULES 28 12 * tm\ RM.F. 19 10 39 J 42 29 19 PERCENTAGE 14 QUARTZ IN LUNG DUST 44 42^ 6 . 46 11 11 18 27 50 21 22 2 J I 3 4 COAL RANK GROUP FIG4.9. PERCENTAGE QUARTZ IN I.UNG DUST IN RELATION PATHOLOGICAL TYPE AND COAL RANK SROUP MACULES NODULES ixWxl RM.E 50- 28 40 . 19 42 39 29 T PERCENTAGE 30 . 19 14 KAOLIN £ MICA IN LUNG DUST 42 44 18 11 20. 50 11 21 46 27 10. COAL RANK GROUP FIG 4.10. PERCENTAGE KAOLIN AND MICA IN LUNG DUST IN RELATION TO PATHOLOGICAL TYPE AND COAL RANK GROUP 800- RM.F. 750. F 700. 650. 600. P.M.F. 550 . F 500. 450 . M t/\» WOUIVL. (gmhm" 3 ) 4UU 35Q 300 250 . ^^ ^ <i P.M.F. M 200 . F 41 <> M <I 15.0. 100. II 50 . O o -L DUST COAL NON-COAL MINERAL 250-, 200. 175 . _ 150. EXPOSURE ( gmhm" 3 ) P.M.F. M 125 . 100 . 75 . <I 50 . f (I I1 RM.F. 25 . Ill QUARTZ J KAOLIN & MICA FIG. 4.11 MEAN VALUES AND RANGES OF MINERAL EXPOSURES IN RELATION TO PATHOLOGICAL TYPE 15 DUST DUST 300 . NODULES 15 P. M.F. JWi 15 13 11 COAL 14 EXPOSURE COAL 18 15 11 13 200 3 (gm h m" ) 12 11 f, 100 1£2 3 A B C 4 3 5£6 D A B 4 5g6 C D COAL RANK A 3 B 4 C 5&6 D gi GROUP FIG 4.12(a). MINERAL EXPOSURES IN RELATION TO PATHOLOGICAL TYPE AND COAl RANK GROUP 3 A B C 4 5S6 D 150 - NON-COAL NON-COAL 12 15 11 NODULES P.M.E 11 100 18 15 fXPOSURE 13 14 KAOUIv & MICA 14 50 QUARTZ KAOLIN & MICA 12 15 QUARTZ 11. U 1 &2 3 A B 4 C 5&6 D 1 &2 A 3 B 4 C S&6 D 1 &2 A 4 C 5&6 D 1 &2 A 3 B 4 C 5&6 D 1&2 3-4 5&6 A B C D FIG 4.12 (b). MINERAL :XPOSURES IN RELATION TO PATHOLOGICAL TYPE AND COAL RANK GROU ' 1&2 A 3 B 4 5£6 C D COAL RANK GROUP 55 •» MACULES O NODULES A PMF 50 A O 45. WEIGHT OF DUST IN o 40 A A O 35 BOTH LUNGS (gm) MACULES O 30. 25 20 15. 10. 5 1CC 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 -3, DUST EXPOSURE (gm h rri FIG. 4.13. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE DUST CONTENT OF THE LUNG AND DUST EXPOSURE FOR CASES OF THE THREE PATHOLOGICAL T Y P E S ,p MACULES 3 NODULES A P. M.F. 4_ WEIGHT OF QUARTZ IN 3_ BOTH LUNGS ( gm j vD A 2 . 1 - 10 15 20 25 30 35 QUARTZ EXPOSURE ( g m h m ~ 3 ) FIG.4.14 THE RELATION BETWEEN THE QUARTZ EXPOSURE FOR CASES CONTENT OF THE LUNG AND <)UARTZ OF THE THREE PATHOLOGICAL TYPES 40 50 _ A COAL R \NK GROUP A V COAL R \NKGROUP B COAL RANK GROUP C COAL RANK GROUP D 40 j 30 J WEIGHT OF DUST IN BOTH LUNGS (gm) 20 J 10 J 100 DUST EXPOSURE FIG. 4.15 (gm h nf ) THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN H4E DUST CONTENT OF THE LUNG'AND DUST EXPOSURE FOR CASES WITH FIBROTIC NODULES IN THE FOUR RANK GROUPS 50 _ m COAL RANK GROUP A $ COAL RANK GROUP B © COAL RANK GROUP C Ei COAL RANK GROUP D 40 . WEIGHT OF OUST 30 . IN BOTH LUNGS (gm) 20 . 10 . 103 300 DUST FIG. 4.16 500 400 EXPOSURE 600 700 800 -3, (gm h m ) THE RELATK3NSHIP BETWEEN THE OUST CONfENT OF THE LUNG AND DUST EXPOSURE FOR CASES WITH P.M.F. LESIONS II THE FOUR RANK GROUPS. COAL RANK GROUP A COAL RANK GROUP B COAL RANK GROUP C COAL RANK GROUP D WEIGHT OF QUARTZ IN BOTH LUNGS gm 10 QUARTZ FIG. 4.17 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE FOR CASES r 20 15 25 EXPOSURE gmhm" QUARTZ CONTENT WITH FIBROTIC NODULES IN THE FOUR OF THE LUNGS AND CUARTZ EXPOSURE COAL RANK GROUFS 30 A COAL RANK GROUP A 4 COAL RAf> K GROUP B • COAL RANK GROUP C • COAL RAT K GROUP D WEIGHT OF QUARTZ IN BOTH LUNGS (gm) 30 QUARTZ EXPOSURE FIG. 4.18. (gm h m ) THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE QUARTZ CONTENT OF THE LUNGS AND QUARTZ EXPOSURE FO ? CASES WITH P.NIF. LESIONS IN THE FOUR COAL RANK GROUPS NIACULES 10 CASES NODULES 55 CASES P.M.F. 54 CASES 2.0 RATIO I % IN LUNG DUST/ % IN MINE DUST) .. COAL NOIN-COAL QUARTZ RATIO UNITY KAOLIN & MICA FIG 4.19. A COMPARISON OF THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE TYPE OF PNEUMOCONIOSIS TO THE RE -ATIVE COMPOSITION OF LUMG DUST AND MINE DUST EXPRESSED AS A RATIO NODULES PM.f. 2 . COAL ASH COAL ASH RATIO 11 (% IN LUNG DUST/ 15 % IN MINE DUST ) 14 15 RATIO UNITY 15 14 _L 1&2 3 4 5&6 3 5&6 1&2 3 4, 5&6 1&2 4 5&6 A B C D B D A B C D A C D COAL FIG 4.20. (a). RANK GROUP THE RELATIVE COMPOSITIONS OF LUNG DUST AND MINE DUST EXPRESSED AS A RA- IO IN RELATION TO THE TYPE OF PNEUMOCONIOSIS AND COAL RANK GROUP QUARTZ 3 NODULES 11 . KAOLIN & MICA 11 PMf. 15 QUARTZ 15 12 RATIO (% IN LUNG DUST/ %IN MINE DUST } KAOLIN & MICA 2 12 11 13 13 18 11 18 15 15 1 . 14 RATIO UNITY 14. f 1&2 3 4 5&6 1&2 3 4 5&6 1&2 3 4 S&6 A B C D A B C D A B C D C3AL FIG.4.20 (b) RANK 1&2 A 3 B 4 C GROUP THE RELATIVE COMPOSITIONS OF LUNG DUST AND MINE DUST EXPRESSED AS A RATIO IN RELATION TO THE TYPE OF PNEUMOCONIOSIS AND COAL RANK GROUP 5&6 D 59. 5. A COMPARISON BETV.'EEM LUNG PATI-1CI.OGY FOUND A'].' AUTOPSY ADI) CKEGT RADIOGRAPHS OBTAIHI-Ji) PUKING LII-'E The main aims of this section of the study were to compare the pneumoconiosis categories of chest radiographs obtained during life with the structure and number of dust lesions found at autopsy and the mass and composition of the lung dust. The main conclusions of this work are summarised below and presented in full in the main body of the chapter. (a) A comparison of radiograrhic profusion of small rounded opacities and pathological type showed thai uj° <->i uaaea wil'u only t>oil dust macules were categorised as 0/0. 32% of cases with fibrotic nodules were also categorised as (b) 0/0. Counts of total dust foci tended to increase with increasing radiographic profusion of small rounded opacities, the overall correlation being (c) 0.^3. The correlation between radiographic classification and pathological findings in PMF cases was extremely good for the large category C opacities but less exact for category B opacities. For the small category A opacities there was considerable variation among the '+ readers used and 21 out of 37 cases with lesions between 1-5 cms observed pathologically were not recorded radiographically by any reader. (d) WitVi S n.rjTpasi ncr rani ogfa^hi r nrnfiiRi on nf small rnnnded nnarH ti es there was a significant increase in lung dust content and itc components for cases with simple pneumoconiosis. However, cases with category 2 or 3 simple pneumoconiosis had higher dust levels than cases with category Ap or Bp PMF. (e) The lung dust from cases classified radiographically as category 0 for small rounded opacitie.3 contained a significantly higher proportion of coal and a lower proportion of ash than category 1 cases. No compositional changes were found between categories 1, 2, 3 and PMFp. (f) No significant relationship was found between the radiographic profusion of small rounded opacities and degree of emphysema. However, for small irregular opacities there was a significant increase between categories 0/0 and 0/1. 6o. (g) Cases with p type of small rounded opacity were more frequently associated with emphysema, had a higher mean count of total dust foci and had higher levels of lung dust than cases with q or r type opacities. The proportion of coal in lung dust decreased and that of ash increased progressively between cases with the p, q and r types of small rounded opacity. 5.1 Data collection and handling Chest radiographs are the only diagnostic technique used in the recognition and classification of coalworkers1 pneumoconiosis during life and it is of great importance to compare the findings obtained from radiographs taken within a few years of death with the type and severity of pathology and the lung dust content found at autopsy. In the present study it was possible to obtain 261 radiographs taken within four years of death from the total group of 500 men. Figures 5»1 and 5«2 show how these cases relate to the whole group in terms of distribution according to the colliery/coal rank and to the age and pathological type of the men respectively. In terms of the percentage of cases obtained from coal rank areas and of age and pathological type the cases with radiographs would seem to be an acceptable sample of the total group. The 261 radiographs were read by a panel of four doctors from the National Coal Board's periodic X-ray service (PXR) over two reading sessions. In some cases considerable inter-observer variation in classification occurred. An average classification was produced from those given by all four readers and this has been used for the purposes of the present ..report. It will be appreciated that this approach to the analysis obscures what may be important film-reader-dependent differences in apparent relationships between pathological results and radiological classifications. We intend to explore the implications of any such differences as part of the continuing work with these data (by comparing results derived from each reader's separate classifications). In the meantime, the findings are presented now in terms of "average" radiological assessments, with the caveat that the reliability of these averages, and conclusions 61. based on them, must be judged in the light of the variability summarised in Appendix C. The radiographs used in this study were classified according to the 1968 ILO classification for small rounded opacities and the 1971 ILO classification for small irregular opacities. This allows for 12 grades for the profusion of small rounded and small irregular opacities which are further sub-divided according to type. Small rounded opacities are graded p, q or r and small irregular opacities as s, t ur u. Areao of FI-iF art: fjraueu M, a or ^ according io size. necause of discrepancies between the average radiogranhic readings and pathological grading of PMF (which are discussed in Section 5) it was decided that where it was necessary to separate PMF cases from the rest this should be done on pathological rather than radiographic grounds. In the present study the results from each type of radiographic classification were compared to the pathological data obtained from lung examination and to the lung dust content. 5.2 Radiographic category and pathological type The radiographic categories for the profusion of both small rounded and small irregular opacities were compared with the tvnes of pnfinmofinniOR}S 1 fisi on fniinri in t.hft 1nnjr.«? arir) t.Vip a results arc chov/n in Tables 5«1 nd 5.2. The same pathological types were used as described in Chapter 3. It is evident from these tables that more than 8O# of cases containing only soft macules are recorded as category 0/0 for both small rounded and small irregular opacities. Cases graded as F span a much-greater range of radiographic category. Even so 32% are recorded as category 0/0 for small rounded opacities and 72% for small irregular opacities. Modified exposure techniques are often used when taking chest radiographs of men known to have PMF. The result of this is a modification of the radiological appearance of the lung tissue away from the PMF lesions. For this reason the background radiographic classifications in cases of PMF may be misleading and are not used in this renort. 62. The data from Tables 5.1 and 5.2 are re-expressed in Tables 5.3 and 5.^, with the cases sub-divided into the six colliery rank groups used previously. Initial investigation shows that there arc no significant differences between the colliery groups in the proportion of cases from each pathological type that have been given any particular level of radiographic classification. However, the number of cases is too few to draw any definite conclusions. Radiogra-phic category and number of dust foci present in the_ lun.p; tissue Of the 261 cases for whom radiographic readings were available 155 had counts of total dust foci, the remainder being unsuitable specimens for counting. The distribution of counts for these cases is given in Table 5.5- For convenience, and because of the small numbers involved in some ranges, further tabulations involving these counts have been reduced to' three ranges 0-1^9, 150-299 and 300+. Tables 5.6 and 5.7 show the distribution of cases according to counts of total dust foci and radiographic reading for small rounded and small irregular opacities respectively. Figure 5.3 illustrates the distribution for small rounded opacities. There is an overall correlation of 0.'-i3 between radiographic category for small rounded opacities and counts of total foci in r:cn-?KF 'jases. This increase in rauioj^rapiiit; cieisi&if iua.!.iu.ri willi increasing counts is influenced totally by cases assigned to ft pathological type F there being no significant correlation within pathological type M. No similar trend has been established for small irregular opacities. Of the category 0 cases 10 out of ^5 have already reached more than 300 dust foci which may indicate that the number of dust foci in the lung is determined at an early stage of dust inhalation. Cases with PMF more frequently appear in the 150- JOO dust foci group but this is probably because the PMF lesions have reduced the areas of lung tissue in which smaller dust lesions can be present. A similar comparison of numbers of dust foci and the profusion of small irregular opacities is given in Tables 5.7 but in this instance the number of cases recorded as category 1 63. or over is so small that no comparisons can he made. 5.^ A comparison of the types of radiograpMc onacity and patholorical type A comparison of the types of small rounded opacities observed radiographically and the pathological type of the same cases found at autopsy is shown in Table 5-8* Cases listed as uncategorised are those in which an average could not be produced from the individual readings available (see Appendix C, p.1^7). It can be seen that almost none of the cases classified as p, q or r nave onj.y soit macules in their lungw ami i/nis its in keeping with the hypothesis that it is rare for soft dust macules to produce any type of radiographic opacity. However, while approximately half the cases recorded as p or q show the presence of PHF, 12 out of 1*t cases of r type opacities were associated with this severe level of pathology. The information in Table 5«8 is re-expressed in Table 5-9 with the cases divided into the six colliery rank groups. two rank groups AXYNX and KOLGUDZ appear to have a higher The • proportion of cases recorded as q in the F pathological type than the other rank groups. The reduction in the number of category 0/0 cancc in come coal rank groups is due to the fact that a higher proportion of severe cases of pneumoconiosis was obtained from some areas than others (see Table 3.6 (a) and (b) ). A comparison of pstiiological typ'e'«nd cases withriil'.t'erenttypes or small irregular opacities was not attempted as almost all had been graded as t type opacities. 5.5 Type of radjographic oracity and number of dust foci present in the lungs The relationship between the type of small rounded opacity and the number of dust foci present in the lung is shown in Tables 5.10 and 5.11. These refer to all cases and to non-FMF cases respectively. In both series the majority of cases with p type opacities have more than 300 dust foci although proportionately fewer cases with q lesions reach this figure. In the whole series the majority of cases with r type opacities have between 150 and 300 • dust foci. All but two of these cases also have FMF and, as demonstrated in Table 5.6, PKF cases are more frequently found in this dust foci group. 5•6 A comparison of the r*athological and radioprnphic_ diagnosis of iirorrensive massive fibrosis (PKF) A comparison of the pathologists1 and radiologists' grading of PHF lesions is shown in Table 5.12. Although the same size tradings, A, B and C were used, results are not strictly comparable because for pathological examination lungs were sliced in a sagittal plane while X-rays were taken in the From this table it is apparent that in the present series of lungs ^9 cases of PMF recorded at autopsy were not recorded radiographically. Of these, the 11 cases recorded as Bp and the one case recorded as Cp were read as a large opacity by at least one reader but the use of an average score masked this finding. Similarly, of the 37 Ap's 16 were read as a large opacity by one or more readers and of the remaining 21 cases 12 had unilateral PMF which was either borderline in size, oddly-shaped or a cavitated mass frequently located adjacent to a fissure. In the 9 cases which showed PMF in both lungs the above findings were apparent in various combinations- From these results at appears likely that the radiological appearance of PMF is obscured if the mass has an odd shape or shows central liquefaction. Why the •crecence of a ?HF lesion adjacent to a. fii=i;urtt should i.nask. ils radiological recognition is not clear. A small number of lesions (6) were classified as category A or B PMF radiographically when pathological examination of the lung showed that the masses concerned were either neoplastic or of other types of pathology not related to the presence of coal dust. ' It was only with category C PMF therefore that there was complete agreement between radiologists and pathologists. It must be emphasised, however, that the readings used for this comparison were the average gradings of four readers. In most cases at least one reader agreed with the pathological classification. Tables 5.1J a - d present the radiographic grading of large opacities for individual readers. For the purposes of the present report these are not further discussed. 65. 5.7 Radiographic category and Inn/7: dust content For the comparison of radiographic category and lung dust content it was decided to combine the sub-categories into the main radiographic categories 0, 1, 2 and 3 since the number of cases with the higher gradings was so small. PMF cases were treated as three separate groups, according to lesion size. Only small rounded opacities were considered as all cases with small irregular opacities fell into categories 0 or 1. The mean values for total dust and its composition for each of the main radiographic categories is shown in Table 5-11*- The relationship between total dust and radiographic category for cases of simple pneumoconiosis is illustrated in Figure 5.^. For cases of simple pneumoconiosis there is a significant increase in lung dust content and its components with increasing radiographic category (correlation coefficient 0.5*0. However the figures for PKF cases falling within Ap and Bp size ranges are lower than those for categories ?. and 3 for dust mass although PMF cases show no overall differences from categories 2 and 3 as far as dust composition is concerned. There is a clear gradation between categories 0, 1 and PMF for all dust components considered by mass and there is a difference between categories 0 and 1 when the components are expressed as a percentage of the total. There is no significant difference in mean dust composition between the '-41 cases graded as category 1 and the 1'i5 CGSGG with PMF. These results are re-examined in Table 5.^5 with the cases divided into the six colliery rank groups. Because of the small number of cases in categories 2 and 3 these have been omitted. 5.8 A comparison of the type of radiographic .opacity and lung dust content In order to determine whether any differences existed between cases with and without the three types of small rounded opacities (p, q and r) in terms of total lung dust and its composition, the mean values of these were calculated for each of the four groups. PMF cases were excluded. in Table The results of this analysis are shown 5.16. This tabulation suggests tVmt cases without opacities have the smallest mean total dust of any group and cases with p type nodules have the most. Cases with q or r type nodules have, on 66. average, less total dust and coal than those graded p. There is little difference in total ash, quartz, kaolin and mica in the three groups although all contain more than cases without opacities. Cases graded p find those without opacities show little difference in the percentage composition of dust hut there is a decrease in the percentage of coal between cases graded p and those graded q and r and a corresponding increase in the percentage of ash, quartz, kaolin and mica. 5.9 A comparison of radiocranhic category and levels of ernphy sema nresent in the lungs As a first step in exploring the relationship between radiographic classification ond the amount of emphysema, the mean Brian Heard Count 2, the range of the Brian Heard Count 2 and the percentage of cases without recognisable emphysema (BH Count 2 of < 1/30) were calculated for each radiographic category. Tables 5.1? and 5.19 show the results for small rounded and small irregular opacities. No significant relationship is evident between radiorcraphic category for small rounded opacities and the extent of emphysema (Table 5-1$) • For small irregular opacities there was a significant increase in the amount of emphysema betv/een 0/0 and 0/1 (Table 5.20). There were too few cases in the higher categories of small irregular opacities to allow accurate comparisons at. these levels. 5.19 it is noticeable that the mean BH2 counts for cases with small irregular opacities tend to be higher for any radiographic category than for the corresponding category of small rounded opacity. This is further illustrated in Table 5.21 where the mean emphysema levels for cases showing only small rounded opacities are compared with, those having small irregular opacities and those showing the two together. The mean emphysema levels for cases with irregular opacities are higher than the rest but some cases in this group still have no recognisable emphysema at autopsy. Those findings illustrate that cases with small irregular opacities either alone or in combination are more likely to show emphysema than those with small rounded opacities alone. 67. 5.10 Tyner. of raoj orranhic opacity nr.d levels of emphysema Levels of emphysema for the 131 cases with types of small rounded opacity recorded are shown in Table 5.22. From this tab]e it appears that cases graded p are more frequently associated with emphysema than are those graded q and r. In the whole series forty-three per cent of cases with p type opacities have more than 5/30 of their lung tissue involved in emphysema compared with twenty-four per cent and_ fourteen per cent for q and r opacities respectively. Similarly, very few opacities graded p have minimal emphysema whereas the percentage of q and r type cases with minimal emphysema is quite high. This trend is still annarent when the mean BHj estimations are considered for each type of radionraphic opacity. V.'hen cases without PHF were examined thirty-four per cent of those with p type opacitievS and seventeen per cent of those graded q showed more than 5/30 lur.r; tissue involvement in emphysema. Only two non-PMF cases shov;ed r type opacities and data were therefore insufficient for further comment. V.'ithin the time scale of this report it was not possible to test these observations statistically. In the present study it was not possible to compare levels of emphysema with the different types of small irregular opacity, s, t and u, since almost all irregular opacities were graded t. 68. 0/0 0/1 1/0 1/1 1/2 f\ / ft 83.3* 7.1# 9.5* - <-/ * *** 2/2 3/3 » - TOTAL 1CX# 2/3 3/2 TABLE 5.1 PMF F M (35) (3) CO (42) 32. 4# 17.66 15. 7# 7.8JS 12.7* 1 if •>•»?/» (33) (18) (16) (8) (13) f f~ \ ^^i 2.9^ (3) 2.9,* (3) 3.¥ 3.^ 2.9/o - (3) - 10C$ (102) 14.5# (17) 18.8# (22) 20.5?» (24) 15.^ (18) 15.^ (18) •~* »-**'' 1 • l.a / ^ \ \ 7/ (4) (4) 0.8^ (1) 100J< (117) Small rounded opacities. % distribution of M, F and PMF cases over the radioftraphic scale. Absolute numbers in brackets. M PMF F (34) (6) 71. 6# 16. 7# (73) (17) 41. 0^ 24. 8# (48) (29) 0/1 80.9?^ 14.3?;; 1/0 2 . 4?~ (1 ) 7,^OBi (k~) 1 7 .QR< (21) 1/1 I.e.' 2 • *VO f M\ ( 1 J I.*?/* (4) (4) 9.4^ 3.4$; 2.6?^ 0.8# 1 - (11) (4) (3) (1) 0/0 1/2 - 3.9^ 2/1 - 2/2 - 2/3 - 3/2 - 3/3 3/4 - _ _ _ — — TOTAL TABLE 100?.; (42) 100^ (102) 100?^ (117) irregular opacities. % distribution of M. F and PMF cases over the radiop;raphic scale. Absolute numbers in brackets. 69. SSSSS2S2 R r^ »$*»*»»» 1 K*\ P. 3 O O £* oj oj t- T~ T- T- \D OJ 1 O JD r- oj oj O T- • I r* r- oj OJ B t§ B ^ KN. oj oj oj t- r- T- B t- r- I I I T- I I IS O r- T- CO P, 3 fc. •g •J ^ CO ^ "35 ^ oj .3- co £5- uS TO^ )6 i ON O 0 -d- I I I I I g r- cc p 3 O .* § t-, O *J pM c^ CO f& ^ ff\ u^ "^ &> i& uN u h o j o j o j o j O J ^ - t - ^ - T - "& u\ C 16 ITv loj t- loj «- •H I I O O t— •o V •o •H > •o *O £ oj ^ KN. oo \O <- I I I i I I I I "c^ *»^ ^ ^ in i jr- i i i i S I 'P ^^ G *-* 'oj & i i CO O i i a O m ID a o 0) S3 o K IT\ IT\ KN. OO -3- OJ K N t - O J O J O J h ^ O J C"- T- \O ^-* ^ Jft ^ <$ 3§ 3? K CC CO *~ 0s -3~ fr. 0s- £ D S>&^^^^^ ^^ .r. CL O •H ' *?8 ' C O M > f \ J O J O J O O O J \O o •H fe t~ •o CO t~> 0) j: 4J OJ IA p. 3 O ^i H a> > o to o t- P. 3 C4 P-. ^^SPftlftlftSI^"^ 0 § &M Jtf O c :*: c « cc ft r- a (§ B & OJ ft » ' ' ' OJ T- O t— (0 CC y CM £ *-^ r*l t- r* o ^-* x O r- 1 «~ X_^ I f S_^ 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 OJ <- CO ^ ^ O r- >e >* ~^? rj oj &, OJ T- l u ^ u ^ l ( ) < i i i i iT\ 3 £w oS -g fe >R ".ft. ~yt • • ^ • 1 1i IT\ OJ r- oj 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 'PS^OJKNKs'oj'PKN ^* <S t- r* ON 'jg. i * t- y O -* ^ p. i i >& CJ 05 ^* C J- r- r- r- s V-t o c o •H 4-* £ (0 •(-• T3 3 J3 •H I* • r A i A l A r y o j o j * - 3 T- f- S 'H —* O P i ^ T3 C O 0> ^•^^^^^3? ^ tC 1 <> ,_ p. r^ XM' fe 2 ^x r- J" N.X ^% IA oj o b a 05 ^ S S & & & $ «- OJ OJ ' c$ ' ' 8 I- •H 9 OJ o* o 13 tt) •D §o OJ s: ^ OJ "98. 8 i i i i i i i i t i o rr- O * ~ O * ~ O J t ~ O J H " \ O J K > \ - 3 ' O O * ~ * ~ ^ * O J O ^ J ' O j ' K ^ K N . K > OJ t- r- J- ^ja ^ft >R 1A rH E o t f t a s i i i i i i i i IA OJ OJ 3 EH EH a O rH (0 E 03 K\ 3 IA E^ ^) \\\\vi\.\\\\\. S O O ^* ^ ^ 1 1 o^ o^ o^ i^ 7^ r^ 9 70. OO O^ CO N"\ t- OJ C\J p. t- r- 3 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 t ' ' ' ' ' ' ' i i i i i i i i i i i O 1 1 • CO i i CM f- » » » £ a, 3 o i i i i i IB ^^ i oa i M ^ §o cc £ •o i cu i i i i i i i r\j lA 00 Jf I I lA OO OJ K\ I I I I 1 1 10 R ^ IA CM 1 1 •H TJ P. o x: O3 O 5g 1 "C in cc 1 1 1 1 1 1 I. 10t, a v r-( O ffl <n e o w < a CO 71. Counts of dust foci K F PMF Total 0-^9 5 2 1 8 50 - 99 3 6 T 10 100 - 1^9 3 » 5 16 150 - 199 5 7 9 21 200 - 2'*9 3 7 8 18 250 - 299 3 6 15 2h 300 - 3a9 2 8 9 19 350 - 399 0 10 5 15 400 - ^9 2 6 3 11 -1 •zy i c 0 5 3 8 den _ /inn 500 4- TARLE 5.5 Distribution of counts of dust foci for three pathological types. 72. 0/0 0/1 1/0 1/1 1/2 2/1 2/2 2/3 3/2 3/3 3/4 P.M.F. < 150 150 - 299 300 + DUST FOCI DUST FOCI DUST FOCI 37.8$ ( 17) 42.9$ ( 6) 7.7$ ( D 20$ ( 1) 11.195 ( D 20$ ( 1) . - to .0# (18) 42.9$ ( 6) 30.8$ ( 4) - 22.2$ (10) 100$ (45) 14.2$ ( 2) 100$ ( 14) 61.5$ ( 8) 80$ ( 4) 100$ ( 13) 22.2$ ( 2) 66.7$ ( 6) 60% ( 3) 100$ ( 9) 11.7$ ( 7) ( 1) 20$ - 100$ ( 5) 100$ ( 5) 100$ ( 1) 100$ ( 1) 100$ ( 2) 100$ ( 2) 100$ ( 1) 100$ ( 1) - - 35.0?;; (21) 53.3$ (32) TOTAL 100$ (60) 155 TOTAL TABLE 5.6: Small rounded opacities. $ cases lying within each dust foci, group is listed for each radiographic category. Absolute numbers given in brackets. < 150 150 - 299 300 -f DUST FOCI DUST FOCI DUST FOCI TOTAL o/o 31.2$ (24) 35.1$ (27) 33.8$ (26) 100$ (77) 0/1 13.3$ ( 2) 26.7$ ( 4) 60$ ( 9) 100$ ( 15) 1/0 50$ - 50$ ( D 100$ ( 2) ( 1) 1/1 - - V2 - - 2/1 - - 2/2 - - - - 2/3 - - - - 3/2 3/3 3/4 - - - - - - - - - 11.7$ ( 7) 53.3$ (32) P.M.F. - 100$ ( 1) ' 100$ ( 1) - 35.0$ (21) T O T A L 100$ (60) 155 $ of cases lying within each dust TABLE 5.7: Small irregular opacities. foci group is listed for each radiographic category. Absolute numbers in brackets. 73. PMF M F *fi.2# (35) 38.856 (33) 20^ UNCATBGORISED 7.3^ ( 3) 29. 3# (12) 63.^ (26) 100^ (Vl) P 2.6J6 ( 1) H.7 (17) 52. 6# (20) 100^ (38) q 3.6^ (33) 45. 8£ (38) 50.6f^ ( k 2 ) 10055 (83) 1^.3^ ( 2) 85. 7# 100^ (14) 0/0 - r TABLE 5.8 TOTAL ( 17) 100% (85) Small rounded opacities, % distribution of M, F and PMF cases within each opacity type. Absolute numbers given in »Y»af lr < RANK GROUP 2 HFI RANK GROUP 1 WE M F PMF TOTAL 0/0 2 5 - 7 0/0 10 UC - 1 3 k uc p q - 1 1 2 - 2 1 r - - TOTAL 2 9 PMF TOTAL 9 5 24 - if k 8 p - 6 3 9 3 q - 7 9 16 - - r - 1 ^ 5 5 16 Tom 10 RANK GROUP 3 VTB F PMF TOTAL 10 11 8 29 uc - 2 5 p - if q 2 r TOTAL 27 2.5 62 RANK GROUP k AMYNX M 0/0 F M F M PKF TOTAL 0/0 2 3 1 6 7 UC 1 2 6 9 5 9 P 2 6 8 k 10 16 q 13 13 27 - - 3 3 r 1 3 4 12 21 31 6it 21 29 5^ F PMF TOTAL 0/0 5 3 3 11 uc p q 2 3 2 2 TOTAL - 7 k RANK GROUP 6 PCSQJ M r 1 TOTAL RANK GROUP 5 KOLGUDZ - - M F PMF TOTAL 8 0/0 C 2 7 UC - - if 4 2 4 1 2 3 6 8 7 15 p q - if 2 6 - 1 1 - 1 1 16 15 33 8 10 25 . X - TOTAL 7 - i Table 5.9? Small rounded opacities. Distribution of M, F and PMF cases and category 0/0, UC (uncategoriscd), p, q^ and r cases within rank groupings. 75. No. of dust foci r q P < 1,50 13. 3?* (2) 11.856 150 - 299 2<# (3) 37.2/i (19) 69.256 (9) 300 + 66.7% (10) 51* (26) 30.8?; (4) 100^ (3D TOTAL 100# Mean total dust foci 330 - 1007£ (13) 27^ 302 26.8 Standard error TABLE 3.10 (15) (6) 19»70 17.6 Small rounded opacities - all cases. % distribution of each type of opacity into 3 total dust foci groups. Absolute numbers in brackets. Mean total dust foci and standard errors also given for each type of opacity. No. of dust foci q P < 150 11. UJ 150 - 299 (D - 300 + 88.9# 100* TOTAL (8) (9) r - 10.756 (3) 28.6?6 (8) 50# (1) 60.7% (17) 50^ (D 100^ (2) 100# (28) « Mean total dust foci Standard error TABLE 5.11 372 3^.3 31^ 24.0 319 - Small rounded opacities - non PMF cases. % distribution of each type of opacity into j; total dust foci groups. Absolute numbers in brackets. Mean total dust foci and standard errors also given for each type of opacity. 76. PATHOLOGICAL GRADING OF PMF RADIOG8APHIC NONE GRADING OF A LARGE OPACITIES B C None Ap Bp Cp 138 3 3 - 37 6 6 - 11 1 187 7 - 16 TOTAL Total 26 1 7 k2 15 - 15 1 '*5 23 261 -9 TAoLE 3.^12 Comparison of paUiolciricnl nnd r.r-;dioir;r3phic grading lesions. (Pathological grading is identified by subscript p). * denotes cases in which an average score could not be produced from the individual readings. PATHOLOGICAL GRADING OF PMF None NONE A X B 1 C Bp Cp 38 18 7 2 20 15 5 6 •* M - TOTAL i I'+O Ap - g ; '• ] ^9 '•5 o~z i Ap Bp Cp 27 16 1 A 136 6 •*! 22 B 2 6 _ 21 "" Bp Cp ** 2 6 26 15 10 131 6 1 7 1 2k 2 7 19 261 1'^ ^9 k^t 23 Cp C - Reader 3 None C Ap 198 15 k2 6 A - Reader 1 NONE i i None I ; j 1M* ^ i Total PATHOLOGICAL GRADING OF PMF I 1 _ Total Hone i Ap Bp 165 1^2 38 11 kk 1 6 5 _ 3 30 ~ 1 1 5 17 ^ 18 "" * TCT/iL ' l^-'r \ 23 : 261 ! - T*if i ' - i»9 ; ; >5 _ - Total 191 10 7 16 - 23 ^ 16 1 261 B - Header 2 D - Reader TAMI.S 5«1"5 A - D. Co-np.'u'ison of patholrr;icnl and rr.dio^ranhic ^r.?.dinR of P!\'.'' legion." for c-'ich ror.doi' l:pkc;n r:on-'>nt'-:].v. Category No. of Cases Total Dust (SIPIS;) Total Coal Urns) Total Ash (rrr:s) Total Cu.?.rtz (pns) Total K -!• H (,-r.s) % Coal ;•• l.sh % Quartz % K + M 0 83 9.:-7 6.8? 2.83 0.42 1.81 68.7 3'. 3 4.9 20.4 1 41 17,00 10.55 6.45 1.15 4.36 60.7 3<.3 7.1 26.1 2 11 ?3.;>0 15.68 7.64 1.28 5.56 62.6 3r.4 6.4 27.3 3 3 27.1-2 17.42 10.00 1.74 6.89 60.2 3('.8 7.7 26.9 49 13.21 11.40 6.80 1.20 4.46 59.0 4'.0 7.4 27.0 FMF Ap 1 FMF Bp 44 PMF Cp ALL PMFp . 21..:8 13.92 7.36 1.24 5.02 61.0 3? .8 6.7 26.8 ' 22 23.15 19.43 9.40 1.53 6.76 62.7 3- .3 •7.3 25.6 115 21.25 13.97 7.38 1.28 5.01 61.0 3^.0 7.0 26.1 : , TABLE 5*14 Mean values of total dust, its components and % composition lor raciiographic categories of sme.'.ll rounded opacities and PMFp. Radiographic Rank (Jroup i with Collieries Category No. of Caso;; Total L Coal Total Ash Total 9.63 8.18 8.18 11.06 34.46 29.55 1.44 0.21 2.90 0.46 4.91 0.85 Total Dust Quartz , Total K + M ' % % % Ouprtz K + M Coal Ash 1.17 81.? 18.1 2.7 14.C 2.35 3.88 74. c 26.2 4.2 21.2 83. 6 16.4 2.7 12.9 1.23 77.3 2.95 76.S 4.50 75.^ 22.7 3.3 15.6 23.1 24.6 3.4 3.9 16.9 18.7 2.09 70.7 29.4 2.90 73, * 26.6 3.83 69.5 30.5 4.5 4.9 5.7 20.2 17.1 20.7 2.52 6.24 6.1 24.6 10.5 35.7 31.3 • 1 "] 0 Q WE 1 1 PMFp c; , ! ! 7.77 5.85 19.78 15.77 26.25 20.36 1.92 0.26 4.02 0.59 0.91 11.67 8.67 18.59 14.19 19.72 14. 18 3.01 4.40 5.54 13.08 16.48 3.99 9.08 8.RO 0.64 29 9.09 7.39 20.20 11.39 14 7 '•5 8.71 16.78 18.64 4.60 6.60 6.60 4.11 0.57 1.78 2.24 2.29 2.74 4.84 0.45 0.90 1.61 3.50 7.04 1.25 4.35 2 0 23 HFI 1 PMFp 9 27 3 0 22 VTB 1 1C PKFp 3C 4 0 11 AMNXY 1 10 PMFp 5 0 KOLGUDZ 1 5.89 0.49 0.77 1.00 1.79 1.50 5.72 62.3 47.3 5L7 37.7 52.7 48.3 53.5 40.1 37.0 46.5 59.8 63.0 60.0 59.0 48.0 •'-0.1 8.5 CO I i- PHFp 6 0 FCSQJ 1 9 4 PMFp 10 6.93 •4.20 5.06 9.90 6.86 13.89 10.17 12.04 6.33 7.71 7.4 10.4 11.9 27.9. 37.3 41.1 6.3 7.6 9.8 23.0 27.5 31.5 41'. o 52.0 ; TA.BLS 5.15 Mean value of total dv.,3t, its components and % composition for ra^io^raphic categories 0 + 1 of small rounded opacities and PKFp. TYPE No. of Cases 0/0 68 uc p 14 18 Total Dust (gms) i " t TABLE 5* 16 41 2 Total Quartz (gms) Total K+M (gms) 9.04 6.51 2.53 0.38 1.60 (1.00) (0.84) (0.26) (0.04) (0.14) 11.87 7.96 3.91 0.56 2.55 (2.70) (2.26) (1.03) (0.10) (0.57) 23.09 17.48 5.74 0.93 4.02 (2.78) (0.76) (0.15) (0.54) 9.20 6.96 1.25 4.76 (1.15) (0.94) (0.76) (0.15) (0.53) 12.93 6.96 5.97 1.06 (0.98) (2.23) (0.7D (2.85) q Total Ash (gms) Total Coal (gms) 16.17 i (3.21) • °o % Ash Coal f c /o °0 Quartz K+M 4.6 19.6 69.9 30.1 (1.79) (1.79) (0.34) 63.2 36.8 ( 4.60) (4.60) (1.04) 71.3 28.7 6.0 ^.7 (1.C9) 24,0 ,(2.38) 19.5 y NM (3.49) (3.49) (0.66) (2.19) 57.1 42.9 32.0 (3.28) (3.28) (0.72) (3.76) 4.66 55.5 44.5 34.9 (2.36) (21.4) Mean value of total dust, its components and % composition for each type of opacity. brackets. 7.7 7.8 (21.49) (4.88) !^ (15.5) Standard errors are given in * . i o/o ; 0/1 i i •lean EH2 (/30) ! 63.4 i 1 3.16 ! 66.7 j i | 3.28 Standard Error I j i Vo 1/1 1/2 2/1 2/2 65.2 67.6 66.2 66.0 63.0 2/3 3/2 .-•/ .^' ; ^/ 0.57 0.83 60.7 63.0 - : — i - 2.55 3.6 2.54 2.2 5.66 3.5 ''.17 - 0.64 0.84 1.01 1.11 4.70 0.50 0.88 - i Range of EH 2 (/30) J with BH2 = < V30 j 0-21 | 45 i TABLE 5.17 0-12 0-10 0-18 0-10 0-6 38 35 50 38 20 21 20 8 13 5 0-15 2.5-* 0-4.5 0 0 3 3 ; ! j j j i : - (-. Q P. i L; > iv 4.58 0.43 , I •Jo. of coses PMFp i | I •lean A.^e • - - -- 65 j ! - : - 0-22 17 i 3 ; Comparison of emphysema estimations and radiographic category for small ro ;nded opacities. ; - 110 0/0 -i/0 ; 0/1 1/1 1/2 < 1/30 145. 5;^ (30) • : 2/2 I 1 BH2 2/1 58.ir< (3) 35;v (7) 50% (*0 3?'.5?o (5) 1C# i; 5^ | 37.55(3) (9) ^6.1?< (6) i ; 2/3 • 2Cfo - 33.3;-' j 3/3 | 3/4 3/2 _ rx?p i "7. ;-; - (i) (1) : (19) i 1 < 5/30 2U.2£ (16) (<0 6o?o - (3) - 66.^ 100J; (2) (3) 5 < 10/30 10 < 15/30 I6.75i (11) 33.3^ (7) 9.1% 9.5^ (6) | > 15/30 I ioc£ 12.55: 15. 9£ (i) (2) (D - - (i) 33.3?i (D 33. y/c — - ! ioc?b - 33. 5^(1) _ _ •- - (1) - - - - i . (20) Ii ioo;< (8) (13) 10C5S (3) 10(# (3) 100% (3) 10C$ (3) 23, & (26) _ • (66) i (21) TABLE 5. ^8 20^ ! - ! TOTAL - - 5fi (2) r--./ ' -(3) 15?; (3) (50) . t tfj.irv ro 10. 9* (1?) 2.7f< (3) - 10# : (110) Small rounded opacities. % distribution of cases within ench radi o;-:ra ->,ic category over the 5 Brian Heard groupings. Absolute timbers in brackets. o/o 0/1 1/0 1/1 63.7 67.3 65.2 69.8 3.^ 7.9 5.67 2.7^ 1.76 o-i8 0-9 1/2 2/1 2/2 2/3 3/2 V"*^ ^•/ 3A R-'Fp - - - - - - 6B.8 I Mean Ag-s Mean BH?_ (/30) 2.3^ 5.^ Standard Error 0.3^ 1.2*4 0-1? 0-21 Han.r:e of BH2 (/30) 1>3 0-7.5 66.2 ^.58 - - - - - 0.^3 _ 0-22 , # with RH2 = < 1/30 No. of cases ^9 13 20 0 0 106 23 5 5 5 _ ! 1 ! : _ - - - _ _ _ — I A3L5 5-19 Comparison of emphysema efitinations .and radiographic category for small irregxilar opacities. 17 110 EH2 < 1/30 0/0 0/1 1/0 1/1 **9.1# 13?' • 2C£. - (52) (3) 3l.l>t- V5.3/:i (33) (10) 1/2 ' 2/1 2/2 2/3 3/2 3/3 3/^ -. - - - - - 17. Jfi (19) fn ^^ ^ ^ ^ _ ^5.k~i (1) PMFp " - 1 < 5/30 2C& (1) 20# 33.5^ (D (1) (50) A 5 < 10/30 (15) 6M 8.7?; (2) (3) 33.3?; — ^ ^ ^ .. (D (3) 23.^; (26) • 10 < 15/30 >, 15/30 TOTAL TABL5 5«20 (5) 26% (6) 0.^ 8.??.; (1) (2) ^.7% 1006 (106) 100^; (23) _ _ 2O;i 33.3?^ 10. 9£ — (1) (1) _ _ - - (12) - - - - 2.7=6 (3) 100/o 100^ (5) (5) _ 100^ - (3) — _ _ ~ 100;^ (110) Small irregular opacities. % distribution of cases within each rad:.ographic category over the 5Brian Heard groupings. Absolute numbers in brackets. TO V/J fl'l. S.K.O. only ALL CASiJS 0/10,'*.. 3.07 ( 100) 'u';7 (3'i) 8.10 ( 2 ' f ) Standard error 0.39 0.78 1.08 / ..\ •"'• ' "• ' '' /T .' ^ ,.--•• 1.',6 1.99 l.f I'.tVJU : ..: \ D.U. Stnndord error ALL CASES S.I.O. only Kcr.n BH2 . I . U . . - J ,-j' S.R.O. + S.T.O O.'O '/. v.lth BIi;> <'/30 j.'ON-i-1--::-- c;-.".:'s :.'• with «•;? <i/30 33?; / V ^^ ^ X - 17.6>; ^.255 9.1S5 1 1 . 1?' '•7.5:' TA)'l.""j 5.21: A co'v.vorison of cp!nliynor:a in cnsos hnvinr; cither sirall rounded or small irrci-u] or o;>nciticn oi' tlie two in co:i\bin;jt.:i.on. N'urr.'ner of cases pi.vou in bracket.';. :,H2 F-miYSEVA GROUPIES < V30 1 < 5/30 5 < 10/30 10 < 15/30 5. 15/30 «?; ( 3) ''9;j ( 1-0 2?;; ( 10) 1C;,; ( 6) q 3')?; (2?) '+3?< (3'0 15?'. (12) (>% ( 5) r ':^ ( 6) '«3^ ( 6) 1'tf ( 2) p 11£ ( 2) .%r' ( 10.) KON-PKF CASKS • q 39ii ( 16) i»'^ ( 1S) r 50;:; ( 1) - p ALL CASKS < - 3?; (2) - TOTAL ;.;:^' ^£ofD •100;: ( 3 V ) 'i. 4 U.t>'l 100,V, (to) 3.3 O.'i9 100?; ( i'o 1-9 0.72 100?; ( 18) 100?; Cti) 100?;; ( 2) 3.5 0.59 2.7 0.6'i 3.0 3.11 V. TAM'!LJ5jL22_.: <• 6?; ( D 7;; ( 3) 10?; ( 4) 50?;. ( D 28-S! ( 5) _ - • E'liphy^o-a estir,ntions for three types of snail rounded opacities. casea Rivon 'j.ii brackets. Nun:ber of 60_ "^™ NUMBER OF CASES H 261 CASES so. __ 45. Jl 40 _ X c > 35 _ X _^_ X X c > X c > 30 . X 25 . X ^X X < X 20. C > X X > X < > < X x' x X X > I—I X K X X X X ^w X X X > X ) X ; x < X > x x >*>? x x 1 1 *\ «J •. X .,' X X X X X X X > X X -*x 'v > nn__ > : x x x x > x k x > x x x x x x x : > 1x x > __ ; x x x x > f— x k x >l——, x —. I x x x x x x 1 > f X X X 1 > 1 1 _ , x x x x x > —1 x L_Jx x x x | x 11 k> X X x x x x x x : x x x x x <i < > «— I 1 x Hr" _< x x : c x x x x > X X X X X X X X * M —| |A A. X X x x x x x x x x jrHc x x x x x x x x x| (—jr x x x "~1 < x x : : x x x x > 1 X X X X X X X X X X [ f —> JX X X X X 1 x x x x x x x x TT"V x x x x x x x x x x^rr'x — < x x x v *--<] f x x : x x x x > x x x x x x x x x x x x x H | x x y y"v' - 1 10_ • _l w V— E H F I V T Bj A M N X Y K O L G U D Z P C S Q J •* " - 1 2 C O L LIEF COAL RANK GROUP FIGURE i).1. DISTRIBUTION BY COLLIERY OF 261 CASES WITH RADIOGRAPHS SUPERIMPOSED UPON THE STUDY GROUP OF 530 NUMBER NUMBER OF OF CASES 13 °- I ] 3 261 CASES WITH R CASES 120. 110- 220- 100- 200- • 90- 180- 80- 160- 70- 140- 60- 1 ?f)_ Px > xx> k x x x x , x > x x > X 50 X 40- X X X : x X v t ft 3 0- X X X X X x X X v X X X X v > X X X X > X X X X > X > X X > X X X X x > x X X X X v X > v ; X * '. X X 100- X X X X X X X x X X •> v v > X X X X X X X X X X X X 40••"" - ^ on «£ U - ' '""••'•'. x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x > v - x ;-' x x x x x x x x x x ; x x x x x x x 3640 4145 4550 5155 56- 6160 65 6670 71- 7675 80 x X X 8185 AGE IN X X" X X X X X X > V x :< x x x x x; * x :< x x X X x X XX> X x 60- x x x x x x x x x X X X X X > XXX XX x x x x x x x x x x x X X X X X X > X X X X X rr-JTT x x x x x x x x x x x ' " ' • ••"•\ x x x x x x x x / x x x x x ! X x 80- x > X X X 10 - ^"^•^, : x x X x x x x x x > x x > x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x > x x > x x x x x x x x x 20 - I x x X X > > >. X :< x x :< x > x >. y X .< X > x x. x x •; x x < x x x x x >: X X X .< X X X X X X < X > X X X X < X > x x X > X x x X X x ^. >: x x x x x x >: X X X X < X > x x x x x x >: M F F:1MF YEARS FIGURE 5.2. DISTRIBUTION BY AGE AND PATHOLOGY GROUP OF 261 CASE:, WITH RADIOGRAPHS SUPERIMPOSED UPON THE STUDY GROUP OF 500. PATHOLOGICAL TYPE 7 5 0.0 n 600.0. 4 5 0.0. H 2 TOTAL DUST FOCI 3 0 0.0 . * * * * * * * * 2 * * K * * 2 * * 3 2 150.0. * z 2 '* 5 * 3 * 0.0 0/0 0/1 1/0 I/I 1/2 2/1 2/2 2/3 3'2 RAOOGRAPHIC CATEGORY FOR SMALL ROUNDED OPACITIES FIGURE 5.3. DISTRIBUTION OF TOTAL DUST FOCI COUNTS FOR RADIOGRAPHIC CATEGORIES OF SMALL ROUND OPACITIES. P. M. F. CASES EXCLUDED 58.0^ 52.0. & 48.0. * 4 2.0. * 36.0. * * * * OTAL DUST 30.0. * * * tf. * * IN gms : 24.0. 18.0. S * a 4 * 12.0. 8.0 4 2 4 6 * 7 9 7 0.0 * * * * 0/0 v * 2 2 3 2 3 5 * * ^ 3 * 2 * * « * * 5 3 * * 0/1 1/0 1/1 1/2 2 * « * 2 tf 2 & 2/1 2/2 2/3 3/2 RADIOGRAPHIC CATEGORY FOR SMALL ROUNDiD OPACITIES FIGURE 5.4. DISTRIBUTION OF TCTAL LUNG DUST CONTENT FOR RADIOGRAPHIC CATEGORIES OF SMALL ROUND OPACITIES. P. M.F. CASES EXCLUDED P-9. KS AyF:;;cTTr!G ^niYsa^ IK' Tlii'J l i i ' . S OF In the present study, data on the overall level of emphysema, as measured by the Brian Heard method, were avs.ilsble from ^50 out of a total of 5^0 cases. Fifty esses were excluded either- because the lungs had been found unsuitable for emphysema estimation or because no smoking history was available. Simple comparisons of the effects of age , smoking history, pneumoconiosis, coal rank, limp; dust and dust exposure on levels of emphysema were undertaken and the data are j.ii GOCiiLcd iix dctr.il ir. the rrr.ir. v<c^y ?f *"Vr- rV.n-.^t-pr. Tho r.n-i n findings are summarised below: (a) In this group of coalrciners the prevalence of emphysema was found to be acre-related for smokers but not non-smokers, although only l*5 cases fell into the latter category. (b) The percentage of men with emphysema increased between the pathological types of pneumoconiosi s M, F and PHF. The overall l fipures were \7& for M cases, 6'<?o for F cases and 82% for PMF cases. Smokers, ex-smokers and non-smokers a]] showed this effect but to a variable degree. (c) For the whole group there was an association between the occurrence of emphysema and lung dust content. This is part of a complex relationship between age, smoking habit and lung dust content which is explored in the text. (d) In 181 smokers, aged between 66 and 75, there w«s no linear association between the extent of emphysema and the lung dust content or its composition. (e) In '^ smokers from this group for whom satisfactory dust exposure data were available there was no simple relationship between the mass and the composition of inhaled dust and the extent of emphysema. 6.1 The effects of arc and smoking history As the first stage of this study, emphysema as recorded by the Brian Heard method was compared to both the age and smoking habits of the men, since these factors have been shown to influence the levels of this disease (RYDEii et al., AM DESIGN vt_ al. , 1971 ). 1971; The age distribution and smoking habits of the k[}0 men in this study are shown in Table 6.1 and 90. comparisons of those two factors with the prevalence of emr>hyr;cma are presented in Tables 6.? - 6.8. These comparisons suggest that in the population under study, the occurrence of emphysema has boon influenced both by the age of the man and whether or not he was a smoker during his life. Although the numbers are small at the extremes of the age range, there is an increase in the percentage of cases showing recognisable emnhysema with increasing age. In addition, the range of BH2 estimations is greatest between 61 and 75 years. Of men between '.yi o.r.ci ',".) WHO least yjf0 (BH2 > 1'so erriTinyseina, ore-ij.itn na.u ax 10 /30) of their lung tissue involved (Table 6.5). However, men over ?6 years showed rather '.lower I-H^ levels and may represent a survivor population in terms of respiratory disease (Tables 6.2 and 6.5). There was a considerable increase in the percentage of cases showing emphysema between non-smokers and smokers. Ex- smokers, although falling between these two groups were closest to the srokers (Table 6.3). They also had the highest percentage of cases with more than one-third of their lung tissue affected by emphysema (Table 6.7). Ex-smokers are known to represent a special group whose charge- in smoking habit may have been due to the development of respiratory disease. When the effects of age and smoking pattern were considered in combination emphysema increased regularly with age only in smokers and to a « lesser extent ex-smokers (Table 6.*0. A similar relationship between age and emphysema is not apparent in the group of nonsmokers. 6.2 Levels of emphysema and pneuwoconiosis Levels of emphysema recorded for all cases were compared with the presence and pathological type of pneunioconiosis within the lung tissue. This was done both with, and without taking smoking history into account and the results are shown i.n Tables 6.9 - 6.11. Tables 6.0 and 6.10 show that within this ponulatior., the percentage of men with recognisable emphysema increases with pathological type and 8,?.3/:i of men with PMF showed evider.ee of this di.sease. This association is so marked that an age effect is only d:i scernahl e in cases with soft 91. macules. In cases with cither fibrotic nodules or PMF, the presence of pneumoconiosis appears more important than age in the development of emphysema (Table 6.10). The effects of smoking combined with pneumoconiosis in the development of emphysema are illustrated in Table 6.11 and from this data it would appear that the prevalence of emphysema increases with smoking in cases having either soft macules or hard fibrotic nodules. The prevalence of emphysema in PMF cases is high regardless of their smoking habits. As shown in Table 6.12, the •nercontape of PMF cases who are smokers is lower than for the other pathologic al types and the percentage of ex-smoke ro is higher. 6.3 . Emphysema and the effect of coal rank Emphysema estimations were plotted separately for the cases from each colliery and the collieries were grouped by coal rank as described in Chapter 3in Table 6.13. These results are shown No statistically significant differences are apparent between the levels of emphysema for individual collieries. However, the series of men were highly selected for the presence of pneumoconiosis and not emphysema, so that these figures would be unlikely to give a real comparison between emphysema levels at the different collieries unless pneumoconiosis was by far the most important cause of this condition. 6.^ Emphysema and lung dust Lung dust measurements were available for Mt1 out of the men. The levels of emphysema, found in these men, compared to total lung dust and to the mass and percentage composition of its constituents are shown in Tables 6.1^ and 6.15- From these data it would appear that the prevalence of emphysema rises with increasing lung dust and coal content. However, the data previously described indicated that age and smoking history may play an important part in the development of emphysema and it was decided, at this stage, to limit analysis of dust and emphysema relationships to smokers aged between 66 and 75 since this 10 yr age span contained the greatest number of cases. One hundred and eighty-one out of the ^50 men fell into this category. 9?. A comrx; risen of 1 eve Is of emphysema and pneunocoriiosiK in this Gubrroup of men in shown in Table 6.16 rp.d it can be seen that the nr.rc entire of cases with emphysema still increnyes vi th t.H; severity of •prieunoooniosis. Tables 6.17 and (S.1o show corrroarisor.r, of the levels of enrol >ysema. and. the Inn? dust extracted from these 181 cases. Statistical analysis shows that there it; no linear association between either the total lung dust content or the lung dust composition and the percentage of emphysema present in lung tissue. This observation is in ttrrrpc.mpr-, •)- -,.;-• M- f.v r. rnr^lnr f "i r •! -I n ™ .". in rr;"l nti on to cocil rank. 6.5 Dust exDQgur? and orr^ihyscma As reported previously in Chapter ^.2, satisfactoi-y dust exposure data were not available for all the men involved in the present study and it WPS decided to examine the effects of dust exposure only for men whose dust dose had been measured for at least 20/c of their working lives and. who had worked for 5Q~' of their working life in the some colliery. Since total dust exposure is very likely to be ar^e-related, the effects of duct exposure on the development of emphysema wero separately considered for the proup of men between 66-75 previously used in r '/-.^J-^«« f-*v.'«» \\ <• *^ V V* I. j. ^ 1 i requirements O f**.i 4-V»r» lP.1 *>•«*-> •? J. r\ . ^ 4-Vi-tc: r*V^ >"(•-.ou rrr,-r\r r\r> 1 ^ir..i./4 il. nir^-f 4->iia ',..'... i-l.s'.. ' il.%'»i ui._>^ >. ,. , , , - ^. ^^ " ! ..1. V regarding exposure data. For these men, comparisons of emphysema levels r.wl exposure to the various dust components For this grotip it appeared that there had been no difference .in exposure to total dust or coal, ash, quartz, kaolin and mica considered by mass and the levels of emphysema present in l.unp; tissue. Similarly, no simple relationships were found when the percentage composition of the mine dust was compared to emphysema levels. 6.6 An invest i r- ati on i n to the facto r F related to the nrosfr.ce of e 7 f ; o ; ; ! a It has been noted in this chapter that there is an observed increase with sf;e in the percentage of cases showing recognisable emphysema at autopsy. This percentage is also seen to be higher for smokers than non-smokers. Preliminary statistical analyses relating: levels of cn^hysetna to are and stnokinp; habit suggested. that ex-s: olcers behaved as smoliers in this context, although the 93. overall relationships considered proved to be non-significant. For these reasons, the small number of ex-smokers involved in this analysis have been grouped with the smokers. There are several methods of relating the prevalence of emphysema to possible influencing factors; the mathematical model described below is only one of these. The probability of emphysema being present at autopsy (denoted by "p") for a particular case is expressed in terms of a linear function (denoted by "f") of explanatory variables. .•-'•*._ V GLJ. J. CA I./J_ 17 O II l*-*^ i- UV> Of-',O , These explanatory .% r _-.... l.^-i-.? x 1 i.._i . . . j _1_ i. Ul.lwm.llfj, lli-**>J.vj J.UMl.rj ^ \**-J \* ><v*.l.fAllt*, ._ on IJf _ A.I. . variable or any combination of variables selected by prior knowledge of factors connected with the disease or by the hypotheses of interest. The relationship between p and f was defined to be: which is the standard logistic formulation. Several expressions for f were considered using the variables mentioned above, together with radiographic category within four years of death and type of opacity (for cases where this information was available). Further work is needed on these analyses and to find the formulation that best -describes the data. The function reported here is of the form: f = ao + a1 if subject ever smoked + £fe x lung dust weight if ever smoked + 83 x lung dust weight if never smoked + a* x age where ao , aT , as , a3 , 34 were estimated using the statistical technique of maximum likelihood. Four hundred and nineteen cases were considered. The estimated coefficients together with their standard errors are given in Table 6.21. This model was found to give close agreement between observed and expected incidence when tested on data grouped for convenience by age and smoking habit (Xs statistic for goodness of fit = 1.82 with five degrees of freedom). As an example of the use of the model, consider a m-?.'n v/ho was aged 67 years at death, who had lung dust weight of 1o.9 grams and v;'no had r.or.e history of smoking. He would be calculated to have a probability, p, of having emphysema at autopsy of: }°£ -fa = -7-57 + 2.56 +(0.05 x 18.9) + (0.08 x 6?) so p = .78 A man of the. same age and lung dust hut who had no history of smoking would have a probability of 0.51 of having emphysema at MU. LO'ptiy • v^ .L t? ci i ' j J cuv.' uiuurrj. i . i . c t - ~ u j.o ujij.j VC^J.J.\A i *_-o. tjj. c=^o.w o^.wn>-> over the range of observations. This model demonstrates the effect of age, lung dust weight and smoking, and to some extent suggests that whilst smokers have a higher initial probability of suffering emphysema, lung dust weight is proportionately more important for a non-smoker. Clearly, given that the coefficient of lung dust in the fitted model for non-smokers is higher than for those v/ho have ever smoked there will be a level of lung dust where the estimated probabilities for the tv/o groups are equal for men of the same age. Above this point the estimated relationship would give a higher probP.bi'J ity of having emphysema at. autopsy for a non-smoker than anyone who has ever smoked, for a given lung dust. lung dust level is at 3^.6 grams. This This possibly means that the The fitted model should not be used for estimations at such dust i levels given the range of casesv analysed. A similar formulation for f has also been used to examine whether a similar relationship may be observed using dust exposure data rather than lung dust data. Data from 116 of the 119 men selected for good exposure data were available. for f used in this analysis was: f = bo -» bt if subject ever smoked + bs x dust exposure if ever smoked •f b3 x dust exposure if never smoked + b4"'X age The expression 95. The coefficients bo, bj , be, b3 , hi wore estimated ns before. Results are Riven in Table 6.22. At usual levels of significance, none of the coefficients are significant; significant. at the 10£j significance level only bj^ is TV in r.ay be interpreted to reflect that 116 cases are not sufficient for reasonably fitting such a mode]. However, the model shows no significant lack of fit to the data. Dust exposure appears to be more important for non-smokers than smokers, Riven the higher initial probability associated with ever having smoked. The ratio oi t>3 : 03 is consissvenu wilii UK* I <jf a3 . «? estimated in relation to lung dust. The coefficient of age is reduced whilst the constant threshold is increased. For the illustrative example considered above, -the individual (a smoker) had a dust exposure of 190.8 probability being 0.63. gh/m3, the associated This is lower than the prediction by the previous model. This is clearly only a preliminary investigation into the incidence of emphysema and more work is necessary into the applicability of such a mode], before an authoritative statement of the relationship may be given. Further consideration of radiological data may improve the model and it is hoped that this will be carried out during the second phase of the project. 96. ABC Groun 76-80 81-85 36-'tO i*1-'i5 '(6-!50 51-55 56-60 61-65 66-70 71-75 2 Smokers 2 Total TABLE 6.1 2 7 351 9 8 1 5<* 7 13 i» 2 1*5 121 108 52 10 '»50 36 55 97 86 2 2 15 17 1 1 8 9 8 22 ^6 79 ExSmokers NonSir:okers to 19 7 2 Total Age and smoking habit distribution of ^50 men with known emphysema levels. Age Group 36-^0 i*1-'45 I 2 2 (# Qt No. of cases c /a of cases with emphysema (No. of cases) i (0) i '»6-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 8 22 ^6 79 121 37. # 5^.55U 5'».» 59. 5# 71.9* (0) (3) (12) (25) 66-70 71-75 (V?) (87) 76-80 81-85 108 52 10 7V» 78. & (80) 100^ (10) CtD BH2 estimate range 0-3 0-10 0-17-5 0-21 0-22 0-21 0-1 1* Mean BHS all cases 0.9 2.1 2.7 3.2 U.6 tt.O 2.8 3.9 Mean BH-, rases with empnysema 2.5 3.9 5.2 5.7 6.i» 5.5 3.2 3.9 TABLE 6.2 ! Prevalence and extent of emphysema in 5 yr age groups. disregarded. Non-smokers No. of cases Mean age (SP-0 <<5 67. t* Smoking history Ex-smokers 5<+ (1.2) 68.5 (0.9) Smokers 351 67.1 % of rases vn th errnhysorr.a ^2.?^ 6'*.{$ 71. 2# BHa range 0-1 8 0-15 0-22 Mean BH 3 all cases 2.5 ^.2 3.9 t-'ean B!is - case? w i t h er'r>hysemn 6 6.'f 5.5 TAB!K 6."5 1-11.5 Emphysema in the study population subdivided by smoking history. (O.M 97. -v^^ %^~-\ Age Group 41-45 36-40 ^-^ Of 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 66-70 71-75 76-80 43^ 47.4-^ 61* 63«cfo 75.25* 80.2-;; (69) 80# (32) 1CX$ (7) 50£f i - i 46.7;* 70.®. 67* Cl-.l . - • , , ( *C^ •• . '1% < c.\ 10C* ( i\ 7% 10<$ cases with ^~\^^ emnhysema ^""^ Smokers (# (0) 0$ (0) (3) Ex-smokers t (22) (9) 1 1^ ! (35) "(73) f ^ ' ' ' 81-85 I Non-smokers CBS (0) TABLE 6.^ 36-40 41-45 2 2 1 < 5 f?) (3) 5 10 21 33 34 28 11 0 146 3 7 15 24 39 41 25 1 155 5 7 10 28 27 • 12 5 94 2 9 15 7 «* * 41 1 3 5 5 >15 i . -, ^"\-^ BHS (5) 51-55 10 < 15 TABLE 6.3 38.5$ 46-50 5 < 10 m 44. 4# 28.6JS (tO (2) I ^\^ < 1 (2)| (1) i The percentage of cases with emphysema shown within age groups for three smoking habit categories. Figures in brackets indicate number of cases. — \^Age ^^ B,i? ioc$ I 2% ^^ n 56-60 i 61-65 i i f / 's . ! 66-70 - -, - 71-75 76-80 81-85 Total 14 I - -n , Emphysema estimations in five bands for all cases. Age 36-40 41-45 ^\^^ 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 66-70 71-75 76-80 81-85 Total 4 10 14 20 24 17 8 0 101 3 6 13 20 33 36 18 1 130 3 6 7 25 24 12 4 81 10 < 15 2 5 11 6 2 2 28 5-15 1 3 4 3 36 55 97 86 < 1 2 2 1 < 5 5 < 10 Total TABLE 6.6 2 2 7 Emphysema/Age in smokers. 19 11 4o 7 351 BHa ^^^--.^ 51-55 56-60 , 61-65 66-70 71-75 76-80 81-85 Tot a] 36-^0 < 1 1,8 5 ^ 1 <5 1 1 : 21 5 < 10 1 ! 10 < 15 Lr5 .. i . . ! Total ? ! I TABLE 6.7 2 A e j 3 it 15 I 1• 0 i 1 9 _: 2 -_ ** _! i 2 1 : 1 I 17 ; 9 8 1 5^ 76-80 81-85 Total ; 15 : 9 2 56-60 61-65 1 6 5 5 8 1 26 1 2 2 2 3 10 1 0 0 2 0 it 0 0 0 0 '\ 5 < 10 10 < 15 2 66-70 71-75 1 1 Emphysema/Age in Non-Smokers.^ 8 9 It 2 , >: is TABLE 6.8 19 'n-<<5 A6-50 51-55 1 <5 Total 2 Emphysema/Age in Ex-Smokers. ~~^\^ n BHs ^^\^^ 56-JiO <1 3 j ' 1 3 ! 3 7 13 1 1+ 2 J >5 99. No. of cases Mean age (SK'-<) % esses with emphysema M F 92 183 , (1.0) 63.3 rT1 46 .-c. (0.5) 82 3& " 0 - 20.5 0-22 fr- y- 1 -5 18 61 76 > 5 - 10 18 36 40 > 10 - 15 6 15 20 > 15 1 5 8 2.4 3.5 4.7 5.4 5.5 5.7 Mean Ws all cases Mean BHS with emnhysenia TABT.-K 6.9 "^^^^ Age ^^\^^ Group Pa tholo^y ^"^*\^^ Emphysema levels in 450 cases subdivided by pathological type (smoking history disregarded). 36-4o 41-45 46-50 51-55 C$ (2) q* (21 56-60 61-65 20^ (1) 37-5^ (3) 46 2J5 6ftS 6o# (6) 47.8% (11) 73* (3) 80X (8) (2) TABLE 6.10 (0.5) ':" ""_. ' ' Pl-iF 175 70 6'f-- 0 - 17.5 BHj range 67 PMF (6) 36.S"i (7) 66-70 71-75 u i • 7/S (13) 57*; 76-80 81-85 62. 3o — (8) (5) 70^ 62.55s 62£ (20) (3D (33) g^/ 6c% 83& (19) (43) (39) 73.3* (11) 100Jo 85£ (25) 10^ The percentages of cases showing emphysema subdivided by age and pathological type. Figures in brackets indicate number of cases. (3) (7) 100. ^--^ I'atho'lor;;, Smoking Habit M F o> 5 -/,-.: ^~~"^^^ ^^--^. rion-sii-okers (1) k-',i Ex-smokers 57*-i (9) ^ 69.6/0 (103) 8':.^ ('40) 6itfi (11?) 82 . 5;> (1MO nc. :! | f J «.; Habit M (100) ^^^«^. 11.%' (11) Ex-smokf-rs 7.650 (7) Smokers 8 - 9.8-s (16) 9.36 (17) 17.1& (30) °*"(7M 100v (9?) 9.i?i (18) 8o.S?i 100^ Total PHF F i j "^x^,^^^ .on--..:C..,...r. TABLE 6,12 (?3)^ The pfire'vritago nf c n r ^ n s v:i th emphysema for tb;'-:f? v.-'^tb(ilo~:i c ; O typor; rii v:idcd by smoking haMt. Firurcs i n h r a c k e t o i n d i c a t e num^nr of ca^es. "~~^-^^_^ Pathology ^~~"~~\(j r ou p i^fjf't)^ ?6.7# j ( ^ "5 ) TABLE 6.11 (1?) (3) £j /T All cases 75?.; (6) 5K Smokers PMF 73.?^ ( 129) 10^ (183) (175) The percentage d i s t r i b u t i o n of smokinr; habit, \ v i t h i n 7;nt.ho?i.ogical types in ';50 c«'isc'S. Fi.!-).:re-:-; in b r a c k e t s indicate nunibfjv of c^ses. 101. ^--^Pit BUsT""^-^ ^*^_ Pi t • F1 I. 18 10 9 37 1 - 5 9 16 10 35 6 > 5 - 10 6 1^ 2 2 2 > 10 - 15 2 3 2 7 1 1 2 > 15 0 0 2 2 19 23 't2 35 <*3 27 103 W E < 1 7 8 1 - 5 8 > 5 - 10 Total BH^\! H 13 < 1 9 1? 3 3 > 10 - 15 0 > 15 Total Total Rank Group 1 Total , 22 Kank Group 2 ~~--\Pit V BHP^^\^ T ~\^^ Pit A BHa^-\_ B Total M N X Y Total < 1 22 12 2 36 < 1 It 8 2 8 2 2lt 1 - 5 16 18 3 37 1 -5 1 7 2 7 8 25 > 5 - 10 10 7 0 17 > 5 - 10 1 7 2 1 2 13 > 10 - 15 It 5 i° 9 > 10 - 15 2 0 0 3 5 10 > 15 A 4 0 2 > 15 1 0 1 0 2 It 5 101 Total 9 22 53 *+3 Total | Rank Group Kank Group 3 ~-\ 76 19 19 .i i. ' rt | Pi t i . . 1 . Pit i J] „ I T! „ ! , I I BK?~""~"-\ '"' u < 1 5 5 It 3 0 Itg 0 21 <1 2 't it 1 12 1-5 7 2 7 3 1 2 1 23 1 - 5 1 5 5 1 1 13 > 5 - 10 0 2 7 2 5 2 1 19 > 5 - 10 5 6 2 2 1 16 > 10 - 15 1 3 2 0 0 0 0 6 ' > 10 - 15 0 3 1 1 1 6 > 15 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 <i > 15 0 1 0 1 0 2 Total 13 12 20 8 6 9 2 70 Total 8 19 12 6 It 1*9 Rank Group 5 TABLE 6.13 i; i '.! '-' | -' - — O *~ c*. J- JjHg ~~"~"^-^ I ] ". ! 1 • Rank Group 6 Emphysema estimations for the men from individual collieries grouped by coal rank. 102. "\^ Total ; ^•vQust < 5 pins BH2 < 1 ^^ 5 < 10 1CK15 I 15<20 2CK30 3O<40 40<50 £ 50 Total 1 0 144 12 | 6 3 154 37 42 31 13 18 1 <5 14 32 31 24 32 5 < 10 9 23 20 19 9 8 1 1 90 10 < 15 6 8 9 8 <* 4 0 0 39 £15 3 3 2 1 3 0 1 1 14 69 108 93 65 66 26 9 5 441 Total (a) 2 i Total dust r \^ Total ; I ^C^al < 4 gms 4 < 8 8 < 12 12<16 16<20 20<24 24<28 | 28<36 £ 36 Total : I i I BHS ^\ K 21 144 1 <1 10 2 ; 1 0 53 51 9 8 6 5 7 7 ^F 7 4 2 2 | 90 7 3 2 2 1 2 0 | | 39 1 2 2 0 1 1 0 2 14 133 66 41 19 20 13 9 12 441 14<18 £ 18 Total 1 <5 31* *5 21 19 5 < 10 22 28 15 10 < 15 14 8 5 128 5- 15 Total (b) ! 15* Total coal "-^ Total < 2 gms 2 < 4 4 < 6 6 < 8 8 < 10 1CX14 ^-4sh BHP ^\ <1 53 50 13 4 9 8 5 2 144 1 <5 27 38 27 -26 11 10 9 6 154 5 < 10 18 23 25 11 7 4 1 1 90 10 < 15 8 12 7 4 4 3 1 0 39 £15 3 6 3 1 0 1 0 0 14 109 129 75 46 31 26 16 9 441 Total (c) Total ash TABLE £.14 The rcl.itionship between the mass of lung dust and its main components end levels of emphysema in 441 men from the Pneumoconiosis Field Research study. For this comparison, nge and smoking were not considered. 103. ^^ Total ^"\Q i < 0.5 gms 0.5<1.0 1.CK1.5 1.5<2.0 2.CK3.0 3.0<U.O ^».o Total ^\ BHa < 1 8<t 30 9 10 5 5 1 1M» 1 <5 5^ 39 27 1i+ 10 9 1 15^ 5 < 10 31 3** 18 3 2 1 1 90 10 < 15 15 13 6 2 2 1 0 39 7 5 1 0 1 0 0 1A 191 121 61 29 20 16 3 fiifi > 15 Total (d) Total quartz ^ Total | ^\K + M ! < 1 gm1 < 2 2 < 3 3 < 5 ms ^\ I 5 < 7 7 < 9 9 < 11 »11 ' Total <1 kk 38 22 16 8 7 6 3 1^1* 1 < 5 19 29 30 33 21 9 7 8 15^ 5 < 10 8 19 22 26 10 3 1 1 90 10 < 15 6 6 9 9 5 1 0 39 > 15 2 2 5 » 1 3 1 n ^ A 14 **5 23 15 12 Mn Total (e) 77 1 9* 88 Total kaolin and mica TABLE 6.1U contd. 8? 104. 'v^Cofil RH8 ^s. <25;' <1 1 K5 3 2 500 1CX15 *15 2 0 5 TOTAL 25<35 35<45 14 19 11 5 7 3 3 0 41 '+5<55 55<65 2 19 15 15 3 1 39 53 16 65<75 75<85 31 22 33 39 24 7 3 106 16 23 13 5 3 60 20 13 2 «« 35<95 $95 TOTAL 18 1 144 17 4 0 154 0 90 •* s* 0 39 3 45 0 14 1 • 441 (a) Percentage Coal ^\ 02* 12<20 2CK2S 28<36 3b<44 <1 11 28 20 24 12 K 5 5OO 11 21 32 22 19 11 9 11 3 83 1 13 13 4 1 1005 *15 TOTAL 3 1 15 3 3 ™ 2 69 44<52 6CK68 68<?6 >76 TOTAL 20 10 8 10 1 16 7 ' 15 2 1 2 . 39 30 15 5 1 1 30 144 154 90 12<14 14<16 10 2 2 50 43 69 52<60 9 3" 1 4 3 0 32 14 . 0 ___. 441 (b) Percentage Ash ^^CJuartz BHs f <2?i 2<4 4<6 6<8 rr, -- -* r\ ^*-» ir<J 50 32 -^1 C.C. 18 10 17 10 10 4 14 2 13 4 3 0 131 86 49- 8<10 10O2 >16 TOTAL * I. 1. ^\ A '< 5 5<10 1CX15 >15 TOTAL 4 2 3 44 ir • *» -» i^:. r% { A 16 4 O c. 2 ...____ 2 17 7 1 1 41 3» u ~^~~ 90 2 3 „__. — j9 1 0 0 14 31 15 '6 441 (c) Percentage Quartz TABLD 6.13 The relationship between lung dust composition and levels of emphysema in 441 men from the Pneumoconiosis Field Heseorch study. For this comparison, age and smoking habit were not considered. 105. "\# K+M <5# \ 5<10 10x15 15<20 2CX25 25<30 30<35 35<'*0 kO*5 550 TOTAL 8 9 1 iMt 7 16 11 5 15"* 8 U 5 6 1 90 5 2 3 1 3 1 39 0 2 1 0 1 1 0 T* 65 W 32 28 31 30 8 Mn <1 5 j 16 22 19 27 13 10 1 11 1 <5 1 18 22 29 19 15 11 5 < 10 0 it 17 21 11 13 10 < 15 0 0 11 5 8 »15 1 2 1 5 TOTAL 7 itO 73 79 (d) Percentage Kaolin + Mica TABLE 6.15 Contd. ' PMF F M Mean age 70.1 69. 71.6 No. of cases 27 80 7* 5o of cases showing ££& DO/'" 71/o 8& (18) (No. of cf>ses) . (65) (57) Mean BHs - all cases 3.0 M 5 Mean BH2 - cases with emphysema *+.9 5.9 5.8 PHa range 0-10 0-2 1( 0-22 Mean dust content - cases with emphysema (SEK) 6.3 gms 12.3 cms 20.1 gms TABLE 6.16 (0.8) (1.0) (1.5) Smokers in the 66 - 75 age group divided by pathology grading. 106. ~^\^ Total < 5 RMS 5 < 10 1CK15 15<20 20<30 30<40 4o<50 BK/^\ ^50 Total < 1 9 10 10 5 6 1 0 0 41 1 <5 9 12 14 11 13 6 2 2 69 5 < 10 6 17 12 6 2 5 0 0 48 10 < 15 2 3 5 3 2 1 C 0 16 »15 1 3 1 1 1 0 0 0 7 27 ^5 42 26 24 13 2 2 181 Total \^ Total ^^Coal BH? ^- < 4 gms 4 < 8 8 < 12 12<16 16<20 ! 20<24 2*K28 28<36 ^36 Total ! < 1 15 15 5 5 1 0 0 0 0 *t1 1 <5 14 22 10 10 It 2 2 2 3 69 ' 5 < 10 16 16 7 3 0 k 1 1 0 i»8 10 < 15 6 4 3 1 0 2 0 0 0 16 =»15 3 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 7 5^ 58 26 20 5 9 3 3 3 181 1Q<-|li 1^:18 £18 Total ^ -5 ~ ^r,'-'- 6 < 8 8 < 10 . 2 < ') '! < 6 12 13 3 2 it 3 3 1 41 1 <5 12 17 10 11 6 it 6 3 69 5 < 10 11 15 12 5 3 1 0 1 48 10 < 15 3 3 5 1 2 1 1 0 16 >15 1 it 2 0 0 0 0 0 7 39 52 32 19 15 9 10 5 181 ^~\ A r-1- -\nSll BH? < 1 Total ^\ . Total TABLE 6.1? The relationship between the mass of the different lunp dust components and levels of emphysema in 181 men from the Pneumoconiosis Field Research Study. These men were all smokers in the 66 - 75 age group. 10?. \^ Total < 0.5 gm 0.5 < 1 1 < 1.5 1.5 < 2 2 < 3 3«< 2^ Total B < 1B^^ 21 7 3 4 1 5 0 41 1 <5 20 23 9 7 6 3 1 69 5 < 10 19 1? 9 1 1 0 1 48 10 < 15 5 5 *» 0 1 1 0 16 >15 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 7 65 56 25 12 9 9 2 181 Total -^. Total ^\IC + M < 1 pra 1 < 2 2 < 3 3 < 5 5 < 7 7 < 9 9 < 11 > 11 Total BH3 ^^-\ 10 10 5 k 5 3 3 1 41 1 <5 9 13 10 T+ 11 3 5 if 69 5 < 10 5 13 12 12 5 0 0 1 48 10 < 15 2 2 i* i» 2 1 1 0 16 5-15 1 0 4 2 0 0 0 0 7 Total 27 38 35 36 23 7 9 6 181 < 1 TABLE 6.17 Contd. 108. ^\ «* ** 25<55 <** <1 1 K 5 0 5OO 2 10<15 1 3 2 W> 0 0 6 10 It 55<65 65<75 75<»5 85<95 ^95 TOTAL 7 10 0 It1 12 0 11 1? 9 69 it# 16 7 9 3 9 10 2 2 2 't 2 3 5 1 1 2 0 1 1 3 0 0 'U _T1_L 7 11 5 3 4JLJL2 I » <!??' <1 2CK28 8 8 6 1 K 5 5<io • 1<X15 >15 3 1 0 5 1 0 2 \*2 0 28C3" 36<U'4 V-K52 52<6o 60<6S 63<76 £76 TOTAL 2 3 5 6 in 0 r-9 10 6 it 2 1 2 3 2 1 1 0 0 1 3 7 3 1 1 1 6 7 11 0 0 itS 16 7 20 oc; ' ~s 1? 15 "o 7. 10<12 12<Ht 1*16 It it 8 i 5 13 4 it 1 13 11 2 2 24 5 TOTAL BHs 12010 I 0 ?7 5*f <2t 2<4 K6 6<8 8<10 3 it 10 7 11 6 10 3 5 2 1^ 181 *16 TOTAL 3 1 It1 0 0 69 i i*K 0 16 ^v < 1 K 5 500 t 23 : 0 11't >15 0 't TOTAL • 8 56 1CK15 TABLE 6.18 t/ 7 /i 1 2 8 s 1 1 • 0 1 0 1 0 0 7 26 16 18 16 8 2 181 31 L: 2 3 2 The relationship between the percentage composition of lung dust and levels of emphysema in 181 men from the Pneumoconiosis Field Research Study. These men were all smokers in the 66 - 75 age group. 109. I \# K+ M ^\ < 5$ BH? ^-,. i 5 < 10 1CK15 15<20 2CX25 < 1 0 3 1 <5 0 k '• 8 k 10 Ik 5 10 I I 25<30 30<35 35<^0 7 -, 6 8 C I ' 'tO<'»5 <45<5C 5 2 0 M 5 8 3 2 69 i 5-50 Total 5 < 10 0 1 ? 10 5 10 6 1 2 • 5 1 ^8 10 < 15 0 0 it 3 0 2 2 2 0 3 0 16 »15 0 0 1 3 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 7 Total 0 8 30 » 20 28 Tt Tf 16 11. 3 181 TABLE 6.18 Contd. 110. \^ ^*^\- Jw.phvsetiia PIT I ~^/"' Total i : : j ' I < 150 | 1 i 1 0 1 i 0 150 < 300 j 2 3 3 2 2 300 < it 50 7 q ^ * ; "\^^ ! 2 Miphyseroa ^ ^ ^Rn" s ^^^^^ t 2 ; | i 1 ! Total 0 , 1 57 ! 200 < 300 i 0 | £ 300 2 : "•- 1<5 5<10 Ernrhysema ^u *^ ^^~,^ 1CK15 < 50 1 1 0 2 1 50 < 100 it 3 2 1 0 100 < 150 3 £ 150 it 8 3 it 4 2 0 -^-« • n Y _ <6 j 1CK15 £15 0 1 0 3 3 2 3 0 /4 2 12 < 18 I -$. 18 ^ 1CK15 515 Total ^\^ K H- M trh/ffl 3 ^-, < 25 1 0 0 1 0 2S < 50 it 9 it 5 1 50 < 75 3 2 2 1 • 0 2 75 <4 it 2 0 1 1 i 0 10<15 £15 1 i 3 2 0 3 I ^ I _ 6 | 1 2 1 _ I j '— — 1 The relationship between exposure to mine dust and its constituents and levels of emphysema for it*1 men. The figures are based on individual exposure records. Units are gram hours per nr3 . I 2 5 . ~ '•' | 0 1 2 6< 12 <1 | 1<5 5<10 5<10 i i 1<5 : 5<10 I j <1 S ! k Total ""\ O.uartz Rh/rri3 ^^^ Total ^^-^^ Ash pln/ni3 ^^^.,. TABIE 6.19 1<5 <1 \^ < 100 T <1 UH_ ^\ 100 < 200 : 0 Mrar.vr.cnia ; ~\ I : £ ^50 |"\ 1<5 ! TK10 : 1C<15 ' £15! ! <1 '\^ ; . 0 - 111. Emphysema 5<10 Emphysema 1CK15 % Coal % Ash 60 < 30 5<10 215 1. "~-\^^ Emphysema . ^^gHj, % Quartz ^^^~~--^ Emphysema <1 1<5 5<10 1005 515 10<15 < 3^ 3 1 3 2 c 3 < 6£ 7 13 5 5 2 10 < 20^5 6 < 95^ 2 1 0 0 0 20 < > 9^ 0 0 • 0 0 0 TABLE 6.20 12 2 1 0 0 The relationship between'the percentage composition of mine dust and levels of emphysema for kk men. The figures are based on individual exposure records. 112. Coe fficient Term Standard error Constant U) -7.57 1.35 Additional constant if smoker (a,) 2.56 0.79 Lung dust weight if smoker (aa) 0.05 0.01 Lung dust weight if non-smoker (83) 0.12 0.04 Age vai ) u.uo U.I* TABLE 6.?1 Estimated coefficients for the model utilising lung dust data. Coefficient Term Standard error (to) -4.002 2.625 Additional constant if smoker (bx) 2.252 1.365 Dust exposure if smoker (ba) 0.002 0.002 Dust exposure if non-smoker (b,) 0.005 0.004 (b4) 0.032 0.033 Constant Age 1 « TABLE 6.22 Estimated coefficients for the model utilising dust exposure data. 113. DISCUSSION Relationship between lung and dust content and pneumoconiosis found at autopsy in British coalminers has already been the subject of a number of studies including those by KING and NAGELSCHMIDT KING, MAGUIRE and NAGELSCHMIDT (1956); FAULDS, KING and NAGELSCHMIDT (1959) and SPINK and NAGELSCHMIDT (1963). However, previous studies have mostly dealt with cases from a single mining area on each occasion and relatively little information has been obtained on dust and disease variations over the whole country. nVDCWAMM ... „„,) .... /"•ACCWTTTT . v.«-^v,4-«,J - ~ i- — *~ ~~ ov,~-|, rc--i ••-•••~j o In 1972, 'however, ~-T 1 — -—(.J ,«..o<. -" <?>.„-. -• ^ series of cases that were drawn from ail the British mining areas. Little pathological information was available but it was shown that the composition of lung dust found in cases from any area varied considerably with the rank of coal nrined. For high rank collieries the percentage of ash in the lung dust was low but in low rank areas the percentage of ash and its constituent, quartz, was much higher. The present study has been able to examine cases from all British, coalfields. Since cases were obtained mainly from the Pneumoconiosis Medical Panels it is likely that the population under study was biased towards men with severe disease. However, for the first time in Britain it has been possible to examine the way in which pneumoconiosis may vary depending on the type of dust inhaled. It was found that even in men with roughly similar types of pneurncooniotic lesion, the lung dust rnrxrs and composition could vary considerably. For any dust analysis the ranges found within one pathology type could overlap the other two. When the mean figures were considered, however, some definite trends were apparent. The mean levels of total lung dust and all. its constituents were shown to increase between cases with macules, fibrotic nodules or PMF for the whole group under study. There were, however, considerable variations in the level of increase when the cases were divided into groups depending on the rank of coal mined in the collieries v/here the men worked. Variations in the level of dust were also found when cases v/ere grouped according to geographical area. Firstly, it was found that while cases within either the soft macule or fibrotic nodule group hnd relatively similar levels of dust regardless of rank, those with PMF showed a reduction of lung dust between the high rank collieries of Group 1 and all other collieries. This was even more marked when the coal content of lung dust was considered and, as may be expected, the reverse was true when the ash content of the dust.and its main components, quart?,, kaolin nnd rrdca, were exarr.i.Tied. Since the dust from collieries producing low rank coal is known to have a high ash content it was not surprising to find high percentages of non-coal minerals in the lung dust from men who had worked in this type of colliery. However, of potentially much greater importance was the finding that the composition of lung dost varied with 11... «/»!•- _).• ff \*J.H \,± -1... 4. .._tl__T ^.- w . . ^ , . . ~£.J J-.. ~J f .„ . „• „ ._.- „„„...> V.,4- - — . »,,>•(- .-_ - . -..I 1 v-.v.Vr ,_ <-'v>r>iM->a . -, Tn fV>o highest rank collieries (Group 1), there appeared to be no difference in lung dust composition between the three pathological types of pneumoconiosis and there was little change in Group 2. However, in the low rank groups there were progressive decreases in the mean coal percentages and, conversely, increases in the ash and its individual constituents between cases with only soft dust macules, those with small, hard fibrotic nodules and those with PMF. These findings are in agreement with the reports of KING, MAGUIRE and NAGELSCEKIDT (1956) and SPINK and NAGELSCHMIDT (1963). The former paper reported that there was no increase in quartz percentage between different levels of pnfmmoconiosis, but all their cases" came fro.n relatively high rank collieries that would correspond to our rank groups 1 and 2. SPINK and NAGELSCHMIDT reported, however, that in coalminers •i*iv»n! C"i;"iVif:T"! STIC! there V7C.C co~c evidence cf ' s.r, -;T'y"sQS'' *"* ^"'^^^^ percentage with increasing levels of pneumoconiosis. For the most part the Cumberland coalfield mines medium rank coal. From all this information it seems likely that either some cases with progressive massive fibrosis have been exposed to dusts of different composition to others or that the lung dust composition has changed during the course of disease development. A comparison between the compositions of the dust to which individual cases were exposed and lung dust levels indicates that the latter suggestion is correct. In high rank collieries there has been nc change between mine dust and lung dust composition but in low rank pits there appears to have been a progressive differential accumulation of the ash components between the three pathology types with the quartz composition of PMF cases especially being as much as three times higher than in the original mine dust. 115. This situation is, however, a. little complicated by the fact that the only ash components for which a specific analysis has so far been made in the lump; dusts, quart?, and kaolin and mica, account for on average 8($ of the ash in lung dust but only 65% of the ash in mine dust. Those differences were greatest in the low rank areas. This means that some ash components (for example, calcium, magnesium and iron salts) are being lost from the lung tissue either during the extraction procedure or during life. However, if the only loss occurring was during dust extraction the effect would be a reduction in thff •nemPnt.Aifr> ash found in thp I n n r dust: nf nmr <-n.c:o w-i -Hi « corresponding increase in coal percentage. That this is not the case is shown in Chapter 1, Figure 19« Similarly there would be no compositional differences between the pathology grades. It appears therefore that the presence of PMF in men who worked in collieries mining low rank coal is associated with the finding of a relatively higher proportion of quartz and kaolin and mica than was estimated to have been present in the original mine dust. More detailed studies of these findings are in progress wMch involve the division of cases with either fibrotic nodules or PMF into more defined groups depending on size, type and number of lesions. It is important to consider whether or not the increased levels of quartz and kaolin and mica found in cases with either fibrotic nodules or PMF from low rank collieries are directly related to the development of th*Kfi 1 psior>Rj TViis is especially important ir. the cs-sa cf quarts since pure quartz is known to produce a severe form of nodular pneumoconiosis (silicosis) and it was believed for many years that coalworkers1 pneumoconiosis was merely a modified form of this silicosis. In 19^0, however, GOUGH reported that coal trimmers working with pure coal in the holds of ships developed severe coalworkers' pneumoconiosis although the dust they had inhaled contained negligible quartz. In some countries, coalworkers' pneumoconiosis is still called silicosis and a quartz standard is used in monitoring levels of mine dust. In Britain, for many years dust control in coal mines has used an overall dust standard. In drivages, where the quartz level in the dust is taken into account, a lower overall level than on faces is applied. Ar. already stated, evidence has now been produced that all three of the ash components, quartz and kaolin plus mica, are not only present in higher percentages in established PMF cases from collieries mining low 116. rank coal than in individuals without this severe form of pnoumoconiosi.s hut are also -present in a higher percer.tage than in the original mine dust. In addition FKF cases from collieries mining low rank coal have si crni f icantly lower trie an levels of total lung dust than those cases from high rank collieries. These findings indicate that the accumulation of dust containing a high percentage of non-coal minerals in the lungs of coalrniners working in collieries mining low rank coals other than the overall mass of dur.t is associated with the presence of PMF. The results fron the present study, however, show that the non-coal minerals, quart?,, kaolin and mica, are present in all cases of PMF at very sir.ilr.ir relative proportions regardless of the total lung dust mass. There is thus no direct evidence that quart?, is the particular ash component associated with the development of the massive lesions. At the same time, however, no evidence has been produced that this is not the case. The present study has produced no data to show whether the non-coal minerals act directly in the production of PMF or as an intermediate factor, perhaps making the lung tissue more susceptible to infections such as tuberculosis. In this connection it is unfortunate that all the lung material used in the present study was received after prolonged formalin fixation r^r.rt no bacteriological studies were possible. Only seven out of 5^0 cases hnd tuberculous lesions recognisable histolcgically. Similarly no data were available on variations in individual susceptibility among the 500 cases. These variations might be important in determining the rate of differential lung clearance, the severity of tiss::n reactions to any given dust, or the occurrence of some form of autoimmunity in response to reactions between dust particles and tissues. The results from the present study and previously published work by other authors suggests that there is no single cause of progressive massive fibrcr-;is. Consideration of all the available information makes it possible to suggest the following causes of PMF in collieries mining different ranks of coal. In high rank collieries, where the ash content of mine dust is low it is possible to build up considerable lung dust levels. In these cases the dust mass itself may eventually be sufficient to cause the development of massive lesions although infection and individual factors may be i nvolved, However, some miners from high rank collieries develop massive lesions although their lung dust burden is relatively low. In these cases it is very likely that infection or autoimmunity has played a decisive part. In collieries 117. mining low rank coal the accumulation of lung dust with a percentage of non-coal minerals may be sufficient on its own to cause the development of massive lesions at low total dust levels or it may predispose the tissue to infection or an autoimmune reaction. Chest radiographs form the main diagnostic procedure in esses of pneumoconiosis but so far relatively little work has been done on correlating radiographic shadows with definite lesions in lung tissue and the lung dust content. ROSSITER (1972) compared dust contents and radiographic category in J22 coalminers but he had no pathological IT/DEI! c c l . (1970) ar levels of pathology with radiographic category but had no duct data available. The present study with 259 cases for which pathological data, lung dust fig'ures and recent chest radiographs v/ere available has allowed further examination of the inter-relationship of these factors. It was found that some cases from the group recorded as having fibrotic nodules were classified radiographic ally as 0/0. However, to be included in the F pathology category, cases needed only one hard fibrotic nodule of one millimetre in diameter. Later studies with this material will subdivide the F group according to the number and size of the fibrotic nodules, when it would be expected that those classified as 0/0 by radiograph will be found to have very small numbers of these lesions. The number of dust foci present in the lung tissue correlated reasonably well with the radiographic profusion of small rounded opacities (correlation coefficient 0.^5) but some cases recorded as 0/0 nonetheless had foci counts in the highest rangec The potential number of dust deposits depends on the number of suitable anatomical sites near respiratory bronchioles and it appears that these could all become pigmented with dust relatively early in the course of exposure. Increasing radiographic category may therefore subsequently depend not on an increase in the number of dust deposits in the lung tissue but an increase in those sufficiently dense to produce recognisable opacities. In the cases examined in the present study those with the smallest or p type of opacity were more likely to have the highest recorded numbers of dust foci than those classified as q or r. 11?,. This indicates that either some of the q or r opacities ore produced by the fusion of small dust deposits or the pathogenesis of the various nodular types is completely different. V.'hilo it wan knovm that there is considerahle inter-reader variation in the categorisation of simple pnenmoconiosis by chest radiographs it was found in the present study that fibrotic lesions measuring more than 1 cm are not always recognised as progressive massive fibrosis on radiographs. Twenty-one out. of ^9 cases with lesions found at autopsy to be between 1 and 5 cm in diameter were not categorised as PMF by any of the four itOMtiO. i l u w c vr:j. , II;CM»,V uf l.iiet>C leOJ.Ulirt Wfcr« I J U J ' I H . 1 I'J. J lie ifl iil'/^G tiTl'.l .'1-1U some anatomical peculiarity such as cavitation or close proximity to a fissure. Whether these factors were associated with a poor radiographic image has not yet been studied. \ The present study has confirmed the findings of ROCSITER (1972) that there is in genera] a good correlation between overall lung dust content and the radiographic profusion category in pneumoconiosis cases. However, at this stage in the present study, no attempt has been made to examine the effects of the mass absorption coefficient. The finding that cases with q or r type opacities tend to have lower levels of lung dust than those graded p may be associated with ROSSITKR's observation that the radiogranhic d.e*"!si t"1' of "nodul&r sized opacities" v.ra.s often, greater tl'.ari would have been expected from the mass absorption coefficients of the dust they contained and that "the nodularity may be some response to dust other thar. simple accumulation". In cur sturty, hnwRVfir. a corr>pr;ri.?on of raclio- graphic category and lung dust content suggests that while the mass of all dust components has tended to rise with increasing category of simple pneumoconiosis, cases with either category A or B PMF actually had less dust :in their lungs than cases with category 2 or 3 simple pneumoconiosis and the differences between the PMF cases and cases v/ith category 1 simple pneumoconiosis were relatively small. Similarly, while there were narked compositional changes between categories 0 and 1, there were almost no differences betv;een categories 1, 2 and 3 and PMF for the percentage composition of either coal, ash or kaolin and mica. Thi£ contrasts with the findings from comparisons of lung dust composition in cases divided by pathological examination as having either macules, fibrotic nodules or FK;F (Table 6, Appendix 1). For the most part, however, these differences are more apparent than real. Since many cases with fibrotic nodules were classified by 119. chest radiographs as category 0, the category 0 dust figures have become higher than the rancule group in the pathology study. For similar reasons the figures for category 1 prieumoconiosis are higher than the pathology group with fibrotic nodules since it will probably have been those with fewest fibrotic nodules and hence the lowest dust that were included in the category 0 group. However, an examination of the two methods of classifying cases for lung dust content has probably revealed two important factors. When cases were divided by pathological type, the mean values for >..„.!. -- J 4J-_ --------- 4. ~ .._— ~ U- _1 --- J- f --- classification, however, indicated that cases graded category 2 and 3 appear to have more total dust and all its components than the overall group of cases with PMF. Only 1^ cases are involved but unless these are quite atypical it may mean that men who reach these categories yet do not develop I-T:F before death are those whose biological reaction to the dust is relatively low and who are thus able to build up high lung dust levels without developing massive lesions. The second point stems from the fact that while there are compositional differences between the pathological gradings of H, F and PMF and between radiographic categories 0 and 1, there appeared to be no clear trend in compositional differences between radiographic categories 1, 2, 3 or PMF. If, as has been assumed, this is because i.i ~~j one ._„_,. .-.tvc;. U£,«-. ~i..n 4. f; ...mji. « f . i & ui.c:.j . wi • t^ui-c^i'i. n-n i .. *•> j ~2 <- mi,4 _/ i.^^jc;^. \. .iravc \ .- LJIJ.JII raised above those for the fibrotic nodule group by the classification of many cases with fibrotic nodules as category 0, then it indicates that the compositional changes noted between the three pathological types are occurring largely during the development of the fibrotic nodules and before the development of PMF. This concept is supported by the finding of compositional changes in lung dust between cases with p type radiographic opacities and those with q or r but little difference between the q or r types themselves. This matter will be explored further in later studies using the same lung material when it is proposed to divide cases with either fibrotic nodules or PMF into subgroupings depending on the size and histological type of the lesions involved. Examination of the lung dust composition for '490 cases divided by 120. coal rank suggested that differences between pathological types' were only evident in rank groups '* to 6. When the ?59 car.es with, chest radiographs were similarly divided for some categories the numbers achieved wero small (Table 5.15). Nevertheless there was an indication that the compositional difference between categories 0 and 1 noted for all such cases was mainly a feature of those from the lower rank groups. Confirmation of this finding would substantiate the hypothesis that compositional change is related to the development of pr.euir.cconiotic disease in cases from these areas. the Brian Heard method were compared to radiograph readings, lung dust content and dust exposure where suitable- data were available. From these studies a number of interesting points have emerged. There appeared to be little relationship between the emphysema levels and the overall profusion categories of X-ray readings for small rounded opacities. However, LYONS et al. (197*0 suggested that the presence of small irregular opacities was associated with emphysema and the present study has confirmed this general finding. In addition it was found that cases with the p type of small rounded opacity appear more frequently associated with high levels of emphysema than those with q or r tyt>e opacities. This observation has already been reported by RYDER ejt_ _a]_. (1970) and it is hoped that more data on this association will become available when detailed present study. • As expected from previous reports, age and smoking habit were found to be associated with the development of emphysema in the present ^50 cases. In addition to this, however, the presence of severe pneumoconiosis was an important added factor. Thus, of 181 smokers aged between 66 and 75 only 66?b of those with soft dust macules had emphysema as compared to 88?o of those with PMF. The mean levels of emphysema also increased in this group with the increasing severity of pneumoconiosis. Preliminary statistical investigation of data from all the cases in this study indicated that while smokers had a higher likelihood of developing emphysema because of their smoking habit, after this fact had been taken into account, the lung cuot content contributed more to emphysema levels in non-smokers than smokers. 121. This rngy mean no more than that smoking and dust act in combination and not as additive factors. It is unfortunate that very few cases from the present study were non-smokers with high dust levels so that no reasonable extrapolation of the analysis may be made at these levels. In considering dust and emphysema relationships, however, it must be remembered that the present report only covers the estimation of overall emphysema. Analyses of results considering the different types of emphysema as separate entities are stil] in progress and will ue Icrfjui'^tru Oil CAI.. a Xdcci v^cicc. r:uo L w u i r\ c t i_» w t i u nt^vo i u f / W i ni ^t un the association between coalworkers' pneumoconiosis and emphysema (HEPPLESTON, 19?2) have talked specifically of centriacinar or circumscribed emphysema and it may be that when figures for this form of air space enlargement are available for the present group of cases, any association with lung dust content will be clarified. In this connection it must be remembered that centriacinar emphysema is a common finding in the normal population. A susceptibility to develop this condition may be aggravated by the prese-nce of coal dust but the overall, level of emphysema need not correspond to the actual lung dust levels. In conclusion it. .should be appreciated that much of the work renorted here is part of on-going studies. Certain limitations upon case selection and examination are inherent in the structure of the study. Nevertheless, hypotheses which are irmorporafcsjti in '.his preliminary examination of data may be subjected to further • statistical examination and the pathological approach may be refined by a more precise division of cases based upon detailed estimations of dust deposition. In addition it will be possible to approach questions which arise from this work by a selection of cases appropriate to each specific question. Clearly the data already available may be examined from a number of starting points and any conclusions drawn are reported with this in mind. 123. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors wish to acknowledge the important contribution made to this project by the staff of the British Pneurr.oconiosis Medical Panels and by staff from the Pathology departments of Ashinpton Hospital, Northumberland, Ballochmyle Hospital,Ayrshire, Burnley General Hospital, the Coventry and Warwickshire Hospital, Sunderland General Hospital, and the West Cumberland Hospital who also provided some of the lung material examined in this study. The authors would also like to thank Dr» J.GS Bennett, Dr. J. Burns, Dr. J.A. Dick, Dr. D.J. Thomas and Dr. J.S. V/ashinn;ton for reading the X-rays reported on in the present study, Kr. D. Brown, Kiss B. Calder, Kr. A. KcDowall, Krs. K. Niven, Kr. R. Porteous and Kr. H.E. Tully for their skilled technical assistance and Krs. A. Darby for her organisation of computer programming. AKDSRSCN, J.A., DUNNILL, M.S. and RYDER, R.C. (197?.) Dependence of the incidence of emphysema or. smoking history, a^e and sex. 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(1867) Dent. Arch. Klin. Med. 2_, 116. 131. APPENDIX A Mean figures for lung dust weights and percentage composition divided by pathological type, colliery, coal rank group and geographical area together with statistical comparisons. 132. 1 Colliery Identification i-,:tho~\ curie »\ Type • r M l'f\T Mean v e i r h t s of riinpra.'.s riresont i: -'.can c e r c n n t i i R e corarjosi tiou Kupber i in b o t h li-r.~3 (-.-.) ! of ciur-t in 3\i:irs ,, %. ' Kaolin •a K a o l i n in v £!/ Dust Nonnnd Group Coal Quertz. j ar.ri Coal Coal ^nrt. Con 1 . . ^ ?. 19.25 ••. iYI 39.76 '1.32 17. '19 6.8 2C *» 36.A2 3.^ O.'t'+l 2.5'; 91.7 8.3 1.13 6.1 2.97 7 . ;o 5-07 '} . 7 f/ 1.'=? 0.165 0.8*4 T 63.7 36.5 ; :: ''.55 C 2.3.0 3.20 0.7--L' O.^oil 61.5 30.5 5.73 25-9 1.^6 56.1 *t3.9 6.62 i.5 p - ! ; 62.6 37. '4 5.65 *4.37 ii*42.3 57.7 9.78 I 0.1*15 1.8*4 I63.5 36.5 5.22 0.59't | 2.1'* I 55.1* ' 't'i.7 6.92 29. *4 70.6 11.83 1.279 't.65 26.8 23.1 *tC.9 0.273 ! 0.91 ';;'.7'' 3 '?.27 M F K-!F 8 8 7 7.10 6.18 11.0'+ D M F PMF 5 1+ 1 5. so 6.63 10.81 3.07 3.18 3.07 3.62 7.63 M F PMF 5 E 6. ft 't.71 10.80 &'.°£ 3'i.8't 30.28 1.95 1.82 '4.56 0.22'i 0.606 6.53 19.66 25.61 1.16 <(.17 5.*40 0. 5;*'f 0.806 C F „ F . PMF 1*4 5 6 17 20 1+.56 3.73 14.87 2.*4* 5.37 15. ^9 20.21 _ M 1.99 f 2-'' 1.75 •1 3 12.3 r.o - ' l,f " ilT H F FI'F E 87.6 - -.-,{; ] f\ r,-^ I •) po C. _ 2.53 2. '45 6.16 _ . 9 ' t 'j ^7.9 '\ '~> ? ' 2.1 ,. 0 0.373 0.385 1.030 0.223 0.131 ';0.9 2*4.6 27.8 143.0 1.53 1.28 3.9'1 72. '4 27-7 82.6 J 17. 'i 81. i* 18.6 3.2'' 2.31* 2.73 21.5 0.76 2.77 3.95 82.9 17.1 75-5 ? - l --5 77.2 2.2.8 _ 2.16 3.-0 3-52 9.82 16.0 16.9 _ _ _ 13.0 15.5 „ 0 2 7 6.77 11.91 3.01 3.5*t 3.77 8.37 o.6'49 1.87*4 1.88 5. 1't **6.7 53-3 3L9 68.1 9.70 15.2 M F PH? 11 1(4 *4.58 9.3't '..i+O 7J>5 1.17 1.89 0.167 C.86 0.270 1.M* 3.o8 3.10 0.91C I, 77.8 22.2 73. *4 21.6 ?1..7 28.3 I H F PMF 5 19 11 0.91 2.07 2.97 0.1 ;>6 0.318 0.511 o.tSu 1.57 2.18 77. 'I 76.0 78.7 22.8 2*1.0 21.3 5.6'+ 3.66 3.6'+ H . F PKF 2 2 0 3.31 3.87 - 1.97 2.07 - 1.35 1.79 - 0.196 0.303 - 0.723 58.2 1.01 5^.6 - M.8 6.13 7.37 - 22.14 J M F PMF 2 15.51 15.33 6.80 8.71 10.92 6. 8't 17.56 0.61*1 1.9C5 3.091 '4. 91* 5*4.1 't.i+2 27.2 6.£'i 11.2*4 29.8 30.1 70.1 69.9 12.06 12.21 M4.8 M F PMF 5 9 6 3.73 3.99 '+.'43 7.56 6.82 11. '*? 0.71*4 2.10 1.351 '4.89 52.3 37.5 37.2 *'7.7 62.5 62.8 8.57 11. '-6 11. ''2 2.8.6 '40.2 '•1.5 G H K L TABLE A.1 F PriF „ * r~( 5 6 *• " "*r 't. 63 3.71 11. 7^' 9.66 15.69 12.72 2*4. *40 7.73 11. Q8 10.30 'i.'fO 2.r:78 Cl. 7.52 'tS.'t - '45.9 L Ac; 26.0 *42.2 15.6 16.5 ? ? ;5 1*4.9 17. *4 15.1 25.0 - *43.*4 Mean fif>;u:-'j.i for ]un!^ dust w e i g h t s and p e r c e n t a g e c o m p o s i t i o n for the three pathological types of p n e u m o c o r a o s i n in each of the 25 c o l l i e r i e s of the iosit, Kj.olfl Rasearcli s t u d y . 133. Colliery Identification Fathologiecl Tyre Mean weights of minerals present Mean Number in both lungs (gm) in Kaolin Group Dust Coal Nonand Quartz Coal Coal Mica M M F PMF 4 7 11 N M F. PMF 0 9 0 P _ 3.45 5.79 9.33 _ 0.452 1.023 1.540 2.34 3.90 6.50 ' 4.99 8.31 9.25 22.7 33.1 37.6 _ 41.8 8.31 **9.9 50.1 10.01 29.0 25.7 16.6 6 . 4.13 8.16 M F PMF 1 5 6 3.02 16.12 17.84 1.69 12.51 10.55 1.33 3.61 7.29 0.225 0.616 1.257 0.78 2.1? 4.74 55.9 44.1 74.2 25.8 55.9 44.1 7.43 4.38 7.78 29.7 M F PMF 1 3 4 10.32 13.36 14.67 6.57 7.90 8.28 3.75 5.^5 6.39 0.475 0.961 1.504 3.65 3.85 1.92 63.7 36.3 58.4 41.5 53.2 46.8 4.61 7.90 11.6 18.6 26.2 27.1 1 3.14 13.54 13.72 2.02 6.03 3.22 1.11 7.51 10.50 0.18S 1.428 1.921 0.867 64.5 5-38 44.7 35.5 7.37 55.3 28.0 72.O 5.89 10.60 13.66 27.7 38.6 50.5 6.31 18.83 13.15 4.58 11.11 6.52 1.72 7.73 6.64 0.290 1.228 0.786 0.98 5-07 4.51 73.0 69-4 48.0 26.8 30.6 52.0 4.72 4.95 8.17 15.00 20.9 31.7 PMF 7 16 26 7.42 5.70 21.74 16.05 20.05 14.37 1.72 5.69 5.68 0.312 0.997 1.050 1.06 3.85 3.9^ 76.7 72.1 68.5 23.3 27.9 31.5 ^.31 5.00 6.22 13.6 18.9 21.6 M F ?HF 1 2 18.80 15.39 9.09 6.99 20. PC •15.39 3.41 2.10 '.'.•'.,' 0.438 0.252 2.82 1.64 18.1 15.0 18.8 U.VJJU 23.5 2.33 2.81 5.'-'.? 81.9 76.5 30. f •f.VD t'\.3 5.24 9.19 16.38 3.18 5.19 1.55 0.211 0.488 0.804 1.00 2.30 3.47 70.0 30.0 64.5 35.5 65.4 34.6 4.10 5.60 5.42 24.8 22.0 3.86 0.619 4.4? 14.24 11.95 2.29 40.4? 34.60' 5.87 0.105 0.384 0.972 0.41 1.83 4.74 84.6 79.6 77.3 2.69 3.49 3.62 10.1 16.1 18.3 6.36 2.421 1.9^2 2.138 8.93 6.71 6.68 29.7 70.2 11.31 32.2 67.8 13.85 30.5 69.5 13.79 47.0 42.9 PMF T F M .... M F 4 3 6 2 5 ~ 17 PMF 25 15 w M F PMF 6 7 6 X M F. PMF 1 11 12 Y M F PMF 0 9 11 21.40 13.80 15.20 3.69 6.01 11.19 4.22 4.49 15-01 9.58 10.70 _ — ^ 6.88 10.79 22.44 14.41 — 3.90 8.03 — 0.656 1.247 _ Z 62.0 38.0 51.6 48.4 *»5.5 55.0 _ 1.150 2.324 M F PMF V 5.69 7.83 8.04 5.83 10.15 11.47 s U 5.51 13.89 21.63 M F Q 8.96 11.49 17.16 _ percentage composition of dust in lungs • % Kaolin % Nonand Coal Quartz Mica M F PMF TABLE A.1 contd. 0 2 0 — 8.69 ~ — 3.58 ~ — 58.2 \s S • C 15.6 20.4 22.7 _ "~ 0.690 ~ 41.8 — — 64.3 35.6 62.7 37.2 5.75 6.07 22.8 21.9 42.9 7.78 28.3 _ _ _ „ — 5.11 18.6 _ — 2.481 4.66 35.^ 2.68 ™ ™ 57.1 " ~ ™ Fulholoi'icfti , v'osl K»«k *iro«n Overall (28) 6.3? 9.05 12.78 (18) (19) (19) 20.00 (190) (?1) 9.76 (56) 14.33 (490) H S.46 F 11.0.5 (21) I 1}.->6 (50) 14.06 (42) 12.26 (y>) 11.76 (?o) PMF 37.01 (11) j 22.42 I (46) 18.00 (44) 10.90 (42) 17.81 16.9} (43) i 15.S2 (113) 1>.59 (113) 15.96 (PO) 13.50 Overall (11) j 5.12 (22) 5.70 14.37 (27) S? = 92.05 d.f. (8) 8.50 (14) 7.21 12.51 (100) (200) = 472 COAL Pathol epical ! ~ Co<0 Rr>nk (ir M 4.25 4.01 4.13 10.11 F 9.97 11.03 9.87 32.63 17.49 12.65 6.07 10.29 14.JO 12.24 FHF Overall 8.43 9.58 Ss = 64.64 4.39 5.65 7.14 I 5.99 4.25 5.48 5.76 4.76 8.22 13.09 5.18 i 9.4O d . f . = 4?2 ASH Pathological Tyoe WE '• M 1.22 F 1.98 1.11 2.73 PMF 5.28 2.63 Overall Coal Rank GrouD Vi'3 AMYNX KFI K01X3UD2 1.58 1..26 1».11 M3 U.19 5.35 6.18 9."«5 6.11 10.66 3.29 <-.02 7.53 7.5'1 S'= 12.51 ! FCaQJ Overall 2.12 lt.l»8 2."t5 lt.28 7.02 6.91 ft.58 "••93 d.f. = 1)72 QUARTZ Patholorical ! Type j »<E HFI Coal Rank Grout) VTB AF.YUX ; KOLGUD& FCSQJ ; °verai1 H 0.159 0.152 0.232 0.631 0.542 F 0.277 0.381 1.18? PHF 0.805 0.769 0.688 0.927 1.69"t 1.0l»5 1.958 0.321 0.776 1.207 0.368 0.725 1.195 Overall 0.382 o.'igo i 0.672 1.376 1.306 0.776 0.834 d.f. - KAOLIN + XICA Patholorical Tyre H WE ! 1.00 2.63 4.22 3.75 2.93 3.66 2.43 2.75 F 0.92 1.46 0.77 1.94 PKF 4.36 2.07 Overall Coal RanX Groun VTB . AMY:;X Hfl S'- 6.280 KOLGI.'UZ 2.40 S = 1.26 Overall 3.02 LS't 2.90 6.12 3.79 6.85 4.77 4.74 4.97 4.72 3.05 3.3". d.f. = 1.72 Hf»n firurea for ]unr dunt wiip'htR found in the three pathological types, comhined into cix (rrouns by the nnk of co«l mined. 5 rescy risi'luii verietion. d . f . = efiBociit*:d dfl^reco of freedom. Th^se figures wer*; deriTed by n t i n d ^ r d n n a l y n i a of variance techniques. The collieries are nanK Group COAL HFI VTB AMYNX KOLGUDZ Panlr HFI VTB DUST WE Coal Mineral Component M» F* _ _ _ — _ AKYNX K01GUDZ PCSQJ _^ HFI VTB _ _ _ _ AMYNX KOLGUDZ PCSQJ _ _ _ PW* M F PMF M F PMF M F FMF M f FMF X X _ _ _ _ _ X X _ _ _ _ ^_ _ _ ^__ — _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - X _ _ _ _ _ _— _ X _ _ _ _ ~ ~ X X X X X _ _ „ _ - _ X ._ - X X X X X X _ _ _ _ - - - - - X X - - - - - - _ X X _ _ _ X X - - - - - - - _ HFI NONCOAL VTB AMYNX KOLGUDZ PCSQJ - - X X X - .. —. - - - _ •_ _ _ _ X X _ X X X x X X - - 1 HFI VTB QUARTZ AKYNX KOLGUDZ PCSQJ _ _ _ - - TABLE A.3 - - — _• KFI KAOLIN + KICA — VTB AMYNX KOLGUDZ PCSQJ - X - - X X - - - - X - - - - - - X - _ _ X - Multiple comparisons for differences between mean mineral levels for each coal rank grt-up for each pathological type. * Pathological type. KOTS: For each mineral component table the confidence that all the statements impliet. in the table are correct is at least ,9951". "x" denotes that the difference under consideration was significant within the overall fpnily of comparisons. Bonferroni t-statistics were used :'or the calculations within each mineral component table. All contrasts within the family were compared with equal confidence. 136. nur.T Pathological .SCL'i' • Cinorr.inhic'il Arc.i 1'r', + !:..' !•' ...'••' of. ' i-'.'l iJ 7.21 (16) 10. '('* Vt.99 (20) F 6.97 13.16 (38) 11.81 (5D 5.18 12.13 Pi-iF 16. 01* (1?) 19.75 C<9) 17.3't C«9) 22.91 12.70 C«2) 16.0-'| (103) 13. Bit (120) H Overall (11) (TO Overall . J.™« ; * 1 6.87 doo) (53) (97) 12.71 (200) (75) 19.96 (190) Vi.11 (225) Tt.33 C<90) S3 = 99.50 d.f. = 1*78 COAL _ . . , . , Pathological; . SCCT j GooTronhic.'il Area . rifles + M]]j ,,.. + :,; H - 5.01 - .i 't.63 6.'t8 7.v'-» - ^^ /» J/.X r- **|. ^ • -^ • PKF 9.16 12.6?, 8.0<* 10. '»2 Overall S.W«lo« + K Overall 6.90 3.90 „ ,,,, x - -. 17.95 13.06 6.0't 10.98 9.««0 *».'»? a in Ss= 72.15 d . f . = VpS ASH Pathological ; ^TvTf' '•' 4 '• '•/'" M 1.96 F M2 2.58 5.0^ PKF 6.87 't.67 Overall — ^— ->' f- + "'^0 — ' u '.'nip . ~ Overall 3.95 1.29 2.^0 2.71 't.32 7.07 6.77 10.M* •..'96 6.90 5.62 7.80 3.13 •..93 2 S = 12.3't d.f. = l*?8 Pathological Ty);C ! SCOT (jR>su) ! ; G e o r r a n H c a l Arc?. N>; + iNW ; i;.v/r,l.cs + MD (i;;:TiZ) ; (AcciKUi;s:O S.V.'r.lns + K (blor'HIV-.v) Overall ri '»r\o O **-~>f r^ 4'/n ^ . y/ / U.5b^ '-'. !?3 i" O.bSi 0.862 PKF 1.138 1.209 1.275 1.992 0.390 0.770 0.359 0.730 1.191* L'f'tg 0.1.66 0.83** Overall •0.765 i » 0.952 s S t= O.'iOSS d . f . = 't?8 KAOLItl * MICA _ . . . . Patholoncal , iype M F PMF Overall ; ,.„ SCCT (jiticu) ! + G e o p r n r h i c a l Area ,;w K .-. V , 1(>B + v ^ (Li/'.fYa) 1.17 2.66 <t.50 1.62 3.29 ^.69 3.01 3.70 : (;iC",KL;;j;iX) S.Walos + K : (:ii:niivw) Overall 2.29 ».53 6.85 0.88 1.»*9 1.95 3.72 2.93 i 5.10 2.29 3.31* 1 '*.7<* S3 = 6.131 d , f . = l*78 TAV-T..K A . ' i f>nn f i r u r e s for 3>i",r; dun I woin:litf. found in th^ throe nntholoric.''.! t y n c n . The collioric;; r.rc co':i!iino.1 into four croups forrinn t!1.^ inturrl coMi-in-'itions of foorrnphicol fire;i. C o l l i e r i e s comprisiup each pcojrnpliical nroa nre fiven in brockets. S2 = residual variation. d.f. = ar.soeiatnd dt.'grees of freedom. 137. COAL Pathological Type KFI WK : Co~l. Hon < Grout) via A>.Vi:>: K01.GJIDZ l:ca:)J Overall H 79.08 79.03 71. 0<t 67.58 58.90 62.85 70.23 F 81.57 76.148 67.27 51.23 1*8.65 58.07 6<t.3? PMF 79.20 75.76 66.96 1*8. i* it 39.96 1*3.82 59.1*1 Overall 80.33 76.68 68.05 51.33 ii7.25 51*. 77 63.65 S 2 = 200.1* d>f. ^ l»72 ASH Pathological Type Cool Han k Gronr VTB AMV.'X Overall '..'L' KFI M 21.11 20.96 28.96 32.36 !»1.08 37.05 29.76 F 18.1*0 23.50 32.73 W.71* 5L36 1*1.95 35-62 PMF 20.81 21*. 23 33.06 5L55 60. oi* 56.11* 1*0.59 Overall 19.71 23.31 3L96 1-8.59 52.75 1*5.20 36.35 ~ 200.5 d . f . = 1*72 if Pathological Tyne 'n't 1 hFI j Coal Rank Grourt : VTB ALYNX KOLG1IDK ! KOLG'.IDZ | PCS-QJ ! PCSqj Overall K 2.91* 2.95 <*.21 1..65 6.25 5.77 l*.l*0 F 2.72 S.^ 5.58 9.28 8.75 7. "3 6.0^ PMF 3.22 3.92 5.92 9.1*1* 11.30 10.36 7.29 Overall 2.91 3.55 5.31 8.91* 9.26 7.80 6.19 S* = 9.7"3 d.f. ^ !*72 KAOLIN + MICA Pathological Type Coal Rank Group VTB , /iKYNX KOLGUUZ PCStyJ Overall 19.16 . 25.77 21.95 18.63 22.72 32.73 31.72 26.81* 23.91* 18.32 22.02 33.1? 38.70 37.10 27.26 16.79 21.27 31.72 33.30 28.75 2l*. 15 WE HFI M 15.28 13.88 17.81 F 11*.03 16.68 PMF 17.02 Overall 15.12 £?= 103.2 TARLL A.5 . d.f. = 1*72 Mean figures for lung dust percentage composition found in the three pathological types. The collieries are combined into six groups by the rank of coal mined. SE = residual variation. d.f. - associated decrees of freedom. These firures were derived hy etanrf'ird nnnlysis of variance techniques. Coal Rank Group Mineral Component HFI VTB AKYNX KOLGUDZ PCSQJ % COAL HFI VTB AMYNX KOLGUDZ PCSQJ % NON-COAL HFI VTB AMYNX KOLGUDZ PCSQJ % QUARTZ HFI VTB AMYNX KOLGUDZ PCSQJ % KAOLIN + MICA HFI WE M* F* 11 IF' M i F _ _- VTB PMF M F AKTOX FHF M F X - X _ _ _ _ X X X :: :: X X X - X X .. _ X - X . _ _ _ X *\ .. - X :: 3: 3: - X =: X _ _ X X X X - - X _ _ X X X X - - X _ _ X X X X X - - X X X X X - X X _ _ _ _- X X X X X X - - X X - X X X X X X - | PMF M j- PKF - - - - - - ! i _ 1 X X KOLGUDZ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - .. _ _ - _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - ~ X - X >: - X X - - X . TABLE A.6 Multiple comparisons for differences between mean percentage mineral component for each coal rank area for each pathological type. • Pathological type NOTE: For each percentage ccmponent tabie the confidence that all the statements implied in the table are correct is at least V.%. "x" denotes that the difference under consideration was significant within the overall family of comparisons. Bonferroni t-statistics wer3 used for the calculations within each percentage comporent table. All contrasts within the family were compared wj.th equal confidence. 139. COAL Pathological Type SCOT (JK.'Stl) ! Geo^ranhical Area ME + !«'A' ! N . V m l e n * I - ' J U •. S.V.'ales + K (iwm) | (AC!!Kii-...-:x) (Bf.FHIV/. 1 ) Overall 68.90 PMF 68.72 67.65 53.82 63.18 61.13 58.76 4%'>5 37.88 75.28 74.32 73.62 68.63 64.26 60.38 Overall 62.33 63.09 44.58 74.31 63.65 M F E S = 203.5 d . f . = 4?8 ASH Pathological ijij« SCOT (JPOSU) H 31.17 F PKF 32.33 46.18 Overall 37.63 ! Geographical Area NE * KV; i N . ' J p l P s + MTI1 (D;-:TYZ) (ACGKLiUyJi) 51.09 36.80 4-i.l8 54.56 38.8? 36.90 Overall T. . V a l p r . - V. G'.EiiilVW) I 62.11 24.76 25.67 26.37 35.73 39.62 55. Vl 25.69 36.35 31.37 ? S = 203.6 d.f. = V?8 QUARTZ Pathological Type SCOT (JPOSU) M **.<)<) F 5.1»2 PMF 8.^5 Overall 6.53 1" Kii + tin (iJI-.TY?.) GeoKrarchical Area i .'i.'.t'ales + KID : (ACGKI,r.;'KX) S.V.'nles + K J (BLFH1VV.O Overall 6.07 11.95 3.41 3.89 4.19 10.30 3.88 6.19 4.76 6.13 6.98 10.24 6.32 6.39 4.74 7.08 s S = 8.993 d . f . = <t?8 KAOLIN + KICA FatiiiMugjuttl Type S'JOT (J PCS U) PMF 17.65 20.80 29.09 Overall 23.33 M F N. Wales + l-UH | « ( Ui-iTYZ ) Overall 19.60 23.97 26.73 24.15 23.87 35.49 25.68 40.61 16.20 18.36 19.16 24.03 35.85 18.12 19.33 25.06 Ss = 100.4 TABLK A.? S. '.Vales + K (Bi.i'Hl'VW; d.f. = 478 Mean figures for lung dust percentage composition in the three pathological types. The collieries are combined into four groups forminf; the natural combinations of preof;raphical area. The collieries comprising each geographical area are given in brackets. S2 = residual variation, d.f. = associated degrees of freedom. These fipures were derived by standard analysis of variance techniques. APPENDIX B A preliminary statistical investigation into the relationship between lung dust and dust exposure. INTRODUCTION The aim of this work has been to try to establish a relationship betv;een lung dust content (gms) and dust exposure (gm hrs m~3) for autopsy study cases. All 119 men satisfying the "acceptable exposure" criterion (see page 30 of the report) have been included in this analvsis. Whilst some more exploratory analysis is desirable, this Appendix describes the work done so far and the considerations used in determining the work reported. The two main questions which this analysis was directed towards were: Question 1: Given the three pathological types assigned at autopsy does the rate of retention for cases vary between pathological types. Question 2: Does this rate of retention vary between coal rank areas given possible susceptibility differences between the pathological types. The following investigations are based on linear regression techniques. AN APPRAISAL OF POSSIBLE MODELS There is a significant overall correlation of G.^T- between lung dust weight and dust exposure. The first representation considered related lung dust weight to dust exposure by the following: lung dust weight - 80 + aj x exposure + as if pathological type M + a3 if pathological type F + a* if case originated from coal rank area 1 + as if case originated from coal rank area 2 •f as if case originated from coal rank area J> where OQ , a^,..., as are estimated coefficients. reported.) (These results are not This is a standard linear regression equation but with the constant term varying over pathological types and coal rank area, of origin. All groups of cases are hypothesised to have the same average rate of retention, interpreted as the slope of the relationship with exposure. This model does not allow for the hypothesis suggested by question 1. Discussions suggested that an improvement to the above model v;ould be obtained by varying the coefficient of exposure term between pathological types and coal rank areas. This would allow average retention rates to vary for men in the different categories of interest. It was also suggested that the constant term would have little meaning when considered from a practical viewpoint. Whilst most of the non-mining population have traces of dust in the lung it was felt that such levels would be negligible in the case-of the miners ccr.cidcrcd. ^rr^ v?v01o*0^ <•« CVVM-VRIIVP wn-.ld thorn fore be expected to be non-significant. Some analyses were carried out to investigate whether or not the exclusion of constant terms changed the model significantly. To simplify the discussion of the possible models, consideration is only given here to separation by pathological type for total dust weight in lung and exposure. Model 1 .' This representation is: lung dust weight = 80 + aj if case was assigned to pathological type M +33 if case was assigned to pathological type F + bo x dust exposure + bj x dust exposure if case was assigned to pathological type M + hs x dust exposure if case was assigned to pathological type F i.e. comparisons are made against a "standard" of PMF. ao , a^,... ba are estimated coefficients. The values of these estimated coefficients are shown in Table B.1 . This regression was highly significant (p < .001) with 2.2tf> of the variance of lung dust weight being accounted for by pathological type differences as specified in the model. This model suggests the following. The constants a1 and £fe are not significantly different from zero although ao is highly significant. The constants are all individually significant at 10?o, bj and b^ being significant at 5$>. The pairwise differences between the b's are not significant. This model is illustrated in Figure B.1. ' 1A2. Interpretation of the model is not straightforward. face value, M Taken at cases appear to be able to be exposed to more dust before, accumulation in the lung takes place than either F or PHF cases who rapidly build up lung dust initially. Once accumulation does begin, it takes place at a higher rate for M cases than for F or PMF, the rate of build-up for F cases being higher than for PMF cases. Over most of the range of data, the model predicts the observed gradation of lung dust levels between the three pathology types, it is only at the higher and more scattered end that the explanation of the mortal conflicts with other analyses. In any case, rrigid extrapolation of the models at this level of dust exposure is dubious. This is clearly not the data. the "best" regression that; could be fitted to Given traditional significance levels, the model includes terms which make non-significant contributions; further analysis would be directed towards removing these terms from the model and searching for other variables which may correlate with lung dust weight. Model 2 Restructuring of the above model to allow only one overall constant term was considered as an improvement to the above formulation. The equation used for this was: lung dust weight = Co + do x dust exposure + dj x dust exposure if case was assigned to pathological type M + cc x dust exposure if case was accigr.cd tc pathological type F Again, comparisons are made against a "standard" of PMF. The values of the estimated coefficients Co , do , dt and d?are given in Table A.2. The regression was highly significant with a similar percentage of variance being accounted for. For this model, co , do and d^ are all individually significant at the 5$ "level. zero. 63 is not significantly different from This model is illustrated in Figure B.2. Given that all cases initially reach the same lung dust weight, cases eventually graded PMF have absorbed more of the dust that they were exposed to than F cases or M canes, although the rate for F cases is not significantly different from PMF cases. Model 3 This model was considered because of the suggestion that lung dust weight would be expected to bo proportional to exposure. The formulation was: lung dust weight = fx x dust exposure if case was assigned to pathological type M + fa x dust exposure if case was assigned to pathological type F + f3 x dust exposure if case was assigned to pathological type FMF where fj, fa , f3 are estimated coefficients their values being given in Table B.3. This model, illustrated as Figure ^.13 of the report, shows the proportional relationship between lung dust and exposure based on the assumption that zero exposure implies zero lung dust. The rates of retention for different groups may easily be compared. In terms of the data sets available, it is not strictly meaningful to test the significance of individual slopes when fitting a model of this type. Non-significance implies that the slope of the relationship for the particular group is not significantly different from zero. This is inherently meaningless when negative data values are impossible. A DISCUSSION OF_THE THREE MODELS There is no unique statistical procedure for selecting the best equation from any given set. It is inevitable that some element of personal judgement will be involved in the choice. To add more subjectivity to the choice, not all models necessarily lead to the same solution when applied to the came problem. In many cases they will achieve the same answer, but in others they do not. The three models considered above do lead to slightly differing results and it is necessary to consider the interpretation of the models with regard to the questions asked of them. By the nature of the data analysed no case has both lung dust weight and dust exposure close to zero. The form of the relationship in this region thus precludes investigation. All the models considered assume that the relationship is linear over this range. The basic difference between the models is what postulations ere made about the initial build-up of lun<r dust, since tliese postulatior.s affect the linear relationship over the range of the data. Model 1 shows that for any category of cases lung dust weight is determined by a "minimum" value adjusted by an exposure dependent value. Comparison of retention rates between any two groups thus necessitates consider" !.i on of both oor.stantE and raj eves for the two groups. This model also suggests so;r,e rnec-anisi!; of initial build-uf of lung dust which varies over the pathological types such that after this build-up they retain duct, at different rates. This formulation nay therefore he considered with the possibility of individual susceptibility determining the eventual pathological grading. Tv,e, <v^^-,.i .,.r.,ifO •>v~"i^!'?r'- th'iv ?.'. ".-.::"•* 1.~:: level" cf du:;t ll-.c'/r. ;r,:,v not be any differences between the eventual pathological types. Following the iritia] V-uild-T^; there are varying averts rates of retention between the pathology types. This model begs the question that the pathological types separate themselves only after a given amount of dust has been retained in the lung. The third model assumes a directly proportional rate of retention, based on the Assumption that zero dust exposure implies zero dust in the lung. The relationship between lung dust v.-eight and dust exposure is assumed to be linear. The fitted relationships may be regarded as the average of all such individual relationships. Given the questions of interest it was decided that the preliminary investigations presented in the report would be based on Model 3« the directly proportional approach. Clearly this decision is one which will provoke discussion in thr future. It is hoped that subsequent work will include analyses of a more sophisticated type since each model above relates to differing research questions. THE-SPECIFIC ANALYSIS Two variations of Model 3 have been formulated to answer the questions posed in the introduction. Question 1 The variation used to try to answer this first hypothesis was: lung dust V, . ., = L component weight ._ t i ,_ N Ui< x dur.t conronent exnosure) ' where BJ - constant if case; was assigned to pathological type i = 0 otherwise. 145. Pathological type 1 is macules; type 2 is fibrotic nodules and type 3 is PMF. These constants are estimated by the analysis and are given in Table 4.2 of the report. With the exception of total ash, there is an increase in the coefficients over the three levels of pathology. In many cases the increase between adjacent pathological types is not significant at conventional levels. The coefficient of exposure associated with any one group is the expected amount (in grams) by which lung dust content is increased when dust exposure is increased by 1 gm hr m~3 . The most ica.ouiia.uxc c/^pj.uiiuLa.wn c/j. i»i»c j.iuu^.i*>^c ci >,»xic cu".—lydc.' ir. ...u. ,r.c~c —~, with the exception of ash, an increasing trend in the retention rates of minerals as the level of pathology increases.. This trend is not significant at any of the usual levels of significance. The fluctuation of results for ash could easily have arisen by chance. A secondary aim of fitting this model was to investigate the hypothesis that dust in the lungs of PMF cases has been "enriched" with respect to the non-coal minerals compared to dust in lungs which have • soft macules or fibrotic lesions. Of particular interest is the selective retention of quartz in PMF lungs. These hypotheses were formulated from preliminary published analyses (DAVIS ^t al_., 1977). This model does not clearly answer this question, except t^ the extent that given a 1 gm hr m~3 increase in exposure of each of the dust components, more of the quartz would be expected to be retained; again no traditional significance is attached to this result, but it is noted that it is in keeping with the hypothesis. Graphs for results relating to dust and quartz have been presented as Figures 4.13 and 4.14 of the report. Question 2 The second variation was formulated as: 3 4 f 1 lung dust = £ £ jb I component weight ~._. .. | ij x dust component exposure] 1-1 3=' |^ J where b. . = constant if case was from coal rank are j and placed in ^ pathology group i at autopsy = 0 otherwise Table 4.2 of the report shows the estimated values of the coefficients together with their standard errors. As for the first model, these standard errors are mainly for use in testing differences between the (b. .). Comparisons are not given here. ^- J It i« from this analysis that the fitted relationships shown in Figures 15, 16, 1? and 18 of the report have been evaluated. It should be noted that this analysis has been carried out on only 119 men distributed over 12 pathology group/coal rank area combinations with the inevitable result that in some combinations there are few cases. A discussion of these results has been incorporated into the report. 1V?. Estimated Value Standard Error (ao) (ai) (as) 10.69 -17.50 - 4.28 2.67 Dust exposure (bo) Additional dust exposure for pathological type M (bj) tt it it ii p (bs) ii ii 0.07 0.04 Coefficient Constant Additional constant for pathological type M ti TABLE B.1 it ii it n p Constant Dust exposure Additional dust exposure for pathological type M n ii ii n ii ti p Estimated Value (CD) (do) (dj) (do) 0.04 0.02 0.01 Standard Error 8.46 2.06 0.04 0.01 - 0.02 0.01 - 0.01 0.01 Efit.imat.pri Stonrtn-rri. Estimated coefficients for Model 2. Coefficient Dust exposure : pathological type M 11 it II U F it It II " PMF TABLE B . 3 4.28 Estimated coefficients for Model 1. Coefficient TABLE B.2 0.03' 11.08 Estimated coefficients for Model 3» Value Error (fx) It TL .011 (fs) C£i .004 .06 .004 (fa) 55 • MACULES O NODULES A P. M.F. 50. 45 . A WEIGHT OF DUST IN MACULES 40 NODULES 35 . BOTH LUNGS (gm) P. M.F. 30. 25 20 15 10 5 10(> 200 300 400 500 600 700 DUST EXPOSURE ( gm h m';! ) FIG.B.1. AN ILLUSTRATION OF MODEL 1 800 55 • MACULES O A NODULES R M. R 50. 45. WEIGHT OF DUST IN 40 P.M.F. NODULES O 35 BOTH LUNGS ( g m ) 30. 25 MACULES 20 15 10 5 100 200 300 400 500 600 DUST EXPOSURE ( gm h m"3 ) FIG.B.2. AN ILLUSTRATION OF MODEL 2 700 800 150. APPENDIX C X-ray readings In the present study 261 chest radiographs taken within four years of death were read in two sessions by four doctors from the National Coal Board's Periodic X-ray Service. There was considerable variation between the classifications awarded by the four readers to some of the cases. Statistical summaries of these variations are given in Table C.1. and a brief description of the statistics is as follows:(1) The consistency coefficient is an indication of the amount of agreement between readers in the classification of films. (2} The bias coefficient is a measure of the degree to which one reader of a pair of readers consistently classifies films higher or lower on the 12-point scale than the other. (3) The bias score coefficient measures the degree of bias in terms of "steps per 100 men" on the 12-point scale. CO The correlation coefficient indicates the extent of non-systematic variation. Because of this inter-reader variability, a complete analysis of radiographic classifications and levels of lung pathology should have been undertaken in four exercises with the gradings of each reader taken separately. This will be done at a later stage but for the preliminary analysis in the present report an averaging process was used to produce a single radiographic classification for each case. The procedure used to produce the mean score or average reading varied with the type of radiographic classification. For the profusion grades of small rounded and small irregular opacities the ILO 12-point scale was converted to a 12point notional scale of -1 to +10 for each reader. , The notional scale readings were summed and a mean score was assigned to the radiograph according to Table C.2. For the reading of opacity types recorded as two characters (e.g. pr, qr for small rounded opacities and st, tu for small irregular opacities) the readings have been grouped according to the first letter of the pair (e.g. pq and pp classified as p) and the modal (most frequently occurring) value used as the "average". In cases where an even split in grading had occurred between the four readers, the case number was used as a "random tie-breaker", an odd number resulting in the lower classification being assigned and an even number resulting in preference being given to the higher classification. readers agreed, no "average" was given. Where no two Prevalence of category 0/1+ (<;/•) \,o / Consistency coefficient (12 pt.) (50 Consistency coefficient Ct pt.) (<) Correlation coefficient Bias coefficient Bias score coefficient Small rounded opacities 1st group of X-ra.ys ^9.^(39.8-61.9) if?. ?'>6. 0-50.6) 63.3(59.0-67.6) 0.73(0.67-0.7'7) 22.0(18.3-27.7) -5.3(^.1-7.2) 2nd group of X-rays (k readers) 58.6(^.^-70.7) 37.5(31.1+-1+0.5) 11.8(8.8-16.8) (*f readers) 5^.9(^1.7-60.2) 0.69(0.66-0.70 ^5.8(35.9-56.7) Small irregular opacities 33.5(2^.5-^3.3) 57.5(5^.8-59.^) 70.8(67.8-73.8) O.^7(0.37-0.5;0 16.2(12.7-18.7) (k readers) . 2nd group of X-rays 25.M13.2-39.6) 6*t.9<.58.8-68.5) 73.5(66.5-77.2) 0.60(0.56-0.6o) 23.1(20.7-25.7) 1st group of X-rays (k readers) APPENDIX C, TABLE C.1 Autopsy study filn-reading - inter-reader statistics. 3.8(3.^-^.3) 5.5(^.9-6.1) 152. Mean Score Total Score -^ to 5 9 -1 1 0 2 1 3 2 '4 3 2 10 11 to 13 3 1U '* 15 to 1? 18 5 22 25 26 27 to 29 i 7 6 8 1 8 - 7 9 8 10 9 9 38 39 to to 5 7 3<* 35 to 39 6 6 30 31 to 33 ^ '5 19 to ?'l 23 to 0 1 6 7 to X-roy No. is odd 0 +1 2 3 to X-ray No, is evra -1 -3 -2 -1 to Mean Score 10 APPENDIX C, TABLE C.2 Procedure for calculating the mean score for small opacities. 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