StephenM. Feldman, OSB No. 932611' Thomas R. Johnson, OSB No. 01064; PERKINS COIE u-p l l 2 0 N W C o u c hS t r e e tl,0 ' hF l o o r Portland, OR 97209-4128 Telephone: (5O3)727 -2000 Facsimile: (5O3)727-2222 Attorneys for Plaintiffs Jerre B. Swann; William H. Brewster; R. Charles Henn Jr.; KILPATRICK STOCKTON LLP Suite2800 11(X)PeachtreeStreet Atlanta,GA 30309 Telephone:(404) 815-6500 Facsimile: (404) 815-6555 Of Counsel for Plaintiffs UNITED STATESDISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF OREGON ADIDAS AMERICA,INC. andADIDAS AG, Plaintiffs, PAYLESSSHOESOURCE.INC.. Defendant. No. CV0l-1655 RE (LeadCase) RELATED CASE to CV03-1116RE THIRD AMENDED COMPLAINT (Trademark& Trade Dress Infringement, Trademark& Trade Dress Dilution, Unfair Competition, and DeceptiveTrade Practices) DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL I- THIRD AMENDED COMPLAINT t40 009] [2r 184-0010/PA062 PERKTNSCotr llp I 120 NW CouchStreet,10'nFloor PORTLND, ORF.coN97209-4 128 (-503) 727-2000 (so3)727-2222 Plaintiffs adidasAmerica, Inc. and adidasAG (collectively, "adidas" or "Plaintiffs") state the following for their Third AmendedComplaintagainstPaylessShoeSource, hc. ("Payless"or "Defendant"): 1 This is an action at law and in equity for trademarkinfringement and dilution, trade dressinfringement and dilution, injury to businessreputation,unfair competition, and deceptivetradepractices,arisingunderthe TrademarkAct of 1946,l5 U.S.C. gg 1051er se4. (2004) ("Lanham Act"); the antidilution laws of the severalstates,including the Oregon antidilutionstatute,O.R.S.$ 647.107;the fair businesspracticesand unfair and deceptivetrade practicesactsof the severalstates,including the OregonUnlawful TradePracticesAct, O.R.S.$$ 646.605to 646.656;and the common law. 2- Defendantis offering for sale and selling footwear that bearsconfusingly similar imitations of Plaintiffs' registeredThree-StripeMark and the SUPERSTAR Trade Dress. Defendant'sfootwear is not manufacturedby adidas,nor is Defendantconnectedor affiliated with, or authorizedby, adidasin any way. Defendant'smerchandiseis likely to causeconfusion and to deceiveconsumersand the public regardingits source,and dilutes and tarnishesthe distinctivequalityofadidas's marksand tradedress. JURISDICTION AND VENUE 3. This Court has subjectmatterjurisdictionundersection39 of the LanhamAct, 15 gg 1331and 1338. ThisCourthasjurisdictionover U.S.C.S 1121,andunder28U.S.C. Plaintiffs' relatedstateand common-lawclaims pursuantto 28 U.S.C.$$ 1338and 1367. In addition,this Court hasjurisdictionpursuanrto 28 U.S.C. g 1332(a)becausethe parties' citizenshipis diverseandthe amountin controversyexceeds$75,000,exclusiveof interestand costs4. This Court has personaljurisdiction over Defendantbecause,on information and belief, Defendanthas distributed or sold infringing merchandisewithin this State,has engagedin actsor omissionswithin this Statecausinginjury, hasengagedin actsor omissionsoutsideof 2- THIRD AMENDED COMPLAINT A062I4O .OO9] [21184-0010/P PERKINSCOIE LLP 1120NW CouchStreet,l0'h Floor PoRrLtu\D, OREGON 9'7209-4 | 28 (503)72?-2000 (so3)121-2222 this Statecausinginjury within this State,has manufacturedor distributedproductsused or consumedwithin this Statein the ordinary courseof trade, or has otherwisemade or established contactswith this Statesufficientto permit the exerciseof personaljurisdiction. This District is a propervenuepursuantto 28 U.S.C.$ 1391(bX2)becausea substantialpart of the eventsor omissionsgiving rise to Plaintiffs' claims occurredin this District. THE PARTIES 5. Plaintiff adidasAG is a joint stock company organizedand existing under the laws of the FederalRepublic of Germany,having its office and principal place of businessat Postfach 1120, D -9 1072 Herzo genaurach,FederalRepublic of Germany. 6. Plaintiff adidasAmerica, Inc., is a corporation organizedand existing under the laws of the Stateof Delaware,having its principal place of businessat 5055 N. GreeleyAvenue, Portland,Oregon97217. adidasAmerica,[nc. is wholly-ownedby adidasAG and its affiliates, and within this country adidasAmerica is a licenseddistributor of ADIDAS brand merchandise, including goodsbearing the distinctive Three-Stripetrademark. Plaintiffs adidasAG and adidas America, Inc., and any predecessorsor relatedentities, are collectively refened to as "adidas." 7. On information and belief, DefendantPaylessShoeSource,Inc. is a Missouri corporationwith a principalplaceofbusinessat3231 EastSixth Street,Topeka,Kansas66607. FACTS COMMON TO ALL CLAIMS FOR RELIEF The World-FamousThree-StripeMark 8. adidasis currently,andfor yearshasbeen,oneofthe world'sleadinq manufacturersof athletic footwear, sportswear,and sporting equipment. Over fifty yearsago, adidasfirst placedthree parallel bandson its athletic shoes,and the Three-StripeMark came to signify the quality and reputationof adidasfootwear to the sporting world early in the company's history. 3- THIRD AMENDED COMPLAINT t2I I 84-00I 0/PA062I 40.0091 PERXINSCOIE LLP I 120 Nw Couch Street,l0'h Floor .A\r), ORr[o\ 97 2O9-41 28 PORTf (503)721-2000 ',72',7 -2222 (5O3) 9. At leastas early as 1952,adidasbeganusing the Three-StripeMark on athletic footwear sold in the United Statesand worldwide. Pagesfrom adidascatalogsfeaturing footwear bearing the Three-StripeMark are attachedas Exhibit 1. 10. adidasAG is the owner of a federaltrademarkregistration,Reg.No. 1,815,956, issuedby the United StatesPatentand Trademark Office on January ll, 1994,for the ThreeStripe Mark, as depictedbelow, for "athletic footwear." Affidavits havebeenfiled pursuantto Sections8 and 15 of the LanhamAct, l5 U.S.C. $$ 1058 and 1065,andthis registrationis incontestable.A copy of the Certificateof Registrationfor this mark is attachedas Exhibit 2. IL adidasAG is the owner of a federaltrademarkregistration,Reg.No. 1,833,868, issuedby the United StatesPatentand Trademark Office on May 3, 1994, for the Three-Stripe Mark, as depictedbelow, coverins"athleticfootwear." Affidavits havebeenfiled pursuantto Sections8 and 15 of the LanhamAct, l5 U.S.C. $$ 1058 and 1065,andthis registrationis incontestable.A copy ofthe CertificateofRegistrationfor this mark is attachedas Exhibit 3. 12. adidasAG is the owner of a federaltrademarkregistration,Reg.No. 2,2'78,589, issuedby the United StatesPatentand TrademarkOffice on September21, 1999,for the ThreeStripeMark, as depictedbelow, covering"athleticfootwear." 4- THIRD AMENDED COMPLAINT 009] [2] t84-0010/PA062140 PERKINSCom, llp I 120NW CouchStreet,l0rhFloor PORrL^ND. ORF.cioN 97209-4128 (503)727-2000 (so3)727-2222 Affidavits havebeenfiled pursuantto Sections8 and 15 of the LanhamAct, 15 U.S.C. $$ 1058 and 1065,and this registrationis incontestable. A copy of the Certificate of Registrationfor this mark is attachedas Exhibit 4. 13. adidasAG is the owner of a federal trademarkregistration,Reg. No. 3,029,135, issuedby the United StatesPatentand TrademarkOffice on December 13,2005, for the ThreeStripe Mark, as depictedbelow, for "footwear." I A copy of the Certificate of Registrationfor this mark is attachedas Exhibit 5. 14. adidasAG is the owner of a federal trademarkregistration,Reg. No. 3,O29,129, issuedby the United StatesPatentand TrademarkOffice on December I3,2OO5,for the ThreeStripe Mark, as depictedbelow, for "footwear." A copy of the Certificate of Registrationfor this mark is attachedas Exhibit 6. 5- THIRD AMENDED COMPLAINT [2 I | 84-00t0/?A062I 40.0091 PeRrtNS COIB lr-p I 120 NW CouchStreet,1Otn Floor PORrL^ND, OREGON 97Z@-4l2A (5O3)'127-200/') (so3)72',1-2222 15. adidasis the owner of a federaltrademarkregistration,Reg.No. 2,909,861,issued by the United StatesPatentand TrademarkOffice on December 14,2OO4,for the Three-Stripe Mark, as depictedbelow, covering "footwear, namely, slides." A copy of the Certificate of Registrationfor this mark is attachedas Exhibit 7. 16. adidasis the owner of a federaltrademarkregistration,Reg.No. 2,999,646,issued by the United StatesPatentand TrademarkOffice on September21,2005, for the Three-Stripe Mark, as depictedbelow, covering "footwear, namely, slides." A copy of the Certificate of Registrationfor this mark is attachedas Exhibit 8. 17. adidasalso owns numerousadditional trademarkregistrationsfor the Three-Stripe Mark coveringfootwearand variousitems of apparel,includingU.S. Reg.Nos. 870,136, 96r,353,2,016,963,2,O58,619,2,284,308,2,218,591,3,029,r27,3,O29,r35,3,063,745, 3,063,742,and 3,087,329.A copy of the Certificateof Registrationfor eachof thesemarksis attachedas Exhibit 9. 18. adidasalso owns federal registrationsfor verbal trademarksusing the term "three stripes"includingTHE BRAND WITH THE THREE STRIPES,Reg.No. 1,674,229,for sport and leisurewear. 19. The Three-StripeMark is non-functional,and the public well recognizesand understandsthat the Three-StripeMark distinguishesand identifies adidasmerchandise.Indeed, 6- THIRD AMENDED COMPLAINT I 40.009] [2r l 84-00t0/PA062 PERKTNS Com llp | 120 NW Couch Street,l0'h Floor PoRrr.AND, OREGON 97209-4I 28 (5O3)',127-2O0O -2222 (5O3)',|27 unsolicitedmediacoveragehasrefenedto the "signaturethreestripes"(L.A. Times,August 13, (SanFranciscoChronicle,July7,2OO2),and 2004),the"famousbrandwiththethreestripes" the "legendaryAdidas three stripes" (Brand Strategy,September21,1999) 20. adidas'sThree-StripeMark is well known and famous and hasbeen for many years. adidashas used the Three-StripeMark in connectionwith its frequent sponsorshipof sportstournamentsand organizations,as well as professionalathletesand collegiate sportsteams. For example, adidashas long-term relationshipswith the New York Yankees,Notre Dame, the University of California at Los Angeles,the University of Nebraskaand the University of Tennessee.Among many others,NBA starsTim Duncan, Kevin Garnett,and Tracy McGrady, professionalgolfer Sergio Garcia, baseballplayer Nomar Garciaparra,and soccerstarsDavid Beckham and Eddie Pope all are sponsoredby adidas. For many years,adidashas beena sponsorof the World Cup soccertournament,has sponsoredthe world-famous Boston Marathon for more than a decade,and has sponsoredmany other events,teams,and individuals. Prominent use of the Three-StripeMark in connectionwith thesesponsorshipactivities has further enhancedthe marks' recognition and fame. 21. For many years,adidashasextensivelyand continuouslyusedandpromotedthe Three-StripeMark in connectionwith athletic footwear and sportswear. [n recent years,annual salesof productsbearing the Three-StripeMark have totaled in the billions of dollars globally and in the hundredsof millions of dollars within the United States. The Three-StripeMark has achievedinternational fame and tremendouspublic recognition. B. The SUPERSTAR Trade Dress 22. The SUPERSTAR model is a famous shoe featuring a distinctive appearance. including a unique and non-functional combination of three stripeson the side of the shoe parallel to equidistantsmall holes, a rubber "shell toe," a particularly flat sole and a colored portion on the outer back heel section,that identifies to consumersthat the origin of the product lies with adidas(the "SUPERSTARTradeDress"),as depictedbelow: 7- THIRD AMENDED COMPLAINT t2I I84-00|0/PA062 t40.0091 PERKINSCOIE LLP I I 20 NW Couch Street, l0'h Floor PoRrr.A\D,ORLGON97209-4128 (503)727-2000 (503)127-2222 23. Since introducing its SUPERSTAR Trade Dress,adidashas spenthundredsof thousandsof dollars promoting the product and its appearance.As a result of adidas's continuous and exclusive use of the SUPERSTAR Trade Dress in connectionwith its products, the trade dressenjoys wide public acceptanceand associationwith adidas,and has come to be recognizedwidely and favorably by the public as an indicator of the origin of adidas'sgoods. 24. The fame and popularity of the SUPERSTAR Trade Dress,and particularly the "shell toe" feature,is evident from popular pressreports,including the following: r "I have lots of Adidas becauseI like the sbell-toeclassiclike Run-DMC." David A. Keeps,"Taye Diggs," In Style, December2002,at250. "Perfect to chill to, dust offthe Adidas shell toes, post up on the stoop,and blare it out the window." HeatherKuldell, 'Beastie Boys DJ ScratchesYour Eyes Out," The Georgia StateUniversity Sienal, September2l ,2OOI. "New York's biggesttrendsettersare going public with their locker room gear this summer . . . . Annemie Dreves - a.k.a. 'Number 56' - pairs this football-style jersey with well-wom jeans slit at the anklesand shell-toeAdidas." Danielle kvitt & Libby Callaway, "Gym Dandies," The New York Post, September2, 2001. "One such shoeis the Adidas Superstar,with its now famous rubber shell toe. Introducedin 1969 as abasketball shoe,it was wom bythree-quartersofNational 8- THIRD AMENDED COMPLAINT f2l I 84-0010/PA062140.0091 Pnnxtxs COIEr-lp 1120NW CouchStreet,10rhFloor PoRrr-AND,OREGoN9'l 209 -4 128 (503\727-2000 -2222 (503\',727 BasketballAssociationplayersby the mid '70s but fell in popularityin the '80s, when chunky Nikes and Reeboksdominated. Championedby rappersRun DMC, who wrote My Adidas in 1986, and later the BeastieBoys, they becamea cult fashion item, prompting Adidas to re-releaseold models." Dominique Jackson, "SneakyFeelings,"The Australian,August 17,2001. "This seasonshe's wearing fraying and faded Earl Jeans,Adidas shell toes and an asymmetric top." PR Week,July 13,2001,at 11. "dido . . . In her urban chic attire, sheis an English rose with a thorny edge . . . . For casualdays, shegravitatestoward Adidas shell-toesneakers,T-shirts with iron-on decals;and KatayoneAdeli or Diesel pants." Heidi Sherman,"Amped + Vamped: Samplethe Style High Notes of Destiny's Child, Sheryl Crow, Macy Gray andMore," In Style,July 2001,at 186. "But when Michele Corbett stoppedin during her lunch hour to buy a pair of popular Adidas called Superstars(some call them shell toes),she was told that particular pair was not on sale." Bruce Mohl, "Old-FashionedBill-Paying Gets New Wrinkle," The BostonGlobe,May 13,2001,at C3. "'It's hardfor me not to be passionate, becausepassionis somethingthat's in me,' saysthe Z2-yeatold star, deckedout in diamondsand a white linen Enyce suit with Adidas shell-toesneakers."FarrahWeinstein."Stvle and Substance: Twese Gibson,"The New York Post,July l, 2001,at 52. "He expectsthe trefoil group to appealto women as it alreadydoesto high school girls who favor the brand's shell-toeshoesand three-stripejackets." Rosemary Feitelberg,"Adidas Maps Three-Tier Apparel Plan," Women's Wear Daily, October12.2O00.atll. 9- THIRD AMENDED COMPLAINT t40 009] [2 l l 84-0010/PA062 PERKINSCOIE LLP I 120NW Couch Street,I0'hFloor PoRrr-ANr), OREGON 9'1209-4 128 (503)727-2ooo (503)727-2222 r "Fusingrock with hip-hophasbeenthe subjectof experimentsbeforemany numetal groupscould fit into a pair of shell-toeAdidas." Chris Macias,"Kings of Rock N' Rap," Sacramento Bee, OctoberI7, 1999,at El9. 25. As a resultof adidas'sextensiveuseand promotionof its SUPERSTARTrade Dress,adidashasbuilt up and now owns valuablegoodwill that is symbolizedby the tradedress. The purchasingpublic hascometo associatethe SUPERSTARTradeDresswith adidas. adidas'sSUPERSTARTradeDressis distinctiveand non-functionaland hasachievedsienificant secondarymeaning. DEFENDANT'S UNLAWFUL ACTIVITIES 26. On informationandbelief, Paylessimports,markets,sells,and offers for sale goodsin interstatecornmercethat beara confusinglysimilar imitation of adidas'sThree-stripe Mark and are,in many cases,knock-offsof well-known adidasstyles. Photographsof these shoesappearin the attachedExhibit 10. 21. On informationandbelief, Paylessis importing,marketing,distributing,offering for saleand sellinggoodsin interstatecommercethat beara confusinglysimilar imitation of adidas'sSUPERSTARTradeDress. One exampleis depictedbelow, and othersappearin the attachedExhibit 11. adidas Superstar 28. PavlessImitation The goodsdistributed,offeredfor saleand sold by Defendantare not manufacturedby adidas,nor is Defendantassociated or connectedwith adidas,or licensed, authorized,sponsored,endorsedor approvedby adidasin any way. IO-THIRD AMENDED COMPLAINT 140.009t [2I I 84-00]0/PA062 PERKINSCoIE LLP 1120N W C ouchS treet 10'h Floor , PoRrr Nr),ORt,coN 97209,1128 (503)7272000 (501)121-2222 29. Plaintiffs usedthe Three-StripeMark and the SUPERSTAR Trade Dress extensively and continuouslybefore Defendantbeganusing and selling confusingly similar imitations of Plaintiffs' footwear. 30. The goods sold by Defendantare similar to and competewith goods sold by Plaintiffs, and thesegoods are sold through overlappingchannelsof trade. 31. Defendant'suseof confusinglysimilar imitationsof Plaintiffs' Three-StripeMark and SUPERSTAR Trade Dress is likely to deceive,confuseand misleadprospectivepurchasers and purchasersinto believing that footwear sold by Defendantis manufacturedby, authorizedby or in some mannerassociatedwith Plaintiffs, which it is not. The likelihood of confusion, mistake and deceptionengenderedby Defendant'smisappropriationof Plaintiffs' mark and trade dressis causingirreparableharm to the goodwill symbolizedby the Three-StripeMark and the SUPERSTAR Trade Dress and the reputationfor quality thar they embody. 32. Defendant's activities are likely to causeconfusion before, during, and after the time of purchasebecausepurchasers,prospectivepurchasersand others viewing Defendant's footwear at the point of saleor on a wearerare likely -- due to Defendant'suse of confusingly similar imitations of the Three-StripeMark and the SUPERSTAR Trade Dress -- to mistakenly attribute the product to adidas. This is particularly damagingwith respectto thosepersonswho perceivea defector lack of quality in Defendant'sproducts. By causingsucha likelihood of confusion, mistake and deception,Defendantis inflicting ineparable harm to the goodwill symbolizedby the Three-StripeMark and the SUPERSTAR Trade Dress,and the reputationfor quality that they embody. 33. Upon information and belief, Defendantcontinuesto use confusingly similar imitations of adidas'sThree-StripeMark and SUPERSTAR Trade Dressin connectionwith the saleof productsthat are directly competitive to thoseoffered by adidas. Defendantbeganselling theseimitations well after adidashad establishedprotectablerights in its Three-StripeMark and SUPERSTARTradeDress. I I- THIRD AMENDED COMPLAINT [21| 84 0010/PA062140.009] PERKINSCOIE LLP 1120NW CouchStreet,l0'n Floor PoRr.AND, OREGON 9'7209-4 124 (503)72?-2000 (5O3)127-2222 34. On informationandbelief,Defendantknowingly,willfully, intentionallyand maliciouslyadoptedandusedconfusinglysimilarimitationsof Plaintiffs'Three-stripeMark and SUPERSTARTradeDress. 35. Defendant'sintentionalandbadfaith conductis evidentfrom the fact thatmany of the shoesdepictedin Exhibit 10 areimitationsof well-knownandsuccessful adidasstyles. For example,Paylesshassoldmorethanthirty (30) differentimitationsof theadidasCountry Ripple. Oneis depictedbelow,andadditionalexamplesarecollectedin the attachedExhibit 12. adidas Country Ripple 36. PaylessImitation As an additional example,Paylesshas sold at least seventeen(17) imitations of the adidasTuscany/adiRacer. One is depictedbelow, and additional examplesare collectedin the attachedExhibit 13. adidas Tuscanv/adi Racer 12-THIRD AMENDED COMPLAINT PA062140.009] [21r 84-0010i PaylessImitation PERtflNS CorE LLP 1120 NW Couch Street, 10'oFloor PoRTLAND,OREGON97 209 -4 128 (s0r1n -2ooo (503)1n -2222 31. As an additional example,Paylesshassold a dozen(12) imitationsof the adidas Prajna.Oneis depictedbelow, and additionalexamolesarecollectedin the attachedExhibit 14. adidas Praina 38. PavlessImitation Paylessalsohas sold imitationsof severalotheradidasstyles,includingthe Copa Mundial, Campus,Samoa,StanSmith, and Mei. One exampleof eachis depictedbelow. adidas Copa Munial PavlessImitation adidas Campus PavlessImitation 13-THIRD AMENDEDCOMPLAINT 1.10.009] [2] l 84-0010/PA062 PER(INS COTELLP I 120NW Couch Street.10'hFloor PoRrf,A\r), ORI-Go\ 972O9 4128 (503)727-2000 (503)',7 z'.t-2222 adidas Samoa PavlessImitation adidasStan Smith Millennium adidas Mei 14-THIRD AMENDED COMPLAINT t40 009] [2] 184-0010/PA062 PaylessImitation PERKINSCOIE LLP 1120NW Couch Street,l0'h Floor PoRrr-AND, OREcoN97209- 4128 (5O3)727-20f0 -2222 (501)'727 FIRST CLAIM FOR RELIEF (Federal Trademark Infringement of Three-Stripe Mark) 39. Plaintiffsrepeatandincorporatebyreferencetheallegationsinparagraphs l-38. 40. Defendant'suseof confusinglysimilar imitationsof Plaintiffs' Three-StripeMark is likely to causeconfusion, deception,and mistakeby creatingthe false and misleading impressionthat Defendant'sgoods are manufacturedor distributed by Plaintiffs, or are associated or connectedwith Plaintiffs, or have the sponsorship,endorsement,or approval of Plaintiffs. 4L Defendanthas used marks confusingly similar to Plaintiffs' federally registered marksin violation of 15 U.S.C. $ I I14, and Defendant'sactivitieshavecausedand,unless enjoinedby this Court,will continueto causea likelihood ofconfusion and deceptionof membersof the trade and public and, additionally, injury to Plaintiffs' goodwill and reputationas symbolizedby the federally registeredThree-StripeMark, for which Plaintiffs have no adequate remedyat law. 42. Defendant's actionsdemonstratean intentional. willful. and malicious intent to trade on the goodwill associatedwith Plaintiffs' federally registeredThree-StripeMark to Plaintiffs' great and irreparableinjury. 43. Defendanthascausedand is likely to continuecausingsubstantialinjury to the public and to Plaintiffs, and Plaintiffs are entitled to injunctive relief and to recoverDefendant's profits, actual damages,enhancedprofits and damages,costs,and reasonableattorneys' fees u n d e r1 5U . S . C $. $ 1 1 1 4 1, 1 1 6a n d1 l 1 7 . SECOND CLAIM FOR RELIEF (Federal Unfair Competition as to Three-Stripe Mark) 44. Plaintiffs repeatand incorporateby referencethe allegationsin paragraphs1-43. 45. Defendant'suseof knockoff duplicatesor confusinglysimilar imitationsof Plaintiffs' Three-StripeMark hascausedand is likely to causeconfusion,deception,and mistake by creating the false and misleading impressionthat Defendant'sgoods are manufacturedor 15-THIRD AMENDED COMPLAINT [2 l | 84-00| 0/PA062I 40.009] PERKINSCOIE r.lp I I 20 NW Couch Street, l0'h Floor ANr),ORl,coN91209-1128 PoRTr (503)727 2000 (503)72'7-2222 distributedby Plaintiffs, or are affiliated, connected,or associatedwith Plaintiffs, or have the sponsorship,endorsement,or approval of Plaintiffs. 46. Defendanthas made false representations,false descriptions,and false designationsof origin of its goodsin violation of l5 U.S.C. $ I125(a),and Defendant'sactivities havecausedand,unlessenjoinedby this Court, will continueto causea likelihood of confusion and deceptionof membersof the trade and public and, additionally, injury to Plaintiffs' goodwill and reputation as symbolizedby the Three-StripeMark, for which Plaintiffs have no adequate remedy at law. 47. Defendant's actionsdemonstratean intentional. willful. and malicious intent to trade on the goodwill associatedwith Plaintiffs' Three-StripeMark to the great and irreparable injury of Plaintiffs. 48. Defendant'sconducthascaused,and is likely to continuecausing,substantial injury to the public and to Plaintiffs, and Plaintiffs are entitled to injunctive relief and to recover Defendant'sprofits,actualdamages,enhancedprofits and damages,costs,and reasonable attorneys'feespursuantto 15 1125(a),I I 16 and 1l17. THIRD CLAIMFOR RELIEF (Federal Unfair Competition as to SUPERSTAR Trade Dress) 49. Plaintiffs repeatand incorporateby referencethe allegationsin paragraphs1-48. 50. Plaintiffs' SUPERSTAR Trade Dress has acquiredsecondarymeaning. 5 1. Defendant'suseof knockoff duplicatesor confusinglysimilar imitationsof Plaintiffs' SUPERSTAR Trade Dress hascausedand is likely to causeconfusion, deception,and mistake by creating the false and misleadingimpressionthat Defendant'sgoods are manufacturedor distributed by Plaintiffs, or are affiliated, connected,or associatedwith Plaintiffs, or have the sponsorship,endorsement,or approval of Plaintiffs. 52. Defendanthas made false representations,false descriptions,and false designationsof origin of its goodsin violation of 15 U.S.C.$ I125(a),andDefendant'sactivities I 6- THIRD AMENDED COMPLAINT [211840010/PA062140.009] PERKINSCom llp I 120Nw CouchStreet,l0'h Floor PORrL^ND. OREGoN 97209-4128 (_s03) 727-2000 -2222 (.5O3)'12'7 havecausedand,unlessenjoinedby this Court, will continueto causea likelihood of confusion and deceptionof membersof the trade and public and, additionally, injury to Plaintiffs' goodwill and reputationas symbolizedby the SUPERSTAR Trade Dress,for which Plaintiffs have no adequateremedy at law. 53. Defendant'sactionsdemonstrate an intentional,willful, and maliciousintent to trade on the goodwill associatedwith Plaintiffs' SUPERSTAR Trade Dress to the great and irreparableinjury of Plaintiffs. 54. Defendant'sconducthascaused,and is likely to continuecausing,substantial injury to the public and to Plaintiffs, and Plaintiffs are entitled to injunctive relief and to recover Defendant'sprofits, actual damages,enhancedprofits and damages,costs,and reasonable attomeys'feespursuantto 15 I125(a),1116and 1117. FOURTH CLAIM FOR RELIEF (Federal Dilution as to Three-Stripe Mark) 55. Plaintiffs repeatand incorporateby referencethe allegationsin paragraphs1-54. 56. Plaintiffs have extensivelyand continuouslypromoted and usedthe registered Three-StripeMark both in the United Statesand throughoutthe world, and the Three-Stripe Mark has therebybecomea famous and well-known symbol of adidas'sgoods and services. 57. Defendantis making commercial usein commerceof marks that dilute and are likely to dilute the distinctivenessof Plaintiffs' Three-StripeMark by eroding the public's exclusive identification of this famous mark with Plaintiffs, tarnishing and degradingthe positive associations andprestigiousconnotationsof the mark, and otherwiselesseningthe capacityof the mark to identify and distinguish goods and services. 58. Defendant'sactionsdemonstrate an intentional.willful. and maliciousintent to trade on the goodwill associatedwith Plaintiffs' Three-StripeMark or to causedilution of the Three-StripeMark, to the great and irreparableinjury of Plaintiffs. 17- THIRD AMENDED COMPLAINT 009] [2] 184-0010/PA062140 PnnrrNSCoIn rlp I I 20 NW CouchStreet,l0'hFioor PORrL^ND, OREGoN 9'l 2O9-4 128 (503)72?-2000 rSOl\7)?-)))) 59. Defendanthas causedand will continue to causeirreparableinjury to Plaintiffs' goodwill and businessreputation,and dilution of the distinctivenessand value of Plaintiffs' famousand distinctiveThree-StripeMark in violation of l5 U.S.C.$ 1125(c),and Plaintiffs thereforeare entitled to injunctive relief and to Defendant'sprofits, actual damages,enhanced profits and damages,costs,and reasonable attorneys'feespursuantto l5 U.S.C. $$ 1125(c), 1 1 1 6a n d1 1 1 7 . FIFTH CLAIM FOR RELIEF (Federal Dilution as to SUPERSTAR Trade Dress) 60. Plaintiffs repeatand incorporatebyreference the allegationsin paragraphsl-59. 61. Plaintiffshaveextensivelyand continuouslypromotedandusedthe SUPERSTAR Trade Dressboth in the United Statesand throughout the world, and the SUPERSTAR Trade Dress has therebybecomea famous and well-known indicator of the origin of adidas'sgoods and services. 62. Defendantis making commercialuse in commerceof trade dressthat dilutes and is likely to dilute the distinctivenessof Plaintiffs' SUPERSTAR Trade Dressby eroding the public's exclusive identification of this famous tradedresswith Plaintiffs, tamishing and degradingthe positiveassociations and prestigiousconnotationsofthe tradedress,and otherwise lesseningthe capacityofthe tradedressto identify and distinguishgoodsand services. 63. Defendant's actionsdemonstratean intentional. willful. and malicious intent to trade on the goodwill associatedwith Plaintiffs' SUPERSTAR Trade Dress or to causedilution of the SUPERSTAR Trade Dress,to the great and irreparableinjury of Plaintiffs. 64. Defendanthas causedand will continue to causeirreparableinjury to Plaintiffs' goodwill and businessreputation,and dilution of the distinctiveness and value of Plaintiffs' famousand distinctiveSUPERSTARTradeDressin violation of 15 U.S.C. $ 1125(c),and Plaintiffs thereforeare entitled to injunctive relief and to Defendant'sprohts, actual damages, 18-THIRD AMENDED COMPLAINT PA062140_009] [2] | 84-0010i PERKINSCOIE LLP 1120NW CouchStreet,10'hFloor PORTI-,\ND, ORFrco\97209-4128 (5O3)'t2'1-2OOO (.s03)727-2222 enhancedprofits and damages,costs,and reasonable attorneys'feespursuantto 15 U.S.C. $$ 1125(c),1116and 1111. SIXTH CLAIM FOR RELIEF (State Trademark Dilution and Injury to Business Reputation as to Three-Stripe Mark) 65. Plaintiffs repeatand incorporateby referencethe allegationscontainedin paragraphsl-64. 66. Plaintiffs have extensively and continuously promoted and usedthe registered Three-StripeMark throughoutthe United Statesincluding the Stateof Oregon,and the mark has therebybecomea distinctive,famousand well-known symbolof adidas'sgoodsand services. 61. Defendant'sunauthorizeduse of Plaintiffs' registeredThree-StripeMark dilutes andis likely to dilute the distinctiveness of Plaintiffs' mark by erodingthe public's exclusive identification of this famous and well-known mark with Plaintiffs, and tarnishing and degrading the positive associationsand prestigiousconnotationsof the mark. 68. Defendantis causingand will continue to causeirreparableinjury to Plaintiffs' goodwill andbusinessreputation,and dilution ofthe distinctiveness and valueofPlaintiffs' famous and distinctive Three-StripeMark in violation of the Oregonantidilution act, O.R.S. E 647.107(2005),as well as the antidilutionlaws of the severalstates,includingAlabama,ALA. CODE $ 8-12-17(2003);Alaska,ALASKA STAT. $45.50.180(Michie 2OO2);Arizona,ARZ. REV. STAT. ANN. $44-1448.01(West 2003);Arkansas,ARK. CODE ANN. $ 4-71-213 (2OO2);California,CAL. BUS. & PROF.CODE $ 14330(West003); Connecticut,CONN. GEN. STAT. ANN $ 35-lli(c) (West2003);Delaware, DEL. CODE ANN. tit.6, $ 3313(2002); Florida,FLA. STAT. ANN. $ 495.151(West2003);Georgia, cA. CODE ANN. $ l0-1-451 (2003);Hawaii,HAW. REV. STAT. ANN. 9482-32(Michie 2003);Idaho,IDAHO CODE g 48513 (Michie2002);Illinois,l65nL. COMP. STAT. ANN. 1036/65(2003);Iowa,IOWA CODE ANN. $ 548.113(West2003); Kansas,KAN. STAT. ANN. $ 81-214(2002);Louisiana,LA. 19-THIRD AMENDED COMPLAINT PA062140 009] [21184-0010i PERKINSCoIE LLP I I 20 NW CouchStreet,l0'h Floor PoRrr-AND,OREGON 91 2094 128 (s03)727-2000 -2222 \so3)72'7 REV. STAT.ANN. $ 5l:223.1(West2003);Maine,ME. REV.STAT.ANN. tit. 10,$ 1530 (West2003);Massachusens, MASS.cEN. LAWS.ANN. ch. ll0B, g 12(West2003); Minnesota, MINN. STAT.ANN. $ 333.285(West2003);Mississippi, MISS.CODE.ANN. S 75-25-25(2003);Missouri,MO. ANN. STAT.$ 417.061(l)(West2002);Montana,MONT. (2003);Nebraska, CODEANN. $ 30-13-334 NEB.REV. STAT.ANN. $87-140(Michie2002); (.2003); NewHampshire, N.H. REV.STAT.ANN. g 350-,4:12 NewJersey, N.J.STAT.ANN. 56:3-13.20(West2003);NewMexico,N.M. STAT.ANN. $ 57-38-15(Michie2fi)2);New York,N.Y. GEN.BUS.Law $ 360J (2003);Oregon,OR.REV. STAT.$ 647.107(2001); Pennsylvania, 54 PA. CONS.STAT.ANN. $ 1124(West1996);RhodeIsland,R.I. GEN. LAWS $ 6-2-12(1992);SouthCarolina,S.C. CODEANN. $ 39-15-1165 (2OO2): Tennessee, TENN.CODEANN. $ 47-25-513 (2003);Texas,TEX. BUS.& COM.CODEANN. $ 16.29 (Vernon2003);Utah,UT. CODEANN. $70-3a-4O3 (2002);Washington, WASH.REV.CODE ANN. $ 19.77 .160(2003);WestVirginia,W. VA. CODEANN. 47-2-l3 (Michie2003);and Wyoming,WYO. STAT.ANN. $ 40-l-115(Michie2002). Plaintiffstherefore areentitledto injunctiverelief,damages andcosts,aswell as,if appropriate, enhanced damages andreasonable attorneys' fees. SEVENTH CLAIM FOR RELIEF (StateTrade DressDilution and Injury to BusinessReputation as to SUPERSTARTrade Dress) 69. Plaintiffsrepeatandincorporateby referencethe allegationscontainedin paragraphs 1-68. 10. Plaintiffshaveextensivelyandcontinuouslypromotedandusedthe SUPERSTAR TradeDressthroughoutthe UnitedStatesincludingthe Stateof Oregon,andthetradedresshas therebybecomea distinctiveandwell-knownsymbolof adidas'sgoodsandservices. 7 l. Defendant's unauthorized TradeDressdilutesthe useof Plaintiffs'SUPERSTAR distinctiveness of thetradedressby erodingthepublic'sexclusiveidentification of this 20-THIRD AMENDED COMPLAINT | 0/PA0621400091 12l I 8.1-00 PERKTNS CotE llp I 120NW Couch Street,l0'hFloor PoRrr.ANr).ORLGoN9'7209-4128 (503)727-2000 1503)',121-2222 distinctivetradedresswith Plaintiffs,andtarnishinganddegradingthe positiveassociations and prestigious connotations thereof. 72. Defendantis causingandwill continueto causeirreparableinjury to Plaintiffs' goodwillandbusiness reputation, anddilutionof thedistinctiveness andvalueof Plaintiffs' distinctiveSUPERSTARTradeDressin violationof the Oregonantidilutionact,O.R.S. includingAlabama,ALA. $ 647.107(2005),aswell astheantidilutionlawsof theseveralstates, CODE$ 8-12-17(2003);Alaska,ALASKA STAT.$45.50.180 (Michie2OO2); Aizona,ARZ. (West2003);Arkansas, REV.STAT.ANN. $44-1448.01 ARK. CODEANN. $ 4-ll-213 (2OO2); California,CAL. BUS.& PROF.CODE$ 14330(West003);Connecticut, CONN. GEN.STAT.ANN $ 35-1li(c)(West2003);Delaware, DEL.CODEANN. tit.6, $ 3313(2OO2); Florida,FLA. STAT.ANN. $ 495.151(West 2003);Georgia,cA. CODEANN. $ I0-l-451 (2003);Hawaii, HAW. REV. STAT.ANN. $482-32(Michie2003);Idaho,IDAHO CODE$ 48513(Michie2002);Illinois,765n-L.COMP.STAT.ANN. 1036/65 (2003);Iowa,IOWACODE ANN. $ 548.113(West2003);Kansas, LA. KAN. STAT.ANN. $ 8l-214(2OO2); Louisiana, REV.STAT.ANN. $ 5l:223.1(West 2003);Maine,ME. REV.STAT.ANN. tit. 10,$ 1530 (West2003);Massachusetts, MASS.cEN. LAWS.ANN. ch. 1108,g 12(West2003); Minnesora, MINN. STAT.ANN. $ 333.285(West2003);Mississippi, MISS.CODE.ANN. gl5-25-25(2003);Missouri, MO. ANN. STAT.$ 417.061(l)(West2002);Montana, MONT. CODEANN. $ 30-13-334 (2003);Nebraska, NEB.REV.STAT.ANN. $87-140(Michie2002); New Hampshire, N.H. REV. STAT.ANN. $ 350-4:12(2003);New Jersey, N.J.STAT.ANN. 56:3-13.2O (West2003);; New Mexico,N.M. STAT.ANN. g 57-38-15(Michie2002);New York,N.Y. GEN.BUS.Law $ 360-l(2003);Oregon,OR.REV. STAT.$ 647.107(201); Pennsylvania, 54 PA. CONS.STAT.ANN. $ I124 (West1996);RhodeIsland,R.I.GEN. LAWS S 6-2-12(1992);SouthCarolina,S. C. CODEANN. $ 39-15-1165(2OO2); Tennessee, TENN.CODEANN. $ 4l-25-513(2003);Texas,TEX. BUS.& COM.CODEANN. $ 16.29 (Vernon2003);Utah,UT. CODEANN. 970-3a-403 (2002'l:Washington, WASH.REV.CODE 2I- THIRD AMENDED COMPLAINT 140.009] [2] I 84 0010/PA062 PnnrtNs CorB rr-p I120NW CouchStreet,10'hFioor PORrL,\ND.ORricoN97 209-4128 (so3)'721-2OU) (503)',72'1-2222 ANN. $ 19.77.160 (2003);West Virginia, W. VA. CODE ANN. 47-2-13 (Michie 2003);and Wyoming, WYO. STAT. ANN. $ 40-l-115 (Michie 2002). Plaintiffs thereforeare entitled to injunctive relief, damagesand costs,as well as,if appropriate,enhanceddamagesand reasonable attorneys'fees. EIGHTH CLAIM FOR RELIEF (Common Law Trademark Infringement and Unfair Competition) 73. Plaintiffs repeatand incorporateby referencethe allegationsin paragraphs1-72. 14. Defendant's actsconstitutecommon law trademarkinfringement and unfair competition, and have createdand will continue to createa likelihood of confusion to the irreparableinjury of Plaintiffs unlessrestrainedby this Court. Plaintiffs have no adequate remedy at law for this injury. 75. On information and belief, Defendantactedwith full knowledge of Plaintiffs' use of, and statutoryand common law rights to, the Three-StripeMark and without regardto the likelihood of confusionof the public createdby Defendant'sactivities. 16. Defendant'sactionsdemonstrate an intentional.willful. and maliciousintentto trade on the goodwill associatedwith Plaintiffs' Three-StripeMark to the great and irreparable injury of Plaintiffs. 11. As a result of Defendant'sacts,Plaintiffs have been damagedin an amount not as yet determinedor ascertainable.At a minimum, however, Plaintiffs are entitled to injunctive relief, to an accountingofDefendant'sprofits,to damages,and to costs. In light ofthe deliberatelyfraudulent and malicious use of confusingly similar imitations of Plaintiffs' ThreeStripe Mark, and the need to deter Defendantfrom similar conduct in the future, Plaintiffs additionally are entitled to punitive damages. NINTH CLAIM FOR RELIEF (CommonLaw Trade DressInfringement and Unfair Competition) 18. Plaintiffsrepeatandincorporateby referencethe allegationsin paragraphs 22- THIRD AMENDED COMPLAINT t2I I84-00r0/PA062 r40,0091 PERKINS COIE LLP I t20 NW CouchStreet,10'nFroor 97209-4128 PoRrrAND.ORriGoN (503)727-2000 ',72',7 (503) -2222 19. Defendant'sactsconstitutecommonlaw tradedressinfringementand unfair competition, and have createdand will continue to createa likelihood of confusion to the ineparable injury of Plaintiffs unlessrestrainedby this Court. Plaintiffs have no adequate remedyat law for this injury. 80. On information and belief, Defendantactedwith full knowledge of Plaintiffs' use of, and statutoryand common law rights to, the SUPERSTAR Trade Dress and without regardto the likelihood of confusionof the public createdby Defendant'sactivities. 81. Defendant'sactionsdemonstrate an intentional,willful, andmaliciousintent to trade on the goodwill associatedwith Plaintiffs' SUPERSTAR Trade Dress to the great and irreparableinjury of Plaintiffs. 82. As a result of Defendant'sacts,Plaintiffs have been damagedin an amount not as yet determinedor ascertainable.At a minimum, however, Plaintiffs areentitled to injunctive reliei to an accountingofDefendant'sprofits, to damages,andto costs. In light ofthe deliberatelyfraudulent and malicious use of confusingly similar imitations of Plaintiffs' SUPERSTAR Trade Dress,and the needto deter Defendantfrom similar conduct in the future, Plaintiffs additionally are entitled to punitive damages. TENTH CLAIMFORRELIEF (Unfair and Deceptive Trade Practices as to Three-Stripe Mark) 83. Plaintiffs repeatand incorporateby referencethe allegationsin paragraphs1-82. 84. Defendanthasbeen and is passingoff its goods as those of adidas,causinga Iikelihood of confusion or of misunderstandingas to the source,sponsorship,or approval of Defendant'sgoods,causinga likelihood of confusionas to Defendant'saffiliation, connection,or associationwith another,and otherwise damagingthe public. Defendant'sconduct constitutes unfair and deceptiveactsor practicesin the courseof a business,trade or commercein violation of Oregon'sUnlawful TradePracticesAct, O.R.S.$$ 646.605to 646.656(2005),and the unfair and deceptivetradepracticesstatutesof otherstates,includingColorado,Colo. Rev. Stat.Ann. 23-THIRD AMENDED COMPLAINT 009] [2| 184-0010/PA0621,+0 PERKINSCoIE LLP 1120NW Couch Street.1Oth Floor PoRrr-A-\D, ORDG0N 9'I2O9-4128 (-503)727-2000 -2222 (5O3)'127 Del. CodeAnn. tit.6, $$ 253lto $$ 6-1-101to 6-1-115(West1996andSupp.1998);Delaware, 2536(1993& Supp.1998);Georgia,Ga. CodeAnn. $$ l0-1-370to 10-1-375Q99D; Hawaii, Haw. Rev.Stat.$$ 48lA-l to 48lA-5 (1993);Illinois,815 Itl. Comp.Stat.Ann. 510/1to 51017 (1993';;Maine, Me. Rev. Stat.Ann. tit. 10, gg l2ll to l2l6 (West 1996);Minnesota,Minn. Srat. Ann. $ 325D.43ro .48 (West 1995);Nebraska,Neb. Rev. Stat.$$ 87-301to 87-306(1995);New Mexico,N.M. Stat.Ann. $$ 51-12-l to 57-12-22(Michie 1995);New York, N.Y. Gen.Bus.L. $ 349 (McKinney 1988);Ohio, Ohio Rev. CodeAnn. gg 4165.01to 4165.04(West 1995);and Oklahoma,Okla. Stat.Ann. tit. 78, $$ 51 ro 55 (Wesr 1995&. Supp. 1998). 85. Defendant'sunauthorizeduseof confusinglysimilar imitationsof Plaintiffs' Three-StripeMark has causedand is likely to causesubstantialinjury to the public and to Plaintiffs, and Plaintiffs are entitled to injunctive relief and to recover damages,punitive damages,costs and reasonableattorneys' fees. ELEVENTH CLAIM FOR RELIEF (Unfair and Deceptive Trade Practices as to SUPERSTAR Trade Dress) 86. Plaintiffs repeatand incorporatebyreference the allegationsin paragraphsl-85. 87. Defendanthasbeenand is passingoff its goodsas thoseof adidas,causinga likelihood ofconfusion or ofmisunderstandingas to the source,sponsorship, or approvalof Defendant'sgoods,causinga likelihood ofconfusion as to Defendant'saffiliation,connection,or associationwith another,and otherwisedamagingthe public. Defendant'sconduct constitutes unfair and deceptiveacts or practicesin the courseof a business,trade or commercein violation of Oregon'sUnlawful TradePracticesAcr, O.R.S.$$ 646.605to 646.656(2005),and the unfair and deceptivetradepracticesstatutesof other states,includingColorado,Colo. Rev. Stat.Ann. $$ 6-1-101to 6-l-l 15 (West 1996andSupp.1998);Delaware,Del. CodeAnn. tit. 6, $$ 2531to 2536 (1993 & Supp. 1998);Georgia,Ga. CodeAnn. $$ 10-1-370to 10-1-375O99D; Hawaii, Haw. Rev.Stat.$S481A-l to 481A-5(1993);Illinois,815 Ill. Comp.Stat.Ann. 510/1to 510i7 (1993);Maine, Me. Rev. Stat.Ann. tit. 10, gg l2ll to 1216(West 1996);Minnesota,Minn. Stat. 24-THIRD AMENDED COMPLAINT 009] [2r 184-0010/PA062140 PBnrrNs CotB lr.p I 120 NW Couch Street,l0'" Floor PORTr.AN), ORLGO\97209-41 28 (s03)7272000 -2222 (503)'72'7 Ann. $ 325D.43to .48 (West 1995);Nebraska,Neb. Rev. Stat.$$ 87-301to 87-306(1995);New Mexico, N.M. Stat.Ann. $$ 57-12-l to 57-12-22(Michie 1995);New York, N.Y. Gen.Bus. L. $ 349 (McKinney 1988);Ohio, Ohio Rev. CodeAnn. gg 4165.0l to 4165.04(West 1995);and Oklahoma,Okla. Stat.Ann. tit.78, $$ 5l ro 55 (West 1995e. Supp. 1998). 88. Defendant'sunauthorizeduseof confusinglysimilar imitationsof Plaintiffs' SUPERSTAR Trade Dress has causedand is likely to causesubstantialinjury to the public and to Plaintiffs, and Plaintiffs are entitled to injunctive relief and to recoverdamages,punitive damages,costsand reasonable attorneys'fees. PRAYER FOR RELIEF WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs pray rhat: 1. Defendantand all of its agents,officers,employees,representatives, successors, assigns,attomeys,and all other personsacting for, with, by, tbrough, or under authority from Defendant,or in concert or participation with Defendant,and eachof them, be enjoined permanently,from: a. using the Three-StripeMark or SUPERSTAR Trade Dress,or any other copy, reproduction,or colorable imitation or simulation of Plaintiffs' Three-StripeMark or SUPERSTAR Trade Dress on or in connectionwith Defendant's soods or services; using any trademark,servicemark, name,logo, designor sourcedesignationof any kind on or in connectionwith Defendant'sgoodsor servicesthat is a copy, reproduction,colorable imitation, or simulation of, or confusingly similar to the trademarksor trade dressof Plaintiffs; using any trademark,trade dress,servicemark, name,1ogo,designor source designationof any kind on or in connectionwith Defendant'sgoods or services that is likely to causeconfusion,mistake,deception,or public misunderstanding that such goods or servicesare producedor provided by Plaintiffs, or are 25-THIRD AMENDED COMPLAINT t2 I I 84-00I 0/PA0621.10.0091 COIE r-r-p PERKTNS I I 20 Nw CouchStreet,l0'h Floor 97209-1128 PoRrrANr).ORLCoN (503)727-2000 (503)127-2222 sponsoredor authorizedby Plaintiffs, or are in any way connectedor relatedto Plaintiffs: d. using any trademark,trade dress,servicemark, name,logo, design or source designationof any kind on or in connectionwith Defendant'sgoods or services that dilutes or is likely to dilute the distinctivenessof the trademarks,trade dress, servicemarks,names,or logos of Plaintiffs;and e. passingoff, palming off, or assistingin passingoff or palmingoff, Defendant's goods or servicesas those of Plaintiffs, or otherwisecontinuing any and all acts of unfair competition as allegedin this Third Amended Complaint; 2. Defendantbe orderedto recall all productsbearing the Three-StripeMark, SUPERSTAR Trade Dress,or any other confusingly similar variation thereof, which have been shippedby Defendantor under its authority, to any customer,including, but not limited to, any wholesaler,distributor, retailer, consignor,or marketer,and also to deliver to eachcustomera copy of this Courl's order as it relatesto saidinjunctiverelief againstDefendant; 3. Defendantbe orderedto deliver up for impoundmentand for destructionall footwear, bags,boxes, labels,tags, signs,packages,receptacles,advertising,samplebooks, promotional material, stationeryor other materialsin the possession,custody,or under the control ofDefendant that are found to adopt,to infringe, or to dilute any ofPlaintiffs' trademarks or trade dressor that otherwiseunfairly competewith Plaintiffs and their products and services; 4. Defendantbe compelledto accountto Plaintiffs for any and all profits derived by Defendantfrom the sale or distribution of infringing goods as describedin this Third Amended Complaint; 5. Plaintiffs be awardedall damagescausedby the acts forming the basis of this Third Amended Complaint; 6. Basedon Defendant'sknowing and intentionaluseof confusinglysimilar imitations of Plaintiffs' Three-StripeMark and SUPERSTAR Trade Dress,the damagesaward 26- THIRD AMENDED COMPLAINT 140.009] [21I 84-0010/P4062 PERKINSCOTELLP I 120NW CouchStreet,l0'h Fioor OREGON 97209-4128 PORrL^ND. -2OO0 (5031'727 (503)727-2222 asprovidedfor by 15U.S'C. betrebledandthe awardof Defendant'sprofitsbe enhanced $ 1 1 1 7 ( a ); 7. attorneys'fees Defendantbe requiredto payto Plaintiffsthe costsandreasonable thatPlaintiffshaveandwill incur in this actionpursuantto 15U.S.C.$ 1117(a)andthe state statutescitedin this Third AmendedComplaint; 8. Basedon Defendant'swillful anddeliberateinfringementanddilution of Plaintiffs' marksandtradedress,andto detersuchconductin the future, Plaintiffs be awarded punitivedamages; and 9. Plaintiffshavesuchotherandfurtherrelief asthe Courtmay deemjust. JURY TRIAL DEMAND Plaintiffsrespectfullydemanda trial by jury on all claimsandissuesso triable. DATED: August21,2006 PERKINS COIE rrr By /s/ StephenM. Feldman M. Feldman,OSBNo. 93267 Stephen OSBNo. 01064 ThomasR. Johnson, Telephone:(503)727-2000 Attomeysfor Plaintiffs JerreB. Swann,(admittedpro hac vice) William H. Brewster,(admittedprohac vice) R. CharlesHennJr., (admittedpro hac vice) KILPATRICK STOCKTON LLP Suite2800 1100Peachtree Street Atlanta,GA 30309 Telephone:(404)815-6500 Facsimile:(404)815-6555 Of Counselfor Plaintiffs 27-THIRD AMENDED COMPLAINT r40.009] [2]184-0010/PAo62 PERKINSCOIE LLP I 120 NW Couch Sfieet, 10h Ftoor 91209-4128 PoRrr-AND, OREGoN (503\72'l:2000 (503\7272222