media kit 2014 - ZINTX International Media Agency
media kit 2014 - ZINTX International Media Agency
MEDIA KIT 2014 EN FR MEDIA KIT 2014 CHATELAINE CONTENT THAT LIVES WHEN SHE WANTS IT, HOW SHE WANTS IT. Enfin le printemps ! UN MENU POUR RECEVOIR LA FAMILLE Powerful brand that resonates with 5+ million engaged consumers across multiple channels. Massive scale and distribution – unmatchable integration potential. PSYCHO Suis-je un parent manipulateur ? Exclusif JOSÉLITO MICHAUD Des extraits de son livre sur la gloire SPECIAL DOUBLE ISSUE Coups de cœur LES 10 PLUSTO SHRINK YOUR BELLY D R . OZ | EASY WAYS BELLES COURSES A PIED Notre exquise pizza asperges et truite fumée page 81 et ULT IMATE. Shape-up S p e c ia l Idées déco POUR FAIRE LA FETE DEHORS 35 00CHF_DRE_Cover.indd 1 MAI 2014 CHATELAINE.COM FRESH SUMMER RECIPES TRANSFORM YOUR BODY ----SPEED UP WEIGHT LOSS ----KICK THE SUGAR HABIT 14-03-24 4:21 PM AH A! PR ET Z EL BU N ----- sizzli ng steak ----Pe rf e ct potato sal ad STYLE REPORT must- have tre nds to UPDATE YOUR LOOK + 25 secrets for glowing skin 06-UF-COVER [Print].indd 4 4/21/14 3:22 PM RADI MEDIA KIT 2014 MISSION STATEMENT As Canada’s largest women’s brand, Chatelaine provides 5+ million women with the inspiration to make every day extraordinary. Our award-winning editorials span lifestyle topics from food and health, to beauty, style and home decorating. Each issue is filled with creative ideas and practical tips to help women make the most of their busy lives. Chatelaine delivers more style solutions, more health and wellness advice, more extraordinary food from our trusted kitchen and more personal stories in every issue than ever before. It’s our commitment to be Canada’s most anticipated and most cherished women’s magazine. FOOD HEALTH Our bigger, bolder food section inspires women across the country with fresh, delicious recipes and entertaining ideas that are fast, fun and seasonal. Backed by our triple-tested guarantee, our food stories combine the no-fail recipes that women crave to make their lives easier, with expert how-tos, insights, and tips for creating exceptional meals – perfect for any day of the week. Turn to our health pages for the latest expert advice on exercise, nutrition, wellness, prevention and more each month. From ground-breaking health discoveries and energizing lifestyle tips to workout routines and nutrition advise, Chatelaine offers relevant and solution-driven advice that women can use to lead a healthier, happier life. Plus, Chatelaine offers regular advice from a range of medical experts. STYLE HOME Our style pages show women how to use the latest trends to freshen up their looks – perfect for work, evenings and weekends. Discover the best fashion buys for every budget, plus expert tips, tricks and up-to-minute finds that guarantee stylish looks at all times. On the beauty front, our visually stunning spreads showcase insider secrets from hair and makeup tips to skincare solutions and anti-aging strategies. Our home sections feature inspirational and accessible ideas and solutions to help women make the most of any space and project. From the best organizing and clutter-busting solutions to kitchen makeovers and easy decorating projects, we share expert tips and ideas to help update and tailor homes to suit all lifestyles and budgets. MEDIA KIT 2014 MAGAZINE SEAL OF APPROVAL WEBSITE 2015 VIDEO SPÉCIAL NUTRITION 30 RECETTES POUR MANGER MIEUX ! JAMIE OLIVER, MICHELLE OBAMA, etc. Ils changent la vie de milliers d’enfants INSTITUTE INSTITUTE APPROVED APPROVED ENGLISH WITH YEAR MERCHANDISE ENGLISH WITHOUT YEAR Ma fille est boulotte. Dois-je la mettre au régime ? page 109 STYLE 7 IDÉES POUR ACTUALISER SON LOOK + ON ADOPTE LE PASTEL 2015 INSTITUT INSTITUT APPROUVÉ APPROUVÉ FRENCH WITH YEAR FRENCH WITHOUT YEAR 2015 INSTITUT INSTITUT Hillary Clinton EN ROUTE VERS LA MAISONBLANCHE Marilou AVRIL 2014 CHATELAINE.COM 00CHF_DRE_COVER.indd 1 RENCONTRE AVEC LA BLOGUEUSE DE TROIS FOIS PAR JOUR + SES SMOOTHIES PRÉFÉRÉS 14-02-25 1:35 PM SPECIAL INTEREST PUBLICATIONS SOCIAL MEDIA MOBILE: APPS, REPLICAS, EBOOKS INSTITUTE INSTITUTE APPROVED / APPROUVÉ APPROVED / APPROUVÉ BILINGUAL WITH YEAR BILINGUAL WITHOUT YEAR CHATELAINE EDITION OF Home design + decorating special EVENTS Decor edition! summer living r o o m m a k e ov e r s | designer tips | w e e k e n d p r oj e c t s CITYLINE MEDIA KIT 2014 CONSUMER PROFILE EN FR $1.5 $378MILLION BILLION WAS SPENT ON FURNITURE, TOTAL READERS SPEND ON GROCERIES EACH WEEK (23% OF THE TOTAL WEEKLY SPENT BY CANADIAN WOMEN) HOME ACCESSORIES TOTAL READERS SPEND TREATMENTS ON MAKEUP IN THE PAST 30 DAYS & WINDOW IN THE PAST YEAR $64MILLION (24% OF THE TOTAL MAKEUP SPENDING) 68% MILLION INTO ENTERTAINING FOR THEMSELVES PUT EXTRA EFFORT OR PREPARING FOR FAMILY CELEBRATIONS 2.4MILLION OWN THEIR HOME PMB SPRING 2013, WOMEN 18+, CHE/CHF (NET) $80 TOTAL READERS SPEND 726,000 USE AT LEAST THREE COSMETIC ITEMS DAILY ON PERFUME IN THE PAST YEAR MEDIA KIT 2014 CHATELAINE CONSUMER PROFILE HIGHLIGHTS EN SOCIAL MEDIA TOTAL READERSHIP 3,164,000 AVERAGE AGE 49 FOLLOWERS READERS SPEND OVER 43 MINS OF THEIR VALUABLE TIME WITH THE MAGAZINE 5.3 38,364+ PER COPY 25,800+ ChatelaineMagazine READERS @Chatelaine 2,583,000 READERS FEMALE PMB Fall 2013 (vs Spring 2013) English Women 18+ AUD % REACH 1,166 20 Moms (women with kids <18) 893 21 Personal Income $45K+ 633 25 1,516 24 549 23 Women 25 - 54 Principal Grocery Shoppers $50+ on skincare/makeup past 30 days PMB SPRING 2013 AVERAGE HOUSEHOLD INCOME 12,352+ chatelainemag 2,360+ $82,458 chatelainekitchen* * as of May 2014 MEDIA KIT 2014 CHATELAINE CONSUMER PROFILE HIGHLIGHTS FR TOTAL READERSHIP SOCIAL MEDIA 922,000 AVERAGE AGE 47 FOLLOWERS READERS SPEND OVER 51 MINS OF THEIR VALUABLE TIME WITH THE MAGAZINE 5.2 38,364+ ChatelaineQc READERS 11,500+ PER COPY @chatelaine_qc 730,000 READERS 811+ FEMALE PMB Fall 2013 (vs Spring 2013) French Women 18+ AUD % REACH Women 25 - 54 323 23 Moms (women with kids <18) 194 21 Personal Income $45K+ 152 26 Principal Grocery Shoppers 364 23 $50+ on skincare/makeup past 30 days 171 26 PMB SPRING 2013 AVERAGE HOUSEHOLD INCOME chatelaineqc 1,450+ $75,853 chatelaineQC* * as of May 2014 PRINT MAGAZINE 2014 EDITORIAL CALENDAR JANUARY | WELLNESS BLOWOUT [ FASHION Cozy Winter Style | BEAUTY How to Undo Holiday Damage | HOME Decorating Trends; Modern Monochromatic West Coast Home | FOOD Superfood Suppers; The Ultimate Grammy Party | HEALTH Future of Medicine Trends; Foot Health Special Report; Healthy Getaways Near & Far ] JANUARY DIGITAL BONUS DO DIET E-BOOK FEBRUARY | EXPERT ISSUE/COMFORT FOODS [ FASHION Buy Now, Wear Later; Runway to Real Way | BEAUTY Best New Drugstore Finds | HOME Bedroom Makeover; Smart Storage Family Renovation | FOOD Healthy Comfort Foods; Pasta Blowout | HEALTH Winter Fitness Guide; Healthy Relationship Guide; Better Sleep Strategies ] EN HOME Spring Style; Bold and Easy Decorating Ideas; Seasonal Easter Crafts | FOOD Instant Dinner Party; Classic Pies; First Signs of Spring | HEALTH 3 Summer Fitness Trends to Try; Celebrity-Trainer Workout; Secrets to Live Longer & Healthier ] APRIL NEWSSTAND SIP HOME SIP #1: COLOUR TRENDS MAY | HOW-TO ISSUE [ FASHION Spring Into Summer | BEAUTY Flawless Face; Hair Spotlight | HOME Loft Living; Kitchen Special | FOOD Mother’s Day Extravaganza; Cake Special | HEALTH Strategies to Live Better; Special Feature How-To-DoAnything-Better Guide ] MARCH | DECLUTTER SPECIAL [ FASHION Crash Course in Spring Style | BEAUTY Latest Hair and Makeup Trends | HOME 3 SmallSpace Solutions; Conquer Clutter | FOOD Secrets from the Test Kitchen | HEALTH Brain-Health Special Report; Expert Tips to Declutter Your Life ] JUNE | KICKOFF TO SUMMER [ FASHION Summer Must-Haves; Men’s Style | BEAUTY Summer Beauty Problems, Solved; Fragrance Special; | HOME Decorating Ideas You’ll Love; Hot Colour Palettes | FOOD Berries; Picnics; New Way to Grill | HEALTH Beach-Body Countdown; Running Shoe Guide ] APRIL | FABULOUS AT EVERY AGE [ FASHION Clothes That Perfect Your Shape | JULY | CHEAP CHIC: EVERYTHING UNDER $100 [ FASHION Summer Style Secrets | BEAUTY Best New Skincare Ideas | HOME Summer Living Made Easy, Outdoor Gardening | FOOD 1-Hour BBQ; Manitoba Shore Lunch; Backyard BBQ | HEALTH Easy Weight Loss That Works; Walking Workouts | SPECIAL FEATURE Summer-Reading Guide ] AUGUST | WAYS TO SIMPLIFY YOUR LIFE [ FASHION 10-Minute Makeovers | BEAUTY Best Budget Finds; 5-Minute Hair & Makeup Solutions | HOME Cottage Special; Lakeside Living | FOOD Summer Slow Cooker Recipes; Icy Treats; Sticky Ribs | HEALTH Fertility Focus ] AUGUST NEWSSTAND SIP HOME SIP #1: KITCHEN & BATH SEPTEMBER | BEAUTY 100/ GUIDE TO FALL STYLE [ FASHION Most Important Fall Fashion Trends | BEAUTY Annual Beauty 100 | HOME Makeovers: Before and After; Curb Appeal | FOOD 1-Hour Pool Party; Tomatoes | HEALTH The Experts Weigh In: Your Most Embarrassing Questions Answered ] OCTOBER | HEALTHY HARVEST [ FASHION Extend-Your-Wardrobe Special | BEAUTY Best Fall Makeup Trends | HOME Farmhouse Living; Cool Seasonal Crafts | FOOD Best-Ever Harvest Recipes; Butcher Secrets | HEALTH Heart-Health Special; Guide to Breast Health ] OCTOBER NEWSSTAND SIP HOLIDAY SIP : FOOD & DECORATING NOVEMBER | HOLIDAY HOME [ FASHION Ready for Winter: Outdoor Style | BEAUTY Hair-Trend Report | HOME Designer Tips and Tricks; Bathroom Special | FOOD Feeding a Crowd; One-Pot Dinners | HEALTH Digestive Health Special; New Winter Sports to Try | SPECIAL FEATURE W100: Canada’s Top Female Entrepreneurs ] DECEMBER | STRESS-FREE HOLIDAYS [ FASHION Holiday Style Updates | BEAUTY Festive Hair and Makeup Fixes | HOME Modern Holiday Decorating; Seasonal Crafts, Stress-Free Entertaining | FOOD Delicious Festive Baking; Candy and Cookies | HEALTH Holiday Survival Guide | SPECIAL FEATURES Gift Guide; Gifts for Book Lovers ] Subject to change. PRINT MAGAZINE 2014 EDITORIAL CALENDAR JANUARY [ REPORTS YEAR-END PARTY + REFLECTING ON 2012 – Resolutions | FOOD Stylish entertaining + Cookies | BEAUTY Evening makeup ] FEBRUARY | BEATING THE BLUES [ FASHION Modern activewear | BEAUTY All about coconut water | DECOR Embracing colour | FOOD Ready-in-a-flash recipes / The best chocolates | HEALTH Heart health / Youngsters and sexuality / Healthy crackers | FEATURES: Life update (mid-life crisis) / Heading south: Fort Myers ] MARCH | THE COUPLES ISSUE [ FASHION Fashion for couples / Accessory designers to know | BEAUTY Tips and tricks for makeup emergencies | DECOR In the bedroom FOOD: Everything maple | FEATURE Life as a couple ] APRIL | THE NUTRITION ISSUE [ FASHION Spring trends | BEAUTY The latest Subject to change. FR products you need to check out | FOOD Going gluten-free / Asian-inspired menu / How to prepare superfoods | HEALTH: GMOs are back / New oils ] MAY [ FASHION Mother-daughter fashion | BEAUTY Local beauty (made with regional ingredients) | DECOR Outfitting the outdoors in style (patios) | FOOD Crab party / Asparagus / The gourmet finds of Lyon | HEALTH Skin health / The Châtelaine Running Club + a feature on running ] MAY : DECOR D’ETE JUNE | THE ESCAPE ISSUE / SUMMER COOKING [ FASHION: Wardrobe must-haves | BEAUTY New hair trends and products | FOOD Spanish-inspired entertaining / Strawberries | HEALTH Sun protection / Seasonal allergies / Healthy living (no matter what your weight) | FEATURES Weekend in Boston / Provence / Vacationing in Bordeaux with kids ] JUNE : GRILLING JULY | CHEAP CHIC: EVERYTHING UNDER $100 [ FASHION Summer Style Secrets | BEAUTY Best New Skincare Ideas | HOME Summer Living Made Easy, Outdoor Gardening | FOOD 1-Hour BBQ; Manitoba Shore Lunch | HEALTH Easy Weight Loss That Works; Walking Workouts | SPECIAL FEATURE Summer-Reading Guide ] JULY | SUMMERTIME PLEASURES [ FASHION Vacation style | BEAUTY Top travelfriendly beauty products | FOOD Summer menus / Ribs | HEALTH Surviving the great outdoors / Team sports for moms | FEATURES: Summer reads / Holidays in Quebec ] AUGUST [ FASHION Style tips to beat the heat | BEAUTY The making of a beauty product | FOOD Recipes showcasing in-season fruit | HEALTH Sugar, public enemy number one / Nutrigenomics ] SEPTEMBER | BACK TO SCHOOL [ FASHION Style on a budget | BEAUTY Beauty on a budget | FOOD Mini preserves + recipes / Cooking for a dinner party in just one hour | HEALTH Birth control methods (other than the pill) / Feature on hormones / New sports to try / 10 super snacks | FEATURE Education ] OCTOBER | GUEST EDITOR-IN-CHIEF [ FASHION Top trends of the season | BEAUTY Speedy beauty routines | FOOD Thanksgiving meals / Plums / Tea | HEALTH The power of positive thinking / Breast cancer survivors ] NOVEMBER [ FASHION Feminism and fashion – the last hundred years | BEAUTY Regimens from around the world | FOOD Onions / The ABCs of cheese | HEALTH Toxic friendships / Good mood foods ] NOVEMBER : A DETERMINER DECEMBER | EVERYTHING GOURMET [ FASHION 10 ideas to shine | BEAUTY Perfumes | FOOD Christmas cookies / Appetizers A-Z | HEALTH Finding and following your passion / Surviving the holiday madness | FEATURES Regional delicacies and local traditions ] PRINT MAGAZINE 2014 PUBLISHING CALENDAR Issue Date Space Close Material Close Impact Date On-Sale Date JANUARY Thu Nov 14 Wed Nov 20 Thu Dec 05 Mon Dec 16 FEBRUARY Thu Dec 05 Wed Dec 11 Thu Dec 30 Mon Jan 13 SIP Guide Pleine Forme 2 FR EN MARCH Thu Jan 16 Wed Jan 22 Thu Feb 06 Mon Feb 17 APRIL Thu Feb 13 Wed Feb 19 Thu Mar 06 Mon Mar 17 SIP HOME - Colour Mon Mar 03 Mon Mar 10 Mon Apr 14 Mon Apr 14 MAY Thu Mar 13 Wed Mar 19 Thu Apr 03 Mon Apr 14 SIP Décor d’été FR FR EN Avril 18 JUNE Thu Apr 10 Wed Apr 16 Thu May 02 Mon May 12 SIP GRILLING Fri May 9 Fri May 16 Fri Jun 20 Fri Jun 20 JULY Thu May 15 Wed May 21 Thu Jun 05 Mon Jun 16 AUGUST Wed Jun 11 Mon Jun 16 Thu Jul 03 Mon Jul 14 SEPTEMBER Thu Jul 10 Wed Jul 16 Thu Aug 05 Mon Aug 11 SIP HOME – Kitchen & Bath Mon Jul 14 Mon Jul 21 Mon Aug 25 Mon Aug 25 OCTOBER Thu Aug 14 Wed Aug 20 Thu Sep 04 Mon Sep 15 NOVEMBER Thu Sep 11 Wed Sep 17 Thu Oct 02 Mon Oct 13 FR EN Janvier 31 SIP À déterminer Octobre 24 SIP HOLIDAY Mon Sep 15 Mon Sep 22 Mon Oct 27 Mon Oct 27 DECEMBER Thu Oct 16 Wed Oct 22 Thu Nov 06 Mon Nov 17 JANUARY ‘15 Thu Nov 13 Wed Nov 19 Thu Dec 04 Mon Dec 15 PRINT MAGAZINE 2014 RATE CARD (GROSS) Guaranteed and Special Positioning subject to 15% premium. EN FR PREMIUM POSITIONS FREQUENCY PREMIUM POSITIONS 1X 3X 6X 9X 12X IFC $68,855 $66,790 $64,790 $62,840 $60,955 IFC DPS $132,200 $128,235 $124,390 $120,655 IBC $63,345 $61,445 $59,600 OBC $71,610 $69,465 $67,380 1X 3X 6X 9X 12X IFC $22,730 $22,230 $21,730 $21,235 $20,730 $117,035 IFC Spread $43,645 $42,670 $41,715 $40,770 $39,800 $57,815 $56,085 IBC $20,915 $20,450 $19,990 $19,540 $19,070 $65,360 $63,395 OBC $23,640 $23,115 $22,600 $22,085 $21,560 NATIONAL - ENGLISH EDITION FREQUENCY 1X 3X 6X 9X 12X FP $55,085 $53,430 $51,830 $50,270 $48,765 1/2 $41,320 $40,080 $38,870 $37,700 $36,575 1/3 $28,650 $27,785 $26,955 $26,145 $25,360 2/3 $47,150 $45,750 $44,370 $43,035 $41,745 Digest $44,070 $42,745 $41,460 $40,220 $39,015 DPS $99,150 $96,180 $93,290 $90,495 $87,780 1/2 DPS $79,320 $76,940 $74,630 $72,395 $70,220 REGIONAL EDITIONS FREQUENCY NATIONAL - FRENCH EDITION FREQUENCY 1X 3X 6X 9X 12X FP $18,190 $17,780 $17,380 $16,990 $16,580 DPS $32,735 $32,010 $31,285 $30,580 $29,850 1/2 Page $13,640 $13,340 $13,035 $12,740 $12,435 1/3 Page $9,455 $9,250 $9,040 $8,830 $8,620 2/3 Page $15,570 $15,225 $14,880 $14,545 $14,195 Digest Size $14,550 $14,225 $13,905 $13,590 $13,265 1/2 Pg Spread $26,190 $25,605 $25,030 $24,460 $23,880 SPECIAL INTEREST PUBLICATION (SIP) 1X 3X 6X 9X 12X ONT/WEST $54,530 $52,890 $51,305 $49,765 EASTERN $41,315 $40,080 $38,870 ONTARIO $36,360 $35,270 WESTERN $27,540 5 CITY (ENG) $35,460 * Subscribers only FREQUENCY FP $8,315 $4,990 $48,275 DPS $16,730 $8,980 $37,710 $36,575 IFC SPREAD $17,420 $10,418 $34,210 $33,185 $32,190 EXCLUSIVE SPONSORSHIP $75,000 $37,000 $26,720 $25,915 $25,140 $24,385 EN FR $34,730 $33,690 $32,680 $31,700 PRINT MAGAZINE ADVERTISING INFORMATION InDesign CS3 or higher templates for ALL ad sizes are available at (select Ad Sizes from the left-hand navigation menu). PRODUCTION PROCESS Printing High-speed, web offset lithography Binding Perfect bound Magazine Trim Size 7.875” Width x 10.75” Depth SUPPLIED ADVERTISING MATERIALS PDF/X-1a:2001 created to Magazines Canada specifications, sent online using Magazines Canada AdDirect at For information regarding Magazines Canada specification, refer to or contact the Production Manager at 416-764-2062 for details. Rogers Publishing does not accept responsibility for material content or colour trapping. ADVERTISING SPECIFICATIONS FREQUENCY Text type should be a minimum of 8 point. Reverse type less than 12 point is not suitable for reproduction. Chatelaine/Châtelaine are not responsible for reproduction of type sizes smaller than those mentioned for thin, serif type. The ad MUST be uploaded as a press-ready PDF file. Information on creating a proper PDF file is available on the Magazines Canada website Keep all colours CMYK. Do not use Spot colours or RGB art. 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GER JAMIE MICHELOLLIVER, OBAMA E Ils change, etc. la vie de nt d’enfantsmilliers Hillary Clinton EN Ma fille e st bo Dois-je laulotte. m et e au régimtr e ? page 109 STYLE 7 IDÉES POUR ACTUALIS SON LOOER K + ON ADOPT LE PASTELE AVRIL 201 4 CHATEL AINE.COM 00CHF_ DRE_CO VER.indd 1 Marilou RENCO TROIS FO IS PAR JO NTRE AVEC LA BLO UR + SES SMOOTH GUEUSE DE IES PRÉFÉR ÉS GROSS 1 $4,320 2 $2,970 1 $842 2 $675 1 $3,036 2 $2,429 1 and 2 QUOTED PER PROJECT LOAD SCREEN LINK-ENABLED PAGE (Link out to client webpage, no other rich media features) ENHANCED PAGE WITH UP TO TWO RICH MEDIA FEATURES (Ex: Link, Video, Gallery, Touch/Reveal) CUSTOM (Ex: More than 2 features, uniquely built page, spread, or multipage insert ROUTE VERS LA MAISONBLANCHE TIER TITLE * Rates subject to change. ** Starting January 2014, print rates include static ads for digital editions. TABLET TABLET AD SPECS THE BASICS ORIENTATIONS • All apps operate on Adobe Digital Publishing Suite (DPS), viewer version 27 2-page print spread can convert to... HTML ADS 2 pages vertical scrolling or... • Full-page tablet ad size is 768px by 1024px, without any interactive elements within 40px top and bottom 2 pages locked to horizontal swipe OR • Only portrait orientation is supported • For multiple-page ads, vertical or horizontal, ordering is possible. Please include preference, in the delivery package as plain text instructions (as a TXT file) -Text: PDF with interactive states as vector, minimum recommended point size is 12pt • If the HTML content cannot be placed in a layout, please include all HTML files and resources, as well as an InDesign layout sized to full-page with the required static full-page image, in the delivery package -Video: MP4 format with .h264 encoding, 8-10MB per minute of video • Multi-state objects (ex: image galleries, hotspots) and embedded video/audio clips may be included (see https://digitalpublishing. for info) • If these elements are not built into the layout using DPS tools, please include all necessary resources in the delivery package with plain text instructions (as a TXT file) • PDFs may be provided only for fully static ads • If an HTML environment negates the user’s ability to navigate away from the page or access the navigation bar, then alternative navigation must be incorporated in the page layout (via a 40px space at the bottom of the page) • An HTML ad should also be delivered as a full InDesign package, with the HTML content placed in the layout using DPS tools (see for info) -Images: PDF or PNG with resolution no lower than 108ppi • For ads with dynamic/interactive elements, material must be provided as a full InDesign package (all fonts/links included), and compatible with Adobe InDesign 6.0 • Please conform to latest iOS standards • Please include a static full-page image of any HTML ad to be used as a thumbnail in issue navigation • Optimal Image and Asset Settings GRAPHICS AND TEXT • HTML-coded ads may also be provided, up to full-page size Multi-page print insert can convert to multi-pages vertical scrolling or multi-pages locked to horizontal swipe URLS, ANALYTICS • All graphics should be left as vector and not rasterized, wherever possible; assets may be left at printready resolution and in their respective colour settings • URLs/links to web may be embedded in the layout using DPS tools (see DPS tools site digitalpublishing-suite/help/installing-digitalpublishingtools.html for info) • Please consider text legibility on tablet; body text should be larger than print (9pt in print should translate to approx. 15-20pt on tablet, depending on font) • If URLs/links are not embedded using DPS tools, please include full URLs and embedding/placement instructions in the delivery package in plain text (as a TXT file) • Please refer to Optimal Image and Asset Settings • Third-party tracking/tracking pixels is not supported at this time • Please note that HTML ads are only available on iOS devices Red zone is reserved for folio navigation and will overide any interactive elements: 40px top and bottom ASSET DELIVERY • Tablet material deadlines match material close/deadline for the corresponding print issue • All assets should be submitted as a ZIP file via AdDirect: https:// • Additional instructions should be included in the delivery package as a TXT file, but may also be emailed to: FROM OUR PUBLISHERS We wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support of Chatelaine and Châtelaine. As Canada’s leading women’s lifestyle brand we are read and enjoyed by more than 4 million women who immerse themselves in the content we deliver and the products our partners share and promote within them. To our audience, your ads and brand message are an important part of the valuable information we deliver each month. At Chatelaine and Châtelaine, we always try to position your ads within relevant content and to ensure that we can continue to do that, we can no longer guarantee competitive separation for your brands before our Style section. In addition, we do not guarantee more than one page of competitive separation within our tablet issues. Of course, we will continue to do our best to ensure maximum separation where possible. We also hope that you understand that we cannot provide any positioning guarantees when advertisements have coupons. We would ask that should your ad include a coupon you let us know ahead of time so we can best accommodate it in the pagination. Thank you again for your continued support of our brands. We look forward to working with you. Sincerely, THE CHATELAINE & CHÂTELAINE PUBLISHERS MEDIA KIT 2014 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS The applicable insertion order (to the extent it does not conflict with the terms hereof), the then current rate card of the publication(s) to which the insertion order relates (“Publication”) and Publication’s then current advertising specifications are incorporated by reference into these terms and conditions and are collectively referred to as the “Agreement”. The person(s), firm or corporation contracting with Rogers Publishing Limited (“Publisher”) for the insertion of advertising in Publication, whether as principal (“Advertiser”) or as agent (“Agency”), shall be deemed authorized for all purposes relating to the Agreement. RATES AND COMMISSIONS (a) Publisher reserves the right to change its advertising rates at any time. 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