Ride to Recovery


Ride to Recovery
February/March 2014
Ride to
Clean as
a Hound’s
from Sosúa
Have Fun
& Volunteer
Cedar Creek is a not-for-profit equestrian
therapy program looking for kind folks!!!
2014 Spring Volunteer Training
Monday, Mar. 10, 1-3 pm
or Tuesday, Mar. 11, 6-8 pm
Volunteers for the Spring Session
commit to 2 hours a week for 8 weeks
Wednesdays 3-5 p.m. or 5-7 p.m.;
Thursdays 2-4:15 p.m. or 4:30-6:30 p.m.;
Fridays 4:30-6:30 p.m. or
Saturdays 9:30-11:30 am
Call 573-875-8556
for information
Cedar Creek Therapeutic Riding Center
4895 E Hwy 163, Columbia MO 65201 • (573) 875-8556 • cedarcreektrc@gmail.org
Ready to volunteer? Please call. Horse experience not necessary but certainly appreciated!
February/March 2014
ABOUT THE COVER: Our cover photo is two
Gypsy Vanner horses named Moonlight Latte
and Moonlight’s Talisman. Moonlight Latte
is the 13-year-old mother of 9-year-old
Moonlight’s Talisman. These two gentle
giants known as Latte and Tali were
donated to Cedar Creek Therapeutic Riding
Center by Lisa and Hamp Ford of Columbia.
Table of Contents
5 Ask the Vet: Three Legs and a Spare
8 Souvenir From Sosúa
11 Animal Poison Control Center
12 Puzzle: Dog Breed Word Search
14 All Play, No Work
16 Cover Story: The Ride to Recovery
20 Rescue Groups and Shelters
21 Calendar: February and March Events
22 Pets Around Town: CFA Cat Show and more
24 The Dish: Clean as a Hound’s Tooth
26 Animal Law 101: Anti-Chaining Ordinance
28 Oily Pets: Diffusing…What, Why, How & Where!
30 Business Directory / Pet Recipe
from the Publisher
hile putting together this issue of
Pet Project Magazine,
it became obvious
the title of this
issue should be “Have a Heart.” With so
many supportive members of our community, we are changing lives of people
and pets, not only in our own commuWhitworth
nity, but also worldwide.
We have devoted the center spread
to an amazing facility located right
here in Columbia called Cedar Creek
Therapeutic Riding Academy, where animals are helping the lives of physically and mentally challenged children and adults. The heart that goes into
this organization oozes through the community from care and love of the
horses to volunteer and monetary support. The lives these special horses
touch on a regular basis are proof that miracles do happen. One look at the
faces of the riders when they are at Cedar Creek, it becomes evident why the
organization is so very successful at what it does. Please enjoy the article and
the photo spread, and get involved in this fantastic nonprofit organization.
Our own Andrea Gayer traveled to a foreign land with love in her heart
and a helping hand. World Vets is a global organization traveling across
oceans to help people and pets. “A Souvenir from Sosúa” is an inspirational
and heartwarming article proving that change is welcome and possible in
other lands.
Dr. Beth Hussey, a prominent veterinarian in our area and a regular contributor of Pet Project Magazine, extended her experience and services to help
a local rescue dog live a better life by performing an amputation surgery at
no cost. “Three Legs and a Spare” answers some difficult questions regarding
amputation and shows yet another act of compassion and kindness by a business owner and member of our community.
I hope this issue of Pet Project Magazine will open your heart and encourage you to get involved in so many wonderful opportunities that we have
in Columbia and the surrounding area, to make a difference in the lives of
people and pets. Let love and compassion fill your heart and make you whole.
Kisses, hugs and belly rubs to all of the wonderful animal companions of
Columbia and the mid-Missouri area.
Melody Whitworth
Celia Darrough
Andrea Gayer
Pamela Heyen
Dr. Beth Hussey
Jessica Schlosser
Elise Schmelzer
Michael Whitworth
Leslie Johnson, DVM
LG Patterson
Alicia Troesser
Melody Whitworth
Magazine Layout
Lin Teasley
Cottonwood Graphics
Modern Litho-Print
Ronnye Randall
Contact Us
P.O. Box 7018
Columbia, MO 65205
Melody Whitworth
Pet Project Magazine, LLC
February/March 2014 | Pet Project Magazine
© 2013 Pet Project Magazine, LLC.
All rights reserved.
Ask the Vet
Amputation of a pet’s limb
is a difficult choice, but sometimes
it is the right one.
by Beth Hussey, DVM
grew up in rural Fayette, Mo., just about a halfhour north of Columbia, Mo. Prior to that, I lived
in Mount Vernon, NY, a suburb of the Bronx. To
say there was a big difference in the two places is
an understatement; honestly, we should have had
an airlock to go from one to the other. Fayette was more
open, friendlier, slower, more laid-back … and it had a
preponderance of three-legged dogs.
I can’t really explain why the people were different,
other than the inherent friendliness of Midwesterners.
But I do know why there were a lot of three-legged dogs.
The local veterinarians, a pair of kind-hearted gentlemen,
took pity on the strays they found hit by cars on the side
of the road. When a large vehicle impacts a small dog,
the outcome is never good. It was lucky if the dog only
ended up with a broken leg, which they often did. But
because no one actually owned these dogs — at least no
one admitted to it when they turned up in the vet clinic
— expensive, time-consuming surgery to repair a fracture was not in the cards for these guys. No one would
take on the considerable burden of keeping a dog quiet
and clean for the length of time it takes for a fracture to
heal, which can be several months.
So, I have been around three-legged dogs for most
of my life. My mom also is an amputee, with an abovethe-knee procedure done in 2006 after a truck accident. Amputation is something I am familiar with and
as comfortable as one can be with such a dramatic and
life-changing procedure.
“Your dog
won’t blame
you. He doesn’t
know what
you have
decided or
In the hospital setting, we consider amputation for
several reasons. Sometimes a fractured leg is just too
damaged to repair. An amputation in this case is considered a salvage procedure. We just want to allow the
pet to survive and minimize its pain. In some situations,
amputation is chosen because it is a cheaper alternative to
surgery, but beware: Cheaper does not mean cheap. It is
still a major procedure, which, when done correctly, often
involves inhalant anesthesia, blood transfusions, intravenous antibiotics, pain medication and careful post-op
monitoring, often for a week or more.
Another common reason for considering amputation is for pets with bone cancers or certain other types
of neoplasia. Osteosarcoma is a very malignant cancer,
usually seen in older large- or giant-breed dogs, and it
often is in their limbs. If the mass is confined to one leg,
then it is prudent to at least consider removing the limb.
February/March 2014 | Pet Project Magazine
It doesn’t cure or slow down the disease process, but
it is used strictly as a pain control solution. Studies so
far have shown no difference in survival times between
osteosarcoma patients undergoing amputation or those
treated with chemotherapy, but the amputees have a far
better quality of life and much less pain than those pets
who do not undergo the procedure. Because this disease
progresses rapidly, I think amputation is a very humane
choice, because the pet’s life will be short in any case,
and there is really no sense in trying to control the pain
medically when a surgery can eliminate it entirely.
In other cases of neoplasia, amputation can actually
be curative. Fibrosarcomas in cats that are due to injection-site reactions can be treated with amputation. If
the original lesion is caught early and it is far enough
down on the leg, the cancer might be halted in its tracks.
Injection-site reactions that cause fibrosarcomas are the
reason veterinarians no longer give cats vaccinations
between the shoulder blades.
Perhaps the situation that causes the most soul-searching among pet owners is the dog or cat that has suffered
an injury to the nerves of one of the limbs. These pets are
often strays or rescues that have sustained damage to a leg
earlier in their lives, and though the limb itself is intact,
the nerve supply has been compromised, resulting in muscular (neurogenic) atrophy and a leg that no longer functions as it should. Sometimes the leg is dragged along the
ground, creating problems with abrasions and infection as
the skin is worn off. Pressure sores also can be a problem
for a dog that can’t move its leg away from its body.
“In some cases, amputation is
the best option, but it can be a hard
decision for owners.”
In these cases, amputation is sometimes the best
option, but it can be a hard decision for owners. It seems
so drastic. Here are a few things you should keep in mind
when you are considering this procedure.
1. Your dog won’t blame you. He doesn’t know what you
have decided or why.
2. Your dog won’t be emotionally disturbed or
3. Your dog will be pain-free, although some postoperative pain is to be expected.
4. Your dog will be able to go on walks, play, run, swim
(within limits), use stairs and be with you.
There are a few contraindications to the surgery.
Severe concurrent neurological or orthopedic problems
that might be causing significant pain or difficulty moving
February/March 2014 | Pet Project Magazine
Marley, before
Marley, after
“Amputation is not anyone’s first choice,
and it is not a decision to take lightly.
We can always take the leg off later, but
we can’t put it back on again.”
will not be helped by an amputation. We are talking about
taking one of the four legs; the other three should be in
pretty good shape before we consider it! Very old patients
or those that might have difficulty healing also are not
good candidates. There are a few breeds that just don’t do
well after surgical amputation for neoplasia. If you have
a Newfoundland, St. Bernard or Great Pyrenees, discuss
the potential for breed-related post-operative issues with
your veterinarian.
Amputation is not anyone’s first choice, and it is not
a decision to take lightly. We can always take the leg off
later, but we can’t put it back on again. Consider all of
your options before you decide. A very good friend of
mine, Billy Murray, had a dog that had been injured as a
pup and had a front leg that no longer worked properly.
As many of these dogs do, “Jake” had learned to use the
affected limb as best he could, and though his gait would
never be normal, he didn’t have any problems with sores
or calluses. Billy and I discussed possible amputation
many times, but Jake seemed to have found his rhythm,
and we eventually decided he would be happy and functional the way he was. Billy later died of heart disease, but
Jake is still doing well and living with Billy’s sister.
If you do decide to proceed with the surgery, there
are a few things to be aware of. First, this is a painful
procedure. You can’t cut off a leg without pain. Vigilant
attention to pain control is a necessity. “Phantom pain”
is a well-recognized syndrome in people but appears to
be rare in animals. But it also is difficult to tell if a pet
is suffering from this problem. Chewing and licking at
the incision can indicate pain or discomfort, and most
pets wear a very secure pressure bandage or even a body
stocking for days to weeks after the procedure. Not only
does this help prevent licking, but it also helps prevent
the inevitable swelling that will occur due to gravity’s
pull on the remaining tissues. The incision itself is long
and often ugly because we need to make sure we have
enough skin to cover everything without any tension.
Antibiotics are not routinely used, but we are ready to
dispense them if signs of infection (odor, discharge, fever)
begin to develop. Most dogs are up and around surprisingly quickly because, in many cases, having the leg
gone means the problem is over. In the case of a dog that
hasn’t been using the leg for a while, there is not much
adjustment time at all. Still, it is best to introduce activity
slowly, making sure your pet has time to get used to his
three-legged state.
My latest amputee is a rescue pit bull from Dogs
Deserve Better. “Marley” is a fun-loving, happy dog
whose early life was not so happy and included some
form of trauma that affected his left front leg. After a lot
of discussion and evaluation, we decided removing the
leg would be his best option. I donated the surgery and
all of the aftercare in memory of Billy and his love for
his best buddy, Jake. I wanted to do something in his
memory that Billy would approve of and appreciate, and
I am happy to say Marley did very well and is now living
in his forever home with someone who knows that a dog
really only needs three legs … and a very big heart.
Dr. Beth Hussey is a longtime
resident of Columbia and has
been practicing at Horton Animal
Hospital–Central since her
graduation from the University
of Missouri College of Veterinary
Medicine in 1989. She has recently become sole owner of the
practice, after the retirement of
Dr. Jack Horton and Dr. John
Williams. Dr. Hussey is the voice
of “The Pet Place” on 1400 AM
KFRU on Saturday mornings at
8:10 a.m. She serves on the Columbia Board of Health, the Vicious Dog
Advisory Board and the Missouri Review board. She is active in the
Columbia Dressage and Combined Training Association and was recently awarded the Region Four Volunteer of the Year for the United
States Dressage Federation. She shares her Rocheport home with two
cats, Vinnie and Leo, and four horses, including her active competition horse, Wolfsfalle. Contact her at eshussey@gmail.com or visit her
Billy Murray
practice website at www.hortoncentral.com.
February/March 2014 | Pet Project Magazine
ft veter
Andrea L. G
n expec
ur open-air bus jostled us back and
forth as we rode the dusty dirt road
through the sugar cane fields. The
stalks of sugarcane grew upward of 15
feet, and for miles it was all I could see.
We had just spent an afternoon at a remote beach,
the kind of which postcards are made. Our happy,
tired group of 13 veterinarians, veterinary technicians
and assistants attempted to take it all in. I heard some
mumbling, and I turned to see my group all looking
at a tiny puppy running as fast as he could behind our
bus. He sprinted across the rough terrain, not stopping any time soon. In this desolate field, we were
perhaps the only sign of life he had seen in a while.
When I realized he wasn’t giving up, I yelled, “Stop
the bus ... We have to save him!”
Our guide yelled a Spanish command to the bus
driver, and we came to a halt. I desperately raced
off the bus and clumsily hopped onto the chalky
rubble beneath my feet. The puppy leapt into my
arms as I knelt to scoop him up. He immediately
began licking my mouth and face, assaulting me with
kisses — it turns out puppy breath is an international
“In total, our World Vets team
spayed and neutered 138 dogs and
cats and provided 55 consults, all
in a matter of three days.”
Back on the bus, I wrapped him in a towel. He
took one ragged breath and snuggled deep into my
neck. I could see the parasites enveloping his body.
Ticks and fleas swarmed through his hair follicles,
February/March 2014 | Pet Project Magazine
A young girl and her dog.
around his eyes, beneath his earflaps. Scabs were formed
where the fleas had feasted. He began to fall asleep, and I
nestled him closer. “What are you going to do with him?”
a group member asked. “I don’t know yet,” I said, “but I
know he’s coming home to the U.S.”
When I think back on my trip to the Dominican
Republic with World Vets, the vision of a tiny puppy no
bigger than a squirrel bolting toward our bus is what
I remember most. A pitiful dog with no other hope in
sight, running after his only chance to be saved. I often
wonder if he could sense we were a bus full of animal
lovers. I like to think he somehow knew.
“When I think back on my trip to
the Dominican Republic with World
Vets, the vision of a tiny puppy no
bigger than a squirrel bolting toward
our bus is what I remember most.”
otherwise go without veterinary care. We wanted to
rediscover the passion that once drove us into the
field of veterinary medicine. We booked our trip, and
our lives were changed forever.
The trip
In November of
2013, we stepped out
onto the curb at the
Puerto del Plata airport
in the Dominican
Republic. We located
the bus that would
take us to the hotel
in Sosúa and met our
to travel
other group members.
I have been a veteriOur team comprised
nary technician now for
almost 10 years. In college
ranging from just
Dr. Frazier, Dr. Zulty and World Vet volunteer
I stumbled upon working
graduating veterinary
at a veterinary hospital
school to a vet with
as a part-time job, and after graduation it turned into a more than 25 years of experience. They were from all
career. I have loved being able to care for dogs and cats over: Philadelphia, Baltimore, Georgia, the Cayman
and enjoyed learning about veterinary medicine. But Islands and Dr. Stormer from Columbia, Mo. Three
recently I have felt as though I wanted to do something technicians, myself included, one veterinary student
more. I came across a Facebook page for a group called from Finland and a pre-vet student from Utah
World Vets, a group whose mission is to improve the were all aboard, and a young married couple from
health and well-being of animals by providing veterinary Boston with no veterinary experience came along as
aid and training in developing countries. They travel to assistants.
countries such as Nicaragua, Guatemala, Dominican
Dr. Stormer and I couldn’t believe how much we
Republic, Grenada, Peru and Bolivia. Large-scale spay/ had in common with our colleagues from not only
neuter projects and other consults are conducted. After across the country, but the world. We had all come
the tsunami in Japan in 2011, World Vets responded for the same reason — to do work in a place that
with teams for disaster relief and aid for the misplaced needed our help and to ultimately make a difference.
and injured animals. They also recently deployed a team We all had different backgrounds, educations and
to the Philippines following the devastating typhoon.
experiences, but we were fundamentally the same.
Candace Stormer, DVM, a veterinarian at Rolling The bond forged after a week of working together
Hills Veterinary Hospital, and I decided to travel to a doing this sort of fulfilling work is undeniable. We
place where veterinary medicine is just a privilege — not met as strangers, and when we left seven days later
a right. We wanted to care for the dogs and cats of a pov- Dr. Stormer and I cried when we felt like we were
erty-stricken, developing country — animals that might saying goodbye to our family.
February/March 2014 | Pet Project Magazine
Our World Vets group teamed up with a nonprofit,
Asociación De Amigos Por Los Animales De Sosúa, Inc.
(Association of Friends for the Sosúa Animals.) The volunteers of this group perform animal rescue, dog adoptions, trap neuter release programs (TNR) and spay/
neuter for dogs and cats in the Dominican Republic. It,
along with World Vets, provided the supplies, instruments and drugs needed.
“What I discovered on the trip
is that across lines of language, color
of skin, socio-economic status,
education and age, an animal lover
is an animal lover.”
The word-of-mouth phenomenon is powerful in
Sosúa. On the first day of our mission, we performed
surgery on 33 animals. But when Dominican neighbors, friends and family heard of the spay/neuter clinic,
they also brought their dogs and cats to be cared for.
On our third day, we performed close to 70 surgeries.
In total, our World Vets team spayed and neutered
138 dogs and cats and provided 55 consults, all in a
matter of three days.
Interestingly, 90 percent of the surgeries we did
were on dogs. Cats are not regarded as pets like their
canine counterparts in most parts of the Dominican
Republic. In the hierarchy of usefulness and value, cats
seemed to rank near the bottom. The pet cats we did
see, though, were well fed and cared for.
Finding meaning
What I discovered on the trip is that across lines
of language, color of skin, socio-economic status, education and age, an animal lover is an animal lover. The
residents of Sosúa do the best they can for their pets.
They paid what donation they could to the Asociación
de Amigos Por Los Animales de Sosúa and listened
intently to the discharge instructions for their pets.
They asked questions about their animals, just as pet
owners would in the United States, and I watched as
they gave their dogs and cats affection as they recovered from anesthesia.
Dr. Stormer and I were blessed to travel to Sosúa
and meet the people and animals we met. The trip fulfilled me even more than I thought it could, and in ways
I’m not sure of yet. It changed me. I feel a new affection
February/March 2014 | Pet Project Magazine
World Vets Group in Sosúa
for what I do now, day in, day out. I know that veterinary medicine is more than within the walls of Rolling
Hills Veterinary Hospital and within the borders of this
country. I have seen needy animals that needed help,
and I gave them a piece of my heart. I think continued
exposure to alternate cultures and lifestyles in a veterinary setting makes me a better technician and gives
me tools I couldn’t learn in school or in my everyday
normal life in our little Midwest clinic.
And what happened to that puppy that chased us
down in our bus? Now known as Nico, he went home
with a group member, a pre-vet student named Jenny.
He lives a spoiled life in Salt Lake City, Utah, where he
wears winter sweaters and is loved beyond measure. He
is the ultimate Sosúa souvenir.
For more information on World Vets, visit www.world
vets.org. For more information on Asociación De Amigos
Por Los Animales De Sosúa, visit www.aaasosua.com.
Andrea Gayer is the head veterinary
technician at Rolling Hills Veterinary
Hospital in Columbia. She has been a
veterinary technician for nine years. You
can reach her at algkt7@gmail.com.
Do you think your pet has ingested
something dangerous to their health?
Keep this number at your fingertips!
It could be a matter of life or death for your pet.
Animal Poison Control Center
(888) 426-4435
Have you heard that a specific product or substance could be dangerous
to your pets? The experts at the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center
can set the record straight. As the premier animal poison control
center in North America, the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center is
your best resource for any animal poison-related emergency, 24 hours
a day, 365 days a year. If you think your pet might have ingested a
potentially poisonous substance, make the call that can make all the
*A consultation fee may apply
difference: (888) 426-4435. To find a complete list of possible poisons for your pet,
visit the ASPCA website at www.aspca.org.
February/March 2014 | Pet Project Magazine
Dog Breed
i n i n CO M I N
g & S G SO
ocia ON:
, all
ds, a
ion P
ll be
og ra
Word Search Puzzle
You and your dog CAN
reach your full potential
and be partners for Life!
Bring Harmony Back into the Home
Learn to “Control” any Situation
Learn to be the “Pack Leader”
Give your dog “Confidence”
Made with Super Word Search Maker 8
Find and circle these words:
Akita, AmericanEskimo, AmericanPitbullTerrier,
AntolianShepard, Beagle, Boxer, Bulldog, CanCorso,
Chihuahua, ChowChow, Dachshund, FoxTerrier,
GoldenRetriever, GreatDane, Greyhound, Hound,
JackRussel, LabradorRetriever, Maltese, Pekingese,
Poodle, Pug, Rottweiler, Schnauzer, Shibalnu,
ShihTzu, SiberianHusky, StBernard, Weimaraner,
Visit facebook.com/petprojectmagazine
for the solution.
Nick Clark, Trainer/Behavior Specialist
Basic Obedience
Advanced Obedience
Behavior Modification
In-Home Training
Group Classes
Board & Train
February/March 2014 | Pet Project Magazine
Speak for the Animals
We Like Pets!
Like Us!
February/March 2014 | Pet Project Magazine
Dodger, an Australian shepherd
OK, maybe a little work!
Dog Daze Playcare provides
day care fun, obedience training.
By Pet Project Magazine Staff
Bradley, a regular day care customer
here is a new business in town, and it is all about playing with
and caring for our four-legged canine companions.
Dog Daze Playcare was the dream of owner Rebecca Henson,
who has been training dogs and horses for competitions since
she was a young girl. Henson grew up training horses in hunter/
jumper shows and was the expert with the “problem horses.” While majoring
in equine science at Colorado State University, she became involved in dog
sports and was soon enthralled. Although all of the events and shows were
interesting and exciting, Henson specifically was intrigued with herding dogs.
The intricate relationship between human, dog and stock captured her attention, and she became hooked. Henson campaigned dogs to the highest level
in conformation, (to include the No. 1 smooth collie in 1997), agility, obedience and herding. Henson’s love of dogs and dog sports led her to start one of
the first dog day care facilities in Fort Collins, Colo., where she managed the
business for nearly 10 years.
After moving to the Midwest in 2007, Henson started Montara Collies
and Stockdog Training, where she teaches owners and dogs to compete in
herding all breeds of dogs. She also is an AKC and AHBA judge for the competitions. Her love of dogs and her experience as a trainer and dog day care
manager led her to open Dog Daze Playcare. The business started out in a tiny
corner at the Columbia Canine Sports Center and soon grew out of its space
with the goal of offering more services than just day care.
Dog Daze Playcare has opened its newly renovated facility, located at
815B Blue Ridge Road in Columbia. This spacious, 600-square foot indoor
facility has room to run, play, jump, teach, train, relax and pamper. There are
outdoor play yards for small and large dogs to ensure safety while playing.
February/March 2014 | Pet Project Magazine
Winston, a Goldendoodle
Karma, a Cattledog
“Dog Daze Playcare is where your dog becomes
part of an extended family, socializing, exercising and
even resting in a comfortable, well-managed
and spotless environment.”
Birthday parties, holiday parties and special occasions of all kinds are celebrated at Dog Daze Playcare. During the 2013-14 holiday season, each day
care dog made a paw ornament of their own for the in-house Christmas tree,
and treats from the local dog bakery were provided. There always is something fun happening at the center!
Henson’s favorite part about owning Dog Daze Playcare is “getting to
meet all of the dogs and getting to know their families,” she says.
Dog Daze Playcare is where your dog becomes part of an extended family,
socializing, exercising and even resting in a comfortable, well-managed and
spotless environment. Play care means that dogs have free play while being
supervised by trained attendants. Dog Daze Playcare not only offers daycare
for your dog while at work but also offers overnight boarding while on vacation or extended business trips. A grooming salon is available for those that
need a bath, nail trim or a complete makeover. A pet taxi is available for you
and your dog’s convenience. Training is available for all levels of obedience
from simple pet manners to competitive obedience.
Dog Daze Playcare prides itself on providing exceptional daily care of
your dog, creating lasting relationships and making your dog simply “one of
the pack.”
Rebecca Henson with Raffle, a tri rough collie, and
Cookie, a sable smooth collie.
Dog Daze Playcare is open Monday – Friday
from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., Saturday from 8 a.m
to 5 p.m. Visit Dog Daze Playcare at www.
dogdazeplaycare.com or call 573-999-5077.
February/March 2014 | Pet Project Magazine
The Ride to Recovery
February/March 2014 | Pet Project Magazine
or the past 25 years, Cedar Creek Therapeutic
Riding Center has taught clients of all ages and
abilities how to ride horses, make friends and,
in some cases, walk and talk for the first time.
Cedar Creek, located in Columbia, Mo., is
a nonprofit that provides physical and emotional therapy
through horseback riding. There are more than 200
riders at Cedar Creek that are impossible to generalize,
says Karen Grindler, founder and executive director of
the organization. Riders range from ages 2 to 98 and have
a wide variety of needs. Some have autism and struggle in
social situations, while others have developmental issues
that make it difficult or impossible to walk.
Therapeutic riding works to combat all those problems. The walking movement of the horse mimics the
human walking movement in a way machines can’t
match. By following the horse’s movement with his or
her hips, the rider’s muscles are stretched and toned even
when the rider has no control over them. The repetitive
motion improves balance, coordination and strength.
In some cases, the horse teaches its rider how to
walk. One 4-year-old rider was incapable of walking
because his brain would not send the appropriate signals
Cedar Creek Therapeutic Riding Center benefits people and horses alike.
By Elise Schmelzer
to his legs. After seven weeks of riding at Cedar Creek,
however, the boy’s muscles had memorized the movements and he began to walk, Grindler says.
Horseback riding at Cedar Creek offers riders a
chance to participate in a challenging sport when they
might not be capable otherwise. For one rider unable to
play any sport, horseback riding gave her a skill that few
people have and confidence in herself.
“For her, it was the great equalizer,” Grindler says. “It
was her sport, her exercise.”
“Therapeutic horseback riding is not
only beneficial for physical improvement
— it also encourages social interaction
and personal relationships.”
Therapeutic horseback riding is not only beneficial
for physical improvement — it also encourages social
interaction and personal relationships.
At Cedar Creek, most riders interact with at least
four people during their lessons. The riders work with
February/March 2014 | Pet Project Magazine
with Cedar Creek
“Riders often form a strong bond
with their horse”
two sidewalkers who walk alongside to help the rider stay
on the horse and to stay safe if they were to fall. Another
person helps lead the horse around the arena, though
the riders are in charge of giving the horse instruction
as best they can. In the center of the arena, an instructor
leads the riding class in exercises and games. Riders are
encouraged to talk to the people around them.
The horses at Cedar Creek also benefit from the communal atmosphere. Instead of getting carrots and pats
from only one rider, the center’s horses are like celebrities
that receive attention and treats from riders, riders’ families, volunteers and staff members.
Almost all of the 15 horses at the center were donated,
including two fancy new additions from Hamp and Lisa
Ford: a pair of Gypsy Vanners, a rare breed known for
their beauty and feathered hooves. A good therapeutic
riding horse is calm, without vices, well trained and has
seen a lot of things in its life, Grindler says. But most
importantly, the horse must enjoy its job.
February/March 2014 | Pet Project Magazine
Along with horses, the center is always
looking for donations of tack, other horse supplies and donations of time. Cedar Creek only
has seven staff members; the rest of the work is
done by a host of volunteers. Most of the volunteers during the fall and spring are college students, but the center needs extra help during
the summer when students leave for vacation,
Karen Grindler says.
Volunteers are required to attend a two- to
three-hour training session that covers safety
procedures and the basics of working with
horses. No previous horse experience is needed,
though a great attitude is key, Grindler says. The
next training session will be March 11, before
the next session begins March 12.
After completing training, volunteers are
committed to two hours a week for an eightweek session. Volunteers work as sidewalkers
and leaders, help prepare the horses for each
lesson and play with the riders.
“It’s a lot of fun,” Grindler says. “The atmosphere out there is of a lot of joy and fun. We
have a blast. It’s part of the therapy.
“For one rider unable to play any
sport, horseback riding gave her a
skill that few people have and
confidence in herself.”
Gypsy Vanner horses, a rare breed, are known for their beauty and feathered
hooves. Left: Emily Bruhn, Cedar Creek Employee; above top: Talie & Latte;
and above: Hamp Ford with Latte.
“They know what they’re doing when they do this
job,” Grindler says. “You can see the extreme joy and
release of energy on the riders’ face, and the horses can
feel that energy, that joy. They thank the rider for the
opportunity to carry them.”
Riders often form a strong bond with their horse.
One little girl started riding at Cedar Creek when
she was 2 years old. Although the doctors said Hannah
wouldn’t live past age 4, she lived to attend her high
school prom before passing away in May of 2013. Before
she died, she asked to be buried on top of her Cedar
Creek horse, Angel, who had died earlier.
Now a pink butterfly urn sits on top of Angel’s burial
spot on the hill at the center.
Even though events like Hannah’s death are painful,
Grindler says the job is still rewarding. She says she runs
into people in town who say their experience as both
riders and volunteers has changed their lives. One of
Grindler’s favorite moments was watching a previously
mute boy say “Hi, Mom,” to his tear-streaked mother.
“It’s a cool thing to know we created
a place that can change peoples’ lives,”
Grindler says.
Elise Schmelzer is a sophomore at the
University of Missouri studying international journalism, Spanish and Portuguese.
February/March 2014 | Pet Project Magazine
From one of these
rescue groups or
(573) 446-ARFF (2733)
February/March 2014 | Pet Project Magazine
E xt w !
Hou ded
Sat rs &
Waggin’ Tails Since 2001
(Animal Responsibility for Fayette, Mo.)
•Boone County Animal Care
•Boonville Humane Society
•Callaway County Humane Society
•Central Missouri Humane Society
•Dogs Deserve Better Missouri
•Love a Golden Rescue
•Moberly Animal Shelter
•Mo-Kan Border Collie Rescue
(Pet Adoption and Welfare Services)
•People Helping Paws
•Project Precious Paws
•Rescued Racers
•Second Chance
2 Petco. Adoption event to benefit Second Chance. 9 a.m. – noon
Lizzi & Rocco’s. Adoption and nail trim event to benefit Boone County Animal Care. 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Treats Unleashed. Valentine’s Day photos, Paw Print Coaster and nail trim event to benefit
Central Missouri Humane Society (CMHS). 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.
5 Dining out for Animals to benefit CMHS. Visit www.cmhspets.com for details.
7 Columbia Mall. TGIFF adoption event to benefit Second Chance. Noon – 4 p.m.
8Petco. Adoption event to benefit Second Chance. 9 a.m. – noon
Tractor Supply Company. Adoption event to benefit Boone County Animal Care. 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Treats Unleashed. Adoption event to benefit Rescued Racers. 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
PetSmart. Adoption event to benefit CMHS. 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Lizzi & Rocco’s. Valentine’s Day pet photos to benefit Dogs Deserve Better. 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.
15 Petco. Adoption event to benefit Second Chance. 9 a.m. – noon
Award Pet Supply. Adoption event to benefit ARRF MO. 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.
PetSmart. Adoption event to benefit Dogs Deserve Better. 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Lizzi & Rocco’s. Adoption and nail trim event to benefit CMHS. 11 a.m. – 4 p.m.
CMHS. “Furball” adoption event to benefit CMHS. Noon – 5 p.m.
16 PetSmart. Adoption event to benefit Dogs Deserve Better. 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.
21 PetSmart. TGIFF adoption event to benefit Second Chance. 5 p.m. – 8 p.m.
22Petco. Adoption event to benefit Second Chance. 9 a.m. – noon
PetSmart. Adoption event to benefit CMHS. 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Award Pet Supply. Clip and trim nail event to benefit CMHS. 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.
25Kimball B’lrm, Stephens College. Spaygetti Dinner to benefit The Spay/Neuter Project. 5:30 p.m. – 8:30p.m.
1Petco. Adoption event to benefit Second Chance. 9 a.m. – noon
Lizzi & Rocco’s. Adoption and nail trim event to benefit Boone County Animal Care. 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Treats Unleashed. Nail trim event to benefit CMHS. 11 a.m. – 4 p.m.
8Petco. Adoption event to benefit Second Chance. 9 a.m. – noon
Lizzi & Rocco’s. Adoption and nail trim event to benefit Dogs Deserve Better. 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.
PetSmart. Adoption event to benefit CMHS. 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.
14Knights of Columbus. Trivia night to benefit Second Chance. 7 p.m. – 10 p.m.
15Petco. Adoption event to benefit Second Chance. 9 a.m. – noon
Tractor Supply Company. Adoption event to benefit Boone County Animal Care. 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Award Pet Supply. “Luck of the Irish” adoption event to benefit Dogs Deserve Better. 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Lizzi & Rocco’s. Adoption and nail trim event to benefit CMHS. 11 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Central Missouri Humane Society. St. Patrick’s Day adoption event. Noon – 5 p.m.
22Petco. Adoption event to benefit Second Chance. 9 a.m. – noon
Award Pet Supply. Clip and trim nail event to benefit CMHS. 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.
28Treats Unleashed. TGIFF adoption event to benefit Second Chance. 5 p.m. – 7 p.m.
29Petco. Adoption event to benefit Second Chance. 9 a.m. – noon
Award Pet Supply
610 I-70 Dr. S.W.
616 Big Bear Blvd.
Second Chance
24687 Hwy. 179, Boonville
Knights of Columbus
2525 N. Stadium Blvd.
Lizzi & Rocco’s
503 E. Nifong Blvd.
2101 West Broadway
229 N. Stadium Blvd.
Stephens College
1200 E. Broadway
Tractor Supply Co.
4151 Paris Road
Treats Unleashed
1400 Forum Blvd.
February/March 2014 | Pet Project Magazine
Tigers Lair Feline Fanciers
“Catch the Spirit”
CFA Cat Show
The Cat Fanciers Association (CFA) held
its prestigious cat show competition at
the Plaza Event Center on Dec. 14, 2013.
Competitors traveled from all over the
country to compete in the Cat Fanciers
show hoping to take home champion
ribbons. CFA is a nonprofit organization,
promoting the welfare of all cats through
progressive actions that range from
legislative advocacy to the support of
feline research and breed assistance. CFA
shows are judged by individuals who have
met high qualification criteria and have
completed a rigorous training program
that qualifies the judges to evaluate the
show cats using a CFA Breed Standard
for each one of its 42 breeds. To date, CFA
has registered over 2 million pedigreed
cats. You can learn more about the CFA
at www.cfainc.org.
February/March 2014 | Pet Project Magazine
& Wine
Proceeds benefited
Central Missouri
Humane Society
February/March 2014 | Pet Project Magazine
Don’t brush off the
importance of your pet’s
dental health.
by Jessica Schlosser
e all know how important proper
dental health is for ourselves, right?
Well, have you ever stopped to think
about the important role dental care
plays in your pet’s health, too? If you
haven’t, now is the time!
Periodontal (a fancy word for gum) disease is the
ailment most often diagnosed for domestic pets. The
American Veterinary Dental Society reports approximately
80 percent of dogs and 70 percent of cats show signs of oral
disease by age 3. Not only is this bad news for their teeth,
but poor dental care also can lead to much more serious
health problems. When gum disease causes inflammation,
it creates little pockets between the gums that are breeding grounds for bacteria. Those areas easily can become
infected and seep into the bloodstream, causing major
problems for the heart, lungs and kidneys.
If you aren’t doing anything for your pet’s teeth
yet, you’re not alone – the American Animal Hospital
Association discovered approximately two-thirds of pet
owners don’t provide the dental care recommended by
veterinarians. So, break the trend, and let’s start changing
your pet’s overall health for the positive by focusing a little
more on their teeth!
A lot of people think they’re doing their pets a favor
by feeding a dry kibble to help keep their teeth clean, but
unfortunately, that isn’t really the case. Personally, my pets
— the dogs especially — swallow the kibble whole without
stopping to chew. Even if your pets do chew well, look at it
February/March 2014 | Pet Project Magazine
“Yes, you can — and should
— brush your pet’s teeth.”
like this: Would you substitute brushing your teeth every
morning with popping in a handful of pretzels to scrape
away the plaque built up overnight? Probably not. Kibble
is about that effective at removing build up from your pet’s
teeth. Plus, many dry foods are high in sugar, which actually can make the problem even worse.
You could get regular professional dental cleanings
from your veterinarian, but they are expensive, and as pets
get older, the potential for complications from anesthesia
required for professional dental cleanings becomes more
of a risk. For many pets, professional dental cleanings are
necessary, but it’s preferred to hold off on those as long as
possible to avoid the anesthesia.
So, what do you do? Keep their teeth clean at home!
Here are some tips and products.
Brusha brusha brusha
Yes, you can — and should — brush your pet’s teeth.
It’s advised to brush daily, just like you would yourself. If
you can, introduce your pet to regular toothbrushing when
they’re young. If that’s not a possibility, then just start out
nice and slow. Start by gently rubbing their teeth with your
finger for a couple of seconds and then rewarding them
with a treat. You can gradually introduce a toothbrush and
“You can gradually introduce a
toothbrush and toothpaste for short
periods of time until you can build up
to longer toothbrushings.”
toothpaste for short periods of time until you can build up
to longer toothbrushings. A minute to a minute and a half
would be a great goal, but spread that out over the course
of the day if you need. Just remember — take your time
getting them comfortable with it, and stop if they’re resisting too much. And make sure you use the toothpaste specifically meant for pets! The human stuff isn’t safe for them.
If your pet has tartar buildup already, you might need
to go for a higher power than regular pet toothpaste. In my
house, we can’t say enough positive things about PetzLife
dental gel. Its super-powered formula does an awesome job
at melting away built-up tartar on the teeth in just a few
Another easy alternative to toothbrushing, though
not quite as effective, are water additives. They can help
promote healthy gums and freshen breath just by pouring
a little into their water bowl. There are a lot of great brands
out there, but I recommend TropiClean’s fresh breath
oral care water additive made in Wentzville, Mo. It does
wonders for doggie dragon breath!
DuraChews, Antler Dog Chews, Zuke’s Z-Bones and
Himalayan Dog Chews are wonderful ways to encourage
good dental health while keeping your dogs happy — and
out of your hair for a little while.
Sometimes, try as you might to avoid it, you still have
to get your pet a professional dental cleaning by your veterinarian to keep his or her teeth and gums healthy. So, if
after consulting with them it’s determined your pet needs
one, get it done, but then look at their teeth as a beautiful
blank canvas to keep nice and clean. Your vet did the hard
work for you! Now you just have to keep it that way. Go,
pick a method, and be one of the one-third of the population who takes the right steps at improving their pet’s
overall health by addressing their dental needs!
Jessica Schlosser is the owner of Lizzi and
Rocco’s Natural Pet Market, 503 E. Nifong
Blvd., Suite J, in Columbia. You also can
reach her at 573-875-2288 or at the
store’s website, www.lizziandroccos.com.
Join the raw-volution
This actually is my pet’s favorite method, and, in my
opinion, the most effective way to keep pets’ teeth clean.
Dogs and cats’ teeth are shaped to eat meat right off the
bone, so let them do it — it’s like nature’s toothbrush!
Raw meaty bones, such as chicken necks (for small dogs
and cats) or turkey necks (for larger dogs), are awesome
for keeping teeth clean. The muscle meat left on the bone
serves almost like a floss to get in between teeth, and as
pets crunch through the bone itself, plaque will be scraped
off. In addition to chicken and turkey necks, I also like raw
knucklebones to keep those teeth pearly white.
You might have heard bones aren’t safe to give your
pets. Raw bones are actually totally safe, soft and pliable
enough for pets to chew without the bones splintering.
However, because it is raw meat, keep it outside, in a crate
or on a washable towel on the floor.
Chew their way to clean teeth
The action of chewing is an important way pets,
especially dogs, keep their teeth clean. In addition to the
raw bones mentioned above, hard chews like Nylabone
February/March 2014 | Pet Project Magazine
Chaining or tethering dogs outside is restricted
in many communities. by Michael Whitworth, Attorney at Law
nti-chaining or anti-tethering laws are
being enacted in states and municipalities
across the country as legislators learn of
the harm caused to dogs that are chained
or tethered for long periods of time and
also learn of the potential danger to humans who
invade the dog’s small “circle of life” space.
Dogs that are left unattended while chained or tethered can become tangled in their chain or tether and can
get wrapped around debris to the point of not being able
to move or access food, water or shelter. Dogs are unable
to defend themselves. Tethering dogs by any means for
long periods of time can cause anxiousness, depression
and aggression. Studies and statistics have proven that a
chained dog is one of the largest reasons for bite cases in
the country.
Many communities ban the chaining or tethering of
dogs and other animals entirely. The City of Columbia
passed an ordinance in 2011. It states as follows:
Section 5-6 Animal abuse; unlawful
impoundment; unlawful confinement
(a) Unlawful acts. It shall be unlawful for any
person to:
(6) Tether an animal as the primary method of
restraining an animal to any property;
(7) Tether an animal using a choke collar;
(8) Tether an animal without using a properly fitted
collar or harness made of nylon or leather; or
(9) Tether an animal without using a tether of
appropriate length and weight for free animal
movement that includes swivels at both ends.
The law is very specific about what constitutes animal
abuse by unlawful confinement. Section (6) makes it
unlawful to tether or chain your dog as the primary
method of keeping your dog confined on your property.
It does not mean you can’t tether a dog for short periods
of time, but rather you can’t keep the dog on a chain or
tether for long portions of the day or night.
February/March 2014 | Pet Project Magazine
“Many communities ban the
chaining or tethering of dogs and
other animals entirely.”
Section (7) makes it
unlawful to EVER tether
your dog while using a
choke collar. This section
is very specific and easily
Section (8) makes it
unlawful to ever tether
your dog using any material other than leather
or nylon as a collar. The
collar cannot be metal or
a chain. The collar must
also fit properly. It must
not be too tight.
Section (9) requires that any time a dog is tethered,
the tether must be an appropriate length (not too short),
an appropriate weight (no chains and not too heavy) and
must be attached at both ends with a swivel.
This ordinance plainly states the requirements for
legality if you tether your dog or any animal for any period
of time. The easiest and best way to avoid violating this
law, though, is to never chain or tether your dog. Take
your dog inside your home and
make him or her a true member
of your family.
Michael Whitworth is a practicing attorney and of counsel in the Columbia
law firm Ford, Parshall and Baker,
LLC, 573-441-5555. He has been a licensed attorney in Missouri since 1985.
Oily Pets
How & Where!
by Pamela A. Heyen, Holistic Health Practitioner
y past articles have all suggested diffusing therapeutic essential oils. So … what
exactly does that mean?
What? Diffusing is a microfine mist
of essential oils that remains suspended
in the air, offering therapeutic benefits for several hours.
The therapeutic benefits are a result of planting
organic seeds in organic soil, and the plants then undergo
a plant-specific distillation process where the oils are
bottled in their purest form. Once bottled, therapeutic
grade essential oils never have an expiration date and
remain potent, safe and effective indefinitely.
Why? There are a number of healthy reasons to diffuse
essential oils. Every essential oil is diverse in their therapeutic value, and no two oils are alike. The chemistry of
an essential oil is extremely complex, containing an elaborate mixture of natural chemical components that are
supportive to the body physically and emotionally. Some
oils contain certain natural chemical constituents that
make them ideal for killing and preventing the spread of
bacteria and viruses. This is especially important as we
are seeing more and more life-threatening, drug-resistant
strains in our world every day.
Diffusing specific therapeutic essential oils can
reduce bacteria, fungus and mold as well as kill bacteria
that cause unpleasant odors. This is an excellent choice
to prevent or control an outbreak or spreading of kennel
cough, ringworm and other highly contagious diseases
in our animal communities. There are oils that boost the
immune system and improve concentration, alertness
February/March 2014 | Pet Project Magazine
and mental clarity. Other oils help relax the body, relieve
tension, clear the mind, improve digestive function and
relieve pain.
Inhaling these diffused oils also can have a positive
effect on emotions, alleviating stress and anxiety as well
as dispelling fear and anger. This is a natural and beneficial way to support people and animals that have experienced trauma and/or abuse.
“The smaller the area essential oils
are used in, the more intense the oil
therapy will be, so always consult
with a professional, and monitor
your pet’s reactions.”
How & where? First, choose a pure and safe essential
oil to use for you, your family and your pet. You should
determine if it is ingestible or graded GRAS (Generally
Regarded as Safe). If the label warns not take the oil
internally, this is a sure bet the oil has been adulterated
with some kind of chemical. If you use adulterated oils
for diffusion, pets and people are breathing that toxic
chemical into their bodies, and our furry friends also
absorb it through their hair follicles. This can cause an
inflammatory response, compromise the immune system
and create a toxic buildup within the body of a child or
small animal. If you are unsure of the oil’s purity, ask
an expert, not a sales clerk. I only use and recommend
Young Living therapeutic grade essential oils, which have
been researched and tested by professional veterinarians
who present published substantiated results.
When diffusing therapeutic grade essential oils, it
is always recommended that a cold, forced air diffuser
or a cold humidifier atomizer be used to disperse them.
The diffuser/humidifier unit should be approved for
therapeutic essential oil use. These specific oils have the
ability to digest petro chemicals, and some plastics made
with petro chemicals can be damaged. Heat of any kind
is never used when diffusing therapeutic essential oils.
Applying heat such as a tea light or light bulb ring will
change the chemical makeup and render them therapeutically less beneficial and can even create toxic compounds, which may be carcinogenic.
Here are a few details to determine which diffuser
would be the best choice for your needs.
A forced air diffuser allows the essential oil bottle
to be directly attached. The pure oil is drawn from the
bottle and forced through the atomizer into a microfine
vapor that will stay suspended in the air for up to six
hours. This diffuser need only be turned on for a total of
20 minutes twice a day to kill bacteria and/or viruses that
might be lurking in the environment. The output for this
diffuser covers a 600- to 800-square-foot area and is the
optimal choice for dog day cares, kennels, dog grooming
facilities, veterinarian offices, training facilities, chicken
coops, stalls and any other large location where animals
are in close proximity to each other.
The humidifying diffuser covers approximately a
10-by-10 room. Water is placed in the diffuser with
approximately four to five drops of oil, and, once turned
on, it offers four hours of a humidifying-oil-infused mist
into the air. A diffuser is a good choice for individualized
care for people and animals. Diffusing oils for specific
needs, such as respiratory illness, insomnia, physical/
emotional trauma, separation anxiety, convalescing or
pain, are a beneficial support that can be used with other
recommended therapies. The smaller the area essential
oils are used in, the more intense the oil therapy will be,
so always consult with a professional, and monitor your
pet’s reactions. As with any diffusion method, our furry
friends have the ability to detect the aroma of the vapors
with their keen sense of smell so, what might not seem
intense to you might be overwhelming to them. Common
sense is the key!
I personally diffuse in my home every day. My oily
pets, a cat and two dogs, have been exposed to a variety
of diffused oils over the years with positive results.
I believe — and scientific research shows — that
diffusing is an excellent non-toxic way to support a
healthier environment for you and your pets!
Pamela A. Heyen is the owner of
Columbia-based Heyen Wellness Therapies and an advocate for the loving and
humane treatment of all animals.
Disclaimer: The statements enclosed herein
have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug
Administration. The products and information
mentioned in this article are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Any statements made are for education purposes and not intended to replace the advice of your physician/veterinarian. Heyen
Wellness Therapies does not dispense medical advice, diagnose or prescribe for
illness. We design and recommend individual nutrition and supplements that allow
the body to rebuild and heal itself. The views and nutritional recommendations
by Heyen Wellness Therapies are not intended to be a substitute for conventional
medical services. If you or your pet have a medical condition, seek a physician/
veterinarian of your choice. You should always consult a medical healthcare professional before starting an exercise, diet or supplementation program, especially
if you or your animal are pregnant, nursing or taking prescription medications.
References: Essential Oils Desk Reference; The Animal Desk
Reference by Melissa Shelton, DVM; Oils & Pets by Mary
Hess, DVM; The Chemistry of Essential Oils Made Simple by Dr.
David Stewart; and Clove vs Pathogens, Sue Chao, Weber State
University, 1996.
February/March 2014 | Pet Project Magazine
RECIPE: Wild Bird Food (Suet)
1/2 cup sunflower seeds (unsalted)
1/2 cup cracked corn
1/2 cup raisins
1/2 cup crunchy peanut butter
Mix all ingredients together in a bowl. Press the mixture into a metal
suet feeder which can be purchased at any store that carries bird
supplies. Hang the feeder from a branch on a tree in plain view and
enjoy the scenery!
* Do not use mesh bags as birds can get caught in them.
February/March 2014 | Pet Project Magazine
815 Blue Ridge Rd., Unit B, Columbia
Our mud free play area
and spa services will keep
your dog happy and clean!
Call us
(573) 999-5077