Faucets for the bath 49 KWC AVA 50 KWC ONO 55 KWC
Faucets for the bath 49 KWC AVA 50 KWC ONO 55 KWC
Faucets for the kitchen 9 Faucets for the bath 49 KWC ADRENA 10 KWC AVA 50 KWC ZOE 11 KWC ONO 55 KWC SAROS 12 KWC ONO touch light PRO 61 KWC AVA 13 KWC DOMO 64 KWC LIVELLO 15 KWC VITA 68 KWC ONO 16 KWC VITA PRO 70 KWC ONO touch light PRO 19 KWC USO 73 KWC EVE 21 KWC Vertical shut-off valve 74 KWC INOX 23 KWC VAROX 75 KWC SIN 24 KWC Accessories 76 KWC LUNA 25 KWC DOMO 27 ShowerCulture 79 KWC VITA PRO 29 KWC BOSSANOVA 80 KWC USO 30 KWC ELY 81 KWC BLISS 31 KWC Shower heads 82 KWC ORCINO 32 KWC Shower arms 83 KWC STAR 33 KWC Shower systems 85 KWC SYSTEMA 34 KWC Shower brackets 87 KWC Soap and lotion dispensers 35 KWC Sliding wall bars 88 KWC Accessories 37 KWC Sliding wall bar kits 89 KWC Hose connections 90 KWC Shower hoses 91 Automatic faucets 93 KWC LIDAR 94 KWC TRONIC 95 KWC IQUA 96 Spare parts 99 Faucets for the commercial kitchen 39 KWC GASTRO 40 KWC Tools 100 KWC Spare parts 103 KWC Index 106 General conditions of sale and delivery 111 KWC draws on its long company tradition to ensure that its Swiss quality products make a splash right around the world. Developed and manufactured in Unterkulm in Switzerland’s Canton of Aargau, the products are exported to over 50 countries. 6ZLVV,QQRYDWLRQ Our drive and ability to innovate have characterised our company since its very beginnings in 1874. Time and again, KWC has succeeded in leading the world by example in the Ýeld of faucets, through technical innovations and creative design. With future-oriented products, KWC is ready to meet the challenges of tomorrow. 6ZLVV4XDOLW\ Uncompromising Swiss quality. KWC faucets are developed at Unterkulm in the Aargau region, where a signiÝcant proportion of the production also takes place. Our commitment to Switzerland as a production location guarantees the best specialist expertise, continual further development of tried and tested technologies, and consistently high quality of products. 6ZLVV6XVWDLQDELOLW\ KWC is well aware of its responsibility to the environment. That is why the topic of sustainability informs everything that we think and do. Through new technical innovations and the use of high-quality materials, we have been continually able to reduce our consumption of water and energy in recent years. .:&LVFHUWLÝHGLQWKHIROORZLQJDUHDV ISO 9001 Quality management systems ISO 14001 Environmental management systems OHSAS 18001 Occupational health and safety management systems Our online world Welcome to KWC Get to know KWC quickly, easily and online – on the computer or via your mobile phone At wwwkwccom, you can Ƃnd comprehensive information about the company and the range of products In addition, you can Ƃnd useful tips relating to our services, read the latest information and press reports plus Ƃnd all the important contact details. KWC is looking forward to your visit. KWC Mobile Via mobile.kwc.ch, you can access a KWC website optimised for mobile phones. The most important functions: Ũ Overview of the range: all the KWC faucet lines for kitchens and bathrooms Ũ Product line description: overall view of a KWC faucet line Ũ Item description: individual products together with tender text Ũ Shopping basket function Ũ PD( data sheet with technical speciƂcations and dimensions Ũ Installation and service instructions Product line overview and item description Atmospheric photos and a clear description of each individual KWC product line. In the “Range” section you will Ƃnd the individual products, including a data service which provides a data sheet (PD(), installation and service instructions (PD(), and useful information on CAD planning data (download as a ZIP Ƃle). Also available is printed promotional material such as catalogues and brochures (PD(). Notepad/shopping basket Using the practical “myNotepad” function, your items can be stored and called up again at any time by clicking “myNotepad” (in the top right-hand corner of the main navigation screen). The details gathered in this way can then be viewed individually (as a PD(), stored, downloaded as a ZIP Ƃle or deleted. PD( catalogue Using the “(avourites” tool, you can produce an individualised PD( catalogue with the faucet lines and details of your choice. Ũ Choice of titles for the PD( catalogue Ũ Detailed PD( menu Ũ Display of atmospheric images and range of the marked items Ũ Display of marked items with tender text Ũ Linking of the product lines and items from the PD( to the website KWC Online All brochures and product catalogues are available to order or download, under the “Services” menu and “Brochure ordering” submenu. project t KWC Online PDF My KWC Online PDF My project projec PDF My KWC ONO touch light PRO Basin KWC ONO touch light PRO Basin e 11.654.003.000 all chrome m kit A 175, mains receiver, Trim Basin Electronic controlled e 11.654.004.000 all chrome m kitt A 225, mains receiver, Trim 123 touch light PRO technology tip'n'flow 3 preset temperatures and flow rates Fixed spout Neoperl® SLIM® > Weblink > Weblink KWC ONO touch NA KWC ADRE light PRO le, on spectac future. The e. than relying made concept with a bright Truly progressivof flair. RatherBasin product is a Swiss KWC's s the design ofPRO touch light plenty KWC ONO style is style which characterize d range has reliable quality in a purist to the future. tricgeometric Looking lity and the expressed is yet ADRENA kitchen the sophisticate timeless geome out spray ng practica of clear shapes is the idea behind The new KWC an appeali its modern that is more beautiful a pull aesthetic appeal erizes only thing robust lever, charact it demonstrates dness that ive ONO. The the user. innovat however, easy to grip,of opportunitie tforwar world of KWC s and ans to aspects: an The straigh up undreamt functional openingNeoper l® spray setting products. into its electronics, and seamlessly needle spray carried over y use with everyda for designed diverter. membrane Formidable s A KWC ADREN n faucet Kitche light PRO KWC ONO touch Kitchen faucets Lever mixer Kitchen faucets Kitchen faucets Electronic controlled 0FL all chrome 10.321.033.00 hoses connection all chrome 10.652.012.000FL A 230, flexible hoses, mains A 220, flexible connection receiver AN tip'n'flow 1 2 3 KWC JETCLE PRO technology spray with touch lengthlight Pull out s and flow rates mm pull out 3 preset temperature up to 600 diverter reset 2 hole surface automatic to fit faucet Swivel spout 360° hose surface 130° swivelling Neoperl® SLIM® Hose guide, Kitchen faucets Lever mixer Kitchen faucets Electronic controlled 0FL all chrome 10.321.023.00 hoses connection all chrome 10.653.112.000FL A 230, flexible hoses, mains A 220, flexible connection spring hose highflex® patented 160° touch light PRO technology Swivel spout Cascade® Neoperl® technology tip'n'flow 1 2 3 s and flow rates 3 preset temperature 3 hole Swivel spout 360° Neoperl® SLIM® 360° turn Professional spray receiver .ch http://www.kwc 27.09.13 http://www.kwc.ch 27.09.13 http://www.kwc.ch Download brochures 27.09.13 Swiss technology Fine light-emitting diodes transform water into liquid plasma. Just the press of a button – and the play of light begins. 3atented functionality a highly Þexible spring-loaded hose that can be moved in any direction and that keeps its shape beautifully at all times when not in use. 3recise, continuous reÞection of the water temperature thanks to LED technology. ColorÞow offers a unique experience for the operator and forms a striking backdrop for the lever. Contact-free control: the radiation-free DDSA® sensor technology sets the water Þowing as soon as your hand is within 5–7 cm of the faucet. Minimum-contact control of the water temperature thanks to DDSA® sensor technology. Just a brief touch is enough: once for cold (blue), twice for warm (orange), three times for hot (red). In its basic position, the operating lever is in the cold water range. Hot water Þows only when it is pivoted to the left. ÞH[*XDUGTM The new Þex*uardv sealing membrane ensures maximum watertightness and guarantees a long service life. This provides the control cartridge with optimum protection against cleaning residue, cleansing agents and dirt. The lever support is reinforced with a metal core and integrated into the membrane, reliably preventing the lever from coming loose. JETCLEAN Flexible faceplate for kitchen sprays and shower heads. The cone-shaped holes expand during use, dislodging any limescale deposits from the surface of the faceplate. The holes contract automatically when the water Þow is switched off. Turn And Clean. The faceplate on kitchen sprays can be dismantled and cleaned without tools. Turn And Lock. The spray diverter on kitchen sprays can be Ýxed in place with a simple twist. WRXFK&RQWURO VPDUW&RQWURO KRW&RQWURO Protection against scalding: insulated hot water pipes ensure that the body of the faucet only becomes warm at most, and never hot. Tangible resistance in the turning handle to control Þow limits the amount of outÞowing water. To leave the eco mode, twist the turning handle back past the catch point. Temperatures above 38 °C can only be set once the safety button on the temperature selector handle has been pressed. This prevents scalding from contact with hot water. .:&FRQWUROFDUWULGJH The KWC cartridge L 39 – universal is a technological masterpiece that is backward compatible with faucet models from 1982 onwards. It features familiar, tried-and-tested technology and various effective optimizations, as well as a new bottom seal that offers even more resistance to pressure surges. Faucet acoustic groups (aucets are classiƂed by noise level. (aucets in Group I have a particularly low noise level of Ű 20 dB(A). *URXS LDSLQG%$ I ï 20 II ! 20 ï 30 U (not classiÝed) > 30 KWC (aucets for the kitchen Faucets for the kitchen KWC ADRENA 10 KWC ZOE 11 KWC SAROS 12 KWC AVA 13 KWC LIVELLO 15 KWC ONO 16 KWC ONO touch light PRO 19 KWC EVE 21 KWC INOX 23 KWC SIN 24 KWC LUNA 25 KWC DOMO 27 KWC VITA PRO 29 KWC USO 30 KWC BLISS 31 KWC ORCINO 32 KWC STAR 33 KWC SYSTEMA 34 KWC Soap and lotion dispensers 35 KWC Accessories 37 9 KWC ADRENA KWC-No. Finish all chrome 10.321.023.000FL A 230, flexible connection hoses Price € 240.00 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Swivel spout 160° KWC cartridge M 35 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHƌ all chrome 10.321.033.000FL A 230, flexible connection hoses 336.00 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Pull-out spray with KWC JETCLEAN KWC cartridge M 35 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHƌ all chrome 10.321.043.000FL A 230, flexible connection hoses 300.00 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQGHWDFKDEOH Lever mixer Swivel spout 160° KWC cartridge M 35 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHƌ all chrome 10.321.053.000FL A 230, flexible connection hoses 420.00 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQGHWDFKDEOH Lever mixer Pull-out spray with KWC JETCLEAN KWC cartridge M 35 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHƌ all chrome 10.321.063.000FL A 230, flexible connection hoses 312.00 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ,QWHJUDWHGVKXWRIIYDOYH Lever mixer Swivel spout 140° KWC cartridge M 35 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ 10 www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included KWC ZOE KWC-No. Finish Price € all chrome A 215, flexible connection hoses 636.00 decor steel A 215, flexible connection hoses 796.00 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Spray covered KWC cartridge S 25 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome A 215, flexible connection hoses, mains receiver 830.00 decor steel A 215, flexible connection hoses, mains receiver 990.00 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQZLWK/80,1$48$/('WHFKQRORJ\ Lever mixer Spray covered KWC cartridge S 25 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ Z.536.586.000 all chrome 315.00 Z.536.586.127 decor steel 399.00 6RDSGLVSHQVHUV Soap dispenser KWC ZOE www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included 11 KWC SAROS KWC-No. Finish all chrome 10.181.992.000FL A 165, flexible connection hoses Price € 344.00 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Swivel spout 160° KWC cartridge S 25 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome A 200, flexible connection hoses 344.00 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Swivel spout 160° KWC cartridge S 25 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome A 180, flexible connection hoses 482.00 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Spray - magnetic tight-fit holder KWC cartridge S 25 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome A 250, flexible connection hoses 482.00 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Spray - magnetic tight-fit holder KWC cartridge S 25 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ 12 www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included KWC AVA KWC-No. Finish Price € all chrome A 210, flexible connection hoses 288.70 decor steel A 210, flexible connection hoses 381.30 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Swivel spout 160° KWC cartridge M 35 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome A 210, flexible connection hoses 360.20 decor steel A 210, flexible connection hoses 473.10 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Pull-out aerator KWC cartridge M 35 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome A 210, flexible connection hoses 398.30 decor steel A 210, flexible connection hoses 526.30 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Pull-out spray with KWC JETCLEAN KWC cartridge M 35 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome A 205, flexible connection hoses 360.20 decor steel A 205, flexible connection hoses 473.10 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Pull-out aerator KWC cartridge M 35 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome A 205, flexible connection hoses 398.30 decor steel A 205, flexible connection hoses 526.30 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Pull-out spray with KWC JETCLEAN KWC cartridge M 35 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included 13 KWC AVA ø30 ø55 KWC-No. Finish Price € A 175 all chrome 373.30 A 225 all chrome 414.30 7ULPNLW/HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Fixed spout KWC cartridge S 25 To be ordered separately: – 8QLWIRUFRQFHDOHGLQVWDOODWLRQ 144.50 39.193.400.931 &RQFHDOHGXQLW Concealed unit wall two hole &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG Suitable for: – KWC AVA Z.536.159.000 all chrome 202.10 Z.536.159.127 decor steel 269.50 6RDSGLVSHQVHUV Soap dispenser KWC AVA 14 www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included KWC LIVELLO KWC-No. Finish all chrome A 225, flexible connection hoses Price € 292.70 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Swivel spout 160° KWC cartridge M 35 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ stainless steel A 225, flexible connection hoses 439.00 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Swivel spout 160° KWC cartridge M 35 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome A 225, flexible connection hoses 380.50 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Pull-out aerator KWC cartridge M 35 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ stainless steel A 225, flexible connection hoses 571.40 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Pull-out aerator KWC cartridge M 35 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ stainless steel A 225, flexible connection hoses 577.50 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQGHWDFKDEOH Lever mixer Swivel spout 160° KWC cartridge M 35 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ stainless steel A 225, flexible connection hoses 706.10 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQGHWDFKDEOH Lever mixer Pull-out aerator KWC cartridge M 35 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included 15 KWC ONO KWC-No. Finish Price € all chrome A 225, flexible connection hoses 531.00 stainless steel A 225, flexible connection hoses 608.00 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Swivel spout 270° KWC cartridge M 35 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome A 225, flexible connection hoses 534.60 stainless steel A 225, flexible connection hoses 692.50 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Pull-out aerator KWC cartridge M 35 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome A 220, flexible connection hoses 663.70 stainless steel A 220, flexible connection hoses 760.00 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Pull-out spray with KWC JETCLEAN KWC cartridge M 35 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ stainless steel A 225, flexible connection hoses 741.70 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQGHWDFKDEOH Lever mixer Swivel spout 270° KWC cartridge M 35 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ stainless steel A 220, flexible connection hoses 889.40 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQGHWDFKDEOH Lever mixer Pull-out spray with KWC JETCLEAN KWC cartridge M 35 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome 10.152.413.000FL A 220, flexible connection hoses 741.00 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Swivel spout 360° KWC cartridge M 35 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ 16 www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included KWC ONO KWC-No. Finish all chrome 10.152.322.000FL A 200, flexible connection hoses Price € 667.30 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Pull-out aerator covered KWC cartridge M 35 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome A 225, flexible connection hoses 571.40 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Swivel spout 360° KWC cartridge M 35 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome 10.151.413.000FL A 220, flexible connection hoses 652.80 stainless steel 10.151.413.700FL A 220, flexible connection hoses 926.90 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Swivel spout 360° KWC cartridge M 35 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome A 200, flexible connection hoses 624.60 stainless steel A 200, flexible connection hoses 729.60 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Pull-out aerator covered KWC cartridge M 35 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome A 225, flexible connection hoses 677.60 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Pull-out spray with KWC JETCLEAN KWC cartridge M 35 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included 17 KWC ONO KWC-No. Finish Price € all chrome 10.151.423.000FL A 220, flexible connection hoses 1'301.20 stainless steel 10.151.423.700FL A 220, flexible connection hoses 1'852.30 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Swivel spout 360° KWC cartridge M 35 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome 10.152.423.000FL A 220, flexible connection hoses 1'483.10 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Swivel spout 360° KWC cartridge M 35 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome 10.153.423.000FL A 220, flexible connection hoses 1'606.50 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Swivel spout 360° KWC cartridge M 35 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ ø30 ø55 A 175 all chrome 607.50 A 225 all chrome 677.10 7ULPNLW/HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Fixed spout KWC cartridge M 35 To be ordered separately: – 8QLWIRUFRQFHDOHGLQVWDOODWLRQ 144.50 39.151.400.931 &RQFHDOHGXQLW Concealed unit wall two hole &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG Suitable for: – KWC ONO Z.536.060.000 all chrome 259.90 Z.536.060.700 stainless steel 346.30 6RDSGLVSHQVHUV Soap dispenser KWC ONO 18 www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included KWC ONO touch light PRO KWC-No. Finish all chrome 10.651.022.000FL A 220, flexible connection hoses, mains receiver Price € 2'047.00 .LWFKHQZLWK/('WHFKQRORJ\ Electronic controlled Swivel spout 360° touch light PRO control unit, maintenance-free )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome 10.651.122.000FL A 220, flexible connection hoses, mains receiver 2'563.00 .LWFKHQZLWK/('WHFKQRORJ\ Electronic controlled Swivel spout 360° touch light PRO control unit, maintenance-free )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome 10.652.012.000FL A 220, flexible connection hoses, mains receiver 1'964.00 .LWFKHQZLWK/('WHFKQRORJ\ Electronic controlled Swivel spout 360° touch light PRO control unit, maintenance-free )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome 10.653.112.000FL A 220, flexible connection hoses, mains receiver 3'304.00 .LWFKHQZLWK/('WHFKQRORJ\ Electronic controlled Swivel spout 360° touch light PRO control unit, maintenance-free )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome 10.651.032.000FL A 220, flexible connection hoses, mains receiver 2'026.00 .LWFKHQZLWK/('WHFKQRORJ\ Electronic controlled Swivel spout 360° touch light PRO control unit, maintenance-free )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ To be ordered separately: – Rough in for operating unit Z.636.183 all chrome 10.652.132.000FL A 220, flexible connection hoses, mains receiver 2'856.00 .LWFKHQZLWK/('WHFKQRORJ\ Electronic controlled Swivel spout 360° touch light PRO control unit, maintenance-free )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ To be ordered separately: – Rough in for operating unit Z.636.183 www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included KWC ONO touch light PRO KWC-No. Finish Price € 11.654.003.000 A 175, mains receiver all chrome 1'791.00 11.654.004.000 A 225, mains receiver all chrome 1'810.00 7ULPNLW.LWFKHQZLWK/('WHFKQRORJ\ Electronic controlled Fixed spout touch light PRO control unit, maintenance-free &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG To be ordered separately: – 8QLWIRUFRQFHDOHGLQVWDOODWLRQ 103.20 39.004.500.931 &RQFHDOHGXQLW Concealed unit wall two hole Z.536.351.000 mains receiver all chrome 1'166.30 $FFHVVRULHV$FFHVVRULHVZLWK/('WHFKQRORJ\ KWC ONO touch light PRO wireless operating unit, with charging station 10.20 Z.636.183 &RQFHDOHGXQLW Rough in for touch light PRO operating unit, plastic 20 www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included KWC EVE KWC-No. Finish Price € all chrome A 190, flexible connection hoses 579.30 stainless steel A 190, flexible connection hoses 720.50 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Pull-out aerator covered KWC cartridge M 35 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome A 225, flexible connection hoses 579.30 stainless steel A 225, flexible connection hoses 720.50 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Pull-out aerator covered KWC cartridge M 35 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome A 190, flexible connection hoses, mains receiver 777.00 stainless steel A 190, flexible connection hoses, mains receiver 918.30 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQZLWK/80,1$48$/('WHFKQRORJ\ Lever mixer Pull-out aerator covered KWC cartridge M 35 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome A 225, flexible connection hoses, mains receiver 777.00 stainless steel A 225, flexible connection hoses, mains receiver 918.30 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQZLWK/80,1$48$/('WHFKQRORJ\ Lever mixer Pull-out aerator covered KWC cartridge M 35 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ glacier white A 225, flexible connection hoses, mains receiver 918.30 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQZLWK/80,1$48$/('WHFKQRORJ\ Lever mixer Pull-out aerator covered KWC cartridge M 35 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ black chrome-plated A 225, flexible connection hoses, mains receiver 918.30 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQZLWK/80,1$48$/('WHFKQRORJ\ Lever mixer Pull-out aerator covered KWC cartridge M 35 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included 21 KWC EVE KWC-No. Finish Price € Z.536.063.000 all chrome 259.90 Z.536.063.700 stainless steel 346.30 glacier white 346.30 black chrome-plated 346.30 6RDSGLVSHQVHUV Soap dispenser KWC EVE Z.536.063.150 6RDSGLVSHQVHUV Soap dispenser KWC EVE Z.536.063.151 6RDSGLVSHQVHUV Soap dispenser KWC EVE 22 www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included KWC INOX KWC-No. Finish stainless steel A 225, flexible connection hoses Price € 588.80 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Swivel spout 160° .:&FDUWULGJH/XQLYHUVDO )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ stainless steel A 230, flexible connection hoses 702.80 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Pull-out aerator .:&FDUWULGJH/XQLYHUVDO )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ stainless steel 10.271.303.700FL A 230, flexible connection hoses 792.20 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Pull-out aerator .:&FDUWULGJH/XQLYHUVDO )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ stainless steel A 235, flexible connection hoses 770.50 stainless steel/matte black A 235, flexible connection hoses 656.40 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Pull-out spray with KWC JETCLEAN .:&FDUWULGJH/XQLYHUVDO )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ stainless steel A 200, flexible connection hoses, mains receiver 1'297.30 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQZLWK/80,1$48$/('WHFKQRORJ\ Lever mixer Pull-out aerator covered .:&FDUWULGJH/XQLYHUVDO )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ Z.536.062.700 stainless steel 317.50 6RDSGLVSHQVHUV Soap dispenser KWC INOX www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included 23 KWC SIN KWC-No. Finish all chrome A 200, flexible connection hoses Price € 366.30 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Swivel spout 160° KWC cartridge S 25 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome A 200, flexible connection hoses 438.90 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Pull-out aerator covered KWC cartridge S 25 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome A 200, flexible connection hoses 482.90 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Spray 360° turn KWC cartridge S 25 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome 10.261.432.000FL A 200, flexible connection hoses 570.90 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Spray 360° turn KWC cartridge S 25 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ Z.536.332.000 all chrome 248.60 6RDSGLVSHQVHUV Soap dispenser KWC SIN 24 www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included KWC LUNA KWC-No. Finish Price € all chrome A 230, flexible connection hoses 190.90 decor steel A 230, flexible connection hoses 282.40 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Swivel spout 160° KWC cartridge M 35 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHƌ all chrome A 220, flexible connection hoses 265.60 decor steel A 220, flexible connection hoses 353.00 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Pull-out spray with KWC JETCLEAN KWC cartridge M 35 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome A 230, flexible connection hoses 310.80 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQGHWDFKDEOH Lever mixer Swivel spout 160° KWC cartridge M 35 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHƌ all chrome A 220, flexible connection hoses 383.40 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQGHWDFKDEOH Lever mixer Pull-out spray with KWC JETCLEAN KWC cartridge M 35 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ A 230, copper tubes all chrome 266.40 A 230, copper tubes decor steel 310.70 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ/RZSUHVVXUH Lever mixer Swivel spout 160° KWC cartridge M 35 Copper tubes ø8 mm A 220, copper tubes all chrome 387.30 A 220, copper tubes decor steel 448.50 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ/RZSUHVVXUH Lever mixer Pull-out spray with KWC JETCLEAN KWC cartridge M 35 Copper tubes ø8 mm www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included 25 KWC LUNA KWC-No. Finish all chrome A 230, flexible connection hoses Price € 323.30 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ,QWHJUDWHGVKXWRIIYDOYH Lever mixer Swivel spout 140° KWC cartridge M 35 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ 26 www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included KWC DOMO KWC-No. Finish all chrome A 225, L 390, flexible connection hoses Price € 286.00 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Swivel spout 160° .:&FDUWULGJH/XQLYHUVDO )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome A 230, L 375, flexible connection hoses 402.40 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Pull-out spray with KWC JETCLEAN .:&FDUWULGJH/XQLYHUVDO )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome A 225, flexible connection hoses 384.40 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQGHWDFKDEOH Lever mixer Swivel spout 160° .:&FDUWULGJH/XQLYHUVDO )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome A 230, flexible connection hoses 500.90 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQGHWDFKDEOH Lever mixer Pull-out spray with KWC JETCLEAN .:&FDUWULGJH/XQLYHUVDO )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome A 235, flexible connection hoses 401.10 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Pull-out spray with KWC JETCLEAN .:&FDUWULGJH/XQLYHUVDO )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome A 250, flexible connection hoses 445.10 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Spray - magnetic tight-fit holder .:&FDUWULGJH/XQLYHUVDO )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included 27 KWC DOMO KWC-No. Finish Price € AD 153 +/- 8 mm, A 175 all chrome 370.60 AD 153 +/- 8 mm, A 225 all chrome 370.60 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ%DVLQ Lever mixer 6ZLYHOVSRXW .:&FDUWULGJH/XQLYHUVDO :DOOFRQQHFWLRQV[ZLWKRXWVKXWRIIYDOYH/HFFHQWULF 4 mm 28 www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included KWC VITA PRO KWC-No. Finish all chrome A 225, flexible connection hoses Price € 314.90 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Swivel spout 160° .:&FDUWULGJHZLWKVDIHW\GHYLFH/XQLYHUVDO )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHƌ all chrome A 225, flexible connection hoses, with long lever 314.90 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Swivel spout 160° .:&FDUWULGJHZLWKVDIHW\GHYLFH/XQLYHUVDO )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHƌ all chrome A 230, flexible connection hoses 442.60 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Pull-out spray with KWC JETCLEAN .:&FDUWULGJHZLWKVDIHW\GHYLFH/XQLYHUVDO )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome A 230, flexible connection hoses, with long lever 442.60 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Pull-out spray with KWC JETCLEAN .:&FDUWULGJHZLWKVDIHW\GHYLFH/XQLYHUVDO )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included KWC USO KWC-No. Finish Price € stainless steel 1'187.20 12.661.403.700FL A 155, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve, battery stainless steel 1'270.00 12.661.413.700FL A 155, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve, mains receiver $XWRPDWLFORZFRQWDFW%DVLQZLWK/80,1$48$ /('WHFKQRORJ\ Automatic Fixed spout Valve unit )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ polished stainless steel 1'214.80 12.661.403.750FL A 155, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve, battery polished stainless steel 1'297.60 12.661.413.750FL A 155, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve, mains receiver $XWRPDWLFORZFRQWDFW%DVLQZLWK/80,1$48$ /('WHFKQRORJ\ Automatic Fixed spout Valve unit )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ 30 www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included KWC BLISS KWC-No. Finish all chrome A 230, flexible connection hoses Price € 208.70 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Swivel spout 360° KWC cartridge M 35 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome A 230, flexible connection hoses, with long lever 217.20 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Swivel spout 360° KWC cartridge M 35 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome A 235, flexible connection hoses 297.10 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Pull-out spray with KWC JETCLEAN KWC cartridge M 35 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome A 235, flexible connection hoses, with long lever 305.80 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Pull-out spray with KWC JETCLEAN KWC cartridge M 35 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ A 230, copper tubes all chrome 294.40 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ/RZSUHVVXUH Lever mixer Swivel spout 360° KWC cartridge M 35 Copper tubes ø8 mm A 235, copper tubes all chrome 427.10 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ/RZSUHVVXUH Lever mixer Pull-out spray with KWC JETCLEAN KWC cartridge M 35 Copper tubes ø8 mm www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included 31 KWC ORCINO KWC-No. Finish all chrome A 225, flexible connection hoses Price € 332.00 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Swivel spout 160° .:&FDUWULGJH/XQLYHUVDO )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome A 225, flexible connection hoses, with long lever 345.30 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Swivel spout 160° .:&FDUWULGJH/XQLYHUVDO )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome A 225, flexible connection hoses 464.80 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Pull-out spray with KWC JETCLEAN .:&FDUWULGJH/XQLYHUVDO )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome A 225, flexible connection hoses, with long lever 478.00 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Pull-out spray with KWC JETCLEAN .:&FDUWULGJH/XQLYHUVDO )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ 32 www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included KWC STAR KWC-No. Finish K. A 225, copper tubes all chrome Price € 233.10 7ZRKDQGOHPL[HU.LWFKHQ Two-handle mixer Swivel spout 160° Flat valves M20 x 1.25 Copper tubes ø10 mm K. A 225, copper tubes all chrome 358.60 7ZRKDQGOHPL[HU.LWFKHQ Two-handle mixer Pull-out spray with KWC JETCLEAN Flat valves M20 x 1.25 Copper tubes ø10 mm K. AD 153 +/- 8 mm, A 125 all chrome 198.20 7ZRKDQGOHPL[HU.LWFKHQ%DVLQ Two-handle mixer Fixed spout Flat valves M20 x 1.25 :DOOFRQQHFWLRQV[ZLWKRXWVKXWRIIYDOYH/HFFHQWULF 4 mm www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included 33 KWC SYSTEMA KWC-No. Finish Price € 10.501.042.000 A 200, copper tubes all chrome 682.60 10.501.042.700 A 200, copper tubes stainless steel 836.70 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Pull-out aerator .:&FDUWULGJH/XQLYHUVDO Copper tubes ø10 mm 10.501.102.000 A 200, copper tubes all chrome 10.501.102.700 A 200, copper tubes stainless steel 792.30 1'002.10 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Pull-out aerator .:&FDUWULGJH/XQLYHUVDO Copper tubes ø10 mm stainless steel/matte black 10.501.003.736 A 215, B 239, C 295, copper tubes 836.70 stainless steel/matte black 10.501.004.736 A 260, B 251, C 309, copper tubes 836.70 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Pull-out spray with KWC JETCLEAN .:&FDUWULGJH/XQLYHUVDO Copper tubes ø10 mm stainless steel/matte black 10.501.163.736 A 215, B 339, C 395, copper tubes 1'002.10 stainless steel/matte black 10.501.164.736 A 260, B 351, C 408, copper tubes 1'002.10 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Pull-out spray with KWC JETCLEAN .:&FDUWULGJH/XQLYHUVDO Copper tubes ø10 mm 10.501.134.000 A 300, copper tubes all chrome 1'219.00 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Hose guide, swivelling 160° .:&FDUWULGJH/XQLYHUVDO Copper tubes ø10 mm 10.501.154.000 A 300, copper tubes all chrome 1'323.10 10.501.144.000 A 300, copper tubes all chrome 1'256.00 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ Lever mixer Swivel spout 180° .:&FDUWULGJH/XQLYHUVDO Copper tubes ø10 mm 34 www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included KWC Soap and lotion dispensers KWC-No. Finish Price € Z.536.586.000 all chrome 315.00 Z.536.586.127 decor steel 399.00 Z.536.159.000 all chrome 202.10 Z.536.159.127 decor steel 269.50 Z.536.060.000 all chrome 259.90 Z.536.060.700 stainless steel 346.30 Z.536.063.000 all chrome 259.90 Z.536.063.700 stainless steel 346.30 glacier white 346.30 black chrome-plated 346.30 6RDSGLVSHQVHUV Soap dispenser KWC ZOE 6RDSGLVSHQVHUV Soap dispenser KWC AVA 6RDSGLVSHQVHUV Soap dispenser KWC ONO 6RDSGLVSHQVHUV Soap dispenser KWC EVE Z.536.063.150 6RDSGLVSHQVHUV Soap dispenser KWC EVE Z.536.063.151 6RDSGLVSHQVHUV Soap dispenser KWC EVE www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included 35 KWC Soap and lotion dispensers KWC-No. Finish Price € Z.536.062.700 stainless steel 317.50 all chrome 248.60 all chrome 144.50 6RDSGLVSHQVHUV Soap dispenser KWC INOX Z.536.332.000 6RDSGLVSHQVHUV Soap dispenser KWC SIN Z.536.109.000 6RDSGLVSHQVHUV Soap dispenser KWC PRIMO 36 www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included KWC Accessories KWC-No. Finish Price € Z.536.576.000 all chrome 26.40 6KXWRIIYDOYHZLWKILOWHU &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG Compression fitting length compensation for copper tube www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included 37 KWC (aucets for the commercial kitchen Faucets for the commercial kitchen KWC GASTRO 40 39 KWC *ASTRO KWC-No. Finish K. A 300 all chrome Price € 285.30 7ZRKDQGOHPL[HU&RPPHUFLDONLWFKHQ Two-handle mixer Swivel spout 160° Flat valves M20 x 1.25 Copper tubes ø10 mm K. A 300 all chrome 404.00 K. A 350 all chrome 425.60 7ZRKDQGOHPL[HU&RPPHUFLDONLWFKHQ Two-handle mixer Swivel spout 360° Flat valves M20 x 1.25 Copper tubes ø15 mm K.24.41.A2.000C07 A 300, B 300, C 394 all chrome 425.60 7ZRKDQGOHPL[HU&RPPHUFLDONLWFKHQ Two-handle mixer Swivel spout 360° Flat valves M20 x 1.25 Copper tubes ø15 mm K. A 300 all chrome 576.50 K. A 450 all chrome 593.30 7ZRKDQGOHPL[HU&RPPHUFLDONLWFKHQ Two-handle mixer Swivel spout 360° Flat valves M20 x 1.25 Copper tubes ø15 mm K. A 300 all chrome 638.20 K. A 450 all chrome 652.10 7ZRKDQGOHPL[HU&RPPHUFLDONLWFKHQ Two-handle mixer Swivel spout 360° Flat valves M20 x 1.25 Copper tubes ø15 mm K. AD 153 +/- 15 mm, A 300 all chrome 390.30 K. AD 153 +/- 15 mm, A 450 all chrome 407.10 7ZRKDQGOHPL[HU&RPPHUFLDONLWFKHQ Two-handle mixer Swivel spout Flat valves M20 x 1.25 :DOOFRQQHFWLRQV[ZLWKRXWVKXWRIIYDOYH/HFFHQWULF 7.5 mm 40 www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included KWC *ASTRO KWC-No. Finish K. AD 153, A 300 all chrome Price € 461.00 7ZRKDQGOHPL[HU&RPPHUFLDONLWFKHQ Two-handle mixer Swivel spout Flat valves M20 x 1.25 :DOOFRQQHFWLRQV[ZLWKRXWVKXWRIIYDOYH/ K. AD 153 +/- 15 mm, A 300 all chrome 407.10 7ZRKDQGOHPL[HU&RPPHUFLDONLWFKHQ Two-handle mixer Swivel spout Flat valves M20 x 1.25 :DOOFRQQHFWLRQV[ZLWKRXWVKXWRIIYDOYH/HFFHQWULF 7.5 mm K. AD 153 +/- 15 mm, * all chrome 354.50 all chrome K. AD 153 +/- 15 mm, * x DN 20 537.90 7ZRKDQGOHPL[HU&RPPHUFLDONLWFKHQ Two-handle mixer Threaded outlet for hose connection Flat valves M20 x 1.25 :DOOFRQQHFWLRQV[ZLWKRXWVKXWRIIYDOYH/HFFHQWULF 7.5 mm K. AD 153, A 300, B 252, C 345 all chrome 407.10 K. AD 153, A 300, B 356, C 449 all chrome 425.60 7ZRKDQGOHPL[HU&RPPHUFLDONLWFKHQ Two-handle mixer Swivel spout 360° Flat valves M20 x 1.25 3LOODUFRQQHFWLRQV[/ K.24.42.E1.000C35 AD 153, A 300, B 210, C 305 all chrome 350.10 K.24.42.E2.000C35 AD 153, A 300, B 315, C 410 all chrome 367.10 7ZRKDQGOHPL[HU&RPPHUFLDONLWFKHQ Two-handle mixer Swivel spout 360° Flat valves M20 x 1.25 &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG K.24.42.K1.000C34 AD 153, A 250, B 215, C 297 all chrome 308.40 K.24.42.K3.000C34 AD 153, A 250, B 310, C 392 all chrome 308.40 K.24.42.K5.000C34 AD 153, A 350, B 215, C 297 all chrome 311.50 7ZRKDQGOHPL[HU&RPPHUFLDONLWFKHQ Swivel spout 180° Flat valves M20 x 1.25 &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included 41 KWC *ASTRO KWC-No. Finish K. all chrome Price € 707.50 7ZRKDQGOHPL[HU&RPPHUFLDONLWFKHQ Two-handle mixer Pre-rinse spray Flat valves M20 x 1.25 Copper tubes ø10 mm K. A 180 all chrome 841.60 7ZRKDQGOHPL[HU&RPPHUFLDONLWFKHQ Two-handle mixer Swivel spout 180° Flat valves M20 x 1.25 Copper tubes ø10 mm K. all chrome 593.30 9HUWLFDOVKXWRIIYDOYH&RPPHUFLDONLWFKHQ Vertical shut-off valve Pre-rinse spray Flat valves M20 x 1.25 &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG K. AD 153 +/- 8 mm all chrome 707.50 7ZRKDQGOHPL[HU&RPPHUFLDONLWFKHQ Two-handle mixer Pre-rinse spray Flat valves M20 x 1.25 :DOOFRQQHFWLRQV[ZLWKRXWVKXWRIIYDOYH/HFFHQWULF 4 mm K. AD 153 +/- 8 mm, A 300 all chrome 864.60 7ZRKDQGOHPL[HU&RPPHUFLDONLWFKHQ Two-handle mixer Swivel spout 180° Flat valves M20 x 1.25 :DOOFRQQHFWLRQV[ZLWKRXWVKXWRIIYDOYH/HFFHQWULF 4 mm K. all chrome 570.30 :DOOPRXQWHGYDOYH&RPPHUFLDONLWFKHQ Wall mounted valve Pre-rinse spray Flat valves M20 x 1.25 &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG 42 www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included KWC *ASTRO KWC-No. Finish K. AD 153 all chrome Price € 707.50 7ZRKDQGOHPL[HU&RPPHUFLDONLWFKHQ Two-handle mixer Pre-rinse spray Flat valves M20 x 1.25 3LOODUFRQQHFWLRQV[/ K. AD 153, A 300 all chrome 864.60 7ZRKDQGOHPL[HU&RPPHUFLDONLWFKHQ Two-handle mixer Swivel spout 180° Flat valves M20 x 1.25 3LOODUFRQQHFWLRQV[/ K. AD 153, A 180 all chrome 927.10 7ZRKDQGOHPL[HU&RPPHUFLDONLWFKHQ Two-handle mixer Swivel spout 180° Flat valves M20 x 1.25 3LOODUFRQQHFWLRQV[/ 24.501.064.000 A 300 all chrome 639.50 24.501.066.000 A 450 all chrome 658.00 /HYHUPL[HU&RPPHUFLDONLWFKHQ Lever mixer Swivel spout 360° KWC cartridge XL 46 - high capacity Copper tubes ø15 mm 24.501.044.000 A 300 all chrome 452.00 24.501.046.000 A 450 all chrome 461.00 /HYHUPL[HU&RPPHUFLDONLWFKHQ Lever mixer Swivel spout 360° KWC cartridge XL 46 - high capacity Copper tubes ø15 mm 24.501.054.000 A 300 all chrome 565.70 24.501.056.000 A 450 all chrome 575.10 /HYHUPL[HU&RPPHUFLDONLWFKHQ Lever mixer Swivel spout 360° KWC cartridge XL 46 - high capacity Copper tubes ø15 mm www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included 43 KWC *ASTRO KWC-No. Finish 24.503.174.000 AD 153, A 300 all chrome Price € 459.50 /HYHUPL[HU&RPPHUFLDONLWFKHQ Lever mixer Swivel spout 360° KWC cartridge XL 46 - high capacity 3LOODUFRQQHFWLRQV[/ 24.503.184.000 AD 153, A 300 all chrome 473.20 /HYHUPL[HU&RPPHUFLDONLWFKHQ Lever mixer Swivel spout 360° KWC cartridge XL 46 - high capacity 3LOODUFRQQHFWLRQV[/ 24.502.194.000 AD 153 +/- 15 mm, A 300 all chrome 459.50 24.502.196.000 AD 153 +/- 15 mm, A 450 all chrome 473.20 /HYHUPL[HU&RPPHUFLDONLWFKHQ Lever mixer Swivel spout KWC cartridge XL 46 - high capacity :DOOFRQQHFWLRQV[ZLWKRXWVKXWRIIYDOYH/HFFHQWULF 7.5 mm 24.501.130.000 all chrome 783.10 /HYHUPL[HU&RPPHUFLDONLWFKHQ Lever mixer Pre-rinse spray KWC cartridge XL 46 - high capacity Copper tubes ø15 mm 24.501.144.000 A 200, B 270 all chrome 924.50 24.501.146.000 A 300, B 370 all chrome 950.80 /HYHUPL[HU&RPPHUFLDONLWFKHQ Lever mixer Swivel spout 160° KWC cartridge XL 46 - high capacity Copper tubes ø15 mm 24.503.114.000 AD 153, A 200, B 270 all chrome 938.40 /HYHUPL[HU&RPPHUFLDONLWFKHQ Lever mixer Swivel spout 160° KWC cartridge XL 46 - high capacity 3LOODUFRQQHFWLRQV[/ 44 www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included KWC *ASTRO KWC-No. Finish Price € 24.503.124.000 AD 153, A 200, B 270 all chrome 949.40 24.503.126.000 AD 153, A 300, B 370 all chrome 1'003.40 /HYHUPL[HU&RPPHUFLDONLWFKHQ Lever mixer Swivel spout 160° KWC cartridge XL 46 - high capacity 3LOODUFRQQHFWLRQV[/ all chrome 24.502.164.000 AD 153 +/- 8 mm, A 200, B 270 949.40 all chrome 24.502.166.000 AD 153 +/- 8 mm, A 300, B 370 1'003.40 /HYHUPL[HU&RPPHUFLDONLWFKHQ Lever mixer Swivel spout 160° KWC cartridge XL 46 - high capacity :DOOFRQQHFWLRQV[ZLWKRXWVKXWRIIYDOYH/HFFHQWULF 4 mm 24.501.103.000LLFL A 225, B 184, with long lever all chrome 400.80 24.501.104.000LLFL A 300, B 207, with long lever all chrome 434.70 /HYHUPL[HU&RPPHUFLDONLWFKHQ Lever mixer Swivel spout 160° .:&FDUWULGJH/XQLYHUVDO )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome .% AD 150 +/- 15 mm, A 300, B 60, with long lever 623.00 all chrome .% AD 150 +/- 15 mm, A 400, B 35, with long lever 623.00 /HYHUPL[HU&RPPHUFLDONLWFKHQ Lever mixer Swivel spout 120° .:&FDUWULGJH/XQLYHUVDO :DOOFRQQHFWLRQV[ZLWKVKXWRIIYDOYH/HFFHQWULF 7.5 mm all chrome .% AD 150, A 300, B 200, with long lever 752.70 all chrome .% AD 150, A 400, B 227, with long lever 778.90 /HYHUPL[HU&RPPHUFLDONLWFKHQ Lever mixer Swivel spout 120° .:&FDUWULGJH/XQLYHUVDO 3LOODUFRQQHFWLRQV[/ www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included 45 KWC *ASTRO KWC-No. Finish Price € K. A 300 all chrome 289.30 K. A 450 all chrome 305.60 &RPPHUFLDONLWFKHQ:DOOPRXQWHGYDOYH Wall mounted valve Swivel spout Flat valves M20 x 1.25 &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG K. * all chrome 154.30 7ZRKDQGOHPL[HU&RPPHUFLDONLWFKHQ Shut-off valve Flat valves M25 x 1.25 &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG Z.536.530.145 graphite gray 203.30 stainless steel 123.00 3UHULQVHVSUD\ &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG Z.502.844.700 L 1075 6KRZHUKRVHIRUSUHULQVHVSUD\ &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG Z.502.868.700 L 1275 stainless steel 143.00 6KRZHUKRVHIRUSUHULQVHVSUD\ &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG Z.502.846.700 L 875 stainless steel 123.00 6KRZHUKRVHIRUSUHULQVHVSUD\ &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG 46 www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included KWC *ASTRO KWC-No. Finish Z.502.869.700 L 1500 stainless steel Price € 163.00 6KRZHUKRVHIRUSUHULQVHVSUD\ &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG Z.502.845.700 L 2045 stainless steel 191.50 6KRZHUKRVHIRUSUHULQVHVSUD\ &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG Suitable for: – KWC GASTRO – KWC SYSTEMA www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included 47 KWC (aucets for the bath Faucets for the bath KWC AVA 50 KWC ONO 55 KWC ONO touch light PRO 61 KWC DOMO 64 KWC VITA 68 KWC VITA PRO 70 KWC USO 73 KWC Vertical shut-off valve 74 KWC VAROX 75 KWC Accessories 76 49 KWC AVA KWC-No. Finish Price € all chrome A 110, flexible connection hoses, with pop-up valve 290.60 all chrome A 110, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve 248.60 /HYHUPL[HU%DVLQ Lever mixer Fixed spout KWC cartridge S 25 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome A 110, flexible connection hoses, with pop-up valve 290.60 all chrome A 110, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve 248.60 /HYHUPL[HU%DVLQ Lever mixer Fixed spout KWC cartridge S 25 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome A 110, flexible connection hoses, with pop-up valve 290.60 all chrome A 110, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve 248.60 /HYHUPL[HU%DVLQ&22/),; Lever mixer Fixed spout KWC cartridge S 25 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome A 125, flexible connection hoses, with pop-up valve 303.80 all chrome A 125, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve 263.00 /HYHUPL[HU%DVLQ Lever mixer Fixed spout KWC cartridge S 25 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome A 125, flexible connection hoses, with pop-up valve 303.80 all chrome A 125, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve 263.00 /HYHUPL[HU%DVLQ Lever mixer Fixed spout KWC cartridge S 25 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome A 125, flexible connection hoses, with pop-up valve 303.80 all chrome A 125, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve 263.00 /HYHUPL[HU%DVLQ&22/),; Lever mixer Fixed spout KWC cartridge S 25 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ 50 www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included KWC AVA KWC-No. Finish Price € all chrome 12.191.393.000FL A 150, flexible connection hoses, with pop-up valve 497.00 all chrome A 150, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve 456.20 /HYHUPL[HU%DVLQ Lever mixer Fixed spout KWC cartridge S 25 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome A 135, flexible connection hoses, with pop-up valve 473.80 all chrome A 135, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve 439.00 /HYHUPL[HU%DVLQ Lever mixer Swivel spout 180° KWC cartridge S 25 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome A 135, flexible connection hoses, with pop-up valve 473.80 all chrome A 135, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve 439.00 /HYHUPL[HU%DVLQ Lever mixer Swivel spout 180° KWC cartridge S 25 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ ø30 ø55 A 175 all chrome 373.30 A 225 all chrome 414.30 7ULPNLW/HYHUPL[HU%DVLQ Lever mixer Fixed spout KWC cartridge S 25 To be ordered separately: – 8QLWIRUFRQFHDOHGLQVWDOODWLRQ 39.193.400.931 144.50 &RQFHDOHGXQLW Concealed unit wall two hole &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG Suitable for: – KWC AVA all chrome A 110, flexible connection hoses, with pop-up valve 303.80 /HYHUPL[HU%LGHW Lever mixer Fixed spout KWC cartridge S 25 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included 51 KWC AVA KWC-No. Finish all chrome 20.192.440.000 AD 150 +/- 15 mm, without hand shower and hose Price € 414.30 /HYHUPL[HU7XE Lever mixer Rotatable spout 45° KWC cartridge M 35 &RQFHDOHGZDOOFRQQHFWLRQV[ZLWKRXWVKXWRIIYDOYH/ eccentric 7.5 mm all chrome 21.192.330.000 AD 150 +/- 15 mm, without hand shower and hose 345.80 /HYHUPL[HU6KRZHU Lever mixer KWC cartridge S 25 &RQFHDOHGZDOOFRQQHFWLRQV[ZLWKRXWVKXWRIIYDOYH/ eccentric 7.5 mm all chrome 21.192.950.000 AD 150 +/- 15 mm, without hand shower and hose 347.90 /HYHUPL[HU6KRZHU Lever mixer KWC cartridge M 35 &RQFHDOHGZDOOFRQQHFWLRQV[ZLWKRXWVKXWRIIYDOYH/ eccentric 7.5 mm all chrome 20.192.503.000 AD 150 +/- 15 mm, A 190, without hand shower and hose 494.90 7KHUPRVWDW7XE Thermostat Fixed spout Thermostatic precision control unit &RQFHDOHGZDOOFRQQHFWLRQV[ZLWKRXWVKXWRIIYDOYH/ eccentric 7.5 mm all chrome 21.192.500.000 AD 150 +/- 15 mm, without hand shower and hose 410.70 7KHUPRVWDW6KRZHU Thermostat Thermostatic precision control unit &RQFHDOHGZDOOFRQQHFWLRQV[ZLWKRXWVKXWRIIYDOYH/ eccentric 7.5 mm all chrome AD 150 +/- 15 mm, A 300, with hand shower and hose 1'526.50 114 7KHUPRVWDW6KRZHUV\VWHP Shower system KWC AVA Thermostatic precision control unit &RQFHDOHGZDOOFRQQHFWLRQV[ZLWKRXWVKXWRIIYDOYH/ eccentric 7.5 mm 52 www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included KWC AVA KWC-No. Finish Price € 20.194.580.000 all chrome 353.50 20.194.590.000 all chrome 395.40 7ULPNLW/HYHUPL[HU7XE Trim kit with function unit KWC cartridge M 35 To be ordered separately: – 8QLWIRUFRQFHDOHGLQVWDOODWLRQ.:&9$52; with shut-off valves 21.194.580.000 all chrome 290.60 7ULPNLW/HYHUPL[HU6KRZHU Trim kit with function unit KWC cartridge M 35 To be ordered separately: – 8QLWIRUFRQFHDOHGLQVWDOODWLRQ.:&9$52; with shut-off valves 20.194.480.000 all chrome 456.20 7ULPNLW7KHUPRVWDW7XE Trim kit with thermostatic function unit To be ordered separately: – 8QLWIRUFRQFHDOHGLQVWDOODWLRQ.:&9$52; with shut-off valves 21.194.480.000 all chrome 373.30 7ULPNLW7KHUPRVWDW6KRZHU Trim kit with thermostatic function unit To be ordered separately: – 8QLWIRUFRQFHDOHGLQVWDOODWLRQ.:&9$52; with shut-off valves 21.194.600.000 all chrome 473.80 7ULPNLW7KHUPRVWDW6KRZHU Trim kit with thermostatic function unit To be ordered separately: – 8QLWIRUFRQFHDOHGLQVWDOODWLRQ.:&9$52; with shut-off valves 39.999.300.931 185.30 &RQFHDOHGXQLW Concealed unit compact &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDGVWRSSHULQFOLQGHOLYHU\ www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included 53 KWC AVA KWC-No. Finish all chrome Price € 145.40 7ULPNLW6KXWRIIYDOYH$FFHVVRULHV Trim kit To be ordered separately: – 8QLWIRUFRQFHDOHGLQVWDOODWLRQRU . K. * 124.90 K.38.H3.70.931A35 * 144.50 &RQFHDOHGXQLW6KXWRIIYDOYH Concealed unit for shut-off valve 39.990.011.931 * 202.10 &RQFHDOHGXQLW0XOWLSRUWGLYHUWHU Concealed unit for multiport shut-off valve &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG 202.10 39.990.010.931 * &RQFHDOHGXQLW0XOWLSRUWGLYHUWHU Concealed unit for multiport diverter &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG A 200 all chrome 202.10 %DWKWXEVSRXW Bathtub spout Fixed spout &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG Suitable for: – KWC AVA 54 www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included KWC ONO KWC-No. Finish Price € all chrome A 125, flexible connection hoses, with pop-up valve 433.10 all chrome A 125, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve 393.30 /HYHUPL[HU%DVLQ Lever mixer Fixed spout KWC cartridge M 35 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome 773.00 12.151.342.000FL A 125, flexible connection hoses, with pop-up valve, mains receiver all chrome 732.20 12.151.332.000FL A 125, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve, mains receiver /HYHUPL[HU%DVLQZLWK/('WHFKQRORJ\ Lever mixer Fixed spout KWC light pin unit with ceramic discs )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome 12.151.432.000FL A 125, flexible connection hoses, with pop-up valve, battery 1'159.60 all chrome 1'104.40 12.151.402.000FL A 125, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve, battery $XWRPDWLFORZFRQWDFW%DVLQZLWK/('WHFKQRORJ\ Automatic Fixed spout Valve unit )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome 1'242.50 12.151.442.000FL A 125, flexible connection hoses, with pop-up valve, mains receiver all chrome 12.151.412.000FL 1'187.20 A 125, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve, mains receiver $XWRPDWLFORZFRQWDFW%DVLQZLWK/('WHFKQRORJ\ Automatic Fixed spout Valve unit )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome 12.151.452.000FL 1'325.20 A 125, flexible connection hoses, with pop-up valve, power supply for concealed installation all chrome 1'270.00 12.151.422.000FL A 125, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve, power supply for concealed installation $XWRPDWLFORZFRQWDFW%DVLQZLWK/('WHFKQRORJ\ Automatic Fixed spout Valve unit )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome 12.151.462.000FL A 125, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve, battery 911.10 all chrome 993.90 12.151.472.000FL A 125, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve, mains receiver all chrome 1'076.80 12.151.482.000FL A 125, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve, power supply /HYHUPL[HU$XWRPDWLFQRQFRQWDFW%DVLQ Automatic Fixed spout Valve unit )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included 55 KWC ONO KWC-No. Finish Price € all chrome 12.151.393.000FL A 155, flexible connection hoses, with pop-up valve 566.70 all chrome A 155, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve 522.40 /HYHUPL[HU%DVLQ Lever mixer Fixed spout KWC cartridge M 35 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome A 170, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve 629.60 /HYHUPL[HU%DVLQ Lever mixer Fixed spout KWC cartridge M 35 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ ø30 ø55 A 175 all chrome 607.50 A 225 all chrome 677.10 7ULPNLW/HYHUPL[HU%DVLQ Lever mixer Fixed spout KWC cartridge M 35 To be ordered separately: – 8QLWIRUFRQFHDOHGLQVWDOODWLRQ 144.50 39.151.400.931 &RQFHDOHGXQLW Concealed unit wall two hole &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG Suitable for: – KWC ONO all chrome A 115, flexible connection hoses, with pop-up valve 468.30 /HYHUPL[HU%LGHW Lever mixer Fixed spout KWC cartridge M 35 )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ 56 www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included KWC ONO KWC-No. Finish Price € all chrome 20.152.422.000 AD 153 +/- 15 mm, A 135, with hand shower and hose 688.10 all chrome 20.152.442.000 AD 153 +/- 15 mm, A 135, without hand shower and hose 672.70 /HYHUPL[HU7XE Lever mixer Rotatable spout 60° KWC cartridge L 40 6VKDSHGFRQQHFWLRQVFRYHUHG all chrome AD 153 +/- 15 mm, with hand shower and hose 620.70 all chrome 21.152.330.000 AD 153 +/- 15 mm, without hand shower and hose 605.30 /HYHUPL[HU6KRZHU Lever mixer KWC cartridge L 40 6VKDSHGFRQQHFWLRQVFRYHUHG all chrome 20.152.503.000 AD 150 +/- 15 mm, A 190, without hand shower and hose 619.10 7KHUPRVWDW7XE Thermostat Fixed spout Thermostatic precision control unit &RQFHDOHGZDOOFRQQHFWLRQV[ZLWKRXWVKXWRIIYDOYH/ eccentric 7.5 mm all chrome 21.152.500.000 AD 150 +/- 15 mm, without hand shower and hose 518.00 7KHUPRVWDW6KRZHU Thermostat Thermostatic precision control unit &RQFHDOHGZDOOFRQQHFWLRQV[ZLWKRXWVKXWRIIYDOYH/ eccentric 7.5 mm all chrome AD 150 +/- 15 mm, A 300, with hand shower and hose 1'847.50 114 7KHUPRVWDW6KRZHUV\VWHP Shower system KWC ONO Thermostatic precision control unit &RQFHDOHGZDOOFRQQHFWLRQV[ZLWKRXWVKXWRIIYDOYH/ eccentric 7.5 mm www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included 57 KWC ONO KWC-No. Finish Price € all chrome 433.10 all chrome 469.50 7ULPNLW/HYHUPL[HU7XE Trim kit with function unit KWC cartridge L 40 To be ordered separately: – 8QLWIRUFRQFHDOHGLQVWDOODWLRQ.:&9$52; with shut-off valves all chrome 345.80 7ULPNLW/HYHUPL[HU6KRZHU Trim kit with function unit KWC cartridge L 40 To be ordered separately: – 8QLWIRUFRQFHDOHGLQVWDOODWLRQ.:&9$52; with shut-off valves 20.154.480.000 all chrome 621.80 7ULPNLW7KHUPRVWDW7XE Trim kit with thermostatic function unit To be ordered separately: – 8QLWIRUFRQFHDOHGLQVWDOODWLRQ.:&9$52; with shut-off valves 21.154.480.000 all chrome 511.30 7ULPNLW7KHUPRVWDW6KRZHU Trim kit with thermostatic function unit To be ordered separately: – 8QLWIRUFRQFHDOHGLQVWDOODWLRQ.:&9$52; with shut-off valves 185.30 39.999.300.931 &RQFHDOHGXQLW Concealed unit compact &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDGVWRSSHULQFOLQGHOLYHU\ 58 www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included KWC ONO KWC-No. Finish all chrome Price € 235.30 &RQFHDOHGXQLW7KHUPRVWDW6KRZHU Trim kit To be ordered separately: – 8QLWIRUFRQFHDOHGLQVWDOODWLRQ 39.152.320.000 all chrome 1'010.00 &RQFHDOHGXQLW7KHUPRVWDW Thermostat &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG all chrome 144.50 7ULPNLW6KXWRIIYDOYH$FFHVVRULHV Trim kit To be ordered separately: – Unit for concealed installation – 6KXWRIIYDOYH. – PXOWLSRUWVKXWRIIYDOYH – VKXWRIIYDOYH.+$ – PXOWLSRUWGLYHUWHU K. * 124.90 K.38.H3.70.931A35 * 144.50 &RQFHDOHGXQLW6KXWRIIYDOYH Concealed unit for shut-off valve 39.990.011.931 * 202.10 &RQFHDOHGXQLW0XOWLSRUWGLYHUWHU Concealed unit for multiport shut-off valve &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG 39.990.010.931 * 202.10 &RQFHDOHGXQLW0XOWLSRUWGLYHUWHU Concealed unit for multiport diverter &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included KWC ONO KWC-No. Finish all chrome A 200, with hand shower and hose Price € 2'208.60 /HYHUPL[HU7XE Lever mixer Fixed spout KWC cartridge L 40 To be ordered separately: – Pre-assembly unit Z.536.178 577.10 Z.536.178 &RQFHDOHGXQLW Pre-assembly unit &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG A 200 all chrome 201.10 %DWKWXEVSRXW Bathtub spout Fixed spout &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG Suitable for: – KWC ONO 60 www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included KWC ONO touch light PRO KWC-No. Finish Price € all chrome 1'908.00 12.651.021.000FL A 125, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve, mains receiver $XWRPDWLFIDXFHW%DVLQZLWK/('WHFKQRORJ\ Electronic controlled Swivel spout 360° touch light PRO control unit, maintenance-free )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome 1'850.00 12.652.011.000FL A 125, flexible connection hoses, with pop-up valve, mains receiver $XWRPDWLFIDXFHW%DVLQZLWK/('WHFKQRORJ\ Electronic controlled Swivel spout 360° touch light PRO control unit, maintenance-free )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome 2'033.00 12.652.012.000FL A 220, flexible connection hoses, with pop-up valve, mains receiver all chrome 1'996.00 12.652.122.000FL A 220, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve, mains receiver $XWRPDWLFIDXFHW%DVLQZLWK/('WHFKQRORJ\ Electronic controlled Swivel spout 360° touch light PRO control unit, maintenance-free )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome 1'909.00 12.651.031.000FL A 125, flexible connection hoses, with pop-up valve, mains receiver 10.20 Z.636.183 $XWRPDWLFIDXFHW%DVLQZLWK/('WHFKQRORJ\ Electronic controlled Swivel spout 360° touch light PRO control unit, maintenance-free )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ To be ordered separately: Rough in for operating unit Z.636.183 all chrome 1'969.00 12.651.032.000FL A 220, flexible connection hoses, with pop-up valve, mains receiver all chrome 12.651.132.000FL 1'938.00 A 220, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve, mains receiver 10.20 Z.636.183 $XWRPDWLFIDXFHW%DVLQZLWK/('WHFKQRORJ\ Electronic controlled Swivel spout 360° touch light PRO control unit, maintenance-free )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ 11.654.003.000 A 175, mains receiver all chrome 1'791.00 11.654.004.000 A 225, mains receiver all chrome 1'810.00 7ULPNLW%DVLQZLWK/('WHFKQRORJ\ Electronic controlled Fixed spout touch light PRO control unit, maintenance-free &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included 61 KWC ONO touch light PRO KWC-No. Finish Price € 103.20 39.004.500.931 &RQFHDOHGXQLW Concealed unit wall two hole all chrome 20.657.023.000 A 220, power supply for concealed installation 2'601.00 7ULPNLW7KHUPRVWDW7XE5RPDQWXEZLWK/(' WHFKQRORJ\ Electronic controlled Swivel spout 360° touch light PRO control unit, maintenance-free &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG all chrome 20.657.120.000 power supply for concealed installation 2'403.00 7ULPNLW7KHUPRVWDW7XE5RPDQWXEZLWK/(' WHFKQRORJ\ Electronic controlled touch light PRO control unit, maintenance-free &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG all chrome 2'633.00 20.657.234.000 A 200, power supply for concealed installation, with hand shower, hose and bracket Z.636.183 10.20 7ULPNLW7KHUPRVWDW7XEZLWK/('WHFKQRORJ\ Electronic controlled Fixed spout touch light PRO control unit, maintenance-free &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG To be ordered separately: Rough in for operating unit Z.636.183 all chrome 2'369.00 21.654.010.000 L 1100, power supply for concealed installation, with hand shower, hose and bracket 10.20 Z.636.183 7ULPNLW7KHUPRVWDW6KRZHUZLWK/('WHFKQRORJ\ Electronic controlled touch light PRO control unit, maintenance-free &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG To be ordered separately: – Rough in for operating unit Z.636.183 all chrome 3'029.00 21.654.020.000 L 612, power supply for concealed installation, with hand shower, hose and bracket 10.20 Z.636.183 7ULPNLW7KHUPRVWDW6KRZHUZLWK/('WHFKQRORJ\ Electronic controlled touch light PRO control unit, maintenance-free &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG To be ordered separately: – Rough in for operating unit Z.636.183 62 www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included KWC ONO touch light PRO KWC-No. Finish Price € all chrome 3'029.00 21.654.030.000 L 612, power supply for concealed installation, with hand shower, hose and bracket Z.636.183 10.20 7ULPNLW7KHUPRVWDW6KRZHUZLWK/('WHFKQRORJ\ Electronic controlled touch light PRO control unit, maintenance-free &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG To be ordered separately: – Rough in for operating unit Z.636.183 Z.536.351.000 mains receiver all chrome 1'166.30 $FFHVVRULHV$FFHVVRULHVZLWK/('WHFKQRORJ\ KWC ONO touch light PRO wireless operating unit, with charging station 690.20 39.000.510.931 ,QVWDOODWLRQER[ Installation and inspection box, stainless 10.20 Z.636.183 &RQFHDOHGXQLW Rough in for touch light PRO operating unit, plastic 313.80 Z.536.405 %\SDVV Bypass for pressure testing and rinsing &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG Suitable for: – ,QVWDOODWLRQDQGLQVSHFWLRQER[ 3/8” 3/8” L 1500 mm 3/8” Z.536.352 * ƌ all chrome 66.40 ([WHQVLRQVHW 3/8” www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included 63 KWC DOMO KWC-No. Finish Price € all chrome 314.70 A 120, flexible connection hoses, with pop-up valve, 6 l/min (3 bar) all chrome 273.60 A 120, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve, 6 l/min (3 bar) /HYHUPL[HU%DVLQ Lever mixer Fixed spout .:&FDUWULGJH/XQLYHUVDO )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome 314.70 A 120, flexible connection hoses, with pop-up valve, 7.5 l/min (3 bar) all chrome 273.60 A 120, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve, 7.5 l/min (3 bar) /HYHUPL[HU%DVLQ Lever mixer Fixed spout .:&FDUWULGJH/XQLYHUVDO )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome 314.70 A 120, flexible connection hoses, with pop-up valve, 7.5 l/min (3 bar) all chrome 273.60 A 120, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve, 7.5 l/min (3 bar) /HYHUPL[HU%DVLQ&22/),; Lever mixer Fixed spout .:&FDUWULGJH/XQLYHUVDO )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome 342.80 A 150, flexible connection hoses, with pop-up valve, 6 l/min (3 bar) all chrome 301.40 A 150, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve, 6 l/min (3 bar) /HYHUPL[HU%DVLQ Lever mixer Fixed spout .:&FDUWULGJH/XQLYHUVDO )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHƌ all chrome 342.80 A 150, flexible connection hoses, with pop-up valve, 7.5 l/min (3 bar) all chrome 301.40 A 150, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve, 7.5 l/min (3 bar) /HYHUPL[HU%DVLQ Lever mixer Fixed spout .:&FDUWULGJH/XQLYHUVDO )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHƌ all chrome 383.80 A 150, flexible connection hoses, with pop-up valve, 7.5 l/min (3 bar) all chrome 301.40 A 150, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve, 7.5 l/min (3 bar) /HYHUPL[HU%DVLQ&22/),; Lever mixer Fixed spout .:&FDUWULGJH/XQLYHUVDO )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ 64 www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included KWC DOMO KWC-No. Finish all chrome 12.061.372.000FL A 150, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve Price € 514.10 /HYHUPL[HU%DVLQ Lever mixer Fixed spout .:&FDUWULGJH/XQLYHUVDO )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome 12.061.382.000FL A 150, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve 514.10 /HYHUPL[HU%DVLQ&22/),; Lever mixer Fixed spout .:&FDUWULGJH/XQLYHUVDO )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome A 150, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve 514.10 /HYHUPL[HU%DVLQ Lever mixer Fixed spout .:&FDUWULGJH/XQLYHUVDO )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome A 150, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve 514.10 /HYHUPL[HU%DVLQ&22/),; Lever mixer Fixed spout .:&FDUWULGJH/XQLYHUVDO )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome 361.20 A 150, flexible connection hoses, with pop-up valve, 6 l/min (3 bar) all chrome 321.40 A 150, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve, 6 l/min (3 bar) /HYHUPL[HU%DVLQ Lever mixer 6ZLYHOVSRXW .:&FDUWULGJH/XQLYHUVDO )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome 361.20 A 150, flexible connection hoses, with pop-up valve, 7.5 l/min (3 bar) all chrome 321.40 A 150, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve, 7.5 l/min (3 bar) /HYHUPL[HU%DVLQ Lever mixer 6ZLYHOVSRXW .:&FDUWULGJH/XQLYHUVDO )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included 65 KWC DOMO KWC-No. Finish Price € AD 153 +/- 8 mm, A 175 all chrome 370.60 AD 153 +/- 8 mm, A 225 all chrome 370.60 /HYHUPL[HU.LWFKHQ%DVLQ Lever mixer 6ZLYHOVSRXW .:&FDUWULGJH/XQLYHUVDO :DOOFRQQHFWLRQV[ZLWKRXWVKXWRIIYDOYH/HFFHQWULF 4 mm all chrome A 110, flexible connection hoses, with pop-up valve 341.20 /HYHUPL[HU%LGHW Lever mixer Fixed spout .:&FDUWULGJH/XQLYHUVDO )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ 66 www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included KWC DOMO KWC-No. Finish Price € 20.064.400.000 all chrome 307.40 20.064.410.000 all chrome 348.30 7ULPNLW/HYHUPL[HU7XE Trim kit with function unit KWC cartridge XL 46 - high capacity To be ordered separately: – 8QLWIRUFRQFHDOHGLQVWDOODWLRQ.:&9$52; with shut-off valves 21.064.400.000 all chrome 287.70 7ULPNLW/HYHUPL[HU6KRZHU Trim kit with function unit KWC cartridge XL 46 - high capacity To be ordered separately: – 8QLWIRUFRQFHDOHGLQVWDOODWLRQ.:&9$52; with shut-off valves 20.064.480.000 all chrome 384.20 7ULPNLW7KHUPRVWDW7XE Trim kit with thermostatic function unit To be ordered separately: – 8QLWIRUFRQFHDOHGLQVWDOODWLRQ.:&9$52; with shut-off valves 21.064.480.000 all chrome 359.60 7ULPNLW7KHUPRVWDW6KRZHU Trim kit with thermostatic function unit To be ordered separately: – 8QLWIRUFRQFHDOHGLQVWDOODWLRQ.:&9$52; with shut-off valves 39.999.300.931 185.30 &RQFHDOHGXQLW Concealed unit compact &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDGVWRSSHULQFOLQGHOLYHU\ www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included 67 KWC VITA KWC-No. Finish Price € all chrome 314.70 A 120, flexible connection hoses, with pop-up valve, 6 l/min (3 bar) all chrome 273.60 A 120, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve, 6 l/min (3 bar) /HYHUPL[HU%DVLQ Lever mixer Fixed spout .:&FDUWULGJHZLWKVDIHW\GHYLFH/XQLYHUVDO )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome 314.70 A 120, flexible connection hoses, with pop-up valve, 7.5 l/min (3 bar) all chrome 273.60 A 120, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve, 7.5 l/min (3 bar) /HYHUPL[HU%DVLQ Lever mixer Fixed spout .:&FDUWULGJHZLWKVDIHW\GHYLFH/XQLYHUVDO )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome 314.70 A 120, flexible connection hoses, with pop-up valve, 7.5 l/min (3 bar) all chrome 273.60 A 120, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve, 7.5 l/min (3 bar) /HYHUPL[HU%DVLQ&22/),; Lever mixer Fixed spout .:&FDUWULGJHZLWKVDIHW\GHYLFH/XQLYHUVDO )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome 342.80 A 150, flexible connection hoses, with pop-up valve, 6 l/min (3 bar) all chrome 301.40 A 150, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve, 6 l/min (3 bar) /HYHUPL[HU%DVLQ Lever mixer Fixed spout .:&FDUWULGJHZLWKVDIHW\GHYLFH/XQLYHUVDO )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome 342.80 A 150, flexible connection hoses, with pop-up valve, 7.5 l/min (3 bar) all chrome 342.80 A 150, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve, 7.5 l/min (3 bar) /HYHUPL[HU%DVLQ Lever mixer Fixed spout .:&FDUWULGJHZLWKVDIHW\GHYLFH/XQLYHUVDO )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome 342.80 A 150, flexible connection hoses, with pop-up valve, 7.5 l/min (3 bar) all chrome 301.40 A 150, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve, 7.5 l/min (3 bar) /HYHUPL[HU%DVLQ&22/),; Lever mixer Fixed spout .:&FDUWULGJHZLWKVDIHW\GHYLFH/XQLYHUVDO )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ 68 www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included KWC VITA KWC-No. Finish Price € AD 153 +/- 8 mm, A 175 all chrome 370.60 AD 153 +/- 8 mm, A 225 all chrome 370.60 AD 153 +/- 8 mm, A 300 all chrome 370.60 /HYHUPL[HU%DVLQ 6ZLYHOVSRXW .:&FDUWULGJHZLWKVDIHW\GHYLFH/XQLYHUVDO :DOOFRQQHFWLRQV[ZLWKVKXWRIIYDOYH/HFFHQWULFPP all chrome 20.282.313.000 AD 153 +/- 8 mm, A 175, without hand shower and hose 428.70 /HYHUPL[HU7XE Lever mixer Fixed spout .:&FDUWULGJHZLWKVDIHW\GHYLFH/XQLYHUVDO :DOOFRQQHFWLRQV[ZLWKVKXWRIIYDOYH/HFFHQWULFPP all chrome 21.282.310.000 AD 153 +/- 8 mm, without hand shower and hose 322.30 /HYHUPL[HU6KRZHU Lever mixer .:&FDUWULGJHZLWKVDIHW\GHYLFH/XQLYHUVDO :DOOFRQQHFWLRQV[ZLWKVKXWRIIYDOYH/HFFHQWULFPP www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included KWC VITA PRO KWC-No. Finish Price € all chrome A 120, flexible connection hoses, with pop-up valve 346.30 all chrome A 120, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve 300.90 /HYHUPL[HU%DVLQ Lever mixer Fixed spout .:&FDUWULGJHZLWKVDIHW\GHYLFH/XQLYHUVDO )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome 346.30 A 120, flexible connection hoses, with pop-up valve, with long lever all chrome 300.90 A 120, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve, with long lever /HYHUPL[HU%DVLQ Lever mixer Fixed spout .:&FDUWULGJHZLWKVDIHW\GHYLFH/XQLYHUVDO )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome A 120, flexible connection hoses, with pop-up valve 346.30 all chrome A 120, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve 300.90 /HYHUPL[HU%DVLQ&22/),; Lever mixer Fixed spout .:&FDUWULGJHZLWKVDIHW\GHYLFH/XQLYHUVDO )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome A 150, flexible connection hoses, with pop-up valve 376.60 all chrome A 150, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve 331.60 /HYHUPL[HU%DVLQ Lever mixer Fixed spout .:&FDUWULGJHZLWKVDIHW\GHYLFH/XQLYHUVDO )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome 376.60 A 150, flexible connection hoses, with pop-up valve, with long lever all chrome 331.60 A 150, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve, with long lever /HYHUPL[HU%DVLQ Lever mixer Fixed spout .:&FDUWULGJHZLWKVDIHW\GHYLFH/XQLYHUVDO )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome A 150, flexible connection hoses, with pop-up valve 422.00 all chrome A 150, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve 331.60 /HYHUPL[HU%DVLQ&22/),; Lever mixer Fixed spout .:&FDUWULGJHZLWKVDIHW\GHYLFH/XQLYHUVDO )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ 70 www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included KWC VITA PRO KWC-No. Finish Price € AD 153 +/- 8 mm, A 175 all chrome 407.70 AD 153 +/- 8 mm, A 225 all chrome 407.70 AD 153 +/- 8 mm, A 300 all chrome 407.70 /HYHUPL[HU%DVLQ 6ZLYHOVSRXW .:&FDUWULGJHZLWKVDIHW\GHYLFH/XQLYHUVDO :DOOFRQQHFWLRQV[ZLWKVKXWRIIYDOYH/HFFHQWULFPP all chrome AD 153 +/- 8 mm, A 175, with long lever 407.70 all chrome AD 153 +/- 8 mm, A 225, with long lever 407.70 all chrome AD 153 +/- 8 mm, A 300, with long lever 407.70 /HYHUPL[HU%DVLQ 6ZLYHOVSRXW .:&FDUWULGJHZLWKVDIHW\GHYLFH/XQLYHUVDO :DOOFRQQHFWLRQV[ZLWKVKXWRIIYDOYH/HFFHQWULFPP all chrome AD 153 +/- 8 mm, A 175, with long lever 487.20 all chrome AD 153 +/- 8 mm, A 225, with long lever 487.20 all chrome AD 153 +/- 8 mm, A 300, with long lever 487.20 /HYHUPL[HU%DVLQ 6ZLYHOVSRXW .:&FDUWULGJHZLWKVDIHW\GHYLFH/XQLYHUVDO :DOOFRQQHFWLRQV[ZLWKVKXWRIIYDOYH/HFFHQWULFPP all chrome 20.292.313.000 AD 153 +/- 8 mm, A 175, without hand shower and hose 471.60 /HYHUPL[HU7XE Lever mixer Fixed spout .:&FDUWULGJHZLWKVDIHW\GHYLFH/XQLYHUVDO :DOOFRQQHFWLRQV[ZLWKVKXWRIIYDOYH/HFFHQWULFPP all chrome 21.292.310.000 AD 153 +/- 8 mm, without hand shower and hose 354.50 /HYHUPL[HU6KRZHU Lever mixer .:&FDUWULGJHZLWKVDIHW\GHYLFH/XQLYHUVDO :DOOFRQQHFWLRQV[ZLWKVKXWRIIYDOYH/HFFHQWULFPP www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included 71 KWC VITA PRO KWC-No. Finish all chrome 20.292.503.000 AD 150 +/- 15 mm, A 190, without hand shower and hose Price € 566.00 7KHUPRVWDW7XE Thermostat Fixed spout Thermostatic precision control unit &RQFHDOHGZDOOFRQQHFWLRQV[ZLWKRXWVKXWRIIYDOYH/ eccentric 7.5 mm all chrome 21.292.500.000 AD 150 +/- 15 mm, without hand shower and hose 425.40 7KHUPRVWDW6KRZHU Thermostat Thermostatic precision control unit &RQFHDOHGZDOOFRQQHFWLRQV[ZLWKRXWVKXWRIIYDOYH/ eccentric 7.5 mm 20.294.400.000 all chrome 338.20 7ULPNLW/HYHUPL[HU7XE Trim kit with function unit KWC cartridge XL 46 - high capacity To be ordered separately: – 8QLWIRUFRQFHDOHGLQVWDOODWLRQ.:&9$52; with shut-off valves 21.294.400.000 all chrome 316.50 7ULPNLW/HYHUPL[HU6KRZHU Trim kit with function unit KWC cartridge with safety device L 46 - high capacity To be ordered separately: – 8QLWIRUFRQFHDOHGLQVWDOODWLRQ.:&9$52; with shut-off valves 185.30 39.999.300.931 &RQFHDOHGXQLW Concealed unit compact &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDGVWRSSHULQFOLQGHOLYHU\ 72 www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included KWC USO KWC-No. Finish Price € stainless steel 1'187.20 12.661.403.700FL A 155, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve, battery stainless steel 1'270.00 12.661.413.700FL A 155, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve, mains receiver $XWRPDWLFORZFRQWDFW%DVLQZLWK/80,1$48$ /('WHFKQRORJ\ Automatic Fixed spout Valve unit )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ polished stainless steel 1'214.80 12.661.403.750FL A 155, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve, battery polished stainless steel 1'297.60 12.661.413.750FL A 155, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve, mains receiver $XWRPDWLFORZFRQWDFW%DVLQZLWK/80,1$48$ /('WHFKQRORJ\ Automatic Fixed spout Valve unit )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included 73 KWC Vertical shut-off valve KWC-No. Finish A 115, * all chrome Price € 9HUWLFDOVKXWRIIYDOYH%DVLQ Vertical shut-off valve Fixed spout &HUDPLFGLVFYDOYH &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG 74 www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included KWC VAROX KWC-No. Finish 39.999.300.931 Price € 185.30 &RQFHDOHGXQLW Concealed unit compact &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDGVWRSSHULQFOLQGHOLYHU\ www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included 75 KWC Accessories KWC-No. Finish Price € Z.536.576.000 all chrome 26.40 6KXWRIIYDOYHZLWKILOWHU &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG Compression fitting length compensation for copper tube 12.290.600.000 all chrome 208.40 6DIHW\WKHUPRVWDWLFSUHPL[HU &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDGƌ Installation on corner valve 26.000.900.000 all chrome 52.60 all chrome 190.70 'UDLQDJHYDOYH Automatic hose emptying &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG* 26.000.910.000 'UDLQDJHYDOYHZLWKVSLUDOKRVH Automatic hose emptying &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG* all chrome 118.70 6SLUDOKRVH &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG* 76 www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included KWC ShowerCulture ShowerCulture KWC BOSSANOVA 80 KWC ELY 81 KWC Shower heads 82 KWC Shower arms 83 KWC Shower systems 85 KWC Shower brackets 87 KWC Sliding wall bars 88 KWC Sliding wall bar kits 89 KWC Hose connections 90 KWC Shower hoses 91 79 KWC BOSSANOVA KWC-No. Finish Price € chrome/urban grey 74.80 +DQGVKRZHU Hand shower KWC BOSSANOVA air &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG chrome/urban grey 63.30 +DQGVKRZHU Hand shower KWC BOSSANOVA mono &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG chrome/urban grey 126.40 +DQGVKRZHU Hand shower KWC BOSSANOVA duo &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG chrome/harmonic blue 126.40 +DQGVKRZHU Hand shower KWC BOSSANOVA duo &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG chrome/fancy purple 126.40 +DQGVKRZHU Hand shower KWC BOSSANOVA duo &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG chrome/midnight blue 126.40 +DQGVKRZHU Hand shower KWC BOSSANOVA duo &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG 80 www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included KWC ELY KWC-No. Finish Price € all chrome 74.80 all chrome 96.90 +DQGVKRZHU Hand shower KWC ELY mono &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG +DQGVKRZHU Hand shower KWC ELY duo &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included 81 KWC Shower heads KWC-No. Finish Price € D 200x200 all chrome 350.60 D 240x240 all chrome 493.90 D 300x300 all chrome 647.50 D 400x400 all chrome 866.40 6KRZHUKHDG Shower head KWC PIATTO Q &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG To be ordered separately: – Bracket 6KRZHUKHDG Shower head KWC PIATTO Q &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG To be ordered separately: Bracket all chrome 295.90 D 240 all chrome 482.20 D 300 all chrome 635.90 D 400 all chrome 855.90 D 200 6KRZHUKHDG Shower head KWC PIATTO R &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG To be ordered separately: – Bracket 6KRZHUKHDG Shower head KWC PIATTO R &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG To be ordered separately: Bracket all chrome 66.40 all chrome 44.30 6KRZHUKHDG Shower head KWC FIT five &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG To be ordered separately: – Bracket 6KRZHUKHDG Shower head KWC FIT mono &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG To be ordered separately: – Bracket 82 www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included KWC Shower arms KWC-No. Finish Price € 26.000.800.000 L 352 all chrome 149.60 all chrome 163.20 all chrome 208.50 all chrome 222.20 all chrome 174.90 all chrome 189.60 6KRZHUDUP Shower arm &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG 26.000.801.000 L 352 6KRZHUDUP Shower arm &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG 26.000.802.000 L 352 6KRZHUDUP Shower arm &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG 26.000.803.000 L 352 6KRZHUDUP Shower arm &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG 26.000.810.000 L 352 6KRZHUDUP Shower arm &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG 26.000.813.000 L 352 6KRZHUDUP Shower arm &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included 83 KWC Shower arms KWC-No. Finish Price € 26.000.811.000 L 385 all chrome 233.80 all chrome 296.90 26.000.820.000 L 125 all chrome 101.10 26.000.821.000 L 225 all chrome 130.60 26.000.822.000 L 325 all chrome 152.80 26.000.823.000 L 125 all chrome 114.80 26.000.824.000 L 225 all chrome 145.40 26.000.825.000 L 325 all chrome 167.50 6KRZHUDUP Shower arm &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG 26.000.812.000 L 485 6KRZHUDUP Shower arm &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG 6KRZHUDUP Shower arm &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG 6KRZHUDUP Shower arm &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG 84 www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included KWC Shower systems KWC-No. Finish all chrome AD 150 +/- 15 mm, A 300, with hand shower and hose Price € 1'526.50 114 7KHUPRVWDW6KRZHUV\VWHP Shower system KWC AVA Thermostatic precision control unit &RQFHDOHGZDOOFRQQHFWLRQV[ZLWKRXWVKXWRIIYDOYH/ eccentric 7.5 mm all chrome AD 150 +/- 15 mm, A 300, with hand shower and hose 1'847.50 114 7KHUPRVWDW6KRZHUV\VWHP Shower system KWC ONO Thermostatic precision control unit &RQFHDOHGZDOOFRQQHFWLRQV[ZLWKRXWVKXWRIIYDOYH/ eccentric 7.5 mm www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included 85 KWC Shower systems KWC-No. Finish 26.195.540.000 AD 150 +/- 15 mm all chrome Price € 621.20 7KHUPRVWDW6KRZHU&RPSRQHQWV Thermostat KWC AVA Thermostatic precision control unit &RQFHDOHGZDOOFRQQHFWLRQV[ZLWKRXWVKXWRIIYDOYH/ eccentric 7.5 mm 26.155.540.000 AD 150 +/- 15 mm all chrome 747.50 7KHUPRVWDW6KRZHU&RPSRQHQWV Thermostat KWC ONO Thermostatic precision control unit &RQFHDOHGZDOOFRQQHFWLRQV[ZLWKRXWVKXWRIIYDOYH/ eccentric 7.5 mm all chrome 415.90 &RPSRQHQWV Diverter for shower system surface-mounted To be ordered separately: – Water-bearing sliding wall bar kit –,,, – Hand shower KWC BOSSANOVA or KWC ELY – shower head KWC PIATTO all chrome 437.00 &RPSRQHQWV Diverter for shower system concealed To be ordered separately: – Water-bearing sliding wall bar kit –,,, – Hand shower KWC BOSSANOVA or KWC ELY – shower head KWC PIATTO 68 A 300, L 612 all chrome 469.60 A 400, L 612 all chrome 469.60 A 300, L 1100 all chrome 469.60 A 400, L 1100 all chrome 469.60 &RPSRQHQWV Sliding wall bar kit 86 www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included KWC Shower brackets KWC-No. Finish Price € 26.000.621.000 all chrome 100.60 all chrome 81.00 all chrome 7.50 all chrome 52.70 $FFHVVRULHV Shower bracket Suitable for: – All hand showers 26.000.620.000 6KRZHUEUDFNHW Shower bracket Suitable for: – All hand showers 26.000.622.000 6KRZHUEUDFNHW Shower bracket Suitable for: – All hand showers 26.000.623.000 6KRZHUEUDFNHW Shower bracket Suitable for: – All hand showers www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included 87 KWC Sliding wall bars KWC-No. Finish Price € K. L 612 all chrome 127.40 K. L 1100 all chrome 138.70 K. L 612 all chrome 255.80 K. L 1100 all chrome 265.80 26.000.502.000 L 612 all chrome 229.60 26.000.503.000 L 1100 all chrome 247.50 26.000.504.000 L 612 all chrome 242.20 26.000.505.000 L 1100 all chrome 263.30 6OLGLQJZDOOEDU Sliding wall bar KWC FIT 6OLGLQJZDOOEDU Sliding wall bar KWC FIT 6OLGLQJZDOOEDU Sliding wall bar 6OLGLQJZDOOEDU Sliding wall bar 88 www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included KWC Sliding wall bar kits KWC-No. Finish Price € L 612 all chrome 269.60 L 1100 all chrome 283.30 6OLGLQJZDOOEDUNLW Sliding wall bar kit KWC BOSSANOVA mono 26.003.301.000 L 612 all chrome 332.70 26.003.302.000 L 1100 all chrome 347.50 6OLGLQJZDOOEDUNLW Sliding wall bar kit KWC BOSSANOVA duo L 612 all chrome 281.20 L 1100 all chrome 294.90 6OLGLQJZDOOEDUNLW Sliding wall bar kit KWC ELY mono www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included KWC Hose connections KWC-No. Finish Price € 26.000.610.000 all chrome 100.60 all chrome 100.60 all chrome 104.30 all chrome 115.90 all chrome 19.10 +RVHFRQQHFWLRQ Hose connection &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG 26.000.611.000 +RVHFRQQHFWLRQ Hose connection &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG 26.000.612.000 +RVHFRQQHFWLRQ Hose connection &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG 26.000.613.000 +RVHFRQQHFWLRQ Hose connection &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG 26.000.614.000 +RVHFRQQHFWLRQ Hose connection &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included KWC Shower hoses KWC-No. Finish Price € L 1800 all chrome 34.80 all chrome 29.00 all chrome 65.30 6KRZHUKRVH Shower hose &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG L 1000 6KRZHUKRVH Shower hose &RQQHFWLQJWKUHDG www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included KWC Automatic faucets Automatic faucets KWC LIDAR 94 KWC TRONIC 95 KWC IQUA 96 93 KWC LIDAR KWC-No. Finish all chrome 12.671.461.000FL A 120, flexible connection hoses, battery Price € 600.00 $XWRPDWLFQRQFRQWDFW%DVLQ Automatic Fixed spout Electrovalve )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome 12.671.471.000FL A 120, flexible connection hoses, mains receiver 650.00 $XWRPDWLFQRQFRQWDFW%DVLQ Automatic Fixed spout Electrovalve )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome 12.671.491.000FL A 120, flexible connection hoses, battery 620.00 $XWRPDWLFQRQFRQWDFW%DVLQ Automatic Fixed spout Electrovalve )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome 12.671.501.000FL A 120, flexible connection hoses, mains receiver 670.00 $XWRPDWLFQRQFRQWDFW%DVLQ Automatic Fixed spout Electrovalve )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included KWC TRONIC KWC-No. Finish all chrome 11.602.053.000 AD 150 +/- 15 mm, A 200, battery Price € 819.50 $XWRPDWLFQRQFRQWDFW%DVLQ Automatic Fixed spout KWC cartridge L 40 - electronic :DOOFRQQHFWLRQV[ZLWKVKXWRIIYDOYH/HFFHQWULF 7.5 mm www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included KWC IQUA KWC-No. Finish Price € all chrome 788.20 .-%0% A 140, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve, battery, Basic $XWRPDWLFQRQFRQWDFW%DVLQ Automatic Fixed spout Electrovalve )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHƌ all chrome 834.60 .-%% A 140, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve, battery, Basic $XWRPDWLFQRQFRQWDFW%DVLQ Automatic Fixed spout Electrovalve )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHVƌ all chrome .4%0% 776.00 A 110, flexible connection hoses, without pop-up valve, battery, Basic $XWRPDWLFQRQFRQWDFW%DVLQ Automatic Fixed spout Electrovalve )OH[LEOHFRQQHFWLRQKRVHƌ K.28.J6.10.102 Prepared for mains opperation white 568.40 +DQGGU\HU+7 Overheating protection for heater and motor Safety switch-off after 2 minutes of continuous operation Microprocessor-control K.28.J6.20.102 Battery white 337.10 6RDSGLVSHQVHU6' )RUOLTXLGVRDSDQGGLVLQIHFWDQWVRDSYLVFRVLW\P3DV FRQWHQWVOLWUH www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included KWC Spare parts Spare parts KWC Tools 100 KWC Spare parts 103 KWC Index 106 General conditions of sale and delivery 111 99 KWC Tools KWC-No. Finish Price € 185.10 Z.536.028 %DVLQZUHQFK6: Z.536.448 XSRQUHTXHVW 7RUTXHZUHQFKZLWKYDULRXVLQVHUWV6:6:6: 6:6: 19.30 Z.635.392 &RPELQDWLRQZUHQFK.:&212 Z.636.126.700 stainless steel 34.00 stainless steel 34.00 stainless steel 34.00 :UHQFK6:6: Z.636.127.700 :UHQFK6:6: Z.636.707.700 :UHQFK6:6: 100 www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included KWC Tools KWC-No. Finish Price € 34.00 Z.604.638.901 6SOLQHGNH\IRU.:&YDOYH Z.604.451.000 all chrome 10.00 3LQZUHQFKIRUEXUJODUSURRI.:&&2521$KDQGOHV Z.600.774 5.10 8QLYHUVDOIDXFHWJUHDVHEDJJ Z.531.396 66.10 8QLYHUVDOIDXFHWJUHDVHFDQJ Z.636.508 18.50 8QLYHUVDONH\FDFKÄGDUNJUH\ Z.636.254 3.00 6HUYLFHNH\1HRSHUO&DFKÄ77PP\HOORZ www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included 101 KWC Tools KWC-No. Finish Price € 3.00 Z.634.729 6HUYLFHNH\1HRSHUO&DFKÄ7-PPJUHHQ 3.00 Z.635.215 6HUYLFHNH\1HRSHUO&DFKÄ-5PPUHG 3.00 Z.635.231 6HUYLFHNH\1HRSHUO&DFKÄ67'PPJUH\ 3.00 Z.635.966 6HUYLFHNH\1HRSHUO&DFKÄ6/,077PPEOXH Z.635.075 11.10 :UHQFKWRVKRZHUILOWHU.:&6,1 102 www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included KWC Spare parts KWC-No. Finish Z.536.032 Price € 114.20 .:&FDUWULGJH6 Z.534.836 54.80 .:&FDUWULGJH0 K.32.60.00 54.80 .:&FDUWULGJH/XQLYHUVDO Z.535.645 74.40 .:&FDUWULGJHZLWKVDIHW\GHYLFH/XQLYHUVDO Z.535.362 124.40 .:&FDUWULGJH/ Z.634.819 210.10 .:&FDUWULGJH/HOHFWURQLF www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included 103 KWC Spare parts KWC-No. Finish Price € 70.30 K.32.60.01 .:&FDUWULGJH;/KLJKFDSDFLW\ 91.70 Z.535.647 .:&FDUWULGJHZLWKVDIHW\GHYLFH/KLJKFDSDFLW\ 104 www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included KWC Spare parts KWC-No. Finish Price € 20.30 K. )ODWYDOYHV0[ 30.40 K. )ODWYDOYHV0[ZLWKEDFNIORZSUHYHQWHU 20.30 K. &RQLFDOYDOYHV0[.:&9(562 35.90 Z.501.297 &HUDPLFGLVFYDOYH Z.536.446.033 chrome/clear 134.20 )ODWYDOYHV0[[EOXH[UHG www.kwc.com | Prices in EUR, VAT not included 105 KWC Index KWC-No. 10.151.413.000FL 10.151.413.700FL 10.151.423.000FL 10.151.423.700FL 10.152.322.000FL 10.152.413.000FL 10.152.423.000FL 10.153.423.000FL 10.181.992.000FL 106 Page KWC-No. 31 31 31 31 31 31 27 27 27 27 27 27 32 32 32 32 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 17 17 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 16 16 17 17 18 18 17 16 18 18 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 11 11 11 11 25 25 25 25 25 25 26 25 25 25 10.261.432.000FL 10.271.303.700FL 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K.38.H3.70.931A35 Z.501.297 Z.502.844.700 Z.502.845.700 Z.502.846.700 Z.502.868.700 Z.502.869.700 Z.531.396 Z.534.836 Z.535.362 Z.535.645 Page 63 20,62 18,56 59 14,51 54,59 54,59 53,58,67,72,75 33 33 33 96 96 96 46 42 42 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 42 42 40 41 41 41 40 41 40 41 41 43 43 43 42 42 41 41 41 41 41 45 45 45 45 46 46 88 88 88 88 96 96 105 105 105 103 104 54,59 54,59 105 46 47 46 46 47 101 103 103 103 107 KWC Index KWC-No. Z.535.647 Z.536.028 Z.536.032 Z.536.060.000 Z.536.060.700 Z.536.062.700 Z.536.063.000 Z.536.063.150 Z.536.063.151 Z.536.063.700 Z.536.109.000 Z.536.159.000 Z.536.159.127 Z.536.178 Z.536.332.000 Z.536.351.000 Z.536.352 Z.536.405 Z.536.446.033 Z.536.448 Z.536.530.145 Z.536.576.000 Z.536.586.000 Z.536.586.127 Z.600.774 Z.604.451.000 Z.604.638.901 Z.634.729 Z.634.819 Z.635.075 Z.635.215 Z.635.231 Z.635.392 Z.635.966 Z.636.126.700 Z.636.127.700 Z.636.183 Z.636.254 Z.636.508 Z.636.707.700 108 Page 104 100 103 18,35 18,35 23,36 22,35 22,35 22,35 22,35 36 14,35 14,35 60 24,36 20,63 63 63 105 100 46 37,76 11,35 11,35 101 101 101 102 103 102 102 102 100 102 100 100 20,61,62,63 101 101 100 www.kwc.com 109 Important information Information Color differences on stainless steel surfaces on different parts of a KWC faucet made out of stainless steel, cannot totally be excluded. Different factors may lead to a slight color differentiation. 1. Already a slight difference in material composition may cause stainless steel to reflect light differently (more blue or yellow reflections). These differences in steel compositions still fulfill DIN valid material standards. They may occur within one lot of a steel production unit. 2. Different cooling or production treatment parameters may also cause color surface differentiation. 3. Different surface consistency caused by the production process may as well lead to a different light reflection, so that other colors appear. Our aim is not to have another surface process to guarantee a 100% stainless steel color consistency. Beside the unique KWC faucet design we would like to keep a puristic surface finish of natural stainless steel in match with our design philosophy. By keeping production tolerances at a narrow level, we try to keep slight stainless steel surface color differentiation as little as possible. But we cannot exclude them totally. As with upper class wooden furniture, where a slight color differentiation is accepted as well on the surface, it has to be accepted that high quality faucets made by our standards may have slight color differences on their surfaces. Operating Data Minimal operating pressure Ideal operating pressure Maximal operating pressure Equal pressures are recommended Maximal hotwater temperature 1 bar (15 PSI) 3 bar (45 PSI) 5 bar (70 PSI) 70C (180() Attention: Before installation, flush pipes thoroughly! (or further information refer to our detailed sales literature. Damages on the faucet resulting from incorrect handling are excluded from the manufacturers warranty! 110 www.kwc.com General conditions of sale and delivery General conditions All our quotations, sales and deliveries shall be subject to the following conditions exclusively, even if the customer expressly specifies otherwise. With the acceptance of our confirmation of order or the delivery of our goods, the customer declares his acceptance of our terms and conditions. Silence on our part as regards the customer’s terms and conditions shall not constitute any acknowledgement of, or consent to, the customer’s terms and conditions under any circumstances. All quotations are without obligation. Supplementary agreements and any other informal commitments need to be confirmed in writing by our Head Office in every case. None of the information contained in our catalogues is binding. This also applies to illustrations, weights, measurements and performance data. We reserve the right to alter specifications without notice. 1. Prices and sales tax The prices and conditions which will apply are those in effect at the date of delivery. The quoted prices for our product range are EX WORKS, incl. packaging, not insured unless otherwise expressly and separately agreed. At the time valid Incoterms shall apply. All prices shall be exclusive of Value Added Tax, which is shown separately in our invoices. In the case of inter-company deliveries, the purchaser shall give us an undertaking that the goods are being procured for his own company and are subject to the tax regulations applicable in his country. Prices are subject to change without notice. 2. Delivery and acceptance Quoted delivery periods are approximations. If circumstances arise for which we are not responsible, e.g. a delay occasioned by delivery problems on the part of our subcontractors, the delivery period shall be extended accordingly. The delivery period shall also be appropriately extended in the event of industrial action, particularly strikes and lockouts. In the event of a resultant delay in delivery on our part, the customer shall not be entitled to any claims or cancellation of the transaction. 3. Right of the supplier to withdraw In the event of a serious deterioration in the customer’s business, particularly financial circumstances, stoppage of payments, winding-up or transfer of the business or his death or similar, or if the customer pledges stock, receivables or the purchased goods, or orders them as a security for other creditors, the supplier shall be entitled to demand security and to rescind his obligation to supply if the security is inadequate, and to demand compensation on grounds of nonfulfilment. In the event that we are prevented from manufacturing the ordered goods due to circumstances for which we are not to blame, we reserve the right to withdraw from the contract, wholly or partially, without the client being thereby entitled to make any claim whatsoever for compensation, subsequent delivery or withdrawal from the contract. 4. Packing, transport, carriage charges, small order supplement and transfer of risk We reserve the right to choose the type of packaging used. Cardboard, paper and plastic packaging will not be taken back but must be disposed of by the receiver of the goods. Pallets, wire-mesh box pallets and other usable containers may be returned to us, carriage paid, within three months. Deliveries by post and express services will be charged at cost. If a carriage paid delivery is agreed, the supplier shall be entitled to choose the method of transport employed. (or consignments to third parties, an adequate supplement of a percentage of the value of the goods will be charged. All risks shall be transferred to the customer when the goods leave our factory/ depot or are made available to the customer at our factory/depot. 5. Terms of payment Our invoices are payable within 30 days net in Swiss (rancs or Euro after receipt of invoice unless otherwise expressly and separately agreed. In the event of delays in payment, the customer shall without further reminder be liable to pay to KWC AG default interest at a rate of 2% above the relevant discount rate of the National Bank of Switzerland. As long as older invoices remain unpaid, no entitlement to discount shall exist on the payment of new invoices. Bills of exchange shall not be accepted. If payment is made by cheque or other form of documentary remittance, the charges therefore shall be borne by the customer. If the customer is late in making a payment or his financial situation deteriorates markedly after the conclusion of the contract, all debts shall immediately become due for settlement. The customer may only offset these with uncontested or legally established counter-claims. The punctuality of payments, or otherwise, is determined by the date on which the funds are received by us. 6. Retention of title We shall retain title to the goods supplied until all the debts due to us and incurred as a result of the business relationship have been settled in full, irrespective of the legal justification therefore. As far as such retention of title has to be recorded in public registers, the customer undertakes to issue all statements legally due for www.kwc.com this purpose upon the supplier’s first request. The customer shallbe entitled to process our products or to use them with other products within the scope of his regular business operations. As a surety against our aforesaid entitlements, we shall acquire co-ownership of the objects resulting from the processing or combined use of our products, the said co-ownership being assigned to us by the customer coincidentally with the acceptance of these Conditions of Sale. The customer shall be required to keep the objects subject to our co-ownership at no charge to us. The amount of our share of co-ownership shall be determined in accordance with the value of our product relative to the value of the object resulting from its processing or combined use by the customer. We grant our customers the right of resale in the normal course of business, subject to revocation. The said right shall be withdrawn in the event of a suspension of payments. With the acceptance of these Conditions of Sale, the customer shall assign to us all the debts and additional rights accruing to him from the resale. The assigned debts shall serve as a security for all our claims. The customer shall be entitled to collect the assigned debts, provided we have not revoked this authorisation. The authorisation to collect debts shall be withdrawn, even without any express revocation, if the customer suspends his own payments. If we so request, the customer shall inform us in writing and without delay as to whom he has resold the goods and the debts due to him as a result of the resale, and furnish us with certified documents of transfer of the debts at his expense. The customer shall not be entitled to any other provisions in respect of the objects to which we retain title or of which we hold co-ownership, or in respect of any debts assigned to us. The customer shall notify us with-out delay of any attachments or other legal impairments relating to objects belonging to us, either wholly or partially. We shall be entitled at any time to call for the return of goods belonging to us if the customer falls into arrears on a payment or if his financial situation deteriorates to a marked extent. If we enforce this right, withdrawal from the contract shall only arise if we expressly declare the same, irrespective of any other mandatory official regulations. If the value of the securities assigned to us exceeds our receivables and entitlements to redemption by more than 20 %, we shall, at the customer’s request, release securities to an amount to be decided by us. Samples and drawings shall remain our property, even if the customer bears the costs, or a proportion of the costs, thereof. 7. Returns Goods may not be returned without our prior consent. (ailing this, returned goods shall not be accepted. In the case of returns, we shall be entitled to levy a processing charge according to our goodwill procedure. The costs of any reconditioning required shall be invoiced separately. If goods which have been delivered carriage paid are subsequently returned by the customer, the costs of the initial delivery shall be deducted from the credit note. 8. Warranty and Liability We guarantee the perfect, functioning of our products provided they are installed correctly and in accordance with their inten-ded purpose. In the event of proven defects in material or work-manship we shall provide full replacement of materials. We shall not be liable for any further damage, particularly as a result of improper handling, overloading or natural wear and tear. This shall apply in particular to surface damage caused by the use of incorrectly used, abrasive or aggressive cleaning agents. Our warranty and liability in respect of materials not manufactured by us shall be restricted to the warranty and liability provi-ded for in the conditions of sale or our subcontracted suppliers. The warranty period shall be 2 years from the date of invoice of the defective fitting. If we manufacture goods to a customer’s specification, he shall be wholly responsible for ensuring that no patents or other third party rights are infringed. Any complaints concerning the weight, quantity or quality of the goods shall be notified in writing immediately after their discovery and, in any case, one week at the latest after receipt of the consignment. If the complaint proves to be justified, a replacement consignment shall be delivered free of charge and carriage paid to the original destination; in the event of quality defects, however, this shall only apply if the faulty parts are returned. Any further claims for replacements or abatement or compensation for indirect and/or direct damages shall be excluded, unless we are unable to effect a re-delivery or are guilty of gross negligence. The goods must still be in the condition in which they were delivered. (or goods which have been used, the warranty terms agreed by us with suissetec (Schweizerisch-, Lichtensteinischer Gebäudetechnikverband) shall apply. 9. Place of fulfilment, court of jurisdiction, obligations imposed by contracts The place of fulfilment for all the obligations arising from the contract is the place in which the supplier’s premises are located. The court of jurisdiction for both parties is the suppliers domicile. The contractual relationship is subject to the material laws of Switzerland. Should any provision of the contract be or become partly or entirely invalid, the validity of the remaining provisions of the contract shall not be affected. The invalid provisions are replaced by a valid rule, which attains the parties economic intent and purpose with regard to the invalid provision. The same shall apply in the event of any gaps of the contract. The Swiss original of the “Conditions of Sale and Delivery” is authoritative. 111
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