Buy Gitomer: View eZine - Plugged: Dig out and get the right things


Buy Gitomer: View eZine - Plugged: Dig out and get the right things
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Issue 443
May 4 , 2010
Jeffrey Gitomer
Andy Wibbels
What do salespeople do
that's BEST? What do
you do?
Last Fall, I created a giveaway on
my Facebook fan page. I offered a
prize of several autographed books
for the person who submitted the
best sales tip.
I received more than 260 responses,
and thought it might be a good idea
to share with you how your fellow brothers and sisters in the sales
profession are thinking.
Here are a few of the tips - I hope they inspire you to think and take
some new (better) actions:
• If YOU don't care, neither will your client.
• I find that being curious and genuinely interested in people has helped
me grow my business and develop stronger relationships. It has also
helped me to expand my professional networks.
• Sales is not about selling. It is about relationships.
• Make The Call!
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"Plugged is easy to read, easy
to understand, easy to
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• Always tell the TRUTH.
• Alter the way you interact with each and every person, but never
change who you are!
• My 2nd favorite 4-letter word is SOLD... my 1st is PAID.
implement and even easier to
deposit the profits from putting
these concepts into practice.
Get Plugged, right now!"
-Jeffrey Gitomer author of
The Little Red Book of
• Make doing business with you EASY... No Non-sense... No Rules...
• Just do what you say you are going to do.
• Don't sell anything you wouldn't buy yourself.
• Do It Now... Not Tomorrow, Not Later, Not After Your Coffee, Not After
You Check Email... Do It Now. Be Known For Your Superfast Response.
• My best sales tip is "protect the base" - after I've met a prospective or
current existing client, I've been writing a handwritten note expressing
my gratitude indicating that I realize they have a choice in buying
supplies, but I thank them for choosing my company. Call me old
fashioned, but it separates me from the rest...
• My motto - NO PROBLEM! - no matter what! People do not want to
know why something cannot be done, they just want it fixed - repaired made like new - without any excuses - period. The better, faster, and
with understanding of there point of view, the stronger your
relationships with your customers will be.
• SMILE and mean it!!!!!!!
• When you work hard consistently, the numbers will take care of
• Be Prepared! Know your client and their competition!
• Never get complacent. Challenge yourself to be better. I asked my top
salesperson after a really successful week if she was happy with the
results. She said "no". That is why she is my top salesperson.
• My best sales tip is to approach sales the way you desire to be
Jeffrey's Sales Rant is a clip
from his online training video
watch the rant now
(you need it)
Requires Flash player
• Loose lips sink ships. I've seen more salespeople talk themselves OUT
of a sale then into one.
• I work in the hotel industry and my competition is all around me.
What sets me apart from people is that I LOVE MY JOB!
• It's all about the customer, stupid.
• Speak THEIR language and you will get far!
• I say to each client, "I am here to give you as much information as
you need in order for you to make a completely informed decision."
• Confidence speaks louder than words.
• Sales is a simple concept: help people like you would want to be
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"Your audience wants to get to
know you, to have confidence in
you, to believe you, to trust you, to
understand you, to learn from you,
to smile or laugh, and to feel like
you value them."
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Read the rest of this article...
-Jeffrey Gitomer's Little Green Book
of Getting Your Way
Jeffrey's Upcoming
Public Seminar
Hartford, CT
05/13 Managers Seminar
05/14 Sales Attitude Seminar
The best way to turn a stall into a
sale is:
Greenville, SC
05/24 Managers Seminar
05/25 Sales Attitude Seminar
A. Try to determine why the stall exists.
Sofia, Bulgaria
05/28 Sales Seminar
B. Ask open-ended questions about the stall.
C. Use the take-away close.
D. Isolate the stall as the last barrier between the customer
and the purchase.
Philadelphia, PA
06/09 Managers Seminar
06/10 Sales Attitude Seminar
Cleveland, OH
06/17 Managers Seminar
06/18 Sales Attitude Seminar
Reno, NV
09/01 Managers Seminar
09/02 Sales Attitude Seminar
Minneapolis, MN
09/09 Managers Seminar
09/10 Sales Attitude Seminar
Harrisburg, PA
09/16 Managers Seminar
09/17 Sales Attitude Seminar
Cedar Rapids, IA
09/23 Managers Seminar
09/24 Sales Attitude Seminar
San Jose, CA
09/30 Managers Seminar
10/01 Sales Attitude Seminar
Murfreesboro, TN
10/07 Managers Seminar
10/08 Sales Attitude Seminar
New York, NY
10/14 Sales Attitude Seminar
10/14 Managers Seminar
Birmingham, AL
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11/11 Managers Seminar
11/12 Sales Attitude Seminar
Albuquerque, NM
11/18 Managers Seminar
11/19 Sales Attitude Seminar
Jeffrey Gitomer - Greenville, SC
May 24th and 25th, 2010
Greenville Managers: Develop your personal plan to find, coach, train,
and keep a winning, loyal, self-directed sales team. This seminar will
provide strategies and techniques about real-world sales leadership,
plus self-evaluation to measure your present level of achievement.
Jeffrey Gitomer LIVE! - Greenville, SC: Join the global authority on
sales for a seminar on SALES ATTITUDE. Learn how to uncover buying
motives, double your sales, get your price without sacrificing profit, and
establish a YES! Attitude for a lifetime of success.
Click here to Register NOW!
Greenville Special Managers Event
Jeffrey Gitomer LIVE! - Greenville, SC
It's 5AM, Do You Know Where
Your Customers Are?
by Noah Rickun
Almost every Monday morning I find
myself walking through security at
the airport just before 5am. Yes, it's
early. Yes, it's a pain in the tush.
But by flying that early, I am able to
make it to my office by 9am and I
get to spend Sunday night with my
kids. (Reading stories to my girls on
Sunday night is worth every bit of
lost sleep.)
I normally eat a Clif bar on the way
to the airport, but today I left mine
at home. So I decided, after getting
through security I would stop at the
Alterra coffee shop in terminal C.
It's a locally-owned coffee shop, and
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in Milwaukee, Alterra has built a
fanatical customer base.
As I approached the counter I
inhaled the comforting aroma of
coffee, bagels, and baked goods,
American Express card in hand.
Surprisingly, the first thing out of
the barista's mouth was, "5:15."
"I'm sorry?" I asked.
"We don't open until 5:15," replied
the stoic young woman.
"If the coffee is not ready, it's no big
deal. I'd really just like one of those
muffins," I said with a smile.
Without looking up, the barista
snapped, "Then come back at 5:15."
Jeffrey Gitomer LIVE! - Reno, NV
September 1st and 2nd, 2010
Reno Managers: Develop your personal plan to find, coach, train, and
keep a winning, loyal, self-directed sales team. This seminar will provide
strategies and techniques about real-world sales leadership, plus
self-evaluation to measure your present level of achievement.
Jeffrey Gitomer LIVE! - Reno, NV: Join the global authority on sales
for a seminar on SALES ATTITUDE. Learn how to uncover buying
motives, double your sales, get your price without sacrificing profit, and
establish a YES! Attitude for a lifetime of success.
Click here to Register NOW!
Reno Special Managers Event
Jeffrey Gitomer LIVE! - Reno, NV
Want to reach my public seminar audiences of 500+ LOCAL business
people in your community? Would you like your company to receive
additional sales training from me while I’m in your city? Contact Sara or
Heather at 800-242-5388 or email for
I quickly scanned the other
employees behind the counter,
hoping to find a sympathetic soul
who might serve one of the muffins
in the case (which had been laid out
fresh just minutes prior). What I got
instead were blank stares that
almost said "Don't bother us, we're
not on the clock yet."
Stunned, I spun around quickly and
headed toward the gift shop next
door. What I had not realized,
however, is that during my brief
interaction at the counter, a line of
four or five people had formed
behind me. All waiting for coffee
and breakfast. All ready to spend
money. Ten minutes before Alterra
The woman at the front of the line
asked me what had happened. I told
her Alterra wouldn't serve me
because they don't open for ten
more minutes. "That's dumb," the
woman said loudly.
And, as if the Alterra barista could
make herself (and her company)
look any worse, the barista barked,
"We don't serve before we open.
That's the policy!"
An amazing thing happened next.
All four or five would-be customers
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HELP! I am terrible at cold calls and trying to set an appointment, but
once I get the appointment I am fine.
I don't think you're much better at appointments than you are
cold calls. Cold calling, if done properly, breeds the information
needed for a successful appointment. Instead of looking at it as
a cold call (which you obviously don't like), why not look at it as
the gateway to a sales call. This way it becomes a
pre-appointment call rather than a cold call.
Best regards,
If you were not in sales, what you would you be doing?
Kind regards,
I can't imagine myself not in sales of some kind because I'm
continuing the heritage that was started by my grandfather,
passed to my father, passed to me, and hopefully passed on to
my children and grandchildren. My other passions are writing,
traveling, reading, and collecting – all of which involve some
sort of selling or buying, and all of which are things that I love
to do. But if I had to do only one thing it would be hanging out
with friends and family.
Best regards,
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and I walked to the gift shop and
each purchased drinks, snacks, and
other items. I bought a magazine.
Eleven dollars total. If the other
would-have-been-Alterra customers
spent even half of what I did at the
gift store, that's just shy of forty
dollars. Forty dollars that wound up
in the wrong hands. Wrong because
we had wanted to spend our money
with a locally owned, often
recommended coffee shop and were
not allowed. Wrong because we
wanted coffee and muffins and
instead we got a negative
experience. So negative, in fact,
that I'm writing about it now.
I want to be very clear that I am not
disappointed in the young barista
who was so rude to me. I am not
even disappointed in the other
employees who chose to ignore the
situation instead of taking action. I
am, however, disappointed in the
fact that the manager of the store
had not properly trained his/her
There's an old customer service
mantra, "Customers aren't an
interruption of our day; they are the
purpose of it." Why wasn't that
motivational poster hung up behind
the counter? Why wasn't this
concept burned into the minds of
every employee who worked at the
airport Alterra? More importantly,
why would every employee not feel
empowered to act on behalf of the
customer rather than reciting
Alterra has the best reputation in
Milwaukee. Alterra has the best
marketing. Alterra has the best
branding. Unfortunately for Alterra,
none of that mattered this morning.
What mattered this morning is that
the girl behind the counter was
rude, short, and more focused on
herself than on serving a cup of the
best reputation.
There's a lesson here: Your
marketing dollars are only as good
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as your frontline employees. Before
you go spending money on
attempting to create a perception in
the minds of your customers and
prospects, you might want to start
by investing in training your people.
by Kristi Barr
If you're a golfer you know the word "plugged." A
golf ball gets plugged when you hit a high shot,
that lands hard in the wet grass and buries itself
in the turf. The ball is stuck deep in the mud and
while it looks bad, it really isn't. That's because if
you know the rules you're allowed to pull your
ball out, clean it off, and place it back on the
Business people everywhere are plugged, too. Stuck in their old ways of
doing things and not aware how to dig out and get the right things
done. Once again, you gotta know the rules.
For my top five elements of "How to
Empower Your Employees", send an
email to with the
word "EMPOWER" in the subject
Noah Rickun is the CEO of Jeffrey
Gitomer's TrainOne and a Gitomer
Certified/Audience Approved
speaker. Noah delivers customized
and personalized seminars on sales,
customer loyalty, and personal
development. To book Noah for your
next event, visit or
contact the friendly folks at Buy
Gitomer via email or by calling
That's why I recently co-authored Plugged, a golf themed business
fable. There are so many connections between success in business and
success in golf that combining the two was a natural, and the fable
format let us tell a powerful story with enormous take-away value.
Plugged tells the story of Chet McGill, a sales manager thrust into a
leadership role, just as his biggest customer is under attack from a
competitor. And at the same time, Chet's playing in a golf tournament
with his customer's decision-maker…and that decision-maker wants to
win. Oh, and did I mention that Chet can't putt his way out of a paper
Talk about a pressure cooker. Along the way, Chet learns three
important lessons that guide him to the right path, for both his business
and golf crisis:
Prioritize—focus on what matters most.
Adapt—see change as an opportunity.
be Responsible—take ownership of the outcome.
These lessons form the acronym PAR. It sounds so simple, but as Chet
learns, sometimes to get what you want you just have to go back to the
It isn't easy. Businesses run on inertia and the phrase "that's just how
we do it" echoes down the halls of corporations everywhere. So how can
you dig out and get the right things done?
Start by creating a list of your top priorities. Build it collaboratively so
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there's buy in, then communicate it so you get the entire team focused
on the things that truly matter. And let the other stuff go.
The next step is to foster an atmosphere where change is seen as
progress. Most people don't like change, but in today's environment,
those who don't adapt will pay a very dear price.
Finally, everyone on your team has to take personal responsibility to
own the outcome. In this world of "team work," this is a quantum
mindset shift for most people. Only once each partner takes personal
ownership for achieving the ultimate goal will the entire team cross the
finish line in first.
As a business consultant I have created two downloadable tools to help
companies and individuals discover where they stand relative to PAR
and create a roadmap to success. These are available for FREE at So shoot for PAR and you, too, will dig out
and get the right things done!
Krissi Barr is President of Barr Corporate Success and can be reached at
(513) 470-8980 or at
Your Success Stories.
"Thank you for all your
information. You don't know me,
but you are one of my mentors. I
was walking through the used book
store the other day and I realized
that I don't see your books at any
used book stores! I came to the
conclusion that nobody resells your
books. This is a great testament to
you as a writer. Everybody is
keeping them and using them.
Congratulations!" -Kirk
Each week, we
feature a
success story.
Please send your
stories to If
your story is published, we'll send
you a free e-Book!
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by Andy Horner
Can sales and loyal customers be
generated on the fly like "one click"
and "buy it now" buttons?
In their "rush to make sales,"
salespeople are buying lists, mass
blasting, speed-networking, drip
campaigning, robo-calling, and
metric analyzing. Technology has
enabled them to solicit the world
with the hope that sales will roll in.
And when they don’t, they think
maybe the call to action should have
been bigger, better, different, or
Sound like you?
Persuasion and pricing preparation!
This week's deal features Jeffrey's Little Green Book of Getting Your
Way which digs deep into the 9.5 elements that make persuasion (and
getting your way) happen AND Jeffrey's information-packed audio
teleseminar "How Not to Lose the Sale to Price" which includes a
revealing Q&A session that will change the way you think about, handle,
and overcome the price objection. All for $39 ($69 value).
Click here to order now!
Marketing automation can never
and will never replace the
salesman’s need to build trusted
relationships one at a time. Trust
and loyalty can only be earned by
doing all the right things,
consistently over time. Coffee shop
conversations, personal notes,
inside knowledge, golf outings,
memorable gifts, creative
follow-ups, customized
presentations, delivering value, and
doing what you say you will do are
the tools and techniques of the
successful salesperson.
Are they yours?
Are you wowing customers by
checking in on them out of the blue?
Sending weekly value messages to
all your customers and prospects?
Are you thanking, congratulating,
and referring? When was the last
time you dropped off a box of
Godiva or M&M’s to your
choc-a-holic client?
SALES COME FROM: Once you’ve
built a solid relationship, your
customers will buy from you for
years and tell everyone they know
to buy from you!
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THE RESULT: Your reputation and
personal brand will grow. And you
won’t have to market as much
because new customers will come
looking for you.
Where do these prospective
customers come from? Easy
answer: HARD WORK.
"While visiting New York City with my mother last week, she snuck up
on me while I was trying to decide which Jeffrey Gitomer book to add to
my collection. (I ended up getting two!)" -Sandra
Send your GITOMER SIGHTINGS to or post
them on Jeffrey’s Facebook Fan Page.
Andy Horner is the Product Manager
for Ace of Sales. He has worked in
sales and marketing for over twelve
years. Jeffrey calls him a "Crossover
Geek" because he works in the
emotional/relational side of Sales
and Marketing as well as the
design/technology side of
application development. His goal
with Ace of Sales is the same as
Jeffrey's - to create the best sales
tool on the planet!
Quick promotions are not always the most enduring.
"Most people who fail after receiving a promotion do so because they
fail to rise to the challenges the new position offers. It is perfectly
normal to feel a twinge of insecurity when you assume a new
position-after all, you‘ve never had this job before-but seldom do
promotions come before you are ready for them. Now, it is a fact that
the day you are promoted, you are not yet competent in that position.
You were promoted into the position because of your potential, not
because you were expected to perform flawlessly from the outset. Work
to prove that your boss's faith in you was justified. Make becoming as
proficient as possible in your new job-in the shortest possible time-your
number one priority."
Click here to subscribe to Napoleon Hill Yesterday and Today
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permission from Jeffrey Gitomer. But feel free to forward this or email it to all of your friends. For
reprint permission, please call 704/333-1112.
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