Biomass – energy for the future


Biomass – energy for the future
16:29 Uhr
Seite 1
Nr. 26, Mai 2007
Technik zur Aufbereitung von Biomasse
Information for customers and staff
“Biomass –
energy for the
Special edition for
Open Day / LIGNA
made in Ge
Energy generation from residual
forestry wood in Finland
The 2000th JENZ fragmentiser
leaving Wegholm
Staff and machines
16:29 Uhr
Seite 2
The future needs origins
Editor: JENZ GmbH • Responsible: Uwe Hempen-Hermeier • Print: ODF-Druck, Minden
The story of JENZ
Company foundation by master blacksmith Hans Jenz
Village blacksmith works, construction of coaches, trailers and
small farming equipment
First gear-rack tipping lorry for the farming industry,
prize-awarded by the DLG (German Farmers Association)
Wilhelm Hermeier marries Resi Jenz and enters the company.
First change in generation
Patented over-running brake for trucks. The brake is still
produced today in similar form.
Production of manure spreaders, trailers, tipping lorries, truck
mountings and truck trailers.
First stationary JENZ wood chipper for a veneer company
Stationary JENZ chipper are running in many veneer companies
and sawmills
Licence agreement with the Finnish Algol company for
the production and promotion of JENZ chippers in Finland
First mobile JENZ Chipper in cooperation with Algol.
Powered by a 220 kW Scania diesel engine
First JENZ waste grinder for composting green waste
First JENZ waste grinder AZ 50. With more than 300 hp the lar
gest waste grinder on the market at that time.
First mobile chipper HEM 30 D. At that time strongest mobile
chipper from German production
First mobile JENZ chipper HEM 25 Z. First tractor-driven mobile
chipper in Germany, which is loaded by its own loading crane.
New waste grinder AZ 55 replaces the AZ 50.
With the HEM 700 the first mobile chipper of the new generati
on is presented.
On the Agritechnica JENZ presents the first HEM 560 Z. The
machine becomes the most successful mobile chipper so far.
The AZ 660 is presented, the first waste grinder of the new
With the HEM 1000 JENZ produces the largest mobile chipper in
Europe at that time.
AZ 960 with 1000 mm feed opening is presented
16:29 Uhr
Seite 3
Uwe Hempen- Hermeier, Managing Partner
Dear reader,
e lar
per in
according to our point of
view, the world changed
on the 2nd of February.
This was the day on which
the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change), a committee of
500 scientists which is
active on behalf of the
United Nations, reported
that it is 90% certain that
the climatic warming of
the earth is due to the
CO2 emissions caused by
Jacques Chirac, the former
French Prime Minister,
then commented: "The
time for half measures has
passed, the day on which
the climate change will get
out of control is getting
nearer." As a result of this
the EU, under the presidency of Angela Merkal,
resolved to reduce the
CO2 emissions by 20%
and to simultaneously
increase the proportion of
renewable energies to at
least 20%. The same line
will be followed by the
German presidency at the
G8 summit as well.
Biomasses have an increasingly important function
within the renewable energy concept. Biomasses are
stored energy, and in comparison to
sun and
wind they
are always
and can
be used to
cover the
of energy
We have been convinced
of the significance biomass usage for a long
time. This is not the only
reason that we decided to
carry out our first Open
Day using the slogan of
"Biomass - energy for the
future". We wanted to
make it quite clear that
there is no place for "it is
the end of the world"
fears. We need new concepts for new types of
energy production, otherwise it will not be possible
for 9 billion people to live
on this planet in 2050. We
want to play a part in this
with our
high-powered, innovative machines.
We extend
a hearty
we l c o m e
to our customers,
employees and sup- pliers to our
"open day". We have set
up almost our whole range
of mobile waste fragmentisers and mobile chippers
for you on our works premises on Wegholmer Straße. The presentation of
our new HEM 1000 XL and
a JENZ chipper truck based
on the MAN chassis are
very likely to be the outstanding points of the day.
We will, of course, also be
demonstrating all our
other machines in use.
Employees will provide
you with information and
are available for discussions and to talk shop. The
works are also open, so
you can get an impression
of our production conditions. Our Open Day is
intended to be a pleasant
meeting of specialists from
a future-oriented sector.
Do come along, we're looking forward to meeting
16:30 Uhr
Seite 4
JENZ – new technology for the
HEM 1000 "Hercules“, "Woodcracker“ and the JENZ Chipper Truck optim
Mobile chipping machines are
driven using the towing tractor power takeoff shaft, or
using a built-on diesel motor.
For a while now we have been
receiving inquiries about fitting a chipper to a lorry and
using the lorry motor to drive it.
The reasons for this are:
• better utilisation of the lorry
motor because only one
motor is required
• higher performance because
the lorry motor is stronger
than a tractor motor
• increased mobility because
the lorry can travel at 50 mph
on the motorway in contrast
to a tractor.
Normally, however, lorries are
not fitted out for such tasks. A
suitable side drive, which
transfers the motor power
onto the chipper, cannot be
supplied by the manufacturers. This means that up to
now customers have had to
convert the vehicle themselves. This meant that the customer had to negotiate with
the lorry manufacturer, the
crane manufacturer and the
chipper producer. In many
cases, a fourth party was
involved in fitting the unit.
JENZ previously occupied this
position, but is now able to
offer a complete solution from
under one roof. The first chipper truck was presented on
Open Day. It consists of the
following main components:
- MAN HGV, Type TGA 28.480
6X4-4 BL, performance 353
kW (480PS), Wheelbase
3600mm between 1st and 2nd
- Lorry cabin converted to
"mowing version", the chipper is controlled by the rotating seat on the passenger
- EPSILON crane, type E110L
- HEM 561R mobile chipper
The overall vehicle design was
carried out by JENZ in close
consultation with our customer. The second rear axle is
steerable, so that the vehicle
has an extremely small turning circle of 16.6 metres
which enables it to manoeuvre very well in small spaces.
The overall weight of the HGV
is around 20 tonnes. In order
to use the permissible overall
weight of 40 tonnes, there is
a possibility of carrying additional loads of around 35-40
cbm of woodchippings on the
vehicle and transporting it
along motorways at 50 mph.
The advantages provided by
this concept are clear to see.
The remaining question is
economic efficiency. The
investment must be viewed in
comparison to other solutions. Here it can quickly be
seen that the costs for the
HGV concept are not particularly higher than those for
available alternatives. The
new concept should be seriously considered in any planned investment in mobile
chipper technology, particularly with regard to its logistic
Technical details
352 kW = 480 HP
Undercarriage: MAN,
TGA 28.480 6X4-4 BL
up to approx. 150 srm/h
Feed opening: 990 x 650 mm
Max. material thicknesses:
Softwood 560 mm
Length: approx. 7.640 mm
Width: approx. 2.550 mm
Height: approx. 3.850 mm
Crane: EPSILON, Typ E110L PLUS
Machine weight/standard
version: approx. 19.500 kg
16:30 Uhr
Seite 5
the processing of biomasses
ck optimise performance and logistics for our customers.
16:30 Uhr
Seite 6
JENZ – new technology for the
HEM 1000 "Hercules“, "Woodcracker“ and the JENZ Chipper Truck optim
HEM 1000 “Hercules” now
with longitudinal draw-in. In
the heavy mobile chipper sector, JENZ re-presented the HEM
1000 DQ as a machine with
side draw-in and HGV setup
back in 2005. This chipper set
new standards in the mobile
sector at the time with its
chipping drum diameter of
1450 mm. However, the HEM
1000 DQ can can only show
off its good performance with
certain materials due to its rather short side draw-in. This
solution is not really optimal
for even feeding, especially
when dealing with shorter
wood pieces.
This problem has now been
solved by the new HEM 1000
DXL. The machine has been
designed as a semitrailer with
three axles so that it offers
completely different operating
conditions due to its deadweight. Whilst the HEM 1000
DQ is limited by the 32 tonne
overall weight limit for HGVs,
the semitrailer can be designed for at least 30 tonnes
self weight irrespective of the
tractor machine. This results in
the possibility of widening the
draw-in width from 1000 mm
up to 1200 mm at present. The
upper draw-in roller is mounted directly on the rotor shaft,
as in all current JENZ woodchippers. The lower draw-in
consists of three bottom drawin rollers downstream of the
steel belt. In a similar manner
to a star screen, sand and
small stones are separated
downwards in the vicinity of
the rollers. This protects the
blades and increases service
life. The draw-in rollers and
the front part of the rotor housing are opened upwards
hydraulically to change the
blades. Tool changing can be
carried out in a matter of
minutes comfortably from the
During construction, particular
care was given to changing the
screen baskets. The result is
that the screen basket consists
of a row of individual segments which can be pulled out
of the machine sideways. The
segments can be easily handled by the operator and carried on the machine after
The semitrailer transport kingpin is now positioned directly
underneath the draw-in belt
so that there is a free loading
length of 5680 mm available.
Additional widenings have
been fitted to both sides of
the draw-in which can be
hydraulically folded up for
transport. This results in optimal conditions for simple,
rapid feed operations. Even
after a long working day, it is
an easy matter for the crane
driver to fill the 5680 mm x
3700 mm sized opening
quickly and regularly, and therefore to run at maximum
The basic philosophy for the
design of the machine is the
understanding that the economics stands and falls on
continuous high performance
levels. For this reason, the
best conditions possible have
been achieved with regard to
feed operations. The triedand-tested OM 502 LA in the
with 480 kW = 652 HP has
been selected to drive the
huge machine. It offers sufficient performance reserves
and convinces thanks to its
ratio between fuel consumption and performance achieved.
A mobile chipper the size of
the HEM 1000 DXL can only
be worked in places where
really large quantities of chippings must be produced simply due to its size. For this
reason, it would make sense
to carry out outfeed operations using a conveyor belt
instead of a fan. Conveyor
belts require less power and
have less wear. The standing
heap conveyor has a length of
around 9000 mm, can achieve
a drop height of up to 7000 mm,
and, in addition, can be swivelled up to 35 degrees to
both sides. This creates the
facility for producing chippings heaps of around 100
cbm per linear meter. This
means that the machine can
be operated for considerably
longer periods in one location
without having to be moved.
With the HEM 1000 DXL, JENZ
has extended its range with a
machine which can be used
both in biomass production
and in the wood-processing
industry. However, since the
design uses a semitrailer, the
heavy machine does not lose
any advantages of mobility.
Technical details
480 kW = 652 HP
Engine: DaimlerChrysler
OM502 LA, Euromot3A
up to approx. 280 srm/h
Feed opening: 1.200 x 1.000 mm
Max. material thicknesses:
Softwood 1.000 mm
Rotor diameter: 1.450 mm
Length: approx. 16.000 mm
Width: approx. 2.550 mm
Height: approx. 4.000 mm
Machine weight/standard
version: approx. 30.000 kg
16:30 Uhr
Seite 7
he processing of biomasses
ck optimise performance and logistics for our customers.
The old task: fragmentisation
of hardwoods and roots
The new solution: the JENZ
Woodcracker - simple, robust
and economic in use
Wood is becoming a more a
more sought after raw material due to increases in the
price of fossil energy sources. For the processing company, the important thing is
optimal use of existing material. In doing so, processing
of trunks with oversized diameters and tree roots which
do not fit in the chipper feed
is especially problematic.
A new range of technically
advanced machines is now
being offered on the market.
These are not economically
viable for private contractors
due to the considerable
investment required. It is
necessary to fragmentise
oversize wood in order to
process it.
For this reason, JENZ now
has the Woodcracker wood
splitter in its range. It is a
wood splitter which is supplied as an add-on unit for
diggers, tractors or loading
cranes. The special advantage of the JENZ woodcracke
is its well-engineered construction with only a few
moving parts and the use of
extremely durable materials.
The result is a unit of extremely low weight which is, of
course, decisive for rapid
handling. For example, the
JENZ W 600 Woodcracker has
a deadweight of only 250 kg.
This makes it suitable as a
tool even for small loading
cranes, and it can therefore
support a HEM 360 Z in the
fragmentisation of hardwoods of more than one
metre trunk diameter.
Manipulation of such heavy
and tough wood with small
chassis-mounted cranes is a
problem because the lifting
capacity of the crane is often
not sufficient. If the log slips
out of the gripper accidentally, damage to the fragmentiser housing can quickly
result. The JENZ Woodcracker
can be mounted on the crane
and fragmentises the wood
safely on site. After this,
there are no problems during
drawing in and fragmentising.
The JENZ Woodcracker is
available in four sizes from
600 mm up to 1375 mm opening width. All machines are
only fitted with four bearings
which are permanently lubricated. This means that the
new Woodcracker is practically maintenance-free. An
automatic speed valve, which
leads to quicker opening
movement, is available as an
additional fitting. The newly
developed roller system
behind the splitter cutter
reduces friction resistance
and makes less power necessary.
There is always a suitable fitting location on the mobile
to the machine for the JENZ
Woodcracker because it is so
small and has such a low
weight. For example, farmer
and private forest owner
Andreas Lübkemann has
mounted his Woodcracker W
600 as a front weight on his
Case 1455 tractor. His chipper, of type HEM 25 Z, is
designed for wood of up to
40 cm in diameter. Thanks to
the JENZ Woodcracker, he is
now capable of processing
all the wood from his private
forest and burning it in his
biomass heating system.
The new JENZ Woodcracker
range is the economic solution for processing oversized
16:30 Uhr
Seite 8
The JENZ team and its individu
Employees are the most important production factor in any comp any
They can be seen from outside by the customers mainly during sales and service activities. The Open Day is an excellent reason to photog
Master and QM groups
Hans Ulrich Lange, Heinz Böhlke, Dieter
Buddenbohm, Werner Schlegel,
Wolfgang Dieker, Rene Polivka, Thomas
Final assembly, 1st group
Hermann Neumann, Wolfgang Redeker,
Victor Neumann, Frank Rüter, Helmut
Bollhorst, Rainer Fulda, Reinhard
Niemeier, Uwe Fiestelmann, Marco
Dargel, Sebastian Könemann, H.-H.
Jacke, Jürgen Ronnenberg, Karl Heinz
Final assembly, 2nd group
Hartwig Rohlfing, August Wischmann,
Heinfried Brüggemann, Sven Stegemeier,
Klaus Bredemeier, Timm Niermeyer,
Wilhelm Kruse, Dirk Westermann, Ralf
Ötting, Nico Schneiderheinze, Christian
Brase, Holger Hillmann
Motor construction and pre-assembly
Matthias Telkemeier, Heinrich Dick,
Waldemar Neumann, Jens Mülken,
Michael Buschhorn, Jan Henrik Linz
Johann Friesen, Dennis Meyer
Welding and belt construction
Alexius Schick, Jürgen Reinking, Johann
Giesbrecht, Thomas Körtner, Ralf Duda
Missing: Johann Wall
Mechanical fabrication
Andreas Wittemeyer, Christoph Grabowski,
Markus Matzke, Frank Böhne, Thomas
Bredemeyer, Andreas von Minden,
Christian Wehking, Benjamin Braasch,
Erwin Wesemann
Missing: Jan Kaatze, Marcus Lemke
Jens Siedentopf
Rolf Tiemann, Michael Busse, Andreas
Beißner, Sven Schneiderheinze, Dirk
Pfitzner, Maik Möhring
Missing: Alexander Epp und
Dave Wallis
industrial and commercial apprentices
Ausbilder Thomas Wolf, Marlow
Reckeweg, Simon Rennicke, Peter Wall
Felix Franke, Sina Buddenbohm,
Siegurd Kiel, Anja Schmidt, Phillip
Böttcher, Christian Böhlke, Heiko
Rodenberg, Sebastian Breuer, Ausbilder
Peter Alvermann
Missing: Dennis Gieseking
Technical management, EDP, materials
Gundi Prüßmeyer, Elke Niermeyer, Rolf
Bredemeier, Reiner Büsching, Bernd
Elias, Peter Alvermann, Axel Döpke
16:31 Uhr
Seite 9
vidual team members
mp any.
son to photograph all employees together in their working groups and to show them to you here.
Construction & development
Stefan Müller, Waldemar Braun, Marco
Koopmann, Jens Wiehe, Robin
Friederichs, Hans Bargen, Ulf Bulmahn
Mario Heller, Uwe Weiße
Warehousing & transport
Wilhelm Busse, Thomas Burmester,
Reinhard Maisolle, Dieter Ungefroren,
Gernot Brian Walker, Werner Hake,
Christian Hake, Maik Senne
Missing: Ulrich Beutelmann
General administration
Thomas Oetting, Marita Knabe, Anna
Hermeier, Sylvia Könemann, Maike
Buschhorn, Jessica Kortum, Walter
Service, parts trading
Silvio Patzsch, Jörg Hillmann, Bernd
Westermann, Wolfgang Benditte, Carolin
von der Ahe
Service workshop
Nico Westermann, Axel Wilharm, Eugen
Miller, Frithjof Meyer, Gregor Giesbrecht,
Steffen Hilgendorf
Ulf Beier, Hartmut Schneckener, Karin
Schwanda, Uwe Hempen-Hermeier,
Renate Steinich-Döding, Bernd Ruhe
Service- and parts trading in Petershagen
16:11 Uhr
Seite 10
Energy production from residual
forest wood in Finland with huge potential
Wuorio company receives visit from Finland's premier, Prime Minister Matti Vanhanen
quantity produced by around
128.000 litres of oil or
around 1280 MWh.
Fragmentisation of residual forestry wood at the biomass yard
Finland's surface area consists of up to 60% forest.
It is therefore hardly a surprise that Finland is top of the
league table of industrial
countries for biomass usage.
In 2004, 20.4 % of primary
energy consumption was
covered by biomass.
The wood and paper industries are top of the supplier
list. The potential of residual
wood from forestry operations is estimated to be an
annual 10 to 16 million cbm,
but at present only around 3
million cbm is being used for
energy purposes. The forested area has further increased over the last few
years. This market has great
potential for smaller companies and niche applications.
Our customer Reijo Wuorio
had also drawn these conclusions when he founded his
biomass company in 2001.At
the beginning, he purchased
a HEM 560 D, which was
mounted on a Volvo lorry.
Business expanded rapidly in
the following years. Today,
the company employs a total
of 26 people directly and
indirectly. Four HEM 560 D /
HEM 561 D machines form
the core of the machinery
pool, all of which are mounted on lorries. In addition,
two walkingfloor lorries are
used for chipping logistics,
and a large wheeled loader is
used to transport woodchippings. The daily production
quantity achieved by the four
machines is around 1600
bulk cubic metres, which is
equivalent to the energy
Wuorio’s JENZ mobile chipping machine fleet ready for action
The youthful company had a
very big day in October last
year. The Finnish Prime
Minister Matti Vanhanen paid
a personal visit to Wuorios
bioenergy terminal in Askola.
In his speech, Vanhanen was
of the opinion that there
would be no conflict between
material and energy wood
usage in Finland in the future
either. Thermal utilisation
could be increased by a factor of four without further
ado, and would not cause
any restrictions on material
usage. The Finnish govern-
ment sees their task in subsidising the procurement of
machines for the treatment of
residual wood as an investment in the home energy
market. This would also support the national climatic
protection aims, decrease the
dependency on oil and simultaneously promote forestry
Entrepreneur Reijo Wuorio
therefore has many reasons
to look positively into the
future. Shortly before the
Prime Minister's visit, he
ordered the fifth HEM 561 D,
and is therefore playing his
part in implementing Finland's national aims.
Herr Wuorio explains matters to Finland's Prime Minister
Matti Vanhanen
16:11 Uhr
Seite 11
2000th JENZ fragmentiser produced
Firma De Beijer erhält AZ 660 Duo Cut
"Big Mama“: rotors on the 2000th
JENZ fragmentiser
Cut". Just as for
other "Jubilee machines", we took a picture of our entire
workforce together
with this chipper.
The dynamics of
development over
the last 25 years in
the mobile chipper
technology sector
becomes very obvious using JENZ's pictures of similar
"Jubilee machines".
We hope you will
enjoy the photos of
our other jubilees.
JENZ has been producing fragmentising machines since
1958. The 2000th
machine was produced last January.
This was an AZ 660
Duo Cut. The machine was delivered to
the De Beijer Brothers
company in Holland,
who are already
operating a HEM 700.
Since commencing
production of fragmentisers, JENZ has
always placed great
The 2000th machine (AZ 660 Duo Cut for the De Beijer brothers)
value on the fact that
the machine fittings match the purchase of a second rements. In addition, the
the particular task definitions machine with chipper only machine allows the belt drive
and requirements of the cus- would not have been econo- to be changed so that the
tomer - just as in this machine. mically viable for the company. chipper rotor can work with
De Beijer was looking for a The AZ 660 machine stands the required lower rotation
machine which could be run were modified so that the speed for clean chipping
using both a chipper rotor rotor could be changed over operation. This new version
and an impact rotor, because quickly to meet these requi- has been named the "Duo
- Photo of the 500th
machine (Algol hopper chipper)
- Photo of the 600th machine
(AZ 30 for Rahden)
- Photo of the 1.000th machine (AZ 60 for Schönmackers)
- Photo of the 1.500th machine (HEM 560 D for Schaller)
The 500. machine (Regrinder, type funnel chipper for Algol)
The 600. machine (AZ 30 for Rahden)
The 1000. machine (AZ 60 for Schönmackers)
The 1500. machine (HEM 560 D for Schaller)
16:12 Uhr
Seite 12
Biomass – energy for the fut ur
In the future, biomasses will pay an ever increasing part in the implementation of international
We will be presenting our current range of fragmentising machines during our Open Day. The individual machines are presented in brief o
You can find more information in our current product guide and on the Internet at
AZ 30 D
AZ 460 D
AZ 660 D
Perkins 74,5 kW
DaimlerChrysler 205 kW
DaimlerChrysler 295 kW, 360 kW, 450 kW
Feed opening:
Feed opening:
Feed opening:
up to 60 cbm/h
300 x 790 mm
up to 140 cbm/h
460 x 1.200 mm
up to 220 cbm/h
660 x 1.500 mm
AZ 660 DXL
AZ 960 DXL
HEM 360 Z-ZA
DaimlerChrysler ab 295 kW,
360 kW/450kW
up to 260 cbm/h
Feed opening: 660 x 1.500 mm
DaimlerChrysler 450 kW
Power take-off up to 180 kW
Feed opening:
Feed opening:
HEM 420 Z
HEM 561 DL Tiger
HEM 561 R-Truck
Power take-off up to 180 kW
DaimlerChrysler 360 kW
MAN-TGA 350 kW
Feed opening:
Feed opening:
Feed opening:
up to 80 cbm/h
420 x 990 mm
up to 350 cbm/h
960 x 1.620 mm
up to 120 cbm/h
650 x 990 mm
up to 60 cbm/h
400 x 790 mm
up to 150 cbm/h
650 x 990 mm
16:12 Uhr
Seite 13
ut ure
rnational climatic protection targets. The requirement for this is high-powered machinery.
nted in brief on the following pages.
HEM 561 Z
HEM 1000 DXL
Power take-off up to 235 kW
DaimlerChrysler 480 kW
Feed opening:
Feed opening:
up to 150 cbm/h
650 x 990 mm
up to 280 cbm/h
1.000 x 1.200 mm
MU 2000
Windshifter W 6
Drum screen T 6 with fine separator
Perkins 74,5 kW
Perkins 42 kW
Perkins 90 kW + 5 kW
Production: up to 50 cbm/h
Production: up to 200 cbm/h
Feed opening:
up to 350 cbm/h
2.000 x 1.000 mm
HEM 700 DL
Cracker opening:
Splitting power at 240 bar:
W 1350
1375 mm
26 t
800 kg
W 1000
1040 mm
26 t
460 kg
W 820
820 mm
26 t
330 kg
W 600
600 mm
26 t
250 kg
DaimlerChrysler 295 kW, 360 kW, 450 kW
Feed opening:
up to 220 cbm/h
700 x 990 mm
16:12 Uhr
Seite 14
JENZ and GVOA plant the first e
Pilot project for the promotion of renewable energy forestry in the Minden-Lübbecke district
The Association for the
Utilisation of Organic Waste
in the Minden-Lübbecke
district (GVoA) and JENZ
GmbH signed a contract for
the promotion of renewable
energy forestry planting in
the Minden-Lübbecke district
last April.
Both companies assume that
the potential of existing local
forestry in the area will not
be sufficient during times of
increasing timber demand.
They consider the planting of
energy forestry to be an
alternative, and are hoping
that set-aside agricultural
land will provide suitable
growing areas. Planting of
rapid-growing timber types
does not prevent the payment of set-aside bonuses.
In the context of harvesting
moist woodchippings, the
GVoA hopes to provide the
facility for using the waste
heat produced by the fermenting works on their premises to dry the woodchippings. Energy forestry is a
particular challenge for JENZ.
The wood harvesting technology in the sector has not yet
been sufficiently developed.
This will provide a new task
for mobile chipping machines
in the future.
With this background, farmer
Wilhelm Borgmann provided
1.08 hectares of land in the
immediate vicinity of the
JENZ company premises. The
choice lay between willow,
poplar and miscanthus. After
a detailed investigation,
13,000 cuttings of Swedish
Torbis willow were ordered.
The crucial factor was the
costs of the plants themselves and the compatibility of
woodchippings with the JENZ
biomass heating works,
which has an output of 320
kW. It was feared that especially miscanthus woodchippings would be unable to be
incinerated without problems.
The field was prepared by
Wilhelm Borgmann in accordance with instructions issued by Agrobränsle, the
Swedish cutting supplier. This
was equivalent to what is
required for the planting of
maize. For research reasons,
exactly half the area was fertilised using Terrahum quality
compost from the GVoA composting works. This is intended to prove whether fertilisation leads to demonstrably
better tree growth.
The cuttings were planted in
double rows at 13.000 cuttings per hectare. The cuttings had a length of 20 centimetres and were taken from
one-year-old growth. They
were delivered in cartons,
24.04.2006: Wilhelm Borgmann and two apprentices planting
the 13,000 cuttings
Werner Hake with the JENZ apprentices in the middle of the 5-mon th-old
and cooled down to a temperature of around 3 degrees in
a refrigeration unit before
Planting itself took place
using a planting machine
which was operated by two
JENZ apprentices. The planting area is 150x75x150 cm.
Spacing within the rows is
around 65 cm. Each hectare
required around four hours of
planting work.
Weed control in the first year
is crucial for the success of
the planting operations. This
is always emphasised in agricultural literature, but the
intention was to do without
chemical weed control as far
as possible. The area was
prepared using Roundup and
resprayed shortly after planting the cuttings. After this,
no more weed control was
carried out and the area was
left to itself.
The result of this concept
was unfortunately heavy
weed growth, which considerately restricted the willow
growth. For this reason, the
JENZ apprentices had to
remove the weed by hand in
the autumn. Weed growth
was particularly strong in the
area which had been fertilised using compost, so that in
the end composting cannot
be considered to have been
a success.
Pupils at the Petershagen
secondary school, which is
connected to JENZ by a
school sponsoring scheme,
carried out a planting sche-
16:12 Uhr
Seite 15
st energy forest in Petershagen
Swedish willow really was a
"turbo willow" variety. The
fact that the Torbis was
obviously growing considerably better than the homegrown willows could be seen
after only one year.
For reasons of cost, the area
was not fenced off against
wild animal feeding. Since
the field was only one hectare in size, and local deer
populations were low, this
was not considered necessary. In addition, Torbis willow
leaves are considered to
taste very bitter to deer. The
experience gained after one
year of growth shows that
wild animal feeding levels
have been very low.
5-mon th-old willows
me using homegrown willows
on 800 square metres of land
to form a comparison with
the Torbis variety. This comparative planting was intended to show whether the
First growth after around 14 days
Questions must naturally be
asked about the cost of planting. Costs must, of course,
be viewed in relationship to
the yield. Since this is a
long-term project, a definitive
statement on this matter can
only be made after several
The fact of the matter is that
the price for 1 lcm of willow
woodchippings is certainly
competitive at current fossil
energy source price levels.
Energy forestry should cer-
tainly not be considered
purely from cost viewpoints.
According to an investigation
made by the Bavarian
Regional forestry office, the
biodiversity in such areas is
up to 10 times higher than
that in adjacent fields. In
addition, tree growth reduces
nitrate concentrations in the
Seventh year pupils in
school measured the length
of the willow cuttings during
mathematics lessons last
September. In addition, teacher Dieter Schäpsmeier divided the overall area into sections. The willow cutting
length was measured in each
section. The results showed
that the average length was
as high as 1.73 m after only
five months.
The evident advantages of
the planting scheme have
been subject to considerable
attention in the area. The
efforts made have not been
without success. As a result
of this scheme, further contracts for the renewable planting of rapid-growing willows
on a five hectare area have
been signed.
16:12 Uhr
Seite 16
JENZ-Österreich GmbH
founded in Kasten
JENZ Austria: General manager Norbert Goldnagl with Martina
Goldnagl and Raimund Hengenius
The trend is clearly towards
direct operations for sales
and service of high-quality
agricultural and forest machinery.
We have reacted to this, and
have founded JENZ – Österreich GmbH as a 100% subsidiary of JENZ GmbH for the
Austrian sales region. The
new company is also responsible for sales of spare parts.
JENZ - Österreich GmbH has
its headquarters at Mitterfeld
9, 3072 Kasten.
General manager Norbert
Goldnagl is supported by his
wife Martina in the accountancy department, Raimund
Hengenius is active as service
mechanic for JENZ – Österreich GmbH.
You can reach the new company at:
02744 / 7819
Mobile: 0664 / 1229800
02744 / 67066
Raimund Hengenius:
0664 / 1229801
JENZ South
moving house
JENZ South is optimising its
location. To do this, the location is moving from Aichach
to 86554 Pöttmes, Aichacher
Straße No. 11.
The new branch office will be
open as of 01.05.2007. The
service department, spare
parts warehouse and sales
office are all housed in 230
mÇ of floor area.
At the same time, the telephone numbers will change
as follows:
Sales: 08253 / 928 283
Service: 08253 / 928 284
08253 / 928 285
Area Sales Manager Helmut
Krammer will be supported
by service technicians Stefan
Schwaiger and Christian
Perkl. Both are trained agricultural mechanics with a
wide range of know-how in
the handling of agricultural
and forestry machinery. You
can reach our service technicians on the following numbers:
Stefan Schwaiger mobile:
Christian Perkl mobile:
The JENZ South team with Helmut Krammer, Christian Perkl
and Stefan Schwaiger
Bernd Ruhe takes over the northern
sales region as Area Sales Manager
Since May, Bernd Ruhe has
been responsible for supporting our existing regular customers and for the development of new business relationships in this area.
Bernd Ruhe has been in the
company since 1990. After
completing his apprenticeship as a mechanical engineering mechanic, he has
worked in various company
departments starting with
machine assembly. During
this phase, he worked as a
service mechanic dealing
with machines in his current
sales area. His last position
Manager in Petershagen, and
Benditte's right-hand man.
Thanks to his previous activities, Bernd Ruhe possesses
extensive know-how and
well-based technical knowledge about our mobile chipping machines and waste
fragmentisers. This means
that he is well set up to provide support to our customers and potential purchasers in the solution of the
often complicated tasks they
set. He can be reached on
e-mail at:
The photograph shows
Bernd Ruhe together with
Axel Wilharm, who will be
working as a service mechanic for the Northern sales Bernd Ruhe together with Axel Wilharm, who will be working
region in future.
as service mechanic for the Northern sales region in future.