Differential Interleukin 12 Responsiveness for Interferon y
Differential Interleukin 12 Responsiveness for Interferon y
Vol. 4, 2425-2432, October 1998 Clinical Differential Interleukin Production in Advanced Correlates Kazuko Uno,’ Atsuko Kishi, Hiromi Louis with Setoguchi, Makoto Ogawa, and Center Medical Institute, Man Tsunataro for Medical of Cancer School, Osaka Inc., Cambridge, Research cells 606, Japan Center, [K. U., Osaka cells enhances NK (3) growth factor antitumor activity mechanisms has been in murine including duction by T cells present study the and was tumor capacity natural to examine shown to exhibit models through cancer patients stimulation IFN-’y cells. aim Samples from responsiveness. patients displayed those observed exhibited of IL-12 IV) increased these phocytes contained When in peripheral mor necrosis patients crosis showed exhibited after factor factor LL-12 a blood responses. a production stimulation, was IL-12-stimulated induced IFN-”y tions indicate that a remarkable reactivity among cancer patients, responsiveness depends largely the a critical significant effects (18). therapy abrogates the The status. of lymthe tumor were enhanced observed in some elevation of tumor in samples These tunethat observa- exists in IL-12 differential IL-12 status. the high stimu- levels these of an reactivated IFN-’y T that plays In tumor-bearing not mdi- sufficient Nevertheless, IL-12-mediated tumor-bearing to induce this initial antitumor monoclonal antitumor state logical condition induced and by which in Ref. 19). mains in Whereas the United effect antibody efficacy be- before of IL-l2 responses (1 1, of NK tumor-induced we cancer the whole blood. exists in IL-l2 ferential tumors nor rather with a given implication by the correlates number of the PS of either patients These in stage. evaluating in ongoing PATIENTS AND Subjects. the clinical and healthy The abbreviations peripheral blood SN, supernatant; investigation, subjects used dif- type of blood stages an responsiveness of IL-12 The whole provide in but or those important of cancer immunotherapy. METHODS In this patients IL-12 trials with difference the at all cancer results from contained patients. in present itself neither present advanced blood cancer with PBMCs similarly PBMCs a remarkable among reactivity re- in various by PBMCs that responsiveness in issue In the of whole production show started can patients (20). stimulating results just IL-12 various responsiveness LFN-y The IL-l2 have is (reviewed a fundamental whether from IL-12 patients and measuring of IL-12 immunomodulation assessed production are modulated Japan, cells pathophysio- cytokine trials and regarding and rIL-l2 2 T-cell to be resolved various at abnormal Europe, T cells is a representative which clinical States, stimulate patients Received 4/17/98; revised 7/20/98; accepted 7/24/98. The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked advertisement in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. I To whom requests for reprints should be addressed, at Louis Pasteur Center for Medical Research, 103-5, Tanaka Monzen-cho, Sakyo-Ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto 606-8225, Japan. Phone: 81-75-791-7726; Fax: 8175-7 15-5850; E-mail: lpasteur@mbox.kyoto-inet.or.jp. for is by strikingly produce (17). alone com- responses 12). study, on performance therapeutic is critical and in recently induces of immune to produce regression production IL-l2 samples from comparable to states difference and that in tumor (16) anti-IFN-’y cells production. sites and observed it has 15): IL-12 cells with nor blood role NK cyto8); (1, 9). been (1 1, 12), and allows tumor IFN--1 viduals, has of IL-12 14 and and IFN-y to infiltrate iso- also T cells cytokine, cells showing null/marginal was examined, 7 of 13 was only antitumor in Refs. treatment number Whereas (reviewed T-cell (3, subset Moreover, a series and T cells T-cell administration on T cytokine of various and helper through cause performance mononuclear systemic IL-12 for reduced the regression positive of the samples samples that tumor NK (10-13). process incidences neither blood blood samples responsiveness positive the shown plete lates by This as a NK secretion of IL-12 models IL-12. the rest with with the after activity tumor effects 2). acts the IFN-y of 1 and activities; of the Thl been effector (4) pleiotropic Refs. stimulates therapeutic the host in CTL that murine to exhibit pg/mI and null IL-12 responsiveness stages or at a given advanced along correlated lated from patient responses, and their samples The production at all cancer However, types. 1000 showed whereas responses. in induc- induced with individuals for controls, of IFN-y patients (stage production samples proof the A comparison was served as controls Approximately half of the levels of LFN-y production almost-null capacity in cancer stage blood all healthy The the efficacy for IFN-y of whole various to stimulate killer ing IFN-y secretion in cancer patients. made between healthy individuals who and potent and (5-7); maturation The 12 (IL-12) shown (reviewed particularly promotes ABSTRACT been NK kines, 565, Japan [M. 0., H. F.]; and Massachusetts 02140 [H. S.] has and various Interleukin y Patients IL-122 Saotome, Kyoto Interferon INTRODUCTION Tanigawa, Kishida Research, for 2425 Research Status Hideo J. S., M. T., A. K., T. K.l; Biomedical University Genetics Stages Performance Junko Fujiwara, Pasteur 12 Responsiveness Cancer are: were IL, interleukin; mononuclear PS, performance cell; various selected rIL-l2, status. from NK, cancer-bearing those natural recombinant who killer; human were PBMC, IL-I 2; 2426 Differential IL- 12 Responsiveness receiving medical polyclinic of Louis care Blood was subjects had no acute or patients with tumors (n 9), ovarian other types after tests. hepatic (n 24), age, Patients who the past 2 months (n Cytokines. 13) and 58. 1 ± infec- no abnormal value 12.4 consisted tumors 19), included years; 9), = tumors (n 3), 50 men and range, 25-88 and 59 years). or chemotherapy within excluded. rIL-l2 was supplied by Genetics Institute, 0 Inc. (Cambridge, was supplied Japan) MA). by and ized to NIH tional Units tube of Blood was tube at 3000 were suspended mented with FCS, rpm to the procedure method (21): diluted For at -80#{176}C until of IFN-y was measured by was prepared using monoclonal antibody (Cambridge, MA)j IFN--y. ANOVA tistical (Abacus ELISA. [201 rpm of were 20 and h. stored SE. purchased activity, (Genzyme Corp., protected were Inc., IFN--y Endogen was ELISA X pur- as well corresponded kits (recom10” Cambridge, units/mg). MA) were concentration. are presented was significant computed Berkeley, ELISA from system analysis least IFN-y (Bl33.5 6.7 of TNF-a Results concen- in our laboratory) specific Statistical IFN-y anti-human Bl33.5 in PharMingen and Fishe’s calculations was of 0. 1 unit/mI Analysis. Concepts, Cultures human types in our ELISA kits ± The two IU/ml IFN--y; Statistical mean Intern, Concentration. biotinylated for the determination metic well at 37#{176}C for at 3000 and biotinylated One TNF-a used 2Gl and Endogen to approximately Human PBMCs NUNC with CA). as the performed difference. StatView (pg/mi) Assessing IFN--y Blood after in Vitro Venous blood PBMCs were was drawn isolated from of rIL- 1 2 for 20 h. Culture and assayed for IFN--y blood and to rIL-l2. isolated IFN-’y dependent concentrations. Production way in amounts from five PBMC sample. contained The in whole be assessed stimulating results blood isolated blood 10-1000 or 10000 on stimulation sample and one of PBMCs in response blood 1, both in response IL-12 dose- the capacity IFN--y whole of IFN-’y Healthy Individuals whether the capacity IFNcould also with from that harvested in Fig. to IL-l2 directly instead of PBMCs. A Comparison between amined produce show by stimulating were WN-y in an to produce portion. PBMCs suswith different produced induced ranging healthy blood SNs response was observed except for one blood by Stimulation each As shown PBMC samples production was pg/ml, and the maximal with 1000 pg/ml IL-l2, rIL-12. by Whole Blood patients was of rIL-12 in parallel (Fig. 2). The results with show that individuals all blood Whole Production and Cancer Patients. We cxof PBMCs from cancer patients to be assessed by stimulating whole cultured with different concentrations that from seven healthy individuals samples blood from responses, differed in IL- 1 2 responsiveness. displayed served levels for almost-null positive 10000 whereas of healthy or only samples pg/ml IL-12, from healthy positive using Sta- for in Whole blood diluted 1 :4 with MEM and isolated in RPM! 1640 were stimulated in vitro arith- software and concentrations can system human CO2) Ltd., to each of 1 ml/well. (5% centrifugation tration binant (Nalge con- Co., isolated distributed plates various System rLL-12. Whole pended blood use. Measurement from of PBMCs, and Stim- whole Kizai for stimulation #{149}, Contained individuals, according with (Eiken with rIL-12. MEM. the cultured tubes 1640 by 1 :4 with as incubator harvested with previously at a volume in a CO, PBMCs performed culture Denmark) as human diluted was RESULTS An Assay MEM. supple- antibiotics. or PBMCs 2 used after with 1640 rIL- 12 was stimulation in RPMI washed of ilL-i ic; San layers in RPMI ic;#{149}1 io2 0 #{149} , cell Dickinson, the upper and and was blood collection heparmnized CPT (Becton Blood with NUNCLON chased of PBMCs. from HEPES, described Japan). were and Isolation for 20 mm blood blood suspended Roskilde, in Interna- heparin of rIL- 1 2 in F-spitz conducted expressed PBMCs, 10.- Fig. I IFN--y production in whole blood or by isolated lymphocytes from healthy individuals after stimulation in vitro with IL-12. Diluted (1:4) whole blood or isolated PBMCs (106 cells/ml) from five healthy individuals were cultured with various concentrations of rIL- 12 for 20 h in F-spitz tubes or 48-well culture plates, respectively. Culture SNs were assayed for IFN--y concentrations. Each symbol represents whole blood and PBMCs from the same subject (#{149}, subject 1; subject 2; A, subject 3; subject 4; V. subject 5). standard- blood 10 ‘ Concentrations (Hyogo, and at 10” cells/ml venous of whole 48-well Ltd. was a VACUTAINNER recovered of Whole ulation SNs sodium 5 mivi Stimulation Tokyo, Co., 10 form) of IFN To isolate using were PBMCs Heparinized (natural titer an evacuated heparmn. with centrifugation were using drawn PBMCs centrations Samples drawn sodium blood CA). Research The Gg23-901-530 was preparation IFN--y milliliter. containing Jose, Chemicals reference per blood venous leukocyte as the standard. Preparation Venous Human Nihon used iymphocytes of (n breast tumors radiotherapy were healthy = uterine isolated The group (n at the (Kyoto, of chronic stomach tumors = had received 29), 3), tests consent. patient = (n (n blood Research exhibited cancer lung of tumors (mean informed and tumors = with Medical and no history The tumors women for infection disease blood Patients check Center drawn autoimmune on routine colon or a health Pasteur Japan). tious in Cancer samples IFN--y production the marginal responses. to those cancer again the on of exhibited cancer patients six of nine comparable rest obtained similar from Whereas controls, were nine to those the samples The peak stimulation observed samples ob- exhibited levels with for samples in six 1000- from Clinical Fig. 2 of IFN--y cancer (1:4) whole blood healthy individuals patients samand were cultured with of rIL-12 for 20 h various concentrations in F-spitz tubes, and culture assayed for IFN--y concentrations. SNs were 0 10 10 i02 0 Concentrations more 1 c mately ..- half by #{149}0 0 of IL-12 responsiveness 0 0 ferential S 5 0 0 10 various So 0 #{149} Cancer Healthy Comparison and healthy individuals. responders stimulation IFN-’y Diluted individuals and cancer patients for 20 h in F-spitz tubes. positive were Because with some exhibited 10000 pg/ml from from samples The with 1000 Patients to be modulated responses to those cancer mean stage ity IFN--y made patients stimulation IFN-y IU/ml) was between (n due values in significantly 1000 in the lower of IFN--y part to cancer of lympho- of tumors. of stage III and on ally it high is than the production presence 30) (n IL-12 Cancer whether that (Fig. 3). patients (3.2 ± seen healthy The control group and the difference between of in the healthy the two groups individuals also In more positive classified IV may that more (low of the all patients half difference in stage III. Thus, between exhibiting null at earlier of the stage responses. based on in Fig. 4 as one of three cancer stages, different to the description results patients values show was that a reduced observed of IFN-)I Committee capacity as their production on of IFN-y PS status are as follows: (Fig. (22) healthy The 5). production progressed. we PS grades Cancer Joint it IV patients (PS 0, PS 1 + 2, and PS 3 + 4) according American re- stages, by the ± 0.7 capac- III (P < 0.05). difference IV than to considerable) classification 2.7 to the exception- patient a 4. III, and a lower a statistical patients than and at stage actually at stage in Fig. I + H, stage be related of one is Canblood ± 4.5, and although frequent obvious Instead III Contre IV showed did those there fact, 10.5 at stage than stages in whole is summarized of stage ± 0.8, in stage cancer production stages responsiveness obscure showed production IL-l2 pg/mi cancer and 4.4 stage different Internationale values production between obtained for IFN-’y 27) = with production controls individuals (7.9 ± 1.3 lU/mi; P < 0.005). showed a wide variation in IFN-y production, in the mean included to the tumor-node-metas- IFN-y Patients value was IL-l2-induced We dif- number type according at various mean A comparison after the of three of Union were respectively. for IV) production IV patients IU/ml, were blood patients. for producing variables the and as one patients IFN--y sponses cancer-bearing These classification stimulation with 1000 pg/mI IL-12, the following analyses done by stimulating whole blood with 1,000 pg/mI IL-l2. by whole in cancer is responsible IL-12-stimulated stages. was conditions to IL-l2, graded A high groups both lower compared between blood were cultured samples IL-12 production whole somewhat (TNM) cer (UICC). cancer be responses. in Cancer of examination, I + II, III, and tasis patients IL-l2-stimulated cancer patients. of individuals from healthy pg/mI rIL-l2 may approxi- almost-null is considered variable(s) as responders patients g individuals 0.73 exhibited whereas 0 (stages various IU/ml), Responsiveness and/or which PS at the time cytes 000 000000g after were Nevertheless, individuals showed IL- 1 2 responsiveness. stages, S o S 0 factors investigated 0 0 Fig. 3 healthy 1 .5 patients PS. production. healthy than of the cancer (pg/mi) 0 20 : (more IL-12 i02 IFN--y 30 of the Correlation with C 0 high all responses 10 for stimulation a particularly importantly, positive 3 10 of riL-1 2 used exhibiting . 2427 Research IL-12 dose-dependent stimulation production in the whole blood system. Diluted pies from seven nine Cancer in the The mean individuals, 2428 Differential IL- 1 2 Responsiveness in Cancer Patients P<0.05 A - S 40 E E ..- ..- .30 C 0 0 U U 0 20 0. C.. 0 0.10 S ± A A 10 .:: :ss5 :. ± #{149};: t* U- A AAAA ,$2. t - S - - S Cancer . PSO stage PS1+2 PS3+4 Cancer patients IL-12-stimulated IFN--y production with various stages. Diluted whole at various stages were cultured with tubes. A, and represent the patient at cancer stages I + II, III, #{149}, S .: w Ill I +11 Fig. 4 patients patients in F-spitz by each A A S A in whole blood from cancer blood samples from cancer 1000 pg/mi rIL-l2 for 20 h value of IFN--y production #{149} and IV, respectively. IFN-y production in whole blood PS groups. Diluted whole blood patients were cultured with 1000 pg/mi tubes. #{149}, PS 0 cancer patients; A, PS I + Fig. in 3 6 from 4 cancer + stage samples various IV cancer patients from stage IV cancer rIL-12 for 2 cancer 20 h in F F-spitz patients; #{149} , PS and patients. VU IV patients 50 E 0 lu/mi 40 C ck3 0 00 30 . PS 3 + 4 patients, indicate #{163} AA oGO Healthy individuals PSO PS1+2 whether in each cant IL-l2-stimuiated IFN-y production in whole blood from cancer in various PS groups. Diluted whole blood from healthy mdiand cancer patients in various PS groups were cultured with 1000 pg/mi rIL-12 for 20 h in F-spitz tubes. 0, A, and represent the value of IFN--y production by healthy individuals, PS 0 cancer patients, PS 1 + 2 cancer patients, and PS 3 + 4 cancer patients, respectively. difference 4 patients patients, 3.2 PS 0 patients, ± 0.6 lU/mi; 6.4 and PS lU/mI (statistical analysis: healthy tients, P < 0.001 ; healthy individuals P < 0.001 0.001 ; PS 0 patients 0 patients significant 0.8 IU/ml) remarkable responses (34. ; healthy 1%) individuals versus ± 1.5 IU/ml; 3 + 4 patients, individuals 1 + 2 1.0 ± 0.8 PS 0 pa- versus PS 1 + 2 patients, versus PS 3 + 4 patients, versus PS 1 + 2 patients, P < 0.05; P < and PS PS 3 + 4 patients, P < 0.01). There was no difference in IFN-y production between PS 1 (3.7 ± versus and PS that the incidence increases to PS 3 + 2 (3.3 from 4 (85%). ± 0.9 IU/ml) of patients PS with 0 (20.5%) This was patients. also null It is more PS the case when 1 + stage PS grading, even also tients bearing there was depend the types significant 2 0 the to the numwe the determined of lympho- mean there number was patients and decrease in of no signifiPS responsiveness IFN--y-producing of tumors. difference patients. decreases PS on different these To 3 + 4 in PS 3 + the number of to IL-12. compared no Although of IL-l2 The with capacity As shown in IL-l2 results PS show grade in Fig. 8, responsiveness that each in pain IL-12 respon- categorized tumor group. IL-12 Responsiveness Samples Showing whether PBMCs marginal responses isolated from of plasma. (PS in have the capacity 1 + 2) exhibiting in Fig. (>2.0 isolated zero 9, 7 of 13 PBMC IU/ml). These blood and stimulated were results Isolated Responses. contained the blood PBMCs of PBMCs Null/Marginal from to only of WN--y production by whole RPMI 1640 were stimulated with or marginal through 7). with as responders We PS not of of Tumors. the number (Fig. the reduction does lymphocytes siveness lU/mi; group cancer PS. to the Number blood, and null these with is related in whole capacity between Thus, among 2.4 IL- 12 responsiveness of among correlates and to the Type contained of ± 3.7 collectively, Responsiveness Blood decreased patients. #{149}, #{149} ± PS lymphocytes Fig. 5 patients viduals 15.2 of IL-12 4.8 incidence differs responsiveness the IFN-’y-producing cytes PS3#{247}4 Cancer patients the Taken IL- 1 2 responsiveness of lymphocytes both ___ grading. grades were in PS 1 + 2 patients, (PS 0 patients versus and 0.05), PS differential in the determine < with that and Lymphocytes ber P increased Relationship 0 0 to the three production in PS 0 patients, 2.7 ± 0.6 lU/nil ± 0.9 lU/mI in PS 3 + 4 patients 00 A according of IFN--y 0.3 patients, 0 classified values and data 0 were 6); the mean responses 0 ‘, only PS (Fig. from Blood We examined samples showing nulL’ to respond to IL- 12 when with IL-l2 in the absence the blood of 13 patients marginal levels (< 1.0 IU/ml) blood. PBMCs suspended in 1000 pg/ml rIL-12. As shown samples indicate produced that positive PBMCs responses in approxi- Clinical Healthy individuals S 40#{149} Cancer Research 2429 S S 55 30 . S 20 , S E #{149}S S S 10 S S S 55 j S C . 0 S I.’:,te, #{149} ,#55, 4-’ 55 . PS3+4 PS1+2 C., 1- 30 20 S S 10 S Whole blood .S :.?Ii* .. i’o _o_ . 20 30 . , 40 No. of lymphocytes Fig. 7 Relationship between IFN--y S&..,.S5 500 10 (xl O5cells production 20 30 40 50 /ml) and the number of lymphocytes in whole blood from cancer patients in various PS groups. Whole blood samples from healthy individuals and various PS groups of cancer patients were examined for IL-12 (1000 pg/ml)-stimulated IFN--y production. The number of lymphocytes contained in each of these blood samples was also determined. The point indicating IFN-’y production and the lymphocyte number in each subject were individually plotted. Fig. 9 IFN--y production in whole biood or by isolated lymphocytes from patients after stimulation with IL- 12. Diluted ( 1 :4) whole blood or isolated PBMCs (106 cells/mi) from 13 patients were cultured with 1000 pg/mi rIL-12 in a culture system similar to that described in the Fig. 1 legend. Dashed line, 2.0 lU/mi. Production TNF-a lation. TNF-a We finally (23). Liver #{149} Gastro-intestinal 40 30 4-a U d’ A PSO PS1+2 thL #{149}#{149}A PSO PS3+4 10). Patterns 2 and 5 were PS1+2 #{149}.:.. PS3+4 50 ulation, most enhanced almost no of of IL-l2 2: Uterus cate that TNF-a IL-12 stimulation 30 S 10 S.5 5 e 44e I’I U PSO S - PS1+2 PSO PS3+4 A bearing 1000 pg/mi half responsiveness expression plasma. healthy in all besamples, of TNF-a were detected After IL-12 individuals and PS In contrast, of TNF-a IFN--y concentration level of PS grades. of TNF-a. in PS 3 + 4 patients, to induce IFN-y in Figs. as in each 0 patients only production which Thus, pro- marginal was correlated production. in stim- with these the failure mdi- results production is enhanced in whole in association with the induction or observed, blood after of IFN--y DISCUSSION AjA The #{149}.e. PS1+2 PS3+4 Fig. 8 IFN-y production in whole blood from patients bearing various types of tumors in different PS groups. Diluted whole blood from mately the concentration production. 20 patients levels irrespective rIL-12 to those as well zero Each pg/ml TNF-a individuals at the Stimucytokine is also stimulation. 1000 similar Whereas almost enhancement especially LI. patients. levels Ovary and IL-12 antitumor production IL-l2 production to considerable duced after with production in healthy was blood after stimulated of IFN--y of cancer Breast Lung IFN--y stimulation 0. 40 2 blood samples observed unstimulated I 0 for assayed (Fig. significant S 10 C 0 was fore 20 E blood Blood representative whether TNF-a in whole of the whole PS group S in Whole is another examined induced/enhanced ,u Isolated lymphocyte various rIL-12 types of tumors for 20 h in F-spitz of the blood samples (shown) were cultured with showing null/marginal IL-l2 to IL- 12, but in the presence the of results to healthy difference duction whole tive tubes. have the capacity to respond of such a capacity is inhibited pared obtained in IL-12 in whole blood after from although contrast, approximately showed levels of present cancer necessarily number tumor of types; was subjects IFN-y production correlate with by IFN-’y IL-l2. pro- Namely, produced posi- variation. cancer comparable the corn- In patients to those for of the samples exhibited IL- 12 responsiveness did stages contained it correlated from that a substantial a considerable half of the samples lymphocytes rather, with all healthy there show exhibit as measured stimulation healthy samples, whereas the rest almost-null responses. The reduced not study patients responsiveness blood samples responses, in the individuals, in with of blood the cancers, samples, the or the PS of the patients. the 2430 Differential IL-12 Responsiveness in Cancer ia ; Healthy PS 0 PS 1 +2 detrimental represent PS 3+4 #{149} 45 E Patients considered C 0 to relation with remains to reflected 10 U effects of the tumor the overall condition be in TNF-a 5 1000 3 / E #{149}) 600 0. C 0 400 0 0. + + - Stimulation + - with 1000 + The antitumor various murine administration efficacy of IL-12 models, which has been ( 1 8), IFN-y production of in the assessing the IFN-’y in response determine by T cells IL-12-induced of whether results demonstrate IL-12 production after necessarily correlate with be the PS of patients. stages increases of PS. ness was Because with also the grade expressed TNF-a on stimulation ment with of TNF-a by be expected. blood culture system but most does rather closely remarkable IL-12 production mainly coris IFN--y observed in whole evaluating focusing concept of PS the effects on the state was first of the tumor, seems described as a criterion takes (26). into Instead account be immune IFN-y/ by the number the mean to produce system blood IFN--y found control group, the major that there of but the responders was CD56 18.6 culture to no substantial NK cells ± 1.5 (healthy the system capacity blood used (21). 63.9 ± 1.8 4 patients)]. of here PBMCs and to a lack of We production was originally showed that in in healthy has some advantages: permits us to examine by in subjects system the this whole individuals, with and correctly than in are stimulated with 11-12 positive culture medium possible such instead that is modulated IFN--y by the IL-l2 more the assay in in the growth factor which present in the levels 31), FCS- However, in the contained 3 (30, isolated of serum. induced factors event in this presence own production actual be reflected be the real in vivo event. shown that abnormally high as transforming the (b) may of their various as little as 1 ml of effect of IL-12 on (a) PBMCs; treated PBMCs the production/secretion cytokine, IFN--y, context, we found of by T cells that and when blood, of cytokines IL-6 (32-34), the cytokine-producing or in the whole blood factors for of any found and that and responses, suggesting mechanism leading Whereas 2 patients determine progression. (22, from whole PBMC samples are consistent responses culture system coexisting from samples the existence to the these cells two mdito antitumor 32, 33). blood In this samples null/marginal LL-12 responsiveness with rIL-12 in culture medium, leukocytes PBMCs a representative NK PBMCs of some patients exhibiting were isolated and stimulated selves. of patients. contained that, and individuals) is not ascribed in study cytokines, induced also of in the PS 1 + 2 and PS cells (1-3, 8), we analyzed the several cancer patients, especially previous the of value is a close correlation between cytokine production in blood and that in isolated PBMCs. The whole blood serum to be secondary drugs PS assess culture venous vivo the enhance- (23-25), here of chemotherapeutic can there whole that blood. depending to IFN-’y production. Consistent with this, an almost complete correlation was observed between the enhanced production of TNF-a and the PS of the patients. The system blood lower cells approximately half of these responses. These observations responsive- by macrophages may express Namely, responsiveness blood in our inhibit not feature cor- of PS IL-lO (35, 36) are detected in blood from tumor-bearing viduals. Each of these cytokines has been demonstrated by IFN--y patients, Differential T cell-derived production to some of the cancer patients incidence of null responders TNF-a is produced test as measured The whole developed it is also to produce screening its IL- 12-stimulated a healthy T cells/NK although it may It has been patients by Because We IL-12 Thus, in cancer subjects, and the null reaction. first PS to ± 3.5% (PS 3 + 4 patients); CD3CD56, individuals) and 52.6 ± 4.8% (PS 3 + cascade the in [CD56, system whole IL- 12 stimulation that in contrast to healthy produce null responses, or it was T cells to the can in our cancer systemic slightly percentages is central responsiveness, with the regression was the NK cells in cancer effects obtained that and would the IL-l2 investigated tumors (10-13). Although to induce antitumor effects PBMCs to IL-l2 that complete antitumor capacity well revealed of rIL- 12 results substantial inhibition of s.c. growing IFN--y production is not sufficient relates in The Fig. 10 IL-12-stimulated TNF-a production in whole blood from cancer patients in various PS groups. Diluted whole blood samples from healthy individuals and cancer patients were cultured in the presence or absence of 1000 pg/mI rIL-12 for 20 h in F-spitz tubes, and culture SNs were assayed for IFN-y and TNF-a concentrations. Each symbol represents IFN--y production and TNF-a production from the same sample. that suggests patient blood. not significant. IL-12-responsive ilL-i 2 entity was not determined PS 3 + 4 patients. and 20.8 (healthy - pg/mI of the here T cells and NK population from Therefore, - than was CD3CD56 I- The 4 groups difference 5-. scenario + from e 200 because the in whole numbers IL-l2 are lymphocyte z factor Nevertheless, study of responsiveness difference U- This capacity contained lymphocyte in clarified. as exemplified PBMCs U. prognostic (27-29). host and may thereby patient. PS has been production. IL-12 ± a useful the responsiveness 0 0 0. C.- be survival on the of the dysfunction mechanisms produced positive with the possibility of T cellsfNK cells could be modulated by in blood. we However, still exhibited almost-null of an additional suppressive of responding were observed cells in them- in PS in this study, further analysis will be required how the ratio of the two mechanisms changes with 1 + to PS Clinical Our results illustrate IL-l2-stimulated patients, and stimulated that IFN--y such IFN-’y antitumor efficacy of contribute not to the only step is a substantial by a difference production first there production correlates Thus, selection of the the essential the of IL-l2 among with is an initial IL-12. difference PBMCs PS. exhibit the effect but also opment function of approaches to analyze and correct the occurring in patients with reduced IL-l2 induces tumor could who can to the develimmunodysresponsive- tive immunity: pressed 1135-1145, 13. 14. for Medical and help with this work. 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