Trumpeter March 07 - Cuyahoga Valley Christian Academy


Trumpeter March 07 - Cuyahoga Valley Christian Academy
FALL 2014
A Publication of Cuyahoga Valley Christian Academy for Alumni, Parents, and Friends
We’ve got
yes we do!
Our Royals give us plenty to cheer about!
Dr. Roger Taylor
Vice President, Institutional
Advancement and Programs:
Jason Spodnik ’88
Public Relations Coordinator:
Jocey Bolender
Anna (Jones) Lile ’84
Woodard Photography
CVCA Yearbook Staff
CVCA Board of Trustees:
Paul Moncrief ’80, President
Eric Bosshard ’88
Brad Deetscreek
Roger Emerson
Craig Keslar ’75
Dave Petno ’84
Sam Prentis
Don Richards
Kerry Sullivan
The Trumpeter is published
three times a year for friends
of CVCA. If you would like
your name removed from
the mailing list, please phone
330-929-0575, ext. 331, or
e-mail pzaubi@
in this issue
International Student Program
The popular student exchange program
continues to grow after 20 years
Spiritual Emphasis Days
Students are challenged and encouraged
in their pursuit of Christ
Dr. Taylor Celebrates 30 Years
Our school’s president is recognized
for his many years of service
Fine Arts
The Royal Theatre presents its
Fall Play, “Father of the Bride”
Soccer Camp Opportunity
Two impressive alumni return to
offer an exciting opportunity
Development Activities
Successful events and programs help
make a CVCA education possible
Junior High at CVCA
Learn more about our unique
Junior High program
School of Engineering
Outstanding robotics and impressive
boats display great talent
Fall Sports Review
The Royals enjoy a season of success
and growth
Stay up-to-date with alumni news
and upcoming events
Educating AND Cultivating
Servants for Christ
I love Cuyahoga Valley Christian Academy’s mission statement, and I hope that our familiarity with it does not cause us
(as sometimes happens with familiarity) to take it for granted. I
believe our mission statement is as relevant today as it was
when it was developed some years ago. It reflects that we are
about education; education with a unique purpose. Specifically, it aims to see what some
have called “the Christian mind” formed in our young people.
The “AND” connects us to the “cultivating” part of our mission, which can (and I think
should) be understood to imply that a Christian education must be comprehensive—it’s
about shaping the heart as well as the mind.
I’m glad to be part of a school which I believe is doing both parts of its mission. Whether
one considers CVCA students’ scores on nationally normed tests (PSAT, SAT, ACT), the
percentage of students with GPAs of 3.5 or higher, NHS inductions, college placement, or
exemplary showings in academic competitions as diverse as Robotics and Academic
Challenge, evidence for academic excellence is demonstrable.
Cultivating is a bit harder to measure. I think it is helpful to remember that “cultivating” is
an agricultural term, which involves disturbing the ground or taking it or anything else out
of its natural state so that it can be more fruitful. The dictionary I checked says this about
cultivating: to prepare for the raising of crops; to foster the growth of; refine, improve;
encourage, further.
“Will we
allow Jesus to
define our lives,
or will we be
content with
just being a
part of a
Cultivating plays out in many areas of school life and arguably is a hallmark of CVCA’s
environment. It is prominently displayed when the hard work and dedication of our students leads to achievement at the highest levels—as when our students advance to regional,
state, and even national competitions in athletics and other co-curriculars. But cultivation is
equally if less visibly in play as our dedicated mentors model faithfulness before our students
day to day.
Occasionally there are opportunities for our entire school community to experience cultivation together in a dramatic way. I believe our fall “Spiritual Emphasis Days” provided just
such an opportunity, as Pastor Jeff Bogue of Grace Church (Bath) challenged our students
and staff with the question: “Will we allow Jesus to define our lives, or will we be content
with just being a part of a Christian subculture?” It’s a question that demands an answer
from each of us. Because Pastor Bogue shared Truth, lives were changed and commitments
were renewed for many; the “natural state” was powerfully disturbed and cultivation for
Christ took place.
The ministry of CVCA is sustained by your prayers and gifts. Thank you for faithfully
standing with us in the vital work of Educating AND Cultivating Servants for Christ.
Roger Taylor, Ph.D.
International Opportunities
CVCA Students Exploring their World by Grace Lile ’15
2014 J-term Trip to Norway
he CVCA International Student Program began in 1991 under the program’s original name, STEP – Short Term Exchange Program. The first
two international students to attend CVCA traveled from Norway. In
June of 2000, Mr. Dale Schilling, Mrs. Rita Nieman (former CVCA
German teacher), and a group of CVCA administrators traveled to Norway to set
up an official program with Danielson Christian School in Bergen, Norway. It was
decided that Danielson would be CVCA’s sister school, and that every year the two
schools would send students to the other to study. The program grew quickly and is
continuing to expand.
After twenty years, CVCA continues to host a handful of students from Norway
every year. Students from CVCA also have the opportunity to travel to Norway each
January over the week of J-term, where they live with host families, visit Danielson
Christian School, and explore the beautiful country.
After the success of the Norway program, CVCA began to search for another country in which to expand the STEP program. The answer came in the form of a
Brazilian student named Mario Simos who attended CVCA. Mario lived in the
United States, but was originally from Brazil. CVCA looked into a Christian school
named Escola Internacional Preparando Gerações (International School Preparing
2014 J-term Trip to Brazil
International Student Picnic
A gift from Danielson
Hosting a Student and Gaining Sister
by Hope Bolinger ’15
I got started in the STEP program during my freshman year when I traveled on the Jterm trip to Brazil, and while there, met Fe Soares. When my family found out Fe
would be coming to CVCA and was in need of a host family, we decided to host her. I
figured it would be
like having a sisterlike friend sleep over
for an entire year. It
has been wonderful
experience having
her as part of our
family while she is in
the States. She is like
my other sister, and I
cannot see our family without her. I am
only sad that the
time she is with us is
going by so quickly!
Fe Soares is hosted by Hope Bolinger, and her brother Daniel Bolinger.
Seung Woo ’15
and Grace Lile ’15
My Experience as an
International Student
Seung Woo ’15 is from South Korea and has
attended CVCA for four years. She will graduate
from CVCA this spring.
Seung was kind enough to share with us a
little about her International Student experience
in the States and CVCA:
Generations), in Atibaia, Brazil. EIPG is now also an International Student partner of CVCA, with the Brazilian program modeled after the original Norway program. Although still fairly new, the Brazilian program continues to grow and looks
to also have a promising future.
Through these programs, a small group of students from both Danielson
Christian and EIPG travel to the US annually to attend CVCA for an entire
school year. The students live with host families in the area for the duration of
their visit. A few of the international students even stay here for all four years of
high school and then graduate with their CVCA classmates.
Also very popular is CVCA’s short-term program for students from Norway and
Brazil, during which time students from Danielson and EIPG visit CVCA for two
weeks in October. While here, they stay with CVCA host families, experience
CVCA traditions and activities such as Spirit Week and Homecoming, visit local
favorites such as Cedar Point, and make new friends.
n Christian School
For over 20 years we have been bringing
students to CVCA from our sister schools around the world!
Our 2014 International Students
How did you hear about CVCA?
My neighbor, friend, and fellow international
student from South Korea, Dong Kang ‘14 was
going to CVCA at the time, so he introduced me
to the school. Our parents were also close so
that is how I knew Dong.
Why did you want to study at CVCA?
I first came to America as an international student in a public school, but then I realized that I
fit so much better in a private high school. After
I made up my mind that I wanted to stay in the
United States, I started looking into private
schools and, with the help of Dong, found
CVCA. Thanks, Dong!
What is your favorite thing about being in the
United States?
Chipotle and Sweet Frog…those are my superficial favorite things about being in America.
School-wise, I really like the fact that I can
choose what classes I want to take based on my
interests. Also, I really like the family atmosphere of CVCA, since I never had close relationship with teachers and students from other
grades at my other schools. That was something new I have experienced at CVCA.
What are some cultural differences you have
noticed between the United States and South
I think the biggest difference is that age is not a
big barrier for being friends here. Age is really
important in my country. All of my friends are
the same age as me, and it’s pretty hard to be
friends with upper class students. I think that
since age isn’t a big deal in America, it is easier
to have better relationships with elder members of a family, and as mentioned previously,
with teachers at school.
Gifts made to the
Annual Fund help
meet today’s needs
Christmas Fair Success
Benefits Student
Financial Aid
Your gift enriches a CVCA education for every student by supporting need-based financial assistance, academic initiatives, and
co-curricular programming.
THANK YOU for supporting
CVCA’s Christmas Fair and
making it a fun and festive event!
The Annual Fund helps close the
gap between tuition and the cost
per student, making it possible
for CVCA to award nearly $1
million in financial assistance.
With small gifts from many families, we can make a big difference.
Through your help, CVCA continues preparing students for the
future by Educating and
Cultivating Servants for Christ.
Gifts can be made using our
online giving portal at cvcaroyals.
org/giving or by contacting Ryan
Crocker at rcrocker@cvcaroyals.
org or 330-929-0575, ext. 205.
We enjoyed seeing many faces in
the halls, shopping and savoring
good food. We are especially
grateful for our artisans, crafters,
and vendors who provided beautiful handmade creations.
Thank you to all of the student
and parent volunteers, our talented bakers, and FBLA for serving
alongside us to benefit CVCA.
Just over $5,000 was raised at
this year’s Christmas Fair to help
provide need-based financial
assistance for our students.
THANKS to all of the grandparents who participated in CVCA’s
Grandparents’ Day!
It was a great day of fellowship,
both with grandchildren and
grandparents. We enjoyed seeing
grandparents attending classes
with their grandchildren and
being a part of our CVCA family.
Thank you for helping us continue our Christ-centered mission
and investing in the lives and
education of your grandchildren.
Kingdom Awaits
Saturday, March 21, 2015
Join CVCA for a fun evening of
delicious food and live and silent
auctions to support our students!
For more information on how to
get involved in this popular
annual event through volunteering, donating auction items, or
advertising, visit “Royal
Evening” under “Support
CVCA” at
To learn more about being a part
of Grandparents’ Club please
visit “Grandparents” under
“Support CVCA” on our website
Support CVCA
through Shopping Rewards
Donating to CVCA has never been easier!
Thousands of dollars can be raised for CVCA by
simply doing your regular shopping at the following stores:
We now have 50 REDcard holders supporting CVCA through this free
program. This is 25% more than last month! Thank you for joining this
easy way to support CVCA.
Simply shop at your favorite Target store and
1% of your debit/credit REDcard purchases
will be donated to CVCA.
To designate CVCA, go to
and enter CVCA’s School ID: 14325. You only
need to do this once – Register your REDcard today!
Through the help of our current REDcard holders Target donated $726 to
CVCA over the summer.
Shopping at Giant Eagle provides the opportunity to earn points for
CVCA to purchase items used every day by our students and teachers.
Supplies such as physical education equipment, office supplies, and electronic equipment can be purchased with
the points that accumulate
when you register online or by phone and then use your advantage card
each time you shop at Giant Eagle.
In April, Giant Eagle will tell the school how many points we have accumulated and allow us to choose items according to that amount.
Simply register one time and points accumulate every time you use your
advantage card. Registration can be done by phone at 1-800-474-4777.
CVCA’s Designation Code at Giant Eagle is 0250.
Visit “Shopping Rewards” under “Support CVCA” on our website at to learn about more ways to support our students!
by Leah Corpora ’15
I’ve always loved Spiritual Emphasis Days at CVCA, and not just because it means three
days of shortened class periods. The opportunity to spend the larger half of a week
immersed in the Word is something you won’t find at any other Christian school. Pastor Jeff
Bogue, of Grace Church, came to speak along with the church’s worship team. Together,
they helped to unite in Christ and encouraged us to pursue the Gospel wholeheartedly.
The theme for this year was “Decide Who You Are,” which focused on urging students to
make their faith personal and to determine where they really stand in their relationships
with Christ. Personally, this message came at a very important time in my life. As the big
decisions of my future began to take over, I realized the importance of establishing my relationship with Christ so that I can remain strong as I move into the next phase of my life.
Pastor Bogue’s charge to CVCA, and to me personally, to make our faith our own encouraged me to solidify myself in Christ, so that when the day comes that I am tested, I can
stand up under it.
Spiritual Emphasis Days this year had such a positive impact on my life. As my future
approaches rapidly, I now feel confident that my faith in Christ will remain secure, no matter what may pass.
Spiritual Emphasis Days
made a Big Impact
CVCA’s Junior High program is dedicated to helping students grow spiritually and academically while successfully equipping them for the upcoming challenges of High School.
Jump Start
Speech Meet
Art Festival
Academic Challenge
Spirit Week and Homecoming
Quarterly Family Meetings
Chess Club
History Club
Foreign Language
Show Choir
Gospel Choir
Cross Country
Smart Notebooks
Scientific Lab Equipment
Future Business Leaders
of America (FBLA)
Class Representatives
Class Chaplains
Career Window
Off-site Speaking Opportunities
7th Grade Girls Retreat
Service Opportunities inside
and outside of school
7th Grade’s “Winter Blast”
8th Grade’s “Created for Freedom”
Weekly Chapel
Weekly Bible Study
Spiritual Emphasis Week
Daily Bible Classes
Biblical World Integration
Faculty/Student Mentoring
Presidential Scholarship – Awarded to
top 20 students ($1,500-$2,000)
New Student Scholarship – Awarded a
total of 80 for a max of $2,000/student
Dr. Taylor
Years of Service
A Friend’s Reflections…
by John Rasnick
It was 26 years ago that I joined the CVCA board. I soon heard about the young
history teacher who was working on his PhD at Kent State while he was living
with his bride and young family in Kent. I too had my own young family. Roger
Taylor quietly entered my life those many years ago and has changed me forever.
J. Rasnick and R. Taylor
Today, I look at my son’s and daughters’ graduation pictures on my shelf as I write
this note, reflecting on the ways Roger guided and directed them during their years at CVCA. I cannot believe that each
has graduated from CVCA and college. These changes are bittersweet, but are intertwined with many sweet memories.
Our relationships are not so much with things or places, but rather with the people who have touched our lives and left a
lasting imprint on us. Roger’s imprint on Cuyahoga Valley Christian Academy has been profound. Under his leadership,
“We always thank God for all of you, mentioning you in our prayers. We continually remember bef
labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Thessa
we have seen the most significant growth in academic offerings, programs and enrollment
in the history of the Academy, while Roger has simultaneously guarded the spiritual foundations upon which the Academy was built. He truly is a faithful follower of Christ, who
leads with the great purpose of Educating and Cultivating Servants for Christ. He has lived
the “Fruit of the Spirit” in a visible way that transforms all around him - love, joy, peace,
patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control; these are the words
to describe Roger. As he has faithfully led this great institution, he has impacted everyone
around him with his quiet strength and wonderful spirit.
Acts 6:40 says that “everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher.” What a marvelous gift Roger Taylor has given to me and many others. While I can only hope, through
further growth, to become more like him, Roger has always been, for me and many others,
a great confidant, mentor, encourager and friend, teaching us to dream great dreams and to
trust in a God big enough to accomplish all of them. For this great
institution, Roger has faithfully stood his watch, in its darkest
moments pointing to brighter days to come, and in the days of great
celebration reminding us all to thank the good God who is the source
of every good and perfect gift.
Roger Taylor’s 30 years of ministry and strong servant leadership at
CVCA has left a deep and indelible imprint on me, on this Academy
and on our world. I pray that God will bless Roger as much as Roger
has blessed me, and that all of you will join me in thanking Roger for
his faithful service, shared from a heart of love.
Dr. Taylor has enjoyed amazing experiences
and witnessed immense growth at CVCA
over the past 30 years:
fore our God and Father your work produced by faith, your
alonians 1:2-3
Faculty member at CVCA
Class Adviser
Roger Taylor named Headmaster of CVCA
Baseball Field constructed
Boys’ Tennis initiated
Boys’ Wrestling reintroduced
First computer lab completed
Anne Tell Chapel and Administrative Offices
construction complete
Girls’ Softball initiated
Girls’ Soccer initiated
Girls’ Tennis initiated
Weight Room facilities built
Wood floor installed in Beyerle Memorial Gym
College Prep accreditation by State of Ohio
Softball Field constructed
Boys’ and Girls’ Cross Country initiated
Football initiated
The Nehemiah Project New Library, classrooms, and expanded Cafeteria completed
Two sections of bleachers added to Royals
Tennis Courts constructed
Wrestling Room constructed
Girls’ Golf initiated
Royals Stadium scoreboard installed
CVCA accepted into Principals’ Athletic
Royals Stadium addition of lights, bleachers
and pressbox
Ice Hockey initiated
Cultivating 2010 and Beyond Strategic Plan
New Mission Statement adopted: Educating
and Cultivating Servants for Christ
First CVCA Auction: “A Royal Evening…”
Royals Stadium Concession Stand constructed
Roger Taylor named President of CVCA
All-weather Track constructed
September 11 – an unforgettable day
Rick DeBlander Endowment established
Computers three-year replacement cycle
Anne Tell Chapel renovation for seating and
$5 million The Joshua Campaign Keeping the
Walls Down: a Permanent Fund to Support
Financial Aid announced
$5 million The Joshua Campaign goal met
CVCA 40th Year Celebration Our Legacy –
Our Future
Connections, Schools of Distinction, and
J-term introduced
Tools for Transforming Tomorrow Campaign
J-term, Connections Groups, and Schools of
Distinction begin
New sports fields completed
New 35,000 square foot building addition
Royals Stadium new turf field installed
30 Years a Servant of Christ
30-Year Celebration
CVCA Robotics Team Wins Best
Design and Second Place Overall
CVCA’s Robotics Team competed in the
BEST (Boosting Engineering, Science and
Technology) Robotics Competition and
won two awards in their district. Teams
competed at the district level in October
and winning teams will move on to compete at the regional level in December.
The BEST Robotics Competition is a
national competition organized by BEST
Robotics, a non-profit organization, for
teams of middle and high school students.
Students are given a box of materials and
instructed to design and build a functioning machine that can perform
certain, specific tasks in three
minutes. The teams have six
weeks to construct their robots
and then present them at their
district competitions.
Our team competed against 18
other teams at the district
championship, hosted at
Grove City College in
Pennsylvania. The team won
awards for best robot design
and second place overall. As one of the district’s top three teams, CVCA will move on
to the regional competition in Fargo,
North Dakota from December 4-6.
“This competition has been a wonderful
experience for our robotics
team,” said Senior Duke
Maley. “The students are
excited at the opportunity
to compete at regionals,
and I hope it inspires them
to continue to broaden
their knowledge of science
and technology.”
Members of the CVCA
Robotics Team are: seventh-grade students Tyler
Stoltz, Gabe Loree, and Aaron Poth; ninth
grader Michael Bradford; tenth-grade students Joey Budrevich, Cameron Kote, and
Luke Oyster; eleventh-grade students
Jordan Noska and Evan Sommer; and
seniors Duke Maley, Benjamin Robinson,
Stephen Hargreaves, Dillen Keegan, Dan
Baylor, Meghan Sahr, Jared Wills, Curtis
Gach, and Adam Cooke.
Ben Robinson and Duke Maley are the
team’s student leaders and head designers.
The team’s assistant coaches are Marty
Gach, Mark Hartel, John Bradford and
Doug Fairchild. All team leaders worked
together to create a fun, hands-on experience for the team.
It began on a chilly autumn evening, birds
chirping, wind biting at our rosy cheeks. The
daunting task of creating a water faring vessel out of cardboard to withstand the torrential waters of Wyoga Lake loomed over us like
a violent storm cloud nearing from the foreseeable vicinity. The construction included
sweat covered faces, bloodied fingers, and
rippling muscles near exhaustion, but the
majesty of the final result well justified the
means. The October 28 deadline closed
down upon us like a barreling mongoose
after its midday snack. We were prepared.
Our watercraft withstood the raging waters
and high pressures with unprecedented
poise. When the dust settled, our canoe
reigned as the supreme overlord in all conceivable manners. This unforgettable experience taught us the values of problem solving
and teamwork as we overcame obstacles and
worked together to achieve eternal glory.
by Joe Horth and Bowe Andrews (Masters of the Engineering Realm)
Laughter, Tears, and a lot of Fun!
T h e
r o y a l
t h e a t r e ’ s
f a l l
p r o d u c t i o n
The Royal Theatre opened another exciting season with the fall
production of Father of the Bride. The sentimental comedy
touched the hearts of those in the audience and kept them alternatively laughing and crying as wedding plans unfolded on the
stage throughout the evening. Senior Al Oliver gently brought
the audience along on his emotional journey of releasing his precious little girl, delightfully portrayed by Junior, Kassidy Sopko.
This spring, the Royal Theatre will leave the tears behind, and
combine the laughter with entertaining music of Gilbert and
Sullivan in a production of Pirates of Penzance. This musical is a
favorite of Director, Mrs. Denita King, who is currently serving her 14th year with The Royal
Theatre. “We are very excited to produce Pirates of Penzance this spring,”
says King, “though written more
than 100 years ago, these classic
stories are hysterical forerunners
of the modern musical, and are
as funny and clever today as
they were in the late 1800s.”
The musical will be presented on April 24 and
25; and May 1 and 2.
A Lasting Legacy
The 2014 Royals boys’ soccer team,
although comprised of many fresh faces,
shared a very similar journey in addition
to experiences with teams from CVCA’s
storied past. From an outsider’s perspective the 2014 season was a very successful
season – a final four appearance with a #1
regular season state ranking that included
playing nationally ranked teams Copley,
University School, and Wheaton Academy
as well as state ranked teams Walsh,
Mooney, and Hudson. The team also had
a playoff run to the State Semi-Finals.
From a program perspective, the 2014
season was also a successful season, just
defined differently. This team, led by
seniors Joe Horth and Collin Surface,
picked up the banner of the program.
They made sure the integrity of the
CVCA soccer program, and all that it
stands for, continued. Their legacy will
always be remembered as preservers of the
program as they learned the value of disciplined hard work.
As teams have modeled in years past, the
seniors led morning workouts before
school during the winter, open fields in
the spring, and track workouts during the
summer. They learned the value of purposeful relationships – defined by time
spent, commitment, and sacrifice to the
team – and turned into a group of young
men whose pursuit was to spend as much
time together as possible. They bought
into the idea that their decisions not only
affected them individually, but affected
the entire program and the young men
who have played before them. Lastly, they
learned that to lead someone else, they
had to first be able to lead themselves.
Although the journey for seniors Joe
Horth, Collin Surface, Steve Lux, and
Caleb Lichty has come to an end at
CVCA, the lessons they have learned
through this game and the way they have
preserved this program will not only be
passed down to the next generation of
CVCA soccer players, but will also reach
far beyond the boundaries of the CVCA
soccer field-a lasting legacy.
– Coach Angelo Finelli
An Historic Season
What an amazing year for Lady Royals
soccer. I am so proud of their efforts and
their desire to be better than expected this
year. In June, when I took over the program and brought in my new staff, the
girls were excited about the change and
where we could go as a program. The girls
showed up for spring workouts and we
trained like a track team. They sweated
and cried, they
were sore and worn
out, but they never
quit. We opened
camp in July, and
installed a new system of play, a system that most had
never played
before. In August,
we hit a small
stumbling block as
we weren’t sure if
we could field a
Junior Varsity team, but the ladies recruited well and we put a fine team of reserves
on the field. Our Junior Varsity team
played well and put together a 9-3-1 season under Coach Nina Finelli.
Our Varsity team began with a 4-0-1 start
before we lost our first game to a talented
St. Vincent/St. Mary team. We made
adjustments, got better, hit our stride, and
won. We are the Region 5 Division II
District Champs and Regional Semifinalist, with a record of 12-5-3 for the season–
a place the program has only been once
before in 26 years of Lady Royals soccer at
CVCA. They wanted to win just as much
as they wanted to “breathe.”
Congratulations to each of our outstanding athletes for their well-deserved honors:
All-State Honors, 2nd Team went to
Hailey Eck. All-Akron District Honors
1st Team went to Eck and 2nd Team to
Sarah Tomich. Eck and Tomich were also
named to the All-Tri County Conference
1st Team and Toni Costa and Gabriella
Berkes to 2nd Team. Emily Wright and
Lauren Lichty received All-Tri County
Conference Honorable Mentions. Dave
Paterson was named Tri County Assistant
Coach of the Year.
Our team was led well by captains
Madeline Gaines, Kim VanBuskirk, and
Emily Wright. Team Awards went to
Hailey Eck for MVP and Offensive
Player of the Year. Both our Defensive
Player of the Year and Mighty in Spirit
Awards went to Sarah Tomich. Kate
Capper received Most Improved Player
honors. This year’s Coach’s Character
Award was given to Olivia Flynn and
Alyssa Gaines, while the Royal Heart
honor was awarded to Jaya Wilson.
Thank you for an AMAZING season and
for giving me a blessing of a first season as
your Head Coach. I love you all.
– Coach Mario Houston
A Season of Records
This season was marked by a great
amount of personal achievement and
team development. Our theme verse was
James 2:26, “…faith without works is
dead.” This seemed all the more appropriate since most of our 19 guys were able to
land personal records during the course of
our season; 12 out of 19 guys were able to
break 20 minutes for the 5K!
This year our team was third in the PAC
and finished fifth at Districts. The Varsity
team at the District race included: Ryan
Adams, Mitch Gilley, Nate Sahr, Alex
Bartel, Chase Patrick, Ben Held, Giorgio
Miceli and alternate Danny Kieta. Mitch
Gilley was tenth overall at our Conference
Meet and Second Team All-Conference.
Ryan Adams had a spectacular season with
a personal record of 15:41, and was undefeated through the season until the State
Meet where he ran an amazing race finish-
Senior Ryan Adams
State Second Place
ing as the 2014
Runner-up for
Division 2! He was
also named PAC
Boys’ Runner of the
Year, District
Champion, and
Summit County
Division 2/3 Runner
of the Year.
The season wouldn’t
have been the same without the leadership of our seniors: Ryan Adams, Alex
Bartel, Ethan Durfee and Chris Lepto.
Thanks for your tremendous leadership
this past season. You will be missed!
– Coach Lyons and Coach Rupe
To State Once Again
This year’s team experienced many positive improvements from last year as they
advanced to the State meet for the 14th
time in 15 years. The biggest strength of
the team this year was the senior leadership provided by four-year letter winners
Sammy Bockoven, Molly King, McKenna
Tiley, and three time letter winner Eva
DiPaolo. Also, two first-time senior runners Miranda Corpora and Emily Yuse
added to the great team bonding. Four
freshmen along with thirteen sophomores
also made up the core of the team.
The girls won the PAC Championship
race and four girls earned first-team honors and two received honorable mention.
This was the 14th consecutive time the
team has won the championship, having
never been beaten in league competition.
Sammy won the race overall and was
voted league MVP for her performance.
Sarah Holzman placed runner-up along
with Nicole Wright and Hannah Karayan
in sixth and seventh to earn first-team
honors. Joining those four into post season was McKenna, freshman Rachel Lyda
and two-sport athlete Jaya Wilson, who
split her time between soccer and crosscountry. At the district meet, Sammy
added the District title to her very successful season as the team placed third to
move on to Regionals. Sammy once again
won the individual title at the Boardman
Regional and Sarah placed 16th to qualify
individually for the State meet. With only
the top four teams advancing out of sixteen at the Regional, this young team rose
to the occasion and got the job done.
As temperatures dropped and winter tried
to start early, the State meet made for one
of the more challenging races in recent
years. Four girls ran new personal records
as the team placed 11th, an improvement
from last year. Rachel, the only freshman
in our State lineup ran her season best,
chopping 20 seconds from her best time.
Sarah, making her second trip, just missed
All-Ohio honors by five places as she
placed 30th out of 138 runners Returning to the podium to cap off her CVCA
cross-country career, Sammy placed fifth
overall. She will continue running in college at Villanova University; one of the
country’s top twenty girls teams.
Sammy’s leadership all season helped
bond and grow this year’s team and she,
along with our other seniors, have left a
tradition for future teams to uphold. A
Senior Sammy Bockoven
State Fifth Place
huge part of the success of this team also
can be attributed to the spiritual leadership provided by Molly as she led devotions each Friday during team bonding.
This year the team embraced Proverbs
16:3, “Commit your actions to the Lord,
and your plans will succeed.”
– Coach George Hallis
A hard-fought Season
The 2014 CVCA volleyball season was,
in many ways, the tale of two halves.
Facing the combination of adding two
transfer students to the line-up mid-season, with the loss of two returning lettermen to injuries for much of the season,
the team had a series of adjustments to
make. Through these and other struggles,
the team had the opportunity to pray
with and for one another, and trust that
the Lord would use these challenges to
mold and shape each individual player
and the team.
Led by seniors Taylor Headley, (co-captain, first team PAC, 2nd Team AllDistrict), and middle blockers Maria
Teodosiu (PAC honorable mention) and
Lexi Moncrief (who made a mid-season
switch to outside hitter) and hitter Grace
Lile providing strong blocking and offensive play, the Royals challenged team after
team. Senior co-captain Hannah Hall
started out the season leading with her
heart and hustle as setter and play-maker
for the Royals. When side-lined by injury,
JV player, Clarissa Ladner did a great job
of stepping into the Varsity schedule.
Aubrienne Cirino finished out the “quarterbacking” position for the team with
poise and determination. Rounding out
the defensive roles for the
team were Emily
Jackson, Lydia Carroscia,
and Abby Kebbel; and
strongly contributing to
the offense were Kayleigh
Dixon and Mary Kate
One could arguably say
that the league had its
toughest competition
ever this year, yet the
Royals fought through it
match by match with
great tenacity and growing unity.
Finally, what a joy to hear an opponent
declare at the end of a match in which
CVCA was the victor: “I love this time of
prayer together, it’s one of the best parts
of the season!”
– Coach Doug Sherer
United in Perseverance
Football is a microcosm of life with
mountain tops, valleys, and everything in
between. And adversity is a part of reality
in both football and life. Embracing that
adversity head on produces perseverance
and commitment.
The 2014 CVCA football team had an
attitude of perseverance – one of staying
power, one that was willing to endure difficult situations to become stronger, and
one that has the capacity to stick the
course regardless of how you feel. The
team was determined to finish, grounded
on commitment, not convenience, and
was tough and refused to give up. Lastly,
the CVCA football
team stayed focused
when others got frustrated and overcame
fear by having faith.
The seniors’ willingness
to love one another and
persevere week in and
week out was the key
that held our football
team together. In doing
this, the seniors
brought honor to
themselves, their teammates, their families, their school, and ultimately their
Creator. Well done, team!
Thank you, senior players: Bowe
Andrews, Troy Atwood, Brandon
Beausoleil, Jay’D Bennett, Cole Bierce,
Steven Chalet, Andy Dobben, Paul
Gibson, Noah Havener, Dominic Massa,
Logan Miller, Joe Perella, David Smith,
and Myles Walker.
– Coach Ray Carroscia
Improvement Despite
In the spring of 2014, the outlook for the
girls fall season looked very promising.
With six players returning and a good
number of potential newcomers, everyone
was excited! As things turned out, the
optimism was short-lived. Only four
players returned and the newcomers never
showed up. Unfortunately, these circumstances led to a very sub-standard season
for the girls. Also, during the season, sick-
ness among the team led to the forfeiture
of seven matches. Despite all the negatives, the girls battled and competed at a
high level. They can be proud of their
efforts despite all the adversity.
Leading the way for the team was junior
Delaney McRitchie who had a very good
season. She shot a 93 in the season-ending
league tournament, the second best score,
and made First Team All-League based on
her season. Great job, Delaney! Another
highlight was a score of 105 at the league
tournament by sophomore Annie Molnar
– an improvement of 16 strokes over last
year! Despite some sickness and an unfortunate fender-bender, junior Chelsea
Zockall had a 9.1 stroke improvement
over her scores from last year. Good work
Chelsea. Our fourth player, sophomore
Julie Gorbach also showed improvement
from last year by 8.3 strokes per round.
Keep up the good work Julie.
As always, these girls demonstrated
Christ-like attitude and behavior throughout the season. Other teams, coaches, and
players continually commented on the
wonderful character of the CVCA team.
As we go forth next year with all four girls
returning in addition to some new players,
the team can make a run at the league and
sectional titles. It is a pleasure to be your
coach! Thanks for all you did this year to
make it a great experience.
– Coach Don Zinn
Well-earned Success
The CVCA boy’s golf team enjoyed a successful 2014 season. Under the coaching
of Coach Bucciarelli and new addition
Coach Newland, the varsity men finished
third in the PAC and had an excellent
post-season run.
The team was led by seniors Jeff Britton,
Bowe Andrews, Sam Dietrich, and
Michael Edmonds. Our seniors represented Christ well in tournament play and displayed leadership both on and off the
course. Jeff Britton, Bowe Andrews and
Alfred Perry III were all selected for First
Team All-PAC. Throughout the season,
we studied Tim Keller’s Counterfeit Gods,
underscoring that our identity is ultimately not found in a golf score but in Christ.
– Coach LT Newland
To State Once Again
Twenty-three amazing girls came out for
tennis this year. Led by junior captains
Molly Pile and Emily Petrinec the team
did very well in match play, spiritual
development, and character growth.
Freshman Irene Norman did an outstanding job in first singles, qualifying for
Districts with a third in Sectionals and
almost qualifying for State. More importantly, she is a wonderful young woman in
every way and has been a great role model
for the girls. Her record was 18-11. Molly
Pile played 2nd and was very successful
with a win/loss record of 15-4. Wonderful
job! Emily Petrinec played 3rd and was
12-5. She did a great job for us. Molly
and Emily teamed up postseason and lost
in the Sectionals qualifying match to go
to Districts. Junior Cate Mellott was 1011 in doubles. Freshman Kaitlyn Beebe
was 9-10 in 1st and 2nd doubles and a
great addition to our team! Senior Hope
Bolinger played 2nd doubles, and was 713. Junior Erica Andrew also played 2nd
doubles, and was 7-7.
Sophi Kalra was 4-7
in doubles. Juniors
Jordon Mochko,
Marisa Wineriter,
and Nicole Hagen
also had Varsity playing time. All of these
girls are a big part of
our team.
Varsity’s season finished 13-8 this year,
playing a lot of really strong schools. We
played the B Division of the NEOTA, the
2nd tier in the USTA. We were 4-3 in the
B League which gave us great preparation
for postseason.
Head Coach Lois Bradford is in her 21st
year coaching the girls and was joined by
CVCA grad and University of Akron student Alexandra Patterson as JV Coach.
Volunteer coach Henry Kwee assisted.
Most importantly, our team continued to
honor the Lord. We are always evaluating
our relationship with Christ. This year we
spent time with Jesus Calling and
Teammates Matter.
Also, the courts were re-done this summer. Kevin Labadie at Site Technology
did a great job, and the courts are both
functional and beautiful. Thanks to the
school, Boosters Club, and tennis team
parents for contributing.
– Coach Lois Bradford
• Sammy Bockoven, All-Ohio (5th
• Girls – State Qualifiers: Sammy
Bockoven, Sarah Holzman, Hannah
Karayan, Rachel Lyda, McKenna
Tiley, Jaya Wilson, Nicole Wright
• Ryan Adams , All-Ohio (2nd place)
• Joe Horth, All-State (1st team)
• Hailey Eck, All-State (2nd team)
This December, young soccer
players will have the opportunity to learn from two of CVCA’s
most renowned soccer alumni:
Ben Zemanski ’06, currently
playing for the Portland
Timbers, and Ben Speas ’09, a
member of the Columbus Crew.
These two MLS players, along
with Dan Zemanski, Head Coach
at Hiram College, will offer a
three-day skills camp in Hudson.
Open to boys and girls of all skill
levels from ages 7 to 14, the
camp will consist of three sessions led by Ben and Ben and a
post-camp autograph session.
We are pleased to announce
that members of CVCA’s Junior
Royals Club will receive a special $25 discount! More information and registration forms
are available at
under “Admissions/Junior
Royals Club.”
“CVCA was integral in molding me
into the man I am today. I couldn’t be
more excited about the opportunity I
have to give back to the school that
has provided me with so much. I look
forward to sharing the gifts CVCA
helped me find and develop with current and future students.”
“CVCA was a huge part of my development as a student, athlete, and as a
young Christian. It is important to me
personally to pour back into current
and future CVCA students so they
might have the same opportunities I
was given. This skills camp will allow
us to do just that and give back by
coaching and sharing our love and
passion for the game.“
ECHOES alumni news
9-7-13 Amy Weyrick ‘06 to Brian Dvorak
Class Notes:
On July 24, Jeff and Melissa
(Schilling) Ferenczy ‘96 welcomed twin girls. Jillian Elise
5-26-14 Katherine Defer ‘11 to Kyle Gerycz ‘09
6-21-14 Peter Staker ‘10 to Rachel Green
7-5-14 Matthew Mucha ‘10 to Laura Carpenter
On Sunday September 14,
2014 Justin “Harry” Lester
‘01 wrestled at the 71 kg
weight class in the GrecoRoman World Championships
Lauren (Bevington) Lutz ‘05 and Brent: daughter, Kara
Grace Renée , born April 17, 2014
Carrie (Walters) Shannon ‘96 and Shawn: daughter,
Samantha Brook, born May 22, 2014
Chelsea (DiPaolo) Long ‘05 and Colby: son, Calvin Ryan,
born June 25, 2014
Melissa (Schilling) Ferenczy ‘96 and Jeff: twin daughters, Jillian Elise and Audra Rose, born July 24, 2014.
Kaelie (Kasiguran) Eernisse ‘05 and Caleb: son, Silas
David, born July 25, 2014
weighing 5 lbs and Audra
Rose at 4 pounds, 13 ounces.
They join big sister Kate.
Carrie (Walters) Shannon
‘96 and husband Shawn wel-
Zach Bohler ‘05 and Kelsey: son, Elijah Salem, born
September 10, 2014
Melinda (Lewis) Mauter ‘05 and Mike: daughter, Kinsley
Cheryl, born September 21, 2014
Amy (Fisher) 05 and Nate Mucha ‘05: son, Charles
Edward, born October 6, 2014
Do you
a story?
We would appreciate information on alumni whose
stories should be shared
with the CVCA community.
Please contact alumni@cvca with suggestions
for future issues.
Please include graduation year and maiden names, if
applicable. Photos should be as high-resolution as possible and submitted as email attachments or mailed
hard copies.
The Trumpeter reserves the right to edit alumni news for
clarity, appropriateness, and space limitations.
Academy in 2005. He is currently a pilot working in the
Afghan theatre. He was married in 2010 to Janice
(Harasyn) Davis and has a
two-year-old daughter,
Morgan. Jonathan is the son
of ’74 graduate Robert and
Barbara Davis.
comed their second child,
Samantha Brook, on May 22,
2014. She joins big brother
Jonathan Davis ’01 graduated from the US Air Force
in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
Shown at the U.S. Trials this
summer, Lester is on his sixth
World Team, is a two-time
World bronze medalist, and a
2012 Olympian. He finished 11 at the World Championships
and lost a close 9-7 match to
the eventual bronze medalist
from Azerbaijan.
Brandon Davies ’02 recently
accepted a new position as
the Theatre Operations
Coordinator at Cuyahoga Falls
High School. He manages two
performance spaces, designs
scenery, lighting, and sound
for all events, and oversees a
crew of student technicians
throughout the school year.
He states, “I am so excited
that God has granted me
another opportunity to share
my passion for the arts and to
use my gifts for His glory.”
Lisa-Marie (Brown) Doherty
’04 graduated from Regent
University in 2013 with a
Doctorate of Clinical
Psychology and is currently a
Clinical Psychologist. In 2011
she married her husband Seth
and they reside in an oceanfront home on Virginia Beach.
successfully defending a dissertation on principled compromise. As an Assistant
Professor at the University of
Nevada, Reno, she teaches
courses such as
“Contemporary Moral Issues,”
“Philosophy of Law,” and
“Global Ethics and Justice.” It
was CVCA’s values-based education that Katharine said
inspired her to learn and
teach about ethics.
Beth Stebner ‘04 was recently named one of “18 of the
last 9” at Miami University
Zach Bohler ’05 and wife
Kelsey recently welcomed
their third child. Elijah Salem
Chelsea (DiPaolo) Long ‘05
writes: “My husband Colby
and I are pleased to announce
the birth of our first child,
Bohler was born September
10, 2014 and joins big sisters
Charis (4) and Siloam (2). Zach
serves as the youth pastor at
North Olmsted Friends
Church and is also a secondyear seminary student at
Asbury Seminary. Their family
lives in Berea, Ohio.
Kaelie (Kasiguran) Eernisse
‘05 and husband Caleb welcomed son Silas David
Katharine Schweitzer ’04
received a PhD in Philosophy
from Emory University after
Eernisse on July 25, 2014 at
Akron City Hospital. Silas
David weighed 8 pounds, 3
ounces and was 20.5 inches
long at birth.
which recognizes exceptional
young alumni. After receiving
her B.A. in Mass Communication, English: Creative Writing,
Beth moved to Manhattan
where she currently serves as
the Lifestyle Editor for the
New York Daily News. (Photo
Calvin Ryan. He was born June
25, 2014 weight 7 pounds, 11
ounces at 21.5 inches long. We
are overjoyed and thankful for
his healthy arrival!”
Lauren (Bevington) Lutz ‘05
writes: “My husband Brent
and I are happy to announce
that our daughter Kara Grace
credit: Emily Anne Epstein)
Committed to Helping Those Hurt by
Human Trafficking
Cheryl (Murray) Miyamasu ‘02 currently works as Chief
Executive Officer of Jeevan Aadhar Transformative Aftercare
Services. She and her husband Dave have been living in
Mumbai, India for over two years as Cheryl works at the organization with survivors of human trafficking. She leads the
organization that presently operates five transitional aftercare
homes with thirty young women. Presently, she is collaborating with an international team of mental health professionals
in developing an assessment tool to track the progress of survivors of human trafficking.
Cheryl received her Master’s degree from The University of Akron in Child Life and her
Bachelor’s degree from Miami University (from which she was recently named a notable
alumna) in Family Studies. She is passionate and personally committed to working with and
advocating for those who are hurting, oppressed, victimized, and vulnerable. She desires to
serve God and make a positive impact on the world during her lifetime. Cheryl and her husband will return to the US in January and will live in Cincinnati.
Renée was born April 17,
2014. She is named after her
Aunt Grace who is now a
freshman at CVCA. Kara’s big
brother Logan just turned two
in November, and I’m so
happy to be staying at home
to take care of them. For two
years now, Brent has been
serving as the middle school
youth pastor at Grace
Community Church in Fulton,
Maryland. God has been so
gracious to us; we are thankful for every little blessing!”
Melinda (Lewis) Mauter ‘05
states: “My husband, Mike,
and I welcomed our baby girl,
Kinsley Cheryl Mauter, into
the world on September 21,
2014. She weighed in at 7
pounds, 14 ounces and was
20 inches long. She has
already filled our lives with so
much joy and we can't wait
for her to meet our family and
friends in Ohio in the spring!”
Amy (Fisher) Mucha ‘05
shares: “God blessed Nate ‘05
and me with Charles Edward
Mucha on October 6, 2014,
weighing 8 pounds, 1 ounce
and measuring 21 inches
long. He joins big brother
Amy (Weyrick) Dvorak ‘06
writes: “Brian Dvorak and I
were married on September
7, 2013 by my father at Stow
Presbyterian Church. We met
while working at the Carousel
Dinner Theater when we were
19 years old and have enjoyed
growing up together. Brian is
a Pharmacist and I am the
Children’s Ministry Director at
Greensburg United Methodist
Church. We just bought our
first house in New Franklin
Forsythe Receives Top Collegiate
Golf Award
Jacob Forsythe ’11 was
recently named one of two
recipients of the 2014-15
NCCAA Men’s and Women’s
Golf Game Plan 4 Life
Character Awards. These
awards serve as the top
award within the sport recognizing academic excellence,
athletic achievement, and
Christian service and conduct.
and are looking forward to
seeing what God has in store
for us and our life together!”
David Sundet ‘06 spent five
years in the United States
Coast Guard with three years
of that time in the Deployable
Specialized Forces. As a USCG
Advanced Interdiction Team
member and US Federal
Maritime Boarding Officer,
David performed tactical law
enforcement operations in
over 20 countries on five of
the world’s continents.
In 2012, on return to the
States from a six-month
deployment consisting of
Somalian counter piracy operations and Middle East
counter terrorism operations,
David met his wife Kristi, and
they married a short time
later. After spending six
months in training for the US
Navy SEAL program, David
received US Navy SPECWAR
authorization for a Special
Operator contract and anticipated orders to Basic Underwater Demolitions/SEAL
school in Coronado, California.
After continuous prayer and
consideration (and some US
government cutbacks), David
felt God’s calling to focus on
his new family, leave military
life, and go back to college.
The CVCA Development Office desires to maintain an accurate database to stay in touch with alumni and provide contact information for class reunions. Please submit your data
online by completing the form in the “Alumni” section of the
CVCA website or notify the Alumni Relations Office at 330929-0575, ext. 402 with your contact information updates.
Jacob is a four-year letterman at Cedarville University
where he serves as President of the Student-Athlete
Advisory Committee and is an Exercise Science major.
As the captain of the Yellow Jacket golf team, Jacob
has been recognized as the GMAC Golfer of the Year
and was selected to the Ping NCAA DII Midwest
Region team. He has been the medalist at several
events during his time at Cedarville including the final
two events of the Fall 2014 schedule.
As Jacob heads into graduate studies in Physical
Therapy, he looks forward to what the Lord has in
store for the next chapter.
David has spent two years at
the University of Houston
Downtown in Houston, Texas,
and will receive his B.S.
Criminal Justice in May 2015.
His goal is to go back into a
law enforcement career field
and one day work under a
Federal Agency.
Matthew Mucha ‘10 writes: “I
graduated from Grove City
College in May 2014 with a
degree in Molecular Biology
and am continuing my education at Walsh University’s
Doctorate of Physical Therapy
Program. I was married to
David and Kristi currently
reside in Santa Fe, Texas. They
have two dogs, a Brittany and
Yorkshire Terrier and enjoy
fishing in Galveston Bay on
their boat, bird hunting with
their Brittany, or traveling to
West Texas for deer hunting.
Laura Carpenter, also a GCC
graduate, on July 5, 2014 at a
historical church in the
Cuyahoga Valley National
Park. We moved to North
Canton, and Laura began
teaching special education in
Rittman, Ohio.”
Former Lady Royals Stay Together
as Grove City Wolverines
Grove City
Women’s Soccer
Team: Emily
Flenniken ‘14,
Natalie Silk ‘13,
Sarah Flenniken
‘11, and
Kouzelos ‘14
continue to play
soccer together
on the Grove City
Women’s team.
Katherine (Defer) Gerycz ‘11
states: “Kyle ‘09 and I got
married on May 26, 2014 and
Check out for information about CVCA athletics, events, alumni
news, and more. Use our website to update
your contact information and to send
items for The
Trumpeter and Echoes.
in touch!
CVCA is also on
Facebook, Twitter,
and Vimeo. Watch for updates on events,
sports, students, alumni, teachers, and more.
2015 Class Reunions
ball, and track throughout the
school year. Kyle and I are so
thankful for the way God has
provided for us in every way
as we’ve started this adventure together!”
Peter Staker ‘10 and wife
Rachel were married on June
21, 2014 and currently reside
in Chicago.
Have you visited CVCA’s
new, updated website?
Steven McDougald ‘11
shares: “I graduated in three
years from Wheaton College
with a degree in Bible and
Theology. In May, I transitioned to a job as a Camp
Director for the Wheaton
Parks District working with
middle school aged kids. As of
the middle of August I am
currently in Hong Kong working with an amazing multicultural church, and will be
here until at least July 2015.”
Coordinators are needed for several 2015 class
reunions. Contact the Alumni Office for class
contact information and other helpful
resources. Information is available from the
Alumni Relations Coordinator at 330-9290575, ext. 402 or email
Alumni Night Basketball Game
moved to Minot, North
Dakota for Kyle’s job as a field
engineer. I graduated from
Lee University with a B.S. in
Mathematics and a Secondary
Math Teaching License. I
recently accepted a position
as a 7th and 8th grade math
teacher as well as an assistant
coach for volleyball, basket22 FALL 2014 • THE TRUMPETER
SATURDAY, JANUARY 3, 2015 7:30 P.M.
Wade Hoffman, PJ Hodge, Randi Hodge
Left: Emily Ivari
Katherine Astrino
Right: Ben Powers, Kyle Gaul, Erin Rankin
Left to right: Jim, Ashley, Travis, Trent Cole, Christine
Patrick, Erin Rankin, Christy Calfee
Royals Reunite
CVCA alumni from the Classes of 1989, 1994,
1999, 2004, and 2009 held reunions this year.
Class of 1994
Jessica (Reno) Burkholder shares: “We had a wonderful time at our
reunion. There were 22 of us from the Class of 1994, and many came
with spouses. We had people from California, North Carolina, New
Jersey, Illinois, and Michigan who made the trip to Ohio for the
occasion. The reunion took place at Bricco in Akron.”
Class of 1999
Jen (Sackett) Hoffman writes: “Our 15-year reunion was a success!
Thank you to everyone that joined us for a beautiful morning at the
park and a fun night out to catch up and enjoy hearing about each
other’s lives.”
Former classmates enjoyed visiting at the
alumni Homecoming event.
Cuyahoga Valley Christian Academy
4687 Wyoga Lake Road
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44224
(330) 929-0575