7. Emergency Food Service.
7. Emergency Food Service.
GIZI FK UB Malang, 24 01 2014 1 2 1 Bencana : Peristiwa atau rangkaian peristiwa yang mengancam dan mengganggu kehidupan dan penghidupan masyarakat yang disebabkan oleh faktor alam dan atau faktor manusia sehingga mengakibatkan timbulnya korban jiwa, kerusakan lingkungan, kerugian harta benda dan dampak psikologis 33 PRA BENCANA PASCA BENCANA Apa yg anda ketahui 44 2 MANAJEMEN BENCANA ( Disaster Management ) Seluruh kegiatan yang meliputi aspek perencanaa dan penanggulangan bencana, pada sebelum, saat dan sesudah terjadi bencana 5 Jenis Bencana RESIKO 66 3 7 Vul, mitig 8 4 Kerentanan (vulnerability) Kerentaan merupakan suatu kondisi dari suatu komunitas atau masyarakat yang mengarah atau menyebabkan ketidakmampuan dalam menghadapi ancaman bahaya. 9 Mitigasi (mitigation) Mitigasi adalah serangkaian upaya untuk mengurangi risiko bencana, baik melalui pembangunan fisik maupun penyadaran dan peningkatan kemampuan menghadapi ancaman bencana. ( Hyogo Framework for Action 2005 – 2015 ) RS 10 5 Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015 ( Kerangka Kerja Aksi Hyogo ) Mekanisme terpadu pengurangan resiko bencana Pengurangan risiko bencana sebagai bagian terpadu dari proses pembangunan dan bukan sebagai tujuan itu sendiri. 11 IRB 11 12 6 ( INDEKS RAWAN BENCANA INDONESIA, BNPB 2011 ) 13 ( INDEKS RAWAN BENCANA INDONESIA, BNPB 2011 ) 14 7 ( INDEKS RAWAN BENCANA INDONESIA, BNPB 2011 ) ( INDEKS RAWAN BENCANA INDONESIA, BNPB 2011 ) 15 16 8 Rekapitulasi Bencana Tahun 2010 17 UU 18 9 UU Bencana No 24 th 2007 PERATURAN KEPALA BNPB NOMOR 7 TAHUN 2008 TENTANG PEDOMAN TATA CARA PEMBERIAN BANTUAN PEMENUHAN KEBUTUHAN DASAR STANDAR MINIMAL PENANGGULANGAN MASALAH KESEHATAN AKIBAT BENCANA DAN PENANGANAN PENGUNGSI (KM Kes no: 1357/Menkes/SK/XII/2001 ) Keppres untuk pencairan cepat dana anggaran darurat ( JuBir Presiden 25/11/2011 ) 19 IDP Pengungsi Handbook for Emergencies. ( The Emergency Preparedness and Response Section UNHCR Headquarters ) PRIO 20 10 Emergency Social Services Emergency clothing service Emergency lodging Service Emergency Food Service Registration and Inquiry Service Personal Services Reception Centre Service ( Emergency Food Service: Planning for Disasters ) © Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada (2007)) ( Terpal Plastik. Oxfam International ©212007 ) Emergency Food Service Meeting Urgent Needs Responsibilities ( Emergency Food Service: Planning for Disasters ) © Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada (2007)) Sina 22 11 Kabanjahe, IDP G Sinabung 23 24 12 25 EFS Emergency Food Service Meeting Urgent Needs Responsibilities ( Emergency Food Service: Planning for Disasters ) © Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada (2007) respon 26 13 Responsibilities Sufficient amount of food Meet high risk group Appropriate food services Food requirement ( quantities, hot/cold ) Religious/cultural requirements Food safety ( Emergency Food Service: Planning for Disasters ) © Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada (2007) ORG 27 Operational Guidelines Sanitation Guidelines Safe Procedure Essential Personal Hygiene Precaution Against Food Contamination Operational Procedure at Warehouses Improvised Refrigerator ( Emergency Food Service: Planning for Disasters ) © Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada (2007) ref 28 14 Improvised Refrigeration Above Ground ( Emergency Food Service: Planning for Disasters ) © Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada (2007) bnpb 29 Bantuan Dasar 30 15 BAB II PENGERTIAN DAN PRINSIP A Pengertian 2. Bantuan dalam hal ini adalah bantuan kemanusiaan yg terdiri dr penampungan sementara, bantuan pangan, sandang, air bersih dan sanitasi, serta pelayanan kesehatan B Prinsip. 1. Cepat dan tepat 2. Prioritas : diutamakan kepada kelompok rentan ( BNPB No 7 th 2008 , Pedoman Tata Cara Pemberian Bantuan Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Dasar ) 31 air Water / Air Harus cukup Bersih, jernih Aman 32 16 Bantuan Air Bersih Standar Minimal Bantuan : a. Bantuan air bersih diberikan sejumlah 7 liter pada tiga hari pertama, selanjutnya 15 liter per orang per hari. b. . . . . . . c. . . . . . . (PERATURAN KEPALA BNPB NOMOR 7 TAHUN 2008 TENTANG PEDOMAN TATA CARA PEMBERIAN BANTUAN PEMENUHAN KEBUTUHAN DASAR) 33 The Sphere Project Copyright © The Sphere Project 2004 34 17 Minimum water quantity needed Environmental health in emergencies: technical notes on water and sanitation, Kathmandu: WHO, 2007. 35 CT Food Safety handen 36 18 SL CYH 37 WASH HANDS WHEN VISIBLY SOILED ! OTHERWISE, USE HANDRUB ! ( Hand Hygiene, Technical Reference Manual. WHO 2009 ) 38 19 ( Hand Hygiene, Technical Reference Manual. WHO 2009 ) ( Hand Hygiene, Technical Reference Manual. WHO 2009 ) 39 40 20 ct 41 (LES BONNES PRATIQUES D’HYGIÈNE DANS LA PRÉPARATION ET LA VENTE DES ALIMENTS DE RUE EN AFRIQUE ) 42 21 (LES BONNES PRATIQUES D’HYGIÈNE DANS LA PRÉPARATION ET LA VENTE DES ALIMENTS DE RUE EN AFRIQUE ) 43 (LES BONNES PRATIQUES D’HYGIÈNE DANS LA PRÉPARATION ET LA VENTE DES ALIMENTS DE RUE EN AFRIQUE ) 44 22 45 5fs Five keys to food safety 1. keep clean 2. separate raw and cooked 3. cook all foods thoroughly 4. keep food at safe temperatures 5. use safe water and raw materials. ( Five keys to safer food manual, WHO 2006 ) 46 23 Food Worker Top 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Only work when you are healthy. Wash your hands often and well. Don’t touch ready-to-eat food with bare hands. Keep food hot or cold. Cook food to proper temperatures. Cool hot food as quickly as possible. Keep raw meat away from other food. Wash, rinse, sanitize, air dry – always follow the 4 steps in order. 9 Keep food preparation areas and utensils clean and sanitized. 10 Ask questions if you have them ( Food Safety is Everybody’s Businnes ) 47 Only work when you are healthy 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. jaundice diarrhoea vomiting fever sore throat with fever visibly infected skin lesions (boils, cuts, etc.) discharges from the ear, eye or nose ( Codex Alimentarius - Food Hygiene ) 48 24 FOOD SAFETY GUIDELINES 1. DO NOT ACCEPT food or water from unapproved or unknown sources. 2. If the water system is contaminated, use bottled water. 3. Provide handwashing soap and paper towels at toilet facilities. 4. Prepare only the quantity of food sufficient for immediate use. Leftovers must be avoided if refrigeration is inadequate. 5. Cool all perishable foods rapidly. Use shallow pots and pans to divide hot foods. 6. Observe temperature controls for potentially hazardous foods-keep it hot 140 °F or above and cold, 41°F or below. 7. Keep hand contact to a minimum when preparing foods. 8. Use single-service eating and drinking utensils. 9. Keep food preparation surfaces clean, and avoid contact between raw and ready-to-eat foods. 49 ( EMERGENCY SHELTERS AND MASS FEEDING CENTERS, County of San Diego ) Golden rules for safe food preparation 1. Cook raw foods thoroughly. 2. Eat cooked food immediately. * 3. Prepare food for only one meal. * 4. Avoid contact between raw foods and cooked foods. 5. Choose foods processed for safety. 6. Wash hands repeatedly. * 7. Keep all food preparation premises meticulously clean. 8. Use safe water. 9. Be cautious with foods purchased outside. * 10. Breast-feed infants and young children. * Source: World Health Organization (1991d) 50 25 ( Hand hygiene technical reference manual ) © World Health Organization 2009 makan 51 Makanan Waktu banjir Jkt, reporter TV tanya pada petugas : makanan apa yang dibutuhkan ? 52 26 Makanan Berapa kalori Pengerjaan mudah Kemasan mudah Ragam menu Penghidangan Pengawasan mutu Peralatan Pembersihan 53 kalori Kalori SK 54 27 BNPB no 7 Th 2008 Bantuan Pangan Standar Minimal Bantuan : a. Bahan makanan berupa beras 400 gram per orang per hari atau b. Makanan yang disediakan dapur umum berupa makanan siap saji sebanyak 2 kali makan ( dalam sehari. c. Besarnya bantuan makanan (poin a dan b) setara dengan 2.100 kilo kalori ?) KM Kes no: 1357/Menkes/SK/XII/2001 : 2100 kcal, 40gr lemak 50 gr protein / hari. 55 2,100 kcals per person per day 10-12% of total energy provided by protein 17% of total energy provided by fat adequate micronutrient intake through fresh or fortified foods. Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards Minimum Standards in Food Security, Nutrition and Food Aid. SPHERE 56 28 Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards Minimum Standards in Food Security, Nutrition and Food Aid. SPHERE Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards Minimum Standards in Food Security, Nutrition and Food Aid. SPHERE 57 58 29 59 surv 60 30 Tahap Tanggap Darurat , hari ke 20 Kegiatan 1. Melakukan penapisan (screening) bila prevalensi gizi kurang balita 10–14.9% atau 5–9.0% yang disertai dengan factor pemburuk. 2. Menyelenggarakan pemberian makanan tambahan sesuaidengan jenis intervensi yang telah ditetapkan pada tahap 1 fase II (PMT darurat/Ransum, PMT darurat terbatas serta PMT terapi). 3. Melakukan penyuluhan baik perorangan atau kelompok dengan materi penyuluhan sesuai dengan butir b. 4. Memantau perkembangan status gizi melalui surveilans. 5. Melakukan modifikasi/perbaikan intervensi sesuai dengan perubahan tingkat kedaruratan : ( KM Kes no: 1357/Menkes/SK/XII/2001 ) 61 5. Melakukan modifikasi/perbaikan intervensi sesuai dengan perubahan tingkat kedaruratan : a. Jika prevalensi gizi kurang > 15% atau 10–14% dengan factor pemburuk, diberikan paket pangan dengan standar minimal per orang perhari (ransum), dan diberikan PMT darurat untuk balita, ibu hamil ibu meneteki dan lansia serta PMT terapi bagi penderita gizi buruk. Ketentuan kecukupan gizi pada PMT darurat sama seperti standar ransum. b. Jika prevalensi gizi kurang 10–14.9% atau 5–9.9% dengan factor pemburuk diberikan PMT darurat terbatas pada balita, ibu hamil, ibu meneteki dan lansia yang kurang gizi serta PMT terapi kepada penderita gizi buruk. c. Jika prevalensi gizi kurang < 10% tanpa factor pemburuk atau < 5% dengan factor pemburuk maka dilakukan penganan penderita gizi kurang melalui pelayanan kesehatan setempat. do ( KM Kes no: 1357/Menkes/SK/XII/2001 ) 62 31 Pengerjaan 63 64 32 65 66 33 67 Pengerjaan / Preparation Cooking the correct temp Food core temperatures should be held at the correct temperature for a minimum of 15seconds: 75ºC for poultry and reheated foods 68ºC for minced meats (beef, pork, and other meat or fish) 63ºC for fish, pork, beef and eggs 68 34 69 Hot holding DZ 70 35 Cold holding 71 dz The Danger Zone cool 72 36 73 stove CDC May 2013 74 37 Ground beef cooking temperature Eight in ten managers said their workers do not always take a final temperature of hamburgers with a thermometer. Many managers said their workers always or often check if hamburgers are ready in ways other than using a thermometer. They check the color of the hamburger, how it looks, and how it feels. About one in ten hamburgers were undercooked (cooked to less than 155°F). 75 Cross contamination In many restaurants, workers were seen preparing raw ground beef in a way that could lead to cross contamination. Workers : • Did not wash their hands in between touching raw ground beef and touching other foods (six in ten restaurants). • Used the same utensil on raw ground beef and other foods without washing in between (one in three restaurants). • Used the same utensil on raw ground beef and cooked ground beef (without washing in between) (four in ten restaurants). • Wiped their hands on cloths/aprons after touching raw ground beef (four in ten restaurants). 76 38 Pengawasan Mutu 77 wash Cleaning and Sanitizing 78 39 79 clean Cleaning and Sanitizing Cleaning : pakai sabun Sanitizing : pakai chemical 80 40 Washing Dishes by Hand CLEAN and SANITIZE the sink SCRAPE leftover food into the garbage WASH dishes in hot, soapy water in the first sink RINSE dishes with clean, hot water in the second sink SANITIZE by soaking the dishes in the third sink filled with warm water and an approved sanitizer AIR DRY all dishes and utensils instead of using a towel 81 3 Compartment Sink SANITIZE (1) 100mg/L chlorine solutions at a minimum temperature of 24ºC (2) clean water at a minimum temperature of 77ºC 82 41 Manual Pot And Oversized Utensil Washing 2 Compartment Sink 83 A sanitizing solution can be made of 1 teaspoon of household bleach mixed with 1 gallon of clean warm water. This provides the required 50 parts per million (ppm) chlorine needed for sanitizing. kalori 84 42 85 Four separate sinks should be set up – • one for handwashing • one for washing food preparation utensils and dishes • one for sanitizing utensils • one for preparing foods ( EMERGENCY SHELTERS AND MASS FEEDING CENTERS, County of San Diego ) 86 43 (LES BONNES PRATIQUES D’HYGIÈNE DANS LA PRÉPARATION ET LA VENTE DES ALIMENTS DE RUE EN AFRIQUE ) buku resep 87 88 44 Resep2 Menu 2100 kcl, 400 gr beras, 40 gr lemak, 50 gr protein / hari Sehat Mudah persiapan dan penyajiannya 89 aliimam04@yahoo.com 081 334 663 808 90 45 aliimam04@yahoo.com 081 334 663 808 91 92 46 93 94 47 AIR Bagaimana kl tidak ada air 95 Water Treatment Dlm jumlh besar chlorination Dlm jumlh kecil : Boiling PAC PUR SODIS 96 48 Kejernihan air Jernih ( < 30 NTU ) Keruh ( > 30 NTU ) ( nephelometric turbidity units ) Sample Turbidities (Howard, 2001) www.cee.mtu.edu/sustainable_engineering 97 98 49 CHLORINATION Preparation 1 L of 1% chlorine stock solution A 1% solution contains 10 g of chlorine per litre = 10000mg/l or 10000ppm (parts per million). 1 tablespoon = 4 teaspoons 99 100 50 Jumlah kecil , air jernih Boiling PUR PAC SODIS 101 Boiling Sampai mendidh Dipengaruhi ketinggian lokasi Harus ada tungku / kompor dan bahan bakar 102 51 Jumlah kecil air keruh Jumlah air 10 liter 103 104 52 105 106 53 107 Penjernih Air Cepat ( PAC ) Alumunium Sulfat ( Tawas ) Poly Aluminium Chloride 108 54 Alumunium Sulfat ( Tawas ) 1. 2. 3. 4. Air keruh dlm ember 20 liter Tuangkan Tawas ½ sendok teh ( digerus ) aduk pelan2 Diamkan kira 10-20 menit sp terbentuk endapan, isap air jernihnya Air jernih bisa di didihkan , Chlorine atau Sodis 109 Solar water disinfection Copyright © by SANDEC (Water & Sanitation in Developing Countries) at EAWAG (Swiss Federal Institute for Environmental Science and Technology) 110 55 Solar water disinfection Prinsip UV dari matahari mempengaruhi metabolisme dan merusak sel UV bereaksi dengan oxygen yang terlarut dalam air membentuk oxygen free radicals dan hydrogen peroxides yang bisa membunuh kuman Jika temperatur air meningkat diatas 50 derajat C maka efek disinfeksi nya lebih cepat 3 kali Oksigen, CO2 berkurang, Fe teroksidasi dan mengendap 111 UV-C light ranges in wavelength from 200–280 nanometers (nm) but operates most effectively as a germicidal light at a frequency of 253.7 nm. UVC-Germ Blaster's UV-C light penetrates the cell walls of the microorganism, damaging its genetic structure by separating the bonds in the DNA strand. The damaged bonds in the DNA prohibit future reproduction and ultimately destroys the 112 microorganism. 56 Chlorine and Alternative Disinfectants Guidance Manual Prepared by: Earth Tech (Canada) Inc. 850 Pembina Highway Winnipeg, Manitoba R3M 2M7 March 2005 113 Tata Cara SODIS 114 57 115 116 58 Copyright © by SANDEC (Water & Sanitation in Developing Countries) at EAWAG (Swiss Federal Institute for Environmental Science and Technology) 117 Copyright © by SANDEC (Water & Sanitation in Developing Countries) at EAWAG (Swiss Federal Institute for Environmental Science and Technology) 118 59 Factors reducing the efficiency 119 Factors reducing the efficiency Copyright © by SANDEC (Water & Sanitation in Developing Countries) at EAWAG (Swiss Federal Institute for Environmental Science and Technology) 120 60 121 122 61 Minimum daily requirements: Minimum survival allocation: 7 litres per person per day. This should be increased to 20 litres per person as soon as possible. Communal needs and a spare capacity for possible new arrivals should be added. Health centres: 40-60 litres per patient per day. Feeding centres: 20-30 litres per patient per day. Schools: 3 litres/pupil/day. Mosque: 2 to 5 litres/person/day. Hand washing at communal latrines and Offices: 1 to 2 litres/user/day for hand washing, and 2 to 8 litres/cubicle/day for cleaning. 123 1. Wash dishes in the first sink containing hot soapy water 2. Rinse dishes in the second sink containing hot water 3. Air dry all dishes and utensils 124 62 125 (LES BONNES PRATIQUES D’HYGIÈNE DANS LA PRÉPARATION ET LA VENTE DES ALIMENTS DE RUE EN AFRIQUE ) 126 63 127 64