The Virginia Clemens Rose Garden


The Virginia Clemens Rose Garden
Fall 2009
Volume 24, Issue 4
The Virginia Clemens Rose Garden
2009 Addition to ARS Award of Excellence
Test Gardens
St. Cloud, Minnesota
The Miniature and Miniflora Rose Bulletin
is an official quarterly journal of the American Rose Society
American Rose Society
P.O. Box 30,000
Shreveport, LA 71130-0030
Jeff Wyckoff - President
Jolene Adams - Vice President
James Hering, M.D. - President Emeritus
and Chairman of the Miniature and Miniflora Rose Committee
Jeffrey Ware - Executive Director
Philip Paul, Editor
11006 Bullrush Terrace
Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202-4145
This publication is for rosarians who are interested in miniature and
miniflora roses.
The advice and information in this publication is believed to be true and accurate
as of the date of publication. The authors, editors, and the American Rose Society
assume no legal responsibility for errors and omissions that may have been made.
This journal is published on the American Rose Society website
as it’s sole distribution source.
Dates of interest to Mini and Miniflora Rosarians:
2010 All Miniature Rose Show and Conference
Waukesha, Wisconsin on August 20-22
For more information go to:
Or Contact Diane Sommers, 262-781-7989, for information.
2011 All Miniature Rose Show and Conference
Syracuse, New York on June 24-26
For more information go to:
In This Issue:
Dates of Interest ...…......…............ 2
Editor’s Notes ................................3
In Memoriam - Ralph Moore ....... 4
Call for Nominations for
Mini and Miniflora Hall of Fame ....6
Mini and Miniflora Roses ...............8
Rose Hills Trials 2009 Results .......11
Hybridizer: Christian Bedard ........13
All Miniature Convention
Arrangement Winners ..................16
Best of the Best-Exhibition Roses...21
Test Garden Report
Virginia Clemens Rose Garden ......26
Editor’s Notes:
This issue starts off with a tribute to the father of the miniature rose,
Ralph Moore by Dr. Tommy Cairns. Barbara and Jim Zimmerman
provide a helpful look on the joys of growing miniatures and minifloras. The results of the international rose trials held in the Los Angeles area are covered. The trials produced two miniature winners.
One important aspect of this newsletter is to review the profiles of
leading hybridizers who are the source of all the roses we write
about. This month we provide an article written by Will Funk and
Weeks Roses on Christian Bedard, a up and coming hybridizer and
the research assistant to Tom Carruth.
Last issue we promised to cover more of this year’s All Miniature
Rose Show and Convention. Thanks to Tom Mayhew we have photos
of all the winning arrangements from that show. One of the most
helpful presentations at the conference was given by Richard Anthony and Kristine Vance entitled “Best of the Best” and it portrays
their successes in miniature and miniflora rose competition.
Finally, we present the new ARS Award of Excellence Test Garden
added to the ARS test garden sites in 2009— The Virginia Clemens
Rose Garden in Saint Cloud, MN
“The great wisdom to dream, the greater courage to act”
On Monday, September 13th, 2009 the rose world lost one of its finest champions. Born in
Visalia in 1907, a then sleepy hamlet just south of Fresno, California, Ralph quickly showed a
great passion for roses by his keen interest in growing them while still in high school. His
grandfather was credited with teaching the young Ralph the art of propagation from cuttings
rather than via the traditional budding techniques. This habit caused Ralph to search for breeding
stock that would impact more hardy, disease resistant characteristics as well as be easily propagated from cuttings. Almost seventy years ago Ralph Moore started Sequoia Nursery in Visalia,
which was to become a 20th century Mecca for rose lovers with Ralph as its oracle.
Creator, Dreamer, Great Composer ... are all terms that have been used to describe the Herculean contributions of Ralph S. Moore to the development of modern miniature roses. Heralded
by his peers in the world of rose hybridizing, Ralph was “The Father of Modern Miniature
Roses.” In 1935, he began by building upon the experiences of such European breeders as
Dot of Spain and De Vink of Holland. His main thrust, however, was completely devoted to
the concept of producing miniature roses in a wide diversity of color and form with a pleasing
low bush habit to equal the traits of the popular large flowered varieties.
Ralph had a propensity to name roses for his friends and family or a logical name to describe
his latest creation. Among his 500 plus miniatures you will find a large number named for prominent rose people - ‘Rose Gilardi’, ‘Don Marshall’, ‘Anita Charles’, ‘Annette Dobbs’, to name but
a few..
Dedication to the cause of volunteer service in the name of the rose was second nature to Ralph,
never failing to offer whatever help he could, under whatever circumstances. He was a quiet private man, never uttering an unkind word to anyone - a rare commodity in today’s sociopolitical environment. For him, the act of volunteer service was seemingly reward enough. Ralph
was recognized by the Royal National Rose Society in 1990 when he was awarded the Dean
Hole Medal - a great thrill for him for he was only the second American in history to be so honored! Both the American Rose Society and the World Federation of Rose Societies have bestowed their Gold Honor Medal upon Ralph for services to the rose.
This is not the time to recount the infinite services of this true champion for the list would be
as inexhaustible as his energies. From the very first day you met Ralph, you instantly recognized he was a gentle man of high integrity with a deep respect for shared values and lasting
friendships. There has been no one who has not been touched by his gentle, sometimes admittedly passionate manner and kind words as he meticulously wove his love and passion for
roses into the fabric of your private life bringing the joy of roses much closer as well as its shining reward of camaraderie. Now that he is gone, the legacy of his lifetime will do no less. How
much he has done – how much still unchronicled! We dare not try to tabulate the many lives
he touched, the problems - known and unrecorded - he solved, the afflicted he comforted, the
people he gave radiance to, by his manner and attention. What better measure is there of the
impact of anyone’s life? What we have lost in Ralph Moore is not his life. Ralph lived a very full
life. What we have lost, what we wish to recall to ourselves, to remember, is what he was himself, a gentle and caring individual with an overwhelming passion for miniature roses.
In Memoriam continued:
No eulogy can do full justice to a man of this high caliber, for his character and achievements are
extensive indeed - a quiet father with his heart and soul devoted to his family and roses. We are
all left with fond memories of a truly great man and a true rose champion. Life cannot remain
the same without dear Ralph, a living legend in his own time and a fixture we all took for
granted. Remembrance of who and what he stood for may be the guiding beacon of light by
which others will continue to emulate his gentle character and manner thereby celebrating the life
of a great man by their example. Ralph Moore is survived by daughter Eleanor Bergthold,
another daughter, Mona Sorenson of Eugene, Oregon; a son, Keith Moore of Visalia; and 10 grandchildren and 18 great-grandchildren.
Albert Schweitzer once wrote, "No ray of sunlight is ever lost. But the green which it wakes
needs time to sprout. And it is not always granted to the sower to live to see the harvest. All work
that is worth anything is done in faith." Ralph lived long and saw his harvest in the faces of
those who loved and admired his rose varieties.
He did leave behind a wonderful book of poems and somehow had planned in 1998 for his own
Epitaph, “When It Comes My Turn”, summing up his philosophy in life and its meaning to him.
When it comes my turn,
And the trumpet sounds for me,
I'd like to hear the Master say,
"Well done, good and faithful servant,"
I'd like to know I have left
The world better that when I came,
To have given a helping hand
To others all about me,
To have motivated someone
To choose the better path,
I'd like to leave some roses,
To brighten someone's day,
To have spread more sunshine
Than shadow along the way,
Yes, when I get my call,
I'd like to have folks say;
"He was a true friend
Who tried to live it each day."
In response, “Ralph, all that and much more, dear champion of the rose.”
Dr. Tommy Cairns, DHM
This article was first published in the Southland Rose News for October 2009 – Dr. Tommy Cairns Editor
Call for Nominations for
“Miniature and Miniflora Rose Hall of Fame”
Dr. Jim Hering, Chairman
ARS Miniature/Miniflora Rose Committee
The ARS Miniature and Miniflora Rose Hall of Fame honors those miniatures and mini-floras that
have stood the test of time in commerce for at least 20 years. Now, it is your opportunity to participate in this process by sending in your nomination(s), (five or less). A short list of the most popular
mini & miniflora roses that are 20 years or older can be found at the end of this article. Criteria for
the Hall of Fame can be summarized as follows:
1. The variety must have been introduced at least 20 years prior to the year the award is
given. Introduction date will verified by the latest edition of Modern Roses.
2. There can be multiple winners in any year.
3. Varieties for consideration are solicited from the general membership through an announcement in the American Rose magazine, on the ARS web-site, in the Miniature Rose Bulletin
and in district and local bulletins. Nominations are to be sent by May 1, 2010,
Dr. Jim Hering
1050 Kingwood Drive
Marion, OH 43302
4. The Chairman of the Miniature/Miniflora Rose Committee will prepare the tabulations
for selection by the full committee by ballot.
5. Formal announcement of the winner(s) will take place at the ARS National Miniature
Rose Conference.
‘Starina’, 1964, Meilland
‘Beauty Secret’, 1972, Moore
‘Magic Carrousel’, 1972 Moore
‘Rise’n’Shine’, 1977, Moore
‘Party Girl’, 1979, Saville
‘Cinderella’, 1953, de Vink
‘Mary Marshall’, 1970, Moore
‘Green Ice’, 1971, Moore
‘Jeanne Lajoie’, 1976, Sima
‘Cupcake’, 1981, Spies
‘Snow Bride’, 1982, Jolly
‘Little Jackie’, 1982, Saville
‘Minnie Pearl’, 1982, Saville
‘Red Cascade’, 1976, Moore
‘Jean Kenneally’, 1986, Bennett
‘Rainbow’s End’, 1986, Saville
‘Giggles’, 1987, King
‘Black Jade’, 1985, Benardella
‘Pierrine’, 1988, M. Williams
‘Irresistible’, 1989, Bennett
‘Fairhope’, 1989, Pete and Kay Taylor
‘Gourmet Popcorn’, 1986, Desamero
‘Luis Desamero’, 1988, Bennett
‘Tiffany Lynn’, 1985, N. Jolly
Acey Deucy
Ain’t Misbehavin’
Apricot Charm
Baby Katie
Barbara Mandrell
Brass Ring
Center Gold
Crazy Dottie
Dee Bennett
Fancy Pants
Founder’s Pride
Holy Toledo
Judy Fischer
June Laver
Lady Be Good
Love Note
Maurine Neuberger
Millie Walters
Mothers Love
My Sunshine
Old Glory
Olympic Gold
Over the Rainbow
Peggy “T”
Peppermint Patty
Poker Chip
Pucker Up
Rose Gilardi
Rose Window
Ruby Pendant
Sequoia Gold
Stolen Moment
Sweet Chariot
Teddy Bear
Teeny Bopper
Texas Sunrise
Top Gun
Toy Clown
Amber Ribbon
Candy Sunblaze
Cuddle Up
Gabriel’s Fire
Grace Seward
Naughty But Nice
Purple Dawn
American Rose Centennial
Golden Halo
Ice Queen
Orange Marmalade
Red Minimo
Suzy Q
Brenda Lee
Cal Poly
Chelsea Belle
Elizabeth Abler
Good Morning America
Just For You
Plum Dandy
San Jose Sunshine
Sincerely Yours
White Mite
The 2010 ARS National Miniature Rose Show and Conference will be held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, from
August 20-22, 2010. See Page 2 for contact information.
Barbara and Jim Zimmerman
Roses are easy to grow and provide a lot of fun and enjoyment. Gardeners are nature’s
Present day miniature roses had their beginning with the discovery of a petite pink rose, ‘Rouletii’, in
Switzerland in 1918. Around 1936, John deVink of Holland crossed ‘Rouletii’ with ‘Gloria Mundi’ to produce a dark red mini and named it ‘Tom Thumb’. In 1938 Ralph Moore crossed ‘Caryln Dean’, a Polyantha seedling with ‘Tom Thumb’ and produced the miniature ‘Zee’. This rose was never placed in commerce, but formed the basis for a very successful breeding program.
The first “made in America miniature” by Mr. Moore, was a cross of a sister seedling of ‘Caryln Dean’
and ‘Oakington Ruby’ and was named ‘Cutie’. The varieties ‘Zee’, ‘Oakington Ruby’ and the floribunda
‘Little Darling’ were used by Mr. Moore for the basis of his breeding stock. Most of the miniature roses
in commerce today have these roses in their family tree.
Striped roses can originate from sports, mutations or certain viruses, but generally don’t maintain
that characteristic when used as a pollen parent. Ralph Moore discovered an apparent source of striped
roses that was inheritable, when he crossed ‘Ferdinand Pichard’ with ‘Little Darling’.
The development of the miniature rose in the 1930’s was a major advancement that made available a
rose with the form and variety of colors of the hybrid tea and floribunda rose. The petiteness, charm and
smaller growth habit of the variety, lends itself for accent, border planting or in a complete bed of these
hardy perennials.
Acceptance of the miniature rose expanded in the early 1960’s, when Springhill Nursery of Tipp City,
Ohio worked closely with Ralph Moore, who is regarded as the father of “The Modern Miniature Roses”
and sold many of the Moore introductions. Later in the same decade, Harm Saville started Nor’East
Roses and the explosion began for the purchase of miniature roses.
For many years the hybridizers through their breeding program produced roses that were more vigorous with blooms bigger than what was accepted as a miniature, but smaller than a hybrid tea or floribunda. There wasn’t a class for this type of variety until J. Ben Williams coined the name Miniflora and
made it available to The American Rose Society and a new class of rose was established. The introduction of Minifloras in unison with Miniature roses has made the smaller variety the envy of every rose
Miniature and Miniflora Roses ContinuedCULTURE and CARE
Most miniature type roses are propagated on their own root and this provides a very hardy plant.
Planting should be at the same level in the garden as the rose was grown in the pot from the nursery.
The unknown quality of the soil in the garden can be augmented with a purchased potting mixture. This
is an excellent soil for growing roses. An area that receives six hours of sun is the preferred location.
The small roses can be grown in two gallon pots and moved about to accent preferred areas of the
garden. Frequent watering is needed to keep the soil moist. A disposable diaper in the bottom of the pot
and mulch on the surface provides additional moisture control. The potted roses can be stored in an
unheated garage during the winter. This should occur during the months of November through March.
Spring pruning, following a cold winter, should begin around the first week in April. The stem may
appear green, but it is important to prune the cane to where the center is white. A cane with a tan center
will not promote vigorous growth and may die back in hot weather.
Summer pruning alerts the plant that new growth must begin when a dead flower is removed. A new
bloom will emerge in about thirty eight days following pruning. The diameter of the stem of the new
growth will be similar in size from which it was cut.
Roses like moist soil with good drainage and need one inch of rain each week. In an arid summer
without rain, apply one gallon of water to each plant. This equates to one inch of rain. Several inches of
mulch on the soil helps control the loss of moisture
Roses have hardy appetites. Keep them nourished with an organic or chemical granule or water soluble fertilizer. Follow instructions on the container and remember the plant can’t tell the price you paid
for the fertilizer. It is advisable to water the soil before and after the application of dry fertilizer.
Roses take a little care as they are susceptible to insect and fungus invasion. Many products are available that provide excellent protection. For small gardens, Bayer “All in One” is a liquid that is mixed
with water and applied to the soil around the bush on a monthly basis. For larger gardens, it is practical
to spray with an insect and fungus control product. Orthenex and Immunox are products that do a good
job when the instructions on the container are followed.
The small roses that are grown on their own roots are very hardy. A little mulch or earth around the
base of plant will give adequate winter protection.
Varieties that grow well in the Ohio climate are, Minifloras and Miniatures respectively.
‘Dr. John Dickman’– mauve
‘Irresistible’ – white
‘Dr. Troy Garrett ’ - red
- white
‘Bees Knees’ – yellow/pink edge
‘Baldo ’
- white/red edge
‘Soroptomist’ – pink blend
- yellow/red edge
‘Miss Flippins’- red
‘Top Contender’
- yellow
‘Hot Tamale’ - yellow/red shading
- light yellow
Several things will add more pleasure to your rose growing.
Small roses can be easily rooted and provide a rewarding experience. Use a zip lock plastic bag and
fill half full with a moist potting soil. Remove the bloom from a cutting that has four sets of leaflets. Cut
the stem at 1/16th inch below the last set of leaflets and remove only the last set of foliage. Insert the stem
that has three sets of leaflets into the bag. Seal the bag and put it in a semi shady area. Avoid constant
direct sun as the contents in the bag will get very hot and the cutting will die. Keep the bag sealed and
do not add additional water. In about four to five weeks, roots will appear at the bottom of the bag. Remove the rooted cutting and plant in a pot or directly in the rose bed.
Cut roses can be kept three or more weeks in the refrigerator. Cut a stem and seal the end with candle
wax. Place the stem in a plastic bag and close the container tightly. Put the package in the refrigerator,
but do not freeze. The bloom and foliage may show moisture loss when in storage. When the rose is
needed, remove it from the container and cut away the sealed end. Insert the stem in water up to but not
including the flower and the foliage and bloom will regain its original appearance.
Many vendors of miniature and miniflora roses have pictures and descriptive information on their
web site. A few of the sources are listed below.
Almost Heaven Roses
John’s Miniature Roses
Additional information may be obtained by accessing the web site of the American Rose Society at
Jim Zimmerman is the recently retired District Director for the Buckeye District and is very active with
Barbara in helping new rosarians learn the techniques of growing roses.
Editor’s Note:
Each year Dr. Tommy Cairns hosts the International Rose Hills Trials in Los Angeles,
California. These trials are similar to the ARS Award of Excellence Trials and the All
America Rose Selections Trials except they are conducted on an international basis.
On Pages 9 and 10 we present the results of this year’s trials. While more than Miniature or Miniflora Roses are evaluated, there were two excellent winners this year in
the Miniature Category. The first was ‘Tiddly Winks’ Hybridized by Tom Carruth of
Weeks Roses and the Second was ‘Magic Show’ Hybridized by Frank Benardella and
introduced by Nor’East Miniature Roses.
Christian Bedard from Weeks Roses won the “Golden Rose of Rose Hills” award for
‘Teeny Bopper’ . See article on Christian Bedard on Page 11.
We have presented all the winners to share the international aspect of rose trials
sponsored by the “Pacific Accords of Rose Friendship” (Adelaide, Hamilton, Gifu)
Rose Hills International Rose Trials
Pageant of Roses Garden, Rose Hills, Whittier, California
October 10, 2009
(For rose with highest score in the trials)
For most fragrant variety
Hybridized by Christian Bedard
Introduced by: Weeks Roses
Hybridizer: Keith Zary
Introducer: Jackson & Perkins
Hybridizer: Wilhelm Kordes
Introducer: Jackson & Perkins
‘Sedona’ (JACmcall)
Hybridizer: Keith Zary
Introducer: Jackson & Perkins
Hamilton Gardens Trophy
‘Sweetness’ (JACmearo)
Hybridizer: Keith Zary
Introducer: Jackson & Perkins
‘Lovestruck’ (JACbou
Hybridizer: Keith Zary
Hybridizer: Keith Zary
Introducer: Jackson & Perkins
‘Tiddly Winks’
Hybridizer: Tom Carruth
Introducer: Weeks Roses
‘JACsomed’ HT
Hybridizer: Keith Zary
Introducer: Jackson & Perkins
‘Silicon Valley Diamond’
Hybridizer: Jacques Mouchotte
Introducer: Star Roses
Hybridizer: Tom Carruth
Introducer: Weeks Roses
‘Magic Show’ Miniature
Hybridizer: Frank Benardella
Introducer: Nor’East Miniature Roses
Rose Hills International Rose Trials
Pageant of Roses Garden, Rose Hills, Whittier, California
Executive Committee
KENT WOODS, President & CEO
GREGG WILLIAMSON, CCE & Executive Vice President
NICK CLARK, Marketing Executive
CYNTHIA TOM, Community Affairs Manager
ERIC TRUJILLO, Rose Garden Foreman
TANIA NORRIS, Tinseltown Rose Society
Permanent Judging Panel
JOHN BAGNASCO, Garden Compass Radio
JACQUES FERARE, Meilland Star Roses
CHRIS GREENWOOD, Armstrong Garden Centers
STEVE BENING, Meilland Star Roses
CLAIR MARTIN, Huntington Gardens
TOM CARRUTH, Weeks Roses
DEBBIE ZARY, Jackson & Perkins Roses
International Jury
CHAIRMAN GERTA ROBERTS, England, United Kingdom
LAWLOR, TIM, California
LONG, SALLY, California
MARTIN, BOB & DONA, California
KREUGER, ROB, California
STEPS, STEVE & DIANA, California
ROSE, DON & DIANE, California
TIFFANY, RUTH, California
YEW, MANSON, California
BAXTER, JOHN, England, United Kingdom
RACHEL & KEITH JONES, England, United Kingdom
ROBERTS, MICHAEL, England, United Kingdom
ADAMS, JOLENE, California
BURG, TED & LINDA, California
CLARK, LINDA, California
DEAN, ELSINA, California
FEURER, RON, California
GILARDI, ROSE, California
HILL, KREG, California
Profile: Christian Bedard
Story by: Will Funk - Photos by: Gene Sasse
Christian Bedard is a significant contributor to Miniature and
Miniflora rose hybridization and a very active member of the
ARS Miniature and Miniflora Rose Committee. Christian won his
first major award for the Golden Rose of Rose Hills this Year.
As the Research Assistant for Tom Carruth at
Weeks Roses, Christian Bedard has always
had a green thumb. He started gardening with
his grandpa when he was about eight years
old. When he was 16 he purchased his first
rose, a ‘Queen Elizabeth’. However the chilly
winters in Quebec City, Canada were too
much for the rose and it died the very first
year. Christian remembers this as being the
first plant he ever killed. However this did
not discourage him; it actually made him curious.
Christian wanted to know why some roses
survive cold winters where others are more
tender. It made the native Canadian so curious that he went on studying plants, obtaining his Masters Degree, and began to hybridize his own roses that perform well in cold
Bedard’s hybridizing efforts also started
with a strong interest in miniature
roses. One of his early introductions for
Weeks Roses includes the rust and smoke
bi-color mini Coffee Bean. By using parent flowers of Santa Claus and Hot Cocoa
he was able to create a unique, warm color
with shapely, pointed buds.
One of the aspects Christian enjoys about the
process of creating new roses is thinking of the
potential outcome as he blends two different
roses. Another of Christian’s creations that resulted with a great outcome is the compact
Teeny Bopper. Perfect for containers, this scarlet Shrublet boasts a contrasting white center
and reverse on long-lasting flowers.
A feature that the team at Weeks Roses likes to stress with their new varieties is natural resistance
to disease. He points out that this important feature is now being emphasized in the All-America
Rose Selections (AARS) trials as they no longer allow the use of sprays in the test gardens. Christian combined this natural disease resistance along with hardiness to cold by creating Cape Diamond. This pure pink shrub fills your garden with a spicy fragrance while spreading mounds of
color through the landscape. This gem can even be trained as a climber. Being bred in Canada
she is happiest in harsh climates found in the north, thriving without winter protection to zone 3.
Although Christian’s current line up includes mostly plants with a compact habit
(he shares that about half of his initial research was put into miniatures) he now
has a more balanced approach.
Like all rose lovers Christian has his favorites. He immediately mentions Julia
Child, the buttery yellow, fragrant floribunda and AARS award recipient. The
rich lavender and intensely fragrant Neptune is also at the top of his list. Like his
Coffee Bean, Christian likes the warm
hues on Honey Dijon. The golden brown,
sweet smelling blooms fill gardens with
both flowers and fragrance. Although
more disease prone than many of Weeks
Roses current plants he also enjoys the
flowers on the classic Double Delight.
As far a challenges faced while trying to create the
next award-winning rose Bedard advises, “Disease
resistance factor is a challenge to achieve.” Both
Christian and Weeks’ Research Director Tom Carruth strive to mix beauty with a plant that will survive without loads of sprays and powders. Christian looks to the future with an eye on originality
of color. This is apparent based on his growing
collection of uniquely toned introductions. New
colors paired with resistance to common ailments
such as mildew and black spot will continue making the rose gardener’s life easier…even in the
cold climates of Canada!
This article appeared in Tom Carruth’s
Newsletter from Weeks Roses.
Miniature Arrangement Winners
At the All Miniature Convention
Continued from the Summer 2009 Bulletin
Photos by: Tom Mayhew
Class 1 - Arrangement by Susan Waites
Class 2 - Arrangement by Susan Waites
For amber waves of grain ...
O beautiful for spacious skies ...
Class 4 - Arrangement by Nancy Redington
Class 3 - Arrangement by Susan Waites
Above the fruited plain ...
Mini Duchess Award
For Purple mountain majesties ...
Class 5 - Arrangement by Marti Youmans
Class 6 - Arrangement by Nancy Redington
God shed his grace on thee ...
Mini Princess Award
And crown thy good with brotherhood ...
Class 8 - Arrangement by Nancy Redington
Class 9 - Arrangement by Nancy Redington
O beautiful for pilgrim feet
Whose stern impassion'd stress ...
Mini Rosecraft Award
A thoroughfare for freedom beat
Across the wilderness ...
Class 10 - Arrangement by Susan Liberta
Class 10—Arrangement by Susan Liberta
- Arrangement by by
America! America!
America! America!
God mend thine ev'ry flaw, ...
God mend thine ev’ry flaw, ...
thy soul
in self-control,
thy soul
in self-control,
Thy libertyThy
in law
... in law ...
Class 13 - Arrangement by Nancy Aumiller
Who more than self their country loved,
And mercy more than life ...
Class 12 - Arrangement by Curtis Aumiller
O beautiful for heroes prov'd
In liberating strife, ...
Mini Royalty Award
Class 14—Arrangement by Pat Lawrence
America! America!
May God thy gold refine ...
Class 15—Arrangement by Rose Diestler
Till all success be nobleness
And ev’ry gain devine........
Class 17 - Arrangement by Nancy Redington
Class 16 - Arrangement by Lew Shupe
That sees beyond the years
Miniature Keepsake Award
O beautiful for patriot dream ...
Best Judges Entry
Class 19 Arrangement by Bob Lundberg
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee....
J. Benjamin Williams
ARS National Miniflora Arrangement Trophy
Class 18 - Arrangement by Nancy Redington
Thine alabaster cities gleam
Undimmed by human tears ...
Class 20 - Arrangement by Diane Sommers
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea ...
ARS National Ralph S. Moore Arrangement
Best of the Best
New Exhibition Roses
Richard Anthony & Kristine Vance
Top Ten Bankers
Joy – (pb, Clemons) This rose could very well be rated as the number one rose in the US but lack of
distribution has hurt it considerably. The secret to winning with this rose is to let it develop on the bush.
We had the second queen in the country behind David’s queen. It has fantastic color, form, substance
and centers and is very disease resistant. Works well in a picture frame or boutonnière as the pink on
black stand out for all to see. It will also make an excellent English Box entry and throws exceptional
Nancy Jean – (ab, Rickard) This is a rose that many judges are somewhat ambivalent about – they either love it or dislike it immensely due to its coloration; we are no exception as I like the rose very
much and Kristine rolls her eyes at the mere mention of the name. It is close to a 100 % percent rose in
that almost all blooms have very good size and tight centers. The draw back is that often the centers are
sunken and the rose could use another row of petals in order to hold after it achieves perfect exhibition
form. It must be sprayed diligently for powdery mildew. It makes an excellent partner with ‘Honey Dijon’ as a Hi – Lo tandem.
Bees Knees – (yb, Zary) One great rose and a prolific bloomer; not uncommon to have 40 to 50 plus
blooms on each bush in the Buckeye District which makes it very easy to find a potential queen. Considerable variation in color and bloom size is a detriment as is color change after it is cut. Removing a
row of petals on the bush can improve bloom size. Spray constantly for black spot and cover the blooms
as it water spots badly. Works well in Challenge Classes and the English Box.
Best of 04 – (yb, Wells) We consider this a once in a while rose but, when you have one it is so good
that it will win hands down against almost all competition. Perhaps 10% or less of the blooms is queen
quality. It has outstanding stop in your tracks coloration, excellent form and very tight centers. A major
drawback is that it has to open on the bush and will hold for about half a day at best. It also has to be
sprayed regularly for black spot and powdery mildew. It may not work well in Challenge Classes.
Ty – (dy, Tucker) It is a great attention grabbing bright yellow rose that is a prolific bloomer. If you
have size which is not always evident, you will win with this rose. Queen quality blooms are not evident in cooler temperatures but once the temperature gets into the high seventies to eighty degree range
the queens keep coming with several on each bush. The rose is reasonably disease resistant but needs
Ironite to darken the leaves. It will work well in a Picture Frame or English Box entry.
Heather Sproul – (mp, Sproul) The best pink exhibition miniature currently available on the market. It
has it all; size, form, substance and centers. The only negative is a habit to produce very short canes.
We were going to shovel prune this rose until it recently began throwing long (eighteen inch) canes as
opposed to the six inch or less canes that were the norm from day one until just recently. Works well in
Challenge Classes and in an English Box entry.
Emma Grace – (ob, Wells) We almost shovel pruned this rose when we first started growing it as it
sprawled similar to Soroptimist International and just did not impress us until last fall when we won the
first queen in the country with it. It does come on very strong once it becomes established and consistently throws queen quality blooms. Petal edges burn so protection is warranted and it must be sprayed
for black spot and powdery mildew. It will work in either a Challenge Class or a Picture Frame.
Soroptimist International – (pb, Benardella) A prolific bloomer that almost always has impeccable
exhibition form, good substance and tight centers. Overfeeding will produce vegetative centers and the
color begins to fade almost as soon as it is cut. Black spot and powdery mildew are serious issues with
this rose. It works well in Challenge Classes and as an English Box entry.
Fairhope - (ly, Taylor) Good old stand by almost white rose that stills wins with regularity when it has
size due to its impeccable form and tight centers. It must be sprayed regularly and protected from water
Irresistible – (w, Bennett) If it has a center it will almost always win but unfortunately more often than
not it has a hole where the center should be. Removing a row of petals after the sepals drop usually allows the rose to open properly displaying a tight center in the process. Black spot and powdery mildew
is a major problem even when sprayed on a regular basis. It wins with consistency in the Penn Jersey
New Roses With Exhibition Potential
Alysheba - (m, Clemons) This could be the sleeper of the year as it has good size, eye catching look at
me again Mauve Gray coloration, excellent form, very good substance and drilled centers. As we all are
aware, when David Clemons introduces a rose, it will definitely exhibit. We have not noticed one negative about this rose to date.
Aydan Renee – (m, Wells) Another unusual colored rose from Whit Wells; white with pale lavender
edges and a light yellow base. It has size, form, substance and the Wells trademark tight centers. It
should win once distribution improves. Powderly mildew is a concern as it is with most mauve roses. It
will not work well in Challenge Classes due to its coloration and large size.
Brenda Lee – (yb, Wells) Classified as a yellow blend but in our garden all six plants are orange blend
roses that throw very large blooms with excellent form, very good substance and tight centers. Chances
are this rose will move into our top ten miniatures for next year. Powdery mildew is a concern. It will
work well as an English Box entry and in a Picture Frame.
Eternal Flame – (yb, Tucker) A nice sized light yellow rose with dark pink to red edges that has very
good form, and drilled centers. We have not seen any indication that it is prone to disease. It should exhibit well.
Memphis Bell – (or, Wells) Classified as an orange red but for us it is a dark red with a lighter reverse
much along the lines of Liberty Bell. Flower size borders on the miniflora side of the spectrum but it
throws enough blooms to find a smaller one that will win. Nearly impervious to disease. Leaves tend to
be oversized for the bloom and must be trimmed with deckle edged shears. Too large to work well in a
Challenge Class.
My Hometown – (rb, Wells) Reminds us of Miss Flippins in that it is extremely fast to blow. The coloration stops judges in their tracks but after showing it several times this spring with only blue ribbon
success, we are not certain if it will win due to the darkness around the pin point center.
If there is natural light in the show room the rose has a chance but in artificial light it may not win no matter how
good the rose is as many judges cannot see the pin point center. It makes for an exceptional open bloom entry
due to its coloration and the fact that it lays almost flat when open. It would make an exceptional English Box
entry with open blooms.
Renegade – (rb, Tucker) A very good new introduction from Robbie Tucker that has excellent exhibition form,
good substance and tight centers. The rose holds well but must be sprayed regularly for powdery mildew.
Seedling 0444 – (ob, Wells) This is a large miniature orange blend Bees Knees seedling from Whit Wells that
has serious exhibition potential with size, great form, good substance and drilled centers being the norm. Two
draw backs are its propensity to contract powdery mildew and unfortunately it does not like refrigeration which
will seriously impede its ability to be highly rated but if you cut one on Thursday or Friday you have a very good
chance of winning.
Our Top Ten Bankers
Butter Cream – (my, Martin) Our number one rose in that every time we cut one we are confident that we will
place it on the court. One of our six bushes consistently throws blooms that are about 25% larger than normal
which results in many queens. Blooms typically have size, excellent form, and exceptional substance along with
well defined centers. Mildew is an occasional concern and Japanese Beetles enjoy the butter colored petals. It
works well in collections and as an English Box entry.
Abby’s Angel – (yb, Wells) The most beautiful colored rose in our garden that we did not care for four years ago
when we first started to grow it but, once it becomes established it produces queen quality blooms that are not
only colorful but large, with exceptional form and tight centers. Abbey is also Kristine’s youngest daughters name
so it has a special place in our garden. The only draw backs are that it has is a propensity for mildew unless you
consider that it is one of the slowest roses to recycle; this is why we grow fifteen plants. It makes an excellent candidate for a Picture Frame or miniflora Floater as well as boutonnière. It also works well in Challenge Classes.
Whirlaway - (w, Clemons) One of the two best minifloras along with Abby’s Angel that we grow. Beautiful white
coloration with plus size, great form, substance and drilled centers that are near perfect all of the time. David told
us quite some time ago that he had never seen a bad bloom on his mother plant. It will hold a week or longer either on the bush or in the cooler. Win with it on Saturday and take it home and place it in your cooler and you
just may win again with it the following week. The only draw back is that it is slower than Abby’s Angel to recycle
and does not throw an abundance of blooms which is why we grow fifteen plants. Last year we exhibited it six
times with five Kings and a Queen. It is a tad too large to work well in collections but would make an excellent
English Box entry.
Charismatic – (pb, Clemons) Other than Whirlaway, this may be David Clemons’ best rose although winning
National Queen of Show with the rose may have biased our opinion. It has excellent size, good form, color and
typically has drilled centers. Mildew is the only negative associated with this rose. It works well in Challenge
Power Point – (Benardella) A brilliant look at me red colored rose that just may be the top red miniflora on the
market today. It has size, form, stop in your tracks red coloration and drilled centers which make it destined to
win big time once others appreciate the qualities of this superior rose. We have not found a negative associated
with this rose as it holds and is highly disease resistant. Works well in collections.
Unbridled – (ob, Clemons) Another very fine rose from the thoroughbred rose stables of David Clemons. It has
attention grabbing orange coloration especially in cooler temperatures, very good size, impeccable form and tight
centers. It will win its fair share of trophies once distribution improves especially at the fall shows when color is
enhanced somewhat. Powdery mildew and water spotting are a concern. It may be too large for collection entries.
First Choice – (w, Wells) Classified as white but in our garden it is a pink blend with cotton candy pink coloration. Perhaps the best of the four roses between the look a likes My Inspiration, Shameless and Regina Lee. It has
good size and form, attractive coloration and drilled centers. It should win its fair share of trophies as distribution improves and more exhibitors grow the bush. It will blend in well in Challenge Classes.
Dr. John Dickman – (m, Bridges) It can be absolutely breath taking when it is right as it can have exceptional
size and form, eye catching coloration, good substance and tight centers. Quilled petals can be a distraction and it
has a propensity to attract powdery mildew. As with most mauve roses, the form is fleeting as it looses substances
after a day. It makes an exceptional open bloom entry.
Conundrum – (yb, Tucker) Exceptional stop in your tracks eye catching coloration with excellent form, decent
substance and tight centers make this an excellent exhibition rose. The negatives are many but do not out weigh
the queen potential of this rose. It blows faster than any miniflora we grow and is a mildew magnet although not
as bad as it was the first two years. Care must be taken not to show it like a tulip; groom it and place it back in
your cooler until just before the close of entries and more often than not you will be on the court. Works well in a
Picture Frame or as a Floater and could be an exceptional English Box rose if open blooms are not a concern and
you can find six with similar size.
Lady E’owyn – (pb, Tucker) A great rose that is fun to groom once you learn how that has very good size, form
and substance even though the petals feel silky to the touch. It also has well defined centers. Cooler temperatures
bring out a burgundy coloration that is much more appealing than the grungy pink especially next to the green
colored guard petals. It has to stand on its own as it does not blend in well in collections. St. Louis taught Richard
a lesson about grooming this rose.
New Roses with Exhibition Potential
Aberlady - (dy, Tucker) A nice addition to the yellow miniflora ranks that will win due to its attention getting
yellow coloration, good form, size and substance and very good centers. It is slow to reach maturity and may not
be the best yellow introduced this year. It will work well in a pallet entry and makes for a near perfect Hi – Lo
match with Ty.
All American Girl - (mp, Wells) A very good color match with the Hybrid Tea rose Truly Yours. It has very
large size, good form and coloration, great substance and very good centers. It will win once distribution improves. It is probably too large for collections.
Blue Swade Shoos - (m, Wells) Another in the very good category of mauve miniflora exhibition roses. It has
good size and form along with outstanding substance and tight centers. It will last somewhat longer than most
mauve roses due to its higher petal count. It must be sprayed diligently as powdery mildew is always lurking close
by with this rose. It probably will not work well in collections.
Caledonia – (ly, Tucker) An off white very large miniflora with very good form, exceptional substance, and pin
point centers all add to the potential to make this a very, very good rose. The only negative associated with the
rose is that the color does not say queen me; but then again does color really matter that much. We tend to think
it does. We got beat with this rose last year when we had an exceptional Whirlaway.
Double Take – (rb, Benardella) A rose that was scheduled to meet Mr. Shovel due to its red coloration being
BLAH that went from Ho-Hum red to a look at me red from last year to this year. It has very good size, perfect
form, good substance and tight centers. It should take its fair share of queens. It will also work well in collections.
Edisto - (rb, Williams) A very nice large red rose with a light yellow reverse that has very good form, size, substance and centers. There is a lot of new introduction competition for this rose to win big but it will be a good
court contender and should work well in collections.
Good Ole Mountain Dew – (m, Wells) A sizable light grayish colored rose with darker red colored petal edges
that has extremely good form, good substance and tight centers. Mildew as with most mauve roses an issue. It
will have to win on its own as it will not work in collections as it does not blend in well.
Hurricane – (yb, Tucker) Classified as a yellow blend but in our garden it is a good sized red blend with very
good form and substance and drilled centers. It will exhibit and should make a nice picture frame entry also.
Lo & Behold – (my, Desamero) A super sized version of the rose Behold with better holding ability. It has very
good form and substance and often good centers. It should work well in a pallet or in collections assuming you
have a smaller specimen.
Monty’s Joy – (m, Wells) The original Baldo that had a serious propensity for powdery mildew in California but
is reasonably disease resistant in the Buckeye District is the most fragrant miniflora that we grow. It has very
large size, good form and substance and drilled centers. It will have to win on its own as it is comparable to Fitzhugh’s Diamond in size but a much better rose for garnering queens.
Seedling 0420 – (rb, Wells) A potentially outstanding exhibition miniflora rose that has stop in your tracks
coloration. Excellent form, very good substance and typical Wells drilled centers. Look for this rose to be registered sometime this year.
Seedling 0424 – (m, Wells) A light grayish mauve colored miniflora that has excellent form, good size and substance and tight centers.
Seedling 0535 – (rb, Wells) A potentially excellent exhibition miniflora rose with fantastic form and size, superb substance and drilled centers. This rose could very well be registered either late this year or early next year.
Sunglow – (my, Wells) The two plants that we grow attract more attention in our garden than the other 779
roses that we grow. It has stop in your tracks coloration and is a gorgeous mega sized single but it should be reclassified as a shrub or perhaps even as a floribunda.
Tabasco Cat – (or, Clemons) A potentially outstanding orange exhibition miniflora with very good size, outstanding form, unbelievable substance and drilled centers. Petal edges burn and bloom size will vary but as with
all of David Clemons’ roses, it will exhibit. Look for this one next year from Rosemania.
Fact Sheet: Virginia Clemens Rose Garden St. Cloud, Minnesota
Gardens inaugurated in:
Total roses in the gardens:
Peak time of bloom:
1990’s for the Clemens Garden
In the 1930’s for the Munsinger Gardens
1,800 roses (1,300 non-winter hardy requiring winter protection).
300 AARS Trial Roses, ARS Miniature and Miniflora Test Beds
The gardens are located in plant hardiness zone 3b. Our growing sea
son is mid April through October, with first flush near the end of
June. We used to use the MN Tip Method of winter rose protection but
switched to the use of insulated construction blankets last November.
We were pleased with the success of the construction blankets.
Types of Roses in the garden: Hybrid Teas, Floribundas, Grandifloras, Shrubs, Old Garden and Species roses, large flowering climbers, Tree roses, Miniature and
Miniflora roses.
Other gardens:
The Virginia Clemens Rose Garden is part of the Munsinger and
Clemens Gardens. These are two distinct but adjacent gardens on the
banks of the Mississippi River.
Gardens are known for:
Their history (The story of these gardens can be found on Page 20.),
the amount of fountains and ironwork that it contains, the amount of
annuals grown on-site and planted in the gardens each year (113,000 in
2009), and the number of non-hardy roses grown in zone 3b.
Test Garden Programs:
Test Garden Space:
The Clemens Rest Area Garden contains one of the tallest outdoor
fountains in Minnesota, The Renaissance Fountain with Cranes,
which features a replica of a sculpture of Hebe, cupbearer to the gods.
It was designed and built by Robinson Iron of Alabama.
Virginia Clemens Rose Garden is the northernmost test site for AARS
and AOE. We also were a trial site for Bailey Easy Elegance roses and
have a large selection. We currently are a trial site for some Conard
Pyle and Kordes shrub roses.
We have two separate AARS test garden sites. We give each plant
two square feet of space.
Garden Supervisor’s background and why this Award of Excellence program is important to
her and the organization:
I have been the Rose Specialist for the Virginia Clemens Rose Gar
den for 5 years. I am an ARS Consulting Rosarian, a Stearns County
Master Gardener, President of the Granite City Rose Society and have
grown and exhibited roses in my home gardens for over 23 years.
I feel it is important to test the winter hardiness of the AOE miniatures
and mini-floras and our zone 3b Minnesota winters give them a true
Location and Directions to the Gardens:
The Virginia Clemens Rose Garden is located in Munsinger & Clemens Gardens along the eastside of the Mississippi River in Saint Cloud MN. The Gardens are open every day from Spring
to Fall from 7:00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. There is no admission fee for Munsinger Gardens and
Clemens Gardens, however, donations to the Gardens are always accepted.
Directions to the Gardens?
From US Highway 10, take State Highway 301 (also known as Minnesota Boulevard) west to Kilian
Boulevard SE, then head north. Clemens gardens will be on your left.
From State Highway 23 (also known as Division Street), turn south on Wilson Avenue to Riverside
Drive and follow the River south to the Gardens. Munsinger Gardens will be on your right, with Clemens Gardens to your left.
From I-94, take exit 171 and head north on County Road 75. Turn right on Washington-Memorial
Drive, turn right again onto 10th Street South, heading east. Cross the Mississippi River, then turn left
at the first stop lights past the bridge onto Kilian Boulevard SE. Clemens Gardens will be on your left.
History of the Gardens:
Munsinger Gardens dates from the 30s; the WPA-constructed paths and garden areas are still here, refurbished and expanded in the 80s. This is an informal garden of 14 acres with winding flower-bordered
paths under tall pines. The grass flows between the organic shapes of island beds much like the river
beside it. The history of St. Cloud's Munsinger Gardens may be compared to the garden's well-worn
paths; for both have interesting and unexpected turns. During the 1880s the lower east bank of the Mississippi River was the site of a sawmill. But by 1915 the city purchased the area for use as a neighborhood park. Eventually, the site became known as Riverside Park and Munsinger Gardens, the latter section named in honor of a former superintendent of parks, Joseph Munsinger. Munsinger Gardens has
experienced many different stages of development. Improvements to the gardens occurred during the
Great Depression through the Works Progress Administration. Projects from this period included planting trees and flowerbeds. Other additions included the creation of rock-lined paths, a lily pond, and a
fountain. However, most of the work in developing the garden was directed by Joseph Munsinger. The
first greenhouse was built in 1938. While the original greenhouse is gone, new ones stand in its place,
and garden staff continues the tradition of growing flowers that help beautify this wonderful jewel
known as Munsinger Gardens.
The Clemens Gardens, developed primarily in the 90s, provide 7 acres of considerable contrast. A collection of six gardens characterized by a formal style, they are situated on the sunny hill above
Munsinger. The design is classical European but the use of plant material is decidedly American.
Among them are the Virginia Clemens Rose Garden, the Rest Area Garden, the Formal Garden, the
White Garden, the Perennial Garden, and the Treillage Garden. All are enhanced with decorative ironwork and fountains. When a plot of land came up for sale across the street from the home of Bill and
Virginia Clemens they purchased it and then donated the land to the City of St. Cloud Park Department.
Known for her love of roses and flowers, the late Virginia Clemens battled multiple sclerosis for more
than 40 years. As a true act of love, and a way to give something back to the community Bill Clemens
funded the establishment of and continues to fund the Clemens Gardens. In 1990 Bill and Virginia
Clemens funded the construction of the rose garden, purchased 1100 rose bushes, and even paid the
wages for a rose grower. This led to the development of the Virginia Clemens Rose Garden, which is
now part of six separate gardens along Kilian Boulevard that make up the Clemens Gardens.
The flavor of European gardens comes alive along this stretch of Kilian Boulevard. The six gardens that
make up the Clemens Gardens offer a feast for the senses - especially for the eyes. Savor the sweetsmelling roses. Gaze at the explosions of color set off by the various shades and hues of green. Be surprised by the interesting shapes formed by the gardeners' creative trimming of various small trees,
hedges, and bushes.
Stroll along the red-brick walkways of Clemens Gardens and you can see firsthand the nurturing that
has gone into this series of gardens. Stand just south of the restroom area and the rose garden, and look
further south, up the hill to the fountain and trelliage garden, and you can feel an inspiring symmetry in
the design of these gardens.
Both Gardens dazzle from late spring deep into fall.
Left and bottom left:
The Renaissance Fountain with Cranes
Below: Virginia Clemens Rose Gardens
Clemens Gardens Contact Person:
Deb Kaiser, Rose Specialist and AOE Evaluator
Virginia Clemens Rose Garden, Saint Cloud, MN
E-Mail Address:
Munsinger Lily Pond
Deb Keiser and one of her Mr. Lincoln Roses