A Grain of Salt - Selina Naturally


A Grain of Salt - Selina Naturally
A Grain of Salt
Information to empower mindful choices toward a healthier life.
Excerpt from Renew Your Life
by Brenda Watson, N.D., C.T.
Sinusitus...................................... ... 3
by Sabrina Marie Thomas
Optimal Nutrition.................... 4
Editorial...................................... ... 5
Skepticism & Health............. ... 6
by Frank Forencich
Book Review .............................. 20
by Robert Allison
Letters......................................... 21
Mind-Body Medicine............ 23
A Grain of Salt© Copyright March.2006
Published by The Grain & Salt Society®
Four Celtic Drive Arden, NC 28704
e-mail: info@celtic-seasalt.com
1-800-TOP-SALT (800.867.7258)
Publisher/Editorial Director
Selina DeLangre
Editor-in-Chief Robert Allison
Creative Director Susan Bloom
Committed to the richness
of life, The Grain & Salt
Society® purveys ingredients
of uncommon quality and
enables customers and employees to realize this commitment through rewarding
relationships and honest
business practices.
NOTICE The information contained herein should not be considered or construed as therapeutic recommendation for any person or any
disease or symptom, nor is it intended to provide medical advice, which
can only be provided by a licensed
physician in private consultation.
Furthermore, the opinions expressed
in this newsletter are not necessarily
the opinions of The Grain & Salt
Society®. Material may not be
reprinted without the permission of
The Grain & Salt Society®.
Detoxification is not a new concept. Many
ancient cultures practiced detoxification in
the form of fasting and colon cleansing with
herbs. Toxins that are stored in the body can
eventually overwhelm the liver. The result
of this toxic overload is inflammation, which
leads to chronic autoimmune disease. Since
toxins are foreign substances, the body will try
to erect a barrier between them and its own
cells, organs and tissues. Inflammation can
occur anywhere in the body where toxins are
present. For example, if they are present in the
joints, the result might be arthritis; if present
in the colon, the result may be colitis. Toxic
inflammation can be a direct cause of an al-
Avian Flu
Fact vs. Fear - Part 1
by Robert Allison
Global Armageddon or
Much Ado about Nothing?
These are the two sides of a debate that is currently raging in academia and throughout the
media. On one side, those who believe that
the H5N1 Avian influenza, the so-called “bird
flu,” represents a significant threat and could
rival other infamous epidemics with its death
toll. And on the other, those who suggest that
there is little scientific data to support any
doomsday theories.
At A Grain of Salt©, our mission is to empower our readers to make mindful choices
regarding healthy living. Our goal with this
article is to examine all sides of the issue and
present you with facts to support informed decision making.
To Detox
most endless list of chronic conditions. Even
with diet improvements and a decrease in the
impact of environmental toxins, those already
in the body will remain there until removed
through detoxification and cleansing.
Cleansing Action Plan
When you start a detox (cleansing) program,
especially as a first-time cleanser, it is important
to keep it simple. A realistic commitment is required to stay excited about creating long-term
optimal health. Some detox options may not
be available to you, or you may not be able to
fit them into your schedule. The whole-body
herbal cleansing program is not a one-time affair. It is best incorporated into a prevention
program at least twice a year. It is the first step
toward complete detoxification. continued pg.8
Join the Conversation!
Editor’s Note: This is part one of a two
part article, and we invite you to share your
thoughts on this article and join us in an
ongoing dialogue on the significance of the
Avian Flu. This article will be available for
distribution via our website. Additional information can be found in our articles section and on our blog, where you can also
post comments. www.celticseasalt.com
“Hey, What’s a Blog?”
A blog is an online journal or newsletter that
can be updated easily & frequently. You can
visit ours at www.celticseasaltblog.com
Flu Basics
Commonly known as “the flu,” influenza is a
contagious viral disease of the respiratory system, normally characterized by fever, headache and body pain, sore throat, coughing and
congestion. True influenza is not the same as
stomach or “24 Hour” flu. More severe and
longer lasting than the com- continued pg.9
Letter From Selina
Bulletin Board:
Who am I... really?
When all is said and done, there is perhaps no more
important question than this. The only one even close
is “why am I here?” But in reality, if you can answer
the first, the second usually takes care of itself.
The Stoic Philosopher Epictetus said:
“You are a primary existence. You are a distinct portion of the essence of God, and contain a certain part
of Him in yourself. Why then are you ignorant of your
noble birth? You carry a God about within you, poor
wretch, and know nothing of it”
Each of us is a perfect creation of God, with a spark of the divine within us. Like
the rest of creation, we were designed to reflect God’s magnificence and to express
his nature and character for all to see.
True meaning and significance are found in the full expression of that unique
aspect of the divine placed within us. We most fully express this through the progressive realization of our unique identity and by manifesting the purpose we were
created for.
Unfortunately, for many of us, this divine intention for our lives is under assault
almost from the time we are born. Our ideas are criticized, our dreams are crushed
and we hear the words “you can’t” much more than “you can.”
Often, we hear these things from those closest to us; family, friends and classmates. Although they may love us, their lack of belief in themselves is often projected onto us in destructive ways. Unfortunately, we embrace many of these negative
messages and make them a part of our own internal dialogue.
In doing so, we let others define the scope of our lives. We measure our “success” by how well we meet their expectations, or, conversely by how well we compete
with them. Both are dead-end streets.
In order to move past these negative, self-limiting messages, we must realize the
truth of our identity in God. This frees us to embrace the reality of our own unique
path; the purpose we were created for. Below are some thoughts & disciplines I am
exploring right now to better understand my divine purpose. I hope and pray they
will be a blessing to you.
Now is your time of power -- Embrace the moment. Each day, make
a conscious decision to grow in your awareness of your true identity and
purpose. Become more, not out of insecurity, but so you can do more for
God and for others.
Nurture your spirit & mind -- Make conscious, intentional choices
about what to feed your spirit and mind. This is done through reading,
prayer & meditation and relationships. Read and watch things that inspire and motivate. Take time each day to reflect on the divine and express
gratitude. Surround yourself with dream-builders, those who cherish your
purpose and draw out your greatest potential.
Tackle each day with intention and enthusiasm – As author and
motivational speaker Anthony Robbins says, “live with passion!” Attitude
can become infectious; make yours worth catching.
Our intention with each issue of A Grain of Salt® is to empower our readers to
realize abundance in every aspect of health – mind, body and spirit. I hope that
each article in this issue is an answer to someone’s prayer.
Many blessings,
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WEDU-TV, the Public Broadcasting Service
(PBS) for the Tampa Bay,
Florida, area, recently
began airing a special exploring natural solutions
for digestive health issues.
Featuring Brenda Watson, President
of Renew Life, the program is called The
H.O.P.E. Formula: The Ultimate Health
Secret. Aside from its obvious meaning,
the acronym H.O.P.E. stands for High Fiber, Oils, Probiotics and Enzymes. These
nutrients form the foundation of Watson’s
program for optimal digestive health.
To learn more about the program, go to:
The special is currently being aired
only in the Tampa area, but our friends
at Renew Life have said there are plans to
expand to other PBS stations as well. Contact your local PBS affiliate and request
that they air this informative special.
Selina DeLangre, President & CEO of
The Grain & Salt Society® attended the
Natural Foods Expo West March 24-26,
2006 at the Anaheim Convention Center,
in Anaheim, CA. This is one of the many
tradeshows and expos that we participate
in each year, to help us stay informed regarding products, information and trends
to better support your healthy lifestyle.
Hay House, Inc. is sponsoring a lecture
tour by renowned author and motivational
speaker Wayne Dyer. Hay House is the
publisher of Dyer’s new book Inspiration:
Your Ultimate Calling, and the lecture series will explore similar themes. The tour
begins on 4/21/06 and runs through
10/28/06. For more information on tour
dates & locations go to www.hayhouse.
com and click on “Lectures & Events.”
Dyer is also the author of other
best-selling books, including Your
Erroneous Zones, Meditations for
Manifesting, Staying on the Path,
Your Sacred Self and Everyday
by Sabrina Marie Thomas
It’s always a relief when the warm
weather of spring coaxes green
sprouts from dried grass. At last, we
can go outdoors without piling on
coats and scarves. We can go to the park, enjoy the sun,
breathe in the fragrant air . . . uh-oh. It’s pollen season.
Many of us will try not to breathe that fragrant air, instead
we close our doors and windows, turn on air filters, and
begin numerous methods to prevent the dreaded onset of
springtime allergy season.
But pollen is not the only particle that poses problems
to the respiratory system. Dust and indoor mold can irritate the sinuses of allergic persons and colds and flu attack
everyone equally. Often allergy flare-ups and colds clear up
Sinusitis can damage the mucus membranes
that line the sinus cavities, making a person
more susceptible to colds and the flu and leading to further acute cases of sinusitis.
easily. Sometimes they don’t: the sinuses become inflamed
and a secondary infection, known as sinusitis or a sinus infection, sets in. In this article, we will consider the structure
of the sinuses, how sinusitis develops and what can be done
to prevent and treat sinusitis – naturally.
Colds, flu and allergies make you sneeze because foreign invaders (benign in the case of allergies) have entered
the nose. The immune system is alerted and it sends white
blood cells and other immune system mediators to the area
to fight the invader. Mucus-producing cells produce more
mucus to flush the invaders out of the body. The resulting
feeling is a stuffy, runny nose – swollen from the immune
system cells rushing to the area and runny from the excess
If you follow the nasal cavity upwards, you will find the
sinus cavities. These are hollowed out areas that are lined
with mucus membranes. When a person has a cold or allergies, these cavities often become inflamed. Sometimes,
the inflammation is so substantial that the sinuses become
blocked and cannot drain into the nasal cavity. When this
happens, warm mucus sitting in the sinus cavity becomes
the perfect medium for bacterial growth. The majority of
sinus infections are caused by bacteria that have proliferated in an inflamed, blocked sinus cavity.
While a cold usually resolves in seven to ten days, sinusitis can last three weeks or longer. A person with sinusitis
may have a low-grade fever, low energy, bad-tasting mucus
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drainage, post-nasal drip, facial pain and pressure, nasal
obstruction, sore throat and other symptoms similar to
a cold. Sinusitis most often progresses from a cold or an
acute allergic condition. The presence of thick yellow or
green mucus is often the telltale sign that a sinus infection
has developed, according Dr. Rob Ivker, author of Sinus
While colds and allergies are inconvenient, sinusitis
can become a chronic lingering condition. A person can
have sinusitis for weeks, months, even years.
It is important to stop sinusitis because of its potential to initiate a cycle of sickness. Sinusitis can damage the
mucus membranes that line the sinus cavities, making a
person more susceptible to colds and the flu and leading
to further acute cases of sinusitis. Nasal polyps can develop
which also block the sinus passages and again lead to sinusitis.
That’s the bad news – now for the good. There are
many methods for re-establishing healthy sinuses. The first
step is recognizing that healing is an option. Your sinuses
can heal, with your help. The following guidelines provide
a multifaceted approach to healing sinusitis.
#1 Address the problem from many perspectives.
Consider emotional, physical, and spiritual dimensions of
your health. If you have sinusitis, you are probably trying
to do too much. Is your body trying to get your attention?
Set aside some time every day to meditate or pray. Decide
to embark on healing your body, mind and spirit.
#2 Treat the problem. Wash away the infection. Using a neti pot or other method of irrigation will literally
wash out the bacteria. You can use a neti or nasal pot several times a day if you have an active infection or as needed
to keep infection from recurring. If your sinus passages are
blocked, try doing some light aerobic exercises before using the neti pot. This will temporarily open the passages,
allowing you to rinse them out. In addition to irrigation,
using a saline nasal spray throughout the day will help
keep the mucus membranes moist and healthy.
After rinsing with a neti pot, use a colloidal silver nasal
spray. Anecdotal evidence suggests that colloidal silver discourages growth of bacteria. Colloidal silver is a powerful
tool that can help resolve an existing sinus infection. There
is another product, Xylitol nasal spray, which can be used
to discourage bacterial growth as well. Nasal irrigation, saline spray and colloidal silver nasal spray should all be used
to treat a sinus infection - one is not a replacement for the
other. If you are hesitant about squirting things up your
nose, challenge yourself – there is no other better natural
way to clear and prevent sinus infections.
#3 Get plenty of rest. (Ouch). continued pg.16
Four Corners of
Optimal Nutrition
tioxidants from tea leaves, oranges, citrus fruit, apples, onions, red grapes, berries as well as supplements of Vitamin
D and A, Vitamin C and a full spectrum Vitamin E.
The Four Corners of Optimal Nutrition integrate welldocumented but often ignored foundations of nutrition
and optimal health into one powerful unified theory.
Adoption of this lifestyle program can enhance aerobic
performance, decrease body fat, reduce stress, lower blood
pressure and lower blood sugar insulin levels. It can also
lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
Corner 1 – Calorie Restriction with Optimal Nutrition (CRON)
The Four Corners of Optimal Nutrition revolve around
the Calorie Restriction with Optimal Nutrition concept
because eating fewer calories has been proven to extend life
span, delay disease and promote optimal health.
In short, the fewer calories we consume, the better our
health, defense against illness and overall longevity. However, it is important to remember that lowering one’s caloric
intake is only half of the CRON equation. Starving yourself or substituting good eating habits with supplements is
not the proper way to implement CRON.
An essential part of any CRON program is the consumption of clean, nutrient- dense foods and achieving the
right balance of macro nutrients (proteins, fats, and lowglycemic carbohydrates).
Corner 2 – Low Glycemic Response
The high-sugar content in our diet and in foods that quickly convert to sugar is directly related to disease. Large doses
of sugar provoke an insulin response that leads to numerous health problems and acute energy shortages over time.
One hundred years ago, the average sugar intake in
the United States was estimated to be approximately five
pounds per year per person. Sugar was a delicacy. Today,
the average sugar intake is estimated to be more than 150
pounds per year.
The extremely high sugar content in the modern
American diet directly correlates with the rise in degenerative diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. A
high-glycemic (or high-sugar) biochemical response is created by eating sugar or by eating foods that rapidly convert
to sugar in the bloodstream.
Corner 3 – High Antioxidants
Free radicals and oxidation can harm your body and be
roadblocks to optimal health and performance. Antioxidants destroy free radicals and restore your vitality and
stamina, protecting us from environmental toxins that
fast-forward the aging process. Use health protecting an4
Corner 4 – Healthy Fats
Of the Four Corners of Optimal Health, healthy fats are
the most universally misunderstood. Contrary to popular opinion and despite all the confusing messages and
warnings, healthy fats are vital for optimal health and do
not make you fat. Omega-3 and other essential fatty acids
(EFA’s) are vital to mental and physical health.
Healthy fats are found in high concentrations in chia
seeds, flax seeds, fish oil and borage seed oil. Other healthy
fats can be found in olives, nuts, coconut, avocados and
purified fish oils.
This article was based on material from Super Health: 7 Golden
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The Best Things in Life
Are Free
By Robert Allison
What if I told you that I possessed a magic elixir, a substance so potent that regularly consuming it could:
• Reduce the risk of dying prematurely from heart disease
• Reduce the risk of developing diabetes
• Help maintain a healthy weight
• Reduce blood pressure and the risk of developing
high blood pressure
• Help build & maintain healthy bones, muscles and joints
• Reduce feelings of depression and anxiety
• Promote psychological well-being
How much would you pay for this miraculous substance? $100 an ounce? $500? Maybe even $1,000 an
ounce? Now, what if I told that this amazing substance
was free? Sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it?
But in a very real sense, all the above is true – with one
important catch. What I am talking about is not something you take, but something you do. Exercise. Yes, I
know that for many, this is a four-letter word; not uttered
in polite company. But before you turn that dial, bear with
me for just a few minutes.
The above list is from a study by the U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services (HHS). While impressive,
it really just scratches the surface of the health-promoting
effects of exercise. Now, for the bad news. To realize any of
the above benefits, you actually have to exercise. Not think
about it or talk about it, but actually do it. Ready for some
more bad news? By not exercising, you incur a greater risk
of all manner of health problems, including heart disease,
diabetes and arthritis.
By now, we all know the statistics and they have been
recited so many times, they hardly bear repeating here. In
sum, we all know we should exercise more, and yet, the vast
majority of us don’t.
There is a certain irony in our lack of physical activity, given the resources focused on exercise-related products
and programs. We watch sports on TV. We buy expensive
exercise equipment on TV infomercials. We spring for
trendy workout clothes and pay for gym memberships that
we never use. The only thing missing is the exercise.
Sadly, this also applies to many in the natural health
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care community – and we should know better. Most of
us will gladly take our assorted vitamins and supplements
and follow whatever fad diet of the moment is promising
extraordinary health and movie star looks. But exercise remains an underutilized tool in the arsenal of many natural
health care devotees.
Taken at face value, this is puzzling. Especially since
many researchers believe that exercise is at least as important, if not more so, than any supplement. Take a quick
look again at the HHS list. Is there any substance that
has demonstrated the ability to deliver consistent improvements across such a broad range of health indicators? If
there was, the person who distributed it would surely be
Since we are on the topic of finances, let me remind
you again: exercise is free. Think about that the next time
you leave your health food store, wallet a little lighter. I’m
not suggesting that you shouldn’t take supplements or eat
a healthy diet. I am fortunate to work at a company with
amazing products and my community (Asheville, NC) is
blessed to have several wonderful health foods stores. I
have been a patron of one (Earth Fare) for close to 10 years
now. But I am also completely convinced that nothing I
buy at any health food store is going to be a substitute for
regular, vigorous exercise.
In this issue of A Grain of Salt©, we are kicking off a
series of articles that will hopefully help redefine the way
people look at exercise. In these pages, in our web articles
and on our blog, we are launching a conversation to help
people discover for themselves tools that will empower
them to make exercise a regular part of their daily lives.
In this issue, we are pleased to feature an article (p.6)
by Frank Forencich, the author of Play As If Your Life Depends On It. His innovative approach to fitness takes most
everything you thought you knew about exercise and tosses
it out the window.
In future issues and on the web, we will explore other
concepts related to exercise, including:
Why we don’t exercise
Exercise as a spiritual discipline
Reviews of different exercise systems
What exercise is right for you
Play as exercise
We invite you to join us in this conversation. Visit us
online to share your thoughts on the good, the bad and the
ugly of exercise. But more importantly, I encourage you to
engage in some form of physical activity. Do something
-- today! As the saying goes, you’ve got everything to gain
and nothing to lose...except for some stress and maybe a
few unwanted pounds.
for Health and Fitness
By Frank Forencich
Everyone knows that the modern human body has a big
problem. Scarcely a day goes by without another news story about obesity, diabetes or heart disease. Even the most
distracted observer has recognized the predicament; our
bodies are in real trouble.
Conventional analysis holds that the problem is simply an excess of calories combined with a deficiency of
movement. Medical experts tell us that it’s an energy imbalance, not an infectious disease. Sedentary living and
obesity aren’t conditions that we “catch.” The condition is
not like malaria, AIDS, smallpox or ebola. It’s not due to
proliferating viruses, bacteria or prions. It isn’t spread by
people who cough in crowded places or by people who fail
to wash their hands.
But what if this standard analysis is wrong? Maybe our
conventional thinking is completely misguided. Maybe
sedentary living is something that we do “catch.” Activity levels are contagious after all. Sedentary behaviors can
spread through imitation and mimicry. If most of the people that you know are living on the couch, you may very
well decide to join them. If your culture deems it normal
that people spend endless hours indoors in front of TV
and movie screens, you may choose that behavior for yourself as well.
In this sense, sedentary behavior might actually be
classified as a communicable disease. Obesity may actually
have less to do with energy imbalance and more to do with
social psychology. We can tweak caloric numbers all we
want, but unless we treat the root causes of communicable
apathy and atrophy, we aren’t going to get very far.
It’s All About Memes
When we look at inactivity as a communicable disease, we
see that the main threat to our health comes, not from viruses and bacteria, but from pathological memes that infect
our minds and distort our behavior. Memes, as you may
know, are simply ideas that are capable of replication. The
word was first coined by Richard Dawkins as an analogy
with the word gene. (Dawkins is the author of The Selfish
Gene, The Blind Watchmaker and other works of science.)
For Dawkins, a meme is a replicating idea, image or icon
that circulates through our culture. Memes can be powerful agents that colonize individual minds and replicate in
conversation and commerce.
Just as we are surrounded by microorganisms, we are
also surrounded by memes. They appear in obvious places
Author Frank Forencich offers a comprehensive
look at physical fitness and health. The
orientation is primal, practical and playful.
Primal, in the way that it connects us with
our hunting and gathering origins. Practical,
because it teaches us how to integrate
movement into our daily lives. Playful, in the
way that it creates new games and looks for
humor at every opportunity. You’ll gain a new
orientation towards fitness as you develop a renewed
enthusiasm for movement and your body.
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like libraries, bookstores, TV, radio and magazines, but
they also lurk in supermarket checkout lines, product displays and clothing styles. And of course, they are carried in
millions of conversations across the world every day. Just as
it is impossible to live a sterile life that is free from microorganisms, it is also impossible to live a life that is free from
memes. Even the Amish live with and by a set of memes.
Pathogenic Memes
Just as microorganisms can be beneficial or pathological
to our tissue, memes can promote or destroy healthy attitudes and behaviors. They can wield profound influence
over our inclinations towards movement and physicality.
Naturally, there will be lots of individual variation here; a
meme that promotes vigorous physical living in one person
may have the opposite effect in someone else. Nevertheless,
we can make some general statements about individual
memes. For our purposes, we’re going to identify pathological memes as those that promote sedentary living, body
loathing, movement avoidance and aphysical living.
The Cosmetic Meme
The cosmetic meme holds that physical appearance is the
defining human trait and that beauty is possible for anyone
who is willing to spend the time and money. This meme
is promoted on millions of magazine covers each month,
where exceptional bodies and faces are digitally manipulated into flawless perfection. Research has shown that such
images of physical perfection cause viewers to feel anxiety
about their bodies and to rate their own appearance less favorably. This, of course, is exactly the point of such advertising; anxiety tends to promote consumption. By putting
form before function, this meme sets people up for frustration and failure. Exclusive attention to visual form distracts
us from the substantial joys and health benefits that come
from vigorous functional movement.
The Workaholic Meme
The workaholic meme holds that labor is the ultimate
measure of individual value and that rest is something to be
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ashamed of. This meme leads us to brag about our crushing
work schedules and the fact that we have no free time for
anything. Closely related is the workout meme, one that
places supreme emphasis on the quantity of labor in physical experience. This meme completely ignores the fact that,
for the vast majority of human history, people did no work
or workouts whatsoever and yet remained generally healthy
and vigorous. Unfortunately, the workout meme tends to
drive out play and the pleasure that goes with it.
The Magic Bullet Meme
Also known as the something-for-nothing meme, the magic bullet meme suggests that some substances and methods
will produce profound and lasting changes to the human
body without effort. This meme has probably been around
for thousands of years, but it received a big boost with
the invention of penicillin, the first authentically effective pharmaceutical medicine. Ironically, the invention of
vaccines and antibiotics–spectacular victories for scientific
medicine–also gave power to the hucksters and quacks. After all, if a pill can cure a life-threatening infection, it’s not
much of a stretch to suppose that a similar-looking pill can
cure cancer, build muscle strength or promote endurance.
This meme continues to be relentlessly flogged by health
quacks and con men around the world.
be capable of fighting off an aggressive microbe, but what
about the aggressive pitch of a magazine cover or the infectious persuasion of a lavishly produced TV commercial?
The former might lay you down for a few days, but the
latter might compromise your intelligence and your relationship with your body for decades.
The Mind’s Role
In many circles, an open mind is promoted as an admirable
personal quality, an ideal that everyone ought to aspire to.
Under this value system, we are encouraged to accept every
proposition as if all may be equally valid. We evaluate each
on its merits, and then we make a considered choice about
whether to accept or reject each proposition.
However some may take the open mind concept one
step too far and unintentionally develop a gullible mind.
The gullible mind is extremely vulnerable to infection by
pathogenic memes and may represent a serious liability to
its owner. In a sense a gullible mind
continued pg.19
Diagonal dumbbell pulls
This one is super functional and integrative. The basic
movement is obvious as you can see here, but the execution can be subtle. Instead of just yanking the weight
off the floor, try to get your hips and butt involved.
The Consumption Meme
This meme tells us that relentless consumption is the key
to happiness. It encourages us to eat more food, drink
more soft-drinks and buy more cars. Obviously, this leads
us down the road to obesity and diabetes, but it also deprives us of health and fitness in a more subtle way. If you
purchase a lot of products and merchandise that you don’t
really need, you’ll have to work harder to pay for it and, in
turn, play less. You’ll have more stuff in your garage, but
you’ll have less time and vigor to actually enjoy it.
Intellectual Immunity
Just as our bodies are under frequent assault by pathogenic
microorganisms, our minds are under regular assault by
pathogenic memes. If we want to maintain our health and
fitness, it is imperative that we develop some sort of defense
against memes that would sap our physical strength and
lead us into lives of sloth, apathy and atrophy. In other
words, we need some sort of intellectual immunity.
Conventional health and fitness publications are thick
with suggestions about how we can improve our somatic
immunity–with herbs and relaxation for example–but have
little to say about protecting ourselves against dangerous
ideas. This is a tremendous oversight because in the long
run, a vigorous intellectual immunity may be just as important as to our health as somatic immunity. You might
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Specifically, you’ll want the movement to begin with
the lateral rotators and deep muscles of the butt. This
rotational movement is transferred to the spine and
back, then to the lateral rotators of the shoulder and
finally, to the arm. This is a great example of a kinetic chain in action. See if you can get all the links of
the chain involved; spread out the load all across the
muscles of your leg, hips, back and shoulder. This is super-functional for a wide range of practical and athletic
Exercise courtesy of www.goanimal.com
website of Frank Forencich
continued from page1
For people who have many health problems, it may be
necessary to seek the services of a natural health care practitioner or physician who can design a custom program.
Regardless of whether you choose this option or elect to
use a pre-formulated cleanse, this is your first step in the
detoxification process, the cornerstone of good health.
Whichever option is chosen, clean the digestive system
and support the organs of elimination before moving on to
more advanced cleanses, like those that address Candida,
parasites, heavy metals or liver detoxification. A simplified
30 day whole-body cleanse would look like this:
1. Maintain a ‘clean’, healthy diet, one which excludes re-
A-752 15 Day Supply
Members save 10%
fined starches and includes the following:
• Plenty of fresh organic fruits and vegetables
• Organic meat, used as a condiment (2 ½ - ounce
per meal for women, 3 ½ - 4 ounce per meal for men).
• Ezekiel bread (sprouted whole grain)
• Herbal teas
• Purified water (with minerals added back) – 7 to
10 glasses daily
• Fresh juices (optional)
• Cold-pressed (unrefined) olive oil
• Real butter
2. Take an herbal detox formula morning and night for
30 days. To help support the body in the cleansing process
during this time, also add:
a. Essential fatty acids after breakfast and dinner
(one to two capsules)
b. A balanced flax fiber supplement before bed
c. Vitamins and minerals after meals
d. Superfoods such as green drinks
e. Plant enzymes (containing HCI, if necessary) with
3. Brush skin.
4. Take a hot therapeutic bath, steam bath or sauna three
times a week.
5. Try colon hydrotherapy at least three times or more during the 30-day detox.
6. Exercise for 30 minutes: walking, yoga or rebounder.
Combining deep breathing with exercise - even gentle
exercise like jumping on a rebounder (mini-trampoline)
- will do much to improve lymph flow and thus the body’s
detoxification ability. Yoga is another tool to stimulate
lymph flow, one that focuses on stretching and controlled
breathing. It’s empowering to know that something as simple and (free) as breathing, can be used as a powerful tool
to build health.
The insightful book by Renew Life President
Brenda Watson offers diet & lifestyle tips to
help detoxify your body and organs, improve
your energy level, achieve mental clarity, and
reach and maintain your ideal weight.
188 pgs
Ideal for those new to cleansing & detoxification,
First Cleanse is a gentle two-part formula that
supports the cleansing of all seven channels of
elimination -- the liver, colon, lungs, kidneys, skin,
as well as the blood and lymphatic systems.
CleanseSMART™ is an all-natural, twopart Detoxification and Cleansing formula.
CleanseSMART™ Part I has 15 herbs to aid
detoxification of the liver, kidneys, heart, lungs,
and skin. Part II contains herbs and minerals which
support and ease cleansing of the bowel.
A-770 60 caps (30 of each)
Members save 10%
CleanseMORE™ is an extra-strength colon cleansing
formula, which can be used by itself or in conjunction with
other detoxification products for extra elimination support.
CleanseMORE™ also helps to maintain hydration of
stools, support healthy gastric mucosa, and soothe the
intestinal system.
60 caps $15.99
Aloe has long been revered for its ability to relieve
digestive discomfort. It not only reduces digestive
stress and helps to heal damaged tissue, but also
removes unwanted toxins and helps to main a proper
pH balance within the digestive tract.
A-200 33.8 oz
Members save 15%
A-100 33.8 oz
Members save 15%
Call for case pricing
Member specials end 6/30/06
Metals and Environmental Toxins
According to Dr. J. Higgensen, Head of Cancer Research in Geneva, Switzerland, 90 % of all chronic and serious illnesses could
be prevented if we were able to eliminate the 600 most dangerous
environmental toxins. In our next newsletter, we will examine the
health impact of these toxins and offer insight into methods of detoxification and lymphatic vitality.
toll free 1-800-867-7258
Avian Flu
continued from page 1
mon cold, the effects of influenza can be especially dangerous for the weak, old or chronically ill.
There are three types of influenza viruses: A, B & C.
Influenza Type A viruses can infect a variety of animals,
including humans, birds, pigs & horses, and has been the
Most cases of human infection have resulted
from extended direct contact with infected
cause of the pandemic infections of the last century. Type
A viruses are divided into sub-types based on their protein
Types B & C are usually found only in humans, and
cause most of the “seasonal” flu experienced in this country. While serious, Type B viruses generally pose the greatest threat to children and the elderly, and cause less severe
epidemics than Type A. Type C causes only mild respiratory illness and does not cause epidemics and pandemics.
Avian or bird flu is the common name for the various
influenza A subtypes that commonly causes viral illnesses
in birds, and on occasion, other animals as well. Experts
estimate that there 15 types of avian flu, most of which are
highly species-specific. On rare occasions, they cross the
species barrier to infect humans.
Why Bird Flu?
The avian influenza that is currently receiving the most attention is the H5N1 avian influenza virus subtype. This
is the strain that the media is referring to when they talk
about “bird flu.”
The H5N1 strain first attracted notoriety in Hong
Kong in 1997, although some researchers believe it has
been around for decades before that. Since that time, it
has spread throughout Asia and has begun appearing in
Africa and Europe. As of early March, the virus has spread
as far west as France.
The H5N1 strain not only spreads rapidly, but has
proven especially tenacious as well. Despite the death and
destruction of an estimated 150 million birds, the virus has
not been eradicated and is considered endemic in many
parts of Southeast Asia. This strain of avian flu is particularly lethal to chickens and other poultry breeds and
is easily transmitted from one bird to another. However,
duck and other wild water fowl appear unaffected by the
infection. In fact, they are the natural reservoir for this
and other flu strains, with their migratory travel patterns
facilitating their spread around the world.
But to date, the disease has not demonstrated the abiltoll free 1-800-867-7258
ity to be easily transferred from person to person, or for
that matter, from bird to person. Most cases of human
infection have resulted from extended direct contact with
infected poultry, or surfaces contaminated with feces or
other excretions. These infections have occurred in Southeast Asia, where poultry is often the backbone of the local
economy, with many families maintaining backyard flocks
for food and income.
As of March 1, the World Health Organization reports
that there have been 174 confirmed cases of human infection, resulting in 94 deaths. At first glance, a mortality rate
of over 50% would certainly be cause for alarm. But as
Dr. Joseph Mercola points out, these numbers don’t tell the
whole story, and are probably based on an examination of
the “sickest of the sick.”
According to AP Science Writers Malcolm Ritter
and Marilyn Marchione, the only
continued pg.17
“Bird” Flu at a Glance
• Avian or “bird” flu is the common name for the
various Type A viruses that cause illness in birds, including the H5N1 strain.
• This particular strain of influenza first officially appeared in 1997, but some researchers believe it may
have been around since the 1950’s.
• The virus is particularly lethal to chickens and other
domestic poultry breeds, and has resulted in the death
and destruction of an estimated 150 million birds.
• As of March 1, 2006, there have been 174 reported
cases of human infection, with 94 fatalities. Every
year, app. 500,000 people die of seasonal flu worldwide.
• Most cases of human infection have been among
those regularly exposed to infected poultry. Human
to human transmission has thus far been rare.
• If the disease mutated to a form that was easily
transmitted from person to person, it would pose a
tremendous health care challenge. But expert opinion
remains divided on the chances of that occurring.
• Concerns regarding the H5N1 strain generally focus on its apparent similarities to the Spanish Flu of
1918, one of history’s most deadly epidemics.
• Like the Spanish Flu, H5N1 apparently can cause
severe illness in otherwise healthy individuals, by
provoking an over-reaction of the immune system.
• Fully cooking meat kills the virus, so avoiding chicken and other poultry product is unnecessary.
• Experts now estimate that the virus could reach the
U.S. (in birds) in 6-12 months.
The Grain & Salt Society
It all started with health! And a man with a passion to
help people. When Jacques DeLangre learned about the
profound importance of grains and real whole, living salt,
he dedicated his life to researching and teaching good
health. Jacques founded both Celtic Ocean International™ and The Grain & Salt Society® to share information,
ideas, good recipes and Celtic Sea Salt®.
The vibrancy of the ocean infuses Celtic Sea Salt®
with exquisite taste, vital minerals and trace elements.
Sun-dried, hand-harvested and totally unprocessed, this
great tasting “whole salt” will transform your cooking!
Anyone can order from The Grain & Salt Society®,
but members receive 55% off most salt prices and a subscription to A Grain of Salt©.
Our members are customers who have a strong commitment to health and to Celtic Sea Salt®.
Junior Members receive a subscription to our quarterly newsletter, A Grain of Salt©, discounts on Celtic Sea
Salt® and seasonal specials published in A Grain of Salt©.
Charter Members enjoy all these benefits as well as an
additional 10% discount on products other than salt.
55% discount on all varieties of Celtic Sea Salt®, a subscription to A Grain of Salt©, and numerous “members
only” specials.
1 Year Junior Membership
2 Year Junior Membership
5 Year Junior Membership
55% discount on all varieties of Celtic Sea Salt®, 10% discount on most other products we offer, a subscription to
A Grain of Salt©, a valuable bonus gift, our quarterly publication and numerous “members only” specials.
1 Year Charter Membership
2 Year Charter Membership
5 Year Charter Membership
Upgrade from Junior to Charter
gift memberships are also available!
Have you been looking for the perfect condiment? A secret ingredient that enlivens food with an intensity of flavor? You are not alone. Throughout history, people have
searched for salt, fought wars for salt, traded gold for salt.
Now you can experience the salt of life, Celtic Sea Salt®.
NEW Member sampler
1 year Junior Membership, 8 oz Gift Jar of Light Grey
Celtic Sea Salt®, 8 oz Shaker Jar Fine Ground Celtic Sea
Salt®, ¼ lb Flower of the Ocean Salt®, Twist Top Salt Box,
subscription to A Grain of Salt®, plus a FREE gift! Comes
gift packaged. Treat yourself or someone else!
ReNEWing Member sampler
1 year Junior Membership, 8 oz Shaker Jar of Fine Ground
Celtic Sea Salt®, ½ lb Light Grey Celtic Sea Salt®, ¼ lb
Flower of the Ocean Salt®, subscription to A Grain of Salt®,
plus a FREE gift!
These packages are designed to introduce you to the wonders of Celtic Sea Salt® and include membership in the
Grain & Salt Society® at a discounted price.
Junior Membership Package
Contains: 1 year Junior Membership, 1 lb Light Grey
Celtic Sea Salt®, subscription to A Grain of Salt®, plus a
FREE gift!
price includes ground shipping
Charter Member Package
Contains: 1 year Charter Membership, 1 lb Light Grey
Celtic Sea Salt®, 1 lb Flower of the Ocean Salt®, subscription to A Grain of Salt®, plus a FREE gift!
price includes ground shipping
Salt Your Way To Health
Dr. David Brownstein, MD provides indepth information on why salt is the most
misunderstood nutrient and the role of
unrefined salt in a healthy diet. Brownstein
explores how the right kind of salt can help a
variety of conditions, including fatigue, adrenal
disorders and cholesterol levels.
BK-S 131 pgs.
Upgrade your packages or samplers with additional years!
Call 1-800-867-7258 for more information.
Our newsletter, A Grain of Salt® is a longstanding resource
for vital, cutting-edge topics.
Current member specials good through 6/30/06.
Larger sizes and selection online at www.celticseasalt.com or call toll free for a free catalog 1-800-867-7258
member price
Celtic Sea Salt
8oz Light Grey
¼ lb Light Grey Celtic®
½ lb Light Grey Celtic®
1 lb Light Grey Celtic®
5 lbs LightGreyCeltic®
22 lbs Light Grey Celtic®
50 packets Light Grey Celtic®
8oz Fine Ground Celtic® Shaker
¼ lb Fine Ground Celtic®
½ lb Fine Ground Celtic®
member price
Light Grey Celtic Sea Salt®
sample 1 lb
¼ lb
1 lb Natural Bath Crystals
5 lbs Natural Bath Crystals
22 lbs Natural Bath Crystals
3.5 lb Jar Natural Bath Crystals
½ lb
sample 1 lb
Member Price
Cinnamon Oatmeal Celtic Sea Soap®
Rosemary Lemon Celtic Sea Soap®
Peppermint Celtic Sea Soap®
Lavender Celtic Sea Soap®
Lemon Bay Celtic Sea Soap®
Tangerine Celtic Sea Soap®
Spearmint Celtic Sea Soap®
Soap Sampler (1 each of 7 varieties)
100% All-Rye Desem
Kamut Desem
Rosemary Desem
½ lb
1 lb
¼ lb
Tools for Storing & Using Celtic Sea Salt
Celtic Sea Salt® is a moist salt. It is a living salt
and we believe it is best stored in wood, glass
or ceramic containers or used at the table in
shakers or ceramic grinders. *pictured
¼ lb
Celtic Mariner® Grinder Black
Celtic Mariner® Grinder White
Twist Top Salt Box
Teak Pocket Salt Box
Celtic Select Fine Grinder-Black*
Celtic Select Fine Grinder-White*
Celtic Select Coarse Grinder-Yellow *
BREADS -made w/ Celtic Sea Salt®
G-202 Azure Standard Muffin Mix (fresh-ground)
Fine Ground Celtic Sea Salt®
ADAM’S RANCH OLIVES-made with Celtic Sea Salt®
Home Cured Olives 10 oz
Queen Olives 10 oz
Pimento Stuffed Olives 9 oz
Organic Kalamata Olives 10 oz
Organic Mediterranean Medley 10 oz
Organic Jalapeno Stuffed Olives 10 oz
Organic Garlic Stiffed Olives 10 oz
MADE with Celtic Sea Salt® -marked with “-CSS-”
1 lb Fine Ground Celtic®
5 lbs Fine Ground Celtic®
22 lbs Fine Ground Celtic®
50 packets Fine Ground Celtic®
8oz Flower of the Ocean® Shaker
¼ lb Flower of the Ocean®
½ lb Flower of the Ocean®
1 lb Flower of the Ocean®
5 lbs Flower of the Ocean®
11 lbs Flower of the Ocean®
50 packets Flower of the Ocean®
Flower of the Ocean®
CELTIC SEA SALT® for the Bath
*Breads ship once monthly. Expedited shipping charges apply, call for amount.
1/2 Gallon Glass Jar w/ glass Lid
Wooden Salt Stacker
Covered Salt Pot w/ Porcelain Spoon
Jewish Rye Bread
Sesame Wheat Desem
Spelt Desem
Walnut Desem
Walnut & Raisin Desem
Rustic White Desem
Whole Wheat Desem
Coconut Fiber 12 oz
Coconut Flour 2lb Bag
Japanese Hato Mugi Grain
Organic Ground Black Pepper 2.3 oz
Organic Whole Peppercorns 2.65 oz
Organic Ground Turmeric 1.41 oz
Nirvana Manna 11 oz Jar
Organic White Mustard 6.5 oz
Organic Dijon White Mustard 6.5 oz
Larger sizes and selection online at www.celticseasalt.com or call toll free for a free catalog 1-800-867-7258
CC Organic Mansan Tamari 10 oz
Organic Apple CiderVinegar 12 oz
Ohsawa Nama Shoyu 10 oz
Considered to be one of the world’s most nutrient
rich fruits, these wild harvested organic berries are
rich in anti-aging agents, antioxidants, vitamins, and
Really Raw Honey 16 oz
Really Raw Honey 32 oz
Astraya Stevia clear liquid 1.69 oz
Astraya Stevia powdered .88 oz
Dark Agave Nectar 8 oz
Xylitol Crystals 3 lbs
Xylitol Packets 100/ box
Org Rapadura Sugar 1.5 lbs
CC Chemical free Maple Syrup 1 pint
CC Chemical free Maple Syrup 1 quart
CC Chemical free Maple Syrup 1 gallon
CC Chemical free Maple Syrup sample
Austria’s Finest Pumpkin Seed Oil 8.5 fl oz
Organic Ghee, Purity Farms 7.5 oz
Organic Ghee, Purity Farms 13 oz
Organic Flax Oil 12 oz
Org Omega Nutrition Coconut Oil 16 oz
Org Omega Nutrition Coconut Oil 32 oz
Mission Olive Oil 25.4 fl oz
Organic Garlic Chili Flax Oil 12 fl oz
Organic Orange Flax Oil Blend 12 fl oz
Organic Essential Balance Blend 12 oz
Org Trop.Trad. Coconut Oil 16 oz
Org Trop.Trad. Coconut Oil 32 oz
Red Palm Oil 16 oz
Apricot Fruit Spread 11.64 oz
Cherry Fruit Spread 11.64 oz
Cranberry Fruit Spread 11.64 oz
Peach Fruit Spread 11.64 oz
Plum Fruit Spread 11.64 oz
Raspberry Fruit Spread 11.64 oz
Orange Fruit Spread 11.64 oz
Strawberry Fruit Spread 11.64 oz
Wild Berries Fruit Spread 11.64 oz
Wild Blueberry Fruit Spread 11.64 oz
Nocciotlata Spread 12.3 oz
Organic Roasted Almonds 1/2 lb
Organic Roasted Almonds 1 lb
Organic Raw Almonds 1/2 lb
Organic Raw Almonds 1 lb
Organic Chunky Almond Butter 1 lb
Organic Creamy Almond Butter 1 lb
Organic Almond Hazelnut Butter 1 lb
Organic Pumpkin Butter 12 oz
Organic Pumpkin Butter 20 oz
Tohum Organic Fire-Roasted Sesame Tahini
CC Organic Golden Flax Seeds 1lb
CC Organic Golden Flax Seeds 5 lb
Chia Seeds 1 lb
Chia Seeds 5 lb
Austrian Pumpkin Seeds 4.4 oz
Organic Goji Berries 4 oz
Biodynamic Raisins 1 lb
Organic Goji Berries 4 oz
Kelp Crunch Bar 1 oz
Kelp Crunch Bar - Case of 5
Xylitol Peppermint Gum 100 pc
Xylitol Fruit Gum 100 pc
Xylitol Spearmint Gum 100 pc
Xylitol Cinnamon Gum 100 pc
Xylitol Lemon Mints 240 pc
Xylitol Peppermints 240 pc
Xylitol Berry Mints 240 pc
Apple Pie Larabar 1.6 oz
Apple Pie Larabar - Case of 16
Gingersnap Larabar 1.8 oz
Gingersnap Larabar - Case of 16
Banana Cookie Dough Larabar 1.8 oz
Banana Cookie Dough Larabar - Case of 16
Cocoa Mole Larabar 1.8 oz
Cocoa Mole Larabar - Case of 16
Cashew Cookie Larabar 1.7 oz
Cashew Cookie Larabar - Case of 16
Pecan Pie Lara Bar 1.6 oz
Pecan Pie Larabar - Case of 16
Cherry Pie Larabar 1.7oz
Cherry Pie Larabar - Case of 16
Chocolate Coconut Larabar 1.8 oz
Chocolate Coconut Larabar - Case of 16
Larabar Sampler (1 of each 8 flavors)
Raw Crunch Bar - Organic Wild Blueberry
Raw Crunch Bar - Organic Wild Blueberry(12 bars) $27.00
Raw Crunch Bar - Organic Dark Chocolate
Raw Crunch Bar - Organic Dark Chocolate(12 bars) $27.00
Raw Crunch Bar - Organic Cranberry
Raw Crunch Bar - Organic Cranberry (12 bars)
Raw Crunch Bar - Wildcrafted Goji Berrry
Raw Crunch Bar - Wild.craftedGoji Berrry (12 bars) $27.00
Organic Beef Jerky-Chipotle 2 oz
Organic Beef Jerky-Spicy Hickory 2 oz
Organic Pork Jerky Stick 1 oz - Case of 8
Original CocoChia Bar 1.7 oz
Original CocoChia Bar - Case of 12
Super Berry CocoChia Bar 1.7 oz
Super Berry CocoChia Bar - Case of 12
Super Greens CocoChia Bar 1.7 oz
Super Greens CocoChia Bar - Case of 12
Double Chocolate CocoChia Bar 1.7 oz
Double Chocolate CocoChia Bar - Case of 12
Pure Coconut Water 11 oz
Pure Coconut Water 24/11 oz
MADE with Celtic Sea Salt® -marked with “-CSS-”
Larger sizes and selection online at www.celticseasalt.com or call toll free for a free catalog 1-800-867-7258
Coconut Water w/ Passion Fruit 11 oz
Coconut Water w/ Passion Fruit case 12/11 oz
Coconut Water w/ Pineapple 11 oz
Coconut Water w/ Pineapple case 12/11 oz
Coconut Water w/ Peach Mango 11 oz
Coconut Water w/ Peach Mango case 12 11/ oz
Coffee Guatemala-straight 1 lb
Coffee Indonesian Timor-straight 1 lb
Coffee El Salvador Dali-blend 1 lb
Coffee Frank Sumatra-blend 1 lb
Coffee Peru-decaf 1 lb
Black Currant Juice- 6/ 8.5oz
Mint Water 16.9 oz
Mint Water case 24/ 16.9 oz
Citrus Supreme Green Tea, 16 bags
Organic Sencha Green Tea 16 bags
Organic Hojicha Green Tea 16 bags
Amaranth 5 lbs
Buckwheat/Kasha 5 lbs
Kamut Berries 5 lbs
Millet 5 lbs
Quinoa 5 lbs
Rye Berries 5 lbs
Spelt Berries 5 lbs
Soft Winter Wheat 5 lbs
Rolled Oats 5 lbs
Hard Red Wheat 5 lbs
Raging River Wild Sockeye Salmon 3.5 oz
Raging River Wild Pink Salmon 3.5 oz
Salmon Jerky 1.25 oz
Baby Food Grinder
Coffee Toddy
Glass Perfect Picker
Glass Culturing Jar 1 liter
Glass Culturing Jar 2 liter
Rice Cooker
Excalibur Dehydrator- 9 Tray
Organic AloeVera Gel 4 oz
Songs Facial Cleanser
Songs Regenerating Moisturizer
Set of Songs Cleanser & Moisturizer
Real Purity Deodorant
Cinnamon Oatmeal Celtic Sea SoapTM
Rosemary Lemon Celtic Sea SoapTM
Peppermint Celtic Sea SoapTM
Lavender Celtic Sea SoapTM
Lemon Bay Celtic Sea SoapTM
Tangerine Celtic Sea SoapTM
Spearmint Celtic Sea SoapTM
Soap Sampler (1 each of 7 varieties)
Holistic Apple CiderVinegar Shampoo 6 oz
Holistic Earth Essence Shampoo 6 oz
Holistic Pine Shale Shampoo 6 oz
Holistic Sea Essence Shampoo 6 oz
Diamond Crystal Mist 8 oz
Volumizer Mist 8 oz
Cosmetic Sweet Almond Oil 16 oz
Cosmetic Sweet Almond Oil 4 oz
Colloidal Silver 4.3 oz
Colloidal Silver 17.25 oz
Colloidal Silver 8.6 oz
Colloidal Gold 4.3 oz
Colloidal Gold 8.6 oz
Colloidal Silver Gel 4 oz
Colloidal Copper Skin Toner 4.3 oz
Colloidal Silver Spray 2.1 oz
Xlear Nasal Wash w Xylitol 1.5 oz
Sinus Buster Nasal Spray 1.15 oz
Baraka Ceramic Nasal Cleansing Pot
Herbal AloeVera Juice 32 oz
Pure AloeVera Juice 32 oz
DailyVital-Pack 1 month supply
Tri-Salts 200 g Powder
Crystal Manna AFA Extract 180 Caps
Blue Manna AFA Extract 60 Caps
Coconut Oil Diet 120 caps
GeroNova ALA
CoQ10 60 soft gels
GlutImmune™ Dietary Supplement
ImmunoPro™ Whey Protein Powder
Organic Hemp Protien Powder 16 oz
Super Greens Powder 34.18 oz
Super Berry Powder 28.22 oz
Grainfields BE Wholegrain Liquid 1.25 qt
Omega-3 Fish Oil 90 soft gels
Dandelion Root Liquid Extract 2 oz
Liver Health 60 phyto-caps
Echinachea/Goldenseal 60 phyto-caps
Holy Basil 60 phyto-caps
Metabolic Support 60 phyto-caps
Glycemic Health 60 phyto-caps
SP -152
Zyflamend 60 caps
Super Critical Holy Basil 60 caps
Super Critical DHA 60 caps
Every Woman’s Iron Support 60 tabs
Mental Clarity 60 caps
Host Defense 60 caps
Red palm oil contains a rich, balanced mixture of
saturated, monounsaturated & polyunsaturated
fats. It is also rich in medium chain triglycerides
(MCTs), which mobilize body fat stores, increase
the metabolic rate and are a great source of energy.
Jungle Products Red Palm Oil is made from the
native Dura Palms of West Africa and is purchased
directly from a women’s cooperative in West Africa.
O-300 16 oz
Larger sizes and selection online at www.celticseasalt.com or call toll free for a free catalog 1-800-867-7258
Cleansemore 60 caps
First Cleanse
Heavy Metal Cleanse
Heartburn Stop
Cleansesmart 30 day supply
Renew Life Paragone 45 day supply
Renew Life Parazyme 30 day supply
RenewYour Life
KING BIO Homeopathic Formulas
2oz. $12.95ea
KB-002 Allergies & Hay Fever
KB-003 Anti -Aging
KB-051 Weight & Appetite Control KB-005 Arthritis Relief
KB-039 Smoke Control
KB-025 Fertiplex
KB-032 Lungs & Bronchial Relief
KB-038 Sinus Relief
KB-046 Vaccinoplex
KB-050 911 Stress Control
More King Bio Homeopathics available online at www.celticseasalt.com.
Eucalyptus 10 ml
Frankincense 5 ml
Grapefruit 10 ml
Helichrysum 1 ml
Lavender 10 ml
Lemon 10 ml
Mandarin 10 ml
Olio del Re 10 ml
Patchuouli 10 ml
Peppermint 10 ml
Rosemary 10 ml
Sandalwood 2 ml
Sweet Orange 10 ml
Tea Tree 10 ml
Yin CD
Yang CD
Yin andYang CD Set
Acid Defense™ 360 g powder
Clear Energy™ 90 caps
Seasonal Relief 63 caps
Living Full Spectrum C 90 caps
Fruits of Life™ 300 g powder
Fungal Defense™ 84 caps
FYI™ 90 caps
Goatein™ 440 g powder
Goatein™ IG 150 caps
Living Multi™ Daily Formula 126 caps
Living Multi™ Daily Formula 252 caps
Omegazyme™ 81 g powder
Omegazyme™ 90 caps
Omegazyme™ 180 caps
Perfect Food™ Orig/Blue Label 300 g powder
Perfect Food™ Green Label 300 g powder
Perfect Food™ Green Label 150 caps
Perfect Food™ Green Label 300 caps
Primal Defense™ 81g powder
Primal Defense™ 90 caps
Primal Defense™ 180 caps
Radical Fruits™ 90 caps
RM-10™ 60 caps
RM-10™ 120 caps
Super Seed™ 600 g powder
Zero Gravity™ 90 caps
Living Multi™ Calcium 90 caps
Living Multi™ Women’s 90 caps
Living Multi™ Women’s 180 caps
Living Multi™ Men’s 90 caps
Living Multi™ Men’s 180 caps
Icelandic Cod Liver Oil 8 oz
Icelandic Cod Liver Oil 16 oz
CODmega 90 caps
ExtraVirgin Coconut Oil 16 oz
Raw Honey 8 oz
Raw Honey 16 oz
GPRX Fiber Greens 500 g
GPRX Maker’s Multi 180 caps
GPRX Omega-3 AD 90 Licaps
GPRX Pro Bio Enzyme 90 caps
GPRX Pro Bio Enzyme 90 caps
The Great Physician’s Rx Audio Book
7 Weeks of Wellness DVD
7 Weeks of Wellness Success Guide
GPRX Functional Fitness DVD
Shopping For Optimal Health-DVD
The Great Physician’s Rx Hardback
Vitality Supergreen™
Assist Enzymes™ 90 cap
EcoBloom™ 8oz
EcoClear™120 cap
Kefir Starter (6 pack)
CulturedVegetable Starter (6 pack)
The Body Ecology Diet Book 284 pgs
Cooking With Coconut Flour 160 pgs.
The Great Physician’s Rx Hardback 370 pgs.
Fourfold Path to Healing 448 pgs.
Dr Andrew Weil’s Mind Body Tool Kit
Play As IfYour Life Depends On It 318 pgs.
RenewYour Life 188pgs.
RestoringYour Digestive Health 354 pgs.
Salt: Your Way To Health 131 pgs.
Super Health: 7 Golden Key to Unlock Lifelong
Vitality 264 pgs.
BK-TBED The Body Ecology Diet Book 284 pgs.
BK-TRCD The Raw Crunch Diet
BK-TFSG Dr. Bob’s Trans Fats book 142 pgs.
Wild Fermentation 187 pgs.
DVD-RC The Raw Crunch Personal Training Session DVD
EDU-WDB Wild Divine Biofeedback
EDU-WDWQ Wild Divine Part II - The Wisdom Quest*
(You must have the hardware from Part I to play Part II.)
more books online
Harvested once a year from the remote volcanic mountains
of Hawaii, this raw, unfiltered, 100% organic honey is
naturally rich in nutrients and live enzymes.
Raw Honey 8 oz
Raw Honey 16 oz
Larger sizes and selection online at www.celticseasalt.com or call toll free for a free catalog 1-800-867-7258
Four Celtic Drive Arden, NC 28704
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Some items qualify for free shipping, others require extra
shipping. Call if you have questions. Most ground orders ship
within 24 hours of receipt, expedited orders ship same day.
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Sinusitis continued from page 3
Most people need at least eight hours of sleep each night.
When you are sick, you need more. Commit to getting
better, go to bed early.
#4 Exercise. You are almost never too sick to go on
a short walk. Even a brief walk will help get your lymph
system moving, stimulating your immune system. As you
get better, increase aerobic activity – this will help create a
healthy respiratory system. Dance, run, walk and exercise
in a way that challenges your respiratory system to open up
and forces you to breathe deeply. If you have not broken
a sweat exercising in a while, go slow and see your doctor
before starting a regimen.
#5 Get hydrated with water and steam. Drink water,
which thins the mucus helping it to move out of the nasal
passages. Inhale steam by leaning over a pot of water that
has boiled and is taken off the heat. Put a towel over your
head and put a few drops of eucalyptus oil in the steaming
water. This helps to unclog and nourish the sinuses.
#6 Consider your diet. Pack your diet with fresh vegetables and you will consume a wide range of antioxidants,
vitamins, minerals and other factors that will help your immune system to function in high gear. Highly processed,
sugary foods deliver no nutrients and may even contribute to congestion. If you don’t always eat as “healthy” as
you believe you should, make three simple changes: whole
grains instead of processed grains, lots of vegetables and
no sugar.
Food allergies can be a factor in sinus allergies. If you
have had seasonal inhalation allergies all your life, but suddenly find that you are allergic all the time, consider the
possibility of food allergies. The most likely food culprits:
dairy foods, wheat, soy, and eggs.
#7 If you are in a cycle of catching one cold after another, it is important to arm yourself against these viruses.
Your sinus membranes need time to heal. Many herbalists
strongly believe that taking echinacea at the first sign of a
cold, several times that first day, can help your immune
system fight off the virus. Certain essential oils, like tea tree
and eucalyptus have anti-viral properties. Dab these oils
behind your ears and on your wrists when you have that
first feeling that a cold may be coming on. Consider working with an acupuncturist or other healing arts practitioner
who can help you re-establish a balanced immune system.
#8 If you are having non-stop allergies, again consider the possibility of food allergies. There are a number
of supplements that can help allergies, including vitamin
C, quercetin, and nettle leaf.
If you are unable to treat your allergies with natural
measures, it may be worthwhile to see a doctor for pharmaceutical aid. With sinusitis, it is imperative to let the sinuses
rest and heal. If the sinuses are under constant assault from
allergies, they will not be able to heal. If a drug is necessary,
it should be considered part of the treatment – continue to
eat healthy, exercise and rinse your sinuses.
#9 Pay attention to your breath. Working with the
breath is a very powerful way to get in touch with your
body and address deep-seated issues that may lie beneath
your respiratory troubles.
#10 Still sick? See your doctor, a chiropractor, or a
naturopath. Use the many healing modalities available to
embrace healing.
Sinusitis presents an excellent opportunity to realign
your lifestyle with your ideals. We often put a high priority
on health in our mind. Yet, in the day to day busy-ness of
life our ideals can get pushed to the side. Give the healing
process priority. When your sinuses heal, you too will delight in the fresh, fragrant air of spring.
Sabrina Marie Thomas is a health writer, cooking class teacher
and nursing student.
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Avian Flu
continued from page 9
way to accurately determine a disease’s true death
rate is by taking blood samples from a large population to determine how many have developed antibodies
to a given virus or bacteria, a sure sign of infection. Known
as serosurveys, they are standard operating procedure
whenever a new germ appears. But for whatever reason,
these tests have not been given to poultry workers in Asia,
the people most likely to have been exposed to H5N1.
In reality, without these serosurveys, we have no way of
knowing how many people have been infected, how severe
the illness was and what the mortality rate is. But to gain
some perspective, when considering the number of potentially infected birds and the number of people exposed to
them, the rate of transmission and the number of fatalities
appears to be quite small.
Limited Human Transmission
Although rare, instances of limited human-to-human
transmission of H5N1 have occurred, according to the
World Health Organization. Data from these incidents
suggests that transmission requires very close contact with
an ill person, such as would be experienced by a family
member or health care provider. Further, in no instance
has the transmission continued beyond the first generation
of close contact to cause illness in the general community.
Given the relatively small numbers involved thus far,
it might seem somewhat surprising that bird flu has generated the attention it has. After all, approximately 36,000
people in the U.S. die from seasonal flu every year. To
date, the H5N1 virus has only claimed a fraction of that
But make no mistake – the H5N1 virus, while far more
difficult to contract, is almost certainly more dangerous
– and not just for those normally at risk. With seasonal flu
Some researchers find troubling parallels
between H5N1 and the Spanish Flu...
strains, the greatest danger is often from pneumonia and
other secondary infections in those with weakened or underdeveloped immune systems. For most of us, it is simply
an unpleasant experience that passes in a few days.
But for those who are unfortunate enough to be infected, this particular strain of bird flu can be much more
lethal. The H5N1 virus is highly aggressive, causing rapid
deterioration and high fatality rates in reported cases. Primary viral pneumonia and multi-organ failure have been
reported, with many cases occurring in previously healthy
children and adults.
For those who study infectious diseases, the deadly
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irony of a disease that seemingly targets the healthiest is
familiar… and troubling, for it calls to remembrance perhaps the most deadly flu epidemic in history, the so-called
Spanish Flu of 1918.
The Spanish Flu Revisited?
Some researchers find troubling parallels between H5N1
and the Spanish Flu. Infectious disease expert Dr. Michael
Osterholm theorized on a recent episode of Oprah that
the pathology of H5N1 is similar to the Spanish Flu, in
that it appears to be particularly lethal to those in the
prime of health.
Osterholm, who is the Director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research & Policy at the University of Minnesota, explains “It turns out that this virus multiplies very
quickly in your body.” He added “The people who have
the healthiest immune systems are the ones that succumb
to the virus because the immune system goes into overdrive.”
The technical name for this overreaction of the immune
system is hypercytokinemia, commonly referred to as a cytokine storm. Cytokines are hormones that regulate and
serve as the messengers of the immune system, activating
the body’s response to infection. A familiar example of this
process is the inflammatory cascade your body generates as
a result of an allergic reaction to pollen or a bee sting.
Many inflammatory cascades have self-limiting components. The release of an inflammatory agent often leads to
the production of both anti-inflammatory and inflammatory compounds. But as microbes evolve, they sometimes
begin producing a mix of toxins that interfere with the
control mechanisms of the immune system. The H5N1
virus is not only partially resistant to the cytokines fighting
the virus, but also reduces the production of anti-inflammatory cytokines.
The immune system responds by increasing production of these two inflammatory cytokines until they begin
damaging the body’s own tissues, the lung tissue in particular. In severe cases, bleeding may occur, due to damage to
the capillary walls.
This theory seems to be confirmed by current research.
Reporting in the November 11 online edition of Respiratory
Research, Michael Chan and his collaborators in Vietnam
looked at the levels of cytokines in human tissue exposed to
the H5N1 virus, as well as other viral strains. They found
that H5N1 induced significantly more of the pro-inflammatory proteins than other flu strains.
For the time being, the threat to the general public is
limited, because the virus is not easily transmitted from one
person to another. But experts such as Osterholm warn
that viruses are constantly evolving and mutating, making
it possible for a strain to develop that would easily jump
from person to person, touching off a global pandemic.
Others experts aren’t so sure. For a pandemic to occur, a virus “must make people sick and spread very easily,”
according to Dr. Dennis Maki, infectious diseases chief at
the University of Wisconsin-Madison. “Very few new influenza strains do those two things,” he added.
Similarly, health & science journalist Michael Fumento believes it is unlikely that the virus will mutate to allow
for significant human-to-human transmission. Writing in
The Weekly Standard, Fumento compares the current furor
surrounding avian flu with the hysteria that attended 1976
Swine Flu outbreak and the SARS scare of 2003 – both
predicted epidemics that never materialized.
Fumento suggests that since the virus is so well established in birds, there is no real evolutionary pressure for
it to move into other species. Since all viral mutation is
“… we can say with confidence that there is
never such a thing as helpful hysteria.”
random, it is conceivable that H5N1 could mutate into a
form highly contagious to humans. But the random nature of this process makes it just as likely it won’t happen.
Using the analogy of picking a lock, Fumento states,
“it’s not as if there were a thief intelligently picking a lock
with 25 tumblers one by one. When mutations occur, as
one tumbler randomly falls into place, another can just as
easily fall out of place.” Fumento adds “Long before it becomes transmissible from human to human, it may mutate
into a 98-pound weakling capable of causing little more
than a sniffle in humans.”
Strange Changes?
According to the Center for Disease Control, influenza viruses can change in two ways. The first is what scientists
refer to as antigenic drift, which is a process of adaptive
mutations; small changes in viruses that occur continuously over time. This “drift” may result in new viral strains
of both Type A & B influenza that may not be recognized
by the body’s immune system.
Influenza A viruses also mutate through what is known
as antigenic shift, which is an abrupt, major change to
produce a novel subtype that is not currently circulated
among humans. An example of this would be an exchange
of genetic material between human and avian viruses in
what researchers refer to as a reassortment event. Because
they can harbor both human and avian flu viruses, pigs can
often serve as an incubator for antigenic shifts.
In theory, a virus could mutate via either method, at
any time. But as Fumento points out, some researchers believe H5N1 has been around since at least 1957, and has
not mutated to become contagious among humans. This
sentiment is echoed by Dr. Marc Siegel, the author of Bird
Flu: Everything You Need To Know About The Next Pandemic. Siegel notes that H5N1 has infected millions of birds,
and yet, documented human cases have been rare. He further notes that “we don’t know how many thousands have
developed antibodies to this virus and not gotten sick from
it, so it may not be as deadly as it seems to be to humans.”
In fact, some experts, such as Dr. Edwin Kilbourne,
believe that the current strain of avian flu is closely enough
related to flu viruses which we’ve already been exposed
to that we would probably have some natural protection.
Kilbourne, emeritus professor of immunology at New
York Medical College, has said that the genetic makeup of
H5N1 would possibly have a limiting effect. He notes that
the “N1” part of the virus refers to a specific protein structure that has been widely circulating in another flu virus
since 1977, meaning that it is probably recognizable to the
immune systems of many people.
In light of what we currently know, it seems a little premature to talk about a global pandemic. As Michael Fumento wrote, “… we can say with confidence that there is
never such a thing as helpful hysteria.” But factual, potentially useful information is helpful. In Part II of this article,
we will look at some steps you can take to avoid any flu
or virus, and also some suggestions from experts regarding
natural remedies for avian flu.
You can visit the following websites for more information
Center for Disease Control: www.cdc.gov/flu/avian
The World Health Organization:
Michael Fumento’s article “Fuss and Feathers” can be found at
The Weekly Standard: http://www.weeklystandard.com
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Skepticism continued from page 7
You’re On Your Own
is very much like an open wound – each is vulnerable to
assault by infectious, self-replicating pathogens than can
penetrate deeply into the body of the organism. But like
the flesh, the mind needs a defense. A mind that can protect itself against pathogenic memes is more likely to live
a wild, independent and physical lifestyle. A defenseless,
gullible mind is more likely to be colonized, trapped and
Primary Defenses
Doubt, skepticism and rigorous questioning are the macrophages, antibodies, and killer T-cells of the intellect, our
primary weapons against infectious pathological memes.
When encountering new memes or reflecting on old ones,
begin with skepticism, then ask these questions: Who created this meme? Did it appear spontaneously as an authentic creative act or was it premeditated and produced? What
are the authors of this meme trying to do? Are they seeking to entertain? Inform? Manipulate? Who is paying to
proliferate this meme? Who’s benefiting? Use the scientific
method to examine memes and the assumptions that go
with them. Does this meme have any evidence to support
it? Is it grounded in reality? Can the claims of this meme
be tested? Can the results be reproduced? Are the claims of
this meme consistent with verified and established knowledge? Did the researchers control for the placebo effect?
Was the trial big enough to have real validity?
Limit Your Exposure
Obviously, we will have less contact with pathogenic
memes if we limit our exposure to sources. Just as we try to
stay away from dirty public restrooms and malaria-infested swamps in the tropics, so should we also avoid sources
of pathogenic memes. This is a matter of basic preventive
health care. Of course, TV, magazines, radio and the Internet are major sources of memes, many of them pathological. Intelligence suggests that we exercise a vigorous immunity when coming in contact with these sources.
In a more general sense, the primary source of pathological memes is today’s marketing and advertising industry. This is an industry that pays no regard to the health
consequences of the memes that it spreads. Indeed, many
of the memes that it creates are intentionally pathological
to the human body and spirit. “You need our products to
be healthy and happy. You need our machines, pills, powders and potions. You cannot succeed without us.” Such
memes disempower us as they steal our independence and
physicality. Consequently, it is best to approach the entire
industry as you would any third-world public restroom–
with extreme caution.
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Unfortunately, popular health and fitness publications are
unlikely to offer advice on “ways to boost your intellectual
immunity.” This, after all, implies skepticism, questioning and a thorough review of claims. Advertisers simply
won’t stand for this sort of content. Consumer culture depends on the unquestioning acceptance of memes. In fact,
the meta-objective of modern-day marketing is not to sell
products to consumers but rather to produce consumers
without intellectual immunity, people who will readily accept the influence of infectious, consumeristic marketing.
(As Adbusters magazine puts it, “The product is you.”)
To the extent that marketers succeed, today’s consumer is
little more than a meme replicating organism, a passive
vector through which advertisers can proliferate their messages and values.
Obviously, marketers will continue to craft pathological memes and spread them throughout our culture. With
vigilance and skepticism we can avoid the worst of them.
The good news is that, if obesity, apathy and sedentary
behaviors are something that we “catch,” then vigorous
physicality and joyous movement are something that we
can also “catch.” If disease and atrophy are communicable,
so too is a robust sense of physicality.
With this in mind, seek out memes for physical living
and movement. Affiliate yourself with people, organizations and publications that carry memes for active, vigorous and joyous living. Look for empowering images and
ideas. Put yourself in contact with animals, children and
adults who enjoy movement and have a passion for living.
Their enthusiasm will be infectious.
Frank Forencich is Chief Creative Officer of Go Animal. You can
visit his website at www.goanimal.com
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Book Review
The Fourfold Path to Healing
by Thomas Cowan, M.D.
reviewed by Robert Allison
In The Fourfold Path to Healing, Dr. Thomas Cowan outlines a unique approach to wellness, incorporating nutrition, therapeutics, movement and meditation into an impressive and comprehensive natural health care system.
While serving as a Peace Corp Volunteer, Cowan discovered the work of Weston A. Price and Rudolph Steiner, and their influence is apparent throughout the book.
Price was a dentist whose groundbreaking research into the
healthy dietary habits of traditional cultures was the basis
for his classic book, Physical Nutrition & Degeneration.
Steiner was an Austrian mystic and the founder of a
philosophical movement known as anthroposophy, from
the Greek words meaning “human wisdom”. Although
Steiner is probably best remembered for his work in developing the principles of bio-dynamic farming and the Waldorf teaching method, his work in the field of medicine is
less well known.
Steiner taught that human beings have four interlocking “bodies” or spheres of activity; each reflecting one
aspect of our total being. Steiner described these as The
Physical Body, The Life-Force Body, The Emotional Body
and The Mental Body, and he believed that optimal health
is a result of harmonious balance between them.
The fundamental premise of The Fourfold Path is
based on specific approaches to best promote health in
each of the four “bodies.” According to Cowan and his
co-authors Sally Fallon and Jaimen McMillan, the Physical Body is healed with nutrition, the Life-Force Body is
healed with therapeutics, the Emotional Body is healed
with movement and the Mental Body is healed via meditation.
According to Fallon, President of the Weston A. Price
Foundation, nutritional healing is found in the dietary
wisdom of traditional cultures and indigenous peoples.
Her recommendations are deeply informed by Price’s work
and his emphasis on healthy fats and nutrient-dense foods.
Fallon believes that whole foods, not supplements, are the
starting point for good health. She also stresses the importance of proper food preparation techniques in order to
ensure efficient assimilation.
“The way we move is dictated by how we feel,” according to Jaimen McMillan. By extension, to heal the emotions we begin with movement and exercise. By altering
our body language and the way we move, we can change
the way we feel and even the way we think, he asserts. Mc20
The Fourfold Path to Healing merges the wisdom of
traditional societies, the most modern findings of
western medicine and the esoteric teachings of the
ancients to answer this important question: “How do
we obtain true health?” A great compa nion book to the
best-selling Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon.
448 pgs
Millan, the founder of Spacial Dynamics®, believes that every illness has a corresponding movement pattern.
Drawing on his background in fencing and in somatic
therapy, McMillan developed a series of exercises to break
unhealthy movement patterns and foster graceful movement to nurture healthy personal space. Those familiar
with the Alexander Technique or the Feldenkrais Method
will be right at home with McMillan’s approach.
Lead author Cowan tackles the sections on the LifeForce and Mental Bodies. In outlining his approach to healing the Life-Body, Cowan introduces readers to the work
of holistic pioneers Edgar Cayce, Samuel Hahnemann and
Royal Lee. Their work is the foundation for Cowan’s therapeutic use of herbal medicine, homeopathy and animal
glandulars to treat a variety of illnesses.
In considering the Mental Body, Cowan touches on the
importance of our thinking and meditation in promoting
health. But his take on these topics is not that of the typical
self-help guru. Cowan asserts that true meditation is reflective, focused thinking, characterized by detached objectivity. In his view, it is only through cultivating the objective,
thinking observer in all of us that we can reclaim the perfect
health that is our birthright.
After building a theoretical framework in the first part
of the book, the remaining chapters are devoted to applying the Fourfold Path approach to a variety of common
ailments, such as cancer, heart disease and arthritis. Cowan
and his co-authors take each illness and offer specific recommendations in terms of nutrition, therapeutics, movement and meditation.
The Fourfold Path to Healing is a bold, ambitious undertaking, and this is perhaps the source of its only shortcoming, albeit a modest one. Realistically, there is only so
much ground that can be covered in any one book, and
there could be separate books devoted to each topic covered. The book touches on a wide array of topics, possibly
at the expense of the depth and detail you know lurks just
beneath the surface. Perhaps at some point the authors will
revisit these topics, either collectively or on their own.
Regardless, The Fourfold Path to Healing is an important book. The authors offer a contemporary interpretation of several streams of holistic thought, building on these
pioneering works to create innovative solutions to today’s
health care challenges. This makes it well worth reading.
toll free 1-800-867-7258
Letters to The Grain & Salt Society®
Dear Salties,
I just love your publication and always look forward to poring over the cutting edge voices and products you offer in “A
Grain of Salt”. In particular, I deeply appreciate Selina’s heart-felt and inspired messages. She is a beacon for the kind of business
woman/healer I aspire to become--one who creates and receives abundance not through taking from mother earth, but through
giving with an open heart.
I have been refining this recipe for a yummy and healthy raw snack for a while now, and got a major thumbs-up when
I offered them to a crew of friends I had over last weekend. It is an easy way for people trying to incorporate more coconut and
coconut oil, as well as flax into their diets. I hope you like it, too.
Thanks for all you do!
Coconut-Carob Clusters
Jill Goldreyer
1 Cup nuts of your choice*
(I like to sprout and then roast mine, and often blend 2 varieties)
1 Cup unsweetened shredded coconut
1/4 Cup golden flax seeds*
1/2 Cup unsweetened carob chips
1/2 Cup coconut oil*
1/4 Cup carob powder (raw, roasted, or a blend)
1/8 Cup agave syrup*
Selina enjoying Jill’s recipe
Finely chop or pulse nuts and carob chips. Place in a bowl with the shredded coconut and flax seeds. Next, add the
room temperature oil and agave. Last, add the carob powder and blend all the ingredients together, mashing them with a
spoon until all the carob powder is absorbed into the oil and agave.
Line a plate or cookie sheet with waxed paper. With either a mellon baller or a nicely rounded spoon, scoop up the
mixture and press it firmly into the spoon (by pressing it against the edge of the bowl or by using your fingers). Tap the
spoon against the plate and the cluster should pop out. If it doesn’t slide out smoothly, wet the spoon in cool water between
scoops. Refrigerate for about an hour, then enjoy! They can be stored in an air-tight container in the fridge.
Thank you Jill for the delicious Coconut-Carob Clusters.
In making our version of Jill’s recipe we used our Dagoba chocolate drops* instead of carob chips and Dagoba chocolate powder* in place of carob powder. We rolled some clusters in the chocolate powder like truffles. Then, inspired by
Easter, we wrapped them in tissue paper and tied them with raffia . Photo’s are online at www.celticseasalt.com . Look
under recipes. They were a hit with the employees of The Grain & Salt Society®.
Roasted Almonds$
Roasted Almonds$
Raw Almonds$
Raw Almonds$
Golden Flax Seeds$
Golden Flax Seeds$
Omega Nutrition Coconut Oil$
Garden Of Life Coconut Oil$
Tropical Traditions Coconut Oil$
Agave Cactus Nectar $
Dagoba Chocolate Drops$
Dagoba Cacao Powder$
HS-010 1/2 lb
HS-012 1 lb
HS-016 1/2 lb
HS-018 1 lb
O-150 1 lb
O-152 1 lb
O-007 16oz
A-994 16oz
O-052 16oz
CA-656 8oz
CA-658 8oz
$ USDA Certified Organic
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Mind-Body Medicine:
An Overview
Mind-body medicine focuses on the interactions among the
brain, mind, body, and behavior, and the powerful ways in
which emotional, mental, social, spiritual, and behavioral
factors can directly affect health. It regards as fundamental
an approach that respects and enhances each person’s capacity for self-knowledge and self-care, and it emphasizes
techniques that are grounded in this approach.
Mind-body medicine typically focuses on intervention
strategies that are thought to promote health, such as relaxation, hypnosis, visual imagery, meditation, yoga, biofeedback, tai chi, qi gong, cognitive-behavioral therapies,
group support, autogenic training, and spirituality. The
field views illness as an opportunity for personal growth
and transformation, and health care providers as catalysts
and guides in this process.
In 2002, research showed that relaxation and imagery techniques, biofeedback and hypnosis, taken together,
were used by more than 30 percent of the adult U.S. population. Prayer was used by more than 50 percent of the
The concept that the mind is important in the treatment
of illness is integral to the healing approaches of traditional
Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, dating back more than
2,000 years. It was also noted by Hippocrates, who recognized the moral and spiritual aspects of healing, and believed that treatment could occur only with consideration
of attitude, environmental influences, and natural remedies (ca. 400 B.C.).
While this integrated approach was maintained in traditional healing systems in the East, developments in the
Western world by the 16th and 17th centuries led to a separation of human spiritual or emotional dimensions from
the physical body. This separation began with the redirecDR. ANDREW WEIL’S
Dr. Weil’s “integrative medicine
chest” teaches mindful healing
with step by step activities
involving breathing, meditation,
guided imagery, and sound
therapy. Kit includes a 52-page
interactive workbook and 25 Mind-Training Cards.
BK-MBTK Dr Andrew Weil’s Mind Body Tool Kit
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Editor’s Note: In this issue we are introducing a series of
articles examining the dynamic interplay between mind, body
& spirit, and how they affect well-being. Although many traditional systems of medicine have emphasized the role of the
mind and spirit in attaining and maintaining health, scientific
research is now able to confirm the wisdom expressed in these
ancient healing traditions. We look forward to sharing with
you our findings in these pages, in our web articles and on our
tion of science, during the Renaissance and Enlightenment
eras, to the purpose of enhancing humankind’s control
over nature. Technological advances (e.g., microscopy, the
stethoscope, the blood pressure cuff, and refined surgical
techniques) demonstrated a cellular world that seemed far
apart from the world of belief and emotion.
The discovery of bacteria and, later, antibiotics further
dispelled the notion of belief influencing health. Fixing or
curing an illness became a matter of science (i.e., technology) and took precedence over, not a place beside, healing
of the soul. As medicine separated the mind and the body,
scientists of the mind (neurologists) formulated concepts,
such as the unconscious, emotional impulses, and cognitive
delusions, that solidified the perception that diseases of the
mind were not “real,” that is, not based in physiology and
In the 1920s, Walter Cannon’s work revealed the direct
relationship between stress and neuroendocrine responses
in animals. Coining the phrase “fight or flight,” Cannon
described the primitive reflexes of sympathetic and adrenal activation in response to perceived danger and other
environmental pressures (e.g., cold, heat). Hans Selye further defined the deleterious effects of stress and distress on
health. At the same time, technological advances in medicine that could identify specific pathological changes, and
new discoveries in pharmaceuticals, were occurring at a
very rapid pace.
During World War II, the importance of belief reentered the web of health care. On the beaches of Anzio, morphine for the wounded soldiers was in short supply, and
Henry Beecher, M.D., discovered that much of the pain
could be controlled by saline injections. He coined the term
“placebo effect,” and his subsequent research showed that
up to 35 percent of a therapeutic response to any medical
treatment could be the result of belief.
Since the 1960s, mind-body interactions have become
an extensively researched field. The evidence for benefits
for certain indications from biofeedback, cognitive-behavioral interventions, and hypnosis is quite good, while there
is emerging evidence regarding their physiological effects.
Mind-Body Interventions and Disease Outcomes
Over the past 20 years, mind-body medicine has provided
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considerable evidence that psychological factors can play
a substantive role in the development and progression of
coronary artery disease. There is evidence that mind-body
interventions can be effective in the treatment of coronary
artery disease, enhancing the effect of standard cardiac
rehabilitation in reducing all-cause mortality and cardiac
event recurrences for up to 2 years.
Mind-body interventions have also been applied to
various types of pain. Clinical trials indicate that these interventions may be a particularly effective adjunct in the
management of arthritis, with reductions in pain maintained for up to 4 years and reductions in the number of
physician visits.
Mind-Body Influences on Immunity
There is considerable evidence that emotional traits, both
negative and positive, influence people’s susceptibility to
infection. Following systematic exposure to a respiratory
virus in the laboratory, individuals who report higher levels
of stress or negative moods have been shown to develop
more severe illness than those who report less stress or more
positive moods.
Meditation and Imaging
Meditation, one of the most common mind-body interventions, is a conscious mental process that induces a set
of integrated physiological changes termed the relaxation
response. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
has been used to identify and characterize the brain regions
that are active during meditation. This research suggests
that various parts of the brain known to be involved in
attention and in the control of the autonomic nervous system are activated, providing a neurochemical and anatomical basis for the effects of meditation on various physiological activities.
This article was taken from information provided by the National
Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. You can
visit their website at http://nccam.nih.gov
For more information on mind-body medicine, you can visit the
Center for Mind-Body Medicine at www.cmbm.org.
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Stress –“The Silent Killer”
One of the easiest ways to improve your mind-body-spirit
health is by reducing levels of unhealthy stress. Below is some
background information on stress, as well as tips to help you
manage the stressful events life brings your way.
• The word “stress” was coined by pioneering researcher
Hans Seyle in the 1950’s to describe a wide range of positive
and negative stimuli which cause a physical response, what he
called the general adaptation syndrome.
• In 2000, the U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services published a report showing that stress contributed to 50 % of all
illness in the United States and was responsible for 70-80 %
of all doctor visits.
• A report by the United Nations calls work-related stress a
“global phenomenon,” noting that 75-85 % of all industrial
accidents worldwide are stress related.
• Physical symptoms of severe stress include sleep disturbances, muscle tension & tension headaches, fatigue and upset
stomach. Psychologically, the symptoms manifest themselves
as irritability, anxiety, impaired concentration, confusion and
anger. Stress is both additive and cumulative, in that it adds
up over time until a state of crisis is reached.
• Stress can have a negative effect on almost every system in
the body, including the digestive, immune and cardiovascular
systems, according to researchers at the Mayo Clinic. Common conditions that can result from stress include high blood
pressure, increased incidence of heart attacks, susceptibility
to infection, weight gain & greater likelihood of middle age
• Not all stress is bad. In fact our bodies require a certain
amount of stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline to
survive, according to Dr. Bruce McEwen, neuroendocrinology
researcher at Rockefeller University in New York. It is only
when our bodies are exposed to excessive amounts of these
hormones for extended periods that we start to experience
negative health effects.
• The impact of stress is difficult to quantify in terms of specific cause and effect, and is in part determined by how we perceive a potential stressor. According to stress researcher Richard Lazarus, developer of the Transactional model of stress,
“Stress resides neither in the situation nor in the person, it
depends on a transaction between the two.” An individual’s
perception can be influenced by many things, including our
spiritual beliefs, our sense of being in control and whether or
not we tend to be optimistic.
• Exercise, prayer and meditation have all been proven effective at reducing stress. Some natural remedies, like St. John’s
Wort, Lavender and Chamomile have also been recognized
historically for their stress-relieving properties.
Part II to The Journey to Wild Divine series,
The Wisdom Quest teaches new relaxation
and breathing techniques through insights and
guided meditation from best-selling authors
Deepak Chopra, M.D. and Dean Ornish, M.D.
You must have the hardware from Part I to play
Part II.
Journey to Wild Divine Part II – The Wisdom Quest
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Self defense instructor Wayne Perry suffered for
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Finding no relief in conventional remedies, Perry
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The Grain & Salt Society®
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Asheville, NC
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