Dixon`s Gazette


Dixon`s Gazette
1465 Lieutenant-Colonel William Francis Howard Stafford, Royal Engineers.
Most Honourable Order of the Bath Companion C.B., (military) breast badge in silver-gilt and
enamel with silver gilt ribbon buckle; Afghanistan Medal 1878-1880 no clasp (Lieut. R.E.);
Queen's South Africa Medal 1899-1902, 3 clasps, Cape Colony, Orange Free State,
Transvaal; King's South Africa Medal 1901-1902, 2 clasps, South Africa 1901, South Africa
Stafford, C.B. He was educated at Wellington and Woolwich. First commissioned as a Lieutenant in the
Royal Engineers on 29 April 1873. His first active service was in Afghanistan when he was attached to the
Bengal Sappers and Miners. Commanding a company as part of the Peshawar Field Force, he was
responsible for the telegraph line connection. Stafford was present at the Lughman and Hissarak Valley
operations and was mentioned in despatches. In 1881 when with the Mahsud-Waziri expedition, he received
another mention.
Whilst still a Subaltern he was appointed an Assistant Instructor in Surveying at the School of Military
Engineering, March 1883-March 1888, being advanced to Captain in January 1885. He was promoted to
Major in November 1892 and to Lieutenant-Colonel in April 1900. Serving in the Boer war he was present
at the actions of Poplar Grove and Karee Siding in the Orange Free State. Thereafter he served in the
Transvaal until 1902.For his services in the war, in addition to his two medals, he was mentioned in
despatches and created a C.B.
In 1904 he was awarded the brevet of Colonel. Stafford was promoted to Colonel in August 1906 and
appointed Chief Engineer, Southern Command from that date. In 1910 he was placed on Half Pay and he
retired in 1911 with the honorary rank of Brigadier-General.
Offering his services once more at the time of the Great War, he was appointed Commander of the South
Irish Defences, 1915-16, and was again mentioned in despatches. Served in France from 13.06.1917 and
applied for his WW1 pair on the 02.08.1921. Medals sent to Thornbury. Sorry to say the WW1 pair was
missing from the group when purchased.Brigadier-General Stafford died at Thornbury, Crowthorne,
Berkshire on 8 August 1942.
Sold with copied research.
GVF/EF £2500.00
1466 Driver F. Eastley, Royal Engineers.
Royal Victorian Medal George VI issue 1st type, IND: IMP: in silver unnamed; 1914-15 Star;
British War Medal; Victory Medal (56039 Dvr. R.E.)(4)
Driver Frank Eastley, Royal Engineers entered the France/Flanders theatre of war on 30 August 1915.
He was awarded the R.V.M. on 9 June 1939 as a Chancery Servant at the British Embassy, Washington, on
the occasion of the State Visit to the U.S.A.
'Francis' Eastley was born on 13 February 1890 is recorded as having died in Washington D.C. in January
1978. With an invitation to the 'Guard of Honour of British Ex-Servicemen in Honour of Their Majesties
King George VI and Queen Elizabeth at the British Embassy Washington D.C. on Friday, June 9th, 1939' to 'Mr Francis E. Eastley, 5132-8th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.
Sold an associated photograph and copied research.
The roll states as duplicate trio was issued on 5.2.1924.
GVF/EF £450.00
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Page 1
Dixon's Gazette
1467 Lieutenant-Colonel W.A. Collins, Army Service Corps.
Most Excellent Order of the British Empire Commanders C.B.E., neck badge 2nd type (civil);
Distinguished Service Order original top bar, pin removed for court mounting, slight enamel
damage to reverse wreath, centre is a little loose; 1914-15 Star (Capt. A.S.C.); British War
Medal; Victory Medal (Lt. Col.) with M.I.D. oakleaf; Military Order of Aviz Portugal, 3rd
Class Commanders neck badge, silver-gilt and enamel(6)
A Second World War civil C.B.E., Great War D.S.O. group of six awarded to Lieutenant-Colonel W. A.
Collins, Royal Army Service Corps, Chairman and Managing Director of publishing firm, William Collins,
Sons & Co. Ltd.
C.B.E. (civil) London Gazette 2 June 1943. 'Lieutenant-Colonel, D.S.O. For services in organising
hospitality to overseas Forces.'
D.S.O. London Gazette 1 January 1918. 'T./Maj., A.S.C.'
M.I.D. London Gazette 15 August 1917; 24 December 1917; 25 May 1918.
Portugal, Order of Aviz, Commander, London Gazette 16 January 1920. 'Temporary Major, D.S.O., Royal
Army Service Corps.'
William Alexander Collins was born on 26 March 1873, the eldest son of A. G. Collins of Skelmorlie. He
was educated at Temple Grove and Harrow. Joining the A.S.C. in 1915, he served in France and Flanders
from 21 May 1915 until the end of the war. During the course of the war he attained the rank of LieutenantColonel and was appointed A.D. of Supply and Transport in 1918, was three times mentioned in despatches
and awarded the D.S.O. and Order of Aviz. In later life he held the posts of Chairman and Managing
Director of William Collins, Sons & Co. Ltd, Publishers; Chairman and Managing Director, Castell Bros.
Ltd.; Director of Clydesdale Bank Ltd.; and Director of the Scottish Board of the Liverpool and London and
Globe Insurance Co.Sold with copied research including L.G. pages and M.I.C.
GVF £2450.00
1468 Major G.C. Anne, Royal Flying Corps / Kings Own Yorks. L.I..
Most Excellent Order of the British Empire Officers O.B.E., 1st type (military or civil); 191415 Star (2. Lieut. Yorks. L.I.); British War Medal; Victory Medal (Major. R.F.C.) with MID
Oak Leaf.(4)
Awarded to Major George Charlton Anne OBE, who was commissioned into the KOYLI, before
transferring to the Royal Flying Corps. In the post war years he was a pioneer of the Totalisator betting
system and Director of Tote Investors Ltd.
Major George Charlton Anne OBE was a pre Great War regular Officer and between 1909-1910 served as
ADC to the Governor of the Gold Coast. He embarked with the KOYLI gaining the 1914/15 Star, before
transferring to the RFC and was Mentioned in Despatches on the 16th January 1918 for services with the
Egyptian Expeditionary Force.
He was awarded the OBE on the 1st January 1919. In the post was years he founded the Wire Fox Terrier
Association and was secretary of the RAF Boxing Association between 1924 and 1927. In 1934 he was
appointed a Director of the Tote Investors Ltd a common sight on the British Horse Racing circuit.
He died on the 14th February 1960. Mounted for display.
GVF £685.00
1469 Paymaster Sub-Lieutenant J. Deans, Royal Naval Reserve.
Most Excellent Order of the British Empire Members M.B.E., 1st type (civil); British War
Medal (Payr. S. Lt. R.N.R.); Defence Medal; War Medal; Royal Naval Reserve Decoration
1908 George V issue(5)
Born Newcastle 17.3.1891. First a clerk with the Board of Trade commissioned 1910. Spent World War One
in Newcastle hence only the War medal.
November 1924 he was appointed Acting Counsel at New York and listed as an officer with the Board of
Trade and Merchant Marine a duty he performed until 1930. M.B.E. 1931 for services rendered. R.N.R.
decoration awarded December 1930.
He retired from the Board of Trade 1942. Listed as Commander retired list 1948.
Sold with further research and confirming award copy documents.
GVF/EF £350.00
Dixon's Gazette
Page 2
1470 Surgeon Commander W.J.M. Sadler, Royal Navy.
Most Excellent Order of the British Empire Commanders C.B.E., neck badge 2nd type
(military); Naval General Service Medal 1915-1962, 1 clasp, Palestine 1936-1939; Defence
Medal; War Medal; Coronation Medal 1953(5)
C.B.E. London Gazette 10.6.1961. Surgeon Commander William James Meredith Sadler M.R.C.S. Eng
L.R.C.P. Lond 1920.Surgeon Lieutenant 30.11.1929; Surgeon Lieutenant Commander 30.11.1935; Surgeon
Commander 30.11.1941.
GVF/EF £755.00
1471 Unnamed.
Most Excellent Order of the British Empire Officers O.B.E., 2nd type (military); 1939-45
Star; France and Germany Star; Defence Medal; War Medal; Order of Leopold II 4th class;
Order of the Crown Belgium 4th Class(7)
An unnamed second war group mounted court style for wear including the two Belgium Orders complete
with rosettes.
VF/EF £195.00
1472 Flight Sergeant G.S. Drake, Royal Air Force.
Most Excellent Order of the British Empire Members M.B.E., 1st type (military); Defence
Medal; Coronation Medal 1953; Royal Air Force Long Service and Good Conduct Medal
1919 George V issue (332223. F/Sgt. R.A.F.)(4)
M.B.E. 11.7.1940 F/Officer George Stephen Drake. W/OFF 20.4.1940, S/Ldr 1.8.1947, retired 12.10.1953
(Wing Commander)
Sold with copy London gazette supplements detailing award and promotions.
GVF £300.00
1473 Chief Electrician E.B. Jarvis, Royal Navy.
British Empire Medal E.II.R. (military) (Ch. El. C/MX 844955); British War Medal; Victory
Medal (J. 53191 A.B. R.N.); 1939-45 Star; Atlantic Star; Africa Star, 1 clasp, North Africa
1942-43; War Medal M.I.D. oak leaf.; Royal Navy Long Service and Good Conduct Medal
George V, 2nd type coinage head, 1930-1936 with 2nd Award Bar (J. 53191 , P.O. H.M.S
B.E.M. London Gazette 2 January 1956. The original recommendation states:
'Chief Electrician Jarvis, who was a pensioner in 1939 and who served throughout the war, has many years
of highly meritorious service behind him.Since joining the Chatham Division of the Reserve Fleet in June
1949, he has been largely responsible, as regulating Chief Electrician, for the organisation and working of a
large electrical department which he has brought to a high state of efficiency. He has shown devotion to duty
beyond that normally expected of a Chief Petty Officer. He has made great efforts to promote the welfare as
well as the efficiency of those under him and has found time to be a prominent member of the Ship's
Welfare Committee. His efficiency and devotion to the Service, combined with outstanding personal
qualities of good temper and loyalty, have been a fine example to the Ship's Company, by whom he is
greatly respected.'
Ernest Benjamin Jarvis was born in north London in October 1899 and entered the Royal Navy as a Boy 2nd
Class in May 1916. Having completed his initial training, he joined the battleship H.M.S. Benbow in June
1917, and remained similarly employed until the War's end, gaining advancement to Able Seaman in
February 1918.
Promoted to Petty Officer in April 1928, he was awarded his L.S. & G.C. Medal in December 1932, while
serving in the cruiser H.M.S. Cumberland (ADM 171/142 refers) and a Bar in October 1951, while serving
at the Chatham naval base Neptune (List 1302 RM/6083 refers).
His mention in despatches (London Gazette 1 January 1943) was in ‘respect of services in the destroyer
Vanquisher, which ship lent valuable service at Dunkirk and was present at the Normandy landings’
Sold with an original letter from the Office of the C.-in-C., The Nore, enclosing a copy of the citation for his
B.E.M., dated 15 May 1956, and copied service record.
Fine/VF £645.00
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Dixon's Gazette
1474 Private S.H. Cook, 11th Hussars.
British Empire Medal George VI, GVIR cypher (civil) (Sidney H. Cook); British War Medal;
Victory Medal (13857 Pte. 11-Hrs.); Imperial Service Medal Elizabeth II issue, 2nd type, 'Dei
Gratia' (Sidney Harold Cook B.E.M.)(4)
B.E.M. London Gazette 1 January 1952.
'Sidney Harold Cook, Class II Storekeeper, Ordnance Survey Department (Southampton.)'
Sidney Harold Cook joined 'B' Squadron in France on 9 October 1914. He was wounded in action at
Wulverghem, 2 November 1914, later served in the 3rd Battalion West Yorkshire Regiment awarded the
I.S.M. 29.1.1957. Entitled to the 1914 Star with clasp.
VF/GVF £240.00
1475 Lieutenant-Colonel R.H. Lascelles, Royal Horse Artillery.
Distinguished Service Order, with original ribbon bar and pin G.V.R; Queen's South Africa
Medal 1899-1902, 2 clasps, Cape Colony, Orange Free State ( Lieut. R.F.A.); 1914 Star (
Major R.H.A.); British War Medal; Victory Medal ( Lt. Col.) with M.I.D. Oak leaf; Legion of
Honour, France(6)
Lieutenant -Colonel R H Lascelles D.S.O. A gunnery officer, died from pneumonia which followed
influenza. Educated at Cheltenham and Woolwich he was gazetted to the Artillery in 1889 and went out at
once to South Africa., where he was slightly wounded, and got a mention for his services.
M.I.D. 10.9.1901, 1.1.1916, and 4.1.1917, French Legion of Honour, 4.2.1916. D.S.O, L.G. 1.1.1917
He was serving as a Captain in 'Q' Battery in India when the First World War broke out and came to France
with the Indian Expeditionary Force, being shortly afterwards promoted to 'U' Battery.
Later on he acted as Commandant of the 4th Army Artillery School. He got two mentions for his services in
the war, and was awarded the D.S.O. and the French Legion of Honour.
Sold with copied papers and service documents along with death certificate.His mother Mrs. G.M. Lascelles
claimed his medals from North Cheriton, Timplecombe in South Somerset.
GVF/EF £1950.00
1476 Commander Daniel McDowell, Royal Navy.
Distinguished Service Order, with original ribbon bar and top bar slider for mounting; 191415 Star; British War Medal; Victory Medal (Lt. Commr. R.N.) with M.I.D. Oakleaf.; Croix de
Guerre 1914-1917 with 2 bronze palms.; Defence Medal; War Medal; Order of Civil Merit
Commanders neck badge(8)
D.S.O. London Gazette 1 January 1917:
'In recognition of bravery and devotion to duty during minesweeping operations.'
Croix de Guerre London Gazette 30 November 1917:
'For distinguished services rendered during the war.'
Order of Civil Merit of Spain, Commander, London Gazette 18 February 1949:
'Commander Daniel McDowell, D.S.O., R.N. (Retired), honorary Vice-Consul of Spain at Fowey.'
Daniel McDowell was educated in H.M.S. Conway and H.M.S. Britannia and went to sea as a Naval Cadet
in H.M.S. Gibraltar in 1896.
Promoted Sub-Lieutenant, 1900; Lieutenant, 1902; Lieutenant-Commander 1910. As Sub-Lieutenant of
H.M.S. Excellent was stationed with the guard of honour at Windsor during the funeral of Queen Victoria, 2
February 1901.
Dixon's Gazette
Page 4
1476 cont.
Specialised in Physical Training at R.N. Barracks, Portsmouth, 1906; was Mine-Sweeping during the whole
of the Great War, in command of Speedwell and Aries II; was notified in French Army Orders and awarded
the French Croix de Guerre, November 1917; commanded Delphinium in the Mine Clearance Service, May
1919, and was Senior Officer of Sheerness Mine-Sweeping Trawlers in H.M. Trawler Aries II, attached
H.M.S. Actaeon, Sheerness. He retired with the rank of Commander at his own request in 1923.
McDowell was Spanish Vice-Consul in Fowey from 1926 until his death in 1949. He was recalled to service
during the Second World War and was Consular Shipping Adviser at Antwerp from 5 April 1940 until the
German invasion of Holland on 10 May 1940. One of the last to leave Antwerp, he returned to England
aboard H.M.S. Bulldog. Thereafter he was employed as an extended Defence Officer, responsible for antisubmarine booms, minefields and coastal defence generally in the Firth of Forth, May to August 1940, and
at Dover, September 1940 to March 1942; R.N. Officer at Huntstanton, Norfolk, March to September 1942,
and at Akureyri, Iceland, from November 1942 to January 1943; Maintenance Commander, Weymouth,
February 1943 to April 1944; Officer Commanding R.N. base, Weymouth (H.M.S. Boscawen), April to
October 1944. Commander McDowell died from a cerebral haemorrhage on 27 September 1949.
Sold with additional research including copied service record, copied portrait photograph and others of ships
he served on, and an interesting letter from his son which gives further background details.
GVF/EF £1950.00
1477 2nd. Lieut. P. Bradley, 1/1 Northamptonshire Yeomanry.
Military Cross G.V.R; 1914 Star (145413 Pte. 1/1 North'n Yeo.); British War Medal; Victory
Medal (2.Lieut)(4)
M.C. London Gazette 1 February 1919: 2nd Lt. Percy Bradley, North'n Yeo., attd. 7th D. Gds.
'For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty on 10th October, 1918, about two miles north-east of Le
Cateau. In front of the advanced position he led a patrol under shell and machine-gun fire, reconnoitring the
valley south-east of Neuvilly, and brought back valuable information of the enemy's disposition. He has
always shown coolness and resource.'
Percy Bradley enlisted into the Northamptonshire Yeomanry on 13 September 1914, aged 25 years 3
months, and served in France from 5 November 1914 until 21 February 1917, when he returned to the U.K.
to attend No. 2 Cavalry Cadet Squadron at Kildare, Ireland.
Commissioned as 2nd Lieutenant in the Northamptonshire Yeomanry, with effect from 15 December 1917,
Bradley returned to France in April 1918 where he was posted to the 7th Dragoon Guards.
Sold with copied papers, M.I.C. and L.G. pages.
EF £1550.00
1478 Captain B.H. Harrison, Duke of Lancaster's Own Yeomanry.
Military Cross G.V.R; 1914-15 Star (3209 L. Cpl. D. of Lanc. O.Y.); British War Medal
(Capt.); Victory Medal (Capt.) Group mounted on pin as worn(4)
M.C. L.G. 1.1.1918. Captain Harrison is confirmed as serving with the Duke of Lancaster's Own Yeomanry.
He served on the Gallipoli Peninsula with the Royal Munster Fusiliers and was wounded due to exposure
when the Regiment was in the Front Line against the Turks.
Sold with photocopy LG page.
EF £1650.00
1479 2nd. Lieut. B.A. Bates, 3rd (Attd 1st) York and Lancaster Regiment.
Military Cross G.V.R (2nd Lt. 3rd (Attd 1st) York and lancaster Regiment.) Loos 29th Sept
1915.; 1914-15 Star (2nd Lieut. York & Lanc. R.); British War Medal; Victory Medal (Capt.)
with M.I.D. oakleaf(4)
A superb and rare citation for
'For conspicuous gallantry and determination on the 27th September 1915, near Vermelles. taking six men
with fixed bayonets, he gradually, by his revolver and rifle, drove the Germans completely out of a trench
which they had captured, at a time when his company had run out of bombs. He then re-established
communications. Second Lieutenant Bates displayed initiative of a high order at critical moment’.
' M.I.D. France 1.1.1916.
GVF/EF £1680.00
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Dixon's Gazette
1480 Reverend J.M. Bold, Army Chaplains Department.
Military Cross G.V.R; 1914-15 Star (Rev A.C.D.); British War Medal; Victory Medal M.I.D.
Oak Leaves (Rev )(4)
M.C. London Gazette 3.6.19218 The Rev. Joseph Morris Bold, T./ Chaplain to Forces, 4th Class, A.C. Dept.
'For distinguished service in connection with Military Operations in Salonika.
M.I.D. London Gazette 21.7.17 Bold Rev. J.M, Temp Chaplain to the Forces, 4th Class, Army Chaplains
'For distinguished service rendered during the past six months with the British Salonika Force.
Chaplain to the Forces Fourth Class the Rev. Joseph Morris Bold, M.C., born Runcorn, Cheshire, 1887;
subsequently served as Minister of the Dome Mission, Dorset Gardens Methodist Church, Brighton.
GVF/EF £1500.00
1481 Lieutenant S.W. Applegate, North Somerset Yeomanry.
Military Cross G.V.R; 1914-15 Star (2. Lieut. N. Som. Yeo.); British War Medal; Victory
Medal (Lieut.) with M.I.D. oakleaf; Defence Medal(5)
M.C. London Gazette 14 January 1916. (For Distinguished Service).
M.I.D. London Gazette 1 January 1916.
Lieutenant Stuart Webb Applegate, North Somerset Yeomanry, entered the France/Flanders theatre of war
on 19 December 1914. M.I.D. for France.
He was wounded in April 1917 with the 6th Cavalry Brigade during operations around Arras.
Sold with copied M.I.C., on which his address is given as 'Roundstone House, Trowbridge'.
GVF £1650.00
1482 Captain C. Jackson, Royal Garrison Artillery/ Home Guard.
Military Cross G.V.R unnamed as issued; British War Medal; Victory Medal (Capt); Defence
Medal; Coronation Medal 1953; Municipal Tramways and Transport Association Neck
Badge, in silver-gilt and enamel neck badge, with full neck ribbon, hall mark for Birmingham
1937, the reverse engraved 'C. Jackson. President. 1940-41'; in Fattorini, Birmingham, case of
M.C. London Gazette 1.1.1918 Lt. Clement Jackson, R.G.A.
Major Clement Jackson, M.C., born Huddersfield, Yorkshire, April 1893; educated at the Central Higher
School, Sheffield, and Sheffield University; enlisted as a Private in the inns of Court O.T.C., 8.7.1915;
Commissioned Second Lieutenant, Royal Garrison Artillery, 7.10.1915; served during the Great War on the
Western Front from 8.10.1916; advanced Captain and awarded the Military Cross; promoted Major,
1.2.1941, and served with the 16th (Plymouth) Battalion, Devonshire Home Guard; in civilian life he was
employed as General Manager and Engineer, City of Plymouth Transport.
Sold with Municipal Passenger Transport Association illuminated booklet, named to Clement Jackson Esq,
and dated 11.7.1941, in leather covers with his initials embossed on the cover; and photograph of the
recipient. Engineers’ Who's Who 1939, previously General Manager and Engineer Keighley Corps of
Transport and also Oldham.
EF £1180.00
1483 Unnamed.
Military Cross G.VI.R. 1st type GRI reverse dated 1944; 1939-45 Star; France and Germany
Star; Defence Medal; War Medal(5)
Court Mounted on a pin as worn, the repentant is deceased no information available on him.
EF £650.00
Large selection of MEDAL RIBBONS in stock
Full size and Miniature
Prices from £1 per 6” length - call us for details
Dixon's Gazette
Page 6
1484 Sergeant J. Lowe, The King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment).
Distinguished Conduct Medal V.R (3926 Serjt. 4th Rl. Lanc. Regt.); Queen's South Africa
Medal 1899-1902, 3 clasps, Cape Colony, Orange Free State, South Africa 1901 (2936 Sgt.
Rl. Lanc. Regt.) Please note slightly different numbers (2)
D.C.M. London Gazette 27 September 1901.
Jonas Lowe was born in the Parish of Warrington, Lancaster, and was a Hinge Maker when he enlisted at
the age of 19 years on 28 May 1881. He served nearly 10 years in India from March 1883, and in South
Africa from January 1900 to July 1901. He was mentioned in Lord Roberts' despatch of 10 September 1901
and subsequently awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal. He was discharged in the rank of ColourSergeant on 27 May 1906.Sold with copied discharge papers and medal roll entries.
Fine £2200.00
1485 Corporal H.L. Rathbone, Royal Garrison Artillery.
Distinguished Conduct Medal G.V.R (94675 Cpl. R.G.A.); British War Medal; Victory Medal
(94675 Cpl. R.A.) with M.I.D. oak leaf(3)
M.I.D. London Gazette 14/12/17. D.C.M. London Gazette 03/09/19.
‘For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty on several occasions, especially on the 21st March 1918, in
the neighbourhood of Gouzeaucourt; all the battery communications were cut at the commencement of the
hostile bombardment. He immediately went out on the lines on his own initiative, and succeeded in
establishing communication, in spite of intense hostile shell fire. He has on numerous other occasions since
done very fine work in speeding up communications during hostile shell fire’
Mentioned in Sir Douglas Haigs dispatch 14.12.1917, France. Full entitlement.
Hairline in field on D.C.M. GVF £985.00
1486 Jemadar Jahan Khan, 35th Mule Corps S & T C.
Indian Distinguished Service Medal George V issue, 1st type 'Kaisar-i-Hind' (Jemadar 35th
M.C. (S &T.C.) test mark over 'mad' of rank; India General Service Medal 1908-1935, 1
clasp, Abor 1911-12 (Jemadar 26th Mule Corps) Unit officially re- engraved in running
I.D.S.M. G.G.O. 1629 of 1918 - awarded for Mesopotamia.
M.I.D. G.G.O. 2461 of 1919 - 35th Mule Corps attached 39th Mule Corps.
VF £640.00
1487 Temporary Acting Petty Officer R. Criggie, Royal Navy.
Distinguished Service Medal G.VI.R., 1st type with 'Ind.Imp' legend (Temp A/PO. P/X10759
B.); 1939-45 Star; Atlantic Star, 1 clasp, France and Germany; Italy Star; Defence Medal;
War Medal(6)
Temporary Acting petty Officer Robert Criggie (Gourdon St. Andrews) L.G. 14.6.1945 awarded whilst
serving in a defensively armed merchant ship. Sold with copy London Gazette details.
EF £965.00
1488 2nd. Lieut. B. Bear, 18th Hussars.
Military Medal G.V.R (4855 Sjt. 18 Hrs); Queen's South Africa Medal 1899-1902, 5 clasps,
Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902 (4855
L.Corpl. 18th Hussars); 1914 Star, 1 clasp, with original Mons clasp (8455 Sjt. 18/Hus.);
British War Medal; Victory Medal (2. Lieut); Defence Medal; Army Long Service and Good
Conduct Medal George V issue, 1st type 1911-1920 (4855 Sq.S. Mjr 18/Hrs)(7)
M.M awarded 11.10.1916, early award for the Battle of the Somme, High Wood or Delvile Wood. Bertram,
served in France from 15.8.1914 to 25.3.1918, medal and clasp confirmed and also wounded.
Commissioned Lieutenant East Yorkshire regiment and later served with the R.A.F. His father was born in
Paddington and his trade a car salesman Bertham being 9 years old. In the census of 1911 he is listed as
Sergent 30 years old and married. In a further printed sheet undated he is living with his wife Mary Bridget
at number 24 Cale Street, Borough of Chelsea.
Sold with further information, a superb group.
VF/GVF £1485.00
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Dixon's Gazette
1489 Sergeant C. Ryder, The King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment).
Military Medal G.V.R (8223 Sjt. 4/R. Lanc. R.); 1914 Star (8223 Pte. R. Lanc. R.); British
War Medal; Victory Medal (8223 Sjt. R. Lanc. R.)(4)
8223 Sergeant Charles Ryder, M.M. served during the Great War with the 4th Battalion, Royal Lancaster
Regiment on the Western Front from 12.9.1914 (entitled to a Bar to his1914 Star).
M.M. L.G. 24.1.1919, this Gazette for the 1st/4th August covers awards for the battle of Amiens, 8th August
to 3rd September 1918.
GVF/EF £655.00
1490 Corporal W.T. Rich, 10/Devonshire Regiment.
Military Medal G.V.R (13256 Cpl W.T.10/Devon.R.); 1914-15 Star (13256 Pte.
W.J.Devon.R.); British War Medal (13256 Cpl W.J.Devon.R.)(3)
First served France 22.9.1915, Boulogne, reroute to Salonica November 1915. 30.9.1918 to Macedonia, East
of Strumica. M.M. L.G. 10.4.1918, probably for the operations in Egypt for the capture and defence of
Jerusalem. (Gunnis Lake Cornwall) Note variation of initial, and no Victory medal.
GVF/EF £395.00
1491 Private A.E.Kennett, 8th Bn. The Buffs (East Kent Regiment).
Military Medal G.V.R (2152 Pte. 8/East Kent.R.); 1914-15 Star; British War Medal; Victory
Medal (G- 2152 Pte. E. Kent.R)(4)
M.M. London Gazette 28th September 1917, a major Ypres Gazette.
Albert E. Kennett, enlisted 12.9.14 and was discharged 27.10.18, from the effects of his wounds, issued
Silver war Badge number B. 36244, he was aged 29. Upon discharge he was serving with the 3rd battalion.
He took part battles of Messines and Pilckem Ridge in June-July 1917.
Sold with relevant copy of the battalion war diary and a photocopy from the Folkeston Herald dated 22.9.17
which mentions his mother Mrs. Finn of the Globe Inn, Red Lion Square, Hythe, including a copied photo.
GVF/EF £665.00
1492 Lance Corporal J. Crockford, 8/Somerset Light Infantry.
Military Medal G.V.R (10001 L. Cpl. 8/Som. L.I.); 1914-15 Star; British War Medal; Victory
Medal (10001 Pte. Som. L.I.)(4)
John enlisted 19.8.14 stating his age as 22 years 3 months and home as Tivington, Minehead, Somerset. He
served in France from 21.5.1915 and was awarded the Military medal L.G. 19.2.17, which would appear to
be a late award for the battle of the Somme. Transferred to Z.A.R. 1.6.1919.
Sold with copied M.I.C. and L.G. pages.
Star marks Vf/GVF £645.00
1493 Acting Sergeant A. Adams, East Surrey Regiment and 15/ Hampshire Regt.
Military Medal G.V.R (20023 Pte.-L.Cpl. 15/Hamps.R.); 1914-15 Star (9436 Pte. E. Surr. R.);
British War Medal; Victory Medal (9436 A. Sjt. E.Surr.R.)(4)
Served in France from 19.1.1915, M.M. Hampshire Regiment having transferred from the East Surreys, L.G.
17.6.1919.These awards were typically for the Battles of October 1918. (See Williamsons 'War Medals
Collectors Companion ') page 411 where he lists the battles which includes Hindenberg Line, Canal du Nord
and Mont St. Quntin amongst others. Disembodied 13.2.1919. Sold with copied M.I.C. and L.G. page.
VF/GVF £645.00
1494 Sergeant J. Gow, Royal Highlanders.
Military Medal G.V.R (200251 Sjt.4/5 R. Highlanders - T.F.); 1914-15 Star (2182 Pte. R.
Highlanders.); British War Medal; Victory Medal (2182 Sjt. R. Highlanders.)(4)
M.M. London Gazette 2.11.1917 200251 Sjt. J. Gow, R. Highrs. (Dundee).
200251 Sergeant John Gow, M.M., served with the Royal Highlanders during the Great War on the Western
Front from 3.4.1915. Sold together with the recipient's Royal Highlanders Association cap badge mounted
on tartan with red Heckle. The 4th and 5th battalion was decimated at Mons hence the amalgamation.
Comes from an old Blairgowire family.
GVF/EF £675.00
Dixon's Gazette
Page 8
1495 Lance Corporal A. Cook, 10/Essex Regiment.
Military Medal G.V.R (14005 Pte.-L. Cpl. 10/Essex R.); 1914-15 Star; British War Medal;
Victory Medal (14005 Pte. Essex R.) court mounted for wear(4)
A Great War M.M. group of four awarded to Private A. Cook, Essex Regiment, who was decorated for his
bravery in the 10th Battalion's action at Gressaire Wood during the battle of Amiens in August 1918.
M.M. London Gazette 11 March 1919.
Albert Cook was born in Weeley, near Tendring, Essex and enlisted in the Essex Regiment around the
outbreak of hostilities. Posted to the 10th (Service) Battalion, he was embarked for France in late July 1915
and, as cited above, won his M.M. for the Battalion's action at Gressaire Wood on 8 August 1918 - though
many German prisoners were taken, it was a costly action, the Essex suffering total casualties of 58 killed,
199 wounded and 27 missing; Sold with further details, including copied war diary extracts.
EF £675.00
1496 Sergeant F. Sadler, 8/Royal West Kent Regiment.
Military Medal G.V.R (10582 Sjt. 8/ R.W. Kent R ); 1914-15 Star; British War Medal;
Victory Medal (L-10582 Sjt. 8/ R.W. Kent R )(4)
Frank first served overseas in France landing 1.10.15, his M.M. was awarded in the L.G. of 16. November
1916 which sounds like a Somme award. This gazette certainly covered the first day of the battle to 1st
September 1916. Some awards were earlier retrospective awards.
A search of the war diary might prove fruitful.
VF/GVF £650.00
1497 Private T.C. Midlane, 2/Devonshire Regiment and Hampshire Regiment.
Military Medal G.V.R (204999 Pte T.C. 2/Devon R.); British War Medal (32121 Pte. C.T.
Hamps R.) Note; initials reversed(2)
Born in Ryde, Hamps about 1901, entitled to a victory medal. M.M. L.G. 17.6.1919, probably for the battles
of October 1918, (see 'The Advance to Victory') he was wounded and issued a Silver War Badge No.
509169. Sold with MIC and LG page.
GVF/EF £375.00
1498 Private H. Fox, 2/4 West Riding Regiment.
Military Medal G.V.R (306781 Pte. 2/4 W. Rid. R.); British War Medal; Victory Medal
(306781 Pte. W. Rid. R(3)
M.M. awarded L.G. 16th July 1918 (Lightcliff near Halifax) Most of these awards were for the March
offensive for operations west of the Somme. He enlisted 20.3.1916 and was discharged due to wounds
30.4.1919 (Silver War Badge number 224965)
The 2/4th was formed at Halifax in September 1914. Sent to France January 1917 -11.11.1918, 186 division
brigade 62nd division. Sold with copied London Gazette pages.
Choice EF £395.00
1499 Private W.H.J. Phipps, 2/Suffolk Regt and Essex Regiment.
Military Medal G.V.R (235319 Pte. 2/Suff. R) with second award bar; British War Medal;
Victory Medal (2995 Pte. Essex R.)(3)
Military Medal L.G 24.1.1919,
This Gazette reflects awards for the Battle of Amiens, 8th August 1918 to 3rd September 1918.
Bar to Military medal L.G. 14.5.1919; t
This Gazette carries awards mainly for the Western Front, particularly Ypres locality.
(See Howard Williamson Great War Medal Collectors Companion for the complete listing)
Died of wounds 9.10.1918, buried Delsaux Farm Cemetery, Beugny, France, age 24 years. Son of Charles
and Catherine Phipps, The Grammar School, Ashbourne.
William was also entitled to a 1914-15 Star named to the Essex Regiment. Sold with copied M.I.C. and L.G.
EF £1150.00
Page 9
Dixon's Gazette
1500 Gunner A.L. Andre, Royal Field Artillery.
Military Medal G.V.R (955572 Gnr. A.236/ Bde. R.F.A.); British War Medal; Victory Medal
(1626. Gnr. R.A.)(3)
Albert served France from 17.3.1915 and is entitled to 1914/15 star. M.M. L.G. 13.9.1918, R.F.A.
(Clapham) born St Mary's Walworth, Southwork. His father Louis Emile Robert Andre an auctioneers
porter. He had three sons killed in the war.
Sold with copy of MIC and other documents relating to the recipient and other family members.
GVF/EF £365.00
1501 Sergeant D.G. Jenkins, Royal Garrison Artillery.
Military Medal G.V.R (33736 Sjt D.270/Sge.By. R.G.A.); British War Medal; Victory Medal
(33736 Sjt D.G.270 R.A.)(3)
L.G. 16.7.1918 (West Hartlepool).
There awards were for the March offensive and covers the awards 21st March to 11th April 1918, mainly for
operations west of the Somme.
VF £350.00
1502 Sapper J. Cross, 461/ W. Rid. F. Coy. Royal Engineers. -T.F..
Military Medal G.V.R (476479. Spr. 461/ W.Rid. Coy. R.E.-T.F.); British War Medal;
Victory Medal (476479. Spr. R.E.)(3)
Award of the Military Medal for the following action.
"On February 24th 1917 in the vicinity of Mirumont this man was accompanying his section officer 2nd Lt.
J.S. MacOwen on a forward reconnaissance. They were observed and came under heavy machine gun fire.
2nd Lt. McOwen was badly wounded in the leg and was losing blood and unable to move. Sapper Cross
carried his officer to a shell hole at great personal risk and dressed the wound. Owing to the intensity of the
fire he was unable to move for 1 1/2 hours when he carried his officer over open ground still under fire, to a
place of safety and did not leave him until he was lifted into an ambulance. His fine spirit of devotion set a
splendid example to the other men of the company"
Extract from the Divisional Order. No. 446 dated 21st April 1917
GVF/EF £365.00
1503 Private C. Heath, 5/Devonshire Regiment.
Military Medal G.V.R (240458 Pte. 5/Devon.R.); Victory Medal (240458 Pte. Devon.R.)(2)
Born 1884, Totnes District, Devon, son of Frederick and Dinah. Also entitled to B.W.M. and T.F.W.M.
M.M. L.G. 11.12.1918 for actions late July- early August including many of the initial awards for the first
days of the battle of Amiens.
GVF/EF £350.00
1504 Private-Lance Corporal T. McGlynn, 2/Highland Light Infantry.
Military Medal G.V.R (40823 Pte. L.Cpl. 2/High.L.I.); Victory Medal (40823 Pte.
M.M. L.G. 11.02.1919
This Gazette carries awards for the Battle of Amines 8th August to September 1918 which I think this M.M.
was awarded for.
Native of Sutherland. Also served with the Scottish Rifles. Entitled to British War Medal.
Sold with copied M.I.C. and L.G. page.
GVF £325.00
We have many books in our extensive stocks of which many are listed on our website.
If you cannot find the publication you require then please call us
+44 (0)1262 603348 – website: www.dixonsmedals.co.uk – e-mail: chris@dixonsmedals.co.uk
Dixon's Gazette
Page 10
1505 Naik Piar Singh, Dogra Regiment.
Military Medal G.VI.R, 1st type 'Ind Imp' legend 1938-1948 (7481 Nk. Dogra R.); General
Service Medal 1918-1962 3rd issue George VI IND IMP:, 1 clasp, S.E. Asia 1945-46 (7481
Nk. 1 Bn. Dogra R.); 1939-45 Star; Burma Star; War Medal(5)
M.M. London Gazette 13 September 1945. 'For gallant and distinguished services in Burma.'
Recommendation reads:
'Throughout the ops leading up to the capture of Tiddim wireless communication to out-lying companies
never failed. This was due in large measure to the ability and constant hard work of Naik Piar Singh, who
has acquired a skill in affecting repairs to No. 48 sets much more than expected from a regimental Signals
N.C.O. On several occasions this N.C.O. has been in charge of signal parties moving with detached
companies. Never once have his out-stations been out of touch with bn H.Q. This N.C.O. displayed his skill
and cool confidence under fire on 13 Oct, when the enemy were preparing to assault tps operating behind
the Jap position at MS 160. At this critical moment the F.O.O's wireless set was found to be out of order.
Naik Piar Singh calmly went to work and having repaired it, established communication with the guns. The
resulting fire broke up the attack and enabled the Coy to extricate itself from a dangerous situation.'
Sold with copied citation.
VF/GVF £985.00
1506 Staff Sergeant C. Kitchener, Royal Army Medical Corps.
Military Medal G.VI.R, 1st type 'Ind Imp' legend 1938-1948 (7263221 Sjt. R.A.M.C.); 193945 Star; Africa Star, 1 clasp, 8th Army; Italy Star; Defence Medal; War Medal; Army Long
Service and Good Conduct Medal Elizabeth II issue, 1st type 'Brit Omn' 1953-1954 with
regular army bar (7263221 S. Sgt. M.M. R.A.M.C.)(7)
M.M. London Gazette 24.2.1942 7263221 Sergeant Charles Kitchener, B Company, 17th Indian Field
Ambulance, Royal Army Medical CorpsThe Recommendation, dated 21.12.1941, states:
'At Omar Nuovo on November 21st 1941 Sgt. Kitchener remained at his post and continued to attend to the
wounded in spite of continuous shelling of his A.D.S. His fine work saved the lives of many and set a fine
example of courage and devotion to duty to the remainder of his company. Later and throughout the further
advance his efforts at relieving the numerous wounded was unstinting and deserving of the highest praise.'
GVF £1185.00
1507 Rifleman R.A. Burton, Royal Ulster Rifles.
Military Medal G.VI.R, 1st type 'Ind Imp' legend 1938-1948 (3602025 Rfmn. R.U.Rif.);
1939-45 Star; Italy Star; War Medal(4)
38 (Irish) Infantry Brigade, 6 Armed Division 5 Corps, 2nd Battalion London Irish rifle.
Richard Albert Burton's MM was in London Gazette dated 4th May 1943 while serving with 2nd Bn.
With copied citation "During the battle for the high ground North of BOU ARADA on 26th Feb 1943, the
Platoon to which Rfn Burton belongs was surrounded by the enemy. Under very heavy enemy fire Rfn
Burton broke through the enemy position and made his way to Company H.Q. During the course of the
battle, on his own initiative, he prepared tea and food and carried it under fire to the forward Platoons. To do
this it was necessary for him to make several journeys to and fro. His outstanding fearlessness was a great
example to the remainder of his Company."
Sold with copied citation and L.G. page.
VF/GVF £1850.00
Thinking of buying at Auction
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Page 11
Dixon's Gazette
1508 Sergeant M. Mooney, 28th Foot.
Crimea War Medal 1854-1856 Engraved in upright capitals, 3 clasps, Alma, Inkermann,
Sebastopol (1583 Serjt. 28th Regt.); Army Meritorious Service Medal Victoria issue
(Hospital Sgt. 28th Foot); Turkish Crimea Medal Sardinian issue, lettering is indistinct from
Michael served in the Crimea during the whole period of occupation of the Penninsula by the Allies, having
previously served 102 days in New South Wales, Australia. He served in the East Indies for 8 years 113
days, Malta, Turkey, and the Crimea 4 years 238 days. His Crimea and 3 clasps are confirmed on the rolls
and in his set of papers. He was never court- marshalled, nor entered in the regimental defaulters' book, yet
no mention in his papers of a LS & GC medal. He was discharged through ill health at Chatham 17.6.1862,
habits 'most temperate and regular'. Meritorious Service Medal awarded with annuity of £10, 23.2.1894,
died 17.8.1908. The Crimea medal for a good number of years was listed with a copy 'Alma' clasp, which
has since been replaced with an original clasp and re-riveted in contemporary style.
1st& last fine, 2nd EF £1075.00
1509 Sergeant Major W. Menzies, Royal Engineers.
Canada General Service Medal 1866-1870, 1 clasp, Fenian Raid 1866 (5941 Corl.R.E.); Army
Long Service and Good Conduct Medal Victoria issue, 3rd type 1874-1901, swivelling scroll
suspension with smaller reverse lettering (5941 Qm. Sjt. Rl.Engineers); Army Meritorious
Service Medal Edward VII issue (5941 Serjt Maj. R.E.)(3)
Menzies, William, Foreman of Works Quarter Master Sargent, annuity £10. MSM awarded 1st October,
1904. Trio known, ex Moss collection. Only 43 men of the RE (6 officers, 37, NCOs and ORs) were
awarded the Canada GSM (1866-70) Died c.1908. His application record shows he left Halifax on HMS
Simoom but very difficult to read, born in Shorncliff.
GVF/EF £895.00
1510 Battery Quartermaster Sergeant H. Davis.
Afghanistan Medal 1878-1880 no clasp (490 Qr.Sergt. D/A Bde.R.A); Army Long Service
and Good Conduct Medal Victoria issue, 3rd type 1874-1901, swivelling scroll suspension
with smaller reverse lettering (490 Q,M.Sjt. A.Bty R.H.A.); Army Meritorious Service Medal
Victoria issue (By.Q.M. Sgt. Rl.Horse Arty.)(3)
Afghan medal verified on the roll, no clasp medal. His M.S.M was awarded c.1887 with an annuity of £10.
His L.S&G.C was not awarded until two years after his M.S.M., this is unusual which makes me think he
was very well thought of by his senior officers. He later served with the Commissariat & Transport Corps,
he died 25.2.1914.
VF/GVF £675.00
1511 Sergeant W. Tuffin, Royal Warwickshire Regiment.
Queen's South Africa Medal 1899-1902, 4 clasps, Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Diamond
Hill, Belfast (5620 Sgt. Rl. Warwick. Rgt.); British War Medal; Victory Medal (28207.
A.W.O.Cl.2. R. Berks. R.); Army Meritorious Service Medal George VI issue 'Ind.Imp'
obverse (5620 S/Sgt R. Warwick.); Army Long Service and Good Conduct Medal Edward
VII issue (1st Cl Sergt Instr Burma Ry. Vol Corps.)(5)
Sergeant Tuffin was born in Sturminster, Blandfod, Dorset and enlisted at Worcester 4.6.1888, having
served in the 3rd Dorset's, trade farm labourer. 10th May 1890 he was charged with neglect of duty when an
Orderly Corporal of his company and reduced to Private. He served in Egypt 2 years +, India 1893 - 96,
2 years +, Malta 1898, 317 days, South Africa 24.11.1899 to 15.5.1901, India 23.10.1901 to 25.3.1909, 7
years, 154 days. Additionally entitled to the South Africa 1901 clasp.
Discharged 1st class Sergeant Instructor 3.6.1909 having served 21 years including a period in the Rangoon
Volunteer Rifles. Re-enlisted age 44 years, 122 days in the Royal Warwickshire Regiment Colour Sergeant
9.9.1914, served France 24.7.1916 - 17.11.1916, India 6.5.1917 to 5.3.1919. Discharged 2.4.1919 having
served 4 years 206 days. LS & GC 1st Class Instructor Burma Railways Volunteer Corps.
M.S.M. London Gazette 14.1.1949, with annuity. The Regimental Association held its 4th annual meeting
and dinner on the 9th December 1929 at the drill hall Coventry and C.S.M. William Tuffin was present.
Also served with the Royal Berkshire Regiment and the Somerset Light Infantry, all medals and clasps
confirmed. Sold with extensive research.
VF/GVF £550.00
Dixon's Gazette
Page 12
1512 Havildar Humed Ali, 4-11 Sikh Regiment.
India General Service Medal 1908-1935, 1 clasp, North West Frontier 1930-31 (5732 Sepoy.
4-11 Sikh Rgt.); Indian Army Meritorious Service Medal George VI issue (5732 Hav. 6-11
Sikh Rgt.)(2)
VF £130.00
1513 Staff Sergeant G. W. Spencer, Army Service Corps.
1914 Star with original Mons clasp (S-18462 Sjt. A.S.C.); British War Medal; Victory Medal
with M.I.D. oak leaf, (S-18462 T.W.O. Cl. 1 A.S.C.); Army Long Service and Good Conduct
Medal George V issue, 1st type 1911-1920 (S-18462 S. Sjt. R.A.S.C.);; Army Meritorious
Service Medal George V issue military bust (S-18462 S. Sjt. - T.S.S. Mjr. A.S.C.);; Medaille
Militaire (enamel chipped on the obverse and reverse)(6)
Gilbert William Spencer, a native of Colchester, Essex, was thrice mentioned in despatches (L.G.15 June
1916, 4 January and 24 December 1917, ), in addition to being awarded the Meritorious Service Medal (L.
G.17 June 1918,), and French Medaille Militaire (L.G. 24 February 1916, refers), the whole in respect of
services in France and Flanders - which theatre of war he entered on 12 August 1914, on attachment to H.Q.,
A.S.C., in 11th Infantry Brigade; sold with copied research.
A nice combination M.I.D. 3 times.
VF £850.00
1514 Corporal F. Chapman, Royal Marine Light Infantry.
1914-15 Star (PLY.12373 Cpl. R.M.L.I.); British War Medal; Victory Medal (PLY.12373
Sgt.. R.M.L.I.); 1939-45 Star; Atlantic Star; War Medal; Royal Fleet Reserve Long Service
and Good Conduct Medal George V issue, Admiral's bust (PLY.12373 A. 1748 Chapman Clr.
Sgt. R.F.R.); Meritorious Service Medal (PLY.12373 C. Sgt. 28.2.51) Note 8 and 2 of
28.2.1951 officially corrected.(8)
Clr. Sgt. Frank Chapman was born in Stannington, Sheffield, trade a painter who enlisted 20.11.1903.
Served on various ships and bases including M.20 a coastal monitor June 15 to August 15, followed by
service in H.M.S. Exmouth from 27 August 1915 to 31 August 1917.
The Exmouth saw service in the Dardanelles. She spent time in port at Salonica, Malta, Mudros and Piraes.
Paid war gratuity23.8.19 £32, 20.5.20 £20, a fortune in that period. Discharged after second period of
engagement 22.11.24. Enrolled in the R.F.R. 23.11.24. Discharged R.F.R. 22.5.35. Re-enlisted 5.9.39 and
served until discharged 12.8.42. Address on discharge 96, Walterton Road, Paddington, SW9.
Sold with copied papers.
VF/EF £1175.00
1515 Company Sergeant Major R. Cosgrove, Royal Engineers and Royal Signals.
1914-15 Star (70020 Sjt. R.E.); British War Medal; Victory Medal (70020 W.O. Cl. 2. R.E.)
with M.I.D. oakleaf; 1939-45 Star; Africa Star; Defence Medal; Army Meritorious Service
Medal George V issue military bust (70020 W.O. Cl. 2. R.E.); Territorial Force Efficiency
Medal 1908 George V issue (434 Sjt. A.C.S.Maj. R.E.); Efficiency Medal 1930 George VI
issue 'Ind Imp', bar Territorial (2563607 C.Q.M.Sjt. R. Signal)(9)
Born 9.10.1888, in Dublin, enlisted 9.2.1919 in the Royal engineers (T.F.) stating his trade as Telegraphist,
France January 1915, recommended for gallant and distinguished service in the field in Sir John French's
despatches 15 10.1915. Accidently injured 3rd November 1916 whilst not on duty, court of enquiry.
Russia 27th November 1918 awarded T.F.E.M. October 1919, Act. C.S. Maj. 1st may 1918. Recommended
the M.S.M. immediate award 21st June 1919 (Murmansk) Discharged 1920.
Re-enlisted T.Army 14.12.1928 Royal Corps of Signals. Did the various camps each year when called up for
army service C.Q.M.S. 27.7.1939. Post 1st Cal.Div.Sig. Palestine, S.Q.M.S. 18th January 1939- 29th March
1941. Discharge 29.3.1941, granted emergency commission L.G.12.8.1941 Lieut. T.E.M.awarded
September 1942. A/Capt. February 1942, T/Capt. May 1942; relinquished T/Captain 1.6.1944
Returned U.K. compassionate leave. May 1944; discharged 16th June 1945.
Served for approximately 27years in two wars. A superb group.
GVF/EF £995.00
Page 13
Dixon's Gazette
1516 Company Quartermaster Sergeant C.D. Walker, Royal Engineers.
1914-15 Star (35790 Pnr. R.E.); British War Medal; Victory Medal (35790 Spr. R.E.); Army
Meritorious Service Medal George VI issue 'Fid.Def' obverse (1853652 C.Q.M.S. R.E.)
official correction to last digit of number; Army Long Service and Good Conduct Medal
George V issue, 3rd type 1930-1936 with regular army bar (1853652 Sjt. R.E.)(5)
Entered France 27.09.1915, M.S.M. probably awarded 1950-51. Sold with copied M.I.C, not researched.
VFto EF £385.00
1517 Mate James R. Veitch, Royal Navy.
Naval General Service Medal 1793-1840, 1 clasp, Syria (6978); Baltic Medal 1854-1855
Unnamed as officially issued to the Royal Navy or Royal Marines; St. Jean D'Acre Medal
1840 in silver(3)
James Richard Veitch was born on St. Mary's in the Scilly Isles in September 1827, the son of Captain
James Veitch, R.N., and entered the Royal Navy as an apprentice Mate in H.M.S. Hastings in 1840, aged 13
years. Subsequently actively employed in the Syrian Campaign, young James was severely wounded in the
face at the storming of Acre, partially losing the sight of one eye (Medal & clasp).
His subsequent seagoing appointments as a Lieutenant included employment on the Pacific Station in
Inconstant (1847-50); the Penguin (1850-55); and in the Arrogant (1855-57), including a turn of duty in the
Baltic (Medal).
His obituary notice in The Times also credits him with the award of the 'Medal from the Turkish
Government.' Having then been advanced to Commander in May 1857, he served in the Boscawen (185860) and the Revenge (1861-62), in which latter year he was promoted to Captain. Placed on the Retired List
in April 1870, Veitch received further advancement, being appointed Rear-Admiral in March 1878, ViceAdmiral in July 1884 and Admiral in December 1888. A scarce casualty.
VF/GVF £2600.00
1518 Midshipman Hon. G.W.R. Somerset, Royal Navy H.M.S. Eclipse.
Egypt Medal 1882-1889 (Dated 1882) no clasp; Khedive's Star 1882-1891 Dated 1882.
Unnamed as issued(2)
The Hon. Granville William Richard Somerset (1862- 1901) third son of Richard, 2nd Baron Raglan. The
Hon. Granville Somerset was a Naval Cadet 1875, Midshipman 1878.
He was later an Honorary Lieutenant -Colonel in the Royal Monmouthshire Engineers (Militia) he died in
1901. Provenance The Raglan Collection sold at Christies May 2014.
Contact marks Good fine. £565.00
1519 Private J. Bentham, Royal Marines.
Egypt Medal 1882-1889 (Dated 1882), 1 clasp, Tel-el-Kebir (Pte. R.M.); Khedive's Star
1882-1891 Dated 1882. Unnamed as issued(2)
Served in number 40 company in Egypt.
GVF/EF £320.00
1520 Engine Room Artificer R.J. Redding, Royal Navy H.M.S. Asia and Inflexible.
Egypt Medal 1882-1889, 1 clasp, Alexandria 11th July (E.R.Artfr H.M.S.Inflexible);
Khedive's Star 1882-1891 Dated 1882; Royal Navy Long Service and Good Conduct Medal
Victoria narrow suspender, with impressed naming type, 1878-1901 (E.R.A. H.M.S. Asia)(3)
GVF/EF £450.00
Dixon's Gazette
Page 14
1521 Chief Quarter Master J. Hawkins, H.M.S Minotaur, Royal Navy.
Egypt Medal 1882-1889 (Dated 1882) no clasp (Ch Quartermaster. H.M.S. Minotaur.); Royal
Navy Long Service and Good Conduct Medal Victoria narrow suspender, with impressed
naming type, 1878-1901 (Coxn. Launch H.M.S. Excellent.)(2)
Polished obverse Poor, reverse EF £160.00
1522 Stoker 1st Class J.W.G. Axon, Royal Navy.
1914-15 Star; British War Medal; Victory Medal (K. 3833. Sto.1. R.N.)(3)
Born 22.1.1891 in Romford, Essex and enlisted for 12 years 23.8.1908 trade labourer tramways. Served
aboard the destroyer H.M.S. Lynx and was killed when she struck a mine off the Moray Firth and sank.
About 70 officers and ratings were killed.
GVF/EF £120.00
1523 Able Seaman A.F. Lord, Royal Navy.
1914-15 Star (J. 8820 A.B. R.N.); British War Medal; Victory Medal (J. 8820 P.O. R.N.)(3)
Arthur was born in Leeds 30.9.1892 and attested 30.9.1910 age 18 years and trade a molder. He served on
various ships until 19.2.1913 when he joined H.M.S. Lion a battle cruiser which was the Flagship of the
Grand Fleet Battle Cruisers through World War 1. At the Battle of Heligoland Bight she sank the German
Light Battle Cruiser Coln.
She served as Vice Admiral Beattys Flagship at the Battle of Dogger Bank and Jutland. She was badly
damaged at the battle of Dogger Bank and had to be towed back to Port for repairs. Arthur was discharged
21.6.1922 receiving a bonus of £267=13=4d war gratuity.
GVF £180.00
1524 Able Seaman H. Howes, Royal Navy.
1914-15 Star; British War Medal; Victory Medal (211610. A.B. R.N.)(3)
Henry was born in Nottingham 8.8.1883 and attested for 12 years 8.8.1901 age 18 years, trade a machinist.
He joined the R.F.R at Chatham 9.8.1913 having completed his 12 years and was called up 2.8.1914 for the
duration of the war. He joined H.M.S. Champion 8.12.1915 and served with her until demobed on
24.2.1919. HMS Champion was commissioned into service in the Royal Navy on 20th December 1915. She
was assigned to the Grand Fleet upon completion, serving as the leader of the 13th Destroyer Flotilla
through the end of World War I and until early 1919.
She fought in the Battle of Jutland on 31 May - 1 June 1916, during which she was also the flagship of
Commodore (D), the senior commander of the fleet's destroyers.
EF £160.00
1525 Stoker 1st Class F.H. Green, Royal Navy.
1914-15 Star; British War Medal; Victory Medal (K. 9794. Sto 1. R.N.)(3)
Stoker Francis Henry Green (1891-1970) from Bristol and a Collier by occupation, enlisted into the Royal
Navy in 1911. He remained in the Navy until his discharge into the R.F.R. in 1923.
During the Great War he served in the old battleship H.M.S. Canopus, July 1914-May 1916. In late 1914 she
was despatched to augment Rear-Admiral Sir Christopher Cradock's force that was searching for ViceAdmiral Graf Maximilian von Spee's German Far Eastern Squadron. Deemed too slow to accompany his
squadron, the Canopus was left behind when the two squadrons clashed and Cradock's force defeated at the
battle of Coronel, 1 November 1914. Left dangerously isolated, H.M.S. Canopus made her way back to Port
Stanley on the Falkland Islands. Expecting the port to be attacked by von Spee, the Canopus was beached in
the harbour. Welcome reinforcements arrived on 7 December 1914, in the form of two battlecruisers under
Vice-Admiral Sir Frederick Doveton Sturdee. The next day von Spee's squadron was sighted and H.M.S.
Canopus fired the first shot of the battle of the Falklands, an indirect shot hitting one of the enemy armoured
cruisers. This and the unwelcome sighting of the battlecruisers in harbour caused the Far Eastern Squadron
to turn from their intention to bombard the port and steam away hoping to escape. At length the battle
cruisers and attendant vessels were able to run down the fleeing German squadron and two armoured
cruisers and two light cruisers were sunk.
With copied service papers and notes.
GVF/EF £110.00
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Dixon's Gazette
1526 Able Seaman A.V. Allen, Royal Navy H.M.S. Excellent.
1914-15 Star (J.19162 Ord. R.N.); British War Medal; Victory Medal (J.19162 A.B. R.N.);
Naval General Service Medal 1915-1962 1st issue George V, 1 clasp, Iraq 1919-1920
(J.19162 A.B. R.N.); Defence Medal; War Medal; Royal Navy Long Service and Good
Conduct Medal George V, 2nd type coinage head, 1930-1936 (J.19162 A.B. H.M.S.
Excellent) mounted for wear(7)
A rare award of the Iraq 1919-1920 clasp, 112 issued to the Navy and 17 to the Royal Marines, making a
total of 129, including 36 to H.M.S. Espiegle, for services in Tenders, Tugs and Rivercraft operating within
the boundaries of Iraq. Alfred was born 18.1.97, Bawtry, Yorks, Volunteered 1.8.12 age 15 years, trade a
schoolboy, commence date 18.1.15. Served Princess Royal, December 14 to November 18. Served H.M.S.
Espiegle 11th March 1920 to 10th Feb. 1922. LS & GC awarded 26.2.1932 he was paid prize money for the
action at Heligoland Bight 28.8.14.
He also took part and was paid a bounty for the sinking of the Blucher 24.1.1915, a German Cruiser, sunk in
the Battle of Dogger Bank, which was part of the German fleet which had attacked Hartlepool and down the
east coast to Scarborough in December 1914.
Fine/GVF £2875.00
1527 Shipwright 1st class A. Fiddik, Royal Navy, H.M.S. Rodney.
1914-15 Star (M 7412 Shpt 2. R.N.); British War Medal; Victory Medal (M 7412 Shpt 1.
R.N.); Royal Navy Long Service and Good Conduct Medal George V, 1st type Admirals bust,
1911-1930 (M 7412 Shpt 1. H.M.S. Rodney.)(4)
Albert was born on 4th June 1889 at Looe in Cornwall and attested 6.4.1914 for 12 years stating his trade as
Shipwright. He served on H.M.S. Carnavon a Devon Class armoured cruiser from 1.8.1914 to 3.11.1917. He
took part in the battle of the Falklands and later the North American stations against German raiders. From
December 1917 he served on H.M.S. Temeraire. LS & GC issued 7.6.1929.
Fine £140.00
1528 Stoker Petty Officer T. Holland, Royal Navy, H.M.S. Emperor of India.
1914-15 Star; British War Medal; Victory Medal (306675 S.P.O. R.N.); Royal Navy Long
Service and Good Conduct Medal George V, 1st type Admirals bust, 1911-1930 (306675 Ch.
Sto. H.M.S. Emperor of India.)(4)
Thomas was born 1.10.1885 in Gloucester and his trade a driller. He attested in June 1914 and re-attested
15th June 1916 to complete. He served aboard H.M.S. Circe a torpedo gunboat 9.6.1914 to 10.7.1915. In
1915 he was transferred to H.M.S. Revenge a revenge class battleship commissioned just before the Battle
of Jutland.
LS & GC awarded 16.4.1923.
VF £175.00
1529 Stoker Petty Officer C. Neal, Royal Navy H.M.S. Vivid.
1914-15 Star; British War Medal; Victory Medal (281713. S.P.O. R.N.); Royal Navy Long
Service and Good Conduct Medal George V, 1st type Admirals bust, 1911-1930 (281713.
Sto. P.O. H.M.S. Vivid.)(4)
Charles attested at Chatham 21.2.1896 stating he was born 12.8.1871 in Susted, Norfolk and his trade a
baker. Served on various ships and training establishments including H.M.S. Blenheim 1.7.1916 to
30.4.1918. He was finally discharged 14.4.1919 from H.M.S. Columbine LS & GC awarded 12.2.1916.
GVF/EF £145.00
1530 Petty Officer W.R. Wilkins, Royal Navy.
1914-15 Star (227684. L.S. R.N.); British War Medal; Victory Medal (227684. P.O. R.N.);
Royal Navy Long Service and Good Conduct Medal George V, 1st type Admirals bust, 19111930 (227684. P.O. H.M.A.S. Commonwealth.)(4)
Walter Rueben Wilkins was born in Silver Town, London and attested in October 1905 for 12 years stating
his age as 18 and trade an invoice clerk. Served on various ships and bases including Tyne T.B. 31
(Torpedo Boat) 29th January 1915 to March 1917. LS & GC 29.9.1920, discharged 29th April 1925.
VF £235.00
Dixon's Gazette
Page 16
1531 Leading Stoker A. McMichael, Royal Naval Reserve.
1914-15 Star (T. 1992. Sto. R.N.R.); British War Medal; Victory Medal (1992T. L. Sto.
R.N.R.); Royal Naval Reserve Long Service and Good Conduct Medal 1908 George V issue,
Admiral's bust (T. 1992. Ldg. Sto. R.N.R.)(4)
Sold with copied medal roll.
GVF/EF £135.00
1532 Leading Signaller C.H. Wilkinson, Royal Navy.
1914-15 Star; British War Medal; Victory Medal (208114. L.Sig. R.N.); Royal Fleet Reserve
Long Service and Good Conduct Medal George V issue, Admiral's bust (208114. (CH. .B.
3671.) L.Sig. R.F.R.)(4)
Born Leeds, trade batmaker, attested 20.12.1901, joined the R.F.R. 20.1.1906 (by purchase) Re-enrolled
23.4.1910 for 6 years. Joined H.M.S. Illustrious 13.7.1914, Leading Signalman 23.7.1915 to 26.11.1915 a
battleship which was based at Grimsby guarding the Humber.
His next appointment afloat was H.M.S. Vengeance 16.12.1915 to March 1917 where she patrolled the Cape
and supported the operations leading to the capture of Dar Es Salam in 1916. He next served on H.M.S.
Crescent attached to the grand fleet 1917-1919 until paid off at Rosyth, discharged 6.6.1921.
Awarded the 13.1.1922. LS & GC.
GVF/EF £150.00
1533 Acting Leading Stoker E.V. Stapleton, Royal Navy.
1914-15 Star (309421. Sto. 1. R.N.); British War Medal; Victory Medal (309421. Act. L. Sto.
R.N.); Royal Fleet Reserve Long Service and Good Conduct Medal George V issue,
Admiral's bust ( 309421. (CH.B. 10694) Act. L. Sto. R.F.R.); Messina Earthquake Medal,
1908 (309.421 Sto. 1st Cl. H.M.S. Duncan.)(5)
Edward Victor Stapleton enlisted 22 January 1906 for 12 years. Born 19 June 1887 at Bromley-by-Bow,
London. Occupation at enlistment was a "borer (coal & shale)
Served HMS Duncan 18 August 1908 to 8 August 1910 a per-Dreadnought battleship which collided with
HMS Albion on 26 September 1905, ran aground on 23 July 1906, and assigned (again) to the Med on 1 Dec
1908, just in time for the Messina Earthquake relief efforts (607 Messina Earthquake medals awarded to
HMS Duncan).
At the outbreak of WWI, Stapleton was serving on HMS Victorious, a Majestic-class battleship. After shore
duty he was assigned to HMS Mars, another Majestic-class battleship, from 9 Sept 1915 to 8 March 1916.
Discharged 5 June 1921, sold with copy of service record. Mounted on pin as worn.
Vf/GVF £340.00
1534 Leading Cooks Mate H.E. Groom, Royal Navy.
1914-15 Star; British War Medal; Victory Medal (347811 L. Ck. Mte. R.N.); Messina
Earthquake Medal, 1908(4)
Leading Cook's Mate H. E. Groom, Royal Navy, killed in action when serving aboard H.M.S. Pheasant, 1
March 1917.The destroyer H.M.S. Pheasant struck a mine and sank off the Orkney Islands on 1 March 1917.
Sold with copied service paper.
Trio EF Messina some light edge bruises VF £400.00
1535 Engine Room Artificer 3rd Class C.G. Graham, Royal Navy H.M.S. Fox.
1914-15 Star (M2460 E.A. 2 R.N.); Victory Medal (M2460 E.A. 2 R.N.); Naval General
Service Medal 1915-1962 1st issue George V, 1 clasp, Persian Gulf 1909-1914 (M2460 Elect.
Art. 3 Cl H.M.S. Fox); Royal Navy Long Service and Good Conduct Medal George V, 1st
type Admirals bust, 1911-1930 (M 2460 EA 1 H.M.S. Dunedin)(4)
Charles was born Newcastle on Tyne 19.6.1885, he enlisted 9.8.1910, re-enlisted 31.7.1939 and served until
invalided 13.4.1940, trade a fitter and turner. He served on numerous ships including H.M.S. Glorious from
its being commissioned, Sydney, Penguin and Melbourne. Paid war gratuity by the Royal Australian Navy
1921 served the R.N.Z. Navy for 3 years from 12.7.1923 and awarded the LS & GC 3.1.1926, whilst still
attached to the R.N.Z. Navy, H.M.S. Dunedin.
NOTE B.W.M. is missing.
Fine/VF £220.00
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Dixon's Gazette
1536 William A. Seabrook, Merchant Navy.
British War Medal; Mercantile Marine War Medal 1914-1918 (William A. Seabrook)(2)
EF £65.00
1537 Richard Bennallack, Merchant Navy.
British War Medal; Mercantile Marine War Medal 1914-1918; Royal Naval Volunteer
Reserve Long Service and Good Conduct Medal 1908 Edward VII issue (81043. Seaman 1st
class. R.N.R.)(3)
Richard was born in Truro, Cornwall in 1847 and received his LS&GC 28.11.1911 at Dock Street. No other
papers found but worthy of further research.
EF £150.00
1538 Boy 1st Class W. Lord, Royal Navy.
British War Medal; Victory Medal (J. 48635 Boy1. R.N.)(2)
Walter was a Boy 1st Class when he attested and was killed age 17 years when H.M.S. Vanguard suffered a
major explosion. HMS Vanguard was a St Vincent-class dreadnought battleship built for the Royal Navy in
the first decade of the 20th century. She spent her whole career assigned to the Home and Grand Fleets.
Aside from participating in the Battle of Jutland in May 1916, her service during World War I generally
consisted of routine patrols and training in the North Sea. Just before midnight on 9 July 1917 at Scapa
Flow, Vanguard suffered an explosion, probably caused by an unnoticed stokehold fire heating cordite
stored against an adjacent bulkhead in one of the two magazines which served the amidships gun turrets 'P'
and 'Q'. She sank almost instantly, killing an estimated 804 men; there were only two survivors. The site is
now designated as a controlled site under the Protection of Military Remains Act. One of the casualties of
the disaster was Captain Kysuke Eto, a military observer from the Imperial Japanese Navy, which was allied
with the Royal Navy at the time through the Anglo-Japanese Alliance.
In terms of loss of life, the destruction of the Vanguard remains the most catastrophic accidental explosion
in the history of the UK, and one of the worst accidental losses of the Royal Navy.
Mint £120.00
1539 Boy 1st Class J.W. Jameson, Royal Navy.
British War Medal; Victory Medal (J. 91002 Ord. R.N.); 1939-45 Star; Atlantic Star; War
Medal; Royal Fleet Reserve Long Service and Good Conduct Medal George V issue, coinage
head (J. 91002 (PO. B. 17893) A.B. R.F.R.)(6)
James was born 23.2.1901 at Blackpool and as a Boy 2nd Class (his trade machinist boy) joined H.M.S.
Powerful on 3.7.1918 a training ship. Served in WW2 but no details available.
VF £140.00
1540 Ordinary Seaman 1st Class H.W. Hancock, H.M.S. Cormorant.
British War Medal; Victory Medal (L.2184 O.S.1 R.N.); Royal Navy Long Service and Good
Conduct Medal George V, 1st type Admirals bust, 1911-1930 (L.2184 O.S.1 H.M.S.
Cormorant); Russian Medal of St. George(4)
Russian Medal of St. George awarded for the Battle of Jutland 1916. Horace Walter Hancock was born
26.3.90 in Mexborough, York's and his trade a grocer. Enlisted 1.9.10 as Officer Steward and served until
discharged on 24.5.27. His LS&GC was awarded 21.10.25.
He is not entitled to a Star as serving at Victory 1, January 12 to December 15.
1st January 16 King George V until 4th December 1916 which is when he saw service at the Battle of
Jutland, being the lead ship of the squadron. Sold with copied service record.
VF/GVF £650.00
1541 Carpenter W.C.J. Hillier, Royal Navy.
Naval General Service Medal 1915-1962 2nd issue George V1 INDIAE IMP:, 1 clasp,
Palestine 1936-1939 (P/MX. 51719. Jnr 3. R.N.); 1939-45 Star; Atlantic Star; Africa Star, 1
clasp, North Africa 1942-43; Italy Star; War Medal(6)
Served on board HMS Malaya after the ship was repaired following torpedo damage from U106, and HMS
Laforey during the invasion of mainland Italy, leaving the vessel before she was torpedoed and sunk by
U223 with heavy loss of life.
EF £265.00
Dixon's Gazette
Page 18
1542 Ordinary Seaman R.T. Utting, Royal Navy.
Naval General Service Medal 1915-1962 2nd issue George V1 INDIAE IMP:, 1 clasp,
Palestine 1936-1939 (JX. 147559 Ord. Smn. R.N.); 1939-45 Star; Atlantic Star; Africa Star;
Defence Medal; War Medal(6)
Group court mounted for display
VF/GVF £175.00
1543 Petty Officer Cook A.W. Jeffery, Royal Navy H.M.S. Malaya.
Naval General Service Medal 1915-1962 2nd issue George V1 INDIAE IMP:, 1 clasp,
Palestine 1936-1939; 1939-45 Star; Atlantic Star; Defence Medal; War Medal; Royal Navy
Long Service and Good Conduct Medal George VI, 1st type 'Ind.Imp.', 1937-1948 (P/MX.
45802 C.P.O.CK. H.M.S. Malaya.)(6)
LS & GC awarded 5.11.1941 whilst serving aboard H.M.S. Malaya, a Queen Elizabeth Class Battleship
(which took part in the Battle of Jutland) and was based at Haifa 1938-39 during the Arab Revolt.
He served in the Mediterranean escorting convoys and her presence in a convoy was sufficiently
discouraging to the German raiders. She fired an armoured piercing shell which lodged in Genoa Cathedral
February 1941.
VF+/GVF £260.00
1544 Marine J.D. Street, Royal Marines.
Naval General Service Medal 1915-1962, 1 clasp, Near East; Korea Medal 1950-1953 2nd
type Elizabeth II Dei: Gratia: (PLY/X 5627 Mne R.M); United Nations Korea Service Medal
GVF/EF £350.00
1545 Chief Ordnance Artificer M.A. Finch, Royal Navy, H.M.S. Tiger.
Naval General Service Medal 1915-1962 5th issue Elizabeth II DEI GRATIA, 1 clasp, Near
East (D/MX. 708121. C.O.A. R.N.); Royal Navy Long Service and Good Conduct Medal
Elizabeth II, 2nd type 'Dei.Gratia', post 1954 (MX. 708121. C.O.A. H.M.S.Tiger.)(2)
VF/GVF £165.00
1546 Engine Room Artificer 1st Class S.W. Hopkins, Royal Navy.
1939-45 Star; Atlantic Star; Africa Star; Burma Star; War Medal; Korea Medal 1950-1953 1st
type Elizabeth II Dei: Gra: Brit: Omn: (D/MX. 63797. E.R.A.1. R.N.); United Nations Korea
Service Medal 1950-1954 British issue; Royal Navy Long Service and Good Conduct Medal
Elizabeth II, 2nd type 'Dei.Gratia', post 1954 (MX. 63797. E.R.A.1. H.M.S. Cook.)(8)
Served from 15th January 1940. Sold with a good set of service papers which lists H.M.S. Medway a
submarine depot ship which was sunk by the U-boat 372 off Alexander 30.6.1942. H.M.S. Unicorn for
Korea 24th October 1951 to 11th April 1953.
LS & GC awarded 13.9.1955, invalided 1.8.1962, came from Plympton.
GVF/EF £250.00
1547 Stoker 1st Class Jack Richardson, H.M.S. Orestes, Royal Navy.
1939-45 Star; Atlantic Star; Africa Star, 1 clasp, North Africa 1942-43; War Medal (M.I.D.
Oak leaf.)(4)
Sold with original M.I.D. certificate L.G. 1st January 1945 for service in H.M.S. Orestes an Algerine Class
mine Sweeper, for outstanding zeal and devotion to duty over the previous 6 months of service.
EF £85.00
Selling your collection or part of it
Dixon’s pay immediate cash for all types of medals
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Page 19
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Dixon's Gazette
1548 Lieut. Commander E.H. Moore, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
1939-45 Star; Atlantic Star; Burma Star; Defence Medal; War Medal with M.I.D. Oak leaf.;
Naval General Service Medal 1915-1962 3rd issue George V1 FID DEF:, 1 clasp,
Minesweeping 1945-51 (A/Lt. Cdr. R.N.V.R.)(6)
Service included mine sweeping in the North Sea clearing passage for food convoys. At that time
minesweepers were converted fishing craft, HMS Cayrian, and HMS Kastoria. Commanded landing parties
into Burma with landing party 1031. Later received the surrender of the Japanese with Lord Louis
Mountbatten at Akyab, receiving the sword from the Japanese Officer. Captained the all service troop ship
back to the UK. Volunteered to remain in service mine sweeping for a year after the war and served as
Captain on HMS Gleaner which was then paid off and broken up. Later invalided out of the RNVR after
spending a year in the Royal Naval Hospital Haslar with amoebic dysentery, no doubt contracted in India
and Burma. Sold with copied research papers, recipients pay and identity book and various photographs and
M.I.D. certificate dated 1.1.1946.
EF £450.00
1549 Temporary Lieutenant S.F. Fowler, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
1939-45 Star; Atlantic Star, 1 clasp, France and Germany; Burma Star; War Medal; Naval
General Service Medal 1915-1962 3rd issue George V1 FID DEF:, 1 clasp, Minesweeping
1945-51 (Ty/ Lieut. R.N.V.R.)(5)
Stanley Frederick Fowler was appointed a Temporary Sub-Lieutenant (London Gazette 8 August 1941) and
Temporary Lieutenant (London Gazette 10 September 1943). He served on the Algerine Class minesweeper
H.M.S. Pincher, 1943-46. The ship had battle honours for 'Normandy 1944', 'Atlantic 1945' and 'Burma
1945'. In July 1945 she took part in minesweeping operations around, and the bombardment of, Japanese
airfields on Puket Island, Salang. Sold with four original photographs - one of the recipient in uniform and
three of H.M.S. Pincher; a note from the Captain certifying the recipient served as Navigating Officer
aboard H.M.S. Pincher, 28 October 1943-19 July 1944; a letter dated 11 July 1949 confirming entitlement to
the N.G.S. and Clasp for services on the Pincher, addressed to the recipient at 9 East Park Road, Harrogate,
Yorkshire; forwarding slip for the N.G.S.; a newspaper cutting on the Pincher; a booklet listing members of
the Dover Minesweepers Association, that of Fowler being given as '30 Alderson Road, Harrogate, and
some copied research. Mounted for display, the 'ty' of rank possibly officially corrected or could be contact
with other medals
EF £425.00
1550 Leading Stoker H.A. Rose, Royal Navy, H.M.S. York.
1939-45 Star; Atlantic Star, 1 clasp, France and Germany; War Medal; Royal Navy Long
Service and Good Conduct Medal George VI, 1st type 'Ind.Imp.', 1937-1948 (K. 59901. L.
Sto. H.M.S. York.)(4)
Wrecked in an attack by Italian explosive Motorboats at Suda Bay Crete in March 1941. If Stoker Rose was
present at the time it is not known as his papers like most others have yet to be released.
Mint £160.00
1551 Petty Officer A.D. Thorndyke, Royal Fleet Reserve.
1939-45 Star; Italy Star; War Medal; Royal Fleet Reserve Long Service and Good Conduct
Medal George VI issue, 1st type (JX. 143358. P.O. B. 26457 P.O. R.F.R.)(4)
LS & GC medal awarded November 1948, box for WW2 medals addressed to A.D. Thorndyke, 23 Chapel
lane, Lincoln. No other service details available yet.
EF £85.00
1552 Sub-Lieutenant A.R. Oxley, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
1939-45 Star; France and Germany Star; Defence Medal; War Medal; Naval General Service
Medal 1915-1962 3rd issue George V1 FID DEF:, 1 clasp, Minesweeping 1945-51 (S.Lt.
R.N.V.R.) Officially renamed(5) Sub Lieutenant R.N.V.R., 11.2.1944.
EF £245.00
1553 Leading Cook W.J. Kerr, Royal Navy.
Korea Medal 1950-1953 1st type Elizabeth II Dei: Gra: Brit: Omn: (D/SMX.840672 L.CK (S)
R.N.); United Nations Korea Service Medal 1950-1954 British issue(2)
GVF/EF £125.00
Dixon's Gazette
Page 20
1554 Henry Muller, King's German Legion, 1st Hussars.
Military General Service Medal 1793-1814, 3 clasps, Talavera, Busaco, Fuentes D'Onor;
Hannoverian Medal for Volunteers of the K.G.L. 1814(2)
Appears on roll as to have been commissioned in the Hannoverian Army
There were two men of this name in the 1st Hussars Kings German legion, one who received 9 clasps which
was sold by Spink in 1976.
The second medal with 3 clasps is recorded on the original German roll as Henry Muller but when the roll
was transcribed by Colonel K.O.N. Foster he listed Henry as Herman, an easy mistake and later copied by
Mullen in his roll.
The 3 clasp medal according to The Mullen Roll was sold by Donald Hall in 1974.
A note on the original German Roll in the same script states Captain Han Army, under name and present
rank, so if he eventually became a Captain is anybody's guess, but without pulling his papers from Hannover
we shall never know. Sold with details of Lot 5179 from the renowned collection of Karl Graf Zuinnhausen
and Knyphusen, which was sold in the 1930s having I believe been slumbering in a provincial museum in
Hanover for 44 years.
Details sold with the medals.
GVF/EF £1775.00
1555 Sergeant W. Duthie, Royal Artillery.
Military General Service Medal 1793-1814, 3 clasps, Barrosa, Vittoria, Pyrenees (Serjt. Royal
Arty.); Army Long Service and Good Conduct Medal (Company Serj. Royal Artillery. 1838.)
William IV issue, 2nd type 1831-1837, with replacement silver bar suspension (2)
William Duthie was born in the Parish of Fetteresson, Mearns, Kincardineshire, in 1785 and enlisted for the
Royal Artillery at Montrose on 20 February 1806. He served a total of 31 years 283 days, and was
discharged on 10 October 1837, aged 51 years. Vide letter to Colonel Fox awarded William the LS & G.C.
19th May 1838. His discharge papers show his service as being in the 'Peninsula 4 years 6 months; in
Canada 9 years 3 months; in Halifax Nova Scotia 6 years; the remainder at home.
Present at the siege of Cadiz; Battle of Barrosa (where he was wounded severely) the regiment lost 6 killed
and 48 officers and men wounded at the Investment of Bayonne.'
Sergeant Duthie died at Stonehaven on 1 September 1859, aged 73 years. Sold with copied discharge papers
and other research including a photograph of his headstone.
Some light contacting VF £2600.00
1556 Major Benjn. Ashe, 62nd Native Infantry.
Army of India Medal 1799-1826 Short hyphen reverse, 1 clasp, Ava (Capt. 62nd Regt. N.I.);
Gwalior Campaign Star 1843 Maharajpoor Star (Major B. Ashe Commanding 62nd Regt.
With typed dealers research, Benjamin Ashe was born in Bengal in 1792, Cadet in HEIC 1806, Ensign 2nd
N.I. 1811, served in Java with Amboynese Corps Sep 1812-Jun 1816, to Celebes as part of the force to quell
an uprising.
He was severely wounded at the storming of the positions at Baliangan Pass 8/6/16, returned to India and
present during Third Mahratta War, transferred to 2nd/31st N.I. 11/7/23, later re-titled 62nd N.I. where he
was listed as Instructor and Quartermaster from 22/5/24, later Capt, present in First Burma War of 1824-6,
promoted Major and CO of 62nd N.I. 27/8/37.
Commanded the 62nd Regiment Native Infantry at Maharajpoor and retired in 1844, promoted Lt Colonel
28/11/54 and died in Homburg, Germany 1/10/68.
GVF £3985.00
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Dixon's Gazette
1557 Private G. Waits, 32nd Foot.
Punjab Campaign Medal 1848-1849, 2 clasps, Mooltan, Goojerat (32nd Foot); Indian Mutiny
Medal 1857-1858, 1 clasp, Defence of Lucknow (32nd L.I.)(2)
2528 George Waits enlisted at Newark, 14 May 1844. Served with the 32nd Regiment in the Second Sikh
War and in the suppression of the Indian Mutiny.Was an original defender in the defence of Lucknow where
he died on 14 July 1857.
With copied roll and muster extracts.
Contact Marks VF £2520.00
1558 John Caffery, 1st Bn. 6th Regiment.
South Africa Medal 1834-1853 Third Kaffir War ( John Caffery. 6th Rgt.); Indian Mutiny
Medal 1857-1858 Officially impressed no clasp, ( J. Caffrey. 1st Bn. 6th Rgt.)(2)
John Caffrey on India Mutiny medal roll, showing engaged at the Battle of Baraowu near Sugdespore under
Col. Corfield" and John Caffery on South Africa1853 medal roll showing entitlement based on 3rd Kaffir
War 1850-53. Together with a copy of "The South Africa 1853 Medal: A chronology of Military Events &
the Roll for the 6th (Royal Warwickshire) Regt" which includes a description of the 6th’s campaign, the
medal roll (including Caffery) and a map of operations.
Fair £495.00
1559 Corporal Alfred Sutcliffe, 7th Hussars.
India General Service Medal 1854-1895, 1 clasp, North West Frontier (1441 Corpl. 7th
Hussars.); Indian Mutiny Medal 1857-1858 no clasp, ( 7th Husrs)(2)
Indian Mutiny for service in Oude from 25.3.1958 to 1.10.1958, including the affairs of Bosee, Kirkee and
action of Newabgauge. The 7th Hussars received 157 medals and clasps N.W. Frontier for actions against
the Mohmands 5th December 1863 and 2nd January 1864 (Shabkadar)
He was discharged 17.7.1867 and his medal was sent to Edinburgh 18.11.1876.
VF/GVF £650.00
1560 Sepoy Jowahir, Queen Victoria's Own Corps of Guides (F.F.).
India General Service Medal 1854-1895, 2 clasps, Jowaki 1877-8, Hazara 1891; Afghanistan
Medal 1878-1880, 1 clasp, Kabul (1899 Sepoy Queen Own Corps of Guides )(2)
VF £440.00
1561 Private J. Campbell, 2nd Bn. Seaforth Highlanders.
India General Service Medal 1854-1895, 1 clasp, Hazara 1891 (1980 Pte. 2nd Br.Sea Highs);
Queen's South Africa Medal 1899-1902, 3 clasps, Cape Colony, Transvaal, Wittebergen
(1980 Pte.2: Sea highrs.)(2)
John was born in Bothwell, Hamilton and enlisted 23.2.1886, age 18 years, 10 months, trade a miner. I.G.S.
1854 and QSA clasps all verified on the roll, sold with copy roll pages.
VF/GVF £350.00
1562 Bugler Sheik Munir Ali, 38th Bengal Infantry & 10th Jats.
India General Service Medal 1854-1895, 1 clasp, Chin Lushai 1889-90 (4041 Bugler Sheik
Munir Ali 38th Br. Ify); Indian Army Long Service and Good Conduct Medal 1888 Edward
VII issue (458 Naik Sheik Munir 10th Jats)(2)
Fine £300.00
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Page 22
1563 Captain John Edward Sharp, 1st Foot.
Crimea War Medal 1854-1856 Engraved in contemporary style running script (Capt. The
Royal Regiment); Turkish Crimea Medal British issue Crimea type suspension; Order of the
Mejidie knights breast badge in gold, silver and enamel(3)
He served with the 2nd Battalion of the Royals in Canada during the rebellion in 1838, and landed with the
Battalion in the Crimea on 22nd April 1855 and was present at the siege and fall of Sebastopol, confirms 5th
Class Order of Medjidie He became Staff Officer for Pensioners at Chatham on 27th Feb 1875 and later
lived at Woodend in Southsea. He died in 1897.
Sold with the following Warrants for: Lieutenant dated 9th Feb 1838; Captain dated 14 Dec 1847; Major
dated 2nd April 1859; Lieutenant Colonel 1st April 1870; Major (Half Pay) 1st July 1875; retired 5th
February 1876.
GVF/EF £1850.00
1564 Lieutenant-Colonel T. Burke, 88th Regiment.
Crimea War Medal 1854-1856, 1 clasp, Sebastopol Unnamed; Indian Mutiny Medal 18571858 (Lieut. 88th Regt.) no clasp; Turkish Crimea Medal British issue mounted on silver
buckle bar(3)
Theobald Burke was born in Cheltenham on 25 March 1833, one of the six sons of William Burke of
Knocknagur of the ancient Galway family, the Burkes of Glynsk. The Glynsk branch of the family were
descended from William the Conqueror.
He entered the 88th Regiment as an Ensign on 15 March 1855 and was advanced to Lieutenant in August
the same year. With the regiment he served in the Crimea War, serving at the siege of Sebastopol and the
final attack on the Redan, 8 September 1855. He then served in the suppression of the Indian Mutiny, 185758, serving in the operations at Cawnpore, where he was slightly wounded, 26 November 1857, and the
capture of Fort Birmah, being mentioned in despatches for his part in the latter. Burke was promoted to
Captain in September 1865 and in June 1866 he exchanged for the 18th Royal Irish Regiment.
He was advanced to Major in October 1877 and Lieutenant-Colonel in April 1880. In 1884 he succeeded to
the title of 13th Baronet. When he died in London in 1909, aged 76, the baronetcy became extinct.
Sold with photocopy papers and research.
Fine/NVF £1850.00
1565 Drum Major T. Hatfield, 69/ Sth Lincolnshire Regiment / 2nd Bn Welsh
Canada General Service Medal 1866-1870, 1 clasp, Fenian Raid 1870 (586 Dr Maj. 69/ S.
Lin. R.); Army Long Service and Good Conduct Medal Victoria issue, 3rd type 1874-1901,
swivelling scroll suspension with smaller reverse lettering (586 Sgt. Drumr. T. 2nd Welsh
In action at 'Trout River' as Drum Major.
Thomas Hatfield was born in Weedon, enlisted as a boy 31.8.59 aged 13, served India 6.11.60, Canada
19.8.67, married to Harriet Bush at sea on HMS Serapis25.8.67, later served Bermuda and Gibraltar,
discharged 5.5.82. Fenian medal sent to Dudley Gallery Society, Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly. Post 1880 the
Sth Lincolns became the 2nd Welsh 69th Regiment.
Sold with copied pages of service records and medal roll.
VF/GVF £750.00
1566 Gunner R. Clayton, Royal Artillery.
Canada General Service Medal 1866-1870, 1 clasp, Fenian Raid 1870 (No. 876 Gnr. R.A.);
Army Long Service and Good Conduct Medal Victoria issue, 3rd type 1874-1901, swivelling
scroll suspension with smaller reverse lettering (876. Gunner. 8th B.R.A.)(2)
Robert was born in Goole and enlisted age 23 years on 14.2.1859 his trade a blacksmith.
LS & GC plus £5 gratuity, discharged 24.2.1885 having served 26 years, 21 days.
Fine £495.00
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Page 23
Dixon's Gazette
1567 Sergeant Major A. Richard, 17th Regiment & 17th Bn..
Canada General Service Medal 1866-1870, 1 clasp, Fenian Raid 1870 (Cpl. 17th Bn.);
Colonial Auxiliary Forces Long Service Medal 1899 Victoria issue (Sergeant Major 17th
Roll shows Adelard served 24th April to 29th May at Levis awaiting orders, served in number 2 company in
the 17th Levis battalion.
Toned nice EF £485.00
1568 Lance Corporal C. Morrison, 1/ Seaforth Highlanders / 72nd Highlanders.
Afghanistan Medal 1878-1880, 1 clasp, Kandahar; Kabul to Kandahar Star 1880 (58B/2662.
Lce. Corpl. 72nd Highlanders.); Egypt Medal 1882-1889 (Dated 1882), 1 clasp, Tel-el-Kebir
(493. Cpl. 1/ Sea. Highrs.); Khedive's Star 1882-1891 Dated 1882 unnamed as issued(4)
Sold with typed partial roll for 1/Seaforth Highlanders for Afghanistan showing Morrison's entitlement to
Afghanistan with Kandahar clasp and Kabul to Kandahar Star. The 72nd was engaged in all of these battles,
also copied exerts from the medal roll of Egypt 1882 showing the recipients entitlement.
Fine £650.00
1569 Havildar Sheik Ismail, Q.O. S. & M..
Egypt Medal 1882-1889, 1 clasp, Tel-el-Kebir light file marks to last part of name; Khedive's
Star 1882-1891 Dated 1882. Unnamed as issued(2)
VF £265.00
1570 Private F. Mitchell, 1/Royal Highlanders.
Egypt Medal 1882-1889 (Dated 1882), 1 clasp, Tel-el-Kebir; Khedive's Star 1882-1891 Dated
1882. Unnamed as issued(2)
Verified on the roll. Sold with copied roll pages.
VF £295.00
1571 Private P. Beveridge, 2/Highland Light Infantry.
Egypt Medal 1882-1889 (Dated 1882), 1 clasp, Tel-el-Kebir; Khedive's Star 1882-1891 Dated
Born in Cuper, Fife and enlisted age 19 years, 3 months 11.5.1876, trade coach painter.
Served Egypt August 1882 to February 1883, discharged 16.8.1888.
VF/GVF £300.00
1572 Lance Corporal E. Riley, 10th Hussars.
Egypt Medal 1882-1889 (Undated), 2 clasps, El-Teb-Tamaai, The Nile 1884-85 (2021 Pte.
10th Rl. Hussars); Khedive's Star 1882-1891 Dated 1884-6. Unnamed as issued(2)
3 officers and 44 other ranks, served in the Light Camel Corps, including Riley, who by then was a
Light contacts VF/GVF £500.00
1573 Private W. Powell, 2 / Essex Regiment.
Egypt Medal 1882-1889 (Undated), 1 clasp, The Nile 1884-85 (1019 Pte. 2/Essex R.);
Khedive's Star 1882-1891 Dated 1884-6(2)
William was born in St. Leonards, London and enlisted 5.7.1883 age 18 years, 5 months having previously
served in the 4th battalion, Bedfords He served 12 years including 353 days abroad, discharged 4.7.1895.
Medal and clasps confirmed.
Star marks VF £300.00
Selling your collection or part of it
Dixon’s pay immediate cash for all types of medals
Quick appraisals given
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Dixon's Gazette
Page 24
1574 Private J. McDevitt, New South Wales Ambulance Corps.
Egypt Medal 1882-1889 (Undated), 1 clasp, Suakin 1885; Khedive's Star 1882-1891 Dated
1884-6 unnamed as issued(2)
The New South Wales contingent was formed in February 1885 and they sailed out on the 3rd March 1885,
on the troopships 'Iberia' and 'Australasia', they arrived at Suakin on the 29th March, where they joined the
Nile Field Force and were allocated to the Brigade of Guards.They returned to Australia in H.M.T. Arab on
May 17th and reached Sydney on June 19th with much feasting and banqueting, each man was presented
with his Egypt Medal and Bronze Star.
Only 22 medals were awarded to the New South Wales Ambulance Corps for service at Suakin in 1885.
GVF/EF £4200.00
1575 Private J. Brennan, 1/Royal Irish Regiment.
Egypt Medal 1882-1889 (Undated), 1 clasp, The Nile 1884-85 (1196 Pte. 1/Rl.Ir.Regt.);
Khedive's Star 1882-1891 Dated 1884-6. Unnamed as issued; Army Long Service and Good
Conduct Medal Victoria issue, 3rd type 1874-1901, swivelling scroll suspension with smaller
reverse lettering (1196 Pte. Rl Irish R.)(3)
John was born in Castlecomer, Co Kilkenny and enlisted age 18 years 22.10.1863 at York. He served in the
Nile expedition of 1884-85 and was discharged 27.10.1885 having served 22 years, 34 days’ time expired.
LS&GC awarded 1.10.1885.
Pleasing VF £460.00
1576 Sepoy Gulzara Singh, 35th Bengal Infantry (Sikhs).
India General Service Medal 1895-1902, 2 clasps, Punjab Frontier 1897-98, Malakand 1897
(1388 Sepoy 35th Sikhs); Queen's Sudan Medal 1896-1898 (1388 Sepoy 35:Sikh B.I.);
British War Medal (Subdr 1-66 Pjis)(3)
Purchased by the seller from an ex R.A.F. member in Benares, India who bought it direct from the family.
Edge and contact marks Fine £375.00
1577 Private G. Eunson, 2nd Bn. Seaforth Highlanders.
India General Service Medal 1895-1902, 1 clasp, Relief of Chitral 1895 (2698 Pte. 2bn
Seaforth Highls); Queen's South Africa Medal 1899-1902, 4 clasps, Cape Colony,
Paardeberg, Driefontein, Wittebergen (2698 Pte. 2:Sea Highrs)(2)
Gilbert was born in South Rolandshay, Kirkwall, Orkney & Shetland in 1869 and enlisted 5.12.87, age 18
years, 5 months. Discharged 4.12.1900, received a pension and died about 31.12.1954.
Sold with copied papers and roll page.
GVF/EF £335.00
1578 Private W. Courtier, Devon Regiment/ A.S.C..
India General Service Medal 1895-1902, 2 clasps, Punjab Frontier 1897-98, Tirah 1897-98
(3285 Pte. 1st Bn Devon. Regt.); Queen's South Africa Medal 1899-1902, 1 clasp, Relief of
Ladysmith; King's South Africa Medal 1901-1902, 2 clasps, South Africa 1901, South Africa
1902 (3285 Pte. Devon. Regt.); 1914-15 Star (22-22300. Pte. A.S.C.); British War Medal;
Victory Medal (22300. Pte. A.S.C.)(6)
William enlisted at Exeter 23.9.1891, age 23 years and born in the village of Boovy Tracy, Newton Abbott.
He served in India from 17.12.1892 to 1.2.1899, South Africa 20.10.1899 to 13.9.1902.
He was discharged on 20.1.1903. Re-enlisted for WW1 in the A.S.C., Labour Corps and sent to France
6.12.1915, 1914-15 star trio confirmed. Discharged to class Z., 16.2.1919.
Sold with copies of enlistment paper and medal rolls confirming entitlement to clasps.
Odd hairline in the field otherwise all medals
Mint £495.00
Large selection of MEDAL RIBBONS in stock
Full size and Miniature
Prices from £1 per 6” length - call us for details
Page 25
Dixon's Gazette
1579 Captain E.L.P. Edwards, 1st Battalion East Yorkshire Regiment.
India General Service Medal 1895-1902, 2 clasps, Punjab Frontier 1897-98, Tirah 1897-98
(2nd Lieut. 1st E. Yorks Regiment.); 1914 Star with original Mons clasp original unnamed
example; Victory Medal ( Capt.); War Medal ( Capt.)(4)
Eric Lea Priestley Edwards was born on 2 March 1877, the son of Lea Priestley Edwards, of Warberry
Court, Torquay; formerly of 51 The Esplanade, Scarborough. Educated at Harrow School (Newlands
House), 1891-94 and Sandhurst. He was commissioned into the East Yorkshire Regiment on 20 February
1897, promoted to Lieutenant in July 1898 and Captain in May 1903. Served in the operations in the Bara
Valley, 7-14 December 1897. With the 1st Battalion he entered the France/Flanders theatre of war on 8
September 1914. He was reported missing/killed in action whilst leading his company near Troyon, at the
battle of the Aisne on 20 September 1914. Having no known grave, his name is commemorated on the La
Ferte-sous-Jouarre Memorial, France. Sold with copied research, including M.I.C. with an arrow pointing to
W.S.3 170 Eric having been K.I.A. within the period of issue. The Star is an original unnamed example
Sold also with a damaged East Yorkshire Regiment cap badge one retaining pin as often happens has come
away but is still present.
The IGS 1895 is a great rarity to the East Yorkshire Regiment I think only 2 officers present in the IGS '95
VF/EF £1075.00
1580 Private P. Curry, Northumberland Fusiliers.
Queen's Sudan Medal 1896-1898 (3615. 1st Northd Fus.); Khedive's Sudan Medal 18961908, 1 clasp, Khartoum (3615. 5th Fusiliers.)(2)
Patrick enlisted 28.10.92 stating born in Elswick, Newcastle and his age as 18 years. Served Singapore,
Gibraltar. Egypt, Crete and finally South Africa where he earned the QSA with 5 clasps, invalided to
England where he was discharged 30.4.1902, having served 9years, 185 days.
Died in Cook Count, Chicago 9.1.1929
GVF/EF £525.00
1581 Private J. McKenzie, 1/ Royal Warwickshire Regiment.
Queen's Sudan Medal 1896-1898; Khedive's Sudan Medal 1896-1908, 1 clasp, Khartoum (No
3665 Pte A.J. McKenzie. 1st R.W.R.)(2)
John was born in Aldershot and enlisted 13.8.1892, age 18 years, 2 months, trade a tin plate worker. Father
J.A. McKenzie lived at 3 Highfield Place, Birmingham. Served 12 years, 88 days.
Medal and clasp confirmed.
VF/GVF £525.00
1582 Private C. Wilkins, Northumberland Fusiliers.
Queen's Sudan Medal 1896-1898 4743. Pte. 1 North'd. Fus.); Queen's South Africa Medal
1899-1902, 4 clasps, Belmont, Modder River, Orange Free State, Transvaal (4743. Pte.
North'd. Fus.); King's South Africa Medal 1901-1902, 2 clasps, South Africa 1901, South
Africa 1902 (4743. Pte. C.H. Wilkins. North'd. Fus.); Khedive's Sudan Medal 1896-1908, 1
clasp, Khartoum (4743. Pte. 5th Fusers.)(4)
Charles Henry Wilkins was born in Middlesex and enlisted at the age of 18 years and 4 months on 4
December 1895 in the Northumberland Fusiliers. He was a wire worker by trade and had served in the
militia in the 5th Fusiliers, enlisted in London, age 19 years. After 1 year, 254 days service at home, he
served just over 110 days at Gibraltar, followed by 259 days in Egypt, 198 days in Crete, back home for 167
days, then 3 years, 200 days in South Africa, 227 days in Mauritius, and then 12 days home before being
discharged as a private on 3 December 1907.
Sold with a copy of his enlistment and service papers which confirm his entitlement above, and copies of
relevant excerpts of the WO medal rolls (4) which also confirm his entitlements and clasps above.
VF/GVF £700.00
1583 Sergeant J.C. Sale, Imperial Yeomanry.
Queen's South Africa Medal 1899-1902, 1 clasp, Cape Colony (Serjt. I.Y. HP. Staff); King's
South Africa Medal 1901-1902, 2 clasps, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902 (Serjt. Imp.
Hospital Staff, Kings South Africa Rare to Imperial Yeomanry. Sold with copied roll pages.
GVF £295.00
Dixon's Gazette
Page 26
1584 Captain C.W. Moore, North Staffordshire Regiment.
Queen's South Africa Medal 1899-1902, 1 clasp, Cape Colony (Lieut. N. Staff. Rgt.); King's
South Africa Medal 1901-1902, 2 clasps, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902 (Capt. N.
Staff. Rgt.)(2)
Moore served in the 4th (Militia) Battalion, which unit served in the south-west of Cape Colony where the
commandos were trying to stir-up Boer support. This led to the successful defence of Richmond, where a
detachment of the 4th Battalion held off a far superior enemy force.
VF/GVF £450.00
1585 Gunner H.R.T. Candy, 83rd Bty. Royal Field Artillery.
Queen's South Africa Medal 1899-1902, 4 clasps, Cape Colony, Orange Free State,
Johannesburg, Diamond Hill (5099 Gnr.83rd Bty R.F.A.); King's South Africa Medal 19011902, 2 clasps, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902 (5099 Gnr R.F.A.)(2)
Sold with copied rolls, all clasps confirmed.
Fair £175.00
1586 Private A. McKay, Royal Irish Fusiliers.
Queen's South Africa Medal 1899-1902, 3 clasps, Talana, Orange Free State, Transvaal ghost
dates; King's South Africa Medal 1901-1902, 2 clasps, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902
(4749 Pte. Rl. Irish Fus.)(2)
Clasps verified on the rolls.
GVF/EF £450.00
1587 Battery Quartermaster Sergeant H. Couzens, Royal Field Artillery.
Queen's South Africa Medal 1899-1902, 5 clasps, Talana, Defence of Ladysmith, Orange Free
State, Transvaal, Laing's Nek (89696 Cpl. R.F.A.); King's South Africa Medal 1901-1902, 2
clasps, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902 (89696 Serjt.. R.F.A.); Africa General Service
Medal 1902-1956 Edward VII, 1 clasp, S. Nigeria 1904-05 Note renamed ( Serjt H. Couzens
S. N. Regt); Army Long Service and Good Conduct Medal Edward VII issue (89696 B. Q. M.
Harold Couzens was born in Portsea in 1884 and enlisted 7.4.1898 age 14 years, 6 months in the Royal
Artillery. Mother Eliza Pike, Magdalin House, Stamshaw, Portsmouth. Served in South Africa 15.5.97 to
8.10.02, West Africa 31.12.04 to 12.04.09.
Married Janet Gibson (Scottish) 26.2.1906. He attained the rank of Battery Quartermaster on discharge
25.1.1913 at Hilsea. His service in West Africa counted double towards his pension. LS & GC awarded
A.O.92 of 1911
Please note; A.G.S. is a contemporary re-named medal and he is on the roll.
GVf/EF £550.00
1588 2nd. Lieut. C.H. Dickens, Royal Field Artillery.
Queen's South Africa Medal 1899-1902, 4 clasps, Cape Colony, Paardeberg, Driefontein,
Transvaal (61943 B.S.Major. 65th Bty. R.F.A.); King's South Africa Medal 1901-1902, 2
clasps, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902 (61943 B.Serjt. Maj. R.F.A.); 1914 Star with
copy mons clasp,(61943. R.S.M. R.F.A.); British War Medal; Victory Medal (2 Lieut.) with
M.I.D; Army Long Service and Good Conduct Medal Edward VII issue (61943. Bty. Sgt.
Mjr. R.F.A.)(6)
Charles served in South Africa in the 60th battery, medal and clasp confirmed. B.S. Major, the Transvaal
clasp appears to be quite scarce to the 60th battery, he being only two on the roll page.
Served France 11.9.1914 R.S.M, commissioned 6.12.1914 2nd Lieutenant, entitled a 1914 clasp. Home
address, Southview, Lancing Road, Shoreman.
Sold with copied medal roll pages and MIC confirming entitlement to medals and clasps.
VF/GVF £400.00
Page 27
Dixon's Gazette
1589 Private G.H. Broadley, Royal Warwickshire Regiment.
Queen's South Africa Medal 1899-1902, 6 clasps, Cape Colony, Orange Free State,
Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Belfast, South Africa 1901 (3330 Pte. Rl. Warwick. Regt.);
1914 Star with original Mons clasp; British War Medal; Victory Medal (3109 Pte.
Born 1870 Leeds. Enlisted for WWI Doncaster 10 Sept 1914 at age 44 years 8 months. Served with the
Royal Warwickshire Regiment, France 11.11.1914 also the Royal Garrison Artillery 30.11.1917, discharged
14.12.1918. Also entitled to a Silver War badge No. B119 998. Enlisted originally 14 July 1891 for RWR,
age 21 years 4 months. Discharged 7 July 1903.
With copied enlistment papers confirming all pre- WWI medals and clasps. Copy MIC confirming WWI
Medals and entitlement to 1914 clasp. Original papers including recruiting pass, parchment discharge
certificate, and papers relating to pension appeal efforts to obtain disability payments due to service.
Was a carpenter and later a colliery surface worker. Frickley Colliery, South Elmsall. Served Ceylon 4yrs,
South Africa 1 year, 7 months; Bermuda 8 months; Served in WW1, France 2 years, 9 months. (11.11.1914 14.08.1917.)
GVF/EF £375.00
1590 Staff Sergeant W.O. Boyes, Western Province Mounted Rifles / South African
Horse Artillery/ South African Service Corps.
Queen's South Africa Medal 1899-1902, 1 clasp, Cape Colony (417 Tpr. W. Prov.M.R );
1914-15 Star (Cdr S.A.S.C); British War Medal; Allied Victory Medal South Africa
Bilingual, (S/Sjt. S.A.H.A.)(4)
Enlisted at Cape Town 12.1.01 age 19 years, for 3 months service having served in the Cadet Corps. The
regiment was formed to defend Cape Town which at one time the enemy had reached within one days ride
from Cape Town.
GVF £220.00
1591 Major C. Fraser, Royal Army Medical Corps and Scottish Hospital.
Queen's South Africa Medal 1899-1902, 2 clasps, Cape Colony, Orange Free State (Ord.
Scottish Hos.); British War Medal; Victory Medal (Major)(3)
Served as an Orderly, approximately 20 medals issued to the Scottish Hospitals, the majority without clasps.
Home in 1919 to 1925 was 9 St. Georges Place, Brighton and it looks like he was in partnership with Dr.
Served France from April 1916, the roll shows him as a Captain, but the pair named to Major. He wrote
various papers on 'Small Pox' and worked at one time as Senior Assistant Medical Superintendent at St.
Pancreas Infirmary, Assistant Medical Superintendent at Paddington, Senior Resident Medical Officer,
Dagenham Small Pox Hospital Sold with copied M.I.C., roll page and a page from The Medical Directory.
GVF/EF £400.00
1592 Driver J.K. Yates, Royal Field Artillery.
Queen's South Africa Medal 1899-1902, 7 clasps, Cape Colony, Relief of Ladysmith, Tugela
Heights, Orange Free State, Transvaal, Laing's Nek, South Africa 1901 (86601 Dvr. R.F.A.);
Army Long Service and Good Conduct Medal Edward VII issue (86601 Dvr. R.H.A.)(2)
All medals and clasps confirmed, the LS & GC issued 17.7.1903 and he is listed as serving with the 85th
bty. Sold with copied medal rolls confirming clasps.
Obverse overpolished Poor Reverse Good/Fine £150.00
1593 Private J. Beattie, 2nd. Royal Highlanders.
Queen's South Africa Medal 1899-1902, 5 clasps, Cape Colony, Orange Free State,
Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902 (2597 Pte 2: R. Highrs); Army Long Service
and Good Conduct Medal Edward VII issue (2597 Pte Rl. Highrs)(2)
James was born Bervie, Scotland, 1862 and attested on 27.2.1885 in Perth. He served in Egypt, 1885 /1886
but no medal. Served in South Africa with the 1st battalion and the 22nd Mounted Infantry, discharged,
6.5.1907, after 21 years’ service LS&GC awarded 1904.
Died 30.4.1951 High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, sold with a good set of papers.
GVF £325.00
Dixon's Gazette
Page 28
1594 Corporal A. Wall, 5th Dragoon Guards.
Queen's South Africa Medal 1899-1902, 3 clasps, Elandslaagte, Defence of Ladysmith,
Transvaal (3425 Cpl. 5th Dragoon Guards); Army Long Service and Good Conduct Medal
Edward VII issue (3425 Cpl. 5/Dgn. Gds)(2)
Alfred enlisted age 14 years, 4 months and was born in Richmond, Yorkshire, enlisted in the Worcestershire
regiment 2.9.1889, having served in the 4/Yorkshire regiment. He transferred to the 5/Dragoon Guards
10.12.1890 for service with his elder brother, his rank was a Bandsman, Trumpeter 15.1.1892 and Lance
Corporal 11.4.1899.
Served in India, South Africa on a number of times. He was discharged at his own request 30.1.1909 having
served 18 years in Dublin, Ireland. Qualified for the rank of Sergeant 28.10.1903, his intended place of
residence was 28, Azalea Terrace (South) Sunderland.
Medal and clasp confirmed, an excellent set of papers.
Fine/VF £595.00
1595 Trooper B.M. Allan, Lumsden's Horse.
Queen's South Africa Medal 1899-1902, 3 clasps, Cape Colony, Orange Free State,
Johannesburg; Volunteer Force Long Service and Good Conduct Medal 1894 George V issue
for Channel Islands, India and Colonies (Trooper. Bhir L.H. A.F.I.)(2)
Clasps verified on the roll.
GVF/EF £250.00
1596 Private W. Irvine, 2/3 Royal Scots Fusiliers.
Queen's South Africa Medal 1899-1902, 5 clasps, Cape Colony, Relief of Ladysmith, Tugela
Heights, Transvaal, South Africa 1901 (2605 Pte. 2: R. Scots Fus.); Militia Long Service and
Good Conduct Medal 1904 Edward VII issue (4553 Pte. 3rd Rl. Scots Fus.)(2)
William Irvine was born in Barony, Glasgow. A Shoemaker living in Maybole, Ayrshire and a former
member of the 3rd Battalion Royal Scots Fusiliers, he attested once more for the Militia at Ayr on 12
February 1892, aged 22 years.
He enlisted with the Militia Reserve in August 1895 and re-engaged until time expired on 11 February 1902.
Served in South Africa, December 1899-June 1901. Militia L.S. & G.C. awarded per A.O. February 1906.
With copied service papers and roll extracts - the later indicate the Q.S.A. was re-issued in 1908.
Worn Fair £455.00
1597 Burger P.J. Du Preez and J.P. Du Preez.
Anglo-Boer War Medal (Burg P.J. Du Preez) officially impressed; 1939-45 Star (7126 J.P. Du
Preez); Africa Star (7126 J.P. Du Preez); War Medal (7126 J.P. Du Preez); Africa Service
Medal 1939-1945 (7126 J.P. Du Preez); Red Cross Society South Africa Proficiency Medal in
sterling silver (Awarded to H. du Preez Toegeken Aan)(6)
Group to the Du Preez Family shows number 77126 J.P. Du Preez as having died serving with the 2nd
regiment Botha, South African Forces on 23rd November 1941 and remembered on the Alamein Memorial.
A superb family group.
GVF/EF £320.00
1598 Hammerman Gama, 8th Mule Corps.
China War Medal 1900, 1 clasp, Relief of Pekin (73 8th Mule Corps.); India General Service
Medal 1908-1935, 1 clasp, North West Frontier 1908 527 8th Mule Corps.)(2)
VF/GVF £350.00
1599 Jemadar Ram Singh, 59th Scinde Rifles (Frontier Force).
India General Service Medal 1908-1935, 1 clasp, North West Frontier 1908 (4085 Sepoy.
59th Rifles.); British War Medal (Jemdr. 59 Rifles. F.F.)(2)
Reported wounded Mesopotamia, not confirmed.
Vf/GVF £110.00
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Dixon's Gazette
1600 Sepoy Baz Khan, 3/16 Punjab Regiment.
India General Service Medal 1908-1935, 1 clasp, Burma 1930-32; General Service Medal
1918-1962 1st issue George V coinage head, 1 clasp, Kurdistan (3370 Sepoy 3-16- Punjab
R.); 1939-45 Star; Pacific Star; War Medal; Indian Army Long Service and Good Conduct
Medal 1888 George VI issue, 'Indiae Imp.' (3370 Sepoy 16- Punjab R.)(6)
VF £195.00
1601 Gunner Sundar Singh, 7 Mountain Battery.
India General Service Medal 1908-1935, 2 clasps, Burma 1930-32, North West Frontier 1935
(31543 Gnr. 7 Mtn. Bty.); India General Service Medal 1936-1939, 1 clasp, North West
Frontier 1936-37 (31543 L-Naik. 7 Mtn. Bty.)(2)
VF £95.00
1602 Naik Falak Sher, 3/8th Punjab Regiment.
India General Service Medal 1908-1935, 3 clasps, Waziristan 1919-21, Waziristan 1921-24,
North West Frontier 1930-31 (2718. Sepoy. 3-8 Pjbis.); India General Service Medal 19361939, 1 clasp, North West Frontier 1937-39 (2718. NK. 3-8 Punjab R.); 1939-45 Star; War
Died 13.10.40 Remembered with Honour Delhi / Karachi 1939-45 War Memorials, age 38, son of Ghulam
Muhamma of Sargodha, Pakistan.
VF/EF £140.00
1603 Sepoy Karam Singh, 3-2 Punjab Rifles.
India General Service Medal 1908-1935, 2 clasps, Mohmand 1933, North West Frontier 1935
(10857 Sepoy 3-2 Punjab R.); 1939-45 Star; Africa Star; War Medal(4)
Taken prisoner probably at the action at Fuka, he would have been held first in Italy and then Stalag 7 at
Moosburg (Isar) Northeast of Munich in Bavaria, his allotted P.O.W. number was 1215.
Sold with a full account of the regiment's war service up to his capture and P.O.W. details.
VF/EF £120.00
1604 Driver Sardar Ali, Indian Army Service Corps.
India General Service Medal 1908-1935, 1 clasp, North West Frontier 1930-31 (TC 65645
Dvr. I.A.S.C.); Indian Army Long Service and Good Conduct Medal (65645 Dvr. R.I.A.S.C.
2 or 3 edge bruises to each medal VF £85.00
1605 Private H. Newby, Lincolnshire Regiment.
1914 Star (8165 Pte. 2/Linc.R); British War Medal; Victory Medal (8165 Pte. Linc.R)(3)
Served with the 2nd Lincolns, France 5.11.14, landing at Lehavre. He also served with the Northumberland
Fusiliers. Enlisted 26.8.14, discharged due to sickness 12.4.18. Silver War Badge list number 401731.
EF £145.00
1606 Private C.H. Hayward, Northamptonshire Regiment.
1914 Star (7833 Pte. 2/North' N.R); British War Medal; Victory Medal (7833 Pte. North'
Charles served in the Labour Corps also No. 320341 and also No. 600168. The 2nd battalion landed at Le
Havre 8.11.1914.
Some scratching in the field behind the King's head VF/GVF £125.00
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Dixon's Gazette
Page 30
1607 Captain C.W.F. Stafford, King's Royal Rifle Corps.
1914 Star (2. Lieut. K.R.Rif.C.); British War Medal; Victory Medal (Capt) with M.I.D. Oak
Stafford King -Harman, Sir William Frances, 2nd Bt. Cr 1913, Born January 1895, son of the Late Right
Honourable Sir Thomas Stafford, Bt, C.B. and Frances Agnes King-Harman, assumed the additional
surname of King-Harman, 1932. Educated Royal Navel Colleges, Osborne and Dartmouth, RMC Sandhurst,
Christ Church, Oxford, formally Midshipman, Royal Navy, retired 1912. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant,
The K.R.R.C. 1914, Captain 1917, served through the European war in France and Italy, MID 6.1.1919.
After the war went to Christ Church, Oxford, MA (Hons) Agriculture, Steward, Irish Turf Club, 1938 to
1962. 1945-50 Appointed member, Council of state for Ireland, 1956 War substantive Captain, 1940,
Temporary Major 1941, Temporary Lieutenant Colonel 1942 K.R.R.C.
Belfast Area Deputy Assistant Adj. General 13.6.1941, address St Catherine's Park, Leixlip, Co. Kildare,
died 1987.
GVF/EF £650.00
1608 Private J. Livesey, West Riding Regiment.
1914 Star with original Mons clasp; British War Medal; Victory Medal ( 6951 Pte. W. Rid.
Presumed K.I.A. 8.11.14. Remembered with honour at the Menin Gate Memorial, Ypres. Entered France
31.8. 1914, medal and clasp confirmed.
EF £175.00
1609 Private J. Brown, 2/Connaught Rangers.
1914 Star with copy Mons clasp (2/Conn. Rang.); British War Medal; Victory Medal (10571
Pte. Conn. Rang.) Please note name on Star spelt as Browne(3)
Entered theatre of war 14.08.1914. Later transferred to the R.A.M.C., Note 'Brown' also spelt with an 'E' and
he has two M.I.C.s which accompany the group.
NEF £295.00
1610 Warrant Officer Class 1 C.C. Collins, Royal Army Service Corps.
1914 Star (M-17147 Sjt. A.S.C.); British War Medal; Victory Medal with M.I.D. oak leaf (M17147 W.O. Cl.1 A.S.C. ); Army Long Service and Good Conduct Medal George V issue, 1st
type 1911-1920 (M-17147 C.O.M. Sjt. -A.M.S. Mjr R.A.S.C.)(4)
Christopher served in France from 12.8.14 in the 1st Cavalry Ammunitions Park A.S.C. and his M.I.C.
confirms his 1914 star trio. He was mentioned in Douglas Haigs Despatch of 25th May 1917 where his rank
was stated as Company Sergeant Major. Sold with a file of research, including MIC and LG pages.
VF/GVF £265.00
1612 Lieut. W. Kenworthy, Yorkshire Hussars.
1914-15 Star (2440 Pte. York Hrs.); British War Medal; Victory Medal (Lieut)(3)
1st Commission from the Yorkshire Hussars 25.12.16, 2nd Lieutenant R.G.A., Special Reserve. Lieutenant
25.6.18. Sold with copied M.I.C and research letter.
VF £125.00
1613 Lance Corporal T. Prosser, Yorkshire Hussars.
1914-15 Star (2467 L-Cpl. York Hrs.); British War Medal; Victory Medal (2467 Pte. York
Thomas is shown as enlisting 2.9.14 in the Yorkshire Hussars. He served in France from 17.4.15 until
discharged 2.1.19, age 27. He is listed on the War Badge list as B 73848 York 1919. Said to have been in
Scarborough on 1st December 1914, during the bombardment (see page 235 'The Day the East Coast Bled')
GVF/EF £185.00
1614 Lieut. W. Rayner, Yorkshire Hussars.
1914-15 Star (2805 L.Cpl. York. Hrs.); British War Medal; Victory Medal (Lieut.)(3)
Entered France 17.04.1915. Commissioned 24.03.1917, R.F.A. Educational Instructor promoted Lt.
08.10.1918. Sold with copied M.I.C.
EF £145.00
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Dixon's Gazette
1615 Private F.M. Powis, Derbyshire Yeomanry.
1914-15 Star; British War Medal; Victory Medal (2344 Pte. Derby Yeo)(3)
Served Egypt April 1915, August 1915 to Gallipoli, dismounted December 1915, returned to Egypt. January
1916 Notts & Derby Mtd.Bde.1. 31.7.1916 admitted into the 5th Canadian Hospital and was discharged
from there 25.8.1916. Rejoined unit 8.9.1919 served with the Notts & Derby Mtd.Bde then Macedonia with
the 1st Derby Yeomanry.
EF £195.00
1616 Private F. Tigwell, 1st County of London Yeomanry.
1914-15 Star; British War Medal; Victory Medal (3330 Pte. 1 Co. of Lond. Y.)(3)
Private Frank Tigwell, 1st County of London Yeomanry entered the Egypt theatre of war on 28 April 1915.
As a Private in the Corps of Hussars he was disembodied on 13 May 1919.
Sold with copied M.I.C.
GVF/EF £165.00
1617 Private A. Smith, Suffolk Yeomanry.
1914-15 Star; British War Medal; Victory Medal (1655 Pte Suff. Yeo.)(3)
Alfred served in the Suffolk Yeomanry from 3.9.14. They were dismounted and sent to Gallipoli and then
Egypt. Reformed in Egypt on 5.1.1917 becoming15th (Suffolk Yeomanry) T.F. dismounted. He was
discharged 8.11.1917, no longer being fit for service. He was awarded the Silver War badge B9745.
Also listed as Corp of Hussars 305032 on his M.I.C.
EF £170.00
1618 Private A.E. Spokes, The Queen's (Royal West Surrey Regiment).
1914-15 Star; British War Medal; Victory Medal (6074 Pte. The Queen's R.)(3)
Albert enlisted according to his record 1.1.99, served in France 7.12.14. Discharged due to wounds 7.3.16.
S.W.B. issued 80865.
VF/GVF £75.00
1619 Private H. Lancashire, The King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment).
1914-15 Star; British War Medal; Victory Medal (12858 Pte. R. Lanc.R)(3)
Entered France 17.07.1915. Discharged 22.02.19. Sold with copied M.I.C.
GVF £75.00
1620 Corporal W. Haswell, Northumberland Fusiliers.
1914-15 Star (1922 Pte. North'd Fus); British War Medal; Victory Medal (1922 Cpl. North'd
GVF £75.00
1621 Private W.A. Hyatt, Royal Fusiliers.
1914-15 Star (G-7164 Pte. R.Fus); British War Medal; Victory Medal (GS-7164 Pte.
EF £75.00
1622 Private J. Wyatt, Royal Fusiliers.
1914-15 Star; British War Medal; Victory Medal (L-11975 Pte. R.Fus)(3)
According to the silver war badge list, John enlisted on 28.3.1906 and first served in France 19.1.1915,
discharged 29.5.1915.
Claimed the silver war badge on 1.4.1919, number B151184.
VF/GVF £75.00
1623 Sergeant F. Skinner, Royal Fusiliers.
1914-15 Star (5658 Pte. R.Fus.); British War Medal; Victory Medal (5658 Sjt. R.Fus.)(3)
Sold with copy MIC page. Also served R.E. as WR 335628.
EF £80.00
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Page 32
1624 Private W. Mather, The King's (Liverpool Regiment).
1914-15 Star; British War Medal; Victory Medal (27442 Pte W. Mather, L'Pool R.)(3)
Served France 3.8.15. Sold with copy M.I.C.
VF £75.00
1625 Private W. Pasker, The King's (Liverpool Regiment).
1914-15 Star (21000 Pte. L'Pool R.) official correction to 's' of surname. Note: cleaned to a
silvery tone; British War Medal; Victory Medal (21000 Pte. L'Pool R.)(3)
Name on the Star originally 'Parker' and the 'r' is over stamped for 'Pasker '. He served with the 14th
Liverpool's 3rd battalion. Enlisted 1.11.14 discharged 9.11.17.
Sold with copy MIC, and entitled to SWB.
F/VF £68.00
1626 Sergeant F.G. Evans, The King's (Liverpool Regiment).
1914-15 Star (1632 L. Cpl F. L' Pool. R.) official correction to initial 'G'; British War Medal;
Victory Medal (1632 Sjt. L' Pool. R.)(3)
France 24.2.15. Sold with copy M.I.C
GVF £85.00
1627 Private S M Johnson, The King's (Liverpool Regiment).
1914-15 Star (17627 Pte L' Pool. R.) official correction; British War Medal (17629 Pte L'
Pool. R.); Victory Medal (17627 Pte L' Pool. R.)(3)
EF £85.00
1628 Private E.G. Lawson, Lincolnshire Regiment.
1914-15 Star; British War Medal; Victory Medal (13687 Pte. Linc. R.)(3)
Served with 7th Bn, landed France 27.7.15. Sold with copied MIC, medal roll page and undated copy of sick
and wounded showing 13687 L/Cpl E. Lawson 2 Linc R with severe wound in thigh.
GVF/EF £120.00
1629 Private J.H. Umpleby, West Yorkshire Regiment.
1914-15 Star; British War Medal; Victory Medal (3737 Pte. W. York. R.)(3)
Entered France 04.12.1915. Awarded Silver War badge. Sold with copied M.I.C.
GVF/EF £75.00
1630 Private A.S. Poole., Yorkshire Regiment.
1914-15 Star; British War Medal; Victory Medal (12633 Pte. York. R.)(3)
Saw service with the Yorkshire Regiment, Manchester's, W.R.R.E. and R.E.
F/VF £70.00
1631 Private W.H. Inchbold, Yorkshire Regiment.
1914-15 Star; British War Medal; Victory Medal (14350. Pte. York.R.)(3)
Private William Inchbold, Yorkshire Regiment, entered the France/Flanders theatre of war on 9 September
1915. Later transferred to Class 'Z' Reserve. With copied M.I.C.
Recorded as wounded in action 22.3.18. Then P.O.W. not confirmed.
GVF/EF £85.00
1632 Sergeant J. Kerr, Royal Scots Fusiliers.
1914-15 Star (13293. L.Cpl. R. Sc. Fus.); British War Medal; Victory Medal (913293. Sjt. R.
S. Fus.)(3)
Lance-Corporal John Kerr, 7th Battalion Royal Scots Fusiliers, entered the France/Flanders theatre of war
on 10 July 1915. He was discharged due to wounds on 7 February 1917 and awarded the Silver War Badge
No. 303373 (not with lot). With copied M.I.C. and roll extracts.
Served in the 7th service battalion formed at Ayre.
GVF £110.00
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Dixon's Gazette
1633 Private R.J. Ward, Worcestershire Regiment.
1914-15 Star (8258 Pte, Worc R); British War Medal; Victory Medal (8258 Pte, Worc R)(3)
Entered France 2.6.1915, S.W.B. list L.689.
VF £85.00
1634 Private A.J. Holt, East Lancashire Regiment.
1914-15 Star; British War Medal; Victory Medal (7348 Pte, E. Lan. R)(3)
Entered France 28.12.1914.
GVF/EF £85.00
1635 Private E.A. Cole, Royal Sussex Regiment.
1914-15 Star (G-3955 Pte, R. Suss. R.); British War Medal; Victory Medal (G-3955 Pte, R.
Suss. R.)(3)
Enlisted 6.10.1914, discharged 31.1.1916, on the Silver War badge roll.
VF/GVF £85.00
1636 Warrant Officer Class II S. Taylor, Hampshire Regiment.
1914-15 Star (12249 L. Cpl, Hamps R.); British War Medal; Victory Medal (12249 W.O. Cl
2, Hamps R.)(3)
Sidney first saw service with the Hampshire regiment L/Cpl. W.O.2. Next he is serving with the Royal Irish
Sergeant 18687 and later Royal Dublin Fusiliers, Sergeant. Served France 8.12.1915.
EF £88.00
1637 Acting Corporal J. Doyle, South Lancashire Regiment.
1914-15 Star (17083 Pte. S. Lan. R.); British War Medal; Victory Medal (17083 A/Cpl. S.
Lan. R.)(3)
John Doyle entered theatre of war 6.9.1915; also number 516028 Labour Corps, sold with copy MIC.
GVF/EF £80.00
1638 Private H. Billington, South Lancashire Regiment.
1914-15 Star (14752 Pte, S. Lan. R.); British War Medal; Victory Medal (14752 Pte, S. Lan.
Landed in France 28.9.1915 with the 8th battalion, the 8th disbanded in 1918 and he joined the newly named
2/4th battalion.
VF £85.00
1639 H. Lilburn, A. C. Sjt, Royal Highlanders.
1914-15 Star (3-2896 Pte, R. Highrs.); British War Medal; Victory Medal (3-2896 A. C. Sjt,
R. Highrs.)(3)
France 10.5.1915.
EF £98.00
1640 Private H. Horner, Essex Regiment.
1914-15 Star; British War Medal; Victory Medal (13076 Pte.Essex R.)(3)
France 30.5.1915 probably with the 9th battalion, Essex regiment. Later served with the 43rd battalion
Royal Fusiliers formed in France May - September 1918 as guard companies for duty at the five
Headquarters, finished in the Labour Corps.
Sold with further details on the Essex.
VF/GVF £90.00
1641 Private A.C. Lane, Essex Regiment.
1914-15 Star; British War Medal; Victory Medal (3384 Pte, Essex R.)(3)
Sold with Army form B2067A, and discharge certificate with states served at Gallipoli for 120 days.
EF £140.00
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Page 34
1642 Private A.J. Wilkinson, Northamptonshire Regiment.
1914-15 Star; British War Medal; Victory Medal (15534 Pte.)(3)
Entered France 31.8.1915. Group sold with a certificate in parchment style awarded to Private Alfred John
Wilkinson on the 3rd June 1919 by the inhabitants of Market Harborough, Great Bowden, and Little
Bowden in appreciation of services rendered during the Great War.The certificate housed in an old but light
black frame the reverse of which is inscribed; 'Dad was a prisoner for 3 ½ years, he was 16 years old when
he joined the regiment '.
EF £245.00
1643 Private W. Finch, Northamptonshire Regiment.
1914-15 Star; British War Medal; Victory Medal (18843 Pte North' N. R.)(3)
VF/GVF £85.00
1644 Sergeant H.E. Rogers, Seaforth Highlanders.
1914-15 Star (S-5750. Pte (A/Cpl) Sea. Highrs.); British War Medal; Victory Medal (S-5750.
Sgt. Sea. Highrs.)(3)
Sergeant Harry Edward Rogers served in the 8th Battalion (formed at Fort George) Seaforth Highlanders
and entered the France/Flanders theatre of war on 8 July 1915.With copied M.I.C. and roll extracts.
VF/GVF £85.00
1645 Private A. R. Bolitho, Rifle Brigade.
1914-15 Star; British War Medal; Victory Medal (Z-2910 Pte. Rif. Bde)(3)
Private Arnold Richard Bolitho was born 13 October 1891 in Poplar, and enlisted for service with the Rifle
Brigade 11 September 1914, for service in France and Flanders. He was discharged for wounds received in
service (Para 392 (XVI) KR) 16 September 1916. He appears to have been a member of the Masonic Lodge
at Tylney, Essex. Sold with copy MIC and Ancestry pages.
EF £120.00
1646 Corporal G. Howard, Rifle Brigade.
1914-15 Star; British War Medal; Victory Medal (7041 Pte. Rif. Brig.)(3)
George served in France 26.5.15 transferring to the 21st London regiment (652675) and still 21st (5857)
Sold with copy M.I.C.
GVF/EF £80.00
1647 Private P. Connolly, Rifle Brigade.
1914-15 Star; British War Medal; Victory Medal ( S-6202 Pte.Rif.Brig)(3)
Peter enlisted 17.11.14, France 21.7.15 and served until wounded and discharged 2.3.17, silver war badge
list 37850. Sold with copy M.I.C. page.
GVF £95.00
1648 Private W. George, Army Service Corps.
1914-15 Star; British War Medal; Victory Medal (S4-070846 Pte. A.S.C.)(3)
Entered France 13.04.15. Class Z 06.06.1919. Sold with copied M.I.C.
EF £65.00
1649 Private R. Robinson, Army Service Corps.
1914-15 Star; British War Medal; Victory Medal (M2-135864 Pte. A.S.C.)(3)
Entered France 18.11.1915. Class Z 06.03.1919. Sold with copied M.I.C.
GVF/EF £65.00
1650 Private V.J. Couzens, Army Service Corps.
1914-15 Star; British War Medal; Victory Medal (M2-082590 Pte. A.S.C.)(3)
Victor was born in Hythe, Kent and enlisted 5.5.1915, age 19 years, 1 month. His trade described as motor
car driver. B.E.F. France 16.5.1915 to 20.10.1918. B.E.F. France 20.10.1918 to 14.12.1918. Gunshot wound
to the legs 8.11.1918, served 3 years, 333 days, also saw service with the Royal Warwickshire's.
GVF £85.00
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Dixon's Gazette
1651 Reverend A.A. Brockington, Army Chaplains Department.
1914-15 Star (Rev. A.C.D.); British War Medal; Victory Medal (Rev.)(3)
First served in France from 2nd October 1915, some notes with the group show attached to the 59th North
Midland Division. Original diary believed to be held at the Imperial War Museum collection, copies of some
pages with the group. He served 15 casualty clearing station R.A.M.C., June 1916, and with the 23rd
Brigade R.F.A. (3rd Division) June/ September 1916. Looks like a medical board report of his as 30th
September 1916, Nerve Ischemia, Silver War Badge issued 15.5.1917.
BROCKINGTON, Alfred Allen 'Univ. of Lon. B.A. (ist cl. Engl. Hist. Lang, and Lit.) 1891. Ph.D. 1931Bp's Univ. Lennox, M.A. 1898. d 1898, p 1899 B. and W. C. of Em. Ch. Weston-s.-Mare, 1898-99; Westons.-Mare 1899-1900; Twerton-on- Avon 1900-01 ; Mells, Somt. 1901-03 ; V. of Chilcompton 1903-05 ; C. of
St. M. Taunton, 1905-11 ; V. of Carhampton vi Rodhuish 1911-15 ; T.C.F. 1915- 19 ; C. of All SS.
Runcorn, Dio. Ches. from 1930. Served France from 02.10.1915. Silver War Badge A List 215. Address
1922 Castle Hill, Brockworth, Glouc.87, Canning-street, Liverpool.
Died 4.7.1938 and his obituary states he was educated at King Edwards School, Aston and Masons College.
In 1898 he obtained his M.A. at Bishops University, Canada and in 1931 (at the age of 59) he obtained a
PHD, (London) for his thesis 'Browning and the 20th century' from 1908 he was lecturer on English Lit at
Cambridge University board of extra mural studies, after teaching in England and Canada he became
headmaster Brynmelyn School, Weston Super Mare (1896), where he taught Sir Arthur Eddington, who
wrote of him, his return to be headmaster of the school, meant the transformation of those wearisome school
hours devoted to English into a time of joy and revolution.
AUTHOR, The Seven Signs ; The Parables of the Way, 1904 ; Old Testament Miracles in the Light of the
Gospel, 1907 ; The Mark of His Calling,1911 ; The Nazarene, 1921 ; Common Epiphany,1923 ; Gabriel A
Little Biography of an Angel,1923 ; Fools' Sojourning, 1926.
Died West Kirby 04.07.1938
Sold with a good resume of his career and many notes from various sources, some photocopies of notes he
appeared to make at some time, copied M.I.C., research and a photograph.
EF £395.00
1652 Captain L.D. Smith, Army Service Corps.
1914-15 Star (Lieut. A.S.C.); British War Medal; Victory Medal (Capt)(3)
Leonard Dudley Smith was born at 11, Westbourne Park Terrace, St Mary, Paddington 7.2.1873 son of
Richard Binney Smith, stockbroker. Medals sent to Dorothy Smith on 47, Bellside Square, Hampstead,
27.1.1921, Leonard having died age 46, 21.8.1919. (his trade also a stockbroker)
EF £110.00
1653 Driver W. Bentley, Royal Field Artillery.
1914-15 Star (1331 Dvr. R.F.A.); British War Medal; Victory Medal (1531 Dvr. R.A.)(3)
Served Egypt 4.6.15 in the Territorial Force R.F.A., also has numbers 1331 and 705599.
Sold with copied M.I.C.
GVF/EF £70.00
1654 Gunner G. Daft, Royal Artillery.
1914-15 Star; British War Medal; Victory Medal(3)
Entered France 17.07.1915. Sold with copied M.I.C.
VF/GVF £68.00
1655 Sergeant W. Wallis, Royal Field Artillery.
1914-15 Star (28866 Sjt. R.F.A.); British War Medal; Victory Medal (28866 Sjt. R.A.); Croix
de Guerre 1914-1915 France with Palm(4)
William was born in Wantage, berks and landed in France 17.7.1915.
He was wounded and died of wounds 18.4.1918, France and Flanders whilst serving in 'D; Battery, 298th
Brigade R.F.A. His next of kin his wife Mrs. S. Wallis of Market Drayton. He is buried in St. Pierre
Cemetery, Amiens. Awarded the French Croix de Gurre 17.8.1918 a postumate award.
Group mounted on a bar for display.
GVF/EF £350.00
Dixon's Gazette
Page 36
1656 Private H. Findlow, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry.
1914-15 Star; British War Medal; Victory Medal (1010 Pte.P.P.C.L.I)(3)
Sold with A Bronze Army Temperance medal for 6 months, a certificate from the St Johns Ambulance
Association, Canadian branch for "First aid to the injured" To Henry Findlow, Vancouver Jan 1932.
Picture which I believe of the New Colours which is the original artwork for the P.P.C.L.I. Colours, Ypres
1915-17 through to France and Flanders 1914-18 for a painting by F.A. MacPherson, A leather pocket
wallet inscribed in gilt with the Regimental Crest of P.P.C.L.I. from Evelyn Farquhar Xmas 1916, in
excellent condition, which is a combined leave, H.M. Forces railway ticket No A 73759 from Bootle,
Liverpool to France 25.11.15. to 2.12.15, signed by R.T. Pelly ? Lt Col. Lt. Col Farquhar having died of
wounds received at St Eloi in March 1915.
GVF/EF £180.00
1657 Warrant Officer Class II C.S.M. Couzens, Royal Engineers.
1914-15 Star (19055 Spr R.E. DUPLICATE); British War Medal (19055 2. Cpl R.E.
DUPLICATE); Victory Medal (19055 2. Cpl R.E. DUPLICATE); 1939-45 Star; Africa Star,
1 clasp, 1st Army; Italy Star; War Medal; Army Long Service and Good Conduct Medal
George V issue, 1st type 1911-1920 (19055 W.O C 2 R.E. DUPLICATE)(8)
A duplicate issue of his Trio and LS & GC, he probably lost his first ones during the second war. Served
France 11.8.1915, Quarter Master 8.4.1941, W/S/ Captain 8.4.1944.
Sold with regimental cap badge and old Comrades badge.
GVF/EF £130.00
1658 Private T. Kennyon, Royal Army Medical Corps.
1914-15 Star; British War Medal; Victory Medal (29166 Pte. R.A.M.C.); Coronation Medal
1937 In silver (90,000)(4)
Thomas served in France from 22.9.15. Group court mounted on a pin as worn, 1937 Coronation not
researched by us but appears 'not added'
VF £95.00
1659 Gunner F.G. Sandwell, Royal Garrison Artillery.
1914-15 Star (20692 Gnr. R.G.A.); British War Medal; Victory Medal (20692 Gnr. R.A.);
Army Long Service and Good Conduct Medal George V issue, 1st type 1911-1920 (1402185
Gnr. R.G.A.)(4)
Served France 28.9.1915.
VF/GVF £130.00
1660 Private S.A. Boulter, Army Cyclists Corps / 19th London Regiment.
1914-15 Star; British War Medal; Victory Medal (319. Pte. A. Cyc. Corps.); Territorial
Efficiency Medal 1921 George V issue (1339. Pte. 19/ Lond. R.)(4)
The 1-19th formed at St. Pancreas, City of London battalion, served France 16.3.1915.
EF £185.00
1661 2nd. Lieut. H.C.N. Daniell, Hertfordshire Yeomanry.
1914-15 Star (2nd Lieut. Herts. Yeo.); British War Medal; Victory Medal (2nd Lieut.); Safe
Driving Competition 5 Year Driving Award with dated bars, 1953,1954,1955,1957(4)
His M.I.C. shows him as Captain Hertfordshire Yeomanry and confirms the trio. The 1918 army list shows
him as Senior Lieutenant (Employed Ministry of Munitions) I June 1916.
His star application shows abroad September 1914. The Hertfordshire Yeomanry were present in Gallipoli,
1915 and Egypt 1915-16 and left the UK 10.9.1914 for Egypt proceeding to Gallipoli and joined the 2nd
Mounted Division.
December 1915 returned to Egypt and Western Front March 1916 when the regiment split up. Possibly
wounded Gallipoli and found a desk job in the UK as not fit for the front.
EF £230.00
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Dixon's Gazette
1662 Gunner J. Ivey, Royal Field Artillery.
1914-15 Star; Victory Medal (1265 Gnr. R.A.)(2)
Served France 22.11.15 M.I.C. shows Territorial.
VF/GVF £30.00
1663 Captain J. Briggs.
British War Medal; Victory Medal (Capt.)(2)
Served France and Belgium May 1916 to January 1917, wounded. 2.4.1918 to 11.11.1918. 9th Scots
Fusiliers then 2nd battalion attached to 1st battalion.
The only Captain listed in the 1918 army list.
EF £120.00
1664 Sergeant R. Love, East Kent Regiment.
British War Medal; Victory Medal (G- 3589. Sgt. E. Kent. R.)(2)
Served France 31.8.1915 and entitled to 1914/15 star, discharged 5.2.1919, with original ribbons.
GVF/EF £35.00
1665 Private C. Hurry, The Queen's (Royal West Surrey Regiment) Pioneer Corps.
British War Medal; Victory Medal (48620 Pte. The Queen's R.)(2)
EF £35.00
1666 Private H. Fielding, The King's (Liverpool Regiment).
British War Medal; Victory Medal (48709 Pte. L'Pool R.)(2)
Name on some rolls 'Feilding', born Lancashire 1895, enlisted 11.12.15. Suffer a gunshot wound to the
abdomen and vertebra 15.11.16. Discharged 1.10.17.
Sold with copied M.I.C, showing his entitlement to an S.W.B.
GVF/EF £55.00
1667 Private W.G. Bracey, Worcestershire Regiment.
British War Medal; Victory Medal (67243 Pte. Worc.R.)(2)
Sold with M.I.C. which confirms the pair only. A regimental Christmas/ New Year photograph card with
flags etc. Another with soldier and a young lady with the regimental crest embossed in gilt into card one
addressed to Miss J White, Church Lane Cottage, Swallowfield, Reading. An assortment of family photos,
some military, and a nice large one with horses inscribed.' Woolwich Green farm'.
GVF £65.00
1668 Private G.H. Goodwin, Huntingdonshire Cyclist Battalion.
British War Medal; Victory Medal (1367 Pte. Hunts. Cyc. Bn.)(2)
Also served with the Bedford and Liverpool regiment.
EF £65.00
1669 Lieutenant J.W Burrough, Royal Army Ordnance Corps.
British War Medal; Victory Medal (Lieut)(2)
James Walrond Burrough was born 11.3.1884 at Compton Chamberlayn, Wiltshire, the son of Reverend
Frederick Courtney Burrough, vicar of Compton Chamberlayn and grandson of James Walrowd Burrows
who was born in Vicarage House, Totnes, 6.11.1848.
Temporary Inspector Ordinance Machinery, 3rd Class.
EF £65.00
1670 Corporal J.L. Forster, Australian Imperial Force.
British War Medal; Victory Medal (318 ER/Cpl. 26/Bn. A.I.F.)(2)
Joseph was born in Morpeth, Northumberland and enlisted in Brisbane, Australia in the 26/Australian
Infantry with which he served as well as spells with the 7/Australian M.G.C.
He joined the Postal service at Etaples and transferred to the Australian base post office in London.
He returned to Australia 25.9.1919. Sold with copied Attestation papers.
GVF/EF £48.00
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Page 38
1671 Corporal S.B.D. Hurst, Royal Engineers.
British War Medal; Victory Medal; Territorial Force War Medal 1914-1919 (67822. Cpl.
R.E.); Territorial Force Efficiency Medal 1908 George V issue (403. Cpl - A. Sgt.R.E.)(4)
Samuel enlisted age 34 years, February 1915 at Bishops Stortford. He served with the B.E.F. form 2.4.1918
to 16.5.1918. Home address, 10 The Warrons, St Ives, Cornwall.
He had been serving with the 2nd Bn. Derbyshire Artillery, Territorial Battalion. Group court mounted for
display, sold with a copy of a letter asking for a transfer as a Signaller or Telegraphist which had been his
trade with the Midland Railway Company.
Also with copied medal roll cards.
GVF/EF £240.00
1672 2nd. Lieut. Rev. D. McArthur, Royal Highlanders.
British War Medal; Victory Medal (2nd. Lieut); Memorial Plaque (Dugald McArthur)(3)
All mounted in a fitted glazed display frame. Second Lieutenant the Rev. Dugald McArthur, born March
1886; educated at Glasgow University (MA 1908, BD 1911); Ordained, 13.5.1913, and served as Minister of
New Androssan Parish Church, Dumbartonshire; Commissioned Second Lieutenant, Royal Highlanders,
5.9.1916; served with the 2nd Battalion during the Great War in Mesopotamia from 22.3.1917; died of
wounds received during the attack on the Turkish Redoubt at the Battle of Istabulat, 21.4.1917, and is
commemorated on the Basra Memorial, Iraq.
Sold with copy photos and write ups. His ordination at New Androssan Church including photos etc taken
from a computer print
An important Black Watch Officer casualty sustained during the last battle of World War One in which a
serving soldier Black Watch won a Victoria Cross - Private Melvin.
EF £550.00
1673 Private A. Warren, Army Ordnance Corps / West Yorkshire Regiment.
British War Medal; Victory Medal (024597 Pte. A.O.C.); Silver War Services Badge 19141918 (B176545)(3)
Served with the Royal Army ordnance Corps and the West Yorkshire Regiment. Discharged 2nd April 1919
due to sickness. Sold with Silver War Services Badge, ribbon bar and copied roll pages. Enlisted 1.11.1916.
GVF £65.00
1674 Sergeant R. Walker, Army Service Corps.
British War Medal; Victory Medal; Croix de Guerre 1914-1918 Belgium(3)
Belgium, Croix de Guerre London Gazette 4 September 1919. 'T2-/12852 Sergeant Robert Walker, 35th
Divisional Train, Royal Army Service Corps.' Before the war Robert Walker was employed as a Miner at
the Astley Green Collieries, Lancashire.
Sold with original Protection Certificate; slip notifying the award of the Belgian Croix de Guerre and
'Clifton & Kersley Coal Co Ltd'. Letter of recommendation, together with copied gazette extracts and M.I.C.
Mounted on a bar as worn, his full entitlement.
VF £335.00
1675 Gunner S.F. Bourne, Royal Artillery.
British War Medal; Victory Medal; Croix de Guerre 1914-1918 Belgium(3)
Sidney was awarded the Belgium Croix de Guerre in the London Gazette 4.9.1918. His only other
entitlement was a War and Victory medal. Believed to be from Cuckfield in Surrey.
GVF/EF £300.00
1676 Private E.H. Good, Army Service Corps.
British War Medal; Victory Medal (M2-098889 Pte. A.S.C.); Croix de Guerre 1914-1917(3)
France, Croix de Guerre London Gazette 17 December 1917. 'M2/098889 Private Edwin Harold Good,
Army Service Corps (Wandsworth Common, S.W.).'
Sold with copied M.I.C. and L.G. pages.
VF £285.00
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Dixon's Gazette
1677 Captain J.P. Clarke.
British War Medal; Victory Medal (Capt.); Defence Medal; War Medal; Silver Jubilee Medal
1935 In silver (85,000); Coronation Medal 1937 In silver (90,000); Coronation Medal 1953;
Territorial Decoration 1908 George V issue(8)
Colonel J.P. Clarke, T.D., M.R., C.S., L.R.C.P., D.P.H., late T. Army Captain, 31st July 1916, verified on
the 1945 army list where he is listed as a military member of the West Lancashire Territorial Army
Association. No other information found during a brief look.
There are three others with the same initial and name ours a Captain, a Lieutenant in the Tanks and a 2nd
Lieutenant York's & Lancs and lastly a Deputy Director at the war office.
All eight medals mounted swing style on a six medal bar.
Choice EF £350.00
1678 Corporal J. Thompson, Yorkshire Hussars.
British War Medal; Victory Medal (3569 Pte. York. Hrs.); Territorial Force Efficiency Medal
1908 (1356 Cpl. York. Hrs. Yeo.)(3)
James Thompson also served in the West Yorkshire Regiment (235851). Sold with copy M.I.C.
GVF £200.00
1679 Private J.R. Berry, Army Service Corps.
British War Medal; Victory Medal; Khedive's Sudan Medal 1910-1922 2nd type 1918-1922
with fixed suspender, 1 clasp, Darfur 1916 officially, impressed (M2-138702 Pte. A.S.C.)(3)
Group verified on the roll
GVF/EF £850.00
1680 Private G. Upton, York and Lancaster Regiment.
British War Medal; Victory Medal (202397 Pte. Y. & L. R.); Rumanian Medaille de Barbatie
si Credinta 2nd Class(3)
L.G. 20.09.1919, 110 Medals 2nd Class issued to British Forces. Sold with copied L.G. pages and M.I.C.
GVF £590.00
1681 Company Quartermaster Sergeant E.W. Everitt, Army Service Corps.
British War Medal; Victory Medal (M2-136106 C.Q.M.Sjt. A.S.C.) with M.I.D. oakleaf;
Medal for Zeal Serbia, gilt based metal, unnamed, mounted as worn(3)
M.I.D. London Gazette 5 June 1919 (Salonika).
Serbia, Gold Medal for Zealous Service London Gazette 26 February 1920. 'M2/136106 Company
Quartermaster Serjeant Ernest William Everitt, 708th Mechanical Transport Company, Royal Army Service
Corps (Norwich).'
154 Serbian gold medals for Zeal awarded to British Forces. Sold with copied M.I.C. and L.G. pages.
EF £580.00
1682 Gunner R. Bywater, Royal Artillery.
Victory Medal; Territorial Force War Medal 1914-1919 (608208 Gnr. R.A.)(2)
Gunner /L/Bdr. Served in T. Bty. R.H.A.
GVF/EF £165.00
1683 Quarter Master Haq Nawaz, Royal Pakistan Artillery/ 19th Mountain battery.
General Service Medal 1918-1962 3rd issue George VI IND IMP:, 1 clasp, S.E. Asia 1945-46
unnamed; India General Service Medal 1936-1939, 1 clasp, North West Frontier 1936-37
(37897 Driver. 19 Mtn. Bty.); 1939-45 Star; Africa Star; Burma Star; Defence Medal; War
Medal; General Service Medal (Tamgha-i-Diffa) with 'Kashmir' 1948 clasp; Pakistan
Independence Medal 1947 (2825 QMH. R.P.A.)(9)
VF/GVF £150.00
Dixon's Gazette
Page 40
1684 Staff Sergeant E.S.H. Knight, Royal Artillery.
General Service Medal 1918-1962 3rd issue George VI IND IMP:, 1 clasp, Palestine 1945-48;
1939-45 Star; Africa Star, 1 clasp, 8th Army; Italy Star; France and Germany Star; War
Medal with M.I.D. Oakleaf; Dunkirk Veterans Medal Original French issue.(7)
A regular soldier who served from 1932 to January 1946 then re-joined August 1946 to August 1950.
He describes in colourful language his experience. Stationed in France with Fd Regt. R.A. 3rd Division
under Monty when "THE KITE WENT UP" on the 10 May 1940. The same afternoon attacked by Stukas.
The guns were facing the wrong way and the Bren guns were "tidily packed away." They were therefore
soon forced to retreat. After 3 weeks and approaching the coast he was ordered to destroy the vehicles and
spike the guns. Arrived at Dunkirk and after harassing experiences returned to the UK on a destroyer. He
later fought in the Western desert with the Desert Rats, took part in the Salerno and Casino landings, landed
in France on D.Day, fought his way across Europe (earning an MID) and to complete it all he served 3 years
in Palestine.
With original MID certificate (LG 10 May 1945) original certificate for the Dunkirk Veterans Medal, in
French. With typewritten description of events at Dunkirk; original WWII medal boxes; original army pay
EF £350.00
1685 Sergeant J.A. Wilson, Yorkshire Hussars, late Royal Tank Regiment.
General Service Medal 1918-1962 3rd issue George VI IND IMP:, 1 clasp, Palestine 1945-48
A and W of J.A. Wilson has been officially corrected; 1939-45 Star; Africa Star; France and
Germany Star; Defence Medal; War Medal; Campaign Service Medal 1962-2003, 3 clasps,
Borneo, Radfan, South Arabia; Army Long Service and Good Conduct Medal Elizabeth II
issue, 2nd type 'Dei Gratia' post 1954 with regular army bar; Efficiency Medal 1930 George
VI issue 'Ind Imp', bar Territorial(9)
A superb long service group Yorkshire Hussars/ Royal Tanks to a trooper who served in 'B' squadron
Yorkshire Hussars 3rd Troop, in the 1939 summer encampment and his photo in Palestine in the Fishhooks
photo collection.
He certainly saw much service in the Second World War later transferring to the Royal Tank Regiment,
with whom he served in Palestine. Radfan, Borneo and South Arabia. He appears to have served at least 25
years ending up a Sergeant.
The war in South Arabia/ Radfan was a particularly shocking one with many terrorist outrages against
civilian and military personnel, the military suffering 90 killed and over 500 wounded.
GVF £1175.00
1686 Warrant Officer Class 1 W.A.C. Mascord, Royal Army Service Corps.
General Service Medal 1918-1962 3rd issue George VI IND IMP:, 1 clasp, Palestine; 1939-45
Star; Africa Star; France and Germany Star; Defence Medal; War Medal; Coronation Medal
1937; Army Long Service and Good Conduct Medal George VI issue, 1st type 'Indiae Imp.'
1937-1948 with regular army bar (T-15551 W.O.Cl.1. R.A.S.C.)(8)
Served Palestine 21.9.1936 to 28.11.1936 (W.O.1) 49th Coy and was discharged to a commission 20.2.1940.
Born 26.4.1902, commissioned 9.3.1942, Major 26.5.1949, E.M.A.E. William Alfred Charles Mascord
retired R.E.M.E. 12.4.1954. Group mounted swing style as worn with a pin.
GVF/EF £280.00
1687 Private I.R. Hazzard, Wiltshire Regiment.
General Service Medal 1918-1962 3rd issue George VI IND IMP:, 1 clasp, Palestine; 1939-45
Star; Burma Star; Defence Medal; War Medal(5)
GVF/EF £175.00
1688 Fusilier H.J. Day, Royal Scots Fusiliers.
General Service Medal 1918-1962, 1 clasp, Palestine (6527111 Fsr. R.S.Fus); 1939-45 Star;
Defence Medal; War Medal(4)
Combination of medals suggest he could be a Dunkirk man.
EF £165.00
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Dixon's Gazette
1689 Sergeant A. Alexander, Seaforth Highlanders.
General Service Medal 1918-1962 3rd issue George VI IND IMP:, 1 clasp, Palestine
(2818453 Pte. Seaforth.); 1939-45 Star; War Medal; Army Long Service and Good Conduct
Medal George VI issue, 2nd type 'Fid.Def.' 1949-1953 with regular army bar (T/2818453 Sgt.
Sergeant Alexander is listed as being taken prisoner of war probably at Dunkirk by his combination of
medals. He was sent to Camp No.8A at Gorlitz. No other research.
GVF £285.00
1690 Lance Corporal Birbahadur, 1/2nd Gurkha Rifles.
General Service Medal 1918-1962 6th issue Elizabeth II DEI GRATIA:, 1 clasp, Brunei
(21151779 Rfn. Birbahadur Thapa 1/2 G.R.); Campaign Service Medal 1962-2003, 1 clasp,
Borneo (21151779 L/Cpl. Birbahadur Gurung 1/2 G.R.) Please note variation in name(2)
VF/GVF £265.00
1691 Sepoy Gulzar Khan, 4-16 Punjab Regiment.
India General Service Medal 1936-1939, 1 clasp, North West Frontier 1936-37 (7907 Sepoy
14-16 Punjab R.); 1939-45 Star; Africa Star, 1 clasp, 8th Army; Italy Star; Defence Medal(5)
VF/GVF £95.00
1692 Warrant Officer Class 1 P. Goodwin, Suffolk Regiment and R.A.O.C..
India General Service Medal 1936-1939, 1 clasp, North West Frontier 1937-39
(5826931L/Cpl Suff.R.); 1939-45 Star; Burma Star; Defence Medal; War Medal; General
Service Medal 1918-1962 3rd issue George VI IND IMP:, 1 clasp, S.E. Asia 1945-46 (582693
W.O. Cl.1 R.A.O.C.); Coronation Medal 1953(7)
A nice combination of medals, Sub-conductor Store Branch 1452.
GVF/EF £330.00
1693 Subadar Bhagwan Singh, 2-4 Bombay Grenadiers / 2nd Bn Indian Grenadiers.
India General Service Medal 1936-1939, 1 clasp, North West Frontier 1936-37 (10626 Naik.
2-4 Bombay Grs.); 1939-45 Star; Burma Star; War Medal; India Service Medal 1939-1945;
General Service Medal 1918-1962 3rd issue George VI IND IMP:, 1 clasp, S.E. Asia 1945-46
(I.O. 15109 Subdr. 2nd. Bn. Ind. Grs.); Independance Medal India 1947(7)
Group mounted court style for wear with a pin.
VF/GVF £155.00
1694 Rifleman Padam Gurung, 4- Gurkha Rifles.
1939-45 Star; Africa Star; Italy Star; Defence Medal; War Medal; Independence Medal India
1947 (46609 RFN- 4 G.R.)(6)
All stars and medals named. Group mounted court style for wear with a pin.
GVF/EF £55.00
1695 Warrant Officer Class II Jumaine Lakalaka, King's African Rifles.
1939-45 Star; Africa Star; Defence Medal; War Medal; General Service Medal 1918-1962 4th
issue George VI DEI GRA:, 1 clasp, Malaya (N.53460. W.O.P.C. K.A.R.); Army Long
Service and Good Conduct Medal Elizabeth II, Commonwealth issue, 2nd type 'Dei Gratia'
post 1954 with Rhodesia & Nysaland (N.53460. W.O.P.C. )(6)
The Long Service & Good Conduct medal was gazetted on the 25th May 1962.
GVF/EF £475.00
1696 Captain N.S. Kenning, Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers.
1939-45 Star; Africa Star; Defence Medal; War Medal; General Service Medal 1918-1962 4th
issue George VI DEI GRA:, 1 clasp, Malaya ( W.O.Cl.2. R.E.M.E); Efficiency Medal 1930
George VI issue 'Ind Imp', bar Territorial (6898393 R.E.M.E.), number officially corrected(6)
Captain N.S. Kenning served at H.Q. R.E.M.E. Central Inspectorate, from 4.11.1952.
VF/GVF £165.00
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1697 Trooper J. Hall, Yorkshire Hussars.
1939-45 Star; Africa Star; Defence Medal; War Medal; Efficiency Medal 1930 George VI
issue 'Fid Def', bar Territorial(5)
GVF/EF £220.00
1698 Corporal A.R.Henry, South African Medical Corps.
1939-45 Star (30164); Africa Star, 1 clasp, 8th Army (30164); War Medal (30164); Africa
Service Medal 1939-1945 (30164); Efficiency Medal 1930 George VI issue bilingual bar
Union of South Africa (30164 Cpl. S.A.M.C.)(5)
GVF/EF £145.00
1699 Major R.L. Heath, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders.
1939-45 Star; Pacific Star, 1 clasp, Burma; Defence Medal; War Medal; Shanghai Municipal
Council Emergency Medal 1937 Bronze eight pointed star with ring suspension(5)
Attributed to Major R.L. Heath Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, with official letter dated 1948,
confirming his rank on relinquishing his commission as Honoury Major.
No details of the Shanghai Municipal medal available but worthy of further research by museum sources
and perhaps an obituary.
GVF/EF £375.00
1700 Lance Dafadar Zabte Khan, Indian Army Service Corps (Animal Transport).
1939-45 Star; Burma Star; Defence Medal; War Medal (180828 L/Dfdr. R.I.A.S.C. (A.T).;
Independence Medal India 1947 (180828 Nk. ASC-AT.); Indian Army Sainya Seva 1960,
Jammu & Kashmir (180888. L.Nk. Zabate Khan. A.S.C. (A.T.)(6)
Last two officially impressed.
VF/GVF £55.00
1701 Subadar Purna Bahadur Thapa, 3rd Goorkha Regiment.
1939-45 Star; Burma Star; War Medal (10214 W/S/Nk. 3 G.R.); General Service Medal 19181962 3rd issue George VI IND IMP:, 1 clasp, S.E. Asia 1945-46 (10214 Nk. 3-3 G.R.);
Independence Medal India 1947; Indian Army Sainya Seva 1960, Jammu & Kashmir; Indian
Army Raksha Medal 1965 (JC-11567. Sub. 3 G.R.)(7)
Group mounted court style for wear. All medals and stars officially named.
GVF £110.00
1702 Unnamed.
1939-45 Star; France and Germany Star; Defence Medal; War Medal; Efficiency Decoration
1930 Elizabeth II issue bar Territorial reverse dated 1963(5)
EF £110.00
1704 Corporal R.S. Couzens.
1939-45 Star; France and Germany Star; Defence Medal; War Medal; Boxing Medal (Bugler
Couzens R.E. 1941); Physical Training Medal (Bugler Couzens R.E. 1941)(6)
All the medals are named, sold with a Royal Engineers Cap badge.
GVF/EF £48.00
1705 Warrant Officer Class II A. Hearne, Royal Artillery.
Defence Medal; Army Long Service and Good Conduct Medal George VI issue, 1st type
'Indiae Imp.' 1937-1948 with regular army bar (1423049 Sjt. R.A.); Army Meritorious Service
Medal George VI issue 'Ind.Imp' obverse (1423049 W.O.Cl 2. R.A.)(3)
EF £260.00
We carry a large stock of Museum Quality Copy Medals
See the rear of the Gazette for further details or contact us
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Dixon's Gazette
1703 Sapper J. Hickenbottom, Royal Engineers.
1939-45 Star; France and Germany Star; Defence Medal; War Medal; Efficiency Medal 1930
George VI issue 'Ind Imp', bar Territorial (2076093 Spr. R.E.); Dunkirk Veterans Medal(6)
John Hickenbottom was born in 1921 the third son of G.S. Hickenbottom, of 99 Mount Street, Hedensford,
who was a miner at West Cannock number 5; he was also the son of a miner G.S. Hickenbottom who lived
at Leacroft Cottages, Cannock.
In 1939 he joined the Territorial Army at Cannock 213, Field Coy Engineers, for the extra money and camps
as holidays. Whilst he was at camp in 1939 war was declared and the unit was ordered to France. They
served with the French at the Maginot Line and he was one of the 213 Company to get back from France. He
was helping the wounded and was ordered to return with them. In 1941 he went to Iceland for 19 months
where he was taught to operate steam cranes classed a stevedore, on his return he was transferred to 1028
port opp cpy for the invasion to France. He served on the Mullbey harbour, he was also clearing mines for
the commandoes at the village of Carne.
On his demob in 1946 he returned to Hedensford and the pit living at Plantation road, Pye Green, he worked
underground for a while then went above ground working on cranes and loading pit trucks. He received a
certificate from the N.C.B. for 40 years' service in the 1980s and died October 2001
Sold with Dunkirk Association papers and award scroll, service pay book and various photos, extracts from
the war diary of the 213 army field company for June 1940 which lists casualties and P.O.W.s, also original
GVF/EF £160.00
1706 Fusilier B. Jackson, Royal Northumberland Fusiliers.
Korea Medal 1950-1953 1st type Elizabeth II Dei: Gra: Brit: Omn: (22362479 Fus. RNF);
United Nations Korea Service Medal 1950-1954(2)
GVF £265.00
1707 Private J. Carroll, Leicestershire Regiment.
Korea Medal 1950-1953 1st type Elizabeth II Dei: Gra: Brit: Omn:; United Nations Korea
Service Medal 1950-1954(2)
EF £325.00
1708 Private A.J. Hemmings, Royal Military Police.
Korea Medal 1950-1953 1st type Elizabeth II Dei: Gra: Brit: Omn:; United Nations Korea
Service Medal 1950-1954(2)
EF £325.00
1709 Fusilier R. Kearsley, Royal Northumberland Fusiliers.
Korea Medal 1950-1953 2nd type Elizabeth II Dei: Gratia: (4976415 Fus., R.N.F.); United
Nations Korea Service Medal 1950-1954(2)
Was a WW2 P.O.W.
GVF £325.00
1710 Private G.W. Harrison, King's Own Scottish Borderers.
Korea Medal 1950-1953 1st type Elizabeth II Dei: Gra: Brit: Omn:; Korean United Nations
Gordon was born 5.5.1932 and enlisted 21.9.1950 for 2 years. Killed in Action 27.3.1952, hometown
Bootle, Lancs.
Sold with photo of the recipient, Soldiers Record Books, photo of War Grave Various correspondence from
the Military, Dog Tag, and box of issue for the UN medal.
EF £1150.00
1711 Trooper J.B. Chadwick, Royal Armoured Corps.
Korea Medal 1950-1953 1st type Elizabeth II Dei: Gra: Brit: Omn:; Korean United Nations
GVF £295.00
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Page 44
1712 Sergeant L.P. Green, Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers.
Campaign Service Medal 1962-2003, 1 clasp, Northern Ireland; Gulf War Medal 1990-1991,
1 clasp, 16 Jan to 28 Feb 1991 (24693803 LCpl. REME); NATO Medal 1992, in bronze, 1
clasp, Kosovo; NATO Medal 1992, in bronze, 1 clasp, Former Yugoslavia; Golden Jubilee
Medal 2002; Army Long Service and Good Conduct Medal Elizabeth II, Commonwealth
issue, 2nd type 'Dei Gratia' post 1954 with regular army bar (24693803 Sgt. REME.)(6)
Group court mounted for wear with a pin.
GVF/EF £360.00
1713 Corporal A.M. Sprake, Royal Engineers.
Campaign Service Medal 1962-2003, 1 clasp, Northern Ireland (24700616 Spr. R.E.); United
Nations medal for Bosnia, UNPROFOR; NATO Medal 1992, in bronze, 1 clasp, Former
Yugoslavia; Iraq Medal (Operation Telic), 1 clasp, 19 Mar to 28 Apr 2003 (24700616 Cpl.
R.E.); Golden Jubilee Medal 2002; Army Long Service and Good Conduct Medal Elizabeth
II, Commonwealth issue, 2nd type 'Dei Gratia' post 1954 with regular army bar (24700616
LCpl. R.E.)(6)
Group court mounted with a pin for wear.
GVF/EF £360.00
1714 Private M.J. Dainty, Royal Logistics Corps.
Campaign Service Medal 1962-2003, 1 clasp, Northern Ireland; Operational Service Medal, 1
clasp, Afghanistan; Iraq Medal (Operation Telic), 1 clasp, 19 Mar to 28 Apr 2003 (25119007
Pte. RLC)(3)
With boxes of issue.
EF £395.00
1715 Sergeant K.A.S. Rhodes, Prince of Wales Own/ Yorks.
Campaign Service Medal 1962-2003, 1 clasp, Northern Ireland (25023679 Pte. PWO.); Iraq
Medal (Operation Telic) no clasp; Golden Jubilee Medal 2002; Accumulated Campaign
Service Medal 1995; Army Long Service and Good Conduct Medal Elizabeth II,
Commonwealth issue, 2nd type 'Dei Gratia' post 1954 with regular army bar (25023679 Sgt.
GVF/EF £580.00
1716 Corporal T.W. Harrison, Royal Engineers.
Gulf War Medal 1990-1991, 1 clasp, 16 Jan to 28 Feb 1991 (24700902 LCpl. R.E.);
Campaign Service Medal 1962-2003, 1 clasp, Northern Ireland (24700902 Cpl. R.E.); United
Nations medal for Bosnia, UNPROFOR (24700902 Cpl. R.E.); Iraq Medal (Operation Telic),
1 clasp, 19 Mar to 28 Apr 2003 (24700902 Cpl. R.E.); Golden Jubilee Medal 2002; Army
Long Service and Good Conduct Medal Elizabeth II issue, 2nd type 'Dei Gratia' post 1954
with regular army bar (24700902 Cpl. R.E.)(6)
Group court mounted for wear with a pin.
GVF/EF £520.00
1717 Corporal M.C Devlin, Royal Signals.
Gulf War Medal 1990-1991, 1 clasp, 16 Jan to 28 Feb 1991 (24854723 Sig. R. Signals.0;
United Nations medal for Bosnia, UNPROFOR; NATO Medal 1992, in bronze, 1 clasp,
Kosovo; NATO Medal 1992, in bronze, 1 clasp, Former Yugoslavia; Iraq Medal (Operation
Telic), 1 clasp, 19 Mar to 28 Apr 2003 (24854723 Cpl. R. Signals.); Golden Jubilee Medal
EF £450.00
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Dixon's Gazette
1718 Sapper P.T. McNeal, Royal Engineers.
NATO Medal 1992, in bronze clasp ISAF; Operational Service Medal Afghanistan, 1 clasp,
Afghanistan (25200507 Spr. R.E.)(2)
EF £220.00
1719 Craftsman S.A. Connolly, Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers.
Operational Service Medal Afghanistan, 1 clasp, Afghanistan; Iraq Medal (Operation Telic)
(25116580 Cfn. REME)(2)
EF £320.00
1720 Guardsman J.D. Kemp, Grenadier Guards.
European Security and Defence Policy Service Medal, 1 clasp, Althea; Iraq Medal (Operation
Telic) no clasp; Operational Service Medal Afghanistan Ribbon (25182425 Gdsm. Gren
EF £400.00
1721 Squadron Leader J.A Mulford, Royal Air Force.
India General Service Medal 1908-1935, 2 clasps, North West Frontier 1930-31, Mohmand
1933 (370300. L.A.C. R.A.F.); 1939-45 Star; Defence Medal; War Medal with M.I.D. Oak
Leaf; Royal Air Force Long Service and Good Conduct Medal 1919 George VI issue, 1st
type, IND:IMP(5)
Born 21.6.1907, served in Afghanistan Mohmand 1933 and N.W.F. 1930-31, a nice combination of clasps to
the R.A.F. He was first commissioned in the Technical Branch (Signals) 25.3.1942. Flight Officer 1.7.1943,
F/L (Temporary). 1.7.1945 F/L/ (W.S) 21.1.1946 retired retaining rank of Squadron Leader. LS & GC
awarded prior to 1946. Mentioned in Despatches 1.1.1946, believed died 27.2.1985.
Sold with copied London Gazette supplements, outlining recipients awards, details of career and service
identity tags
EF £695.00
1722 Private W.J. Bond, Royal Flying Corps/ Royal Engineers.
1914 Star with original Mons clasp (24277. Pnr. R.E.); British War Medal; Victory Medal
(77683. Pte. R.F.C.)(3)
Air Mechanic 2nd Class W. J. Bond, Royal Flying Corps, late Royal Engineers, who was killed in action
while serving as an Observer in No. 70 Squadron in April 1917, his Sopwith Strutter falling victim to "Blue
Max" holder Oberleutnant Fritz Bernert.
William James Bond was born at Lower Weston, near Bath, and enlisted in the Royal Engineers in March
1913, aged 18 years. Embarked for France as a Pioneer in the 51st Field Company, R.E., in mid-August
1914, he transferred to the Royal Flying Corps in April 1917, when he joined No. 70 Squadron, a Sopwith
Strutter unit operating out of Fienvilliers.
His appointment was short-lived, for his aircraft, piloted by 2nd Lieutenant Clive Halse, was shot down in
flames over Vaucelles during a reconnaissance flight to Cambrai on 24 April, their fate being witnessed by a
fellow squadron officer, 2nd Lieutenant N. C. Seward.
Modern references further confirm that their aircraft was one of five victims claimed in a single action that
day, the whole by Oberleutnant Fritz Bernert of Jasta 2 - a record.
Bernert had been awarded the Pour Le Merite the previous day and raised score to 28 'kills' before his death
in October 1918.
Bond was buried next to his pilot in Honnechy British Military Cemetery; sold with copied research.
VF/GVF £650.00
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Page 46
1723 Leading Mechanic S.A. Bennett, Royal Naval Air Service.
1914-15 Star (F.9200 A.M 2 R.N.A.S.); British War Medal; Victory Medal (F.9200 L.M
Born 1896, Old Windsor, Berks. Enlisted 13-15 11.1915 Air Mechanic 2nd Class, trade a carpenter. Leading
Mechanic 1.8.1917, transferred to the R.A.F. 1st April 1918 Corporal Mechanic No. 209200.
GVF £245.00
1724 Sergeant R. Angus, Royal Air Force.
General Service Medal 1918-1962 4th issue George VI DEI GRA:, 1 clasp, Bomb and Mine
Clearance 1945-49 (550659. Sgt. R.A.F.); 1939-45 Star; Defence Medal; War Medal;
Canadian Forces Decoration 1949 George VI issue ( Sgt R. Angus.) with 2nd award clasp(5)
Mounted Court style as worn.
GVF/EF £650.00
1725 Acting Corporal H.A. Simpson, Royal Air Force.
General Service Medal 1918-1962 6th issue Elizabeth II DEI GRATIA:, 1 clasp, Cyprus
(4133585. A.C.I. R.A.F.); Campaign Service Medal 1962-2003, 1 clasp, Malay Peninsula (X
4133585. S.A.C. R.A.F.); Royal Air Force Long Service and Good Conduct Medal 1919
Elizabeth II issue, 2nd type, without BR:OMN (X 4133585. A.Cpl. R.A.F.)(3)
Group mounted Court style for wear.
VF/GVF £175.00
1726 Flight Officer R.K. Smith, Royal Air Force.
1939-45 Star; Atlantic Star; France and Germany Star; Defence Medal; War Medal with
M.I.D. oak leaf; Air Efficiency Award 1942 George VI issue(6)
M.I.D. L.G. 1.1.1946, page 101, sold with copy page.
EF £200.00
1727 Senior Technician T. Farrally, Royal Air Force.
1939-45 Star; Africa Star, 1 clasp, North Africa 1942-43; Italy Star; France and Germany
Star; War Medal; Royal Air Force Long Service and Good Conduct Medal 1919 Elizabeth II
issue, 2nd type, without BR:OMN (526296 Snr. Tech. R.A.F.)(6)
Group mounted swing style for wear with a pin.
VF/GVF £110.00
1728 Flight Sergeant G. Poole, 62 Squadron. Royal Air Force.
1939-45 Star; Pacific Star; War Medal (955799 F/Sgt. R.A.F.)(3)
WW2 RAF Attributed Far East Casualty Group of Three Medals. This group is attributed to 955799 Flight
Sergeant Geoffrey Poole who was killed with 62 Squadron. Each medal is privately named '955799 F/Sgt G.
Poole RAF'. Accompanied by original forwarding condolence slip with typed name "FLIGHT SERGEANT
G. POOLE". 955799 Flight Sergeant Geoffrey Poole was killed in action on the 14th February 1942 and is
commemorated on the Singapore Memorial. He was the son of Arthur and Elsie Poole of Palfrey, Walsall,
EF £95.00
1729 Flight Lieutenant R.J. Williams, Royal Air Force.
1939-45 Star; France and Germany Star; Defence Medal; War Medal; General Service Medal
1918-1962 6th issue Elizabeth II DEI GRATIA: 1 clasp, Cyprus; Campaign Service Medal
1962-2003, 1 clasp, Radfan (Flt.Lt. R.A.F.)(6)
GVF/EF £350.00
Immediate Payment
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Dixon's Gazette
1730 Sergeant S.L. Wright, Royal Air Force.
Campaign Service Medal 1962-2003, 1 clasp, Northern Ireland (D1960728 Cpl. R.A.F.); Gulf
War Medal 1990-1991, 1 clasp, 16 Jan to 28 Feb 1991 (Sgt (D1960728) R.A.F.); Royal Air
Force Long Service and Good Conduct Medal 1919 Elizabeth II issue, 2nd type, without
BR:OMN (Sgt (D1960728) R.A.F.)(3)
GVF/EF £330.00
1731 Senior Aircraftman M.J. Fraser, Royal Air Force.
Campaign Service Medal 1962-2003, 1 clasp, Air Operations Iraq in named card box of issue;
Golden Jubilee Medal 2002 in named card box of issue(2)
EF £485.00
1732 British Constable K. Bourne, Palestine Police.
General Service Medal 1918-1962 3rd issue George VI IND IMP:, 1 clasp, Palestine; 1939-45
Star; Atlantic Star; Italy Star; War Medal(5)
EF £175.00
1733 Sergeant John S.F. Hill, Special Constabulary.
Defence Medal; Special Constabulary Long Service Medal 1919 George VI issue, 2nd type, 2
clasps, Long Service, 1948, Long Service, 1957(2)
John Hill would have received his Long Service Medal (Number 167 Nottingham on the box) in about 193738 serving as a Sergeant.
I suspect over the next 20 years he would have received promotion particularly during the 2nd War, where
he was probably kept very busy. His Defence medal was addressed to him at number 3, Mansfield Court,
Mansfield Road, Nottingham and a presentation wooden shield, West Bridgford Urban District Council to
Councillor J.S.F. Hill 1952-1969, twice Chairman of the Council 1957-58 and 1967-68
EF £65.00
1734 Unnamed.
Coronation Medal 1902 In silver (3493); Territorial Decoration 1908 Edward VII issue H.M
London 1905(2)
VF/GVF £210.00
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Page 48
Most Noble Order of the Garter
1735 K.G., a Victorian Garter, circa 1850-60, the blue silk Garter with legend embroidered
in gilt wire letters, silver-gilt buckle.
Provenance: Granville George Leveson-Gower, 2nd Earl Granville (1815-91), nominated 6 July 1857;
Sotheby, January 1977, and Glendining, December 1989. Earl Granville represented Queen Victoria at Tsar
Alexander II's Coronation in 1856 and was created K.G. the following year. A Member of Parliament from
1836, he served as Secretary of State for the Colonies, 1868-70, and as Foreign Secretary, 1870-74 & 188085 in Gladstone's first two administrations. His first period as Foreign Secretary coincided with the FrancoPrussian War of 1870-71, when he tried unsuccessfully to arrange an armistice.
Very Fine £2150.00
Most Honourable Order of the Bath
1736 Knight Commander K.C.B., (military) star, embroidered Military Division, Knights
Commander's Investment Star 68.5mm.
Attributed to Sir William Parker who was appointed K.C.B. in July 1834.
A fine quality star GVF/EF £550.00
1737 Knight Commander K.C.B. (military), neck badge in silver-gilt and enamel and breast
star in silver, gold and enamel 1911-1920 period, with neck ribbon, in Garrard case of issue.
A superb pair. EF £2950.00
1738 Knight Commander K.C.B., (military) breast star in silver, gold and enamels R. & S.
Garrard & Co., Panton Street London, early 1860's.
EF £1600.00
1739 Companion C.B., (military) breast badge in 18ct gold and enamel Hallmarked London
1868, minor enamel flake to one arm of cross on reverse, converted for neck wear.
GVF £1550.00
1740 Companion C.B., (military) neck badge in silver-gilt and enamel Converted to neck
badge, complete with short neck ribbon and a full neck ribbon, in Garrard and Co. case of
1741 Companion C.B., (military) neck badge in silver-gilt and enamel Complete with neck
ribbon in Garrard & Co , London case of issue.
1742 Companion C.B., (civil) neck badge in silver-gilt Converted for neck wear, hallmark
for London 1895, with full neck ribbon.
Choice EF £320.00
1743 Companion C.B., (civil) breast badge in silver-gilt Hallmark for London 1898, with
swivel ring suspension and top ribbon buckle, in Garrard & Co. case of issue.
EF £465.00
Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George
1744 Knights Commander K.C.M.G., neck badge in silver-gilt and enamel (Larger Type)
EF £1200.00
1745 Knights Commander K.C.M.G., neck badge in silver-gilt and enamel and breast star in
silver, gold and enamel Uncased, smaller type.
Choice EF £2200.00
1746 Knights Commander K.C.M.G., neck badge in silver-gilt and enamel and breast star in
silver, gold and enamel Larger type.
EF £2200.00
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Dixon's Gazette
Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George Cont.
1747 Knights Commander K.C.M.G., neck badge in silver-gilt and enamel and breast star in
silver, gold and enamel Smaller type, in original Garrard & Co case of issue.
EF £2350.00
1748 Companions C.M.G., breast badge in silver-gilt and enamel Converted to a neck
badge, with full neck ribbon, in Garrard & Co. case of issue.
GVF/EF £495.00
1749 Companions C.M.G., neck badge in silver-gilt and enamel
Sold in damaged case of issue but serviceable.
EF £525.00
1750 Companions C.M.G., neck badge in silver-gilt and enamel Converted from a Breast
EF £485.00
Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire
1751 Companions C.I.E., 3rd issue (smaller size) neck badge, 18ct gold and enamel
EF £950.00
Royal Victorian Order
1752 Knights Commanders K.C.V.O. breast star, silver, silver gilt and enamel, reverse
numbered 1142.
GVF/EF £700.00
1753 Knights Grand Cross G.C.V.O., breast star Silver and enamel, with gold retaining pin,
reverse officially numbered '149', 1920 to 1930 period.
GVF/EF £1500.00
1754 Knights Commanders K.C.V.O., neck badge and breast star Silver- gilt and enamel,
the reverse officially numbered 'K127' in Collingwood, London case of issue.
Sold with a Central Chancery letter confirming that the above numbered set of insignia was bestowed upon
Sir Victor Corkran, K.C.V.O. (1873-1934), in July 1926, for his services as Comptroller and Treasurer of
H.R.H. Princess Beatrice's Household.
EF £1850.00
1755 Knights Commanders K.C.V.O., neck badge Reverse numbered K12.
I believe 1901 to 1902 period.
It seems to be fact that the Order started numbering the issues of medals in July 1901 and based on a record
we have for number 3 issue and its recipient we have tied down to 2 or 3 people.
Further details with the medal.
NEF £600.00
1756 Members M.V.O., 4th class breast badge Unnumbered, late Victorian, about 18951900 period.
GVF/EF £375.00
1757 Members M.V.O., 5th class breast badge Reverse officially numbered '303'.
VF/GVF £335.00
1758 Knights Grand Cross G.C.V.O., breast star Knights Grand Cross G.C.V.O., sash badge
Numbered '842' on the reverse..
Possibly issued in the 1950s or 1960s.
EF £2200.00
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Page 50
Royal Victorian Medal
1759 Edward VII issue in silver Unnamed as issued.
GVF/EF £275.00
1760 George V issue in silver Unnamed as issued.
EF £200.00
1761 George VI issue 2nd type, FID: DEF: in silver Unnamed as issued.
Edge bruise 4.0 VF £185.00
Most Excellent Order of the British Empire
1762 Knights Commanders K.B.E., neck badge and breast star 1st type (civil) Uncased.
EF £1100.00
1763 Knights Commanders K.B.E., neck/breast badge and star 2nd type (military) In
Garrard & Co case of issue.
1764 Commanders C.B.E., neck badge 1st type (military or civil) Gentlemen's issue.
EF £350.00
1765 Commanders C.B.E., neck badge 2nd type (military or civil) Gentlemen's issue.
EF £350.00
1766 Officers O.B.E., 1st type (military or civil) Gentlemen's issue. Silver-gilt. Various
EF Uncased £120 Cased £130.00
1767 Officers O.B.E., 1st type (military or civil) Ladies' issue on a bow Silver-gilt. Various
EF Uncased £120 Cased £130.00
1768 Officers O.B.E., 2nd type (military or civil) GVI or early EIIR. Ladies issue on a bow.
EF Uncased £120 Cased £130.00
1769 Officers O.B.E., 2nd type (military or civil) Gentlemen's issue. EIIR. Gilt.
EF Uncased £85 Cased £95.00
1770 Officers O.B.E., 2nd type (military or civil) Ladies' issue on a bow EIIR. Gilt.
EF Uncased £85 Cased £95.00
1771 Members M.B.E., 1st type (military or civil) Gentlemen's issue. Silver. Various
EF Uncased £120 Cased £130.00
1772 Members M.B.E., 1st type (military or civil) Ladies' issue on a bow Silver. Various
EF Uncased £120 Cased £130.00
1773 Members M.B.E., 2nd type (civil) In Royal Mint box of issue, Rhodium Plated.
EF £130.00
1774 Members M.B.E., 2nd type (military or civil) EIIR. Gentlemen's issue. Silvered.
EF Uncased £85 Cased £95.00
1775 Members M.B.E., 2nd type (military or civil) GVI or early EIIR. Ladies issue on a
bow. Silver.
EF Uncased £120 Cased £130.00
1776 Members M.B.E., 2nd type (military or civil). EIIR Ladies' issue on a bow Silvered.
EF Uncased £85 Cased £95.00
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Dixon's Gazette
Medal of the Order of the British Empire
1777 Military In John Pinches case of issue and the original envelope of issue.
John enlisted on 26.10.1914 age 25, a solicitor's clerk, at Clifford Fort, North Shields, in the Tyne Electrical
Engineers. Served France and Flanders from 25.8.1915 and awarded the 1914-15 star trio. Rank in 1918
Sold with a good set of papers which confirms his Medal of the O.B.E., L.G. 23rd January 1920.
'In recognition of valuable service rendered in connection with military operations in France and Flanders',
also with the original registered envelope from the war office, addressed to Mr.J. Scott O.B.E. 34, Nunns
Moor Road, Fenham, Newcastle on Tyne, wax seal and stamp (2d) still intact.
EF £495.00
1778 Civil unnamed
Choice EF £400.00
British Empire Medal
1779 G.VI.R., GRI cypher (civil) Foreman Wilfred G. Smith.
L.G. 24.06.1946 Foreman of Storehouses, H.M. Naval Victualling Depot, Sydney.
EF £350.00
1780 E.II.R. (civil) Eveline Annie, Mrs Willis.
B.E.M Civil L.G. 15.6.1974, Street group Collector Armagh.
GVF £175.00
1781 E.II.R. (civil) Miss Violet May Emms. On Lady's bow.
A Drawing Office Assistant at the National Physical Laboratory in the Department of Scientific and
Industrial Research. London Gazette 31 May 1956.
GVF/EF £185.00
1782 E.II.R. (civil) George William Foster. In original Royal Mint case of issue.
L.G. 31.12.1986, George William Foster, Chief Officer 1, H.M. Prison, Leeds.
EF £200.00
Knight Bachelor's Badge
1783 1st type breast badge in silver-gilt and enamel Hallmarked London1926.
EF £450.00
1784 2nd type breast badge in silver-gilt and enamel Hallmarked for London 1933, in case
of issue.
EF £450.00
1785 2nd type breast badge in silver-gilt and enamel Hallmark, London 1948.
EF £450.00
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Page 52
Distinguished Service Order, with original ribbon bar and pin
1786 G.V.R Silver gilt and enamel.
EF £1095.00
1787 G.V.R In Garrard & Co. original case of issue.
Choice EF £1150.00
1788 G.V.R Silver gilt and enamel.
GVF/EF £1000.00
Distinguished Service Order, with original ribbon bar and top bar slider for mounting
1789 G.VI.R., 1st type (1938-1948), dated 1944, minor flake to reverse central red enamel,
hardly noticeable.
NEF £1900.00
1790 G.VI.R., 1st type (1938-1948) Dated 1945.
EF £1950.00
Imperial Service Order
1791 Elizabeth 11 issue, silver, gold and enamel Hallmark for Birmingham 1951.
EF £300.00
1792 Edward VII issue, silver-gilt and enamel Companion's (I.S.O.) breast Badge, silver,
gold applique, and enamel.
EF £320.00
1793 George VI issue, silver-gilt and enamel Hallmarks for Birmingham 1949, in
Elkington, London, case of issue.
EF £375.00
Indian Order of Merit
1794 2nd class, reverse engraved on three lines '2nd class Order of Merit '. 38mm in
diameter (military), 1st type, military, silver-gilt and enamel. Pre 1912 issue.
1827 -1912 approximately 130 second class awarded, Rare.
GVF £2000.00
1795 2nd class, reverse engraved '2nd class'. 38mm in diameter (military) in silver Pre
WW1 1912-1914.
GVF/EF £650.00
Royal Red Cross
1796 Edward VII issue, 1st class in silver-gilt and enamel Mounted on a ladies bow.
EF £975.00
1797 Elizabeth II issue, 1st class in silver-gilt and enamel An undated example, in Garrard
case of issue on a ladies bow.
EF £350.00
1798 Elizabeth II issue, 1st class in silver-gilt and enamel Reverse dated '1959', on a ladies
GVF/EF £400.00
1799 George V issue, 2nd class in silver and enamel Mounted on a ladies bow with pin, on
Garrard & Co. case of issue.
GVF/EF £180.00
1800 George VI issue, 2nd class, 1st type GRI in silver and enamel Reverse dated '1945' on
a ladies Bow, in Garrard & Co. case of issue.
EF £300.00
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Dixon's Gazette
Military Cross
1801 G.V.R With original 2nd award clasp and pin, in case of issue.
EF £950.00
1802 G.V.R Mounted on an original pin, uncased.
EF £575.00
1803 G.V.R Contemporary engraved on the reverse 'Thomas Luke Jones Cambrai Oct. 6.-7
Born in Burnham, Bucks 4.9.1881, he is listed as a solicitors clerk in the 1901 census. Military cross
awarded 15th February 1919, Temporary 2nd Lieutenant, R.A.S.C. Attd 20 siege battery R.G.A. Entitled to
the War Medal and Victory medal only.
'For consistent gallantry and devotion to duty during operations at Cambrai form 22 September to 6 October
1918, especially on the night of 6/7 October, at Raillencourt, when during very heavy shell fire and bombing
activities, he brought up a forward section of gun tractors and ammunition lorries under extremely difficult
conditions.He was severely wounded as a result of an airplane bomb, but nerveless succeeded in carrying
out his task. He showed great perseverance at a critical time, and has always set a fine example to this man.'
Original ribbon and original bar and pin.
GVF/EF £550.00
1804 G.V.R Captain C.A. Stiebel, Lancashire Fusiliers. Contemporary engraved on the
reverse 'Capt. C.A. Stiebel The Lancashire Fusiliers Attd. K.O.Y.L.I. 23.7.1918'.
M.C. awarded L.G. 24th September 1918. 'Captain Charles Alexander Stiebel. Lan.Fus.
'For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. In a skilful reconnaissance he discovered an occupied
enemy shelter about 700 yards in front of the lines. He returned and organised a raiding party, and dividing
them into three sections attack the shelter, taking two prisoners and killing six of the enemy. He successfully
bought back his party and two prisoners. He did fine work.'
He was wounded 18.2.1917 and I presume during his recovery his papers state re-join unit (inefficient as a
Pilot). He was issued with a War and Victory medal and Mentioned in Dispatches as a T/Lt, 23.5.1918,
France. He relinquished his rank on ceasing to command a company 30.9.1818 19th battalion Lancashire
GVF £595.00
Distinguished Flying Cross
1805 G.VI.R., 1st type, reverse officially engraved 1944
EF £1850.00
1806 G.VI.R., 1st type, reverse officially engraved 1945 In Royal Mint case of issue.
EF £1875.00
1807 G.VI.R., 1st type, reverse officially engraved 1945 On an original pin.
EF £1785.00
Order of St. John of Jerusalem
1808 Knight of Justice neck badge in silver-gilt And enamel.
EF £385.00
1809 Officer (brother), breast badge, enamelled cross in silver
EF £75.00
1810 Officer (sister), breast badge, enamelled cross in base metal On a ladies bow, 193642.
EF £65.00
1811 Serving brother, 1st type in silver And enamel.
Some chipping to enamel VF £25.00
1812 Serving brother, skeletal type 1939-1947 in silver 'C.T. George Gregory Rotherham
1947' engrave on the obverse.
GVF £50.00
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Page 54
Indian Distinguished Service Medal
1813 George V issue, 1st type 'Kaisar-i-Hind' 2969 Havildar Budhe Singh, 32nd Sikh
I.D.S.M. awarded re. G.G.O. 780 of 1912 for services at Abor 1911-12. M.I.D. awarded re. G.G.O. 480 of
1912 and 2461 of 1919. Sold with some copied research.
VF £985.00
1814 George VI issue Unnamed example.
EF £350.00
1815 George VI issue 12828 Sepoy Kirpa Ram, 1st Indian Hospital Corps.
Awarded to Sepoy Kirpa Ram, 1st Coy Attd. 11 Field Ambulance May/June 1938 (101 -H/1938) an
awarded for the North West Frontier of India.
EF £675.00
Military Medal
1816 G.V.R 3185 Private J.T. Downing, 22/Royal Fusiliers.
M.M. L.G. 18.07.1917 James Downing entered France 15.11.1915. The 22nd Kensington formed by the
Mayor of Kensington. The MM probably for the Arras area for April to early June 1917. Also entitled to
1914-15 Star trio, sold with copied M.I.C. and L.G. pages.
VF/GVF £365.00
1817 G.V.R 241155 Lance Corporal J. Nimmo, 1/5 Royal Scots Fusiliers T.F..
M.M. L.G. 10.04.1918. Probably awarded for Egypt or Ypres February/ March 1918. James Nimmo entered
the Balkans 23.10.1915. Entitled to 1914-15 Star trio. Sold with copied M.I.C. and L.G. pages.
EF £365.00
1818 G.V.R 16907 Private M. Sullivan, East Lancashire Regiment.
M.M. L.G. 21.09.16 Entered France 18.07.1915. Class Z 16.03.1919. The 7th Battalion landed in France,
Boulogne 18.7.1915, and Maurice was awarded the M.M. most likely for the Battle of the Somme from 1st
July to 24th August 1916. Also entitled to 1914-15 Star trio.Sold with copied L.G. pages and M.I.C.
VF £365.00
1819 G.V.R 4180 Sergeant R. Greenwood, 12/Manchester Regiment.
Robert served in the 12th battalion formed in Ashton under Lyne which saw service in France from
16.7.1915. M.M. awarded L.G. 24.1.1919 (Hollinwood). This gazette applies for the Battle of Amiens 8th
August to 3rd September 1918. Awarded 1914-15 Star Trio. Sold with copied M.I.C. and L.G. page.
VF/GVF £395.00
1820 G.V.R 6927 Dvr -A. Bmbr. S. Blair, A.82/Bde. Royal Field Artillery.
L.G. 23.2.1918. These awards cover the period for the last battles of Passchedale, Ypres in October to
December 1917. Sidney was born in Glasgow on 2.8.1896 and his trade was a clerk. He enlisted 2.10 1914
and was discharged 31.3.1920 first served France 24.7.1915 and is entitled to a 1914-15 trio. Re-enlisted for
a short time with the Royal Signals before the unit was later disbanded.
Sold with copied papers, L.G. pages and M.I.C.
VF £285.00
1821 G.VI.R, 1st type 'Ind Imp' legend 1938-1948 N.19061 Private Rejabu S/O Salam,
King's African Rifles.
L.G. 19.4.1945 for Burma.'This AGR showed exceptional powers of leadership, initiative and daring. On the
16th -Nov- 44 at THITCHAUK, Burma, Pte. Rejabu was in the leading section of the vanguard platoon, the
section came under fire and deployed into the thick bush, and in doing so the section commander was
temporally cut off. Pte. REJABU took command of the section immediately, locating the enemy and
attacking them, killing one and routing the remainder. This prompt and gallant action was not only an
example to his comrades, but enabled the Bn. to continue its advances without delay.
Contact marks Fine £675.00
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Dixon's Gazette
Distinguished Flying Medal
1822 G.V.R., 1st type 210951 Sergeant Mechanic Observer E.C. Carpenter, Royal Air
Force. Minor official correction to Regtl. number.
D.F.M. L.G. 01.01.1919, Sergeant Mechanic Edwin Charles Carpenter, D.F.M., born King's Lynn, Norfolk,
02.12.1889, enlisted Air Mechanic 2nd Class Royal Naval Air Service, 28.1.1916, served at H.M.S.
Daedalus (Naval Seaplane Training School), 24.9.1917-4.12.1917, serving with the R.N.A.S. in the French
Theatre of War, 5.12.1917 - 31.1.1918, before returning to H.M.S. Daedalus, 1.2.1918 - 31.2.1918, served
with Naval 'A' Squadron Royal Air Force, from 1.4.1918, this became 16 Squadron which was then
incorporated into 216 Squadron with whom he served in the French Theatre of War, from April 1918 until
the end of the War, the squadron acted as part of a night-bomber force flying Handley Pages, which was
known from June 1918 as the Independent Force; Carpenter was reported missing in action taking part in a
raid on Saarbrucken, 18.7.1918, on the way back from the raid he, and Lieutenant's J. Stronech and B.
Norcross in Handley Page 0/100, were reported missing whilst flying near Luneville, France (The Royal Air
Force Awards 1918-1919, K.J. Nelson, CD, refers), discharged 30.4.1920.
Sold with photocopy service record and L.G. pages.
EF £3350.00
1823 G.VI.R., 1st type N.Z. 422574 Flight Sergeant E. Clode, Royal New Zealand Air
Flight Sergeant (air bomber) D.F.M. London gazette 30.6.1944 whilst flying Lancaster in 106 Squadron.
His recommendation reads as follows:
‘Particulars of meritorious service for recommendation is made; Flight Sergeant CLODE as Bomb Aimer,
has carried out 28 successful operational sorties against some of the most heavily defended targets in enemy
territory, including Augsburg, Stettin, Stuttgart and Berlin (10 times) Throughout his tour this N.C.O has
displayed the greatest keenness and skill in his work. He took part in two of the precision bombing attacks
on aircraft factories in France, achieving excellent results on both occasions. The coolness and skill which
he has consistently displayed are proving by his having obtained two aiming points, two photographs and
several very near to the aiming point. The N.C.O. has shown qualities of high courage and technical ability,
which has made him an invaluable member of a fine crew, and I consider he fully deserves the award of the
Distinguished Flying Medal.' He would have probably have had second war medals as follows, 1939/45
Star, Air Crew Europe, British War Medal and New Zealand War Medal.
VF £2350.00
Indian Police Medal 1932
1824 George V issue for distinguished conduct Havildar Mirza Khan, Burma Military
Police. In bronze, robed bust.
Indian Police Medal Burma Gazette 12 January 1935. 'Distinguished service under difficult conditions
during the operations in the War States, Burma'. Sold with copied gazette page.
VF/GVF £450.00
Allied Subjects Medal
1825 In bronze unnamed as issued.
VF/GVF £650.00
King's Medal for Service in the Cause of Freedom
1826 Unnamed as issued, mounted on ladies bow.
EF £350.00
Gentlemans issue, unnamed.
GVF £325.00
Sea Gallantry Medal
1828 Victoria, large type for gallantry in silver (John C. Pooley, Wreck of the "Indian
Chief" on the 23rd December 1895), jeweller's marks on edge.
Able Seaman John C. Pooley, of the Batanga of Glasgow was awarded the Board of Trade Gallantry Medal
in Silver for a rescue effected upon the barquentine Indian Chief of Banff Alberta. Six silver medals were
awarded for this rescue.
VF £675.00
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Sea Gallantry Medal cont.
1829 Victoria large type for gallantry in bronze (Fred Nicholson, Wreck of the "Great
Victoria" on the 30th January 1891).
Able Seaman Fred Nicholson, of the Nepthis, was awarded the Board of Trade Gallantry Medal in Bronze
for his service in the rescue effected upon the Great Victoria of Liverpool. Two silver and four bronze
medals were awarded for this action.
Choice EF £500.00
1830 Victoria large type for gallantry in bronze (Allan Cameron, Wreck of the "Annabella"
on the 12th November 1886).
The barque Annabella, of St. John, New Brunswick, Canada, 860 tons, is recorded as being waterlogged and
abandoned on 27 September 1886 whilst en route from Liverpool to Dalhousie, New Brunswick.
GVF £425.00
Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society's Marine Medal
1831 3rd type, post 1874 issue in silver To Roberth Thomas for Gallant Service 15/7/35,
Hallmarked Birmingham 1934.
The Silver Medal, Certificate and 20/- each to both John James Prescott and Robert Herbert Thomas in
recognition of their brave attempt to rescue a man, aged 35, who was drowning when bathing in the River
Mersey , near the Perch Rock Battery, at New Brighton on the 15th July, 1935. Although everything was
done to restore animation when brought back to the beach, it was unfortunately to no avail and the man
sadly passed away.
GVF/EF £220.00
C.Q.D. Medal
1832 Able Seaman W. Walker, R.M.S. Republic.
In late January 1909, the White Star liner RMS Republic , known as the 'Millionaires Ship' on account of the
wealth of its clientele, set sail for Genoa and Alexandria from New York with a reported 461 passengers and
a crew of roughly 300 under the command of Captain Sealby. In dense fog in the early hours 24 January,
RMS Republic collided with the steamship Florida off the coast near Martha's Vineyard, which was itself
carrying some 800 Italian immigrants heading towards New York from Naples. After a heavy collision, it
was clear the Republic was going to sink, Captain Sealby took charge of the abandonment of the ship, and
the telegrapher Jack Binns sent out the internationally recognised distress signal via his new Marconi
wireless set - 'C.Q. - all stations; D. - Distress', colloquially known as 'Come Quick Danger'. Sold with copy
article 'The HMS Republic. - The C.Q.D. Medal. January 24th 1909' by Jack Boddington, framed image of
the RMS Republic, and letter of explanation from Jack Boddington to the above crewmember's entitlement
'it would appear that the recipient, A.B. W. Walker, signed on with the Republic as a new crew member
between the last voyage of 1908 and the 1909 voyage which resulted in the issue of the CQD medal.'
GVF £585.00
Hundred of Salford Humane Society
1833 Alexander McDonald, April 1875, 1st type, small bronze.
Most of the records for this society were destroyed in the Blitz. RARE.
Fine/VF £240.00
Royal Humane Society Medal
1834 Bristol, silver, 48mm, unnamed.
A Rare example of this medal.
Mint £195.00
1835 Small bronze, successful rescue Robert Cameron. (17th June 1909).
Robert S. F. Cameron, a Clerk, of Tottenham, aged 22 years, rescued Maud Hoad, a Domestic Servant of
Tottenham, aged 30 years. 'On the 17th June 1909, a woman, in an attempt at suicide, threw herself into the
Lea at Tottenham, there being a depth of 12 feet at the place. Cameron jumped in and was successful in
saving her.' (R.H.S. case no. 36747). With copied research. Ex Glens November 1981 Lot 230.
Contact marks to naming from other medals 9.0 and 3.0 Fine + £145.00
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Dixon's Gazette
1836 Carnegie Hero Fund Presentation Pocket Watch in silver, with inner cover engraved,
'Presented by the Trustees of the Carnegie Hero Fund to Frank Williams, Scarborough, for
Heroic Endeavour to Save Human Life 31st August 1916', reverse outer case ornately
engraved with 'CHFT' (Carnegie Hero Fund Trust) cypher, condition of movement unknown,
minor hairline cracks to face.
'On the 31st August 1916, a girl got into difficulty while bathing in Cayton Bay, Scarborough, and her
brother on going to her help also got into danger. Williams, R. Lewis and Doris A. Blakely all went in and
eventually got both out, but the girl did not recover. (Carnegie Case No. 42810).
With a letter to Mr Frank Williams of Woodhurst, Scalby Road, Scarborough, from a representative of the
Royal Humane Society, dated 16 October 1916, reading: 'I have much pleasure in informing you that the
Society have awarded you their Bronze Medal for your gallant efforts in connection with the attempt to save
the life of Miss Alice Thompson and the saving of the life of her brother John Thompson at Cayton Bay on
August 31st. Testimonials on Parchment have also been awarded to your friend Lewis and to Miss Blakeley
who assisted. ....'
Corporation of Glasgow Bravery Medal
1837 Mr. James H. Marsh. 2nd type, reverse dated 1955, hallmarked for Birmingham 1953,
with silver brooch bar.
Awarded to James Hazlett Marsh, of 4 Swan Street, Glasgow on 20 September 1955, for rescuing a boy
from drowning in the Forth & Clyde Canal, west of Canal Street Bridge, on 4 August 1955.
EF £185.00
2nd type, silver (Harry Jordan) hallmarks for Glasgow 1935, lacking top brooch bar.
Harry Jordan of 173 Finnieston Street, Glasgow, was awarded the Glasgow Bravery Medal on 2 August
1938. '... who rescued a woman who was attempting to commit suicide in the River Clyde at Belfast Quay
on 12th April last.'
GVF/EF £245.00
Bravery Medal
1839 Strathclyde Regional Council Bravery Medal, silver-gilt (1977 E. Donnelly),
complete with silver-gilt brooch bar, hallmarked Birmingham 1976.
1977 the date of this award is the period during the Firemens strike which lasted about 8 weeks. Records are
scant and we have been unable to find a citation for this award.
GVF £420.00
Lifesaving Medals
1840 France, Carnegie Fund Medal, rectangular, 80 x 52mm., bronze, reverse 'Thomazeau
(A) 1933'.
VF/GVF £145.00
1841 St. John Ambulance Brigade Centenary 1987 Commemorative Medallion , West
Midlands 39mm.
EF £10.00
1842 St. John Ambulance Brigade bronze Commemorative Medallion 39mm 'in
recognition of exceptional service to St. John Ambulance West Midlands 1989/1990'.
EF £10.00
Single Gallantry and Lifesaving Awards
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Page 58
Charles II and Catherine of Braganza, British Colonisation, silver medal, 1670
1843 By John Roettier, conjoined busts right, CAROLVS ET CATHARINA REX ET
REGINA, rev., the globe, centred on Africa and showing the Eastern seaboard of North
America, DIFFVSVS IN ORBE BRITANNVS 1670, 41mm (MI 546/203; Eim. 245; Betts
44; Farquhar I, 256)..
VF £565.00
Carib War Medal 1773
RARE: This medal was issued by the Legislative Assembly of the Island of St. Vincent to the Militia and
Volunteers who took part in the suppression of the native uprising during the period 1772-73. The Caribs
had been encouraged to rebel against the English by the French settlers. A combined British and local force
under the command of Major General Dalrymple, Commander-in-Chief of the West Indies campaigned
against the Caribs who finally submitted on 20 February 1773.
Fine £1400.00
Capture of Ceylon Medal 1795-1796
1845 Slightly later striking.
GVF/EF £575.00
Mr. Davison's Nile Medal 1798
1846 In bronze
Nice EF £390.00
Mr Davisons's Nile Medal 1798
1847 In bronze, housed in a contemporary gilt frame lenses missing.
Fine/VF £285.00
1848 in bronze as issued to ratings Reverse slightly double struck, suspended from a nice
bronze clip and ring with blue ribbon, a nice striking.
EF £365.00
1849 In bronze
NEF £375.00
Seringapatam Medal 1799
1850 45mm, in silver, Calcutta Mint with contemporary silver loop suspension.
A Superb example
EF £950.00
1851 English issue, 48mm in diameter Original striking, in pewter.
EF £375.00
1852 English issue, 48mm in diameter In silver, some digs in the field and slight corrosion
in the field around the Tigers head..
VF £450.00
1853 English issue, 48mm in diameter An early striking bronzed proof like finish fitted with
a claw and ring.
Choice EF £475.00
1854 English issue, 48mm in diameter In silver.
EF £1175.00
Visit our website – updated daily – www.dixonsmedals.co.uk
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Dixon's Gazette
Earl St. Vincent's Medal 1800
1855 Obverse: left-facing bust of the Earl in Admiral's uniform, 'Earl St. Vincent's
Testimony of Approbation' above. Reverse: a sailor and a marine, 'Loyal and True' around
them. A private medal presented by Earl St Vincent when he struck his flag and came ashore
in 1800, to the petty officers and men of his flagship 'Ville de Paris' as a token of appreciation
to his old shipmates..
Contact marks in the field otherwise VF/GVF £800.00
Egypt Medal 1801
1856 48mm, silver, with contemporary pillar suspension, a fine quality later striking with
die crack to obverse.
VF/GVF £650.00
Nottingham Yeomanry 1802
1857 Silver with small loop for suspension, obverse bust of George III, 'GEORGIUS. III.
REX., MDCCCII, ' reverse an old oak tree on which is inscribed 'Foi, Loi, Roi', below 'Green
Dale Oak', above 'Notts Yeomanry'.
These medals were presented by Lord Newark to the officers and men of the Nottingham Troop of
Yeomanry previous to the disembodiement of the regiment. Those of the officers were gold, and the noncommissioned officers and privates were silver.
GVF £165.00
Radbourne Yeomanry Cavalry
1858 Regimental medal, silver gilt, hallmark London 1837, makers mark 'GR & EB' in
fitted case.
EF £220.00
Naval General Service Medal 1793-1840
1859 1 clasp, Java (665). James Lahiff.
James Lahiff was born in Tipperary and first appears as a Volunteer discharged from the Friendship in
February 1803 and, according to accompanying research, into the Temeraire as a Landsman, in which ship
he remained until January 1806 (but not present at Trafalgar ?) He was rated an Ordinary Seaman aboard
President at the capture of Java.Above research supplied by vendor but no copies of rolls other than
confirming clasp and ship on the Message roll.
GVF £1750.00
1860 1 clasp, Java (665). Assistant Surgeon G. Sylvester.
Served H.M.S. Lion 15.6.1810 to 26.1.1812.
VF £2320.00
1861 1 clasp, Navarino (1142). David Bamfield.
Private R.M. on board H.M.S. Genoa, which suffered 59 casualties at Navarino
Sold with copied roll page.
Fair £980.00
1862 1 clasp, Navarino (1142). James Watts.
James was born in Southampton, Hants and enlisted H.M.S. Cambrian 25.7.1824, a volunteer at Portsmouth.
A second man of this name on the roll entitled to the Guadaloupe clasp. H.M.S. Cambrian had one officer
and one Royal Marine killed during the Battle of Navarino. Sold with copy muster page and medal roll page.
VF/GVF £1450.00
1863 1 clasp, Navarino (1142). James Veal.
The Ships Musters of H.M.S. Dartmouth were checked 28.8.1827 to 27.12.1827 and his ships No 72,
confirmed as a Volunteer aboard. H.M.S. Dartmouth had 14 Seamen and Marines killed or wounded during
The Battle of Navarino. Sold by Glendenning October 1910.
GVF £1495.00
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Naval General Service Medal 1793-1840 cont.
1864 1 clasp, Navarino (1142). John Baker.
H.M.S. Albion suffered over 60 causalities at the Battle of Navarino on October 20th 1827. The Battle of
Navarino was the last action wholly under sail, sold by Spink 1902. Two other men of the same name on the
N.G.S. roll, one with three clasp, (1st June, Camperdown and Copenhagen 1801) the other one entitled to
the clasp Syria.
GVF £1150.00
1865 1 clasp, Navarino (1142). Saml. Stokes.
Samuel served as a Bosuns Mate on H.M.S. Rose a corvette which only received 31 medals in total, and
suffered 18 casualties. Medal recorded in 1967.
Light contacting VF/GVF £1685.00
1866 1 clasp, Navarino (1142). James Harding.
Only 26 medals issued to H.M.S. Philomel, there were two men of the same name on the N.G.S. roll, both of
whom received the medal with clasp Navarino. The first a Private, Royal Marine on H.M.S. Asia, the second
a Boy on H.M.S. Philomel. Sold at Glens, September 1960 and June 1992.
Two light edge bruises one each side VF/GVF £1300.00
1867 1 clasp, Navarino (1142). Assistant Surgeon B. Browning.
Benjamin Browning was Senior Assistant Surgeon of H.M.S. Asia at the battle of Navarino. He was
appointed Surgeon on April 14th 1828, and was later a Surgeon at Parkhurst. H.M.S. Asia received a total of
76 officers and men wounded in the battle so Benjamin and his team would have been very much in the
action. Sold B.D.W. June 1994.
GVF/EF £2200.00
1868 1 clasp, Navarino (1142). Volunteer George Hope.
The Honorable George Hope was born Linlithgow, Fifeshire 12 Apr 1811, son of Sir John Hope, and his
wife Sophia Dorothea. A Scholar at the Royal Naval College, Portsmouth between 1 Apr 1824 and 21 Nov
1825 (passing out 4½ months before the time allowed).
Served as 1st Class Volunteer on the Herald between 22 Nov 1825 and 8 Apr 1826 and the Rose from 9-19
April 1826, both providing his passage to HMS Cambrian. Shown on the muster rolls for the Sloop HMS
Rose as a Supernumerary, appearing on 9 Apr 1826. Hope is listed under 'Admiral's Appointments', a
College Volunteer. He joined the Rose at Malta for a passage to 'his proper ship', HMS Cambrian. Appeared
on board the Cambrian on 20 Apr 1826 where he is again listed under 'Admiral's Appointments' and still
described as a College Volunteer While serving on board HMS Cambrian Hope took part in the defeat of the
Turko-Egyptian fleet on 20 Oct 1827, for which he later received the Naval General Service medal with
appropriate clasp
He was still with the ship when it was wrecked off the coast of Grabusa on 27 Jan 1828, while part of a
squadron of naval vessels dealing with pirates. No crew member was lost.
Served as Midshipman with HMS Pearl between 16 Apr and 4 Jun 1828, based in Woolwich and HMS
Challenger from 7 Jun to 4 Nov 1828, on the North America station. Joined HMS Pallas on 8 Nov 1828,
serving until the 4 May 1830 and voyaging to the East Indies.
Passed for Lieutenant - 5 May 1830. Continued service with the Pallas with ranking of Mate on the North
American station (Halifax) until 19 May 1830
Served as Lieutenant with HMS Acteon (25 Nov 1830-4 Sep 1834) in the Mediterranean, HMS Bellerophon
(5 Apr-14 Jul 1836) on Home station, HMS Inconstant (15 Jul-1 Sep 1836) on Home station and HMS Fly
(2 Sep 1836-21 Jul 1840) in the South American station
Rank of Commander - 26 Oct 1840
His final appointment was Commander with HMS Sappho between 18 Mar 1843 and 25 Oct 1845, the ship
acting as a cruiser in the Cape station, there for the purpose of preventing slave traffic. Post Captain - 24 Jul
1845 Died on 14 Nov 1854, at Hall House, Hawkhurst, Kent, the Honorable George Hope Captain, R.N.,
fifth son of General fourth Earl of Hopetoun, in his 43rd year.
EF £2400.00
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Dixon's Gazette
Naval General Service Medal 1793-1840 cont.
1869 1 clasp, Syria (6978). Fredk Hullott.
Frederick Hullott served as a Bosuns Mate aboard H.M.S. Gordon.
GVF £885.00
1870 2 clasps, Algiers (1328), Navarino (1142). Daniel Holton.
Served aboard HMS Leander at Algiers. The Royal Marines had 1 marine killed and 25 marines wounded at
the Battle of Algiers 27th August 1816 part of a total ship of 119 naval and marine crew.Sold Glendening's
1946 and 1998.
Served aboard HMS Glasgow at Navarino.
Nicely toned VF/GVF £1875.00
1871 2 clasps, Navarino (1142), Syria (6978). John Couzens.
Served aboard H.M.S. Talbot at the Battle of Navarino on October, 1827 where she sustained 25 casualties.
He was promoted to Gunner by the time he served at Syria in November 1840 aboard H.M.S. Medea who
saw some action sustaining 5 casualties.
Sold Sothebys 1910.
GVF/EF £2200.00
1872 Regimental Silver Medal 1823, 26th Regiment (Cameronians).
GVF £545.00
Medal of Honour, Denmark, 3rd Infantry Regiment at Copenhagen 1801.
1873 In bronze.
The 3rd Jutland regiment at Copenhagen, from the town of Aalborg, Jutland.
EF £240.00
St. Jean D'Acre Medal 1840
1874 In silver, unnamed as issued, with double ring suspension..
GVF/EF £360.00
In silver,straight bar silver suspension.
GVF/EF £375.00
In bronze, with double ring suspension..
VF/GVF £250.00
In bronze, with double ring suspension..
Edge bruise 9.0 on reverse VF £230.00
Military General Service Medal 1793-1814
1878 1 clasp, Egypt. Cornet T. Rogers, 26th Dragoons.
26th (Manners) Light Dragoons until 1803 when they became the 23rd Light Dragoons. Only 4 or 5 Egypt
medals to officers in the 26th Light Dragoons. Thomas served in the 40th foot on half pay from 25.8.02.
Sold Glandinings 1919, Elson collection 1963, Hall 1984.
Sold with copied roll page.
Light contact marks in the field EF £2400.00
1879 1 clasp, Egypt. J. Stirr, 27th Foot.
John Stirr was born in the Parish of Emswell, near Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, and enlisted into the 115th
Foot on 1 September 1793. He transferred to the 10th Foot on 25 December 1795, and to the 1st Battalion,
27th Foot, on 25 June 1796. He served with the 27th in Egypt in 1801, and was discharged 'worn out' at
Newport, Isle of Wight, on 29 August 1814, then aged 46.
Provenance: Glendining, December 1993.
Sold with copied discharge papers.
1 or 2 contact marks VF/GVF £1650.00
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Military General Service Medal 1793-1814 cont.
1880 1 clasp, Egypt. Gunner J. Gowans, Royal Artillery.
James enlisted in May 1888 stating his trade as a weaver and from Mid Calder, Midlothian. He served in
Captain D. Gahans Company, 2nd battalion Royal Artillery, in Egypt 1801 where the regiment had 16 men
killed and 49 wounded in the various actions. (March to November 1801).
He was discharged to pension 9d a day from Captain Robert Wrights Company having served 14 years, 1
month, at Woolwich on 13th June 1802.
Light contacting VF £1050.00
1881 1 clasp, Corunna. Lieutenant A. Torrens, 76th Foot.
Andrew K. Torrens was appointed a Lieutenant in the 76th Foot on 21 January 1805. He served in the
Corunna campaign with the 76th from November 1808 until January 1809, and accompanied the regiment
on the Walcheren Expedition later the same year. He was promoted to Captain in September 1814 and
retired from the Army in 1824.
Lacquered VF £1950.00
1882 1 clasp, Corunna. Lieutenant T. Sisson, 81st Foot.
Sold with copy of printed roll and some Gazette entries, listed as Joseph Sisson so initial on medal is
incorrect (easily done from old hand written rolls), promoted Lieut 26/8/08, appointed Adjutant 26/9/11,
promoted Capt 7/4/25. Half pay 14.9.1826. The Peninsula period the 81st were known as The Loyal Lincoln
Volunteers, changing later to the Loyal North Lancs, post 1881.
During the retreat from Corunna in Jan 1809, they suffered 3 Officers and 17 men killed, 11 Officers and
113 men wounded. They forced part of Manninghams 3rd Infy Bde and were heavily engaged throughout
the day. The Regiment were at Brussels during the Battle of Waterloo guarding the Military Chest.
GVF/EF £1985.00
1883 1 clasp, Corunna. N. Brogan, Royal Artillery Drivers.
Born 1783 at Roscommon, Eire, worked as a weaver before joining the army in August 1803, age 20.
Discharged from the army 31st July 1810. Served in Captain Wards Company at Corunna.
GVF/EF £880.00
1884 1 clasp, Guadaloupe. Captain A.A. Freer, 25th Foot.
Major 1st July 1813, still serving in the 25th Foot in the 1816 Army list. Listed in the M.G.S. roll as also
saw service with the 38th.
EF £2350.00
1885 1 clasp, Busaco. William Duncan, 74th Foot.
William Duncan came from Argill, Perthshire, and was wounded in the shoulder at Busaco (Ref WO/74 and
Cannon's Historical Record of the 74th Foot. He was a Chelsea out pensioner. Busaco was the 74ths first
battle in the Peninsula Wars and William was one of the 22 men and officers who were wounded.
GVF £1450.00
1886 1 clasp, Salamanca. John Burn, 38th Foot.
John Burn was born in the Parish of Felton, near Alnwick, Northumberland, and enlisted into the 38th Foot
on 11 April 1809, aged 23, a Mason by trade.
During the Battle of Salamanca on July 22nd 1812, the 1/38th lost 2 officers and 14 men killed and 12
officers and 115 men wounded, including John. He was discharged on 10 April 1813, in consequence of a
wound of the right arm at Salamanca on 22 July 1812.
Only 8 medals with this single clasp to the regiment Sold with copied discharge papers.
GVF/EF £1750.00
1887 1 clasp, Pyrenees. Isaac Hayter, 11th Foot.
The 11th Foot had 7 men killed and 4 officers and 62 men wounded in the action in the Pyrenees.
Ex Phillips Collection 1965. Sold with photo copy roll pages.
Light edge brusing in places GVF £1100.00
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Dixon's Gazette
Military General Service Medal 1793-1814 cont.
1888 1 clasp, St Sebastian. Sergeant R. Murphy, 59th Foot.
Roger Murphy was born at Castlebar, County Mayo, circa 1797. He enlisted into the 59th Foot on 31 March
1812, aged 15 years. He was discharged on 5 October 1814 in consequence of 'having been wounded in the
thigh by a grape-shot at the storming of St Sebastian on the 31st August 1813'. The pension registers records
that it was a 'blooming great object'
Died in Dublin, Ireland 2.4.1867. Ex Glendining's January 1943.
Some brusing VF £1460.00
1889 2 clasps, Egypt, Vittoria. Robert McFeggan, 12th Light Dragoons.
Born Lockerbay, Dumfries, and joined the 12th Lancers, stating his age as 23 on 25th March 1800. He had
previously served in the Lanarkshire Dragoons, F.C. (difficult to read) November 1799 to March 1800 prior
to joining the 12th L.D. Robert served with the regiment in Egypt 1801 where they had 1 man killed and 7
men wounded at Mandora and a few days later at Alexandria.
It is not known when Robert landed in the Peninsula but he certainly took part in the actions in and around
Vittoria in 1812 where they were 2 men killed and 4 wounded. At Waterloo on June 18th the regiment
charged in order to assist the Beleaguero on the day and remained in France until November 1818.
Robert served with the regiment 18 years and 1 month plus 2 years for service at Waterloo before being
pensioned and discharged ' worn out and unfit' on November 10th 1817.
His name on his papers is spelt 'McFeggan'and 'McFiggan' Ex Baldwins 1954, Elson collection 1963.
Sold with copied roll page.
VF £1400.00
1890 2 clasps, Busaco, Fuentes D'Onor. Sergeant C. Echlin, 5th Foot.
Christopher was born in 1789, Falmouth, New England, America, he enlisted for the first time with the 2/5th
Foot on 9th September 1805.
It appears he served with the 5th in the Peninsula and tried to claim the 'Badajoz' clasp but the roll shows he
was sent to England and was probably not even in Spain. His medal claim was made from New South
Wales in Australia.
His second set of papers start from 18th December 1820 to 20th July 1822. He was discharged due to
chronic dysentery and being worn out by heavy drinking. His character is described as 'bad' and had deserted
twice since he had been in the regiment.
A muster search could produce a very interesting story. Provenance Spink 1959, Sotheby 1979.
Light contacting
GVF £1250.00
1891 2 clasps, Busaco, Salamanca. Sergeant J. Bungay, 11th Foot.
James Bungay was born in Chichester in 1775, enlisted in 63rd Foot 16/5/94.
He was wounded at Nijmegen 4/11/94, transferred to 11th Foot 5/8/96. Listed from April/May musters 1798
as a P.O.W. and not repatriated until 6th July 1799. Wounded as a Sgt in left knee at Battle of Salamanca
22/7/12. The regiment suffering 45 officers and men killed and over 290 wounded. Discharged as a Col Sgt
19/3/19 and admitted as a Pensioner, died 20/11/48 in Felpham. Also with OMRS article by John Sly about
whether he should also have been issued a Fuentes D'Onor clasp which is listed in the margin against his
name on the roll, along with 4 other men.
Sold with copied service papers, typed muster extracts, death certificate and medal roll.
VF/GVF £1985.00
1892 2 clasps, Albuhera, Vittoria. Corporal Joshua Eaton, 39th Foot (Dorsets).
Joshua Eaton was born in the Parish of Prestbury, Cheshire, and enlisted into the 39th Foot ( Dorset
Regiment) on 14 March 1807, a Weaver by trade. The battalion's first battle was at Albuhera on 16th May
1811. There they received 96 casualties from 400 men. On the 28th the regiment took part in a surprise
attack at Arroyo Dos Molinos in which one officer and 10 men were wounded. At Vittoria the casualties
were 227 men lost after a hard days fighting in which Joshua was wounded in the left elbow.
He was discharged from the regiment at 'Pass of Roncesvalles' on 10 January 1814, in consequence of
'wound left elbow at Vittoria', and received his final discharge from the army at York on 8 March 1814, a
'deserving soldier', aged 25 Provenance: Debenham's, March 1903; Glendining, March 1927; Spink,
November 1998 Sold with copied discharge papers.
GVF £1885.00
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Page 64
Military General Service Medal 1793-1814 cont.
1893 2 clasps, Badajoz, Salamanca. Ensign J. White, 4th Foot.
Ensign 4th Foot promoted Lieutenant 26th November 1812. The Royal Lanc's had 2 officers killed and 15
wounded 40 men killed and 73 wounded at the siege and assault of Badajoz March- April 1812. 2 men killed
and 41 wounded at the battle of Salamanca 22nd July 1812. Mullens roll confirms the two clasps and that he
later served in the 93rd Foot. Sold with copied roll page.
Contacting VF £2500.00
1894 2 clasps, Vittoria, St Sebastian. J. Medcalf, Royal Artillery Drivers.
James Metcalf (Midcalf ) was born in Blackburn, Lancs and enlisted in the Royal Artillery age 20 years. He
enlisted in the 6th Battalion 1805 and served in Captain Maxwell's 'C Troop' 4th B R.A. in the Penninsula
Wars. He was discharged at Norwich, 6th Battalion, on the 24th November 1814, having served 9 years and
216 days. Previously sold at Baldwin's 1938, Glendenning's 1952 and later 1988.
VF/GVF £1165.00
1895 2 clasps, Vittoria, Toulouse. A. Bartley, Cavalry Staff Corps.
Archibald is listed in Fosters and Mullens M.G.S. roll as a six clasp but it is believed the clasps were
transposed from the medal of Heinrick Beck (listed below him on the roll) by mistake. This medal is
recorded as being a two clasp as far back as the Cheylesmore collection in 1930 when it was sold as a two
clasp medal. There is no indication the bars have been interfered with.
Sold with roll pages. Only 19 men on the roll.
GVF £1050.00
1896 3 clasps, Talavera, Busaco, Albuhera. William Irwin, 7th Foot.
Confirmed on the published rolls as William Jewin but found as Irwin on discharge papers.
William Irwin was born in the Parish of Hexham, Northumberland. A tailor by trade, he enlisted for the 7th
Foot at the age of twenty-nine on 22 August 1807, a volunteer with 6 years previous service with the
Berwick Fencibles.
He served with the 7th Foot for 4 years 226 days and was discharged at Jersey on 4 April 1812, in
consequence 'of a Gun Shot Wound of the Thigh received at the Battle of Albuhera in Spain'.
The 7th Royal Fusiliers took casualties at all three battles but the battle of Albuhera left them with 124
officers and men killed and over 590 wounded, a 55% casualty rate in one of the fiercest battles of the
Sold with copied discharge papers.
VF/GVF £1750.00
1897 4 clasps, Talavera, Busaco, Fuentes D'Onor, Badajoz.
E. Middleton, 14th Light
Private Edward Middleton, born Northolt, Middlesex, 1783; enlisted in the 14th Light Dragoons, June 1805;
served with the Regiment in the Peninsula; transferred to the 11th Royal Veterans Regiment, June 1813, on
account of a viscural obstruction; discharged, July 1814, on the disbandment of the Regiment, after 9 years
and 50 days with the Colours.
Not listed on the roll. Edward was admitted a Chelsea in pensioner on 1st October 1849, he became an out
pensioner 1st July 1855, and was re-admitted as an in pensioner 21st June 1864, when he claimed his medal.
I do not know but I suspect that once he got settled in and saw the other Chelsea pensioners with their
medals he promptly applied himself. There is a roll of Chelsea pensioners in A.T. Mullens M.G.S. roll and
on the last page there are four names at the end of the roll under the sub- heading. Addition recommended.
Medals sent 24.5.1854.
I think Edward was without a doubt a late claim and not entered into the official roll.
I have no doubt the combination of clasps are right to the 14th, having checked the rolls many of the men
received this combination, and the regiment saw action at the first three battles.
Sold with copied papers.
Some contact marks otherwise VF/GVF £1300.00
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Dixon's Gazette
Military General Service Medal 1793-1814 cont.
1898 5 clasps, Albuhera, Badajoz, Vittoria, Pyrenees, Toulouse. Gunner R. Shackleton,
Royal Artillery.
The recipient is not listed on Mullen's published transcription of the MGS roll, but is listed in Vigors and
MacFarlane, and other published transcriptions.
Served in Captain J. Hawkers Company 4th battalion Royal Artillery.
Light contacting GVF £1650.00
1899 6 clasps, Barrosa, Ciudad Rodrigo, Salamanca, Vittoria, Nivelle, Nive. J. Hobson, 3rd
Foot Guards (Scots Guards).
Sold with photocopy roll pages W.O. 100/11 confirming all 6 clasps. The Mullen roll which was transcribed
I believe from the Foster roll who took all the details originally from the W.O. 100/11 roll, did not transcribe
all the clasp details across. The battalion fought at Barrosa where it lost 15 officers and men killed and 86
wounded, after Nive they were present at the crossing of the river Aduur and latterly at the siege of Bayonne
where the town Governor launched a sortie which resulted in 203 men of the regiment being killed,
wounded or taken prisoner.
GVF £1950.00
1900 6 clasps, Vittoria, Pyrenees, St Sebastian, Nive, Orthes, Toulouse. Gunner J. Smith,
Royal Artillery.
James served in Captain J. Mitchells 9th company who embarked from the Peninsula end of May 1814 and
was stationed at Chesapeake August -September - October and was credited with the burning of the White
House , then proceeding to New Orleans arriving in December and left in March. Arrived back in France
June 1815.
GVF £1975.00
1901 10 clasps, Fuentes D'Onor, Ciudad Rodrigo, Badajoz, Salamanca, Vittoria, Pyrenees,
Nivelle, Nive, Orthes, Toulouse. Captain J.N. Jackson, 94th Foot.
Major General J.N. Jackson served in the Peninsula from 1810 to the end of the war in 1814, including the
siege of Cadiz, Lines at Torres Vedras, and Massena's retreat for Portugal. Actions and affairs at Pombal,
Redinha, Leira, Candeixa, Fleur-de-Lis, Gaurda, Foz d' Arouce, and Sabugal; Battle of Fuentes d' Onor, 3rd
and 5th May, siege of Badajoz in June and July 1811. Actions at El Bodun and Guinaldo,, third siege of
Badajoz and storm of the Castle by escalade, 6th April 1812; battle of Salamanca, capture of Madrid, the
Retiro, and Fort La China, and in command of an escort of the third Division in charge of the garrison of
Fort La China, en route to Ciudad Rodrigo. Retreat to Portugal October and November 1812, Battles of
Vittoria, Pyrenees, Nivelle, Nive, and Orthes; action at Vic Bigorre and Tarbes, Battle of Toulouse, and all
the various minor affairs during that period.
He received the War medal and 10 clasps.Army lists shows Ensign 1st July 1805.
Lieutenant 1st January 1806. Captain 28th February 1812. Half Pay 25th December 1818.
All dates checked in WO/31, nothing except his promotion to Captain (WO.31-341) list of officers
recommended by Wellington. Among those from the 94th is Jackson, promoted to replace battle casualties.
The rank of Lt. has been carefully erased and the rank of Capt. officially re-impressed in its place, but he is
on the Officers roll as Lt. But promoted Captain 1812 and his last Battle Toulouse 1814!
EF £6500.00
St. Helena Medal
1902 France. Napoleon first granted to all French soldiers and sailors who had served in the
Peninsula Wars or Battle of Waterloo from 1792 to 1815 and also those parties that
accompanied him to St. Helena. Instituted in 1857 and issued in bronze.
GVF £65.00
Clip Only £20.00 Ring Only £5.00
Dixon's Gazette
Page 66
Waterloo Medal 1815
1903 With contemporary style replacement steel clip and ring suspension James Smith, 2nd
or R. N. Brit. Reg. Drag.. Please Note, plug mark at 6.0 between the 'R & N ' on the naming.
There were three James Smiths serving with the regiment at Waterloo, one a shoemaker from Kilmarnock
who was killed in the charge so would not have been issued with a medal, the other two were from;
A Norton Lees, Wickham in Bucks, and who joined the regiment in November 1804 and was severely
wounded by a bayonet in the right leg and served 17 + years including 2 years for Waterloo
B Lymington, Ayre, a blacksmith by trade who served 12 years with the regiment.
I could not hazard a guess, which one this medal belongs to.
The 2nd Dragoons 'Royal Scots Grays' formed part of the Union Brigade alongside the 1st Royal Dragoons
and the 6th Inniskillen Dragoons and made their famous Heavy Brigade charge at Waterloo on the 18th June
1815. The Brigade lost over 260 officers and men killed in the charge and over 300 wounded, a total of 560
out of an original contingent of 1181 men. Nearly 50% casualties.
Sold with copied papers and roll page.
Contact marks Fine £4250 .00
1904 With original steel clip and contemporary ring suspension John Hill, 3rd Bn. 1st Foot
Guards (Grenadier Guards).
Two men on the Waterloo roll to the 3rd Grenadier Guards with this name.
One of whom lived to claim his M.G.S. two clasps, Nivelle and Nive and died on the 16th April 1848!
He left the regiment on the 26th April 1816. His Waterloo medal being issued on or about the 5th March
1816. He was born in Rowley, Staffordshire and was wounded in the leg at Waterloo.
The second man, born at St. Martins, Birmingham served two years longer than the first and would surely
have worn his Waterloo medal on many occasions over the two years extra service. He later became an In
Pensioner on 1st Oct 1843 and died (found drowned in Birmingham Canal whilst on furlough) 20th August
1845. As an In Pensioner he would have had to have kept his medal polished and worn it on many occasions
causing wear, edge bruises and digs in the field.
My feeling is that this medal belonged to the man from Rowley who left the regiment a few weeks after the
issue of his medal. The other man from St. Martins having occasion to wear his off and on for thirty years!
See Barbara J Chambers book on the 1st Foot Guards for a much bigger write up on each man. Sold with
photocopy roll page.
GVF £2900.00
1905 With original steel clip and ring suspension James Street, 2nd Batt. 3rd Regt. Guards.
The 2nd Battalion 3rd Foot Guards had been in action in Holland at Bergen-op-Zoom and following this
operation was stationed near Brussels. Therefore, when Napoleon began his last campaign in June 1815, the
battalion was thrown straight into the action, fighting at Quatre Bras on June 16th and at Waterloo two days
later. During the battle the 2nd Battalion was positioned on the right of the line with its light company
helping to defend the chateau of Hougoumont along with the light companies of the 1st Foot Guards and
Coldstream Guards. Throughout the day the defenders of Hougoumont frustrated the attacks of over 30,000
Frenchmen who failed to take the position moving one historian to write, 'probably the gallantry of the
defenders of this post has never been surpassed on any battlefield.' It was the crowning glory of their
service under Wellington. The battalion returned to London in January 1816.
Sold with photocopy papers
Fine £2500.00
1906 With original steel clip and ring suspension John Andrews, 1st Dragoon Guards.
John Andrews was born at Peterborough, Northamptonshire, circa 1796, a Slater by trade. He enlisted into
the 1st Dragoon Guards in 1808 and was discharged in January 1817 in consequence of wounds received at
He was admitted as an out-pensioner at Chelsea Hospital on 27 January 1817 due to 'Imperfect use of the Rt.
arm by a wound at Waterloo. Marks of wounds, one on Rt. side & one on Rt. arm.'
Sold with copied Chelsea Hospital entry.
Pleasing Fine £3650.00
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Dixon's Gazette
Waterloo Medal 1815 cont.
1907 With original steel clip and ring suspension David Dallace, 1st or Royal Dragoons.
David Dallace was born in Dunfermline, Fife, circa 1779, and enlisted into the Fifeshire Fencible Cavalry on
25 March 1795. He served with that unit until 10 March 1800, when he enlisted into the 1st Dragoons at
Hythe, Kent, aged 21 years. He served five years in the Peninsula and at the battle of Waterloo, where he
was wounded in the left leg by a bayonet. He was discharged at Dublin due to a reduction of the regiment on
18 November 1818, aged 40 years. Served in Captain H.R. Carlen's No. 3 or B Troop.
The regiment distinguished itself at Waterloo in the fighting against the French Cuirassiers. The regiment
lost 269 horses, and 129 officers and men killed and over 130 wounded.
Sold with copied discharge papers.
Good Fine/VF £3600.00
1908 With replacement German silver straight ribbon bar and clip Sergeant Thomas
Dudman, 13th Light Dragoons. The ribbon bar engraved 'Serjt. Thos. Dudman 13th L. D.'.
Thomas Dudman was born in the Parish of Kimpton, Hampshire, and enlisted into the Hampshire Fencible
Cavalry at Lewes, Sussex, on 2 May 1796. He transferred to the 13th Light Dragoons on 31 March 1800,
serving with the regiment in the 'Peninsula and at the battle of Waterloo', and was discharged on 31 March
1817, on reduction of the regiment. He served a total of 23 years 10 days, including 2 years for Waterloo,
Sold with copied discharge papers. Provenance: Sotheby, March 1984.
Pleasing Fine £2460.00
1909 With original steel clip and replacement ring suspension Henry Liddon, 1st Batt. 40th
Henry served in Captain Sempronius Stratton's Company at Waterloo in reserve, but as the day progressed
they were brought in to reinforce the centre and took part in the final charge against the Imperial Guards,
losing over 200 men on the day.
The musters of September - December 1816 show him as invalided back to England on the 26th October
1816 and discharged.
Contact marks VF £2650.00
1910 With original steel clip and replacement ring suspension Ely Roberts, 1st Bn. 52nd
Ely Roberts was born in Pembridge, near Hereford. He enlisted into the 52nd Regiment on 17th October
1799, aged 30. He was discharged on 24th June 1817.
He was wounded by a musket ball at Corunna on 16th Jan 1809. The regiment had 33 other ranks wounded
at Corunna, Ely being one of the unfortunate ones. At Waterloo the 52nd played an important part on the
day in the defeat of the Imperial Guard taking nearly two hundred casualties and was the last regiment to
leave France after the occupation.
Sold with photocopy regimental roll, discharge papers and death certificate showing that he died at Hereford
in 1845.
Various edge bruises which have been tidied up
Pleasing Fine £2700.00
1911 With original steel clip and ring suspension Lieutenant John Grey, 54th Regiment.
Ensign 54th Regiment 1809, Senior Lieutenant 1826 54th Regiment, Captain 1st March 1827 33rd
Regiment. 6th Jan 1832 transferred to Captain 84th Regiment. 22nd June 1838 transferred to Captain 89th
Regiment. He died in 1840.
Sold with photocopy research papers.
Pleaseig Fine £3800.00
1912 With original steel clip and contemporary ring suspension Corporal James Lewis, 2nd
Batt. 59th Foot.
James Lewis enlisted according to the musters from Nottingham Militia 25th April 1809. He was discharged
8th March 1816 service expired. He served in Captain Fullers Company.
Fine £2200.00
Dixon's Gazette
Page 68
Waterloo Medal 1815 cont.
1913 With contemporary style replacement steel clip and ring suspension J.L. Bayley, 2nd
Batt. 73rd Foot.
Of all the troops comprising the Allied army, the most exposed to fierce onslaught of the French cavalry and
the continuous cannonade of their artillery where the two squares posted in advance of the Dukes position.
They consisted of a battalion of the 1st Guards and the 30th and 73rd regiment (William Sidborne, official
historian refers).The 73rs Regiment suffered 907 casualties on the field of Waterloo.
John L. Bayley enlisted into the 73rd Foot on 12 November 1813 and served in No. 4 Company at
Waterloo. His Company Commander Captain J. M. Kennedy was killed in action on 18 June. Bayley was
discharged on 3 May 1817. Curiously and uniquely, this man is listed on the monthly pay list and the medal
roll with the initials of his forename rather than his first forename in full. His medal consequently is also
named in this way.
Sold by J.B. Hayward & Son 1970s, Glendining 1992, Spink 1994.
Minor test mark at 3.0 pleasing VF £3600.00
1914 With contemporary style replacement steel clip and ring suspension Adono
Bernardino, 1st Batt. 91st Foot.
Roll lists him as Adous Bernadine, serving in Captain A.J. Callender's Company No. 4.
VF £2395.00
1915 With contemporary style silver clip and bar suspension Ensign Gustav Hartmann,
King's German Legion, 2nd Line Battalion.
Gustavus Hartmann joined the King's German Legion on 8 May 1814, and served in the Netherlands in
1814, the campaign of 1815 and at the Battle of Waterloo.Lieutenant by Brevet, Hanoverian retired list at
Hanover Amt. Han, Approximately 24% casualty rate at Waterloo.
Contacting VF £3250.00
1916 With contemporary style replacement steel clip and ring suspension Lieut. Fran
Schmidts, King's German Legion Infantry, 8th Line Battalion.
Fran served in the Baltic in 1807, Mediterranean 1808 to 1814. (Sicily) Catalonia 1812. (Grenadier and
Light Company), Netherlands 1814-15, Waterloo and campaign of 1815, supposed died in Sicily 16th
March 1831. 3 officers killed and 4 wounded 44 other ranks killed and 8 wounded at Waterloo.
Sold with copied roll page.
GVF £3400.00
1917 With contemporary style replacement steel clip and ring suspension Ben Pickles, 2nd
Batt. Grenadier Guards.
Private Benjamin Pickles (spelt Pickells on published roll)
Born in about 1791 Oldbeck (Holbeck) Leeds and prior to enlistment his trade was a Flax Dresser.
He enlisted on 4th May 1812 at Colchester age 21 years, a volunteer from the 2nd West Yorkshire Militia.
He served at Waterloo in Lt Col Colquitt's Light Company. He helped carry Col Cooke of the Light
Company from the field of battle on 18th June 1815 having been wounded.
The Light Company at Quatre Bras were heavily involved in the fighting at Bossu Wood.During the Main
Battle on the 18th they helped defend the post of Hougmont and were withdrawn to join their Battalions atop
the ridge of Mont St Jean where the 1st Foot Guards spent the day under fire. When the Imperial Guards
were committed by Napoleon, the 1st Guards bore the brunt of the attack. The Imperial Guards reached the
crest of the Allied positions but at the vital moment Maitland's Guards rose and fired several volleys into the
ranks of the French who were driven back in disorder and the battle as good as won!!
Benjamin died on 12th September 1817 in hospital in Vacencenes, Cambria, France. At his death his
Waterloo Medal was sent to regimental headquarters for his father James Pickles residing Holbeck near
Leeds Yorkshire.
Fine/Good Fine £4500.00
1918 With original steel clip and replacement ring suspension Driver James Hammond,
Royal Artillery Drivers.
Contact marks in the field Fine £1650.00
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Dixon's Gazette
Waterloo Medal 1815 cont.
1919 With original steel clip and ring suspension Gunner John Asbury, Royal Foot
Served in Captain Sinclair's Company at Waterloo.
Having been promoted to Second Captain in February 1814, Sinclair commanded one of the five 'Field
Brigades' of the Royal Artillery at the battle of Waterloo, his battery having been previously commanded by
Captain Frederick Gordon, who was at that time in Canada. John A. Wilson, a First Lieutenant under
Sinclair, described the activities of Sinclair's battery at Waterloo: 'At the commencement of the action
Captain Sinclair's Brigade was posted near a windmill in a field on the left of the Brussels road, and in rear
of the village of Mont-St-Jean. When we were ordered into action we proceeded along the Nivelles road,
took ground to the left, and formed on the right rear of La Haye Sainte between two and three hundred yards
in front of the footpath...The smoke was so dense that I could not see distinctly the position of the French,
being at that time ordered to direct my fire over the dead bodies of some horses in front. About three o'clock,
our ammunition being nearly exhausted, we were charged by the French Cuirassiers, who in their turn were
driven back by the 1st Dragoons (Royals). We retired behind the Squares formed in our rear...The gun on the
left without the limber having been surrounded by the enemy's cavalry, remained in their possession. Having
received a supply of ammunition, we returned to our former position and recovered the gun. We were almost
immediately ordered to the right, near Hougoumont. Whilst moving along the ground I could see the French
advancing, apparently against the right, in heavy masses of close columns. We remained in our last position
until twelve the next day. The ground on which we were posted was covered with the killed and wounded of
the Imperial Guard. A wounded officer, who lay near me, told me he belonged to that body.'
GVF/EF £2500.00
1920 With original steel clip and replacement ring suspension Gunner Benjamin Taylor,
Royal Foot Artillery.
Benjamin Taylor was born at Golcar, Yorkshire, and served in Captain James Sinclair's Company at
Waterloo. The only Gunner Benjamin Taylor on the Waterloo roll.
Having been promoted to Second Captain in February 1814, Sinclair commanded one of the five 'Field
Brigades' of the Royal Artillery at the battle of Waterloo, his battery having been previously commanded by
Captain Frederick Gordon, who was at that time in Canada. John A. Wilson, a First Lieutenant under
Sinclair, described the activities of Sinclair's battery at Waterloo: 'At the commencement of the action
Captain Sinclair's Brigade was posted near a windmill in a field on the left of the Brussels road, and in rear
of the village of Mont-St-Jean. When we were ordered into action we proceeded along the Nivelles road,
took ground to the left, and formed on the right rear of La Haye Sainte between two and three hundred yards
in front of the footpath...The smoke was so dense that I could not see distinctly the position of the French,
being at that time ordered to direct my fire over the dead bodies of some horses in front. About three o'clock,
our ammunition being nearly exhausted, we were charged by the French Cuirassiers, who in their turn were
driven back by the 1st Dragoons (Royals). We retired behind the Squares formed in our rear...The gun on the
left without the limber having been surrounded by the enemy's cavalry, remained in their possession. Having
received a supply of ammunition, we returned to our former position and recovered the gun. We were almost
immediately ordered to the right, near Hougoumont. Whilst moving along the ground I could see the French
advancing, apparently against the right, in heavy masses of close columns. We remained in our last position
until twelve the next day. The ground on which we were posted was covered with the killed and wounded of
the Imperial Guard. A wounded officer, who lay near me, told me he belonged to that body.'
Fine £1850.00
1921 With original steel clip and replacement ring suspension Driver Oliver McKernon,
Royal Artillery Drivers.
Driver Oliver McKernon served in Major N. Turner's "A" Troop during the Waterloo campaign. Certified on
Waterloo medal roll.
Pleasing VF £1950.00
1922 With contemporary style replacement silver clip and ring suspension Jos Langstone,
15th or King's Regiment Hussars.
Joseph Langstone enlisted into the 15th Hussars on 21 December 1813. He served in No. 6 Troop at
Waterloo and was still serving in December 1817. He was discharged on 21 February 1829 having paid
£30.0.0. (WO/12-1207).
Fine £1995.00
Dixon's Gazette
Page 70
Germany, Frankfurt, Silver Medal for Volunteers 1813-1814, 34mm
Sold Morton and Eden, May 2006, lot 635 Ex J. Coolidge Hills Collection.
EF £450.00
Brunswick Waterloo Medal 1815. Made of bronze from captured French guns
1924 Made of bronze from captured French guns Conr. Teyke, Leib Bt.
Fine £550.00
1925 Made of bronze from captured French guns Friedr Mahlmann Ulh Esq.
Un-researched but an interesting medal.
GVF/EF £650.00
Hanoverian Waterloo Medal 1815
1926 Cornet Friedrich Noebling, Hus. Rgt. Prinz Regent.
VF £1150.00
Lieutenant August Hampe, Landw. Bataillon Hameln.
Served with Lieutenant General Sir Thomas Pictons 8th brigade, 4 officers wounded, 9 men killed and 60
Fine/Good fine £1275.00
Trainknecht Heinrich Lampe, Landw. Bataillon Hameln.
Fine/VF £850.00
1929 Soldat Georg Brandes, Landwehr Bataillon Peink. With original steel clip and ring
The Peink Battalions strength at Waterloo was 611, 70 of which were killed, wounded or missing.
VF/GVF £850.00
Hessen-Kassel Waterloo Medal 1814-1815
1930 In bronze. For 1814/15 Combatant's issue struck from the metal of conquered canons.
VF £140.00
Nassau Waterloo Medal 1815
1931 In silver, unnamed as issued.
GVF/EF £500.00
Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg Campaign Medal 1814-1815
1932 In gilt bronze as awarded to NCO's.
Fine/VF £575.00
In bronze gilt issued to NCO's..
Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg contingents served in the North German Corps and the army of the upper Rhine,
instituted 28.10.1816.
GVF £695.00
Cross for Albuhera 1811, 47 x 31mm, silver gilt and enamel
VF/GVF £450.00
Regimental and Volunteer Medal
1935 22nd Foot Order of Merit 1820, with date in exergue 1785, in Bronze;
Re-established by Col: Sir H: Gough 1st January 1820. 36mm diameter; for 7 years good
See Balmer No. R246.
Superb Example £150.00
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Dixon's Gazette
Army of India Medal 1799-1826
1936 1 clasp, Ava. Lieutenant J.W. Butt, 1st Foot.
Captain 20th November 1840, placed on half pay 28.7.1843. Captain John Wells Butt, 95th to be Major in
the army. Dated 11th November, 1851. Brevet- Major John Wells Butt, 95th Foot to be Lieutenant -Colonel
in the Army dated 26th October, 1858 London Gazette.
VF/GVF £2300.00
1937 Short hyphen reverse, 1 clasp, Kirkee and Poona. H. McPhee, 65th Foot.
Just 17 clasps for Kirkee and Poona awarded to the 65th Foot and 67 clasps to other Europeans.
Hugh McPhee was born at Alpin, Argyllshire, in 1784, and enlisted into the 65th Regiment at Glasgow on 6
June 1800, aged 16. After a period of two years at the Cape, he arrived in India in May 1803 and was
present at the unsuccessful siege of Bhurtpore in 1805 and several hard-fought actions in Guzerat. In 1810
he took part in the expedition to Mauritius which led to the capture of the island at the end of the year. He
participated in the third Mahratta war of 1817, including the battles of Kirkee and Poona in November 1817.
In 1819 and 1821 the 65th were engaged in two expeditions against the Joasma pirates in the Persian Gulf,
the regiment returning to England the following year. McPhee, however, seemed keen to remain in India
and, in June 1822, volunteered to transfer to the Veteran Company of the Hon. East India Company's
European Infantry. After a further three and a half years’ service he was finally discharged on 15 February
1826, 'being worn out' and 'unfit for further service Sold with copy papers. RARE
Re-pinned at sometime GVF/EF £3750.00
1938 Short hyphen reverse, 1 clasp, Nagpore. Hy. Moore, 1st Foot.
Only 147 clasps awarded to Europeans including 95 to the 2ns 1st Foot.
First recorded in auction at Glendining's in June 1911 and several times since.
Contact marks, VF £2150.00
1939 Short hyphen reverse, 1 clasp, Maheidpoor. Wm. Walker, 22nd Light Dragoons.
William served in Captain Vernon's troop and the regiment was awarded the Battle Honour "Seringapatam"
in 1817. Only one hundred and sixty seven clasps were awarded in total to Europeans. Therefore scarce
medal to Europeans.
Contacting from other medals? Fine £2200.00
1940 Short hyphen reverse, 1 clasp, Ava. Captain J. Clarke. (Captn. J. Clarke, Brig. Maj.),
with contemporary silver slide clasp inscribed 'Arracan'.
The First Burmese War Medal awarded to Major-General John Clarke, K.H., an Ensign in the 54th Foot at
Waterloo, who was severely wounded leading the attack upon the fortified heights of Arracan in Burma.
John Clarke was appointed an Ensign in the 54th on 2 June 1814, and served with the regiment in the
campaign of 1815, including the battle of Waterloo and storming of Cambrai. Promoted to Lieutenant in
November 1821, he was appointed Aide-de-Camp to Brigadier-General William Macbean, 54th Foot, and
served in the campaign of 1824 and 1825 in Ava, including the taking of Rangoon, Kimendine, Kamaroot,
and Mahattee. He led the attack on the fortified heights of Arracan, 29 March 1825, and was severely
wounded in the neck, arm and left side.'Where the advance halted it was partly covered by a tank, and
Brigadier-General Macbean made a disposition for acquiring the principal hills in the first range at the
commencement of the pass. Four pieces of artillery were ordered forward to cover the attack, and the troops
for the assault, consisting of the light infantry company of His Majesty's 54th Regiment, four companies of
the 2nd Light Infantry Battalion, and the light infantry companies of the 10th and 16th regiments of Madras
Native Infantry, with the rifle company of the Mugh Levy, were placed under Major Kemm; a support of six
companies of the 16th Regiment, Madras Native Infantry, under Captain French of that corps, followed. The
assault commenced, and in spite of a well-directed fire and of the steepness of the ascent, which was
occasionally nearly perpendicular, many gained the summit. Lieutenant Clarke, Aide-de-Camp to BrigadierGeneral Macbean, with several of the light infantry company of His Majesty's 54th Regiment, got their
hands on the trench, but even with the assistance such a hold afforded were unable to maintain their ground;
large stones were rolled on them and smaller ones were discharged from bows; the consequence was they
were precipitated to the bottom. In this attempt the efforts were persevered till every officer was wounded.'
(Despatch of Brigadier-General J. W. Morrison, commanding South-Eastern Division)..
Clarke was promoted to Captain in August 1826; Major, December 1829; Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel,
November 1841; Lieutenant-Colonel, February 1849; Colonel, June 1854; Major-General, October 1858. He
was appointed Colonel of the 59th Foot on 9 March 1863, and died on 22 March 1865.
GVF £2790.00
Dixon's Gazette
Page 72
Army of India Medal 1799-1826 cont.
1941 Short hyphen reverse, 1 clasp, Ava. Corporal F. Dalton, Artillery.
Sold with a copy of the roll where Dalton appears to be still serving as a Sergeant when the medal was sent
in 1853, medal clasp and rank confirmed on the roll.
VF/GVF £1200.00
Honourable East India Company Medal for Burma 1824-26
1942 Steel clip and ring , unnamed as officially issued.
GVF £850.00
Ghuznee Medal 1839
1943 Thomas Ross, 4th Light Dragoons. Fitted with a contemporary steel ribbon bar, medal
engraved in contemporary style.
GVF/EF £850.00
T. Robinson, 16th Lancers. Fitted with contemporary style replacement suspender.
592 Private Thomas Robinson, born Leeds, Yorkshire; enlisted 16th Lancers, May 1829; service with the
regiment included, 'assault and capture of Ghuznee, also in action at Maharajpoor in Dec. 1843' (service
papers refer); discharged July 1846, after 17 years and 60 days service with the Colours.
Fine £750.00
Candahar, Ghuznee and Cabul Medal 1841-1842
1945 Reverse Cabul Unnamed, fitted with scroll suspender and claw, I.G.S. 1854 type.
EF £450.00
1946 Reverse Cabul 1124 William Sumpter, 3rd Light Dragoons. Replacement silver
straight ribbon bar and original metal clip.
1947 Reverse Candahar, Ghuznee, Cabul Private John Wright, 41st Regiment. Original steel
clip and straight bar suspension.
Some light edge bruising to reverse GVF/EF £940.00
1948 Reverse Candahar, Ghuznee, Cabul Private Thomas Hook, H.M. 40th Regiment
(South Lancs).
Service number 1388.
1949 Reverse Candahar, Ghuznee, Cabul Private M. Benson, 40th Regiment. Original steel
clip and straight bar suspender.
Matthew was born in Leeds and enlisted 5th December 1839 age 18 years, 11 months. He served in the East
Indies for 5 years and a further 4 years, 2 months in Australia where he was discharged at Melbourne having
served 17 years, 27 days on the 29th December 1856.
His trade is noted as a tailor and he was entitled to a Maharajpore Star dated 29th December 1843.
Contact marks VF £940.00
Jellalabad Medal 1841-1842
1950 Mural Crown Unnamed as officially issued.
A nice striking.
GVF £630.00
1951 Flying Victory Unnamed as issued.
Contact marks. VF £1075.00
If you can’t find what you want then give us a call
Tel: +44 (0) 1262 603348 or e-mail: chris@dixonsmedals.co.uk
Page 73
Dixon's Gazette
China War Medal 1840-1842
1952 Sub-Conductor J.K. Williams, Madras Ordnance.
VF £675.00
Robert Leonard, H.M.S. Calliope, Royal Navy.
Carpenter's Crew Robert Leonard, born Beckingham, Nottinghamshire, 1812; enlisted in the Royal Navy
and served in H.M.S. Hastings, July 1834; transferred to H.M.S. Calliope, February 1838; H.M.S. Blenheim,
June 1841; H.M.S. Camperdown, July 1843; discharged, January 1844; lived in Gainsborough, Lincs, died,
June 1868.
VF/GVF £750.00
Scinde Campaign Medal 1843
1954 Meeanee and Hyderabad Assistant Surgeon T.W.Ward, 12th Regiment. With
replacement silver clip and straight bar suspension.
Thomas was born 10th November 1816, M.R.C.S. 1838 and his first appointment was on 5.1.184. In the
1844 India list he is recorded as serving with the 12th Bombay Infantry as Assistant Surgeon with whom he
was serving at the time of Meeanee - Hyderabad in 1843. There were 13 British officers including Thomas,
3 of whom were killed and 742 Indians of whom 57 were killed or wounded. We next find him as Assistant
Surgeon to the 1st Bellochee battalion in medical charge 2nd October 1845.He is present during the Indian
Mutiny serving with the 109th (3rd European Regiment) (2nd Leinster's) as Surgeon his Assistant Surgeon
T. Miller was wounded at the siege and storming of Jhansi. F.R.C.S. 1863, D.I.G. 2 April 1866, retired 20th
October 1871.
Died in London, 18 April 1904.
Contact marks VF £1275.00
Gwalior Campaign Star 1843
1955 Maharajpoor Star Surgeon J.V. Leese, 1st Regt. Light Cavalry.
John Vaux Leese, born 9.2.1802, M.R.C.S. 1826, A.S. 27.6.26, Surgeon 26th January 1843, R. 30.11.46.
Died at Ryde, Isle of Wight 2.1.1853.
GVF/EF £1295.00
1956 Maharajpoor Star Captain Arthur Herbert, H.M. 39th Regiment.
Ensign 18th January 1831, Lieutenant 1834. Retired a Major 20th June 1854. Slightly wounded at the battle
of Maharajpoor 29th December 1843, where the regiment had I officer killed and 10 wounded and over 200
other ranks either killed or wounded
VF/GVF £1285.00
1957 Maharajpoor Star Private John O'Rourke, H.M. 39th Regiment.
VF/GVF £685.00
Sutlej Campaign Medal 1845-1846
1958 Reverse Moodkee 1845 Joseph Hanson, 3rd Light Dragoons.
Private Joseph Hanson was killed in action at Moodkee, 18th December 1845.
60 officers and men killed in action, 35 wounded.
GVF/EF £1150.00
1959 Reverse Moodkee 1845, 2 clasps, Ferozeshuhur, Sobraon. Corporal John Warman,
9th Regiment.
The 9th had 2 officers and men killed and 50 wounded at the battle of Moodkee, even worse at Ferozeshuhur
with 70 officers and men killed and 204 wounded. Sobraon saw little action for them having had so many
previous casualties. Sold with copy of roll confirming clasps.
GVF/EF £900.00
1960 Reverse Sobraon 1846 Samuel Wilcott, 53rd Regiment.
The 53rd Shropshires suffered over 120 officers and men killed or wounded at the battle of Sobraon
1 or 2 light contacting VF/GVF £525.00
Dixon's Gazette
Page 74
Punjab Campaign Medal 1848-1849
1961 1 clasp, Chilianwala. W.H. Bailey, 24th Foot.
Private William Henry Bailey was killed in action at Chilianwala on 13th January 1849. The regiment
suffered over 500 casualties at the battle of Chilianwala one of the bloodiest battles ever fought in India.
Sold with copied roll page.
GVF £1375.00
1962 1 clasp, Goojerat. W. Burbige, 24th Foot.
William was born in Bedminster, Dorset and enlisted in the 39th Foot, age 18 years on 24th September
1842. The 39th served in India and they took part in the Maharajpore campaign of 1842, but it is not known
if William was present. He transferred to the 24th Foot on 1.11.1846, with whom he was present at the battle
of Goojerat.
He served in the East Indies for 16 years, 4 months and was discharged 3.12.61, unfit for further service. He
had served a total of 18 years, 103 days. He was also present in the Indian Mutiny and received the medal
and clasp.
Some slight edge brusing and contact marks VF £500.00
1963 2 clasps, Chilianwala, Goojerat. Lieut. J. Silver, 2nd European Regiment (2nd Royal
Munster Fusliers).
Un-researched medal, sold with copied roll page, confirming clasps.
GVF/EF £995.00
1964 2 clasps, Chilianwala, Goojerat. Sergeant W. Plaw, 24th Foot.
Sergeant W. Plaw could not be found on the normal printed roll, but an enquiry to the archivist Celia Green
of the South Wales Borders Museum resulted in that he was
'1249 Sergeant William Shaw 24th Foot' on some rolls, 'Plaw' having been misread for 'Shaw', a not
uncommon occurrence over the years. However '1249 William Plaw 24th Foot' is recorded on WO 12/4097
as being in Kinston, Canada in 1841. Confirming that it is the same man.
The 24th Foot at the Battle of Chilianwala took part in one of the hardest fights in India ever fought and
took over 520 casualties on the day including 248 killed.
Sold with a letter from the regimental archivist, clasps confirmed.
VF/GVF £750.00
1965 2 clasps, Chilianwala, Goojerat. Wm. Newcomb, 29th Foot.
William enlisted in the 62nd Foot 21.3.1846, age 18 years and joined the 29th Foot by transfer on 24.4.1847
(regimental No. 2661) Wounded at Chilianwala 13.01.1849, died 30.12.1854.
The regiment suffered 34 men killed and 207 officers and men wounded at Chilianwala
Sold with copied roll pages.
GVF £765.00
South Africa Medal 1834-1853
1966 Second Kaffir War Bugler W. Letter, 90th Regiment.
William, a servant from Manchester enlisted on April 19th 1833 age 17 years 4 months. He served 8 years 4
months in Ceylon, 2 years in the Cape and 4 months in the Crimea. Discharged 3rd July 1855 having served
21 years 118 days. Admitted to an in pensioner, Chelsea 1.7.81 and died 18.5.1887. Sold with copied papers
and roll page.
Contact marks from other medals VF £540.00
1967 Second Kaffir War I. Thorndike, 73rd. Regiment. Black Watch.
Israel Thorndike took part in the 2nd Kaffir wars and is confirmed on the roll 1846-47. His medal was
forwarded to the Sub-Inspector of Police, Adderley Street, Cape Town
The six companies of the regiment embarked at Cork for the Cape in October 1845 but were diverted to
South America and saw action against the Argentinians at Monte Video before eventually reaching the
mouth of the Great Fish River on August 30th 1846.
VF/GVF £565.00
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Dixon's Gazette
South Africa Medal 1834-1853 cont.
1968 Second and Third kaffir War Corporal J. Austin, 1st Bn. 6th Regiment.
John enlisted in the Newry district to serve as a private in the 6th Foot Royal Warwicks 14.2.46, age 17
years 1 month. He served in the Cape and districts from September 1846 to December 1857, when he takes
passage to India to take part in the Indian Mutiny, serving in and around Benares and Azimghur. He
received the Mutiny medal without clasp. Promoted Corporal 1st April 1859, he was discharged at Calcutta
16th January 1860 at his own request. Around analysis of the musters which shows him present in almost all
the actions the regiment took part in and the Cape and British Caffaria.
The regiment received the Battle Honours for South Africa 1846-47 and 1851-2-3.
Some contact marks VF/GVF £550.00
India General Service Medal 1854-1895
1969 1 clasp, Pegu. Bombardier Geo. Bartlom, 2nd Battn. Arty..
George entered the service in 1842 stating his trade as a mason and born in Leamington, Warwickshire.
Sold with copied roll page.
Some contacting AVF £345.00
1970 1 clasp, Pegu. Corporal Robinson Morrow, 51st King's Own Light Infantry.
Robinson was born in 1821 in Pomery, Dungannon, Co. Tyrone and trade a weaver. Enlisted 1.3.1843 in
Armagh age 22. He served 18 years 245 days including 18 years, 4 months abroad, 3 years 6 months Van
Diemen's Land and 14 years 8 months East Indies. He received the IGS 1854 with Pegu clasp for service in
Rangoon and the repulse of night attack on Prome, for which he claimed his Pegu prize money.
Transferring to the 74th Foot (Cameron's) on 1st April 1854, he served with them until discharged 25.3.1862
at Bellarmy, East Indies.
GVF £335.00
1971 1 clasp, Pegu. Orderly John Filmer, Salamander.
Verified on the roll, medal sent to Euryalus 7.5.1856. 138 medals awarded to Salamander which was on the
river Rangoon from 5.4.1852 to 10.4.1852.
VF/GVF £395.00
1972 1 clasp, Pegu. Orderly Wm. Styles, H.M.S. Winchester.
479 clasps to Winchester
VF £325.00
1973 1 clasp, Pegu. Alfred Fulcher, 80th Regiment.
Verified on Roll.
EF £360.00
1974 1 clasp, Pegu. Jas. Crossen, 18th Royal Irish Regiment.
James Crossen (Crossin) and is listed killed in action on the 19th March 1853 at Donabew, Burma. The
regiment lost Lieutenants R. Doran and W.P. Cockburn, and 16 other ranks in this second war with Burma
1852-53. Sold with various pages from the history, casualty list and medal roll page which confirms only
one man in the regiment with this name.
GVF/EF £985.00
1975 1 clasp, Pegu. Private Michael Madden, 2nd Bengal European Fusiliers.
Born Ballinakill, Galway and enlisted 25.1.49 at Limerick age 20 years. He served in Burma and received
the India medal clasp Pegu and later in the Indian Mutiny, medal and clasp Delhi, confirmed in papers.
Discharged at Woodford, Ireland, having served 19 years, 19th Oct 1868.
VF/GVF £300.00
1976 1 clasp, Pegu. J. Burrows, 1st Madras Fusiliers.
Became the Royal Dublin Fusiliers in 1861.
GVF £300.00
Dixon's Gazette
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India General Service Medal 1854-1895 cont.
1977 1 clasp, Persia. J. Fulton, 78th Foot.
Number 3334 John Fulton verified on the roll for Persia which states died 18th July 1857. The regiment
served in the Persian campaign of December 1856 to February 1857. Sold with a copy of the roll.
VF £1150.00
1978 1 clasp, North West Frontier. Colour Havildar Saye Errapa, Sappers & Miners.
Contacting VF £220.00
1979 1 clasp, North West Frontier. Sowar Futteh Khan, 13th Bengal Cavalry.
GVF £250.00
1980 1 clasp, North West Frontier. 1560 W. Arnold, H.M.s 1st. Bn. 6th Regiment.
Born Buckingham and enlisted age 22 years at Bunbury 15th October 1857 and was discharged 6th May
1878, he actually served 19 years, 297 days. He had 37 entries in the defaulters' book and was court
martialed 6 times!
For the campaign of 3rd to 22nd October 1868. by Major General A.T. Wilde C.B. against the Bazotte Black
Mountain tribe.
VF/GVF £340.00
1981 1 clasp, North West Frontier. 1302 E. McCafferty, 1st. H.M.s 19th Regiment.
Edward was born in Kilbarron, Ballyshanon, Co. Donegal. He enlisted age 20 at Cliffony 6.9.1860, stating
his trade as a servant and was paid a bounty of two pounds. Served with the 19th for 10 years, 295 days. He
transferred to the 109th 1.8. 1871 (2nd battalion Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers) transferred in 1876 to the 59th
(2nd Notts) For the campaign of 3rd to 22nd October 1868. by Major General A.T. Wilde C.B. against the
Bazotte Black Mountain tribes.
GVF £320.00
1982 1 clasp, North West Frontier. 826 Private W. Word, 3 Bn. Rifle Brigade.
Listed on the Mutiny Roll with Lucknow clasp.5th December - 2nd January 1864 Between these dates
Sultan Muhammed Khan attacked the fort of Shabkader with a body of Mohmands and Bajouris and was
defeated by a force under Brevet- Colonel A.G. Macdonell, CB.
Sold with copied roll page.
Contact marks in both fields VF £320.00
1983 1 clasp, North West Frontier. 1919 Private W. Norman, 3/Rifle Brigade.
Provenance: Spink, January 1993
GVF £300.00
1984 1 clasp, Umbeyla. 3745 T. Slater, H.M.s 1st Bn. 7th Regiment.
Verified on the medal roll, medal and clasp Umbeyla. Wounded at Sebastopol 14.6.55, medal and clasp.
Discharged 15.7.1865.
GVF £345.00
1985 1 clasp, Umbeyla. 10 W. King, 1st Bn 7th Regiment.
Address Milton Street, Hanover Lane, Sheffield. 470 men of the 1/7th took part in this campaign, the
expedition suffered over 900 casualties.
EF £360.00
1986 1 clasp, Umbeyla. 4203 E. McKinlay, 71st Highlanders.
Served 2nd Expedition to Eusufzai 18 Oct 1863, present at Umbeyla, also issued Indian Mutiny Medal for
operations with the central India Force under Major General Rose.
Contact marks in the field VF £360.00
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Dixon's Gazette
India General Service Medal 1854-1895 cont.
1987 1 clasp, Umbeyla. 132 A. Buzan, H.M.s 101st Regiment.
Born 1834 at Minister, Sheerness, enlisted 28.1.59, discharged 22.5.73 having served 14 years, 86 days.
GVF £345.00
1988 1 clasp, Bhootan. 23 Corporal J. Blake, 5 By. 25th Bde. Royal Artillery.
John Blake was discharged 10.10.64. His medal was sent to Melbourne, Australia.
Light contacting GVF £300.00
1989 1 clasp, Bhootan. 3356 J. Green, H Ms 55th Regiment.
John was born in Killimond, Clare, Ireland and enlisted 3.5.54. He served with the regiment in the Crimea
earning the medal and clasp Sebastopol and the Turkish Crimea. He served 21 years, 177 days. He was
never listed in the defaulters book nor court-martialed. Promoted Sergeant 1871-76.
Sold with copy roll pages and service records.
VF £335.00
1990 1 clasp, Looshai. Rifleman Kalloo Groon, 2nd Gurkha Regiment.
VF £325.00
1991 1 clasp, Perak. 222 Private W. Theobald, 1/10th Foot.
William Theobald arrived in Singapore from 30th Bde Depot Oct 1874, last traceable entry Sep 1878 in
Malta, 460 clasps to the regiment. Sold with copied medal roll page.
VF/GVF £295.00
1992 1 clasp, Perak. 1470 Private S. Belcher, 1/10th Foot.
Sold with medal roll confirming clasp.
VF/GVF £295.00
1993 1 clasp, Perak. Leading Seaman J. E. Calnan, Royal Navy H.M.S. Philomel.
James was born in Woolwich, Kent, 26.9.1848 and enlisted 26.9.66 age 18 years. Date of entry 27.5.63 Boy
2nd class on H.M.S. Excellent. Served on various ships including H.M.S. Philomel. Medal sent to H.M.S.
Excellent 28th April 82. Pensioned about 16.9.86, 77 medals to Philomel plus 14 to Seedies.
GVF/EF £385.00
1994 1 clasp, Perak. Able Seaman E. Murphy, H.M.S. Fly Royal Navy.
103 medals to H.M.S. Fly.
GVF/EF £375.00
1995 1 clasp, Naga 1879-80. Bugler Kadir Bux, 42nd Bengal Native Infantry.
The 42nd (Assam) Light Infantry later became the 6th and 2/8 Gurkha Rifles.
This clasp was only awarded to a few British Officers and five Indian regiments plus Frontier Police and
Bengal Sappers and Miners, thus Scarce.
GVF/EF £495.00
1996 1 clasp, Jowaki 1877-8. Constable Sammand, Kohat Police Force.
VF £195.00
1997 1 clasp, Jowaki 1877-8. 1920 Private Thos. Hickman, 2/9th Foot.
Enlisted 1871, also in receipt of the Afghan medal clasp Kabul.
Light contacting VF £295.00
1998 1 clasp, Jowaki 1877-8. 1495 Private George Fleming, 4 Bn Rifle Brigade.
1 or 2 light contact marks in the field GVF/EF £300.00
1999 1 clasp, Jowaki 1877-8. 1492 Gunner W. Jones, 13/9th Royal Artillery.
Born about 1834, St. Mary, Liverpool. In the 1861 census he is listed as being in residence with a number
of other young men. Sold with copied roll page and Census page.
GVF/EF £285.00
Dixon's Gazette
Page 78
India General Service Medal 1854-1895 cont.
2000 1 clasp, Burma 1885-7. Jhorawallah Magil, 2nd Madras Lancers. In bronze.
Sometime cleaned and lacquered GVF £265.00
2001 1 clasp, Burma 1885-7. 212 Bearer Ghanzee, Transport Department 8th Arcle Br.. In
Fine/Good Fine £135.00
2002 1 clasp, Burma 1885-7.
2474 Sergeant A. Patchett, 1st Battalion Royal Welsh
Albert Patchett was born in Aston, Birmingham, enlisted 12.1.80.aged 20 having served in 2nd Warwick
Militia, to India 16.8.80, promoted Cpl 18.7.81, L/Sgt 12.9.85, discharged to AR 16.2.87 and final
discharged after 12 years' service 11.11.1892 including 6 years in India.
Sold with copied service papers and medal roll.
Light edge bruise 3.0 GVF £185.00
2003 1 clasp, Burma 1885-7. 1721 Private G. Smith, 2nd Bn. Somerset Light Infantry.
VF £195.00
2004 1 clasp, Burma 1885-7. 4308 Private F. Bishop, 1st Bn. Rifle Brigade.
Fredrick was born at St. Pancreas in 1860 and enlisted 30.8.1880 age 20 years, 2 months, trade a porter.
Served 12 years with the regiment and was discharged 29.9.1892.
VF/GVF £195.00
2005 1 clasp, Sikkim 1888. 339 Private C. Newton, 2nd Bn Derbyshire Regiment.
Only two companies of the 2/Derbys were present approximately 481 men which makes this a very scarce
clasp to British unit the Derbys were the only regiment present apart from a handful of old specialist men of
other regiments. Christopher enlisted in the Derby regiment 19.9.1892 and served 12 years including 5
years, 363 days in East Indies. Worked at the Clifton collieries and saw service in the 1914-18 war in the
Royal Defence Corps, 31.12.1914 to 17.1.1918, discharged having served 3 years, 18 days, papers state
'deceased' Verified on Roll.
VF £385.00
2006 1 clasp, Sikkim 1888. 2590 Sergeant W. Packer, 2nd Bn Derbyshire Regiment.
Only two companies of the 2/Derbys were present approximately 481 men which makes this a very scarce
clasp to British unit the Derbys were the only regiment present apart from a handful of old specialist men of
other regiments. 15.2.1888 to 18.6.1888.Verified on Roll.
NEF £385.00
2007 1 clasp, Sikkim 1888. 2187 Private G. Mitchell, 2nd Bn Derbyshire Regiment.
Only two companies of the 2/Derbys were present approximately 481 men which makes this a very scarce
clasp to British unit the Derbys were the only regiment present apart from a handful of old specialist men of
other regiments. 15.3.1885 to 27.9.1888. He is listed on the roll for service in Egypt 1882 and the Egypt
Star. Verified on Roll.
Choice EF £425.00
2008 1 clasp, Hazara 1888. 399 Private M. Flemming, 2/Northumberland Fusiliers. Official
correction to 'd' of unit, North'd.
Most of the medals to this regiment come officially corrected as all were incorrectly engraved.
EF £250.00
2009 1 clasp, Hazara 1888. 1991 Private J. Barry, Royal Irish Regiment.
James was born in Dunmore, Waterford and enlisted 1.6.1885 age 19 years. Served 6 years, 27 days
including 4 years, 288 days in India.This bar was awarded to the Hazara field Force, commanded by Major
general J.W. McQueen, CB, ADC. This was generally referred to as the 'Black Mountain Expedition' as it
was undertaken against the Black Mountain tribes of Hassanzais, Akazais, Chagarzais, etc. The cause of the
trouble was the murder of Major L. Battye and captain H.B. Urmiston, together with five sepoys, who were
surveying in the territory occupied by the Akazais.
GVF/EF £245.00
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Dixon's Gazette
India General Service Medal 1854-1895 cont.
2010 1 clasp, Hazara 1888. 21151 Bombardier T. Pepper, No.2 By. 1st Bde Sc. Dn. R.A..
Verified on the roll.
GVF/EF £240.00
2011 1 clasp, Hazara 1888. Langri Dewa Singh, 24th Bengal Infantry (Punjab). In Bronze.
Fine £175.00
2012 1 clasp, Burma 1887-89. 1114 Private G. Wooley, 2nd Bn. Cheshire Regiment.
VF/GVF £200.00
2013 1 clasp, Chin Lushai 1889-90. Superintendant G.S.C. Clifford, Postal Department.
Officially engraved as most are.
GVF £375.00
2014 1 clasp, Chin Lushai 1889-90. 751 Sepoy Sarbajit Thappa (2), Surma Valley Military
GVF £265.00
2015 1 clasp, Chin Lushai 1889-90. 2810 Private R. Inglis, 1st Bn. King's Own Scottish
Robert served with the regiment in the Gangaw column. Later served in the Boer War entitled to a Q.S.A,
with Paardeberg and Cape Colony. Roll stated 'deceased'
VF/GVF £325.00
2016 1 clasp, Chin Lushai 1889-90. Cook Shaik Hamid Ali, 3rd Bengal Infantry. Bronze
Half a battalion of the 3/ Bengal Infantry, most pf whom would get the silver medal, bronze medals more
scarce many not surviving the climate with humidity etc.
GVF/EF £260.00
2017 1 clasp, Samana 1891. 2194 Private J. Smith, 2nd Bn. Manchester Regiment.
James was born in Openshaw, Manchester in May 1870, and was the son of John an engine driver. He took
part in the Miranzai Expedition of 1891 earning a medal and clasp Samana 1891. Only two companies of the
Manchester Regiment took part (311) Sold with copy papers and 1901 census.
VF/GVF £310.00
2018 1 clasp, Samana 1891. 2282 Private W.O'Neill, 2nd Bn. Manchester Regiment.
Born Port Low, Waterford and enlisted 15.8.82, age 19 years, 1 month and trade a spinner. Served in the
East Lancs' Militia previously served in India 1889 -96, South Africa 1900-1902. Re-engaged 30.3.1899 to
complete 21 years with the colours. Transferred to the 2/ Lincoln regiment 1.1.1900 to 26.9.1902. Also
awarded Q.S.A. with Paardeberg, Johannesburg, Cape Colony, discharged 18.10.1902. He took part in the
Miranzai Expedition of 1891 earning a medal and clasp Samana 1891.Only two companies of the
Manchester Regiment took part (311)
EF £320.00
2019 1 clasp, Samana 1891. 2439 Private D. Sherran, 2nd Bn. Manchester Regiment.
Born in Blackburn in June 1869 and lived in Salford . He took part in the Miranzai Expedition of 1891
earning a medal and clasp Samana 1891. Only two companies of the Manchester Regiment took part (311)
Sold with copy papers and medal roll.
GVF/EF £320.00
2020 1 clasp, Samana 1891.
Dooly Bearer Bulaloe, 15th Bengal Native Infantry. In
VF/GVF £290.00
2021 1 clasp, Samana 1891. 4799 Sepoy Gul Zari, 1st Punjab Infantry.
AVF £175.00
Dixon's Gazette
Page 80
India General Service Medal 1854-1895 cont.
2022 1 clasp, Hazara 1891. 2232 Private R. Johnstone, 2nd Bn. Seaforth Highlanders.
Robert was born in Govan, Glasgow and enlisted 19.8.1886 age 19 years, 1 month, trade a carpenter. Served
India 1889 to 1894, South Africa 1900 to 1902. Also entitled to a QSA with clasps, Wittebergen, Cape
colony, Transvaal, discharged 30.9.1902.
VF/GVF £300.00
2023 1 clasp, Hunza 1891. 8490 Muleteer Din Beer, Commissariat & Transport Corps. In
Light contacting Fine/VF £800.00
2024 1 clasp, N. E. Frontier 1891.
1001 Sepoy Bhagatbir Thapa, (5th) 44th Bengal
VF £220.00
2025 1 clasp, N. E. Frontier 1891. 3480 Private E.H. Helmn, 4th Bn. King's Royal Rifle
Edwin enlisted in the 60th Foot at Winchester 16.12.78 stating his age as 14 years and 5 months and as born
in Preston. The 4th battalion n K.R.R.C. formed part of the Tamu Column and were the only British
Regiment present in any force, approximately 443 medals issued to them, as well as some artillery and some
odd men, so this is quite scarce to Europeans. He served in India and Burma 7.2.83 to 12.5.92. Discharged
after his second period of service 17.12.99 having served 21 years and 8 days. Sold with copied papers.
GVF/EF £355.00
2026 1 clasp, N. E. Frontier 1891. 2636 Private J. Thomas, 4th Bn. King's Royal Rifle
Born St. James, Southampton and enlisted 17.1.85, age 20 years. The 4th battalion K.R.R.C. formed part of
the Tamu Column and were the only British Regiment present in any force, approximately 443 medals
issued to them, as well as some artillery and some odd men, so this is quite scarce to Europeans.
He served in India and Burma 1886-92. Discharged 16.1.97 having served 12 years.
Sold with copied roll page and papers.
GVF/EF £355.00
2027 1 clasp, N. E. Frontier 1891. 1467 Rifleman Asoo Gurung, 44th Bengal Native
NEF £220.00
2028 1 clasp, Burma 1889-92. 2129 Private M. Dean, 1 Bn. Devonshire Regiment.
Born 1867 at Crondall near Farnham. Enlisted 18.8.88 medal and clasp confirmed, also served in the Boer
war and is entitled to a 6 clasp Q.S.A. Discharged after 13 years’ service.
NVF £175.00
2029 1 clasp, Burma 1889-92. 2269 Lance Corporal H. Jones, 1st Bn. Duke of Cornwall's
Light Infantry.
Born Cheltenham and enlisted 25.7.1887 stating his age as 20 years, 2 months and trade a drapers assistant.
Discharged Corporal 19.7.1899 having served 12 years. Served India 7 years.
VF/GVF £220.00
2030 1 clasp, Lushai 1889-92. 777 Sepoy Mumba Rai, Surma Valley Military Police Bn..
GVF/EF £395.00
2031 1 clasp, Lushai 1889-92. 199 Constable Aukhib Chandra Borua, Chillagong Civil
VF £475.00
2032 1 clasp, Chin Hills 1892-93.
Officialy re-engraved, as most are.
1599 Private Rafendiam, 21st Madress Pioneers.
VF £320.00
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Dixon's Gazette
India General Service Medal 1854-1895 cont.
2033 1 clasp, Chin Hills 1892-93. 524 Rifleman Bhawanu Rawal, 39th Garhwalis (39th
Garhwal Rifles). Officially re-engraved, as most are.
VF £320.00
2034 1 clasp, Chin Hills 1892-93. Lascar Sultan All, 30t Burma infantry. In Bronze.
GVF/EF £950.00
2035 1 clasp, Chin Hills 1892-93. 1124 Private Rasul Khan, 31st Burma Lt. Infy..
A good example of this medal.
GVF/EF £475.00
2036 1 clasp, Waziristan 1894-5. Cook Sher Khan, 20th Bengal Infantry. In bronze.
VF £165.00
2037 1 clasp, Waziristan 1894-5. 2387 Private W. Jones, 2nd Bn Border Regiment.
William saw service in Waziristan from 17.11.1894 to 13.3.1895.
EF £265.00
2038 1 clasp, Waziristan 1894-5. 353 Sepoy Nadir, 4th Bengal Native Infantry.
GVF £165.00
2039 1 clasp, Waziristan 1894-5. Cook Fatiman Ali, 33rd Bengal Infantry. In Bronze.
Good Fine £145.00
2040 2 clasps, North West Frontier, Umbeyla.
Havildar Shoda Bukas, 5th Goorkha
Fine £275.00
2041 2 clasps, Burma 1885-7, Sikkim 1888. 20418 Gunner J. Curdon, No. 9 Battery, 1st
Brigade Northern Division, Royal Field Artillery. Official correction to the regimental
Medal and both clasps confirmed. The recipient first appeared under the alias 20418 'James Curdon' serving
with No 9 Mountain Battery, 1st Brigade, Northern Division, Royal Artillery, on the medal roll for 'Burma
1885-1887', and later under his true name, 20418 James Kelly, then serving with 3rd Mountain Battery,
Royal Artillery, for the 'Sikkim 1888' clasp (reference WO 100/74)
James Kelly was a native of Donaghmore, Castlefinn, Donegal, Ireland, where he was born circa 1855. At
the time of his attestation for the British Army at Omagh, Ireland, on 18 March 1877, James, then 18 years
of age and by occupation a 'Labourer' was posted to join the Scots Fusilier Guards. For some reason he did
not take to soldiering with the Scots Fusilier Guards, and 'Deserted' from that corps on 30 October 1878.
James Kelly was not however finished with the British Army, and he subsequently enlisted (while still a
deserter) under the name 'James Curdon' as a Gunner in the Royal Regiment of Artillery.
James's earlier desertion was eventually detected, but he was allowed to continue his service - with initial
forfeiture of former service - in the Royal Artillery (service papers refer). In total James Kelly (alias James
Curdon ) served a total of 20 years and 49 days, including more than 5 years overseas service in Aden
Colony, 23 February 1884 to 10 December 1884 (291 Days), and India, 11 December 1884 to 25 April 1889
(4 years 136 days).†¨â€ ¨
His campaign service in that time included Burma 1886-87, and latterly as a 'Mountain Gunner' with the
Sikkim Field Force 1888-89 (Medal with two clasps).†¨At the time he took his final discharge from the
British Army at Edinburgh, on 30 April 1897, his character was described as having been 'Very Good'. His
intended place of residence on leaving the British Army was cited as being, 13 Yeaman Place, Edinburgh,
The National Census for Scotland shows James living with his wife Margaret Kelly still living at the
aforesaid address, his employment described as being a 'Messenger' for the Army Staff Office.
Sold with copied service papers.
VF £450.00
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Page 82
India General Service Medal 1854-1895 cont.
2042 2 clasps, Burma 1885-7, Burma 1887-89. 504 Sepoy Gobinda, Shevebo Military
Police Bn..
VF £235.00
2043 2 clasps, Burma 1885-7, Burma 1887-89. 3718 Corporal J. Dando, Rifle Brigade.
Jeremiah was born at Westerleigh, Chipping Sudbury and enlisted age 22 years, 2 months 27.05.79, trade a
miner. Sergeant 1888, served 10 years, 210 days. Arrived India 20.9.80 and returned to Dover 6.12.89. Both
clasps confirmed on the roll. Clasps mounted in reverse order.
GVF £320.00
2044 2 clasps, Burma 1885-7, Burma 1887-9. 2294 Private J. Crepin, 1/Rifle Brigade.
Verified on the roll, invalided to England to 2nd battalion.
Light pawn marks in the field VF/GVF £325.00
2045 2 clasps, Burma 1885-7, Burma 1887-9. Chowdry Mir Khusheol Ali, 18th Bengal
Infantry. In Bronze.
VF/GVF £175.00
2046 2 clasps, Sikkim 1888, Lushai 1889-92. Muleteer Llahi, No. 3 (Peshr) Mn. By.. In
Clasps mounted in reverse order. A Rare medal.
VF/GVF £950.00
2047 2 clasps, Hazara 1888, Hazara 1891. Cook Nathu, 3rd Sikh Infantry. In Bronze.
Bottom carraige replaced, sloppy suspender Fair £185.00
2048 Irish, South Mayo Rifles Militia Glengarry badge circa 1874-81. A fine die-stamped
white metal example. Resting in a shamrock wreath, a crowned oval inscribed 'South Mayo
Rifles 15', Arms of the Maquis of Sligo to the centre. Two original lead soldered loops to
EF £525.00
Baltic Medal 1854-1855
2049 Senior Lieutenant D.M. MacKenzie, of Edinburgh 1854. Engraved in contemporary
Sold with a photocopy of 1882 navy list which shows him as a Naval Cadet 25 June 1830 to Vice Admiral
retired November 1881. War service shows Senior Lieutenant of 'Edinburgh' at the capture of Bomarsuns,
1554, J.P. for Kent.
VF £320.00
William Alldritt 1856. Named in contemporary style.
GVF £285.00
James Couzens, Royal Navy H.M.S. Arrogant. Engraved in contemporary style.
GVF/EF £300.00
2052 Unnamed as officially issued to the Royal Navy or Royal Marines
GVF/EF £190.00
2053 Unnamed as officially issued to the Royal Navy or Royal Marines
GVF £180.00
2054 Unnamed as officially issued to the Royal Navy or Royal Marines
Choice EF £220.00
2055 Unnamed as officially issued to the Royal Navy or Royal Marines
Pleasing VF £165.00
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Dixon's Gazette
Crimea War Medal 1854-1856
2056 Unnamed as officially issued to the Royal Navy or Royal Marines No clasp.
VF £120.00
2057 Unnamed as officially issued to the Royal Navy or Royal Marines, 1 clasp,
EF £185.00
2058 Officially impressed, 1 clasp, Sebastopol. M. Toman, 46th Regiment.
Michael Toman was born in Loughinisland, Co. Down. A Labourer by occupation, he enlisted into the 46th
Regiment on 20 September 1852. He landed with the main body of the regiment in the Crimea on 8
November 1854. Listed as sick at Scutari on 14 December 1854; dying there on 17 December 1854,
probably of dysentery.
VF £295.00
2059 Officially impressed, 1 clasp, Sebastopol. Gunner & Driver I. Hicks, Royal Artillery.
Choice EF £300.00
2060 Unnamed as officially issued to the Royal Navy or Royal Marines, 2 clasps,
Inkermann, Sebastopol.
EF £260.00
2061 Engraved in contemporary style, 3 clasps, Alma, Inkermann, Sebastopol. 2235 James
Mann, 77th Foot.
Clasps confirmed, with copied rolls.
Minor edge bruise 4.0 VF £295.00
2062 Officially impressed, 3 clasps, Balaklava, Inkermann, Sebastopol. M. Eady, Grenadier
Moses Eady was slightly wounded at the Battle of Inkermann and he is recorded as dead on the Sebastopol
clasp medal roll. Sold with copies of rolls.
GVF £795.00
2063 Officially impressed, 4 clasps, Alma, Balaklava, Inkermann, Sebastopol.
Northover, 20th Regiment.
Sold with copied research confirming entitlement to clasps.
Minor edge bruise 7.0 VF/GVF £1075.00
2064 Officially impressed, 4 clasps, Alma, Balaklava, Inkermann, Sebastopol. P. Lyons,
63rd Regiment.
Born Crome, Limerick, Ireland and enlisted in 63rd regiment (1st Manchester's) 10.3.1851. Philip died
24.2.1855 probably of disease in the Crimea. Sold with a good copy of the regiment musters, including one
which states 'died at sea' (on the way to Scutari).
GVF/EF £1100.00
Turkish Crimea Medal
2065 British issue Fitted with a British Crimea suspension.
VF/GVF £150.00
2066 Sardinian issue
VF £130.00
2067 Sardinian issue As issued with ring suspension.
GVF £140.00
2068 Sardinian issue W. Halls, 1st Bn Rifle Brigade.
VF £110.00
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Page 84
Italian Crimea War Medal 1854-1856
2069 Silver issue and rare, unnamed, engravers name Ferraris below bust.
EF £1450.00
Indian Mutiny Medal 1857-1858
2070 Sepoy Bhoop Sing, 3rd Infy. Regt. Nag. Irr. Force. No clasp.
NEF £285.00
Corporal H. Winter, 29th Regiment. No clasp.
Henry Winter was born in Alseford and enlisted in the 66th Foot 29.1.48, transfering to the 29th Foot 1.4.49,
served 10 years in India, promoted Cpl 3.4.52, Sgt 24.1.60, discharged as CSgt 24.3.65 suffering from
Phthisis Pulmonalis aggravated by service.
VF+ £320.00
Sergeant C. Roberts, 54th Regiment. No clasp.
Sergeant Charles Roberts was on board the Sarah Sands, bound for India with 368 officers and men of the
regiment together with a number of women and children, a total of some 500 persons with the crew, when
that ship caught fire on 11 November 1857, some days after leaving Cape Town. For 18 hours the troops and
loyal members of the crew fought the fire with admirable discipline, having successfully got all the women
and children into the ship's boats, some of which had already been launched by cowardly crewmen The
regimental colours, kept in the saloon, were saved by the bravery of half a dozen volunteers who reached
them after repeated attempts. Several casks of powder blew up most of the ship aft of the mainmast but in
the process also blew away much of the burning woodwork, enabling the fire to be finally extinguished. The
uniforms of the soldiers had been almost scorched from their bodies, many had collapsed and others were
terribly burned. Not one life was lost in this disaster and the ship eventually reached Port Louis at Mauritius.
Many soldiers had been terribly burned, their uniforms having been almost scorched from their bodies by
the intense heat and flames of the fire. Of the original strength of the 54th only 151 remained fit enough to
proceed to India and earn the medal for service during the Mutiny. Sold with copied muster rolls.
VF/GVF £985.00
1303 Brian Downey, 87th Regiment. No clasp,jewellers mark on obverse.
Discharged 4th October 1866.
GVF/EF £320.00
2074 Driver Sheik Cassein, 3rd Coy Arty ( Hyderabad Contingent). No clasp, engraved in
running script.
VF £240.00
2075 1 clasp, Delhi. G.F. Redding, 1st Bn 60th Rifles.
George Frederick Redding enlisted 12.8.52 No 3187, arrived India Dec 1853, transferred to 3rd Bn Rifle
Brigade 1.1.60 Regimental Number 2359. 2nd December 1861 embarked for England. Died at sea 3rd Jan
1862. The 60th Foot (King's Royal Rifles) suffered over 110 officers and men killed and 275 wounded at the
siege and battle of Delhi.
GVF £650.00
2076 1 clasp, Delhi. J. Murray, 61st Regiment.
Verified on the roll. The regiment had 32 killed and 119 wounded at the battle of Delhi.
Pawn brokers mark in the field VF/GVF £550.00
2077 1 clasp, Delhi. Josh. Robinson, 75th Highlanders.
Joseph Robinson died at Delhi on 10th September 1857. Sold with copied roll.
VF/GVF £560.00
2078 1 clasp, Delhi. M. Hinson, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire L.I.
Michael was born in Kilcluch, West Meath in 1823 and enlisted 9.7.1841 in the 60th Foot.
He served 20 years, 83 days including 41/2 years in North America and 8 years in India, discharged due to
disability. The regiment distinguished its self at Delhi taking 113 officers and men killed and 276 wounded.
GVF/EF £580.00
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Dixon's Gazette
Indian Mutiny Medal 1857-1858 cont.
2079 1 clasp, Delhi. Corporal Patr. McGuire, 2nd Bengal European Fusiliers. Rank
unofficially engraved.
On the roll as 'Private' sold with copied roll page.The 2nd European Bengal Fusiliers (104th battalion
Munster Fusiliers) at the siege and battle of Delhi suffered 83 officers and men killed and over 160
VF £465.00
2080 1 clasp, Lucknow. T. McHugh, 1st Battalion. 5th Fusiliers.
Private Thomas McHugh, enlisted 1st Battalion, 5th Foot, 1846; served during the Indian Mutiny, and was
dangerously wounded at Oomreah, 2.12.1858; he was discharged, July 1860, due to 'penetrating gunshot
wound of the thorax received in action, ball still lodged which renders him unfit to perform the active duties
of a soldier' (service papers refer).
Admitted as an 'In Patient' to Chelsea Hospital, February 1882; died September 1895.
VF £675.00
2081 1 clasp, Lucknow.
slightly slanted.
Private R. Denton, 102nd (Royal Madras Fusiliers). Naming
Became the 1st Dublin Fusiliers after 1861.
VF £450.00
2082 1 clasp, Central India. Michl. Murphy, 88th Regiment.
There were two men with this name who served with the 88th the first was born in Kilenaul, Co. Tipperary
who enlisted in 1838, his regimental number was 1147 and he first served in the Crimea and awarded the
medal with three claps, Alma, Inkerman and Sebastopol. He also received the Turkish Crimea medal and
served for 21 years and 49 days.
The second man was born in St. James, Dublin and enlisted in 1856, age 22 years and his regimental number
was 5121 and served 21 years 32 days including 11 years 3 months in the east.
The medal has contacting to the edge and the field and I suspect this Michael is the first one (1147) who's
two Crimea medals would have made the contact marks.
Sold with copied roll and both men's sets of papers.
AVF £485.00
2083 1 clasp, Central India. T.W Frisby, 3rd Madras European Regiment.
GVF/EF £450.00
2084 1 clasp, Central India. Gunner Thos Fitzgerald, A. Cy. 4th Bn. Madras Artillery.
VF/GVF £425.00
2085 1 clasp, Central India. Gunner Peter Watson, 2nd Bn. Bombay Artillery. Officially
VF/GVF £425.00
2086 2 clasps, Defence of Lucknow, Lucknow. M. Hunt, 1st Bn 5th Fusiliers.
With 4 copied pages of service record, roll and research letter, Michael Hunt was born in Gibraltar, enlisted
in Jersey 24/4/51 aged 17, served at Relief of Arrah Aug 57, Havelock's relieving column Sep 57, defence of
Lucknow Oct-Nov 57, before Lucknow Dec 57-Mar 58, had 6 spells in prison,
It is not surprising that he acquired a character rating of 'Bad'. Discharged 13/5/66 suffering from Phthisis
Pulmonalis and stated very ill and will never be able to earn his livelihood.
VF/GVF £1000.00
We have a large selection of BOOKS for sale covering most periods in the
history of British warfare – visit our website or call us for further details
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Dixon's Gazette
Page 86
China War Medal 1856-1860
2087 Unnamed as officially issued to the Royal Navy and Royal Marines No clasp.
GVF £175.00
2088 Unnamed as officially issued to the Royal Navy and Royal Marines, 1 clasp, Fatshan
Edge bruising Fine/VF £200.00
2089 Unnamed as officially issued to the Royal Navy and Royal Marines, 1 clasp, Canton
Claw tightened VF £200.00
2090 Unnamed as officially issued to the Royal Navy and Royal Marines, 1 clasp, Canton
VF/GVF £260.00
2091 Unnamed as officially issued to the Royal Navy and Royal Marines, 1 clasp, Canton
GVF/EF £275.00
2092 Unnamed as officially issued to the Royal Navy and Royal Marines, 1 clasp, Taku
Forts 1860.
VF £220.00
2093 Unnamed as officially issued to the Royal Navy and Royal Marines, 2 clasps, Canton
1857, Taku Forts 1858.
Contact marks VF £295.00
2094 Unnamed as officially issued to the Royal Navy and Royal Marines, 3 clasps, Fatshan
1857, Canton 1857, Taku Forts 1858.
Only 3 ships received this combination of clasps to the Navy, H.M.S. Calcutta, Fury and Nankin.
Much contacting from other medals Fine £360.00
New Zealand Medal 1845-1866
2095 1 clasp, Reverse undated. Private Joseph Morris, 2. Co. Taranaki Volunteers.
Joseph Morris is recorded as number 197, Private in the 70th Foot and had served with them in New
Zealand. He also saw service with the Taranaki Military Settlers. Most of the medals being issued to this
unit were reissued medals used up for the locals and officially engraved by a number of local jewellers. He
was born in Whitchurch U.K. and received his medal in 1886.
Sold with further details from the book 'New Zealand Medals to Colonials' by Richard Stowers.
VF/GVF £450.00
2096 Reverse undated 42 Private M. Connell, 2/18th Foot.
VF/GVF £525.00
2097 Reverse undated 3872 Patk. Keough, 50th Regiment.
Pte Patrick Keough, served in Waikato and West Coast Campaigns,15 Nov 1863 to 16 Sep 1866. He was
discharged 27 Feb 1867. Also entitled to the Crimea War Medal with three clasps.
Sold with copied medal roll pages.
AVF £525.00
2098 Reverse 1863-1864 Able Seaman A. McDonald, Royal Navy H.M.S. Curacoa.
187 medals to Curacoa.
VF £685.00
2099 Reverse 1863-1864 Gunner R. Moseley, Royal Marine Artillery. H.M.S. Esk.
Approximately 119 New Zealand medals were awarded to H.M.S. Esk.
VF £700.00
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Dixon's Gazette
New Zealand Medal 1845-1866 cont.
2100 Reverse 1863-1866 1319 Driver Josph. Livermore, C Battery, 4th Brigade. Royal
VF/GVF £525.00
2101 Reverse 1864-1866 1558 Gunner Chas. Jibb, 2nd Brigade Royal Artillery.
Sold with a copy of the roll page, served in New Zealand 29th January 1864 to 14th November 1866.
VF/GVF £525.00
Abyssinian War Medal 1867-1868
2102 340 Gunner W. Dowton, 14th Brigade Royal Artillery.
William Dowton landed Abyssinia 12.12.67, served under Captain Murray. Sold with copied roll.
Usual solder at claw Fine £250.00
3798 W. Newell, 26th Regiment.
Choice EF £395.00
197 J. Young, 45th Regiment.
Suspension re-fixed Fine £375.00
3235 T. Carey, 1/The King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment).
Thomas was born in Roskmill, Ballyhooly, Cork in 1836. First saw service with the 51st Foot 1852 to
14.7.1854. Transferred to the 4th Foot where he served in the Crimea for 1 year, 5 months being severely
wounded at Sebastopol.
He served in the East Indies 10 years, 5 months, followed by 6 months in Abyssinia. Also awarded the silver
medal for long service. Served a total of 21 years, 3 days. Place of residence Alexander Street, Newcastle.
VF £485.00
Canada General Service Medal 1866-1870
2106 1 clasp, Fenian Raid 1866. 483 Private T. Roe, King's Own Borderers.
Thomas was born in Ederney, Fermanagh and enlisted 27.8.60 age 18 years attested to the 25th Regiment in
which he spent all his service. He served 18 years, 290 days and his rank on completion was that of Colour
Sergeant. He was confined, tried and imprisoned for 28 days 'for making away with a quantity of coffee'
Served abroad 9 years, 167 days.
Discharged to Kesh, Fermanagh, Ireland. Medal claimed September 2nd 1903 from the Militia and Defense,
Canada. 11 Officers and 93 men received this medal.
EF £525.00
2107 1 clasp, Fenian Raid 1866. Private J. Hamilton, 15th Battalion.
Verified on the roll, sold with copy roll page.
GVF/EF £350.00
2108 1 clasp, Fenian Raid 1866. 504 Private E. Wooldridge, 4th Rifle Brigade.
Edward was born in Orpenheam, Hungerford in 1839 and enlisted from the Hampshire Volunteers
18.1.1858 age 19 years. He served with the 4/ Rifle Brigade until discharged 30.2.1890 after 22 years, 70
days of service including the Mediterranean 7 years, Canada 2 years, India 6 years, 6 months. His only
medal is verified on the C.G.S. medal roll dated 19.1.1901, his address is given as 230, City Road, London,
EF £495.00
2109 1 clasp, Fenian Raid 1866. 1505 Driver J. Thompson, Royal Artillery.
Served with the 4th Brigade Royal Artillery, 176 medals issued.
GVF £485.00
2110 1 clasp, Fenian Raid 1866. Ensign C.H. Hignett, Royal Canadian Rifles.
12 officers and 128 men of the R.C.R. received this medal.
Obverse only Fair from polishing £370.00
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Page 88
Canada General Service Medal 1866-1870 cont.
2111 1 clasp, Fenian Raid 1870. Private J. Bronsard, 70th Battalion.
Not found on the recognised roll, but research found Joseph Bronsard as serving in No. 2 Company of
Captain Trudel's 70th Bn. and he is listed in the Pay sheets. The Bounty applications were checked and he
was originally refused Bounty, but in June 1914 it was confirmed he was entitled and probably applied for
his medal at the same time. Naming is in the officially impressed style.
GVF/EF £350.00
Ashantee Medal 1873-1874
2112 edge engraved 73-74 Able Seaman J. Wallis, Royal Navy H.M.S. Simoom. No clasp.
Contact marks to right field indicating other medals GVF £295.00
2113 edge engraved 73-74 2090 Private G. Jenkin, 2nd Br 23. Royal Welch Fusiliers. No
Light contact marks VF £285.00
2114 edge engraved 73-74, 1 clasp, Coomassie. 1672 Private J. Molloie, 2 Bn. 23 Royal
Welsh Fusiliers.
GVF £450.00
2115 edge engraved 73-74, 1 clasp, Coomassie.
3375 Private G. Dudley, 42nd
3375 Private G. Dudley, wounded in action at the Battle of Amoaful, 31.1.1874; died of wounds.
GVF/EF £995.00
2116 edge engraved 73-74, 1 clasp, Coomassie. 2180 Private A.G. Williams, 2nd Bn Rifle
Sold with copy roll pages.
EF £485.00
South Africa Medal 1877-1879
2117 1 clasp, 1879. 2321 Private J. O'Kelly, 94th Foot.
James O'Kelly was a labourer from Dublin when he enlisted in 86th Foot 12.8.70, number 1670, landed S
Africa June 1871, to Ireland mar 1875, transferred to 94th Foot 22.2.79, served in Zulu War and 1st Boer
War 1880/1, discharged 24.8.82.
Sold with copy service papers and muster details.
EF £975.00
Afghanistan Medal 1878-1880
2118 Havildar Dhanbeer Karki, 3rd Gurkha Regiment. No clasp.
Some marks in the field About Fine £140.00
244 Lance Corporal Wm. Johns, 2/15th Foot.
Fine £165.00
630 Private W. Daffon, 2/11th Regiment. No clasp.
William was born in Stratford on Avon and enlisted 29.8.1876 age 23 years and trade a brewer. He served
12 years including 6 years in India and Afghanistan and was discharged 20.8.1888, single medal confirmed
on the roll.
GVF/EF £195.00
Naik Kurpal Singh, 14th Regiment Native Infantry. No clasp.
VF £150.00
Havildar Roopa, 21st Regiment. N.I.. No clasp.
Fine £110.00
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Dixon's Gazette
Afghanistan Medal 1878-1880 cont.
2124 4999 Driver W. Holmes, E/4th Royal Artillery. No clasp, test mark to reverse.
Sold with copy roll page.
EF £185.00
Lieut. H. Finnis, Royal Engineers. No clasp.
Henry, son of S. Finnis, pupil of Wellington College 1867-71, R.M. Academy 1871 (1st) Lt. R.E. 1873,
Captain 1885, Major 1892, Lt.Col 1899. Col 1903. C.S.I. 1909, retried 1910. European war 1914-18, 36th
Ulster division 1914, Cannock Chase 1915, C.B.E.1919. Lived The Cottage, Hillingdon near Uxbridge and
died 1929 Sold with copied extracts from the Army Lists.
Choice EF £450.00
2126 1 clasp, Ali Musjid. 27.B/3 Private J. Penney, 1/17th Regiment.
EF £300.00
2127 1 clasp, Ali Musjid. 6444 Bombardier W. Wilson, E/3 Royal Artillery.
Verified on the roll.
VF £285.00
2128 1 clasp, Peiwar Kotal. 800 Private M. O'Day, 8th Regiment.
Edge bruise 3.0 to obverse NEF £320.00
2129 1 clasp, Kabul. 1217 Private C. Stevens, 9th Lancers.
The 9th Lancers took part in various engagements near Kabul, December 11th to 29th 1879. They suffered 3
officers and 20 men killed and 4 officers and 28 men wounded. Clasp confirmed sold with copy roll page.
VF £450.00
2130 1 clasp, Ahmed Khel. 1283 Corporal M. Foley, 59th Foot.
Fine/VF £275.00
2131 1 clasp, Ahmed Khel. 511 Private C. Harding, 59th Foot.
VF £295.00
2132 1 clasp, Ahmed Khel. 957 Private J. Wright, 59th Foot.
Lacquered NEF £295.00
2133 1 clasp, Ahmed Khel. 640 Private W. Wood, 59th Foot.
GVF £295.00
2134 4 clasps, Peiwar Kotal, Charasia, Kabul, Kandahar. 1228 Sergeant R. McConochie,
72nd Highlanders.
Richard was born Kenmore, Perth and enlisted in 1867 age 17 years. Served throughout the Afghan
campaign, medal and clasp confirmed. Also took part in the Egypt campaign entitled to the medal and clasp
Tel-El-Kebir. Also entitled to a Kabul to Kandahar star, Khedives star and LS&GC issued 1886.
Worn from star VG £495.00
Kabul to Kandahar Star 1880
2135 Copy, nice old casting.
VF £40.00
EF £200.00
60/1303 Lance Corporal C. Thomas, 2/60 Foot.
Entitled Ahmed Khel and Kandahar clasps. Roll states to Army Reserve
Nice original dark colour GVF/EF £385.00
1373 Private D. McArthur, 92nd Highlanders.
Also entitled to the Afghanistan Medal 1878-1880, 3 clasps, Charasia, Kabul, Kandahar
A nice black finish EF £395.00
Sepoy Shadum Khan, 3rd Sikh Infantry.
VF £240.00
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Page 90
Cape of Good Hope General Service Medal 1880-1897
2140 1 clasp, Bechuanaland. Trooper C.C. Longmore, Transport Corps.
Only 19 medals with Bechuanaland clasp issued to the Transport Corps. Charles Croker Longmore served
Transport Corp, Kimberley Light Horse and Border Scouts. Entitled to the QSA with 3 clasps, Defence of
Kimberley, Paardeberg and Transvaal and the KSA Medal.
GVF/EF £280.00
Egypt Medal 1882-1889
2141 (Dated 1882) Able Seaman C. Solway, HMS Achilles. No clasp.
Fine VF £145.00
2142 (Dated 1882), 1 clasp, Alexandria 11th July. Able Seaman A. Laver, Royal Navy
H.M.S. "Invincible.
Confirmed on the roll, sold with copy roll pages.
VF/GVF £245.00
2143 (Dated 1882), 1 clasp, Tel-el-Kebir. 2581 Private W. Slater, 7th Dragoon Guards.
Sold with copy roll pages
Star Marks AVF £385.00
2144 (Dated 1882), 1 clasp, Tel-el-Kebir. 178 Private R. Lewry, Royal Irish Regiment.
Robert was born in Dover, Kent and enlisted 9.1.82 stating his age as 19 and trade a stoker. Clasp verified
on the roll, sold with copy roll pages.
Star marks VF £195.00
2145 (Dated 1882), 1 clasp, Tel-el-Kebir. 278 Private T. Spargo, 2 Battalion, Duke of
Cornwall's Light Infantry.
GVF £285.00
2146 (Dated 1882), 1 clasp, Tel-el-Kebir. 1331 Lance Corporal G. Hodges, 1st Royal
Star marks VF £260.00
2147 (Dated 1882), 1 clasp, Tel-el-Kebir. 3534 Private O. Ramsome, 3/King's Royal Rifle
GVF/EF £285.00
2148 (Dated 1882), 1 clasp, Tel-el-Kebir.
2692 Private E. Ruthven, 2/ Seaforth
Sold with copy roll page.
Fine £235.00
2149 (Dated 1882), 1 clasp, The Nile 1884-85. 79 Private H. Barrett, 1/Royal West Kent
Clasp and medal verified on the roll. Entitled to a Khedive Star 1882. Sold with copied roll page.
Fine/VF £240.00
2150 (Dated 1882), 2 clasps, Tel-el-Kebir, The Nile 1884-85. 1339 Private A. Osment,
2/Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry.
Sold with copy roll.
Light star marks VF/GVF £355.00
2151 (Dated 1882), 2 clasps, The Nile 1884-85, Kirbekan. 2038 Private E. Williams,
1/South Staffordshire Regiment.
Edwin was born in Dawlish and joined the 38th Foot in Armagh 12.7.1879, having previously served in the
Warwick Militia. His Egypt medal and two clasps are confirmed on the roll, also entitled to an 1882
Khedive Star. He was fined £1 by the civil authority in Malta having caused a disturbance.
Discharged at Lichfield 8.7.1891 having served 12 years.
Light star marks VF £430.00
Page 91
Dixon's Gazette
Egypt Medal 1882-1889 cont.
2152 (Undated), 1 clasp, El-Teb. 2172 Private A. Lee, 19th Hussars.
No papers found but copies of the roll and statement of pay which shows his home address as 143, Junction
Road, Upper Holloway, London.
Polished in places VF £285.00
2153 (Undated), 1 clasp, El-Teb-Tamaai. 857 Private J. Gagan, 3/ King's Royal Rifle
EF £325.00
2154 (Undated), 1 clasp, El-Teb-Tamaai. 1049 Private J. Osborne, 2/Royal Irish Fusiliers.
Verified on the roll. Sold with copied roll page.
Star marks Fine/VF £285.00
2155 (Undated), 1 clasp, The Nile 1884-85.
2352 Private J. Reilly, 1/ Royal Irish
Discharged number 16 Court? Biopham Street, Liverpool, verified on the roll.
GVF £300.00
2156 (Undated), 1 clasp, The Nile 1884-85. 591 Private W. Charlwood, 1/Royal Sussex
Star marks VF £250.00
2157 (Undated), 1 clasp, The Nile 1884-85. 5024 Pte. C. White, 9th Co, Commissariat &
Transport Corps.
Clasp verified on the roll, to army reserved 31.10.86; address Nursery Terrace, Newtown, Bishops Stortford.
Edge bruising 4.0 star marks VF £185.00
2158 (Undated), 1 clasp, The Nile 1884-85.
17525 Sapper W. Earl, 26th Co. Royal
Sold with copied roll pages.
VF/GVF £240.00
2159 (Undated), 1 clasp, Suakin 1885. Foreman A. Smith.
Foreman A. Smith worked for Lucas and Aird the company entrusted with building the railway in Egypt.
GVF £300.00
2160 (Undated), 1 clasp, Suakin 1885. Gunner E. Page, Royal Marine Artillery.
Edward was born in Richmond and enlisted 20.10.82, age 18 years and trade a bricklayer. Medal and clasp
confirmed on the roll and his papers, sold with copy roll pages.
Fine/G. Fine £185.00
2161 (Undated), 1 clasp, Suakin 1885. Private H. Englefield, Medical Staff Corps.
Clasp confirmed on the roll. Sold with copy roll pages.
EF £265.00
2162 (Undated), 1 clasp, Suakin 1885. 35958 Gunner A. Clarke, 5/1 Sco. Div. R.A..
Choice EF £275.00
2163 (Undated), 1 clasp, Suakin 1885. 478 Private F. Rourke, N. S. W. Infantry.
Private F. Rourke, embarked 03.03.85: Returned to Australia 23.06.85 on SS Arab, approximately 500 men
of the N.S.W. Infantry received the medal and clasp.
GVF/EF £1495.00
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Egypt Medal 1882-1889 cont.
2164 (Undated), 1 clasp, Gemaizah 1888. 2268 Private A. Hirst, 2/King's Own Scottish
VF £310.00
2165 (Undated), 1 clasp, Gemaizah 1888. 333 Drummer J. McKeigh, 1st Welsh Regiment.
Born Belfast and enlisted 17.4.1883 age 19 years. Served Mauritius 1884-86 (Drummer) Egypt 1886-89
medal and clasp confirmed, Malta 1889-91. Served 7 years, 302 days, 9.2.1891. Sold with his death
certificate name spelt 'Mkage' living at 50 Barn Street, Belfast, died age 27 years, widow Catherine who
signed the death certificate with a X.
Sold with copied service papers and medal roll page showing entitlement to medal and clasp.
GVF £325.00
2166 (Undated), 2 clasps, El-Teb-Tamaai, The Nile 1884-85.
1/Gordon Highlanders.
1929 Private J. Snook,
Sold with copied roll page.
Star marks in the field VF £375.00
2167 (Undated), 2 clasps, Suakin 1885, Tofrek. Private J. Mc. Connell, Royal Marine Light
GVF/EF £395.00
2168 (Undated), 2 clasps, Suakin 1885, Tofrek. 2347 Private J. Russell, 5th Lancers.
John Russell was born in Basingstoke Hampshire. A Gardener by occupation, he attested for the 5th Lancers
at Woolwich on 11 June 1880, aged 19 years, 11 months. Served in the Sudan, February 1885-June 1885.
Both clasps confirmed on the rolls, British battles and Medals by Spink quote 102 clasps issued to the 5th
Lancers for each action or operation. One officer was killed and five men wounded in the action at Tofrek.
Attested for the 1st Class Army Reserve on 14 June 1892; discharged 13 June 1896. Sold with copied papers
Star marks VF £425.00
Khedive's Star 1882-1891
2169 Dated 1882. Unnamed as issued
VF/GVF £75.00
2170 Dated 1882 David Miller. Reverse inscribed, '3 KRR 4585'.
David Miller served in the K.R.R. and received the Egypt medal with 3 clasps Tel -el -Kebir, Suakin and El
GVF £95.00
2171 Dated 1884
GVF/EF £75.00
2172 Dated 1884 (2568 Angus McDaws Royal Highrs.) crudely named on reverse points of
Fine £85.00
2173 Undated. Unnamed as issued
GVF £75.00
2174 Undated. Unnamed as issued, 1 clasp, Tokar.
Metal black finish removed GVF £180.00
2175 Undated, 1 clasp, Tokar.
Most of original black finish present EF £260.00
East and West Africa Medal 1887-1900
2176 1 clasp, 1887-8. 2638 Private W. Blackwood, 1st West India Regiment.
Medal and clasp verified, For operations against the Yonnie tribes who's villages were located deep in
Sierra Leone, 13th November 1887 to January 1888.
Choice EF £400.00
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East and West Africa Medal 1887-1900 cont.
2177 1 clasp, Witu August 1893. Able Seaman C.H. Smith, H.M.S. Blanche. Royal Navy.
Sold with copied roll page showing entitlement to the medal and clasp, 107 medals to H.M.S. Blanche.
Light contacting VF £395.00
2178 1 clasp, Juba River 1893. Able Seaman W. Bellamy, H.M.S Blanche, Royal Navy.
148380 Able Seaman William Bellamy, born Sherborne, Dorset, 1873; joined the Royal Navy as Boy
Second Class, 1889; service included in H.M.S. Blanche, December 1890-March 1894; 'Shore Invalided',
6.11.1896. Juba River approximately 45 clasps issued in total. The action took place during the rescue of
Captain Tritton and McDonald from Somalis at Gobwen.
Light edge bruising in places about VF £2975.00
2179 1 clasp, Gambia 1894. Able Seaman F. McEwen, Royal Navy H.M.S. Raleigh.
Sold with a good account of the fight against the slave trade which took place at Madina Creek, Gambia
VF £375.00
2180 1 clasp, Benin 1897. Stoker H. Levins, Royal Navy H.M.S. Phoebe.
Medal and clasp confirmed on the roll, and sent to H.M.S. Wildfire 25.8.1898, also served in the Great War
and was awarded 1914-15 trio.
VF/GVF £320.00
2181 1 clasp, 1898. 37 Private Adekaubi Ilorin, 1st West African Frontier Force.
GVF/EF £295.00
2182 1 clasp, Sierra Leone 1898-99. 2177 Private S. Lyons, 1st West India Regiment.
Samuel was born in Manchester, Middlesex, Jamaica and his trade a mason. He enlisted on the 1st May
1897 age 26 + years; his completion is described as black. He spent from 4.1.1898 to 9.10.1898, taking part
in the Sierra Leone expedition, medal and clasp confirmed. Discharged at Newport Jamaica 3.12.1900 as
medically unfit. Sold with as good set of papers.
Light contacting GVF/EF £330.00
2183 1 clasp, 1899. 481 Private Maikai Ibi, 1st West African Frontier Force.
A scarce clasp less than 650 in total.
VF/GVF £365.00
2184 M'wele 1895-1896 465 Sepoy Fazat Khan, 24th Bombay Infantry. No clasp.
VF £225.00
2185 M'wele 1895-1896 528 Private Khuda Dad, 26th Bombay Infantry. No clasp.
GVF/EF £250.00
Central Africa Medal 1891-1898
2186 1 clasp, Central Africa 1894-98. 177 Private Benjamin, British Central Africa Rifles.
Light contacting VF £1250.00
Hong Kong Plague Medal 1894
2187 Private G. Gardiner, Shropshire Light Infantry.
Fair/Fine £1100.00
Private W.H. Tippler, Shropshire Light Infantry.
William Hanger Tippler was born in St. Johns, Peterborough and enlisted 5.4.87 stating his age as 18 years,
3 months, trade a labourer, having had previously served in the 3rd York's Regiment and the Lincolnshire
Militia. Letter attached to enlistment form states his confession to deserting the 106th regiment at Newcastle
on Tyne and that he begs the Queen's pardon. In Hong Kong he was in confinement first using violence to
his superior officer and striking same. Discharged 20.9.99 medically unfit having served 12 years.
Sold with copied service papers.
VF/GVF £1750.00
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India General Service Medal 1895-1902
2189 1 clasp, Relief of Chitral 1895. 2941 Private J. Carr, King's Own Scottish Borderers.
John was born in St. Andrew, Newcastle on Tyne and enlisted age 19 years 9.10.1888, served India 6 +
years and South Africa 4 years. Medals confirmed. Served Northumberland Fusiliers and R.D.C. (Royal
Defence Corps) 4.9.1914 to 6.5.1919 in the UK.
Re-enlisted 2.12.1919 in the Royal Fusiliers and served France 5.1.1920 to 6.10.1920, re-joined depot
7.10.1920, sold with a good set of papers.
GVF £180.00
2190 1 clasp, Relief of Chitral 1895.
1418 Private J. Mullen, 1st Bn.East Lancashire
Fine/VF £180.00
2191 1 clasp, Punjab Frontier 1897-98. Lieut. H. Miller, 19th Madras Infantry.
Notes with the lot suggest that Captain Miller, having retired from the Indian Army in 1914, died as a result
of a snake bite on 1 November 1915. With copied photograph of the recipient.
NEF £325.00
2192 1 clasp, Waziristan 1901-2. 2285 Duffadar Lal Khan, 5th Punjab Cavalry.
VF £130.00
2193 2 clasps, Punjab Frontier 1897-98, Malakand 1897.
Commissariat & Transport Corps. In Bronze.
14724 Driver Shahsewar,
VF/GVF £230.00
2194 2 clasps, Punjab Frontier 1897-98, Malakand 1897. 3883 Sepoy Gannu, 24th Bengal
Infantry (Punjab).
Fine £190.00
2195 2 clasps, Punjab Frontier 1897-98, Malakand 1897. 2816 Sepoy Kanhaga Singh, 31st
Bengal Infantry (Punjab).
VF £230.00
2196 2 clasps, Punjab Frontier 1897-98, Samana 1897. 4990 Private S. Atkins, Royal Irish
Samuel was born in Barrony, Co. Wexford and enlisted age 18 years, 6 months 1.12.1893, trade a groom.
He had 1 stepbrother and 3 stepsisters. Served 12 years, 18 days this his only medal.
Edge bruise 2.0 F/VF £195.00
2197 2 clasps, Punjab Frontier 1897-98, Tirah 1897-98. 1285 Dooly Bearer Gajjoo, C.T.
Pleasing GVF/EF £175.00
2198 2 clasps, Punjab Frontier 1897-98, Tirah 1897-98. 3821 Private J. Harris, 1/Duke of
Cornwall's Light Infantry.
was born in Birmingham and enlisted 19.7.92, age 19 years, 9 months, trade Iron Fitter. Served India
1.2.94 to 31.12.00, Ceylon 22.12.00 to 29.12.02. Discharged 18.1.08 having served 16 years. Entitled to
QSA with clasps Transvaal and others. Sold with photocopy roll page, confirming clasps, Regt'l number
listed as '3820' on roll.
VF £240.00
2199 2 clasps, Punjab Frontier 1897-98, Waziristan 1901-2. 677 Sepoy Dan Singh, 1st
Punjab Infantry.
Wounded 23.12.1901 (Mahsud Mazri Blockade) Wacha Khwar. Ref; IGS 1895 Casualty Roll by Judith
Farrington. The 1st Punjab, Infantry were present in both actions and entitled to the two clasps. One of 14
casualties on the 23rd/24th Nov 1901, including Surgeon Lt. Harry Diamond Peile who was slightly
Edge bruise 5.0. VF £425.00
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India General Service Medal 1895-1902 cont
2200 3 clasps, Relief of Chitral 1895, Punjab Frontier 1897-98, Tirah 1897-98.
Private W. Reilly, 2nd Bn. King's Own Scottish Borderers.
Entitled to 3 clasp Q.S.A. Died of disease Johannesburg, 13.06.00. Sold with copied roll pages.
GVF/EF £300.00
2201 3 clasps, Punjab Frontier 1897-98, Malakand 1897, Tirah 1897-98.
Parlab Singh, 45th Ratray's Sikhs.
3076 Sepoy
Fine £185.00
2202 3 clasps, Punjab Frontier 1897-98, Samana 1897, Tirah 1897-98.
Bengal Cavalry. In bronze.
Syce Mangal,
GVF £285.00
2203 3 clasps, Punjab Frontier 1897-98, Samana 1897, Tirah 1897-98. 3868 Corporal J.
Bruce, 1st Bn. Royal Scots Fusiliers.
Sold with copied roll pages.
Good Fine £275.00
2204 3 clasps, Punjab Frontier 1897-98, Samana 1897, Tirah 1897-98. 719 Dooly Bearer
Banglore Sumasay, Commissariat & Transport Dept.. Official correction to part of surname.
VF £295.00
2205 3 clasps, Punjab Frontier 1897-98, Samana 1897, Tirah 1897-98. 62740 Sergeant
A.C. Birch, 9th Fd. By. R.A.).
Three clasp medal confirmed on the roll and also entitled to a Q.S.A., and clasps Cape Colony and
Wittebergen, and a K.S.A. with two clasps.Transferred to the Army Reserve 13.3.03,. 5th Bty. R.F.A.
Sheffield. Sold with copy roll pages.
NEF £325.00
2206 3 clasps, Punjab Frontier 1897-98, Samana 1897, Tirah 1897-98. 1674 G.W. Barnes,
31st F bty Royal Artillery. Officially re-engraved.
George was born in St. Stephens, St. Albans, Herts and enlisted 30.13.93., served 12 years including 5 years
in India. Medal and clasp confirmed. Discharged 21.12.05.
VF/GVF £160.00
2207 3 clasps, Punjab Frontier 1897-98, Samana 1897, Tirah 1897-98. 1176 Sepoy Motha
Singh, Jhind Imperial Service Infantry.
Severely wounded on 25.10.1897, Karappa, gunshot wound left foot. 1106 Yusuf Ali was also severely
wounded in the right leg on the same day. Sold with copy of the roll page for both men.
NEF £425.00
Ashanti Star 1896
2208 993 Private J. Groves, 2 West Yorkshire Regiment.
John was born in Sheffield and enlisted age 14 years on 22.4.1885,his trade a tailor.Discharged 20.4.1897
having completed 12 years service. The Star was his only medal which is named in the correct style by the
regiment. Served from 29.12.1895 to 17.1.1896 and contracted river fever during this time spending 4 days
in hospital. Sold with copied roll showing recipients entitlement to the medal.
Original black finish on obverse GVF £595.00
2209 Unnamed as officially issued
Nice black finish £225.00
2210 Unnamed as officially issued
Contact on point of star at 9.0 GVF £200.00
2211 Unnamed as officially issued
Brass finish GVF £185.00
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Queen's Sudan Medal 1896-1898
2212 Impressed with Arabic numerals.
The Arabic naming we think is '2853', probably Egyptian Infantry.
Fine £150.00
2992 Private R. Warner, Northumberland Fusiliers.
Also received the Khedives Sudan medal, clasp Khartoum, QSA, 3 clasps and KSA 2 clasps.
Sold with copy roll page.
GVF/EF £365.00
4230 Private W. Woods, 1/Lincolnshire Regiment.
Also entitled to khedives Sudan two clasps Atbara and Khartoum.
Contact marks in the field F/VF £330.00
5604 Private A. McKinlay, 1st Seaforth Highlanders.
Also entitled to the Queens South Africa medal with 3 clasps; Cape Colony, Orange Free State and
Transvaal and the Khedive Sudan with claps Atbara.
Edge bruise 8.0 VF £320.00
3309 Private E. Goodier, 2/ Rifle Brigade.
Born St. Luke's, Manchester and enlisted 6.6.1894 age 21, trade Clarke. He served in Hong Kong
22.10.1895 to 22.11.1896. Singapore 23.11.1896 to 2.2.1898, Malta 3.2.1898 to 11.7.1898, Egypt Sudan
12.7.1898 to 20.9.1898, Crete 21.9.1898 to 2.10.1899, South Africa, 3.10.1899 to 23.9.1902.
Entitled to Khedives Sudan, Khartoum clasp and Q.S.A. & K.S.A. He served 12 years.
EF £360.00
Syce Sakja, 1st Bombay Lancers. In bronze.
VF/GVF £300.00
Khedive's Sudan Medal 1896-1908
2218 2774 Naik Lal Baz, 26th Bengal Infantry (Punjab). No clasp.
GVF/EF £160.00
2219 2 clasps, Talodi, Katfia. Unnamed.
Scarce pair of clasps.
GVF/EF £350.00
2220 4 clasps, Firket, Hafir, Sudan 1897, The Atbara. Edge inscribed in Arabic script..
VF/GVF £325.00
2221 5 clasps, Firket, Hafir, Sudan 1897, The Atbara, Khartoum. Unnamed.
VF £325.00
British North Borneo Company's Medal 1897-1916
2222 1 clasp,Punitive Expeditions 264 Private Haim Singh. Edge engraved 1897-1898.
NEF £1100.00
British North Borneo Company's Medal 1899-1900
2223 1 clasp, Tambunan. 400 Private Santah Singh. In bronze.
This medal was awarded for the expedition led by Captain C.H. Harrington in January and February 1900
against Mat Saleh who had incited the Tegas tribe against the Tiawan Dunsans in the Tambunan Valley.
The BNB forces stormed and captured Saleh's stronghold on 1st February and Saleh was killed during the
EF £850.00
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Queen's South Africa Medal 1899-1902
2224 Stoker C.K. Burge, H.M.S. Monarch. No clasp, pawnbrokers mark on edge.
Medal sent to Furious 24th January 1902
VF/GVF £185.00
Leading Shipwright G. Shepherd, Royal Navy H.M.S. Monarch. No clasp.
Sold with copied roll page.
Contact marks VF £165.00
Petty Officer 1st Class J.B. Stevenson, Royal Navy H.M.S. Doris. No clasp.
Medal sent to H.M.S. Cambridge 10.2.02.
VF £195.00
W.A. Glisson, Cape Government Railways. No clasp.
A note on the roll states Guard and worked Armaments Train from July 1st 1901 to the end of the war.
A note on the ribbon ticket states Chief Constable of Tulbagh.
EF £165.00
2228 1 clasp, Cape Colony. 2507 Corporal G. Goult, 10th Hussars.
Also entitled to a KSA. Sold with copied roll page.
VF/GVF £110.00
2229 1 clasp, Cape Colony. 4291 Private J. Meekison, 2nd Royal Highlanders.
James Meekison was born in Dundee. A member of the 3rd Battalion Royal Highlanders, he attested for
full-time service with the regiment at Perth on 25 September 1890. With the 2nd Battalion he served in
South Africa, April 1896- June 1897. He was transferred to the Army Reserve in September 1897 but was
recalled in October 1899. With the 2nd Battalion he served in South Africa, October 1899-September 1900.
Discharged 24 September 1902. With copied service papers and roll extract.
VF/GVF £110.00
2230 1 clasp, Cape Colony. Civilian Clerk R. Hope, Army Service Corps.
Sold with copied roll page.
GVF £120.00
2231 1 clasp, Cape Colony. 1098 Private M. Bloom, Prince Alfred's Volunteer Guard.
Sold with copied roll page
GVF £110.00
2232 1 clasp, Natal. 910 Private R. Nelson, Rifle Brigade.
Randolph was born in Bethnal Green 1872 and enlisted 12.11.1890 stating his trade a butcher. Served East
Indies 92-94, Singapore 96-98. South Africa 28.10.99.-84.00 and 3.9.00 to 19.8.01. Imprisoned by civil
power for drunkenness 3 days 27.3.99.
Sold with copy papers and roll pages, also entitled to a Transvaal clasp and a K.S.A. with 2 clasps.
VF/EF £135.00
2233 2 clasps, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. 1609 Sapper E. Lewis, Royal Monmouth
1609 Sapper E. Lewis served with the Royal Monmouth Engineers during the second Boar war, and was
dangerously wounded near Green Point, 20.09.1901.
GVF/EF £285.00
2234 2 clasps, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. 3334 Corporal G. Keel, 6th Dragoons.
Died of disease Kroonstadt 2.6.00. Sold with copied roll page.
EF £195.00
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Queen's South Africa Medal 1899-1902 cont.
2235 2 clasps, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. 3234 Private C. Moore, Northumberland
Killed in action 3-4 April 1900 at Mosterts Hoek (Reddersburg), 10 men killed, 35 wounded and 540 taken
prisoner in this action. Charles had previously served in the Sudan campaign and had been awarded the
Queen's Sudan and Khedive's Sudan with Khartoum clasp.
Hairline scratch back of Queen Victoria's head EF £500.00
2236 2 clasps, Cape Colony, Orange Free State.
6449 Private T. Paton, Seaforth
Thomas Paton severely wounded 08.11.1900, Philippolis.
Contact marks VF £200.00
2237 2 clasps, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. 832 Private J. Sieg, Cape P.D. 1.
Private Sieg was severely wounded at Heilkranz 23.10.1901 and Lt. J. W.O.E. Moony was slightly
wounded. Sold with copied roll page.
VF/GVF £210.00
2238 2 clasps, Cape Colony, Transvaal. 2961 Private J. Bushnell, 10th Hussars.
James was born in 1874 Chelsea and enlisted 25.6.91, age 20 years, 5 months trade a Farrier. Discharged
22.5.03 also entitled to a KSA. Served in South Africa 5.11.99 to 20.7.00 and 23.2.01 to 26.7.02, a total
service of 12 years. Sold with copied roll page and papers.
GVF/EF £125.00
2239 2 clasps, Cape Colony, South Africa 1902. 41087 Private C.W. Jeffery, 133rd Coy.
Imperial Yeomanry.
Irish Horse British Battles and Medals states 130 contingent. Sold with copied roll page.
EF £185.00
2240 2 clasps, Cape Colony, South Africa 1902. 40512 Private W. Hogg, 138th Coy.
Imperial Yeomanry.
95 medals issued to this unit. Sold with copied roll page.
EF £145.00
2241 2 clasps, Cape Colony, South Africa 1902. 37938 Lance Corporal G.E. Marshall,
135th Coy. Imperial Yeomanry.
30th battalion, Sold with copied roll page.
VF £148.00
2242 2 clasps, Belmont, Modder River. 4188 Private F. Parker, 2nd King's Own Yorkshire
Light Infantry.
Private Parker is confirmed as being wounded on the 28th November 1899 at Modder River. The QSA
Medal Roll confirms the issue of the medal with single clasp "Belmont". Modder River clasp may have been
issued at a later date, as he is confirmed as being wounded at the Battle. Born Marsh, Huddersfield. Mother
on discharge lived at Kingscross, Halifax.
Discharged after 8 years, 180 days at York 31.7.0901 unfit for service.
VF £260.00
2243 2 clasps, Modder River, Wittebergen.
6647 Private W. Ross, Highland Light
Walter was born in Mussel Burgh, Midlothian in 1878 and enlisted 27.6.1898 age 20 years, trade a groom.
He served South Africa 23.10.1899 to 7.12.1902 and on 8th December 1902 bought himself out for £18.
Medal and clasp confirmed re-enlisted 11.4.1903 and served in Somaliland 1903-04, issued medal and
Sold with copied service records.
VF £155.00
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Dixon's Gazette
Queen's South Africa Medal 1899-1902 cont.
2244 2 clasps, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Mr. W.P. Thomson, Imperial Military
Served as a Solicitor. Sold with copied roll page.
EF £145.00
2245 2 clasps, Transvaal, South Africa 1902.
Staffordshire Regiment.
3716 Private S. Hammonds, North
Samuel was born in Leek and enlisted 3.6.92, age 20 years, 2 months trade a collier. He had previously
served in the 4/ North Staffs. He joined the York & Lances' 23.4.14 at Pontefract, transferring to 3rd West
Riding Regiment, 10.3.15. West Yorkshire 8.8.1915. Entitled to a 1st War pair.
Sold with copied papers and rolls.
GVF/EF £120.00
2246 3 clasps, Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. 32039 Private J. Smith, 7th coy.
Imperial Yeomanry. Minor trace of soldier left side of swivel suspension.
Leicester Yeomanry, also entitled to 1901/02 clasp.
VF £135.00
2247 3 clasps, Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. 25087 Private A.S. Keates, 35th
Coy Imperial Yeomanry.
Arthur was born in Allhallows, London and enlisted 30.1.1901 age 20 + years. He had previous service with
the 3rd battalion Royal Fusiliers. Killed in action at Tweefontein 25.12.1901 whilst serving with the 11th
Imperial Yeomanry. Casualties to the Imperial Yeomanry scarce.
EF £450.00
2248 3 clasps, Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Northumberland Fusiliers.
2662 Private A. Revel,
Born St. Peter's, Gallishields and attested age 18 years on 31.1.98, trade iron worker. Served South Africa
4.11.99.to 9.8.02, entitled to King's medal with two clasps. Private A. Revell was a P.O.W. of the Boers at
the action of Nooitgedacht on 31st December 1900 and the medal is sold with a typed account from ' After
Pretoria' The Guerilla War, the regiment suffered many killed, wounded and P.O.W. at this action. Sold with
copied papers and roll pages.
GVF £150.00
2249 3 clasps, Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. 9581 Corporal F. Turner,
Robert's Horse.
Medal roll mentions 'Canada Scho' 38179 ?
EF £145.00
2250 3 clasps, Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Johannesburg. 3323 Private R. Wright, 1st
Suffolk Regiment. Name officially re-impressed.
Richard Wright was born in Secunderabad, India. A Grocer by occupation and a member of the 3rd
Battalion Suffolk Regiment (Militia), he attested for the Suffolk Regiment at Bury St. Edmonds on 1 August
1892, aged 19 years, 6 months. He served in India, September 1894-January 1897; and Malta, January 1897January 1899. As a recalled reservist he then served in South Africa, November 1899-September 1902.
With copied service papers and roll extract.
GVF £140.00
2251 3 clasps, Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Belfast. 4056 Private E. Courcy, 10th
Edward Courcy was born in West Ham, Essex. A Bricklayer's Labour by occupation, he attested for the
Corps of Hussars of the Line at Woolwich on 21 November 1898, aged 18 years, 7 months. Posted to the
10th Hussars, he twice deserted, December 1899-January 1900 and February-March 1900. His 7 months
sentence for his last absence was remitted when his regiment was posted to South Africa where he served,
May 1900-September 1902. Courcy was discharged as medically unfit on 9 February 1903.
With copied service papers and roll extract which shows service on attachment with the 6th (Inniskilling)
VF/GVF £145.00
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Queen's South Africa Medal 1899-1902 cont.
2252 3 clasps, Cape Colony, Orange Free State, South Africa 1901. 3739 Private W.
Maslen, 1st Dragoon Guards.
William was reported as missing in action near Maslen/Maslin, Winburg 27.3.01 but a court of enquiry
states 'killed' Sold with copied roll pages.
GVF £495.00
2253 3 clasps, Cape Colony, Transvaal, Wittebergen. 2082 Private P. Tormey, Leinster
Roll confirms clasp South Africa and annotated 1.10.1929 Chelsea.
Some contacting VF/GVF £235.00
2254 3 clasps, Cape Colony, Transvaal, South Africa 1902. 9159 Private J. Gallagher, York
and Lancaster Regiment.
James Gallagher was born in Barnsley, Yorkshire and enlisted in the York & Lancaster Regiment in
February 1901. Having then served in South Africa he was placed on the Army Reserve in September 1902
and discharged in February 1907.Sold with copied papers and medal roll.
VF/GVF £120.00
2255 3 clasps, Cape Colony, Wittebergen, Belfast. 3989 Private P. Coonerty, 1st Royal
Irish Regiment.
Born St. John's Limerick and enlisted 23.7.1891, age 20 years, trade a labourer. Served 6 years in India and
is entitled I.G.S ‘95 and 2 clasps, Punjab Frontier 97-98 and Samana 1897-8. Served in South Africa 2 years
215 days. Medal and clasps confirmed and entitled to a King's medal with 2 clasps. Discharged after 12
years’ service. Sold with copied papers and roll pages.
GVF £170.00
2256 3 clasps, Natal, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Gloucestershire Regiment. 2nd reverse with ghost dates.
4518 Private C. Furleer,
GVF £175.00
2257 3 clasps, Talana, Orange Free State, Transvaal. 5146 Private W. Hayes, Royal Irish
Private Hayes was mentioned in Dispatches for the Defence of Ladysmith but not entitled to the clasp.
GVF £420.00
2258 3 clasps, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
McColl, Scottish Horse.
35414 Corporal A.
Sold with copied roll pages.
VF/GVF £175.00
2259 4 clasps, Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1902. 5057 Lance
Sergeant J. Witsed, Notts.and Derby Regiment Mounted Infantry.
Served with No. 10 Company Malta Mounted Infantry Notts & Derby Regiment. Sold with copied roll
GVF/EF £195.00
2260 4 clasps, Cape Colony, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Private W.C. Rabbits, 10th Hussars.
William Charles Rabbitts (as spelt on service papers) was born in Cowes, Isle of Wight. A Steward by
occupation and a member of the 1st Hants Volunteer Artillery, he attested for short service in the Hussars of
the Line at Southampton, 26 June 1900. Posted to the 10th Hussars, he served in South Africa, June 1901February 1902. He was accidentally wounded at Clanwilliam, 5 December 1901, when he shot himself in
the left foot. Nonetheless, he was able to continue his military career and served with the regiment in India,
January 1903-October 1905. Rabbitts then returned home to serve with the 18th Hussars until transferred to
the Army Reserve in June 1908. He was discharged having completed his period of service on 25 June 1912.
Sold with copied papers and roll page.
Fine/Good Fine £150.00
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Dixon's Gazette
Queen's South Africa Medal 1899-1902 cont.
2261 4 clasps, Defence of Ladysmith, Laing's Nek, Belfast, South Africa 1901. 89393
Gunner S. Murton, 21st Bty. Royal Field Artillery.
Samuel was born in Eye, Suffolk according to his service record but it is shown in the 1881 census as born
Folkston in 1876. He enlisted in the R.F.A. and served in the 13th battery and 21st battery, medal and clasps
confirmed on the roll. He was discharged 13.3.1913 on termination of his second period of service.
He reenlisted first in the Suffolk regiment 28.8.1914, transferred to the 1st Essex 22.8.1915 where he served
Gallipoli and the Aegean. Discharged 20.4.1919. Entitled to a 1914-15 trio.
VF £175.00
2262 5 clasps, Cape Colony, Relief of Ladysmith, Tugela Heights, Orange Free State,
Transvaal. 5876 Corporal J. Turner, Royal Irish Fusiliers.
Wounded Natal, 27.2.1900. Sold with copied roll pages,
2263 5 clasps, Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa
1902. 4691 Corporal C. Shaw, 12th Lancers.
Claude was born in St. Pancreas, London 1881 and enlisted 8.5.99 age 18 years, 1 month, trade clerk. He
had previous service in the 1st London Artillery Volunteers. Served 9.3.01 South Africa to 10.10.02, India
11.10.02 to 29.9.06. Discharged Sergeant 4.8.11
VF £165.00
2264 5 clasps, Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Belfast. 780
Private A.J. Nelson, Yorkshire Regiment.
Born 1864 in Lancaster and enlisted 1883, served 17 years, 3 days until discharged 4.4.01. Saw service in
the First War at home from 7.12.1914 to 7.3.1919, address Bolton.
GVF £200.00
2265 5 clasps, Relief of Ladysmith, Tugela Heights, Orange Free State, Transvaal, Laing's
Nek. 307 Private W. Barnicott, Imperial Light Infantry.
Sold with copied rolls all clasps confirmed. Also served as a Cpl with Orange River Scouts, and additionally
served I.L.H. and Transkei Mtd Rifles.
GVF £200.00
2266 6 clasps, Talana, Defence of Ladysmith, Orange Free State, Transvaal, Laing's Nek,
South Africa 1901. 86086 Sergeant T.G. Albutt, 13/ Bty. Royal Field Artillery.
Talana,the first pitched battle of the Boer War. No papers found but his 6 clasps are confirmed on the roll.
Contacting in the field VF £410.00
2267 6 clasps, Belmont, Modder River, Driefontein, Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Belfast.
909 Private M. McGrath, Coldstream Guards.
Born Farnworth, Bolton and enlisted 27.5.1897 age 22 years, 3 months, trade a piercer. South Africa
28.10.1899 to 20.7.1902, medal and 6 clasps confirmed and entitled to a KSA with 1901 and 1902.
Discharged 26.5.1909 after 12 years' service. Mother lived 132, Brook Street, Ashton under Lyne.
Sold with copy roll pages.
Fine £230.00
2268 7 clasps, Belmont, Modder River, Paardeberg, Driefontein, Johannesburg, Diamond
Hill, Belfast. 10568 Private C.W. Telling, Royal Army Medical Corps.
Charles was born in Islington, London and joined the R.A.M.C. 25.9.94 stating his age as 18 years, 3
months, trade a porter. He had previously served in the Militia. Served in South Africa from 21.10.99 to
20.9.02. Q.S.A. roll shows him as serving with the Guards bearer company. (hence all the battle bars) also
entitled to a K.S.A. with 2 clasps. Transferred to the 20 General Hospital, A/Reserve 24.10.02 and
discharged 24.10.06. His parents lived at 20 Noel Street, Islington. Sold with copy roll pages and copy
service record. The late Charles Lovel, M.B.E. did not have an example such as this 7 clasp medal R.A.M.C.
section of his Q.S.A. collection, in fact he had no example R.A.M.C. of Belmont, Modder River and Belfast.
VF/GVF £550.00
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Queen's South Africa Medal 1899-1902 cont.
2269 8 clasps, Belmont, Modder River, Relief of Kimberley, Paardeberg, Driefontein,
Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Belfast. 149160 Stoker A.T. Sutton, H.M.S. Doris.
Only 24 medals with 8 clasps issued to the Royal Navy, including 5 to H.M.S. Doris. Sutton is confirmed on
the roll for these 8 clasps but it is also noted that he received a duplicate medal in November 1905. Albert
Truan Sutton was born on 3 April 1871, in Plymouth, Devon, and enlisted for service with the Royal Navy
on 9 July 1889 at Devonport, having previously worked as a Labourer. During the Second Boer War he was
sent ashore from H.M.S. Doris to serve as part of the Naval Brigade under Captain J. E. Bearcroft, R.N. His
service papers show that he served with H.M.S. Doris from 18 November 1897 to 23 October 1900. His last
service was with H.M.S. Defiance, from which ship he 'Ran' on 18 January 1909.
Sold with copied record of service and medal roll confirmation. Medal named in the correct style.
VF £1900.00
Queen's Mediterranean Medal 1899-1902
2270 6966 Private G. Antcliffe, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry.
Roll signed Gozo, Malta.
GVF/EF £350.00
4998 Corporal M. O Donnell, Northumberland Fusiliers.
GVF/EF £350.00
5330 Private T. Fell, West Yorkshire Regiment.
Thomas Fell was born Malton, enlisted 23.7.00.while living in Scarborough, discharged on conviction of
felony 9.3.05, With copied Leeds Mercury article, "For highway robbery and theft of goods from an old
man, near Malton, Thomas Fell a labourer, was sent to two months hard labour at Malton on Tuesday."
With pages of copied service record.
GVF £350.00
8799 Private J. Pollard, Royal West Kent Regiment.
Born Greenwich, Kent and enlisted 1892, age 17 years. Sold with copy roll pages.
GVF/EF £350.00
8095 Private W. Mirrell, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry.
Pawnbrokers merk in the field NEF £360.00
4234 Private N. Morrison, Seaforth Highlanders.
Norman was born in Barvas, Stornoway in 1880 and his trade was listed as fisherman. He enlisted in the 3rd
Seaforths 26.11.98 age 18 years.
VF £320.00
King's South Africa Medal 1901-1902
2276 2 clasps, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. 5759 Private J. Couzens, Somerset
Light Infantry.
VF £70.00
2277 2 clasps, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. 2578 Private A. Scott, Rifle Brigade.
GVF/EF £85.00
2278 2 clasps, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. 23489 2-Corporal G. Couzens, Royal
George was born in Swansea and enlisted 19.1.1889 age 20 years, 1 month and his trade an engine driver
and transferred to 1st Class reserve 19.1.1896. Recalled to service 9.10.1899, discharged 19.3.1902 having
served a total of 13 years, 60 days. His father was Joseph of Newton House, Milford haven.
Also entitled to a Q.S.A. with 3 clasps, Jo'burg, C.C. and O.F.S. passed Engine Driver skilled 12.5.1892,
Superior 1.11.1894.
VF £90.00
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St. John's Ambulance Brigade Medal for South Africa 1899-1902
2279 243 J.W. Crawshaw, Rawtenstall division.
Roll confirms Q.S.A, with C.C., O.F.S., attached to 20th Field Hospital R.A.M.C., left for duty at Heilbron.
Rawtenstall is a small village in Lancashire near Bury.
Fine VF £425.00
Kimberley Star 1899-1900
2280 With replacement top ribbon bar without pin, HM 'A' for 1900.
GVF £300.00
Anglo-Boer War Medal
2281 Burger G.J.J. Vorster.
VF/GVF £275.00
Yorkshire Imperial Yeomanry Medal 1900-1902
2282 Reverse South Africa 1902 32384 Farrier Sergeant A. Long, Imperial Yeomanry.
Albert Long joined the regiment 07.05.1901. Promoted to Farrier Sergeant Major 03.04.1902. Returned with
the regiment 06.08.1902. Also entitled to 5 clasp Q.S.A.
GVF £275.00
Boer War Tribute Medals
2283 Navel Brigade Portsmouth North China 1900, Hallmarked Birmingham 1901.
VF/GVF £280.00
South Africa 1900 Tin
2284 Which originally had gifts of chocolate, cigarettes and/or tobacco.
VF/GVF £75.00
2285 A Victorian Rifle Volunteer Officer's Pouchbelt Plate, in silver Hallmarks for
Birmingham 1899, in the form of a QVC above a Maltese cross with lions between the arms,
a stringed bugle horn in the centre, on a burnished silver ground, within a blank circlet, (the
plate complete with screw-post fixings but without nuts).
EF £145.00
China War Medal 1900
2286 Chief Ship's Cook G. Austen, H.M.S. Orlando, Royal Navy. No clasp.
VF £260.00
Chief Armourer A. McColl, H.M.S. Endymion. Royal Navy. No clasp.
Verified on Roll, medal sent to H.M.S. Endymion 15.8.1902.
VF/GVF £250.00
2124 Cook Brij Mohun, Army Hospital Corps. No clasp.
Fine £235.00
4491 Gunner G. Mallabone, 62nd Coy Royal Garrison Artillery. No clasp.
George was born in Stafford in 1876 and enlisted 19.6 1894 age 18 years, 1 month at Birmingham. Served
Malta, Gibraltar, South Africa 22.1.0900 to 17.7.1900 and China 18.7.19900 to 26.12.190., he received the
Q.S.A. clasp cape Colony and the China War medal 1900. Discharged 18.6.06 having served 12 years.
A shoemaker by trade. If it was reunited with the Q.S.A. it would make a rare pair.
Choice EF £300.00
397 Sepoy Sher Alam, 20th Punjab Infantry. No clasp.
VF £195.00
Large selection of MEDAL RIBBONS in stock - full size and Miniature
Prices from £1 per 6” length - call us for details
Dixon's Gazette
Page 104
China War Medal 1900 cont.
2291 Lieut. D.N. Anderson, Indian Medical Service. No clasp.
Dugald Nairne Anderson, born 1872, M.B., CH.B.ED. 1898, Lt. 1899, Capt 1901, Maj. 1911, retired
September 1912, died 11th July 1924 age 52.
EF £340.00
2292 1 clasp, Relief of Pekin. Able Seaman F.C. Randall, H.M.S. Terrible, Royal Navy.
He applied for a duplicate medal having pawned his original but the roll sates 'refused'.
He saw service in the Great War earning a 1914/15 trio and a LS & GC 11.10.1935.
Fine/VF £395.00
2293 1 clasp, Relief of Pekin. 3948 Sepoy Gulab Shah, 24th Punjabis.
GVF/EF £375.00
China War Medal 1900-1901
2294 Japan (Boxer Rebellion) Complete with original balsa wood box of issue, lid ends
EF £300.00
Transport Medal 1899-1902
2295 1 clasp, S. Africa 1899-1902. F.W. Place.
F.W. Place was the Purser on the St Andrew, of the Gilman Line.
AVF £750.00
Ashanti Medal 1900
2296 220 Private Babali Duchi, West African Frontier Force.
Also entitled to the East and West Africa medal with clasp 1897-98.
Contacting VF £420.00
Africa General Service Medal 1902-1956
2297 Edward VII, 1 clasp, Somaliland 1902-04. Alam Khan, 18/(P.W.O)Tiwana Lrs. In
VF/GVF £370.00
2298 Edward VII, 1 clasp, Somaliland 1908-10. 238828 Boy 1st Class C. White, HMS
With copied service papers and rolls, Cecil White was born in Bridestowe 16.6.91, enlisted 28.5.07, served
WWI and issued a trio, discharged and joined RFR 15.7.21.
GVF £175.00
2299 Edward VII, 1 clasp, Somaliland 1908-10. Ply. 14046 Private A. Bowman, Royal
Marine Light Infantry. H.M.S. Diana.
Born St. Andrews, Edinburgh 6.6.1888, discharged by purchase 1.3.1911.
EF £220.00
2300 Edward VII, 4 clasps, N. Nigeria 1902, N. Nigeria 1903, N. Nigeria 1904, Aro 190102. 1750 Private Iddi Kano, Northern Nigeria Regiment.
EF £695.00
2301 Elizabeth II Trooper Murigi, Kihia.
VF £75.00
2302 Elizabeth II, 1 clasp, Kenya. 23018172 Rifleman N.W. Barnsley, Rifle Brigade.
Fine £75.00
2303 Elizabeth II, 1 clasp, Kenya. 23022388 Private A. Robbins, Black Watch.
GVF £135.00
2304 Elizabeth II, 1 clasp, Kenya. 23105043 Private M.D. Kennett, Royal Army Pay
EF £120.00
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Tibet Medal 1903-1904
2305 120973 Driver Sajawal, 19th M. Cadre. no clasp, in silver.
GVF £250.00
4240 Sepoy Sewa Singh, 23rd Sikh Pioneers.no clasp, in silver,
VF £235.00
Cooly Singdhaj Limbu, Supply and Transport Corps. In Bronze no clasp.
EF £120.00
2499 Sapper Parthasarathi, 12 Co 2d Queen's Own Sappers and Miners. no clasp,
in silver .
GVF £250.00
2309 1 clasp, Gyantse. Khalasi Durga, Survey Deptt.. In silver.
Fine/VF £380.00
2310 1 clasp, Gyantse. 1147 Sepoy Sher Ullah, 2nd Madras Infantry,in sliver
GVF/EF £380.00
2311 1 clasp, Gyantse. 3533 Sepoy Haidah, 40th Pathans. Official correction of first part of
the number, in silver.
GVF/EF £380.00
2312 1 clasp, Gyantse. Cooly Nardhoy Limbu, Supply and Transport Corps. In bronze.
Choice EF £300.00
Natal Rebellion Medal 1906
2313 1 clasp, 1906. Trooper J.H. Amos, Royston's Horse.
Sold with copied medal roll entitlement.
EF £220.00
2314 1 clasp, 1906. Private W.H. Bartlett, Durban Light Infantry.
GVF/EF £220.00
2315 1 clasp, 1906. Trooper H.P. Smith, Natal Carbineers.
EF £240.00
Royal Engineers Armstrong Memorial Prize Medal
2316 By F. Bowcher, obverse: bust of Armstrong facing left, 'Col. R. Y. Armstrong, C.B.,
Royal Engineers'; reverse: a hand thrust upwards from a mural crown grasping winged
thunderbolts and lightning, 'Armstrong Memorial Prize' (James A. C. Pennycuick. July 1910)
57mm., silver.
Lieutenant J. A. C. Pennycuick, R.E. entered the France/Flanders theatre of war on 18 August 1914 and was
wounded twice. Three times mentioned in despatches (London Gazette 19 October 1914, 14 December 1917
and 5 July 1919) he was awarded Distinguished Service Order and Bar (London Gazettes 9 December 1914
and 18 July 1917) and the Russian Order of St. Anne.
Colonel R. Y. Armstrong, C.B., F.R.S., joined the Corps in 1858, retired in 1892 and died two years later.
He contributed greatly in the development of signalling and submarine mining services, and was in
succession, Instructor in Telegraphy at Chatham, 1875-83 and Inspector of Submarine Defences at the War
Office, 1884-91. A memorial to the Colonel was founded by the Corps in 1899.
The memorial took the form of a silver medal, awarded to the cadet in each batch at the Royal Military
Academy, who showed the greatest proficiency in Electricity and a watch or other present, given to the best
N.C.O. in the course for Military Mechanist Electricians.
NEF £195.00
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India General Service Medal 1908-1935
2317 1 clasp, North West Frontier 1908. 6310 Private W. Sayles, 1st West Yorkshire
GVF £160.00
2318 1 clasp, Abor 1911-12. 198 Naik Saraj Din, 26th Mule Corps.
The 26th Mule Corps are verified as being present at Abor.
VF £250.00
2319 1 clasp, Afghanistan N.W.F. 1919. G-27075 Private C Felstead, Royal West Kent
First served with the Kent Bicycle battalion, from Great Yarmouth, entitled to British War medal.
VF/GVF £95.00
2320 1 clasp, Afghanistan N.W.F. 1919. 206187 Private F.G. Nye, North Staffordshire
Nice EF £110.00
2321 1 clasp, Afghanistan N.W.F. 1919.
30567 Corporal P.J. Ager, Royal Garrison
VF £85.00
2322 1 clasp, Afghanistan N.W.F. 1919. Subadar Manullah, 1-107th Pioneers.
VF £40.00
2323 1 clasp, Afghanistan N.W.F. 1919. Sepoy Sapuran Singh, Rampur Imperial Service
VF £55.00
2324 1 clasp, Waziristan 1919-21. 3409 Sowar Gobind Singh, 16th Cavalry.
VF £55.00
2325 1 clasp, Waziristan 1919-21. Jemadar Fazal Dad Khan, 2-69th Punjabis.
VF £40.00
2326 1 clasp, Malabar 1921-22. 5820489 Private W.C. Grubb, Suffolk Regiment.
EF £220.00
2327 1 clasp, Waziristan 1921-24. 5328957 Private E. Dooley, Royal Berkshire Regiment.
VF £95.00
2328 1 clasp, Waziristan 1921-24. 1857042 Corporal L.A. Rumble, Royal Signals.
EF £90.00
2329 1 clasp, North West Frontier 1930-31. 10617 Trooper Abdul Hakim, 6. Lancers.
VF £55.00
2330 1 clasp, North West Frontier 1930-31. 7892 Lance Naik Mohd. Afsar, 4-7 Rajput
VF/GVF £40.00
2331 1 clasp, North West Frontier 1930-31. 10645 Sowar Noor Mohd, 6th Lancers.
VF £55.00
2332 1 clasp, North West Frontier 1930-31. 359997 Corporal S.E.L. Ryan, Royal Air
Served a Lieutenant 9/Hodsons Horse 31.8.1918 to 30.9.1922. Royal Air Force, Corporal 359997 12.6.1925
to 11.6.1932-1933. He became a postman (Slough) L.G. 4.8.1933, born Lucknow, India 24.4.1899. He was
awarded the IGS 1908, clasp Afghanistan 1919 Lieutenant Hodsons Horse which was offered for sale by
Historik orders, New York, March 2016 at $450.
Contact marks in the field VF £165.00
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India General Service Medal 1908-1935 cont
2333 1 clasp, Burma 1930-32. 7729 Sepoy Ghulam Mehdi, 2-15 Punjab Regiment.
VF £45.00
2334 1 clasp, Burma 1930-32.
Buckinghamshire L.I.
753833 Private G.A. Couzens, Oxfordshire and
EF £170.00
2335 1 clasp, Burma 1930-32.
Partly officially corrected.
3521417 Private A. Armstrong, Manchester Regiment.
Scarce only 3 British regiments present
GVF £145.00
2336 2 clasps, North West Frontier 1930-31, Mohmand 1933. 295 Naik Mangal Singh, 111 Sikh Regiment.
VF/GVF £65.00
2337 3 clasps, North West Frontier 1930-31, Mohmand 1933, North West Frontier 1935.
10780 Sepoy Bhagwan Singh, 3-11 Sikh Regiment.
Polished Fine £75.00
Messina Earthquake Medal, 1908
2338 Unnamed as issued.
VF £130.00
Light contacting GVF £150.00
Khedive's Sudan Medal 1910-1922
2340 1st type 1910-1917 with swivelling suspender in bronze, no clasp, unnamed as issued.
GVF £375.00
2341 1st type 1910-1917 with swivelling suspender, 1 clasp, Nyima 1917-18.
On 16th January, 1917, Chief Agabna, of the Nubas, who lived in the Nyima Hills, raided Kasha and caused
disturbances which necessitated the sending out a strong force as soon as the rainy season ended. In
November, 1971, a strong force was despatched with orders to clear the area. Agabna was captured together
with 2,000 troublesome natives.
Test mark 9.0 GVF £375.00
2342 2nd type 1918-1922 with fixed suspender, 1 clasp, Atwot 1918.
The Atwat Dinkas caused trouble under the leadership of Maiwal Matiang. A patrol consisting of four
companies of infantry and one company of mounted infantry with two machine guns was sent out in
January, 1918, and operated until 26th May, when Matiang surrendered.
Edge bruise to reverse VF £385.00
2343 2nd type 1918-1922 with fixed suspender, 1 clasp, Aliab Dinka. Unnamed as issued.
8th November 1919- May 1920, awarded for service against the Aliab Dinka, Bor Dinka and Mandari tribes,
who rose unexpectedly and attacked the post at Menkamon.
GVF £395.00
2344 2nd type 1918-1922 with fixed suspender, 1 clasp, Nyala. Unnamed as issued.
Nyala 26th September, 1921 to 20th January, 1922. In September, 1921, Fiki Abdullahi el Suheina
proclaimed himself to be the Prophet Isa and obtained a considerable following in Southern Darfur.
On 26th September he attacked the District Headquarters at Nyala, but was driven off and killed: but this
did not put an end to the troubles, which lasted a further four months. This bar was awarded to forty
mounted infantrymen, forty police and a few friendlies for the defence of Nyala and also to members of the
column under Major S.T. Grigg, DSO, MC, West Yorkshire Regiment, which operated south of Nyala until
20th January, 1922.
GVF/EF £395.00
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1914 Star
2345 8351 Private E. King, Scots Guards.
Ernest King, disembarkation 7.10.1914 British Expeditionary Force, sold with copy M.I.C.
VF/GVF £95.00
J.L. Ramsay, British Red Cross Society.
John Ramsay entered theatre of war 21.10.1914. Also previously served as an Orderly with the H.L.I.
(35171). Entitled to a trio. Sold with copy M.I.C.
GVF £120.00
2347 with copy Mons clasp, slider type 42072 Gunner G. Tothill, Royal Horse Artillery.
Served France 6.10.1914 with 'K' bty R.H.A., clasp issued 1921 Christian name is Gwendillan.
VF/GVF £85.00
Mons clasp - Original
Always wanted to buy, immediate payment
EF £48.00
Mons clasp - Copy
2349 Good quality.
EF £4.50
1914-15 Star
2350 1403 Private E. Jones, Royal Fusiliers.
VF £20.00
2578 Private E. Swatman, East Yorkshire Regiment.
EF £20.00
G-7828 Private A.C. Jordan, Royal Sussex Regiment.
Enlisted 9.9.1914, served France 31.8.1915, discharged 1.5.1918 having been wounded. (Age 26 years, 7
months) Silver War badge number 388649.
GVF £30.00
2254 Private G. Wolstenholme, Manchester Regiment.
EF £25.00
SS- 5191 Private N. Dodd, Army Service Corps.
EF £20.00
Lusitania Medal May 1915
2355 British issue in iron, 5th May 1915. Obverse: ship sinking; Reverse: skeleton selling
tickets. With copy of the original certificate.
Sold to raise money for the survivors.
GVF/EF £25.00
British War Medal
2356 Captain R.R. Giles.
According to his M.I.C., Russell Ross Giles served with the 2/21st London Regt and 18th Cyclist Corps 2/
Lt., Cyclist Corps Lt. 18th London's Captain and later Major. Entered France 25.06.1916. Address on
M.I.C. '115 Thurlow Park Road Dulwich, SE. 21'. Sold with copied M.I.C.
EF £65.00
Captain J. Stokes.
J. Stokes M.D. B.S. Medicine, France 1917-18 and 1918-19. University of Durham, address 340, Glossop
Road, Sheffield.
GVF/EF £45.00
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Dixon's Gazette
British War Medal cont.
2358 1103 Engineer E.S. R. Berry, Royal Naval Reserve.
GVF/EF £25.00
Dugald Stewart, Merchant Navy.
Dugald Stewart, born Dumbarton 1896.
EF £20.00
2644 Private E. Clarke, Yorkshire Hussars.
Ernest Clarke enlisted 24.09.1914. Entered France 17.04.1915. Discharged 08.07.1916, due to wounds.
Entitled to 1914-15 Star trio and Silver War badge, No. 23150. Sold with copy M.I.C.
GVF £60.00
2911 Private G. Ellis, Yorkshire Hussars.
Sold with a Presentation leather coin, stamp and card case, small plaque engraved silver 'Yorks Hussars,
3rd Prize Musketry Recruits Course 1913. Pte. G.H. Ellis' and copied M.I.C.
Also entitled to a Victory Medal.
GVF £65.00
67144 Private D.N. Thomas, Cheshire Regiment.
VF/GVF £20.00
39630 Private W. Gorfield, The Cameronians (Scottish Rifles).
EF £20.00
28961 Private J. Hamer, West Riding Regiment.
Enlisted 9.9.1914, served France 31.8.1915, discharged 1.5.1918 having been wounded. (age 26 years, 7
months) Silver War badge number 388649. Only entitled to a British War medal, listed on the roll as
'deceased' and listed on the Karachi (Pakistan) 1914-18 war memorial.
GVF £30.00
2365 9307 Private G. Keen, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire L.I. (9307 Pte. Oxf.&
Bucks. L.I.).
George was killed in action 16.5.1915, serving with 2/ Ox & Bucks Light Infantry, a native of Aylesbury he
was also entitled to a 1914-15 star and Victory medal. Buried in Guards cemetery, Windy Corner, Cuinchy.
GVF/EF £38.00
4997 Private H. Willan, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry.
Also entitled to a Victory medal, sold with copy M.I.C.
GVF £20.00
M-337964 Private T. Brown, Army Service Corps.
GVF £18.00
DM2-154118 Private P.B. Mitchell, Army Service Corps.
Born 4.12.1893 at, The lodge, Aberllurfe? Brecon. Father a gamekeeper. Served from 5.12.1915, appears to
have been a lorry driver in East Africa and Darfur. Contracted malaria 1.7.1916, invalided to England.
Also entitled to a Victory medal, sold with a good set of papers.
EF £20.00
102027 Private J.A. Wilson, Machine Gun Corps.
Also entitled to a Victory medal, sold with copy MIC.
EF £20.00
105583 Sapper W.J. Couzens, Royal Engineers.
Served Egypt 30.12.15, entitled to 1914/15 star and victory.
EF £20.00
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Page 110
British War Medal cont.
2371 126528 Sapper J. Laws, Royal Engineers.
EF £16.00
68285 2 Air Mechanic E. Elton, Royal Air Force.
EF £22.00
3662 Corporal F. Spencer, Royal Air Force.
Saw service with the R.F.C. 1914/15 Star, B.W.M. and Victory R.A.F. Served France 11.12.1915. Absent
Voters list Preston Air Mechanic.
EF £30.00
3152 Sepoy khan Mohd, 1-56 Rifles F.F..
VF £30.00
Lance Corporal C. Nosworthy, 8th South African Infantry.
Cornelius Nosworthy suffered gunshot wounds to the arm and left leg 27.3.1916, again gunshot wound to
the leg 7.4.1916, Nairobi whilst serving with the 8th South African Infantry, also suffered malaria and
dysentery. Home was Grahamstown, discharged 8.3.1918.
VF £35.00
Mercantile Marine War Medal 1914-1918
2376 Thomas J. Mckeen.
EF £35.00
Joseph H.Mac D. Bevis.
Killed when H.M.H.S. Glenart Castle a hospital ship was torpedoed on the 28th February 1918, 10 miles
west of Lundy Island whilst sailing from Newport to Brest to embark the wounded, she was sunk by UC56
Wilhelm Kiesewetter with the loss of 153 lives out of 186 aboard. Joseph Hector MacDonald Beavis 17, the
son of Frank and Edith Beavis, Morey's Cottage, Sheepshill, Ventnor, Isle of Wight.
EF £125.00
Victory Medal
2378 111 Private W.E. Barker, East African Mounted Rifles.
William served in Eastern Africa from 19.8.1914, also entitled to a 14/15 star and war medal.
Discharged medically unfit.
GVF/EF £16.00
Deal 3142-S Private H. Johnson, Royal Marines.
Born 7.5.1880, enlisted 31.12.1914, division Royal Marines Medical unit.
GVF/EF £18.00
CH. 6634 Private C.R. Price, Royal Marine Light Infantry.
EF £18.00
330966 Private A.E. Heddell, Yorkshire Hussars.
Arthur Heddell also served with the Durham Light Infantry and the Machine Gun Corps. Also entitled to a
British War medal.
Sold with copy M.I.C.
EF £40.00
203462 Private I.E. Hartley, West Yorkshire Regiment.
EF £16.00
40160 Private J. Whitehead, Royal Irish Fusiliers.
Born North Carlton Nottingham, first served with the Notts and derby regiment number 47883 and was
killed in action 8.17.1917, whilst serving with the Royal Irish Fusiliers, France and Flanders.
EF £35.00
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Victory Medal cont.
2384 DM2-180455 Private H. Blackwell, Army Service Corps. (DM2-180455. Pte.
VF £12.00
7533 Gunner W. Welbourn, Royal Artillery and Labour Corps.
Entitled to a 1914-15 Star and Victory medal, sold with copy M.I.C., Gallipoli 5.11.15.
GVF £18.00
140055 Staff Sergeant J.W. Rich, Royal Engineers.
EF £16.00
46437 Acting Corporal N.J. Dawson, Royal Engineers.
Served France 10.9.1915, enlisted 3rd reserve battalion R.E.5.8.1914, discharged 18.12.1918. Awarded
Silver War badge B 132825, entitled to a 1914/15 star and British War medal. Claimed via Church Army,
The Hall, Baland St. Plaistow.
EF £20.00
271942 Acting Sergeant G.H. Beck, Royal Engineers.
EF £15.00
84180 Sapper F. Courtney, Royal Engineers.
Served with the 441st Glam Field Company. Enlisted 20.4.1915 and discharged 1.6.1918 due to sickness,
Silver War Badge 393269. Served overseas and was age 40 on discharge.
GVF/EF £18.00
31593 Sapper G.H. Blakeman, Royal Engineers.
Also served with the A.S.C,
EF £12.00
Captain H.T. Lippiatt, Royal Army Medical Corps.
Awarded the Military Cross. The Army List of November 1918 shows Havelock Thomas Lippiatt MD as a
Lieut., Canadian Army Medical Corps. He entered Egypt 25.9.1915 as a Lieut. R.A.M.C.
His MC was gazetted 3.6.1919 as Temp. Capt R.A.M.C. attached 93rd Bde. R.G.A. Sold with photocopy
Army List page, MIC and LG pages.
EF £120.00
Copy WWI M.I.D. oak leaf
2392 Good quality reproduction.
U.S.A. World War I Victory Medal
2393 4 clasp, Defensive- Sector, Meuse-Argonne, St.-Mihiel, Aisne- Marne.
With original top ribbon bar and Sweetheart enamel brooch.
GVF £65.00
Territorial Force War Medal 1914-1919
2394 2nd. Lieut. W.A. Hilliard, The Royal Scots.
For service with the 4th battalion Royal Scots, 46 officers and 180 other ranks received this medal.
Commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant in the 4th Battalion Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment) on 27 June 1917.
VF £365.00
47878 Private H.E. Cook, Welsh Regiment.
Harry also saw service with the Royal Engineers No. 518 and WR/151049. 416 O/Rs received this medal,
Harry also receiving the War and Victory medal.
GVF £310.00
362024 Sergeant H.E. Shaw, Royal Artillery.
Entitled to War and Victory medals. April 1920 Sergeant (A/Bty. S. Major)
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Memorial Plaque
2397 2nd. Lieut. Albert Cecil Taylor.
Previously served as a Private in the 18th battalion Royal Fusiliers (1st Public Schools, Epsom) Born
22.10.87, trade a solicitor. School Hailebury, first enlisted 15.9.14, family from 28,Leigham Court Road,
Strearham. His Sergeant a P.O.W. wrote a statement that he was shot in the head and died instantly. Sold
with copied C.W.G.C. page, M.I.C. and copied letters from the War office. Buried at Delville Wood
Cemetery. A unique name.
EF £130.00
Douglas Alexander Hall.
Captain Douglas Alexander Hall served with the 10th Bn Yorks and Lanc Regiment. Son of Major Douglas
Hall (late 1st Life Guards) and Minnie Catherine Mary Hall, of 1 South Canterbury Rd, Canterbury. Born
Colchester Cavalry Barracks. Joined 5th Bn. Leicestershire Regt. K.I.A. 24.04.1917, aged 22. Buried at
Chili Trench Cemetery, Gavrelle.
Sold with original scroll, copied M.I.C., C.W.G.C. pages, pages from the 10th Bn history and other research.
Ef £250.00
Augustin Stephens.
Augustin was born in Oxford and served with the 10/Hampshire regiment and was killed in action on 10th
August 1915 at Gallipoli whilst serving with C company. His parents then lived at 30 Lindley Avenue,
Southsea, Portsmouth. A unique name on the roll and entitled to a 1914/15 star trio.
GVF £70.00
Sweetheart Brooch
2400 In silver, Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders 1914-18 war.
VF £25.00
2401 Original British War Medal Silver Suspender and Claw, with Ribbon Bar.
EF £12.00
Silver War Services Badge 1914-1918
2402 (NZ 15726).
GVF £35.00
Number erased.
VF £35.00
2404 203451 Private Ernest Walter, Northumberland Fusiliers. Number on reverse
Ernest enlisted 11.5.1916 and was discharged from the 4th Reserve Depot, Northumberland Fusiliers (T.F).
He served overseas and the cause of discharge on 25.1.1918 at the age of 20 was a gunshot wound.
GVF/EF £36.00
S/21292 Private Duncan Thomson, Gordon Highlanders. (B295142).
Duncan enlisted 29.3.1917 age 23 years, discharged 8.2.1919, entitled to a pair.
VF/EF £35.00
2406 551104 Rifleman Harold Thompson, 16th London Regiment. (Queen's Westminster
Rifles). (458641).
Harold was born in Kentish town and his trade was bank clerk, enlisted 5.12.1914. Served in France 1916,
Salonica 1917, Egypt and Palestine 1917-18, France 4 months 1918. A Lewis gunner. Discharged 20.2.1919
after acute appendicitis. Entitled to a pair, sold with a good set of papers.
GVF/EF £38.00
Private James W. Flett, Labour Corps. (387316).
James enlisted 16.7.1902 in the 2nd Dragoon Guards age 19 years, 2 months. Born in Hoxton, London and
trade a carpenter. Served France 1.9.1915, also served in the D.L.I. and Labour Corps. Tried on a number of
occasions by D.C.M., discharged 9.2.1916 after 13 years service.
GVF/EF £35.00
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Silver War Services Badge 1914-1918 cont.
2408 118121 Pioneer W. Roberts, Royal Engineers. (361487).
Enlisted 31.8.1915, discharged 11.10.1917 due to sickness whilst serving as a Pioneer in the Royal
GVF £33.00
122940 Acting Corporal A.H. Allen, Royal Army Medical Corps. (B37477).
Enlisted 9.6.1917 discharged sick 11.9.1918 age 29 years, 6 months.
GVF £33.00
Yser Cross, 1914-18 War
2410 Belgium.
GVF/EF £90.00
Legion of Honour, France
2411 3rd Republic 1914-18.
Choice EF £85.00
Medaille Militaire, France, in silvered gilt and enamel
2412 Nice contemporary issue with original ribbon.
GVF/EF £18.00
Order of St. Stanislas
2413 Russia, officers breast badge, in gold and enamels, makers mark polished but looks
like a 'K' for Keable'.
EF £750.00
Croix de Guerre 1914-1916
2414 France, with star.
EF £18.00
Iron Cross
2415 Germany, 1914, 2nd Class, complete with nice ribbon.
GVF/EF £40.00
Bulgaria, Long Service Cross for 10 years service
2416 Silvered metal.
VF/GVF £35.00
Naval General Service Medal 1915-1962
2417 1st issue George V, 1 clasp, Persian Gulf 1909-1914. 340630 Leading Cooks Mate A.
Ford, Royal Navy H.M.S. Hyacinth.
Verified on the roll.
NEF £195.00
2418 1st issue George V, 1 clasp, Persian Gulf 1909-1914. J.18361 Ordinary Seaman H.E.
Baker, H.M.S. Swiftsure.
Star marks in the field Fine £135.00
2419 3rd issue George V1 FID DEF:, 1 clasp, Minesweeping 1945-51. P/JX 245693
Leading Seaman J.F. Peach, Royal Navy.
GVF/EF £190.00
2420 3rd issue George V1 FID DEF:, 1 clasp, Malaya. D/S MX807854 Leading Stores
Accountant (S) E.C.G. Chanter, Royal Navy.
VF/GVF £140.00
2421 4th issue Elizabeth II BR: OMN:, 1 clasp, Bomb and Mine Clearance 1945-53. Edge
stamped Specimen.
Only 145 named medals issued thus rare.
EF £225.00
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Naval General Service Medal 1915-1962 cont.
2422 5th issue Elizabeth II DEI GRATIA, 1 clasp, Cyprus. RM. 16050 Marine A. Major,
Royal Marines.
GVF/EF £220.00
2423 5th issue Elizabeth II DEI GRATIA, 1 clasp, Near East. D/K 939526 M. (E) 1. E.
Smith, Royal Navy.
VF/GVF £100.00
General Service Medal 1918-1962
2424 1st issue George V coinage head, 2 clasps, Iraq, N.W. Persia. 31475 Private T. Hines,
Royal Irish Fusiliers.
Light contacting GVF £200.00
2425 3rd issue George VI IND IMP:, 1 clasp, Palestine. 6088524 Private W. Nichols, The
Queen's (Royal West Surrey Regiment). Correction to part of regimental number.
EF £140.00
2426 3rd issue George VI IND IMP:, 1 clasp, Palestine. 453771 Private J. Johnson, West
Yorkshire Regiment.
GVF/EF £140.00
2427 3rd issue George VI IND IMP:, 1 clasp, Palestine. 4343412 Private W. Monaghan,
East Yorkshire Regiment. "naghan" of "Monaghan" has been officially corrected.
VF £135.00
2428 3rd issue George VI IND IMP:, 1 clasp, Palestine. 2754299 Private H. Drysdale,
Black Watch.
Henry Drysdale was born at Dunfermline on 18 September 1914, and attested for the Black Watch at Perth
on 22 August 1933, aged 18 years. He was posted to the 2nd Battalion on 7 February 1934.
Sold with a group of photos of 23 men with names. Dated September 1933, P/ Depot/1930 -39. Captain G.S.
Rusk M.C. in the centre front.
GVF/EF £160.00
2429 3rd issue George VI IND IMP:, 1 clasp, Palestine. 53839 Corporal H. Peddie, Royal
Army Service Corps.
VF/GVF £110.00
2430 3rd issue George VI IND IMP:, 1 clasp, S.E. Asia 1945-46. Unnamed.
VF/GVf £65.00
2431 3rd issue George VI IND IMP:, 1 clasp, S.E. Asia 1945-46.
Quartermaster Sergeant E. Robshaw, Royal Artillery.
894768 Battery
AVF £85.00
2432 3rd issue George VI IND IMP:, 1 clasp, Palestine 1945-48. AS.29198 Private T.
Leola, African Pioneer Corps.
Sold with photocopy roll page, confirming clasp entitlement.
EF £55.00
2433 3rd issue George VI IND IMP:, 1 clasp, Palestine 1945-48. AS.11780 Private M.
Ramosekane, African Pioneer Corps.
EF £55.00
2434 3rd issue George VI IND IMP:, 1 clasp, Palestine 1945-48. 19007555 Gunner D.
Gardner, Royal Artillery.
In original box of issue, with original addressed envelope also three photos.
EF £55.00
2435 3rd issue George VI IND IMP:, 1 clasp, Palestine 1945-48. 14183264 Lance Corporal
F.C. Beeching, Royal Military Police. Minor correction to first 3 digits of number.
NEF £80.00
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General Service Medal 1918-1962 cont.
2436 3rd issue George VI IND IMP:, 1 clasp, Palestine 1945-48. 14116023 Private E.
Hampson, Army Catering Corps.
EF £59.00
2437 4th issue George VI DEI GRA:, 1 clasp, Palestine 1945-48. 14960076 Private R.
Pickard, Foresters. Official correction to first part of regimental number.
EF £75.00
2438 4th issue George VI DEI GRA:, 1 clasp, Malaya. 5099 Sc. Abu Bakar. B. Hassan,
Singpore Police. Note '099' of number officially impressed.
GVF £60.00
2439 4th issue George VI DEI GRA:, 1 clasp, Malaya. 22761389 Private T. Batt, Somerset
Light Infantry.
EF £65.00
2440 4th issue George VI DEI GRA:, 1 clasp, Malaya. 21136884 Rifleman Hambare
Tamang, 7th Gurkha Rifles.
GVF £65.00
2441 4th issue George VI DEI GRA:, 1 clasp, Malaya. N.51624 Private Batani Willie,
King's African Rifles.
VF £45.00
2442 4th issue George VI DEI GRA:, 1 clasp, Malaya.
Mkwanda, King's African Rifles.
TML 176940 Private Alabi
GVF/EF £58.00
2443 5th issue Elizabeth II D:G: BR: OMN:, 1 clasp, Malaya. 22289650 Private A.J.
Wilkinson, Gordons. 'N' of Gordons' officially corrected.
GVF/EF £65.00
2444 5th issue Elizabeth II D:G: BR: OMN:, 1 clasp, Malaya.
Buchan, Royal Artillery. Initial and surname officially corrected.
23236999 Gunner D.
GVF £55.00
2445 5th issue Elizabeth II D:G: BR: OMN:, 1 clasp, Malaya. 23331988 Craftsman A. J.
Fletcher, Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers.
EF £60.00
2446 5th issue Elizabeth II D:G: BR: OMN:, 1 clasp, Malaya. 22774185 Sergeant H.C.
Mordey, Royal Army Educational Corps.
Light contact marks VF £85.00
2447 6th issue Elizabeth II DEI GRATIA:, 1 clasp, Malaya.
Chhatrabahadur Limbu, 2/7 Gurkha Rifles.
21148579 Rifleman
VF £60.00
2448 6th issue Elizabeth II DEI GRATIA:, 1 clasp, Malaya.
Larkworthy, Royal Army Veterinary Corps.
23512502 Private R.D.
GVF £75.00
2449 6th issue Elizabeth II DEI GRATIA:, 1 clasp, Cyprus. 23532408 Fusilier J. Draper,
Lancashire Fusiliers.
Light edge bruise 6.0 VF £60.00
2450 6th issue Elizabeth II DEI GRATIA:, 1 clasp, Cyprus. 23267979 Private C.D. Mahon,
Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire L.I.
Light contacting VF/GVF £78.00
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General Service Medal 1918-1962 cont.
2451 6th issue Elizabeth II DEI GRATIA:, 1 clasp, Cyprus. 23237451 Private C. Waterson,
King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry.
GVF £65.00
2452 6th issue Elizabeth II DEI GRATIA:, 1 clasp, Cyprus. 23291631 Private F.S. Holford,
Wiltshire Regiment.
GVf/EF £68.00
2453 6th issue Elizabeth II DEI GRATIA:, 1 clasp, Cyprus. 23427528 Signalman G.M.
King, Royal Signals.
EF £65.00
2454 6th issue Elizabeth II DEI GRATIA:, 1 clasp, Near East. 23283292 Gunner B.T. Bull,
Royal Artillery.
EF £110.00
2455 6th issue Elizabeth II DEI GRATIA:, 1 clasp, Near East. 23249241 Gunner J.C.M.
Bexon, Royal Artillery.
VF £85.00
2456 6th issue Elizabeth II DEI GRATIA:, 1 clasp, Canal Zone. 22717353 Signalman J.A.
Rogers, Royal Signals.
EF £250.00
2457 6th issue Elizabeth II DEI GRATIA:, 1 clasp, Arabian Peninsula. 4167569
Aircraftman 1st Class D.C.A. Frost, Royal Air Force.
GVF £75.00
India General Service Medal 1936-1939
2458 1 clasp, North West Frontier 1936-37.
11793 Sepoy Mehar Khan, 1-14 Punjab
VF £45.00
2459 1 clasp, North West Frontier 1936-37.
Sutherland Highlanders.
2977797 Private R. Hendry, Argyll &
EF £165.00
2460 1 clasp, North West Frontier 1937-39.
14609 Sepoy Mohd. Anwar, 5-8 Punjab
EF £45.00
2461 1 clasp, North West Frontier 1937-39. 3546 Havildar Jai Sing, 4-13 Frontier Force
EF £49.00
2462 1 clasp, North West Frontier 1937-39. 13637 Sepoy Balwant singh, 1-12 Frontier
Force Rifles.
Choice EF £55.00
2463 2 clasps, North West Frontier 1936-37, North West Frontier 1937-39. 12349 Sepoy
Khushal Khan, 1-13 F.F. Rifles.
GVF £65.00
2464 2 clasps, North West Frontier 1936-37, North West Frontier 1937-39. 12884 Sepoy
Ghulam Akbar, 6-13 F.F. Rifles.
VF £65.00
2465 2 clasps, North West Frontier 1936-37, North West Frontier 1937-39. 15562 Sepoy
Munir Khan, 6-13 Frontier Force Rifles.
VF/GVF £65.00
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Japan, China Incident 1937
2466 In Bronze, complete with original ribbon and hook fitting.
EF £35.00
1939-45 Star
2467 Unnamed as issued.
This Star was awarded for service in the Second World War between 3rd September 1939 and 2nd
September 1945.
EF £10.00
Atlantic Star
2468 British and Commonwealth issue. Unnamed as issued.
This Star was awarded to commemorate the Battle of the Atlantic within the period 3rd September 1939 to
8th May 1945. It was designed primarily to reward those serving in convoys, fast merchant ships, escorts
and anti-submarine forces. The 1939-45 Star must have been earned by six or, in the case of the air crews,
two months' service in operations before the qualifying period for the Atlantic Star began.
EF £30.00
Unnamed, South African issue, gilt issue.
EF £30.00
With original France and Germany clasp.
The clasp denotes those who also qualified for the France and Germany Star but were previously in
possession of the Atlantic Star so issued with clasp only.
EF £50.00
With original Air Crew Europe clasp.
The clasp denotes those who also qualified for the Air Crew Europe Star.
Air Crew Europe Star
2472 Unnamed as issued.
This Star was awarded for operational flying from United Kingdom bases over Europe between 3rd
September 1939 - 5th June 1944.
EF £275.00
With original France and Germany clasp.
The clasp denotes those who also qualified for the France and Germany Star.
EF £295.00
With original Atlantic clasp.
The clasp denotes those who also qualified for the Atlantic Star.
EF £345.00
Africa Star
2475 Unnamed as issued.
This Star was awarded for one or more days' service in North Africa between 10th June 1940 and 12th May
1943, both dates inclusive.
EF £12.00
With original 8th Army clasp.
EF £32.00
With original 1st Army clasp.
EF £32.00
With original North Africa 1942-43 clasp.
EF £32.00
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Pacific Star
2479 British and Commonwealth issue. Unnamed as issued.
This Star was awarded for service in the Pacific theatre of operations between 8th December 1941 and 2nd
September 1945, both dates inclusive.
EF £40.00
With original Burma clasp.
This clasp denotes those who also qualified for service in Burma.
EF £75.00
Burma Star
2481 Unnamed as issued.
This Star was awarded for service in the Burma Campaign between 11th December 1941 and 2nd September
1945, both dates inclusive.
EF £15.00
With original Pacific clasp.
This clasp denotes those who also qualified for service in the Pacific.
EF £35.00
Italy Star
2483 Unnamed as issued.
This Star was awarded for operational service in Sicily or Italy, from the date of the capture of the island of
Pantellaria on 11th June 1943 to 8th May 1945.
EF £12.00
France and Germany Star
2484 Unnamed as issued.
This Star was awarded for service in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany between D Day and the
German surrender - that is for the period 6th June 1944 to 8th May 1945. The Air Crew Europe clasp was
not awarded with this medal.
EF £16.00
With original Atlantic clasp.
This clasp denotes those who later qualified for the Atlantic Star.
EF £105.00
Defence Medal
2486 In cupro-nickel, British and Colonial issue, including Europe.
For non-operational both within and outside country of residence and civil defence including bomb and
mine clearance.
EF £12.00
War Medal
2487 In cupro-nickel, British and Colonial issue, including Europe.
EF £8.00
2488 In silver, as awarded to Canadians
EF £25.00
Original 2nd War Clasps
2489 All the following clasps are guaranteed original issue and contemporary: Air Crew
Europe - WANTED; France and Germany £20.00: Atlantic - £90.00: 1st Army - £20.00: 8th
Army - £20.00: N. Africa 1942-43 -£20.00: Burma - £35.00; Pacific - £20.00.
Battle of Britain Clasps wanted.
Copy 2nd World War Clasps
2490 Air Crew Europe, France and Germany, Atlantic, 1st Army, 8th Army, N. Africa,
Burma, Pacific, Battle of Britain, Bomber Command, £2.00 each or £16 per set of ten.
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Copy WWII M.I.D. oak leaf
2491 Good quality reproduction.
India Service Medal 1939-1945
2492 Unnamed as issued, cupro-nickel.
On 6th June 1946, it was announced in Parliament that the King had sanctioned the award of this medal to
Indian Forces for three years' non-operational service in India or elsewhere between 3rd September 1939
and 2nd September 1945. It was not to be awarded to those who qualified for the Defence Medal. The
award was additional to the War Medal and the Campaign Stars and takes precedence immediately after the
War Medal.
VF £10 Choice EF £15.00
Africa Service Medal 1939-1945
2493 100612 J.A.J. Dyer.
GVF/EF £30.00
SR. 599342 M. Killian.
Killian, L. Cpl, m First City/Cape town Highlanders, S.A. Forces, 22nd April, 1945, age 21. Son of John
Killian, and of Maria Killian, of Sailsbury, Southern Rhodesia, V1, D, 3. Date of death 22.4.1945, buried in
EF £45.00
H594118 D. Chellan.
EF £30.00
Australia Service Medal 1939-1945
2496 George VI cypher NX 48033 J.L.H. Curran.
John Leslie Huon Curran was born on 12th September 1922 in Korumburra, Victoria. He then enlisted for
the Australian Army on the 22nd September 1941. He was in the army for 4 years until he was discharged
on 5th October 1945 on the date of his discharge he was posted at the 1 AUST AMPH VEH PTN A A S C
where he was a driver.
EF £55.00
2497 George VI cypher N79245 E. O'Donnell.
Edward O'Donnell was born the 18 December 1899 in Marrickville, New South Wales. He then enlisted in
his place of birth on the 2 October 1940. He then served in the Australian Army for nearly 3 years until on
the 22nd July 1943, he was discharged from his post at Leave Transit Wing. During his time in the Army he
was a Sergeant.
EF £55.00
New Zealand Memorial Cross
2498 George VI cypher Unnamed, in silver.
EF £65.00
Canadian Memorial Cross GVIR
2499 George VI cypher R167080 Warrant Officer Class II O.J.L. Pratlett, Royal Canadian
Air Force.
Warrant Officer Class II Oliver John Lancaster Pratlett, No. 103 (R.A.F.) Squadron, Royal Canadian Air
Force, was killed in action on 15 July 1944, aged 22 years. His Lancaster bomber went missing during
night operations over Revigny, France. He was buried in the Biencourt-sur-Orge Communal Cemetery,
Meuse, France.
EF £250.00
New Zealand War Service Medal 1939-1945
2500 Unnamed as issued, in cupro-nickel.
For personnel of New Zealand Forces who completed an aggregate of at least 28 days' full-time service or
six months' part-time service either at home or abroad between 3rd September 1939 and 2nd September
1945. Also for Home Guard and other civil and auxiliary services.
EF £35.00
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South African Medal for War Services 1939-1945
EF £40.00
Southern Rhodesia War Service Medal 1939-1945
2502 2nd issue George V1 INDIAE IMP: Unnamed as issued.
EF £350.00
Malta George Cross 50th Anniversary Medal
EF £60.00
Royal Naval Patrol Services Badge
2504 Copy in silver with pin.
EF £18.00
Copy in silver no pin, for stitching onto sleeve.
EF £18.00
Merchant Navy Lapel Badge
2506 Copy in silver.
EF £10.00
Dunkirk Veterans Medal
2507 Original French issue
EF £65.00
Unnamed replacement.
EF £14.00
2509 Original French issue. In white box of issue.
EF £70.00
Overlord Veterans Medal 6 June 1944
2510 In gilt. Multi-coloured ribbon, 50th anniversary 6th June 1944.
EF £21.00
2511 'Dunkirk Veterans Association, May 1943 June' lapel badge.
EF £6.00
Russian Convoys Medal 1941-1945, 40th Anniversary
2512 Original Russian issue.
EF £10.00
Russian Convoys Medal 1941-1945, 50th Anniversary
2513 Original Russian issue.
EF £10.00
Order of the Red Banner. Officially numbered
2514 6th type, in silver, gilt and enamel, reverse numbered 1177426.
EF £65.00
Order of the Badge of Honour. Officially numbered
2515 4th type, in silver, gilt and enamel, reverse numbered 1567698.
GVF/EF £50.00
Order of Glory
2516 3rd Class, 2nd type, in silver, gilt and enamel, reverse numbered 170101.
GVF/EF £50.00
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Commemorative Arnhem Medal
50th Anniversary Medal 1994. In Spink case of issue. 36mm dia. 'Pegasus' on obverse. Reverse: Plane and
Glider above bridge. Complete with ribbon and pin ready to wear.
Mint £12.00
U.S.A. Silver Star Medal
2518 Gilt with silver centre.
EF £20.00
U.S.A. Bronze Star Medal
2519 Gilt with bronze centre.
EF £15.00
U.S.A. World War II Victory Medal
2520 Unnamed. In original box dated 14 June 1946 with riband bar.
Mint £7.50
U.S.A. WW2 National Defense Medal
2521 Medal Set with riband bar and pins in original box of issue.
Mint £6.00
U.S.A. World War Two, British Commemorative Medal for Americans
2522 In original case of issue.
EF £50.00
Greek, Commemorative War Medal
2523 Reverse dated 1940-41.
EF £10.00
Korea Medal 1950-1953
2524 1st type Elizabeth II Dei: Gra: Brit: Omn: R.M. 10148 Marine J.P. Flannery, Royal
EF £250.00
2525 1st type Elizabeth II Dei: Gra: Brit: Omn: 22307047 Trooper N.W. Hadfield, 5th
Dragoon Guards.
GVF £265.00
2526 1st type Elizabeth II Dei: Gra: Brit: Omn: 22601155 Private J. Arnold, The King's
(Liverpool Regiment).
VF £225.00
2527 1st type Elizabeth II Dei: Gra: Brit: Omn: 22575247 Private D. John, Black Watch.
EF £295.00
2528 1st type Elizabeth II Dei: Gra: Brit: Omn: 22288172 Sapper J.R. Thomas, Royal
VF/GVF £130.00
United Nations Korea Service Medal 1950-1954
2529 Original contemporary British issue.
EF £20.00
2530 French issue In original box of issue.
EF £50.00
2531 Greek issue In box of issue.
EF £25.00
Large selection of MEDAL RIBBONS in stock - full size and Miniature
Prices from £1 per 6” length - call us for details
Dixon's Gazette
Page 122
Campaign Service Medal 1962-2003
2532 1 clasp, Borneo. 23746415 Craftsman L.H. Barraclough, Corps of Royal Electrical
and Mechanical Engineers.
EF £65.00
2533 1 clasp, Borneo. T/23897437 Driver W. Broadbent, Royal Army Service Corps.
EF £65.00
2534 1 clasp, Radfan. 23923163 Trooper W.G. Abbots, 16/5th Lancers.
EF £280.00
2535 1 clasp, South Arabia. 23507929 Lance Corporal L.J.A. Elks, Royal Army Ordnance
Minor edge bruise to reverse GVF £65.00
2536 1 clasp, Malay Peninsula. 7520 Police Constable Osman Bin Sulaiman, A.D.P..
GVF/EF £85.00
2537 1 clasp, Malay Peninsula.
Copland, Royal Navy.
079761 Ordinary Electrical Mechanic 1st Class A.
GVF/EF £80.00
2538 1 clasp, Northern Ireland. 24281434 Gunner G.S. Blain, Royal Artillery.
EF £65.00
2539 1 clasp, Northern Ireland. 24836129 Air Trooper N.A. Rendall, Army Air Corps.
EF £165.00
2540 1 clasp, Northern Ireland. 24104781 Rifleman J.P. Rowan, Royal Green Jackets.
EF £75.00
2541 1 clasp, Northern Ireland.
2475328 Private M.J.E. Willman, Gloucestershire
EF £65.00
2542 2 clasps, Borneo, South Arabia. 4260549 Acting Corporal B.R. Arnold, Royal Air
VF/GVF £85.00
2543 2 clasps, Radfan, South Arabia. 23541884 Private W.G. Anderson, Royal Signals.
Edge bruise to reverse 9.0 VF/GVF £130.00
HM Armed Forces, Veteran' brooch on a pin, in gilt and enamels
EF £15.00
Pingat Jasa Malaysia Medal
2545 Awarded to British Veterans for service in Operations in Malaya/Malaysia between
August 1957 and August 1966. Mounted on pin ready to wear..
EF £34.00
Pingat Jasa Malaysia Medal with Pingat Jasa Malaysia Miniature Medal. Awarded to British Veterans for
service in Operations in Malaya/Malaysia between August 1957 and August 1966, in presentation case of
EF £45.00
Australian Vietnam Medal 1964
2547 EIIR issue 1734668 G.D. Pollock.
1734668 Private Graham Dunford Pollock, born Mackay, Queensland, 9.9.1948; served with the Royal
Australian Infantry Corps in Vietnam from 16.7.1969; posted to 9th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment,
6.8.1969; Headquarters, 1st Australian Logistic Support Group, 19.11.1969; returned to Australia, 25.6.1970
EF £360.00
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Dixon's Gazette
South Atlantic Medal 1982
2548 D164145J AB(M) P.J. Fowler, NP.1710. With rosette, mounted for wear.
EF £695.00
2549 D176732N Clerk C.S. Elsom, Royal Navy H.M.S. Hermes. With rosette, mounted on
a pin.
In company with H.M.S. Invincible, the 28,000-ton aircraft carrier Hermes, commanded by Captain L. E.
Middleton, D.S.O., shared in the provision of almost all the air power of the campaign, her operational
capacity amounting to 15 Sea Harriers and six Harrier GR3's, in addition to assorted helicopter types. She
was the flagship of Rear-Admiral "Sandy" Woodward.
EF £650.00
2550 1 clasp, with Rosette. D146153R A/Leading Weapon Engineering Mechanic (R) S.D.
Ashton, H.M.S. Argonaut.
Steve Derek Ashton was born 14.11.57, enlisted 10.9.74 and was discharged 7.10.83. HMS Argonaut was a
Leander Class Frigate and was part of the escort for the landing forces at San Carlos. On 21st May in San
Carlos water, she was hit by two 1000lb bombs dropped by Argentine Skyhawks, which luckily failed to
explode, even though one came to rest in a magazine. It took several days for the bombs to be defused and
removed from the ship. With copied certificate on discharge.
EF £850.00
Gulf War Medal 1990-1991
2551 1 clasp, 16 Jan to 28 Feb 1991. 24891751 Private J. Connelly, Royal Pioneer Corps.
EF £200.00
Foreign Gulf War Medals
2552 South Arabia Combat Medal.
EF £7.00
Bahrain Liberation of Kuwait. As issued to British troops.
EF £7.00
United Arab Emirates Liberation of Kuwait.
EF £7.00
Kuwaiti Liberation Medal 1991, 4th grade.
EF £12.00
United States of America South West Asia Service Medal.
EF £7.00
Saudi Arabian Liberation of Kuwait.
EF £20.00
United Nations Emergency Force Medal
2558 Israel and Egypt 1956-57.
Awarded to all personnel who served with the UN peace-keeping forces on the border between Isreal and
Egypt following the Sinai Campaign of 1956. These medals were awarded to troops from Brazil, Canada,
Colombia, Denmark, Finland, Indonesia, Norway, Sweden and Yugoslavia.
EF £8.00
United Nations Medal 1948 to 2015
2559 All in stock, please state which issue when ordering.
EF £8.00
2560 U.N. Cyprus, original issue UNFICYP Cyprus.
EF £20.00
Grand Army of the Republic Veteran's Medal 1861-1866
2561 U.S.A..
GVF/EF £85.00
U.S.A., with Presidential citation top bar.
EF £85.00
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NATO Medal 1992, in bronze
2563 1 clasp, Former Yugoslavia. As issued to British and European Peacekeeping Forces.
EF £12.00
2564 1 clasp, Kosovo. As issued to British and European Peacekeeping Forces.
EF £12.00
2565 1 clasp, Non Article 5 (All Balkan Operations). All Balkan Operations As issued to
British and European Peacekeeping Forces.
EF £12.00
2566 1 clasp, Article 5 - Eagle Assist. For Balkan Operations.
EF £12.00
2567 1 clasp, Article 5 - Active Endeavour. For Balkan Operations.
EF £12.00
Operational Service Medal
2568 Sierra Leone Ribbon Steward B.G.J. Winton, Royal Fleet Auxiliary.
Awarded the O.S.M. for Sierra Leone when serving on R.F.A. Fort George.
They arrived of the coast of Freetown within days and were soon joined by the Amphibious Task Group led
by HMS Ocean, with the Royal marines of 42 Commando embarked. With so many ships and troops to
supply, Fort George had to make regular 500-mile trips to Daker in Senegal to replenish with fresh food and
supplies. Sold with box of issue, forwarding letter, record of service at sea and a copy of discharge book
page including photo dated 15.4.1988. Brian was born 17.1.1960, New Forest, Hampshire.
EF £550.00
Iraq Medal (Operation Telic)
2569 25064866 Corporal M A V Dodds, Adjutant General Corps (SPS). No clasp.
EF £145.00
2570 1 clasp, 19 Mar to 28 Apr 2003. 24823138 Bombardier D.J. Clark, Royal Artillery.
EF £200.00
Erased Medals
2571 Army Navy Colonial Forces Veterans Medal Canada 1901.
VF £55.00
2572 Military Medal George V.
VF £200.00
2573 Naval General Service Medal 1793-1840 Renamed to Matthew Littlemore, 1 clasp, 14
Dec Boat Service 1814.
Matthew is listed on the official roll for 14th December Boat Service 1814, but must have misplaced his
original and had one re-named in upright capitals. This Boat Service action took place off New Orleans. The
British prior to capturing the town had to capture and destroy the guardships which they did by capturing
one enemy ship and then attacking and destroying the rest of the ships. Less than 230 Boat Service 1814
clasps were awarded and had it been the original naming it would sell for £10,000 to £12,000, so a good gap
filler. He is the only 'Littlemore' listed in the whole of the N.G.S. roll.
Fine/Good Fine £1350.00
2574 Waterloo Medal 1815 Traces of 'stars' still visible by the clip both sides.
Fine £460.00
2575 Waterloo Medal 1815
Fine £495.00
2576 Turkish Crimea Medal Sardinian issue, fitted with replacement suspender.
VF £75.00
2577 Indian Mutiny Medal 1857-1858 No clasp.
Slight contacting VF £130.00
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Dixon's Gazette
Erased Medals cont.
2578 India General Service Medal 1895-1902 1 clasp, Punjab Frontier 1897-98.
Fine £70.00
2579 India General Service Medal 1895-1902 2 clasp, Punjab Frontier 1897-98, Relief of
Chitral 1895.
Fine £90.00
2580 India General Service Medal 1908-1935 1 clasp, Waziristan 1925.
Only 254 clasps issued to the R.A.F.
Choice EF £295.00
2581 Korea Medal 1950-1953
GVF/EF £90.00
2582 Army Meritorious Service Medal Victoria, dated '1848' below bust.
EF £340.00
2583 Cadet Forces Medal 1950 GVI. issue.
EF £75.00
2584 Volunteer Force Long Service and Good Conduct Medal 1894 Victoria, British issue,
GVF £25.00
Renamed Medal
2585 Military General Service Medal 1793-1814 4 clasps, Pyrenees, Nivelle, Orthes,
Toulouse, named in contemporary style 'John Metcalf 42nd Foot'.
VF £475.00
2586 Jellalabad Medal 1841-1842 1st Type, named in contemporary style to William
VF £465.00
2587 India General Service Medal 1854-1895 1 clasp, Persia, renamed to Charles T.
Townshend I.N.
VF/GVF £235.00
2588 Afghanistan Medal 1878-1880 2 clasp,Kabul, Kandahar, renamed to Corpl. T. Steer,
Staff Bugler attached 10th Hussars.
VF £190.00
2589 Queen's South Africa Medal 1899-1902 No claps to 1671 Private J. Preece, 1st Batt.
VF £60.00
Indian Title Badge
2590 George VI issue, 3rd class, 'Rai' or 'Rao Sahib' for Hindus Mr. Sideshioar Mukee 1st
Jany 1944.
A superb example with perfect enamel.
GVF/EF £320.00
Zanzibar, District Headman's Badge,obverse: Sultan's monogram, 'Zanzibar
Government'; reverse Arabic cypher, 'Chake Chake District', 57mm., bronze, unnamed,
fitted with a brass loop and a heavy bronze chain for neck wear
2591 George VI, issue in bronze
Chake-Chake is a city on Pemba, an island to the north of the island of Zanzibar.
Choice EF £650.00
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Imperial Service Medal
2592 Edward VII issue Unnamed.
EF £85.00
2593 Edward VII issue In Elkington & Co case of issue.
Sold with scarce original award certificate to Mr William Angus 'in recognition of your meritorious service
in the Ordnance Survey' 18 November 1905. Also sold with original newspaper cutting detailing the
presentation of this award, summarised as follows: 'Presentation of the Imperial Service Medal - A unique
and interesting presentation took place in the library of the Ordnance Survey on Friday, when the Director
General (Colonel Hellard, R.E.)†¦presented the Imperial Service medal to Messrs. Wm. Angus, Wm.
Davidson, and R. MacFadden, for long and meritorious service. In making the presentation, the Director
General congratulated the recipients on the way they had carried out the arduous duties demanded of them,
and trusted they would be long spared to enjoy the well-earned retirement from the duties of the survey.'
Some light enamel loss in a couple of places GVF £95.00
2594 George V issue, 1st type star shaped Thomas Thompson.
GVF/EF £85.00
2595 George V issue, 1st type with wreath to women Eva L. Bult. Mounted on a ladies bow,
in an Elkington case of issue.
Sold with original letter of award dated 23.02.1915 awarding the I.S.M. for meritorious service in the
London Postal Service. RARE
Choice EF £490.00
2596 George V issue, 1st type with wreath to women Emily L. Crippin. On a ladies bow, in
an Elkington case of issue.
Emily Louisa Crippin, I.S.M. promulgated 30 September 1915. Awarded to her as a retired member of the
Civil Service - she was employed as an Assistant Supervisor, Post Office, Liverpool. She died on 22 January
1935. Sold with copied L.G. pages.
EF £500.00
2597 Elizabeth II issue, 2nd type, 'Dei Gratia' Albert Edward Yarrow.
GVF/EF £16.00
Empress of India Medal 1877
2598 In silver
Complete with full neck ribbon.
Some contact marks GVF/EF £495.00
Golden Jubilee Medal 1887
2599 In silver.
Test mark to obverse rim at 8.0 GVF £125.00
In bronze.
GVF £175.00
2601 In bronze with 1897 bar Ladies issue on a Bow.
EF £350.00
2602 Metropolitan Police issue in bronze with 1897 bar Police Constable W. Hawkins,
Metropolitan Police A Division (Whitehall).
VF £65.00
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Dixon's Gazette
Diamond Jubilee Medal 1897
2603 Mayor's issue in silver (512) In original case of issue.
Choice EF £395.00
2604 Mayor's issue in silver (512) With pin.
EF £350.00
Coronation Medal 1902
2605 In bronze. Medallion 55.60mm in embossed Royal Mint red leather case of issue.
EF £55.00
2606 In silver (3493)
VF/GVF £150.00
2607 In silver (3493)
GVF £140.00
2608 Metropolitan Police issue in bronze (16,700) Police Constable H.Domaille,
Metropolitan Police K. Division (Bow).
VF £30.00
2609 Police Ambulance Service issue in bronze (204) Lieutenant-Colonel M. Baines, Police
Ambulance Service.
Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Baines M.D. Honourable Major 21st December 1870 with the
1st (Colledge street, Fulham Road) Engineer Volunteers and was Lieutenant in 1860. Only 204 medals
issued to the Police Ambulance service. This could be a good research project.
GVF/EF £550.00
2610 Police Ambulance Service issue in bronze (204) Lance Corporal A. Allen, Police
Ambulance Service.
Fine/VF £395.00
2611 Colony of Natal issue in silver 29mm.
Choice EF £100.00
2612 Colony of Natal issue in silver 29mm
VF £60.00
Hong Kong Coronation Medal 1902
2613 In bronze, unnamed as issued.
Nice EF £220.00
Visit to Scotland Medal 1903
2614 Police Constable J. Dunlop, Scottish Police. With top brooch bar.
VF/GVF £125.00
Police Sergeant W. Anderson, Scottish Police. With top bar without pin.
EF £145.00
Coronation Medal 1911
2616 In silver (16,000) Gentleman's issue.
EF £65.00
Delhi Durbar Medal 1911
2617 In silver (30,000) Unnamed as issued.
EF £100.00
2618 In silver (30,000) W. Alder, Interlocking Department N.W. Ry.
1911 Thackers directory has him as an interlocking foreman working for the North Western Railway based
at Lahore. No roll for civilians exist who took part in the Delhi Durbar in 1911, naming contemporary.
VF £100.00
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Page 128
Delhi Durbar Medal 1911 cont.
2619 In silver (30,000) 8878 Lance Corporal H. Harbour, R.S.R..
Lance Corporal Harbour, Royal Sussex Regiment (East Sussex) Served with the civil Police on railway duty
and confirmed on the '1911 Delhi Durbar to the Army' by Peter Duckers.
VF £110.00
Visit of the Prince of Wales to Sydney, Australia, Commemorative Medal 1920, bronze
issue by Amor Sydney
2620 51.20m.m.
GVF £185.00
Visit of the Prince of Wales to Bombay Medal November 1921
2621 Silvered bronze.
Some traces of silvering in places Fine £25.00
In bronze.
Slight traces of gilt in the lettering VF £35.00
Silver Jubilee Medal 1935
2623 In silver (85,000) Gentlemen's issue; Unnamed as issued.
EF £24.00
2624 In silver (85,000) On a ladies bow ; Unnamed as issued.
EF £24.00
2625 In silver (85,000) On a ladies bow, in box of issue.
EF £38.00
2626 In silver (85,000) Gentleman's issue, unnamed as issued.
VF/GVF £22.00
2627 In silver (85,000) Gentleman's issue. Unnamed as issued, in box of issue.
EF £38.00
Coronation Medal 1937
2628 In silver (90,000) Gentlemen's issue. Unnamed as issued.
EF £30.00
2629 In silver (90,000) Gentlemen's issue. Unnamed as issued, in box of issue..
EF £35.00
2630 In silver (90,000) On a ladies bow; in Box of issue.
EF £35.00
2631 In silver (90,000) On a ladies bow.
EF £30.00
2632 In silver (90,000)
GVF £28.00
Coronation Medal 1953
2633 Gentlemen's issue. Unnamed as issued.
EF £35.00
Gentlemen's issue. Unnamed as issued; in box of issue.
EF £40.00
Ladies' issue on a bow. Unnamed as issued.
EF £35.00
Ladies' issue on a bow. Unnamed as issued. In box of issue.
EF £40.00
Gentlemen's issue. Unnamed as issued.
VF £25.00
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Dixon's Gazette
Silver Jubilee Medal 1977
2638 General issue, 31.88mm dia On a ladies bow, Unnamed.
EF £185.00
2639 General issue, 31.88mm dia Gentlemen's issue,Unnamed.
EF £185.00
Golden Jubilee Medal 2002
2640 General issue. In original box of issue with Certificate. 31.88mm dia
EF £50.00
Diamond Jubilee Medal 2012
2641 General issue. In original box of issue. 31.97mm dia.
EF As struck £65.00
Independence Medal
2642 Tanganyika 1961 Incorrect ribbon (Prison Service).
EF £55.00
2643 Pakistan 1948 An unnamed example.
EF £12.00
2644 Pakistan 1948 6838822 Lance Naik Ghulam Yahy, A.P.A.O.C..
EF £15.00
2645 Pakistan 1948 2203055 Sapper Walayat Hussain, R.P.E..
VF £12.00
2646 Malawi 1964
EF £75.00
2647 Guyana 1966
EF £75.00
2648 Fiji 1970
EF £75.00
2649 Papua New Guinea 1975
EF £75.00
Royal Naval Meritorious Service Medal
2650 George V issue E.S. 2543 Engineman C.E. Wood, J. Burn Aux Patrol 1918.
M.S.M. London Gazette 11 April 1919. 'Engmn. Charles Edward Wood, R.N.R., O.N. 2543 E.S.'
Charles Edward Wood was born in London on 8 June 1872. Living in Great Yarmouth, he enrolled into the
R.N.R. on 1 March 1915 and was posted to Attentive III. Awarded the Royal Navy M.S.M. for services on
board J. Burn in the Auxiliary Patrol during the period 1 July-11 November 1918. Discharged from
Kingfisher in December 1919. Entitled to the 1914-15 Star trio of medals. With copied service papers and
gazette and roll extracts.
VF/GVF £450.00
Medal Ribbons
Medal Ribbons
Medal Ribbons
We hold one of the most comprehensive stocks of British and Foreign ribbons in the UK, full size and miniature
ribbons available – contact us for details – from £1 per 6” lenth
Dixon's Gazette
Page 130
Army Meritorious Service Medal
2651 Victoria issue Paymaster Sergeant John Grant, 42nd Foot.
M.S.M. awarded 13 April 1854 plus annuity of £10, died in 1859.
GVF £495.00
2652 Edward VII issue 3rd Class Master Gunner W. Coles, Royal Artillery.
GVF/EF £295.00
2653 George V issue military bust 240023 Sergeant S. Carr, 5th Battalion Northumberland
M.S.M. London Gazette 17 June 1918. '... in recognition of valuable services rendered with the Forces in
France during the present war.' '240023 Sjt. S. Carr, North'd. Fus. (Newcastle-on-Tyne).' Corporal Stanley
Carr, Northumberland Fusiliers entered the France/Flanders theatre of war on 20 April 1915. As a Sergeant
with the 5th Battalion he earned the M.S.M. Later discharged as a Warrant Officer Class 2.
With copied gazette extracts and m.i.c.
EF £225.00
2654 George V issue military bust 6145 Company Quartermaster Sergeant J.H. Hibbert,
47/Machine Gun Corps.
Joseph was entitled to a WW1 pair and later served in the K.O.S.B. regimental number 8565, M.S.M
awarded for France and Flanders. L.G. 3rd June 1919, 47th Bn. (Sheffield) Sold with copied roll page and
VF £235.00
2655 George V issue military bust 023472. 2. Corporal J. Walker, Royal Army Ordnance
L.G. 12.12.1919, for services in France and Flanders. From Bolton, Lancashire.
EF £195.00
2656 George VI issue 'Ind.Imp' obverse Staff Sergeant J. Coleman, Military Provost Staff
Staff Serjeant J. Coleman, Military Provost Staff Corps was awarded the Annuity M.S.M. by A.O. 33 of
1938 and awarded the L.S. & G.C. by 172, October 1904.
EF £350.00
Indian Army Meritorious Service Medal
2657 George VI issue 1-A-2797 Havildar Allah Ditta, Indian Army Medical Corps.
Correction to name.
GVF £88.00
Royal Household Faithful Service Medal
2658 George V issue F.J. Bridges. Dated on the suspender bar 1910-1930, in original Royal
Mint case of issue.
Fine £370.00
Royal Navy Long Service and Good Conduct Medal
2659 Victoria narrow suspender, with impressed naming type, 1878-1901 Leading Stoker
John Evens, H.M.S. Cossack, Royal Navy.
GVF £165.00
2660 Victoria narrow suspender, with impressed naming type, 1878-1901 Gunner John
Cluer, 6th Co. Royal Marine Artillery.
GVF £148.00
2661 Edward VII issue 131568 Master at Arms James Dench, H.M.S. Victory.
Choice EF £95.00
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Dixon's Gazette
Royal Navy Long Service and Good Conduct Medal cont.
2662 Edward VII issue RMA 1349 Gunner John Brackstone, Royal Marine Artillery.
Born Andover Hants, 2.10.1864, enlisted 2.7.1883, served in various ships and bases. LS & GC awarded
1.1.1906. Discharged to R.F.R. 1.10.1909, served during WW1, 2nd August 1914 to 31st December 1919.
VF £85.00
2663 Edward VII issue No.9239 Lance Corporal Charles Butler, Chat.Royal Marine Light
EF £90.00
2664 George V, 1st type Admirals bust, 1911-1930 M. 5988 A.J. Lock, Royal Navy H.M.S.
Alfred was born in Witney, Oxford on 4.10.1893, trade baker who attested 6.5.1913 for 12 years. Reattested 9.4.1925 to complete.
Saw service aboard H.M.S. Hibernia at Gallipoli 1915-16. H.M.S. Hussar from December 1916 to 6
November 1918 a Dryal Class Torpedo Gunboat which in 1915 the Captain and two of her ships company
won the Victoria Cross.
VF/GVF £80.00
2665 George V, 2nd type coinage head, 1930-1936 J.37420 Able Seaman J. Peckover,
Royal Navy H.M.S. Victory.
to 1914-15 Trio. LS & GC issued 2.5.1932.
Fine £45.00
2666 George V, 2nd type coinage head, 1930-1936 216478 Petty Officer R.T. England,
Royal Marines.
LS & GC awarded 17.11.1933 whilst serving on Royal Sovereign.
VF £75.00
2667 George VI, 1st type 'Ind.Imp.', 1937-1948 CH 24141 Corporal J.L. Brazier, Royal
EF £95.00
Royal Naval Reserve Long Service and Good Conduct Medal 1908
2668 Edward VII issue D.699 Seaman 1st Class W. Quinn, Royal Naval Reserve.
EF £75.00
2669 Edward VII issue 84302 Seaman 1st Class J.H. Hall, Royal Naval Reserve.
L.S. awarded 6.9.1910 Bristol.
VF £70.00
2670 Edward VII issue 84108 Seaman 1st Class J. Weller, Royal Naval Reserve.
GVF £70.00
2671 George V issue, Admiral's bust 3745 Seaman J. Cooke, Royal Naval Reserve.
Long Service awarded 13.4.1927, Stranraer
VF/GVF £60.00
2672 Elizabeth II issue, 2nd type, Coinage bust without BRITT: OMN. X999658 Radio
Operator 2nd Class P. Holmes, Royal Naval Reserve. In the original box of issue.
EF £85.00
Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Decoration 1908
2673 Elizabeth II issue Reverse dated 1958, in the original Royal Mint case of issue.
EF £180.00
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Royal Fleet Reserve Long Service and Good Conduct Medal
2674 George V issue, Admiral's bust J 2707 Leading Seaman P.O.B. 14525, Royal Fleet
GVF/EF £55.00
2675 George V issue, Admiral's bust 215788 Able Seaman A. Granger, Royal Fleet
Some edge bruising about VF £40.00
Army Long Service and Good Conduct Medal
2676 Victoria issue, 2nd type 1855-1874 with swivelling scroll suspension 53 Sergeant
Mali. Delaney, 2nd Bn. 25th Foot.
Malachi Delaney was born in Kyle, Queen's County. A Labourer by occupation, he attested for the 78th
Regiment at Mountrath, Queen's County on 10 April 1845, aged 19 years. He was promoted to Corporal and
transferred to the 2nd Battalion 25th Regiment in January 1860. In November 1861 he was promoted to
Sergeant. In addition to the Army L.S. & G.C., he was awarded the Indian Mutiny Medal with clasps for
Defence of Lucknow and Lucknow and the India General Service Medal with clasp for Persia. He was
discharged at his own request having completed 21 years, (nearly 14 of them in India), at Preston on 14
January 1868.
Sold with copied service papers. Suspension replaced as the old suspender was soldered in place.
VF £385.00
2677 Victoria issue, 3rd type 1874-1901, swivelling scroll suspension with smaller reverse
lettering Quarter Master Sergeant A. White, Nanie -Tal -Depot.
GVF £175.00
2678 Victoria issue, 3rd type 1874-1901, swivelling scroll suspension with smaller reverse
lettering 1636 Private D. Fraser, 2nd Dragoon Guards.
Born London 1851, enlisted 29.10.1873 age 22 years, trade porter. Deserted 23rd December 1873, wounded
26th March 1874, hospital to 24th April 1874, 'wound caused by policeman'?
Discharged due to Tubercle of Lung-permanent which will prevent his earning a living. Served 18 years. L.S
& G.C medal awarded 1.1.97. Also served South Africa 19.02.79 to 16.05 81, India 21.11.85- to 14.04.19.
F/VF £140.00
2679 Victoria issue, 3rd type 1874-1901, swivelling scroll suspension with smaller reverse
lettering 2032 Private Chas. Atkins, 1/6th Foot. Officially impressed.
Verified on roll and sold with photocopy roll page.
GVF £145.00
2680 Victoria issue, 3rd type 1874-1901, swivelling scroll suspension with smaller reverse
lettering 1537 Lance Corporal H. Vincent, 38th Foot.
Serving in Rawilpindi, India in the 1871 census.
VF/GVF £145.00
2681 Victoria issue, 3rd type 1874-1901, swivelling scroll suspension with smaller reverse
lettering 420 Private G. Maxwell, 43rd Foot (Ox & Bucks Light Infantry).
NEF £150.00
2682 Victoria issue, 3rd type 1874-1901, swivelling scroll suspension with smaller reverse
lettering 1671 Private M. Brennan, Northumberland Fusiliers.
GVF £135.00
2683 Victoria issue, 3rd type 1874-1901, swivelling scroll suspension with smaller reverse
lettering 2717 Colour Sergeant F. Prattinton, Derbyshire Regiment.
Frederick first enlisted in 7.1.87 in the 30th Foot stating his age as 18 years and born in St. Pancreas,
London. He joined the Derbyshire Regiment in Gymnastics 1874 and Musketry 1879. Discharged Sergeant
Instructor 11.4.1899. Sold with copied papers.
GVF £145.00
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Dixon's Gazette
Army Long Service and Good Conduct Medal cont.
2684 Victoria issue, 3rd type 1874-1901, swivelling scroll suspension with smaller reverse
lettering 1532 Private S. Shipton, Royal Irish Rifles.
VF/GVF £140.00
2685 Victoria issue, 3rd type 1874-1901, swivelling scroll suspension with smaller reverse
lettering 905 Sergeant T. Stephenson, 4th Rifle Brigade.
VF £145.00
2686 Victoria issue, 3rd type 1874-1901, swivelling scroll suspension with smaller reverse
lettering 20014 Quarter Master Sergeant G. Williams, Royal Artillery.
GVF £110.00
2687 Victoria issue, 3rd type 1874-1901, swivelling scroll suspension with smaller reverse
lettering 3512 Gunner T. Lusby, 1st Bde. Royal Artillery.
EF £98.00
2688 Victoria issue, 3rd type 1874-1901, swivelling scroll suspension with smaller reverse
lettering 21275 Battery Sergeant Major J. Jarvis, 9/Bde No Ir Div Royal Artillery.
Sold with copied service record, John Jarvis was born in Montrose, enlisted 14/7/63 aged 20 with former
service in Forfar & Kinkardine Arty Militia, served Canada 1868/9, posted to 9th Bde became Londonderry
Artillery S.D.R.A. 1/7/89, discharged 20/7/93, scarce named medal to unit.
GVF £145.00
2689 Edward VII issue 73013 Driver E. Milliard, Royal Field Artillery.
Attested 1.5.1889, born Subdeanary, Chichester and age 19 years and 6 months. Served 21 years including
11 years 76 days in India. Injuries, contusion of the shoulder (on duty) 23.3.1899, wound right arm (on duty)
11.4.1900. Sold with copy roll pages.
GVF/EF £80.00
2690 Edward VII issue 23242 Corporal F.C. Redford, Royal Engineers.
With copied pages of service records, Medal Rolls and death certificate. Frederick Charles Redford was
born in Dublin, enlisted as a boy aged 14, 30.10.1888, served Gold Coast 1902-03, and promoted Cpl
1.4.1906, discharged 14.1.1907. Re-joined 1.9.1914 aged 44 as a surveyor R.E. served throughout WWI and
received a 1914-15 trio. Died of bronchitis and influenza 4.2.1940. Sold with a good set of papers.
EF £85.00
2691 George V issue, 1st type 1911-1920 5244016 Sergeant R. Stenson, Royal West Kent
GVF £75.00
2692 George V issue, 1st type 1911-1920 3839 Staff Sergeant B. Bray, Army Ordnance
Served in the Boer war, medal and clasp Cape Colony and awarded a K.S.A. MIC shows W.O.11 and
entitled to a 15 trio. Served Egypt from 5.11.14 and mentioned in Despach's 17.9.1917, attached Egyptian
Army. He lived at 83, Bromley Common, Bromley, Kent.
GVF £95.00
2693 George V issue, 1st type 1911-1920 7251828 Private J. Tomlin, Royal Army Medical
VF £55.00
2694 George VI issue, 1st type 'Indiae Imp.' 1937-1948 with regular army bar 7040973
Corporal T.P. O'Keeffe, Royal Irish Fusiliers.
Patrick was born in Ireland and died 30.8.45, age 45 whilst serving with the Royal Military police and is
buried at Kilbelan (St. Conleths) cemetery, Co. Kildare, Ireland. He was the son of Patrick and Mary
O'Keeffe and the husband of Kathleen Alice O' Keeffe of Darwin, Lancashire.
Choice EF £160.00
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Army Long Service and Good Conduct Medal cont.
2695 Elizabeth II issue, 2nd type 'Dei Gratia' post 1954 with regular army bar 24262961
Bombardier M.J. Myatt, Royal Artillery.
GVF £68.00
2696 George V, Commonwealth issue, 3rd type 1930-1936 with India bar Assistant
Surgeon S.N. Eate, Indian Medical Department.
Born 1891, first enlisted 20.4.1914.
GVF/EF £225.00
2697 George VI, Commonwealth issue, 1st type 'Indiae Imp.' 1937-1948 with India bar
Staff Sergeant S.A.B. Percy, Indian Army Ordinance Corps.
NEF £115.00
Volunteer Officers' Decoration 1892, with original ribbon bar and pin
2698 Victoria issue, British 'V.R.' cypher H.M. 1892,.
EF £120.00
2699 Victoria issue, British 'V.R.' cypher Hallmark for London 1895.
EF £120.00
2700 Edward VII issue Hallmark, London 1906.
EF £140.00
2701 Edward VII British issue, 'Rex imperator' Unnamed, hallmark London 1901.
EF £140.00
Volunteer Force Long Service and Good Conduct Medal 1894
2702 Victoria, British issue, 'Regina' Sergeant W.B. Miles, 1st Surrey Rifles 14. January
VF/GVF £90.00
2703 Victoria, British issue, 'Regina' 6377 Private J. Simpson, 1/ V.B. Royal Highlanders.
Fine £85.00
2704 Victoria, British issue, 'Regina' 790 Private G. Crichton, 6 V.B. Royal Highlanders.
GVF £90.00
2705 Victoria, British issue, 'Regina' 1410 Sergeant E.C. Pratt, 3rd Middlesex Artillery
Fine/VF £85.00
2706 Victoria, British issue, 'Regina' 1472 Private J. Stone, 1st Volunteer Battalion D Regt.
Fine/VF £85.00
2707 Edward VII British issue, 'Rex imperator' 2614 Corporal P. Lynch, 2nd Lancs.
VF/GVF £75.00
2708 Edward VII Colonial issue Volunteer A.D. Martin, 2nd Punjab (Simla) Volunteer
EF £140.00
Territorial Decoration 1908
2709 Edward VII issue Hallmarked London 1909.
Pin removed from top bar for court mounting.
EF £165.00
2710 George V issue Hallmarked London 1911, no pin on ribbon bar.
EF £165.00
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Territorial Force Efficiency Medal 1908
2711 Edward VII issue Sergeant H. Baldwin, 1/ London Regiment Royal garrison Artillery.
With rosette.
VF/GVF £145.00
2712 Edward VII issue 273 Lance Corporal W. Earwick, 4/Hampshire Regiment.
EF £140.00
2713 Edward VII issue 5000 Lance Corporal A. Garscaddens, 7/Highland Light Infantry.
Slight discolour to reverse from old brooch mark GVF £115.00
2714 Edward VII issue 190 Corporal P.J. Abbis, 12th London Regiment. (The Rangers).
Born Marylebone, served with the C.I.V in South Africa and awarded QSA with 3 clasps Cape Colony,
Orange Free State and Transvaal. Joined the 2nd Middlesex R.V. 22.2.1898.
GVF/EF £160.00
2715 George V issue 43 Sergeant S.G. Burt, Hants (F) Royal Engineers. With 2nd awarded
Served France 18.1.1915 awarded the Military Medal L.G. 14.9.1916, 43rd Company R.E., which covers
awards for March to June 1916. M.I.D. 15.6.1916, Coy. Sgt. Major. T.F.E.M awarded 1912, clasp awarded
November 1920, Hampshire Fortress.
VF/GVF £120.00
2716 George V issue 1124 Squadron Quartermaster Sergeant G. Hodgson, Yorkshire
Hussars Yeo.
George was born at Ayton near Scarborough and ran his own farm, Wheatcroft, High Hill Farm,
Scarborough. And enlisted 25.4.08. He spent all his time as a Sergeant and didn't serve overseas. Discharged
29.1.1916, served in 'D' squadron, conduct exemplary.
EF £165.00
2717 George V issue 2834 Private-Lance Corporal J. Seers, City of London Yeomanry.
Entered Egypt 14.04.15. Entitled to 1914-15 Star trio. Sold with copied M.I.C.
Choice EF £155.00
Efficiency Decoration 1930
2718 George VI issue, bar Territorial Reverse dated 1945.
EF £145.00
2719 George VI issue, bar Territorial Dated 1950, mounted on a pin.
EF £110.00
2720 George VI issue, bar Territorial Bar Territorial, reverse dated 1951, with slip on top
bar for court mounting.
EF £90.00
2721 George VI issue, bar Territorial With 2nd Award Bar, reverse dated 1951, pin
removed and two small holes to facilitate court mounting.
EF £85.00
Efficiency Medal 1930
2722 George V issue, bar Territorial 2871054 Private J. Buchan, 4- Gordons.
EF £75.00
2723 George VI issue 'Ind Imp', bar Territorial 4272480 Corporal A. Brown, Intelligence
NEF £190.00
2724 Elizabeth II issue, bar Territorial 2221041 Staff Sergeant C. Walker, Royal Engineers.
EF £65.00
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Efficiency Medal 1930 cont.
2725 Elizabeth II issue, bar Territorial 22520081 Corporal R. Pearce, Army Catering Corps.
NOTE; 2 or 3 nicks in the field.
2 or 3 nicks in the field GVF £55.00
2726 George VI issue 'Ind Imp', bar Militia. Type 1 2213569 Sapper H.C. Smith, Royal
EF £75.00
2727 George VI issue 'Ind. Imp', bar India Rifleman M.R. Beatty, Auxiliary Forces India.
Officially re-impressed.
EF £55.00
2728 Elizabeth II issue, bar T. & A.V.R 23671242 Sapper W.W. Cunningham, Royal
Engineers. With 2nd Award Bar and original box of issue.
Minor edge bruise 5.0 £85.00
2729 Elizabeth II issue, bar T. & A.V.R 22968840 Craftsman, Corps of Royal Electrical and
Mechanical Engineers.
EF £95.00
Army Emergency Reserve Decoration 1952, with original ribbon bar
2730 EIIR reverse dated 1954, with slider back for court mounting.
Ef £165.00
Imperial Yeomanry Long Service and Good Conduct Medal 1904
2731 Edward VII 404 Sergeant D. Healy, Notts. Imperial Yeomanry.
56 medals awarded to this unit.
VF £525.00
Militia Long Service and Good Conduct Medal 1904
2732 Edward VII issue 6522 Private R. Nixon, 5/Royal Fusiliers.
VF £495.00
Special Reserve Long Service and Good Conduct Medal 1908
2733 Edward VII issue 8694 Private R. Fountain, 4/Notts.and Derby Regiment.
Medal authorised by Army Order January 1910. One of 28 awarded to the 4th Battalion. Rowland Fountain
served in France, 18 March-5 June 1916. Sold with copied papers.
VF £525.00
Indian Army Long Service and Good Conduct Medal 1888
2734 George VI issue, 'Indiae Imp.' A 8335 Lance Dafadar Maihdl Khan, I.A.C. Tk.
EF £65.00
2735 George VI issue, 'Indiae Imp.' Unnamed.
Choive EF £55.00
Colonial Auxiliary Forces Long Service Medal 1899
2736 Victoria issue Private S.J. Arneil, 14th Regiment (Canadian Rifles). Official correction
to 'eil' of Arneil and '1' of 14.
VF £145.00
King's African Rifles Long Service and Good Conduct Medal 1907
2737 George V issue 10099 Clerk John Peter, 1/King's African Rifles.
VF £325.00
Cadet Forces Medal 1950
2738 Elizabeth II, 2nd issue 'Dei Gratia' Lieutenant D.E. Gilbert, Sea Cadet Corps.
EF £100.00
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Civil Defence Long Service Medal 1961
2739 Elizabeth II issue In Royal Mint case of issue.
EF £25.00
Women's Voluntary Service Long Service Medal 1961
EF £15.00
Police Long Service and Good Conduct Medal 1951
2741 George VI issue Albert Day.
EF £45.00
2742 Elizabeth II issue 1st type: 'Dei Gratia Regina' Sergeant Geoffrey H. Smith. Mounted
on pin for wear.
EF £45.00
Special Constabulary Long Service Medal 1919
2743 George V issue, robed bust Sergeant Edwin Burr.
EF £12.00
2744 George V issue, robed bust, 1 clasp, The Great War 1914-18. Tom Bonnett.
GVF/EF £20.00
2745 George V issue, robed bust, 1 clasp, The Great War 1914-18. Nathan G. James.
GVF £20.00
2746 George V issue, robed bust, 3 clasps, The Great War 1914-18, Long Service,1929,
Long Service, 1939. Sergeant Harry P. Pollard, Police.
Choice EF £45.00
2747 George V issue, coinage head Thomas Rogers.
EF £10.00
2748 George V issue, coinage head Norman Spencer.
EF £10.00
2749 George VI issue, 1st type Inspector William Nash.
EF £25.00
2750 George VI issue, 1st type David P Thomas.
VF £10.00
2751 George VI issue, 1st type, 1 clasp, Long Service, 1944. Special Constable Arthur E.
VF £20.00
2752 George VI issue, 1st type, 3 clasps, Long Service, 1948, Long Service, 1954, Long
Service, 1964. Special Constable Thomas W. Hagger.
EF £40.00
2753 Elizabeth II issue Joseph G. Lee.
EF £35.00
Royal Ulster Constabulary Service Medal 1982
2754 Elizabeth II issue R/Constable P.A. Ross, Royal Ulster Constabulary. On 1st type
EF £220.00
Colonial Special Constabulary Long Service Medal 1957
2755 Elizabeth II issue X11 Special Constable Vernal-I- Johnson, Jamaica. In Royal Mint
case of issue, correction to name.
GVF/EF £265.00
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Colonial Special Constabulary Long Service Medal 1957 cont.
2756 Elizabeth II issue Inspector of Police Reserve Richard N. Thompson, Kenya Police.
EF £295.00
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Long Service Medal 1933
2757 Elizabeth II issue J.W. Tomelin, Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Named box of
EF £375.00
Liverpool City Police medal for Good Service
2758 In bronze. Reverse engraved 'Presented by Watch Commitee to Con.1771 K. G.A.
Archibald 13-4-42'.
EF £145.00
Fire Brigade Long Service Medal 1954
2759 Firefighter Costas C. Papanronicou. In the original Birmingham Mint case of issue,
struck by the Bigbury Mint.
EF £45.00
2760 Firefighter Peter N. Abbott, Fire Brigade. In the original Birmingham Mint case of
issue, struck by the Bigbury Mint.
EF £45.00
St. Andrew's Ambulance Service Medal
2761 St. Andrews Ambulance Corps Jubilee Medal 1954, unnamed, Glasgow 1954.
EF £25.00
J. Bell. In silver. Silver, for Long Service.
EF £60.00
National Fire Brigades Association
2763 Long Service Medal in bronze 15419 Major G. Joyce. With clasp for 'Ten Years',
mounted on a pin.
A RARE rank for this medal.
EF £60.00
National Fire Brigade Union
2764 Reverse 'A.H. Tothill', edge impressed '1719', hallmark for Birmingham 1818 ,with a
'20 Year' top brooch bar and two '5 Year' slip on bars,.
EF £45.00
Glasgow Fire Brigade
2765 John Pratt. Long Service Medal, with four clasps, 20 years, 5 years, 5 years, 5 years.
GVF £185.00
2766 Yorkshire Hussars button, with photograph in the back, converted to a necklet
VF £20.00
2767 Sports Medal, Royal Engineers Training Battalion, in silver, reverse engraved 'L/Cpl
H. Devitt Sports Mouldham 1922' hallmark Birmingham 1922 in case of issue.
GVF/EF £15.00
2768 Sports Medal, in bronze, obverse engraved' R.E. Gosport 1937 Athletics' reverse
engraved Tug.Of.War. 4th Coy R.E. L/Cpl F. Piper.' in case of issue.
GVF £5.00
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Miscellaneous cont.
Royal Engineers Rifle Association Medal
2769 In bronze with top brooch bar dated 1925, reverse engraved ' Match V (Abroad)
L.Cpl.T.Hall. 2nd Fd.Coy R.E. 1925'.
EF £12.00
Sarawak Government Service, Long Service Medal
2770 In silver.
EF £180.00
Meritorious Service Medal
2771 Assistant Inspector Oloo S/O Meso, Kenya Police.
NEF £325.00
Original Silver Coin as used by our Forces Worldwide
2772 Mexico, Charles III (1760-88), 8-Reales, 1765 MF, Mexico City, crowned shield
dividing assayer's initials MF and value 8, rev. crowned globes between crowned pillars,
Imperial crown on left pillar (Cal.790; KM.105; Y.634).
GVF £225.00
Miniature Groups
2773 Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. Officers O.B.E., 2nd type (military)
Defence Medal, War Medal
GVF £12.00
2774 1914 Star.
With Mons Clasp, British War Medal, Victory Medal, Defence
Medal,War Medal,Territorial Efficiency Medal 1921, Efficiency Medal 1930
EF £35.00
2775 1914-15 Star. British War Medal, Victory Medal, Defence Medal, War Medal
As struck £30.00
2776 Miniature Group. 1939-1945 Star France and Germany Star, Defence Medal, War
Medal, Silver Jubilee 1977, Territorial Decoration GV1, with 2nd Award Bar
Group swing mounted for wear, sold with a photocopy of the full-size group.
EF £28.00
Contemporary Miniature Orders and Decorations
2777 Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Companion C.B., (civil) breast badge in silvergilt
EF £25.00
2778 Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George. Silver gilt and enamel, nice
old one
GVF £65.00
2779 Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George. Silver gilt and enamel, nice
old one
EF £75.00
2780 Royal Victorian Order. Gilt and enamel, Commanders C.V.O. to G.C.V.O. badge
EF £65.00
2781 Royal Victorian Order. Members M.V.O., 4th class breast badge
EF £50.00
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Contemporary Miniature Orders and Decorations cont.
2782 Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. On a ladies bow
EF £12.00
2783 Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. Commanders C.B.E., breast badge 1st
type (military)
Slight chipping to top arm GVF £25.00
2784 Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. Commanders C.B.E., breast badge 2nd
type (military) Gilt and enamel
EF £30.00
2785 Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. Officers O.B.E., 1st type (military)
EF £16.00
2786 Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. Officers O.B.E., 1st type (civil) Old
2787 Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. Members M.B.E., 2nd type (military or
civil) in silver.
VF £15.00
2788 British Empire Medal. G.VI.R., GRI cypher (civil) Contemporary, nice old one
GVF/EF £20.00
2789 Knight Bachelor's Badge. In silver-gilt, voided centre, nice quality
EF £75.00
2790 Knight Bachelor's Badge. Good quality modern issue in gilt metal and enamel
EF £65.00
2791 Imperial Service Order. George VI issue, silver-gilt and enamel
GVF £15.00
2792 Military Cross. G.V.R Silver, nice old one
EF £30.00
2793 Order of British India.
and enamel
2nd class without crown and dark blue centre, in silver gilt
GVF/EF £180.00
2794 Albert Medal. In bronze, gilt and enamel, for sea
Choice EF £100.00
2795 Distinguished Conduct Medal. G.V.R Contemporary, nice old one
EF £35.00
2796 Distinguished Conduct Medal. G.VI.R., 'Indiae.Imp.' legend (1937-1947) 1st type,
EF £25.00
2797 Royal Humane Society Medal. In bronze, mounted on a pin
GVF/EF £65.00
Modern Issue Miniature Orders and Decorations
2798 Victoria Cross, Good quality modern issue (bronzed base metal).
EF £12.00
2799 George Cross, Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal).
EF £12.00
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Modern Issue Miniature Orders and Decorations cont.
2800 Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Good quality modern issue (silvered and enamel).
EF £55.00
2801 Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. Good quality modern issue (silvered base
metal). Members M.B.E., 2nd type (military or civil)
EF £15.00
2802 Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. Good quality modern issue (Gilt base
metal). Officers O.B.E., 2nd type (military or civil)
EF £15.00
2803 British Empire Medal. Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal).
GRI cypher (military). With fixed suspender
EF £8.00
2804 British Empire Medal. Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal).
GRI cypher (civil). With fixed suspender
EF £8.00
2805 British Empire Medal. Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal). E.II.R. 2nd
type (civil)
EF £8.00
2806 British Empire Medal. Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal). E.II.R. 2nd
type (military)
EF £8.00
2807 Queen's Volunteer Reserve Medal 1999. Silvered base metal
EF £12.00
2808 Distinguished Service Order. Good quality modern issue (Gilt base metal). EIIR
EF £25.00
2809 Imperial Service Medal. Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal). Elizabeth
II issue
EF £13.00
2810 Distinguished Service Cross. Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal). George
VI, 2nd type GVIR 1949-1952
EF £10.00
2811 Distinguished Service Cross. Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal).
G.VI.R. 1st type
EF £10.00
2812 Distinguished Service Cross. Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal). E.II.R
EF £10.00
2813 Military Cross. Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal). G.V.R
EF £15.00
2814 Military Cross. Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal). E.II.R
EF £14.00
2815 Distinguished Flying Cross. Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal). G.VI.R.
1st type
EF £14.00
2816 Distinguished Flying Cross. Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal). E.II.R
EF £14.00
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Modern Issue Miniature Orders and Decorations cont.
2817 Air Force Cross. Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal). G.VI.R., 1st type
EF £14.00
2818 Air Force Cross. Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal). E.II.R
EF £14.00
2819 Distinguished Conduct Medal. Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal).
G.V.R. issue
EF £17.00
2820 Distinguished Conduct Medal. Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal).
G.VI.R., 2nd type, without 'Indiae.Imp.' legend (1948-1952)
EF £12.00
2821 Distinguished Conduct Medal. Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal).
E.II.R., 'Dei. Gratia Regina F:D'
EF £12.00
2822 George Medal. Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal). George VI issue
EF £12.00
2823 George Medal. Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal). Elizabeth II issue
EF £12.00
2824 Queen's Police Medal. Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal).
EF £10.00
2825 Queen's Fire Service Medal. For Distinguished Fire Service
(silvered base metal)
EF £10.00
2826 Indian Distinguished Service Medal, Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal).
George V1
EF £10.00
2827 Burma Gallantry Medal. Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal). George
EF £10.00
2828 Distinguished Service Medal. Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal).
G.VI.R., 2nd type without 'Ind.Imp' legend, 1949-53 issue G.VI.R., 1st type with 'Ind.Imp'
legend, 1938-49 issue
EF £10.00
2829 Distinguished Service Medal. Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal).
E.II.R., 2nd type without 'Br.Omn' legend, post 1957 issue
EF £10.00
2830 Military Medal. Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal). G.V.R. issue
EF £15.00
2831 Military Medal. Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal). G.VI.R, 1st type
'Ind Imp' legend 1938-1948
EF £12.00
2832 Military Medal. Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal). E.II.R., 2nd type
without 'Br.Omn' legend, post 1957 issue
EF £12.00
2833 Distinguished Flying Medal. Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal).
G.VI.R., 1st type
EF £14.00
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Modern Issue Miniature Orders and Decorations cont.
2834 Distinguished Flying Medal. Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal). E.II.R.,
Dei Gratia Regina
EF £14.00
2835 Air Force Medal. Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal). G.VI.R., 1st type
EF £14.00
2836 Air Force Medal. Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal). E.II.R. Dei Gratia
NEF £14.00
2837 Queen's Gallantry Medal. Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal).
EF £10.00
Contemporary Miniature Campaign Medals
2838 Ghuznee Medal 1839. Silver struck, fitted with scroll suspension, 17.34mm
A superb example and rare.
EF £395.00
2839 India General Service Medal 1854-1895. 1 clasp, Pegu.
GVF £55.00
2840 India General Service Medal 1854-1895. 1 clasp, Persia.
GVF £55.00
2841 India General Service Medal 1854-1895. 1 clasp, Umbeyla.
GVF £55.00
2842 India General Service Medal 1854-1895. 1 clasp, Bhootan.
GVF £55.00
2843 India General Service Medal 1854-1895. 1 clasp, Burma 1887-9.
GVF £55.00
2844 India General Service Medal 1854-1895. 1 clasp, Hazara 1891.
GVF £55.00
2845 Afghanistan Medal 1878-1880. No clasp
GVF £35.00
2846 Afghanistan Medal 1878-1880. No clasp
VF £30.00
2847 Afghanistan Medal 1878-1880. No clasp, mounted on a pin for wear
EF £35.00
2848 Afghanistan Medal 1878-1880. 1 clasp, Ali Musjid.
EF £45.00
2849 Afghanistan Medal 1878-1880. 2 clasps, Ahmed Khel, Kandahar.
Star marks Fine £60.00
2850 Kabul to Kandahar Star 1880. Pierced crown
GVF £85.00
2851 Kabul to Kandahar Star 1880. Later solid crown
GVF £60.00
2852 Egypt Medal 1882-1889. (Dated 1882) No clasp
EF £35.00
2853 Egypt Medal 1882-1889. (Dated 1882) , 1 clasp, Alexandria 11th July.
VF £50.00
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Contemporary Miniature Campaign Medals cont.
2854 Egypt Medal 1882-1889. (Dated 1882) , 1 clasp, The Nile 1884-85.
Fine £35.00
2855 Egypt Medal 1882-1889. (Dated 1882) , 2 clasps, Alexandria 11th July, Suakin 1884.
VF £60.00
2856 Egypt Medal 1882-1889. (Dated 1882) , 2 clasps, The Nile 1884-85, Suakin 1885.
VF £65.00
2857 Egypt Medal 1882-1889. (Undated) No clasp
VF £30.00
2858 Egypt Medal 1882-1889. (Undated) , 1 clasp, The Nile 1884-85.
EF+ £65.00
2859 Egypt Medal 1882-1889. (Undated) , 1 clasp, Suakin 1885.
VF £45.00
2860 Egypt Medal 1882-1889. (Undated) , 1 clasp, Gemaizah 1888.
GVF £50.00
2861 Egypt Medal 1882-1889. (Undated) , 2 clasps, El-Teb-Tamaai, Suakin 1885.
GVF £75.00
2862 Egypt Medal 1882-1889. (Undated) , 2 clasps, The Nile 1884-85, Kirbekan.
GVF £75.00
2863 Royal Niger Company's Medal 1886-1897. 1 clasp, Nigeria 1886-1897.
EF £240.00
2864 India General Service Medal 1895-1902. 1 clasp, Punjab Frontier 1897-98.
GVF £35.00
2865 Order of St. Stanislas. In gold and enamels, civil issue without swords
EF £185.00
2866 Colonial Police Medal for Meritorious Service. GVI
EF £10.00
2867 South African Medal for War Services 1939-1945. Contemporary issue
EF £12.00
2868 Pingat Jasa Malaysia Medal. Awarded to British Veterans for service in Operations
in Malaya/Malaysia between August 1957 and August 1966. Mounted on pin ready to wear
EF £8.95
2869 Oman 10th Anniversary Medal 1980, Sultan Qaboos. A nice stricking
EF £20.00
2870 Hong Kong Service Medal. Mounted on a pin, 1841- 1997
EF £12.00
2871 Operational Service Medal. Afghanistan, 1 clasp, Afghanistan
Modern Issue Miniature Campaign Medals
2872 Waterloo Medal 1815, Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal).
Superb reproduction of this scarce medal
EF £15.00
2873 Army of India Medal 1799-1826, Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal).
EF £11.00
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Modern Issue Miniature Campaign Medals cont.
2874 Ghuznee Medal 1839, Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal).
EF £11.00
2875 Candahar, Ghuznee and Cabul Medal 1841-1842, Good quality modern issue (silvered
base metal). Reverse Cabul
EF £11.00
2876 Jellalabad Medal, Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal).
EF £11.00
2877 China War Medal 1840-1842, Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal).
EF £11.00
2878 Sutlej Campaign Medal 1845-1846, Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal).
Reverse Aliwal, with clasp, Aliwal
EF £12.00
2879 Sutlej Campaign Medal 1845-1846, Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal).
Reverse Aliwal
EF £10.00
2880 Punjab Campaign Medal 1848-1849, Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal).
EF £11.00
2881 South Africa Medal 1834-1853, Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal).
Third Kaffir War
EF £11.00
2882 India General Service Medal 1854-1895, Good quality modern issue (silvered base
metal). No clasp
EF £8.00
2883 Crimea War Medal 1854-1856, Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal). 1
clasp, Balaklava.
EF £12.00
2884 Indian Mutiny Medal 1857-1858, Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal).
With clasp Lucknow
EF £12.00
2885 Indian Mutiny Medal 1857-1858, Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal).
No clasp
EF £8.00
2886 Ashantee Medal 1873-1874, Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal). With
clasp Coomassie
EF £12.00
2887 South Africa Medal 1877-1879, Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal).
With clasp 1879
EF £12.00
2888 Afghanistan Medal 1878-1880, Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal). No
EF £10.00
2889 Afghanistan Medal 1878-1880, Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal).
With clasp Kabul
EF £12.00
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Modern Issue Miniature Campaign Medals cont.
2890 Kabul to Kandahar Star 1880, Good quality modern issue.
EF £12.00
2891 Egypt Medal 1882-1889, Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal). No clasp
EF £10.00
2892 British South Africa Company's Medal 1890-1897, Good quality modern issue
(silvered base metal). Reverse Matabeleland 1893. no clasp
EF £10.00
2893 British South Africa Company's Medal 1890-1897, Good quality modern issue
(silvered base metal). With clasp Rhodesia 1896, Reverse Matabeleland 1893
EF £12.00
2894 Queen's Sudan Medal 1896-1898, Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal).
EF £10.00
2895 Queen's South Africa Medal 1899-1902, Good quality modern issue (silvered base
metal). 2 clasps, Defence of Mafeking, Laing's Nek.
EF £12.00
2896 King's South Africa Medal 1901-1902, Good quality modern issue (silvered base
metal). With clasp South Africa 1901
EF £12.00
2897 Africa General Service Medal 1902-1956, Good quality modern issue (silvered base
metal). EIIR Clasp, Kenya
EF £12.00
2898 Africa General Service Medal 1902-1956, Good quality modern issue (silvered base
metal). GVR Nyasaland 1915
EF £12.00
2899 1914 Star, Good quality modern issue (gilt base metal).
EF £8.50
2900 1914-15 Star, Good quality modern issue (gilt base metal).
EF £8.00
2901 British War Medal, Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal).
EF £8.00
2902 Mercantile Marine War Medal 1914-1918, Good quality modern issue (in gilt).
EF £10.00
2903 Victory Medal, Good quality modern issue (gilt base metal).
EF £8.00
2904 Territorial Force War Medal 1914-1919, Good quality modern issue (gilt base metal).
EF £10.00
2905 General Service Medal 1918-1962. George VI issue, 'Ind Imp' or EIIR, please state
which one and also which clasp, Palestine 1945-48, S.E. Asia 1945-46, Palestine, Bomb and
Mine Clearance, Malaya, Cyprus, Near East, Canal Zone, Arabian Peninsula, Brunei, each
additional clasps £2.75
EF £11.75
2906 India General Service Medal 1936-1939. Good quality modern issue (silvered base
metal). Clasp North West Frontier 1936-7
EF £12.00
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Modern Issue Miniature Campaign Medals cont.
2907 1939-45 Star. Good quality modern issue
EF £3.25
2908 Atlantic Star. Good quality modern issue
EF £3.25
2909 Air Crew Europe Star. Good quality modern issue
EF £3.25
2910 Africa Star. Good quality modern issue
EF £3.25
2911 Pacific Star. Good quality modern issue
EF £3.25
2912 Burma Star. Good quality modern issue
EF £3.25
2913 Italy Star. Good quality modern issue
EF £3.25
2914 France and Germany Star. Good quality modern issue
EF £3.25
2915 Arctic Star. Good quality modern issue
2916 Defence Medal. Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal).
modern issue
Good quality
EF £6.00
2917 War Medal. Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal).
EF £6.00
2918 War Medal. Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal). With M.I.D. emblem
2919 New Zealand War Service Medal 1939-1945, Good quality modern issue (silvered
base metal).
EF £12.00
2920 Korean Medal 1950-1953, Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal). EIIR
EF £10.00
2921 Korean Medal 1950-1953, Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal). Canada
below bust
EF £10.00
2922 Canadian Volunteer Service Medal for Korea. Good quality modern issue (silvered
base metal).
EF £10.00
2923 Campaign Service Medal 1962-2003. EIIR Modern Miniature, please state which
clasp, Borneo, Radfan, South Arabia, Malay Peninsula, South Vietnam, Northern Ireland,
Dhofar, Lebanon, Gulf, Kuwait, N. Iraq & S.Turkey, Air Operations Iraq, additional clasps
£2.75 each
EF £11.75
2924 Operational Service Medal. Afghanistan, Good quality modern issue
EF £9.00
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Modern Issue Miniature Campaign Medals cont.
2925 Operational Service Medal. Sierra Leone,Good quality modern issue
EF £9.00
2926 Iraq Operation Telic. No clasp, Good quality modern issue
EF £5.25
2927 Iraq Operation Telic. 1 clasp, 19 Mar to 28 Apr 2003, Good quality modern issue
EF £7.75
2928 INTERFET Medal - Australian International Force East Timor, Good quality modern
issue (silvered base metal).
EF £8.00
2929 Rhodesia Medal 1979-1980 Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal).
EF £9.00
2930 South Atlantic Medal 1982, Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal). With
EF £8.50
2931 Gulf War Medal 1990-1991, Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal). 1
clasp, 16 Jan to 28 Feb 1991.
EF £8.00
2932 Canadian Gulf and Kuwait Medal 1990-1991. Good quality modern issue (silvered
base metal). No clasp
EF £8.00
2933 Canadian Gulf and Kuwait Medal 1990-1991. Good quality modern issue (silvered
base metal). With clasp
EF £10.00
2934 Foreign Gulf War Medals. Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal). Saudi
Arabia Liberation of Kuwait
EF £12.00
2935 Foreign Gulf War Medals. Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal). South
Korean issue
EF £9.00
2936 United Nations Korea Service Medal 1950-1954, Good quality modern issue. British
EF £12.00
2937 United Nations Medal 1948- Good quality modern issue. U.N. Cyprus, and others as
full size. Please state which campaign ribbon you require
EF £6.50
2938 Dunkirk Medal. Good quality modern issue
EF £8.00
2939 Normandy Campaign Medal, Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal).
EF £9.50
2940 Normandy Overlord 50th Anniversary medal. Good quality modern issue
EF £11.00
2941 Bomber Command Medal, Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal).
EF £12.00
2942 Arctic Campaign Medal. Good quality modern issue silvered base metal
EF £12.00
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Modern Issue Miniature Campaign Medals cont.
2943 National Service Medal, Good quality modern issue (silvered base metal).
EF £9.50
2944 Russian Convoys Medal 1941-1945, Good quality modern issue. 40th Anniversary
EF £9.50
2945 Russian Convoys Medal 1941-1945, Good quality modern issue. 50th Anniversary
EF £9.50
2946 Accumulated Campaign Service Medal 1995, Good quality modern issue (silvered
base metal). Please state ribbon required (post July 2011 or pre July 2011)
EF £9.00
2947 NATO Medal 1992, in bronze, Good quality modern issue.
With clasp, 'Former
EF £8.00
2948 NATO Medal 1992, in bronze, Good quality modern issue. With clasp, 'Kosovo'
EF £8.00
2949 NATO Medal 1992, in bronze, Good quality modern issue. With clasp, 'Macedonia'
EF £8.00
2950 NATO Medal 1992, in bronze, Good quality modern issue. With clasp,'Non- Article
5' For Pan Baltic Operation
EF £9.00
2951 NATO Medal 1992, in bronze, Good quality modern issue.
Security Assistance Force
ISAF International
EF £8.00
2952 NATO Medal 1992, in bronze, Good quality modern issue. 1 clasp, Article 5 - Eagle
Assist. As issued to British and European Peacekeeping Forces
EF £9.00
2953 NATO Medal 1992, in bronze, Good quality modern issue. 1 clasp, Article 5 - Active
Endeavour. As issued to British and European Peacekeeping Forces
EF £9.00
2954 European Security and Defence Policy Service Medal. 1 clasp, Althea.
EF £12.00
Miniature Coronation, Jubilee, Long Service medals etc - Contemporary and Modern
2955 Diamond Jubilee Medal 1897. Mayors and Provosts
GVF £195.00
2956 Diamond Jubilee Medal 1897. Metropolitan Police issue in bronze
GVF £65.00
2957 Coronation Medal 1902. Metropolitan Police issue in bronze, mounted on a pin
GVF/EF £25.00
2958 Coronation Medal 1902. Metropolitan Police issue in bronze
GVF/EF £25.00
2959 Coronation Medal 1911. In silver (16,000) in silver. Contemporary issue
NEF £12.50
2960 Delhi Durbar Medal 1911. In silver
GVF £20.00
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Miniature Coronation, Jubilee, Long Service medals etc - Contemporary and Modern
Issue cont.
2961 Delhi Durbar Medal 1911.
NEF £12.50
2962 Silver Jubilee Medal 1935. Contemporary issue in silver. Gents issue
EF £10.50
2963 Coronation Medal 1937. Contemporary issue in silver
NEF £17.00
2964 Coronation Medal 1937. Silvered base metal
NEF £14.00
2965 Coronation Medal 1953. Contemporary issue. In silver on Bow
EF £17.00
2966 Coronation Medal 1953. Silvered base metal
EF £14.00
2967 Silver Jubilee Medal 1977. Silvered base metal
EF £10.00
2968 Golden Jubilee Medal 2002. Good quality modern issue
EF £6.75
2969 Diamond Jubilee Medal 2012. Good quality modern issue
EF £5.50
2970 125th Anniversary of the Confederation of Canada Medal.
EF £10.00
2971 Army Meritorious Service Medal. George V issue military bust
EF £25.00
2972 Army Meritorious Service Medal. Elizabeth II issue Silvered base metal
EF £10.00
2973 Royal Navy Long Service and Good Conduct Medal. George VI, 1st type 'Ind.Imp.',
1937-1948 George VI, 1937-1952. Good quality modern issue. Silvered base metal
EF £9.00
2974 Royal Navy Long Service and Good Conduct Medal. Elizabeth II, 2nd type
'Dei.Gratia', post 1954 Modern issue. Silvered base metal
EF £9.00
2975 Royal Naval Reserve Decoration 1908. GVI. R.N.V.R. Good quality modern issue.
Silvered base metal and gilt
EF £12.00
2976 Royal Naval Reserve Decoration 1908. George V issue R.N.V.R.
GVF £20.00
2977 Royal Naval Reserve Decoration 1908. Elizabeth II issue R.N.V.R. Good quality
modern issue. Silvered base metal and gilt
EF £12.00
2978 Royal Naval Reserve Long Service and Good Conduct Medal 1908.
base metal. Good quality modern issue
EIIR. Silvered
EF £12.00
2979 Royal Naval Reserve Long Service and Good Conduct Medal 1908. George VI issue,
1st type Silvered base metal. Good quality modern issue
EF £12.00
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Dixon's Gazette
Miniature Coronation, Jubilee, Long Service medals etc - Contemporary and Modern
Issue cont.
2980 Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Decoration 1908. Elizabeth II issue Silvered base
metal and gilt
EF £12.00
2981 Royal Naval Auxiliary Service Medal 1965. Elizabeth II issue in cupro-nickel Good
quality modern issue. Silvered base metal
EF £12.00
2982 Army Long Service and Good Conduct Medal. Edward VII issue
EF £25.00
2983 Army Long Service and Good Conduct Medal. George VI issue, 1st type 'Indiae Imp.'
1937-1948 with regular army bar Silvered base metal
EF £8.00
2984 Army Long Service and Good Conduct Medal. George VI issue, 2nd type 'Fid.Def.'
1949-1953 with regular army bar
EF £8.00
2985 Army Long Service and Good Conduct Medal. Elizabeth II issue, 2nd type 'Dei Gratia'
post 1954 with regular army bar Good quality modern issue.Silvered base metal
EF £8.00
2986 Army Long Service and Good Conduct Medal. Elizabeth II, Commonwealth issue,
2nd type 'Dei Gratia' post 1954 with Australia bar
EF £12.00
2987 Volunteer Officer's Decoration 1892. VR. with ribbon bar
EF £45.00
2988 Efficiency Decoration 1930. George VI issue, 2nd type With top bar Territorial, good
quality modern issue Silvered base metal and gilt
EF £14.00
2989 Efficiency Decoration 1930. Elizabeth II issue With Top bar Territorial. Good quality
modern issue. Silvered base metal and gilt
EF £14.00
2990 Efficiency Medal 1930.
metal; state if TEM or T&AVR
Elizabeth II issue, 1st type, bar Territorial. Silvered base
EF £12.00
2991 Efficiency Medal 1930. George V issue, bar New Zealand Modern issue made 1960's
/ 70's
EF £15.00
2992 Efficiency Medal 1930. Elizabeth II issue, bar Australia Nice contemporary issue
EF £15.00
2993 Efficiency Medal 1930. Elizabeth II issue, bar Australia Modern issue
EF £12.00
2994 Efficiency Medal 1930. Elizabeth II issue, bar Canada Modern issue
EF £12.00
2995 Efficiency Medal 1930. Elizabeth II issue, bar T. & A.V.R Good quality modern
issue. Silvered base metal
EF £12.00
2996 Volunteer Reserve Service Medal 1999. Elizabeth II
EF £12.00
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Miniature Coronation, Jubilee, Long Service medals etc - Contemporary and Modern
Issue cont.
2997 Imperial Yeomanry Long Service and Good Conduct Medal 1904. Edward VII
Very Scarce
VF £80.00
2998 King's African Rifles Long Service and Good Conduct Medal 1907. Elizabeth II issue
EF £10.00
2999 Canadian Forces Decoration 1949. Elizabeth II issue
VF £12.00
3000 Ulster Defence Regiment Medal 1982. U.D.R. Suspender. Long Service and Good
Conduct. Elizabeth II issue. Good quality modern issue
Awarded to full time officers and men with 15 years service.
EF £10.00
3001 Ulster Defence Regiment Medal 1982. Elizabeth II issue. Good quality modern issue
Awarded to part time officers and men of the U.D.R. with 12 years continual service.
EF £10.00
3002 Northern Ireland Home Service Medal 1992. Elizabeth II issue Good quality modern
EF £6.00
3003 Cadet Forces Medal 1950. George VI issue 'Fid: Def:' Nice old nickel finish
EF £10.00
3004 Cadet Forces Medal 1950. Elizabeth II, 2nd issue 'Dei Gratia' Silvered base metal
EF £10.00
3005 Civilian Service Medal (Afghanistan).
EF £12.00
3006 Ambulance Service (Emergency Duties) Long Service and Good Conduct Medal.
VF £8.50
3007 Royal Observer Corps Medal 1950. EIIR issue
EF £12.00
3008 Civil Defence Long Service Medal 1961. Elizabeth II issue Silvered base metal
EF £12.00
3009 Voluntary Medical Service Medal. Good quality modern issue
GVF £10.00
3010 Service Medal of the Order of St. John 1898. Ring suspension, early type
EF £45.00
3011 Royal Air Force Long Service and Good Conduct Medal 1919. George V issue
EF £10.00
3012 Royal Air Force Long Service and Good Conduct Medal 1919. George VI issue, 1st
type, IND:IMP Good quality modern issue. Silvered base metal
EF £10.00
3013 Royal Air Force Long Service and Good Conduct Medal 1919. Elizabeth II issue, 2nd
type, without BR:OMN Good quality modern issue. Silvered base metal modern issue
EF £10.00
3014 Air Efficiency Award 1942. George VI issue Good quality modern issue. Silvered
base metal
EF £10.00
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Dixon's Gazette
Miniature Coronation, Jubilee, Long Service medals etc - Contemporary and Modern
Issue cont.
3015 Air Efficiency Award 1942. Elizabeth II issue Good quality modern issue. Silvered
base metal
EF £10.00
3016 Police Long Service and Good Conduct Medal 1951. Elizabeth II issue 1st type: 'Dei
Gratia Regina' Good quality modern issue. Silvered base metal
EF £6.00
3017 Special Constabulary Long Service Medal 1919. With The Great War 1914-18 clasp
GVF £20.00
3018 Special Constabulary Long Service Medal 1919. George VI issue, 1st type Base metal
VF/EF £10.00
3019 Special Constabulary Long Service Medal 1919. Elizabeth II issue Good quality
modern issue. Base metal gilt
VF/EF £10.00
3020 Royal Ulster Constabulary Service Medal 1982. Elizabeth II issue
EF £10.00
3021 The Ebola Medal for Service in West Africa, Good quality modern issue.
A campaign medal for issue to the Armed Forces, and to civilians working either for Her Majesty's
Government or NGOs in support of the British Government's response to the Ebola crisis that began in
2014. The medal is the first campaign medal awarded by the UK Government for a humanitarian crisis
3022 Colonial Police Long Service Medal 1934. George VI issue Good quality modern
issue (silvered base metal)
EF £10.00
3023 Colonial Police Long Service Medal 1934. Elizabeth II issue Good quality modern
issue (silvered base metal)
EF £10.00
3024 Ceylon Police Medal for Gallantry. EIIR.
EF £10.00
3025 Ceylon Police Medal for Gallantry. GVI
EF £10.00
3026 Fire Brigade Long Service Medal 1954. Elizabeth II issue Silvered base metal
EF £8.75
3027 Colonial Auxiliary Forces Officers' Decoration 1899.
Edward VII, with top ribbon
EF £70.00
3028 Independence Medals. Jamaica Independence Medal 1962
GVF £10.00
3029 Independance Medal. Guyana 1966
EF £10.00
3030 Independance Medal. Malawi 1989 Jubilee medal - 25th Anniversary of Independence
EF £10.00
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