June 2015 - The Club at Crazy Horse Ranch
June 2015 - The Club at Crazy Horse Ranch
June 2015 475 San Juan Grade Rd. Salinas, CA 93906 Office Phone 831-449-6617 Club Hours 7 am - 7 pm Tuesday- Sunday Golf Shop 831-449-1526 Bar 831-449-1527 General Manager: Ed Winiecki, PGA, CMAA 831-449-6617 Director of Golf: Johnny Eusebio, PGA 831-449-1526 Head Golf Professional Rob Hayes, PGA 831-449-1526 Office Manager: Sue Morris 831-449-6617 Director of Food & Beverage: Stefanie Valentine James 831-449-6617 Executive Chef: Moises Alberto 831-449-6617 Course Superintendent: Rafael Barajas 831-512-6453 From the desk of the General Manager Summer is in full swing this month with plenty of Fun filled activities and events for you to participate in! Let me say a special Happy Father’s Day to the DAD’S out there! Your day is coming on the 21st which means you can do whatever you want to! You can play some golf and treat yourself to a new golf club or golf shirt or maybe a new golf bag—Go ahead, you’re worth it!! Cheers to the DAD’S!!!! With the addition of our two new Tennis Professionals our new Tennis program is in full Swing. Now is the time to get your racket out of the closet or buy a new racket and take lesson or invite some friends to play tennis. Please help me welcome David Camel and Jennifer Hulliger as you will see them around the club, giving lessons down on the courts improving groundstrokes and backhands! In addition to our tennis programs we have many fun social events and golf tournaments for you to participate in this month, both member events and local Charity fundraisers for those of you who like to give back to the community. Now is the time if you are not already signed up for these exciting events: 1. June 3rd The Hartnell Football Golf Tournament/ Fundraiser 1:00SG 2. June 19th Monterey County Superintendent’s Golf Tournament 8:30SG June 29th & 30th The 60th Annual Charlie Culver Junior Masters—ALL DAY June also brings some of our Major events for our men’s and women’s associations—Ladies: Handicap tournament, Buttercup, and a Guest Day. For the Men we have the Invitational—“The Stallion” Additional important dates/events to make note of in the month of June: Ranch Buffet – 5th Ladies Handicap Tournament—4th 9th 11th 18th Ladies BUTTERCUP 6th –9:00SG Men’s Invitational “The Stallion” —12th 1:00SG, 13th 9:00SG, & 14th 9:00SG Senior Fun Fo Tournament —16th Friday Night Dining – 19th Ladies Guest Day – 25th Couples Golf Tournament—28th See you on the Links, Ed Winiecki www.clubatcrazyhorse.com Follow us on Greetings from the Trail Boss Ahh……..here we are in that favorite time of the year again, SUMMER! The days are longer and the great weather is just around the corner. Looks to me like the course is being well used, the bar and dining room are busier than ever, and the fun is growing here at our Club. You have no doubt celebrated with us in some form the fact that the Club at Crazy Horse Ranch had its first birthday in May. SO MUCH has happened in that very short year. I can assure you that our success is in no small way due to all of you, our members. You are such an important part of our Club and our success. We look forward to continuing to grow our membership and continue to add folks that will make our Club even more awesome than it already is. You have also noticed all of the little things we have accomplished over the last few months. Little changes on the course with some cleaning, clearing, and new planting among other things. You might notice some new trees being added as well. We hope to be able to add at least one new tree every month. Keep your eyes posted as we have plenty on our to-do list this year as well. There are a lot of exciting events planned as the year progresses. I hope that all of you will sign up early for our events and come join us for some amazing fun, food, and excitement. As we grow into our second year, I hope that all of you will help us welcome each other’s friends and guests to our Club. It is such a special feeling when people go out of their way to be friendly and welcoming. Here at CHR, I can assure you that the culture of a welcoming and friendly atmosphere is alive and well. WE are the friendliest club on the Central Coast. Please bring a friend and guest to our club. Introduce them to this special place. Introduce them to the people and introduce them to our staff, and let that magical combination WOW them into considering a membership here at our Club. I appreciate all of you and look forward to seeing you often on the course or at the Club. Best to each and every one of you Don Chapin, President Retiree A retiree was given a set of golf clubs by his co-workers. Thinking he'd try the game, he asked the local pro for lessons, explaining that he knew nothing whatever of the game. The pro showed him the stance and swing, then said, "Just hit the ball toward the flag on the first green." The novice teed up and smacked the ball straight down the fairway and onto the green, where it stopped inches from the hole. "Now what?" the fellow asked the speechless pro. After he was able to speak again the pro finally said, "Uh...you're supposed to hit the ball into the cup." "Oh great! NOW you tell me," said the beginner in a disgusted tone. Page 2 Page 3 Sr. Mens In the May Mixer Fun-Fo where the Men hosted the Ladies tournament the winning teams in the First Flight were: 1st place Rick Statham, Abe Vargas, Vicki Hutton & Kathy Rowden 2nd place Steve Nejasmich, Don Arita, Des Stuart Alexander & Tom McKey 3rd place Chris Forrester, Dimas Albert, Beverly Orona & Joan Wallace. In the second flight 1st place Jim Tokarz, Linda Shonley, & Valerie Burke. 2nd place Bill Shonley, Norm Bedell, Judy Tollefson, & Sherree Anderson. 3rd place Ignacio Orona, Allan Miller, Shari Leibovich, & Barb Rambo. The closets to the pin winners were on hole #2 Sherree Anderson, on hole #5 was Ignacio Orona, on hole # 13 was Ben Mullins and on hole # 16 was Cathi Beery. There were great shots made good food as always and great company. Please mark your calendars for the following tournaments on Tuesday June 16th. is our next Fun Fo 9:30 shotgun start. Lets have a big turn out for this event. Keep swinging and sinking those putts with our great course there is no excuse not to be out there enjoying your game and the good weather. In the April Fun Fo tournament the winning teams were: 1st place Forrester, Albert, Tokarz, & Hutton. 2nd place Foletta, Cleaver, Seeger, & Bolles. 3rd place Mullins, Tollefson, Bedell, & Santillian. 4th place Reinhardt, Miller, Drena. & Colombini. The closets to the pin winners were on Hole #2 was Jerry Tollefson at 26’11” on hole #5 was Bob Reinhardt at 20’11” and on hole #13 was Benji Rohrscheib at 19’7” and on hole # 16 was Jim Tokarz at 7’. There were many great shots made and a lot of ham and egging going on along with good food as always and great company. Keep swinging and sinking those putts with our great course there is no excuse not to be out there enjoying your game and be sure to check out all the new things they keep getting in the pro-shop. An old blind cowboy wanders into an all-girl biker bar by mistake. He finds his way to a bar stool and orders a shot of Jack Daniels. After sitting there for a while, he yells to the bartender: ‘Hey, you wanna hear a blonde joke? The bar immediately falls absolutely silent. In a very deep, husky voice, the woman next to him says: ‘Before you tell that joke, Cowboy, I think it is only fair, given that you are blind, that you should know five things: 1. The bartender is a blonde girl with a baseball bat. 2. The bouncer is a blonde girl with a ‘Billy-Club’. 3. I’m a 6-foot tall, 175-pound blonde woman with a black belt in karate. 4. The woman sitting next to me is blonde and a professional weight lifter. 5. The lady to your right is blonde and a professional wrestler. ‘Now, think about it seriously, Cowboy…. Do you still wanna tell that blonde joke? The blind cowboy thinks for a second, shakes his head and mutters, ‘ No…not if I’m gonna have to explain it five times.’ Page 4 June “Culver” update This will be the final update regarding the Culver tournament. We are at 97 registered players today, so should easily reach our goal of 100. Thank you all who have signed up to help on the tournament days June 29 & 30. We still need a few more people to assist with scoring and some other jobs so please check your calendars to see if you are available to help. I will be posting the Tee-times and other job times in the Pro Shop within the next couple of weeks. So Please check there first and then if you have any problems give me a call any evening at 831-6333880. Whenever I have two people in the same family volunteering I will assign them around the same time so that they will only need one car to get here. The dinner on Monday night will be open to volunteers and you may charge it ($13.00) to your account. Just let me know Monday morning when you check in if you will be attending so we can give a count to the kitchen. Breakfast snacks and your lunch will be provided at no charge. Our shirts for the tournament will be in the Pro Shop shortly. Johnnie has ordered a few extras for anyone that may not have placed their order yet. Thank you all for participating in this as it gives a nice professional look to the tournament. We are looking forward to another great tournament. If you have any questions or special requests please let me know now before I begin putting it all together. Thanks again, Beverly Reinhardt A very Special welcome to our newest members! Randy & Cyndy Pierson Jesse & Gloria Pinon Benny & Yolanda Tiscareno David & Martha Vazquez Page 5 Here’s Johnny…………… Dear Members, TENNIS at The Club at Crazy Horse Ranch is alive and kicking! TENNIS Our Professionals are local Salinas Native David Camel and the energetic Jennifer Hulliger who have a combined 20+ years teaching experience. It doesn't matter whether you are a beginning player or a TENNIS TENNIS long time veteran to , our Professionals have something for you. From private/group instruction to social/competitive tournaments, men, women, and juniors from all ages and skill levels can find something to engage and enhance their playing experience! Court reservations may be made through the General Store (Golf Shop) with available! TENNIS racket and ball rentals are For Private Instruction or Clinic Information, please contact our TENNIS Professionals GAME...SET….MATCH!!!! David Camel—831.595.1179—davidcamel50@yahoo.com Jennifer Hulliger—831.917.6086—jenniferhulliger@gmail.com Tournament Sign-Up REMINDER With the multiple fun Member Events that we have here at The Club at Crazy Horse Ranch it is important for all of you to meet the entry deadlines posted on our flyers. Meeting those entry deadlines ensures a successful event that may be presented beautifully by our professional staff. Signing up after the deadline or the day of the event only disrupts flow and pairings from those who have entered the event appropriately. We all lose when late entries happen. Please note that entering/signing up for our exciting events is defined as physically writing your name on the entry sheet. Call-Ins are not 100% effective as the volume of calls and play may interfere with this process and accuracy. Once a deadline has passed you will be unable to enter in an event. There may be some exceptions to this rule but may only be approved by myself or PGA Head Professional Rob Hayes in order to balance out groups or find a partner for the event. Thank you in advance for your cooperation on making our events here at The Club at Crazy Horse Ranch fun, exciting, and successful! SPACE IS AVAILABLE!!! Need a place to store your clubs??? SPACE IS AVAILABLE!!! With all that cool golf gear you plan to buy or already have, where are you going to store it? Why not in our Club Storage in the General Store (Golf Shop)? There is space still available to store your clubs with a low monthly fee. Please see our professional staff and we will be happy to assist you! Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Robtown Review Recently with nearly all of my lessons I have noticed many of my students have less than stellar grips. Often the grips are slick and have far more wear than they should. Is a new grip going to turn you into a great player? Alone probably not. But remember that so much of this game is based on feel which comes from proper grip pressure. If you're unable to apply the correct amount of pressure because of a slick grip then putting a good swing on the ball is going to be very difficult. If you're wondering if you need new grips, chances are you do. Ask any of my students and they will all tell you a common theme in their lessons with me is "let the toe release". Perhaps the most common mistake I see in people's swings is hitting at the ball and ignoring the all-important follow through aspect of the swing. Remember that when you make contact with the ball there is an entirely second half of the swing that needs to be tended to. The most common mistake in golf is swinging over the top, if you work on releasing the club and allowing the toe to travel to a full release you will go a long ways towards curing this ailment. Be reminded, I'm not saying "release the toe" I'm saying "let the toe release". Don't be fooled into thinking you can create the releasing of the club, the only thing you can create is proper rhythm and tempo, if you do that the club will create the proper release for you. It's engineered that way. If you "hit" at the ball you will achieve nothing. Remember, it's a swing, not a hit. See you out on the course! Rob Congratulations To Ignacio Orona For his Hole-in-One May 28th on #2 Page 9 That laughter you are hearing is the new Life that is being brought into the Tennis Courts. Watch as new improvements are on the way. Page 10 Happy 1st Birthday to Crazy Horse Ranch New Arrival! Get your Reusable Tote now in the Golf Shop No, You are not seeing things, we really do have a White Squirrel living on the course. Catch a glimpse of him and You will have Luck all day Page 10 Just J Words for June M R X S J J A U N D I C E J J N P A O I J A I L B I R D A J T V R S Y Z Q C I X J R C C S H W E M Q S Z D K H G K F K Y A V J T Q K U U O A P O L E L E E R O B M A J C O R A B T D J A B B E R E D T A W O I E E U S S W Y F J S U Y J A O D G V D D N H Y D A A A B D W F G D R A U Q C A J L L M B W L A O I E X B U C O I A W V P K J W B H H F U P A D K P G T E P Z Y R U S I J S N I L E V A J N A A C E C J A N G L I N G A Z J J S R O T I N A J Q X O Q JABBERED JACKAROO JACKETED JACKPOTS JACQUARD JACUZZIS JAGGEDLY JAILBAIT JAILBIRD JALAPENO JALOPIES JAMBOREE JANGLING JANITORS JARHEADS JAUNDICE JAVELINS JAYBIRDS JAYWALKS Page 12 Answer: A Stamp Riddle: What can travel around the world while staying in a corner? June 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Abe’s Game Wed/Fri /Sun Call Golf Shop for more info Men’s Day Wednesday AM Ladies Day Thursday AM Call Golf Shop for more info Couples Mixers Fri/Sun Call Golf Shop for more info Gattis/Do-Don’ts Wed/Sat AM Call Golf Shop for more info 2 1 Club Closed 7 Club Closed 14 Men’s Invitational 9 am 15 Club Closed 9 4 3 Ladies HCP Tourney 11 17 18 Valley Hearing Seminar 9am-12pm Ladies HCP Tourney Flag Day 21 22 23 Club Closed 28 29 12 Men’s Invitational 1 pm Ladies HCP Tourney Sr. Men Fun-Fo 9:30 5 The Ranch Buffet Reservations start @ 5:30pm 24 19 60th Culver Jr. Masters Member Events Men’s Association Events Ladies Club Events Dining Events Outside Events 13 Men’s Invitational 9 am 20 Friday Night Dining Reservations start @ 5:30pm Men’s Team Play Superintendants Golf Event 8:30 am 25 Ladies Guest Day 9:00am 30 Club Closed Couples Golf 11:30 am 6 9:00am 10 Ladies HCP Tourney 19 Saturday Call Golf Shop for more info Hartnell College Fundraiser Golf Tournament 1:00 SG 8 Friday 60th Culver Jr. Masters 831-449-6617 clubatcrazyhorse.com 26 27 July 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Abe’s Game Wed/Fri /Sun Call Golf Shop for more info Men’s Day Wednesday AM Ladies Day Thursday AM Call Golf Shop for more info Couples Mixers Fri/Sun Call Golf Shop for more info Gattis/Do-Don’ts Wed/Sat AM Call Golf Shop for more info Friday Saturday Call Golf Shop for more info 2 1 3 Club Mixer The Ranch Buffet Reservations start @ 5:30pm 5 6 Club Closed 12 Men’s Club Championship SIR’s 8am 13 Club Closed BIG WEEK 19 26 Member Events Men’s Association Events Ladies Club Events Dining Events Outside Events 9 15 16 Ladies Guest Day BIG WEEK BIG WEEK BIG WEEK 21 R.A.G.S 11am 28 17 BIG WEEK 23 22 Alisal Rotary Golf Tournament 1:00SG 29 11 Men’s Club Championship Rodeo Golf Tournament Club closed Sr. Men’s FunFo 9:30am 10 National DriveChip & Putt Qualifier 10am– 3 pm Sr. Men’s Home & Home 1:00pm 27 Club Closed 8 14 20 Club Closed Couples Golf 11:30 am 7 4 24 Friday Night Dining WGANC Open Day 9am Reservations start @ 5:30pm 30 31 1 Yr. Member Celebration Barn Dance 6-10 pm 831-449-6617 clubatcrazyhorse.com 18 BIG WEEK 25 Men’s Team Plays