Clean Air Ltd SSR2000 Fume Cupboard Manual
Clean Air Ltd SSR2000 Fume Cupboard Manual
Limited s.s.R.2000 SLIDNG SASHRECIRC FILTRATION FUME CUPBOARD OPERATING & MAINTENANCE MANUAL FUME CUPBOARD MANUFACTTJRERSAND DUCTING SPECIALISTS DunscarIndustrialEstate BlackburnRoad Dunscar BOLTON LANCASHIRE BL7 9PQ UK - Tel: 01204- 591115Far: 01204- 591116 E-mail: sales@cleanairltd. Website: CLEAN AIR LTD YEAR 2OOT/2 CONTENTS Introduction 1.0 Specification 2.0 Filtration 3.0 Usingthe fumecupboard 4.0 Maintenance and servicing 5.0 Warranty and liability 6.0 Operatinginstructions 7.0 Filter types& monitoring 8.0 CLEAN AIR LTD INTRODUCTION SECTION1.0 1.1 ovERvrEw The SSR2000- is part of CleanAir's commitmentto protectingpeopleand the environment. CleanAir is a qualitycompanywhich occupiesa significantpartof the prestigesection of the fume cupboardmarket. The SSR 2000 underlinesthe investmentCleanAir anddevelopment. continuallymakesin research This fumecupboardincorporates all the featuresof a slidingsashunit with the benefits of carbonfiltration. Using carbonfilters ensuresthe fumes are renderedharmless creatinga safeworking environment. The SSR2000 fume cupboardgives operatorsafetywith excellentvisibility. This operates at a very low noiselevel (only 50dBa)andbecause theyrecirculatetheydo not pumpout expensive conditionedandlorheatedair. 1.1 COMMISIONING Commissioning andtestingof unit afterinstallationis available. 1.2 STAFFTRAINING Demonstration of equipmentandtrainingof your staffby CleanAir staffis available. 1.3 STATEMENTOF PURCHASE CleanAir Ltd will be responsiblefor the safety,reliability and performanceof the installation if the followingcriteriaaremet:1. Extensions, modificationsor repairaredoneby CAt 2. Onlyreplacement partsapprovedby CAL areused 3. Theelectricalinstallations in the roomcomplywith nationalregulations 4. Theequipmentis usedwith theseoperatinginstructions 1.4 SERVICESUPPORT CleanAir providesa first classsupportservice. For detailsof on-siteservicing,contact:Tel: 01204591I 15 F a x : 0 1 2 0549 1 1 1 6 E-mail: Website:www.cleanairltd. CLEAN AIR LTD 2.0 SPECIFICATION SECTION2.0 OVERVIEW The structureof the SSR 2000 is epoxy-coatedaluminium or mild steel. The working cill openinghasan aerodynamicairflow fasciaat the sidesand top with an_aerodynamic toughened with lined is ui th. bottom complete with a scavengegap. The chamber assemblyto ensureboth high and low llass and it is fitted^with a full width bick baffle level exhaust,the back baffle is removablefor easeof cleaning. grade The standardworktop is glass reinforced plastic (G.R.P.) alternativesare solid laminateor castepoxyresin. The fume cupboard has a vertical sliding sash which can be fully opened to allow equipmentand materialsto be placedinsidethe work areaandfor cleaning' gas, Below the worktop is the carbon filter, pre-filter and fan and flexible hoses for water andwasteservices. The control panel is fitted on the top front panel. A filter saturationpanel is availablewhich indicateswhen the filter needsto be changed' An alarmwill soundfor low airflow or fan failure. The fume cupboard is designed to keep noxious and dangerousfumes within the cabinet and isolated from the operator. The contaminatedair is passed through a carbonfilter to remove hazardousfumes,vapour or particles' The carbonfilter is designedto absorbeffrciently at aface velocity of plus 0.3 m/secup to 0.5/secat a sashopeningof 400mm.. The sense of smell is very sensitive for certain chemicals, such as ammonia or hydrogensulphide,but a slight smell does not mean that the exhaustlevels are above the occupationalexposurelimits. The Fume Cupboardhasbeen designedto conform to BS 7258 parts I and 4, DesignNote 29, BuildingBulletin 88, SchoolsScienceService, - Scotland S.S.E.R.C. - Englandand Wales. C.L.E.A.P.S.S. one The carbon filter can be chosen from a range of 14 different filters, including 'A' Level and specifically designed to absorb the fumes generated during GCSE e*perimenis. A Clampingarrangementensuresan even sealat the filter face. The worktop is dished to contain any spillage, and can be fitted with gas and water services. The controls and electric sockeisare mountedin a recessoutside the chamber and theseand the integral lights are isolatedfrom any contamination. 2.1 FUME CUPBOARDCOMPONENTS Externalchamber Internalchamber Epoxycoatedaluminiumor mild steel glass- all around Toughened Baffle Workinglevel safetYglass 6mmthick toughened Sash tubes 2 No. 20wfluorescent Lighting I x SSS0 l xGas Services Control Panel 0-600m3ftt 230vllPh/501:z Fan variablevolume Voltage 450x600x100 Pre-Filter carbontype o*, l4kg charged electrostatically Technostat S p e c i f i c s c h o o l s c u r r i c u l u m E f f r c i e n c y _ g g . g g 7particle % d o wsize nto0.3 micron (list attached) chemical 2.7 OTHERINFORMATION Airflow Airflow FaceVelocity 300m3/FIR to 0.5O/sec 0.30m/sec Electrical Supply Lights Switches Monitoring Noise Electric 23Ov50HzsinglePhase 2x20w (fuse5 amP) Fanon/offlightson/off Low airflow 5OdBa i x 13amPsocket Construction Cabinet Colour Glazing Fan SpillageTray steel EpoxycoatedAluminium/zintec WhiteRAL 9010finish glass6mm Toughened Centrifugal(fusesPur13 amP) G.R.P. Meets the Requirementsof: . ' ' ' . . . ' . ' . ' ' ' BS7258Parts I and4 Building Bulletin 88 on FumeCupboardsin Schools DesignNote 29 SchoolsScienceService - Scotland S.S.E.R.C. C.L.E.A.P.P.S.- EnglandandWales Full fail-safe sliding sashfor operatorprotection No harmful fumes to atmosphere- integral carbonfilter Mobile from laboratoryto laboratory Enetgy conservation All round visibility Optional gas, water and wasteservices Optional acid breaklhroughdetector Optional control panel and analoguemeter CLEAN AIR LTD 3.1 FILTRATION StrCTION3.0 Thecarbonfiltersarein thebaseof thechamber.Thepanelon the front of the chamber is removable. The filters are flat bed type, polypropylenecasedand filled with a from CleanAir Ltd, Unit 9, filtersareprocessed specificgradeof carbon.Replacement DunscarIndustrialEsate,BlackburnRoad,Dunscar,BoltonBL7 9PQ. A pair of plasticglovesanda plasticbagaresuppliedwith eachfilter, for removingthe filters. Theusedfilter shouldbeput in theplasticbagandsealedbeforedisposal. cLEAN AIR LTD I ustlc THE FUMEcUPBoARD SECTION4.0 To ensure maximum performance and operator safety the following points should be followed:- l. Sashstopsshouldbe kept in the lockedpositionso thatthe sashopeningis kept at the workingheightof 400mm. It shouldnot be operatedwith the sashin the fully opened position. 2. The extractionfan shouldbe turnedoffwhen not in use' 3. The front lip aerofoil cill shouldalwaysbe in position. 4. The back baffle should haveno obstructionbehind the baffle, or blocking the lower slot opening. 5. Spring loadedadjustmentscrewsin the sashguide track can be turned in or out to vary the grip of the guide on the sash. This allows the sashto slide freely, and also takesup wear. 6. Any chemicalsstoredin the fumecupboardshouldbe in coveredcontainersor capped bottles. 7. Equipmentused should be placedinsidethe working areabefore start-up,to prevent fume escapecausedby movementsin the chamber' 8. Do not overloadwith equipmentor materialsas this will causeairflow disturbances' CLEAN AIR LTD 5.1 5.2 MAINTENANCE AND SERVICING SECTION5.0 MONTHLY 1. Clean down inner cabinetandbase. 2. Clean down outer surfaceswith mild disinfectantcleaner. 3. Clean sealantarounddrip cups/sinks/wastes. 4. Cleanglassusing glasscleaner. 5. Oil internal fittings. 6. Check servicevalvesand outletsfor leaks or damage. SIX MONTHLY L Remove and cleanthe back baffle. Clean the rear of the chamber. 2. Wash all the interior surfaceof the chamberwith diluted detergent. When the carbon filter needschangingpleasecontact:- CLEAN AIR LIMITED DunscarIndustrialEstate(Unit 9),BlackburnRoad,BoltonBL7 9PQ. Tel: (01204)591115 Fax: (01204)591115 5.3 Pleasenote The "Control of Substances Hazardousto Health" (COSHI{) regulations,effectivefrom the l$ October1998,saysit is mandatoryto maintainrecordsof checks,testsand repairscarriedout on safetyequipment, andtheserecordsmustbe kept for 5 years. A provided in Appendixl. is summarysf COSHHregulations , will protecttheoperatorandprolongthe life of the fumecupboard. Regularmaintenance Beforeattemptingany inspectionor replacement of electricalcomponentsin the head assembly, from the mainselectricitysupply. alwaysisolatethefumecupboard CLEAN AIR LTD WARRANTY AND LIA BILIT\/ SECTION6.0 Clean Air Ltd products are warrantedunder normal usage for one-year part and labour costs, from the dateofpurchase. The warranty operatesproviding the following conditions are met: 6.1 6.2 6.3 The warranty cardhasbeenreturnedto Clean Air Ltd. The product hasbeeninstalledand used as statedwithin the instructionmanual. The warranty doesnot include servicing or maintenance. An approvedservice company must carry out the maintenance. Failure to maintain or servicethis product will invalidate the warranty. Maintenance must be carried out in accordancewith the servicemanualand within the statedperiods. Failureto use approved service companiesor Clean Air Ltd. personnel also affect the CE marketing status of the product, removing Clean Air Ltd's duty of care and responsibility. 64 Suppliesused suchas cleaning solutions, disinfectants,are not coveredby this walTantv. 6.5 Carbonfilters, pre-filters,HEPA filters, light bulbs and tubes are not coveredby this warranty. 66 The warranty is void is faults are causedby accidental damage,mishandlingby unauthorisedpersonnelor failure to follow the correct maintenanceand safety precautionsin the instructionmanual. 6.7 The warranty is the sole warranty provided in connectionwith the product and no other warranfy, expressedor implied, is provided. Clean Air Ltd. assumes no responsibilityfor any other claims, consequentialloss (including lost time or profit) or other damage, whether based in contract, tort or otherwise, not specificallystatedin this warranty. 68 The seller shall not be liable to the buyer by reasonof any representation(unless fraudulent), or any implied warranty, condition or other term, or any duty at common law, or underthe expressterms of the contract for any loss of profit or any indirect, specialor consequentialloss, damage, costs, expensesor other claims (whether causedby the negligenceof the seller, it's servantsor agentsor otherwise)which arise out of or in connectionwith the supply of the goodsor their use or resaleby the buyer, and the entire liability of seller under or in connectionwith the contractshall not exceedthe price of the goods. 6g NOTE: When instructinga warrantyvisit, pleaseprovide the following: 1. 2. 3. ' ' Productmodelnumberand name Serialnumber Type of fault and any other comments Clean Air Ltd or othernominatedpersonnelwill carry out the warrantyvisits. 6.IO WARRANTY PleaseRead This Manual Before Using This Equipment Thank you for purchasingour Clean Air Ltd Product. To registerthe product for our warranty,we ask you to return the Warranty Card. This card is to found in the wallet at the back of the manual or alternativelyyou can copy this page and fax the detailsto us on 01204 591116. Full conditionsof our warranty and how to arrangeawarrantyvisit are enclosed. The units are calibrated for airflow before leaving the factory. However, trained personnelcan recalibrateon site. If you requireany help, adviceor have any problemspleasecontact us on our Technical Help-Line 01204591115. If a warrantyvisit is requiredpleasecompletethe warranty requestfax and sentto us on 01204 591116. WARRANTY VISIT REQUEST FAX CustomerName Addressand contactTelephonenumber Productmodelnumberandname Serialnumber Nature of fault Pleasefax this form to the supplierof the productor in the UK ONLY F a xN o : 0 1 2 0 45 9 1 1 1 6 WARRANTY REGISTRATION FAX Company,University School,Hospital Contact TelephoneNumber and Fax Number Address Equipment Model SerialNumber Location and Pleasetick if you requiredetailsof our servicerecommendations Prices Fa5 a copy of this sheet'toCleanAir Ltd Fax Number 01204591116. Attentionof SalesDepartment CLEAN AIR LTD I OPERATINGINSTRUCTIONS SECTION7.0 7| The fume cupboardmust only be operatedwith the correct filter installed. 72 To start the units, switch the power switch on. The fan will automatically run to give 0.5m/s. 7.3 Checkthe airflow and filter saturationon a regular basis. 74 The face velocity at the working aperture (and therefore containment of fumes) is at a maximumwith the sashat 400mm from the worktop. 75 Bunsenburner or other heat source should not be placed too close (<1500mm) to the sideor backpanels. 7 .6 AII-unitsare providedwith a G.R.P. spillagetray that hasgood chemicalresistance. 7.6 Filter blocks do not absorbcarbon monoxide or hydrogen. However, small quantities (such as used in schools)will not presenta hazardbecauseof the large dilution factor from the airflow through the fume cupboard, and retardation or the chemical in the filter matrix 7.7 The fume cupboardsare designedto handlefumes and vapoursgiven off during normal laboratoryprocedures. 7.9 Always keepa spareset of filters 7.10 High concbntrationsof fumes entering the filter block may temporaily reduce the filtration efficiency. For this reason any major spillage within the fume cupboard shouldbe clearedup quickly. 7.11 Following a major spillage, the main filters must be changed.After stabilisation,the original filters can normally be re-used,provided saturationhas not beenreached. 7.12 Control Panel/DisplavBoard HOURS RUN METER CLEAII AIR LTI) 7 13 GREEN LIGHT RED LIGHT Mains ON/OFF Turn the switch on a-ndthe green indicator lamp will show that power is connected to the unit. The fan will run at full speed,ready for normal operationof the fume cupboard and the lights will come on. The cupboardcan be used immediaielv. 7.14 Hour Meter This indicatesthe total number of hours running time for the fume cupboard. 7.15 Low Airflow Alarm The alarm is the red light at the front of the unit. In normal operation,the red light will not light up. If the red indicator lamp starts to flash on intermittently or stays on, the pre-filter is starting to block with dust and an reading should be taken at the apertureto determine if the 3_rrflow irefilter needschanging. We advise changing the pre-filter if an airflow of 0.3mlsec cannot be maintained. The correctoperation.ofthe alarm may be testedas describedin Appen dix 2. Instructionson replacingfilters are given in Section3 of this manual. 7.16 Fitter Status(if fitted) The r'v green LED vu.rr4urry constantly displayedwrule srsplayeo Ervv' Lr_r-r-, while me the fllter filter ls is actlvely activelyabsorbtng absorbingthe the chemical chemi fumes. The light goesout every six secondsas the mechanismsamplesthe airstream. When a When chemicalbreakthroughis detectedthe red light comes on intermittently and the audible alarm bleeps4 timeseveryminuteshowingthe filter requireschanging. ,SeeAppendix4 for calibration andtestins. CLEANAIR LTD I 8l ntrrER TYPES& MONITORING I SECTION8.0 Pre-Filters Filtrete pre-filter. This is a high performancepre-filter, designedto removeparticulates from the airstream. The filter material is based on electrets,which are permanently changeddielectrics. They remove particulatesfrom polluted air by strong electrostatic forcesgeneratedby the fibres from which they are made. The combinationof a strong electric charge and open structureprovides a filter with high efficiency,low airflow resistanceand high loading capacity. Measuredeffrciency figuresforparticles in the 0.5 - 2.O-micronrangeis+99Yo,with loadingcapacitiesup to ll3g/msquared. Filtrete will remove fine particles,aerosols,mists, smokeand dust. 82 Main Filters CA.SCHOOL Filter - The CA.SCHOOL filter has been specially formulated to 'A' absorbthe normal range of chemical fumes generatedin Schoolsduring GCSE and Level classes. 83 Monitoring If the pre-filtersare blocked, the airflow will'be reducedat the fume cupboardaperture. If the main filters are saturated,they will ceaseto removethe fumes effectively. The Fume Cupboardsare fitted with: 1. 2. 3. A low airflow alarm A filter saturationdetector An or/offpower switch If an odour is noticed, it is sensibleto check the fume cupboard. However, it must be rememberedthat the senseof smell is very sensitivefor somechemicals(e.g. ammonia or hydrogen sulphide) and a slight smell does not mean that the exhaust levels of chemicalhaveapproachedthe maximum acceptableconcentration. 84 Manual Monitorins Manual mohitoring should be carriedout yearly to checkthe fume cupboardsystems. Airflow Measurements An anemometeris used to check the airflow (face velocity) at the working aperture, with the lower panel down. A minimum of six readingsshould be taken acrossthe working aperture. 85 Detectton Manual Filter Saturation tube' Examples sampling Gastec matching and chemical test Selecta suitable tuituuitchemicalin routine ,"i;;;;;chf9r9ef.v;;;""t-;;f alcohols, include andis nottoxrc' it is *eft absorbed usein thetume"rd;;;;: p-ria"a l. 2. hotPlateto boil off on a hotPlate. Adiustthe beaker a in chemical of Place6ml of about100-200 This gives a concentration minutes two about in chemical ihe PPM to challengethe filter' 3. F o rte sti n g A C l Filter s( acidabsor bing)per or m ulti- filter s.witha water'c i dabs or bi ng at z bub-bles secondthrough layers,usesulphutii".iai' isbt from the unit' following the outlet.airstream Usingthe Gastectube,sample trichloroethyl tuUelone fump strokefor Gastec the with given instructions for examPle)' eightpumPstrokesfor zulphurdioxide 5. limit (sees the occuPationalexPosure The reading should be below this PurPose' gn*t the rJsult in the recordbook kept for atr' is noted in the exhaust chemical of level significant a If shouldbe changed' -\ 8.6 usedin normalschoolexperiments. substances The activatedcharcoalfilter will absorb ORGANIC aluminiumchloride& bromide ammonia ammoniumchloridefumes bromine chlorine chromium(vl) dichloridedioxide (chromylchloride) hydrogenacidvaPour hydrogensulPhide iodine iodinechlorides leadfumes leadbromidefumes mercuryandits comPound nitric acidvaPour nitrogenoxides(acidic) sulphurchloride sulphurdioxide thionylchloride tin (iv) chloride titaniumtetrachloride zincchloridefumes CAUTION Notethat: hYdrogen 1. carbonmonoxide 2. nitrousoxide 3. methane 4. arespecificallygxcludedfrom the lists INORGANIC acidamides acidanhYdrides acidchlorides acidnitrogenoxide alcohols aldehydes aliphaticamines& their salts aliphatichYdrocarbons aromaticamines& aromatichydrocarbons aromaticnitro comPounds carboxylicacids esters ethers ketones nitriles organohalogens phenols pyridine SMOKE ETC fine particles aerosols mists smoke dust SERVICES Ductedindustrialfume cupboards Re-circulatingfi ltered industrialfume cupboards Ductedschoolslaboratoryfume cupboards Re-circulatingfiltered schoolsfume cupboards Safetycabinets Downflow benches Laminar flow cupboards Full laboratorydesign Specialfume cupboarddesignmanufacture Fume cupboardextractiondesign Ki-Discuscontainment testing CleonlAir Lirnited FUME CUPBOARDMANUFACTURE AND DUCTING SPECIALISTS DunscarIndustrialEstate Blackburn Road Dunscar BOLTON LANCASHIRE BL7 9PQ UK T e l :0 1 2 0 4- 5 9 11 l 5 F a x 0 1 2 0 4- 5 9 1I l 6 uk Website:http://www cleanairltdco uk